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To have an in depth knowledge of the architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and to study how to interface various peripheral devices with them.


To study the architecture and Instruction set of 8085 and 8086 To develop assembly language programs in 8085 and 8086. To design and understand multiprocessor configurations To study different peripheral devices and their interfacing to 8085/8086. To study the architecture and programming of 8051 microcontroller.

UNIT I THE 8085 AND 8086 MICROPROCESSORS 8085 Microprocessor architecture-Addressing modes- Instruction set-Programming the 8085 UNIT II 8086 SOFTWARE ASPECTS Intel 8086 microprocessor - Architecture - Signals- Instruction Set-Addressing ModesAssembler Directives- Assembly Language Programming-Procedures-MacrosInterrupts And Interrupt Service Routines-BIOS function calls. UNIT III MULTIPROCESSOR CONFIGURATIONS Coprocessor Configuration Closely Coupled Configuration Loosely Coupled Configuration 8087 Numeric Data Processor Data Types Architecture 8089 I/O Processor Architecture Communication between CPU and IOP. UNIT IV I/O INTERFACING Memory interfacing and I/O interfacing with 8085 parallel communication interface serial communication interface timer-keyboard/display controller interrupt controller DMA controller (8237) applications stepper motor temperature control. UNIT V MICROCONTROLLERS Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller signals I/O ports memory counters and timers serial data I/O interruptsInterfacing -keyboard, LCD,ADC & DAC



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor architecture Instruction set Addressing modes Programming the 8085.

1.1 8085 PROCESSOR

The first microprocessor was introduced in 1970 by Intel (named 4004). It ran at the speed of 108KHz. Four years later, Intel created the 8080 running at just over 2 Mhz. This microprocessor was used on the world's firs personal computer, named Altair. Also at this time, IBM started researching for their microprocessor, called POWER (Performance Optimization With Enhanced RISC).

1.2 Microprocessor architecture

Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Registers Accumulator Flags Program Counter (PC) Stack Pointer (SP) Instruction Register/Decoder Memory Address Register General Purpose Registers Control Generator Register Selector Microprogramming




Data Transfer Instructions

Arithmetic Instructions Logical Instructions Branch Instructions

Machine Control
BASED ON LENGTH One-word or 1-byte instructions Two-word or 2-byte instructions

Three-word or 3-byte instructions

8085 Instruction Set

The 8085 instructions can be classified as follows:

Data transfer operations

Between Registers Between Memory location and a Registers Direct write to a Register/Memory Between I/O device and Accumulator

Arithmetic operations (ADD, SUB, INR, DCR)

Logic operations
Branching operations (JMP, CALL, RET)

8085 Instruction Types

8085 Instruction Types

8085 Instruction Types



Implied Addressing: The addressing mode of certain instructions is implied by the instructions function. For example, the STC (set carry flag) instruction deals only with the carry flag, the DAA (decimal adjust accumulator) instruction deals with the accumulator. Register Addressing: Quite a large set of instructions call for register addressing. With these instructions, specify one of the registers A through E, H or L as well as the operation code. With these instructions, the accumulator is implied as a second operand. For example, the instruction CMP E may be interpreted as 'compare the contents of the E register with the contents of the accumulator. Most of the instructions that use register addressing deal with 8-bit values. However, a few of these instructions deal with 16-bit register pairs. For example, the PCHL instruction exchanges the contents of the program counter with the contents of the H and L registers. Immediate Addressing: Instructions that use immediate addressing have data assembled as a part of the instruction itself. For example, the instruction CPI 'C' may be interpreted as compare the contents of the accumulator with the letter C. When assembled, this instruction has the hexadecimal value FE43. Hexadecimal 43 is the internal representation for the letter C. When this instruction is executed, the processor fetches the first instruction byte and determines that it must fetch one more byte. The processor fetches the next byte into one of its internal registers and then performs the compare operation.


Direct Addressing: Jump instructions include a 16-bit address as part of the instruction. For example, the instruction JMP 1000H causes a jump to the hexadecimal address 1000 by replacing the current contents of the program counter with the new value 1000H. Instructions that include a direct address require three bytes of storage: one for the instruction code, and two for the 16-bit address Register Indirect Addressing: Register indirect instructions reference memory via a register pair. Thus, the instruction MOV M,C moves the contents of the C register into the memory address stored in the H and L register pair. The instruction LDAX B loads the accumulator with the byte of data specified by the address in the B and C register pair.

