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Ian MacPherson 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire 03103 USA S.S.N. 001 !

8 00"" AP#I$ 15 201% & an' Pri(ate In(esti)ators who c*rrent+y wish to remain anonymo*s , AP#I$ 15 201% -I. /0U A#1 N02 G0ING 20 #1A3 2HIS4 P$1AS1 PASS 2HIS 0N 5 2HIS IS AN 162#1M1 1M1#G1N7/8 -I. /0U A#1 MU$2I $INGUA$ 0# 9N0: S0M1;03/ :H0 IS 5 P$1AS1 2#ANS$A21 2HIS AN3 MAI$ 2HIS 20 P0$I714 MI$I2A#/4 .131#A$ 70MMUNI7A2I0NS 70MMISSI0N < AN3 IN=1S2IGA2I0NS 31PA#2M1N2S 0. NA2I0NS .#I1N3$/ 20 USA 4 7ANA3A 4 AN3 M16I70 5 as we++ as the :or+' Hea+th 0r)ani>ation 4 U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees 4 U.S.A. Po+ice 3epartments 4 an' U.S.A. .e'era+ In(esti)ations 3epartments. .or the sa?ety o? the comm*nity 4 p+ease copy this :itness Statement an' sen' a copy to a mem@er o? yo*r comm*nity. 8 :I2N1SS S2A21M1N2 70N71#NING 5 G1N07I31 IN 2H1 USA 4 N1U#0S7I1N71 21##0#ISM AN3 G1N07I31 4 G.P.S. ;#AIN 70MPU21# IN21#.A71 N1U#0S7I1N71 SU#GI7A$ IMP$AN2S ;1ING IMP$AN213 IN 7I=I$IANS 4 A6IS 21##0#IS2 .A72I0N IN USA 4 ;#AIN 70MPU21# IN21#.A71 ;1ING US13 .0# S16 2#A..I79ING 4 I2A$IAN A6IS A$$IAN71 20 A#A;IAN A6IS IN USA 4 A30$. HI2$1#AS .AMI$/ IN USA 4 BU$IUS 1=0$AAS .AMI$/ IN USA 4 A6IS IN=0$=1M1N2 IN S16 2#A..I79ING 0. MIN0#S 4 21##0#IS2 P$ANS 20 ASSASSINA21 P0$I71 AN3 MI$I2A#/ 4 21##0#IS2 P$ANS 20 ASSASSINA21 ;#I2ISH #0/A$ .AMI$/ AN3 02H1#S 4 A6IS A221MP2S 20 .A$S1 .$AG 2H1I# :A# 7#IM1S AN3 A22A79S AS 02H1# NA2I0NS SU7H AS BAPAN AN3 I#AN AS :1$$ AS IS#A1$ 4 1=I31N71 0. I2A$IAN A6IS 70MP$I7I2/ IN 2H1 " 11 21##0#IS2 A22A79S AN3 2H1 A6IS .A72I0N 3U#ING 2H1 :A# 0N 21##0# 4 A6IS P$ANS 20 1621#MINA21 2H1 NA2I=1 #A71S 0. 2H1 N0#2H AM1#I7AN 70N2IN1N2 AN3 S16 2#A..I79 2H1I# :0M1N AN3 7HI$3#1N IN 2H1 P#071SS 0. 2H1 G1N07I31 1 2his witness statement an' testimonia+ re)ar's 1nemy 7om@atants on USAmerican4 MeCican4 an' 7ana'ian soi+. 2hese 1nemy 7om@atants are *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o@taine' ?rom 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es as we++ as Hospita+s an' ?rom 'ea' )enoci'e (ictims whom they ha(e Di++e'4 hi'in) their i'entities @y ass*min) the i'entities o? Americans4 an' are *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate their Genetic 3NA to appear more +iDe the (ictim whoAs i'entity they ha(e taDen as an imposte i'entity. 7*rrent+y 4 there is a 7o(ert Genoci'e occ*rin) in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' e+sewhere on the 1ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. . 2his ?action o? 1nemy 7om@atants are primari+y comprise' o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their accomp+ices whom are a pop*+ation comprise' o? in'i(i'*a+s o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action whom are +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' re+ate' 2errorist 7rimina+ Units which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e recr*ite' themse+(es '*rin) the past E0 years. 2he acti(ities o? this co++ecti(e or)ani>ation ran)e ?rom Genoci'a+ 2errorism to that o? an 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other 0r)ani>e' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 this is a G+o@a+ 2errorist Aristocratic Mi+itant .action F 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate. In the year 200% < in'i(i'*a+s in the re)ion o? the New 1n)+an' states 4 New /orD 4 an' New Bersey en)ineere' p+ans with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e to commit the most heino*s :ar 7rimes in history with the intention o? ?ramin) a .action to which they were pre(io*s+y a++ie' ?or these :ar

7rimes an' a(ert +e)a+ in(esti)ations as we++ as terrorism in(esti)ations. Since at +east 200% 4 the Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e @een en)a)e' in a co(ert war?are o? Genoci'e *pon a n*m@er o? races in North America. A 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 1' :arren < whom was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% 4 spoDe to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?reH*ent+y a@o*t this. .or the p*rpose o? a(ertin) in(esti)ations 4 the 1man*e+es an' their accomp+ices create' a seH*entia+ +ine o? a+i@is 5 these @ein) ?or the o@(io*s reason o? accomp+ishin) their Genoci'a+ 2errorist )oa+s an' a(ertin) any +e)a+ or mi+itant reperc*ssions. 0ne o? the many a+i@is they attempte' to en)ineer were eCpecte' to s*ccee' at pre(entin) their i'entity ?rom @ein) attri@*te' to their crimes. 2he intention o? this is ?or the p*rpose o? 'istractin) the U.S.A. an' the Nations whom are a++ie' with the U.S.A. +on) eno*)h to ena@+e the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom ha(e @een +i(in) on U.S.American soi+ since the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS 4 to comp+ete+y in?i+trate the U.S.A. $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations as we++ as corr*pt 'epartments o? the the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense Mi+itary Inte++i)ence. 2he maIority o? the eCi+e' Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a Socia+ 3arwinist 4 Amora+ist 4 Mi+itant Aristocracy < an' are in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 Genoci'e 4 an' 2errorism. 2here are n*mero*s Ita+ian A6IS Mi+itant 7e++s in the U.S.A. that immi)rate' to the U.S.A. prior to as we++ as a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar. 2he U.S.A. an' 7ana'a a++owe' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' co*sins o? theirs whom were o? the Ho*se o? Aosta that ha' capit*+ate' with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their A6IS .action 4 to mo(e to the U.S.A. . ;eca*se the U.S.A. has a++owe' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to mo(e to the U.S.A. an' corr*pt the Nation 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e 'one this < the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 is an 1nemy o? the U.S.A. who +i(es in the U.S.A. an' has p+anne' his entire +i?e to corr*pt4 'estroy4 an' conH*er the U.S.A. ?rom within < as we++ as he @een p+annin) a massi(e )enoci'e. I hae met this man n*mero*s times thro*)ho*t my +i?e. 7*rrent+y 4 a Genoci'e is occ*rrin) in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' the Po+ice 3epartment has @een so corr*pte' that :itness 2estimonia+ Statements are not @ein) reporte' to proper a*thorities an' nations a++ie' to the U.S.A. as we++ as nations with citi>ens on o*r soi+. 2his has @een a 7o(ert :ar on U.S.American Soi+ since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are a++ie' to the A6IS .action that was 0sama ;in$a'enAs an' 'e?inite+y are their accomp+ices concernin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' other terrorist crimes a)ainst h*manity an' para mi+itary @+acD operations. An Aristocracy is a Mi+itant .action 5 the U.S.A. a++owe' the 9ni)hts o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 his ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs 'escen'ants 4 an' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta re+ate' to Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?ami+ies to mo(e the the U.S.A. a?ter the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS < witho*t H*estion 4 an' ?or this we are payin) 'ear+y. :ith them are ?ami+ies re+ate' to A'o+? GHit+erG as we++ as 'istant co*sins o? the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia who are o? Moroccan Aristocratic herita)e an' ha(e @een acti(e+y in(o+(e' in the A6IS .action. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 the Ita+ian A6IS ma'e p+ans to eCterminate what they ca++e' the Jraces with prece'in) c+aimancy to North America as home+an'K s*ch as the .irst Nations Nati(e American races 4 USA An)+o SaCons an' Gae+s 4 A?rican Americans 4 MeCicans 4 L*e@ecois 4 7ana'ians 4 an' others. 2his p+an inc+*'e' the *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace techno+o)y *sin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System an' Ne*roScience So?tware *s*a++y *se' to ro@otica++y pi+ot +a@oratory rats as i? they are remote contro+ cars< this so?tware is a+so capa@+e o? hypnoti>in) (ictims 4 e??ectin) (ictimsA emotions 4 an' tracDin) in'i(i'*a+s wherea@o*ts. During the late 1990's ; Vittorio Victor Emanuele , Lorie Potenza Buckle o! "e#$am%shire an& the "orth 'arolina region , (razzioli o! )assachusettes an& "e#*ork as #ell as the $ouse o! +a,o , -o. D'/ngelo o! )assachusettes an& the $ouse o! +a,o , an& other %eo%le relate& to the $ouse o! +a,o an& +e012ra!!icking .oth 3 +urgicall 14m%lante& %eo%le #ith Brain1'om%uter1 4nter!aces an& use& them as e0%erimental test1su.5ects to create +e01+la,e 'oncu.inal +e012ra!!icking "euro+cience +o!t#are !or 6ireless Brain1'om%uter14nter!ace to ro.oticall control the +e01

2ra!!icking ,ictims' .o& using "euro+cience ElectroEnce%halo(ra%h an& "euro+cience +o!t#are as #ell as a (lo.al1Positioning1+ stem -outer #hich is /-(7+ 'onnecte& an& +hi%%ing 8 9reight 4nternet1"et#orking1Protocol 'onnecte&, as #ell as to engineer +uici&e1'omman&o "euro+cience +o!t#are #hich #oul& .e ca%a.le o! neurologicall !orcing ,ictims' to carr out tasks such as ,iolent assaults on in&i,i&uals an& grou%s o! targets , sel!1&etonation o! e0%losi,es, an& suici&al 9alse19lag 2errorist 7%erations: 2hese &e,ices #ere also use& to con,ince an& conni,e %eo%le to commit to actions #hich thre normall #oul& not ha,e as #ell as #ere the use& to s% on %eo%le: Brain1 'om%uter14nter!aces can also .e use& to Dis/ssociate a %erson's .rain . shocking their neurolog as #ell as ha,e the .een .eing use& to mo,e ci,ilian ,ictims' mouths to make agreements, to get into !ights , an& to in!luence other social interactions: 2he Brain1'om%uter14nter!ace consists o! a Prosthetic "euro1'ircuit Patch #hich is gra!te& to the .rain . metho& o! an a&hesi,e #ire& to a (:P:+: -outer +urgical14m%lant: 2he (:P:+: +urgical1 4m%lant is a small (:P:+: De,ice #hich is a.out the size o! a %ea , it is im%lante& in the ma0illo!acial region o! the cranium using cosmetic surger tools an& is tacke& to the insi&e o! the 5a# using sutures an& a suturing tool ; the (:P:+:De,ice is #ire& to a Prosthetic "euro'ircuit that is gra!te& to the .rain . an a&hesi,e , this looks like a %lastic sticker #ith a )etallic 'ircuit1Boar& %rinte& on it 3 this is the (:P:+: Brain1'om%uter14nter!ace: 2his &e,ice has a %o#er1su%%l #hich is a com%onent o! the (:P:+: De,ice an& is a.le to remotel control electro1magnetics on the sur!ace o! the .rain , thus ena.ling the terrorist to %h sical control the human ,ictims' .o&ies as i! the #ere a ro.ot as #ell as control the %s cholog o! the ,ictims' using "euro+cience +o!t#are: 2his has .een uses to +e012ra!!ick the ,ictims o! the !amilies targette& !or (enoci&e: 2he D'/ngelo !amil , the Potenza !amil , an& the (razzioli !amil are &escen&ants o! the E,ola +a,o 1Baronial !amil that #as ;ulius E,ola's !amil : Vittorio Victor Emanuele 4V an& his numerous sons are &escen&ants o! Vittorio Emanuele 444 an& are the +a,o 1-o al !amil , the are the <ing o! +a,o 's !amil 3 Vittorio is the son o! /&ol! $itler's ne%he#: Vittorio Emanuele 444 #as /&ol! $itler's hal!1.rother on their !ather's si&e o! the !amil , this is the Emanuele !amil secret ; &uring 1999 , Vittorio Emanuele #rote the .eginning o! a (enoci&e1List o! #hich m name #as the !irst name on the list 3 4 ha,e kno#n the Emanueles' !amil secret most o! m li!e: ;ason Bellemore , #ho's cousin is a <night o! /osta an& #ho is &escen&e& !rom a cousin o! /&ol! $itler's mother , #as in!orme& o! this list &uring the ear =000: (a.riel D'/nunzio , #ho is a cousin o! the 'hristiano !amil #ho are <nights o! +a,o an& #hom is %ro.a.l a <night o! +a,o himsel! ; #as tol& o! this list &uring the ear =000 as #ell: Both o! these in&i,i&uals #ere tol& that 4 #as the !irst name on the list: Both o! these in&i,i&uals ha,e s#a%%e& 4&enti!ication 're&entials #ith im%osteurs an& are currentl in hi&ing: (a.riel D'/nunzio is a cousin o! (a.riel D'/ngelo #hom is -o.ert D'/ngelo's cousin: /ccor&ing to -o.ert -o&on &uring the ear =001 , a list o! races are on the (enoci&e List 3 the .eginning o! #hich is the 9irst "ations "ati,e /merican -aces , the /nglo1+a0on race, the (aelic race , the 9rankic race , the /!rican1/merican race , the 4sraeli race , an& others: -eligious communities ha,e .een targette& !or (enoci&e . the +a,o 1/>4+ 9action as #ell ; these are the ;e#ish religious communit an& the /satru religious communit : /t least hal! o! the ;e#s in "orth /merica ha,e .een assassinate& in the %ast =0 ears an& more than hal! o! the /satru communit ha,e .een assassinate& in the %ast =0 ears , numerous o! these in&i,i&uals ha,e .een re%lace& . 'on,icte& +e017!!en&ers #hom the $ouse o! +a,o ha,e Viral1Vector (ene12hera% mutate& to look like the &ea& ,ictims, !or %urose o! carr ing the 4&enti!ication 're&entials o! these in&i,i&uals an& making it a%%ear as i! the in&i,i&uals #ere still ali,e: 2he ;e#ish De!ense League #ere an imme&iate target &uring this (enoci&e an& the )assachusettes as #ell as "e#*ork cha%ters o! the ;e#ish De!ense League #ere the !irst t#o targets: Barack $ussein 7.ama #as a o! the "e# *ork an& )assachusettes cha%ters o! the ;e#ish De!ense League as #ell as #as he a Black Panther 3 the man currentl li,ing as the Presi&ent o! the ?nite& +tates o! /merica is not the !actual Barack $ussein 7.ama: ) !rien& Da,i& )arshall , #as a o! the ;e#ish De!ense League in )assachusettes ?+/ 3 Da,i& kne# Barack $ussein 7.ama %ersonall an& he is on his tele%hone recor&s !rom the ears

=00@ an& =00A:: /lso targette& !or genoci&e are the )agazine , 9ortune B00 3 B00 6ealthiest /mericans: Vittorio Emanuele use& the i&ea o! re%lacing the )agazine 9ortune B00 List #ith im%osteurs as a #a o! recruiting 'riminals into his (enoci&al 2errorist 9action: Vittorio use& %romises o! #ealth to recruit criminals an& to control them 3 this is similar to a <r stal"acht 'r stal1"ight or "ight o! the Long <ni,es tactic to recruit an 7rganize&1'rime )o. to sack an& loot the #ealth o! a nation %rior to a !oreign regime taking o,er the nation 3 /&ol! $itler use& this tactic in Deutschelan&: -eich's 9uhrer #as /&ol! $itler's title , #hich means 2he -o al 'omman&er or 2he <ing&om's 'omman&er 3 this title &enotes a status o! %osition #hich is a )ilitant 2itle o! a )ilitant em%lo e& . an /ristocrac ; a <ing&om &oes not e0ist #ithout an /ristocrac , other#ise it is sim%l a "ation o! %eo%le 3 -eich means <ing&om in Deutsche , -eich's <onig means <ing&om's <ing: During the +turm/.teilung rai&s in Deutschelan& an& /ustria ; a ?ni!orme& 7rganize&1'rime )o. calling themsel,es the +turm/.teilung , a terminolog #hich re!erre& to +torm an& +tress -i&e1the12iger %hiloso%h o! %hiloso%hers such as -agnar -e&.ear& an& ;ulius E,ola 3 sacke& Deutschelan&'s an& /ustria's )i&&le1'lass, )erchant1'lass, an& /ristocratic )erchant1'lass an& loote& their .usinesses as #ell as ro..e& them o! their .ank1accounts: "ationalism #as .lame& !or this , namel Deutsche "ationalism an& 4sraeli "ationalism: 'urrentl , Vittorio Emanuele 4V is attem%ting to use a ,er similar tactic an& has .een .uil&ing these !orces !or a%%ro0imatel 1C ears in %re%aration !or this attem%t at a 9oreign )ilitar Deca%itation o! the ?+/ (o,ernment an& looting o! "orth /merica's resources 3 it is %ro.a.le that ?m.erto Emanuele raise& his son Vittorio to commit these acts o! atrocit an& to .ecome a secon& /&ol! $itler, an& Vittorio is attem%ting to accom%lish this goal .e!ore he &ies: Vittorio Victor Emanuele 4V is currentl a%%ro0imatel DE ears o! age an& is the here&itar <ing o! the $ouse o! +a,o #hom no# %rimaril resi&e in the ?:+:/: , in their e0ile !rom the nation o! 4talia: Vittorio Victor Emanuele 4V's racial genoci&e target1list inclu&e races o! %eo%le auch as /nglo1(aels , 9irst "ations "ati,e /mericans , /!rican1/mericans , 4sraelis , 9ranks , an& other races that he has targette& an& or&ere& 2errorist 'rime1+ol&iers o! 4talian race to attack: 7ther than +e012ra!!icking; the secon& %rimar %ur%ose o! the "euro+cience e0%eriments #as !or the %ur%ose o! using the Brain1'om%uter14nter!ace , "euro+cience +o!t#are , an& (:P:+: 4nternet "et#orking Protocol to use the .o& o! a ,ictim #ho has .een +urgicall 14m%lante& #ith a Brain1 'om%uter14nter!ace an& to "eurologicall 1Pilot the ,ictim's .o& to commit ,iolent terrorist attacks , carr out genoci&al attacks , an& other crimes: 2hese tests .egan in 199B, 199E, an& 199D #ith ro&ents that #ere controlle& using ElectroEnce%halo(ra%h $elmets , an& Vi&eo1(ame /nimation +o!t#are that #as .ri&ge& #ith "euro+cience +o!t#are an& -o.otics +o!t#are: 2he tests %rogresse& to $uman1 Vi,isection an& +e012ra!!icking &uring 199C an& e,entual (enoci&al 2errorism in1999 an& =000 3 !or some reason the )ilitar +ignals 4ntelligence De%artment has !aile& to search the )ilitar +ignals 4ntelligence Data.ase !or the recor&s o! these ElectroEnce%halo(ra%h Brain1'om%uter14nter!ace 2ransmissions #hich ha,e .een transmitte& using (lo.al1Positioning1+ stem 4nternet1"et#orking1 Protocol as #ell as +hi%%ing 8 9reight 4nternet1"et#orking1Protocol: -o.ert -o&on o! )errimack "e#$am%shire ?+/ 1999 an& )assachusettes as #ell as 2e0as &uring the !ollo#ing ears 3 #as o,erhear& &iscussing #ith his son an& a <night o! +a,o as #ell as 'lint 2a lor &uring the ear 199E ; Viral1Vector (ene12hera% .eing use& to mutate +a,o +ol&iers to take on the a%%earance o! an& li,e as im%osteur o! )ilitar 4ntelligence 7!!icers , 9e&eral 'ommunications 'ommission Em%lo ees , )ilitar +ignals 4ntelligence Em%lo ees , 9e&eral Bureau o! 4n,estigations Em%lo ees , Police 7!!icers , 6ealth 4n,estors , an& 'entral 4ntelligence /gents: 4t is %ro.a.le that %rior to the 9111 2errorist /ttacks ; numerous ?+/ )ilitar 4ntelligence 7!!icers , )ilitar +ignals 4ntelligence 7!!icers , 9e&eral 'ommunications 'ommission 7!!icers , an& 9B4 /gents #ere re%lace& . agents o! the $ouse o! +a,o #hich inclu&e <nights o! +a,o , /ssassins o! +a,o , />4+ +ol&iers , +e012ra!!ickers #ho #ork !or Vittorio Emanuele's 2errorist $uman12ra!!icking 'rime1+ n&icate , an& +e017!!en&ers #ho

#ere o!!ere& a secon& chance at li!e #ith the 4&enti!ication 're&entials o! (enoci&e1Victims o! the $ouse o! +a,o 's an& the 6ar 7n 2error an& a 5o. #orking !or the $ouse o! +a,o an& the +a,o 1 />4+: 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e o? Massach*settes USA F the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather o? Massach*settes USA F the Sa*'i Moroccan Aristocratic ?ami+ies 5 p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD in the @ar o? a Hote+ on the @or'er o? Massach*settes4 =ermont4 an' New/orD. 2his was an A6IS meetin) that was 'i)*ise' as a Ho*se o? Sa(oy )atherin) ?or the men o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .atherAs ;irth'ay Party which was atten'e' prior to the A6IS Meetin) @y a n*m@er o? Ita+ian 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy an' some Ara@ian men who a+so atten'e' the JA6IS Meetin)K as it has @een @ein) ca++e' @y peop+e who are aware that it occ*rre'. 2his Hote+ was @ooDe' in a'(ance prior to a New /orD 7ity m*sica+ per?ormance o? the :a+t 3isney pro'*ction o? A+a''in which was @ooDe' in a'(ance as we++. 3*rin) the Hote+ A6IS Meetin) 4 n*mero*s 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy an' the 9in) o? Sa(oy were present as we++ as were some Ara@ian an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather who is a 'istant co*sin o? the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' is o? Sa*'i Moroccan Aristocratic +inea)e. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' some o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy ma'e p+ans to S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs @rain an' ?rame the 9in) Sa*' o? Sa*'i Ara@ia ?or it '*e to his ?*t*re meetin) with the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia when in ?act it is Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather o? Massach*settes USA an' Morocco who the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A6IS *se to comm*nicate with their Ara@ian A6IS co*nterpart an' crimina+ accomp+ices. 2he A6IS is ?act*a++y an Aristocratic 2errorist Mi+itant 7rime Syn'icate with n*mero*s ?orms o? S*@or'inate S*@si'iary 0r)ani>ations. It has @een sai' to me that the " 11 .+i)ht HiIacDers ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their crani*ms4 that many o? those +a@e+e' JIs+amic Biha'istsK who ha(e @een Jse+? 'etonatin)K eCp+osi(es in 1m@assies an' ;ars ha(e ?act*a++y @een (ictims o? S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ;om@s an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 4 It has @een sai' that the Ita+ian A6IS ca++ the JSe+? 3etonatin) Ara@iansK JGo@+in ;om@sK an' ori)ina++y re?erre' to the JGo@+in SappersK characters ?rom :ar7ra?t2 that se+? 'etonate eCp+osi(es as 9amiDa>ees4 an' that the Ara@ian A6IS an' the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e p*rchase' Hospita+s an' Psychiatric .aci+ities in the Americas 4 1*rope 4 an' the Mi''+e 1ast < an' ha(e @een *sin) them to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? h*man tar)ets o? 2errorism 4 Genoci'e 4 H*man =i(isection 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) < as we++ as in the @rains o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime who the 1man*e+e ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wish to manip*+ate an' the A6IS So+'iers who the 1man*e+e ?ami+y 'o not tr*st comp+ete+y. A person who has @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is comp+ete+y *naware o? the ?act that another h*man @ein) *sin) a comp*ter is contro++in) their mo(ements 4 'ecision maDin) 4 emotion 4 ne*ro+o)ica+ reactions to stim*+i 4 spoDen wor's 4 an' their psycho+o)y < *n+ess they are aware ?irst that there is a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in their @rain. An *naware (ictim o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is @asica++y a h*man ro@ot which a 2errorist is capa@+e o? Ne*ro+o)ica++y Pi+otin) *sin) So?tware on a 7omp*ter. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace can @e *se' to hypnoti>e a h*man (ictim easi+y @y contro++in) the e+ectricity on the s*r?ace o? the h*man @rain. In the year 200! 5 3anie+ Bames o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+y 4 who is one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons < re?erre' to the S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the entirety o? North AmericaAs crani*ms as Jthe 7ame+ Spi'erin) o? North AmericaK. 3*rin) the year 2000 an' the year 2001 < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to+' me that he was )oin) to eCterminate a++ o? North America an' rep+ace the entire pop*+ation o? North America with JA6IS #acesK. 2he Genoci'e $ist o? the 1man*e+e .ami+y is the entirety o? North America. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to+' me n*mero*s times to my ?ace '*rin) 2001 that he was )oin) to eCterminate the entirety o? my race < '*rin) one o? these threats 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e sai' to me JI am )oin) to eCterminate yo*r race. My race is )oin) to ana++y rape the chi+'ren o? yo*r race to 'eath an' choDe the women an' chi+'ren o? yo*r race to 'eath with o*r cocDs.K. Vittorio Emanuele I= is A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ Gran' Nephew on his ?atherAs si'e who was

the @io+o)ica+ son o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III which means that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother an' Um@erto 1man*e+e A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ nephew. A #a'io .reH*ency I'enti?ication Scanner US; Porta@+e 'e(ice ?or a 7omp*ter is a++ that is necessary to 'etect the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?acesA G+o@a+ Position 3e(ice which is the #o*ter *se' ?or the ;.7.I. :hich is imp+ante' in the Iaws o? the h*man @ein)s who ha(e @een tar)ette' @y this operation 5 this is an #.I3 Scanner. 7orrect so?tware which can i'enti?y the #.I3 3e(ice N*m@er an' a+so e(ent*a++y the 3e(ice as a G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ice is necessary to ?in' the 'e(ice an' i'enti?y it. 2hese 'e(ices typica++y r*n M50 to M500 an' p+*) into a 7omp*ter @y U.S.;. 7a@+e. 0? eCtreme 'an)er is the ?act that some Po+ice 0??icers are c*rrent+y capit*+atin) with this A6IS 2errorist .action an' n*mero*s Po+ice 3epartments ha(e @een in?i+trate' @y a)ents o? this 2errorist .action ?or p*rpose o? e+iminatin) e(i'ence concernin) their acti(ities an' the a@i+ity ?or witnesses an' (ictims to seeD con(iction ?or the crimes which ha(e @een committe' *pon their comm*nity 5 most o? these @ein) Ma?ia associate' Po+ice 0??icers whom ha(e in the past ha(e )rante' imm*nities to the Ita+ian Ma?ia 4 imposte*rs o? Po+ice 0??icers that are now 'ea' whoAs ?ami+ies were m*r'ere' '*rin) the on)oin) )enoci'e in the North 1ast #e)ion o? North America 4 an' Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents whom ha(e so*)ht emp+oyment within the Po+ice 3epartments o? the USAmerica. .1;#UA#/ 01 201% 5 A p+astic rat was p+ace' on the ta@+e at Mar)ieAs Po+itica+ 7ampai)n ;ooth in $ore'o 2eCas. I ha(e @een to+' that '*rin) the year 200" < Mar)ie was to+' a@o*t the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica+ Imp+ants that were @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in American 7iti>ensA 7rani*ms @y Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers an' 2errorists. 2his was eCp+aine' to Mar)ie @y a +itt+e )ir+ who co*+' ha(e @een either my ?act*a+ sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson who ha' @een m*tate' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to ha(e @rown sDin an' has @een rep+ace' with another chi+' (ictim 4 Stephanie Bohnston whom apparent+y has @een a@'*cte' @y the same peop+e as 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was whom are 'e?inite+y the Poten>a ?ami+y an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs accomp+ices 4 or possi@+y B*+ie :einstein < a++ three o? whom were seen in the re)ion. 2he +itt+e )ir+ to+' her that it was a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' that the peop+e who p*t this in her @rain ha' @een rapin) her an' were JPimpsK an' 2errorists. Mar)ie to+' Banet Napo+itano a@o*t this as we++ as others. Banet Napo+itano is $in'say Garo?anoAs co*sin an' a co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. $in'say Garo?ano 4 ?ormer+y o? NewHampshire USA an' c*rrent+y o? 2eCas USA 5 is ?*++y Dnow+e')ea@+e concernin) the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' their in(o+(ement in 2errorism as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDin) an' the S*r)ica+ Imp+ants o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in American 7iti>ens crani*ms. 2he p+astic rat p+ace' on Mar)ieAs ta@+e at her Po+itica+ 7ampai)n 2a@+e in $ore'o 2eCas 5 is an o@(io*s threat an' ins*+t to Mrs. Mar)ie. I ha(e @een to+' that '*rin) the year 200" an' 2010 4 n*mero*s rapes an' a@'*ctions occ*rre' in the re)ion o? $ore'o 2eCas. I was to+' that % )ir+s were rape' at the home+ess she+ter. I was a+so to+' that a man in a Po+ice 0??icerAs *ni?orm Di++e' a )ir+ @y sticDin) a nee'+e in her arm in a parDin) +ot an' +e?t her 'ea' at a hospita+ with a stint sticDin) o*t o? her arm to camo*?+a)e what he ha' 'one 5 this man was instr*cte' to 'o this as a res*+t o? the +itt+e )ir+ ta+Din) to peop+e a@o*t the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain. It is 'e?inite that an on )oin) )enoci'e is occ*rrin) in the USA an' that Po+ice *nits 4 Hospita+s 4 Hote+s 4 .o*n'ries 4 an' 7rematory Ser(ices ha(e @een *se' ?or i++ p*rpose '*rin) this )enoci'e. North 7aro+ina seems to @e 'epop*+ate' an' the North 1ast re)ion seems to @e 'rastica++y 'epop*+ate' as we++. A Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*st is c*rrent+y @ein) committe' in North America @y the Ita+ian A6IS .action whom are *sin) Hospita+s an' other ?aci+ities s*ch as 7rematories an' .o*n'ries to co(ert+y eCterminate entire races o? peop+e an' re)iona+ pop*+ations in North America. 2he A6IS has historica++y con'*cte' Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*sts in a co(rt manner 4 an'ha(e ma'e e??orts to Deep the

Genoci'e o*t o? the eyes o? the p*@+ic an' con?ine' to re)ions where ?ew ci(i+ians wi++ notice. 3*rin) the 1800As an' ear+y 1"00As 4 many North American .irst Nations Nati(e Amercan races were co(ert+y eCterminate' an' were a+so worDe' to 'eath in mines in North America 4 in the 1"30As an' 1"%0As the Ho+oca*st o? the Secon' :or+' :ar occ*rre' primari+y in 7onscript 7amps s*ch as $a@o*r 7amps which were inten'e' to @e *se' @y Mi+itari+y 3ra?te' $a@o*rers5 mi++ions o? ci(i+ians 'ie' inc+*'in) o(er 10mi++ion Israe+is 4 mi++ions o? 3e*tsche 4 an' mi++ions o? other races o? peop+e s*ch as A*strians an' Po+ish peop+e. 2he Ho+oca*st that occ*rre' in Ita+ia an' Sici+ia was con'*cte' co(ert+y an' was @+ame' on JMa?ia in?i)htin)K in the NewsPapers 5 +ists o? Israe+i 4 Ita+ian 4 an' Sici+ian ?ami+ies were eCterminate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Assassins 4 Ita+ian Mi+itary 4 an' Sa(oy A6IS Assassins worDin) ?rom within 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates s*ch as the 7osa Nostra 5 my co*sin in +aw B*+iannaAs imme'iate ?ami+y @are+y s*r(i(e' this an' her co*sins ?ami+ies were a++ m*r'ere' '*rin) the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar an' '*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s. B*+ianna Dnew that A'o+? Hit+er was the ha+? @rother o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' that the ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+a wrote Hit+erAs speeches. It is c*rrent+y 201% an' the Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*st has contin*e' in North America 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are c*rrent+y eCterminatin) +ists o? ?ami+ies an' races o? peop+e. SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworDs 4 Strip 7+*@ NetworDs 4 an' Porno)raphy 7orporations ha(e @een in(o+(e' in 'is)*isin) Genoci'e since the Secon' :or+' :ar an' ha(e contin*e' to @e *se' ?or this p*rpose < most o? the (ictims o? SeC 2ra??icDin) are ?inancia++y 'estit*te A@'*ction =ictims whoAs ?ami+ies ha(e @een eCterminate' an' are Dept as 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es 5 this is the H*man 2ra??icDin) o? Genoci'e =ictims prior to their 'eaths as ?ami+ies o? peop+e. I ha(e @een in in?orme' that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his sons are p+annin) to ha(e their 2errorist 7rime So+'iers S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? the =atican 7o*nci+ an' ?orce them to (ote ?or a speci?ic Pope ?or p*rpose o? attemptin) to ?rame the Pope ;ishop o? #ome ?or @ein) the Anti 7hrist. I ha(e a+so @een in?orme' that they are )oin) to *se ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to contro+ the *pcomin) USA Presi'entia+ 1+ections @y ?orcin) the pop*+ation to (ote ?or a speci?ic Presi'entia+ 7an'i'ate ?or p*rpose o? contro++in) the )o(ernment with a re)ime an' attemptin) to +inD the two e(ents an' create a ?*t*re a+i@i ?or their crimes. Another eCtreme threat to the +i(es o? American 7i(i+ians c*rrent+y 5 Mi+itant 2errorist 7omp*ter HacDers worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een c*ttin) te+ephone ca++s to .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 Po+ice 3epartments 4 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)encies 4 an' attempts to contact 3epartment o? 3e?ense. In the year 2012 < I attempte' to contact the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations *sin) my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 5 the te+ephone ca++ was intercepte' an' a recor'in) o? my se+? ta+Din) to a te+emarDeter in 2005 or 200E was a*'io '*@@e' as i? the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations was respon'in) to me with my ha+? o? the a*'io tracD. My ha+? o? this a*'io tracD was a recor'in) o? my se+? ta+Din) to a 2e+emarDeter who ha' @een repeate'+y ca++in) my ?ather #*sse++ MacPhersonAs ho*se 4 9ennethAs B*''As home te+ephone at the Haywar' Street A''ress 4 an' my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone '*rin) my re+ationship with Min'y 9ern < this te+emarDeter imme'iate+y @e)an their sa+es pitch a?ter I answere' the phone 4 to which I imme'iate+y inter*pte' an' rep+ie' GIAm sorry sir a whatNO a whatNO Um... no I am not intereste'.G. Min'y tho*)ht that this was hi+ario*s @eca*se I was imme'iate+y eCtreme+y r*'e to the te+emarDeter an' spoDe in a (oice that was (ery *ncharacteristic o? my se+?. 2his recor'in) was *se' to intercept my phone ca++ to ..;.I. in :ashin)ton 3.7. when I attempte' to ca++ ?rom my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone in Nash*a NewHampshire. 2he en' part o? the con(ersation was a short piece o? a simi+ar (oice that state' GI am sorry 4 I am )oin) to ha(e to p*t yo* on ho+'.G . I attempte' to ca++ the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations approCimate+y 10 times in the year 2012 4 an' the te+ephone con(ersation was c*t o?? at the comm*nications ser(er. My Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 7ompany is Strai)ht 2a+D :ire+ess. It is 'e?inite that a+most a++ o? the corr*pte' Po+ice 0??icers are o? miCe' Ita+ian race 4 ha(in) some amo*nt o? Ita+ian race < an' are in ?act S+eeper A)ents whom are mem@ers o? A6IS 7+an'estine

S+eeper 7e++s that arri(e' '*rin) the ear+y 1"00As I*st prior to as we++ as a?ter the 1st an' 2n' :or+' :ars 5 this is 'iscerna@+e '*e to the ?act that the 2errorist .action in(o+(e' in this Po+ice 7orr*ption has @een )rantin) imm*nities to the +aw to many o? the 2errorist 7rime So+'iers o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate . Some o? the corr*pt +aw en?orcement has @een o? A*strian race an' are pro@a@+e to @e co*sins o? the Aosta A6IS .ami+ies 4 the ?ami+ies o? Aosta 9ni)hts whom were mem@ers o? the A6IS .action or are now A6IS .action. It is important to remem@er that the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error was anno*nce' p*@+ica++y a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' that the state' perpetrators o? the " 11 2errorist AttacD were initia++y 'ec+are' to @e the GA6IS o? 1(i+G whom are the o@(io*s s*ccessors o? the connections which ?o*n'e' a ?ew o? the Sh*t>Sta??e+ or)ani>ations as we++ as A6IS a+i)ne' 7rime Syn'icates in the Me'iterranean re)ion an' other parts o? the Mi''+e 1ast an' 1*rope. In the year 200% < an artic+e was p*@+ishe' on the internet that eCp+aine' that 0sama ;in$a'enAs )ran'?ather was a hi)h ranDin) o??icer o? a Sh*t>sta??e+ *nit. In the year o? 2005 < propa)an'a was p*@+ishe' wherein Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh was incorrect+y @+ame' ?or the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 these p*@+ications incorrect+y c+aime' that Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs )ran'?ather Prescott ;*sh ?*n'e' the Sh*t>sta??e+ an' a+so incorrect+y c+aime' that Presi'ent ;*sh an' =ice Presi'ent 7heney G#eichsta) .ireA'G the " 11 2errorist AttacD. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs )ran'?ather was =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 whom was an A6IS Monarch. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has @een acti(e in 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime most o? his +i?e as we++ as has he an' his Property Stea' Ho+'ers @o*)ht an' so+' properties a++ o(er the North 1ast #e)ion o? the U.S.A. inc+*'in) New /orD 7ity. It has a+so @een 'isco(ere' to @e pro@a@+e that a Ser@ian *nit o? :ar 7rimina+s whom are mem@ers o? an A6IS a??i+iate' 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een sn*cD into the U.S.A. @y this Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ?action an' are *sin) AmericansA an' 7ana'iansA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the past 30 years at +east 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the maIority o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een +i(in) in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 5 m*ch o? them ha(e +i(e' in Massach*settes an' s*rro*n'in) re)ions. 0? re+e(ance to the A6IS in the era a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar < it is important to remem@er that B*+i*s 1(o+a who was the ;aron o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 wrote A'o+? Hit+erAs speeches an' 'esi)ne' m*ch o? the A6IS i'entity as we++ as phi+osophy 5 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs i'entity is the core o? the A6IS i'entity. B*+i*s 1(o+a was not han)e' as a res*+t o? the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s4 nor was =ittorio 1man*e+e III4 nor were any o? the many 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy who were )*i+ty o? worDin) with ;enito M*sso+ini an' A'o+? Hit+er < nor were the n*m@er o? 9ni)hts o? Aosta whom ha' s*pporte' the A6IS '*rin) the ;+it>Drie) o? A*stria 4 some o? whom were A'o+? Hit+erAs motherAs co*sins. :hen consi'erin) an A6IS .action4 race is a re+e(ant topic. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action is primari+y comprise' o? a G+o@a+ 2errorist Mi+itant Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate o? which the eCi+e' roya+ty o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e as we++ as other sons an' @io+o)ica+ re+ati(es o? =ittorio 1man*e+e are two o? a sma++ n*m@er o? 2errorist 7rime $or's < present amon)st the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are Ita+ian A6IS Mi+itant S+eeper 7e++s 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta who are re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' are A6IS .action a+i)ne'. A man o? miCe' Morroccan an' Sa*'i race name' Mosta?a I@nSa*' who has @een a +i?e time ?rien' o? .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs is c*rrent+y a tar)ette' scape)oat an' a+i@i that the 1man*e+esan' #o@ert 3AAn)e+om whom are attemptin) to ?rame ?or their own crimes ?or reason o? attemptin) to a(ert arrest an' in(esti)ation 5 Mosta?a was chosen as a ScapeGoat '*e to a n*m@er o? reasons 4 one o? which @ein) the ?act that Mosta?a I@nSa*' is 'istant+y @io+o)ica++y re+ate' to the #oya+ I@nSa*' ?ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' his ancestor was the si@+in) o? the 0ttoman 1mperor '*rin) the .irst :or+' :ar4 a secon' reason @ein) that his ?ather is in(o+(e' in the c*rrent A6IS .action. Another reason ?or this tar)ettin) o? the I@nSa*' ?ami+y is ?or reason that 2errorist A6IS So+'iers whom are a+so 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are accomp+ice to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather Dnew a@o*t them @e?ore they occ*rre' an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e p+anne' m*ch o? the A6IS 2errorist AttacDs an' Assassinations which were p+anne' with the A6IS amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' 0sama ;in$a'enAs Ara@ian A6IS Unit. 3*rin) the year 200% < ?ramin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or their crimes was consi'ere'

@y#o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' some o? the 1man*e+es to @e a tact?*+ i'ea ?or reason that his i'entity was re+ate' to the 1st :or+' :ar '*e to his roya+ ancestra+ +inea)e 4 Mosta?a is o? an Ara@ian race an' 2he :ar on 2error was c*rrent+y tar)ettin) 0sama ;in$a'en whom was a+so o? an Ara@ian race 4 as we++ as ?or the reason that Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha' @een +i(in) in the North 1ast #e)ion o? the USA most o? his +i?etime. 2he Ita+ian A6ISAs p+ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' were 'isc*sse' @y 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo at a +ocation '*rin) which a++ o? their con(ersations ha' @een recor'e' as we++ as 'i' 1' .arrachi :arren 'isc*ss this o(er te+ephone more than once with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a+so 'isc*sse' this with associates o? his. 1' :arren is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he 1man*e+es an' many o? their a)ents ha(e @een recor'e' 'isc*ssin) p+ans to commit a series o? 2errorist AttacDs 4 H*man =i(isections 4 an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in North America an' @+ame these on innocent parties an' in'i(i'*a+s *n'er ?a+se premise that these in'i(i'*a+s acte' in cohesion an' synchonica++y with 0sama ;in$a'en. 2he tr*th is that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action is sti++ the core o? the A6IS .action 4 0sama ;in$a'en was an A6IS Mi+itant 7omman'er < otherwise it wo*+' @e impossi@+e ?or the 1man*e+es to time an' p+ace 0sama ;in$a'enAs 2errorist A??i+iates we++ eno*)h to ?rame in'i(i'*a+s associate' with him ?or the acti(ities o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS Mi+itant 7rimina+ 2errorist .action. 2he Psycho+o)ica+ Patho+o)y o? the A6IS 2errorist 7rimina+ mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+esA re)ime @*i+'in) in the home+an's o? NationsA ?orei)n to their own 4 is @ein) witnesse' c*rrent+y. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their A6IS 7omra'es ha(e @een *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation as a metho' o? m*tatin) their physica+ appearance to appear near+y i'entica+ to Genoci'e =ictims which they ha(e eCterminate' as we++ as in'i(i'*a+s whom they ha(e SeC 2ra??icDe' an' swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with their 'a*)hters or @etween other SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. .or p*rpose o? in?i+tratin) an' comp+ete+y corr*ptin) 'epartments o? In(esti)ations an' $aw 1n?orcement in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 5 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action ha(e recr*ite' 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers as A)ents o? 7orr*ption an' em@e''e' them within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations in the U.S.A. with the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Genoci'e =ictims. M*ch o? this has occ*rre' in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. . 2he 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha(e recr*ite' ha(e a+so @een emp+oye' as Genoci'a+ Assassins 4 H*man =i(isectionists 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 7omp*ter HacDers 4 an' 1spiona)e A)ents. 2he p*rpose ?or their recr*itin) o? 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers is apparent+y ?or the reason that the 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers wi++ not 3e?ect to the U.S.A. ?or reason that they ha(e now @een )i(en a c+ean set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' are now a@+e to +i(e *n'etecte' amon)st the pop*+ation 4 as we++ as the ?act that they ha(e now @een emp+oye' in a position o? eCtreme power. An important ?actor to consi'er when st*'yin) the psycho+o)ica+ patho+o)y o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy ACis in North America an' So*th America 4 is the 'istance @etween their c*rrent +ocation an' their home+an' o? Ita+ia. 2he comp+ete an' tota+ permanant conH*est o? the entire p+anet 1arth is the )oa+ o? a Sociopathic Me)a+omaniac 5 the sociopathy o? me)a+omaniacism is *s*a++y Dept in checD @y the prospect o? a r*ine' rep*tation 4 i? too many :ar 7rimes are committe' amon)st the pop*+ace o? a nei)h@orin) nation < '*e to the 'istance o? the U.S.A. an' ;ra>i+ ?rom Ita+ia 4 the men o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een ena@+e' to en)a)e in perio's o? anonymo*s *nrestraine' crimina+ity. 2his has res*+te' in eCtreme ;r*ta+ity 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 an' Genoci'e in the Americas 5 ?or the ?ami+ies o? the 1man*e+esA (ictims. :hen the Ita+ian 1mpire conH*ere' A+@ania 4 the :ar 7rimes committe' were ?ar +ess ?reH*ent than the rampant 7rimes A)ainst H*manity @ein) committe' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action in the Americas since the past open mi+itary 'e?eats which the A6IS s*??ere'. 2he Ita+ian A6IS .action o? which many o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 9ni)hts are in(o+(e' is in(o+(e' in a +ar)e amo*t o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin). Mem@ers o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate s*ch as #o@ 3AAn)e+o 4 Gra>>io+i 4 $orie Poten>a 4 an' some o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y inc+*'in) =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 5 are in(o+(e' in an A6IS A??i+iate' SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which in(o+(es repetitio*s Initiation 7rimes an'

2r*st 7rimes inc+*'in) SeC 0??enses 4 A@'*ctions 4 Hate 7rimes 4 an' :ar 7rime 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as +e(e+s o? Initiation 7rimes an' metho's o? ;+acD Mai+in) one another into maintainin) secrecy a@o*t their 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 an' 2errorism. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""% 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an 9e(in .aerio+o were (isitin) their co*sin An)e+a Poten>a whom at the time was marrie' to ;o@ SDinner an' was name' An)ie SDinner. :hi+e (isitin) An)e+a 4 An)e+a 'eci'e' to taDe an *r)ent 'ri(e to the Sa(in)s ;anD an' +e?t her 'a*)hter Am@er SDinner an' my sister Sheena MacPherson with her co*sins #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' 9e(in .aerio+o ?or a short time. 3*rin) the time that she was )one 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o an' 9e(in .aerio+o 'eci'e' to 'are eachother to commit a SeC 0??ense as a 2r*st 7rime to ;+acD Mai+ eachother 5 this res*+te' in #o@ 3AAn)e+o @rin)in) my sister Sheena MacPherson into Am@erAs @e'room an' maDin) her per?orm ?e+atio *pon him4 a?ter which 9e(in .aerio+o 'i' the same to Am@er SDinner. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""E < my sister Sheena MacPherson eCp+aine' this to me an' my ?ather4 whi+e 'ri(in) in his a*tomo@i+e 5 aro*n' this same 'ate 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o @ro*)ht a MA7H Assa*+t U>i to the SDinner resi'ence at E% ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire an' was Jshowin) it o??K to ;o@ SDinner an' e(ent*a++y showe' it to my ?ather whi+e eCp+ainin) that he an' An)e+a Poten>a were B*+i*s 1(o+aAs co*sins. 3*rin) 2005 4 this U>i was p+anne' to @e *se' to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or Arms 3ea+in) an' in 200! was act*a++y p+ace' in the han's o? an imposte*r o? Nate An'rosDi a?ter @ein) *se' on set '*rin) the ?i+min) o? o? cinematic mo(ie. It is pro@a@+e that 9e(in .aerio+o was one o? the ?irst peop+e with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in his sD*++ an' that his co*sin #o@ert 3AAn)e+o S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' it in his sD*++ witho*t his Dnow+e')e < it is pro@a@+e that this was *se' to con(ince 9e(in .aerio+o ne*ro+o)ica++y to he+p them S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in other peop+esA @rains. 9e(in .aerio+o is one o? the peop+e whom were eari+iest in(o+(e' in this 7rime Syn'icate an' seems to ha(e @een recr*ite' when he was yo*n)er 4 '*rin) which time he was not yet in(o+(e' in H*man =i(isection or Genoci'a+ 2errorism an' was on+y in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' SeC 2ra??icDin). Aro*n' the year 1""E the #o'on ?ami+y or'ere' a pi>>a ?rom 3ominoes Pi>>a in MerrimacD NewHampshire. 3*rin) eatin) this pi>>a an' watchin) a mo(ie4 we a++ ?e++ as+eep in the +i(in) room. Aro*n' this same time o? year 4 '*rin) the same year < $orie Poten>a 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o 4 an' Gra>>io+i arri(e' at #o@ #o'onAs 'oor one mornin) to ta+D to him a@o*t somethin) that in(o+(e' J:o+?K. JS(art U+?K or J;+acD :*+?K was A'o+? Hit+erAs nicDname. 2hey were re?errin) to A'o+? Hit+er. 3*rin) this year I rente' the mo(ie J2he :i>ar'sK an' watche' it at the #o'onAs ho*se < 7+int 2ay+or was to+' a@o*t this mo(ie 4 as was 7hristiano aro*n' the same time 5 :i>ar's is an animate' mo(ie that was create' @y a Bewish man name' #a+ph ;aDshi4 this p+ot o? this mo(ie in(o+(e' M*tants ?rom a nation ca++e' JScortchK an' a M*tant Army that attacDs the race o? peop+e who s*r(i(e' the 3r' :or+' :ar an' e(o+(e' into 1+(es. 2he p+ot o? the mo(ie occ*rs on p+anet 1arth < tho*san's o? years in the ?*t*re an' '*rin) the p+ot 4 ?i+m ree+s o? A'o+? Hit+erAs speeches are ?o*n' an' a :i>ar' name' J;+acD :o+?K *ses the recor'in)s to moti(ate the M*tants o? Scortch to war +iDe @eha(ior. Somethin) that #o@ 3AAn)e+o hear' a@o*t my a*nt B*+iannaAs ?ami+y s*r(i(in) the Ho+oca*st an' ha(in) pro@+ems with B*+i*s 1(o+a himse+? as we++ as the mo(ie the :i>ar's 5 res*+te' in #o@ 3AAn)e+o @rin)in) other re+ati(es o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs s*ch as Gra>>io+i an' Poten>a to #o@ert #o'onAs ho*se. 2here is e(i'ence that '*rin) 1""54 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o p+anne' a Ho+oca*st an' was p+annin) to eCterminate a +ist o? races in North America. A )enoci'e +ist consisttin) o? in'i(i'*a+sA names was ma'e soon a?ter this 4 it was eCpecte' that their ?ami+ies were to @e assassinate' < I was the ?irst name on this +ist 4 ;enIamin $in'@er)As name was on the +ist as we++ < ;enIamin $in'@er) was Bason ;e++emoreAs @est ?rien' 4 Bason in a 'escen'ant o? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta whom was a co*sin o? A'o+? Hit+erAs mother. My @est ?rien' was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whoAs ancestor was =ittorio 1man*e+e I. ;enIamin $in'@er) state' in 1""! 4 that he ha' hear' that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= was a chi+' mo+ester < the @e)inin) o? this Genoci'e seems to ha(e @ee ?or the p*rpose o? escapin) SeC 0??ense char)es an' has @een ?o++owe' @y an assassination o? entire ?ami+ies whom ha(e @een tar)ette' as a res*+t o? race. .aDe .ace;ooD.7om Pro?i+es ha(e @een

create' as i? they are these peop+e an' photo)raphs o? imposte*rs ha(e @een seen. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een @ein) *se' to impersonate Genoci'e =ictims who ha(e @een 7o(ert+y S+ain. #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs sons 7hristopher 3AAn)e+o an' Matthew 3AAn)e+o are in(o+(e' in their ?atherAs A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' were recr*ite' at a yo*n) a)e. 3an ;*cD+ey 4 Sean ;*cD+ey 4 Bason 3en(er 4 an' Bamie 3en(er were recr*ite' @y their a*nt $orie Poten>a when they were aprroCimate+y 12 an' 13 years o+' 5 the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is in a 'esperate position as a res*+t o? their *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ices as $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency #o*ters ?or the ;.7.I. 3e(ices4 the e(i'ence o? their 7rimes A)ainst H*manity has @een recor'e' into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentsA 7omp*ters o? the mi+itaries o? a+most e(ery nation on 1arth. I? the A6IS amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempt to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy themse+(es an' escape the USA with the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? their (ictimsA 4 they can @e easi+y +ocate' @y metho' o? *sin) 3NA 2estin) as a reH*ire' ?orm o? .orensic 1(i'ence to pro(e I'entity ?or p*rpose o? 7iti>en an' =isitor I'enti?ication < a system comprise' o? m*tip+e co++ection an' a*'itin) teams 4 m*+tip+e ?orms o? recor' Deepin) s*ch as paper an' more than one comp*ter intranet 4 with m*+tip+e +ocations o? recor's that are a@+e to @e cross re?erence' 5 a system simi+ar to IS0 A*'itin) stan'ar's can @e create' that wi++ ena@+e errors an' corr*ption to @e ?o*n' easi+y. I? an in'i(i'*a+ *n'er)oes =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation ?or me'icina+ or cosmetic p*rposes 4 it nee's to @e recor'e' @y the .e'era+ Go(ernment with a 3NA #ecor' *p'ate. A'(ances in Me'ica+ Science ha(e ma'e o@so+ete 4 the c*rrent process o? 7iti>en an' =isitor Persona+ I'enti?ication an' )enoci'e is c*rrent+y occ*rrin) as a res*+t o? a 2errorist 7rimina+ #e)ime now ha(in) the a@i+ity to m*tate their appearance an' commit crimes anonymo*s+y. N*mero*s ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are in(o+(e' in a G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 the A6IS was ?o*n'e' @y mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a +i(e' in the USA ?or part o? his +i?e 4 ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy inc+*'in) the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y mo(e' to the USA a?ter the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS. I? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempt to ?+ee < the Ho*se o? Aosta whom are their co*sins 4 can @e 3NA 2este' an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can @e ?o*n'. A+so4 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can @e 3NA 2este' an' their co*sins can @e ?o*n' 5 e(ent*a++y 4 this 3NA testin) +ea's to the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. 0ther )ro*ps o? peop+e who can sometimes +ocate the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the Ita+ian American Ma?ia 4 the A*strian co*sins o? the ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 any ?ami+y o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen wi++ ha(e in?ormation that +ea's to the +ocation o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y or where their own co*sins are. I? the A6IS amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can not 7omp+ete+y In?i+trate or Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the In(esti)ations 3epartments necessary to initiate o??icia+ in(esti)ations into the c*rrent 7o(ert Genoci'e that is occ*rrin) which m*st @e a primary in(esti)ation o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that the )*i+ty party are an 1nemy 7om@atant .action c*rrent+y attacDin) the +i?e on U.S.American Soi+ < the Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS wi++ 'e?inite+y attempt to e+iminate the e??ecti(eness o? Mi+itary Inte++i)ence In(esti)ations @y metho' o? swappin) their own I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s so that e+ectronic recor's wo*+' @e comp+ete+y incapa@+e o? ?in'in) m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or reason that they ha(e taDen new I'enti?ications an' iso+ate' themse+(es. AcH*aintances o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in(o+(e' in Me'ia 7inemato)raphy 4 in(estment connections an' other in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in ?inance 4 or)ani>e' crime 4 re+ati(es o? a ?ew Aosta 9ni)hts whom are in(o+(e' in the Sa(oy A6IS .action with 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy 4 re+ati(es o? some 9ni)hts o? Sa*' whom are in(o+(e' in the A6IS 4 acH*aintances o? $eon Panetta an' Banet Napo+itano 4 @*siness partners o? mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen as we++ as co worDers 4 in'i(i'*a+s who ha(e e(er @een in(o+(e' in Porno)raphy In'*stry an' Strip 7+*@ owners or mana)ers 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 acH*aintances o? mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom worD in 7omm*nications an' 1ntertainment 7orporations as we++ as Me'ia Pro'*ction 7ompanies 5 are a++ in'i(i'*a+s whom co*+' pro(i'e in?ormation capa@+e o? +ea'in) to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy sho*+' they attempt to escape @y any metho's. .or the reason that they ha(e

Dnown many peop+e 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are pro@a@+e to attempt to stea+ I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?rom their (ictims an' +ea(e imposte*rs in their stea' with ha+? o? their wea+th an' their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) in(esti)ations ?rom sei>in) them. .or p*rpose o? co++ectin) 3NA #ecor's 4 m*+tip+e hospita+s owne' @y 'i??erent owners nee' to @e *se' to o@tain recor's as we++ as 'oes a .e'era+ Hospita+ nee' to @e *se' 5 Nationa+ G*ar' nee's to @e in(o+(e' in the co++ection o? these 3NA #ecor's an' in the a*'itin) process to pre(ent corr*ption. I? ci(i+ians are worrie' a@o*t 3NA @ein) *se' to ?rame them 4 @ein) *se' to +ocate speci?ic racia+ types 4 or @ein) *se' to otherwise ?or crimina+ p*rposes 5 a comp*ter system with an Arti?ica+ Inte++i)ence So?tware that con'*cts ratio ana+ysis o? 3NA Hap+o)ro*ps on a month+y @asis an' +o)s the res*+ts 4 paire' with m*+tip+e teams o? h*man a*'itors < wo*+' @e near+y per?ect to 'etect co(ert )enoci'e in a pop*+ation as racia++y 'i(erse as the USA as we++ as wo*+' pre(ent 7orr*ption ?rom occ*rrin) that wo*+' res*+t in I'enti?ication 2he?t or .ra*' that co*+' @e *se' to commit crimes or e(en 'is)*ise )enoci'e. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y are pro@a@+e to @e worrie' a@o*t this ?or reason that they are A'o+? Hit+erAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ami+y as we++ as are they o? the same Aristocratic Ho*se as B*+i*s 1(o+a < since 200E 4 some .action in(o+(e' in Socia+ 1n)ineerin) an' Po+itic in the USA 5 ha(e @een attemptin) to 'isrep*te the concept o? a Nationa+ I'enti?ication 7ar' an' Nationa+ I'enti?ication System. A Nationa+ I'enti?ication 7ar' is a )oo' i'ea 4 it can a+so @e *se' as a Passport '*e to the amo*nt o? ?orensic e(i'ence reH*ire' to pro(e i'entity to o@tain a Nationa+ I'enti?ication 7ar' 5 it is a+so @etter than a G3ri(ers $icenseG or GNon 3ri(ers I'enti?ication 7ar'G 4 @eca*se it is a Nationa+ I'enti?ication 7ar' an' not a Pro(incia+ I'enti?ication 7ar'. An 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met an' a 7omp*ter co*+' easi+y @e *se' ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) ?act*a+ i'entity @y asDin) a short H*estionaire to ens*re the a@so+*te i'entity o? in'i(i'*a+s @y rea'in) their tho*)hts with 7omp*ter Ne*roScience So?tware. 0? eCtreme 'an)er4 is the prospect o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action assassinatin) the entirety o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 1mp+oyees an' their ?ami+ies 4 taDin) their positions within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 an' pro(i'in) ?a+se ?or)aries o? e+ectronic e(i'ence to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense < this 4 as we++ as ?*rther in?i+tration o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' the Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation o? the 1Cec*ti(e ;ranch o? Go(ernment 5 wo*+' ena@+e the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action to arrest 7i(i+ians *n'er the ?a+se premise that the ci(i+ians were s*ppose'+y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS Mi+itant 7rimina+ 2errorist S+eeper 7e++ NetworD. I? this occ*rs < it wi++ @e incorrect+y reporte' )+o@a++y that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS were arreste' in the U.S.A. ?or 2reason an' 2errorism or possi@+y a ?a@rication in(o+(in) another i'entity @ein) the )*i+ty 1nemy 7om@atant .action wi++ @e reporte' an' in teCt @ooDs 4 history wi++ @e incorrect+y recor'e'. 2he empowerment o? the 1nemy 7om@atant .action whom ha(e 'one this 4 within o*r own )o(ernment 5 is )oin) to @rin) a@o*t the 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the North American #aces. It is a possi@i+ity that *pon rea+i>in) that their arrest is imminent 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their Aosta a++ies wi++ attempt to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate themse+(es an' rep+ace the .e'era+ $aw 1n?orcement an' Mi+itary In(esti)ations < an' arrest =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' imposte*rs o? themse+(es ?or p*rpose o? escapin) imprisonment 5 they ha(e teste' this m*+tip+e times at a +ower sca+e in re)ion s*ch as ;oston Massach*settes an' Manchester NewHampshire. In Manchester NewHampshire < 2ony Gon>a+e> was +ocDe' in a @asement 4 ?e' mi+D tainte' with Hemo)+o@in that was *se' to c*+t*re =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s4 an' m*tate' to resem@+e a man name' 7aesar whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ha' @een @ein) *se' @y a 7rime So+'ier o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs. I @e+ie(e that the ori)ina+ man may ha(e possi@+y @een name' 7aesar 6a(ier. I met this man in 2003. 2he man who sto+e his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' m*tate' his sDin an' nose to +ooD simi+ar *se' the names G7esareG an' G3ia@+oG 5 I @e+ie(e that this man was Ita+ian an' Spanish possi@+y. 2he ?act*a+ 7aesar was a 2aiino Mesti>o 7arri@ean. 3*rin) 2008 4 most o? Manchester NewHampshire ?o*n' o*t that the man who is in prison as him is 2ony Gon>a+e>. G7esareG G3ia@+oG was si)hte' in Manchester N.H. an' Nash*a N.H. '*rin) 200! 4 2008 4 an' 2012 5 he ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' his sDin to t*rn pa+e white an' his

nose thinner. J3ia@+oK is pro@a@+y ?rom =ir)inia 4 is a ?rien' o? 7+int 2y+orAs 4 is a 7rime So+'ier o? the 1ma*e+e ?ami+iesA 4 an' is pro@a@+y a @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e o? the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2005 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was o(erhear' 'is*ssin) a preme'itate' )enoci'e o? the entire pop*+ation o? North America @e)innin) with .irst Nations Nati(e Americans < the ?o*n'in) races o? the USA 4 7ana'a 4 MeCico 4 An)+o SaCons an' Gae+s @oth Nati(e to North America as we++ as ?orei)n to North America 4 .ranDic race 4 Ho++an' race 4 the Israe+i race 4 A?rican American USAmericans 4 an' e(ery other race o? peop+e +i(in) in North America in a strate)ic seH*entia+ or'er @y assassinatin) ?ami+ies systemica++y an' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to rep+ace the ?ami+ies with imposte*rs that ha(e @een m*tate' to +ooD +iDe them an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces as we++ as Ne*roScience So?tware to assist in the assassination as we++ as ai' in comm*nicatin) with the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist So+'iers as we++ as mimmicD the (oices o? )enoci'e (ictims whom the A6IS So+'iers ha(e @een pro(i'e' the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? @y poisin) an' cont*rin) the (oca+ m*sc*+at*re an' mo*th to the eCact so*n' o? another personAs (oice. 3*rin) this 'isc*ssion 4 .i+ state' that he was )oin) to eCterminate the entire North American continent an' arm those o? Ita+ian race who s*r(i(e' the 2ota+ Genoci'e with Mi+itary Gra'e :eapons 5 +iDe his ?ather 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs )oa+ is to eCterminate North America an' e(ent*a++y to conH*er the 1arth. .i++i@ertoAs primary tar)ets are the Nati(e #aces o? North America 4 an' secon'ary tar)ets are the rest o? the races o? the wor+' in a strate)ic or'er concernin) which races are (iewe' as the most ?ormi'i@+e a'(ersaries an' which co*+' @e most co(ert+y 'e?eate'. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y seem ea)er to position the Ita+ian #ace in s*ch a position that they m*st ?i)ht a++ o? the wor+'As mi+itaries 5 this is a c+ear+y s*ici'a+ position an' wi++ ine(ita@+y res*+t in the comp+ete +oss o? Internationa+ .orei)n 3ip+omatic #e+ations ?or the Ita+ian #ace an' the Nation o? Ita+ia. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy nee' to @e arreste' @y U.N. cooperati(e Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 4 s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace or ?orce' to wear an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met 4 an' interro)ate'. A Mi+itary Psychiatric Prison Unit is 'e?inite+y a necessity ?or :ar 7rimina+s o? this stat*re 4 as we++ as ?or :ar 7rimina+s whoAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity are 'e?inite e(i'ence o? their eCtreme 7rimina+ Insanity. 3*rin) the year 2005 < 1' :arren was witnesse' 'isc*ssin) the i'ea o? S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the entirety o? the USAmerican 7iti>enry an' e(ent*a++y the rest o? North America 4 ?o++owin) the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? these 'e(ices. 1' :arren state' that the Ne*roScience So?tware 4 the Internet Protoco+ in?ormation 4 an' the contro+s o? the entire operation were to @e )i(en to #e)istere' SeC 0??en'ers whom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were )i(in) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Genoci'e =ictimsA to an' were )oin) to +ea(e in a position o? a@so+*te power 4 ena@+in) them to rape the women an' chi+'ren o? a++ o? North America. Bason ;e++emore 'isc*sse' his Dnow+e')e o? this eCact p+an '*rin) the year 2001 as 'i' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren state' J2his is )oin) to @e +iDe a chainsaw 4 once yo* )et it starte' yo* can I*st +et it )o an' it 'oes the rest o? Io@ a++ on itAs own.K. 7*rrent+y < the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )oa+ is the assassination an' rep+acement o? the AUS.7AN.NP.U9.US. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments an' their emp+oyeeAs ?ami+ies as we++ as a (ery +ar)e n*m@er o? ci(i+ians ?rom these nations < this ?or the pr*pose o? a(ertin) @ein) con(icte' o? :ar 7rimes in re+ation to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces which ha(e @een Ne*roS*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the crani*ms o? tho*san's o? ci(i+ians. 2his is a 'e?inite p+anne' Genoci'e an' is c*rrent+y *n'erway in North America. 2he S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the crani*ms o? citi>ens +i(in) in the USA @e)an in the approCimate year o? 1""8 an' was initia++y @ein) accomp+ishe' @y #o@ert 3AAn)e+o o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' $orie Poten>a who were @oth S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the crani*ms o? tar)et SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 Genoci'e =ictims 4 Po+itica+ 2ar)ets 4 Mi+itary 2ar)ets 4 $aw 1n?orcement 2ar)ets 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 2ar)ets 4

an' H*man =i(isection =ictims. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 whi+e in Science 7+ass wat MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ < Bason ;e++emore state' J=ictor isnAt a++ there. He isnAt ri)ht in the hea' 4 he is )oin) to )et *s a++ Di++e'. He has p+ans to a@'*ct an o+' man the same shape an' si>e as himse+? 4 an' *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate the )*y to +ooD i'entica+ to himse+? *n'er a microscope < whi+e Deepin) the o+' man in a Hospita+ @e' *nconcio*s ?ee'in) him se'ati(es thro*)h an intra(eno*s t*@e. He p+ans on m*tatin) the manAs @rains +ast an' shootin) him in the hea' with a shot)*n 4 +ea(in) him 'ea' with a '*p+icate o? =ictorAs I3 7ar' in his wa++et an' the same 3NA *n'er a microscope. 2his isnAt )oin) to worD '*'e. He thinDs that that @eats .orensic Science an' that when he comes ?orwar' as sti++ a+i(e an' the rea+ =ictor that it @eats .orensic Science. 2hat 'oesnAt @eat .orensic Science. :e are a++ )oin) to 'ie. 2he mi+itary is I*st )oin) to 'eman' that he taDes a s*r(ey with an 1+ectro1cepha+oGraph He+met on his hea' an' Ne*roScience So?tware r*nnin) on the comp*ter that can rea' his tho*)ht teCt to pro(e his i'entity. I 'onAt Dnow what he 'i' 4 @*t it in(o+(es ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces a+rea'y. HeAs )oin) to en' *p tryin) to taDe the mi+itary an' shoot 'own the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Satte+ites 4 an' 'estroy the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases. He m*st ha(e 'one somethin) pretty 'is)*stin) ?or this to @e necessary. I am A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sin 4 '*'e. :here are we )oin) to hie o*r ?ami+ies a?ter thisO 2his isnAt oDay 4 '*'e. He wants to @e a@+e to say that he has an e(i+ twin. 3o yo* Dnow how st*pi' that isO 2hat is the st*pi'est attempte' a+i@i.K Bason ;e++emore was ta+Din) to another st*'ent whoAs ?ami+y ha' A6IS connections. 3*rin) the year 2003 an' 200% < my ?rien' met the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 7*rrent+y 4 an imposte*r is c+aimin) to @e ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' has @een e+ecte' to position o? o??ice as Presi'ent o? the USA. 3*rin) the year that my ?rien' Dnew ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama < my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his crani*m that sho*+' ha(e recor'e' some o? his meetin) with the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama @y metho' o? ne*ro+o)ica+ 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy transmissions an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence recor'in)s as we++ as .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission. Un?ort*nate+y 4 many o? the 'epartments o? in(esti)ation within the USA ha(e @een in?i+trate' an' he+' @y Ita+ian A6IS since the years ?o++owin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. 2he ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama that my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ Dnew was a mem@er o? the New/orD 4 #ho'e Is+an' 4 an' Massach*settes Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e < as we++ as was he a ;+acD Panther. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar < 1' :arren was o(erhear' statin) to 3e@@ie 3*mont 4 J:e )ot a )*y name' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama on one o? o*r +ists. :eAre )oin) to *se his name 4 weA(e )ot a )*y rea'y to rep+ace him. =ictor wants to *se the name4 he says he has )ot a reason ?or it.K. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 3e@@ie 3*mont ha' recei(e' a +ist o? names ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e an' 1' :arren which inc+*'e' n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s who were eCpecte' to @e assassinate' a+on) with their ?ami+ies 5 on 3e@@ie 3*montAs +ist was Ian MacPherson 4 ;o@ An>a+one 4 A+?re' Io'ice 4 #ona+' $a(oie 4 3e@@ie MacPherson 4 ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama 4 Michae+ Bohnston 4 3a(i' Marsha++ 4 ;en $in'@er) 4 MarD P*cDer@er) 4 B*+ianna Ga*'ette 4 Pa*+ Mi++er 4 Me)an So*thern 4 Beremy 0ANei+ 4 Pachary An'rosDi 4 Mo++y Go''ar' 4 Samantha ;ernstein 4 ;arry :einstein 4 #ona+' ;oar'man 4 #ichar' 7onesc* 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 Bosh*a ;*rns 4 an' others. :hat was eCp+aine' was that the man who was )oin) to @ecome ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs imposte*r was incarcerate' in prison an' was )oin) to @e re+ease' in 2005 5 it was a+rea'y 'isc*sse' that the man ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in his crani*m. .rom the so*n' o? the con(ersations which 1' :arren ha' re)ar'in) the ?*t*re imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama < it so*n'e' as i? the imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama *nDnowin)+y a+rea'y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in his @rain an' that it was *se' to contro+ his ne*ro+o)y to ne*ro+o)ica++y pi+ot him to commit some sort o? crime intentiona++y which res*+te' in his incarceration 5 accor'in) to what 1' :arren was 'isc*ssin) 4 the imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was con(ince' whi+e in prison that he was @ein) recr*ite' into an 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate an' that he was )oin) to @e )i(en a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as

e(ent*a++y taDe the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' wea+th o? a .ort*ne 500 .or@es Ma)a>ine wea+thy ?inancia+ e+ite. 1' :arren ma'e it o@(io*s that this man was @ein) manip*+ate' an' +ie' to an' that the ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama imposte*r was eCpen'a@+e. 3e@@ie 3*mont rep+ie' to 1' :arrenAs statement a@o*t ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama @ein) rep+ace' @y an imposte*r prior to r*nnin) ?or e+ection an' eCc+aime' JHe m*st ha(e @a++s o? )a+(ani>e' stee+ to maDe that mo(eN 2hat taDes ;*tras ;*tras ;a++ SacDNK It so*n'e' +iDe this man was )oin) to @e *se' to test ?orei)n nationsA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ?or a reaction to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in his crani*m that has @een transmittin) 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy :a(e.orm #a'io .reH*ency 2ransmissions since it was insta++e' on the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e @een *sin) to networD the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 as we++ as was this man eCpecte' to ho+' his position as imposte*r o? the Presi'ent o? the USA ?or the p*rpose o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @*i+'in) a 2errorist 7rimina+ #e)ime within the )o(ernment o? the USA an' ho+'in) the re)ime in p+ace. .rom the so*n' o? what 1' :arren was 'escri@in) 4 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers were @ein) recr*ite' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS with promise that they wo*+' @e )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' or missin) Genoci'e =ictimsA which wo*+' ena@+e them to @e)in a new +i?e worDin) ?or the A6IS 5 accor'in) to 1' :arren an' others whom were o(erhear' 4 these SeC 0??en'ers were )oin) to @e *se' as co(ert Jcooperati(e pi+otsK o? peop+e whom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy (iewe' as important to contro+ witho*t the tar)etsA Dnow+e')e o? it @ein) so. 2his was @ein) 'isc*sse' aro*n' the same time '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 that 1' :arren @e)an 'isc*ssin) with 3e@@ie 3*mont the p+an that the Ita+ian A6ISA were )oin) to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs @rain '*rin) the same month that he was meetin) with the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' attempt to ?rame the 9oin) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia ?or it. 1' :arren to+' 3e@@ie 3*mont that there was )oin) to @e two imposte*rs o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama 4 one imposte*r that worDe' in o??ice as the Presi'ent o? the USA an' another imposte*r that was )oin) to @e 'e+e)ate' to other crimina+ actions whi+e the ?irst ' p+anne' o??ice as Presi'ent 5 what e(er the Ita+ian A6IS ha' p+anne' 4 it reH*ire' two imposte*rs o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 2he man on the te+e(ision 'oes not +ooD +iDe the ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama that 3a(e Marsha++ ha' Dnown ?rom the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e meetin)s an' ha' @een intro'*ce' to my ?rien' 3a(i' $ee who was a )*itarist in the same @an' that 3a(e Marsha++As co*sin Mat Marsha++ p+aye' 'r*ms ?or 5 my ?rien' #yan Har(ey was a+so a mem@er o? this @an' ?rom ;oston Massach*settes 4 which was ca++e' Sco*r)e. I? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(ein'ee' rep+ace' the presi'ent ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' i'entica+ imposte*r 4 the imposte*r has Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the U.S.A. 1Cec*ti(e ;ranch. 2his is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s ?or reason that this a)ent co*+' pro(i'e +ists to the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS o? USAmericans emp+oye' within the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 their positions 4 an' their home a''resses. 0? eH*a+ importance is the Secretary o? 3e?ense 5 i? a person s*ch as 3ona+' #*ms?e+' was rep+ace' '*rin) the :ar on 2error 4 the entirety o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence roster co*+' @e entire+y Dnown to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' @e tar)ets ?or Genoci'a+ Assassination an' rep+acement @y imposte*rs. 2his wo*+' @e the same i? 3ona+' #*ms?e+' ha' @een an A6IS S+eeper A)ent 5 this is ca++e' a Heiracha+ 3ecapitation. 1(en i? ?orce' to 'ec+are war *pon their own Mi+itant .actionAs a++ies 4 a S+eeper A)ent who has s*ccee'e' at per?ormin) a Heiracha+ 3ecapitation has the a@i+ity to )ather in?ormation 4 +ie to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 e+ect in'i(i'*a+s to positions within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense that are a@+e to @e *se' @y the 1nemy .action '*rin) an open Mi+itary 7on?+ict. A S+eeper A)ent 'oes not necessari+y ?ire *pon the Mi+itary o? which they are 7o(ert+y 1m@e''e' '*rin) a Mi+itant 7on?+ict 4 e(en i? they ha(e s*ccess?*++y Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' an' entire 'epartment. I ha(e once hear' an Ita+ian 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'ier sayin) o? 3ona+' #*ms?e+' G3ona+' #*ms?e+' is the r*m 3#*nD 3octor. ItAs +iDe A+cho+ics Anonymo*s. /o* can not hea+ thy se+?4 physician. 3ona+' #*ms?e+' is A6IS. He heirarcha++y 'ecapitate' the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense.G < two years +ater 4 I hear' this eCact statement @ein) state' a)ain @y an Ita+ian

Sa(oy A6IS A)ent who ha' @een +i(in) as an imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon an' *sin) 3on'iAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2hese crimina+s who ha(e @een @ein) *se' as I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ho+'ers nee' to 'e?ect to a Mi+itary ?rien'+y to the U.S.A. 4 or they are 1nemy 7om@atants. A Genoci'e is c*rrent+y occ*rin) in North America. 7*rrent+y4 I am a (ictim o? what has @ecome a wi'e sprea' series o? H*man =i(isections that ha(e @een committe' @y a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? which =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+e are 2errorist 7rime $or's. 2his is a networD o? crimina+ terrorists in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin) an' Genoci'e. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 I was i++e)a++y an' a)ainst my wi++ S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace a?ter @ein) poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCins an' inIecte' with Se'ati(es @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Sean ;*cD+ey. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 whi+e *nconscio*s in a pri(ate+y owne' hea+thcare ?aci+ity 5 I was i++e)a++y s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a secon' or thir' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience 'e(ice @y two o? their 2errorist 7rimina+ A)ents whom were the s*r)eons. It is possi@+e that I was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @y $orie Poten>aAs nephew Sean ;*cD+ey an' an accomp+ice '*rin) the year 2000 a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. 2his ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consists o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it patch which is )ra?te' to the @rain an' is wire' @ehin' the ear+o@e *n'erneath the sDin to an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice which is @ein) *se' as an Impro(ise' #o*terF;attery to networD the 'e(ice to comp*ters o(er +on) 'istance #a'io .reH*ency an' an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. It is pro@a@+e that this 'e(ice is +oa'e' onto a comp*ter *sin) a wire+ess ro*ter or mo'em an' a US; #a'io .reH*ency I'enti?ication 3e(ice scanner < an' that an a+tere' (ersion o? Shippin) F .rei)ht 2racDin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System So?tware is *se' to networD these 'e(ices o(er a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 4 Shippin) F .rei)ht G+o@a+ Positionin) System Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 4 an' 1n'an)ere' Species A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 5 these 'e(ices are pro@a@+e to @e accessi@+e @y internet an' easi+y insta++e' to a comp*ter as a 'e(ice *sin) 7*stom 1n)ineere' GPS NetworDin) So?tware that ena@+es the *ser to +ocate the 'e(ices on the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. 2his A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice can @e 'etecte' *sin) 9ismet so?tware 4 U@ertooth har'ware 4 Airsnort So?tware 4 an' a speci?ic Din' o? US; #.I3 3etector that can scan G.P.S. 3e(ices. 2he G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices that are S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+ians crani*ms an' are wire' to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aceAs Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it Patch Gra?t are a@+e to @e 'etecte' *sin) a U.S.;. Porta@+e #...I.3. Scanner < this 'e(ice +ooDs +iDe a rectan)*+ar pa' a@o*t the si>e o? a mathematics ca+c*+ator 4 it p+*)s into a comp*ter *sin) a US; Port 4 an' it operates with #.I3 So?tware. So?tware can @e create' which can ana+y>e the type o? #.I3 3e(ice that is scanne' 4 this so?tware can a+so @e ma'e compati@+e with U;1#2002H1 type 'e(ices which scan a++ #a'io .reH*encies ?or si)na+s an' can @e *se' to +o) si)na+s or networD to 'e(ices *sin) Penetration 2estin) So?tware. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es ha(e create' n*mero*s networDs ?or the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ices *sin) n*mero*s I.P. A''resses o? Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ as we++ as other Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 4 Deepin) these a++ on seperate +ists. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e access to 7omm*nications Ser(ers an' ha(e 9ni)hts an' other A)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who ha(e access to 7omm*nications Ser(ers an' ha(e the a@i+ity to copy the entire 'ata contents o? the 7omm*nications Ser(er to a 'ata stora)e 'e(ice 5 it is a theory that it is @y this metho' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy sta+D entire ?ami+ies an' in(i'*a+ (ictims o? theirs as we++ as )ather in?ormation ?or p*rposes o? espiona)e 4 mi+itary inte++i)ence 4 an' other p*rposes. Positions o? emp+oyment which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy *ti+i>e ?or p*pose o? )ainin) access to 7omm*nications Ser(ers are Maintainance positions at 7omm*nications 7orporations an' 1ntertainment 7orporations which pro(i'e Internet an' 7a@+e. 2hese recor's wo*+' )i(e them access

to 2e+ephone #ecor's 4 2e+ephone 7on(ersations 4 Internet 3ata 4 Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 3ata 4 .e'era+ 3ata 4 recor's o? 2ransmitte' 1+ectronic 3ata 4 G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3ata 4 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 3ata 4 an' .inancia+ Instit*tion F ;anDin) 3ata. A 9ni)ht is an Aristocratic ;o'y G*ar' o? No@i+ity an' is a Mi+itant Position < i? a 9in) is a Mi+itant 2errorist 7rime $or' 4 a 9ni)ht is an 1nemy 7om@atant. .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission has not repon'e' to the threat o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) i++e)a++y networDe' thro*)h an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 4 it seems that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs an' the Ho*se o? AostaAs a)ents are em@e''e' within the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission. It a+so seems 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e in?i+trate' the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment an' somehow mana)e' to pre(ent in(esti)ations into the 7omp*ter HacDin) o? 70M7AS2 Ser(ers an' the @roa'castin) o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are on ci(i+ians 2e+e(isions in NewHampshire 4 Massach*settes 4 Maine 4 an' other re)ions < the Persona+ 7omp*ter HacDin) 4 the i++e)a+ te+ephone wiretappin) 4 an' the Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices c*stom en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts ha(enAt @een in(esti)ate' either. :hi+e I was +i(in) with 9enneth B*'' at Haywar' Street in Manchester NewHampshire 4 he contacte' 70M7AS2 an' the ..7.7. a@o*t the HacDin) an' the 2e+e(ision an' there was no rep+y an' no so+*tion to the pro@+em. 2here is a 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S in the Manchester NewHampshire re)ion 4 it is pro@a@+e that these a*'io '*@ e'its an' (i'eo '*@ e'its which occ*rre' on the te+e(ision were the pro'*ct o? a 7omp*ter HacDer at the 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S or a 7omp*ter HacDer hacDin) the 1ntertainment NetworD Ser(er at the 2e+e(ision 7a@+e Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ on the 1ntertainment an' 7omm*nications Ser(er 7omp*ters an' a*'io '*@@in) a*'io o(er it. It is pro@a@+e that the metho' @ein) *se' is a mirror o? the transmission in the ser(er simi+ar to 2U#90BAN So?tware that mirrors the 'ata reH*ests ?rom the Internet Ser(er to the Persona+ 7omp*ter *sin) the 2*rDoIan So?tware an' a++ows the 7omp*ter HacDerAs Persona+ 7omp*ter to taDe prece'ent position o(er the Ser(er 7omp*terAs Internet 3ata. 2his a++ows a 7omp*ter HacDer with m*+ti me'ia so?tware to e'it the te+e(ision @roa'cast an' =oca+ Speech Synthesi>ers an' a*to t*ne pitch correction are *se' to '*@ a*'io o(er the re)*+ar 2e+e(ision 2ransmission. 2his is proo? that there was a n*m@er o? ci(i+ian tar)et in the re)ion that this was inten'e' to Psycho+o)ica++y 2ra*mati>e 5 this is an eCtreme+y i++e)a+ ?orm o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. I remem@er the ?aces o? the s*r)eons who imp+ante' the 200! ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ice in my crani*m4 c+ear+y < it is pro@a@+e that one o? them was ?ormer+y an ortho'onta+ s*r)eon in the re)ion o? New Hampshire an' Massach*settes. 0ne o? these men was 'e?inite+y o? Ita+ian race 4 the other man appeare' to @e o? miCe' Iranian or o? a (ery simi+ar +ooDin) Aryan race s*ch as PaDistani or In'ian ?rom a re)iona+ ori)in near Iran. 2he h*man (i(isection o? which I am a (ictim ha' taDen p+ace in a hospita+ in 7oncor' New Hampshire o? the USA an' the s*r)ery in(o+(e' the s*r)ica+ )ra?tin) o? a Ne*roScience 3e(ice which is a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it to my @rain an' the S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? an A#G0S GPS 31=I71 which has @een impro(ise' to ser(e the same ?*nction as a NetworDin) #o*ter ?or a :ire+ess 1+ectronic 3e(ice 5 this A#G0S GPS 3e(ice an' the @attery which is encase' within it4 is tacDe' insi'e the @ase corner o? the +ower Iaw in the maCi++o?acia+ re)ion an' is wire' to the Ne*ro7irc*it *n'erneath the ear+o@e which was se(ere' an' cemente' @acD into p+ace '*rin) the s*r)ery. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace c*rrent+y in my sD*++ which is )ra?te' to my @rain is wire' to an attache' A#G0S G.P.S. #o*ter F ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant com@ination which is encase' in s*r)ica+ p+astic < this was inserte' *sin) a so?t an' ?+eCi@+e p+astic t*@e whi+e the A#G0S G.P.S. #o*ter F ;attery is a+rea'y attache' on the other en' which han)s o*t o? the t*@e 5 this +ooDs simi+ar to a ?+attene' tampon app+icator an' the Si+D @ase' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it ?o+'s insi'e the t*@e to ?it it as non in(asi(e+y as possi@+e into the sD*++ ca(ity4 a?terwhich it *n?o+'s when it is )ent+y p*she' o?? the en' @y the wire an' the t*@e is remo(e' < this is ?o++owe' @y the S*r)ica+ Impantin) o? the A#G0S G.P.S. #o*ter F ;attery which is encase' in some Din' o? S*r)ica+ P+astic

an' was imp+ante' *sin) too+s which are simi+ar to $aproscopic 2oo+s an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery 2oo+s as we++ as ;o'y Mo'i?ication 2oo+s which are *se' to winch the A#G0S G.P.S. #o*ter F ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant 'own into the Baw 7a(ity ?rom @ehin' the ear an' to s*t*re tacD it to the m*sc*+at*re a+on) the insi'e o? the Baw 7a(ity which is consi'ere' somethin) aDin to Mastoi' SDe+eta+ M*sc*+at*re an' is o? re+ation to MaCi++o?acia+ S*r)ery an' Micro S*r)ery as we++ as Ne*roS*r)ery an' 7osmetic S*r)ery. An emp+oyee o? .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire4 whom was an accomp+ice o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs whom is name' 1' .arrachi :arren 5 in the year 200% < was o(erhear' 'escri@in) this as G+iDe ta))in) an a++i)atorG. I remem@er hearin) $orie Poten>aAs (oice '*rin) the s*r)ery an' her sayin) JI am )oin) to 'o*@+e s*t*re itK an' Jyeah heAs @een aro*n' ?or a whi+eK a?ter the s*r)eon asDe' her JthereAs a+rea'y one 'own in thereO I am to p*t in a secon' oneOK an' +ater Jso this maDes threeO 2his is his thir' ;7IOK. 2his is a Ne*roScience 'e(ice an' is transmittin) Ne*ro+o)y in ;inary ?orm *nencrypte' @y way o? Internet Ser(ers4 as we++ as Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone an' Mo@i+e Internet towers an' ser(ers< an' A#G0S re+ate' transmissions which remain networDe' *n'er e(en S*@way 2ransit 4 e+e(ations s*ch as Mo*ntain 1+e(ation an' .+i)ht 4 an' Sea 2ra(e+ . A#G0S networDs are *se' @y ;io+o)ists to tracD anima+ +i?e s*ch as 1n'an)ere' Species an' it is +o)ica+ that ;io+o)ists ha(e eCperimente' in the past with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices on A#G0S NetworDs recor'in) Ne*ro+o)y o? 1n'an)er Species as we++ as possi@i+y $on) #an)e Ne*ro#o@otic remote manip*+ation o? or)anic @io+o)ica+ +i?e?orms as Ne*roScientists in the past ha(e eCperimente' with *sin) #ats4 Insects4 an' MonDeys as we++ as other +i?e?orms as #emote 7ontro+ =ehic+es *sin) #emote 7ontro+ o? Ne*ro 7irc*itry as we++ as A*tomate' Animations in(o+(in) Ne*ro7irc*itry an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace with an eCtreme+y +ow (o+ta)e power rese(oir which pro(i'es ma)netic char)e to the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it component o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which ena@+es ;inary contro+ o? the 1+ectro Ma)netics o? the ;rainAs 7ortica+ S*r?ace an' th*s contro+ o? near+y the entire Ne*ro+o)y an' Ne*ro7ir*itry o? the @io+o)ica+ +i?e?orm. 2his attacD is the action o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom are )*i+ty o? committin) a series o? )enoci'a+ terrorist attacDs as we++ as espiona)e an' are )*i+ty o? or)ani>e' war crimes in(o+(in) seC tra??icDin)4 arms 'ea+in)4 assassinations4 an' ?*n'in) terrorism. 2hese 'e(ices are what has @een @ein) ca++e' Si+D ;ase' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 they ha(e the appearance o? a rectan)*+ar p+astic sticDer with circ*itry printe' on them4 the or)anic p+astic 'isso+(es *pon contact with the @rain an' a'heres the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it to the @rain. A wire is attache' @ehin' or what can @e consi'ere' @eneath the ear carti+a)e which connects to the sD*++ < this wire is positione' spannin) ?rom the ear re)ion to 'own @ehin' the ear an' into the corner o? the +ower Iaw @one ca(ity connectin) to the ro*ter an' @attery which is *se' to p*sh the e+ectronic 'ata an' recei(e @inary e+ectronic transmissions. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces can @e *se' in conI*nction with n*mero*s Din's o? Ne*roScience re+ate' so?tware. 2he #a'io .reH*ency si)na+ networDin) the Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to a networD o? comp*ters as an Insta++e' 3e(ice is a +on) ran)e si)na+ that is @ein) recei(e' an' sent @y a +on) ran)e transmitter which is S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' near the Iaw. N*mero*s ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices are c*rrent+y acti(e+y transmittin) in the North 1ast o? North America as we++ as other re)ions an' are c*rrent+y insta++e' on a networD o? comp*ters @y way o? Internet Ser(ers an' Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone #a'io .reH*ency as we++ as A#G0S NetworDs 5 these are insta++e' as Ne*roScience 'e(ices on m*+tip+e comp*ters which are owne' @y terrorists an' h*man tra??icDers as we++ as are they c*rrent+y insta++e' on the comp*ter o? an anonymo*s hacDer whom has @een attemptin) to he+p the (ictims. I 'i' not consent to the S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) an' )ra?tin) o? this 'e(ice in the year 200! nor was I ?*++y aware o? itAs eCistence *nti+ two years a)o. It is pro@a@+e that S+eeper A)ents ha' s*ccee'e' at )ainin) emp+oyment within the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments o? the USA an' 7ana'a '*rin) the ear+y 2000As an' as a res*+t 5 these +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency transmissions ha(e not @een 'etecte' ear+ier in the North1ast o? the USA an' 1astern 7ana'a a+tho*)h they were certain+y recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworDs

an' store' in 1+ectronic 2ransmissions 3ata $i@raries associate' with the A*s7anN>UDUS Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments. 2he ro*ter ?or the Ne*roScience Ne*ro7irc*it 'e(ice in my sD*++ which has @een )ra?te' to my @rain has @een transmittin) ?or approCimate+y ! years4 since May o? 200!. ;ein) that H*man =i(isection is a :ar 7rime 5 it is possi@+e ?or Mi+itary Inte++i)ence to checD the recor'e' e+ectronic transmissions 'ata o? the past 20 years ?or ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience 2ransmissions. 2here is a serio*s 'an)er o? A6IS A)ents 'ecapitatin) Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence @ases @y metho' o? tota+ in?i+tration or a+so partia+ in?i+tration ?o++owe' @y m*r'er o? mi+itary persone+ an' ass*mption o? i'entity @y A6IS a)ents *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or cosmetic 'is)*ise < this @ein) 'one ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) Mi+itary In(esti)ations concernin) these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity is a pro@a@i+ity. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence is necessary to stop this ?rom contin*in)4 .i++i@erto *n'o*@te'+y Dnew this in 200% an' has pro@a@+y ma'e arran)ements to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence tota++y which wo*+' eH*ate to a 7o(ert Para Mi+itary 7o*p A'e 1tat *n+ess an o??icia+ Mi+itary ?*n'e' @y a reco)ni>e' Nation State were in(o+(e' in which case it wo*+' @e consi'ere' a 7o(ert Mi+itary 7o*p A'e 1tat. HacDin) Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence comp*ters is impossi@+e to 'o witho*t the hacDer @ein) 'isco(ere' as the res*+t o? Penetratin) the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD is ine(ita@+y the NetworDin) o? the HacDerAs 7omp*ter to the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD 5 the on+y possi@+e way to 7omp*ter HacD the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD is 3irect $ine In HacDin) in(o+(in) Har' :ire NetworDin) to the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence comp*ters which co*+' possi@+y @e a c*rrent o@Iecti(e o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action whom ha(e committe' these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as we++ as is it pro@a@+e that they may recr*it Mercenaries to 'o so. .orensics So?tware an' 7*stom 1n)ineere' Mi+itary Gra'e 1spiona)e HacDin) So?tware is +iDe+y to @e *se' '*rin) somethin) s*ch as this as we++ as a HacDin) Unit with an eCtreme+y ?ast Processor @*t this wo*+' res*+t in a +ea(in) o? a 3iscerna@+e 1+ectronic which 1+ectronic .orensics 1Cperts co*+' eCamine 4 not to mention to in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' @e recor'e' whi+e 'oin) so. Nonethe+ess 4 it is sti++ pro@a@+e that this attempt wi++ occ*r. Any in'i(i'*a+ with a $on) #an)e S*r)ica+ Imp+ant transmittin) 1+ectronic 3ata is recor'e' @y the G+o@a+ Position System o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworDAs recor's. 3*e to the necessity o? U.S.American 4 7ana'ian 4 MeCican 4 an' ;ritish 7ommon:ea+th $oya+ist Mi+itias rec+aimin) the Properties o? their respecti(e Nationa+ 3epartment or Ministry o? 3e?ense < sho*+' a Mi+itary 7o*p A'e 1tat occ*r 5 it is +o)ica+ that socia+ or emp+oyment networDs o? in'i(i'*a+s Dnow+e')ea@+e o? an' capa@+e o? 1+ectronics 1n)ineerin) 4 7omp*ter HacDin) 4 So?tware 1n)ineerin) 4 PhreaDers 4 HacD 1n)ineers an' 7ir*it ;en'ers 4 1+ectronic NetworDin) Specia+ists 4 an' other 1+ectronics :i>ar's are soon to @e a tar)et o? the 2errorist .action whom ha(e en)ineere' an' carrie' o*t this attacD 5 this inc+*'es the Anonymo*s Mo(ement whom this 2errorist .action is +iDe+y to sta+D an' attempt to *m@re++a as a sort o? crimina+ @*++y. Ne*roScience an' So?tware 1n)ineerin) 7o++e)e Pro?essors are +iDe+y to @e sta+De' an' tar)ette'. 2he maIority o? this attacD has res*+te' in Pop*+ation Swap -m*r'er o? speci?ic tar)ets an' rep+acement o? them as pop*+ation @y A6IS a)ents *sin) the (ictimsA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s4 with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy *se' to m*tate appearance an' ?in)er prints8 4 Swap o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' Hosta)es I'entities4 7o(ert Psycho+o)ica+ 2errorist :ar?are 4 7y@er :ar?are4 an' a 'is)*stin) amo*nt o? rampant :ar #ape. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices which ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the crani*ms o? the Genoci'e =ictims 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 H*man =i(isection =ictims 4 ;+acD Mai+e' 7rimina+s 4 an' Ita+ian A6IS A)ents whom chose to ha(e these 'e(ices Ne*roS*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their crani*ms < *se A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices as Impro(ise' #o*ter F ;attery ?or the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it which was )ra?te' to the @rain 5 this means that the +ocation o? e(ery Ne*roScience @inary 'ata 2ransmission is G+o@a++y Positione' on the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence comp*ters an' others which recor' G+o@a+ Position System 3ata. It is a possi@i+ity that this 'e(ice can @e *se' to physica++y stop a h*man heart @eat. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 1+ectro 1ncepha+o)raphy Ne*roScience @inary 'ata recor's the

entirety o? the H*man Ne*ro+o)y in (aryin) 'e)rees which can easi+y @e amp+i?ie' @y comp*ter so?tware 5 this is the most empirica+ ?orm o? Me'ica+ .orensic 3ata a(ai+a@+e an' has @een recor'e' in conI*nction with empirica+ 1+ectronic .orensic 3ata which is the @inary transmission o? the (ictimsA an' e(en some o? the assai+antsA Ne*ro+o)y as we++ as G+o@a+ Position System an' 2ime F 3ate. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een *sin) 1+ectro1ncepha+o)raphy He+mets to contro+ Ne*roScience So?tware which is *se' to contro+ the (ictims o? the Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections that ha(e @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. M*ch o? this is 3A#PA .*n'e' #esearch that has @een sto+en @y the 1man*e+eAs 2errorist A)ents. Any comp*ter which they ha(e *se' to networD to these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces o(er +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency are recor'e' @y the comp*ters an' ser(ers o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 5 the +ocations o? these comp*ters is o@taina@+e an' has @een recor'e'. Any Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone that has e(er @een in any pocDet or in any +ocation is recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment comp*ters as is the G+o@a+ Positionin) System $ocation an' A''ress o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment. 3*rin) the year 1""! 5 a (i'eo)raphe' 'oc*mentary was sche'*+e' on ca@+e te+e(ision in NewHampshire that was a@o*t Ne*roScience an' Prostheses. 3*rin) this te+e(ision 'oc*mentary 4 a +itt+e )ir+ c+im@e' on a I*n)+e )ym at a p+ay )ro*n's area *sin) a prosthetic wrist an' han' that was wire' to her 0r)anic Ne*ro7irc*itry @y Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry which ena@+e' her to rotate the wrist an' c+ench the ?in)er as we++ as )rip o@Iects s*ch as the monDey @ars 5 it was st*r'y eno*)h ?or her to han) ?rom it witho*t inI*rin) herse+?. 3*rin) this 'oc*mentary 4 n*mero*s aspects o? Ne*roScience were eCamine' an' 'isc*sse'. A+so eChi@ite' was a rat with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace )ra?te' to itAs @rain that ena@+e' scientists to eCamine the ratAs ne*ro+o)y which ena@+e' the scientist to eCamine the ratAs hea+th s*ch as itAs or)ans or tiss*es < this a+so ena@+e' the scientist to ro@otica++y animate the rat to mo(e *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware. 3*rin) the year 1""" 5 an artic+e was printe' in a Science Ma)a>ine a@o*t a rat that was Ne*roS*r)ica++y )ra?te' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was *se' in conI*nction with Ne*roScience So?tware an' was *se' to pi+ot the rat to mo(e +iDe a remote contro+ ro@ot. A+so in this ma)a>ine 4 was a prosthetic arm an' han' that +ooDe' +iDe the arm an' han' ?rom the mo(ie 2he 2erminator < a scientist ha' )ra?te' Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry to his arm an' han' which connecte' to the Ne*ro7irc*it :ires on the Prosthetic Arm an' Han' 5 this ena@+e' the scientist to mo(e the prosthetic arm an' han' with his own Ne*ro+o)y an' :i++. ;etween the years 2002 an' 200% 5 artic+es were printe' in a Science Ma)a>ine a@o*t a rat @ein) Ne*roS*)erie' an' )ra?te' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that ena@+e' a scientist to remote contro+ the rat +iDe a ro@ot. A+so '*rin) these years was p*@+ishe' an artic+e a@o*t a cow which was Ne*roS*r)ica++y )ra?te' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' was remote+y ro@ot pi+ote' @y a scientist *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware to wa+D aro*n' in a ?ie+'. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' 5 I was rea'in) an artic+e a@o*t a Ne*roScientistAs 'isco(ery concernin) a 'o)As @rain an' the canineAs a@i+ity to 'etermine in'i(i'*a+s i'entities. 2he Ne*roScientist ha' *se' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Ne*roScience So?tware to manip*+ate the canineAs *n'erstan'in) o? who in'i(i'*a+ h*mans were < this res*+te' in the scientist @ein) a@+e to manip*+ate the canineAs i'enti?yin) o? speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s inc+*'in) manip*+atin) the canine to i'enti?y an in'i(i'*a+ as the canineAs o@e'ience trainer. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 I 'isc*sse' these Science Artic+es with 1' .arrachi :arren. 2his was recor'e' @y the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices which 1' .arrachi :arren ha' insta++e' a@o(e the stryo?oam cei+in) pane+s 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' instr*cte' 1' .arrachi :arren to insta++ these recor'in) 'e(ices ?or p*rpose o? spyin) on my se+? whi+e I was worDin) with 1' :arren. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 'isc*sse' this o(erthe te+ephone with 1' :arren. It is pro@a@+e that these 'e(ices were Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts an' that they were

'ia+e' o(er the internet *sin) somethin) +iDe Goo)+e Phone or that they were 'ia+e' an' wire' into a comp*ter *sin) a te+ephone an' a +ine in a*'io IacD 5 either way 4 these were connecte' o(er the te+ephone ser(ice an' internet < these recor'in)s are o@taina@+e @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment. 1' :arren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' Anthony 3e.eo o? a ?ami+y re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 were recor'e' 7onspirin) to conH*er North America 4 ens+a(e an' SeC 2ra??icD ?ami+ies 4 eCterminate ?ami+ies 4 commit n*mero*s 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. ;y their own A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices as we++ as the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as a res*+t o? their 2e+ephone ca++s to the store as we++ as Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone. An in'i(i'*a+ whom is worDin) 'irect+y with the 1man*e+es is an in'i(i'*a+ name' 3ia@+o who was ca++in) himse+? the G7*@ano Ita+ianoG an' ha' sto+en a man name' 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' ha' *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate himse+? with 7aesarAs sDin an' nose 3NA . 3*rin) the year 200% 4 3ia@+o was *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a Mesti>o man o? possi@+y P*erto #ican 4 7*@an 4 an' some Din' o? So*th American or Panama re)iona+ race 5 the man whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s he was *sin) was ?act*a++y name' 7aesar. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 3ia@+o @e)an ca++in) himse+? G7esareG an' c+aime' that he was a SeC 0??en'er ?rom 7*@a whom was o? miCe' 7*@ano an' Ita+ian race an' was recr*ite' @y .i+ 1man*e+e in 200% to carry o*t specia+ or'ers ?rom .i+ 1man*e+e in the New1n)+an' re)ion < most o? these or'ers in(o+(e' :ar #apes an' (io+ent attacDs. 3ia@+o was )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a man name' 7aesar who I ha' met in the year 2003 at ;rian 7aseAs Apartment in Nash*a NewHampshire with 3ana Um@ro. 3ia@+o4 whom .i+ 1man*e+e ha' Dnown seems to @e ?act*a++y Ita+ian an' GreeD 4 an' is pro@a@+e to @e the co*sin o? Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' a man name' Martin who marrie' $ynn ;an)s a?ter she 'i(orce' #o@ert #o'on < this man was +ast si)hte' in Nash*a NewHampshire an' ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' his sDin to @e a pa+e white an' ha' somehow narrowe' his nose 5 @esi'es these ?acts he +ooDe' i'entica+ to what he +ooDe' +iDe in 200% eCcept that he ha' )rown his hair +on). :hen I ?irst si)hte' 3a@+o 4 he was with =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7+int 2ay+or in 3*m@arton =ir)inia '*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001. 3ia@+o ha' (er@a++y state' '*rin) the year 2005 that he was a )ran'son o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' that he was 1Q% Ita+ian 4 it is 'e?inite that .i+ 1man*e+e to+' 7esare to say this 5 J7esareK was ca*)ht speaDin) o? his Dnow+e')e that the .ami+y 3o++ar Store ha' @een @ein) recor'e' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e whom ha' or'ere' 1' .arrachi :arren to position 15 Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s . 3*rin) the year 200% 4 it was state' that the 1(o+a @+oo'+ine was the reason ?or the 1man*e+es whom are a+so o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 'escen'ants 4 Dnowin) J7esareK who was ?act*a++y 7+int 2ay+orAs crime accomp+ice ?rom =ir)inia street pse*'onym name' J3ia@+oK. 7aesar is c*rrent+y recor'e' as @ein) imprisone' @*t it is another in'i(i'*a+ name' 2ony Gon>a+e> whom was imprisone' with 7aesarAs i'entity ?or 3ia@+oAs crimes. In the year 200! < 2ony Gon>a+e> was +ocDe' in a @asement near 2renton Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 '*rin) which time 4 he was poisone' in the ?oo' which he was ?e' with Nano1n)ineere' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s that m*tate' his 3NA to +ooD more +iDe 7aesarAs. 2he 3NA was taDen ?rom 7aesarAs aesthetic )enes ?or hair 4 eyes 4 nose 4 an' sDin. 2ony Gon>a+e> 'i' not ha(e 3ia@+oAs scar on his ?ace nor 'i' the ori)ina+ ?act*a+ 7aesar ?rom whom they sto+e the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 the story was that G7esareG ha' @een in?+icte' with this scar a?ter @ein) attacDe' in 7*@a < ?or this reason 4 a )ro*p o? ma+es were or'ere' to attacD 2ony Gon>a+e> whi+e he was in Hi++s@oro*)h 7o*nty 3epartment o? 7orrections on =a++ey Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 these men repeate'+y str*cD 2ony Gon>a+e>As ?ace 4 @reaDin) m*ch o? his ?acia+ str*ct*re. 2his +e' to 2ony Gon>a+e>As ?ace @ein) inI*re' se(ere+y '*rin) tria+ 5 it was *nDnown that he 'i' not ha(e 3ia@+oAs ?acia+ scar. Some peop+e re?er to 3ia@+o as GScar?aceG or G7an'ymanG '*e to his scar. 3ia@+o now has a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s4 o? which the name is c*rrent+y *nDnown < he has @een si)hte' wa+Din) with his Dnees @ent in attempt to +ooD shorter 5 his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ori)ina++y @e+on)e' to a man whom was 5A !G. As has @een state'4 7esare has *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy nanoen)ineere' (ir*s to m*tate his sDin comp+eCion to @ecome +i)hter

an' nose to @ecome narrower. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y an' their Property Stea' Ho+'ers own Hospita+s 4 Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 an' $a@oratories. Aaron 1man*e+e was st*'yin) Genetics 4 Me'ica+ Science 4 an' Nano Science whi+e in 7o++e)e '*rin) 200%. As was state' 4 3ia@+o is a co*sin o? Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' $ynn ;an)As h*s@an' ?rom 2001 who was name' Martin 5 $ynn an' Martin +i(e' on ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire < +ess than a mi+e ?rom my own home an' the home o? Bosh*a ;*rns on :est #oa'. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os is a+so the co*sin o? $orie ;*cD+ey Poten>a an' the ;*cD+ey ?ami+y as we++ as a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy name' ;r*ce. Martin 7atsopo*+os worDe' at 3i)ita+ 2echno+o)ies with #o@ert #o'on '*rin) the 1""0As. It is 'e?inite that 3ia@+o was not one o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs *n'oc*mente' 'escen'ants an' that the 1man*e+es were attemptin) to *se him as this in the p*@+ic me'ia in attempt to +inD ;onnie 3amon an' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Satanism 5 3ia@+o 4 the 7atspo*+os co*sin < who sto+e 7aesarAs i'enti?ication cre'entia+s an' was preten'in) to @e him to+' #osa that ;onnie 3amonAs .ather was her a'opti(e .ather an' that ;onnie was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een an 1(o+a. It is pro@a@+e that ;onnie 3amon was @io+o)ica++y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter 4 it is a+so 'e?inite that ;onnie 3amon ha' spoDen that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e seC*a++y rape' her n*mero*s times when she was a chi+' an' that her a'opti(e ?ather was a SeC 2ra??icDer JPimpK 7rime So+'ier who worDe' ?or =ittorio J=ictor 1man*e+e. ;onnie 3amonAs ?ather who raise' her ha' a @est ?rien' who was a crime so+'ier o? a 'i??erent Ita+ian Ma?ia who was coinci'enta++y a+so name' =ictor 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e trie' n*mero*s times to *se this manAs i'entity an' name as his a+i@i. Accor'in) to the 7atsopo*+osA co*sin who was *sin) 7aesarAs i'enti?ication cre'entia+s an' the street name G3ia@+oG 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a are r*mo*re' to ha(e tra'e' in?ants with each other a ?ew times ?or the p*rpose o? a'optin) them to 'i??erent networDs o? peop+e in the case that they sho*+' )et ca*)ht an' tort*re' ?or @ein) re+ate' to the en)ineers an' orchestrators o? the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his ?ami+y ha(e +i(e' in the 1astern #e)ion o? the U.S.A. since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich. B*+i*s 1(o+a was a tra(e++er most o? his +i?e a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich an' spent m*ch o? his time in the So*th :est o? the U.S.A. 4 the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 4 Ar)entina4 an' ;ra>i+. 2he r*mo*r is that =ittorio 1man*e+e attempte' to a+i)n speci?ic names an' i'entities an' associates o? his with his (ictims socia++y 4 with the intent o? +ater ?ramin) his 7rime Associates ?or his own 7rimes A)ainst H*manity whi+e attemptin) to ?rame B*+i*s 1(o+a ?or the entirety o? the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As an' ?or @ein) the so+e 7rime $or' o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which =ittorio inherite'. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs i'ea seems to ha(e @een to create a mirror ima)e 2errorist 7rimina+ .action which he co*+' ha(e his S+eeper A)ents an' 2errorist A)ents em@e''e' within Po+ice arrest 4 an' 'rop ha+? o? his own accomp+ices an' 7rime Associates 5 maDin) it appear as i? it was not himse+? e(en tho*)h in(esti)ations contin*o*s+y +ea' in his 'irection. =ittorio 1man*e+e attempte' to *se this A+i@i in the 1"80As 4 when he promote' GSatanic #it*a+ A@*seG a++e)ations in the p*@+ic me'ia on te+e(ision an' in NewsPapers 5 ?act*a++y 4 most o? these a@*ses are =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his accomp+icesA SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren 4 tort*re o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?or p*rpose o? a@*si(e+y 'iscip+inin) them to pre(ent them ?rom testi?yin) or tryin) to escape 4 H*man =i(isection 4 )enoci'a+ m*r'er o? entire ?ami+ies o? the witnesses an' (ictims 4 an' SeC 0??enses. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' 7hris 1man*e+e a+rea'y attempte' this a+i@i in the 1"80As an' )a(e *p the attempt in the ear+y 1""0As. It has @een 'isco(ere' that the 1man*e+es are attemptin) to *se GSatanic #it*a+ A@*se 4 Satanic 7*+tG scare as an a+i@i a)ain 4 an' that ?or this p*rpose they em@e''e' SeC 2ra??icDers within an or)ani>ation ca++e' G2he Boys o? SatanG. 2he si)ni?icance here is that Gthe Boy 3i(isionG o? the 3r' #eich was a 'epartment within the )o(ernment o? the 3r' #eich that ha' @een comman'eere' @y 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime So+'iers an' was @ein) *se' to pro(i'e ?or state ?*n'e' SeC 2ra??icDin) simi+ar to the $a@or 7amps which ha' @een @*i+t 5 the 3eath 7amps where were mi++ions o? ci(i+ians were eCterminate' )enoci'a++y were ?act*a++y ori)ina++y $a@or 7amps 4 where mi++ions o? ci(i+ians were @ein) $a@or 2ra??icDe'. Another o@(io*s coinci'ence that is a si)n o? psycho+o)ica+ )*i+t is the ?act that the 7IA M9 U+tra 'epartment was

in?i+trate'4 Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate'4 an' comp+ete+y corr*pte' @y a)ents o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist .action s*ch as #ichar' He+ms 5 when spe++e' in a++ capita+s 4 M9 U+tra a+most +ooDs +iDe m9U$2ra. 3*rin) #ichar' NiConAs a'ministration 4 ?*n'in) attri@*te' to the 7IAAs M9 U+tra 'epartment was mis a++ocate' an' was *se' to ?*n' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) Ne*ro2oCins an' Hypnosis < creation o? 3isassociati(es 4 Ha++*cino)ens 4 an' other min' a+terin) s*@stances which were i++e)a++y teste' on SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' other ci(i+ians who were o?ten Hypnoti>e' *nDnowin)+y '*rin) their @ein) poisone' with these s*@stances. 2he A6IS .action which was em@e''e' within the U.S.A. Go(ernment '*rin) #ichar' NiConAs A'ministration was 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection @oth. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is @ein) *se' to contro+ 4 manip*+ate 4 an' tort*re ci(i+ians 5 was @ein) ca++e' Gthe MarD o? the ;eastG '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As. M*ch o? the Ne*roScience #esearch that res*+te' in this 'e(ice @ein) so we++ *n'erstoo' 4 an' the app+ication o? 7omp*ter So?tware in conI*nction with Ne*roScience @ein) so we++ *n'erstoo' 5 occ*rre' in the So*th :est o? the U.S.A. at 7o++e)es an' $a@oratories 4 near the +ocation o? 2imothy $earyAs Ha++*cino)enics 2ests. 2he Spahn #anch is a s*@Iect o? re+ation to this. Area 51 at #oswe++ NewMeCico is near these +ocations 5 the 1man*e+es ha(e @een @+amin) Space A+iens ?or m*ch o? the H*man =i(isections which occ*rre' '*rin) #ichar' NiConAs A'ministration 4 ?or SeC 0??enses 4 an' ?or a@'*ction o? h*man @ein)s a?ter 'r*))in) them with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCins. 7oinci'enta++y 4 there was a mo(ie that either =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or a +ooD a+iDe appeare' in 5 the scene was a Ha++oween with tricD or treaters 4 the cameo eCtra that +ooDe' i'entica+ to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een him was wearin) a 3e(i+ 7ost*me. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 my ?rien' MiDe $a>ari to+' me that he Dnew o? a man who ha' ?or some years @een a mem@er o? the $as =e)as re)iona+ Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan < an' that this man ha' (acatione' in $as =e)as at +east once a year e(ery year. MiDe $a>ari eCp+aine' to me that this man that he Dnew o? was p+annin) to attempt to ?rame ;oston Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan ?or his own ?actionAs 2errorism 4 SeC 0??enses4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 :ar 7rimes 4 an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime acti(ity. MiDe $a>ari eCp+aine' some 'etai+s concernin) this manAs crimes an' 'escri@e' a scenario that resem@+e' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs eCtreme a@*se o? my Mother '*rin) her chi+'hoo' 4 she was *se' as a SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rime =ictim an' Dept as a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim ?rom the a)e o? 5 to 1%. 3*rin) the month that MiDe $a>ari ha' eCp+aine' this to me 4 he showe' me a mo(ie '*rin) which a scene eCists wherein =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whom is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 is tricD or treatin) 'resse' as a 'e(i+ cost*me. 3*rin) this time 4 MiDe $a>ari was 'atin) Sa(annah Graham an' she is pro@a@+e to @e a tar)et o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS. $as =e)as is a pro@a@+e +ocation that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' 2errorist Aristocrats o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as other Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents meet their associates 4 accomp+ices 4 an' @*siness partners. $as =e)as is a p+ace with n*mero*s connections to SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 Gam@+in) 4 1ntertainment 4 P+ace o? 1ntertainment 4 7orporate 1spiona)e 4 Nationa+ 1spiona)e 4 2errorism 4 an' other in?+*entia+ connections. MiDe $a>ari was a'opte' @y an Ita+ian man < MiDe $a>ari was 'e?inite+y o? some Din' o? Sa(oy @+oo'+ine 4 possi@+y o? an 1(o+a or 1man*e+e @+oo'+ine 5 the man who a'opte' him was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. MiDe $a>ari +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire on ;e'?or' #oa' @etween the years 1""" an' 2005. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs r*mo*r sprea'in) is 'is)*stin). In the year 2000 4 whi+e in American History c+ass with Mr. 3es+is+e 5 Mr. 3es+is+e asDe' a st*'ent to sh*t an' +ocD the 'oor 4 a?ter which he asDe' me a +ist o? H*estions an' acc*se' me o? @ein) 9*9+*C9+an. 2he concept G;ir'3o) 1spiona)eG was 'isc*sse' the weeD that this occ*rre'. In 1"8" 4 .ran McG*ire to+' my .ather that what the 1man*e+e .ami+y ha' trie' to 'o to him an' BacD 3ion was G;ir' 3o) 1spiona)eG. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""3 < 3a(i' McG*ire ca++e' .i+ 1man*e+e a GPe'ophi+eG an' han'e' a @eer to 7hris

2homas 4 shaDin) it ?irst. 3a(i' McG*ire an' 2om McG*ire s*@t+y intimi'ate' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7hris 2homas 4 +ettin) them Dnow that they Dnew what 7hris 2homas ha' 'one Ha++oween o? the year 1"88. In the year 1""" 4 3a(i' McG*ire @ecame a Physica+ 1'*cation 2eacher at the MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My .ather co*+' ha(e possi@+y written to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 3irector a@o*t @ein) @+acD mai+e' with BacD 3ion an' A+ Io'ice @y the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < BacD 3ion an' A+ Io'ice wo*+' pro@a@+y ha(e @een arreste' ?or ha(in) $oya+ty to a .orei)n 1nemy 7om@atant .action 4 @*t my .atherAs testimony co*+' ha(e possi@+y press*re' the two o? them to testi?y. 3*rin) the approCimate year 20014 what I @e+ie(e was the ?irst imposte*r o? my .ather @e)an +i(in) in the ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' as my .ather < my .ather 'i' not )et to testi?y e(er in his +i?e a)ainst the Ho*se o? Sa(oy nor 'i' my Mother. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the core o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action an' ha(e @een +i(in) in the U.S.A. since the 'e?eat o? the A6IS at the en' o? :or+' :ar 2 4 p+ottin) to 'estroy the U.S.A. an' the North American #aces permanant+y. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )oa+ is G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' $e)a+ Imm*nity 5 the acr*ement o? *nrestraine' power an' the a@i+ity to commit any crime witho*t $e)a+ #eperc*ssion. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy escape' the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s an' escape' 'etection as @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y an' Aristocracy 4 an' the Din) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ami+y whom was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother < @y metho' o? 'oin) what was +east eCpecte' 5 they mo(e' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as some o? the ?ami+ies @io+o)ica++y re+ate' to them who were o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' 4 to the U.S.A. . 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are 'irect+y responsi@+e ?or some o? what happene' '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs < they ha(e a++ies whom are o? the Ara@ian 0ttoman A6IS .action. 2he Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? the Genoci'a+ 1nemy 7om@atants c*rrent+y on North American Soi+ is that they are pre'ominant+y Ita+ians 4 SeC 0??en'er Pe'ophi+e #apists 4 SeC 0??en'ers with a racia+ moti(atin) ?actor 4 Seria+ M*r'erers with n*mero*s moti(atin) ?actors 4 SeC 2ra??icDers who se++ chi+'ren an' yo*n) a'*+ts as conc*@ina+ seC s+a(es 4 ha(e physica+ re+ation to ?ami+ies o? presti)io*s heirarchy within the A6IS .action 4 ha(e in'i(i'*a+s amon)st them whom are @io+o)ica+ re+ati(es to A'o+? Hit+er an' B*+i*s 1(o+a as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+e III4 ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in ci(i+iansA @rains 4 some ha(e ?ami+ia+ connections to ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta to whom they are marrie' 4 an' that they are attemptin) to *se #acia+ist I'entity as a ?a+se representation o? their moti(atin) ?actors is o@(io*s. 2he )*i+ty A6IS .action @e+ie(e that they can *se Nationa+ism 4 GNa>iAismG 4 A'o+? Hit+er 4 Ita+ian Aristocracy 4 or the i'entity o? an Ita+ian Ma?ia as a presente' i'entity when interactin) with other ?actions o? peop+es < in attempts to recr*it pop*+ations o? peop+e who wi++ 'e?en' them 4 pop*+ations o? peop+e whom they can *se as 2errorist 7rime So+'iers an' SeC 2ra??icDers. 2he )*i+ty .actionAs i'entity is not Nationa+ Socia+ist 5 the )*i+ty .action are in ?act an A6IS .action4 howe(er < they are an Amora+ist 4 Socia+ 3arwinist 4 G+o@a+ist 4 Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action o? Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is a Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDer an' is attemptin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est to escape con(iction. He is eCtreme+y Menta++y I++ an' is 7rimina++y Insane < he has raise' his n*mero*s sons in s*ch a manner that he has attempte' to en)ineer their i'entities to @e the same as himse+?. 3*rin) the +ate 1""0As < =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 4 $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey o? NewHampshire an' the North 7aro+ina re)ion 4 Gra>>io+i o? Massach*settes an' New/orD as we++ as possi@+y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o o? Massach*settes an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' other peop+e re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' SeC 2ra??icDin) @oth 5 S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' chi+'ren with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' *se' them as eCperimenta+ test s*@Iects to create SeC S+a(e 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) Ne*roScience So?tware ?or :ire+ess ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to ro@otica++y contro+ the SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictimsA @o'y *sin) Ne*roScience 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy an' Ne*roScience So?tware as

we++ as a G+o@a+ Positionin) System #o*ter which is A#G0S 7onnecte' an' Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 7onnecte'. 2hese tests @e)an in 1""5 an' 1""E with ro'ents that were contro++e' *sin) 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+mets 4 an' Animation So?tware that was @ri')e' with Ne*roScience So?tware an' #o@otics So?tware. 2he tests pro)resse' to H*man =i(isection an' SeC 2ra??icDin) '*rin) 1""8 an' e(ent*a+ Genoci'a+ 2errorism in 1""" 5 ?or some reason the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment has ?ai+e' to search the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata@ase ?or the recor's o? these 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2ransmissions which ha(e @een transmitte' *sin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ as we++ as Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. #o@ert #o'on o? MerrimacD NewHampshire USA 1""" an' Massach*settes as we++ as 2eCas '*rin) the ?o++owin) years 5 was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with his son an' a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy as we++ as 7+int 2ay+or '*rin) the year 1""" < =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy @ein) *se' to m*tate Sa(oy So+'iers to taDe on the appearance o? an' +i(e as imposte*r o? Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 0??icers 4 .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 1mp+oyees 4 Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 1mp+oyees 4 .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 1mp+oyees 4 an' 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ents. It is pro@a@+e that prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs < n*mero*s USA Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 0??icers 4 Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 0??icers 4 .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 0??icers 4 an' .;I A)ents were rep+ace' @y a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy which inc+*'e 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy 4 Assassins o? Sa(oy 4 A6IS So+'iers 4 SeC 2ra??icDers who worD ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate 4 an' SeC 0??en'ers who were o??ere' a secon' chance at +i?e with the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Genoci'e =ictims o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs an' the :ar 0n 2error an' a Io@ worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Sa(oy A6IS. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e o? Massach*settes USA F the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather o? Massach*settes USA F the Sa*'i Moroccan Aristocracy5 p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD in the @ar o? a Hote+ on the @or'er o? Massach*settes4 =ermont4 an' New/orD. 2his Hote+ was @ooDe' in a'(ance prior to a New /orD 7ity m*sica+ per?ormance o? the :a+t 3isney pro'*ction o? A+a''in whih was @ooDe' in a'(ance as we++. 3*rin) the Hote+ A6IS Meetin) 4 n*mero*s 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy an' the 9in) o? Sa(oy were present as we++ as were some Ara@ian men an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather who is a 'istant co*sin o? the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' is o? Sa*'i Moroccan Aristocratic +inea)e. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' some o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy ma'e p+ans to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs @rain an' ?rame the 9in) Sa*' o? Sa*'i Ara@ia ?or it '*e to his ?*t*re meetin) with the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia when in ?act it is Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather o? Massach*settes USA an' Morocco who the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A6IS *se to comm*nicate with their Ara@ian A6IS co*nterpart an' crimina+ accomp+ices. 2he A6IS is ?act*a++y an Aristocratic 2errorist Mi+itant 7rime Syn'icate. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e a ?ew tactics that they *se in preemption to a tria+ in a co*rt o? +aw4 one o? these in(o+(es the manip*+ation o? the (ictimAs perception concernin) who is wi++in) to testi?y with them a)ainst the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in co*rt. .or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) the (ictim as a witness an' a (ictim 4 in the co*rtroom < the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wi++ or'er mem@ers o? the Ho*se s*ch as the Assassins 4 to @ecome ?rien's with their (ictim an' maDe it appear as i? the person who is *nDnown to the (ictim as @ein) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy is Dnow+e')ea@+e o? the crimes committe' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' is wi++in) to testi?y in a co*rtroom with the (ictim 5 a?ter months o? preparin) their witness statements 4 the Assassin whom has preten'e' to @e the ?rien' o? the (ictim wi++ *neCpecte'+y 'iscre'it the (ictim in the co*rtroom @y metho' o? comp+ete re?*sa+ 4 c+aimin) that they ha' no intentions to @e a Gco p+ainti??G or GwitnessG an' that they were *neCpecte'+y iss*e' a s*mmons to appear in co*rt as i? they ha' 'isc*sse' with the (ictim a wi++in)+ess to testi?y an' Dnow+e')e with which to testi?y. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy has Assassins 4 whom are +itera++y an in'i(i'*a+ that is 9ni)hte' in secret < it is 'e?inite that one o? these in'i(i'*a+s or a mem@er o? their ?ami+y wo*+' @e or'ere' to taDe this position an' @ecome a c+ose con?i'ant with the (ictim ?or the p*rpose o? +ater @etrayin) them an' 'iscre'itin) them as a witness +ater in a co*rt room or Di++in) them an' maDin) it appear as i? it were an acci'ent 5 ?or the

p*rpose o? a(oi'in) the co*rtroom entire+y. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has @een eCtreme+y paranoi' his entire +i?e an' has or'ere' his 9ni)hts 4 Pa)es 4 an' e(en his sons to tracD an' sta+D his 7rime Syn'icateAs (ictims as we++ as other tar)ets o? interest. #o@ert #o'on was or'ere' to intro'*ce his son to me when we were in 1+ementary Schoo+ an' @e s*re that he @e?rien's me ?or the p*rpose o? tracDin) me an' my ?ami+y < an' ?or a@o*t 5 years 4 =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas (isite' my co*sins 4 the Io'iceAs ho*se 5 on a 'ai+y @asis. I was at the #o'on ?ami+ies ho*se a@o*t % 'ays a weeD ?or a@o*t % years. 7hris 2homas is #o@ert #o'onAs co*sins son with =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= who is the 9in) o? the Aristocratic Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 #o@ert #o'on is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I. My *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. whom marrie' my motherAs sister $es+ie $a=oie 4 was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy who was an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++. A+?re' H*it the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' recin'e' on the o??er to @ecome a 9ni)ht as a res*+t o? his 'i)*st with the 1man*e+e ?ami+y 4 the 1man*e+e ?ami+ies assassination tar)ets 4 an' the ?act that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e or'ere' the assassination o? entire ?ami+ies o? innocent peop+e < my step co*sin B*+ianna who marrie' my step co*sin Michae+ Ga*'ette was o? a ?ami+y that s*r(i(e' the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As that ha' occ*rre' in Sici+y 5 her ?ami+y were tar)ette' ?or @ein) 'escen'ants o? Aristocrats o? the Ho*se o? AnI*(in 4 ?or @ein) c+ose ?rien's with the 'escen'ants o? the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? AnI*(in 4 ?or in(esti)atin) the A6IS an' 'isco(erin) the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er as =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 an' ?or attemptin) to hi'e an' resc*e Bews who were @ein) eCterminate' in Sici+y an' Ita+ia. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2000 < I tra(e+e' to #ichmon' =ir)inia with a )ir+ who was @ein) to+' to imposte*r 7hristine 3ion 4 Ste(e G=inceG Parish 4 $in'sey Garo?ano 4 an' met with .i+As ?rien' Bason who was ?rien's with $in'sey Garo?ano an' Ste(e G=inceG Parish. 3*rin) this 'ay 4 the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion @e)an ar)*in) with Ste(e Parish a@o*t the ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his son 7hris 2homas are pe'orast chi+' mo+esters an' that the Ita+ian 1spiona)e comm*nity has a responsi@i+ity to see to it that they are arreste' instea' o? a++owin) it to contin*e the way that it ha' @een. She 'isc*sse' with Ste(e G=inceG Parish the ?act that 7hris 2homas an' =ittorio 1man*e+e are 7hi+' Porno)raphers an' that their ?ami+y is too corr*pt to @e a++owe' to contin*e their +i(es *nin(esti)ate'. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion eCpose' Ste(e G=inceG Parish as @ein) o? an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper 7e++ ?ami+y an' an *no??icia+ ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 Ste(e G=inceG Parish @ecame eCtreme+y an)ry a@o*t @ein) eCpose' as this. 3*rin) the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ar)*ment with Ste(e G=inceG Parish 4 $in'sey Garo?ano an' .i+As ?rien' Bason a+so @e)an ar)*in) with the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion an' 'e?en'e' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e in the U.S.A. . 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion was @ein) ca++e' a traitor. 3*rin) this ar)*ment < the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion state' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' ;onnie 3amonAs .ather to or'er ;onnie 3amon to mo+est my se+? when I was 5 years o+' 4 whi+e she was @a@ysittin) me 5 this 'i' occ*r. .rom what I was to+' < ;onnie 3amon +ater shot her ?ather 4 an' ;onnieAs mother tooD the @+ame ?or it. 7hristine 3ion an)ri+y eCp+aine' what she Dnew a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas an' his a'opti(e .ather ho+'in) Dni(es to my mother 3e@ra MacPhersonAs an' my sister Sheena MacPhersonAs throats '*rin) the year o? what was approCimate+y 1""0 4 an' that they 'eman'e' that she p*t her han' in her 3a*)hterAs 'iaper an' +et them taDe a photo)raph or they wo*+' Di++ them @oth 5 this was 'one a?ter my mother was poisone' in a 7oDe 7o+a with a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin. 7hristine 3ion then ye++e' at Ste(e an' to+' him that she ?o*n' o*t this ?rom a mem@er o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 7hristine a+so state' that she ha' @een to+' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' ca++e' 7hris 2homasAs a'opti(e ?ather an' was ta+Din) a@o*t wantin) to see Nati(e Americans s+a*)htere'. 7hristine ca++e' them a++ immora+ +iars an' to+' them that her ?ather BacD 3ion ha' @een or'ere' to acc*se my se+? o? p*ttin) my han' in a @a@yAs 'iaper at a 7hristmas Party @eca*se her ?ami+y atten'e' my ?ami+yAs 7hristmas Party '*rin) the approCimate year 1""2 an' 7hris 2homas ha' porno)raphe' my se+? an' 7hristine 3ion in 1"88 4 a?ter threatenin) to c*t my penis

o?? with scissors i? I 'i' not 'o it. .i+As ?rien' Bason state' an)ri+y to 7hristine 3ion 4 G2his is a+ot 4 comin) ?rom the person whoAs )ran'?ather shot BacD 9enne'y.G < Bason attempte' to create a r*mo*r that 7hristine 3ionAs )ran'?ather shot Bohn .. 9enne'y or BacD 9enne'y . I @e+ie(e these r*mo*rs to @e ?a+se an' to @e create' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) witnesses an' in(esti)ations concernin) which o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs Assassins 'i' in ?act Di++ Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' the n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s o? his ?ami+y who ha(e @een assassinate' 4 this '*e to the ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'ere' these assassinations. 7hristine 3ionAs ?ami+y were an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ 1spiona)e .ami+y an' her )ran'?ather was somethin) +iDe an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence S+eeper A)ent. My a*nt $es+ieAs eC h*s@an' A+ Io'iceAs )ran'?ather was somethin) simi+iar an' A+?re'As ?ather was somethin) +iDe a #oya+ G*ar' 9ni)ht or an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion co*ntere' BasonAs statement @y statin) < G2he #o'on ?ami+y are 7hris 2homasAs co*sins. 2he #o'on ?ami+y are the 1man*e+e ?ami+ies 'istant co*sins. #o@ert #o'on is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IAs. 2hat ?ami+y preten'e' to @e IanAs @est ?rien's his entire +i?e an' then acc*se' him o? 'oin) what it was that 7hris 2homas 'i' to *s at the 7hristmas party that my ?ami+y an' I atten'e' an' nothin) o? the sort e(en happene'./o*Are 'is)*stin). I? yo*Are )oin) to 'e?en' a chi+' mo+ester rapist who is a porno)rapher o? chi+'ren 4 yo* are one yo*rse+? 5 yo* are an accomp+ice to eCact+y that crime.G. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion ye++e' an)ri+y at the other three Ita+ians who were with *s 4 statin) the ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has @een p+annin) to eCterminate the Nati(e Americans in North America an' not a sin)+e person has testi?ie' a)ainst him < '*rin) the year 2000 4 I o(erhear' #o@ert #o'on 'isc*ssin) with his son 7hristopher #o'on 5 p+ans to eCterminate the North American Nati(e Americans as we++ as some other races 4 an' conH*er North America. 2his remin's me o? #o@ert #o'onAs meetin) with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 re+ati(es o? the Ho*se o? Sa*' 4 an' some other Ara@ians in a pri(ate hote+ @ar '*rin) the approCimate year 1""5. Aro*n' the approCimate year o? 2001 4 #o@ert #o'on 'isc*sse' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+ans with 7hristopher #o'on 5 these p+ans inc+*'e' the the?t o? the i'entities o? the .or@es $ist an' .ort*ne 500 $ist o? :ea+thiest Peop+es 4 the m*r'er o? their ?ami+ies 4 an' the the?t o? a++ o? their ?ami+iesA wea+th. 7hris 2homasAs o+'er @rother 7+int 2ay+or4 whom is a son o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 5 is the son o? a woman who is #o@ert #o'onAs 'istant co*sin. 7+int 2ay+or is a ?rien' o? #o@ert #o'onAs an' Bason Be??reyAs. 1(erythin) 7hristine 3ion sai' was tr*e an' ?act*a+. A?ter wa+Din) ?or a@o*t an ho*r witho*t 'isc*ssin) these thin)s 4 $in'sey Garo?ano asDe' me 5 G3o yo* Dnow #o@ 3AAn)e+oOG 4 to which I rep+ie' GNot persona++y.G. #o@ 3AAn)e+o was G3.B. 3AArHAn)e+G who was a 3isc BocDey at a )othic ni)ht c+*@ in Northampton Massach*settes. $in'sey Garo?ano sai' to me G:e were to+' @y #o@ 3AAn)e+o 4 who is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < to 'isc*ss these thin)s with yo* 4 an' we ha' to rehearse the 'isc*ssion @e?ore 'isc*ssin) these thin)s 5 so .... I act*a++y @e+ie(e that may@e a++ o? these thin)s are tr*e. ;eca*se 4 7hris 2homas 'i' 'o that to yo* an' 7hristine at the Ha++oween Party in 1"88.G. $in'sey Garo?ano an' Ste(e G=inceG Parish @roDe *p short+y a?ter this 4 an' whom I @e+ie(e was an imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion @e)an 'atin) Ste(e G=inceG Parish. Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' short+y a?ter this. #o@ 3AAn)e+o met Samantha G*ay at some point '*rin) the approCimate year 2001. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Bason Be??rey showe' me a (i'eo o? two )othic women ha(in) seC on a ?+oor < one o? them ha' a co++ar on her necD that sai' GS$A=1G on the co++ar 5 Bason Be??rey to+' me that his @rother Dnew the man who was the =i'eo)rapher o? this (i'eo an' that he ha' @een to+' that these women ha' Gmicrochip ;.7.I.AsG in their hea's 4 on their @rains 5 that were contro++in) them 4 ro@otica++y ?orcin) them to ha(e seC. I ha(e @een to+' that #o@ 3AAn)e+o Dnew the man who ?i+me' this (i'eo as we++. Bason Be??rey may ha(e 'own+oa'e' this (i'eo ?rom the internet whi+e +i(in) with his mother in MerrimacD NewHampshire on the @or'er o? Amherst NewHampshire an' MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 '*rin) the year 2001. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o ha' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m whi+e I was *nconcio*s at 7+int 2ay+orAs apartment in 3*m@arton =ir)inia a?ter 7+int 2ay+or poisone' me with se'ati(es in a

)+ass o? coca co+a. 2he 'ay that my mother an' Sheena MacPherson were threatene' with Dni(es @y 7hris 2homas an' his a'opti(e ?ather '*rin) the approCimate year 1"8! or 1"88 4 7hris 2homasAs a'opti(e ?ather ha' poisone' my mother with a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin in a )+ass o? co+a. I @e+ie(e that the woman preten'in) to @e 7hristine 3ion was Ben An>a+one. 3*rin) the year 2000 < Bason JSpi'erK 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>ioAs )ir+?rien' Ste?ani 5 s*r)ica++y imp+ante' Ben An>a+one 4 Stephanie 9at> 4 an' one other in'i(i'*a+ with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces whi+e at an apartment in either Nash*a NewHampshire or $owe++ Massach*settes. At some point a?ter this 4 Ben An>a+one was threatene' @y the 1man*e+es @y metho' o? their *sin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ?or comm*nication 4 an' it was 'eman'e' that she 'o some worD ?or them as @asica++y an espiona)e a)ent an' some other thin)s 5 ?rom what I ha(e hear' 4 she was to+' that she was their s+a(e. 2his mayha(e @een in 2eCas. Ben An>a+one is ;o@ Ana+oneAs 'a*)hter 4 G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs neice. Ben An>a+one is a+so Apri+ ;or'ersAs or Apri+e 9aneAs co*sin. Apri+ ;or'ers who is otherwise Dnown as Apri+ 9ane was a )ir+ who was my )ir+?rien' @rie?+y when I was a chi+' 4 she is a+so G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs an' ;o@ An>a+oneAs co*sin. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 the An>a+one ?ami+y were one o? the ?ami+ies that 3e@@ie 3*mont was )i(en or'ers to assassinate an' ha(e assassinate' when 1' :arren )a(e 3e@@ie the +ist o? ?ami+ies that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= )a(e to 1' :arren to )i(e to her. 3*rin) the year that Apri+ ;or'ers &Apri+ 9ane, was my )ir+?rien' 4 we 'isc*sse' )oin) 2ricD or 2reatin) to)ether on Ha++oween. :e were in the Eth )ra'e o? Mi''+e Schoo+. Apri+ an' I ha' 'eci'e' that we wante' to 'ress as 3orothy Ga+e an' the Scare7row or the 2in Man o? the :i>ar' o? 0P an' I ha' s*))este' that I @rin) my 'o) with *s < my 'o) was a 7airn 2errier name' An)*s who was name' 1rnie when we ?irst a'opte' him 4 prior to renamin) him An)*s 5 the 'o) 2oto in the :i>ar' o? 0P is a 7airn 2errier. 3*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 4 my motherAs cost*me was the :itch 1+pha@a ?rom the :i>ar' o? 0> < whom was the :icDe' :itch o? the :est. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sprea'in) r*mo*rs thro*)h 9ate 7hristianoAs ?ather an' 9ristin Si>emore who is $eon PannetaAs neice < =ittorio ma'e *p a story in(o+(in) myse+? p*ttin) my han' in a @a@yAs 'iaper at a party that BacD 3ion was present at 5 this res*+te' in BacD 3ion te++in) e(ery ?ami+y that he co*+' that it was act*a++y =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas that ha' 'one that to my +itt+e sister Sheena '*rin) 1"88 4 the tr*th a@o*t how =ictorAs son 7hris 2homas ha' 'r*))e' a++ o? the peop+e at the Ha++oween Party in 1"88 an' 7hi+' Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren present 4 an' that BacD an' his ?ami+y were at my ?ami+yAs 7hristmas Party in 1""2. Apri+ 9aneAs co*sins are G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+one an' ;o@ An>a+one as we++ as ;o@As 'a*)hter Ben An>a+one who was a@'*cte' @y 7+int 1man*e+e an' +e?t with 7hristine 3ionAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or a time. 2he ;or'ers ?ami+y 4 the 9ane ?ami+y 4 an' the An>a+one ?ami+y were p*t on the same Genoci'a+ Hit $ist as my ?ami+y an' were names on the Hit$ist that 1' :arren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy )a(e to 3e@@ie 3*mont '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 at the .ami+y 3o++ar store in Manchester NewHampshire on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampsh*re USA. 9ristin Si>emore @e)an @ein) eCtreme+y cr*e+ to Apri+ 9ane &Apri+ ;or'ers, whi+e she was my )ir+?rien' '*rin) Eth )ra'e. 3*rin) this year 9ristin Si>emore was (er@a++y con?ronte' @y % st*'ents o? 3e*tsche herita)e a@o*t the +ies she was te++in) an' they state' that they Dnew who the 1man*e+e ?ami+y were an' that they Dnew the tr*th 5 9e++y Peihm to+' 9ristin that =ittorioAs son 7+int 2ay+or ha' reache' *p her sDirt once when she was yo*n)er an' that he trie' to )ra@ her (a)ina 4 Me+issa 7hase who is 7hris 7haseAs co*sin eCp+aine' that some o? her ?ami+y Dnew the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an Dnew that =ittorio an' at +east one o? his sons were pe'ophi+es4 $a*ra Pitten)er eCp+aine' that her ?ather was ?rien's with BacD 3ion an' Dnew the McG*ire ?ami+y an' my *nc+e 2roy MacPherson as we++ as 'i' he Dnow thin)s a@o*t =ittorio 4 ;en $in'@er) sai' to 9ristin JI wo*+' not say s*ch thin)s i? I were yo* 9risten @eca*se I Dnow who he is an' I Dnow that he is thatNK an' seeme' to Dnow somethin) e+se re)ar'in) the 1man*e+e ?ami+y that he was not rea'i+y speaDin) a@o*t open+y. 1(ery sin)+e one o? these ?ami+ies were p*t on the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Hit $ist that was )i(en to (ario*s Assassins 4 Ma?ias 4 an'

0r)ani>e' 7rime Mercenaries. 1(ery one o? these ?ami+ieswere S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @etween the years o? 1""" an' 200! 5 e(en 9risten Si>emoreAs *nc+e $eon Panneta was somehow S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' he worDe' ?or the 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency o? the USA. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 9ristin ha' a'mitte' to the other st*'ents that she was to+' to +ie a@o*t the 'iaper story ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e who reH*este' it o? her ?ather. :hen 9ate 7hristianoAs ?ather ta+De' to #o@ert #o'on o(er the te+ephone a@o*t the J'iaper storyK 4 Mr. 7hristiano *se' the name J1rnieK as my co'e name to eCp+ain it 5 my 7airne 2errier was ori)ina++y name' 1rnie when we a'opte' him an' it was ;onnie 3amon that ha' @een o??ere' the 'o) ori)ina++y. ;onnie 3amon was mo+este' @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e when she was a +itt+e )ir+ 4 An)*s was the same Din'o ? 3o) as 2oto ?rom the :i>ar' o? 0P 5 this ?its =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e as somethin) he wo*+' worry a@o*t. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e was eCp+ainin) to peop+e that my Ja*nt ;onnieA was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter an' that her ?ather Mr. 3amon ha' a'opte' her ?or Um@erto an' B*+i*s an' that ;onnieAs a'opti(e ?ather was a 7rime So+'ier o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a A6IS 7rime Syn'icate 5 i? this is tr*e 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e seC*a++y assa*+te' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter n*mero*s times. ;onnie 3amonAs a'opti(e ?ather ha' two ?rien's name' =ictor < one was =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 the secon' was a man name' =ictor whom ;onnie ca++e' J*nc+e =ictorK an' was a man who she was c+ose ?rien's with that was @asica++y an erran' r*nner ?or the Ita+ian Ma?ia5 =ittorio o? Sa(oy *se' =ictor o? the Ma?ia as an a+i@i o?ten 4 an' whene(er H*estione' wo*+' @+ame thin)s on the =ictor who was the Ma?ia erran's man. 2he hit +ist that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha' written inc+*'e' my ?ami+y as the ?irst ?ami+y on their tar)ette' +ist 4 in the year 2000 Bason ;e++emore acDnow+e')e' hearin) a@o*t this as 'i' Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io 5 tar)ettin) o? my ?ami+y inc+*'es ?ami+ies ?rom the USA 4 7ana'a 4 P*erto #ico 4 MeCico 4 Sici+y 4 an' A*stria. My co*sin B*+ianna Ga*'etteAs ?ami+y in Sici+y was near+y eCterminate' in the 1"%0As an' 1"50As 4 tho*)h it is possi@+e that some s*r(i(e' other thana her imme'iate ?ami+y *nit. My ?atherAs an' motherAs ?ami+ies are North American ?ami+ies. My a*nt 3ianneAs mother Irma Gertra*' HemeonAs ?ami+y +i(e' in @oth A*stria an' the USA 5 Irma was @orn in A*stria an' +e?t a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar as a res*+t o? Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er acH*ire' ?rom s*r(i(in) a ;+it>Drie) when the A6IS in(a'e' 4 Irma Gertra*'As parents @e+ie(e' that mo(in) wo*+' he+p ca+m her psycho+o)ica++y an' mo(e' to the USA with her when Irma was a chi+'. IrmaAs co*sins +i(e in A*stria4 sti++. My co*sin 3ominiH*e Ga*'etteAs ?ami+y +i(e in the USA an' MeCico. My co*sin Marco #oyAs ?ami+y +i(e in the USA 4 7ana'a 4 an' P*erto #ico. ;oth o? my parentAs ?ami+ies +i(e primari+y in the USA an' 7ana'a. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Bason ;e++emore mentione' whi+e in my presense that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' ma'e a Genoci'e Hit $ist an' that my name was the ?irst name on the +ist as we++ as was his ?rien' ;en $in'@er)As name on the +ist as the ?i?th tar)et 5 we were on+y 1E years o? a)e. Accor'in) to what Bason ;e++emore sai' 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs or'ers to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the A6IS were that the entire Genoci'e Hit $ist was to @e assassinate' an' that the entire ?ami+ies o? the tar)ette' in'i(i'*a+s were to @e assassinate'. 2here were other chi+'ren on the +ist inc+*'in) Apri+ 9ane -Apri+ ;or'ers8 4 $in'sey Pittin)er 4 $a*ra Pittin)er 4 7hristine 3ion 4 Samantha G*ay 4 an' others. Ha+? o? the Genoci'e Hit $ist were chi+'ren 4 an' the ?ami+ies o? these chi+'ren. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 $in'sey Garo?ano an' an imposte*r o? Ste(e Parish state' in ?ront o? me that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ita+ian A6IS 4 an' an Ita+ian Satanist 7rime Syn'icate who worD with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS 5 ha' recr*ite' SeC 0??en'ers to *se Ne*roScience So?tware a++ 'ay e(ery 'ay to contro+ (ictims o? S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or p*rpose o? Genoci'e an' Genoci'a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as H*man =i(isection. Ste(e ParishAs imposte*r to+' $in'sey Garo?ano that the Ita+ian A6IS were eCterminatin) the entirety o? the North American races < startin) with the .irst Nations Nati(e American races 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 Ho++an'ers 4 MeCican an' P*erto#icans 4 an' A?rican Americans < an' contin*in) with Israe+is an' e(ery other race on the continent. He eCp+aine' to $in'sey Garo?ano that 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'er Pe'ophi+es were

@ein) )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? A'*+t Genoci'e =ictims an' were @ein) strate)ica++y p*t in the ho*seho+'s o? the chi+'ren o? North America ?or the p*rpose o? rapin) the chi+'ren an' that the SeC 0??en'er Pe'ophi+es ha(e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their crani*ms an' are )oin) to @e Ne*ro+o)ica++y Pi+ote' to rape the chi+'ren o? North America. He a+so mentione' that 7omp*ter HacDers were emp+oye' an' were *p+oa'in) (i'eo)raphe' rape o? these chi+'ren to the comp*ters o? the pe'ophi+es 4 ?or p*rpose o? a(ertin) .e'era+ In(esti)ations as a res*+t o? .i+eShare. $in'sey Garo?ano state' that she was impresse' an' that the Ita+ian #ace was )oin) to conH*er the wor+' @y committin) crimes that no other race are wi++in) to commit. 3*rin) the year 2005 < Banet Napo+itano was witnesse' in NewHampshire an' Massach*settes with a yo*n) @+on'e )ir+ on the @acD o? a @+acD motorcyc+e. Banet Napo+itano was with $orie Poten>a. 2he yo*n) @+on'e )ir+ +ooDe' +iDe Stephanie Bohnston an' appeare' to @e approCimate+y 11 years o+'. Banet Napo+itano state' somethin) +iDe J... my neice hereK when ta+Din) to $orie Poten>a a@o*t the )ir+ 4 a?ter 'ismo*ntin) ?rom the motorcyc+e 5 the +itt+e )ir+ sai' Jyo*Are not my a*nt. I am not yo*r neice. /o* Di'nappe' me. /o* a@'*cte' me. /o* are a chi+' mo+ester. /o* are a chi+' a@*ser.K to which Banet Napo+itano rep+ie' to $orie Poten>a J$orie... I 'onAt want to 'o this anymore. Peop+e are starin) at me ri)ht now an' i? any@o'y reco)ni>es me 4 I wi++ +ose my Io@. I ha(e ?ami+y in the area. My neice is ?rom here ori)ina++y. 2his rea++y is I*st yo*r thin) 4 I ha(e he+pe' yo* an' =ictor with this in the past... I I*st 'onAt Dnow a@o*t this yet 4 $orie. 0DO IA(e a+rea'y to+' yo* that 4 an' now yo*A(e )ot me transportin).K My sister Sheena MacPherson 4 Bason ;o*ser 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e 4 an' I witnesse' this. I wrote a witness statement with Sheena MacPherson an' it was 'e+i(ere' @y Sheena MacPherson to a Po+ice 3epartment. In the past 4 I was ?rien's with Banet Napo+itanoAs JnieceK $in'sey Garo?ano who is Banet Napo+itanoAs co*sinAs 'a*)hter who ca++s her JA*nt BanetK 5 Banet Napo+itano re?ers to $in'sey Garo?ano as her niece. 3*rin) the year o? 1""! 4 my ?ather an' a man name' MarD ;antis who was the 'r*mmer in my ?atherAs @an' < were @oth in(ite' to 3a(e ;ri'oAs ho*se ?or @eers. :hi+e they were at 3a(e ;ri'oAs ho*se in 1""! 4 3a(e ;ri'o poisone' #*sse++ MacPherson an' MarD ;antis with 7hemica+ :ar?are 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCin in MariI*ana an' a Se'ati(e in their @eer. A?ter my ?ather an' MarD ;antis ?e++ as+eep < 3a(e ;ri'o a++owe' $orie Poten>a 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o 4 an' a man name' Gra>>io+i entry to the ho*se 5 they s*r)ica++y imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices in my ?atherAs an' MarD ;antisAs @rains. 3*rin) the weeDs ?o++owin) this 4 my ?ather was comp+ainin) a@o*t ?ee+in) +iDe he ha' a m*sc+e Dnot near his Iaw Ioint an' that it was +iDe Jthe princess an' the peaK an' that it was h*rtin) his necD. 3*rin) 1"88 4 7hris 2homas poisone' a++ o? the peop+e present at my ?ami+yAs Ha++oween Party with 7hemica+ :ar?are 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCins an' poisone' BacD 3ion with a se'ati(e in BacDAs @eer < a?ter which 7hris 2homas seC*a++y mo+este' the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party an' Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren with a Photo)raphic 7amera. 3*rin) 1""! 4 I atten'e' a ;+*es M*sic .esti(a+ in Massach*settes with the #o'on ?ami+y 5 m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were present '*rin) this M*sic .esti(a+ inc+*'in) =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 4 whom I was intro'*ce' to once a)ain. I he+pe' 7hristopher #o'on an' $ynn ;an)s #o'on se++ so*p an' @ar@ec*e chicDen at a concession tent '*rin) m*ch o? the ;+*es .esti(a+. 1' :arren an' 2heo'ore ;an)s as we++ as ;r*ce ;*cD+ey were present at the ;+*es .esti(a+. $e(on He+m p+aye' at the ;+*es .esti(a+. I remem@er that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e acte' stran)e a?ter @ein) intro'*ce' to me a)ain. A?ter the ;+*es .esti(a+ in Massach*settes USA < $ynn ret*rne' to NewHampshire USA with 2heo'ore J2e''yK ;an)s whi+e 7hristopher #o'on 4 Matthew #o'on 4 an' I ret*rne' to NewHampshire in #o@ert #o'onAs car with him. :hi+e ret*rnin) ?rom the ;+*es .esti(a+ in Massach*settes 4 #o@ert #o'on stoppe' at Bason JSpi'erAsK ho*se to @*y MariI*ana ?rom Bason JSpi'erAsK ?ather. 2he MariI*ana that Bason JSpi'erK se++s is o?ten '*ste' an' steame' with 7hemica+ :ar?are 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin that ca*ses Psycho+o)ica+ 3isAssociation otherwise Dnown as a @+acD o*t. Bason JSpi'erK +i(e' near ;oy+ston 4

;e'?or' 4 an' Mar+@oro*)h Massach*settes USA which was a+so not ?ar ?rom Merrimac Massach*settes USA. It is pro@a@+e that $eon Panneta an' Banet Napo+itano were coinci'enta++y @oth at the ;+*es .esti(a+ in Massach*settes '*rin) the year 1""!. 2he ;+*es .esti(a+ was not ?ar ?rom North An'o(er Massach*settes < we ha' stoppe' at the Pen*cheAs ;ar an' Gri++ in North An'o(er 4 which is coinci'enta++y where I met =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e a)ain 5 at his ;irth'ay Party. 3*rin) the ;irth'ay Party 4 someone ha' mentione' the a+choho+ic miCe' 'rinD JBacD F 7oDeK as we++ as was BacD 3ion present as the res*+t o? an *neCpecte' in(itation which BacD 3ion ha' re+*ctant+y accepte' < ear+ier '*rin) the year 1"88 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ca++e' 7hris 2homasAs ho*se *pon 'isco(erin) that my ?ami+y was (isitin) him an' ye++e' at him an' his a'opti(e ?ather o(er the te+ephone4 or'erin) them to poison my motherAs coDe co+a with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' ho+' a Dni?e to her throat an' ?orce her to p*t her han' in Sheena MacPhersonAs 'iaper an' taDe a photo)raph with a po+aroi' camera. As *s*a+ 4 7hris 2homas 'i' e(erythin) his ?ather or'ere' him to 'o. 7hris 2homas an' 7+int 1man*e+e @rie?+y @ecame ?rien's with my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson 4 my *nc+e Scot 7arty 4 an' some o? the McG*ire ?ami+y as a res*+t o? my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. intro'*cin) them to *s. It is 'e?inite that my mother 3e@ra $a=oie MacPherson an' her sister $es+ie $a=oie ;ryan &at the time Io'ice, were the (ictims o? a 7rime #e)ime in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren whi+e +i(in) in Massach*settes as chi+'ren < Um@erto 1man*e+e was the 7rime $or' o? this 7rime #e)ime as we++ as was he the 2errorist $or' o? the A6IS in North America 5 Samantha G*ayAs a*nt was a+so a (ictim o? this same 7rime Syn'icate4 Samatha G*ay was present at the 1"88 Ha++oween Party. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e inherite' these positions ?rom his ?ather Um@erto 1ma*e+e as we++ as 'i' he inherit many o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs connections to 2errorist 0r)ani>ations 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates 4 an' corr*pt Aristocrats. My *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. recin'e' *pon =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs in(itation to @ecome a Pa)e o? Sa(oy an' e(ent*a+ 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy 4 this @othere' =ictor )reat+y 5 A+?re' Io'ice Br.As ?ather A+?re' Io'ice Sr. was a #oya+ G*ar' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ .ami+y. My a*nt B*+ianna who marrie' my motherAs step co*sin Michae+ Ga*'ette 4 was a Sici+ian whoAs ?ami+y s*r(i(e' the Ho+oca*st in Sici+y that occ*rre' '*rin) the 1"%0As an' a?terwar's into the 1"50As which has contin*e' *pon USAmerican soi+ *nti+ present 'ay an' ha' sprea' into Ser@ia an' ;osnia 5 B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were tar)ette' @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Assassins who worDe' in'epen'ent+y as Assassins o? Sa(oy as we++ as worDe' within the 7osa Nostra 7rime Syn'icate in Sici+y 4 which a++owe' them camo*?+a)e as possi@+e 7osa Nostra < B*+iannaAs ?ami+y ha' no connections to 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' no reason to ha(e enemies amon)st the 7osa Nostra. B*+iannaAs )ran' ?ather was @est ?rien's with a man who was a 'escen'ant o? the secon' @orn son o? the +ast eCistant 9in) o? Sici+y o? the Ho*se o? AnI*(in. 2he 'escen'ants o? the Ho*se o? AnI*(in were tar)ette' '*rin) the Ho+oca*st @y the A6IS. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was raise' @y Um@erto 1man*e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a whom were @oth eCtreme+y paranoi' o? AnI*(in @+oo'e' Sici+ians 'isco(erin) their )*i+t concernin) the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As an' their )*i+t concernin) their co(er *p o? the Ho+oca*st in Ita+ia an' Sici+ia '*rin) an' a?ter the @rie? eCistence o? the 3r' #eich. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was a+so raise' @y Um@erto 1man*e+e to commit the same crimes as Um@ertoAs 7rime #e)ime ha' committe' 4 m*ch o? which ha' @een committe' in =ictorAs presense < as we++ as was =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ere' @y his ?ather Um@erto an' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a who was +iDe an *nc+e to him 4 to commit the same (io+ent seC o??enses an' other acts o? (io+ence that their re)ime ha' @een committin). =ittorio 1man*e+e has raise' his sons the same way that he himse+? was raise'. :hen Um@erto 1man*e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a mo(e' to the USA a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar 4 the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s were sti++ *n'erway 5 the $or's o? the A6IS were a?rai' that they may @e 'isco(ere' an' ha(e to ?ace eCec*tion 4 ?or this reason they @*i+t a 2errorist 7rime #e)ime co(ert+y in North America an' em@e''e' it within the USA )o(ernment. 2his re)ime has @een seen '*rin) the USA Presi'ent NiCon A'ministration '*rin) which near+y the entire .e'era+ Go(ernment was Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' a?ter a series o? m*r'ers which in(o+(e' peop+e s*ch as G*)+ie+mo an' other assassins

who worDe' ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 the +atter ha+? o? the USA Presi'ent ;*sh A'ministration which in(o+(e' peop+e s*ch as Banet Napo+itano an' $eon Panneta 4 an' is c*rrent+y @ein) seen as the J;aracD 0@amaKPresi'entia+ A'ministration which is ?act*a++y the a'ministration o? a man who is +i(in) as imposte*r o? the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama who was a mem@er o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e an' a mem@er o? the ;+acD Panthers 4 an' +i(e' in New /orD USA 5 ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was we++ acH*ainte' with an' was ?rien's with my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ o? Massach*settes USA as we++ as ha' 3a(i' $ee an' 6an Peterson met the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 2he ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama ha' two m*+atto parents < one was somethin) +iDe A?rican American as we++ as 9enyan 4 Po+ish an' Israe+i < the other parent was somethin) +iDe A?rican American an' An)+o Gae+ic American. 0ne o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs parents was o@ser(ant o? the Bewish re+i)ion an' was o? an amo*nt o? Israe+i race. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io an' Ste?ani .o>>ere++i were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' a preme'itate' Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*st that was p+anne' to occ*r in the near ?*t*re. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy were p+annin) Genoci'e 4 accor'in) to Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io to+' Ste?ani that the entirety o? North America was )oin) to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' that a +ist o? races was )oin) to @e eCterminate' entire+y. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io a+so state' to Ste?ani that the a'*+ts o? merican .ami+y Units were )oin) to @e assassinate' an' Pe'ophi+e SeC 0??en'ers were )oin) to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD +iDe the a'*+ts o? the ?ami+y *nits o? North American #aces 4 an' these Pe'ophi+e SeC 0??en'ers were )oin) to @e )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the parents o? these ?ami+ies an' )i(en access to the chi+'ren. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' sai' to me JMy peop+e are )oin) to ana++y rape the chi+'ren o? yo*r race to 'eath an' choDe to 'eath the women an' chi+'ren o? yo*r race with o*r cocDs.K. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io Dnew that Pe'ophi+es were )oin) to @e *se' to ar #ape the chi+'ren o? North America. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io 'escri@e' this to Ste?ani as Jre(en)e ?or the A6IS +osin) the war an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy.K an' Ste?ani sai' Jso 4 this is +iDe a Poetic B*sticeOK. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io then to+' Ste?ani that they were )oin) to mo(e to the :est 7oast o? the USA e(ent*a++y an' spen' the '*ration o? the )enoci'e )am@+in) in $as =e)as an' *sin) the Ne*roScience So?t:are to ens*re that their opponents +ost the car' )ame matches at the casino. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons 4 the Ita+ian A6IS 4 an' the #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 p+anne' to Pe'ophi+e #ape the chi+'ren o? the American #aces to 'eath '*rin) the :ar 0n 2error. $in'say Garo?ano is the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 she is a+so Banet Napo+itanoAs co*sin. 3*rin) Ga@rie+As an' Ste?aniAs 'isc*ssion whi+e at ;icD?or'As on Amherst street in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 $eon Panneta was mentione' 5 Ga@rie+ was o(erhear' statin) 4 JI )*ess at the en' Ian is s*ppose' to @e m*tate' with ?ai+e' )enes that a++ represent somethin) re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' his sDin is s*ppose' to @e a m*tant )ene that +ooDs +iDe 'arD Ita+ian sDin an' ?a'es to pa+e Irish sDin at his sho*+'ers an' chest < he is a+so s*ppose' to ha(e a m*tate' (ersion o? $eon PannetaAs cheeD @one )ene. It is s*ppose' to @e +iDe Simon ;e+mont o? the Ninten'o 7ast+e(ania )ame 4 co++ectin) a++ the pieces o? 3rac*+aAs @o'y.K. .ranD 7arrocino was in?orme' o? this @y Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io whi+e at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant in Nash*a NewHampshire USA 4 '*rin) which Ga@rie+ in?orme' .ranD 7arrocino that my ?ami+y on @oth matri+inea+ an' patri+inea+ si'es were the ?irst tar)et ?or )enoci'e an' G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs ?am+y on @oth si'es 4 were the secon' ?ami+y tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e. My 'a'As @est ?rien' Gino 4 was G+enn 3an>i)As co*sin < my eC )ir+?rien' Apri+ ;or'ers who +ater was name' Apri+ 9ane 4 was G+enn an' ;o@ An>a+oneAs co*sin. Ben An>a+one who is ;o@ An>a+oneAs 'a*)hter is Apri+As an' GinoAs co*sin. Un@eDnownst to .ranD 7aroccino4 he a+rea'y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain at the time. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 .i+ 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames *n+ocDe' the 'oor to my @asement with the Dey to my @asement which 9y+e Howar' ha' sto+en at the instr*ction o? ;rian 7ase who was his

s*perior in their 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate < an' wa+De' into my home. Bason Be??rey an' I ha' I*st smoDe' a mariI*ana ci)arette an' ha' I*st @een p+ayin) a (i'eo )ame in the @asement. .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an H*estionin) Bason Be??rey a@o*t what he ha' seen a month prior to this 5 Bason Be??rey state' GI saw what yo* 'i'. I was there. I am not sayin) anythin). I Dnow what yo* 'o. I Dnow what yo* 'i'. I 'onAt want tro*@+e. I Dnow what yo* are. I am not sayin) anythin). I Dnow yo* are A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y an' that yo*Are the Prince o? Ita+y. I am not sayin) anythin). I 'onAt ha(e a pro@+em with A'o+? Hit+er 4 A'o+? Hit+er is coo+ 4 I act*a++y Din' o? +iDe that 5 @*t that other thin) is not somethin) that I am a+ri)ht with... @*t 4 I am not sayin) anythin). I am not )oin) to say anythin).G . A?ter this occ*rre' 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an tra(e+in) 'own to Massach*settes an' =ir)inia to see .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 4 an' some ?rien's o? .i+As an' 7+int 2ay+orAs 5 Bason Be??rey @e+ie(e' that he ha' Ioine' a )an). 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Bason Be??rey ha' witnesse' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7+int 1man*e+e (i'eo recor' a 7hi+' Porno)raphy which in(o+(e' the (io+ent rape o? a )ir+ yo*n)er than 13 years o? a)e. 1ar+ier '*rin) the year 2000 4 Bason Be??rey an' I ha' tra(e++e' to 3*m@arton =ir)inia in BasonAs car. Bason Be??rey to+' me that we were 'oin) this to @*y a @a) o? mariI*ana. Bason Be??rey @e)an @*yin) MarI*ana coate' in 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin ?rom .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 7+int as we++ as .i+As ?rien' Bason who +i(e' near Mar+@oro Massach*settes. A?ter Bason @o*)ht the mariI*ana 4 7+int 2ay+or to+' Bason that he nee'e' a ri'e to his other ho*se 'own the roa' 5 we 'ro(e ?rom the apartment comp+eC that 7+int 2ay+or +i(e' in to a ho*se neCt to a ch*rch on the same roa'. 2he ho*se was a 3 ?+oor ho*se with a stee+ chain +inD ?ence aro*n' the entry to the @asement or ?irst +e(e+ on the +e?t si'e o? the ho*se 4 in ?ront o? the 'ri(eway. As we were sittin) in the parDin) +ot 4 7+int2ay+or ye++e' at a man who was 'e?inite+y G3ia@+oG -7aesarAs imposte*r '*rin) the year 200% to 200!8 4 ye++in) 5 G:hat is she 'oin) o*tsi'eO SheAs not s*ppose' to @e o*tsi'eNG . In the enc+ose' area that was s*rro*n'e' @y chain +inD ?ence 4 three )rown men were stan'in) with a pit@*++ terrier 'o) an' a sma++ mesti>o )ir+ who +ooDe' to @e a pro@a@+e miC o? $aDota Sio*C 4 A>teca 4 MeCican Hispanic 4 an' .ranDic American 5 the +itt+e )ir+ +ooDe' to @e a@o*t ! years o+'. 2he man who +ooDe' +iDe G3ia@+oG who was imposte*r o? 7aesar 4 *sin) the name G7esareG in Manchester NewHampshire < +ooDe' i'entica+ to G3ia@+oG 4 @*t was o? pa+e sDinne' comp+eCion an' ha' +on) c*r+y @+acD hair an' a thinner nose. In 2008 an' in 20124 this man was witnesse' wa+Din) thro*)h Manchester NewHampshire an' Nash*a NewHampshire @y n*mero*s peop+e who i'enti?ie' him as the man that ha' @een preten'in) to @e 7aesar an' ha' @een wa+Din) B*+ie :einstein aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire with a co++ar an' a +eash on her necD. B*+ie :einstein was the 'a*)hter o? a #a@@i name' ;arry :einstein 4 B*+ie was on+y approCimate+y 10 years o+' when she was a@'*cte'. A?ter 7+int 2ay+or ha' sai' to G3ia@+oG 4 G:hat is she 'oin) o*tsi'e 4 sheAs not s*ppose' to @e o*tsi'eNG 5 I sai' to 7+int 2ay+or4 GIs that yo*r 'a*)hterOG. 7+int 2ay+or sai' 4 GNo. SheAs not my 'a*)hter.G 4 a?ter which I asDe' GAre yo* s*ppose' to @e @a@ysittin)OG an' he sai' 5GNot eCact+y 4 somethin) +iDe that.G . Bason Be??rey then asDe' him 4 G3*'e4 what are 'oin)O Is that )ir+ a hosta)eO :hat is thisOG an' I asDe' him G/o*Are not a pe'ophi+e are yo*OG . 2o this 7+int 2ay+or rep+ie' 4 GNo. 0? co*rse not. ItAs not that. B*st i)nore them. I ha(e to )et @acD to the apartment.G 3*rin) the +atter ha+? o? the year 2001 4 #o@ert $e'o*C to+' me that Bason Be??rey ha' a'mitte' to ?i+min) 7hi+' Porno)raphy 'own in 3*m@arton =ir)inia 5 #o@ state' that Bason 'i' this as an JInitiation 7rimeK ?or a )an). #o@ert $e'o*C to+' me that whi+e Bason Be??rey was eCtreme+y 'r*nD an' hi)h on mariI*ana < Bason Be??rey a'mitte' to ha(in) recent+y ?i+me' two 7hi+' Porno)raphy Scenes ?or a )an) that he ha' I*st Ioine' 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs )an). He ca++e' this Jho+'in) a cameraK4 n*mero*s other peop+e ha(e re?erre' to this as JHo+'in) a camera ?or the 1man*e+esK. .i+ 1man*e+eAs )an) are SeC 2ra??icDers 4 7hi+' Porno)raphers 4 Porno)raphers 4 an' 2errorists in(o+(e' in other ?orms o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e Bason Be??rey 4 Boe $e;aron 4 an' my se+? were at G2he Stran)e;rew 2a(ernG 5 Bason Be??rey sai' to *s 4 G I am in a )an) now. G . Boe $e;aron sai' 4 G0h

thatAs nice. :hat is yo*r )an) ca++e'O G to which Bason Be??rey rep+ie' Gthe A'o+? HIt+ers... not rea++y ... Din' o?. ItAs a IoDe name. :e 'onAt rea++y *se a name.G Boe $e;aron @e)an h*mo*ro*s+y ca++in) BasonAs )an) 4 Gthe A'o+? Hit+ersG ?or the rest o? the e(enin). .i++i@erto 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ )reat )ran' nephew an' is the son o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e I= who *s the 9in) o? Sa(oy o? Ita+ia c*rrent+y in eCi+e. I ma'e a IoDe a@o*t the )an) @ein) ca++e' the A'o+? Hit+ers with a Massach*settes USA accent 4 *sin) ;o@ SDinnerAs (oice impersonation an' statin) Jmy )an) is ca++e' the A'o+? Hit+ersK 5 ;o@ SDinner who +i(e' in NewHampshire USA 4 ha' a Massach*settes accent an' was ?ormer+y marrie' to $orie Poten>aAs co*sin An)e+a Poten>a. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 Bason Be??rey poisone' me with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins an' attempte' to *se Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) an' Hypnosis in a ?ai+e' attempt to hypnoti>e me to @ecome seC*a++y aro*se' at hearin) the wor' G7hi+' Porno)raphyG. 3*e to the ?act that I was poisone' with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin 4 it has taDen me a ?ew years to remem@er this 5 a G@+acD o*tG is a 3isAssociate' State '*rin) which a person is conscio*s @*t is not eCperiencin) ?*++ awareness an' is *s*a++y *na@+e to remem@er what occ*rre' '*rin) these perio's o? time ?or a +on) perio' o? time. :hat I remem@er was that I was 3isassociate' ?rom a ci)arette that Bason Be??rey ha' han'e' me that was apparent+y tainte' with Ne*ro2oCin 5 this was *se' to poison me. A?ter I 3isAssociate' 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an to hypnoti>e me *sin) his ?in)er tip as a mo(in) hypnotic ?oc*s < this is accomp+ishe' @y pointin) the ?in)er strai)ht at the ?ace o? the hypnosis s*@Iect. :hi+e hypnoti>in) me 4 Bason Be??rey to+' me G:hen I say 7hi+' Porno)raphy 4 twitch yo*r +e).G 4 G:hen I say 7hi+' Porno)raphy 4 r*@ yo*r inner thi)h a)ainst yo*r penis.G 4 G:hen I say 7hi+' Porno)raphy 4 to*ch yo*r penisG 4 G7an I to*ch yo*r penisO 7hi+' Porno)raphy.G an' he to*che' my penis. 2his is 'e?inite+y somethin) that Bason Be??rey was or'ere' to 'o @y one o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs sons < this is o? the same psycho+o)y as the *sin) o? 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin an' Hypnosis to initiate )ro*p seC*a+ acti(ity where the initiator whom has poisone' the others with Ne*ro 2oCins 4 steps @acD an' photo)raphs an' (i'eo)raphs the seC*a+ acti(ity 5 this has @een *se' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e in the past 4 to @+acD mai+ or G@ir' 'o)G peop+e ?or p*rpose o? )ainin) a@so+*te contro+ o(er the in'i(i'*a+s an' ?ami+ies. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is a 2errorist Aristocratic 7rime $or' 4 with the psycho+o)y o? a Me)+omaniac Sociopath Socia+ 3arwinist Amora+ist 5 some peop+e wo*+' ca++ this a G2r*e SatanistG < as oppose' to Anton $a=eyAs G7h*rch o? SatanG 4 which is @asica++y a Gnostic 7*+t with a+ot o? sarcasm an' h*mo*r concerin) the aesthetic o? what GSatanG is an' o@ser(es the ho+i'ays o? primari+y 7e+tic an' Germanic .o+D #e+i)ions. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has the psycho+o)y o? a (i++ain ?rom a horror mo(ie whom is a Me)a+omaniac Sociopath SeC*a+ 3e(iant Seria+ 9i++er < =ittorioAs GSatanG is himse+? 4 he an' his sons are GMi)ht is #i)htG Socia+ 3arwinists 5 the concept o? GSatanG is s*ppose' to @e the 1nemy 4 the wor' means GA'(ersaryG or G1nemyG in He@rew. 2his G1nemyG o? the 1man*e+esA an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy is the entire P+anet 1arth 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is a me)a+omaniac < as are many o? his sons an' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom I ha(e Dnown. 2his contro++e' mo(ement o? the eyes is an attempt to access speci?ic sections o? the @rain an' processes o? +o)ic. Bason Be??reyAs attempts to hypnoti>e me are the res*+t o? his @ein) or'ere' to 'o so @y his new G7rime Syn'icateG which is in ?act a G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation. Bason Be??rey a+rea'y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain '*rin) 2002 which ha' @een p*t there in the year 2000. 3*rin) the year 1"88 on Ha++oween 4 =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas 7hi+' Porno)raphe' myse+? an' the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party a?ter poisonin) the entire party with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin. 3*rin) the year 1""0 4 An)ie -Poten>a8 SDinner @e)an to 'istri@*te GHa++oween is SatanismG propa)an'a an' pamph+ets on Ha++oween 1(enin). 3*rin) the year 2001 < MiDe $a>>ari to+' me that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was a 7rime $or' o? what was @asica++y a Satanic 7rime 7*+t 5 MiDe $a>>ari a+so to+' me that =ittorio ha' @een attemptin) to @*i+' an a+i@i his entire +i?e 4 to ?rame Anton $a=eyAs G7h*rch o? SatanG an' a seH*entia+ +ine o? his own accomp+ices 4 (ictims 4 an' innocent 3r' parties ?or his own crimes an' terrorism. $ater that e(enin) '*rin) 2001 4 MiDe $a>>ari showe' me a scene ?rom a mo(ie which I @e+ie(e was GPro@+em 7hi+' 2G wherein =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e wears

a 3e(i+ Ha++oween 7ost*me an' is tricD or treatin) 5 MiDe $a>>ari 'escri@e' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e as a 'is)*stin) o+' per(ert who was wearnin) the Din' o? smirD on his ?ace that a @a@y who I*st shit his 'iaper an' tho*)ht it was a ?*nny secret wo*+' wear *pon his ?ace. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs G;ir' 3o)G ;+acD Mai+ 1spiona)e < is a 'e?ense which he an' his sons *se to pre(ent their con(iction ?or their SeC 0??enses 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin). I 4 an' m*ch o? my ?ami+y < are =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs (ictims as we++ as his sonsA an' 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateA SeC 0??ense 4 :ar #ape 4 an' Genoci'e (ictims. 3*rin) the year 2001 < Ste(e G=inceG Parish an' $in'sey Garo?ano picDe' *p my se+? an' Samantha G*ay in Ste(e G=inceG ParishAs car. Ste(e G=inceG Parish 'ro(e *s to 7har+otte North7aro+ina an' poisone' my se+? an' Samantha G*ay with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin in MariI*ana an' 7i)arettes. Samantha G*ay rea+i>e' that we ha' @een poisone' an' that she 'i' not Dnow where we were 4 she @e)an to comp+ain 5 I spoDe *p imme'iate+y at Ste(e G=inceG Parish ?or his @etraya+ 4 ye++in) at him ?or his poisonin) o? my se+? an' Samantha G*ay with Ne*ro 2oCins. 2his is a :ar 7rime. 2o poison a race o? ci(i+ians repeate'+y with Ne*ro 2oCins is a :ar 7rime. 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins are a Ne*ro 2oCin that is i++e)a+ @y the stan'ar's o? the Gene(a 7on(ention. Ste(e G=inceG Parish @e)an ta+Din) a@o*t Di++in) .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' other races o? Americas. His wor's so*n'e' eCact+y +iDe =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. Ste(e G=inceG Parish is 'e?inite+y persona+ ?rien's with #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' is 'e?inite+y ?act*a++y o? Ita+ian an' A*strian race 4 an' is not An)+o SaCon or any Din' o? American. 0ne year a?ter this Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' an' was +ater seen on an internet we@site < tie' *p an' @o*n' with rope 4 )a))e' 4 an' @ein) @r*ta++y tort*re'. 2he we@site was a we@site that was @ein) r*n @y an associate o? #o@ 3AAn)e+oAs 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs. It is c*rrent+y @e+ie(e' that Samantha G*ay was @ro*)ht to 7har+otte North7aro+ina when she was a@'*cte' an' that the peop+e who a@'*cte' her may ha(e a@'*cte' 9e+sey McNanny an' rep+ace' her with an imposte*r who is a SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim. 9e+sey McNanny is my eC )ir+?rien' who was my imme'iate eC )ir+?rien' prior to Sah'ra St.0n)e '*rin) the year 2003. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o was witnesse' wa+Din) o*t o? a @acD room which is pro@a@+e to @e a Sec*rity $o*n)e with access to the Ser(er 7omp*ter o? the AM2#A9 2rain NetworD. I ha(e @een in?orme' that #o@ 3AAn)e+o Dnew Samantha G*ay @e?ore she was a@'*cte' 4 an' that he he+pe' or)ani>e her a@'*ction 5 he has 'one this with others. #o@ 3AAn)e+o G3.B. 3AarHAn)e+G 4 Dnew Nina Hansen @e?ore .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an rapin) an' tort*rin) her. #o@ 3AAn)e+o is an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist :ar 7rimina+ an' is a 7hi+' A@'*ctor an' SeC 2ra??icDer. Aaron Ge@o o? Manchester NewHampshire 4 who Dnew Samantha G*ay < Dnew #o@ 3AAn)e+o as we++ as the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. In the past 5 #o@ert #o'on p*rchase' mariI*ana ?rom the ?ather o? .i+As 9ni)ht 4 Bason < Bason o?ten pro(i'e' Bason Be??rey an' 7hristina .aerio+o as we++ as others with MariI*ana coate' in 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin. 3*rin) the years 2000 to 2003 4 #o@ert #o'on o?ten smoDe' MariI*ana with Be??erson 3a(is 4 who in an apartment a@o(e #o@As in the same @*i+'in) as #o@ertAs apartment. It is pro@a@+e that Be??erson 3a(is was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e in his own home a?ter ha(in) @een poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins an' Se'ati(es. I ha(e @een to+' that Be??erson 3a(is was in(o+(e' in the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e an' that Henry MaDow o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7a was a contact o? his. 3*rin) 200% 4 I contacte' Henry MaDow @y emai+ a ?ew times. It is my @e+ie? that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @e)an sta+Din) the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e on the 1ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. @e)innin) aro*n' the approCimate year 1""8. 3*rin) the years 1""% an' 1""5 4 my ?ami+y tooD a (acation to 7ana'a. :hi+e in 7ana'a 4 my ?ather an' I were hiDin) a scenic trai+ near New ;r*nswicD an' No(a Scotia < whi+e hiDin) this trai+ 4 we were 'isc*ssin) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ @+oo'+ine an' the ?act that he was the ha+? @rother o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 an' that he was on+y o? a sma++ amo*nt o? A*strian +inea)e on his MotherAs Aosta si'e o? her ?ami+yAs @io+o)ica+ +inea)e. :hi+e

speaDin) a@o*t this we wa+De' past a man who +ooDe' to @e in his 20As 4 was a@o*t EA0K ta++ 4 ha' +on) 'arD @+on'e hair that was 'ye' @+acD 4 an' three months +ater was seen on the 2e+e(ision whi+e at the #o'onAs ho*se @ein) 'esri@e' as J;*r>*mAsK Norwe)ian ;+acD Meta+ M*sician who ha' @een arreste' ?or the s+ayin) o? his own @est ?rien'. As the Norwe)ian +ooDin) man wa+De' past *s 4 he sai' to his @+on'e ?ema+e companion 4 J3i' yo* hear thatO An' they ?o*n' o*t ?rom a Sici+ian 4 too R I @e+ie(e it. Ha(e yo* e(er seen the photo)raphsO IAm )oin) to ha(e to ca++ home imme'iate+y when we )et @acD.K. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 4 J7o*nt GrishnaD o? ;*r>*mK was on the te+e(ision reporte' as ha(in) m*r'ere' his own @est ?rien' in a Dni?e ?i)ht an' @*rne' a ch*rch to the )ro*n' 5 the m*r'er o? Jthe man ?rom ;*r>*mAsK @est ?rien' J0ystein AarsethK who he was +ater ?a+se+y reporte' to ha(e sta@@e' the eCact n*m@er o? times that my ?ather was years o? a)e. 3*rin) this time 4 another man ?rom the @an' Mayhem was shot in the hea' the same sty+e as my ?atherAs @est ?rien' Gino who was assassinate' @y one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs assassins an' +a@e+e' as Js*ici'eK 5 Jpitch ?orDe'K in the ?ace with a shot )*n an' proppe' on the )ro*n' with the )*n 4 presente' as s*ici'e. Gino ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) a 'is)*stin) )enoci'a+ pe'ophi+e seria+ rapist an' seria+ Di++er who was ra>in) his sons to @e +iDe himse+? an' that =ittorio was re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er an' was e(en more 'is)*stin) than him. Gino ha' a co*sin who was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Part o? what Gino was ca*)ht 'isc*ssin) with a ?ew 3e*tsche+an'ers who +i(e' on the 1ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. was what =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' his son 7hris 2homas 4 who was #o@ert #o'onAs co*sinAs son @y =ittorio 1man*e+e < to 'o to my se+? an' my co*sins 4 my sister 4 an' my mother an' my sister. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' #o@ert #o'on to recor' some m*sic ?or a proIect he ha' commissione' ?or some speci?ic p*rpose 5 #o@ert #o'on was o(erhear' recor'in) what so*n'e' simi+ar to ;+acD Meta+ an' was )*itars an' Dey@oar' compositions most+y in #*ssian Sca+e an' $ocrian Mo'e < this so*n'e' eCtreme simi+ar to ;*r>*m when I hear' it. 3*rin) the ?o++owin) years ?rom 1""! to 201% 5 the a+ias JGrei?i GrishnaDK was chan)e' to J$ars =iDernesK an' e(ent*a++y J9ristian =iDernesK < '*rin) these years 4 n*mero*s peop+e who Dnew the man presente' on the 2e+e(ision @ein) arreste' 4 c+aime' that the @an' was an imposte*r an' that the inter(iews were a++ imposte*rs as we++ as c+aime' that the man was I*st a @assist ?or Mayhem ?or ! months an' was 'e?inite+y not :hite Power I'entity nor ACis I'entity in any way. J9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDyK was the name that two o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons presente' themse+(es to me as '*rin) 1"8" 5 7+int 2ay+or an' a son o? =ittorioAs who I ha(e ne(er +earne' the name o? who ha' a so*thern accent. J$ars Ho+manK was the name o? a man who +i(e' 'own the street ?rom 7hristopher an' the #o'on .ami+y 5 J$ars Ho+stein Sch+eswei)K is what =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' ca++e' him once to #o@ert #o'on4 asDin) in a paranoi' manner whether my co*sin Marco #oyAs ?rien' $ars was o? 3e*tsche Aristocratic $inea)e 4 this res*+te' in #o@ert asDin) =ittorio J=ictorK in an irritate' an' sarcastic (oice J7ome on now. :hat 4 'o yo* thinDO 1(ery@o'y has )ot thatOK 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 4 #o@ert #o'on 'isc*sse' with his son 7hristopher #o'on 4 the ?act that te+ephony is now a++ 'i)ita+ an' is o(er an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ an' ?or this reason 5 comp*ter hacDers can intercept an' recor' te+ephone con(ersations. #o@ert state' thet =ittorio has @e)*n or'erin) comp*ters to 'o this ?or him. 2his is what 'e?inite+y occ*rre' when the J=iDin)K in 7ana'a ca++e' home to Norway to te++ his ?rien's that he ha' I*st 'isco(ere' who A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y was. 3*rin) the year 1""% 4 7hristopher #o'on staye' o(er ni)ht at my ho*se 5 we p+aye' (i'eo )ames an' went s+e''in). In the mornin) my sister Sheena MacPherson was watchin) $am@ 7hops 2= Show. 2he neCt 'ay 4 7hristopher an' I went to his ho*se to spen' the weeDen' at his ho*se < #o@ert #o'on asDe' 7hristopher how the e(enin) was an' what it was that we 'i' 4 to which 7hris rep+ie' J:e p+aye' (i'eo )ames 4 went s+e''in) 4 'ranD hot cocoa < an' the neCt 'ay ate +*cDy charms in the +i(in) room whi+e IanAs sister Sheena was watchin) $am@ 7hops on the 2=.K . As *s*a+ < #o@ert #o'on ha' to in?orm =ittorio 1man*e+e o? the eCact wor's that were spoDen @y myse+? an' #o@ertAs son

7hristopher. 2wo months a?ter this occ*rre' 4 the #o'ons were eatin) an 1aster 3inner at one o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oyAs ho*se < at which ;r*ce ;*cD+ey 4 the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y 4 Mona 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 one o? the 1man*e+e sons 4 an' possi@+y one other ?ami+y was present. #o@ert #o'on an' Matthew #o'on were 'isc*ssin) the 'inner an' the ?act that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was speaDin) with the (oice o? the woman ?rom the te+e(ision series $am@ 7hops. #o@ert ha' @een sco+'e' +o*'+y @y $ynn ;an)s #o'on ?or ca++in) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os a J?a))ot pe'ophi+eK an' statin) that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was actin) eCtreme+y stran)e an' was o@(io*s+y 'isc*ssin) somethin) with =ittorio somehow concernin) my +itt+e sister Sheena MacPherson watchin) $am@ 7hops te+e(ision show. 3*rin) the year 1""% 4 7hristopher #o'on staye' o(er ni)ht at my ho*se 5 we p+aye' (i'eo )ames an' went s+e''in). In the mornin) my sister Sheena MacPherson was watchin) $am@ 7hops 2= Show. 2he neCt 'ay 4 7hristopher an' I went to his ho*se to spen' the weeDen' at his ho*se < #o@ert #o'on asDe' 7hristopher how the e(enin) was an' what it was that we 'i' 4 to which 7hris rep+ie' J:e p+aye' (i'eo )ames 4 went s+e''in) 4 'ranD hot cocoa < an' the neCt 'ay ate +*cDy charms in the +i(in) room whi+e IanAs sister Sheena was watchin) $am@ 7hops on the 2=.K . As *s*a+ < #o@ert #o'on ha' to in?orm =ittorio 1man*e+e o? the eCact wor's that were spoDen @y myse+? an' #o@ertAs son 7hristopher. 2wo months a?ter this occ*rre' 4 the #o'ons were eatin) an 1aster 3inner at one o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oyAs ho*se < at which ;r*ce ;*cD+ey 4 the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y 4 Mona 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 one o? the 1man*e+e sons 4 an' possi@+y one other ?ami+y was present. #o@ert #o'on an' Matthew #o'on were 'isc*ssin) the 'inner an' the ?act that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was speaDin) with the (oice o? the woman ?rom the te+e(ision series $am@ 7hops. #o@ert ha' @een sco+'e' +o*'+y @y $ynn ;an)s #o'on ?or ca++in) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os a J?a))ot pe'ophi+eK an' statin) that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was actin) eCtreme+y stran)e an' was o@(io*s+y 'isc*ssin) somethin) with =ittorio somehow concernin) my +itt+e sister Sheena MacPherson watchin) $am@ 7hops te+e(ision show. A?ter this ha' occ*rre' 4 $ynn ;an)s ha' spoDen to Mona 1man*e+e a@o*t this who mentione' it (ery @rie?+y to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 5 ear+y one mornin) 4 =ictor ca++e' #o@ert #o'on an' ye++e' at him ?or a@o*t ?i(e min*tes a@o*t #o@ert #o'on ca++in) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os a J?a))ot pe'ophi+eK. =ittorio state' 4 J#o@ert 4 I ha(e to ta+D to yo* a@o*t what yo* sai' a@o*t Geor)e 7atsopo*+os in the car the other 'ay a?ter the 1aster 3inner. It was (ery r*'e an' in'ecent o? yo* to say s*ch thin)s a@o*t Mr. 7atsopo*+os an' I am an)ry with yo* a@o*t this @eha(ior... an' i? this sort o? thin) is )oin) to contin*e 4 I 'o not ?ee+ that that Ian MacPherson sho*+' @e o(er at yo*r ho*se anymore @eca*se he is @ecomin) 'i(isi(e amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' is ca*sin) in?i)htin) amon)st the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy.K. A year a?ter this 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e instr*cte' #o@ert #o'on to speaD in ?ront o? me the wor's J7hristopher 4 I I*st ?o*n' o*t ?rom my co*sin who Dnows the 7hristiano ?ami+y that the Din) is in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' that the ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+a was a pimp. 2hey +i(e' in Massach*settes an' this has @een contin*in). I I*st ?o*n' o*t that the Din) is a N.A.M.;.$.A. Associate an' rea+istica++y 4 yo* canAt @e a NAM;$A associate an' not @e in(o+(e' in @ein) a chi+' mo+ester. So 4 I thinD that the Ho*se is )oin) to ha(e a new Din) e(ent*a++y an' there is )oin) to @e a +ar)e arrest o? the Din) an' a+ot o? his accomp+ices which wi++ inc+*'e some o? the Dni)hts. It may e(en @e so many o? the Dni)hts that some@o'y +iDe my co*sin en's *p @ecomin) Din) 4 or e(en myse+? < @*t I thinD it wo*+' pro@a@+y @e 7hristiano.K. =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' to+' #o@ert #o'on to speaD these eCact wor's in ?ront o? me 4 he ha' to rehearse it in pri(ate. =ittorio 1man*e+e has instr*cte' others to 'o this eCact same thin) 4 inc+*'in) Banet Napo+itanoAs co*sin whom I was ?rien's with < in 20014 $in'sey Garo?ano an' Ben An>a+one were or'ere' to speaD a speci?ic con(ersation in ?ront o? me to Ste(e Parish an' Bason JSpi'erK 5 this con(ersation in(o+(e' Ben An>a+one @ein) ?orce' to preten' to @e 7hristine 3ion an' ar)*e with Ste(e Parish an' $in'sey Garo?ano a@o*t 7hris 2homasAs seC o??enses an' =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) a chi+' mo+ester who or'ers his sons to commit seC o??enses. It was a+so mentione' that #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' his accomp+ices amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are SeC 2ra??icDers

that @eat the shit o*t o? women an' tort*re them *nti+ they s*@mit to their or'ers. $in'sey Garo?ano in?orme' me a?terwar's that she was or'ere' @y #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to 'isc*ss this in ?ront o? me. Since the year o? 2001 4 I ha(e met 3 imposte*rs o? $in'sey Garo?ano an' met 1 imposte*r o? Banet Napo+itano as we++ as witnesse' the ?act*a+ Banet Napo+itano in the same re)ion o? NewHampshire USA. I ha(e a+so @een in?orme' that =ittorio 1man*e+e is attemptin) to create an a+i@i ?or his comp+icity in the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 his in(o+(ement in the A6IS .action 4 an' his in(o+(ement in H*man =i(isection eCperiments in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System #a'io .reH*ency an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren an' yo*n) women < 1' :arren 'isc*sse' this nee' ?or an a+i@i at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 an' to+' Anthony 3e.eo n*mero*s times that =ictorAs eCpectation o? ha(in) an a+i@i @e?ore he 'ies is an impossi@+e eCpectation to meet an' that 1' :arren may ha(e to somehow 'ra) a con?ession o*t o? =ittorio @e?ore =ictor 'ies ?or p*rpose o? sa(in) +i(es as a res*+t o? =ictorAs crimes pro@a@+y @ecomin) Genoci'a+. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 I poste' on the ;*r>*m .or*m an' ?o*n' that my i'entity was +ater @ein) *se' an' misrepresentin) myse+? as a 'i??erent persona+ity at times 5 '*rin) this time an J1mi+y Is+esK intro'*ce' herse+? to me 4 whoAs pro?i+e +ater @ecame a SeC 2ra??icDerAs pro?i+e who has @een i'enti?ie' to @e 7+int 2ay+or an' =ittorio 1man*e+e. 5 'i??erent ?ema+esA photo)raphs were sent to me c+aimin) to ha(e @een J1mi+y Is+esK an' some *nDnown ?ema+e was ma'e to preten' to @e 1mi+y Is+es to me ?or a year 5 one o? these photos was 3a(e Marsha++As sister 4 one was Bosh ;*rnAs sister 4 three were *ni'enti?ia@+e @*t +ooDe' re+ate' to the :einstein ?ami+y an' the ;ernstein ?ami+y. 2hese )ir+s were a++ a@'*cte' @y the 1man*e+es an' were +ater witnesse' in Manchester NewHampshire an' other near@y cities @+in'e' 4 wa+Din) with tapper sticDs +ooDin) ?or JIan MacPhersonK. 2hey ha' @een @r*ta++y assa*+te' an' maime'. A++ o? them were +e?t with copies o? 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s whi+e 2ony Gon>a+e> was +e?t in a Prison 7e++ in 7oncor' NewHampshire 4 m*tate' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy o? 7aesarAs 3NA an' +e?t in a Prison 7e++ con(icte' o? 7+int 2ay+orAs accomp+ice 3ia@+oAs crimes. 0ne o? the 1mi+y Is+es imposte*rs c+aime' to ha(e @een in contact with a J9ristian =iDernesK who was imprisone' in 2romso Prison '*rin) 2005 5 there is no s*ch man in 2romso Prison an' since 2003 4 photo)raphs o? a@o*t 10 imposte*rs o? the J;*r>*mK m*sician were poste' to the internet. 0ne imposte*r o? Grei?i was presente' in the hoaC 'oc*mentary JUnti+ the $i)ht 2aDes UsK 4 '*rin) this ?i+m 3 H*otes o? con(ersations I ha' '*rin) 2005 an' 200E were *se' in the ?i+min) o? the ?aDe 'oc*mentary 5 which was pro'*ce' @y American re+ate' JBo*rna+istsK. 3*rin) 1""8 < $in'sey Garo?ano 4 who is a 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a co*sin o? USA 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity Banet Napo+itano 5 to+' me that ;U#PUM is an A6IS ProIect an' that the @an' is a hoaC 4 that the rea+ Grei?i GrishnaD was imprisone' an' they *se' his i'entitity a)ainst his wishes 4 an' that the m*sic was ?act*a++y recor'e' primari+y @y two m*sicians who were o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' sons o? 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 whi+e I was at the SDinner ?ami+y resi'ence at E% ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire USA < a historica+ 'oc*mentary (i'eo a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er an' the A6IS @e)an p+ayin) on the te+e(ision. :hi+e this 'oc*mentary was p+ayin) 4 I notice' the A6IS on the 2= an' sai' J#omans.K to which An)e+a Poten>a SDinner rep+ie' @y statin) to her 'a*)hter Am@er SDinner < J:e 'i' not 'o that 4 Am@er. 2he Ita+ian 'i' not 'o that. 2he @+on'e 'i' that 4 Am@er. It was the @+on'e race that 'i' that 4 Am@er. K. A?ter An)e+a state' this 4 her h*s@an' ;o@ SDinner @ecame irritate' an' state' an)ri+y 4 JAn)ie < I 'onAt Dnow what has @een )oin) on with yo* +ate+y 4 @*t yo*Are startin) to creep me o*t. 3onAt @e te++in) them shit +iDe that 4 that isnAt e(en tr*e An)ie. I am @+on'e an' so are ;ea* an' Am@er 4 an' IanAs ?ather < an' weAre the race that 'e?eate' the A6IS. :hat 'o thinD ;enito M*sso+ini was 4 An)ieO' that is what itAs ca++e' 4 An)ie. ItAs a #oman Sa+*te. 2hose thin)s theyAre carryin) are #oman ;att+e Stan'ar's 4 what yo* sai' 'oesnAt e(en maDe sense An)ie. I 'onAt want my 'a*)hter hatin) her ?atherAs race An)e+a. 2hatAs their own se+? 4 An)ie.K.

A year a?ter this '*rin) the year 1""E 4 ;o@ SDinner was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with his son ;ea* that ;o@ ha' I*st ?o*n' o*t that An)ie Poten>a SDinner was 'escen'e' ?rom a pre(io*s ;aron o? Sa(oy 5 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )reat )ran'?ather. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 $orie Poten>a 4 an' Gra>>io+i a+so share this common ancestry o? the ;aronia+ 1(o+a +inea)e ?rom approCimate+y 5 )enerations pre(io*s to the c*rrent ;aron o? Sa(oy. It is pro@a@+e that B*+i*s 1(o+a @ecame in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) in North America a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS as a res*+t o? co*sins o? his @ein) in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) in North America as we++ as So*th America. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ers his s*@Iects to speaD tr*e statements *n'er the )*ise that they are care?*+ +ies to in(esti)ate others 4 an' '*rin) 1""5 when #o@ert #o'on was instr*cte' to speaD speci?ic wor's in my presense a@o*t B*+i*s 1(o+a @ein) a JpimpK an' the Din) @ein) in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' ha(in) NAM;$A crime associates 5 the statement was ?act*a+. In 2008 < when Gra>>io+i to+' ;onnie 3amon that she was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter an' that she was a'opte' to a Sa(oy A6IS 7rime So+'ier 4 =ittorio ha' instr*cte' him to say this as i? it were a +ie 5 the ?act*a+ tr*th seems to @e that ;onnie 3amon is act*a++y +itera++y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter an' that Gra>>io+i is a 'istant co*sin o? hers o? a re+ate' 1(o+a +inea)e. An)e+a Poten>a was my ?ami+ies neCt 'oor nei)h@or when I was a chi+' 4 she +i(e' at E% ;ean #oa' 5 An)e+a *se' to watch =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 3anie+ Bames on the weeDen's occaisiona++y. An)e+a Poten>aAs name at the time was An)ie SDinner 4 she was marrie' to ;o@ SDinner. :hen I was a chi+' 4 my @est ?rien' was 7hristopher #o'on 5 7hris #o'onAs ?ather #o@ert #o'on 4 was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. #o@ert #o'on Dnew most o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Dnew the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) 1""8 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an or'ere' the chi+'ren o? Sa(oy an' Aosta re+ate' ?ami+ies to commit :ar 7rimes an' @e)an attemptin) to recr*it them a++ into an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in(o+(e' in 2errorism an' H*man 2ra??icDin). Poisonin) acH*aintances with 3issassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins an' other Ne*ro2oCins @ecame an Initiation 7rime o? theirs an' e(ent*a++y '*rin) 1""" 4 Sean ;*cD+ey poisone' Pa*+ 2*masAs ice cream 'essert with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy that ca*se' his @rain to m*tate an' to 'e?orm 5 ca*sin) Pa*+ 2*masAs @rain to 'ama)e insi'e o? his sD*++. Pa*+ 2*mas is c*rrent+y Mi'+y #etar'e' as a res*+t o? the @rain 'ama)e that occ*rrre' o(er 1% years a)o. 3*rin) 1""" 4 Bason ;e++emore an' 7rai) #oche @e)an 'isc*ssin) =ittorio 1man*e+es an' #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs eCperiments with :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' $a@oratory #o'ents whom they Ne*ro #o@otica++y A*tomate' an' Pi+ote' to wrest+e an' per?orm n*mero*s #emote+y 7ontro++e' tasDs. Bason ;e++emore state' that this wo*+' @ecome h*mans one 'ay an' mentione' the A6IS. 3*rin) 1""% or 1""5 4 prior to his meetin) with the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' the Ara@ian I@nSa*' A6IS at a Hote+ on the @or'er o? Massach*settes 4 New/orD 4 an' =ermont < a?ter a m*sica+ per?ormance o? the story JA+a''inK in New/orD 7ity 5 #o@ert #o'on an' myse+? ha' recent+y 'isc*sse' Jthe MarD o? the ;east o? the Anti 7hristK as @ein) the JAnti 7hristAs :eaponK which I ha' to+' him I @e+ie(e' was :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency NetworDe' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces which I to+' him I ha' seen on te+e(ision. I ha' to+' #o@ert #o'on that I @e+ie(e' the JSeeress o? Me'I*)orIe ;osniaAsK Prophecy an' that these were the weapons o? a comin) Anti 7hrist .action. #o@ert #o'on was not worrie' a@o*t it at the time an' simp+y s*))este' that the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe ;osniaAs Prophecy was JG+o@a+ 7onH*estK an' was I*st a story o? Mi+itary 7onH*est an' eH*ate' it with concepts o? S*ccess 5 JthatAs not the Anti 7hrist 4 Ian. 2hatAs I*st G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2hatAs s*ccess.K . 3*rin) the year 1""" < =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 an' $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey 5 are reporte' to ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in a " year o+' +itt+e )ir+As crani*m an' ha' @een *sin) it to contro+ her Ne*ro+o)y #o@otica++y an' ?orce her to per?orm seC acts4 SeC 2ra??icDin) her as a (ictim o? s+a(ery an' Ne*ro #o@otic H*man =i(isection < this was reporte'+y acci'ent+y recor'e' into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters *n@eDnownst to #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey as a res*+t o?

their mis*n'erstan'in) o? the nat*re o? :ire+ess 1+ectronic #a'io 7omm*nication in North America an' the I*ris'iction o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment. I ha(e @een to+' that =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e p*rpose+y 'i' this to them to conni(e them into @*i+'in) a re)ime *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to contro+ SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' 7rime So+'iers @y (ario*s means with n*mero*s ?orms o? so?tware 4 *sin) the a++*re o? =ittorioAs p+an to eCterminate the .or@es Ma)a>ine .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest .ami+ies in the U.S.A. an' rep+ace them with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' 2errorist 7rime So+'iers who wo*+' @e eCpecte' to *se their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to sp+it the +oote' an' pi++a)e' wea+th with the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS #e)ime 4 an' *sin) (ario*s ?orms o? @+acD mai+ to contro+ these a)ents. =ittorio 1man*e+e reporte'+y ha' 'eci'e' to *se the threat o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 'isco(erin) his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren as a way to insti)ate his 7rime So+'iers to attempt to assassinate an' rep+ace the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 1mp+oyees with A6IS So+'iers who were in(esti)ate nothin) 4 as we++ as a way to co(er *p a++ e+ectronic recor's o? his ?*t*re in(o+(ement in the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' a North American Genoci'e which he ha' p+anne'. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 a we@site ca++e' #ense.7om p*@+ishe' an Artic+e ca++e' JAnti 7hristK which 'isp+aye' an accompanyin) photo)raph o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the wor' AN2I7H#IS2 on his portrait as we++ as an artic+e 'escri@in) him as 2he Anti 7hrist o? the I++*minati an' A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 a potentia+ imposte*r o? Ste(e J=inceK Parish an' $in'sey Garo?ano picDe' *p Samantha G*ay an' I in =inceAs car an' 'ro(e to 7har+otte North 7aro+ina. 0n the way to 7har+otte North 7aro+ina 4 =ince an' $in'sey poisone' Samantha G*ay an' I with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins 5 it is o@(io*s that these two were committin) initiation crimes ?or the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. It is possi@+e that these co*+' ha(e @een the ?irst o? a set o? imposte*rs. 3*rin) the years 2002 an' 2003 4 @oth Samantha G*ay an' 7hristine 3ion were a@'*cte' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. Samantha G*ay an' 7hristine 3ion were two o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs an' his son 7hris 2homasAs 7hi+' Porno)raphy =ictims '*rin) the year 1"88 when I an' a n*m@er o? my co*sins were a+so (ictims o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs an' his accomp+iacesA 7hi+' Porno)raphin). 3*rin) the 2001 (isit to North 7aro+ina 4 what appeare' to ha(e @een an imposte*r o? Ste(e J=inceK parish 5 state' to me that he was )oin) to eCterminate my race in my +i?etime 4 this happens o?ten a?ter a 2errorist So+'ier o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate poisons me with Ne*ro2oCins < this seeme' to @e some sort o? rit*a+ crime. $in'sey Garo?ano is somehow re+ate' ?ami+ia++y to ?ormer B*')e 4 Banet Napo+itano 5 who is c*rrent+y emp+oye' @y the 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity. 3*rin) the ret*rrn 'ri(e to NewHampshire ?rom North 7aro+ina 5 the imposte*r o? =ince JSte(eK Parish an' $in'sey Garo?ano were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) what they ha' 'escri@e' as an Ita+ian Amora+ist Socia+ 3arwinist Satanic 7rime Syn'icate whom they ha' 'escri@e' as ha(in) @een recr*itin) SeC 0??en'ers to operate comp*ters networDe' to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworDs 4 these @ein) emp+oye' in +ar)e n*n@ers 5 the imposte*r o? Ste(e J=inceK Parish eCp+aine' that these SeC 0??en'ers were @ein) pai' in 7hi+' Porno)raphy an' =io+ent =i'eo)raphe' #ape that was *p+oa'e' 'irect+y to their comp*ters @y a hacDer who *p+oa'e' it to the SeC 0??en'ersA 'esDtops @ypassin) any *s*a+ Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ s*ch as a :or+' :i'e :e@ or a .i+e Sharin) App+ication 4 th*s pre(entin) the SeC 0??en'ers ?rom @ein) ca*)ht 'own+oa'in) an' (iewin) 7hi+' Porno)raphy. 2his was approCimate+y 3 years a?ter it was reporte' that a +itt+e )ir+ who was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 $orie Poten>a ;*cD+eyAs 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+oAs 4 an' Gra>>io+iAs 5 was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inte?ace an' eCperimente' *pon to 'e(e+op Ne*ro #o@otic Ne*ro+o)y A*tomation an' Animation So?tware ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) an' was recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment as a res*+t o? the metho' o? 'ata trans?errance @ein) $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency an' an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice. #o@ 3AAn)e+o ha' n*mero*s acH*aintances in the 7har+otte North7aro+ina re)ion '*rin) the years 2000 to 2010. =ittorio 1man*e+e has ?eH*ent+y *se' SeC 0??ense 4 Pe'ophi+ia 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o?

