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The Man Who Didn't Believe in Love

I WANT TO TELL YOU A VERY OLD STORY ABOUT the man who didn't believe in love Thi! wa! an o"dina"# man $%!t li&e #o% and me' b%t what made thi! man !(e)ial wa! hi! wa# o* thin&in+, -e tho%+ht love doe!n't e.i!t O* )o%"!e' he had a lot o* e.(e"ien)e t"#in+ to *ind love' and he had ob!e"ved the (eo(le a"o%nd him M%)h o* hi! li*e had been !(ent !ea")hin+ *o" love' onl# to *ind that love didn't e.i!t Whe"eve" thi! man went' he %!ed to tell (eo(le that love i! nothin+ b%t an invention o* the (oet!' an invention o* "eli+ion! $%!t to mani(%late the wea& mind o* h%man!' to have )ont"ol ove" h%man!' to ma&e them believe -e !aid that love i! not "eal' and that'! wh# no h%man )o%ld eve" *ind love even tho%+h he mi+ht loo& *o" it Thi! man wa! hi+hl# intelli+ent' and he wa! ve"# )onvin)in+ -e "ead a lot o* boo&!' he went to the be!t %nive"!itie!' and he be)ame a "e!(e)ted !)hola" -e )o%ld !tand in an# (%bli) (la)e' in *"ont o* an# &ind o* (eo(le' and hi! lo+i) wa! ve"# !t"on+ What he !aid wa! that love i! $%!t li&e a d"%+/ it ma&e! #o% ve"# hi+h' b%t it )"eate! a !t"on+ need Yo% )an be)ome hi+hl# addi)ted to love' b%t what ha((en! when #o% don't "e)eive #o%" dail# do!e! o* love0 1%!t li&e a d"%+' #o% need #o%" eve"#da# do!e! -e %!ed to !a# that mo!t "elation!hi(! between love"! a"e $%!t li&e a "elation!hi( between a d"%+ addi)t and the one who ("ovide! the d"%+! The one who ha! the bi++e!t need i! li&e the d"%+ addi)t/ the one who ha! a little need i! li&e the ("ovide" The one who ha! the little need i! the one who )ont"ol! the whole "elation!hi( Yo% )an !ee thi! d#nami) !o )lea"l# be)a%!e %!%all# in eve"# "elation!hi( the"e i! one who love! the mo!t and the othe" who doe!n't love' who onl# ta&e! advanta+e o* the one who +ive! hi! o" he" hea"t Yo% )an !ee the wa# the# mani(%late ea)h othe"' thei" a)tion! and "ea)tion!' and the# a"e $%!t li&e the ("ovide" and the d"%+ addi)t The d"%+ addi)t' the one who ha! the bi++e!t need' live! in )on!tant *ea" that (e"ha(! he will not be able to +et the ne.t do!a+e o* love' o" the d"%+ The d"%+ addi)t thin&!' 2What am I +oin+ to do i* !he leave! me02 That *ea" ma&e! the d"%+ addi)t ve"# (o!!e!!ive 2That'! mine32 The addi)t be)ome! $ealo%! and demandin+' be)a%!e the *ea" o* not havin+ the ne.t do!a+e The ("ovide" )an )ont"ol and mani(%late the one who need! the d"%+ b# +ivin+ mo"e do!e!' *ewe" do!e!' o" no do!e! at all The one who ha! the bi++e!t need )om(letel# !%""ende"! and will do whateve" he )an to avoid bein+ abandoned The man went on e.(lainin+ to eve"#one wh# love doe!n't e.i!t 2What h%man! )all 4love' i! nothin+ b%t a *ea" "elation!hi( ba!ed on )ont"ol Whe"e i! the "e!(e)t0 Whe"e i! the love the# )laim to have0 The"e i! no love Yo%n+ )o%(le!' in *"ont o* the "e("e!entation o* 5od' in *"ont o* thei" *amil# and *"iend!' ma&e a lot o* ("omi!e! to ea)h othe", to live to+ethe" *o"eve"' to love and "e!(e)t ea)h othe"' to be the"e *o" ea)h othe"' th"o%+h the +ood time! and the bad time! The# ("omi!e to love and hono" ea)h othe"' and ma&e ("omi!e! and mo"e ("omi!e! What i! ama6in+ i! that