Intel 8086 microprocessor Architecture Signals Instruction set Addressing modes Assembler directives Assembly language programming Procedures

Interrupts and interrupt service routines. BIOS Function Calls


16-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit 16-bit data bus (8088 has 8-bit data bus)

20-bit address bus - 220 = 1,048,576 = 1 meg

The address refers to a byte in memory. In the 8088, these bytes come in on the 8-bit data bus. In the 8086, bytes at even addresses come in on the low half of the data bus (bits 0-7) and bytes at odd addresses come in on the upper half of the data bus (bits 8-15). The 8086 can read a 16-bit word at an even address in one operation and at an odd address in two operations. The 8088 needs two operations in either case.

The least significant byte of a word on an 8086 family microprocessor is at the

lower address.

16-bit Registers
Ge ne ral Purpose

Inde x BP SP











Segme nt CS Status and Control Flags IP SS DS ES

The 8086 has two parts, the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the Execution Unit (EU). The BIU fetches instructions, reads and writes data, and computes the 20-bit address.

The EU decodes and executes the instructions using the 16-bit ALU. The BIU contains the following registers:
IP - the Instruction Pointer CS - the Code Segment Register DS - the Data Segment Register SS - the Stack Segment Register ES - the Extra Segment Register

The BIU fetches instructions using the CS and IP, written CS:IP, to contract the 20-bit address. Data is fetched using a segment register (usually the DS) and an effective address (EA) computed by the EU depending on the addressing mode.


8086 Programmers Model

BIU registers (20 bit adder)


Extra Segment Code Segment Stack Segment Data Segment Instruction Pointer Accumulator Base Register Count Register Data Register Stack Pointer Base Pointer Source Index Register Destination Index Register

EU registers

8086/88 internal registers 16 bits (2 bytes each)

AX, BX, CX and DX are two bytes wide and each byte can be accessed separately
These registers are used as memory pointers.

Flags will be discussed later

Segment registers are used as base address for a segment in the 1 M byte of memory

The 8086/8088 Microprocessors: Registers

Registers are in the CPU and are referred to by specific names Data registers
Hold data for an operation to be performed There are 4 data registers (AX, BX, CX, DX)

Address registers
Hold the address of an instruction or data element Segment registers (CS, DS, ES, SS) Pointer registers (SP, BP, IP) Index registers (SI, DI)

Status register
Keeps the current status of the processor On an IBM PC the status register is called the FLAGS register

In total there are fourteen 16-bit registers in an 8086/8088

Data Registers: AX, BX, CX, DX

Instructions execute faster if the data is in a register AX, BX, CX, DX are the data registers Low and High bytes of the data registers can be accessed separately
AH, BH, CH, DH are the high bytes AL, BL, CL, and DL are the low bytes

Data Registers are general purpose registers but they also perform special functions AX
Accumulator Register Preferred register to use in arithmetic, logic and data transfer instructions because it generates the shortest Machine Language Code Must be used in multiplication and division operations Must also be used in I/O operations

Base Register Also serves as an address register Used in array operations Used in Table Lookup operations (XLAT)

Count register Used as a loop counter Used in shift and rotate operations

Data register Used in multiplication and division Also used in I/O operations

Pointer and Index Registers

Contain the offset addresses of memory locations Can also be used in arithmetic and other operations SP: Stack pointer
Used with SS to access the stack segment

BP: Base Pointer

Primarily used to access data on the stack Can be used to access data in other segments

SI: Source Index register

is required for some string operations When string operations are performed, the SI register points to memory locations in the data segment which is addressed by the DS register. Thus, SI is associated with the DS in string operations.