7hi+'ren to @+acDmai+ his SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Accomp+ices to )et in(o+(e' in other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' 2errorism which they ha' not yet @een in(o+(e' in 4 as we++ as 'oes =ittorio o?ten *se J;+acDMai+K 4 J;ir' 3o) 1spiona)eK 4 JInitiation 7rimeK an' J1spiona)eK as eCc*ses ?or his Pe'ophi+e SeC 0??enses an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren which he o?ten ?a+se+y i'enti?ies as a component o? his A6IS 2errorist I'entitiy an' Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper 7e++ Acti(ity in North America. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar with 1' :arren who is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 I o(erhear' 1' :arren 'isc*ssin) with 3e@@ie 3*mont 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs p+ans to rep+ace a ;+acD Panther name' J;aracD H*ssein 0@amaK with two =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Imposte*rs whom he ha' ;+acD Mai+e' an' to *se J;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAsK name as a 7ypher Name ?or Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are p*rposes to mean J;+it>9rie) o? 3iCie c*psK an' to re+ate to H*ssein an' propa)an'a re+ate' to +ies that Sa''am H*ssein ha' @een hi'in) tr*cD +oa's o? Ne*ro2oCins in the 'esert 5 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een *sin) n*mero*s Ne*ro2oCins to poison ci(i+ians o(er the past 15 years an' are the cooperti(e partners to 0sama ;in$a'enAs Ara@ian A6IS .action which Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather ha' a connection to as we++ as ha(e the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' Ne*ro+o)y 7ontro++in) 3e(ices in ci(i+ians in North America ca++e' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces consistin) o? Prosthetic Ne*ro 7irc*it Gra?t Patch wire' to a G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice *se' as a #o*ter to NetworD to Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ wire+ess+y anywhere on 1arth. In 'r*) *ser s+an) 4 a Jtr*cD +oa'K is a +ine o? cr*she' pow'ere' 'r*) s*ch as cocaine 5 to J'o a tr*cD +oa'K4 is to snort a +ar)e +ine o? a 'r*). 2he Sa(oy A6IS miC pow'ere' 7hemica+ :ar.are Ne*ro2oCins with the 'r*)s that they se++ an' *se with their (ictims an' tar)ets 5 the most common+y *se' Ne*ro2oCin o? which is a 3isAssociati(e that ca*ses the (ictim to 3isAssociate or J;+acD 0*tK. 2he Sa(oy A6IS o?ten )+a>e MariI*ana in this Ne*ro2oCin @y e(aporatin) it an' a++owin) the steam to 'ry *pon the MariI*ana < this is 'one with 7i)arette 2o@acco an' 7i)ar :rappers as we++ as 7o??ee an' ;eer or any other pota@+e s*@tance. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 a woman name' 3e@@ie 3*mont an' her ?ather as we++ as her *nc+e an' co*sin were o??ere' 5Mi++ion 3o++ars to Di++ my entire ?ami+y an' were pro(i'e' a +ist o? my entire ?ami+ies names inc+*'in) e(en 'istant co*sins o? mine whom I ha(e ne(er e(en met 5 this +ist was pro(i'e' to them @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e with the o??er o? 5 Mi++ion 3o++ars. 3e@@ie 3*montAs ?ami+y are a ?ami+y o? Sici+ian Americans who are mem@ers o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia in the USA an' are co*sins o? the 7ase ?ami+y. 2here were a+so other ?ami+ies on this )enoci'e +ist s*ch as the An>a+one ?ami+y 4 the ;or'ers ?ami+y 4 the 9ane ?ami+y 4 the Bohnston ?ami+y 4 an' other ?ami+ies. I ha(e @een in?orme' that 3e@@ie 3*mont who is 2ay+a $aw(erAs mother an' 2wy+aAs mother o? Manchester NewHampshire 4 ha(e taDen sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' were +ast seen in the $ore'o 2eCas re)ion. 3e@@ie 3*montAs s*rname is the s*rname o? her eC h*s@an' < 3e@@ie is ha+? Sici+ian an' a miC o? 3e*tsche an' possi@+y Gae+ic. I ha(e @een in?orme' that their ?amiy ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' that they may ha(e @een manip*+ate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to some eCtent 4 @*t that 3e@@ie 3*mont is ?*++y aware o? the ?act that ;aracD 0@ama has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r an' that she Dnows Gra>>io+i who is one o? the Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers that =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey 4 an' #o@ert 3AAn)e+o associate with. Gra>>io+i has a co*sin who was +i(in) in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% an' was *sin) their ?ami+yAs s*rname as a street name as we++ < this Gra>>io+i was +i(in) near Granite Street an' Secon' Street in Manchester

NewHampshire on the :est Si'e o? the @ri')e that crosses the MerrimacD #i(er. #yan McIntee o? H*'son NewHampshire was m*r'ere' at Gra>>io+iAs apartment '*rin) the year 200% 4 1' :arren 'isc*sse' this whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar an' mentione' that 9e(in .aerio+o may ha(e 'one it an' that ;r*ce ;*cD+ey an' 3a(e ;ri'o carrie' #yan McInteeAs @o'y o*t o? the @*i+'in) +ashe' to a stretcher an' p*t it in an o+' Am@*+ance 2r*cD that they ha' p*rchase'. 2he o??er o? 5Mi++ion 3o++ars is pro@a@+y the res*+t o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs an' Sean ;*cD+eyAs 7rimina+ S*r(ey L*estionnares to which one o? 3e@@ie 3*montAs re+ati(es m*st ha(e answere' that they wo*+' Di++ an entire ?ami+y ?or 5 Mi++ion 3o++ars. It is pro@a@+e that 3e@@ie 3*mont is re+ate' to Bosh*a 3ANapo+i an' Michae+ 3ANapo+i ?ormer+y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire < Sean ;*cD+ey +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 Bosh*a 3ANapo+i rape' a Nati(e American name' Stephanie $aMarine '*rin) the year 1""" as a res*+t o? @ein) or'ere' to rape a Nati(e American as an Initiation 7rime ?or the 7rime Syn'icate that worDs ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Stephanie $aMarine is c*rrent+y missin) an' is possi@+y rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who is o? Ita+ian race. Since the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' to the USA a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een rapin) Nati(e American women an' chi+'ren as initiation crimes an' ha(e reH*ire' their crime so+'iers to renew their tr*st o@+i)ation @y rapin) an' sometimes e(en m*r'erin) Nati(e Americans in North America. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I o(erhear' 3a(e ;ri'oAs re+ati(e B*stin ;ri'o 'isc*ssin) with an man that Bohn $aMarine may ha(e @een poisone' to 'eath @y Ga@rie+ 3AAn)e+o. 2he man posin) in photo)raphs o? Bohn $aMarine on .ace;ooD.7om is an imposte*r who +ooDs +iDe an ita+ian who attempte' to appear to @e @oth Bohn $aMarine an' Bosh NaDa)awa in photo)raphs ?or .ace; . Bosh $aMarine was a .irst Nations Nati(e American an' was Stephanie $aMarineAs @rother. #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs son was seen in the presense o? a Nati(e American women who was @ein) ?orce' to *se Ben ;ea*'*inAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 it is @e+ie(e' that he was SeC 2ra??icDin) her. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 $ynn ;an)s #o'on @e)an asDin) #o@ert #o'on n*mero*s H*estions a@o*t what he was )ettin) in(o+(e' in. $ynn @e+ie(e' that #o@ert #o'on was )ettin) in(o+(e' in the A6IS an' that he was )ettin) in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime with =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' the 7hristiano @rothers 4 $ynn o(erhear' #o@ert 'isc*ssin) SeC 2ra??icDin) an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime with a n*m@er o? men at the Hote+ in Massach*settes the ni)ht o? the per?ormance o? A+a''in in New/orD7ity 5 $ynn state' n*mero*s times that she hear' them 'isc*ssin) what so*n'e' +iDe Jthe A6ISK 4 2errorism 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' 7omp*ter techno+o)y inc+*'in) possi@+y somethin) to 'o with @rains. 2hese con(ersations +e' to #o@ert #o'on an' $ynn ;an)s )ettin) 'i(orce'. $ynn 'i' not tr*st #o@ert #o'on any +on)er. 0? stran)e coinci'ence is that $ynn ;an)s marrie' Martin 7atsopo*+os 4 an' that MartinAs co*sins are Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' J3ia@+oK is 'e?inite. 2he 7atsopo*+os are a+so somehow re+ate' to a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy name' ;r*ce who is a re+ati(e o? the ;*cD+ey ?ami+y to whom the Poten>a ?ami+y are marrie'. :hi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar < 1' :arren mentione' the Hote+ a?ter A+a''in to Anthony 3e.eo 4 mentione' that I was *pstairs in a Hote+ #oom p+ayin) J3r*nD 3ri(erK 7ar' Game with 7hris #o'on 5 accor'in) to 1' :arrenAs statement to Anthony 3e.eo 4 this was where @oth the J/29 ;*)K ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Genoci'a+ 2errorist AttacD was p+anne' as we++ as the " 112errorist AttacD. 2he J/29 ;*)K 2errorist AttacD is s*ppose' to @e a )ra'*a+ increase o? the n*m@er o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in USA 7iti>ensA crani*ms )r'*a++y

@e)inin) in the year 2000 an' c*+minatin) in the entire pop*+ation @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 their p+an was to recr*it SeC 0??en'ers as Genoci'a+ 2errorists an' train them how to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in H*man 7rani*ms 4 a?terwar's emp+oyin) them at p+aces +iDe Hospita+s an' Hote+s. 2he )oa+ o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is to eCterminate the entire North American 7ontinent other than the SeC 0??en'ers they ha(e recr*ite' an' some 0r)ani>e' 7rime which they ha(e recr*ite' 5 their p*rpose is to +ater ?+oo' the continent with +ower c+ass immi)ration an' ens+a(e them a?ter +ootin) the continent o? a++ wea+th an' reso*rces. 2he I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? )enoci'e (ictimsA are )i(en to the SeC 0??en'ers as a rewar' 4 they are )rante' a c+ean crimina+ recor' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' appearance to +ooD +iDe the (ictimsA. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ whom was my ?rien' 3anie++e $e;+ancAs @oy?rien' 5 mo(e' to 3*m@arton =ir)inia to mo(e in with his ?rien'. It @ecame apparent a?ter a weeD o? +i(in) with his new roommate that his roommate Dnew .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 persona++y. A?ter a year o? +i(in) at this +ocation 4 ?rom what I ha(e @een to+' 5 3a(e Marsha++ awoDe one e(enin) seein) Green 2eCt in ?ront o? his eyes threatenin) him an' te++in) him that he was a@o*t to @e eCterminate' ?or @ein) Bewish an' An)+o SaCon. 3a(e Marsha++ was an Asatr*ar who was 3Q% An)+o SaCon an' 1Q% Israe+i approCimate+y. I ha(e si)hte' an imposte*r o? 3a(e Marsha++ in Nash*a NewHampshire who appears to @e an Ita+ian that has @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' with An)+o SaCon an Israe+i 3NA that appears to @e 3a(e Marsha++As an' 1mi+y Is+esAs. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 7rysta+ MormonAs .ace;ooD was 7omp*ter HacDe' to post GNothin) +iDe waDin) *p in the mornin) to the si)ht o? Green AS7I .ont 2eCt in ?ront o? yo*r eyes 4 @ein) to+' yo* are a@o*t to 'ie 4 screamin) an)ri+y 4 an' @e+ie(in) that the Apocha+ypse has starte'. 0h 4 3a(e Marsha++... yo* are so ?*nny.G to which another 7omp*ter HacDer respon'e' ?rom another .ace;ooD 5 GIsnAt 3a(e Marsha++ an Asatr*ar tho*)hO :o*+'nAt it @e #a)naroD 4 thenO He is on+y 1Q% Bewish 4 so I 'onAt thinD itAs Apoca+ypse is itOG. P*@+ishe' to the internet imme'iate+y a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs were artic+es which 'escri@e' an ..;.I. F 7.I.A. In(esti)ation ca++e' GProIect Me)i''oG which may @e Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are propa)an'a or may @e ?act*a+ 5 2he ProIect Me)i''o was reporte' to @e an in(esti)ation into G#e+i)io*s I'entity 0r)ani>ations which @e+ie(e that a G+o@a+ ;att+e o? Goo' =ers*s 1(i+ is )oin) to occ*r soon.G #e+i)io*s 0r)ani>ations were +ie' a@o*t an' were p*t on this +ist 4 @*t A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was not. G0sama ;in$a'enG was the name o? a M*s+im man that I spoDe with a@o*t the Anti 7hrist 4 :ar 7rimes 4 the A6IS 4 the I++*minati 4 M9U$2#A 4 #ichar' NiCon 4 #ichar' He+ms 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' :ater)ate 5 on the internet when I was 11 an' 12 years o? a)e. 2he G0sama ;in$a'enG that en)ineere' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 'i' not act a+one 4 he worDe' ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action as we++ as a Sa*'i Ara@ian A6IS .action within =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs socia+ networD an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .atherAs Socia+ NetworD. ;oth the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ami+y ha(e +i(e' in the state o? Massach*settes an' the s*rro*n'in) re)ions ?or at +east the past 30 years. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons are o@sesse' with their )*i+t an' with their (ictims 5 these men ha(e the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? a Pe'orast Seria+ 9i++er an' are in ?act that. 3*rin) the year 2001 < whi+e I was in 3*m@arton =ir)inia with 3anie++e $e;+anc 4 3a(e Marsha++ 4 an' $i> Pratt 5 I o(erhear' a 3e*tsche+an'er who +i(e' in =ir)inia ar)*in) with an Ita+ian

who +i(e' in =ir)inia 4 whi+e I was in the @athroom in a Mc3ona+'As resta*rant. 2he men ha' notice' me wa+Din) into the @athroom an' ha' reco)ni>e' me. 2he German man @e)an ta+Din) a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons @ein) Pe'ophi+es 4 7hi+' Porno)raphers 4 an' Genoci'a+ 2errorists who were p+ottin) to eCterminate the .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces an' other American peop+es. 2he Ita+ian @e)an 'e?en'in) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' state' that he ha' a ri)ht to eCterminate .irst Nations Nati(e Americans < an' a+so that it 'oesnAt matter why he 'i' what he 'i' 4 theyAre Initiation 7rimes. 2he 3e*tsche+an'er was ?*rio*s with him an' ca++e' him a .a))ot Pe'ophi+e an' to+' him that he Dnew ?or a ?act that 7hris 2homas ha' rape' my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson with his ?in)ers when she was an in?ant an' ha' poisone' a++ o? the a'*+ts at the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' Se'ati(es 4 an' ha' a?terwar's 7hi+' Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren at the party an' rape' them. 2he 3e*tsche+an'er to+' the Ita+ian that A@enaDis an' other Nati(e Americans @e+on) in North America an' that it is their home+an' 4 an' that the Ita+ians sho*+' @e ?orce' to +ea(e North America ?or what they ha(e 'one an' ?or 'e?en'in) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers amon)st them. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has @een p+ottin) to G1N07I3A$$/ 1621#MINA21 the .irst Nations Nati(e North American #aces 4 the An)+o SaCons 4 the Gae+s 4 the Israe+is 4 the .ranDs 4 the A?rican Americans 4 the Ho++an'er Americans an' others in North America ?or apparent+y my entire +i?e 5 this is the most eCtreme threat in history. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs Initiation 7rimes in(o+(e #ape o? 7hi+'ren 4 A@'*ction o? 7hi+'ren 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 M*r'er4 M*r'er o? 7hi+'ren 4 an' I ha(e @een to+' that they M*r'er In?ants 5 there are racia+ tar)ets. 3anie+ ;*cD+ey 4 '*rin) the year 200% con?irme' this to my se+? an' ;en $in'@er). 3anie+ ;*cD+ey is Ita+ian an' is a re+ati(e o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3anie+ ;*cD+ey ca++e' 7hris 2homas a .a))ot an' ;*r)erDin) '*rin) the year 1""E 5 '*rin) 1""! 4 3anie+ ;*cD+ey was ?orce' to )et a report ?or schoo+ a@o*t GMein 9amp?G an' GA'o+? Hit+erG 'resse' as A'o+? Hit+er. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are not 3e*tsche Nationa+ists 4 they are an Ita+ian Genoci'a+ Mi+itant 7rimina+ 2errorist .action an' are SeC 2ra??icDers in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' SeC 0??enses *pon races o? 7HI$3#1N. 2he 3e*tsche A6IS .ami+ies who mo(e' to the U.S.A. that my *nc+e 2roy MacPherson an' his ?rien' BacD 3ion were ?rien's with warne' n*mero*s peop+e that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were most+y Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers an' Seria+ 9i++ers. 2he 3e*tsche man who was ar)*in) with the Ita+ian in Mc3ona+'s in 3*m@arton =ir)inia 4 to+' the man that he Dnew ?or a ?act that my ?atherAs @est ?rien' Gino was m*r'ere' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Assassin ?or ta+Din) a@o*t what =ittorio ha' 'one to my mother an' what =ittorio an' 7hris ha' 'one to my 1year o+' sister 5 an' that they ha' it @+ame' on Gs*ici'eG. 2he 3e*tsche+an'er was a co*sin o? a Psycho+o)y 2eacher at MerrimacD Hi)hschoo+ who I @e+ie(e may ha(e possi@+y @een name' Mr. :hee+er. 2he Ita+ian man to+' the 3e*tsche that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e sai' that the Nati(e American #ace isnAt )oo' ?or anythin) eCcept ?or s*cDin) 'icD 4 an' that he a)ree' with him. My mother was 5 years o+' when =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e he+' a Dni?e to her throat an' ?orce' her to s*cD his penis. 0ne year when it was my MotherAs @irth'ay 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e p*t his han' 'own her pants an' @e)an mo+estin) her 5 a?ter which her Gstep ?atherG G7h*cDG who was in ?act a SeC 2ra??icDer an' one o? =ittorioAs 7rime So+'iers sco+'e' her as i? she ha' 'one somethin) wron) an' she ha' to )o to @e' with no 'inner on her @irth'ay. 2his was p*t in a mo(ie as a scene an' my mother crie' when she saw it on te+e(ision < this is a simi+ar thin) to what =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 'i' to 3ino who committe' an

initiation crime (io+ent seC o??ense an' it was choreo)raphe' as a scene in a mo(ie < this is a+so simi+ar to what was 'one with the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+ot 4 character 4 an' script s*))estion to G0ne .+ew 0(er the 7*cDooAs NestG with BacD Nicho+son as GBacD 3ionG. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has rep+ace' my ?ather with n*mero*s imposte*rs who ha(e @een seC*a++y a@*sin) my sister 5 I ha(e trie' to )et this reso+(e' 4 @*t now I can not e(en enter MerrimacD NewHampshire witho*t the MerrimacD Po+ice arrestin) me c+aimin) that it is Gs*spicio*sG that I am in the town that I )rew *p in. I trie' to wa+D thro*)h MerrimacD NewHampshire an' the entire po+ice ?orce ha' @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs '*rin) 2012 5 these are 'e?inite+y SeC 0??en'ers who the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' an' )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' Po+ice 0??icers to. My sister S*mmer MacPherson is Gthe @a@y on the +an'mineG that is @ein) *se' to attempt to +*re me to Di++ Po+ice an' the Imposte*rs who ha(e @een *sin) my .atherAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 '*rin) the past ten years 4 there has @een more than one man in the MerrimacD 7o*rtho*se representin) himse+? as my .ather. 2hey ha(e @een recor'e' on =i'eo 7amera. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy has attempte' n*mero*s times to Assassinate me as we++ as pro(oDe me to imprison me. 7*rrent+y 4 m*ch i? the 1ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. is 'epop*+ate' an' it seems that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS *se' Po+ice Uni?orms an' 7rematory Ser(ice ;*i+'in)s to e+iminate e(i'ence o? this )enoci'e as we++ as ha(e they p+ace' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the han's o? their )*i+ty accomp+ices whom ha(e @een *se' to Deep the i'entiti?ications a+i(e in .e'era+ #ecor's. News Paper artic+es ha(e @een +yin) a@o*t the news on the 1ast 7oast o? the U.S.A. 4 especia++y in the North 1ast 5 where many o? the artic+es ha(e @een re printe' News Artic+es ?rom the years 200E to 200" with present 3ate printe' on them. It is pro@a@+e that many o? the )enoci'e (ictims were se'ate' @y Po+ice Uni?orme' Ita+ian A6IS So+'iers *sin) Syrin)es 4 @ro*)ht to hospita+s 4 an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2heraoy m*tate' *sin) intra(eno*s se'ati(es an' sa+ine with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation =ir*s in the Intre(eno*s t*@in) 5 these in'i(i'*a+s are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een incarcerate' in prisons a?terwar's 4 ?or crimes which they 'i' not commit < as w+e+ as were many pro@a@+y Di++e' an' p*t in Mor)*es as in'i(i'*a+s whom they were not @*t were m*tate' to +ooD +iDe. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' possi@+y a+so the Ho*se o? Aosta < S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m a?ter i++e)a++y ?orci@+y a'mittin) me to the Psychiatric Unit at the NewHampshire Hospita+ ?or a weeD ?or p*rpose o? a GPsychiatric 1(a+*ationG. A ?ew months a?ter this 4 I was mis 'ia)nose' with Schi>ophrenia. I 'o not ha(e Schi>ophrenia 4 I ha(e Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. I @e+ie(e that this mis 'ia)nosis was intentiona+ an' ?or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) my se+? as a witness. 2he man who 'ia)nose' me was an imposte*r o? a Bewish man who has @een missin) < his ?ami+y were re+ate' to a ?ami+y whom were in(o+(e' in the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e. ;oth Be??erson 3a(is an' Be??rey Go'@ois o? Manchester Menta+ Hea+th ha(e @een missin) 4 @oth o? them were ha+? Israe+i < Be?? 3a(is was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r a ?ew years a?ter Ioinin) the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' they ?o*n' o*t that he was ha+? Israe+i 5 Be??erson 3a(is was the nei)h@or o? #o@ert #o'on '*rin) the year 2001 4 he +i(e' in the apartment a@o(e #o@ert #o'onAs apartment. #o@ert #o'on is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a?ter I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' ?orce' into home+essness 5 an imposte*r o? my .ather whom I @e+ie(e was a Ser@ian was +i(in) in my ?ami+yAs ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 my sister 7he+sey MacPherson was

a@'*cte' an' swappe' with another (ictim 4 my sister Sheena MacPherson (anishe' an' was swappe' with another (ictim 4 an' a Ma?ia So+'ier name' Boe attempte' to assassinate me @y poisonin) me with @+acD mo+' a?ter =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ca++e' him an' or'ere' a hit. 12Q0EQ2013 5 whi+e in(esti)atin) 3*m@arton =ir)inia 5 as I was wa+Din) across a @ri')e 4 I saw what +ooDe' +iDe it was one o? my sister 7he+sey MacPhersonAs @+*e san'a+s on the si'e o? the roa' in the +ea(es an' @r*sh. It +ooDe' eCtreme+y weather worn. 2his San'a+ was a@o*t one H*arter o? a mi+e 'own the roa' ?rom the 3 Story ho*se with the chain +inD ?ence neCt to the 7h*rch 5 '*rin) 2001 4 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 to+' Bason Be??rey an' my se+? that his ?ami+y owns the property an' that a care taDer has the property in their own name. 3*rin) the years 200! to 2011 5 3*m@arton =ir)inia an' #ichmon' =ir)inia were 'escri@e' on n*mero*s .ace;ooD Pro?i+es on my ?rien's +ist. 3*rin) the approCimate year 200" 4 a +itt+e )ir+ attempte' to contact me on .ace;ooD ?rom a Pro?i+e that +ooDe' +iDe it ha' @een ma'e at the $i@rary in 3*m@arton =ir)inia 5 the )ir+s name was 3ei'ra ;rennar'. S*mmer MacPherson to+' me that this was 7he+sey #ain MacPherson 4 an' that she ha' @een poisone' with somethin) that ha' ca*se' her to m*tate with somethin) simi+ar to 7entra+ American 3NA an' +ooD 'i??erent. I 'i'nAt )et to ta+D to 7he+sey 4 some@o'y pre(ente' her .ace;ooD Pro?i+e ?rom contin*in) to @e *se'. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the man that was worDin) ?or =ittorio < G3ia@+oG 4 starte' a r*mo*r that my *nc+eAs ?rien' ;onnie 3amon is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs @io+o)ica+ 'a*)hter. I? the r*mo*r is correct 4 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs in?ant 'a*)hter ;onnie 5 was )i(en to =ittorio who a'opte' her to a 7rime So+'ier o? his 7rime Syn'icateAs. 2he r*mo*r is that =ittorio a'opte' ;onnie to a 7rime So+'ier with the name G3amonG ?or the p*rpose o? +ater c+aimin) that Satanists tra'e' @a@ies with one another 4 Satanists committe' =ittorio 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 0??enses an' :ar #ape Initiation 7rimes 4 c+aimin) Satanists @*i+t the 3r' #eich 4 an' c+aimin) that B*+i*s 1(o+a was a #oman Satanist who was the $or' o? a )+o@a+ Satan worshippin) 7*+t. ;onnie 3amonAs name was s*ppose' to @e a cypher ?or G3emonG an' an 1(o+a somewhere *sin) the name G1(i+G was s*ppose' to ha(e a re+ation to this. =ittorio @e+ie(e' that he ha' s*ccess?*++y conni(e' B*+i*s 1(o+a. 2he man whom ha' sto+en 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 7esare 5 ha' spoDen to some@o'y a@o*t this whi+e at the .ami+y 3o++ar Store in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e @ein) recor'e' on camera. 7esareAs nicDname was G3ia@+oG an' was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een 'eci'e' *pon @y =ittorio 1man*e+e. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas *se' the pse*'onym GSamoth SrichG '*rin) the 1"80As 4 which is a cypher (ariant o? the m*n'ane spe++in) 7hris 2homas that was inten'e' to so*n' Satanic. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e is )oin) to attempt to *se a GSatanistG A+i@i a)ain. It is a+so possi@+e that ;onnie 3amon wasnAt e(en ?act*a++y an 1(o+a an' that =ittorio 'eci'e' to attempt to *se it as an A+i@i @eca*se ;onnieAs ?ather was one o? his 7rime So+'iers. ;onnie 3amonAs .ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. ;onnieAs ?ather was in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin). He Dnew two men name' G=ictorG 4 one o? whom was =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2e+ephone recor's wo*+' pro(e this. ;onnie 3amon was a+so rape' repeate'+y '*rin) her chi+'hoo' @y a man who Dnew her .ather an' it is a 'e?inite possi@i+ity that this co*+' ha(e @een =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 =ittorioAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate

SeC 2ra??icD e(en chi+'ren. It is a+so a possi@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e starte' a r*mo*r that ;onnie 3amon was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter ?or reason that she +ooDs near+y i'entica+ to B*+i*s 1(o+a eCcept that she is a ?ema+e 5 i? ;onnie 3amon is not B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter < her 3NA is entire+y 'i??erent @*t is o? the same 3NA Hap+o)ro*ps as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs was 4 this wo*+' pro(e to @e eCtreme+y *se?*+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy i? they co*+' con(ince the 3epartment o? 3e?ense that ;onnie 3amon is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter prior to 3NA 2estin) @ecome man'atory ?or I'enti?ication p*rposes. My mother was a SeC 2ra??icDin) S+a(e o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate thro*)ho*t her chi+'hoo' 4 it is pro@a@+e that a 'a*)hter o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs wo*+' @e within the Socia+ NetworD that maintaine' imme'iate connections to my MotherAs socia+ networD ?or the intentiona+ p*rpose o? attemptin) to si+ence her. .or the p*rpose o? hi'in) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'i' the +east eCpecte' thin) a?ter the 'e?eat o? the 2hir' #eich an' re+ocate' the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y to the USA as we++ as mo(e' other re+ati(es o? A'o+? Hit+erAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs to the USA. Since their arri(a+ in the USA 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een eCterminatin) .irst Nations Nati(e American ?ami+ies an' An)+o Gae+ic American ?ami+ies as we++ as .ranDic American ?ami+ies 5 the intention o? this is to eCterminate the races o? peop+es whom are the Nati(e ;+oo' to the North American Soi+. ;+oo' an' Soi+ is a Nationa+ist Phi+osophy 5 the 1man*e+es ha(e @een attemptin) to eCterminate the Nation o? the USA an' any other Nation that wo*+' nat*ra++y contest a ?orei)n in(asion *pon their home soi+ as co(ert+y as possi@+e. It is a possi@i+ity that one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 0r)ani>e' 7rime accomp+ices ear+ier in +i?e was a mem@er o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan when it was ?o*n'e' in the 1"!0As < this wo*+' eCp+ain 4 in part 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e seems to possi@+y ha(e @een o@sesse' ?or m*ch o? his +i?e with the i'ea o? ?ramin) a Satanic 7*+t ?or his crimes. 0? o@(io*s re+ation to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs attempt to ?rame a ?a@ricate' GSatanic 7*+tG ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 '*rin) the year 1"""4 $ynn #o'on s*))este' to my mom that I see a co*nci+or name' Michae+ 3oran. 3*rin) my meetin) with the psychiatric co*nci+or 4 the psychiatric co*nci+or asDe' me i? I ha' a )ir+?rien' an' i? I ha' a pict*re o? my )ir+?rien'. I was 'atin) Nina Hansen 4 one o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs (ictims < somehow this man Dnew that I ha' a )ir+?rien' an' that I Dept a pict*re o? her in my wa++et. I @e+ie(e that this man ha' some Din' o? connection to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 1(ent*a++y the co*nci+or to+' me that I 'i' not ha(e anythin) psycho+o)ica++y wron) with me 4 @*t that he wo*+' +iDe to speaD with my Mother. A?ter atten'in) co*nci+in) 4 my MotherAs psychiatric hea+th 'ec+ine' stea'i+y an' she was e(ent*a++y hospita+i>e' in Psychiatric :ar' ?or n*mero*s years o? her +i?e. My Mother ha' Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er 4 @*t was 'ia)nose' n*mero*s times with m*+tip+e 'i??erent con?+ictin) 'ia)noses. It has @een eCp+aine' to me that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs attempt to ?a@ricate an a+i@i ?or his +i?e +on) in(o+(ement in 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' 2errorism has e(o+(e' into an attempt to portray ha+? o? his (ictims as mem@ers o? GSatanist .ami+iesG 4 ha+? o? his accomp+ices as GSatanic 7rimina+ 7*+tistsG 4 an' was )oin) to attempt to portray the names o? the GSatanic .ami+iesG as @ein) 7ypher Names. Accor'in) to one in(esti)ator who Dnew a man who worDe' 'irect+y ?or .i++i@erto 1man*e+e < ;onnie 3amonAs s*rname was s*ppose' to @e portraye' as @ein) 3emon in cypher 4 she is eCpecte' to @e portraye' as a 'a*)hter o? B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a is eCpecte' to @e portraye' as Anton $a=eyAs mentor 4 an' my mother 3e@ra $a(oie is eCpecte' to @e portraye' as a S+a(e In?erior to an 1(o+a. Michae+ 3oran who was s*))este' to my mother as a co*nci+or @y #o@ert #o'onAs wi?e 4 is eCpecte' to @e presente' as a GSatanist ;rotherG o? #o@ert #o'onAs < #o@ert #o'on is eCpecte' to @e portraye' as a Satanist +oya+ to

the 1(o+a ?ami+y an' not the 1man*e+es whi+e he sim*+taenio*s+y was )oin) to @e hi''en with a new i'entity an' set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs attempte' ?a@rication o? an a+i@i is s*ppose' to present B*+i*s 1(o+a as A'o+? Hit+erAs s*perior in 3e*tsche+an' '*rin) the Ho+oca*st an' the 1(o+a .ami+y as the S*perior 0+i)archy o? a G+o@a+ Satanic 7rimina+ 2errorist 7*+t whi+e sp+ittin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' presentin) the missin) ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as the )*i+ty ?action. .rom what I ha(e @een to+' 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e eCpecte' this a+i@i to @e ?a@ricate' ?or him @e?ore his 'eath. .or some time 4 =ittorio was reporte'+y p+annin) to *se what was an inten'e' to @e ?a@ricate' cypher *sin) the s*rnames 1(o+a 4 $a=ey 4 $a=oie 4 #o'on 4 3oran 4 MacPherson 4 =iDernes J=iDin) ;iDer SonK -He++s An)e+s S.S.8 4 Parson4 3amon 4 3ion 4 3ino 4 G3emonG 4 G3ia@+oG -7aesarAs imposte*rAs street name8 4 1(o+a G1(i+G 4 G3arD An)e+G 4 3AArcAn)e+ 4 an' GSamoth SrichG -7hris 2homasAs GSatanicG spe++in) o? his name com@ine' with the )*itarist JSamothK8. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 .i++i@erto eman*e+e seC*a++y Assa*+te' my )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen n*mero*s times as we++ as 'i' he poison Nina with 7hemica+ :ar?are 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' M3MA 4 tie' her *p with rope 4 an' physica++y tort*re' her ?or ho*rs. 3*rin) the year 2000 or 2001 4 7hristopher #o'on an' Scot 7or'ero 'i' this same thin) to my sister Sheena MacPherson. Sheena to+' me a@o*t this @e?ore she was sent to a ;oar'in) Schoo+ ?or tr*ancy ?rom schoo+.Nina Hansen an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e +i(e' in Massach*settes USA 4 the #o'on ?ami+y an' my ?ami+y +i(e' in NewHampshire USA. Nina Hansen was ha+? Norwe)ian an' ha+? Bapanese. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 Nina Hansen ha' accompanie' me to a @irth'ay party at 7hristopher #o'onAs ho*se. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in the @rains o? 9enIi Asai an' his ?ami+y 4 a Bapanese man who +i(e' 'own the roa' ?rom me on :est #oa'. 9enIi Asai 4 +iDe his ?ather 2enchiro Asai < was a Sam*rai 9ni)ht o? the Bapanese Aristocracy < 9enIiAs 9ni)htin) ceremony oc*rre' in Bapan aro*n' E months a?ter he ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++. Some time '*rin) the year 2005 4 Bosh NaDa)awa (anishe' an' has not @een seen since < it is @e+ie(e' that he was m*r'ere' an' that his @o'y was hi''en. Bosh*a NaDa)awa was ha+? Irish an' ha+? Bapanese. It is a possi@i+ity that @oth Nina HansenAs an' Bosh*a NaDa)awaAs )ran' ?atherAs were 9ni)hts o? the Bapanese Aristocracy. 0ne o? the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist So+'iers J7esareK 4 has @een si)hte' recent+y an' was +i(in) in the Nash*a NewHampshire re)ion '*rin) the year 2013 < possi@+y in H*'son NewHampshire 5 J7esareK has a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which once @e+on)e' to someone e+se an' has mana)e' to escape imprisonment ?or his crimes in NewHampshire @etween the years 200% an' 200!. J7esareK or J3ia@+oK was ori)ina++y ?rom =ir)inia an' worDe' ?or 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 as a 2errorist 7rime So+'ier in =ir)inia an' a SeC 2ra??icDer o? chi+'ren. 2his was possi@+e '*e to the 1man*e+esA connections an' the 1man*e+esA a@i+ity to o@tain Nano1n)ineere' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*ses which are typica++y ?or the p*rpose o? m*tatin) h*man 3NA to c*re Here'itary Genetic 3iseases @*t ha(e @een *se' @y the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) the aesthetic appearance o? their 7rimina+ A)ents as we++ as their SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?or p*rpose o? 'is)*ise an' impersonatin) in'i(i'*a+s whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s they ha(e sto+en. 7*rrent+y imprisone' with 7esareAs ?irst sto+en i'entity on his wrist@an' is 2ony Gon>a+e>4 whom was a@'*cte' @y so+'iers o? the 1man*e+esA 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) 200E an' was he+' capti(e in a

@asement near 2renton Street an' 7hestn*t Street in Manchester NewHampshire USA. J3ia@+oK has the appearance o? a 7atsopo*+os 4 an' +ooDs to @e 'e?inite+y re+ate' to Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' 7hris #o'onAs mother $ynn ;an)sAs secon' h*s@an' Martin 7atsopo*+os. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 my ?rien' Bason Be??rey an' I witnesse' J3ia@+oK at 7+int 2ay+orAs home in 3*m@arton =ir)inia. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 $ynn ;an)s an' Martin 7atsopo*+os mo(e' in to a home on ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire on the same street where my ?ami+y +i(e'. 3*rin) the years 1""5 4 1""E4 1""! 4 an' many o? the ?o++owin) years < ro@ert #o'on was in ?reH*ent contact with 7+int 2ay+or. 3*rin) his time whi+e @ein) he+' prisoner 4 2ony Gon>a+e> was ?e' Hemo)+o@in tainte' Mi+D which was tainte' with Hemo)+o@in that ha' @een *se' to c*+t*re Nano1n)ineere' strains o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s which containe' 7esareAs Genetic Proteins. 7esare *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Science to m*tate his sDin comp+eCion to a pa+e comp+eCion as we++ as his nose to a thinner nose shape 5 the hemo)+o@in (ia+ was pro(i'e' to him @y .i+ 1man*e+e. G3ia@+oAsG crimes in 7*@a were Initiation 7rimes which he was eCpecte' to commit to pro(e his worth to .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' a+rea'y committe' these crimes himse+? @etween the years 1""2 an' 200%. .or p*rpose o? attemptin) to ?rame a ?a@ricate' Satanic 7*+t 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e has em@e''e' 2errorist a)ents an' SeC 2ra??icDers within the He++s An)e+s )an) 5 a Motorcyc+e Gan) with a Satanic so*n'in) name an' a +o)o that was the ima)e o? a =iDin) He+met on a SD*++. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is o? Sa*'i Ara@ian an' Moroccan race an' '*rin) the year 1""5 was in the U.S.A. as we++ as was Mosta?a I@nSa*' with .i+ 1man*e+e in Mar+@oro Massach*settes '*rin) the year 2000 when I saw him. 2he +ast time that I saw JMosta?a I@nSa*'K was in ;oston Massach*settes in 2005 4 we ha' m*t*a+ ?rien's. I was ?orma++y intro'*ce' to JMosta?a I@nSa*'K twice in ;oston < the ?irst was in the year 200% at a @ar that my ?rien'As @an' was p+ayin) at 4 the secon' time was at a 'i??erent @ar that we went to. 2his man '*rin) 200% an' 2005 was not ?act*a++y Mosta?a I@nSa*'. I @e+ie(e tht Mosta?a I@nSa*' +i(e' in Massach*settes most o? his +i?e4 I met him n*mero*s times when I was a chi+'. More than once whi+e in ;oston Massach*settes a?ter the year 20004 I was intro'*ce' to what I now Dnow was an imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' 5 he was wearin) 7hristine 3ionAs Gray 9nit 7ap. I ha(e the same cap. 2he cap is a )ray woo+ Dnit +on) cap that co(ers the entire hea' an' is pro'*ce' @y 99 $o(e Int+. 7ompany. 2he r*mo*r that starte' a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacD is that the I@nSa*' ?ami+y o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' o? Morocco was sn*cD o*t o? the USA in secret @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who were a@o*t to @e ca*)ht ?or in(o+(ement with the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are ?act*a++y the ori)in o? Jthe A6ISK an' it is primari+y an a++iance @etween the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ an' ;aronia+ ?ami+ies 4 a SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 an' an Ara@ian Aristocratic 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. It is a+so a stron) possi@i+ty that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e m*r'ere' Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' his ?ather a?ter the eCec*tion o? the " 11 2errorist AttacD which they ha' p+anne' to)ether. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy *se' the " 11 2errorist AttacD to 'istract the USA .e'era+ In(esti)ators an' the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense with the Ara@ian A6IS an' a ?ictitio*s a++iance @etween the Ara@ian A6IS an' the Is+amic Biha'ist .actions which 'oes not tr*e+y eCist. 2he Ita+ian A6IS ha(e @een eCterminatin) a +ist o? races in North America @y metho' o? assassinatin) one ?ami+y at a time 4 @e)inin) with the .irst Nations Nati(e America race 4 the An)+o Gae+ic race 4 an' the A?rican American race 4 as we++ as the Israe+i race 5 this )enoci'e is *n'erway

whi+e the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempt to m*r'er an' stea+ the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the .or@es Ma)a>ine .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest American .ami+ies +ist4 *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate themse+(es to appear the same as the (ictims. 2o assist them in this preme'itate' )enoci'e an' the the?t o? the +i(es an' wea+th o? the North American peop+es 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e recr*ite' a +ar)e n*m@er o? con(icte' SeC 0??en'ers an' )i(en them the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' Genoci'e =ictims. It is pro@a@+e that one o? these in'i(i'*a+s co*+' escape the USA an' in?orm a ?orei)n mi+itary o? the c*rrent )enoci'e an' recei(e a ?*++ par'on o? acceptin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' emp+oyment @y a Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action. 2he ?irst time that I act*a++y remem@er meetin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' was at ;o@ SDinnerAs an' An)ie SDinnerAs ho*se '*rin) approCimate+y 1""% at E% ;ean #oa' neCt 'oor to my ho*se when .i+ 1man*e+e an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' were (isitin) ;ea*As an' Am@erAs o+'er sister who .i+ was 'atin) @rie?+y 4 ;o@ SDinnerAs eC wi?e An)ieAs ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. .i+ 1man*e+e was romantica++y in(o+(e' with ;ea*As an' Am@erAs o+'er sister who was name' Bo'ie SDinner. I remem@er one mornin) 4 arri(e' at the SDinnersA ho*se at E% ;ean #oa' an' +e?t a?ter on+y ten min*tes o? @ein) at their ho*se < .i+ ha' @ro*)ht Bo'ie a rose an' +e?t +ooDin) sa' 5 Am@er to+' ;ea* an' my se+? that Bo'ie ha' 'eci'e' that she 'i'nAt want to 'ate .i+ a?ter they ha' a+rea'y @een romantica++y in(o+(e' 4 an' that Bo'ie ha' to+' .i+ that he was too yo*n) ?or her. ;eca*se .i+ was @asica++y the same a)e as Bo'ie 4 ;ea* an' my se+? starte' +a*)hin) a@o*t it an' Am@er +a*)he' with a con?*se' +ooD on her ?ace. Am@er was in 9in'er)arten an' *se' to wait at the @*s stop with *s 4 stan'in) neCt to her mai+@oC. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 .i+As ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < @ro*)ht my roommate 4 9athryn McMahon a rose whi+e she was at worD. Bo'ie SDinnerAs @est ?rien'As name was 9atrina. 3*rin) H*rricane 9atrina 4 Sean ;*cD+ey -Poten>a8 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e committe' an eCtreme+y 'estr*cti(e :ar 7rime. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? the year 1""5 whi+e on (acation with 7hris #o'onAs ?ami+y in either Massach*settes or New/orD 4 7hristopherAs ?ather #o@ert #o'on ?orma++y intro'*ce' *s to 9in) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e who was at the @ar in the Hote+. 1' :arren an' ;r*ce were in the @ar with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2he ni)ht @e?ore the mornin) o? meetin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e in the @ar 5 the #o'on .ami+y 4 my se+? 4 the ;an)s .ami+y 4 Mona 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 Aaron 1man*e+e 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' possi@+y a mem@er o? the 7hristiano ?ami+y. A m*sica+ per?ormance o? A+a''in. $ater that ni)ht 4 #o@ert #o'on met with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen somep+ace near this Hote+ in what was either New/orD or Massach*settes 5 which was pro@a@+y New/orD. 2here were others present inc+*'in) Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather who +i(e' somewhere near Massach*settes USA an' is a 'istant co*sin o? the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y 4 a ?ew Ara@ian men that ha' @een si)hte' wa+De' towar's the @ar4 an' some other men. 2here were other A6IS .ami+ies present. It is possi@+e that some o? the p+ans ?or the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 p+ans ?or assassinations which occ*rre' @e?ore this an' a?terwar's 4 an' p+ans ?or the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace AttacDs an' H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 as we++ as other A6IS .action p+ans were ?orm*+ate' on this e(enin). It is a+most 'e?inite that the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(es 3etonators that were *se' @y the 2errorist Mi+itant $ea'er Dnown to the U.S.A. as G0sama ;in $a'enG were pro@a@+y en)ineere' o? A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices s*ch as the #o*ter that is S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that has @een @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in *nwittin) (ictims o? H*man =i(isection in the U.S.A. 4 it is a+so

pro@a@+e that some Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(es 3e(ices *se' *pon the USA Mi+itary ha(e @een 'etonate' @y 'e(ices en)ineere' o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @e)an to conspire to ?rame the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the entirety o? the :ar 7rimes o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is pro@a@+e that #o@ert #o'on witnesse' =ittorio 1man*e+e an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather p+an the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 the J/29 ;*)K ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace attacDs 4 an' #o@ert #o'on was *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @y one o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y or the ;*cD+ey Potena ?ami+y a?ter 1""5 an' prior to 2003. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that #o@ert #o'on was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace '*rin) 1""" 4 prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacD to contro+ him ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) him ?rom testi?yin) a)ainst =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ?or @ein) in(o+(e' in the terrorism o? the A6IS .action an' H*man 2ra??icDin) 5 an' to pre(ent #o@ert #o'on ?rom testi?yin) a)ainst =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ?or @ein) )*i+ty o? en)ineerin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs with Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather. 9te 7hristiano 4 whoA ?ather is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy 5 was 'is)*ste' that =ittorio an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD with so+'iers o? the Ara@ian A6IS inc+*'in) Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather 4 a?ter an A+a''in per?ormance in N/7. :hi+e in the @ar with the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 $ynn ;an)s #o'on was asDe' to +ea(e the @ar 5 she was (ery irritate' with this 4 she wa+De' aro*n' the Hote+ waitin) to @e a++owe' @acD into the ;ar ?or % 1Q2 ho*rs. :hi+e waitin) in the ha++way 4 two Ara@ians wa+De' past $ynn 5 she tho*)ht that this was stran)e ?or reason that they wa+De' towar's the @ar an' she 'i' not see them a)ain that ni)ht. $ynn ;an)s #o'on a+so mentione' seein) an Ita+ian who may ha(e @een part 3e*tsche wa+Din) towar's the @ar an' 'i'nAt see him a)ain the rest o? the ni)ht either. 7hris #o'on an' my se+? p+aye' the 3r*nD 3ri(er 7ar' Game a+most a++ ni)ht an' a+so p+aye' the )ames UN0 as we++ as Strate)o. Matt #o'on watche' a mo(ie an' ::. :rest+in). :hen $ynn an' #o@ ret*rne' < they were ar)*in) @eca*se $ynn #o'on was +e?t in the ha++way the entire ni)ht 4 ?or % 1Q2 ho*rs. 2he mornin) a?ter the A6IS Meetin) in the ;ar at the Hote+ 4 $ynn an' #o@ #o'on were ar)*in) a@o*t this a)ain 5 I remem@er $ynn sayin) to #o@ 4 G:hat 'i' yo* 'o in there ?or that +on) +ast ni)htO /o* to+' me to +ea(e @eca*se yo* ha' to 'isc*ss somethin) an' I was not a++owe' @acD into the @ar ?or ?o*r an' a ha+? ho*rs 4 #o@NG to which #o@ert #o'on rep+ie' GIt was one ho*r an' a ha+?NG which ca*se' $ynn to rep+y sayin) GIt was 'e?inite+y ?o*r an' a ha+? ho*rs 4 I watche' the time on the c+ocD an' I ?e++ as+eep on a @ench a?ter wa+Din) aro*n' the ha++s ?or ho*rs. I saw two Ara@ians wa+D past me that I Dnow went in there. I a+so saw one man who was Ita+ian an' part German. I 'onAt @e+ie(e yo* #o@ert an' yo*A(e @een +yin) +ate+y. :hat are yo* in(o+(e' inOG #o@ #o'on wo*+' not answer his wi?e. #o@ert #o'onAs eCp+aination ?or what ha' happene' was not accepta@+e to $ynn 4 #o@ert ha' state' that $ynn wasnAt a Man an' that it was a $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen meetin) < $ynn mentione' to #o@ert an)ri+y that Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather was there an' he is Ara@ian 4 he is not Ita+ian. $ynn #o'on state' 4 G1(en .i+ an' Mosta?a )ot to stay 4 why 'i' I ha(e to +ea(eOG to which #o@ert #o'on rep+ie' < GNo4 they ha' to +ea(e too. 2heyAre not a'*+ts.G to which $ynn rep+ie' 4 G#o@ 4 theyAre in their 20AsN I thinD yo*Are +yin) to me a@o*t somethin) an' I 'onAt +iDe this.G. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather 4 #o@ert #o'on 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 ;r*ce 4 1' :arren 4 one o? the 7hristiano men 4 at +east two *nDnown Ara@ians 4 an Ita+ian with a s+i)ht German @+oo'+ine or A*strian 3NA 4 an' a sma++ n*m@er o? other peop+e were present at what was *se' as i? it were a Pri(ate ;ar that ni)ht that was *s*a++y the Hote+ ;ar 5 this was

an A6IS meetin). :hat was 'isc*sse' at this meetin) is somewhat Dnown to my se+? 4 1' :arren ma'e it so*n' as i? the " 11 2errorist AttacD was 'isc*sse' an' possi@+y SeC 2ra??icDin). 2he trip to the A+a''in Per?ormance was ?or the p*rpose o? presentin) a )*ise ?or the A6IS meetin) that #o@ert #o'on ha' to atten' at a Hote+ on the Massach*settes @or'er o? the state o? New/orD4 the A+a''in per?ormance was in New/orD 5 this Hote+ co*+' ha(e @een in either state4 @*t was near the Massach*settes an' New/orD @or'er. 1' :arren ta+De' a@o*t this whi+e we were worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar at $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 1' :arren asDe' me what I ha' on my 7rimina+ #ecor' '*rin) a con(ersation < I mentione' that I on+y ha' a Simp+e Assa*+t char)e an' a 3r*nD 3ri(in) char)e 4 to which 1' :arren rep+ie' GA 3r*nD 3ri(in) char)e ?rom 1""5OG which I rep+ie' with mi+' +a*)hter GNo I wasnAt 'ri(in) at that a)e.G. 1' :arren +ater state' to Anthony 3e.eo 4 G3i' yo* Dnow a@o*t the Hote+ in 1""5O :here the.... yeah that. 2his aint no )oo' 4 '*'e. He was there. /eah he was. 3i' yo* hear what #o@ sai' to his sonO He ca++e' it ASo?t S+a(eryA4 that aint no So?t S+a(ery 4 thatAs the most @r*ta+ ?orm o? s+a(ery that there is. I 'onAt tr*st this )*y 4 '*'e. An' he aint sayin) nothin) 4 @*t he was there. I was there with ;r*ce the neCt mornin). He was there with $ynn.G. 3*rin) the year 2008 4 9ate 7hristiano was o(erhear' sayin) a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < GHe is so stran)e4 he stereotypes e(erythin) in a rea++y weir' way. :hen they p+anne' AitA 4 he @ro*)ht them to A+a''in.G Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather is aware o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs A6IS .action A++e)iance as we++ as the names o? a +ar)e n*m@er o? his A6IS .action Associaties 4 Accomp+ices 4 an' 7omra'es. It is pro@a@+e that Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather Dnows the men who p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' may ha(e assiste' them in some way 4 it is a+most 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS in the U.S.A. p+anne' it with them. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are wa)in) a co(ert war on North American soi+. 3*rin) the A+a''in per?ormance 4 Mosta?a was h*mo*ro*s+y ri'ic*+e' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his yo*n)er @rother 3anie+ Bames ?or @ein) Ara@ian 5 this @ecame eCceptiona++y o@(io*s '*rin) the son) AAra@ian Ni)htsA . At the A6IS .action Meetin) in the Hote+ ;ar 4 that S*mmer o? 1""5 < m*+tip+e Ara@ians were present. I remem@er the neCt mornin) 4 asDin) a man i? his name was ABacDA an' rea+i>in) that he was not BacD 3ion a?terwar's 5 he was simi+ar +ooDin) to BacD 3ion 4 @*t was a 7hristiano. BacD 3ion was not present ?or the A6IS ?action Meetin). #o@ert #o'on was +iDe a 2n' .ather to me when I was chi+' 4 his son 7hristopher was +iDe a @rother to me 5 7hristopher was my @est ?rien'. 2heir ?ami+y was +iDe my 2n' ?ami+y 4 I was at their ho*se a@o*t 3 or % 'ays a weeD. #o@ert #o'on is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' is a tr*ste' A6IS So+'ier. #o@ert #o'onAs eC wi?e $ynn ;an)s 4 is o? A*strian an' Ita+ian race 5 some o? her co*sins are o? A6IS .action an' are re+ati(es o? ?ami+ies re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta. 2heo'ore ;an)s is the co*sin o? 3a(e ;ri'oAs an' 1' :arrenAs. It is important to mention that '*rin) the years ?o++owin) 200% 5 at some point 4 I ha' wa+De' passe' 9ate 7hristiano whi+e in p*@+ic an' o(erhear' her say G=ittorio is eCtreme+y stran)e an' stereotypin). He @ro*)ht them to A+a''in when he p+anne' it. 2hey went to A+a''in with his wi?e an' he met the )*ys in the @ar. G this was a pro@a@+e re?erence to the p+annin) o? the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. I @e+ie(e that I act*a++y hear' her eCp+ainin) this twice < once whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar when 9ate 7hristiano p*rchase' an item at the store 4 an' a secon' time whi+e wa+Din) thro*)h the ma++ or some other p*@+ic +ocation. 3*rin) the year 1""54 .i+ an' Mosta?a (isite' ;ea* SDinnerAs an' Am@er SDinnerAs o+'er sister

Bo'ie at E% ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire whi+e their mother An)ie was there < An)ie SDinner -Poten>a8 a)ain intro'*ce' me to .i+ 1man*e+e an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'. Mosta?a I@nSa*' ca++e' An)ie GMrs. H*Cta@+eG @eca*se Bo'ie SDinner so*n'e' +iDe 0+i(ia ?rom the te+e(ision series 2he 7os@y Show. An)e+a Poten>a is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs co*sin 4 she is a 'escen'ant o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )reat )ran'?ather who was a ;aron o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Bo'ie SDinner -Poten>a8 is not ;o@ SDinnerAs 'a*)hter 4 she is ?act*a++y 100S Ita+ian an' is o? near+y entire+y #omano Ita+ian ethnic stocD. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 9ate 7hristianoAs .ather or Unc+e intro'*ce' himse+? to my .ather whi+e my ?ami+y were shoppin) at a 9MA#2 in either New Hampshire or Massach*settes. He Dnew my .atherAs name an' intro'*ce' himse+? @y name < statin) that he Dnew @oth BacD 3ion an' #o@ert #o'on4 an' that he ha' met my .ather @e?ore in the past. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 whi+e at Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ 4 I ha(e @een in?orme' that Mr. Sa+(o +et =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i+ 1man*e+e into Sat*r'ay 3etention whi+e my )ir+?rien' 3anie++e 7*shman was in Sat*r'ay 3etention. Mr. Sa+(o 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e rape' 3anie++e 7*shman an' the other ?ema+e st*'ent who were in the c+assroom. 2hey +it mariI*ana ci)arettes an' @+ew the smoDe in the )ir+sA ?aces prior to rapin) them. 2hey @oth tesi?ie' an' Mr. Sa+(o was ?ire' as we++ as con(icte' o? a SeC 0??ense. 2his entire e(ent was written into a come'y mo(ie ca++e' GAnother Hi)hschoo+ M*sica+G an' the teacher was name' Mr. Sa+(atore instea' o? Mr. Sa+(o 4 the 'i??erence is that in the mo(ie 5 the )ir+s are Hi)hschoo+ st*'ents 4 3anie++e 7*shman was on+y in the 8th Gra'e. #o@ert #o'on was acH*ainte' with Mr. Sa+(o 4 9risten Si>emoreAs .ather was ?rien's with Mr.Sa+(o an' was possi@+y 'istant co*sins. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 I was ha(in) pro@+ems on the Schoo+ ;*s with @*++ies who were a@o*t 5 years o+'er than my se+?. My .ather an' I ta+De' to the Schoo+ ;*s 7oor'inator an' S*perinten'ant 4 #ichar' 3*Mont 5 he @+ame' mye+? ?or the @*++ies attacDin) me an' re?*se' to s*spen' them or enact any 'iscip+inary meas*res 4 these @oys were in tro*@+e o?ten an' 'i' not *s*a++y ha(e any imm*nities )rante' to them ?rom $aw 1n?orcement nor Schoo+ Gro*n's ;eha(iora+ 1n?orcement. #ichar' G3icDG 3*Mont 4 was a co*sin o? Mr. Sa+(oAs. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs mother 3e@@ie 3*mont 4 p+anne' an' conspire' with 1' :arren to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' a GSatanic 7*+tG ?or ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ens+a(ement o? h*man @ein)s 4 A6IS 2errorism 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 m*ch o? this was recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7amera an' the 15 i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices co(ert+y positione' a@o(e the Styro?oam 7ei+in) Pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 when Nina Hansen was 15 years o+' 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e repeate'+y rape' her as an Initiation 7rime an' tort*re' her whi+e she was tie' with rope an' poisone' with 'r*)s. :hi+e these p+ans were @ein) ma'e 4 1' :arren ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain an' ha' @een +ie' to @y =ittorio 1man*e+e an' to+' that it was I*st @ein) s*r)ica++y imp+ante' ?or +ie 'etector p*rposes < 3e@@ie 3*mont seeme' as i? she may ha(e ha' one in her @rain as we++ 5 =ittorioAs p+ans in(o+(e' tricDin) a n*m@er o? crimina+s into @e+ie(in) that they were )oin) to stea+ the .or@es $ist USA 100 :ea+thiest .ami+ies I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' their wea+th. 3an ;*cD+eyAs @rother Sean ;*cD+ey 4 Sean ;*cD+eyAs co*sin $orie Poten>a 4 #o@ert #o'on 4 7+int 2homas 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' apparent+y @e)*n maDin) these p+ans '*rin) 1""5. 3*e

to the ?act that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' $orie Poten>aAs 7rime Syn'icate is a SeC 2ra??icDin) Syn'icate 4 the 1man*e+esA an' most o? their 0r)ani>e' 7rime Accomp+ices ha' to co(er *p their SeC 0??enses an' H*man 2ra??icDin) @e?ore they co*+' procee' with ?*rther p+ans to Di++ the .or@es ?ami+ies an' taDe their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as stea+ their money 5 this means that the 1man*e+es an' their accomp+ices ha' to eCterminate the ?ami+ies o? their a@'*ction (ictims an' the (ictims o? their seC o??enses < many o? these ?ami+ies were s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or p*rpose o? tracDin) them with the G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices @ein) *se' ?or the ro*ters as we++ as contro++in) them *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware. .or p*rpose o? manip*+atin) other crimina+s into capit*+atin) with =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )enoci'a+ p+ans < it seems that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate s*r)ica++y imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? Ma?ia an' Ma?ia re+ate' ?ami+ies in the North 1ast o? the USA 5 1' :arrenAs mo*th was *se' m*+tip+e times to ta+D to crime so+'iers an' it was apparent that 1' :arren @e)an to @e+ie(e that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' p+ans to a@an'on 1' :arren ha+? way thro*)h the crimina+ campai)n an' was manip*+atin) his @rain an' *sin) him as a networDer an' a )*i+ty ?ace that he was wi++in) to sacri?ice 4 other in'i(i'*a+s s*ch as 3e@@ie 3*mont seeme' to @e in this position as we++. 2he con(ersations 1' :arren ha' with 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers were a+most a++ recor'e' @y the 15 Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices at .ami+y 3o++ar an' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in 1' :arrenAs @rain 5 it seems pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e p+anne' to +ea(e a++ o? these peop+e in positions o? pro(en )*i+t at the c*+mination o? his e??orts to +oot the .or@es $ist @anD acco*nts an' ha(e them a++ arreste' an' Di++e' in ?irearms @att+es with USAmerican Mi+itary an' .e'era+ Po+ice at the 'isco(ery o? the )enoci'e which they ha' co++ecti(e+y committe' 4 whi+e =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the #oya+ ;+oo'e' o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy escape'. 2his means that =ittorio 1man*e+e has p+anne' to 'isconnect ?rom the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ita+ian 0r)ani>e' 7rime NetworD entire+y @e?ore ?+eein) an' re+ocatin) with anonymo*s I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the year 2000 or 2001 < 3anie+ ;*cD+ey an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 wa+De' into my home an' threatene' to rape my sister 7he+sey MacPherson 5 statin) that they were )oin) to stitch her mo*th sh*t an' ana++y rape her *nti+ she @+ee's. 2hey state' this to my ?ace a?ter Bason Be??rey poisone' me with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCins that he was or'ere' to poison me with @y 7+int 2ay+or. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 my sister 7he+sey MacPherson was a@'*cte' an' )i(en to $orie Poten>a who I ha(e @een in?orme' ?i+me' n*mero*s recor'in)s o? 7he+sey @ein) (io+ent+y rape' @y more than one assai+ant 5 7he+sey MacPherson was rep+ace' on I'enti?iation 7re'entia+s with a 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who has @een +i(in) with the imposte*r o? my ?ather an' whom I @e+ie(e is sti++ my sister S*mmer MacPherson. 7he+sey MacPherson was witnesse' in 3*m@arton =ir)inia4 North 7aro+ina 4 So*th 7aro+ina 4 SanAntonio 2eCas4 an' $are'o 2eCas. 7he+sey MacPherson was most recent+y witnesse' in Manchester NewHampshire in the presense o? $orie Poten>a. 2his pro(es that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy Pre Me'itate their attacDs @y e(en ten years. $orie Poten>a is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs @io+o)ica+ co*sin. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een (er@a++y eCpressin) that they are )oin) to eCterminate a++ North American .irst Nations Nati(e American races 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 Bews or in other wor's the Israe+i race 4 an' other races. =ittorio 1man*e+e was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) rapin) Nati(e Amerians an' eCterminatin) their race @y my 'a'As @est?rien' Gino in the ear+y 1""0As 4 Gino ?o*n' o*t that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' his son 7hris 2homas to rape my 1year o+' sister an' Porno)raph my se+? an' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter when we were 5 years o+' < Gino ca++e' =ittorio 1man*e+e a J?a))ot pe'ophi+eK

an' a J'is)*stin) @east @a@y rapin) seria+ Di++er ape who @e+on)s in a >ooK to his ?ace at a pi>>a resta*rant 5 Gino was +ater assassinate' @y a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who shot him in the hea' with a shot )*n. A Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy reporte' GinoAs 'eath as JS*ici'eK @y or'er o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e mo+este' me when I was % years o+' 4 as 'i' $orie Poten>a 5 $orie Poten>aAs co*sin An)e+a was my nei)h@or at E% ;ean #oa' when I +i(e' at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire USA. Gino was G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs co*sin4 3an #o@icha*'As co*sin 4 Apri+ ;or'ersA -Apri+ 9aneAs8 co*sin 4 an' my ?atherAs @est?rien'. GinoAs ?ami+y was p*t on the Genoci'e Hit +ist as the secon' name on the +ist as J;o@ An>a+oneK &F ?ami+y, in the year 200% when it was )i(en to 3e@@ie 3*mont o? Manchester NewHampshire to )i(e to the Ita+ian Ma?ia. 3an #o@icha*'As ?iance 4 Aman'a 7i@otti < was BacD 3ionAs an' 3eriD 7i@ottiAs co*sin 5 3eriD 7i@otti was 7heri ;*rna'etteAs eC h*s@an' who was BacD 3ionAs co*sin. A++ o? these ?ami+ies were p*t on the Genoci'e $ist imme'iate+y a?ter my name. Ian #*sse++ MacPherson &F ?ami+y, was the ?irst name on the Genoci'e Hit $ist that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'istri@*te' to 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' their Assassins in North America. Some o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ita+ian A6IS 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) Accomp+ices 4 an' other peop+e in(o+(e' in the 2errorist 7rime #e)ime that has @een in?i+tratin) the USA Go(ernment an' other pop*+ations within the USA < ha(e ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces acti(e+y networDe' o(er the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ that has @een @ein) *se' 5 '*rin) these perio's o? time 4 the 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy transmissions o? these peop+esA @rains an' ne*ro+o)y ha(e @een transmittin) entire+y. 1(ery tho*)ht that these 7o(ert A)ents ha(e @een thinDin) has @een recor'e' into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 7omp*ters an' .e'era+ 7omm*nications Ser(er 7omp*ter #ecor's. Some o? these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een Geor)e 7atsopo*+os 4 1' :arren 4 some o? the ;*cD+ey ?ami+y 4 some o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ?or short perio's o? time 4 some o? the 3AAn)e+o ?ami+y ?or short perio's o? time 4 some o? the ;e++emore ?ami+y ?or short perio's o? time 4 some o? the Poten>a ?ami+y 4 some o? the Um@ro ?ami+y 4 n*mero*s A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartment 4 possi@+y Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io 4 Ste?ani .o>>ere+i 4 Bason JSpi'erK 4 n*mero*s imposte*rs o? important in'i(i'*a+s in the NewHampshire re)ion 4 n*mero*s imposte*rs o? important in'i(i'*a+s in the New/orD re)ion 4 n*mero*s imposte*rs o? important in'i(i'*a+s in the Massach*settes re)ion 4 n*mero*s imposte*rs o? important in'i(i'*a+s in the Mary+an' an' 3.7. re)ion 4 n*mero*s imposte*rs o? important in'i(i'*a+s in the 2eCas re)ion 4 an' n*mero*s imposte*rs o? peop+e whoAs pro?ession in(o+(e' internationa+ tra(e+ s*ch as M*sicians an' Po+iticians as we++ as emp+oyees o? Internationa+ 7orporations. 0ne Dey in'i(i'*a+ who has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r is ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama who was rep+ace' in the year 2005 5 the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was a mem@er o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e Massach*settes 7hapter as we++ as the New /orD 7hapter an' the ;+acD Panthers o? the same re)ions. 2he ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e '*rin) the phase o? his p+annin) that in(o+(e' assassination o? Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e in the North 1ast o? North America which coinci'enta++y hit peop+e in(o+(e' in many other #acia+ I'entity 0r)ani>ations in(o+(e' in I'entity Po+itic as we++ as other #e+i)io*s 7omm*nities an' a +ist o? Primary #acia+ 2ar)ets. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 a?ter a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m 5 it was 'isc*sse' whi+e in my presense that I was the ?irst in'i(i'*a+s on the +ist o? in'i(i'*a+ tar)ets with G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+one as the secon' an' ;en $in'@er) as the possi@+e thir' 4 my race was a+so one

o? the ?irst racia+ tar)ets as we++ as was my ?ami+y the ?irst ?ami+y tar)ette' an' ?rien's with the other ?ami+ies tar)ette'. 3*rin) approCimate+y "5 or "E 4 I 'ate' G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs co*sin Apri+ 9ane whom at the time was name' Apri+ ;or'ers 5 they were @oth the co*sins o? my ?atherAs @est ?rien' Gino. In(esti)ation o? Dey in'i(i'*a+sA 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph 2ransmissions wi++ yie+' imme'iate res*+ts concernin) the )*i+ty party concernin) the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in North AmericansA @rains an' the moti(atin) ?actors ?or why they ha' 'one this < a+so 4 in(esti)ation o? Dey in'i(i'*a+s 1+ectronic 7omm*nications #ecor's wi++ yie+' imme'iate res*+ts concernin) who the G*i+ty .action is 5 my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. has in his Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence recor'e' 1+ectronic 7omm*nications #ecor's 4 te+ephone con(ersations with =ittorio 1man*e+e I= o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' =ittorioAs sons. A+?re' Io'ice Sr. 4 my *nc+eAs ?ather < has in his Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence #ecor'e' 2e+ephone history 4 a +i?etime o? te+ephone con(ersations with Um@erto 1man*e+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' B*+i*s 1(o+a o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom were @oth +i(in) in Massach*settes USA '*rin) the maIority o? his +i?e a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar. A+?re' Io'iceAs ?ather was a #oya+ G*ar' 9ni)ht an' a #oya+ Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' in(esti)ation into A+?re' Io'ice Sr.As o+' e+ectronic comm*nications recor's wo*+' yie+' res*+ts concernin) the Gene(a =io+ations o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whi+e on USA Soi+ a?ter the ?a++ o? the 2hir' #eich. A+?re' Io'ice has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r as ha(e most o? my @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 5 the Io'ice .ami+y were tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e '*rin) the year 2000 4 my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. was the ?ather o? my @io+o)ica+ co*sins Michae+ Io'ice an' 7hristopher Io'ice. 3*rin) the years ?o++owin) 1""5 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or'ere' 7omp*ter HacDers to remo(e ?rom the internet a++ :itness Statements pertainin) to crimes committe' @y th Ho*se o? Sa(oy < these inc+*'e' crimes s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Genoci'e 4 ;om@in)s 4 Assassinations 4 etc. Some o? these were a+tere' to state that Space A+iens s*ch as J)reysK or Jrepti+iansK committe' the crimes. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 $acey SticDney o? Amherst NewHampshire reporte' that terrorists ha' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain 4 she p*@+ishe' this to S7#I;3.70M on the internet 5 $aceyAs S7#I;3 acco*nt was hacDe' an' this :itness Statement was remo(e' a?ter n*mero*s peop+e rea' it. An imposte*r o? $acey SticDney has @een +i(in) as $acey since 200E. $acey SticDney was a ?irne' o? mine who I was romantica++y in(o+(e' with more than once. 2here ha(e @een photo)raphs o? n*mero*s imposte*rs o? $acey SticDney on .ace;ooD pro?i+e acco*nts an' MySpace pro?i+e acco*nts. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 an imposte*r o? $acey SticDneyAs @rotherAs @est ?rien' Beremy MacDey was seen in :i+ton NewHampshire 5 the imposte*r was o? Ita+ian race4 Beremy MacDey was o? An)+o Gae+ic 4 3e*tsche 4 an' .ranDic race. I @ecame ?rien's with Beremy MacDey in 1""84 as 'i' Bason #o)ers. #a)nar 9ar+son 4 who has @een missin) since 2005 < was +ast seen in Amherst NewHampshire with $acey SticDney an' a )ro*p o? other peop+e. #a)nar 9ar+son was a+so a ?rien' o? mine. 3*rin) the year 1""E4 #o@ert #o'on intro'*ce' me a)ain to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whi+e I was with his sons an' their parents at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris #o'on an' my se+? met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whi+e worDin) ?or a ;+*es .esti(a+ with 7hrisAs mother $ynn #o'on. $e(on He+m per?orme' at this M*sic .esti(a+. I @e+ie(e that ;r*ce an' 1' :arren were @oth present ?or this as we++. ;r*ce +ater worDe' at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication a?ter I +e?t .ami+y 3o++ar an' o@taine' emp+oyment at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication 4 '*rin) the year 200E an' the @e)inin) o? 200!. 3*rin) my emp+oyment at this +ocation 4 3on'i McMahon was rep+ace' with an imposte*r who mentione' somethin) a@o*t SeC 0??en'ers @ein)

S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with G.P.S. 3e(ices '*rin) a con(ersation that I was ha(in) with some@o'y a@o*t S*r)ica+ Imp+ant G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 an' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant =erichips #.I3 3e(ices potentia+ @ein) *se' ?or Genoci'e. :hi+e worDin) in the Meta+ Shop 4 this imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon starte' seein) Green $etters in ?ront o? his eyes which res*+te' in Bim .isher asDin) him GAre yo* ha++*cinatin)O :hat are yo* +ooDin) atOG 4 to which 3on'i McMahonAs imposte*r rep+ie' G2heyAre I*st +ooDin) ?or the )*ys that 'i' it. Ne(ermin'. IAm ?ine.G 3*rin) the year 1""! whi+e at the )rocery store with the #o'ons 4 #o@ intro'*ce' my se+? to the 7hristiano ?ami+y an' reintro'*ce' his sons to the 7hristiano ?ami+y whom they ha' a+rea'y met. I met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or the thir' time4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ?or the thir' time4 an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' '*rin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay at Pen*cheAs in North An'o(er Massach*settes < which the #o'ons ha' @een in(ite' to an' G7hrisAs @est ?rien' Ian MacPherson4 an' Matthew can @rin) a ?rien' too.G #o@ 'i'nAt in?orm me that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""8 4 #o@ert #o'on stoppe' at a ho*se in Massach*settes which was at the en' o? a +on) 'irt 'ri(eway 5 I @e+ie(e that this was the ho*se o? a re+ati(e o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?rien' BasonAs 4 an' that #o@ #o'on ha' stoppe' here to picD *p mariI*ana. 3*rin) approCimate+y 1""! I met Mosta?a I@nSa*' at =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ;irth'ay Party at Pen*cheAs in North An'o(er Massach*settes which I atten'e' with the #o'on .ami+y. 2he #o'on .ami+y 'i' not in?orm me that =ictor was =ittorio 1man*e+e. In the year 20004 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha' @een with .i+ 1man*e+e in Mar+@oro Massach*settes. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' opene' the car 'oor an' sat 'own in the ?ront passen)er seat o? Bason Be??reyAs car 4 *nin(ite' < this was 'one ?or o@(io*s p*rpose o? intimi'atin) my )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen whom I was in the @acD seat with 5 '*rin) the year 1""" 4 .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n seC*a++y assa*+te' Nina Hansen an' contin*e' to 'o so repeate'+y ?or approCimate+y % years. :hen .i+ sat in the car 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ye++e' at .i+ < G.i+ 4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaDN $ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+one.G. In the year 2000 5 .i+ 1man*e+e was 2! years o+' 4 Nina Hansen an' my se+? were 1E years o+'. =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 as we++ as at +east two o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons whom ha(e @een a'opte' @y $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?ami+ies +i(e primari+y in the U.S.A. as we++ as 'o they spen' time e+sewhere s*ch as 7ana'a4 Ita+ia4 an' (ario*s re)ions o? So*th America an' 1*rope. :hen .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an rapin) Nina Hansen '*rin) the year 1""" < he ?irst a@'*cte' her an' tie' her *p with rope a?ter poisonin) her with M3MA4 co(ere' her eyes in a @+in' ?o+'4 p*t earp+*)s in her ears4 an' physica++y tort*re' her ?or ho*rs whi+e repeate'+y rapin) her. Nina Hansen was 15 4 .i+ 1man*e+e was 2E. Nina Hansen +i(e' in Mar+@oro Massach*settes. 2hese attacDs were committe' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e *pon n*mero*s other (ictims inc+*'in) 3anie++e $e;+anc who +i(e' in :o@*rn Massach*settes 5 3anie++e was approCimate+y 1! at the time o? the attacDs. $i> Pratt o? Massach*settes was a+so attacDe' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his accomp+ices '*rin) the same years. 2he ?ami+ies that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate rape 4 are repeate'+y seC*a++y assa*+te' 5 these ?ami+ies are a+so tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e. 2he 1man*e+es eCterminate entire ?ami+ies a?ter they ha(e rape' e(en an in'i(i'*a+ mem@er o? the ?ami+y < in some cases 4 a++ o? the ?ema+es o? the ?ami+ies that they ha(e tar)ette' are SeC 2ra??icDe' ?or many years as their ?ami+y is )enoci'a++y assassinate'. A?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 the 1man*e+es mo(e' themse+(es an' the maIority o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to the U.S.A. 4 7ana'a 4 ;ra>i+ 4 an' Ar)entina. Many o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+ies ha(e @een +i(in) in the North 1ast o? North America since the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar an' ha(e @een *sin) @oth the 1man*e+e name an' other names as we++ as ha(e they a'opte' chi+'ren to mem@ers o? what they ha(e @een ca++in) the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are the Pa)es4 1rrants4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It has @ecome apparent that since the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' to American soi+ < the 1man*e+es ha(e @een assassinatin) an' rapin) entire +ines o? ?ami+ies in North America 4 )enoci'a++y eCterminatin) entire ?ami+ies o? Americans an' other peop+es.

:ith them 4 they @ro*)ht an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate comprise' o? a networD o? 7+an'estine S+eeper 7e++s. 2he 1man*e+es are A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. 2he 1man*e+es tar)ets are o?ten racia+ tar)ets s*ch as An)+o SaCons 4 .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 Israe+is 4 Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 an' others < @*t they ha(e a+so @een Dnown to Di++ entire ?ami+ies o? Ita+ians in the past 4 as we++. 2here is e(i'ence o? this. Many o? the 1man*e+esA A)ents are em@e''e' within Po+ice an' .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 5 these men o?ten sa@ota)e in(esti)ations an' re?*se to arrest the 1man*e+es. Nina Hansen ca++e' the Po+ice 3epartment in Mar+@oro Massach*settes n*mero*s times '*rin) 1""" 4 20004 an' 2001 to report that .i+ ha' @een rapin) her 5 .i+ was ne(er arreste'. Another pro@+em is that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has an o@sessi(e hatre' o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' has *se' his 7o(ert A)ent Po+ice 0??icers to 'estroy e+ectronic ?orensic e(i'ence o? the eCistence o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans. .or instance 4 at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment 4 whene(er I ha(e @een arreste' 5 I to+' them that I was o? miCe' .irst Nations Nati(e American race an' 7o+onia+ Nationa+ USAmerican an' 7ana'ian race 4 they simp+y p*t G:hiteG. 2he options are Nati(e American 4 :hite 4 ;+acD 4 Asian 4 or Hispanic 5 this is *se+ess as it 'oes not 'escri@e the persons act*a+ physica+ race. It is a+so *se+ess consi'erin) the ?act that most .irst Nations Nati(e Americans are Mesti>os o? miCe' .irst Nations Nati(e American races as we++ as An)+o Gae+ic 4 .ranDic 4 Ho++an'er 4 or Hispanic race 5 (ery ?ew .irst Nations Nati(e Americans are p*re @re' .irst Nations Nati(e American race < most are ?act*a++y Mesti>os an' are aro*n' ha+? G:hiteG 4 *s*a++y the G:hitesG that ?o*n'e' 7ana'a 4 L*e@ec 4 the U.S.A. 4 MeCico 4 etc. . I? a++ recor' that my peop+e e(er eCiste' is 'estroye' 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e co*+' s*ccee' at committin) a 2ota+ Genoci'e o? my peop+e an' not e(en )et notice' 'oin) it. 3*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 5 a 3isc BocDey an' Ni)ht 7+*@ Host G3.B. 3AArcAn)e+G ha' starte' ta+Din) to me on the internet. He to+' me that he ha' @een reH*este' to asD me a@o*t my se+? an' Nina HansenAs re+ationship @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 2his manAs name was #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' his 3isc BocDey name was 3.B. 3AArcan)e+ 5 he was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. He +i(e' in North Hampton Massach*settes. I H*icD+y state' to him that I hate pe'ophi+es 4 to see what his reaction wo*y+' @e. He sai' that the reH*est was stran)e 4 @eca*se Nina Hansen an' my se+? are (ery yo*n) an' it seeme' +iDe sta+Din). 2his man e(ent*a++y @ecame acH*ainte' with #e@ecca SwannerAs o+'er @rother somehow. 2he Swanners Dnew ;o@ SDinnerAs eC wi?e An)ie who was ;ea* SDinnerAs an' Am@er SDinnerAs mother. An)ie Dnew #o@ G3.B. 3AArcAn)e+G somehow an' has to+' me that he is her co*sin. Am@er SDinner 4 now Am@er .o)) < has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who is o? narrower hips an' sho*+'er wi'th. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy seem to @e Di++in) an' rep+acin) or SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isectin) 4 an' rep+acin) a++ o? the ?ami+ies who they ha(e Dnown in the North 1ast #e)ion o? the USA 5 this is @ecomin) a 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the entire North 1ast pop*+ation. 3*rin) the years 1""" to 2005 < #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 3.B. 3AArHAn)e+ 5 hoste' a Gothic Ni)ht at a ni)ht c+*@ in Northampton Massach*settes. A+most a++ o? the )ir+s who atten'e' the Goth Ni)hts at #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs Northampton Massach*settes Gothic Ni)ht 7+*@ ha(e @een (ictims o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs Initiation :ar 7rimes which in(o+(e SeC 0??enses 4 2ort*re 4 an' H*man =i(isection. I was to+' o? this Gothic Ni)ht 7+*@ twice @e?ore I e(er atten'e' it 5 the ?irst time @y Ste(e G=ince Parish whoAs ?ami+y is an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ .ami+y 4 an' a secon' time @y Bason Be??rey who was recr*ite' '*rin) the year 2000 @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e as a 7rime So+'ier. :hen .i+ 1man*e+e sat 'own in Bason Be??reyAs car 4 I was wearin) a G3imm* ;or)irG GGo'+ess Sa(a)e Gar'enG t shirt 5 the shirt has an ima)e o? a )reen sDinne' +a'y that +ooDs +iDe 1+pha@a the :itch sittin) in a throne in the mi''+e o? a I*n)+e swamp with n*'e women tie' in (ines @esi'e her. 3*rin) the year 1"88 4 when .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother 7hris 2homas came to my ?ami+yAs Ha++oween Party < my mother 3e@ra was 'resse' as 1+pha@a the )reen sDinne' :icDe' :itch o? the :est ?rom .ranD ;a*mAs :i>ar' o? 0>. 3*rin) the year 2003 4 whi+e I was worDin) at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant in Nash*a

NewHampshire 5 3ana Um@ro sai' to me 4 G2here was a party. 2here were 2 )ir+s there 4 at the party. 2here was %0 men at the party. 2he two )ir+s went into two @e'rooms. 2he %0 men a++ tooD con'oms an' picDe' n*m@ers o*t o? two hats. 2he men then went into each o? the rooms accor'in) to the n*m@er they ha' on their papers an' ?*cDe' the )ir+s in the room. 2he threw the con'oms in the trash @arre++ on the way o*t the 'oor. :ho 'o yo* thinD those two )ir+s wereOG 3*rin) the year 2003 4 I +e?t the G3imm* ;or)irG GGo'+ess Sa(a)e Gar'enG c' at 3ana Um@roAs apartment in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 '*rin) the e(enin) that I ha' @een there 4 3ana Um@ro eCp+aine' to his wi?e ;onnie Um@ro that he tho*)ht that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e may possi@+y @e a @i seC*a+ pe'ophi+e an' that he seems to ha(e secrets. 3ana sai' G I 'onAt Dnow a@o*t .i+ 4 ;onnie... he ha' me say somethin) to Ian the other 'ay... ;onnie 4 I thinD .i+ may ha(e a secret. I thinD .i+As a ;i SeC*a+ Pe'ophi+e 4 ;onnie. I thinD Berry an' 3ino are too. I thinD Berry an' 3ino are )rown *p N.A.M.;.$.A. =ictims 4 ;onnie. Mario is o*t o? the c+oset an' he is 'e?inite+y )ay an' e(ery@o'y Dnows it... @*t those other three... I 'onAt thinD so. I thinD theyAre ;iSeC*a+ Pe'ophi+es 4 ;onnie. 3i'nAt yo* say .i+ was re+ate' to some@o'yO $iDe 4 some@o'y importantO $iDe a 9ni)ht or somethin)O 3i'nAt yo* say he was ha+? A*strianO IsnAt that what yo* sai' yo* were a +itt+e @itO 3i'nAt yo* say thatO I thinD heAs )ot somethin) )oin) on 4 ;onnie.G. :hi+e +i(in) at the Gemini Ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire on :a+n*t Street 4 Bames 9i+ey state' 4 G2hin)s arenAt the way they *se' to @e. In my 'ays 4 we *se' to I*st ?*cD peop+e *p. I? some@o'y ?*cDe' with *s 4 ?or instance < we wo*+' a++ wa+D into their nei)h@orhoo' an' ?*cD them a++ *p4 @eat peop+e ha+? to 'eath 4 an' trash e(erythin). 2he cops wo*+' t*rn a @+in' eye to *s an' show *p +ater an' write 'own some thin)s as i? it was *na@+e to @e pro(en who 'i' it.G 5 Bames 9i+ey state' that he was at +east ha+? Ita+ian. %0 men )oin) into a room an' rapin) a +itt+e )ir+ is the Din' o? thin) that my Mother an' her Sister @are+y s*r(i(e' as +itt+e )ir+s an' the Din' o? thin) that Samantha G*ay 'escri@e' that her 7o*sin or her A*nt s*r(i(e' when she was a chi+' 5 Samantha G*ay to+' me that her GA*ntG s*r(i(e' the same thin) as my Mother an' that they @e+ie(e' that it was the same )*ys. 0? re+ation to the %0 )*ys at the party rapin) two )ir+s 4 I remem@er 1' :arren statin) to some@o'y at some point 4 GItAs not my ?a*+t yo* went thro*)h them )ir+s +iDe A+a''in an' the %0 2hei(es 4 '*'eNG I @e+ie(e that the GA+a''in an' the %0 thei(esG concept in com@ination with the son) G7asper the HomoseC*a+ .rien'+y GhostG @y :es+ey :i++is < in com@ination with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs em@arassment at his 1""! ;irth'ay Party when he was sco+'e' @y @oth $ynn #o'on an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' 5 was the inspiration to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' %0 Moroccans @y metho' o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tatin) Ita+ians to +ooD +iDe Moroccans an' or'erin) the %0 Ita+ians to commit Genoci'a+ :ar #ape 7rimes A)ainst H*manity *pon speci?ic racia+ tar)ets an' ?ami+ies in North America 4 inc+*'in) +itt+e )ir+s. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e my comp*ter was 2*rDoIan hacDe' 5 I was witnesse' 'own+oa'in) an' +istenin) to :es+ey :i++is 4 one o? the son)s @y :es+ey :i++is that I p+aye' the most was G7asper the HomoseC*a+ .rien'+y Ghost.G . 2he openin) +ine o? this son)As +yrics is G7asper was rape' in the ass @y 50 an)ry M*s+ims.G I was in?orme' whi+e in $ore'o 26 that ;onnie Um@roAs 'a*)hter is ?act*a++y Pete Poten>aAs 'a*)hter an' not 3ana Um@roAs 4 an' a+so that Pete Poten>a poisone' ;onne Um@ro with 7hemica+ :ar?are 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins which ca*se the (ictim to psycho+o)ica++y @+acD o*t an' impre)nate' her witho*t e(er te++in) 3ana Um@ro or his wi?e ;onnie Um@ro. ;onnie Um@ro is Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin an' the 'escen'ant i? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta. Bason Be??rey an' I met .i+ 1man*e+e a)ain a year +ater at his ?rien' Bohn Spr*>insDiAs apartment in Nash*a NewHampshire. .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames 'e+i(ere' mariI*ana to Bohn Spr*>insDi an' his )ir+?rien' whi+e Bason an' my se+? were present. Bason ha' apparent+y met .i+ once @e?ore this 4 @etween the 'ay with Nina an' the ni)ht at Bohn Spr*>insDiAs. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames smoDe' a ?ew mariI*ana ci)arettes with *s an' a?terwar's eCp+aine' to *s that there was

'isassociati(es in the MariI*ana. .i+ @e)an to asD Bason Be??rey what his Ita+ian ?ami+ia+ re+ation in Northern Ita+ia was 4 eCp+aine' to Bason that he co*+' te++ that he was o? primari+y Northern Ita+ian race < an' a?terwar's 4 eCp+aine' to Bason that .i+ was an 1man*e+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that his ?ami+yAs secret is that they are a++ imm*ne to 'isassociati(es an' can smoDe them or 'rinD them with )ro*ps o? peop+e an' +a*)h a@o*t it a?ter the rest o? the )ro*p 'isassociates @esi'es their ?ami+y. A 'isassociati(e state is an *ninhi@ite' state o? @+acD o*t 'isassociation ?rom rea+ity 5 when a person @ecomes coherant ?rom a state o? this 4 they 'o not remem@er m*ch o? what happene' '*rin) their state o? 'isassociation. 3*rin) a state o? 'isassociation 4 a person can @e hypnoti>e' an' not e(en remem@er that the hypnosis e(er occ*re' 5 a hypnotic com@ine' with a 'isassociati(e maDes a person eCtreme+y (*+nera@+e to power o? s*))estion an' easy to hypnoti>e. :hi+e .i+ 1man*e+e was eCp+ainin) to *s that there was a 'isassociati(e in the mariI*ana 4 as I was nearin) a state o? tota+ 'isassociation 5 .i+ 1man*e+e con?esse' to me that he rape' my eC )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen m*+tip+e times 4 whi+e I was 'atin) her. A?ter @ein) to+' this 4 I 'isassociate' '*rin) an ar)*ment with him a@o*t whether or not he was @ein) honest or i? he was attemptin) to start a ?i)ht. I came to ?*++ coherent awareness ear+y in the morrnin) whi+e smoDin) a ci)arette o*tsi'e on Bohn Spr*>inDiAs @acD patio. As we were 'ri(in) @acD to MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 Bason Be??rey remin'e' me that we ha' met .i+ 1man*e+e the ni)ht @e?ore an' that he ha' @een the one who sat 'own in the passen)er seat o? BasonAs car a year prior when we were in Mar+@oro Massach*settes. 3*rin) the co*rse o? the ni)ht whi+e peop+e were poisone' with 3issassociati(e 3r*) an' some Din' o? S*@I*)ati(e Ne*ro2oCin that was pro@a@+y ori)ina++y an 0ppositiona+ 3e?iance 3isor'er #esearch 7hemica+ 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' +o*'+y to 3anie+ Bames GIA++ @e @acD 4 IAm )oin) to )et a @+ow Io@ ?rom BohnAs )ir+?rien'NG. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e wa+De' into the @e'room an' sh*t the 'oor. :hat I ha(e hear' is that he p*t his han' on her sho*+'er an' state' somethin) 4 an' '*e to the Ne*ro2oCins that he ha' poisone' the MariI*ana with 5 Bohn Spr*>insDiAs )ir+?rien' respon'e' to the simp+e s*))estion that she is )oin) to 'o somethin) an' she 'i' it. A (ictim who is *nDnowin)+y 'r*))e' with a Hypnotic s*@stance or some Din' o? S*@I*)ati(e s*@stance s*ch research chemica+s that were eCperimente' with '*rin) 0ppositiona+ 3e?iance 3isor'er research < an' a 3isassociati(e s*@stance in com@ination is easi+y hypnoti>e' *sin) Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) 4 SpoDen Hypnosis 4 an' other ?orms o? ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication or min' contro+ techniH*es. At some point a?ter Bason met .i+ the secon' time 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an @*yin) 'r*)s ?rom ;rian 7aseAs s*pp+ier. 3*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were 'isc*ssin) the *se o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' Massi(e Genoci'e o? North America 5 *sin) the =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy metho' to m*tate SeC 0??en'ers to ha(e the appearance o? the parents o? chi+'ren who were o? the races tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' to p*t them in the ho*seho+'s o? these ?ami+ies as imposte*rs o? the parents who were )oin) to @e s+ain. Mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were recor'e' @y ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces that ha' a+rea'y @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in (ictims o? theirs. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io an' Ste?ani .o>>ere++i were o(erhear' whi+e at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 'isc*ssin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' the ?*t*re Genoci'e an' :ar #apin) o? the 7hi+'ren o? #acia+ 2ar)ets in the USA < Ste?ani possi@+y sarcastica++y acDnow+e')e' this as possi@+y meanin) that it was s*ppose' to @e Ja poetic I*stice ?or the A6ISK. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io 'isc*sse' this with .ranD 7aroccino whi+e at ;icD?or's #esta*rant. My ?ather is c*rrent+y missin) an' has @een rep+ace' @y more than one imposte*r 4 he 'oes not a++ow me to (isit my sister an' has yet to @e arreste' ?or not @ein) my ?ather e(en tho*)h I ha(e reporte' him ?or @ein) an imposte*r an' a crimina+. 3*rin) the year 20004 Bason Be??rey smoDe' mariI*ana with me that was coate' in a 3isassociati(e 3r*) witho*t te++in) me that it was that. Prior to my 'isassociatin) 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an

eCp+ainin) to me that he was +earnin) Hypnosis an' Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) ?rom .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother 7+int 5 he p*t his ?in)er tip in ?ront o? my eyes an' @e)an mo(in) it aro*n' an' eCp+ainin) to me that @y ca*sin) speci?ic chan)e in the ?oc*s o? (ision 'irection < this a++ows the Hypnotist to access 'i??erent +ocations o? the @rain whi+e Hypnoti>in) an' Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) the Hypnosis S*@Iect. 2his was eCp+aine' to me whi+e I 3isassociate' ?rom intoCication @y Ne*ro2oCins. I 'o not remem@er what happene' a?ter I G@+acDe' o*tG. Bason Be??rey in?orme' me that he trie' to Hypnoti>e me to rea+i>e that I was Hypnoti>e' when I reache' a state o? Hypnoia. Apparent+y he trie' this 3 or % times a?ter this. I @e+ie(e that Bason Be??rey hypnoti>e' me n*mero*s times whi+e I was *n'er the e??ects o? the 3isassociati(e 3r*) that the .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 his @rothers 4 an' others o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een poisonin) peop+e with. A year +ater '*rin) 2001 < Bason Be??rey 4 my co*sin Marco #oy 4 an' my se+? went to a party somewhere in NewHampshire 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e arri(e' at the party with his ?rien' Bason. At the party 4 I was a)ain poisone' with a 3isassociati(e 3r*) < a?ter which .i+ 1man*e+e an' Bason apparent+y ta+De' to me ?or an ho*r 4 +a*)hin) a@o*t the ?act that I Gremem@ere'G that I was hypnoti>e'. I was not aware that he was poisonin) me with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins 4 nor was I a wi++in) test s*@Iect ?or these H*man =i(isections. N*mero*s So+'iers an' ?ami+ia+ re+ati(es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e poisone' me with Ne*ro2oCins '*rin) the co*rse o? my +i?etime. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+anne' 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the North American #aces that #o@ert #o'on ha' @een o(erhear' eCp+ainin) to his son < is apparent+y to @e carrie' o*t @y Assassins in (ario*s +ocations s*ch as Hospita+s 4 Hote+s 4 #esta*rants 4 in homes 4 Schoo+s 4 an' other +ocations 5 as we++ as has this 2ota+ Genoci'e @een p+anne' to @e @ro*)ht a@o*t @y the *se o? +on) ran)e ra'io ?reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 *sin) them to ro@otica++y contro+ the H*mansA @rains an' @o'y ne*ro+o)y 5 this is an eCtreme emer)ency. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 whi+e I was at Bason Be??reyAs ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire < Bason Be??rey showe' me a (i'eo on the internet o? two )ir+s Dissin) an' ha(in) seC on a ?+oor 5 they were wearin) @+acD +eather co++ars that sai' GS$A=1G on them. Bason Be??rey to+' me that some@o'y to+' him that these two women each ha' a GMicrochipG in their @rains an' that the GMicrochipG was contro++in) them an' te++in) them what to 'o. Bason Be??rey to+' me that his @rotherAs ?rien' who was an acH*aintance o? his that +i(e' in New/orD 4 Dnew who the photo)rapher that (i'eotape' this (i'eo was. Bason Be??rey ha' @e)*n worDin) ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS as a 7rime So+'ier. 3an #o@icha*' o? Massach*settes Dnew a@o*t this an' ha' @een to+' a@o*t this @y his )ir+?rien' Aman'a G#oseG. Bason Be??rey an' 3an #o@icha*' @oth to+' me that #o@ 3AAn)e+o ha' @een in(o+(e' in the recor'in) o? this porno)raphic (i'eo an' that the women ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace GMicrochipsG on their @rains which ?orce' them to ha(e seC 4 contro++in) them +iDe ro@otic p*ppets. 3*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As 4 my A*nt $es+ie ta*)ht me that the GMarD o? the ;eastG was )oin) to @e p+ace' *pon me @y Gthe Anti 7hristG an' that this was a )+o@a+ tyrant that m*st @e resiste' an' oppose' +on) eno*)h ?or a messiah to arri(e an' 'e?eat the Anti 7hrist. My A*nt $es+ie ta*)ht me that Gthe MarD o? the ;eastG was an e+ectronic 'e(ice that was )oin) to @e imp+ante' in Gthe han' or armG an' Gthe hea'G < an' that this 'e(ice was a too+ o? ens+a(ement to the )+o@a+ Anti 7hrist. Somehow '*rin) the +ate 1""0As 4 my A*nt $es+ie @ecame con?*se' an' @e)an statin) G/o* canAt 'o anythin) a@o*t it. :hen the Anti 7hrist an' the MarD o? the ;east comes 4 it I*st comes. It says in the ;i@+e. 0n+y Go' can 'o somethin) a@o*t it. /o* canAt 'o anythin) a@o*t it. It says in the ;i@+e.G it seeme' as i? she ha' at some point @een hypnoti>e'. 2he 1man*e+es poison peop+e *neCpecte'+y with n*mero*s ?orms o? 'r*)s inc+*'in) e(en 3isAssociati(es an' Hypnotics. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice who marrie' my A*nt $es+ie 4 Dnew the 1man*e+e .ami+y an' some o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he attacDs c*rrent+y @ein) committe' @y this .action in(o+(e an eCtreme 'e)ree o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 4 these attacDs are 'esi)ne' to maDe the (ictims appear as i? they are

schi>ophrenic an' tra*mati>e (ictims to the 'e)ree that they are not psycho+o)ica++y ?it to testi?y or write a :itness 2estimonia+. 2he testimony o? a tra*mati>e' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are (ictim is se+'om @e+ie(e' to @e +e)itimate testimony @y Po+ice 0??icers to whom these witness statements are )i(en an' it is sometimes 'i??ic*+t to )et these :itness Statements to Mi+itary Po+ice an' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence In(esti)ations. It is pro@a@+e that this A6IS .action is a+i)ne' with the A6IS .action that en)ineere' an' orchestrate' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs as we++ as is it the same A6IS .action which was acti(e on American soi+ '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration < '*rin) which m*ch o? their acti(ities inc+*'e' S+eeper 7e++ acti(ity within .e'era+ an' $aw 1n?orcement emp+oyment as we++ as H*man =i(isections which were con'*cte' in North America an' e+sewhere in conI*nction with an 7rime Syn'icate in(o+(e' with 7rimina+ Scientists an' Physicians whom were a??i+iate' with B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icate s*ch as Bose? Men)e+e was in the past a??i+iate' with. 2his A6IS .action seems to @e 'irect+y in(o+(e' in 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) o? @oth a'*+ts an' chi+'ren as we++ as other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) 5 c*rrent+y 4 this ?action is en)a)e' in a campai)n o? 7o(ert Genoci'e on North American soi+. It has taDen E years to ?inish this witness statement which I ha(e @e)*n to write m*+tip+e times < this @ein) '*e to n*mero*s attacDs which occ*rre' @oth assa*+ts o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are an' n*mero*s (io+ent attempts on my +i?e 5 these e(ents pro'*ce' a 'e)ree o? Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 it was p*@+ishe' that A'o+? Hit+er was in ?act the ha+? @rother o? the ?ormer 9in) o? Ita+ia 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III < that they ha' the same patri+inea+ @+oo'+ine4 that their ?ather ha' impre)nate' a woman whom was o? @oth Ita+ian an' A*strian race as we++ as was she o? the +ine o? Aosta o? A*stria '*rin) an a??air. 2his a??air res*+te' in the @irth o? A'o+? Hit+er. It has @een Dnown that A'o+? Hit+erAs @irth certi?icates were @oth ?or)eries as we++ as were his names in @oth Germany an' A*stria nothin) @*t a+ias names which he was Dnown @y to hi'e his tr*e i'entity. A'o+? Hit+er +ater eCpose' his @irth name to @e A'o+? ShicD+e)r*@er a?ter the in(asion an' conH*est o? A*stria 5 ?or p*rpose o? ?a@ricatin) this secon' +ayer o? ?a+se i'entity4 a secon' ;irth 7erti?icate was pro(i'e' which was as m*ch o? a ?or)ary as the ?irst. 1(ery person connecte' in any way to the in(esti)ation which ha' 'isco(ere' the tr*th o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ Sa(oy @+oo'+ine an' those whom spoDe o? itAs res*+ts 4 ha(e @een attacDe'. I was ?irst to+' o? A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @+oo'+ine as a chi+' @y my co*sin B*+ianna 4 whoAs ?ami+y mo(e' to the U.S.A. '*rin) the 1"E0s an' 1"!0s ?rom Sici+y a?ter @ein) tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rimina+ .action. B*+ianna ha' eCp+aine' this sit*ation to my ?ami+y n*mero*s times '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As 5 B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were one o? n*mero*s ?ami+ies whom were tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e in Sici+y '*rin) an' a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar an' were one o? the many ?ami+ies in Sici+y whom ha' Dnow+e')e concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs connections to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?atherAs contri@*tion to the ?o*n'in) o? the A6IS an' the 1(o+asA en)ineerin) o? the p+ans an' i'entity o? the A6IS. B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were entire+y Sici+ian an' o? Sici+ian race. My Unc+e A+ Io'ice was the Gran'Son o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' the Son o? a man who was a we++ Dnown socia+ acH*aintance o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs an' tooD or'ers ?rom him o?ten as a +oya+ s*@Iect. A+ Io'ice ne(er in?orme' B*+ianna that his socia+ acH*aintances G=ictorG 4 .i+ 4 an' 7hris 2homas were the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the ear+y 1""0As 4 my Gran'.ather #ona+' $a=oie to+' o*r .ami+y that he was threatene' as a res*+t o? B*+ianna ta+Din) a@o*t the Ho*se o? Sa(oy eCterminatin) the maIority o? her ?amiy in Sici+y an' @ein) the Aristocratic Ho*se o? A'o+? Hit+er 4 A'o+?As ha+? @rother =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+a 5 a++ three o? whom were )*i+ty o? en)ineerin) the mi+itary co*p 'Aetat o? 3e*tsche+an' an' the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0s. I remem@er that my A*nt B*+ianna was eCtreme+y irritate' with the threat an' crie' an)ri+y a@o*t it. 2he man who threatene' my Gran'.ather #ona+' $a=oie Sr. 4 +i(e' in a cotta)e near my Gran'.ather #ona+' $a=oieAs cotta)e at Hampton ;each 5 these were s*mmer homes. My Gran'.atherAs cotta)e was on Manchester Street in Hampton NewHampshire.

3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e wa+Din) past this roa' with 2ony Grasseti 5 2ony attempte' to con(ince me to te++ the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen when I ha' eno*)h e(i'ence to con(ict the 1man*e+es 4 ?or reason that the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ha' s*specte' the 1man*e+es o? @ein) )*i+ty o? )enoci'a+ m*r'er o? entire ?ami+ies as we++ as seC tra??icDin) in the past. 2ony GrassetiAs reH*est ma'e no sense 4 @eca*se 2ony Grasseti is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I an' is a co*sin o? the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are a+so the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 0ther than B*+ianna < I ha' a+so o(erhear' the .ather o? a chi+'hoo' ?rien' o? mine te++in) him that he was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' that his co*sin who was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' 'isco(ere' that A'o+? Hit+er was the patri+inea+ ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III. I o(erhear' him 'isc*ss with his son 7hristopher in a H*iet (oice that the 3r' #eich ha' @een the creation o? A'o+? Hit+erAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs whom was a+so o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 A'o+? Hit+er @ein) an *no??icia+ heir o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*e to A'o+? @ein) @orn as the res*+t o? an a??air an' @ein) a'opte' to a re+ate' ?ami+y '*e to the in?i'e+ity in(o+(e'. 7hristopher #o'on was my ?rien' as a yo*n) chi+' 4 his ?atherAs name was #o@ert #o'on. #o@ert #o'onAs ?ami+y was an Ita+ian ?ami+y that immi)rate' to the Unite' States o? America an' ha' mo(e' to New /orD ?rom 2*rino Ita+y. #o@ert #o'on was a 2n' )eneration immi)rant to America. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 I was in contact with Henry MaDow '*rin) the time that he p*@+ishe' the artic+e tit+e' G2he I++*minati PremierG. 2his artic+e was p*@+ishe' to the :e@Site Sa(e2heMa+es.7a an' was an artic+e a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er which mentione' his @io+o)ica+ @+oo'+ine. Aro*n' the time o? this artic+e @ein) p*@+ishe' to the :e@Site Sa(e2heMa+es.7a 4 I ha' emai+e' Henry MaDow a@o*t the ?acts o? which my co*sin B*+ianna ha' in?orme' my ?ami+y concernin) A'o+? Hit+er @ein) the son o? the ?ormer 9in) o? Ita+ia whom was 9in) imme'iate+y prior to =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs rei)n < this @ein) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs .ather < an' A'o+? Hit+er @ein) @orn as the res*+t o? an a??air. 0? importance to Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) 4 is the ?act that my ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson an' his @est?rien' Gino worDe' at JPremier In'*striesK in H*'son NewHampshire '*rin) the years 1""% 1""E. In 1""E 4 Gino was shot @y an assassin *sin) a shot )*n an' =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' a man worDin) in the Po+ice 3epartment to 'ec+are it a S*ici'e '*rin) the crime scene in(esti)ation. 3*rin) the year 2001or 2002 < whi+e I was in =ir)inia with 3anie++e $e;+anc 4 3a(e Marsha++ 4 an' $i> Pratt 5 a 3e*tsche man who was at a Mc3ona+'s with an Ita+ian man 4 reco)ni>e' me as GinoAs @est ?rien'As son an' @e)an ta+Din) to the Ita+ian a@o*t the ?act that Gino was m*r'ere' @y a Sa(oy assassin a?ter ta+Din) open+y a@o*t =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e @ein) a rapist pe'ophi+e chi+' mo+ester an' a )enoci'a+ terrorist who was p+annin) the eCtermination o? Nati(e North Americans. Gino was G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs co*sin 4 ;o@ An>a+oneAs co*sin 4 Ben An>a+oneAs co*sin 4 the co*sin o? Apri+ ;or'ers &a+so Dnown as Apri+ 9ane, 4 an' 3an #o@icha*'As co*sin. 2he artic+e on Henry MaDowAs we@site was re+e(ant to a +iterary artic+e which was p*@+ishe' @y Be?? #ense '*rin) the year 200% on the :e@Site #ense.7om . 2he topic o? this +iterary artic+e was =ittorio 1man*e+e an' I @e+ie(e that it was entit+e' 2H1 AN2I7H#IS2 o? which the topic was a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. A?ter Be?? #ense p*@+ishe' this artic+e on his we@site #ense.7om < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e pai' hacDers to access 7omcast Ser(ers an' i++e)a++y access the emai+ acco*nts o? Be?? #ense 4 Henry MaDow 4 my se+? 4 1mi+y Is+es 4 the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e 4 n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s o@ser(ant o? the Asatr* ?aith 4 an' ?ami+y mem@ers o? these in'i(i'*a+s. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i+ 1man*e+e are recor'e' as ha(in) physica++y sta+De' n*mero*s (ictims near the (ictimsA p+aces o? resi'ency an' the (ictimsA p+aces o? emp+oyment as we++ as 7o++e)es an' Uni(ersities which the (ictims atten'e'. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e @een 'isco(ere' to 'e?inite+y ?act*a++y @e 7rime $or's o? an Internationa+ G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? Ita+ian A6IS ori)in. 2his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are consi'ere' @y n*mero*s Pri(ate In(esti)ators as we++ as other In(esti)ators to @e a +o)ica+ possi@+e accomp+ice or a??i+iate' 7rime

Syn'icate to the 2errorist .action that en)ineere' an' orchestrate' the "Q11 2errorist AttacDs as we++ as were they consi'ere' eCtreme+y pro@a@+e to @e )*i+ty o? the 7rimes A)ainst H*manity committe' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration which in(o+(e' the crimes o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha' )aine' emp+oyment within the 7IA within the ranDs o? ProIect M9U$2#A an' other 'epartments o? .e'era+ 1mp+oyment 5 the crimes o? this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which ha' @een committe' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration inc+*'e' H*man =i(isections an' SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as n*mero*s attempts to e+iminate e(i'ence an' cre'i@+e witnesses to these crimes an' others res*+tin) in the sta+Din) o? an' attempte' eCtermination o? witnesses which c*+minate' in the :A21#GA21 S7AN3A$ at the en' o? #ichar' NiConAs presi'ency. 3*rin) #ichar' NiConAs Presi'ency 4 at +east h*n're's o? Americans were @ein) i++e)a++y recor'e' @y impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices which ha' @een co(ert+y positione' within wa++s o? apartments 4 within wa++s o? hote+s 4 within wa++s o? ?e'era+ @*i+'in)s 4 an' other +ocations 5 these recor'in) 'e(ices were o?ten @*i+t ?rom Han' He+' #a'io 2a+D 3e(ices s*ch as Mi+itary :a+Dy 2a+Dy an' other ra'io 'e(ices in com@ination with Acco*stic MicroPhones *se' ?or recor'in). #ichar' He+ms was @e+ie(e' @y Henry MaDow an' in(esti)ators whom Henry MaDow was associate' with to ha(e @een a s+eeper a)ent o? Ita+ian A6IS .action with connections to B*+i*s 1(o+a4 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y4 an' some o? the Ita+ian Ma?ias as we++ as other 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates4 2errorists4 an' in?+*entia+ in'i(i'*a+s within networDs re+ate' to the A6IS. 2he c*rrent internationa+ )enoci'e which is occ*rrin) is a res*+t o? the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as attemptin) to 'e?+ect in(esti)ations re)ar'in) 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 2errorist 7rimes4 an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime o? which in'i(i'*a+s amon)st their ?ami+ies ha' @een accomp+ice to or )*i+ty o? in North America an' possi@+y e+sewhere. Many o? the (ictims o? what has @ecome a wi'e sprea' series o? H*man =i(isections comprise' o? Ne*roS*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 ha(e @een m*r'ere' < many ha(e @een A@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe'4 an' it is c+ear+y o@(io*s that these (ictims are the (ictims o? what is @ecomin) a systemic co(ert G+o@a+ Ho+oca*st inten'e' to si+ence a series o? in(esti)ations spannin) m*+tip+e )enerations. A?ter the 'e?eat o? the A6IS at the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their ?ami+ies to the U.S.A. . 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy has @een conspirin) to conH*er the U.S.A. ?rom within an' mer)e the Nation States o? North America 4 creatin) a North American Union 5 their )oa+ has @een to con(ert+y conH*er North America. 2he sca+e an' metho' o? tar)ettin) as we++ as the Din' o? 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) that the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is en)a)e' in c+assi?ies as :ar #ape an' is a 7rime A)ainst H*manity. 3*e to the o@(io*s :ar 7rime nat*re o? this SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate < =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist SeC 2ra??icDers ha(e @een systemica++y eCterminatin) the ?ami+ies o? the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims whom they ha(e a@'*cte' ?or the past % )enerations at +east. 2he ?irst con?irme' (ictim in my ?ami+y o? this networD o? SeC 2ra??icDers is my Mother 3e@ra MacPherson an' my Nana Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty < whom were SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims o? this SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration when my Mother was a chi+'. 2he 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een 7rime $or's o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate ?or m*+tip+e )enerations. B*+i*s 1(o+a was 'e?inite+y a+so a 7rime $or' o? this H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rimina+ NetworD. 2his 7rime Syn'icate has @een acti(e+y sta+Din) the ?ami+ies o? the (ictims whom ha(e escape' ?rom the SeC 2ra??icDers an' @e)*n to +i(e norma+ +i(es. 2he maIority o? this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are men o? Ita+ian race < other races that are represente' amon)st them in noticea@+e n*m@ers are Ser@ians an' miCe' @+oo'e' Ita+ians ?rom the 7arri@eans an' So*th America whom ha(e some amo*nt o? 3NA ?rom the nations where they ha(e @een +i(in). 2his is 'e?inite+y the same 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that hi' war crimina+s '*rin) an' a?ter the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s. 2his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate

2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is partia++y comprise' o? a G+o@a+ Aristocratic 2errorist Mi+itant 7rime Syn'icate 5 this Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate seems to o?ten recr*it 9ni)hts ?rom Aristocratic Ho*ses other than the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the Ser@ian .action o? this Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate is partia++y comprise' o? 9ni)hts in Ser@ia as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDers 4 other H*man 2ra??icDers 4 an' 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers. It is pro@a@+e that this @e)an with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy s*@(ertin) the 9ni)hts o? other Aristocratic Ho*ses an' recr*itin) them as 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers < a?ter which the s*@(erte' 9ni)hts are pro@a@+e to ha(e hire' sma++ )an)s as 0r)ani>e' 7rime *nits 4 '*rin) which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are pro@a@+e to ha(e em@e''e' assassins amon)st the 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate in the o*t+ayin) re)ions. 2here is a Ser@ian A6IS Unit in o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action in North America now 4 this seems to ha(e @e)*n to arri(e in the year 200%. 3*rin) the year 200" < my Mother was a@'*cte' ?rom a Psychiatric 7o*nse+in) appointment *n'er the premise that she ha' s*ppose'+y emai+e' her co*nci+or an' her pre(io*s co*nci+or with threats that she was )oin) to Di++ her chi+'ren an' herse+? 5 it was 7omp*ter HacDers whom ha' written these threats ?rom my MotherAs 1mai+ A''ress an' my MotherAs re)*+ar co*nci+or was on (acation the weeD that she was a@'*cte' ?rom her appointment. 3*rin) the appointment ?rom which she was a@'*cte' 4 there was a s*@stit*te co*nci+or < this is eCtreme+y *northo'oC an' wo*+' on+y @e *s*a+ i? the co*nci+in) were o? a speci?ic 7o*rt Man'ate' Sche'*+in). My Nana reporte' @ein) to+' that my Mother was @ro*)ht o*t the @acD 'oor o? the 7o*nci+in) 0??ice an' @ro*)ht to an Am@*+ance. My Mother was s*ppose'+y hospita+i>e' at an in patient Psychiatric Hea+thcare .aci+ity ca++e' :est:oo' $o')e. 2his is o@(io*s e(i'ence o? 7o(ert Genoci'e as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs attempts to e+iminate 2esti?ia@+e :itnesses an' =ictims concernin) their SeC 2ra??icDin) :ar #apes. Since this time there has @een a tota+ o? % imposte*rs impersonatin) my Mother an' my MotherAs Psychiatric #ecor's ha(e @een 'estroye' at m*+tip+e Psycho+o)ica+ Hea+thcare .aci+ities. 3*rin) the year 2002 < my ?rien' Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' ?rom Manchester NewHampshire @y SeC 2ra??icDers whom were 'e?inite associates o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs. Samantha G*ay has @een missin) since this time. Since the year 200% 4 Samantha G*ayAs ?ami+y ha(e @een missin). Since 2003 < there has @een an imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay whom has @een ?orce' to *se' Samantha G*ayAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' I'entity. 2he ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay was the 'a*)hter o? my co*sin Shei+aAs @est ?rien'. 2he ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay was o? .ranDic American an' Irish Gae+ic race. 2he imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay whom I met '*rin) the year 2003 4 @e?ore I ha' e(en emai+e' Henry MaDow 5 was ha+? .irst Nations Nati(e American an' ha+? .ranDic American. Samantha G*ay was SeC*a++y Mo+este' @y .i+ 1man*e+eAs o+'er @rother 7hris 2homas in Ha++oween o? 1"88 < in 1"""4 she eCp+aine' to me that her co*sin was a+so SeC 2ra??icDin) as a chi+' @y the same type o? peop+e that ha' SeC 2ra??icDe' my Mother an' that it was '*rin) the same )eneration. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 '*rin) the weeD o? 2hanDsGi(in) the imposte*r Samantha G*ay was SeC*a++y Assa*+te' an' tort*re' a?terwar's @y the 1man*e+esA Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7rime So+'iers whom (i'eo)raphe' their attacD an' *se' 2*rDoIan So?tware to Gpop *pG 'isp+ay the )r*esome attacD on my 7omp*ter Screen whi+e I was on the internet. I ha' @ecome ?rien's with the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was @ein) ?orce' to *se Samantha G*ayAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' I care' a@o*t her (ery m*ch. I @+acDe' o*t at the si)ht o? this 4 I @e+ie(e I act*a++y ?einte' 5 I am a+most entire+y certain that this was 2hanDsGi(in) Ni)ht that this was 2*rDoIan GPop *pG 'isp+aye' on my 7omp*ter Screen. An attempt on my +i?e occ*re' the neCt ni)ht 4 I was ?e' ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee c*p 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e was on the phone with the )*i+ty party 3 ni)hts prior to this attacD occ*rin) an' ha' or'ere' them to poison me. 2his is a series o? Genoci'es an' :ar #apes. Samantha G*ayAs a*nt or co*sin was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? this networD o? crimina+ terrorists 4 Samantha ha' mentione' it to me in the year 1""" whi+e (isitin) me in MerrimacD NewHampshire when we were in Hi)hSchoo+. Samantha G*ay an' I are the same a)e. 2he year that Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' @y a )ro*p o? men in a @oC shape' =an wearin) SDi MasDs with an o+' man 'ri(in) the =an 5 Samantha G*ay ha' @een spen'in) a+ot o? time with 7hristine 3ion. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather who appeare' in 200% is a

SeC 2ra??icDer in(o+(e' with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate < he is a+so in(o+(e' in properties mana)ement as a +an'+or' as we++ as 'i' he own some 3airy L*een #esta*rants 5 the imposte*r o? BacD 3ion is one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Property Stea' Ho+'ers. Some o? the men whom operate the :e@Site S*ici'eGir+s.7om were associate' with 7rime So+'iers o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that en)a)e ?reH*ent+y in SeC 2ra??icDin). 3*rin) the years 2003 4 200% 4 an' 2005 5 the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was @ein) ?orce' to +i(e as an imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay was Grentin)G an apartment ?rom the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs .ather. 7hristine 3ionAs Mother Dnew my co*sin Shei+a Martinea* as we++ as Samantha G*ayAs Mother. BacD 3ion was my *nc+e 2roy MacPhersonAs @est ?rien' in the 1"80As an' a )oo' ?rien' o? my ?atherAs. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 Bason Be??rey showe' me a (i'eo on the internet o? what appeare' to @e Samantha G*ay tie' *p an' @ein) tort*re' @y a man in a sDi masD who a?terwar's rape' her < Bason Be??rey asDe' me i? I Dnew who she was 4 @eca*se peop+e he Dnew reco)ni>e' her ?rom Manchester an' ha' asDe' him i? he Dnew her. I to+' him that she +ooDe' ?ami+iar an' that she +ooDe' +iDe Samantha G*ay with her hair 'ye' @+acD. $ater '*rin) the years @etween 200% an' 2012 5 a 7omp*ter HacDer *se' 2*rDoIan So?tware to Gpop *pG 'isp+ay (i'eos an' photo)raphs o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims @ein) tort*re' an' a?terwar's rape' as we++ as in some cases ?orce' to in)est toCins s*ch as h*man ?eces an' 'o) ?eces as i? it were a p*nishment ?or resistin) the or'ers o? the men that were tort*rin) an' rapin) them. ;oth the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay an' the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who was the .irst Nations Nati(e American woman that was ?orce' to impersonate Samantha an' +i(e as an imposte*r o? her were in more than one o? these (i'eos an' photo)raphs that were Gpop *pG 'isp+aye' to me on my 7omp*ter Monitor Screen @y 7omp*ter HacDers. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 n*mero*s artic+es were p*@+ishe' to the internet 'isc*ssin) the sciences c*rrent+y @ein) *se' ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6ISAs attempte' the?t o? the .or@es 100 +ist an' the .ort*ne 500 +ist as we++ as the attempte' G+o@a+ 7onH*est < these sciences were re+ate' to the s*@Iects o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 4 Ne*roScience 4 an' #o@otics Science. 0? re+ation to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy recr*itin) ma?ia as assassins an' or'erin) them to m*r'er Nati(e Americans '*rin) the weeD o? 2hanDsGi(in) 5 '*rin) the year 200% < a?ter my se+? an' n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s that I ha' Dnown ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces that we were *naware o?4 a sma++ n*m@er o? peop+e an' I were 'ri(in) in a car an' 'ro(e passe' a roa'way with a woo'en arch o(er it that sai' J#eser(ationK 5 this +an' seeme' to @e *npop*+ate' an' appeare' to ha(e at some recent time in the past @een the +an' o? a .irst Nations Nati(e American nation o? peop+e. 3*rin) the Presi'entia+ A'ministration o? #ichar' Mi+ha*s NiCon < Um@erto 1man*e+e comman'e' a 2errorist 7rimina+ #e)ime that was em@e''e' within $aw 1n?orcement4 the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 an' the 7entra+ Inte++i)ence a)ency 5 Um@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y are the eCi+e' #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as are they A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 5 Um@erto 1man*e+e was A'o+? Hit+erAs nephew4 an' Um@erto *se' these co(ert+y em@e''e' a)ents as a way o? creatin) an imm*nity to $aw 1n?orcement in the USA. It is 'e?inite+y a ?act that the Sa(oy A6IS .action in North America ha(e tar)ette' .irst Nations Nati(e Americans in the past an' in the present 4 an' ha(e or)ani>e' the systemic )enoci'a+ m*r'er o? these peop+es as we++ as ha(e or)ani>e' the systemic Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDin) o? these peop+es whom they ha(e ens+a(e' as 7onc*@ina+ S+a(e SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims '*rin) the process o? the co(ert )enoci'e. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has an insane hatre' o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' has @een witnesse' in the past 4 screamin) a@o*t Nati(e Americans in ?its o? an)er which res*+te' in his 'ec+aration n*mero*s times that he was )oin) to eCterminate a++ Nati(e Americans an' (io+ent+y seC*a++y rape a++ o? their peop+es to 'eath. It is 'e?inite that Um@erto 1man*e+eAs re)ime were *ncon(icte' seC o??en'ers who en)a)e' in or)ani>e' seC 2ra??icDin) an' or)ani>e' systemic )enoci'e o? entire ?ami+ies 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that =ittorioK=ictorK 1man*e+e witnesse' his ?ather an' possi@+y B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 +ea' )enoci'a+ p*r)in) rai's

which inc+*'e' )ro*ps o? arme' men who (io+ent+y eCterminate' Nati(e Americans @y ?orce in their own homes whi+e wearin) the *ni?orms o? USA Po+ice 0??icers an' .;I. 2here are a+most no .irst Nations Nati(e Americans c*rrent+y a+i(e in the USA 4 whereas prior to the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar an' prior to the Presi'ency o? #ichar' Mi+ha*s NiCon 5 n*mero*s entire races o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans eCiste' an' entire pop*+ations o? these racAes sti++ eCiste' in their home+an's. My motherAs race was eCterminate' @y terrorists o? Ita+ian race +e' @y A'o+? Hit+erAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ami+y 4 in her +i?etime. =ittorio 1man*e+e has a+so or'ere' his 9ni)hts an' 7rime So+'iers to commit (io+ent seC*a+ assa*+ts *pon .irst Nations Nati(e Americans as we++ as has he seC*a++y mo+este' Nati(e American 7hi+'ren '*rin) his +i?etime. It is po@a@+e that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= witnesse' the )enoci'a+ massacre o? Nati(e Americans '*rin) his yo*th an' yo*n)er years 4 as we++ as 'i' he pro@a@+y en)a)e in these acts o? eCtreme inh*man (io+ence an' partaDe in the )enoci'a+ p*r)in) rai's an' m*r'ers o? Nati(e American ?ami+ies 5 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= has tar)ette' Nati(e American @a@ies in the past an' has or'ere' some o? his sons to commit acts o? (io+ence an' seC*a+ (io+ence *pon @a@ies o? .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces 4 reH*irin) them to taDe photo)raphs o? their attacDs ?or p*rpose o? pro(in) to =ittorio that they committe' the attacD. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= was tra*mati>e' @y imme'iate ?ee+in)s o? )*i+t concernin) his comp+icity in acts o? or)ani>e' )enoci'a+ @r*ta+ity4 an' has @ecome increasin)+y hate?*+ o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans as a res*+t o? his *sin) hatre' as a copin) mechanism to ease his emotiona+ s*??erin) an' i)nore his emotion o? )*i+t. 2his is an eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s person. 1riD :eisse o? the $*ssier ?ami+y an' the $aDota nation at Pine #i')e in 0hio4 showe' e+ements o? 7hris 2homaAs persona+ity in his psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e. It is 'e?inite that 1riD :eisse ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain prior to an' '*rin) his (io+ent attacD *pon his own peop+e. 2his attacD occ*rre' in a c+assroom an' in(o+(e' ?ire arms. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 I wrote a schoo+ report a@o*t 7ra>y Horse o? the Sio*C Nation 4 this report a+so inc+*'e' a presentation to the c+ass < '*rin) this 'ay 4 3anie+ ;*cD+ey was or'ere' @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= to 'o his presentation an' report on A'o+? Hit+er. 3anie+ ;*cD+ey 'resse' *p as Hit+er ?or his report an' was assa*+te' in the ha++way @y a Bewish ma+e who p*nche' him in the ?ace @reaDin) his nose. 3anie+ ;*cD+ey is $orie Poten>aAs nephew an' is we++ Dnown to =ittorio 1man*e+e an' =ictorAs son 7hris 2homas. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 #o@ert #o'on was reportin) a++ 'etai+s concernin) my se+? to =ittorio 1man*e+e o(er the te+ephone on a 'ai+y @asis. 3*rin) 200% 4 prior to 1riD :eisseAs attacD *pon his own nation o? peop+e 4 1riD :eisse to+' peop+e that he ha' @een ta+Din) to a )host or a 'emon thro*)h his mo*th an' that the 'emon ha' a J'o) +iDe (oiceK an' that it mo(e' his own mo*th to ta+D to him < '*rin) the year 1"88 4 7hris 2homas atten'e' my ?ami+yAs Ha++oween Party an' seC*a++y assa*+te' my 1year o+' sister Sheena MacPherson 4 a?ter which he tooD a photo)raph. 7hris 2homas a+so porno)raphe' the chi+'ren o? my ?ami+y that 'ay an' p*t a 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash on my co*sin Monica MosesDy an' ?orce' her to en)a)e in acts o? seC*a+ity with o*r ?ami+ys ?rien' Samantha G*ay 5 7hris 2homas committe' these acts a?ter poisonin) the entire pop*+ation o? the Ha++oween Party with a 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' to some a'*+ts Se'ati(es. 7hris 2homas tooD photo)raphs o? his attacDs 7hi+' Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren 5 he was or'ere' to 'o this @y his ?ather =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= an' $orie Poten>a. 2he 1"88 Ha++oween Party was at my )ran'?atherAs ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 my ?ai+y +i(e' at my )ran'?atherAs ho*se 1riD :eisse shot his own peop+e an' e(ent*a++y Jshot himse+?K with his )ran'?atherAs )*ns. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 I 'escri@e' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that I ha' seen on the te+e(ision which to #o@ert #o'on an' 'escri@e' the G.P.S. ran)e #a'io .reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace as Jthe MarD o? the ;eatstK an' 'escri@e' it as the too+ an' weapon o? the Anti 7hrist < '*rin) the year 1""! 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate @e)an imp+antin) these 'e(ices in the @rains o? their (ictims 4 inc+*'in) the @raisn o? +itt+e chi+'ren whom they rape' an' SeC*a++y 2ra??icDe' 5 at some point =ittorio rea+i>e' that a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment eCists as 'oes the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission. =ittorio

1man*e+e has @een attemptin) to @+ocD in(esti)ations in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) *se' ?or Genoci'e an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 ?or approCimate+y 1! years. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icateAs ori)ina+ intent concernin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces was to checD the (ictimAs @rains ?or i'entities o? peop+e whom they ha' in?orme' o? =ittorio an' his son @ein) 7hi+' Mo+esters. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 Gra>>io+i 4 an' $orie Poten>a are a++ B*+i*s 1(o+aAs co*sins an' here'itari+y o? the 1(o+a ?ami+y an' the ;aronia+ Ho*se o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was o@(io*s+y 'isco(ere' to @e a@+e to remote+y contro+ a h*man @o'y as a remote contro++e' ro@ot 5 this o@(io*s+y +e' to the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icate S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) ;.7.I.As in the crani*ms o? 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 5 this is a :ar 7rime an' the rape an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? these chi+'ren whom are tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e is a :ar 7rime SeC 0??ense an' a preme'itation o? :ar 7rime Genoci'e. 1riD :eisseAs ScreenName on Socia+ NetworDion) :e@site was J2o'es1n)e+K or J3eathAn)e+K which was Bose? Men)e+e o? the 3r' #eichAs pse*'onym. 3*rin) the year 2005 < $orie Poten>a mentione' somethin) re+ate' to the concept o? a Nati(e American #eser(ation )ettin) Di++e' @y peop+e with )*ns in po+ice *ni?orms in the past 4 an' mentione' somethin) that so*n'e' +iDe peop+e attmeptin) to c+ean *p ?orensic e(i'ence to maDe it appear as i? a++ the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans at the #eser(ation simp+y mo(e' witho*t con?+ict. She mentione' somethin) +iDe this whi+e on her mo@i+e te+ephone in the ?ami+y 'o++ar store on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire USA 4 she a+so mentione' 9e(in .aerio+oAs name '*rin) this con(ersation an' #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs name as we++. 2he .irst Nations Nati(e American #eser(ation that she mentione' ha' a smi+iar so*n'in) name as the Pine #i')e $aDota #eser(ation that 1riD :eisse +i(e' at an' $orie Poten>a acDnow+e')e' this (er@a++y o(er the te+ephone an' acDnow+e')e' (er@a++y that this was the tar)et < i @e+ie(e that the now non eCistent #eser(ation was in northern NewHampshire an' was ca++e' Pine Hi++ or Pine Mo*ntain. I ha(e 'ri(en passe' a woo'en archway in the woo's north o? the :hite Mo*ntains mo*ntain ran)e in NewHmapshire 4 near the =ermont @or'er 5 that rea' on it somethin) +iDe JPine Mo*ntain American In'ian #eser(ationK or JPine hi++ American In'ian #eser(ationK 4 @*t there was no si)n o? h*man +i?e in the re)ion. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= seems to @e+ie(e that i? he can eCterminate a++ races to whom North America is a racia+ home+an' 4 a++ races whom ha(e a pre eCistin) c+aimancy to a +an' on the North American continent as a tra'itiona+ racia+ home+an' < that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= can 'ec+are North America the racia+ home+an' o? the Ita+ian race 5 he an' others ha(e @een ca++in) North America KSa(oyaK. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 possi@+y aro*n' E530 PM 5 $orie Poten>a entere' the .ami+y 3o++ar store on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire whi+e ta+Din) on her mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone an' was o(erhear' speaDin) to some@o'y whom was pres*ma@+y JGra>>io+iK or her co*sin #o@ert 3AAn)e+o a@o*t #o@ert #o'on an' 7hristopher Hami+ton @ein) +ie' to @y $orie Poten>a her se+?. $orie state' that she ha' +ie' to #o@ert #o'on an' to+' him that she ha' I*st p*t the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain ?or some *nDnown reason 4 an' then to+' the person with whom which she was on the te+ephone that she in ?act ha' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in #o@ert #o'onAs @rain aro*n' 1""E an' that she simp+y a''e' two eCtra s*t*res to the tacDin) o? the 'e(ice '*rin) 200% or 2005 5 ?or reason o? tricDin) him 4 @y metho' o? maDin) the G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(iceAs +ocation in the corner his inner Iaw recess comp+ete 'etecta@+e '*e to the a@i+ity to ?ee+ the s*t*res. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are a@+e to @e *se' to manip*+ate a personAs or (ictimAs emotions 4 i'eas 4 inner (oice 4 tho*)ht process 4 mora+ity 4 psycho+o)y 4 physica+ +ocation 4 mo(e physica+ @o'y 4 e??ect heart rate 4 e??ect @o'y temperat*re 4 an' e??ect chemica+ @a+ance as we++ as chemica+ pro'*ction in the @rain 5 it is 'e?inite that these were *se' to manip*+ate other mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @y $orie Poten>a 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e I= 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 MiDe Pa+aH*in 4 an' the o+'er o? the two who are ca++e' @y their s*rname JGra>>io+iK. It is 'e?inite that #o@ert #o'on was

amon)st these peop+e < he was my @est ?rien'As ?ather an' was acc*stome' to ha(in) some amo*nt o? near )*ar'ianship o(er me a@o*t 3 or % 'ays a weeD as a res*+t o? my @ein) constant+y o(er their ho*se. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that #o@ert #o'on was one o? the ?irst (ictims o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections an' that it was '*rin) 1""5 4 prior to the A6IS meetin) that tooD p+ace '*rin) Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?atherAs @irth'ay party a?ter the A+a''in per?ormance in New/orD '*rin) 1""5. It is a pro@a@i+ity that #o@ert #o'on 'i' not ?act*a++y e(en Dnow that an A6IS meetin) ha' @een p+anne' an' was in(ite' *n'er the )*ise that it was Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?atherAs @irth'ay party. 3*rin) 1""8 4 7hristopher Hami+ton ye++e' at =a+erie 0+son in a JA'o+? Hit+erK (oice < 7hristopher Hami+ton is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II an' as a res*+t is a 'istant co*sin o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I=As an' an eH*a++y as 'istant co*sin o? A'o+? Hit+erAs. It is a+most 'e?inite that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' $orie Poten>a S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in 7hristopher Hami+tonAs @rain '*rin) 1""!4 n' is pro@a@+e that they 'i' this in or'er to manip*+ate him an' contro+ him 4 I*st as this ha' 'e?inite+y @een 'one to #o@ert #o'on 5 this was pro@a@+y 'one to the in'i(i'*a+ mem@ers o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia in the USA as we++. A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) *se' as a weapon is an eCtreme+y *se?*+ too+ an' is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s 4 it is i++e)a+ an' is a war crime ?or a )oo' I*sti?ie' reason 4 an' sho*+' @e consi'ere' a :eapon o? Massi(e 3estr*ction. 3*rin) 2005 5 .i+As 2errorist So+'ier 7esare mentione' to 1' .arrachi :arren that .i+ ha' pai' a 7omp*ter HacDer to *se 2*rDoIan to Gpop *pG 'isp+ay (i'eos an' photo)raphs o? the (ictims to a tar)ette' ma+e (ictim o? theirs whom he s*))este' wo*+' +ose his min' o(er it an' @ecome (io+ent < this con(ersation was recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7ameras an' Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices which ha' @een positione' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s in the cei+in) at .ami+y 3o++ar @y 1' .arrachi :arren whom was asDe' to 'o so @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 .i+ 1man*e+e was recor'e' as ha(in) con(ersations on his te+ephone as we++ as has @een reporte' to ha(e ha' con(ersations in re)ar's to a p+an o? his which was @asica++y 'escri@e' as @ein) an attempt at pro'*cin) a ScapeGoat A+i@i ?or his ?ami+y whom wo*+' @e GMore hate' than A'o+? Hit+erG in the eyes o? the p*@+ic 4 )+o@a++y. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'escri@e' to his con?i'ants that he ?e+t that this was necessary to 'o4 an' that this was necessary to 'o ?or the p*rpose o? in?*riatin) the p*@+ic *ntowar' a ?ami+y other than his own in s*ch a manner that wo*+' ca*se the wor+' to ?or)et a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs :ar 7rimes 4 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs :ar 7rimes 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs :ar 7rimes in North America an' the 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the ?ami+ies ?rom whom their SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims ha' @een a@'*cte'. 3*rin) the years +ea'in) *p to 200% 5 .i+ 1man*e+e ha' en)ineere' an' p+anne' a series o? 2errorist AttacDs 4 :ar #apes 4 :ar Maimin)s 4 H*man =i(isections 4 an' a Genoci'e that wo*+' +ea(e e(i'ence o? the most inh*mane treatment in history o? the most @ea*ti?*+ women possi@+e whom were +i(in) in the ?o*n'in) re)ion o? the Unite' States o? America in the years ?o++owin) the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 2his re)ion was an' is the New 1n)+an' #e)ion o? the Unite' States o? America. 0ther re)ions s*ch as 0ntario 7ana'a 4 L*e@ec 7ana'a 4 New /orD USA 4 New Bersey USA 4 an' #ho'e Is+an' USA were tar)ette' as we++. .i+ 1man*e+e 'isc*sse' in the years 200% an' 2005 4 his p+ans to ?rame others ?or these crimes. .i+ 1man*e+e ha' 'eci'e' that he was )oin) to attempt to ?rame a person ?or these crimes an' steer the p*@+ic reaction @y pro'*cin) speci?ic me'ia 4 creatin) an i'entity Gmore hate' than A'o+? Hit+erG in the eyes o? the p*@+ic )+o@a++y. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 2e+e(ision New Me'ia reports 'escri@e' '*n)eons @ein) ?o*n' a++ 'own the east coast with no si)n o? the women whom ha' @een a@'*cte' an' he+' in these tort*re cham@ers. A++ o? the +ocations in New 1n)+an' where women ha' @een he+' capti(e ha(e @een @ein) remo'e+e' an' anythin) physica++y resem@+ant o? +ocations where (ictims were con?ine' that were 'escri@e' in :itness Statements ha(e @een @ein) 'emo+ishe' 4 remo'e+e' 4 or re'ecorate'. 2he 9enne+s in ;e'?or' NewHampshire on the 3.:. Hi)hway are @ein)

remo'e+e' an' ha(e not @een open in approCimate+y 12 years < a+so on this roa' within two mi+es o? 'istance 5 a Ne*roSpine Ne*ro+o)y Instit*te 4 a sparse+y pop*+ate' apartment comp+eC 4 a hote+ 4 a =eternarianAs 7+inic 4 an' an 1Cotic Strip 7+*@ which was once ca++e' GMarDAs Showp+aceG that has now @een rename' Gthe Go+' 7+*@G. =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een ?rien's with the owner o? @oth Strip 7+*@s. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' his @rother 7hris 2homasAs sa'istic 'esire to tort*re 4 maDe ?i+thy 4 'isease 4 rape 4 an' massacre ?ema+es was eCpresse' '*rin) his schemin) o? a scape)oat a+i@i ?or his crimes < this res*+te' in .i++i@erto 'eci'in) to intentiona++y +ea(e e(i'ence o? his rapin) 4 tort*rin) 4 ?ee'in) ?eces to 4 intentiona++y 'iseasin) 4 (i(isectin) 4 maimin) 4 an' ens+a(in) o? the most @ea*ti?*+ ?ema+es whom were o? the ?ami+ies that his ?action ha' comp+ete+y eCterminate' as we++ as +itt+e )ir+s whom were o? these ?ami+ies that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e. It was @e+ie(e' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e that ?or reason that these ?ami+ies were )oin) to @e comp+ete+y eCterminate' at the c*+mination o? their )enoci'a+ terrorist campai)n that the (ictimsA ?ami+iesA permission wo*+' not @e nee'e' ?or the ima)es 4 (i'eo)raphe' recor'in)s 4 a*'io recor'in)s 4 7rime Scene In(esti)ation Photo)raphs 4 an' Uni'enti?ie' 7a'a(ers store' at Mor)*es 5 to @e ma'e p*@+ica++y a(ai+a@+e as 'oc*mentary ?or p*rpose o? enra)in) the p*@+ic a)ainst the 1man*e+esA an' the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs ScapeGoat A+i@i whom was to ser(e as a 'istraction an' an icon Gmore e(i+ than A'o+? Hit+er an' the 1"%0As Ho+oca*stG. .or p*rpose o? pro'*cin) p*@+ic o*tra)e an' )+o@a+ hatre' o? their scape)oats < the 1man*e+es so*)ht to *se 'oc*mentaries 4 news co(era)e 4 an' e(i'ence +eaDe' ?rom in(esti)ations re)ar'in) the recor's o? their own :ar 7rimes onto internet an' to the p*@+ic 4 as we++ as p*@+ic wor' o? mo*th to create an' shepher' what wo*+' @e percei(e' @y the p*@+ic as a reta+iatory )enoci'e *pon an innocent race o? peop+e whom were not )*i+ty o? the crimes which the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS ha' committe' '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error in North America an' in 1*rope. 1' .arrachi :arren was recor'e' 'isc*ssin) these p+ans with Anthony 3e.eo whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar in 200% an' 2005 5 these p+ans were recor'e' @y the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices insta++e' at .ami+y 3o++ar @y 1' :arren at the reH*est o? =ittorio 1man*e+e. In the year 200% < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e p+anne' the :ar #ape an' the tota+ )enoci'e o? the entire A@enaDi 4 MiHmaD 4 an' Mahican races as we++ as the intentiona+ near )enoci'e o? the An)+o Gae+ic race whom ?o*n'e' the Unite' States o? America an' the .ranDic race in the Americas 5 the 1man*e+es p+anne' this ?or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) another #oya+ .ami+y an' #ace o? Peop+e ?or the eCtermination o? m*+tip+e entire races comp+ete+y an' tota++y. Israe+is an' other races were a+so tar)ette' '*rin) this attacD 5 the ?oc*s o? these attacDs has @een *pon .ema+es an' has @een eCtreme+y sa'istic < Ma+es ha(e most+y @een assassinate' @y poisonin)s 4 ca'a(ers 'ispose' o? co(ert+y 4 an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 2his was inten'e' to create a )+o@a+ p*@+ic o*tra)e a)ainst a #oya+ .ami+y whom ha' @een associate' with the A6IS in the past '*e to the 1man*e+es ?ear o? @ein) eCpose' a)ain as A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y an' 7rime $or's o? a G+o@a+ H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworD in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? chi+'ren an' a'*+ts @oth 4 H*man =i(isection 4 0r)an 2ra??icDin) 4 #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDin). Mo(ies ha(e in?+*ence' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Genoci'a+ 2errorist .actionAs attacDs 4 most o? these attacDs seem to ha(e @een choreo)raphe' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames. 2he mo(ies Hoste+ an' Hoste+ 2 are pro@a@+e in?+*ences on these attacDs as we++ as is it pro@a@+e that the Hoste+ mo(ies were somehow in?+*ence' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in the same way that the ;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain mo(ie was secret+y name' an' in?+*ence' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3.B. as a IoDe. A+so an in?+*ence *pon or in?+*ence' @y the 1man*e+es < the mo(ie 2aDen 4 which was a@o*t Ita+ian A+@anian SeC 2ra??icDers a@'*ctin) ?ema+es who ha' won ticDets the U2 :or+' 2o*r 3ates. A pec*+iar A0$ Instant Messa)er Screen Name GMorty00018!2G or some other simi+ar n*m@ers ?o++owin) the name GMortyG ha' a''e' me as a ?rien' on A0$ IM an' MySpace.7om '*rin) 200E 5

this imposte*r c+aime' to @e a man name' 1ric Smith whom *se' the name G1riD Schmi'tG which is the name o? the man whom ?o*n'e' Goo)+e.7om . G1riD Schmi'tG in?orme' me '*rin) the year 200! 4 that Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs yo*n)er sister whom was a@o*t my own a)e < ha' @een a@'*cte' '*rin) her @rotherAs @an'As to*r o? North America 5 '*rin) the year 200E 4 I ha' atten'e' the G1ns+a(e'G concert in ;e'?or' NewHampshire. 2he concert was he+' in the @ar an' sta)e section o? the 1Cotic Strip 7+*@ GMarDAs Showp+aceG 4 this was an *ncom?orta@+e en(ironment ?or ?ema+es an' peop+e *ncom?orta@+e with SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 I @e+ie(e that JGr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sisterK may ha(e 'eci'e' to stay at the hote+ *p the roa' ?rom MarDAs ShowP+ace 4 which is across the street ?rom the Ne*roSpine Ne*ro+o)y Instit*te. I @e+ie(e that JGr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister Jwas a@'*cte' an' +ater @+in'e' 4 a?terwar's to @e ?orce' to *se 1mi+y Is+eAs name an' .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 1mi+y Is+es or some@o'y *sin) her America 0n+ine ScreenName spoDe with Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister o(er the internet '*rin) the year 200% or 2005< =ittorio 1man*e+e or one o? his sons may ha(e @e)*n sta+Din) Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister an' co*sins '*rin) the year 200% or 20054 when the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was sta+Din) 1mi+y Is+es. 0ne e(enin) '*rin) the year 200% < a photo)raph was sent to me which a hacDer *sin) 1mi+y Is+eAs ScreenName ha' c+aime' was 1mi+y 4 there were n*mero*s more o? these. 3*rin) the year 200% < I coinci'enta++y inter*pte' whom was o@(io*s+y =ittorio 1man*e+e *sin) 1mi+y Is+eAs ScreenName which was either Anarchist=icio*s-?o++owe' @y n*m@ers8 or 2ro)'or-?o++owe' @y n*m@ers8 5 I ha' sai' Ghe++oG whi+e =ittorio 1man*e+e was typin) to an accomp+ice ?rom 1mi+yAs ScreenName. He rep+ie' in mi' con(ersation G@+on' ... my hair is @+on' too 4 @*t itAs thin an' p+astic +iDe. It +ooDs +iDe 'o++ hair. An' I )et c*r+s aro*n' the hair+ine an' @ehin' my ears. I hate it. IAm @asica++y @a+' tho*)h... hahahaG. A?ter I sai' G1mi+yOG 4 the ScreenName rep+ie' GSorry I was ta+Din) to some@o'y e+se. :e wi++ ta+D +ater.G. I @e+ie(e that this was short+y @e?ore 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me statin) that she was a@'*cte'. 1mi+y Is+es c+aime' to ha(e @een penpa+s with $ars G=ar) =iDernesG (iDernes whi+e he was in prison 5 it is pro@a@+e that the ?ema+e who I ha' seen $ars (iDernes with *p in 7ana'a '*rin) 1""5 was act*a++y the ?ema+e that he ha' @een penpa+s with. 0? coinci'ence 4 '*rin) the year 200" 5 my +itt+e sister to+' me that there was a Ms. 9Ie++son who was a S*@stit*te 2eacher at her schoo+. 3*rin) the ?irst month an' a ha+? o? ta+Din) to J1mi+y Is+esK 4 I to+' her what I Dnew a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er @ein) the son o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' his mother @ein) a woman who was re+ate' to a Dni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta. :hat I ha(e hear' is that A'o+? Hit+er was ?act*a++y =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' that A'o+?As mother was the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whom was ?ami+ia+y re+ate' to some o? the 9ni)hts o? AostaAs ?ami+ies. My Sici+ian co*sin GA*ntG B*+ianna to+' me an' my ?ami+y a@o*t this n*mero*s times in the past 30 years. Bason ;e++emore who was in the same c+ass as my se+? an' went to the same schoo+s in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 ta+De' a@o*t this a ?ew times to peop+e '*rin) c+ass 5 Bason ;e++emore is the 3r' co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' his ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 this was mentione' @y him more than once. A?ter I spoDe to J1mi+y Is+esK a@o*t this < she ca++e' me one 'ay 4 so*n'in) (ery ner(o*s 5 she sai' to me 4 GSome@o'y at schoo+ the other 'ay wa+De' *p to me an' to+' me that they Dnow them 4 Ian. 9eep ta+Din) an' @e care?*+. It a+most so*n'e' +iDe a threat. 2hey ha' o(erhear' me ta+Din) a@o*t what yo* ha' to+' me a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 I was te++in) some@o'y what it is that yo* ha' hear'. 2hey sai' that they Dnew them. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2hey ma'e it so*n' +iDe they +i(e in the re)ion. Ian 4 I thinD they +i(e in the re)ion. 2hat means his ?ami+y +i(es in this re)ion. B*st Deep ta+Din). P+ease Deep ta+Din). :hate(er yo* 'o 4 Deep ta+Din). Peop+e nee' to *n'erstan' what is happenin).G M*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 inc+*'in) the #oya+ .ami+y < immi)rate' to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS .action at the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar. 2he 9in) o? Ita+iaAs ?ami+y ?+e' the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s an' mo(e' to the U.S.A. 4 +ea(in) Assassins in Ita+ia whoAs Io@ it was to Di++ any ?ami+y who Dnew the tr*th o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs en)ineerin) o? the A6IS an' @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er. My Sici+ian co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y was Di++e' on @oth si'es o? her ?ami+y an' her

imme'iate ?ami+y ?+e' to the U.S.A. to escape the )enoci'e that was occ*rrin) in Sici+y imme'iate+y a?ter the 'e?eat o? the A6IS4 '*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s an' +ater. Some o? the ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta mo(e' to the U.S.A. with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ 4 these ?ami+ies were re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y as we++ as the ?ami+ies o? some o? the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the roya+ ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Some o? the re+ati(es o? the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 4 o? the Ho*se o? Sa*' < mo(e' to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon' 'e?eat the A6IS 5 I ha(e met Mosta?a I@nSa*' m*+tip+e times. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is the 'istant @io+o)ica+ an' ?ami+ia+ co*sin o? the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia. Many o? the Aristocratic A6IS .ami+ies that mo(e' to the U.S.A. a?ter the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS 4 Dept in contact with each other an' remaine' in contact with ?ami+ies in 1*rope an' North A?rica as we++ as the Mi''+e 1ast. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ami+y is Moroccan an' Sa*'i Ara@ian 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' +i(e' in Massach*settes U.S.A. most o? his +i?e. ;etween the years 1"80 an' 20124 the maIority o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e +i(e' in the U.S.A. in NewHampshire 4 Massach*settes 4 NewBersey 4 New/orD 4 7onnectic*t 4 an' #ho'e Is+an'. 7*rrent+y 4 m*ch o? the in?ormation on the internet re)ar'in) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta has @een a+tere' an' e'ite' @y 7omp*ter HacDers. 2he year c*rrent+y 4 as I am writin) this is 2013. It is a+most 201%. 3*rin) the years a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 A)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces wire' to A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ices tacDe' in the Iaw ca(ity 5 in the crani*ms o? an eCtreme+y +ar)e pop*+ation o? ci(i+ians as we++ as some mi+itary. 2his has o@(io*s+y @een 'one ?or the p*rpose o? )atherin) in?ormation a@o*t socia+ contacts 4 spyin) on 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' sa@ota)in) 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 contro++in) an' manip*+atin) peop+e 4 ai'in) in the )enoci'a+ eCtermination o? the North American #aces 4 an' to contro+ SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims e(en ne*ro ro@otica++y. A?ter the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy immi)rate' to the U.S.A. ?or the p*rpose o? a(oi'in) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s an' reta+iatory assassinations < their p*rpose since ha(in) mo(e' to the U.S.A. has @een to conH*er North America ?rom within the Nation States o? North America 4 +i(in) amon)st an' attacDin) ?rom within the pop*+ation o? the North American peop+es. N*mero*s A6IS .ami+ies mo(e' to the U.S.A. with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in the +ate 1"%0As an' the 1"50As 4 some o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A)ents an' 9ni)htAs ?ami+ies ha' a+rea'y immi)rate' to North America prior to the .irst :or+' :ar 5 the maIority o? these ha(e @een 1nemy 7om@atant S+eeper A)ents an' 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 2000 < Bason ;e++emore 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames -1man*e+e8 4 an' 9y+e Howar' 5 opene' the 'oor to my @asement an' wa+De' into the @asement. Bason Be??rey ha' poisone' myse+? an' Bason #o')ers @oth with two ci)arettes coate' in 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins. A?ter enterin) thre @asement 4 they @e)an threatenin) me I*st as my sister 7he+sey MacPherson came 'own the stairs. Bason ;e++emore sai' to me G:e are A'o+? Hit+erAs .ami+y Ian. I hear' a@o*t what happene' to yo*r Sici+ian co*sin B*+ianna an' the rest o? her ?ami+y. I? yo* 'onAt Deep yo*r mo*th sh*t I am )oin) to maDe s*re that happens to yo*r ?ami+y. I am )oin) to Di++ yo*r entire race an' rape the women an' chi+'ren o? yo*r race ana++y an' ?orce them to s*cD my peop+esA 'icDs.G . 7he+sey #ain MacPherson to+' them to +ea(e 4 one o? them picDe' her *p an' carrie' her to the stairs an' sh*t the 'oor 4 an' +ocDe' it < a?terwar's 9y+e Howar' an' Bason ;e++emore @e)an threatenin) 7he+sey thro*)h to the 'oor 4 te++in) her that they wo*+' Di++ her i? she to+' any@o'y what she hear'. 7he+sey to+' my Mother. 0ne Month +ater 4 my Mother was threatene' @y % men wearin) G;+in' 1yesG contact +enses. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 I @e+ie(e it was #o@ert #o'on who I o(erhear' ta+Din) to his son 7hristopher #o'on a@o*t somethin) that was soon )oin) to @e happenin) 5 he sai' to 7hristopher #o'on 4 G2heyAre )oin) to Di++ a++ o? the ma+es4 @*t the women are I*st )ettin) rape'. ItAs @etter to @e rape' than 'ea'4 ri)htOG. 2he Imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi '*rin) the year 200! repeate' the same statement when speaDin) to an imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon'. Stan'ar' 7on'*ct o? :ar 1thic 'i??ers @etween races o? peop+es an' 'i??erent nations o? peop+es. 2here is no )enera+ concens*s amon)st the

n*mero*s races o? h*manity 4 as to what 1thica+ 7on'*ct '*rin) :ar?are is. Some races o? peop+e 'o not ha(e any 2ra'itiona+ 1thica+ Stan'ar' concernin) :ar?are con'*ct. 7*+t*re 'i??ers @etween (aryin) races o? peop+es. A++ #aces o? Peop+e ha(e a 7*+t*re 4 e(ery #ace o? H*man has a 7*+t*re an' a 2ra'itiona+ 7*+t*re 5 some 2ra'itiona+ 7*+t*res +i(e as a Gro*p Marria)e with M*+tip+e $i?ePartners 4 some Men ha(e m*+tip+e :i(es 4 some 7*+t*res @e+ie(e that :ar is an Amora+ist concept an' that no metho' o? achei(in) 2ota+ =ictory is immora+. It is a@so+*te i)norance to @e+ie(e that @eca*se yo*rse+? @e+ie(es in a Mora+ 1thic 4 that a++ other H*man +i?e @e+ie(es in the same Mora+ 1thic. #o@ert #o'on spoDe to 7hris #o'on a@o*t the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS p+ans to eCterminate the entirety o? the North American Nati(e #ace an' SeC 2ra??icD a++ o? the women o? these races 4 I*st months prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' @om@in)s in the U.9. 4 $e@anon 4 Syria 4 In'ia 4 2hai+an' 4 an' Bapan. It is entire+y possi@+e that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices an' A#G0S G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants were *se' to con(ince the @om@ers to @om@ or to pi+ot them to 'o so. A North American #ace is a race to whom the continent o? North America is a Nationa+ Home+an' o? their race < these races are the An)+o Gae+ic USAmerican race 4 the An)+o Gae+ic 7ana'ian race 4 the .ranDic American race 4 the Ho++an'er race that co+oni>e' re)ions o? North America4 the MeCican Hispanic race 4 the A>tec race 4 the A?riDDi' A?rican American race 4 the Sio*C race 4 the A@enaDi race4 an' n*mero*s other races o? .irst Nations Nati(e North American #aces. 2he (ario*s North American #aces ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to a Nationa+ Home+an' 4 ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to )o(ern their own Nationa+ State 4 ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to pro'*ce their own ?oo' 4 ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to sta?? their own hospita+s 4 ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to possess their own nat*ra+ reso*rces 4 ha(e @een 'enie' the ri)ht to occ*py the positions o? )o(ernment within their own Nation State. .or a race to physica++y s*r(i(e 4 it is a necessity to ha(e a Nation State where the race is the Pop*+ation MaIority in their own Nationa+ Home+an' < witho*t this 5 the means to pro(i'e ?oo' 4 she+ter 4 sa?ety 4 +aw 4 )o(ernance 4 mi+itary 4 hea+thcare 4 e'*cation 4 ?or yo*r peop+e is 'enie'. 2here are peop+e who @e+ie(e that H*man #i)hts 'o not eCist 4 they @e+ie(e that A@i+ity is #i)ht an' that a person 'oes not ha(e a #i)ht to anythin) that they 'o not ha(e the A@i+ity to 'o. Mi)ht is #i)ht @y an *nDnown a*thor who *se' the name #a)nar #e'@ear' 4 may ha(e @een ori)ina++y written @y =ittorio 1man*e+e II < an' p*@+ishe' +ater *n'er a pen name a+ias4 a?ter his 'eath. 7*+t*ra+ #e+ati(ity is a ?act. 2o 'eny a race o? peop+e a Nationa+ Home+an' an' a Nationa+ State is ine(ita@+e )enoci'e. 2he U.S.A. nee's a Par+iament. 2reaties nee' to @e si)ne' @etween the U.S.A. an' .orei)n Nations re)ar'in) Immi)ration $aws 4 /ear+y Immi)ration Pop*+ation #estrictions 4 Gene(a 7on(ention $aws an' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence In(esti)ations to ens*re that the .orei)n Nation is *pho+'in) the 7ompacts an' 2reaties 4 Immi)ration reH*ires 2reaties. It is a+so necessary to consi'er pop*+ation increase +imitations re+ati(e to the Nations ?rom which immi)ration is mo(in) to the U.S.A. 5 Immi)ration #atios nee' to @e @a+ance' ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) the cohesi(e coeCistence o? the races o? peop+e that +i(e in the U.S.A. 4 an Immi)ration $imit nee's to @e set4 MeCicans an' 7an'ians nee' to @e )i(en .irst Priority pre?erence to other Nations o? peop+e < Nations s*ch as Bamaica 4 the U.9. 4 A*stra+ia 4 Ire+an' 4 .rance 4 Norway 4 Israe+ 4 an' New Pea+an' nee' to @e )i(en Secon' Priority Immi)ration Pre?erence ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) the +oya+ties o? the peop+e who ha(e mo(e' to the U.S.A. . It is 'e?inite+y sa?er to a++ow #*ssians an' Swe'es to mo(e to the U.S.A. 4 than it was ?or the U.S.A. to a++ow the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' their a++ies to mo(e to the U.S.A. . A'o+? Hit+erAs .ami+y immi)rate' to the U.S.A. an' ha+? o? the Aristocracy immi)rate' to the U.S.A. with them < as we++ as 'i' many ?ami+ies re+ate' to them. 2hese ?ami+ies are enemies o? the North American #aces an' the 3 Nation States c*rrent+y eCistent in North America 4 they are a portion o? a G+o@a+ist .action o? 7rimina+ Imperia+ist 1Ctremists. 2he A6IS .action 'oes not @e+on) in the Americas 4 their )oa+ has @een G+o@a+ 7onH*est since the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?*n'e' Ameri)o =esp*cciAs 1Cp+oration an' +a@e+e' an entire ha+? o? the p+anet 1arth a?ter the name o? the eCp+orer Ameri)o =esp*cci. 7oncernin) the concept o? a raceAs Nationa+ Home+an' 4 it is irre+e(ant whom name' the +an'mass 5 A?riDDa is a 7e+tic or Ga*+ish wor' an' the continent is the Nationa+ Home+an' o? n*mero*s races o?

op+e 4 o? whom on+y the An)+o Gae+ic an' Ho++an'er So*th A?ricans are o? any amo*nt o? 7e+tic racia+ 3NA with the on+y eCception @ein) possi@+e Ita+ian @+oo'+ines ?rom the Ita+ian 1mpireAs conH*est o? certain re)ions o? A?riDDa an' the eCistence o? some 7e+tic racia+ 3NA in (ario*s re)ions o? Ita+ian pop*+ation. 2he A6IS .action nee's to @e Mi+itari+y 3etaine' 4 #ePatriate' an' 'enie' #e1ntry 4 as we++ as 'o their re+ati(es nee' to @e p*t on In(esti)ations $ists 5 the A6IS .action p*t the ;+acD Panthers 4 the 9*9+*C 9+an 4 the American In'ian Mo(ement 4 other Po+itica+ I'entity 0r)ani>ations an' their re+ate' ?ami+ies on +ists an' ha(e access to 7omm*nications Ser(ers ?rom which they can emp+oy 7omp*ter HacDers to copy entire contents o? 7omm*nications Ser(ers to 1Cterna+ 3ata Stora)e 3e(ices an' )ather +ists o? .ami+y 2rees 4 A''resses 4 2e+ephone 3ata 4 1mai+ 3ata 4 an' other Internet 2ransmitte' 3ata. Nation A++ie' to the U.S.A. nee' to sen' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence to the U.S.A. 4 7ana'a 4 an' MeCico imme'iate+y to in(esti)ate A6IS 2errorism an' Genoci'e in North America 5 we are @ein) eCterminate' an' they are taDin) o*r I'enti?ication 7re'entia+ an' )i(in) them to 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+s who ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD +iDe the (ictims as we++ as to A6IS So+'iers whom they ha(e 'one the same with. Many o? these in'i(i'*a+s are SeC 0??en'ers. I? a Nation is a++ie' to another Nation 4 they are eCpecte' to @e A++ie' to the #ace o? that Nation < i? the #ace o? the Nation is @ein) eCterminate' @y a Genoci'a+ .action 4 @e it 7o(ert or 0(ert 5 the A++ies o? that Nation nee' to respon' with In(esti)ations an' Mi+itary .orce. 2he Pop*+ation #atio o? my #ace to other #aces o? peop+es +i(in) in the U.S.A. is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s 5 the re)ion I +i(e in is my #acia+ Home+an' an' my Pop*+ation Gro*p is se(ere+y o*tn*m@ere'. I 'o not ha(e another Nationa+ Home+an'. 2he Pop*+ation 7o*nt o? A@enaDi 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 an' other re+ate' peop+es in the New 1n)+an' #e)ion has @ecome an eCtreme+y sma++ n*m@er in comparison to other races o? peop+e in North America. 2he tota+ )+o@a+ A@enaDi Pop*+ation 7o*nt is one o? the Sma++est In N*m@er Pop*+ation 7o*nts in the wor+'. 3*rin) the year 1""54 whi+e at the #o'onAs ho*se at :e@ster Green in MerrimacD NewHampshire p+ayin) a (i'eo )ame with 7hristopher #o'on < I ha' mentione' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to 7hristopher #o'on whi+e ta+Din) a@o*t the )ame Sha'owr*n. 1(ent*a++y 4 '*rin) this 'isc*ssion < I mentione' the Anti 7hrist an' the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe who prophesie' that the Anti 7hrist was )oin) to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant 1+ectronic 3e(ices in H*mans a++ o(er the p+anet an' eCterminate n*mero*s races o? peop+e 4 ens+a(e a++ o? h*manity 4 an' create a )+o@a+ state thro*)h means o? crime an' war?are. I state' that I @e+ie(e' that in rea+ +i?e the Anti 7hrist wo*+' pro@a@+y *se a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to contro+ h*man @ein)s +iDe ro@ots an' the *se comp*ters to p+ay G7omman' F 7onH*erG with the wor+'. #o@ert #o'on sai' to me 4 G2hatAs not the Anti 7hrist 4 thatAs )+o@a+ conH*est. 2hatAs what yo* sho*+' @e thinDin) o?. 2hatAs somethin) to stri(e ?or. 2hatAs s*ccess. Ian 4 thatAs +i?e.G. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 3a(e $eeAs mo*th mo(e' an' H*ote' part o? this statement whi+e in ;oston Massach*settes 'rinDin) @eer with my se+? < he ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain. I ?o*n' o*t in 1""E4 that #o@ert #o'on was a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IAs co*sin. ;etween the years 1""E an' 2010 4 +ies were spoDen a@o*t me p*@+ica++y an' in pri(ate 5 peop+e @e)an to ca++ me GA'o+? Hit+erG as a res*+t o? these +ies. 2he Bewish 7omm*nity was +ie' to as were other comm*nities o? peop+e. I was ca++e' GA'o+? Hit+erG @y a Bewish schoo+ teacher name' Mr.Gotsi++ who acc*se' me p*@+ica++y '*rin) a c+ass o? GA)reein) with A'o+? Hit+erG. 2he tr*th is that A'o+? Hit+er was not a Nationa+ Socia+ist 4 he was a G+o@a+ist .e*'a+ Imperia+ist. My race has @een 'enie' the

ri)ht to a Nationa+ Home+an' in o*r own home an' we are near+y comp+ete+y eCterminate' < n*mero*s :ar #apes ha(e @een committe' *pon the (ario*s North American #aces 4 entire +ists o? North American .ami+ies ha(e @een )enoci'a++y eCterminate'. 1ntire #aces ha(e @een eCterminate' in North America. My race is nearin) eCtinction c*rrent+y. 2he pop*+ation I am +i(in) amon)st c*rrent+y is a+most entire+y Ita+ian. In the past 4 the pop*+ation was a microcosmic pop*+ation ratio o? the G+o@a+ Pop*+ation eCcept that it was *n@a+ance' s+i)ht+y @y a sma++er n*m@er o? Asian #aces an' a +ar)er n*m@er o? Ita+ians. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha(e @een systemica++y eCterminatin) the North American #aces in the North 1ast o? North America 5 their Initiation 7rimes inc+*'e :ar #ape. My ?ami+y are (ictims o? :ar #ape 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' Genoci'e. I @e+ie(e in Nationa+ism. A'o+? Hit+er 'i' not @e+ie(e in Nationa+ism. A'o+? Hit+er was a 7o(ert A)ent who in?i+trate' the 3e*tsche Nationa+ Socia+ist $a@o*r Party an' *se' itAs pop*+arity to )ain e+ection to the hi)hest position o? )o(ernment an' s*ccess?*++y per?orme' a 7o*p 'e 1tat o? the )o(ernment o? 3e*tsche+an'. 2he 7ens*s 7o*nt in North America is eCtreme+y inacc*rate an' #aces o? peop+e are not e(en co*nte' 5 the 7ens*s 7ata)ories are G:hiteG 4 G;+acDG 4 Nati(e American 4 Hispanic 4 Asian 5 an' a++ #aces o? peop+e ?a++ *n'er on+y approCimate+y 5 cata)ories when ?act*a++y there eCists o(er 100 #aces o? H*mans on p+anet 1arth. 2here is not a sin)+e North American #oya+ .ami+y < the ;ritish Monarchy an' the 3anish Monarchy are ;ritish an' 3anish an' they are the #oya+ .ami+ies o? 7ana'a an' Green+an' 5 there is not a sin)+e #oya+ .ami+y o? North American #ace. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy < whom are the #oya+ Aristocracy o? Ita+ia 4 an' are A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 5 ha(e immi)rate' to the U.S.A. an' ha(e @ro*)ht their 9ni)hts 4 some o? the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 an' some re+ati(es o? the I@nSa*' #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa*' o? Sa*'i Ara@ia to North America. Most o? these ?ami+ies are sti++ p+annin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' they 'o not @e+ie(e in my raceAs #i)ht to 1Cist. 2here is no +an' which is inha@ite' @y H*man $i?e that 'oes not ha(e a Nati(e #ace o? H*man. Bason ;e++emore was sittin) at a 'esD near mine when Mr.Gotsi++ acc*se' me o? a)reein) with A'o+? Hit+er < Bason ;e++emore in A'o+? Hit+erAs 'istant co*sin. Bason ;e++emore Dnowns (ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e persona++y an' his ?ather is a +on) time ?rien' o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e I= is A'o+? Hit+erAs )ran' nephew. I @e+ie(e that some@o'y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was +yin) to Mr. Gotsi++ ?or the p*rpose o? r*inin) my .ami+yAs rep*tation @eca*se we were their (ictims 4 as we++ as ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to 'iscre'it my ?ami+y as witnesses as we++ as my Sici+ian co*sin B*+ianna whoAs entire ?ami+y on @oth o? her parentsA si'es o? the ?ami+y was near+y eCterminate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Mr. Gotsi++ Dnew Be??erson 3a(is who was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen who was ha+? Israe+i an' ha+? Ita+ian 5 Be?? 3a(is Dnew #o@ert #o'on. Be?? 3a(is has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r an' is ass*me' to @e 'ea'. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e opene' the 'oor to my apartment with a Dey that Gera+' JBerryK 3AAmico ha' )i(en him 4 wa+De' into my apartment 4 an' st*cD me with a nee'+e in the +ip whi+e I was s+eepin). I remem@er waDin) *p to this ?or a secon'. :hen I awoDe +ater4 I @e+ie(e' that this may ha(e @een a 'ream. I @e+ie(e that this was .i++i@erto 1man*e+e se'atin) me so that he co*+' *se an #.I3 Scanner an' a $ap2op 7omp*ter to +oa' the G.P.S. 3e(ice *se' as an impro(ise' #o*ter an' the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ice in my crani*m that is attache' to me @rain onto the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een *sin). As

has @een mentione' pre(io*s+y < in the year 2002 4 3an ;*cD+ey 4 Sean ;*cD+ey 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' 3anie+ Bames entere' my apartment on 9e++ey Street in Manchester NewHampshire a?ter 7hristina .aerio+o poisone' myse+? 4 Bason #o)ers 4 an' 9en'ra ;rowne++ with 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCins in ci)arettes. 7hristina .aerio+o is $orie ;*cD+ey Poten>aAs an' Sean ;*cD+eyAs co*sin. I remem@er .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Sean ;*cD+ey 'isc*ssin) who was )oin) to s*r)ery me whi+e 3anie+ Bames an' 3an ;*cD+ey Dept 9en'ra ;rowne++ an' Bason #o)ers 'istracte' an' possi@+y e(ent*a++y se'ate' them. Sean ;*cD+ey an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e st*cD a nee'+e into my *pper +ip whi+e 7hristina .aerio+o smoDe' more ci)arettes that m*st ha(e @een pow'ere' an' )+a>e' with 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCin. I ha(e @een in?orme' that this was when the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante'. :hen I awoDe < 9en'ra was s+eepin) 4 I was s+eepin) 4 an' Bason was as+eep in the +i(in)room. 9en'ra tho*)ht that she co*+' remem@er peop+e @ein) in the apartment ear+ier an' that some@o'y may ha(e rape' her 4 @*t she sai' she tho*)ht that it may ha(e @een a 'ream whi+e she was s+eepin) 5 it is @e+ie(e' that Sean ;*cD+ey may ha(e rape' 9en'ra a?ter S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) myse+? an' possi@+y a+so 9en'ra with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. I ha(e @een in?orme' that Bason #o)ers ha' a+rea'y @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in 2001 an' that his ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace transmissionAs recor'in)s ha(e recor'e' into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters this home in(asion an' the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Sean ;*cD+ey imp+ante' in my crani*m. I? a person is poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCins 4 otherwise eCperencin) a @+acD o*t 4 DnocDe' *nconcio*s as the res*+t o? a conc*ssion 4 or as+eep 5 the entire Ne*ro+o)y o? a person S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is sti++ transmitte' to Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters an' is recor'e' entire+y @y these comp*ters. 3*rin) the year 200% an' the year 2005 4 I spoDe with a )ir+ name' 1mi+y Is+es. 2he a''ress that I sent mai+ to an' recei(e' mai+ ?rom that was ?rom G1mi+y Is+esG was an a''ress in Mississa*)a 0ntario or Hami+ton 0ntario. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the G1mi+y Is+esG who I ha' spoDen with in 2005 4 was in ?act a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim that ha' @een a@'*cte' an' was ?orce' to speaD to me on the te+ephone an' internet. G1mi+y Is+esG switche' phones once or twice in a simi+ar point in con(ersation as my eC )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen ha' switche' te+ephones '*rin) the year 2000 4 % years prior. 2he ori)ina+ 1mi+y Is+es seeme' to @e a@'*cte' '*rin) 200% or ear+y 2005 an' was rep+ace' @y a comp*ter hacDer or some crimina+ who was sen'in) me Gnew pict*resG as i? they were 1mi+y Is+es 4 @*t were in ?act n*mero*s ?ema+es < some o? these ?ema+es +ooDe' re+ate' to peop+e that I ha(e Dnown most o? my +i?e as we++ as peop+e whom I ha' recent+y met. It is pro@a@+e that the simi+ar +ooDin) ?ema+es who were inten'e' to appear to @e 1mi+y Is+es4 were ?ema+es that ha' @een a@'*cte' in an imme'iate seH*entia+ or'er an' that they were connecte' to a ?ew speci?ic +ocations an' in'i(i'*a+s. 0ne o? these ?ema+es +ooDe' +iDe she co*+' ha(e @een 3a(e Marsha++As sister < 3a(e Marsha++ was my ?rien' 3anie++e $e;+ancAs eC @oy?rien' who +i(e' in the :o@*rn Massach*settes area 5 3a(e Marsha++ was an Asatr*ar an' was 3Q% An)+o American an' 1Q% Israe+i. 0ne o? the other ?ema+es +ooDe' ha+? Israe+i an' ha+? An)+o SaCon 4 it is pro@a@+e that she was 3a(e Marsha++As co*sin. My ?ami+yAs home at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire was on the corner o? :est #oa' < it is pro@a@+e that some o? 3a(e Marsha++As co*sins +i(e' 'own the roa' ?rom my home on :est #oa' 5 one o? the ?ema+es may ha(e @een Bosh*a ;*rnsAs sister4 who a+so +i(e' on :est

#oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. Bosh*a ;*rns was possi@+y the co*sin o? a man name' G+enn who worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 200% 4 G+enn was Geor)e 7atsopo*+osAs @oy?rien' < who a+so worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the same time perio'. G+enn to+' me that his s*rname was GSo*thernG an' that his name was G+enn So*thern. Aro*n' the approCimate year o? 2005 4 my step co*sin who is BenAs an' Me)anAs mother 5 marrie' a man with the s*rname So*thern. Ben an' Me)an were the neices o? my co*sin GA*ntK B*+ianna. It is a possi@i+ity that G+ennAs co*sins on his other si'e o? his ?ami+y marrie' B*+iannaAs sister in +aw. Anthony 3e.eo mentione' a GB*+iannaG to 1' :arren at some point '*rin) the year 2005 < this sho*+' @e recor'e' @y the sec*rity cameras 4 =ittorioAs i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices that he ha' possi@+y trie' to *se to spy on me '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 an' te+ephone con(ersations @etween the 3e.eo ?ami+y as we++ as 1' .arrachi :arrenAs ?ami+y an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""E 5 $ynn #o'on mentione' to #o@ #o'on GHey #o@ 4 'i' yo* Dnow Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was )ayO He I*st came o*t to his ?ami+y.G to which #o@ #o'on rep+ie' 4 GNo shitNO #ea++yOG sarcastica++y4 a?terwhich he state' 5 GIA(e Dnown that ?or a +on) time 4 $ynn.G. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was recr*ite' to worD ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in the year 200% 4 @y 1' :arren 5 who recr*ite' him ?or reason that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os ha' the persona+ity traits o? a SeC 0??en'er an' was a +ar)e person. It is a pro@a@i+ity that =ittorioAs reasonin) ?or recr*itin) G+ennAs @oy?rien' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was an attempt to +inD the attacDs to the (ictimsA socia+ networDs 4 physica+ +ocations 4 an' ?ami+ia+ re+ations in s*ch a way that he co*+' e(ent*a++y ?rame one o? the (ictims or a )ro*p o? the (ictims to @e the en)ineerin) party o? his crimes an' his attacDs < ?or reason that the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate co*+' e(ent*a++y @e eCpose' as @ein) what it is an' as @ein) in(o+(e' in Genoci'e 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' a@'*ction o? minors. $ynn #o'on who +ater remarrie' an' whoAs c*rrent name I am *ns*re o? 4 apparent+y was acH*ainte' with Geor)e 7atsopo*+osAs ?ami+y '*rin) the year 1""E. $ynnAs h*s@an' was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as the co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was on his way to @ecomin) a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is a+so 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs Aristocratic Ho*se 4 as we++ as is it 'e?inite that A'o+? Hit+er was a @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e o? the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Bosh ;*rns was )oo' ?rien's with 9eith :e++s 4 they @oth en+iste' in the Arme' .orces o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. It is a pro@a@i+ity that 9eith :e++sAs sister was one o? these (ictims as we++. 0ne o? the photos that I was to+' was G1mi+y Is+esG +ooDe' as i? it co*+' @e a co*sin o? B*+ie :einsteinAs or #ich 7onesc*As an' possi@+y Samantha ;ernsteinAs. It is a pro@a@i+ity that Bosh ;*rns an' 9eith :e++s met Aaron 1man*e+e at some point in the past. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 9eith :e++s ma'e a IoDe at Bosh ;*rns to me GHey IanN 3i' yo* Dnow that Bosh I*st ?o*n' o*t that his chi+'hoo' @est ?rien' ?rom Massach*settes 4 Aaron 1man*e+e < is )ay O' he ?o*n' o*t the same weeD that his co*sin G+enn came o*t to the who+e ?ami+yNG whi+e we were in c+ass. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 Bosh*a ;*rns an' his ?ami+y mo(e' to :est #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 prior to this 4 Bosh*a ;*rns +i(e' in Massach*settes an' was )oo' ?rien's with Aaron 1man*e+e. Prior to my @ein) @orn 4 an emp+oyee at IMP70 where my Gran' .ather worDe' < s*))este' that he @*y a ho*se ?or sa+e in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 my Gran' .ather @o*)ht the ho*se on ;ean #oa' 'irect+y neCt 'oor to ;o@ SDinnerAs an' An)ie SDinnerAs ho*se. An)ieAs ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""84 Bosh ;*rns h*mo*ro*s+y

state' that Aaron 1man*e+e he+pe' Bosh an' his mother picD the new ho*se on :est #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' that it was a+most +iDe they were marrie'. 9eithAs IoDe was G3i' Aaron he+p yo* picD the 'rapesOG. It is a pro@a@i+ity that a co*sin o? Bosh ;*rnsAs ?ami+y was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration 4 an' that the 1man*e+es p*rpose+y intro'*ce' Bosh to Aaron '*rin) his chi+'hoo' < this is eCact+y what happene' to my se+? an' Samantha G*ay in re)ar's to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 my Mother an' Samantha G*ayAs co*sin whom she ca++e' GA*ntG were SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) their chi+'hoo'4 '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon Presi'ency. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' Po+ice Imm*nities '*rin) the presi'ency o? #ichar' NiCon. My A*nt $es+ie 4 who was a+so a (ictim o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 marrie' A+ Io'ice whoAs .ather worDe' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e in(o+(in) 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' was +oya+ to =ittorio 1man*e+e as the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is a pro@a@i+ity that A+ Io'iceAs Gran'.ather was an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent as we++ as a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he 1man*e+es sta+De' my ?ami+y my entire +i?e an' Dept c+ose watch o(er A+ Io'ice 4 it seeme' that they ha' A+ Io'ice @+acDmai+e' somehow < the same is tr*e o? BacD 3ion 5 it is a+so 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es Dept in contact with An)ie SDinner whoAs s*rname I am *ns*re o? 4 @*t was 'e?inite+y o? entire+y Ita+ian race an' her .ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. It is a+so a+most 'e?inite that An)ieAs co*sins Dnew the Poten>a .ami+y 4 which is Pete Poten>aAs an' Banet Poten>aAs ?ami+y. Aaron manip*+atin) Bosh*a ;*rnsA ?ami+y to mo(e to a ho*se on :est #oa' was pro@a@+y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+esA 'ecision. In the year 1""5 9y+e Howar' 4 9y+esAs Mother 9aren 4 an' 9y+eAs Sister Ben Howar' < mo(e' to a ho*se on $inco+n 7o*rt at the en' o? Be??erson 3ri(e in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 it is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es ha' somethin) to 'o with this sa+e o? ho*se 4 =ittorioAs stea' ho+'ers ha(e @een in(o+(e' in the @*yin) an' se++in) o? properties his entire +i?e. Properties Stea' Ho+'ers ho+' properties an' wea+th in the name o? a #oya+ .ami+y o?ten 4 this is simi+ar to a #oya+ #etainer o? wea+th an' properties ?or a 9in). 9y+e Howar' was recr*ite' at the a)e o? 13 to worD ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 7rime Syn'icate p*shin) 'r*)s 4 ;rian 7ase was one o? the men who 9y+e Howar' committe' initiation crimes ?or an' who 'irecte' 9y+e Howar' 5 it is pro@a@+e that 9y+e Howar'As .ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e some how. A person who Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e most o? his +i?e 4 who wishes to remain anonymo*s 5 has state' o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that 5 G=ictor corra+s h*man @ein)s +iDe +i(estocD. He Deeps his (ictims within arms reach o? his acH*aintances an' his accomp+icesA acH*aintances at a++ times.G. 9y+e Howar'As .ather mo(e' to a 'i??erent re)ion o? the USA a?ter his parents 'i(orce'4 @*t 9y+e Howar' was somehow networDe' to yo*n)er 7rime So+'iers o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs an' it is pro@a@+e that 9y+e Howar'As .ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e when he was yo*n)er. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 on the weeDe' o? my 21st ;irth'ay < my ?rien' ;rian Sweet @ro*)ht me to the Strip 7+*@ MarDAs Showp+ace ?or 'rinDs ?or my 21st ;irth'ay 5 whi+e there 4 I spoDe with 9y+e Howar' @rie?+y. 9y+e Howar' Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 9y+e was worDin) ?or an associate o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 'oin) roo?in) 4 'rywa++in) 4 an' carpentry. I @e+ie(e that 9y+e Howar' may possi@+y ha(e ca++e' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e on his Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone that ni)ht 4 i? not that ni)ht < it is 'e?inite that he contacte' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e on a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone '*rin) 3ecem@er o? the year 200% an' Ban*ary o? the year 2005.

3*rin) the years 2008 4 200" 4 an' 2010 5 a @ea*ti?*+ woman whom ha' @een @+in'e' @y SeC 2ra??icDers in the eCact manner that 3anie+ Bames ha' 'isc*sse' < was wa+Din) aro*n' Manchester +ooDin) ?or me. She was *sin) the name 1mi+y Is+es an' the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? .ranchesca Gon>a+e>. I @e+ie(e that this was Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister whom *se' to ta+D to G1mi+y Is+esG on the internet an' remem@ere' my name ?rom ta+Din) to 1mi+y Is+es. 2he 1mi+y Is+es that Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister spoDe with o(er internet 4 may ha(e @een the )*i+ty party that a@'*cte' 1mi+y Is+es an' @e)an *sin) her screenname. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 1' :arren mentione' GIn(asion o? the ;o'ySnatchersG an' ma'e a re?erence to GPo' Peop+eG. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the ?ema+e *sin) the name G1mi+y Is+esG to+' me that she was penpa+s with Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister. 2his woman +ooDe' Norwe)ian an' stron)+y resem@+e' a woman whom was 'isp+aye' to me @y 7omp*ter HacDers '*rin) the year 200! 4 whi+e I was *sin) the internet 5 the photo)raph which ha' @een Gpop *pG 'isp+aye' @y hacDers *sin) 2*rDoIan Go+' % +ooDe' +iDe the woman whoAs photo)raph was emai+e' to me in the year 2005 *n'er the )*ise that it was a photo)raph o? 1mi+y Is+es whom ha' I*st )otten o*t o? a swimmin) poo+ an' her hair was wet. 2his woman +ooDe' Swe'ish an' Norwe)ian. It is pro@a@+e that this was Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs co*sin or another sister o? his. In the photo)raph which was Gpop *pG 'isp+aye'4 she was @ein) a@*se'. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I recei(e' post car's in the mai+ < c+aimin) that they were ?rom 1mi+y Is+es 5 these postcar's were ?rom a++ o(er 1*rope an' +e?t a trai+ that en'e' in Greece. A?ter these postcar's ha' @een 'e+i(ere' 4 I recei(e' a +etter c+aimin) to @e ?rom 1mi+y that was written stran)e an' her name was misspe++e' G1mma $ei)h T+esG which phonetica++y so*n's +iDe G1mma $ee 1ye+essG. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the 1man*e+e @rothers ha' state' whi+e at Hampton ;eech 5 that they were )oin) to 'e?ecate 'own 1mi+y Is+esA throat an' rape her throat a?terwar's 4 they a+so a++*'e' to @+in'in) her with $aser Pointers < this was portraye' in a mo(ie which I @e+ie(e may ha(e @een the mo(e Hoste+ or Hoste+ 2. 3*rin) the year 200%4 I ha' to+' 1mi+y Is+es that the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were A'o+? HiterAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ patri+inea+ ha+? @rother 5 I a+so state' that I @e+ie(e' that the s*ccessi(e heirs to the throne o? 3e*tsche+an' may ha(e possi@+y @een arreste' an' eCterminate' '*rin) the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As 4 '*rin) the A6IS Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation o? the )o(ernment an' mi+itary o? the nation o? 3e*tsche+an'. 3*rin) the year 200" < I @e+ie(e that I saw one o? the women who was state' to @e 1mi+y Is+es wa+Din) into the Manchester Menta+ Hea+th 7enter once 4 she was @+in' an' was *sin) a tapper sticD 5 it is 'e?inite that there were two @+on'e haire' @+in' women *sin) the same I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the year 200" 4 these were @oth *sin) .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. I ha' @een in?orme' '*rin) year 200" 4 that .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames ha' sent a rose to one o? these women an' an GI +o(e yo*G car' with @rai+e on it. ;etween the years 200% an' 2013 4 this sensory maimin) has @een in?+icte' on more than one ?ema+e in the Americas an' 1*rope 5 the assai+ants are o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. It is 'e?inite that the @+in'in) an' 'ea?enin) o? .ema+e H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims has @een committe' ?or the p*rpose o? creatin) Sensory 3epri(ation to ena@+e more eCtreme contro+4 manip*+ation4 an' ens+a(ement o? the .ema+esA ;rains @y the H*man =i(isectionist SeC 2ra??icDers who ha(e @een 'e(e+opin) Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace So?tware ?or the ?*nction o? ens+a(in) .ema+es @y metho' o? t*rnin) their @o'ies into comp+ete Ne*ro#o@ots 4 which they ha(e no contro+ o(er themse+(es '*e to 7omp*ter So?tware an' Processors contro++in) their ;rainAs an' entire ;o'yAs Ne*ro+o)y. .o*r 'ea?ene' .ema+es were witnesse' in the company o? the imposte*r o? ;rian

Mason 5 these women went into a @e'room with him an' so*n'e' as i? they were ha(in) seC. M*+tip+e @+in' women ha(e @een si)hte' in the North 1ast o? North America within the +ast " years. It is pro@a@+e that .i+ 1man*e+e @*i+t m*+tip+e '*n)eons ?or p*rpose o? eCperimentin) on .ema+eAs Ne*ro+o)y with Ne*roScience So?tware an' Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry inter?ace' to comp*ters @y way o? wire+ess transmission 5 it is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity that some o? these women ha(e @een @oth @+in'e' an' 'ea?ene' prior to @e tort*re' 4 ens+a(e' 4 an' eCperimente' *pon. 3*rin) the year 2005 < a #e+aCation Spa which o??ere' spa ser(ices s*ch as :ei)ht+ess 7ham@er #e+aCation Spa wherein the spa c+ient +ay in a cham@er 4 ?+oatin) on a sha++ow poo+ o? thicD+y sa+inate' water 5 were opene' as a Spa in Manchester NewHampshire. Spa c+ients wo*+' +ay in these Gre+aCation cham@ersG whi+e +istenin) to ca+min) m*sic an' am@ient recor'in)s in the 'arDness o? the re+aCation cham@er. It is pro@a@+e that a Property Stea' Ho+'er o? the 1man*e+esA @*i+t this an' the 1man*e+es p*rchase' eCtra s*pp+ies inc+*'in) eCtra :ei)ht+ess #e+aCation 7ham@ers possi@+y transporte' in ?rom e+sewhere an' *se' these :ei)ht+ess #e+aCation 7ham@ers ?or Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) Sensory Maimin) 4 Sensory 3epri(ation 4 an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro#o@otics Ne*ro+o)y 1Cperiments wherein e(ery part o? a h*man @rain was eCp+ore' *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware with the intent o? en)ineerin) Ne*roS+a(ery Ne*ro#o@otics So?tware ?or *se with Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*its ?or the p*rpose o? ens+a(in) an' contro++in) the @rains an' entire ne*ro+o)y o? their H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims as +itera+ 0r)anic #o@ots. 2he 1man*e+esA attacDs ha(e @een ?orsha'owe' in mo(ies 4 'escri@e' in mo(ies a?ter @ein) committe' 4 as we++ as ha(e the 1man*e+es mimmicDe' attacDs 'epicte' in cinemato)raphy. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2005 4 a mo(ie was pro'*ce' which containe' a scene wherein a ?ema+e was chaine' in an' +ocDe' in a :ei)ht+ess #e+aCation 7ham@er ?i++e' with a @e' o? thicD+y sa+inate' water *pon which the in'i(i'*a+ *sin) the re+aCation cham@er rests 5 this was the same spa eH*ipment that was +ocate' at the #e+aCation Spa in Manchester NewHampshire which was opene' in the year 2005. 2his mo(ie was either Hoste+ 4 Hoste+ 2 4 one o? the SA: Mo(ies 4 or a simi+ar mo(ie. It is 'e?inite that .i+ 1man*e+e himse+? is pro@a@+e to ha(e store' some o? these 7o??in +iDe Sa+ine ?i++e' :ei)ht+ess #e+aCation 7ham@ers in a @asement an' *se' them '*rin) his attacDs on .ema+es. ;etween the years 200% an' 2012 4 the 1man*e+esA acc*m*+ate' most o? the Hea+thcare .aci+ities in the North 1ast o? North America an' ha' access to the 'r*) $ora>apam an' InIection Syrin)es. $ora>apam an' InIection Syrin)es are *s*a++y *se' to se'ate those whom are (io+ent an' crimina++y insane when they @ecome (io+ent whi+e in a Hea+thcare .aci+ity or Psychiatric Prison Unit. $ora>apam InIections are not *s*a++y *se' to se'ate norma+ Menta+ Hea+th Patients. :hi+e I was i++e)a++y 'etaine' an' he+' in a Psychiatric .aci+ity in 7oncor' NewHampshire ?or a weeD 4 I witnesse' an emp+oyee tacD+e a man whom was an in patient at the ?aci+ity an' inIect him with what I @e+ie(e was $ora>apam to se'ate him a?ter he tie' him to a stretcher an' @ro*)ht him to a 'i??erent room. It is pro@a@+e that the a@'*ction o? entire ?ami+ies in the North 1ast o? North America ha(e res*+te' in the har(estin) o? h*man test s*@Iects in the ?orm o? H*man =i(isection S+a(es which are o? a++ a)es ?rom in?ancy to e+'er+y an' that the H*man =i(isections which ha(e @een pro(en to ha(e @een con'*cte' 4 are contin*in) in iso+ate' re)ions. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es ha(e SeC 2ra??icDe' m*ch o? the pop*+ation. It is a 'e?inite emer)ency an' an imminent threat that Ne*roScience eCperiments ha(e @een @ein) con'*cte' *pon *nwi++in) H*man test s*@Iects. Ne*roScience Ne*roProsthesis #esearch an' Ne*roScience So?tware research is @ein) con'*cte' in secret *pon

H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the maIority o? (ictims are women an' chi+'ren whom ha(e @een #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*r an' ha(e ?ai+e' to appear as missin) on paper an' comp*ter recor' '*e to their entire ?ami+ies @ein) #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*rs an' not a sin)+e re+ati(e @ein) a+i(e to ?i+e a :itness 2estimonia+ to their a@'*ction an' the the?t o? i'entity. I? women are @ein) +ocDe' in '*n)eons an' tort*re' ?or months at a time 4 it is pro@a@+e that they ha(e @een tort*re' to s*@mit 4 an' otherwise ha(e @een sa'istica++y tort*re' an' en)ineere' to s*rren'er 5 these women may possi@+y @e @ein) *se' as em@e''e' a)ents worDin) within 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es 4 Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 Po+ice 3epartments 4 an' other 'epartments now. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e somehow mana)e' to Deep tho*san's o? H*man =i(isection =ictims contro++e'. 2hese (ictims ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces consistin) o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it that )ra?ts to the @rain which is wire' @eneath the ear+o@e to an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice @ein) *se' as an impro(ise' #o*terF;attery to networD these 'e(ices to comp*ters o(er +on) 'istance ra'io ?reH*ency. It is pro@a@+e that the '*n)eons which ha(e @een ?o*n' in North America are not the on+y H*man =i(isection $a@oratories in the North American #e)ion nor wo*+' these @e the on+y '*n)eons wherein SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims ha(e @een he+' capti(e. Somehow4 the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e o@taine' +ar)e amo*nts o? Nano1n)ineere' =ir*s ?or *se with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Science an' these ha(e @een pro(i'e' with speci?ic )enes o? (ictims whom their a)ents were rep+acin) as imposte*rs 5 the on+y way which this wo*+' @e possi@+e wo*+' @e i? their Property Stea' Ho+'ers ha' @een instr*cte' to p*rchase n*mero*s hospita+s 4 which they ha(e. It is pro@a@+e that @asement H*man =i(isection 3*n)eons eCist in @asements o? eCtreme+y r*ra+ woo'e' areas s*ch as Maine an' =ermont. It is a+so important to checD 3ean 9amen o? ;e'?or' NewHampshireAs 3NA to ens*re that he was not a@'*cte' < 3ean 9amenAs research an' en)ineerin) in(ention +a@oratory was eCtensi(e an' is a 'e?inite tar)et o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate '*e to 3ean 9amenAs eCtensi(e recor's an' recor' Deepin) o? his Scienti?ic St*'ies an' 1n)ineere' Proto2ypes. 3ean 9amen has worDe' on 3A#PA .*n'e' ProIects in the past 4 'e(e+opin) Ne*roScience 2echno+o)ies ?or the 3epartment o? 3e?ense o? the Unite' States o? America. 3ean 9amen is a 'e?inite tar)et o? the 1man*e+esA #ep+acement @y Imposte*r attacD an' is pro@a@+e to @e a tar)et ?or rep+acement @y an Ita+ian A6IS Scientist. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 my cat Bimmy Bames went missin) ?or 10 'ays. My sisters S*mmer an' 7he+sey ha' a'opte' my cat when I mo(e' to Manchester NewHampshire. :hen Bimmy Bames was ?o*n' < he ha' 'rie' @+oo' @ehin' his ear+o@e an' @eneath the corner o? his Iaw as we++ as some Din' o? pitch )+*e4 his mo*th Dept openin) as i? his Iaw was @other him an' he Dept +ooDin) at me p+ea'in)+y an' con?*se'. 1(ent*a++y my cat +ai' 'own in the roa' an' was hit @y a car. It has now @een 'isco(ere' that he ha' @een somehow trappe' an' a@'*cte' 4 an' Ne*roS*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it an' A#G0S G.P.S. ;io+o)ist 2racDin) 3e(ice which ha' @een @ein) *se' as an Impro(ise' $on) #an)e #o*ter NetworDin) 3e(ice to inter?ace the Ne*ro7irc*it to a comp*ter. 3*rin) the 1"!0As < a scienti?ic +a@ test res*+te' in the GUni(ersity o? 7a+i?ornia .e+ine 7atAs 1ye 1CperimentG which was the 'isco(ery o? the a@i+ity to *se a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it to (iew the (ision o? a ?e+ineAs eye si)ht on a 7omp*ter Monitor 4 as i? the cat was a (i'eo camera. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 the Ne*roSpine Instit*te an' the =eternarianAs 7+inic near the MarDAs Showp+ace Strip 7+*@ ha' I*st @een @*i+t. My sisters +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire on+y 15 min*tes o? a 'ri(e ?rom this +ocation. 2he 1man*e+es are sa'istic

)enoci'a+ terrorists an' are me)a+omaniacs as we++ as Socia+ 3arwinists. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 4 Anthony 3e.eo an' 1' :arren were o(erhear' sin)in) G7opaca@anaG 5 G7opaca@anaG is a son) a@o*t a man who is the @oy?rien' o? an 1rotic 3ancer an' is m*r'ere' @y a man at the Strip 7+*@ or SeC Par+o*r. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' to my se+? that he hates G+o(eG. 2he strippers @oy?rien' in the son) +yric is a @arten'er. My ?ather *se' to 'rinD Mar)heritas with his )ir+?rien' o*t o? G+ass Mason Bars. Mar)herite is what 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo were ca++in) one o? the P*erto #ican women who worDe' with *s in the years 200% an' 2005 5 her name was Mar)e. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 a (i'eo ca++e' G0ne )*y one IarG was p*@+ishe' to the internet wherein a man who seems to @e hypnoti>e' inserts a )+ass mason Iar into his an*s an' c+enches 4 @reaDin) it 5 he remo(es each piece o? @roDen )+ass in'i(i'*a++y whi+e he @+ee's to 'eath 4 is simi+ar to the I*mpin) c+o*' in the 3on Hert>?e+'t G#eIecte' 7artoonsG. 2he room in the G0ne )*y one IarG (i'eo is an empty so+i' white room. In the year 2012 4 p*@+ishe' in internet artic+es were photo)raphs o? a so+i' white room in a @asement in 0ntario 7ana'a with chains han)in) ?rom the cei+in) that was *se' as a '*n)eon. My ?ami+y ha' co*sins +i(in) in 0ntario 7ana'a who ha(e @een attacDe' 4 many o? them ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the man in the G0ne )*y one IarG (i'eo was )asse' with smoDe o? MariI*ana coate' with 3isassociati(es whi+e +ocDe' in the '*n)eon prior to the 'oor @ein) opene' an' a )+ass mason Iar @ein) han'e' to him whi+e in a 'isassociate' state 5 a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Ne*roScience #o@otics Prosthesis Animation So?tware co*+' ha(e @een *se' to ne*ro+o)ica++y ro@ot pi+ot the manAs arms an' han's to p*++ the )+ass shar's ?rom his an*s. 2he man in the (i'eo 'e?inite+y @+ee' to 'eath. 2his (i'eo was p*@+ishe' to internet as i? it were Gporno)raphyG or a IoDe. I @e+ie(e that this (i'eo was ma'e @y the same peop+e who (i'eo)raphe' 'ea? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims @ein) rape' an' p*@+ishe' it to internet in 2008. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 1' .arrachi :arren arri(e' at worD one 'ay comp+ainin) o? a GcricD in the necDG an' that an o@Iect near the corner o? his Iaw 4 at the top o? his throat was G+iDe the princess an' the peaG < he sai' this whi+e r*@@in) *n'er his Iaw with his ?in)ers. 1' :arren ha' apparent+y @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it Gra?t wire' to an A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice which was @ein) *se' a''itiona++y as an impro(ise' #o*ter F Powers*pp+y ?or the p*rpose o? s*pp+yin) precise 1+ectro Ma)netic Positi(e an' Ne)ati(e 7har)es to in?+*ence an' contro+ the ;rainAs ;inary Ne*ro+o)y @y metho' o? s*pp+yin) these Positi(e an' Ne)ati(e 7har)es to the circ*itry o? the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to the ;rain. 2his is a newer mo'e+ o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' an impro(ise' ro*ter @*i+t ?rom a G.P.S. 'e(ice. 2his 'e(ice sen's the @inary o? the entire @o'yAs Ne*ro+o)y as we++ as recei(es @inary 1+ectroMa)netic 3ata ?rom the 7omp*ter with which it is NetworDe' an' the Ne*roScience So?tware which it interacts with. 1' .arrachi :arren spoDe a@o*t this 'e(ice with Anthony 3e.eo in the @acD o? the sa+es area o? the .ami+y 3o++ar store on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) either the years 200% or 2005 < I o(erhear' somethin) a@o*t a G+ie 'etector testG 4 the 'escription o? what 1' :arren 'escri@e' theG+ie 'etector testG as was in ?act a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that 1' :arren was s*ppose'+y reH*ire' to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ?or the p*rpose o? =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) a@+e to tr*st him. It is *n'etermine' whether 1' :arrenAs ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was networDe' to a comp*ter an'

Ne*roScience So?tware ?or short perio's o? time whi+e in the presence o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or p*rpose o? $ie 3etector 2estin) 4 or i? 1' :arrenAs ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was networDe' @y Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ to a Ser(er 7omp*ter the entire time it was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in his sD*++ 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e co*+' ha(e +ie' to 1' :arren 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e a+so co*+' ha(e instr*cte' 1' :arren to +ie on recor'in) a@o*t ha(in) a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++ at a++. A?ter =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' 1' :arren to insta++ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s 4 I ha' @een recor'e' 'isc*ssin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) *se' to contro+ the Ne*ro+o)y o? a #at an' pi+ot it to 'escen' into @*rnin) @*i+'in)s to +ooD ?or en'an)ere' citi>ens to resc*e 5 I ha' rea' this artic+e on the internet whi+e my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe'. 2he ?act that =ittorio or'ere' 1' :arren to insta++ recor'in) 'e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s 4 portrays the psycho+o)y o? a person that is tryin) to manip*+ate an in(esti)ation in the ?*t*re or is tryin) to spy on a person to catch them 'isc*ssin) somethin) speci?ic ?or p*rpose o? )atherin) in?ormation ?or crimina+ p*rposes 5 the entire time that I was worDin) an a(era)e o? !0 ho*rs a weeD at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' @y a hacDer who I @e+ie(e was *sin) 2*rDoIan so?tware the entire time. I @e+ie(e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were attemptin) to @*i+' a @e+ie(a@+e a+i@i 4 ?ramin) my se+? an' others < ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) o? n*mero*s mem@ers o? my ?ami+y 4 SeC 0??enses which the 1man*e+es ha' committe' *pon mem@ers o? my ?ami+y an' eC +o(ers o? my own 4 an' the ?act that I ha' I*st emai+e' a Bewish man in?ormin) him that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother. It is a possi@i+ity that 1' :arren ha' not yet @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < @*t ha' @een instr*cte' to state that he ha' 4 an' state this in s*ch a manner that it was inten'e' to so*n' as i? 1' :arren was too st*pi' to *n'erstan' that it was not I*st a G+ie 'etector testG 5 this wo*+' possi@+y @e ?or the p*rpose o? maDin) it appear as i? 1' :arren was worDin) a)ainst the Ho*se o? Sa(oy with a crimina+ ?action who were p+annin) to either ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or )et re(en)e ?or some p*rpose s*ch as the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )*i+t concernin) the en)ineerin) o? the A6IS 4 the 3r' #eich 4 an' the Ho+oca*st < or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy conH*erin) Sici+y. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson to+' #o@ert #o'on a@o*t my A*nt B*+iannaAs ?ami+yAs reason ?or mo(in) to the USA an' eCp+aine' to him that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' attempte' to eCterminate her ?ami+y 5 #o@ert #o'on was a Pa)e a@o*t to @e promote' to an 1rrant 4 on his way to @ecomin) a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is possi@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' h*s sons attempte' to 'esi)n a ?+eCi@+e a+i@i that wo*+' ena@+e m*+tip+e ?actions to @e ?rame' ?or their own crimes 5 this wo*+' mean that their attempt to @*i+' an a+i@i wo*+' in(o+(e m*+tip+e +ayers o? interconnecte' attempts to scape)oat an' ?rame other i'entities ?or their crimes 5 these i'entities wo*+' @e Satanic 7*+tists 4 Asatr*ars 4 Bews 4 Sici+ian Aristocrats seeDin) re(en)e ?or the +oss o? the 9in)'om o? Sici+y 4 an' I@nSa*' #oya+ .ami+y 1spiona)e 2errorism with secret Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ian connections. It is possi@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @e+ie(e' that 1' :arrenAs @rain @ein) permanant+y accessi@+e to them ens*re' that he wo*+' not +ie to them an' that his tho*)hts wo*+' @e recor'e' i? he 'i' +ie 4 which wo*+' ena@+e the 1man*e+es to contro+ 1' :arren with threats i? necessary or react accor'in)+y to a(oi' con(iction ?or their :ar 7rimes. 1' :arren ma'e the statement < G3*'e 4 they ta))e' me +iDe an a++i)atorG 4 1' :arren a+so state' concernin) SeC 2ra??icDin) an' somethin) re+ate' to the 'e(ice in his sD*++ G G3*'e4 that is some serio*s s+a(eryNG an' GAnthony 4 remem@er that thin) with the ratOG. 3*rin) the year 200% < 1' :arren4 Anthony 3e.eo4 an' my se+? 5

ha' a con(ersation whi+e at worD 4 a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Ne*roScience So?tware @ein) *se' to remote pi+ot a rat. :hi+e we were atten'in) a Gothic Ni)ht at a @ar in Manchester NewHampshire 4 a ?ami+ia+ re+ati(e o? #o@ 3AAn)e+oAs to+' Sahn'ra St.0n)e that he was hire' to hacD o*r comp*ter twice an' that he to+' the peop+e who hire' him that he wo*+' not 'o it anymore 4 an' that he was I*st +ettin) *s Dnow. 2his man state' that it was the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen that hire' him to hacD o*r comp*ter 4 an' that his ?ather an' #o@ 3AAn)e+o were 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is possi@+e that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 2ony Grasseti 4 7hris 2homas 4 Aaron 1man*e+e 4 an' 3anie+ Bames 5 con(ince' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that they co*+' create ?or him an a+i@i as +on) as he 'i' a speci?ic seH*entia+ series o? thin)s an' instea' 4 'eci'e' to *se intentiona+ Gminor ?ai+*res that can @e o(ercomeG to manip*+ate =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to in(est reso*rces in speci?ic properties an' pro'*ction capa@i+ities as we++ as @+acD mai+ speci?ic crimina+s an' or'er speci?ic crimina+ an' terrorist actions to @e committe'. It is a 'e?inite ?act that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons an' some o? their co*sins ha(e @*i+t a 7rimina+ 2errorist #e)ime in North America an' are pro@a@+y attemptin) to prepare ?or an attempte' G+o@a+ 7onH*est in their +i?etimes. 2his state' howe(er 4 it is a+most 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was raise' as a S+eeper 7e++ A6IS 2errorist 7rime $or' whoAs S+eeper Goa+ at 7e++ Acti(ation was inten'e' to @e co(ert comp+ete conH*est o? North America an' e(ent*a+ initiation o? an o(ert re@*i+'in) o? the A6IS .action +ea'in) to a 3r' :or+' :ar. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?o*n'e' the A6IS 4 A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' one o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IIAs Gran' Sons 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a an' =ittorio 1man*e+e III were @oth 'e?inite+y A6IS a+i)ne' 5 a pre empti(e tota+ conH*est o? North America occ*rrin) sim*+taeneo*s+y with a tota+ heirarcha+ 'ecapitation o? the 1*ropean Union states wo*+' 'e?inite+y ens*re (ictory ?or the A6IS .action i? ;ra>i+ an' Ar)entina were heirarcha++y 'ecapitate' as we++ as comp+ete+y in?i+trate' an' em@e''e' with a 2errorist 7rimina+ #e)ime +oya+ to the A6IS. 2he creation o? a Uni?ie' 1*ropean State an' e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ State has a+ways @een the )oa+ o? the A6IS. It is pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the A6IS .ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' who mo(e' to the U.S.A. imme'iate+y a?ter the Secon' 3e?eat o? the A6IS 5 are )oin) to attempt to r*+e North America an' the 1*ropean Union @y metho' o? @*i+'in) a 7o(ert #e)ime < this a+rea'y seems to ha(e happene' in some re)ions o? the U.S.A. 4 where mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their associate' 7rime So+'iers are near+y imm*ne to the $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ation 3epartments. In the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 4 a #a@@iAs yo*n) 'a*)hter name' B*+ie :einstein was a@'*cte' an' wa+De' aro*n' with a 'o)As +eash an' 'o)As co++ar on her necD @y a 7rime So+'ier o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oysAs. 2his 7rime So+'ier was ne(er arreste' ?or this crime < instea'4 another man whom his comra'es a@'*cte' was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to @are simi+ar resem@+ance to him an' Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within the $aw 1n?orcement Arrest 2ony Gon>a+e> as i? he was G7esare 3ia@+oG who committe' the crimes. G7esare 3ia@+oG was +ast si)hte' in Nash*a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to ha(e pa+e white sDin an' a thinner nose 5 he was i'enti?ie' @y three peop+e inc+*'in) Sean .air@anDs 4 Man'y #o'ri)*e> 4 an' my se+?. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e in(este' +ar)e amo*nts o? reso*rces into

techno+o)ies in(o+(in) 7y@er 2errorism 4 Ne*roScience H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isections4 an' what can now @e consi'ere' to @e Ne*ro 2errorism 4 as we++ as 1spiona)e. 2he c*rrent attacDs are accompanie' @y attacDs in(o+(in) 7y@er2errorism an' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are *pon American 7i(i+ians an' other nations o? peop+e4 H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) Ne*roScience an' #o@otics Animation So?tware as we++ as ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices an' other 1+ectronic 2ransmittin) S*r)ica+ Imp+ants4 rep+acement o? American ?ami+ies with 7osmetic S*r)erie' an' 7osmetic =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' In'i(i'*a+s *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s whom ha(e @een physica++y =ira+ =ector M*tate' to appear aesthetica++y simi+ar to (ictims ?or p*rpose o? ass*min) the i'entities o? the in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e @een Di++e' an' rep+ace' as we++ as ha(e some o? these (ictims @een swappe'4 a@'*ction o? American ?ema+es ?or the p*rpose o? 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 em@e''in) o? 7o(ert A)ents within $aw 1n?orcement an' 7rime Units4 transportation an' stocDpi+in) o? Mi+itary Gra'e :eapons on American Soi+4 in?i+tration o? Sec*rity an' In(esti)ations 3epartments. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can @e *se' as an eCtreme+y s*ccess?*+ ?orm o? aesthetic 'is)*ise which pro'*ces res*+ts )reater than P+astic S*r)ery or Hair 3yes an' SDin 3yes an' is a simp+er process than 7osmetic S*r)ery < =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ca*ses m*tation o? 3NA on the microscopic sca+e. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+esA c*rrent attempt to ?rame an a+i@i ?or their own c*rrent 7rimes A)ainst H*manity < 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 =io+ent 2errorism 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Genoci'e 4 :ar #ape 4 :ar Maimin) o? ci(i+ians4 as we++ as a +ist o? #.I.7.0. $aw =io+ations in the USA 5 can @e Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+e' an' the reasonin) ?or the 1man*e+esA committin) o? the most heino*s o? crimes is as o@(io*s as is their reasonin) ?or their attempt to ?rame innocent parties ?or these crimes. 2he Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ian )an)sters whom they ha(e recent+y hire' to ai' them in their 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity are o@(io*s to ha(e @een hire' ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to a+i)n Sici+ians whom are o? ancient Moroccan Sici+ian @+oo'+ines with what e(er or)ani>ation the 1man*e+esA ha' 'eci'e' to attempt to a+i)n to 0sama ;in$a'enAs networD o? 2errorist Mi+itants. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e connections to Arms 3ea+ers in the ?ormer+y 0ttoman Imperia+ re)ions 4 these @ein) 0r)ani>e' 7rime Associates o? a 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate that wo*+' @e the theoretica+ twin to the 1man*e+esA. 2he Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ians are the race o? Sici+ians whom are o? the race re+ate' to the Moro Sici+ian Aristocracy which eCiste' prior to the Norman conH*est o? Sici+y. Most Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ians are on+y s+i)ht+y o? Moroccan 3NA 4 Moro Sici+ians are o? pre'ominant+y Mace'onian race as are the rest o? Sici+y inc+*'in) Normano Sici+ians. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'eci'e' in the year 200% to attempt to ?rame a series o? a+i@is ?or a Genoci'e which they ha' p+anne' 4 their connections to past terrorist attacDs 4 their 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' their 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs p+ans as we++ as their crimes eCpress an eCtreme 'e)ree o? *nhea+thy #acism which is the o@(io*s pro'*ct o? their own ?ee+in)s o? )*i+t an' 'esperate ?ee+in)s o? a nee' ?or se+? preser(ation. 2he 1man*e+esA racism is c+ear+y an emotiona+ res*+t o? a 'esire ?or se+? preser(ation an' a 'esire to escape B*stice. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 n*mero*s c*stomers entere' the .ami+y 3o++ar store with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their sD*++s that were accessi@+e @y metho' o? an eCpose' 'e(ice that +ooDe' +iDe a hea' @an' across the top o? the sD*++. A+so present at the store was an in'i(i'*a+ with a 7och+ear 1ar Imp+ant 'e(ice (isi@+e. A Ne*roSpine Instit*te ha' I*st recent+y opene'

in ;e?or' NewHampshire on the 3.:. Hi)hway 4 twenty min*tes 'ri(in) 'istance ?rom the .ami+y 3o++ar Store. 3*rin) the years o? 2005 4 200E 4 an' 200! < 7esare G3ia@+oG was +e?t with an A@'*ction =ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs whom 1' .arrachi :arren ha' tar)ette' ?or them. 2his +itt+e )ir+ was ;arry :einsteinAs 'a*)hter B*+ie :einstein whom was approCimate+y possi@+y 11 years o+' '*rin) +ate 200% when she was a@'*cte'. In the year 200% 5 1' :arren ha' written 'own ;arry :einsteinAs +icense p+ate n*m@er an' is recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7ameras at .ami+y 3o++ar as ha(in) 'one so < this occ*rre' a?ter ;arry :einstein ha' @o*)ht items at my re)ister an' we ha' con(erse' ?or a short perio' o? time '*rin) which I (er@a++y comp+imente' his han' tai+ore' (est an' he mentione' '*rin) o*r con(ersation that he was a #a@@i. 3*rin) the years that 7esare ha' B*+ie :einstein as a capti(e in Manchester NewHampshire 4 B*+ie :einstein ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to her @rain in her s+eep that was wire' to a S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice which ha' @een *se' as an impro(ise' #o*ter F ;attery that was tacDe' insi'e her Iaw ca(ity. B*+ie :einsteinAs Nose 3NA an' 1ye@row 3NA was m*tate' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Nano1n)ineere' =ir*s which was c*+t*re' in Hemo)+o@in an' ?e' to her < G7esareG was to+' that the Nose 3NA an' 1ye@row 3NA were 1mi+y Is+eAs 3NA 5 1mi+y Is+es 4 is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een a@'*cte' ?rom 7ana'a @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDers. 1mi+y Is+es was one o? my @est ?rien's '*rin) 200%. G7esareAsG Io@ that .i+ 1man*e+e )a(e him was to wa+D B*+ie :einstein aro*n' with him in p*@+ic on a 'o) +eash which was +atche' to a 'o) co++ar that they ma'e her wear. In 1""" 4 the secon' time that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e rape' Nina Hansen 5 he ?orce' her to wear a 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash. Nina Hansen to+' me a@o*t this o(er the te+ephone '*rin) the year 2000 5 it is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es emp+oye' 7omp*ter HacDers to Ser(er HacD tap :ire 2ap Nina HansenAs 2e+ephone con(ersations '*rin) the years tht .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @een attacDin) her 4 ?o++owin) the year 1""" < it is a+so possi@+e that the series o? i++e)a+ wire taps that were 'isco(ere' '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error 4 @e)an '*rin) the 1""0As an' was entire+y committe' @y the 1man*e+esA A)ents @y or'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 2his is simi+ar to the crimes o? the #I7HA#3 NI60N A3MINIS2#A2I0N < which are certain+y connecte' to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y as we++ as the 1(o+as an' the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 the crimes which +e' to :A21#GA21 were eCtreme (io+ations o? H*man #i)hts an' a res*+t o? attempts to e+iminate e(i'ence o? these (io+ations. ;etween the years 2005 an' 200! < It was ma'e apparent that B*+ie :einstein was @ein) SeC*a++y A@*se' an' possi@+y SeC 2ra??icDe'. It was a+so ma'e apparent @y 7esare whom was +o*'+y o*tspoDen a@o*t it whi+e (isitin) 1' .arrachi :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire $inco+n Street < that 7esare was char)e' with the tasD o? o??en'in) me to the point o? in?*riatin) me eno*)h to pro(oDe me to (io+ence. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+esA initia+ p+an in(o+(e' ha(in) me imprisone' ?or assa*+tin) 7esare4 '*rin) which time the rest o? their p+ans wo*+' pro)ress. 7esare ne(er mana)e' to pro(oDe me to (io+ence '*rin) any o? the instances o? *s passin) @y one another in p*@+ic. It is 'e?inite that 7esare is one o? the in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e @een a+i)ne' in s*ch a way that the 1man*e+esA are inten'in) to *se him as a scape)oat a+i@i ?or their orchestration o? a 7o(ert Genoci'e4 0r)ani>e' :ar 7rimes4 an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error 5 ?ramin) the 1(o+a ?ami+y ?or the entirety o? the 1man*e+esA conspiracy to ?rame a+i@is @y metho' o?

a+i)nin) accomp+ices in a speci?ic chain o? comp+icity that somehow connects the 1man*e+esA accomp+ices to 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action. 0sama ;in$a'en was eCpecte' @y the 1man*e+es to con(einient+y @e 'ea' @y the 'ate o? the c*+mination o? this series o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which the 1man*e+es ha' p+anne' to orchestrate in a speci?ic seH*entia+ or'er that wo*+' +ea(e other a++ other parties ?rame' 4 ?rame accomp+ices an' hire' parties as i? they were the )*i+ty en)ineerin) ?action 4 an' ?rame 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action post mortem ?or the 1man*e+eAs own Genoci'a+ 7rimina+ 2errorist 7ampai)n in the Americas an' 1*rope. 2his attempte' ?ramin) o? the 'ecease' 0sama ;in$a'en ?or the 1man*e+esA own 2errorist 7ampai)n was eCpecte' to con(einient+y res*+t in the tota+ cease o? in(esti)ations in(o+(in) the 'etermination o? whom the 1n)ineerin) Party o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7ampai)n was '*e to 0sama ;in$a'en a+rea'y @ein) 'ea' an' a+rea'y @ein) 'isco(ere' to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in the 1n)ineerin) o? the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. It is a+so 'e?inite+y pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es ha' a han' in the 1n)ineerin) o? the " 11 2errorist AttacDs < this @ein) o@(io*s '*e to the new+y 'isco(ere' ?act that the 1man*e+es apparent+y ha(e Accomp+ices 4 A??i+iates 4 an' Associates whom are in'i(i'*a+s which are acH*ainte' with 0sama ;in$a'enAs 2errorist .action as we++ as a+so the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. It wo*+' @e impossi@+e ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to ?rame their own accomp+ices 4 a??i+iates 4 an' associates ?or worDin) with 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action witho*t in'i(i'*a+ peop+e 4 e+ectronic e(i'ence 4 or any other empirica+ ?act*a+ e(i'ence connectin) in'i(i'*a+s to 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action. 2he 1man*e+esA wo*+' ha(e no a@i+ity to intro'*ce in'i(i'*a+ associates o? theirs to A??i+iates o? 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action nor wo*+' the 1man*e+es @e capa@+e o? ?ramin) e(en a sin)+e party ?or their own 7rimes A)ainst H*manity i? they 'i' not ha(e at +east one associate in common with 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action or the a@i+ity to manip*+ate 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action somehow. 7*rrent+y < tho*san's o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the 7rani*ms o? Genoci'e 2ar)ets 4 #an'om 7i(i+ians 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+s 4 an' possi@+y e(en mem@ers o? A+ Lae'a or the 2a+i@an ?or the reason that the 1man*e+es ha' 'eci'e' in 200% that their )oa+ was to ?rame 0sama ;in$a'en an' the 2a+i@an ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' their Genoci'a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 a++ o? whom were *naware o? the Ne*roS*r)ery which occ*re' whi+e they were *nconscio*s. 3i??erent Pop*+ation Gro*ps were tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+es ?or 'i??erent reasons < ?or instance4 the M*s+im Pop*+ation Gro*p as a #e+i)io*s 7omm*nity co*+' ha(e @een tar)ette' ?or co(ert Ne*roS*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ?or reason that the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action nee'e' to ?in' an a+ternate networD o? in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in Ara@ian A6IS re+ate' acti(ities ?or p*rpose o? *sin) Ne*roScience to manip*+ate them into a speci?ic position to ?rame some o? the 1man*e+esA own associates ?or worDin) with 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action @y manip*+atin) a thir' party 7rimina+ .action to networD the 1man*e+esA own .actionAs associates to 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action somehow. 3*rin) the year 200% < 2ony Grasseti ha' eCp+aine' to my roommate Scot H*nter that the 1man*e+es Gp+ay with a sp+it 'ecDG 4 which I @e+ie(e means that they o?ten sacri?ice ha+? o? their own associates an' accomp+ices to Deep their rep*tation appearin) c+ean to the )enera+ p*@+ic 5 this wo*+' @e possi@+e i? the 1man*e+es p*rpose+y recr*it eCpen'a@+e peop+e to whom they ?ee+ no +oya+ty to themse+(es 4 which is a 'e?inite pro(en ?act that they 'o. 2ony Grasseti wo*+' Dnow this 4 he is an 1man*e+e himse+?. In the year 200% 5 1' .arrachi :arren recr*ite' Geor)e