the# "eall# believe the!e ("omi!e! B%t a*te" the ma""ia+e 7one wee& late"' a month late"' a *ew month! late" 7#o% )an !ee that none o* the!e ("omi!e! a"e &e(t 2What #o% *ind i! a wa" o* )ont"ol to !ee who will mani(%late whom Who will be the ("ovide"' and who will have the addi)tion0 Yo% *ind that a *ew month! late"' the "e!(e)t the# !wea" to have *o" ea)h othe" i! +one Yo% )an !ee the "e!entment' the emotional (oi!on' how the# h%"t ea)h othe"' little b# little' and it +"ow! and +"ow!' %ntil they don't &now when the love !to(! The# !ta# to+ethe" be)a%!e the# a"e a*"aid to be alone' a*"aid o* the o(inion! and $%d+ment! o* othe"!' and al!o a*"aid o* thei" own $%d+ment! and o(inion! B%t whe"e i! the love02 -e %!ed to )laim that he !aw man# old )o%(le! that had lived to+ethe" thi"t# #ea"!' *o"t# #ea"!' *i*t# #ea"!' and the# we"e !o ("o%d to have lived to+ethe" all tho!e #ea"! B%t when the# tal&ed abo%t thei" "elation!hi(' what the# !aid wa!' 2We !%"vived the mat"imon# 2 That mean! one o* them !%""ende"ed to the othe"/ at a )e"tain time' !he +ave %( and de)ided to end%"e the !%**e"in+ The one with the !t"on+e!t will and le!! need won the wa"' b%t whe"e i! that *lame the# )all love0 The# t"eat ea)h othe" li&e a (o!!e!!ion, 2She i! mine 2 2-e i! mine 2 The man went on and on abo%t all the "ea!on! wh# he believed love doe!n't e.i!t' and he told othe"!' 2I have done all that al"ead# I will no lon+e" allow an#one to mani(%late m# mind and )ont"ol m# li*e in the name o* love 2 -i! a"+%ment! we"e 8%ite lo+i)al' and he )onvin)ed man# (eo(le b# all hi! wo"d! Love doesn't exist Then one da# thi! man wa! wal&in+ in a (a"&' and the"e on a ben)h wa! a bea%ti*%l lad# who wa! )"#in+ When he !aw he" )"#in+' he *elt )%"io!it# Sittin+ be!ide he"' he a!&ed i* he )o%ld hel( he" -e a!&ed wh# !he wa! )"#in+ Yo% )an ima+ine hi! !%"("i!e when !he told him !he wa! )"#in+ be)a%!e love doe!n't e.i!t -e !aid' 2Thi! i! ama6in+ 7 a woman who believe! that love doe!n't e.i!t32 O* )o%"!e' he wanted to &now mo"e abo%t he" 2Wh# do #o% !a# that love doe!n't e.i!t02 he a!&ed 2Well' it'! a lon+ !to"#'2 !he "e(lied 2I ma""ied when I wa! ve"# #o%n+' with all the love' all the!e ill%!ion!' *%ll o* ho(e that I wo%ld !ha"e m# li*e with thi! man We !wo"e to ea)h othe" o%" lo#alt#' "e!(e)t' and hono"' and we )"eated a *amil# B%t !oon eve"#thin+ )han+ed I wa! the devoted wi*e who too& )a"e o* the )hild"en and the home M# h%!band )ontin%ed to develo( hi! )a"ee" and hi! !%))e!! and ima+e o%t!ide o* home wa! mo"e im(o"tant to him than o%" *amil# -e lo!t "e!(e)t *o" me' and I lo!t "e!(e)t *o" him We h%"t ea)h othe"' and at a )e"tain (oint I di!)ove"ed that I didn't love him and he didn't love me eithe" 2B%t the )hild"en needed a *athe"' and that wa! m# e.)%!e to !ta# and to do whateve" I )o%ld to !%((o"t him Now the )hild"en a"e +"own and the# have le*t I no lon+e" have an# e.)%!e to !ta# with him The"e'! no "e!(e)t' the"e'! no &indne!! I &now that even i* I *ind !omeone el!e' it'! +oin+ to be the !ame' be)a%!e love doe!n't e.i!t The"e i! no !en!e to loo& a"o%nd *o" !omethin+ that doe!n't e.i!t That i! wh# I am )"#in+ 2 Unde"!tandin+ he" ve"# well' he emb"a)ed he" and !aid' 2Yo% a"e "i+ht/ love doe!n't e.i!t We loo& *o" love' we o(en o%" hea"t and we be)ome v%lne"able' $%!t to *ind !el*i!hne!! That h%"t! %! even i* we don't thin& we will be h%"t It doe!n't matte" how man# "elation!hi(! we have/ the !ame thin+ ha((en! a+ain and a+ain Wh# even !ea")h *o" love an# lon+e"02