DI: Destination Index register

is also required for some string operations. When string operations are performed, the DI register points to memory locations in the data segment which is addressed by the ES register. Thus, DI is associated with the ES in string

The SI and the DI registers may also be used to access data stored in arrays

Segment Registers - CS, DS, SS and ES

Are Address registers Store the memory addresses of instructions and data Memory Organization
Each byte in memory has a 20 bit address starting with 0 to 220-1 or 1 meg of addressable memory Addresses are expressed as 5 hex digits from 00000 - FFFFF Problem: But 20 bit addresses are TOO BIG to fit in 16 bit registers! Solution: Memory Segment
Block of 64K (65,536) consecutive memory bytes A segment number is a 16 bit number Segment numbers range from 0000 to FFFF Within a segment, a particular memory location is specified with an offset

An offset also ranges from 0000 to FFFF

Segmented Memory
Segmented memory addressing: absolute (linear) address is a combination of a 16-bit segment value added to a 16-bit offset

F0000 E0000 D0000 C0000 B0000 A0000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 00000 seg ofs 8000:0000


one segment



Memory Address Generation

The BIU has a dedicated adder for determining physical memory addresses
Offset Value (16 bits)

Segment Register (16 bits)



Physical Address (20 Bits)


Example Address Calculation

If the data segment starts at location 1000h and a data reference contains the address 29h where is the actual data?
2 Offset:

0000000000101001 0001000000000000 0000 0001000000000010 1001



Logical Address is specified as segment:offset Physical address is obtained by shifting the segment address 4 bits to the left and adding the offset address Thus the physical address of the logical address A4FB:4872 is
A4FB0 + 4872 A9822




0400H IP 0056H

4000H 4056H


CS:IP = 400:56 Logical Address

Segment Register Offset +

0400 0 0056 04056H


Physical or Absolute Address


The offset is the distance in bytes from the start of the segment. The offset is given by the IP for the Code Segment. Instructions are always fetched with using the CS register.
The physical address is also called the absolute address.




EA 0050

05C00H 05C50H DS:EA Memory

Segment Register Offset



Physical Address

Data is usually fetched with respect to the DS register. The effective address (EA) is the offset. The EA depends on the addressing mode.





0A000H SP 0100


Segment Register Offset

0A00 0
+ 0100 0A100H

Physical Address


The offset is given by the SP register. The stack is always referenced with respect to the stack segment register. The stack grows toward decreasing memory locations. The SP points to the last or top item on the stack. PUSH - pre-decrement the SP POP - post-increment the SP


Overflow Direction Interrupt enable

Carry flag Parity flag Auxiliary flag Zero Sign

Trap 6 are status flags 3 are control flag

Flag Register

Conditional flags: They are set according to some results of arithmetic operation. You do not need to alter the value yourself. Control flags: Used to control some operations of the MPU. These flags are to be set by you in order to achieve some specific purposes.
Flag Bit no. 15 14 13 12 O 11 D 1 0 I 9 T 8 S 7 Z 6 5 A 4 3 P 2 1 C 0

CF (carry) Contains carry from leftmost bit following arithmetic, also contains last bit from a shift or rotate operation.

Flag Register

OF (overflow) Indicates overflow of the leftmost bit during arithmetic.

DF (direction) Indicates left or right for moving or comparing string data. IF (interrupt) Indicates whether external interrupts are being processed or

TF (trap) Permits operation of the processor in single step mode.

SF (sign) Contains the resulting sign of an arithmetic operation (1=negative) ZF (zero) Indicates when the result of arithmetic or a comparison is zero. (1=yes) AF (auxiliary carry) Contains carry out of bit 3 into bit 4 for specialized

PF (parity) Indicates the number of 1 bits that result from an operation.

avoid repetitious SAS code create generalizable and flexible SAS code pass information from one part of a SAS job to another conditionally execute data steps and PROCs dynamically create code at execution time

Simple macro variable %let dsn=LAB; title "DATA SET &dsn"; proc contents data=&dsn; run; proc print data=&dsn(obs=10); run;

Initial call to run an external program

Run a LCA model to simulate data

Estimate a model of simulated data

Collect necessary output

Check if output read is indeed output wanted Collect output in a single data matrix

Instruction Set
Mov destination, source add, inc, dec and sub instructions Input/Output String Instructions Machine Control Flag Manipulation.

Addressing Modes
Immediate addressing.

Register addressing.
Direct addressing. Indirect addressing Implied addressing. Indexed addressing

Relative addressing

Interrupts &Interrupt Service Routine

An interrupt signals the processor to suspend its current activity (i.e. running your program) and to pass control to an interrupt service program (i.e. part of the operating system). A software interrupt is one generated by a program (as opposed to one generated by hardware). The 8086 int instruction generates a software interrupt. It uses a single operand which is a number indicating which MSDOS subprogram is to be invoked.

This subprogram handles a variety of I/O operations by calling appropriate subprograms.

