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Title of Proposal in Initial Capital Letters: Times New Roman (18 point Boldface)

Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4

Name of Design Team Department Affiliation, Penn State

Submitted to

Name(s) of Pro e!t Ad"isor or Sponsor

Department Affiliation, Penn State

#$e!uti"e Summar% Statement of Problem &b e!ti"es Te!(ni!al Approa!( )dentif%ing Needs of *ustomers )dentif%ing Target Spe!ifi!ations +enerating Design *on!epts Sele!ting Design *on!ept Pro e!t ,anagement Deli"erables -udget *ommuni!ation and *oordination .it( Sponsor Team /ualifi!ations *on!lusion 0eferen!es Appendi$ A1 02sum2s of Team ,embers Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4 3 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

Exec ti!e " mmar#

)n a (alf page or less, summari3e t(e main reasons for performing t(e design and t(e s!ope of t(e design t(at %our group attends to a!(ie"e4 T%pi!all%, all t(e senten!es in a proposal5s summar% !an be found in one form or anot(er in t(e se!tions t(at follo.4 T(e purpose of t(e #$e!uti"e Summar% is to gi"e t(e reader an o"er"ie. of .(at t(e design need is and .(at design is being proposed to fill t(at need4 -e!ause of its !ontent and lo!ation, t(is se!tion is t(e most .idel% read se!tion of t(e do!ument4 6or t(at reason, t(e se!tion s(ould be .ell .ritten and !arefull% proofread4 7eadings of se!tions are 14 points, flus( left, and boldfa!ed4 8se initial !apitals4 A good t%pefa!e for t(e (eading is Arial, be!ause it (olds boldfa!ing .ell4 To preser"e (ierar!(%, allot t.o line s9ips before t(e (eading and one line s9ip after4 6or a persuasi"e do!ument su!( as a proposal or formal report, %our paragrap(s s(ould a"erage about :;1< lines4 =ou ma% (a"e an o!!asional s(ort paragrap( ( t(an : lines) and an o!!asional long paragrap( (11;1> lines)4 -e !areful about (a"ing paragrap(s t(at go more t(an 1> lines4 )ndent all paragrap(s4 Scientific American, National Geographic, and all ma or boo9 publis(ers in engineering and s!ien!e indent paragrap(s4 =ou s(ould do so as .ell, unless t(e output form of t(e do!ument, su!( as email or t(e ?orld ?ide ?eb, does not support a paragrap( indent4 Also, %ou ma% pla!e a small amount of spa!e, su!( as : points as in t(is do!ument, bet.een paragrap(s, but %ou probabl% s(ould not pla!e more spa!ing t(an t(at4 Too mu!( "erti!al spa!ing bet.een paragrap(s upsets t(e "isual (ierar!(% for t(e (eadings and sub(eadings4

"tatement of Pro$lem
T(is se!tion, sometimes !alled t(e @)ntrodu!tion,A establis(es t(e need for %our design4 +ranted, %our main audien!e in t(e proposal, t(e ad"isor of %our pro e!t, understands t(e need, but t(at audien!e is not %et !on"in!ed t(at %ou full% understand t(e need4 )n t(is se!tion, %ou .ill ma9e assertions about t(e problems t(at (a"e !reated t(e need for t(e design %ou are propoing4 )n %our senior design !ourse, t(ose problems .ill range from redu!ing pollution to (elping "i!tims of spinal in uries to impro"ing t(e durabilit% of parts in gas turbine engines4 Do not ust ma9e t(e assertionsrat(er, ba!9 up t(e assertions .it( e"iden!e4 T(at e"iden!e generall% .ill be referen!e listings from ournal arti!les, boo9s, or ot(er sour!es t(at are .ell respe!ted4 An e$ample .ould be 7oug(ton and ?ood.ell B1C4 T(e e"iden!e !ould also be sur"e%s or testimonies of users4 )n t(is se!tion, %ou t%pi!all% do not dis!uss t(e design solutions t(at %ou propose4 0at(er, %ou establis( t(e problem or problem so t(at .(en %ou dis!uss t(e proposed designs in t(e se!tions, t(e reader is prepared4 Please indent all paragrap(s and do not s9ip a line bet.een paragrap(s in t(e same se!tion or subse!tion4 0at(er, %ou ma% pla!e a little spa!e bet.een paragrap(s as done in t(is template (: points), but %ou probabl% s(ould not pla!e more spa!ing t(an t(at4

%esi&n '$(ecti!es
T(is do!ument proposes)(ere %ou formall% state .(at %ou propose to design4 &ften, t(e design (as t.o to four spe!ifi! ob e!ti"es4 T(ese %ou mig(t !onsider listing "erti!all% as follo.s1 (1) first design ob e!ti"e, (2) se!ond design ob e!ti"e, and (3) t(ird design ob e!ti"e4 A reason t(at a "erti!al list is appropriate (ere is t(at readers often return to t(is se!tion to re"ie. t(ose ob e!ti"es4 7a"ing t(e ob e!ti"e in a "erti!al listing ma9es it easier to find4 )f %our design ob e!ti"es are !ompli!ated and depend on "ariables, !onsider pla!ing t(em into a formal table, .(i!( .ould be introdu!ed b% name1 Table 1, Table 2, and so fort(4 )n t(is se!tion, %ou .ould present te$t t(at dis!usses more full% .(at %ou mean b% t(e different design ob e!ti"es4 T(at e$planation .ould in!lude a dis!ussion of not onl% .(at %ou intend to do, but also a ustifi!ation of .(at %ou .ill not do (in ot(er .ords, .(at %our audien!e mig(t assume t(at %ou .ill do)4 =ou mig(t !onsider (a"ing a paragrap( for ea!( ob e!ti"e4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 4

