Writing Prompt 5

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Drake 1

Ben Drake Lynn M. Raymond English 1102-E02 Feb 23rd 2014

Cherokee I am writing my short inquiry project on the history of the Cherokee people. When I start writing about the lands of the Cherokee people and the agriculture of the Cherokee people in my short essay I can start to incorporate my first paragraph in there. Then when I start writing about when the Cherokee first coming in contact with the Europeans I can put my second paragraph in there. Oklahoma is an agriculturally advanced state which helps the Cherokee farmers grow blue berries, peaches, soybeans and whatever they needed grown near the capital of the Cherokee Nation, which is Tahlequah (Norman 76). There is plenty of water, all the farms are more alive and green, the hills are all wooded densly, and all ranches are full with herds of Angus cattle (Norman 78). Also the tribes work with a local university and recruit firm to open manufacturing plants in the area (Norman 76). Archaeologists have determined that the Cherokee people have been living in the southern Appalachians as long as 2,000 years ago. Some linguists even say that they are related to the Iroquois. Although when the Cherokee first came in contact with the Europeans, they had already steaked out a territory for themselves that was three times as big as Virginia is today. It stretched all the way from the Ohio River, right down to the piedmont of the Carolinas (Norman 78).

Drake 2

Norman, Geoffrey. Two nations, One people. The Cherokee. National Geographic. May 1995. Print

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