Customize Grub Legacy

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These procedures are for Grub 1.98 (Lucid/Maverick): Code: gksu gedit /etc/grub.

d/05_debian_theme Find this section near the top: BACKGROUND_CACHE=".background_cache" ("this is where you put the image path) the image name must begin with a dot . ex.: .sunrise.png set_default_theme(){ # Set a monochromatic theme for Ubuntu. echo "${1}set menu_color_normal=white/black" echo "${1}set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray" in the last 2 lines is where you change the colors Change the Wallpaper entry to point to your background image. Change the colors to those you wish to use. "black" as the second entry means " transparent" and will allow you to see the background image. Also don't use a co lor which is the same color as your background image's color, since it will blen d in and you may not be able to read it. Save the file, then run: Code: sudo update-grub As the command runs, see if the image is found (Found background image...) in th e terminal output immediately after the "Generating grub.cfg ..." line.

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