Note t(at if %ou (a"e done a good ob in t(e @Statement of ProblemA se!tion, t(en all t(e design ob e!ti"es s(ould ma9e sense to t(e audien!e4 A"oid (a"ing more t(an four ob e!ti"es4 Dists more t(an four are often not read4 To a"oid (a"ing more t(an four, %ou mig(t !onsider grouping t.o or more ob e!ti"es4

Tec*nical +pproac*
T(is se!tion dis!usses (o. %ou .ill obtain t(e ob e!ti"es presented in t(e pre"ious se!tion4 T(is plan s(ould follo. a logi!al seEuen!e4 &ne su!( seEuen!e is gi"en in t(e sub(eadings belo.4 Please ma9e sure t(at %ou (a"e a transition paragrap( bet.een t(e (eading @Te!(ni!al Approa!(A and t(e sub(eading @)dentif%ing *ustomer Needs4A Identif#in& C stomer Needs 7ere %ou .ould pla!e paragrap(s t(at e$plain (o. %ou identified t(e needs of t(e !ustomer or (o. %ou .ill identif% t(e needs of t(e !ustomer4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 Identif#in& Tar&et "pecifications 7ere %ou .ould pla!e paragrap(s t(at e$plain (o. %ou targeted t(e spe!ifi!ations or (o. %ou .ill target t(e spe!ifi!ations4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 ,eneratin& %esi&n Concepts 7ere %ou .ould pla!e paragrap(s t(at e$plain (o. %ou generated t(e design !on!epts4 Please identif% all of %our design !on!epts in t(is subse!tion4 =ou mig(t !onsider pla!ing t(ose !on!epts into a table .it( one !olumn gi"ing a s(ort summar% of t(e !on!ept4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 )n t(is subse!tion, %ou s(ould probabl% dis!uss at least t(ree !on!epts, gi"ing per(aps a paragrap( to ea!(4 "electin& %esi&n Concept 7ere %ou .ould pla!e paragrap(s t(at e$plain (o. %ou sele!ted t(e design !on!ept4 )n addition, %ou s(ould also identif% .(at alternati"e design !on!epts %ou (a"e sele!ted for t(e pro e!t4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4


Pro(ect -ana&ement
T(is se!tion presents t(e plan for managing t(e pro e!t4 T(is plan s(ould follo. a logi!al seEuen!e4 Please ma9e sure t(at %ou (a"e a transition paragrap( bet.een t(e (eading @Pro e!t ,anagementA and t(e sub(eading @Deli"erables4A T(at paragrap( s(ould introdu!e and e$plain %our +antt !(art for t(e pro e!t4 An e$ample of su!( a !(art appears in 6igure 14

.i& re 1: +antt !(art for t(e pro e!t4 T(e solid bars indi!ate t(e portions of t(e tas9s t(at (a"e been a!!omplis(ed4

%eli!era$les 7ere %ou .ould pla!e a paragrap( or paragrap(s t(at present t(e deli"erables t(at %ou .ill pro"ide t(e !ustomer4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 B d&et 7ere %ou .ould pla!e a paragrap( or paragrap(s t(at e$plain t(e budget for t(e pro e!t4 )n!lude a table su!( as Table 14 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 Ta$le 1: 0eEuested items and funds for initial design4
Item Fa!uum Pump 6lo. Pump 23L32M Pl%.ood 4N$HN 4M &ndine 0ainma9er A!r%li! Tubing >N (&D HM) MHM 6lange (13M &D) " pplier ,!,aster *arr Nort(ern Tool Do.eNs 7ard.are Smartbargain4!om ,!,aster *arr ,!,aster *arr Catalo& No/ )G;:<H2> *G';:HK none 12KH<H H4H:O:2: OD;#0? 0 antit# 1 1 1 1 1 1 1nit Price I1H344J I13K4KK I244K> I1K4KK I23:4J< I44424 Total Total 2188345 2167375 258396 2:4387 256;396 288358 24;:3:8

Comm nication and Coordination wit* "ponsor

7ere %ou .ould pla!e paragrap(s t(at e$plain (o. %ou .ill !ommuni!ate and !oordinate .it( %our sponsor4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4 Team 0 alifications 7ere %ou .ould pla!e a paragrap( t(at introdu!es t(e Eualifi!ations for t(e team and refers to t(e resumes lo!ated in Appendi$ A4 )n t(is se!tion, %ou s(ould pro"ide a paragrap( for ea!( team member4 Adopt t(e same paragrap(ing format as dis!ussed in pre"ious se!tions4

14 7oug(ton, 0i!(ard A4, and +eorge ,4 ?ood.ell, @+lobal *limati! *(ange,A Scientific American, "ol4 2:<, no4 4 (April 1KHK), pp4 3KP4<4 24 6o$, 04?4, and A4T4 ,!Donald, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (Ne. =or91 Go(n ?ile% Q Sons, 1KJH), pp4 242P24>4 34 Farian *orporation, MSmit(sonian 0esear!(ers 8se 7ig(;Te!( Digital )maging De"i!e to Stud% *olle!tions,M (Palo Alto, *A1 Farian *orporation, 13 6ebruar% 2<<2)4

+ppendix +: R<s m<s of Team -em$ers

T(e pages present one;page r2sum2s of t(e team members for t(is pro e!t4

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