7atsopo*+os to worD with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was a homoseC*a+ SeC 0??en'er who worDe' ?or the .ami+y 3o++ar retai+ stores in the New1n)+an' re)ion '*rin) the year 200%. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os worDe' at the $inco+n Street .ami+y 3o++ar store +ocation '*rin) 200% 4 prior to 1' :arrenAs arri(a+ < an' was trans?erre' as the res*+t o? my reportin) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os twice ?or SeC*a+ Harrassment. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e tar)ette' a n*m@er o? races ?or Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination an' SeC 2ra??icDin). Pop*+ation Gro*ps which ha(e @een 'isco(ere' to @e imme'iate+y tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e are the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 A?rican Americans4 #*ssians 4 Norwe)ians 4 MeCicans 4 an' Israe+is. 2hese tar)ets are tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e @y the Ita+ian A6IS .action ?or p*rpose that they are the in'i)eno*s inha@itants o? the North American 7ontinent < in the case o? ethnic .irst Nations 4 USAmericans 4 A?rican Americans4 7ana'ians 4 an' MeCicans. 2he 1man*e+es an' their associate' SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een 'irect+y attacDin) the ?ami+ies whom they ha(e SeC 0??en'e' in the past < the ?ami+ies o? a@'*ctees whom the 1man*e+es 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een SeC 2ra??icDin) are tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e 5 this has @een occ*rin) in the North 1ast o? North America ?or at +east % )enerations. 3isc*sse' ?*rther in this :itness 2estimonia+ 4 is e(i'ence +inDin) the 1man*e+es to a@'*ctions which occ*rre' '*rin) the year 2002 an' other years in the past. Norwe)ians 4 #*ssians4 an' the ;ritish are racia+ tar)ets ?or pro@a@+e reason that they ha(e 'ec+ine' to *ni?y with the 1*ropean Union as we++ as was the Unite' 9in)'om an' #*ssia the a'(ersaries o? the A6IS '*rin) the 1st an' 2n' :or+' :ars. 2he other e(i'ence that Genoci'a+ #acia+ 2ar)ettin) has @een occ*rin) an' that it is the Ita+ian A6IS .action is 'isc*sse' ?*rther in this :itness 2estimonia+. SeC 2ra??icDin) is a ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) is the sa+e o? a h*man @ein) or the act o? ens+a(in) a h*man @ein) 5 SeC 2ra??icDin) is the ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin) which inc+*'es the ens+a(ement o? a h*man @ein) as a 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(e either ?or the persona+ sa'istic )rati?ication o? the H*man 2ra??icDer or ?or the ?inancia+ pro?it o? the H*man 2ra??icDer < this is a+ways a 7rime A)ainst H*manity an' is most o?ten a :ar 7rime *pon a peop+e. :ar 7rime SeC 2ra??icDin) is a ?orm o? :ar #ape. M*r'er o? the ?ami+ies o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims is Genoci'e an' is a :ar 7rime re)ar'+ess o? whether or not the .action whom committe' the :ar 7rime was acti(e+y iss*e' a 3ec+aration o? :ar prior to this occ*rin) or not. 7*rrent+y 4 in the North 1ast o? the USA an' the 1astern re)ion o? 7ana'a 5 there are n*mero*s Po+ice 0??icers whom are re?*sin) to accept4 ?i+e4 an' in(esti)ate :itness Statements in(o+(in) 2errorism or e(en 'e+i(er :itness Statements concernin) 2errorism to ..;.I. 4 Mi+itary 4 7.I.A. 4 or Home+an' Sec*rity. Most o? these Po+ice 0??icers are o? Ita+ian race or are ha+? Ita+ian racia++y4 some o? these Po+ice 0??icers are o? *n'etermina@+e race an' ha(e o@(io*s+y *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation o? their 3NA respecti(e o? comp+eCion an' ?acia+ ?eat*res. ;ein) that the 2errorist .action in partic*+ar that we are c*rrent+y 'ea+in) with is Ita+ian A6IS 4 the race o? the in'i(i'*a+ Po+ice 0??icers whom are re?*sin) to ?orwar' the :itness Statement to in(esti)ations as we++ as are re?*sin) to in(esti)ate is re+e(ant. I ha(e @een 'irect+y to+' @y a ;oston Po+ice 0??icer G:e 'o not accept :itness Statements.G < this ;oston Po+ice 0??icer appears to @e entire+y Ita+ian racia++y @*t +ooDs to @e a man whom I ha(e seen @e?ore whom ha' m*tate' 3NA to @are a resem@+ance to a ha+? Israe+i

racia+ maDe*p. I @e+ie(e this man is a .ascist So+'ier o? the 1man*e+eAs associate' Ita+ian .ascist arm o? their a??i+iate' networDs < '*rin) the @e)innin) o? the year 20134 I met a woman in Manchester NewHampshire whom was o@(io*s+y this manAs @io+o)ica+ sister4 she seeme' to @e st*cD +i(in) as a woman name' A>aria who is c*rrent+y missin) an' she is st*cD with one o? 7esareAs c+ose ?rien's as an Imposte*r +i?e partner whom has @een *sin) my ?rien' Boey MariniAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 Boey Marini is c*rrent+y missin) as are his imme'iate ?ami+y whom ha(e @een rep+ace' @y a )ro*p o? Imposte*rs whom apparent+y pose' ?or a photo)raph '*rin) 2012. .rom what I ha(e @een to+' @y Pri(ate In(esti)ators an' ?rom what I ha(e seen 5 there are tens o? tho*san's o? (ictims whom ha(e @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience 'e(ices which ha(e @een )ra?te' to the (ictimsA @rains < towar's the ?ront o? the ri)ht +o@e in most cases 4 an' in some cases possi@+y towar's the ?ront o? the ri)ht +o@e as we++ as a secon' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace towar's the @acD o? the +e?t +o@e. 2he ro*ters an' their micro @atteries are A#G0S G.P.S. networDin) 'e(ices encase' in s*r)ica+ p+astics an' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' an' tacDe' to the insi'e o? the Iaw. Many o? these (ictims ha(e @een SeC 2ra??icDe' as we++ as many o? them4 m*r'ere' 5 those whom ha(e @een s+ain ha(e most o?ten @een rep+ace' @y co(ert a)ents *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s or SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims whom ha(e @een ?orce' to impersonate the i'entity o? speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s ?or p*rpose o? a(oi'in) in(esti)ation into this Genoci'e. At +east a ?ew h*n're's o? 7o(ert A)ents are 'e?inite to ha(e a+so chosen to ha(e Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*its )ra?te' to their @rains ?or p*rpose o? *sin) them in conI*nction with 7*stom 1n)ineere' Ne*roScience So?tware to comm*nicate with the 2errorist NetworD as we++ as ?or the p*rpose o? retrie(in) in?ormation a@o*t the in'i(i'*a+ they are impersonatin) an' ?or p*rpose o? Speech 2herapy So?tware which trains the (oca+ m*sc*+at*re to so*n' as a speci?ic in'i(i'*a+sA (oice. Some o? these 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents ha(e *se' AmericansA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to p*rchase ho*ses an' properties in 3eer?ie+' NewHampshire 4 Manchester NewHampshire 4 2roy NewHampshire 4 $eominster Massach*settes 4 2yn)s@oro Massach*settes 4 Newin)ton Massach*settes 4 an' n*mero*s other +ocations in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' the 1astern ha+? o? 7ana'a. Speech 2herapy So?tware an' Animation So?tware ha(e @een com@ine' to create =oca+ Ne*ro #o@otics Animation So?tware to animate (ictimsA mo*ths to mo(e 5 this was @ein) 'one to my sisters 7he+sey an' S*mmer in 200!4 '*rin) which time Ne*roScience was not common Dnow+e')e an' no@o'y @e+ie(e' my sisters whom were terri?ie' an' cryin) ?or he+p. 7he+sey was cryin) ?or weeDs an' was terri?ie' o? +ooDin) in the mirror @eca*se her mo*th was ta+Din) at her 4 S*mmer was terri?ie' an' cryin) that a G)host name' =icDyG was ta+Din) to her thro*)h her mo*th whi+e she was +ooDin) in the mirror an' was cryin) comp+ainin) that G=icDy the )hostG was seC*a++y mo+estin) her with her own han's an' ca++in) her names s*ch as GPe'ophi+eG an' G7hi+' Mo+esterG in the mirror @y mo(in) her mo*th a)ainst her wi++. S*mmer was approCimate+y ! years o+' when this occ*re'. 7he+sey was approCimate+y 8 when she @e)an cryin) that her mo*th was mo(in) an' ta+Din) to her in the mirror. G=icDyG is shorthan' name ?or the name G=ictoriaG 5 G=ictoriaG is the ?ema+e (ersion o? the ma+e name G=ictorG or G=ittorioG. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 7he+sey an' S*mmer ha' @een p+ayin) the (i'eo )ame GHa*ntin)G on Se)a Genesis. Ne*roScience Prosthesis an' Speech 2herapy So?tware is typica++y *se' to repair @roDen ne*ro

pathways o? or)anic ne*ro circ*itry @y )*i'in) 7ortica+ P+asticity which ena@+es the @rain to accomo'ate to an inI*ry @y rea++ocatin) the processes in the @rain to 'i??erent physica+ +ocations ne*ro+o)ica++y. Ne*roScience So?tware is typica++y In(o+(e' in hea+in) ne*ro+o)ica+ para+ysis as we++ as is it *s*a++y *se' to animate ne*ro ro@otic prosthetic +im@s @*t rare+y it is a+so *se' to remote contro+ ro@ots 4 ro@otic systems 4 animation 4 comp*ter so?tware 4 an' it is e(en possi@+e to *se Ne*roScience So?tware to Ne*ro+o)ica++y #emote 7ontro+ 0r)anic Ne*ro7irc*itry o? other ;io+o)ica+ $i(in) 0r)anisms @y metho' o? contro++in) an' in?+*encin) Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry )ra?te' to the other ;io+o)ica+ $i(in) 0r)anismsA Ne*ro+o)y which is interacte' with @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace So?tware an' 3e(ice NetworDin). I am comp+ete+y *naware as to how .i++i@erto 4 7esare 4 an' =ittorio wo*+' ha(e mana)e' to Ne*ro S*r)ery my sisters at that a)e an' I am shocDe' that it occ*re' < @*t I am consi'erin) it pro@a@+e that it was 'one '*rin) a s+*m@er party at a G?rien'AsG ho*se or at some hospita+ (isit at some point. 2his ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro Animation So?tware was a+so *se' to ?orce a Green 1ye' American :oman to hypnoti>e (ictimi>e' patients with her mo*th as we++ as was this *se' in the ?reH*ent hypnoti>in) o? romantic co*p+es whom were s+eepin) neCt to one another an' ha' @oth @een i++e)a++y Ne*ro S*r)erie' an' were *naware o? this @y metho' o? contro++in) the Ne*ro7irc*itry o? their mo*ths an' (oca+ m*sc*+at*re to speaD hypnosis to them in their s+eep. 2he ?orcin) o? the )reen eye' American woman to hypnoti>e (ictims was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een an attempt to p*t her ?ace on the H*man =i(isections a+tho*)h she was a hosta)e an' a (ictim herse+? as we++ as attempt to @+acD mai+ her an' attri@*te )*i+t to herse+? as a metho' o? recr*itin) her < this Ne*ro Animation So?tware was a+so apparent+y *se' to pre(ent at +east one woman ?rom @ein) a@+e to (omit a?ter she was ?orce' to swa++ow ?eces. N*mero*s Pri(ate In(esti)ators ha(e shown me e(i'ence an' ha(e in?orme' me that they are ho+'in) recor's o? this e(i'ence an' copies o? 'ata *nti+ the Internationa+ :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ which is )oin) to occ*r as a res*+t o? these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as a++ o? the ;ritish 7ommonwea+th 3epartments o? 3e?ence ha(e these recor's as we++ 5 '*e to their @ein) transmitte' +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' their S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #o*terAs ra'io ?reH*ency si)na+ has transmitte' @y metho' o? internet towers an' ser(er comp*ters4 mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone towers an' ser(er comp*ters4 as we++ as A#G0S networDs 5 an' these are connectin) to networDs o? persona+ comp*ters )+o@a++y. Some o? these internet transmissions ha(e @een mirrore' @y the )*i+ty party as we++ as mirrore' @y in(esti)ators4 +oa'in) the 'e(ice on a persistant 'e(ice networD on an internet we@space *pon a ser(er. A+so < some o? the comp*ters networDe' to these 'e(ices are *sin) impro(ise' :I.I #o*ters in conI*nction with c*stom en)ineere' 'e(ice 'ri(ers @ase' on what is *s*a++y a ;+*e2ooth 'e(ice 'ri(er as we++ as c*stom re en)ineere' so?tware4 U@ertooths 4 :i?i US; 2ethers ?or wire+ess US; access 4 an' other @+*e tooth 'on)+e re+ate' techno+o)y ?or the p*rpose o? a@*sin) the (ictims o?? o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence accessi@+e NetworD 5 this wire+ess metho' o? connectin) a 'e(ice to a comp*ter in(o+(es US; :i.i a'apters ?or US; 'e(ices4 @+*etooth 'on)+es4 an' the stationin) o? the wire+ess networDin) 'e(ices @ehin' wa++s where they can not @e accesse' @y the (ictim 5 c*stom en)ineere' wire+ess $ap 2op 'e(ices s*ch as US; ro*ter antennaes capa@+e o? hacDin) any si)na+ +iDe the *@ertooth are connecte' to the :ar 7rimina+sA comp*ters wire+ess+y < this is accomp+ishe' @y mo*ntin) the c*stom en)ineere' hacDe' US; :ire+ess #o*ter Antennae @ehin' a wa++ an' networDin) it *sin) :i.i US; to US; 3e(ice a'apters 4 p+*))in) one o? the US; :i.i 3e(ice a'apters to the US; #o*ter Antennae an' the other :i.i A'apter to the US; Port on the assai+antsA comp*ter. US; :i.i A'apters connecte' to US; 'e(ices thro*)h means o? :i.i 4 a++ow +on)ran)e connection o? the

'e(ices. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta are )oin) to attempt to comp+ete+y in?i+trate the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment as we++ as other 'epartments o? the Mi+itary Inte++i)ence o? the U.S.A. 4 an' attempt to 2echnocratica++y rep+ace these 'epartments with So+'iers o? the Sa(oy A6IS an' in'i(i'*a+s o? re+ation to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I o(erhear' a yo*n) +a'y speaDin) whi+e in p*@+ic 5 G=ittorio pisse' o?? Mona so m*ch. It was aw?*+. He ?*cDe' *p @a'. 2hey 'i' somethin) eCtreme+y i++e)a+ an' they 'i' what I to+' yo* a@o*t 4 an' they 'ra))e' Aosta into it. =ittorio )ot Aosta in(o+(e' an' now the who+e o? the Ho*se o? Aosta is in(o+(e' an' co*+' )et into a+ot o? tro*@+e. 2hey co*+' @e 'ec+are' war *pon ?or this. 2heyAre attemptin) to co(er *p :ar 7rimes.G. 2hese a@*si(e Ne*roScience eCperiments seem to ha(e @een carrie' o*t *pon (ictims @ein) he+' capti(e +ocDe' in rooms s*ch as rein?orce' @asement '*n)eons or possi@+y in +ar)e ca)es as we++ as in @rothe+ s+a(e 'ens o@(io*s+y *se' ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 the p*rpose o? these eCperiments has o@(io*s+y @een #emote #o@otic 7ontro++in) o? 0r)anic Ne*ro7irc*ity @y metho' o? contro++in) Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry )ra?te' to the (ictimsA @rains . M*ch o? this has res*+te' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? the (ictims an' their ina@i+ity to e(en seeD he+p an' resc*e ?rom +e)itimate +aw en?orcement. 2here is a+so e(i'ence o? the possi@i+ity that A#G0S networDe' GPS S*r)ica+ Imp+ants are @ein) imp+ante' in ci(i+ians ?ore arms an' other physica+ +ocations in hospita+s an' that US; #.I3 Scanners are @ein) *se' to insta++ an' networD the $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency #o*ters as 3e(ices on $ap2ops as we++ as are they @ein) *se' to NetworD G+o@a+ Positionin) System S*r)ica+ Imp+ants o(er A#G0S NetworD an' Internet to Ser(ers an' persona+ $aptops an' other Persona+ 7omp*ters. A#G0S NetworDe' S*r)ica+ Imp+ants are G+o@a+ Positionin) System networDe' 3e(ices norma++y *se' @y ;io+o)ists ?or p*rpose o? imp+antin) them in or attachin) them to 1n'an)ere' Species or other anima+s which they are tracDin) 5 these 'e(ices are easi+y 'etecte' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as can they @e 'etecte' possi@+y @y #a'ar Sweep in space *sin) Satte+ite Mo*nte' #a'io 2owers an' #a'io 3ishes to imp+ement so?tware simi+ar to S12I an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence So?tware to ra'ar sweep other nationsA comm*nications satte+ites as a metho' o? )atherin) 'ata transmittin) to ?orei)n satte+ites4 this wo*+' pro(i'e an a+ternati(e metho' to achei(in) imme'iate res*+ts concernin) the +ocation o? 1+ectronic 2ransmissions which are transmittin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'ata 4 'ata o? A#G0S networDe' 'e(ices 4 an' Ne*ro+o)ica+ 2ransmissions in territories o? other nationsA 5 this is Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence in Space s*ch as NASA re+ate' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence4 this is accepta@+e '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that these e+ectronic transmissions are o? re+ation to eCtreme 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' :ar 7rimes. Any possi@+e incorrection or con?*sion concernin) the name o? these ;io+o)ist re+ate' G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants is a res*+t o? comp*ter hacDers @ein) emp+oye' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A6IS .action to a+ter in?ormation on the internet re+e(ant to this in(esti)ation < the G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants are ;io+o)ist 2racDin) 3e(ices as is the #a'io .reH*ency @ein) *se' o? re+ation to ;io+o)ist G.P.S. 1+ectronic 2ransmissions. 2hese terrorists ha(e a+so @een *sin) hospita+s as a settin) ?or psycho+o)ica+ war?are 4 ?or the p*rpose o? tra*mati>in) the ci(i+ian pop*+ation into remainin) si+ent a@o*t what has @een happenin) 5 the p*rpose o? *sin) hospita+s as a settin) ?or psych war?are is '*e to the psycho+o)ica+ sensiti(ity o? the concept o? +i?e an' 'eath in re+ation to the hospita+ an' the amo*nt o? power the caretaDers ha(e o(er the ci(i+ian4 this creates a hosta)e +iDe psycho+o)ica+ reaction ?rom the in'i(i'*a+ psy war tar)ets. 2he *se o? hospita+s a+so 'etracts ?rom the ci(i+iansA @e+ie? in the sta@i+ity o? the U.S.A. )o(ernment '*e to the concept o? G0@ama7areG @ein) present in me'ia an' the (a)*e nat*re o? what G0@ama7areG entai+s as we++ as the acronyms S 7HIP an' = 7HIP an' the r*mo*rs o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs name @ein) co'e name ?or G;+it> 9rie) 0A3iCie c*psG '*e to ;aracD meanin) $i)htin) in Ara@ic +in)*istic 4 H*ssein @ein) the s*rname o? Sa''am whom we were at :ar with & :ar which is 9rie) in 3e*tsche +in)*istic, an'

0@ama so*n'in) aDin to what wo*+' @e an Irish s*rname ?or G0? A+a@amaG or in other wor's G0? 3iCieG < G3iCie 7*psG are *se' ?reH*ent+y in Hea+th7are .aci+ities which is where these 'e(ices ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante'. Accor'in) to peop+e in the North 1ast #e)ion who are acH*ainte' with Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++s < the GPre 1Cistin) 7on'itionG o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs Hea+th7are #e?orm is the Pre 1Cistin) #aces o? the U.S.A. who are the .o*n'in) Peop+es o? the Nation o? the U.S.A. 4 the A?rican Americans 4 an' the (ario*s races o? .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es 5 these races ha(e @een tar)ette' ?or systemic )enoci'e an' rep+acement @y imposte*r Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents. Accor'in) to Ita+ians in the North 1ast o? North America 5 ;aracD 0@ama has a+rea'y @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who has *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate his 3NA to +ooD +iDe ;aracD H*ssein 0@aa an' is not eCpecte' to @e H*estione' ?or reason that he has @een 'escri@e' as ha(in) @roDen a racia+ @arrier. Accor'in) to some peop+e 4 the )oa+ o? the A6IS in North America has @een to systemica++y rep+ace the races o? peop+es whom are the Nati(e an' Nationa+ races o? peop+es with ?orei)n races o? peop+e systemica++y in a seH*entia+ or'er 5 whi+e *sin) the 'i(ersity to em@e' ?*rther A6IS S+eeper A)ents an' 7o(ert 7e++s in North America. 2he A6IS .action was comprise' o? many nations o? peop+es an' is a .action o? n*mero*s races. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren spoDe to n*mero*s peop+e a@o*t the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?in'in) the name ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama on a +ist an' 'eci'in) to *se the name an' ?*n' ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs 7ampai)n an' )et him e+ecte' as U.S.A. Presi'ent 5 1' :arren state' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' p+anne' to rep+ace' him with two i'entica+ imposte*rs who were )oin) to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD i'entica+ to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' possi@+y ma'e to so*n' i'entica+ to his (oice *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*roScience So?tware. #osa Moreno ha' apparent+y witnesse' 1' :arren an' some other man *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware an' maDin) his (oice so*n' +iDe GSe@astien the Bamaican 7ra@ ?rom the $itt+e Mermai' @y :a+t 3isney.G . 0? stran)e coinci'ence is that MarD P*cDer@er) has a sister name' Arie+ P*cDer@er) 5 MarD P*cDer@er) @o*)ht items at my re)ister whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. I ha(e seen an imposte*r o? MarD P*cDer@er) in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2011 5 he was ri'in) a sDate@oar'. 2he Imposte*r o? MarD P*cDer@er) was shorter than MarD P*cDer@er) @y a@o*t 5 inches. MarD P*cDer@er)As ?ami+y ha' connections to the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e as we++ as 'i' MarD P*cDer@er) 'esi)n the socia+ networDin) we@site .ace;ooD.7om an' @ecome wea+thy as a res*+t o? it. It is 'e?inite that MarD P*cDer@er) is a tar)et ?or rep+acement @y imposte*r as a res*+t o? his Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e connections an' his consi'era@+e wea+th that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are 'e?inite+y p+annin) to stea+. 3*rin) the Ni)ht o? the $on) 9ni(es an' other rai's in 3e*tsche+an' 5 A'o+? GHit+erAsG a)ents within the St*rmA@tei+*n) rai'e' @*sinesses ownerAs properties an' +oote' e(erythin) 4 m*ch o? these were Bewish @*siness owners. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 G31U2S7H1;AN9G GI.2 7A#3S were p+ace' at my re)ister at 3*nDinA 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. Ha+? o? the money that the GSt*rmA@tei+*n)G ha' +oote' was p*t in the 3e*tsche;anD 4 the other ha+? was ne(er ?o*n'. #ecent+y 4 there has @een a U.;.S. In(estment .irms Scan'a+ 5 this is +iDe+y to @e the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs crimina+ acti(ities in(o+(in) +a*n'erin) 4 em@e>>+ement 4 an' other ?inancia+ crimes. I ha(e seen photo)raphs o? an imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama who @ares a stron) resem@+ance to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' ho+'er who @o*)ht c+eanin) pro'*cts at my re)ister +ate one ni)ht whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man +ooDe' approCimate+y 5A8G 4 was o? Sici+ian race as we++ as possi@+y a Port*)ese @+oo'e' race 4 an' was a@o*t 32 years o+'. 2his wo*+' not @e the ?irst time that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate attempte' a Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation an' a 7o(ert 7o*p 'e 1tat o? the USA 5 #ichar' NiCon is @e+ie(e' to ha(e @een this. 7*rrent+y < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 is tryin) to si+ence a++ h*man @ein)s 'isc*ssin) the ?act that his )ran'?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. =ittorio 1man*e+e +i(es primari+y in the USA. =ittorio 1man*e+e is the eCi+e' 9in) o? Ita+ia 5 the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are his 9ni)hts 4 Pa)es 4 an' 1rrants < 2ony Grasseti was the son o? a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' a

#oya+ @+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. My chi+'hoo' @est ?rien' 7hris #o'onAs ?ather was a 9ni)ht in the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as was #o@ert #o'onAs co*sin. #o@ert #o'on ?o*n' o*t that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother ?rom his co*sin '*rin) the approCimate year o? 1""5. Since the year 200%4 some o? the Gi@son ?ami+y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire ha(e @een missin) an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs < A+icia Gi@son appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar in 200% to @*y some thin)s an' was seen ta+Din) with me 5 the Gi@sons are A?rican Americans4 A+icia Gi@sonAs Nose 3NA co*+' easi+y ha(e @een *se' to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7re'it 7ar' Ho+'erAs nose to m*tate it to chan)e shape. A'am ;ernsteinAs ?ami+y o? ;ernstein $aw 0??ice in Nash*a NewHampshire has @een missin) an' is rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who +ooDs Ita+ian 5 A'am ;ernsteinAs ?in)ers were shape' +iDe ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs ?in)ers are shape'. A'amAs sister Samantha ;ernstein 4 whom I ha' met @rie?+y '*rin) the year 200% 5 was a@'*cte' '*rin) the year 200% or 2005. .in)ers are eCterna+ appen'a)es an' can easi+y @e m*tate' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy witho*t ca*sin) 'eath or permanant inI*ry. 2hese )enes an' the 3NA ?rom the ori)ina+ ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama co*+' easi+y @e *se' to m*tate a person with a simi+ar sDe+eta+ shape to ha(e the same appearance as ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. :ithin the past ten years4 the 70M7AS2 NetworDAs Ser(ers ha(e @een hit repeate'+y @y the 1man*e+esA 7omp*ter HacDers. Impro(ise' 7*stom 1n)ineere' 1+ectronic 2echno+o)ies ha(e a+so @een *se' ?or the p*rpose o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e 7omp*ter HacDers amon)st them whom ha(e en)a)e' in a 7y@er 2errorist Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are campai)n in North America 4 these 7omp*ter HacDers ha(e hacDe' 7omcast Ser(ers an' *se' =i'eo 1'itin) So?tware an' Animation So?tware to e'it +i(e streamin) 2e+e(ision transmissions to interr*pt or '*@ miCe' transmission into the Sche'*+e' Pro)rammin) o? the 70M7AS2 2e+e(ision NetworD. 2hese 7y@er 2errorist Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are AttacDs in(o+(e the hacDin) o? 70M7AS2 Ser(ers an' the transmittin) o? a+tere' te+e(ision se)ments with animate' ?rames an' a*'io o(er '*@s 5 these *s*a++y @ein) o? a speci?ic theme an' nat*re re+e(ant to the tar)et. Most o? these in(o+(e eCact H*otes o? con(ersations which were co(ert+y i++e)a++y recor'e' @y the 1man*e+es an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2his has occ*rre' n*mero*s times in NewHampshire 4 on+y % ho*rs a*tomoti(e tra(e+ 'istance ?rom the +ocation o? the " 11 2errorist AttacD *pon New/orD 7ity in the pro(incia+ state o? New/orD USA. It is 'e?inite that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces comprise' o? a Ne*ro7irc*it Gra?t Patch wire' to an A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ice that is networDe' to an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ @e)an to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+iansA crani*ms '*rin) the year 2000 < prototypes o? this are pro@a@+e to ha(e eCiste' in n*mero*s re)ions an' are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een *se' to pi+ot s+ayin)s s*ch as Schoo+ Shootin)s 4 Ma++ Shootin)s 4 or other 'i++*siona+ rampa)es 5 as we++ as ha(e these 'e?inite+y @een *se' ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) p*rposes since at +east the year 2000. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the " 11 HiIacDers ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their @rains an' were coerce' to commit the attacDs @y metho' o? hypnosis < ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace en)ineerin) o? ?+ash@acD tra*ma @y pro)rammin) the eCperience as a 'ream into a 'i??erent section o? the @rain *sin) Hypnosis an' +ater tri))erin) the tra*matic memory o? the 'ream whi+e *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to )*i'e e(ery step o? the HiIacDersA an' their actions 4 Ne*ro$in)*istic Pro)rammin) 4 Ne*ro2oCins 4 an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace with Ne*roScience So?tware to ro@otica++y contro+ the ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictims. It is eCtreme+y pro@a@+e an' near+y se+? e(i'ent that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Property Stea' Ho+'ers c*rrent+y own m*ch o? the comm*nications 4 internet 4 an' entertainment Ser(er 7omp*ters in North America as we++ as 'o their a)ents ha(e access to Ser(er 7omp*ters owne' @y others @y means o? I.2. Specia+ists 4 Maintainance Persone+4 or corr*pt Sec*rity 1mp+oyees. HacDers ha(e @een hire' an' ha(e ?o++owe' or'ers to interr*pt 4 intercept 4 ?a+se ?+a) 4 an' impersonate con(ersations @etween ci(i+iians as we++ as pre(ent contact @etween ci(i+ians an' +aw en?orcement or in(esti)ations. Some o?

the A)ents which the 1man*e+es ha(e recr*ite' ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' are easi+y +ocata@+e at the +ocation o? the intercepte' or impersonate' 2e+ephone 7on(ersations 4 '*e to these A)ents @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with the A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice that it impro(ise *se' as the NetworDin) #o*ter ?or the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace as we++ as was their Ne*ro+o)y recor'e' '*rin) these 2e+ephone 7a++s. As has pre(io*s+y @een mentione' 4 these Ser(er 7omp*ters ha(e @een *se' ?or Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are @y this Ita+ian A6IS .action. 2hese are :ar 7rimes as is the act o? pre(entin) a ci(i+ian ?rom reachin) In(esti)ati(e an' $aw 1n?orcin) A*thorities a :ar 7rime 5 n*mero*s times this has happene'. 3*rin) the year 2012 4 7omp*ter HacDers pre(ente' my se+? ?rom reachin) ..;.I. 0??ices @y means o? te+ephone @y c*ttin) o?? the si)na+ to my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone ?rom the 7omm*nications Ser(er 7omp*ter. :hen the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was 1Ci+e' 5 9ni)hts 4 Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 Assassins 4 Property Stea' Ho+'ers 4 In(estors 4 A'(isors 4 an' a n*m@er o? other $oya+ists as we++ as In'i(i'*a+s o? No@+e 2it+e went into 1Ci+e with them < some o? these in'i(i'*a+s are mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman 4 whi+e others are mem@ers o? other or)ani>ations or *na??i+iate' to anythin) @esi'es @ein) physica++y persona++y acH*ainte' with the 1man*e+es or the 1(o+as an' their associates. Some o? these in'i(i'*a+sA 'escen'ants are now mem@ers o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? which the 1man*e+es are 7rime $or's 5 this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o?ten en)a)es in crimina+ acts o? H*man 2ra??icDin) s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin). It is pro@a@+e that the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment was in?i+trate' @y Ita+ian A6IS A)ents '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration an' '*e to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense @ein) s+i)ht+y 2echnocratic at times 4 it is pro@a@+e that the Ita+ian A6IS .action has @een a@+e to maintain an in?+*entia+ n*m@er o? S+eeper 7e++ A)ents emp+oye' within Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence an' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence in )enera+ since the NiCon A'ministration. It is a+so pro@a@+e that A)ents o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action an' possi@+y an a++y o? this ?action were a@+e to in?i+trate an' mis'irect the " 11 2errorist AttacD in(esti)ations. It is 'e?inite that the Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e trie' to associate themse+(es somehow with a??i+iate' in'i(i'*a+s whom they wish to share in common with the 2a+i@an an' at +east one *nit o? A+ Lae'a as we++ as 0sama ;in$a'enAs ?action < since the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 the @+amin) o? the 2errorist AttacDs on Biha'ists in )enera+ has @een *se' as an a+i@i to mis'irect in(esti)ations concernin) the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' the A6IS. It is 'e?inite that 0sama ;in $a'en 'i' not act a+one as an o+i)arch in this networD o? or)ani>ations an' I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that a man was worDin) with him whom is 'irect+y associate' with the Ita+ian A6IS .action an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y. I 'o not @e+ie(e that 0sama ;in$a'en was neccessari+y a sincere M*s+im nor 'o I @e+ie(e that 0sama ;in$a'en was necessari+y tr*e+y a ?act*a+ Biha'ist o? any Din' < ?rom what I ha(e hear' he may ha(e @een an A6IS A)ent posin) as a Is+amic Biha'ist. 2he me'ia in North America concernin) the :ar on 2error has @een ?i++e' with (i'eos an' ima)es that appear to @e choreo)raphe' in s*ch a way that they are pro@a@+e to in(o+(e .a+se .+a))in) o? I'entity Po+itic ?or the pro@a@+e reason o? 'istractin) a++ o? the nations o? the 1arth ?rom the ?act*a+ 2errorist .action that has @een em@e''e' in m*+tip+e )o(ernments an' ha(e @een .a+se .+a))in) attacDs an' Po+itica+ I'entities since I*st imme'iate+y prior to the 1st :or+' :ar 5 this appears to @e a G+o@a+ist 2errorist Socia+ 3arwinist 7rime Syn'icate which was ori)ina++y conso+i'ate' as a sin)*+ar or)ani>ation ?or the p*rpose o? *nitin) the Me'iterranean #e)ion an' e(ent*a++y the entire 1arth 4 as a sin)+e Unitary Nation State. 2his or)ani>ation ?o*n'e' the A6IS. It appears pro@a@+e that 0sama ;in$a'enAs tr*e a++e)iance as an in'i(i'*a+ was possi@+y to some ?orm o? 0ttoman A6IS a++iance with an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which may @oth ha(e @een twin s*ccessors o? this ear+ier Unitary G+o@a+ist 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate or)ani>ation 5 this Din' o? theory was mentione' in ?ront o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e '*rin) 200% @y my ?rien' ;ren'an P+ace who seeme' to @e )ent+y inH*isitin) .i+ 1man*e+eAs min' in attempt to +earn more a@o*t him 4 .i+ 1man*e+e seeme' stran)e+y eCcite' at the mention o? a s*ccessor o? the 0ttoman A6IS in the ?orm o? a 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate. 2he Impro(ise' 1+ectronics 3e(ices which the 1man*e+es are *sin) in(o+(e Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts 4 A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices 4 an' are wire' to other

'e(ices s*ch as Microphones an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7irc*its 5 these are the same Din' o? en)ineerin) that the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(es 3e(ices *se' a)ainst the USAmerican Mi+itary '*rin) the :ar on 2error ha(e @een en)ineere' o?4 as we++ as are these theoretica++y the same Din' o? 'e(ice that wo*+' ha(e @een *se' to 'etonate 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es *se' to 'emo+ish the 2win 2owers '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 9enneth B*'' contacte' 7omcast n*mero*s times comp+ainin) a@o*t 7omp*ter HacDers an' to+' me that he wrote two +etters to the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission a@o*t the 7omp*ter HacDin). 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""" 4 an artic+e was printe' in either Science Ma)a>ine or 2ime Ma)a>ine 5 the s*@Iect o? this artic+e was G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG ma'e ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts. 2he c*rrent campai)n o? co(ert )enoci'e which @e)an aro*n' the same time as the " 11 2errorist AttacDs has c*+iminate' in the eCistence o? tho*san's o? @oth 7i(i+ian =ictims an' 1nemy 7om@atants whom are S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with 1+ectronic 3ata 2ransmittin) 3e(ices which are A#G0S G.P.S. NetworDin) 3e(ices that are essentia++y a S*r)ica++y Imp+ant Micro #o*ter F ;attery which is a@+e to networD to Satte+ites an' 7omm*nications 2owers ?or *s*a+ p*rpose o? 1+ectronic G+o@a+ Positionin) 5 these 'e(ices are connecte' to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. Since the year 200% an' possi@+y ear+ier 4 in North America < Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts were @ein) insta++e' within wa++s o? Apartment ;*i+'in)s 4 #etai+ Stores 4 #esta*rants 4 Hote+s 4 0??ices 4 an' other +ocations 5 these impro(ise' 'e(ices were @ein) si+ent+y 'ia+e' @y 7omp*ter 2e+ephone 4 Internet 2e+ephone 4 an' Impro(ise' 2e+ephone 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices. 2hese 'e(ices were *se' to ea(es'rop 4 spy on 4 an' i++e)a+ s*r(ey an' recor' ho*rs o? 7i(i+iansA +i(es which in the cases o? some ci(i+ian tar)ets 5 co++ecti(e+y eH*a+ what is near+y an entire a*'io 'oc*mentary o? the +ast nine years o? their +i(es. 2he nat*re o? the en)ineerin) o? these Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices are simi+ar to the en)ineerin) o? 3ia+ Up 3etonators which are Impro(ise' 3etonators @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts an' 3etonation 2imers 5 it is pro@a@+e that this metho' o? Impro(ise' 3etonation was *se' '*rin) the A?)hanistan In(asion o? the :ar on 2error4 '*rin) which A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een *se' to 'etonate Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices as we++ as is it pro@a@+e that the G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG were *se' as we++ in +ocations c+oser to 7omm*nications 2owers. It is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity that the " 11 2errorist AttacDs in(o+(e' a secon' ?action o? 1nemy 7om@atants whom are +iDe+y to ha(e @een o? Ita+ian A6IS .action 5 the 'estr*ction o? the @*i+'in)s which the Air P+ane hit was 'e?inite+y a contro++e' 'emo+ition o? a @*i+'in) @y what co*+' on+y ha(e @een Pro?essiona+ 3emo+ition 1Cp+osi(es which are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een 'etonate' @y Impro(ise' Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG @ein) ca++e' ?rom a +ine *p o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones which ha' tri))ere' 3etonation 7+ocDs or tri))ere' @y A#G0S G.P.S. NetworD 'ata p*sh. Propa)an'a in Pop*+ar Me'ia which was promote' a?ter this attacD 4 promote' the i'ea that the Presi'ent o? the USA Geor)e ;*sh an' the =ice Presi'ent 3icD 7heney were o? a secon' ?action o? 2errorists with A6IS A++e)iance an' ha' G#eichsta) .ireA'G the " 11 2errorist AttacD ?or p*rpose o? .a+se .+a) 0peration. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 I ha' mentione' the theory o? a 2n' A6IS .action ?ramin) the Presi'ent ?or their own Acti(ities to n*mero*s peop+e. 3*rin) the year 200! < I 'isco(ere' that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his Property Stea' Ho+'ers @o*)ht an' so+' properties a++ o(er the North 1ast o? North America inc+*'in) New /orD 7ity. =ittorioAs p*rpose o? @*yin) an' se++in) o? properties o@(io*s+y inc+*'e' the p*rpose o? co++ectin) 7i(i+ian In?ormation in the ?orm o? $an' $or'As $ease A)reements an' Bo@ App+ication In?ormation < it is a+so 'e?inite that this metho' was *se' to position Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @ehin' wa++s. 2he 1man*e+es sta+D ?ami+ies o? their (ictims as we++ as ?ami+ies in?+*entia+ peop+e. 2he metho' o? .orensic In(esti)ation which is necessary to pro(e that G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG were *se' to tri))er the 3etonation 7+ocDs wire' to 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es positione' in a simi+ar manner as a Pro?essiona+ 7ontro++e' 3emo+ition < reH*ires a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence team o?

1+ectronic .orensics Specia+ists to checD Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence recor's ?or a seH*entia+ series o? te+ephone ca++s to Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 'e(ices in the @*i+'in)s I*st secon's prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' possi@+y '*rin) the ?irst ?ew secon's o? the @e)inin) o? the ?irst co*p+e o? eCp+osions I*st a?ter the p+ane hit the @*i+'in). .ami+ies o? Americans whom are re+ate' to in(esti)ators that were con'*ctin) in(esti)ations re)ar'in) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs are 'ea' an' #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs. 2he most 'epop*+ate' >ones in the Unite' States o? America4 which ha(e s*??ere' ?rom a campai)n o? 7o(ert Genoci'e @etween the years o? 200% an' 2013 < are the state o? New /orD 4 the New 1n)+an' re)iona+ states 4 the state o? #ho'e Is+an'4 an' the state o? New Bersey 5 a++ o? which ha(e @een primari+y #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs as we++ as new+y arri(e' 7i(i+ian Pop*+ation. 2he 1man*e+esA 'ecision to attempt a 7o(ert 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the North 1ast North American Pop*+ation an' a +ist o? 2ar)ette' #aces in North America 4 eCpresses an immense amo*nt o? )*i+t an' comp+icity to 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which they are o@(io*s+y attemptin) to hi'e the e(i'ence o?. A mo(ie or te+e(ision episo'e aire' '*rin) the mi' 1""0As which 'epicte' a 2errorist AttacD simi+ar to the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 this is reminiscent o? .oresha'owin) in Me'ia which occ*rre' @etween the years o? 200% an' 2013 5 the ?oresha'owin) @etween these years was eCpresse' thro*)h me'i*m o? 2e+e(ision Series an' 7inemato)raphy which 'epicte' simi+ar 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as we++ as 7rimina+ an' 2errorist themes resem@+ant o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs4 an' their Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .actionAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in the Americas an' 1*rope. 2he writers o? the Artic+es re)ar'in) G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG in 2ime Ma)a>ine an' Science Ma)a>ine '*rin) the 1""0As are a re+e(ant in(esti)ation ?oc*s consi'erin) the ?act that the 1man*e+es ha(e *se' Me'ia A)ents to in?+*ence me'ia pro'*ction thro*)h ?*n'in) an' in(estment witho*t their names @ein) attri@*te' to the en' pro'*ct 5 mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are o?ten *se' to networD socia+ connections in Me'ia Pro'*ction ?or the 1man*e+es. 2he 'ate o? these G3ia+ Up 3etonatorG artic+es ?oresha'ows the " 11 2errorist AttacD in the same way that ?ictiona+ entertainment me'ia portrayin) attacDs *pon women '*rin) the ?o++owin) years ?oresha'owe' the attacDs o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist .action in s*ch a manner that it ma'e the attacDs appear to @e Gcopy catG mimmicD attacDs @ase' *pon the ?ictiona+ entertainment me'ia 5 this ?its the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? the 1man*e+esA Mo'*s 0peren'i concernin) their 7ata)orica+ Imperati(e o? 3iscre'itin) o? :itnesses ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) that their .action can s*ccee' at ?ramin) Scape Goat A+i@is ?or their own 7rimes A)ainst H*manity < (ictims reportin) G7opy 7atG MimmicD sta+Ders an' attacDs are o?ten (iewe' as Schi>otypa+ 4 'i+*ssiona++y o@sesse' with a speci?ic mo(ie 4 or Schi>ophrenic. 2he 1man*e+es 'iscre'it their witnesses m*ch the same way that a rapist attempts to 'iscre'it the (ictim as a witness 4 'ama)e the (ictimsA psycho+o)y @eyon' @ein) a@+e to testi?y proper+y 4 an' portray the (ictim or witness as Schi>ophrenic. In common with the Psycho+o)y o? a #apist 4 Gyo* 'i' it to yo*rse+?G is the Psycho+o)ica+ ProIection which #apists eChi@it as an 1motiona+ 3e?ense Mechanism a)ainst the )*i+t o? ha(in) rape' an innocent (ictim 5 .i++i@erto an' =ittorio are SeC 2ra??icDers 4 these are pro?essiona+ rapists. 2he Initiation 7rimes which are reH*ire' @y 7rimina+s in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates 4 are SeC 0??ense intiation crimes an' a@'*ctions. A?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 me'ia was pro'*ce' in cinemato)raphy an' +iterat*re as we++ as internet 5 which attempte' to portray the " 11 2errorist AttacDs as the pro'*ct o? the USA Presi'ent ;*sh an' USA =ice Presi'ent 7heney ha(in) Sh*t>Sta??e+ 7onnections 4 this me'ia c+aime' that Geor)e ;*sh sn*cD 0sama ;in$a'enAs ?ami+y o*t o? the co*ntry. =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' A'o+? Hit+er are =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs physica+ @+oo' re+ati(es 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y are partners o? an Ara@ian A6IS Mi+itant 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. It is a pro@a@i+ity that Mosta?a I@nSa*' may has Dnow+e')e o? who these in'i(i'*a+s are. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As 'istant co*sin is the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia. 2he statement 4 Gthe American Go(ernment #eichsta)A' the " 11 2errorist AttacDG is the a+i@i o? A'o+? Hit+erAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ami+y as we++ as possi@+y the ?ami+y o? B*+i*s 1(o+a an' a 'escen'ant o? a hi)h ranDin) 0ttoman Sh*t>Sta??e+ o??icer. In some o? the con(ersations concernin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 Gthe Presi'entG 5 re?ers to

the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. ;+amin) the Presi'ent an' Go(ernment o? the Unite' State' o? America ?or the attacD *pon USAmerican 7i(i+ians was o(ert+y the act an' propa)an'a o? the )*i+ty ?action. Attemptin) to ?rame the Moroccan co*sin o? the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y whom is the @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ant o? an 0ttoman 1mperor < is a near )ra>in) a+i@i or a Gc+ose sha(eG as .i+ was apparent+y ca++in) it 5 this is an attempt at a more @e+ie(a@+e a+i@i. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is innocent an' it is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es ha(e a Sa*'i Ara@ian A6IS associate that they are tryin) to hi'e their connection to @y ?ramin) innocent peop+e. .ramin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' wo*+' +ea' :ar 7rime In(esti)ations in the opposite 'irection < m*ch the same as 0sama ;in$a'en attempte' to portray himse+? as a Biha'ist at a++ times 4 when the tr*th is that 0sama ;in$a'en co*+' ha(e ?act*a++y @een a 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'ier an' one o? a ?ew o+i)archs o? a 7rimina+ A6IS .action that 0sama ;in$a'en 'i' not in?orm a++ o? his associates o?. 2he theory that 0sama ;in$a'en ha' A6IS connections an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as a re+ati(e o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ha' connections whom were ?inancin) 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' H*man 2ra??icDin) in ?ormer+y 0ttoman #e)ions is not *nhear' o? 5 this theoretica+ G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? Socia+ 3arwininsts are Gthe I++*minatiG that my se+? 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 an' Henry MaDow ?reH*ent+y ta+De' a@o*t an' wrote a@o*t 5 this wo*+' @e the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? H*man 2ra??icDers an' G+o@a+ist 1Ctremists that ?o*n'e' the A6IS. 2o state that B*+i*s 1(o+a inherite' an Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate 4 is to state an a@so+*te ?act. HacDers ha(e @een emp+oye' @y =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ?or the p*rpose o? assistin) A6IS terrorism on American soi+. So?tware pro)rams s*ch as 2*rDoIan% ha(e @een *se' to create a+ternate News Artic+es4 1mai+s4 Socia+ NetworDin) Pro?i+es 4 etc. 5 tar)ets o? this PS/ :ar are o?ten ci(i+ian tar)ets. 1Ctreme+y a'(ance' hacDin) so?tware has @een *se' as has eCtreme+y a'(ance' hacDin) har'ware. $on) #an)e P1N testers 4 2i+era Processors 4 PhreaDin) Har'ware4 an' other eH*ipment is @ein) *se' ?or p*rpose o? 7y@er2errorism 4 7y@er:ar?are 4 an' *ncon(entia+ war?are tactics inc+*'in) Ne*ro7irc*it #o@otics Animation Ne*roScience4 an' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. As I ha(e @een emai+in) *p'ate' (ersions o? this :itness 2estimonia+ < I ha(e +ater ?o*n' that entire re)ions o? the wor+' an' networDs o? pop*+ation ha(e somehow @een c*t o?? ?rom me @ein) a@+e to contact them @y way o? internet 4 entire networDs o? .ace@ooD Acco*nts ha(e @ecome inaccessi@+e to my se+? 4 an' certain emai+s wi++ not 'e+i(er nor wi++ ret*rn emai+s @e recei(e'. N*mero*s times 4 I ha(e rea' my :itness Statement to e'it it an' ha(e ?o*n' sections to @e a+tere' @y some@o'y e+se. A+tho*)h tho*san's o? peop+e ha(e @een e??ecte' @y these attacDs < there has somehow @een a comp+ete Me'ia SmoDescreen ;+acDo*t in the U.S.A. an' these attacDs ha(e )one *nreporte' to the )+o@a+ p*@+ic a+tho*)h they ha(e @een reporte' to $aw 1n?orcement. Me'ia in the U.S.A. has @een ?oc*se' primari+y on the Pimmerman 2ria+ an' the 7i(i+ Unrest in Syria. 3*rin) the years 200% 4 2005 4 200E 4 200! 4 an' 2008 my internet *sa)e was constant+y hacDe' an' the hacDer seeme' to @e *sin) G2*rDoIanG so?tware. It is a possi@i+ity that some o? their 7omp*ter HacDin) o? my comp*ters was 'one @y metho' o? 7omp*ter HacDin) the wire+ess ro*ter 'irect+y witho*t accessin) the Internet Ser(er or any 7omm*nications Ser(er 5 the on+y time my comp*ter was t*rne' on 4 was *s*a++y whi+e the internet was @ein) accesse'. As a res*+t o? the internet @ein) accesse' constant+y whi+e I was @ein) hacDe' 4 e(en @y metho' o? 'irect wire+ess ro*ter hacDin) @y +on) ran)e ro*ter connecte' @y US; or Seria+ 7a@+e to the hacDin) *nit < the USA Mi+itary an' .e'era+ In(esti)ations ha(e recor's o? my internet acti(ities '*rin) these years inc+*'in) =i'eo Game 'own+oa's4 a++ o? which can @e Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+e' in comparison with the Sec*rity 7amera an' i++e)a+ Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices that 1' :arren insta++e' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s '*rin) the year 200%. I? the 7omp*ter HacDer *sin) the 2*rDoIan so?tware was connectin) to the ro*ter in my apartment ?rom the Internet Ser(er 5 the USA Mi+itary has comp+ete recor' o? the entirety o? my comp*terAs processe' 'ata as we++ as a++ transmitte' e+ectronic 'ata.

Ne*roScience $in)*istics Speech #eco(ery So?tware create' ?or the p*rpose o? Physica+ Speech 2herapy has @een *se' in conI*nction with these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or the p*rpose o? conto*rin) the (oca+ m*sc*+at*re o? terrorist espiona)e a)ents to so*n' +iDe Americans an' other speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s 4 this so?tware is *s*a++y *se' in conI*nction with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or the p*rpose o? Ne*ro+o)ica+ Physica+ 2herapy 5 a++owin) the reco(ery o? the @rainAs ne*ro+o)ica+ a@i+ity to contro+ the necessary processes o? speech @y ca*sin) 7ortica+ Ne*ra+ P+asticity to occ*r4 ena@+in) rea++ocation o? the physica+ +ocation o? the @rainAs ?*nctions which ena@+es e(ent*a+ reco(ery o? the @o'yAs a@i+ity to speaD. 2his so?tware is Ne*roScience Speech 2herapy So?tware *se' to ai' in the Ne*ro+o)ica+ Physica+ 2herapy o? ;rain InI*ry Patients whom ha(e +ost their Ne*ro+o)ica+ capa@i+ity to speaD '*e to physica+ inI*ry to the @rain. Usin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate appearance re+ate' 3NA 5 Ita+ian A6IS Sa(oy A)ents ha(e rep+ace' American ?ami+ies that they ha(e eCterminate' an' are c*rrent+y carryin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. It is necessary ?or the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment to checD a++ Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ transmissions an' a++ other ?orms o? transmissions ?or these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2ransmissions 4 test 3NA o? a++ American 7iti>ens startin) with 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees ?irst an' checDin) Hap+o)ro*ps a)ainst a++ .ami+y 2ree #ecor's 4 an' to ?ree>e the ?inancia+ assets o? e(ery in'i(i'*a+ *sin) an AmericanAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s who was not ?orce' to swap I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with another (ictim 5 this ?or the p*rpose o? 'isa@+in) an' apprehen'in) the )*i+ty .action. .or p*rpose o? a(ertin) 'etection an' arrest < the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Ita+ian A6IS A)ents ha(e in?i+trate' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartments 4 Po+ice 3epartments 4 .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 4 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency 4 an' ha(e attempte' to rep+ace the wea+thiest an' most in?+*entia+ o? Americans an' other peop+es with A)ents o? their own 5 stea+in) their reso*rces in the process. 2hese reso*rces are now a(ai+a@+e to the Sa(oy Ita+ian A6IS an' they are *sin) them to @+ocD an' sa@ota)e in(esti)ations as we++ as prepare ?or conH*est o? North America an' eCtermination o? a++ other races. 2hese ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces can @e ?o*n' *sin) 7*stom 1n)ineere' HacDin) 2oo+s an' 7*stom 1n)ineere' HacDin) an' PhreaDin) 3e(ices 5 1+ectronics 1n)ineers4 So?tware 1n)ineers4 HacDers4 an' PhreaDers wo*+' a++ Dnow how to @*i+' these 'e(ices an' some o? them can @e ?o*n' on the internet. :ire+ess HacDin) so?tware s*ch a ;acD2racD 4 9ismet 4 7a(itySearch 4 9atana 4 an' others can @e *se' to ?in' the si)na+s transmittin) ?rom these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices an' ana+y>e what they are as we++ as hacD the comp*ters o? the )enoci'a+ Ita+ian A6IS terrorists whom ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' these 'e(ices in h*man @o'ies. 2he 'e(ices necessary to ?in' these wire+ess ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are 'e(ices capa@+e o? ?in'in) any ;+*e2ooth Si)na+ or other :ire+ess Si)na+ an' matchin) it to a 'e(ice 'ri(er 5 these 'e(ices *s*a++y p+*) in to US; ports on comp*ters or Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones an' can @e *se' with $ap2op 7omp*ters. 2he other metho' o? ?in'in) these are the Si)na+s Ana+ysis 7omp*ters at the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 5 the s*r)ica+ imp+antation an' imp+ementation o? this 'e(ice are :ar 7rimes 4 these :ar 7rimes are within the I*ris'iction o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense @ein) that the perpetrators are :ar 7rimina+ 1nemy 7om@atants whom ha(e committe' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' are c*rrent+y en)a)e' in a co(ert an' systemic campai)n o? )enoci'e in North America. HacDin) so?tware 5 U ;acD2racD5 ;acD2racD5 is wire+ess hacDin) so?tware 4 'esi)ne' ?or hacDin) wire+ess si)na+s. U SP00PH 200PH '*p+icates ;+*e 2ooth 'e(icesA si)na+s 4 somethin) simi+ar may possi@+y @e @ein) *se' to hi'e the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces as 7e++*+ar Phones on Ser(ers 5 this can @e worDe' aro*n' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence imme'iate+y 4 which has recor'e' the *nencrypte' ;inary 2ransmission ?rom the 3e(ices themse+(es. Spooph 2ooph is +iDe+y to @e *se' to con?*se hacDers an' in(esti)ators concernin) U@ertooth 'e(ices an' ;+*e 2ooth 3on)+es positione' @ehin' wa++s in Apartment ;*i+'in)s or Hote+s an' attache' to :i.i US; A'apters which 2ether US; 3e(ices to

7omp*ters. U 7A=I2/ S1A#7H 'oes somethin) a+on) the +ines o? i'enti?yin) @+*e tooth 'e(ices an' their capa@i+ities. U 2U#90BAN 7reates a me'iator ser(er @etween the (ictimAs comp*ter an' the internet ser(er 5 this ena@+es the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ent or HacDer to manip*+ate what seems to @e internet @etween the (ictimA comp*ter an' the internet < this a+so a++ows 'irect manip*+ation o? the (ictims comp*ter @y metho' simi+ar to :in'ows #emote Assistance. 2*rDoIan so?tware can @e *se' to create pop *ps which appear to @e we@sites an' internet pop *ps @*t in act*a+ity are pro'*ce' @y the hacDers 5 the 'ata content o? these pop *ps an' @oth comp*ters is recor'e' @y 7omm*nications Ser(ers an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters @oth. U U;1#2002H Is a har'ware 'e(ice capa@+e o? scannin) entire area ?or a++ wire+ess si)na+s. It 'etects an' ana+y>es si)na+s an' can @e *se' to 'etect an' i'enti?y the 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants which are imp+ante' in ci(i+ian )enoci'e tar)etsA an' (ictimsA @o'ies as we++ as some o? the 1man*e+esA 7rimina+ 2errorist A)entsA @o'ies. 1+ectronic 'e(ices s*ch as U@ertooth are a@so+*te+y necessary to pre(ent )enoci'e o? ci(i+ian pop*+ations 4 are +e)a+ to p*rchase 4 an' are i++e)a+ to o*t+aw the p*rchase o? '*e to the ;i++ o? #i)hts o? the Unite' States o? America an' the 7onstit*tion o? the Unite' States o? America. U GPen2ester 3e(icesG an' GPen2estin) So?twareG Penetration 2estin) 5 tests e+ectronic 'e(ices ?or penetra@i+ity to 'etermine whether or not they can @e networDe' 4 accesse' 4 an' acti(ate'. Pen 2esters an' so?tware simi+ar to .orcePasswor' so?tware or ;ash so?tware can e(en @e *se' to open e+ectric a*tomo@i+e +ocDs. 2his so?tware is +e)a+ to p*rchase or 'own+oa' 4 @*t the app+ication o? this so?tware is +imite' in the scope o? itAs +e)a+ *ses 5 *sers o? Penetration2estin) techno+o)y sho*+' @e care?*+ not to @reaD any +aws *n+ess it is a@so+*te+y necessary to 'o so ?or the p*rpose o? sa(in) +i(es. U #.I3 S7ANN1#5 An #.I3 Scanner is necessary to networD the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ices to a comp*ter. 2his is accomp+ices @y ho+'in) the #.I3 Scanner to the corner o? the Iaw an' rea'in) the #. 7ar' o? the GPS 3e(ice or positionin) the #.I3 #ea'in) *n'er a the Iaw o? a person who is +ayin) on their si'e. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action whom ha(e @een acti(e+y en)a)e' in a campai)n o? Genoci'e an' H*man 2ra??icDin) in North American inc+*'in) SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection ha(e within their ranDs a sma++ n*m@er o? eCtreme+y ta+ente' 7omp*ter HacDers whom ha(e @een *sin) what is pro@a@+e to @e 2I$1#A 100 70#1 Processors an' $in*C So?tware to commit Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 2errorist Assa*+ts in(o+(in) 7omp*ter HacDin) o? the 70M7AS2 1N21#2AINM1N2 N12:0#9 ?or the p*rpose o? '*@@in) A*'io .i+es o(er the Stan'ar' Sche'*+e' Pro)rammin) as we++ as '*@@in) Animations o(er the Stan'ar' Sche'*+e' Pro)rammin) which inc+*'e Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Assa*+ts *pon 7i(i+ians which ha(e @een c*stom tai+ore' to Psycho+o)ica++y 2errori>e speci?ic 7i(i+ian 2ar)ets as we++ as speci?ic 7i(i+ian Pop*+ation Gro*ps. Some o? these Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 2errorist AttacDs inc+*'e i++e)a++y recor'e' con(ersations @etween ci(i+ians @ein) 'irect+y H*ote' within the 'ia+o) o? te+e(ision charactersA (oices '*@@e' o(er the te+e(ision pro)rammin) which so*n' simi+ar to the (oices o? the actors on the te+e(ision shows. 0ther Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 2errorist AttacDs @ein) committe' @y 7y@er 2errorists in(o+(e the *se o? HacD Animation So?tware an' eCtreme+y power?*+ Processin) Units to animate News AnchorsA ?aces an' .e'era+ 1mp+oyeeAs ?aces to mo(e with a*'io '*@@in) ?or p*rpose o? maDin) these '*@s appear to @e ?act*a+ te+e(ision pro)rammin) an' ?act*a+ news when in act*a+ity these are Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+ts an' ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication or Psycho+o)ica+ 1n)ineerin) o? the tar)ets. 2he prospect o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS mana)in) to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the entirety o? the North American Pop*+ation 4 is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s. 2he 2i+era Processors are eCtreme ?ast an' can @e *se' with $in*C Ne*roScience So?tware 4 it is a possi@i+ity that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS co*+' contro+ the entirety o? the peop+e on the continent < transmittin) s*@+ima+

i'eas 4 manip*+atin) emotions o? in'i(i'*a+s 4 physica++y contro++in) the Ne*ro+o)y o? the h*man (i(isection (ictims 4 in?+*encin) 'ecisions 4 contro++in) 'ecisions 4 assassinatin) tar)ette' peop+es 4 an' in?i+tratin) the entire )o(ernment 5 it is 'e?inite that these 'e(ices are networDe' @y Internet NetworDin) Protoco+s that are Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 A#G0S G.P.S. 4 an' Shippin) F .rei)ht G.P.S. Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. It is 'e?inite that a So?tware 1n)ineer an' a Ne*roScientist co*+' creat so?tware that is capa@+e o? contro++in) an entire continenta+ pop*+ation 4 with a power?*+ eno*)h Processin) Unit an' a networD o? 7omm*nications Ser(ers. 7*rrent+y 4 the most power?*+ 7omp*ter Processors are processors s*ch as the 2I$1#A 100 7ore. A $on) #an)e :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? 2 Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*its 4 one in the rear +e?t o? the @rain 4 an' the secon' on the ?ront ri)ht o? the @rain < wire' to two A#G0S G.P.S. 3ata 2ransmitters S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' an' S*t*re 2acDe' to the insi'e an' corner o? the +ower Iaw 5 is capa@+e o? contro++in) a $i(in) ;io+o)ica+ $i?e?orm entire+y 4 the $i(in) 0r)anism is e??ecti(e+y contro++e' as a #o@ot @y metho' o? Ne*roScience So?tware which contro+s the ne*ro+o)y. 2his is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s an' is a weapon that is c*rrent+y @ein) *se'. It is not necessary to o*t+aw eCtreme+y power?*+ Processin) Units or eCtreme+y a'(ance' 7omp*ter 2echno+o)y < what is necessary is a se(ere *p)ra'in) o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ter NetworD inc+*'in) an Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence So?tware which co*+' acti(e+y search ?or Irre)*+ar Si)na+s more s*ccess?*++y. 2his Din' o? Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence So?tware wo*+' acti(e+y search ?or irre)*+ar si)na+s or speci?ie' 'ata transmission types within a spectr*m o? options an' wo*+' 'o so persistent+y 2% ho*rs a 'ay an' ! 'ays a weeD 5 this Din' o? so?tware wo*+' ha(e ca*)ht these 7y@er 2errorists imme'iate+y. 2his Din' o? So?tware co*+' ha(e a+so ca*)ht the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'ata transmissions in a weeD an' e(ent*a++y +ocate' speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s an' cata)ori>e' in?ormation an' re+ate' s*@Iects re+e(ant to the )*i+ty party whom committe' this attacD. 2his so?tware 4 tho*)h en)ineere' +ater than nee'e' 5 co*+' sti++ worD retroacti(e+y to ?in' e(ery sin)+e Ne*roScience 2ransmission that has e(er in the past @een transmitte' e+ectronica++y across any comm*nications tower or ser(er in North America or e+sewhere. I? the Ne*roScience 2ransmissions are transmitte' o(er the internet 4 they are a(ai+a@+e )+o@a++y an' sho*+' @e ana+y>e' @y Mi+itaries ?or p*rpose o? seeDin) B*stice ?or the =ictims. I? 'ata is 'e+ete' ?rom a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ter 5 permanant e(i'ence eCists o? this. 2his so?tware co*+' a+so ?in' past manip*+ations o? Sche'*+e' 2e+e(ision 2ransmissions which were acts o? 7y@er 2errorism Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are as we++ as any instance o? 2*rDoIan So?tware @ein) *se' in the past. 3*rin) the +ate sprin) o? the year 200% 4 my se+? an' my eC )ir+?rien' Sahn'ra St.0n)e were in(ite' to #ye NewHampshire @y 2ony Grasseti to meet some ?rien's o? his. A?ter arri(in) at 2ony GrassetiAs ?rien'As ho*se in his car 4 2ony *neCpecte'+y intro'*ce' *s to the Prince o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e < an' .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames 4 whom is a+so a son o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. 3*rin) the 'ay that we were in #ye NewHampshire with 2ony Grasseti 4 2onyAs ?rien' ?rom #ye who is pro@a@+y a co*sin o? the 1man*e+esA 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames 5 .i+ 1mane*e+e state' to me GIAm act*a++y the Prince o? Ita+y. ItAs act*a++y .i+ with an . 4 as in .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. /eah... my ?ami+y is act*a++y re+ate' somehow to A'o+? Hit+er 5 apparent+y he is my co*sin or somethin). 3o yo* Dnow anythin) a@o*t thatOG . .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Great Gran'.ather 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 5 was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. 2he way that this was state' 4 in conI*nction with the ?act that 2ony Grasseti is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs co*sin an' ha' not a'mitte' it to me *nti+ months +ater 5 has +e' me to @e+ie(e that the Grasseti .ami+y an' the 7hristiano .ami+y are somehow c+oser re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er @io+o)ica++y than was eCpecte' an' may act*a++y @e the 'escen'ants o? A'o+? Hit+er or possi@+y I*st as m*ch a Great Gran'Nephew an' Great Gran'Neice o? A'o+? Hit+erAs. 9ate 7hristiano is s*ppose'+y 2ony GrassetiAs 3r' co*sin < I @e+ie(e she is in ?act @oth his 3r' co*sin an' 2n' co*sin an' that one o? their parents were a'opte' to a #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)ht o?

the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or reason that they were o? #oya+ ;+oo'4 the #oya+ .ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy a'opt their *n o??icia+ heirs to the ?ami+ies o? #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)hts an' 9ni)hts who are tr*ste' @y the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa(oy 5 2his has @een a stan'ar' practice o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or possi@+y " or 10 )enerations '*e to the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+ans ?or G+o@a+ 7onH*est which @e)an prior to the .irst :or+' :ar. It is +o)ica+ to ass*me that the 1man*e+es may possi@+y attempt to *se Imposte*rs o? themse+(es to create an a+i@i ?or their wherea@o*ts an' in(o+(ement in 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' 2errorism o(er the past 10 years. 7esare 4 whom is one o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs associates 5 *ses the termino+o)y GMachia(e++iG an' has GMachia(e++ie'G himse+? twice o(er the past ten years < he is c*rrent+y on his secon' Imposte*r I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) 200! < 7esare +ocDe' 2ony Gon>a+e> in a @asement in Manchester NewHampshire an' ?e' him Mi+D tainte' with =ir*s c*+t*re' in Hemo)+o@in which containe' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy strains o? (ir*s containin) 7esareAs own 3NA ?or SDin 4 Nose 4 Hair 4 1yes 4 an' .in)erprint re+ate' 3NA. 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was a+so a@'*cte' @y 7esare '*rin) 2005 4 her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ha(e @een *se' to swap i'entity with more than one SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim an' H*man =i(isection (ictim as we++ as other a@'*ctees. A?ter 2ony Gon>a+e> was m*tate' to +ooD o? simi+ar eno*)h appearance to 7esare 4 he was re+ease' ?rom the @asement an' 7esare ca++e' the Po+ice 3epartment reportin) that 2ony Gon>a+e> was 7esare. 7esare was si)hte' in 200! an' ha' m*tate' his 3NA to chan)e his sDin comp+eCion to eCtreme+y pa+e an' chan)e his nose shape < it +ooDe' as i? 7esare ha' *se' my co*sin B*+iannaAs 3NA to 'o this 4 B*+ianna is c*rrent+y missin) 5 that entire si'e o? my ?ami+y has @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs. 2ony Gon>a+e> is 2 or 3 inches ta++er than 7esare an' 'oes not ha(e the 'eep ?acia+ scar 7esare has < 2ony Gon>a+e> a+so has entire+y 'i??erent 3NA than 7esare 4 2ony is a :hite Hispanic MeCican non Mesti>o 5 7esare is o? miCe' Ita+ian an' 7*@an race an' a Mesti>o o? some amo*nt o? 2aiino racia+ 3NA. ;oth in'i(i'*a+sA 3NA has @een a+tere' se(ere+y @*t to a 'e)ree that is pro@a@+e to on+y ha(e @een a 10S a+teration o? tota+ 3NA an' wi++ @e eCtreme+y noticea@+e *n'er microscope. 2ony Gon>a+e> is c*rrent+y in prison ?or 7esareAs crimes in NewHampshire 4 a 3NA test an' other ?orensics are necessary to pro(e his innocence. .ranchesca Gon>a+e> is missin). 7esare was +ast si)hte' in Nash*a NewHampshire an' H*'son NewHampshire '*rin) B*ne o? 2013 5 he @en's his Dnees when he wa+Ds '*e to his hei)ht on his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @ein) 3 inches shorter than his act*a+ hei)ht. 7esare has =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' his sDin to appear pa+e an' his nose is now m*tate' to @e thinner in shape. It is pro@a@+e that 7esare wi++ attempt to GMachia(e++iG a)ain soon @y chan)e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s a)ain. 7esare is a+so Dnown as G3ia@+oG an' G7aesarG in 7*@a an' the U.S.A. < in 200% 4 7esare was se+? 'ec+are' to @e an' was s*))este' @y .i+i@erto 1man*e+e to @e B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Gran'son. :hi+e wa+Din) to #ye ;each in #ye NewHampshire 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' that he Dnew G7*@an ACisG as we++ as GB*+i*s 1(o+aAs NetworDG. Propa)an'a '*rin) the :ar on 2error 'escri@e' 0sama ;in$a'en as @ein) Gon 'ia+ysisG 4 which is to say that 5 0sama ;in$a'en was recei(in) intra (en*s @+oo' trans?*sions re)*+ar+y. It is 'e?inite that '*rin) 200! 4 a chair with 'ia+ysis t*@in) attache' to the ?rame o? the chair was in the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter Psychiatric Unit in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 this was not the *s*a+ chair that wo*+' @e *se' ?or this an' was not in a p+ace where this chair sho*+' @e. It is a 'e?inite ?act that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy is *s*a++y a'ministere' thro*)h intra(eno*s inIection an' is on+y se+'om a'ministere' as a (ir*s c*+t*re' in a hemo)+o@in which is po*re' into a @e(era)e. 3*rin) the year 200! < whi+e at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter 4 I met an imposte*r o? 1+i>a@eth Hano(er. ApproCimate+y 5 months prior to this4 I ha' so+' the ?act*a+ 1+i>a@eth Hano(er a tea an' a scone whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts in Manchester NewHampshire at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire. It is pro@a@+e that somehow the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e o@taine' @io+o)ica+ materia+ o? the Hano(erAs 3NA. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy own n*mero*s hospita+s in North America an' ha(e o@taine' ;io+o)ica+ Materia+s containin) 3NA ?rom #e'7ross ;+oo' 3ri(es 4 ;+oo' 3raws

at Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 an' other so*rces s*ch as possi@+y hairs or 'ispose' o? ra>or @+a'es ?rom Hote+s. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are c*rrent+y attemptin) 7o(ert G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' are 'e?inite+y p+annin) to GMachia(e++iG themse+(es i? they ?ai+ 4 they wi++ 'e?inite+y attempt to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy as we++ as the contro+ they ha(e o(er the in'i(i'*a+s whom they ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 an' sto+en or ?or)e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 to ?+ee I*stice i? they ?ai+ at their attempt o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est @y rep+acin) n*mero*s Nationa+ Go(ernments 4 Aristocracies 4 an' Hi)h #anDin) Mi+itary 1mp+oyees. 3*rin) the S*mmer o? the year 2000 4 I ha' met a )ir+ name' Nina Hansen < Nina an' I met whi+e atten'in) a m*sica+ per?ormance in :orcester Massach*settes when we were 1E years o+'. :e @e)an ta+Din) on the internet. A?ter a ?ew months o? ta+Din) 4 we @e)an 'atin). A+so4 '*rin) the S*mmer o? the year 2000 a?ter I ha' @e)*n ta+Din) to Nina Hansen < I met met .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames ?or the 2n' time at what was either A)way or $oweAs in Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire or Sea@rooD NewHampshire. Matt ;e+*ar'oAs )ir+?rien' Sarah ha' @een worDin) at this +ocation an' Matt ha' 'ri(en to picD her *p. :ith *s in the a*tomo@i+e was Boe Mc7arthy 4 an' Aman'a $an'ry. A@o*t a month prior to this 3.B. ha' starte' socia+i>in) with A)way emp+oyees 5 3.B.As ?ami+y 'e?inite+y sta+De' Matt ;e+*ar'oAs ?or reason o? +ocatin) my socia+ networD an' p*ttin) 3.B. in the socia+ networD. Matt ;e+*ar'oAs co*sin was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen4 the 1man*e+es ha(e *se' mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen to sta+D n*mero*s peop+e in the past4 as we++ as ha(e they sta+De' an' Dept recor' o? the +ocation o? mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?or p*rpose o? tracDin) in'i(i'*a+s in their socia+ networD. 3*rin) the 1""0As 4 the 1man*e+es @e)an emp+oyin) 7omp*ter HacDers to intercept te+ephone con(ersations a 7omm*nications Ser(ers an' recor' the con(ersations as we++ as access American 0n+ine Instant Messa)e recor's an' 1mai+ Acco*nts. 3anie+ Bames )rew *p in the Sea@rooDQSa+is@*ry re)ion. My ?rien' 7assan'ra $AHerea*C whom a+so )rew *p in this re)ion an' is now +i(in) in North 7aro+ina has @een a sta+Din) (ictim o? the 1man*e+es. I @e+ie(e that her comp*ter has @een @ein) hacDe' ?reH*ent+y o(er the past years. In the year 1""" < .i+ 1man*e+e ha' a@'*cte' an' tort*re' Nina Hansen ?or 12 ho*rs an' @e)an repeate'+y rapin) her in attempts to ?orce her into a@so+*te s*@mission. Nina was to+' that it was )oin) to Deep happenin) *nti+ she stoppe' ca++in) Po+ice. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e rape' Nina Hansen repeate'+y ?or approCimate+y 3 years. It is now *n'erstoo' that Nina HansenAs +an'+or' was a Property Stea' Ho+'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' that this man ha' )i(en .i+ 1man*e+e a copy o? the ?ront 'oor Dey to Nina HansenAs home. .i+ was a+most 2! years o+' 4 Nina Hansen was 15. 3*rin) the year 1""" < .i+ 1man*e+e in(a'e' Nina HansenAs home an' rape' her a secon' time 5 .i+ ?orce' Nina Hansen to wear a 'o) co++ar an' attache' a 'o) +eash to the co++ar. 3*rin) the years 2008 4 200" 4 an' 2010 5 Matt ;e+*ar'oAs .ace;ooD was hacDe' @y the 1man*e+esA 7omp*ter HacDers. 2he 1man*e+esA hacDers @e)*n hacDin) ser(ers hea(i+y '*rin) 200%. Prior to the year 200%< the 1man*e+esA ha' emp+oye' their 7omp*ter HacDers to sta+D Nina Hansen @y metho' o? 7omp*ter HacDin) ser(ers to co++ect her Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 3ata s*ch as intercept an' recor' con(ersations4 )ather recor's o? her teCt messa)es4 an' possi@+y checD G+o@a+ Position System 'ata o? p*rpose o? 'iscernin) whether or not she was home. Nina Hansen ha' to+' me that she @e+ie(e' that hacDers were 7y@er Sta+Din) her an' watchin) her America 0n+ine Instant Messa)e *ses as we++ as her Home 7omp*ters connecti(ity4 ?or p*rpose o? 'eterminin) whether or not she was home an' i? she was home a+one. =ittorio 1man*e+e o@(io*s+y a+so emp+oye' 7omp*ter HacDers to wire tap Nina HansenAs Home 2e+ephone somehow at a ser(er. A?ter I @e)an ta+Din) to Nina Hansen on the internet as we++ as on the te+ephone < Matt ;e+*ar'o was +ocate' thro*)h his $ea)*e 0? Ita+ian Gent+emen co*sins an' his America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er an' 2e+ephone 'ata @e)an @ein) accesse' @y the 1man*e+esA 7omp*ter HacDers4 =ittorio ha' a+rea'y *se' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen to +ocate an' Deep recor' o? my se+? thro*)h #o@er #o'on whom ha' @ecome a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen whom was 7hristopher #o'onAs ?ather. It is 'e?inite that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs rape

o? Nina Hansen was an Initiation 7rime an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' rape' my mother 3e@@ie MacPherson when she was a +itt+e )ir+. My mother was a (ictim o? SeC 2ra??icDin) when she was a +itt+e )ir+ < this @e)an when she was 5 an' 'i'nAt en' *nti+ she was 1% 5 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha' *se' my mother an' my nana Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty ?or Initiation 7rimes 4 as repeat (ictims o? their 2errorist 7rime So+'iers whom they initiate' thro*)h +ayers o? Initiation 7rimes. 2he metho' o? attacDs which my Mother an' my Nana ha' to en'*re 4 whi+e trappe' +i(in) with G7h*cDG 5 were o? the 'e?inite psycho+o)y o? the Initiation 7rimes o? this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate repeate'+y o??en' the same (ictims attempt to Deep their (ictims contro++e' an' their (ictims socia+ networD as we++ as po+ice 'epartment contro++e' ?or p*rpose o? 'ecreasin) the chances o? their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate @ein) 'isco(ere' an' their Aristocratic Ho*seAs SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) ?rom @ein) 'isco(ere'. 2he Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e committe' o(er tho*san's o? SeC 0??enses *pon chi+'ren since the Aristocratic ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' to the USA. 2he eCtremity o? their 'isrespectin) o? the (ictims as we++ as the 'e)ree o? seC*a+ (io+ence o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs attacDs *pon American citi>ens an' their chi+'ren 4 portrays the psycho+o)y o? a ?action with 'e?inite p+ans to eCterminate a++ o? these pop*+ations entire+y. It is a pro@a@i+ity my MotherAs race has now @een comp+ete+yt eCterminate' an' that @eca*se o? the en?orce' 'i(ersity o? the pop*+ation ratio in the USA an' the en?orce' man'ation o? my MotherAs race to @ecome the sma++est 1thnic Minority ratio ?raction on the p+anet 1arth 5 it is not yet i'enti?ie' as a 2ota+ Genoci'e @y the USA Go(ernment. 3*rin) my Gran'Mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7artyAs +i?etime < her entire race was eCterminate' an' a++ o? her 7hi+'ren an' Gran'7hi+'ren were #ape' 4 SeC 2ra??icDe' 4 7hi+' Porno)raphe' 4 an' H*man =i(isecte'. 2he intention o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in the Americas has @een 2ota+ Genoci'e 4 since prior to the .irst :or+' :ar 5 accor'in) to me'ia ?*n'e' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Mayan #ace is 'etermine' @y GGo'G to @e eCtinct in 2012. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 an e(ent ca++e' Gthe /29 @*)G was pre'icte' to @e soon occ*rrin). 2his e(ent was 'escri@e' as tota+ ?ai+*re o? a++ comp*ter systems *sin) Microso?t 0peratin) Systems an' was attri@*te' to the 0peratin) System itse+? '*e to the e+ectronic c+ocD o? the 0peratin) System not reachin) the year 2001. It was i)nore' that the 0peratin) System was so?tware an' co*+' easi+y @e *p'ate' 4 the G/29 ;*)G was spoDen o? as a misconception a?ter Microso?t Up'ate *p'ate' :in'ows 7+ocDs 5 some o? which 'i' not nee' to @e *p'ate'. An artic+e in a ma)a>ine state' 5 G 2he comp*ter wi++ no +on)er worD ?or yo* at the stroDe o? mi'ni)ht on New /ears 1(e o? the year 2000.G. 2he pre'iction o? a G/29 7o++apseG or a G/29 ;*)G was act*a++y pre'icte' imme'iate+y prior to an artic+e in 2ime Ma)a>ine which 'escri@e' the en)ineerin) o? Impro(ise' 1+ectronic #a'io .reH*ency 1Cp+osi(es 3etonators man*?act*re' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts 5 these were ca++e' G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG . I @e+ie(e that the ?irst (ictim o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace A#G0S H*man =i(isections that I met 4 was the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who was ?orce' to +i(e as imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay whom I met '*rin) the year 2003. It is pro@a@+e that the S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @e)an short+y a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' that the G/29 ;*)G an' G/29 7o++apseG artic+es were p*@+ishe' cypher comm*nications . 2he contro++e' co++apse o? the 2win 2owers in New/orD 7ity was 'e?inite+y the res*+t o? 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es @ein) *se' with Impro(ise' #Q. Mo@i+e Phone 3etonators that 'etonate' the eCp+osi(es a?ter the p+anes hit the @*i+'in)s < '*e to Sa(oy A)ents em@e''e' within in(esti)ations 4 in(esti)ations ne(er re(ea+e' that there were 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es in(o+(e'. 3*rin) the corr*ption o? )o(ernment which occ*re' as a res*+t o? the Sa(oy A)ents #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+ms < GA*'io #ecor'in) ;*)sG were p+ante' in wa++s that were Impro(ise 1n)ineere' o? Han' #a'io G:a+Dy 2a+DyG parts 4 Acco*stic A*'io #ecor'in) Microphones 4 2r*cD #a'io parts 4 an' #ee+ 2ape #ecor'ers 5 these 'e(ices ha(e now @een rep+ace' @y Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone #ecor'in) 3e(ices G3ia+ Up #ecor'ersG an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in (ictimsA crani*ms *sin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System techno+o)y to networD it to comp*ters )+o@a++y. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs o@session with p*@+ishin) his cypher comm*nications in p*@+ic +ocations is

pro@a@+e to @e ?or the p*rpose o? maintainin) the mora+e o? his 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++ A)ents 4 this is we++ 'oc*mente' as a res*+t o? the p*@+ic p*@+ishin) o? these comm*nications in artic+es an' news papers @*t has not yet @een *n'erstoo' @y in(esti)ations 'epartments '*e to Sa(oy A)ents @ein) em@e''e' amon)st the in(esti)ations 'epartments. =ittorio 1man*e+e a+so has an o@session with p*@+ishin) threats in p*@+ic (i'eo)raphe' me'ia s*ch as p+ot an' 'ia+o) in 7inemato)raphy as in 2heatre Mo(ies an' 2e+e(ision Series < this has @een we++ 'oc*mente' as we++ 4 as a res*+t o? the pro'*ction o? these mo(ies @ein) p*@+ic 4 @*t is yet to @e *n'erstoo' @y in(esti)ations 'epartments ?or the same reason. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy o?ten *se the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' their associate' networDs o? in'i(i'*a+s as a means o? pro(i'in) Scripts 4 3ia+o) pieces 4 7haracter names an' 'escriptions 4 P+ot +ine ?or mo(ies 4 an' speci?ic actors 5 the mo(ie G0ne .+ew 0(er the 7*cDooAs NestG inc+*'es the name BacD 3ion 4 an' the main character is p+aye' @y BacD Nicho+son. Sheena Nico+e MacPherson was an in?ant when 7hris 2homas SeC*a++y Assa*+te' her an' tooD a photo)raph < an' was the 'a*)hter o? #*sse++ MacPherson o? 7+an MacPherson o? 7+an 7hattan 4 whom =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas mocDe' ca++in) him G#*sse++ MacPherson o? 9*9+*C9+an MacPherson or is it 9*9+*C9+an 9attanOG. BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter an' #*sse++ MacPhersonAs son were @oth 5 years o+' when they were 7hi+' Porno)raphe' @y 7hris 2homas. A NicD+e is a 5 cent coin. An in?antAs cri@ is ca++e' a GnestG. =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren as we++ as a'*+ts ?or most o? his +i?e. 3*rin) my chi+'hoo' 4 7omp*ter HacDers @e)an occaisiona++y accessin) my emai+ acco*nt 4 my America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er recor's4 an' my te+ephone con(ersations. 3*rin) the year 1""" an' we++ into 200% 4 2ony Grasseti was ?rien's with Nina Hansen 5 the 1man*e+es +ater *se' 2ony Grasseti as a +iason to sec*re an *neCpecte' meetin) @etween my se+? an' .i+ 1man*e+e as we++ as his @rother 3anie+ Bames. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e @een sta+Din) my ?ami+y an' my +o(e' ones my entire +i?e. 2he 1man*e+es sta+D their (ictims thro*)h socia+ networDs an' *sin) 7omp*ter HacDers 4 it is 'e?inite that in?ormation is Dept concernin) these (ictims. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e recor's o? a++ o? the $ea)*e 0? Ita+ian Gent+emen .ami+y 2rees 4 A''resses 4 2e+ephone N*m@ers 4 an' can easi+y o@tain I.P. A''resses an' e+ectronic 'ata @y means o? 7omp*ter HacDin). ;y metho' o? tracDin) a++ o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen4 the 1man*e+es are easier a@+e to sta+D an' tracD peop+es o? the comm*nities whom the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen mem@ers +i(e amon)st an' associate with socia++y. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate a+so ha(e a)ents em@e''e' within )o(ernment which they *se to i++e)a++y o@tain recor's ?rom within )o(ernment 'epartments. =ittorio 1man*e+e has 'e?inite+y spent m*ch o? his time in his +i?e 4 sta+Din) to ?ami+ies o? his past (ictims. 3*rin) the year 20004 I was sittin) in the @acD seat o? my ?rien' Bason Be??reyAs car with Nina Hansen whom was my )ir+?rien' at the time 5 .i+ 1man*e+e opene' the ?ront passen)er 'oor an' sat 'own in the car. His p*rpose was o@(io*s+y to intimi'ate Nina Hansen. 0*tsi'e o? the (ehic+e 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ye++e' at .i+ G.i+ 4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaDN $i(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+one.G . .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was 'escri@e' @y Nina Hansen as ha(in) tie' her *p with rope 4 poisone' her with M3MA 4 an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs < a?terwhich 4 he rape' her repeate'+y. Nina eCp+aine' to me that M3MA was s*ppose' to pro'*ce G)oo' ?ee+in)sG an' that yo* are s*ppose' to ?ee+ G)oo'G whi+e yo* are on M3MA 5 she eCp+aine' that was .i+ 1man*e+e 'i' to her 4 ha' permanant+y 'ama)e' her @rain an' that she was a+most incapa@+e o? ?ee+in) any happiness or )oo' ?ee+in)s whatsoe(er. Nina Hansen eCp+aine' to me that .i+ ha' @een wa+Din) into her home thro*)h the ?ront 'oor an' rapin) her since she was 15 < Nina was 1E when we were 'atin) 4 .i+ rape' her when we were to)ether an' this contin*e' *nti+ she was o+'er. :hi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 4 a ?ema+e wa+De' thro*)h the 'oors an' was ta+Din) a@o*t .i+ 1man*e+e 5 she state' 4 GIan 'ate' .i+As initiation rape. 3o yo* Dnow how ?*cDe' *p this isO IanAs )ir+?rien' when he was 1E 4 was .i+As initiation rape. 2hey rape minors. SheAs the same a)e as Ian. She was his on+y other rea+ )ir+?rien' in hi)hschoo+.G 4 this ?ema+e was o@(io*s+y ta+Din) a@o*t =a+erie 0+son prior to this. .i+As 'ecision to

attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' is pro@a@+y the res*+t o? Mosta?a ye++in) at .i+ when .i+ sat in Be??rey Be??reyAs car. :hen in #ye NewHampshire 4 .i+ 1man*e+e to+' me that I remin'e' him o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' in a (ery stran)e way. Nina Hansen ha' 'escri@e' .i+As attacDs as @ein) ai'e' @y her +an'+or' whom m*st ha(e )i(en him the Dey an' *nhin'ere' @y the Po+ice 3epartment whom was contacte' n*mero*s times a@o*t this. In Manchester NewHampshire @etween the years o? 200% an' 2010 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico 5 )a(e n*mero*s copies o? Deys to apartments he rente' to payin) tenants 4 )i(in) the copies o? these Deys to assai+ants associate' with .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom committe' the same crimes as .i+ a?ter @ein) or'ere' to 'o so @y .i+ 1man*e+e. 7esare G3ia@+oAsG crimes in 7*@a were 'escri@e' @y the woman whom ha' ?o*n' o*t a@o*t Nina 4 as G3ia@+oAs initiation crimes.G. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'eci'e' in the year 200% < that he was )oin) to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or .i+ 1man*e+eAs own crimes an' 'epict Mosta?a I@nSa*' in me'ia as the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .actionAs connection to 0sama ;in$a'en 5 this is o@(io*s+y ?or reason that Mosta?a I@nSa*' pro(e' to @e incorr*pta@+e @y .i+ 1man*e+e 4 whom o?ten attempts to recr*it ma+es whom he Dnows into his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' mora+ity tests them constant+y in e??orts to 'iscern whether or he can in?+*ence them to pro(e their crimina+ity thro*)h the necessary Initiation 7rimes which his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate reH*ires to pro(e si+ence an' +oya+ty to their crimina+ity. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces c*rrent+y in (ictimsA @rains ha(e @een *se' to co++ect 'ata ?rom the entire pop*+ation o? the North 1ast o? North America ?or p*rpose o? attemptin) to e+iminate witnesses concernin) .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs SeC 0??enses an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er. .i+ 1man*e+e has a+so *se' these 'e(ices to manip*+ate an' contro+ h*man @ein)s s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 2errorist 7rime So+'ier accomp+ices to his terrorism an' h*man tra??icDin) 4 an' SeC 0??en'ers whom were @asica++y conscripte' a?ter @ein) s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with these 'e(ices < as we++ as were some o? these SeC 0??en'ers +iDe+y to ha(e @een wi++in) recr*its a?ter @ein) in?orme' that they were a@+e to +i(e a new +i?e ?ree ?rom ha(in) to re)ister as a SeC 0??en'er @y *sin) a new i'entity an' *n'er)oin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) their appearance to +ooD +iDe a (ictim o? .i+As an' =ittorioAs. 2hese ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience 'e(ices ha(e @een *se' to ai' in the si+encin) o? the (ictims o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rimes. In the past 4 what has @een seen concernin) the si+encin) o? these crimes 5 has typica++y in(o+(e' Po+ice 7orr*ption an' In(esti)ations Sa@ota)e as we++ as co(ert re?*sa+ to in(esti)ate. 2he Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs initiation crimes eChi@it a psycho+o)y o? eCtreme )*i+t an' a worri?*+ paranoia pro'*ce' @y SeC 0??enses speci?ica++y as we++ as comp+icity in 2errorism. 2he initiation crimes o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are en)ineere' to pro'*ce a ?ear in the min's o? the initiate' crime so+'iers simi+ar to the ?ear that the ?o*n'in) crimina+s that inherite' this 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate ha(e ?or a +on) time ha' to en'*re ?or reason that their crimes are so heino*s that none wi++ e(er ?or)i(e them i? they are 'isco(ere' to @e those in comp+icity concernin) these crimes. 2he eCact ?ee+in) o? 'esperation that =ittorio 1man*e+e himse+? has pro@a@+y ?e+t most o? his +i?e as the res*+t o? his in(o+(ement in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? minors an' yo*n) women 4 is the Din' o? ?ear that seems to 'ri(e this Din' o? )*i+ty in'i(i'*a+ to commit any heino*s crime to pre(ent their own arrest. It is possi@+e that the ?ear o? @ein) connecte' to the " 11 2errorist AttacD is I*st as )reat in =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs min's as is their paranoi' ?ear o? @ein) i'enti?ie' as

@ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icateAs accomp+ices in SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 not on+y are they )*i+ty o? a heino*s amo*nt o? SeC 2ra??icDin) an' Genoci'e 4 the 1man*e+es are 'e?inite+y possi@+e accomp+ices to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs or Arms 3ea+ers whom so+' 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices an' Impro(ise' 3etonation 3e(ices consistin) o? Impro(ise' $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency 3etonators. Imme'iate+y a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 n*mero*s ?ema+es were a@'*cte' @y =ittorio 1man*e+esA SeC 2ra??icDers 5 as a res*+t o? =ittorioAs paranoi' si+encin) o? the witnesses an' (ictims 4 n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? (ictimsA ha(e @een )enoci'a++y eCterminate' since this has occ*rre'. Many o? these ?ami+ies were rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) an' 'is)*isin) them as the ?ami+ies which they ha(e rep+ace' on I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 7omp*ter #ecor's an' in the comm*nities. It is pro@a@+e that there are a ?ew $ocD Smiths worDin) ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. In 2005 < Min'y 9ern 4 one o? my eC )ir+?rien's < mentione' a 7*@an man whom was worDin) ?or some Din' o? ?ascist terrorist or)ani>ation an' a seC tra??icDin) crime syn'icate 5 she state' that she ha' hear' that this man ha' @een +ocDin) women in a @asement an' tort*rin) them @+in'?o+'e' *nti+ their ne*ro+o)y was so 'ama)e' that he co*+' simp+y +i?t one o? their +e)s an' ca*se them to or)asm an' 'isassociate comp+ete+y4 co++apsin) *nconcio*s a?terwar's. Min'y sai' that these women were 'e?ense+ess '*e to their @+acDin) o*t an' that this man worDe' with a $ocD Smith whom ma'e Deys ?or him to a++ o? his (ictimsA homes as we++ as were there +an'+or's an' other property mana)ers worDin) with him < Min'y state' that her ?rien'As a*nt ha' @een a (ictim o? this man an' that he ha' attacDe' her a)ain a ?ew years a?ter a@'*ctin) her the ?irst time an' tort*rin) her4 his i++e)a+ entry into her home an' repeate' rapin) o? her ca*se' her to )et 'i(orce'4 the man was a+so state' to ha(e +e?t a certain Din' o? ?ema+esA *n'erwear in ?ront o? her e(ery time 5 which were the eCact Din' o? panties she was wearin) the 'ay that she was a@'*cte'. 7esare G3ia@+oAsG crimes ?it this eCact 'escription as 'o many o? the SeC 0??enses which are reporte' to ha(e @een committe' @y .i+As associate' crime *nit as initiations. M3MA was *se' '*rin) the physica+ Ne*ro+o)ica+ tort*re o? some o? these women as we++ as was rope an' sensory 'epri(ation 5 many o? these women ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 many o? these attacDs were e+ectronica++y recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as we++ as .e'era++y Accessi@+e Internet Ser(ers < these are 2errorist :ar 7rimes ?a+se ?+a))e' as )an) attacDs an' #.I.7.0. (io+ations. Many o? the women ha(e @een maime' 4 @+in'e' 4 ne*ro+o)ica++y maime' as a res*+t o? the attacD which ca*se' permanant ne*ro+o)ica+ 'ama)e an' Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. N*mero*s o? these attacDs are r*mo*re' to ha(e occ*rre' an' are reporte' to ha(e occ*rre' as a res*+t o? home in(asions which which +e?t no 'ama)e to the +ocDs an' seeme' to in(o+(e either a GSDe+eton 9eyG o? some Din' o? a $ocD SmithAs 9it 5 it has @een pro(en that n*mero*s $an'+or's ha(e worDe' with this SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rimina+ 2errorist .action an' that these $an'+or's an' Property Mana)ers are Property Stea' Ho+'ers o? the 1man*e+esA whom are in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as o?ten 7rimina+ Initiates o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom are 'e?inite+y acti(e+y SeC 2ra??icDers an' ha(e a+ways @een as s*ch. I ha' en)ineere' an i'ea ?or a SDe+eton 9ey that can open any t*m@+er +ocD whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 1' .arrachi :arren o(erhear' me ta+Din) a@o*t it an' I showe' him the 'esi)n on paper5 this 'esi)n @asica++y consiste' o? a ho++ow @o'ie' Dey with two wire

wi'th tensioner re?+eC @ows insi'e the ho++ow @o'y which app+y press*re to a series o? GteethG or G@onesG which are meta+ rectan)+es that are +ocDe' in p+ace @y metho' o? +ocDin) the tensioner win)e' @o+t in p+ace a?ter the correct tension is achei(e' *sin) another sma++er threa'e' @o+t < the re?+eC @ows are ?+eCe' @y press*re app+ie' @y the threa'e' @o+t which has a @+ocD on the en' that is p*she' ?orwar' @y the threa'e' win)e' @o+t. 2o cra?t one o? these wo*+' reH*ire ro@otics an' a machine capa@+e o? en)ineerin) too+s at a micro sca+e simi+ar to micro s*r)ery eH*ipment an' a stron) eno*)h meta+ a++oy so that the sDe+eton Dey wo*+' not @reaD. 2he reason ?or my i'ea in(o+(in) this was to e+iminate the entire +ocD in'*stry with this SDe+eton 9ey which wo*+' maDe a++ t*m@+er +ocDs o@so+ete whi+e sim*+taeneo*s+y patentin) a sa?er +ocD 5 I ha' tho*)ht o? this i'ea whi+e h*mo*ro*s+y pon'erin) what wo*+' happen i? this ha' occ*rre'. #a'io .reH*ency 1+ectronic +ocDs are not sa?e 4 a Penetration 2ester an' a ;ash So?tware Pro)ram can open them *sin) a comp*ter. It is pro@a@+e that 1' 'isc*sse' this i'ea with the 1man*e+es an' 7esare. :hat is a+so 'e?inite is that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico o? .+eetMaster 3e(e+opment 4 the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather BacD 3ion Dnows Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico somehow 4 as we++ as a ?ew other in'i(i'*a+s whom are 'e?inite+y Property Stea' Ho+'ers o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 5 )a(e copies o? their tenantAs Deys to .i++i@erto 4 =ittorio 4 7esare4 1' .arrachi :arren 4 an' any other 2errorist Associate o? the 1man*e+esA. 7oncernin) the 7y@er Sta+Din) 4 2*rDoIan GPop *pG 3isp+ays o? ;r*ta+ity *pon .ema+es ?or p*rpose o? Psycho+o)ica++y 2ra*mati>in) the +o(e' ones o? the =ictims 4 an' )enera+ 7omp*ter HacDin) 5 the +ocations4 'ates4 an' InternetSer(icePro(i'er Acco*nt 0wnerAs names on the I.P. A''resses which I ha' @een *sin) '*rin) the time that I was hacDe' were as ?o++ows 5 200% 200E 38" Haywar' st. Apt.3 Manchester New Hampshire4 corner o? Haywar' St an' Map+e st 3r' ?+oor apartment 7omcast Acco*nt 0wnerAs name 9enneth B*'' &one o? my roommates, Internet with a wi?i ro*ter with 3 5 comp*ters networDe' on a home networD 200E 200!

155 Map+e St V2 Manchester New Hampshire4 corner o? Har(ar' st. an' Map+e st 2n' ?+oor apartment 7omcast Internet an' 7a@+e '*a+ @*n'+e < Acco*nt 0wnerAs name Ian # MacPherson &my se+?, Internet with 1 2 comp*ters on a home networD whi+e +i(in) here 4 my =ona)e te+ephone seeme' hacDe'. =ona)e is a te+ephone that p+*)s 'irect+y into the internet ro*ter an' *ses internet to maDe te+ephone ca++s. 200! EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD

New Hampshire 7omcast Internet an' 7a@+e < Acco*nt 0wnerAs name #*sse++ M MacPherson &my ?ather, Internet with 2 3 comp*ters on a home networD 200! 2008 285 Gray st Manchester New Hampshire 7omcast 2rip+e P+ay < Acco*nt 0wnerAs name 3ona+' ;ryan an' $es+ie ;ryan &my a*nt an' *nc+e, Internet with 3 5 comp*ters on a home networD 2008 2013 intermittant *se at ?o++owin) +ocations 7+y'e Street Ma+'en Massach*settes Internet < Acco*nt 0wnerAs name Boanne 7arty an' 1*)ene 7arty &)ran'parents, 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire Internet < Acco*nt 0wnerAs name $es+ie ;ryan an' 3on ;ryan EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire Nash*a P*@+ic $i@rary4 Nash*a NewHampshire4 .ace@ooD4 Goo)+eMai+4 /ahooMai+ hacDe' I was hacDe' whi+e +i(in) at a++ o? these +ocations4 a?terwhich the hacDin) contin*e' e(en whi+e I was not there. 0ther peop+esA comp*ters contin*e' to @e hacDe' at these +ocations e(en witho*t my presense. 2his nee's to @e in(esti)ate' an' this in(esti)ation is +on) o(er'*e 5 this has @een on)oin) ?or " years now. 2here sho*+' @e an enormo*s amo*nt o? e(i'ence re)ar'in) these hacDers4 their I.P. A''resses4 an' the n*m@er o? times that they ha' hacDe' these I.P. A''resses at these +ocations 5 this wi++ +ea' to other +ocations o? I.P. A''resses concernin) comp*ters which they ha(e hacDe'4 possi@+e crimina+ connections concernin) these hacDers an' their emp+oyers4 as we++ as the hacDers speci?ic o@Iecti(es. Internet +o)s are permanant as we++ as are a++ other e+ectronic transmissions re)ar'+ess o? their nat*re '*e to the ?act that these transmissions are sa(e' in Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 'ata +i@raries an' .e'era+ In(esti)ations 'ata +i@raries. 2hese hacDers are o@(io*s+y worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e as we++ as their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. :e are on+y % ho*rs ?rom New/orD7ity an' this @e)an short+y a?ter "Q11. 2his a+so @e)an short+y @e?ore .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rothers intro'*ce' themse+(es to my se+? an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e as we++ as short+y @e?ore =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) me an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e in 200%. 2he Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? the en)ineer o? the impro(ise' techno+o)ies which ha(e @een @ein) *se' ?or I++e)a+ 7o(ert In?ormation Gatherin) 4 =io+ent Acts o? 2errorism 4 Impro(ise' :ar?are 2echno+o)ies 4 an' impro(ise' 3ata 2ransmission are a++ o? simi+ar en)ineerin). It is 'e?inite that these techno+o)ies are @ein) impro(ise en)ineere' an' 'esi)ne' @y the same sma++ n*m@er o? en)ineers )+o@a++y. 2he Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @ein) *se' to co(ert+y recor' ci(i+ian )enoci'e tar)ets as we++ as tar)ette' +ocations are constr*cte' o? simi+ar materia+s an' ?*nction simi+ar+y to Impro(ise' 3etonation 3e(ices *se' to tri))er 3etonation 7+ocDs which 'etonate eCp+osi(es 5 G'ia+ *p 'etonatorsG c*stom en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts are eCtreme+y simi+ar to G'ia+ *p a*'io

s*r(ei++ance recor'in) 'e(icesG @*i+t ?rom the same Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts an' Acco*stic #ecor'in) Microphones. 2he Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices *se' in A?)hanistan as shrape+ traps an' eCp+osi(e traps which were *se' @y 0sama ;in$a'enAs .action '*rin) the :ar on 2error 4 were positione' on the si'e o? roa's where they wo*+' not hit ran'om ci(i+ian tar)ets @y means o? press*re or proCimity 'etonation 5 these were most pro@a@+y 'etonate' remote+y. 2he metho' o? 'etonation *se' ?or these Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices 'e?inite+y has to ha(e @een en)ineere' ?rom components o? Impro(ise' #a'io .reH*ency 2echno+o)y < there are on+y two Din's o? these that I can s*rmise wo*+' ha(e @een *se' 5 the ?irst @ein) Impro(ise' Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 3etonator 4 an' the secon' @ein) Impro(ise' A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3etonators which tri))er 'etonation @y metho' o? 'ata p*sh an' 'ata p*++. A#G0S G.P.S. 3etonators are @*i+t o? the eCact same techno+o)y as the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which consists o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it an' an Impro(ise' #o*ter an' ;attery com@ination which is the pro'*ct o? an A#G0S G.P.S. NetworDin) 3e(ice. ;io+o)ists an' man*?act*rin) ?aci+ities ha(e access to A#G0S G.P.S. as we++ as ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices. 2he Ne*roSpine Instit*te in ;e'?or' NewHampshire as we++ as the =eternarian 7+inic across the roa' wo*+' a+so ha(e access to these 'e(ices. 2he mi+itary transportation (ehic+es which were @ein) hit @y Groa' si'e @om@sG were pro@a@+e to ha(e @een #a'io .reH*ency 'etonate' 4 these weapons were Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices 5 it is pro@a@+e that a mi+itary satte+ite was necessary to 'etonate these 'e(ices at the correct timin) as we++ as was it necessary ?or the 1nemy .action to ha(e ha' inte++i)ence in?ormation concernin) the eCact wherea@o*ts an' time o? the USAmerican Mi+itary 2ransportation =ehic+esA $ocations an' p+anne' ro*te o? tra(e+. S+eeper 7e++ A)ents worDin) ?rom within the USAmerican Mi+itary were 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in these I.1.3. attacDs 4 this is 'e?inite ?or reason that the +ocation o? the USAmerican Mi+itary (ehic+es were Dnown to the 1nemy 7om@atants 'etonatin) the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices ?rom a comp*ter at some +ocation e+sewhere. It is pro@a@+e that a ;io+o)ist an' an in'i(i'*a+ in(o+(e' in man*?act*rin) o? A#G0S G.P.S. techno+o)y is in(o+(e' with the A6IS as an o+i)archa+ 2errorist $or'. It is pro@a@+e that the in'i(i'*a+ whom was passin) this in?ormation to 0sama ;in$a'enAs A6IS .actionAs Accomp+ices was not o? M*s+im ?aith an' was not o? Ara@ian race. 2he ?o*n'in) party o? the A6IS are a Pra)matic Socia+ 3arwinist G+o@a+ist Me)a+omaniaca+ 7rime Syn'icate an' are a 2errorist .action intent on conH*erin) the entire 1arth as co(ert+y as possi@+e 4 whi+e maintainin) their anonymity the entire time. .or p*rpose o? ?o++owin) the USAmerican Mi+itary =ehic+es thro*)h the A?)hani wi+'s an' 'etonatin) Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices at the precise speci?ic timin) that was necessary ?or the eCp+osi(es to worD proper+y 4 some Din' o? Mi+itary Satte+ite wo*+' ha(e @een necessary to ha(e @een *se' to +ocate the USAmerican Mi+itary =ehic+es an' ?o++ow them on some Din' o? (isi@+e 'isp+ay < the on+y other possi@i+ity is that some Din' o? ;io+o)istsA Satte+ite or Space Pro)ram Satte+ite was *se' to tracD the USAmerican Mi+itary =ehic+es. A 'ata p*sh to an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice can @e sent ?rom anywhere on 1arth an' co*+' ha(e @een sent ?rom an impro(ise' hacDe' networD o? some Din' or e(en a simp+e 'ata p*sh ?rom a +itera+ ;io+o)istAs 7omp*ter $a@oratory which ta))e' the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices as 1n'an)ere' Species. 2he A?)hani Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 4 the IraHi Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 4 or possi@+y the Sa*'i Ara@ian Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment co*+' ?in' e(i'ence o? A#G0S G.P.S. 'ata p*shes to the eCact G+o@a+ Position System $ocations o? the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices which hit the USAmerican Mi+itary ?orces n*mero*s times 5 this may pro(e that an *neCpecte' i'entity was worDin) in co++*sion with 0sama ;in$a'en 4 'etonatin) the I.1.3.As ?rom an incre'i@+y +on) 'istance. 3*rin) approCimate+y the year 1""E or 1""!< I spoDe with a man o? M*s+im .aith in a chat @oC on an America 0n+ine stan'ar' 7hat #oom ca++e' :or+' History 2. My ScreenName when I was 12 years o+' was 0aDN1+?. :hen I spoDe to this man 4 we spoDe a@o*t Gthe I++*minatiG which I 'escri@e' to him as a G+o@a+ist Internationa+ 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate o? which the +itera+ )oa+ was 7o(ert G+o@a+ 7onH*est ?or the p*rpose o? esta@+ishin) a G+o@a+ Unitary Nation State an' a

Homo)eno*s G+o@a+ Mono7*+t*re < I ha' eCp+aine' to this man that this was Gthe Anti7hristG that my Mother ha' ta*)ht me o? an' that the Seeress in Me'I*)orIe ;osnia ha' pre'icte'. My Sici+ian co*sin in +aw 4 GA*nt B*+iannaG 5 a+so @e+ie(e' that Gthe Anti 7hristG was a 7rimina+ G+o@a+ist #e)ime whom p+anne' homo)eni>ation o? )+o@a+ c*+t*re 4 an' when I mentione' Gthe #omansG 5 B*+ianna a+ways state' her a)reement an' eCp+aine' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?act*a+ position within the A6IS re)ime. My A*nt B*+ianna was (ery tra*mati>e' as a chi+' @y what ha' occ*rre' in Sici+y that ha' ca*se' her ?ami+y to ha(e to ?+ee to the Americas 4 B*+ianna spoDe o?ten o? what she Dnew concernin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 she spoDe o? this in a tone o? passionate 'is)*st thro*)hto*t my entire chi+'hoo'. 2his man o? M*s+im ?aith may ha(e @een name' 0sama ;in$a'en < it is possi@+e that the A6IS 2errorist $or' G0sama ;in$a'enG may ha(e *se' an a+ias an' that his ?act*a+ name was not 0sama ;in$a'en 4 @*t was a 'i??erent name entire+y. My con(ersation I comm*nicate' to this M*s+im in 1""! 5 my theory that the GI++*minatiG G+o@a+ist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate was in(o+(e' in the 7IAAs M9U+tra ProIect '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' H*man =i(isection. Stran)e+y eno*)h4 I @e+ie(e that this manAs name may ha(e @een 0sama 5 '*rin) this year4 I ha' type' Gi++*minatiG in the American 0n+ine Internet search @ar ?or Pri(ate 7hat #ooms an' was entere' into an *nre)istere' Pri(ate 7hatroom +acDin) a passwor'. Upon enterin) the Gi++*minatiG chatroom 4 e(ery *ser in the chatroom +e?t imme'iate+y. I @e+ie(e that I may ha(e mentione' this to the man o? M*s+im ?aith that I was ta+Din) to. 2his occ*rre' a@o*t 2 years a?ter I atten'e' the A+a''in Per?ormance with the #o'on .ami+y 4 the ;an)s .ami+y 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 Aaron 1man*e+e 4 Mona 1man*e+e 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 an' possi@+y one other person. 3*rin) the ni)ht ?o++owin) the per?ormance < #o@ert #o'on met with =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather 4 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' some other A6IS So+'iers in a Pri(ate ;ar near the Hote+ we ha' staye' at which was possi@+y a Marriot Hote+. 2he possi@+e *se o? the name G0sama ;in$a'enG as an a+ias is simi+ar to the *se o? the name GA'o+? Hit+erG as an a+ias 5 it is a (ery common name o? itAs +an)*a)e. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry to+' me that G0sama ;in$a'enG was not a ?act*a+ name @*t was an a+ias @ein) *se' @y a Sa*'i Ara@ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime $or'. ;o@ Sha)o*ry to+' me that this G0sama ;in$a'enG was not ?act*a++y a 'e(o*t M*s+im 4 @*t act*a++y an A6IS .action a+i)ne' 2errorist 7rime $or'. 2his partic*+ar 0sama ;in$a'en was in co++e)e in the Unite' State' o? America an' was a@o*t 30 years o+' an' was 'e?inite+y too yo*n) to @e the 0sama ;in$a'en o? the terrorist ?action that attacDe' the USA . 3*rin) 1""! 4 my +ocation was @ein) tracDe' @y mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen whom ha' @een reH*este' @y the 1man*e+es to tracD my ?ami+yAs +ocation at a++ times 5 the on+y reason ?or this 4 @ein) the o@(io*s ?act that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @een a SeC 2ra??icDer most o? his +i?e an' that my mother was a chi+'hoo' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? what co*+' on+y ha(e @een =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate who *se' her ?or Initiation 7rimes an' occaisiona++y to maDe money ?rom ?i+thy crimina+s o? the worst Din'. 2here is e+ectronic e(i'ence o? this. 2he on+y other reason why mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen wo*+' ha(e @een sta+Din) a +ist o? ?ami+ies ?or the 1man*e+es 4 wo*+' +o)ica++y ha(e to ha(e @een the ?act that peop+e +iDe my co*sin GA*nt B*+iannaG mo(e' to the U.S.A. ?rom Sici+y an' to+' Americans who A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y was 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs secret was that he was A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother an' that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ather ha' p+anne' the 3r' #eich an' a reconstr*ction o? the +itera+ #oman 1mpire. 2his was mentione' '*rin) the year 200% 4 when the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7omp*ter HacDers were sta+Din) me an' acti(atin) my comp*ter microphone as we++ as 'i' the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime So+'iers position Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices within wa++s a++ o(er the North 1ast o? North America 5 accor'in) to 2005 " 11 2errorist AttacD G2r*thG propa)an'a which was ?act*a++y near+y entire+y +ies. Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs Gran' .ather whom was name' Prescott ;*sh was 'ec+are' @y propa)an'ists that were o@(io*s+y worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es to ha(e @een an in(estor that ?*n'e' the Sh*t>sta??e+ an' was 'ec+are' a traitor to the U.S.A. 5 this was p*@+ishe' in m*+tip+e +ocations '*rin) 2005. 2hese propa)an'ists @+ame' Geor)e ;*sh an' 3icD 7heney ?or s*ppose'+y sneaDin) 0sama

;in$a'enAs ?ami+y o*t o? the U.S.A. imme'iate+y a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 0sama is an Ara@ic ?orename as we++ as is ;in$a'en an Ara@ic s*rname 5 there are n*mero*s 0sama ;in$a'ens in the wor+'. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+es 'eci'e' in 200% < that they wante' to attempt to 'e?ame the U.S.A. Go(ernment '*rin) a time o? war an' that ?or this p*rpose 4 they 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh ?or the A6IS an' " 11 as we++ as ?rame the entire USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense ?or contin*in) the i++e)a+ H*man =i(isections that #ichar' He+ms ha' @een in(o+(e' in '*rin) his misappropriation o? ?*n's ?rom within the 7IA ProIect M9U+tra an' #ichar' He+mAs o*t so*rcin) o? 7IA Scienti?ic #esearch to crimina+ scientists in(o+(e' in H*man =i(isection 1Cperiments an' H*man 2ra??icDin). #ichar' He+ms was an A6IS S+eeper A)ent whom worDe' ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' was in(o+(e' in the SeC 2ra??icDin) networDs that B*+i*s 1(o+a was in(o+(e' in as we++ as were 2imothy $eary an' A+eCan'er Sh*+)in worDin) with these two men. 2imothy $eary met B*+i*s 1(o+a on more than more occaision as we++ as 'i' 2imothy $eary H*ote B*+i*s 1(o+a n*mero*s times within the pa)es o? his +iterat*re an' a+so '*rin) his (er@a+ H*otes < A+eCan'er Sh*+)in committe' the same the?t o? .e'era+ .*n's whi+e worDin) ?or the 3.1.A. 4 that #ichar' He+ms ha' committe' ?rom within the 7.I.A. . 3*rin) 200" 5 it was p*@+ishe' in n*mero*s p+aces that A+eCan'er Sh*+)in was emp+oye' @y the 3.1.A. '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration to st*'y the +on) term e??ects o? S*@stance A@*se on the H*man ;rain < instea' o? 'oin) what the 3.1.A. ha' pro(i'e' him monetary ?*n'in) to 'o 4 A+eCan'er Sh*+)in in(ente' three @ooDs worth o? Ha++*cino)ens an' other min' a+terin) s*@stances. Accor'in) to p*@+ications '*rin) the year 200" < one o? the @ooDs which A+eCan'er Sh*+)in ha' written concernin) his chemistry eCperiments whi+e in(entin) Ne*ro 2oCins 4 was con?iscate' @y 3.1.A. '*rin) #ichar' NiCons a'ministration 5 this was poste' to ha(e occ*rre' I*st prior to the eCpos*re o? the 7rimes A)ainst H*manity that +ea' to the :ater)ate Scan'a+. 3*rin) the years 200 an' 2001 4 Bason ;e++emore 'isc*sse' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs 7omp*ter HacDer whom the A6IS ha(e the a@i+ity to emp+oy whene(er necessary. Accor'in) to Bason ;e++emore '*rin) Hi)hSchoo+ Science 7+ass in 20014 this 7omp*ter HacDer was so sDi++e' a+rea'y that he co*+' create a mirrore' *r+ which +ooDs the same a''ress @*t recei(es a++ 'ata transmitte' @y the interner *ser an' the we@site on the ser(er itse+? as we++ as monitor this 'ata an' choose whether or not speci?ic 'ata is transmitte' as we++ as interr*pt the 'ata itse+? an' ?aDe con(ersations as an imposte*r as we++ as emai+s 4 pre(ent emai+s ?rom @ein) recei(e' @*t maDe it seem as i? they ha' 4 an' screen a++ comm*nications an' 'ata trans?errance o? a tar)ette' internet *ser 5 this hacDers Io@ was to pre(ent comm*nication o? :ar 7rimes '*rin) the *pcomin) p+anne' pre me'itate' Genoci'e < Bason ;e++emore then state' that this hacDer co*+' e(en 'o this with H22PS sec*re we@sites an' was )oin) to @e *se' in the ?*t*re to pre(ent comm*nication @y metho' o? 7omp*ters an' 2e+ephones ?or '*rin) the 2ota+ Genoci'e that the A6IS an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e himse+? ha' p+anne' prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' '*rin) the imme'iate a?termath o? the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. Accor'in) to Bason ;e++emore 4 my ?ami+y an' race were the ?irst on a +ist o? ?ami+ies an' races that were to @e assassinate' an' )enoci'a++y eCterminate' in the ?o++owin) years 5 these inc+*'e' e(en 3e*tsche ?ami+ies 'escen'e' ?rom ;*n'ts in North America. 2he )enoci'e that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e p+anne' was to @e 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the entirety o? North America an' the em@e''in) o? a 7rimina+ #e)ime within the Go(ernment an' Mi+itary that was eCpecte' to @e a@+e to @e he+' in p+ace @y metho' o? *sin) 'ea' )enoci'e (ictimsA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to ?aDe an' imposte*r i'entities so that new citi>ens an' ?orei)n (isitors wo*+' not notice that a permanent 2echnocratic #e)ime was present within the )o(ernment. 2he reason ?or this 4 accor'in) to Bason ;e++emore 4 who is a 'escen'ant o? A'o+? Hit+erAs A*strian co*sin whom was a 9ni)ht o? Aosta 5 is that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e some Din' o? )*i+t that has @een recor'e' in the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters an' they can not )et it o*t. Bason ;e++emore a+so state' that he @e+ie(e' that I was )oin) to s*r(i(e no matter what J=ictorK 'i' @eca*se accor'in) to Bason ;e++emore 4 I am the Din'

o? person that s*r(i(es e(erythin) no matter what it is 5 Bason ma'e a h*moro*s comment a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' Genoci'e 2ar)etsA @rains an' myse+? s*r(i(in) < JIanAs )oin) to ha(e a@o*t 30 o? them in his hea' at the en'... heAs )oin) to s*r(i(e an' ha(e 30 o? them whereas e(ery@o'y e+se has one or are 'ea'. :hen the 'octors scan his hea' itAs )oin) to +i)ht *p +iDe a christmas tree an' theyAre )oin) to @e a++ o(er his hea'. HeA++ ha(e one han)in) o?? the si'e o? his hea' +iDe an earrin) an' ha(e no more room to ?it e(en one more4 +ooDin) +iDe a cy@or). He Dnows a++ o? *s an' K=ictorK p*t him as the ?irst on the +ist. 2his is not )oin) to worD. 2his is the worst i'ea. At the en' =ictor is )oin) to @e or'erin) peop+e to +a*nch miss+es at USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Sate++ites in space an' they are )oin) to @e missin) an' comin) @acD 'own to 1arth at *s. :here are we )oin) to hi'e o*r ?ami+ies nowO 2his is so st*pi'. ;en $in'@er) is on the +ist. 2hese are a++ o? o*r ?rien's an' the peop+e weA(e Dnown.K 3*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 4 Bason ;e++emore was 'isc*ssin) the ?act that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was p+annin) to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy a (ictim o? his to +ooD +iDe himse+? 4 p*ttin) the man on a Se'ati(e Intra=en*s 3rip in a Hospita+ ;e' an' repeate'+y inIectin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy into the manAs (eins *sin) a stint an' a syrin)e *nti+ the manAs 3NA is m*tate' to +ooD i'entica+ to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs *n'er a microscope. Bason ;e++emore eCp+aine' that the reason ?or this was that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was )oin) to shoot the imposte*r in the hea' with a shot )*n an' *se the corpse as a prop to ?or)e e(i'ence prior to an Internationa+ :ar7rimes 2ri@*na+ ?or the p*rpose o? creatin) an a+i@i that maDes .orensic Science o@so+ete an' maDes it appear as i? a Satanist 2errorist 7rime $or' was attemptin) to imposte*r =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' was p+annin) to rep+ace him as the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or the p*rpose o? assimi+atin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy into a Satanic #e)ime that the Anti 7hrist 7rime $or' ha' @*i+t. Some o? these con(ersations were recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment as a res*+t o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m '*rin) the year 20004 an' as a res*+t o? these con(ersations occ*rrin) in my presense '*rin) Science 7+ass in MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+. Bason ;e++emore @e+ie(e' that this i'ea was ?oo+ish an' as a res*+t 4 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy an' an 1.1.G. He+met are )oin) to @e necessary to pro(e i'entity ?or 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence o? the a@so+*te i'entity o? the in'i(i'*a+ in H*estion an' e(ent*a++y e(ery person on 1arth. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e can not I*st stan' neCt to a corpse that +ooDs i'entica+ to himse+? an' present the i'entica+ 3NA as e(i'ence o? his innocence concernin) his 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 SeC 0??enses 4 an' other crimes. I? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e c+aims not to @e the corpse on the )ro*n' 4 he wi++ ha(e to pro(i'e e(i'ence o? his i'entity as a res*+t o? the corpseAs 3NA @ein) i'entica+ to his own < i? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e seeDs to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy as a way to maDe .orensic Science o@so+ete 5 Ne*ro+o)ica+ 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy wi++ ha(e to @e *se' as the ?orm o? 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence to pro(e @eyon' a reasona@+e 'o*@t 4 the i'entity o? an in'i(i'*a+. It is @e+ie(e' that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ere' his 2errorist 7rime So+'iers to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in a +itt+e )ir+As @rain who they then *se' as a H*man =i(isection test s*@Iect to 'e(e+op Ne*roScience So?tware ?or 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(ery an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' that @eca*se =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e rape' this +itt+e )ir+ < =ittorio is attemptin) to create an a+i@i ?or the ?act that she was +ooDin) 'irect+y at him an' recor'e' his i'entity 'irect+y into the USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as a res*+t o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) networDe' o(er an A#G0S re+ate' Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ an' the +itt+e )ir+As ne*ro+o)y recor'in) =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs i'entity thro*)h her si)ht an' a*'ia+ ner(e as we++ as her *n'erstan'in) o? what was happenin) an' the scent o? the man. It is @e+ie(e' that this happene' in the year1""8 an' that since this time =ittorio has @een searchin) ?or an a+i@i. It is a+so Dnown that he has @*i+t a re)ime within the USA Go(ernment consistin) o? con(icte' SeC 0??en'ers whom he has =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' an' 'is)*ise' 4 an' has )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' )enoci'e (ictims to.

.or p*rposes o? in(esti)ation 4 e+ectronic ?orensic e(i'ence eCists which wi++ pro(e @eyon' a reasona@+e 'o*@t who it is that has p+anne' these attacDs an' has insta++e' i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices in wa++s an' in @*i+'in)s. G+o@a+ Positionin) System 2echno+o)y can @e easi+y *se' to i'enti?y eCact +ocation o? in'i(i'*a+s @y metho' o? G+o@a+ Position $ocation o? m*+tip+e 1+ectronic 3e(ices in re+e(ance to one another 5 G.P.S. +ocation o? the s*spects an' their tar)ets can ai' in(esti)ation @y pro(i'in) 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence o? their Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones 4 G+o@a+ Position $ocation o? 7omm*nications Ser(ers an' 7omp*ter HacDerAs $ocations as we++ as their tar)et 7omp*ter UserAs $ocations4 the G+o@a+ Position System +ocations o? Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices 4 the G+o@a+ Position System +ocation o? 2ra(e++erAs G+o@a+ Position System Interacti(e Maps s*ch as Garmin or 2om2om ?or A*toMo@i+es 4 the G+o@a+ Position System +ocation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' A#G0S 3e(ices 4 the G.P.S. +ocation o? $oca+ Area NetworD 2e+ephones an' 2e+e(ision 7a@+e NetworD or Sate++ite < a+so re+e(ant are G.P.S. 'ata concernin) AirP+ane +ocations 4 Po+ice 7ar +ocations 4 Am@*+ance +ocations 4 Me'ica+ He+icopter +ocations 4 Pa)er +ocations 4 Mo@i+e Internet $ap 2op 7omp*ters G.P.S. +ocations 4 an' Sec*rity systems inc+*'in) A*'io =is*a+ Sec*rity 3e(ices. 1+ectronic 3e(ices with G+o@a+ Position System $ocations pro(i'e 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence which pro(es +ocations o? in'i(i'*a+ peop+e 4 e+ectronic 'e(ices 4 pacDa)e shipments 4 ?rei)ht shipments 4 an' (ehic+es 5 this e+ectronic 'ata can @e *se' to in(esti)ate the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in North America as we++ as the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' 7o(ert Mi+itant .action in North America. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e at :i++ieAs ;ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 an Ita+ian man to+' Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? that he was hire' to hacD o*t comp*ter. He sai' that he was hire' @rie?+y ?or a whi+e an' that they e(ent*a++y hire' some@o'y e+se @eca*se o? a con?+ict in time sche'*+e. 2his man was a@o*t E ?eet ta++ 4 o? a s+i)ht+y hea(y @*i+' 4 ha' +on) me'i*m @rown hair 4 an' @+acD rimme' s*n)+asses with pinD +enses. He +ooDe' +iDe he may ha(e @een a co*sin o? a #o@ 3AAn)e+o who was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he HacDer was approCimate+y 25 to 28 years o+'. 2he HacDer to+' Sahn'ra St.0n)e that the reason ?or him @ein) hire' was pro@a@+y somethin) re+ate' to the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' mentione' that his .ather was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 0? stran)e occ*rance 4 this partic*+ar Gothic Ni)ht was an optiona+ Gothic PaIama Party at the :i++ieAs ;ar in Manchester NewHampshire < '*rin) the approCimate month o? Septem@er o? the year 2013 5 this eCact ni)ht was reconstr*cte' somehow @y possi@+e Psy :ar?are A)ents who somehow mana)e' to o@tain the 3NA Materia+s necessary to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy a pop*+ation o? peop+e to +ooD near+y i'entica+ to the peop+e who were there that ni)ht 4 an' somehow mana)e' to 'ress them a++ eCact+y the same. Most o? these peop+e appeare' to @e Ita+ians who ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' 4 this may ha(e @een a pro'*ct o? the Ita+ian Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 3i(ision or the Ho*se o? Sa(oys S+eeper A)ent So+'iers in the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a. 2here are n*mero*s Ita+ians in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. an' the re)ion has @ecome +ar)e+y 'epop*+ate' o? most other pop*+ations. Many o? these Ita+ians 'o not ha(e their own I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 #o@ert #o'on mentione' somethin) a@o*t .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces an' other North American #aces @ein) tar)ette' ?or Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 his statement to his son a?ter this was 4 G7hristopher... that is war.G. It is a pro@a@i+ity that m*ch o? the Ita+ian Mi+itary is sti++ +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' are per?ormin) a 7o(ert In(asion o? North America an' are ?o++owin) or'ers ?rom =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons as we++ as #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 i? this is not the case 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e an eCtreme+y +ar)e n*m@er co*nte' amon)st their 9ni)htAs 4 1rrantAs 4 an' Pa)eAs ?ami+ies. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2000 4 I tra(e+e' to 3*m@arton =ir)inia with Bason Be??rey o? NewHampshire 5 we (isite' 7+int 2ay+or 4 who is the son o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I= o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. :hi+e at 7+int 2ay+orAs apartment in 3*m@arton Massach*settes 4 I ?e++ as+eep on his co*ch < I

remem@er ?ee+in) +iDe I was 'r*))e' an' ha' I*st pre(io*s+y @een 'rinDin) a so'a. :hen I awoDe < 7hris 2homas was p+ayin) :ar7ra?t2 on 7+intAs comp*ter 4 .i+As 9ni)ht Bason was po*rin) a 'rinD in the Ditchen 4 an' #o@ 3AAn)e+o was sittin) in a chair to my ri)ht. #o@ 3AAn)e+o an' 7+int 2ay+or were ar)*in) 4 7+int 2ay+or sai' to #o@ert 3AAn)e+o J/o* I*st acti(ate' it hereNO /o* I*st acti(ate' it whi+e he was s+eepin) on my co*chO I Dnow yo* were p*ttin) it in 4 @*t I 'i'nAt eCpect yo* to acti(ate it here. It has a G.P.S. 3e(ice ?or a #o*ter 4 itAs on a G+o@a+ Positionin) System an' heAs in my apartment. 3o yo* Dnow how serio*s this isO ItAs a :ar 7rime. I? we )et ca*)ht 4 it +ea's ri)ht here. ItAs in my apartment ri)ht now. :e a++ ha(e ce++*+ar phones in o*r pocDets an' I ha(e a home te+ephone +ine an' an internet connection 5 this +ea's ri)ht to my ho*se.K. Bason Be??rey who ha' @een on the secon' ?+oor o? the apartment in 7+intAs @e'room 'oin) somethin) e+se 4 came wa+Din) 'own the stairs. A ?ema+e a@o*t 20 years o+' was present as we++. Bason Be??rey ha' a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone in his pocDet an' possi@+y a ;rain 70mp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain a+rea'y. It is a+so pro@a@+e that the ?ema+e sittin) in the room ha' one as we++. Imme'iate+y 'own the roa' ?rom 7+intAs apartment is a ho*se that one o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers owns < '*rin) 20014 I witnesse' a man pse*'onyme' J3ia@+oK whom appears to @e a co*sin o? Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' Martin 7atsopo*+os < wa+Din) o*t o? the ho*se with a +itt+e )ir+ who appeare' to @e ha+? MeCican Meti>o an' ha+? .ranDic American Metis o? possi@+e $aDota race 5 7+int 2ay+or panicDe' with he saw the +itt+e )ir+ wa+Din) in the yar' an' state' JSheAs not s*ppose' to @e o*tsi'eN Get her @acD insi'eNA. Bason Be??rey an' I asDe' 7+int 2ay+or i? she was a hosta)e or an a@'*ction (ictim 4 to which 7+int 2ay+or rep+ie' JNo. SheAs not.K @*t wo*+'nAt e+a@orate concernin) whoAs chi+' she was. 2his +itt+e )ir+ was a 'e?inite (ictim an' I ha(e @een in?orme' that 7+int 2ay+or *se' this ho*se to ho+' hosta)es 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 an' (ictims o? 7hi+' Porno)raphin). :hen I was a chi+' < my ?ami+y wo*+' meet at my )ran'?ather #ona+' $a(oieAs cotta)e at Hampton ;each in Hampton NewHampshire near Sea@rooD 5 @etween the years 1"8! an' 1""8 4 my co*sin B*+ianna ?reH*ent+y 'isc*sse' her ?atherAs +i?e an' her ?ami+yAs reason ?or ?+eein) Sici+y to the USA. B*+ianna was (ery +o*'+y o*tspoDen that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ather en)ineere' the i'entity o? the 3r' #eich as we++ as m*+tip+e other re)iona+ #oman A6IS I'entities which B*+i*s 1(o+a inherite' the p+ans to an' ?ina+i>e' '*rin) his +i?etime4 that the Israe+i race was tar)ette' )+o@a++y @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?atherAs e??orts a?ter Israe+ 'ec+are' in'epen'ence an' that the Israe+is were tar)ette' @eca*se B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ather was o@sesse' with *ni?yin) the entirety o? the nations on the shore+ine o? the Me'iterranean Sea as the #oman 1mpire ha' once 'one '*rin) the *tmost hei)ht o? #oman 1Cpansion. B*+ianna a+so (ery o?ten spoDe that the reason that her ?ami+y an' a +ist o? other ?ami+ies were @ein) eCterminate' in Sici+y was ?or the reason that they were a++ re+ate' to in'i(i'*a+s whom ha' @een ca*)ht 'isc*ssin) the 1man*e+e ?ami+y secret as we++ as the 1(o+aAs p+ans to re@*i+' the #oman 1mpire B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an)er at these Sici+ian ?ami+ies whom were 'isc*ssin) him. B*+iannaAs ?ather consi'ere' B*+i*s 1(o+a to @e the Anti 7hrist an' @e+ie(e' that B*+i*s 1(o+a was a 'escen'ant o? two #oman 1mperors an' a 7aesar Israe+i 5 the #oman Genera+ who conH*ere' Israe+ an' 'emo+ishe' 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e 4 an' a?terwar's cr*ci?ie' the #a@@i Bes*s who ha' contin*e' to ?*+?i++ his #a@@inica+ 3*ties at the r*ine' steps o? 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e. B*+ianna was (ery o*tspoDen a@o*t her @e+ie? that nations o? peop+e are 'eser(in) o? Nationa+ In'epen'ence an' that Israe+is ha(e a ri)ht to an In'epen'ent Nation State in their Nationa+ Home+an'. B*+ianna was a+so (ery o*tspoDen a@o*t the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as < she o?ten ca++e' them GtyrantsG . B*+ianna was 100S Sici+ian an' @e+ie(e' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'i' not @e+on) in Sici+y. B*+ianna o?ten state' the ?act that B*+i*s 1(o+a was a #omano Ita+ian an' was not Sici+ian < an' that he was paranoi' an' a me)a+omaniac 5 B*+ianna 'escri@e' B*+i*s 1(o+a as a man whom em@e''e' at +east one +oya+ a)ent amon)st e(ery )ro*p o? peop+e in Sici+y that he ha' 'isco(ere' )atherin) anywhere an' *se' these a)ents to spy on the entire pop*+ation in attempt to si+ence any 'isc*ssion o? him whatsoe(er. B*+iannaAs ?ather spoDe a@o*t B*+i*s 1(o+a o?ten.

3*rin) the approCimate year o? 1""3 < my se+? an' my co*sin 3*sty 4 were somehow intro'*ce' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rothers Aaron 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames 5 we were intro'*ce' to these two 4 whi+e p+ayin) arca'e )ames at the Hampton ;each ;oar'wa+D ;o*++e(ar'e. A?ter p+ayin) arca'e )ames at the Hampton ;each ;oar'wa+D ;o*++e(ar'e4 3*sty an' my se+? wa+D with Aaron 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames to 3.B.As a'opti(e )ran'motherAs cotta)e 'own the roa' where we ate ?ree>e pops. It is possi@+e that '*rin) the year 1""3 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime So+'iers em@e''e' within .e'era+ 1mp+oyment in the U.S.A. to i++e)a++y wire tap my ?ami+yAs te+ephones. 3*rin) the year 1""% my @est ?rien'As ?ather #o@ert #o'on 4 was )i(en his ?irst tasD @y the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 5 this was to Dnow my +ocation an' to report it to the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen at a++ times. 7hris #o'onAs ?ather #o@ert #o'on 4 ha' I*st recent+y Ioine' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen *pon re?erra+ ?rom his co*sin whom was a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom ha(e @een +i(in) in eCi+e since ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich as a res*+t o? their in(o+(ement in the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As. #o@ert #o'on eCp+aine' his ?irst tasD to his son 7hris #o'on in s*ch a manner that it was ma'e to so*n' +iDe it was a test o? responsi@i+ity 5 #o@ert #o'on eCp+aine' to 7hris #o'on 4 GitAs a test o? responsi@i+ity4 itAs to show that I can @e responsi@+e ?or somethin). I ha(e to Dnow where he is 4 that he is sa?e 4 that he is ?e' 4 that he is ha(in) a )oo' time 4 an' I ha(e to report @acD to them. It is +iDe ha(in) a chi+' other than yo*r chi+'. ItAs to pro(e responsi@i+ity 4 ?or now. ItAs +iDe @ein) )i(en an app+e an' to+' that yo* ha(e to ret*rn it to the person who )a(e it to yo* 4 an' yo* ret*rn it in the same con'ition that it was )i(en to yo*. ItAs to pro(e responsi@i+ity an' then yo*Are )i(en more important tasDs.G. 7on(ersations s*ch as these occ*rre' more than once @etween 7hris #o'on an' his ?ather #o@ #o'on < when these con(ersations occ*re' 4 I hee'e' B*+iannaAs a'(ice an' ?ei)ne' i)norance o? the topic o? these con(ersations whi+e maDin) s*re to remem@er the 'etai+s o? these con(ersations @etween 7hristopher an' his ?ather that were inten'e' to @e pri(ate. A+ Io'ice a+rea'y Dnew the 1man*e+esA ?ami+y 5 my *nc+e A+ Io'ice Dnew what they were 4 he intro'*ce' *s to them n*mero*s times an' ne(er eCp+aine' to *s who it was that he intro'*ce' *s to. I met Aaron an' 3.B. n*mero*s times an' at n*mero*s +ocations. 3*rin) the 1""0As 4 I met .i+ an' 3.B. in A++enstown an' ;arnestea' NewHampshire near my *nc+e #ona+' $a(oieAs ho*se. I met .i+As o+'er @rother 7hris 2homas n*mero*s times. A+ Io'iceAs )ran'?ather was a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' his ?ather was an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. A+ Io'ice ne(er in?orme' B*+ianna 4 who marrie' my co*sin Michae+ Ga*'ette 5 o? his ?ami+iesA Sa(oy herita)e or o? his 'ecision to 'ec+ine his position amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as an Assassin an' 'ecision to 'ec+ine to @ecome a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his sons remaine' in consistant socia+ contact with A+ Io'ice thro*)ho*t the years ?o++owin) A+As marria)e to my a*nt $es+ie $a=oie. 3*rin) the year 1""E < the #o'on ?ami+y intro'*ce' me to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whi+e at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire 4 whi+e stan'in) in the .oo' 7o*rt. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e notice' a )othic )ir+ wa+Din) past *s an' starte' maDin) cr*e+ statements a@o*t her 4 ca++in) her G1+(iraG an' sayin) horri@+e thin)s a@o*t her. Gothic )ir+s @ecame a tar)et o? the 1man*e+esA 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 I @e+ie(e that this has a+ot to 'o with the ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dnew who I was a+rea'y an' these women remin'e' him o? meetin) me in a p*@+ic p+ace 5 a+so4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e state' somethin) a@o*t Ha++oween at the Gothic Gir+ that wa+De' past *s with her @oy?rien'. 2he woman was wearin) a @+acD sDirt 4 a @+acD shirt 4 @+acD mascara 4 was pa+e 4 an' ha' a ;etty Pa)e hairc*t. 2he ma+e who was present ha' an enormo*s Pompa'o*r hairc*t an' was wearin) rippe' *p @+acD Ieans an' a Gothic M*sica+ ArtistAs ;an'As 2 Shirt. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 a?ter my sister 7he+sey MacPherson ha' @een *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < she was o?ten p+ayin) a Se)a Genesis (i'eo )ame ca++e' GHa*ntin)G wherein the character that the p+ayer p+ays as is a )host with a +eather IacDet 4 rippe' *p Ieans 4 an' an enormo*s pompa'o*r. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o who S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m '*rin) the year 2000 is a 3isD BocDey at n*mero*s Gothic Ni)ht7+*@s an' *ses the name J3.B. 3AArHAn)e+K 5 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o

is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy 4 he is $ori Poten>aAs co*sin 4 an' he is one o? =ittorio J=ictorK1man*e+eAs 7rime So+'iers. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ere' #o@ to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my sD*++. 3*rin) the year 1""5 < I ha' 'isc*sse' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency 2echno+o)y with #o@ert #o'on whi+e I was (isitin) his son 7hristopher #o'on 4 statin) that I @e+ie(e' that the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was )oin) to @e *se' $on) #an)e :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency an' that it was )oin) to @e *se' @y the JAnti 7hristK as a weapon an' to ens+a(e h*manity. I @e+ie(e' that this was Jthe MarD o? the ;eastK. I ha(e met the 1man*e+e ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy n*mero*s times '*rin) my +i?e. 2his is a ?act that my co*sin B*+ianna was *naware o?. A+ Io'ice Dnew the 1man*e+es persona++y an' 'i' not intro'*ce them as what they were. 3*rin) the year 1"8! 4 my parents met =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= at a 7hinese .oo' #esta*rant in $aconia NewHampshire USA 5 this was two ni)hts prior to New /earAs 1(e an' was an ear+y ce+e@ration in $aconia with BacD 3ion an' S*e 3ion 4 $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey an' her h*s@an' 4 my parents 4 an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e who arri(e' twenty min*tes +ate an' +e?t ?orty min*tes ear+y. $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey con(ince' my parents to +et her ?rien's @a@ysit me an' +e?t me with a @oy name' Aaron 'own the roa' at the Poten>asA an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?rien'sA ho*se. :hi+e I was at the Poten>asA an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?rien'sA ho*se 4 I was intro'*ce' to Aaron. Aaron an' I were watchin) cartoons ?or a@o*t twenty min*tes @e?ore $orie an' =ictorAs ?rien's @e)an smoDin) ci)ars that ha' @een poisone' with the same 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his sons o?ten *se to poison peop+e as we++ as $orie Poten>a *ses to poison her rape an' a@'*ction (ictims < a?ter a ?ew min*tes I remem@er ?ee+in) con?*se' an' 'isoriente' 5 my memory a?ter that point is scattere'. I remem@er that (ittorioAs an' $orieAs ?rien's were an o+'er co*p+e who were marrie' 4 that they were aro*n' the a)e o? %0 4 an' that they +ooDe' +iDe $om@ar'ic Ita+ians an' that the wi?e +ooDe' possi@+y ha+? .rench. 2he ma+e )roome' himse+? simi+ar+y to $orie Poten>a ;*cD+eyAs h*s@an' Mr. ;*cD+ey 4 ha' short @rown hair 4 an' ha' a short )oatee an' mo*stache. A?ter poisonin) the air with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins 4 the woman smoDe' a sin)+e ci)arette. A?ter she smoDe' a ci)arette 4 the two a'*+ts entere' the +i(in)room that Aaron 1man*e+e an' I ha'@een watchin) cartoons in. :e were watchin) a cartoon marathon on te+e(ision an' p+ayin) with st*??e' anima+s. A?ter enterin) the +i(in)room 4 the ma+e o? the co*p+e @e)an to rape Aaron whi+e seate' in a chair in the +i(in) room 5 his wi?e tooD photo)raphs with a camera. I remem@er @ein) con?*se' an' ?ee+in) an)ry @*t that I 'i'nAt *n'erstan' what the man was 'oin) to Aaron or why I ?e+t so 'isoriente'. I remem@er +ooDin) at Aaron an' noticin) that his eyes were @+*e +iDe my ?atherAs 4 an' that the man an' his wi?e ha' 'arDer eyes than AaronAs 4 that the man ha' hair s+i)ht+y 'arDer than my own 4 an' that the womanAs hair c*t remin'e' me o? my )ran'motherAs hairc*t @*t was s+i)ht+y +on)er. Aaron was 5 years o+' 4 I ha' I*st ce+e@rate' my %th ;irth'ay a ?ew weeDs prior to this an' my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson ha' I*st @een @orn in Septem@er 5 she was @ein) taDen care o? @y my )ran'mother Pr*'ence Giro*C MacPherson ?or the e(enin). A?ter the manAs wi?e photo)raphe' Aaron @ein) rape' @y her h*s@an'< his wi?e tooD her c+othin) o?? 4 I was picDe' *p @y the woman who then sat 'own on the same chair an' p+ace' me in ?ront o? her. 2he woman tooD my c+othin) o?? 4 an' a?terwar' her h*s@an' stoo' in the room an' tooD photo)raphs whi+e she seC*a++y mo+este' me. A?ter these photo)raphs were taDen 4 the woman p*t her c+othin) @acD on an' t*rne' the te+e(ision @acD on. Aaron sai' that he ?e+t na*seas an' ?e+t sicD 4 he +ai' 'own on the ?+oor with his hea' on a st*??e' anima+. Aaron an' I contin*e' to watch cartoons on the te+e(ision *nti+ we ?e++ as+eep. I awoDe to the ho*se @ein) ?i++e' with smoDe an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e stan'in) in the Ditchen with the wi?e o? the man whoAs ho*se it was. I remem@er ?ee+in) 'isoriente' an' 'r*))e' a)ain 4 I notice' =ittorio an' the woman in the Ditchen an' sai' J3i' yo* Dnow that itAs a sin to commit a'*+tryOK 5 when I was % years o+' an' 5 years o+' 4 my ?ather rea' the Ho+y ;i@+e to me e(ery ni)ht

@e?ore I ?e++ as+eep. I remem@er =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e statin) +o*'+y J:eAre not 'oin) anythin). ItAs I*st a man an' a woman in a Ditchen 4 thatAs not a'*+try. :ho are yo* to I*')e me anywaysO I am a )rown *p 4 yo* 'onAt ta+D to me +iDe that.K I remem@er then statin) that his (oice remin'e' me o? my )ran'mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7artyAs h*s@an' < Gene 7artyAs 5 a?terwhich I asDe' =ittorio 1man*e+e I= J3o yo* Dnow my PePaeO His name is Gene 7arty.K to which =ittorio rep+ie' ?rom the Ditchen4 JHis name is 1*)eneO No 4 I 'onAt Dnow any 1*)enes. Act*a++y 4 I 'o Dnow one 1*)ene @*t that is not his +ast name. 3onAt @e ye++in) ?rom the +i(in)room into the Ditchen 4 i? yo*Are )oin) to ta+D to peop+e in the Ditchen wa+D into the Ditchen.K. A?ter which I wa+De' into the Ditchen an' intro'*ce' myse+?. =ittorio then sai' 4 JAct*a++y )o @acD into the +i(in)room 4 this is )rown *p ta+D an' weAre smoDin) to@acco.K 4 to which I +a*)he' an' sai' JHaN /o* remin' me o? my PePae.K. A?ter a@o*t 10 min*tes o? =ittorio ta+Din) to the ?ema+e o? the co*p+e whi+e smoDin) ci)ars an' ci)arettes poisone' with 'isAssociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins4 the woman sai' to Aaron JAaron 4 my h*s@an' is in the other room an' he has a s*rprise ?or yo*. Go into the other room an' see what he has.K AaronA eyes were re' an' he was 'i>>y. He asDe' the woman J:hat is itO Is it choco+ateOK an' the woman sai' J/es. May@e. Go an' see.K. Aaron wa+De' to the Ditchen an' tooD a ri)ht 'own a ha++way. I remem@er ?ee+in) +iDe my eyes were @*rnin) an' that I wante' to s+eep +on)er. I +ai' 'own on the ?+oor in the +i(in)room an' p*t my hea' on a st*??e' anima+. I @e+ie(e that the man was rapin) Aaron whi+e I was +ayin) with my hea' on a st*??e' anima+ in the +i(in)room. A?ter some time 4 Aaron came @acD into the room an' wipe' his ?ace with his arm 5 he state' JHe 'i'nAt ha(e any choco+ate.K to me4 an' he t*rne' towar' the 'oor?rame to the Ditchen an' sai' to the woman J/o* +ie' to me. He 'i'nAt ha(e any choco+ate.K. JIan4 'onAt )o in there. He 'oesnAt ha(e any choco+ate. He +ies. 2heyAre +iars.K. A?ter a ?ew min*tes4 the woman to+' me that it was my t*rn to )et somethin) < JGo into the other room 4 see what he has ?or yo*.K. I wa+De' into the Ditchen an' tooD a ri)ht 'own a ha++way towar's a 'oor. A?ter enterin) the room 4 I notice' =ittorio 1man*e+e stan'in) in the room. I was (ery 'isoriente' ?rom the Ne*ro2oCins that were @ein) smoDe' with the to@acco. 3*rin) the year 20014 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to+' Bason Be??rey an' I that his ?ami+y ha' the anti'ote to a Ne*ro2oCin that was a 3isAssociati(e an' that they were a+so imm*ne an' ha' intentiona++y 'e(e+ope' physica+ imm*nities to it @y tastin) sma++ amo*nts o? it ?or years. 7hris 7hase an' 3ana Um@ro ha' mentione' this '*rin) 2003 4 whi+e ta+Din) a@o*t =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his sons 5 7hris 7hase state' that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y were insane ?rom smoDin) Ner(e2oCins an' that they smoDe' a pow'ere' ?orm o? Ner(e Gas that ca*ses others to @+acD o*t an' 'isassociate 5 7hris 7hase ca++e' it JsmoDin) (enomK an' re+ate' Ne*ro2oCins to ScorpionAs =enom. A?ter I entere' the room that =ittorio 1man*e+e was in4 he trie' to )et me to per?orm ?e+atio *pon him. I notice' a comic @ooD on a 'resser an' sai' J:hat is thatOK an' I picDe' *p the comic @ooD 4 to which =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e rep+ie' JthatAs I*st a comic @ooD. 2hatAs not why I ha' yo* come in here. 2hatAs I*st a comic @ooD. P*t that 'own.K a?ter which he tooD the comic @ooD an' o*t it @acD on the ?+at s*r?ace o? the 'resser. =ittorio trie' to )et me to s*cD on his penis 4 to which I sai' JNo thanD yo*. IAm not intereste' in that. I tho*)ht yo* ha' a comic @ooD.K an' I t*rne' aro*n' imme'iate+y an' +e?t the room. A?ter enterin) the +i(in) room 4 I sai' to Aaron 5 J/o*Are ri)ht 4 they 'onAt )i(e yo* anythin). He 'i'nAt ha(e any choco+ate. 2here was a comic @ooD 4 @*t I co*'nAt +ooD at it.K. =ittorio imme'iate+y tooD Aaron an' +e?t a?ter this. I sat in the +i(in) room tryin) to s+eep a?ter this an' e(ent*a++y my parents arri(e' with $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey an' her h*s@an' 4 we +e?t imme'iate+y a?ter my Mother thanDe' the co*p+e ?or @a@ysittin) me an' my ?ather o??ere' them some money ?or @a@ysittin) me. My ?ather on+y ta+De' to $orie Poten>a twice a?ter this an' rea+i>e' a?terwar's that she was a psychopath an' a seC*a+ pre'ator. $orie Poten>aAs co*sin An)e+a Poten>a SDinner was o*r neCt 'oor nei)h@or who +i(e' at E% ;ean #oa' acrosse' the street ?rom *s. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o is their co*sin as is Pete Poten>a4 Banet Poten>a4 an' their @rother. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2000 < #o@ert 3AAn)e+o S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace F G.P.S. #o*ter in my crani*m whi+e I was at 7+int 2ay+orAs apartment in 3*m@arton Massach*settes as+eep on his co*ch 5 I @e+ie(e that it was 7+int 2ay+or that assiste' #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 @*t it was not mentione' in

con(ersation a?terwar's < it is a+so tr*e that 7hris 2homas an' .i+As ?rien' Bason was present. Bason is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whoAs ?ather Dnows #o@ert #o'on 4 7hris 2homas is =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs son ?rom #o@ert #o'onAs 3r' 7o*sin whom he ha' a chi+' with o*t o? we'+ocD. 7+int 2ay+or a+so Dnows #o@ert #o'on 4 7+int is one o? =ittorioAs o+'est sons. 2he ni)ht that the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' 4 Bason was te++in) e(eryone present that his name was JSpi'erK an' that e(ery@o'y sho*+' re?er to him as JSpi'erK @eca*se it was his new street name. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 =ittorioAs son 3anie+ Bames to+' me that some@o'y was )oin) to J7ame+ Spi'erA the USA soon.A 7ame+ Spi'er is a (enomo*s insect that inIects anaesthesia into itAs prey an' eats them a+i(e or eats portions o? their +i(e ?+esh 4 as is the case with came+s which are (ery +ar)e anima+s in comparison to a 7ame+ Spi'er. 0? Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) re+e(ance to =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the concept o? a Ditchen 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e was worDin) at the /ar' #esta*rant at the @or'er o? $on'on'erry NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200! 4 whi+e worDin) there @rie?+y '*rin) a 'ay that he was there < I was asDe' i? I Dnew his son Aaron 1man*e+e. It was an imposter o? my ?rien' Mo++y Go''ar' that )ot me the Io@ ?or the weeDen' 4 caterin) two 'inners 5 this is important to maDe notice o? ?or reason that '*rin) 1""E an' 1""! 4 I was intro'*ce' to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= whi+e worDin) at an e(ent with 7hristopher #o'on an' his mother $ynn < he+pin) $ynn cater a ;+*es .esti(a+ an' another e(ent. :e were ser(in) ri@s 4 so*p 4 an' other ?oo's as we++ as @e(era)es ?rom a tent. 3*rin) the year 1"8! 4 A+ Io'ice intro'*ce' a man name' 7hris 2homas to my ?ami+y. 7hris 2homas is one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons 4 @orn ?rom #o@ert #o'onAs 3r' co*sin. 7hris 2homas is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother 4 which is what Aaron a+so is 5 Aaron an' 7hris 'o not appear to ha(e the same mother as each other. 7hris 2homas was a'opte' to a ?ami+y in =ir)inia. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames mentione' to me that they ha' an o+'er @rother 7hris '*rin) the year 200% whi+e in #ye NewHampshire 5 '*rin) the year 200% 3anie+ Bames -1man*e+e8 asDe' me i? I ha' e(er met his @rother 7hris < .i++i@erto mentione' to me that he @e+ie(e' that I may ha(e 4 an' .i++i@erto 'escri@e' 7hrisAs eCact appearance. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 20054 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 @o*)ht items at my re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire < I @e+ie(e that he *se' his 7re'it 7ar' or 3e@it 7ar' to pay ?or the p*rchase. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice an' my a*nt $es+ie $a=oie Io'ice were +i(in) at $inco+n Street on+y one @+ocD ?rom .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 7hris 2homas Dnew my *nc+e A+ Io'ice (ery we++. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? the year 1"88 4 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 was at my A*nt $es+ieAs an' her h*s@an' A+ Io'iceAs apartment in Manchester NewHampshire < on this 'ay we prepare' ?or a ?ew 'ays o? campin) in the :hite Mo*ntains in northern NewHampshire 4 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 came campin) with *s. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 Dnew my A*ntAs h*s@an' A+ Io'ice 5 my *nc+e A+ Io'ice ne(er warne' *s that 7hris 2homas was an 1man*e+e. My co*sin B*+ianna ha' s*spicions that A+ Io'ice was worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was (oca++y o*tspoDen a@o*t the )enoci'e in Sici+y that ?o++owe' the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich an' o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' A'o+? Hit+erAs G+o@a+ist #oman Imperia+ conspiracy an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs paranoi' psychotic ea(es'roppin) in Sici+y a?ter the .a++ o? the 3r' #eich. 3*rin) the A*t*mn season o? the year o? 1"88 4 my parents he+' a Ha++oween Party at o*r ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My .atherAs cost*me was a MasD 4 my MotherAs cost*me was 1+pha@a the :icDe' :itch o? the :est < my co*sinAs Ha++oween cost*mes were a ;*++'o) 4 a Unicorn 4 a 7ow@oy 4 a .ireMan 4 an' a Po+ice 0??icer < my ?ami+yAs ?rien'As 'a*)hter Samantha G*ay was a Poo'+e 3o) 4 my ?ami+yAs ?rien'As 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion was a :itch 4 my ?ami+yAs ?rien' S*e 3ion was a SDe+eton in a ;+acD :e''in) Gown an' her h*s@an' BacD 3ion painte' an GS.S. 2oten9op?G sD*++ masD on her ?ace with a Sch*t>sta??e+ 7racD in the ?orehea' 4 my Ha++oween

7ost*me was a Pirate with a >e@ra pattern @an'ana an' an eye patch 'rawn on my ?orehea' an' ?ace with @+acD eye+iner 5 I*st as it was the year @e?ore 4 My ?ami+yAs ?rien' BacD 3ion 'i'nAt wear a cost*me an' state' G2his is my cost*me4 IAm BacD 3ion. 2his is my shirt. 2his is BacD 3ionAs shirt.G. BacD 3ion was an Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)entAs son 4 BacD 3ionAs Gran'.ather was an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent worDin) ?or the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy insi'e the U.S.A. . A+ Io'iceAs twin sons were the .ireman an' the Po+ice 0??icer 4 my A*ntAs h*s@an' A+ Io'ice was a+so the son o? an Ita+ian S+eeper A)ent who was raise' @y an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent worDin) ?or the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? Sa(oy are ?act*a++y A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. 3*rin) this Ha++oween e(enin) 4 one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs e+'est sons 7hris 2homas arri(e' at o*r ho*se a?ter we ha' a+rea'y )one wa+Din) aro*n' the comm*nity co++ectin) can'y in o*r Ha++oween 7ost*mes. A?ter 7hris 2homas arri(e' 4 he @e)an p+ayin) with my ?atherAs metronome < BacD 3ion sai' to 7hris 2homas G2hatAs #*sse++As metronome 4 yo* sho*+' pro@a@+y +ea(e it a+one so yo* 'onAt @reaD it.G 4 to which 7hris 2homas rep+ie' G2hey 'onAt cost m*ch money.G. BacD 3ion then state' 4 G2hey cost money an' it isnAt yo*rs. It @e+on)s to #*sse++ an' this is his ho*se. /o* sho*+' +ea(e it a+one.G. 3*rin) the Ha++oween o? the year o? 1"88 4 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 @ro*)ht MariI*ana to the party that was '*ste' an' (apori>e' with a 3isassociati(e 3r*) that was crysta++i>e' on the MariI*ana. 7hris 2homas +it two ro++e' ci)arettes with this 3isassociati(e '*ste' MariI*ana an' han'e' one to my Unc+e A+ Io'ice 4 sayin) 5 G/o* can share this one with the others 4 this one is ?or my se+? an' yo*r se+?.G to which A+ Io'ice sai' G0h I )et two4 how 'o yo* Dnow IAm )oin) to share this oneO I canAt I*st Deep it ?or my se+?OG. A?ter sayin) this 4 A+ tooD a 'eep inha+e an' @+ew a +ar)e c+o*' o? smoDe at BacD which sprea' o*t thro*)ho*t the 9itchen an' the ha++way @ehin' him < 7hris inha+e' 'eep+y an' @+ew a +ar)e c+o*' at the chi+'ren who were present. A+ passe' the MariI*ana ci)arette to the nearest a'*+t whom I @e+ie(e was my *nc+e Scot. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @io+o)ica+ o+'er @rother 4 7hris 2homas < han'e' a ?ew to@acco ci)arettes o*t which I @e+ie(e were +ace' with 3isassociati(es. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 I an' my ?rien' Nico+e were )i(en to@acco ci)arettes which ha' @een +ace' with 3isassociati(e 3r*)s 4 a?terwhich .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames wa+De' *p to *s an' starte' ta+Din) to *s a@o*t 3issassociati(es. 3*rin) their 'isc*ssion with *s a@o*t 3isassociati(e 3r*)s 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e eCp+aine' to me that an in'i(i'*a+ can @*i+' an imm*nity to some 3isassociati(e S*@stances < he a+so threatene' me. 2his was on+y a month a?ter 3anie+ Bames to+' me that Gthe Unite' States o? AmericaG was @ein) G7ame+ Spi'ere'G soon. 7hris 2homas was sent to my ?ami+yAs Ha++oween Party ?or a specia+ p*rpose @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 this p*rpose was to G;ir' 'o)G ;+acDMai+ BacD 3ion 4 A+ Io'ice 4 an' my .ather ?or the p*rpose o? ?orcin) them to remain si+ent a@o*t speci?ic ?acts the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'i' not want 'isc*sse'. A+ Io'iceAs ?ather an' BacD 3ionAs ?ather were S+eeper A)ent Ita+ian A6IS espiona)e a)ents an' possi@+y assassins 4 they a+so ha' some connection to the men who assassinate' Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' possi@+y Dnew them 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dnows who assassinate' Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' who it was that or'ere' the assassination an' pai' ?or it. BacD 3ion an' A+ Io'ice wo*+' not worD ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or his sons the way that their ?athers 'i' 4 they @oth re?*se' < they 'i' maintain socia+ connection with the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y 4 howe(er. .or reason that they wo*+' not commit Initiation 7rimes 4 A+ Io'ice an' BacD 3ion were ;+acD Mai+e' < my .atherAs ho*se was *se' to photo)raph somethin) ?or ;+acD Mai+ p*rposes ?or reason that A+ Io'ice was my *nc+e an' my MotherAs @rother in +aw who marrie' my a*nt $es+ie $a=oie as we++ a+so was BacD 3ion my *nc+e 2roy MacPhersonAs c+osest ?rien' an' a c+ose ?rien' o? my .atherAs who was #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson. ;oth the 3ion .ami+y an' the Io'ice .ami+y ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs since some time a?ter 200%. It is 'e?inite that i? my .ather 4 BacD 3ion 4 an' A+ Io'ice ha' proc*re' a sDi++e' eno*)h $awyer an' thro*)h this $awyer contacte' the mi+itary < that the 1man*e+e .ami+y an' the entire Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS co*+' ha(e @een arreste' @y U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense @y this time.

3*rin) the 1"88 Ha++oween Party at my ho*se 4 a?ter )ettin) hi)h on what they tho*)ht was a mariI*ana ci)arette < my .ather starte' Dissin) my Mother 5 this res*+te' in my Mother te++in) my .ather to mo(e the party o*tsi'e an' @*i+' a camp ?ire in the @acD yar' 4 an' to @rin) the @eer o*tsi'e to the ?ire pit. A?ter most o? the a'*+ts ha' @ro*)ht the @eer o*tsi'e to the ?ire4 BacD ?e++ as+eep at the Ditchen ta@+e an' A+ Io'ice sat at the Ditchen ta@+e smoDin) ci)arettes. Scot went o*tsi'e to the @eer. 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 ha' han'e' BacD 3ion a @eer which he opene' 4 it is now e(i'ent that he s+ippe' some Din' o? se'ati(e in the @eer < BacD 3ion ha' acc*se' 7hris o? 'r*))in) the @eer an' was sDeptica+ o? taDin) it 4 statin) 5 Gwhy are yo* shaDin) the @eer *n'er the ta@+eO IAm not st*pi' 4 what 'i' yo* p*t in itOG . 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 ha' s*ccee'e' at con(incin) BacD 3ion that the @eer was sa?e an' BacD @e)an 'rinDin) it. 1(ent*a++y < a?ter a@o*t an ho*r 4 BacD 3ion ?e++ as+eep at the 9itchen 2a@+e 'r*))e' with se'ati(es. A+ Io'ice was )i(en an open pacD o? ci)arettes which 'e?inite+y ha' @een poisone' with the same 3isassociati(e 3r*) that the MariI*ana an' P*nch ;ow+ were poisone' with. A+ Io'ice G@+acDe' o*tG an' sat 3isassociate' at the Ditchen 3inner 2a@+e 4 smoDin) the entire pacD o? ci)arettes in % ho*rs time whi+e 'isassociate'. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has han'e' me a ci)arette poisone' with a 3isassociati(e 3r*) at +east twice in my +i?etime. N*mero*s times < 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 @+ew c+o*'s o? 3isAssociati(e +ace' MariI*ana smoDe into the +i(in)room. 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 to+' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 7hristine to Diss me < 7hristine Disse' me an' p*t her arm aro*n' me. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 then to+' my co*sin 3*sty to Diss me < 3*sty wa+De' towar's me to )i(e me a Diss an' 7hristine sho(e' him an' sai' GStay away ?rom my @oy?rien' 4 ?a))otNG 5 a?terwhich 3*sty wa+De' away. It is re+e(ant that '*rin) 200% 4 when I met .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames in #ye an' Hampton NewHampshire with 2ony Grasseti 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames mentione' G3a' sai' that he a+most shit a mo*ntain o? @roDe @acD 4 when I ca++e' him yester'ay.G 4 .i++i@erto sai' that he was )oin) to shit 'own my @est?rien'As throat an' rape it 4 an' 3.B. mentione' @+in'in) women with +a>er pointers whi+e +ooDin) at the #a'io 2owers on the Is+es o? Shoa+s. It was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs i'ea to name a homoseC*+ romance mo(ie G;roDe@acD Mo*ntainG 5 in 1"88 4 my co*sin 3*sty $a=oieAs cost*me was a 7ow@oy. A?ter 7hristine sho(e' 3*sty an' sai' GStay away ?rom my @oy?rien' 4 ?a))otNG < 7hris @+ew more c+o*'s o? smoDe into the +i(in)room a)ain. 7hristine ye++e' at 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 4 te++in) him to stop @+owin) c+o*'s o? smoDe into the +i(in)room. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 wa+De' into the +i(in)room an' p*she' 7hristine a@o*t % ?eet an' she ?e++ onto the )ro*n'. I ye++e' at 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 4 te++in) him to +ea(e 7hristine a+one an' to+' him that he was cr*e+. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 then ye++e' at me 4 sayin) G2hatAs eno*)h o*t o? yo*.G < a?terwhich 4 he wa+De' to the Ditchen an' opene' a 'rawer. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 came @acD into the room with $ar)e Scissors -.a@ric Shears8 an' to+' me in a cr*e+ (oice to p*++ 'own my pants < he p*++e' my pants 'own an' p+ace' the open scissors aro*n' my penis 4 te++in) me GI? yo* 'o not 'o what I say 4 I am )oin) to c*t yo*r penis o??G. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 then sai' in the same cr*e+ (oice the same thin) to my co*sin 3*sty an' 'i' the same thin) with the scissors 4 maDin) the same threat. A?ter threatenin) 3*sty $a(oie 4 he ma'e the same threat in the same manner to my co*sin Marco #oy. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 then or'ere' 7hristine 3ion to taDe o?? her ha++oween cost*me an' )et naDe' 4 a?ter which he or'ere' me to 'o the same < 7hristine an' my se+? were then or'ere' to per?orm seC acts an' Diss. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 or'ere' my se+? to sit in a chair an' 7hristine 3ion to sit on my +e)s ?acin) me 4 he then or'ere' me to p*t my han's on 7hristine 3ionAs @are chest an' to*ch her in a speci?ic manner 5 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 then tooD n*mero*s photo)raphs with his camera. 3*rin) one o? the photo)raphs 4 7hristineAs eyes were e??ecte' @y the ?+ash on the camera an' she state' GIAm @+in'NG. 2he concept o? a ?ema+e @ein) @+in' an' @ein) rape' seems to ha(e @een present in the psycho+o)y o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons '*rin) the past 20 year o? SeC*a+ Assa*+ts 4 threats *pon women an' ?ami+ies 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin). A?ter 7hris 2homas ha' ?inishe' taDin) the photos o? my se+? an' 7hristine 4 3*sty an' Marco were or'ere' @y 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 to per?orm HomoSeC*a+ acts whi+e he tooD photo)raphs <

a?ter Marco an' 3*sty 'i' this4 my co*sin Monica MosesDy an' o*r ?ami+iesA ?rien'As 'a*)hter Samantha G*ay were or'ere' to per?orm +es@ian seC*a+ acts with a 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash on their necDs whi+e 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 tooD photo)raphs an' instr*cte' them to per?orm speci?ic acts. Marco was E years o+'4 a+most ! years o+' < an' 3*sty was E years o+'. .ran McG*ire +ater eCp+aine' this to my .ather 4 BacD 3ion ha' to+' some@o'y to eCp+ain to my .ather what ha' happene' 5 7hris 2homas tooD these photo)raphs in my ?atherAs ho*se as a way o? @+acD mai+in) BacD 3ion an' my .ather to ens*re their si+ence concernin) what ha' happene' to my Mother as a chi+' as we++ as the 1man*e+eAs an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs +ocation in North America. BacD 3ionAs ?ather was an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e A)ent an' an Assassin who worDe' ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < A+ Io'iceAs ?ather was the same. :hen .ran Mc)*ire eCp+aine' this to my ?ather a year +ater 4 whi+e we were campin) 5 my .ather 'i' not Dnow yet that the photo)raphs ha' @een taDen. .ran McG*ire eCp+aine' to me ?ather that 7hris 2homas G;ir' 3o))e'G him an' BacD 3ion. 2he maIority o? the co'e +an)*a)e o? this con(ersation was G2he snipes 'a*)hter an' the man whoAs home it was were photo)raphe' @y the cops.G I was to+' a?terwar's that a GsnipeG is a @ir' with moose ant+ers that eats noses 4 as a way o? con(incin) me to stop asDin) what they were 'isc*ssin). G7opsG re?erre' to the A6IS '*e to the shape o? the Gestapo hat. GSnipeG meant Sniper. A+ Io'iceAs .ather an' BacD 3ionAs .ather were connecte' to the networD o? Ita+ian A6IS Assassins an' Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents in North America that were somehow acH*ainte' with the men who assassinate' the Presi'ent Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y. I ha(e @een to+' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was an acH*aintance o? the man who or'ere' the assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempte' to ;+acD Mai+ my *nc+e A+ Io'ice 4 my ?ather 4 an' 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather BacD 3ion in n*mero*s ways o(er the past 30 years or so an' ha(e ma'e n*mero*s 3eath 2hreats to o*r ?ami+ies. It is impossi@+e ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to ha(e ;+acD Mai+e' my .ather an' BacD 3ion with the photo)raphs that 7hris 2homas tooD on Ha++oween '*rin) 1"88 4 it is 'e?inite howe(er that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is a 'is)*stin) SeC 0??en'er as are his sons an' they 'e?inite+y 'i++*siona++y @e+ie(e that they can ;+acD Mai+ in'i(i'*a+s *sin) SeC 0??ense 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are an eCi+e' 7rimina+ Aristocracy who are A'o+? Hit+erAs 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs 4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+ies an' ha(e committe' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in North America ?rom the year o? 1"50 to present year. 7ommittin) SeC 0??enses *pon a pop*+ation an' attemptin) to *se the SeC 0??ense ?or p*rpose o? 1spiona)e s*ch as ;+acD Mai+ or to 2errori>e 4 1ns+a(e 4 3emora+i>e 4 or Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate the pop*+ation is a :ar 7rime. A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 7hi+' Porno)raphin) an entire ?ami+y o? American 7i(i+iansA chi+'ren an' their espiona)e A)entAs 'a*)hter 4 ?or p*rpose o? attemptin) to ?orce the ?ami+y to Deep secret the +ocation an' i'entity o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ .ami+y is a :ar 7rime an' a 7rime A)ainst H*manity. A?ter 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 committe' these SeC*a+ Assa*+ts an' photo)raphe' them 4 he wa+De' into the @athroom an' p+ace' +ines o? what was pro@a@+y cocaine on the sinD. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 or'ere' a++ three o? the +itt+e )ir+s to enter the @athroom one at a time an' to+' them to Gsnort it +iDe a pi))yG 4 re?errin) to the cocaine he ha' c*t into +ines on the si'e o? the sinD. 0? the three ?ema+es 4 7hristine 3ion an' Samantha G*ay were 5 years o+' an' Monica MosesDy was E years o+'. :hen Samantha G*ay an' 7hristine 3ion entere' the @athroom an' snorte' the cocaine 4 one o? them sai' +o*'+y GIt tastes +iDe poopNG. In the past 10 years 5 there ha(e @een n*mero*s ?ema+e (ictims o? the 1man*e+esA who ha(e @een ?orce' to swa++ow ?eces. A?ter ?orcin) 7hristine 4 Monica 4 an' Samantha to Gsnort it +iDe a pi))yG in the @athroom < 7hris 2homas wa+De' into my parentsA @e'room where my in?ant sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson was s+eepin) an' 'i' somethin) to her that I 'i' not see @*t hear' a@o*t years +ater. My sister Sheena awoDe an' @e)an cryin) an' screamin). 7hristine 3ion ran o*tsi'e to the @on ?ire where the maIority o? the a'*+ts were an' to+' them that Sheena was cryin) an' was awaDe. my se+? 4 3*sty 4 an' Marco @e)an wa+Din) 'own the ha++ to the @e'room < =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas came wa+Din) o*t o? my parentAs @e'room where my sister Sheena ha' @een s+eepin) in her cri@ 4 he was wa+Din) eCtreme+y ?ast an'

t*rne' *s aro*n' an' p*she' *s @acD into the +i(in)room. 7hris state' +o*'+y 5 GI was I*st checDin) on herNG. A?ter 7hris 2homas p*she' *s @acD into the +i(in)room < my Mother wa+De' into the ho*se an' picDe' *p my sister 4 o*t o? the cri@ an' he+' her. My Mother attempte' to he+p my sister ?a++ @acD as+eep. A?ter a ?ew min*tes 4 my Mother @ro*)ht into the +i(in)room a =HS 2ape with recor'e' 2e+e(ision 1piso'es o? GPee :eeAs P+ayHo*seG an' p*t the =HS 2ape into the =HS P+ayer. 7hristine 3ion )ot eCcite' when the theme son) to GPee :eeAs P+ayho*seG @e)an to p+ay on the te+e(ision 4 '*rin) which she t*rne' *p the (o+*me an' @e)an sin)in) +o*'+y an' 'ancin). 7hristine +a*)he' an' )ot eCcite' when she saw the )ir+ with the pennies on her eye+i's an' then 7hristine san) GItAs Pee:eeAs P+ayHo*seNG so +o*' that BacD 3ion awoDe an' wa+De' into the +i(in)room an' 'ecrease' the (o+*me on the te+e(ision set. A?ter 'ecreasin) the (o+*me on the te+e(ision 4 BacD 3ion ma'e a IoDe sayin) GSome o? *s were tryin) to s+eepNG. 3*rin) the year 1"8" a?ter 7hris 2homas ha' committe' these heino*s crimes *pon my ?ami+y an' o*r ?ami+y ?rien's 4 the neCt 'oor nei)hor An)ie an' her roommate Sister Smith @e)an ca++in) me G3e(i+ 7hi+'G 4 GSpawn o? SatanG 4 GHe++ SpawnG. I can remem@er Sister Smith ye++in) at me to stay away ?rom the yar' an' screamin) GHere comes that 3e(i+ 7hi+' a)ainN Spawn o? SatanN Go home 'e(i+ chi+'N 2his aint yo*r home 4 3e(i+ 7hi+'N Go home yo* +itt+e He++ SpawnN 7hi+' o? SatanN An)ie 4 that He++ Spawn is @acD a)ainNG a?ter which ;ea* SDinnerAs mother An)ie @e)an ye++in) at me G2his is no p+ace ?or yo* 4 IanN Go homeN 2his is not a p+ace ?or yo*N Go homeN /o* 'onAt @e+on) hereNG . An)ie was an Ita+ian +a'y who ha' marrie' an American man name' ;o@ SDinner an' ha' chi+'ren with him. Sister Smith was an A?rican American 7hristian Sister 4 which was somethin) +iDe a Protestant N*n. Sister Smith ha' @een +i(in) with An)ie acrosse' the street ?rom my ho*se. I am not s*re what it was that An)ie to+' Sister Smith 4 @*t she @e+ie(e' that I was e(i+. It is pro@a@+e that An)ie was @a@ysittin) 3anie+ Bames on this 'ay an' was to+' @y 3anie+ BamesAs a'opti(e ?ather to Deep the Di' across the street away ?rom him . I 'o @e+ie(e that I remem@er An)ie @a@ysittin) .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames once ?or some@o'y in 1"8" 5 I @e+ie(e that An)ieAs ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. A?ter the year 1""0 < An)ie @e)an han'in) o*t GHa++oween is Satanic an' Anti 7hristianG Ha++oween Pamph+ets ?or Ha++oween 4 teachin) that Ha++oween was e(i+ an' sho*+' @e o*t+awe'. Ha++oween is a tra'itiona+ ho+i'ay ?rom the U.9. an' Ho++an' 4 it is primari+y a mo'erni>ation an' cons*mer in?+*ence' (ersion o? what was two @asic Gae+ic an' An)+o SaCon .o+D Ho+i'ays 5 the (ersion o? Ha++oween in Ho++an' was the same 2ra'itiona+ .o+D Ho+i'ay as the An)+o SaCon 2ra'itiona+ .o+D Ho+i'ay 4 @*t was ce+e@rate' s+i)ht+y 'i??erent as a res*+t o? minor (ariance in .o+D 7*stoms. An)ieAs 'istri@*tion o? propa)an'a promotin) a tota+ @an o? Ha++oween seems connecte' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homasAs actions on Ha++oween o? 1"88. It is possi@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'ere' a Dni)ht to 'istri@*te these at a 7hristian re+i)io*s )atherin) that An)ie was atten'in) in 1"8". An)ieAs 'a*)hter4 Am@er SDinner < is missin) an' is rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. Am@er was an inch ta++er than the imposte*r an' her hips were a ?ew inches wi'er. I @e+ie(e that Am@er SDinner was on a we@site that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs comp*ter hacDer 2*rDoIan so?tware pop *ppe' on my 7omp*ter Screen in the year 200!. 3*rin) approCimate+y 1""% or 1""5 5 .i+ 1man*e+e an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' (isite' An)ieAs o+'er 'a*)hter at E% ;ean #oa' 4 MerrimacD NewHampshire. 2his was the ho*se neCt 'oor to mine on the other corner o? :est #oa'. ;ea* SDinner an' Am@er SDinner ha' an o+'er sister. It is possi@+e that .i+ 1man*e+e an' her 'ate' @rie?+y. An)ie SDinner intro'*ce' me to .i+ an' Mosta?a whi+e they were stan'in) in her Ditchen 4 whi+e ;ea* an' my se+? were wa+Din) thro*)h his ho*se. An)ie an' ;o@ SDinner 'i(orce' '*rin) approCimate+y 1""8. I am not certain what An)ieAs s*rname was. An)ieAs ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. I @e+ie(e that 7hris 2homas has an o+'er @rother who +ooDs (ery m*ch +iDe him @*t has a narrower sD*++ shape an' his a @it ta++er.

A?ter =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas poisone' the a'*+ts an' chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party with 3isassociati(e 3r*)s an' 7hi+' Porno)raphe' chi+'ren at the party whi+e the a'*+ts were o*tsi'e 4 he is @e+ie(e' to ha(e committe' a 'is)*stin) assa*+t *pon my sister Sheena who was an in?ant '*rin) 1"88. My sister Sheena ha' @owe+ pro@+ems an' pro@+ems 'e?ecatin) her entire +i?e < Sheena Nico+e MacPherson was hospita+i>e' more than once '*e to ina@i+ity to 'e?ecate 4 somethin) in her @owe+s was Gc+enchin)G an' her 'i)esti(e tract was not re+easin) 'i)este' ?oo' waste. Her stomach an' a@'omin ha' @ecome swo++en an' @+oate' more than once 4 reH*irin) hospita+i>ation. 2here are Me'ica+ #ecor's o? this. I? a :ar 7rimina+ has erase' Me'ica+ #ecor's ?rom Hospita+s which they ha(e p*rchase' or otherwise )aine' access to 5 the USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment has these recor's i? they were e(er transmitte' e+ectronica++y o(er any 7omm*nications NetworD. 3*rin) the year 1""E or 1""! < one o? the 7hristiano ?ami+y to+' #o@ #o'on a +ie that I p*t my han's in a @a@yAs 'iaper at a 7hristmas Party. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to+' the 7hristiano ?ami+y to te++ #o@ #o'on this4 at =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party BacD 3ion was to+' to say somethin) a@o*t this an' he 'e?ie' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 sayin) G2hat 'i' not happen 4 an' yo* Dnow that.G . 3*rin) the year 1""1 or 1""2 5 the 3ionAs came to my ?ami+yAs 7hristmas Party an' Sheena met 7hristine 3ion ?or the ?irst time since Sheena co*+' wa+D an' speaD 5 Sheena was now a@o*t % or 5 years o+' 4 the same a)e that 7hristine an' my se+? were when 7hris 2homas threatene' *s with scissors an' ?orce' *s to pose n*'e ?or chi+' porno)raphic photo)raphs whi+e my parents were o*tsi'e sittin) aro*n' a Ha++oween @on ?ire. Sheena was not wearin) 'iapers any more at the 7hristmas Party. 2he 7hristiano ?ami+y are co*sins o? @oth the #o'on ?ami+y an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. 2he Grasseti ?ami+y are the co*sins o? the 7hristiano ?ami+y an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. 2he 7hristiano ?ami+y ha(e ne(er @een present at any 7hristmas Party that I ha(e e(er @een to 4 there was no @a@y in 'iapers present at my ?ami+yAs 7hristmas Party that the 3ion .ami+y atten'e' '*rin) the year o? 1""1 or 1""2. Accor'in) to what I ha(e @een to+' 4 the photo)raphs which 7hris 2homas tooD o? his ?in)ers in my s+eepin) in?ant sister SheenaAs an*s an' (a)ina 4 whi+e the a'*+ts were o*tsi'e sittin) aro*n' the camp?ire '*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 5 was with the 'iaper remo(e'. My sister Sheena awoDe at this an' @e)an cryin) 4 a?ter which 7hris 2. -1man*e+e8 came H*icD+y wa+Din) o*t o? the @e'room. 2he photo)raph o? 7hris 2homasAs ?in)er in my in?ant sisterAs an*s an' (a)ina < an' the photo)raphs which 7hris 2homas tooD o? my se+? 4 my co*sins 4 7hristine 3ion 4 an' Samantha G*ay 5 the 1man*e+esA attempte' to *se to ;+acDMai+ my ?ather. Near+y my entire ?ami+y ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs since the year 2000 5 a+most my entire ?ami+y is @e+ie(e' to @e 'ea' an' the +oca+ $aw 1n?orcement an' .e'era+ In(esti)ations in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' 0ntario ha(e re?*se' to 3.N.A. 2est my ?ami+y to pro(e that these in'i(i'*a+s are not my ?ami+y an' are i++e)a++y +i(in) as imposte*r o? )enoci'e (ictims. 2he 1man*e+esA o@session with :itches @e)an on this ni)ht '*rin) 1"88 < ?or reason that my Mother who was repeate'+y their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rime =ictim ?or " years '*rin) her chi+'hoo' '*rin) which she was repeate'+y (io+ent+y rape' @y their 2errorist 7rime So+'iers 4 was 'resse' as 1+pha@a the )reen sDinne' :itch '*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88. 3*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 4 7hristine 3ion was 'resse' as a :itch as we++. I was 'resse' as a Pirate. BacD 3ionAs :i?e was 'resse' in a @+acD @ri'a+ )own an' ha' a 2oten9op? SD*++ painte' on her ?ace with a cracD in the ?orehea'. BacD 3ion 'i' not wear a cost*me an' state' G2his is my cost*me. I am BacD 3ion. 2his is my shirt.G 4 BacD 3ion ma'e this statement in re?erence to his ?ami+y @ein) a mem@er ?ami+y o? an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 1spiona)e 7e++. 0? stran)e coinci'ence < is that ?act that 7hristopher #o'onAs an' Matthew #o'onAs parents #o@ an' $ynn 4 ca++e' me G1rnieG when 'isc*ssin) me an' somethin) that the =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' ha' or'ere' one o? the 7hristianos to te++ #o@ert #o'on. 1rnie was my 'o)As name @e?ore we chan)e' his name to An)*s. 1rnie 4 who was +ater name' An)*s < was a 7airne 2errier 5 the 7airne 2errier is the same @ree' o? 'o) as the 'o) name' G2otoG in the mo(ie Gthe :i>ar' o? 0>G. 2his con(ersation was starte' @y a Mr. 7hristiano ca++in) #o@ert #o'on an' te++in) him somethin) that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' sai' a@o*t my se+? in(o+(in) my se+? as a yo*n) chi+' s*ppose'+y p*ttin) my han' in a @a@yAs 'iaper.

3*rin) the con(ersation a@o*t a 'iaper an' a 7hristmas Party < #o@ ca++e' me G1rnieG to eCp+ain to the #o'on .ami+y what he ha' @een to+' a@o*t me 4 whi+e I was sittin) in the +i(in)room. 2he tr*th is that 7hris 2homas ha' inserte' his ?in)ers into my s+eepin) in?ant sisterAs (a)ina an' an*s '*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 an' taDen a photo)raph. 2he same ni)ht that this occ*rre' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas ha' poisone' the a'*+ts at the Ha++oween Party with 3isassociati(es an' Se'ati(es as we++ as Porno)raphe' my se+? an' 7hristine 3ion when we were on+y 5 years o+' as we++ as my co*sins an' Samantha G*ay. 7hris 2homas -=ittorioAs son8 ?orce' Samantha G*ay an' Monica MosesDy to wear a 'o) co++ar an' a +eash when posin) ?or the photo)raphs which he ?orce' them to pose ?or in 1"88 '*rin) the Ha++oween Party. 3*rin) the 1"8" 4 7hris 2homasAs @rother 7+int ha' to+' my se+? an' 9eith McG*ire that his )ran'?atherAs name was G;ertG. G;ert an' 1rnieG are two m*ppets o? the Sesame Street 2e+e(ision Series. Many o? the 1man*e+esA seC o??ense initiation crimes now inc+*'e the *se o? a 'o) co++ar an' +eash on the (ictims. 2he 1"80As Ninten'o =i'eo Game 3U79 HUN2 4 ?eat*res a 'o) that chases the 'o)s into the )rass a?ter they are shot an' @arDs at them to scare them o*t o? the )rass 5 '*rin) the year 200" 4 an Ita+ian )an)ster who was 'e?inite+y ?rom Ita+ia 4 maDe a 3*cDAs L*acD so*n' with his mo*th an' sai' to me G0ne 'ay 4 that wi++ )et a++ the +a'ies. /o*A++ see.G whi+e he was wa+Din) past my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments . I @e+ie(e that 7hris 2homasAs mother4 who is not =ittorio 1man*e+eAs wi?e Mona < is a (ery 'istant co*sin o? $ynn ;an)sAs or #o@ert #o'onAs 5 $a*ra Pittin)er @e+ie(e' this to @e pro@a@+e as we++ an' ha' met 7hris 2homas 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+e an' tho*)ht they were sicD creeps. $a*ra Pittin)erAs ?ather was ?rien's with BacD 3ion an' Dnew my *nc+e 2roy MacPherson. 7hristine 3ionAs @est ?rien's were Samantha G*ay an' my co*sin Monica MosesDy when they were chi+'ren 4 7hristine 3ionAs hat was on the hea' o? what appeare' to possi@+y @e an imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' who I met in ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) 200E. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 an imposte*r o? a man name' 7aesar whom was *sin) the names G7esareG an' G3ia@+oG < was witnesse' @y n*mero*s peop+e 4 wa+Din) a )ir+ who was possi@+y name' B*+ie :einstein 5 aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire with a +eash an' 'o) co++ar on her necD. B*+ie :einstein was a +itt+e Bewish Gir+ whoAs ?ather was a #a@@i name' ;arry :einstein 5 3*cD is a 9osher @ir'. A Pri(ate In(esti)ator has in?orme' me that a +on) +ist o? Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e ?ami+ies ha(e @een Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate' 4 rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom ha(e @een *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 an' their 'a*)hters ha(e @een a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' 5 this was apparent+y @ein) re?erre' to as G3*cD H*ntG. It is important to consi'er that BacD 3ion Dnew a@o*t my .ather @ein) @+acD mai+e' with him 4 @y the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7hristine 3ion Dnew this ?act as we++. .or a reason that I am *naware o? 4 the 3ion ?ami+y ne(er reporte' to the USA Mi+itary that they were 'escen'e' ?rom an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper 7e++ .ami+y worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy with connections insi'e o? the Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 'epartment 5 BacD 3ion co*+' ha(e easi+y 'e?ecte' to the USA 4 his ?ami+y co*+' ha(e @ecome in?ormants 4 an' they co*+' ha(e @een protecte' an' worDe' co operati(e+y with in'i(i'*a+s o? USAmerican race worDin) ?or USA Mi+itary Inte++i)ence to arrest the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or :ar 7rimes insi'e the USA an' SeC 0??enses in(o+(e' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren that ha(e @een so eCtreme since they re+ocate' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to the USA 4 that these o??enses are 7rimes A)ainst H*manity +e(e+ SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+' an' 7hi+' Porno)raphin). It is pro@a@+e that BacD 3ion ?e+t that the USA Mi+itary 4 USA .e'era+ In(esti)ations 4 an' USA $aw 1n?orcement ha' @een so hea(i+y in?i+trate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that it wo*+' @e ?*ti+e to attempt to 'e?ect to the USA. 2he 3ion .ami+y is now missin) an' has @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 a )ir+ at schoo+ name' $a*ra Pittin)er to+' ;enIamin $in'@er) that she ha' hear' a@o*t what 7hris 2homas 'i' to my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson an' that =ittorio ha' attempte' to c+aim that I was the one that 'i' it at =ittorioAs @irth'ay party 4 statin) 5 GI met his @rother once 4 he was creepy.' 4 7hris 2homas was who I hear' it was an' I hear' that he @+ame' the Di' whoAs sister 7hris 2homas 'i' it to as a +itt+e @a@y an' =ictor @+ame' the +itt+e Di'. It was at =ictorAs

@irth'ay party that they trie' to @+ame the +itt+e )ir+As @rother. 3is)*stin) isnAt itO She was on+y in 'iapers. My 'a' is ?rien's with BacD 3ion who was there when he trie' to @+ame the Di'. BacD Dnows who 'i' it.G ;enIamin $in'@er)As an' $a*ra Pittin)erAs ?rien' Bason ;e++emore state' once in 1""E 4 GMy co*sin Dnows =ictor. Aosta. Not me4 IA(e )ot the @+oo'+ine. IAm not roya+ty 4 a Dni)ht was my ancestor. My 3r' co*sin on my MomAs si'e is a +itera+ 9ni)ht o? Aosta. He Dnows =ictor. =ictorAs wi?e is Aosta.G. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 Bason ;e++emore asDe' me i? I Dnew 7ha' Gro+sch 5 Bason ;e++emore to+' me that he Dnew 7ha' Gro+sch an' that his o+'er @rother an' his co*sin were ?rien's with 7ha' Gro+sch 4 an' that 7ha' an' BasonAs co*sin +istene' to a+ot o? the same Din' o? Hea(y Meta+ that I +iDe. 7ha' Gro+sch may possi@+y @e missin) 4 3 imposte*rs o? 7ha' Gro+sch ha(e @een si)hte' in the New1n)+an' re)ion. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 4 two ?ami+ia+ re+ati(es o? 7ha' Gro+schAs @o*)ht co??ee ?rom me whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire 5 this was aro*n' the same month that :i++iam Hano(er an' 9ate Mi''+eton Hano(er @o*)ht ice' co??ee an' a m*??in as we++ as 'i' 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an' a yo*n) re+ati(e o? theirs @*y a scone an' 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast 2ea. ;en 4 $a*ra 4 an' Bason +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire when they were chi+'ren < 7ha' Gro+sch +i(e' in H*'son NewHampshire when he was a chi+'. 7ha' Gro+sch ha' @ecome a mem@er o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator 4 an Atheist :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation < my )ir+?rien' '*rin) the years 2003 an' 200% 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e 5 was ?rien's with 7ha' Gro+sch. I @e+ie(e that '*rin) the year 2005 4 some person worDin) ?or the 1man*e+e .ami+y @e)an *sin) 7ha' Gro+schAs America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er Acco*nt. N*mero*s photo)raphs o? men who were not 7ha' Gro+sch were p*@+ishe' to internet as we++ as sent o(er internet c+aimin) to @e him 4 @*t they were not. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 an imposte*r o? Bason ;e++emore was witnesse' in MerrimacD NewHampshire worDin) as a Po+ice 0??icer < '*rin) the year 200! 4 an imposte*r o? NicD Ma))iore was a+so witness in MerrimacD NewHampshire worDin) as a Po+ice 0??icer. Neither o? these men were the men whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s they were *sin). Bason ;e++emoreAs 3r' co*sin who is a 9ni)ht o? Aosta is pro@a@+e to ha(e ha' acH*aintances who were Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents +i(in) in the U.S.A. as we++ as possi@+y A*strian A6IS a??i+iate' in'i(i'*a+s . NicD Ma))iore Dnew 7ha' Gro+sch somehow 4 they were somehow acH*aintances < NicD Ma))iore was an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'ier. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?orei)n to North America @*t wi++ *se #acist I'entity as a too+ as we++ as #acist I'entity NetworDs as ways to tracD ?ami+ies 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy se+'om worD with other races o? peop+es < when they 'o this 4 it is *s*a++y on+y A*strians or Ara@ians. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. eCperience' massi(e n*m@ers o? immi)ration an' mi)ration as we++ as re?*)ee immi)ration an' mi)ration < n*mero*s )an)s mo(e' to the re)ion as we++ 5 as a res*+t4 the pop*+ation @ecame eCtreme+y o(er pop*+ate' with ?orei)n peop+es an' the USAmerican races @ecame an eCtreme+y sma++ minority o? the pop*+ation as we++ as 'i' .irst Nations Nati(e American races @ecome an eCtreme+y sma++ minority pop*+ation co*nt '*rin) these years. 2he pop*+ation 'i(ersity seems to ha(e @een *se' as a camo*?+a)e ?or )enoci'e o? USAmerican an' 7ana'ian races as we++ as .irst Nations Nati(e American races an' ?ami+ies marrie' to these peop+es 5 '*rin) this 4 the 1man*e+e .ami+y or'ere' a +ar)e n*m@er o? assassinations o? ?ami+ies an' many o? them were rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. A +on) +ist o? :ar 7rimes were committe' *pon the pop*+ation an' the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e was tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e. Many o? the women ?rom this re)ion were SeC 2ra??icDe' an' since their a@'*ction 4 ha(e @een mo(e' to other re)ions. Most o? the pop*+ation has since this time 4 mo(e'. 2he .action that committe' these :ar 7rimes an' other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity is the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action. 2here is a +on) +ist o? ?ami+ies missin) who are rep+ace' @y imposte*rs that are +i(in) in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. . 3*rin) the years 200% to 200" 5 the occ*rrance o? (io+ent )an) war?are in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. @ecame rampant an' was eCtreme+y 'estr*cti(e to the ?ami+ies o? peop+e +i(in) in the re)ion. 0? stran)e re+ation to the 'ate '*rin) which the 3ion ?ami+y 4 the G*ay ?ami+y 4 an' a++ o? my

co*sins ?ami+ies 4 an' my ?ami+y were a@'*cte' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs 5 '*rin) the year 200! or 200" 4 men ?a+se ?+a))e' as GPo+ice 0??icersG wearin) Mi+itary .ati)*e 7amo*?+a)e storme' a re)ion o? ;e'?or' NewHampshire with Po+ice 7r*isers 4 a He+icopter 4 an' Assa*+t #i?+es. 2he 1man*e+es an' Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs ?*n'e' news me'ia c+aime' that these men were G+ooDin) ?or a man who was ?ee+in) s*ici'a+G an' that they ha' ta+De' with his wi?e 4 who c+aime' that he ha' to+' her that he was ?ee+in) s*ici'a+. A+most a++ o? the ?ami+ies in ;e'?or' NewHampshire ha(e @een rep+ace' @y Ita+ians who ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' m*tate' their appearance to +i(e as imposte*r o? the American ?ami+ies. 2he on+y other race that this Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist .action seem to @e worDin) with are a sma++ n*m@er o? Ser@ians. It is pro@a@+e that this GNews #eportG was a ?orm o? 7o(ert 7ypher 7omm*nication which meant that G2he Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers are s*ccess?*++y em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartments an' Me'ica+ He+icopter 3epartment o? the state o? New Hampshire an' ha(e )ot the mi+itary arms into NewHampshire s*ccess?*++y.G. ;e'?or' 4 1m@e''e' < NewHampshire State 2rooper Po+ice arme' with Assa*+t #i?+es wearin) 7amo*?+a)e 4 So+'iers 7o(ert+y em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartments o? NewHampshire an' are possessin) o? Mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms < G+ooDin) ?or a man who to+' his wi?e that he was s*ici'a+ '*rin) an ar)*mentG 4 a cypher co'e messa)e that meant somethin) speci?ic. 3*rin) the time that the news papers p*@+ishe' artic+e a@o*t the NewHampshire State 2roopers wearin) 7amo*?+a)e an' searchin) ?or a s*ici'a+ man in the woo's o? ;e'?or' with 'o)s an' assa*+t ri?+es 4 a te+e(ision news @roa'cast was sche'*+e' or HacDer 1'it ;roa'cast as i? it were ?act 5 this te+e(ision news se)ment 'escri@e' %0 @+on'e haire' an' @+*e eye' ?ema+es a@'*cte' ?rom the GA+a@ama #e)ionG 4 it is a possi@i+ity that this was a re?erence to the G0A@amaG G0? 3iCie 7*psG ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ;+it>Drie). 3*rin) the year 1""8 < my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson @e)an recei(in) 'eath threats at home in the ?orm o? anonymo*s +etters an' anonymo*s phone ca++s 4 my mother 3e@@ie $a(oie MacPherson ha' @een recei(in) these Din' o? threats ?or m*+tip+e years prior to this as we++. Aro*n' this approCimate 'ate < I @e)an recei(in) 'eath threats which were spoDen o(er te+ephone an' one year +ater than this 4 a )ir+?rien' o? mine was a@'*cte'4 tie' *p4 an' tort*re' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e who contin*e' to seC*a++y assa*+t her o(er the ?o++owin) 3 years . 1+ectronic e(i'ence ?rom the years 1"""4 20004 an' 2001 wi++ pro@a@+e pro(e that Nina HansenAs mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone as we++ as her home te+ephone were wire tappe' i++e)a++y @y S+eeper A)ents +oya+ to .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y whom were em@e''e' within U.S.A. .e'era+ 1mp+oyment as we++ as we++ as wi++ it pro@a@+y pro(e that 7omp*ter HacDers hire' @y the 1man*e+es accesse' Ser(ers an' o@tain Nina HansenAs American 0n+ine Instant Messa)er recor's an' emai+s. 3*rin) the year o? 200% < 7omp*ter HacDers worDin) ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a @e)an tar)ettin) a++ Internet Ser(ice at 38" Haywar' Street Apartment 3 in Manchester NewHampshire which was re)istere' as 9enneth B*''As an' Scot H*nterAs internet ser(ice ?rom 7omcast 4 comp*ter hacDers @e)an wire tappin) a++ o? the te+ephone con(ersations at 38" Haywar' Street Apartment 3 o? which the te+ephone ser(ice was re)istere' to the names 9enneth B*'' an' Scot H*nter4 7rimina+s emp+oye' within the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the USA were a+so 'isco(ere' to ha(e @een wire tappin) te+ephone con(ersations an' internet. 3*rin) the year 200% < a maintainance crew worDe' on the Heatin) an' =enti+ation '*cts an' (ents in the @*i+'in) at 38" Haywar' Street in the Apartment V2 4 'ownstairs ?rom my se+? an' my roommates. It is a possi@i+ity that Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices man*?act*re' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts were insta++e' insi'e the wa++s '*rin) this maintainance which occ*rre' aro*n' the same time that 1' :arren insta++e' 15 a*'io recor'in) 'e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s in .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) this time 4 I s*specte' that this was the @e)inin) o? another :ater)ate Scan'a+ an' that the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' @een the )*i+ty party '*rin) the ?irst :ater)ate o? the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration. 0? stran)e re+e(ance to Ha++oween o? 1"88 an' 7hristine 3ion sho(in) 3*sty an' sayin) GStay

away ?rom my @oy?rien' ?a))otNG 5 '*rin) the year 2001 4 Bason Be??reyAs )ir+?rien' Samantha 7asse++a sho(e' me with an open pa+m on the stern*m an' sai' with a smi+e GStay away ?rom my @oy?rien' ?a))otNG. It is o@(io*s that some@o'y ha' instr*cte' her to 'o this. ;oth Bason Be??rey an' Samantha 7asse++a are o? an amo*nt o? Ita+ian race 4 @*t I am not s*re as to whether or not their ?ami+ies ha' any connection to the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen - the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 8 . It is pro@a@+e that one o? them 'i' or that an in'i(i'*a+ who 'i' to+' Samantha 7asse++a to 'o it. It is possi@+e that it may ha(e @een ;ritni Po++ar' who ha' to+' Samantha 7asse++a to 'o this. I can reca++ her statin) that it was ;ritni Po++ar' who to+' her to 'o it an' that when Bason Be??rey asDe' ;ritni Po++ar' a@o*t it 4 she sai' that ;rian 7ase to+' her to te++ Samantha 7asse++a to 'o this. It is more pro@a@+e that Bason Be??rey was to+' to te++ her to 'o this an' *se' ;rian 7ase as an a+i@i 5 when he was in his teen a)e years o? a)e 4 Bason Be??rey ha' one o? e same 'r*) s*pp+iers that ;rian 7ase )ot his 'r*)s ?rom an' on+y @o*)ht 'r*)s ?rom two 'i??erent s*pp+iers other than ;rian 7ase who he occaisiona++y @o*)ht 'r*)s ?rom when he co*+' not )et in contact with ;rian 7aseAs s*pp+ier. Bason Be??rey was recr*ite' as an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 7rime So+'ier @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 0ne 'ay 4 whi+e the three o? *s were in Bason Be??reyAs a*tomo@i+e < Samantha 7asse++a p*++e' a )ray a*'io recor'in) 'e(ice o*t ?rom *n'erneath Bason Be??reyAs passen)er seat an' sai' GHey Bason 4 whatAs thisO /o* maDin) recor'in)s an' not te++in) meOG 4 this same Din' o? a*'io recor'in) 'e(ice was +ocate' in #o@ #o'onAs a*tomo@i+e @y 7hristopher #o'on '*rin) the year prior 5 7hristopher ha' p*++e' the )ray a*'io recor'in) cassette tape recor'er o*t ?rom *n'erneath the passen)er seat o? his ?atherAs car an' state' GHey 3a'O :hat is thisO :ater)ateOG . Bason Be??rey ha' in his socia+ networD 4 in'i(i'*a+ so+'iers o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 3*rin) 1"""4 when Bason Be??rey parDe' his car on the roa' that the Mar+@oro Hi)hschoo+ was +ocate' at < on a Sat*r'ay 4 whi+e we waite' ?or Nina HansenAs ?rien' 1mi+y McPherson to )et o*t o? Sat*r'ay 3etention 5 on this 'ay .i++i@erto 1man*e+e )ot into BasonAs (ehic+e an' threatene' Nina an' my se+?. I was in?orme' that in 1""E or 1""! < '*rin) a Sat*r'ay 3etention 4 Mr. Sa+(o a++owe' what +ooDe' +iDe .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to enter the Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' a++owe' them entry to the room wherein two st*'ents were in Sat*r'ay 3etention 5 a?ter they entere' the room 4 they +it *p a Ioint an' smoDe' it. :hi+e the three o? them were smoDin) the Ioint 4 they @+ew smoDe in the )ir+s ?aces 5 a?ter @+owin) mariI*ana smoDe in the )ir+s ?aces that was pro@a@+y +ace' with 'isassociati(es 4 the 1man*e+es an' Mr. Sa+(o rape' the two )ir+s. 0ne o? these )ir+s was possi@+y my )ir+?rien' at the time 4 3anie++e 7*shman 5 who was one year o+'er than my se+? an' in the 8th Gra'e. Accor'in) to the person whom I ha(e spoDen with that Dnows eCact+y what happene' this 'ay 4 3anie++e 7*shman was to+' to @reaD *p with me @y my eCact +itera+ name GIan MacPhersonG an' was to+' to te++ me to say somethin) speci?ic to my Mother. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 #o@ert #o'on to+' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e who my )ir+?rien' was. 3*rin) the same month that 3anie++e 7*shman was rape' in the c+assroom '*rin) Sat*r'ay 3etention 4 my Mother ha' @een rape' @y a teacher '*rin) hi)hschoo+ or mi''+e schoo+ '*rin) this same month. I @e+ie(e that this month may ha(e @een March. 3anie++e 7*shman was .ranDic American 4 3e*tsche+an'er 4 an' Israe+i. 7hris #o'onAs ?ather #o@ert #o'on 'e?inite+y to+' =ittorio 1man*e+e who I was 'atin)4 he reporte' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e e(ery 'etai+ a@o*t my +i?e 5 there are te+ephone con(ersations which the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment ha(e recor'in)s o? that are @etween #o@ert #o'on an' mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wherein which he 'isc*sse' with them eCact 'etai+s on my +i?e an' my eCact +ocation '*rin) eCact times an' 'ates. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' the entire Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a Genoci'a+ :ar 7rimina+ 2errorist .action )*i+ty o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which inc+*'e :ar #ape o? +itt+e chi+'ren an' eCtermination o? ?ami+ies inc+*'in) e(ery Man 4 :oman 4 an' 7hi+' in the ?ami+y o? e(en in?ant a)e. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs Gran' Son 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew 4 a Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7rime $or' an' 7o(ert Mi+itant 1nemy 7om@atant 4 a SeC 2ra??icDer 4 an' a repeat o??en'er SeC 0??en'er o? 7hi+'ren 5 the maIority o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are )*i+ty o? the same

crimes as him @y way o? their committin) o? Initiation 7rimes as a ?orm o? Gtr*st ?a++sG with the 9in) =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 or @y reason o? their contin*in) an' +i?e +on) in(o+(ement in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) o? .ami+ies 4 Genoci'a+ 2errorism 4 an' 7o(ert Mi+itant 1nemy 7om@atant 2errorist 1spiona)e acti(ity within the USA. I ha(e @een to+' that since 2005 < Mr. Sa+(o has @een )i(en a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s twice an' has @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' on more than one occaision to appear to +ooD +iDe another in'i(i'*a+. I ha(e @een to+' that Mr.Sa+(o worDe' in the Psychiatric Hea+th7are ?ie+' @rie?+y with another personAs I'enti?icaton 7re'entia+s. I ha(e a+so @een in?orme' that Mr.Sa+(o worDe' at a co*rtho*se *sin) another in'i(i'*a+s I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 one o? these in'i(i'*a+s were apparent+y a @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e o? his. Mr. Sa+(oAs SeC 0??ense was mimmicDe' in the mo(ie GAnother Hi)hschoo+ M*sica+G '*rin) which scene a Mr. Sa+(atore commits a near+y i'entica+ o??ense whi+e the son) G2he :itch 3octor4 :a+a :a+a ;in) ;an)G is p+ayin). .rom what I ha(e @een to+' 5 the 1man*e+es ha(e rape' a+most e(ery eC )ir+?rien' o? mine intentiona++y an' ?or the speci?ic p*rpose that they were my )ir+?rien's. In the year 2000 4 when .i++i@erto 1man*e+e opene' Bason Be??reyAs car 'oor an' sat 'own in the ?ront seat 4 to threaten my se+? an' Nina Hansen < my )ir+?rien' ?rom Mar+@oro Massach*settes who he ha' I*st recent+y rape' 5 we were parDe' on the si'e o? the roa' a@o*t 200 yar's ?rom 1mi+y McPhersonAs Hi)hSchoo+ 4 waitin) ?or her to )et o*t o? Sat*r'ay 3etention. Sat*r'ay 3etention is where the rape ha' occ*rre' at Mastrico+a Mi''+eSchoo+. =ittorio an' many o? his sons are o@sessi(e (io+ent seC o??en'ers 5 he has raise' them to @e his accomp+ices. 2he 1man*e+es are A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' the @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ants o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III < they 'i' not re+ocate the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to the U.S.A. ?or p*rpose o? assimi+atin) into the USAmerican peop+e 4 the 1man*e+es 'i' not re+ocate the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to the U.S.A. ?or p*rpose o? +i(in) peace?*++y 4 they 'o not a)ree with yo*r Gene(a 7on(entionAs eCpecte' stan'ar's o? ethic 4 they 'o not a)ree with yo*r perception that North America is a +an'mass where*pon a++ races o? peop+e +i(e peace?*++y an' that it is comm*na+ racia+ home+an' to a++ peop+es. 2he 1man*e+es 'o not @e+ie(e that my race has a ri)ht to +i(e < they 'o not @e+ie(e that any h*man @ein)s ha(e ri)hts 4 they are Amora+ist Socia+ 3arwinists. I ha(e met a@o*t ten o? the 1man*e+es 5 they a++ seem to share these traits. 2hey tooD an oath the the U.S.A. 4 Amora+ists +ie. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS $oya+ists that +i(e in the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a < are +oya+ to the 1man*e+esA an' ha(e no +oya+ty to the U.S.A. nor 7ana'a 4 they are not )oin) to te++ yo* when they m*r'er a ?ami+y o? North Americans nor are they )oin) to te++ yo* that they were a racia+ tar)et. 2he psycho+o)y o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his .actionAs )ro*p psycho+o)y is the psycho+o)y o? a poacher that h*nts en'an)ere' species intentiona++y ?or the p*rpose that the species is rare 4 they m*r'er ?ami+ies North American racia+ tar)ets who they (iew as their @io+o)ica+ racia+ a'(ersaries 4 an' they are SeC 0??en'ers an' SeC 2ra??icDers with the psycho+o)y o? a poacher that h*nts immat*re wi+'+i?e o? en'an)ere' species. 0n .ace;ooD.7om 4 the pro?i+es o? the ?ema+es which they ha(e tar)ette' ?or a@'*ction an' rep+acement @y imposte*rs o?ten 'isp+ay the pa)e GSpeciesG with a @ir' icon 5 this is 'isp+aye' as a G$iDeG @e?ore the ?ema+e is a@'*cte' an' rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. 2he chan)e o? the ?aces o? these ci(i+ians is open+y 'isp+aye' on .ace;ooD an' the photo)raphs o? these ci(i+ians are sa(e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters e(en i? the ci(i+ian As ori)ina+ photo)raphs are remo(e' 5 there is no eCc*se ?or the in'i(i'*a+s in the in(esti)ations 'epartments that are i)norin) this )enoci'e 4 to @e i)norin) this )enoci'e < it has @een on)oin) since the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' to North America. 2here is e(i'ence. Most o? the imposte*rs are o@(io*s+y Ita+ian 4 some o? them are o? other races an' are SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. In the year 200! 4 I saw on internet we@sites n*mero*s protesters ho+'in) si)ns that 'epicte' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama as A'o+? Hit+er. G;H0 Bo;NG was a IoDe that my se+? an' Sahn'ra St. 0n)e ma'e in 200% 4 o(er an internet connection that was @ein) hacDe' an' was +e?t open si)na+ 2*rDoIan hacDe' constant+y as a res*+t o? 9enneth B*'' @ein) *na@+e to con(ince 7omcast to )et the 7omp*ter

HacDer arreste'. 2he 1man*e+es hire' the hacDers. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama is ;.H.0. an' Boe ;i'en is Bo;. 2heir i'entities are ?aDe 4 the 1man*e+es are te++in) the USA to GS*cD itG. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama +ooDs near+y i'entica+ to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' ho+'er ?rom 200% 4 @*t with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation o? comp+eCion 4 +ip shape 4 ear +o@es 4 an' nose. I? these in'i(i'*a+s are ?act*a++y who they say they are 4 their names were picDe' @y the 1man*e+es intentiona++y 5 I 'o not @e+ie(e that they are ?act*a+ peop+e 4 howe(er. 2he posters an' ima)es o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with his sDin pee+in) o?? 4 re(ea+in) a G:hite ManG *n'erneath are n*mero*s 4 an' they are 'e?inite+y psycho+o)ica+ e(i'ence o? a .action that ha(e in?+*ence' the cartoonists. 2he Hospita+s in the USA are pri(ate+y owne' hea+thcare ?aci+ities an' contain ;irth 7erti?icates 4 pro'*ce ;irth 7erti?icates 4 an' contain as we++ as pro'*ce Me'ica+ .orensic 1(i'ence that any .action can easi+y ?or)e. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama has @een 'escri@e' as an GA?rican AmericanG as we++ as a 9enyan an' American M*+atto 5 a person can not @e @oth o? these thin)s *n+ess they are a++ three 4 which he is not. An A?rican American is not the same race as a 9enyan. 2he psycho+o)y o? a person that 'escri@es a 9enyan as an A?rican American 4 is the psycho+o)y o? a person who 'oes not *n'erstan' that the A?riDDi' races o? 'arDer comp+eCion are more than one race o? peop+e < nor 'oes this person *n'erstan' that sD*++ shape 4 sDe+eta+ shape 4 an' other ?eat*res o? 3NA s*ch as 'enta+ shape 4 ?at composition 4 @rain shape 4 an' m*sc*+at*re are a++ 'etermine' @y race. #ace is a pro'*ct o? ancestra+ ori)in an' 3NA 4 it is a physica+ rea+ity. It is a possi@i+ity that G;H0 Bo;NG is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs persona+ IoDe ?or reason that the GAmerican peop+eG ha(e @ecome a@so+*te+y i)norant o? Anthropo+o)y 4 7*+t*ra+ #e+ati(ity 4 the rea+ity that a Nationa+ity is a physica+ race o? peop+e 4 an' the ?act that =ittorio ?in's it h*mo*ro*s that the GAmerican peop+eG are +ess +oya+ to the Nation o? peop+e who ?o*n'e' the nation state o? the USA than the Ita+ians +i(in) in North America are +oya+ to =ittorio 1man*e+e as 9in) o? Sa(oy o? Ita+ia. =ittorio 1man*e+e III o? Sa(oy 4 =ittorioAs ha+? @rother A'o+? Hit+er 4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+a o? Sa(oy < were )oin) to @e han)e' '*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy Di++e' h*n're's o? ?ami+ies a?ter the G?a++ o? the 3r' #eichG ?or p*rpose o? a(ertin) in(esti)ation an' escapin) 'eath 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 'ecision to mo(e to the USA was the res*+t o? their 'ecision to escape in(esti)ations @y hi'in) amon)st a 'i(erse pop*+ation. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy is sti++ comprise' o? the same physica+ ?ami+ies that it was when they mo(e' to the USA 4 in'i(i'*a+ mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e marrie' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy n*mero*s times in the past < =ittorio an' his wi?eAs Aosta +inea)e is not an *n*s*a+ occ*rance. In re)ar's to their 3NA composition < the maIority o? the in'i(i'*a+s o? the Ita+ian racia+ pop*+ation in North America are a+most entire+y 100S Ita+ian 4 1Q2 Ita+ian 4 or more than 1Q2 Ita+ian 5 a@o*t 52S o? them are o? ?ami+ies that are +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as roya+ty 4 e(en whi+e wearin) a USAmerican 3epartment o? 3e?ense ;att+e 3ress Uni?orm or other *ni?orm with a USAmerican ?+a) on it. 2he p*rpose o? a Mi+itary is to Ga'apt an' o(ercomeG the a'(ersaries o? that to which it is +oya+ 5 a 9ni)ht is a man at arms whom is +oya+ to a $or' o? some Din' 4 an em@e''e' S+eeper A)ent is a Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 0??icer who is @orn within the Nation State o? a ?orei)n nation. A S+eeper A)ent who @ecomes a 3epartment 3irector 4 a 7aptain 4 a S*preme 7o*rt B*')e 4 or a Presi'ent 5 has s*ccess?*++y achei(e' a Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation. No two Mi+itant .actions ha(e the same stan'ar's o? mora+ity or ethics 4 a@i+ities 4 co++ecti(e @e+ie?s 4 co++ecti(e reasonin) 4 )oa+s 4 or p*rpose. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 Heny MaDow p*@+ishe' artic+es a@o*t the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+ms < 'ec+arin) :ater)ate 2ria+s to ha(e @een the res*+t o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action @ein) co(ert+y em@e''e' within o? the U.S.A. Go(ernment. G3eep2hroatG is the name o? a @ooD a@o*t the :ater)ate in(esti)ations '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon Presi'entia+ A'ministration. G;ho Bo@NG was a IoDe a@o*t a manAs mi+' speech impe'iment an' accent4 the man was an acH*aintance o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs < he sometimes prono*nce' G$G so*n's +iDe a GhyaG so*n'. 3ana Um@ro pro*nce' GIta+ianG an' GSici+ianG as GItaihyan 4 SicihyanG. N*mero*s o? the (ictims o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs :ar #apes 4 ha(e @een ?orce' to G3eep 2hroat Swor' Swa++owG o@Iects whi+e they were @ein) rape' an' tort*re'. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar with my se+? an' on =i'eo

S*r(ei++ance as we++ as s*r(ei++ance o? Impro(ise 1n)ineere' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts 5 spoDe to 2ay+a $aw(erAs an' 2wy+aAs mother 3e@ G3*MontG a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'erin) Ghis )*ysG to ?*n' the po+itica+ campai)n o? a ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama ?or reason o? )ettin) a m*+atto man with the initia+s ;.H.0. e+ecte' as Presi'ent an' o? ?in'in) a man with the initia+s B.0.;. to r*n as his =ice Presi'ent 4 ?or reason o? G;h0 Bo;NG. 1' :arren a+so mentione' that it was act*a++y )oin) to @e G;ho;ho Bo@NG ?or reason that ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was )oin) to @e rep+ace' @y two i'entica+ imposte*rs =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear to +ooD i'entica+ to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama as we++ as S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or reason o? @ein) a@+e to conto*r the m*sc*+at*re o? ;aracDAs (oca+ +in)*istic m*sc*+at*re with Speech 2herapy So?tware to so*n' i'entica+ to ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs (oice an' accent. It is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama is on the +ist o? Genoci'e 2ar)ets whom are eCpecte' to @e rep+ace @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the year o? 2013 < I saw % imposte*rs o? Boey Marini +i(in) in Manchester NewHampshire at the same time 4 *sin) '*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the same person at the same time. ;etween the years 2000 an' 2013 4 I ha(e met possi@+y 5 imposte*rs o? my ?ather who I ha(e not @een a@+e to con(ince to a'mit to me that they are imposte*rs. I ha(e met % imposte*rs o? my mother. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e rep+ace' their Genoci'e =ictims with Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 an' ;+acD Mai+e' 7rimina+s. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs G;h0;h0 Bo;NG IoDe in the presi'entia+ ca@inet < is the p+an o? A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa(oy o? Ita+ia 5 te++in) the U.S.A. an' the A++ie' .orces .action to GS*cD itNG. 2his was pro@a@+y a pro'*ct o? the G;h0 Bo;NG IoDes that Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? were recor'e' @y the hacDer as maDin) as we++ as the constant :rest+in) #e?erences to ::. an' ::1 4 Iron SheiD an' Mi)hty Maca@ee 4 an' Stone 7o+' Ste(e A*stin < as we++ as my roommate Scot H*nter watchin) wrest+in) o?ten an' the ?act that he was )ay. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are p+annin) to rep+ace the Presi'ent ;aracD 0@ama with a near+y i'entica+ imposte*r or two4 an' 'onate' money to his campai)n ?or reason o? possi@+y ha(in) the opport*nity to rep+ace him with an imposte*r or two +ater. 1' :arren was ca++in) ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs rep+acement imposte*r G2he #o'eo 7+own that Deeps the ;*++As horns awayG an' G;ho;hoBo@ the #o'eo 7+own.G. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 $orie Poten>a entere' .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire USA an' wa+De' towar's the Greetin) 7ar's section whi+e on the te+ephone with whom I @e+ie(e was Gra>>io+i or #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' whi+e on the te+ephone 4 $orie Poten>a 'isc*sse' 3e@@i 3*mont an' the Ita+ian Ma?ia 5 statin) that they @e+ie(e' that they were )oin) to @e pai' 5mi++ion 'o++ars ?or the assassination o? a +ist o? ?ami+ies 4 @*t that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was ?act*a++y not )oin) to @e payin) them an' instea' was )oin) to ha(e them arreste' ?or the m*r'ers an' somehow connect the arrest to his own a+i@i. 2his con(ersation was recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment as a res*+t o? the 15 i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices positione' in the cei+in) a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s an' the two ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces that were in my sD*++ at the time that were networDe' to the terroristsA comp*ters o(er an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry hear' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e rap speaDin) the +yrics G2he Secret Ser(ice wi++ @e my Sh*t>sta??e+. 2he Secret Ser(ice wi++ @e my Sh*t>sta??e+. 2he State 2rooper wi++ @e my Storm 2rooper. 2he 7apo wi++ @e my Gestapo an' the Secret Ser(ice wi++ @e my Sh*t>sta??e+.G 5 it is a possi@i+ity that mem@ers o? the Secret Ser(ice co*+' c*rrent+y possi@+y @e Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers an' it is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity that the Secret Ser(ice mem@ers who are +oya+ to the U.S.A. are c*rrent+y tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' rep+acement @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the U.S.A. Presi'entia+ A'ministration o? #ichar' NiCon 4 n*mero*s Secret Ser(ice A)ents were ?act*a++y Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers worDin) with #ichar' NiCon whom Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the U.S.A. 1Cec*ti(e ;ranch o? Go(ernment an' #ichar' He+ms who Heirarcha++y

