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During the British Colonialism in India the destruction of images of homosexual expression and sexual expression in general became more systematic and blatant. T'he homophobic and Victorian puritanical values regarded the display of explicit sexual images as 'pornographic and evil'. The Western view, since the time of Colonial expansion, has been strongly influenced by reproductive assumption about sexuality. These puritanical values and attitudes were in turn mapped into the interpretation of sexual activity among colonial people which is evident from the responses to all forms of 'unnatural' sexual practices. The Indian psyche accepted the Western 'moral and psychological' idea of sexuality being 'pathological' rather than the natural expression of desire, which once used to be part of Indian culture.Some have argued that viewing and treating homosexual persons this way marked a stark departure from the Indian societys traditional attitude towards nonnormative sexual identities and behaviours, and emerging historical evidence in recent years has suggested that India has a long history of acceptance towards queer sexualities.This is not to say that India was uniformly and always egalitarian vis--vis sexual minorities, but that non-normative sexual orientations could be accepted without prejudice and that when they faced disapproval, it was seldom uncompromising.

Section 377 has had a deep impact on the individual lives

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