The Death Car: Reading Comprehension (Intermediate)

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Reading comprehension (Intermediate)

Read the text and answer the questions:

The Death Car

It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the Harrisons' daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was playing classical music. They were about five miles from their destination when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement: "The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago. He is described as large, very strong and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked, and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely." Marie shivered. "A crazy killer. And he's out there somewhere. That's scary." "Don't worry about it," said her husband. "We're nearly there now. Anyway, we have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for some reason - it must be that old problem with the carburetor. If it gets any worse, we'll have to stay at the Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow." As he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely. Just as they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree. "Blast!" said George angrily. "Now we'll have to walk in the rain." "But that'll take us an hour at least," said Marie. "And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on. They'll be ruined!" "Well, you'll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. Someone can come out and pick us up," said George. "But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out there! You can't leave me alone here!" "You'll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you. When I come back, I'll knock three times on the door. Then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks." George opened the door and slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared into the blackness. Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait. She was frightened and worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car. Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then she heard three slow knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her husband? Should she open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was not her husband. It was somebody -- or something -- else. She was shaking with fear, but she forced herself to lie still. The knocking continued -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

Many hours later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a moment. The knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do. Where was George? Why had he not come for her? Suddenly, she heard the sound of three or four vehicles, racing quickly down the road. All of them pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Someone had come! Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window. The three vehicles were all police cars, and two still had their lights flashing. Several policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He took her by the hand. "Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle. miss. You're safe now. Look straight ahead. Keep looking at the police car. Don't look back. Just don't look back." Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help herself. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty vehicle. George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

Multiple choice questions: Correct answers are bold and highlighted in RED 1. Where were the Winstons going when this incident happened? a) home b) to Colford Mental Hospital c) to a party d) to the police station 2. What was the reason for the news announcement on the radio? a) Six people, including John Downey, had been murdered. b) A dangerous prisoner had escaped. c) The police were warning of accidents on the roads in the bad weather. d) Some people had been seen acting strangely in the Cheshire area. 3. What did George think was causing the trouble with the car? a) the carburetor b) the rain drumming on the roof c) the accelerator d) he had no idea

4. Why did he pull the car off the road?

a) to have a rest b) to go for a walk c) to walk to the nearest house d) it broke down

5. Why did Marie stay in the car when George left?

a) She was afraid to go out in the dark. b) So no-one would steal the car. c) Her clothes weren't suitable for the rain. d) She wanted to get some sleep.

6. Where did George set off to walk to?

a) the Mental Hospital b) the nearest house c) the Harrisons' house d) the police station

7. What made Marie so frightened as a) There was a strange sound she waited in the car? coming from the roof. b) She could see a man acting strangely outside the car. c) Some police cars came racing down the road. d) She was afraid of the rain and the dark. 8. Why did the policeman tell her not a) He didn't want her to see to look back when he brought her out the body of her husband. of the car? b) The killer was waiting behind her. c) He wanted her to forget everything that had happened during the night. d) He didn't want her to see the damage done to the car. 9. Marie says, "There's a homicidal a) terrible storm

maniac out there!" What does "homicidal maniac" mean?

b) busy road c) crazy killer d) policeman

10. In "Several policemen leapt out," a) threw "leapt" means b) jumped c) shouted d) drove

Reading comprehension (Advanced)

Read the text and answer the questions:
Pulp Friction Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares -- more than the land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear-cut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it. Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp. Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fiber which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For many centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been possible without hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibers, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests.

However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant, so useful for fiber, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning of the cultivation not only of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fiber-producing hemp plant. Although both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp in large quantities on their own land, any American growing the plant today would soon find himself in prison -- despite the fact that marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the drug). In recent years, two major movements for legalization have been gathering strength. One group of activists believes that ALL cannabis should be legal -- both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant -- and that the use of the drug marijuana should not be an offense. They argue that marijuana is not dangerous or addictive, and that it is used by large numbers of people who are not criminals but productive members of society. They also point out that marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. The other legalization movement is concerned only with the hemp plant used to produce fiber; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fiber for paper and pulp production. This second group has had a major triumph recently: in 1997, Canada legalized the farming of hemp for fiber. For the first time since 1938, hundreds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp and paper produced from this new source. 1. How long does it take for 100 hectares of rainforest to be destroyed? a) c) less than two minutes two hours b) about an hour d) a day 2. Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada? a) Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood. b) Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and books. c) Pulp and paper export is a major source of income for Canada.

3. Who is suggesting that pulp and paper could be produced without cutting down trees? a) c) the logging industry the environmental lobby b) the government

4. Why was the plant hemp essential to world-wide trade in the past? a) Ships' ropes were made from it.

b) Hemp was a very profitable export. c) Hemp was used as fuel for ships. d) Hemp was used as food for sailors. 5. Why do agriculturalists think that hemp would be better for paper production than trees? a) c) It is cheaper to grow hemp than to cut down trees. Hemp produces higher quality paper. b) More paper can be produced from the same area of land.

