Release For Minor

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Release and Authorization to Reproduce Voice and Physical Likeness (Minor)

Authorization by parent or guardian: By signing below I hereby give my permission to Lesson Planet, a California company, (Lesson Planet), to photograph, videotape and/or record Minor (identified below) for inclusion in the Educational Materials (described below) to be prepared and distributed by Lesson Planet. Additionally, I grant permission to Lesson Planet to use, publish, and distribute the Educational Materials in the form of any and all media now or hereafter known. The rights and permission stated in this paragraph are granted exclusively for use in Educational Materials. Lesson Planet shall not have the right to use Minors image, voice or likeness separately from the Educational Materials. I understand that I will not have any right to inspect or approve the finished product or products or the picture, video copy or other matter that may be used in connection with the Education Materials. On behalf of minor, I hereby acknowledge that the copyright to any performance by minor recorded by and/or on behalf of Lesson Planet shall be owned by Lesson. I, on behalf of myself and minor, hereby release Lesson Planet from any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said picture or video or in any subsequent processing or any publication thereof. I hereby confirm that I am of legal age and have the right to contract for Minor in the above regard. I have read this authorization, release, and agreement, prior to my signing it, and I am fully familiar with the contents thereof. This release shall be binding upon me and Minor. Definitions: 1. Name of Minor: (print name). 2. Description of Educational Materials: Photographic, videotape and/or audio recordings of a classroom setting where an adult instructor is engaged in academic instruction to a group of students which may include Minor.

(Printed Name of Minor)

(Signature of Parent or Guardian)

(Printed Name of Parent or Guardian)


LP-Likeness Release.2014/Minor

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