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Setting Up the Oracle Process Manufacturing

Define OPM organization Name & location of the organization is provided and inventory organization is defined in the organization classification.

ACCOUNTING INFORMATION organization information.

IN!"NTOR# INFORMATION is provided in Additional


Above window describes the ACCOUNTING INFORMATION

In the Above window inventory parameters are defined. For Process Man fact ring process man fact ring chec! bo" is very important# this chec! bo" sho ld be chec!ed only in this way a process man fact ring enabled Inventory organization is defined. All Other information will be the same as of other discrete organization. All other relevant information is capt red as shown in the below $creen shots

OPM Costing Infor$ation

%ot Infor$ation

Ite$ Sourcing


Inter&Org Infor$ation

OPM Other Accounts Infor$ation

After %efining all the parameters of Process Man fact ring Organization we will be able to wor! in any form in Process Man fact ring Mod les & st by assigning this org to a specific Application.

OPM Financials

OPM OPM financial 'setup ' cost t(pes

Defining Cost T(pes 'he s bse( ent paragraphs describe setting p cost types. 'o enter a cost type) *. Navigate to the +ost 'ypes window. ,. -nter the +ost 'ype to represent code that identifies the costing method to be sed in cost calc lations. For e"ample# enter $'N% for standard costing. .e( ired /. -nter a brief %escription of the cost type. For e"ample# enter $tandard +osting for the standard cost type. .e( ired 0. Indicate the +ost Method yo are defining) 1 $tandard +ost 1 Act al +ost 1 2ot +ost If 2ot +ost is selected then the .aw Material +alc lation type and Prod ct +alc lation types are not applicable and they are disabled.

"sta)lishing %ot Costing 2ot costing# also !nown as $pecific Identification 'ype costing# lets yo calc late and

OPM $tore costs at the lot level. 'hat is# each lot has a ni( e cost associated with it and it retains this cost ntil the entire lot is cons med. 'he lot costs are comp ted on a perpet al basis. 1 2ot costing lets yo store ni( e costs for each lot. 1 3o can trac! the cost of a lot from its creation thro gh all cons mptions. Cost T(pes

Cost Metho* It represents a code that identifies this costing method. For e"ample# enter $'N% for standard costing. .e( ired Cost T(pe Indicate the cost method type yo are defining)

$tandard +ost Act al +ost

OPM %ot Actual Cost +lic! the 2ot Act al +ost to indicate that the lot act al cost method is sed for lot cost calc lation p rposes. If 2ot Act al +ost is selected then the .aw Material +alc lation type and Prod ct +alc lation type fields are not applicable and they are disabled. Usage It indicates if the cost method is for general or 2ab se. 'he general sage method is set by defa lt. If yo set the stage to general se# the cost roll p considers only the prod ction and costing recipes. If yo set the sage to lab se# the lab recipes are sed over the prod ction or costing recipes. 'he sage field is valid only for the standard cost type. If yo are sing the act al cost type# then this field is disabled. %ot Actual Cost T(pe Start Date 'his is only available for 2ot +ost Methods. -nter a start date. 'he start date is sed to collect all transactions that happened after the specified date for lot cost calc lation p rposes. If this field is left blan!# then the 2ot Act al +ost process ses all transactions in the system for the OPM +ompany for which the 2ot Act al +ost process is r n. 'he process then selects a large n mber of transactions and co ld res lt in performance problem as large n mber of records are being inserted into the lot cost tables. It is recommended that yo set this field depending on how long lots are typically held for cons mption in inventory. It co ld be a few inventory periods from the c rrent period. For e"ample# if the c rrent period is 4an ary ,550# then yo can specify $eptember *st# ,55/# to ens re all transactions from the prior three inventory periods are considered. If some of the lot costed items have lots dating f rther bac!# then specify appropriate val e. Alternate Cost Metho* If the cost method is an Act al +ost method# then the chec! bo" is enabled. If the lot cost chec!bo" is enabled# then the .aw Material +alc lation 'ype and Prod ct +alc lation 'ype are disabled and the $tart %ate and Alternate +ost Method fields are enabled. 6oth $tandard and Act al cost methods are allowed b t not 2ot Act al +ost methods.

"sta)lishing Stan*ar* Costing


7hen yo select the standard cost calc lation# yo define the cost of ingredients in each inventory organization d ring a specific period of time. 'he cost information remains static d ring each defined time period. OPM +osting calc lates the standard costs of items sing the $tandard +ost .oll p# based on recipes# form las# and ro tings defined in the OPM Prod ct %evelopment application $tandard cost lets yo define the costs for items# form las# form la ingredients# recipes# and reso rces sed d ring the prod ction process. For standard costs) 1 -stablish the form las# ro tings# and recipes 1 . n the +ost .oll p process 'he cost of a prod ct is based on) 1 Form las# recipes# and ro tings 1 .eso rce costs 1 Overheads

"sta)lishing Actual Costing


'his is a more dynamic method of calc lating Item costs based on act al inventory and reso rce transaction data. 'he following are the b siness transactions that are sed to calc late the act al costs) 1 P rchasing receipts incl ding Freight and $pecial +harges estimated on the PO# ret rns# and corrections of receipts 1 Paid Invoices 1 6atch ingredient cons mption and reso rce sage 1 Opening inventory balances 1 +ost overheads 1 +ost ad& stments 1 8eneral 2edger -"pense allocations for indirect overheads 1 All material transactions incl ding internal order receipts OPM also capt res freight and special charges on a p rchase order. Allocating 8eneral 2edger e"pense is a method by which yo can distrib te the indirect e"penses of man fact ring 9s ch as administrative and general e"penses: to item costs.

OPM 'he balances in the e"pense acco nts are distrib ted to item9s: based on either fi"ed percentages or dynamically derived sing other 8eneral 2edger acco nt balances# for e"ample# statistical balances that trac! the item ( antities or reso rce sages.

For Act al +ost Methods# yo can establish a variety of act al cost calc lations based on the raw material calc lation type yo associate with the cost method and the prod ction calc lation type. 'here are *; different possible combinations in OPM 9note the disc ssion for the .aw Material +alc lation 'ype field:. 7ith the lot cost s pport an Act al +ost method can be defined as a 2ot +ost method. <pdates to the general ledger are made sing the cost method defined on the Fiscal Policy window regardless of the cost type. 'he description for the cost type yo specified displays a tomatically. .aw Material +alc lation 'ype 3o can only access this field if yo are defining the Act al +osting method in the +ost 'ype field. Indicate the type of raw material cost calc lations that will occ r for this act al costing method. 'he valid options are listed as follows)

Period moving average cost 9PMA+: Period weighted average cost 9P7A+: Perpet al weighted average 9PPA+: 2ast transaction 92$'': 2ast invoice 92$'I:

'he type descriptions 9shown in parentheses: are abbreviations for these calc lation types. 'he loo! p displays both the calc lation type and the abbreviation. .e( ired. Prod ct +alc lation 'ype 3o can only access this field if yo are defining the Act al +osting method in the +ost 'ype field. If yo want OPM to derive act al costs for prod ct components# indicate the type of calc lations it sho ld perform. 'he valid options are listed.

Period moving average cost 9PMA+: Period weighted average cost 9P7A+: Perpet al weighted average 9PPA+:

'he type descriptions 9shown in parentheses: are ind stry standard abbreviations for these calc lation types= the loo! p displays both the calc lation type and the abbreviation.


