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Development Journal: Unit 2: Teaching

Write concept-checking questions for your class

Look at the example concept questions a teacher has written below. Vocabulary item Concept-checking question 1 Do you eat dinner in the morning or in the evening?


2 Do you eat dinner at school or at home? What kind of things do you eat for dinner? Do you eat cornflakes? Give me examples. 1 n a library do you read a book or play football?


n a library do speak loudly or quietly?

What can you find in a library?

!hoose four items of vocabulary you will be teaching to your class later this term. "dd your questions to the table below.

# $he %ritish !ouncil& '()' $he *nited +ingdom,s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in -ngland as a charity.

Vocabulary item

Concept-checking question 1

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# $he %ritish !ouncil& '()' $he *nited +ingdom,s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in -ngland as a charity.

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