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Elegant Events Inc.

305D DeVos Center Grand Rapids, MI 49504 (123)456-7 90

Elegant Events Inc.

!"ent Date# 04$03$2014 In"oi%e &# 0000001

Account: 'o(en)s Center Contact: 0reeann Gor2a( E-mail/Phone #: 3or2a(453"s67ed6 616-331-670

Event Planner(s): *a%+,-n ./ei//er, 0rittan- 1ip+ea Host: Grand Va,,e-)s 'o(en)s Center Event Sponsors: 8eid(an Co,,e3e o/ 06siness GV89 Career Center .r6dentia, .,anten3a)s C,eaners GV89 :ospita,it- and ;o6ris( Mana3e(ent Roo( !"ent
Dress /or 86%%ess Its A Grand Affair =as2ion 82o>

!"ent Date
;26rsda-, <pri, 3rd

(Doors open at 3:55)



Grand Va,,e8tate 9ni"ersitGrand Ri"er Roo(

<3enda 3:15pm: en!ors Arrive

8t6dents /ro( t2e "endors %o((ittee >i,, 4e responsi4,e /or %onta%tin3 "endors, as >e,, as 3i"in3 dire%tions and pro"idin3 o6r 36est >it2 a te(porar- par+in3 pass7 ;2e da- o/ t2e e"ent t2is %o((ittee is responsi4,e /or %2e%+in3 in and assistin3 t2eir "endors as t2e- arri"e7

De%or Its A Grand Affair T e Great Gats!" t2e(ed e"ent >i,, %onsist o/ 4,a%+ and 3o,d dB%or7 ,:''pm: $ecorate the #ran! %iver %oom
:;M 240 st6dents >i,, arri"e at t2e Grand Ri"er Roo( at Grand Va,,e- 8tate 9ni"ersit-)s <,,enda,e Ca(p6s7 8t6dents are responsi4,e /or settin3 6p t2e /o,,o>in3# ta4,es# pro"ided 4- t2e Grand Ri"er Roo( %2airs# pro"ided 4- t2e Grand Ri"er Roo( ,inens# pro"ided 4- :;M 240 st6dent (4,a%+ C >2ite) %,ot2in3 ra%+# pro"ided 4- .,anten3a)s de%orations# pro"ided 4- DB%or 3ro6p

3:"5pm: #uests Arrive 3:55pm: $oors open/%e&istration

;>o st6dents on t2e re3istration %o((ittee >i,, 4e in %2ar3e o/ re3isterin3 attendees as t2e- enter t2e Grand Ri"er Roo(7 !a%2 st6dent >i,, 4e re?6ired to /i,, o6t t2eir na(e and e(ai, on a ra//,e ti%+et7 <n additiona, 3 st6dents /ro( t2e pri@es %o((ittee >i,, 4e responsi4,e /or distri46tin3 3ood- 4a3s to a,, attendees a/ter re3istration7 <ttendees >i,, t2en enter t2e Grand Ri"er Roo( and ,oo+ at t2e "endors or ta+e t2eir seats7

":1'pm: (ntro!uce the Event

In/or( attendees t2at t2e /as2ion s2o> >i,, %onsist o/ tri"ia, 3i"ea>a-s, ,i32t sna%+s and re/res2(entsA t2e %2an%e to ta+e 2o(e donated 46siness separates /ro( sponsors and a %2an%e to net>or+ >it2 "endors7 :;M 240 8t6dent >i,, present o6r MC /or t2e e"ent, Mar- 0et27 Mar- 0et2 >i,, 3i"e a s2ort introd6%tion in re3ards to /as2ion7

<6dio Vis6a,$!?6ip(ent Mi%rop2one CD$8tereo .odi6( .ersonne, ,:3'pm: *emale -o!els Arrive
D6r 5 >o(en (ode,s (incl#ding o#r alternate $odel(s) >i,, arri"e /res2 /a%ed and read- to 2a"e t2eir 2air and (a+e-6p prepped /or /as2ion s2o>7

":15pm: )e&in the *ashion Sho+

Mar- 0et2 >i,, ta,+ a4o6t appropriate %,ot2in3 /or inter"ie>s in a%%ordan%e >it2 t2e (ode,s o6t/its7

":"'pm: *oo! an! )evera&e

=ood and 4e"era3es >i,, 4e ser"ed a/ter t2e /as2ion s2o>7 =o6r peop,e >i,, 4e in %2ar3e o/ preparin3 and assistin3 attendees at t2e 4 pro"ided /ood and 4e"era3e ta4,es7 =ood and 4e"era3es in%,6de t2e /o,,o>in3#

Mini Cupcakes Mini Cheesecakes Mini clairs Macaroons

3:15pm: -ale -o!els Arrive

D6r 5 (a,e (ode,s (incl#ding o#r alternate $odel(s) >i,, arri"e and 4e3in %2an3in3 into t2eir desi3nated o6t/its7 NOTE: ALL MODELS will change/prep in the Restroo s locate! right outsi!e o" the #ran! Ri$er Roo Entrance%

