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The effects of Enzyme-controlled reactions

Purpose: Determine the effects of substrate concentration and pH on the intial rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction.

Hypothesis: If the amount of pH goes up then rate of the enzyme will change because the higher the pH the Lower the enzyme.

Materials: 1 A computer 2 Online lab 3 read along packet 4 pencil

Procedures: 1. Log into your computer and open up your google docs 2. You should have an email from mrs. oostindie that holds 2 labs 3. Click on the first one which brings you to the definition about enzymes and what they need/use. 4. When finished with this lab go back to your email and open the 2nd one. 5. The 2nd lab is a online virtual lab, which allows you to test certain pH systems and see the rate of the enzyme change 6. Graph your data down 7. create a graph on the spreadsheet that will allow you to have the data. 8. Then write a lab report about what you learned. 9. Your done

Conclusion: My hypothesis was wrong, the higher the pH level the Higher the enzyme reaction. When the substrate was mixed with the pH levels it change the enzyme reaction, so it matter on how much substrate you put in, little substrate with a high pH level makes a bigger enzyme reaction.

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