Defining Cost Calen*ars

3o maintain costs by defining the costing calendars. A cost calendar can be shared across m ltiple cost types and legal entities. A cost calendar can span m ltiple years. OPM financial 'setup ' cost calen*ar

For each costing calendar# yo can define an nlimited n mber of costing periods. -ach period is assigned a period stat s to indicate costing activity that is permitted. 1 Never Opened > the period was never opened# yo cannot establish costs or r n any cost processes in a never opened period. 1 Open > all activity is allowed. 1 Frozen > no pdates can be made for e"isting items 9however# new item costs can be entered or calc lated and their costs pdated:. 1 +losed > no activity is performed in a closed period. Periods cannot be reopened for costing activity once they are closed. 'he costing calendar is completely separate from the fiscal calendar and the periods therein. +ost +alendars s pport m ltiple legal entities and cost type. 3o cannot assign two calendars to the same legal entity and cost type combination for the same time period. For e"ample# if yo

OPM define a cost calendar called F35? > monthly calendar for the year ,55? and assign to a 2egal -ntity and cost type# yo cannot assign another cost calendar# @5? > ( arterly calendar for year ,55?# to the same 2egal -ntity and cost type combination. If yo are sing the Period Moving Average +ost# then se the same start and end dates for the period as the fiscal financial calendar defined for yo r 2egal -ntityAs Primary 2edger in 82. 'he +ost +alendars window s pports m ltiple lang ages 9M2$ enabled:. 7hen yo call this window# the 8lobe icon is enabled. If yo have m ltiple lang ages installed# then se the option to add the calendar description in any of the installed lang ages.

Defining Cost Co$ponent Classes

'he nit cost of an item is s ally bro!en down into several b c!ets that can be attrib ted to the vario s so rces that form the basis of the cost# for detailed trac!ing and analysis p rposes. +ost +omponent +lasses are sed to identify the individ al b c!ets or component costs that ma!e p the total cost# for e"ample# direct material costs# freight costs# labor costs# prod ction or conversion costs and so on. Any n mber of cost component classes can be defined and sed to brea! down the item costs. 'he cost component classes are classified into ; different elements

OPM or sages) Material# .eso rce# Overhead# -"pense Allocation and $tandard +ost Ad& stment types. +osts from several ingredients# ro tings# overheads# and allocations can be s mmarized into one or more component classes. OPM financial 'setup ' cost co$ponent class

+, -,

Navigate to the Cost Co$ponent Classes window. -nter the code to identify the Co$ponent Class. For e"ample# enter %.3MA' for raw materials# or $O2MA' for sol tions. .e( ired -nter a Description for the component class. For e"ample# enter .aw Materials or $ol tions. .e( ired 3o have the option of b ilding component class association hierarchies for reference and reporting p rposes. 'he Pri$ar( Co$ponent Class indicates the primary cost component class with which the component class yo are defining now is associated. 'he defa lt is the class code yo specified in the +omponent +lass. 3o can change the entry. Co$ponent Group is an optional entry that lets yo f rther gro p the component classes for analysis and reporting p rposes.





Usage indicates if this cost component classification is being entered for se as a material# overhead# reso rce# or e"pense detail from ro tings. $elect one of the following val es 9.e( ired:) a. Material b. .eso rce c. Overhead d. -"pense Allocations e. $td +ost Ad& stment Once yo set the sage indicator for a component class# it cannot be changed after costs have been defined sing this component class. Once costs have been created or calc lated sing a component class# the sage cannot be changed.


-nter the Sort Se3uence for the component class. It indicates the order in which component classes displays on forms and reports. * is the first or top line and , indicate the second line# and so on. A zero 95: lets the application to determine the sort order. .e( ired. Pro*uct Cost Calculation indicator lets yo flag those component costs to be e"cl ded from the +ost .oll p process. +ertain identifiable costs 9for e"ample# transfer costs: are for specific ingredient items# and are not re( ired to be rolled p into the prod cts. 'he valid val es are) a. Incl de in Prod ct +ost +alc lation b. -"cl de From Prod ct +ost +alc lation


$elect -"cl de From Prod ct +ost +alc lation if this is a non>prod ct cost component class. 'he defa lt# Incl de in Prod ct +ost +alc lation# applies if the component class m st be incl ded. 'his flag is not applicable for 2ot +ost.

!aluation Option indicator lets yo identify whether the component class m st be sed for val ing inventory or not. 'he valid val es are) a. 7ill be sed for inventory val ation b. 7ill not be sed for inventory val ation


The 7ali* 7alues for Purchase Price !ariance are8 a, Inclu*e in Purchase Price !ariance Calculation ), "9clu*e fro$ Purchase Price !ariance Calculation Select the Inclu*e in Purchase Price !ariance Calculation option :*efault;< if the cost for this co$ponent class is use* in calculating the in7entor( 7aluation for purchase price 7ariance :PP!;, Select the "9clu*e fro$ Purchase Price !ariance Calculation option< if the co$ponent class $ust not )e use* in PP! calculations,

To process in*irect co$ponent for stan*ar* costing8

OPM O7erhea*s



Navigate to the Co$ponent Classes window.

-, .,

+hoose $tandard +ost Ad& stment for Usage. After completing the +ost +omponent +lasses window# open the Item +osts window by selecting Ite$ Costs from the In( iries men . +omplete the Item +osts window. -nter the nit cost reflecting the revision or ad& stment indicated on the +ost +omponent +lasses window. $ee) Item +osts.


7hen yo add a new cost# it is recommended that yo perform a cost roll p and cost pdate to calc late the revised nit cost and process the 82 financial cost# respectively. $ee) +ost .oll p and +ost <pdate. In*irect Co$ponent Processing for Stan*ar* Costing

7hen standard costs are sed# yo can pdate ad& stments or indirect components of standard prod ct costs separately witho t defining form la ro tings andBor overhead details. 3o can identify the standard indirect cost component# pdate non>direct materials and reso rces within prod ction batches# and reconcile Cbatch closeC variance at the close of a prod ction batch.

Defining Cost Anal(sis Co*es

An individ al component cost identified by a partic lar cost component class can be f rther bro!en down sing cost analysis codes for more gran lar trac!ing of costs. 'he cost analysis codes are sed to gro p component costs from m ltiple cost component class types to provide

OPM an alternate view of the total cost. For e"ample# yo can define direct or indirect analysis codes for each cost component OPM financial 'setup ' anal(sis co*es

+, -,

Navigate to the Cost Anal(sis Co*e window. -nter the Co*e to identify the cost analysis type. For e"ample# %I. for %irect +osts# or IN% for Indirect +osts. .e( ired -nter a Description for the analysis code. For e"ample# enter Dal e Added or Non> val e Added. .e( ired


Defining Fiscal Policies

'he Fiscal Policy options define the 2egal -ntity>wide parameters that determine the cost type that will be sed for inventory val ation# the defa lt material and overhead cost components and analysis codes for act al cost processing# additional cost types sed for costing sim lations


Following are the proced res to establish fiscal policy options. 'he C-vent Fiscal PoliciesC and CAssign Additional 2edger Dal ation MethodsC topics provide more details on setting p additional details for a 2egal -ntity. OPM financial 'setup' lot cost 'Fiscal polic(

+, -,

Navigate to the Fiscal Policies window. Enter the Legal Entity name for which you are defining fiscal policy options. Require Enter the name of the default Ledger for this fiscal policy company. Displays the Base Currency code for this company. Enter the cost type to use for inventory valuation in Valuation Method. Indicate if the fiscal policy is based on costs from the previous cost period or the current period in Cost Basis.





Default Material Co$ponent


Enter the default material component that identifies the cost component to be applied to the fiscal policy in Component Class. Required



Enter the code that identifies the cost Analysis Code to be applied to the fiscal policy

Default O7erhea* Co$ponent8


Enter the default overhead component that identifies the cost component to be applied to the fiscal policy in Component Class. Required Enter the default overhead Analysis Code that identifies the cost analysis code to be applied to the fiscal policy



OPM 'ill p to now we have made OPM org and defined the related and necessary set p in OPM Financials. Now we shall proceed to prod ct development 7here we will be able to incorporate form las# ro tings and recipes.

