Exemplu Test FIZICA

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Exemplu subiect examen FIZICA

1) The position vector of a particle is given as:

r r r r r (t ) = 3t 2 i 4tj + 5k


a) Calculate the velocity an the acceleration vector !1p) b) Calculate the average velocity vector of that particle bet"een the time instants t1 = 1s an

t2 = 2 s !1p)
#) Calculate the "or$ pro uce by a force

r r r F = x3 i 4 x j !%)

acting on an ob&ect if it isplaces '%() along '*+axis bet"een x1 = 1m an x2 = 2m , !1p) -) The elongation of a harmonic oscillator of mass m = 0.1 kg is:

x(t ) = 0.1cos(400 t + / 2) (m) Calculate the parameters of the oscillatory motion ! A, , T , ) an its total energy of

oscillation, In icate e measuring units... !1p) /) 0tarting from the formula for the "ave function

( x, t ) = A cos(t kx)

erive the secon or er ifferential e1uation having as a solution the above formula !hint: use successive erivatives) !1p) 2) The intensity of the soun pro uce by a single soun source at a istance of 31 4 1m is I1 = 10 3W / m 2 , Calculate the soun level pro uce by n415 such i entical sources locate in the same position at a istance of 3# 4 155m from their location, !I5415+1#67m#) !1p) 8) 9ra" the electric fiel lines aroun a negative point charge 1 an in icate the formula for the electric fiel intensity pro uce by that charge at a istance r from it, !1p) :) The thermoelectric tension in a thermocouple varies as a function of temperature accor ing "ith the table belo": t!oC) 21 228 85 888 E!m;) 5,5,2 1,1 1,/ 1,: #,1 a) ma$e a graphical representation E4E!t) !5,2p) b) calculate the thermocouple<s constant !5,2p) %ota examen4punctele obtinute la test=#p pentru pre>enta seminar !asa cum am anuntat la inceputul semestrului)

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