6. When was hemp production banned in Canada? a) 1930 b) 1960 c) 1996 d) 1938 7. Why was hemp banned? a) It is related to the marijuana plant. b) It can be used to produce marijuana. c) It was no longer a useful crop. d) It was destructive to the land. 8. What chemical ingredient of cannabis plants is a powerful drug? a) c) Fibre THC b) Marijuana

9. True or false: Some activists believe that both marijuana and hemp should be legal. a) True b) False 10. True or false: Canada has just legalized marijuana. a) True b) False

This is a multiple-choice exercise on some of the vocabulary from the reading passage.
1. "Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields." What does "equivalent to" mean? a) b) c) more than less than the same as

2. "In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clearcut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct." What does "clearcut" mean? a) b) c) a few trees have been cut down many trees have been cut down all the trees have been cut down

3. "Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the govenment and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it." What does "reluctant" mean? a) doesn't want to b) c) is not allowed to would like to

4. "According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees." What does "proponents" mean? a) b) c) people who are against something people who support something people in charge of something

5. "In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force." What does "gather force" mean? a) appear b) c) get stronger get weaker

6. "One group of activists believes that ALL cannabis should be legal." What does "activists" mean? a) b) c) people trying to change something people against the government people who smoke marijuana

Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form:
1. Jack decided on chicken instead of _______ steak. a. b. c. d. to order ordered ordering order

2. I'm interested in ________ films by Alfred Hitchcock. a. b. c. d. watching to watch watches watch

3. She really wants _______ in England. a. b. c. d. study to study studying studied

4. I asked her ______ the door. a. open b. opening c. to open d. opened 5. Linda seems ready -______ Frank a. to help b. helping c. helps

c. helped ___________________________________________________________

Prepositions of place (Lower intermediate) Choose the best answer for each blank. (In, on, at)
1. The label is _______ the bottle. a. b. c. d. in on at

2. Jack is waiting _______ the bottom of the stairs. a. b. c. in on at

3. Our seats are ______ the third row. a. in b. on c. at 4. a. b. c. Turn left _______the lights. in on at

5. He's sitting ______ the chair next to the piano. a. in b. on c. at

Prepositions of place (Lower intermediate) Choose the correct prepositions for the following blanks.
1. He lives _____ New York. a. in b. at

c. to d. nothing 2. She went _____ home. a. b. c. d. in at to nothing

3. I work _____ Seattle a. b. c. d. in at to nothing

4. He went _____ his friend's house. a. b. c. d. in at to nothing

5. I'm going to stay ______home this weekend. a. b. c. d. in at to nothing

Grammar Questions ( Intermediate )

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.
1. I __________________ TV when the telephone rang. a. watched b. was watching c. are watching 2. I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I've _______ eaten lunch. a. yet b. still c. already 3. My mother let me __________ late when I was a child.

a. stay out b. to stay out c. staying out 4. Would you like _____ chicken? a. any b. one c. some 5. He has _____ friends in Chicago. a. few of b. much c. few 6.She _______ lunch by the time we arrived. a. finished b. is finished c. had finished 7. What shall we do tonight? How about _______ a film? a. to see b. seeing c. see 8. ______ you ever _____ to Hollywood? a. Did you ever go b. Have you ever went c. Are you ever gone 9. Have you finished your homework _____? a. already b. yet c. still 10. Does he like to go ______ in the sea or the pool? a. swims b. swimming b. swims

Phrasal Verbs

Choose the word or phrase that means the same as the phrasal verb used. (Upper Intermediate)
1. He has gone through a lot over the past two years. a. has experienced b. has traveled c. has done 2. He mustered up enough to go to the horror film. a. have good grades b. gather courage c. make money 3. He gobbled up the turkey before I could have any. a. cooked b. threw away c. finished eating 4. He is going to have to face up to his past. a. accept b. explain c. forget 5. I would appreciate it if you could stick up for me the next time we see your mother. a. introduce b. help with the work c. defend 6. Let's put off that meeting to next Monday. a. postpone b. schedule c. arrange 7. Let's put David down. It'll be fun. a. invite b. influence c. criticize 8. I have a great program that weeds out unwanted files. a. replaces b. deletes

c. finds

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. (Intermediate)

1. What _________________ do at work? a. must you b. have you to c. do you have to 2. I wonder if ________________________ yet. a. has the letter arrived b. the letter has arrived c. has arrived the letter 3. Do you really want to __________ that meeting until tomorrow? a. put off b. put until c. put on 4. I'm hungry! Just a moment, I ______ you a sandwich. a. I'll make b. 'm going to make c. 'm making 5. _________________, we won't have much to talk about. a. If not he comes b. Unless he comes c. Since he comes 6. Oh, look at those clouds! It ___________ rain a. will rain b. is c. 's going to 7. How is he? - Frank, oh he's _______. a. fine b. quite handsome c. interesting 8. Jack told her that he __________________ the next day. a. is coming

b. is going to come c. was going to come 9. He will meet you ______________ the station at seven o'clock. a. front of b. next c. in front of

Chose the incorrect word or phrase (upper Intermediate):

1. "Don't (A) disturbing (B) her, she's trying (C) to finish (D) her new book." 2. Yesterday we've been (A) to (B) the (C) cinema and then we've had (D)a drink. 3. When he arrived (A) the (B) film started (C) so he missed (D) the first ten minutes. 4. I was listening (A) to (B) radio (C) when they had arrived (D). 5. "The train leaves (A) at (B) 8.30 so make (C) sure you're dont (D) late."

