Kyle King

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Kyle King

E-MAIL OBJECTIVE To obtain an entry level marketing and adverti ing !o ition

Ma!" #$%

Bachelor of Science Double Major: Business Management / Marketing

%ort&'e t Mi o(ri )tate #niver ity* Maryville* Mo +,155 E-!ected grad(ation. May* /015

li ten to in tr(ction

&uick learner: "o ne' ta k and take on ne' re !on ibilitie by reading or Abilit! to 'ork un(er )ressure: E-!erience in 'orking in 2a t !aced environment Microsoft office: 3amiliar 'it& !rogram like 4o'er4oint* 'ord* and e-cel


*imm! *ohn"s +ourmet San('ich"s

)and'ic& $rti t

,ctober "#- .

Maryville* MO 7reet c( tomer and a i t 'it& making order acc(rately in a 2a t !aced environment "emon trate a com!lete (nder tanding o2 men( and e-!lain to g(e t acc(rately O!erate ca & regi ter* an 'er !&one and !roce drive8t&ro(g& order im(ltaneo( ly

,ne Source Staffing "#-%

A)ril "#- . August

Ka(22man )tadi(m ca &ier Kan a City* K) $ i ted c( tomer 'it& 9(e tion $cc(rately took* !re!ared* erved c( tomer : order in a timely matter Tr( ted to managed money in ca & dra'er totaling (! to ;/000 !er nig&t

0holesale 1ire'orks

*une "## . *ul! "##%

3loor man 6iver ide* MO $n 'ered c( tomer 9(e tion abo(t merc&andi e election Con tr(cted di !lay to attract c( tomer and !romote ale item 6e tocked and organi<ed &elve * rack * ca e * bin * and table 'it& !rod(ct


Member of the Delta 2hi 1raternit!

Se)tember "## .

E-ec(tive O22icer o2 $l(mni 6elation o En&ance comm(nication bet'een t&e al(mni and t&e active c&a!ter o Create article &ig&lig&ting c&a!ter ac&ievement 2or national maga<ine o Manage a b(dget o2 ;1*500 to &o t event 2or al(mni and t&eir 2amilie

Member of E3A245S

,ctober "#6-/resent%

Member o2 a !ro=ect team t&at ( ed )am: Cl(b te! (! 2or mall b( ine !ro=ect grant to trengt&en a tr(ggling mall b( ine by im!roving 2inance * marketing* and c( tomer ervice. "evelo!ed and 2acilitated 'ork &o! to better &el! 'omen to better (cceed in t&e 'ork2orce ( ing >almart: 7lobal >omen? Economic Em!o'erment grant $nn(al !artici!ation in !&ilant&ro!ic event totaling over ;@*000

7-1oun(ation /artici)ant

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