Maximum mode Maximum mode is designed to be used with a coprocessor exists in the system.

All the control signals (except RD) are not generated by the microprocessor.
But we still need those control signals. Solution: 8288.

8086 maximum & minimum modes

8086 maximum & minimum modes The mode is controlled by MN/MX. Maximum mode is obtained by connecting MN/MX to low and minimum mode is by connecting it to high. Having two different modes (minimum and maximum) is used only 8088/8086. Each mode enables a different control structure. Minimum mode operation and control signals are very similar to those of 8085. So 8085 8-bit peripherals can be used with 8086 without special considerations. Easy and least expensive way to build single processor systems


S1 S0



0 0
0 0

0 0
1 1

0 1
0 1

Interrupt Acknowledge Read I/O port

Write I/O port Halt



1 1 1

0 1 1

1 0 1

Instruction Fetch
Read Memory Write Memory Passive MRDC MWTC, AMWC none


Coprocessor Configuration Closely Coupled Configuration Loosely Coupled Configuration 8087 Numeric Data Processor-architecture Data types 8089 I/O Processor-Architecture Communication between CPU and IOP


Architecture of 8087
Two Units Control Unit Execution Unit

Control Unit
Control unit: To synchronize the operation of the coprocessor and the processor. This unit has a Control word and Status word and Data Buffer If instruction is an ESCape (coprocessor) instruction, the coprocessor executes it, if not the microprocessor executes. Status register reflects the over all operation of the coprocessor.

Status Register

Status Register
C3-C0 Condition code bits TOP Top-of-stack (ST) ES Error summary PE Precision error UE Under flow error OE Overflow error ZE Zero error DE Denormalized error IE Invalid error B Busy bit B-Busy bit indicates that coprocessor is busy executing a task. Busy can be tested by examining the status or by using the FWAIT instruction. C3-C0 Condition code bits indicates conditions about the coprocessor. TOP- Top of the stack (ST) bit indicates the current register address as the top of the stack. ES-Error summary bit is set if any unmasked error bit (PE, UE, OE, ZE, DE, or IE) is set. In the 8087 the error summary is also caused a coprocessor interrupt. PE- Precision error indicates that the result or operand executes selected precision. UE-Under flow error indicates the result is too large to be represent with the current precision selected by the control word. OE-Over flow error indicates a result that is too large to be represented. If this error is masked, the coprocessor generates infinity for an overflow error. ZE-A Zero error indicates the divisor was zero while the dividend is a non-infinity or non-zero number. DE-Denormalized error indicates at least one of the operand is denormalized. IE-Invalid error indicates a stack overflow or underflow, indeterminate from (0/0,0,-0, etc) or the use of a NAN as an operand. This flag indicates error such as those produced by taking the square root of a negative number.

Control register selects precision, rounding control, infinity control. It also masks an unmasks the exception bits that correspond to the rightmost Six bits of status register. Instruction FLDCW is used to load the value into the control register.

IC Infinity control RC Rounding control PC Precision control PM Precision control UM Underflow mask OM Overflow mask ZM Division by zero mask DM Denormalized operand mask IM Invalid operand mask

IC Infinity control selects either affine or projective infinity. Affine allows positive and negative infinity, while projective assumes infinity is unsigned. INFINITY CONTROL
0 = Projective 1 = Affine

RC Rounding control determines the type of rounding. ROUNDING CONTROL

00=Round to nearest or even 01=Round down towards minus infinity 10=Round up towards plus infinity 11=Chop or truncate towards zero

PC- Precision control sets the precision of he result as define in table PRECISION CONTROL 00=Single precision (short) 01=Reserved 10=Double precision (long) 11=Extended precision (temporary) Exception Masks It Determines whether the error indicated by the exception affects the error bit in the status register. If a logic1 is placed in one of the exception control bits, corresponding status register bit is masked off.

Numeric Execution Unit

This performs all operations that access and manipulate the numeric data in the coprocessors registers. Numeric registers in NUE are 80 bits wide. NUE is able to perform arithmetic, logical and transcendental operations as well as supply a small number of mathematical constants from its on-chip ROM. Numeric data is routed into two parts ways a 64 bit mantissa bus and a 16 bit sign/exponent bus.