Setting up Para$eters
$et p Oracle Process Man fact ring 9OPM: Prod ct %evelopment parameters in the Prod ct %evelopment $ec rity Manager responsibility. 3o can set p parameters for new organizations# or ( ery and modify parameters for e"isting organizations. Parameter val es can vary by organization. 'hese parameters control vario s f nctions in the Prod ct %evelopment application. For e"ample# if version control for form las is enabled for organization P.*# then at the point of saving a form la# the application chec!s the form la organization to determine whether or not to apply version control r les. Organization P., can have a different setting for form la version control.

Pro*uct *e7elop$ent securit( $anger ' Organization para$eter

+, Navigate to the Pro*uct De7elop$ent Para$eters window. -, -nter Organization as the conte"t inventory organization.

OPM ., Organization T(pe is) a. Plant for a man fact ring facility. b. %a)orator( for a research or lab facility.

NOT"8 First of all these parameters are set for all the organizations then these are defined for individ al OPM orgs. As shown in the below screen shots For$ula +, -nter Allo= >ero Ingre*ient ?uantit( as) a. No to specify yo cannot enter ingredients with zero ( antity. An error displays when a zero ingredient ( antity is entered. %efa lt b. #es to specify possible entry of a zero ingredient ( antity. c. Allo= =ith =arning to specify entry of a zero ingredient ( antity with a warning message displayed. If yo accept the warning# then yo can proceed. -, -nter @(pro*uct Acti7e as) a. #es to specify yo can access the 6y>Prod cts window. %efa lt. b. No to specify yo cannot access the 6y>Prod cts window


., -nter Default Consu$ptionA#iel* T(pe as) a. Auto$atic @( Step for a tomatic cons mption of ingredients and a tomatic yield of prod cts and byprod cts as each step is completed. %efa lt b. Manual for ingredients to defa lt to man al cons mption and inserted prod cts and byprod cts to defa lt to man al yield. c. Incre$ental for inserted items to defa lt to incremental cons mption or incremental yield. /, -nter Default For$ula Status as) a. Ne= to ma!e changes at any time# ass ming yo have sec rity access. %efa lt. b. Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use for se in laboratory batches and cost roll ps for the laboratory. c. Appro7e* for General Use for se in prod ction batches. d. On Bol* to specify the ob&ect cannot be sed ntil the stat s is changed. e. Frozen to prevent any f rther changes to the ob&ect and any dependent data. f. O)soleteAArchi7e* to specify the ob&ect can no longer be sed nless the stat s is changed. 0, -nter For$ula Securit( for %ot Genealog( as) a. No to specify form la sec rity r les are not enforced in lot genealogy. %efa lt. b. #es to specify form la sec rity r les are enforced in lot genealogy. 1, -nter Mass UOM as) a. MASS to specify se of the mass nit of meas re type when item ( antities are converted to a common nit of meas re for scaling# theoretical yield# and total o tp t ( antity. %efa lt b. Another valid nit of meas re type for conversion p rposes. $et p this nit of meas re type. 2, -nter Material Release T(pe as) a. Auto$atic when ingredients ( antities are cons med a tomatically. b. Manual when ingredient ( antities are cons med man ally. c. Incre$ental when ingredient ( antities are bac!fl shed by incremental bac!fl shing. d. Auto$atic )( Step when ingredient ( antities are cons med a tomatically as the step is released. 4, -nter !ersion Control as) a. No to specify version control is not active for form las. +hanges can be made to an e"isting form la witho t the need to change its version. %efa lt b. #es to specify f ll version control is active for form las. +hanges made to a form la re( ire a new version. 'his e"cl des changes to form la stat s# mar! for p rge# and the <ndelete f nctionality. c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for form las. 3o can create a new version when yo pdate an e"isting version. 5, *,. "nter !olu$e UOM as) a. !O% to specify se of the vol me nit of meas re type when item ( antities are converted to a common nit of meas re for scaling# theoretical yield# and total o tp t ( antity.

OPM b. Another valid nit of meas re type for conversion p rposes. $et p this nit of meas re type. +6, +., -nter #iel* UOM as) a. MASS to specify se of the mass nit of meas re type when item ( antities are converted to a common nit of meas re for scaling# theoretical yield# and total o tp t ( antity. %efa lt b. !O% to specify se of the vol me nit of meas re type when item ( antities are converted to a common nit of meas re for scaling# theoretical yield# and total o tp t ( antity. c. Another valid nit of meas re type for conversion p rposes. $et p this nit of meas re type. NOT"8 $ame will be incorporated for OPM orgs separately as shown in the following $creen $hot# however here the chec! bo"es of plant and 2aboratory sho ld be chec!ed




-nter Default Operation Status as) a. Ne= to ma!e changes at any time# ass ming yo have sec rity access. %efa lt. b. Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use for se in laboratory batches and cost roll ps for the laboratory. c. Appro7e* for General Use for se in prod ction batches. d. On Bol* to specify the ob&ect cannot be sed ntil the stat s is changed. e. Frozen to prevent any f rther changes to the ob&ect and any dependent data. f. O)soleteAArchi7e* to specify the ob&ect can no longer be sed nless the stat s is changed.

-, +0, -nter !ersion Control as) a. No to specify version control is not active for operations. +hanges can be made to an e"isting operation witho t the need to change its version. %efa lt b. #es to specify f ll version control is active for operations. +hanges made to an operation re( ire a new version. 'his e"cl des changes to operation stat s# mar! for p rge# and the <ndelete f nctionality. c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for operations. 3o can create a new version when yo pdate an e"isting version. NOT"8 $ame will be %efined for $eparate OPM orgs as shown below



+, -nter Default Routing Status as) a. Ne= to ma!e changes at any time# ass ming yo have sec rity access. %efa lt.

OPM b. Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use for se in laboratory batches and cost roll ps for the laboratory. c. Appro7e* for General Use for se in prod ction batches. d. On Bol* to specify the ob&ect cannot be sed ntil the stat s is changed. e. Frozen to prevent any f rther changes to the ob&ect and any dependent data. f. O)soleteAArchi7e* to specify the ob&ect can no longer be sed nless the stat s is changed. -, -nter Step Release T(pe as) a. Auto$atic to indicate that the step is a tomatically released or completed when s bse( ent steps are released or completed. b. Manual to indicate that the step is released man ally.

., -nter "nforce Step Depen*enc( as) a. No to specify step dependency is not enforced. %efa lt. b. #es to specify step dependency is enforced. /, -nter Dersion +ontrol as) a. No to specify version control is not active for ro tings. +hanges can be made to an e"isting ro ting witho t the need to change its version. %efa lt b. #es to specify f ll version control is active for ro tings. +hanges made to the ro ting header or organization specific details re( ire a new version. c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for ro tings. 3o can create a new version when yo pdate an e"isting version. NOT"8 $ame will be applied for other OPM Orgs separately as shown below



*. -nter Default Recipe Status and Default !ali*it( Rule Status as follows) a. Ne= to ma!e changes at any time# ass ming yo have sec rity access. %efa lt. b. Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use for se in laboratory batches and cost roll ps for the laboratory. c. Appro7e* for General Use for se in prod ction batches. d. On Bol* to specify the ob&ect cannot be sed ntil the stat s is changed. e. Frozen to prevent any f rther changes to the ob&ect and any dependent data. f. O)soleteAArchi7e* to specify the ob&ect can no longer be sed nless the stat s is changed. ,. -nter Process Instruction Paragraph as) a. N<22 if the process instr ction paragraph is not sed. %efa lt. b. A ser>defined paragraph code to define process instr ction entry sing the standard 'e"t -ditor f nctionality. Process instr ctions entered in the .ecipe %esigner are stored against this paragraph code.