3ecapitate' the U.S.A. 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency. 2he A6IS in the Secret Ser(ice '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration was @ein) ca++e' G2he Men in ;+acDG an' was @ein) 'escri@e' as G2he men in @+acD s*its who *se' 7ream .o*n'ation an' $ipsticD to hi'e their sDin toneG an' G2he men in @+acD s*its who threaten witnesses o? Uni'enti?ie' .+yin) 0@Iects an' A+ien 1Ctra2errestria+s.G. 3*rin) the year 2000 or 2001 4 the same month as the G:ater)ate 2ape 3ecDG @ein) p*++e' o*t ?rom *n'erneath Bason Be??reyAs passen)er seat 4 Bason Be??rey rente' a mo(ie ?rom ;+ocD@*ster =i'eo in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 Bason Be??rey state' that Bohn Spr*>inDiAs ?rien' .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother 7+int sai' that Bason sho*+' )et it ?rom ;+ocD@*ster < an' watch it with a ?rien' whi+e stone' on mariI*ana 4 it is a ?*nny mo(ie. 2he mo(ie which I can not remem@er the name o? was rente' either with Bason Be??reyAs motherAs ;+ocD@*ster =i'eo acco*nt 4 Sam 7asse++aAs motherAs ;+ocD@*ster =i'eo acco*nt 4 or an acco*nt Bason Be??rey himse+? opene' with ;+ocD@*ster =i'eo. 2he mo(ie was pro'*ce' with a +ow @*')et 4 was *nrate' 5 an' was @asica++y a cross @etween an animate' mo(ie 4 a horror mo(ie 4 an' porno)raphic ?i+m. 2he main character o? the mo(ie was a p*rp+e were )ori++a which was represente' @y a man wearin) a p*rp+e )ori++a s*it that ha' a masD which +ooDe' +iDe the @+*e were )ori++a masD that my ?ather ha' worn on Ha++oween '*rin) the year 1"88 5 it was a p*rp+e anthropomorphic )ori++a werewo+? creat*re. 3*rin) the mo(ie 4 the main character Io))e' thro*)h a comm*nity an' )aine' entry to peop+esA homes 5 the P*rp+e :ere Gori++a rape' peop+eAs 'a*)hters. 2he p*rp+e )ori++a o?ten wore 'is)*ises s*ch as a mai+ manAs *ni?orm or a 'octorAs *ni?orm. In the hospita+ scene 4 the P*rp+e :ere Gori++a wore a :hite 3octorAs $a@ 7oat an' inIecte' a ?ema+e with an enormo*s syrin)e. A?ter inIectin) the ?ema+e with an enormo*s syrin)e 4 the P*rp+e :ere Gori++a rape' her. I @e+ie(e in one scene 4 the P*rp+e :ere Gori++a tooD photo)raphs o? the (ictim. 2he mo(ie inc+*'e' n*mero*s inter+*'e scenes which consiste' o? ?+ashin) so+i' co+or @acD)ro*n's that cyc+e' thro*)h n*mero*s co+ors 4 '*rin) which the Gori++a chase' peop+e 5 simi+ar to Scoo@y 3oo. In the 7artoon Scoo@y 3oo 4 peop+e wear monster masDs 5 the (i++ains are a+most a+ways wearin) cost*mes +iDe ha++oween cost*mes. 2he mariI*ana which ha' @een so+' to Bason was (apor coate' in 3isassociati(es 4 I ?e+t near+y se'ate' whi+e watchin) the mo(ie an' 'isassociate' a ?ew times whi+e watchin) it. 2his mo(ie was pro@a@+y on+y pro'*ce' in eCtreme+y sma++ n*m@ers. I 'isc*sse' with Bason Be??rey the ?act that the women in this mo(ie were o@(io*s+y SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. 2his mo(ie seeme' to possi@+y @e create' ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to scram@+e my memories o? what happene' at the Ha++oween Party '*rin) the year 1"88. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are acti(e SeC 2ra??icDers an' are )*i+ty o? other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 his ?ather4 an' his @rothers ha(e @een in(o+(e' in Porno)raphin) o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims n*mero*s times. Porno)raphin) o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims is an attempt at camo*?+a)in) their SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin). 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y has tar)ette' n*mero*s ?ami+ies in the past 300 years an' )enoci'a++y eCterminate' then 4 rapin) an' SeC 2ra??icDin) the ?ema+es in the process o? this an' sometimes e(en rapin) an' SeC 2ra??icDin) ma+es as either HomoseC*a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims or Gen'er 'is)*ise' 2ransGen'ere' S*r)ica++y A+tere' G?ema+esG. 2he mo(ie with the P*rp+e :ere Gori++a is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een written an' choreo)raphe' @y an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ent 5 the mo(ie was pro@a@+y meant to scram@+e the archetypa+ memory o? what happene' '*rin) the a*t*mn o? 1"88. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Samantha 7asse++a was possi@+y S*r)ica+ Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. Somehow some@o'y ha' )aine' entry to her home. It is a possi@i+ity that Bason Be??rey a++owe' this to happen as an Initiation 7rime ?or the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. Samantha 7asse++a awoDe one 'ay to ?in' that the @acD o? her ear+o@e was co(ere' in a sticDy s*@stance that co(ere' the @acD o? her ear+o@e an' ha' )otten in her hair. At some point '*rin) the ?o++owin) weeD 4 Samantha 7asse++aAs hair 3NA chan)e' an' it is o@(io*s that this was a res*+t o? a @e(era)e o? hers @ein) tainte' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s that ca*se' it to m*tate 5 (ia+s ?i++e' with hemo)+o@in wherein

which Nano 1n)ineere' =ir*s has @een c*+t*re' 4 ha(e @een @ein) *se' to ?orci@+y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ci(i+ians 3NA. 2o 'o this is a :ar 7rime an' is a (io+ation o? the Gene(a 7on(ention < it is pro@a@+e that Bason Be??rey 'i' this to Samantha 7asse++a as an Initiation 7rime. 2he hair )ene with the weaD proteins that has @een *se' to poison the @o'ies o? many o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs (ictims is a ?ai+e' )ene ?rom the 1man*e+e ?ami+yAs 3NA that is pro@a@+y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )ene himse+? 5 this )ene maDes a personAs hair )row in a thinnin) pattern that +ooDs +iDe A'o+? Hit+erAs thinnin) pattern an' ca*ses it to @ecome 'ry 4 as i? it is missin) a +ayer an' oi+s. Samantha 7asse++a was on+y ha+? Ita+ian an' her race is a 'e?inite reason ?or her @ein) a tar)et 4 Samantha 7asse++a was a mesti>o o? ;ra>i+ian an' Ar)entinian .irst Nations Nati(e American #ace as we++ as ;ra>i+ian an' Ar)entinian Port*)a++ic #ace. Samantha 7asse++e was o? Mayan race. 3*rin) his +i?e 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has ha' a psychotic ?etis ?or rapin) .irst Nations Nati(e American chi+'ren an' as a res*+t has 'e(e+ope' a racist hatre' o? .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces that he @+ames *pon the race o? the (ictim. 7hris 2homas has 'one the same an' I @e+ie(e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has raise' his son to commit the same crimes as himse+? as Initiation 7rimes. I? the Initiation 7rimes o? a 7rimina+ 0r)ani>ation are the crimes o? a speci?ic person 4 the )*i+t o? the act an' the committin) o? the act 4 a+ters a personAs psycho+o)y in m*ch the same way as the person who initia++y committe' the attacD 5 this mo+'s a personAs Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e to @e simi+ar to the 7rime $or'4 which in this case is a Mi+itant 2errorist 7rimina+ Aristocrat whom is a Genoci'a+ 1nemy 7om@atant an' a SeC 0??en'er :ar 7rimina+. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs #acia+ I'entity is comp+ete+y ?orei)n 4 he hates an' has p+anne' the eCtermination o? the races which ?o*n'e' the nations o? the U.S.A. 5 the An)+o Gae+ic 4 .ranDic 4 an' Ho++an'er race < an' he has @een Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) these races in North America. 3*rin) the year 2005 < #yan Har(ey 4 who was ha+? U.S.American An)+o SaCon an' ha+? 3e*tsche 5 was poisone' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s which ca*se' his hair to m*tate an' )row +iDe A'o+? Hit+erAs hair. 2his is a Preme'itate' Genoci'e which str*cD synchronica++y with the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' is the G/29 AttacDG that was co(ert+y ta+De' a@o*t whi+e the te+e(ision an' ma)a>ine artic+es 'isc*sse' G7omp*ter 7+ocD G+o@a+ 7rashG. 2his S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in North America @e)an aro*n' the year 2000. It is pro@a@+e that my Mother ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in her crani*m a)ainst her wi++ '*rin) the approCimate year 2002. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 7hristina .erio+o was sco+'e' an)ri+y @y Bason #o')ers an' H*estione' a@o*t whether or not she was a Genoci'a+ :hite S*premacist or @e+ie(e' in Genoci'e o? North American .irst Nations Nati(e Americans. ;e?ore )ettin) on an AM2#A9 2rain 4 7hristina .erio+o poisone' me with a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin which near+y ca*se' me to G@+acD o*tG 'isassociate entire+y. Bason #o')ers rea+i>e' what she ha' 'one an' @ecame an)ry with her a@o*t this 4 statin) the ?act that G3eathG ca*ses a 3isassociate' State whi+e yo* are 'yin). Bason #o')ers state' to 7hristina .erio+o that he ha' hear' that some o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta were p+annin) a Genoci'e in North America an' that there was a +ist o? races that they were p+annin) to eCterminate inc+*'in) .irst Nations Nati(e Americans as we++ as An)+o SaCons an' Gae+s. 3*rin) the year 1""E 5 a )ir+ name' 9ristin Si>emore @e)an te++in) me e(ery 'ay G9i++ yo*rse+?.G4 G/o* are the *)+iest creat*re on the p+anet. /o* sho*+' Di++ yo*rse+?.G 4 GI? I were yo* 4 I wo*+' I*st Di++ my se+?.G 4 G/o* are the most 'is)*stin) h*man @ein) a+i(e. /o* are hi'eo*s. /o* sho*+' Di++ yo*rse+?.G 4 GI hate yo*. 9i++ yo*rse+?.G. 9ristin Si>emoreAs ?ami+y are c+ose ?rien's o? ;rian 7aseAs ?ami+y an' they worD 'irect+y ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 9ristin Si>emoreAs ?ami+y are a+so $eon PannetaAs co*sins. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e?inite+y or'ere' 9ristin Si>emore to 'o this. 2he year that this @e)an was the year that =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' 3anie+ ;*cD+ey to 'ress as A'o+? Hit+er ?or GImminent Peop+es ProIect 3ayG an' I ha' 'one my report on the $aDota Genera+ G7ra>y HorseG. 2his ins*+tin) ?rom 9ristin Si>emore contin*e' ?or % years. 3*rin) the year 1""E 5 anonymo*s te+ephone

ca++s @e)an to occ*r which consiste' o? a person ca++in) my ?ami+iesA te+ephone 4 my Mother picDin) *p the phone 4 an' anonymo*s person on the other en' ye++in) G9i++ yo*rse+?.G. 2he statements which these anonymo*s peop+e ma'e when they ca++e' my ho*se echoe' the statements that 9ristin Si>emore ma'e to my ?ace e(ery 'ay whi+e at schoo+ ?or the entirety o? my schoo+ years '*rin) my chi+'hoo'4 @*t were 'i??erent peop+es (oices. 9ristin Si>emoreAs ?ami+y Dnew Mr. Sa+(o 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' ;rian 7ase an' his ?ami+y. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 9ate 7hristianoAs *nc+e in(ite' #o@ to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party 5 statin) o(er te+ephone #o@ert #o'on 4 $ynn #o'on 4 7hristopher #o'on 4 Matthew #o'on 4 an' 7hristopherAs @est ?rien' Ian MacPherson are in(ite' to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party at Pen*cheAs in North An'o(er Massach*settes. I was in(ite' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ;irth3ay Party as the #o'onAs a''itiona+ )*est 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ;irth3ay Party '*rin) the year 1""! was @ein) hoste' at Pen*cheAs ;ar an' #esta*rant in North An'o(er Massach*settes an' was @ein) sta??e' @y mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen who were 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their wi(es. 2he #o'onAs ?rien' ;r*ce who was a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy that 7hris o?ten re?erre' to as GUnc+e ;r*ceG 4 was the 7he? ?or the 'inner party. 7hris #o'onAs Mother $ynn was the ;ar2en'er. I met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or possi@+y the %th time 4 at his @irth'ay party in 1""!. 0? noteworthy coinci'ence is the ?act that ;r*ce +ater worDe' at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry NewHampshire '*rin) the years 200E an' 200!. 1' :arren4 whom I +ater met at .ami+y 3o++ar in the years 200% an' 2005 < was at =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 1""! ;irth'ay Party in North An'o(er. I ha' met 1' :arren a year @e?ore this at a )rocery store whi+e with 7hristopher #o'on 4 his @rother Matthew #o'on 4 an' their ?ather #o@ert #o'on. 3*rin) =ittorioAs @irth'ay 'inner party at Pen*cheAs ;ar an' #esta*rant in North An'o(er Massach*settes < I met .i+ 1man*e+e ?or the thir' time 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or the ?irst time 4 mem@ers o? the 7hristiano ?ami+y ?or the secon' time 4 .i+As @rothers ?or possi@+y the thir' time 4 an' another ?rien' o? the 1man*e+esA an' #o@ert #o'onAs whoAs name I can not remem@er. BacD 3ion was in(ite' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party an' arri(e' an ho*r ear+y. BacDAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion an' his wi?e S*e 3ion 4 were not present. BacD 'i' not socia+i>e m*ch '*rin) the 'inner party 4 he 'i' not ta+D m*ch an' spent some time rea'in) the News Paper. It is o@(io*s that =ittorio in(ite' @oth my se+? an' BacD seperate+y 4 to see i? we wo*+' ta+D. Prior to the 'inner 4 $ynn intro'*ce' my se+? an' her sons 7hris #o'on an' Matthew #o'on to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'. $ynn to+' Mosta?a that he remin'e' her o? her sonAs @est?rien' Ian4 when she intro'*ce' *s. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' 4 GI ha(e a ?rien' who is Ara@ian. /o* remin' me o? him. /o* act*a++y remin' me o? him a+ot 4 an' itAs stran)e. /o* remin' me o? my ?rien' Mosta?a. G as i? .i+ 1man*e+e co*+' remem@er @ein) intro'*ce' to me 4 @*t ?or some reason 'i' not reco)ni>e my se+? imme'iate+y. In the year 200% 4 I 'i' not acDnow+e')e remem@erin) him. I 'i' not eCpect him to @e in #ye NewHampshire. I ?e+t am@*she'. 3*rin) the co*rse o? this 'inner party 4 I was recr*ite' to ser(e p+ates o? mea+s an' 'e+i(er 'rinDs to ta@+es. :hi+e I was ser(in) the p+ates 4 $ynn sai' to me in an irritate' so*n'in) (oice 5 G=ictor sai' that yo* are not @ein) ?rien'+y to the )*ests... an' 'onAt comp+ain a@o*t not )ettin) pai' < 'onAt yo* e(er he+p o*t 4 I*st to he+p some@o'yOG . A?ter $ynn ha' state' this to me 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e @ecame irritate' with her ?or *sin) his name an' to+' her that he 'oes not ha(e to pro(i'e her with Io@s i? she is not )oin) to respect him. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' $ynn to state this to me an' 'i' not want her to *se his name. 2he entirety o? this e(ent seeme' as i? it was p+anne' @y =ittorio an' that this was a preme'itate' sco+'in) that he wante' sai' to me @y $ynn in the presense o? his entire ?ami+y an' their )*ests. I was o(er $ynn #o'onAs ho*se an a(era)e o? a@o*t % 'ays a weeD 4 #o@ an' $ynn o?ten to+' my .ather that I was a (ery respect?*+ an' we++ @eha(e' chi+'. A?ter =ittorio ha' ?inishe' sco+'in) $ynn #o'on 4 he state' G2here are n*mero*s )*ests here an' Mosta?a ?rom the 7o*rt o? Sa*' is here an' that was (ery r*'e o? yo*.G . Mosta?a respon'e' to this @y statin) 4 G2hat is

my (ery 'istant co*sin. I am aro*n' yo*r ?ami+y o?ten an' yo* Dnow that. I 'onAt e(en +i(e in Ara@ia 4 I +i(e in the Unite' States. I 'i' not ?in' him to @e r*'e at a++. It is rea++y not that @i) o? a 'ea+.G BacD 3ion +e?t the 'inner party ear+y 4 statin) that he ha' to ret*rn to his ?ami+y. 0n the 'ri(e home ?rom North An'o(er Massach*settes 4 $ynn eCp+aine' that she was sorry an' that she was (ery irritate' with =ittorio. $ynn 'isc*sse' her irritation with #o@ who to+' her to ta+D to =ictor a@o*t it i? she has a pro@+em with what he to+' her to 'o. $ynn 'i(orce' #o@ a year +ater. 2here is recor' o? who was at =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 1""E or 1""! ;irth'ay Party at Pen*cheAs in North An'o(er Massach*settes < there were mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephones an' pa)ers present 4 internet con(ersations occ*rre' which re)ar'e' the *pcomin) @irth'ay an' con(ersations that occ*rre' a?terwar's concernin) what ha' happene' 4 an' con(ersations on home te+ephones ha' occ*rre' @e?ore an' a?terwar's wherein 'etai+ 'isc*ssin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party were 'isc*sse'. $ynn #o'on who was @orn $ynn ;an)s 4 she has @een 'i(orce' ?rom #o@ert #o'on ?or a@o*t 1% years now an' has since marrie' a man name' Marty who is somehow acH*ainte' with n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e *se' to hire $ynn to worD at e(ents that G=ictorG an' mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wo*+' host ?or pro?it s*ch as the ;+*es .esti(a+ in Massach*settes where $e(on He+m was per?ormin) that the #o'ons @ro*)ht my se+? to in 1""!. I ha' met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e n*mero*s times '*rin) my chi+'hoo' whi+e with the #o'ons 4 I a+so met =ittorioAs sons n*mero*s times whi+e with the Io'iceAs an' at other +ocations that they wo*+' appear seemin)+y coinci'enta++y. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has @een sta+Din) my ?ami+y my entire +i?e 5 this is o@(io*s+y @eca*se o? the ?act that his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate *se' my Mother as an initiation crimes (ictim thro*)ho*t her entire chi+'hoo' an' the ?act that =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas 7hi+' Porno)raphe' my se+? 4 BacDAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion < my co*sins Marco #oy 4 3*stin $a(oie 4 an' Monica MosesDy 4 as we++ as Samantha G*ay 4 an' he tooD a pict*re o? his ?in)ers in my in?ant sister SheenaAs (a)ina an' an*s 5 this occ*rre' in 1"88 '*rin) a Ha++oween Party that 7hris 2homas was in(ite' to @y my *nc+e A+ Io'ice that was @ein) he+' at my ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. My co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were a+so )enoci'a++y tar)ette' @y mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the near tota+ eCtermination o? her ?ami+y in Sici+y ca*se them to re+ocate to the USA 4 she coinci'enta++y marrie' into my MotherAs ?ami+y an' the same ?ami+y A+ Io'ice marrie' into. Near+y e(ery person ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay party '*rin) 1""! 4 who is not o? the imme'iate #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 ha(e either @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices or ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs an' are c*rrent+y missin). In the year 200% 4 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) p+ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or somethin) 5 whi+e we were worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. In the year 200! 4 a short perio' o? time a?ter ;r*ce o@taine' emp+oyment at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication where I ha' recent+y @e)*n worDin) 5 I was i++e)a++y taDen in chains to the NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire an' was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? a Ne*roPatch wire' to an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my Iaw. :hi+e I was stayin) in this Hospita+ ?or a ?ew 'ays 4 9ate 7hristiano was a'mitte' to the win) that I was a'mitte' on an' asDe' me G3o yo* Dnow =ictorO HeAs my .atherAs co*sin. I mean4 he is a ?rien' o? the ?ami+y. He is act*a++y my .atherAs co*sinAs 4 co*sin.G. I witnesse' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e wa+Din) the ha++s at the NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire possi@+y a month prior to this. It is pro@a@+e that G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one o? NewBersey Dnows o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes. In 1""8 4 I was to+' @y ;o@ 3esa*niers who hear' ?rom 2ony Mi+ano that '*rin) approCimate+y 1""E 5 three men threatene' G+enn at his home 4 statin) to him that he ha' Gratte' on =ictorG. In one o? G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs a+@*m c' @ooD+ets 4 there is a pict*re o? him with a woman with a 'o) +eash an' 'o) co++ar on her necD. 2here is a+so e(i'ence that

what G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one ha' spoDen a@o*t concernin) =ictor 4 was that he @e+ie(e' =ictor &=ittorio 1man*e+e I=, was in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren an' was a Pe'ophi+e SeC 0??en'er. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs @rother came in to .ami+y 3o++ar to see who I was. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 inter(iews an' photo)raphs o? two imposte*rs o? G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one were p*@+ishe' to the wor+' wi'e internet. 2he si)ni?icance o? Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) o? the Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action whom ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' A#G0S G.P.S. NetworDin) 3e(ices in 7i(i+ianAs 4 .e'era+ 1mp+oyeeAs4 an' Mi+itary 1mp+oyeeAs @o'ies in the U.S.A. is o? eCtreme importance an' is a res*+t o? the 1man*e+esA o@session with their )*i+t as we++ as the 1man*e+esA an' their 2errorist 7rimina+ A)entsA connections within Me'ia Pro'*ction 7ompanies in the U.S.A. an' other re)ions o? the wor+'. 2he :ar #ape attacDs o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist .action which are reH*ire' o? them to pro(e their tr*st to one another an' ?or p*rpose o? @+acD mai+in) each other are 'esi)ne' @y the 1man*e+es themse+(es an' portray the psycho+o)y o? a )ro*p o? ma+es with m*+tip+e )enerations o? SeC 0??ense )*i+t 5 the attacD *pon minors which is reH*ire' o? them inc+*'es the ?orce?*+ *se o? a 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash 4 this attacD *pon minors is a pro'*ct o? 7hris 2homas -1man*e+eAs8 )*i+t concernin) the 7hi+' Porno)raphy an' #ape o? Minors which he committe' at my ?ami+yAs ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire in the U.S.A. an' the ?act that he ?orce' Samantha G*ay an' my co*sin Monica MosesDy to wear a 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash '*rin) his photo)raphin) o? them. 2he 1man*e+esA in?+*ence *pon what @ecame the mo(ie G;roDe;acD Mo*ntainG is a res*+t o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' 3anie+ Bames -1man*e+eAs8 ins*+tin) statement ?orsha'owin) their attacDs *pon women in North America 4 '*rin) which they ?orce' the women to swa++ow ?eces an' ca++e' it G;roDe;acD Mo*ntain .aceG as i? it were a seC*a+ position < the 1man*e+esA in?+*ence *pon this mo(ie is a+so the res*+t o? my co*sin 3*sty $a(oieAs Ha++oween cost*me which was a 7ow@oy cost*me an' the ?act that 3*sty was or'ere' @y 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 to commit homoseC*a+ acts whi+e 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 tooD photo)raphs. 2he si)ni?icance o? the concept o? 3o)s an' SeC to the 1man*e+esA co++ecti(e psycho+o)y portraye' in these attacDs is a res*+t o? the ?act that Marco #oyAs an' Samantha G*ayAs cost*mes were ;*++ 3o) an' Poo'+e 3o) cost*mes. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? 1"8" < 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 arri(e' at my ho*se in MerrimacD on EE ;ean #oa' in NewHampshire 4 U.S.A. . 0n this 'ay 4 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 han'e' A+ Io'ice a @+acD Dni?e an' to+' A+ to )i(e it to me. I was 5 years o+'. 5 years o+' was the a)e that my mother 3e@ra $a=oie MacPherson was when she was *se' as an Initiation 7rime =ictim @y =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his entire 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 my Mother an' her si@+in)s as we++ as my Nana 4 were ?orce' to +i(e in the ho*se o? a SeC 2ra??icDer name' G7h*cDG who was a 2errorist 7rime So+'ier o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. :hen my mother 3e@ra $a(oie was 5 years o+' 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate *se' her ?or a n*m@er o? menAs Initiation 7rimes 5 one o? these which they a++ committe' in(o+(e' the ho+'in) o? a Dni?e to my motherAs throat an' the ?orcin) o? my Mother to per?orm .e++atio *pon the a'*+t ma+es4 this same crime was or'ere' to @e committe' *pon my sister Sheena MacPherson at the a)e o? 8 years o+'. 2he repeate' SeC*a+ A@*se o? my mother an' her si@+in)s as yo*n) chi+'ren occ*rre' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration an' occ*rre' in a town in the state o? Massach*settes o? the U.S.A. < the Po+ice 0??icers worDin) in this town in Massach*settes were )*i+ty an' were 2errorist 7rime So+'iers o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate who were worDin) within the Po+ice 3epartment. G7h*cDAsG name on paperworD was G7har+es 3o*)+asG which was his American a+ias name I*st as BacD 3ion is an American a+ias name which was p*t on his paperworD as an in?ant4 #ichar' NiCon was an a+ias name 4 an' #ichar' He+ms was an a+ias name 5 a++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s were Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents. G7h*cDG 3o*)+as an' #ichar' He+ms who was emp+oye' within the U.S.A. 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon Presi'entia+ A'ministration were a+so 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime So+'iers. My Nana 4 Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty < was ?orce' to GmarryG 7har+es 3o*)+as on paperworD an' was not a++owe' to +ea(e the ?arm they +i(e' at 5 e(ery time that my Gran'Mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty attempte' to escape ?rom

the town in Massach*settes with my mother an' her si@+in)s 4 Po+ice 0??icers arreste' them an' @ro*)ht them in han'c*??s an' chains @acD to 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+asAs ?arm ho*se. My Mother 4 her si@+in)s 4 an' my Gran'Mother were not a@+e to escape ?rom this manAs ho*se *nti+ my Mother was 1% 5 when my Mother was 1% years o? a)e 4 she an' her si@+in)s mo(e' to their .atherAs ho*se an' my Gran'Mother was somehow a@+e to 'i(orce 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+as a ?ew years +ater. ;y the time she was 'i(orce' < her *pper arms were he+' to)ether @y meta+ @o+ts that ha' @een *se' to s*r)ica++y re attach her *pper arm @ones a?ter G7h*cDG an' his 2errorist 7rime Accomp+ices ha' @roDen them 4 my Gran'Mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7artyAs hip was @roDen an' her +e) was ?ract*re'. My Gran'Mother Boanne 2r*'ea* was tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate as an Initiation 7rime SeC 0??ense =ictim 4 as were her chi+'ren < @eca*se o? their race 5 @eca*se they are the Nati(e #ace to this Nation an' this Soi+ is their #aceAs Home+an'. My Gran'Mother was @orn Boanne 2r*'ea* 4 an' is c*rrent+y s*ppose' to @e marrie' with the name Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty. Boanne 2r*'ea*As race is the In'i)eno*s Nati(e #ace which +i(e' in the .o*n'in) #e)ion o? the Unite' States o? America an' a+so the .ranDic American #ace o? .rench 7o+onia+s that 7o+oni>e' this re)ion an' other re)ions near@y < she ma'e chi+'ren with #ona+' $a=oie whoAs race was .ranDic American o? the .rench 7o+onia+s 4 Gae+ic 7o+onia+ an' Irish Immi)rant 4 an' In'i)eno*s Nati(e American. My Mother is the Nati(e #ace o? the Unite' States o? America an' 7ana'a < my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson is the An)+o Gae+ic #ace that ?o*n'e' the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a4 as we++ as is he the .ranDic race that co+in>e' these re)ions an' ?o*n'e' these nations. My ?ami+y was tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?or the reason that we are the Nati(e #ace o? the Nation an' ?or the reason that the soi+ o? this +an' is my #aceAs Home+an'. 2he man who ca++e' himse+? GA'o+? Hit+erG was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother 4 an' an 1spiona)e 7o(ert A)ent o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy who in?i+trate' the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@o*r Party an' *se' his position to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the Nation o? 3e*tsche+an' 5 the 1man*e+es attacDe' the #ace o? the Nation they mo(e' to a?ter the .a++ o? the 3r' #eich an' their 'ecision to ?+ee into G1Ci+eG ?rom the 9in)'om o? Ita+ia 4 ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' to the U.S.A. '*rin) the 1"50As an' the ?o++owin) years. It is pro@a@+e that the G1Ci+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyG was ?a+se ?+a))e' as an 1Ci+e @y Sa(oy $oya+ists ?or p*rpose o? attemptin) to +ater pre empti(e+y 7o(ert+y 7o*p 'e 1tat as we++ as Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate entire 3epartments within the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the U.S.A. 4 re)iona+ Po+icin) an' In(esti)ation 3epartments4 an' 3epartments o? Mi+itary within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 an' to hi'e the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?rom N*rem@*r) In(esti)ations an' contin*e' in(esti)ations in(o+(in) A'o+? Hit+er an' the Ho+oca*st. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een conspirin) to 7onH*er ?rom :ithin the Nation o? the U.S.A. an' others since the secon' 'e?eat o? the Ita+ian A6IS an' ha(e @een acti(e+y co(ert+y Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) ?ami+ies an' races Nati(e to the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a. 2he 1man*e+es o?ten SeC 2ra??icD the ?ema+es an' occaisiona++y e(en the ma+es o? the ?ami+ies the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist .action tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e. Since the years o? the 1"%0As to the present 'ay year o? 2013 5 entire ?ami+ies ha(e @een eCterminate' in North America @y this 1nemy 7om@atant .action an' the )o(ernment o? the U.S.A. ha(e @een pre(ente' ?rom proper+y in(esti)atin) these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which are @ein) committe' @y a ?orei)n #acia+ .action o? Genoci'a+ 2errorists +oya+ to the Sa(oy Aristocracy. 2he Dni?e that was )i(en to me @y 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 when I was 5 years o+' was a @+acD 4 @*oy Dni?e 4 ?ishin) Dni?e < with a compass on the @ottom o? the han'+e that *nscrewe' to co(er a ho++ow han'+e that was ?i++e' with ?ishin) hooDs 4 ?ishin) wei)hts 4 matches 4 an' ?ishin) +ine. 2his Dni?e was *n'er the seat o? my 7he(y ;+a>er '*rin) the A*t*mn season o? the year 2003 4 when I assa*+te' what I @e+ie(e was possi@+t the ?irst imposte*r o? my ?ather who ha' I*st ret*rne' ?rom 1*rope with my .atherAs passport somehow 5 I +e?t MerrimacD NewHampshire a?ter the physica+ a+tercation with the man an' was arreste' in Amherst NewHampshire 4 the Po+ice 3epartment o? Amherst NewHampshire Dept this @+acD @*oy ?ishin) Dni?e an' ?i+e' as e(i'ence a?ter searchin) my a*tomo@i+e ?or weapons. 0? re+e(ance to the ?irst an' secon' 'e?eats o? the A6IS .action an' my ?ami+y @ein) tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e 5 my Great Gran'.ather A+@ert MacPherson was a :or+' :ar 1 U.S.American A#M/

=eteran 4 an' his son A+@ert MacPherson Br. who was my Gran'.ather Norman MacPhersonAs @rother 5 was a :or+' :ar 2 U.S.American A#M/ =eteran. ;oth s*r(i(e' m*ch acti(e com@at in 1*rope '*rin) the war. It is @e+ie(e' that some o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o@tain Io@s within +aw en?orcement a?ter committin) the reH*ire' SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes to @e tr*ste' @y the 1man*e+es. 2hese Po+ice )rant Po+ice Imm*nities to the 1man*e+e 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in the re)ion that the worD in an' o?ten a++ow the SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes to @e committe' in the re)ions wherein they worD 4 witho*t arrestin) the party whom they Dnow ?or a ?act are )*i+ty. 2here is a '*a+ p*rpose ?or the Initiation 7rimes o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate < the ?irst p*rpose is to @*i+' a 7rimina+ #e)ime o? in'i(i'*a+s who wi++ not testi?y a)ainst their own accomp+ices ?or SeC 0??enses or any 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 or 2errorism. 2he secon' p*rpose is to ?orce their re)ime to mi+itari+y 7o*p 'e A1tat the entire nation o? the USA inc+*'in) the Mi+itary 4 Po+ice 4 7.I.A. 4 an' ..;.I. 5 ?or p*rpose o? (ertin) arrest ?or their 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' :ar 7rime SeC 0??enses which ha(e @een recor'e' into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters o? the U.S.A. Mi+itary 4 ..;.I. .e'era+ 7omp*ter Ser(er #ecor's 4 the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 4 an' 7omm*nications 7orporations. A+ Io'ice was or'ere' @y 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 to re?er to 7hris 2homas as his Gother son ?rom his other wi?eG . 3*rin) the NiCon A'ministration 4 when my mother was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in Massach*settes U.S.A. < =ittorio was mocDe' ?or @ein) in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren 4 G/o* are o(er there so o?ten 4 that she m*st @e yo*r other wi?e. Is that yo*r +itt+e L*eenieOG. My Mother was mocDin)+y ca++e' G$itt+e L*eenieG @y the men who were rapin) her ?or " years o? her chi+'hoo'. 3*rin) the year 1""0 < 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 was a)ain (isitin) my co*sins 4 the Io'ice ?ami+y. 2he Io'ice ?ami+y 'ro(e to my ho*se in two seperate (ehic+es ?or reason that my co*sin 3*sty an' my *nc+e Scot was with them. :hen Michae+ Io'ice eCite' the car that my a*nt $es+ie ha' 'ri(en 4 he wa+De' *p to 7hris 2homas an' @it his han'4 p*nche' him 4 an' then DicDe' him < a?ter which he screame' GI hate yo* 7hris 2homasN $ast ni)ht yo* st*cD somethin) in meNG 7hris 2homas rep+ie' with 4 GIt was a thermometer. It was a ci)arette. It was I*st a +itt+e thin).G 4 a?ter which Michae+ Io'ice ye++e' at him GNo it wasnAtN It was somethin) +ar)eN I hate yo* 7hris 2homasNG 5 A+ Io'ice asDe' 7hris 2homas 4 G:hatAs this heAs ta+Din) a@o*tOG. 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 'i' not respon' to A+ Io'ice with any comp+ete answer. A?ter 7hris 2homas @ein) asDe' n*mero*s H*estions @y my *nc+e Scot 7arty an' My *nc+e A+ Io'ice < 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 co*+' not )i(e a ?ina+ answer to which A+ Io'ice state' G/o* sti++ ha(e not )i(en me a concrete answer 4 7hris. I 'onAt +iDe what I am hearin).G. 2he con(ersation topic was e(ent*a++y chan)e' @y A+ a?ter Scot p*t 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 in a )*i++otine hea' +ocD an' threatene' him. It is @e+ie(e' that 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 SeC*a++y Assa*+te' Michae+ Io'ice in his s+eep < which res*+te' in Michae+ Io'ice waDin) *p an' attemptin) to scream 4 @*t his mo*th was co(ere'. Another co*sin o? mine who was in the room to+' me a@o*t it that 'ay. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 an Imposte*r o? Boe $e;aron was +i(in) on #ai+roa' A(e. with Boe $e;aronAs wi?e 7he+sea A(i+as. 2he Imposte*r o? Boe $e;aron ha' taDen photo)raphs o? his penis insi'e o? 7he+sea 4 *sin) a po+aroi' camera. 3*rin) the +ate A*t*mn o? 1"884 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 tra'e' photo)raphs an' written con?ession with pse*'onym at the en' o? it 4 with the NAM;$A 7rime $or' in ;oston Massach*settes. 7hris 2homas reporte'+y 'escri@e' himse+? as A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e in the written con?ession an' si)ne' it GSamoth SrichG. 2he Ne*roScience So?tware that the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e 'e(e+ope' is capa@+e o? @ein) *se' with an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met on to in?+*ence peop+e to 'o speci?ic thin)s an' e(en ro@otica++y contro+ their @o'y *sin) the so?tware. A ;rain to ;rain 7omm*nication Ne*roScience So?tware @ein) *se' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is capa@+e o? @ein) *se' ?or te+epathy as we++ as ?or other

p*rposes. 2he psycho+o)y o? what the imposte*rs who ha(e rep+ace' many o? the Americans in the North 1ast o? the USA ha(e @een @ein) to+' to 'o < is so eCtreme+y simi+ar to the psycho+o)y o? 7hris 2homas 4 7hrisAs @rother .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' their ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 it is 'e?inite that the actions that these imposte*rs ha(e @een @ein) to+' to commit are the 1man*e+esA or'ers. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice was o? an Ita+ian ?ami+y that mo(e' to the U.S.A. ?rom Ita+ia. A+ Io'iceAs )ran'?ather was some sort o? +oya+ a)ent o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy which co*+' possi@+y ha(e @een a 9ni)ht 'escen'e' ?rom somethin) +iDe a #oya+ Assassin at one time in his ancestry. A+ Io'iceAs ?ather ha' some Din' o? *n'ec+are' position o? +oya+ty to the 1man*e+e ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' it is pro@a@+e that A+ Io'iceAs )ran'?ather was some Din' o? Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents an' were simi+ar to a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy in a way that they can not open+y a'mit that they are 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy 5 this is simi+ar to a #oya+ Assassin 4 whom are 9ni)hte' in secret. It is possi@+e that A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+y was in a simi+ar position as BacD 3ionAs an' that A+ Io'iceAs )ran'?ather an' ?ather were in ?act 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @*t was o? *no??icia+ position as s*ch ?or the reason that they were sent to the U.S.A. as espiona)e a)ents. 2here ?act*a++y eCists a+ot o? espiona)e re+ate' to the A6IS ?rom Ita+ia an' +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in the U.S.A. that )oes *n'etecte'4 the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' to the U.S.A. a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar an' some o? their 'istant co*sins may ha(e a+rea'y @een +i(in) in the U.S.A. . In the year 1"8! < =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas 4 whom was a'opte' to a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen that was an Ita+ian 1spiona)e A)ent 5 @*rnt my in?ant co*sin Michae+As +e) with +it ci)arettes. 2his occ*rre' at the Io'icesA apartment on Pine Street that was a sin)+e story ?+at with (enetian sh*tters 5 this was the apartment neCt to the )reen three story apartment @*i+'in) with the 'irt 'ri(eway neCt to it 4 that is c*rrent+y con'emne'. I remem@er that '*rin) this time 4 A+ Io'ice wo*+' parD his car in the *npa(e' parDin) +ot neCt to the )reen apartment @*i+'in). 2he ni)ht '*rin) the year 1"8! that 3*sty an' I s+ept o(er at my Unc+e A+As an' A*nt $es+ieAs apartment on Pine street in Manchester NewHampshire 4 7hris 2homas sai' that he wo*+' @a@ysit @rie?+y an' was +e?t a+one with % chi+'ren whi+e my *nc+e A+ an' my *nc+e Scot went to picD *p some thin)s at the store. 7hris ma'e a reH*est that they picD him *p a ?ew thin)s at the store an' )a(e them money. A?ter A+ an' Scot +e?t 4 7hris 2homas - 1man*e+e 8 picDe' *p a +ar)e Ditchen Dni?e an' @e)an @ran'ishin) it at my se+? an' my co*sin 3*sty < 3*sty sai' to me G :e sho*+' )o 'own stairs to the @asement. HeAs not @ein) ?rien'+y an' he 'oesnAt +ooD (ery nice. G. :hi+e we were in the @asement 4 7hris 2homas smoDe' a@o*t a ha+? a pacD o? ci)arettes an' *se' each one to @*rn Michae+As +e) @e?ore p*ttin) it o*t in the ash tray. :hen my *nc+e A+ Io'ice an' my *nc+e Scot 7arty ret*rne' ?rom the store < A+ notice' the @*rns a++ o(er Michae+As +e)s an' @ecame in?*riate' with 7hris 2homas 4 statin) GI +e?t yo* a+one with my son an' nephews ?or a ha+? an ho*r an' I come @acD to yo* p*ttin) ci)arettes o*t in my in?ant sonAs +e)s. :hat Din' o? shit are yo* onO I canAt e(en tr*st yo* with my in?ant son.G to which 7hris 2homas rep+ie' 4 GI 'onAt ha(e to answer to this. I 'onAt ha(e to answer to yo*. I 'o not ha(e to taDe or'ers ?rom yo*. I 'o not answer to yo*. I am not yo*r in?erior. /o* are not my )o'. I 'o not ha(e a )o'. /o* are not my Din). I 'o not ha(e to answer to yo*.G. A+ Io'ice rep+ie' to this sayin) 4 G /o*Are ta+Din) to me +iDe I am yo*r in?erior. :hat4 'o yo* thinD I am one o? yo*r s*@IectsOG to which 7hris 2homas rep+ie' 4 G/o* are Ita+ian. /o*r race is Ita+ian. /o* are one o? my s*@Iects. /o* are one o? my ?ami+yAs s*@Iects.G < a?ter hearin) A+ say this to him 4 I state' G/o* so*n' +iDe a Satanist.G ?rom the +i(in) room 'en area o? the apartment. A+ Io'ice respon'e' to 7hris 2homas sayin) G2hat was o(er there 4 I am not that o(er here. 2his is America 4 7hris. An' yo*Are not yo*r ?ather. 1(en i? my ?ather was that ?or yo*r ?ather4 yo* are not yo*r ?ather. 1(en i? yo* were the 9in) 4 7hris... yo* I*st p*t ci)arettes o*t in an in?antAs +e). G. 7hris 2homas then sai' 4 G/o* are my ?ami+yAs s*@Iect. /o* are Ita+ian.G 4 to which Scot 7arty respon'e' @y sayin) 4 G:hat a@o*t what Ian I*st asDe' yo*O Are yo* SatanistO 3o yo* e(en @e+ie(e in anythin)O 3o yo* @e+ie(e in the 'e(i+ an' thinD that yo* are thatO /o* ta+D +iDe itG. A+ Io'ice then sai' to 7hris 2homas 5 GHow can yo* e(en +ooD at yo*rse+? in the mirrorOG.

A?ter this occ*rre' 4 7hris 2homas attempte' to c+aim that A+ Io'ice @*rnt his own son Michae+As +e) with ci)arettes himse+?. A+ Io'ice an' BacD 3ion were in some position o? 'e?ense+essness to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or some reason *n@eDnownst to my se+? 4 they seeme' to hate 7hris 2homas an' ha(e no respect ?or 7hris 2homasAs ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < this o@(io*s+y @ein) the res*+t o? the SeC 0??enses 4 Assa*+ts 4 an' other 'ishono*ra@+e 'is)*stin) crimes which the 1man*e+es ha' committe' *pon their ?ami+ies 4 their ?ami+iesA ?rien's 4 an' others 5 'espite A+ Io'iceAs an' BacD 3ionAs 'is)*st ?or the 1man*e+es 4 they were ?or some reason *na@+e to te++ them GNo.G. It is a 'e?inite ?act that in'i(i'*a+ mem@ers o? @oth BacD 3ionAs an' A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+ies ha' @een in(o+(e' in Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ 1spiona)e co(ert operations in the U.S.A. 5 ?or this reason 4 I @e+ie(e that it is pro@a@+e that the BacD 3ionAs an' A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+y were in some way accomp+ice to the same )ro*p o? s+eeper ce++ assassins who assassinate' the ?ormer USA Presi'ent Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y. 2he ?act that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' 'e?inite+y or'ere' the assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y has contin*e' to @e 'enie' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @y metho' o? pro'*cin) Me'ia that promotes the i'ea an' @e+ie? that 7omm*nists Di++e' Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y 5 this is simi+ar to 7omm*nists @ein) @+ame' ?or the arson which @*rne' 'own the 3e*tsche+an' Par+iament Ho*se 4 which was +ater @+ame' on the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@or Party4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their @io+o)ica+ an' mi+itant connection to A'o+? Hit+er was 'enie' @y metho' o? mass pro'*ce' p*@+ications which o*tn*m@ere' the p*@+ications which were sma++er in n*m@er. Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh an' =ice Presi'ent 3icD 7heney as we++ as the GU.S.A. Go(ernmentG were @+ame' ?or G#eichsta)Ain)G the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. 2he 1man*e+es 'e?inite+y in(est in entertainment me'ia 4 'oc*mentary me'ia 4 news me'ia 4 an' they 'ictate to the pro'*cers o? this me'ia eCact+y what it is that is p*@+ishe'. A+ Io'ice 'e(e+ope' a s*@stance a@*se pro@+em an' @e)an attemptin) to train me +iDe a Spartan 7hi+'. A+ Io'ice @e)an @y smi+in) at me an' sH*ee>in) my han' pain?*++y aro*n' the Dn*cD+es e(ery time that I shooD his han' 4 t*rnin) the smi+e into an e(i+ )rin e(ery time. A+ Io'ice then @e)an capt*rin) the chi+'ren o? the ?ami+y an' p*ttin) them in a one ?oot wi'th space @etween the +e?t si'e o? the re?ri')erator at my )ran'?ather #ona+' $a=oieAs ho*se 4 +ine' them a++ *p sho*+'er to sho*+'er < he p*she' me in +ast an' @e)an p*shin) on my +e?t sho*+'er an' te++in) me G2hatAs yo*r tri@e. 2hose are yo*r peop+e. 2hatAs yo*r nation. 2hose are the women o? yo*r tri@e. 2hatAs yo*r ?ami+y. /o*Are not stron) eno*)h to protect them. /o* are not stron) eno*)h. /o* nee' to @e stron)er. :hat are yo* )oin) to 'oO I am stron)er than yo*. P*sh har'er. /o* ha(e to )et o*t. /o* ha(e to protect them an' )et them o*t.G . A+ Io'ice a+so steppe' on my ?eet when I wa+De' past him. A+ Io'ice a+so )a(e me pain?*+ we')ies when I wa+De' past him. A+ Io'ice ha' 'e(e+ope' an a+choho+ism pro@+em an' a cocaine a''iction a?ter the Ha++oween o? 1"88 an' his rea+i>ation that the the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' ;+acDMai+e' him with the most 'is)*stin) metho' o? ;+acDMai+ an' that 7hris 2homas ha' rape' A+ Io'iceAs 3 year o+' son 4 my co*sin Michae+ Io'ice. I @e+ie(e that this in?+*ence' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs in?+*ence o(er the mo(ie G300G ?or reason that m*ch o? the scenes ?rom G300G +ooD +iDe scenes ?rom :ar7ra?t 3 4 which I was p+ayin) o?ten whi+e the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs hacDer was hacDin) my comp*ter. :hen I was a chi+' 4 I o?ten p+aye' :ar7ra?t 2 with the son o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who was name' 7hristopher #o'on. 2he actors who p+aye' the ro+es o? the Persians in the mo(ie G300G +ooDe' to @e S*'ani an' 9enyan 4 not Persian 5 Persians are not an A?riDDi' race4 they are Iranians an' some o? the other Aryan peop+es o? the re)ions s*rro*n'in) Iran. 2he army o? 6erCes was 3i(erse an' the 9in) o? Sparta $eoni'as +e' an army o? Mace'onians or GreeDs into @att+e a)ainst the 1mperor o? PersiaAs army. A menta++y 'isa@+e' an' physica++y 'e?orme' in'i(i'*a+ r*ins the ?i)ht ?or the G300G an' they e(ent*a++y 'ie a?ter 'e?eatin) the army o? 6erCes. Anton $a=eyAs son is name' Satan 6erCes 7arna)ie $a=ey 5 '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 'isc*sse' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or @ein) a Satanist mem@er o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan. 2he @+acD a?riDDi' Mors that in(a'e' an' conH*ere' Sici+y ?or a perio' o? time '*rin) the Me'ie(a+ 1ra 4 were conscripte' mi+itary o? the Moroccan #oya+ Mi+itary who were a ?ami+y re+ate' to

the I@nSa*' ?ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 5 Mosta?a I@nSa*' is the co*sin o? the 9in) o? Ara@ia an' is ha+? Moroccan. 2he Persian characters were 'resse' +iDe Me'ie(a+ 1ra Moroccans an' ancient Saracens. A+so 4 .o+D #e+i)ion is 'escri@e' as e(i+ in the mo(ie 300 5 the Mace'onian Priests are portraye' as 'isease' seC o??en'ers who hypnoti>e an' a@*se women. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy attacDe' the Asatr* comm*nity 4 the Bewish comm*nity 4 an' other .o+D #e+i)ion comm*nities '*rin) the years ?o++owin) the year 200%. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' a connection to the pro'*ction an' creation o? the mo(ie 300. 0ne o? the monsters ?rom 300 +ooDs i'entica+ to the 0)re ;*tcher Pom@ie ?rom the )ame :ar7ra?t 3. 7hris 2homas an' the other 1man*e+es are 'e?inite+y worrie' a@o*t A+ Io'iceAs an' BacD 3ionAs pre(io*s te+ephone con(ersations @ein) in(esti)ate' @y the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense 5 I @e+ie(e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e intentiona++y attempte' to con(ince the USAmerican peop+e to repea+ the P.A.2.#.I.0.2. Act in ?ear that their ?ami+y wo*+' @e 'isco(ere' to @e A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 4 the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom ha(e hi'in) in eCi+e in the U.S.A. 4 an o+i)archa+ s+eeper ce++ *nit which is comprise' o? a re+ate' ?ami+y o? in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e @een )i(in) or'ers to espiona)e s+eeper ce++s in(o+(e' in or)ani>e' crime an' o?ten terrorism 4 an' ?ami+y in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime inc+*'in) 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. It is 'e?inite that BacD 3ion an' A+ Io'ice were somehow ?*rther @+acD mai+e' @y the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that the initia+ @+acD mai+ in(o+(e' the 1man*e+esA a@i+ity to @etray the 3ions an' the Io'ices to the USA .e'era+ a*thorities in(o+(in) some Din' o? espiona)e an' possi@+y +e)a+ o??enses in(o+(in) treason '*e to +oya+ity to a s+eeper ce++ espiona)e ?action. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one who was raise' in NewBersey USA < whoAs ?ather was Ita+ian 4 whoAs ?atherAs ?ami+y was re+ate' to an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ ?ami+y in the U.S.A. 5 'escri@e' somethin) in his +yrics concernin) the assassins who assassinate' Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' a rape which occ*rre' o? which BacH*e+in 9enne'y was the (ictim an' the assai+ants were more than one ma+e. I @e+ie(e that the +yric was Gs+*rp it in yo*r pa+m 4 +iDe a tiny 'ancer 4 choDin) on the rays 4 choDin) on the s*nG 5 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs phi+osophy was GSo+ar Masc*+inityG 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was an eCtremist Masc*+ist who 'escri@e' women as a@so+*te+y in?erior to ma+es 4 a SwastiDa is a So+ar Sym@o+ an' represents a S*n an' 3i(inity 4 the sa+*te o? the A6IS was the #oman Sa+*te 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a was the @io+o)ica+ physica+ 'escen'ant o? the #oman Aristocracy who was appointe' ;aron o? Sa(oy @y the 9in) o? Sa(oy who was =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ancestor 4 an' tooD or'ers 'irect+y ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e III whom was his 9in) an' s*perior as we++ as A'o+? GHit+erG who was the Genera+ 7omman'er o? the A6IS occ*pie' Nation State o? 3e*tsche+an'. 3*rin) approCimate+y the year 1""E 4 G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one was con?ronte' at his home @y 3 Ita+ian ma+es o? USAmerican 7iti>enship who ca++e' him a GratG an' threatene' him 5 they c+aime' that G+enn was a GratG @eca*se he reporte' G=ictorG to the Po+ice ?or a crime. In the year 1""5 < I ?o*n' o*t ?rom #o@ #o'on 4 who was a Pa)e o? Sa(oy an' who was the 'escen'ant o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' the co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy that was ?rien's with the 7hristiano ?ami+y 5 that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was a 7rime $or' o? an 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate an' a N.A.M.;.$.A. Associate. :hat I ha' hear' in 1""! 4 was that G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one reporte' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or @ein) a Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDer. :hat 2ony Mi+ano ha' to+' my se+? an' ;o@ 3esa*+niers was that it was the @rothers Berry an' 3oy+e who were pre(io*s+y o? the @an' 2he Mis?its 4 as we++ as a thir' in'i(i'*a+ who is c*rrent+y *nDnown 5 that harrasse' G+enn An>a+one a@o*t his reportin) o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or @ein) a pro@a@+e SeC 2ra??icDer o? 7hi+'ren. In the year 2002 4 7hristine 3ion to+' me that Berry an' 3oy+e o? the Mis?its are act*a++y her .atherAs 'istant co*sins. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dnew eCact+y what his son 7hris 2homas 'i' to the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party in 1"88 an' sent 7hristine 3ionAs 'istant co*sins to harrass a man who ha' ?o*n' o*t a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e committin) simi+ar crimes 5 =ittorio or'erin) an A)ent o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to arran)e ?or Berry an' 3oy+e to con?ront G+enn a@o*t his statement 4 was o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? 'eterminin) whether or not Berry an' 3oy+e ha' Dnow+e')e o? what =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son ha' 'one to

their 'istant co*sin BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter an' BacDAs ?rien'sA chi+'ren at a Ha++oween Party. 3*rin) the era that G+enn 3an>i) was in the NewBersey @an' Gthe Mis?itsG 5 2he Mis?itsA +yrics on son)s +iDe ;*++et 4 Some 9in' o? $o(e 4 =io+ent :or+' 4 Astro Pom@ies 4 2eena)ers ?rom Mars 4 an' :e Are 138 were +yrics which pertainin) to the topic o? the Ita+ian A6IS in North America 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a Gthe 2i)erG 4 Assassinations that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or'ere' 4 G*)+ie+mo 4 Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ 1spiona)e .ami+ies an' 2errorist .ami+ies in North America 4 an' other topics re+ate' to the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in North America. It is pro@a@+e that the Mis?itsA +yrics an' some o? the @an' mem@ersA 'istant ?ami+ia+ re+ation to the 3ion .ami+y an' the Io'ice .ami+y ma'e =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e paranoi'. It is pro@a@+e that A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+y on one o? his parentAs +ines o? ?ami+y re+ation is marrie' into a ?ami+y that the An>a+one .ami+y a+so marrie' into somewhere on G+ennAs .atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. Somewhere 4 re+ate' to this )ro*p o? ?ami+ies that re+ate' ?ami+ies o? the Io'ice .ami+y an' the An>a+one .ami+y @oth marrie' into < is a ?ami+y re+ate' to one o? the Assassins o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who are 'e?inite to ha(e ai'e' in the Assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' other in'i(i'*a+s. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' a 'e?inite han' in the Assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' ha(e @een tryin) to G#eichSta)G in(esti)ations re)ar'in) the Assassination o? the USA Presi'ent Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y 4 which was a =io+ation o? the Gene(a 7on(entionAs +aws an' stan'ar's o? ethic. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e in(este' money an' pro'*ce' me'ia in attempts to ?rame So(iet 7omm*nists ?or the Assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y. 2his same in'i(i'*a+ an' his imme'iate ?ami+y are in(o+(e' 'irect+y in =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 m*r'er o? entire ?ami+ies 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren 4 7hi+' Porno)raphy 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 Porno)raphy 4 1spiona)e 4 Genoci'e 4 an' other 2errorism. N*mero*s ?ami+ies are 'istant+y connecte' to this 2errorist Sa(oy +oya+ ?ami+y thro*)h intermarria)e s*ch as the 3ANapo+i ?ami+y 4 the 3AAmico ?ami+y 4 the Si>emore ?ami+y 4 the 7ase ?ami+y 4 the 3amon ?ami+y 4 the .arrachi ?ami+y 4 the 3e.eo ?ami+y 4 an' some 'istant co*sin o? Geor)e 7atsopo*+osAs. 1' :arren is pro@a@+e to @e in this ?ami+yAs socia+ networD. =ittorio 1man*e+e Dnew the ?ami+y o? my .atherAs @est?rien' Gino who was m*r'ere' '*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 or 1""E an' was ?rame' ?or his own m*r'er 4 it @ein) +a@e+e' a s*ici'e @y shot )*n is the *s*a+ techniH*e o? a speci?ic assassin. It is pro@a@+e that Gino Dnew ?ami+ies who were o? the Aristocratic Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was assassinate' @y an in'i(i'*a+ )i(en an or'er to 'o so @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2he arrest o? these 2errorists reH*ires InterNationa+ Mi+itary 7o 0peration an' an InterNationa+ :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ as we++ as a comp+ete Arrest @y Mi+itary 4 o? a++ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates in(o+(e' in the 2errorist 7o(ert Mi+itant Acti(ities o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates associate' with the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs accomp+ices in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren an' the ?ema+es o? ?ami+ies tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e ?or reason that this is a+most entire+y one sin)+e networD o? 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDers )+o@a++y an' the 7rimina+ $or'ship o? the entire networD is primari+y the ma+es o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the ?ami+ies o? #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) 2001 4 I o(erhear' a 3e*tsche man in =ir)inia ta+Din) to an Ita+ian te++in) him that he Dnew that Gino was m*r'ere' @y the 1man*e+esA @eca*se Gino to+' some@o'y that 7hris 2homas an' his a'opti(e ?ather ha' he+' Dni(es to a @a@iesA throat an' a womanAs throat an' ?orce' the woman to p*t her han' in the @a@yAs 'iaper so that they co*+' taDe a pict*re 5 this is a)ain 4 )rotesH*e Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Porno)raphy @ein) *se' as G1spiona)eG an' G;+acD Mai+G as we++ as @ein) +a@e+e' Jespiona)eK an' J@+acD mai+K when in ?act it was 'one ?or *+terior moti(es s*ch as the ?act that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is a Pe'ophi+e an' a 'an)ero*s SeC*a+ Pre'ator. 3*rin) the same year that Gino was m*r'ere' an' was 'ec+are' to ha(e committe' s*ici'e 4 or possi@+y one year a?ter this 5 7hris 2homas or his a'opti(e .ather ca++e' my .ather at E03 %2% 08E% 4 an' to+' him that 7hris 2homasAs +itt+e @rother ha' commit s*ici'e as a res*+t o? him @ein) seC*a++y mo+este'. 2hey asDe' my ?ather i? he wante' to 'ri(e to 3*m@arton or #ichmon' =ir)inia an' Gpay yo*r +ast respectsOG 4 this a+most so*n'e' as i? it was a (ei+e' threat an' an attempt to +*re my .ami+y

to the ho*seho+' o? 7hris 2homasAs 5 who was pro@a@+y p+annin) to somehow m*r'er my ?ami+y an' 'ispose o? the a*tomo@i+es an' the corpses. My ?ather 'ec+ine' the in(itation. 2he )enoci'e metho' o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy seems to inc+*'e the assassination o? entire ?ami+ies an' the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? mem@ers o? the ?ami+ies < these )enoci'es in(o+(e the hittin) o? ?ami+ies on @oth si'es o? the (ictimsA ?ami+ies ?o++owe' @y contin*o*s hits in the same manner o? assassination *nti+ an entire rin) o? ?ami+ies is hit an' there is no person +e?t a+i(e to p*rs*e an in(esti)ation o? it. A comp*ter so?tware an' 'ata@ase nee's to @e create' which operates ?or the p*rpose o? searchin) @irth recor's 4 citi>en recor's 4 ?ami+y trees 4 3NA recor's 4 ?+i)ht recor's 4 missin) persons reports 4 'eath recor's 4 taC recor's 4 an' ho*sin) recor's 5 to ?in' e(i'ence o? entire +ines o? ?ami+ies Di++e' @y 2ota+ Genoci'e. 3*rin) the years 200% 4 2005 4 an' 200E 5 n*mero*s on+ine internet messa)e @oar' ?or*ms were *se' to p*@+ish s+an'ero*s an' 'is)*stin) statements 4 c+aimin) Bewish peop+e mo+est in?ant chi+'ren. 2his @e)an imme'iate+y a?ter I @e)an postin) comments on ;*r>*m.0r) .or*m *sin) my *sername $*)h3e3anaan 4 which @e)an @ein) accesse' @y comp*ter hacDers. 0ne o? the 'is)*stin) statements poste' on either the ;*r>*m.0r) we@site 4 the Storm.ront.0r) we@site 4 or the American #ennasance :e@Site was 5 G2a+m*'ic $aw 'ictates that a 3 year o+' ?ema+e may @e rape' so +on) as she is 3 years o+' or +ess than 3 years o+' 4 @eca*se the hymen )rows @acD that yo*n).G . Another 'is)*stin) statement that was poste' to a messa)e @oar' was 5 G2he 7hassi'ic #ite o? Hi>@o++ah 5 the #a@@i inserts the in?ant @oyAs penis in his mo*th a?ter circ*mcision.G . 2he )ir+ that I ha' @een speaDin) with who I @e+ie(e' was 1mi+y Is+es to+' me that her ?rien'As ;*r>*m.0r) UserAcco*nt was accesse' @y 7omp*ter HacDers who chan)e' his UserName to G;asci++*sAnthraC*sG an' the s*@tit+e G2erroristG I*st weeDs @e?ore the @e)innin) o? the AnthraC AttacDs '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 1mi+y a+so state' that the man 'isappeare' an' some@o'y e+se contin*e' *sin) his UserName. It is o@(io*s that the 'is)*stin) 'e?amatory seC*a++y pe'orastic comments were poste' @y an 1man*e+eAs hacDer < pro@a@+y *n'er the 'irection o? 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8. Michae+ Io'ice was approCimate+y 3 years o+' when 7hris 2homas rape' him. 2he r*mo*r that 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 tooD a photo)raph o? himse+? p*ttin) his ?in)ers into the an*s an' (a)ina o? an in?ant ?ema+e Nati(e American is one o? the r*mo*rs concernin) the GSamoth Srich 4 7hris 2homas 1man*e+e 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'Nephew 4 NAM;$A4 ;+acD Mai+ ;oC 5 sto+en ?rom the NAM;$A Satanist @y two men *sin) the names G;oy' #iceG an' G3o*)+as PierceG an' )i(en to either the NewBersey .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 near@y state in the USA 4 or the U.9. .e'era+ Po+ice @y them '*rin) 1"8". 2here is more than one (ersion o? this story 5 this co*+' ha(e @een my sister Sheena. 2he 7hi+' Porno)raphy that 7hris 2homas photo)raphe' a?ter 'r*))in) a++ o? the a'*+ts 4 was most+y chi+'ren o? 5 years an' E years o+' 5 I was % years an' 10 months o+' 4 I*st 2 months short o? 5 years o+'. 7hristine 3ion was 5 years an' 2 months o+'. In the ;oston re)ion there has @een a man *sin) the name G3o*)+as PierceG c+aimin) to @e the man ?rom 3eath in B*ne 4 who is )*i+ty o? @ein) the one o? the NAM;$A 7rime So+'iers who worDe' with =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his son 7hris 2homas. 2he NAM;$A 7rime So+'ier @e)an *sin) the name G3o*)+as PierceG a?ter G3o*)+as PierceG sto+e his ;+acD Mai+ ;oC. 3o*)+as Pierce is one o? the @an' mem@ers o? the @an' 3eath in B*ne 4 ;oy' #ice is one o? the @an' mem@ers o? the @an' N0N 5 @oth o? these men were once acH*ainte' with mem@ers o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan4 it is possi@+e that mem@ers o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan *se' their names when they sto+e the ;+acD Mai+ ;oC. It is a+so possi@+e that the man who tra'e' ;+acD Mai+ Photo)raphs with 7hris 2homas as an o@(io*s crimina+ eCchan)e @etween SeC 2ra??icDers ?a@ricate' the story that his ;+acD Mai+ ;oC was sto+en 4 an' sti++ has it. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 my ?ather to+' me that #o@ert #o'on was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' eCp+aine' to me that he 'i' not want to taDe me away ?rom my ?rien's 4 @*t that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were the Aristocratic Ho*se that )enoci'a++y eCterminate' my co*sin B*+iannaAs co*sinsA ?ami+ies in Sici+y an' committe' so many o? these attacDs that B*+iannaAs ?ami+y ha' to ?+ee to the U.S.A. to escape )enoci'e. My ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson ha' eCp+aine' this to #o@ert #o'on

an' eCp+aine' to me that #o@ert #o'on may ha(e threatene' him. My ?ather to+' me that it was a)ainst is wishes that I contin*e to @e ?rien's with 7hristopher #o'on 4 @*t that i? I ?ee+ sa?e at the #o'onAs ho*se that he wi++ not ?or@i' me ?rom @ein) 7hristopher #o'onAs ?rien'. I 'eci'e' to remain ?rien's with 7hristopher #o'on. 2his was a con(ersation on the te+ephone a@o*t this @etween my .ather an' #o@ert #o'on 4 as we++ as was there con(ersation that occ*rre' in physica+ person a@o*t this. 3*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 4 m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' to the Unite' States o? America an' 7ana'a ?or the p*rpose o? escapin) con(iction at the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s < it is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'i' not mo(e to the U.S.A. @y mere coinci'ence 5 it is pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy *n'erstoo' that the (ictims o? the Ho+oca*st whom were the testi?yin) witnesses were mo(in) to the U.S.A. an' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy co*+' immi)rate with them an' assassinate a++ o? them 4 escapin) han)in) at the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s. Some o? the mem@ers o? the N.S.3.A.P. whom were capt*re' as Prisoners 0? :ar @y the A++ie' .orces were assassinate' @y poisonin) an' other metho's inc+*'in) e(en the em@e''in) o? assassins within the U.S.A. Mi+itary Me'ica+ 3epartment who wrote 'own that some o? these Prisoners 0? :ar committe' s*ici'e 5 they were +itera++y assassinate' @y the men who A'o+? GHit+erG ?act*a++y was in a++e)iance with. Many o? the Gestapos an' other Prisoners o? :ar @e)an testi?yin) at the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 4 their testimonia+s were 'e?inite+y +ea'in) in the 'irection o? B*+i*s 1(o+a an' an internationa+ conspiracy. 3*rin) the +ate 1"80As an' ear+y 1""0As 4 my *nc+e Scot 7arty an' my *nc+e A+ Io'ice act*a++y @o*)ht mariI*ana thro*)h a man that was a mem@er o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan as a 2n' choice pot 'ea+er. Michae+ Bohnston o? Massach*settes *se' to @*y pot ?rom the same Gpotion 'ea+erG in the +ate 1"80As an' ear+y 1""0As in Ma+'en Massach*settes. 2he IoDe @etween this mariI*ana 'ea+er an' his c*stomers was that he was the GPotion 3ea+erG ?rom Ninten'oAs the $e)en' o? Pe+'a an' co*+' @e ta+De' to a@o*t GPe+'aG an' Gthe +e(e+ with the PotionsG as a cyphere' comm*nication @etween himse+? an' c*stomers 4 sayin) GSorry... .resh o*t.G i? he 'i'nAt ha(e any mariI*ana. 3*rin) the year 2005 5 Michae+ Moynihan o? the @an' ;+oo'ACisan' the writer ?or 2yr Bo*rna+ was 'escri@e' on :iDipe'ia as @ein) MiDe &Bohnston, Moynihan. It seems that MiDe MoynihanAs :iDipe'ia.7om we@site pa)e was @ein) e'itte' an' *se' ?or cypher comm*nication '*rin) the year 2005. Michae+ Bohnston was associate' with Massach*settes Asatr* or)ani>ation ca++e' #a(en 9in're' North as we++ as 3a(e Marsha++. 2here has @een ta+D that the ;oston Massach*settes Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan reporte' an in'i(i'*a+ or sma++ )ro*p o? in'i(i'*a+s in the ;oston re)ion whoAs acti(ities were re+ate' to 7hris 2homasAs 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' SeC 0??enses. 7hris 2homas was ca++in) himse+? GSamoth SrichG an' ha' starte' a @ranch o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate with a GSatanicG Aesthetic to it that was ?act*a++y nothin) more than a )ro*p o? amora+ist N.A.M.;.$.A. Pe'oPhi+es an' some @i seC*a+ Pe'oPhi+e Seria+ 9i++er SeC 0??en'ers. Anton $a=ey @e+ie(e' in meetin) the threat o? an amora+ist socia+ 'arwinist with merci+ess ?orce 5 ?or the p*rpose o? s*r(i(a+ 4 a +i(in) or)anism m*st a'apt to o(ercome the threat o? an amora+ist socia+ 'arwinist @y any means necessary to 'estroy s*ch an hono*r+ess pre'ator. An Amora+ist Socia+ 3arwinist is a Sociopath @y Phi+osophy. GSamoth SrichG was on AmericaAs Unso+(e' Mysteries 4 a mo(ie on the $i?etime channe+ 4 an' was a s*@Iect o? in?ormation passe' @etween mem@ers o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan who were acti(e+y attemptin) to +ocate the GSamoth SrichG an' ha(e him arreste'. #*mo*rs a@o*t GSamoth SrichG was that he was a m*r'erer 4 a seria+ rapist 4 a rapist o? chi+'ren 4 an' a 2errorist 7rime $or' that or'ers his 7rime So+'iers to commit 'is)*stin) acts o? rape an' @r*ta+ity *pon chi+'ren. It is possi@+e that r*mo*rs concernin) 7hris 2homas inspire' the Norwe)ian ;+acD Meta+ M*sician GSamothG to *se the sta)e name an' pen name GSamothG as a sarcastic re?erence re)ar'in) GSatanismG. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice Dnew 7hris 2homas an' 'espise' him 4 @*t ?or some reason ?e+t that he ha' to respect 7hris 2homas an' his ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e as i? they were I*sti?ie' #oya+ity somehow. It is possi@+e that A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+y were @+acDmai+e' @y the 1man*e+es. My *nc+e Scot 7arty p*t 7hris 2homas in a )*i++otine

choDe ho+' once an' threatene' him 4 this was the res*+t o? Michae+ Io'ice statin) that 7hris 2homas ha' st*cD somethin) in his @*tt. 2here was no e(i'ence that this ha' occ*rre' 4 @*t another eCtreme+y yo*n) co*sin o? mine ha' witnesse' it 5 7hris 2homas ha' sn*cD into the @asement where the chi+'ren were a++ s+eepin). It is a pro@a@i+ity that A+ an' Scot ha' mentione' 7hris 2homas to their pot 'ea+er in Ma+'en Massach*settes who was a mem@er o? the ;oston Massach*settes Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan an' this in'i(i'*a+ warne' others in the re)ion. 7athryn 3*@ois 4 who I met in the year 2000 < Dnew my *nc+e ScotAs eC )ir+?rien' 7an'ace somehow an' may ha(e @een re+ate' to her 4 she a+so Dnew Michae+ Bohnston some how 5 I am a+most 'e?inite+y positi(e that she mentione' that NAM;$A SeC 0??en'er SeC 2ra??icDers attempte' to Ioin the ;oston 7h*rch o? Satan an' mentione' that she Dnew mem@ers o? the ;oston Grotto o? Anton $a(eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan that to+' her this as we++ as 'i' she Dnow Michae+ GMoynihanG o? the @an' ;+oo' ACis an' ;oy' #ice o? the @an' N0N 4 many o? these peop+e wo*+' ha(e ha' e(i'ence an' witnesse' e(ents which they co*+' ha(e reporte' in(o+(in) the 1man*e+esA connections to corr*ption in this re)ion. 7athryn 3*@ois may ha(e mentione' GSamoth SrichG to me '*rin) the S*mmer o? the year 2000 4 statin) 5 G/o*Are not ?rien's with that )*y Samoth Srich are yo*O NoO Goo'. I Dnow peop+e who ha(e met him. He is a 'is)*stin) psychopath.G Accor'in) to some peop+e 4 '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As 5 7hris 2homas or'ere' Seria+ #apist Pe'oPhi+es to Ioin Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan an' report @acD to him as i? they were his 1spiona)e A)ents 4 in?i+tratin) a ?orei)n nation. :hat I was to+' is that this res*+te' in two men *sin) the names G;oy' #iceG an' G3o*)+as PierceG @rin)in) a @ott+e o? #ies+in) wine to 7hris 2homasAs Pe'oPhi+e N.A.M.;.$.A. associateAs apartment < where they waite' *nti+ the man ha' to *se the restroom 4 an' swi?t+y +ocate' an' sto+e the manAs ;+acD Mai+ ;oC o? 7hris 2homasAs Se+? I'emni?yin) 1(i'ence an' :ritten 7on?essions. G;oy' #iceG an' G3o*)+as PierceG s*ppose'+y 'e+i(ere' this to the NewBersey .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 an ..;.I. o? a near@y state o? the USA 4 or the U.9. Mi+itary an' .e'era+ Po+ice imme'iate+y a?terwar's 5 there is more than one (ersion o? this story. 2he man who they sto+e this ?rom has since this time @een *sin) the name G3o*)+as PierceG an' 'rinDin) #eis+in) wine when interro)atin) peop+e an' threatenin) to @+acD mai+ them 5 this has @een an o@(io*s attempt to Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+e who it is that wo*+' Dnow the peop+e that sto+e his ;+acD Mai+ ;oC. 2he ?act*a+ 3o*)+as Pierce is one o? the @an' mem@ers o? the @an' G3eath in B*neG 4 ;oy' #ice is one o? the @an' mem@ers o? the @an' N0N an' is ?rien's with the ?act*a+ 3o*)+as Pierce. It is a possi@i+ity that the N.A.M.;.$.A. 7rime $or' in the ;oston re)ion who has @een Dnown ?or *sin) the name G3o*)+as PierceG ?a@ricate' the story a@o*t his ;+acD Mai+ ;oC )ettin) sto+en an' +ie' in ?ear o? @ein) ca*)ht with it. 2he @*rn wo*n's 7hris 2homas +e?t in my co*sin Michae+As +e) in 1"8! were notice' whi+e Michae+ was @ein) 'iaper chan)e' @y my Mother whi+e she was @a@ysittin) him 5 my Mother notice' that Michae+ ha' n*mero*s ci)arette @*rns on his +e?t +e) 4 ?rom his anD+e to his hip. 3*rin) the year 20034 whi+e I was worDin) at ;icD?or's .ami+y #estara*nt in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 7hris 7hase asDe' me i? I ha' e(er hear' o? a GSamoth SrichG4 a?ter which 7hris 7hase starte' @e+itt+in) an' mocDin) peop+e who @e+ie(e they )et ma)ic powers ?rom @ein) e(i+ an' worshippin) the e(i+ 'e(i+ )o'. 7hris 7hase was act*a++y an Initiate' 7rime So+'ier o? an arm o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 0ne o? 7hris 7haseAs Initiation 7rimes in(o+(e' the rape o? one o? my ?rien's Me+in'a A+'ritch < ?or which he was ne(er con(icte' 4 tho*)h she reco)ni>e' him as one o? the % assai+ants. 3*rin) this same three months 4 3ana Um@ro mentione' to his wi?e that he @e+ie(e' that .i+ 1man*e+e was pro@a@+y a @i seC*a+ Pe'oPhi+e an' that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico an' 3ino were pro@a@+y )rown *p N.A.M.;.$.A. (ictims. At some point '*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e with 2ony Grasseti an' my se+? 5 .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames asDe' .i+ 1man*e+e 4 GHa(e yo* ta+De' to Srich recent+yOG. .i+ 1man*e+e rep+ie' 4 GNot in a ?ew 'ays. 3onAt ca++ him that anymore.G 4 at this 3anie+ Bames +a*)he' an' sai' GI tho*)ht it was a coo+ nameO /o* +iDe' it when he starte' *sin) it.G at this .i+ 1man*e+e p*nche' 3.B. in the sho*+'er an' to+'

him not to ca++ their @rother GSrichG anymore. 2his sho*+' ha(e @een recor'e' @y 2ony GrassetiAs recor'in) 'e(ice. 3*rin) the year 1""2 4 I met .i++i@erto G.i+G 1man*e+e ?or the ?irst time 5 he was p+ayin) street hocDey in the 'ri(e way o? my .atherAs @est ?rien'sA ho*se 4 at the McG*iresA ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire on ;e+mont 3ri(e. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 was a+so at the McG*iresA ho*se. .i+ an' 7hris ha' arri(e' with A+ Io'ice4 who was (isitin) the McG*ires one +ast time @e?ore mo(in) to $o*isianna with my A*nt $es+ie an' their twin sons 5 my co*sins Michae+ Io'ice an' 7hristopher Io'ice. .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 were p+ayin) street hocDey a)ainst 9eith McG*ire an' 3a(i' McG*ire. My ?rien' 7a+i McG*ire 4 who was 2om McG*ireAs an' S*san McG*ireAs 'a*)hter 5 was the )oa+ ten'er. .i+ ma'e a comment a@o*t 7a+i which res*+te' in 9eith McG*ire ca++in) .i+ 1man*e+e a Pe'ophi+e. .i+ 1man*e+e was approCimate+y 21. 7a+i McG*ire was approCimate+y 10 years o+'. .ran McG*ire whom was 2omAs o+'er @rother an' one o? my ?atherAs @est ?rien's ha' a )ran' 'a*)hter name' Me)an McG*ire 4 whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ha(e possi@+y @een sto+en @y the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' )i(en to ?ema+e o? Ita+ian race that I met in 200!. 2he ?ema+e ca++in) herse+? Me)an McG*ire was +i(in) on Pine Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' was an acH*aintance o? .i+As @rother 3anie+ Bames -1man*e+e8. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 she wa+De' past a )ro*p o? Ita+ians who were 'resse' as speci?ic Americans which they ha' rep+ace' an' state' G/o* )ot I.3.OG a?ter which she state' GIA(e )ot some@o'y e+seAs.G. 2he imposte*r o? Me)an McG*ire was at +east 5 years o+'er than her. 2he ?act*a+ Me)an McG*ire was #yan McG*ireAs yo*n)er sister an' .ran McG*ireAs Gran' 3a*)hter. A woman that +ooDe' +iDe 7a+i McG*ire with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' hair an' m*tate' eye iris co+or was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) 2012 5 this woman +ooDe' +iDe 7a+i McG*ire with m*tate' @+on'e hair an' m*tate' @+*e eyes. 2he McG*ires were a+most a++ o? ha+? 3e*tsche+an'er an' ha+? Irish race. 7a+iAs *nc+e 4 ;o@ McG*ire was the :i+ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po+ice '*rin) the year 200% 5 '*rin) the year 2005 4 ;o@ was ?rame' ?or posession o? MariI*ana an' remo(e' ?rom his position as 7hie? o? Po+ice. In the year 200E4 .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an ho+'in) ?ema+e capti(es an' possi@+y a ma+e capti(e in the @asement o? the 7on'emne' .o*n'ry ;*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant Street 4 aro*n' the corner ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment 5 across the street ?rom a cotta)e he 'escri@e' as Ga property o?G his G?ami+yAsG. 2his o? psycho+o)ica+ importance < '*rin) approCimate+y 1"884 when 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 was at my *nc+e A+ Io'iceAs ?arewe++ party at the McG*ireAs ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 my ?ather ha' @een emp+oye' at a Stee+ .o*n'ry. I am a+most positi(e+y certain that I met a @rother o? 7hris 2homasAs '*rin) the +ate 1"80As or ear+y 1""0As who +ooDe' a+most i'entica+ to him @*t was an inch ta++er 4 ha' a narrower sD*++ 4 was thinner4 an' ha' +on)er nose shape. 7hris 2homas is approCimate+y 5A!G inches ta++ 4 has @rown hair 4 an' @rown eyes 5 he is racia++y o? Ita+ian an' A*strian race on his ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+eAs si'e an' his @io+o)ica+ mother is o? *nDnown herita)e. 7hris 2homasAs yo*n)er @rother . .i++i@erto 1man*e+e is the o??icia+ Heir o? Sa(oy 5 .i+ is approCimate+y E ?eet ta++ 4 has pa+e aH*a co+ore' eyes which ?a'e to @+*e sometimes 4 has 'arD @+on'e hair 4 is thin @*i+' 4 @roa' sho*+'ers 4 has somewhat o? a sma++ nose with a +on) @ri')e 4an' has a ta++ narrow hea' shape. .i++i@ertoAs @rother 3anie+ Bames is 5AEG 4 is o? +i)ht @*i+' 4 has the same eye co+or as his @rother .i+ 4 has a sH*arer hea' shape than .i+As 4 an' has the same hair co+or as .i+As. 3anie+ Bames ha' a @rown specD+e in his +e?t eye '*rin) the year 200!. Aaron 1man*e+e is a@o*t 5A8G an' is simi+ar in appearance to .i+ an' 3anie+ Bames. 2he 1man*e+es are pro@a@+e to attempt to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy soon an' stea+ ci(i+ians I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 ?or p*rpose o? escapin) I*stice. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e raise' his sons with the intention o? raisin) them to @e crimina+s ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) them ?rom testi?yin) a)ainst himse+? '*e to their own )*i+t < =ittorio has attempte' to mo+' his sonsA )*i+t to @e the same as his own 4 or'erin) them to commit the same crimes he has committe' in the past in an attempt to in?+*ence them to @ecome SeC 0??en'ers an' SeC 2ra??icDers as we++ as Seria+ 9i++ers to pre(ent them ?rom e(er

testi?yin) a)ainst him. 2here eCists m*+tip+e theories 4 r*mo*rs 4 as we++ as :itness Statements re)ar'in) what was 'one with the photo)raphs that 7hris 2homas tooD the ni)ht o? Ha++oween '*rin) the year 1"88. As a res*+t o? the research an' in(esti)atin) that I ha(e 'one as we++ as the research an' in(esti)atin) that others ha(e 'one 5 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 tra'e' copies o? these photo)raphs with a 7rime $or' o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' I*st committe' Initiation 7rimes with ?or p*rpose o? @+acD mai+in) each other an' esta@+ishin) crimina+ tr*st. 7hris 1man*e+e an' this in'i(i'*a+ tra'e' Initiation 7rimes 4 Initiation 7rimes 1(i'ence 4 an' written con?essions. 2he man who =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @ro*)ht in as a partnere' 2errorist 7rime $or' was o? $om@ar'ic Ita+ian race an' is possi@+y a co*sin o? the 1man*e+es 5 this man was positione' em@e''e' within a HomoseC*a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate as a res*+t o? his @ein) a ma+e homoseC*a+4 the North American Man ;oy G$o(eG Association & NAM;$A 5 a HomoSeC*a+ Ma+e Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Mo+ester SeC 0??en'er 0r)ani>e' 7rime Association , 4 an' the ;oston Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan. 2he r*mo*r is that '*rin) the year o? 1"8" 4 the ;oston Grotto o? the 7h*rch o? Satan sto+e =ittorio 1man*e+eAs partnere' 2errorist 7rime $or'As @oC o? ;+acD Mai+ 1(i'ence an' con?essions that the 1man*e+es ha' tra'e' with him < the r*mo*r is eCp+aine' that the @oC o? e(i'ence was )i(en to the U.9. A*thorities instea' o? the USAmerican A*thorities or that a ;ritish man sto+e it an' )a(e it to American A*thorities. 2he )ay 7rime $or'As name is Michae+ an' has @een Dnown to *se the name Michae+ Pa+iH*in 4 tho*)h there ha(e @een n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s in the North1ast re)ion o? the USA with the name Michae+ Pa+iH*in an' his choice o? s*rname may @e a res*+t o? his attempt to a(oi' @ein) i'enti?ie' @y a*thorities. I ha(e @een in?orme' that Michae+ Pa+iH*in is a ?ormer mem@er o? a ;oston Massach*ettes 7hapter o? NAM;$A an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e *se' to @e a secret mem@er o? the NAM;$A or)ani>ation. N*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s ha(e state' that the ;oston Grotto o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan was c+ose' in the 1""0As ?or the p*rpose o? permanant+y remo(in) the two men whom were associate' with N.A.M.;.$.A. an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime 5 these men were in(esti)ate' ?or a n*m@er o? years an' were e(ent*a++y possi@+y permanant+y remo(e' ?rom Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 a 7rime So+'ier o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs name' Michae+ Pa+iH*in ran) the 'oor@e++ at my ?ami+yAs home. My ?ather in(ite' him in to sit at the Ditchen ta@+e to 'isc*ss what it was that the stran)er ha' come to o*r home to 'isc*ss. Michae+ Pa+iH*in tooD o*t o? his pocDet one o? the pict*res o? 7hristine 3ion an' I ?rom the 1"88 Ha++oween Party '*rin) which 7hris 2homas ha' poisone' a++ o? the peop+e present with a 7hemica+ :ar?are Ne*ro 2oCin that ca*ses 3isAssociation when inha+e' 4 in)este' 4 or inIecte' 5 this pict*re o? my se+? an' 7hristine 3ion n*'e was the res*+t o? 7hris 2homasAs attempt to 7hi+' Porno)raph the two o? *s to)ether. Michae+ Pa+iH*in sai' to my ?ather a?ter ho+'in) the photo)raph in ?ront o? his ?ace on the ta@+e J/o* nee' to pay *s... or yo* tooD this photo.K . My ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson sai' 4 J2hat is yo*r photo. /o* @ro*)ht it here. I ha(e ne(er seen that @e?ore in my +i?e. I 'i' not taDe that photo)raph 4 it is yo*rs. I am not payin) yo* anythin).K . Michae+ Pa+iH*in in?orme' =ittoriio J=ictorK 1man*e+e imme'iate+y a?ter he +e?t that my ?ather wo*+' not pay JProtection MoneyK to =ictor < a?ter which Michae+ Pa+iH*in ca++e' my ?ather on the te+ephone an' 'eman'e' money a)ain in the same manner 4 threatenin) to ?rame him ?or 7hi+' Porno)raphin) an' ha(e him arreste' @y his @ossAs Po+ice 0??icers. My ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson ye++e' JI wi++ not s*@mit to @+acDmai+NK into the phone an' s+amme' the phone 'own. 3*rin) the ?o++owin) year or 1""! 4 3a(e ;ri'o in(ite' my ?ather an' MarD ;antis o(er to his ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 3a(e ;ri'o poisone' my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson an' MarD ;antis with se'ati(es in their @eer an' a++owe' entry into the ho*se to $orie Poten>a 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 an' Gra>>io+i < whom then S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in @oth my ?atherAs an' MarD ;antisAs crani*ms. 2hese were two o? the ?irst G+o@a+ Position System ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in Genoci'e 2ar)etsA @rains in North America @y Ita+ian A6IS.

My .ather was #ep+ace' @y an Imposte*r a ?ew years +ater an' has @een rep+ace' th*s ?ar @y possi@+y % or 5 imposte*rs tota+. A+most a++ o? my ?ami+y are missin) an' their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s are in the han's o? imposte*rs whom ha(e *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate aesthetic appearance 4 cosmetic 'entistry 4 an' cosmetic s*r)ery to appear as i? they are my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson. :ith the eCception o? possi@+y my sister S*mmer MacPherson < my sisters are missin) 4 near+y my entire ?ami+y on @oth my motherAs an' my ?atherAs si'es are missin) 4 an' c*rrent+y the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po+ice .orce has @een comp+ete+y in?i+trate' @y 2errorist A)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 Samantha G*ay an' mem@ers o? her ?ami+y were a@'*cte' 5 c*rrent+y 4 her entire ?ami+y has @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. In the year 2003 4 7hristine 3ion an' her parents were #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 0*r ?ami+ies ha(e @een near+y comp+ete+y eCterminate' )+o@a++y. :itness Statements an' written :itness 2estimonia+s which were )i(en to the Po+ice 3epartments in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. an' 1astern 7ana'a ha(e @een i)nore' as we++ as ha(e n*mero*s written :itness 2estimonia+s an' written :itness Statements to the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations in the U.S.A. @een i)nore' comp+ete+y. 2he ?ema+es whom ha(e rep+ace' most o? the mem@ers o? o*r ?ami+ies appear to @e most+y SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims as we++ as Ita+ian 1spiona)e A)ents worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. :hen I +ast si)hte' the homoseC*a+ man who threatene' my ?ather in ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) the year o? 1""" 4 I was with Sarah 9at+er an' Hei'i .rit> in the city o? ;oston 5 this man ta+De' to Sarah 9at+er an' Hei'i .rit> ?or a @rie? moment when they stoppe' wa+Din)4 to asD him a H*estion. 2his man +ie' an' c+aime' to @e G3o*)+as Pierce o? the @an' 3eath in B*neG 4 which he c+ear+y was not. 2his man was pro@a@+y in his ear+y %0As o? a)e '*rin) the year 1""" 4 the man was o? pro@a@+e $om@ar'ic Ita+ian #ace an' possi@+y .ranDic American 4 the man was 'e?inite+y a HomoseC*a+ . He was approCimate+y E ?eet ta++ 4 +ooDe' as i? he wei)he' approCimate+y 2%0 +@s 4 he ha' +i)ht @rown hair 4 a wi'e mo*stache an' chin @ear' 4 an' ha' aH*a co+or eyes. He ha' a sH*are hea' with a mi+itary +iDe hair c*t that was sha(e' on the si'es an' was s+i)ht+y +on)er on the top than a marineAs hairc*t 4 parte' on the si'e 5 simi+ar to a shorter GHit+er /o*thG hairc*t. His name was Michae+ Pa+iH*in. Sarah 9at+er to+' me that she @e+ie(e' that the man was not 3o*)+as Pierce an' that the man was act*a++y a mem@er o? a HomoseC*a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate an' possi@+y N.A.M.;.$.A. . Sarah 9at+er was a ?rien' o? mine who was a $es@ian 5 she to+' me that she ha' hear' a@o*t him ?rom the Gay comm*nity in $owe++ an' that i? he was the man she ha' hear' a@o*t 4 he was in a Gay MA?ia an' possi@+y NAM;$A an' *se' the name o? the sin)er ?rom the @an' 3eath In B*ne as his Street Name A+ias . 3*rin) the years 200" an' 2013 5 I hear' that this man was SeC 2ra??icDin) ma+es who ha' @een ?orce' to *n'er)o Gen'er #e Assi)nment S*r)ery a)ainst their own wi++ an' that he worDe' with Aaron 4 .i+ 4 3.B. 4 7hris 4 an' =ittorio - the 1man*e+eAs 8 in(o+(in) SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other 0r)ani>e' 7rime inc+*'in) 2errorism. I ha(e @een to+' that they ha(e racia+ tar)ets an' that they tar)et ?ami+ies. I ha(e @een to+' that they ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tatin) their SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 Ne*roS*r)ery H*man =i(isectin) them with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices an' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant G.P.S. A#G0S NetworDin) 3e(ices as Impro(ise 1n)ineere' #o*ters wire' to these 'e(ices 4 )i(in) the (ictims other ci(i+ianAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 rapin) the (ictims 4 tort*rin) the (ictims 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) the (ictims 4 an' eCterminatin) the ?ami+ies o? their (ictims. :hen 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 threatene' me an' my co*sins in 1"88 4 he he+' open scissors aro*n' o*r pensises an' threatene' to c*t them o?? i? we 'i' not 'o eCact+y as he 'eman'e' < it has @een reporte' that some o? these menAs (ictims ha(e @een ?orce' to ha(e their )enita+s remo(e' an' *n'er)o SeC #eassi)nment S*r)ery. My entire ?ami+y was tar)ette' ?or the reason that my Mother an' her Si@+in)s as we++ as their Mother were SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' :ar #ape =ictims o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist .action an' their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration 4 ?or reason that A+ Io'ice who

was an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ent marrie' my A*nt $es+ie 4 an' ?or reason that my co*sin B*+ianna whoAs ?ami+y ha' @een near+y eCterminate' in Sici+y @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 marrie' into my ?ami+y an' was o*tspoDen a@o*t the 1man*e+es @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' that the 1man*e+es as we++ as the 1(o+as were +iars an' )enoci'a+ crimina+ terrorists. My ?ami+y is missin) an' Ita+ians ha(e their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' re?*se to answer H*estions a@o*t their i'entities < they ha(e @een re?*sin) me entry to my own ?ami+iesA homes. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? the years 1""% or 1""5 < my ?ami+y tooD a ?ami+y (acation to New ;r*nswicD 4 No(a Scotia 4 an' Prince 1'war' Is+an' 5 7ana'a. 3*rin) this (acation 4 my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson an' my se+? tooD a 'ri(e to a recreationa+ hiDin) trai+ recreationa+ hiDin) parD. :hen we arri(e' 4 G7o*nt GrishnaDG o? the @an' ;*r>*m was wa+Din) towar's the trai+ with a ?ema+e 5 this was imme'iate+y prior to G7o*nt GrishnaDG @ein) ?rame' ?or the m*r'er o? his @est ?rien' 0ystein Aarseth. :hen my ?ather an' I wa+De' towar's the )a>e@o in the picnic area 5 I +ooDe' at G7o*nt GrishnaDG an' state' GHe +ooDs +iDe a (iDin). I thinD he is Norwe)ian. HeAs ta++.G . G7o*nt GrishnaDG state' to the ?ema+e neCt to him Gthat Di' is starin) at meG an' smirDe' h*mo*ro*s+y. G7o*nt GrishnaDG was approCimate+y E ?eet ta++. As G7o*nt GrishnaDG an' his ?ema+e ?rien' were wa+Din) past *s on the hiDin) trai+ 4 '*rin) their ret*rn to the parDin) +ot area 5 my ?ather an' I were 'isc*ssin) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y @ein) the #oya+ 1man*e+e ?ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy on his ?atherAs si'e an' his @ein) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother. G7o*nt GrishnaDG hear' this an' sai' to the ?ema+e G'i' yo* hear thatO an' he sai' he hear' it ?rom a Sici+ianO I @e+ie(e it. Ha(e yo* e(er +ooDe' at the photo)raphs o? his ?aceO I ha(e to ca++ home an' te++ someone.G. I was to+' two years +ater @y a woman who +i(e' in North 7aro+ina that G7o*nt GrishnaDG ca++e' home to Norway to ta+D to 0ystein a@o*t it an' was ?rame' *pon ret*rnin) home ?or m*r'erin) 0ystein Aarseth. 2he )ir+ ?rom North 7aro+ina contacte' me on the internet on America 0n+ine an' e(ent*a++y @e)an ca++in) me on the te+ephone. :hen she ca++e' me on the te+ephone she to+' me that G7o*nt GrishnaDG was act*a++y name' G$ars =iDersenG 4 @*t the me'ia was +yin) an' sayin) that his name was G=ar) =iDernesG an' G9ris =iDernesG Gwith a 9G an' G9ristian =iDernesG. 2his woman was 'e?inite+y 'oin) this as a reH*est ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e whom ha' @een attemptin) to @*i+' a+i@is ?or his 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' the Ita+ian SA=0/ A6IS SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes 4 :ar 7rime Initiation 7rimes 4 an' p+ans ?or G+o@a+ 7onH*est. G9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDy 4 was ?act*a++y 7+int 2ay+or 5 7hris 2homasAs @rother who is a+so a son o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs.G. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 I to+' #o@ert #o'on that I ha' seen a G=iDin)G in the woo's in 7ana'a an' two months +ater G7o*nt GrishnaDG was on the 2e+e(ision. I to+' #o@ert #o'on 4 G2hatAs the )*y I saw in 7ana'aG an' he sai' GIan4 thatAs impossi@+e. 2hatAs way o(er in Norway.G 4 to which I rep+ie' 5 G/o*Are ?rom Ita+y. 2hatAs on the other si'e o? the p+anet too. He was pro@a@+y on (acation.G . G7o*nt GrishnaDG was cite' as ha(in) m*r'ere' his own @est ?rien' 4 @*rnt 'own a ch*rch 4 an' ?or @ein) a GSatanic Hea(y Meta+ M*sicianG . I @e+ie(e it 'e?inite that the man who o(erhear' *s ta+Din) a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er @ein) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother was somehow o(erhear' @y either a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 was ran'om+y wire tappe' thro*)h 2e+ephone 7ompany 4 was tracDe' 'own @y a 7omp*ter HacDer 4 or was recor'e' @y an i++e)a+ Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ice somewhere in 7ana'a < an' that he was +ater ?rame' ?or the m*r'er o? his own @est ?rien' 0ystein Aarseth as we++ as 'o I @e+ie(e that the mem@er o? the Norwe)ian m*sica+ @an' Mayhem who was ?o*n' 'ea' with a shot )*n wo*n' to his crani*m was ?rame' ?or his own 'eath which was +a@e+e' a s*ici'e. M*r'er 3ec+are' as S*ici'e is a common ?orm o? m*r'er in conI*nction with an attempt to e+iminate in(esti)ation. I ha(e hear' 'escri@e' 4 some o? the ?orms o? m*r'ers which the 1man*e+es or'er their Assassins to commit 5 these m*r'ers common+y in(o+(e what is ca++e' the Gpitch?orD with a shot )*nG which is a metho' o? eCec*tion that in(o+(es the thr*stin) o? a shot )*n @arre+ *n'er the +ower Iaw o? the (ictim or into the ?ace o? the (ictim with the tri))er @ein) p*++e' as it nears the ?ace in a pitch?orD motion. Another metho' o? ?ramin) a m*r'er as a s*ici'e is the *se o? a Syrin)e inIection o? Heroin on an *nconcio*s

semi asphyCiate' (ictim 5 this is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een *se' @y the 1man*e+es as we++. $acD o? ?in)erprints is easi+y eCp+aine' @y the *se o? )+o(es4 rain poncho can @e worn an' 1mer)ency Me'ica+ 2echnician pants which are @+oo' resistant as we++ as water resistant. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 my ?atherAs @est ?rien' Gino was ?o*n' 'ea' with a shot )*n wo*n' to his crani*m < this was wron)?*++y 'ec+are' s*ici'e 5 some o? GinoAs ?ami+y were possi@+y Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents I*st as BacD 3ionAs an' A+ Io'iceAs were. Some o? GinoAs ?ami+y were a+so o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is @e+ie(e' that the 1man*e+es ha(e an immense ?ear o? tr*th?*+ ?act*a+ me'ia representation o? their crimes an' in(est +ar)e amo*nts o? monetary ?*n'in) to Me'ia Pro'*ction 7ompanies ?or the p*rpose o? contro++in) the news me'ia4 entertainment me'ia 4 an' socia+ 'isc*ssions < as we++ as are they )*i+ty o? *sin) the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 4 whom are ?act*a++y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts 5 ?or the p*rpose o? pro(i'in) 'ia+o) script 4 speci?ic cost*min) 4 p+ot +ine 4 themes 4 character names 4 te+e(ision series an' mo(ie tit+es 4 an' character 'escriptions to 7inemato)raphy Mo(ie an' 2e+e(ision Me'ia Pro'*cers. As a res*+t o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4=ittorioAs son 7+int 2ay+or4 an' one o? the 7hristiano 9ni)hts asDin) #o@ #o'on ?or 'etai+s a@o*t my se+? an' my ?ami+y constant+y 5 '*rin) the year 1""5 4 #o@ert #o'on asDe' my .ather 5 G3o yo* Dnow anyone who is o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyOG to which my .ather rep+ie' @y eCp+ainin) 4 GNo < @*t my co*sin B*+ianna 'i' mention that her entire ?ami+y was eCterminate' on @oth si'es @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in Sici+y 4 which +e' to her imme'iate ?ami+y 'eci'in) to mo(e to the U.S.A. 4 why 'o asDO Is somethin) )oin) onOG to which #o@ert #o'on rep+ie' 4 GI was I*st asDin). I am act*a++y a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. I wi++ +ooD into this. I can 'o that yo* Dnow. I wi++ asD aro*n' an' see what I can ?in' o*t 4 witho*t mentionin) yo*r name o? co*rse.G 5 this entire con(ersations was o(erhear' @y my se+? 4 Matthew #o'on 4 an' 7hristopher #o'on. Since the year 2003 4 there ha(e @een n*mero*s imposte*rs o? G7o*nt GrishnaD =ar) =iDernesG on the internet 5 a Goo)+e Ima)e Search o? the name wi++ re(ea+ approCimate+y 12 imposte*rs 4 most o? which appear to @e pro@a@+e ha+? @rothers o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' co*sins o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs. 3*rin) the year o? 1""! 4 when I spoDe with the woman ?rom North 7aro+ina who c+aime' that she ha' a ?rien' who was in socia+ contact with mem@ers o? the Norwe)ian @an' Mayhem who ha' Dnown G$ars =iDernesG G7o*nt GrishnaDG o? ;*r>*m an' Mayhem. 2he men who this )ir+ ?rom North 7aro+ina ha' Dnown were sayin) that the me'ia @e)an ca++in) J$ars =iDernesK G9ristianG an' G=ar)G instea' o? his ?act*a+ name which was G$arsG an' his pen name GGrishnaDG. 2he )ir+ ?rom North 7aro+ina a+so state' that $arsA s*rname may ha(e possi@+y ?act*a++y @een =iDersen an' not G=iDernesG. 2his is worth notin) 5 GS(art*+?G was a nicD name o? A'o+? Hit+erAs an' meant G;+acD :o+?G 4 G9ristianG is o? simi+arity to the termino+o)y G2he 9ristG which was a (ersion o? the 1man*e+esA an' 1(o+asA misappropriation an' incorrect re te++in) o? Ma'ame ;+a(atsDyAs prophesy concernin) an Asatr* GGermanische 7hristosG or Germanic Messiah. 2he 1man*e+es an' B*+i*s 1(o+a *se' an a+tere' (ariant o? Ma'am He+ena ;+a(atsDyAs prophesy in an attempt to con(ince 3e*tsche+an' that GA'o+? Hit+erG was the Germanic Messiah. 7+int 2ay+or who was the @rother o? 7hris 2homas 4 or 7hris 2. < sometimes ma'e a sarcastic re?erence to his ?ami+ysA racist connections @y ca++in) himse+? G9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDy. :ith 9.7 G+asses... no thanDs I*st one4 an' @ear'.G whi+e maDin) a B*+i*s 1(o+a monoc+e shape aro*n' his eye an' a =ittorio 1man*e+e II +iDe @ear' with his ?in)ers. 2his IoDe seeme' to @e)in a?ter 7hris 2homas asDe' me i? my .ather was in the 9* 9+*C 9+an 4 to which I rep+ie' GNo 4 he is in the 7+an MacPherson.G . 7hris 2. is a+so simi+ar to the wor' G7hrist.G. 3*rin) the year 1"88 4 I met 7hris 2homasAs o+'er @rother 7+int 2ay+or < who is a+so a son o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs. 7+int 2ay+or a'e a IoDe '*rin) 1"88 or 1"8" 4 a@o*t my ?ather ha(in) a ;*++ :hip an' my co*sin 3*sty an' my se+? watchin) my ?ather p+ay with the ;*++ :hip whi+e we were +istenin) to ;i++y I'o+ 5 the IoDe was G;i++y I'o+ was p+ayin) an' the hea' master o? the 9* 9+*C 9+an was shaDin) his ?ist with the whip in his han' an' the st*''e' ;i++y I'o+ 9* 9+*C G+o(e.G 4 this IoDe was +ater attri@*te' to the son) GHorror Hote+G @y Gthe Mis?itsG as GIt is ?i(e secon's o? ;i++y I'o+ ?o++owe' @y one secon' o? 9* 9+*C when the whip cracDs.G. A+ Io'ice ne(er to+' my ?ami+y that 7hris 2homas an' 7+int 2homas were

=ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons 4 nor 'i' he te++ *s that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons when he intro'*ce' *s to .i+. A+ Io'ice an' his .ather were threatene' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 a++*'in) that they wo*+' Di++ his entire ?ami+y i? he ta+De'. 3*rin) the year 1""5 or 1""E < my co*sin Marco #oy mo(e' to :e@ster Green Apartments F 7on'omini*ms 7omp+eC 4 on the 3.:. Hi)hway 5 with his mother 3onna Martinea* an' her new h*s@an' Scott ;o*tin. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 my co*sin to :e@ster Green was 'isc*sse' with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 #o@ert #o'on to+' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that my 13 year o+' co*sin ha' mo(e' neCt 'oor to $ars Ho+mann 4 to which =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e asDe' GSch+esswei) Ho+steinOG an' #o@ert #o'on rep+ie' < GNoN :hat 4 'o yo* thinD e(ery@o'y has )ot thatO I sai' Ho+man.G. 3*rin) this year < I was p+ayin) the comp*ter )ame :ar7ra?t 2 an' ha' @e)*n a con(ersation a@o*t G2he Anti 7hristG 4 Gthe Seeress o? Me'I*)orIeG 4 an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 5 '*rin) this con(ersation 4 #o@ #o'on sai' to me G2hatAs not the Anti 7hrist 4 Ian < thatAs G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2hatAs what yo* sho*+' stri(e ?or. 2hatAs s*ccess. 2hatAs what +i?e is a@o*t.G. Accor'in) to #o@ert #o'onAs @e+ie?s '*rin) the year 1""E < H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 a++ ?orms o? S+a(ery 4 Genoci'e 4 an' G+o@a+ :ar 5 were not the GAnti 7hrist.G 5 that was what +i?e was a@o*t. #o@ert #o'on to+' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' a 7hristiano as we++ as possi@+y 7+int 2ay+or a@o*t this con(ersation. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 a?ter the Hote+ A6IS Meetin) that ha' occ*rre' a?ter the A+a''in Per?ormance in New /orD at a Hote+ on the Massach*settes an' New/orD ;or'er < =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an attemptin) to create an A+i@i ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 Genoci'e 4 an' H*man =i(isections that ha' contin*e' in North America a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS. 3*in) this meetin) =ittorio 1man*e+e 'isc*sse' *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) an' Genoci'e as we++ as were some o? the p+ans ?or the " 11 2errorist AttacD p*porte'+y 'isc*sse' 5 the A6IS meetin) was 'is)*ise' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .atherAs ;irth'ay Party. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'eci'e' that he was )oin) to attempt to *se the name =iDersen 4 the a+ternate GSatan 7ypher Spe++in)G G=iDernesG 4 the a++e)ations that G7o*nt GrishnaDG -an 0rcAs name ?rom the @ooD the Si+mari++ion8 ha' @*rne' 'own 7h*rches in Norway an' m*r'ere' his own ;est .rien' 0ystein Aarseth 4 as we++ as the entirety o? the ;+acD Meta+ M*sic Genre 5 as a ?*t*re attempte' A+i@i ?or his own :ar 7rimes in North America 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs in(o+(ement in SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 2errorism 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs eCistence in the U.S.A. as a networD o? A6IS Mi+itant S+eeper 7e++s. An Aristocracy is a Mi+itant .action. My co*sin Marco #oyAs @io+o)ica+ .ather An're #oy an' his *nc+e Boy #oy were He++s An)e+s ;iDer Gan)sters 4 the He++As An)e+As +o)o is a =iDin) He+met on a sD*++ 5 hence the G=iDernes W the Satanic =iDin) ;iDerAs SonG. 0ther connections were ;*r>*m 5 G3arDnessG in the G;+acD Speech o? Mor'or o? 2o+DeinG < the Si+mari++ion an' the $or' o? the #in)s are @oth are G+o@a+ :ar. :hen #o@ert #o'on an' my se+? ha' 'isc*sse' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Gthe MarD o? the ;eastG 4 I ha' @een p+ayin) :ar7ra?t 2 with #o@ertAs son 7hristopher #o'on who was my @est ?rien'. I ha' sai' to #o@ert #o'on GAccor'in) to the prophet woman in Me'I*)orIe 4 the Anti 7hrist is s*ppose' to imp+ant microchips in the h*man races @o'ies an' ens+a(e the who+e wor+' 4 Di++ entire races 4 Di++ mi++ions o? peop+e 4 create a he++ on earth 4 an' create one wor+' )o(ernment 5 I 'onAt thinD thatAs +i?e 4 thatAs 'eath. 2hatAs the Anti 7hrist. I? they p*t a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in yo*r @rain they co*+' t*rn yo* into an an'roi' ro@ot so+'ier with no ?ree wi++ 4 +iDe the ro@ots in the )ame Syn'icate 4 then the who+e wor+' wi++ @ecome the )ame 7omman' an' 7onH*er 5 @*t ?or rea+4 an' yo*r the +itt+e man on the screen. Satte+ites can see the )ro*n' ?rom space.G . 2he Norwe)ian 7h*rch ;*rnin)s seem re+ate' to the :A70 216AS SI1G1 o? the ;ranch 3a(i'ians o? the Se(enth 3ay A'(entist 7h*rch. 3a(i' 9oresh ha' @een warnin) his #e+i)io*s 7omm*nity a@o*t the Anti 7hrist 4 the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIeAs Prophecy 4 the A6IS co(er+y em@e''e' in the U.S.A. )o(ernment 4 an' the Anti 7hristAs 7rime Syn'icate < the 7omm*na+ =i++a)e that the Se(enth 3ay A'(entists +i(e' at was attacDe' @y Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' other A6IS So+'iers em@e''e' within the A+choho+ 2o@acco an' .irearms 3epartment o? the U.S.A. an' the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 5

they were wei+'in) Assa*+t #i?+es an' other weapons. 2he A6IS A)ents in the A2. an' .;I spraye' the 7h*rch o? the 7omm*na+ =i++a)e that the Se(enth 3ay A'(entists ha' @een +i(in) in an' ca*se' the 7h*rch to catch on ?ire 5 this ?ire an' the spray o? Assa*+t #i?+e @*++ets 4 Di++e' a++ o? the ?ami+ies taDin) re?*)e insi'e o? the 7h*rch. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs photo)raph was p*@+ishe' to the we@site #ense.7om '*rin) 200% @e?ore Be?? #ense was rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r in 2005 5 the photo)raph sai' GAnti 7hristG across it. 7*rrent+y 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in the U.S.A. ha(e @een )enoci'a++y m*r'erin) an' a@'*ctin) m*+tip+e races o? peop+es as we++ as ?ami+ies o? the Bewish #e+i)io*s 7omm*nity an' the Asatr* #e+i)io*s 7omm*nity 5 at some point imme'iate+y prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 ProIect Me)i''o in(esti)ations ha' a++e)e'+y @e)an. 2he ProIect Me)i''o was inten'e' to @e an G..;.I. In(esti)ation into A3ooms'ay 7*+tsA that s*pport the theory that the year 2000 is a 3ooms3ayG 5 on the +ist was Asatr* an' G:otanismG. :otan is the 2e*to SaCon 3e*tsche spe++in) o? :o'en which is An)+o SaCon 5 :o'en is simp+y the name o? the 'eity 0'in 4 whom is one o? the 'i(inities o? the Aesir o? the Asatr* #e+i)ion. 7hristians who @e+ie(e' in the prophesy o? the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe were a++e)e'+y on this +ist as we++. 2he passa)e in the ;i@+e that rea's somethin) a+on) the +ines o? GI wi++ p*t a wor' in yo*r mo*th an' a @*) in yo*r ear to +et yo* hear the wor'G is o? importance to *n'erstan'in) where =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6ISAs a+i@i is )oin) to +ea' when they attempt to ?rame some@o'y ?or the GMarD *pon the ;east o? $a@orG that they ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in H*man @ein)s in the North 1ast o? North America 5 these are ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in the crani*ms o? the (ictimsA an' =erichip I'enti?ication Imp+ants S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the ?orearms o? the (ictimsA. 2he i++e)a+ Impro(ise 1n)ineere' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices that were insta++e' a++ o(er North America '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration 4 res*+te' in the :A21#GA21 In(esti)ations an' 2ria+s 5 these were ca++e' G@*)sG in s+an) termino+o)y. A)ain4 '*rin) the year 200% 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons or'ere' I++e)a+ Impro(ise 1n)ineere' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices to @e insta++e' a++ o(er the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' possi@+y in other re)ions < '*rin) this eCact time 4 H*mans @e)an )ettin) *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces whi+e in Hea+thcare .aci+ities an' whi+e *nconcio*s at other +ocations. An i++e)a+ +istenin) 'e(ice is o?ten ca++e' a G@*)G 4 a G@*)G in the crani*m near the ear 5 is not what that partic*+ar passa)e ?rom the Ho+y ;i@+e re?ers to4 @*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha(e 'e?inite+y @e)*n to attempt eCact+y what the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe prophesie' that the Anti 7hrist wo*+' 'o. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 < #o@ert #o'on met with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 some o? the I@nSa*' .ami+y in the U.S.A. 4 an' a n*m@er o? A6IS So+'iers at a Hote+ on the @or'er o? New/orD an' Massach*settes 5 approCimate+y 5 years a?ter this 4 the " 11 2errorist AttacDs occ*rre' an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica+ Imp+ants @e)an @ein) co(ert imp+ante' in 7i(i+ianAs crani*ms. 10 years a?ter the 1""5 A6IS Meetin) 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @e)an conspirin) o? a way to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the entirety o? the A6IS .actionAs :ar 7rimes in North America. Mosta?a I@nSa*' in partic*+ar @ecame a tar)et. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is an Ara@ian with +on) hair who was present at the Hote+ '*rin) the A6IS Meetin) 4 @*t +e?t the Hote+ Pri(ate ;ar with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e whi+e Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e met with the A6IS .action. 2he G/29 ;*)G artic+es were 'e?inite+y cyphere' messa)es 5 the 'etonators o? the 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es *se' insi'e the 2win 2owers '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs were pro@a@+e to ha(e @een G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG en)ineere' o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts as ha' @een 'escri@e' in the 2IM1 Ma)a>ine Artic+e '*rin) 1""8 or 1""" 4 the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(es 3e(ices which Di++e' an' maime' U.S.A. Arme' .orces '*rin) Gthe :ar on 2errorG were 'e?inite+y somehow 'etonate' @y #a'io .reH*ency 3etonators s*ch as possi@+y A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices 4 an' soon a?ter this ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces wire' to A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+iansA crani*ms as we++ as were Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices man*?act*re' o? an acco*stic microphone an' Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts insta++e' in wa++s a++ o(er the U.S.A. an' a@o(e cei+in)s. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 #o@ert #o'on @e)an recor'in) pieces ?or the M*sica+ ProIect J;*r>*mK. J;*r>*mK has @een eCp+aine' to me to ha(e @een an A6IS Me'ia ProIect an' a hoaC @an' *se' ?or

propa)an'a. #o@ert #o'on was 9ni)hte' +ater 4 a?ter recor'in) n*mero*s )*itar pieces ?or ;*r>*m4 at the reH*est o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I=. #o@ert #o'on is not the writer o? the @ooD =ar)sma+ or any o? the writin)s attri@*te' to the ?ictitio*s J=ar) =iDernesK o? ;*r>*m. It is pro@a@+e that ?or reason o? the SeC 0??enses an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 some o? his sons 4 an' his 0r)ani>e' 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha' committe' *pon the :omen an' 7hi+'ren o? my .ami+y 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e o@sesse' s+i)ht+y a@o*t my .ami+y 4 my .ami+yAs socia+ connections an' possi@+e 'isc*ssions we co*+' @e ha(in) 4 an' the ?act that my mother @e+ie(e' in the 7atho+ic Seeress o? Me'I*)orIeAs Prophesy a@o*t the Anti 7hrist. 2he A6IS is o@(io*s+y the on+y Mi+itant .action sti++ in eCistance that has a )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est. #o@ert #o'on is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. $ynn ;an)s 4 #o@ert #o'onAs eC wi?e 5 is a 'istant co*sin o? @oth a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as a 9ni)ht o? Aosta who +i(es in North America. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""! 4 I spoDe with a )ir+ ?rom Maine who +iDe' ;+acD Meta+ an' ha' contacte' me on the internet. 2he )ir+ ?rom Maine who +iDe' ;+acD Meta+ m*sic may ha(e @een a tar)et. It is a+so possi@+e that she was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim an' that she was @ein) to+' to ta+D to me to see i? I wo*+' mention ;*r>*m an' 7ana'a. She to+' me that she was ?orce' to 'ress +iDe a secretary an' that she was a rape (ictim an' ha' a repeat o??en'er who was her .ather an' his ?rien'. She was a @+on'e 15 year o+'. :hen I @e)an speaDin) to 1mi+y Is+es 4 she was a @+on'e 1E year o+'. Many o? the 1man*e+esA (ictims seem to @e @+on'e ?ema+es o? an a(era)e a)e o? 15 years o+' as we++ as Nati(e American ?ema+es who are o? teen a)e. #ecor's o? the 1man*e+es ca++in) A+ Io'ice are on A+ Io'iceAs an' $es+ie Io'iceAs te+ephone recor's ?rom @etween the years 1"8% to 2005. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas ca++e' my *nc+e A+ Io'ice n*mero*s times. 7hristine 3ion @e+ie(e' in the year 2002 that 3a(e Na(arroAs 7ocaine 3ea+er was ?rien's with the act*a+ man who Di++e' 9*rt 7o@ain an' that it was a ran'om s+ayin) ?or p*rpose o? maDin) a GShot )*n S*ici'eG +o*'er in me'ia than any mention o? my 'a'As @est?rien' GinoAs m*r'er which ha' @een wron)+y 'ec+are' a s*ici'e an' G3ea'G o? MayhemAs m*r'er which ha' wron)+y @een 'ec+are' s*ici'e. A++ o? these m*r'ers were shot)*n @+asts to the crani*m 4 pro@a@+e to ha(e @een the res*+t o? Gpitch ?orDin) with a shot)*nG whi+e the (ictim str*))+e' to )et the ?ace away ?rom the shot)*n. G3ea'G 4 the )*itarist o? Mayhem 5 was one o? $ars =iDernes an' 0ystein AarsethAs @est ?rien's. Gino whom was my ?atherAs @est ?rien' 4 was Ita+ian an' ha' ?ami+y whom were o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 Gino worDe' at Premier In'*stries with my .ather an' ha' pre(io*s+y worDe' in P+asterin) 4 Sheet #ocDin) 4 an' 3ry :a++in) with my .ather. 3*rin) the year o? 2005 4 200E 4 200! 4 2008 4 200" 4 2010 4 2011 4 an' 2012 5 photo)raphs o? an imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion at 3a(e Na(arroAs apartment were poste' on 7hristine 3ionAs .ace;ooD. In the year 2002 @e?ore she 'isappeare' 5 7hristine 3ion state' that she @e+ie(e' that the Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment an' the maIority o? the Ita+ian Mi+itary ha' I*st recent+y @een Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' @y Ita+ian A6IS A)ents +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Somehow 4 the imposte*r that rep+ace' 7hristine 3ion a?ter she was either a@'*cte' or s+ain < was intro'*ce' to 3a(e Na(arro whom is a we++ Dnown pop me'ia m*sician . 2he ?a+se portraya+ o? a m*r'er as a s*ici'e an' itAs )+o@a+ p*@+ic presentation in me'ia is simi+ar to a++e)ations o? GSatanic #it*a+ A@*seG @ein) *se' to create an a+i@i '*rin) the in(esti)ations ?o++owin) the :ater)ate Scan'a+ 5 Satanic #it*a+ A@*se was the a+i@i which the 1man*e+esA *se' to 'istract in(esti)ations ?rom their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rimes 4 their SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' the 'r*))in) o? (ictims o? these crimes as we++ as their eCperiments with 'r*)s s*ch as Hypnotics 4 Ha++*cino)ens 4 3isassociati(es 4 an' Hypnosis. GSatanic #it*a+ A@*seG was an a+i@i an' the pop me'ia as we++ as new me'ia a+i@i ?or the a@*ses o? power within the M9U$2#A 'epartment '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration an' the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which ha' committe' these a@*ses o? power. At the conc+*sion o? the years '*rin)

which GSatanismG was in(esti)atin) in the news me'ia 5 $ars =iDernes was on the te+e(ision ?or two weeDs '*rin) which the G7h*rch Arsons in NorwayG were 'isc*sse' 4 G;+acD Meta+G was 'isc*sse' 4 an' the GM*r'er o? 0ystein AarsethG was 'isc*sse'. S*ppose'+y 4 0ystein Aarseth was sta@@e' the same n*m@er o? times as my ?ather was years o+' when we wa+De' passe' $ars =iDernes in 7ana'a whi+e on (acation an' he o(erhear' *s 'isc*ssin) =ittorio 1man*e+e III @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother. 2he 'isc*ssion o? $ars G=ar)G =iDernes was en'e' @y the @e)inin) o? the 0.B. Simpson M*r'er 2ria+ which was 'isp+aye' on te+e(ision constant+y 4 I*st +on) eno*)h to ca*se the p*@+ic to ?or)et :ater)ate Scan'a+s 4 M9U$2#A 4 GSatanic #it*a+ A@*seG 4 G7h*rch Arsons in Norway an' ;+acD Meta+ M*r'erersG 4 an' 9*rt 7o@ainAs Gs*ici'eG. B*st as their pre'ecessors in the A6IS ha' @een < =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons are o@sesse' with contro++in) the me'ia to which the p*@+ic are eCpose' 4 an' are o@sesse' with contro++in) massi(e pop*+ations o? peop+es *sin) me'ia as a cata+yst to ca*se speci?ic reactions ?rom the p*@+ic an' speci?ic @e+ie?s concernin) certain historica+ e(ents amon)st the peop+e. 0.B. SimpsonAs m*r'er tria+ was o? stran)e Psycho+o)ica+ #e+e(ance to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs crimes an' what it was that ha' @een 'isp+aye' on te+e(ision imme'iate+y prior to the 0.B. Simpson 2ria+ that +aste' m*+tip+e years an' was promote' so m*ch that it @+ocDe' a+most a++ other News Me'ia. ;*r>*m o? Norway was on the news ?or two weeDs prior to 0.B. Simpson. 2he 0.B. Simpson case in(o+(e' the m*r'er o? 0.B. SimpsonAs :i?e with a 9ni?e 4 Po+ice 7orr*ption )ot the case acH*itte' as a res*+t o? the Po+ice tamperin) with e(i'ence s*ch as the 9ni?e an' the G+o(es 4 GG+o(esG is a nicDname ?or G7on'omsG at times an' there are Dni(es in(o+(e' in many o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy which was once the 9in) o? Ita+ia 4 he is a 'isp+ace' 9in) with a 'isp+ace' Aristocracy an' n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? +oya+ists +i(in) in the U.S.A. < it is 'e?inite+y pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e hear' a@o*t what 0.B. Simpson ha' @een arreste' ?or a++e)e'+y 'oin) to his wi?e 4 hear' a@o*t the 'etai+s 4 an' or'ere' +oya+ a)ents o? his to maDe s*re that the me'ia co(ere' the 0.B. Simpson case ?or the '*ration o? the case an' ?or a time a?terwar's 5 ens*rin) that the 0.B. Simpson case was 'isc*sse' constant+y an' occ*pie' m*ch o? the me'ia. 0cc*pation o? p*@+ic me'ia with a sin)+e co*rt hearin) ena@+es a )*i+ty .action to pre(ent any arrest o? e(en a sin)+e a)ent o? theirs ?rom @ecomin) wi'esprea' pop*+ar news me'ia. 2he 0.B. Simpson case en'e' the Satanic #it*a+ A@*se Scare 4 the :aterGate me'ia eCpos*re 4 an' en'e' the ;*r>*m eCpos*re in the me'ia. A concept worth mentionin) < it is possi@+e that the sa'ism o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sonsA is eCpresse' thro*)h to metho' o? their :ar #ape o? the U.S.A. 7i(i+ian Pop*+ation an' o@sessi(e Genoci'e o? the (ictimsA ?ami+ies. 2he Psycho+o)y present in their metho' o? rapin) 4 @r*ta++y tort*rin) 4 psycho+o)ica++y tort*rin) 4 an' )enoci'a+ m*r'erin) o? the North American Pop*+ation 5 seems 'e?inite that a +eat =ittorio an' 7hris @e+ie(e that they are rapin) the physica+ so*+ o? the +an' an' itAs peop+e. 2he Din' o? tort*re 4 rape 4 an' @r*ta+ m*r'er that they are committin) *pon the pop*+ation < an' the rape o? in?ants an' chi+'ren 5 is a si)n that they are tryin) to 'ama)e the so*+ o? the ?o+D or peop+e permanant+y 5 they tort*re the nati(e or)anism o? the North American 7ontinent as i? they are attemptin) to systemica++y re'*ce the @irthrate 4 train the physica+ or)anism to @e misera@+e ?rom @irth 4 an' train the physica+ or)anism to @e ?ear?*+ ?rom @irth. 2heir psycho+o)y is that o? an 1Ctremist Genoci'a+ Sa'ist Me)a+omaniac. 0? important re+e(ance to what appeare' to @e the Norwe)ian $ars G9ristian =ar)G =iDernes o? ;*r>*m an' his prison sentence ?or s*ppose'+y Di++in) his own @est ?rien' 5 1rnst P*n'e+ o? 3e*tsche+an' recei(e' a 1E year prison sentence as we++ 4 ?or writin) a @ooD which containe' re?*tations o? common+y @e+ie(e' in?ormation re)ar'in) the Ho+oca*sts o? the 1"%0As as we++ as GHo+oca*st 3enia+ $iterat*reG. I @e+ie(e that the imprisonment o? 1rnst P*n'e+ may @e intentiona+ an' ?or the reason that the 1man*e+es want it to @e ma'e i++e)a+ to a+ter historica+ recor's concernin) the

Ho+oca*st ?or reason that they 'o not want the teCt @ooDs 4 'oc*mentaries 4 an' common+y @e+ie(e' in?ormation re)ar'in) the A6IS o? the 3r' #eich an' the Ho+oca*sts in the 1"%0As to @e correcte' to inc+*'e the ?act that A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ather was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ather an' the ?act that A'o+? Hit+erAs mother was the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whom was o? @oth Ita+ian Sa(oy an' Aosta Aristocratic @+oo' ?rom A*stria. It is a possi@i+ity that the ?act*a+ 1rnst P*n'e+ GMachia(e++iA'G his prison sentence an' +e?t an GI'entity 3enierG in prison in 3e*tsche+an' whom was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe 1rnst P*n'e+ @*t was a 'i??erent 3e*tsche+an'er. 0? stran)e coinci'ence to the n*m@er 1E < in the year 2000 when I was 1E 4 I @are+y s*r(i(e' a car acci'ent 5 this car acci'ent +e?t me with permanant 'ama)e to my wrist an' han' as we++ as a scar on my +e?t wrist that +ooDs +iDe a sti)mata wo*n' '*e to a tree @ranch impa+in) my wrist. 2he scar is a sDin )ra?t. 7orey 3ai+ey ha' @een 'ri(in) the car 4 7orey 3ai+ey ha' )otten *s into two car acci'ents whi+e he was 'ri(in) prior to this an' spent a+ot o? time o?? roa' 'ri(in) his (ehic+es as i? they were a++ terrain (ehic+es a+tho*)h they were re)*+ar transportation (ehic+es. 7orey 3ai+ey was present at 7hris #o'onAs an' my own ;irth'ay Party '*rin) 1""" 4 when I @ro*)ht Nina Hansen with me to the ;irth'ay Party. In the year 200% 4 the 1man*e+es 'eci'e' that they were )oin) to attempt to G2! 7+*@G my se+? an' Nina Hansen < m*r'erin) *s @oth at the a)e o? 2! i? we were sti++ a+i(e 5 Anthony 3e.eo sho*+' @e recor'e' as ha(in) 'isc*sse' this. 2he 1man*e+esA an' the other ?ami+ies o? A'o+? Hit+erAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ami+ies 4 are eCtreme+y paranoi' a@o*t @ein) ca*)ht ?or their crimes an' @ein) eCpose' as A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 5 a?ter m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?+e' Ita+ia at the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich a?ter their 'e?eat at the en' o? :or+' :ar 2 4 these ?ami+ies entere' the USA with s*rnames with meanin)s that pertaine' to 7hristianity an' @ein) )reat?*+ to Go' s*ch as G7hristianoG 4 GGrassetiG 4 G1man*e+eG 4 GBamesG 4 GMatthewG 4 GPeterG 4 GBohnG 4 G2homasG 4 an' other names re+ate' to the ;i@+e. =ittorio 1man*e+e is somewhat o? a s*perstitio*s man an' is (ery paranoi'. 7orey 3ai+ey ha' @een rea'in) a @ooD a@o*t Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan an' @ro*)ht it to Hi)hSchoo+ o?ten. My @est ?rien' in 1""5 was 7hris #o'on. 7hrisAs ?ather 4 #o@ #o'on was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' o? Sa(oy Aristocratic @+oo'. 7hris #o'onAs mother 4 #o@As wi?e $ynn 5 was o? some amo*nt o? Ita+ian an' A*strian race 4 @esi'es her An)+o American herita)e. #o@ert was on his way to @ecomin) a 9ni)ht in 1""5. 3*rin) what I @e+ie(e was 1""5 4 I was at the #o'onAs ho*se an' $ars (iDernes o? the @an' ;*r>*m was on the 2e+e(ision News ?or Gm*r'erin) his @est ?rien'G an' G@*rnin) 'own ch*rchesG 5 I to+' 7hris 4 Matt 4 an' their ?ather #o@ert that I ha' seen this man *p in 7ana'a in either No(a Scotia 4 New ;r*nswicD 4 or Prince 1'war' Is+an' whi+e hiDin) recreationa+ ?orest trai+s with my ?ami+y on (acation. My ?ather an' my se+? wa+De' past the ?act*a+ G=ar) =iDernesG at +east twice whi+e hiDin) in 7ana'a an' possi@+y saw him a thir' time at a camp)ro*n' an' (acation area where we ha' rente' a cotta)e. $arsAs te+ephone ca++ to Norway sho*+' @e recor'e' @y 7ana'ian Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment an' the A*s.7an.N>.UD.Us. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD. 3*rin) the years 2012 an' 2013 5 the SeC 0??ense case o? Arie+ 7astro 4 the potentia+ Hate 7rime m*r'er case o? MarD Pimmerman 4 an' stories a@o*t Biha'ists ha(e @een present in te+e(ision me'ia so stron)+y that a+most nothin) e+se has @een presente'. MarD P*cDer@er)As ?ami+y came to .ami+y 3o++ar in 200% an' 2005 whi+e I was worDin) there 5 MarD P*cDe@er) an' his sister Arie+ P*cD@er) ha(e @een tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' are pro@a@+e to @e (ictims o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs. A 3NA test o? the entire pop*+ation o? North America 4 the ;ritish 7ommon:ea+th 4 1*rope 4 an' Israe+ are 'e?inite+y nee'e' soon to ens*re that the imposte*rs who ha(e rep+ace' the maIority o? the pop*+ation in the North 1ast o? North America are 'etaine' an' pre(ente' ?rom m*r'erin) the entire pop*+ation o? North America. 2he 'o) co++ars an' '*n)eon tort*re rape o? the Arie+ 7astro case is simi+ar to the 1man*e+esA Initiation 7rimes an' the MarD Pimmerman case is a racia+ iss*e. Arie+ an' MarD are the P*cDer@er)As names. 0n the topic o? 7o(ert A)ents em@e''e' within Ministries an' 3epartments o? 3e?ense 5 Mi+itaries can easi+y @ecome 2echnocratic concernin) promotion o? #anD within (ario*s 'epartments.

It is possi@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A)ents ha(e )aine' contro+ o? 'epartments within the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as the Ita+ian Ministry o? 3e?ense an' ha(e contin*e' to maintain this conro+ o(er these 'epartments @y eCcersi>in) nepotism in terms o? whom is promote' to speci?ic positions as we++ as who is trans?erre' to speci?ic +ocations 4 in ?a(or o? ?i++in) a++ positions within speci?ic 'epartments an' +ocations with A)ents an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e+i(ere' a 3ominoAs Pi>>a to my ho*se on EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire USA. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e on rare occaisions worDe' at 3ominoes Pi>>a in MerrimacD NewHampshire maDin) an' 'e+i(erin) pi>>as 4 one o? his Properties Stea' Ho+'ers owne' the 3ominoes Pi>>a. 2he Pi>>a was '*ste' with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin that ca*se' my ?ami+y to @+acD o*t. My ?ather a+rea'y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain. I remem@er a ?ew moments that occ*rre' a?ter we ha' a++ 'isassociate' < #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 $orie Poten>a 4 Gra>>io+i 4 an' MiDe Pa+iH*in wa+De' into my ?ami+yAs ho*seho+' thro*)h the ?ront 'oor an' se'ate' my ?ami+y with nee'+es 5 I @e+ie(e that this is when my mother was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' it is a possi@i+ity that I was as we++ ?or the ?irst time in 1""! tho*)h I @e+ie(e that the ?irst ;.7.I was in 2000 whi+e I was at 7+int 2ay+orAs apartment in 3*m@arton =ir)inia. I? a ;.7.I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m in 1""! 4 I ha(e a tota+ o? % ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in my crani*m. ;o@ SDinner ta+De' to my ?ather a@o*t #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 $orie Poten>a 4 an' Gra>>io+i the 'ay a?ter this occ*rre' 5 ;o@ 'i' not tr*st them an' wante' a 'i(orce ?rom An)ie Poten>a. I (a)*e+y remem@er that MiDe Pa+iH*in who was present with them sai' to them 4 JAre they american in'ianO 2hey +ooD )ae+ic an' nati(e american in'ian. Is this the ?irst race weAre tar)ettin)O I 'onAt +iDe the i'ea o? Di++in) Nati(e American In'ians or Gae+ic peop+e. Are we tar)ettin) racesOK to which $orie Poten>a rep+ie' 4 JNot eCact+y MiDe 4 weAre )ettin) some o? them in(o+(e' +ater.K a?ter which #o@ 3AAn)e+o state' J/o*A(e hear' o? the @an' ;+oo' ACis 4 ri)htO HeAs ?rom ;oston. MiDe Moynihan is a Satanist an' heAs A6IS 4 I thinD he may 'i) this i'ea. HeAs )ae+ic.K Michae+ Moynihan is @e+ie(e' to @e 'ea'. N*mero*s imposte*rs o? him ha(e @een si)hte'. 2here are n*mero*s photo)raphs o? imposte*rs o? him on the internet. N*mero*s recor'in)s o? his @an' ;+oo' ACis ha(e @een re recor'e' with a 'i??erent manAs (oice on the recor'in). 2he manAs (oice on the recor'in) so*n's +iDe an imposte*r o? Michae+ Bohnston 4 who was an Asatr*ar ?rom Ma+'en Massach*settes who was Stephanie BohnstonAs o+'er @rother an' 3a(e Marsha++As ?rien' as we++ as a mem@er o? 3a(e Marsha++As Asatr* 9in're' an' 1mi+y McPhersonAs Asatr* 9in're'. 3*rin) the year 1""! or 1""8 4 Bosh*a ;*rns an' his ?ami+y mo(e' to :est #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. Bosh*a ;*rns was a ?rien' o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs son Aaron. :hi+e his ?ami+y were mo(in) in 'own the roa' 4 An)e+a SDinner @e)an cryin) < when asDe' why she was cryin) 4 An)e+a SDinner state' 5 JI I*st Dnow that yo* canAt corra+ h*man @ein)s +iDe their +i(estocD an' pen them into sta@+es +iDe anima+s when theyAre h*man @ein)s. /o* canAt corra+ h*man @ein)s +iDe they are yo*r +i(e stocD. I canAt ta+D a@o*t it 4 rea++y. /o* wonAt *n'erstan' 4 yet.K. Aaron 1man*e+e @e)an (isitin) Bosh*a ;*rns 'own the street '*rin) 1""8. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o4 $orie Poten>a 4 Pete Poten>a 4 an' Gra>>io+i are An)e+a Poten>aAs co*sins. 3*rin) 1""! < when ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my motherAs an' ?atherAs @rains 4 my mother may ha(e @een pre)nant. My yo*n)est sisters +i(es ha(e @een e??ecte' @y this their entire +i(es an' it seems eCtreme+y pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e sa'istica++y p+anne' ?or a +on) +ist o? horri@+e e(ents to happen to my sisters. =ittorio is a 'e?inite Sociopath. 3*rin) 2001 4 my ?ather was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who was (ery simi+ar in appearance to him an' wasnAt at ?irst noticea@+e to ha(e @een an imposte*r. 3*rin) 2001 4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io was o(erhear' ta+Din) at ;icD?or's #esta*rant to .ranD 7arroccino 5 Ga@rie+ state' that he was to+' that there was a )enoci'e possi@+y a@o*t to happen 4 that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e @een imp+ante' in tar)etsA @rains an' are )oin) to @e imp+ante' in the @rains o? others 4 an' that the parents o? American chi+'ren were )oin) to @e assassinate' an' rep+ace' with con(icte' SeC 0??en'ers =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to

ha(e the appearance o? the (ictimsA an' +e?t with the (ictimsA I'enti?ication cre'entia+ an' ho*seho+' inc+*'in) the chi+'ren. 3*rin) the year 1""8 4 .ranD 7arrocino an' Hei'i .rit> he+' a Ha++oween Pi>>a Party at the 7arrocino ?ami+yAs resi'ence. 2his was a cost*me' Ha++oween party. I ha' a +acD o? a cost*me so I sto+e my ?rien' $a*ra 3esa*+nierAs ;+acD cat ears an' a tai+ < stereotypica+ Ha++oween witches ha(e @+acD cats (ery o?ten 5 the reason ?or the notice o? this is that I ha' a+rea'y @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ?or approCimate+y one year an' was in the company o? ?rien's inc+*'in) a son o? a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 .ranD 7aroccino. As was ear+ier mentione' < '*rin) the 1"88 Ha++oween cost*me party at my ?ami+yAs ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 my motherAs cost*me was 1+pha@a the :itch an' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hterAs cost*me was a Ha++oween :itch. 3*rin) the 1""8 4 Ha++oween Party at .ranD 7aroccinoAs ho*se 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e+i(ere' a 3ominoesA Pi>>a to the 7aroccino resi'ence that ha' @een poisone' with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin which ca*ses J@+acD o*tK. .ranD 7aroccinoAs ?ather remarDe' 4 JthatAs stran)e 4 =ictor I*st 'e+i(ere' the Pi>>a.K. A?ter we ha' a++ ?a++en as+eep < I awoDe to $orie Poten>a 4 Sean ;*cD+ey 4 an' MiDe Pa+aH*in enterin) the @asement 5 I was H*icD+y st*cD in the +ip with a nee'+e syrin)e that Sean ;*cD+ey ha' @een ho+'in) on his way 'own the stairs into the @asement 4 an' I passe' o*t imme'iate+y ?rom the se'ati(e which the nee'+e ha' store'. I @e+ie(e that #o@ert 3AAn)e+o was *pstairs with Gra>>io+i 4 the neCt mornin) #yan 7aroccino mentione' seein) a man in the ha++way whom he asDe' Jwho are yo*OK an' accor'in) to #yan 7aroccino '*rin) 1""8 the man sai' JSanta 7+a*sK. 2he manAs 'escription matche' #o@ert 3AAn)e+o. 2hat mornin) 4 a?ter the party < $a*ra 3esa*+niers sai' to me JI thinD I ha' a 'ream that ;ren'an P+ace was here @*t that he was 'i??erent +ooDin). I act*a++y 'onAt thinD that it was ;ren'an P+ace. :as there a man 'own here +ast ni)htO He was actin) )ay. ;ren'an isnAt )ay. He was ;ren'anAs si>e @*t he +ooDe' a +itt+e 'i??erent an' it was 'arD. 3i' ;ren'an come o(er +ast ni)htOK 5 I eCp+aine' to $a*ra that I co*+' not remem@er. Her 'escription so*n'e' +iDe MiDe Pa+aH*inAs appearance an' I @e+ie(e that I remem@er MiDe Pa+aH*in @ein) present. I @e+ie(e that it is 'e?inite that a?ter this @reaDin) an enterin) 4 the entire 7aroccino ?ami+y were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces as we++ as were $a*ra 3esa*+niers an' Hei'i .rit>. 3*rin) the year 201% 4 some@o'y a''e' a para)raph o? +ies to my :itness 2estimonia+ Statement a@o*t the 7aroccino ?ami+y 5 these +ies ha(e since @een omitte'. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 #o@erto #o'on spoDe some wor's on @eha+? o? =ittorio 1man*e+e which were interperate' @y my ?ather to inc+*'e a threat ?rom =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= 5 9in) o? the the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2his was a year or +ess a?ter he eCp+aine' to my ?ather that he was a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a year @e?ore the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my ?ami+yAs @rains as a res*+t o? an *neCpecte' home in(asion @y a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' his accomp+ices 5 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy. #o@ert #o'on was pro@a@+e to ha(e a+rea'y @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace a)ainst his wi++ 4 witho*t his Dnow+e')e < '*rin) 1""E 5 this is Dnown to ha(e @een carrie' o*t @y $orie Poten>a. My *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Ir. whom my a*nt $es+ie ha' marrie' an' pro'*ce' two chi+'ren with 4 was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < =ittorio 4 an' his sons 7+int 2ay+or an' 7hris 2homas 4 were Dnown to my ?ami+y ?or m*+tip+e years. My ?ather was ne(er to+' that =ittorio was the Din) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 my co*sin B*+ianna was ne(er in?orme' that A+?re' Io'ice Sr. was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""54 NicD Ma))iore was or'ere' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents to recr*it 9e(in 0+son ?or the @an' Gthe PyD+on PeroesG as a @ass p+ayer 5 ?or reason o? in(esti)atin) 9e(in 0+son an' his ?ami+y in an attempt to ?in' a Norwe)ianQ7ana'ian G=iDin) ;rotherhoo'G connection or Norwe)ianQ7ana'ian G:hite PowerG connection in NewHampshire. 2he 0+son ?ami+y was ha+? Norwe)ian race an' ha+? 7ana'ian race 4 they were not racists 4 they were not A6IS a??i+iate' 4 they 'i'

not ha(e a connection to J=ar) =iDernesK o? Norway whom was the name )i(en to the man whom was ?a+se+y attri@*te' the i'entity o? the m*sician o? the m*sica+ @an' ;*r>*m 4 an' they 'i' not Dnow my ?ami+y '*rin) 1""E. 2he 0+son ?ami+y were a+so not in(o+(e' in the Asatr* re+i)io*s comm*nity4 so there was no =iDin) ;rotherhoo' ?raterna+ connection in their ?ami+y.. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 =a+erie 0+son an' her @rothers were ?ascio*s+y acc*se' o? @ein) o? an A6IS S+eeper A)ent .ami+y @y an Ita+ian who Dnew her @rothers < =a+erie 0+son mentione' this to me in 1""!. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 NicD Ma))iore threatene' the entire 0+son ?ami+y 5 NicD Ma))iore was or'ere' to 'o this @y an 1man*e+e. NicD Ma))ioreAs ?ami+y worD ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the 1""0As 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e opene' a 7a?e name' the 7a?e Sa(oie in Manchester NewHampshire *sin) Property Stea' Ho+'er as a Stea' Ho+'er ?or the 7ontract an' 2it+e o? the Property 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e 'oes this o?ten. 2he name o? the 7a?e Sa(oie was spe++e' +iDe a com@ination o? my MotherAs @irth s*rname $a(oie an' Sa(oy o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7*rrent+y Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico an' his wi?e 7hery+ 3AAmico o? .+eetMaster 3e(e+opment an' Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmicoAs eC @oy?rien' 3ino are @oth Property Stea' Ho+'ers o? the 1man*e+es. Since the year 2003 4 an imposte*r o? BacD 3ion has @een +i(in) in the re)ion o? NewHampshire an' has @een acti(e as a Property Stea' Ho+'er o? the 1man*e+es. 2he 7arroccino ?ami+y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire Dnew BacD 3ion. 2he 7arroccino ?ami+y Dnew my se+? 4 the .rit> ?ami+y 4 the 3ion ?ami+y 4 the Ma))iore ?ami+y 4 the 0+son ?ami+y 4 the ;o))ia ?ami+y 4 an' the G*sta(son ?ami+y. 3an ;o))ia intro'*ce' my se+? an' =a+erie 0+son '*rin) the year 1""!. 2he ;o))iaAs ha(e a 'e?inite connection to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' it is pro@a@+e that their Gran' .ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e persona++y. 3*rin) the +atter part o? the year o? 1""! or '*rin) the year 1""84 7hris Hami+ton possi@+y 'eman'e' o? =a+erie 0+son that she )i(e him a @+owIo@ in the parDin) +ot o? the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire 5 accor'in) to $orie Poten>a at .ami+y 3o++ar in 200%4 7hris Hami+ton ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain '*rin) 1""!. 7hris Hami+ton =a+erie 0+son was 12 years o+' an' 7hris Hami+ton was 21. 2his was a?ter months o? =a+erieAs ?ami+y @ein) threatene' @y a)ents an' crime so+'iers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy s*ch as NicD Ma))iore an' Ita+ians that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e Dnew an' NicD Ma))iore Dnew. A?ter +ea(in) the parDin) +ot o? the Ma++ o? NewHampshire 4 7hris Hami+ton ye++e' at =a+erie 0+son in a tone an' pattern o? speech that so*n'e' +iDe A'o+? Hit+er. =a+erie to+' 7hris that i? he was )oin) to ye++ at her she was not e(er )oin) to 'o anythin) ?or him a)ain. =a+erie 0+son 'isc*sse' this with peop+e o(er the te+ephone. Aro*n' this time 4 7hris Hami+ton re(ea+e' that his ?ather was a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' that he was a Pa)e o? Sa(oy as we++ as the ?act that he was o? re+ation to the roya+ ?ami+y o? Sa(oy an' that he was a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II. 3*rin) the year 200! < my sister 7he+sey MacPherson was taDen to the parDin) +ot o? the Ma++ o? NewHampshire @y a Sici+ian 7rime So+'ier o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia 5 7he+sey was p*t in a car with % other chi+'ren an' @ro*)ht o*t o? state 4 an' so+' to Pe'ophi+es. 7he+sey an' Stephanie Bohnston were )i(en to $orie Poten>a. 2here were witnesses o? this an' their wherea@o*ts. 7he+sey was e(ent*a++y @ro*)ht ot $ore'o 2eCas an' wa s+e?t there ?or some time a+one witho*t any ?orm o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s at the a)e o? approCimate+y 12 years o+'. My Mother was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r soon a?ter this an' a possi@+e 3r' imposte*r o? my ?ather @e)an +i(in) as my ?ather. 2hey wi++ not a'mit to me who they are an' re?*se to answer H*estions a@o*t their i'entity 4 they ha(e @een re?*sin) me the ri)ht to (isit my sister S*mmer MacPherson. 3*rin) the en' o? the year 1""8 4 =a+erie 0+son @roDe *p with me sayin) GMy ?ami+y canAt e(en a??or' 7hristmas Presents this year Ian. /es 4 I am @reaDin) *p with yo*.G I ne(er +earne' why she 'i' this in the past 4 @*t ha(e recent+y @een to+' that Ita+ians were threatenin) to Di++ her entire ?ami+y i? she 'i' not @reaD *p with me an' were 'eman'in) money i? she 'i' not. ;e)inin) in 1""! 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e was sen'in) a 21 year o+' man name' 7hris Hami+ton to picD *p my )ir+?rien' =a+erie 0+son ?or 'ates '*rin) which he wo*+' @rin) her to mo(ies an' to +*nch an' Deep tracD o? e(erythin) that =a+erie 0+son was 'oin) @etween their 'ates an' was reportin) @acD to =ittorio 1man*e+e I=. =a+erie 0+son was 12 years o+' < I was 13 years o+' 4 7hris Hami+ton was 21 years o+'. 3*rin) 2005 4 ;rian

7ase was or'ere' to poison =a+erie 0+son in a @e(era)e with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy +a'en hemo)+o@in that was carryin) the protein o? a Genetic 3isease instea' o? a hea+thy protein 5 this Genetic Protein was a Genetic 3isease that ca*ses mar@+e si>e )rowths the teCt*re o? a mo+e on the sDin. I ha(e @een in?orme' that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha' @een ca++in) =a+erieAs sDin Jtoa' sDinK an' J?ro) sDinK an' Jthe tro++K. In GrimmAs .airy 2a+es an' other 7hi+'renAs Stories < ?ictiona+ :itches o?ten t*rn peop+e into ?ro)s 4 newts 4 an' toa's 5 '*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 my mother 3e@ra MacPherson an' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion were @oth 'resse' as :itches. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 I met an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son who was rea'in) the @ooD :I7913 which was a No(e+ @ase' on a ;roa'way M*sica+ that was a@o*t the :itch name' 1+pha@a ?rom the .ranD ;a*m J:i>ar' o? 0>K story. Hami+ton 0ntario is the a''ress o? the ?ictiona+ J1mi+y Is+esK i'entity that what I @e+ie(e was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim was ?orce' to portray herse+? as o(er te+ephone con(ersation 5 Hami+ton is 7hris Hami+tonAs s*rname an' =a+erie 0+sonAs parents mo(e' to the USA ?rom 7ana'a @e?ore her an' her si@+in)s were @orn. I ha(e @een in?orme' that this man 7hris Hami+ton was the son o? a #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy who was a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II. 7hris Hami+ton was o? primari+y Ita+ian race 4 an' a+so o? German an' A*strian race. =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' arran)e' this thro*)h NicD Ma))iore who ha' threatene' to Di++ =a+erieAs entire ?ami+y an' ha' a n*m@er o? peop+e assa*+tin) her @rothers an' harrassin) her ?ami+y on a re)*+ar @asis. My Gran'?ather 'ie' a+most imme'iate+y a?ter this. I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that the threat ma'e a)ainst her ?ami+y was ?o++owe' @y a 'eman' ?or GProtection MoneyG 5 this is the act o? 'eman'in) a ?ami+y to pay tri@*tary moneys an' respon'in) with assa*+ts 4 m*r'er 4 @+acD mai+ 4 s+an'er 4an' (an'a+ism i? they 'o not. I was not a++owe' at her neCt @irth'ay party 4 @*t wa+De' to her ho*se anyways to te++ her Happy ;irth'ay 5 there were o+'er ma+es there who were Ita+ians that Dnew NicD Ma))iore. I @e+ie(e that this was @eca*se o? NicD Ma))iore an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs sons. =a+erie 0+son was ?orce' to )o on what seeme' simi+ar to 'ates with a 1" year o+' when she was 12 years o+' 4 this contin*e' ?or m*+tip+e years with the same man 5 his name was 7hris an' his ?ami+y were Ita+ians an' were re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs roya+ ?ami+y somewhat. It is @e+ie(e' that =ittorio ha' or'ere' 7hris Hami+ton to JtracDK =a+erie 0+son. 3*rin) 200% 4 it was a'mitte' @y $orie Poten>a that she ha' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain comp*ter Inter?ace in 7hris Hami+tonAs @rain '*rin) the approCimte year 1""!. $orie +ie' to 7hris Hami+ton an' to+' him that he ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace '*rin) the year 200%4 a?ter ! years o? 7hris Hami+ton @ein) manip*+ate' @y 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy 2ransmissions an' Ne*roScience So?tware 5 the 'ame was 'one to the #o'on ?ami+y @y $orie Poten>a4 7hristopher #o'on was my @est ?rien' an' the son o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'e+e)ate the Io@ o? J2racDin)K in'i(i'*a+s whom the 9in) o? Sa(oy is consi'erin) possi@+y assassinatin) 5 7hris Hami+ton was 'e+e)ate' the Io@ o? tracDin) =a+erie 0+son. Since 1"8! 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een o@sessi(e+y sta+Din) me an' since 'atin) a)e has @een sta+Din) 4 rapin) 4 an' attacDin) a++ o? my )ir+?rien's an' other ?ema+es whom ha(e @een my +o(ers. #o@ert #o'on was 'e+e)ate' the Io@ o? 2racDin) myse+? an' since 1""5 has s*specte' =ittorio 1man*e+e to @e a Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Mo+ester. =ittorio 1man*e+e commission #o@ert #o'on to compose the m*sic ?or the @an' ;*r>*m with two other Ita+ian men o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the @an' was an A6IS proIectan' was *se' to ?rame a man ?or the m*r'er o? his own @est?rien' 0ystein Aarseth an' ?or ch*rch arsons which he 'i' not commit. 2he man whom ;*r>*m was attri@*te' to was a man whom my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson an' I wa+De' past in 7ana'a whi+e hiDin) 5 the man o(erhear' *s

'isc*ssin) the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' state' to a ?ema+e he was hiDin) with J3i' yo* hear thatO An' they ?o*n' o*t ?rom a Sici+ian tooN I @e+ie(e it. I am )oin) to ha(e to ca++ home imme'iate+y 4 I Dnow someone who wi++ @e (ery intereste' in +earnin) this.K the Norwe)ian man ca++e' home to Norway an' ta+De' to two o? the @an' mem@ers o? the @an' Mayhem. A?ter this 4 J1*ronymo*sK 0ystein Aarseth was reporte'+y sta@@e' the eCact n*m@er o? times that my ?ather was years in a)e an' J3ea'K 0h+in was shot in the hea' with a shot)*n in the same manner that my ?atherAs @est?rien' Gino +ater was an' was 'ec+are' s*ici'e I*st as Gino ha' @een. Gino was the co*sin o? ;o@ An>a+one an' G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+one as we++ as Apri+ ;or'ers who is a+so Dnown as Apri+ 9ane. Gino was m*r'ere' a?ter +o*'+y statin) J=ictor 1man*e+e is a ?a))ot pe'ophi+e an' a 'is)*stin) seria+ rapistN He is worse than A'o+? Hit+er an' he is his )ran' nephew. =ictor is o@sesse' with the concept o? eCterminatin) Nati(e Americans an' has sai' the most 'is)*stin) thin)s a@o*t them. He is ?*cDin) 'is)*stin). He is a rapist an' has 'e?inite+y rape' chi+'ren. He raise' his sons 7hris an' 7+int to @e chi+' mo+esters an' I am a?rai' that the yo*n)er two are )oin) to t*rn o*t the same as them4 he sho*+' not @e a++owe' to @e in the presense o? chi+'renNK. Gino was Jpitch?orDe'K with a shot)*n 4 which is to say that he was H*icD+y @+aste' in the ?ace with a shot)*n as it was @ein) cocDe' 5 one o? =ittorioAs assassins Jpitch?orDsK his (ictims with a shot)*n an' +ays it on the )ro*n' @etween their ?eet . =ittorio has or'ere' 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy to +ie on Po+ice 7rime Scene In(esti)ations Statements n*mero*s times an' 'ec+are m*r'ers to @e s*ici'es. 7hris 2homas an' 7hris Hami+ton ha(e @een si)hte' in Po+ice Uni?orms an' 1mer)ency Me'ica+ 2echnician Uni?orms in the past ten years in the North 1ast re)ion o? the USA an' in 2eCas USA. 7hris 2homas was si)hte' in hospita+s in a 'octorAs *ni?orm in NewHampshire < =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is o@sesse' with Genoci'e an' has @een or'erin) mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to commit acts o? Genoci'e inc+*'in) #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy 4 =ictor has a+so conni(e' n*mero*s ?ami+ies re+ate' to the #oya+ ;+oo'e' ?ami+ies as we++ as the Aosta @+oo'e' ?ami+ies o? Sa(oy whom are not #oya+ @+oo'e' to ?+ee an' hi'e their i'entities as i? they were @ein) h*nte' as a res*+t o? @ein) re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er 5 there were no Bewish Assassins h*ntin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 nor were they h*ntin) the Ho*se o? Aosta ?or any reason . 2he nation o? A*stria was ;+it>Drie)e' an' in(a'e' @y the A6IS '*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is a conni(in) artist. Bason ;e++emore c*rrent+y has another manAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' an imposte*r is *sin) his as we++ as 2ony GrassetiAs 4 the .aerio+o ?ami+yAs 4 the ;*cD+ey ?ami+yAs 4 the #o'on ?ami+yAs 4 an' othersA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Bason ;e++emoreAs 3r' co*sin is a 9ni)ht o? Aosta who was 9ni)hte' in A*stria. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs mother was the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta o? A*stria 4 an' his wi?e Mona is the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta as we++ 5 the Ho*se o? Aosta are an important n*m@er o? peop+e to cons*+t a@o*t the c*rrent Genoci'e occ*rrin) in the USA an' as to what the possi@+e +ocations o? the #oya+ @+oo'e' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are as we++ as any 9ni)hts o? Aosta whom may @e +i(in) in the USA with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or (isitin) re+ati(es o? theirs who are o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""8 4 a Po+ice 0??icer threatene' =a+erie 0+sonAs ?ami+y at her motherAs ho*se on their 'oorstep < statin) that he was )oin) to search their ho*se an' that he has @een to+' that they were in(o+(e' in 3r*) 2ra??icDin) 5 the 0+sons ha' no or)ani>e' crime connections at a++. =a+erieAs ?ather @e+ie(e' that it was the A6IS an' that NicD Ma))iore was in(o+(e' in the A6IS. 2he Po+ice 0??icer was 'escri@e' as +ooDin) A*strian an' possi@+y Ita+ian an' possi@+y not e(en @ein) ?rom

MerrimacD NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment. 2 M*ch o? what has occ*re' in the New1n)+an' an' NewBersey re)ion o(er the past ten years has @een the res*+t o? a 2errorist .actionAs attempt to si+ence in?ormation which I ha' @een eCpose' to an' in?orme' o? as a chi+' '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As as we++ as e+iminate a++ witnesses an' (ictims o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sonAs SeC 0??enses 4 1spiona)e4 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. ;etween the span o? a@o*t ?o*r years 4 the in?ormation which I ha' @een to+' as we++ as o(erhear' re)ar'in) the tr*th o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+ia+ re+ation an' sirin) came ?rom m*+tip+e so*rces 5 one so*rce in partic*+ar @ein) a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian ?ami+y whom mo(e' to the U.S.A. ?rom 2*rino Ita+ia 4 the other so*rce @ein) a Sici+ian ?ami+y that marrie' into my ?ami+y. My co*sin B*+ianna ha' to+' my ?ami+y n*mero*s times her +i?e story an' how her ?ami+y came to immi)rate to the U.S.A. as a res*+t o? their ?+eein) what ha' @ecome a )enoci'e in Sici+y. B*+ianna ha' eCp+aine' this sit*ation to my ?ami+y n*mero*s times '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As 5 B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were one o? n*mero*s tar)ette' ?ami+ies in Sici+y a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar an' were one o? the many ?ami+ies in Sici+y whom ha' Dnow+e')e concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs connections to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs < as we++ as 'i' they ha(e Dnow+e')e concernin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?atherAs contri@*tion to the ?o*n'in) o? the A6IS an' the en)ineerin) o? the p+ans an' i'entity o? the A6IS. B*+ianna state' that her .ather an' other Sici+ians ha' @een Dnow+e')ea@+e that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ather an' the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' initiate' an attempt to co(ert+y an' systemica++y reconstr*ct the #oman 1mpire an' that this was the tr*th concernin) the #oman .ascists whom were em@e''e' within the Nationa+ .ascists o? Ita+ia an' Spain as we++ as 'i' this #oman .ascist I'entity en)ineer the in'entity o? the 3r' #eich an' insti)ate what @ecame the Ho+oca*st. 2he 1(o+a ?ami+y are @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ants o? the ori)ina+ #oman Imperia+ Aristocracy an' @ein) as s*ch as @io+o)ica++y inheritors o? the @+oo'+ine o? pro@a@+y more than one #oman 1mperor an' n*mero*s #oman Imperia+ Aristocrats. A?ter the .a++ o? the 3r' #eich4 B*+iannaAs ?ather was @y opinion po+itica++y a+i)ne' with Sici+ian Nationa+ists an' Sici+ian $oya+ists whom were +oya+ to the pre(io*s Sici+ian Aristocray prior to the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs conH*est o? Sici+y an' prior to the 1(o+asA position as ;aronia+ Aristocrats < this howe(er 4 was not the reason ?or B*+i*s 1(o+a an' the 1man*e+es tar)ettin) their ?ami+y 5 n*mero*s other ?ami+ies in Sici+y were tar)ette' ?or reason o? si+encin) in(esti)ations 4 press 4 an' wor' o? mo*th concernin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs in(o+(ement in the A6IS an' the 'e)ree to which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' en)ineere' the A6IS as we++ as capit*+ators o? the Ho*se Sa(oy whom were not en)ineerin) parties o? the A6IS @*t ha' assiste' in the orchestration o? not on+y the war e??ort @*t the Ho+oca*st. B*+iannaAs ?ather ha' to+' her that A'o+? Hit+er was the @io+o)ica+ patri+inea+ ha+? @rother o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III. B*+ianna an' her .ather @e+i(e' B*+i*s 1(o+a to @e a @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ant o? the 7aesar Israe+i 4 7onH*eror o? Israe+ < the #oman Mi+itary Genera+ who sacDe' Israe+ 4 'emo+ishe' 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e 4 an' 7r*ci?ie' the #a@@i /esh*a the 7hrist who was /es* 7hristi as we++ as those atten'in) 2emp+e :orship at the steps o? the 'emo+ishe' 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e which +ater @ecome the #oman 2emp+e at Go+)otha a?ter /esh*aAs cr*ci?iCion at Go+)otha. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs m*+tip+e +an)*a)e trans+ations o? the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion is we++ 'oc*mente' < i? I reca++ correct+y 4 B*+ianna an' her .ather @e+ie(e' that an' 1(o+a prior to the 1st :or+' :ar wrote 2he $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion '*rin) a ?it on an)er which was the res*+t o? Israe+i

Nationa+istsA p+ans ?or Israe+i 3ec+aration o? In'epence as a Nationa+ Israe+i State 5 Israe+i Nationa+ism was then an' sti++ is ca++e' Pionism. Israe+As 3ec+aration o? In'epen'ence as a Nation State @ecame an imme'iate impet*s to the 1(o+asA an' the #oman .ascistsA p+ans to *ni?y the Me'iterranean #e)ion as a reconstr*cte' #oman 1mpire which was to @e the inten'e' en' res*+t o? the p+anne' 1st :or+' :ar. I @e+ie(e this to @e entire+y ?act*a+. B*+ianna state' n*mero*s times that the Sici+ian ?ami+ies whom were tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar were tar)ette' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a as a res*+t o? his A)ents o(erhearin) their co(ersations 4 po+itica+ )oa+s 4 in(o+(ement in in(esti)ations re)ar'in) the A6IS 4 as we++ as re+ation to (oca+ s*pporters o? Israe+i In'epen'ence. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice ne(er a'mitte' to my ?ami+y or to my co*sin B*+ianna that 7hris 2homas an' .i+ 1man*e+e were =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons 4 the sons o? the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < A+ Io'ice ne(er a'mitte' to B*+ianna that his ?ami+y worDe' ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that some o? them were 9ni)hts an' Assassins o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is pro@a@+e that A+ Io'iceAs co*sin marrie' into the same ?ami+y that G+enn An>a+oneAs co*sin marrie' into 5 it is @e+ie(e' @y n*mero*s peop+e re+ate' to this ?ami+y 4 that the Assassin that Di++e' Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y was o? this ?ami+y that @oth the Io'icesA Ita+ian co*sin marrie' into an' the An>a+onesA Ita+ian co*siin marrie' into. It is @e+ie(e' @y peop+e re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs AssassinsA an' SeC 2ra??icDersA ?ami+ies 5 that the Assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y was the G#eichsta) .ireG o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy on American Soi+ an' that this Assassination was ?or the p*rpose o? hi'in) 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime re+ate' to the Ita+ian A6IS on North American soi+ 4 :ater)ate o? #ichar' NiConAs A'ministration 4 an' what happene' within M9U$2#A. 2he crimes committe' @y .e'era+ 1mp+oyees worDin) with #ichar' He+ms '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration were @ein) committe' @y a )ro*p o? Ita+ian A6IS +oya+ists an' their accomp+ices prior to the NiCon A'ministration a+rea'y 5 the corr*ption that @ecame rampant within the .e'era+ Go(ernment '*rin) #ichar' NiConAs A'ministration @e)an I*st prior to the .irst :or+' :ar an' @ecame an eCtreme+y wi'e sprea' networD o? corr*ption a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice was we++ acH*ainte' with the 1man*e+es whom were the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as other ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. A+ Io'ice ne(er to+' my co*sin B*+ianna that he Dnew the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or that his )ran'?ather was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. A+ Io'iceAs ?ather was in +ea)*e with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy somehow 4 either as a #oya+ Assassin or as a 9ni)ht . A+ Io'ice ha' wante' to 'istance himse+? ?rom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy his entire +i?e < @*t '*rin) my chi+'hoo' 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons Dept in ?reH*ent socia+ contact with my *nc+e A+ Io'ice. 2he secon' so*rce o? the in?ormation re)ar'in) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parenta)e was the res*+t o? my se+? o(erhearin) a con(ersation @etween a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian whoAs ?ami+y immi)rate' to the U.S.A. ?rom 2*rino Ita+ia an' his son whom I was ?rien's with. My ?rien's ?ather #o@ert #o'on ha' a co*sin whom was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 3*rin) the 1""0As 4 I o(erhear' #o@ eCp+ainin) to his son whom I was ?rien's with that many o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen @ecame 9ni)hts 4 Pa)es 4 an' 1rrants o? the eCi+e' Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was marrie' to a woman o? the Ho*se o? Aosta. I a+so o(erhear' him whisperin) to his son that it was r*mo*re' that A'o+? Hit+er ha' @een o? @oth o? these @+oo'+ines an' @oth o? these ho*ses < that it was r*mo*re' that A'o+? Hit+er was the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' that his mother was o? an Aosta @+oo'+ine. #o@ a?terwar's state' G#emem@er what I was te++in) yo* a@o*t the ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+aO /eah... so itAs possi@+e. :eAre not s*re 4 yet.G . My co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y 'i' not Dnow (ery

many Ita+ians nor were they rea++y marrie' to any 4 her ?ami+y was Sici+ian an' marrie' Americans. #o@ertAs statement to his son was '*rin) the 1""0As. It is @e+ie(e' @y some 4 that the eCi+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was a .a+se .+a))e' 1Ci+e < that this eCi+e was ?or the inten'e' p*rpose o? escapin) in(esti)ations '*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 4 that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ScapeGoate' an' or'ere' the p*@+ic eCec*tion o? ;enito M*sso+ini ?or the p*rpose o? se(erin) their socia+ connections to the o(ert re)ime that ha' @een create' an' presentin) the i++*sion that the A6IS was a strict ri)i' re)ime that ha' @ecome to eCtreme in itAs i'ea+ism an' was a+rea'y 'estroye' 5 the tr*th is that the .ascist Parties an' the Mi+itant #e)imes which were create' were somewhat i)norant parties concernin) the p*re i'entity o? the o+i)archa+ pop*+ation amon)st the A6IS an' itAs nat*re as a Socia+ 3arwinist 7rime Syn'icate em@e''e' with #oman Imperia+ist +oya+ists whom were +oya+ to the ancient #oman Aristocracy an' the no +on)er eCistant imperia+ state o? the +itera+ #oman 1mpire that ha' conH*ere' the entire Me'iterranean re)ion at the hei)ht o? itAs eCpansion an' cr*ci?ie' /esh*a the #a@@i a?ter the 'emo+ition o? 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e. It is pro@a@+e that the eCi+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was a*tonomo*s+y 'eci'e' @y some amon)st the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was ?or the p*rpose o? contin*in) the +on) time attempt o? e+iminatin) e(i'ence o? their 'irect comp+icity concernin) :ar 7rimes an' the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As. 2he common+y @e+ie(e' r*mo*r which I persona++y @e+ie(e is comp+ete+y ?act*a+ 4 as 'o many other in'i(i'*a+s 5 some o? whom are o? ?ami+ies whom were a++e)e'+y m*r'ere' @y mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < was that A'o+? Hit+er was the son o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia4 @orn ?rom an a??air '*rin) which the 9in) o? Ita+ia ha' impre)nate' the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whom was o? Ita+ian race as we++ as an Aosta A*strian @+oo' +inea)e in her ?ami+y. It is common Dnow+e')e that '*rin) the 1"%0As4 A'o+? Hit+erAs name an' i'entity ha' @een Dnown to ha(e @een a ?a@rication to hi'e his tr*e i'entity 5 what is not *ncommon+y @e+ie(e' to @e a reason is that this was '*e to his @ein) an i++e)itimate roya+ heir @orn o*t o? we'+ocD an' @orn o? an a??air 4 A'o+? co*+' not inherit a tit+e so he was p*t in 3e*tsche+an' ?or reason o? maDin) it e(ent*a++y appear as i? he ha' risen ?rom the stat*s o? a home+ess (eteran an' earne' a tit+e o? no@i+ity thro*)h conH*est. 2his i'ea o? A'o+? r*+in) as war time )enera+ was +iDe+y to @e the i'ea o? an 1(o+a whom ha' 'eci'e' to *se A'o+? as a 7aesar as they were ;enito M*sso+ini an' .rancisco .ranco. It is common+y @e+ie(e' that 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?inance' Ameri)o =esp*cci an' a+so pro(i'e' him with maps most pro@a@+y o@taine' ?rom the =atican recor's o? what the =atican ?o*n' in the temp+es in Ice+an' when the ?irst #oman 7atho+ic 7h*rches were @*i+t in Ice+an' 5 these were the =in+an' Maps 4 which were recor'e' in the Sa)as o? the Ice+an'ers. =in+an' was the Ice+an'ers name ?or the North 1ast re)ion o? what is now common+y ca++e' North America. A+so @e+ie(e' @y many to @e occaisiona++y ?inance' @y mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were Merchants4 Pirates4 an' other Pri(ateers 5 Piracy o? which o?ten inc+*'e' a@*ction an' sa+e o? h*man @ein)s 4 this is c*rrent+y Dnown as H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 in the past it was ca++e' S+a(in). Many o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 4 as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs an' A'o+? Hit+erAs H*man 2ra??icDin) connections were +iDe+y to ha(e @een ear+ier in(o+(e' in the a@'*ction o? ci(i+ians ?rom :est A?rica an' the sa+e o? these :est A?rican 7i(i+ians to in'*stria+ ?arm+an' owners in North America4 the 7arri@eans4 an' So*th America 5 the :est A?rican H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims @ein) +ess eCpensi(e an' +ess o? an escape +ia@i+ity than the In'ent*re' H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?rom 1*rope or the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans whom co*+' an' o?ten 'i' easi+y escape. Many o? the H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworDs which are +iDe+y to ha(e @een historica++y

a??i+iate' with as we++ as ha(e @een s*@si'iary to the Sa(oy A??i+iate' 7rime Syn'icate that the 1(o+as were o@(io*s+y somehow connecte' to which has now since the 1800As @ecome the A6IS a??i+iate' 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een eCtreme+y +on) stan'in) crimina+ s+a(e tra'e networDs 4 the most o@(io*s o? these @ein) the 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) #o*te an' NetworD which eCiste' a+on) si'e 2he Si+D #oa' '*rin) the @irth an' hei)ht o? the #oman 1mpire. 2his SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD sti++ eCists to'ay an' it is a )+o@a+ networD o? crime an' corr*ption. SeC 2ra??icDin) is rampant aro*n' the Me'iterranean #e)ion an' the networDs o? H*man 2ra??icDers in the Me'iterranean #e)ion are connecte' to the SeC 2ra??icDin) networDs an' other H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworDs in the U.S.A. an' #*ssia as we++ as the ;a+tic an' other re)ions. My emai+s to Henry MaDow were @rie? an' inc+*'e' a para)raph 5 G A'o+? Hit+er was the son o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia. He was o? the +ine o? $om@ar'i Sa(oy an' Aosta @oth4 an' was @orn as the res*+t o? an a??air @etween the 9in) o? Ita+ia an' a woman who was o? Ita+ian Sa(oy an' A*strian Aosta @oth.G < a+so an emai+e' statement a@o*t #oman SeC 2ra??icDers 4 #oman 7onc*@ina+ S+a(ers 4 a topic re+ate' to Spintria. 0ther topics o? which were 'isc*sse' eCtreme+y @rie?+y with Henry MaDow were Nationa+ism 4 the e(i+s o? G+o@a+i>ation 4 an' possi@+y M9U+tra an' #ichar' NiCon. Henry MaDow ?reH*ent+y *se' the termino+o)y GI++*minatiG to re?er to G+o@a+ist 7orporati(ist 1Ctremist 0r)ani>ations. I ha(e ?reH*ent+y *se' this termino+o)y to mean this in the past 5 Gthe I++*minatiG as meanin) the 1arthAs most power?*+ an' in?+*entia+ co(ert G+o@a+ist 7orporati(ist Syn'icate inc+*'in) associate' 7rime Syn'icate 4 In(estors an' .inancers 4 I'ea+o)ica+ G+o@a+ .ascists 4 an' theoretica+ ?ami+ies with m*+tip+e )enerations o? in(o+(ement in networDs o? in'i(i'*a+s whom i'ea+i>e G+o@a+i>ation o? State an' 7orporati(ist Societa+ Str*ct*re simi+ar to a .ascist 7orporation in conI*nction with G+o@a+i>ation o? State. Usa)e o? the termino+o)y Gthe I++*minatiG to re?er to G+o@a+ists is (ery common p+ace. 7ommon+y @ein) 'isc*sse' aro*n' the time o? my emai+s to Henry MaDow was a theory that m*ch o? what ha' pre(io*s+y @een Pirates an' H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime A??i+iates o? what was pro@a@+y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ Assassins an' 1spiona)e A)ents e(ent*a++y @ecame 2he ;+acD Han' in North America. 2he pro@a@i+ity o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs pre'ecessors @ein) in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 internationa+ 1spiona)e 4 Piracy 4 an' H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ as Internationa+ .inancin) o? Merchants an' internationa+ commerce was @ein) 'isc*sse'. It ha' @een theori>e' that many o? 2he ;+acD Han' were a??i+iate' with Bohn Pierpont Mor)anAs pre'ecessors an' B.P. Mor)an himse+? an' hire' to #acDeteer Pri(ate+y owne' ;anDin) Instit*tions repeate'+y ?or p*rpose o? 1conomic Sa@ota)e prior to a p+anne' attempt at G+o@a+ 7onH*est. It was common+y @ein) 'isc*sse' that a *nit o? the ;+acD Han' are +iDe+y to ha(e +ater @ecome A'o+? Hit+erAs @o'y)*ar's an' that the pre'ecessors o? these men were +iDe+y to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in Internationa+ SeC 2ra??icDin). I was 'isc*sse' that most o? Hit+erAs @o'y)*ar's were pro@a@+y to ha(e ha' co(ert espiona)e a+ias i'entities an' were tr*e+y o? miCe' Ita+ian4 Sici+ian4 A*strian4 .ranDic 4 an' German race 5 c+ose st*'y o? their ?acia+ ?eat*res pro(es that many o? them were ha+? Ita+ian or ha+? Sici+ian < a+so4 many o? these in'i(i'*a+s were not ori)ina++y mem@ers o? the N.S.3.A.P. nor wo*+' they ha(e @een a++owe' to Ioin i? their tr*e i'entity were Dnown. Many peop+e in the U.S.A. spoDe German as a secon' +an)*a)e as 'i' peop+e in m*+tip+e re)ions o? 1*rope. Simi+ar+y @ein) 'isc*sse' 5 was the ?act that A'o+? Hit+erAs contri@*tion to the ?o*n'in) princip+es o? the N.S.3.A.P. was ?ictiona+ an' that what was in the ?ictiona+ @io)raphy GMein 9amp?G was o@(io*s+y written a+most entire+y @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' was a near comp+ete ?a@rication.

2he N.S.3.A.P. an' itAs pre'ecessors eCiste' ?or many years @e?ore A'o+? Hit+er ha' e(en @een Dnown to the mem@ers o? what ha' @ecome the ?ina+ incarnation o? the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@o*r Party. A+so @ein) 'isc*sse' < the psycho+o)y o? the writer o? GMein 9amp?G is (ery o@(io*s+y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)y 4 as is the :or+' =iew eCpresse' in Mein 9amp? eCtreme+y resem@+ant o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs :or+' =iew 4 a+so o? note is the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er is acci'ent+y mentione' as @ein) o? $om@ar'ic #ace in the section o? the @io)raphy which a++*'es to his ancestors @ein) the Gtopp+ers an' 'estroyers o? the #oman 1mpireG whom were the $om@ar's or $an)o@ar's which ha' conH*ere' Ita+ia Nar@onensis. A+so o? re+e(ance to GMein 9amp?G is the statement that Gthe #oman 1mpireG was the GGreatest 1mpire to e(er 1CistG which was o@(io*s+y ?a+se+y attri@*te' to the ?ictiona+ 3e*tsche+an'er whom was s*ppose' to @e a Ga++o SaCon @*t was acci'ent+y re(ea+e' to @e a $om@ar' as was the statement GIneCc*sa@+e4 is the Nai(ete o? the Germanic #aceG printe' in Mein 9amp?. More than one (ersion o? Mein 9amp? was p*@+ishe'. 2his was @ein) 'isc*sse' prior to 4 an' a?ter < Be?? #enseAs p*@+ishin) o? an artic+e wherein which he +a@e+e' =ittorio 1man*e+e whom is technica++y =ittorio 1man*e+e I= 4 the AN2I7H#IS2 5 this accompanie' @y a photo)raph o? =ittorio 1man*e+e *pon which was printe' AN2I7H#IS2 in re' print. 3*rin) an emai+ to Henry MaDow 4 I mentione' that the #oman 1mpire tooD 7e+tic an' Germanic women as 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es 5 the 1man*e+es an' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their 0r)ani>e' 7rime 7onnections are in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' are SeC 0??en'ers as a res*+t o? it an' their Initiation 7rimes which reH*ire o? them to commit SeC 0??enses. 2his emai+ was rea' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' some o? his sons an' Sa(oy A)ents. 2he topic o? this emai+ ?o++owe' me to n*mero*s Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Sites an' seeme' to @e)in to @e poste' as G;rian SyDes Artic+esG which e(ent*a++y e(o+(e' into an ar)*ment a@o*t Nationa+ I'entity an' physica+ #ace 4 the G;rian SyDesG artic+es that were @ein) cite' state' G;ritish an' Irish are not 7e+tic an' Germanic peop+es or 7e+tic an' Nor'ic peop+es. 2hey are somethin) e+se entire+y.G A'o+? Hit+er was not the ?act*a+ name o? the man whom was the A6IS S*preme 7omman'er in 3e*tsche+an' '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 the manAs ?act*a+ i'entity is that he was the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 2hese G;rian SyDesG artic+es ?o++owe' me aro*n' Socia+ NetworDin) :e@sites ?rom the year 200% to 2008. A month a?ter my @rie? emai+ to Henry MaDow concernin) A'o+? Hit+er 4 '*rin) the year 200% 5 I was in(ite' @y 2ony Grassetti to accompany him to #ye ;each. 2he 'ecision which ha' @een ma'e was that we wo*+' meet his ?rien' in #ye NewHampshire at his own ho*se. Upon arri(in) < I was *neCpecte'+y re intro'*ce' to two o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons whom were (isitin) 2onyAs ?rien'sA ho*se 5 these in'i(i'*a+s @ein) G3.B.G 3anie+ Bames an' G.i+G .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 3anie+ Bames was a'opte' @y a ?ami+y in the U.S.A. . .i++i@erto was imme'iate+y honest a@o*t his ?ormer+y roya+ @+oo'+ine an' intro'*ce' himse+? as .i+ 1man*e+e. It seeme' as i? 3.B. was @ro*)ht to #ye ?or the p*rpose o? ha(in) a minor present i? a physica+ a+tercation occ*rre' 5 my se+? an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e were o*tn*m@ere' % to 2 an' 3.B. was on+y 1! years o+'. I ha' a+rea'y met them n*mero*s times @*t 'eci'e' to ne)+ect to mention it as a res*+t o? them not mentionin) it. 3*rin) the time whi+e we were in #ye New Hampshire < .i++i@erto open+y a'mitte' to @ein) re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y4 a?ter which he state' that he ha' hear' this n*mero*s times an' was won'erin) i? I Dnew anythin) a@o*t his pro@a@+e ?ami+y re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er or ha' hear' anythin) re)ar'in) this. .i+ 4 at ?irst < state' that

he ha' hear' he an' A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y were Gco*sins somehowG. .i+As 'isc*ssion o? his ?ami+yAs re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er c*+minate' in the state' )oa+ that he an' some mem@ers o? his ?ami+y ha' 'eci'e' to (isit the area ?or p*rpose o? o@ser(in) what they @e+ie(e' wo*+' @e the comm*nityAs wi'e sprea' p*@+ic reaction to Hit+erAs Sa(oy @+oo'+ine4 an' 'eci'in) whether or not to enter into comp+ete anonymo*s eCi+e to hi'e their ?ami+y 5 this 'isc*ssion @e)an a?ter I a'mitte' to G.i+G .i++i@erto 1man*e+e that I ha' @een in @rie? contact with Henry MaDow '*rin) the year 200% when he an' Be?? #ense o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7A an' #ense.7om ha' @oth p*@+ishe' artic+es concernin) =ittorio 1man*e+e4 the Anti 7hrist4 an' A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. .i+ asDe' me i? I ha' e(er rea' the artic+e a@o*t his .ather 4 =ittorio 5 I state' the tr*th < that I ha' not rea' this artic+e4 @*t that I ha' seen the photo)raph which sai' AN2I7H#IS2 across it *pon )+ancin) at the we@site @rie?+y. 3anie+ Bames ca++e' Be?? #enseAs artic+e GParrote'G ?rom GHenry MaH*awG. 3anie+ Bames ha' asDe' a@o*t Henry MaDowAs we@site imme'iate+y a?ter .i++i@erto ha' a'mitte' to @ein) the son o? =ittorio 1man*e+e 5 3.B.1man*e+e ha' intentiona++y misprono*nce' GMaDowG n*mero*s times n*mero*s times as GMaH*awG 4 the species o? parrot. =ittorioAs ?ami+y ha' o@(io*s+y hire' a comp*ter hacDer to access Henry MaDowAs emai+ acco*nt an' a++ o? his ?rien'As emai+s were scr*tini>e'. 3anie+ Bames asDe' me i? I ha' e(er met his @rother 7hris 2homas an' state' that he @e+ie(e' that I ha' 4 I +ie' an' sai' that I may not ha(e. 2he on+y other possi@i+ity is that a Sa(oy +oya+ist hire' a 7omp*ter HacDer to access Be?? #enseAs 4 Henry MaDowAs 4 my own 4 an' +ater the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*es 4 an' n*mero*s Asatr*ars emai+ acco*nts < as we++ as o*r ?ami+iesA emai+ acco*nts 5 a++ o? this possi@+y @ein) 'one imme'iate+y on @eha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' +ater reporte' to them witho*t reH*est. 1mi+y Is+esAs America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er ScreenName was simi+ar to an o+' ScreenName o? my ?rien' A@@ey 1t+in)erAs 5 A@@ey 1t+in)er was one o? my @est ?rien's '*rin) my chi+'hoo'. A@@ey 1t+in)er was seen '*rin) 2005 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to appear o? a simi+ar comp+eCion an' hair teCt*re as a M*+atto 5 A@@ey is act*a++y ?act*a++y Israe+i an' 3e*tsche+an'er. :hen A@@ey 1t+in)er came to .ami+y 3o++ar to asD me i? I reco)ni>e' her 4 I 'i' not reco)ni>e her < she to+' me that we went to MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ to)ether. I was not eCpectin) peop+e to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe other in'i(i'*a+s in 2005. It is a possi@i+ity that 1riDa .ein)o+' ha' @een m*tate' to +ooD +iDe a M*+atto as we++ an' that she came into the store with A@@ey 5 @oth o? them ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom I @e+ie(e are SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. I ha' Dnown 1riDa .ein)o+' since Eth )ra'e4 we went to the same schoo+s. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 .i++i@erto himse+? eCpresse' ?ear?*+ concern ?or his ?ami+iesA s*r(i(a+4 he @e+ie(e' that there may ha(e @een peop+e an)ry eno*)h a@o*t the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As to Di++ his entire ?ami+y. .i++i@erto ?ai+e' to rea+i>e that his 4 his @rothersA 4 an' his ?atherAs SeC 0??enses an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity are 'is)*stin) eno*)h that the mi+itary are e(ent*a++y )oin) to in(esti)ate them an' arrest them. .i++i@erto mentione' an emai+ which I ha' sent to Henry MaDow 4 which @rie?+y 'isc*sse' A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. 2ony or .i+As ?rien' ?rom #ye mentione' to .i+ < G/o* Dnow .i+4 it co*+' ha(e @een a hacDer. How 'o yo* Dnow it was himOG < to which .i+ rep+ie' GIt wasnAt a hacDer 4 we a+rea'y checDe' the Ser(er.G. Apparent+y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can somehow checD a 7omcast Ser(er ?or ?orensic e(i'ence witho*t a Search :arrant. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e preten'e' that he 'i' not Dnow me when I met him in #ye NewHampshire with 2ony Grasseti < ?or this reason 4 I preten'e' not to Dnow who .i+ was. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a'mitte' to his ?ami+y ha(in) access to 7omm*nications Ser(ers. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e the a@i+ity to copy the entire 'ata contents o? entire

7omm*nications Ser(ers to eCterna+ 'ata stora)e 'e(ices an' *se the 'ata to )ather in?ormation a@o*t tar)ette' ?ami+ies 4 te+ephone con(ersations 4 emai+s 4 internet messa)er ser(ices 4 @anD 'ata 4 ?inancia+ 'ata 4 corporate 'ata transmissions 4 sec*rity cameras 4 an' other transmissions. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e in #ye NewHampshire 5 whi+e wa+Din) to the @each 4 .i+ 1man*e+e to+' me that he ha' an ara@ic ?rien' whom I remin'e' him o?. 2his was state' a?ter I ha' mentione' that I ha' pre(io*s+y @een +i(in) with a M*s+im man name' BaDim GMa(ericDG in Nash*a NewHampshire4 a?ter BaDim ha' ?o*n' o*t that I was home+ess an' showe' me the hospita+ity o? taDin) me in an' )i(in) me a p+ace to s+eep at his apartment ?or a month. My ?rien' ;o@ Sha)o*ry < whoAs parents were M*s+im 4 was a+so mentione'. .i+ sai' that Mosta?a an' my se+? were o? simi+ar mannerism 4 )roome' o*rse+(es simi+ar+y 4 an' ha' a simi+ar way o? speaDin) or con(ersin). .i+ a+so state' that I remin'e' him o? Mosta?a so m*ch that it was rea++y stran)e. In the year 2000 < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' @rie?+y ma'e his presense Dnown to my se+? whi+e I was in the @acD seat o? my ?rien' Bason Be??reyAs car with my )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen 5 .i+ approache' the (ehic+e 4 opene' the 'oor 4 an' sat 'own in the passen)er seat witho*t asDin) ?or permission to enter. Neither my se+? nor Bason Be??rey e(en Dnew .i+ 1man*e+e at a++ 4 nor ha' we e(er e(en met him 5 Nina Hansen ha' to+' me a@o*t him a weeD @e?ore this ?or reason that .i+ ha' a@'*cte' her a year prior 4 restraine' her with rope 4 poisone' her with M3MA 4 a?ter which he tort*re' her ?or ho*rs an' @r*ta++y rape' her. Nina ha' sai' that .i+ ha' repeate'+y in(a'e' her home a?ter this @y way o? ?ront 'oor entry *n?ettere' @y the +ocD an' SeC*a++y Assa*+te' her n*mero*s times. .i+ 1man*e+e 4 accor'in) to Nina Hansen < Dnew her +an'+or' somehow an' ha' @een )i(en a Dey to the ?ront 'oor @y the +an'+or'. It is pro@a@+e that Nina HansenAs +an'+or' was one o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs Property Stea' Ho+'ers. A?ter @ein) seate' in Bason Be??reyAs car ?or a min*te 5 .i+ was (er@a++y sco+'e' @y Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 whom was stan'in) a@o*t 8 ?eet ?rom the car when Mosta?a sho*te' G.i+ 4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaDN $ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+oneNG. It was o@(io*s that .i+As p*rpose ?or enterin) the car *nanno*nce' an' *nreco)ni>e' < was ?or the p*rpose o? intimi'atin) Nina Hansen to tra*mati>e her into ?ee+in) he+p+ess an' ?ee+in) that .i+ 1man*e+e was omnipotent an' co*+' appear at any time 4 anyp+ace 5 this sort o? threat was o@(io*s+y ?or the psycho+o)ica+ p*rpose o? pre(entin) Nina Hansen ?rom ta+Din) to a*thorities o*tsi'e o? her s*rro*n'in) re)ion. .i+ 1man*e+eAs Sa'ism is eCtreme+y e(o+(e'. Since the year 200% 4 .i+ 1man*e+e has en)a)e' in a campai)n o? 7y@er 2errorist Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are in North America < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e is a sa'ist an' a me)a+omaniac as we++ as 'oes he ha(e Narcissistic Persona+ity traits. It is pro@a@+e that .i+ 1man*e+e has Anti Socia+ Persona+ity 3isor'er with Narcissistic Persona+ity type. An'ers ;rei(iD o? Norway was )i(en % Psycho+o)ica+ 1(a+*ations which res*+te' in % seperate 'ia)noses o? which two were @asica++y the same Din' o? 'ia)nosis with minor (ariance 4 An'ers ;rei(iD was 'ia)nose' twice with what appears to ha(e @een .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)ica+ 'ia)nosis 5 it is pro@a@+e that An'ers ;rei(iD was a H*man =i(isection =ictim o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' that An'ers ;rei(iD was Ne*ro+o)ica++y Pi+ote' to commit the terrorist attacD which An'ers ;rei(iD committe'. It is a+most 'e?inite that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e himse+? manip*+ate' An'ers ;rei(iD *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware an' pi+ote' him +iDe a ro@ot *sin) Ne*ro#o@otics Animation So?tware 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 an' A#G0S G.P.S. as impro(ise' #o*terF;attery ?or the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which An'ers ;rei(iD is a+most 'e?inite+y a H*man =i(isection =ictim o?. It

is pro@a@+e that 9asa@ o? In'ia an' :eise o? the $aDota Pine #i')e #eser(ation were @oth H*man =i(isection =ictims o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections an' 2errorist AttacDs. 3a(i' IcDe has @een *se' to smoDescreen with schi>oi' propa)an'a 4 ca++in) the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace the G#am@o 7hipG an' c+aimin) that it has @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in h*mans @y shape chan)in) space a+iens. An'ers ;rei(iD was reporte' on internet news so*rces in 2010 4 to ha(e *n'er)one two crania+ s*r)eries whi+e in the U.9. 5 '*rin) the year 200! 4 my @+oo' was 'rawn with a GMa'e in the U.9.G stint nee'+e at a hospita+ that was 'e?inite+y @ein) r*n @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een owne' @y one o? their Property Stea' Ho+'ers. I? this nee'+e was man*?act*re' at a ?actory that the 1man*e+esA an' their Property Stea' Ho+'ers owne' 4 it is pro@a@+e that these nee'+es were non steri+e an' were intentiona++y in?ecte' with =ir*s or 3isease. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e en)a)e' in a socia+ 'arwinist campai)n o? terrorist crimina+ war?are an' o? a@so+*te 'isre)ar' to the h*man stan'ar's 'eci'e' *pon at the Gene(a 7on(ention 5 this ?action is Genoci'a+ an' )*i+ty o? the most heino*s o? :ar 7rimes. Accor'in) to a witness 4 my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was witnesse' in SanAntonio with =ittorioAs son 7+int 2ay+or an' another +itt+e )ir+ name' Stephanie Bohnston whoAs @rother was an Asatr*ar as I am myse+? < accor'in) to the witness who reco)ni>e' them 4 7+int was intro'*ce' to An'ers ;rei(iD @y a 3e*tsche+an'er who was in SanAntonio 2eCas with An'ers an' a 3e*tsche Nationa+ist with a sha(e' hea' 5 the year was approCimate+y 2008. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 a?ter Mosta?a I@nSa*' sai' to .i+ 1man*e+e 5 G.i+4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaDN $ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+one.G 4 this sit*ation in(o+(in) Mosta?a I@nSa*' e??ecte' .i+ 1man*e+eAs )*i+ty conscience in s*ch a way that he psycho+o)ica++y so*)ht to 'e?ame an' 'eni)rate Mosta?a I@nSa*'As i'entity in s*ch a way that Mosta?a I@nSa*' wo*+' @e (iewe' as more hate' that A'o+? Hit+er an' more 'is)*stin) towar's women than BacD the #ipper. 3*rin) the ear+y 1""0As 4 whi+e my .ather an' my se+? were at the McG*ire ?ami+yAs ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire5 .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother 7hris 2homas were present an' ha' accompanie' A+ Io'ice to what was the Io'ice .ami+yAs mo(in) party 4 the Io'iceAs were to @e mo(in) to $o*isianna in one months time. 3*rin) this party 4 .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother 7hris 2homas were p+ayin) street hocDey in the 'ri(eway with a sin)+e net a)ainst 3a(i' McG*ire an' 9eith McG*ire < 7a+i McG*ire 4 who was 10 years o+' at the time 5 was the )oa+ ten'er. .i+ 1man*e+e ma'e a statement '*rin) the )ame that res*+te' in 3a(i' McG*ire sayin) to him 5 G/o*Are a pe'ophi+e 4 h*hO /o* Dnow how I Dnow yo*Are a pe'ophi+eO /o* maDe comments +iDe that. SheAs on+y 12 years o+'.G to which 9eith McG*ire respon'e' 4 GSheAs act*a++y e(en yo*n)er 3a(i' 4 sheAs on+y 10. I hear' it too.G . A?ter hearin) this < 7hris 2homas )ot irritate' an' sai' somethin) an)ry 4 to which which 2om McG*ire rep+ie' @y han'in) him a @eer an' te++in) him to sh*t *p 5 a?ter which 4 2om McG*ire apo+o)i>e' to the party sayin) G I 'i'nAt Dnow they were that. I wo*+'nAt ha(e )i(en him a @eer otherwise.G. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 one o? the times that .i+ 1man*e+e rape' Nina Hansen 5 she sai' that he *se' a 'o) co++ar a +eash on her. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 when .i+ 1man*e+e rape' 3anie++e $e;+anc 5 she sai' that he *se' a 'o) co++ar an' +eash on her. 3*rin) the Ha++oween o? 1"88 4 when .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother 7hris 2homas rape' the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party an' tooD photo)raphs 5 he ?orce' my co*sin Monica MosesDy to wear 'o) co++ar an' 'o) +eash 4 an' ?orce' Samantha G*ay an' Monica MosesDy to per?orm seC*a+ acts whi+e he tooD photo)raphs. A++ o? the peop+e ?rom the

Ha++oween Party an' a++ o? the peop+e ?rom the Io'ice .ami+yAs mo(in) away party are missin) an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs eCcept ?or a ?ew in'i(i'*a+s. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 my ?rien' 3anie++e $e;+anc was to+' @y a 1E year o+' @oy name' 2imothy :ea+th that he wante' her to ho+' his +eash. He acte' as i? this were h*mo*r. 2im :ea+th has a 'o) co++ar on his necD 4 3anie++e wa+De' him aro*n' the ma++ on a +eash thinDin) that this was a @i>>are IoDe o? 2imAs. 3anie++e $e;+anc was +ater rape' @y .i+ 1man*e+e who p*t a 'o) co++ar an' +eash on her necD '*rin) the rape 4 somehow ha' a Dey to her apartment in :o@*rn Massach*settes 4 tie' 3anie++e $e;+anc *p with rope an' tort*re' her with M3MA in her system which he ha' poisone' her with 4 3anie++e was a+so rape' @y a ?rien' o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs. 2im :ea+th was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' @y .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?rien' Pa*+ie 5 Pa*+ie was a %0 year o+' pe'ophi+e ?rom $owe++ Massach*settes . A n*m@er o? in'i(i'*a+s at the ma++ met Pa*+ie whi+e Pa*+ie was ?o++owin) aro*n' 2im :ea+th. Pa*+ie was approCimate+y 5A3G 4 +ooDe' possi@+y 3Q% $om@ar'ic Ita+ian 4 ha' short hair 4 an' pa+e ha>e+ eyes. Pa*+ie *se' to SeC 2ra??icD 2im :ea+th to o+'er ma+es an' ?orce' 2im to 'ress as a woman. 3*rin) the years 1""8 an' 1""" 4 Sean ;*cD+ey an' 9y+e Howar' 'isc*sse' m*r'ere' the .or@es $ist 100 :ea+thiest American .ami+ies an' +i(in) in their homes p+astic s*r)erie' to +ooD +iDe them 4 with other 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers 5 pi++a)in) their money. 3*rin) these years 4 Sean ;*cD+ey an' 9y+e Howar' con'*cte' a s*r(ey H*estionarre ?or =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e that consiste' o? H*estions s*ch as J:o*+' yo* Di++ yo*r entire )eneration ?or a++ o? the money on the .or@es $istOK 4 J:o*+' yo* Di++ 5 mi++ion peop+e ?or a++ o? the money on the .or@es $istOK 4 J:o*+' yo* Di++ 100 mi++ion peop+e ?or a++ o? the money on the .or@es $istOK 4 J:o*+' yo* Di++ 200 mi++ion peop+e ?or a++ o? the money on the .or@es $istOK 4 J:o*+' yo* Di++ the entire 1ast 7oast ?or a++ the money on the .or@es $istOK. 3*rin) the year 2000 an' the year 2001 < I awoDe n*mero*s times in a@so+*te 'arDness ?ee+in) +iDe I as @ein) he+' in a )*i++otine necD @ar hea' +ocD. I awoDe a ?ew times in the mornin) 4 ?ee+in) +iDe my an*s was waCy. 3*rin) this time 4 I ha' mo(e' my @e'room ?rom the secon' ?+oor to the @asement. 3*rin) this year 4 I @e+ie(e that a Dey ha' @een sto+en ?rom a 'rawer @y 9y+e Howar' < it is pro@a@+e that this was reH*este' @y ;rian 7ase or a 7rime Associate o? ;rain 7ases. It is pro@a@+e that the man who threatene' my .ather at the 'inner ta@+e 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 or 7hris 2homas ha' reH*este' it sto+en an' that it was *se' to *n+ocD the @asement 'oor an' enter the home. I ha(e scars on the *n'er si'es o? my top +ips now 5 it +ooDs +iDe they are ?rom nee'+es. I ha(e ne(er *se' intra(eno*s 'r*)s. 3*rin) the year 2000 an' 2001 4 9y+e Howar' mentione' a ?ew times < 2emp*rpe'ic .oam 7*shionin) @ein) c*t an' shape' +iDe shoe so+es 4 )+*e' to the @ottoms o? shoes an' 'o*@+e +ayere' with another +ayer )+*e' to the ?irst 5 the p*rpose o? this 4 @ein) ?or @*r)+ary an' si+ent entry o? @*i+'in)s. 2hese men are a@so+*te+y 'is)*stin). ;rian 7ase was ?rien's with 3ana Um@ro an' 7aesar 4 who swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with G3ia@+oG. 3ana Um@roAs wi?e was re+ate' somehow to @oth the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 she a+so Dnew MarD ;antis who was the 'r*mmer in my ?atherAs an' *nc+esA m*sica+ @an' GMacPherson Str*tG. 3*rin) the year 200% < Marc ;antis an' a man name' ;ernie who was ?rien's with Peter Poten>a an' 3ana Um@ro4 were hit @y a car whi+e on motorcyc+es an' were @oth hospita+i>e'. In the year 2005 4 Marc ;antis was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who +ooDe' +iDe 7h*cD Norris. :hen I met .i+ 1man*e+e in 200% < I 'escri@e' to him what I +oathe' the most in +i?e 4 this was 5 G7+oset ?a))ots who hate women an' 'eni)rate them horri@+y < so horri@+y in ?act that they wi++ p*@+ica++y h*mi+iate them 4 p*@+ica++y rape them 4 ?orce them to eat ?eces 4 'rinD *rine 4 co(er them in ?i+th an' (omit 4 @eat them 4 an' 'isp+ay them on the internet @ein) a@*se' as s*ch. 2hese men are c+oset ?a))ots who @+ame women ?or their own +acD o? romantic inc+inations towar's women 4 an'

a@*se women as i? they ha' 'one somethin) wron) ?or @ein) @orn ?ema+e.G 4 ?or some reason this statement in?*riate' .i+ 1man*e+e. I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+e may ha(e rea+i>e' who I was 4 whi+e I was speaDin) this statement < an' remem@ere' +ooDin) into the @acD seat o? Bason Be??reyAs a*tomo@i+e an' seein) my se+? an' Nina Hansen in eachothersA arms I*st @e?ore Mosta?a I@nSa*' ye++e' at .i+ sayin) G.i+4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaD. $ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+oneNG. 3*rin) 200% 5 .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs recent series o? :ar #apes 4 H*man =i(isections 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 :ar Maimin) o? 7i(i+ians4 Genoci'a+ M*r'ers 4 an' Arms 2ra??icDin) in the Americas an' 1*rope 5 'isc*ssion o? this was recor'e' @y s*r(ei++ance at .ami+y 3o++ar @y metho' o? Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices that the 1man*e+esA ha' or'ere' 1' :arren to insta++ ?or p*rpose o? spyin) on my se+? as we++ as te+ephone con(ersations an' internet con(ersations which can @e o@taine' @y Mi+itary Inte++i)ence an' other .e'era+ In(esti)ators. 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 4 whom were 7rimina+ Associates that ha' @een 2errorist 7rime So+'iers o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 5 ?or)ot that the Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices were recor'in) 12 ho*rs a 'ay 4 whi+e the store was open. Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' my se+? @oth typica++y Deep o*r hair +on) an' Deep si'e @*rns 4 a+tho*)h I *s*a++y Deep a chin @ear' an' Mosta?a 'oes not < Mosta?a an' my se+? a+so 'ress somewhat simi+ar+y an' seem to ha(e some simi+ar taste in some thin)s accor'in) to .i+ 1man*e+e. I ha(e ?orma++y met Mosta?a I@nSa*' twice 4 whi+e in ;oston 5 #yan Har(ey an' 3a(e $ee intro'*ce' me to him @oth times. Mosta?a I@nSa*' a+most +ooDs +iDe a m*ch ta++er racia++y Ara@ic (ersion o? my se+?4 we +ooD simi+ar. :hen .i+ 1man*e+e sat 'own in Bason Be??reyAs car 4 we ha' @een +istenin) to 2ype 0 Ne)ati(e 5 .i+ 1man*e+e 'e(e+ope' an o@sessi(e hatre' o? Peter Stee+e an' 2ype 0 Ne)ati(e. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @ecomes emotiona++y o@sesse' with moments o? his +i?e wherein he ?ee+s +ess than omnipotent 5 .i+ is a 'e?inite Me)a+omaniac an' a Sociopath. ;etween 200% an' 2013 < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate @e)an a new Initiation 7rime that in(o+(e' the maimin) o? a ?ema+e which res*+te' in @+in'ness 5 this is a :ar 7rime. 2he res*+ts o? these attacDs ha(e @een 'oc*mente'. 2his @e)an '*rin) the phase o? the attacDs which imme'iate+y ?o++owe' the ?orm*+ation o? a p+an to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or their attacDs. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is a Moroccan o? @oth Sa*'i Ara@ian race an' Moroccan race 4 an' is a @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e o? the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y 5 the :ar on 2error was c*rrent+y 'irecte' at 0sama ;in$a'en whom is a+so Ara@ian '*rin) 200% when the 1man*e+es p+anne' to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*'. 2he tra'itiona+ c+othin) o? a M*s+im woman o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 7iti>enry < typica++y consists o? a HiIa@ an' ro@es which co(er the womanAs entire ?orm with the eCception o? her eyes 4 nose @ri')e 4 an' the sDin s*rro*n'in) her eyes. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' 'eci'e' to attempt to Socia++y 1n)ineer an i'entity Gmore hate' than A'o+? Hit+erG an' Gconsi'ere' more hate?*+ o? women than B*+i*s 1(o+aG < ?or this p*rpose 4 the 1man*e+es 'eci'e' that they wo*+' ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or a++ o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Initiation 7rimes 4 Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination o? =ictimsA .ami+ies 4 an' 2errorism 5 portrayin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' in me'ia as a woman hatin) 'e(i+ whom is the most inh*mane man to e(er +i(e. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e chan)e' (ery +itt+e in the past !0 years an' ha(e @een consistent+y acti(e the entirety o? these years. 2he creation o? a :ar Maimin) Initiation 7rime in(o+(in) the @+in'in) o? a ?ema+e 4 was inspire' @y .i+ 1man*e+eAs 'ecision to attempt to ?rame a Sa*'i Ara@ian i'entity ?or the :ar 7rimes an' attri@*tion o? the 2ra'itiona+ Sa*'i Ara@ian .ema+e )ar@ eCposin) on+y the area aro*n' the :omanAs eyes. .or this p*rpose < it is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate coa+esce' in North America an' conso+i'ate' their wea+th in p*rchase o? Me'ia In'*stry 4 Hea+thcare In'*stry 4 p*rchases n*mero*s properties 4 an' em@e''e' n*mero*s more 7o(ert A)ents within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations. .or the p*rpose o? creatin) an i'entity Gworse than A'o+? Hit+erG 5 the 1man*e+es 'eci'e' in 200% that they wo*+' attempt to eCterminate the entirety o? the A@enaDi race 4 the Mahican race 4 an'

the MiDmaH race as we++ as possi@+y other .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces in their comp+ete entirety < ?or reason that A'o+? Hit+er ?ai+e' to eCterminate the entirety o? the Israe+i race an' mi++ions o? Israe+is are sti++ a+i(e to this 'ay. A'o+? Hit+er an' B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' on+y s*ccee'e' in eCterminatin) 10 mi++ion Israe+is an' 10 mi++ion ci(i+ians o? other races co++ecti(e+y4 most o? which were 3e*tsche+an'ers. Israe+is an' 3e*tsche+an'ers are sti++ represente' @y an eCtreme+y +ar)e #acia+ Pop*+ation 7o*nt G+o@a++y. 10 Mi++ion is an eCtreme+y +ar)e Genoci'e 7o*nt 4 @*t is on+y a ?raction o? the G+o@a+ #acia+ Pop*+ation o? these races o? peop+e. 3*e to po(erty which has create' +ow @irth rates as we++ as @ein) tar)ette' repeate'+y @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs SeC 2ra??icDers an' )enoci'a+ m*r'erers who repeate'+y tar)et the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictimsA entire ?ami+ies4 the pop*+ation co*nt o? .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces is @y ?ar a sma++er pop*+ation co*nt than any other )ro*ps o? races anywhere e+se on 1arth. 10 Mi++ion 7i(i+ians is a Permanant 2ota+ Genoci'e o? what is pro@a@+e to @e E entire #aces o? .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces. 0ther races tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action ?or :ar 7rimes 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' Genoci'e are the races o? peop+e whom the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action seem to emotiona++y hate as races o? peop+e 5 these inc+*'e Gae+ic races 4 An)+o SaCon races 4 Norwe)ians 4 Swe'es 4 Ice+an'ers 4 Israe+is 4 .ranDic races 4 Ho++an'er races 4 an' MeCicans o? @oth .irst Nations an' Hispanic races. A?rican Americans were a+so tar)ette' ?or reason that North America is their home+an'. 2he 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action p+anne' to ?rame Moroccans 4 Sa*'i Ara@ians 4 an' 0sama ;in$a'en ?or the 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the .irst Nations Nati(e American races as we++ as the :ar 7rimes committe' *pon the other races 5 an' the p+anne' ScapeGoat ?or this attacD was Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or p*rpose o? portayin) a co*sin o? the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y as Gworse than A'o+? Hit+erG an' Gmore hate?*+ o? women than B*+i*s 1(o+aG permanant+y in the p*@+ic eye. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs tar)ets in North America ha(e inc+*'e' :omen an' 7hi+'ren as primary tar)ets. 2here is some mention o? the p+an to eCterminate my Mother 3e@@ie $a(oie MacPhersonAs entire racia+ or)anism )+o@a++y on the recor'in)s which were recor'e' at .ami+y 3o++ar @y the 15 #ecor'in) 3e(ices 5 my Mother is o? two .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces ?rom the North 1ast #e)ion o? North America an' a+so o? .ranDic an' Gae+ic race. 1' .arrachi :arren state' to me 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 G:hatO Are yo* the +ast o? the MohicansOG < he a+so +ie' ?or a weeD an' state' that he was o? part+y .irst Nations Nati(e American race 4 which he +ater a'mitte' that he was not. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 on 2hanDs)i(in) 5 n*mero*s peop+e o? .irst Nations Nati(e American races an' other North American races were m*r'ere' @y metho' o? poisonin) in ?oo' an' 'rinD as we++ as were n*mero*s ?ema+es ?orce' to swa++ow ?eces an' possi@+y 'ie' as a res*+t o? it. Peop+e ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' a @rother o? his @ein) in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin). Hospita+s in the North 1ast re)ion o? North America '*rin) 200! an' 2008 as we++ as the neCt ?o++ow years 4 'enie' ai+ments o? hea+th eCiste' 5 an' to+' their patients that they were o? per?ect hea+th < this is recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as a res*+t o? tho*san's o? 7i(i+ians @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @etween the years o? 200% an' 2012. :hi+e at the #ye ;each with .I++i@erto 1man*e+e < o*r 'isc*ssion e(ent*a++y chan)e' ?rom 'isc*ssin) A'o+? Hit+erAs Sa(oy @+oo'+ine to 'isc*ssin) M9U$2#A 4 #ichar' He+ms4 A6IS 7rime Syn'icate S+eeper A)ents '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration4 an' the (ario*s ?actions within) the A6IS .action. I mentione' ne*ro+o)ica+ @eha(iora+ mo'i?ication eCperiments @ein) con'*cte' *pon ci(i+ians '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration @y in'i(i'*a+s s*ch as #ichar' He+ms4 an' that these eCperiments seeme' to @e most+y )eare' towar's en)ineerin) tra*ma psycho+o)y an' contro++e' mo'i?ie' ne*ro+o)y o? 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?or the p*rpose o? possi@+y creatin) an entire+y ne*ro+o)ica++y contro++e' ?ema+e s+a(e4 these Din's o? Ne*roScience H*man=i(isections were +iDe+y @ein) con'*cte' @y Bose? Men)e+e an' his partners '*rin) the 3r'#eich. 2his @e)an @ein) 'isc*sse' whi+e mentionin) Henry MaDowAs we@site an' the ori)ina+ intention o? 7IA P#0B172 M9U$2#A @ein) to en)ineer a Hypnotic 3r*) ?or a'ministration prior to interro)ation o? 1spiona)e A)ents 4 in'i(i'*a+s )*i+ty o? 2reason 4 1nemy 7om@atants 4 an' Prisoners o? :ar < as we++ as a pain+ess an'

?ast metho' o? 'eep hypnosis '*rin) which an interro)ation tar)et co*+' @e ?+aw+ess+y compe++e' to te++ the tr*th 5 this @ein) ?or the p*rpose o? pain+ess an' near e??ort+ess interro)ations. I may ha(e mentione' Gthe MarD o? the ;eastG as pro@a@+y @ein) the in(ention o? the ?action that in?i+trate' M9U$2#A. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @e)an to 'isc*ss B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 the pro@a@i+ity that the partic*+ar H*man =i(isectionists an' SeC 2ra??icDers in(o+(e' with #ichar' He+ms were +iDe+y to ha(e @een B*+i*s 1(o+aAs connections. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e mentione' that B*+i*s 1(o+a was a Masc*+ist< I a?terwar' mentione' that one o? my )reatest hatre's or Gpet pee(esG is the a@*se o? women an' that I @e+ie(e' that men whom a@*se women horri@+y4 'eni)rate women p*@+ica++y or pri(ate+y4 a@*se them '*rin) seC or otherwise4 ?i+m (i'eos s*ch as ?eces co(ere' scat Gporno)raphyG4 p*@+ica++y rape an' h*mi+iate women4 an' men whom are tra??icDers o? women 5 are the most 'is)*stin) an' wretche' o? a++ men on the earth an' that I @e+ie(e' these men were an)ry c+oset ?a))ots whom hate' an' @+ame' women ?or their own +acD o? romantic inc+inations towar' women. :hi+e ta+Din) a@o*t Henry MaDowAs we@site < #ichar' NiConAs Presi'ency an' the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A were 'isc*sse' 5 Henry MaDow ha' written a@o*t #ichar' He+ms an' 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A 4 o? which I Dnew H*ite a+ot a@o*t. .i+ state' that #ichar' He+mAs 7rime 7onnections were +iDe+y to @e B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icate which ha' @een in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 i++e)a+ Science eCperiments 4 an' H*man =i(isection < .i+ state' that this 7rime Syn'icate was +iDe+y to sti++ eCist an' that his ?ami+y wo*+' Dnow some o? the peop+e B*+i*s 1(o+as Dnew ?or o@(io*s reasons that they were @oth o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 .i+ state' that he wo*+' @e in the re)ion ?or a whi+e an' that he co*+' in(esti)ate these thin)s. A?ter @ein) in(ite' to #ye. :e ma'e p+ans to meet .i+i@erto an' 3anie+ Bames the neCt 'ay at Hampton ;each. N*mero*s peop+e met *p with *s at Hampton ;each < amon)st these in'i(i'*a+s were .i+ 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 2ony Grasseti 4 ;ra' Sa@+e 4 ;ren'an P+ace 4 Bason 2harp an' @rie?+y a ?ew other in'i(i'*a+s s*ch as Sam Grimes whom I @e+ie(e met *p with Boe Mc7arthy an' another in'i(i'*a+ an' +e?t. ;ren'an 4 my se+? 4 an' .i+ were 'isc*ssin) the 'i??erences @etween 2a+i@an 4 A+ Lae'a 4 Biha'ists 4 an' He>@o++ah. ;ren'an mentione' that he @e+ie(e' that the 2a+i@an is a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate +oya+ to the A6IS connections in their re)ion. At mention o? the 2a+i@an 4 .i++i@erto state' that G2hatAs eCact+y what it is. I am s*rprise' yo* Dnew that 4 a+ot o? peop+e ne(er e(en *n'erstan' that. 2he 2a+i@an is +iDe a ma?ia < most o? the core o? what the A6IS is 4 is that 5 a 7rime Syn'icate Ma?ia. 2he A6IS is rea++y Ma?ia. I act*a++y Dnow an Ara@ian A6IS Ma?ia type 4 IA(e a+so met 7*@an A6IS who are Ma?ia . I 'onAt Dnow why peop+e 'onAt *n'erstan' this4 there is 'e?inite+y 7*@an A6IS < most peop+e thinD there are I*st Socia+ists in 7*@a @*t there are act*a+ A6IS .ascistas an' ACis Ma?ia. IA(e met peop+e whom were 7*@an A6ISG. .i+ was noticea@+y happy an' eCcite' to 'isc*ss the A6IS an' 2errorism 5 this was *nsett+in). 0? stran)e re+ation to meetin) the 1man*e+es at #ye an' +ater Hampton ;each 5 when we were +itt+e Di's 4 my co*sin 3*stin an' my se+? ha' met 3.B. an' is @rother Aaron whom was a'opte' to another ?ami+y at the arca'es in Hampton New Hampshire. 2he ?o*r o? *s p+aye' the NinIa 2*rt+es Arca'e Game. Some@o'y re+ate' to 3.B. ha' a cotta)e at the ;each < 3.B. an' Aaron share' a ?ew .ree>ePop Popsic+es with *s at this +ocation. :e were in 1+ementary Schoo+. 3*rin) 200"4 my co*sin 3*stin met 3.B. 1man*e+e in Nash*a with 2ony #oton'o an' 2ony #oton'oAs @rother .ranD #oton'o. 3*rin) 200!4 my co*sin Michae+ Io'ice met Aaron 1man*e+e at a Ni)ht7+*@ in ;oston Massach*settes. Aaron contacte' me on Myspace.7om as 'i' he contact my roommate on some $G;2 Socia+ NeworDin) we@site an' MySpace.7om. Aaron resi'e' primari+y in #an'o+ph Massach*settes an' Mans?ie+' Massach*settes < 3anie+ Bames resi'e' primari+y in Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire an' Sa+is@*ry Massach*settes. 3*rin) the 'ay at Hampton ;each 4 we 'eci'e' to )et pi>>a at Sa+is@*ry ;each an' wa+De' to Sa+is@*ry ;each. 3*rin) o*r wa+D thro*)h the Sa+is@*ry ;each area 4 a +on) time a??ection o? mine whom was name' =a+erie 0+son was mentione' @y my se+? whi+e in Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire when

ta+Din) to my ?rien' ;ren'an whi+e in .i+ 1man*e+eAs presense 5 I mentione' that I tho*)ht =a+erie 0+son was so @ea*ti?*+ that I co*+'nAt 'e?ine her on a sca+e o? 1 10 @y any n*m@er other than 10 concernin) @ea*ty. ;ren'an ha' ca*)ht me +ooDin) at a woman ear+ier a'mirin) her @ea*ty an' asDe' me Gon a sca+e o? 1 to 10OG to which I rep+ie' G".5. 0n+y =a+erie 0+son is 10 on a n*merica+ sca+e. I canAt e(en 'e?ine =a+erie 0+son on a n*merica+ sca+e at a++. I 'onAt *s*a++y 'e?ine women on a n*merica+ sca+e.G to which ;ren'an rep+ie' GI Dnow 4 I was IoDin). I ha' to ham it *p.G to which 3.B. ma'e a IoDe a+on) the +ines o? G@*t how m*ch 'oes yo*r ham wei)hOG. =a+erie 0+son was my ?irst +o(e 4 we were insepera@+e '*rin) 3 years o? o*r chi+'hoo' an' I ha' ne(er @een a@+e to shaDe my ?ee+in)s ?or her e(ery time I saw her since then 5 a++ o? my ?rien's Dnew this 4 this was consi'ere' typica+ GIan MacPherson an' =a+erie 0+son 'ramaG. I ?o*n' o*t that in 2005 ?rom an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son that she s*ppose'+y went to Ita+ia to St*'y A@roa' ?or co++e)e an' was intro'*ce' to Mosta?a I@nSa*' @y some@o'y whom ha' @een sta+Din) @oth o? them < other than Mosta?a 4 she was intro'*ce' to an Ita+ian man whom was somehow a re+ati(e o? a man recor'e' on camera at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire *sin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' in 200% an' 2005 4 she was a+so intro'*ce' to an A+@anian. 2his woman was not e(en =a+erie 0+son. 3*rin) 200E I was shown these photo)raphs @y whom I @e+ie(e was a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' Imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son. 2hree woman are c*rrent+y on American soi+ whom ha(e *se' =a+erie 0+sonAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the past 8 years < one o? whom is o? #*ssian race 4 two o? whom are o? yet to @e i'enti?ie' racia+ ori)in 4 an' =a+erie 0+son herse+? is missin). =a+erie 0+sonAs photo)raphs on .ace;ooD are o? a woman whom has o@(io*s+y @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' with =a+erie 0+sonAs 3NA. None o? the women whom ha(e @een preten'in) to @e =a+erie 0+son are o? the same sDe+eta+ str*ct*re or o? any Norwe)ian or Gae+ic 3NA. 2he ori)ina+ pict*re o? =a+erie 0+son ?rom her MySpace.7om acco*nt in 200% an' 2005 4 was the rea+ =a+erie 0+son 'rawin) a New Gran)e Spira+ in the san' at Hampton ;each. 7*rrent+y at Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire4 there is a Strip 7+*@ ca++e' G2ensG an' a @ar ca++e' G:icDe'A. 3*rin) 2005 4 =a+erie 0+son was rea'in) the no(e+ G:icDe'G which is a @ooD a@o*t the :icDe' :itch o? the :est an' her sister < @ase' on .ranD ;a*mAs :i>ar' o? 0> settin). In 20054 whi+e my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' 5 I @e)an sin)in) 4 G9in) o? the .orestG which is the son) that the 7owar'+y $ion sin)s '*rin) his intro'*ctory entrance in the m*sica+ G2he :i>ar' o? 0PG < I 'i' this @eca*se I ?i)*re' o*t that I was @ein) i++e)a++y recor'e' a?ter I met .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) my p+ace o? worD in Manchester NewHampshire as we++ as was =ittorio si)hte' starin) o*t a win'ow on 1+m Street at my se+?4 Sahn'ra St. 0n)e. 4 an' 2ony Grasetti +ate at ni)ht. Aaron 1man*e+e @e)an ca++in) =ittorio Gthe 7owar'+y $ionG an' ha' ma'e a statement that =ittorio +ooDe' +iDe the 7owar'+y $ion ?rom the Metro Go+'winn Meyer pro'*ction o? the :i>ar' o? 0>. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 the i++e)a+ recor'in) was @ein) ma'e @y a comp*ter hacDer whom ha' hacDe' my comp*ter an' acti(ate' the microphone 'e(ice which was mo*nte' within the ?rame o? the Monitor which ha' come stocD with the comp*ter4 e(ery time I *np+*))e' this microphone I +ater ?o*n' that Sahn'ra ha' p+*))e' it @acD in. 2his was 'one with a 2*rDoIan sty+e pro)ram as we++ as possi@+y *p+oa'e' a+tere' 'e(ice 'ri(ers. Mosta?a I@nSa*' was possi@+y pre(io*s+y 'atin) the Gae+ic woman whom was +i(in) with the Imposte*r =a+erie 0+son an' ha' taDen n*mero*s photo)raphs with her. 3*rin) 200% 4 Aaron 1man*e+e o? #an'o+ph Massach*settes an' Sea@rooD as we++ as Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire an' Massach*settes ma'e a statement a@o*t his @io+o)ica+ ?ather =ittorio 5 GI wish I co*+' ha(e a norma+ ?ami+y instea' o? a ?ather who hi'es @ehin' tinte' )+ass +iDe a pe'ophi+e cowar'+y +ion waitin) to I*mp o*t at teena)ers an' m*r'er them.G $ater that ni)ht we wa+De' @acD to Hampton ;each 5 .i++i@erto ma'e an eCtreme+y am@i)*o*s remarD that so*n'e' as i? it were meant to @e h*mo*r 4 statin) 5 G I am )oin) to @e Santa 7+a*s. I thinD I am )oin) to )i(e yo*r @est ?rien' the )i?t o? ;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain .ace ... I am )oin) to shit 'own her throat an' ?*cD it.G . Most e(eryone reacte' to this a@s*r' statement with con?*se' +a*)hter. .i+ +ater mentione' that most peop+e consi'er A'o+? Hit+er the H*intessentia+ icon o? e(i+ < an' that he wo*+'

pre?er that I not e(er mention a)ain that his ?ami+y was re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er or that A'o+? Hit+er was re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 he sai' that we wo*+' @e a+ri)ht as +on) as I 'i' not mention this an' that his ?ami+y was his primary concern. A@o*t a ha+? ho*r a?ter the G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain .aceG comment 4 Sahn'ra an' I were seate' on a @ench +ooDin) o*t o(er the @each an' across the ocean 5 3.B. an' .I$ wa+De' *p @ehin' *s. .I$ 'eci'e' to si)n Sahn'raAs note@ooD G.I$G4 to which I ma'e the comment 5 GIs that Phi+eO As in Pe'ophi+eO 0r is that Phi+e as in .eca+Phi+eO I 'o Dnow that yo* 'o so +o(e that ?eces .i+... 1mi+y is on+y 1E 4 @y the way .i+. IAm on+y 204 my se+?.G . .I$ correcte' me an' sai' 4 GNo thatAs I*st how I spe++ my name ?or short4 it says .I$ as in .i++i@ertoG. As we were +ooDin) o*t o(er the ocean4 3.B. mentione' the re' @+inDin) +i)hts on the ra'io towers on 2he Is+es o? Shoa+s 4 statin) that they +ooDe' +iDe G2wo $aser PointersG. .I$ asDe' G:hat is that o*t there ca++e' 4 a)ainOG 4 to which I rep+ie' G2hose are act*a++y the Is+es o? Shoa+s.G. .I$ then asDe' me G3i'nAt yo* say that yo*r @est ?rien'As +ast name was Is+esOG. 3.B. state' GIma)ine ha(in) those pointe' 'irect+y into yo*r eyes ?or ho*rsOG A ?ew weeDs a?ter meetin) .i+ an' 3.B. in Hampton 4 2ony Grasseti an' I met .i+ 1man*e+e as we++ as 3anie+ Bames an' one o? .i+As ?rien's in Manchester NewHampshire 5 2ony an' I wa+De' to the 1aster Sea+s +ocation near :e@ster Street to meer them. .i+As ?rien' mentione' the 1aster Sea+s @*i+'in) 4 statin) that his G@est ?rien'G was Gstayin) at the 1aster Sea+s @*i+'in)G an' that GsheAs apparent+y @+in' nowG @*t that they wo*+' not +et him see her an' it @othere' him 5 this statement echoe' +ater somethin) that in(o+(e' 1mi+y Is+es. 3anie+ Bames to+' *s that he was meetin) with a ?rien' an' parte' ways with *s. :hi+e in Manchester NewHampshire with 2ony Grasetti 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 an' a ?rien' o? .i+As 5 .i+As ?rien' t*rne' to me an' spoDe GI? yo* ha' to Di++ 3 mi++ion peop+e to pre(ent a war that wo*+' ca*se the 'eath o? 20 mi++ion o? yo*r peop+e4 wo*+' yo*OG to which I rep+ie' 4 GNo 4 I 'o not @e+ie(e in Di++in) ci(i+ians at a++ '*rin) a time o? war or any other 5 thatAs 20 mi++ion m*r'ers. How 'o yo* Dnow that the war is ine(ita@+e O I mean... what is it that wo*+' ca*se the war to e(en occ*rO :hat is it that can not @e a(oi'e' or a(erte' thro*)h 'ip+omatic meansOG an' .i+As ?rien' answere' GI wo*+'. 3onAt e(er te++ me that 3 mi++ion +i(es are not worth 20 mi++ion o? my peop+e.G . $ater 4 a?ter .i+ ha' +e?t < it was re(ea+e' to me @y .i+As ?rien' that he ha' @een instr*cte' @y .i+ eCact+y what to say an' was ma'e to rehearse it 5 .i+As ?rien' was con(ince' that .i+ was in ?act A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran' nephew. Accor'in) to 2ony Grasseti 4 he ha' recor'e' this on an e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice which he ha' c+ippe' to the insi'e o? his shirt. Accor'in) to what 2ony Grasseti to+' my se+? an' my roommate in 200% 4 this e+ectronic recor' was soon a?ter 'e+i(ere' to the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment an' the $on'on'erry Po+ice 3epartment @y 2ony Grasetti as we++ as possi@+y 'e+i(ere' to New Hampshire ..;.I. 5 2ony Grasseti a+so c+aime' to ha(e *p+oa'e' this recor'in) to Internet 3ata Stora)e an' i? s*ch is tr*e 4 it is permanant+y retrie(a@+e @y .e'era+ In(esti)ations or Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ?rom H*arantine' store' 'ata ?rom the years 200% an' 2005. 2his is a cr*cia+ piece o? e(i'ence as it is a*'io recor' o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs initia+ p+ans to eCterminate 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians in North America. 20 mi++ion is the approCimate n*m@er o? 'oc*mente' tota+ ci(i+ian cas*a+ties in 3e*tsche+an' 4 .rance 4 A*stria 4 an' Po+an' co++ecti(e+y '*rin) the Ho+oca*st in 1*rope in the years o? the 1"%0As. 2he in?i+tration o? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment @y the 1man*e+esA A)ents as we++ as (ario*s Po+ice 3epartments in New 1n)+an' re)ion is o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? retrie(in) this an' attemptin) to co(er .i+As tracDs @y e+iminatin) a++ e(i'ence a)ainst him as we++ as :itness Statements s*ch as my own an' the )ir+s who were sai' to @e 1mi+y Is+esAs 4 .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As 4 2ony GrasettiAs recor'e' e(i'ence o? my meetin) with .i+ 1man*e+e in #ye NewHampshire 4 an' other witnessness an' (ictims s*ch as B*+ie :einstein an' any mem@er o? the Bewish 7omm*nity or Asatr* 7omm*nity whom ha(e @een h*rt as we++ as o*r ?ami+ies. 2he ?act that 2ony Grasseti recor'e' my meetin) with .i+ 1man*e+e is stran)e 4 ?or reason that 2ony Grasseti is a #oya+ @+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 which means that he is o? 1man*e+e +inea)e himse+?.

