Modelo de Curriculum Vitae en Ingles

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Daniela Howard

July 3, 1987 +34 65547097 dan_howard@hotmail !om "ationality# $n%ola

&'(e!ti)e *du!ation

Looking for a position such as product marketing, channel management, pre-sales, post-sales.

+ ,! *le!troni! *n%ineerin% (5 year degree)

Escola de Engenharia Cacuaco, Angola.



English mother language level Portuguese mother language panish intermediate

/ro0e..ional *12erien!e
,un,et ,tudent /artner, SunSet Angola. !esponsi"le for leading the technology discussion in #ngolan universities $e% &echnologies and 'nnovation #rea. !esponsi"le for engaging developers %ith the latest un et Platform. #ssisted in "uilding the strategy of (oors Phone launch for student-developers. )inished the final step in a short period of time, achieving applications developed for (oors Phone a"ove the target. *onnected %ith other students and faculties to ensure that the communication and events %ould "e delivered at the optimal time efficiency for all involved. 3hannel 4ana%ement 5ntern, SunSet Angola. !esponsi"le for strategy and e+ecution of programs that focus on a%areness and adoption of ne% un et &echnologies "y partners $e% &echnologies and 'nnovation #rea.

2011end of year

,anaged initiatives %ith partners to develop solutions "ased on un et Platformand-or upgrade their e+isting solutions to the latest version of un et &echnologies. !eceived 6orld,un,et $ward for highest num"er of successful solutions. Provided communication and %orkshops for more than .5// partners. (eveloped a strong net%ork in oft%are 'ndustry in #ngola. 0orked %ith the follo% technologies1 (oors #2ure, harePoint, (oors erver 3//4 !3, 5L erver 3//4 and (oors 6.


*n%ineerin% 5ntern, AlcaFon Angola. (During my studies) 'ntern Post ales Engineering of the largest telephony operations account.


#ssisted in preparing ,ethod of Procedures to make easier and safe the upgrade-installation of the ne% technologies "y technical 7rd Party. #ssisted in managing telephony net%orks and identifying ne% opportunities to crosssell.

/ro0e..ional ,7ill.

,atla", ,icrostation, (elphi, #ssem"ly, *8, un et 9ffice Package.

*1tra8!urri!ular a!ti)itie.

E+change Programs o !esidence in :; to study English for 7 months o !esidence in pain to practice panish for . month o !esidence in :; to %ork e+perience for 7 months

2006 200 200!

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