., "nter Recipe T(pe as8 a. Master to indicate that the defa lt recipe type is process cell specific. Master recipes define e"actly how a prod ct is made in a specific process man fact ring cell. b. Site to indicate that the defa lt recipe type is at the site level. 'here is one site recipe for each site that ma!es the prod ct# or some portion of the prod ct. A site recipe has the same str ct re as a general recipe# b t may be modified for the local lang age and nit of meas re. It may also be modified to ta!e into acco nt local material availability# or it may only define a part of the general recipe that is act ally performed on the site. c. 8eneral to indicate that the defa lt recipe type is one general recipe for each specific prod ct variation made by a company. It defines# in e( ipment independent manner# the material and process dependencies re( ired to ma!e a

OPM prod ct. 'he general recipe is s ally created d ring or after the pilot plant scale p of a research and development recipe. 0. "nter Dersion +ontrol as8 a. No to specify version control is not active for recipes. +hanges can be made to an e"isting recipe witho t the need to change its version. %efa lt b. #es to specify f ll version control is active for recipes. +hanges made to the recipe header or organization specific details re( ire a new version. 'his e"cl des changes to alidity r les# step material association# recipe step ( antities# c stomers# recipe stat s# mar! for p rge# and the <ndelete f nctionality. c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for recipes. 3o can create a new version when yo pdate an e"isting version. NOT"8 $ame will be defined for other OPM orgs as $hown below



*. -nter Default Su)stitution Status as) a. Ne= to ma!e changes at any time# ass ming yo has sec rity access. %efa lt. b. Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use for se in laboratory batches and cost roll ps for the laboratory. c. Appro7e* for General Use for se in prod ction batches. d. On Bol* to specify the ob&ect cannot be sed ntil the stat s is changed. e. Frozen to prevent any f rther changes to the ob&ect and any dependent data. f. O)soleteAArchi7e* to specify the ob&ect can no longer be sed nless the stat s is changed. ,. -nter !ersion Control as) a. No to specify version control is not active for recipes. +hanges can be made to an e"isting s bstit tion list witho t the need to change its version. %efa lt b. #es to specify f ll version control is active for s bstit tion lists. +hanges made to the item s bstit tion list or organization specific details re( ire a new version. 'his e"cl des changes to stat s# mar! for p rge# and the <ndelete f nctionality. c. Optional to specify version control is discretionary for s bstit tion lists. 3o can create a new version when yo pdate an e"isting version.


%a)orator( -nter Costing Source Organization as the defa lt organization for least>cost form lation. All process>enabled inventory organizations are available.

Above chec! will protect the data table visibility at bac! end. Form la data is visible only in 'OA% when this bo" is chec!.

OPM OPM& PRODUCT D"!"%OPM"NT ATT"NTION8 After %eploying all above necessary set p we will be able to incorporate the Form la# Operations# .o ting and .ecipe. $creen shots of the ser related application is as follows. 'hese are self e"planatory so there is no need to e"plain all these. Eowever these are f lly e"plained in the Prod ct development <ser g ides For$ulator ' Setup ' For$ula Class Form la +lasses gro p form las with similar characteristics and re( irements for reporting p rposes. For e"ample# se a form la class to classify all form las for A+.32I+ paints# or to classify all form las for O.8ANI+ paints. Food seasoning form las co ld be gro ped nder a $-A$ONIN8$ class. 3o specify the form la class on the Form la %etails window.

For$ulator ' Setup ' Status Co*es


-nter a new Status Co*e n mber. 'he n mber yo enter is sorted into ascending order with the other stat s codes when yo save and reopen the $tat s +odes window. +odes entered between any two predefined codes# s ch as *5* to *FF# or ,5* to ,FF are incl ded in the wor!flow associated with the predefined stat s code with the same first digit. For e"ample# if yo enter the code **5# it becomes part of the wor!flow associated to +ode *55. If yo enter a code n mber ?FF# it becomes part of the wor!flow associated to +ode ?55. Predefined stat s codes are shown in a table at the end of this tas!. 'he "na)le !ersion chec! bo" determines whether the stat s code entered is set p for version control. Any modification made to an operation# ro ting# form la# or recipe while it is set to the stat s entered in the Meaning field initiates or bypasses activation of a new version depending on the selection yo ma!e here# and the val e entered for the appropriate version control profile option.

$elect the chec! bo" if yo want the stat s code to enable version control when a modification is made to an operation# ro ting# form la# or recipe. 'he appropriate version control profile option m st be set to 3es or Optional. +lear the chec! bo" if yo want the stat s code to bypass version control when a modification is made to an operation# ro ting# form la# or recipe.

Status Details

OPM 'he $tat s %etails window enables yo to enter a target stat s for a new stat s code. 3o can optionally enter rewor! stat s# pending stat s# and assign a wor!flow indicator.

To enter status *etails8 *. -nter a Target Status for the new $tat s +ode. 'his is the code that appears as the destination stat s on the Change Status window. 3o have the ability to enter several 'arget $tat s destinations for each $tat s +ode. 'hey m st be entered on separate lines. .e( ired. ,. Optionally# enter a Re=orC Status for the new $tat s +ode. 'he .ewor! $tat s code defines the destination for the listed $tat s +ode when it is not accepted and m st be rewor!ed. /. Optionally# enter a Pen*ing Status for the new $tat s +ode. 'he Pending $tat s code defines a destination of the listed $tat s +ode when it enters the approval wor!flow and is pending approval. 0. $elect one of the following as DorCflo= In*icator)
o o o

"na)le or Disa)le DorCflo= to indicate that the fields listed in the row enable or disable the wor!flow. DorCflo= Appro7al to indicate that the fields listed in the row re( ire wor!flow approval. No DorCflo= Appro7al to indicate that the fields listed in the row do not re( ire wor!flow approval.


For$ulator ' Setup ' Recipe Generation

For$ula Details


For$ula Details8 Pro*ucts








Operation Details
Operations are a combination of one or more activities performed in a prod ction batch and the reso rces sed to perform those activities. 'he Operation %etails Activities window lin!s operations to activities. <se the Activity Factor and activity>reso rce association to enter an activity several times within an operation. Activity Factor simplifies data entry of the same activity several times by defining the specific n mber of times that an activity is performed d ring an operation. Activity factor is ta!en into consideration for planning and reso rce calc lation p rposes. %isplay the Operation Activity window to lin! one or more reso rces to a single activity. 8o to the Operation Activity 2ine -dit window to edit individ al activity lines.

Un*erstan*ing Se3uence Depen*ent Operations $e( ence dependency indicates that there is an additional set p time re( ired when prod cts are processed thro gh each operation in a specific se( ence. -nter an Acti7it( re( ired for this Operation. A Description of this activity displays. -nter the Acti7it( Factor to specify the n mber of times the activity is performed in this Operation. For e"ample# if a ( ality test m st be performed at the beginning# middle# and end of a mi"ing time period# rather than defining the activity and associated reso rces three times# se the Activity Factor or m ltiplier to indicate the n mber of iterations for the same activity.


Se3uence Depen*enc( is selected when the activity has a se( ence dependent set p. It is cleared when there is no se( ence dependency. -nter the Offset Inter7al as the time delay from the start of the activity to the point where the reso rce is act ally re( ired.

OPM Acti7it(&Resource Details 'he Operation Activity window assigns reso rces to each activity# and lets yo edit a reso rce line once activities are associated with an operation. 3o access this window when yo clic! .eso rces on the Operation %etails Activities window. +harge calc lates reso rce sage by capt ring the n mber of passes re( ired to process a step. 'his is based on the ma"im m capacity of the step as derived from specific reso rces sed.

Throughput Process nits of meas re and sage nits of meas re are derived from the plant reso rce if one is defined. 3o can override these val es sing this window. A process ( antity is converted to an operation process ( antity nit of meas re if needed. Process ?uantit( 'his val e combined with the <sage ( antity defines the sage rate. For e"ample# if a reso rce can mi" ,55 gallons per ho r# enter ,55 as the Process @ antity# * as the <sage# and the nit of meas re for ho rs.