2he recor'in)s ?rom the recor'in) 'e(ice that 2ony Grasseti wore c+ippe' to the insi'e o? his shirt were s*ppose' to ha(e @een *p+oa'e' to 2ony GrassetiAs internet 'ata stora)e we@ space '*rin) the year 200% 5 2ony Grasseti ?ei)ne' that he ha' @ecome an imme'iate sta+Din) (ictim a?ter meetin) with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in #ye NewHampshire the 'ay he was instr*cte' to @rin) my se+? to the +ocation @y mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is 'e?inite that 2ony Grasseti is in ?act the co*sin o? the 1man*e+es an' Dnew a@o*t what they 'i' to my eC )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen an' n*mero*s other ?ema+es whom they ha' rape'. 2he Po+ice 3epartments in NewHampshire were in?i+trate' imme'iate+y a?ter the year 200% @y Ita+ian A6IS A)ents +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. I? 2ony GrassetiAs recor'e' e(i'ence o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs p+ans to commit :ar 7rimes was 'e+ete' ?rom internet or sto+en ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment 4 these recor'in)s are easi+y retrie(e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence emp+oyees as we++ as .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations emp+oyees '*e to the *p+oa'in) o? these recor'in)s to e+ectronic 'ata stora)e +i@raries. I? these recor'in)s were accesse' @y hacDers 4 accesse' i++e)a++y witho*t recor' @y .e'era+ 1mp+oyees s*ch as ha' occ*rre' '*rin) the i++e)a+ wire tappin) o? my se+? an' 1mi+y Is+esAs con(ersations on @eha+? o? Ita+ian A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within USAmerican Go(ernment 4 or 'estroye' somehow @y a)ents actin) on @eha+? o? the 1man*e+es whom were emp+oye' @y a Po+ice 3epartment < these actions are empirica+ e(i'ence o? the 1man*e+esA preme'itate' p+ans to commit these Genoci'a+ an' per(erse :ar 7rimes. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the G1mi+y Is+esG whom I ha' spoDen with ?or the ?ina+ ?ew months o? my con(ersin) with her '*rin) the year 2005 was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who was @ein) he+' capti(e in 7ana'a in Mississa*)a or Hami+ton in 0ntario4 in 1mi+y Is+esAs ?ami+yAs ho*se. 3*rin) mine an' 2ony GrassetiAs meetin) with .i+ in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% 5 2ony ha' in?orme' me that he was wearin) an e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice an' was wearin) this 'e(ice ?or the p*rpose o? recor'in) .i+i@erto 1man*e+e as a sa?ety preca*tion '*e to .i+ statin) as a ?act that he was a ?ami+ia+ re+ati(e o? A'o+? Hit+er a weeD or two prior. 3*rin) the co*rse o? this partic*+ar 'ay4 the topic o? S*r)ica+ Imp+ant G.P.S. 'e(ices an' :ar 7rimes was 'isc*sse' 5 this topic was 'isc*sse' as a re+e(ant s*@Iect concernin) Socia+ 3arwinist phi+osophy an' G+o@a+ 2errorism a?ter .i+ asDe' me a H*estion re)ar'in) the termino+o)ies Gi++*minatiG an' Ganti 7hristG < .i+ ha' asDe' me what I @e+ie(e the termino+o)ies act*a++y meant. I @e+ie(e .i+As H*estion ha' @een initia++y 'irecte' at my se+? an' res*+te' in the ?o*r o? *s 'isc*ssin) what I 'escri@e' as a hypothetica+ Socia+ 3arwinist G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he con(ersation re)ar'in) Socia+ 3arwinism res*+te' in my 'isc*ssin) an eCamp+e o? a Socia+ 3arwinist psycho+o)y an' phi+osophy as a res*+t o? Socia+ 3arwinist (a+*es 5 the hypothetica+ in'i(i'*a+ @ein) a Socia+ 3arwinist 7rime $or' in(o+(e' in G+o@a+ 2errorism an' an attempt to conH*er the 1arth. 2he hypothetica+ in'i(i'*a+ I 'escri@e' was 'escri@e' as @ein) a man whom wo*+' co(ert+y *se hea+thcare ?aci+ities to eCterminate entire pop*+ations o? peop+e )+o@a++y an' wo*+' s*r)ica++y imp+ant in'i(i'*a+s with e+ectronic 'e(ices s*ch a G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants ?or p*rpose o? )ettin) the Io@ 'one < a+so4 I 'escri@e' a scenario wherein this man s*r)ica++y imp+ante' his own son with the same 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ant as was @ein) *se' to eCterminate the )enoci'e tar)ets )+o@a++y4 this man wo*+' pre empt the possi@i+ity o? his )+o@a+ co(ert )enoci'a+ striDe @ein) 'isco(ere' an' in(esti)ate' @y mi+itary inte++i)ence an' wo*+' s*r)ica++y imp+ant his own son with one o? the 'e(ices @ein) *se' ?or p*rpose o? portrayin) his son as a )enoci'e tar)et th*s circ*m(entin) the possi@i+ity o? @ein) i'enti?ie' as the )*i+ty party 5 @ein) that the 7rime $or' in H*estion is a Socia+ 3arwinist4 he wo*+' ?ee+ no nee' to te++ his son o? the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation which ha' occ*rre' an' wo*+' *se the p*@+ic portraya+ o? his son as a Genoci'e 2ar)et to 'e?+ect in(esti)ations which were ?oc*se' in his own 'irection as we++ as possi@+y ena@+e his son thro*)h this (ictimi>ation to +ater present himse+? as an innocent (ictim an' contin*e his ?atherAs crimina+ campai)n ?or )+o@a+ conH*est e(en a?ter his ?atherAs arrest or 'eath. A Socia+ 3arwinistAs so+e concern is Se+? 1mpowerment which is to them accepta@+y achei(e' @y any means possi@+e an' to an *n+imite' 'e)ree < the o??sprin) o? a Socia+ 3arwinist are (iewe' @y them as a contin*ation o? the se+? an' their s*ccess is important @*t the Socia+ 3arwinistAs o??sprin) are o? +esser importance than the se+?4 the *n'er+yin) ?act ?or this @ein) that

they can easi+y @e rep+ace' '*e to the Socia+ 3arwinistAs a@i+ity to @ree' new o??sprin). I @e+ie(e that I may ha(e mentione' to .i+ that I @e+ie(e' that the ?act*a+ GI++*minatiG was the Ganti 7hristG an' that this to me was an or)ani>ation an' not an in'i(i'*a+ 5 I a+so state' to .i+ that I @e+ie(e' that this or)ani>ation is comprise' entire+y o? crimina+ Socia+ 3arwinists an' that it is a )+o@a+ or)ani>ation with m*+tip+e nationa+ities represente' as the physica+ pop*+ation which the or)ani>ation is comprise' o? an' that this or)ani>ationAs *+timate )oa+ is 2ota+ G+o@a+ 7onH*est @y any means possi@+e an' esta@+ishment o? what I 'escri@e' as a corr*pt )+o@a+ o+i)archy an' a )+o@a+i>e' nationa+ state < many peop+e re?er to this concept as a )+o@a+ Ghe)emonG o(er crime wor+' 4 economics4 an' ?e'era+ state. I a+so mentione' as an eCamp+e o? how these peop+e manip*+ate society @y contro++in) the p*@+ic me'ia 4 the ?act that the me'ia has ?oc*se' on Is+am as the so*rce o? terrorism when in ?act it is a crime oriente' terrorist ?action that are en)a)e' in the terrorist campai)n that has pro(oDe' the :ar 0n 2error. It is recor'e' that I ha' mentione' that I ?e+t +iDe the me'ia was portrayin) the war as a G:ar 0n Is+amG as a re+i)ion itse+? an' i)norin) the ?act that Is+am is simp+y a component o? the c*+t*re to which many o? these ?actions @e+on) @ein) that Is+am is one o? the +ar)est re+i)io*s pop*+ations on 1arth an' some o? these ?actions are o? pre(io*s+y 0ttoman re)iona+ pop*+ation . .i+ was o@(io*s+y sti++ concerne' with Be?? #enseAs artic+e on in 200% which ha' +a@e+e' his ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 the Anti7hrist. I mentione' that it is +iDe+y that the M*s+ims in(o+(e' in the " 11 2errorist AttacDs were on+y a ?raction o? the tota+ pop*+ation co*nt o? the G+o@a+ 2errorist .action that the 2a+i@an are associate' with < to this .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ace showe' reco)nition o? a ?act he Dnew we++ an' he state' 4 G 2hat is tr*e. I @e+ie(e that. Act*a++y4 I act*a++y Dnow that that is the tr*th. A+tho*) canAt te++ yo* how it is that I Dnow that 4 @*t itAs 'e?inite+y the tr*th.G this was (ery simi+ar to the con(ersation which .i+ 1man*e+e ha' ha' with ;ren'an P+ace at Hampton ;each in New Hampshire concernin) the 2a+i@an @ein) an A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 '*rin) this con(ersation .i+ state' with mi+' interest that he Dnew ?or a ?act that this was an a@so+*te ?act an' that he co*+' not state why or how @*t that he I*st Dnew this @*t a+so state' that there was a 7*@an ACis *nit as we++ an' that he ha' met them persona++y. 3*rin) this 'ay 4 I asDe' .i+ i? he ha' meant concernin) what he ha' sai' a weeD prior concernin) my ?rien' 1mi+y Is+es an' how he was )oin) to G;roDe@acD Mo*ntain her ?aceG @y Gshittin) 'own her throat an' rapin) it a?terwar'sG an' 3.B.As comment concernin) @*rnin) o*t some@o'yAs eyes *sin) +a>er pointers 5 I to+' .i+ that I +o(e' her an' that re)ar'+ess o? mine an' 1mi+yAs (ery yo*th?*+ a)e4 I @e+ie(e' that my se+? an' 1mi+y possi@+y @e+on)e' as +i?e partners an' that it was my responsi@i+ity to protect her < I state' that a+tho*)h it seeme' that his comments were in Iest 4 that I ha' to ens*re that he ha' not meant these thin)s ?act*a++y. 2he person who they ha' ?orce' to preten' to @e 1mi+y Is+es was )i(en a speci?ic i'entity to portray 4 that was eCtreme+y simi+ar to my own. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' to me that he 'i' not mean these thin)s an' that G@roDe@acD mo*ntain G was o@(io*s+y a G)ay thin)G. I was to+' a +itt+e o(er two years a?ter this 4 that 1mi+y was a@'*cte' ?rom either Mississa*)a 0ntario or Hami+ton 0ntario < an' that she was @ein) he+' capti(e in Mo*nt P+easant Apartments in ;i++ericca Massach*settes 5 this was state' to me in a (oicemai+ that was recor'e' on my mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone 4 I*st prior to my se+? @ein) i++e)a++y hospita+i>e' @y a man in a Po+ice Uni?orm an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. :hen this (oice mai+ was +e?t on my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 I was worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication an' co*+' not answer my phone 5 the +ocation that the te+ephone ca++ was ma'e ?rom is recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as is the te+ephone con(ersation an' any ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces present in the crani*ms o? the (ictims that were transmittin). 3*rin) the year 200% < whi+e speaDin) with 1mi+y Is+es o(er the te+ephone4 I 'isc*sse' with her the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother ?rom the same ?ather who was the pre(io*s 9in) o? Ita+ia. I ha' 'isc*sse' with 1mi+y Is+es the possi@i+ity that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy may ha(e arreste' an' 'etaine' the s*ccessi(e heirs o? the #oya+ .ami+y o? 3e*tsche+an' an' Di++e' them '*rin) the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As '*rin) the A6IS Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation o? the )o(ernment o?

3e*tsche+an'. It seems pro@a@+e that a?ter I ha' 'isc*sse' this with 1mi+y Is+es 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy may ha(e a@'*cte' 1mi+y Is+es an' a seH*entia+ +ine o? ?ema+es whom they messa)e' me ima)es o? whi+e preten'in) to @e 1mi+y Is+es. Pri(ate In(esti)ations as we++ as other in(esti)ations ha(e pro(en that .i+ may ha(e @ro*)ht 1mi+y Is+es to ;i++ericca Massach*settes 4 :i+ton NewHampshire 4 as we++ as to Manchester NewHampshire an' @rie?+y +e?t her with a SeC 0??en'er with whom he was acH*ainte' name' 7esare < he a+so he+' her hosta)e at other +ocations in the U.S.A. which he ha' ?reH*ente' at 'i??erent times s*ch as possi@+y a +ocation near ;oston Massach*settes. I can not c*rrenty ?in' her an' I am eCtreme+y worrie'. 3*rin) the year 2005 5 a ?e'era+ emp+oyee (isite' me at .ami+y 3o++ar to in?orm me that I ha' @een @ein) I++e)a++y :ire 2appe' ?rom within the 7.I.A. or other simi+ar 'epartment an' that the other (ictim was 1mi+y Is+es4 I was in?orme' o? this I*st prior to the 'ate *pon which she was a@'*cte'. A ?ew months prior to 1mi+y Is+esAs 'isappearance4 I to+' her o(er te+ephone con(ersation that I +o(e' her. 1mi+y to+' me that I sho*+' mo(e to 7ana'a. 2his con(ersation was most pro@a@+y somehow i++e)a++y recor'e' @y metho' o? comp*ter hacDin) comm*nications ser(ers or was recor'e' i++e)a++y @y metho' o? wire tap ?rom within an in(esti)ations 'epartment as was mentione' to me @y a ?e'era+ emp+oyee whi+e at worD. A+so pro@a@+y recor'e' wo*+' @e a con(ersation concernin) my ?ee+in)s ?or her whi+e in :i+ton NewHampshire < I ha' *se' a ?rien' or a ?ami+y mem@erAs mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone to ca++ my ?rien' ;ren'an P+ace an' the topic o? my ?ee+in)s ?or 1mi+y Is+es was 'isc*sse' 5 I 'escri@e' 1mi+y Is+es as the one person whom I co*+' spen' the entirety o? my 'ays with 4 +i(in) in an *ninha@ite' an' remote +ocation @y o*rse+(es 4 whom I wo*+' @e happy with I*st to sit with her an' ta+D to her ?or the rest o? my +i?e. 1mi+y was the one person whom ha' e(er ma'e me ?ee+ +iDe I was not a+one 5 typica++y I ha(e str*))+e' most o? my +i?e with the ?ee+in) +iDe I am a+one in the wor+' an' that the peop+e aro*n' me are not o? the same comm*nity as my se+?< e(en when I ha(e ?o*n' peop+e with whom I ha(e ?e+t some ?orm o? Dinship 4 it has ne(er ?*+?i++e' any sense o? @e+on)in) an' I ha(e sti++ ?e+t as i? these peop+e were not o? the same comm*nity as my se+?. 2his ?ee+ o? not @e+on)in) may possi@+y @e a res*+t o? @ein) one o? the on+y .irst Nations Nati(e Americans in New 1n)+an' as we++ as one o? the ?o*n'in) An)+o Gae+ic peop+es whom ha(e a+so @ecome in New 1n)+an' 5 a+so4 1mi+y was an Asatr*ar < since I was a chi+' e(en my @est ?rien'As ?ather acDnow+e')e' that Asatr* wo*+' +iDe+y @e my re+i)ion as an a'*+t. Asatr* is a minority re+i)io*s comm*nity. 1(ery ni)ht a?ter worD 4 I wo*+' ta+D to 1mi+y on the te+ephone < e(en some mornin)s @e?ore I wo*+' +ea(e ?or worD we wo*+' ta+D on the te+ephone 5 some weeDs 1mi+y an' I spent o(er 30 ho*rs a weeD ta+Din) to one another4 the year that I Dnew 1mi+y chan)e' my +i?e. 3*rin) the 'ay that 2ony Grassetti an' I ha' met .i+ an' his ?rien' in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi+e near the =eteranAs ParD 5 I ma'e a ha+? h*mo*re' statement a@o*t .i+As seC*a+ity 4 in?errin) that he may possi@+y @e a homoseC*a+ in the c+oset that hates women 5 .i+ respon'e' to this @y statin) G I? yo* )et the i'ea that yo* want to s*cD a 'icD an' yo* 'o it 4 an' then yo* taste the 'icD on yo*r to*n)*e an' rea+i>e that it is 'is)*stin) an' ne(er want to s*cD a 'icD a)ain4 are yo* strai)htO ItAs +iDe a +es@ian oD 5 i? she has taste' 'icD once4 an' rea+i>es that it is 'is)*stin) < she is a +es@ian.G this con(ersation echoe' in 2008 when a (i'eo)raphe' recor'in) o? .i+As ?rien' 7esare rapin) a ?ema+e whom was ?ami+iar to me was poppe' *p on my comp*ter screen @y a hacDer *sin) the so?tware 2*rDoIan Go+' %. :hi+e in Manchester on 1+m Street 4 .i+ ma'e some comment a@o*t the 'o) stat*es in ?ront o? the #a'isson on P+easant Street ?or which his ?rien' mocDe' him an' h*mo*ro*s+y +a*)he' at him ri'ic*+in) him somewhat. .i+ a+so stoo' in ?ront o? the Ita+ian .+a) at the Picco+a #esta*rant an' was photo)raphe' @y 2ony Grasseti whi+e .i+As ?rien' an' I stoo' @ehin' 2ony. :hi+e in Manchester NewHampshire < .i+ 1man*e+e state' to me an' 2ony 5 GI thinD I am )oin) to p+ay Santa 7+a*s. A+ot o? )oo' thin)s come in re' an' white.G 4 Santa 7+a*s maDes +ists. 2hin)s which were +iste' @y .i+ 1man*e+e an' his ?rien' that came in G#e' an' :hiteG inc+*'e' A'o+? Hit+erAs arm @an'4 the ?+a) o? the 3r' #eich 4 one o? the ?+a)s o? A*stria 4 an' Santa 7+a*sAs s*it . .i++i@erto

1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as their Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action ha(e tar)ette' +ists o? ci(i+ians since this time. :hi+e in Manchester NewHampshire 4 wa+Din) on 1+m Street < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'ec+are' that he hate' +o(e. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e at Hampton ;each 5 2ony Grasseti state' to me G 2he 1man*e+es ha(e @een s*specte' ?or a (ery +on) time o? @ein) seria+ Di++ers who m*r'er entire ?ami+ies an' possi@+y terrorists. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ha(e @een tryin) to )ather eno*)h e(i'ence a)ainst them to con(ict them ?or a +on) time. I? an' when yo* )et eno*)h e(i'ence to con(ict them yo*rse+?4 +et *s Dnow 4 an' sen' *s what yo* ha(e.G. 2his statement is incre'i@+y manip*+ati(e ?or reason that the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are ?act*a++y the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 9ni)hts 4 an' #oya+ .ami+y o? the eCi+e' Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' are +oya+ to the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2his was o@(io*s+y an attempt to manip*+ate me. 2ony GrassetiAs )ran'?ather was an 1man*e+e. 2ony Grasseti is a #oya+ @+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he +ocation at Hampton that 2ony Grasseti ha' chosen to state this to me at was the corner o? Manchester Street4 which is the street that my Gran'.ather #ona+' $a(oieAs cotta)e is on 5 this is the +ocation at which my co*sin B*+ianna in the past 4 ha' 'isc*sse' with my ?ami+y the ?act that her ?ami+y ha' to +ea(e Sici+y ?or reason that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' near+y eCterminate' her entire ?ami+y on @oth si'es o? her ?ami+y an' were attemptin) to )enoci'a++y eCterminate the rest o? B*+iannaAs ?ami+y. B*+ianna mo(e' to the USA '*rin) her chi+'hoo'. 2his was 'isc*sse' n*mero*s times o*tsi'e at the picnic ta@+e '*rin) the 1"80As an' 1""0As. My Gran'.ather #ona+' $a(oie was threatene' @y a man who +i(e' near@y that sai' that he hear' what B*+ianna was sayin) an' that he tooD o??ense to it an' that she sho*+' @e warne' to Deep her (oice 'own an' watch what she is sayin). B*+ianna was in?*riate' at this manAs statement an' state' that her entire ?ami+y was Di++e' an' that this was now a 'irect threat to her ?ami+y in the USA. A+ Io'iceAs ?ather was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' A+ was in 'irect socia+ contact with the #oya+ .ami+y o?ten 4 A+ ne(er to+' my ?ami+y that the 1man*e+es were the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. I was intro'*ce' to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons n*mero*s times thro*)ho*t my chi+'hoo' an' a'*+t +i?e as we++ as was I intro'*ce' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e n*mero*s times thro*)ho*t my chi+'hoo' an' my +i?e. $ater4 '*rin) the year 200% 5 2ony Grasseti threatene' Samantha Grimes an' my se+? 4 whi+e wa+Din) to the Ma++ o? NewHampshire on So*th :i++ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2ony Grasseti state' that he was a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I an' that he was the co*sin o? the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Another in'i(i'*a+ who may ha(e @een with Samantha Grimes an' my se+? when 2ony Grasseti sai' this to *s is ;rian Sweet o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 2001 5 Nina Hansen was @ein) sta+De' @y 2ony Grasseti an' Aaron 1man*e+e 4 whom were @eha(in) as i? they were Nina HansenAs ?rien's. Nina Hansen ?o*n' o*t +ater that year that 2ony Grasseti was the 1man*e+esA co*sins an' that Aaron 1man*e+e was .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother. Nina Hansen 'isco(ere' that they Dnew that she ha' @een @ein) rape' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' was heart@roDen when she ?o*n' o*t that they Dept this secret ?rom her. Nina HansenAs @est ?rien' 4 1mi+y McPherson < eCp+aine' to Nina Hansen that the 1man*e+esA ?ami+y an' 2ony Grasseti were A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' were the #oya+ .ami+y o? Ita+ia o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7*rrent+y on .ace@ooD4 there is a woman preten'in) to @e Nina Hansen that is not her. Nina Hansen is ha+? Norwe)ian an' ha+? Bapanese 5 the woman on ?ace@ooD +ooDs to @e a 'i??erent race. 3*rin) the year 200% or 2005 5 I instant messa)e' 1mi+y Is+es on her A0$ Instant Messa)er acco*nt an' ca*)ht whom I now rea+i>e was 'e?inite+y =ittorio 1man*e+e *sin) 1mi+y Is+eAs A0$ Instant Messa)er Screen Name4 which he ha' apparent+y pai' a hacDer to o@tain the passwor' o? or o@taine' the passwor' o?. I instant messa)e' 1mi+y Is+esAs A0$ IM Screen Name GHe++oNG an' recei(e' a rep+y which was G@+on'e....I +iDe it. IAm @+on'e 4 @*t my hair is thin an' p+astic +iDe. I hate it.

I a+so )et c*r+s aro*n' my hair +ine an' @ehin' my ears. IAm @asica++y @a+' 4 tho*)h. Hahahaha.G a?terwhich I sai' 4 GwhatO 'i' I interr*pt somethin)OG an' the person *sin) 1mi+y Is+esAs Screen Name rep+ie' 4 GUm. No. I wi++ ta+D to yo* +ater.G. A ?ew months @e?ore this occ*rance 4 1mi+y Is+es ha' to+' me o(er the 2e+ephone an' o(er A0$ Instant Messa)er that she ha' @een speaDin) with Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister 4 whom was the sister o? the Gr*t+e 9Ie++son ?rom the @an' 1ns+a(e'. 3*rin) 200E 4 I was to+' that Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister was a@'*cte' whi+e he was per?ormin) a concert in the USA 5 I was in?orme' o? this @y an in'i(i'*a+ *sin) an A0$ Instant Messa)er Screen Name GMorty001820G some simi+ar series o? n*m@ers. 2his A0$ Instant Messa)er Screen Name was s*ppose'+y the Screen Name o? aman name' 1ric Smith. GMortyG ha' state' in 200! that he ha' hear' that Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister ha' @een a@'*cte' '*rin) the 200E to*r an' that it may ha(e occ*rre' in NewHampshire or Massach*settes. 3*rin) the year 2008 4 a woman whom +ooDe' re+ate' to Gr*t+e 9Ie++son an' appeare' to @e a@o*t 1 year o+'er than my se+? < was ?o*n' wa+Din) @+in'e' in HooDsett NewHampshire at a :a+ Mart. 2he woman whom ha' @een @+in'e' spent a ?ew years +ooDin) ?or me an' c+aimin) that she was 1mi+y Is+es 5 I @e+ie(e that she may ha(e *se' this name @eca*se she remem@ere' Manchester NewHampshire an' my name Ian MacPherson 4 an' that I was ?rien's with 1mi+y Is+es whom she was ta+Din) to in 200% or 2005. I @e+ie(e that this was Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister or the woman that G1riD Schmi'tG Morty001820 c+aime' was her 4 she ha' @een +e?t with .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister 4 these two were ?rien's with some o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity in NewBersey an' NewHampshire 5 3an 0ropa++o an' Be?? 7a@ra+ were ?rien's with the Gon>a+e>As . 2ony Gon>a+e> worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005. .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames G3.B.G an' his ?rien' whom was *sin) Me)an McG*ireAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were seen with Ms. 9Ie++son at the Manchester P*@+ic $i@rary in 200". 3*rin) the year 200" < 3anie+ Bames an' n*mero*s other ma+es SeC*a++y Assa*+t an' repeate'+y assa*+te' in other ways 4 Ms. 9Ie++son whom was @+in'. In 200% < whi+e at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire 4 3anie+ Bames ha' ma'e a comment whi+e +ooDin) across the ocean towar's ra'io towers on the Is+e o? Shoa+s G2hey +ooD +iDe +aser pointers. Ima)ine ha(in) those pointe' 'irect+y into yo*r eyes ?or ho*rsO 3i'nAt yo* say yo*r @est ?rien'As +ast name was Is+esOG In the years 200% an' 2005 4 I to+' 1mi+y Is+es o(er the te+ephone that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother < 1mi+y Is+es may ha(e mentione' this to Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 < a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee o? the USA Go(erment 4 approache' me at worD an' in?orme' me that my te+ephone con(ersations with 1mi+y Is+es ha' @een @ein) i++e)a++y wire tappe' @y some *nDnown emp+oyee o? the .e'era+ Go(ernment an' that it was @ein) in(esti)ate'. I? the @+in'e' woman whom was resc*e' @y parame'ics ?rom HooDsett NewHampshireAs :a+ Mart an' @ro*)ht to Manchester NewHampshire was not Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister 4 she was 'e?inite+y another ?ema+e whom was re+ate' to one o? the photo)raphs o? an G1mi+y Is+esG an' +ooDe' Norwe)ian or was o? the speci?ic appearance that they were tar)ettin). 1mi+y ha' a 'i??erent shape' ?ace than this ?ema+e. It is pro@a@+e that the woman that I was to+' may ha(e @een Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sisterAs :itness 2estimonia+ is c*rrent+y missin) ?rom Po+ice #ecor's in Manchester NewHampshire or has @een a+tere' ?or p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) this woman as a witness an' testi?yin) (ictim. 3*e to the ?act that a++ o? these ?ema+es were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice 4 an' Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it < it is 'e?inite that a +ar)e H*antity o? emprica+ e(i'ence eCists concernin) the @r*ta+ tort*re 4 war maimin) 4 an' war rape which these women en'*re' @etween the years o? 200E an' 2012 a?ter they were a@'*cte' ?rom ;e'?or' NewHampshire 5 the entirety o? these womenAs Ne*ro+o)y was recor'e' ?rom the 'ate o? the imp+antation o? the Ne*roScience 'e(ice 4 these womenAs G+o@a+ Position was tracDe' an' recor'e' '*rin) the entirety o? the A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(iceAs @attery +i?e which is tr*e re)ar'+ess o? whether or not a 'e(ice s*ch as this is @ein) *se' ?or the a''itiona+ p*rpose o? transmittin) an' recei(in) @inary 'ata 4 as we++ as are this womanAs (is*a+ s*rro*n'in)s recor'e' @y the Ne*ro+o)y 2ransmissions o? e(ery other in'i(i'*a+ within G.P.S. proCimity o? her whom were

S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with these 'e(ices an' transmitte' Sec*rity 7amera recor'in)s which are easi+y o@taine' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence emp+oyees i? they were transmitte' to a Home 0??ice or other +ocation inc+*'in) internet 'ata stora)e or +aw en?orcement. In the year 200% 4 a?ter my se+? an' some ?rien's ha' met 3anie+ Bames an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+e 5 ;ra' Sa@+e 'ro(e to .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st in Manchester New Hampshire 4 to picD me *p a?ter worD. A?ter ;ra' entere' the store 4 I p*nche' o*t on the time c+ocD an' we +e?t. As we were wa+Din) to ;ra'As car in the parDin) +ot 4 3.B. an' a ?rien' o? his accompanie' @y .i++i@erto approache' *s in the parDin) +ot. .i++i@erto H*icD+y eCp+aine' that he ha' some p+aces to )o @*t that 3.B. an' his ?rien' were sticDin) aro*n' the area. It t*rne' o*t that 3.B.As ?rien' +i(e' on+y 2 or 3 @*i+'in)s 'own ?rom my a*nt $es+ie an' her ?ami+y 5 her eC h*s@an' A+ Io'ice an' their sons Michae+ Io'ice an' 7hristopher Io'ice. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs wea+th retainers @o*)ht this @*i+'in) an' others in the re)ion 5 it is @e)inin) to seem +iDe they own I*st a@o*t ha+? o? the properties in the North 1ast o? North America. A?ter a@o*t 35 min*tes o? @ein) aro*n' 3.B. an' his ?rien' 4 3.B. an' my se+? were near+y to the point o? ?ist ?i)htin) '*e to o*r 'i??erences in persona+ity an' con?+ict o? interests 5 I 'eci'e' that ;ra' an' I sho*+' +ea(e. Upon +ea(in) 4 ;ra' eCp+aine' to me that he was concerne' that they were )oin) to attacD *s a?ter we eCite' .ami+y 3o++ar an' that he was s*rprise' that they 'i' not. ;ra' contin*e' to remin' me that .i++i@erto ha' a'mitte' to @ein) re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er that the +ast time that we ha' seen them 4 they ha' @e)*n to @ecome r*'e towar's *s < ;ra' a+so remin'e' me that he was Bewish an' o? an incre'i@+y noticea@+y Israe+i @+oo'+ine. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+esA wiretappe' the $AN $ine at 38" Haywar' Street an' +istene' to my con(ersations with ;ra' 4 this wo*+' @e how they Dnew that ;ra' was comin) to picD me *p on a certain 'ay at a speci?ic time. 1mi+y Is+es was a+so a (ictim o? this wire tappin). I was inten'e' to @e+ie(e that 1mi+y was +ater a@'*cte' ?rom her home an' that her ?ami+y was rep+ace' @y A)ents inc+*'in) what was to+' to me to ha(e @een a Ser@ian SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom they ha' initia++y )i(en 1mi+yAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to. ;ra' Sa@+e seems to @e missin) an' there is an Imposte*r *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. I @e+ie(e thay ;ra' Sa@+e an' his ?ami+y were sta+De' @y the 1man*e+es. In the year 200% 5 ;ra' Sa@+e asDe' me to emai+ ;enIamin Netanyah* at his 9nesset emai+ a''ress a@o*t what ha' occ*rre' concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 an' 3.B. . ;ra' s*))este' that ;enIamin Netanyah* @e contacte' '*e to his ha(in) ?ami+y in New 1n)+an'4 New /orD4 an' New Bersey. I 'onAt remem@er i? I e(er contacte' ;enIamin Netanyah* 4 howe(er < it is pro@a@+e that he is a c*rrent )enoci'e tar)et an' a tar)et ?or #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r. In the year B*ne o? 2013 4 whi+e in Hampton NewHampshire < I si)hte' a man whom +ooDe' +iDe an imposte*r ;enIamin Netanyah* 5 this man was stan'in) on a @a+cony at a cotta)e near the @each. 2his cotta)e ha' 'isp+aye' an Ita+ian ?+a). 2his man +ooDe' ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? #*ssian @*t +ooDe' +iDe he co*+' easi+y pass as ;enIamin Netanyah* an' +ooDe' to ha(e *n'er)one some =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation o? ?acia+ str*ct*re. I? this man rep+aces ;enIamin Netanyah* 4 A6IS wi++ ha(e 'ecapitate' Israe+ with an Imposte*r. 2his is an eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s sit*ation. In the year 200% 5 n*mero*s I'entity Po+itic we@sites were p*@+ishe' to the internet which presente' a+ternate rea+ity scenarios o? I'entity Po+itic ?a+se+y c+aimin) that the Bewish Israe+is 4 the race o? Israe+ < were imposte*rs an' were the Gchi+'ren o? satanG. 2hese we@sites c+aime' that (ario*s races were the Gtr*e tri@es o? the Israe+itesG 4 many o? these @ein) ?rin)e eCtreme pse*'o :hite S*premacist we@sites an' other I'entity Po+itic o? 'i??erin) Pop*+ation Gro*ps s*ch as some o? the ?rin)e eCtreme o? ;+acD Nationa+ism a++ c+aimin) to @e the ri)ht?*+ peop+e o? Israe+ an' 'ec+arin) the tr*e peop+e o? Israe+ to @e Gimposte*rsG an' G'e(i+sG. 2his is the same Din' o? propa)an'a as 2he $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion which ?a+se+y c+aime' that the Israe+i Nationa+ists were p+annin) the G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' G+o@a+ Imperia+ State that the #oman .ascists o? the A6IS ha' p+anne'. 3*rin) Israe+As 'ec+aration o? in'epen'ence as a Nationa+ State < the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion was p*@+ishe' imme'iate+y 5 the o+i)archy o? the A6IS in the Me'iterranean re)ion

attempte' to eCterminate the Israe+i race physica++y permanant+y. In the years 200% an' 2005 < n*mero*s we@sites were hacDe' that were an o@(io*s tar)et to =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 0ne o? these tar)ets was the ;*r>*m.0r) we@site which was hacDe' n*mero*s times 4 *sers acco*nts were accesse' @y the 1man*e+esA hacDers < one o? these was a ?rien' o? 1mi+y Is+esAs4 another was my own acco*nt. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i+ 1man*e+e poste' ?rom my acco*nt as we++ as 'i' they a+ter the screen name o? one o? 1mi+y Is+esAs ?rien's < his acco*nt name was chan)e' to ;asci++*sAnthraC*s @y the 1man*e+esA hacDer 4this was I*st prior to the AnthraC AttacDs o? 200% an' 2005. Another *ser acco*nt on the ;*r>*m.0r) we@site was hacDe' an' poste' an ins*+tin) an' 'is)*stin) artic+e which 'escri@e' what the 1man*e+esA propa)an'ist ca++e' Gthe #ite o? Hi>@o++ahG which was an ins*+tin) hoaC artic+e ?a+se+y 'escri@in) in )raphic 'etai+ what it proporte' to @e a ra@@inica+ tra'ition ?or a #a@@i to per?orm ?e+atio *pon a @a@y @oy a?ter his circ*mcision 5 this propa)an'a was o@(io*s+y create' @y a pe'ophi+e chi+' mo+ester. Another we@site '*rin) the years 200% which ha' @een hacDe' @y the 1man*e+esA comp*ter hacDers an' a+tere' 4 'escri@e' what they p*rporte' to @e G2a+m*'ic +awG . 2he hacDers an' propa)an'ists ?a+se+y c+aime' that the 2a+m*' 'escri@es a +aw that 'ec+ares it +e)a+ to rape a +itt+e )ir+ as so +on) as she is +ess than 3 years o+' ?or reason that the hymen )rows @acD at that yo*th?*+ o? an a)e 5 this was o@(io*s+y the propa)an'a o? an anti B*'aic pe'orast chi+' mo+estin) rapist. :hi+e I was st*'yin) the 2a+m*' an' the 2orah on the internet 4 it seems that some o? the pa)es o? the @ooDs which ha' @een poste' on the we@sites ha' @een e'ite'. :hen Henry MaDow o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7a was rep+ace' @y an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime So+'ier 4 an artic+e on his we@site was chan)e' to state that GMari+yn MonroeG was mo+este' as a chi+' an' 'escri@e' in )raphic 'etai+ the chi+' mo+estation that it reporte' ha' occ*rre'. A++ o? these artic+es were poste' or hacDe' aro*n' the same 'ate that a hoaC .reeMason we@site was poste' on the internet or Gpop *pG 'isp+aye' *sin) 2*rDoIan so?tware that ?a+se+y 'escri@e' a +ie which was simi+ar to Gthe $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? PionG 5 this +ie state' that the .reeMasons were attemptin) to co(ert+y conH*er the 1arth an' 'ec+are the city o? Ber*sa+em the capita+ city o? the 1arth. 2he #oman .ascists p+anne' G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' ha' p+anne' to 'esi)nate the city o? #ome to @e the capita+ city o? the 1arth 4 the most recent o? these p+ans were ?orm*+ate' I*st prior to the .irst :or+' :ar. 2he po+itica+ propa)an'a that has @een create' @y the 1man*e+es is 'e?inite+y o? the min' o? #oman .ascist 4 m*ch o? the propa)an'a a+so re+ates to SeC 0??ense in the way that a SeC 0??en'er wo*+' < it is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es are the )*i+ty o??en'ers. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with Anthony 3e.eo a transmission that was sent to the GPS #o*ter wire' to one o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in my crani*m. 2his partic*+ar transmission was sent '*rin) the ni)ht prior. 2his transmission 'is)*ste' 1' :arren an' +e' him to asD Anthony 3e.eo ?*rther H*estions a@o*t it a?ter he hear' a@o*t it. Apparent+y 4 this recor'in) was o? the Ne*ro+o)ica+ 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy o? a witness to a partic*+ar manAs heino*s acti(ities. 2he man who was witnesse' committin) atrocities was 'oin) somethin) eCtreme+y 'is)*stin) in a @asement in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 H*mans 4 an' Anima+s < this in(o+(e' some Din' o? m*sc*+at*re eCperiment with a )oa+ to contro+ m*sc+e tension 4 spasmin) 4 an' c+enchin) 4 as we++ as other eCperiments that @ecame 'is)*stin) an' are too 'is)*stin) to 'etai+ an' in(o+(e' >oophi+e @eastia+ity. Anthony 3e.eo apparent+y state' that I was tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' that since I was )oin) to @e 'yin) 4 this 'e(iceAs transmissions wo*+' @e in(esti)ate' ear+ier than most o? the others an' that this Anthony 3e.eo state' that it was a )oo' reason to transmit the 'ata to the GPS #o*ter 3e(ice associate' with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my Iaw ca(ity ?or reason that this wo*+' +ater @e in(esti)ate' a?ter I an' my ?ami+y were Di++e'. Accor'in) to statements that Bason ;e++emore was o(erhear' speaDin) o? to 7rai) #oche '*rin) Hi)hSchoo+ Science 7+ass in the years 2000 to 2001 4 my ?ami+y was the ?irst on =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs an' the A6ISA hit+ist an' was the ?irst o? a +ist that

eCten'e' to the entirety o? m*+tip+e racia+ pop*+ations in North America inc+*'in) the peop+e who ?o*n'e' the nations o? the U.S.America 4 7ana'a4 MeCico 4 an' other races s*ch as .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 Bews 4 A?rican Americans 4 as we++ as others inc+*'in) +ists o? 3e*tsche ?ami+ies an' Scan'ina(ian ?ami+ies as we++ as a+so Sici+ian an' Ita+ian ?ami+ies that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 'i' not tr*st. In the years 200% an' 2005 5 Sahn'ra St.0n)e eCp+aine' to me that when she was 12 years o+' a man name' GPa*+ieG ha' taDen her into a @asement < a?ter which he tie' her *p an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs 4 repeate'+y rapin) her. 2he 'escription o? the rape which GPa*+ieG ha' committe' *pon Sahn'ra St.0n)e was near+y i'entica+ to the rape which 7esare G3ia@+oG ha' committe' in 7*@a *pon a +itt+e )ir+ who was 12 an' an 8 year o+'. .i+ 1man*e+e committe' this same Din' o? rape *pon my eC )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen when she was 15 an' ha' repeate'+y rape' her '*rin) the ?o++owin) % years. :hen .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' rape' Nina Hansen 4 he wo*+' wa+D thro*)h the ?ront 'oor. Nina state' that she @e+ie(e' that .i+ ha' somehow )otten a copy o? the ho*se Dey ?rom the +an'+or' < NinaAs ?ather trie' to ta+D to the +an'+or' an' the Po+ice n*mero*s times4 .i+ was ne(er arreste' an' contin*e' to rape her. 2he ?act that .i+ was not arreste' was 'e?inte+y '*e to the ?act that the Po+ice 3epartments in the New 1n)+an' 4 #ho'e Is+an' 4 New /orD 4 an' New Bersey re)ions ha' @een in?i+trate' @y the 1man*e+esA 2errorist A)ents hea(i+y '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration. Since the year 200% an' we++ into at +east 2012 4 n*mero*s (io+ent SeC*a+ Assa*+ts occ*rre' in New Hampshire an' Massach*settes which ha(e )one *ncon(icte'. It is @een pro(en that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico o? .+eetMaster 3e(e+opment ha' @een )i(in) copies o? the Deys to the apartments which he rente' to his tenants. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers a@'*cte' as we++ as rape' n*mero*s ?ema+es ?rom apartments which Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico owne'. 2he Po+ice 3epartment in Manchester NewHampshire ?ai+e' to co++ect proper ?orensic e(i'ence o? these attacDs 4 an' ?ai+e' to arrest the )*i+ty parties < G3ia@+oG ?or instance 4 wa+De' the 13 year o+' B*+ie :einstein aro*n' Manchester on a +eash an' ha' repeate'+y seC*a++y assa*+te' her witho*t any +e)a+ reperc*ssions an' ?orce' her to *rinate in p*@+ic in si'e a++eys an' on ?ire hy'rants. 2he man who was *sin) 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s was *sin) B*+ie :einstein to attempt to +*re speci?ic peop+e into a Physica+ A+tercation ?or p*rpose o? )ettin) them arreste' an' imprisone' 5 the Po+ice 0??icers in Manchester NewHampshire were not arrestin) him an' were arrestin) innocent peop+e an' imprisonin) them. A@@ey 1t+in)er an' 1riDa .ein)o+' were @oth arreste' i++e)a++y witho*t warrant whi+e wa+Din) on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire @y a Po+ice =an 5 they ha' @een poisone' in some ?oo' or @e(era)e an' their sDin ha' t*rne' @rown an' their hair @+acD. 2he Po+ice 7orr*ption in NewHampshire is the res*+t o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action an' their a++ies @ein) em@e''e' within the Po+ice Units 5 this has ena@+e' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action to )enoci'e the pop*+ation. A+most the entire pop*+ation o? the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. has @een rep+ace' since the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. 2he *se o? chi+'ren as an A)ent Pro(ocate*r 2oo+ ?or p*rpose o? +*rin) peop+e to imprison them 4 as we++ as ?or p*rposes o? SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection whi+e the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action ha(e contro+ o? the Po+ice 3epartments 5 is aDin to tyin) a @a@y to a @om@ an' *sin) it to +*re a *nit o? so+'iers towar's the @om@. :hen A@@ey 1t+in)er an' 1riDa .ein)o+' were arreste' @y the Po+ice 0??icers 'ri(in) the Po+ice =an on 1+m. Street '*rin) the year 2005 or 200E 4 they ha' @een acc*se' o? ha(in) Go*t stan'in) mariI*ana char)esG 5 1riDa .ein)o+' crie' an' to+' the Po+ice 0??icers that she 'i'nAt smoDe mariI*ana 4 A@@ey 1t+in)er to+' them he 'i'nAt ha(e any o*tstan'in) warrants ?or her arrest. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s were Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist S+eeper A)ents an' ha' tar)ette' these two ?ema+es @eca*se o? their ?ami+ia+ connections an' the ?act that they were Israe+i. Some@o'y ha' poisone' 1riDa .ein)o+' an' A@@ey 1t+in)er with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tatin =ir*s an' chan)e' their sDin co+or to @rown an' their hair to A?riDDi' +ooDin) @+acD hair. :hen =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren at my ?ami+yAs 1"88 Ha++oween Party < he ha' poisone' the ci)arettes 4 ?r*it p*nch 4 mariI*ana 4 an' @eer with 3isassociati(e 3r*) an' Se'ati(e

3r*) 5 my ?ather ha' 3isassociate' ?rom smoDin) the mariI*ana an' 'rinDin) the ?r*it p*nch 4 a?ter which he wa+De' o*tsi'e an' @*i+t a @on ?ire whi+e he was @+acDe' o*t. 2he America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er ScreenName1mi+y that J1mi+y Is+esK was *sin) stron)+y resem@+e' A@@ey 1t+in)erAs ScreenName ?rom the year 2000 which was Anarchist=icio*s an' some n*merica+ 'i)its4 it is possi@+e that this was A@@ey 1t+in)erAs o+' screenname 5 A@@ey 1t+in)er was a ?rien' o? mine who was Bewish. A@@ey 1t+in)er was at my an' 7hris #o'onAs 'o*@+e @irth'ay party which we ce+e@rate' at 7hris #o'onAs ho*se on ;ean #oa' a?ter his mother an' he mo(e' to ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 Nina Hansen was present at this ;irth'ay Party. 7hris #o'onAs ;irth'ay is one weeD apart ?rom my own an' he is the son o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' possi@+y a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I 4 *pon hearin) that Nina Hansen was present at 7hris #o'onAs ;irth'ay party ?rom #o@ert #o'on or Martin 7atsopo*+os < =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e pro@a@+y @ecame eCtreme+y worrie'an' enra)e' as we++ as 'i' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e pro@a@+y panicD as a res*+t o? his ?ather or'erin) him to commit seC o??enses *pon Nina Hansen as 7rimina+ K2r*st .a++sK with his ?ather. I? Nina Hansen ha' to+' 7hristopher #o'on a@o*t .i++i@erto 1man*e+e rapin) her4 the entire Ho*se o? Sa(oy wo*+' ha(e ?o*n' o*t that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son was a SeC 0??en'er. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs so+*tion to these Din's o? sit*ations is to manip*+ate the mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who are not )*i+ty o? his crimes 4 to commit the same Din' o? crimes or somethin) o? simi+ar 'e)ree o? )*i+t an' 'an)er 5 #o@ert #o'onAs i'enti?ication 7re'entia+s are c*rrent+y in the han's o? an imposte*r who has ma'e a .ace;ooD.7om Pro?i+e as i? he is #o@ert #o'on an' has @een +i(in) as him4 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e either con(ince' the #o'on ?ami+y to swap I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with some@o'y e+se or they ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs as a res*+t o? @ein) m*r'ere'. 1' .arrachi :arren ha' written 'own the :einsteinsA +icense p+ate n*m@er a?ter they ha' shoppe' at .ami+y 3o++ar one 'ay an' is recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras as writin) it on a ye++ow pa' o? paper. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers a@'*cte' B*+ie :einstein. 2ony Gon>e+e>4 who a+so worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar < was a+so a@'*cte' an' was he+' capti(e in a +i)ht+ess @asement in Manchester near 2renton Street 5 2ony Gon>a+e> was ?e' (ir*s +a'en mi+D which ha' @een tainte' with hemo)+o@in that ha' @een *se' to c*+t*re =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy nano en)ineere' =ir*s which containe' 7aesarAs 3NA Proteins. 2his was *se' to m*tate him repeate'+y *nti+ 2ony +ooDe' +iDe 7aesare a?terwhich 2ony was re+ease' an' was arreste' @y the 1man*e+esA 2errorist A)ents em@e''e' within Manchester Po+ice 3epartment < these men an' a Manchester NewHampshire B*')e +ocDe' *p 2ony Gon>a+e> as i? he was 7aesar an' ha' committe' G3ia@+oAsK crimes as imposte*r o? 7aesar. 0ther $an'+or's in the re)ion ha(e @een worDin) with the 1man*e+es an' Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico 4 a++ o? these $an'+or's are SeC 2ra??icDers. ;onnie 3amon 4 who 'i' somethin) stran)e to me when I was yo*n)er < is reporte' to ha(e possi@+y shot her ?ather 4 ?or her mother tooD the @+ame. ;onnie 3amonAs ?ather was a SeC 2ra??icDer who worDe' with =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7rime Syn'icate4 ;onnie 3amon Dnew this man as G=ictorG. ;onnie 3amonAs ?atherAs ?rien' SeC*a++y Assa*+te' her repeate'+y when she was a chi+' 4 this is @e+ie(e' to ha(e +e' to ;onnieAs 'ecision to shoot her ?ather. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio may ha(e @een the man who rape' ;onnie an' one o? the men who rape' my mother when she was a chi+'. ;onnieAs ?ather ha' at +east two ?rien's name' G=ictorG who were in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime. My mother was a (ictim o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate when she was a chi+' 4 this was 'e?inite+y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has @een recr*itin)4 there are not yo*n)er mem@ers o? this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. ;onnie 3amon may ?act*a++y @e a 'a*)hter o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs who B*+i*s entr*ste' to the 1man*e+es with the intention o? a'optin) her to +oya+ in'i(i'*a+s witho*t te++in) the other where they were 4 ?or p*rpose o? pre(entin) them ?rom @ein) ?o*n' sho*+' B*+*s 1(o+a @e tort*re' '*e to his )*i+t concernin) the 3r' #eich an' the Ho+oca*st5 it is pro@a@+e the B*+i*s hi' 1man*e+esA in?ants in m*+tip+e +ocations thro*)ho*t his +i?e4 entr*stin) them to n*mero*s ?ami+ies.

2he 1man*e+es are attemptin) to @*i+' a 'espotic re)ime to pre(ent themse+(es ?rom @ein) arreste' ?or the n*mero*s SeC 0??enses which they ha(e committe' *pon minors an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which they ha(e committe' *pon minors. SeC 2ra??icDin) o? chi+'ren an' H*man =i(isection are the two most heino*s crimina+ o??enses in eCistence4 the 1man*e+esA ha(e committe' these crimes an' ha(e recr*ite' a sma++ army o? the sort o? crimina+s which is taDes to commit crimes o? s*ch a +e(e+ o? e(i+. It seems pro@a@+e that the Initiation 7rimes which are eCpecte' o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime So+'iers are en)ineere' ?or the spec?ic p*rpose o? testin) the emotiona+ response to the crimes that the 7rimina+ eChi@its a?terwar's 5 i? the crimina+ is emotiona++y sta@i+e 4 the 1man*e+es are pro@a@+e to attempt to initiate them ?*rther < i? the crimina+ is emotiona++y *nsta@i+e an' are pro@a@+e to report the 2errorist 0r)ani>ationAs eCistence to a*thorities 4 the 1man*e+es pro@a@+y Di++ the in'i(i'*a+. A?ter 2ony Grasseti an' I met .i+ an' his ?rien' in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 Sahn'ra St.0n)e 4 Scot H*nter 4 an' my se+? were wa+Din) to 1+m St. to meet *p with 2ony Grasetti. It was +ate at ni)ht when we met him on 1+m St. . 2ony was with the man whom we ha' met a ?ew weeDs ear+ier whom was a ?rien' o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs. 2ony parte' ways with .i+As ?rien' an' wa+De' with the rest o? *s @acD to the apartment. As we were passin) E1 1+m St4 a @*siness ?ront < an o+' man was stan'in) in the 'arDene' store which ha' a+rea'y @een c+ose' an' was starin) at *s thro*)h the win'ow as we wa+De' past. Sahn'ra notice' the man ?irst an' was start+e' @y his presense in the win'ow 4 she t*rne' to me an' sai' GHo+y shit thatAs ?*cDin) creepy. 3i' yo* see that man in thereO he +ooDe' +iDe he was starin) at *s.G. I reco)ni>e' the man a ?ew months +ater when he came to .ami+y 3o++ar as =ittorio 1man*e+e. He was 'e?inite+y stan'in) insi'e o? the c+ose' store an' starin) o*t the win'ow at *s as we were wa+Din) past. I @e+ie(e that this was ?or the p*rpose o? seein) *s *p c+ose. I am *naware o? whether or not 2ony Grasseti Dnew that =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' @e waitin) insi'e the store as we wa+De' past to catch a si)ht o? *s as we were ha+? way. I @e+ie(e this was @eca*se =ittorio wante' to see me *p c+ose. 2his was mentione' +ater as G=ictor stan'in) in the 'arD store?ront @ehin' the )+ass +iDe a pe'ophi+e (ersion o? the 7owar'+y $ion in the :i>ar' o? 0P sta+Din) 3orothy an' the 2in Man @e?ore I*mpin) o*t to scare them.G. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ace was +ater compaire' to 2he 7owar'+y $ion o? 2he :i>ar' o? 0P mo(ie @y his son Aaron whom ha' @een a'opte' @y a ?ami+y o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen < Sahn'ra St. 0n)e an' I ha' o(erhear' 2ony Grasseti 'isc*ssin) this with Scot H*nter. I was +ater hear' @y hacDers intentiona++y si)nin) G9in) o? the .orestG into my comp*terAs microphone whi+e it was @ein) hacDe' < 7+arissa ;erry was a+so recor'e' as ha(in) san) this into the i++e)a++y p+ante' recor'in) 'e(ices '*rin) 200E. 3*rin) the year 200%4 a@o*t two months a?ter meetin) .i+ 1man*e+e 5 Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? met *p with #yan Har(ey an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDy in ;oston Massach*settes to spen' the weeDen' with them in ;oston. 3*rin) that e(enin) the ?o*r o? *s tooD the S*@way 2ransit into Ma+'en Massach*settes to wa+D to meet 3a(e $ee near the Ma+'en an' 1(erett @or'er. 2hat e(enin) Sahn'ra mentione' =ittorio stan'in) in the win'ow at E1 1+m St in Manchester NewHampshire a?ter it was c+ose' the ni)ht that we ha' wa+De' to meet 2ony Grasetti on 1+m St. in Manchester NewHampshire < she state' that she @e+ie(e' that =ittorio was sta+Din) *s an' that she @e+ie(e' that he was 'e?inite+y A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. 2he 5 o? *s then 'isc*sse' the chi+' hoo' o? my step co*sin B*+ianna ?rom Sici+y an' why her ?ami+y ha' to re+ocate to the U.S.A. as we++ as B*+iannaAs .atherAs @e+ie?s an' the @e+ie?s o? Sici+ians whoAs ?ami+ies ha' @een eCterminate' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs a)ents a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 5 B*+iannaAs .ather an' a +ar)e n*m@er o? Sici+ian ?ami+ies Dnew that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' that B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' @een his speach writer4 these ?ami+ies a+so Dnew that B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' inherite' ?rom his ?ather 'esi)ns an' p+ans ?or a reconstr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire an' G+o@a+ 7onH*est 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a en)ineere' m*ch o? the I'entity o? the 3r' #eich o? GHit+erAsG Germany 4 an' it is pro@a@+e that B*+i*s 1(o+a was a 'irect c*rrier @etween =ittorio

1man*e+e III an' his ha+? @rother A'o+? GHit+erG. Many o? the ?ami+ies tar)ette' in Sici+y a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 were tar)ette' ?or speaDin) the tr*th < many o? these ?ami+ies Ioine' a Sici+ian Nationa+ist or)ani>ation an' @e)an s*pportin) a Sici+ian 3ec+aration o? In'epen'ence ?rom Ita+ia an' permanant in'epen'ence ?rom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as the re coronation o? the ori)ina+ #oya+ Aristocracy o? Sici+y prior to the conH*est o? Sici+y @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 this @ein) the Aristoratic Ho*se which ha' @e)*n as a res*+t o? the Norman 7onH*est o? Sici+y when the Moro Ara@ians were 'e?eate' in Sici+y @y the Normans. 2he @*s station in Ma+'en Massach*settes is on the corner o? P+easant St an' another street 5 .i+ 1man*e+e m*st ha(e ?o*n' o*t a@o*t this ?rom his 7omp*ter HacDers '*e to their constant HacDin) an' watchin) o? my comp*ters an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e @ein) on the internet ta+Din) to ?rien's a++ 'ay whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 .i+ 1man*e+e +ater *se' the wor' GP+easantG in a+most e(ery 'eath threat he wrote in North America as we++ as in n*mero*s other instances. 2he #a'isson Hote+ with the 'o) stat*es that are poise' in the same position as a woman an' a 'o) in a (i'eo which .i+ 1man*e+e ha' choreo)raphe' an' ?i+me' is on the corner o? P+easant Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 ?or this reason4 many o? the Ita+ians in New1n)+an' whoAs ?ami+ies Dnew the 1man*e+es were ca++in) this GNi)htmare on P+easant StreetG I*st as they were ca++in) =eterans He+pin) =eterans G=ictor He+pin) =ictorG. $ater 4 '*rin) 200! 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?rien' 7esare was reporte' to Po+ice ?or ha(in) @een taDin) ha+? n*'e an' eCpose' n*'ity photo)raphs o? B*+ie :einstein whom was approCimate+y 15 at the P+easant St. #a'isson +ocation which .i+ wa+De' past more than once the 'ay we were in Manchester an' commente' a@o*t the 'o) stat*es 5 B*+ie :einstein was ma'e to p*@+ica++y pose atop a sma++ stone wa++ ?or these photos. I @e+ie(e these photo)raphs were emai+e' to 1' .arrachi :arren an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e as we++ as another in'i(i'*a+. 7esare was hear' speaDin) 4 G2his is my ?rien' B*+ie. She wants to @e a mo'e+. I am her photo)rapher. P+ease )i(e my ?rien' B*+ie a Io@ worDin) ?or yo*r mo'e+in) st*'io.G. 2his was witnesse' @y n*mero*s peop+e 4 $*cas An)*i+ini an' Sha*n .air@anDs @oth wrote witness statements as 'i' a thir' in'i(i'*a+ whom was wa+Din) past 5 a++ three o? these :itness Statements were imme'iate+y @ro*)ht to Po+ice 3epartment. 7esareAs p*@+ic a@*se o? this +itt+e )ir+ ha' @een i)nore' @y Po+ice in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o*t 2 an' 1Q2 years. Anthony McMenemy whom is a P*rp+e Heart =eteran an' is c*rrent+y missin) 4 +iDe+y to @e one o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs (ictims '*e to the ?act that Anthony McMenemy an' his ?ami+y were c+ose ?rien's o? my ?ami+yAs. 3*rin) the year 200" 5 an imposte*r o? Anthony to+' me that he ha' met .i+ 1man*e+e in ;oston 5 the imposte*r o? Anthony ha' pointe' o*t to n*mero*s peop+e that there were penises on the 'o)s in ?ront o? the #a'isson Hote+ an' that .i+ 1man*e+e m*st @e a c+oset homoseC*a+ @eca*se the positionin) o? the 'o)s an' their penises are the same as what wo*+' @e consi'ere' the a(era)e homoseC*a+ seC position o? homoseC*a+ men < '*rin) the year 200E 4 accor'in) to either Anthony McMenemy or an Imposte*r o? Anthony McMenemy whom has @een *sin) AnthonyAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 whi+e in ;oston4 .i+ 1man*e+e to+' him that he was A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. 0? re+e(ance to the +ocation o? the 2ransit Station in Ma+'en Massach*settes an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs o@session with si+encin) ;oston 5 the ni)ht Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? wa+De' with #yan Har(ey 4 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi4 an' 3a(i' $ee '*rin) which we 'isc*sse' =ittorio 1man*e+e III @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother was the on+y time that I ha' e(er to+' anyone what my step co*sin B*+ianna ha' to+' me @esi'es my emai+ to Henry MaDow < .i+ 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e are o@sesse' with si+encin) the tr*th concernin) their ?ami+iesA connections to 2he Ho+oca*st an' 2he A6IS as we++ as their c*rrent 2errorist an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime 7onnections 4 this +ocation is +iDe+y to ha(e @ecome an o@session o? theirs. 1(e+yn Street is the name o? a street @ehin' the Ma+'en 2ransit Station 4 Aaron 1man*e+e has *se' to name 1(e+yn ?or a ?ew thin)s since this time. A+so 5 the a?orementione' Michae+ Bohnston )rew *p in Ma+'en Massach*settes. I ha(e a+so hear' that .i+ 1man*e+e an' his @rother Aaron ha' )i(en the name A1(e+ynG to a n*m@er o? their SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims since the year 2005.

3*rin) my con(ersation with 3a(i' $ee which occ*rre' a?ter Sahn'ra an' I 'isc*sse' with #yan4 $a*ra4 an' 3a(e o*r meetin) with the 1man*e+es < 3a(e an' I @e)an to 'isc*ss 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants s*ch as G.P.S. an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 .i+ was @rie?+y mentione' '*rin) this 'isc*ssion. 3a(e mentione' that he himse+? was ha+? A*strian 4 +iDe .i+ is ha+? A*strian. 3a(e $ee @e)an to 'isc*ss with me the $in*C 0peratin) System 4 ;acD2racD so?tware 4 an' other HacDin) So?tware as we++ as an ear+ier (ersion o? U@er2ooth which was a+rea'y in pro'*ction '*rin) the year 200% 5 he state' that it was pro@a@+e that he co*+' 'etect any S*r)ica+ Imp+ant that transmits e+ectronic 'ata an' that he co*+' possi@+y hacD the 'e(ice or *p+oa' it to a comp*ter as a 'e(ice which wo*+' ena@+e the 'e(iceAs transmissions to @e monitore'. $ater '*rin) the year 200% 5 #yan Har(ey 4 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDy 4 an' my se+? wa+De' to meet 3a(e $ee on 1+m Street near 2renton Street where 3a(e $ee ha' @een (isitin) 7hristine 3ion at a ho*se a ?ew @+ocDs ?rom the corner o? 2renton Street an' 7hestn*t Street. :hi+e (isitin) what has @een 'isco(ere' to ha(e @een an imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion 4 3a(e $ee to+' her that he ha' ?o*n' o*t who A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y was an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n sta+Din) his ?rien's Ian MacPherson an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e. 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather is a ?rien' o? =ittorio 1man*e+es 4 a SeC 2ra??icDer 4 an' is an accomp+ice to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. I @e+ie(e that 7hristine 3ion mentione' to her ?ather what 3a(e $ee ha' to+' her. 2he re)ion aro*n' 7hestn*t Street an' 2renton Street was the +ocation o? a (acant ho*se that was *se' to ho+' hosta)es in the @asement 5 7esare an' .i+ 1man*e+e *se' this +ocation to ho+' hosta)es. It is 'e?inite that these attacDs are .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7esare < an' that they ha(e their Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e *pon them +iDe a ?in)erprint. 3*rin) the year 2005 < $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi 4 #yan Har(ey 4 my se+? 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e 4 3a(e $ee 4 Gre) 3a*+ton 4 Beremy PastricD 4 an' Matt Marsha++ 5 tra(e+e' to Pro(i'ence #ho'e Is+an' 4 to per?orm a m*sica+ concert ?or their @an' GSco*r)eG. As we were ret*rnin) ?rom the concert an' were waitin) in the Greyho*n' Station 5 myse+? an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi notice' a stran)e Ita+ian woman who ha' m*tate' 'arD @rown sDin name' G$orieG 4 who was worDin) with 2om 2ancre'o at the 2icDets F In?ormation ;ooth in the Greyho*n' Station $o@@y an' the ;a))a)e 7+aim. :hi+e at the Greyho*n' Station < $orie -Poten>a8 was notice' starin) at $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi o?ten 4 an' at some point @e?ore @e?ore we +e?t she to+' them *s to GchecD ?or ticDsG a?ter which $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi rep+ie' G0h... weAre not )oin) campin).G. $orie was ca++in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces G2icDsG. It is c*rrent+y @e+ie(e' that at some point whi+e they were +i(in) in ;oston Massach*settes 4 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi an' some o? the mem@ers o? the @an' GSco*r)eG were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. $orie -Poten>a8 has @een si)hte' at a+most e(ery +ocation that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+iansA crani*ms an' I @e+ie(e that she may @e 3an ;*cD+eyAs 'istant co*sin 4 that he ca++s GA*nt $orieG. It is a possi@i+ity that Banet Napo+itano has met $orie -Poten>a8 @e?ore. It is 'e?inite that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action p*rchase' Hospita+s 4 2ransportation 4 7omm*nications F 1ntertainment 7orporations 4 an' Hote+s in m*+tip+e p+aces. Somethin) simi+ar to this happene' in ;irmin)ham A+a@ama. 3*rin) the year 200E an' many times '*rin) the ?o++owin) years4 $orie Poten>a was witnesse' in n*mero*s +ocations thro*)ho*t the USA 5 '*rin) this (ario*s si)htin)s 4 $orie ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to ha(e @rown sDin 3NA o? a sDin tone that +ooDe' +iDe a cross @etween In'ian Aryan 3NA an' M*+atto A?rican 3NA. $orie Poten>a m*tatin) her sDin n*mero*s times is o? a pro@a@+e reasonin) that has to 'o with the creatin) o? a potentia+ a+i@i ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Sa(oy A6IS ?or ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) in(o+(e' in Genoci'e an' SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as the rep+acement o? the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with a man that 1' :arren state' was re+ease' ?rom prison in the +ater months o? the year 2005. 2he imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama has *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to more c+ose+y resem@+e the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama 4 who was a mem@er o? the New/orD ;+acD Panthers an' the New/orD as we++ as Massach*settes chapters o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e. My ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ Dnew the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein

0@ama persona++y an' has in his past e+ectronic comm*nications recor's 4 con(ersations with the ?act*a+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. It has @een reporte' that $orie Poten>a was witnesse' at 7i7iAs Pi>>a in San Antonio 2eCas with Banet Napo+itano '*rin) the year 200% or 2005 an' was p+annin) somethin) i++e)a+ that ha' somethin) to 'o with =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' possi@+y the A6IS an' SeC 2ra??icDin). 7oinci'enta++y 4 Banet Napo+itano was in(o+(e' in contro(ersy in the re)ion o? the Ari>ona @or'er o? the USA an' MeCico < this contro(ersy in(o+(e' what was percei(e' to @e the harrassment an' remo(a+ o? J@rown sDinne' peop+eK ?rom Ari>ona 4 who were 'eporte' into MeCico 5 it has @een state' that some o? these peop+e were not e(en MeCican citi>ens or e(en ha' any I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. It is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS are attemptin) to @*i+' a re)ime in MeCico an' were *sin) the @or'er sec*rity iss*es as a metho' o? sneaDin) A6IS A)ents into MeCico =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear to @e MeCican or Mesti>o 4 Hispanic 4 an' A>teca race 5 ?or the p*rpose o? o@tainin) emp+oyement within the MeCican )o(ernment in positions o? Po+icin) an' In(esti)ations as we++ as ?or p*rpose o? in?i+tratin) 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates in MeCico ?or reason o? manip*+atin) them. It is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that the :ar 0n 3r*)s in So*th America was in ?act the res*+t o? an A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in So*th America in re)ions s*ch as ;ra>i+ an' 7o+om@ia < the 1nemy 7om@atant .action '*rin) the :ar 0n 3r*)s was ne(er ?*++y *n'erstoo' to @e an A6IS .action 4 @*t it is a+most 'e?inite that it was in ?act the A6IS 7arte+ in So*th America 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that the MeCican 7arte+s are in con?+ict an' competition with the A6IS 7arte+s in So*th America that in the past ha(e ?reH*ent+y transporte' H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims s*ch as $a@or 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 an' H*man =i(isection =ictims thro*)h MeCico an' into the USA < as we++ as ha(e the So*th American A6IS 7arte+ in the past 4 transporte' 'r*)s an' weapons thro*)h MeCico an' the 7arri@ean re)ion into the USA. It is pro@a@+e that the A6IS .action are p+annin) a 7o(ert 7o*p 'e 1tat o? the MeCican Go(ernment 4 the USA Go(ernment 4 an' the 7ana'ian Go(ernment sche'*a+e' to occ*r '*rin) the imme'iate ?o++owin) years. :hi+e I was in 7am@ri')e Massach*settes < we wa+De' past 3an ;*cD+ey 4 Bason ;e++emore 4 an imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er) 4 3an McGre)or 4 an' 2om McMenemy 5 3an ;*cD+ey )a(e me a ci)arette that t*rne' o*t to @e coate' in 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCin. A?ter I smoDe' the ci)arette 4 the imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er) wa+De' *p to me an' sho(e' me with his han's 5 he sai' GI am )oin) to eCterminate yo*Are raceNG a?ter which I @ecame con?*se' an' notice' that the man was an imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er). 3an ;*cD+ey is the primary s*spect in the 'isappearance o? ;en $in'@er). ;en $in'@er)As ?ami+y was on the same hit+ist as my own. 3*rin) the year 200% < 1+ena Pere> 4 Iris 0rti> 4 an' ;en $in'@er) were somehow s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces . 3*rin) the year o? 2005 4 .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an mo(in) 1+enaAs 4 IrisAs 4 an' ;enAs mo*ths an' ta*ntin) them. ;en $in@er) *se' a ra'io scram@+er to Iam the si)na+ o? n*mero*s ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 they @e)an )ettin) the in?ormation sprea' to the p*@+ic concernin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 3*rin) the year 2005 < ;en $in'@er) 4 1+ena Pere> 4 an' Iris 0rti> went missin) 5 photo)raphs o? imposte*rs ha(e @een presente' on .ace@ooD.7om @*t not one o? them has @een seen. 1+ena Pere> an' Iris 0rti> tra(e+e' to 2eCas an' attempte' to warn 2eCas an' MeCico. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 I met a man name' An'rew at the Gothic Ni)ht at the ni)htc+*@ 7+*@ Manray. :e @ecame ?rien's H*icD+y. An'rew to+' me that he ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace JmicrochipK in his @rain that was p*t there whi+e he was s+eepin) some p+ace in the past two months or so. An'rew Dnew Gra>>io+i an' ha' met #o@ert 3AAn)e+o. An'rew was an A*strian who was @orn in the USA. I @e+ie(e that An'rew was pro@a@+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a G.P.S. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @y #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' Gra>>io+i '*rin) the year 200% or 2003. A?ter An'rew to+' me that he ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain 4 he (anishe' ?rom 7am@ri')e Massach*settes an' was

not a@+e to @e +ocate' @y peop+e who Dnew him. He ha' staye' the ni)ht at my apartment at Haywar' Street in Manchester NewHampshire twice @e?ore his 'isappearance. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 my roommate Scot H*nter watche' a % 1piso'e Se)ment 2e+e(ision Series which showe' at approCimate+y 8500PM or "500PM at ni)ht. 2his % 1piso'e Se)ment o? a series @e)an with an openin) scene in(o+(in) two in(esti)ators 'isc*ssin) SeC 2ra??icDin). 3*rin) the co*rse o? the ?irst 2 episo'es 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are ?o*n' in the crani*ms o? n*mero*s ci(i+ian (ictims < one o? these @ein) a woman who is ?o*n' 'ea' in the 'ri(erAs seat o? a car with her hea' tippe' ?orwar' an' the @acD o? her necD an' crani*m rippe' o*t 4 eCposin) wires. Another o? the (ictims Io)s into oncomin) tra??icD an' is *na@+e to contro+ his own +e)s 4 @eca*se a terrorist is *sin) a wire+ess ra'io ?reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace s*r)ica+ imp+ant an' a 7omp*ter to contro+ the Ne*ro 7ortica+ 1+ectro Ma)netics on the s*r?ace o? the @rain o? the (ictim an' pi+ots him to r*n into oncomin) tra??icD. 2his entire % episo'e se)ment aire' at +east twice. At the en' o? the 3r' episo'e 4 the in(esti)ators open a 'oor to a room which ca*ses a cata+yst that @e)ins with a mar@+e @ein) 'roppe' ?rom a )*m @a++ machine at the other en' o? the room an' a series o? mechanica+ reactions ?o++ow 5 the series o? mechanica+ reactions ca*se m*+tip+e e+ectronic 'ata transmitters to sen' 'ata p*shes a++ o(er the wor+' to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 1Cp+osi(es 4 an' other traps < this ca*ses a seH*ence o? a*tomate' 2errorist AttacDs )+o@a++y. 2his is simi+ar to the )ame G2he Ama>in) MachineG 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e ha' @een *sin) my own an' Scot H*nterAs comp*ters to p+ay the )ame G2he Ama>in) MachineG '*rin) the year 200% whi+e o*r comp*ters were @ein) hacDe'. 3*rin) the te+e(ision m*+ti episo'e se)ment 4 a man who +ooDe' simi+ar to =ittorio 1man*e+e I*mpe' hea' ?irst ?rom the center an' 3r' win'ow o? the top o? a @*i+'in) that resem@+e' the .irst Nationa+ ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire that is across the street ?rom the 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street that was Samantha ;ernsteinAs p+ace o? worD 4 an' is neCt to the 7ity Ha++. :hen ;en $in'@er) ha' (isite' me at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 he he+' *p three ?in)ers at myse+? on camera. ;en $in'@er)As .ather Dnew BacD 3ion an' Gre) Pittin)er. Gre) Pittin)er Dnew a@o*t 7hris 2homasAs 4 7+int 2ay+orAs 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 0??enses an' ha' to+' his ?ami+y an' others a@o*t their 'is)*stin) @eha(ior. ;en $in'@er) was recor'e' one time whi+e at .ami+y 3o++ar mocDin) =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 speaDin) GIs he the 9in) o? the Na>isO He m*st @e the 9in) o? a++ nations 4 thenO He m*st @e Bes*s 7hrist 4 thenOG. 3*rin) 2005 4 3an ;*cD+ey @ro*)ht with him an imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er) to 7am@ri')e Massach*settes. 3an ;*cD+ey )a(e me a ci)arette that was poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin 4 a?terwhich the imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er) sho(e' me an' to+' me that he was )oin) to eCterminate my entire race. 2he man was 'e?inite+y not ;en $in'@er) 4 @*t ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear o? near+y i'entica+ appearance to him. At the conc+*sion o? the ?ina+ episo'e o? this te+e(ision se)ment 4 the in(esti)ators open a 'oor an' ?in' the 2echno+o)ica+ )eni*s 2errorist as+eep at a comp*ter 'esD in a chair with his hea' tippe' @acD an' an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met on his hea'. 2he actor who was picDe' to p+ay this ro+e +ooDe' i'entica+ to a man who @o*)ht c+eanin) s*pp+ies *sin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7re'it 7ar' at my re)ister '*rin) 200% an' 2005 when =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his son 7hris 2homas ha' @een sta+Din) me at my p+ace o? worD. =ittorio an' 7hris are (is*a++y recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras as ha(in) @een in the store n*mero*s times. 7hris 2homas a+so *se' a 7re'it 7ar' that sai' 7hris 2homas. It is possi@+e that 7hris 2homas co*+' ha(e sto+en a 7re'it 7ar' with the same name on it 4 @*t it is pro@a@+e that this was his own 7re'it 7ar' that he ha' presente' to me at my re)ister. I? the eCtra who was as+eep at the en' o? the % 1piso'e Se)ment was )i(en the ro+e @y an 1man*e+e or a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen -Ho*se o? Sa(oy8 this is e(i'ence that the 1man*e+es pro(i'e' the p+ot o? the mo(ie 4 parts o? the 'ia+o) 4 an' this eCtra actor to the pro'*cer o? the me'ia thro*)h a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'i' this with the mo(ie ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain as we++ as 'i' he )et Mosta?a I@nSa*' two ro+es as an eCtra actor in a two mo(ies. 2hese ro+es are +iDe cameo appearances ?or actors that are *nDnown to the maIority o? the p*@+ic.

3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 my roommates Scot H*nter an' 9enneth B*'' watche' an episo'e o? a 2e+e(ision Series which portraye' a Hispanic Mesti>o man 'i))in) *n'er his Iaw with p+yers a?ter c*ttin) *n'er his Iaw with a sca+pe+ 4 an' e(ent*a++y remo(in) an A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice an' a wire that was wire' *p into his crani*m near his ear an' wire' to a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace on the s*r?ace o? his @rain *n'er his crani*m. 2his p+ot +ine an' script was 'e?inite+y pro(i'e' to this Me'ia Pro'*ction 7ompany @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' their a)ents whom may ha(e possi@+y @een mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 9enneth B*'' was s*@scri@e' to 70M7AS2 NetworD 7a@+e 2e+e(ision 4 2e+ephone 4 an' Internet. In 200% an' 2005 5 the 1man*e+es were p*rpose+y )ettin) ro+es ?or their ?rien's in mo(ies which in(o+(e' ro+es as eCtras ?or mo(ies wherein the character is a terrorist. American Me'ia has @een *se' as attempt to create an a+i@i @y the 1man*e+es n*mero*s times since the 1"50As when they mo(e' ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to the U.S.A. a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich < A'o+? Hit+er an' B*+i*s 1(o+a as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' ;enito M*sso+ini 4 *se' care?*++y se+ecte' me'ia to contro+ the entire pop*+ations o? Ita+ia an' 3e*tsche+an' as we++ as re)ions they in(a'e' 4 '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar an' the Ho+oca*st 5 this me'ia pre(ente' the Ho+oca*st ?rom @ein) reporte' ?or a n*m@er o? years 4 this +e' to the 'eaths o? 20 mi++ion ci(i+ians o? which more than ha+? o? them were 3e*tsche+an'ers an' Israe+is +i(in) in 1*rope. Presi'ent ;aracD 0@amaAs GHea+thcare PacDa)eG has @een *se' as a too+ o? propa)an'a @y the 1man*e+es '*rin) the past 5 years. It is a possi@i+ity that ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs name is ?aDe an' that the @irth certi?icate was ?or)e' at one o? the 1man*e+esA Hospita+s 4 his 7o++e)e recor's ?or)e' at a 7o++e)e which the 1man*e+es own or ha(e access to 4 an' ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs 3NA sto+en ?rom a 2aino an' a M*++ato ?or p*rpose o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tatin) an Ita+ian to ha(e 'arDer sDin 4 @roa'er nose 4 an' m*+atto +ooDin) +ips an' ?in)ers. 3*rin) 200! an' 2008 4 ;aracD 0@ama was @ein) ca++e' an GA'o+? Hit+erG an' was @ein) 'escri@e' as an GImposte*r with a ?aDe @irth certi?icate +iDe A'o+? Hit+er wasA. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs initia+s are a+so ;.H.0. an' a+i)ne' with Boe ;i'en it is ;.h.0. B.o.;. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e was (isitin) her mother an' whi+e we were ta+Din) on the Internet *sin) America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er 5 Sahn'ra St. 0n)e an' my se+? ma'e n*mero*s IoDes statin) G;ho Bo@NG . 2his IoDe ori)inate' ?rom my se+? an' herse+? maDin) IoDes a@o*t 3ana Um@roAs minor speech impe'iment an' accent which ca*se' him to prono*nce the wor's GIta+ianG an' GSici+ianG as GItai hyanG an' GSici hyanG. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs name is a+so r*mo*re' to mean G;+it> 9rie) 0A3iCie c*psG meanin) $i)htnin) :ar o? 3iCie 7*ps s*ch as are *se' in hospita+s an' other hea+thcare ?aci+ities. 3*rin) 200% 4 1' :arren an' 7esare G3ia@+oG were ca++in) *n'era)e teena)e )ir+s an' pre teens GSti++ in 3iCie 7*psG in re?erence to their @ra si>e 5 1' :arren a+so state' GI +iDe them @are+y +e)a+sN G*yNG this sho*+' ha(e @een a*'io recor'e' @y the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' 1' :arren to insta++ a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s. 1' :arren may possi@+y ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r @y now. 7esare G3ia@+oG was apparent+y carryin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Ben Po++ar'As ?rien' 7aesar who has @een missin). Ben Po++ar' is ;ritni Po++ar'As o+'er sister. ;ritni Po++ar' was @est ?rien's with A@@ey 1t+in)er an' =a+erie 0+son 4 whom are @oth missin) an' were poisone' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy in 200%. A@@ey 1t+in)er ha' wa+De' thro*)h the store twice '*rin) the year 200% an' was recor'e' on camera as ha(in) 'one so 5 A@@eyAs sDin ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to t*rn a M*+atto comp+eCion an' her 'arD )o+' hair ha' t*rne' @+acD an' her eyes ?rom ha>e+ )rey to @rown. =a+erie 0+son was a+so m*tate' somehow 4 she was poisone' with 3NA 3isease that )a(e her +ar)e mo+e +iDe )rowths a++ o(er her sDin. A@@ey 1t+in)er is racia++y Israe+i an' 3e*tsche+an'er 4 =a+erie 0+son is racia++y Norwe)ian an' An)+o Gae+ic 7ana'ian. Neither o? them are m*+atto. =a+erie 0+son an' A@@ey 1t+in)er were two o? my @est ?rien's when I was a teen a)er 5 I +o(e' @oth o? them (ery m*ch4 I 'i' not reco)ni>e them at ?irst when then wa+De' thro*)h .ami+y 3o++ar 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate'. I @e+ie(e that someone may ha(e wa+De' into their apartment an' '*mpe' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s containin) 2012. Ben Po++ar'As @oy?rien' was ;rian 7ase. ;rian 7ase worDe' ?or a man who worDe' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs

7rime Syn'icate p*shin) 'r*)s. ;rian 7ase Dnew 3ana Um@ro an' the ?act*a+ 7aesar 4 @oth. 7hris 7ase 4 ;rian 7ase 4 an' Sean 7ase seem to a++ worD ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. ;rian 7ase Dnew NicD Ma))iore. I @e+ie(e that the 7ases are either a ?ami+y o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen -Ho*se o? Sa(oy8 or are a 7rime .ami+y o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 or @oth. 2he 7ases may possi@+y ha(e 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in their ?ami+y. 7hris 7ase 4 ;rian 7ase 4 an' Sean 7ase seem to @e the on+y peop+e o*t o? their entire networDs o? ?rien's whom were not e??ecte' @y =ittorio 1man*e+esA 4 7hris 2homas 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 an' the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates attacD *pon American .ami+ies. 2he apartment that ;rian 7ase was +i(in) in in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% may ha(e @een owne' @y one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs mother 3e@ 4 whi+e ta+Din) to 1' :arren 5 mentione' G;ho Bo@NG an' state' it as i? it were G;onIo*rNG 4 she a+so state' GAh... so itAs ;h0;h0 Bo; thenN Haha ;ho;ho the c+own.G 4 she a+so state' GImSa*'N Mmmhmmm. I )et it. ImSa*'NG an' GUmiS*miN 0ooooo UmiS*miNG in some Din' o? re?erence to my se+? an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'A name miCe' & I.M. are my initia+s , an' possi@+y an Asian & ?aDe so*n'in) Bapanese name , as we++ as the concept o? there @ein) two men name' ;h0 an' a man name' Bo;. 3*rin) 2005 4 my *n+es Scot 7arty an' A+ Io'ice were to+' @y an Ita+ian that 1' :arren an' others were ca++in) me JAieenoK an' were attemptin) to ?rame me ?or somethin). Scot was eCtreme+y an)ry a@o*t it an' asDe' 1' :arren to his ?ace a@o*t 4 whi+e at the .ami+y 3o++ar store. 1' :arren 'i'nAt answer any o? the H*estions that Scot 7arty asDe' him. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar with 1' :arren 4 I o(erhear' 1' :arren 'isc*ssin) $eon Pannetta with 3e@ 3*Mont 4 who is possi@+y a co*sin o? the Gam@ino ?ami+y. 1' :arren ha' state' somethin) a@o*t $eon Pannetta @ein) poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin in his Scotch F Ice an' a 7i)ar '*rin) his ?rien'As @irth'ay party 5 an' $eon Pannetta was G;ir' 3o)G ;+acDMai+e' @y one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers *sin) a 1! SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? the 1man*e+esA who was contro++e' @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' ?orce' to )i(e the 3isassociate' G;+acDe' 0*tG $eon Pannetta a $ap 3ance an' possi@+y somethin) e+se that was photo)raphe' an' *se' to @+acD mai+ him. Accor'in) to 1' :arren4 $eon Panetta 'i' not Dnow that this ha' occ*rre' *nti+ +ater when he was to+' an' possi@+y showe' the photo)raphs. $eon Panetta is a co*sin o? 9ristin Si>emore 4 a woman who I atten'e' schoo+ with when I was a chi+' 5 9ristin Si>emoreAs ?ather is a Ma?ia associate' 7rime So+'ier who is a 7rime Associate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. =ittorio 1man*e+e @+acD mai+e' $eon Panneta *sin) his *s*a+ metho's < Poisonin) with Ne*ro 2oCins ca*sin) 3isassociation 4 Hypnosis4 SeC 0??ense 4 an' Photo)raphin) o? *n'era)e SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims with 3isassociate' A'*+t =ictims o? Ne*ro 2oCin Poisonin). 2his *se o? Ne*ro 2oCins is a 7rime A)ainst H*manity an' a :ar 7rime 4 this *se o? chi+'ren as a :eapon o? 1spiona)e an' as SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims is a 7rime A)ainst H*manity an' a :ar 7rime. ;oth $eon Panetta an' the ?ema+e (ictim are :ar 7rime =ictims. 2his is eCtreme+y simi+ar to what =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' his son 7hris 2homas to 'o to my ?ami+y an' BacD 3ion at the 1"88 Ha++oween Party 4 when 7hris 2homas poisone' the entire party with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins an' in some cases Se'ati(e Ne*ro 2oCins. 3*rin) the year 1"8" 4 $orie -Poten>a8 an' 7hris 2homas sn*cD into a chi+'rensA ;irth'ay Party at #enee ;o'o*inAs ho*se in H*'son NewHampshire 4 'resse' as 7irc*s 7+owns 5 an' attempte' to poison the entire party with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins < I a@staine' ?rom the entire party an' staye' in my parentAs car. I @e+ie(e that I p*nche' 7hris 2homas in the ?ace that 'ay when he an' $orie -Poten>a8 attempte' to +*re me o*t o? the car. =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ers the chi+'ren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to poison peop+e with Ne*ro 2oCins inc+*'in) 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin as a @e)inin) initiation crime. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar < I o(erhear' 1' :arren 'isc*ssin) with 3e@

3*Mont -2ay+a $aw(erAs an' 2wy+aAs mother8 5 that Mario Napo+itanoAs co*sin Banet Napo+itano was )oin) to rep+ace 7herto?? as Home+an' Sec*rity 3irector an' that her sister or co*sin ha' (isite' the store. It was state' that =ittorio 1man*e+e @e+ie(e' that he co*+' contro+ Banet Napo+itano. 7herto?? 4 who was o? Israe+i race an' o? Bewish re+i)ion 5 was tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e as was his entire racia+ comm*nity in North America. In 2008 4 I o(erhear' 9ristin Si>emore 'isc*ssin) this whi+e at the Ma++ o? NH. 3*rin) the year 2000 an' 2001 4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io mentione' to .ranD 7arroccino that I ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e in my presense at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant n*mero*s times @*t wo*+' not 'isc*ss this with myse+?. Ga@rie+ +iDe+y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain as we++ 4 his ?ather is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' he is a co*sin o? #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs co*sin Ga@rie+ 3AAn)e+o 4 who is co*sins with the Poten>a ?ami+y thro*)h marria)e. Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io mentione' that Jat the en'K I am s*ppose' to ha(e $eon PannetaAs cheeD @ones 4 $eon PannetaAs sDin that m*tates )ra'*a++y into ?recD+e' Irish sDin at my sho*+'ers an' chest 4 an' a +ist o? 1man*e+e ?ami+y )enes that are the JSimon ;e+mont )enesK o? the )ame 7ast+e(ania SimonAs L*est 4 which are compari@+e to the @o'y parts o? 3rac*+a that ha(e to @e o@taine' in or'er to p*t 3rac*+aAs @o'y to)ether to ress*rect 3rac*+a an' s+ay the =ampire as a res*+t o? the =ampire @ecomin) an immorta+ )host otherwise. It is important to note that $eon Panneta was @+acD mai+e' @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e as a res*+t o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) *se' to manip*+ate $eon Panneta an' $eon Panneta @ein) poisone' with 3isassociati(e 7hemica+ :ar?are Ne*rotoCins in his ci)ar an' scotch on ice. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio 1man*e+e is p+annin) to maDe it appear that $eon Panneta is the 7rime ;oss o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia that 3e@@i 3*montAs ?ami+y is a s*@si'iary *nit o? 4 an' that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is p+annin) to somehow ?rame $eon Panneta ?or @ein) the cooperati(e partner o? the Anti 7hrist 7rime $or' o? the Satanist Ma?ia that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has attempte' to ?a@ricate the i'entity o?. 3*rin) 2000 4 .ranD 7aroccino a+rea'y *nDnowin)+y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io may ha(e ha' one as we++. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 2ony Grasseti was o(erhear' speaDin) to my roommate Scot H*nter a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices @ein) Ne*roS*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the crani*ms o? the 7i(i+ians o? the Unite' States o? America an' that the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' p+anne' a )enoci'e. 2ony Grasseti 'escri@e' this as @ein) an easy to so+(e pro@+em ?or reason that A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices were s*r)ica++y imp+ante' wire' to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices imp+ante' in ci(i+ians @rains. 3*rin) this time a % episo'e se)ment o? a te+e(ision series was sche'*a+e' which inc+*'e' a )eni*s terrorist who was *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*roScience as we++ as #a'io .reH*ency #o*ters an' 1Cp+osi(es an' 7omp*ters to commit seH*entia+ networDs o? terrorist attacDs )+o@a++y 4 anonymo*s+y. 3*rin) this same time perio' 4 a mo(ie @roa'caste' on the 7omcast NetworD 2e+e(ision wherein Mosta?a I@nSa*' was caste' as a cameo eCtra as a 2errorist Gan)ster. 2he % episo'e se)ment o? the in(esti)ations theme' te+e(ision series conc+*'e' with the 2errorist Mastermin' @ein) arreste' whi+e he was as+eep in a chair with his hea' tippe' @acD an' an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met on his hea' 5 this in'i(i'*a+ was eCtreme+y simi+ar in appearance to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' was i'entica+ to a ha+? Sici+ian man who @o*)ht c+eanin) pro'*cts at my re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street Manchester '*rin) the year 200% 4 *sin) =ittorio 1aman*e+eAs 3e@it 7ar'. 2his man +ooDe' to @e ha+? Sici+ian an' a miC o? .ranDic 4 Port*)ese 4 an' Ita+ian racia+ 3NA. ;aracD 0@ama +ooDs a+most i'entica+ to him 4 @*t with a miC o? 2aiino Mesti>o 7arri@ean an' So*th American 3NA as we++ as M*+atto 3NA =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' to his 3NA. Accor'in) to the mem@er o? the Pri(ate In(esti)ator that I spoDe with 5 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the Sa(oy A6IS ha' pre empti(e+y p+anne' an artic+e entit+e' GHote+ HacDer ;*ste' Se+?NG an' portraye' a simi+ar e(ent '*rin) an episo'e o? a te+e(ision series wherein this NewsPaper artic+e is presente' '*rin) an inter+*'e scene as we++ as 'i' this series inc+*'e an inter+*'e scene that inc+*'e' a

NewsPaper artic+e which state' G1+pha@a 7a*)htNG which was s*ppose' to e(ent*a++y @e the same NewsPaper Artic+e a?ter the 7omp*ter HacDer who ha' 'isp+aye' =ittorio 1man*e+e on my te+e(ision an' ha' @een 2*rDoIan hacDin) my comp*ter was arreste' at a Hote+ owne' @y one o? the 1man*e+esA Properties Stea' Ho+'ers 5 this was ?or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) the Property Stea' Ho+'er as a witness a)ainst the 1man*e+es in co*rt +ater 4 'iscre'itin) my se+? an' anythin) that came ?rom my I.P. A''ress +ater in co*rt 4 an' 'iscre'itin) the (a+i'ity o? the Dnow+e')e o? any who Dnew any o? the peop+e in(o+(e'. Somehow these 7omp*ter HacDers were a++e)e'+y s*ppose' to @e connecte' to 2ony Grasseti an' recor'e' 2ony Grasseti acci'ent+y 'isc*ssin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces with one o? my roommates Scot H*nter. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I met an imposte*r o? 2ony Grasseti. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that 2ony GrassetiAs imposte*r was inten'e' to @e arreste' an' imprisone' in his stea' 4 with some sort o? @e+ie(a@+e scenario presente' ?or why he wo*+' say GI was ?rame'N I am not e(en 2ony GrassetiNG. 2ony Grasseti is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs co*sin an' is a 'escen'ant o? an ancestor o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs on his ?atherAs si'e 5 2ony Grasseti is a #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who atten'e' Hi)hschoo+ in Massach*settes somep+ace near Mar+@oro Massach*settes. $iDe the imme'iate #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < 2ony Grasseti is a @io+o)ica+ re+ati(e o? A'o+? Hit+er 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 2ony Grasseti was o(erhear' 'escri@in) to my roommate Scot H*nter 4 a p+an to GScorche' 1arthG the 1man*e+esA p+ans to conH*er the entire p+anet 1arth an' )et them arreste' @y the entire wor+'As mi+itaries ?or attemptin) this conH*est. It seems pro@a@+e that Scot H*nterAs Persona+ 7omp*terAs Microphone may ha(e @een 7omp*ter HacDer Acti(ate' '*rin) this con(ersation ?or p*rpose that 2ony Grasseti was s*ppose' to @e recor'e' ha(in) this 'isc*ssion with Scot an' an imposte*r o? 2ony Grasseti was s*ppose' to @e arreste' +ater whi+e screamin) GI was ?rame'N I woDe *p +ooDin) +iDe thisN 2his is not my 3NAN I was ?rame'NG . A Pri(ate In(esti)ator in?orme' me that he was in?orme' @y a mem@er o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that the 1man*e+es ha' inten'e' to maDe it +ooD as i? they ha' an G1(i+ 2winG +itera++y an' that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ha' @een *se' @y Moroccan A6IS an' Sici+ian A6IS connections to ?rame them in co++a@oration with the 7h*rch o? Satan. Accor'in) to what the Pri(ate In(esti)ator ha' @een to+' @y his )*y ?rom within the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 2ony Grasseti was or'ere' to speaD speci?ic phrases an' con'*ct speci?ic con(ersations with n*mero*s peop+e 4 maDe s*re that these were recor'e' 4 an' was or'ere' to attempt to +*re the peop+e en)a)e' in con(ersation with him to comm*nicate speci?ic concepts '*rin) the recor'e' con(ersation. 2hese recor'in)s were s*ppose' to @e *se' to con(ince a .e'era+ B*')e at a +ater time 4 that the 1man*e+es were the tar)et o? a heino*s conspiracy an' @y metho' o? G3o*@+e Beopar'yG concept 5 any ?*rther co*rt hearin)s in re+ation to the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces or other 1+ectronic Imp+ants *se' ?or Genoci'e were eCpecte' to @e acH*itte'. 2ony Grasseti has 1man*e+e 3NA an' #oya+ Ita+ian ancestry 4 he is the 1man*e+esA co*sin an' the son o? a #oya+ @+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' is in s*ch a position that he has to ?o++ow their or'ers *nerrin)+y @*t has an immense amo*nt o? Dnow+e')e concernin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs )*i+t. 2he man within the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that spoDe to the Pri(ate In(esti)ator whom I ha(e recent+y @een worDin) with in?orme' him that my roomate 9enneth B*'' an' my se+? were eCpecte' to contact the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission '*rin) 200% a?ter the ima)e o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e appeare' on the 2e+e(ision Screen s*rro*n'e' @y 3rac*+a Han's ?rom 7ast+e(ania Symphony o? the Ni)ht an' a @*@@+in) potion 4 speaDin) 5 G I 'i' not 'o this to yo* NG an' +ater appeare' at my re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. I ne(er contacte' the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission. :hat the Pri(ate In(esti)ator was in?orme' o? 4 was that the 1man*e+es ha' p+anne' to ha(e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' imposte*rs o? 2ony Grasseti 4 .i++i@ertoAs ?rien' Bason ?rom Massach*settes who met *s in Manchester NewHampshire 4 an' the hacDer which they ha' hire' 5 arreste' ?or hacDin) my roommatesA an' my own comp*ter ?rom a hote+ as we++ as the 7omcast NetworDAs Ser(er 7omp*ter. 2his was eCpecte' to set a prece'ence in the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission .e'era+ 7o*rt 7ase that was eCpecte' to )rant them some

imm*nities ?rom a possi@+e :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ prior to the ?act*a+ GMarD o? the ;east 5 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants Genoci'a+ 2errorismG was eCpecte' to occ*r p*@+ica++y. 2his was inten'e' to @*i+' a +e)a+ prece'ence to the 'e?ense that a G+o@a+ 7onspiracy a)ainst the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' @een p+anne' an' that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Sa(oy imposte*rs were in(o+(e' 5 this was a++e)e'+y inten'e' to @e pro(en '*rin) the year 2015 4 when the imprisone' G2ony GrassetiG 4 GBasonG 4 an' GHacDerG were pro(en to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' Imposte*rs an' were ?rame y a GSatanic G+o@a+ 7onspiracyG to G.rame the Ho*se o? Sa(oyG ?or the G+o@a+ist A6IS an' Genoci'a+ 2errorism as we++ as G2he Anti 7hristG o? the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe. I ha(e @een in?orme' that ?or reason that I 'i' not GtaDe the @aitG 4 or react in the manner @y which the 1man*e+es eCpecte' me to react to their pro(ocation 5 their conspiracy an' attempte' +ine o? 'e?ense has ?ai+e' premat*re+y. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 a?ter Scot H*nter ha' @een in?orme' @y 2ony Grasseti that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces wo*+' @e @ein) s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in ci(i+ians soon < Scot H*nterAs mo*th @e)an mo(in) an' @e)an speaDin) JGays wo*+' maDe the @est propa)an'ists... a )ay wo*+' 'o somethin) +iDe sacri?ice a sma++ portion o? the peop+esA pop*+ation '*rin) a time o? war an' commit horri@+e war crimes *pon them < recor'in) a++ o? it an' re+ease it +ater maDin) it appear as i? they were attacDe' @y the enemy.K 2his statement was imme'iate+y a?terwar' re@*tt+e' @y Scot H*nter who spoDe JSo yo* p*t one o? these in my @rain a+rea'yO 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 ehO 2ony Grasseti 4 I thinD yo* 'i' this. /o* want to *se my i'entity 4 my ?ace 4 an' my name 5 otherwise yo* wo*+'nAt @e mo(in) my mo*th... I wo*+' ne(er 'o that to my own peop+e. /o* 'o not ha(e my permission to *se my i'entitiy 4 yo* 'o not h(e my permission to *se me.K 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo were recor'e' p+annin) a 7onspiracy that in(o+(e' :ar 7rimes whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire < '*rin) this p+annin) 4 1' :arren mentione' recr*itin) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os. My @est?rien' '*rin) my chi+'hoo' 4 7hristopher #o'on < was the son o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 #o@ert #o'on an' his wi?e Dnew 1' :arren 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+es sons an' his wi?e4 Geor)e 7atsopo*+os 4 Anthony 3e.eo 4 the Grasseti ?ami+y 4 the 7hristiano ?ami+y 4 ;r*ce 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 an' intro'*ce' me to a++ o? these peop+e when I was a yo*n) chi+'. A++ o? these ?ami+iesA te+ephone con(ersations were recor'e' @y the USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentAs comp*ters as we++ as the A*s.7an.NP.U9.US. networD. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os has a co*sin who is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 $ynn #o'on an' #o@ert #o'on 'isc*sse' the ?act that Geor)e 7atsopo*+os was a homoseC*a+4 this con(ersation ha' @een 'isc*sse' inc+*'in) his name. It is 'e?inite that 1' :arren who was worDin) with me at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 200% 4 Dnew persona++y 5 the ?act*a+ 1' :arren an' that he was not in contact with the ?act*a+ 1man*e+e ?ami+y 4 the ?act*a+ #o'on ?ami+y 4 the ?act*a+ 3e.eo ?ami+y 4 the ?act*a+ 7hristiano ?ami+y 4 the ?act*a+ Grasseti ?ami+y 4 an' the ?act*a+ $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7hris 2homas *se' a cre'it car' with his name on it when he p*rchase' items at my re)ister '*rin) 2005. =ittorio 1man*e+e *se' a cre'it car' at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) 200% an' 2005 as we++ 4 as we++ as 'i' he ca++ 1' :arren on the te+ephone at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 @oth the store .ami+y 3o++ar te+ephone 4 an' the 1' :arrenAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone. Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones ha(e G.P.S. +ocation 'ata transmitte' ?rom them an' to them as we++ as 'o stationary $AN $ine 2e+ephone +ines ha(e G.P.S. +ocation coor'inates. 1' :arren was recor'e' @y his own recor'in) 'e(ices 'isc*ssin) committin) acts o? 7onspiracy '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005.

It is a+most 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their c+osest re+ate' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 p+anne' to ha(e mem@ers o? 9ni)htAs ?ami+ies swappe' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' imposte*rs 4 at some point a?ter committin) the series o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which they 'isc*sse' committin) 5 ?or p*rpose o? maDin) it appear as i? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs G@est ?rien'G Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha' @een tar)ette' @y 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo who were worDin) with some sort o? imposte*rs who ha' intentions to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their ?rien's as we++ as n*mero*s innocent peop+e who were seemin)+y *nre+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is a+so pro@a@+e that the i++e)a+ Impro(ise 1n)ineere' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices that were insta++e' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire on $inco+n Street 5 were or'ere' to @e insta++e' @y G=ictorG whom was an imposte*r o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that was act*a++y a M*s+im 1Ctremist or Ara@ian A6IS A)ent worDin) ?or Mosta?a I@nSa*'. 2he 1man*e+es seem to ha(e attempte' to maDe it appear as i? Mosta?a I@nSa*' 7onspire' a)ainst his se+? ?or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) his own G@est ?rien'G. 2he tr*th is that the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y 4 are the 'escen'ants o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II an' =ittorio 1man*e+e III who p+anne' an' attempte' G+o@a+ 7onH*est 4 are 2errorist 7rime $or's in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 are )*i+ty o? n*mero*s 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 an' the 1man*e+es as we++ as m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 attempte' to ?rame some o? their (ictims ?or their own 0r)ani>e' 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 3*rin) the year 1""! < I met Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or possi@+y the 2n' or 3r' time 4 this was at =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ;irth'ay 3inner Party that was in North An'o(er Massach*settes at Pen*cheAs ;ar an' #esta*rant where m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was present as we++ as BacD 3ion an' 1' :arren 5 I ha' atten'e' G=ictorAsG @irth'ay party as a res*+t o? an in(itation @ein) eCten'e' to G7hris #o'onAs @est ?rien'G when the in(itations were re' o(er the te+ephone. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' @een eCtreme+y r*'e to me at his party an' the sit*ation was 'escri@e' @y one o? the men at the party as 5 GIt seeme' +iDe =ictor in(ite' the +itt+e )*y ?or the p*rpose o? *sin) him as a ser(ant4 as i? he was his in?erior.G 4 $ynn #o'on ha' @ecome o??en'e' with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e as the res*+t o? him or'erin) her to sco+' me ?or somethin) which I ha' not 'one ?rom the perspecti(e that she herse+? ha' sco+'e' me ?or it. Mosta?a I@nsa*' an' $ynn (oice' to G=ictorG that they were o??en'e' @y his r*'e @eha(ior an' that he was @ein) *nreasona@+e 4 arro)ant 4 an' o??ensi(e. 1' :arren was present '*rin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 1""! @irth'ay party an' it was the 3r' time that I ha' met 1' :arren. 3*rin) the year o? 200%4 when I emai+e' Henry MaDow 5 I state' 4 G:e ha(e to 'o what they +east eCpect.G4 GtheyG meanin) the G+o@a+ist A6IS 2errorist .action. I stoppe' comm*nicatin) with Henry MaDow a?ter .i+ 1man*e+e threatene' me a@o*t what I ha' emai+e' to Henry MaDow concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parenta)e. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+esA 'ecision to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or a++e)e'+y attemptin) to ne)ate in(esti)ations an' e+iminate the e??ecti(ity o? empirica+ ?orensic e(i'ence 5 was ?or the p*rpose o? maDin) it appear as i? Mosta?a I@nSa*' G'i' what they +east eCpecte'G an' 7onspire' to ?rame himse+? as an a+i@i. 2he stran)e app+ication o? the termino+o)y GScorche' 1arthG 'i' not escape notice 5 a GScorche' 1arthG is a mi+itary tactic which in(o+(es the Mi+itary .action whom are committin) the act o? GScorche' 1arthG 4 @*rnin) their own crops an' intentiona++y settin) ?ire to an' 'emo+ishin) their own resi'entia+ @*i+'in)s an' other she+ters imme'iate+y prior to a mi+itary ?orce in(a'in) 5 this @ein) 'one ?or the p*rpose o? 'epri(in) the ?orei)n mi+itary o? ?oo' an' she+ter whi+e yo*r pop*+ation mo(es ?*rther into the NationAs territory an' mi+itary is amasse' an' positione' in strate)ic ?orti?ie' +ocations

?or p*rpose o? s*r(i(in) the o(erwhe+min) n*m@ers o? in(a'ers. GScorche' 1arthG was a Ga*+ish mi+itary tactic that was o?ten *se' on #oman Mi+itary @y n*mero*s 9in)'oms o? Ga*+ish peop+es an' was somethin) I ha' @een rea'in) a@o*t in the year 200% when the 1man*e+esA comp*ter hacDers @e)an hacDin) my comp*ters. 2he 1man*e+esA 'ecision to attempt to portray their own actions as an intentiona+ GScorche' 1arthG '*rin) a G7onspiracy to .rameG the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < was ?or the o@(io*s p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y a+i)nin) a series o? a+i@is which wo*+' taDe the @+ame ?or their actions in a co*rt room +ater 4 when the intitia+ conspirators were to @e 3NA teste' an' 'etermine' to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 3NA M*tate' imposte*rs an' the conspirators were portraye' as @ein) a G+o@a+ Satanic 7onspiracy a)ainst the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Unite' States o? America 5 these were apparent+y inten'e' to appear as Moroccan Satanist 7onnections positione' @etween 0sama ;in$a'en an' the 7h*rch o? Satan in North America as we++ as another *n name' Satanic 7*+t. 2he 1man*e+esA psycho+o)ica+ reasonin) ?or this is o@(io*s 5 this is a pro'*ct o? the psycho+o)ica+ composition o? the 1man*e+esA i'entities an' *ncon(icte' crimina+ )*i+t4 the 1man*e+esA (ictimsA i'entities 4 the i'entities o? the witnesses to the 1man*e+esA crimes 4 an' the i'entities o? the socia+ acH*aintances which a++ o? them share. M*ch o? this p+an was the repeate' attempt o? pre(io*s p+ans o? the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in North America a?ter their 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' 7rimina+ 1spiona)e eCpos*re '*rin) the USA Presi'ent #ichar' NiCon A'ministration 5 this i'ea to ?rame a GSatanic 2win A+i@iG was re@orn a?ter the 1man*e+es rea' Henry MaDowAs :e@Site an' my emai+s to Henry MaDow '*rin) 200% an' 2005 as we++ as Be?? #enseAs we@siteAs artic+es '*rin) the year 200% which 'escri@e' =ittorio 1man*e+e as G2he Anti7hristG +itera++y. My emai+ to Henry MaDow concernin) the 1man*e+esA @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er was inten'e' to @e 'iscre'ite' an' my chi+'hoo' ?rien' 7hristine 3ionAs as we++ as my own *n'erstan'in) o? the 1man*e+esA SeC 0??enses were inten'e' to @e 'iscre'ite' @y the 1man*e+esA conspiracy. 7hristine 3ion was the 'a*)hter o? an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent. 0? worth mentionin) < it is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS or'ere' the assassination o? ci(i+ians that was carrie' o*t @y Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents within the A+choho+ 2o@acco F .irearms *ni?orms an' the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations *ni?orms at the :aco 2eCas Sie)e o? the ;ranch 3a(i'ians an' at the #*@y #i')e Massacre. 0? 'e?inite coinci'ence to this 4 when =iDernes o? ;*r>*m was 'isp+aye' on the 2e+e(ision News in NewHampshire USA % months a?ter I saw him hiDin) in 7ana'a 5 =iDernes o? the @an' ;*r>*m was 'ec+are' to @e a 7h*rch Arsonist an' a M*r'erer. 2he :aco 2eCas Sie)e res*+te' in the @*rnin) o? a ch*rch with ci(i+ians insi'e o? it 4 who 'ie' as a res*+t o? the @*rnin) @*i+'in) an' the )*n ?ire hittin) them. 2he #*@y #i')e Massacre was the massacre o? a ?ami+y @y what I @e+ie(e was the same S+eeper 7e++ NetworD o? Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers. ;oth o? the )ro*ps o? ci(i+ians whom were (ictims o? these attacDs ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t the GAnti 7hristG 4 the e+ectronic imp+ants that are the GMarD o? the ;eastG too+ o? ens+a(ement 4 an' the G+o@a+ist 2errorist 2hreat which is the GAnti 7hristG as a ?act*a+ G+o@a+ist Imperia+ist 2errorist 0r)ani>ation. It is pro@a@+e that it was =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs propa)an'ists attempte' to portray 3a(i' 9oresh as a SeC*a+ A@*ser o? 7hi+'ren an' a psychotic Min' 7ontro+ 7*+t $ea'er 4 when in ?act 3a(i' 9oresh chan)e' his name to a He@rew name @eca*se he was a ;orn A)ain 7hristian Minister o? a Protestant Sect o? 7hristianity ca++e' the G;ranch 3a(i'ians !th 3ay A'(entistsG an' was @asica++y a 7hristian 7omm*na+ Socia+ist who @e+ie(e' in Socia+ist economics an' 7omm*na+ =i++a)e +i?esty+e. It is a+so a possi@i+ity that some o? these peop+e

were peop+e that he ha' harme' at some time in the past. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 propa)an'a a@o*t the @an' ;*r>*m chan)e' ?or the 3r' time an' an imposte*r was 'isp+aye' as G=ar) =iDernesG 5 it was state' on the internet that G=i'D*n L*is+in)G was G=ar) =iDernesAsG Gran' .ather an' that he was a Boeseph Goe@e+s in Norway 4 th*s the termino+o)y G=i'D*n L*is+in) PressG @e)*n to @e *se. Many peop+e ha(e @e)*n to ca++ ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs No@e+ Peace Pri>e 4 Gthe Goe@e+s Peace Pri>eG 5 @eca*se it seems to ha(e @een )i(en to him as propa)an'a prior to e(en achei(in) anythin) other than e+ection. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs Hea+thcare PacDa)e *se' the names G= 7hipG an' GS 7hipG. 2his has @een *se' to scare (ictims o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2errorist AttacD that has @een on)oin) into @e+ie(in) that the entire )o(ernment is in?i+trate' an' comp+ete+y 'ecapitate' @y a )enoci'a+ Ita+ian A6IS .action. = 7hip so*n's +iDe =erichip 4 S 7hip so*n's +iDe GSi+D 7hipG 5 as in GSi+D @ase' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 7irc*itryG or GMicrochipG. Accor'in) to :iDipe'ia 5 ;aracD the ;ar@arian was s*ppose'+y comic @ooD character @ase' on 7onan the ;ar@arian an' was re+ease' as a 7onan the ;ar@arian 7omic ;ooD in 2008. S*ppose'+y4 ;aracD 0@ama is a secret cameo actor at the @e)inin) o? the new 7onan the ;ar@arian an' taDes 7onan as a s+a(e *sin) @o+as 5 @*t can not @e 'etermine' to @e ;aracD 0@ama @eca*se o? war paint his character his wearin). 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 1' :arren Dept ca++in) me GIan the ;ar@arianG an' chantin) G;ar@arian 4 ;ar@arianG as a res*+t o? my Asatr* re+i)ion 4 that I was wearin) a 2risDe+ion necD+ace on my necD 4 an' as a res*+t o? my hai(in) +on) hair. A*strian re?erences @e)an '*rin) the year 200% an' c*+minate' in Arno+' Schwar>ene))er 2erminator 2 #o@ot Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence #o@ot ;rain Microchip. 1' :arren 4 whom ha' a+rea'y @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace sai' to me one a?ternoon '*rin) the year 2005 5 G:hatO Are yo* )oin) to @e the +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aOG an' ma'e so*n' e??ects with his mo*th ?rom the mo(ie 2erminator 2. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? ma'e a IoDe statement 4G;h0 Bo;NG which was inten'e' to +ooD an' so*n' +iDe a speech impe'iment. 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs mother 3e@ 4 whoAs ?ather Boe was in the Ma?ia 5 (isite' 1' :arren at the store an' spoDe G Ah N ;h0 Bo;NG as i? it were GAhN ;onIo*rNG an' sai' GAh... I see... ;ho;ho Bo; then....OG as a metaphor to the i'ea that there was inten'e' to @e two twin peop+e with the name G;hoG. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs name was state' to me to mean G;+it>Drie) o? 3iCie 7*psG @y 3e@As 'a*)hter 2ay+a in the year 200!. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 1' :arren an' G3ia@+oG who ha' sto+en 7aesarAs 3NA an' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < 'isc*sse' ?ema+es who were Gsti++ in 'iCie c*psG. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 Anthony 3e.eo asDe' me the H*estion GHa(e yo* e(er hear' to termino+o)y 4 whist+in) 3iCieOG in re?erence to the G3iCie Son) o? A+a@amaG. 3*rin) these con(ersations 4 3e@ 3*mont an' 1' :arren were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) p+ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or :ar 7rimes an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in(o+(in) H*man =i(isection an' SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as Genoci'e '*rin) the GG+o@a+ :ar on 2error a)ainst the ACis o? 1(i+G as Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh ha' ca++e' it. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather is an Ara@ian AIS *n'er @oss who conspire' with =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' the Ara@ian A6IS 4 an' p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' insti)ate' the :ar on 2error. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is the Ita+ian A6IS $or' an' his on+y rea+ eH*i(ai+ant in the A6IS is the Ara@ian A6IS $or' who is o? some sort o? re+ation to Mosta?a

I@nSa*'As ?ather. 3*rin) the 1""0As an the ear+y years o? the 2000As < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 J3ia@+oK o? the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y 4 an' .i+As accomp+ices 5 @e)an committin) a (io+ent series o? SeC 0??enses that Mosta?a I@nSa*' wo*+' not partaDe in. 3*rin) 1""" 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ca++e' .i+ 1man*e+e a JsicD ?reaDK an' to+' him to stay away ?rom my )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen. 3*rin) the year 200% < an Ita+ian *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate his appearance to +ooD simi+ar to Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' +i(e' as i? he was Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 *sin) Mosta?aAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or a n*m@er o? years ?o++owin) 200%. It seems pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy he+pe' the I@nSa*' ?ami+y 'is)*ise their i'entities as a m*r'ere' ?ami+y o? )enoci'e (ictims an' possi@+y sn*cD them o*t o? the USA entire+y ?or p*rpose o? a(ertin) arrest a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 5 there was a+so ta+D that approCimate+y ha+? o? the pop*+ation o? M*s+ims in the G*antanamo Mi+itary Prison were innocent M*s+ims that were ?rame' ?or the terrorist o? the Ara@ian A6IS @y the Ita+ian A6IS an' 'etaine' in G*antanamo as a strate)ic way o? pre(entin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ita+ian A6IS 4 an' the Ara@ian A6IS ?rom @ein) 'isco(ere' whi+e pro(i'in) a scape)oat 'istraction ?or the me'ia an' the USA Mi+itary to interro)ate. A Biha'ist is not an A6IS So+'ier < a Biha'ist is a mi+itant Is+amic =i)i+ante 5 Biha'ists typica++y attacD what they @e+ie(e to @e corr*pt )o(ernment o??icia+s an' corr*pt crimina+ ?actions or mi+itant ?actions. 2he Biha'ist is typica++y the enemy o? the Ara@ian A6IS ?or reason that the Ara@ian A6IS is their oppressor 4 the Ara@ian A6IS is in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' is a 2errorist G+o@a+ist Mi+itant 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate with connections to some in?+*entia+ Aristocratic ?ami+ies an' wea+thy crimina+ in(estors < an' the ?act that the )oa+ o? the A6IS is the esta@+ishement o? a G+o@a+ State an' esta@+ishment o? a@so+*te $e)a+ Imm*nities ?or the A6IS themse+(es as in'i(i'*a+s 4 maDes the A6IS a 'e?inite a'(ersary o? the Biha'ist i'entity. 2he A6IS ha(e attempte' to scape)ot Is+amic #e+i)ion ?or the :ar 7rimes o? the A6IS an' @+ame Biha'ists ?or the Ara@ian A6ISAs :ar 7rimes. 2he A6IS is a Sec*+ar 0r)ani>ation an' the Ara@ian A6IS are typica++y Sec*+ar 2errorist 7rimina+s who manip*+ate I'entity Po+itics4 ?a+se?+a) their attacDs as 'i??erent i'entities 4 an' insti)ate war?are @etween thir' parties s*ch as the USA an' the IraHi Mi+itary or the USA an' the Iranian Mi+itary. I ha(e @een in?orme' that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were *se' to contro+ the ne*ro+o)y o? the " 11 .+i)ht HiIacDers an' ne*ro+o)ica++y pi+ot them to attacD the air+ine pi+ots an' steer the p+anes into the twin towers '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. I ha(e a+so @een in?orme' that the A6IS ha(e @een co(etin) positions o? emp+oyement an' the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? emp+oyees o? the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission an' the USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ecne 3epartment as we++ as Maintainance an' other positions o? emp+oyement at Internet Ser(ice Pro(i'er 7orporations since 1""8. A 3e?ector sho*+' @e easy to ?in' 4 the +ocation o? the A6IS So+'iers in the USA are c*rrent+y in eCtreme+y +o)ica+ positions an' are easy to 'etect as we++ as 'o some o? them ha(e acti(e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their crani*ms. 3*rin) the year 200% < 3an ;*cD+ey +ie' to ;en $in'@er) an' I 4 an' 'ro(e *s 'own to #ichmon' =ir)inia to eCp+ain somethin) to *s that was on+y partia++y ?act*a+. 0n the way to =ir)inia 4 3an ;*cD+ey poisone' @oth o? *s with 3issassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins an' poisone' ;en $in'@er) with M3MA. :hen we )ot to #ichmon' =i)inia 4 3an ;*cD+ey eCp+aine' to ;en $in'@er) an' I that the USA was )oin) to @e eCterminate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that we were )oin) to ha(e to escape 4 @*t that we were )oin) to ha(e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces imp+ante' in o*r crani*ms an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ices imp+ante' in o*r @o'ies as we++ as =erichip #...I.3. 3e(ices S*r)ica++y

Imp+ante' in o*r ?orearms. ;oth ;en $in'@er) an' I ha' @een poisone' with Ne*ro2oCins an' 'i' not imme'iate+y remem@er this e(ent 4 I was a+rea'y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace at the time an' I @e+ie(e that ;en $in'@er) was as we++. 3an ;*cD+ey ma'e it o@(io*s that his ?ami+y ha' tar)ette' the ?ami+y o? MarD P*cDer@er) an' that he was sta+Din) Arie++e P*cDer@er) an' her @rother MarD P*cDer@er) 4 he attempte' to maDe it seem as i? ;en $in'@er) an' I were possi@+y hate?*+ o? Bewish peop+e more than once < whi+e we were in =ir)inia 4 wa+Din) thro*)h #ichmon' =ir)inia. ;en $in'@er) eCp+aine' that he 'i' not hate Bews an' that he ha' met Arie++e P*cDer@er) once. I met the ?act*a+ MarD P*cDer@er) one time whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar4 he (isite' me at worD once to see who I was. I ha(e since this time 4 seen an imposte*r o? MarD P*cDer@er). ;en $in'@er) e(ent*a++y came to .ami+y 3o++ar with a #a'io .reH*ency Scram@+er in his pocDet an' scram@+e' the si)na+s in the area stan'in) in ?ront o? me at the 7ash #e)ister 4 it scram@+e' the G+o@a+ Positionin) System #o*ter part o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m in 2002. A?ter ;en scram@+e' the #a'io .reH*ency an' 'isconnecte' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < he c+aspe' my sho*+'er an' to+' me he ha' to ta+D to me soon a@o*t somethin) he ha' 'isco(ere'. 2his is recor'e'. 2he neCt 'ay a?ter this 4 1' :arren 'isc*sse' with Anthony 3e.eo that Jthe GermansK who I ha' @een ta+Din) to sen' a man into the store with an #.I3 Scram@+er an' scram@+e' the #a'io .reH*ency o?? o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m 4 sh*ttin) it 'own. 1' :arren to+' Anthony 3e.eo that they ?o*n' the )*y @eca*se it scram@+e' some o? the 7e++ Phone A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices o?? 4 'isconnectin) the si)na+s ?rom the internet. ;en $in'@er) was ?rom MerrimacD NewHampshire < his ?ather Dnew my *nc+e 2roy MacPherson as we++ as 2royAs ?rien's Gre) Pittin)er an' BacD 3ion. 2he $in'@er) ?ami+y 4 the Pittin)er ?ami+y 4 the 3ion ?ami+y 4 an' my ?ami+y were a++ attacDe' a?ter this 5 most o? o*r ?ami+ies were rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I notice' an imposte*r o? $a*ra Pitten)erAs o+'er sister worDin) at the 2o++ ;ooth in 7oncor' NewHampshire. 3*rin) 200E 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e *se' an #...I.3. Scanner to reconnect the ;.7.I. G.P.S. 3e(ice in my crani*m to the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ that his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een *sin). 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a?ter a secon' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ice was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my @rain 5 I o(erhear' a man at the hospita+ that I ha' staye' at say JNow as +on) as he 'oesnAt )et ta>ere' on the way o*t o? here 4 he sho*+' @e ?ine.K the 'ay @e?ore my 'ischar)e 5 this manAs name was 3r. 3esnesnere. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 aro*n' the 'ate that ;en $in'@er) ha' scram@+e' the ;.7.I. G.P.S. #o*ter an' 'isconnecte' it ?rom the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ < I emai+e' Pope Pi*s a@o*t a G+o@a+ 1Ctremist 0r)ani>ation that I ca++e' Jthe I++*minatiK. 2he termino+o)y Jthe i++*minatiK *s*a++y re?ers to the A6IS 5 the SwastiDa is a 'i(ine So+ar Sym@o+ 4 the $atin +an)*a)e was a #oman in(ention an' Ji++*minatiK is a $atin wor' 4 the A6IS sa+*te was #oman Imperia+ Sa+*te 4 the A6IS )oa+ was G+o@a+ Imperia+ 7onH*est an' esta@+ishment o? a G+o@a+ Nation State. 3*rin) the ?o++owin) years Pope ;ene'ict Boseph #at>in)er was e+ecte' Pope ;ishop o? #ome 5 '*rin) the years ?o++win) his e+ection 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian A6IS attempte' to a+i)n a+i@is to ?rame Boseph #at>in)er an' 3e*tsche+an'ers as we++ as Germanic I'entity an' Asatr* ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes in North America an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs :ar 7rimes in North America. :hi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire 4 I o(erhear' #osa ta+Din) to 1' an' some@o'y e+se sayin) GHe p*t that thin) on the comp*ter an' he starte' ta+Din) +iDe

Se@astien the Bamaican 7ra@ ?rom the $itt+e Mermai'. I was 'yin) +a*)hin). It was ?*nny.G . 3*rin) the year 200! a #asta?arian name' 7hris was worDin) at the NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire 5 that man is now missin) an' has @een rep+ace' @y a man who appears to @e an Ita+ian an' is =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD +iDe a Bamaican @+acD man. 2he imposte*r +ooDs a+most i'entica+ to the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi who +ooDs to @e Ita+ian an' possi@+y A*strian 4 eCcept that he has @+acD sDin an' c*r+y A?riDDi' hair that has @een 'rea' +ocDe' 5 I am a+most positi(e that they are the same race. I ha(e @een in?orme' that my step co*sin 9ristin Nassar an' a+so Samantha ;ernstein were a@'*cte' ?rom a #e))ae 7oncert in the 2rain Station ;ar at 200 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he +ast si)htin) o? the ?act*a+ #asta?arian name' 7hris was in 200". :hi+e I was in the hospita+ '*rin) 200! 4 when this 'e(ice was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my sD*++ 5 the #asta ca++e' me GHe>@o++ah @a' @oyNG an' G1ee ranNG an' acte' as i? he was in(esti)atin) me ?or @ein) a He>@o++ah Iranian :hite S*premacist M*s+im eCtremist. 2hat weeD 4 9ate 7hristiano was a'mitte' as a patient to the Psychiatric Unit that I ha' @een a'mitte' as a patient to. 9ate 7hristiano asDe' me i? I Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2he man that #osa an' 1' :arren was 'isc*ssin) was name' JGra>>io+iK . I @e+ie(e that #osaAs s*rname was Moreno. #osaAs h*s@an' worDe' ?or 7omcast an' 3HS 1Cpress $o)istics. 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo '*rin) the year 200% 'isc*sse' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 'ecision to *se Shippin) an' .rei)ht So?tware an' A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ices with an irre)*+ar Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 4 to networD ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?rom (ictimAs an' a)entAs @rains to their comp*ters. I @e+ie(e that this ha' a+rea'y @een *se' @y SeC 2ra??icDers an' 2errorists prior to this year < possi@+y aro*n' the year 2000 4 aro*n' the same time as the " 11 2errorist AttacDs or e(en '*rin) the 1""0As as prototype $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace eCperiments ?or p*rpose o? 2errorism an' SeC 2ra??icDin). I it is 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' p+anne' to ?rame the P*erto #icans in the +oca+ comm*nity ?or the crimes o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 5 3.H.$. 1Cpress $o)istics is a re+ate' American @ranch o? a 3e*tsche $o)istics Shippin) F .rei)ht F 2racDin) company. .or n*mero*s years 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has @een conspirin) o? a way to ?rame a 'i??erent A6IS .action ?or his own crimes an' the crimes o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 4 as we++ as the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS crimes whi+e worDin) in accomp+ice to other A6IS .actions. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 a connection to a Hispanic .ascist A6IS 7rime Syn'icate ?rom So*th America an' Ita+ians with @oth Ita+ian American Ma?ia connections an' Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS connections so+' P*erto #icans in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. +ar)e H*antities o? Heroin an' 7ocaine < a?terwhich the P*erto #icans who ha' @o*)ht it ?or the p*rpose o? re sa+e 4 were arreste' a+most imme'iate+y @y .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations whi+e A)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' @een worDin) within the ..;.I. 4 Home+an' Sec*rity 4 7.I.A. 4 Po+ice 3epartments 4 an' USA Mi+itary Inte++i)ence. I? the 1man*e+e men ha' arran)e' to ha(e eCtreme+y +ar)e H*antities o? Heroin so+' to the P*erto #icans in the North 1ast o? North America at a +ow price 4 an' +ater arran)e' ?or them to @e arreste' with a+most a++ o? it sti++ in their possession 5 it was the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 1m@e''e' A)ents worDin) within the USA Go(ernment who wo*+' ha(e recei(e' a promotion o? ranD at their 'epartment o? emp+oyment within .e'era+ Go(ernment 1mp+oyment. I @e+ie(e that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS p+anne' to ?rame (ario*s Mesti>o races ?or their own crimina+ acti(ities 4 taDin) no @+ame ?or it themse+(es < an' @+ame Ara@ians so+e+y ?or the 7rimes A)ainst H*manity inc+*'in) the SeC 0??ense

:ar 7rimes an' H*man =i(isection :ar 7rimes that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy committe' '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error 4 as i? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha' nothin) at a++ to 'o with these thin)s. It is o@(io*s that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons as we++ as his @rothers an' co*sins ha(e rea+i>e' that it is eCtreme+y pro@a@+e that they wi++ @e ca*)ht ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 2errorism 4 an' Internationa+ :ar 7rimes soon. 2he A6IS is a 'i(erse Mi+itant .action with n*mero*s i'entities in(o+(e' in the acti(ities o? itAs co++ecti(e @o'y 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e o? co*rse 4 Dnows this < an' he has @een attemptin) to somehow ?rame the oher i'entities o? the A6IS ?or the entirety o? his own an' his own Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs 7rimes an' 2errorist 4 ?or p*rpose o? 'isconnectin) the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action ?rom the entirety o? the A6IS .action. .rancisco .ranco was what some wo*+' ca++ GSpainAs ;enito M*sso+iniG or GSpainAs Hit+erG 5 he was the Hispanic .ascist 7aesar Genera+ o? Spain 4 '*rin) the secon' :or+' :ar. ;e?ore an' a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 m*ch o? the Hispanic .acistas immi)rate' to So*th America 5 this is a ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e wants to imp+ement as a scape)oat ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs own crimes 4 e(en tho*)h the Hispanic .ascist A6IS are Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A??i+iate' an' are act*a++y his mi+itant a++ies an' accomp+ices in or)ani>e' crime. 2here ha(e @een n*mero*s So*th American A6IS Units that immi)rate' to the U.S.A. in the past 20 years < it is a 'e?inite ?act that =ittorio G=ictor G 1man*e+e an' his sons ha' at one time 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame these Hispanic A6IS connections ?or worDin) with 7arri@ean Hispanic 0r)ani>e' 7rime Units an' conspirin) with ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 Ho*se o? Aosta 4 an' the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the A6IS Mi+itant .actionAs 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is the 2errorist A6IS 7rime $or' an' is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the A6IS .action which =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is +or' o? is an Aristocratic Mi+itant 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' it inc+*'es ?ami+ies o? re+ation to the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? Sa*' as we++ as some 9ni)hts ?rom either Aristrocratic Ho*se. 2he A6IS was ?o*n'e' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 some o? the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 an' some o? the Ho*se o? Sa*' 5 it was an Aristocratic re@e++ion a)ainst Mo'ernity 4 Par+iamentary Po+itic 4 Nationa+ism 4 an' Socia+ist 1conomics < as we++ as was it an Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate. Somehow connectin) the 3e*tsche Nationa+ist I'entity with the Hispanic A6IS an' P*erto #ican 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 seeme' +iDe a networD o? peop+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e co*+' *se to sacri?ice the Hispanic NetworDs o? the A6IS .action an' ?rame some innocent in'i(i'*a+s in the process < 3H$ 1Cpress $o)istics 4 G2he Anti 7hristG 4 Satanic ;+acD Meta+ 4 P*erto #ican Gan)sters 4 an' =ittorioAs comra'eAs son Mosta?a I@nSa*' 5 a++ attempts at ?a@ricatin) a+i@is whi+e sacri?icin) terrorist an' crimina+ associates ?or p*rpose o? +osin) the connection. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 4 #osa Moreno was 'e?inite+y @ein) eCtreme+y manip*+ati(e as we++ as was @ein) manip*+ate' @y 1' :arren who was +yin) to her. #osa Moreno +ie' concernin) 7aesar n*mero*s times. #osa Moreno was o@(io*s+y @ein) manip*+ate' somehow 4 an' tho*)ht that she was in(o+(e' in a conspiracy that wo*+' pay o?? we++ ?or her in the en'. #osa MorenoAs h*s@an' worDe' at 7omcast an' 3H$ 1Cpress $o)istics < most o? the 7omp*ter HacDin) o? 2e+e(ision Pro)rammin) occ*re' at 70M7AS2 4 most o? the 7omp*ter HacDin) went thro*)h 70M7AS2 Ser(er 7omp*ters 4 an' the A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices NetworDin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man 2ra??icDin) an' 2errorism System that has @een create' 5 is pro@a@+e to somehow in(o+(e an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ o? Shippin) F $o)istics G.P.S. that the 3H$ 1Cpress $o)istics 7ompany *ses. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorioAs son Aaron 1man*e+e an' their co*sin 2ony Grasseti ha' mentione' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that 2onyAs ?rien' Aman'a

$an'ry was 'atin) a P*erto #ican Hea(y Meta+ M*sician who was pse*'onyme' GHa+? Hea'G '*e to his paintin) his ?ace simi+ar to the ;A2MAN S*per =i++ian G2wo .aceG4 '*rin) his @an'As m*sica+ per?ormances. Aman'a $an'ry who was c+ose ?rien's with 7hristine 3ion @e?ore she mo(e' to .+ori'a with GHa+? Hea'G an' 7hristine 3ion (anishe' an' was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r 4 Aman'a $an'ry was a+so a ?rien' o? my own. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' 7hris 2homas @oth p*rchase' items at my re)ister whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 their )*i+t concernin) what they 'i' to my se+? an' 7hristine 3ion as we++ as o*r ?ami+ies has o@(io*s+y @een worryin) them a+ot. 3*rin) the year 2003 < Aman'a $an'ryAs @est ?rien' whom I was a+so ?rien's with 4 9e+sey McNanny 5 mentione' to me that she Dnew Bason ;onano. At some point '*rin) 2003 4 it is pro@a@+e that 9e+sey McNanny was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 5 at times 4 9e+sey McNanny was physica++y *na@+e to speaD an' was *ns*re o? the reason < it is eCtreme+y pro@a@+e that these were eCperiments o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6ISAs 4 ?or the p*rpose o? @ein) a@+e to si+ence (ictims with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. Since I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ice < at times my stomach 4 esopha)o*s 4 throat 4 necD 4 ton)*e 4 an' +ips m*sc+es 5 twitch 4 ?+eC 4 tense 4 or spasm < this pre(ents me ?rom speaDin). 2hese m*sc+e )ro*ps are associate' with speech an' Ne*ro $in)*istics. 2his was the year that Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte'. I met Bason ;onano '*rin) the year 200E 4 whi+e worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication 5 BasonAs ?ather was we++ acH*ainte' with Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 whi+e with 7hristine 3ion an' $in'sey Garo?ano 5 we tra(e+e' in 7hristineAs a*tomo@i+e to the #ichmon' =ir)inia AM2#A79 Station in 3*m@arton =ir)inia to picD *p Samantha G*ay who was ret*rnin) ?rom a trip to .+ori'a. :hi+e at the AM2#A79 Station < we saw my ?rien's 9e+sie McNanny 4 Boseph Mc7arthy 4 Matthew ;e+*ar'o 4 an' $ee 5 Matthew ;e+*ar'oAs ?ami+y are o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' '*rin) this year he +ater intro'*ce' me to .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames. :hi+e ret*rnin) ?rom the #ichmon' AM2#A79 Station 4 $in'sey Garo?ano asDe' 7hristine 3ion G3oesnAt =ictorAs son 7+int +i(e in #ichmon' =ir)iniaO 0r is it 3*m@artonOG to which 7hristine 3ion rep+ie' G/es. I 'onAt e(en want to thinD a@o*t it. I 'o not +iDe that ?ami+y an' yo* Dnow that. =ittorio an' 7hris are 'is)*stin) an' I 'onAt tr*st the rest o? their ?ami+y 4 they a++ seem eCact+y the same as them. I 'o not +iDe them. I 'o not tr*st them.' I 'onAt want to ta+D a@o*t it.G . =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son name' 7+int 4 who is 7hris 2homasAs @rother 5 +i(e' ?or a (ery +on) time 4 in #ichmon' =ir)inia. 3*rin) the years 2008 an' 200" < my ?rien' An'rew 3o*)+as tra(e+e' to #ichmon' =ir)inia with his ?rien' 9e(in or 7hris 4 an' was intro'*ce' to =ittorioAs son 7+int 2ay+or. 3*rin) the year 2011 4 An'rew 3o*)+as ha' @een rep+ace' @y a man who I reco)ni>e' to @e a So*th American A6IS .ascista or 7rime So+'ier that ha' @een acH*ainte' with some o? the So*th American peop+es that Dnew 1' :arren somehow an' ha' shoppe' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man ori)ina++y appeare' to @e a So*th American Mesti>o with some a''itiona+ ?orei)n +inea)e ?rom a 1*ropean nationa+ity. 3*rin) the year 2011 he ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear near+y i'entica+ to An'rew 3o*)+as 4 who is c*rrent+y missin). 2his man p*rchase' items at my re)ister whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 2005. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 my sister Sheena MacPhersonAs @oy?rien' somehow won ticDets to a sports )ame at an arena in #ichmon' =ir)inia 5 '*rin) the year 2005 < Bason ;o*ser 4 Sheena MacPherson 4 Anthony McMenemy 4 an' Am@er SDinner

atten'e' a @a++ )ame imme'iate+y 'own the same street that 7+int 2ay+or met An'rew 3o*)+as on '*rin) the year 2008. I ha(e met imposte*rs o? my sister Sheena MacPherson 4 Anthony McMenemy 4 an' Am@er SDinner < Bason ;o*ser seems to @e missin). I @e+ie(e that the So*th American that ha' An'rew 3o*)+asAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s '*rin) the year 2011 4 is pro@a@+y a .ascista A6IS 7rime So+'ier ?rom somep+ace +iDe ;ra>i+ an' is c*rrent+y +i(in) as an imposte*r o? An'rew 3o*)+as ?or p*rpose o? escapin) his 7rimina+ #ecor'. .or a +on) time '*rin) his +i?e 4 7hris 2homas +i(e' in #ichmon' =ir)inia with his a'opti(e parents an' his a'opti(e yo*n)er @rother. 2he #ichmon' =ir)inia Greyho*n' ;*s Station has a (i'eo)ame in the sma++ arca'e section in the corner o? the ;*s Station 4 it is ca++e' 2erminator Sa+(ation < it is @ase' on the mo(ie the 2erminator. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren ma'e the statement whi+e I was stan'in) at the cash re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 G:hatO Are yo* )oin) to @e the +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aOG an' ma'e a mocDin) immitatin) )est*re o? ho+'in) on to a chain with his han' an' *sin) his mo*th 4 ma'e the m*sic ?rom the scene o? the mo(ie 2erminator 2 where the 2erminator )ets s*nD into the +a(a to 'estroy the +ast Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence Micro7hip. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 my sister 7he+sey MacPherson was a@'*cte' an' swappe' with a 'i??erent +itt+e )ir+ whom was o? (ery simi+ar appearance < '*rin) the year 200" 4 a )ir+ contacte' me on .ace@ooD c+aimin) that she was my sister an' ha' m*tate' an' 'i' not +ooD +iDe my sister @*t it was her 5 I 'o not remem@er what happene' 4 @*t the con(ersation 'i' not contin*e. I @e+ie(e that it may ha(e @een 7he+sey an' that her pro?i+e was 'e+ete'. 0ne o? the photo)raphs +ooDe' +iDe it may ha(e @een taDen in the 3*m@arton P*@+ic $i@rary < one o? the )ir+s on the G2ia $*'wicDG Pro?i+e +ooDs +iDe she tooD some o? her photo)raphs in the 3*m@arton +i@rary. In the photo)raphs is a scanner proIector machine that says GA+a''inG on it. I ha(e @een in?orme' that '*rin) the yea' 2008 4 my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson who ha' @een swappe' with another (ictim 5 was +e?t in $are'o 2eCas @y $orie Poten>a an' Gra>>io+i 4 an' that 7he+sey was +e?t with no I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Accor'in) to what I ha(e @een to+' 4 an A>teca man name' Bose Men'o>a tooD care o? her an' protecte' an' ?e' her. I ha' coinci'enta++y ?o*n' Bose Men'o>a on .ace@ooD as a res*+t o? *s sharin) a +ot o? simi+ar taste in m*sic 5 a?ter a month Bose Men'o>a ha' @e)*n 'isc*ssin) with me that ?act that he was taDin) care o? a +itt+e )ir+ who was +e?t in $ore'o @y SeC 2ra??icDers an' ha' +e?t her with no I'enti?ication 7ar'. Bo>e @e)an to asD me H*estions a@o*t whether or not she was my sister. A +itt+e )ir+ who +ooDe' +iDe 7he+sey #ain MacPherson with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' ;rown SDin an' a photo)raph ?rom the 3*m@arton =ir)inia $i@rary near where 7+int 2ay+or +i(e' ha' a''e' me on .ace@ooD a?ter this an' to+' me that she was my sister 5 imme'iatey a?ter this my .ace;ooD was hacDe' an' since this time n*mero*s imposte*r .ace;ooD Acco*nts ha(e @een @ein) *se' to pre(ent me ?rom ta+Din) to peop+e an' my acco*nt has @een @+ocDe' ?rom n*mero*s ?act*a+ .ace;ooD Acco*nts. 7+int 2ay+or reporte'+y sta+De' mhy sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson 4 whi+e she was in $are'o 2eCas an' attempte' to a@'*ct her a)ain. 7+int 2ay+or reporte'+y ?orce' my sister to @e (i'eo)raphe' @ein) rape' in a 7hi+' Porno)raphy (i'eo. I ha(e searche' $are'o 2eCas ?or a ?ew weeDs an' ha(e @een *na@+e to +ocate 7he+sey #ain MacPherson @*t ha(e 'isco(ere' that 3e@@ie 3*montAs ?ami+y +i(e' in the re)ion ?or some time with 'i??erent I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as 'i' Bosh ;*rns possi@+y (isit the re)ion attemptin) to ?in' a co*sin o? his a?ter 'isco(erin) that his ?ami+y was rep+ace' @y imposte*rs when he ret*rne' ?rom the :ar in IraH an' A?)hanistan. It is pro@a@+e that the +itt+e )ir+ whoAs sDin was m*tate' to t*rn @rown is ?act*a++y my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' the o(erwei)ht )ir+ who was si)hte' '*rin) the 2011 %th o?

B*+y 7e+e@ration in MerrimacD NewHampshire was not 7he+sey @*t was a )ir+ whoAs ?ace was m*tate' with 7he+seyAs 3NA. 0? re+e(ance to the AmtraD 2rain Station in 3*m@arton =ir)inia < '*rin) the year 200" 4 my co*sin 3*sty $a=oie mentione' acci'ent+y )ettin) o?? a train that he tooD with his ?rien' at the wron) AmtraD 2rain Station 5 he sai' that the si)ns in the train station +ooDe' +iDe 7irc*s Si)ns an' remin'e' hm o? 7irc*s 7+own $etters. He 'escri@e' the si)n as ha(in) an ima)e o? a )+ass with a straw on it an' a 'on*t 4 he a+so ?i)*re' o*t that it was ca++e' 3*n@arton an' sai' that it appeare' ?ami+iar to him. 2he 7+own re?erence is o? re+e(ance < whi+e at Am@er SDinnerAs ho*se at E% ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 '*rin) the year 200" 5 ;o@ SDinner mentione' to me that he hear' that a :ayne Gacy imposte*r was creepin) aro*n' attacDin) peop+e s+eepin) in their homes an' that he was tar)ettin) chi+'ren. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar < 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e?eo mentione' :ayne Gacy an' Po)o 2he 7+own as we++ as the mo(ie Gacy. 3*rin) the year 200E < 9at McMahon mentione' that she was @ein) sta+De' @y an o+' man name' G=ictorG who t*rne' o*t to @e =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 she a+so mentione' seein) a :ayne Gacy 7+own. It seems possi@+e that 7hris 2homas who at one time *se' the name GSamoth SrichG 4 may ha(e an o@session with @ein) G+iDe a (i++ain ?rom horror mo(ieG eCcept Gthe rea+ thin)G. Psychotic 7rimina+s o?ten mimmicD thin)s that they see on 2e+e(ision Me'ia an' 7inema Me'ia. It seems (ery pro@a@+e that this is somethin) that 7hris 2homas wo*+' 'o. Sahn'ra St. 0n)eAs @est ?rien' 2ammy 2horne state' that her co*sinAs 3 year o+' 'a*)hter ha' @een seC*a++y assa*+te' @y a man who @roDe into their home 4 the man was 'resse' as a c+own. 2he @an' Insane 7+own Posse as we++ as the @an' 3ea';o+t ha(e c+own themes thro*)ho*t some o? their m*sic < the c+own themes in(o+(e (io+ence 4 psychosis 4 an' s*@stance a@*se. A+so 4 ;+acD Meta+ 5 a sty+e o? Hea(y Mea+ m*sic < o?ten has themes in(o+(in) $*ci?er 4 Satan 4 Apocha+ypse 4 the ;ooD o? #e(e+ations 4 war 4 an' other simi+ar+y re+ate' themes. 2he Norwe)ian ;+acD Meta+ @an' 1mperor has a mem@er name' GSamothG 4 GSamothG is a p*n a@o*t ?a@ricate' GSatanic 7*+tsG 5 it is a spe++in) o? the name G2homasG @acDwar's. :hen I was % years o+' 4 I to+' 7hris 2homas that I @e+ie(e' that he was a Satanist @eca*se o? his actions. My Mother @e+ie(e' that 7hris 2homasAs entire ?ami+y were pro@a@+y Satanists. I @e+ie(e that this is pro@a@+y the reason ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' their accomp+ices 5 attemptin) to ?a@ricate an a+i@i in(o+(in) a scape )oat an' ?ramin) them ?or @ein) Satanists. ;ren'an P+ace 4 Bason 2harp 4 an' ;ra' Sa@+e a++ met .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames '*rin) the S*mmer o? the year o? 200% 4 I ha(e met imposte*rs o? a++ three o? them an' I @e+ie(e that it is pro@a@+e that they were assassinate' ?or reaon that they ha' ?o*n' o*t that the 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were the Anti 7hrist an' A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. 2he m*sic re?erances are re+e(ant @eca*se a +ar)e n*m@er o? the (ictims o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action are peop+e who +iDe those @an's an' )enres o? m*sic 5 many o? my ?rien's are imme'iate tar)ets @eca*se o? what I Dnow a@o*t the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' what the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e 'one to me an' my ?ami+y 4 my peop+e are an o@session o? the 1man*e+e .ami+yAs '*e to their own )*i+t an' the ?act that my peop+e remin' them o? their )*i+t an' their worry that peop+e co*+' Dnow an' co*+' @e ta+Din). 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 a m*sician GHa+? Hea'G was 'atin) my ?rien' Aman'a $an'ry 5 Aman'a $an'ry was a+so ?rien's with 7hristine 3ion. GHa+? Hea'G was pse*'onyme' as s*ch '*e to his @+eachin) o? ha+? o? his hair an' his per?omance maDe *p when his @an' per?orme' their m*sic 5 appeare' simi+ar to the character G2wo .aceG ?rom the ;A2MAN series. GHa+? Hea'G @ein) a

P*erto #ican in a Hea(y Meta+ @an' was pro@a@+y an in?+*ence *pon =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' 1' :arren to attempt to ?rame #osa Moreno an' some P*erto #ican ?ami+ies in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 as @ein) 7rimina+ Accomp+ices o? the Satanic 7rime 7*+t o? the GAnti 7hristG who was inten'e' to appear to @e some@o'y other that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 himse+?. 0? re+e(ance to 7+int 2ay+or an' 7hris 2homas +i(in) in 3*m@arton an' #ichmon' =ir)inia 5 m*ch o? the parDin)+ots an' strip ma++s in #ichmon' =ir)inia an' 3*m@arton seem to @e constr*cte' ?rom simi+ar @+*e prints as the parDin) +ots an' constr*ction o? the strip ma++s 4 ?ast ?oo' resta*rants 4 an' shoppin) centers in Sa+is@*ry Massach*settes an' Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire 5 where 7+int 2ay+orAs yo*n)er @rother 3anie+ Bames was raise' as a chi+'. 2he 1man*e+eAs an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS seem to remain in c+ose +i(in) proCimity to one another an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+ies seem to +i(e in re)ions where their ?ami+y an' their ?ami+yAs Properties #etainers own a +ar)e amo*nt o? the +an' 4 @*sinesses 4 means o? pro'*ction 4 an' mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are in(o+(e' in the +oca+ 7onstr*ction In'*stry an' +oca+ Go(ernment F $aw 1n?orcement. My parents 4 my se+?4 my co*sin 3*sty 4 an' my +itt+e sister Sheena MacPherson 5 met 7hris 2homasAs a'opti(e ?ami+y in #ichmon' =ir)inia in the approCimate year 1""0. My Mother tho*)ht they were a Satanist ?ami+y 4 my *nc+e 2roy hear' a@o*t them n*mero*s times an' tho*)ht they were a NAM;$A .ami+y 4 $a*ra Pittin)er an' ;en $in'@er) tho*)ht @asica++y the same as my *nc+e 2roy tho*)ht 4 BacD 3ion Dnew eCact+y how 'is)*stin) the 1man*e+e .ami+y were an' 'i' not tr*st a sin)+e one o? them. 0? re+e(ance to $in'sey Garo?ano 5 '*rin) the year 200% 4 either $in'sey Garo?ano or an imposte*r o? $in'sey Garo?ano ca++e' me ?rom 2eCas at my Gran'motherAs ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire o? which the te+ephone n*m@er was E03 %2% 5!0E. $in'sey Garo?ano or her imposte*r to+' me that she an' some ?rien's ha' smashe' the win'ow o? an S.U.=. =ehic+e with a rocD an' spray painte' a SwastiDa on the S.U.=. 5 $in'sey Garo?ano c+aime' that this was @eca*se she was in an G1n(ironmenta+ist Po+itica+ Acti(ist Gan)G an' the S.U.=. ha' @a' emissions ratin)s. 3*rin) the year 2003 4 the SDin Hea' that I was ?rien's with name' Boe $e;aron 5 spray painte' G9y+e is a .a)NG 4 a SwastiDa 4 an' SS -si)ne' 5 Sh*t>Sta??e+8 in a hyphen an' .*tharD #*nes on 9y+e Howar'As :orD =an. Boe $e;aron ha' 'one this as a ?orm o? re(en)e @eca*se 9y+e Howar' was a seria+ rapist who worDe' ?or =ittorio an' .i++i@ertoAs 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate an' ha' committe' the Initiation 7rimes they or'ere' him to commit which were SeC 0??enses as we++ as 'i' he commit other SeC 0??enses *pon more than one ?ema+e. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 I ha' (isite' the $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green we@site 5 this was a po+itica+ esoterics propa)an'a we@site an' GthinD tanDG Socia+ NetworDin) :e@site. 2he $.N.S.G. :e@siteAs +o)o was a Green .+a) 4 with a :hite So+ar 3isc 4 an' a ;+acD SwastiDa 5 a )reen (ersion o? the #e' SwastiDa ACis .+a). :hen $in'sey Garo?ano or her imposte*r to+' me that she ha' )one to Iai+ ?or the (an'a+ism 4 she c+aime' that she was on the te+e(ision news whi+e in Iai+ an' that the photo)raph o? the (ehic+e with the swastiDa on it ha' @een 'isp+aye' on the te+e(ision 5 $in'sey Garo?ano or her imposte*r then to+' me that an A?riDDi' American ?ema+e who was her ce++ mate Gshowe' her the powerG @y rapin) her with her entire ?ist. She ca++e' it Gshow the powerG. $in'sey Garo?ano or her imposte*r c+aime' that she ha' @een 'atin) the )*itarist ?rom the @an' G2he An)ry AryansG an' that $in'sey Garo?ano ha' @een or'ere' on State Arrest an' was not +e)a++y a++owe' to +ea(e the state o? 2eCas. I 'o not @e+ie(e that this ?act*a++y occ*rre'. 3*rin) the

year 200! < $in'sey Garo?ano an' Ste(e G=inceG Parish 5 (isite' NewHampshire whi+e Ste(e G=inceG Parish mo(e' *p to NewHampshire ?rom 2eCas. :hi+e at the resta*rant Un:ine' 5 $in'sey Garo?ano to+' me that she 'i' not )et arreste' ?or (an'a+ism in 2eCas. #o@ert #o'on mo(e' to 2eCas U.S.A. '*rin) the year 2003 an' I @e+ie(e that this was aro*n' the same time that Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte'. At some point '*rin) the ?o++owin) years 4 #o@ert #o'onAs ?ormer neCt 'oor nei)h@or Be??erson 3a(is 5 was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. Be??erson 3a(is was o? ha+? Israe+i an' ha+? Ita+ian race 4 an' was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 2011 4 I met an imposte*r o? $in'sey Garo?ano 5 she met me at the ManchesterQ$on'on'erry Airport at the Manchester NewHampshire an' $on'on'erry NewHamphire @or'er. 2his is near the +ocation that some@o'y ha' ?ire' a si+ence' pisto+ at me ?rom a?ar whi+e I was wa+Din) home ?rom worD '*rin) the year 200E 4 approCimate+y one month prior to a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m at the 7oncor' Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire at 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire. :hi+e I was (isitin) #yan Har(ey an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi in ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) the ear+y :inter Season o? the year 200% 4 #yan Har(eyAs mo*th mo(e' an' ?ew times an' sai' thin)s that he a?terwar's state' that he 'i' not mean to say. He state' that his mo*th @e)an mo(in) on itAs own. A?ter 'rinDin) a @e(era)e which ha' @een a+rea'y opene' an' was Dept in the re?ri')erator 4 #yan Har(eyAs hair thinne' an' m*ch o? it ?e++ o*t in the pattern o? A'o+? GHit+erAsG thinnin) sca+p pattern )ene 5 this is an 1man*e+e )ene. 2his same thin) happene' to my se+? '*rin) 2012 4 whi+e +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street 5 my nose @ri')e an' cheeD @ones a+so m*tate' an' chan)e' shape. 2his is 'e?inite+y the res*+t o? one o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers po*rin) hemo)+o@in (ia+s in open containers in re?ri')erators 5 the hemo)+o@in (ia+s containin) hemo)+o@in that was *se' to c*+t*re =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s with 3NA inIecte' into it. It is a simp+e process. 2he (ir*s ca*ses )enetic m*tation. 3*rin) the approCimate year o? 20014 my Mother was hospita+i>e' in the 7oncor' NewHampshire Psychiatric Hospita+ GNewHampshire Hospita+G on 7+inton Steet in 7oncor' NewHampshire. My Mother was hospita+i>e' ?or 8 years. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I was i++e)a++y 'etaine' @y Po+ice in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' was @ro*)ht to the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter an' e(ent*a++y @ro*)ht to NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire. :hi+e in NewHampshire Hospita+ 4 I was *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. It seems pro@a@+e that when my Mother was a'mitte' to the NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' NewHampshire 4 that the ?irst imposte*r o? my .ather may ha(e si)ne' the paperworD to ha(e her committe'. 3*rin) the year 2008 4 what +ooDe' to ha(e @een an imposte*r o? Geo??rey Go'@ois 5 'ia)nose' me with Schi>ophrenia. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy has so*)ht ?or my entire ?ami+y to @e 'ia)nose' with Menta+ I++ness ?or p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) me as a witness to the ?act that A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < an' A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sinsA ?ami+ies who were 'escen'ants o? a sma++ n*m@er o? 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 as we++ as some other A6IS .ami+ies s*ch as Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ami+y 5 immi)rate' to the U.S.A. a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the

A6IS < an' the ?act that m*ch o? my ?ami+y an' ?ami+y ?rien's are SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .actionAs 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+ Acti(ity. M*ch o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers are SeC 2ra??icDers 5 many o? their H*man 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime So+'iers worD in the Hea+thcare In'*stry as a 'ai+y ro*tine. It is pro@a@+e that an in'i(i'*a+ chosen to rep+ace a tar)et (ictim who worDs in the Hea+thcare In'*stry 4 is )oin) to @e rep+ace' @y an in'i(i'*a+ who has a+rea'y worDe' in a simi+ar ?ie+' o? eCpertise e+sewhere. M*ch o? what happene' '*rin) #ichar' NiConAs Presi'entia+ A'ministration in(o+(in) the A@*ses o? Power within the M9U$2#A 3epartment o? the 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency 4 in(o+(e' the a@*se o? the Hea+thcare In'*stry ?or p*rpose o? SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 1n?orcin) 4 Assassinations 4 H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) Ne*roScience #esearch4 an' H*man =i(isections in(o+(in) Ne*ro2oCin research as we++ as ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication an' Hypnosis research. N*mero*s peop+e ?rom this re)ion Dnew the ?act*a+ Geo??rey Go'@ois < 9y+e Howar'As sister Ben Howar' 4 Bohn $inD 4 #o@ert $inD 4 Benna H*'son 4 Mr. Gotsi++ 4 1riDa .ein)o+' 4 possi@+y a co*sin o? MarD P*cDer@er)As 4 3anie++e 7*shman 4 an' $oretta 7*shman. 2he ?act*a+ Geo??rey Go'@ois or Be?? Go'@ois was o? miCe' .ranDic 4 Israe+i 4 an' 3e*tsche race as we++ as possi@+y a sma++ amo*nt o? Po+ish race. Geo?? Go'@ois an' Mr. Gotsi++ @oth Dnew Be??erson 3a(is 4 #o@ert #o'onAs nei)h@or '*rin) the years 2000 2001 who ha' Ioine' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the ?act*a+ Be?? 3a(is was ha+? Israe+i an' ha+? Ita+ian. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy tar)ette' the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e an' @e)an m*r'erin) them an' a@'*ctin) their 'a*)hters. Many o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e an' their co*sins in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs who are o@(io*s+y Ita+ian 4 o? miCe' Ita+ian race an' some other race 4 or they are missin) entire+y. 3*rin) the year 2011 4 I witnesse' an Imposte*r o? MarD P*cD@er) SDate ;oar'in) in Nash*a NewHampshire. He was wearin) a tan co+o*re' 7arhaart hoo'e' IacDet 4 Ieans 4 an' sneaDers. He was too short to @e MarD P*cDer@er). MarD P*cD@er) is EA1G ta++. MarD P*cDer@er) p*rchase' items at the re)ister that I was worDin) at '*rin) my emp+oyment at .ami+y 3o++ar in the years 200% an' 2005. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that is @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the 7rani*ms o? American 7iti>ens an' =isitors are capa@+e o? @ein) *se' ?or m*+tip+e p*rposes. 2hese p*rposes inc+*'e a+terin) the (oice o? a)ents @y metho' o? c*stom re en)ineere' Speech 2herapy So?tware @y metho's o? conto*rin) an' poisin) the +arynC an' other speech re+ate' m*sc*+at*re 4 mo(in) the arms an' +e)s or hea' o? (ictimsA thro*)h means o? ne*ro ro@otics o? the m*sc*+at*re 4 ne*ro ro@otica++y ta+Din) with the mo*th o? the (ictims or to Sa(oy A6IS A)ents thro*)h their mo*ths 4 in?+*encin) 'ecisions o? (ictims an' a)ents @y means o? Ne*ro Science So?tware e??ectin) the Ne*ro+o)y o? the h*mansA @rain 4 in?+*encin) the emotions o? the (ictims *sin) ne*roscience so?tware 4 as we++ as ca*sin) a person to physica++y tra(e+ to a speci?ic +ocation at a speci?ic time. 2he 1man*e+e .ami+y are poisoners who o?ten poison their (ictims with 3isassociati(e 3r*)s 4 S*@I*)ati(e Hypnotic Ne*ro2oCins 4 or poisons which res*+t in 'eath. It is (ery 'an)ero*s an' a )enoci'a+ threat to the North American pop*+ation that this is contin*in) an' that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are worDin) within (ario*s 'epartments o? )o(erment as we++ as )an)s 4 taDin) or'ers ?rom =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons 5 whom are A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. A 7o(ert Genoci'e is 'e?inite+y c*rrent+y occ*rrin) 4 n*mero*s ?ami+ies are missin) in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs who are ;+acD Mai+e' 7rimina+s 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims 4 an' Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the

Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS in North America are 'e?inite+y in a position that wi++ res*+t in their eCec*tion @y mi+itary +aw i? they are in(esti)ate' ?or 2reason 4 2errorism 4 an' :ar 7rimes 5 this is a +i?e or 'eath scenario ?or them an' they are 'e?inite+y c*rrent+y attemptin) to @*i+' a North American Sa(oy #e)ime. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y are attemptin) to occ*py the entire U.S.A. )o(ernment with imposte*rs. It is pro@a@+e that they wi++ soon taDe imposte I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s soon themse+(es 4 an' +ea(e Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents in their stea' with their own I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or p*rpose o? escape. In the year 200! 4 I met an imposte*r o? 2ony Grasseti at the 7+*@ 313 whi+e at the Ni)ht 7+*@ with my ?rien' A+isha 7ote. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e *se' 7omm*nications Ser(er 3ata to )ather in?ormation inc+*'in) +ists o? ?ami+ies names an' their re+ation ?rom Ancestry.7om an' .ace@ooD.7om 'ata sto+en @y 7omp*ter HacDers as we++ copie' ?rom Ser(er 7omp*ters that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha(e access to 4 it is 'e?inite that in(esti)ation o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs .ace;ooD.7om acco*nts wi++ +ea' to +ists o? their ?ami+ies an' associates 5 n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een connecte' to my own .ace;ooD.7om acco*nt an' MySpace.7om acco*nt o(er the past " years. 2ony Grasseti 4 Aaron 1man*e+e 4 the #o'on ?ami+y 4 an' others o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een on my ?rien's +ist. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices @ein) *se' ?or some a+ternati(e impro(ise' p*rpose an' @ein) networDe' *sin) Shippin) an' .rei)ht G.P.S. $o))in) an' 2racDin) So?tware as we++ as Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. It is not o@(io*s that they were 'isc*ssin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices an' 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy #a'io .reH*ency 2ransmissions. I remem@er 1' :arren +a*)hin) ma+icio*s+y '*rin) these 'isc*ssions with Anthony 3e.eo. 2here was a+so ta+D a@o*t *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 3NA M*tation to +ea(e (ictims with their own I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' escape with some@o'y e+seAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. In the year 200% 5 my ?rien's ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 MarD SDinner 4 an' I wa+De' to meet 2ony Grasseti in Manchester at a +ocation a@o*t 8 @+ocDs ?rom .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street. 2ony Grasseti was with a yo*n) man who +ooDe' re+ate' to the 1man*e+es an' was c+aimin) to @e Aaron 1man*e+e on this 'ay 4 @*t was not Aaron 1man*e+e. 2he 1man*e+e c+aimin) to @e Aaron 1man*e+e ha' @een 'resse' in womenAs c+othin) on this partic*+ar 'ay an' ma'e a IoDe to me a@o*t it statin) GHow 'o yo* Dnow the 'ra) isnAt I*st to catch yo* o?? )*ar'. No@o'y eCpects a 'ra) H*een to m*r'er them.G. 9enneth B*'' +ater warne' me a@o*t Aaron 1man*e+e citin) Be??rey 3ahmer as an eCamp+e to @eware o? some HomoseC*a+s @eca*se they are not a++ ?rien'+y +iDe 9enny is < Scot H*nter whom was a+so )ay4 'i' not tr*st Aaron 1man*e+e either. ;o@ Sha)o*ry may ha(e mentione' 2he MarD o? the ;east on this 'ay an' possi@+y mentione' the I++*minati an' a+so the 2a+i@an at some point 5 these topics wo*+' ha(e ma'e 2ony Grasseti (ery ner(o*s 4 @*t they were common+y 'isc*sse' @y *s. ;o@ Sha)o*ry was possi@+y a+so 'isc*ssin) Is+am an' @ein) ner(o*s a@o*t what was happenin) in the me'ia an' po+itica++y since the " 11 2errorist AttacD @eca*se ;o@As ?ami+y was a M*s+im ?ami+y. ;o@ Sha)o*ry has since @een missin) an' I ha(e met an Ara@ian +ooDin) man whom was preten'in) to @e him an' ha' his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < ;o@ Sha)o*ry was ha+? $e@anese an' ha+? Syrian4 he was not Ara@ian. 2he man preten'in) to @e Aaron 1man*e+e was a+most 'e?inite+y an act*a+ @rother o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' Aaron 1man*e+eAs < this ma+e was too ta++ to @e Aaron 1man*e+e an' his nose

was too ro*n'e'. I @e+ie(e that he *se' the name Aaron 1man*e+e as a test to see i? I remem@ere' meetin) Aaron at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire 4 in A++enstown NewHampshire 4 in ;arnstea' NewHampshire 4 or 'own the roa' at Bosh ;*rnsAs ho*se on :est #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. I preten'e' not to notice that he was not the Aaron 1man*e+e that I ha' met. :hi+e I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2012 < an imposte*r o? Aaron 1man*e+e who was pro@a@+y a@o*t % years yo*n)er than Aaron 1man*e+e 4 wa+De' *p the stairs to an apartment 5 this was '*rin) the same weeD that a man who +ooDe' i'entica+ to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e sat on the steps o? the entry way smoDin) a 7apone miniat*re @+acD ci)ar. 2he *se o? their si@+in)sA name as a IoDe or a +ocation a+i@i seems to @e common amon)st the 1man*e+e si@+in)s who o?ten *se one o? their si@+in)s name in the stea' o? their own whi+e meetin) some@o'y new < '*rin) the year 1"8" 4 when I met 7hris 2homasAs o+'er @rother 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 5 7+int 2ay+or at ?irst *se' the name G9risG an' sai' a?ter that G9ris wih a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDy.... no 7hris is my @rother. /o*Are ri)ht 4 ItAs act*a++y 7+int. My name is 7+int.G he a+so ma'e the IoDe GI am %! years o+'. :hen in act*a+ity 4 7+int was in his +ate 20As.G. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I saw on the internet that the name G7o*nt GrishnaDG o? the @an' ;*r>*m was chan)e' to G9ristian =iDernesG 9ristian with a 9. It was a+so p*@+ishe' to internet '*rin) 20054 that A9 %! was the ori)ina+ name o? ;*r>*m 5 7+intAs IoDe in 1"8" was that G9ris with a 9G was G%!G. 2his tactic has @een *se' @y the 1man*e+es in the past '*e to the ?act that they ha(e so many @rothers an' ha+? @+oo' @rothers who are ?rom 'i??erent mothers4 @*t the same ?athers. 2he @rother who +ooDs simi+ar 4 taDes an artic+e o? c+othin) an' appears amon)st witnesses o? a crime or (ictims as we++ as 'o they appear crime scenes or commit crimes *sin) their @rotherAs name 5 this maDes it 'e?inite that the @rother who is acc*se' is a+rea'y on camera e+sewhere an' has an a+i@i. In 1"8" 4 I met a @rother o? 7hris 2homasAs who was wearin) 7hris 2homasAs re' Mar+@oro sweat shirt an' was o? incre'i@+y simi+ar appearance to 7hris 2homas @*t was not him 5 this man sai' his name was G9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDy. 7hris 2homas.G . 2he p*rpose o? 7hris 2homasAs @rother appearin) at EE ;ean #oa' with A+ Io'ice whi+e c+aimin) to @e 7hris 2homas was pro@a@+y ?or the p*rpose o? p+acin) 7hris 2homas at a 'i??erent +ocation with an entire )ro*p o? witnesses 4 ?or p*rpose o? creatin) an a+i@i i? my ?ami+y ca++e' the Po+ice 3epartment an' reporte' 7hris 2homas arri(in) at o*r ho*se +ate at ni)ht with A+ Io'ice whi+e 9eith McG*ire was present. 3*rin) the s*mmer season o? the year 1""8 4 7hris 2homasAs @rother 7+int 2ay+or )a(e my *nc+e A+ Io'ice a @+acD tacD+e @*oy Dni?e that @e+on)e' to 7hris 2homas 5 A+ Io'ice )a(e this Dni?e to me an' to+' me to Deep it ?ore(er an' maDe s*re not to +ose it e(er. 3*rin) the year 20034 I was arreste' whi+e 'ri(in) thro*)h Amherst NewHampshire a?ter a physica+ a+tercation at my ?atherAs ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire < I )ot into a ?i)ht with a man who I @e+ie(e was the 1st imposte*r o? my ?ather or possi@+y the 2n' imposte*r to ha(e *se' my ?atherAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 at the time I 'i' not rea+i>e that he was not my ?ather 4 I ha' s*spicions a@o*t it. 2he @+acD Dni?e was taDen @y the Amherst NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment '*rin) their search o? my re' 7he(y ;+a>er 4 whi+e I was stoppe' on the si'e o? #o*te 101 5 the Dni?e was p*t into an e(i'ence @a) an' taDen to Amherst Po+ice 3epartment with my name on it an' the year 2003. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1"8! 4 my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. was threatene' @y his ?ather that A+?re' Io'ice Sr. wo*+' Di++ him @e?ore he wo*+' a++ow =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= to Di++ himse+?. A+?re' Io'ice Sr. to+' my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice Br. that he ha' to 'o e(erythin) that =ittorio e(er

instr*cte' him no matter what it was 4 that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha' to @e a++owe' o(er to A+As ho*se an' the ?ami+iesA ho*ses no matter what the sit*ation 4 an' that A+As 'ec+inin) to @ecome a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy was not somethin) that A+?re' Io'ice Sr. respecte'. My *nc+e A+ Io'iceAs ?ather A+?re' senior 4 was a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy an' an Assassin ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 it was not tr*ste' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that A+?re' Io'ice Br. +e?t the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs ranDs. Accor'in) to my *nc+e A+?re' Io'ice 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ca++e' A+As ?ather on the te+ephone an' threatene' to Di++ his entire ?ami+y < NicD Ma))iore 'i' this to =a+erie 0+sonAs @rother '*rin) the year 1""!. In the year 200% 4 a?ter meetin) .i+ 1man*e+e in Manchester 5 2ony Grassetti ca++e' .i+ 1man*e+e ?rom the home phone +ine in Manchester NH at Haywar' St on 9enneth B*''As te+ephone n*m@er with 7omcast which I @e+ie(e was possi@+y E03 %13 821". .i+ 1man*e+e 'i' not answer the te+ephone ca++ an' 2ony +e?t a messa)e on the (oicemai+ 4 '*rin) this messa)e was state' 5 G.i+ itAs 2ony. I I*st ?o*n' o*t that yo*r A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. I 'onAt want yo* to thinD I am not )oin) to @e yo*r ?rien'. IA++ @e yo*r ?rien'. :eA++ @e yo*r ?rien's. IAm not scare' o? yo* or anythin)... we++ may@e I am. B*st 'onAt Di++ a++ o? *s. 3onAt Di++ e(ery@o'y 4 thatAs a++. :eA++ @e yo*r ?rien's. /o* sho*+' 'rinD @eers with *s or come o*t to the c+*@ with *s some time. 3onAt worry a@o*t the IoDe a@o*t the )ay thin)4 I Dnow yo*Are not )ay ... we 'onAt ha(e pro@+ems with )ays anyways. I am sittin) neCt to one ri)ht now. Gi(e me a ca++ @acD some time.G. 2his has @een pro(en to ha(e @een a persona+ IoDe @etween 2ony Grasseti an' .i+ 1man*e+e ?or reason that 2ony Grasseti is .i+As co*sin an' is in ?act o? the 1man*e+e +inea)e an' a #oya+ @+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2ony Grasseti a+rea'y Dnew the 1man*e+esA ?ami+y secret concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ +inea)e 4 2ony Grasseti is o? the same ?ami+y. 3*rin) the year 200% < 2ony Grasseti 'isc*sse' with my roommate Scot H*nter an attacD which Aaron 1man*e+e s*ppose'+y committe' *pon one o? AaronAs own ?rien's as what Aaron s*ppose'+y consi'ere' a practica+ IoDe. 2he attacD which Aaron 1man*e+e was state' to ha(e committe' was a 7rime A)ainst H*manity that in(o+(e' the '*mpin) o? a Hemo)+o@in ?i++e' (ia+ o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ir*s c*+t*re' in Hemo)+o@in into a mi+D carton 5 this Nano1n)ineere' =ir*s containe' a G3esi)ner GeneG or in other wor's a 7*stom 1n)ineere' 3NA which Aaron 1man*e+e ha' @een Nano 1n)ineerin) whi+e in 7o++e)e. AaronAs G?rien'G m*tate' (isi@+y < his sDin @e)an to she' +iDe a snaDe 4 his ?orearms t*rne' an oran)e co+or 'escri@e' as Gthe co+or o? ?recD+eG 4 an' his arms s+i)ht+y a@o(e the e+@ow 'e(e+ope' ?recD+es a++ across his chest o(er to the other sho*+'er. Aaron 1man*e+e was state' to me to ha(e primari+y )rown *p in #an'o+ph Massach*settes 4 Mans?ie+' Massach*settes 4 Sea@rooD NewHampshire 4 an' Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire as we++ as Sa+is@*ry Massach*settes. 2his *ppose' attacD in 200% is proo? that the 1man*e+es were a+rea'y eCperimentin) with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or p*rpose o? Aesthetic 3is)*ise 4 7amo*?+a)e 4 an' 7osmetic ;o'y Mo'i?ication. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es are )oin) to attempt to maDe it i++e)a+ to 3NA 2est ?or I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s soon 5 c+aimin) that it is *nconstit*tiona+ an' a)ainst a 7iti>enAs H*man #i)hts as i? they are a champion o? the peop+e. It is 'e?inite that a 3NA 2est is )oin) to @e necessary soon to pro(e in'i(i'*a+sA i'entities ?or reason that possi@+y 1 mi++ion imposte*rs are c*rrent+y in the USA ai'in) the 1man*e+esA p+anne' Genoci'e o? the North American races 4 Israe+is 4 an' other races. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' to m*tate the physica+ ?orm o? an' 'is)*ise the i'entity o? at +east tho*san's o? peop+e who are

c*rrent+y in the USA an' are *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? USAmerican 7iti>ens who are missin). It is 'e?inite ?act that '*rin) the year 1""E 4 #o@ert #o'on to+' 7hristopher #o'on that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were p+annin) to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate their appearance an' that the m*tation o? sDin 3NA res*+te' in what appeare' to +ooD +iDe a snaDeAs sDin she''in) whi+e the new sDin m*tate' into the h*man )enetic str*ct*re. .or the reason that I Dnow ?or a ?act that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e tra'e' Aaron to pe'ophi+es in eCchan)e ?or their own chi+'ren an' chi+'ren o? others whom they ha' @een @a@ysittin) < it is a 'e?inite ?act that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e wo*+' try to ?rame Aaron 1man*e+e an' is a pro@a@i+ity that =ittorio wo*+' m*r'er Aaron an' rep+ace him with an imposte*r. 3*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 < my mother was 'resse' as the )reen sDinne' :icDe' :itch o? the :est 1+pha@a 4 7hristine 3ion was a+so 'resse' as a witch. Many o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs attempte' ?a@ricate' a+i@is concernin) his *se o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in(o+(e the concept o? horror mo(ie witches 4 ?airy ta+e witches 4 an' Satanic 7*+ts who worship 3e(i+s or the 3e(i+ s*ch as the worship o? an J1(i+ Go'K . =ittorio 1man*e+eAs accomp+ice Michae+ who is a 7rime So+'ier o? his an' is a 7rime $or' < is a 7rime $or' o? the J;oston Gay Ma?iaK 4 was possi@+y a mem@er o? Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan 4 an' consi'ers the 7rime Syn'icate that he worDs ?or to @e Jthe A6IS 7rime Syn'icateK as 'o many peop+e who =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has recr*ite' into his 7rime Syn'icate or 2errorist .action. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is a conni(in) artist an' +ies to amost e(ery person he Dnows 4 presentin) ?a+se (ersions o? rea+ity to a++ o? them ?or the pr*pose o? manip*+atin) them to commit to speci?ic tasDs ?or him. 3*rin) the +ate 1""0As =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' recr*ite' a n*m@er o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers who @e+ie(e' that they ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their crani*ms ?or the p*rpose o? acti(atin) them when it was Jtime to taDe the .or@esK when they were s*ppose' to Di++ an' rep+ace the .ort*ne 500 $ist 5 500 :ea+thiest Americans ?ami+ies an' were s*ppose' to *n'er)o =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation to appear to ha(e the same physica+ appearance as them < these crimina+s @e+ie(e' that this was to @e a J;astei++e 3ayK. 2he Ita+ian A6IS ha(e p*rchase' Hospita+s in North America which has ena@+e' them to ?or)e Me'ica+ .orensic 1(i'ence an' 3*p+icate ;irth 7erti?icates 4 the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e a+so em@e''e' A)ents within the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es an' n*mero*s 7ity Ha++s 5 this has a++owe' the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to ?or)e I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as stea+ the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? entire ?ami+ies o? USAmerican 7iti>ens which they ha(e @een )enoci'a++y eCterminatin) an' stea+in) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? an' the properties o? as we++ as ha(e they @een SeC 2ra??icDin) mem@ers o? these ?ami+ies. 2he Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e a+so *se' tactics in(o+(in) #acia+ Pro(ocation in re)ions s*ch as the North 1ast 4 Ari>ona 4 an' So*thern 7a+i?ornia ?or p*rpose o? 'isrep*tatin) the i'enti?ication process in the U.S.A. 5 *sin) the ?ear o? a potentia+ #acist 1Ctremist #e)ime to pre(ent the 7iti>enry ?rom ?ee+in) com?orta@+e con'*ctin) 3NA 2estin) an' the Deepin) o? 3NA #ecor's ?or p*rposes o? 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence o? e(ery in'i(i'*a+As I'entity. 2he Po+ice 0??icerAs Uni?orm has @een a@*se' @y the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A)ents intentiona++y 4 ?or p*rpose o? creatin) ?ear an' resentment o? the USAmerican .+a) an' o? USAmerican $aw 1n?orcement < this has a++owe' them to more easi+y a@*se positions o? $aw 1n?orcement 1mp+oyment. 3*rin) 200% < a ?aDe i'entity A0$ Instant Messa)e' me whi+e I was on the internet. 2his person

c+aime' to @e a 1! year o+' ma+e whom ha' *n'er)one SeC #eAssi)nment S*r)ery 4 whoAs .ather ha' s*ppose'+y pai' ?or it. 2his 1! year o+' ma+e s*ppose'+y ha' @reast imp+ants an' a seC reassi)nment which inc+*'e' the rep+acement o? the penis with a (a)ina. 2he person whom was preten'in) to @e a 1! year o+' 2rans Gen'ere' in(i'*a+ sent me a photo)raph o? what +ooDe' +iDe 9ate 7hristiano whom I +ater met in 200!. 2he photo was a photo)raph o? the top ha+? o? 9ate 7hristianoAs ?ace. 9ateAs @+*e eyes were s*rro*n'e' in a smoDey eyesha'ow an' 'arD eye+iner. 3*rin) 200! 4 when I met 9ate 7hristiano 5 she ha' @een somehow a'mitte' to the same Hospita+ as my se+? an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e )otten a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in her sD*++ a)ainst her wi++ *nDnowin)+y I*st as ha' happene' to my se+?. :hi+e in the hospita+ 4 she asDe' me i? I Dnew G=ictorG an' 'escri@e' him as her .atherAs co*sinAs ?rien'. She so*n'e' worrie' when asDe' me i? I Dnew =ictor. 3*rin) 200% 5 the eyes in the photo)raph which ha' @een *se' @y some stran)e sta+Der to preten' to @e this stran)e 1! year o+' in'i(i'*a+ +ooDe' i'entica+ to 9ate 7hristianoAs eyes whom I met in 200! 4 when she was 1" an' I was 23. 9ate 7hristiano is eCact+y 1mi+y Is+esAs a)e an' my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPhersonAs a)e. =ittorio A=ictorK 1man*e+e tar)ette' 1E year o+'s '*rin) 200%4 '*rin) 1""" 4 (ittorio or'ere' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to seC*a++y assa*+t Nina Hansen as an Jinitiation crimeK into =ittorioAs A6IS 7rime Syn'icate. Nina Hansen was Dnown to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e as a res*+t o? her +an'+or' @ein) a Properties Stea' Ho+'er ?or =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' Nina Hansen atten'in) A++ A)es Goth Ni)hts at #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs Gothic Ni)ht 7+*@ in Northampton Massach*settes where she met #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 5 as is #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs co*sin $orie Poten>a 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+o is a SeC*a+ Pre'ator who tar)ets teena)e )ir+s an' pro(i'es SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his 7rime Syn'icate. 9ate 7hristiano was Dnown to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rothers as a res*+t o? her ?ami+yAs in(o+(ement in the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 o? which 9ateAs ?ather an' *nc+e are 9ni)hts. 9ate 7hristiano is 2ony GrassetiAs 3r' co*sin 4 she is Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>ioAs %th co*sin 4 an' Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io whom I *se' to @e ?rien's with is #o@ert 3AAn)e+oAs approCimate+y 5th co*sin. :hen 9ate 7hristiano was a'mitte' to 7oncor' Hospita+ 4 she was incorrect+y p*t on the B*(eni+e Unit an' incorrect+y 'escri@e' as @ein) 1! a+tho*)h she was in ?act 1". 9ate 7hristiano so*n'e' worrie' when she asDe' me i? I Dnew =ictor whom was =ittorio 1man*e+e. I +ater 'isco(ere' that G=ictorG was =ittorio 1man*e+e when I wa+De' past 9ate whi+e she was eatin) at a restara*nt an' she mentione' G=ictor He+pin) =ictorG when 'escri@in) =eterans He+pin) =eterans which was @ein) r*n @y =ittorio 1man*e+e whom was taDin) portions o? the 'onations as we++ as writin) 'own +ists o? American =eterans ?ami+ies names. 2he +ie in GMein 9amp?G that was to+' to co(er ?or 10 years o? GA'o+? Hit+erAsG missin) +ocation was that A'o+? Hit+er ha' @een a home+ess =eteran ?or 10 years a?ter the 1st :or+' :ar an' ha' @een *nrecor'e' e(er eCistin) as a res*+t o? home+essness. =ittorio 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'Nephew < =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ha+? @rother o? the same patri+inea+ @+oo'+ine. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 whi+e at a 7o*nci+in) Appointment at a Psychiatric 7omm*nity 7enter 5 Banet Poten>a who was a co*nci+or there asDe' me i? I Dnew Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io. 3*rin) the year 2001 < whi+e at @icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant 4 Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io to+' .ranD 7arroccino that he ?o*n' o*t that I ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain 5 .ranD ne(er in?orme' me o? this 4 @*t *nDnowin)+y ha' one in his own @rain as we++. 0? re+e(ance to the ?aDe trans)en'ere' 1! year o+' whom ha' attempte' to speaD to my se+? an' my roommate Scot H*nter ran'om+y *sin) A0$ Instant Messa)er 5 whi+e I was in ;oston '*rin) 200"4

Bosh*a ;arnes state' that he ha' met Aaron 1man*e+e on more than one occaision an' that Aaron is ?rom #an'o+ph Massach*settes an' is a G2ranny 2ra??icDerG whom SeC 2ra??icDs 2rans SeC*a+s. Bosh*a ;arnes a+so state' that Aaron 1man*e+e was A'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'Nephew. I met an imposte*r o? Aaron 1man*e+e in Manchester NewHampshire in 200% < whi+e with ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 MarD SDinner 4 an' 2ony Grasseti 5 the imposte*r Aaron 1man*e+e was 'resse' as a 3ra) L*een an' was intro'*ce' to me @y 2ony Grasseti. I @e+ie(e that 2ony Grasseti was carryin) o*t =ittorio A=ictorK 1man*e+eAs or'ers in attempts to @e 9ni)hte' an' that this was part o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs attempt to ?rame Aaron 1man*e+e ?or his own :ar 7rimes an' SeC 0??enses. .i+ 1man*e+e mentione' 9ate 7hristiano twice < once whi+e in #ye NewHampshire 4 an' secon' time in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this was recor'e' @y 2ony GrassetiAs recor'in) 'e(ice which he wore. Aaron 1man*e+e as ?rien's with Nina Hansen whi+e I was 'atin) Nina Hansen '*rin) the year 2000 4 when she was my )ir+?rien'. :hi+e I was with Nina Hansen 4 she was comp+ainin) that .i+ 1man*e+e Dept rapin) her an' that he acte' as i? she was his s+a(e. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Nina to+' me that .i+ entere' her home with the ?ront 'oor Dey an' st*cD her with a nee'+e. Nina Hansen Dnew #o@ 3AAn)e+o an' wo*+' sometimes sit in his car with him an' ta+D to him 4 #o@ is m*ch o+'er than her an' he hs a son two years yo*n)er than her. It is 'e?inite that when .i+ 1man*e+e st*cD Nina Hansen with a syrin)e 4 she passe' into *nconcio*sness an' .i+ 1man*e+e a++owe' peop+e entry to her home '*rin) which they S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain. I @e+ie(e that it was #o@ 3AAn)e+o who S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Nina HansenAs crani*m. Soon a?ter I met .i+ 1man*e+e < some@o'y create' a ?aDe )ay 'atin) we@site pro?i+e preten'in) to @e my se+?. 2he mana)er at .ami+y 3o++ar was ?ire'. 2he new mana)er an' assistant mana)er at .ami+y 3o++ar were two homoseC*a+s name' G+enn an' Geor)e. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os imme'iate+y @e)an winDin) at me 4 sta+Din) me aro*n' the store 4 attemptin) to se'*ce me 4 whisperin) in my ear 4 an' *se' the mana)erAs Deys to open the 'oor o? the @athroom whi+e I was *sin) the toi+et twice. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os 4 was reporte' more than once @y my se+? ?or SeC*a+ Harrassment. Geor)e an' G+enn were @oth e(ent*a++y trans?erre' ?rom the store to a 'i??erent +ocation. Geor)e 7atsopo*+os is the co*sin o? $ynn ;an)sA 2n' h*s@an' Martin 7atsopo*+os an' is pro@a@+y the co*sin o? the 1man*e+esA 7rime So+'ier J3ia@+oK who +i(e' in =ir)inia '*rin) the year 2000 an' worDe' ?or 7+int 2ay+or as a 7rime So+'ier an' a SeC 2ra??icDer. I e(ent*a++y saw Geor)e 7atsopo*+os Impersonatin) Pa*+ Mi++er as an Imposte*r. Pa*+ Mi++er was my Unc+e ;ryantAs @est ?rien' an' a )oo' ?rien' o? my .atherAs as we++ as my own ?rien' 5 Pa*+ Mi++erAs ?ami+y s*r(i(e' the ho+oca*st 4 mem@ers o? his imme'iate ?ami+y ha' Prisoner N*m@er 2attoos on their ?orearms ?rom 7oncentration 7amps wherein they ha' @een imprisone' an' near+y Di++e' with the rest o? the )enoci'e tar)ets whom were eCterminate'. Pa*+ Mi++erAs ?ami+y chan)e' their s*rname when they mo(e' to the USA a?ter the .++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 Pa*+ Mi++erAs ?ami+y was Bewish an' he was approCimate+y 3Q% Israe+i. I @e+ie(e that I may ha(e +ater saw Geor)e 7atsopo*+os preten'in) to @e my co*sin GB.P.G in =ermont as we++. GB.P.AsG son whom was ha+? Sici+ian an' ha+? An)+oGae+ic American was acti(e+y 'ep+oye' in the Arme' .orces o? the Unite' States o? America '*rin) the IraH an' A?)hanistan 7on?+ict o? the :ar on 2error 5 '*rin) this time 4 a man who +ooDe' ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? German was si)hte' *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the USA. 1' .arrachi :arren spoDe to Anthony 3e.eo a@o*t recr*itin) Geor)e 7atsopo*+os ?or the Ita+ian A6IS an' their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 this was recor'e'.

:hen I reporte' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os ?or seC*a+ harrassment 5 the G+oss pre(ention an' h*man reso*rcesG emp+oyee that inter(iewe' me as a res*+t o? my comp+aint asDe' me4 GAre these )*ys )ay 4 IanOG as i? he was ins*+te' an' as i? I ha' 'one somethin) immora+ @y reportin) a homoseC*a+ ?or seC o??enses. SeC*a+ harrassment in the worDp+ace is a seC o??ense. 3*rin) the year o? 2003 4 whi+e worDin) at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant with 3ana Um@ro 5 I was intro'*ce' to a man name' 7aesar whi+e 3ana Um@ro an' my se+? were stoppin) at ;rian 7aseAs apartment in Nash*a NewHampshire a?ter worD prior to 3ana Um@ro )i(in) me transportation home ?rom worD. It is important to mention that 7aesar was +ater present at .ami+y 3o++ar with ;rian 7ase when they approache' 1' :arren an' #osa Moreno to speaD with them. 7aesar +ater appeare' a)ain at the store with a @an'a)e on his ?ace c+aimin) that his ?ace ha' physica++y m*tate' somehow an' that he ha' c*t into it with a Dni?e whi+e ha++*cinatin) on $yser)ic3iethy+mi'e. A ?ew months a?ter 7aesar (isite' some@o'y at .ami+y 3o++ar with ;rian 7ase < a man who appeare' to ha(e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' himse+? with 7aesarAs Genetic 3NA Proteins an' ha' sto+en 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2his man was *sin) the name G7esareG in the comm*nity o? Manchester NewHampshire an' Nash*a NewHampshire @oth an' ha' a@'*cte' the 10 year o+' B*+ie :einstein < he was seen wa+Din) her aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire with a 'o) +eash attache' to her necD. 2he man has @een i'enti?ie' as J3ia@+oK 7atsopo*+os ?rom =ir)inia. 2his man +ooDs to @e o? miCe' GreeD race an' Ita+ian as we++ as Hispanic race. It seems 'e?inite that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS sti++ ha(e some Din' o? connection to the .rancisco .ranco Hispanic A6IS .action 4 an' that this Hispanic A6IS .action is primari+y Hispanics in So*th America an' a sma++ n*m@er o? 7rime So+'iers ?rom the 7arri@eans who are +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs NetworD as 7rime $or's 5 the Hispanic .ascistas are 'e?inite+y a 7arte+ #e)ime which is a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' in the past ha(e taDen or'ers ?rom B*+i*s 1(o+a. M*ch o? what +ost the J:ar 0n 3r*)sK was the ?ai+*re o? the USA Mi+itary Inte++i)ence to i'enti?y the connection @etween the So*th American 3r*) 7arte+s an' the A6IS 5 this is the same ?+aw that has near+y +ost J2he :ar on 2errorK < the JA6IS o? 1(i+K anno*nce' a?ter the " 11 2errorist AttacD is the +itera+ A6IS that is an a++iance @etween the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Ita+ian A6IS .action an' the Ara@ian A6IS. It is possi@+e that the 7atsopo*+osA co*sins are marrie' to @oth the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as possi@+y are a +ine o? 7atsopo*+os marrie' to a Hispanic A6IS 7rime .ami+y. It seems pro@a@+e that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ers his a)ents to arrest Hispanic )an)sters who p*sh their own 7arte+As 'r*)s 4 as a means o? 'istractin) the )o(ernments o? the nations in(o+(e' ?rom the ori)in o? the 'r*)s an' the ?act that the So*th American SeC 2ra??icDers are in ?act the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Hispanic A6IS partners. 0ne eCamp+e o? this is the amo*nt o? attention that the MeCican Ma?ia ha(e )otten ?rom the USA me'ia 4 the MeCican Ma?ia are not in any way +oya+ to the A6IS < some o? the So*th American 7arte+s are 'irect+y connecte' to the A6IS an' some o? them +itera++y worD ?or the Hispanic A6IS .ascistas an' the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy. G2he :ar on 3r*)sG that the USA wa)e' in So*th America wo*+' ha(e @een more s*ccess?*+ i? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense ha' acDnow+e')e' the ?act that the most power?*+ an' wea+thy o? 7rime Syn'icates in So*th America are the ones that hi' the :ar 7rimina+s who escape' the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s. G2he :ar on 3r*)sG sho*+' ha(e @e)*n with an in(esti)ation into the Hispanic A6IS an' the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs connections in So*th America. B*+i*s 1(o+a spent ha(e o? the +ater years o? his +i?e tra(e+in) @etween the USA an'

So*th American nations s*ch as ;ra>i+. ;rian 7ase ha' connections somehow to 7hris 7hase o? Nash*a NewHampshire an' 2im Si>emore o? Nash*a NewHampshire who is the co*sin o? $eon Panneta who was worDin) ?or the USA 7IA '*rin) this Genoci'e . ;rian 7ase a+so Dnew .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico 4 7hris 2homas 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 an' other crimina+s associate' with the 1man*e+e 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' acH*aintances o? the 1man*e+esA as we++ as the 1man*ye+e ?ami+y themse+(es. ;rian 7ase was 9y+e Howar' o? MerrimacDAs 'r*) s*pp+ier in the 1""0As an' 2000As. 9y+e Howar' committe' the same SeC 0??ense Initiation 7rimes that are eCpecte' o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' I @e+ie(e that they recr*ite' him into a s*@or'inate 7rime Unit which they ha' @*i+t when he was on+y 13 years o+' or so. 9y+e Howar' was se++in) Heroin4 7ocaine 4 $S3 4 M3MA 4 an' other 'r*)s at the a)e o? 1%. 3 3*rin) the year 200% < I was contacte' @y an in'i(i'*a+ who to+' me that she was name' 1mi+y Is+es whom ha' ?o*n' my in?ormation on the ;*r>*m.0r) we@site. 1mi+y Is+esAs i'entity was that she was an Asatr*ar who was % years yo*n)er than me an' +i(e' in 0ntario 7ana'a 4 an' that she +iDe' many o? the same thin)s as my se+?. :e @e)an ta+Din) on a 'ai+y @asis. 1mi+y s*ppose'+y +i(e' near n*mero*s co*sins o? mine an' their co*sins in the Hami+ton 0ntario re)ion an' the Mississa*)a 0ntario re)ion. 1mi+y an' myse+? @e)an ta+Din) approCimate+y 2E ho*rs a weeD on a(era)e 4 *s*a++y when I )ot o*t o? worD an' occaisiona++y @e?ore worD in the mornin) < we wo*+' *s*a++y 'isc*ss Asatr* 4 m*sic 4 history 4 po+itics 4 o*r +i(es 4 o*r ?rien's 4 o*r ?ami+y 4 an' other thin)s. 2his )ir+ was pro@a@+y ?act*a++y one o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oyAs 'a*)hters or e(en possi@+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim that was @ein) or'ere' to ta+D to me *n'er threats o? o? (io+ence. 1mi+y Is+esAs @oy?rien' was name' J$ance Minsha++K < my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ was missin) as were his sisters o? whom one was name' Me)an Marsha++. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 3a(e Marsha++ mo(e' into an apartment in 3*m@arton =ir)inia 5 this apartment was imme'iate+y 'own the roa' ?rom .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?rien'As ho*se an' was in the same city as 7+int 2ay+orAs ho*se an' his apartment. 3a(e Marsha++ ha' p+ans to name his ?irst @orn son $ance 4 3a(e Marsha++ was an Asatr*ar who Dnew Michae+ Bohnston o? Massach*settes an' mem@ers o? #a(en 9in're' North as we++ as other re+i)io*s or)ani>ations o? the Asatr* comm*nity in the re)ion 4 3a(e Marsha++ was a mem@er o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e 4 an' 3a(e Marsha++ +iDe' the meta+ @an' ;*r>*m as we++ as .a+Den@ach an' ;eth+ehem. Somehow '*rin) the year 2000 4 3a(e Marsha++ was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 3a(e Marsha++ Dnew my ?rien' 3a(e $ee an' his co*sin was the 'r*mmer ?or #yan Har(eyAs an' 3a(e $eeAs @an' S70U#G1 which was a ;oston Massach*settes ;+acD Meta+ @an'4 his name was Mat Marsha++. 3*rin) the years @e?ore he atten'e' ;erD+ey 7o++e)e o? M*sic 4 #yan Har(ey worDe' at 3ominoes Pi>>a in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e worDe' at this 3ominoes Pi>>a a@o*t 5 seperate occaisions ?or one sin)+e e(enin) 4 this was o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? sta+Din) #yan Har(ey. #yan Har(ey was a )oo' ?rien' o? mine as we++ as was he ?rien's with =a+erie 0+son an' the Picco+o ?ami+y. #yan Har(eyAs yo*n)er @rother Nathan was ?rien's with Hei'i .rit>As yo*n)er @rother Bor'an. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 =ittorioAs 9ni)ht #o@ert 3AAn)e+o S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m. 3*rin) the years 20004 20014 an' 2002 5 #yan Har(ey worDe' at 3ominoes Pi>>a in MerrimacD NewHampshire on 3: Hi)hway. #yanAs mother was o? 3e*tsche race an' his ?ather was o? An)+o Gae+ic USAmerican race. #yan

Har(eyAs mother ta*)ht 7atechysm 7+asses at the 0*r $a'y o? Mercy 7h*rch with my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson an' a ?ew other parents as we++ as a priest. In the year 200% 5 I ha' *se' MapL*est.7om to map 1mi+y Is+esA home a''ress ?or p*rpose o? 'eterminin) how +on) it wo*+' taDe my ?rien' to 'ri(e me there i? I chose not to taDe a @*s < I +ater +ooDe' *p @*s ro*tes an' ticDet prices. It is a possi@i+ity that this a''ress was the a''ress o? one o? my co*sinAs ho*ses 4 Henry MaDowAs ho*se 4 a mem@er o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*eAs ho*se 4 or one o? 3a(e Marsha++As co*sinAs ho*ses. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 a .e'era+ emp+oyee (isite' me at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester NH 4 te++in) me that my te+ephone ha' @een i++e)a++y wire tappe' ?rom within )o(ernment o??ices 5 I was +ater in?orme' @y this o+'er )ent+eman that 1mi+y Is+esAs te+ephone ha' @een wiretappe' '*rin) this con(ersation as we++. He c+aime' that what these peop+e were 'oin) was i++e)a+ an' *nwarrante' an' a+so that he was in(esti)atin) it. Soon a?ter this4 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me c+aimin) that she was a@'*cte' ?rom her home in Mississa*)a 0ntario 7ana'a near Hami+ton an' PicDerin) in 0ntario. 1(ery )ir+ in e(ery photo)raph that was sent to me c+aimin) that they were 1mi+y Is+es ?it the same 'escription 5 they a++ ha' strai)ht +on) @+on'e hair 4 were *n'er 18 years o? a)e eCcept ?or one who +ooDe' 22 4 an' most o? them wore )+asses. 0ne o? these was a sister o? 3a(e Marsha++As. 2he year that I wa+De' past the Norwe)ian man whi+e I was in 7ana'a who was wearin) a ;athory 2 Shirt an' ha' +on) hair < I saw two )ir+s whi+e campin) who ha' +on) strai)ht @+on'e hair4 +on) strai)ht noses 4 narrow an' ta++ hea's 4 +on) thin +im@s 4 an' were o? +i)ht comp+eCion 5 I ha' 'escri@e' these )ir+s to 7hristopher #o'on whi+e in his ?atherAs presense a?ter eCp+ainin) to them that I saw a J=iDin)K in 7ana'a whi+e HiDin) . As ha' @een happenin) ?reH*ent+y '*rin) the years ?o++owin) 1""% 5 #o@ert #o'on to+' =ittorio 1man*e+e o? a++ o? this an' e(ery 'etai+ a@o*t what I ha' @een 'oin) an' ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t. I ha(e @een to+' @y n*mero*s chi+'ren o? the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as @y two 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy that =ittorio 1man*e+e commissione' two sons o? Sa(oy 9ni)hts to compose an' recor' the m*sic ?or ;U#PUM an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e was tryin) to ?rame the i'entity o? the Norwe)ian J=iDin)K who +iDe' ;athory that I ha' crosse' paths with in 7ana'a whi+e HiDin) ?or the m*r'er o? his own @est ?rien' 4 ?or ch*rch arson 4 an' ?or @ein) A6IS a??i+iate' 5 this is the res*+t o? the Norwe)ian man o(erhearin) my 'isc*ssion with my 'a' when I wa+De' past him an' sai' JI 'onAt Dnow why peop+e @+ame the Nor'ic peop+e ?or what A'o+? Hit+er 'i'. 2hey a++ +ooDe' +iDe #omans an' A'o+? Hit+er wasnAt e(en German. A'o+? Hit+er wasnAt e(en his rea+ name an' he was Ita+ian. He +ooDe' Ita+ian. 2he Germans were 'oin) #oman sa+*tes an' marches.K to which my ?ather rep+ie'4 J2hatAs tr*e. A'o+? Hit+er was the Din) o? Ita+yAs ha+? @rother an' he was worDin) with the ;aron o? Sici+y B*+i*s 1(o+a. 2hey were *n'erco(er 4 he was *sin) a German name an' B*+i*s 1(o+a was preten'in) to @e nothin) @*t a writer 5 they were tryin) to re@*i+' the #oman 1mpire. /o*r A*nt B*+iannaAs ?ami+y was near+y eCterminate' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' his assassins 4 they were eCterminatin) peop+eAs ?ami+ies in Sici+y e(en a?ter the war ha' en'e' 5 she an' her ?ather act*a++y Dnew that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' that B*+i*s 1(o+a was his speech writer. B*+innaAs )ran'?atherAs @est ?rien' was the 'escen'ant o? the +ast 9in) o? Sici+yAs secon' @orn son an' he Dnew 9ni)hts who were Ita+ian.K. A?ter sayin) this 4 the Norwe)ian who was wa+Din) passe' *s with a 7ana'ian woman sai' 4 J3i' yo* hear thatO An' he hear' it ?rom a Sici+ian 4 too. I @e+ie(e it. Ha(e yo* e(er seen the pict*resO 2hey +ooD a+most i'entica+. I am )oin) to ha(e to ca++ home an' in?orm some@o'y a@o*t this imme'iate+y.K.

