Major Writing Assignment: Sociology 1000

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Major Writing Assignment

Sociology 1000
Expectation and Key Characteristics
The Sociological Imagination Sociologists observe human behavior and they ask questions about what the forcesthat drive certain patterns in that behavior. C. Wright Mills (1 ! " says that the task#promise of the Sociological $magination is that it enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. Writing in sociology demands that you use a sociological perspective that views human behavior as mediated% shaped% and influenced by different institutions. Stating a Clear Thesis &sing the perspective mentioned above% you are required to form an argument whose thesis is supported by scholarly evidence. 'hus% in your writing% you must be clear in( stating your thesis% forming e)planations and analysis% and drawingconclusions that are grounded on strong evidence. *or each claim% you must consider the question( how do $ know this+ Other Important Notes $n general% personal anecdotes are not good evidence for a sociological argument. ,es% a few assignments may have the room to incorporate personal e)amples% but this assignment is notone of those. 'hat said% you can bring your personal stories% provided they are pertinent to your thesis. -gain% be sure to check the connection between your personal anecdotes and this assignment topic. Assignment Topic
()ocioeconomic )tatus and C#ass in the *nited )tates+
Before turning in:

*or this assignment% you need to take following factors into consideration( . The class system of the United States and its major determinant .i.e. what constitute social classes in the U.S.? Consequences of social class .i.e. what affect does social class ha e in our life. !yth and reality of mo"ility in the United States# or in other words# the pattern of social mo"ility in the United States.

.'he assignment should be typed,Times New Roman,1 ! point font, dou"#e!spaced, and $!% pages& . &se appropriate reference sty#e& . Check your final product against my grading ru"ric. . /equired readings other than your te)t book are posted in B#ac'"oard& .,our main idea should be

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Extra credit ,uestion( Which theoretical perspective% in your view% best e)plains -merican social class+ &se your own 0ustification and write an additional Since this is the not the focus of your assignment% it1s up to you whether you want to include this or not.

clearly presented in the first paragraph of the writing.

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