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O**'+E O* T&E ,'+E (RE%'DENT

MEMORANDUM 001-1415 TO : The Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan Community RE : Temporary Leave of Absence for the Psychiatric Nursing Experience DATE : ! Apri" #$ %

&n the #$th day of Apri" to 'rd day of (ay #$ %) * +i"" be on "eave as * +i"" have my Psychiatric Nursing Experience ,academic purpose- +hich +i"" be he"d at the .outhern Phi"ippine (edica" Center ,former"y /avao (edica" Center-0 The Psychiatric Nursing Experience is one of the ma1or sub1ects of the third year "eve" +hich is part of the 2LE 2e"ated Nursing Experience re3uirement of the Enhanced 4.N Program0 And so) this experience serves as our duty for the summer0 *n my absence) Ms. Maryza Rotchanne D. Qui !at) Chief of .taff of the C.5 &ffice of the 6ice President) +i"" act as the officer-in-charge on matters affecting my ro"e as the Executive 6ice President in our student government0 .hou"d you have concerns or 3ueries) you can contact (s0 7uib"at at $8#99998!'$0 :or "egis"ative concerns ,# st /irectorate-) you can address it to the Legis"ative .ecretary) Mr. Re""ie A. #a$era0 ;ou can reach him at $8 98<$8#8%0 *n service and exce""ence)

%&ARMA'NE MAE (. #O)'DO Executive 6ice-President Centra" .tudent 5overnment .0;0 #$ %-#$ ! Xavier University = Ateneo de Cagayan

2oom #$!-#$>) #?: .tudent Center 4ui"ding) Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan) Corra"es .t0) Cagayan de &ro City 8$$$ Emai"@ csgxuAyahoo0com B :acebooC@ http@??+++0facebooC0com?C.50XU B Contact Number@ ,$<<##- 9#-' > or ,$<<- <!<-' > "oca" ''$!

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