3*rin) the year 200% 5 G1mi+y Is+esG mentione' that a ;*r>*m.0r) acco*nt ha' @een hacDe' an' chan)e' to the *sername G;aci++*sAnthraC*sG with the s*@tit+e sayin) G2erroristG. 2his occ*rre' I*st prior to an AnthraC Scare '*rin) which n*mero*s @a)s o? AnthraC were mai+e' to n*mero*s Go(ernment 0??ices an' Go(ernment 1mp+oyees. I @e+ie(e that this was .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action. 2he ;aci++*sAnthraC*s User Acco*nt is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een the UserAcco*nt whom poste' the we@site +inD to the $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green we@site which the $aDota Nati(e American name' :eise ha' @een postin) on prior to his rampa)e an' s*ici'e which is +iDe+y to @e the res*+t o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) S*r)ica+ Imp+ante' in his sD*++ an' accesse' wire+ess+y. AnthraC is the name o? a Hea(y Meta+ @an' as we++ as the ?*n)*s. 2he AnthraC *se' in the *se' in the AnthraC attacDs a?ter this ;*r>*m Acco*nt was hacDe' 4 was s*ppose'+y ?o*n' to ori)inate on a ?arm *se' ?or Sheep an' Swine. 3*rin) the year 20004 3a(e Marsha++As )ir+?rien' 3anie++e $e;+anc to whom he was en)a)e' to @e marrie' an' I was )oo' ?rien's with 5 was rape' @y .i+ 1man*e+e an' a+so a ?rien' o? his on more than one occaision. 3anie++e $e;+anc was ?rien's with $i> Pratt who was a c+ose ?rien' o? Nina HansenAs an' a )ir+ name' 1mi+y McPherson. 1mi+y McPherson ha' a MIo++nir 2horAs Hammer necD+ace an' was intereste' in the Asatr* re+i)ion as we++ as was she st*'yin) it. 1mi+y McPherson ha' +on) strai)ht @+on'e hair an' was somewhat thin. 1mi+y McPherson +iDe' ;+acD Meta+ m*sic an' Gothic m*sic as we++ as 1+ectronic m*sic that is o?ten p+aye' at Gothic Ni)ht 7+*@s. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has a ?etish ?or attacDin) Gothic Gir+s < Nina Hansen an' 1mi+y McPherson were re?erre' to as Jthe PrincessesK @y some o? the st*'ents at their Hi)hschoo+s as a res*+t o? the +on) ?+owin) 'resses an' sDirts they *se' to wear an' the Gothic an' #ennaisance sty+e c+othin) they wo*+' wear 5 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'ere' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to SeC*a++y Assa*+t Nina Hansen an' pro@a@+y 1mi+y McPherson as we++ as 3anie++e $e;+anc an' $i> Pratt 4 these )ir+s were i'enti?ie' as a res*+t o? #o@ 3AAn)e+o hostin) an a++ a)es Gothic Ni)ht 7+*@ in Northampton Massach*settes. 3a(e Marsha++ Dnew 1mi+y McPherson somewhat as a res*+t o? her Dnowin) 3anie++e $e;+ancAs ?rien' $i> Pratt. 3an #o@icha*' an' Aman'a 7i@otti @oth were ?rien's with $i> Pratt an' 1mi+y McPherson as we++ as ha' they met Nina Hansen on more than one occaision. Aman'a 7i@otti is BacD 3ionAs an' 7hristine 3ionAs co*sin as we++ as Shayna 7i@ottiAs co*sin whoAs mother my ?ather near+y marrie' @e?ore he was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. 3an #o@icha*' is the co*sin o? my ?atherAs 'ecease' @est ?rien' Gino who was m*r'ere' as a res*+t o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e or'erin) his assassination 5 Gino ca++e' =ittorio a 'is)*stin) pe'ophi+e seria+ rapist an' mentione' that =ittorio was A'o+? Hit+erAs )ran' nephew an' that =ittorio was more e(i+ an' 'is)*stin) than Hit+er 4 GinoAs s+ayin) with a shot)*n was 'ec+are' Js*ici'eK @y a Po+ice 0??icer who was worDin) ?or =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I=. 3an #o@icha*' was a+so a 'istant co*sin o? G+enn J3an>i)K An>a+oneAs 4 possi@+y %th co*sins. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e in an a*tomo@i+e in :i+ton NewHampshire < I was *sin) either my Gran'MotherAs phone or some@o'y e+sesA Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar Phone to ta+D to my ?rien' ;ren'an P+ace. I was 'isc*ssin) with ;ren'an my ?rien' 1mi+y Is+es an' the ?act that she co*+' @e my so*+ mate. :hat I ha' state' to ;ren'an was that no matter where on 1arth I +i(e' with 1mi+y 4 I wo*+' @e eCtreme+y happy as +on) as she was there to ta+D to. I eCp+aine' to ;ren'an the amo*nt o? ho*rs which 1mi+y an' I ha' @een spen'in) on the phone con(ersin) with eachother 4 eCp+ainin) that I ha' ne(er met any@o'y whom I enIoye' speaDin) to as m*ch as 1mi+y Is+es. 2he person who was preten'in) to @e 1mi+y Is+es

was preten'in) to @e a ?ema+e who +iDe' a++ o? the same thin)s as myse+? an' ha' a++ o? the same interests. J1mi+yK an' I were a@+e to ta+D ?or ho*rs witho*t any si+ence or @reaD in con(ersation 4 we ha' the same interests an' ha' m*ch in common 4 so I ?e+t that 1mi+y an' I (ery m*ch @e+on)e' in the same comm*nity. As o? the year 200% < 1mi+y ha' @een the on+y Asatr*ar whom I ha' e(er spoDen to who was c+ose to my se+? in a)e 5 since ear+y chi+'hoo'4 Asatr* was an interest o? mine an' as a yo*n) chi+' my @est ?rien'As ?ather #o@ert #o'on ha' commente' more than once to his son 7hristopher that Asatr* was +iDe+y to @e my re+i)ion when I am an a'*+t an' that he ha' met a ?ew Asatr*ars in his +i?e. I was a+ways (ery intereste' in Asatr* as a re+i)ion an' ta+De' a@o*t these Din's o? thin)s o?ten as a chi+' as we++ as 'i' it ?it my :or+' =iew as a chi+' an' was a primary topic o? interest concernin) rea'in) materia+s as was other .o+D #e+i)ions. 3*rin) the year 1""5 5 #o@ert #o'on ha' @een or'ere' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to report to him my +ocation at a++ times an' in?ormation a@o*t me. As o? 200% < the on+y Asatr*ars that I ha' e(er met were #a)nar 9ar+son 4 Stacey Sea@*ry 4 an' 3a(e Marsha++. J1mi+yK was eCtreme+y Dnow+e')ea@+e an' we++ rea' concernin) the Asatr* re+i)ion 5 +iDe my se+? 4 1mi+y Is+es spent a +ot o? time rea'in). 1mi+yAs :or+' =iew was (ery simi+ar to my own as was her way o? ana+y>in) thin)s in +i?e an' other aspects o? her way o? thinDin). :hen I was a chi+' an' a yo*n) a'*+t 4 I se+'om ?e+t as i? the peop+e aro*n' me were o? the same comm*nity as my se+? 5 speaDin) to 1mi+y Is+es was more important to me than speaDin) to my roommates or my eC )ir+?rien' Sahn'ra whom at times sti++ inha@ite' the apartment with me < I ?e+t a (ery stron) sense o? @e+on)in) with 1mi+y an' that she was o? the same comm*nity as my se+?. I @e+ie(e that G1mi+y Is+esG may ha(e possi@+y @een a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? the 1man*e+esA who was Dept capti(e in one +ocation ?or some time an' was ?orce' to ta+D to me an' act as i? she was a speci?ic i'entity. My Mother was =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?stherAs 7rime Syn'icteAs (ictim when she was a chi+' an' his son 7hris 2homas 7hi+' Porno)raphe' my se+? 4 BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion 4 my co*sins 4 Samantha G*ay 4 an' a photo)raph o? himse+? seC*a++y assa*+tin) my in?ant sister with his han's. Um@erto 1man*e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a @*i+t a 'is)*stin) 7rime Syn'icate in the USA an' em@e''e' many o? their 7rime So+'iers within the USA Go(ernment maDin) this a 2errorist .action as they @e)an committin) :ar 7rimes *pon ci(i+ians in North America. My mother an' her mother were *se' as Initiation 7rime (ictims an' were the (ictims o? repeate' assa*+ts an' SeC*a+ Assa*+ts @y a )an) o? men inc+*'in) e(en mem@ers o? the Po+ice .orce in Massach*settes NewHampshire whi+e they were Dept capti(e @y a 7rime So+'ier name' 7har+es J7h*cDK 3o*)+as who sometimes *se' the name 7har+es J7h*cDK 7onners 5 this is @e+ie(e' to ha(e possi@+y @een a ?aDe name. 7har+es 3o*)+as ha' initia++y con(ince' my nana Boanne 2r*'ea* to marry him an' @e)an SeC 2ra??icDin) my )ran'mother an' her 'a*)hters imme'iate+y a?terwar's. 2he Po+ice in the Massach*settes town that they +i(e' in wo*+' not con(ict the 0r)ani>e' 7rime Sy'icate that Um@erto 1man*e+e 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= ha' @*i+t as a res*+t o? these Po+ice 0??icers @ein) Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents as we++ as some o? them @ein) 7rime So+'iers o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icate or mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 1(ery time that my )ran'mother Boanne 2r*'ea* trie' to escape with her chi+'ren < some o? these Po+ice 0??icers wo*+' stop them 4 p*t them in c*??s an' 'rop them o?? @acD at 7h*cDAs ho*se. Some o? the reason ?or my +acD o? a sense o? @e+on)in) that I ha(e eCperience' is +iDe+y to @e a res*+t o? my MotherAs ?ami+y @ein) one o? the on+y ?ami+ies o? .irst Nations Nati(e American race in a++

o? New 1n)+an' 4 my Nana is ha+? .irst Nations Nati(e American an' o? the In'i)eno*s race o? pre co+onia+ North 1astern North American Nati(e Americans < my ?ami+y is a+so one o? the ?o*n'in) ?ami+ies o? the U.S.American an' 7ana'ian nations @oth an' on @oth si'es o? the ?ami+y. My .atherAs ?ami+y are 'escen'ants o? ;ritish an' .rench 7o+onists whom ?o*n'e' the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a as is my MotherAs ?ami+y. In New1n)+an' 4 '*rin) my +i?etime 5 racia++y U.S.American ?ami+ies @ecame a minority pop*+ation in some parts o? New1n)+an' an' A@enaDi4 MiDmaH4 an' Mahican ?ami+ies @ecame near+y non eCistant. 2he maIority in the North 1ast o? the USA @ecame Ita+ians. Many o? the Ita+ian ?ami+ies +i(in) in North America are Sa(oy $oya+ists an' S+eeper 7e++ .ami+ies o? Sa(oy $oya+ists 4 many o? these are A6IS 2errorist ?ami+ies an' 7rime .ami+ies o? SeC 2ra??icDers who worD with =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2his con(ersation with ;ren'an P+ace occ*re' whi+e 'ri(in) thro*)h :i+ton NewHampshire an' I *se' :i+ton as an eCamp+e o? the Din' o? p+ace where I co*+' +i(e with a woman +iDe J1mi+y Is+esK an' @e happy 4 e(en with there @ein) +itt+e to 'o ?or entertainment in s*ch a sma++ comm*nity 5 :i+ton is a (ery sma++ comm*nity o? +ow pop*+ation co*nt an' is (ery r*ra+ < not m*ch happens in :i+ton. I eCp+aine' to ;ren'an that I wo*+' @e happy I*st +i(in) in a ho*se in the mi''+e o? the woo's with 1mi+y as +on) as I co*+' ta+D to her ?or the rest o? my +i?e. I 'o not @e+ie(e that G1mi+y Is+esG was a ?act*a+ person 4 the photo)raphs o? what I ha' tho*)ht was a 7omp*ter HacDer preten'in) to @e her < were in ?act SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims whom the 1man*e+es an' their accomp+ices ha' a@'*cte' ?rom the re)ion 5 I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that G1mi+y Is+esG was ?act*a++y the (oice o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom ha' @een a@'*cte' an' was @ein) or'ere' to ta+D to me ?or the p*rpose o? Deepin) me on the te+ephone 4 an' )atherin) in?ormation ?rom me. 2hese ?ema+es a++ +ooDe' eCtreme+y sim+ar. It is easy to recor' con(ersations ?rom ho*seho+' te+ephones onto comp*ters < an in(esti)ator a+so in?orme' me that my te+ephone con(ersations were @ein) :ire 2appe' i++e)a++y. I a+rea'y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain when these con(ersations occ*rre'4 this was two years a?ter the secon' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ha' @een p*t in my crani*m on the ri)ht si'e o? my @rain < the ?irst ha' @een on the +e?t si'e an' was '*rin) 2000 at 7+int 2ay+orAs aprtment a?ter I was 'r*))e' with Se'ati(es an' a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin. It is now o@(io*s that soon a?ter .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames met ;ren'an P+ace 4 ;ren'anAs home te+ephone @e)an to @e :ire 2appe' @y the 1man*e+esA 2errorist Ita+ian A6IS A)ents 5 .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y p*rchase' a property *sin) a :ea+th #etainer in :i+ton NewHampshire on what I @e+ie(e is ca++e' ShoreHi++ #oa'. ShoreHi++ #oa' is the roa' imme'iate+y *p the hi++ a?ter the @ri')e +ocate' neCt to the Po+ice 3epartment in :i+ton NewHamphire 5 this property that .i+ 1man*e+e 'escri@e' as Gone o? his ?ami+yAs propertiesG was a sma++ @+*e cotta)e on a hi++ o(er +ooDin) the ri(er an' is the imme'iate ?irst or secon' property on the hi++ o(er+ooDin) the ri(er on the ri)ht si'e o? the roa' when tra(e++in) the roa' *p hi++ in the 'irection away ?rom the @ri')e an' the Po+ice 3epartment. I @e+ie(e this cotta)e owne' @y .i+As ?ami+y or a Properties #etainer may ha(e @een n*m@er 25. 0n the other si'e o? the ri(er ?rom the 7otta)e on the hi++ is a con'emne' an' a@an'one' .o*n'ry Mi++ ;*i+'in) which is +ocate' at the en' o? P+easant #'. :i+ton @ecame a +ocation which .i+ 1man*e+e @ecame @rie?+y o@sesse' with 5 I @e+ie(e that .i+ +istene' to my con(ersation with ;ren'an P+ace an' @ecame ra)e?*+ at my mention o? +o(e. :hi+e in Manchester NewHampshire 4 wa+Din) on 1+m Street with 2ony Grasseti an' my se+? 5 .i+ 1man*e+e 'ec+are' that he hate' +o(e. :ire tappin) can res*+t in te+ephone con(ersations @ein) a*'io recor'e' 5 a 7omp*ter HacDer accessin) a te+ephone con(ersation @y way o? Ser(er HacDin) can a+so recor' a te+ephone con(ersation. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 I

was ca*tione' @y a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee whom (isite' me n*mero*s times at worD that my te+ephone con(ersations were @ein) wire tappe' i++e)a++y @y a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee an' that the sit*ation was @ein) in(esti)ate' ?or p*rpose o? catchin) the )*i+ty party. 0? Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) re+ation to the concept o? a .o*n'ry 4 '*rin) the year 1"8! my ?ather worDe' at a .o*n'ry with two o? the men o? the McG*ire ?ami+y < '*rin) approCimate year 1""2 at A+ Io'iceAs mo(in) ?arewe++ party when he an' my a*nt As ?ami+y were mo(in) to $o*isianna 5 3a(e McG*ire ca++e' .i+ 1man*e+e a pe'ophi+e as a res*+t o? a comment that .i+ ha' ma'e an' 2om McG*ire shooD a @eer when han'in) it to 7hris 2homas. BacD 3ion ha' 3e*tsche ?rien's who +i(e' in the USA that Dnew the McG*ire ?ami+y. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""3 whi+e we were at a camp )ro*n' < .ran McG*ire eCp+aine' to my ?ather what 7hris 2homas ha' 'one to the chi+'ren at the 1"88 Ha++oween Party 4 that J=ictorK was =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' A'o+? Hit+erAs )ran' nephew 4 an' that they ha' trie' to J;ir' 3o)K BacD 3ion with the photo)raphs c+aimin) that they were )oin) to @e reporte' as taDen @y BacD 3ion in my ?atherAs +i(in)room an' that 7hris 2homasAs han's were BacD 3ionAs han's. 2he tr*th is that BacD 3ion an' my ?ather sho*+' ha(e reporte' this to .;I 4 a+so < that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e 'i' this to J;ir' 3o)K ;+acDmai+ his own son. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has @een Dnown to threaten to Di++ his sons i? they 'o not commit the crimes that he or'ers them to commit4 he eH*ates this with J1spiona)eK when he threatens them an' he c+aims that i? they 'o not cooperate with his J1spiona)eK p+ans that they wi++ a++ @e ca*)ht ?or @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' that the entire Ho*se o? Sa(oy wi++ @e Di++e'. 2he tr*th is that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e has a co++ection o? 7hi+' Porno)raphy4 that =ittorio 1man*e+e *se' to tra'e some o? his sons with other Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Mo+esters ?or chi+'ren o? their own as we++ as ?or chi+'ren that they were @a@ysittin) or ha' a@'*cte' an' SeC*a++y A@*se them4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I= *se' to poison some o? his sons with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins 4 an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e *se' 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' JInitiation 7rimesK to @+acDmai+ his sons as an attempt to pre(ent them ?rom testi?yin) a)ainst him ?or @ein) a Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Mo+ester who ha' SeC*a++y A@*se' them an' other chi+'ren when they were yo*n)er. 2he photo)raphs that 7hris 2homas pro(i'e' to his @io+o)ica+ ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e pro(i'e' his ?ather with the a@i+ity to in?orm the Po+ice 3epartment thro*)h a 7rime So+'ier em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartment that ha' pre(io*s+y committe' initiation crimes ?or =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in the past an' ha' @een intentiona++y em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartment as an A)ent o? 7orr*ption. 7hris 2homas was @+acD mai+e' @y his own ?ather as a res*+t o? his ?o++owin) his ?atherAs or'ers. My reco++ection o? 7hris 2homasAs psycho+o)y is that 7hris 2homas seeme' to ha(e Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er 4 was emotiona++y *nsta@+e 4 was easi+y irritate' emotiona++y 4 an' I am certain that his ?ather )a(e him @rain 'ama)e as a chi+' as a res*+t o? =ittorio poisonin) him with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins which are 2oCic an' were pro@a@+y the res*+t o? 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A #esearch an' Mi+itary Inte++i)ence #esearch in(o+(in) 3isassociati(es an' 7hemica+ :ar?are as we++ as Prisoner o? :ar Interro)ation 2actics. 3*rin) the year o? 200% whi+e my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' an' the microphone +ocate' on the monitor ?rame was acti(ate' n*mero*s times a++owin) whome(er was hacDin) to +isten an' recor' the con(ersations occ*rrin) < I 'isco(ere' a+most imme'iate+y that this ha' @een occ*rrin) an' I *np+*))e' the microphone cor' which +e' ?rom the monitor ?rame to the @acD o? the comp*ter. .or some reason *nDnown to my se+?4 the microphone was p+*))e' @acD in to the comp*ter tower

n*mero*s times which was 'isco(ere' @y my se+? *pon ret*rnin) home ?rom worD 5 I H*estione' Sahn'ra St.0n)e a@o*t this 4 she rep+ie' @y statin) that she G'i'nAt Dnow whoG 'i' it an' a+so that she G'i'nAt Dnow whyG she herse+? 'i' it @*t she GI*st 'i' itG. I @e+ie(e that ahn'ra St.0n)e ha' at some point @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. At some point in the past a man name' Pa*+ie ?rom $owe++ Massach*settes ha' a@'*cte' an' SeC*a++y Assa*+te' her a?ter tyin) her 'own with rope < this was 'one whi+e Pa*+ie was choDin) her an' was smoDin) ci)arettes that he repeate'+y @+ew in her ?ace4 it is possi@+e that this smoDe has 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins in it. It is possi@+e that a?ter she ?e++ *nconcio*s as a res*+t o? this 4 that some@o'y p*t a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her crani*m. Sahn'ra was o@(io*s+y the in'i(i'*a+ whom ha' @een p+*))in) the microphone in ?or some@o'y whom was hacDin) the comp*ter most pro@a@+y ?or .i+ 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e 5 I @e+ie(e that Sahn'ra ha' @een possi@+y ta+Din) to the HacDer whom was somehow associate' with 1' :arren. Sahn'ra an' I ha' n*mero*s ar)*ments a@o*t this ?or reason that it Dept occ*rrin) < I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that the HacDer contacte' Sahn'ra on one o? her ?rien'sA or ?ami+iesA A0$ Instant Messa)er Acco*nts an' possi@+y threatene' her on @eha+? o? =ittorio 1man*e+e whom Sahn'ra ha' si)hte' spyin) on *s I*st 'ays prior ?rom the win'ow o? a 'arDene' store ?ront on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. Aro*n' this time 4 Sahn'ra asDe' me what it was that I +ooDe' ?or in a )ir+?rien' < I )a(e her a +ist o? the most important traits a companion whom wo*+' @e a possi@+e +i?e partner sho*+' ha(e4 this +ist was 5 $oya+ty4 7ompassion4 I wo*+' +iDe ?or a woman to @e a??ectionate4 hono*ra@+e an' o? )oo' mora+ (a+*es4 intereste' in startin) a ?ami+y e(ent*a++y. Sahn'ra rep+ie' to this @y te++in) me that my eCpectations Gso*n'e' +iDe a +ist o? 'o) traitsG an' +iDe I was G'escri@in) a 'o)G. Sahn'ra ha' con(ince' me to taDe her @acD a?ter I ha' @roDen *p with her < I ha' attempte' to en' my re+ationship with Sahn'ra '*e to the ?act that I ha' +ost my tr*st ?or her. I sat at the parD with her on a @ench positione' ?acin) the :or+' :ar 2 =eterans Memoria+ in =eterans ParD in Manchester NewHampshire 4 ?acin) the American .+a) an' the wor's G::2 =eterans Memoria+ Manchester NH 5 $oya+ty 5 Hono*rG an' @roDe *p with her ?or the +ast time. 3*rin) ear+y 2005 5 I ma'e p+ans with whom I tho*)ht was 1mi+y Is+es to )o to co++e)e to)ether in either 7ana'a or the USA. J1mi+yK c+aime' to ha(e @een 'atin) a yo*n) man name' $ance an' ha' 'eci'e' to @reaD *p with him. ;ein) that 1mi+y an' $ance ha' @een to)ether ?or a +on) time 4 1mi+y c+aime' that she was taDin) her time with @reaDin) *p with $ance ?or p*rpose o? a(oi'in) h*rtin) him emotiona++y < '*rin) this perio' o? time 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' I*st @e)*n a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 7ampai)n in New 1n)+an' 5 this in(o+(e' tar)ettin) o? )ro*ps o? in'i(i'*a+s an' *sin) comp*ter hacDers to '*@ (i'eo an' a*'io o(er te+e(ision pro)rammin) to psycho+o)ica++y tra*mati>e the tar)ets 4 positionin) o? i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices within wa++s o? apartment @*i+'in)s an' the +o*' a*'i@+e H*otin) o? con(ersations which ha' pri(ate+y occ*rre' within the tar)ette' (ictimsA ho*seho+'s 4 as we++ as the hirin) o? crimina+s to sta+D as we++ as harrass an' e(en attacD (ictims. 2he scenario with 1mi+y Is+es an' $ance Minsha++ was a rep+icate' scenario o? a sit*ation ?rom my past in(o+(in) either a )ir+ name' Ben :i++et or BaH*e+ine Merrit an' my se+? < this as we++ as a point '*rin) a con(ersation when 1mi+y switches te+ephones ?rom a cor'e' phone to a wire+ess phone 4 at the same point o? con(ersation '*rin) which Nina Hansen ha' 'one so in the past 5 is proo? that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n stea+in) e+ectronic recor's ?rom comm*nications ser(ers a?ter the te+ephone

company switche' to 'i)ita+ e+ectronics '*rin) ser(er maintainance an' at other times *sin) other metho's s*ch as comp*ter hacDin) 5 '*rin) the 1""0As #o@ert #o'on ha' mentione' to 7hristopher #o'on that it was now possi@+e ?or a 7omp*ter HacDer to +isten to or recor' te+ephone con(ersations *sin) 1+ectronic 7omm*nications Ser(er 7omp*ters '*e to the ?act that the te+ephone con(ersations were now a++ 'i)ita+ which means that they are *sin) an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ ?or 'ata trans?errance. 3*rin) the perio' o? time that my comp*ter as @ein) hacDe' an' my te+e(ision was @ein) *se' @y a comp*ter hacDer as apsycho+o)ica+ war?are weapon < I @e)an to @in)e 'rinD ?or a ?ew months an' @ecame eCtreme+y 'epresse' 4 the tra*ma o? @ein) tar)ette' in s*ch a manner create' a +ot o? stress in my +i?e an' as a res*+t I @ecame not on+y con?*se' an' comp+ete+y *na@+e to s+eep @*t a+so (ery +one+y an iso+ate' ?rom most meanin)?*+ h*man interaction ?or a (ery +on) time 5 most o? my socia+i>ation with other h*man @ein)s occ*rre' at the retai+ Io@ where I worDe' an' was (ery impersona+ an' was o? an in)eni*ne nat*re '*e to my nee' to constant+y ?ei)n i)norance o? 1' :arrenAs connection to the 1man*e+es ?or p*rpose o? catchin) him ta+Din) a@o*t their p+ans. I @e)an ta+Din) to a woman on a Gothic Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Site < this res*+te' in my se+? 'atin) a woman name' Min'y 9ern. :hi+e 'atin) Min'y 9ern4 I ha' at ?irst remaine' in constant contact with J1mi+y Is+esK < howe(er 4 e(ent*a++y I was in?orme' that 1mi+y was a@'*cte' an' I +ost contact with her. .i+ 1man*e+e a+so @e)an sta+Din) Min'y an' ha' an anonymo*s 'eath threat 'e+i(ere' @y a man who s+ippe' the note @etween the pa)es o? her note@ooD 5 it is pro@a@+e that this was 2ony #oton'o or a man he was c+ose ?rien's with. :hen I @e)an 'atin) Min'y4 G1mi+yG crie' an' to+' me that she was )oin) to @reaD *p with $ance anyways. 0n the 'ay when she ha' 'eci'e' to @reaD *p with $ance 4 it seeme' as i? 1mi+y was a@'*cte' 5 she ca++e' me aro*n' 8PM that ni)ht to te++ me that she ha' I*st )otten home an' that in her ho*se was a woman whom +ooDe' +iDe her Mother @*t was not her Mother 4 the woman was wearin) her MotherAs c+othes an' speaDin) +iDe she was her Mother @*t was +ooDin) at her +iDe she wante' to Di++ her < 1mi+y was cryin) an' scare' an' to+' me that she +o(e' me an' that she 'i'nAt thinD that she was )oin) to maDe it o*t a+i(e. I to+' 1mi+y to r*n to a nei)h@orAs ho*se an' ca++ the Po+ice 3epartment4 she to+' me that she wo*+' 'o that an' that she wo*+' ca++ me +ater. 1mi+y is sti++ missin) an' I am eCtreme+y 'epresse' a@o*t it an' worrie'. I 'onAt Dnow what happene' to her or i? she was e(en ?act*a++y the person she ha' to+' me that she was. :hen I contacte' Min'y on the internet4 I ha' two ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in my @rain 5 Min'y 9ern was on a Gothic 3atin) Socia+ NetworDin) :e@site that #o@ 3AAn)e+o 'e?inite+y was aware o?. $ance MINsha++ was the name o? the ?ictitio*s J1mi+y Is+esAsK @oy?rien' < as was pre(io*s+y mentione' 4 it ha' @een 'eci'e' that sho*+' he e(er )et 3anie++e $e;+anc ewhere pre)nant4 3a(e Marsha++As ?irst@orn son was to @e name' $ance. I was the one who ha' s*))este' to 3a(e Marsha++ that he name his son $ance or that $ance was a )oo' name ?or a @oyAs name. 2he ?irst 3 +etters o? Min'yAs name are M I N as in JMinsha++K. $iDe 3a(e Marsha++ 4 Min'y 9ern was 1Q% Israe+i an' ha' @+on'e hair an' @+*e eyes 5 3a(e Marsha++ ha' @+on'e hair an' @+*e eyes 4 an' was a@o*t 1Q% Israe+i. Min'y 9ern ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain whi+e I was 'atin) her. It is pro@a@+e that this was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in her crani*m whi+e )ettin) her tonsi+s remo(e' or somethin) simi+ar 4 otherwise it may ha(e @een at a co++e)e party where she may ha(e ?a++en as+eep as a res*+t o? @ein)

'r*))e' with se'ati(es. 3*rin) the year 200% < it @ecame eCtreme+y e(i'ent that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto pai' hacDers to sta+D my comp*ter 2% ho*rs a 'ay4 ! 'ays a weeD 5 ;etween 200% 2013 a++ o? my comp*ter +ocations ha(e @een hacDe' @y comp*ter hacDers at n*mero*s I.P. a''resses4 some o? which were *ni'enti?ia@+e '*e to the ?act that some o? these HacDers were eCtreme+y we++ traine' HacDers whom ha' sometimes @een 'irect connectin) har' +ine to 7omcast Ser(ers an' other 7omm*nications an' 1ntertainment Ser(ers. M*ch o? the time 4 some o? .i+As an' =ittorioAs hacDers simp+y *se' 2*rDoIan so?tware an' ha' )aine' access to my 7omp*ter thro*)h n*mero*s typica+ hacDin) metho's. My roommatesA comp*ters were a+so tar)ets. At times4 i wo*+' notice my mo*se c*rsor mo(in) across the screen4 ?i+es openin) an' c+osin)4 as we++ as pro)rams openin) an' c+osin)4 ?i+es an' pro)rams @ein) 'e+ete'4 the @*i+t in microphone on my monitor @ein) acti(ate' n*mero*s times an' e(ent*a++y @ein) +e?t acti(e4 as we++ as e(en the 'isD 'ri(e @ein) opene' once or twice . A?ter a ?ew weeDs it @ecame apparent that my a''ress an' p+ace o? worD an' my c*rrent +awyer at the time were mentione' on a we@siteAs messa)e @oar' that I ha' poste' on once4 the ;*r>*m ?an pa)eAs ?or*m. I was *naware that these posts ha' occ*rre' an' the physica+ 'escription o? my se+? was not acc*rate < a+tho*)h my 'escription 'i' match the physica+ characteristics o? a man name' Michae+ Bohnston o? #a(en 9in're' North who my ?rien' 3a(e Marsha++ was ?rien's with. #a(en 9in're' @north was a Massach*settes Asatr* or)ani>ation. I @e+ie(e that the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate @e)an sta+Din) my se+?4 1mi+y Is+es4 Michae+ Bohnston4 Michae+ Moynihan4 Henry MaDow4 as we++ as my +awyer at the time A'am ;ernstein aro*n' the same 'ate that i emai+e' Henry MaDow concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ re+ation to =ittorio 1man*e+e III which was somehow comm*nicate' to Be?? #ense whom p*@+ishe' an artic+e concernin) =ittorio 1man*e+e I= < ca++in) =ictor the Anti7hrist. Michae+ Moynihan o? ;+oo' ACisAs wiDipe'ia pro?i+e in 2005 1(ent*a++y the ;*r>*m .or*mAs messa)e @oar' was remo(e' an' rep+ace' @y an empty messa)e @oar' 5 the eCc*se ?or this was that Gsome i'iotAs a''ress ha' @een poste'G. $ater 4 Michae+ Moynihan was @ein) ca++e' Gthat i'iotG @y an imposte*r $ars G=ar)G (iDernes on the internet in inter(iews. Soon a?ter this4 n*mero*s $ars G=ar)G =iDernes impersonators @e)an @ein) p*@+ishe' to the internet in photo)raphs as we++ as were n*mero*s statements an' written artic+es ?a+se+y attri@*te' to $ars G=ar)G =iDernes 5 at the time4 my ?rien' 1mi+y Is+es was $ars G=ar)G =iDernesAs pen pa+ whi+e he was in prison in either 2ron'heim or 2romso Norway. 3*rin) the time that 1mi+y was pen pa+s with $ars =iDernes 4 o*r te+ephone con(ersations were @ein) i++e)a++y wire tappe' @y a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee whoAs eCistence I was a+erte' o? @y a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee o? the U.S.A. )o(ernment whom was attemptin) to in(esti)ate the i++e)a+ wire tappin) ?or p*rpose o? arrestin) the crimina+. 1mi+y Is+es has since @een a@'*cte' an' '*rin) the year 20104 I was a+erte' that a Ser@ian woman ha' @een *sin) 1mi+y Is+esAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 this woman is possi@i+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim as is 1mi+y Is+es possi@+y now a (ictim o? SeC 2ra??icDin). 2he +ist o? sta+Din) (ictims @e)an to increase in n*m@er an' scope ?rom 200% to 2013 5 entire ?ami+ies @ecame (ictims o? what @ecame an eCtreme+y co(ert )enoci'e as we++ as a concentrate' +on) term Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 7ampai)n. 2he name G7o*nt GrishnaDhG was ?irst associate' with ;*r>*mAs m*sician. 2he names $ars (iDernes 4 $ars =iDernes 4 =ar) =iDernes 4 an' 9ristian =iDernes 5 +ater @ecame associate' with the so+e m*sician o? the @an' ;*r>*m. 7oinci'enta++y 4 my co*sin Marco #oy +i(e' neCt 'oor to a man name' $ars Ho+stein or $ars Ho++man when Marco #oy mo(e' to :e@ster Green. 7hris #o'on an' my se+?

*se' to p+ay :ar7ra?t 2 on his ?atherAs +aptop comp*ters 4 I *s*a++y p+aye' as 0rcs. In 1""% 4 I rea' the $or' o? the #in)s 2ri+o)y < 7hrisAs ?ather #o@ *se' to ca++ *s Mr. Ian 4 Mr. 7hris 4 an' Matti in a way that was simi+ar to the characters in the $or' o? the #in)s Mr. .ro'o 4 Mr. Samwise 4 an' Merri. ;*r>*m means G3arDnessG in the ;+acD Speech o? Mor'or. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e @ecame eCtreme+y paranoi' o? my possi@+y seein) the man ?rom the @an' ;*r>*m in 7ana'a4 as we++ as my .ather possi@+y ha(in) a connection to the G=iDin) ;rotherhoo'G an' my co*sin Marco #oyAs ?ather An're an' his @rother Bohn ha(in) G=iDin) ;rotherhoo'G connections within the He++s An)e+s )an) that they were a??i+iate' with. :hen some@o'y ?rom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ca++e' #o@ert #o'on to asD him H*estions one 'ay whi+e I was at his ho*se < #o@ to+' them that my co*sin Marco #oy +i(e' in :e@ster Green 7on'omini*ms 'own the roa' an' that he +i(e' neCt 'oor to $ars Ho++man 5 #o@ert #o'on was asDe' GHo++stein Sch+esswei)OG to which #o@ rep+ie' 4 GNo. Ho+man. Not Ho+stein Sch+eswei). :hat 4 'o yo* thinD e(ery@o'y has )ot thatOG. 2he #o'onAs +i(e' in :e@ster Green 7on'omini*ms. 2he year a?ter this 4 my co*sin Marco #oy was near+y Di++e' in an a*tomoti(e acci'ent 5 the 'ri(er 'ro(e o?? the roa' an' into trees 4 my co*sin s*staine' a hea' inI*ry which res*+te' in a minor @rain inI*ry. :hen Marco #oy was 'ia)nose' @y a psychiatric physician 4 they to+' he that he ha' G*ncontro++a@+e ra)e4 as a res*+t o? his @rain inI*ryG 5 Marco 'i' not ha(e G*ncontro++a@+e ra)eG an' there is no s*ch 'ia)nosis as G*ncontro++a@+e ra)eG. :hen the a*tomoti(e acci'ent occ*rre' 4 they ha' @een smoDin) MariI*ana 5 I @e+ie(e that the mariI*ana that they ha' @o*)ht was crysta+ coate' with the (apori>e' 3isassociati(e 'r*) that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has poisone' me with n*mero*s times in @e(era)es 4 ci)arettes 4 mariI*ana 4 an' @eer. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e may ha(e to+' the Psychiatrist to 'ia)nose my co*sin with GUncontro++a@+e #a)eG as a res*+t o? his constant+y asDin) #o@ert #o'on H*estions a@o*t my se+? < when I was a chi+' I +iDe' thin)s pertainin) to =iDin)s 4 #o@ert tho*)ht to+' 7hristopher that my re+i)ion was )oin) to @e the Asatr* comm*nity when I @ecame o+'er 4 an' I +iDe' @er>erDers in (i'eo )ames an' ro+e p+ayin) )ames. 3*rin) approCimate+y 1""% < I to+' #o@ #o'on a@o*t my ?ami+y (acation in 7ana'a an' that whi+e I was hiDin) with my ?ather G I saw a =iDin)N He was (ery ta++ an' he +iDe' hea(y meta+ an' +ooDe' Norwe)ian. He was rea++y ta++. He ha' a hea(y meta+ t shirt on.G '*rin) the years 1""% or 1""54 I saw that G=iDin)G on the te+e(ision @ein) wa+De' into a co*rtroom or a Iai+ past a sec*rity camera. 2his on+y aire' on the news ?or two weeDs an' I saw it at the #o'onsA home an' my own home on the te+e(ision news. 2he man was attri@*te' the crimes o? G;*rnin) 7h*rches 4 :orshippin) 3e(i+s 4 an' M*r'erin) his ;est .rien'G who was the )*itarist o? the @an' Mayhem. I sai' to 7hrisAs 'a' #o@ #o'on G2hatAs the man that I saw *p in 7ana'a.G to which #o@ rep+ie' 4 GIan4 thatAs a++ the way o(er in Norway. Are yo* s*reOG . I respon'e' to this sayin) 4 G/es 'e?inite+y 4 he m*st ha(e @een on =acation.G. Somethin) a@o*t this News Se)ment seeme' ?aDe. I saw this once at 7hris #o'onAs ho*se an' a secon' time at home4 where my 'a' asDe' me GIsnAt that the )*y we saw *p in 7ana'aOG an' I sai' 4 G/eah I thinD so. I pointe' that o*t to 7hris the other 'ay. I saw this on the news at 7hrisAs.G . 2he )ir+ who ca++e' me ?rom North 7aro+ina in the year 1""! an' eCp+aine' to me what ha' happene' with ;*r>*m 4 ha' hear' that the me'ia was printin) +ies a@o*t $ars =iDernes 5 I ha' not spoDen 'irect+y to $ars G=ar)G =iDernes whi+e he was in 7ana'a 4 my .ather an' my se+? ha' simp+y wa+De' passe' him whi+e ta+Din) a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e III @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. ;eca*se o? n*mero*s coinci'ences4 it is o@(io*s that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'ere' his Sa(oy A6IS A)ents to sta+D $ars G=ar)G =iDernes an' e(ent*a++y taDe contro+ o? the ;*r>*m me'ia entire+y inc+*'in) the m*sica+

pro'*ction o? the @an' +a@e+ ;*r>*m. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 on the internet 5 the ima)e o? $ars G=ar)G =iDernes was rep+ace' @y a man who ha' a =ittorio 1man*e+e II mo*stache. JGrei?i GrishnaDAsK rea+ name was ne(er re(ea+e' @*t $ars =iDernes an' 9ristian =iDernes are names that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs me'ia a)ents in(ente' ?rom the names $ars Ho++man 4 =iDin) ;iDerAs Son with @acDwor's JSenK 4 an' J9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDyK. 3*rin) the year 1""54 I o(erhear' #o@ert #o'on recor'in) m*sic in his @asement that so*n'e' (ery simi+ar to ;*r>*m. I asDe' #o@ert #o'on what he was recor'in) when he wa+De' *po the stairs < he to+' me that it was Hea(y Meta+ with #*ssian Sca+es an' $ocrian Sca+es an' that it was somethin) that he was recor'in) ?or J=ictorK an' 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen @eca*se =ittorio 1man*e+e nee'e' the )*itar parts an' Dey@oar' parts ?or somethin). I was +ater to+' that m*ch o? what has @een +a@e+e' J;*r>*mK was act*a++y p*t to)ether ?rom #o@ert #o'onAs )*itars an' Dey@oar' 4 another m*sicians (oca+s an' 'r*ms 4 an' a :hite S*premacist :riter that =ittorio 1man*e+e was *sin) as a Pr(iate In(esti)ator n attempt to ?in' who the ;assist ?rom the Norwe)ian ;+acD Meta+ ;an' JMayhemK ha' contacte' ?rom 7ana'a when he ca++e' Norway an' to+' them that he ha' I*st ?o*n' o*t who A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y is. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 it was p*@+ishe' to the internet that Grei?i GrishnaDAs @est ?rien' 0ystein J1*ronymo*sK Aarseth was sta@@e' the eCact n*m@er o? times that my ?ather was years o+' when we wa+De' past Grei?i GrishnaD in 7ana'a. 7oinci'enta++y 4 J3ea'K o? JMayhemK was ?o*n' 'ea' with a shot )*n wo*n' to the hea' in the eCact same manner as my 'a'As @est?rien' Gino was ?o*n' 'ea'. It is @e+ie(e' that =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' these m*r'ers an' that he ?rame' a++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s ?or m*r'er an' s*ici'e4 an' that he pai' +ar)e s*ms o? money to see to it that this happene'. 3*rin) 200% < my ?rien' ;rian Parent ha' @een (isitin) me at my apartment. 3*rin) this 'ay 4 my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' < I ha' @een st*'yin) GMein? 9amp?G4 which ha' @een p*@+ishe' to the internet on a we@site in itAs entirety as ha' n*mero*s +iterary worDs o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs. As a ri'ic*+o*s IoDe 4 ;rian Parent p*++e' *p a we@site ca++e' somethin) a+on) the +ines o? G;earsG or the G;ear 7+*@G or G;ear $o(ersG 5 ;rian Parent was a ?at homoseC*a+ whom I was ?rien's with an' tho*)ht that it wo*+' @e ?*nny to 'isp+ay on my comp*ter a Socia+ NetworDin) :e@site ?or +o(ers o? ?at hairy homoseC*a+ ma+es ca++e' Gthe @earsG. Soon a?ter ;rian Parent p+aye' this pranD on me 5 an incre'i@+y +ar)e ?at homoseC*a+ ma+e an' his +i?e partner were trans?erre' to .ami+y 3o++ar as the new mana)ers 4 these men were name' Geor)e an' G+enn. Geor)e @ecame eCtreme+y o(ert+y a))ressi(e towar's me with his attempts to ?+irt < ?or which I warne' him that I was a heteroseC*a+ an' to stop attemptin) to ?+irt with me. Geor)e @e)an winDin) at me 4 whisperin) thin)s in my ear 4 an' e(ent*a++y @e)an wa+Din) aro*n' the store with G+ennAs Deys whom was the act*a+ mana)er. Geor)e was the Assistant Mana)er. 1(ent*a++y Geor)e @e)an wa+Din) in on me whi+e I was in the @athroom 4 *sin) the Deys to *n+ocD the 'oor < this happene' twice to which I respon'e' @y reportin) him ?or SeC*a+ Harrassment 5 this res*+te' in Geor)e an' G+enn @ein) trans?erre'. Geor)e *n+ocDin) the @athroom 'oor ?or p*rpose o? wa+Din) in on me whi+e I was sittin) on the toi+et remin's me o? the ?act that I ha' ca++e' .i+ G.i+e 4 .eca+phi+e 4 an' Pe'ophi+eG whi+e at Hampton ;each < a?ter .i+ ha' ma'e the comment '*rin) which he state' that he was )oin) to Gshit 'own 1mi+yAs throat an' rape it a?terwar'sG. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es ha' pai' hacDers to hacD my comp*ter in 200% an' are pro@a@+y the on+y ?action o? comp*ter hacDers to ha(e 'one so e(er.

Geor)e was possi@+y +ie' to @y Aaron 1man*e+e whom is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs homoseC*a+ son whom =ittorio a'opte' o*t to a $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?ami+y when he was an in?ant. Aaron may ha(e sto+en a photo)raph o? my se+? ?rom my 200% MySpace.7om acco*nt o? which his Pro?i+e was on my .rien's $ist a?ter he sent me a .rien'#eH*est. I @e+ie(e that Aaron or one o? his @rothers ma'e a pro?i+e on a Gay 3atin) :e@site an' p*t a photo)raph o? me on it aro*n' the approCimate year 200% an' 2005 an' a)ain in 200!. Geor)e was EA1G 4 approCimate+y 2%5+@s 4 thicD sDe+eta+ str*ct*re 4 an' hairy 5 he was pro@a@+y the so*rce o? many o? the ::. Pro?essiona+ :rest+er BoDes at the store a?ter he an' G+enn were trans?erre'. I @e+ie(e that Geor)e was o? a miC o? Ita+ian 4 Sici+ian 4 an' GreeD race 5 the IoDe @ein) that Geor)e was the @i) homoseC*a+ )reco roman wrest+er. 3*rin) 2005 < a homoseC*a+ ma+e approache' me at the store an' state' < GHi .*nnyManN ...G to which I +ooDe' at him with con?*se' an' irritate' eCpression a?terwhich he respon'e' ner(o*s+y with G0h... yo*Are not .*nnyMan.G this happene' a)ain in 200! whi+e worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire. A?ter Geor)e an' G+enn were trans?erre' < 1' :arren was trans?erre' to the $inco+n Street .ami+y 3o++ar store as the new mana)er. 3a(e Spears was the 3istrict Mana)er at the time. A man name' ;rian was the Genera+ Mana)er. Upon enterin) the store ?or the ?irst time 4 1' :arren was starin) at me with a hate?*+ an' an)ry eCpression *pon his ?ace. 1' .arrachi :arren was wearin) a )o+' cross which ha' @een mentione' on the ;*r>*m.0r) we@site an' +ooDe' i'entica+ to the one I ha' @een re?errin) to. 2his eCact necD+ace was +ater seen in 200! @ein) worn @y a man whom was s*ppose'+y in(esti)atin) in'i(i'*a+s at N*cast in $on'on'erry. 1' :arren in?orme' me e(ent*a++y that his @io+o)ica+ s*rname was .arrachi an' that :arren was his step ?atherAs name. A?ter a ?ew weeDs 4 1' stoppe' @eha(in) an)ri+y @*t @e)an p+ayin) eCtreme practica+ IoDes on me. I rea+i>e' imme'iate+y a?ter 1' .arrachi :arren @e)an worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 that he ha' @een watchin) my comp*ter ! 'ays a weeD whi+e not at worD 5 ?or this reason I @e)an stayin) awaDe e(ery ni)ht a++ ni)ht an' 'isp+ayin) ho*rs o? ?at +a'y porno)raphy on my comp*ter @etween (i'eo )ames an' ho*rs o? rea'in) < this was inspire' @y the a'a)e GitAs not o(er *nti+ the ?at +a'y sin)sG. 1' :arren seeme' to ha(e @e)*n 'rinDin) as a res*+t o? this an' possi@+y *sin) cocaine to stay awaDe < 1' .arrachi :arren was notice' n*mero*s times as ha(in) pow'er on his ?ace near his nose an' 'rie' sDin on his ?ace +iDe he ha' his hea' in a cocaine @a) a++ ni)ht an' ha' @een 'rinDin) 5 Shannon ;*rston @e)an ca++in) 1' :arren G#a>or #amoneG as a re?erence to the pro?essiona+ wrest+er G#a>or #amoneG which was a pro?essiona+ wrest+er with a persona mo'e+e' a?ter the cocaine tra??icDin) 7*@ano ?rom the mo(ie Scar?ace. 1(ery mornin) 4 1' ha' to )et co??ee ?rom the 3*nDin 3on*ts at =ista .oo's neCt 'oor in or'er to stay awaDe. 1' mentione' G=ictorG an' G=ittorioG in the store n*mero*s times < open+y mentione' that he was insta++in) somethin) in the cei+in) 4 a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s 5 that was comprise' o? 15 styro?oam @a++s which containe' e+ectronic 'e(ices that were o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? maDin) a*'io recor'in)s. 3*e to +acD o? s+eep an' his constant+y ha(in) to watch ?at +a'ies on my comp*ter which was r*nnin) 2% ho*rs a 'ay ! 'ays a weeD 4 e(en whi+e not worDin) 5 whi+e Sahn'ra was *sin) it '*rin) the 'ay < 1' seeme' to @ecome psycho+o)ica++y e??ecte' @y the comp+ete +acD o? s+eep ?or a year. 3*e to the tra*ma o? ha(in) met A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 I co*+' not s+eep at a++. I @e+ie(e that the hacDer whom was hire' to worD with 1' .arrachi :arren simp+y accesse' 9enneth B*''As in home networD @y metho' o? =ittorioAs a)ent a++owin) him access to 7omcastsA Ser(ers which were the Internet Ser(ice Pro(i'er that 9enneth B*'' ha' p*rchase' internet access ?rom

an' a 7omp*ter HacDer that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dnew 4 settin) *p 1' :arren with a comp*ter hacDin) with a so?tware pro)ram that a++owe' him to watch my comp*ter screen 5 a?ter accessin) o*r comp*ters 4 the entire networD seeme' to @e accessi@+e @y the comp*ter hacDersA comp*ters which res*+te' in an e??ect simi+ar to o*r comp*ter r*nnin) win'owe' on the hacDersA comp*ters s*ch as :in'ows #emote Assistance worDs. 1' :arren was 'e?inite+y instr*cte' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to watch me an' +earn e(erythin) that he co*+' a@o*t me 5 this res*+te' in my worDin) approCimate+y E0 to 80 ho*rs a weeD at .ami+y 3o++ar with 1' .arrachi :arren an' s+eepin) an a(era)e o? what was approCimate+y on+y 3 ho*rs a weeD tota+ ?or a@o*t two years. 9enneth B*'' may ha(e reporte' the comp*ter hacDin) to 7omcast < i? he 'i' 4 it was ?or some reason i)nore' @y 7omcast an' we contin*e' to @e hacDe'. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e @ein) incessant+y comp*ter hacDe' < I starte' 'isp+ayin) 'is)*stin) ima)es an' (i'eos in attempt to annoy the hacDers eno*)h to ca*se them to stop 5 a?ter a ?ew months 4 I chan)e' the 'esDtop ima)e to a @+acD @acD)ro*n' with re' ?ont that sai' GS20P HA79ING M/ .U79ING 70MPU21#G. Imme'iate+y a?ter I chan)e' 'esDtop @acD)ro*n' to say GStop hacDin) my ?*cDin) comp*terG 4 1' :arren @e)an sayin) GNoN Ian the answer to that is 4 NoNG repeate'+y to me whi+e at worD. 3*rin) the month +ea'in) *p to this 4 Aaron 1man*e+e ha' a''e' me as a ?rien' on MySpace.7om 5 I 'i' not Dnow Aaron (ery we++ at a++ an' ha' on+y met him 5 or E times. Aaron 1man*e+e is the @rother o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 an' 7hris 2homas < an' is one o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs sons. A?ter Aaron 1man*e+e a''e' me as a ?rien' on MySpace.7om 4 I chan)e' my MySpace.7om pro?i+e to nothin) @*t teCt o? an artic+e a@o*t ci(i+ians @ein) Di++e' '*rin) a @om@in) in 3e*tsche+an' '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 my name on my pro?i+e to GSi) Hei+NG 4 an' the H*ote @esi'e my name to GN0NG. Aaron 1man*e+e a''e' me on MySpace.7om a?ter I ha' @een spoDen to @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 an' 2ony Grasseti 4 a@o*t my emai+ to Henry MaDow in?ormin) Henry MaDow that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother. 3*rin) the approCimate year 200" 4 the #ep*@+ican Party was @ein) ca++e' 2he Party o? GNo.G @y peop+e as a res*+t o? their s*ppose' (otin) GNo.G on e(erythin) ;aracD 0@ama propose' 5 it is a possi@i+ity that this was a 7omp*ter HacDer 1'it on the 2e+e(isions in NewHampshire 4 i? so < it was recor'e' at the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters. A?ter rea+i>in) that it was 'e?inite+y 1' :arren that was watchin) my comp*ter an' that he Dnew the 7omp*ter HacDers who ha' @een pai' to hacD my comp*ter < I @e)*n to 'epri(e my se+? o? s+eep an' remain on the comp*ter ?or the entirety o? the time that I was not at worD 5 ?or p*rpose o? creatin) e(ent*a+ psycho+o)ica+ stress @y 'epri(in) 1' :arren o? s+eep an' eCposin) him to the h*mo*r o? ha(in) to watch ?at +a'ies ! ni)hts a weeD ?or approCimate+y 5 ho*rs a ni)ht as intermission @etween my (i'eo )amin) sessions 4 con(ersations 4 an' rea'in). :hi+e my comp*ter was @een watche' @y the 1man*e+esA an' 1' :arren as a res*+t o? their 7omp*ter HacDer hacDin) my comp*ter 4 1' :arren was instr*cte' to insta++ Impro(ise' 1+ectronic A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices a@o(e the Styro?oam 7ei+in) Pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005. GItAs not o(er *nti+ the ?at +a'y sin)sG res*+te' in 1' :arren maDin) IoDes an' re?erences to the (i'eos 4 ima)es 4 con(ersations 4 an' (i'eo )ames that he witnesse' @ein) 'isp+aye' on my comp*ter screen. 2he recor'in) 'e(ices that 1' :arren insta++e' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% 4 are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een en)ineere' o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts an' Acco*stic #ecor'in) Microphones < these

recor'in)s were pro@a@+e accesse' @y an irre)*+ar *se o? an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ or @y 'ia+ *p te+ephone ca++ @y an internet so?tware te+ephone 5 these were recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters4 *n@eDnownst to 1' :arren an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2here is a+ot o? e(i'ence o? the ?act that 1' :arren was one o? the in'i(i'*a+s watchin) my comp*ter '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005. :hi+e I was worDin) with 1' :arren 4 one 'ay 1' :arren starte' maDin) m*sic with his mo*th an' t*rnin) his @o'y in a way that resem@+e' a monster animation ?rom a (i'eo)ame ca++e' Mi)ht an' Ma)ic 2. 1' :arren a+so ma'e noises an' so*n's an' H*ote' the 7oach an' #e?eree ?rom the )ame M*tant $ea)*e .oot@a++. ;oth o? these were Se)a Genesis )ames that I was p+ayin) on my comp*ter. 1' :arren a+so ma'e m*sic with his mo*th which so*n'e' eCact+y the same as the m*sic ?rom the 1"!0As ?i+m G7+ash o? the 2itansG which occ*rs '*rin) the Me'*sa scene 4 it was a?ter this scene that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ?ace appeare' on the te+e(ision screen an' spoDe GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG whi+e @esi'e him was a @*@@+in) potion in a @ott+e an' two 3rac*+a han's ?rom the )ame 7ast+e(ania Symphony o? the Ni)ht )raspe' an' ?+oate' across the screen. 1' :arren ma'e a re?erence to the 3ataBacD ?rom the )ame Sha'owr*n 4 that the G3ecDerG has sticDin) o*t o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren a+so ma'e a re?erence to the Pers*a'otron o? the )ame Syn'icate an' the se+? 'estr*ct mo'e o? the An'roi' So+'ier in the )ame as we++ as the openin) animation seH*ence which portrays a person )ettin) hit @y a car that a@'*cts them. A+so possi@+y recor'e'4 1' :arren spoDe with a n*m@er o? Hispanic ma+es a@o*t +a'iesG 4 c+aimin) that I ha' a persona+ seC*a+ ?etish ?or o@ese women 5 whi+e worDin) 4 a n*m@er o? hispanic ma+es approache' me an' sai' to 1' :arren somethin) in(o+(in) GGran'e 2atasNG GGran'e SenoritasNG G$os Gran'es MamasNG an' G2hey are too Gran'esNG. A yo*n) man who +ooDe' to @e a@o*t 22 4 wa+De' into the store whi+e +ooDin) at me an' sayin) to his ?rien' GI hear' he ch*cD o?? to that shit 4 '*'eNG< this man was +ater p+ace' in a Iai+ ce++ neCt to mine '*rin) 2011 a?ter I ha' @een incarcerate' ?or two months '*e to a ?ist ?i)ht. 1' :arren ?reH*ent+y ma'e re?erences to ?at +a'ies 4 at one point I ma'e a ::. $a''er match Pro?essiona+ :rest+in) comment 5 G/o* co*+' )et a +a''er an' )et a har' start 4 r*nnin) ?rom a 'istance... an' I*mp o?? the +a''er 4 to mo*nt.G. 1' :arren ?reH*ent+y ca++e' me a G'irty @ir'G an' attempte' to eCpose to me in a s*rprisin) manner that he was watchin) my comp*ter < I ?ei)ne' comp+ete i)norance o? this 5 1' :arren @e)an sayin) s*rprise' G/o*A(e )ot no i'eaO /o*A(e )ot no i'eaN /o* rea++y )ot no i'eaN /o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG.2he mo*se c*rsor on my comp*ter screen mo(e' on itAs own ?reH*ent+y 4 the 'isD 'ri(e eIecte' on itAs own more than one time 4 an' my microphone was acti(ate' remote+y @y a ?orei)n comp*ter constant+y. 1' :arren pro(e' @eyon' a reasona@+e 'o*@t on recor'in) that it was himse+? who was watchin) my comp*ter. 1' :arren @e)an sin)in) the theme son) to GMonty PythonAs $i?e o? ;rianG ?or a weeD or two an' ma'e ?reH*ent H*otes ?rom the mo(ie 5 this occ*rre' a?ter the mo(ie ha' @een watche' on my comp*ter. L*ote' @y Anthony 3e.eo whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire was the G1(ery@o'y 3anceNG 7+o*' person ?rom 3on Hert>?e+'tAs G#eIecte' 7artoonsG 4 the son) GS*per 8G @y the @an' G:e++e 1r'@a++G 4 a son) @y the @an' G:o+?sheimG 4 an' the mo(ie GMonty PythonAs 5 $i?e o? ;rianG. As a res*+t o? my ?ei)nin) st*pi'ity 4 Anthony 3e.eo an' 1' .arrachi :arren 'isc*sse' crimina+ acti(ities an' p+ans ?reH*ent+y whi+e @ein) A*'io #ecor'e' as we++ as whi+e stan'in) in ?ront o? =i'eo 7amera < 1' a+so open+y 'isc*sse' with others =ittorioAs an' .i++i@ertoAs p+ans as we++ as 1'As part in

these p+ans. A++ o? this was recor'e'. 1' .arrachi :arren @e)an p+ayin) cr*e+ practica+ IoDes on me aro*n' the store 4 s*ch as te++in) the pre)nant co worDers that I ?o*n' their pre)nancy to @e seC*a++y attracti(e. At one point 4 my co worDe' Samantha Gi@orsonAs mo*th mo(e' an' sai' G7h*cDa 4 ch*cDa 4 ch*cDa 4 ch*cDa 4 ch*cDa 4ch*cDa 4 ch*cD a sticD 4 Sam*rai.G an' +ooDe' aro*n' con?*se' 4 G:hatAs a ch*cDa ch*cDa sticD Sam*raiO :ho I*st 'i' thatOG 5 Samantha was either ?orce' to say this @y a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in her sD*++ or was to+' eCact+y what to say an' how to say it @y 1' :arren. G7h*cDa 4 ch*cD a sticD 4 sam*raiG was my se+? narratin) my (ers*s match o? :ar7ra?t3 that I was p+ayin) on the internet4 when a +ar)e n*m@er o? 2ro++ Spear 2hrowers an' an 0rc Sam*rai Di++e' a n*m@er o? enemy *nits an' the 0rc Sam*rai Di++e' the +ast *nit. I? Samantha Gi@orsonAs mo*th was ?orce' to mo(e @y ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 this is proo? that the peop+e who mo(e' her mo*th Dnew a@o*t my :ar7ra?t3 session that weeD an' ha' hear' what I ha' sai' 5 +o)ica++y 4 this wo*+' ha(e to either @e my se+? or the 7omp*ter HacDers who hacDe' my comp*ter an' acti(ate' the microphone on my comp*ter. I 'i' not p*t a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my own sD*++ an' it has @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my sD*++ since 200! a)ainst my wi++. 1' :arren ma'e a IoDe a++*'in) to the ?act that he p*t internet p*rchase' comp*ter connecte' spy cameras in the @athrooms a@o(e the cei+in) ?an an' @ehin' the mirrors. A?ter maDin) this IoDe4 he state'5 GIAm I*st IoDin). ItAs not i++e)a+ as +on) as I te++ yo*. IAm I*st IoDin)4 tho*)h. Ian4 I p*t cameras in the @athroom.G B*st in case this was tr*e4 I ma'e it a point to 'irect a mi''+e ?in)er at them e(ery 'ay. /ears +ater4 I hear' that the same thin) happene' at 3*nDin 3on*ts on Secon' Street in Manchester New Hampshire USA. 2here was a me>>anine +o?t a@o(e the @athrooms in the stocD room at .ami+y 3o++ar4 @ehin' the +o?t there was a c+oset space. It wo*+' @e easy to wire a spy camera incase' in a hy)o?ormic t*@e an' a +on) US; wire or other ca@+e to a comp*ter in the c+oset space or in a @oC *p in the +o?t4 with a ho+e c*t in the @ottom ?or the wire to han) 'own into the @athroom cei+in) space or a wa++ space. Some peop+e re?er to these mini cameras as spy cams or (oye*r cams4 these ha(e @een so+' on the internet ?or a@o*t 15 years. 3*rin) 2005 the ;orat mo(ie was re+ease' 5 the 9a>ahDstan Nationa+ Anthem paro'y is the +yric G9a>ahDstan is the )reatest co*ntry in the wor+' 4 a++ other co*ntries are a++ r*n @y +itt+e )ir+s < 9a>ahDstan has the )reatest potassi*m 4 a++ other co*ntries ha(e in?erior potassi*m.G 2his mo(ie was re+ease' a?ter the episo'e o? the A+i G Show aire' 5 '*rin) this episo'e 4 Sasha ;aron 7ohen as ;orat maDes the IoDe G7an I p*t a camera in the +a'ies toi+etOG. 2his was aire' imme'iate+y a?ter 1' .arrachi :arren possi@+y ha' a )*y rep+ace the mirrors in the @athroom with a two way mirror with a camera @ehin' it as we++ as wire a hy)o?ormic t*@e' miniat*re spy camera a@o(e the ?an which was +ocate' a@o(e the toi+et in @oth @athrooms. Somehow 4 1' .arrachi :arren Dnew e(ery time a ?ema+e emp+oyee was in the @athroom *sin) her ce++ phone 5 1' .arrachi :arren ?ire' my coworDer A'mira ?or *sin) her mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone in the @athroom to teCt messa)e. 2here is no way 1' .arrachi :arren wo*+' ha(e Dnown this witho*t hi''en cameras in the restrooms. $ater '*rin) 200! 5 a G+iH*i' Potassi*m s*pp+ementG was )i(en to me at a Hospita+ which +ater t*rne' o*t to @e a se'ati(e < this was an oran)e mi+Dy s*@stance that taste' +iDe oran)e creamsic+e @*t was a se'ati(e. A?ter this 'iCie c*p o? +iH*i' se'ati(e was ?e' to me 5 I was H*man =i(isecte' @y a Ne*roS*r)ery team whom imp+ante' a prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it Patch in my sD*++ which )ra?te' on to the s*r?ace o? my @rain an' a S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #o*ter F ;attery which s*m tota+ is a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace.

Sasha ;aron 7ohen was my ?a(orite come'ian '*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 Sasha ;aron 7ohen is an Israe+i whom +i(es in the U9. My other ?a(orite come'ian was 3a(e 7hape++e. 3*rin) a stan' *p act at a come'y c+*@ which was recor'e' an' aire' on H;0 5 3a(e 7hape++eAs +e) @e)an spasmin) +iDe a 'o) @ein) pet an' he ye++e' GIA(e )ot a microchip in my @rainNG which res*+te' in app+a*s an' he eCite' the sta)e 5 I @e+ie(e that this was an animation which 7omp*ter HacDers transmitte' ahea' o? the norma+ si)na+ that was pro)ramme' that e(enin). In the years 200% an' 2005 5 two mo(ies aire' on 7omcast '*rin) which Mosta?a I@nSa*' appeare' as an eCtra. In @oth o? these mo(ies 4 Mosta?a was caste' as a Gan)ster 2errorist type character. Mosta?a was ro++ ca++e' '*rin) the caste +istin) as GMosta?a I@nSa*' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'G. 2his aire' on 7omcast on 9enneth B*''As 7omcast acco*nt. 9enneth B*'' +a*)he' an' sai' GMosta?a I@nSa*' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'N :here ha(e I seen that name @e?oreOG 2he )*ns in the mo(ies that Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' others were wei+'in) were +ater seen in Manchester NewHampshire in a Green P+astic 2ote 7rate p*rchase' at :a+ Mart 5 the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' his ?raterna+ twin @rother Nate An'rosDi were @oth in possession o? these mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms an' a pisto+. 2he imposte*r o? Nate An'rosDi pose' in photo)raphs on .ace;ooD with these ?irearms with an in'i(i'*a+ whom I @e+ie(e is an imposte*r o? Bohn Sa+i(a. 2hese photo)raphs were poste' aro*n' the year 200". 2hese ?irearms were ?irst seen in their possession '*rin) 200!. 3*rin) 200% 5 3anie+ Bames mentione' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e whi+e wa+Din) to #ye ;each in #ye NewHampshire < G.i+O 3i'nAt yo* )et Mosta?a a ro+e in a mo(ie recent+yOG to which .i+ 1man*e+e rep+ie' 4 GI am not s*re yet 4 I am )oin) to ha(e to checD on that soon. I ha(enAt hear' @acD a@o*t it yet.G 2he hacDers hire' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ma'e *se o? 2*rDoIan so?tware to pro'*ce ?a+se we@ sites ?or propa)an'a p*rposes an' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are as we++ as hacDe' eCistant to a+ter their content. :hi+e I was *sin) the internet ?or research an' comm*nication4 it seeme' +iDe certain search en)ines as we++ as my comp*tersA *se o? them were @ein) hacDe' an' manip*+ate'. $ooDin) @acD now4 it is apparent that hacDers were mirrorin) we@sites an' e'itin) the in?ormation on them ?or psycho+o)ica+ propa)an'a p*rposes 5 *sin) 2*rDoIan an' other so?tware to accomp+ish this. 2his propa)an'a p*sh was a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are attempt *ti+i>in) repeate' Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) an' attempte' :or+' =iew 7on'itionin) *sin) Propa)an'a simi+ar to ear+y A6IS Propa)an'a metho's in 1*rope 5 this propa)an'a was anti nationa+ist 4 anti >ionist 4 anti ?reemason 4 anti Iewish in a)en'a < eCpresse' ro+e re(ersa+ scenarios in terms o? whom was G+o@a+ist 4 simi+ar to the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion an' other #oman .ascist A6IS propa)an'a < this propa)an'a a+so @ecame 'eni)rati(e an' 'e?amatory o? Asatr* an' Is+am @oth as re+i)ions an' Nationa+ism as a Po+tic. M*ch o? this propa)an'a was witho*t a 'escri@e' i'entity @*t when i'entity was e(i'ent < the portraye' i'entity was o? an eCtremist #oman 7atho+ic i'entity o? #oman Imperia+ist an' InH*isitionist i'entity an' seeme' to @e ?a+se ?+a))e' as this ?or p*rpose that witho*t this ?aca'e 4 the Ita+ian A6IS 7rimina+s en)ineerin) most o? this wo*+' @e witho*t any a+i@i o? any mora+ I*sti?ication ?or their acti(ities e(en inc+*'in) immora+ eCtremist i'ea+s. It is important to notice the rec*rrent e+ement o? #oman I'entity in what now appears to @e an Aristocratic Ita+ian 7rime Syn'icate that ?o*n'e' the A6IS < this i'entity seems to stem primari+y ?rom a )ro*p o? 'epose' #oman Aristocratic ?ami+ies whom @ecame in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 1spiona)e 4 an' 2errorism ?or p*rpose o? attemptin) systemic reconstr*ction o?

the #oman 1mpire '*rin) the Me'ie(a+ era an' +ater into the 3r' #eich 5 this @ein) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+yAs 7rime Syn'icate that at some point '*rin) the 7r*sa'es 1ra recr*ite' the $om@ar'ic roya+ ?ami+y o? Ita+ia 4 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. 0ne o? the we@sites which appeare' to @e a ?a+se we@site in partic*+ar c+aime' to @e create' an' maintaine' @y a .reemason an' c+aime' that the .reemasons were acti(e in creatin) a G+o@a+ Nation State with Ber*sa+em as the 7apita+ 7ity4 this @ein) a @+atant +ie. My Great Gran'?ather was a .reeMason an' a 32'e)ree ;rother o? the Scottish #ite 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that most o? what I was rea'in) was comp+ete+y inacc*rate in?ormation an' @+atant +ies. 2he year o? this we@site @ein) poste' was approCimate+y +ate 200%. 2his propa)an'a @rin)s to min' the o*t+awe' Masonic $o')e which +ost itAs charter '*e to the n*m@er o? itAs mem@ers whom were in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' A6IS re+ate' 2errorism 5 I @e+ie(e this was possi@+y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs $o')e. 2he #o+e #e(ersa+ Propa)an'a which was o? simi+ar 'esi)n as the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion p*@+ications < was the typica+ ?a+se portraya+ o? the Nationa+ist @ein) 'escri@e' as the G+o@a+ist in (a+*e an' the 'escription o? the .reeMasons as a G+o@a+ist Israe+i Imperia+ist .action 5 this manip*+ati(e propa)an'a 'escri@e' the )oa+s o? the #oman .ascist an' their inten'e' reconstr*ction o? the o+' #oman 1mpire an' the ori)ina+ #oman Imperia+ )oa+ o? )+o@a+ conH*est4 an' the esta@+ishment o? #ome as the capita+ city o? the wor+'4 @*t @+ame' Nationa+ists an' in partic*+ar Israe+i Nationa+ists ?or these )oa+s. 2his @+amin) o? Israe+i Na>is ?or the #oman Imperia+ists )oa+s was the res*+t o? these Pionists 'ec+arin) Israe+i Nationa+ In'epen'ence as a Nationa+ State in the home+an' o? what these Nationa+ists consi'er the Israe+i peop+esA ancestra+ in'i)eno*s home+an'. Horri@+e amo*nts o? Propa)an'a re+atin) to Asatr* was p*@+ishe' to the internet an' is sti++ @ein) p*@+ishe' < some o? this in the ?orm o? 'e?amati(e artic+es 4 other propa)an'a in the ?orm o? ?a+se User Pro?i+es on Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Sites which are *se' to intentiona++y attempt to portray the Asatr* comm*nity as an o??ensi(e comm*nity an' a ?a+se re+i)ion. ;e)inin) in the year 200% an' contin*in) to the year 2013 5 n*mero*s artic+es were p*@+ishe' to the internet4 in ma)a>ines4 as we++ as in news papers which ?a+se+y state' that the 7omcast 7orporation as we++ as others ha' si)ne' contracts with the USA )o(ernment a)reein) that they wo*+' a++ow emp+oyees o? the 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity *n+imite' access o? the Persona+ 7omp*ters an' 0n+ine Acco*nts o? American 7i(i+ians witho*t a warrant. Statements simi+ar to these were ma'e on the internet4 in newspapers4 an' in ma)a>ines concernin) the PA2#I02 A72 an' s*ppose' G:arrant+ess :iretaps o? 7i(i+iansG that the PA2#I02 A72 a++e)e'+y )rante' to .e'era+ 1mp+oyees 5 these statements were ?a+se an' were p*@+ishe' @y metho' o? crimina+ ?inancin) ?or p*rpose o? 'e?amin) the U.S.A. Nationa+ Go(ernment in a manner that pro(i'e' an a+i@i to A)ents o? the 1man*e+esA an' 1(o+asA whom worDe' ?rom within U.S.A. .e'era+ 1mp+oyment as S+eeper A)ents. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7o(ert A)ents em@e''e' within the 7.I.A. an' e+sewhere as we++ as the 7omcast 7orporation an' other 7omm*nications 7orporations were acti(e+y :iretappin) American an' 7ana'ian ci(i+ians te+ephone con(ersations4 hacDin) American an' 7ana'ian ci(i+ians persona+ comp*ters4 accessin) 7omm*nications an' 1ntertainment Ser(ers an' acco*nts re+ate' to American an' 7ana'ian ci(i+ians comm*nications. 2his was p*@+ishe' in n*mero*s NewsPapers an' 'isc*sse' on the te+e(ision News. 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? were i++e)a++y wiretappe' in 200% 5 a?ter which a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee o?

the USA (isite' me at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester New Hampshire whi+e at worD to speaD with me a@o*t it. 2he .e'era+ emp+oyee o? the USA state' G:ho tappe' yo*O IAm )oin) to ha(e to +ooD into this.G 4 a?ter which he came in a ?ew 'ays +ater an' state' G2hey )ot yo* )oin) across state +ines... internationa+ +ines that is. 7ana'a. It 'oesnAt maDe sense 4 yo* are @oth so yo*n). I am )oin) to ha(e to +ooD into this.G . A?ter in?ormin) me that he was )oin) to in(esti)ate the i++e)a+ wire tappin) ?*rther 4 the .e'era+ 1mp+oyee a ?ew 'ays +ater a)ain approache' me whi+e I was worDin) at the re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar an' state' GA*s7anN>UDUs4 yo* sho*+' +ooD it *pG. .or reason that 1' :arren was present when this occ*rre' 5 this man is most pro@a@+y a tar)et o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs < I @e+ie(e that 1' .arrachi :arren wrote 'own this manAs $icenseP+ate N*m@er. 2he man was an o+'er man o? approCimate+y E0 years o? a)e 4 o? primari+y An)+oGae+ic American race an' possi@+y a sma++ amo*nt o? 3e*tsche race 4 an' ha' a New1n)+an' accent. Imme'iate+y a?ter this i++e)a+ wire tappin) o? mine an' 1mi+yAs te+ephone con(ersations < Banet Napo+itano was ?or some reason e+ecte' to rep+ace the 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity 5 the actions o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7o(ert A)ents were camo*?+a)e' in me'ia @y the @+amin) o? the PA2#I02 A72 ?or i++e)a+ warrant+ess wiretaps an' 7omcast ?or a++e)e'+y si)nin) contracts with the USA .e'era+ Go(ernment a++owin) warrant+ess access to a++ comm*nications an' persona+ comp*ters. $eon Panetta is +iDe+y to ha(e met S+eeper A)ents o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs whom worDe' within 7.I.A. '*rin) the years 200% to 200E whi+e $eon was 3irector o? 7.I.A. '*rin) the years 200" to 2012 5 i? these in'i(i'*a+s chan)e' pro?ession '*rin) these years 4 it is possi@+e that he co*+' Dnow whom they wo*+' @e. It is a+so pro@a@+e that $eon Panetta may ha(e met in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in attempts to in?i+trate Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence whi+e $eon was Secretary o? 3e?ense. I 'o not @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 nor any o? their associates were ?*++y aware that these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices were @ein) comp+ete+y recor'e' *nencrypte' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence an' that the entire Ne*ro+o)y o? the =ictimsA as we++ as the A)entsA whom were Ne*roS*r)ica++y )ra?te' with prostethic Ne*ro7irc*itry an' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace were recor'e' 'irect+y into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters as comp+ete ;inary Ne*ro+o)y recor'in)s which inc+*'es not on+y their entire Ne*ro+o)y @*t the entire @inary necessary to 'ecypher their eCact tho*)hts *sin) Ne*roScience 2ho*)ht to 2eCt So?tware which the 3epartment o? 3e?ense a+rea'y has '*e to 3A#PA .*n'e' #esearch. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es wo*+' ha(e at some point instr*cte' an A)ent or A)ents to attempt to approach $eon Panetta an' Banet Napo+itano a@o*t the s*@Iect o? 'e+etin) Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata permanant+y < it is eCtreme+y pro@a@+e that he wo*+' ha(e attempte' to Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+e them @oth ?or p*rpose o? 'iscernin) whether or not they co*+' @e pers*a'e' to 'e?ect to Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 Banet Napo+itano ma'e a statement in opposition to what she ca++e' GNati(ismG statin) 5 G:e m*st e(er @e wary o? the 'an)ero*s rise o? Nati(ism.G 4 this statement so*n'e' aDin to somethin) that a ?orei)n imperia+ist wo*+' say an' is not somethin) a 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity sho*+' ha(e @een thinDin). It is possi@+e that this was a hacDe' internet news artic+e. It is pro@a@+e that Banet Napo+itano Dnows =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen or a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 or at +east an in'i(i'*a+ that co*+' ?in' them 5 the same is pro@a@+e o? $eon Panetta. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 < Anthony 3e.eo ha' ma'e comments re)ar'in) 1mi+y Is+es 4 ca++in) her 1mi+y Go? the Is+esG. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames ha' ma'e a statement whi+e at Hampton ;each in 200% 4 whi+e +ooDin) at the re' +i)hts on the ra'io towers at Is+es o? Shoa+s 5 G2hey

+ooD +iDe +aser pointers. Ima)ine ha(in) +aser pointers pointe' 'irect+y into yo*r eyes ?or ho*rs... 'i'nAt yo* say yo*r @est ?rien's name was Is+esOG . Nina HansenAs ?rien' 1mi+y McPherson *se' to sometimes @e ca++e' J1mi+y o? the Is+esK @y some@o'y in her Hi)hSchoo+. 3*rin) either 200% or 2005 < Banet Napo+itano4 a ?ormer B*')e 5 was e+ecte' as 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity to rep+ace Michae+ 7herto?? whom was the ?ormer 'irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity an' possi@+y a+so a B*')e 5 Michae+ 7herto?? a+so ha' ?ami+y in NewBersey which an imme'iate ?irst priority tar)et o? the Ita+ian A6IS an' the 1man*e+esA persona++y. 2he PA2#I02 A72 )rants the 7.I.A. an' ..;.I. Ioint terrorist tasD ?orce the a@i+ity to access an' worD with Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence an' other Mi+itary Inte++i)ence o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense ?or p*rpose o? in(esti)atin) 2errorism on American soi+ 5 these in(esti)ations sho*+' c*rrent+y @e occ*rrin) an' sho*+' @e in(esti)atin) the 1man*e+esA an' their Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs :ar 7rimes in North America inc+*'in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections4 :ar #apes4 an' Genoci'e which is c*rrent+y occ*rrin) < as we++ as their connections to 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' 2errorist A??i+iate' In'i(i'*a+s. 3*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents @ein) em@e''e' within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations in the USA an' 7ana'a4 these in(esti)ations are @ein) c*rtai+e' as his a)ents are re?*sin) to *pho+' the oaths which they ha(e taDen to the nations o? the USA an' 7ana'a an' a++ o? their citi>ens. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation @ecame a primary )oa+ o? the 1man*e+esA A6IS .action. It is possi@+e that thro*)h their in?+*ence @oth po+itica+ an' co(ert as we+++ as @oth crimina+ an' ?inancia+ 5 that the 1man*e+es ha(e attempte' to *se Ita+ian Americans to assist their Ita+ian A6IS .action whether these partic*+ar Ita+ian Americans are A6IS S+eeper A)ents or not < as we++ as wo*+' they ha(e em@e''e' acti(e 7o(ert Ita+ian A6IS A)ents within the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the U.S.A. in @oth $aw 1n?orcement an' 3epartment o? 3e?ense. 1' .arrachi :arren was recor'e' as 'isc*ssin) Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation with n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 1' .arrachi :arren ha' a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone an' his A*tomoti(e $icense P+ates were re)istere' in Maine U.S.A. . 2he U.S.A. PA2#I02 A72 ena@+es the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 the 7.I.A. 4 an' the ..;.I. < as we++ as the A++ies o? the U.S.A. on the A*s7anN>UDUs Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworDs an' any whom were A++ie' with the U.S.A. '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error 5 to access any 1+ectronic #ecor's necessary to in(esti)ate :ar 7rimes in the U.S.A. '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I o(erhear' 1' :arrn 'isc*ssin) with Anthony 3e.eo the ?act that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen *se the termino+o)y Jthe Presi'entK to re?er to 2he 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 as we++ as the termino+o)y Jthe 7hairman o? the @oar'K to re?er to the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. At some point '*rin) this con(ersation the " 11 2r*th con(ersation was trans+ate' to mean Jthe Presi'ent or'ere' peop+e to position 'emo+ition eCp+osi(es in the twin towers an' 'etonate them when 0sama ;in$a'enAs )*ys ?+ew the p+anes into the @*i+'in)s.K to mean that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy or'ere' the eCp+osi(es to @e p+ace' < not Presi'ent o? the USA Geor)e ;*sh. 3*rin) the years 200% or 2005 5 J1mi+y Is+esK sent me an a*'io recor'in) o? herse+? per?ormin) the son) G:arG @y ;*r>*m . 1' :arren +ater ma'e a comment whi+e at worD that shows c+ear+y that he ha' +istene' to the recor'in). At the time4 I was not entire+y aware o? what he ha' meant @*t now I am

certain. 1' :arrenAs comment to Anthony 3e?eo was G3*'e4 that @itch so*n's +iDe she was )ettin) rape'.G an' +ater in con(ersation state'4 GIA++ )i(e her some :ar #ape.G. 1' :arrenAs ?ather was an Ita+ian an' he to+' me that his @io+o)ica+ s*rname was in ?act .arrachi. 1' :arren ma'e another comment '*rin) 200% or 2005 that re?erre' to yo*n) teena)e women 4 this was 5 GI +iDe them @are+y +e)a+s 4 )*yNG meanin) that 1' +iDe' ?ema+es who are I*st on the (er)e o? @ecomin) women. .rom what pri(ate in(esti)ators4 my se+?4 an' others ha(e )athere' 5 1mi+y Is+es was a@'*cte' '*rin) 2005 an' has @een SeC 2ra??icDe' an' repeate'+y rape' as we++ as maime' an' @+in'e' '*rin) the past 8 years. G1' .arrachiG is a @*siness car' which 1' .arrachi :arren ha' @een *sin) that 'escri@e' him as a GMo'e+ Photo)rapherG. M*ch o? the rape an' tort*re o? 1mi+y Is+es was (i'eo recor'e' as we++ as was the rape an' tort*re o? other American an' 7ana'ian ?ema+es (i'eo recor'e'. M*ch o? these recor'in)s were p*@+ishe' to the internet as were m*ch o? these transmitte' e+ectronica++y as they were trans?erre' ?rom the A)ents whom rape' an' tort*re' these women an' the A)ents whom they associate' with as we++ as were trainin) to commit these acts *pon other women. I @e+ie(e m*ch o? these attacDs were recor'e' @y 1' .arrachi '*rin) 200E 4 200! 4 an' 2008. 1mi+y Is+es was +e?t with .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the New 1n)+an' re)ion ?or some years an' is c*rrent+y missin). Aro*n' the time that this con(ersation occ*rre' 5 Anthony 3e?eo mentione' to 1' G:hen yo* )et in this Din' o? tro*@+e 4 yo* ha(e to commit the same Din' o? crimes a)ain @*t ?ar worse an' @+ame some@o'y e+se ?or a++ o? it.G 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' .arrachi :arren was recor'e' as ha(in) 'isc*sse' with Anthony 3e.eo the ?act that 1E was A)e o? 7onsent in NewHampshire 4 meanin) that 1E was the +e)a+ a)e to ha(e seC in NewHampshire. 1' .arrachi :arren state' 5 GI a+most 'i'nAt @e+ie(e it... yeah 4 the a)e to 'o it with any@o'y.G this was a ?ew months a?ter 1' .arrachi :arren ha' state' 4 GI +iDe them @are+y +e)a+s 4 )*yNG 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e at worD 1' :arren state' G3own in MeCico 4 those )*ys wi++ se++ yo* their 12 year o+' 'a*)hter ?or money.G 1' :arren was o@(io*s+y maDin) eCc*ses ?or somethin) speci?ic. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Bason Be??rey tooD me ?or a 'ri(e 'own to 3*m@arton =ir)inia to picD *p some marIi*ana ?rom 7+int < when arri(e' at 7+intAs apartment in 3*m@arton 4 we ha' to picD him *p an' 'ri(e a@o*t 3 min*tes *p the roa' to a ho*se that his ?ami+yAs Properties Stea' Ho+'er owne'. 2his ho*se was neCt to the $i)htho*se ;aptist 7h*rch across the street ?rom V5!11 on the same street an' is near Stap+es Mi++ #enta+ 2ownhomes. 2he Ho*se ha' an' sti++ has /e++ow si'in) paint 4 :hite painte' trim 4 a 'oor that is painte' a so?t pistachio co+or 4 an' is a 3 ?+oor @*i+'in). :hen we 'ro(e *p the 'ri(eway to this ho*se to )o )et the mariI*ana ?rom 7+intAs ?rien' 4 G3ia@+oG was in the parDin)+ot with two other ma+es an' a MeCican )ir+ who +ooDe' to @e a@o*t ! years o+'. I asDe' 7+int i? she was an a@*ction (ictim an' i? he was a pe'ophi+e. A ?ew months +ater 4 Bason Be??rey Ioine' 7+int an' .i++i@ertoAs 7rime Syn'icate as a 7rime So+'ier an' con?irme' that the +itt+e )ir+ was an a@'*ction (ictim an' that they ha' @een rapin) an' chi+' porno)raphin) her. .o*r years a?ter this 4 1' :arren ma'e the comment G3*'e... 'own in MeCico 4 them )*ys wi++ se++ yo* their 12 year o+' 'a*)hter. 2heyAre 'irty 4 '*'e.G an' this comment was ma'e approCimate+y % years a?ter I ha' seen 7+int with the ! year o+' )ir+ 5 ! X % W 11 4 one year +ess than 12. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 1' :arren was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with Anthony 3e.eo the ?act that 7hris 2homas ha' rape' A+ Io'iceAs son. Aro*n' the month that 1' :arren mentione' this 4

7hris 2homas came into the store an'@o*)ht a pro'*ct at my re)ister *sin) his cre'it car'. Some months a?ter meetin) .i++i@erto an' 3.B. 4 =itorrio 1man*e+e himse+? showe' *p at my worD at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NH on $inco+n St with a woman who @o*)ht a pro'*ct at my re)ister. :hi+e scannin) the pro'*ct4 I hear' him say Ghe a+most +ooDs A+@anian.G 4 GI co*+' pass him ?or A+@anianG. He a+so state' to me approCimate+y one month +ater that his name was =itorrio with one 2 an' that his )ran'?ather was =ittorio with two 2s. He *ses @oth spe++in)s< =ittorio an' =itorrio. :hi+e in the USA4 =ittorio 1man*e+e a+so *ses the a+ias G=ictor 1man*e+eG or G=ictor McMannG. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' was a+so *se' prior to this @y a man whom +ooDe' to @e o? miCe' Ita+ian 4 Sici+ian 4 possi@+y Port*)ese race. 2his mas approCimate+y 5A!G 4 pa+e comp+eCion 4 'arD hair 4 an' @rown eyes. He was o? +i)ht @*i+'. 2his man whom appeare' approCimate+y 32 5 @o*)ht c+eanin) pro'*cts at my re)ister +ate one ni)ht4 *sin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car'. =ittorio 1man*e+e has a hatre' ?or An)+o SaCons an' Gae+s 4 I @e+ie(e that he p*rpose+y *ses the a+ias G=ictor McMannG to attri@*te an An)+o Gae+ic i'entity to his crimes as we++ as 'oes G=ictor McMannG so*n' +iDe an American name < =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' sai' =ittorio 1man*e+e. I ha(e met =ittorio 1man*e+e on n*mero*s occasions < three times at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester4 once at a )as station on ;rown A(e. in Manchester New Hampshire4 an' once as he was ta+Din) to some@o'y who Dnew an aH*aintance o? mine4 as we++ as ha(e I worDe' with G=ictorG 1man*e+e caterin) a 'inner at the /ar' #esta*rant which is +ocate' on the @or'er o? Manchester NewHampshire an' $on'on'erry NewHampshire. .i++i@erto an' 3.B. @oth a'mitte' to =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) their @io+o)ica+ ?ather4 as 'i' Aaron 1man*e+e. ;etween 200% an' 2010 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e spent a+ot o? time in New Hampshire an' other re)ions o? New 1n)+an' 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e seems to ha(e a+ot o? acH*aintances an' ?rien's as we++ as associates in New 1n)+an' an' New /orD. :hen =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e came to my p+ace o? emp+oyment4 he sai' to me GMy name is =ittorio... 1man*e+e... Uh... 2hatAs =ittorio with one 2 4 my )ran'?ather was =ittorio with two 2As ...ha(e yo* e(er hear' o? meOG to which4 I rep+ie' GNo. IAm sorry I 'onAt Dnow who yo* are.G =ittorio then asDe' GAre yo* s*reO I am s*rprise' that yo* ha(enAt hear' o? me.G 2his was the ?irst o? at +east three times that he came into the store. =ittorio 1man*e+e a+so *ses the name =I720# M7MANN4 his son .i++i@erto *ses the name .I$. =ittorio a+so spe++s his name with 2 2As at times. My ?rien' #ich 7onesc* met him once at a car a*ction when he was ?rien's with the +oca+ 7ar 7+*@ A*tomoti(e 1nth*siasts in Manchester New Hampshire4 he was *sin) the name G=ictorG at the time. I was not aware at that time that =ittorio was *sin) the name =ictor. =ittorio mentione' that he has a homoseC*a+ son name' Aaron whom was a'opte' in Massach*settes @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. Aaron ha' a+rea'y contacte' me prior to my meetin) =ittorio 1man*e+e whi+e at worD at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. 2he presense o? =ittorio 1man*e+e was eCtreme+y tra*mati>in) a?ter writin) to Henry MaDow concernin) one o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parents @ein) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ @+oo'+ine. Prior to =ittorioAs appearance at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 1' :arren was wa+Din) aro*n' chantin) G=ictorio*s 4 =ictorio*s 4 =ictorio*sG an' G=ittorio 4 =ictorio*s 4 =ictorio*sG. 2his occ*re' n*mero*s times a?ter his appearances as we++. 1' ?reH*ent+y 'ic*sse' G=ictorG with Anthony 3e.eo an' occaisiona++y with (isitors at the store. A?ter =ittorio 1man*e+e starte' sta+Din) me at my worD. =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas @o*)ht

items at .ami+y 3o++ar at my re)ister a ?ew times 5 he *se' a 7re'it 7ar' that sai' G7hris 2homasG. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e I worDe' with 1' :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 1' :arren an' others @e)an +yin) to the comm*nity an' te++in) them that I was a :hite S*premacist 4 a 'escen'ant o? a S+a(e 0wner who was in the 9* 9+*C 9+an 4 a .ascist 4 an' that I @e+ie(e' that the .e'era+ Go(ernment sho*+' 'etermine ?or a woman who she marries an' pro'*ces chi+'ren with. 2hey to+' peop+e that I @e+ie(e' that a person sho*+' nee' a G;ree'in) $icenseG to @e a++owe' to repro'*ce an' that I s*ppose'+y @e+ie(e' that it was accepta@+e to rape entire races o? peop+e. 2hese +ies were o@(io*s+y the 1man*e+esA 'oin). 3*rin) this time 4 1' .arrachi :arren ca++e' the Nor'ic race Gthe rapist raceG 5 '*rin) this time 4 the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate a@'*cte' an' rape' as we++ as tort*re' women an' +itt+e )ir+s o? An)+o SaCon 4 Gae+ic 4 Scan'ina(ian 4 Israe+i 4 .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 an' .ranDic race as racia+ tar)ets. 2his +a@e+in) o? the Nor'ic race as Gthe rapist raceG is a ro+e re(ersa+ A+i@i o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate who are SeC 2ra??icDers that are +itera++y pro?essiona+ rapists. M*ch o? the a+i@is which the 1man*e+es are attemptin) to pro'*ce in(o+(e Mora+ B*sti?ication as an A+i@i. Mora+ B*sti?ication as an A+i@i in(o+(es the attempte' app+ication o? a Mora+ #i)hteo*sness to the i'entity o? the )*i+ty party as an attempt to ca*se the o@ser(er o? a crime to eCc*se the crime itse+? as the res*+t o? the )*i+ty partyAs i'entity in comparison to the (ictimAs i'entity. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e @een attemptin) to *se I'entity Po+itics an' 2actics o? Pro(ocation to manip*+ate the perception o? the witnesses o? the en(ironment o? the (ictimAs 4 which is the en(ironment o? the (ictim *pon whom the crimes were committe' as we++ as the witnesses o? the *pcomin) tria+ in attempt to contro+ the o*tcome o? the tria+. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 I was in contact with one o? my eC )ir+?rien'As ?rien's name' 7ha' Gro+sch. 7ha' Gro+sch was a mem@er o? the :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation G2he :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reatorG. 7ha' is a 'e?inite tar)et o? the 1man*e+es an' has a+most 'e?inite+y @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r < I @e+ie(e that this is ?or reason that 7ha' Gro+sch was .ranDic American an' the 1man*e+es were a?rai' that I may e(ent*a++y te++ him what I Dnow a@o*t them an' were a?rai' that he co*+' e(ent*a++y ta+D to the rest o? the :hite Power comm*nity a@o*t the 1man*e+esA 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' SeC 0??enses as we++ as the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 this wo*+' maDe those ?acts common Dnow+e')e to the :hite #acia+ist 7omm*nity. N*mero*s times 7ha' Gro+schAs America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er UserAcco*nt was hacDe' an' *se' to ta+D to peop+e @y an in'i(i'*a+ that was not his se+?. 3*rin) the years 200% or 2005 4 parts o? a con(ersation that I ha' with 7ha' Gro+sch were e'itte' onto a Nationa+ Socia+ist Mo(ement we@site 5 this concerne' GHeirarcha+ 3ecapitationG. 2he :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator we@site chan)e' n*mero*s times as we++ 4 it seems some@o'y may ha(e @een *sin) this we@sites an' others to post cypher comm*nications 5 comp*ter hacDin) o? otherAs we@sites is o?ten *se' ?or this p*rpose. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 a man name' 7esare @e)an ?reH*ent+y appearin) at .ami+y 3o++ar to speaD to 1' :arren. I +ater 'isco(ere' that this was the G7*@an A6ISG connection that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e c+aime' to Dnow '*rin) 200% as we++ as was it +ater 'isco(ere' that 7esare is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )ran'son. 7esare a'mitte' to @ein) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )ran'son on recor'in) to 1' :arren whi+e at .ami+y

3o++ar. 7esare ca++s himse+? the G7*@ano Ita+ianoG. It ha' at some time @een 'isc*sse' @y 1' :arren an' 7esare that .i+ resc*e' G7esareG ?rom 7*@a @y )i(in) 7esare a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which ha' @een sto+en ?rom another Hispanic or $atino ma+e a+so name' 7esare. A?ter 7esare ha' committe' a @r*ta+ SeC 0??ense *pon a +itt+e )ir+ in 7*@a4 a )ro*p o? 7*@an men ?o*n' him an' cornere' him < these men car(e' into 7esareAs ?ace ?or p*rpose o? marDin) him an' ran to the 7*@an Po+ice a?terwar' to te++ them that they ha' ?o*n' him 5 @e?ore po+ice co*+' )et to him4 7esare ha' escape' ?rom the area. It was c+aime' that .i+ met with 7esare in .+ori'a. 2his story was Dnown amon)st the P*erto #ican comm*nity in Manchester 4 whom ha' s*ppose'+y Dnown o? 7esare @eca*se o? a ?ew ?ami+ies whom ha' hear' a@o*t what happene' an' ha' recent+y mo(e' to New 1n)+an'. 3*rin) 2005 4 my co worDer #osa Moreno ha' to+' me a@o*t 7esareAs ori)in an' acte' as i? she was 'is)*ste' @y him. $ater '*rin) 2005 < I ca*)ht #osa ta+Din) to G7esareG a@o*t ;onnie 3amon 4 who he was eCp+ainin) to her may ha(e @een a @io+o)ica+ 'a*)hter o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +ate in his +i?e. #osa sai' GoD now )o away 4 I 'onAt want to )et ca*)ht ta+Din) to yo*. I 'onAt +iDe yo* 4 remem@erOG as i? they were con'*ctin) an *n'erco(er in(esti)ation. G7esareG ha' sto+en ;rian 7aseAs ?rien' 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 it is pro@a@+e that ;rian 7ase was worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate since he was a teen a)er. #osaAs h*s@an' worDe' ?or 7omcast. 0n more than one occaision 7esare wa+De' in to .ami+y 3o++ar an' @e)an to 'isc*ss imme'iate+y with 1' 4 p+ans which he an' .i+ 1man*e+e ha' en)ineere' which wo*+' p+ace me in a sit*ation '*rin) which I wo*+' see a ?ema+e @ein) a@*se' horri@+y an' wo*+' @ecome (io+ent as a res*+t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme' to @e a p+an o? theirs an' this (io+ence was o@(io*s+y inten'e' to @e 'irecte' at 7esare himse+? ?or some reason. 0ne 'ay 7esare entere' .ami+y 3o++ar an' state' Gwe )ot a 'i??erent )ir+ who is yo*n)er than his )ir+ @y at +east a ?ew yearsG as he @e)an r*@@in) his han's4 ?+eCe' his ?in)ers4 an' c+appe' his han's to)ether < a?terwhich he sai' G2his shit is hot 4 I +iDe itN :eAre )oin) to 3NA her ?ace to +ooD +iDe his )ir+ too an' then he see her an' he wi++ )et rea++y an)ry an ye++ yaaaaar)hN yaaaar)hN yaaar)hN an' smash shit an' want to ?i)htG . A year +ater 7esare was wa+Din) a )ir+ aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire on a +eash e(ery 'ay whom +ooDe' simi+ar Samantha ;ernstein @*t ha' 1mi+y Is+esA ?acia+ str*ct*re an' +ooDe' to @e a@o*t 13 5 this an' reports o? this seeme' to @e i)nore' @y Po+ice 0??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o*t 3 years. 2his was most+y '*rin) .ranD G*intaAs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. I @e+ie(e that this ?ema+e was the #a@@i ;arry :einsteinAs 'a*)hter whom Aaron 4 .i+ 4 an' 7esare ha' m*tate' with J1mi+y Is+esAsK ?acia+ )enetics. It has @een 'isc*sse' that .ranD G*inta 4 $eon Panetta 4 Banet Napo+itano 4 an' 2om 2ancre'o ha(e connections to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that they possi@+y worD ?or them as S+eeper A)ents. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 7esare mentione' that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' m*tate' his own .in)erPrints to taDe a comp+ete+y 'i??erent ?orm *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' committe' a series o? m*r'ers < an' that 7esare witnesse' .i+ +ea(e a han' print in @+oo' somep+ace 4 statin) 5 G2hese .in)er Prints 'o not e(en eCist. :e *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' 3esi)ner Genes to m*tate my han' prints. 2his han' print wi++ ne(er @e seen a)ain a?ter this. I am m*tatin) it @acD.G 2his yo*n) ?ema+e +ooDe' a+ot +iDe the 'a*)hter o? a #a@@i whom I ha' spoDen with '*rin) the year 200%4 whom ha' @een shoppin) at the .ami+y 3o++ar store. I ha' to+' this #a@@i that he ha' a nice (est an' ha' spoDen with him @rie?+y 5 I @e+ie(e his name may ha(e @een ;arry :einstein an' that his

'a*)hterAs name may possi@+y ha(e @een B*+ie. I @e+ie(e 1' .arrachi :arren wrote 'own ;arry :einsteinAs +icense p+ate n*m@er as he was p*ttin) his chi+'ren into his S.U.=. an' his wi?e an' he were )ettin) into the (ehic+e as a res*+t o? noticin) my se+? ta+Din) a Bewish man. 1' :arren was ?reH*ent+y writin) times 4 'ates4 an' n*m@ers in a ye++ow note pa' he Dept in his pocDet. G7esare ha' @een ca++in) this )ir+ G.ranchescaG 4 the secon' G.ranchescaG seeme' to @e one o? the )ir+s who was portraye' in photo)raph to @e 1mi+y Is+es an' so*n'e' i'entica+ to her (oice 4 she was @+in'e' an' was si)hte' aro*n' Manchester wa+Din) with a @+in' sticD. 2he ?act*a+ .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 7esare was o(erhear' in p*@+ic sayin) GMy .ranchesca ha' a )rowth sp*rt 4 she has )rown % inches. My ?irst .ranchesca is a++ )rown *p an' has to mo(e on to )reater thin)s now.G. 7esare spoDe to 1' :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar a@o*t 2*rDoIan% @ein) *se' to Pop Up 1mi+y Is+es in ?ront o? me on the comp*ter screen @ein) SeC*a++y Assa*+te' ?or p*rpose o? ca*sin) me to @ecome (io+ent+y an)ry which 7esare 'escri@e' a)ain as @ein) Gan' then he wi++ )et yaaaaaaaaaar)hN yarrrarrr)hN 1mmmN noN an' r*n o*t the 'oor an' )o (io+entNG. 7esare +ater wa+De' past me with what +ooDe' +iDe the )ir+ I ass*me is name' GB*+ie :einsteinG on a 'o) +eash an' 'o) co++ar whom he was ca++in) G.ranchescaG an' was ta*ntin) me. Sean .air@anDs @e)an ye++in) GPe'ophi+eG at 7esare an' writin) witness statements to Po+ice 4 as 'i' others 5 the Manchester Po+ice ?ai+e' to react to these :itness Statements. B*+ie ha' .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7ar' an' was ?orce' to show it to po+ice < she was possi@+y 1% 4 the ?act*a+ .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was 20 years o+' an' was 5A"G. I o(erhear' 7esare ye++in) at B*+ie twice an' act*a++y *sin) the name GB*+ieG. 7esare was si)hte' in Nash*a with B*+ie n*mero*s times @y n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s as was he si)hte' in Nash*a with her once @y my se+? an' who I tho*)ht was Boe $e;aron < he was at a ho*se near 9ins+ey Street in Nash*a an' was hear' @arDin) at B*+ie +iDe a 'o) in response to her speaDin) in +an)*a)e. In 2005 4 7esare appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar an' to+' me that I was )oin) to P*r)atory when I 'ie 5 the p+ace where non 7atho+ics )o a?ter 'eath i? they are not e(i+ peop+e. Accor'in) to 7esare 4 a sin+ess man whom is not a 7atho+ic 'oes not maDe it to hea(en a?ter 'eath < instea' he is cast into P*r)atory. P*r)atory is o?ten 'escri@e' @y 7atho+ics as @ein) a p+ace o? a@so+*te 'arDness an' the state o? @ein) a@so+*te+y a+one 5 comp+ete an' permanant sensory 'epri(ation. I was a+so to+' @y 7esare that this was )oin) to @e the ?ate o? my re+i)io*s comm*nity. 2his was aro*n' the 'ate that 1mi+y was a@'*cte'. 7esare to+' me that I was a )oo' man an' that I ha' a ?aith @*t that it was the wron) ?aith an' that my se+? an' my peop+e were )oin) to P*r)atory. I was in?orme' '*rin) 200" that 1mi+y Is+es ha' @een @+in'e' @y 7esare an' .i+ whom tie' her *p an' pointe' +aser pointers into her eyes which they statione' (ice )rippe' in ?ront o? her. 2his +aserin) o? 1mi+yAs eyes was pre me'itate' an' in 200% 3anie+ Bames an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+e ma'e statements whi+e in Hampton NewHampshire that a++*'e' to this. 3*rin) 2005 5 G7esareG entere' .ami+y 3o++ar store to speaD to 1' :arren an' mentione' 'oin) some horri@+e thin)s to a partic*+ar woman that some@o'y +o(e'. It so*n'e' as i? he was ta+Din) a@o*t rapin) a manAs wi?e or ?i+min) her cheatin) on her h*s@an' with 7esare. 7esare c+aime' to 1' that he was )oin) to p*@+ish this to the internet an' ha(e a hacDer *se a pro)ram +iDe 2*rDoIan to pop *p the pro)ram on the screen o? the inten'e' tar)et. 2he p*rpose o? this was state' @y 7esare to @e ?or the p*rpose o? 'ri(in) the man cra>y to commit acts o? (io+ence. I now @e+ie(e that this was the @e)inin) o? 7esareAs p+annin) to 'ri(e me insane an' to (io+ence. .or a@o*t 2 years a?ter this 4 7esare was

witnesse' in the company o? a m*ch yo*n)er ?ema+e whom he was constant+y a@*sin) an' treatin) +iDe a conc*@ina+ s+a(e < this yo*n) teena)er +ooDe' simi+ar to 1mi+y @*t +ooDe' eCtreme+y resem@+ant o? the 'a*)hter o? the #a@@i I ha' met whom I @e+ie(e was name' ;arry :einstein. 3*e to my con?+ict a(oi'ance concernin) 7esare an' E0X ho*r a weeD worD sche'*+e I 'i' not ha(e the a@i+ity to i'enti?y her an' protect her ?rom 7esare < I eCpecte' that the comm*nity an' the Po+ice wo*+' protect her 4 ?rien's o? mine wrote :itness Statements n*mero*s times as 'i' others 5 n*mero*s peop+e )ot into physica+ a+tercations with 7esare as a res*+t o? his treatment o? whom I now @e+ie(e was B*+ie :einstein. In the year 2005 5 7esare an' 1' :arren ha' @een 'isc*ssin) escapin) I*stice @y metho' o? ?aDin) 'eath *sin) a GMachia(e++iG tactic. 2he statement ma'e was GI? yo* co*+' Machia(e++i yo*r 'eath sentence 5 yo*Are )o+'en an' )one. /o* I*st machia(e++ie' o*t o? a++ o? yo*r +i?eAs responsi@i+ities an' thensome. Now < i? yo* co*+' +ea(e some@o'y e+se with that shit4 yo*Are )one comp+ete+y witho*t a trace.G 3*rin) this time in the year 2005 5 7esare ha' sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' some@o'y e+sesA +i?e entire+y 5 he entere' .ami+y 3o++ar tri*mphant+y one 'ay sho*tin) GMA7HIA=1$$ING with his arms *p as i? he ha' I*st won a @oCin) match an' eCp+ainin) that he ha' I*st GMachia(e++ie'G. In the year 200!4 7esare +ocDe' a man whom *se' to worD at .ami+y 3o++ar name' 2ony Gon>a+e> in a @asement in Manchester an' ?e' him mi+D tainte' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ira+ Strains containin) 7esareAs own 3NA 5 )ra'*a++y m*tatin) 2ony to +ooD i'entica+ to 7esare an' a?terwar' re+ease' 2ony ?rom the @asement which +e' to 2ony @ein) +ater arreste' an' char)e' with 7esareAs crimes. 7esare tooD 2onyAs sisterAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the year 200E < G.ranchesca Gon>a+e>G was an I.3. that 7esare +e?t 1mi+y with that he ha' pre(io*s+y ?orce' B*+ie to carry. I @e+ie(e I ear+ier o(erhear' 1' an' 7esare 'isc*ssin) *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to animate a Machia(e++i =ictimAs mo*th to mo(e in a co*rtroom to maDe a ?a+se con?ession or to ho+' his mo*th sh*t to pre(ent him ?rom speaDin) that he was not 7esare. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester '*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren was co++ectin) 'r*) test *rine samp+es ?rom me at +east once a weeD. 1' was 'eman'in) that I ?i++ a *rine c*p to test ?or 'r*)s whi+e at worD. I was the on+y person who ha' to taDe 'r*) tests in the @athroom. I ne(er ?ai+e' a sin)+e 'r*) test. I ne(er stoppe' to thinD a@o*t the ?act that these *rine tests were most +iDe+y @ein) )i(en to crimina+s in or'er to )et them into )o(ernment positions s*ch as Po+ice 3epartments 4 .;I 4 7IA 4 an' Home+an' Sec*rity as we++ as Airport Sec*rity. I 'i' not ha(e a 'r*) pro@+em4 nor any 'r*) con(ictions 5 there was no reason that i sho*+' ha(e @een ma'e to )i(e *rine samp+es. I nee'e' the Io@ an' 1' .arrachi :arren was ta+Din) a+ot in ?ront o? my se+? an' cameras a@o*t e(erythin) that has ma'e it to this :itness Statement as we++ as =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 whom ha' come in to the store to sta+D me n*mero*s times as we++ as ta+D to 1' :arren. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 two mem@ers o? a Bewish ?ami+y name' Bosh Go+'en an' his mother Mrs. Go+'en shoppe' at .ami+y 3o++ar. 2errorists ha' imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Mrs. Go+'enAs @rain an' when she p*rchase' items at my re)ister 4 one o? them *se' Ne*roScience So?tware to reach Mrs. Go+'enAs arms an' han's towar's the cre'it s+ip to si)n the cre'it receipt printe' ?rom the cre'it car' machine an' si)n her si)nat*re with her han's 5 this start+e' Mrs. Go+'en )reat+y an' she starte' panicDin). She +e?t the store H*icD+y a?ter @rie?+y speaDin) a@o*t it (er@a++y. 3*rin) the year 1""E < 3an ;*cD+ey ha' worn an A'o+? Hit+er *ni?orm to schoo+ an' )roome' himse+? to +ooD +iDe

A'o+? Hit+er 4 this was ?or a proIect ?or schoo+ 5 Bosh Go+'en witnesse' him wa+Din) in the ha++way an' p*nche' 3an ;*cD+ey in the ?ace. 1ar+ier '*rin) the year 1""E 4 3an ;*cD+ey ha' attacDe' me ?rom @ehin' '*rin) a ?i)ht with another st*'ent at schoo+ 5 I ha' @een in the mi'st o? a physica+ a+tercation with another st*'ent name' 3*stin 3i+)er an' whi+e I was ?i)htin) 3*stin 4 3an ;*cD+ey sn*cD *p @ehin' me an' p*nche' me in the @acD an' the @acD o? the hea' a ?ew times. 3an ;*cD+eyAs assa*+t *pon my se+? '*rin) 1""E 'i' not e??ect the res*+ts o? the com@at (ery m*ch 4 the ?i)ht res*+te' in 3*stinAs teeth @reaDin) thro*)h his +ip an' my arm @ein) co(ere' in @+oo' a?ter pinnin) him 'own an' p*nchin) him in the mo*th repeate'+y 5 =ittorio J=ictorAK 1man*e+e *n'o*@te'+y hear' a@o*t this 4 he was o@sessi(e a@o*t +earnin) e(ery 'etai+ concernin) my +i?e an' e??ectin) e(ents in my +i?e ?rom a?ar thro*)h the actions o? other Ita+ians an' their chi+'ren. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 my )ir+?rien' 3anie++e 7*shman was rape' whi+e at schoo+ '*rin) a Sat*r'ay 3etention in Mr. Sa+(oAs Sat*r'ay 3etention 5 the rapists were reporte' to me to ha(e @een =ittorio 1man*e+e4 Mr. Sa+(o 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a?ter Mr. Sa+(o )rante' them access to the schoo+. #o@ert #o'on Dept tracD o? a++ in?ormation concernin) my +i?e an' reporte' it to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e < 9ristin Si>emore an' 3an ;*cD+ey o?ten reporte' in?ormation to =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as 'i' 9y+e Howar' report in?ormation to ;rian 7ase who in?orme' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e who reporte' to his ?ather a@o*t my se+? an' others. 1' .arrachi :arren was seen writin) 'own n*m@ers on a ye++ow pa' o? paper n*mero*s times < at ?irst it appeare' as i? he was taDin) notes to remin' himse+? to 'o thin)s 4 now it is o@(io*s that he was writin) 'own +icense p+ate n*m@ers an' te+ephone n*m@ers. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren ma'e +ists o? the +icense p+ates o? racia++y Israe+i peop+e an' Bews whom appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar as we++ as in'i(i'*a+s whom he @e+ie(e' may ha(e arri(e' to speaD to me. In'i(i'*a+s whoAs +icense p+ates I @e+ie(e 1' :arren ha' written 'own are 5 ;arry :einstein whom was the Bewish #a@@i 4 MarD P*cDer@er) o? .ace@ooD4 Samantha ;ernstein whom was the Nash*a +awyer A'am ;ernsteinAs sister 4 Michae+ Smith o? the U+?ar o? Bera 2heo' Asatr* Din're' 4 Michae+ Bohnston an Asatr*ar 4 3ean 9amen whom was an in(entor who +i(e' a ?ew mi+es ?rom my parentsA MerrimacD NewHampshire resi'ence across the town+ine in ;e'?or' NewHampshire4 an mi''+e a)e' A>tec man o? a name *nDnown to my se+? 4 my ?rien' Mo++y Go''ar' 4 Peter Stee+eAs ?rien'As neice ?rom NewBersey 4 more than one Asatr*ar 4 two o+'er mi''+e a)e' ma+es whom were Bewish 4 #a)nar 9ar+sonAs ?ami+y whom were Ice+an'ic 4 ;en $in'@er) whom was a 3e*tsche American I ha' atten'e' the same mi''+e schoo+ as4 Bosh Go+'en whom I ha' atten'e' the same schoo+ as 4 ;ra' Sa@+e whom was a Bewish ?rien' o? mine 4 ;rian Sweet whom was a ?rien' o? mine ?rom MerrimacD NewHamphire4 Bosh He@ert whom was a ?rien' ?rom MerrimacD4 a )oth )ir+ with +on) @+on'e hair whom I +ater went to Manray in 7am@ri')e Massach*settes with 4 my A*nt $es+ie whom +i(e' in Manchester 4 a E0 year o+' L*e@ecois woman whom I spoDe with a ?ew times who seeme' to Dnow Ben ;ea*'in 4 a man Anthony 3e.eo tho*)ht was :hitey ;*+)er 4 G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs @rother 4 a woman whom +ooDe' +iDe Banet Napo+itano an' whom appeare' to @e shoppin) with her nephew. I @e+ie(e mem@ers o? MarD P*cDer@er)As ?ami+y may ha(e @een attacDe' an' may @e tar)ette' ?or rep+acement @y espiona)e a)ents '*e to his acc*m*+ate' wea+th as we++ as the ?act that he is Bewish an' +i(e' in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. . :hi+e +i(in) at 38" Haywar' Street Apartment V3 < te+e(ision shows aire' '*rin) the year 200%

which @oth portraye' scenarios re+e(ant to the ?*t*re p+ans o? .i+As an' =ittorioAs as we++ as scenarios which @ecame o@session o? .i+As an' =ittorioAs '*e to their constant ea(es 'roppin) o? my apartment at 38" Haywar' Street Apartment V3. 3*rin) the year 200%4 I mentione' to Sahn'ra my @e+ie? that Gthe I++*minatiG which Henry MaDow an' I ha' @rie?+y 'isc*sse' that Henry ha' p*@+ishe' artic+es a@o*t < ha' p*@+ishe' me'ia an' pro'*ce' mo(ies that ?oresha'owe' their own attacDs an' crimes ?or p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) witnesses @y maDin) them appear as schi>ophrenic an' as 'i++*siona++y ima)inin) themse+(es as rea+ +i?e characters ?rom mo(ies an' @ooDs as schi>otypa+ in'i(i'*a+s o?ten 'o. In'i(i'*a+s s*ch as .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 whom ha(e mi++ions o? 'o++ars accessi@+e to them which are o?? recor' 5 ha(e the a@i+ity to ?*n' speci?ic me'ia an' s*rro*n' e(en one (ictim o? theirs with propa)an'a in me'ia 4 'irect+y speci?ica++y at their tar)et (ictim as Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are ?or the p*rpose o? 'esta@+i>in) the in'i(i'*a+As psycho+o)y an' 'iscre'itin) them as a witness to them crime which was committe' *pon them. 2his wo*+' @e the case 4 ?or instance 5 i? .i+ 1man*e+e wante' to escape n*mero*s A))ra(ate' .e+onio*s SeC*a+ Assa*+t o? a Minor char)es ?i+e' a)ainst him @y one (ictim. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs acti(ities in(o+(in) 2errorism an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity o?ten in(o+(e ?orsha'owin) in me'ia < ?or instance4 there was an episo'e o? a te+e(ision show which aire' in the +ate 1""0As that portraye' a terrorist attacD a+most i'entica+ to the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 3*rin) 200% an' 20054 two te+e(ision shows aire' which a+so seeme' to ha(e 'one this 5 the ?irst episo'e was the @e)inin) o? A ?o*r episo'e se)ment o? a season o? a te+e(ision series in(o+(in) 2errorism an' 7rime In(esti)ation. 3*rin) this episo'e i @e+ie(e that a character mentione' seC tra??icDin). 2he openin) scene o? the secon' episo'e @e)ins with a )ir+ whom ha' )otten a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace rippe' o*t o? the @acD o? her sD*++ at her necD. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was attache' to her Me'*+a 0@+on)ata an' ha' @een @ein) *se' @y a 2errorist to contro+ her. 2hese were @ein) *se' to SeC 2ra??icD women 4 m*r'er ci(i+ians @y metho's s*ch as ?orcin) a man to Io) into ?ast mo(in) a*tomoti(e tra??icD 4 an' ca*se 2errorist AttacDs. At the en' o? the thir' episo'e 4 in(esti)ations res*+te' in openin) a 'oor in a room which is ?i++e' with mechanica+ contraptions that are connecte' seH*entia++y an' react to one another +iDe chemistry < the cata+yst that @e)ins the c+ocDworD mechanica+ chain o? reactions @e)ins with a mar@+e @ein) re+ease' ?rom a )*m@a++ machine which ca*ses a 'omino e??ect that tri))ers ra'io ?reH*ency transmissions that 'etonate eCp+osi(es a++ o(er the p+anet4 create e+ectronic chain reactions4 tri))er Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence Ne*roScience So?tware 2ransmissions to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 an' Di++ peop+e restraine' in traps simi+ar to the mo(ie Saw. It is pro@a@+e that this te+e(ision episo'e was an inspiration ?or .i+ 1man*e+e concernin) e+ectronic crime. 7*rrent+y4 tho*san's o? 7i(i+ians ha(e ;7Is in their @rains. At the en' o? the ?o*rth episo'e o? this te+e(ision show 4 the se)ment o? this series was conc+*'e' with .;I A)ents an' a Swat 2eam enterin) a @*i+'in) an' ?in'in) a terroristAs +ocation 5 enterin) a room he is in to +ocate him an' 'isco(er the terrorist +eanin) @acD as+eep in a chair with an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met on his hea'. 2he man in this episo'e whom was the G+o@a+ 2errorist +ooDe' i'entica+ to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7re'it 7ar' ho+'er whom p*rchase' 7+eanin) S*pp+ies at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200%. 2his man was a@o*t the same hei)ht as ;aracD 0@ama an' was o? primari+y Ita+ian as we++ as possi@+y Port*)ese or .ranDic race.

A+so '*rin) 200% < Mosta?a I@nSa*' was connecte' with a mo(ie caster whom caste' him in the ro+e o? @ein) a crime carte+ so+'ier character in a mo(ie4 his characterAs name was Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' he was caste' as 5 GMosta?a I@nSa*' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'G. I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs me'ia connections in mo(ie pro'*ction are what .i++i@erto 1man*e+e *se' to )et Mosta?a I@nSa*' the ro+e as the 7arte+ So+'ier4 .i+As @rother 3.B. asDe' .i+ a@o*t this ro+e in 200% whi+e in #ye NewHampshire. 3*rin) this mo(ie Mosta?a *ses two ?ire arms which ha(e +ater @een seen in the possession o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers in Manchester NewHamphire 5 these )*ns were @ein) Dept in a )reen tote crate which was p*rchase' at :a+ Mart. 2hese men are c*rrent+y +i(in) as Pach An'rosDi an' Nate An'rosDi an' are imposte*rs o? @oth. 3*rin) the year 200" an' 2010 4 Nate An'rosDiAs imposte*r appeare' on .ace@ooD in photo)raphs ho+'in) the )*ns.2here were )*n tra??icDers @*ste' in the re)ion an' a+so were there (i'eo)raphe' me'ia se)ments 'isp+aye' on te+e(isions to speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s as inter*pte' transmissions which @roa'caste' a+tere' se)ments o? news reports which 'escri@e' e(ents in(o+(in) )*n tra??icDin) an' terrorism that ha' not ?act*a+ occ*re' yet. I @e+ie(e this hacDin) o? the te+e(ision @roa'castin) was an attempt at ?oresha'owin) a ?act*a+ e(ent which ha' @een p+anne' an' was @ein) 'epicte' in a speci?ic manner so as to e(ent*a++y ?rame some@o'y speci?ic ?or @oth the e(ent an' the comp*ter hacDin) o? the entertainment ser(er. 3*rin) @oth mo(ies < Mosta?a appeare' in this mo(ie wearin) his *s*a+ c+othin) 5 he was wearin) a @*r)*n'y two pocDete' co++are' po+o sty+e shirt with @*ttons at the necD 4 @+acD Ieans 4 an' @+acD +eather ?oot wear. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As character was Di++e' in one o? these mo(ies whi+e r*nnin) 'irect+y at the camera ?irin) a pisto+ an' a )*n which is simi+ar to an U>i @*t is +ar)er an' has a @arre+ attachment on it. An imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' was +ater *se' to ?i+m (i'eos o? women @ein) horri@+y a@*se' which were *p+oa'e' to the internet4 '*rin) which the imposte*r is wearin) the same c+othes as Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?rom the mo(ie that he was in an' a sDimasD. 2hese imposte*r was a+most 'e?inite to @e Geor)e 7atsopo*+os. N*mero*s ?rien's o? mine 4 whi+e +i(in) in ;oston Massach*settes 5 met Mosta?a I@nSa*'. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e intentiona++y in(ite' Mosta?a I@nSa*' to ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) 200% 4 2005 4 200E 4 200! 4 2008 4 an' 200" 5 this is now *n'erstoo' to ha(e @een ?or the eCtreme+y o@(io*s reason o? attemptin) to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' *sin) recor'e' 'ata re+e(ant to +ocation an' time. N*mero*s ?rien's o? mine met Mosta?a I@nSa*' whi+e he was spen'in) +eis*re time in ;oston Massach*settes. 3*rin) the years 2005 4 200E 4 200! 4 2008 4 an' 200" < n*mero*s episo'es o? 2a+D Shows s*ch as Berry Sprin)er 4 Ma*ry Po(ich 4 Monte+ :i++iams 4 an' others 5 portraye' scenarios in(o+(e' SeC 0??enses 4 Maimin) 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 M*r'ers 4 an' ;r*ta+ity which ?orsha'owe' the 1man*e+esA p+anne' an' choreo)raphe' :ar #ape 4 :ar Maimin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Genoci'e 4 an' other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which the 1man*e+esA ha' p+anne' '*rin) the year 200%. 2here were a+so instances o? 2a+D Shows @ein) '*@@e' o(er with a*'io an' animation at +ocations s*ch as MerrimacD NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire. 2his ?oresha'owin) o? :ar 7rimes in me'ia pro(es preme'itation an' pre empti(e choreo)raphin) o? the 1man*e+esA :ar 7rimes. :hi+e at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire < a ta+D show episo'e aire' that may ha(e @een e'ite' @y a 7omp*ter HacDer hacDin) the 7omcast 1ntertainment Ser(er 7omp*ter 5 this episo'e o? a 2a+D Show 'epicte' a yo*n) +a'y who ha' scars aro*n' her mo*th @eca*se she was a@'*cte' an' rape' @y SeC 2ra??icDers who sewe' her mo*th sh*t 4 this was the same scenario that the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi an' the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' 'isc*sse' in 200!. 2he secon' se)ment o? this 2a+D Show 'epicte' a

yo*n) +a'y who ha' @een mo+este' @y 5 men who ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)erie' their ?aces to +ooD +iDe her ?ather an' ha' Di++e' her ?ather an' +i(e' in her ho*se rapin) her thro*)ho*t her entire chi+'hoo'. 2he news co(era)e o? the Miss America pa)eant was a+so e'itte' @y a 7omp*ter HacDer.

3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e?eo ma'e it o@(io*s that they were p+annin) to attempt to ?rame some@o'y as a patsy ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ar 7rimes in North America concernin) he an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs crimes in re+ation to what happene' with 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A 4 :ater)ate 4 an' other Ita+ian A6IS .ascist 7rime Syn'icate re+ate' :ar 7rimes an' #.I.7.0. (io+ations in North America. 1'As an' AnthonyAs con(ersations re)ar'in) this ?oc*se' on *sin) a ScapeGoat as an A+i@i ?or 7rimes A)ainst H*manity committe' '*rin) the GG+o@a+ :ar on 2errorG a)ainst the GACis o? 1(i+G as Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh ha' ca++e' it. 2he :ar 7rimes which =ittorio an' .i+ were tryin) to 'istance themse+(es ?rom seeme' to inc+*'e somethin) in(o+(in) the " 11 2errorist AttacD @*t a+so inc+*'e' past 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime #.I.7.0. (io+ations ?rom =ittorioAs past an' ?*t*re 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' :ar 7rimes they ha' p+anne' to commit. It is important to note that the GG+o@a+ :ar on 2error a)ainst the ACis o? 1(i+G inc+*'e' the wor's GG+o@a+G 4 G:arG4 an' GACisG 5 this termino+o)y @ein) re+ate' to the concept o? :or+' :ar 3 o? ACis =s. A++ies a)ain ?or reasons that the " 11 2errorist AttacD may ha(e @een .a+se .+a))e' an' the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?enseAs Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment ha' a +acD o? in?ormation re)ar'in) the comp+ete .action which ha' 'ec+are' war *pon *s < ?or this reason it was an' sti++ is necessary to Deep the possi@i+ity that the " 11 2errorist AttacD was the @e)inin) o? :or+' :ar 3 as an open possi@i+ity that the A6IS .action co*+' @e p+annin) a 7o(ert :ar ?or G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' G+o@a+ Uni?ication. It was @e+ie(e' that the GA6ISG ha' p+anne' a Pre 1mpti(e :ar?are 7ampai)n o? 7o(ert ;+acD0ps 2error AttacDs an' Sa@ota)e ?or p*rpose o? e+iminatin) the most ?ormi'i@+e o? ?oes pre empti(e+y 4 @e?ore wa)in) an 0(ert :ar ?or G+o@a+ 1Cpansion 5 ?or this reason the termino+o)y was +e?t ?+eCi@+e. 3*rin) the :ar on 2error 4 the me'ia in the U.S.A. an' 1*rope @ein) promotin) the :ar on 2error as i? it was a :ar on the re+i)ion o? Is+am < '*rin) this time4 =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' ?or their :ar 7rimes in NorthAmerica which were committe' in synchronicity with 0sama ;in$a'enAs war a)ainst the U.S.A. . .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs +on) time ?rien' Mosta?a I@nSa*'4 whom ha' pre(io*s+y @een mentione' @y .i+ in 200% whi+e we were in #ye NewHampshire < @ecame the imme'iate tar)et o? an attempt to ?rame the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' ?or reason o? his ?ami+ia+ re+ation to the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia whom is his 'istant co*sin. .i+ 1man*e+e ma'e it o@(io*s in 200% that he ha' n*mero*s A6IS connections. .or p*rpose o? hi'in) the 1man*e+esA connections to the A6IS an' the A6IS o? 1(i+ whom ha' anonymo*s+y 'ec+are' war *pon the USA 5 .i+ 1man*e+e nee'e' an a+i@i to +ea' in(esti)ations away ?rom his 7rimina+ 2errorist accomp+ices whom were a??i+iates o? the in'i(i'*a+s who carrie' o*t the " 11 2errorist AttacD. .or the reason o? his 7*+t*ra+ Pro?i+e 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' was chosen as .i+As ScapeGoat A+i@i < this is e(i'ence that Mosta?a I@nSa*' Dnows .i+ 1man*e+e an' possi@+y a )*i+ty accomp+ice o? .i+As @*t that Mosta?a himse+? is innocent o? these crimes4 is +aw a@i'in) 4 is not tr*ste' @y .i+ 1man*e+e 4 an' is an eCpen'a@+e ScapeGoat A+i@i whom .i+As A6IS .action chose to attempt to sacri?ice ?or p*rpose o?

mis'irectin) in(esti)ations. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is an Ara@ian whom was +i(in) in Morrocco '*rin) 200% an' a ?ami+ia+ re+ati(e o? Sa*'i an' 0ttoman roya+ty 4 .i+ 1man*e+e o@(io*s+y 'eci'e' that Mosta?a wo*+' maDe the per?ect a+i@i @eca*se Mosta?a @ein) arreste' ?or .i+As terrorist wo*+' @e what .i+ ca++e' a Gc+ose sha(eG. 2his Gc+ose sha(eG was consi'ere' necessary @y .i+ 4 to eCp+ain an a+ternate scenario o? a+i@i which wo*+' pro(i'e an eCc*se ?or .i+ 1man*e+e ha(in) acH*aintances who Dnew 2a+i@an Associates an' 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+s ?rom Mosta?a I@nSa*'As re)iona+ home+an'. Mosta?aAs i'entity is a+so a Gc+ose sha(eG to .i+As 5 Mosta?aAs ancestor was the si@+in) o? the +ast 1mperor o? the 0ttoman 1mpire 4 this @ein) an entity a++ie' to the A6IS '*rin) @oth the 1st :or+' :ar an' the 2n' :or+' :ar. .or reason that Mosta?a I@nSa*' was (iewe' as eCpen'i@+e @y .i+i@erto 1man*e+e whom was p+ottin) to @etray his +on) time G?rien'G Mosta?a an' ?rame Mosta?a ?or .i+As own crimes 5 I 'o not @e+ie(e that Mosta?a is o? 0ttoman A6IS .action nor ha(e I seen any e(i'ence that Mosta?a is in(o+(e' in an A6IS .action or any 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+ Acti(ity s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) or H*man =i(isection. .i+ 1man*e+e is a @r*ta+ terrorist crime +or' an' a 'is)*stin) miso)ynist. Mosta?a I@nSa*' was ?irst mentione' to me whi+e I was in #ye NewHampshire wa+Din) to #ye ;each with .i+ 1man*e+e an' the other peop+e whom were with *s. .i+ state' that I remin'e' him a+ot o? his ?rien' Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 so m*ch that it was stran)e. I asDe' .i+ i? Mosta?a +iDe' ;+acD Meta+. .i+ 1man*e+e state' that he 'i' not @e+ie(e that Mosta?a +istene' to any Meta+ m*sic @eca*se he is Ara@ic @*t that Mosta?a +iDe' 1+ectronic m*sic an' was pro@a@+e to +iDe some o? the 1+ectronic m*sic that I enIoye' +istenin) to. I mentione' to .i+ 1man*e+e that there was an IraHi ;+acD Meta+ @an' an' that it is possi@+e that there is an Ara@ian ;+acD Meta+ @an' or a Moroccan ;+acD Meta+ @an' that Mosta?a may ha(e hear' < ?or this reason 4 Mosta?a an' my se+? were @ein) ca++e' 2he Iron SheiDs @y .i+i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3anie+ Bames to their ?rien' +ater. 2he Iron SheiD is a :.:... Pro?essiona+ :rest+er who is Dnown ?or speaDin) h*moro*s o@scenities an' ha(in) @oth a +o(e an' a hatre' ?or Bews as a ?ictiona+ persona. 2he most ?amo*s Iron SheiD wrest+in)s matches ha(e @een the Iron SheiD =s. H*+D Ho)an an' the Iron SheiD =s. the Mi)hty Macca@ee < the most ?amo*s H*otes o? the Iron SheiDAs are G;rian ;+air ...yo* are a ?a))ot 4 no )oo' 4 +ow +i?e. I am )oin) to +et yo* Dnow that yo* are a p*nD 4 ?a) 4 )ay ... who is worse than Michae+ BacDson. He is worse than Michae+ BacDson ... an' I am )oin) to )i(e him the 7ame+ 7+*tch 4 p*t him in the S*p+eC 4 @reaD his @acD 4 then ?*cD his ass an' maDe him h*m@+eNG 4 G;acD ;acD+*n is a cheap Bew son o? a @itchNG 4 G 1(ery inte++i)ent Bew in the wor+' has @et on Mi)hty Macca@ee.G 4 GI +o(e Bewish peop+eN I +o(e e(ery inte++i)ent BewNG . Iron SheiD was inten'e' to @e a name @y which to ins*+t my se+? an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom a+so ha' (ery +on) hair '*rin) 200% as 'i' my se+? ?or reason that a+ot o? Hea(y Meta+ m*sicians ha(e +on) hair 4 iron is a Din' o? meta+ 4 an' Ara@ian SheiDs 'onAt typica+ write ;+acD Meta+ m*sic. Mosta?a I@nSa*' was +ater ?a+se+y 'ec+are' to ha(e @ecome a Satanist mem@er o? the :or+' :i'e 7h*rch o? Satan o? Anton $a=eyAs < this was state' @y a ?ema+e' whom was an o@(io*s SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs '*rin) 2005 whi+e wa+Din) into .ami+y 3o++ar. ;+acD Meta+ m*sicians o?ten miC Satanic or Horror ima)ery with their m*sica+ per?ormances or other a+@*m artworD. :hen I met Nina Hansen in Massach*settes '*rin) 1""" 5 we met at a M*sica+ 7oncert 4 there was a 3eath Meta+ @an' at the concert ca++e' Gthe Iron SheiDsG. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?rien' Bason was at the Iron SheiDAs concert in :orcester Massach*settes. #o@ert #o'on Dnew BasonAs ?ami+y as we++ as the 1man*e+e ?ami+y 4 Bason is re+ate' to a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. #o@ert #o'onAs ?a(orite ::. :rest+ers were the

Un'ertaDer an' the Iron SheiD. #o@ #o'on met with a )ro*p o? men who are core o? the A6IS .action '*rin) the year 1""5 whi+e at a Hote+ on the Massach*settes an' New/orD @or'er < these men were o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' 4 an' some others 5 this Hote+ may ha(e @een a Marriot. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather was present '*rin) this meetin). 3*rin) the year 200% < the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their accomp+ices amon)st the Ho*se o? Aosta conspire' to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes 5 this was spoDe o? at .ami+y 3o++ar @y 1' -.arrachi8 :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo as we++ as o(er the te+ephone @y 1' :arren an' others. 1' :arrenAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone was in his pocDet '*rin) m*ch o? his time worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 this Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone was +ocate' at the same G.P.S. $ocation as .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' the recor's o? s*ch are accessi@+e @y the 3epartment o? 3e?ense Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment. 3*rin) these 'isc*ssions < 1' :arren mentione' that e(i'ence o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs SeC 0??enses 4 :ar 7rimes 4 ;r*ta+ity 4 an' SeC 0??enses wo*+' @e +ater +eaDe' ?rom .e'era+ an' Mi+itary Go(ernment recor's to @e *se' as propa)an'a an' re+ease' +iDe a Ho+oca*st 3oc*mentary 5 it was state' that this wo*+' in?*riate the p*@+ic concernin) the Ho*se o? Sa*' an' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wo*+' @e (iewe' as heroes +ater whi+e the I@nSa*' ?ami+y wi++ @e hate' )+o@a++y. 0? re+ation to .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs conspiracy to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 is a con(ersation which I ha' with 1' :arren concernin) ;aphomet an' BacH*es 3eMo+ay o? the 2emp+ar 9ni)hts 5 '*rin) this con(ersation I eCp+aine' that the ori)ina+ meanin) o? the ;aphomet sym@o+ was a Semitic ;a@y+onian 3eity an' that the Pope '*rin) BaH*es 3e Mo+ayAs +i?e was in'e@te' to BacH*es 3eMo+ay ?inancia++y an' the 2emp+ar 9ni)hts ?inancia++y '*e to n*mero*s ?a(o*rs which they ha' 'one ?or the Pope an' ?or Pi+)rims in +ie* o? char)e4 the Pope an' a n*m@er o? in'e@te' Aristocrats ?rame' BacH*es 3eMo+ay with acc*sations o? G'e(i+ worshipG c+aimin) that BacH*es 3eMo+ay an' his Dni)hts ha' ?a++en to worship o? ;aphomet an' other 'e(i+s when in ?act the 2emp+ars ha' worDe' as @o'y)*ar's an' arme' escorts o? Pi+)rams an' Aristocrats witho*t pay 5 inten'in) to @e pai' at a +ater 'ate. 2he ?ramin) o? BaH*es 3e Mo+ay an' some o? the other mi+itant monDs whom were 2emp+ar 9ni)hts an' c+ose associates o? his res*+te' in their @ein) G@*rnt at the staDeG or in other wor' ;*rnt at a Pyre s*ch as Boan 0? Arc was. ;aphomet was ori)ina++y a 'iety o? ;a@y+onian ?o+D re+i)ion an' was not ?act*a++y a 'e(i+ or e(en a 'eity eH*ata@+e with what 7hristians ca++ $*ci?er or Satan. ;a@y+on was +ocate' in the Mi''+e 1ast near present 'ay IraH. 3*rin) 2005 < a yo*n) woman whom was o@(io*s+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim an' a =ictim o? .i+As an' 7esareAs 4 wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar an' eCc+aime' +o*'+y an' in a manner that so*n'e' eCtreme+y rehearse' 5 Gthe 7h*rch o? Satan I*st recr*ite' Mosta?a I@nSa*'N His co*sin is Sa*'i Ara@ian roya+tyN 2hese )*ys are )oin) to )et so h*)eNG as i? she were eCtreme+y happy a@o*t this. 2wo weeDs prior to this woman enterin) the store an' eCcite'+y eCc+aimin) that Anton $a=eyAs G7h*rch o? SatanG ha' recr*ite' Mosta?a I@nSa*' < I ha' (isite' the :or+'wi'e 7h*rch o? Satan o? Anton $a(eyAs :e@site on the Internet an' was rea'in) their we@site 5 this was watche' @y the comp*ter hacDers whom worDe' ?or the 1man*e+es an' pro@a@+y @y 1' :arren. 7esare 4 whom was worDin) c+ose+y with 1' .arrachi :arren an' the 1man*e+es < was nicDname' G3ia@+oG in 7*@a ?or reason o? the eCtremity o? the (io+ence which 7esare committe' '*rin) his SeC 0??enses. G3ia@+oG means G3e(i+G. It seems pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs p+an to ?rame a patsy a+i@i ?or their own crimes was ?or the reason o? sa(in) the rep*tation o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or p*rpose o? +ater

attemptin) to rec+aim the 7rown o? Ita+ia ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy has @een eCi+e' ?rom any position o? Aristrocracy in Ita+ia 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was ?orce' to re+inH*ish their c+aimancy to the 7rown o? Ita+ia an' accept citi>enship as simp+e 7iti>enry o? Ita+ia @arin) no 2it+e or +ea(e Ita+ia in 1Ci+e. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 a ?ema+e o? Irish race who sometimes shoppe' at .ami+y 3o++ar an' was a 'e?inite SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate 5 entere' the store an' +o*'+y eCc+aime' J2hey ma'e the Ma?ia 3on the hea' o? the 7IAN 2hese )*ys can 'o anythin)NK. 2his is the same ?ema+e that spoeD the wor's J2he 7h*rch o? Satan I*st recr*ite' Mosta?a I@nSa*'N His co*sin is Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+tyN 2hese )*ys are )oin) to )et so h*)eNK. 2his ?ema+e was o@(io*s+y or'ere' to state these thin)s +o*'+y ?or p*rpose o? recor'in) them into the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s an' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 11G transmissions present 4 ?or p*rpose o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs attempte' a+i@i o? ?ramin) a Satanist 7rime Syn'icate ?or his own G+o@a+ A6IS 2errorism 4 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime 5 Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather is a s*@or'inate A6IS $or' 4 aDin to an *n'er@oss o? the Ara@ian A6IS .action an' is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs partner whoAs associates cooperati(e p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' the :ar on 2error 4 inc+*'in) =ittorio 1man*e+e. $eon Panneta is 9ristin Si>emoreAs *nc+e. 9ristin Si>emore is ;rian 7aseAs co*sin. ;rian 7ase is 3e@@ie 3*montAs co*sin. Another ?ami+ia+ +ine o? re+ation that is important to note is that Ga@rie+ 3AAn*n>io is co*sin o? @oth #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' Ga@rie+ 3AAn)e+o as we++ as 9ate 7hristiano 4 9ate 7hristiano is co*sin o? Ste?ani .o>ere++i 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o is co*sin o? $orie Poten>a an' Pete Poten>a 4 $orie Poten>a is co*sin o? 7hristina .aerio+o an' ;rent .aerio+o as we++ as 9e(in .aerio+o 4 $orie Poten>a is the eC wi?e o? 3an ;*cD+eyAs an' Sean ;*cD+eyAs *nc+e 4 the ;*cD+ey ?ami+y are re+ate' to ;r*ce ;*cD+ey an' the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y 4 J3ia@+oK is a co*sin o? the 7atsopo*+os ?ami+y an' may @e a co*sin o? the imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom was witnesse' in ;oston Massach*settes n*mero*s times 4 1' :arren whom is a+so otherwise Dnown as 1' .arrachi is the co*sin o? @oth ;r*ce ;*cD+ey an' 2heo'ore ;an)s as we++ as 3e@@ie 3*mont 4 ;r*ce ;*cD+ey is the co*sin o? 3a(e ;ri'o an' 3a(e ;ri'o is the man who 'r*))e' my ?ather with se'ati(es in 1""! an' assiste' $orie Poten>a an' Gra>>io+i to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my ?atherAs crani*m 4 2heo'ore ;an)s is $ynn ;an)sAs co*sin 4 $ynn ;an)s is #o@ert #o'onAs eC wi?e 4 #o@ert #o'on is 7hris 2homasAs @io+o)ica+ motherAs 3r' co*sin 4 7hris 2homas is =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs son. Ha+? o? these in'i(i'*a+s are 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Mosta?a I@nSa*' is the ?ormer @est ?rien' o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e who is a Prince o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 I am the ?ormer @est ?rien' o? 7hristopher #o'on whom is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I an' is the son o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homasAs @io+o)ica+ motherAs 3r' co*sin. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 my ?ather an' MarD ;antis were in(ite' to 3a(e ;ri'oAs ho*se < '*rin) which 4 3a(e ;ri'o 'r*))e' their @eer with se'ati(es an' a++owe' $orie Poten>a4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 an' Gra>>io+i to enter his home an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? my ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson an' his ?rien' MarD ;antis. MarD ;antis Dnew ;onnie Um@ro. ;onnie Um@ro is Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin. Bason ;e++more is the )ran'son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs motherAs A*strian co*sin an' is a co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta o? A*stria. =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs )ran' nephew an' is the )ran' son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother who was

the 9in) o? Ita+ia 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 3*rin) the 1"80As =ittorio 1man*e+e attemptin) the @+ame JSatanic #it*a+ A@*seK ?or the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs a@*se o? ci(i+ians ?rom within the ranDs o? P#0B172 M9U$2#A. A Satanic 7*+t scare in the me'ia was starte'. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that the J9U$2K in M9U+tra was pro@a@+e inspirationa+ in the 'ecision to @+ame a ASatanic 9*+tK as we++ as possi@+y an i'ea to attach the terimono+o)y J2r* 9(+t ;+acDMeta+K to the ;+acD Meta+ s*@ )enre o? m*sic. In NewHampshire an' Massach*settes where many o? the 9ni)hts o? Sa(oy an' =ittorio 1man*e+e I= as we++ as =ittorioAs ?ami+y +i(e' 5 the = shape is present in many o? the stone car(in)s o? the names o? @*i+'in)s s*ch as JNASH=A 7I2/ HA$$K in the stea' o? a mo'ern U shape ?or the U +etter. J2r*K as a shortene' ?orm o? the wor' J2r*eK appears ressem@+ant o? the J2r*K in Asatr* < Asatr* is a re+i)ion that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e hate an' ha(e (oca++y spoDen their hatre' o?. 2his attempt at an a+i@i has c*+minate' in the Ho*se o? Sa(oy Deepin) connections to ;+acD Meta+ 4 3eath Meta+ 4 an' other Hea(y Meta+ m*sica+ )enres inc+*'in) #ecor' $a@e+s an' Promoters as we++ as St*'io M*sicians s*ch as #o@ert #o'on who ha(e recor'e' se)ments o? m*sic ?or @an's that were p*t to)ether as what Banet Napo+itanoAs co*sin $in'say Garo?ano ca++e' JA6IS ;an'sK. It is 'e?inite that imposte*rs o? in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een si)hte' < an imposte*r o? J3arD 2hroneAsK Gi+(re .enris who is Port*)ese an' Ita+ian race 4 approCimate+y ten imposte*rs o? J;*r>*mAsK J9risten =ar) =iDernesK who are o? miCe' $om@ar'ic Ita+ian racia+ herita)e an' other 1*ropi' races 4 an imposte*r o? 1mperorAs Ihsahn who is miCe' $om@ar'ic Ita+ian an' Irish race 5 a++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s were ?act*a++y o? Norwe)ian race. A $om@ar'ic Ita+ian imposte*r o? J7ra'+e o? .i+thAsK 3anie+ 3a(ies has a+so @een si)hte' 5 3anie+ J3ani .i+thK 3a(ies is An)+o Gae+ic entire+y 4 comp+ete+y o? ;ritish race. 2his is o@(io*s+y occ*rrin) '*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs to ?rame Hea(y Meta+ M*sic an' a ?a@ricate' JSatanic 7*+tK in the me'ia ?or his own 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 SeC 0??enses 4 an' :ar 7rimes 4 as we++ as his own in(o+(ement in 2errorist Internationa+ 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' the A6IS .action which is a 2errorist G+o@a+ist .action. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 $in'sey Garo?ano in?orme' me that ;*r>*m was an A6IS proIect n' that the man who they preten'e' was the m*sician @ehin' ;U#PUM was ?act*a++y a Norwe)ian who was ?rame' ?or the m*r'er o? his own @est ?rien' an' a ch*rch arson that the A6IS committe' to ?rame him 5 the reason ?or this @ein) that the man ha' ta+De' a@o*t somethin) that the A6IS 'i'. 2his man was the Norwe)ian J=iDin)K wearin) the J1mperorK @an' t shirt that I saw in 7ana'a whom ha' o(erhear' my ?ather an' I 'isc*ssin) the ?act that the 9in) o? Ita+ia =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother an' that A'o+? Hit+er was not Nor'ic 4 he was Ita+ian with a sma++ amo*nt o? A*strian ancestry on his motherAs si'e. #o@ert #o'on recor'e' m*ch o? the )*itar worD ?or ;*r>*m '*rin) 1""5 4 I remem@er hearin) him recor' it in his @asement an' +istene' to a 'emo o? two o? the son)s in his +i(in)room an' in his car. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 4 my )ran'mother Pr*'ence MacPherson ha' to+' me that she watche' an inter(iew with Mahmo*' Ame'hinaIa' '*rin) which he eCp+aine' that his yo*n)er sister ha' @een a@'*cte' @y H*man 2ra??icDers when he was a yo*n) chi+' 5 i? this is tr*e 4 it is pro@a@+e that the SeC 2ra??icDers in the re)ions o? Iran 4 PaDistan 4 Morocco 4 an' Sa*'i Ara@ia 5 are =ittorio 1man*e+eAs own networDAs eCtensions in those re)ions an' are his A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs twin or)ani>ation past the so*thern shores o? the Me'iterranean Sea in North A?rica4 the Mi''+e 1ast4 an' towar's Greater In'ia. 2his is pro@a@+e to @e the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? the Ara@ian A6IS .action. SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) is the crimina+ @*siness o? Sa'ists 4 Socia+ 3arwinists 4 an' Me)a+omaniacs 5 this ?its the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? these attacDs an' the psycho+o)y which wo*+' @e reH*ire' to commit them. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother an' that his 'escen'ants are 7rime $or's o? a G+o@a+ SeC 2ra??icDin)

7rime Syn'icate en)a)e' in a :ar o? 2error an' ;r*ta+ity internationa++y 5 this is a Socia+ 3arwinist G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate with the inten'e' )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est to @e achei(e' @y any means possi@+e. 3*rin) the year 2012 4 an artic+e was poste' to the internet 'escri@in) #ichar' He+mAs 'a*)hter as ha(in) marrie' a Moroccan 5 this is e(i'ence o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e preparin) to attempt to ?rame some@o'y in Morocco ?or his own in(o+(ement in the A6IS 4 =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e I=As own a++iance with the Ara@ian A6IS .action 4 an' =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs own )*i+t concernin) the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces with G.P.S. #o*ters in H*man (ictimsA crani*ms an' the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs in(o+(ement with InterNationa+ SeC 2ra??icDin) inc+*'in) SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icates in the Mi''+e 1Ast an' other re)ions o? the Me'iterranean re)ion that ha(e networDe' in the Americas with the Ita+ian 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates an' the A6IS. 3*rin) Septem@er o? 200E 4 my Gran'mother Pr*'ence MacPherson recei(e' a threatenin) 2e+ephone 7a++ asDin) her i? she was )oin) ?or a wa+D any time in the near ?*t*re. It is @e+ie(e' @y some that this was the year that n*mero*s ?ema+es were a@'*cte' ?rom the ;e'?or' 7ommons apartment comp+eC o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs i'entities are (ery m*ch represente' amon)st some o? the in'i(i'*a+s whoAs crimina+ acti(ities are re+ate' to this 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate. 2here is a 'e?inite *n'er+yin) psycho+o)y within the ranDs o? the 0+i)archa+ pop*+ation which ha(e +or'ship o(er this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he i'entity o? some e+ements o? this 7rime Syn'icate seems to @e o@sesse' with #oman Imperia+ 7onH*est. U G3i(i'e an' 7onH*erG Imperia+ #omans *se' ?a+se ?+a) tactics an' 'ip+omatic insti)ation to insti)ate war?are @etween two ?orei)n nations ?or the p*rpose o? weaDenin) the mi+itaries o? @oth nations eno*)h ?or the #oman mi+itary to in(a'e an' conH*er one o? them. U Gthe #ape o? the IceniG the L*een o? the Iceni an' her 'a*)hters were a@'*cte' @y a )an) o? #oman 7enta*rions whom tie' them *p with rope 4 @r*ta++y rape' an' tort*re' them 4 an' ?orce' them to watch eachothers @r*ta+ rape an' tort*re occ*rin). .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate en)a)e in an initiation ceremonia+ rape as an initiation crime 5 this in(o+(es the tyin) o? a ?ema+e with rope 4 ?o++owe' @y ho*rs o? tort*re 4 an' repeate' rape. 2hese ?ema+es are repeate'+y assa*+te' 4 a@'*cte' 4 an' tort*re' repeate'. 0ther initiation crimes in(o+(e )ro*p rape o? in'i(i'*a+ women which in(o+(es the act o? ?o*r men rapin) one woman. .o*r nai+s were *se' to cr*ci?y Bes*s< a+so4 cr*ci?iCions o?ten reH*ire' ?o*r #omans to commit the eCec*tion . 3*rin) the year 2005 5 #osa 'escri@e' to Mar)e an attacD in Manchester which in(o+(e' ?o*r )an)sters tyin) *p a man an' ?orcin) him to watch his )ir+?rien' )et tie' *p an' rape' @y the two )an)sters twice in pairs. 2hese )an)sters were .i+ 1man*e+es associates. U Gthe #ape o? the Sa@inesG when the pre'ecessors o? the #oman 1mpire ?irst arri(e' in the re)ion o? Ita+ia Nar@onesis < they were a pop*+ation o? mi+itari+y arme' Ma+es +acDin) a .ema+e pop*+ation 4 +acDin) sDi++e' artisans an' en)ineers4 +acDin) priests an' scientists 4 an' +acDin) men o? +aw. Instea' o? o??erin) their ser(ices as a mercenary mi+itia *nit 4 the #omans @*i+t a ?ort an' waite' *nti+ their nei)h@ors were h*ntin). :hi+e the men o? the Sa@ines were h*ntin) < the #omans rai'e' their home+an' an' a@'*cte' the ?ema+es 4 carryin) them @acD to the ?ort o? #ome. 2hese ?ema+es were restraine' 4 rape' an' impre)nate' 4 an' Dept as #epro'*cti(e S+a(es. An a+ternate history o? this occ*rance was written @y the #omans which s*))este' that a?ter they rape' the women 4 the women wante' to stay with them an' to+' their h*s@an's they 'i' not want to ret*rn home. 2he :ar #apes an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? entire ?ami+iesA ?ema+e pop*+ation as we++ as entire re)iona+ pop*+ations inc+*'in) +ists o? racia+ tar)ets an' a)e )ro*ps resem@+es this eCtreme+y c+ose+y. U GSpintriaG an' the ;rothe+ ;*rro*)hs o? the #oman cities entire sections o? cities were 'esi)nate' to @e ;rothe+ S+a(e L*arters ?or S+a(es which were speci?ica++y 'esi)nate' to @e SeC S+a(e 7onc*@ina+ +i?e +on) SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. 2hese women an' sometimes ma+es were a@'*cte' ?rom nei)h@orin) nations an' were rape' ?or the rest o? their +i(es. the ?ema+esA o(aries were ca*teri>e' with

heate' poDers sDewer an' the ma+es were ne*tere'. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has contin*e' the acti(ities o? his ?ather =ittorio 5 the 1man*e+esA properties stea' ho+'ers ha(e @een *se' to p*rchase properties an' SeC 2ra??icDer Accomp+ices o? theirs ha(e a+so en)a)e' in the the @*siness o? Property Mana)ement. 2hese men ha(e pro(i'e' Deys to 7rime So+'iers o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e *se' these Deys to )ain entry to 'omici+es *nhin'ere' 4 ?or the p*rpose o? a@'*ctin) ?ema+es as we++ as repeate'+y rapin) them in their own homes. 2he Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartments which they ha(e in?i+trate' ha(e intentiona++y sa@ota)e' in(esti)ations 4 th*s hin'erin) $aw 1n?orcementsA a@i+ity to arrest these in'i(i'*a+s. 2his is terrorist in nat*re 4 it is 'e?inite :ar #ape < an' is 'esi)ne' to pro'*ce eCtreme Psycho+o)ica+ 2ra*ma in the women whom wo*+' @e the neCt )eneration o? wi(es 4 teachers 4 +awyers 4 po+ice o??icers 4 re+i)io*s +ea'ers 4 writers 4 po+iticians 4 artists 4 an' mothers o? the chi+'ren o? the comm*nity. A woman whom can not +i(e ?ree ?rom the constant pain o? @ein) repeate'+y rape' @y a race o? peop+e whom 'o not respect these women are in a position o? eCtreme oppression. 2he 1man*e+esA SeC 2ra??icDers are o?ten Property $an' +or's 4 Pharmace*tica+s as we++ as Hea+thcare worDers an' in(estors 4 ;*siness owners who own 1Cotic Strip 7+*@s 4 7ar 3ea+erships 4 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Pro(i'ers 4 7omp*ter HacDers whom worD ?or Internet Ser(ice Pro(i'ers 4 an' Hote+ owners. 2he most 'is)*stin) tr*th concernin) SeC 2ra??icDers an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDers is that they are o?ten accomp+ice to H*man =i(isectionists whom are *s*a++y a+so 0r)an 2ra??icDers an' #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDers. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action en)a)e in e(ery ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin) o? the .ema+es that are o? the ?ami+ies which they ha(e tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e 5 this is the opposite o? *sin) e(ery part o? the @o'y o? an anima+ that a h*nter has s+ain. 2he psycho+o)y o? the ma+es o? the 1man*e+e #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom ?or a +on) time +i(e' in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. 4 is the psycho+o)y o? a Poacher who h*nts 1n'an)ere' Species to the point o? eCtinction. 2he 1man*e+esA 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een rapin) entire re)ions o? pop*+ations 4 rapin) tenants o? their accomp+icesA properties 4 sa@ota)in) in(esti)ations 4 ens+a(in) ?ema+es 4 assassinatin) @y poisonin) to 'eath ma+es o? @io+o)ica+ re+ation to their ?ema+e (ictims 4 an' sta+Din) (ictims as we++ as 'estroyin) ?ami+ies o? (ictims whi+e repeat o??en'in) the same ?ami+ies. ;etween the years o? 2005 an' 2011 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico o? .+eetMaster 3e(e+opment )a(e 7esare G3ia@+oG an' other 2errorist Accomp+ices o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 5 Deys to apartments which his tenants ha' @een rentin) an' a++owe' them entry to these apartments. N*mero*s tenants were rape' 4 tenants )*ests were rape' 4 an' many tenants were a@'*cte'. 2here is e(i'ence +inDin) Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico to the rape an' a@'*ction o? 7+arissa ;erry whom has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r4 the a@'*ction o? Samantha G*ay 4 the a@'*ction o? An)e+iH*e ;oy' an' the rep+acement o? An)e+iH*e with an imposte*r whom is o@(io*s+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim 4 the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? the woman whom was ?orce' to imposte*r Samantha G*ay 4 the a@'*ction an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? Am@er #oy whom is a co*sin o? my co*sin Marco #oy 4 the rape o? Sean .air@anDAs eC )ir+?rien' Boanne 4 the rape o? =a+erie 0+son an' her rep+ace' @y m*+tip+e imposte*rs 4 as we++ as the a@'*ction o? my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson an' the rep+acement o? her @y two imposte*rs. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico insta++e' impro(ise' techno+o)y in the ?orm o? recor'in) 'e(ices @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones in the wa++s o? the apartment which I +i(e' at that was 155 Map+e Street Apartment V2 5 he threatene' me % times whi+e I was +i(in) there an' wo*+' entire the apartment *nanno*nce'. My @irth certi?ication 4 i'enti?ication car' 4 an' socia+ sec*rity car' were sto+en ?rom the apartment. 2hese peop+e practice the acti(ity o? S+a(ery an' are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een the H*man 2ra??icDin) Pirates whom a@'*cte' an entire nation o? :est A?ricans an' so+' them to .arm+an' owners in the Americas as In'ent*re' S+a(es. 2his entire networD o? 2errorist 7rimina+s ha(e @een pro(en to passi(e a))ressi(e+y attempt to pro(oDe racia+ con?+ict amon)st e(ery pop*+ation in their presence 4 they te++ entire comm*nities that their :ar #ape an' H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims are GracistsG. 2his H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate is )+o@a+ an' has @een in(o+(e' in H*man

=i(isection in n*mero*s nations amon)st whom they ha(e @oth recr*ite' ?rom an' em@e''e' a)ents amon)st. Mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom ha(e @een acti(e in this H*man 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 ha(e attempte' to ?rame the 3*tch ?or the :est A?rican S+a(e 2ra'e. Propa)an'a which seems to ha(e @e)*n aro*n' the year 200% 4 @+ame' :est A?ricans ?or se++in) their own s+a(es to the 3*tch. Ho++an'er Americans are in ?act a minority pop*+ation < many o? them are act*a++y Amish or L*aDers an' +i(e in the North 1ast where most o? the In'ent*re' Ser(ants were 1*ropi's 4 Nati(e Americans 4 an' M*+attos 4 as we++ as the ancestors o? A?rican Americans. 2he GUn'er)ro*n' #ai+roa'G was a networD o? re(o+*tionaries who ?ree' H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?rom their in'ent*rement in the So*thern re)ions o? the U.S.A. as we++ as ?rom Sorthern re)ions o? the U.S.A. where H*man 2ra??icDin) was occ*rrin) 5 the maIority o? the GUn'er)ro*n' #ai+roa'G re(o+*tionaries +i(e' in the North 1ast an' were o?ten New Ho++an'er Americans. 2here 'oes not seem to @e any re+ia@+e recor' o? 3*tch peop+es a@'*ctin) the peop+e ?rom :est A?rica an' se++in) them as In'ent*re' $a@orers. 2he Amish an' the L*aDers 'ress simi+ar+y to 7hassi'ic Bews an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were 'e?inite+y an' are sti++ 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin). It is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?*n'e' the Piracy that was the H*man 2ra??icDin) o? :est A?ricans an' others which +e' to the .armin) P+antations in the So*th o? the U.S.A. p*rchase $a@or 2ra??icDin) =ictims ?rom the S+a(e 2ra??icDers < the propa)an'a attemptin) to @+ame the 3*tch an' New Ho++an'ers ?or the S+a(e 2ra'e is (ery simi+ar to the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion. 3*rin) 2005 < two ?ema+es wa+De' thro*)h the 'oors at .ami+y 3o++ar speaDin) a@o*t .i+ 4 one o? them sai' whi+e +ooDin) at me in a h*she' (oice 5 GIan 'ate' .i+As initiation rape 4 she was @asica++y his on+y other )ir+?rien' when he was in hi)hschoo+. 2hese are initiation rapes. :hat 3ia@+o was a+most arreste' ?or 'own in 7*@a was an initiation rape. 2hey ha(e initiation rapes.G . :hen I was 1E 4 I was 'atin) a )ir+ name' Nina Hansen. Nina +i(e' in Mar+@oro Massach*settes. 3*rin) the time that we were 'atin) she eCp+aine' to me that there was an o+'er ma+e name' .i+ that ha' a@'*cte' her 4 tie' her *p 4 poisone' her with M3MA 4 tort*re' her ?or ho*rs. Nina ?*rther eCp+aine' that M3MA was somethin) that was s*ppose' to maDe a person ?ee+ )oo' an' that .i+ ha' h*rt her eCtreme+y @a'+y @y poisonin) her with it an' tort*rin) her to the point o? @+acDin) o*t4 she now ha' horri@+e 'epression an' post tra*matic stress 'isor'er. Nina eCp+aine' that .i+ ha' somehow )otten a copy o? the Dey to her ho*se an' that somehow he Dnew when her parents were not home 4 .I+ wo*+' arri(e at her ho*se an' wa+D thro*)h the ?ront 'oor into the ho*se a?terwhich .i+ wo*+' seC*a++y assa*+t her. Nina 'escri@e' .i+ as approCimate+y 2! years o+'. Nina was 1E. It starte' when she was 15. Nina @e+ie(e' that .i+ Dnew the Po+ice 0??icers in the re)ion an' that this was why he 'i' not )et arreste'. It is pro@a@+e that NinaAs +an'+or' was one o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs properties stea' ho+'ers. 1mi+y McPherson4 Nina HansenAs @est ?rien' < 'escri@e' .i+ an' his ?rien's sayin) 5 G2hey are ?*cDin) creeps. 2hey want to wa+D into a room an' see siC women terri?ie' o? them +ooDin) o(er their sho*+'ers at them4 shaDin) their asses +iDe they ha(e tai+s4 shi(erin) ?ear?*++y +iDe they are ?ree>in) co+' 4 smi+in) terri?ie' 4 whi+e (omitin) an' shittin) their pants at the same time. 2hey want to ?*cD 7hih*ah*as.G. I ha(e @een in?orme' that the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the 7rime $or's o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate who a@'*ct 4 restrain 4 an' tort*re ?ema+es ?or m*+tip+e 'ays at a time whi+e they are 'r*))e' with s*@stances s*ch as M3MA 5 these women are tort*re' *nti+ they wi++ say G/esG to anythin) an' we s*@mit to any comman'. 2hese women are SeC 2ra??icDe'. 2his tort*re @e)ins as an Initiation 7rime @*t apparent+y is *se' as a ?orm o? 'iscip+inary action *pon the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. I? a woman e(er te++s them GNoG ?or any reason 4 they are tort*re' a)ain as a ?orm o? a@*si(e 'iscip+ine *nti+ they s*@mit to the wi++ o? the SeC 2ra??icDers who (iew them as s+a(es. 2he (ictims are *s*a++y yo*n) women an' +itt+e )ir+s. Nina spoDe a@o*t .i+As Po+ice connections 4 statin) 5 GIA(e ca++e' the Po+ice an' nothin) happens

as a res*+t o? it. His ?ami+y m*st ha(e connections to the po+ice. 1mi+y sai' that theyAre re+ate' to some@o'y. My .ather has spoDen with the Po+ice. 2hey ha(enAt arreste' him. I ca++ the Po+ice when he +ea(es an' he )ets away e(ery time. He thinDs I am his s+a(e. He ta+Ds to me +iDe I am a s+a(e.G. 2his is the eCact same Din' o? scenario with the Po+ice that was occ*rrin) when my Mother was a +itt+e )ir+ an' was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' @y G7h*cDG whom was a 'e?inite pro@a@+e accomp+ice to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his ?atherAs H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration. My Mother an' my Nana wo*+' try to escape ?rom 7h*cD an' two Po+ice 0??icers wo*+' picD them *p as i? they were @ein) arreste' an' wo*+' ret*rn them to the ho*se4 te++in) them that they are not a++owe' to +ea(e. My Mother was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' to a'*+t men at the a)e o? 5 an' it 'i' not en' *nti+ she was 1% < she was @ein) rape' @y G7h*cDG the entire time an' witnesse' her Mother @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' 4 rape' @y 7h*cD 4 an' @attere' constant+y. .i+ 1man*e+e an' his .ather are 7rime $or's o? a 7rime Syn'icate )*i+ty o? H*man 2ra??icDin) an' other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. SeC 2ra??icDin) is a ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin). 2his +e(e+ o? inh*mane treatment o? pop*+ations in North America are 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 5 '*e to the ?orei)n Nationa+ 0ri)in an' Nationa+ $oya+ty o? the 1man*e+es an' their Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 4 these are 'e?inite :ar 7rimes. 1mi+y McPherson ha' to+' Nina that she ha' 'isco(ere' that .i+ was a 'e?inite 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs 4 the +ast 9in) o? Ita+ia. .i+ 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)y eCpresses a history o? worry that he was )oin) to e(ent*a++y @e con(icte' o? n*mero*s co*nts o? A))ra(ate' .e+onio*s SeC*a+ Assa*+t o? a Minor ?or rapin) Nina Hansen repeate'+y when she was 15 4 1E 4 an' 1!. .i+ 1man*e+e sho*+' a+so ha(e @een char)e' with .e+onio*s char)es ?or poisonin) Nina Hansen a)ainst her wi++ with M3MA. .i+As psycho+o)y a+so eCpresses an echo o? 1mi+y McPhersonAs 'escription o? his sicD per(ersion 5 .i+ 1man*e+e has a 'o) ?etish o? some Din' 4 his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate reporte'+y ha' +ocDe' ?ema+es in the o+' 3o) 9enne+ @*i+'in) on 3.:. Hi)hway 'own the roa' ?rom the MarDAs Showp+ace Strip 7+*@. Many o? .i+As attacDs on women eChi@it an e+ement o? the woman @ein) treate' +iDe a canine or a theme o? a 'o) @ein) a@*se'. 2he SeC 0??enses that 7aesar G3ia@+oG committe' in 7*@a '*rin) 2003 are the eCact same attacD as .i+ 1man*e+eAs attacD on Nina Hansen. G3ia@+oG tie' *p an 8 year o+' )ir+ an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs whi+e ?orcin) her to 'rinD water with M3MA 'isso+(e' in the water 4 the )ir+ was repeate'+y rape' whi+e he 'i' this. 2he 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are networDe' a++ across North America 4 ha(e a networD in 7*@a 4 are networDe' a++ across So*th America 4 are networDe' across 1*rope 4 an' ha(e an a++ie' 2errorist 7rimina+ .action in the re)ions that the 2a+i@an primari+y operates in which is a 2a+i@an associate' .action. 3*rin) 2000 an' 2001 < .i+ 1man*e+e ?orce' Nina Hansen to strip at parties 4 she was +ess than 18 years o? a)e. 2wo men who may ha(e witnesse' this were Berry 3AAmico an' 3ino. .i+ 'i' not te++ them Nina HansenAs a)e *nti+ a?ter the party. .rom what I ha' hear'4 there was an ar)*ment as a res*+t o? this. 2he 1man*e+esA co++ecti(e crimina+ psycho+o)y is the psycho+o)y o? a pe'ophi+e seria+ rapist who en)a)es in acts o? @eastia+ity an' (iews the (ario*s races o? the h*man species the way that a :i+' Game Poacher who h*nts 1n'an)ere' Species 'oes the anima+s which they h*nt. 2he 1man*e+es 'o not (iew their SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims as h*man 4 yet they (iew them as accepta@+e rape tar)ets o? initiation crimes an' accepta@+e rape tar)ets o? SeC 2ra??icDin). 2he *se o? a 3o) $eash on (ictims as yo*n) as 5 years o+' is eCtreme+y 'is)*stin) an' e(i'ence o? their inh*manity. 2here are m*+tp+e )enerations o? SeC 0??ense =ictims ?rom the same ?ami+ies. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 'isc*sse' the 1man*e+esA p+ans to )enoci'a++y e+iminate entire pop*+ations an' 'estroy the sta@i+ity o? other pop*+ation )ro*ps whom they (iewe' as competitors an' Dnow+e')ea@+e parties concernin) their ?ami+yAs 7rimes

A)ainst H*manity an' 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 2hey 'isc*sse' the ?act that '*rin) this campai)n they inten'e' to ?rame the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y an' others ?or these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity so that they co*+' en)ineer an i'entity ?or the p*rpose o? creatin) an in'i(i'*a+ Gmore hate' than A'o+? Hit+erG in the eyes o? the p*@+ic4 )+o@a++y. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es p*rpose+y (io+ate' a++ o? the stan'ar's o? war ethic an' h*man ri)hts stan'ar's 'eci'e' *pon at the Gene(a 7on(ention 4 in an attempt to incense an' im@itter the p*@+ic towar' their chosen ScapeGoats. It ha' I*st @een 'isco(ere' @y some that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother < whi+e others a+rea'y Dnew a@o*t this ?or a (ery +on) time. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his ?ather were a+so tryin) to escape in(esti)ations concernin) their SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 an' other 0r)ani>e' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as we++ as their pro@a@+e comp+icity in the " 11 2errorist AttacD. ;etween the years 2002 an' 20134 the 1man*e+es an' their Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate committe' a series o? a@'*ctions o? ?ema+es an' @r*ta+ maimin)s an' tort*rin) o? ?ema+es 4 most o? these ?ema+es @ecame SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection (ictims. Many o? these ?ema+es were yo*n)er than the a)e o? 18 years o+'. M*ch o? this @r*ta+ity was accompanie' @y )rosteH*e an' 'is)*stin) 'ip+ays o? the ?ema+es @ein) 'eni)rate' which was p*@+ishe' )+o@a++y to internet as we++ as was it *se' as an attacD 4 *sin) 7omp*ter HacDin) to Gpop *pG 'isp+ay o? these ?ema+es @ein) horri@+y 'eni)rate' an' a@*se' on the comp*ter monitor screens o? +o(e' ones o? theirs whom were on the internet. Many o? these ?ema+es were co(ere' in ?i+thy @o'i+y 'e?ecation an' eCcretions as we++ as ?orce' to eat eCcrement s*ch as ?eces an' (omit. It was 'isc*sse' @y 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo that '*rin) the committin) o? these crimes < the 1man*e+esA were )oin) to ens*re that women an' +itt+e )ir+s were )oin) to @e intentiona++y maime' 4 'eni)rate' 4 tort*re' 4 'isease' 4 m*tate' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy techno+o)y 4 eCperimente' *pon +iDe +a@oratory anima+ (i(isections 4 ens+a(e' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces networDe' to comp*ters @y A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ices an' Ne*roScience So?tware c*stom en)in e' ?or the p*rpose o? a@so+*te ro@otic s+a(ery 5 these crimes were inten'e' to @e (i'eo)raphe' an' photo)raphe' as we++ as 'oc*mente' @y a*thorities an' e(ent*a++y re+ease' as e(i'ence o? the treatment o? these ?ema+es to the wor+' 4 this @ein) possi@+e '*e to the ?act that the ?ami+ies o? these women were )oin) to @e entire+y eCterminate' )+o@a++y which +ea(es no s*r(i(ors to ?i+e +aw s*its i? the photo)raphs an' (i'eo)raphs were ma'e p*@+ic )+o@a++y. 2he 1man*e+es an' 1' .arrachi :arren 'eci'e' that their crimes sho*+' @e eCpose' as i? they are Ho+oca*st 3oc*mentary photo)raphs p*@+ica++y an' )+o@a++y ?or the p*rpose o? eCposin) the wor+' to the eCtremity o? their own crimes @*t @+ame some ScapeGoat A+i@i ?or their crimes 4 which wo*+' ena@+e the 1man*e+es to escape con(iction o? their crimes which they ha(e committe' o(er the past %0 years co++ecti(e+y 5 this was inten'e' to @e *se' ?or the secon'ary p*rpose o? creatin) a ScapeGoat A+i@i whom was )oin) to @e (iewe' as GMore hate' that A'o+? Hit+erG @y the )+o@a+ p*@+ic so that the 1man*e+esA ?ami+y secret an' their own as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs e+*'in) o? I*stice their entire +i?e ?or his 7rimes A)ainst H*manity wo*+' not matter in the min' o? the p*@+ic anymore. :hi+e at worD '*rin) 200% 5 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo were o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' the Ita+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icateAs :ar 7rimes < an' their nee' to ?in' a patsy a+i@i ?or these crimes. Anthony state' G2he on+y way to )et o*t o? @ein) con(icte' ?or a series o? crimes +iDe these is to commit the crimes a)ain to an e(en )reater eCtent ... an' this time +ea(e a++ o? the e(i'ence in some@o'y e+seAs name.G to which 1' :arren rep+ie' somethin) a+on) the +ines o? 4 G/eah4 i? we )ot o*r anD+es chaine' to these )*ys 4 we I*st @reaD the chain an' +ea(e them with the @a++ 4 yo* Dnow what IAm sayin)OG . It so*n'e' as i? Anthony 3e.eo was a)reein) with somethin) 1' .arrachi :arren ha' whispere' to him an' was reiteratin) it ?or p*rpose o? possi@+y manip*+atin) 1' :arren to speaD +o*'er o? the s*@Iect which they were 'isc*ssin). Anthony 3e.eo ma'e it o@(io*s that he Dnew the same secrets which my co*sin B*+ianna ha' Dnown concernin) the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as 5 it is pro@a@+e that Anthony was ?ei)nin) i)norance with 1' an' =ittorio as I was an' ?or the same reason < @eca*se o?

this 4 it is pro@a@+e that Anthony is now 'ea'. I @e+ie(e Anthony ?o*n' o*t a@o*t the recor'in) 'e(ices a@o(e the cei+in) pane+s. 2he crimes which ha' @een @ein) 'isc*sse' re+ate' to 7IA M9U$2#A4 #ichar' He+ms4 NiConAs :A21#GA214 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 the A6IS4 an' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y was @ein) 'isc*sse' @etween Anthony 3e.eo an' 1' :arren as we++ < Anthony seeme' to @e ?i)*rin) o*t ?*rther 'etai+s in(o+(in) =ittorioAs re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er an' the 1man*e+esA c*rrent p+ans to hi'e their @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er permanant+y. A short time a?ter =ittorio 1man*e+eAs crimes ha' @een 'isc*sse' 4 1' :arren was o(erhear' sayin) G:e crime' o*r way into this 4 we can crime o*r way o*tG 5 meanin) that they co*+' *se 7rimina+ Metho's o? e+iminatin) any possi@i+ity o? their peop+e @ein) he+' responsi@+e ?or their crimes < this means that they ha' 'eci'e' to i++e)a++y ?rame4 set *p accomp+ices4 e+iminate e(i'ence4 @+acDmai+ accomp+ices4 m*r'er Dnow+e')ea@+e parties4 or otherwise conspire crimina+ means to e+iminate c*+pa@i+ity ?or their crimes. It is pro@a@+e that they an' =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as a sma++ n*m@er o? other men < ha' intentions to commit an eCtremity o? heino*s :ar 7rimes o? +iDeness to their past crimes4 @*t )reater < this time +ea(in) their accomp+ices4 partners4 associates4 an' a++ies with a++ o? the +e)a+ an' mi+itary reperc*ssions ?or their crimes. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es p*rpose+y (io+ate' a++ o? the stan'ar's o? war ethic an' h*man ri)hts stan'ar's 'eci'e' *pon at the Gene(a 7on(ention 4 in an attempt to incense an' im@itter the p*@+ic towar' their chosen ScapeGoats. It ha' I*st @een 'isco(ere' @y some that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother < whi+e others a+rea'y Dnew a@o*t this ?or a (ery +on) time4 =ittorio an' .i+ @e+ie(e' that this wo*+' 'rastica++y e??ect their ?ami+yAs rep*tation. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his ?ather were a+so tryin) to escape in(esti)ations concernin) their SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 an' other 0r)ani>e' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as we++ as their pro@a@+e comp+icity in the " 11 2errorist AttacD. :hi+e mentionin) the nee' ?or an A+i@i Patsy or a ScapeGoat 5 1' :arren mentione' to Anthony 3e?eo that the G:ar on 2errorG which the U.S.A. ha' @een wa)in) a)ainst the GA6IS o? 1(i+G was 'eci'e' to @e the per?ect opport*nity to co(er *p M9U$2#A :aterGate4 H*man =i(isection4 Ita+ian A6IS :ar 7rimes in North America4 an' Ita+ian A6IS connections to the 2a+i@an 5 a++ o? these connections @ein) o? A6IS a??i+iation. Accor'in) to 1' :arrenAs con(ersation with Anthony < =ittorio an' .i++i@erto ha' 'eci'e' to attempt to @+ame 100S o? the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in North America @y metho' o? @+amin) 100S o? the :ar 7rimes committe' *pon North American Soi+ on a M*s+im pop*+ation o? some Din' worDin) with 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+s 5 this i'ea wo*+' a+i)n in the me'ia the Ita+ian Ma?ias 4 Ita+ian American Ma?ias 4 other 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 the Scienti?ic 7rime Syn'icate which B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' @een in(o+(e' in which committe' H*man =i(isection 7rimes 4 H*man 2ra??icDers 4 Arms 3ea+ers 4 an' other crimina+ types to the 2a+i@an an' A+ Lae'a eCc+*si(e+y < +ea(in) no e(i'ence o? the Ita+ian A6IS in(o+(ement or o? A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. At some point '*rin) the months when the 1man*e+es 4 3ia@+o 4 an' 1' .arrachi :arren were p+annin) the series o? attacDs which the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .action committe' an' the ?ramin) o? a ScapeGoat as an a+i@i ?or these crimes 5 1' :arren State' to Anthony 3e?eo G I 'onAt Dnow a@o*t this )*y ... '*'e4 are we )oin) to @e )oin) 'own +iDe #ese(oir 3o)s at the en'OG in re?erence to the mo(ie #ese(oir 3o)s which at the en' portrays a +ar)e n*m@er o? crimina+s Di++in) eachother a?ter a series o? @etraya+s. 1(ery accomp+ice4 associate4 mercenary4 an' partner o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 .i+ 1man*e+eAs 4 1' .arrachi :arrenAs 4 an' 3ia@+oAs are c*rrent+y +ine' *p to @e ?rame' ?or the entirety o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs networDAs crimes inc+*'in) his own Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs :ar 7rimes an' 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+ Acti(ities. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )oa+ is e(ent*a+ reinstatement o? his ?ami+yAs crown in Ita+ia an' the 1*ropean Union4 as we++ as e+imination o? any e(i'ence or hypothetica+ possi@i+ity that he co*+' ha(e e(er @een in(o+(e' in 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime at a++ inc+*'in) the 2errorism re+ate' to his attempt to comp+ete+y e+iminate a++ e(i'ence an' Dnow+e')ea@+e parties

concernin) his Gran' .atherAs re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er whom was ?act*a++y =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs Patri+inea+ Ha+? ;rother. 3*rin) 2005 < 1' :arren was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with Anthony 3e?eo4 p+ans to ?rame ScapeGoats as a+i@is 5 1' :arrenAs statement was GI? yo*Are p+ayin) 2*) 0? :ar an' yo*A(e )ot ten masDe' men p*++in) on a rope an' yo*r three +et )o4 the other se(en )*ys ?a++ an' )et *nmasDe' 5 yo*r three wa+D away with the masDs on. 2here is no way ?or them to Dnow yo* were e(en there.G . I ha' mentione' the wor's GPatsiesG an' GA+i@isG to 1' :arren whi+e ?ei)nin) i)norance o? his 'isc*ssion 5 1' :arren @ecame s+i)ht+y irritate' an' ner(o*s o? the o@(io*s prospect that I may ha(e hear' what he was 'isc*ssin). I o?ten ma'e an e??ort to preten' to @e o@+i(io*s to 1'As 'isc*ssions an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs act*a+ i'entity 5 this was 'one in hopes that they wo*+' ta+D in ?ront o? cameras an' sec*rity s*r(ei++ance eH*ipment. 2hese are some o? the most 'an)ero*s in'i(i'*a+s in the wor+'4 ?or reason o? this < I ?ei)ne' st*pi'ity ?or a (ery +on) time ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) that I wo*+' @e entire+y *n'erestimate' @y the 1man*e+esA 2errorist .action 5 1' :arren state' to me on n*mero*s occaisions as i? I was st*pi' 4 G/o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG. At one point 4 1' :arren ma'e the statement 5 G3*'e4 weAre startin) the Ma?ia @acD *p.G to Anthony 3e?eo 4 this is an o@(io*s a++*sion to a *nit o? the 2errorist Ita+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icate which is *n+iDe+y to ha(e @een 'ormant @*t was o@(io*s+y not the typica+ GMa?iaG ?or reason that the Ita+ian America Ma?ia was a+rea'y acti(e a++ o(er North America in 200% an' this or)ani>ation which 1' spoDe o? co*+' not ha(e possi@+e @een the same Ita+ian 7rime Syn'icate < this is not a simp+e street )an) or e(en a typica+ 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate 4 the Ita+ian 7rime Syn'icate which 1' was speaDin) o? is a 2errorist 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++ in(o+(e' in )+o@a+ 0r)ani>e' 7rime as we++ as 2errorism re+ate' to A6IS acti(ities an' B*+i*s 1(o+a as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y whom are the @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y o? A'o+? Hit+er. It is possi@+e ?or an 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'ier to @e acti(e in more than one 7rime Syn'icate. Street )an)s 'o not en)a)e in acts o? terrorism4 eCtremity o? crime in(o+(in) terrorism is no +on)er consi'era@+y the acti(ity o? a street )an). #.I.7.0. (io+ations are o?ten crimes which are on the (er)e o? @ein) consi'ere' terrorism an' can o?ten inc+*'e acts o? 0r)ani>e' 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates or Acts o? Sa@ota)e s*ch as repeate' ;anD #o@@ery 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 repeate' Arsons 5 the p*rpose o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is o@(io*s+y 'i??erent ?rom that o? other 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates ?or reason that their crimes in(o+(e 7rimes A)ainst H*manity or (io+ations o? the Gene(a 7on(ention stan'ar's o? ethic as we++ as 'oes an 0r)ani>e' 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o?ten ha(e )oa+s which 'irect+y attacD or sa@ota)e a Nation in conI*nction with ?*n'in) their 2errorism thro*)h means o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime. .a+se .+a))in) a series o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity is a 'e?inite 'e ?acto 3ec+aration o? :ar *pon the Nations o? the =ictims as we++ as the Nations ScapeGoate' ?or the .a+se .+a) 0peration 5 .a+se .+a))in) o? Mi+itary Action 4 2errorist Action 4 or :ar 7rimes ?or p*rpose o? ?ramin) a 3r' party or insti)atin) :ar.are @etween two ?actions is a (io+ation o? the Gene(a Protoco+s an' Gene(a 7ompacts. Intentiona+ (io+ation o? a++ o? the stan'ar's o? the Gene(a 7ompacts an' a++ o? the stan'ar's o? the Gene(a Protoco+s has pro@a@+y occ*rre' within the past 8 years as a res*+t o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs attempt to .a+se.+a) the most heino*s o? :ar7rimes as the i'entity o? the nation o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' as the i'entity o? 0sama @in $a'en an' the 2a+i@an as we++ as A+ Lae'a whom we were at war with '*rin) 200% an' 2005. 2he 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action ?ai+e' misera@+y in their attempt to .a+se.+a) their own 2errorism an' :ar 7rimes as any other ?action. 2he prospect o? Sa''am H*ssein @ein) on the +ist o? ScapeGoats chosen @y the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .action is 'e?inite 4 the wor's G:e can not con?irm or 'enyG ha(e @een *se' n*mero*s times in hospita+s o(er the past 8 years '*rin) these attacDs an' e+sewhere as we++ as is H*ssein &whom we were at war with '*rin) 200%, ;aracD 0@amaAs mi''+e name. G;aracDG means +i)htnin) in Ara@ic +an)*a)e. 0@ama so*n's aDin to G0A;amaG or G0? A+a@amaG which in So*thern S+an) wo*+' mean G0? 3iCie +an'G 5 1' :arren an' 7esare mentione' a yo*n) teena)e ?ema+e an' state' GSheAs sti++ in 'iCie

c*ps.G whi+e ta+Din) to one another < this is a re?erence to ;ra c*p si>e 4 meanin) that the )ir+ has not yet 'e(e+ope' +ar)er a'*+t womanAs @reasts. 3iCie 7*ps are )i(en o*t at hospita+s an' other Hea+thcare .aci+ities. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs name has @een r*mo*re' to mean G;+it>9rie) 0A3iCie 7*psG @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS whom ha(e @een sprea'in) these r*mo*rs intentiona++y an' attemptin) to ?rame these :ar 7rimes on Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia as we++ as Sa''am H*ssein an' 0sama ;in$a'en 4 ?or this p*rpose = 7HIP an' S 7HIP has @een cite' 5 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces inc+*'in) microchip an' prosthetic Ne*ro 7irc*itry were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in 7i(i+iansA crani*ms '*rin) the past " years . G;+it>G means $i)htnin) in 3e*stche < GH*sseinG 4 we were at war with < G A;amaG is short ?or A+a@ama which is ca++e' 3iCie @y A+a@ama nati(es 4 3iCie 7*ps are *se' in hea+thcare ?aci+ities an' G0A;amaG wo*+' @e an Irish Gae+ic American name 5 Gae+s are a ?irst cata)ory racia+ tar)et o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action an' ha(e @een tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e. 2his is a possi@i+ity 4 there is a r*mo*r that #ichar' NiConAs an' #ichar' He+mAs names were ?aDe that that it ha' the 'o*@+e meanin) o? GNiC on the He+mG or in other wor's G3ecapitate' He+m o? )o(ernmentG which represents co(ert heirarcha+ 'ecapitation 5 the two #ichar's co*+' ha(e possi@+y @een chosen ?or itAs re+e(ance to #a)nar #e'@ear' as G# an' #G. A'o+? Hit+er was not the 'ictator o? the 3r' #eichAs act*a+ s*rname 5 the espiona)e o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action is eCtreme+y co(ert 4 r*th+ess 4 amora+ist 4 am@itio*s 4 an' a'apti(e. BlitzKrieg of Brain-Computer-Interface Prosthetic NeuroCircuit Surgical-Implants :2he Goa+ o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS has @ecome o@(io*s 5 as it was in the past < conH*est o? the Americas 4 1*rope 4 an' e(ent*a++y the 1arth. G+o@a+ 7onH*est is an eCtreme+y 'i??ic*+t )oa+ to achei(e 4 an' ?or this p*rpose any metho's o? manip*+ation ima)inea@+e are o@(io*s+y )oin) to @e emp+oye' 5 this inc+*'es manip*+ation o? I'entity Po+itic or presentation o? ?a@ricate' I'entity Po+itic ?or the p*rpose o? co*rtin) an a++iance. 2he G;+it>9rie) o? 3iCie 7*psG )oa+ is 'e?inite+y conH*est o? the Americas 5 tho*)h G+o@a+ 7onH*est is a 'i??ic*+t )oa+ to achei(e 4 conH*est o? North America is an eCtreme+y easy )oa+ to accomp+ish ?or reason o? the #acia+ 3i(ersity o? the North American continent an' the ratio o? Nati(e #aces to .orei)n #aces which has the Nati(e #aces eCteme+y o*t n*m@ere' < as we++ as ?or the reason that there eCists on+y 3 Nation States on North AmericaAs soi+4 which are the share' Home$an's o? n*mero*s Nati(e #aces who are se(ere+y o*tn*m@ere'. 2he *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*roScience So?tware as we++ as the *se o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 7osmetic Aesthetic M*tation o? Appearance ?or the p*rpose o? 'is)*isin) A)ents as ci(i+ians who ha(e either @een )enoci'a++y m*r'ere' 4 m*tate' a)ainst their wi++ an' ?orce' to +i(e as another in'i(i'*a+ with no e(i'ence o? i'entity '*e to their ?act*a+ I'enti?icaton 7re'entia+s no +on)er matchin) their racia+ appearance 4 or ens+a(e' as SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' ?orce' to +i(e as another in'i(i'*a+As i'entity 5 is a series o? :ar 7rimes an' other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which are easi+y in(esti)ate' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the U.S.A. or any Nation o? the A*s.7an.NP.U9.US. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence A)reement. .or the reason that the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment is a neccessity to in(esti)ate these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 it is 'e?inite that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action are )oin) to attempt to in?i+trate the Mi+itary Si)na+ Inte++i)ence 3epartment @y metho' o? rep+acin) the emp+oyees o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission with imposte*rs who ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation o? )enetics an' ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 1+ectronic Ne*roScience S*r)ica+ Imp+ants. .or reason that the 7o(ert A)ents @ein) or'ere' to in?i+trate the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment as we++ as the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission are o? primary neccessity to achei(e the )oa+ o? 7onH*est o? North America an' pre(ention o? in?ormation ?rom reachin) ?orei)n Mi+itary 5 it is 'e?inite that on+y in'i(i'*a+s o? a speci?ic psycho+o)y wi++ @e chosen to )*ar' the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment an' .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission ?or reason that their +i?e is 'epen'ant *pon the

G;+it>9rie) o? 3iCie 7*psG not @ein) in(esti)ate'. .or reason o? maDin) it appear as i? these in'i(i'*a+s are Dnow+e')ea@+e o? how to per?orm their 'ai+y tasDs 4 it is pro@a@+e that a sma++ n*m@er o? in'i(i'*a+s who are pre(io*s emp+oyees o? the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' *n'erstan' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 2echno+o)y wi++ @e emp+oye' to watch the @rains an' actions o? the men who are statione' as imposte*rs within the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments an' .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission to train them an' )*i'e them thro*)h their 'ai+y acti(ities. .or the reason o? ens*rin) that they 'o not ret*rn to their nation o? ori)in 4 it is pro@a@+e that #e)istere' SeC 0??en'ers ?rom .orei)n Nations who speaD 1n)+ish as a stron) Secon' $an)*a)e wi++ @e chosen ?or the p*rpose o? rep+acin) the ori)ina+ 7i(i+ians an' Mi+itary 1mp+oyees ?or reason that they can not ret*rn to their pre(io*s I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' pre(io*s +i?esty+e com?orta@+y or in sa?ety 5 #e)istere' SeC 0??en'ers are o?ten m*r'ere' an' are ?reH*ent+y assa*+te'. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience S*r)ica+ Imp+ants are pro@a@+e to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in emp+oyees o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense whom are pro@a@+e to @e tar)ette' ?or a@'*ction @y 1nemy 7om@atants 4 tie' to racDs or hospita+ @e's an' restraine' 4 an' m*tate' @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy thro*)h HemoG+o@in 7*+t*re' =ir*s ?e' into the (eins o? the a@'*ction (ictim thro*)h Intra(en*s 2*@es. 2he a@'*ction (ictim is then a@+e to @e imprisone' ?or crimes that they are ro@ot pi+ote' to commit '*e to their ;rainAs Ne*ro+o)y @ein) Inter?ace' to the 7omp*ters o? the 1nemy 7om@atant .action whom are a@+e to contro+ the (ictimsA @o'ies @y metho' o? Ne*roScience So?tware. :hi+e imprisone' with the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? ci(i+ians who are 'ea' or #e)istere' SeC 0??en'ers who ha(e @een p+ace' in the position o? Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 1mp+oyees or the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission < the @rains o? the ?act*a+ emp+oyees o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission are accessi@+e to the 1nemy .action who are a@+e to *se it to )ather a++ in?ormation a@o*t the (ictimAs +i?e 4 i'entity 4 an' sDi++s 5 this ena@+es the 1nemy .action to ro@ot the mo*ths o? the 7o(ert A)ents o? the 1nemy .action with Ne*roScience So?tware an' the wire+ess #a'io .reH*ency ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their sD*++s 4 to respon' to H*estions proper+y as we++ as to carry o*t 'ai+y acti(ities proper+y an' per?orm tasDs at their p+ace o? emp+oyment. .or reason that the 7o(ert A)ents who are chosen ?or this tasD wi++ @e Di++e' i? they are ca*)ht 4 they wi++ not 'e?ect to the U.S.A. or contact any ?orei)n mi+itary. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices are co(ert+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in 7i(i+iansA crani*ms at Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 0rtho'onta+ 7+inics 4 3*n)eons 4 an' 7o++e)e Parties where (ictims are poisone' with se'ati(es. Usin) Ne*roScience So?tware an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD accessi@+e anywhere on 1arth o(er Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ < the 1nemy .action can in?+*ence an' maDe 'ecisions ?or In(estors 4 Gam@+ers 4 7orporate 7.1.0.As 4 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees 4 Po+ice 0??icers 4 In(esti)ations 3epartments 4 Po+iticians 4 Senators 4 7on)ressman 4 1conomists 4 Hea+thcare Pro?essiona+s 4 an' =oters. I? a 7omp+ete In?i+tration o? the neccessary 3epartments o? State is s*ccess?*+ < one mi++ion ma+es co*+' easi+y @e 'ra?te' ?rom a .orei)n Nation @y a Mi+itary an' comp+ete+y rep+ace the entire pop*+ation o? the $aw 1n?orcement 4 .e'era+ In(esti)ations 4 an' 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency o? the U.S.A. . 3*e to the ?act that the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD is a :ire+ess #a'io .reH*ency G+o@a+ Positionin) System NetworD < the @rains o? the =ictimsA as we++ as the 7o(ert A)entsA whom ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are accessi@+e to the entire wor+'As mi+itaries '*e to the ?act that it is on the Internet NetworD an' can @e accesse' ?or any +ocation on 1arth as we++ as any +ocation in North America. In 30 years time 4 the entire pop*+ation o? North America can easi+y @e rep+ace' systemica++y an' co(ert+y 5 it is pro@a@+e that a 7o(ert 7rimina+ #e)ime is @ein) @*i+t. 2he 1nemy 7om@atant .action is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their A6IS 7omra'es 5 they m*st @e arreste' as H*icD+y as possi@+e @y U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense or o*r a++ies 4 'etaine' 4 an'

S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces themse+(es ?or p*rpose o? interro)ation an' ?in'in) their entire networD o? accomp+ices as H*icD+y as possi@+e. 2here are n*mero*s 7hi+' Mo+ester SeC 0??en'ers amon)st their crimina+ recr*its an' there are tho*san's o? chi+'ren in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. with these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their crani*ms a+rea'y. It is eCtreme+y important that this is stoppe' imme'iate+y. A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is capa@+e o? ro@otica++y contro++in) the entire ne*ro+o)y o? a H*man < the m*sc*+at*re 4 ne*ro +in)*istics 4 sensory perception 4 emotions 4 an' other e+ements o? the (ictimsA ne*ro+o)y. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e a +ar)e n*m@er os Sa'ist Me)a+omaniacs amon)st them an' ha(e recr*ite' more. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas was si)hte' in m*+tip+e hospita+s wearin) a white 3octorAs $a@ 7oat an' 'rawin) @+oo' ?rom ci(i+ianAs as we++ as )i(en ci(i+ianAs G?oo'G 4 G'rinDG 4 an' Gme'icationG. 2he Initiation :ar 7rimes o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action are pro@a@+e to @e e(en more 'is)*stin) that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rimes. 7hris 2homasAs tar)ets ha(e a+ways @een chi+'ren 4 many o? =ittorio G=ictorA 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha(e @een as we++. 2he 'an)er o? SeC 0??en'ers worDin) within the A6IS .action recr*itin) increasin)+y 'e(io*s an' 'i)*stin) :ar 7rimina+s is eCtreme 5 7hi+' Mo+esters are corr*pters @y nat*re. A 7hi+' Mo+ester wi++ o?ten eCert m*ch o? their 'ai+y p*rpose?*+ e??orts to the p*rpose o? corr*ptin) the psycho+o)y an' mora+ity o? @oth chi+'ren as we++ as a'*+ts whom are within their socia+ networD an' socia+ en(iron < 7hi+' Mo+esters o?ten try to mo'e+ the psycho+o)y o? those aro*n' them a?ter their own psycho+o)y or e(en to a more mor@i'+y 'e(io*s eCtent than their own psycho+o)yAs 'i)*stin) 'e(iation. 2his is ?or the psycho+o)ica+ nee' o? 7atharsis 4 or a with'rawa+ ?rom the emotion o? ?ear o? societa+ retri@*tion an' ?ear rep*rc*ssions ?or their a@*si(e actions. A 7hi+' Mo+ester with co(ert an' *n'a*nte' access to a H*man ;rain permanant+y +a'en with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < is a+most 'e?inite+y )oin) to spen' m*ch time corr*ptin) the in'i(i'*a+ (ictimAs @rain an' attemptin) to corr*pt their min' an' ca*se their psycho+o)y to 'e(iate in the 'irections o? Sa'ism 4 Sa'o Masochism 4 Me)a+omaniacism 4 an' SeC*a+ 3e(iancy. A Me)a+omaniac Sa'ist who is a 7hi+' Mo+ester is the Din' o? Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? a person who co*+' m*r'er 10 Mi++ion peop+e witho*t any ?ee+in) o? )*i+t whatsoe(er as we++ as is it the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? a person who wo*+' attempt to mo'i?y an' corr*pt the psycho+o)y o? others to resem@+e their own 4 ?or p*rpose o? recr*itin) more 'is)*stin) :ar 7rimina+s than e(en themse+(es. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons ha(e p*rchase' n*mero*s Hea+thcare .aci+ities *sin) the names o? Properties Stea' ho+'ers an' ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the @rains o? SeC 0??en'ers an' 7hi+' Mo+esters who ha(e @een recent+y re+ease' ?rom prison 5 these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een recr*ite' to worD ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' ha(e @een )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' ci(i+ians whom they ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe. 2his scenario is an A@so+*te 1mer)ency an' nee's to @e 'ea+t with Mi+itari+y. 7hi+' Mo+esters +acD a Sense o? ;e+on)in) amon)st most H*man ;ein)s '*e to the nat*re o? their secrets an' their crimes 4 these in'i(i'*a+s on+y ?in' Sense o? ;e+on)in) amon)st the company o? each other an' this Sense o? ;e+on)in) is ?o*n'e' *pon the ?act that they are 7hi+' Mo+esters 4 are reIecte' @y H*manity as a who+e 4 an' ?in' their Sense o? ;e+on)in) as a res*+t o? their commona+ity in(o+(in) the SeC 7rimes an' =io+ent 7rimes which they ha(e committe'. 2his co*+' @ecome a G+o@a+ Genoci'e (ery H*icD+y an' has a+rea'y c*+iminate' in a North American Genoci'e that has not yet @een in(esti)ate' proper+y an' reporte' to the News Me'ia. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 20054 1' :arren an' 3e@@ie 3*mont 'isc*sse' =ittorioAs c*rrent p+ans to eCterminate the pop*+ation o? the east coast re)ion o? the U.S.A an' the so*th east re)ion a++ the way into 2eCas 5 his p+an was to rep+ace these peop+e with Ita+ians 4 A+@anians 4 an' other pop*+ations re+e(ant to the Ita+ian 1mpire o? the +ate 1800As < *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy metho's to m*tate their appearances an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to contro+ them an' manip*+ate the so*n' o? their (oices. 2hese p+ans were o?ten 'ic*sse' whi+e 1' :arren was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $incoDn

Street in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi+e 'isc*ssin) =ittorioAs p+ans 4 1' :arren an' 3e@@ie 3*mont o?ten 'isc*sse' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs p+ans to )enoci'a++y eCterminate the ?ami+ies o? the .or@es Ma)a>ine .ort*ne 500 $ist an' rep+ace them with 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers who wo*+' then ha(e access to their money. 1' :arren an' 3e@@ie 3*mont were re?errin) to this p+an as J.or@esK an' were hear' sayin) thin)s s*ch as JIAm )oin) .or@es a?ter.K 4 J:hen I )o .or@es 4 it wi++ @e my ?o*rth i'entityK4 JweAre 'oin) that an' )oin) .or@es a?terK. JGoin) .or@esK was what =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his 7rime So+'iers were ca++in) the swappin) o? their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with an Imposte I'entity an' +i(in) in the J.or@es HomeK with a J.or@es Acco*ntK 4 meanin) the @anD acco*nts o? the .or@es .ort*ne 500 in(estor. 3*rin) the years 1""8 an' 1""" < I ha' hear' a@o*t this ?rom Sean ;*cD+ey 4 Bason ;e++emore 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e who was at Bason ;e++emoreAs ho*se +ate one Sat*r'ay ni)ht. 3isc*ssion o? the J.or@e' P+anK starte' '*rin) 1""8 whi+e at 9y+e Howar'As ho*se 5 Sean ;*cD+ey 'escri@e' to *s =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs p+ans to m*r'er the ?ami+ies o? the .or@es Ma)a>ine .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest Americans $ist an' rep+ace these in'i(i'*a+s with 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation to aethetica++y a+ter the appearances o? the 0r)ani>e' 7rime So+'iers to appear simi+ar to the in'i(i'*a+s whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s that they were stea+in). =ittorio 1man*e+e p+anne' to *se' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to stea+ the Dnow+e')e o? the .or@es .ort*ne 500 in(estors as we++ as ?or the p*rpose o? manip*+atin) the (oices o? the 2errorist 7rime So+'iersA to so*n' +iDe the (oices o? the in'i(i'*a+s whom they wo*+' @e +i(in) as imposte*rs o?. 2hese p+ans to stea+ the wea+th o? the .or@es Ma)a>ine .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest In'i(i'*a+s were en)ineere' sim*+taneo*s+y as =ittorio 1man*e+eAs p+ans with the A6IS .action to carry o*t the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 the Genoci'e o? North American #aces 4 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin) < an' the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or the p*rpose o? 2errorism 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection 4 an' Genoci'e. :hi+e Boe+ $am@ert 4 ;ea* SDinner 4 9enneth Sche(ey 4 Sean ;*cD+ey 4 an' I were at 9y+e Howar'As ho*se < Sean ;*cD+ey 4 eCp+aine' to *s =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs J.or@es P+anK an' the ?act that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was sti++ tryin) to 'e(ise a way to o@tain the machine which pro'*ces I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es an' other 'epartments o? )o(ernment 5 '*rin) the years 200% 4 2005 4 an' 200E < n*mero*s 3epartments o? Motor =ehic+es in the U.S.A. were *se' to print 3*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as ?or)e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or 2errorisrt 7rime So+'iers o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs. $i(in) as imposte o? the i'entity o? an In'i(i'*a+ 2ar)ette' ?or Genoci'e is a :ar 7rime *n+ess ?orce' to 'o so @y H*man 2ra??icDers 4 this is ?or reason that this ai's in the camo*?+a)in) o? the 1nemy 7om@atant .actionAs acti(e Genoci'e o? a pop*+ation )ro*p. :hi+e at 9y+e Howar's 4 Sean ;*cD+ey smoDe' MariI*ana with the )ro*p o? *s an' p*t a =HS 2ape into 9y+eAs =7# P+ayer an' showe' *s a =i'eo Presentation re+ate' to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs J.or@es P+anK. 2he MariI*ana seeme' to ha(e @een coate' in a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin an' some sort o? Hypnotic Ne*ro 2oCin. 2he =i'eo Presentation o? Jthe .or@es P+anK < a man an' a woman spoDe Jcatch phrasesK or JhooD phrasesK *sin) the wor' J.or@esK repeate'+y 5 these phrases inc+*'e' statements s*ch as J.or@es R itAs a rea+ity.K 4 J.or@es can chan)e yo*r +i?eK 4 an' J.or@es is )oin) to taDe care o? e(erythin)K. 2his (i'eo seeme' to @e en)ineere' in s*ch a manner as to @rain wash an' en)ineer a hypnoti>e' tho*)ht str*ct*re into the psycho+o)y o? the (iewers < '*rin) o*r (iewin) o? this (i'eo4 I ma'e n*mero*s IoDes a@o*t this an' ri'ic*+e' the (i'eo. I 'i' not remem@er (iewin) this (i'eo ?or n*mero*s years. It seeme' (ery o@(io*s t that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e was a 'an)ero*s 7onni(in) Artist. 3*rin) 1""8 or 1""" 4 one ni)ht whi+e a n*m@er o? peop+e an' my se+? were at Bason ;e++emoreAs ho*se < =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e arri(e' to ta+D to Bason. Bason ;e++emore 4 my se+? 4 an' ;ea* SDinner ha' @een 'rinDin) a+choho+ic @e(era)es. A+so present were 9enneth Sche(ey 4 9y+e Howar' 4 Boe+ $am@ert 4 an' 3an ;*cD+ey. :hi+e =ittorio was present 4 he 'isc*sse' the J.or@es P+anK a @it with Bason ;e++emore 5 '*rin) this time 4 I ma'e n*mero*s h*moro*s an' sarcastic comments

a@o*t the J.or@es P+anK an' Bason ;e++emore @e)an to 'o the same. Some o? o*r IoDes in(o+(e' the i'ea that we wo*+' ?inish the mo(ie 2eam America 2 @e?ore the ?irst one wo*+' @e re+ease' an' that I wo*+' @e the character that em*+ates Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh thro*)ho*t the entire mo(ie in that I @e+ie(e' there was an JA6IS o? 1(i+ 4 more 1(i+ than the A6IS.... which means that there was an A6IS o? Goo'. 2he Nationa+ist A6IS that 'oes not want to taDe o(er the wor+'. 3*rin) the mo(ie 2eam America 2 R IanAs character is the one that spen's ha+? o? his time with the A6IS whi+e poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins *na@+e to remem@er who the A6IS were a?terwar's 4 an' a+so spen's ha+? o? his time with the A++ie' .orces preten'in) that he 'oesnAt +iDe the A6IS.K 4 a+so IoDe' a@o*t was the i'ea that the ?irst strin) o? .or@es Imposte*rs wo*+' @e Di++e' @y the secon' strin) o? .or@es Imposte*rs who wo*+' @e to+' that the ?irst strin) o? .or@es Imposte*rs were the ?act*a+ .or@es In(estors. 3*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 < #o@ert #o'on 4 a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with his son 7hristopher #o'on 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+an to eCterminate a +ist o? races as we++ as o(erthrow the U.S.A. Go(ernment ?rom within. 2his is the p+an ?or the Pre 1mpti(e StriDe prior to the Ita+ian A6IS initiation o? :or+' :ar 3 5 which =ittorio 1man*e+e inten'e' to @e)in with a series o? Genoci'es 4 :ar #apes 4 other :ar 7rimes 4 an' .a+se .+a))e' 2errorist AttacDs. =ittorio 1man*e+e is a 7on Artist 4 a SeC 2ra??icDer 4 a Seria+ #apist SeC 0??en'er 4 a Seria+ 9i++er 4 a Pe'orast 7hi+' Mo+ester 4 an' a Me)a+omaniac Amora+ist Socia+ 3arwinist. 3*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 Bason ;e++emore 4 an' 3an ;*cD+ey @e)an poisonin) me o?ten with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin an' te++in) me to my ?ace that they were )oin) to eCterminate my entire race. 2hey sto+e the Dey to my @asement 'oor an' entere' the ho*se more than once. Sean ;*cD+ey to+' me that he rape' me in my s+eep once. 3*rin) 2002 4 3an ;*cD+eyAs co*sin 7hristina .aerio+o poisone' me 4 Bason #o')ers 4 an' 9en'ra ;rowne++ with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCins an' +et 3an ;*cD+ey 4 Sean ;*cD+ey 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' 3anie+ Bames into my apartment on 9e++ey Street in Manchester NewHampshire. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Sean ;*cD+ey S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my sD*++ an' are @e+ie(e' to ha(e inIecte' se'ati(es into my *pper +ip whi+e 'oin) so. Bason #o')erAs ha' a+rea'y @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which coinci'enta++y recor'e' this occ*rance into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentsA 7omp*ters an' the .e'era+ 7omm*nications Ser(ers. 2his series o? attacDs was the J/29 ;*) AttacDK an' was +inDe' with the " 11 2errorist AttacD an' the year 2000 as we++ as the Anti 7hrist Prophecy o? the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe ?or p*rpose o? sprea'in) ?ear an' panic when the in?ormation is re+ease'. J2he Anti 7hristK is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7hristina .aerio+o is Ita+ian o? Sa(oy an' A*strian o? Aosta 4 racia+ 3NA. 2he ;*cD+ey ?ami+y an' the .aerio+o ?ami+y are $orie ;*cD+ey Poten>aAs co*sins. 3*rin) the 1""0As an' into aro*n' the year 200! 4 n*mero*s NewsPaper Artic+es were p*@+ishe' a@o*t ?ami+ies @ein) Di++e' @y co++e)e st*'ents ret*rnin) home ?or winter @reaD who c+aime' that their ?ami+ies were rep+ace' @y imposte*rs who wo*+' not a'mit to @ein) imposte*rs. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s were 'ec+are' schi>ophrenic in a co*rtroom n*mero*s times. 2he re)ion that this occ*rre' in the most ?reH*ent+y was 0hio 4 7o+ora'o 4 an' Montana. 2hese ?ami+ies were pro@a@+y ?ami+ies o? Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 1mp+oyees an' .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommissions 1mp+oyees as we++ as their co*sins ?ami+ies 4 or a+so (ictims o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his accomp+ices SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate. 2he imposte*rs were pro@a@+y in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 the .or@es 500 Genoci'e an' I'entity 2he?t conspiracy 4 an' SeC 0??en'ers o??ere' new I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren spoDe a@o*t the 7o(ert 7onH*est o? North America *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' ens+a(ement o? the ?ema+e pop*+ation as we++ as the 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the Nati(e #aces o? North America4 ?or p*rpose o? a(ertin) in(esti)ation @y metho' o? +ater +ea(in) a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' imposte*r in his p+ace ?or himse+? to arrest ?or his own crimes i? neccessary 5 1' .arrachi :arren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Anthony 3e.eo recor'e' themse+(es 'isc*ssin) their p+ans into 15 recor'in) 'e(ices insta++e' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in)

pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar4 or'ere' to @e insta++e' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e himse+?. M*ch o? 1' :arrenAs 'isc*ssion o? these thin)s was co'e' with metaphor which inc+*'e' metaphorica+ re?erances to .oot@a++. 2he comp+ete rep+acement o? the pop*+ation o? the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. was ca++e' Gthe +ine o? scrima)eG 4 the imposte*rs were G1st strin)G an' G2n' strin)G < I @e+ie(e that the capt*re o? a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ase is a Gto*ch'ownG. A+so *se' were metaphors that in(o+(e' the concepts o? the mo(ie GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersG 4 an' the mo(ie Gthe 2erminatorG 5 imposte*rs who rep+ace ci(i+ians are GPo' peop+eG G@o'y snatchersG. I was re?erre' to as Gthe +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aG the @ene(o+ent 2erminator #o@ot that commits s*ici'e at the en' 4 as we++ as G7onan the ;ar@arianG. In the mo(ie 7onan the ;ar@arian < Bames 1ar+ Bones 5 the Hawaiin M*+atto 4 acte' as the character 2hoth Amon. G7onanG is the character portraye' @y the actor Arno+' Schwar>ene))er 5 the mi+itary o? 7onanAs nation is Di++e' @y 2hoth Amon as we++ as are the chi+'ren an' some o? the women taDen as s+a(es or H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims. 7onan is ?ree' ?rom s+a(ery @y a Nor'ic man who was worDin) ?or 2hoth Amon as a Mercenary. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 a 7onan the ;ar@arian GSpecia+ 7omic ;ooDG was p*@+ishe' to the internet an' possi@+y so+' in 7omic ;ooD Shops ca++e' 5 G;aracD the ;ar@arianG. Near+y my entire ?ami+y is missin) an' is pro@a@+y 'ea'5 they are c*rrent+y rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 0ne o? these imposte*rs attempte' to poison me in a @*tter than was @aDe' onto a ?ish 5 it sme++e' +iDe @+each. 2he @+each @*tter was one 'ay a?ter Sean 7ase at StopANAShop sai' to me GShh...H*iet. ;e 7are?*+. SheAs a Iew. 2his +a'y comin) here is a Bew.G at some point a?ter which Sean 7ase 'isc*sse' with o*r coworDer Matt G3o yo* Dnow yo* can poison some@o'y with ;+each an' YYYYYYY an' it taDes YYYYYYY 'ays to Di++ yo* an' 'oes not YYYYYYYYY o*t o? the stomach.G. A?ter mentionin) Athe +ine o? scrima)eA 4 1' :arren e(ent*a++y state' 5 GAt the en' o? this ... itAs )oin) to @e +iDe some@o'y t*rnin) the +i)hts on at the c+*@ at the en' o? the ni)ht. 1(ery@o'y is )oin) to @e +ooDin) aroin' sayin) Awoah.... who are these peop+eOA an' 4 Awhere am iO who am iOA when they a++ rea+i>e that theyA(e ha' these in them the who+e time. Peop+e who +e?t are )oin) to @e mo(in) @acD *p here sayin) 4 Awoah.. e(ery@o'y +ooDs ?*cDe' *p. what happene' *p hereOG. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e in co++e)e < an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son was somehow +*re' to st*'y a@roa' in Ita+ia *sin) =a+erieAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 1' .arrachi :arren was o(erhear' statin) GSheAs )oin) to @e o(er there st*'yin) a@roa' 4 theyAre )oin) to @e o(er there st*'yin) a @roa'N /o* Dnow what I meanOG . 1'As statement '*rin) 200% or the year 2005 was not then Dnown to concern =a+erie 0+son @*t has now @een 'etermine' to re)ar' =a+erieAs imposte*r. 3*rin) the year 2005 < Mosta?a I@nSa*' was intro'*ce' to an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son whom pose' ?or photo)raphs with Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 an' an Ita+ian ma+e whom +ooDe' +iDe he was +iDe+y to @e the @io+o)ica+ @rother or ?irst co*sin o? the man whom ha' *se' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7re'it 7ar' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire to @*y c+eanin) pro'*cts 4 an' an A+@anian ma+e whom two 'i??erent imposte*rs o? =a+erie 0+son attempte' to te++ me she was marryin). 2he A+@anian ma+e was wearin) =a+erie 0+sonAs G2he SmithsG @an' t shirt. 2he ?irst Imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son whom +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ an' so*n'e' i'entica+ (oca++y has now @een rea+i>e' to ha(e @een a #*ssian ?ema+e < I ha(e notice' that ?or reason that her an' I )ot a+on) (ery we++ 4 the #*ssian imposte*r whom was o@(io*s+y a H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictim was swappe' with a secon' in'i(i'*a+ @e?ore I co*+' )et in?ormation o*t o? her concernin) the rea+ =a+erieAs wherea@o*ts an' why she has @een ?orce' to preten' to @e my ?irst +o(e =a+erie 0+son4 the secon' =a+erie 0+son imposte*r was cr*e+ an' impossi@+e to )et a+on) with. I 'i' not imme'iate+y notice that these were imposte*rs. 3*rin) my teena)e years < =a+erie 0+son an' I were insepera@+e an' she was the most important person to me in the entire wor+'. .i+ 1man*e+e state' '*rin) 200% whi+e in Manchester NewHampshire the wor's G I hate +o(e G 4 =a+erie 0+son an' my se+? were Dnown to a+most e(ery person whom either o? *s ha' e(er Dnown as @ein) comp+ete+y *nchan)ea@+y in +o(e with eachother. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 < more than once 5 1' :arren was hear' statin) G2his is )oin) to @e +iDe

In(asion o? the ;o'y Snatchers4 )*yNG which has since @een 'etermine' to @e a re?erence to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy @ein) *se' to m*tate 7o(ert A)ents to appear as i'entica+ as possi@+e to 2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e since @een either m*r'ere' or a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' or eCperimente' *pon. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*roScience so?tware has @een @ein) *se' ?or p*rpose o? trainin) (oca+ m*sc*+at*re an' +in)*istic m*sc*+at*re 5 immitatin) the (oca+ accent 4 +in)*istics 4 speech patterns 4 an' (oca+ tim@er o? the (ictims whom ha(e @een #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*r. .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action ha(e @een con'*ctin) Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections ?or p*rpose o? eCpan'in) the potentia+ o? Ne*roScience So?tware *se' in conI*nction with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #a'io .reH*ency 2ransmitters an' #ecei(ers 4 as we++ as a Power S*pp+y which pro(i'es animati@+e or a*tomati@+e @inary 1+ectro Ma)netics to the Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*itry o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roGra?t which a'heres to the ;rain itse+?. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 $orie Poten>a wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' state' whi+e on the mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone 5 JNow that =ictorAs )ettin) o+'er an' heAs a@o*t to ha(e his @irth'ay 4 I to+' him we are )oin) to ha(e to )o o*t with a @an). 2his is the @i) one. :eAre )oin) to ri'e it *nti+ the whee+s ?a++ o?? 4 so to speaD. /eah 4 weAre )oin) a++ the way with this one.K she so*n'e' as i? she meant that they are )oin) to SeC 2ra??icD the entirety o? North America an' )enoci'a++y eCterminate a++ o? o*r ?ami+ies. 2he 'an)er o? entire re)ions @ein) rep+ace' @y imposte*rs +oya+ to the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy is a 'e?inite threat 5 c*rrent+y 4 ha+? o? the ?ami+ies ?rom the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. seem to ha(e imposte*rs *sin) their '*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as ha(e many @een rep+ace' @y what appear to @e crimina+ ita+ian aCis espiona)e a)ents an' seC o??en'ers worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es. 2he .or@es $ist o? :ea+thiest Peop+e are 'e?inite tar)ets o? the 1man*e+esA who are 'e?inite to @e schemin) to rep+ace their wea+thy ?ami+ies with imposte*rs worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es who wo*+' then ha(e access to their wea+th. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 'isc*sse' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 4 Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 an' SeC 0??en'ers 5 to rep+ace the ?ami+ies o? the .or@es :ea+thiest Peop+e +ist an' the .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest Peop+e +ist 4 ?or the p*rpose o? stea+in) a++ o? their money ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS. 2his wo*+' maDe A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y the wea+thiest ?ami+y on earth. 2he c*rrent Dnown eCtent o? the Ne*roScience So?tware which .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .action ha(e 'e(e+ope' has inc+*'e' th*s ?ar ro@otic contro+ o? the Ne*ro+o)y o? $i(in) ;io+o)ica+ 0r)anisms 4 *ti+i>in) the 0r)anic Ne*ro7irc*itry an' 0r)anic ;o'y as a #o@otic ;o'y 5 animatin) h*man Ne*ro+o)y @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' 1+ectroMa)netic ;inary which contro+s precise e+ectroma)netic cata+ysts on the ;rainAs s*r?ace4 this @ein) monitore' @y Ne*roScience so?tware as we++ as a*tomate' an' animate' @y Ne*roScience so?tware. 2he animatin) o? precise e+ectroma)netic cata+ysts on the @rainAs s*r?ace is capa@+e o? manip*+atin) speci?ic ?*nctions o? the @rain (ery precise+y 5 a*tomatin) or a+terin) emotiona+ responses an' re?+eCes 4 sensory perception an' eCperiences 4 contro++in) ?+eC an' tension o? physica+ m*sc*+at*re 4 ana+y>in) ne*ro +in)*istics as we++ as creatin) ne*ro +in)*istic processes on the s*r?ace o? the @rain 4 networDin) prosthesis to the @o'yAs or)anic ne*ro+o)y 4 tri))erin) ?+ash@acDs 4tri))erin) chemica+ e??ects on the @rainAs s*r?ace 4 tri))erin) re+ease o? hormones as we++ as contro++in) the eCtent to which these hormones are present in the @rain 4 animatin) Ne*ro+o)ica+ e+ectroma)netic processes simi+ari+y to animation o? +i)ht on a comp*ter screen 4 animatin) Am@ient Arti?ica+ Inte++i)ence time' an' responsi(e cata+ysts 4 as we++ as animatin) Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence monitore' 'iscip+inary processes to occ*r on the @rainAs s*r?ace which repetitio*s+y trains pa(+onian ne*ro+o)ica+ responses. .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .action ha(e 'e(e+ope' #o@otic Ne*roScience s+a(e so?tware ?or H*man 2ra??icDin) p*rpose as we++ as ha(e they *se' this so?tware ?or espiona)e. 1' .arrachi :arren maDin) a IoDe to Anthony 3e?eo sayin) G2his is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers.G is positi(e e(i'ence that 1' .arrachi :arren whom was we++ acH*ainte' with

=ittorio 1man*e+e was one o? the peop+e Dnow+e')ea@+e o? this co(ert in(asion that the 1man*e+es ha' p+anne'. 2he mo(ie GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersG was a@o*t an A+ien Species whom pro)resse' ?rom a )e+atin +i?e?orm 4 to a p+ant +i?e?orm 4 to a h*man +i?e?orm which they ha' c+one' thro*)h osmosis an' e(ent*a++y m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' 5 these were ca++e' GPo' Peop+eG. An *nre+ate' te+e(ision series simi+ar to GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersG was 'isc*sse' that was o? simi+arity to the @ooD Gthe P*ppetMastersG a 1"80As 1""0As series in(o+(in) an A+ien Species capa@+e o? @*rrowin) into a h*man @o'y4 hi'in) itse+? within the h*man ?orm 'is)*ise' as them 5 in this te+e(ision series this A+ien Species was p+annin) to conH*er the p+anet 1arth. 2he in(asion o? Imposte*rs whom are #ep+acin) @y Imposte*r the ci(i+ian pop*+ation o? the North 1ast o? North America was p+anne' @y .i+i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7esare 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 an' 1' .arrachi :arren '*rin) the year 200% 5 ?or this p+an 4 they 'eci'e' to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 3NA Genetic 1n)ineerin) Science an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roSciences. It is a pro@a@i+ity that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' A#G0S G.P.S. with Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ or an a+tere' *se o? the Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ has @een *se' in the past to contro+ (ictims o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections in the U.S.A. an' in?+*ence them psycho+o)ica++y an' ne*ro+o)ica++y as we++ as pi+ot them to commit 2errorist AttacDs s*ch as Schoo+ Shootin)s an' Ma++ Shootin)s. 1' :arren re?erre' to these as G2erminatorsG. 2he entire contents o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters nee's to @e copie' to an o??+ine stora)e *nit an' searche' *sin) Ana+ysis So?tware 'esi)ne' to ?in' speci?ic Din's o? si)na+s 4 ?or the p*rpose o? ?in'in) 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph Si)na+s 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Si)na+s 4 Ne*ro Science So?tware 2ransmissions 4 an' any other Ne*roScience re+ate' 2ransmissions. A Ser(er 7omp*ter with a 100 7ore 2I$1#A Processor co*+' easi+y han'+e this tasD. I @e+ie(e it wo*+' @e re+ati(e+y simp+e ?or the U.S.A. Mi+itary to 'esi)n this Si)na+s 3ata Ana+ysis So?tware as we++. Searchin) the entire contents o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata with a 100 7ore 2I$1#A Processor sho*+' yie+' 'e?inite res*+ts an' ?in' the entirety o? a++ Ne*roScience 1+ectronic 2ransmissions 4 inc+*'in) So?t:are 2rans?ers e(ent*a++y 5 in a matter o? a ?ew so+i' months. 2he res*+ts wo*+' @e simi+ar to a Search 1n)ine which cata)ori>es the res*+ts o? the Search. :hi+e the 'ata is @ein) ana+y>e' 4 the U.S.A. Mi+itary an' the other A*s.7an.NP.U9.US Nations co*+' easi+y search thro*)h the most recent Mi+itary Si)na+s recor's o? 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph 3ata 2ransmissions an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace re+ate' Ne*roScience 2ransmissions 5 this wo*+' ena@+e the U.S.A. Mi+itary an' others to @e)in maDin) arrests. 2hese 'e(ices ha(e G.P.S. $ocation an' the in(esti)ation @e)innin) in Manchester NewHampshire 4 MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 ;oy+ston Massach*settes 4 ;e'?or' Massach*settes 4 Nash*a NewHampshire 4 an' ;oston Massach*settes 5 wi++ e(ent*a++y +ea' to the entirety o? the e(i'ence necessary to con(ict an' arrest the entire Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a++ o? those o? the Ho*se o? Aosta who ha(e @een +i(in) in North America since the 2n' 3e?eat o? the A6IS. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 I was +ie' a@o*t to the comm*nity. Bosh*a Go+'enAs Mother was ner(o*s to si)n a 7re'it 7ar' S+ip at my 7ash #e)ister an' reacte' stran)e+y a@o*t ha(in) to si)n the cre'it s+ip 5 I @e+ie(e that she ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Interace in her crani*m. Her way o? mo(in) seeme' *nnat*ra+ an' her mo*th seeme' +iDe it may ha(e mo(e' Ne*ro #o@otica++y. She t*rne' an' asDe' 4 G:ho 'i' thatO :hich one o? yo* 'i' thatO I 'i'nAt e(en I*st say that. :hat is thisOG +iDe her mo*th was mo(in) on itAs own an' some@o'y was attemptin) to choreo)raph an' script the con(ersation @etween my se+? an' herse+?. It seems 'e?inite that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices were in the crani*ms o? n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s amon)st the comm*nity a+rea'y in the year 200%. 2wo Bewish ?ema+es came into the .ami+y 3o++ar Store who I ha' Dnown '*rin) my chi+'hoo' when I was in schoo+. 1riDa .ein)o+' an' A@@ey 1t+in)er wa+De' thro*)h .ami+y 3o++ar 5 they ha' m*tate' sDin an' +ooDe' +iDe someone ha' poisone' them with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to +ooD +iDe M*+attos. A@@ey asDe' me i? I reco)ni>e' her 4 at the time I 'i' not. 1riDa .ein)o+' +ooDe' terri?ie' 4 her sDin ha'

t*rne' @rown an' her hair t*rne' @+acD. ;oth A@@ey 1t+in)er an' 1riDa .ein)o+' ha' )o+' hair 4 me'i*m +i)ht sDin tone 4 an' miCe' eye co+or 5 at the time 4 I tho*)ht that 1riDa .ein)o+' may ha(e possi@+y @een a m*+atto co*sin o? 1riDaAs an' I 'i'nAt reco)ni>e A@@ey 1t+in)er. I @e+ie(e that I +ater witnesse' them @ein) arreste' @y a Po+ice =an on 1+m Street '*rin) which they were ?rantica++y asDin) H*estions a@o*t why they were @ein) arreste' an' were cryin). 3*rin) the year 200% 5 ;en $in'@er) wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar to in(esti)ate me ?or the p*rpose o? testin) a theory to see i? I spoDe 3e*tsche. ;en $in'@er) was accompanie' @y who I @e+ie(e was his co*sin. ;en $in'@er) spoDe to this man an' my se+? in 3e*tsche an' e(ent*a++y c+aspe' me on the sho*+'er an' sai' GNoO /o*A++ +earn e(ent*a++y. I ha(e ?aith in yo*.G when ;en rea+i>e' that I 'i'nAt speaD 3e*tsche. ;en $in'@er) Dnew Bason ;e++emore 4 Bason ;e++emoreAs o+'er @rother as we++ as was Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin ?rien's with 7ha' Gro+sch who was ?rien's with Sahn'ra St.0n)e who was my )ir+?rien' at the time. 7ha' Gro+sch was a mem@er o? the :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation 5 the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator. ;en $in'@er) was a+so ?rien's with some@o'y who was Bewish who may ha(e hear' the r*mo*r that I was G+iDe an A'o+? Hit+erG that was o@(io*s+y starte' @y either =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or one o? his sons. Sahn'ra St. 0n)e a+so to+' 7ha' Gro+sch that I ha' to+' her who A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parents were an' ha' to+' a Bew on the internet. 2he +ies an' r*mo*rs which ha' 'escri@e' my se+? as a G:hite S*premacist .ascistG sprea' thro*)ho*t the entire comm*nity an' e(ent*a++y res*+te' in a man who +ooDe' to @e ha+? Swe'ish an' ha+? 3e*tsche wa+Din) into the store an' )ettin) an)ry with me a@o*t somethin) that I ha' not e(er e(en sai' 4 @*t ha' @een p*@+ishe' to the internet an' presente' on my comp*ter screen as a we@site that incorrect+y 'escri@e' the =estmanIar as a GS+a(e man who wears the chain (estG. 2his artic+e 'escri@e' the GMen o? the :estG or =estmanIar in 0+' Norse as the men who wear Gthe s+a(e (estG. 2his artic+e was accompanie' @y a photo)raph o? a +ar)e chain (est with a +ar)e pa' +ocD on it. 3*rin) the year 200% < ;en $in'@er) an' 3an ;*cD+ey contacte' Sahn'ra St.0n)e on the internet *sin) some@o'y e+seAs screenname who she was on the ?rien's +ist o? an' to+' her to te++ me that they wo*+' @e picDin) me *p in the mornin) to )o on a roa' trip. 2he neCt mornin) 4 ;en $in'@er) an' 3an ;*cD+ey picDe' me *p an' to+' me that we were )oin) to =ir)inia. 3an ;*cD+ey was 'ri(in). 0n the way to =ir)inia 4 3an ;*cD+ey +it a mariI*ana ci)arette an' han'e' it to ;en $in'@er). ;en $in'@er) asDe' him4 G7an he ha(e someOG < to which 3an ;*cD+ey sai' G/eah thatAs why I +it it.G an' ;en han'e' it to me. A?ter we smoDe' it. 3an ;*cD+ey to+' *s 4 G2hereAs a 3isassociati(e in the MariI*ana 4 @y the way.G . ;en $in'@er) @ecame an)ry an' con?*se' . I asDe' 3an ;*cD+ey where he @o*)ht it ?rom 4 @eca*se this has happene' to me @e?ore. 3an ;*cD+ey sai' GI Dnow 4 I wi++ eCp+ain +ater.G . ;en $in'@er) was to+' 4 G I ha(e the anti'ote. Here.G an' 3an ;*cD+ey )a(e ;en $in'@er) a pi++. 3an then to+' ;en that the pi++ was M3MA an' ;en )ot an)ry a)ain 4 sayin) 5 G:hat is it rea++yO :hat 'i' I I*st taDeO :hy are yo* actin) +iDe this to'ayO I 'onAt e(en Dnow why I tr*st yo*.G. 3an ;*cD+ey then to+' ;en GItAs @oth act*a++y. He 'o*@+e presse' it.G . A?ter we )ot to #ichmon' =ir)inia. 3an ;*cD+ey eCp+aine' to me that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 4 eCp+aine' to me that Bason ;e++emore was A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sin an' a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' was not tr*stworthy an' a+so that Bason ;e++emore was a SeC 0??en'er. 3an ;*cD+ey a+so eCp+aine' to me that soon the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 an' the SeC 2ra??icDer A6IS 2errorists that they worD with were )oin) to @e p*ttin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' =erichips in the 7i(i+ian Pop*+ation an' eCterminatin) +ar)e n*m@ers o? ci(i+ians. 3an ;*cD+ey to+' my se+? an' ;en $in'@er) this an' eCp+aine' that we wi++ ha(e to )et o*t o? the U.S.A. as soon as it happens an' te++ ?orei)n mi+itary. 3an ;*cD+ey sai' that I wo*+' @e contacte' when this happens an' when I ha(e one 4 I wi++ @e to+' to maDe ?or another nation to warn them an' to write a :itness Statement. ;en $in'@er) to+' me that I sho*+' sa(e a++ o? my money ?or this an' worD as o?ten as possi@+e an' that when this occ*rs I can r*n to 7ana'a an' the U.9. an' that ;en $in'@er) co*+' 'o the same an' r*n e+sewhere to te++ mi+itary. 3an ;*cD+ey eCp+aine' to me that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a+most entire+y SeC 0??en'ers who SeC

2ra??icDin) 7hi+'ren an' yo*n) women an' Di++ the ?ami+ies o? the (ictims an' that they are p+annin) to Di++ any@o'y who has e(er met them or the Aosta 9ni)hts that ha(e @een +i(in) in the U.S.A. . 3an ;*cD+ey to+' me that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy entire+y ha(e @een poisonin) me with 3isassociati(es since I was a chi+' an' that 3an ;*cD+ey Dnows what it is @eca*se his ?ami+y Dnows them @eca*se he has co*sins who are o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that 7hristina .aerio+o is his co*sin. 3an ;*cD+ey then to+' me that I wo*+' @e a@+e to remem@er this con(ersation in the ?*t*re @eca*se 3isassociati(es on+y ca*se yo* to ?or)et i? yo* 'o not *n'er)o hypnosis 4 ha(e remin'ers 4 or )o thro*)h a Gesta+t Memory #eco(ery to remem@er what happene' 5 he to+' me that I wo*+' @e contacte' an' in?orme' o? what happene' in the ?*t*re. 2his eCact scenario seems to ha(e @een poste' on the internet an' e'itte' to say GSpace A+iensG instea' o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' GMemory Imp+antG instea' o? S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 2he ?irst person that I Dnow ?or a ?act was S*)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was Sam 7asse++a in the year 2000 an' possi@+y Bason Be??rey in the same year as we++ as my .ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson 4 in the year 2000 5 this was the G/29 ;*) AttacDG an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e *se' it to amass an army o? SeC 0??en'ers to whom they ha(e )i(en new I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 ha(e *se' it to manip*+ate the @rains o? their tar)ets an' corr*pt them or otherwise manip*+ate them to ser(e their )oa+s as we++ as assassinate them 4 ha(e *se' these 'e(ices to SeC 2ra??icDin) women as #o@otic 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es 4 ha(e *se' these 'e(ices to immitate the (oices o? peop+e whom they ha(e m*r'ere' an' )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' in'i(i'*a+s. 2he 3epartment o? 3e?ense is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' @y 30NA$3 #UMS.1$3 4 a 2IM1 MAGAPIN1 Artic+e 'isp+aye' an ima)e o? the Pyrami' on the 3o++ar ;i++ that was printe' '*e to the B.P.Mor)an +oan 5 this pyrami' represents the concept o? Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation to some. 2he Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments ne(er in(esti)ate' the Ne*roScience 2ransmissions @eca*se they ha(e @een in?i+trate' an' corr*pte' 4 a 3.N.A. 2est an' .ami+y 2ree History is c*rrent+y nee'e' 'esperate+y. I @e+ie(e that 3ona+' #*ms?e+' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een an A6IS S+eeper A)ent worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he on+y Internet NetworDin) Protoco+s that wo*+' worD ?or these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are A#G0S G.P.S. 4 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 Shippin) F .rei)ht $o)istics G.P.S. 4 an' Mo@i+e Internet Si)na+ 5 these are a@norma+ si)na+s an' recor' 'irect+y into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters twice '*e to the ?act that they are an ..7.7. =io+ation an' are a+so recor'e' into a +ocation as the I.N.P. . A massi(e 'epop*+ation has occ*rre' in the U.S.A. in a ?ew speci?ic re)ions 4 s*ch as the 1ast 7oast 5 the North 1ast has @een hea(i+y 'epop*+ate'. 2his is a )enoci'e. 2he neCt time that I saw 3an ;*cD+ey a?ter the trip to #ichmon' =ir)inia was in 7am@ri')e Massach*settes 4 he was with what I @e+ie(e was an imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er). 2he imposte*r o? ;en $in'@er) sho(e' me an' sai' GI am )oin) to eCterminate yo*r entire raceNG. 2he man +ooDe' +iDe he was pro@a@+y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe ;en $in'@er). 3an ;*cD+ey is 'e?inite+y an accomp+ice to the North American Genoci'e. 3*rin) the year 2005 < 1' :arren mentione' p+ans to commit )enoci'e an' stea+ ?ami+iesA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s in the process 4 ?or p*rpose o? camo*?+a)in) the )enoci'e. 3*rin) this 'isc*ssion with Anthony 3e.eo 4 1' :arren mentione' GSecon' Strin)ersG an termino+o)ies ?rom American .oot@a++. 1' :arren 'isc*sse' p+ans ?or North American Genoci'e an' p+ans to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate an' comp+ete+y corr*pt the USA Go(ernment 4 *sin) termino+o)ies re+ate' to ?oot@a++ p+ays as metaphor. 3*rin) 1' :arrenAs 'isc*ssions with Anthony 3e.eo 5 Anthony 3e.eo state' to 1' :arren 4 G5 Mi++ion @ecomes 25 Mi++ion in a short amo*nt o? time. I? they 'onAt want to )et ca*)ht... 5 mi++ion peop+e @ecomes 25 Mi++ion 4 those are ?ami+ies 1'.G It is 'e?inite that the m*r'er an' rep+acement o? one in'i(i'*a+ with an imposte*r can reH*ire ten in'i(i'*a+s to @e rep+ace' to pre(ent the a*thorities ?rom @ein) in?orme' that it has occ*rre'.

