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South Asia/India Study Guide

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Know the locations of the countries and physical features of S. Asia Know your vocabulary terms and definitions. Who were the Mughals? Why were there tensions between the Mughals and the Hindus at first? Who is Babur? Who is he a descendent of? Who is Akbar? What is his reign known for? What is the Taj Mahal? Who built it? Why is it important? Who was the first European to set up trade with Asia? What is the British East India Company and what did they do? What are the pros and cons of the British colonizing India? What was the purpose of the Indian National Congress? Who was Mohandas K. Gandhi? What were his beliefs? What is the Salt March What happened to Gandhi after gaining independence in India? What was the goal of the Muslim League? Were they successful? What year did India gain independence? Why were they able to finally succeed in forcing the British out? Who was the first Prime Minister of India? Who was the first female Prime Minister of India? What type of government does India have? What is the difference between common law and personal law? What is the importance of the Indian flag? What do the colors and symbols represent? What new liberties did the constitution of India give to the people that had not been in place before independence? Describe the Panchayat System of India. What is unique about Pakistans government system? When did Pakistan become a country? Before Pakistan became a republic, who was in control of the government? Describe each of the economic systems: a. *Market b. *Command c. *Traditional d. *Mixed Whats the difference between a Absolute Monarchy and a Constitutional Monarchy? What type of economy would the United States fall into? Why? Be able to categorize what government systems and economic systems would go together and be able to justify why you think so.

28. 29. 30.

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