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Guided Exercise

1) The nouns below have their subcategory written above them. Write a definition of these subcategories based on the pattern of these nouns.
proper common common

Nebuchadnezzar secured for himself a free hand over the remainder of the
proper common proper proper common common

Assyrian Empire. The seizure of Syria and Palestine in the process created a buffer and
common proper common common common

first-line defense against the Egyptians, his only potential rival. The death of his father

came shortly thereafter and overshadowed the princes brilliant victory.

proper proper common common

Nebuchadnezzar was forced to return hastily to Babylon. By the time of his coronation,
proper common common

Nebuchadnezzar and his late father had neutralized all major powers. Proper nouns are ____________________________________________________ Common nouns are __________________________________________________ 2) The nouns below have their subcategory written above them. Try to figure out the definition of these subcategories by looking for patterns in these nouns.
singular singular singular

Starting with the definition of a child soldier, Ahmad (2012) discusses the various
unspecific quantity unspecific quantity singular unspecific quantity

tasks and roles of child soldiers and the psychological imprint that these roles have on the
unspecific quantity unspecific quantity

childrens overall development. She also analyzes why army commanders continually
unspecific quantity unspecific quantity

exploit children (some as young as seven) and how commanders indoctrinate these
unspecific quantity unspecific quantity unspecific quantity unspecific quantity

impressionable children with elements of power and control. She then uses this groundwork
singular unspecific quantity

to devise a strategy of child-soldier rehabilitation and reintegrationusing the ecological

singular singular unspecific quantity

perspective, a cornerstone of social work practice. Singular nouns are ___________________________________________________ Unspecific quantity nouns are __________________________________________

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