Data Types
Internally, all data operands are converted to the 80-bit temporary real format. We have 3 types. Integer data type Packed BCD data type Real data type Example Converting a decimal number into a Floating-point number. 1) Converting the decimal number into binary form. 2) Normalize the binary number 3) Calculate the biased exponent. 4) Store the number in the floating-point format. Example Step Result 1) 100.25 2) 1100100.01 = 1.10010001 * 26 3) 110+01111111=10000101 4 ) Sign = 0 Exponent =10000101 Significand = 10010001000000000000000 In step 3 the biased exponent is the exponent a 26 or 110,plus a bias of 01111111(7FH) single precision no use 7F and double precision no use 3FFFH. IN step 4 the information found in prior step is combined to form the floating point no.

Architecture of 8051 Signals Operational features Memory and I/O addressing Interrupts Instruction set Applications.

Microcontroller :
A smaller computer On-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... ExampleMotorolas 6811, Intels 8051, Zilogs Z8 and PIC 16X



A single chip
I/O Port
Serial Timer COM Port Microcontroller

Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller

Microprocessor CPU is stand-alone, RAM, ROM, I/O, timer are separate designer can decide on the amount of ROM, RAM and I/O ports. expansive versatility general-purpose

Microcontroller CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O and timer are all on a single chip fix amount of on-chip ROM, RAM, I/O ports for applications in which cost, power and space are critical single-purpose

Block Diagram
External interrupts Interrupt Control On-chip ROM for program code

On-chip RAM

Timer 1 Timer 0

Counter Inputs

Serial Port


Bus Control

4 I/O Ports

P0 P1 P2 P3



Pin Description of the 8051

P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 RST (RXD)P3.0 (TXD)P3.1 (INT0)P3.2 (INT1)P3.3 (T0)P3.4 (T1)P3.5 (WR)P3.6 (RD)P3.7 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Vcc P0.0(AD0) P0.1(AD1) P0.2(AD2) P0.3(AD3) P0.4(AD4) P0.5(AD5) P0.6(AD6) P0.7(AD7) EA/VPP ALE/PROG PSEN P2.7(A15) P2.6(A14) P2.5(A13) P2.4(A12) P2.3(A11) P2.2(A10) P2.1(A9) P2.0(A8)

8051 (8031)

Figure (b). Power-On RESET Circuit


+ 10 uF 31 30 pF 11.0592 MHz 8.2 K 30 pF 18 X2 9 RST EA/VPP X1


Port 0 with Pull-Up Resistors


10 K

P0.0 DS5000 P0.1 P0.2 8751 P0.3 P0.4 8951 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7

Port 0

A B R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Some 8051 16-bit Register PC PC DPTR DPH DPL

R7 Some 8-bitt Registers of the 8051

Stack in the 8051

The register used to access the stack is called SP (stack pointer) register. The stack pointer in the 8051 is only 8 bits wide, which means that it can take value 00 to FFH. When 8051 powered up, the SP register contains value 07.
7FH Scratch pad RAM 30H 2FH

Bit-Addressable RAM
20H 1FH 18H 17H 10H 0FH 08H 07H 00H

Register Bank 3 Register Bank 2 (Stack) Register Bank 1 Register Bank 0

Timer: :

Timer :

Interrupt :

Numerical Bases Used in Programming

Hexadecimal Binary BCD

Hexadecimal Basis
Hexadecimal Digits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

A=10 B=11 C=12 D=13 E=14 F=15

Decimal, Binary, BCD, & Hexadecimal Numbers

(43)10= (0100 0011)BCD= ( 0010 1011 )2 = ( 2 B )16

Register Addressing Mode

MOV Rn, A ;n=0,..,7 ADD A, Rn MOV DPL, R6 MOV DPTR, A MOV Rm, Rn

Direct Addressing Mode

Although the entire of 128 bytes of RAM can be accessed using direct addressing mode, it is most often used to access RAM loc. 30 7FH. MOV R0, 40H MOV 56H, A MOV A, 4 MOV 6, 2

; MOV A, R4 ; copy R2 to R6 ; MOV R6,R2 is invalid !

