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Reading Observation

Marshaye Lynn Reading Observation Used promethean board, solicited student responses, prompted responses, had students close book after looking at map on p. 248-259. Then had them look at map second time...leading To Me Feb 25 Reading Observation Used promethean board, solicited student responses, prompted responses, had students close book after looking at map on p. 248-259. Then had them look at map second time...leading up to essential question. GREAT! Then solicited additional responses, encouraged more with details. Used GO to add to web that they saw the second time they looked at the map. Then used video on Connect ED CONNECTED to movies we've seen where we notice things that we missed the first time. Great follow up connection! Accepted student responses, explained the chart for mystery play and DISCUSSED and reviewed what the parts are. Genre preview, asked for examples, ALWAYS encourages kids!!! Keep it up! Repeated sentences and gave clues to help them rethink responses GROWS Have certain questions written out that you want to ask, esp for discussion. Tell class what you expect for behavior before beginning teaching. Be mindful of excessive talking, movement during instruction Use equity sticks to manage overall class behavior during discussion For selection vocabulary: give the definition--it's on their charts for them, then solicit synonyms, make sure you go over the part of speech and that the kids know to use it correctly. SMALL GROUP told group what they'd be doing before beginning Reviewed meaning of prefix, the told the meaning of the prefixes un, re, dis Used chart to show and model with prefixes underlined Monitored students' comprehension by listening and correcting as neede by questioning or repeating

High frequency word review Vocab review: reviewed words and had kids repeat, reread EXCELLENT JOB on group A with suspicious, doubting and trusting: called on Kira to justify her response then had group re reread the words, definitions. They then ALL agreed with Kira!

Marshaye L. Lynn

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