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Excel Add In -- Wconvert. Utility programmed by Shashibhushan Agrawal for www.charteredvaluer.

com Procedure for adding Wconvert Add inn in excel as followFirst unzip the downloaded in suitable director say c:\convert If you are using MS Excel 2007 & above, use following procedure Click Office button (Left upper most corner) --> on drop down menu clikc "Excel Options" ->Select "Add-Inn" menu on Left hand side menu --> on Right Hand side click "Go" button --> Now in open menu click "Browse" --> select "Wconvert.xla" from directory c:\convert where downloaded is already unzipped. -->clikc "OK" if message of Virus or possible threat from macro is flashed, Press "Enable" and continue without any fear as for every add inn excel checks the same. Now wconver add-inn is available in excel. Write any number in any cell say "454545" in D7. Now put cursor in any cell say H20. Just like normal formula write "=wconvert(D7)" For any difficulty please post your problem from our web site or send mail on

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