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Five surgeons from big cities are discussing who makes the best atients to o erate on! The first surgeon" from New #ork" sa$s% &I 'ike to see accountants on m$ o erating tab'e because when $ou o en them u " ever$thing inside is numbered!& The second" from (hicago" res onds% &#eah" but $ou shou'd tr$ e'ectricians! Ever$thing inside them is co'or coded!& The third surgeon" from )a''as" sa$s% &No" I rea''$ think 'ibrarians are the best" ever$thing inside them is in a' habetica' order!& The fourth surgeon" from *os Ange'es chimes in% &#ou know" I 'ike construction workers! Those gu$s a'wa$s understand when $ou have a few arts 'eft over!& But the fifth surgeon" from +ashington" )( shut them a'' u when he observed% &#ou&re a'' wrong! Po'iticians are the easiest to o erate on! There&s no guts" no heart" no ba''s" no brains and no s ine" and the head and the ass are interchangeab'e!&

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