Choose the correct meaning for the following words. (Advanced Level)
1. Apart (adv) a. b. c. d. When people or thing arent together. A time where there isnt a lot or enough money or food. Parts for machines. Still alive.

2. Break down (v) a. b. c. d. Survive. Get smaller. To stop working correctly. A piece of office furniture.

3. Famine (n) a. b. c. d. a woman no rain Food and water for everyone. A time when there isnt enough or a lot of food for people.

4. Keep an eye on someone (idiom) a. b. c. d. To let someone wear a blue eye on their neck. To keep watch on someone. To give advice on how to take care of the eyes. To let someone keep their eye

5. Surviving (adj)

a. Get bigger b. Still pretty c. Still alive d. Still small 6. Filling cabinet (n) a. A piece of office furniture for keeping important papers. b. A Piece of house furniture for keeping clothes. c. A piece of house furniture to sit on. d. A piece of office furniture to put the computer on. 7. Shrinking (adj) a. getting larger b. getting thinner c. getting smaller d. getting smarter 8. Alternate (v) a. cry b. keep the same c. Break down. d. change regularly 9. Occur (v) a. happen b. Not take place c. correct d. get in shape 10. Bureaucracy (n) a. Work in the house b. Families c. Office work/ paper work d. Governments

Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. It's a great flat. It's near the shops and there's a bus stop opposite so it's very______ a. bare b. spacious c. convenient d. light

2. I think I've been using the computer for too long - my wrist __________ really badly. a. aches b. sore c. hurt d. pain

3. John _____________ that the last bus left at 8.30. a. gave up b. looked after c. looked for d. found out

4. I think I need some new jeans - these ones are so old and __________. a. faded b. tight c. plain d. striped

5. There are some cold drinks in the __________. Help yourself. a. sink b. closet c. fridge d. shower

6. They've got a beautiful __________ on the floor that they bought in Egypt. a. ashtray b. rug c. rocking chair d. fireplace

7. Stand with your feet apart and __________ your arms above your head. a. lower b. touch c. raise d. turn

8. We've only been living there a month and we haven't bought much furniture yet so the apartment is still a bit __________. a. bare b. untidy c. sunny d. spacious

9. If you think __________, things often go better for you. a. best b. well c. ideally d. positively

10. Sue's parents died when she was very young and she was __________ by a couple from France. a. emigrated b. adopted c. engaged d. married

Structure (advanced)
Chose the incorrect word or phrase:
1. Mary, a great (a) working, (b) is going (c) to be a manager (d) soon. 2. The cars transported (b) from boat (c) arrived earlier than (d) expected. 3. The baby (a) cry is my (b) sister's son, he is (c) very sick and has to (d) go to the hospital.

4. (a) His house is (b) bigger his (c) friend's, but his friend's house is in a (d) nicer area. 5. The wall (a) was painted (b) yesterday is (c) dry now and (d) can be decorated. 6. Popular belief in the United States is that (a) an early life of hardship and poverty (b) made Abraham Lincoln (c) to be the great leader (d) he was.

7. The architecture exhibited in the Empire State Building and (a) conveyed us an idea of the (b) prevailing attitudes of the day (c) is important for the historical and cultural value (d) it represents.

8. The architecture (a) of the ancient (b) Greeks inspired the creation of the (c) most greatest buildings of the Renaissance (d) era. 9. The vibrant (a) colors of the Northern Lights (b) are (c) considering to be one of the most spectacular (d) sights in nature.

Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. (advanced)

1. Please ask Mr Smith if I ...... him next week. a. am seeing b. see c. will be seen d. can be seeing 2. You ...... to register for this course. a. mustnt b. shouldnt c. dont need d. can have 3. We have been working hard. Let's ...... a break. a. do

b. take c. make d. find 4. As you drive down the road, take the ......, and you will see his house ahead. a. left second turn b. left turn c. second turn left d. left turning 5. ...... you paid me twice the salary, I wouldn't take that job. a. although b. despite c. though d. even if

1. Mr Jones ...... the company since 1990 A. runs B. is running C. has run D. ran 2. ..... his parents allow him or not, John intends to go to the party. a. Whether b. While c. Although d. Despite 3. ..... people know the town better than old Jake here. a. The few b. Few c. Only the few d. Only few 4. You must boil those vegetables before .... in the stew. a. using them b. using c. their used d. the use

6. ..... knows that Dallas is not the capital of Texas. a. Anyone b. Not everyone c. Many persons

d. Some body 7. The first congress .... in 1776. a. were held b. was hold c. took place d. took over 8. If we are in town we ..... go to the cinema. a. should to b. might as well c. do have to d. used to

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