Reaction Paper 4

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Tima Mustafa SOC-1010-004 Reaction Paper # 4 04-04-2014 My reaction to this article will be the discrimination between races and

the segregation of these races in 21-Century America. This article is called Fences and Neighbors: Segregation in 21st Century America by John E. Farley and Gregory D. Squires. The main key point for this article is showing who is being segregated and who is not in America. The facts are that the African Americans have long been and continue to be the most segregated group; they are notably more likely to live in integrated neighborhoods than they were a generation ago. For the past three decades, the average level of segregation between African Americans and whites has been falling; segregation has declined most rapidly in the southern and western parts of the United States. My point of view in this article is how can you separate yourself from other racial group when we are all human and we all struggle to survive to live in this world even if we separate ourselves by racial group it dont make a difference as to who we are in general and that is we are all human and our purpose to be in this world is to show kindness to the same beings and struggle in our lives to survive in this world. I know we all got our unique features but to me I see that it dont make a difference as to who we are in general. By segregating others is not right for me and it a way of putting hatred into our hearts and showing who is a better person and who is not which is way wrong in so many reasons because I see it that we are all unique in our own ways and we are all better in our ways not only one racial group is better than other racial group.

The authors motive for this article is to show how segregation is still going on and why is still continuing. Popular explanations for segregation point to income differences and to peoples preferences for living among their own kind. The strength of this article is the explanation of the racial group and how is being segregated from other racial groups. Many whites automatically assume that neighborhoods with many blacks have poor schools, much crime, and few stores; these whites are not necessarily responding to the presence of blacks pre se. Black neighborhoods are simply assumed to be bad neighborhoods and are avoided as a result. Poor schools and crime are sometimes code words for racial prejudice and excuses that whites use to avoid African Americans. These preferences promote segregation. Segregation costs minority families of access to quality jobs, health care, stores and others. As human beings, we didnt choose for ourselves to be in which racial groups so to be segregated at just because your skin color is not the same as the other racial group then it is not right.
My reaction to this piece on a personal level is how unique we are that makes us segregates each other and to discriminate each other of how we look and how we act in our own ways. Where I came from we all had dark skins but we were still unique in our ways and we were better in our ways. As for me the way the way I dress plus my skin color and my speech is the many reasons I have been segregates at. I dont really care when people acts different around me because of the way I look but if they throw that at my face it hurts my feelings and it makes me question myself as to why they do that and what makes them better than me? There was a day I got into the bus and most of the seats were full but then I saw one seat that was empty and when I went to sit there that person that was sat next to that empty seat got up from the seat and went to stand in the front of the bus and that persons face seems like he/she is disgusted to see me. I felt hurt when that person did that but I didnt show it on my face because I dont want to show that person that I care of the way he/she treat me and I didnt want to show that he/ she is better than

me which is not true because we are different in our own ways and we are all better in our ways so our racial groups doesnt have to be discriminates as to just the way we look- mostly by our skin color. This piece didnt bother me or annoy me but it reminded me back to the days when I was being segregate at in school, bus, stores, etc. I realize the result of this piece is how human beings are different in their own ways but we still judge each other and separate ourselves from each others by our racial groups even though I guess judging each other is part of our human instinct but separating each other doesnt have to be because am better than you or you are better than me by the discrimination of our racial groups. I know there is one person in the racial group will do something that will jeopardize the whole racial group but the way I see it, is that only African American, Hispanic, Asians and other races that are different from Whites have been segregated in America because of their skin color, speech, religion, place where they are from and others. Whenever someone ask me where I am from and I say Somalia, most of them automatically judge me of where I am from because of how Somalia is and what is going on there but what they dont see is that not all the people from their country are the same because we are different but in general we are all the same as in human beings. By reading this article it raises too many reasons as to why the segregation should stop in America and any other countries.

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