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Candidate: Irene Navarro Lesson Title: Adventure is Out There! Duration: 1 week S!"#e$t %atter: Socia Studies Lesson Content Des$ri&tion: Students wi understand i!!i"ration #$ understandin" their own %a!i $&s histor$' Drivin" (uestion: )h$ do I ive in *a i%ornia+ Content Standard: 4'4 Students e,- ain how *a i%ornia #eca!e an a"ricu tura and industria -ower. tracin" the trans%or!ation o% the *a i%ornia econo!$ and its -o itica and cu tura deve o-!ent since the 1/50s' 0' Discuss i!!i"ration and !i"ration to *a i%ornia #etween 1/50 and 1100. inc udin" the diverse co!-osition o% those who ca!e2 the countries o% ori"in and their re ative ocations2 and con% icts and accords a!on" the diverse "rou-s 3e'"'. the 1//4 *hinese 5,c usion Act6' Co''on Core Standard: Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (Comprehension/Collaboration) SL 4.4 Report on a topic or te t! tell a stor"! or reco#nt an e perience in an organi$ed manner! #sing appropriate facts and rele%ant! descripti%e details to s#pport main ideas or themes& spea' clearl" at an #nderstandable pace. )ritin" )'4'7 *onduct short research -ro8ects that #ui d know ed"e throu"h investi"ation o% di%%erent as-ects o% a to-ic' Lesson O"#e$ti e: A students wi create a -oster Date: 04/15/14 Grade Le el: 4th Grade

Assess'ent: For'ati e: : Discussions :Gra-hic Or"ani=ers S!''ati e: : Dina Aoster :Su!!ar$ Te$(nolo)*: : )ord Docu!ent Aro"ra! :Internet


Students wi -artici-ate in a *hoose 9our Own Adventure #ook activit$. #$ readin" Westward Expansion: An Interactive History Adventure by Allison Lassieur :In%or!ation %or teacher a#out this #ook: the #ook o-ens with an introduction where the #ack"round and ti!e -eriod are set. the reader&s -ossi# e !otivations are out ined. and a choice is "iven 3usua $ with two or three di%%erent o-tions6' ;ased on which o-tion is chosen. the reader is to d what -a"e in the #ook to turn to ne,t' There. the reader earns the outco!e o% the choice and is "iven another choice 3a"ain. usua $ two or three di%%erent o-tions6' This -rocess continues as the reader -ro"resses throu"h the #ook and earns his or her %ate' 3<o-e=. 40146 Source: htt-://www'-# u'or"/-ro8ects/choose:$our:own:adventure :>ave students %i out a % ow chart "ra-hic or"ani=er durin" this activit$ to record the choices the$ !ade durin" the readin" o% this #ook Te students the$ wi understand their %a!i $&s own adventure to *a i%ornia' Teacher wi then -ose the esson&s drivin" ?uestion @)h$ do $ou ive in *a i%ornia+ :>ave students think:-air:share. then have a c ass discussion :Teacher shou d sca%%o d students to think #e$ond the!se ves. #$ havin" students think o% their -arents and "rand-arents as we ' 5,a!- e ?uestions: Did $our %a!i $ a wa$s ive in *a i%ornia+ )h$ did $our %a!i $ choose to ive in *a i%ornia out o% a the states+ )h$ did !$ %a!i $ take a risk in co!in" here+ As a c ass. record ideas on how to answer the drivin" ?uestion' :Aossi# e answers: interviews. ookin" on ine %or sources on *A >istor$. etc'

THROUGH In -artnershi-s. students wi read a variet$ o% -ri!ar$ sources on i!!i"ration :A%ter readin"s. students wi discuss the reasons wh$ the -erson in their #ook decided to i!!i"rate :5,a!- e #ooks: BGrand%ather&s Courne$ #$ A en Sa$

BI% I Never. Dorever 5ndeavor. >o $ Eeade BCessie *a!e Across the Sea. A!$ >est B;$ the Great >orn S-oon. Sid D eish!an BNa!in" <i#ert$ #$ Cane 9o en (The Dra"on&s *hi d: A Stor$ o% An"e Is and. <awrence 9e(Seed%o ks. Aau D eish!an (Inside Out and ;ack A"ain. Thanhha <ai As a c ass. students wi co!e u- with ?uestions to ask their -arents/"rand-arents to understand their reasons to !ovin" to *A' :Durin" this ti!e. the teacher shou d #e t$-in" the ?uestions students have and then -rint these ?uestions out %or each student to have a re%erence %or ho!ework Dor ho!ework. students wi conduct interviews with -arents and -ossi# $ even -hone interviews with their "rand-arents' 5,a!- e ?uestions that !a$ #e asked: :)h$ did $ou decide to !ove to *A+ :)hat risks were $ou takin" when $ou !oved to *A+ :)hat !a8or wor d events ha--ened durin" $our chi dhood+ :)hat !one$ a reason %or co!in" to *A+ :>ow did $ou trave here+ Did $ou co!e #$ - ane+ Did $ou co!e #$ #oat+ :)hat cha en"es did $ou %ace co!in" here+ Students wi write a -ara"ra-h to su!!ari=e their -arents/"rand-arents reasons %or co!in" to *A 3can #e done in:c ass6 Ne,t. students wi do a round ro#in share o% their su!!aries and %indin"s on the reasons wh$ their %a!i $ is in *a i%ornia

BEYOND Students wi t$-e their su!!aries a#out their -arents/-arents "rand-arents co!in" to *A Students wi a so create a -oster that de!onstrates the 8ourne$ their -arents/"rand-arents had to co!e to *A 3encoura"e students to -ut -ictures o% their %a!i ies. !a-s. etc6

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