OPM Sche*uling Infor$ation

$elect Au9iliar( for reso rces that wor! as companions with the primary reso rces to perform an activity in the Operation. 'hese reso rces do not affect the rate of the Operation. For e"ample# a primary reso rce in a mi"ing activity is a mi"er with a thro ghp t rate of *55 gallons per ho r. An a "iliary reso rce is the wor!er who operates the mi"er. No matter how fast or slow the wor!er is# the mi"er rate remains at a constant *55 gallons per ho r. $elect Pri$ar( to indicate that this is the rate determining reso rce. It limits or determines thro ghp t. It is also referred to as the bottlenec! or critical reso rce. 'here can only be one Primary per reso rce. $elect Secon*ar( to indicate the reso rce that wo ld replace the primary reso rce when it is not available. 'his reso rce performs the same tas! as the primary reso rce. It is nconstrained# and it has sage. 'he Advanced Planning and $ched ling application does not sched le the secondary reso rce.

-nter the Count as the n mber of reso rces needed for the activity entered. For e"ample# it two blenders are sed for mi"ing# enter a , in the co nt. -nter the Offset Inter7al as the time delay from the start of the activity to the point where the reso rce is act ally re( ired.

Scale T(pe


$elect Proportional Scaling if the reso rces change in a ratio that is proportional to the ( antity of material being processed. $elect Fi9e* if the reso rces do not change# regardless of the ( antity of material being processed. $elect Fi9e* @( Charge if the reso rces change as a res lt of the n mber of charges specified.

o o

Operation Resource Process Para$eters Process parameters are a component of the process instr ctions necessary to r n reso rces d ring the batch process. 'hey are s ally machines or instr ments and are the standard for e"ec ting a tas!. 'hey can be generic or specific. -ach ind stry and company ses different machines and instr ments# and there are different re( irements for recording process parameters. A process parameter details information s ch as temperat re# press re# or time that is pertinent to the prod ct# b t does not fall into the classification of inp t or o tp t. 3o can se process parameters as set points# comparison val es# or in conditional logic.

Para$eter !alues

OPM 'he following fields defa lt from the process parameter set p in the planning application)
o o o o

Se3 is the se( ence of the reso rce process parameter. Para$eter is the process parameter name. For e"ample# 6ath 'emperat re. Mini$u$ is the lowest acceptable val e for a n meric range type of process parameter. Ma9i$u$ is the highest acceptable val e for a n meric range type of process parameter. Units is the nit of meas re for the process parameter.

To reset 7alues )ase* on the hierarch(8 3o can override certain process parameters at the operation and recipe levels. +lic! .eset Dal es to remove overrides set p for a process parameter. 'he following ill strates how the process parameter is reset. 'he hierarchy is)

.ecipe Operation %efa lt val e from the planning application

For e"ample# if the defa lt for a process parameter from the planning application is set to *5# yo can override it at the operation level and at the recipe level. 'he following val es are sed for ill stration)

.ecipe G ,5 Operation G *; %efa lt val e from the planning application G *5

If yo clic! .eset Dal es for the process parameter on the)

.ecipe %etails window# then the process parameter val e changes from ,5 to *;# the ne"t step down in the hierarchy. Operation Activity %etails window# then the process parameter val e changes from *; to *5.

If no override e"ists at the operation level# and yo clic! .eset Dal es at the recipe level# then the process parameter val e changes to *5# which is the original defa lt val e from the planning application.

OPM Routing Details

'he .o ting %etails window enables yo to enter the details for a specific ro ting. Un*erstan*ing the "nforce Step Depen*enc( In*icator 7hen -nforce $tep %ependency is selected# several b siness r les are applied)

'he .elease 'ype field is set to Man al to indicate that the step m st be released and completed man ally. 3o cannot change the step dependency and step release type at the step level. All steps m st be completed before yo can complete a batch sing this ro ting. All steps m st be closed before yo can close a batch sing this ro ting. 6 siness r les validate step start and completion dates and times for appropriate batch step resched ling.

OPM Routing *etails8 *. Navigate to the Routing Details window. ,. -nter the code for the Routing. .e( ired. /. -nter a Routing !ersion of the .o ting. .e( ired. 0. After entering all relevant information and saving the .o ting with the defa lt $tat s of Ne=# ret rn to this window if yo need to change .o ting $tat s by selecting Change Status from the Actions men . %epending on whether 7or!flow is enabled# a different set of stat ses is available. $elect a Status for the .o ting yo are entering from one of the following)

Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use to indicate that the .o ting is approved for laboratory se. Appro7e* for General Use to indicate that the .o ting is approved for se in prod ction. O)soleteAArchi7e* to indicate that the .o ting is no longer approved for se and is obsolete# archived# or both.

o o

If 7or!flow is enabled# when yo select)


Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use# $tat s changes to Re3uest Appro7al for %a)orator( Use ntil all approvers have accepted the .o ting# at which time its $tat s changes to Approved for 2aboratory <se. Appro7al for General Use< $tat s changes to Re3uest Appro7al for General Use ntil all approvers have accepted the .o ting# at which time its $tat s changes to Approved for 8eneral <se.

.efer to the <nderstanding the C$tat s Approval 7or!flowC topic for additional information. ;. -nter a Routing Description that briefly describes the .o ting. .e( ired. ?. -nter a Class for the .o ting to identify how it is categorized. 'he Class Description assigned to the +lass displays. H. -nter the !ali* Fro$ date for this .o ting. 'he defa lt date is the c rrent system date. .e( ired. I. -nter a To date for the e"piration of this .o ting. If there is no e"piration date for this .o ting# leave the field blan!.

OPM F. -nter the process ?uantit( for this .o ting. 'his is the total ( antity of material for the .o ting# and is sed to scale individ al step re( irements. .e( ired. *5. -nter the process @ antity UOM associated with this .o ting. 'he process @ antity <OM m st interconvert with the <OM defined for 'heoretical Process 2oss based on the primary prod ct <OM conversion in the .o ting. .e( ired. **. -nter the Planne* %oss for this .o ting. 'his val e is e"pressed as a percent. For e"ample# a loss of *./50J wo ld be entered as *./50. *,. 'he Theoretical Process %oss for this .o ting displays. 'his val e is entered on the 'heoretical Process 2oss window# and is based on the val e assigned to the +lass associated with this .o ting. */. -nter the O=ner to indicate the individ al who is responsible for initiating this .o ting. .e( ired. *0. -nter the O=ner Organization to indicate the plant# laboratory# or other facility that is responsible for initiating this .o ting. .e( ired. *;. "nforce Step Depen*enc( is)
o o

$elected when the ro ting enforces step dependency. +leared when the ro ting does not enforce step dependency.

Routing Steps *?. -nter the Step n mber to associate with an Operation in this .o ting. It is recommended that the first n mber in this se( ence be *5# the second ,5# and so forth. 'his enables yo to add intermediate steps between *5 and ,5 at a later time. .e( ired. *H. -nter the code for the Operation performed in this .o ting. .e( ired. *I. -nter a !ersion n mber for the .o ting. .e( ired. *F. 'he Description of the Operation entered displays. ,5. -nter the Operation Step ?uantit( as the ( antity of material associated with this $tep. 'he UOM for the $tep @ antity displays. ,*. Min Transfer ?t( is for f t re se by the Oracle Advanced Planning and $ched ling application. It is intended to red ce overall lead times by defining the minim m amo nt of material that m st be prod ced in a step at a specific prod ction operation and reso rce before the ne"t operation can begin. 'his red ces bottlenec!s by letting processes transfer an interim ( antity of completed material to the ne"t step witho t the re( irement to complete the entire step. ,,. $elect the Release T(pe to indicate how the step is released as)

o o

Auto$atic if the step is a tomatically released or completed when s bse( ent steps are released or completed. Manual if the step m st be released and completed man ally.