3:3'pm: -ar. )eth Arrives

Sparkling &unch/Shirle' Te ples (ottle! )ater 5:''pm: )rea/out Sessions +ith en!ors
D6rin3$a/ter t2e ti(e /ood and 4e"era3es are 4ein3 ser"edA attendees >i,, 2a"e t2e a4i,it- to net>or+ >it2 10-12 di//erent "endors7

":''pm: -o!els Are Sta&e %ea!. an! (n Proper 3r!er

< 8t6dent /ro( t2e (ode,s %o((ittee >i,, ens6re t2at t2e (ode,s are in proper order a%%ordin3 to Mar- 0et2)s presentation7

":1'pm: -ar. )eth 4a/es the Sta&e

Mar- 0et2 >i,, 4e >aitin3 4e2ind t2e sta3e, and >i,, appear a/ter s2e is introd6%ed 4- an :;M 240 st6dent7 Mar- 0et2 >i,, ta+e %enter sta3e7 82e >i,, 3i"e a presentation t2ro632o6t t2e /as2ion s2o> and t2en step o// and 3o 4e2ind t2e sta3e on%e a3ain7 EMode,s >i,, a,so enter /ro( 4a%+ sta3e7 (;2e- %an 3et t2ere /ro( t2e 4at2roo(s t2o632 t2e side door7)

5:1'pm: Clothin&
;2e %,ot2es donated >i,, 4e p6s2ed o6t on 2 ra%+s and separated 4et>een (en)s attire and >o(en)s attire7 Dne st6dent /or ea%2 ra%+ >i,, >2ee, t2e( o6t and p,a%e t2e( in t2eir spots, read- /or st6dents to retrie"e7

":"'pm: -o!els Chan&e

</ter t2e s2o>, t2e (ode,s >i,, 2ead 4a%+ to t2e 4at2roo( >2ere t2e- >i,, %2an3e into t2eir ori3ina, %,ot2es and re%ei"e t2eir t2an+--o6 pri@es7 ;2e- >i,, t2en 4e a4,e to 3o 4a%+ into t2e e"ent i/ t2e- >o6,d ,i+e and see t2e "endors

5:3'pm: Pri0es
.ri@es >i,, 4e distri46ted7

5:"5pm: 1rap-2p Event

Mar- 0et2 3i"es 2er %on%,6din3 spee%27 :;M 240 st6dent t2en t2an+s Mar- 0et2, t2e "endors, and t2e sponsors >2o 2a"e (ade t2e e"ent possi4,e7

;2ere >i,, 4e a 3ar4a3e %an neFt to 4ot2 /ood and 4e"era3e ta4,es, a3ainst t2e 4a%+ >a,, on eit2er end o/ t2e roo(, and t>o neFt to t2e (ain door7 M6si% >i,, 4e p,a-in3 as t2e st6dents 3et t2eir /ood and ta,+ >it2 t2e "endors, per t2e <V 3ro6p 1i32ts >i,, sti,, 4e di((ed, 46t on,- s,i32t,- as st6dents 3et t2eir sna%+s and net>or+ >it2 "endors7 8,ides o/ in/or(ation >i,, 4e 6p on t2e s%reens /or st6dents to ,oo+ at >2i,e t2e- >ait /or t2e s2o> to start, as >e,, as (6si% p,a-in3, %2osen 4- t2e <V 3ro6p7

0i,,in3 In/o .resent C2e%+ to 2ost *oo! : )evera&e Contin&enc. -ar/etin& 4heme %ental E;uipment Entertainment/Pri0 es E<tra Amount $ue 8. Mis%e,,aneo6s

G17 792 G 50700 G 71700 G 30700 G 220700 G 750700 G25070 G1550700

,'' Chairs *+, on stan!-'.

Ro>s spa%ed o6t eFa%t,- a %2air ,en3t2 apart C2airs p,a%ed dire%t,- neFt to ea%2 ot2er 8tart %2airs 20)) 4a%+ /ro( t2e sta3e

:a"e a =irst <id Hit a"ai,a4,e in t2e roo( Cro>d Contro,# ;2ere >i,, 4e t2ree st6dents standin3 aro6nd t2e (ain part o/ t2e Grand Ri"er Roo(, dire%tin3 st6dents and ans>erin3 ?6estions t2e- (a- 2a"e7 8ta3e$R6n>a-# It >i,, 4e raised to its 2i32er ,e"e, 6pon set-6p 0e s6re t2at t2e steps ,eadin3 onto t2e sta3e is t2e pie%e >it2 t>o steps so t2at t2e proIe%tion s%reens are sti,, a4,e to %o(e do>n

(5) 5 6t7 ta8les

(4) =ood C 0e"era3e (1) Re3istration

(1,) 9 6t7 ta8les

(1) ta4,e per "endor

(9) Hi&h top ta8les

<ttendees 6se

:ost 8i3nat6re

.rint Ja(e


C6sto( 8i3nat6re


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