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Strategic Priorities 2008-09

As stated in our strategic plan, Georgian College’s vision is to be recognized:

 for the enriched learning experience provided for students

 for teaching excellence, essential to a learning-centered environment
 for the relevancy and currency of our programs and services
 as the key postsecondary hub in central Ontario
 as a leading fundraising organization by our staff, students, alumni, volunteers
and community stakeholders, and
 for viability and sustainability over time and across all parts of the College.

To support this vision, the current strategic plan identifies priorities for 2006-2010 under
the headings of “programs”, “people”, “place” and “performance”. To ensure
sustainability and academic excellence through 2008-09 in these four key areas, our
strategic priorities for the coming year are:

 ensure sustainability for all aspects of Georgian by:

o expanding the implementation of our Health and Wellness framework
o providing our staff with the skills and knowledge to be successful in
their jobs through professional development activities in accordance
with individual development plans
o expanding our commitment to environmental issues, in particular by
increasing waste diversion rates, promoting environmental literacy
across all academic programs, and promoting resource conservation
o enhancing security at all campus locations for students, staff and

 while maintaining the quality of programs and services, grow our enrolment
o new program development and program renewal
o innovative marketing and recruitment strategies based on research
o focused retention strategies
o ensuring that efficient processes and structures are developed to
support growth in part-time studies
o providing pathways and targeted services for traditional and non-
traditional learners.

 significantly increase fundraising - through advocacy, industry and community

partnerships, and government support - in order to sustain the resources
required to fulfill the College’s mission.

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