Immediate Addressing Mode

MOV A,#65H

MOV R6,#65H
MOV DPTR,#2343H MOV P1,#65H

SETB bit CLR bit


; bit=1 ; bit=0
; CY=1 ;bit 0 from port 0 =1 ;bit 7 from port 3 =1 ;bit 2 from ACCUMULATOR =1 ;set high D5 of RAM loc. 20h

C P0.0 P3.7 ACC.2 05

CLR instruction is as same as SETB i.e.: CLR C ;CY=0 But following instruction is only for CLR: CLR A ;A=0


byte byte
R7 A 40H

;byte=byte-1 ;byte=byte+1

; [40]=[40]-1

LOOP and JUMP Instructions Conditional Jumps :


Jump if A=0
Jump if A/=0 Decrement and jump if A/=0

CJNE A,byte

Jump if A/=byte
Jump if byte/=#data Jump if CY=1 Jump if CY=0 Jump if bit=1 Jump if bit=0 Jump if bit=1 and clear bit

Call instruction

SETB P0.0 . . CALL UP . . . UP:CLR P0.0 . . RET

Memory Interfacing and I/O interfacing Parallel communication interface Serial communication interface Timer Keyboard /display controller Interrupt controller DMA controller

Programming and applications

Accessing I/O Devices

I/O address mapping

Memory-mapped I/O
Reading and writing are similar to memory read/write Uses same memory read and write signals Most processors use this I/O mapping

Isolated I/O
Separate I/O address space Separate I/O read and write signals are needed Pentium supports isolated I/O

64 KB address space Can be any combination of 8-, 16- and 32-bit I/O ports Also supports memory-mapped I/O

Accessing I/O Devices (contd)

Accessing I/O ports in Pentium

Register I/O instructions


accumulator, port8
Useful to access first 256 ports

; direct format ; indirect format


DX gives the port address

Block I/O instructions

ins and outs

Both take no operands---as in string instructions

ins: port address in DX, memory address in ES:(E)DI outs: port address in DX, memory address in ES:(E)SI We can use rep prefix for block transfer of data

An Example I/O Device


Keyboard controller scans and reports

Key depressions and releases

Supplies key identity as a scan code

Scan code is like a sequence number of the key Keys scan code depends on its position on the keyboard No relation to the ASCII value of the key

Interfaced through an 8-bit parallel I/O port

Originally supported by 8255 programmable peripheral interface chip (PPI)

An Example I/O Device (contd)

8255 PPI has three 8-bit registers
Port A (PA) Port B (PB) Port C (PC)

These ports are mapped as follows

8255 register Port address PA (input port) 60H PB (output port) 61H PC (input port) 62H Command register 63H

An Example I/O Device (contd)

Mapping of 8255 I/O ports

An Example I/O Device (contd)

Mapping I/O ports is similar to mapping memory

Partial mapping Full mapping

See our discussion in Chapter 16

Keyboard scan code and status can be read from port 60H

7-bit scan code is available from


Key status is available from PA7

PA7 = 0 key depressed PA0 = 1 key released

I/O Data Transfer

Data transfer involves two phases

A data transfer phase

It can be done either by

Programmed I/O DMA

An end-notification phase
Programmed I/O Interrupt

Three basic techniques

Programmed I/O DMA Interrupt-driven I/O (discussed in Chapter 20)

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

Programmed I/O

Done by busy-waiting
This process is called polling


Reading a key from the keyboard involves

Waiting for PA7 bit to go low

Indicates that a key is pressed

Reading the key scan code Translating it to the ASCII value Waiting until the key is released

Program 19.1 uses this process to read input from the keyboard

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

Direct memory access (DMA)

Problems with programmed I/O

Processor wastes time polling

In our example Waiting for a key to be pressed, Waiting for it to be released

May not satisfy timing constraints associated with some devices

Disk read or write

Frees the processor of the data transfer responsibility

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

DMA is implemented using a DMA controller

DMA controller
Acts as slave to processor

Receives instructions from processor

Example: Reading from an I/O device

Processor gives details to the DMA controller I/O device number Main memory buffer address Number of bytes to transfer Direction of transfer (memory I/O device, or vice versa)

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

Steps in a DMA operation

Processor initiates the DMA controller

Gives device number, memory buffer pointer,

Called channel initialization

Once initialized, it is ready for data transfer

When ready, I/O device informs the DMA controller

DMA controller starts the data transfer process

Obtains bus by going through bus arbitration Places memory address and appropriate control signals Completes transfer and releases the bus Updates memory address and count value If more to read, loops back to repeat the process

