Support Resources Chartdixon-1-1

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Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers Task 1 Instructional and Support Resources Chart

A wide range of services and resources are available within a school system to support instruction. This chart allows you to become familiar with what is available to you within your teaching context. Complete the chart by listing available instructional materials and collegial/collaborative resources. (You must attach this document as an artifact in response textbox 1. .1.!


One Example and Location


The Greenwood Museum- This is a place students could visit for a field trip. It is close, inexpensive, and has a lot to offer. -The Greenwood Theatre- puts on great productions for school aged children.

!uildin"#$istrict Policies

District Office- Greenwood, S !rincipal- Mrs. "l#son !errin

Instructional Support Staff

Mrs. McGee is the !TI pull out teacher at the school. She wor$s with teachers %# pulling students who need extra help as needed. She is also availa%le to help in the classroom if a teacher needed an extra hand in a certain lesson. She also conducts a science la% with each class ever# two wee$. Mrs. &est- instructional specialist and second-incommand

Instructional materials

There are man# math materials located in each grade level storage room. 'or example, we are using uisenaire rods while teaching fractions. "lso availa%le are science materials, %ase ten %loc$s, etc. M#Math (class %oo$), Od#sse# (computer program for students)

Curricular Pro"rams

The school has i!ad carts that are availa%le for reservation. There are enough for each student in the class to have one. Instructional Technolo" Google hrome *oo$s- availa%le for students to use in class lassroom computers Student data and records are availa%le to the teacher to view if needed. If a student is having pro%lems, the teacher can refer to their record to see if there has %een a pro%lem %efore. !revious teachers The school li%rarian is a great resource. This person is capa%le of wor$ing on particular pro+ects with the students, coming in the classroom to teach students how to research, and much more.

Student $ata Access#Records

Other Resources

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