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Amrita School of Engineering (ASE), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Campus Hiring Template

1.0 Company Name Address! National Instruments India, Salrpuria Soft Zone, Varthur Hobli, Bangalore. UR !""".ni.#om $.0 "osition#Title#$esignation! %ppli#ation &ngineer '.0 Num%er of &pen "ositions # 'ocations! Bangalore ()* "roposed +o% "rofile! (ro)ide high *ualit+ te#hni#al assistan#e and support to NI,s "ide net"or- of #ustomers in India and help them su##essfull+ build appli#ations in di)erse domains, .ondu#t professional te#hni#al training on NI produ#ts .ondu#t seminars and attend tradesho"s Responsible for demonstrating and #onfiguring )irtual instrumentation s+stems to e/isting and ne" #ustomers ,)* -e.uired Educational /ualifications ($egree#0ranch) ("lease stri1e out inapplica%le courses)! ,)2 3nder45raduate! 0 Tech (ECE # EEE 0.$ .... ,)7 Eligi%ility4 C5"A (on 2* points scale)4 1.0 Standing#"ending Arrear4 No current Arrears 8)* Any &ther "re4re.uisites # "references, e)g) s1ill set re.uired! 8)2 Technical! $omain 9nowledge#0asic "rogramming S1ill 8): H-! 8)7 5eneral (stri1e out inapplica%le)4 Communication#'ogical reasoning# /A ;)* Selection "rocess # "rocedure # < of Calendar $ays -e.d for 6nter=iew! 2"o da+s in the "ee- starting on 1'th %ug $01$ # E6E )

.3(% .utoff4 5ritten 2est 6%ptitude7 3roup 8is#ussion 2e#hni#al (resentation Rounds of Inter)ie"s >)* Compensation "rofile! CTC! 9:10 (%
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