Dusting Storyboardtemplate

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Name: Mario Wallace Title: Dusting Training Objectives: Teach housekeepers the harmful effects of dust and dusting

procedures at UAMS

Slide Title / Number Title Slide

Images / Graphics

Narration / Script Notes Introductor! slide that of the as!nchronous training that informs the learner of the training topic"

Slide #

Notes Images of dust bunnies and a $orking definition of it"

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Notes Images of the affects dust on the ph!siolog! of the human organs and the en&ironment"

Slide '

Notes An image of e(ample of &arious composition of dust and the harmful causes to the en&ironment

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Notes Dusting apparatuses and the process of high &s" lo$ dusting

Slide *

Notes +(ample of t$o t!pes of chemicals used for dusting and an e(planation of ho$ to use the chemicals

Slide ,

Notes T!pes of surfaces that $ill be dusted at the institution- dusting should be performed using &ertical or hori.ontal motions


Notes Interacti&e ps!chological 0ui. that assess information retention"

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