0? possi@+e re+ation to 7esare the 7*@ano Ita+iano ?rien' o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' his seC o??enses < '*rin) the year 2005 4 my co worDer #osa mentione' at worD that % men ha' tie' *p a man an' ?orce' him to watch as they rape' his )ir+?rien'. #osa a+so ca++e' 7esare G3ia@+oG an' 'escri@e' him as a horri@+e 'is)*stin) seC o??en'er an' a 'e(i+. She to+' him to his ?ace to stay away ?rom her comm*nity an' their 'a*)hters an' that she Dnew he was a rapist an' a ?ascist. Accor'in) to more than one o? the P*erto #icans in the +oca+ comm*nity 4 7esare ha' @r*ta++y rape' a +itt+e )ir+ in 7*@a an' ha' @een h*nte' a?terwar's @y a )ro*p o? 7*@anos whom he+' him 'own a?ter catchin) him an' car(e' into his ?ace with a Dni?e ?or p*rpose o? marDin) him so that the Po+ice co*+' +ater i'enti?y an' arrest him. It was 'isc*sse' @y two ?ema+e c*stomers that 7esareAs SeC 0??enses were one in'i(i'*a+As contri@*tion to a +on) series o? wi'e sprea' :ar #apes an' ;r*ta+ity Upon .ema+es which were Initiation 7rimes reH*ire' o? mem@ers o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom were eCpecte' to commit increasin)+y heino*s crimes 5 this type o? 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate wi++ ine(ita@+y pro'*ce a @r*ta+ an' inh*mane 'espotic re)ime 4 intereste' in nothin) @*t G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' a@so+*te imm*nity to the +aw ?or p*rpose o? the in'i(i'*a+s @ein) *nreH*ite'+y ena@+e' to commit sicD atrocities an' sa'istic crimes. 2hese women a+so 'isc*sse' what Nina Hansen ha' to+' me '*rin) the year 2000 4 when we were 'atin) 5 .i+ 1man*e+e ha' poisone' Nina Hansen with M3MA 4 tie' her *p 4 an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs as we++ as repeate'+y rape' her. It is a+so r*mo*re' as we++ is it possi@+y the tr*th that 7esare A3ia@+oG is pro@a@+y one o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )ran'sons ?rom an *n'oc*mente' chi+' o? B*+i*s 7aesar 1(o+aAs 5 7esare a'mitte' to this himse+? an' spoDe pro*'+y o? this as we++ as 'i' .i+ 1man*e+e at some point a'mit this. G3ia@+oG was 7esareAs pse*'onym in 7*@a an' the rest o? the 7arri@eans as we++ as .+ori'a. 0? B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 7esare state' whi+e stan'in) in the 'oorway at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 GMy )ran' ?ather was a .ascistN I am not st*pi'. It says in his @ooD that he is not 4 @*t it says that he was not a Nationa+ .ascist. I am not st*pi'. My )ran' ?ather was a #oman .ascistNG < this was a re?erence to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +iterary worDs wherein which B*+i*s 1(o+a state' that he was not a Nationa+ .ascist @*t constant+y an' consistant+y promote' the i'ea that the #oman 1mpire sho*+' @e reconstr*cte' an' that it was the *+timate i'ea+ ci(i+i>ation. B*+i*s 1(o+a 'i' not @e+ie(e in the #oman Aesthetic o? Nationa+ .ascism @ein) a component o? the Ita+ian 9in)'om < B*+i*s 1(o+a @e+ie(e' that the 9in)'om o? Ita+ia was a mo'ern constr*ct an' was a 'eca'ent (a+*e+ess nihi+ity o? mo'ernity +acDin) in what B*+i*s 1(o+a ca++e' G2ra'itiona+ =a+*esG which in ?act to B*+i*s 1(o+a tr*e+y meant G#oman Imperia+G. B*+i*s 1(o+a @e+ie(e' in the +itera+ reconstr*ction o? the +itera+ #oman 1mpire. 2he #oman Aesthetic to B*+i*s 1(o+a was +itera++y the @e)inin) o? #omani>ation an' #oman Imperia+ #econstr*ction. 7esare was 'e?inite+y re?errin) to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +iterary worDs. :hen B*+i*s 1(o+a spoDe o? G2ra'itiona+ Aristocratic =a+*esG he meant the #oman Aristocracy an' the Syncretism o? #oman Imperia+ism 5 .o+D #e+i)ion an' .o+D 2ra'ition to B*+i*s 1(o+a was a threat to his a@i+ity to esta@+ish a he)emon. I @e+ie(e that the wor's 7esare spoDe are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een +ies which he was or'ere' to speaD @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 ?or the p*rpose o? creatin) an A+i@i ?or the ?act that the 1man*e+es a'opte' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs in?ant 'a*)hter ;onnie to their 7rime So+'ier s*rname' 3amon. 0? re+ation to SeC 0??enses 'isc*sse' whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 Anthony 3e.eo asDe' 1' :arren 4 G3i' yo* hear a@o*t =ictoriaO It was 'is)*stin). Geor)e 7atsopo*+os in 'ra) in a@so+*te+y 'is)*stin). Geor)e 7atsopo*+os in a 'ress an' a @+on'e wi) is an atrocio*s si)ht.G . 2he name G=icDyG is another ?orm o? the name =ictoria. 2he name =icDy has @een seen n*mero*s times in attacDs which were committe' *pon +itt+e )ir+s. G=icDy the )hostG was a name that my +itt+e sister S*mmer MacPherson ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t '*rin) 200E. 3*rin) 200% 4 1' :arren +ooDe' o(er at Anthony 3e.eo whi+e stocDin) items in the @acD o? the sa+es area at .ami+y 3o++ar an' sai' G3o yo* Dnow who wo*+' @e )oo' ?or this one 4 AnthonyO Geor)eNG 4 this was state' aro*n' the same 'ate *pon which Anthony 3e.eo an' 1' :arren ha' @een 'isc*ssin) ?in'in) a ScapeGoat A+i@i to @+ame ?or =ittorioAs an' .i++i@ertoAs 2errorism an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. 3*rin) this month < 1' :arren p*t a c*r+y haire' wi) *n'er a hat an' p*t the hat on his hea' 4 a?terwhich he sai' G/o* Dnow what this is 4 IanO

/o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG . 1' a+so 'i' this with a c*r+y hair eCtension. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 #osa Moreno state' to 1' :arren < GI canAt wait *nti+ a++ the $icense P+ates come o*t at the en' an' he starts tryin) to or'er peop+e aro*n'N He thinDs heAs a 9in) sti++ 4 he aint shit.G . 1' :arren was writin) +icense p+ate n*m@ers 'own on a ye++ow pa' o? paper 4 as we++ as 'ate F time an' 'escription o? ci(i+ians inc+*'in) sometimes their names 5 this in?ormation was apparent+y @ein) )i(en to =ittorio 1man*e+e4 this happene' to n*mero*s ci(i+ians whom were a?terwar's a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' or m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 1' :arren sai' to Shannon ;*rston G:e ?o*n' a )*y name' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. :eA(e )ot a )*y rea'y to taDe his p+ace 4 weAre I*st )oin) to *se his name.G. Months a?ter statin) this 4 1' :arren sai' < GItAs act*a++y )oin) to @e ;ho;ho.G to 3e@ 3*mont who rep+ie' +a*)hin) GHahaha ;ho;ho the c+ownN ;ho Bo@NG . A?ter this 4 1' :arren state' 5 G2hereAs )oin) to @e a pair o? them 4 they +ooD a+iDe. :eAre )oin) to maDe them +ooD i'entica+.G. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren was ta+Din) a@o*t impote*rs who the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS were )oin) to *se to attempt to swap the Presi'ent o? the U.S.A. with an' taDe the U.S.A. . 3*rin) 20054 1' :arren was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) the ?act that ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was on a Genoci'e $ist an' that the man was )oin) to @e rep+ace' with an imposte*r. 1' :arren to+' 3e@@ie 3*mont that a man was ?rame' @y means o? manip*+atin) him with Ne*roScience So?tware a?ter S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain. 1' :arren state' that the man ha' committe' a minor SeC 0??ense '*rin) the approCimate year 1""" @*t ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' contro++e' to commit the crime @y metho' o? @ein) Ne*ro+o)ica++y Pi+ote' to physica++y commit the crime @y means o? Ne*roScience So?tware < 1' :arren state' that the man was )oin) to @e o*t o? prison in +ate 2005 or 200E an' that the man who was ?rame @e+ie(e' that he was )*i+ty an' was )oin) to @e )i(en ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear o? i'entica+ appearance. It was state' that he Jwas )oin) to @e )oin) ri)ht @acD in there a?terwar'sK an' that the man was part o? an attempt to create an a+i@i ?or =ictor. 1' :arren to+' 3e@@ie 3*mont that there was )oin) to @e two ;aracD H*ssein 0@amas 4 J;ho;hoK < an' that this was )oin) to @e a J;ho;ho Bo@ 4 ;ho;ho the c+own Io@K 5 1' :arren state' that the secon' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama imposte*r was )oin) to @e committin) some crimes an' 'oin) some 'irty worD ?or the a+i@i. It so*n'e' as i? the ?irst imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was )oin) to @e ?rame @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy a)ain. .rom what 1' :arren an' 3e@@ie 3*mont were 'isc*ssin) 4 it a+so so*n'e' as i? there was )oin) to @e a team a SeC 0??en'ers monitorin) an' watchin) the ?irst imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama < physica++y contro++in) him an' monitorin) his 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph transmissions at a++ times 5 manip*+atin) him constant+y to Deep him on an eCact co*rse 4 a+most as i? he were he+' hosta)e wihto*t his rea+i>in) it. 2he a+i@i that 1' :arren was 'isc*ssin) was =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs a+i@i 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs a+i@i 4 2ony GrassetiAs a+i@i 4 #o@ 3AAn)e+oAs a+i@i 4 Gra>>io+iAs a+i@i 4 an' $orie Poten>aAs a+i@i 5 the a+i@i they nee'e' to escape :ar 7rimes char)es an' an Internationa+ :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ ?or S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in ci(i+iansA @rains a++ o(er North America an' e+sewhere an' *sin) them to commit SeC 0??enses 4 Ne*roScience =i(isect H*man @ein)s 4 carry o*t a massi(e Genoci'e 4 an' SeC 2ra??icD H*man @ein)s. It so*n'e' as i? Ne*roScience 1.1.G was )oin) to @e *se' to type in ?ront o? the ?irst imposte*r o? ;aracDAs eyes with Green 2eCt to comm*nicate anonymo*s+y with him an' that he was )oin) to @e anonymo*s+y recr*ite' an' networDe' with new 7rime So+'iers o? the Sa(oy A6IS. 3*rin) the year 200% an' 2005 < who I @e+ie(e was my ?rien' Sarah 9at+erAs .ather 4 came in to the store. I ha' not seen Sarah in a +on) time. 2he time I saw Sarah 4 I ha' taDen a photo)raph o? her

+ayin) on the *n'ersi'e o? a car that ha' tippe' o(er whi+e 'ri(in) 'own a hi++ an' ha' +an'e' @e++y si'e *p 5 the photo)raph was +a@e+e' GSarah 9at+er Un'er 7+*nDer 7ar < Photo)raph taDen @y Ian MacPhersonG. Sarah 9at+erAs ?eet were stan'in) on the ?ront aCe+ an' she ha' stretche' her arms an' he+' the @acD aCe+ with her han's 5 maDin) it appear as i? she were part o? the *n'er @o'y o? the car. Sarah 9at+er was a Bewish )ir+ that I was (ery c+ose ?rien' with. Somethin) that seeme' rea++y important to remem@er that 1' :arren ha' sai' was G3*'e4 are we )oin) to @e )oin) 'own +iDe #ese(oir 3o)s at the en' o? thisO I 'onAt Dnow a@o*t this )*y.G 2he mo(ie #ese(oir 3o)s c+oses with a scene in(o+(in) a shoot o*t @etween n*mero*s arme' com@atants. 1(ery sin)+e character in the mo(ie 'ies at the en'. 2his ima)ery @rin)s to min' 7o(ert A)ents @e)inin) a shoot o*t with Mi+itary4 Po+ice4 an' In(esti)ations Units which they are em@e''e' amon)st 5 this wo*+' most +iDe+y @e)in with some Din' o? @etraya+ s*ch as a @*++et in the @acD. 2his is a (ery 'an)ero*s sit*ation @ein) that so many Americans an' 7ana'ians are missin) an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y a)ents o? simi+ar appearance who ha(e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)erie' their ?aces 5 these peop+e4 com@ine' with the 7o(ert Ita+ian A6IS A)ents which were a+rea'y here < are an enormo*s threat to o*r +i(es. I? the n*m@er o? 7o(ert S+eeper A)ents reaches too hi)h a co*nt within positions o? )o(ernment s*ch as Po+ice4 .;I4 7IA4 Home+an' Sec*rity4 an' 3epartment o? 3e?ense 5 the most 'an)ero*s prospect is a +itera+ @*++et in the @acD initiatin) a strate)ica++y time' 7o(ert Mi+itary 7o*p 'e 1tat. 2his G#ese(oir 3o)sG statement a+so is pro@a@+e to represent to 1' :arren the possi@i+ity that a++ o? the 7rimina+ .actions in(o+(e' in the 1man*e+esA a??airs may possi@+y in the ?*t*re attempt to m*r'er eachother in attempt to e+iminate e(i'ence o? their comp+icity concernin) these :ar 7rimes < some o? the Ita+ian Ma?ias 4 Sici+ian Ma?ia 4 Ita+ian American Ma?ia 4 Moroccan Ma?ia 4 7rips 4 He++s An)e+s 4 an' other 7rime Units were eCpecte' to @e sacri?ice' in the @e)inin) ?or p*rpose o? ?ramin) the 2a+i@an an' seperatin) the 1man*e+es ?rom 0r)ani>e' 7rime in any way. N*mero*s 'i??erent 0r)ani>e' 7rime Units are connecte' to the 1man*e+es as crimina+ associates. It is pro@a@+e that at some point in the near ?*t*re 4 the 1man*e+es wi++ m*r'er the hacDers whom they ha' hire' '*rin) the 200% to 2008 time ?rame ?or p*rpose o? e+iminatin) any possi@i+ity o? these hacDers testi?yin) a)ainst them or o? their emp+oyer concernin) these hacDin) acti(ities. Another important ?actor to consi'er concernin) the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action is their #acism which seems to @e 'irecte' primari+y at #aces which they i'enti?y with the A++ie' .orces whom were a'(ersaries o? the A6IS .actionsA a++iance '*rin) either :or+' :ar 4 in'i(i'*a+s whom they ha(e 'e(e+ope' an enmity ?or an' ha(e app+ie' as an i'entity to an entire race o? peop+e 4 an' #aces o? peop+e whom they ha(e 'eci'e' to h*rt in some 'ishono*ra@+e manner < the +atter @ein) ?or reason that their #acism seems to @e (ery emotiona++y 'ri(en an' po+itica++y oriente' in terms o? their c*rrent )oa+s as a ?action. 2he 1man*e+es an' their Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e a #acia+ 7ata)orica+ Imperati(e which has @een eCtreme+y 'iscerna@+e o(er the past " years < o? o@(io*s ?irst cata)ory racia+ tar)et are An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 North American .irst Nations races 4 #*ssians 4 Israe+is 4 an' .ranDs 5 o? +ess o@(io*s ?irst cata)ory racia+ tar)et are MeCicans 4 Iranians 4 $e@anese 4 an' Ara@ians. 2he MeCicans @ecame an imme'iate tar)et as races o? peop+e '*rin) 200% when the 1man*e+esA 7omp*ter HacDers accesse' my emai+ acco*nt an' notice' that I ha' @een in @rie? contact with $a =o> 3e A>t+an an' that $a =o> 3e A>t+an were Me+ Gi@son ?ans as we++ as 'i' the MeCicans @ecome imme'iate tar)et when 1' .arrachi :arren an' 7esare ?o*n' o*t that 2ony Gon>a+e> intro'*ce' me to his sister .ranchesca an' that their ?ami+y were ?rien's with a n*m@er o? Asatr*ars ?rom NewBersey. :or' ha' sprea' that I was a Socia+ist an' a sma++ n*m@er o? MeCican Socia+ists came to .ami+y 3o++ar to see who I was. A+so4 I was recor'e' @y camera an' notice' @y 1' :arren as ha(in) @een +ooDin) starry eye' at a @ea*ti?*+ A>teca woman whom was the neice o? an A>teca whom ha' spoDen to me n*mero*s times at the store. ;o@ Sha)o*ry was ha+? $e@anese an' ha+? Syrian < the M*s+im man whom ha' shown me the hospita+ity o?

+ettin) me stay at his apartment prior to my mo(in) to Manchester was a+so ha+? $e@anese 4 his name was BaDim an' we ca++e' him GMa(ericDG. M*s+im ?rien's o? mine @ecome a 'e?inite worry o? the 1man*e+esA ?or reason that they were p+ottin) to ?rame the I@nSa*'s an' any M*s+im co*+' possi@+y ha(e Dnow+e')e o? an' eCpose their 0ttoman A6IS connections in the Mi''+e 1ast which wo*+' p*t the 1man*e+es on the 2errorist A??i+iate' $ist o? 1nemy 7om@atants imme'iate+y 5 at +east ha+? o? A+ Lae'a is A6IS .action sti++ 4 m*ch o? He>@o++ah is A6IS .action sti++ 4 the 2a+i@an is primari+y A6IS .action < =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are 'e?inite+y A6IS .action. My step co*sin 9ristin Nassar worDe' at a 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% an' 2005 an' was ha+? $e@anese an' ha+? American. 9ristinAs ?ather has @een *nDnown to my ?ami+y @*t his @ein) o? $e@anese race 'e?inite+y worrie' the 1man*e+es. 9ristin was somehow rep+ace' '*rin) 2005 or 200E @y a woman who @e)an worDin) at 23 ;anDNorth on Map+e Street in Manchester NewHampshire whom +ooDe' Ara@ian an' possi@+y was a 2ra??icDin) =ictim < my +awyers sister Samantha ;ernstein 4 was a@'*cte' in 2005 a?ter meetin) me an' a+so worDe' at a 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he 1man*e+esA metho'o+o)y an' psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e is near+y Paranoi' Schi>ophrenic in their worry concernin) possi@+e po+itica+ connections in my ?ami+y an' imme'iate socia+ associations < as a res*+t o? this 4 the entire $e@anese pop*+ation 4 Israe+i an' Bewish pop*+ation 4 an' Asatr* pop*+ation a++ @ecame imme'iate tar)et pop*+ation )ro*ps o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .action. It is pro@a@+e that Samantha ;ernstein an' 9ristin Nassar were a@'*cte' whi+e at a #e))ae 7oncert at the 2rain Station ;ar F P*@ at 200 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% or 2005. 2here was a r*mo*r that two women were a@'*cte' ?rom the @asement an' carrie' o*t the @acD 'oor. 0n the win'ow at the ;+acD ;rimmer in 200E was a poster o? two women that +ooDe' a+most i'entica+ to my co*sin 9ristin Nassar an' A'am ;ernsteinAs sister Samantha ;ernstein < these women were @ein) a'(erti>e' as an erotic 'ance per?ormance or somethin) simi+ar. .or reason that the 1man*e+es an' their associates ha' 'eci'e' to ScapeGoat the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' 4 the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 5 Ara@ians @ecame a ?irst cata)ory racia+ tar)et o? the 1man*e+esA an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action 4 *n@eDnownst to their Ara@ic A6IS co*nter parts an' their *na??i+iate' Ara@ian ?rien's s*ch as Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom is not a??i+iate' with an A6IS .action in action @*t is a ?rien' o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' has Dnown him ?or a (ery +on) time. .i+ 1man*e+e has @een p+annin) on ScapeGoatin) an' sacri?icin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or " years < .i+As +on) stan'in) ?rien'ship with Mosta?a I@nSa*' is the most o@(io*s reason ?or the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs c*rrent shi?t in racia+ po+itic to inc+*'e Ara@ians as a racia+ enemy as oppose' to a racia+ a++y 4 this racia+ hatre' is ?or reason that .i+ is ne*tra+i>in) any emotiona+ sympathy ?or Mosta?a I@nSa*' he pre(io*s+y har@o*re' i? that is at a++ possi@+e ?or a sociopath s*ch as .i+. 2he Ara@ian A6IS which is tr*e+y the remanants o? the 0ttoman A6IS 4 are not c*rrent+y aware o? the Ita+ian A6ISA racia+ hatre' concernin) the Ara@ian race nor are they aware o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs p+ans to @etray them. A?rican Americans are 'e?inite+y a racia+ tar)et o? the 1man*e+es ?or the same reason that .irst Nations Nati(e American races 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 Ho++an'er Americans 4 an' .ranDic Americans are 5 the North American re)ion is their racia+ home+an'. Iranians @ecame a tar)et '*rin) the year 200% '*e to what I @e+ie(e was .i+ 1man*e+eAs perception that he ha' to pre empt my 'ecision maDin) an' comm*nications with action @e?ore I acte' *pon my instinct 5 '*rin) the 200% 4 I ha' @een acti(e+y rea'in) an' st*'yin) a Persian Nationa+ist we@site which was SUM9A oriente'. 2he Persian Nationa+ist we@site I ha' @een st*'yin) promote' the reinstatement o? the Monarchy o? Iran 4 the renamin) o? the Nation o? Iran to @e consi'ere' o??icia++y the 9in)'om o? Persia 4 the sec*+ari>ation o? the Iranian Par+iament so as to inc+*'e @oth Is+amic Par+iamentary Po+itica+ Parties as we++ as Poroastrian Po+itica+ Parties an' Sec*+ar Po+itica+ Parties 4 as we++ as the 'ec+aration o? Poroastrian Ho+i'ays as 0??icia+ Nationa+ Ho+i'ays o? Persia &which is c*rrent+y name' Iran4 which means Ghome+an' o? the AryansG,. Persian is an Aryan +an)*a)e an' an Aryan c*+t*re as we++ as one o? the many Aryan races 5 the .o+D #e+i)ion o? the Persian race is a (ariant o? Sanatana 3harma which is otherwise Dnown as Hin'*st(a4 Poroaster was a phi+osopher

whom was raise' @y a Persian 3harma Hin'*ts(a ?ami+y an' ?o*n'e' a 'istinct+y Persian re+i)ion simi+ar to the Aryan phi+osopher G*atama ;h*''ha whom was raise' In'ian 3harma Hin'*ts(a an' ?o*n'e' what @ecame the ;h*''ist re+i)ion. 3*rin) 2005 4 a?ter I ha' @een (iewin) this we@site < an A>er@aiIani 7+eric accompanie' whom appeare' to @e his A(ari 3a*)hter in +aw to .ami+y 3o++ar which res*+te' in their p*rchasin) pro'*cts at my re)ister 5 this may ha(e ma'e the 1man*e+es ner(o*s as a res*+t o? my ?reH*ent st*'yin) o? a partic*+ar SUM9A oriente' Persian Nationa+ist we@site an' my pre(io*s +i(in) arran)ement @ein) that a M*s+im ha' shown me the hospita+ity o? taDin) me into his home whi+e I was home+ess an' ha' )i(en me a p+ace to stay. A+i 9homeini whom is the Ayato++ah 7+eric o? Iran 4 whom is a+so o? A>er@aiIani race < is o? simi+ar appearance to this partic*+ar 7+eric whom was on+y a ?ew inches shorter than A+i 9homeini an' o? eCtreme+y simi+ar appearance. BaDim whom was nicDname' GMa(ericDG 4 +ooDe' to possi@+y @e o? miCe' $e@anese an' A>er@aiIani race < I @e+ie(e A+i 9homeini may possi@+y @e or miCe' Iranian an' A>er@aiIani race. A+i 9homeiniAs position in Iran is a (ery important position 5 any socia+ re+ation to Iran that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e co*+' ha(e percei(e' me as ha(in) in 200% an' 2005 wo*+' ha(e @een a (ery ?ear in'*cin) possi@i+ity ?or the 1man*e+es 4 this @ein) ?or reason that Henry MaDowAs associates whom were in(o+(e' in In(esti)ations were in(esti)atin) connections re+ate' to #ichar' NiConAs #e)ime an' the crimina+ a@*ses o? the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A. 3*rin) #ichar' NiConAs re)ime 4 #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+ms were in(o+(e' in n*mero*s an)+es o? A6IS co(ert acti(ities < some o? which in(o+(e' the e(ent which res*+te' in the remo(a+ o? the Pah+a(i Aristocracy o? Iran which was possi@+y an intentiona+ A6IS create' .a+se .+a))e' Hosta)e 7risis. I @e+ie(e that the p*rpose o? .a+se .+a))in) a hosta)e crisis in Iran was en)ineere' ?or the p*rpose o? 'esta@+i>in) Iran in attempt to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the Iranian )o(ernment with racia++y Iranian A6IS G+o@a+ist 7rime So+'iers < I persona++y 'onAt @e+ie(e this s*ccee'e' entire+y4 tho*)h I 'o @e+ie(e that .ascist a??i+iate' in'i(i'*a+s s*ccee'e' at sec*rin) positions within Iranian )o(ernment c+ose o*)h to the Ayato++ah position an' the Presi'entia+ position that they ha(e @een a@+e to in?+*ence these in'i(i'*a+s since this time. I a+so @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as may ha(e intentiona++y en)ineere' the 1Ci+e o? the Pah+a(i Aristocracy as a attempt at recr*itin) the Pah+a(i #oya+ .ami+y as an A6IS 7rime .ami+y '*rin) 1Ci+e 5 it is important to remem@er that =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' B*+i*s 1(o+a were eCi+e' < ?or p*rpose o? )ainin) Pah+a(i sympathies 4 this was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een *se' as an empathetic or'ea+. I 'o not @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as s*ccee'e' at recr*itin) the Pah+a(i #oya+ .ami+y as an A6IS 2errorist 7rime .ami+y 4 tho*)h I 'o act*a++y @e+ie(e that a 3NA test is c*rrent+y an a@so+*te necessity ?or a++ #oya+ .ami+ies to pro(e their +e)itimate +inea)e ?or reason that I ha(e witnesse' an eCtreme+y +ar)e n*m@er o? Imposte*rs in my re)ion o(er the past 8 years an' a+so ?or reason that I ha(e met n*mero*s #oya+ .ami+ies in my +i?etime. 1(en a+tho*)h =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' ?or " years ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) in'i(i'*a+sA ?aces an' comp+eCions as we++ as other ?eat*res 4 ?or reason o? aesthetic 'is)*ise < it is 'e?inite that a comp+ete me'ica+ @acD)ro*n' checD with n*mero*s a+ternati(e res*+ts ?rom (ariant so*rces in conI*nction with m*+tip+e 3NA tests wi++ pro(e the +e)itimacy to a ?ami+yAs @+oo'+ine 4 hap+o)ro*ps 4 an' heri'itary aristocratic re)ency. $ate one ni)ht4 a man came in to .ami+y 3o++ar to ta+D to a coworDer o? mine name' 7h*cD. 2his man was a@o*t E ?eet ta++4 @+on'e4 an' appeare' to @e possi@+y .innish an' #*ssian. 2he neCt e(enin) 1' :arren @ro*)ht my se+? to the o??ice an' showe' me the man on camera4 he seeme' ?ear?*+ an' tense 5 he asDe' me a)ain G :hatAs this )*yO :ho is this )*yOG. 2his co*+' ha(e either @een a new contact o? his an' =ittorioAs4 some@o'y they were ?ear?*+ o?4 or a ran'om person whom they were tryin) to *se in or'er to co(er ?or 1' :arrenAs emotiona+ reaction o? ?ear when he was ca*)ht

repeate'+y rep+ayin) the entrance o? the Bewish +a'y who ha' come in to the store to p*rchase an item. I @e+ie(e that he an' =ittorio ha' ass*me' that this woman was re+ate' to Henry MaDow5 Henry MaDowAs name is a Po+sDaphonic He@rew name< my coworDer 7h*cD was possi@+y ha+? Po+ish which I @e+ie(e was the reason ?or their paranoia @ein) that there was a+so a @+on'e Po+ish ?ema+e who worDe' at the store with *s. 3*rin) 2005 4 $acey SticDney state' on the internet that she ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain an' that it was connecte' to some Din' o? GPS 'e(ice. $acey state' that terrorists ha' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' it in her @rain. 2his was state' in a witness statement o? $aceyAs that was p*@+ishe' on S7#I;3.70M . 3*rin) 2005 4 $aceyAs :itness Statement was remo(e' ?rom S7#I;3.70M @y a hacDer. An imposte*r o? $acey has @een seen on .ace@ooD. 2he photo)raphs are not o? $acey SticDney. In 200E 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e wa+De' into my apartment in Manchester NewHampshire an' to+' me that his ?ather emp+oye' a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who was a HacDer 4 to copy the entire contents o? 7omm*nications an' Internet Ser(ice Pro(i'er Ser(er 7omp*ters an' )i(e them the entire 'ata contents on a Ser(er Har'3ri(e as we++ as sta+D (ictims *sin) .orensics So?t:are 4 HacDin) 4 an' HacDin) Internet to +isten to 3i)ita+ 2e+ephone con(ersations. 3*rin) 1""E < #o@ert #o'on ha' state' the same thin) a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e to 7hristopher #o'on 4 an' state' that @eca*se o? the te+ephones @ecomin) 3i)ita+ Si)na+ 2e+ephone NetworD 5 that now it was possi@+e ?or 7omp*ter HacDers to intercept an' +isten to con(ersations4 an' that =ittorio was payin) peop+e to 'o it. 2hree times 5 I witnesse' 1' :arren )i(in) stacDs o? cash money to a motorcyc+e )an)ster an' on one occasion he han'e' one to some@o'y e+se. 2his was a++ recor'e' @y s*r(ei++ance eH*ipment at the store4 as were 1' :arrenAs constant arro)ant statements. I ma'e an e??ort to ?ei)n i)norance the entire time I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 1' :arren 'i' a+ot o? ta+Din) in ?ront o? my se+? an' was recor'e' @y the .ami+y 3o++ar S*r(ei++ance 1H*ipment which transmitte' e+ectronica+y to Home 0??ice as we++ as was he recor'e' @y the Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices that he ha' positione' a@o*t the Styro?oam 7ei+in) Pane+s ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e whom was spyin) on my se+? an' my acH*aintances a?ter I emai+e' Henry MaDow the emai+ a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. 1' :arren is associate' with the He++As An)e+s4 0*t+aws4 Mi+?or' an' 7ompany4 two o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia networDs4 some comp*ter hacDers4 some@o'y in the 7IA4 some@o'y in the .;I4 7esare 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 some@o'y name' GH*)hesG 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rimina+ NetworD in .+ori'a which has connections in Si+(er Sprin)s o*tsi'e o? :ashin)ton 3.7. 3e+aware an' in New /orD. 1' .arrachi :arren is an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime So+'ier. 3*rin) the year 200% < as a res*+t o? my name @ein) poste' on the ;*r>*m ?or*m 4 I met 1mi+y Is+es as we++ as Samantha ;ernstein whom was the sister o? the +awyer whom I ha' recent+y hire' who was her @rother A'am ;ernstein. Meetin) Samantha ;ernstein was a ?ee+in) aDin to a G+o(e at ?irst si)htG emotion ?or me. Samantha was ?irst si)hte' @y my se+? when she approache' the store ?ront 'oors at the .ami+y 3o++ar store on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 a ta++ ma+e whom I percei(e' to @e her ?iance ha' entere' the store ahea' o? her an' ha' ne)+ecte' to 4 ho+' the 'oor ?or her < *pon reco)ni>in) this 4 I

@rie?+y 'e@ate' whether or not this was '*e to an attempt on his part at caterin) to a .eminist stan'ar' o? her own or i? this man ha' simp+y ?ai+e' to reco)ni>e the tr*e ca+i@er o? woman he ha' somehow mana)e' to attract the a??ections o?. I ?e+t SamanthaAs presense @e?ore I ha' physica++y si)hte' Samantha (is*a++y < I +ooDe' *p ?rom the retai+ co*nter in ?ront o? my se+? an' saw a han' on the han'+e o? the 'oor at the entry way o? the store4 as I watche' her han' )rip the han'+e o? the 'oor I was ?or some *nDnown reason emotiona++y e??ecte' @y the ?ee+in) o? her presense an' increasin)+y emotiona++y e??ect @y the si)ht o? her han'. As Samantha wa+De' thro*)h the 'oorway 4 I was eCtreme+y emotiona++y e??ecte' @y this womanAs presense ?or reasons that I 'i' not *n'erstan'. I remem@er @ein) in awe o? this woman an' inha+in) 'eep+y at the si)ht o? her < a?ter which I remem@ere' my s*rro*n'in)s an' +ooDe' 'own at my *ni?orm an' tho*)ht imme'iate+y o? my he+p+ess position in +i?e4 the 1man*e+es whom I ha' pre(io*s+y met whom ha' possi@+y tar)ette' me an' my entire ?ami+y as we++ as socia+ networD 4 as we++ as 'i' I consi'er the ?act that her ma+e companion an' her @oth appeare' to @e o? sta@+e mi''+e economic c+ass an' I was +iDe+y to @e st*cD at an 8M an ho*r Io@ *nti+ the 1man*e+es an' their accomp+ices eCterminate' my entire ?ami+y an' I. I remem@er ?ee+in) emotiona++y inI*re' @y the rea+i>ation that I wo*+' pro@a@+y ne(er @e capa@+e o? accomp+ishin) eno*)h in my +i?etime to @e a@+e to e(er e(en approach a woman +iDe Samantha ?or p*rpose o? e(er e(en p*rs*in) a 'ate with her an' that it was +iDe+y that I was not )oin) to +i(e ?or m*ch more than e(en 10 years +on)er 5 I remem@ere' my position in +i?e an' imme'iate+y 'e?+ecte' any ?*rther emotiona+ reaction to this womanAs presense in the store. A?ter Samantha entere' the store 4 Samantha an' her ma+e companion wa+De' 'irect+y to the @acD o? the store. A?ter a@o*t ?i(e min*tes ha' passe' 4 SamanthaAs ma+e companion eCite' .ami+y 3o++ar. I imme'iate+y @ecame c*rio*s a@o*t where Samantha was an' 'i' not see Samantha ?or a@o*t ?i(e min*tes more < a?ter this span o? time 4 I ?e+t a presense @ehin' my se+? which ca*se' me to +ooD o(er my +e?t sho*+'er an' notice Samantha stan'in) @ehin' me +ooDin) at the @acD o? my hea'. As I notice' her an' was a@o*t to maDe eye contact with Samantha 4 she +ooDe' 'own imme'iate+y at some pro'*cts that were on a 'isp+ay in ?ront o? her ?or p*rpose o? a(oi'in) eye contact with me < I imme'iate+y rea+i>e' that a ?+eetin) ass*mption that I ha' pre(io*s+y ma'e was +iDe+y to @e correct 5 this was a Bewish woman whom @e+ie(e' that I may possi@+y @e an A6IS GNeo Na>iG whom ha' come to see me in person an' 'iscern what it was that pre(oDe' me to hate her peop+e. I ass*me' that it was +iDe+y that she was a re+ati(e o? A'am ;ernsteinAs whom m*st ha(e notice' the post which ha' @een p*@+ishe' on ;*r>*m.0r) attri@*te' to my *ser acco*nt or that she was somehow re+ate' to Henry MaDow an' ha' mis*n'erstoo' the intentions o? my emai+s to Henry MaDow. A?ter notice' that it eCiste' 4 I ha' +e?t the post on the ;*r>*m ?or*m re)ar'in) A'am ;ernstein *nto*che' ?or a ?ew months prior to the entire we@site @ein) remo(e' ?rom the internet an' re en)ineere' entire+y to @e +ater re *p+oa'e' as an empy c+ean s+ate messa)e @oar' an' new+y *p'ate' we@site. I was eCtreme+y impresse' @y SamanthaAs co*ra)e an' her 'e'ication to her peop+e an' her ?ami+y < re)ar'+ess o? this 4 I was ?act*a++y more impresse' @y this woman herse+?. I was awe str*cD @y SamanthaAs presense 5 I was eCtreme+y e??ecte' @y her @ea*ty an' her persona+ post*rin) as we++ as what co*+' @e consi'ere' the nat*ra+ ne*ro+o)y o? the physica+ eCpression o? her emotions an' her intentions thro*)h her re+ecti(e @o'y +an)*a)e an' the mechanics o? her emoti(e responses to her tho*)hts. I t*rne' aro*n' an' attempte' to i)nore SamanthaAs presense in the store. A?ter a ?ew more min*tes 4 Samantha was stan'in) in ?ront o? my se+? at the co*nter an' was

+ooDin) at me with a co+' an' stern +ooD on her ?ace < I +ooDe' *p ?rom the co*nter which I ha' @een starin) at an' ma'e eye contact with her an' co*+'nAt he+p my se+? @y smi+e an immense smi+e. Samantha +ooDe' con?*se' at ?irst an' a?terwar' )a(e me the +ooD that a +itt+e )ir+ wo*+' )i(e a +ost p*ppy that ha' somehow ?o++owe' her home 4 she @e)an to twir+ a +ocD o? her hair an' +ooDe' as i? she were won'erin) i? I ha' ?ai+e' to notice her @ein) o? Israe+i race '*e to her )o+'en hair co+or < a?terwar's she t*rne' *p ha+? o? her mo*th in what appeare' to @e a con?*se' ?ee+in) o? com?ort at my presense which ha' @een the *neCpecte' res*+t o? not @ein) reacte' to with hatre' or apathy when she approache' me ?ace to ?ace at the sa+es 'esD. I 'o not remem@er what she p*rchase' @*t I @e+ie(e that it may ha(e @een @atteries. Samantha pai' in cash. I remem@er ?ee+in) as i? this woman was an anima+ (ery m*ch +iDe my se+? an' that her ne*ro+o)y eCpresse' a rare Din' o? person (ery simi+ar to my se+? in *ncommon ways that portraye' a person whom was o? a near+y i'entica+ spirit as my se+? < I ha(e ne(er *s*a++y ?e+t this way in my +i?e an' I was ama>e' that I ha' eCperience' the eCistence o? two peop+e s*ch as herse+? an' 1mi+y Is+es within the same time ?rame o? my +i?e 5 this was ama>in) @*t ma'e the ?o++owin) years m*ch har'er to 'ea+ with. I 'i' in ?act mention wor's s*ch as these 'escri@in) Samantha ;ernstein to a sma++ n*m@er o? in'i(i'*a+s o(er the neCt ?ew months. :hat 'e?inite+y ca*)ht the 1man*e+esA attention howe(er4 was 1' .arrachi :arren panicDin) *pon si)ht o? Samantha ;ernstein an' her ma+e companion. A?ter Samantha ;ernstein ha' +e?t the store 4 I wa+De' to the o??ice o? the store which was +ocate' in the stocD room re)ion an' ca*)ht 1' :arren rep+ayin) the sec*rity camera recor'in) o? what ha' I*st transpire'. 1' .arrachi :arren reacte' @y statin) ner(o*s+y 4G:hat is thisO :ho was thatO :hat ... are yo* )i(in) her the care @ear stareOG < to which I rep+ie'4 G2hat is the most @ea*ti?*+ woman I ha(e e(er seen4 is who that is.G. 1' +ooDe' at me ca*tio*s+y 4 I rep+ie' to this statin) G/eah 4 I Dnow. SheAs Bewish. 0@(io*s+y. Haha. SheAs sti++ the most @ea*ti?*+ woman I ha(e e(er seen.G . 1' rep+ie' to my statement re)ar'in) SamanthaAs @ea*ty 4 statin) 5 G/eah *h... thatAs a nice +ooDin) @roa'.G. I was at ?irst ass*min) that 1' .arrachi :arren may ha(e @een worrie' a@o*t the i'entica+ +on) @+acD coats Samantha an' her ma+e companion ha' @een wearin) an' the ?act that they were Bewish 4 possi@+y that he consi'ere' them to possi@+y worD ?or Mossa' < I now @e+ie(e that 1' an' =ittorio were a+rea'y aware o? Samantha ;ernsteinAs an' A'am ;ernsteinAs i'entity prior to my e(er e(en meetin) Samantha. ApproCimate+y one month a?ter SamanthaAs appearance at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 I +earne' Samantha ;ernsteinAs name a?ter taDin) a wa+D to the 1+m Street 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester NewHampshire an' asDe' to speaD to c*stomer ser(ice. I remem@er ca++in) ;ren'an P+ace a@o*t this a?terwar's ?rom 9enneth B*''As home te+ephone +ine at o*r apartment to te++ him that I ha' I*st +earne' her name an' that it was a stran)e coinci'ence o? ?ate @eca*se I ha' not inten'e' to necessari+y wa+D into 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street when I went ?or a wa+D that 'ay an' that there was a 7iti>ens ;anD across the parDin)+ot ?rom .ami+y 3o++ar an' that I 'i' not nee' to )o to the 1+m Street 7iti>ens ;anD +ocation ?or any reason. Short+y a?ter the Samantha ;ernstein ha' ma'e an appearance at the store 4 +ater that weeD 5 some ita+ians whom appeare' +iDe+y to @e ma?ia ?ami+y a@o*t ! years o+'er than my se+? came in to the store @rie?+y aro*n' that same time o? ni)ht. I am not s*re i? they were re+ate' to the )*ys that I was worDin) with @ein) that 1' an' the other )*y were @oth o? Ita+ian ancestry4 @*t they 'i' not appear to

@e physica+ re+ati(es. 0ne o? them +ooDe' re+ate' to 3onato Genti+e whom I met years +ater at the Gemini Ho*se on :a+n*t St. in Manchester New Hampshire. Another stran)e e(ent which occ*rre' in(o+(in) 1' :arren aro*n' 20055 he approache' me an' p+ace' *pon the retai+ co*nter what +ooDe' +iDe a micro transistor or rese(oir component tape' to a ce++*+ar micro @attery @y a wa' o? e+ectrica+ con'*cti(e copper tape. 1' .arrachi :arren smi+e' e(i++y at me. 2his was imme'iate+y a?ter 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo ha' @een 'isc*ssin) *sin) =erchips as #0M to co*p+e the =erichip with a p*sher s*ch as 7e++ Phone 3e(ice or A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System Imp+ant s*ch as a Pet 2a) or a ;io+o)istAs S*r)ica+ Imp+ant. 3*rin) the year 2008 4 a si)n was p+ace' on the win'ow o*tsi'e o? ! 3ays MarDet where an Iranian man an' a PaDistani man ?reH*ent+y worDe' 5 this si)n was a'(ertisin) GMicrochip Pet Imp+antsG. In ;e'?or' NewHampshire 4 there is a strip c+*@ ca++e' Go+' 7+*@ which *se' to @e ca++e' MarDAs Showp+ace 5 this strip c+*@ is c+ose @y a =eteranianAs 7+inic an' a Ne*roSpine Instit*te ?or Ne*ro+o)y as we++ as a new Hote+ an' a new Apartment 7omp+eC as we++ as 3o) 9enne+s which seeme' to @e c+ose' constant+y. I ha(e @een to+' that this >one @ecame a s+a(e 'en. 2his was on the 3.:. Hi)hway. 2he men ?rom ! 3ays MarDet are c*rrent+y missin) an' seem to @e rep+ace' @y men whom +ooD +iDe Ita+ians who ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to +ooD +iDe an Iranian an' a Bor'anian. 7*rrent+y 4 there are MISSING 30G si)ns a++ o(er New 1n)+an' with what appear to @e comp+eC 'escriptions an' mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@ers 5 these MISSING 30G posters 'escri@e the 'o)s as GMicro7hippe'G o?ten. 2he mornin) that 1' .arrachi :arren p+ace' this rese(oir component con'*ctor tape' to a @attery on the ta@+e5 was aro*n' the time that 1' :arren was ta+Din) a@o*t microchips. I notice' whi+e stocDin) c+eanin) chemica+s in the @acD +e?t o? the store 4 that 1' was p+ayin) with a paper towe+ t*@e an' a paper towe+ 5 1' state' whi+e 'oin) this 4 G2his wi++ maDe her stop @itchin).G. 1' ?o+'e' a paper towe+ insi'e o? the paper towe+ t*@e an' sH*ee>e' the paper towe+ t*@e narrow 5 1' .arrachi :arren sai' GHey Ian... G an' +ooDe' to his +e?t at me whi+e ho+'in) the paper towe+ insi'e the t*@e ... GwhatAs thisOG a?ter which he p*she' the paper towe+ o*t o? the t*@e an' onto the ?+oor where it *n?o+'e'. 1' smi+e' an' +a*)he' an' sai' G/o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG. Aro*n' the 'ate that 1' 'i' this4 he attempte' to ?rame a ta++ Israe+i man wearin) a @+acD trench coat whom ha' @een comin) into the store to ta+D to me 5 a?ter the man +e?t 1' spi++e' a paper @a) o? =erichips on the @acD she+? an' @ro*)ht one to me asDin) me GHey... Ian.... whatAs thisO I ?o*n' it in the @acD o? the store. 2hereAs a who+e @a) o? them spi++e' @acD there.G It was a =erichip4 there was a @a) o? =erichips spi++e' in the @acD. Aro*n' this time Samantha ;ernstein may ha(e @een a@'*cte'. Shannon ;*rston to+' me that 1' :arren to+' her to te++ me G/o*r )ir+?rien' )ot hit @y a tr*cD.G . 2his so*n'e' +iDe a re?erence to the openin) scene o? the (i'eo)ame Syn'icate which I ha' @een p+ayin) on my comp*ter 5 '*rin) which a pe'estrian is hit @y a (ehic+e whom intentiona++y hit them prior to a@'*ctin) them ?or p*rpose o? +ater t*rnin) them into a semi @io+o)ica+ an'roi' s+a(e so+'ier to worD ?or a .ascist 7rime Syn'icate. Samantha ;ernstein ha' I*st appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar approCimate+y one month @e?ore 1' ma'e the paper towe+ IoDe. Possi@+y one month prior 4 my roommate Scot H*nter was c+ippe' @y a car ?rom @ehin' whi+e wa+Din) to the @ar < Scot H*nter was a+so assa*+te' @y ?ema+es at the @ar aro*n' this time whom accor'in) to him went to the 313 to G@ash )aysG 5 he ca++e' them ?ema+e )ay @ashers. 2hese were +iDe+y to @e re+ate' to a series o? attempts at hospita+i>in) in'i(i'*a+s ?or p*rpose o? S*r)ica++y

Imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*ro7irc*its in their sD*++s. 3*rin) the time that a++ o? this was happenin)4 I was rea'in) a+ot a@o*t scienti?ic a'(ancements reporte' in ma)a>ine artic+es as we++ as on the internet. I ha' rea' artic+es a@o*t :ire+ess ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) *se' to remote contro+ rats to enter an' eCp+ore @*rnin) @*i+'in)s in or'er to ?in' trappe' (ictims 5 the Ne*ro7irc*it was p+ace' on the ratAs @rains c+ose eno*)h to the occ*+ar ner(e to see thro*)h to ratAs eyes on a comp*ter monitor an' was wire' to a ro*ter o? some Din' imp+ante' in the ratAs @o'y as we++ as was a sma++ power so*rce. 2he ro'ent was pi+ote' thro*)h a ma>e as we++ as thro*)h an o@stac+e co*rse. A+so< a scientist ha' 'e(e+ope' a prosthetic arm an' han' which +ooDe' i'entica+ to the one ?rom the mo(ie 2he 2erminator4 it was capa@+e o? @ein) powere' @y the e+ectricity o? the h*man @o'iesA own 0r)anic Ne*ro7irc*itry an' )ra?te' 'irect+y into the ner(es. 2he most 'ist*r@in) scienti?ic 'isco(ery aro*n' this time was a ne*roscience eCperiment which ha' pro(en that a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it co*+' @e *se' to 'ecei(e a canineAs @rain4 creatin) a contro++e' sensory co)niti(e 'istortion o? rea+ity capa@+e o? tricDin) the 'o)As @rain into i'enti?yin) a comp+ete+y ?orei)n h*man as the petAs trainer. 2he part o? the @rain which ana+y>es sha'ow contrast an' shape is the part o? the @rain which i'enti?ies an in'i(i'*a+ an' attri@*tes i'entity to this in'i(i'*a+ < this part o? the @rain primari+y ana+y>es ?aces5 apparent+y it is easy to 'ecei(e this part o? the @rain *sin) e+ectro ma)netics. 2hese st*'ies ha(e @een repro'*ce' in h*mans an' ha(e shown i'entica+ res*+ts as +on) as the ?orei)n ?ace is o? simi+ar eno*)h shape an' comp+eCion in comparison to the Dnown ?ace. 2his is a weapon o? eCtreme potentia+ 5 (ictims with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7irc*its )ra?te' on their @rain are not e(en a@+e to te++ the 'i??erence @etween their own spo*se an' a ?orei)ner when so?tware is *se' to con?*se them as s*ch. I mentione' these thin)s in ?ront o? 1' :arren4 whom ha' o@(io*s+y @een watchin) my internet st*'ies as was his hacDer an' the person wire tappin) my phoneca++s to 1mi+y Is+es whom is a+so (ery inte++i)ent < in ?act4 moreso than my se+?. 2he Ne*roScience So?tware which was *se' in the con?*sin) o? the canineAs @rain 4 @ein) *se' in conI*nction with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy < is compari@+e to 3a(i' IcDeAs shapeshi?tin) a+ien 'oppe+)an)er Gconspiracy theoryG propa)an'a 5 which c+aims that the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y4 ;aracD 0@ama4 Geor)e ;*sh4 ;i++ 7+inton4 an' 3icD 7heney are shape shi?tin) #epti+ian 3raconian A+iens ?rom a p+anet neCt 'oor to o*rs in another 'imensiona+ rea+ity whom are here to ens+a(e h*manity an' conH*er the earth permanant+y. 3a(i' IcDeAs ?icticio*s a+ien species can shapeshi?t at wi++ 4 'oppe+)an)in) h*man@ein)s. In the year 200! < a?ter I met the ?act*a+ 1+i>a@eth Hano(er 4 9ate Hano(er 4 an' :i++iam Hano(er whom a++ @o*)ht ?oo' an' @e(era)e ?rom me at 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire '*rin) the s*mmer season 5 an imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er was a'mitte' to a Psychiatric Unit in Nash*a NewHampshire where I ha' spent a weeD '*rin) +ate No(em@er. It seeme' as i? she was a'mitte' to the *nit to see i? she wo*+' pass ?or 1+i>a@eth Hano(er *sin) the Ne*roScience So?tware an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which ha' @een @ein) *se' on me. She c+aime' her name was 1+i>a@eth 2*'or @*t was o@(io*s+y attemptin) to present herse+? as 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an' was wearin) S*mmer #ose MacPhersonAs @+*e straw hat. 3*rin) this @rie? stay in the Psychiatric Unit 4 there was a man that arri(e' whom ha' a +aptop with a US; U@ertooth an' a US; #.I3 Scannin) Unit which was a white sH*are. I @e+ie(e that the #a'io .reH*ency I'enti?ication 3e(ice Scannin) Unit is ?or the p*rpose o? 'etectin) the G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice 4 the ;rain

7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 an' any possi@+e S*r)ica+ Imp+ant in my ?orearm -s*ch as a =erichip8 that was imp+ante' in the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire whi+e at the 1mer)ency #oom with my A*nt $es+ie when a man worDin) as the N*rse st*cD a 'e(ice 'eep into my arm. 2he man whom 'i' this appeare' to @e Ita+ian with :e+sh an' Irish 3NA =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' to +ooD simi+ar to A+an A(eri++ whom I ha' I*st emai+e' on MySpace.7om. A+an A(eri++ is Irish an' is the (oca+ist an' +yricist as we++ as a son) writer ?or the Irish M*sica+ ;an' 5 Primor'ia+. 2he man whom st*cD the 'e(ice in my ?orearm p*t his ?oot *p on a car an' p+ace' his e+@ow on his Dnee whi+e maDin) a pinDy ?in)er in'eC ?in)er han' si)n +iDe he was posin) ?or a @an' photo)raph. I @e+ie(e (ery ?irm+y that the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as are p+annin) to #ep+ace @y Imposte*r the Hano(er .ami+y as we++ as possi@+y the Norwe)ian #oya+ .ami+y an' any other #oya+ .ami+y that they can #ep+ace @y Imposte*r with in'i(i'*a+s +oya+ to the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he +ast time I spoDe to the )ir+ who to+' me that her name was G1mi+y Is+esG 4 she to+' me that her mother was not her Mother @*t that there was a woman in her ho*se who was preten'in) to @e her Mother an' +ooDe' eCtreme+y simi+ar to her Mother. She to+' me GI 'onAt thinD that I am )oin) to )et o*t o? this a+i(e.G to which I respon'e' with GP+ease )et to a nei)h@orAs ho*se an' ca++ the po+ice or a ho*se in a 'i??erent nei)h@orhoo' an' ca++ the po+ice i? the nei)h@orAs ho*se isnAt sa?e.G 2he +ast thin) that G1mi+yG e(er to+' me was GI +o(e yo*.G. 3*rin) the months @e?ore the 'isappearance o? this ?ema+e whom I ha' Dnown as G1mi+y Is+esG 4 n*mero*s 'i??erent ?ema+esA photo)raphs ha' @een sent to me ?rom this ScreenName *n'er the )*ise that they were G1mi+y Is+esG 5 the screen name which G1mi+y Is+esG ha' @een *sin) on America 0n $ine Instant Messa)er +ooDe' simi+ar to A@@ey 1t+in)erAs o+' A.0.$. Instant Messa)er screen name. Username #ich 7onesc* eCp+aine' to me that ;arry :einstein was the #a@@i that I ha' met whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar an' that #ich Dnew him. I @e+ie(e that '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 @oth 9risten Nassar an' Samantha ;ernstein worDe' ?or a 7iti>ens ;anD @ranch in Manchester NewHampshire. It has since this time @ecome apparent that 1mi+y Is+es was a@'*cte'. I @e+ie(e that Samantha ;ernstein is +iDe+y to ha(e @een a@'*cte' aro*n' the same 'ate as my co*sin 9risten Nassar whom was #ep+ace' @y an Imposte*r as is it +iDe+y that Samantha ;ernstein was < aro*n' the time o? 9ristenAs *nnotice' 'isappearance4 #ich 7onesc* in?orme' me that ;arry :einsteinAs 'a*)hter was missin). :hi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar4 I notice' approCimate+y % c*stomers with what appeare' to @e Ne*ro Prosthesis )ra?te' into their sD*++s. 2wo o? these appeare' to @e 7och+ear 1ar Imp+ants4 the other two were em@e''e' in the sD*++ an' ?it +iDe hea'@an's. 2005 5 ;en $in@er) Iamme' GPS si)na+ on ;7I 4 Gra>>io+i ca++e' 1' :arren to in?orm him o? ;en $in'@er) @y name approCimate+y one ho*r +ater < statin) that Jthe German Iamme' the #a'io .reH*ency an' sh*t 'own ha+? o? the recor'ers an' IanAs ;.7.I. 4 I thinD his name is ;en $in'@er) or somethin) simi+ar an' I wi++ ?in' o*t ?or certain +ater.K. Gra>>io+i was @ein) or'ere' to watch my 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph transmissions an' watch thro*)h my eyes an' ears 4 on a near constant sche'*a+ '*rin) 2005. 0ne o? the +ast 'ays that I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St Manchester NH4 1'

:arren came into the store ret*rnin) ?rom his +*nch @reaD an' +ooDe' at me an' sai' G:hat4 are yo* )oin) to @e the +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aOG an' ma'e so*n's ?rom the 2erminator 2 mo(ie in re?erence to the scene where Arno+' Schwar>ene))er 2 100 )oes 'own into the +a(a to 'estroy the +ast 2erminator Ariti?icia+ Inte++i)ence microchip so that the 2erminator co*+' not @e in(ente' in the ?*t*re. A?ter sayin) this4 he shooD his hea' an' +a*)he' sayin) G/o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG . 0ne 'ay a?ter the 2erminator 2 4 ;rain Microchip comment 5 1' :arren was wa+Din) aro*n' the store maDin) ro@ot so*n's 4 +iDe his +im@s were ro@otic contro++e' ro@ot parts with piston hy'ro+ics. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e ta+Din) to Anthony 3e.eo < 1' :arren eCp+aine' that =ittorio 1man*e+e when he was yo*n)er was )oin) 50Q50 on Initiation 7rimes with a man ?or p*rpose o? @*i+'in) @+acD mai+ @etween the two an' 7rimina+ 2r*st. :hen 1' .arrachi :arren eCp+aine' this to Anthony 3e.eo 4 he +eap ?ro))e' his han's o(er one another repeate'+y 5 eCp+ainin) that these were Gh*r'+esG. 1' :arren +ater eCp+aine' that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' 'one the same thin) with another man. Anthony 3e.eo cam @acD statin) that .i+As o+'er @rother 7hris ha' 'one the same thin) an' that they ha' tra'e' the e(i'ence with eachother an' that 7hrisAs e(i'ence was sto+en. 1' :arren @ecame wi'e eye' an' sai' 4 G3*'e they sto+e itNOG an' trace' the in(erte' pentac+e shape in the air with his ?in)er an' sai' G2hey sto+e itOG. Anthony 3e.eo respon'e' with a ner(o*s no' o? GyesG. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 50Q50 7rime Partner is 'e?inite+y somehow within Gerry GBerryG 3AAmicoAs socia+ networD 4 3inoAs socia+ networD 4 the socia+ networD o? the man who owne' the Ho+i'ay Inn in Mar+@oro Massach*settes '*rin) 2000 4 is pro@a@+e to ha(e some Din' o? 3r*) 7arte+ 7onnections in 7o+om@ia 4 is pro@a@+e to ha(e a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7onnection in ;ra>i+ an' Ar)entina 4 is pro@a@+e to ha(e SeC 2ra??icDin) connections in UDraine an' #*ssia s we++ as New /orD 7ity U.S.A. 4 an' ha' a connection to the owner o? 7+*@ Manray in ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) 2003. 3*rin) the winter o? the year 2011 a +ar)e Ser(er 7omp*ter was set *p in the +o@@y area o? the con'emne' an' c+ose' Ho+i'ay Inn in Mar+@oro Massach*settes 5 this Ser(er 7omp*ter co*+' @e seen thro*)h the win'ow an' +it *p the win'ow an' room with a @+*e +i)ht. this Ho+i'ay Inn is primari+y a secon' ?+oor Hote+ an' has a 'ri(e *p 'rop o?? area *n'erneath ha+? o? the secon' ?+oor which han)s o(er the *n'erpass. 2he Ho+i'ay Inn in Mar+@oro Massach*settes is near a )rocery store 4 is imme'iate+y o?? the hi)hway 4 an' is in ?ront o? a m*ch +ar)er Hote+. 2his Ho+i'ay Inn is (ery sma++ an' +ooDs +iDe it *se' to @e a @anD in the 1"80As. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 < I ha' rea' artic+es a@o*t Ne*roScience whi+e on the internet 5 one o? these artic+es 'escri@e' a s*ccess?*+ eCperiment in(o+(in) the *sin) o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to re pro)ram the part o? the canine @rain that i'enti?ies ?ace4 sha'ow reco)nition4 an' i'entity. 2his is a we++ 'e(e+ope' science as the a@i+ity to 'o this to 'o)sA @rains was 'isco(ere' o(er ten years a)o4 the metho's 'isco(ere' pro'*ce' repeate' s*ccess?*+ res*+ts as we++ as were the res*+ts in'i(i'*a+ speci?ic in that the canineAs @rain was a@+e to @e tricDe' to i'enti?y an in'i(i'*a+ as a speci?ic 'i??erent in'i(i'*a+ s*ch as the 'o)As trainer ?or instance. 2his certain+y worDs with a h*man @rain in a (ery simi+ar manner as it 'i' with the canineAs @rains. It is +o)ica+ to s*rmise that in h*mans4 a certain amo*nt o? hypnosis is in(o+(e' < @*t as I ha(e +earne' recent+y4 ;rain 2o ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ori)ina++y inten'e' ?or te+epathic te+ephone con(ersation o(er internet connection an' so?tware 5 ha(e @een *se' to hypnotise the (ictims @y ta+Din) 'irect+y into their @rain near the a*'ia+ ner(e. Ne*roScience 2e+epathy so?tware ena@+es *sers to speaD into the h*man min' as a menta+ (oice simi+ar to the inner (oice which or)ani>es a@stracts into the

?orm o? +in)*istic concepts an' or)ani>es the thinDin) an' ana+ysis @y ta+Din) o*t +o*' in si'e o? the @rain as oppose' to speaDin) a*'i@+y (oca++y. =is*a+ ima)ery in the ima)ination sector o? the @rain is a+so capa@+e o? @ein) *se' an' it 'o*@t+ess+y has < the other way which this wo*+' @e 'one in(o+(es store' memory ima)e reco)nition an' the process @y which it is accesse' in the @rain. N*m@ers an' wor's can @e presente' to the (ictim within the (ictimAs @rain4 on+y (isi@+e to the min's eye an' @are+y acDnow+e')a@+e when it is not the (ictimAs own wi++ which ha' conI*re' this ima)es into the min'. As I ha(e pre(io*s+y state'4 '*e to the h*man @rain an' ne*ropathways @ein) o? a ma)netic nat*re 5 micro@atteries an' prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*its can ro@ot the entire h*man ?orm *sin) ro@otics animation so?tware 'esi)n ?or Ne*roScience p*rposes . I am s*re e(en min*te sections o? the @rain can @e ro@otica++y contro++e' as we++. It seems pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate c*rrent+y has a 'e?acto monopo+y on hea+thcare instit*tions in m*+tip+e re)ions as we++ as comm*nications an' entertainment ser(ices in m*+tip+e re)ions o? North America thro*)h metho' o? p*rchase o? properties *sin) :ea+th #etainers to ho+' the properties or stocD shares in their own names. I? =ittorio 1man*e+e in(este' +a*n'ere' money in hospita+s4 internet ser(ice pro(i'ers4 te+ephone networD pro(i'ers4 an' ca@+e te+e(ision networD pro(i'ers 5 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate wo*+' c*rrent+y ha(e contro+ o(er +ar)e portions o? the comm*nications networD as we++ as hospita+s an' 'irect access to Ser(ers. Access to hea+thcare ?aci+ities ena@+es the 1man*e+esA terrorist a)ents to Ne*roS*r)ery their (ictims whi+e they are as+eep in hea+thcare ?aci+ities either '*rin) a s*r)ery or as an inpatient. A ?ew months a?ter the 1man*e+esA hacDin) assa*+t on my comp*ter ha' @e)*n in ear+y 200% 4 I was ?reH*ent+y p+ayin) two o+' (i'eo)ames *sin) 1m*+ators on my comp*ter5 these were a S1GA G1N1SIS #0M tit+e' Sha'ow#*n an' a SUP1# NIN21N30 #0M tit+e' Syn'icate. I was p*rpose+y p+ayin) (i'eo )ames re+ate' to 7omp*ter HacDin) an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime ?or the p*rpose o? 'isco(erin) i? 1' :arren wo*+' mention the content topic o? the (i'eo )ames at worD e(ent*a++y. ;oth o? these )ames are 7y@erp*nD 2heme' an' in(o+(e hacDin) an' ne*roscience cy@er prosthesis. Syn'icate @e)ins with an animation seH*ence '*rin) which a car is pi+ote' to intentiona++y hit a pe'estrian an' an 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate *ses Ne*roS*r)ery on the wo*n'e' pe'estrian4 t*rnin) them into a remote contro++e' ro@ot terrorist cy@or) so+'ier o? a corporati(ist 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he other )ame4 Sha'owr*n < in(o+(es a pri(ate in(esti)ator who has a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++ which is networDe' to a comp*ter hacDin) *nit ca++e' a G3ecDG. 2he pri(ate in(esti)ator is an associate o? m*+tip+e 7rime Syn'icates4 7orporate 1spiona)e A)ents4 7omp*ter HacDers4 an' 2echno+o)y PhreaDers. 2he Sha'owr*n )ame an' no(e+ settin) is +oose+y @ase' on :i++iam Gi@sonAs no(e+s4 the most pop*+ar o? which @ein) Ne*romancer. G*i+t o?ten presents itse+? in the ?orm o? mi+' tra*ma4 which compo*n's e(ery time a crime is committe' which is simi+ar to the crime that ha' initia++y ca*se' the @ase ?ee+in) o? )*i+t. Sometimes< psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+ers wi++ ?in' that a repeat o??en'erAs crimina+ity e(o+(e' into a +i?e o? crime a?ter eCperiencin) an o(erwhe+min) sense o? )*i+t to which they respon'e' @y compo*n'in) that )*i+t eCponentia++y as an emotiona+ 'e?ense mechanism in an attempt to o(ercome their own @rainsA chemica+ pro'*ction o? the emotion that is GUI$2. =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) my se+? imme'iate+y a?ter I wrote to Henry MaDow o? SA=12H1MA$1S.7A 5 some o? his a)ents may ha(e a+rea'y @een watchin) my IP A33#1SS ?or a whi+e '*e to the ?act that I ha' @een *sin) the internet comm*nity ?or in(esti)ati(e research concernin) P#0B172 M9U$2#A an' the GI$$UMINA2IG G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate as we++ as was my Mother a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? =ittorioAs 7rime Syn'icate when she was a chi+' an' her ?rien'As 'a*)hter Sam G*ay a@'*cte' in 2002 @y =ittorioAs 7rime Syn'icate. My Mother was ?rien's with Samantha G*ayAs mother an' my co*sin Shei+a was Samantha G*ayAs motherAs @est ?rien'. Samantha G*ayAs a*nt or co*sin was a+so a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim when she was yo*n)er 4 o? the same 7rime Syn'icate that h*rt my Mother when she

was a chi+'. 2he 1man*e+es seem to attacD the same ?ami+ies repeate'+y *nti+ the ?ami+iesA entire +ines are eCtinct. 2he mention o? G/o*r )ir+?rien' )ot hit @y a tr*cD. 1'4 to+' me to te++ yo*. IAm not s*re what he meant.G @rin)s to min' the openin) scene animation seH*ence o? the )ame Syn'icate. 2he +on) haire' Bewish woman in the +on) @+acD coat whom ha' ma'e an appearance at .ami+y 3o++ar with her ma+e companion one ni)ht was +ater mentione' to me @y a man whom was apparent+y worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 @ein) re?erre' to as G.rench Bews in @+acD trench coat.G 5 I am not s*re i? Samantha is racia++y ?rench at a++ @*t she was 'e?inite+y o? Israe+i race. I @e+ie(e Samantha ;ernstein was a@o*t 1Q% 3e*tsche+an'er an' 3Q% Israe+i < her ma+e companion appeare' to @e 1Q2 .ranDic an' 1Q2 Israe+i. I ha(e since @een in?orme' that Samantha was a@'*cte' an' that another (ictim was ?orce' to *se her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' she was ?orce' to *se yet another (ictimAs I.3. 7re'entia+s. MarD P*cDer@er) appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een ass*me' @y =ittorio to @e a Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e connection o? mine 5 MarD P*cDer@er)As sister was tar)ette' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e m*ch the same as Samantha ;ernstein was 4 the #a@@i ;arry :einsteinAs 11 year o+' 'a*)hter B*+ie :einstein was tar)ette' 4 =a+erie 0+son was tar)ette' 4 1mi+y Is+es was tar)ette' 4 Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister was tar)ette' 4 a++ 3 o? my sisters were tar)ette' 4 .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was tar)ette' 4 an' other (ictims o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Genoci'a+ :ar #apes an' H*man 2ra??icDin). In the (i'eo)ame Syn'icate 5 the 7y@or) 3roi' s+a(es wear @+acD +on) coats. 1' :arren ma'e n*mero*s re?erances to Sha'ow#*n 4 Syn'icate 4 M*tant $ea)*e .oot@a++ 4 Mi)ht an' Ma)ic 4 an' other )ames I was p+ayin) on my comp*ter '*rin) the years that he was watchin) my 7omp*ter acti(ities *sin) 2*rDoIan So?tware. 2*rDoIan So?tware ena@+es the hacDer to access an' manip*+ate the tar)et comp*ter m*ch in the same way that :in'ows #emote Assistance worDs. A?ter my comp*ter ha' @een hacDe' *sin) 2*rDoIan so?tware an' set *p ?or 1' :arren to watch it4 1' :arren @e)an maDin) M*tant $ea)*e .oot@a++ 7oach noises at me at worD an' ta*ntin) me '*e to his arro)ant @e+ie? that I 'i' not Dnow that I was @ein) hacDe'. I ?ei)ne' i)norance +on) eno*)h to )ather a+ot o? in?ormation an' to +*re 1' :arren into speaDin) +o*'+y in ass*mption that I was i)norant < 1' :arrenAs h*@ris pro(e' to @e eCtreme eno*)h that he recor'e' ?*++ Dnow+e')e o? near+y the entirety o? the 1man*e+esA an' the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime 5 this was recor'e' (er@a++y into 15 impro(ise en)ineere' recor'in) 'e(ices which 1' :arren himse+? ha' positione' a@o(e the Styro?oam 7ei+in) Pane+s at the reH*est o? =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2hese 'e(ices were ca++e' o(er internet an' mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone towers an' acti(ate' 4 this was recor'e' into a comp*ter o(er internet. 1' :arren was recor'e' @y .ami+y 3o++ar sec*rity cameras insta++in) these recor'in) 'e(ices as we++ as was his position *n'erneath them recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras. A?ter 1' :arren was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? a Ne*ro7irc*it an' an A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ice < his position was recor'e' @y G.P.S. 4 his s*rro*n'in)s an' actions were recor'e' @y his transmitte' Ne*ro+o)y inc+*'in) si)ht an' so*n' 4 an' his tho*)hts were recor'e' @y transmitte' Ne*ro+o)y 5 these recor'in)s are a++ accessi@+e @y Mi+itary Inte++i)ence an' .;I as we++ as 7IA an' ?orei)n in(esti)ations reH*estin) re+e(ant in?ormation re)ar'in) 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. .ami+y 3o++ar Sec*rity 7ameras are transmitte' e+ectronica++y to Home 0??ice. 0ne 'ay 1' .arrachi :arren came into worD sin)in) the theme son) to the mo(ie G$i?e o? ;rianG 4 which I ha' @een watchin) the ni)ht prior to this. I ha' @een maDin) an e??ort to stay awaDe a++ ni)ht 4 e(ery ni)ht4 ?or the p*rpose o? Psy :ar?arin) the 7y@er Sta+Ders 5 I 'eci'e' to @reaD 'own 1' :arrenAs psycho+o)y with mo(ies4 (i'eo )ames4 history +ect*res4 an' n*mero*s ho*rs o? ima)es o? thin)s s*ch as ?at +a'ies. A++ 4 whi+e not a++owin) him to s+eep ?or e(en a 'ay. 1(ent*a++y 4 '*e to +acD o? s+eep < 1' :arren @e)an to ta+D in ?ront o? cameras constant+y 5 1' :arrens connections were eCpose' to sec*rity cameras at +east 15 times4 on n*mero*s occaisions their p+ans were open+y 'isc*sse' in ?ront o? sec*rity eH*ipment. 1' :arren was e(en recor'e' han'in) stacDs o? money to )an)sters an' terrorists. 1' :arren recei(e' n*mero*s te+ephone ca++s ?rom =ittorio

1man*e+e on the .ami+y 3o++ar store te+ephone '*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 1' :arren a+so recei(e' n*mero*s te+ephone ca++s ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e '*rin) 200% an' 2005 on his mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone 4 1' :arren open+y 'isc*sse' meetin) =ittorio 1man*e+e ?or pi>>a at PappyAs Pi>>a 4 1' :arren 'isc*sse' +itera++y e(erythin) on recor'in) an' a+so whi+e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. GItAs Not 0(er Unti+ 2he .at $a'y Sin)sG worDe' (ery we++. 3*rin) 200% 5 7ara Samson an' $*cas An)i*+ini p*rchase' some items at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St in Manchester. A?ter they +e?t the store4 1' :arren asDe' me who they were an' acDnow+e')e' that he co*+' te++ ?rom the way that I was +ooDe' at them that I Dnew them @oth. 2here are c*rrent+y two in'i(i'*a+s *sin) 7ara SamsonAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 7ara Samson is o? miCe' Israe+i an' American ethnicity 4 I @e+ie(e that she may ha(e @e)*n @ein) sta+De' @y =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+esA a)ents '*e to her @ein) o? Israe+i race as we++ as '*e to the ?rien's she Dnew. G7ara SamsonG c*rrent+y has two ?ace@ooDs 5 7ara Samson an' GPe++a P+i)htG . As another attempt to ?rame GSatanismG ?or the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his sonsA SeC 0??enses4 an' H*man =i(isection 5 the imposte*r o? 7ara Samson was intro'*ce' to the sin)er o? a Hea(y Meta+ m*sica+ @an' whom is a mem@er o? the GBoys o? SatanG or)ani>ation. 2his @an' wears masDs on sta)e. 2hey opene' ?or the 3imm* ;or)ir concert at the Pa++a'i*m in :orcester Massach*settes '*rin) the year 200". =ittorio 1man*e+eAs o@session with ?ramin) GSatanismG ?or his own 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icateAs crimes an' the A6IS seems to ha(e 'ri(en him to in(o+(e himse+? thro*)h 7rimina+ A)ents o? his with GSatanistG or)ani>ations o(er the past %0 years. =ittorio 1man*e+e *sin) 7rimina+ A)ents in attempts to tempt the GSatanistG comm*nity into @ecomin) in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime is 'e?inite. =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) ca++e' the Anti 7hrist @y Be?? #ense in 200% on his we@site a?ter comm*nicatin) with Henry MaDow 4 is no mere coinci'ence. 2here is an imposte*r *sin) #yan McInteeAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s whom is c*rrent+y in the USA. #yan McIntee (isite' me at my apartment '*rin) 200% 4 we @oth Dnew 7ara Samson. 2he man preten'in) to @e #yan McIntee is 100S Ita+ian 5 #yan McIntee is act*a++y o? miCe' Gae+ic an' Ita+ian race. A?ter #yan McIntee (isite' me at my apartment4 a man name' Aaron ran'om+y messa)e' me on A0$ Instant Messa)er 5 I +ater ?o*n' o*t that this man was one o? =ittorioAs sons whom ha' @een a'opte' @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman in Massach*settes. I @e+ie(e that Aaron was chosen to contact me '*e to the ?act that +iDe #yan4 Aaron is )ay an' it is +ess eCpecte' ?or a )ran'son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs nephew to @e a homoseC*a+. I ha(e not seen the act*a+ #yan McIntee in o(er ! years 5 the man whom I recent+y ha(e seen who has @een *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s is not him. 3*rin) 200% 200E Aaron ha' a MySpace.7om acco*nt with pict*res o? himse+? wearin) a hoo'e' sweatshirt an' sittin) on a coin operate' horse as we++ as other photos s*ch as himse+? in a tanD top with a pompa'o*r which was parte' on the si'e4 I @e+ie(e that he a''e' my roommate Scott H*nter an' his ?rien' 2ony Grassetti as ?rien's on another Socia+ NetworDin) site as we++. I a+so @e+ie(e that AaronAs MySpace.7om ha' photo)raphs o? 3anie+ Bames on it. #yan McIntee +i(e' in Mi+?or' NewHampshire an' share' m*t*a+ ?rien's an' acH*aintances with 2ony #oton'o an' Boey Marini whom were @oth o? Mi+?or' NewHampshire as 'i' #yan McIntee share n*mero*s ?rien's in common with my se+?. 7*rrent+y Ho++y 3eManche whom was a ?rien' o? mine since o*r ear+y teena)e years4 is missin) an' has @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r. 3*rin) 20055 Bosh Hooper o? Manchester NewHampshire was somehow #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r < this was notice' @y $*cas An)*i+ini in 200!. $*cas an' I met in 2000 an' ha(e Dnown many o? the same peop+e 5 @etween the years 200% an' 2013 4 most o? these peop+e seem to ha(e @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r. I am not Dnow+e')ea@+e as to whether or not $*cas An)*i+ini has @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r 4 @*t it is 'e?inite that he is a tar)et as is it 'e?inite that $*cas witnesse' n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s @etween the years 200! an' 2010 whom were not who they c+aime' to @e. $*cas

An)*i+ini went to hi)hschoo+ with Bosh Hooper in Manchester NewHampshire an' ha' Dnown the ?act*a+ Bosh*a Hooper since chi+'hoo'. $*cas ca++e' the Bosh*a Hooper Imposte*r a G?er'aisiG an' eCp+aine' to me that G?er'aisiG is an Ita+ian wor' ?or an GImposte*r 4 conni(er 4 or a ro*seG < $*cas trie' to re?resh my memory concernin) whom the ?act*a+ Bosh*a Hooper ha' @een an' it now seems +o)ica+ to @e+ie(e that $*cas An)*i+ini may ha(e @een rea+ity testin) in attempt to 'iscern whether or not I ha' @een rep+ace' as we++. I met the ?act*a+ Bosh*a Hooper in 2002 an' ?ai+e' to reco)ni>e that the Imposte*r was a ?aDe an' was not Bosh. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 the imposte*r o? Bosh Hooper state' somethin) re)ar'in) a GBewse?? Men)e+steinG in a h*mo*ro*s or sarcastic re?erence to Boseph Men)e+e. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 when I near+y 'ie' o? m*+tip+e poisonin)s 5 n*mero*s emp+oyees in the 1++iot Hospita+ where n*mero*s mem@ers o? my ?ami+y ?ormer+y worDe' @e?ore they were rep+ace' @y imposte*rs < were =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' imposte*rs posin) as Bewish 3octors. A++ o? these G'octorsG to+' me that I was comp+ete+y hea+thy when I so*)ht 'ia)nosis an' treatment ?or ;+acD Mo+' Poisonin) 4 In)este' #a'iation Poisonin) 4 an' another ?orm o? poisonin). 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ros*r)ica++y attache' to my @rain an' networDe' o(er an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ @y metho' o? an A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice @ein) *se' as an Impro(ise' #o*ter 5 'e?inite e+ectronica++y transmitte' Ne*ro+o)ica+ proo? o? these poisonin)s as we++ as the time an' +ocation o? these Hospita+ =isits an' these 'octorAs +ocations an' name ta)s. 0n one occaision 4 whom I @e+ie(e was 7hris 2homas 5 was wearin) a white 'octors *ni?orm coat an' some@o'y e+seAs nameta). I @e+ie(e that I reco)ni>e' one o? the other 'octors ?rom a SeC 0??en'er re)istry +ist. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 when I was transporte' ?rom So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter to NewHampshire Hospita+ where I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 the 'octor who checDe' my (ita+s an' or'ere' a *rine an' @+oo' test was an Ita+ian man who +ooDe' re+ate' to the 3ANapo+i ?ami+y 4 @*t was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' with what appeare' to @e Be?? 3a(isAs Israe+i 3NA. Be?? 3a(is was a ha+? Israe+i who @ecame a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen @*t was not a++owe' to @ecome a Pa)e 4 which meant that he was not a++owe' to @ecome an o??icia+ Aristocrat o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 in the year 1"""4 I o(erhear' #o@ert #o'on te++in) 7hristopher #o'on that this was @eca*se Be?? 3a(is was ha+? Bewish an' he was not tr*ste' @y G=ictorG as a res*+t o? his @ein) o? Israe+i race. I ha(e met an imposte*r o? Be?? 3a(is '*rin) the year 200!. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 two ?ema+es wa+Din) into the store were ta+Din) < one o? which state' 4 G2heyAre )oin) to try to ?rame some@o'y ?or thisN 2hey are :ar 7rime SeC 0??ensesN 3o yo* e(en *n'erstan' how serio*s this isO 2his is the st*pi'est thin) they co*+' e(er 'o.G . 2his statement was +ater echoe' @y 2wy+a 2 years +ater 4 who state' somethin) eCtreme+y simi+ar o(er the te+ephone to some@o'y. 2wy+a was the 'a*)hter o? a woman name' 3e@@ie who was recor'e' ta+Din) to 1' :arren in 2005 @y the recor'in) 'e(ices in the @acD o? the sa+es area at .ami+y 3o++ar < they were ta+Din) a@o*t GAye ayeG 4 GAye aye ayeG 4GHi hiG 4 an' G=ictorG 5 these @ein) co'e wor's ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e II 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 A'o+? Hit+er 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 3*rin) 2005 4 1' :arren state' to Anthony 3e.eo 5 G:hatO 3i' they p*t a sniper on the roo? o(er there 4 '*'eOG this was a (ery pec*+iar statement. ;etween 200% an' 200E4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 it @ecame o@(io*s that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7rimina+ A)ents ha' sprea' r*mo*rs amon)st the comm*nity c+aimin) that I was a :hite S*premacist an' an eCtreme+y hate?*+ racist. 2he 1man*e+esA A)ent Pro(ocate*rs ?a+se+y 'ec+are' to mem@ers o? the comm*nity that I @e+ie(e' in a .ascist State wherein which the .e'era+ Go(ernment 'ictate' to .ema+es eCact+y whom speci?ica++y they were to @e marrie' to 5 I ha(e no s*ch @e+ie? in any .ascist State or any ?orce' arran)e' marria)e. 2he entire comm*nity aro*n' me was to+' that I was a worshipper o? A'o+? Hit+er. M*ch o? the comm*nity was incorrect+y

to+' that my ancestors were P+antation 0wners whom owne' s+a(es in the So*thern re)ions o? the U.S.A. an' that my ancestors were s*ppose'+y So*thern 7on?e'erates an' 9*9+*C9+ansmen 5 my ?act*a+ ancestry are +ower c+ass G/anDeesG ?rom the Northern re)ions o? the U.S.A. whom were 'escen'ants o? ;ritish 7o+onists that ?o*n'e' the U.S.A. an' 7ana'ians whom were ;ritish $oya+ists '*rin) the #e(o+*tionary :ar as we++ as A@enaDis 4 MiHmaDs 4 Mahicans 4 Irish immi)rants 4 an' L*e@ecois. 0ne thin) that is important to rea+i>e is that Bason ;e++emore o? MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 whom ha' atten'e' MerrimacD Hi)hschoo+ '*rin) the same years as my se+? 5 was the co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta who is now either a 9ni)ht o? Aosta or a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy 4 an' Bason ;e++emore has n*mero*s other connections s*ch as mem@ers o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation. Bason ;e++emore state' on more than one occaision that he may ha(e @een a co*sin o? A'o+? GHit+erG 4 whene(er it was mentione' that A'o+? Hit+er was ?act*a++y Ita+ian an' A*strian. It is 'e?inite that there were n*mero*s others in the MerrimacD NewHampshire comm*nity an' the s*rro*n'in) re)ion who ha' mo(e' to the U.S.A. a?ter the 'e?eat o? the A6IS ?or reason o? escapin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s. 1ntire +ines o? ?ami+ies ha(e @een Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate' in North America since the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS 4 it is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their a++ies whom ha(e assassinate' these ?ami+ies 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy seem pro@a@+e to ha(e (owe' to eCterminate the North American #aces a?ter the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 when they immi)rate' to North America. At the en' o? the war 4 the U.S.A. 'e?eate' the A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy went into eCi+e 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy contin*e' their )enoci'a+ acti(ities in North America. It is pro@a@+e that Bason ;e++emoreAs patri+inea+ ?ami+y Di++e' a ?ami+y an' tooD their name on paperworD 4 when they immi)rate' to the U.S.A. < n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e An)+o SaCon s*rnames or other names o? +an)*a)es nati(e to North America 5 these ?ami+ies ha(e @een attempte' to hi'e themse+(es within the ho*seho+'s o? other ?ami+ies 4 an' ha(e @e)*n to *se ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to ai' themse+(es in stea+in) the i'entities o? their (ictims an' 'is)*isin) themse+(es as them. Machia(e++i 4 was a man who escape' the 'eath which his enemies ha' p+anne' ?or him @y metho' o? Di++in) an' @*ryin) another man o? simi+ar appearance to himse+? 4 in a co??in casDet with Machia(e++iAs name on it 5 many o? the A6IS .ami+ies ha(e @een 'isc*ssin) 'oin) this soon4 some o? them a+rea'y ha(e. Some o? these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e +ocDe' innocent men in prison an' taDen their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 these innocent men ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to @are a resem@+ance to a :ar 7rimina+ whom +e?t them with their own I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s or the most pre(io*s I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which they ha' sto+en the ?irst time they GMachia(e++iA'G as they ha' @een ca++in) it. It is a 'e?inite threat that the @o'ies o? peop+e s*ch as the Ara@ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime $or' G0sama ;in$a'enG 4 ha(e @een 'ispose' o? @y s*ch metho's as m*+chin) the @o'y into the ocean 5 these @o'ies nee' to @e Dept as empirica+ ?orensic e(i'ence 5 in the @e)inin) o? G2he :ar on 2errorG 4 the tar)et 1nemy 7om@atant .action was Gthe A6IS o? 1(i+G. 2he :ar on 2error +ater chan)e' when G0sama ;in$a'enAsG i'entity was contin*o*s+y 'escri@e' as a 'e(o*t M*s+im Biha'ist Mi+itant #e+i)io*s 1Ctremist 4 in the stea' o? Ara@ian A6IS .action. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 7o(ert Mi+itant Acti(ity an' Genoci'e in North America '*rin) the :ar on 2error 4 is no matter o? ran'om chance coinci'ence. 3*rin) 200% a propa)an'a campai)n @e)an which 'eni)rate' an' 'e?ame' the Asatr* #e+i)ion an' Asatr* #e+i)io*s 7omm*nity horri@+y @oth p*@+ica++y an' on internet. Asatr* was portraye' as @ein) a G#acist ;*n'tG to peop+e in the Manchester NewHampshire comm*nity @y in'i(i'*a+s associate' with =ittorio 1man*e+e. 0n the internet 4 ?a+se pro?i+es were create' in attempts to promote a :hite S*premacist 7ypher =ersion o? the Asatr* #e+i)ion to maDe it appear as i? the Asatr* #e+i)ion is non eCistant re+i)ion an' as i? Asatr* is a ?aca'e co(er ?or an or)ani>ation simi+ar to the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator. Asatr* is the tra'itiona+ Germanic 1thnic .o+D #e+i)ion. S+an'ero*s we@sites promote' *nrea+istic (ersions o? history 4 e(en < s*ch as one we@site which incorrect+y c+aime' that the

G=estmanIarG mentione' in the Sa)as o? the Ice+an'ers an' other Sa)as were GGae+sG an' G3arD Haire' Peop+eG whom the Asatr*ars consi'ere' G#acia++y In?eriorG an' chaine' to hea(y o@Iects an' ens+a(e' *sin) a (est o? chains +ocDe' in the mi''+e @y an enormo*s +ocD 5 this was a c+aim that the GMen o? the :estG s*ch as An)+o SaCons 4 .ranDs 4 :est Goths 4 Norse Gae+s 4 Gae+s 4 Ga*+s 4 an' other peop+e whom +i(e' :est o? the #hine < were somehow ?orce' to wear GS+a(e =estsG or GS+a(e =estments.G. =estri in 0+' Norse +an)*a)e means Gin a :estern+y 'irectionG 4 G=estG in 0+' Norse +an)*a)e means G:estG 4 GManIarG in 0+' Norse +an)*a)e means GmenG 4 G=isi GothsG means G:est Ga*tsG which is to say G2he peop+e o? Ga*t ?rom the :est o? the #hine #i(erG. Ga*t is one o? 0'inAs names. Nor'ri 4 means GNorthG < S*'ri 4 means GSo*thG 4 an' G0striG means G1ast. 0stro Goths is to say the G1ast Ga*tsG. 0sterreich 4 which is the name o? A*stria 5 means Gthe 1astern 9in)'omG 5 A*strians are Ga++o an' 1ast Ga*t. 2he ima)e o? the (est o? chains is ?rom an *nDnown ori)in an' is +iDe+y to ha(e @een a(est *se' to restrain a )ori++a ?or a Poo or possi@+y an incre'i@+y +ar)e crimina+ in a prison. A?ter 200%5 peop+e in the Asatr* comm*nity were @ein) approache' at e(ents s*ch as the 1ast 7oast 2hin) an' were @ein) to+' that they were Gnot racia++y +oya+ eno*)hG an' that their Asatr* ?aith was not @*i+t eno*)h *pon concepts o? G#acia+ist +oya+tiesG. It is o@(io*s that in 200%4 the Asatr* comm*nity ha' @ecame a tar)et o? .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS terrrorist ?action an' some o? the n*mero*s associate' ?ascist or)ani>ations which they are a??i+iate' with 5 a campai)n o? 'e?amation an' s*@(ersion @e)an which hit the Asatr* 7omm*nity eCtreme+y har' 4 the e(i'ence o? which can @e st*'ie' thro*)h e+ectronic recor's on the internet. Mem@ers o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity are a+so c*rrent+y missin) 4 some o? whom ha(e o@(io*s+y @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y .i++i@ertoAs an' =ittorioAs A)ents whom are hi'in) in their homes c*rrent+y. 2his stea+in) o? Americans an' 7ana'ians physica+ i'entities has @een happenin) since 200% an' has a ?ew speci?ic 2ar)ette' 7omm*nities with a sin)+e 7ata)orica+ Imperati(e an' a sin)+e moti(atin) ?actor. I @e+ie(e in po+itica+ Nationa+ism < that e(ery race o? peop+e are 'eser(in) o? a Nation State 4 a physica+ Nationa+ Home+an' 4 an' that they ha(e the ri)ht to maintain their pop*+ation as the maIority pop*+ation co*nt in s*ch a nation so that they can ens*re the sa?ety o? their comm*nity 5 I @e+ie(e that a nation o? peop+e is a physica+ @io+o)ica+ concept. I am not a racist. I am a+so not a .ascist 4 I @e+ie(e in a Meritocratic Socia+ist 1conomy an' Socia+ist .e'era+ State with a Par+iament. A?ter 200% 5 .i+ 1man*e+eA an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs paranoia at @ein) 'isco(ere' to @e A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y )rew to s*ch )reat eCtremes that their ?action ha(e @e)*n to eCterminate the )+o@a+ Asatr* comm*nitiesA ?ami+ies. 2he Asatr* comm*nity an' the Bewish comm*nity ha(e @oth @een str*cD @y this )enoci'a+ attacD. N*mero*s Asatr*ars ha(e @een Di++e' an' rep+ace' @y Imposte*rs whom ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' to +ooD simi+ar eno*)h ?acia++y to carry the 'ea' ?ami+iesA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which has pre(ente' any in(esti)ation into these crimes. N*mero*s Asatr*ars whom I ha(e Dnown ha(e @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' 4 some o? them reporte'+y ha(e @een poisone' at ;+ot an' S*m@+e @y imposte*rs whom arri(e' an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y more imposte*rs. Photo)raphs o? ?ami+ies on .ace;ooD.7om are c+ear e(i'ence that this has happene' 4 n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een missin) an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom +ooD (ery +itt+e +iDe the ori)ina+ in'i(i'*a+s 5 the chi+'ren o? these ?ami+ies appear terri?ie' in recent photo)raphs which ha(e @een poste' on the internet. 2he ?irst Asatr*ars tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+es were a +ist o? theJ1mi+y Is+esK )ir+s who were ?a+se+y attri@*te' the +ocation o? Hami+ton 0ntario 7ana'a 4 $ance Minsha++ o? 0ntario 7ana'a 4 my se+? o? NewHampshire USA 4 #a)nar 9ar+son o? NewHampshire USA an' Ice+an' 4 ;erry 7anote &Swain :o'enin), o? 2eCas USA 4 Michae+ Bohnston o? Massach*settes USA 4 Stacy Sea@*ry o? Massach*settes an' New Bersey USA 4 7athryn ;*rDe o? New Hampshire an' New Bersey USA 4 MiDe Smith o? New Hampshire an' Massach*settes USA 4 #on ;oar'man o? Massach*settes an' NewHampshire USA 4 $i++y P+aise o? Massach*settes an' NewHampshire USA 4 Stephanie 7onro' o? New Hampshire an' New Bersey USA 4 9enneth B*'' o? New Hampshire an' New Bersey USA 4 Ste(e

McNa++en o? USA 4 $ars G=ar)G =iDernes o? Norway4 7ami++a an' Arnt> .+aten o? Norway4 Be?? 7a@ra+ o? NewHampshire USA 4 3an 0ropa++o o? New Bersey US 4 an' possi@+y Peter Stee+e o? New Bersey USA whom was p*@+ica++y *n'ec+are' @*t was (ery c+ose ?rien's with many Asatr*ars ?rom New Bersey an' atten'e' ;+ot an' S*m@+e on more than one occaision. 2his +ist has eCpan'e' an' the sta+Din) an' attacD on these in'i(i'*a+s an' their ?ami+ies has @een s*ccessi(e an' eCpan'in). 0? the Bewish 7omm*nity 4 the sta+Din) an' attacDs @e)an in New1n)+an' an' 0ntario 5 @e)inin) with the ;ernstein ?ami+y o? A'am an' Samantha ;ernstein 4 Pa*+ Mi++er an' his co*sin Miret> 4 ;ra' Sa@+e an' his ?ami+y 4 an' other re+ate' ?ami+ies as we++ as ?ami+ies with miCe' Israe+i ?ami+y an' Bewish co*sins s*ch as my eC )ir+?rien' Min'y 9ernAs ?ami+y. 2he sta+Din) o? these ?ami+ies has @een con'*cte' primari+y @y internet hacDers ?irst an' ?o++owe' *p @y the 1man*e+es as we++ as Ita+ian A6IS 7rime *nits. Most o? the Hea+th7are .aci+ities s*ch as Hospita+s an' #eha@i+itation 7+inics in the North 1ast L*a'rant o? North America ha(e @een p*rchase' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs properties stea' ho+'ers an' ha(e @een *se' to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roGra?ts wire' to A#G0S networDe' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #o*ters tacDe' to the (ictimsA Iaw ca(ity. 2hese 'e(ices are @ein) *se' to manip*+ate 4 tracD 4 +ocate 4 an' m*r'er the (ictims co(ert+y < these are a+so @ein) *se' to recor' the +i?etime in?ormation o? these in'i(i'*a+s. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are a+so @ein) *se' @y the Imposte*rs in conI*nction with Speech 2herapy animation so?tware to mimmicD the (oices o? the s+ain ci(i+ians whom are @ein) impersonate' @y co(ert a)ents. N*mero*s Asatr* Din're's in nations o*tsi'e o? North America seem to ha(e @een e??ecte' @y this )enoci'e 5 n*mero*s 9in're's are missin) ?rom the 1+'arin) 4 the #in) o? 2roth 4 the Asatr* .o+D Assem@+y 4the Asatr* A++iance 4 the 0'inic #ite 4 an' other Asatr* #e+i)io*s Associations 4 the Societa 3e 0'inista o? $om@ar'i Ita+ia are missin) ?rom the 0'inic #iteAs +ists an' their we@site is missin) ?rom the internet entire+y 5 it is pro@a@+e that the $om@ar's own Din) m*r'ere' them a++ '*rin) this attacD on Asatr*. I @e+ie(e that the portraya+ o? =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7esare 4 an' 1' .arrachi :arren as 7atho+ic 1Ctremists was ?or the p*rpose o? potentia++y creatin) an A+i@i Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e ?or +ater as a +ast resort e??ort to 'etach themse+(es ?rom speci?ic I'entities which they ha' p+anne' to em@e' 2errorist A)ents amon)st < they ha' in ?act @e)an startin) r*mo*rs that Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha' Ioine' Anton $a=eyAs 7h*rch o? Satan. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < I was asDe' @y two peop+e whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar i? I ha' a co*sin in 0ntario 7ana'a name' An're #oy. An're #oy is the eC h*s@an' o? my co*sin 3onna Martinea* whom is my .atherAs co*sin on my GranMother Pr*'ence Giro*C MacPhersonAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. An're #oy is my co*sin Marco #oyAs @io+o)ica+ .ather. An're #oy is a+so Am@er #oyAs *nc+e on her @io+o)ica+ .atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. Am@er #oy was a@'*cte' ?rom 0ntario 7ana'a @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. She was +ast seen in Manchester NewHampshire in 2010 +i(in) on Green Street. My co*sin on my .atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y on my Gran'.ather Norman MacPhersonAs si'e o? the ?ami+y ha(e @een attacDe' in 0ntario as we++. Most o? these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*rs. It is pro@a@+e that MarcoAs Gran'.ather Marce+ Martinea*As si'e o? the ?ami+y in P*erto #ico was attacDe' as we++. My MotherAs entire si'e o? the ?ami+y has @een attacDe' an' a+most a++ o? them are missin) or 'ea' an' ha(e @een #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*rs. 2his is a 7o(ert Attempt at 2ota+ Genoci'e. 2his is a Ho+oca*st. 3*rin) the year o? 2005 4 I @ecame ?rien's with a )ir+ (ery @rie?+y with whom I went to Manray with ?or the Gothic Ni)ht a ?ew times. At Manray I reconnecte' with a woman whom I ha' met '*rin) the year 2003 who was *sin) the name GSam G*ayG. 3*rin) the year 2003 4 I was *naware that this was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was a@'*cte' ?rom a 'i??erent re)ion an' swappe' with a ?ema+e ?rom this re)ion e+sewhere. :hen I was a chi+' 4 I met the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay as a res*+t o? my co*sin whom I re?erre' to as GA*nt Shei+aG '*e to her a)e. My co*sin Shei+a was @est ?rien's with Sam

G*ayAs mother as we++ as 7hristine 3ionAs mother. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 Samantha G*ay 'isappeare' 5 n*mero*s peop+e were to+' that she mo(e'. Samantha G*ay ha' @een ?rien's with 7hristine 3ion 5 whoAs ?ather worDe' at a 3airy L*een 4 an imposte*r who has @een in(o+(e' in S*ci'eGir+s.7om an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' an imposte*r who has @een actin) as a Property Stea' Ho+'er o? the 1man*e+esA in the re)ion o? So*thern NewHampshire an' Massach*settes. My ?rien' $in'sey Garo?ano an' the ?act*a+ Sam G*ay were ?rien's with 7hristine 3ion as we++ as with my co*sin Monica MosesDi whom was Shei+aAs 'a*)hter an' 7hristineAs an' SamAs chi+'hoo' @est ?rien'. Since the year 2005 Monica has @een missin) < since the year 2008 4 $in'say Garo?ano has @een missin) an' rep+ace @y an imposte*r. #*mo*rs sprea' that Sam G*ay mo(e' @e?ore the en' o? hi)hschoo+ to possi@+y 2eCas4 it was act*a++y $in'say whom ?act*a++y mo(e' to 2eCas. Samantha G*ay went to Hi)hschoo+ in Manchester NewHampshire. $in'sey Garo?ano an' Ste(e G=inceG Parish mo(e' to 2eCas a?ter Hi)hschoo+. A?ter Ste(e Parish mo(e' to 2eCas 4 7hristine 3ion was a@'*cte' 5 Ste(e Parish ha' @een 'atin) 7hristine 3ion @rie?+y @e?ore he 'eci'e' to mo(e to 2eCas with $in'say Garo?ano. Ste(e G=inceG Parish a+ways c+aime' to @e An)+o American an' Swe'ish 4 @*t has a simi+ar appearance to a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian who is 1Q% .ranDic race or possi@+y Z #*ssian. 3*rin) the years 2002 or 2003 < 7hristine 3ion to+' Ste(e G=inceG Parish what her ?ather was an' a@o*t what ha' happene' to my se+? an' herse+? '*rin) o*r chi+'hoo' when we were 7hi+' Porno)raphe' @y 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 whom was =ittorioAs son an' .i++i@ertoAs o+'er @rother 5 Ste(e G=inceG Parish 'ate' $in'say Garo?ano n*mero*s times thro*)ho*t the years @etween 1""8 an' 2008. I @e+ie(e it is entire+y possi@+e that Ste(e ParishAs ?ather may possi@+y @e a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' an 1spiona)e A)ent o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy who 'oes not a'mit his racia+ ori)in as a res*+t o? his S+eeper A)ent stat*s < it is a+so possi@+e that @y now 4 Ste(e G=inceG Parish has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who is an espiona)e a)ent o? the 1man*e+esA as a res*+t o? his se+? @ein) to+' @y 7hristine 3ion what ha' happene'. A 3NA 2est wo*+' pro(e this ?act*a+ or not. I? 7hristine 3ion a'mitte' to Ste(e Parish what ha' happene' to *s 4 he may ha(e to+' his .ather. I ha(e witnesse' n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. who ha(e @een *sin) '*p+icates o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? ci(i+ians who ?ormer+y +i(e' in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. 4 an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y in'i(i'*a+s who are not them 5 it is pro@a@+e that the ?act*a+ peop+e whoAs i'enti?ication cre'entia+s ha(e @een Di++e'. $in'sey Garo?ano is possi@+y )*i+ty o? ha(in) worDe' ?or the 1man*e+es as we++ is it possi@+e that she is their (ictim an' has @een s+ain @y them or a@'*cte' an' seC tra??icDe'. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e I was +i(in) at my Gran'motherAs in MerrimacD NewHampshire at the te+ephone n*m@er E03 %2% 5!0E 5 $in'sey Garo?ano or an imposte*r ca++e' preten'in) to @e $in'sey Garo?ano 4 c+aimin) that $in'sey ha' @een imprisone' an' was on Ho*se Arrest as we++ as was ?or@i''en ?rom +ea(in) the state o? 2eCas '*e to (an'a+ism. G$in'sey Garo?anoG c+aime' that she smashe' the win'ow o? an S.U.=. an' that her ?rien' spray painte' a swastiDa on the S.U.=. as a ?orm o? ci(i+ 'iso@e'ience a)ainst the +acD o? a @an on (ehic+es which pro'*ce toCic emissions. It is pro@a@+e that the ?act*a+ $in'say Garo?ano was a@'*cte' or s+ain aro*n' the same 'ate that the ?act*a+ 7hristine 3ion was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. In the year 2011 4 I met an imposte*r o? $in'sey Garo?ano who c+aime' to ha(e taDen a p+ane to NewHampshire ?rom 2eCas an' met me at the $on'on'erryQManchester NewHampshire Airport. It is possi@+e that $in'seyAs ?ami+y were +oya+ to the 1man*e+es < it is a+so possi@+e that $in'sey was a@'*cte' or s+ain as a res*+t o? her @ein) ?rien's with Samantha G*ay 4 7hristine 3ion 4 an' my se+?. 3*rin) this same time perio' 4 I was ca++e' on the te+ephone @y a ?ema+e who ha' approache' me at worD < she so*n'e' simi+ar to the ?ema+e that I ta+De' to in 1""! who +i(e' in North 7aro+ina < they ha' a simi+ar so*n'in) (oice 4 I am not s*re i? they were the same in'i(i'*a+. It is o@(io*s that I was @ein) G7y@er Sta+De'G @y the 1man*e+esA 7omp*ter HacDers '*rin) 2003. :hen +i(in) with Bohn Ga??ey an' NicD McMacDin at 11 7rown Street Nash*a NewHampshire < I was contacte' @y a stran)e person ?a+se+y c+aimin) to @e a .ema+e 5 this person spoDe in the 3r' Person as i? speaDin) a@o*t another person an' 'escri@in) them 4 simi+ar to what has @een ca++e'

GGorian $i?esty+eG on internet we@sites an' in internet artic+es. 2his person a+so asDe' me i? I @e+ie(e' in G2he 9ristG an' 'escri@e' the 1man*e+esA 4 Hit+erAs 4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?a+se (ersion o? Ma'ame ;+a(atsDyAs Germanische 7hristos Prophecy. I can not remem@er this personAs American 0n+ine Instant Messen)er Screen Name 4 @*t I @e+ie(e that this personAs America 0n+ine Instant Messen)er UserName may ha(e @een somethin) with the wor' 3eathAn)e+ in it. 2he in'entity seeme' ?aDe an' it is pro@a@+e that the photo)raph which was *se' to represent a person that 'i' not eCist was act*a++y a photo)raph o? a ?act*a+ )othic woman ?rom another re)ion. 2his person c+aime' to @e a ?ema+e that +iDe )othic m*sic 4 )othic ni)ht c+*@s 4 an' )othic c+othin). 3*rin) the year 200% < my pre(io*s roommate Bohn Ga??ey was attacDe' @y two hispanics 4 one a Mesti>o an' one a :hite who was ha+? Ita+ian. 2hese men @eat him se(ere+y. He @e+ie(e' that he o(erhear' one o? them mention that his name was G3ia@+oG. 2his occ*rre' in Nash*a in the parDin) +ot o? the 7hristmas 2ree Shop. 0ne o? these men may ha(e @een a ;ra>i+ian. My co*sin Me+issa ha' I*st @een impre)nate' @y a ;ra>i+ian that mo(e' @acD to ;ra>i+ '*rin) the imme'iate ?o++owin) months < the man ?rom ;ra>i+ sai' that it was Gtoo co+' to worD.G an' that it was Gtoo co+' to +i(e here.G an' mo(e' @acD to ;ra>i+. 0n the ;*r>*m.0r) ?or*m I ma'e sarcastic responses to this 4 statin) sarcastica++y that it was the MeCicans ?rom 'own so*th who 'i' it to me an' that I was the G@ar@arian ?rom the ?ro>en co+' northern waste+an'sG ?rom the Ice:in' 3a+e 2 Instr*ction Man*a+ 5 the 1man*e+esA hacDers ha' @een watchin) me p+ay Ice:in' 3a+e 2 an' my character was a ;ar@arian with a 7haracter Portrait that +ooDe' simi+ar to my se+?. 2he imposte*r c*rrent+y +i(in) as A'am ;ernstein is worDin) a@o(e a ;ra>i+ian Store c*rrent+y. 3*rin) 200% 5 I was ta+Din) ?reH*ent+y with my ?rien' $a*ren :e++s an' her sister Hi++ary :e++s who pre(io*s+y 'te' my ?rien' Bohn Ga??ey 5 the :e++s ?ami+y were a Bewish ?ami+y that +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. 2hey ha(e 'e?inite+y @een tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+es. 3*rin) 2003 < I met the woman whom was since 2003 +i(in) in Manchester NewHampshire an' was @ein) ?orce' to *se Samantha G*ayAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 we met at Manray in 7am@ri')e Massach*settes on a Gothic Ni)ht that was hoste' at 7+*@ Manray. 2he imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay ha' @een ta+Din) to my ?rien' 3anie+ $e;+anc. It is o@(io*s now that Sam G*ay was swappe' in 2003 with this ?ema+e an' that this ?ema+e an' Sam G*ay were @oth SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims o? the same networD that ha' tar)ette' @oth my Mother when she was a chi+' an' my Nana. 2hese SeC 2ra??icDers ha' accomp+ices whom worDe' in the Po+ice 3epartment < e(ery time that my Mother an' my Nana wo*+' try to escape 4 the Po+ice 0??icers whom the SeC 2ra??icDers Dnew wo*+' picD them *p an' @rin) them @acD to his property in the Po+ice 7ar. 2he imposte*r Samantha G*ay 'i' not ?it the Physica+ 3escription nor 'i' she ?it the Me'ica+ #ecor's o? the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay whom +i(e' in Manchester NewHampshire @e?ore her 5 in or'er ?or it to ha(e @een possi@+e ?or Samantha G*ayAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to @e in the possession o? a 'i??erent ?ema+e an' ?or that ?ema+e to @e re)istere' as her with the state < Genoci'a+ 7rimina+ A)ents worDin) within the .e'era+ Go(ernment ha' to ha(e @een in(o+(e'. 2he SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was @ein) ?orce' to *se the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Samantha G*ay was a .irst Nations Nati(e American whom +ooDe' to @e o? the same race as my Mother. I @e+ie(e that this Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate tar)ette' entire #eser(ations o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans in North America an' has @een systemica++y SeC 2ra??icDin) an' eCterminatin) their ?ami+ies as we++ as 'i' this Internationa+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation tar)et other impo(erishe' pop*+ations in North America as we++ 5 this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e a +on) history o? Di++in) entire ?ami+ies whom are re+ate' to their SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims. 2he ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay was .ranDic American an' Irish 4 the imposte*r Samantha G*ay was a'mitte'+y .irstNations Nati(e American an' .ranDic American. My Nana an' my Mother are .irstNations Nati(e American an' .ranDic American. 3airy L*een in New 1n)+an' was @ein) r*n @y some o? the same peop+e as the S*ici'eGir+s.7om we@site < I hate' this we@site ?or reason that I ?e+t that this G@*sinessG was SeC 2ra??icDin) my entire pop*+ation )ro*p 5 most o? the ?ema+es ?rom S*ici'eGir+s.7om worDe' at 3airyL*een #esta*rants in the New 1n)+an' re)ion o? the U.S.A. an' were aro*n' my a)e )ro*p as

we++ as were many o? them my race or re+ate' races . Many o? the )ir+s whom ha(e @een on this we@site are c*rrent+y missin) an' ha(e @een swappe' with SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims whom ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 3NA M*tate' to ha(e simi+ar appearance to the (ictim whom they ha(e #ep+ace' as Imposte*r. 0n n*mero*s occaisions 4 the Imposte*rs ha(e @een reporte' to the Po+ice 3epartments in the re)ion < the Po+ice in the re)ion 4 many o? whom seem to ha(e )i(en imm*nities to certain ma?ia ce++s 5 'i' not respon' to :itness Statements nor were these crimes an' missin) peop+es in(esti)ate' proper+y. In Nash*a NewHampshire < I was to+' @y a Po+ice 0??icer that he 'i' not Dnow where I co*+' report 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Genoci'e 4 an' 2errorism. 2he imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay who was at Man#ay 4 was at Man#ay with a )ro*p o? peop+e inc+*'in) an Ar)entinian name' MiDa who seeme' to Dnow some Ita+ians an' a ma+e that I 'i' not reco)ni>e. A?ter meetin) the )ir+ whom was c+aimin) to @e Sam G*ay in the year 2003 at Manray a)ain in the year 2005 < I @e)an spen'in) +eis*re time with her a?ter worD ?or a ?ew months. 1(ent*a++y 4 this woman an' I +ost contact '*e to the ?act that I +ost SamanthaAs phone n*m@er '*rin) the mo(e ?rom 38" Haywar' Street to 155 Map+e Street in Manchester. I ha(e not @een a@+e to spen' any time with this woman whom I @ecame ?rien's with since the year 2005. In the year 200! 4 I saw her at a )ra(eyar' in Manchester < she was +ooDin) at a )ra(estone 5 she +ooDe' 'epresse'. I am eCtreme+y worrie' a@o*t this woman. 3*rin) the year 2005 < she +i(e' in Manchester near the ?ire 'epartment near So*th Main Street. She rente' an apartment in a ho*se owne' @y 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather. I am positi(e that this woman is a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was swappe' with the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay in 2003 < Sam G*ay '*rin) 1""" when I +ast saw her 4 was pa+e comp+eCione' an' o? a somewhat (o+*pt*o*s ?i)*re as we++ as was she .ranDic American an' Irish 5 the Samantha G*ay that I @ecame ?rien's with in 2003 was the same woman whom I @e)an spen'in) time with '*rin) 2005 < this woman was o@(io*s+y .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 .ranDic American 4 an' possi@+y somewhat Israe+i. It is pro@a@+e that the GSamantha G*ayG that I met in 2003 an' a)ain in 2005 is ?rom somep+ace +iDe L*e@ec possi@+y or another re)ion o? the U.S.A. < she may a+so @e ?rom 0ntario ori)ina++y. 2he ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay Dnew 7hristine 3ionAs ?ami+y 4 they were ?rien's. :hen I reconnecte' with the woman whom was preten'in) to @e Sam G*ay '*rin) 2005 5 she was +i(in) in an apartment which was possi@+y owne' @y the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather who was the property mana)er o? this property. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion ne(er mentione' to any@o'y that Sam G*ay was missin) an' that this woman was not Samantha G*ay 4 my se+? an' 7hristine Dnew the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ay ?rom o*r chi+'hoo'. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion ?ormer+y worDe' at 3airy L*een 4 I @e+ie(e that the imposte*r o? her ?ather may ha(e possi@+y owne' the 3airy L*een that she worDe' at as a Stea' Ho+'er ?or the 1man*e+es . 0? stran)e coinci'ence to this 5 Mo'e+s ?rom the S*ci'eGir+s.7om :e@Site whom +i(e' in the New 1n)+an' #e)ion a++ seeme' to worD at the 3airyL*een #esta*rants in the area. S*ici'eGir+s.7om was 'e?inite+y @ein) mana)e' @y SeC 2ra??icDin) Associates o? a 7rime Syn'icate. I @e+ie(e that the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather Dnew Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico. :hen I asDe' the Samantha whom I ha' met in 2003 4 why she 'i' not +ooD at a++ +iDe the Samantha G*ay that I ha' Dnown when I was yo*n)er 5 she state' that she was her an' that she ha' I*st +ost wei)ht an' +ooDe' 'i??erent with a)e. I @e+ie(e that the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather is in(o+(e' in a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate an' that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico is one o? his accomp+ices as we++ as is possi@+y Mario Napo+itano. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico is one o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers an' a Properties Stea' Ho+'er ?or th 1man*e+es. 2he .ather o? 7har+es 3es#ochiers 4 whom was in(o+(e' in the a@'*ction o? my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson < 7har+es 3esrochierAs .ather Dnew the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather. Mario Napo+itano4 whom Dnew these peop+e was associate' somehow with a man name' 3ino whom was o@(io*s+y connecte' to a SeC 2ra??icDer an' Dnew .i+ 1man*e+e 5 3ino ha' a 1! year o+' homoseC*a+ P*erto #ican ma+e on his arm '*rin) the year 2005 when my se+? an' my roommate met him. 3ino 4 '*rin) this time was approCimate+y %5. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 n*mero*s 2ransSeC*a+ SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims were si)hte' in Manchester

NewHampshire 5 this contin*e' into the year 200"4 a?terwhich these in'i(i'*a+s were either mo(e' or were m*r'ere'. 3ino seeme' 'r*nD an' intro'*ce' e(ery@o'y at the @ar to his 1! year o+' G@oy?rien'G 4 this was at the 7+*@ 313 @ar 'own the roa' ?rom my apartment 5 7assy :hite an' Sam Grimes were sittin) at the @ar on the @ar stoo+s neCt to me when this occ*rre'. Scot H*nter an' two others were sittin) at a near@y ta@+e. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2005 < a mo(ie or te+e(ision series aire' '*rin) which a man 'resse' as 3ino who was wearin) the same p*rp+e @*tton *p shirt that he wears 4 with his @+on' hir c*t the same 5 rapes a minor '*rin) the mo(ie. 2his is simi+ar to many o? the threats that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has ma'e as we++ as is it simi+ar to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs attempts to ?rame peop+e s*ch as Mosta?a I@nSa*' who he has Dnown. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)y is o?ten present in cinemato)raphy as is .i+As 5 thro*)h the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' other connections o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 they o?ten ha(e script an' p+ot s*))este' to or pro(i'e' to Pro'*cers an' Script :riters. 2he man who raise' ;onnie 3amon an' was her ?ather was a 7rime So+'ier o? an 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate an' 7rime #e)ime o? Um@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs in Massaach*settes. 3*rin) the year 2005 5 ;onnie 3amon appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar to @*y somethin) 4 1' .arrachi :arren was to+' somethin) @y Anthony 3e.eo whom whispere' in his ear < a?ter which 1' :arren state' G'*'e... she mo+este' him 4 )*yO No won'er whyNG . :hat ha' occ*rre' '*rin) 1""04 was @ein) 'isc*sse' at the store @y c*stomers whom I ha(e ne(er seen @e?ore. 3*rin) 1""0 5 I was to+' @y my .ather not to e(er )et in a car with ;onnie 3amon an' that she an' my *nc+e ;ryant ha' @roDen *p < he state' that a?ter ;ryant @roDe *p with ;onnie she threatene' to G)et a )*nG an' Gshoot the +itt+e @astar'G meanin) my se+? an' a?terwar' shoot herse+?. ;onnie 3amon ha' a menta+ @reaD'own a?ter @ein) or'ere' to seC*a++y assa*+t me @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e who was her ?atherAs 7rime ;oss. I ha(e a memory o? this < ;onnie ha' @ro*)ht me into the @athroom whi+e she was @a@ysittin) me an' p*t my ?ace in her (a)ina in the @athroom when the 'oor was sh*t. I @e+ie(e that she was 'r*nD an' ha' possi@+y @een *sin) some Din' o? 'r*)s. :hat was a+so 'isc*sse' at the store @y c*stomers whom I 'i' not Dnow < was ;onnie 3amonAs .atherAs m*r'er. ;onnieAs .ather was shot in the chest @y a pisto+ '*rin) what I @e+ie(e was either 1""" or 2002 5 apparenty some peop+e were worrie' that ;onnie may ha(e shot her .ather ?or reason that her .ather ha' @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' her Mother 'eci'e' to taDe the @+ame ?or it so that ;onnie co*+' ?inish raisin) her 'a*)hter ;ritni whom was sti++ yo*n). It was @e+ie(e' that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha' SeC*a++y A@*se' ;onnie ?or a +on) time when she was a chi+'. I @e+ie(e this to @e the tr*th. ;onnie 3amonAs ?ather was a 7rime So+'ier o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs. I @e+ie(e that the SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate that has ai'e' in this 2errorist AttacD is the same 7rime Syn'icate that ;onnieAs .ather ha' @een in(o+(e' in '*rin) his +i?e < an entire *nit o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS .action seems to @e the SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate o? which Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico is a mem@er. It is possi@+e that ;onnie ha' @een or'ere' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to 'o what she 'i' to me as an Initiation 7rime 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' many o? his sons are now SeC 0??en'ers an' as a res*+t 4 'o not tr*st in'i(i'*a+s who ha(e not committe' crimes with them. 3*rin) 2005 4 I @ecame in?orme' @y way o? an o(erhear' 'isc*ssion that ;onnie 3amon was @io+o)ica++y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 'a*)hter. I a+so o(erhear' that when ;onnie 3amon shot her a'opti(e ?ather who raise' her 4 she p*t a )*n to his chest an' sai' to him J/o* are a heart+ess @astar'.K. ;onnie 3amon was an)ry a@o*t what her ?ather or'ere' her to 'o. 3*rin) the year 2002 a?ter she ha' 'isappeare' 4 r*mo*rs were sprea' a@o*t Samantha G*ay 5 statin) that she s*ppose'+y ha' rape ?antasies an' that she ?etishi>e' the i'ea o? @ein) rape'. 3*rin) these r*mo*rs @ein) sprea' 4 Samantha G*ay s*ppose'+y mo(e' ?ar away. 3*rin) 2003 5 I met the ?irst Imposte*r I ha' e(er met < this woman seeme' to @e a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim an' was ?or some reason @ein) ?orce' to *se the name Sam G*ay. 2he r*mo*rs in the year 2002 concernin) Sam G*ay

s*ppose'+y ha(in) a ?etish ?or rape an' ?antasi>in) a@o*t @ein) rape' 4 were (ery 'escripti(e 5 the +ie was that Sam G*ay ha' state' that she wante' to @e a@'*cte' DicDin) an' screamin) @y ?o*r )*ys in sDi masDs 4 picDe' *p in an SU= 4 an' rape' at )*n point. 2his so*n's +iDe a )an) initiation ?or a (ery serio*s 7rime Syn'icate in(o+(e' in 2errorism an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 this has repeate' n*mero*s times in this re)ion. Sam G*ay was what wo*+' @e ca++e' a G)oth )ir+G < she was a ?an o? Gothic S*@ 7*+t*re an' was in(o+(e' in the Gothic Art 7o++ecti(e an' Ni)ht $i?e. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 my ?rien' Me+in'a A+'ritch whom was a+so a G)oth )ir+G was p*++e' into the woo's @y ?o*r men whi+e wa+Din) past Gree+ey ParD in Nash*a NewHampshire +ate at ni)ht 5 these % men rape' her (io+ent+y. My Mother when she was in her +ate teena)e years 4 was p*++e' into a car @y % men an' rape' < this happene' a)ain a year +ater when she was carrie' into the woo's. 9y+e Howar' 4 whom was a 'r*) 'ea+er that so+' har' narcotics an' har' street 'r*)s @e)inin) '*rin) his teena)e years 5 ha' committe' the same SeC 0??enses *pon my sister Sheena an' a )ir+ 'own the roa' name' A@@y Asai. 9y+e Howar'As attacD on my sister in(o+(e' a Dni?e to the throat 4 the attacD on A@@y Asai in(o+(e' him recr*itin) 3 other ma+es an' 'opin) my se+? an' A@@y with rohipna+ in @oo>e he ha' )i(en *s. 2he attacDs in the re)ion seem to ha(e a sin)+e in'i(i'*a+As Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e thro*)ho*t the psycho+o)y o? the other in'i(i'*a+s 5 I @e+ie(e these are a +on) history o? 7rime Initiations. 9y+e Howar' was a 7rime So+'ier o? the same 7rime Unit as ;rian 7ase 4 this was 7hris 7haseAs 7rime Unit 5 Me+in'a A+'ritch i'enti?ie' 7hris 7hase as one o? her assai+ants. ;rian 7ase was in(o+(e' in the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? n*mero*s ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces as an accomp+ice an' it is @e+ie(e' that Me+in'a A+'ritch ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain '*rin) the year o? 1""" < when her car was steere' 'irect+y into a MacD 2r*cD 18 :hee+er 2ractor 2rai+er 4 Di++in) her 5 it is @e+ie(e' that the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was *se' to IerD the steerin) whee+ an' that this is what was 'one to 7orey 3ai+ey as we++ 4 when I was in the rear passen)er seat o? his car. 3*rin) what I @e+ie(e was the year 1""8 4 whi+e +i(in) in MerrimacD NewHampshire < A@@y Asai was SeC*a++y Assa*+te' @y 9y+e Howar' 4 ;ea* SDinner 4 Boe+ $am@ert 4 an' this was witnesse' @y 9enny Sche(ey who 'i' not testi?y 5 I was present an' *nconscio*s when this occ*rre'. 2he )ro*p o? *s were wa+Din) to a 'irt @iDe pit 'own a 'irt roa' at ni)ht '*rin) the year 1""8. A@@y Asai an' my se+? ha' @een han'e' a @ott+e o? a har' a+choho+ic +iH*or an' I ha' 'ranD what I @e+ie(e was pro@a@+y 'isso+(e' #ohipna+ in the a+choho+ @ott+e. :e wa+De' 'own the roa' to a 'irt @iDe pit an' @e)an wa+Din) aro*n' the 'irt @iDe pit 'rinDin) 4 I passe' o*t an' ?e++ on the )ro*n'. I remem@er Boe+ $am@ert asDin) me somethin) a+on) the +ines o? GIan4 'o yo* want in on thisOG an' I awoDe (ery @rie?+y an' rep+ie' GNo. IAm s+eepin).G. I am not s*re how +on) we were at the 3irt ;iDe Pit 4 @*t I @e+ie(e that it was pro@a@+y ?or a@o*t an ho*r that I ha' @een passe' o*t *nconcio*s. :hi+e we were wa+Din) @acD to 9y+e Howar'As or 9enny Sche(eyAs ho*se 4 Boe+ $am@ert sai' 5 G2hat was ?or Pear+ Har@or.G. A@@y Asai eCp+aine' to me +ater 4 that they ha' rape' her. Boe+ $am@ertAs comment 4 G2hat was ?or Pear+ Har@o*r.G < was e(i'ent+y a pro'*ct o? Boe+ $am@ertAs @e+ie? that he ha' Ioine' a GNa>i )an)G an' that this ha' @een an Initiation 7rime 5 I o(erhear' 9y+e Howar' recr*itin) Boe+ $am@ert ?or a GNa>i )an)G when Boe+ $am@ert was 13 years o+' an' I was 12 years o+'. I o(erhear' Boe+ $am@ert sayin) GIs itO 0h yeahN ;eca*se weAre that here 4 @eca*se we are the Americans an' this is o*r nation.G 9y+e Howar' ha' apparent+y @een to+' that the 7rime Syn'icate that recr*ite' him was G+iDe a na>i )an)G when he was 12 years o+'. 2he 7rime Syn'icate that recr*ite' 9y+e Howar' at an eCtreme+y yo*n) a)e is not act*a++y a U.S.A. Nationa+ 7rime Syn'icate 4 it is in ?act the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A6IS 7rime Syn'icate an' is a .action which is an enemy o? the U.S.A. . 9y+e Howar' @e)an se++in) 'r*)s ?or ;rian 7ase an' another in'i(i'*a+ when he was 13 years o+' an' met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e approCimate+y 8 years +ater. 3*rin) 1""5 4 Boe+ $am@ert was or'ere' to physica++y attacD me ?rom @ehin' an' p*t me in a hea' +ocD < as an Initiation 7rime. Boe+ attacDe' me whi+e I was p+ayin) with #o@ot Action .i)*res in a San' ;oC at ;ea* SDinnerAs ho*se. He was on+y 1 year o+'er than me 4 Boe+ was on+y 13 years o+'. 3*rin) the a*t*mn o? 1""54 9y+e Howar'As Initiation 7rimes @e)an with (io+ence an' he was

e(ent*a++y or'ere' to commit SeC 0??enses. At Hi)hSchoo+ 5 MiDe Picco+o ha' @een to+' @y who I @e+ie(e was NicD Ma))iore 4 that I was an accomp+ice in the rape < A@@y Asai c+ari?ie' +ater that it was the other % an' that I was *nconscio*s on the )ro*n' an' ha' ?a++en 'own an' passe' o*t. 2he other % @oys ha' to ta+D to Po+ice 0??icers 4 none were con(icte'. :hat is important to acDnow+e')e here is that NicD Ma))iore was ?rien's with Bohn ;o))ia 4 Bohn ;o))ia ha' 'roppe' o?? "0 ;eers in the ?orm o? 3 30PacDs o? #e' 3o) @eer at 9y+e Howar'As ho*se as a rewar' ?or 9y+e an' ha' @een instr*cte' to 'o so @y some mem@er o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs )an). NicD Ma))iore was a+so acH*aintances with Sara Asai an' MiDe Picco+o as we++ as 'i' he worD ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 'irect+y as a 7rime So+'ier4 an' ?o++owe' or'ers ?rom him witho*t H*estion. NicD Ma))iore threatene' 9e(in 4 3ennis 4 an' =a+erie 0+sonAs entire ?ami+y '*rin) the year 1""! as the res*+t o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'erin) him to 'o so. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 I witnesse' a Po+ice 0??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire maDe a stop whi+e I was in the car 5 he checDe' I'enti?ication 7ar's an' asDe' me i? I ha' atten'e' MerrimacD Hi)hschoo+ 4 I to+' him yes. I checDe' his @a')e an' it state' N. Ma))iore. 2his man ha' a sha(e' hea' an' +ooDe' simi+ar to NicD Ma))iore @*t was 'e?inite+y not NicD Ma))iore. NicD Ma))iore was o+'er than me an' we 'i' not atten' hi)hschoo+ to)ether as a res*+t o? it. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I a+so saw an imposte*r o? Bason ;e++emore wearin) a Po+ice 0??icer Uni?orm in NewHampshire. ;ea* SDinnerAs mother An)ie Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 4 it is 'e?inite that 9y+e Howar' an' ;rian 7ase recr*ite' ;ea* SDinner to worD ?or the 1man*e+esA 7rime Syn'icate at times as a 7rime So+'ier 5 they tar)ette' an' corr*pte' ;ea* SDinner at a (ery yo*n) a)e. ;ea* SDinner was 'rinDin) a+choho+ an' smoDin) mariI*ana @e?ore I was 4 he was on+y 11 years o+' 5 9y+e Howar' s*pp+ie' 'r*)s an' a+choho+ to ;ea* SDinner. 2his m*ch 0r)ani>e' #ape @ein) committe' *pon a pop*+ation o? peop+e is :ar #ape < this 7rime Syn'icate is the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action an' their associate' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate as we++ as associate' crimina+s whom they recr*it who are *s*a++y SeC 2ra??icDers. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I met the 1st Imposte*r o? 7+arissa ;erry 5 this Imposte*r ha' state' that G3anG whom was s*ppose'+y the man that 7+arissa +e?t me ?or < +iDe' to watch Grape porno)raphyG 4 G(io+ent sm*tG 4 an' G(i'eos o? men in sDi masDs rapin) an' @eatin) women at )*n pointG . =i'eos s*ch as these are proo? to 2errorist 7rime .inancers that the crimina+s whom theyA(e hire' ha(e 'one as they were instr*cte' < which is *s*a++y to commit in'i(i'*a+ components o? 2errorist :ar 7rime 7ampai)ns 5 hirin) irre)*+ar mercenary war crimina+s s*ch as these is a 'irect (io+ation o? the Gene(a 7on(ention. 2his is a G+o@a+ 0r)ani>e' 2errorist A6IS 7rime Syn'icate 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e has ha' connections in the North 1ast o? North America his entire +i?e < =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ather an' B*+i*s 1(o+a esta@+ishe' this networD '*rin) their +i?etimes. 2he GAnti7hristG was 'escri@e' as Ga Man o? SinG 4 which wo*+' @e a 7rime $or' 5 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs propa)an'a was that the Anti 7hrist was )oin) to conH*er the wor+' an' ens+a(e h*manity *sin) S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 4 as we++ as eCterminate entire races. 2his propa)an'a was co*ntere' @y GpropheciesG that a 2n' Messiah wo*+' 'e?eat 1(o+aAs pre'icte' Anti 7hrist4 o? which the Anti 7hrist was o@(io*s+y 1(o+a himse+? or his s*ccessor as a 7rime $or' p+annin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2he #oman I'entity which B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' was #oman 1mperor 4 this I'entity inc+*'es the =atican as a m*se*m +iDe trophy. 3*rin) Genoci'es 4 #ape @ecomes a rampant+y occ*rant crime 5 this is ca++e' :ar #ape. In the past 4 #oman 7atho+ic 7+er)y wo*+' sometimes o??er Sanct*ary to crimina+s whom pro?esse' @e+ie? in 7atho+icism 5 it is possi@+e that the SeC 0??en'ers whom were worDin) within the =atican 7h*rches may ha(e @een the res*+t o? this #oman I'entity 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate which has eCiste' ?or a (ery +on) time an' has @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) the entire time 4 possi@+y since the in(ention o? what some ha(e ca++e' #oman Spintria 7oina)e an' the #oman ;rothe+s. 2he A6IS was ?o*n'e' @y an eCtremist #oman I'entity which was essentia++y an Aristocratic 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? primari+y Me'iterranean re)iona+ ori)in whom @e+ie(e' in the comp+ete reconstr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire. 2he #oman 1mpire cr*ci?ie' o(er a mi++ion ci(i+ians thro*)ho*t the history o? itAs eCistence 4 the most ?amo*s o? which @ein) /esh*a the

#a@@i whom is Dnown to most as Bes*s 7hrist. 2he cr*ci?ier was Dnown as the Anti 7hrist in the past < 1(o+a was a Masc*+ist an' a #oman eCtremist as we++ as a Scientist whom st*'ie' Ne*ro+o)y an' 7hemistry @oth eCtensi(e+y 5 it is pro@a@+e that B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 +ate in his +i?e worDe' with the concept o? *sin) a power s*pp+y with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to ro@otica++y ens+a(e +i(in) or)anisms an' may ha(e eCperimente' on womenAs @rains. B*+i*s 1(o+a was 'e?inite+y a 2errorist 7rime $or' prior to an' a?ter the ?a++ o? the 2hir' #eich. 2he 1man*e+es or'er Aristocrats o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to commit to speci?ic tasDs o?ten < it is pro@a@+e that m*ch o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs worD was 'irecte' @y the or'ers o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' his son. It is a pro@a@i+ity that m*ch o? the GPoint o? =iew 7amera Porno)raphyG recor'in)s which ha(e @een p*@+ishe' to the internet ha(e @een recor'in)s o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro+o)ica+ recor'in)s o? peop+e who were *naware that they ha' @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 3*rin) the year 200E < my se+? an' 7+arissa ;erry ate 'inner at 2he /ar' #esta*rant with who I tho*)ht was Pach An'rosDi an' Mo++y Go''ar' 4 @*t I ha(e since +earne' were imposte*rs 5 whi+e we were eatin) 'inner 4 I notice' 3an ;o))ia at sittin) at a ta@+e near @y. 3an ;o))ia was +ooDin) at me with a terri?ie' +ooD on his ?ace 4 as i? he were ?ear?*+. 3an ;o))iaAs ?ami+y are re+ate' to 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 some o? them are 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < 3an ;o))iaAs .ami+y an' the ?ami+ies re+ate' to his ?ami+y are Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper 7e++s. 3an ;o))ia is the man who intro'*ce' my se+? to =a+erie 0+son 4 when we were chi+'ren. Bason Be??rey @e)an worDin) ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate as a 7rime So+'ier '*rin) the year 2000. 3*rin) the year 200% whi+e I was at the Stran)e@rew 2a(ern4 Bason Be??rey h*mo*ro*s+y state' that his )an) was ca++e' Gthe A'o+? Hit+erAsG 5 a?ter which I state' G2he A'o+? Hit+ahsNG with an in)eni*ne ;oston Massach*settes accent ?rom Ho++ywoo' Mo(ies an' American 7inemato)raphy. ;oston Accent on te+e(ision an' in mo(ies is eCtreme+y eCa))erate' an' is not necessari+y a New 1n)+an' re)iona+ accent. I a+so state' GMy )an) is ca++e' 2he A'o+? Hit+ahsNG with an accent that was s*ppose' to so*n' +iDe the nei)h@or who when I was a chi+' @a@ysat 3anie+ Bames 5 who was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs yo*n)er @rother 4 the son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 the 9in) o? Sa(oy o? Ita+ia . 3*rin) the year 2005 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an 'isc*ssin) with me G+o@a+ 7onH*est 5 asDin) me i? I tho*)ht that it wo*+' e(er @e possi@+e. I eCp+aine' to Bason Be??rey that I 'i' not thinD that it was pro@a@+e @*t that it was possi@+e to achie(e 4 @*t eCtreme+y impro@a@+e to @e a@+e to ho+' as conH*ere' territory. Bason Be??rey to+' me that he @e+ie(e' that it wo*+' @e eCtreme+y easy to achei(e 4 @*t wo*+' reH*ire eCtreme amora+ity '*e to the necessity to commit eCtreme+y immora+ acts to achei(e it H*icD+y eno*)h ?or it to @e a he+' conH*est. Bason Be??rey a+so to+' me that he an' some ?rien's o? his were consi'erin) it. It so*n'e' as i? he were ta+Din) a@o*t .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' some o? .i++i@ertoAs an' Bason Be??reyAs m*t*a+ ?rien's. 7*rrent+y 4 there are tho*san's o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the crani*ms o? 7iti>ensA as we++ as 7o(ert .orei)n Mi+itant 1nemy 7om@atantsA in the U.S.A. < it is a 'e?inite ?act that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy want to 'is)*ise an' e+iminate Dnow+e')ea@+e parties concernin) this 5 ?or this p*rpose the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are 'e?inite+y consi'erin) Di++in) the entirety o? the Ma+e Pop*+ation on the North American 7ontinent an' rep+acin) them with A6IS 7o(ert A)ents ho+'in) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as 7o(ert Impost I'entities. .or the p*rpose o? sec*rin) this secret an' sec*rin) their a@i+ity to @e a@+e to s*r(i(e a?ter committin) these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are pro@a@+e to attempt comp+ete e+imination o? ma+e pop*+ation an' are p+annin) to 'e+ete a++ Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata ?or p*rpose o? permanant+y erasin) a++ 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence o? their most heino*s o? crimes. 3*rin) the year 2005 < 1' :arren was ca++in) the capt*re o? what I Dnow @e+ie(e was a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ase 4 a Gto*ch 'ownG. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy *n'erstan'

Psycho+o)y (ery we++ 4 7rimina+ Psycho+o)y 4 Hosta)e 7risis Psycho+o)y 4 an' Mi+itant Psycho+o)y 4 as we++ as ;+acD Mai+. 3*rin) the year 2005 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'etermine' that I was inten'e' to @e+ie(e that 2ony Grasseti an' his ?ather 'isco(ere' .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+esA p+ans to co(ert+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ant ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ices in 7i(i+ians in North America an' 1*rope ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to eCterminate 3 Mi++ion 7i(i+ians in North America an' rep+ace them with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' in'i(i'*a+s ?rom 1*rope whom are their 2errorist 7rime Associates that ha(e taDen the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the =ictimsA as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims whom they ha(e a@'*cte' an' mo(e' to North America to co(er *p the Genoci'e. A co(ert attacD o? this eCtremity has ?ar too many (ictims an' is ?ar too 'estr*cti(e to )o *nnotice' < accor'in) to recor'in)s which .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 7omp*ter HacDers ma'e @y acti(atin) 7omp*ter Microphones on Scot H*nterAs comp*ter an' 2ony GrassetiAs comp*ter as we++ as i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices p+ante' in homes 5 it was eCpecte' @y 2ony Grasseti that these p+ans to *se ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices wo*+' ine(ita@+y ca*se the Ita+ian A6IS .action to )et ca*)ht in the act an' wo*+' ine(ita@+y re(ea+ the other .actions o? 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates with which they were m*t*a++y a+i)ne'. I was eCpecte' to @e+ie(e that ?or reason o? mora+ity 5 2ony Grasseti o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to+' peop+e a@o*t these p+ans which he an' his .ather ha' 'isco(ere' an' warne' peop+e not to ta+D too +o*'+y a@o*t it. I was eCpecte' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to @e+ie(e that 2ony Grasseti eCpecte' to e(ent*a++y @e a@+e to ha(e the $aw 1n?orcement o??icers arreste' whom worDe' with the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. I was eCpecte' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to @e+ie(e that 2ony Grasseti ha' in?orme' Scot H*nter o? the 1man*e+esA )enoci'a+ p+ans '*rin) the same approCimate 'ate that the ?irst ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in h*man ci(i+ians 4 this was aro*n' the 'ate that Samantha ;ernstein an' my step co*sin 9ristin Nassar were a@'*cte' @y the 1man*e A 2errorist 7rime So+'iers. Un?ort*nate+y ?or the 1man*e+es 4 accor'in) to recor'in)s o@taine' @y Pri(ate In(esti)ators an' 7omp*ter HacDers ?rom the Ser(ers which the 1man*e+es ha' *se' to access the Impro(ise' Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone #ecor'in) 3e(ices an' wire tap te+ephones an' comp*ter microphones 5 the 1man*e+es intention to catch 2ony Grasseti 'isc*ssin) their p+ans with my roommate were so o@(io*s+y a pro'*ct o? conspiracy that the 1man*e+esA ?act*a+ intentions were ma'e eCtreme+y o@(io*s @y the recor'in)s themse+(es. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 5 an imposte*r o? 2ony Grasseti was intro'*ce' to me as G2ony GrassetiG whi+e at a @ar in Manchester NewHampshire 4 this man was 'e?inite+y not 2ony Grasseti. I ha' o(erhear' part o? 2ony GrassetiAs con(ersation with Scot H*nter concernin) this '*rin) the year 2005 5 in 200! I was i++e)a++y 'etaine' @y Po+ice worDin) in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' @ro*)ht to a hospita+ an' trans?erre' to Sherri? that transporte' me to a hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHamphire where I was *nDowin)+y se'ate' an' Ne*roS*)erie' in my s+eep inc+*'in) the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it an' an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice impro(ise' to ser(e the secon'ary ?*nction o? wire+ess ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworDin) #o*ter. 2ony Grasseti was one o? my A*nt 3ianneAs c+ients an' *se' to )et his hair c*t @y her at her hair sa+on in Manchester NewHampshire 4 this is a ?act that was pro@a@+y 'isco(ere' @y the 1man*e+es a?ter they ha' instr*cte' a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman to recr*it 2ony as a +iason to escort my se+? to a +ocation to meet .i+ 1man*e+e in 200% < 2ony Grasseti was o@(io*s+y chosen ?or the ?act that we ha' a+ot in common with one another 5 it may ha(e a+so @een *nDnown to the 1man*e+es that 2ony Grasseti was ?rien's with Nina Hansen in the past 4 '*rin) the years that .i+ ha' @een rapin) her. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es Di++e' 2ony Grasseti an' his ?ami+y prior to the GrassetiAs @ein) a@+e to warn the USAmerican 3epartment o? 3e?ense o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .actions )enoci'a+ p+ans in North America. It is pro@a@+e that Nina Hansen was one o? .i+ 1man*e+es ?irst tar)ets ?or )enoci'e '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that she was on+y 15 when he ha' @e)*n rapin) her an'

co*+' sti++ testi?y '*e to this on+y @ein) 5 years +ater. It was 'isco(ere' @y Anthony 3e.eo in 200% 4 that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' 'eci'e' that Nina Hansen an' my se+? were to @e m*r'ere' '*rin) o*r 2!th year 5 .i+ 1man*e+e was a+most 2! when he rape' Nina Hansen. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs rapin) o? Nina Hansen was an initiation crime that was reH*ire' o? him ?or reason that he was to @e e+e(ate' in stat*s within his ?ami+yAs H*man 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 Nina was on+y 15. 3*rin) 20004 .i+ 1man*e+e was wa+Din) past a car that Nina Hansen was sittin) in the @acD seat o? < .i+ 1man*e+e 4 *pon noticin) Nina Hansen in the car 5 opene' the 'oor an' sat 'own in the passen)er seat. Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom was in the USA ?or a ?ew weeDs (isitin) ?rien's 4 state' to .i+ thro*)h the win'ow G.i+ 4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaD. $ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+one.G. Nina ye++e' o*t the win'ow to Mosta?a G2hanD yo*4 yo*Are niceNG. I @e+ie(e that this was the 'ay that I ha' @een sittin) in the @acD seat o? BasonAs car with Nina Hansen an' the ?ront seat ha' @een (acant ?or a ?ew ho*rs whi+e we were waitin) to picD *p 1mi+y McPherson. Bason Be??rey was shocDe' @y .i+ 1man*e+e )ettin) into the car an' was +a*)hin) a@o*t it a?terwar's < statin) that .i+ was insane an' st*pi' to )et into the car o? some@o'y he ha' ne(er e(en met @e?ore 4 *nanno*nce'. Nina to+' me that the man was .i+ 4 whom she ha' ear+ier to+' me a@o*t an' that he was the rapist whom ha' @een enterin) her home with some Din' o? spare Dey an' ha' rape' her n*mero*s times. 3*rin) 2000 < Bason Be??rey ha' a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 Nina Hansen ha' a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 .i+ 1man*e+e ha' a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 4 as 'i' Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha(e a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 5 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone recor's which are Dept @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentAs 7omp*ters 4 ha(e G+o@a+ Position System 'ata recor'e' into these comp*ters an' are permanant recor's o? the +ocation an' tra(e+ path o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones as we++ as the con(ersations which ha(e occ*rre' o(er these te+ephones inc+*'in) teCt 'ata an' other ?orms o? 'ata transmitte'. 1+ectronic 1(i'ence o? this occ*rance eCists. 2ony Grasseti an' Nina Hansen were ?rien's in 2000 4 2ony Grasseti was sti++ ?rien's with her in 200%. It is a pro@a@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his son .i++i@erto so eCtreme+y worrie' a@o*t e(ent*a++y @ein) con(icte' ?or their n*mero*s SeC 0??enses 4 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 an' :ar 7rimes that they 'eci'e' to attempt to )enoci'a++y eCterminate an' SeC 2ra??icD the entire pop*+ation o? the North 1ast o? North America in attempt to e+iminate cre'i@+e witnesses an' (ictims o? their crimes. 2his is the Din' o? paranoia which is pro'*ce' @y an eCtreme amo*nt o? )*i+t that is incompari@+e to any other h*man )*i+t in history 5 this is compo*n'e' @y the ?act that the 1man*e+es are =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs 'escen'ants 4 that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother 4 an' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was accomp+ice to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' H*man 2ra??icDin) in his +i?etime. 2he #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+ia+ re+ati(es. 2he paranoia o? these 2errorist SeC 0??en'ers is so )reat that they ha(e 'i++*siona++y committe' the most arro)ant an' h*@ris?*+ series o? 2errorist AttacDs 4 H*man =i(isections 4 an' SeC 0??enses in history 5 the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces which they themse+(es S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their ci(i+ian tar)ets 4 recor'e' the Me'ica+ .orensic an' 1+ectronic .orensic e(i'ence o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist .actionAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 'irect+y into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters o? possi@+y the entire P+anet 1arthAs Mi+itaries ?or reason that the ro*ter is an A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice that is NetworDe' o(er an Internet NetworD Protoco+. 3*e to the USA P.A.2.#.I.0.2. Act < a++ e+ectronic recor's re+e(ant to the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the 1(o+as o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the H*man 2ra??icDers whom are their accomp+ices 4 an' a++ 2errorist 7rimina+s whom they are associate' with are +e)a++y a@+e to @e in(esti)ate' in ?*++ 'etai+ @y Mi+itary Inte++i)ence an' other 'epartments o? the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the USA as we++ as the a++ies o? the USA an' e(en some nations whom are ne*tra+ to the USA. Since the " 11 2errorist AttacDs < the 1man*e+es ha(e @een ?*n'in) propa)an'a an' po+iticians in attempts to cease the ?*n'e' o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as repea+ the USA PA2#I02 Act 4 @oth o? which they are terri?ie' wi++ ena@+e in(esti)ators in the USA to arrest them. 1(ery +ocation on 1arth has an eCact G+o@a+ Positionin) System A''ress re+ati(e to $attit*'e

an' $on)it*'e coor'inates. 1(ery +ocation which +on) ran) 1+ectronic 3ata is recei(e' at is G.P.S. +ocate' a+rea'y @y the .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 4 the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 4 as we++ as other .e'era+ 3epartments. Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephones *se a techno+o)y that is re+iant on G+o@a+ Positionin) System techno+o)y an' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces c*rrent+y imp+ante' in USA 7iti>ens crani*ms are *sin) an A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ice as an Impro(ise' NetworDin) #o*ter 5 ?or this reason 4 e(ery phone ca++ ma'e @y one o? these in'i(i'*a+s is permanant+y recor'e' as is the ?act*a+ i'entity o? the in'i(i'*a+s maDin) the te+ephone ca++s an' their +ocations. Home te+ephone G$AN $inesG. % 1(ent*a++y < I mo(e' ?rom the +ocation that I was +i(in) at to a new +ocation one @+ocD away4 mo(in) ?rom 38" Haywar' Street AptV3 to 155 Map+e Street AptV2 . I )ot a new Io@ to escape the constant harrassment at .ami+y 3o++ar an' @e)an worDin) at New Hampshire Precision in $on'on'erry NewHampshire. ;y this time I was )ettin) (ery ?r*strate' with the +oca+ socia+ en(ironment an' a+so was 'ea+in) with a+ot o? ?ami+y iss*es. My Mother was sti++ in New Hampshire Hospita+ at 7+inton Street in 7oncor' at the time &?or psychiatric p*rposes in(o+(in) Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er, an' the man whom I ha' tho*)ht was my .ather @*t was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y the ?irst man that was +i(in) as imposte*r o? my .ather 4 ha' @een a@*sin) my sisters ?or some time. 2he man who ori)ina++y owne' the apartment @*i+'in) that I mo(e' in to at 155 Map+e Street Apartment V 2 was name' ;arry $e;+anc < a?ter approCimate+y 5 months +i(in) at this +ocation 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico o? .+eetMaster 3e(e+opment @o*)ht this @*i+'in) 5 this is eCtreme+y important to notice ?or reason that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico Dnew Nina HansenAs ?ormer +an'+or' 4 the 1man*e+es 4 an' was a Properties Stea' Ho+'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs as we++ as possi@+y =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homasAs. :hi+e I was +i(in) at 155 Map+e Street Apartment V2 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico insta++e' impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices @*i+t o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts in the wa++s o? the apartment @*i+'in) 5 these were simi+ar 'e(ices to the a*'io recor'in) 'e(ices insta++e' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico painte' the stairs on the @acD si'e o? the apartment @*i+'in) at 155 Map+e Street Apartment V2 the same co+or @+*e as a Po+ice 3epartment Ho+'in) 7e++ 5 this seems pro@a@+e to ha(e @een the co+or instr*cte' @y an 1man*e+e. 2here are n*mero*s stairs 4 entry ways 4 an' 'oors o? apartment @*i+'in)s in the North 1ast o? North America painte' this co+or @etween 200% an' 2012 5 these @*i+'in)s seem to @e owne' @y or were pre(io*s+y owne' @y the 1man*e+esA Properties Stea' Ho+'ers. :hen I ha' ?irst mo(e' to 155 Map+e Street AptV3 4 I was sti++ 'atin) Min'y 9ern. :hi+e I was 'atin) Min'y 9ern < her mo*th @e)an mo(in) whi+e we were s+eepin). 0ne ear+y mornin) 4 I awoDe to Min'y speaDin) a@o*t G;+*e ;*sesG 5 *pon awaDenin) 4 I notice' that Min'y was cryin) an' that she was cra'+in) my hea' an' entire *pper torso in her arms. Min'y was speaDin) to me repeate'+y 4 G3onAt )et on the @+*e @*s h*nny4 'onAt )et on the @+*e @*s.G . I awoDe asDin) her what was wron) at hearin) this4 she to+' me that she awoDe to herse+? hypnoti>in) me in her s+eep an' that her mo*th was mo(in) on itAs own 5 Min'y to+' me not to e(er )et on a @+*e @*s. Apparent+y 4 accor'in) to Min'y 9ern 5 i? I )ot onto a @+*e @*s 4 I was hypnoti>e' to t*rn into a homoseC*a+. Min'y 9ern was in co++e)e '*rin) the time that we were 'atin) 5 whi+e we were 'atin)4 Min'y 9ern met .i+ 1man*e+e. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e si)ne' Min'y 9ernAs note@ooD G.I$G. Min'y 9ern recei(e' 'eath threats written on paper which were 'e+i(ere' @y @ein) p+ace' @etween the pa)es o? her note@ooD whi+e she was in co++e)e < these 'eath threats @e)an @ein) 'e+i(ere' imme'iate+y a?ter .i+ 1man*e+e ha' si)ne' her note@ooD with G.I$G in capita+ +etters. 2he 'eath threats inc+*'e' the wor' GP+easantG in them. 3*rin) the en' o? o*r re+ationship 5 Min'y 9ern an' I were sittin) in the parDin) +ot at ;*r)er 9in) near So*th Main Street

in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the winter o? 2005 or ear+y 200E < this was a?ter Min'yAs mo*th ha' starte' mo(in) as a res*+t o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ha(in) @een p*t in her sD*++ '*rin) the year o? 2005. :hi+e sittin) in the ;*r)er 9in) parDin) +ot 4 Min'y 9ern t*rne' to me an' asDe' me i? I @e+ie(e' some@o'y co*+' possi@+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ant e+ectronic 'e(ices in h*man @o'ies ?or the p*rpose o? @ein) a@+e to p*sh a @*tton an' eCterminate an entire race that the )*i+ty party 'eci'e' that they wante' to eCterminate 5 I to+' her that to 'o so wo*+' @e a@so+*te+y 'is)*stin) an' that I @e+ie(e' that the peop+e who wo*+' 'o this nee' to @e ?o*n' an' tort*re' se(ere+y. 2here was a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in Min'y 9ernAs sD*++ a+rea'y '*rin) ear+y 200E 5 this is a ?*++ year @e?ore the 1man*e+es or'ere' Ita+ian A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment to apprehen' me an' ha(e me p*t in a hospita+ ?or a weeD where I was i++e)a++y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7irc*it an' #o*ter. :hi+e I was 'atin) Min'y 9ern 4 Min'y asDe' me GH*nnyO :ho is Samoth SrichO He messa)e' me on the internet the other 'ay an' sai' that he Dnows yo*. 3o yo* Dnow himOG . At the time I 'i' not Dnow that 7hris 2homas ha' @een *sin) the 7ypher ?or his name GSamoth SrichG. I 'o not speaD with 7hris 2homas. :e are not ?rien'+y. A?ter my se+? an' Min'y 9ern @roDe *p 4 I @e)an +ooDin) ?or a roommate on the internet. I poste' a pro?i+e on a we@site an' was contacte' @y a woman aro*n' my a)e. :hen the woman arri(e' to +ooD at the apartment 4 I rea+i>e' that she was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim. 2he woman was #*ssian an' was a GstripperG. She +ooDe' aro*n' the apartment an' +e?t. I ta+De' to this #*ssian woman on the te+ephone once a?ter this an' she so*n'e' scare' an' was not a++owe' to ta+D to me. A?ter this occ*rre' 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico @o*)ht the apartment @*i+'in) an' @e)an threatenin) me. 3*rin) the +ate sprin) o? the year 200E < Boe Mc7arthy an' my se+? 'ro(e to .oCwoo's 7asino in his car. :hi+e at ?oCwoo's 4 I passe' @y a yo*n) woman more than once whom appeare' approCimate+y 1" whom Dept smi+in) at me. She was approCimate+y 5A%G 4 ha' @+on'e hair 4 ha' +i)ht eyes 4 an' +ooDe' to @e .ranDic American an' Gae+ic American. I +ater saw '*rin) the year 200! 4 that this woman whom +ooDe' on+y 1" ha' a persona+ pay per (iew we@site that ha' @een on the internet since may@e the year 2005. I reco)ni>e' her ?ace imme'iate+y. 2he man whom I saw her with was at the .oCwoo's 7asino with the same )ro*p as her was the same Ita+ian ma+e whom +ooDe' a year o+'er than my se+? an' seeme' to @e re+ate' to the ?ami+y that owne' 7iaoAs Pi>>a on Amherst Street in Amherst NewHampshire 5 '*rin) the year 2003 < when I ha' app+ie' ?or a Io@ at this Pi>>a #esta*rant 4 this man +ooDe' at whom I @e+ie(e was his o+'er co*sin an' state' G/o* aint )oin) to hire him are yo*O HeAs a ?*cDin) McNG. I mentione' this possi@+y in ?ront o? 1' .arrachi :arren or Anthony 3e.eo an' whi+e in ?ront o? my own comp*ter in my @e'room that ha' @een 7omp*ter HacDe' which res*+te' in the microphone @ein) acti(ate' an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e +ater +istenin) to my con(ersations is pro@a@+e to ha(e res*+te' in the 1man*e+es reconnectin) with an o+' 0r)ani>e' 7rime connection which =ittorio 1man*e+e ?ormer+y ha' in the past ?or reason o? hirin) this in'i(i'*a+ an' his 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate as SeC 2ra??icDers 4 @o'y )*ar's 4 hire' com@atants 4 or what e(er e+se it was that he hire' them to 'o. :hen this man ha' appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 he was wearin) a @+acD an' )ray GGottiG +on) s+ee(e' shirt an' ha' a @ea*ti?*+ ?ema+e with him 5 he was approCimate+y 5A "G an' possi@+y 220+@s 4 an' ha' short c*r+y hair < the woman with him was approCimate+y 5A11G 4 was Gae+ic an' .ranDic Metis American 4 an' was approCimate+y 180+@s . 3*rin) the year 200! < I saw this woman on a we@site tie' *p an' @ein) tort*re' an' rape' with tears in her eyes 4 the in'i(i'*a+s 'oin) so ha' p*t stran)e rape 'e(ices aro*n' her sD*++ which he+' her mo*th open as we++ as her other ori?ices 5 I @e+ie(e that this was part o? a series o? photo shoots inten'e' to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate as we++ as =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs past history concernin) SeC 2ra??icDin). 2he menAs sDin tone in these

photos whoAs han's co*+' @e seen 4 appeare' to +ooD somewhat Ara@ic @*t +ooDe' m*tate' an' *nnat*ra++y pi)mente'. A man whom a +ater )ir+?rien' o? mine 4 7+arissa ;erry < s*ppose'+y 'ate' @*t ha' in act*a+ity pro@a@+y @een a@'*cte' @y 4 '*rin) the year 200E 5 was *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 3an ;isset whom I @e+ie(e was ?act*a++y 'ea' an' the imposte*r o? 3an +ooDe' on his MySpace Pro?i+eAs photo)raphs to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' in ha+? way transition with what appeare' to @e Moroccan 3NA o? sDin 4 hair4 an' +ips4 on top o? what was ori)ina++y nat*ra++y Ita+ian 3NA. 2he photo)raphs on G3an ;issetAsG MySpace Pro?i+e showe' some e(i'ence o? 3NA Pro)ression < tho*)h most o? these photo)raphs were o? the pro@a@+e imposte*r o? G3an ;issetG4 a ?ew o? these photo)raphs were o? other men which he c+aime' were himse+?. 2he ?act*a+ 3an ;isset was a man ?rom Nash*a NewHampshire who ha' 'ate' my ?rien' A+isha 7ote in the past. A?ter seein) the man ?rom 7iaoAs Pi>>a at .oCwoo's 7asino wa+Din) aro*n' an' p+ayin) 2eCas Ho+'Aem in the @asement4 Boe Mc7arthy an' my se+? 'ro(e to #ho'e Is+an' to atten' a party in #ho'e Is+an'. 2his party was happenin) in a trai+er that was +ocate' in a stran)e +ocation in the mi''+e o? the city. 2here was approCimate+y 100 peop+e cramme' into the trai+er partyin) with eCtreme+y +o*' m*sic p+ayin) an' entire re?ri')erators ?*++ o? %0 o*nce @eer @ott+es. :omen were 'ancin) on woo'en ta@+es ?or reason that there was +acD o? space in the @*i+'in) an' were stompin) eCtreme+y +o*'. 2he party was eCtreme+y +o*'. 2he peop+e who hoste' the party state' that Gthe mo@ pai' o?? the po+ice.G an' that Gthe po+ice )a(e the mo@ imm*nitiesG. Since the year 200E 4 n*mero*s peop+e ?rom New 1n)+an' 'isappeare' whi+e they were (isitin) what was poste' on their .ace@ooD Pro?i+es as @ein) #ho'e Is+an' @*t a+so what they to+' ?rien's o(er the te+ephone was #ho'e Is+an'. 7esare 4 whom was re(ea+e' to @e a )ran'son o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs whom is associate' 'irect+y with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e < was )rante' Po+ice Imm*nities ?or a perio' o? time whi+e in New Hampshire4 +on) eno*)h ?or 2ony Gon>a+e> to @e a@'*cte' an' +e?t with 7esareAs 1st set o? sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as we++ as 7esareAs pen'in) crimina+ char)es a?ter @ein) ?e' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy (ir*s c*+t*re' in hemo)+o@in o? 7esareAs 3NA. Po+ice Imm*nities were somehow achei(e' @y metho' o? re+ocatin) em@e''e' Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents to conso+i'ate' re)iona+ positions as we++ as #ep+acin) @y Imposte*r the ?act*a+ Po+ice 0??icers with an A)ent *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the year 200E whi+e I was +i(in) at 155 Map+e St. in Manchester NewHampshire 4 a hacDer e'ite' the te+e(ision pro)rammin) an' e'ite' a scene o? G2hat !0As ShowG to portray two o? the characters 'isc*ssin) G0ran)e B*iceG an' 'isc*ssin) somethin) that ha' happene' to some@o'y which was a+most a paraphrase' H*ote. 2here was a+so possi@+y a hacDer e'it o? the te+e(ision show GAre /o* ;ein) Ser(e'OG which containe' a H*ote o? a con(ersation that my se+? or my roommate ha' with some@o'y in the apartment. :hi+e worDin) at New Hampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in the years 200E F 200! < we ha' one 'ay @een 'isc*ssin) S*r)ica+ Imp+ants which transmit e+ectronic 'ata4 one o? these @ein) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 '*rin) this con(ersation I mentione' that these e+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants nee'e' to @e o*t+awe' an' acti(e+y searche' ?or @y 'octors an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence '*e to the ?act that these can @e *se' to see thro*)h a personAs eye on a comp*ter screen as we++ as can they @e *se' to rea' their tho*)hts as teCt an' that i? this were to @e p*t in Mi+itary Sec*ritiesA @rains that this wo*+' res*+t in the worst mi+itary sec*rity @reach in history. 2his con(ersation may ha(e @een ea(es'roppe' *pon or recor'e'. It is pro@a@+e that 3on'i McMahon4 whom was worDin) at the 'esD @ehin' the one neCt to mine < was at some point #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r. N*mero*s peop+e ha(e @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r since the year 200E when I ha' @een worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication. 2he man whom ha' rep+ace' 3on'i ha' o@(io*s+y *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 5 his hair )ene +ooDe' Ara@ic 4 his iris 3NA +ooDe' +iDe 7+arissa ;erryAs @+*e eyes )enes @*t his eyes +ooDe' p+astic +iDe an' )+ossy '*e to recent m*tation 4 the rest o? his 3NA +ooDe' entire+y nat*ra++y or)anic Ita+ian 3NA. 2he Imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon has a 'i??erent sD*++ shape than

3on'i ha' an' is shape' s+i)ht+y 'i??erent. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 whi+e I was worDin) at New Hampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry NewHampshire < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 9ni)ht ;r*ce @e)an worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication. ;r*ce was a ?rien' o? 7hristopher #o'onAs parents #o@ert an' $ynn. ;r*ce was wearin) the same two pocDete' @*r)*n'y short s+ee(e po+o shirt that Mosta?a I@nSa*' o?ten wears an' was seen wearin) '*rin) a scene in a mo(ie. ;r*ce is a@o*t the same hei)ht as Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' is somewhat wi'er. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I witnesse' ;r*ce he+pin) a @+in' woman cross the street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this yo*n) woman was pro@a@+y one o? the women that the Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate restraine' with rope 4 @+in'e' 4 poisone' with 'r*)s 4 an' (io+ent+y rape' an' tort*re'. 2his woman +ooDe' i'entica+ to one o? the ?ema+es whoAs photo)raphs was p*@+ishe' on G1mi+y Is+esAsG MySpace Acco*nt. ;r*ceAs han'+in) o? her @a) an' @+in' sticD +ooDe' +iDe an eCtreme+y 'e+i@erate attempt to +ooD as i? he care' a@o*t her sa?ety an' was an hono*ra@+e an' chi(a+ro*s man who 'e?en's ?ema+es an' +itt+e )ir+s. 2his woman +ooDe' to @e a@o*t 2 years yo*n)er than my se+? an' +ooDe' +iDe one o? the yo*n) +a'ies whoAs photo)raphs were sent to me in the year 2005 as G1mi+y Is+esG a?ter who I @e+ie(e was =ittorio 1man*e+e comman'eere' her America 0n+ine Instant Messen)er Screen Name. It is pro@a@+e that ;r*ce a+rea'y Dnew who this in'i(i'*a+ ?ema+e was 5 he ha' an eCtreme+y ner(o*s +ooD on his ?ace an' appeare' eCtreme+y worrie' an' stress?*+. 3*rin) the year 1""E 4 whi+e we were sittin) in his car 5 #o@ #o'on to+' his son 7hristopher that he an' his co*sin ha' ?o*n' o*t that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was the patri+inea+ ha+? @rother o? A'o+? Hit+er as we++ as 'i' #o@ #o'on say that he ?in' o*t ?rom his co*sin who was a+so a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons 7hris an' .i++i@erto were in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' were 7rime Associates o? a NAM;$A 7rime Syn'icate. #o@ #o'on then state' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy may en' *p with a new #oya+ .ami+y ?or reason o? this an' that it was pro@a@+e that ha+? o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were )oin) to @e arreste' soon. #o@ #o'on was my @est ?rien' 7hris #o'onAs ?ather. 0ne year a?ter this 4 we were in(ite' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ;irth'ay Party at Pen*cheAs ;ar an' #esta*rant in North An'o(er Massach*settes 5 there 4 $ynn #o'on was to+' to say somethin) speci?ica++y to me @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. She state' his name 4 as in G=ictor to+' me to te++ yo*...G prior to statin) what he to+' her to say < it is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to+' #o@ert #o'on to 'isc*ss he an' his sons @ein) SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Accomp+ices o? a NAM;$A 7rime $or' ?or reason o? 'iscernin) whether or not I Dnew that they were that. #o@ert #o'on either 'i' not @e+ie(e that the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was that an' @e+ie(e' that =ittorio co*+' possi@+y @e +ooDin) ?or in?ormation re)ar'in) a speci?ic in'i(i'*a+ 4 or #o@ert Dnew that the 1man*e+es were in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' #o@ 'i' not ha(e a pro@+em with this. 3*rin) the year 1""" 5 7hris #o'onAs ?ather mo(e' to Massach*settes. 2he man who +i(e' in the apartment neCt 'oor to his own was name' Be??erson 3a(is. It is @e+ie(e' that the @*i+'in) that Be?? 3a(isAs apartment was in was @o*)ht @y a Properties Stea' Ho+'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his sonsA. Be?? 3a(is was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' was ha+? Israe+i. #o@ #o'on @ecame acH*ainte' with Be?? 3a(is at the reH*est o? =ittorio 1man*e+e who instr*cte' him to @eha(e as i? they were ?rien's. #o@ert #o'on eCp+aine' to 7hris #o'on as we++ as 7hris #o'onAs @rother Matt #o'on 4 whi+e in my presense 5 that Be?? 3a(is was not yet promote' to the ranD o? Pa)e in the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?or reason that he was not tr*ste' @y Gsome@o'yG. It was +ater 'etermine' that =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' not promote him to the position o? Pa)e or any position o? tit+e @eca*se Be?? 3a(is was ha+? Israe+i an' ha' a Bewish ?ami+y on one si'e o? his ?ami+y. #o@ #o'on c+aime' that he was *ns*re why Be?? 3a(is ha' not yet @een promote' to the position o? Pa)e an' sai' that it wo*' +iDe+y happen e(ent*a++y. #o@ert #o'on was o?ten (ery in)eni*ne when 'isc*ssin) thin)s with his son in the presense o? others4 #o@ert o?ten +ie' a@o*t certain thin)s whi+e speaDin) to his son in the presense o? my se+? or other peop+e who were not Ita+ian. #o@ c+aime' that there was pro@a@+y an in'i(i'*a+ in Be?? 3a(isAs ?ami+y who the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' in the past ha' a con?+ict with an' *se' the eCc*se that Be??

3a(isAs Ita+ian ha+? o? his ?ami+y was pro@a@+y where this in'i(i'*a+ was. 3*rin) the year 2000 < whi+e in #o@ert #o'onAs car with 7hristopher #o'on 4 whi+e I was sittin) in the @acD seat an' 7hristopher #o'on was seate' in the ?ront passen)er seat 5 #o@ert #o'on state' to 7hristopher #o'on 4 G2hey are Di++in) a++ o? the ma+es. 2he women are I*st )oin) to @e rape'. It is @etter to @e rape' than 'ea' 4 isnAt itOG. 7hris #o'on respon'e' @y sayin) G:hy are yo* te++in) me thisOG to which #o@ #o'on rep+ie' 4G7hristopher 4 thatAs war. an' itAs so?t s+a(ery. It co*+' @e worse.G. I o(erhear' this an' notice' 7hris +ooDin) in the mirror at me an' +ooDin) at his ?ather irritate'. I was acc*stome' to the chi+'ren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their re+ati(es as we++ as re+ati(es o? the 9ni)hts o? Aosta that immi)rate' to the North American continent re?*sin) to answer any H*estions o? mine 4 that I e(er asDe' them 5 they wo*+' a+ways te++ me that it was not my con(ersation. #o@ #o'on ha' ma'e a physica+ )est*re that seeme' as i? he were ta+Din) a@o*t .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 when 7hris +ooDe' in the mirror ?or a secon' he )est*re' towar's me an' asDe' G:hyOG 5 #o@ert #o'on sai' with his han' *pt*rne' G:hat 'o yo* thinDOG. 7hristopher sai' somethin) I co*+' not hear an' #o@ert respon'e' with 4' others. /eah. $iDe I sai' 4 thatAs war.G . 2his con(ersation was repeate' @y the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon'. :hen #o@ #o'on mentione' this 4 it so*n'e' possi@+y +iDe he was ta+Din) a@o*t .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' possi@+y the USAmericans. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 2errorist .action rape Nati(e Americans as an Initiation 7rime. My sisters were a++ chi+'ren when they were rape' @y 2errorist So+'iers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. My Mother was SeC 2ra??icDe' @y Sa(oy So+'iers an' their 7rime Associates when she was 5 years o+' *nti+ she was a@o*t 1%. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy o@sessi(e+y tar)ets .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 an' Israe+is. Bosh ;*rns who +i(e' 'own the roa' ?rom my ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' 4 was An)+o SaCon USAmerican < he was ?rien's with Aaron 1man*e+e 5 BoshAs ?ami+y ha(e @een tar)ette' an' may @e comp+ete+y eCterminate' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs 4 it is a possi@i+ity that his yo*n)er sister is a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim as we++. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e m*r'ere' an' rape' their c+osest ?rien's 5 they are )*i+ty o? 2reason an' :ar 7rimes. H*man 2ra??icDin) is a :ar 7rime an' is a 3ec+aration o? :ar *pon a Nation o? peop+e. It seems pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs *n'erstan'in) o? Mora+e was ta*)ht to him @y his ?ather 4 this Mora+e seems to @e ?o*n'e' *pon the concept o? G*i+t. 2he Initiation 7rimes o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are pro@a@+e to @e en)ineere' ?or the p*rpose o? pro'*cin) a speci?ic Din' o? )*i+t < this is the Din' o? )*i+t that res*+ts in a constant ?ear o? the crimina+ @ein) eCpose' ?or the speci?ic crimes which they are )*i+ty o? 5 this is a pro@a@+e pro'*ct o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 7o(ert Mi+itant 0perations in North America an' e+swhere 4 m*ch o? which has res*+te' in the Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination o? entire ?ami+ies an' entire races o? .irst Nations North American #aces. .a+se ?+a))in) o? the i'entity o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS Mi+itant .action as @ein) somethin) other than what it is 4 has occ*rre' o?ten 5 this has @een *se' to pro(oDe war?are @etween ne*ra+ nations o? which @oth are tar)ets o? the A6IS or the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy. ;y metho' o? or'ere' S+eeper 7e++s an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Units to repeate'+y commit the same crimes as we++ as repeate'+y attacD the same tar)ets 5 @y this metho' 4 the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy pre(ents 'e?ection o? S+eeper A)ents 4 3epop*+ation o? Nationa+ #ace 'estroys the raceAs a@i+ity to ?ie+' an army as we++ as e(ent*a++y eCterminates the entire race which +ea(es no pre'ecessor with ri)hteo*s c+aimancy to the +an' as a #acia+ Home+an' 4 tar)ettin) o? Nati(e #aces ?or Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination an' SeC 2ra??icDin) e+iminates sympathy ?or the tar)ette' race @y metho' o? a@so+*te 'eni)ration which res*+ts in the +oss o? the o@ser(ance o? the tar)ette' raceAs h*manity. 3*rin) the year 200% or 2005 5 1' :arren sai' to Anthony 3e.eo whi+e at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 G3i' yo* hear what #o@ sai' to his son a@o*t....OG an' state' somethin) I co*+' not hear. Anthony sai' somethin) I co*+' on+y partia++y hear which was 4 GA@o*t the... no4 whatOG to which 1' :arren rep+ie' 4 G/eah. He ca++e' it ASo?t S+a(eryA . 2hat aint so?t 4 '*'e. 2hatAs a @r*ta+ ?orm o? s+a(ery. I 'onAt thinD there is a more @r*ta+ ?orm o? s+a(ery.G

#o@ert #o'on Dnew Mr. Sa+(o 4 the SeC 0??en'er Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ 2eacher who rape' the 2 yo*n) )ir+s with 2 a'*+t ma+es he +et into the c+assroom. #o@ #o'on Dnew who those two ma+es were. #o@ert #o'on is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. #o@ert #o'on has possi@+y swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with what he in the past has ca++e' a Gchan)e+in)G 4 which is an imposte*r 5 it is possi@+e that 7hris #o'on has a+so 'one this 4 I ha(e seen an imposte*r o? him. #o@ert #o'on in the past has ma'e ins*+tin) IoDes a@o*t my race @ein) a G7ry ;a@y #aceG o? G0nes who +ostG an' Gthe ones who +ost the warG. #o@ert #o'onAs ?ami+y immi)rate' to the U.S.A. with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as a res*+t o? the 'e?eat o? the A6IS . #o@ert #o'onAs ?ami+y is an A6IS .ami+y. A'o+? Hit+erAs @ooD GMein 9amp?G 4 which was pro@a@+y written @y B*+i*s 1(o+a < states the @e+ie? that the a pop*+ation within the Nationa+ Pop*+ation that is o? the #ace that ?o*n'e' the Nation 4 m*st remain o? +ar)e eno*)h pop*+ation an' o? so+e+y the 3NA o? the #ace which ?o*n'e' the Nation or the Nation wi++ e(ent*a++y @e conH*ere' ?rom within @y a Nation who is 5 this is @e+ie(e' @y the A6IS who +i(e in North America an' So*th America 4 @*t are o? neither +an's an' are a+most a++ o? A6IS race eCc+*si(e+y or primari+y. 1Ctermination o? the An)+o SaCon 4 Gae+ic 4 .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 A?riDDi' American 4 .ranDic American 4 New Ho++an'er American 4 7ana'ian 4 an' MeCican races 5 is a 'e?inite )oa+ o? the A6IS an' they wi++ achei(e this )oa+ @y any metho's possi@+e. In the North 1ast o? North America 4 the 7ens*s 'oes not e(en proper+y co*nt the n*m@ers o? the (ario*s races that +i(e in the North 1ast 5 there are possi@+y a mi++ion peop+e who ha(e Imposte*r I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation o? appearance to appear o? same appearance as the peop+e whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s they are *sin) ?or p*rpose o? +i(in) as imposte*r o?. :hen the A6IS is i'enti?ie' @y the 3epartment o? 3e?ense as a res*+t o? in(esti)ations an' the PA2#I02 Act < it is pro@a@+e that it wi++ res*+t in what wi++ appear to @e a 7i(i+ :ar 5 the A6IS are 'e?inite to ha(e Mi+itary Gra'e .irearms @*rie' in co(ert +ocations 4 n*mero*s A6IS So+'iers emp+oye' within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 n*mero*s 3isin?ormation A)ents rea'y to sa@ota)e in(esti)ations an' the criteria o? what is consi'ere' an A6IS 1nemy 7om@atant S+eeper A)ent or A6IS 1nemy 7om@atant S+eeper 7e++ 4 n*mero*s A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within Po+ice an' In(esti)ations 4 as we++ as n*mero*s A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense waitin) an' rea'y to Di++ the +oya+ emp+oyees o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense who remain +oya+ an' 'o their Io@s. 2he tr*th is that the A6IS .action ha(e @een i)nore' since the secon' open mi+itary 'e?eat o? the A6IS an' ha(e *se' 1spiona)e A)ents an' A)ent Pro(ocate*rs to insti)ate 'istr*st o? the So(iet Union an' +ater #*ssia an' 7hina '*rin) an' a?ter the s*ppose' G7o+' :arG that ne(er e(en rea++y eCiste'. 2he G7o+' :arG was a ?a@rication o? the A6IS .action worDin) within the USAmerican Go(ernment < the sit*ation with 7*@a armin) themse+(es with weapons with that the U.S.A. an' MeCico ha(e is simi+ar to the sit*ation with Iran armin) themse+(es with weapons that Israe+ an' the U.S.A. a+rea'y possess 5 the ?ear o? 7*@a an' Iran @ein) arme' is 'e?inite+y a pro'*ct o? the propa)an'a an' pro(ocation which the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action has promote'. 2he Unite' So(iet Socia+ist #ep*@+ic was an GA++ie' .orcesG Nation '*rin) @oth o? the past open mi+itary con?+icts with the A6IS .action < it is 'e?inite that 7*+t*ra+ #e+ati(ity m*st @e practice' 4 when 'e?en'in) a nation ?rom itAs potentia+ enemies an' a++ potentia+ threats 5 the A6IS ha(e 'i??erent (a+*es an' stan'ar's o? :ar?are 1thic than the U.S.A. has an' it is 'e?inite that the A6IS .action @e+ie(e it accepta@+e to insti)ate an' pro(oDe :ar?are @etween two a++ie' nations as we++ as 'isarm @oth Mi+itary an' 7i(i+ian pop*+ations o? any nation which they ha(e tar)ette' 4 witho*t e(en presentin) themse+(es as the party which has committe' the action o? 'oin) so. #ecent+y 4 in 2013 < I ha(e +ocate' the wire @ehin' the +e?t ear+o@e 4 @eneath the sDin 5 on the s*r?ace o? the carti+a)e4 on the @acD o? the ear. 2he wire is eCtreme+y thin an' seems as i? it wo*+' @e easy to c*t with a pen Dni?e or sca+pe+ 5 I ha(e 'eci'e' to +ea(e it connecte' ?or the present time an' possi@+y ?or the rest o? my +i?e 4 ?or p*rpose o? recor'in) the rest o? my +i?e into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments 7omp*ters ?or the p*rpose o? )atherin) more 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence concernin) who it is that has 'one this an' any assai+ant that they may comman' to attacD me '*rin) the neCt ?ew years whi+e I attempt to )et this :itness 2estimonia+ to U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense an'

.orei)n Mi+itary. 3*rin) either the year 200% or the year 2005 4 whi+e ;enIamin $in'@er) was shoppin) at the .ami+y 3o++ar Store on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire < he state' in response to some statement a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 GI 'onAt thinD so. $ooD at his peircin)s. 2hatAs carti+a)e. He can han'+e it. He is I*st )oin) to c*t the wire an' )et o*t an' te++ some@o'y an' pro(e it. I ha(e ?aith that he wi++ 'o that.G . 2his was aro*n' %pm in the a?ternoon. :ithin that some month 4 a Mesti>o o? So*th American race who may ha(e @een part Sici+ian sai' somethin) simi+ar to a So*th American Mesti>o who +ooDe' ha+? Ita+ian < whi+e p*rchasin) items at my re)ister. A man who may ha(e @een re+ate' to ;en $in'@er) or another 3e*tsche ?ami+y +i(in) in the U.S.A. 4 p*rchase' items at my re)ister an' +ooDe' o(er my sho*+'er @e?ore sayin) GI thinD heAs )oin) to 'o it. I @et he wi++ 'o it with a Hammer on his necD to. -re?erence to MIo++nir8 4 yo* canAt 'o this. ItAs wron). ItAs )oin) to @e stoppe'. I thinD heA++ stop it.G. 2his man +ooDe' to @e ha+? 3e*tsche an' possi@+y Irish an' Swe'ish. I ha(e since this time 4 with some assistance 5 +ocate' the wire @ehin' my ear +o@e an' ha(e ma'e p+ans to c*t the wire with a pen Dni?e i? the attacDs transmitte' to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ice @ecome too se(ere an' I can not )et the U.S.American 3epartment o? 3e?ense to respon' to these attacDs as we++ as ?orei)n nations to respon' with Mi+itary Ai' an' :ar 7rimes In(esti)ations. 2he pro@+em with c*ttin) the wire o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is that the A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice wi++ ine(ita@+y remain acti(e as a res*+t o? the @attery @ein) permanant+y physica++y attache' to the G.P.S. 3e(ice 4 which Deeps it networDe' to the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ re)ar'+ess o? the +acD o? 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph tranmission 5 the G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice tracDs the (ictim who is S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with this 'e(ice re)ar'+ess o? the +acD o? 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph 'ata transmission. A sDi++e' 7omp*ter HacDer who *n'erstan's the science o? :ire+ess 3e(ice 7omp*ter HacDin) can *se these G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants to ?in' the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ in the 7omm*nications an' Internet Ser(er an' report the eCact Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ an' Internet Protoco+ A''ress o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices an' the Ne*roScience 2ransmissions. It is 'e?inite+y possi@+e ?or a 7omp*ter HacDer to ?in' the path o? 'ata trans?errance thro*)h the Ser(er 7omp*ter an' stea+ a++ o? the so?tware ?rom the Ne*roScience 2erroristsA 7omp*ters. 2he Ne*roScience So?tware @ein) *se' @y the Ne*roScience 2errorists can @e sto+en an' *se' to Di++ an' 'isa@+e 1nemy 7om@atants who ha(e wi++in)+y a++owe' themse+(es to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation which has @een *se' to stea+ I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Genoci'e =ictims. I? a Po+ice 0??icer is S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' is not carryin) his own proper I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as a res*+t o? his stea+in) o? a (ictimsA I'entiication 7re'entia+s an' Po+ice ;a')e who was a Po+ice 0??icer 5 the imposte*r Po+ice 0??icer is an 1nemy 7om@atant an' can @e G#et*rn .ireA'G *pon @y a ci(i+ian *sin) the same weapon that the 1nemy 7om@atant Mi+itant .action has @een *sin). A 7o(ert In(asion is sti++ an In(asion 5 when they enemy is 'e?eate' an' the Mi+itary is a@+e to proper+y in(esti)ate these :ar 7rimes an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action is a@+e to @e arreste' @y in(esti)ators an' 3e?ense 1mp+oyees *sin) their ri)ht?*+ I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < there can not @e any char)es presse' *pon ci(i+ians 'e?en'in) themse+(es '*rin) an in(asion. Un?ort*nate+y 4 '*e to the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' their a++ie' 1nemy 7om@atant .actionsA 'ecision to 7o(ert+y In(a'e the U.S.A. an' Genoci'a++y Assassinate the 7i(i+ian Pop*+ation as we++ as m*ch o? the $aw 1n?orcement an' 3epartment o? 3e?ense in (ario*s re)ions 4 stea+in) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 it is sti++ possi@+e to @e arreste' @y 1nemy 7om@atants wearin) U.S.A. Po+ice Uni?orms 4 char)e' with 7rimes @y B*')es seate' in U.S.A. 7o*rt#ooms 4 an' imprisone' in Prisons @ein) sta??e' @y 1nemy 7om@atants arme' with the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the ri)ht?*+ Prison G*ar's. 2he psycho+o)y o? this 7o(ert In(asion 4 is the :or+' =iew that the U.S.A. is not a +e)itimate Nation State an' that the (ario*s races o? North America 'o not ha(e a ri)ht to physica+ +i?e. .or reason that a +ar)e n*m@er o? 7hi+' Mo+ester SeC 0??en'ers are worDin) within the ranDs o? the 1nemy 7om@atant .action an' ha(e )aine' an eCtreme amo*nt o? power an' a new set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with which they can +i(e *nharrasse' an' *nDnown as

@ein) SeC 0??en'ers 5 this is 'e?inite+y )oin) to @e (ery ?ew 3e?ectors amon)st the 1nemy 7om@atant .action that ha(e si+ent+y 3ec+are' :ar 7o(ert+y *pon the U.S.A. an' possi@+y MeCico an' 7ana'a. It is pro@a@+e that Hispanic .ascistas ?rom Spain an' (ario*s re)ions o? the Americas ha(e in?i+trate' MeCico ?or p*rpose o? stea+in) the i'entities o? the Go(ernment 4 $aw 1n?orcement 4 an' 3epartment o? 3e?esne o? MeCico an' achei(in) 2ota+ 7orr*ption o? the )o(ernment o? MeCico in the ?orm o? 7o(ert 7o*p 3e 1tat #e)ime. North America is the tar)et. Aro*n' the year 2005 4 ;en $in'@er) wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar an' was o(erhear' mocDin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e statin) sarcastica++y 4 GIs he s*ppose' to @e the 9in) o? the Na>isO Is he then the 9in) o? a++ the Na>isO Is he then the 9in) o? a++ NationsO He m*st @e the Messiah Bes*s 4 he is the 9in) o? the who+e wor+'.G . ;enIamin $in'@er) ha' 'e?inite+y hear' somethin) a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces '*rin) the year 2005 < there is c*rrent+y a photo)raph on ;enIamin $in'@er)As .ace@ooD.7om Pro?i+e o? what appears to possi@+y @e an imposte*r o? ;enIamin $in'@er). ;en $in'@er) Dnew a ?ew A6IS .ami+ies inc+*'in) some o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs .ami+ies in the U.S.A. an' at +east one ?ami+y o? a 9ni)ht o? AostaAs as we++ as possi@+y an I@nSa*' re+ati(e. ;enIamin $in'@er) may ha(e a+so Dnown a Bewish ?ami+y an' a+so an in'i(i'*a+ in(o+(e' in a :hite Power #acia+ist Po+itica+ I'entity. It is pro@a@+e that ;enIamin $in'@er) has either @een m*r'ere' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?or reason o? his Dnow+e')e concernin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )enoci'a+ p+ans in North America as we++ as the 1man*e+e .ami+y @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ;io+o)ica+ .ami+y an' the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was ?act*a++y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian 4 which wo*+' ha(e occ*rre' aro*n' the year 200! < or was somehow @+acDmai+e' into swappin) I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e 'e?inite+y @een p+annin) a 2ota+ Genoci'e o? North American #aces < .irst Nations Nati(e North Americans 4 the .o*n'in) #aces o? the North American Nations 4 as we++ as e(ent*a++y A?riDDi' Americans 5 #o@ert #o'on 'isc*sse' with 7hristopher #o'on in the year 2000 4 that the A6IS was 7o(ert+y 3ec+arin) :ar on the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a 4 an' was p+annin) to Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' SeC 2ra??icDin) the .ema+es. 2he #acia+ 2ar)ettin) is ?or p*rpose o? eCterminatin) any #ace that e(er ?o*n'e' an eCistant Nation in North America prior to the Ita+ians an' the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy immi)ratin) to North America. #o@ert #o'on was to+' @y my .ather '*rin) the year 1""E 4 that o*r Sici+ian co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y was eCterminate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in Sici+y ?or reason that they Dnew that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother an' that B*+i*s 1(o+a wrote a++ o? A'o+? Hit+erAs speeches. #o@ert #o'on was to+' that B*+ianna ta+De' an' was Di++e' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 this con(ersation @e)an when #o@ert #o'on asDe' my ?ather 5 G3o yo* any@o'y who is o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyOG an' a?ter my .ather eCp+aine' this 4 #o@ert #o'on state' to my .ather GI am a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 my co*sin is a 9ni)ht. I am @ecomin) a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy soon. I wi++ ha(e to +ooD into this.G #o@ert #o'on +ie' to my .ather. My ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson was somehow m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y an imposte*r +ess than ten years a?ter this. ;etween the years 1""E an' 200" 5 a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy spoDe +ies to n*mero*s peop+e that I was Gan A'o+? Hit+erG 4 Gan A'o+? Hit+er worshipperA 4 that I G@e+ie(e in the same thin)s as A'o+? Hit+erG 4 an' that I hate' the Israe+i #ace an' was an Amora+ist. 3*rin) the year 1""% 4 1""5 4 1""E 4 an' 1""! 5 I witnesse' #o@ert #o'on eCp+ain to his sons that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y an' that B*+i*s 1(o+a 'esi)ne' most o? the i'entity o? the 3r' #eich an' was A'o+? Hit+erAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs c*rrier '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 comm*nicatin) @etween =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' A'o+? Hit+er. 3*rin) 2005 4 Be?? 3a(is was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r an' his entire ?ami+y as we++ as n*mero*s other Bewish ?ami+ies in the North 1ast o? North America ha(e @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. Be?? 3a(is has @een missin) ?or a +on) time an' has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r who has @een worDin) in the Manchester NewHampshire re)iona+ Menta+ Hea+th In'*stry. 2he tar)ettin) o? Bewish ?ami+ies @e)an with the tar)ettin) o? the entire ?ami+ies o? Bewish $awyers s*ch as ;arry :einstein an' A'am

;ernstein 4 the entire ?ami+ies o? mem@ers o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e 4 any Bewish ?ami+y in the North 1ast o? North America who ha' wea+th 4 an' Bewish ?ami+ies who were internationa+ ?ami+ies that were marrie' to ?ami+ies ?rom other nations. Since this time 4 #o@ert #o'on mo(e' to 2eCas USA 4 n*mero*s ?ami+ies ?rom 2eCas ha(e a+so @een assassinate' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs 5 these ?ami+ies were primari+y ?ami+ies o? Asatr*ars in(o+(e' in the #*ne G*i+' an' Asatr*ars who were ?rien's with Swain :o'enin) 4 Stacy Sea@*ry 4 #on ;oar'man 4 $i++y P+aise 4 Michae+ Bohnston 4 as we++ as Bewish ?ami+ies +i(in) in 2eCas re+ate' to Bewish ?ami+ies ?rom the New 1n)+an' re)ion. 3*rin) the @e)inin) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs tar)ettin) o? ?ami+ies 4 races 4 an' re+i)io*s comm*nities in North America < the presi'ent o? the USA 4 Geor)e ;*sh 5 was a 2eCan who was c+ose ?rien's with a MeCican man. 2he possi@i+ity o? the ?ormer U.S.A. Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs ?ami+y @ein) attacDe' an' rep+ace' in 2eCas @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' co(ert a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy is an eCtreme threat to the Unite' States o? America 5 this is an e(en )reater threat i? this occ*rre' '*rin) the +ast years o? Presi'ent Geor)e ;*shAs presi'ency. 3*rin) the year 2005 < Banet Napo+itano was e+ecte' to a presti)io*s position 4 imme'iate+y a?ter which she state' 5 G:e m*st e(er @e wary o? the 'an)ero*s rise o? Nati(ism in the Unite' States o? America.G. Banet Napo+itanoAs position within the USA Go(ernment has in(o+(e' #acia+ Pro(ocation ?oc*se' at Nati(e North American Nationa+ I'entity Po+itic. 2his is simi+ar to 2om 2ancre'o who promote' G:estern 7i(i+i>ationG A6IS #oman I'entity as a G:ar on 2errorG 4 Nationa+ist Po+itic at 7o++e)e 7amp*ses in North America. 3*rin) the year 1""E < #o@ #o'on was o?ten ta+Din) to his son 7hris #o'on a@o*t the mo(ie Gthe 7han)e+in)G an' *sin) it as a metaphoric cypher topic to 'isc*ss somethin) concernin) my se+? 4 statin) that Gthe chan)e+in) is a horror mo(ie @ase' *pon 7e+tic mytho+o)y. I thinD yo*A' +iDe it a+ot.G e(ery time I asDe' them a@o*t what it was that they were ta+Din) a@o*t. 7*rrent+y 5 the #o'ons ha(e swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with what appears to @e Ita+ians ?rom Ita+ia. 2he #o'ons were Ita+ian on their .atherAs si'e < an' their racia+ 3NA on their motherAs si'e was Ita+ian 4 A*strian 4 an' An)+o American. :hi+e worDin) at NewHampshire Precision in $on'on'erry NewHampshire 4 I ha' @een 'atin) a woman name' Min'y 9ern. 3*rin) the year 2011 5 an imposte*r o? Min'y 9ern @o*)ht meat at Stop N Shop whi+e I was worDin) at the 3e+i in the Stop N Shop on the @or'er o? ;e'?or' NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire. 2his woman was approCimate+y 3 inches ta++er than Min'y an' was (ery thin4 she was a+so +acDin) o? any Israe+i )enetics 5 the ?act*a+ Min'y 9ern was Israe+i 4 An)+o Gae+ic American 4 3e*tsche 4 an' A*strian. 3*rin) 200E5 .i+ 1man*e+e si)ne' Min'yAs note@ooD at some point G.I$G I*st as he ha' 'one with Sahn'raAs in the year 200% < '*rin) 200E4 Min'y a+so recei(e' a 'eath threat ?rom an anonymo*s in'i(i'*a+ whom was 'e?inite+y .i+. 2his 'eath threat was a +etter that was t*cDe' into Min'yAs note@ooD whi+e at schoo+ at 7hester 7o++e)e in 7hester NewHampshire 5 I @e+ie(e it was 'e+i(ere' @y Anthony #oton'o. .i+ si)ne' the +etter GP+easant+y /o*rsG. .i+ has a ten'ency to repeat his crimes o@sessi(e+y to the point o? it @ein) o@(io*s that it was his psycho+o)y @ehin' the crimes GP+easantG is a wor' which has @een seen in n*mero*s anonymo*s 'eath threats to peop+e I ha(e Dnown '*rin) the past " years 4 GMo*nt P+easant ApartmentsG in ;i++ericca Massach*settes is a +ocation which .i+ ha' *se' to ho+' 2ra??icDin) =ictims hosta)e whom he ha' imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 1mi+y Is+es ha' trie' to ca++ me on a 'r*) 'ea+er o? .i+As ce++ phone ?rom this +ocation '*rin) 200E when she ca++e' my ce++ phone whi+e I was worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry NewHampshire 4 GP+easant StreetG is a+so the street which the o+' a@an'one' .o*n'ry in :i+ton is at the en' o?. 2he o+' ?o*n'ry in :i+ton was reporte' to @e a +ocation where .i+ 1man*e+e ha' he+' n*mero*s SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims hosta)e in the @asement. .i+ ha' access to a cotta)e across the ri(er ?rom the ?o*n'ry which was on a hi++ on a street ca++e' somethin) +iDe GShore Hi++ #'G4 I @e+ie(e the a''ress n*m@er o? the cotta)e was V25 5 this +ocation is 'irect+y *p the hi++ an' neCt to the :i+ton NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment. :hen I ha' recei(e' a (oice mai+ on my mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone in 200! which state' that 1mi+y Is+es ha' @een a@'*cte' an' that she was @ein) he+' hosta)e in ;i++ericca Massach*settes at a ho*sin) 'e(e+opment ca++e' Mo*nt P+easant

Apartments 5 the en' o? the messa)e was c*t short an' I 'i' not )et the eCact a''ress 4 I was in s*ch a panic that I acci'ent+y 'roppe' the phone an' the messa)e was 'e+ete'. 3*rin) this time 4 my ?rien' 1''ie $a)es ha' ma'e p+ans to ?in' the p+ace an' we were )oin) to try to )et her o*t o? the @*i+'in) an' )et Po+ice in(o+(e' i? possi@+e 5 imme'iate+y a?ter this occ*rance4 I was p*t in the New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire an' Ne*roS*r)erie' with the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is c*rrent+y in my sD*++ an' the #o*ter which is wire' to it an' tacDe' to the insi'e o? my Iaw ca(ity. 3*rin) 200% 4 my 3a'As ?rien' ;o@ McG*ire whom was the 7hie? o? Po+ice in :i+ton NewHampshire was ?ire' an' rep+ace' 5 I @e+ie(e that ;o@ McG*ire may ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r soon a?ter. I worDe' with ;o@ McG*ire at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication '*rin) 200E whi+e I was 'atin) Min'y 9ern 5 '*rin) this time it appeare' that 3on'i McMahon may ha(e @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace'. 2he imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon to+' me whi+e at worD G:hat e(er yo* 'o4 'o not )et sicD. 3o not )o to a hospita+. :hat 'o yo* 'o when the .ire 3epartment @*rns 'ownOG . 2he Imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon a+so state' whi+e 'isc*ssin) e+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants GI thinD G.P.S. 'e(ices are oD to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant in SeC 0??en'ers... @*t thatAs it.G . A+so '*rin) this time 4 the +*nch tr*cD 'ri(er sai' to me G2r*'y ... tr*'y ... tr*'y... ne(er sho*+' ha(e +e?t that #eser(ation.G. My Great Gran'?atherAs name was Bohn 2r*'ea* 4 he was 100S .irst Nations Nati(e American. My .ather worDe' at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication an' was the one who )ot me hire'. 3*rin) 2011 5 whi+e worDin) at Stop N Shop4 an Imposte*r o? 9ar+ .e*'ner @o*)ht meat ?rom the 3e+i which I worDe' at < this man appeare' to @e $om@ar'ic Ita+ian. 2he ?act*a+ 9ar+ .e*'ner was ha+? MiHmaD an' ha+? 3e*tsche+an'er. .*rthermore 4 GP+easant StreetG is the street in Manchester NewHampshire *pon which the #a'isson Hote+ on 1+m Street is on the corner o?. 2his #a'isson Hote+ has two 'o) stat*es in the ?ront o? it that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @een mocDe' in ?ront o? @y his ?rien' whom ha' @een with him the 'ay that 2ony Grasseti an' I met .i+ in Manchester NewHampshire. .i+As ?rien' 'irect+y h*mo*ro*s+y ins*+te' him whi+e we were stan'in) in ?ront o? these stat*es < the ins*+t was in re+ation to .i+ 1man*e+eAs statement concernin) his ?ootwear. .i+ ha' @roDen his ?oot the 'ay @e?ore as a res*+t o? ha(in) a menta+ @reaD'own an' DicDin) a rocD in a ?it o? an)er 5 .i+ 1man*e+e se+? a'mitte'+y has an an)er mana)ement pro@+em. 3*e to .i+ @reaDin) his ?oot 4 .i+ was wearin) :a'in) Shoes ?or the p*rpose o? ha(in) +ess press*re on the ?ront o? his ?oot where he ha' @roDen it as res*+t o? p*ntin) a (ery +ar)e rocD. .i+ ha' commente' *pon his ?ootwear 4 statin) Gthey +ooD +iDe 'o) ?eetG. .i+As ?rien' 4 whom I @e+ie(e was name' Bason state' 5 G/o* DicDe' a rocDO :hy the he++ wo*+' yo* DicD a rocDO ArenAt those ?+atsO Gir+s wear those.G 2his p*@+ic +ocation was +ater *se' @y 7esare to taDe p*@+ic ha+? n*'e pro(ocati(e photo)raphs o? a 1% year o+' eCposin) herse+? to him 5 this )ir+ was B*+ie :einstein whom ha' @een a@'*cte' 3 years prior to these photos @ein) taDen. I @e+ie(e that the reason ?or 7esare taDin) these photos in p*@+ic 4 on the si'e o? the roa' atop a % ?oot wa++ was ?or the reason that '*rin) 200% 5 I ha' to+' .i+ 1man*e+e that my G)reatest pet pee(e which an)ere' me the mostG was Gc+oset ?a))ots whom a@*se an' 'eni)rate women horri@+y < so horri@+y that they wi++ rape them in p*@+ic 4 ?orce them to eat ?eces 4 ?orce them to ha(e seC with other men 4 @eat them 4 ?orce them to 'rinD *rine 4 ?orce them to per?orm seC acts in p*@+ic or porno)raphy 4 an' p*@+ica++y h*mi+iate them 5 these men are c+oset ?a))ots whom hate women ?or the reason that these men @+ame ?ema+es ?or their own +acD o? romantic inc+inations towar's women. 2hese men nee' to I*st come o*t o? the c+oset an' )et o(er the ?act that they were @orn )ayG. I @e+ie(e that these photo)raphs o? B*+ie :einstein were emai+e' to 1' .arrachi :arren an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+e @y 7esare 4 $*cas An)*i+ini ha' written a witness statement concernin) this to Manchester Po+ice 3epartment as ha' Sha*n .air@anDs. 3*rin) 200" < my sister S*mmer #ose MacPhersonAs ?eet starte' mo(in) the eCact same as .i+ 1man*e+e ha' mo(e' his ?eet in 200% to +ooD at his shoes when he state' that they +ooDe' +iDe 'o)As ?eet 5 9yra G*sta(son asDe' S*mmer G:hat are yo* 'oin)OG to which S*mmer rep+ie' G2hey +ooD +iDe 'o)As ?eet.G. S*mmer #ose MacPherson has ha'

a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her sD*++ since 200E. :hi+e wa+Din) home ?rom worD '*rin) 200E 5 I was wa+Din) past the :areho*se @*i+'in) on the roa' the passe' @y the airport. As I was wa+Din) passe' the :arho*se @*i+'in) with the ye++ow meta+ stee+ wa++s 4 i hear' the so*n' o? a si+ence' pisto+ @ein) ?ire' an' the so*n' o? the @*++et hittin) the stee+ wa++ an' 'entin) it pierce' the air. I +ooDe' to the +e?t an' saw a row o? 'ents a+on) the @ottom o? the stee+ wa++ o? the wareho*se @*i+'in) 4 I ha' ?e+t the @*++et p*sh the win' a@o*t an arms +en)th ?rom my ?ace in ?ront o? me. I wa+De' ?aste' an' )ot o*t o? the re)ion imme'iate+y. It is possi@+e that a man who ha' in?i+trate' the Home+an' Sec*rity an' Airport Sec*rity at the $on'on'erry Manchester Airport ha' ?ire' this shot an' misse' 5 it is pro@a@+e that this man has @een +i(in) as an imposte*r o? a 'ea' )enoci'e (ictim. ;oth ;o@ 7hapman an' 1' #occio worDe' at the Airport in $on'on'erry 5 o? the two 4 at +east ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. In the year 2005 4 1' :arren ha' sai' to Anthony 3e.eo whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 A:hatO 3i' they p*t a sniper on the roo? o(er there 4 )*yOG. 2he entire roa' s*rro*n'in) the $on'on'erry Airport has @een reconstr*cte' an' remo'e+e' since this time. A ?ew weeDs a?ter @ein) misse' @y this @*++et 4 I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e in the NewHampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire. As I ha(e mentione' 4 my ?ami+y an' the 3ion ?ami+y ha(e Dnown a+ot o? in?ormation a@o*t the 1man*e+e ?ami+y o*r entire +i(es < m*ch o? this co*+' )et the 1man*e+es arreste' ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) o? minors an' arreste' ?or 2errorism 5 ?rom what I ha(e hear' 4 it was the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who or'ere' their #oya+ Assassins to Assassinate the ?ormer presi'ent Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' attempte' to ?rame 7omm*nists ?or the assassination. My *nc+e A+ Io'ice was the )ran' son o? an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ent 1spiona)e A)ent who was pro@a@+y a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy 4 BacD 3ion was a+so o? a simi+ar ori)in an' was the son o? an Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempte' to @+acD mai+ a++ o? the Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents in North America a?ter the #ichar' NiCon Presi'entia+ A'ministration ?or p*rpose o? pre(entin) them ?rom 'e?ectin) 5 i? an Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent 'e?ecte' 4 the res*+tant in(esti)ation wo*+' +ea' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in North America an' )+o@a++y. :ater)ate in(esti)ations a+most +ea' to the in(esti)ation o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS in North America as a res*+t o? Presi'ent #ichar' NiCon an' 7IA 3irector #ichar' He+ms worDin) with A6IS S+eeper 7e++s an' were Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS a)ents themse+(es. My ?ami+y Dnew the 'escen'ants o? Ita+ian 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents an' one o? them marrie' into my ?ami+y 5 A+ Io'ice. It is a+so tr*e that my ?ami+y has Dnown that A'o+? Hit+er was ?act*a++y the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 my co*sin B*+ianna who was ?rom Sici+y 4 in?orme' *s a++ o? this. I ha(e @een to+' that BacD 3ionAs ?ather was one o? the assassins who ?ire' at Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' him to 'o it 4 I ha(e a+so @een to+' that one o? my a*ntAs eC h*s@an' A+ Io'iceAs ?ami+ia+ re+ati(es may ha(e @een the other shooter or Dnew the other shooter. 2he roa' past the Airport has @een 'rastica++y restr*ct*re' since the @ri')e an' hi)hway on ramp @ehin' the airport was @*i+t 4 the ye++ow stee+ wareho*se @*i+'in) is no +on)er in the same +ocation neCt to the 1Cec*ti(e .itness 7+*@. 2his @*++et that was ?ire' at me < was 'e?inite+y shot @y a pisto+ with a si+encer on it 4 an' was ?ire' ?rom a +on) 'istance 5 approCimate+y one month +ater 4 I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e *nDnowin) an' *nconcio*s in a hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHamphshire. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 G+enn GG3an>i)G Ana>a+oneAs @rother approache' me at the re)ister whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar an' +ooDe' inH*isiti(e+y o(er my sho*+'er at 1' an' Anthony an' then +ooDe' at the Sec*rity 7ameras 4 a?ter which he +ooDe' me in the eyes an' narrowe' his eyes as i? consi'erin) somethin). Anthony 3e.eo @ecame eCtreme+y ner(o*s at si)htin) an An>a+one an' state' 5G2hatAs one o? the An>a+one @oys... what is he 'oin) hereO 2his isnAt )oo' 4 1'. 2his isnAt )oo' at a++.G. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one o? NewBerseyAs ?ami+y a+so ha(e re+ation to this networD o? Ita+ian A6IS ?ami+ies who ha' +i(e' in the U.S.A. an' ha(e o@(io*s+y hear' simi+ar r*mo*rs 5 it is present in G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs ear+ier m*sic +yrics. 7hristine 3ion was a 'istant co*sin o? Berry an'