All steps are completed if the batch is completed# regardless of the step release type. ,/. $ave the window. ,0. Optionally# clic! Step Depen*encies to display the Routing Step Depen*encies window. ,;. Optionally# clic! "*it Operation to display the Operation Details Acti7ities window. ,?. Optionally# clic! "*it Step %ine to display Routing Step %ine window. To $arC the routing for *eletion8 *. +hoose MarC for Purge from the Actions men . ,. 'he record is mar!ed for deletion. /. $ave the window. To e*it the routing te9t8 *. +hoose "*it Te9t from the Actions men . ,. Ma!e the appropriate edits to ro ting te"t. /. $ave the window. To *ispla( the Specifications =in*o=8 *. +hoose Specifications from the Actions men . 'he Specifications window displays. ,. -val ate specifications. /. +lose the window. To *ispla( the Sa$ples =in*o=8 *. +hoose Sa$ples from the Actions men . 'he Sa$ples window displays. ,. -val ate the samples. /. +lose the window.

OPM To change the routing status8 *. +hoose Change Status from the Actions men . ,. +hange the Current Status displayed by selecting a different $tat s from the Change Status To list. /. +lic! OE. 0. 'he Routing Details window displays the revised Status for the ro ting. To generate step *epen*encies8 *. Position the c rsor in the ro ting header. ,. +hoose Generate Step Depen*encies from the Actions men . A message displays to indicate that the dependencies have been generated. /. +lic! OE. 0. $elect the dependent Step. ;. +lic! Routing Step Depen*encies. 'he Routing Step Depen*encies window displays. -nter data as described in the C-ntering .o ting $tep %ependenciesC topic. To *uplicate a recor*8 *. @ ery the Routing Details record yo want to d plicate. ,. +hoose Ne= from the File men . /. +hoose Duplicate Recor* A)o7e from the "*it men . 0. -nter a new Routing name and !ersion n mber. ;. $ave the window.


Routing Step Depen*encies 'he .o ting $tep %ependencies window enables yo to create and modify the interrelationships between ro ting steps. $tep dependencies are those relationships between ro ting steps that establish whether a specific step can or cannot start ntil another step is completed. .o ting $tep %ependencies red ce the ro ting development time by establishing a defa lt se( ence for operation steps d ring a prod ction r n. $tep dependencies are implemented at the ro ting maintenance level to enable a tomatic step ( antity calc lation in recipes. 3o are able to define new dependencies or delete the ones yo do not want. For e"ample# if step *5 is 6AKIN8 and step ,5 is the +OO2IN8 step# then step *5 m st be completed before step ,5 can begin. 6y this definition# step ,5 is dependent on the completion of step *5. $tep dependencies are sed to calc late planned start times however# they can be overwritten. Any previo s step m st be validated against any ro ting c rrently being edited# and it m st not be the same as the c rrent step. Avoid defining circ lar references# for e"ample $tep *5 is less than $tep ,5 is less than $tep *5.


Un*erstan*ing Routing Step Depen*enc( Selections $tep %ependencies are definable as)

Finish>to>start with no offset# to indicate that a process step begins immediately after the completion of its preceding step. For e"ample# a consec tive addition of ingredients is re( ired witho t interr ption. Finish>to>start with positive offset# to indicate that a process step begins a specified period of time after the completion of its preceding step. For e"ample# time is re( ired to rest material before the addition of another ingredient. Finish>to>start with negative offset# to indicate that a process step begins a specified period of time before the completion of its preceding step. For e"ample# a prod ction device needs to be activated before the addition of the ne"t ingredient. $tart>to>start with no offset# to indicate that a process step begins at the same time as the step it depends on. For e"ample# there is a need for sim ltaneo s addition of ingredients witho t interr ption. $tart>to>start with positive offset# to indicate that a process step begins a specified time after the beginning of its preceding step. 'his is similar to finish>to>start with negative offset# b t by specifying that the dependency is start>to>start# yo can ens re the positive offset is maintained if the previo s dependent step finishes early.

'he offset is defined in the $tandard %elay field as a positive or negative n mber. 'he application ses step dependencies when individ al steps are resched led. Recipe Details

OPM 'he .ecipe %etails window enables yo to enter the details for a specific recipe. A Plant or a 2aboratory can be associated with all the materials and reso rces re( ired to ma!e a prod ct at the recipe level. One or more c stomers can be associated to the recipe for informational p rposes.

Prere3uisites Optionally# enter and save operations. Optionally# enter and save ro tings. -nter and save form las. $et p the defa lt Organization. $et p the 8MA) %efa lt Organization profile option.

Un*erstan*ing Step ?uantit( Calculations 7hen yo select the calc late $tep @ty indicator on the .ecipe %etails window# the application chec!s to determine if there are proper step ( antity material associations. 3o m st se a ro ting. $tep and material associations m st be made. If any of these associations are defective# then yo receive an error message. 7hen yo se the A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation# it chec!s ( antities in each step to verify that material is available to pass into and o t of each step. 'he ( antity of material for a partic lar step is dependent on the ( antity of material that passes into or o t of it. 'he inp t material can be either the ingredient that is

OPM in&ected directly into the step# or it can be the o tp t of preceding steps. O tp t is represented typically by co>prod cts or byprod cts.

To enter recipe *etails8 *. Navigate to the Recipe Details window. ,. -nter the code for the Recipe to be entered. /. -nter a !ersion of the .ecipe. 0. -nter a Description for the .ecipe. ;. After entering all relevant information and saving the .ecipe with the defa lt $tat s of Ne=# ret rn to this window if yo need to change .ecipe $tat s by selecting Change Status from the Actions men . %epending on whether 7or!flow is enabled# a different set of stat ses is available. $elect a Status for the .ecipe yo are entering from one of the following)

Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use to indicate that the .ecipe is approved for laboratory se. Appro7e* for General Use to indicate that the .ecipe is approved for se in prod ction.


O)soleteAArchi7e* to indicate that the .ecipe is no longer approved for se and is obsolete# archived# or both.

If 7or!flow is enabled# when yo select)


Appro7e* for %a)orator( Use# then $tat s changes to Re3uest Appro7al for %a)orator( Use ntil all approvers have accepted the .ecipe# then its $tat s changes to Approved for 2aboratory <se. Appro7al for General Use< then $tat s changes to Re3uest Appro7al for General Use ntil all approvers have accepted the .ecipe# then its $tat s changes to Approved for 8eneral <se.

.ecipe stat s cannot be changed to an approved stat s if the form la and ro ting are not yet approved. For e"ample# the form la and ro ting m st be approved for 8eneral <se before the recipe stat s can be changed to Approved for 8eneral <se. If yo change the stat s of a recipe to Obsolete# Archived# On>hold# or Frozen# validity r les associated to that recipe change to that stat s. 3o can change the stat s of recipes or validity r les to On>hold or Obsolete even if they are sed in batches as long all these batches are closed or cancelled. ?. -nter the main Pro*uct for the Form la associated with this .ecipe. If yo enter a new .ecipe# enter the Form la to fill this field a tomatically. H. 'he O tp t ?uantit( displays the s m of all materials. UOM indicates the nit of meas re for the Form la associated with this .ecipe. I. -nter the For$ula n mber for the .ecipe. .e( ired. Once a recipe is saved# this field cannot be edited. 3o cannot se an inactive Form la in a recipe. 'he form la !ersion displays. .e( ired. F. Creation Organization displays the organization code for the initial Owner. 'his field is not pdateable for an e"isting .ecipe. .e( ired. *5. -nter a Routing n mber for the .ecipe. A ro ting can be added to an e"isting .ecipe. 'he !ersion for the .o ting entered displays. **. Theoretical Process %oss displays the hypothetical loss of process material associated to a ro ting as a percentage. If no ro ting is associated to a recipe# or if no ro ting class is associated to a given ro ting# and no Process 2oss is defined for that ro ting# this field is blan!. *,. -nter the Planne* Process %oss as the loss of process material observed d ring prod ction of a batch sing the recipe. If no val e is entered in this field# it defa lts to the 'heoretical Process 2oss. 3o can change this val e on a New or e"isting recipe. */. Total Output ?t( displays with its UOM.

