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Candace Middleton Name

HLAC 1096-47 Course

15-Apr-14 Date

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each o t!e ollo"in#$
1% W!at did &ou learn a'out (li elon# "ellness) rom ta*in# t!is acti+it& class, -rom ta*in# -itness or Li e. / "as 'etter a'le to understand t!e components t!at ma*e someone !ealt!&% /t is a 'alance 'et"een eatin# ri#!t and dail& p!&sical acti+it&% /ndi+iduals need to ma*e reasona'le #oals and *eep trac* o t!eir pro#ress in order to pro#ress "it! t!eir #oals% W!en people are ma*in# t!ese #oals t!e& s!ould also 'e speci ic and ac!ie+a'le% W!en a person attains t!eir #oal t!e& s!ould re"ard t!emsel+es% 0% Ho" "ould &ou appl& t!is in ormation to &our li e, 1& ta*in# -itness or Li e / !a+e 'een a'le to appl& t!e concepts t!at / !a+e learned and use t!em in m& li e% /n t!e past mont!s / !a+e 'een e2ercisin# more re#ularl&% / !a+e also 'een "atc!in# "!at / eat% / !a+e made reasona'le #oals t!at / "ant to ac!ie+e and !a+e made a plan to #et t!ere%

3% W!at is &our intention to continue to e2ercise in &our li e and "!&, / "ant to continue to e2ercise re#ularl& in m& li e% / eel li*e "!en / e2ercise / eel 'etter not onl& in t!e inside 'ut / also !a+e more con idence% / !a+e notice a di erence in m& mood and attitude. a ter / e2ercise. / eel more !app& and 4ali+e%4 / !ope soon to 'e a'le to run a#ain and 'e a'le to run a mile in under ten minutes%

4% 5eneral ideas or impro+in# t!is course, 6ome ideas / !a+e to impro+e -itness or Li e class "ould 'e to ocus more on disease and illness t!at someone could #et i t!e& do not maintain a !ealt!& li e% / *no" "!en / stud& and learn a'out diseases / am moti+ated a ton. 'ecause / do not t!ose t!in#s !appenin# to me% 7+er all / reall& en8o&ed t!is class% / t!ou#!t it "as +er& in ormati+e and #a+e me moti+ation 'e !ealt!ier all around%

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