The# we"e !o m%)h ali&e' and the# be)ame the be!t *"iend! eve" It wa! a wonde"*%l "elation!hi( The# "e!(e)ted ea)h othe"' and the# neve" (%t ea)h othe" down With eve"# !te( the# too& to+ethe"' the# we"e ha((# The"e wa! no env# o" $ealo%!#' the"e wa! no )ont"ol' the"e wa! no (o!!e!!ivene!! The "elation!hi( &e(t +"owin+ and +"owin+ The# loved to be to+ethe"' be)a%!e when the# we"e to+ethe" the# had a lot o* *%n When the# we"e not to+ethe"' the# mi!!ed ea)h othe" One da# when the man wa! o%t o* town' he had the wei"de!t idea -e wa! thin&in+' 2-mm' ma#be what I *eel *o" he" i! love B%t thi! i! !o di**e"ent *"om what I have eve" *elt be*o"e It'! not what the (oet! !a# it i!' it'! not what "eli+ion !a#!' be)a%!e I am not "e!(on!ible *o" he" I don't ta&e an#thin+ *"om he"/ I don't have the need *o" he" to ta&e )a"e o* me/ I don't need to blame he" *o" m# di**i)%ltie! o" to ta&e m# d"ama! to he" We have the be!t time to+ethe"/ we en$o# ea)h othe" I "e!(e)t the wa# !he thin&!' the wa# !he *eel! She doe!n't emba""a!! me/ !he doe!n't bothe" me at all I don't *eel $ealo%! when !he'! with othe" (eo(le/ I don't *eel env# when !he i! !%))e!!*%l 9e"ha(! love doe! e.i!t' b%t it'! not what eve"#one thin&! love i! 2 -e )o%ld ha"dl# wait to +o ba)& home and tal& to he"' to let he" &now abo%t hi! wei"d idea A! !oon a! he !ta"ted tal&in+' !he !aid' 2I &now e.a)tl# what #o% a"e tal&in+ abo%t I had the !ame idea lon+ a+o' b%t I didn't want to !ha"e it with #o% be)a%!e I &now #o% don't believe in love 9e"ha(! love doe! e.i!t' b%t it i!n't what we tho%+ht it wa! 2 The# de)ided to be)ome love"! and to live to+ethe"' and it wa! ama6in+ that thin+! didn't )han+e The# !till "e!(e)ted ea)h othe"' the# we"e !till !%((o"tive o* ea)h othe"' and the love +"ew mo"e and mo"e Even the !im(le!t thin+! made thei" hea"t! !in+ with love be)a%!e the# we"e !o ha((# The man'! hea"t wa! !o *%ll with all the love he *elt that one ni+ht a +"eat mi"a)le ha((ened -e wa! loo&in+ at the !ta"! and he *o%nd the mo!t bea%ti*%l one' and hi! love wa! !o bi+ that the !ta" !ta"ted )omin+ down *"om the !&# and !oon that !ta" wa! in hi! hand! Then a !e)ond mi"a)le ha((ened' and hi! !o%l me"+ed with that !ta" -e wa! inten!el# ha((#' and he )o%ld ha"dl# wait to +o to the woman and (%t that !ta" in he" hand! to ("ove hi! love to he" A! !oon a! he (%t the !ta" in he" hand!' !he *elt a moment o* do%bt Thi! love wa! ove"whelmin+' and in that moment' the !ta" *ell *"om he" hand! and b"o&e in a million little (ie)e! Now the"e i! an old man wal&in+ a"o%nd the wo"ld !wea"in+ that love doe!n't e.i!t And the"e i! a bea%ti*%l old woman at home waitin+ *o" a man' !heddin+ a tea" *o" a (a"adi!e that on)e !he had in he" hand!' b%t *o" one moment o* do%bt' !he let it +o Thi! i! the !to"# abo%t the man who didn't believe in love Who made the mi!ta&e0 Do #o% want to +%e!! what went w"on+0 The mi!ta&e wa! on the man'! (a"t in thin&in+ he )o%ld +ive the woman hi! ha((ine!! The !ta" wa! hi! ha((ine!!' and hi! mi!ta&e wa! to (%t hi! ha((ine!! in he" hand! -a((ine!! neve" )ome! *"om o%t!ide o* %! -e wa! ha((# be)a%!e o* the love )omin+ o%t o* him/ !he wa! ha((# be)a%!e o* the love )omin+ o%t o* he" B%t a! !oon a! he made he" "e!(on!ible *o" hi! ha((ine!!' !he b"o&e the !ta" be)a%!e !he )o%ld not be "e!(on!ible *o" hi! ha((ine!! No matte" how m%)h the woman loved him' !he )o%ld neve" ma&e him ha((# be)a%!e !he )o%ld neve" &now what he had in hi! mind She )o%ld neve" &now what hi! e.(e)tation! we"e' be)a%!e !he )o%ld not &now hi! d"eam!

I* #o% ta&e #o%" ha((ine!! and (%t it in !omeone'! hand!' !oone" o" late"' !he i! +oin+ to b"ea& it I* #o% +ive #o%" ha((ine!! to !omeone el!e' !he )an alwa#! ta&e it awa# Then i* ha((ine!! )an onl# )ome *"om in!ide o* #o% and i! the "e!%lt o* #o%" love' #o% a"e "e!(on!ible *o" #o%" ha((ine!! We )an neve" ma&e an#one "e!(on!ible *o" o%" own ha((ine!!' b%t when we +o to the )h%")h to +et ma""ied' the *i"!t thin+ we do i! e.)han+e "in+! We (%t o%" !ta" in ea)h othe"'! hand!' e.(e)tin+ that !he i! +oin+ to ma&e #o% ha((#' and #o% a"e +oin+ to ma&e he" ha((# It doe!n't matte" how m%)h #o% love !omeone' #o% a"e neve" +oin+ to be what that (e"!on want! #o% to be That i! the mi!ta&e mo!t o* %! ma&e "i+ht *"om the be+innin+ We ba!e o%" ha((ine!! on o%" (a"tne"' and it doe!n't wo"& that wa# We ma&e all tho!e ("omi!e! that we )annot &ee(' and we !et o%"!elve! %( to *ail

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