OPM *0. -nter the %a)orator( that has c rrent ownership of the recipe. 'his is a Folder field. *;. -nter the O=ner Organization. 'his field is the defa lt organization for the Owner of the .ecipe. In order for yo to enter or edit information for the .ecipe# yo m st have an association with this organization and permission to access and change this field. .e( ired. *?. -nter the O=ner of the .ecipe. 'he Owner name m st be a valid <ser name. 'his field defa lts to the c rrent <ser. .e( ired. Note8 3o m st enter all information on this window before yo select the +alc late $tep @ty chec! bo". *H. 'he Calculate Step ?t( chec! bo" indicates whether yo want to enter step ( antities man ally or have the application calc late them for yo .

$elect the Calculate Step ?t( chec! bo" to enable the application to calc late step ( antities a tomatically. @ antities are based on the amo nt of materials that go into and o t of each s pported step. $tep @ antity fields cannot be entered after yo select the chec! bo". 3o m st associate all items mar!ed as contrib ting to step ( antity to specific $teps on the Recipe StepAMaterial Association window. +lear the Calculate Step ?t( indicator to enter step ( antities man ally. $tep ( antities are calc lated sing ro ting step ( antity# total o tp t ( antity of form la# and ro ting header ( antity.

PlantA%a)orator( *I. 'he following fields are display only)

o o o o

Organization displays the Organization code that the Process 2oss is being defined for. 'his m st be a plant or a laboratory. .e( ired. Organization Na$e displays a description of the plant or laboratory. T(pe indicates whether this is a plant or a laboratory. Process %oss displays the material that is lost thro gh the process. 'his field is blan! if yo did not enter a .o ting. 'his field allows yo to override the defa lt Process 2oss.

Custo$er *F. -nter the Custo$er n mber. .e( ired. ,5. Na$e indicates the name of the + stomer associated with the + stomer n mber entered. Step ?uantit(

OPM If a ro ting has not been entered# this region is not available. If yo calc late step ( antities in the A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation# the $tep Material Associations need to be entered. ,*. Step indicates the step n mber associated with the listed Operation in the displayed .o ting. $teps cannot be added or deleted here. Eowever# if a step is deleted in the base ro ting sed for this .ecipe# and the $tep field is overwritten# yo m st choose Delete from the "*it men to delete the orphaned $tep. +harges are calc lated for each $tep displayed. 3o can associate te"t with each $tep. ,,. Operation displays the operation associated with the $tep. 'he operation !ersion and Description are displayed. ,/. Step ?uantit( indicates the defa lt ( antity of material associated with the $tep. 'he UOM for the $tep @ antity displays. 3o can enter a new val e in the $tep @ antity field if yo do not se the A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation. If A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation is sed# this field is not enterable. .e( ired if the $tep is associated to material# and yo are not sing A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation. .e( ired. ,0. Charges displays the total calc lated charges for the step. +harges are the n mber of times the Operation m st be performed to complete the $tep for the specified $tep @ antity. For e"ample# a mi"er that holds ;5 !g wo ld re( ire two charges to process *55 !g of material. +harges are calc lated from the smallest minim m capacity for all reso rces in the $tep. ,;. Optionally# clic! Organization Details to display the Recipe Organization Details window. ,?. Optionally# clic! !ali*it( Rules to display the Recipe !ali*it( Rules window. ,H. Optionally# clic! StepAMaterial Association to display the Recipe StepAMaterial Association window. ,I. $ave the window. To $arC a recipe for *eletion8 *. +hoose MarC for Purge from the Actions men . ,. 'he record is mar!ed for deletion. /. $ave the window. To cop( a recipe8 *. $elect the Recipe to copy. ,. +hoose Cop( from the "*it men . +opying a recipe creates a new recipe. All header fields in the the new recipe are editable. 3o m st change the recipe n mber or recipe version in the copied recipe before saving it. % plicate recipe names are not allowed.

OPM 'he c rrent Owner and Organization are assigned to the new recipe. .ecipes that have been mar!ed for deletion cannot be copied. /. +lic! OE. To e*it te9t8 *. +hoose "*it Te9t from the Actions men . ,. -nter appropriate te"t. /. $ave the window. Duplicating a Recipe 3o can d plicate a recipe# ro ting# and validity r les from an e"isting record. If yo change the ro ting end date prior to saving the record# then the application chec!s the ro ting end date against the validity r le end date. If the validity r le end date is greater than the ro ting end date# or blan!# then the application assigns the val e of the ro ting end date to the validity r le end date. To *uplicate a recipe8 *. @ ery the Recipe Details record to d plicate. ,. +hoose Ne= from the File men . /. +hoose Duplicate Recor* A)o7e from the "*it men . 0. -nter a new Recipe name and !ersion n mber. ;. $ave the window. To *ispla( the For$ula Details =in*o=8 *. +hoose For$ula from the Actions men . 'he For$ula Details window displays. ,. +lose the window. To *ispla( the Routing Details =in*o=8 *. +hoose Routing from the Actions men . 'he Routing Details window displays. ,. +lose the window. To *ispla( the "&Recor* Details =in*o=8

OPM *. +hoose "&Recor* Details from the Actions men . 'he "&Recor* Generic ?uer( displays if this option is implemented in yo r application. ,. .efer to CAppendi" % Oracle ->.ecords -vents in Prod ct %evelopmentC for information on e>records. /. +lose the window. To *ispla( the Specifications =in*o=8 *. +hoose Specifications from the Actions men . 'he Specifications window displays. ,. -val ate specifications. /. +lose the window. To *ispla( the Sa$ples =in*o=8 *. +hoose Sa$ples from the Actions men . 'he Sa$ples window displays. ,. -val ate the samples. /. +lose the window.

OPM Recipe StepAMaterial Association 'he .ecipe $tepBMaterial Association window displays all items from the recipe form la and lets yo associate these items with specific ro ting steps.

Mini$u$ Transfer ?uantit( :MT?; has a restriction on the gap between the time that the M'@ is yielded for the item# and the start of the ne"t ro ting that involves that item. 'he gap is defined with a minim m and ma"im m val e based in the 'IM- nit of meas re for ho r. 7hen calc lating the gap# the minim m val e creates the gap# and the ma"im m val e limits the d ration of the gap between the ro ting and the M'@ yield point. 'his M'@ calc lation can be added for all prod cts of a recipe. Minim m and ma"im m val es are optional# and blan! val es represent an infinite gap between the man fact ring processes)

If yo enter the minim m val e only# then a specific gap m st e"ist between the M'@ time point and the ne"t ro ting for the item. Eowever# the end of the gap is infinite. If yo enter both minim m and ma"im m val es# then the gap is fi"ed and re( ires the ne"t ro ting to start in the defined period after the M'@ time point.

Minim m delay and ma"im m delay represent this gap. 'he val es for these can never be negative# and the minim m m st always be less than or e( al to the ma"im m val e. 'he entry of an M'@ for any of the prod cts is not re( ired. 6lan! val e for M'@ implies the f ll ( antity m st be yielded before the ne"t ro ting can start.


Prere3uisites -nter and save recipes. If the A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation is sed) A ro ting m st be associated with the recipe. -ach item mar!ed as contrib ting to step ( antity m st be associated with a step# and have a conversion specified between the standard mass nit of meas re and standard vol me nit of meas re.