Notify the processor when done

Typically uses an interrupt

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

DMA controller details

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

DMA transfer timing

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

8237 DMA controller

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

8237 supports four DMA channels It has the following internal registers Current address register One 16-bit register for each channel Holds address for the current DMA transfer Current word register Keeps the byte count Generates terminal count (TC) signal when the count goes from zero to FFFFH Command register Used to program 8257 (type of priority, )

I/O Data Transfer (contd)

Mode register
Each channel can be programmed to

Read or write Autoincrement or autodecrement the address Autoinitialize the channel

Request register
For software-initiated DMA

Mask register
Used to disable a specific channel

Status register Temporary register

Used for memory-to-memory transfers

What is a Timer?
A device that uses highspeed clock input to provide a series of time or count-related Counter Register events System Clock 0x1206
Reload on Zero

Clock Divider Interrupt to Processor

Countdown Register I/O Control

Inside the Timer

High Byte
Counter Register
at offsets 0x04, 0x00 (write only)

Low Byte

GO Register
offset 0x08, immediately moves Counter Reg value into Current Counter

Current Counter
(not directly readable by software)

Latch Register
offset 0x0C, write a ``1'' to immediately write Current Counter value to readable Latch Reg

Latched Counter
at offsets 0x04, 0x00 (read only)

Setting the Timer's Counter Registers

Counter is usually programmed to reach zero X times per second

To program the timer to reach zero 100 times per second Example: For a 2 MHz-based timer, 2MHz / 100 = 20,000

#define TIMER1 int time;

time = 2000000 / 100; timer = (timer_p) TIMER1;

Interrupt vs. Polled I/O

Polled I/O requires the CPU to ask a device (e.g. toggle switches) if the device requires servicing For example, if the toggle switches have changed position Software plans for polling the devices and is written to know when a device will be serviced Interrupt I/O allows the device to interrupt the processor, announcing that the device requires attention This allows the CPU to ignore devices unless they request servicing (via interrupts) Software cannot plan for an interrupt because interrupts can happen at any time therefore, software has no idea when an interrupt will occur This makes it more difficult to write code Processors can be programmed to ignore interrupts We call this masking of interrupts Different types of interrupts can be masked (IRQ vs. FIQ)


Program Status Register
31 30 29 28 27 N Z C V 8 7 I 6 F 5 4 3 2 1 0 M4 M3 M2 M1 M0

To disable interrupts, set the corresponding F or I bit to 1 On interrupt, processor switches to FIQ32_mode registers or IRQ32_mode registers

On any interrupt (or) Switch register banks Copy PC and CPSR to R14 and SPSR Change new CPSR mode bits
SWI Trap

Static RAM interfacing. Procedure Configuration. Dynamic RAM interfacing.

I/O Port Interfacing

Steps in Interfacing Methods of interfacing a) I/O Mapped b) Memory Mapped.

PIO 8255
a) b) i) ii) iii) Programmable input output Port. Architecture Signals Modes Of Operation BSR Mode I/O Modes Mode 0(Basic I/O Mode) Mode 1 (Strobed I/O Mode) Mode 2 (Strobed Bidirectional Mode)

Controller 8259
Programmable Interrupt Controller. Architecture and Signal Descriptions Interrupt Sequence . Command word a) Initialization Command word (ICWs). b) Operation Command words. Modes of operation: 1.Nested mode. 2.Fully Nested Mode. 3.Poll mode Automatic EOI Mode.

Display Controller 8279

Output Mode 1)Display Scan 2) Display Entry Command words.

8251 USART
Methods of Data communication a) Simplex b) Duplex c) Half Duplex Architecture Control Word a) Mode Instruction control word b) Command instruction control word

Ramesh S.Gaonkar, Microprocessor - Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, Penram International publishing private limited, fifth edition. (UNIT-1: Chapters 3,5,6 and programming examples from chapters 7-10) A.K. Ray & K.M.Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and peripherals- Architectures, Programming and Interfacing, TMH, 2002 reprint. (UNITS 2 to 5: Chapters 1-6, 7.1-7.3, 8, 16)

Douglas V.Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing: Programming and Hardware, TMH, Third edition Yu-cheng Liu, Glenn A.Gibson, Microcomputer systems: The 8086 / 8088 Family architecture, Programming and Design, PHI 2003 Mohamed Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, The 8051 microcontroller and

embedded systems, Pearson education, 2004.

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