Reflective Synthesis Paper

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In 2012, I applied to the M.S. in Experiential Education Program at Minnesota State University, Mankato.

I was asked to write a statement of my goals and to describe how my professional and academic background fit with the program (see below). Upon reviewing my statement I can say with great confidence that the program was a perfect fit and I was able to accomplish the goals I had set for myself. However, when I reflect back on what I had expected to learn, and what I have learned, there was no way I could have predicted the immense amount of new knowledge and skills I have gained through the completion of this program. Due to the nature of this program I have had the opportunity to not only learn from my professors, but from my peers, the community, and people around the world. One of the first courses that I took at Minnesota State University was Philosophy of Experiential Education. This course had a strong impact on me. It opened my eyes to the theory behind this methodology of teaching. During this course I was able to gain a better understanding of Experiential Education. It provided me with an opportunity to really focus in on the core structure of Experiential Education and allowed me to solidify my own philosophy of Experiential Education that I plan to apply to my work in the future. The structure of each class was slightly different, especially between different professors; however, each course involved a lot of group discussion, presentations and facilitations. Throughout each class I was able to develop presentation skills and work on my public speaking. I was also able to increase my ability and comfort level with facilitating group activities. During the preparation stages for each presentation I improved my time-management skills, critical thinking, creativity, resourcefulness, and planning abilities. Since some presentations or facilitations were done in groups I also increased my communication skills, flexibility and ability to collaborate with others. Through self-directed learning opportunities, such as Individual Practicums, and the Capstone Project, I developed my abilities as a self-motivated learner and increased my ability to problem solve. In my final semester of the program, I was enrolled in one seat based class entitled Reflection and Processing for Leaders. Through this class I became a more reflective person and learner. As well I learned a lot of new reflection and debriefing

methods. The ability to better reflect upon experiences and the new facilitating methods will allow me to further change and grow as a leader and learner. Throughout the duration of the M.S. in Experiential Education Degree I have developed many new skills, and built upon old ones. This amazing learning opportunity has contributed to my ability to be an effective leader, learner and educator. I will be able to apply these skills to not only my future career, but in my day-to-day life.

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