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Competency 4: Curriculum, Instruction, Supervision 4.

4 Related Task: Ability to establish a professional development training program for teacher development. 4.4.3 Specific Task: Work with a group of faculty member to develop and arrange for a program of inservice training. Narrative Description of Task: I will participate in the creation and implementation of professional development activities to enhance and improve teacher instruction. The administrative staff in the Midland Publics Schools works cooperatively to develop useful and informative professional development opportunities. Working collectively ensures that all teachers in the district will obtain the same high quality professional development altered to suit their individual needs based on location within the district, curricular focus, and grade level. I will meet with the administrators to develop the plan and work with building administrators to implement said plan. Providing compelling, informative, and useful professional development is a major component of the lead teacher piece of an administrators job. Beyond that professional development has to meet the requirements of the State of Michigan. The task of planning for professional development is an ongoing process that begins as soon as the last meeting is over. Building administrators meet Monday mornings to discuss how the previous meeting went, questions that came as a result, and things that needed to be followed up on. They then cover upcoming events, issues from the previous week, and topics to address at the next meeting. The general format of the meetings is usually similar. Administrators try to practice good teaching skills by breaking up the time into a variety of different activities, usually beginning with important announcements. After this, the schedule (Appendix A) is based upon what had been discussed in planning meetings. For the meeting I worked on planning the subjects that were decided on was a continuation of several ongoing issues. The first issue is Midland Highs classification as a Focus school due to the gap between highest and lowest performing students. One initiative to improve test scores for the lowest third was to identify low performing underclassmen and assign an adult mentor to each. Teachers will spend time sharing the things they have done to build a relationship with his or her mentor and things they have done to help their mentee be successful. This information is then recorded on a Moodle site so that it can be documented. Following discussion regarding Focus status teachers will break into smaller groups and rotate between different topics concentrating on school improvement areas including technology, instructional strategies, and improving reading and writing in the content areas. The topics are generally related to these three areas and various teachers are asked to share different ideas with each rotation taking about 15-20 minutes.

The last part of the meeting will be spent in Professional Learning Communities. Teachers chose their PLC from a pre-approved list of options (Appendix B). At the end of this time all teachers complete a short reflection of what was accomplished/learned in the PLC. Reflection: After working to plan a professional development meeting I look at it from a different perspective. The saying teachers are the worst students is often true. It is difficult to motivate teachers who fail to see the relevance of professional development and instead use it as a time to grade papers or gossip. Administrators spend a great deal of time ensuring that PD is a valuable experience. The importance of addressing the Focus school issue is necessary and time is spent at each meeting attempting to improve testing performance. Otherwise topics are varied and helpful for all classroom instruction. Topics in the past have been creating Wikipages, Remind101, reading strategies, graphic organizers, vocabulary strategies, and review activities. Focused and varied topics are important in creating a positive learning environment so that we can successfully cover a variety of material in the limited amount of time given.

Appendix A Professional Learning Committee Groups Teachers were given the option of the following groups to join. Some of these are limited in membership, for example the Ipad initiative group is limited to the teachers who have been given Ipads for use in the classroom and RAISE is limited to the teachers who have been attending RAISE training. Technology Ipad initiative Other technology issues

Reading Comprehension RAISE training Vocabulary Other

International Baccalaureate and the Common Core Learner Profile WTL Inquiry based Other

Instructional Strategies Differentiated instruction Collaboration Peer mentoring Co-teaching Project Based Learning Other

Appendix B Starting Time: 7:45 a.m. Ending time: 10:00 a.m. Meeting place: Cafeteria Purpose of Meeting: Continue our building initiatives so that: All students will be career and college ready. Item No. 1 Description of Agenda Item
Timely Topics: Semester grade reminders, course recommendations and drop & add process, Crime free schools, 911 protocols Rotation (3 groups): technology, Smarter Balance Pilot, Moodle mentor update

Responsible Person
Hutchinson, Adan, Guenther, Hawkins, Greif

Desired Outcome
Share important information

Time Allotted
15 minutes

Participation Needed or Pertinent Data Attached

-Adan and Jozwiak (237) -Rutterbush (242) -Greif (cafeteria)

Share technology strategy, information on Smarter Balanced Assessment pilot beginning in April, Moodle mentor update and sharing strategies

60 minutes (1517 minutes each rotation)

3 4

PLCs Semester written reflection on goal progress Awards

Hutchinson Previous winners (Reinhardt and Stearns)

Continue PLC work Staff camaraderie

40 minutes 5 minutes

Last names A-F 1. Cafeteria 2. 237 3. 242 Last names G-M 1. 237 2. 242 3. Cafeteria Last names N-Z 1. 242 2. Cafeteria 3. 237 Written reflection handed in to Hutchinson

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