All operations m st se a mass or vol me nit of meas re.

To *ispla( recipe stepA$aterial associations8 *. Navigate to the Recipe StepAMaterial Association window. ,. 'he following fields are display only)
o o

For$ula displays the form la sed in a recipe with the !ersion and For$ula Description. Routing displays the ro ting sed in a recipe with the !ersion and Routing Description.


Step displays the step n mber associated with the listed Operation in the displayed .o ting. 3o cannot add a $tep to a ro ting on this window. 3o m st do this on the Routing Details window. .e( ired. Ma"im m %elay displays the delay offset in ho rs. 'his is a restriction on the gap between the point in time that the minim m transfer ( antity is yielded for the item and the start of the ne"t ro ting involving the item. If the ma"im m delay is set# then the material m st be sed before this delay. For f t re se by the Oracle Advanced $ pply +hain Planning application. Minim m %elay displays the Minim m %elay offset in ho rs. 'his m st be less than or e( al to the Ma"im m %elay. For f t re se by AP$. Ite$ Description displays the descriptions each prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient listed. %ine Unit of Measure displays the nit of meas re for each prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient listed. Mini$u$ Transfer ?uantit( displays the minim m ( antity of prod ct needed to yield a partial ( antity before the ne"t ro ting can start. For f t re se by AP$.

o o o o

o o o o o o o

Operation displays the operation associated with the $tep. 'he operation !ersion displays. Step ?t( displays the defa lt ( antity of material associated with the $tep. 'he UOM for the $tep @ antity displays. %ine displays the line n mber for each prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient listed. .e( ired. Ite$ displays the code associated with each prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient listed. T(pe displays the type of 2ine associated in the $tep as a prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient. Ite$ ?t( displays the @ antity of prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient yielded by the listed Form la. %ine UOM displays the nit of meas re for the Item @ antity.

/. +lose the window. "*iting the association of $aterials an* steps8 *. -nter the Step from the 2OD. .e( ired. ,. 'he following fields are display only)
o o

Operation displays the operation associated with the $tep. 'he operation !ersion is displayed. Step ?t( displays the defa lt ( antity of material associated with the $tep. 'he UOM for the $tep @ antity displays.

/. -nter the %ine from the 2OD. .e( ired. 0. 'he following fields are display only)
o o o o

Ite$ displays the code associated with each prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient listed. T(pe displays the type of 2ine associated in the $tep as a prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient. Ite$ ?t( displays the @ antity of prod ct# byprod ct# or ingredient yielded by the listed Form la. %ine UOM displays the nit of meas re for the Item @ antity.

;. $ave the window Recipe !ali*it( Rules

OPM 'he .ecipe Dalidity . les window lets yo edit validity r les for a specific recipe. <se this window to apply global or specific organization r les to batches# cost management# planning# or technical data when prod cing the same prod ct. Dalidity . les can be added# pdated# or mar!ed for deletion.

O7erri*ing Process %oss "ntere* at the Routing %e7el Process loss is based on the standard ( antity entered at the validity r le level. Process loss that is entered at that level overrides the process loss entered at the ro ting level. 'heoretical Process 2oss# Planned Process 2oss# $tep @ antity# and +harges fields display at the validity r le level. 'heoretical Process 2oss calc lations are also based on the Dalidity . le $tandard @ antity. If Planned Process 2oss is entered on a validity r le# then its val e overrides process loss defined at any other level in the ro ting or the recipe. If a batch is created for a different ( antity# then the same r le is applied to calc late the act al Process 2oss. Planned Process 2oss is compared to the 'heoretical Process 2oss for the $tandard @ antity field on a validity r le. 'his loss is ta!en from the Process 2oss field for the ro ting class in order to comp te a factor. 'he 'heoretical Process 2oss for the batch ( antity is m ltiplied by this factor to comp te the act al Process 2oss for the batch. Following are the modifications for the A tomatic $tep @ antity +alc lation# or A$@+)

If A$@+ is not sed# then the step ( antities displayed initially are based on the ro ting# as scaled to the Dalidity . le $tandard @ antity. If step ( antities are overridden at the recipe level# then the recipe step ( antities are scaled to the Dalidity . le $tandard @ antity.


If A$@+ is sed# then the $tep @ antities displayed are based on the form la scaled to the Dalidity . le $tandard @ antity.

+harges displayed at the validity r le level are based on the step ( antities indicated there. Process -"ec tion# +ost Management# Financials# and Planning applications se process loss overrides at the validity r le level. To e*it recipe 7ali*it( rules8 *. Navigate to the Recipe !ali*it( Rules window. ,. 'he following fields are display only)
o o o

For$ula displays the form la sed in the recipe with its !ersion and Description. Routing displays the ro ting sed in the recipe with the ro ting !ersion and Description. Status displays the $tat s of the Dalidity . le. 'his field cannot be higher than its associated recipe. For e"ample# a Dalidity . le cannot be Approved for 8eneral <se ntil the recipe associated to it is Approved for 8eneral <se. 3o can change the stat s of recipes or validity r les to On>hold or Obsolete even if they are sed in batches as long all these batches are closed or cancelled.

/. Organization displays the organization that owns this Dalidity . le# and the Organization Description. 'his m st be yo r Plant or 2aboratory. 3o can enter and save a new Organization. !ali*it( Rule 0. $elect Recipe Use as)
o o o o

Pro*uction for se in prod ction of prod cts. Planning for se in planning material cons mption. Costing for se in establishing costs. Technical for se in establishing technical classes and s bclasses.

.e( ired. ;. -nter a Pro*uct in the Form la for the Dalidity . le. 'he prod ct Description field displays. .e( ired.

OPM ?. -nter the Preference n mber for the Dalidity . le. 7hen more than one form la can be sed to prod ce the same prod ct# the Preference field is sed to show the Dalidity . le that m st be sed first# second# third# and so forth. Preference defa lts to *. .e( ired. For e"ample# one form la can be sed to prod ce between *5 and *;5 gallons of a prod ct. Another form la can be sed to prod ce between *55 and *555 gallons of the same prod ct. $ince either form la can be sed to prod ce *55 to *;5 gallons of material# the Preference field shows the s ggested order of se. 2ower n mbers indicate a higher Preference. 'he n mber * indicates the highest Preference. H. -nter the Stan*ar* ?uantit( of prod ct made with this Form la. 'his ( antity is only sed for prod ct costing. It does not restrict ( antities that can be prod ced with the Form la. $tandard defa lts to the ( antity provided in the Form la displayed. .e( ired. I. UOM is the nit of meas re for the standard ( antity. 3o can enter and save a different nit of meas re. .e( ired. F. -nter the Mini$u$ ( antity of prod ct that can be made sing the Form la. Minim m defa lts to *. .e( ired. *5. -nter the Ma9i$u$ ( antity of prod ct that can be made sing the Form la. .e( ired. **. Theoretical displays the theoretical process loss based on the Dalidity . le $tandard @ antity. *,. -nter the Planne* process loss. 'his overrides planned process loss entered at the ro ting level. */. -nter the Fro$ date as the date the Dalidity . le becomes effective. 'he date m st be within the effective date for any ro ting associated to the recipe. .e( ired. *0. -nter To date as the date to stop sing the Dalidity . le. 'his is an optional field and m st be left blan! if no e"piration date is defined for the Dalidity . le. Step ?uantit( *;. 'he following fields are display only)
o o o o o

Step displays the step n mber associated with the operation displayed. Operation indicates the operation associated to the step. 'he operation !ersion displays. Description indicates a description of the operation. Step ?uantit( and its UOM indicates the ( antity processed by the ro ting step and the nit of meas re of the step ( antity. Charges indicates the total calc lated charges for the step.

OPM *?. $ave the window.

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