3oy+e o? G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs ?ormer @an' G2he Mis?itsG 4 possi@+y a %th co*sin. M*ch o? 2he Mis?its ear+ier +yrics were metaphoric re?erences to the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS in North America. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs @rother wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar to see who I was in 200% an' 2005 4 he is recor'e' @y cameras at the store 5 Anthony 3e.eo state' G2hatAs one o? the An>a+one @oys. :hatAs he 'oin) hereO 2his is not )oo' 4 1'.G . It is e(i'ent ?rom G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs +yrics on the ear+y Mis?its a+@*m GStatic A)eG an' G:a+D Amon) UsG 4 that he Dnew a+ot a@o*t the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS Mi+itant 7e++s in North America an' that he Dnew a+ot a@o*t what happene' to Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' who it was that tar)ette' the 9enne'y .ami+y. 2he son) G;*++etG is a@o*t the Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y assassination an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS accomp+ices who or'ere' the assassination 4 )an) rapin) BaH*e+ine 9enne'y a?terwar's an' threatenin) her to stay si+ent a@o*t it. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e has )an) rape' n*mero*s ?ema+es in his +i?etime 4 many o? them chi+'ren 5 he or'ers his 2errorist 7rime So+'iers to commit )ro*p rapes o? a ?ema+e as an Initiation 7rime 4 many o? these ?ema+es are chi+'ren or menAs wi(es. It is a stron) pro@a@i+ity that the GMis?itsG son) G2heme ?or a BacDa+G is a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e @ein) in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 @ein) a Pe'orast who rapes +itt+e )ir+s 4 an' @ein) a Seria+ 9i++er who Di++s entire ?ami+ies o? his (ictims. In the Ho+y ;i@+e 4 the Gson o? the BacDa+G is a metaphor which 'escri@es the Anti 7hrist. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'ere' his son 7hris 2homas to poison BacD 3ion with 3isassociati(e 3r*) an' Se'ati(es an' Porno)raph BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion when she was on+y 5 years o+'. I ha(e @een to+' that BacD 3ionAs ?ather was one o? the shooters that shot at Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y an' that two other men were ?rame' ?or it an' were p*rpose+y positione' where they co*+' )et ca*)ht an' arreste' +ater. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 two imposte*rs o? G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one were p*@+ishe' to the internet in (i'eos an' photo)raphs. 0? re+ation to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e @ein) consi'ere' 2he Anti 7hrist 5 '*rin) the year 200% < Be?? #ense o? #ense.7om p*@+ishe' an artic+e 'ec+arin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to @e the AN2I7H#IS2 4 GAnti7hristG was printe' across a photo)raph o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ?ace. It is 'e?inite that 7hristine 3ion was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r '*rin) the year 200% an' may ha(e @een a@'*cte'. It is a+so pro@a@+e that the An>a+one ?ami+y o? NewBersey may ha(e Dnown a 'istant co*sin o? my a*nt $es+ieAs eC h*s@an' A+ Io'ice who is the ?ather o? my co*sins Michae+ Io'ice an' 7hristopher Io'ice as we++ 'i' they pro@a@+y Dnow a 'istant co*sin o? my *nc+e ;ryant MacPhersonAs eC )ir+?rien' ;onnie 3amonAs in NewBersey. It is pro@a@+e that the Ita+ian ?ami+ies in NewBersey who were attacDe' @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS '*rin) the past 10 years 4 ha(e @een assassinate' as we++ as a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' < an' were tar)ette' ?or reason that they are not any +on)er in(o+(e' in the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist Acti(ity an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime on North American Soi+ 4 @*t Dnow eCact+y where the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ .ami+ies are. N*mero*s other ?ami+ies in NewBersey ha(e a+so @een attacDe' @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS since 200%. 7athryn ;*rDeAs ?ami+y 4 Stacy Sea@*ryAs ?ami+y 4 Stephanie 7onro'As ?ami+y 4 an' other ?ami+ies re+ate' to in'i(i'*a+s o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity who +i(e' in NewBersey 5 are a++ (ictims o? these attacDs. My ?rien' Benni?er $inco+n 4 who ?ormer+y +i(e' in NewBersey < was i++e)a++y *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 I @e+ie(e that this occ*rre' whi+e she was +i(in) in NewBersey an' may ha(e a+so @een 'one to her ?rien' =a+erie SchanD. I ha(e met a ?ema+e who was ?orce' to *se =a+erie SchanDAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 she +ooDe' re+ate' to Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y 5 I met her '*rin) the year 200!. A?ter I ha' @roDen *p with Min'y 9ern4 I +ater @e)an 'atin) a woman name' 9atie 7ameron. 9atie 7ameron an' I @roDe *p 4 she went to 3*rham ?or co++e)e 5 we remaine' ?rien's. I @e+ie(e that '*rin) the year 200E 4 9atie 7ameron was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 one 'ay her mo*th @e)an mo(in) an' sayin) to me 4 G2he American 3ream is 'ea'. 2he American 3ream is o(er. It sai' it on the 2e+e(ision ri)ht in ?ront o? me the other 'ay. 2here is nothin) I can 'o. 2he American 3ream is o(er.G. 3*rin) 200! 4 9atie 7ameron was #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*r. A?ter 'atin)

9atie 7ameron 4 7+arissa ;erry an' my se+? @e)an a re+ationship. :hi+e I was at worD 5 two men *n+ocDe' the 'oor to my apartment an' wa+De' into the +ocDe' apartment 4 picDe' 7+arissa ;erry *p o*t o? my @e' 4 carrie' her screamin) 'own the stairs o*tsi'e 4 an' carrie' her into the a@an'one' 3enta+ 7+inic o??ice neCt 'oor < these two men tie' her *p an' rape' her @r*ta++y. 2hese men were 'escri@e' as 7esare an' a ma+e whom was E ?eet ta++. Imme'iate+y prior to my se+? 'atin) 7+arissa ;erry 4 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico whom was the +an'+or' threatene' me twice in the apartment an' twice o(er the te+ephone 5 sayin) GI Dnow where yo* +i(eG in an eCtreme+y threatenin) an' o(ert+y intimi'atin) tone o? (oice. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico 4 was the +an'+or' < he o@(io*s+y Dnew where I +i(e'. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmicoAs Property Mana)ement @*siness was ca++e' G.+eetMaster 3e(e+opementG. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico wa+De' into my apartment *nanno*nce' n*mero*s times 4 *sin) the Dey to *n+ocD my @acD 'oor. My ?rien' Boanne whom was Sha*n .air@anDAs eC )ir+?rien' ha' @een rape' as ha' other ?ema+es 4 whi+e +i(in) at 1"5 ;ri')e Street in Manchester NewHampshire < the Mo'*s 0peren'i was the same 5 same mo'e o? entry 4 same men 4 same attacD. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 I rente' a room at 1"5 ;ri')e Street ?or p*rpose o? +ooDin) aro*n' the property ?or some time 5 the paint on the stairs is i'entica+ to the paint which Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico *se' to paint the @+*e staircase on the @acD o? the property at 155 Map+e Street '*rin) 200E. 2he @+*e on these @*i+'in)sA steps +ooDs +iDe Po+ice Ho+'in) 7e++ @+*e < this seems psycho+o)ica++y si)ni?icant to the 1man*e+es who pro@a@+y or'ere' Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico to paint the steps these co+ors 4 Berry was a Properties Stea' Ho+'er ?or the 1man*e+es an' Dnew .i+ an' =ittorio (ery we++. 2he 'ay that Berry GGera+'G 3AAmico ha' painte' the stairs 4 I pai' him rent an' he to+' me that I co*+' pay him +ater '*rin) the 'ay @eca*se he was I*st )oin) o(er to the Gother property o(er on the other si'e o? townG to ?inishin) paintin) somethin) there. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico is EA1G ?eet ta++. 2he men whom ha(e @een committin) these rapes ha(e ha' Deys to a++ o? the apartments o? the (ictimsA some how. 2he ?irst Imposte*r o? Sheena Nico+e MacPherson 4 to+' me that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico was acti(e+y in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? yo*n) ?ema+es which inc+*'e' e(en some o? his tenants. Sha*n .air@anDs was one o? 7esareAs +o*'est enemies whom wo*+' ye++ GPe'ophi+e.G 4 GPe'orast.G 4 G7hi+' Mo+ester.G 4 an' G#apistG at 7esare e(ery time he saw him. At some point '*rin) 200E 4 Boanne was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 '*rin) 200! < e(ery time Boanne wo*+' sit 'own or +ay 'own 4 her +e) wo*+' @e)in DicDin) +iDe a 'o)As +e) DicDs when itAs @e++y is patte'. :hi+e I was +i(in) at 155 Map+e Street Apartment 2 in Manchester NewHampshire Bason ;onano )ot a Io@ at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication. He asDe' me i? I wante' to 'o somethin) a?ter worD e 'ay. I @e+ie(e we went to the ma++ an' e(ent*a++y picDe' *p one o? his ?rien's in Sa+em or :in'ham. Bason a+so ha' a ?rien' whom +i(e' in 3erry. BasonAs ?ather +ooDe' possi@+y re+ate' to Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico as i? they co*+' possi@+y @e some Din' o? co*sins. Bason ;onano i'enti?ie' to some@o'y a )ir+ name' G1mi+yG who +ooDe' a+ot +iDe 1mi+y Is+es who he sai' was stayin) with some@o'y in :i+ton NewHampshire at the +ocation where he ha' 'eci'e' to @*y a @a) o? mariI*ana 5 this apartment comp+eC was @y the ri(er 'own @y the @anD o? the ri(er4 I*st @e?ore the @ri')e that +ea's to the Po+ice 3epartment. Bason ;onano intro'*ce' me to a yo*n) woman who +ooDe' re+ate' to $i> 7hristensen who appeare' on the co(er o? a Nationa+ 2e+e)raph NewsPaper '*rin) 1""8 or 1""". $i> 7hristensen was in a photo)raph with my se+? 4 3anie++e $e;+anc 4 $i> Pratt 4 an' 7ait+in L*inn 5 a+most a++ o? these ?ema+es are rape (ictims o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs. It is pro@a@+e that Bason ;onano was or'ere' to Deep tracD o? the Swe'ish )ir+ who was pro@a@+y re+ate' to $i> 7hristensen an' +i(e' in HenniDer NewHampshire. Bason ;onano ha' a Bewish ?rien' nicDname' G2oa'G who is pro@a@+y missin) an' 'ea' < it is 'e?inite that Bason ;onano an' his ?ather were *se' as tracDers @y =ittorio G=ictor 1man*e+e. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 whi+e in co++e)e < =a+erie 0+son was )oin) to @e somehow +*re' to st*'y

a@roa' in Ita+ia 5 1' .arrachi :arren was o(erhear' statin) GSheAs )oin) to @e o(er there st*'yin) a@roa' 4 theyAre )oin) to @e o(er there st*'yin) a @roa'N /o* Dnow what I meanOG . 1'As statement '*rin) the years 200% or 2005 was not then Dnown to concern =a+erie 0+son @*t has now @een 'etermine' to @e a statement in re)ar's to =a+erie. 3*rin) the year 2005 < Mosta?a I@nSa*' was intro'*ce' to an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son whom pose' ?or photo)raphs with Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 a Hon'*ran who was impersonatin) an A+@anian with whom he ha' pro@a@+y tra'e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with 4 an' an Ita+ian ma+e whom +ooDe' +iDe he was +iDe+y to @e the @io+o)ica+ @rother or ?irst co*sin o? the man whom ha' *se' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7re'it 7ar' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire to @*y c+eanin) pro'*cts. 2he Hon'*ran posin) as an imposte*r A+@anian ma+e was wearin) =a+erie 0+sonAs G2he SmithsG @an' t shirt an' was +ater proporte'+y p+annin) to marry the imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son. I 'o not @e+ie(e that Mosta?a I@nSa*' rea+i>e' that =a+erie 0+son was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r < I 'i' not at ?irst rea+i>e it my se+?. :hen I met Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or the secon' time in ;oston 4 he to+' me not to te++ .i+ 1man*e+e his te+ephone n*m@er or his wherea@o*ts 5 ?or reason that Mosta?a ha' 'isco(ere' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was a rapist. Mosta?a I@nSa*' was ?rien's with my ?rien's #yan Har(ey 4 7har+es =ar)era 4 2ai :y@an 4 3a(e $ee 4 an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi. A?ter my se+? an' Min'y 9ern stoppe' 'atin) eachother. :hom I tho*)ht was =a+erie 0+son an' my se+? reconnecte'. 2he ?irst Imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son whom +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ an' so*n'e' i'entica+ (oca++y has now @een rea+i>e' to ha(e @een a #*ssian ?ema+e < I ha(e notice' that ?or reason that her an' I )ot a+on) (ery we++ 4 the #*ssian imposte*r whom was o@(io*s+y a H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictim was swappe' with a secon' in'i(i'*a+ @e?ore I co*+' )et in?ormation o*t o? her concernin) the rea+ =a+erieAs wherea@o*ts an' why she has @een ?orce' to preten' to @e my ?irst +o(e =a+erie 0+son. 2he secon' =a+erie 0+son imposte*r was cr*e+ an' impossi@+e to )et a+on) with. 3*rin) my ear+y teena)e years < =a+erie 0+son an' I were insepera@+e 5 when we were not 'atin) 4 =a+erie an' I were @est ?rien's. .i+ 1man*e+e state' '*rin) 200% whi+e in Manchester NewHampshire the wor's G I hate +o(e G 4 =a+erie 0+son an' my se+? were Dnown to a+most e(ery person whom either o? *s ha' e(er Dnown as @ein) comp+ete+y *nchan)ea@+y in +o(e with eachother. 7*rrent+y 4 there is a 3r' =a+erie 0+son imposte*r on her .ace@ooD Pro?i+e. 2he ?act*a+ =a+erie 0+son was +ast con?irma@+y seen in 2005. 2he photo)raph o? her sittin) on the @each an' 'rawin) what +ooDs +iDe a NewGran)e Spira+ in ?ront o? her in the san' 4 is the ?act*a+ =a+erie 0+son. :hi+e at Hampton ;each '*rin) 200% with .i+ 1man*e+e 4 2ony Grasseti 4 an' the others whom were with *s 5 ;ren'an P+ace ha' asDe' me a h*mo*ro*s H*estion a@o*t a ?ema+e that ha' wa+De' past *s. I ha' state' that the ?ema+e was not near+y as @ea*ti?*+ as =a+erie 0+son. 2he h*mo*r +e' to =a+erie @ein) ca++e' the on+y G10G on a sca+e o? G1G to G10G that there is. As I ha(e mentione' < .i+ 1man*e+e state' that he hate' +o(e +ater that month4 with an hate?*+ +ooD *pon his ?ace. 7*rrent+y < there eCists a strip c+*@ ca++e' 2ens at Sa+is@*ry ;each which is where we ha' wa+De' to '*rin) the con(ersation concernin) =a+erie 0+son. 2here is a+so a @ar ca++e' G:icDe'G. 3*rin) 200E< the imposte*r =a+erie 0+son to+' me that she ha' @een rea'in) the @ooD G:icDe'G whi+e in Ita+ia. G:icDe'G is otherwise Dnown as Gthe Unto+' Story o? the :itches o? 0>G4 it is @ase' *pon .ranD ;a*mAs G:i>ar' o? 0PG. 2he SDin o? the G:icDe' :itchG 1+pha@a. 2he :icDe' :itch 1+pha@a is cite' as ha(in) @een @orn with )reen sDin '*e to her @io+o)ica+ ?ather 'rinDin) a @ott+e o? )reen e+iCer. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een @ein) *se' since at +east 200% to m*tate the 1man*e+esA (ictimsA 3NA 4 chan)in) their appearance. 3*rin) 200E 4 the imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son ha' atten'e' :ine 2astin)s with =a+erie 0+sonAs mother < this was poste' on her MySpace.7om Pro?i+e as we++ as her .ace;ooD Pro?i+e in +ater years. 3*rin) 2005 5 a poster was tape' to win'ows in either ;oston or Manchester NewHampshire a'(ertisin) G2he :ines o? 0PG which was a :ine 2astin) e(ent. It is pro@a@+e that this was hoste' @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman 4 a re+ati(e o? a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman 4 or some other associate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 5 this wo*+' ha(e @een so ?or the p*rpose o? =ittorioAs A)ents meetin) in'i(i'*a+s in the re)ion an' tar)ettin) in?+*entia+ ?ami+ies as we++ as

ini'i(*a+s re+ate' to =ittorioAs Sta+Din) =ictims. I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that my ?ather atten'e' G2he :ines 0? 0PG :ine 2astin) e(ent with his )ir+?rien'. 3*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 at my ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire4 '*rin) which =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas was present an' ha' arri(e' with my *nc+e A+ Io'ice 5 my mother 'resse' as 1+pha@a the Green SDinne' :itch o? the :est an' 7hristine 3ion 'resse' as a :itch cost*me as we++. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I witnesse' a woman wa+D into .ami+y 3o++ar whom +ooDe' i'entica+ to =a+erie 0+son that ha' a Genetic Here'itary SDin 3isease which pro'*ces what appears to @e enormo*s pinD mo+es a++ o(er the sDin. 2hese pinD mo+es are the si>e o? mar@+es. It is entire+y possi@+e to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate any Genetic 3NA o? a person < c*rin) 'iseases 4 or ca*sin) here'itary )enetic 'iseases. 2he woman whom +ooDe' i'entica+ to =a+erie 0+son an' may ha(e @een the ?act*a+ =a+erie 0+son ha' enormo*s pinD mo+es a++ o(er her ?ace an' a++ o(er her @o'y4 she +ooDe' (ery sa'. 3*rin) the co*rse o? the @roa'way m*sica+ an' @ooD G:icDe'G < the anima+s o? 0P +ose their a@i+ity to speaD to one another 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 an' their )enoci'a+ Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the sD*++s o? H*man 7i(i+ians an' Acti(e 3*ty Mi+itary @oth < many o? these peop+e were pre(ente' ?rom @ein) a@+e to speaD or to speaD to speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s 4 one o? these @ein) my 10 year o+' sister whom was a@'*cte'. 2he ?act*a+ =a+erie 0+son is racia++y Norwe)ian on her ?atherAs si'e an' Gae+ic 7ana'ian on her motherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y < the imposte*rs ha(e a++ appeare' to @e 'i??erent races. 3*rin) 2005 4 I witnesse' a .ema+e wa+D into .ami+y 3o++ar who was +ooDin) stran)e+y at me 5 she +ooDe' i'entica+ to A@@ey 1t+in)er @*t ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe a M*+atto. A@@ey 1t+in)er is Israe+i an' 3e*tsche+an'er. 2here is c*rrent+y a ?ema+e who has @een *sin) A@@ey 1t+in)erAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s who is not her. 2he act o? *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate h*man )enetics to chan)e the appearance an' shape o? h*man @ein)s 4 chan)in) comp+eCion an' shape as we++ as maDin) it appear as i? the personAs race m*tate' into a 'i??erent race or the sDin o? the person m*tate' to )row toa' +iDe mo+es a++ o(er their sDin is reminiscent o? the concept o? a .airey 2a+e :icDe' :itch who casts spe++s on h*mans t*rnin) them into a ?ro) 4 a mo*se 4 chan)in) their sDin co+or 4 )i(in) them c*rses 4 )i(in) them 'iseases 4 or a+terin) their +i?e in some other way to maDe them misera@+e. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate reH*ire that their 2errorist 7rime So+'iers commit speci?ic Initiation 7rimes that inc+*'e SeC 0??enses an' =io+ence *pon chi+'ren an' a@'*ction o? chi+'ren whom are so+' to SeC 2ra??icDers 5 my Mother was a repeate' (ictim o? =ittorioAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs crimes @etween the a)es o? 5 an' 1%. 3*rin) the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 5 my Mother an' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter @oth 'resse' *p in :itch cost*mes. 2he n*m@ers 1% an' 88 ha(e @ecome n*merica+ acronymsto the :hite Power 7omm*nity in North America an' other re)ions o? the wor+' 4 meanin) 5 G:e M*st Sec*re the 1Cistence o? o*r #ace an' a .*t*re ?or :hite 7hi+'renG which are 3a(i' $aneAs G1% :or'sG an' 88 which is GH.H.G which means GHai+ Hit+erG. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y may try to *se the ?act that some o? their crimes were committe' '*rin) 1"88 an' the ?act that my Mother was their 7rime Syn'icateAs (ictim ?or " years 4 which en'e' at a)e 1% *nti+ she +ater @ecame their (ictim a)ain 5 as a ?a@ricate' a+i@i4 c+aimin) that it is ?a@ricate' an' is a s+an'ero*s conspiracy a)ainst their ?ami+y ?or reason that they are the Ita+ian #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the n*m@ers were 1% an' A88. 2he ?act that these n*m@ers ha(e @ecome re+e(ant to the :hite Power comm*nity an' the ?act that Ha++oween is a+so Dnown as GSamhainG 4 GSamhainG a+so @ein) the name o? the @an' which G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one ?o*n'e' '*rin) the 1""0As 5 these ?acts o@(io*s+y maDe =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e paranoi' that peop+e may possi@+y Dnow what his ?ami+y has 'one. 7*rrent+y 4 in the North 1ast o? North America < there arre h*n're's o? ?ami+ies missin) 5 most o? them ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom are Ita+ian an' are carryin) the Americans I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. #e' an' Green are the co+ors o? the Nationa+ .+a) o? Ita+ia 5 my mother was 3Q8 .irst Nations Nati(e American an' painte' her sDin Green '*rin) Ha++oween o? 1"88 4 when she 'resse' as 1+pha@a the :icDe' :itch o? the :est ?rom .ranD

;a*mAs :i>ar' o? 0>. A racia+ s+an) termino+o)y ?or a .irst Nations Nati(e American is G#e' SDin.G. BacD 3ion painte' a S.S. 2oten9op? masD on his wi?e S*eAs ?ace 4 with a cracD in the ?orehea' 5 S*e 3ion was 'resse' in a @+acD we''in) )own. BacD 3ion 4 whoAs )ran'?ather was an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent an' whoAs ?ami+y Dnew the 1man*e+es < 'ec+are' in ?ront o? =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas that his p+ain c+othes were his cost*me. I was 'resse' as a Pirate4 the Sh*t>Sta??e+ 2oten9op? was the GSD*++ an' 7rosse' ;onesG Bo++y #o)er insi)nia. 2he Sh*t>Sta??e+ were most+y Nationa+ists that ser(e' in the A6IS .orei)n $e)ion 4 *nDnowin) that their Nation was a@o*t to @e in(a'e' @y the +e)ions which the A6IS ?rom e+sewhere. My Mother an' .ather were @oth o? Nati(e American races 5 my Mother was .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 .ranDic American 4 an' Gae+ic < my ?ather was An)+o Gae+ic USAmerican 4 L*e@ecois 4 an' An)+o Gae+ic 7ana'ian. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas 'r*))e' a++ o? the a'*+ts at the party an' 7hi+' Porno)raphe' a++ o? the chi+'ren present inc+*'in) BacD 3ionAs 3a*)hter 4 my co*sins 4 my se+? 4 Samantha G*ay 4 an' my 1 year o+' in?ant sister who he st*cD his ?in)ers insi'e o? to tra'e ;+acD Mai+ Photo)raphs with a 7rime $or' in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren an' NAM;$A. 2he NAM;$A 7rime $or' SeC 2ra??icDer appeare' at my ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire in 1""E or 1""! an' attempte' to @+acD mai+ my .ather *sin) the name G3o*)+as PierceG 5 this man was not 3o*)+as Pierce o? the @an' 3eath in B*ne4 @*t *se' his name as an a+ias more than once in New Hampshire an' ;oston Massach*settes. My .ather ha' a +o*' ar)*ment on the te+ephone with this man which conc+*'e' with my .ather screamin) GI wi++ not s*@mit to @+acD mai+NG a?ter which he h*n) the phone *p so (io+ent+y that he @roDe the phone. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons are o@sesse' with their own )*i+t an' ha(e a (ery 'e+icate Psycho+o)y which is sensiti(e to speci?ic concepts an' react with Psycho+o)ica+ eCtremities to speci?ic concepts. Since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 the 1man*e+es an' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een +i(in) the the USA as a res*+t o? their ?ami+ies ?+eein) the N*rem@*r) Ho+oca*st In(esti)ations as a res*+t o? their )*i+t < their :ar 7rimes *pon races o? peop+es an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity ha(e contin*e' on North American Soi+ as we++ as in re)ions s*ch as ;ra>i+ an' since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 they ha(e @een +i(in) as 1nemy 7om@atant 1nemies o? the State an' @are+y a(oi'e' 'etection thro*)ho*t the history o? their ?ami+ies +i(es in the Americas. M*ch o? the 1man*e+es an' the #oya+ ;+oo'e' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e +i(e' in Massach*settes 4 #ho'e Is+an' 4 New /orD 4 New Bersey 4 New Hampshire 4 an' other +ocations c+ose to these re)ions o? the USA. 2he G$ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emenG is ?act*a++y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he 1st imposte*r =a+erie 0+son was +i(in) in an apartment in ;oston with an Irish Gae+ic woman whom )rew *p in Massach*settes. 2he 1st imposte*r =a+erie 0+son was s*ppose'+y arran)e' to marry an A+@anian. 2he imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+sonAs roommate +ie' an' c+aime' that she was s*ppose'+y 'atin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' was en)a)e' to e(ent*a++y possi@+y marry him. 3*rin) the year 2011 5 I met a man c+aimin) to @e ;rian Mason whom c+aime' to @e ?rien's with =a+erie 0+son < this man was an imposte*r whom was ?rien's with the 3r' imposte*r. 2his man preten'in) to @e ;rian Mason appeare' as i? he may ha(e ori)ina++y @een an imposte*r o? 3o*) Smith 4 whom I worDe' with at .ami+y 3o++ar. .or in(esti)ati(e p*rposes < '*rin) 2005 an' 200E 4 I ha' *se' my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone to ca++ the imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son whom I ha' @e+ie(e' was =a+erie at that time. 2he Imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+sonAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone was 'e?inite+y *se' to ca++ #ache+ an' possi@+y at some point *se' @y #ache+ to ca++ Mosta?a I@nSa*'. It is a+so pro@a@+e that this womanAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone was *se' to ca++ some@o'y c+ose+y connecte' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e or =ittorio 1man*e+e. 3*e to this woman ha(in) some@o'yAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s whom is possi@+y 'ea' an' a )enoci'e (ictim 4 the USA P.A.2.#.I.0.2. Act is app+ica@+e an' a++ o? this womanAs 1+ectronic #ecor's are +e)a++y accessi@+e to in(esti)ations. 3*rin) what was approCimate+y Septem@er o? 200! < whi+e (isitin) Ste(e .it>)era+' in Nash*a

NewHampshire 4 I saw 3ennis 0+son at Ste(e .it>)era+'As apartment 5 3ennis was (isitin) #o@ ;ishop4 Ste(e .it>)era+'As roommate at the time. 3ennis 0+son is =a+erie 0+sonAs @rother. 3ennis +ooDe' s*rprise' to see me an' state' G/o* *se' to 'ate my sisterG an' +ooDe' happy to see me @*t con?*se' a@o*t somethin) concernin) his sister =a+erie. I @e+ie(e 3ennis 0+son ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++ a+rea'y in Septem@er o? 200!. I ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain '*rin) May o? 200!. It is possi@+e that Ste(e .it>)era+' has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r now. Ste(e .it>)era+' was +i(in) in Somer(i++e Massach*settes with 3a(e 3o'son 4 Bosh $an)@er) 4 an' Bosh ;arnes. In 200" 4 Bosh ;arnes to+' me that he met Aaron 1man*e+e at a Gay 7+*@ in ;oston an' that Aaron ha' a'mitte' to @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'Nephew. Bosh ;arnes a+so sai' that Aaron 1man*e+e was in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 2ransSeC*a+s. Aaron 1man*e+e Dnew my eC )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen when they were yo*n)er. Aaron 1man*e+e to+' me that he )rew *p in #an'o+ph Massach*settes. 3a(e 3o'son *se' to Dnow 3anie+ Myer o? Ha*Io@@ 4 one o? my ?a(orite @an's. 3*rin) the year 200" < whi+e my se+? an' some ?rien's were at 7enter?o+'s Strip 7+*@ in ;oston Massach*settes 4 a son) ?rom the a+@*m Po+arity was p+aye' whi+e a 1rotic 3ancer Stripper per?orme'. Ha*Io@@ is not somethin) that wo*+' e(er @e p+aye' at a Strip 7+*@ 4 it was a+so somethin) I ha' I*st recent+y @een +istenin) to. Ste(e .it>)era+' seems to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. In 200" 4 this imposte*r ma'e 'is)*stin) pe'orastic seC*a+ comments a@o*t the +itt+e )ir+ who has @een +i(in) as imposte*r o? my sister 7he+sey. I @e+ie(e that this +itt+e )ir+ is pro@a@+y An)+o Gae+ic an' .ranDic 4 she +ooDs (ery m*ch +iDe my sister 7he+sey @*t is not o? .irst Nations Nati(e American race. 2his +itt+e )ir+ has @een threatene' repeate'+y an' I @e+ie(e that she has @een rape' repeate'+y 5 she is *nwi++in) to ta+D a@o*t who she is an' has @een ?orce' to *se my sister 7he+seyAs name. She +ooDs re+ate' to one o? the @+in' ?ema+es that I saw wa+Din) in Manchester NewHampshire that ha' @een @+in'e' @y the 1man*e+esA Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' rape' as an initiation crime. 2he woman who she +ooDs re+ate' to appears to @e An)+o Gae+ic an' Norwe)ian 5 it is a possi@i+ity that these ?ema+es are o? an An)+o Gae+ic an' .ranDic 7ana'ian ?ami+y that marrie' Norwe)ians in 7ana'a. It is a possi@i+ity that I was +ie' to a@o*t Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister @ein) a@'*cte' 4 7he+seyAs imposte*r to+' me that she ha' a Gs*@stit*te teacherG name' Ms. 9Ie++son. It is possi@+e that $ars (iDernes has co*sins in 7ana'a or that these are =a+erie 0+sonAs co*sin or e(en 'istant co*sins o? my own ?rom 7ana'a. 2he woman that +ooDe' re+ate' to the H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictim that has @een ?orce' to +i(e as imposte*r o? my sister 7he+sey is @+on'e an' +ooDs to @e approCimate+y the same a)e as my se+?. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that was p*t in my sD*++ 4 was p*t in my sD*++ an' )ra?te' to my @rain on the same weeD that my wrist s*r)ery ha' occ*rre' at Mass Genera+ Hospita+ in ;oston Massach*settes. $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi ha' @een in ;oston Massach*settes when a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' '*rin) 200E an' she ha' attempte' to te++ me as we++ as Po+ice 3epartment. 2he car acci'ent which occ*rre' on MotherAs 3ay '*rin) the year 2000 ha' res*+te' in my wrist @ein) impa+e' @y a tree @ranch '*rin) the a*tomoti(e acci'ent 5 a?ter n*mero*s s*r)eries which occ*rre' '*rin) the ?o++owin) two weeDs 4 my ?in)ers were reconstr*cte' an' my wrist was )ra?te' with a )ra?t o? sDin that was taDen ?rom my +ower hip < this +e?t what has the appearance o? a sti)mata wo*n' on my wrist. A Sti)mata wo*n' is a wo*n' that +ea(es what +ooDs +iDe a 7r*ci?iCion scar 5 '*rin) the year 200% 4 Be?? #ense p*@+ishe' an artic+e on his we@site #ense.7om wherein which he 'ec+are' =ittorio 1man*e+e I= to @e the Anti7hrist. Be?? #enseAs artic+e was p*@+ishe' a?ter he recei(e' an emai+ ?rom an associate o? Henry MaDowAs whom ha' @een to+' the tr*th a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parents 5 '*rin) 200% 4 I ha' emai+e' Henry MaDow te++in) him the tr*th a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ parents an' was con?ronte' imme'iate+y an' threatene' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames as we++ as sta+De' @y his ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his other @rother whom was a+so a'opte' @y a $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?ami+y in the U.S.A. who is name' Aaron. =ittorio was in?*riate' a?ter Be?? #enseAs artic+e was p*@+ishe' as we++ as was =ittorio *ncom?orta@+e a@o*t a statement which was ma'e @y a 7atho+ic c*stomer whom approache' my re)ister whi+e at .ami+y

3o++ar concernin) my scars which was G:ow 4 a rea+ sti)mataN Now I Dnow I ha(e seen e(erythin)NG. My ri)ht han' is a+so scarre' 4 it has a meta+ p+ate ho+'in) the rin) ?in)erAs meta carpa+ to)ether 5 the meta+ p+ate has % pins in it 4 ho+'in) it to the @one which ha' @een @roDen in ha+? '*rin) the year 2000 @y an inI*ry. 2he +e?t wrist is scarre' an' the ri)ht han' has a one inch scar on it. B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 whom ha' tar)ette' my A*nt B*+iannaAs entire ?ami+y ?or eCtermination @e?ore they ?+e' Sici+y 5 was the #oman Aristocratic ;+oo'e' ;aron o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom was r*mo*re' to @e a 'escen'ant o? the 7aesar Israe+i whom earne' the tit+e 7aesar Israe+i *pon conH*erin) Israe+ as we++ as the 'escen'ant o? a #oman 1mperor. B*+i*s 1(o+a was the 'esi)ner o? the 3r' #eichAs I'entity an' was a #oman Imperia+ #econstr*ctionist 1Ctremist whom was en)ineerin) i'entities ?or A6IS pop*+ations an' was an eCtreme+y hi)h ranDin) mem@er o? the Sh*t>Sta??e+ whom worDe' ?or the Ahnener@e. I @e+ie(e that the weeD o? my s*r)ery at ;oston Mass Genera+ Hospita+ in 2000 was p*rpose+y 'eci'e' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e or .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to @e the weeD that I wo*+' @e )ettin) i++e)a++y hospita+i>e' @y Po+ice 0??icers an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which consists o? a Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to the ;rain 4 which is wire' to a ro*ter @eneath the ear+o@e @ehin' the ear'r*m 4 the #o*ter an' Micro ;attery are tacDe' insi'e the Baw 7a(ity o? the MaCi++o?acia+ re)ion near the @ase o? the wis'om tooth at the corner o? the Iaw. 3*rin) the weeD o? 2hanDsGi(in) in No(em@er o? 200! 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ca++e' 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs )ran'?ather an' or'ere' him to ha(e his 'a*)hter 3e@@ie poison me with ;+acD Mo+' in a 7o??ee 7*p. 2he 7o??ee 7*p which was *se' was the same $ar)e P+astic 7o??ee 7*p that :i++iam Hano(er ha' or'ere' a 3*nDin 3on*ts co??ee at my re)ister ?rom me I*st prior to this whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin) 3on*ts. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are (ery sym@o+ic in their attacDs an' pyscho+o)y. My mother is .irst Nations Nati(e American an' a Mesti>o o? a+so .ranDic American an' Irish Gae+ic race 4 my ?ather is An)+oGae+ic American an' .ranDic 7ana'ian 5 2hanDs)i(in) is an American Ho+i'ay which is inten'e' to @e a 'ay o? respect an' appreciation ?or s*stainance an' home+an' 4 the tra'ition @ein) starte' @y 7o+onia+ Americans an' .irst Nations Nati(e Americans whom were their nei)h@ors < the partic*+ar 7o+onia+ Americans with whom the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans ha' eaten their 2hanDsGi(in) 3inner with were ;ritish 7o+onists whom were sti++ ;ritish 7iti>enry. GM*r'ere' ;y the Monarchy 5 I++*minati 3G was +ater create' an' attri@*te' to 3a(i' IcDe 4 wherein s+an'ero*s statements are ma'e which s*))est that the ;ritish Monarchy m*r'ere' some@o'y < the 1man*e+eAs attempte' ;+acD Mo+' Poisonin) ?ai+e' when BosephAs 'a*)hter 3e@@ie )a(e to me the +ar)e 3*nDin 3on*ts P+astic 7*p with MaCwe++ Ho*se co??ee in it an' @+acD mo+' in the @ottom. I recei(e' a teCt messa)e +ater that ni)ht which was 5 G3i' yo* say A.Ni)erOG this @ein) a re?erence to Asper)i++*s Ni)er or ;+acD Asper)i++*s 4 the mo+' was act*a++y Stachy@otrys. 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather Boe owne' a )ray SharDsDin s*it that +ooDe' +iDe a Pee :ee Herman s*it ma'e o? SharD SDin. 2ay+a ca++e' it his APee :ee Herman S*itA . Pee:ee Herman is o? re+e(ance to what happene' at the Ha++oween Party o? 1"88 an' what 7hris 2homas 'i' to 7hristine 3ion an' my se+?. 3*rin) 3ecem@er o? 200!4 a +ar)e nee'+e with a p+*n)er on it was *se' to inIect some Din' o? S*r)ica+ Imp+ant into my ?orearm whi+e at So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 this 'e(ice [[ #.I3 S7ANV /12 20 ;1 1N21#13 H1#1 \\ is either a #a'io .reH*ency I'enti?ication 3e(ice or a G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice < this is the same +ocation that Prisoner N*m@ers were tattooe' on Ho+oca*st =ictimsA .ore Arms '*rin) the 1"%0As in 1*rope. GMarD o? the ;eastG means the GMarD o? the ;east o? $a@orG 5 a G;east o? $a@orG is a @east o? @*r'en that is a h*man < in other wor's4 a s+a(e with no h*man ri)hts. It was Gpre'icte'G @y a ;osnian seeress '*rin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +i?e that the GAnti7hristG wo*+' 'o this. I @e+ie(e that this is a++ techno+o)y that B*+i*s 1(o+a was researchin) < ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces *se' with Ne*roScience So?tware to ro@ot an' ens+a(e h*man @ein)s permanant+y @y contro++in) the entire e+ectro ma)netics o? their ne*ro+o)y as we++ as research in(o+(in) #a'io .reH*ency techno+o)ies *se' with S*r)ica+ Imp+ants s*ch as those ;io+o)ists *se on non h*man anima+s. 3*rin) 200% 4 I worDe' with a ;osnian woman at

worD 5 whi+e we were worDin) < 3 Ser@ian terrorists came into the store an' stare' hate?*++y at me 4 an' a?terwar's wa+De' o*t. I @e+ie(e that '*rin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +i?e 4 he set *p a .ascist 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in Ser@ia 5 Me'I*)orIe is in ;osnia which is neCt to Ser@ia. It is pro@a@+e that a 'e?ector whom was a Ser@ian 7atho+ic ?o*n' o*t a@o*t what ha' @een p+anne' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' sn*cD the in?ormation into ;osnia. 2he Ser@ian :ar 7rimina+s whom ha(e @een committin) 7rimes A)ainst H*manity *pon ;osnians as we++ as Ser@ians 4 seem to @e SeC 2ra??icDers an' ha(e @een 2ra??icDin) the .ema+es o? the ?ami+ies which they ha(e @een eCterminatin). Most o? the ;osnians whom mo(e' to 3e*tsche+an' an' the USA '*rin) the past 20 years ha(e @een re?*)ees. 3*rin) the year 200E < #yan Har(ey an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi were @oth somehow S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices. $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi attempte' n*mero*s times to write witness statements an' 'e+i(er :itness Statements to Po+ice in ;oston Massach*settes. $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi was pre(ente' ?rom @ein) a@+e to ta+D ?or a +on) time an' ?or +on) perio's o? time. $a*ra attempte' to write G$A#/NGI2ISG on a paper car' an' 'e+i(er the :itness Statement to Po+ice in ;oston Massach*settes as we++ as other re)ions. Ben $inco+n trie' to 'o the eCact same thin). 3*rin) 200% 4 a te+e(ision series aire' which inc+*'e' an episo'e that in(o+(e' a Seria+ 9i++er an' a 7rime Syn'icate whom were S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) Ne*roGra?ts on the Me'*+a 0@+on)ata an' ;rain Stem re)ion o? their H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' contro++in) them +iDe ro@ots *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 3*rin) the year 200% < a te+e(ision show aire' '*rin) which an episo'e ca++e' G$aryn)itisG was sche'*+e'. 2he G$aryn)itisG episo'e in(o+(e' n*mero*s crimes @ein) reporte' @y peop+e whom co*+' not ta+D an' wrote G$aryn)itisG on paper an' wrote :itness Statements. 3*rin) the month that $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi attempte' to 'e+i(er the :itness Statement n*mero*s times < $a*raAs mo*th starte' mo(in) an' state' 5 GHa(e yo* e(er hear' o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aceO ItAs a Ne*roScience 'e(ice that connects a @rain to a comp*ter. I saw a ?i+m in c+ass the other 'ay. 3*rin) this ?i+m the Ne*roScientists connecte' a 'o)As @rain to a comp*ter an' connecte' it to so?tware that ena@+e' the 'o) to speaD thro*)h the speaDers. 2he 'o) 'i' not speaD to peop+e as i? it were speaDin) at peop+e4 @*t the 'o)As tho*)hts spoDe thro*)h the comp*ter speaDers.G I asDe' $a*ra 4 G:hat 'i' it ha(e to sayOG to which $a*ra rep+ie' 4 GNot m*ch important4 it was I*st (ery annoyin).G. 2his re?erence to 'o)s 4 is o@(io*s+y reminiscent o? the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e since the 'ay '*rin) 200% that 2ony Grasseti an' I met him in Manchester NewHampshire 5 '*rin) this 'ay .i+ 1man*e+e ha' instr*cte' his ?rien' to asD the H*estion G:o*+' yo* Di++ 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians to pre(ent the 'eath o? 20 mi++ion o? yo*r peop+eO I wo*+'.G < 2ony Grasseti ha' worn an e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice an' recor'e' this 4 a?terwar's recor'in) .i+As ?rien' a'mittin) that .i+ ha' to+' him to say it. It appears 'e?inite that .i+ 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS HacDers sto+e the e+ectronic ?i+e ?rom 2ony GrassetiAs on+ine 'ata stora)e we@ space 4 which res*+te' in .i+ 1man*e+e +istenin) to the entire recor'in). A+so4 re+e(ant concernin) 'o)s is the Science artic+e which ha' @een p*@+ishe' that was a@o*t Ne*roScience 'isco(eries in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' 7anine 2est S*@Iects which were tricDe' into @e+ie(in) a ?orei)n stran)er was their trainer @y metho' o? con?*sin) the @rainAs sha'ow reco)nition an' other i'enti?yin) ?actors. 2his may ha(e @een 'isc*sse' with 1' :arren @*t was certain+y 'isc*sse' at my apartment on Haywar' Street which seeme' to @e somehow constant+y @ein) recor'e' < I Dnow this ?or reason that the 2e+e(ision was '*@@e' constant+y to inc+*'e statements @ein) H*ote' an' concepts @ein) portraye' which were resem@+ant o? 'isc*ssion content. 3*rin) the year 1"88 < .i++i@ertoAs o+'er @rother 7hris 2homas p*t a 'o) co++ar an' a +eash on my co*sin Monica MosesDy an' o*r ?ami+y ?rien' Samantha G*ay an' ?orce' them to participate in 7hi+' Porno)raphy that he photo)raphe'. 2ony Grasseti ha' a+so 'e+i(ere' the recor'in)s o? o*r meetin)s with .i+ 1man*e+e to m*+tip+e Po+ice 3epartments '*rin) the year 200%. 0? re+e(ance to 'o)s < there are two 'o) stat*es in ?ront o?

the #a'isson 5 .i+ 1man*e+e was @e+itt+e' an' mocDe' @y his ?rien' in the (icinity o? these 'o) stat*es neCt to P+easant Street in Manchester NewHampshire across the street ?rom the =eteranAs ParD :or+' :ar 2 Memoria+. At this +ocation 4 I to+' .i+ 1man*e+e that I +o(e' 1mi+y Is+es an' con?ronte' him a@o*t his IoDe that he ha' ma'e statin) that he was )oin) to GShit 'own her throat an' rape it a?terwar'sG. .i+i@erto 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran'nephew 5 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi an' #yan Har(ey were to+' this '*rin) 200%. :hi+e $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e +i(in) in ;oston 4 n*mero*s thin)s happene'. ;oston Po+ice 0??icer Sean Gannon4 was arran)e' to ?i)ht A?rican American crimina+ 9im@o S+ice in a @asement )ara)e 5 9im@o S+ice +ot the ?i)ht '*e to Sean Gannon who p*t 9im@o S+ice in a )*i++otine choDe ho+'. Sean Gannon was the on+y Gae+ic ma+e present an' was eCtreme+y o*tn*m@ere' @y A?rican Americans an' some other races o? peop+e. 3*rin) the year 1"8" 4 when =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas was assa*+te' @y my three year o+' co*sin Michae+ Io'ice 5 Michae+ Io'ice acc*se' 7hris 2homas o? rapin) him in his s+eep. Michae+ ye++e' at 7hris 2homas a?ter @itin) his han' 4 p*nchin) him 4 an' DicDin) him GI hate yo* 7hris 2homasN /o*Are meanN $ast ni)ht yo* p*t somethin) in meNG to which 7hris 2homas rep+ie'4 GNo I 'i'nAt. It was thermometer. It was a ci)arette.G a?ter which Michae+ Io'ice ye++e' 4GNo it wasnAt 4 it was +ar)eN It wasnAt no thermometerNG. My *nc+e Scot 7arty wa+De' *p to 7hris 2homas an' )ra@@e' the @acD o? 7hris 2homasAs hea' an' p*++e' it 'own 4 p*ttin) him in a )*i++otine choDe ho+'. 3*rin) the year 2003 4 7hristine 3ion ma'e a IoDe a@o*t her hat @ein) a GPe+'a HatG < '*rin) the year 200E 4 A++ysa G*sta(son ma'e the same IoDe a@o*t her hat. 2he GPe+'a HatG was the same hat that the possi@+e imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' was wearin). It is a Dnit cap ma'e @y 99 $o(e Int+. 7ompany. 3*rin) the year 1"8" 4 I mentione' to 7hris 2homasAs @rother who is another ha+? @rother o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs < that I ha' )otten to Gannon on Pe+'a an' that some@o'y 'e+ete' my ASa(eA 5 Gannon is the name o? the ;oss Monster in the Ninten'o (i'eo )ame 2he $e)en' o? Pe+'a. Sean Gannon 4 the Irish ;oston Po+ice 0??icer =S. 9im@o S+ice 4 the re?orme' 7rimina+ t*rne' M*s+im ;oCer 5 +ooDs +iDe a #ace :ar @asement )ara)e @oCin) match on (i'eo that was poste' to /o*2*@e.7om . 3*rin) the year 2000 4 #o@ert #o'on to+' his son that they were eCterminatin) the Nati(e North American #aces soon an' rapin) as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDin) a++ o? the ?ema+es soon 5 my co*sin Michae+ Io'ice was 3Q1E .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 +iDe my se+?. Michae+ Io'iceAs mother was my MotherAs sister $es+ie $a=oie. $es+ie $a=oie 4 was 3Q8 .irst Nations Nati(e American +iDe my Mother. Michae+ Io'ice was 3 1Q2 years o+' when he awoDe to 7hris 2homas rapin) him ana++y an' co(erin) Michae+As mo*th with his han'. 2he Shie+' 7rest ?rom the $e)en' o? Pe+'a 4 +ooDs simi+ar to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy Shie+' 7rest. 3*rin) the year 2005 an a)ain '*rin) 2011 5 two po+ice o??icers with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation were si)hte' 4 these men @oth +ooDe' +iDe the actor MarD :a+@*r). MarD :a+@*r) o?ten p+ays the ro+e o? a ;oston Po+ice 0??icer in n*mero*s mo(ies. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 the mo(ie G2eam AmericaG was pro'*ce' G '*rin) this mo(ie 4 the U.S.A. was 'e?en'e' @y the .i+m Actors G*i+' - the .AG 8 who @etray an' near+y 'estroy the U.S.A. . 3*rin) the year 2005 4 3a(e $ee an' my se+? ma'e IoDes a@o*t my se+? @ein) 7ammie ?rom the (i'eo )ame Street .i)hter 3 an' 3a(e $ee @ein) 7h*n $ee ?rom the (i'eo )ame Street .i)hter 3. 2he Ser@ian that wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar an' stare' threatenin)+y at me in 2005 4 +ooDe' +iDe the character 2i)er ?rom the (i'eo)ame Street.i)hter 3. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 $a*ra an' G#yanG were marrie' an' mo(e' to 7a+i?ornia an' +ater to 9ansas < $a*ra is ?rom 9ansas 5 the :i>ar' o? 0> character 3orothy is ?rom 9ansas 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e was ca++e' Gthe 7owar'+y $ionG in 200% @y his son Aaron whom contacte' my se+? an' my roommates. Aaron was raise' @y a ?ami+y in #an'o+ph Massach*settes whom were mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. I @e+ie(e #yan Har(ey was at some point '*rin) 200E 4 taDen into

c*sto'y @y ;oston Po+ice 3epartment an' switche' with an Imposte*r whom ha' *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or p*rpose o? 'i)*isin) themse+(es as #yan. 2he Imposte*r #yan Har(ey preten'e' to hate =a+erie 0+son ?or some reason. I @e+ie(e that the woman whom I saw that ha' the sDin 'isease may ha(e @een seen at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 at some point < there is an o+' woman in Manchester NewHampshire whom has the same sDin 'isease whom is pro@a@+e to ha(e )one to hospita+s an' possi@+y psychiatric *nits where her 3NA co*+' ha(e easi+y ha(e @een co++ecte'. I @e+ie(e that the ?act*a+ =a+erie 0+son was the yo*n)er woman with the same sDin 'isease as the o+'er woman an' that she was recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005. I @e+ie(e #yan Har(ey is rep+ace' @y an imposte*r 4 his eye socDets +ooD wi'er an' he +ooDs an inch or two inches ta++er than #yan Har(ey. 3*rin) the year 200E or 200! 4 who I @e+ie(e was possi@+y an imposte*r o? #yan Har(ey 5 )a(e me what was 'e?inite+y 7orey 3ai+eyAs 3ANPIG 2 shirt ?rom Hi)hschoo+ statin)4 Gthis is my o+' 3an>i) t shirt ?rom Hi)hschoo+ 4 yo* can ha(e it.G. It was 'e?inite+y 7orey 3a+eyAs 4 it ha' the eCact same ho+es in it. 7orey 3a+ey Dnew .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 ;rian 7ase4 9y+e Howar'4 an' 7hris 7hase. 7orey 3a+ey was the 'ri(er o? the a*tomo@i+e that I was seate' in the rear passen)er seat o? '*rin) the year 2000 when I was inI*re' in a car acci'ent. 3*rin) the year 200E < three newspaper artic+es were printe' in papers in the Unite' States o? America which 'escri@e' three simi+ar e(ents occ*rin) in(o+(in) o(ens 4 microwa(e o(ens 4 an' h*mans @ein) p*t into these o(ens. I @e+ie(e that these assai+ants an' their (ictims are ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace =i(isection 2errorist AttacDs. In one case 4 an A?rican American woman p*t her in?ant in a microwa(e o(en an' cooDe' the @a@y in the microwa(e 5 she sai' she 'i'nAt remem@er 'oin) it an' 'escri@e' the e(ent as i? she ha' @een hypnoti>e'. 2he other two artic+es were a@o*t a man p*ttin) his wi?e in the o(en an' a women p*ttin) her h*s@an' in the o(en. 2here were a+so two @a@ysitters arreste' ?or @oi+in) two @a@ies to 'eath in @atht*@s. 3*rin) the Ho+oca*sts o? the 1"%0As 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims ens+a(e' at +a@or camps 5 were systemica++y e*thani>e' @y means o? steamin) them to 'eath with chemica+s an' incineratin) the @o'ies in o(ens. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the 200% < a man o? Sici+ian 4 Ita+ian 4 an' GreeD race name' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os whom was approCimate+y EA1G an' 250+@s 5 was trans?erre' as a res*+t o? my reportin) @ein) seC*a++y harrasse' @y this man twice. 2his man somehow Dnew Anthony 3e?eo an' 1' :arren whom were trans?erre' to the store a?ter he an' G+enn were trans?erre' to another +ocation. Geor)e is reporte' to me @y a pri(ate in(esti)ator as possi@+y ha(in) @een recr*ite' as a so+'ier @y 1' :arren an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e '*e to his per(erse 'epra(ity an' his a@i+ity to GtaDe a p*nchG. 3*rin) the year 200% < 1' :arren mentione' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os whi+e ta+Din) to Anthony 3e.eo 4 statin) 5 GHey Anthony... yo* Dnow who wo*+' @e )oo' ?or thisO Geor)e.G to which Anthony 3e.eo rep+ie' 4 G7atsopo*+osO I 'onAt Dnow 4 1'... heAs rea+ sicD. Are yo* s*re that yo* want to open that can o? wormsO Geor)e is the on+y person whom I ha(e e(er met that re?ers to himse+? in the 3r' Person.G Geor)e was possi@+y *se' as an imposte*r Mosta?a I@nSa*' '*e to his si>e < the on+y other possi@+e imposte*r so ?ar @ein) a ta++ $om@ar'ic Ita+ian man whom worDe' at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry NewHampshire '*rin) 200E. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s co*+' easi+y impersonate Mosta?a I@nSa*' as imposte*rs on camera wearin) a sDi masD on (i'eo recor'in) i? they *n'erwent =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation o? sDin co+or an' chin shape. 3*rin) 2005 5 1' :arren p*t a hat on his hea' an' st*cD a c*r+y haire' hair eCtension o*t o? the @acD o? the hat a?ter t*cDin) it into the hat < this +ooDin) +iDe 1' :arren ha' a ponytai+ 4 he +a*)he' a@o*t this an' wa+De' aro*n' ?or a ?ew min*tes with it on his hea'. 1' a+so 'i' this with a c*r+y wi). I @e+ie(e that they )ot this i'ea ?rom a #asta?arian Ha++oween 7ost*me which ha' a #asta 9nit 7ap with ?aDe 3rea' $ocDs sewn to it 5 the #asta?arian concept is +ater mentione' more than once. 2he *se o? womenAs horri?ic pain an' s*??erin) as propa)an'a to ?rame the #oya+ Ho*se o?

Sa*'i Ara@ia 4 Satanists 4 an' their co*sin Mosta?a I@nSa*' is ?or the o@(io*s p*rpose o? creatin) an intense p*@+ic o*tra)e which wo*+' create an instant reaction ?rom the p*@+ic with +ess ana+ysis in(o+(e' in 'ecisions ma'e '*rin) perio' o? p*@+ic ra)e an' shocD 5 the Ho*se o? Sa*' was picDe' as the (ictim to ?rame '*rin) the year 200% an' the year 2005 < 1' .arrachi :arren was o(erhear' con(ersin) with Anthony 3e.eo a@o*t it whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. 2his con(ersation sho*+' ha(e @een recor'e' @y the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices 1' .arrachi :arren p+ace' a@o(e the styro?oam cei+in) pane+s which were positione' there on reH*est o? =ittorio 1man*e+e whom wante' to recor' any possi@+e con(ersation I co*+' ha(e concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. .or p*rpose o? ?ramin) the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the Ita+ian A6ISA ?actionAs crimes in North America since the en' o? the 2n' :or+' :ar 4 the 1man*e+es are pro@a@+e to ha(e p+anne' to intentiona++y (io+ate e(ery sort o? h*man stan'ar' 'eci'e' *pon at the Gene(a 7on(ention < intentiona++y committin) e(ery Din' o? 7rime A)ainst H*manity ?or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or these crimes '*rin) the :ar on 2error an' +inDin) it to the Ita+ian A6IS ?actionAs past 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime in North America. 2he 1man*e+esA intent '*rin) the year 2005 was to +inD the 2a+i@an to their own 7rime NetworD an' this c*rrent )enoci'a+ terrorist attacD in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces as we++ as ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or this 4 somehow +inDin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' o? Morrocco to this series o? crimes an' ?ramin) the Sa*'i Ara@ian roya+ ?ami+y ?or this. 2he 1man*e+es an' their a)ents state' the @e+ie? that i? they co*+' si+ence entire networDs o? ci(i+ians @y eCterminatin) them an' ?rame some@o'y e+se ?or a++ o? their crimes 4 it was @e+ie(e' @y them that they co*+' e(ent*a++y rec+aim the crown o? Ita+ia ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' reinstate their stat*s as Aristocrats as we++ as hi'e the eCistence o? their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' the 7rimes A)ainst H*manity which they ha(e committe' *pon 7i(i+ians an' Mi+itary Personne+ a+iDe in North America. I? the 1man*e+esA co*+' +inD their attacDs to 0sama ;in$a'en 4 they co*+' maDe it appear as i? the man whom 'i' this was a+rea'y 'ea'. 2hese pse*'o mora+ I*st?ications ?or these attacDs seem to ha(e @een an eCc*se ?or the 1man*e+es to attempt to hi'e the ?act that they are 7rime $or's o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isections o? which a+most ha+? o? the (ictims seem to @e chi+'ren. 2he 1man*e+esA )oa+ was to commit a series o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity4 +ea(in) e(i'ence o? it a++ 4 an' ?rame some@o'y e+se ?or it 5 creatin) a history teCt @ooD i'entity that in the ?*t*re wo*+' @e (iewe' as G:orse than A'o+? Hit+erG. 2he 1man*e+es @e+ie(e' that @eca*se the ?ami+ies o? their (ictims wo*+' @e ?o*n' to @e comp+ete+y eCterminate' 4 that the e(i'ence o? the 7rimes A)ainst H*manity committe' *pon the (ictims co*+' @e presente' as 'oc*mentary photo)raphs 4 (i'eo)raphs 4 an' ?orensic e(i'ence +eaDe' to the p*@+ic to @ecome 'oc*mentary materia+. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 'isc*sse' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs p+an to eCterminate the entire A@enaDi race an' @+ame some@o'y e+se ?or it 4 an' possi@+y eCterminate other .irst Nations Nati(e American races as we++ as possi@+y the Nati(e USAmerican pop*+ation an' @+ame some@o'y e+se ?or it. 3*rin) the 3ec+aration o? :ar *pon a++ 2errorist 0r)ani>ations whom ha(e tar)ette' the Unites States o? America an' o*r A++ies 4 G+o@a++y 5 Presi'ent Geor)e :. ;*sh 4 'ec+are' the war to @e the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error a)ainst the ACis o? 1(i+. 3*rin) the 1""0As 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was a+rea'y acti(e+y in(o+(e' in his ?atherAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are )*i+ty o? the Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination o? entire ?ami+ies 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) the ?ema+es o? the ?ami+ies which they ha(e tar)ette' ?or Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination 4 H*man =i(isection 1Cperiments 4 1m@e''in) 7o(ert 2errorist 7rime So+'iers within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations 4 an' sec*rin) ownership o? properties @y means o? Properties Stea' Ho+'ers 5 these Properties Stea' Ho+'ers pro(i'in) copies o? the tenantsA Deys an' the Deys to the @*i+'in)s o? ?aci+ities p*rchase' @y the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 3*rin) the year 1""" < Nina HansenAs +an'+or' pro(i'e' .i+ 1man*e+e with the ?ront 'oor Dey to her home 4 a?terwhich he @e)an repeate'+y rapin) her 5 her ?ather spoDe with the +an'+or' who 'enie' this as we++ as 'i' Nina Hansen an' her ?ather speaD to Po+ice who

intentiona++y ?ai+e' to apprehen' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. .i+ 1man*e+e to+' Nina Hansen that he wo*+' contin*e to rape an' tort*re *nti+ she stoppe' ca++in) the Po+ice 5 Nina 'escri@e' .i+ 4 statin) GHeAs psychotic. He thinDs that I am his s+a(e. $itera++y.G .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' his ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers are reH*ire' to commit Initiation 7rimes that are .e+onio*s SeC 0??enses an' eH*ate to :ar #ape o? the pop*+ation an' Genoci'a+ 2errorism < many o? their initiation crimes are commite' *pon minors inc+*'in) +itt+e chi+'ren. Nina Hansen was 15 in the year 1""" 4 when .i+ 1man*e+e @e)an SeC*a++y Assa*+tin) her 5 this @e)an a?ter .i+ a@'*cte' her 4 tie' her *p 4 poisone' her with M3MA 4 an' tort*re' Nina ?or a@o*t 12 ho*rs < a?ter which .i+ (io+ent+y rape' Nina Hansen. A++ o? .i+As associates crimes are the same as his own. 2here is an *n'er+yin) psycho+o)y to the :ar #ape SeC 0??enses which the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate reH*ire o? their 2errorist So+'iers as initiations an' Gtr*st ?a++sG to pro(e their +oya+ty an' si+ence. 2he repeate' rapin) o? ?ema+e (ictims is committe' in synchroni>e' cohesion with the )enoci'a+ assassination o? the ma+es o? the racia+ pop*+ations which the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e tar)ette' ?or eCtermination an' ens+a(ement. 3*rin) the year 1""E < Nina HansenAs ?ami+y 4 my own ?ami+y 4 Samantha G*ayAs ?ami+y 4 an' other ?ami+ies were tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 this @e)an with the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? the ?ema+es whom were a@'*cte' one a?ter another or @e)an @ein) repeate'+y SeC*a++y Assa*+te' as i? it were 'one ?or the p*rpose o? preparin) them ?or a +i?e as SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims o? 7onc*@ina+ 1ns+a(ement. Nina Hansen @e)an @ein) repeate'+y rape' @y .i+ 1man*e+e in either 1""8 or 1"""4 Sam G*ay was a@*cte' in 20024 my Mother was hospita+i>e' in 1""" in a psychiatric instit*tion as a res*+t o? a s*ici'e attempt an' Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er 4 my sister Sheena ha' @e)*n recei(in) 'eath threats in 1""". In 1""E < #o@ert #o'on whom ha' I*st @ecome a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 4 was instr*cte' to report to the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen with the in?ormation re)ar'in) my +ocation an' wherea@o*ts. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 my @irth'ay party was he+' at 7hris #o'onAs MotherAs ho*se on ;ean roa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire. 7hris #o'on 4 his @rother Matt 4 an' their mother mo(e' in with his Step .ather imme'iate+y 'own the roa' ?rom my ho*se 5 on ;ean #oa' 4 a?ter $ynn marrie' a man name' Marty. 7hris #o'onAs @irth'ay was on+y a weeD or so apart ?rom my own 4 we 'eci'e' to ha(e o*r @irth'ay parties on the same 'ay. 3*rin) the month o? 3ecem@er o? the year 2000 < I was 'atin) Nina Hansen4 who was a rape (ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' was one o? his intitiation crime (ictims 5 '*rin) the e(enin) o? this @irth'ay party4 Nina Hansen an' my se+? went o*tsi'e with 7orey 3ai+ey an' sat in his car ?or the p*rpose o? smoDin) a ci)arette. :hi+e Nina Hansen an' my se+? were sittin) in the @acD seat o? 7orey 3ai+eyAs S.U.=. 4 7orey reache' @acD an' @e)an )ropin) Nina HansenAs inner thi)h an' reachin) towar' her (a)ina < the two o? *s @e)an p*nchin) 7orey 3ai+ey repeate'+y 4 a?terwhich he 'ro(e in a circ+e aro*n' the 'ea' en' c*+ 'e sac repeate'+y 4 maDin) *s 'i>>y. :hen he @e)an 'ri(in) aro*n' the 7*+ 3e Sac 4 he p+aye' the son) G3e(i+ ManG @y the @an' G:hite Pom@ieG eCtreme+y +o*' 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e is an eCtra in a mo(ie 4 'resse' as a 2ricD 0r 2reater wearin) a 3e(i+ Ha++oween 7ost*me. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e a+so to+' my nei)hor An)ie SDinner who was ;o@ SDinnerAs wi?e at E% ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire that I was a G3e(i+ 7hi+' 4 He++Spawn 4 Spawn o? Satan.G an' to Deep me away ?rom 3.B. when she @a@ysat him '*rin) 1"8". A?ter this occ*rre' my se+? an' 7orey 3ai+ey 'i' not socia++y interact m*ch *nti+ the 'ay o? MotherAs 3ay '*rin) the year 2000 4 when he near+y Di++e' me in a car acci'ent. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 whi+e with 7orey 3ai+ey < I met ?rien's o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs in Massach*settes who 7orey 3ai+ey was ?rien's with. 7orey 3ai+ey was an acH*aintance o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs. 2he +ast time 7hris #o'on an' my se+? ha' ce+e@rate' o*r @irth'ay party on the same 'ay at his ho*se was in the year 1""! 4 we ha' I*st t*rne' 13 years o+' an' I ha' I*st @e)*n 'atin) =a+erie 0+son an' she was present. 2he 1""! party was at the con'omini*m at :e@ster Green in MerrimacD NewHampshire that his parentAs +i(e' at @e?ore they 'i(orce'. A?ter the car acci'ent on MotherAs 3ay in the year 2000 < 7orey 3ai+ey @e)an 'atin) =a+erie 0+son ?or a ?ew months 4 a?ter which he 'ate' =a+erieAs step sister Ash+ey who was a .reshman in Hi)hschoo+ ?or a ?ew months. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 7hris #o'on an' his ?rien' Scot

7or'ero @e)an picDin) *p my sister Sheena MacPherson an' @rin)in) her ?or ri'es in Scot 7or'eroAs car 5 '*rin) this year 4 I ha' spent time in a 'etention a?ter schoo+ an' saw 7hris #o'onAs co*sin Shannon on the @*s on the way home an' ma'e p+ans to 'o somethin) a?ter schoo+ with her. Shannon was 15 years o+'4 I was 1E years o+'. 7hris #o'on an' Scot 7or'ero were 1E an' 1! years o+' 4 my sister Sheena was 13 years o+'. A?ter maDin) p+ans with 7hris #o'onAs co*sin Shannon ;an)s 4 7hris #o'on contacte' me on the internet *sin) his screen name #at9in) an' to+' me to stay away ?rom his co*sin Shannon. In the year 2002 or 2003 4 a?ter I ha' sent 7hris #o'on a @irth'ay car' < I contacte' 7hris #o'on on the internet *sin) America 0n+ine Instant Messen)er 4 a?ter which he to+' me that I 'i' not +i(e *p to the set o? mora+s that he @e+ie(e' in 5 a?ter statin) this he +iste' the " No@+e =irt*es o? the Asatr* .o+D Assem@+y. It seems possi@+e that this was .i+ 1man*e+e *sin) 7hris #o'onAs ScreeName. 3*rin) the year 1"""4 my ?rien' 3anie++e $e;+anc was 'atin) a man name' 3a(e Marsha++ whom was an Asatr*ar an' was 3Q% An)+o American an' 1Q% Israe+i. 3a(e Marsha++As co*sins were Bewish. In the past 4 3anie++e $e;+anc ha' @een rape' m*+tip+e times @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e < 3a(e Marsha++ was aware o? this 5 whi+e I was at 3a(eAs ho*se one e(enin) 4 he mentione' .i+ 1man*e+e to me an' that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' 'one this. 3anie++e $e;+anc a+so eCp+aine' to me that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' seC*a++y assa*+te' her an' that she ha' @een restraine' with rope an' tort*re' prior to @ein) rape'. I met 3a(e Marsha++As yo*n)er sister Me)an on one o? these e(enin)s that I was at 3a(e Marsha++As ho*se with 3anie++e $e;+anc. Me)an +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to one o? the % ?ema+es that was presente' to me as @ein) 1mi+y Is+es in photo)raphs '*rin) the year 2005 4 when =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' comp*ter hacDe' an' ha' @een *sin) 1mi+y Is+esAs America 0n+ine Instant Messen)er Acco*nt. It is a possi@i+ity that this ScreenName was act*a++y inten'e' to appear to @e simi+ar to A@@ey 1t+in)erAs A0$ ScreenName an' that the )ir+s in the photo)raphs were a++ Asatr*ars an' Bews who +ooDe' simi+ar to one another 5 this wo*+' mean that the G1mi+y Is+esG who I ta+De' to on the te+ephone an' internet was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who was ?orce' to ta+D to me an' was )i(en a +ist o? thin)s to 'isc*ss whi+e @ein) spie' on an' +istene' to @y the 1man*e+es. 2his wo*+' @e ?or the o@(io*s p*rpose o? pro(i'in) an i'entity an' a ?ema+e (oice ?or my se+? to speaD with on a 'ai+y @asis whi+e I was worDin) an a(era)e o? E5 ho*rs a weeD at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2here was a pict*re o? a yo*n) @+on'e ?ema+e in a pinD shirt with her @oy?rien' 4 they were @oth wearin) MIo+nir 2horAs Hammer pen'ants on their necDs 5 this ?ema+e +ooDe' +iDe Me)an Marsha++ an' the man that G1mi+y Is+esG c+aime' was G$anceG +ooDe' i'entica+ to an Asatr*ar that I met @rie?+y in ;oston Massach*settes at an Irish theme' p*@ in Massach*settes whi+e I was with #yan Har(ey 4 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi 4 3a(e $ee 4 Beremy PastricD 4 an' Gre) 3a*+ton. It seems to @e a 'e?inite ?act that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e tar)ette' an' attacDe' entire +ists o? ?ami+ies in North America 4 )enoci'a++y eCterminatin) them an' SeC 2ra??icDin) n*mero*s mem@ers o? these ?ami+ies. 0? stran)e coinci'ence to 7hris #o'onAs ?ather4 #o@ert #o'on < @ein) an Aristocrat o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' 7orey 3ai+ey an' #o@ert #o'on @oth Dnowin) Nina Hansen 5 '*rin) the year 2001 4 a 3isD BocDey o? a Gothic Ni)htc+*@ in NorthHampton Massach*settes name' #o@ert G3.B. 3AArcAn)e+G contacte' me on America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er an' asDe' me how my re+ationship was 'oin) with Nina Hansen an' my se+?. 3.B. 3AArcAn)e+ to+' me that he was instr*cte' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen to asD H*estions a@o*t my se+? an' Nina Hansen4 I chan)e' the s*@Iect an' @e)an 'isc*ssin) my 'is)*st ?or Pe'ophi+es with him. A @oy my own a)e4 Matt ;e+*ar'o < ha' @een instr*cte' @y the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to 'o the same as 3.B. 3AArcAn)e+. 2he p*rpose o? Initiation 7rimes amon)st 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates ser(es the same p*rpose as Gtr*st ?a++sG an' +oya+ty tests as we++ as mora+ity testin) within a $aw A@i'in) 0r)ani>ation possessin) o? secrets < this is simi+ar to the psycho+o)y in(o+(e' in the process @y which one pro(es tr*stworthiness whi+e earnin) 'e)rees o? responsi@i+ity which +ea' to hi)h sec*rity c+earance positions in )o(ernment 5 the 'i??erence in the Psycho+o)y that is reH*ire' to pro(e tr*stworthiness to an or)ani>ation s*ch as this in comparison to an or)ani>ation s*ch as the 3epartment o? 3e?ense or the

.e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations is o@(io*s+y se+? e(i'ent an' is presente' in the o@(io*s eCtremity o? 7rimina+ity inherent in the @*siness which this sort o? 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate en)a)es in . A 2errorist 7rime So+'ier whom is soon to @e worDin) with a (eteran 2errorist 7rime $or' whom has m*r'ere' entire ?ami+ies 4 or'ere' the m*r'er o? tho*san's o? innocent in'i(i'*a+s 4 so+' h*man chi+'ren as 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es as we++ as a'*+ts 4 pro(i'e' H*man test s*@Iects to H*man =i(isectionist Scientists 4 an' en)a)e' in campai)ns o? 2errorism an' 1spiona)e within m*+tip+e nations inc+*'in) .a+se .+a))in) o? :ar 7rimes which they ?act*a++y committe' themse+(es 5 in or'er ?or a 7rime So+'ier to @e tr*ste' @y these in'i(i'*a+s 4 the 7rime So+'ier m*st pro(e ones se+? tr*stworthy to the 2errorist 7rime $or' @y ?*++?i++in) a series o? 7rimina+ Initiations which are *s*a++y 'esi)ne' @y the 2errorist 7rime $or' themse+? '*e to the ?act that they are the )*i+tiest o? the entire .action < are possessin) o? the most paranoi' an' 'e+icate o? Psycho+o)ies an' +ose tr*st easi+y in in'i(i'*a+s whom they associate with that +earn o? their a@horrent crimina+ acti(ities. 2hese Initiation 7rimes o?ten @are a Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e e(i'ent o? whom 'esi)ne' them an' o? the eCact nat*re o? the in'i(i'*a+As own )*i+t concernin) their +i?etime o? crime as we++ as the eCtent o? the crimina+ity eCpecte' o? the 7rime So+'iers which they recr*it. 2he c*rrent Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? the Initiation 7rimes o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is pres*me' to @e a compo*n' Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs which is comprise' o? their co++ecti(e )*i+t that has @een a''e' to past Initiation 7rimes which has c*+minate' in the c*rrent +ayers o? crimes reH*ire' to @e initiate' thro*)h the series o? +ayers o? initiation which m*st @e achei(e' to )ain the 1man*e+esA an' the 1(o+asA tr*st in the crimina+ an' ens*re that the crimina+ wi++ not testi?y a)ainst the who+e or)ani>ation. 3*rin) the year 2000 or the year 2001 5 I was instant messa)e' on America 0n+ine @y .i+ 1man*e+e who threatene' me an' state' that he Dnew 7orey 3ai+ey an' 9y+e Howar'. I was a+so Instant Messa)e' @y 7hris #o'onAs ScreenName which was G3a#at9in)G an' to+' to stay away ?rom 7hrisAs co*sin who I ha' spoDen with. 7hris #o'on an' his ?rien' Scot 7or'eiro were picDin) my sister *p in ScotAs car a@o*t twice a weeD an' taDin) her p+aces with them. I @e+ie(e that this person who to+' me to GStay away ?rom my co*sin.G was one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons *sin) 7hris #o'onAs A.0.$. Instant Messa)er UserName. 3*rin) the year 1"88 < 7hris 2homas ha' 7hi+' Porno)raphe' my se+? 4 BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 4 Sam G*ay 4 an' 3 o? my co*sins. My ?ather was to+' a year +ater a@o*t this 4 .ran McG*ire was to+' @y someone that =ittorio G=ictorA 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' his son 7hris 2homas to 'o this to G;ir' 3o)G -;+acD Mai+8 my ?ather 5 this was o@(io*s+y an eCc*se. 2he 1man*e+eAs *se SeC 0??ense an' attempt to *se SeC 0??ense to ;+acD Mai+ their =ictimAs ?ami+ies as we++ as their 7rime So+'iers an' 1spiona)e A)ents 4 or in the case o? BacD 3ion an' A+ Io'ice 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oys A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)entAs sons an' AssassinAs sons. My Mother was one o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs repeate' Initiation 7rimes =ictims. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is a 'is)*stin) SeC 0??en'er an' has raise' n*mero*s o? his sons to @e 'is)*stin) SeC 0??en'ers. 3*rin) the years 1""" 4 2000 4 an' 2001 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 3a(i' Marsha++ o? :o@*rn Massach*settes ha' an ar)*ment o(er the Internet an' possi@+y the 2e+ephone a?ter .i+ 1man*e+e an' one o? his ?rien's rape' 3anie++e $e;+anc. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e threatene' 3a(e Marsha++ an' I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+e threatene' 3a(e Marsha++As +itt+e sister. 3a(e Marsha++As sister is possi@+y one o? the ?ema+es whoAs photo)raphs I was sent on the internet '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e threatene' me '*rin) the year 200% as 'i' 2ony Grasseti. 3anie++e $e;+anc showe' me the Instant Messa)e con(ersation wherein .i++i@erto 1man*e+e threatene' 3a(e Marsha++ an' 3a(e Marsha++As yo*n)er sister. 3a(e Marsha++ showe' me one o? the Instant Messa)e ar)*ments which he ha' with .i+ 1man*e+e 4 3anie++e $e;+anc showe' me one o? the ar)*ments which 3a(e Marsha++ ha' with .i+ 1man*e+e an' Instant Messa)e' it to me '*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 4 an' .i+ 1man*e+e threatene' me on A0$ Instant Messa)er '*rin) the years 2000 an' 2001 5 .i+ 1man*e+e a+so mentione' 3a(e Marsha++ an' ca++e' *s G=iDin) .a))otsG. 3*rin) his ar)*ment with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 3a(e

Marsha++ mentione' the " No@+e =irt*es o? Asatr* as we++ as possi@+y B*'aism an' Mora+ity 5 I @e+ie(e that it was .i++i@erto 1man*e+e that *se' his 9ni)htAs 7hristopher #o'onAs acco*nt in the year 2002 an' preten'e' to @e 7hris #o'on 4 statin) to me that he ?e+t @etraye' an' +iste' the " No@+e =irt*es. :hen .i++i@erto 1man*e+e threatene' me @y metho' o? A.0.$. Instant Messa)e comm*nication 5 he state' GI hear' yo*A(e @een ta+Din) shit a@o*t my @oy 7orey 3ai+ey.G. 7orey 3ai+ey was at 7hris #o'onAs an' my ;irth'ay Party in the year 1""". At o*r @irth'ay party 4 7orey 3ai+y near+y SeC*a++y Assa*+te' Nina Hansen whi+e we were seatin) in the @acD seat o? his S.U.=. smoDin) ci)arettes 5 7orey reache' *p her sDirt an' )rope' her inner thi)h an' near (a)ina. Nina Hansen was a+so rape' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e '*rin) the years 1""" an' 2000. 3*rin) the year 1""E < 9e++y Piehm to+' 9risten Si>emore 4 Me+issa 7hase 4 $a*ra Pitten)er 4 Bason ;e++emore 4 ;en $in'@er) 4 an' I 5 that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7+int 2ay+or ha' reache' *p her sDirt when she was yo*n)er tryin) to )ra@ her (a)ina. I ha(e @een in?orme' that '*rin) 1""" 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e assiste' others in S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) 7orey 3ai+y with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain whi+e in Massach*settes. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was +ater *se' to steer 7orey 3ai+eyAs car o?? the roa' in the year 2000 as an attempt to Di++ *s in a car acci'ent on MotherAs 3ay. It is e(i'ent that '*rin) the year 2000 4 9y+e Howar' sto+e one o? my ?ami+yAs ho*se Deys an' )a(e it to someone who )a(e it to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e or )a(e it to him 'irect+y himse+?. At some point some@o'y entere' the ho*se an' 'r*))e' my ?ami+yAs ?oo' in the re?ri')erator. I @e+ie(e that 9y+e Howar' m*st ha(e wa+De' past the ho*se4 checDe' to see i? we were eatin) 'inner4 an' contacte' .i+ 1man*e+e or one o? his 7rimina+ 2errorist Accomp+ices who was with him. :hi+e eatin) 'inner I notice' that my ?ami+y seeme' 'r*))e' an' I @e)an to 'isassociate ?rom the 'isassociati(es in o*r ?oo' that ha' @een poisone' 5 whi+e I was eatin) 4 the 'oor @ehin' me opene' an' I was to+' to p*t my hea' 'own. My .ather sai' 4 GP*t yo*r hea' 'own. B*st p*t yo*r hea' 'own.G . I ?e+t the @arre+ o? a )*n a)ainst the @acD o? my hea' as my hea' was p*she' 'own onto the 'inner ta@+e. :hat so*n'e' +iDe three men wa+De' past the man who was ho+'in) what ?e+t +iDe a )*n to the @acD o? my hea'. I hear' one o? the men speaDin) to my mother ?or a ?ew min*tes. 3*e to what was o@(io*s+y 'isassociati(e 'r*)s 4 on+y ?ra)ments o? my memory o? this are reco++ecta@+e. I remem@er seein) a scene in a mo(ie which resem@+e' this c+ose+y an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een p+ot s*))este' to a pro'*cer @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e or his ?ather < ?or the p*rpose o? maDin) the (ictims appear as i? they are schi>ophrenics i? they report the crime an' it is resem@+ent o? a scene in a mo(ie which ha' not yet @een re+ease'. It is a+so pro@a@+e that a scene s*ch as this in a mo(ie is ?or the p*rpose o? co(ert+y threatenin) the in'i(i'*a+s who committe' the crimes. I remem@er one o? the men sayin) somethin) a@o*t a Dni?e an' my motherAs throat 4 this same in'i(i'*a+ @e)an asDin) my mother 3e@ra $a=oie MacPherson 5 G :hat co+or are my eyesOG 4 G:hat co+or is the trimOG 4 G:hat co+or is the sh*ttersOG. G2hatAs the co+or yo* are paintin) yo*r ho*se.G. My mother answere' the H*estions 5 G@+in'.G 4 Gwhite.G4 G@+acD.G. A?ter a ?ew ?ai+e' attempts. 2he man was apparent+y wearin) G;+in' 1yesG co+or 7ontact $enses witho*t the tinte' p*pi+s. G;+in' 1yesG are the Din' o? contact +enses that are ?or theater p*rpose an' )enera++y maDe eye irises an' p*pi+s +ooD @+in'. 2he G;+in'G co+or is an eCtreme+y pa+e )ray that has a @+*e tint an' is near+y white 5 these typica++y ha(e a pa+e tint that co(ers the p*pi+ to maDe it appear @+in' 4 this person so*n'e' as i? he was wearin) the same Din' o? contact +enses @*t with open @+acD p*pi+s. B*st prior to these men +ea(in) 4 my memory was @+acD o*t ?or what seems +iDe it was pro@a@+y an ho*r. 9y+e Howar' DnocDe' on the 'oor a ?ew ho*rs a?ter 'inner an' asDe' me i? I wante' to )o o(er to ;ea* SDinnerAs ho*se with him. 0n MotherAs 3ay o? the year 2000 < my Mother painte' the ho*se a pa+e @+*e )ray 4 painte' the sh*tters @+acD 4 an' painte' the win'ow trim white. 2he stairs at n*mero*s apartment @*i+'in)s that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico painte' in Manchester NewHampshire are the same @+*e as a Po+ice 3epartment Ho+'in) 7e++ in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' is a common @+*e ?or Po+ice 3epartment

Ho+'in) 7e++s. Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico is sometimes a Properties Stea' Ho+'er ?or the 1man*e+es an' was possi@+y instr*cte' @y =ittorio or .i++i@erto to paint the stairs on these apartments this co+or. 2he psycho+o)y o? the 'ecision to choose the paint ?or these thin)s is (ery m*ch the same Din' o? psycho+o)y. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2000 4 9y+e Howar' seeme' to @e 'oin) a+ot o? ?a(o*rs ?or what seems to ha(e @een a *nit o? the 1man*e+esA 7rime Syn'icate in the So*thern NewHampshire re)ion. 9y+e Howar' ha' mentione' *sin) a +i)ht @oC at his @oar'in) schoo+ the 'ay prior to my sister recei(in) a 'eath threat in her +ocDer at schoo+. Accor'in) to ..;.I. 4 the 'eath threat was written in the han' writin) o? 3 'i??erent in'i(i'*a+s. 9y+e Howar' was 'oin) ;ea* SDinnerAs homeworD in eCchan)e ?or somethin) 4 possi@+y sto+e a note@ooD o? mine 4 an' co*+' ha(e easi+y taDen a piece o? a han' writin) samp+e ?rom a thir' person. 2he arri(a+ a?ter the threat in the ho*se was a+so simi+ar to an instance that 9y+e Howar' s+i' a 'eath threat written to my sister into the 'oor ?rame 4 I @e+ie(e that this 'eath threat was written +iDe a han) man )ame or somethin) simi+ar +ooDin) 5 9y+e Howar' DnocDe' on the 'oor a ha+? ho*r +ater an' @e)an ta+Din) to me 4 I imme'iate+y s*specte' him @*t he wo*+' not a'mit it. 3*rin) the year 2000 < 7orey 3ai+ey ca++e' me '*rin) MotherAs 3ay an' in(ite' me to )o to 7ano@ie $aDe ParD with him an' three )ir+s we Dnew. My Parents were paintin) the ho*se an' ar)*in) < so I 'eci'e' to )o wi)h 7orey 3ai+ey 4 7ait+in G7.B.G 3es#ochiers 4 1riDa 3es#ochiers 4 an' ;reanne G*rDy to 7ano@ie $aDe ParD. 7orey 3ai+ey was spee'in) on the way to 7ano@ie $aDe ParD an' 'ri(in) I*st o(er 100MPH < we a++ ye++e' at 7orey ?or the entirety o? the 'ri(e to 7ano@ie $aDe ParD 4 te++in) him to s+ow 'own the entire way to the 7ano@ie $aDe ParD. 7orey 3ai+ey was ye++e' at @y a +i)ht @+*e con(erta@+e top cor(ette or th*n'er@ir' that spee' *p to *s 4 ?rom which a man an' his wi?e ye++e' at him to s+ow 'own. 0n the way home ?rom 7ano@ie $aDe ParD that e(enin) 4 7orey 3ai+ey han'e' me a ci)arette 5 I ?e++ as+eep a?ter smoDin) the ci)arette 4 it seems that it was pro@a@+e pow'ere' or 'ippe' with some Din' o? se'ati(e. 2his is simi+ar to what occ*rre' '*rin) the year 200! < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e mana)e' to poison me with a ci)arette poisone' with a 3isassociati(e 'r*). 3*rin) the year 2000 4 a?ter I ha' ?a++en as+eep in the @acD seat 5 we )ot into a car acci'ent. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 7orey 3ai+ey ha' asDe' me i? I wo*+' m*r'er ?or M200A000 < I to+' him that I wo*+' not. 7orey ha' @een asDe' this H*estion as part o? a 7rime S*r(ey that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' a 7rime So+'ier to con'*ct. I ha(e @een in?orme' that '*rin) the year 1""" 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e assiste' peop+e in S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in 7orey 3ai+eyAs @rain A?ter 7orey 3ai+ey ha' @een poisone' with 3isAssociati(e Ne*ro2oCins an' Se'ati(es in a @eer at his ?rien'As ho*se in Massach*settes USA. I ha(e @een in?orme' that the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was *se' to IerD the steerin) whee+ o? 7orey 3ai+eyAs car @y contro++in) his arm *sin) 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy an' Ne*roScience So?tware 4 an' to steer 7orey 3ai+eyAs car o?? the roa' on #o*te "3 North in NewHampshire USA. It seems pro@a@+e that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Initiation 7rimes @e)an @etween the years 1""5 1""8 an' were his sta)es o? initiation into his ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 it is 'e?inite that he contin*e' a streaD o? sa'ism a?terwar'. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 'e?inite+y raise' .i+ 1man*e+e an' his other sons to @e Socia+ 3arwinist 2errorist 7rime $or's an' miso)ynist SeC 2ra??icDers. .i+ 1man*e+eAs Initiation 7rimes eChi@it e(i'ence o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e an' are representati(e o? =ittorioAs crimes as we++ as =ittorioAs reH*irement o? .i+ 1man*e+e to commit a series o? speci?ic sty+es o? crimes in or'er ?or =ittorio to tr*st that .i+ 1man*e+e wo*+' not te++ a*thorities o? the eCtent o? =ittorioAs per(erse an' inh*mane crimina+ity. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e committe' his Initiation 7rimes in his yo*n) a'*+thoo' 4 '*rin) the era that it is pro@a@+e that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)y was in?+*entia+ in 'eterminin) the eCact nat*re o? the Initiation 7rimes which B*+i*s 1(o+a may ha(e a+so choreo)raphe' an' en)ineere'

himse+? 5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Initiation 7rimes are echoe' thro*)ho*t the c*rrent yo*n)er )enerationsA Initiation 7rimes an' many o? them ha(e an' are @ein) repeate' as Initiatory 7rimes as we++ as has a secon' +ayer @een a''e' since .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs )enerationAs initiation. In the year 1""" < .i+ 1man*e+e seC*a++y assa*+te' Nina Hansen when she was at the time on+y 15 years o+'4 whi+e .i+ was a+most 2! years o? a)e. .i++i@erto tie' an' restraine' Nina Hansen with rope 4 poisone' her with M3MA 4 an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs 4 a?ter which he e(ent*a++y rape' her @r*ta++y. 2his initiation crime has @een seen n*mero*s times in North America 4 (i'eos o? these attacDs ha(e @een *p+oa'e' a++ o(er the :or+' :i'e :e@ o? internet on we@sites 5 these we@sites on the internet are *se' as e(i'ence @y the masDe' men in these (i'eos who 'isp+ay the e(i'ence on the internet to the rest o? their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that they ha(e committe' the Initiation 7rime an' that the tar)ette' woman has @een attacDe' in the speci?ic manner that was reH*ire' o? them. .i+ 1man*e+e sta+De' Nina Hansen a?ter this attacD an' attacDe' her repeate'+y 4 rapin) her < ?or approCimate+y 3 years a?ter the initia+ attacD ha' occ*re' 5 .i+ 1man*e+e ha' o@taine' a copy o? the Dey to Nina HansenAs ho*se an' ha' repeate' in(a'e' her home an' rape' her. Nina Hansen ca++e' the Po+ice 3epartment repeate'+y as we++ as her +an'+or' 4 the Po+ice an' the $an'+or' wo*+' not he+p her 5 .i+ 1man*e+e repeate'+y attacDe' her an' to+' her not to ca++ the Po+ice 3epartment e(er a)ain. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate em@e' mem@ers o? their GIta+ian A6ISG 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in Po+ice 3epartments 4 these Po+ice are *se' to pro(i'e imm*nities @y metho' o? sa@ota)in) in(esti)ations which ena@+es the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate to commit Initiation 7rimes witho*t +e)a+ reperc*ssions as we++ as ens*re that their 0r)ani>e' 7rime is not 'isco(ere' or impe'e' in any way 5 these has @een pro(en to ha(e ena@+e' mem@ers o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate to commit heino*s SeC 0??enses *pon e(en minors which ha(e )one *ncon(icte'. :hen my mother 3e@ra $a=oie was a chi+' o? @etween 5 an' 1% years o+' 4 she was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' @y a man name' 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+as whom was a associate o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom were em@e''e' within the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the U.S.A. an' were capa@+e o? ha(in) her an' her mother arreste' @y *ni?orme' Po+ice an' ret*rne' to the ho*se that 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+as ha' @een Deepin) them at a?ter he ?orce' my Nana Boanne 2r*'ea* to marry him on paperworD 5 G7h*cDG was SeC 2ra??icDin) my nana Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty an' my mother 3e@@ie $a=oie MacPherson ?or " years which @e)an when my mother was 5. 3*rin) 1""" an' *nti+ the approCimate year o? 2002 5 a wea+th retainer o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs was Nina HansenAs +an'+or'. :hen Nina Hansen was ?irst rape' @y .i+ 1man*e+e 4 he was a+most 2! years o+'. Nina was 15. .i+ repeate'+y rape' her ?or 3 years a?ter the initia+ attacD. 3*rin) the year 200% < it ha' @een 'isc*sse' that =ittorio 1man*e+e was )oin) to arran)e ?or my se+? an' Nina Hansen to @e m*r'ere' @y o*r 2!th year. Nina Hansen an' my se+? are approCimate+y E months apart in a)e4 Nina is approCimate+y E months o+'er than my se+?. =ittorioAs 2errorist A)ents ha(e poisone' me n*mero*s times since 200% 4 I ha(e @een +*cDy eno*)h to ha(e s*r(i(e' a++ o? the poisonin)s an' attacDs inten'e' to en' my +i?e. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?irst rape' a chi+' at the a)e o? 2! 4 which wo*+' ha(e @een the tra*matic reasonin) ?or his psycho+o)ica+ attri@*tion o? the a)e 2! to when .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was eCpecte' to commit an Initiation 7rime in(o+(in) an eCtreme SeC 0??ense *pon a minor. :hen my mother 3e@@ie was aro*n' 5 or E years o+' 4 n*mero*s men ?orce' her to per?orm ?e+atio *pon them whi+e ho+'in) a Dni?e to her throat < this is a 'e?inite *se o? a chi+' ?or Initiation 7rimes 5 my Mother was possi@+y chosen ?or this @eca*se o? her in'i)eno*s .irst Nations Nati(e American race. 2his is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een an Initiation 7rime 'esi)ne' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e ?or the p*rpose o? @*i+'in) an Amora+ist 7rimina+ 2errorist #e)ime in North America 4 'e(oi' o? any mora+ity an' @+acD mai+e' to ?o++ow any or'ers. My MotherAs ?ather #ona+' $a=oie was pro@a@+y approCimate+y 1Q8 .irst Nations Nati(e American. 2his attacD was committe' *pon my sister Sheena MacPherson whom was 8 years o+' at the time 5 a chi+' the a)e o? 12 4 name' 9y+e Howar' < was recr*ite' to commit this attacD as a Initiation 7rime. 9y+e Howar' earne' eno*)h respect ?rom these

sorts o? attacDs to @e )rante' crimina+ networDs which pro(i'e' him with Heroin 4 $.S.3. 4 M.3.M.A. 4 MariI*ana 4 7ocaine 4 9etamine 4 Methamphetamines 4 an' Percosets 5 9y+e Howar' was se++in) har' 'r*)s at the a)e o? 1% o*t o? his )ara)e. 2he a)e o? the initiate in this instance was recr*ite' to @e c+oser to the tar)ette' +itt+e )ir+As a)e 4 ?or reason that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 'i'nAt want to appear to @e a Pe'ophi+e 7hi+' Mo+ester whom was repeate'+y tar)ettin) the same ?ami+y. 2he a)e 'i??erence @etween 9y+e Howar' an' Sheena Nico+e MacPherson is the eCact same a)e 'i??erent @etween my mother an' ?ather < 9y+e Howar' is a 'arD )o+' @+on'e hair co+or 4 +iDe my ?ather #*sse++ MacPhersonAs hair an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs own hair 5 my ?ather is approCimate+y % years o+'er than my mother. :hen 9y+e Howar' was a chi+' 4 his 'r*) connections were most+y o+'er ma+es o? Ita+ian race. It is a+most 'e?inite that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was one o? the men who rape' my mother when she was a +itt+e )ir+ an' was sta+Din) o*r ?ami+y as a res*+t o? it 5 n*mero*s times thro*)ho*t my +i?e < ?rien's an' acH*aintances o? mine o? whom ha' ?ami+y mem@ers that were mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 4 were sta+De' to more easi+y Deep tracD o? my ?ami+y '*e to the ?act that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dept tracD o? the $ea)*e o? the Ita+ian Gent+emen. It is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity an' has @een reporte' to me that 9y+e Howar' was intro'*ce' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the imposte*r o? BacD 3ion @oth @etween 200% an' 200E. 2here is c*rrent+y a man on the internet *sin) .ace;ooD c+aimin) to @e 9y+e Howar' who +ooDs (ery +itt+e +iDe 9y+e Howar' 5 I @e+ie(e that this man may possi@+y @e an imposte*r o? 9y+e Howar' who was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD more +iDe 9y+e Howar'. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e ?orce' some o? his 7rime So+'iers to switch I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with each other to eCert more contro+ o(er them 4 it is a+so possi@+e that 9y+e Howar' ta+De' a@o*t somethin) to some@o'y that an)ere' =ittorio 1man*e+e. 3*rin) the year 2002 5 Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' @y 5 men in a ;oC Shape' =an. 2he man whom was 'ri(in) the (an was 'escri@e' as a @+*e eye' e+'er+y man with a short @ear' )rown in. 2he @oC shape' (an was 'escri@e' as ha(in) tinte' win'ows in a++ @*t the ?ront win'ows 5 the % men in the @acD were wearin) sDi masDs. It is a+most 'e?inite that this was =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 'ri(in) a (an to a@'*ct Samantha G*ay whoAs a*nt he ha' SeC 2ra??icDe' when she was a +itt+e )ir+. Samantha G*ayAs mother was @est ?rien's with my co*sin an' ?rien's with my Mother 5 Samantha G*ay to+' me that her a*nt or her co*sin whom she ca++e' Ga*ntG ha' @een SeC 2ra??icDe' @y the same peop+e as my Mother who 'i' the same thin)s to her. Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' in the year 2002 an' was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r '*rin) the year 2003 5 '*rin) 20034 I met the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was ?orce' to impersonate Samantha G*ay. :e @ecame c+ose ?rien's (ery H*icD+y @*t she wo*+' ne(er te++ me her rea+ name or where she was ?rom. 2his woman was rentin) ?rom the imposte*r o? BacD 3ion4 the imposte*r o? the ?act*a+ Samantha G*ayAs ?rien'As ?ather. SamanthaAs imposte*r was ?orce' to swor' swa++ow a ?oot an' a ha+? +on) +o) o? ?eces 5 this was Gpop *pG 'isp+aye' *sin) 2*rDoIan so?tware 4 to me on my comp*ter monitor screen on the weeD o? 2hanDsGi(in) when I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee c*p. 2he 7o??ee 7*p was a +ar)e p+astic '*nDin 'on*ts Ice' 7o??ee 7*p with what taste' +iDe MaCwe++ Ho*se 7o??ee in it 5 I so+' :i++iam Hano(er o? the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y an ice' co??ee in the same type o? c*p I*st a month prior to this attacD 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was o@(io*s+y eCtreme+y Iea+o*s when he ca++e' 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs )ran'?ather to or'er him to maDe the GhitG. 2ay+aAs mother 3e@@ie ha' pre(io*s+y spoDen with 1' :arren a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y '*rin) 2005 4 in the @acD o? the .ami+y 3o++ar store. N*mero*s o? these poisonin) attacDs were ma'e *pon American #acia+ types '*rin) 2hanDsGi(in) the year o? 200!. 0n the topic o? the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? the a@'*ction o? an' attacD on Samantha G*ay 5 she was ?o*n' on the internet in a (i'eo )raphe' recor'in) 4 with her hair 'ye' @+acD < she was tie' *p @y a+ot o? rope 4 was s*spen'e' ?ace 'own 4 an' was @ein) tort*re' @y a man with a sDi masD on. 2his (i'eo o? Samantha G*ay was ?o*n' @y a ?rien' o? Bason Be??reyAs in 200% 4 who reco)ni>e' her ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. 1ither =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 or .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e a sa'istic ?etish ?or rapin) Gothic GPrincessesG 5 @oth Samantha G*ay as we++ as Nina Hansen wore Gothic 3arD #ennaissance sty+e c+othin)4 consistin) o? thin)s s*ch as 3arD #omantic +ooDin) sDirts an' corsets as we++ as other

Din's o? tops an' 'resses. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) accomp+ice whom has @een +i(in) as an imposte*r o? BacD 3ion4 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather 5 has a connection to S*ici'eGir+s.7om as 'oes the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion. 3*rin) the years 2000 2001 2e+e(ision 'oc*mentary GG02H S16G 5 the (i'eo)raphe' 'oc*mentary ?a+se+y presente' the Gothic Art 7o++ecti(e an' S*@7*+t*re as Masochists who ha(e #ape .etishes < there was approCimate+y two ma+es in the entire 'oc*mentary an' 5 ?ema+es. 2he 'oc*mentary 'e?ame' horri@+y the Gothic 7o++ecti(e 7omm*nity an' presente' the comm*nity as accepta@+e tar)ets ?or rape 5 this was pro@a@+y ?*n'e' an' pro'*ce' @y SeC 2ra??icDers with 7rime So+'iers whom operate' in the ;on'a)eF3ominance Sa'oMasochist Swin)ers 7omm*nity 4 *sin) it as a ?ront or a ?aca'e ?or a@*si(e SeC 2ra??icDin). It is a 'e?inite ?act that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate tar)ette' an' a@'*cte' GGoth )ir+sG @etween the years 1""" an' 200" a++ o(er the USA an' possi@+y 7ana'a 4 the choice o? tar)ets ?or a@'*ction an' SeC*a+ Assa*+t Initiation 7rime attacDs shows o@session with GGoth )ir+sG. 2he imposte*r o? BacD 3ion whom is a SeC 2ra??icDin) Accomp+ice o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs4 has a connection to S*ici'eGir+s.7om < he a+so emp+oye' many o? the n*'e mo'e+s ?rom this we@site as we++ as rente' apartments to them which in many cases was act*a++y I*st to maDe paperworD ?or the p*rpose o? hi'in) the SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD. BacD 3ionAs imposte*r who has rep+ace' him on paperworD an' sto+en his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s is a 'e?inite accomp+ice in the a@'*ction o? Samantha G*ay in 2002 an' the a@'*ction o? the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom was ?orce' to +i(e as her imposte*r in the year 2002 4 as we++ as the 'isappearance o? the ?act*a+ BacD 3ion an' his 'a*)hter 7hristine as we++ as 7hristineAs mother. 2he imposte*r o? BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 4 7hristine 3ion 5 has pose' in n*mero*s n*'e photo)raphs ?or S*ici'eGir+s.7om an' other we@sites. She is too thin to @e 7hristine 4 @*t +ooDs simi+ar to 7hristine. 7hristine ha' @roa'er sho*+'ers 4 a @roa'er ?ace 4 @roa'er hips 4 an' was physica++y more m*sc*+ar. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine has @een in(o+(e' in n*'e mo'e+in) an' is pro@a@+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim. 3*rin) the year 200!4 the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion p*@ica++y h*mi+iate' Samantha G*ayAs imposte*r '*rin) a party which she in(ite' this (ictim to4 '*rin) which she ye++e' at an' c*rse' at the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whi+e te++in) her that she was imposte*r in ?ront o? the entire pop*+ation at the party. No one e+se at the party i'enti?ie' 7hristin 3ionAs imposte*r to @e an imposte*r 4 tho*)h one in'i(i'*a+ sai' G7hristine +ooDs stran)e an' is actin) 'i??erent.G. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion intentiona++y p*@+ica++y h*mi+iate' the SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim who was ?orce' to +i(e as imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain ?or " years 4 ?or the p*rpose o? h*rtin) her emotiona++y 5 this is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een or'ere' @y the 1man*e+es. In year 200% < the imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion ha' @een to+' that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew. 7hristine 3ionAs imposte*r was to+' the tr*th o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine @y 3a(e $ee. :hi+e I was in ;oston with Sahn'ra St. 0n)e who ha' mentione' to 3a(e $ee 4 #yan Har(ey 4 an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi that we ha' @een @ein) sta+De' @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 3*rin) approCimate+y the year 1""8 < 7hris 7hase an' 3 other ma+es attacDe' Me+in'a A+'ritch whi+e she was wa+Din) past Gree+ey ParD in Nash*a NewHampshire on 3.:. Hi)hway at ni)ht4 I*st a?ter s*nset. She was @r*ta++y rape' @y these % in'i(i'*a+s. It was @e+ie(e' @y many that this was an Initiation 7rime ?or the % o? these men. 7hris 7hase was the on+y in'i(i'*a+ whom Me+in'a A+'ritch co*+' i'enti?y. 7hris 7hase was ne(er con(icte' ?or this crime @*t was soon a?ter this sentence' to a Prison Sentence o? approCimate+y 2 years ?or a 'i??erent crimina+ char)e. Me+in'a A+'ritch 'ie' in a car acci'ent in the year 1""". Me+in'a A+'ritch was a @ea*ti?*+ teena)e yo*n) +a'y whom 'resse' in Gothic sty+e c+othin). Me+in'a A+'ritch was approCimate+y 15 when she was SeC*a++y Assa*+te' @y % ma+es. 2he SeC*a+ Assa*+t *pon a ?ema+e @y % ma+es at once is 'e?inite+y an Initiation 7rime o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 9y+e Howar'4 whom was o@(io*s+y initiate' into this crime networD at an eCtreme+y yo*n) a)e < ha' or)ani>e' the rape o? A@@y Asai whom was on+y 15

when it occ*re'. 15 seems to @e the a)e at which this is *s*a++y 'one. Nina Hansen was 15 when .i+ 1man*e+e ?irst a@'*cte' an' SeC*a++y Assa*+te' her a?ter restrainin) her with rope an' tort*rin) her ?or ho*rs. :hen A@@y Asai was assa*+te' 4 A@@y an' my se+? were han'e' a @ott+e o? @oo>e @y 9y+e Howar' 5 the @ott+e o? +iH*or pro(e' to @e tainte' with somethin) s*ch as #ohipna+4 I passe' o*t entire+y *nconcio*s a?ter 'rinDin) a )oo' amo*nt o? it. I ?o*n' o*t months +ater 4 that A@@y Asai ha' @een SeC*a++y Assa*+te' @y % o? the ma+es that were with *s. :hen my mother 3e@@ie $a=oie MacPherson was 15 5 she was a@'*cte' @y % ma+es twice 5 once she was carrie' into the ?orest an' rape' @y % ma+es < the secon' time4 it was an a*tomo@i+e with % ma+es in it that a@'*cte' her an' rape' her. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 approCimate+y ei)ht ?ema+es were rape' @y a set o? % men each < these attacDs *pon the a@'*cte' ?ema+es were (i'eo)raphe' an' *p+oa'e' to the internet as i? it were porno)raphy 5 this is to pro(e the initiation crime was committe' to the rest o? the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 0? these 8 ?ema+es4 2 o? them were rape' @y a tota+ o? 8 ma+es to)ether an' were ?orce' to +ooD into eachothers eyes whi+e they 'i' it. 2hese women a++ ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces '*rin) the years ?o++owin) 200% an' their entire Ne*ro+o)y was transmitte' @y the A#G0S G.P.S. 3e(ices which were *se' to NetworD the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace o(er the internet an' G+o@a+ Position System NetworD to the Ne*roScience 7omp*ter So?t:are which was *se' to tort*re an' ens+a(e these women @y metho' o? contro++in) an' manip*+atin) the 1+ectroMa)netic Ne*ro7irc*itry o? their @rains an' entire Ne*ro+o)y. In the year 2000 or 2001 < my sister Sheena MacPherson was SeC*a++y Assa*+te' @y ;ea* SDinner 4 his step @rother &or his ?atherAs )ir+?rien'As son, 2re(or 7hapman4 9y+e Howar' 4 an' another ma+e 5 they )ot her 'r*nD an' ?orce' her to per?orm ?e+atio *pon a++ % o? them as they stoo' aro*n' her in a circ+e. I @e+ie(e that this was the res*+t o? 9y+e Howar' attemptin) to recr*it ;eay SDinner into the 7rime Syn'icate that recr*ite' 9y+e Howar' when he was 12 thro*)h ;rian 7ase 4 who was an o+'er ma+e. 2his is 'e?inite+y the same series o? Initiation 7rime SeC 0??enses @ein) committe' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sons an' is 'e?inite+y a rec*rrant crime c*+t*re that ?its the eCact patho+o)y o? the 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e inherite' an' @*i+t '*rin) his +i?etime 5 the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are in(o+(e' in a+ot o? SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ as 1spiona)e an' 2errorism 4 their Initiation 7rimes in(o+(e seH*entia+ +e(e+s o? eCtremity o? (io+ent seC o??enses. As is *s*a+ ?or a 7rime Syn'icate 4 the Sa(oyAs 7rime Syn'icate ha(e access to 3r*)s 5 i++e)a+ 3r*)s can o?ten @e *se' @y them to rewar' certain @eha(ior in their accomp+ices an' as a way o? testin) peop+e ?or crimina+ity prior to tr*stin) them as accomp+ices to simp+e crimes. 2he 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is the c*+mination o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs co++ecti(e m*+ti )enerationa+ e??orts o? 1spiona)e A)ents 4 Assassins 4 an' other 0r)ani>e' 7o(ert Acti(ities which a)ents in(o+(e' in co(ert acti(ities on the @eha+? o? a +on) stan'in) Aristocracy en)a)e in. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @*i+t one o? the most eCtreme espiona)e networDs in the history o? H*man ci(i+i>ations an' ha(e mana)e' to a(oi' 'etection ?or most o? their acti(ities thro*)ho*t most o? history 4 their espiona)e networD is eCtreme+y crimina+ an' is comprise' primari+y o? a 7rime Syn'icate which sti++ en)a)es in H*man 2ra??icDin) s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 2re(or 7hapman to+' me that he witnesse' 9y+e Howar' sticD a H tip in my in?ant sister S*mmer #ose MacPhersonAs (a)ina. 9y+e Howar' was ha++*cinatin) on $.S.3. an' wa+De' into my parentAs room where in?ant sister was s+eepin). 2his woDe her *p an' she @e)an screamin). 2his was the same @e'room that my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson ha' @een s+eepin) in '*rin) the 1"88 Ha++oween Party when 7hris 2homas ha' 'one somethin) simi+ar with his ?in)ers an' ha' taDen a pict*re. It is 'e?inite that 9y+e Howar' was or'ere' to commit this crime as an initiation crime an' was 'is)*ste' 4 @*t 'eci'e' to *se $.S.3. an' a L 2ip < an' commit the heino*s crime anyways. 9y+e ran o*t o? the ho*se a?ter maDin) a stran)e so*n'. 9y+e Howar' has 'e?inite+y Dnown .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < he has a+so Dnown the 1man*e+esA 7rime So+'ier ;rian 7ase ?or a (ery +on) time. 2he Initiation 7rimes o? the 1man*e+esA

2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are simi+ar in psycho+o)y to a N.A.M.;.$.A. Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate @*t ha(e racia+ tar)ets an' are more (io+ent. 3*rin) the year 20054 1' :arren was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with Anthony 3e.eo G+im@o to @arG in a metaphor to the )ame +im@o where a @ar is +owere' an' a participant m*st pass *n'erneath the @ar witho*t hittin) it < this @ein) a +im@o concernin) a)e 5 1' :arren was 'isc*ssin) one o? the 1man*e+es an' their 7rime Accomp+ice when he state' this. 1' :arren ha' sai' that the 1man*e+e an' his 7rime Accomp+ice compete' ?or Initiation 7rimes 4 repeate'+y taDin) t*rns increasin) the eCtremity o? the crime when a+ternate'+y s*))estin) the crime 5 this is simi+ar to a crimina+ tr*th or 'are where the 7rime $or's @+acD mai+ eachother to @*i+' 7rimina+ 2r*st an' *se these +ater as Initiation 7rimes. 3*rin) the year 2001 5 9y+e Howar' wa+De' to ;ea* SDinnerAs +ate at ni)ht whi+e 'r*nD an' @e)an ye++in) to ;ea*As ?ather whi+e in tears GHere is the Dni?e. I to+' yo* I 'i' it. /o* can Di++ me i? yo* want. I 'i' it. 2his is the Dni?e. 2his is it. I 'onAt 'eser(e to +i(e. /o* can Di++ me i? yo* want.G. ;o@ SDinner to+' 9y+e Howar' that he was cra>y an' 'r*nD an' to )o home an' s+eep. 3*rin) the year 200! < 2*rDoIan % Go+' was *se' @y 7omp*ter HacDers to Pop *p (i'eos an' we@sites with ima)es on my comp*ter screen. 2he two ?ema+es that +ooDe' i'entica+ to Samantha ;ernstein an' 1mi+y Is+es were @ein) rape' @y 8 Ita+ian Ma+es an' were he+' in mirror ima)e' synchroni>e' position whi+e @ein) ?orce' to stare at eachothersA ?aces an' Diss eachother '*rin) the a@*se. 2he positionin) o? these women '*rin) the rape was mirror synchroni>e' 4 they were (i'eo)raphe' as we++ as were their Ne*ro+o)y @ein) manip*+ate' an' Ne*ro#o@otica++y contro++e' as we++ as were their ne*ro+o)y recor'e'. 2he Position which the two ?ema+es were he+' in was simi+ar to @ein) cr*ci?ie' hori>onta++y 4 this +ea's me to @e+ie(e that this was inspire' @y a partic*+ar GScan'ina(iaG @*mper sticDer which was pro'*ce' '*rin) 200% an' the =in+an' ?+a) which is a+so a Nor'ic 7ross .+a). 2he Scan'ina(ia @*mper sticDer was an ima)e o? a Swe'en ?+a) ?+yin) neCt to a Norway ?+a) ?acin) in opposite 'irections 4 this +ooDin) +iDe the hea' o? two crosses ?acin) eachother < the =in+an' ?+a) which is o?ten associate' with North Americans whom are o@ser(ant o? the Asatr* re+i)ion is a )reen ?+a) with a @+acD Nor'ic cross o*t+ine' in white an' has @een *se' @y Peter Stee+e o? 2ype 0 Ne)ati(e as part o? his @an'As +o)o. Peter Stee+e < whom was o? miCe' Scan'ina(ian4 Gae+ic4 an' S+a(ic race )rew *p in New Bersey an' was ?rien's with Asatr*ars ?rom the New Bersey area an' New 1n)+an' area as we++ as was he in the same socia+ networD as G+enn 3an>i) as was pre(io*s+y mentione' an' ;o@@y Stee+e whom were @oth o? New Bersey as we++ as Michae+ Moynihan whom ha' n*mero*s ?rien's in the New Bersey area an' Stacy Sea@*ry whom was my !th Gra'e 1n)+ish teacher an' an Asatr*ar whom was ?rien's with m*ch o? the Asatr* comm*nity. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow 4 I mentione' #omans once 5 #omans 7r*ci?ie' Asatr*ars an' Bews @oth 4 neither o? whom were #omans. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are :ar #apists an' Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDers en)a)e' in an eCtreme amo*nt o? SeC 2ra??icDin). UUUUUUUU******** PSYCHO O!IC" P#O$I IN! O$ %H& "SS"I "N%S' !(I %"SSOCI"%IONS : Poste' on the internet in 2012 4 were photo)raphs o? a )ungeon in a *asement in Ontario Cana)a. 2his '*n)eon was a ?o*r wa++e' rein?orce' room @*i+t in a @asement that ha' @een painte' white an' was empty eCcept ?or a @ench + a ,ug of -ater 4 an' chains hanging from the ceiling. 2he chains han)in) ?rom the cei+in) +ooD to @e the Din' o? chains that wo*+' @e *se' to +ocD an.le-mancles to the @ottom an' -rist-mancles towar's the top o? the chain 4 more imme'iate+y han)in) ?rom the cei+in) < it is pro@a@+e that a manacle-*ar was *se' at the anD+es to Deep the feet sprea) apart as we++ as were the an.le-manacles chaine) to the *ottom of the chain. 2his p*ts the (ictim in the stan)ing position with their arms @ein) sprea' an' he+' *p in a /surren)er/ position an' the an.les *eing force) apart at a specific )istance 4 whi+e a+so chaine' to the same chain as the -rist-manacles. 2he ,ugs of -ater which were ?o*n' are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een *se' to )issol0e 121" in a -ater-*ottle. 2he NeuroCircuit o? which ha+? o? the Brain-Computer-Interface is

comprise' 4 is wire' to an "#!OS !3P3S3 2e0ice that is networDe' o(er internet an' is the impro(ise' #outer4Batter5 as we++ as ser(es the ?*nction o? !lo*al Positioning 5 this 'e(ice is capa@+e o? sen'in) an' recei(in) si)na+ e(en whi+e in a Su*-a5 %ransit %unnel4 this 'e(ice is capa@+e o? recei(in) an' sen'in) !3P3S3 Signal e0en -hile at sea. 2he psycho+o)y o? the position which the (ictims in this '*n)eon were o@(io*s+y he+' in 4 is the psycho+o)y o? some@o'y 'eman'in) s*rren'er ?rom a nation o? peop+e 5 the position the in'i(i'*a+ was he+' in is most 'e?inite+y to ha(e @een a stan'in) *p 4 han's raise' 4 position o? 'isarme' s*rren'er. An'ers ;rei(iD o? Norway who is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een a (ictim o? these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections whom was *se' to s+ay 80 o? his own peop+e 4 is reporte' to ha(e p*t 'own )*ns an' stoo' with his ?eet apart an' han's raise' in s*rren'er to the Norwe)ian Po+ice4 whom accor'in) to 2010 artic+es on the internet 5 ha' ?o*n' An'ers in the woo's. It is pro@a@+e that the women +ocDe' in this white wa++e' '*n)eon in 0ntario 4 may ha(e @een *se' to en)ineer so?tware an' recor'in)s o? Ne*ro+o)y that co*+' @e *se' to transmit a #a'io .reH*ency recor'in) o? the Ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictims 4 in o(er+appin) +ayers < which co*+' ?orce some@o'y to Stan' At S*rren'er with the p*sh o? a @*tton.It is a pro@a@i+ity that An'ers ;rei(iD was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e on a @rie? (acation in San Antonio 2eCas U.S.A. . It is r*mo*re' that An'ers ;rei(iD met .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 7+int -1man*e+e8 in San Antonio 2eCas an' a+so that $orie -Poten>a8 was worDin) at the Hote+ that An'ers ;rei(iD spent the ni)ht at whi+e in San Antonio 2eCas U.S.A. . 2he G=ir)inia 2ech Shootin)G at the =ir)inia 2echnica+ 7o++e)e in the year 2005 or 200E 4 occ*rre' in the same re)ion that 7+int -1man*e+e8 +i(e' in 5 7+int 1man*e+e +i(e' in 3*m@arton =ir)inia. 2hese shooters ha(ein) ;#ain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their @rains is pro@a@+e < it is a+so 'e?inite that these 'e(ices ha(e @een @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+iansA @rains in 0hio U.S.A. an' 7o+ora'o U.S.A. . 2hese 'e(ices can @e *se' to animate an' contro+ the Ne*ro+o)y o? the H*man ;o'y 4 an' ro@otic pi+ot the h*man @o'y to picD *p a )*n an' shoot the )*n acc*rate+y 5 Ne*roScience So?tware 4 G.P.S. #a'io .reH*ency 7onnection 4 an' a +ow (o+ta)e e+ectro ma)netic power s*pp+y is a++ that is nee'e' to t*rn a H*man ;rain F ;o'y into a ro@ot contro++e' @y a comp*ter. 2he -hite )ungeon-cell in the photo)raphs o? the Ontario 2ungeon is near+y eCact+y the same in appearance as the white '*n)eon ce++ wherein the man ?rom /6 !u5 6 7ar/ 'ie'. 2he man ?rom the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo is 'e?inite to ha(e @een a (ictim o? the Brain-Computer-Interface Human8i0isections an' the c*rrent )enoci'e that @e)an imme'iate+y a?ter the 9-66 %errorist "ttac.s4 an' was ?*++y *n'erway in 200%. It is possi@+e that the man who 'ie' an' was (i'eo)raphe' as /6 !u5 6 7ar/ was re+ate' @io+o)ica++y to Samantha Bernstein's companion whom she arri(e' at .ami+y 3o++ar with in 200% < that may ha(e @een her @oy?rien'. 3*rin) the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ 0i)eo which was p*@+ishe' to the internet in 200! < a naDe' man is stan'in) in a -hite--alle) )ungeon room 5 he picDs *p a !lass 1ason-7ar an' inserts it into his anus 4 a?ter which the !lass 1ason-7ar shatters an' impa+es the insi'e o? his rect*m with +ar)e shar's o? @roDen )+ass. %he man *lee)s to )eath. 3*rin) 2003 < I ate 'inner with the $ree1asons at the #ising Sun o)ge in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 that was the Masonic $o')e which my Great Gran'?ather ha' atten'e' an' e(ent*a++y attaine' the :;< of the Scottish #ite of $ree1asonr53 8ittorio &manuele in ;==> < state' to $il &manuele o(er the phone 4 whi+e 'ri(in) 'own So*th :i++ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire /I'm a*out to shit a mountain of *ro.e-*ac.G 4 when he rea+i>e' that I was 3e@@ie $a=oieAs son an' that I ha' to+' a mem@er o? the Bewish comm*nity the tr*th re)ar'in) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ +inea)e. A'o+? Hit+er was o? the +ine o? $om@ar'i Sa(oy an' Aosta @oth 4 his ?ather was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ?ather4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III was his @io+o)ica+ ha+? @rother4 an' his mother was a woman o? miCe' Ita+ian an' A*strain race with Aosta +inea)e 5 A'o+? Hit+er was the pro'*ct o? the 9in) o? Ita+iaAs +o(e a??air an' marita+ in?i'e+ity. :hen asDe' what the phrase /a mountain of *ro.e-*ac./ means 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e state' to .i+ 1man*e+e that /it means -hen 5ou shit 5our self so *a) that 5ou fill 5our -hole pants -ith shit?/ 3 3*rin) 200% < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' ma'e a IoDe with 3anie+ Bames a@o*t writin) a homose@ual lo0e-stor5 ca++e' Bro.e*ac. 1ountain 5 it is pres*me' that .i++i@erto

1man*e+e *se' $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen connections to )et this mo(ie pro'*ce'4 it is possi@+e that "aron &manuele he+pe' write it as a )host writer. 3*rin) 200% < "nthon5 2e$eo H*ote' the 2on Hertzfel)t /#e,ecte) Cartoons/ 4 whi+e at worD 5 statin) /15 anus is *lee)ing? &0er5*o)5 )ance? Ya5?/. I ha' @een watchin) 2ont Hertzfel)t's #e,ecte) Cartoons on my comp*ter *sin) the internet the 'ay prior to this. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 I ha' ?reH*ent+y Dept my han' in my pocDet on my *o@-cutter 5 at some point 4 "nthon5 2e$eo ha' ma'e a Clint &ast-oo) re?erence. 3*rin) 2005 5 my se+?4 Aach "n)ros.i4 an' one o? PachAs ?rien'As he+' an impro(ise' )eathmetal Iam session at his ?rien'As rente' rehearsa+ space at the Mi++s near 7ana+ St. in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) this impro(ise' Iam session < I opene' a glass-*ottle o? Ne-Castle Bro-n "le on the e')e o? a floor tom-)rum 4 this res*+te' in the shattering i? the corner o? the 'rinDin) spo*t o? the )+ass @ott+e 5 I 'ranD the @ott+e o? Ne-Castle re)ar'+ess o? the *ro.en glass which ha' ?a++en into the @ott+e an' in)este' shar)s of glass. I mentione' this to &) Barren the ?o++owin) 'ay. I ha' a+so @een 'isc*ssin) $ree1asons o?ten '*rin) 200% an' 2005 as we++ as 'i' I ha(e 'inner at the #ising Sun $o')e '*rin) 2003 which was in Nash*a NewHampshire. 2he #ising Sun $o')e was the 1asonic %emple that my Great Gran'?ather ha' atten'e' ?reH*ent+y thro*)ho*t his +i?e an' '*rin) his achei(in) the :;O of the Scottish #ite o? the .raterna+ 0r'er o? the $ree1asons. 2he name 1ason7ars inc+*'es the wor' 1ason 5 a+so4 m*ch o? my ?ami+y *se Mason Bars an' recyc+e Pasta-Sauce 1ason-7ars ?or *se as ) I @e+ie(e that the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo was p+anne' an' eCec*te' @y the same in'i(i'*a+s whom p+anne' an' eCec*te' what was the /; !irls C Nails/ (i'eo as we++ as the /; !irls 6 Cup/ (i'eo which was a recor'e' rapin) o? ; females *5 C Italian males whi+e the ?ema+es were *na@+e to physica++y contro+ their own @o'ies '*e to Bio-#o*otics Soft-are contro++in) their entire @rain an' ne*ro+o)y a?ter s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? a Brain-Computer Interface )ra?te' to their @rains with the Surgical Implant micro-router tacDe' to their IawAs m*sc*+at*re. 2his so?tware connects o(er the internet. ;e?ore I ha' @roDen *p with her an' "lisha Cote 5 Sahn)ra St3Onge was *sin) my comp*ter to p+ay Super 1ario Brothers+ Super 1ario Brothers is a si'e scro++in) )ame which in(o+(es ; Italian Plum*ers has n*mero*s sta)es in(o+(in) running on Clou)s which are co(ere' in turtle-monsters that 'o nothin) @*t ,ump an' thro- hammers. 1' :arren @e)an re?errin) to &mil5 Isles as /Princess Peach/ an' the Samantha Bernstein whom I ha' @een (i'eo recor'e' @ein) (isi@+y awe str*cD @y the presense o? as /Princess %oa)stool/ an' /Henrietta/3 Beautiful 7e-ish $emales in the (S" are often calle) /7e-ish "merican Princesses/3 2his occ*rre' a?ter a se)ment aire' on a te+e(ision series '*rin) 200% which was @roa'caste' on Comcast in North America 5 this te+e(ision se)ment 'escri@e' the 1n)ineerin) o? an Internet-Controlle) #o*ot 4 this ro@ot in partic*+ar @ein) a #emote-Control a-n-1o-er capa@+e o? @ein) pi+ote' to mow the entire @+ocDAs +awns ?rom the 7omp*ter 0??ice #oom @y way o? internet an' camera mounte) on the la-n-mo-er. 2he termino+o)y /aroun) the *loc./ is typica++y *se' to )isrespectfull5 )escri*e a female whom has ha' numerous se@ual partners in her +i?etime. %he Comcast Net-or.'s Ser0ers were @ein) *se' @y 7omp*ter HacDers to access my persona+ comp*ter as we++ as Scott H*nterAs an' 9enneth B*''As personal computers 4 the 7omcast Ser(ers were hacDe' an' *se' to @roa'cast Ps5chBarfare "ssaults *pon the %ele0ision Screen when my se+? an' my roommates were watchin) the 2e+e(ision. It is pro@a@+e that '*rin) the remo)eling of the apartment *elo- ours 4 illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices were p+ante' within the wa++s 5 we +i(e' on the 3r' ?+oor. 0? re+e(ance to 1ario Brothers4 ?ro)s4 princesses4 an' t*rt+es throwin) hammers 5 $ree1asons *se a ceremonial 1ason's Hammer as we++ as ceremonial measurement tools 4 &mil5 Isles was an "satruar an' we o?ten wear %hor's Hammer pen)ants as re+i)io*s sym@o+s o? ?aith 4 the t*rt+es in the 1ario Brothers )ame thro- hammers an' ,ump *p an' 'own on clou)s 4 1mi+y was penpa+s with ars G8arg' 8i.ernes an' ?o*n' my ScreenName an' 1mai+ A''ress on the Burzum .or*m 4 the 7e-ish la)5 ha' a s+i)ht+y ?ranDic appearance an' may ha(e ha' a sma++ amo*nt o? ancestors o? $rench race 4 I am ha+? .ranco American my se+? an' the /$rog-Prince/ is the *)+y /$rog/ which the princess .isses an' t*rns into a @ea*ti?*+ Prince4 is a racia+ s+*r ?or a $rench

person 4 Sahn)ra St3 Onge was ha+? $ranco-"merican as was her Step .ather 4 Cha) !rolsch was an A+sacian Name' $ranco-"merican whom was a mem@er o? the Borl) Church of the Creator Bhite Po-er organization '*rin) 200% when 8ittorio &manuele *egan his -itch-hunting for -hom e0er e@pose) his secret to /%he 7e-s/3 0? re+e(ance to Mario ;rothers 4 the )ame '*rin) which the p+ayerAs character is one o? t-o Italian Plum*ers 5 co++ection o? a star )rants in0inci*ilit5 4 whi+e 7e-s' were )i(en stars '*rin) the Holocaust to marD them as 7e-s prior to e@termination. 2he Star o? 3a(i' is the religious s5m*ol of 7e-ish $aith an' is on the ?+a) o? Israel. 3*rin) 200! 5 I was i++e)a++y 'etaine' @y Police Officers in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 @ro*)ht to a hospita+ in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 threatene' in re+ation to 7e-s an' the :r) #eich 4 i++e)a++y @ro*)ht to the Psychiatric Hospita+ in the NewHampshire 7apita+ 7ity o? 7oncor' @y metho' o? a Sherrif's -agon in chains as i? I ha' m*r'ere' some@o'y 4 an' i++e)a++y Surgicall5 Implante) with a Brain-Computer Interface wire' to a Surgical Implant #outer 4 Batter5 similar to a 8erichip @y s*r)ica+ metho' o? 1icro-%rephaning an' aproscopic Cosmetic Surger5. 2he =erichips which ha' @een '*mpe' in the @acD o? the store 4 were '*mpe' there in a rippe' paper @a) @y 1' :arren a?ter a 7e-ish man ha' (isite' me at worD. I @e+ie(e it was 1' :arren who @e)an ca++in) the Bewish man with the Kosher 1o*ile Cellular %elephone. 2he Bewish woman whom I ha' @een recor'e' (isi@+y in awe o? on camera may ha(e @een re+ate' to the Bewish man that appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar a ?ew times to ta+D to me who may ha(e @een a co*sin o? A'am ;ernsteinAs whoAs new $aw 0??ice is +ocate' on the same street as the the St3 Patric.'s Cathe)ral which has %BO C#OSS&S on the spires as we++ as a thir) on the +ower roo? which is a Solar-Cross. " month or t-o *efore &) Barren watche' the 0i)eo recor)ing o? my se+? (isi@i+y appearin) to @e in lo0e with the 7e-ish -oman Samantha Bernstein whom ha' appeare' at the store one ni)ht 5 I ha' @een in a %riune-1ono!amous Committe)-#elationship -ith t-o females + *oth of -hom ha) $ranco-"merican Surnames3 I ha0e a stigmata-li.e scar on m5 -rist -hich loo.s similar to a crucifi@ion -oun) from a )ri0en nail : the Aesir name' ;a+'r 4 is sometimes re+ate' to in re?erence to the Syncretic #omani>ation o? @oth /esh*a the #a@@i an' the re+i)ion ta*)ht @y the Gothi which were the Asatr* priest. Bal)r's a++e)orica+ +ore re+ates to the sun4 as we++ as )5ing an) re*irth similar to 7esus4 as we++ as was O)in impale) to a tree *5 his o-n spear3 &mil5 Isle's Ne0er-inter Nights Character often use) a spear3 15 Ne0erNights Character -as name) %'rell : the /%irell House/ is neCt to the @*i+'in) with the sign Cin)erella 1o)eling Stu)io which is *ehin) Papp5's Pizza which is the resta*rant that &) Barren ate )inner -ith 8ittorio &manuele a?ter sta+Din) Samantha Bernstein to her p+ace o? worD3 &mil5 an) Samantha -ere force) to participate in a /%-o !irls One Cup/ 0i)eo that -as pu*lishe) to internet in ;==D )uring -hich the t-o of them -ere force) to )rin. urine from a transparent high-heel /glass slipper/ an) eat feces from a )i@ie-cup size) glass3 0n the same roa' as the 2ire++ Ho*se 4 the ?ormer 7in'ere++aAs Mo'e+in) St*'io @*i+'in) 4 an' PappyAs Pi>>a is the 1ental Health Center an' 1e)usa Salon : )uring ;==> + 8ittorio &manuele appeare) on m5 tele0ision screen t-ice as the result of a computer E 8ittorio sai) /I )i) not )o this to 5ou?/3 2he comp*ter hacDer 'isp+aye' an' presente' this recor'e' an' animate' se)ment '*rin) a commercia+ @reaD which happene' whi+e the 69F='s Clash of the %itans was airin) an' Perseus was 'isp+ayin) the 1irror-Shiel) to the 1e)usa3 15 1other -as 0ictim )uring the 69F='s + -hen she -as a chil)3 2he t-o females who are rape' @y C Italian 1ales are he+' in synchroni>e' mirror position 4 this represents a mirrore) crucifi@ion. &mil5 Isles ca++e' me in a panic '*rin) 2005 4 te++in) me that her 1other was missin) an' that there was a woman in the ho*se whom loo.e) nearl5 i)entical to her Mother that was chasin) her possi@+y tryin) to Di++ her 5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 has @een *se' to rep+ace entire ?ami+ies in North America with 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents +oya+ to 8ittorio &manuele's %errorist Crime-S5n)icate4 these are most+y Ita+ians with minorities o? "GIS re+ate' ?actions s*ch as Ser@ians an' Sa*'i Ara@ians. the man c+aimin) to @e/")am Bernstein/ c*rrent+y worDs with t-o half-Italians at his +aw o??ice on

%emple Street 2he man c+aimin) to @e ")am Bernstein has cease' to accept a ?ew speci?ic Din's o? co*rt cases which he ?ormer+y wo*+' ha(e taDen an' 'e?en'e' @ein) that A'am was an eCce++ent la-5er 5 it is +iDe+y that the man c+aimin) to @e A'am ;ernstein is in ?act an Ita+ian A6IS +oya+ist whom has @een *sin) A'am ;ernsteinAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' has 7osmetic =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' himse+? to +ooD +iDe A'am. A'am was ta++er an' ha' @roa'er sho*+'ers4 his hair was )o+' @+on'e whi+e this manAs hair is o?ten a ye++ow @+on'e4 his comp+eCion was Israe+i whi+e this manAs comp+eCion +ooDs Ita+ian4 an' A'amAs nose was AshDena>ic whi+e this manAs nose +ooDs Sici+ian. A'amAs sDe+eta+ str*ct*re was AshDena>ic 5 the man in A'am ;ernsteinAs o??ice has narrower wi'th o? sho*+'er an' his sD*++ is more ro*n'e' whereas A'amAs was more an)*+ar an' typica+ o? "sh.enazic ?eat*res which are *s*a++y ta++er4 thinner4 +on)er +im@e'4 an' @roa'er ?rame'. 2he 7e-ish -oman whom I was (isi@+y in awe o? whom ha' p*rchase' an item at my re)ister whi+e I (isi@+y appeare' to @e in +o(e with her which was ")am Bernstein's sister+ Samantha. "sh.enazic was a wor' which I ha' ?o*n' on the internet '*rin) 200% whi+e I was researchin) an' st*'yin) B*'aism an' Israe+i history a @it. Burzum has an "l*um tit+e' "SK& which was one o? the ?irst ;*r>*m a+@*ms I ha' e(er p*rchase'4 I @e+ie(e AS91 means "shes in Nor-egian. ")olf Hitler's Criminal %errorist #egime *urnt ,e-s in incinerators simi+ar to the Sta.e-Burnings o? 7oan )' "rc4 peop+e whom were +a@e+e' -itches an' heretics '*rin) the #oman Catholic InHuisitions in $rance an) Spain4 as we++ as in Salem 1asschusettes where peop+e were acc*se' o? -itch-craft an' @*rnt *pon +ar)e woo'en po+e staDes simi+ar to what was *se' '*rin) a Crucifi@ion. 2here is a son) on a +ater a+@*m ca++e' Bal)r's %o) is a son) written @y ars /8arg/ 8i.ernes o? which the theme is Bal)r's )eath *efore his re*irth when Honir resc*es him ?rom He+ *sin) Sleipnir which is 0'inAs &ight- egge) horse4 which is O)in's -ar-mount @ein) a horse ha0ing t-ice as man5 legs as a re)*+ar horse S+eipnir is the fastest of all horses. &) Barren ha' an incre'i@+y cr*'e sense o? h*mo*r4 most o? his IoDes @ein) 'is)*stin)+y o??ensi(e an' o? a seC*a+ nat*re. 2he termino+o)ies /mount/ an' /fast girls/ are seC*a+ re+ate' s+an) inn*en'os. 1' :arren mentione' the gas Nitrous whi+e at worD 5 '*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 Nitrous tanDs were @ein) *se' incre'i@+y ?reH*ent+y @y 'r*) a@*sers in North America ?or p*rpose o? h*??in) an' )ettin) hi)h. Nitro*s pro'*ces in some peop+e 4 *ncontro++a@+e +a*)hter an' eCtreme e*phoria. Nitrous in automo*iles an automo*ile accelerate much faster3 Soon a?ter her appearin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 Samantha ;ernstein whom I ne(er e(en saw a)ain4 was @ein) re?erre' to as my G)ir+?rien'G @y 1' :arren an' e(ent*a++y co worDers '*e to 1' :arrenAs statements. 1' :arren +ater state' GIs+es ?or mi+es4 I )ot is+es ?or mi+es4 I want my is+es ?or mi+es4 I want to taDe is+es ?or a ?ew mi+es.G a metaphoric inn*en'o re?errin) to a*tomo@i+es or horses meanin) possi@+y that he wante' to a@'*ct her an' rape her. $iDe the )ame S5n)icate 4 which in(o+(es intentional in,uring o? ci(i+ians ?or p*rpose o? surgicall5 turning the in,ure) ci0ilian into a remote-controlle) c5*org-ro*ot -hile in the hospital : 1' :arren to+' me thro*)h a co worDer that my /girlfrien)/ ha' @een /hit *5 a truc./ 4 this was the same weeD that 1' :arren ?o+'e' a piece o? paper towe+ insi'e o? a paper towe+ t*@e an' ma'e re?erences to microchips an' tampons sayin) Gthis wi++ stop her @itchin)G. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace c*rrent+y in my sD*++ which is )ra?te' to my @rain is wire' to an attache' #o*ter an' ;attery A#G0S G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ant com@ination an' was inserte' *sin) a so?t an' ?+eCi@+e p+astic t*@e whi+e the #o*ter F ;attery is a+rea'y attache' on the other en' which han)s o*t o? the t*@e 5 this +ooDs +iDe a tampon app+icator an' the Si+D @ase' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ?o+'s insi'e the t*@e to ?it it as non in(asi(e+y as possi@+e into the sD*++ ca(ity4 a?terwhich it *n?o+'s when it is )ent+y p*she' o?? the en' @y the wire an' the t*@e is remo(e' < this is ?o++owe' @y the S*r)ica+ Impantin) o? the #o*ter F ;attery which is encase' in S*r)ica+ P+astic an' is imp+ante' *sin) too+s which are simi+ar to $aproscopic 2oo+s an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery 2oo+s as we++ as ;o'y Mo'i?ication 2oo+s which are *se' to winch the #o*ter F ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant 'own into the Iaw ca(ity ?rom @ehin' the ear an' to s*t*re tacD it to the m*sc*+at*re a+on) the insi'e o? the Baw 7a(ity. %he positioning of the t-o females in the ; !irls C Italian 1ales 0i)eos -hich -ere )isco0ere) on the internet )uring late ;==F is the same positioning as I2ia*lo's/ torture-trauma

sessions -hich he calle) /Bitch-%raining/ : the right leg e@ten)e) )irectl5 *ac. *ehin) the form E in these 0i)eos the -omen -ere *eing s5nchronize) rape) in a mirrore) position -hile paire) up -ith > Italian males each3 I ha0e since recognize) these t-o females an) can i)entif5 them3 I ha0e also possi*l5 locate) t-o of the males in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 I2ia*lo'sJ )escri*e) torture has *een reporte) to m5self to ha0e *een actuall5 Clint %a5lor's crimes *eing recommitte) *5 Crime-Sol)iers he is attempting to %rust-$all -ith3 S+eipnir < 0'inAs 8 +e))e' horse 4 was mentione' @y 1' :arren inc+*'in) a re?erence to #o@ot horses 4 ro@ots 4 an' G?ast @itchesG < as we++ as 8 +e)s @ein) twice as many +e)s than one ?ema+e horse 5 two women were +ater rape' @y 1' :arrenAs associates in re+ation to these statements. Some o? these concepts may ha(e @een 'isc*sse' in .i+As #ap A+@*m. ;o@ Sha)o*ry *se' to post his m*sic to Star(in)Artists.7om '*rin) the years 200% 4 2005 4 200E 4 an' 200!. It is pro@a@+e that .i+As a+@*m was poste' there. Mat Mi++As o? Manchester NewHampshire owne' a copy o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs rap a+@*m entit+e' G.i+G. It is pro@a@+e that committin) attacDs *pon Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isection =ictims @y metho' o? *sin) the Ne*roScience So?tware which the 1man*e+esA an' their 2errorist Accomp+ices ha(e en)ineere' as a means o? manip*+atin) an' contro++in) the Ne*ro+o)y an' the m*sc*+at*re o? the (ictimsA to ?orce them to 'o thin)s 5 speci?ic Din's o? attacDs re+ate' to the *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een committe' as Initiation 7rimes @y the )*i+ty 2errorist :ar 7rimina+s whom ha(e to pro(e that they are tr*stworthy 4 @e?ore they are a++owe' to *se the Ne*roScience S+a(ery So?tware to contro+ the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isection =ictim whom has @een H*man 2ra??icDe'. 'e?inite that a)es 4 a)e 'i??erences @etween (ictims an' assai+ants4 season o? year 4 metho' o? rape 4 an' other 'etai+s are Dey ?actors in i'enti?yin) an *n'er+yin) Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e in the en)ineerin) o? the 7eremonia+ #ape Initiation 7rimes. It is pro@a@+e that many o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs psychotic SeC 0??enses an' metho's o? Seria+ 9i++in)s ha(e @ecome Initiation 7rimes ?or their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 these ha(e o@(io*s+y @een +ayere' o(er the sta)es o? Initiation 7rimes which were present '*rin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )eneration. 2he 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 is in(o+(e' in an eCtreme amo*nt o? SeC 2ra??icDin). 2ho*)h this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o?ten en)a)e in other a(en*es o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 an' 2errorism 5 SeC 2ra??icDin) to the eCtent o? it @ein) a :ar 7rime an' )enoci'a+ eCtermination o? the (ictimsA ?ami+ies 4 seems to @e the most common 7rimina+ Acti(ities which this or)ani>ation en)a)es in. 2he (ictims o? the maIority o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a GIta+ian A6ISG 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are primari+y ?ema+es 4 many o? whom are minors inc+*'in) yo*n)er chi+'ren 5 it is pro@a@+e that this tar)ettin) o? ?ema+es ?or @r*ta++y cr*e+ Initiation 7rimes is ?or reason that this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate so o?ten en)a)e in the acti(ity o? SeC 2ra??icDin) an' the Initiation 7rimes are 'esi)ne' to 'eni)rate .ema+es as a )en'er an' 'e)ra'e the i'entity o? the .ema+e Gen'er in the min' o? the 7rimina+ Intitiate. A 7rime Syn'icate whom se++ .ema+e H*mans as a pro'*ct 4 'o not respect .ema+es < these men @ecome sa'istica++y a@*si(e towar's .ema+es an' o?ten seeD to recr*it other Ma+es whom are sa'istica++y a@*si(e towar's .ema+es an' (iew .ema+es as a@so+*te in?eriors to Ma+es 5 in B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Phi+osophica+ $iterat*re4 his Miso)ynism an' a@so+*te 'isrespect o? .ema+es was thoro*)h+y eCpresse' . It is 'e?inite that the 7rimina+ Initiates in =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are +itera++y *ncon(icte' #epeat 0??en'er #apists whom ha(e rape' .ema+es o? pro)ressi(e+y yo*n)er a)e as s*ccessi(e Initiation 7rimes 4 which e(ent*a++y res*+t in the +itera+ #ape o? 7hi+'ren an' a@'*ction o? 7hi+'ren as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 7hi+'ren 5 ?or the reason that this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate tar)ets chi+'ren 4 harmin) o? chi+'ren is 'e?inite to @e inc+*'e' in m*+tip+e +ayers o? the Initation 7rimes ?or reason that 2errorist 7rime $or's 'o not want to @e con(icte' @y an accomp+ice that testi?ies a)ainst them. As with m*ch o? the other Initiation 7rimes < the committin) o? the crime is o?ten (i'eo)raphe' an' photo)raphe' as we++ as is ?orensic e(i'ence co++ecte' an' pro(i'e' to pro(e to the 2errorist 7rime

$or' that the crime was committe' 5 this wo*+' @e an item o? *n'er)arments 4 ?or instance. .or p*rpose o? ena@+in) the Initiation 7rimes to @e committe' witho*t crimina+ char)es @ein) ?i+e' *pon the 2errorist 7rimina+ < it is 'e?inite that m*ch o? the Initiation 7rimes occ*r in +ocations where the 1man*e+e 1(o+a GIta+ian A6ISG 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha' em@e''e' n*mero*s 7rimina+ A)ents in the Po+ice 3epartment an' in .e'era+ In(esti)ations 3epartments 4 ?or the p*pose o? sa@ota)in) in(esti)ations an' pre(entin) the arrest o? the 2errorist 7rimina+ Initiates. 3*e to the ?act that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a GIta+ian A6ISG 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate commit the maIority o? their Initiation 7rimes in re)ions where they ha(e em@e''e' 7rimina+ A)ents in the $aw 1n?orcement 3epartments 4 it is easy ?or their Initiate' 7rimina+s to seeD positions o? emp+oyment within $aw 1n?orcement an' +ater e(en .e'era+ In(esti)ations '*e to some o? them comp+ete+y +acDin) any crimina+ recor'. A?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich < =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 an' possi@+y A'o+? Hit+er hi' their @+oo'+ines in the +east +iDe+y o? p+aces 5 this @ein) the Americas. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has at +east two @rothers 5 3anie+ Bames an' Aaron < @oth o? whom I ha(e met. 2he state o? NewHampshire o? the U.S.A. was one o? the ?o*n'in) states o? the U.S.A. an' one o? the ?irst to 'ec+are in'epen'ence ?rom ;ritain 5 I @e+ie(e that it was ?or this reason that =ittorio 1man*e+e a'opte' his sons to ?ami+ies in NewHampshire an' Massach*settes 4 the ?o*n'in) re)ion o? the U.S.A. . It is pro@a@+e that other Sa(oy @+oo'+ines were hi''en in North America with the intention o? corr*ptin) an' 'estroyin) the U.S.A. 4 MeCico 4 an' 7ana'a ?rom within an' crimina++y conH*erin) the North American continent ?or the p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y conH*erin) the 1arth. 7aesar 4 whom is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs )ran'son was raise' in 7*@a an' is Dnown there as G3ia@+oG '*e to the series o? (io+ent rapes he ha' committe' in 7*@a. It is a pro@a@i+ity that A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine was sm*))+e' into the U.S.A. as we++ '*e to the U.S.A. @ein) the +east +iDe+y p+ace that any enemy o? A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y wo*+' e(er +ooD ?or his @+oo'+ine. 3*rin) the year 200E 5 the +*nch 'e+i(ery tr*cD 'ri(er at New Hampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication +ooDe' +iDe he was +iDe+y to @e =ittorio 1man*e+eAs imme'iate co*sin < on one partic*+ar occaision 4 this man spoDe to me the wor's G2r*'y... 2r*'y... 2r*'y... ne(er sho*+' ha(e +e?t that #eser(ationG shaDin) his hea' in the GN0G 'irection an' re?errin) to my NanaAs .ather Bohn 2r*'ea* whom was a .irst Nations Nati(e American who was @orn at a #eser(ation. 7*rrent+y 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e seem to @e eCterminatin) my entire pop*+ation on @oth si'es o? my racia+ ?ami+y < the tar)et is my physica+ race. 2here are not many .irst Nations pop*+ations +e?t 5 the .irst Nations peop+es are misconstr*e' to @e a sin)+e race o? peop+e when in ?act there are many races o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans < North America was home to m*+tip+e races o? what are now ca++e' .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es. 2here are not many A@enaDi 4 MiHmaD 4 or Mahican peop+es +e?t 5 tota+ pop*+ation seems to ha(e stea'i+y 'ec+ine' since the 1st :or+' :ar < percenta)e ratio in terms o? tota+ nationa+ pop*+ation co*nt has certain+y 'ec+ine' in comparison to other races o? peop+e whom +i(e in North America @*t in some cases the tota+ n*m@er itse+? has 'ec+ine'. A?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich 4 the 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' to the USA an' @e)an co(ert+y H*man 2ra??icDin) an' Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) the North American races in preperation ?or a comp+ete conH*est o? North America pre empti(e+y @e?ore a 2hir' :or+' :ar an' thir' attempt at G+o@a+ 7onH*est that has @een 'escri@e' @y the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe ;osnia as Gthe Anti 7hristG. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a+so seem to ha(e secret+y 'ec+are' #ace :ar *pon the An)+o Gae+ic race an' the imme'iate races re+ate' to it as we++ as the Israe+is an' a ?ew others s*ch as the Norwe)ians an' possi@+y Sici+ians whom they ha(e in the past eCterminate' entire ?ami+ies o?. 2he c*rrent pop*+ation where I am sittin) ri)ht now as I write this is primari+y Ita+ians whom ha(e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their @rains an' are carryin) Americans I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 n*mero*s Po+ice 'epartments are c*rrent+y comp+ete+y in?i+trate' in the North 1ast o? North America. 2he c*rrent +e(e+ o? corr*ption is irre(ersa@+e witho*t mi+itary inter(ention ?rom the a++ies o? the U.S.A. as we++ as mi+itaries sta??e' @y the act*a+ races o? peop+e whom are tar)ette' 5 the Ho*se o?

Sa(oyAs +oya+ists are wearin) o*r *ni?orms with o*r ?+a) on it whi+e Di++in) o*r peop+es. Bessica Gi@son 4 an A?rican American ?ema+e whom I went to Hi)hschoo+ with was )i(en my phone n*m@er @y my se+? in 200% 5 she is c*rrent+y missin) an' her ?ace@ooD has a photo)raph o? a 'i??erent A?riDDi' ?ema+e on it. :i++iam Bama+ PattersonAs .ace@ooD says GBamar PattersonG an' the man whom I met that was ca++in) himse+? GBamarG was a Hapa M*+atto &ha+? Asian ha+? A?riDDi' or possi@+y ha+? Hawaiin an' ha+? A?riDDi', he was certain+y not Bama+ an' his ?aDe I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were e(en spe++e' incorrect+y as an ins*+t to the imposte*rAs racia+ herita)e which one o? the 1man*e+es or 1(o+as m*st ha(e ?o*n' h*mo*ro*s. GBamarG ta+De' a@o*t spies an' spy mo(ies (ery o?ten. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 Bason Be??rey was (isitin) me at my apartment on Haywar' Street in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi+e (isitin) me 4 Bason Be??rey @e)an to con(erse with me a@o*t G+o@a+ 7onH*est. I to+' Bason Be??rey that I 'i' not @e+ie(e that G+o@a+ 7onH*est was a )oa+ that was achei(a@+e 4 an' that e(en i? the most immora+ means o? conH*est were emp+oye' 5 it wo*+' @e impossi@+e to ho+' the conH*ere' territories permanant+y 4 they wo*+' e(ent*a++y 'ec+are in'epen'ence thro*)h re(o+*tion. Bason Be??rey 'eci'e' that it was 'e?inite+y achei(a@+e @y the most immora+ means possi@+e an' in?orme' me that ?rien's o? his were +itera++y p+annin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' ha' the connections an' startin) reso*rces to achei(e G+o@a+ 7onH*est. Bason Be??rey 'isc*sse' this once whi+e at my apartment a secon' time 4 in the presense o? 2ony Grasseti. 2hey @oth Dnew .i+ 1man*e+e. Bason Be??rey was a 7rime So+'ier o? =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 7rime Syn'icate. :hi+e 'isc*ssin) this 4 an asian man name' Bama+ who appeare' on the te+e(ision intro'*ce' himse+? as GBamarNG an' ca*se' Bason Be??rey to +a*)h. 2his is how the Hapa M*+atto 1spiona)e A)ent who was ta+Din) to me a@o*t Spies name' GBamarG Patterson misspe++e' his name on his 3*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' his .ace;ooD Pa)e which is c*rrent+y on my ?rien's +ist. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was reporte' to ha(e @een @orn in Hawaii an' he is a M*+atto < in the mo(ie 7onan the ;ar@arian 4 Arno+' Schwar>ene))erAs character 7onan is the a'(ersary o? a man who tooD his peop+e as S+a(es an' 2ra??icDe' them a++ 5 this character was p+aye' @y the actor Bames 1ar+ Bones who was a Hawaiin M*+atto A?riDDi' American. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I rea' an artic+e on the internet that 'escri@e' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama as a 7onan the ;ar@arian ?an 5 a ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama 7omic ;ooD was printe' an' was ca++e' G;aracD the ;ar@arian.G 1' :arren *se' to chant G;ar@arian. ;ar@arian. ;ar@arian.G when e(er I was aro*n' him at worD. An' G=ictorio*s. =ictorio*s. =ictorio*s.G a?ter e(ery time he ta+De' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an ret*rne' to worD. 2his was reminiscent o? 9in) #ichar'As .aire 4 the Me'ie(a+ Anachronist .aire 2heme ParD in Massach*settes 5 where there are 'i??erent chants ?or the com@atants in the @att+e?ie+' com@atant shows. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 whi+e +i(in) at 155 Map+e Street Apartment 2 < I @ecame ?rien's with an' was near+y 'atin) a .irst Nations Nati(e American woman name' Ben ;ea*'in. Ben ;ea*'in ?e++ in +o(e with me an' I was not rea'y ?or a serio*s re+ation at the time @*t was intereste' in possi@+y @ein) with her in the near ?*t*re. Ben ;ea*'in @e)an spen'in) time with some@o'y e+se an' e(ent*a++y 'isappeare'. I ha(e @een *na@+e to ?in' her since 200!. 2he +ast Dnown +ocation o? where she was 4 was #ich'a+eAs con(ienient store on ;ri')e Street '*rin) 200! when I saw her wa+D into the store as I passe' the store in a (ehic+e. Ben ;ea*'in an' my se+? spoDe on the internet as we++ as 'i' she spen' the ni)ht at my apartment a ?ew times 5 Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico ha' positione' Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @ehin' the wa++s in the apartment whi+e he was ?iCin) thin)s an' *p)ra'in) some o? the trim an' ?rames as we++ as paintin). 2he 1man*e+es hacDers are pro@a@+e to ha(e notice' my se+? an' Ben ;ea*'in ta+Din) ?reH*ent+y. Ben ;ea*'inAs +icense p+ate n*m@er an' re' tr*cD are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een written 'own @y Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates #acia+ 2ar)ettin) o? .irst Nations Nati(e American races is 'e?inite 5 in the +ate 1""0As 4 Bosh*a 3ANapo+i rape' Stephanie $amarine as an initiation crime. My co*sin Marco #oy ha' witnesse' part o? this an' was an)ry with Bosh ?or a +on) time. Stephanie $amarine was one o? the on+y other .irst Nations Nati(e Americans in the entire state

o? NewHampshire 4 @esi'es my mother an' my si@+in)s 4 an' a (ery sma++ n*m@er o? other ?ami+ies that n*m@er +ess than ten ?ami+ies in tota+. It is a+most 'e?inite that a co*sin o? Bosh 3ANapo+iAs was the man who 'is)*ise' himse+? as a Bewish 'octor '*rin) the year 200! 4 when I was ?orce?*++y @ro*)ht to the So*thern NewHampshire #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire @y a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who ha' impersonate' Po+ice 0??icers an' taDen the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment. I @e+ie(e that Bosh*a 3ANapo+i is re+ate' to the ?ami+y that attempte' to m*r'er me with @+acD mo+' in a 3*nDin 3on*ts 7o??ee 7*p imme'iate+y a?ter I so+' a 3*nDin 3on*ts 7o??ee to the Prince :i++iam Hano(er. 2ay+a G$aw(erG whoAs s*rname has chan)e' n*mero*s times an' whoAs Mother was *sin) the name G3e@@ie 3*montG 4 to+' me that her Gran'.ather Boe Dnew G3rac*+aG G*)+ie+mo persona++y an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e persona++y. :hi+e I was at 2ay+aAs Gran'.atherAs ho*se. I ha(e seen a man who +ooDs eCtreme+y @io+o)ica++y re+ate' to this ?ami+y worDin) in the Nash*a NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment. 2he 1man*e+esA a)ents o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 4 a)ents o? their 7rime Syn'icate 4 Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e A)ents 4 an' 2errorist a)ents o? theirs 5 or'er their chi+'ren to te++ n*mero*s schoo+ chi+'ren that I was an GA'o+? Hit+er worshipperG thro*)ho*t my entire chi+'hoo' an' into my a'*+t a)e. 3*rin) the year 200E 5 whi+e +i(in) at 155 Map+e Street Apartment 2 4 two women contacte' me on MySpace an' @e)an asDin) me to ha(e we@cam con(ersations with them < ?or some reason these women @oth @e)an showin) me their @are @reasts on the internet an' ?+irtin) with me. 1riDa H*)hes was the name o? one o? these two women whom +i(e' in .+ori'a an' is somehow re+ate' to one o? the Gam@ino ?ami+ies 5 '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 1' .arrachi :arren mentione' GH*)hesG n*mero*s times. 2he other o? these two women whom was @eha(in) H*ite the same +i(e' in New Bersey an' Dnew 2wy+a 4 BosephAs )ran' 'a*)hter an' 2ay+aAs sister. 3*rin) the year 2005 < 2wy+aAs mother 3e@@ie appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar to ta+D to 1' .arrachi :arren a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e II 4 A'o+? Hit+er 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e =I 5 these @ein) ca++e' G= Aye AyeG 4 G Hi HiG 4 G= Aye Aye AyeG4 an' G=ictorG. I @e+ie(e that the woman in New BerseyAs name was a+so 1riDa. 2ay+aAs mother 3e@@ie G3*montG spoDe to 1' :arren o?ten '*rin) the years o? 200% an' 2005 5 they 'isc*sse' Mosta?a I@nSa*' more than once < ca++in) him GUmis*miG 4 GUmsa*'G 4 an' GImsa*'G. It is 'e?inite that they were in(o+(e' in some Din' o? conspirin) a)ainst Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 who Dnew ?or ?act that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was a rapist. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Mosta?a I@nSa*' ha' @e)*n to ?i)*re o*t some thin)s a@o*t .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 when .i+ 1man*e+e I*mpe' into Bason Be??reyAs car he state' 5 G.i+4 yo*Are a sicD ?reaDN Get o*t o? the car an' +ea(e the +itt+e )ir+ a+oneNG . 3*rin) the year 200E 5 a )ir+ c+aimin) to @e name' GA@@ey 2ai+orG contacte' me on MySpace.7om an' @e)an ta+Din) to me. I trie' to 'e+ete her an' she wo*+' not stop ta+Din) to me. I s*specte' that this person was some@o'y re+ate' to 1' :arren. 1' :arrenAs @io+o)ica+ s*rname is .arrachi 5 when my sister Sheena MacPherson was a@'*cte' an' switche' with an imposte*r 4 an G1' .arrachiG ha' )i(en her his @*siness car' whi+e she was worDin) at She++ Gaso+ine Station in Nash*a NewHampshire. :hen Sheena 'isappeare' 4 it was c+aime' that she was )oin) on (acation to .+ori'a with 7har+ie 3es#ochiers. 2he pro?i+e c+aime' to @e +ocate' in .+ori'a. 2he photo)raph o? this )ir+ was a photo)raph o? her sittin) neCt to a man that +ooDe' +iDe he co*+' @e 1' :arrenAs ha+? @rother or co*sin. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I @e)an worDin) at NewHampshire Precision .*++ 2ime an' .ami+y 3o++ar Part 2ime 5 '*rin) my part time empoyment at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 Geor)e Sa*n'ers showe' me somethin) that 1' :arren ha' shown him an' H*estione' me a@o*t what I tho*)ht it co*+' mean. 1' :arren ha' ma'e a sD*++ shape with his +e?t han' an' *se' his in'eC ?in)er to mimmicD ne*ro s*r)ery imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*er Inter?ace.

:hi+e +i(in) at 155 Map+e Street in Apartment 2 '*rin) 200E in Manchester NewHampshire 5 an imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi appeare' an' @e)an +i(in) as i? he was Pach An'rosDi. Mo++y An'rosDi was #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r as we++. :hi+e at my apartment 5 the imposte*r Pach An'rosDi whom I ha' not yet rea+i>e' was an Imposte*r4 p+ace' what +ooDe' +iDe a micro transistor or rese(oir component tape' to a ce++*+ar micro @attery @y a wa' o? e+ectrica+ con'*cti(e copper tape on the ta@+e in ?ront o? me an' )rinne' e(i++y. 2his resem@+e' eCact+y what 1' .arrachi :arren ha' 'one in 200% or 2005 whi+e stan'in) in ?ront o? the re)ister co*nter at .ami+y 3o++ar one mornin). 2he Imposte*r Pach An'rosDi ha' 'ri(en me to :o+?@oro to picD *p 7+arissa ;erry once. 0? re+e(ance to this is the apartment I was +i(in) in when he appeare'4 this @ein) 155 Map+e Steet Apartment 2 which was @o*)ht @y Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico a?ter I ha' @een +i(in) there @rie?+y. In 200! < I hear' a r*mo*r at the ma++ that a )ir+ was a@'*cte' ?rom my apartment @*i+'in) '*rin) 200E @y assai+ants whom *n+ocDe' the 'oor an' wa+De' into the apartment an' picDe' her *p o*t o? her @oy?rien'As @e' where she was s+eepin) whi+e he was at worD 4 these men carrie' her to the c+ose' 3enta+ 7+inic @*i+'in) on the corner o? Map+e Street an' Har(ar' Street an' wa+De' into the @*i+'in) 5 a?ter these men ha' re+ocate' the )ir+ to the c+ose' 3enta+ 7+inic @*i+'in) they tie' her *p an' rape' her @r*ta++y ?or ho*rs. 2he )ir+ whom this t*rne' o*t to @e was my eC )ir+?rien' 7+arissa ;erry 4 the year prior to peop+e ta+Din) a@o*t it e(erywhere in Manchester. 7+arissa ;erry ha' ne(er in?orme' me that this ha' happene' 4 she @roDe *p with me an' stoppe' ta+Din) to me 5 I ne(er saw her a)ain. 2here is c*rrent+y an Imposte*r o? 7+arissa ;erry whom is o@(io*s+y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian < 7+arissa ;erry was An)+o Gae+ic American an' .ranDic American. :hen 7+arissa @roDe *p with me4 it was c+aime' on her MySpace Pro?i+e that she @e)an 'atin) a man name' 3an ;isset whoAs MySpace acco*nt I tooD a +on) +ooD at more than once 5 there was a photo)raph on this manAs MySpace Pro?i+e o? my ?rien' Pach An'rosDi ho+'in) a t*rt+e < this was a photo)raph o? the ?act*a+ Pach An'rosDi. 3*rin) 2008 5 the Imposte*r whom was @ein) ?orce' to preten' to @e my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson 4 to+' me that Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico was a SeC 2ra??icDer who SeC 2ra??icDe' women who rente' apartments ?rom him an' that she Dnew (ictims o? his. 3*rin) the year 200E Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico was my +an'+or'. I @e+ie(e that '*rin) 2005 4 an imposte*r rep+ace' 3an ;isset 5 I @e+ie(e that this imposte*r was an accomp+ice o? Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmicoAs 4 the imposte*r o? BacD 3ion 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate. 2he ?act*a+ 3an ;isset +i(e' in Nash*a NewHampshire an' was one o? A+isha 7oteAs eC @oy?rien's. It is a possi@i+ity that the imposte*r who rep+ace' 3an ;isset was somehow re+ate' to 1' .arrachi :arren. 2his man has @een *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 3an ;isset whom I @e+ie(e was ?act*a++y 'ea' an' the imposte*r o? 3an +ooDe' on his MySpace Pro?i+eAs photo)raphs to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' in ha+? way transition with what appeare' to @e Moroccan 3NA o? sDin 4 hair4 an' +ips4 on top o? what was ori)ina++y nat*ra++y Ita+ian 3NA. 2he photo)raphs on G3an ;issetAsG MySpace Pro?i+e showe' some e(i'ence o? 3NA Pro)ression < tho*)h most o? these photo)raphs were o? the pro@a@+e imposte*r o? G3an ;issetG4 a ?ew o? these photo)raphs were o? other men which he c+aime' were himse+?. Some o? these photo)raphs showe' what appeare' to @e mi' pro)ression m*tation o? 3NA ?rom =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy that +ooDe' +iDe an *n?inishe' m*tation that ha' @e)*n to occ*r. 3an ;isset was a 'istant co*sin o? G3r. 7h*'G ?rom the New Bersey @an' G2he Mis?itsG. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 when I @e)an 'atin) 7+arissa ;erry 5 her MySpace.7om Pro?i+e was name' GAryan Go''essG. A?ter a weeD o? *s 'atin) 4 7+arissaAs MySpace.7om Pro?i+e was chan)e' to G7+arissa ;erryG. My MySpace Pro?i+e was name' GIanG 4 GIan MacPhersonG4 an' +ater GPo+ter)eistG. 3an ;issetAs MySpace Pro?i+e was a''e' to 7+arissa ;erryAs MySpace.7om .rien's $ist '*rin) 200E an' his pro?i+e name was G3aNo:a#G. 3an ;issetAs MySpace Pro?i+e ?a+se+y c+aime' to @e an American o? miCe' .ranDic an' Gae+ic race as we++ as miCe' Ita+ian an' Norwe)ian race < he a+so c+aime' ?or a 'ay to @e an Asatr*ar 5 his entire i'entity was ?aDe. GMano:arG is a @an' ?rom NewBersey whom are primari+y a++ o? Ita+ian race. I @e+ie(e that this man may ha(e @een ?rom Ita+ia. 2he imposte*r o? #yan McIntee appears to @e 100S Ita+ian an' +ooDs re+ate' to Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico @*t co*+' @e

?rom Ita+ia < it is possi@+e that these are co*sins o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in the Americas @*t were +i(in) in Ita+ia prior to mo(in) to the USA to impersonate Genoci'e =ictims an' commit attacDs.2he ?act*a+ 3an ;isset was An)+o Gae+ic American 4 Ita+ian 4 Sici+ian 4 an' L*e@ecois. Pach An'rosDi4 Mo++y Go''ar'4 #o@ Greene4 an' 2anya :oo'worth came to (isit me at worD more than once '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. 2his ca*)ht 1' :arrenAs attention. I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+e an' others may ha(e @e)*n sta+Din) Pach an' his twin @rother Nate4 this wo*+' @e @eca*se o? their name @ein) Po+ish. Henry MaDowAs name is a Po+sDaphonic name. Mo++y Go''ar' @ecame an imme'iate tar)et @eca*se she was one o? my @est ?rien's an' we were (ery c+ose. Mo++y Go''ar'As eC @oy?rien' #ay came to .ami+y 3o++ar one time an' I @e+ie(e that he @ me a tar)et as we++. Pach 4 Nate 4 an' #ay were a++ three Mesti>o .irst Nations Nati(e American o? miCe' An)+o Gae+ic an' .ranDic race as we++ < with the eCception o? #ay whom was ha+? A@enaDi an' ha(e An)+oGae+ic witho*t any .ranDic race. Mo++y Go''ar' was entire+y An)+oGae+ic. #o@ Greene was An)+oGae+ic an' .ranDic. 2anya :oo'worth was entire+y An)+oGae+ic. 2he entire )ro*p o? them ha(e @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs whom can not pass a 3NA test. 3*rin) either the year 2002 or 2003 4 my ?rien's Mo++y Go''ar' an' Aman'a waite' in Mo++y Go''ar'As car whi+e I wa+De' into a Hote+ to checD prices 5 as I was wa+Din) in 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e wa+De' past me an' was notice' @y Mo++y an' Aman'a as ha(in) stare' at me an' +ooDe' @acD repeate'+y. Mo++y an' Aman'a mentione' it to me an' to+' me that it was eCtreme+y creepy. Mo++y Go''ar' an' Bosh NaDa)owa pose' to)ether in a photo)raph stan'in) with their @acDs to)ether 4 the photo)raph was taDen ?rom the si'e. 2his was the same pose as the photo)raph o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' #ache+ stan'in) to)ether in a photo)raph. 2he photo ?rom the year 200E was o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' a )ir+ name' #ache+ that was +i(in) with the imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 1' :arren who is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 recor'e' themse+(es with their own impro(ise' a*'io recor'in) 'e(ices that they insta++e' in the cei+in) themse+(es4 p+ottin) to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or :ar 7rimes. 3*rin) +ate 200E 5 my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson was worDin) in Nash*a NewHampshire at the She++ )aso+ine station near the 7hristmas 2ree Shop. 3*rin) her time o? emp+oyment at this +ocation4 a man whom was o@(io*s+y a 7hi+' A@'*cter an' a SeC 2ra??icDer was sta+Din) her4 e(ent*a++y he 'roppe' o?? a @*siness car' a'(ertisin) a GPhoto)rapher ?or Swims*it an' N*'e Mo'e+sG5 his name was 1' .arrachi on the @*siness car' 4 this is 1' :arrenAs @io+o)ica+ s*rname < :arren is 1' .arrachi :arrenAs step ?atherAs s*rname. Aro*n' this time she met 7har+es 3es#ochiers4 whom @ro*)ht her with him to .+ori'a *n'er ass*mption that this was a romantic 'ate. An Imposte*r o? Sheena Nico+e MacPherson was @ro*)ht to NewHampshire when 7har+es 3es#ochiers ret*rne' ?rom what he sai' was .+ori'a. SheenaAs +i?e+on) @est?rien' 1''ie $a)es 'i' not @e+ie(e that it was Sheena who came @acD ?rom .+ori'a an' he sti++ 'oes not4 I a)ree with him. 2he )ir+ whom was preten'in) to @e my sister Sheena has narrower hips an' m*ch wi'er an' ta++er eye socDets. She +ooDs to @e the same ethnic pop*+ation as my se+? @*t she 'oes not +ooD +iDe Sheena. I @e+ie(e she is a SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim whom is 'oin) what she is to+' an' has a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica+ Impant. My Gran'.ather #ona+' $a(oie Sr. 4 was +i(in) in .+ori'a at the time. In the months prior to this4 there was a woman who ha' contacte' me on myspace name' 1riDa H*)hes who +i(e' near my Gran'?ather #ona+' $a(oie Sr.< this woman contacte' me aro*n' the same time as a woman ?rom New Bersey an' I @e+ie(e they @oth ha(e a ?ami+ia+ connection somehow to the woman who poisone' my

co??ee with @+acD mo+'. 2hese peop+e are somehow in 1' :arrenAs eCten'e' networD o? associates. Since GSheenaG has @een @acD ?rom .+ori'a 5 she has not spoDen to her @est ?rien's an' se+'om ta+Ds to her ?ami+y. Her @est ?rien's were 3anie++e Mayo4 Anthony McMenemy4 an' 1''ie $a)es. I @e+ie(e they are *sin) this woman as a p+aceho+'er ?or SheenaAs i'enti?ication car' an' socia+ sec*rity n*m@er < this woman has since ?aDe' a chi+'@irth an' has p*t my sisterAs name on the @irth certi?icate. I @e+ie(e that since this time4 my ?ormer s*per(isor at worD 9im =i)eant 5 was o??ere' a ?ree photo)raphy session @y this same man4 c+aimin) that he Dnew her eC @oy?rien' 7hris 2re(ino whom was possi@+y an imposte*r o? 7hris 2re(ino who was worDin) with the imposte*r o? MiDe 2re(ino that my missin) co*sin 3ominiH*e Gmarrie'G on .ace;ooD.7om. 9im approache' me whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts an' o??ere' me a Io@ at It> A P*>>+e in the Ma++ o? NH. 1''ie $a)es notice' that n*mero*s peop+e were @ein) rep+ace' in the re)ion 5 peop+e @e)an to ca++ him Schi>ophrenic 4 I am worrie' that 1''ie $a)es may ha(e @een rep+ace' @y a Sici+ian or A+@anian *sin) his )enes as camo*?+a)e with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy. 1''ie $a)es was Mesti>o o? Mayan4 Incan4 an' A>teca race as we++ as MeCican Hispanic an' possi@+e ;ra>i+ian $atino. 2he ?act*a+ 7hris 2re(ino an' MiDe 2re(ino were c+ose ?rien's o? my co*sins B*+ianna Ga*'ette an' MiDe Ga*'ette < MiDe 2re(ino an' 7hris 2re(ino were Samantha 7ase++aAs co*sins an' were ?rien's with the Picco+o ?ami+y an' =a+erie 0+sonAs o+'er @rothers. 3*rin) 200E 4 9e(in 0+son was rep+ace @y an imposte*r on MySpace.7om < this manAs pro?i+e 'isp+aye' 2rans?ormers #o@ot pict*res 5 7hris 2homasAs yo*n)er @rother ha' a @oC o? ro@ot toys '*rin) 1"88 an' 1"8" when I met him. 3*rin) 2013 5 I recent+y met a secon' imposte*r o? my sister. 2his ?ema+e +ooDs to @e o? entire+y 'i??erent race an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD simi+ar to my sister. 3*rin) 2008 5 Genoci'e Propa)an'a @e)an @ein) p*@+ishe' which attempte' to con(ince the wor+' that the Mayan race was sche'*+e' ?or permanant eCtinction @y Go'As 'ecision 5 this is a pre empti(e propa)an'a striDe an' is the pro'*ction o? #oman .ascist propa)an'ists whom are easi+y Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+e' ?or reason o? the )oa+ an' the metho' o? con(incin) a peop+e that Go' has pre 'etermine' their permanant tota+ eCtinction < this was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs metho' when he pre'icte' the comin) o? the Anti 7hrist as a tri*mphant G+o@a+ 7onH*eror 4 the Anti 7hrist @ein) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs #oman .ascist 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs p+anne' 7o(ert Genoci'e. I thinD 1''ie $a)es is now missin). 3*rin) 200" 4 it was 'etermine' that 7har+ie 3es#ochierAs ?ather is an acH*aintance o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. I ha(e hear' that G=ictor McMannG is *se' sometimes to h*mo*ro*s+y c+aim to @e re+ate' to =ince McMahon4 o? which whom it is r*mo*re' is in(o+(e' in a SeC 2ra??icDin) networD. I am ?air+y certain that I saw =ince McMahon at MarDAs Showp+ace in ;e'?or' NH when I went o*t ?or 'rinDs ?or the ?irst time a weeD a?ter my 21st @irth'ay. MarDAs Showp+ace is now ca++e' the Go+' 7+*@. 2his was imme'iate+y a?ter this @e)an< the o''s o? this occ*rrin) are (ery s+im as I ha(e on+y @een to a strip c+*@ three times 4 I ?in' the en(ironment 'is)*stin) ?or o@(io*s reason that it is a camo*?+a)e' s+a(e 'en ?i++e' with 'is)*stin) SeC 2ra??icDers whom hi'e amon)st the ran'om peop+e who show *p. I am re+ati(e+y certain that it was =ince McMahon an' that he has connections in this re)ion as we++ as connections to G=ictorG whom is =ittorio 1man*e+e. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e is attemptin) to tact?*++y 'e?+ect p*@+ic Dnow+e')e o? his actions onto =ince McMahon @y way o? wor' o? mo*th4 *sin) a simi+ar so*n'in) a+ias G=ictor McMannG an' a simi+ar a+i@i =ince McMahon 5 an a+i@i whom is a+so o? Ita+ian ethnicity. =ince

McMahon is approCimate+y 3Q% Ita+ian4 =ittorio 1man*e+e is approCimate+y 3Q% Ita+ian. =ittorio 1man*e+e a+so has a hatre' o? Gae+ic peop+es4 whom were one o? the peop+es that 'e?eate' his ?ami+y '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar4 ca*sin) his ?ami+yAs eCi+e. 2he 1man*e+esA c*rrent Genoci'a+ 2actic which they are *sin) to attempt to @*i+' a re)ime pop*+ation in(o+(es Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' recr*itment o? @+acD mai+e' in'i(i'*a+s an' seC o??en'ers whom they re+ocate an' )i(e new i'entities to which are o?ten the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? 'ea' )enoci'e (ictims 5 this is Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e e(i'ence o? their 'esire to p*++ other in'i(i'*a+s into 1Ci+e with them an' into *n?or)i(ea@+e amo*nt o? the most heino*s Din's o? sins an' crimes. =ittorio 1man*e+e is a+so 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in a seC tra??icDin) networD as we++ as other or)ani>e' crime. G=ictor McMannG @ein) *se' as an a+ias is somethin) that =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' want to co(er *p with am@i)*osities. 2he man whom was at MarDAs Showp+ace may ha(e @een =ince McMahon or may ha(e a+so @een an associate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs whom +ooDs incre'i@+y simi+ar to =ince McMahon whom possi@+y *ses the same type o? a+ias. 2his is the eCact same Din' o? a+ias that GA'o+? Hit+erG *se' 5 his ?act*a+ name was not A'o+? Hit+er. 0? socia+ re+ation to =ince McMahon is Besse =ent*ra whom was ?ormer+y a pro?essiona+ wrest+er 5 it is pro@a@+e that Besse =ent*ra worDs ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e4 Besse =ent*raAs 7onspiracy 2heory show that was @roa'caste' on 7omcast '*rin) 2005 was 'e?inite+y ri?e with what was 'e?inite+y Ita+ian A6IS propa)an'a. 3*rin) 200E or 200! 4 whi+e worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication 5 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me ?rom a ce++ phone she ha' sto+en ?rom a )an)ster whi+e he+' hosta)e at Mo*nt P+easant Apartments or Mt. P+easant Apartments in ;i++ericca Massach*settes. 3*rin) 200% 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' that he was )oin) to G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntainG my G;est?rien'As ?aceG 4 this @est ?rien' @ein) 1mi+y Is+es o? 0ntario 7ana'a. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'escri@e' ;roDe ;acD Mo*ntainin) o? a womanAs ?ace to mean that he was )oin) to Gshit 'own her throat an' rape her throat a?twerwar'sG. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee approache' me n*mero*s times whi+e at worD to in?orm me that my te+ephone ca++s were @ein) i++e)a++y wire tappe' ?rom within a .e'era+ 3epartment an' that 1mi+y was a+so @ein) tar)ette'. She was a@'*cte' imme'iate+y a?ter the i++e)a+ wire tappin) occ*rre' 4 '*rin) which te+ephone con(ersations 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? ha' ma'e p+ans to @e to)ether as +o(ers e(ent*a++y an' atten' 7o++e)e to)ether. :hen 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me 4 she +e?t me a (oice mai+ on my mo@i+e te+ephone 5 1mi+y state' that she was trappe' in an apartment @*i+'in) at Mo*nt P+easant Apartments in ;i++ericca Massach*settes an' that there were other ?ema+es there 5 she state' that she was a@'*cte' an' that the others were a@'*ctees as we++. I 'i'nAt )et to reso+(e this prior to a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) p*t in my @rain an' @ecomin) home+ess. 2he Po+ice 3epartments in the North 1ast o? North America ha(e @een *nresponsi(e to reports o? SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 Genoci'e 4 A@'*ctions 4 7hi+' A@*se 4 Missin) Persons 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 I'entity Imposte*rs 4 an' anythin) e+se that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' p+anne' in 200% an' 2005 since these thin)s ha(e @e)*n. 3*rin) the NiCon A'ministration when my Mother was a +itt+e )ir+ < my Mother was the (ictim o? SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD whom ha' a networD o? 7rime So+'iers em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartments whom worDe' with the corr*pt 7IA A)ents 4 Ita+ian A6IS 4 the Ma?ias 4 an' other H*man 2ra??icDers @esi'es themse+(es. :hen my Mother trie' to r*n away ?rom the SeC 2ra??icDer whom ha' ?orce' my Nana to marry him a?ter her 'i(orce < a Po+ice 0??icer picDe' her *p 4 c*??e' her 4 an' @ro*)ht her @acD to the man n*mero*s times 5 this seems pro@a@+e to @e the same )enoci'a+

SeC 2ra??icDers whom were acti(e '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration an' ha' Ita+ian A6IS connections. My Mother 3e@ra Ann $a(oie MacPherson was SeC 2ra??icDe' @etween the a)es o? 5 to *nti+ she was 1% years o+'. My Nana trie' to escape with her '*rin) this time an' was not a@+e to )et o*t with her witho*t the Po+ice 0??icer whom the SeC 2ra??icDer Dnew )ra@@in) them an' @rin)in) them @acD. A?ter 1mi+y Is+esA a@'*ction in 2005 5 the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS @e)an attacDin) the entire Asatr* 7omm*nity )+o@a++y 4 1mi+y Is+esA re+i)io*s comm*nity as we++ as my own re+i)io*s comm*nity. 1mi+y Is+esA )enes were *se' to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy the ?acia+ shape o? the yo*n) ?ema+e that 7aesar was wa+Din) aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire on a 'o) +eash with a 'o) co++ar '*rin) the years 2005 an' 200E 5 this was 'isc*sse' @y 7aesar an' 1' :arren on recor'in) at .ami+y 3o++ar ri)ht in ?ront o? me 4 I +ater rea+i>e' what they were 'isc*ssin) < this yo*n)er ?ema+e was at +east 3 years yo*n)er than 1mi+y an' was at ?irst )i(en .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which were +ater )i(en to 1mi+y Is+es an' now may ha(e @een )i(en to a thir' SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim an' H*man =i(isection tort*re (ictim. I @e+ie(e that this +itt+e )ir+ was B*+ie :einstein. B*+ie :einstein seeme' aro*n' the a)e o? 10 to 12 when I saw her )ettin) into her ?atherAs SU= 5 B*+ieAs .ather was a #a@@i whom I ha' spoDen to whi+e at worD. A++ o? these women an' +itt+e )ir+s were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices *sin) trephanin) techniH*es an' a'(ance' +aproscopic as we++ as p+astic s*r)ery techniH*es to tacD the ro*ter to the Iaw an' sea+ @eneath the ear +o@e where the incision was ma'e4 as were the ma+e (ictims. It is a+so 'e?inite that this is the same eH*ipment in(o+(e' in the monitorin) an' manip*+ation o? their 7rimina+ A)ents which they ha(e recr*ite'. It is 'e?inite that this is the same G+o@a+ H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate that has @een acti(e+y committin) crimes o? H*man =i(isection )+o@a++y since prior to e(en Bose? Men)e+e worDin) ?or them. 2his is primari+y the Ita+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icate with ?orei)n arms in n*mero*s re)ions that ha(e recr*ite' other H*man 2ra??icDin) Units an' 7rimina+ Scientists. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7esare @oth are o@sesse' with the historica+ Machia(e++i 5 '*rin) the year 2005 4 .ami+y 3o++ar was se++in) a 2*Pac ShaH*r Machia(e++i poster. In 2005 7esare ha' Machia(e++iA' himse+? @y taDin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a man name' 7aesar who Dnew ;rian 7ase. 7*rrent+y 5 7aesar is on his 3r' or %th set o? Sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy a+tere' appearance ?or 'is)*ise. 7esare +e?t 2ony Gon>a+e> in prison ?or his own crimes a?ter a@'*ctin) 2ony an' m*tatin) 2ony Gon>a+e> *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy which was c*+t*re' in hemo)+o@in that was ?e' to 2ony Gon>a+e> as his on+y ?oo' so*rce in mi+D an' on chicDen patties an' white cast+e @*r)ers. I @e+ie(e that the terrorists that @ecame em@e''e' within the Po+ice 3epartments in the North1ast o? North America 4 are pro@a@+e to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' SeC 0??en'ers who were recr*ite' as we++ as Ita+ian A6IS A)ents whom are on Missin) Persons +ists as we++ as simp+y no +on)er acco*nte' ?or. Machia(e++i tactic was +iDe+y *se' to )et these peop+e into their positions < stea+in) ?act*a+ Po+ice i'entities the who+e way. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I met a secon' imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay who was a+so a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim. She a+so appeare' to @e a .irst Nations Nati(e American who was ha+?.ranDic. 3*rin) the year 20004 #o@ert #o'on who is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < state' to his son 7hristopher #o'on 5 that they were )oin) to @e eCterminatin) the .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces

an' others . 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy p+anne' the 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the North American #aces < the Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination o? the Ma+es an' the SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 #ape 4 an' Permanant 1ns+a(ement o? the .ema+es. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 my sister 7he+sey MacPherson to+' me whi+e cryin) that she ha' microchip in her @rain an' that she was a?rai' she was )oin) to t*rn into a ro@ot. 7he+sey sai' that the microchip was ta+Din) to her an' that it was t*rnin) her into a ro@ot. 7he+sey MacPherson was on+y " years o+'. 3*rin) what I @e+ie(e was Apri+ o? 200! 5 my two yo*n)est sisters 4 a man who I ha' mistaDen+y tho*)ht was my ?ather 4 an' my se+? ha' 'ri(en to Hampton ;each in NewHampshire. :hom I ha' tho*)ht since 2005 was my ?ather 4 )ot o*t o? the car at a )as station to G)et a co??eeG. A Ser@ian man 'resse' eCact+y the same as my G?atherG whom I co*+' te++ was a Ser@ 4 )ot into the car. He appeare' to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' with my ?atherAs 3NA @*t sti++ +ooDe' Ser@ian. A?ter we ha' @een 'ri(in) ?or a ?ew min*tes 4 I t*rne' an' notice' the Ser@ian an' remem@ere' the Ser@ians whom ha' come into the store at .ami+y 3o++ar. 1' :arren attempte' to maDe it appear as i? the ta++est Ser@ian was $ars G=ar)G =iDernes statin) G:oah. He m*st @e on one o? them weeDen' ?*r+o*)hsG < the Ser@ian was possi@+y 5 inches ta++er than $ars G=ar)G =iDernes an' +ooDe' nothin) +iDe him. I +ooDe' 'own at my ;*r>*m 2 Shirt an' remem@ere' the Ser@ian that ha' come into .ami+y 3o++ar as we++ as my ;osnian coworDer A'mira statin) that the man was a Ser@ian. A'mira an' I ha' I*st @een 'isc*ssin) Me'I*)orIe an' Gthe MarD o? the ;eastG 5 A'mira ori)ina++y +i(e' not ?ar ?rom Me'I*)orIe ;osnia @e?ore her ?ami+y ?+e' the Genoci'es in ;osnia '*e to her ?ami+y @ein) tar)ette' @y the Genoci'a+ .action ?rom Ser@ia. :hen this Ser@ian notice' me starin) at him with narrowe' eyes he +ooDe' ner(o*s. I )rippe' my Dni?e han'+e an' @e)an to rea'y my Dni?e. I @e)an ye++in) at the man that he was not my ?ather an' that I co*+' te++ that he was a 'e?inite Ser@ian. I to+' him that he is not the Na>i in this co*ntry 4 that this is not his Nation 4 an' that his ?action are 'is)*stin) SeC 2ra??icDers an' Genoci'a+ 7rimina+ 2errorists. I @e+ie(e that the switch in the @athroom at 3*nDin 3on*ts was recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7amera an' that they switche' c+othin) or that they switche' in the @acD stocD room. 2he Gas Station was ca++e' =a+ero. I now rea+i>e that the man who showe' *p at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 was not my ?ather. I @e+ie(e my .ather may ha(e @een missin) since 2000 or 2002. I ha(e since 200! 4 seen 3 'i??erent men impersonatin) my ?ather. 2he man preten'in) to @e my ?ather 'ro(e to #ye ;each instea' o? Hampton ;each 4 we )ot o*t o? the car an' he wo*+' not ?ace *s. He stoo' with his ?ace to the ocean an' his @acD to *s. 1(ent*a++y he asDe' me a@o*t Pa*+ Mi++erAs neice Miret>. I to+' the man that he was 'e?inite+y not my ?ather 4 that I wo*+' not )i(e him any in?ormation a@o*t my ?ami+yAs Bewish ?rien's 4 an' that he 'i' not ha(e the ri)ht to e(en @e in my co*ntry. He or'ere' *s into the car as i? he was the man whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s he ha' @een )i(en. He sai' that he wo*+' ca++ the Po+ice i? we 'i'nAt )et into the car 4 my +itt+e sisters )ot into the car so I I*mpe' into the car. I ar)*e' the who+e way @acD to MerrimacD with him 4 threatenin) to Di++ him. He to+' me that he was )oin) to ca++ the po+ice i? I 'i' anythin) (io+ent an' that he ha' his I'enti?ication on him an' co*+' pro(e that that is who he is. 7he+sey #ain MacPhersonAs mo*th mo(e' 4 statin) 5 GStop ar)*in). B*st stop ar)*in).G 4 then state' GI 'i'nAt mean to

say that. B*st p*nch him.G an' she sai' Gmy mo*th mo(e' on itAs ownNA an' starte' cryin). 1(ent*a++y he con(ince' me that I ha'nAt s+ept in a +on) time an' that I m*st @e schi>ophrenic. Soon a?ter this 4 I was i++e)a++y taDen @y Po+ice to So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter an' p*t in the NewHampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire i++e)a++y '*rin) which time the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my sD*++. #ye NewHampshire was the +ocation that I *neCpecte'+y met a)ain with =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e '*rin) 200% 5 I ha' not met .i+ since 2000 4 an' @e?ore that 1""!. 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r 5 a 'i??erent 10 year o+' )ir+ was p+ace' in the ho*seho+' an' to+' that she ha' to preten' to @e 7he+sey. 7he+sey was +ast seen in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire parDin) +ot with a Sici+ian man whom was approCimate+y E0 years o? a)e an' % chi+'ren other than 7he+sey #ain MacPherson o? which she was one o? the o+'est.

5 Imme'iate+y a?ter ret*rnin) home ?rom #ye NewHampshire 5 I wa+De' 'own into the @asement o? my .atherAs ho*se. A?ter @ein) in the @asement ?or a short perio' o? time4 I wa+De' @acD *p the stairs an' saw that the man preten'in) to @e my ?ather was @athin) my sister S*mmer whom was ! years o+'. I reporte' to the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment that my ?ather ha' mo+este' my sister in 2001 an' that he was sti++ seC*a++y a@*sin) her. I ma'e the report the neCt 'ay 4 which was MotherAs 'ay 200!. 0n MotherAs 3ay May 1%th o? 200! 4 I reporte' that my ?ather was seC*a++y a@*sin) my sister. Upon enterin) the po+ice 'epartment4 I notice' a+ot o? new ?aces 5 some o? which may ha(e possi@+y @een trans?ers as a res*+t o? interna+ a??airs. It is important to consi'er the ?act that these peop+e co*+' a++ ha(e @een Ita+ian A6IS A)ents worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' crimina+s whom he ha' recr*ite' or @+acD mai+e' < 2ony Grasseti '*rin) 200% 4 ha' 'e+i(ere' an 1+ectronic #ecor'in) o? o*r meetin) with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e which was recor'e' @y an e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice that 2ony Grasseti ha' worn. 2ony Grasseti ha' 'e+i(ere' the recor'in)s o? the 1+ectronic #ecor'in) 'e(ice to @oth the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment an' the $on'on'erry Po+ice 3epartment in NewHampshire an' written a short :itness Statement at @oth Po+ice 3epartments 5 2ony Grasseti a+so 'e+i(ere' to the Po+ice o? NewHampshire 4 the e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice which he ha' worn as e(i'ence o? the recor'in) @ein) )en*ine. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e or'ere' their a)ents to in?i+trate the New Hampshire Po+ice 3epartments an' any other Po+ice 3epartments to which 2ony Grasseti may ha(e 'e+i(ere' the recor'e' e(i'ence that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' a'mitte' to @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran'nephew an' that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' threatene' minors an' or'ere' some@o'y to maDe a statement re)ar'in) his wi++in)ness to eCterminate 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians. 2ony Grasseti was +ater witnesse' 'is)*ise' as a Po+ice 0??icer 4 m*tate' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to ha(e @+on'e hair an' @+*e eyes as we++ as an An)+o Gae+ic comp+eCion o? sDin < an' was statione' em@e''e' amon)st Po+ice 3eparments in NewHampshire an' other near@y re)ions. 2ony Grasseti *se' the i'entities o? 'ea' Po+ice 0??icers as his i'entity. I ha(e since seen a woman whom was 'resse' as an acti(e '*ty Po+ice 0??icer on May 1%th o? 200! at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment 5 soon a?terwar's she ha' @een preten'in) to @e Mo++y Go''ar' An'rosDi. A secon' Imposte*r rep+ace' Mo++y Go''ar' An'rosDi in 200!. I ha(e a+so seen

two 'i??erent 0??icer St. 7yrs 4 one o? which is 'e?inite+y ?act*a++y an A*strian. 2he A*strian wo*+' @e o? psycho+o)ica+ re+e(ence to the 21#MINA20# 2 IoDes which 1' :arren ha' ma'e at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 Arno+' Schwar>ene))er is an ethnic A*strian4 the other ro@otic h*manoi' is 'resse' as a P0$I71 0..I71# in the mo(ie. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the A*strian is re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Aosta an' is pro@a@+e to @e a 9ni)ht o? Aosta whoAs ?ami+y ha(e connections to @oth the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. It is pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Aosta is )*i+ty 4 it is impossi@+e ?or the Ho*se o? Aosta to @e *naware o? the +ocation o? their 9ni)hts an' their associations. =ittorio 1man*e+e is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' is o? some amo*nt o? an Aosta @+oo'+ine as we++ < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs wi?e is o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' is o? a miCe' Ita+ian an' A*strian race as we++ 4 o? @oth the Ho*se o? Aosta an' Sa(oy +inea)e. I ne(er )ot to ?inish maDin) a ?*++ report on May 1%th4 I +e?t the % pa)e report at the o??ice o? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment inten'in) to ret*rn +ater in or'er to write a +on)er statement. I ha' to +ea(e my Io@ @eca*se the man now preten'in) to @e my ?ather worDe' there an' ha' taDen o*t a temporary restrainin) or'er c+aimin) that I threatene' him an' my se+?. 2he % pa)e :itness 2estimonia+ Statement that I +e?t at the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment was a written statement concernin) a crime that ha' @een committe' *pon my yo*n)est sister S*mmer #ose MacPherson 4 who at the time was approCimate+y 3 years o+'. 2his was '*rin) what I @e+ie(e was the year 2001 4 this crime +e' to n*mero*s ?i)hts @etween my ?ather an' men who ha(e rep+ace' my ?ather in the ho*seho+' as imposte*rs '*e to the ?act that my ?ather Dnew a@o*t some o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs an' his sonsA crimes as we++ as their eCistence in the U.S.A. an' the eCistence o? the Ita+ian A6IS in North America. A man who I @e+ie(e may ha(e @een the ?irst imposte*r o? my ?ather 4 who ha' I*st recent+y @een promote' at worD an' ha' @e)*n tra(e+in) ?or worD to 'i??erent +ocations 5 seC*a++y assa*+te' my sister S*mmer #ose MacPherson. 3*rin) what I @e+ie(e was 2001 4 my ?ather was rep+ace' @y the ?irst imposte*r o? many who ha(e @een *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < I ha(e attempte' to report this to a*thorities in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 4 @*t the re)ion is so hea(i+y in?i+trate' @y Ita+ian A6IS 7o(ert A)ents that they wi++ not arrest their own A)ents e(en i? they are SeC 0??en'ers an' Pe'ophi+es or SeC 2ra??icDers. $ate one ni)ht whi+e I was sittin) on the porch at ;ea* SDinnerAs ho*se across the street ?rom my ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire. 9y+e Howar' came wa+Din) *p the 'ri(eway an' sai' to me G/o* 'onAt e(en want to Dnow what I I*st saw. /o* 'o not want to )o o(er there. He ha' his 'icD in her mo*th.G . I wa+De' across the street to my ho*se on EE ;ean #oa' < when I wa+De' into the ho*se aro*n' what was pro@a@+y a@o*t "530 PM at ni)ht 4 what I @e+ie(e was the ?irst imposte*r o? my ?ather was sittin) on the ?+oor with his @acD a)ainst the co*ch wearin) my ?atherAs )reen @ath ro@e. 0n the ?+oor neCt to him was a )+ass o? re' wine. He was seate' on the ?+oor with my sister S*mmer MacPherson +ai' across his +e) 5 he ha' his penis in her mo*th. She +ooDe' mi+'+y se'ate' an' possi@+y 3isassociate'. :hen I wa+De' in an' saw this he mo(e' her H*icD+y an' picDe' *p the wine )+ass to 'rinD. I was in a@so+*te shocD an' 'is@e+ie? at what I ha' I*st witnesse' 5 I wa+De' into the Ditchen passe' him an' e(ent*a++y in 'is@e+ie? an' tra*mati>e' 'enia+ 4 wa+De' 'own into the @asement. 1(ent*a++y 4 soon a?ter this 5 we @e)an )ettin) into physica+ a+tercations a@o*t this ?reH*ent+y. I 'i' not @e+ie(e that this man was my ?ather 4 he +ooDe' s+i)ht+y physica++y 'i??erent < at the time 4 I 'i' not Dnow that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' @een *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate imposte*rs to +ooD +iDe my .ather an' other peop+e who he ha' tar)ette' s*ch as BacD 3ion. 2o this 'ate 4 I ha(e

witnesse' possi@+y % tota+ imposte*rs o? my ?ather. I ha(e @een in(o+(e' in n*mero*s physica+ a+tercations with at +east 2 o? these in'i(i'*a+s an' ha(e @een incarcerate' 1 time as a res*+t o? it. I am not a++owe' to see my sister c*rrent+y an' Sheena Nico+e MacPherson as we++ as 7he+sey #ain MacPherson are rep+ace' @y imposte*rs who ha(e @een ?orce' to +i(e as them *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2here is a @a@y who +ooDs +iDe =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e that has @een ;irth 7erti?icate Si)ne' at a hospita+ in NewHampshire as ha(in) @een @orn ?rom my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson when in ?act it 'e?inite+y was not. My ?ather was rep+ace' @y what I @e+ie(e was the ?irst imposte*r a@o*t a year or two a?ter picDin) *p Nina Hansen n*mero*s times with me in his S.U.=. '*rin) the year 1""" 5 Nina Hansen was a rape (ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs. It was a stran)e coinci'ence that I @e)an 'atin) her. .i+ 1man*e+e rape' her as an Initiation 7rime. 0n the te+e(ision in the $i(in)#oom was ima)es o? a History 7hanne+ te+e(ision 'oc*mentary a@o*t the #oman 1mpire. Anthony 3e.eo mentione' this at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 2005 a?ter which 1' :arren state' 5 GIt was #oman History month 4 )*yO No won'er whyNG. Somehow 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo Dnew a@o*t this happenin). 2he ima)e ?rom the poster ?or G2he :ines o? 0PG 4 a wine e(ent which =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was present ?or 5 ha' an ima)e o? what +ooDe' +iDe the eCact same sty+e wine )+ass an' it is ?i++e' the eCact some amo*nt 4 a )reen han' o? 1+pha@a the :icDe' :itch o? the :est is ho+'in) it. I ha(e @een into MerrimacD NewHampshire in the past 2 years an' the Po+ice 0??icers picDe' me *p an' @ro*)ht me to the Po+ice 3epartment an' +ocDe' me in the ho+'in) ce++ ?or no reason at a++. 2heir 'escription o? why this was 'one to me 4 was (ery (a)*e < an' in(o+(e' my se+? sen'in) mai+. I was +ocDe' in the ho+'in) ce++ at the Po+ice 3epartment ?or sen'in) mai+ at the MerrimacD Posta+ 0??ice. 2hree o? the Po+ice 0??icers at the Po+ice 3epartment +ooDe' to @e 'e?inite imposte*rs 4 the other two < I was *ncertain o? whether not they ha' *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' @een )i(en othersA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. A?ter I reporte' my ?ather or what was most pro@a@+y his imposte*r 4 I @ecame home+ess a)ain imme'iate+y an' my sisters were p*t in the c*sto'y o? my MotherAs Mom &Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty, in Ma+'en Massach*settes. A?ter stayin) a ?ew 'ays with them4 the GPo+iceG ?rom MerrimacD New Hampshire ca++e' my NanaAs ho*se an' ye++e' at my MomAs @rother Scot 4 an)ri+y 'eman'in) that my sisters @e ret*rne' to New Hampshire. :e were ?orce' to @rin) them to the Po+ice 3epartment where they were )i(en into the c*sto'y o? my .atherAs Mother who then was i++e)a++y to+' to @rin) them @acD to my .atherAs ho*se @y Po+ice. 2hey were p+ace' @acD into my G.atherAsG c*sto'y witho*t e(en @ein) a++owe' to write a :itness Statement themse+(es or it e(en @ein) @ro*)ht to tria+. 0ne weeD +ater I recei(e' a phoneca++ ?rom my Nana4 Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty 5 statin) that the GPo+iceG wante' to ta+D to me a@o*t what happene' an' that I sho*+' ca++ the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment in New Hampshire. I ha' @een stayin) with my ?rien' 9im :ein)art in 3erry NewHampshire ?or a weeD. :hen I ca++e' the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment < the te+ephone was )i(en to an 0??icer GSaint 7yrG who so*n'e' +iDe he was *sin) a ?aDe (oice 5 a @a' immitation o? the (oice o? a sDinhea' that I *se' to @e ?rien's with name' Boe $e;aron whom .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @een sta+Din). Boe $e;aronAs wi?e 7he+sea A(i+as $e;aron worDe' at S*n7oast =i'eos in the Pheasant $ane Ma++ in Nash*a NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 200! < 7he+sea ha' to+' Boe n*mero*s times that a )*y name .i+

whom she 'escri@e' as Ga pro@a@+e c+oset homoseC*a+G ha' @een sta+Din) her an' that he was 'e?inite+y the )*y ?rom American I'o+ name .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. :hi+e on the te+ephone with 0??icer St.7yr 4 the Po+ice 0??icer sai' that I nee'e' to answer some H*estions a@o*t what I ha' recent+y reporte'. I tooD a taCi ca@ to the Po+ice 3epartment in MerrimacD NewHampshire ?rom 3erry New Hampshire. Upon arri(in)4 I was @ro*)ht into the @acD room an' inter(iewe' @rie?+y @y an G0??icer St. 7yrG who 'i' not appear to +ooD .ranDic American at a++. He act*a++y +ooDe' A*strian. He was 5A"G4 ha' +ar)e @+*e eyes4 pa+e sDin4 'arD hair4 an' sha(e' hea' < he was a thin man whom appeare' to @e pro@a@+y aro*n' 185+@s. I ha(e since then met an 0??icer St. 7yr in this re)ion whom act*a++y 'oes +ooD .ranco American 5 this man is approCimate+y EA1G 4 has )o+' hair4 an' a+mon' shape' eyes which are a ha>e+ )reen @+*e < he +ooDe' approCimate+y 210+@s. 2he G0??icer St. 7yrG present at MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment '*rin) the year 200! 5 to+' me that I nee'e' to @e @ro*)ht to the hospita+ to maDe s*re I was Gnot *n'er the in?+*ence o? any 'r*)sG an' that my report a@o*t my ?ather was Gacc*rateG. I was not rea' miran'a ri)hts an' was han'c*??e' to a @e+t aro*n' my waist. A?terwhich 4 I was 'irecte' to )et in the Po+ice 7ar an' I was @ro*)ht to the So*thern #e)iona+ New Hampshire Me'ica+ 7enter on Main st. in Nash*a NewHampshire. :hi+e sittin) in the waitin) room neCt to 0??icer St.7yr 4 a recor'e' con(ersation @etween my se+? an' an eC )ir+?rien' o? mine < a con(ersation which wo*+' ha(e occ*rre' at the 155 Har(ar' Street a''ress 5 was somehow '*@@e' o(er a Soap 0pera that was p+ayin) on the te+e(ision in the waitin) room +o*n)e area. 2his was a woman whom I was pre(io*s+y 'atin) a year @e?ore this an' whom was o? part+y Israe+i ancestry. I am not s*re how these Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents mana)e' to accomp+ish a++ this @*t I am ass*min) that they ha(e ha' *neCpecte' he+p ?rom 0r)ani>e' 7rime within the Unite' States )o(ernment itse+? or Ita+ian A6IS A)ents em@e''e' within the 7omcast corporation com@ine' with peop+es whom they co*+' ha(e @+acDmai+e' an'Qor pai' moneys to 'o thin)s no H*estions asDe' s*ch as 'is)*stin) SeC 0??en'ers whoAs 7rimina+ #ecor' is p*@+ic an' +ocations wo*+' otherwise @e Dnown on SeC 0??en'er #e)ister. 1Cpert 7omp*ter HacDers were 'e?inite+y in(o+(e'. 2he man who was attemptin) to impersonate an 0??icer St.7yr was 'e?inite+y o? entire+y A*strian race < it is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e 'one this 5 an A*strian an was impersonatin) Bason ;e++emore an' ha' taDen his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' o@taine' emp+oyment as a Po+ice 0??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire. Bason ;e++emore was raise' an' atten'e' Mastrico+a Mi''+eSchoo+ an' MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 Bason ;e++emore is the co*sin o? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta an' e(ent*a++y @ecame a 9ni)ht o? Aosta himse+?. Accor'in) to what Bason ;e++emore ha' state' when he was yo*n)er 4 he was possi@+y A'o+? GHit+erAsG co*sin. A'o+? GHit+erG was the )ran'son o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II 4 was the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 an' A'o+?As mother was the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht who ha' @oth Ita+ian Sa(oy +inea)e an' A*strian Aosta +inea)e. I was then escorte' to the 1mer)ency#oom @y 0??icer GSt. 7yrG. :hi+e waitin) in the 1mer)ency #oom 4 a ?ew (ia+s o? @+oo' was 'rawn ?rom my arm. At one point 4 I notice' that 0??icer St. 7yr was starin) an)ri+y at me an' sH*ee>in) his c+*@ han'+e. I notice' that this @aton was an incorrect @aton an' that it was a @o@@y sticD in the stea' o? a ton?a sticD which was s*ppose' to the stan'ar' iss*e Po+ice ;aton in the U.S.A. . Important to notice here is that An'ers ;rei(iD reporte'+y ha' two crania+ s*r)eries whi+e in the U.9. as we++ as 'oes a Goo)+e Ima)e Search pro(e that there has

@een % 'i??erent men presente' on the internet in photo)raphs c+aime' to @e An'ers ;rei(iD since 200". A?ter I notice' 0??icer St.7yr )rippin) the @aton 5 I asDe' him what the c+*@ was ?or. He state' < G2hatAs in case yo* try to r*n.G. 2he neCt H*estion was GSo how 'o yo* ?ee+ a@o*t the 3r' #eichOG. I @e+ie(e that this man was picDe' ?or this4 @eca*se he +ooDs (ery o@(io*s+y o? A*strian race. GSt. 7yrG which is a@@re(iate' ?orm o? Saint 7yr 5 is a .rench name4 @*t the man +ooDe' entire+y A*strian. 2he mo(ie 21#MINA20# 2 < which 1' :arren ha' mentione' 5 in(o+(es an A*strian actor &Arno+' Schwar>ene))er, as a #o@ot H*manoi' So+'ier an' his a'(ersary which is another #o@ot H*manoi' So+'ier whom is 'resse' in a Po+ice 0??icerAs *ni?orm ?or the maIority o? the mo(ie. 2erminator 3 ha' I*st @een sche'*+e' on H;0 '*rin) 2005 when this sta+Der ha' @een hacDin) 9enneth B*''As 70M7AS2 trip+e p+ay networD ?rom n*mero*s +ocations4 inc+*'in) @+anD IP A''resses which wo*+' in'icate the most +iDe+y +ocation to @e the 70M7AS2 ser(er itse+?. 3*rin) the year 200% < .i+ 1man*e+e 4 state' to his ?rien' whom ha' met 2ony Grasseti an' my se+? in Manchester NewHampshire 5 Git was not a hacDer 4 we checDe' the ser(erG when asDe' i? .i+ was a@so+*te+y certain that I was the in'i(i'*a+ who emai+e' Henry MaDow a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ather @ein) the 9in) o? Ita+ia whom ha' an a??air. 2he 9in) o? Ita+ia was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Great Gran'?atherAs .ather 5 this means that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother. M*+tip+e con(ersations in 200% re)ar'in) A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine 4 .i+ 1man*e+eAs @+oo'+ine 4 an' my emai+s to Henry MaDow 4 as we++ as Be?? #enseAs artic+e ca++in) =ittorio 1man*e+e I= Gthe AN2I7H#IS2G 5 were recor'e' an' 'e+i(ere' at MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment in 200%. Soon a?ter the H*estionin) re)ar'in) the G2hir' #eichG4 a ?at man with c*r+y @rown hair entere' the room with his @a')e t*rne' aro*n' ?or o@(io*s reason that the name was non (isi@+e. 2his man +ooDe' to @e o? miCe' Israe+i an' possi@+y Po+ish as we++ as Ita+ian race @*t appeare' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to appear as s*ch 5 c*rrent+y 4 he is worDin) in ;oston Po+ice 3epartment an' +ooDs entire+y racia++y Ita+ian @*t shows si)ns o? ha(in) m*tate' in the past. A?ter enterin) he @e)an sayin) in a weir' creepy (oice G$et me to*ch yo*r @e++yG GI nee' to checD yo*r @e++yG 4 an' he GchecDe'G me ?or +i(er cancer or somethin). 2his was an eCact H*ote o? Min'y 9ern '*rin) the year 200E 4 whi+e we were a+one sittin) in my +i(in) room at 155 Map+e Street Apartment 2 5 Min'y an' my se+? ha' @een IoDin) an' I ha' )ra@@e' her stomach with my han' whi+e speaDin) in a h*mo*ro*s H*eer so*n'in) (oice +iDe a So*th ParD 7haracter name' ;i) Gay A+. I @e+ie(e this was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs o@sessi(e hatre' ?or Bews 4 my se+? 4 an' women 5 .i+ is pro@a@+e to ha(e or'ere' his A)ents to p*t what wo*+' appear to @e a Bewish man in a o??ensi(e position 4 a?ter contin*o*s+y (io+atin) my ?*n'amenta+ h*man ri)hts an' in'irect+y acc*sin) me o? @ein) in the 2hir' #eich which is an a@s*r' thin) to acc*se an ethnic American o? '*rin) 200! whom was on+y 23 years o? a)e. Min'y 9ern propose' marria)e to me 4 I ha' accepte' 5 .i+ 1man*e+e pro@a@+y ha' an a*'io recor'in) o? this. Min'y 9ern was 1Q8 racia++y Israe+i. .i+ 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'nephew 5 .i+ si)ne' Min'yAs note@ooD G.I$G in 200E 4 whi+e she was at a ?rien'As ho*se '*rin) her perio' o? enro++ment in 7hester 7o++e)e in 7hester NewHamphire. .i+ 1man*e+e *n'o*@te'+y has a +ar)e pop*+ation o? Sa(oy $oya+ists who wi++ ?o++ow or'ers *nerrin)+y e(en when they are a@so+*te+y crimina+. .i+ 1man*e+e is a+so eCtreme+y crimina++y insane an' o? the Din' o? psycho+o)y that is reH*ire' to @e a@+e to manip*+ate other crimina+s. I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+e is a SocioPath an' a Me)a+oManiac 5 it is a+most 'e?inite+y certain that .i+i@erto 1man*e+e choreo)raphe' most o? these Pyscho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+ts.

A?ter my stomach was GchecDe'G4 I was ma'e to )i(e a *rine samp+e. 2he *rine samp+e c*p remin'e' me o? 1' .arrachi :arren 'eman'in) me to ?i++ c*ps ?or n*mero*s *rine tests whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. A ta++ Germanic woman o? possi@+y @oth An)+o American an' Swe'ish race entere' the room an' asDe' me i? I ha' pro@+ems with In'ians as i? she ha' I*st hear' that I was a :hite S*premacist 5 to which I rep+ie' the tr*th 4 GNo4 I 'o not ha(e pro@+ems with In'ians at a++G . A?ter @ein) asDe' this H*estion4 one o? my motherAs ?ormer 'octors 5 3r. /oa'ati4 entere' the room with somethin) some@o'y e+se ha' written an' to+' me that I nee'e' to taDe PypreCa 4 witho*t e(en @ein) 'ia)nose' with anythin). 3r. /oa'ati state' that I nee'e' to @e hospita+i>e' ?or at +east a weeD. I ha' shown no si)ns o? Menta+ Hea+th pro@+ems an' was 'ia)nose' with nothin). 2his was o@(io*s+y a Psych :ar?are A)ent in action 5 In'ia was ACis '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar '*e to their 'esire ?or in'epen'ence ?rom the U9. 2he USA was not a++ie' to the ACis4 nor 'i' ha(e we e(er ha' an A6IS ?action that is +oya+ to the USA. 7onH*erin) North America is one o? the primary )oa+s o? the ?o*n'in) in'i(i'*a+s o? the A6IS .action. 2he act*a+ ?o*n'in) in'i(i'*a+s o? the A6IS .action were Aristocrats4 In(estors4 an' wea+thy 2errorist 7rime $or's. Ita+y was A6IS '*rin) @oth :or+' :ars. My Gran'?atherAs @rother A+@ert MacPherson was USA Mi+itary '*rin) :or+' :ar 2 an' was 'ep+oye' in 1*rope in the Army 5 their ?ather was 'ep+oye' in 1*rope '*rin) :or+' :ar 1 in the USA Army as we++. A+so5 I ha' ne(er @een 'ia)nose' with any psycho+o)ica+ 'isor'ers4 I 'i' not ha(e a nee' ?or me'ication nor was there +e)a+ @asis ?or me to @e me'icate'. I @e+ie(e some@o'y han'e' 3r. /oa'ati ?a+si?ie' paperworD. 2he Sherri??s arri(e'4 chaine' my anD+es an' wrists to)ether an' @ro*)ht me in a wa)on to the New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' New Hampshire on 7+inton St4 where my mother was a+rea'y hospita+i>e' at the time '*e to Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. My mother an' her mother were seC tra??icDin) (ictims '*rin) her chi+'hoo' an' they +i(e' in this re)ion 5 I @e+ie(e that the 7rimina+ 2errorist .action whom ha(e committe' this series o? attacDs o(er the past ten years is the same 7rime Syn'icate which ha' attacDe' my Mother as a chi+'. My Mother an' my Nana were (ictims o? a man who *se' the name 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+as an' a 7rime Syn'icate whom he worDe' with crimina++y. I am not e(en s*re i? his rea+ name was 7har+es or i? he was e(en an American at a++. I ha(e hear' the entirety o? what these men 'i' to my Mother an' my Nana. It is o@(io*s that this manAs 7rime 0r)ani>ation ha' connections to the Ma?ia as we++ as 'i' they ha(e connections to some o? #ichar' He+mAs 7rime Syn'icate '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration which is when m*ch o? my MotherAs chi+'hoo' oc*rre'. .or some reason G7h*cDG was ne(er con(icte' with anythin) whene(er he wo*+' )o into a co*rtroom an' the po+ice o??icers that he Dnew wo*+' a+ways @rin) my mother an' my nana @acD to him when they trie' to r*n away. 2hese 'etai+s were mentione' to .i+ 1man*e+e when 'isc*ssin) the men whom worDe' in the 7IA ?or ProIect M9U$2#A an' their connections to 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin) an' #ichar' He+ms '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration. H*man =i(isection is a ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ as is SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection is the act o? *sin) a +i(in) H*man as a scienti?ic test s*@Iect ?or research p*rposes an' eCperimentin) *pon them a)ainst their wi++. My Mother an' my Nana were SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. My yo*n)est sister was on+y 5 years o+' in 200% an' c*rrent+y has a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her sD*++ as 'i' o*r sister 7he+sey whom was swappe' with a H*man 2ra??icDin) (ictim an' o*r sister Sheena whom is c*rrent+y possi@+y 'ea' an' has @een rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r. 2his is the %th consec*ti(e )eneration that my ?ami+y ha(e @een (ictims o? 2ra??icDin) 5 I @e+ie(e that this is the eCact same 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e 'one this an' that they ha(e tar)ette' entire +ists o? ?ami+ies since they ha(e come to my home+an'. 1(en with =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'irect+y in(o+(e' now < the assai+ants are

sti++ the same networDs o? peop+e whom were attacDin) ?ami+ies in this re)ion in the past 5 the )*i+ty parties are a+most a++ o? Ita+ian race. ;e?ore 7he+sey was Di'nappe' 5 she @e)an comp+ainin) that her mo*th was ta+Din) at her in the mirror an' was cryin) one 'ay @eca*se her ton)*e was mo(in) on itAs own. 2here ha(e @een n*mero*s Imposte*rs preten'in) to @e my .ather #*sse++ MacPherson o(er the past 8 years. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een *sin) Impro(ise' 2echno+o)y an' Sciences ?or their terrorism inc+*'in) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to match ?in)erprints as we++ as ?acia+ shape4 co+or an' teCt*re o? sDin4 co+or an' teCt*re o? hair4 an' co+or o? eye iris < Impro(ise' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant 1+ectronic 2ransmittors ha(e @een man*?act*re' an' @*i+t ?rom A#G0S NetworDe' micro ro*ters ?or the p*rpose o? networDin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7irc*its o(er Internet on A#G0S re+ate' networD s*ch as ;io+o)ists *se. 2he 1man*e+es an' their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een spyin) on ci(i+ians an' recor'in) them *sin) Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts which can @e 'ia+e' *sin) Goo)+e Phone an' other internet app+ications as we++ as @y wirin) a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar Phone a*'io o*t to 7omp*ter. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Assa*+ts ha(e @een committe' @y metho' o? sp+icin) wire into car speaDers as we++ as other speaDers an' A*'io 3*@@in) s*@t+e threats ?or p*rpose o? Psych :ar?are ha(e a+so @een *se' on ci(i+ians. Impro(ise' :eapons ha(e @een *se' '*rin) this 2errorist 7ampai)n @etween the year o? 2005 to 2013 5 one o? these is a #a'iation ;eam )enerator that is ma'e ?rom Microwa(e 0(en Parts. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e @een i++e)a++y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+ians sD*++s whi+e they are as+eep in hea+thcare ?aci+ities. 0ther Impro(ise' 2echno+o)ies an' Sciences ha(e @een *se' as we++. P*@+ishe' to the internet @etween the years o? 200! an' 2013 5 are n*mero*s ci(i+ian reports o? these thin)s happenin) in the USA4 7ana'a4 an' the U.9. . :e@sites +iDe Ma)n*s 0+ssonAs 4 7ha' 9isterAs 4 an' 3a(i' IcDeAs seem to ser(e as 'isin?ormation too+s to 'iscre'it the witnesses whom are act*a++y 'isc*ssin) ?act*a+ occ*rances on the internet an' reportin) them to $aw 1n?orcement whom in many cases are corr*pt. It is important to acDnow+e')e the ?act that 7har+es G7h*cDG 3o*)+asAs name or ass*me' a+ias on paperworD was the name o? a ;ritish Aristocrat 5 this is important ?or reason that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e p+anne' since 200% to attempt to ?rame another Aristocratic Ho*se whom are not in eCi+e ?or their own crimes 5 the Ho*se which they ori)ina++y chose was the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia an' their 'istant co*sin Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom '*rin) 200% was +i(in) in Morrocco an' (isitin) the USA on occaision. I++*minati III 5 M*r'ere' @y the Monarchy was pro'*ce' imme'iate+y a?ter a series o? m*r'ers were committe' in North America which *n'o*@te'+y were .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 'oin) < a?ter or'erin) a Ma?ia So+'ier whom 1' :arren was acH*ainte' with to poison me with ;+acD Mo+' 5 the 1man*e+es attempte' to ?rame 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an' :i++iam Hano(er ?or it 4 attemptin) to en)ineer a ?*t*re scenario to present wherein I was s*ppose'+y acc*se' o? @ein) Irish #ep*@+ican Army an' m*r'ere' as a res*+t o? the mis*n'erstan'in). 3*rin) the NiCon A'ministration 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a an' the 1man*e+es ha' a+rea'y associate' themse+(es with n*mero*s crimina+ networDs in North America as we++ as were Ita+ian A6IS A)ents a+rea'y in the USA. Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e can 'i??er 'rastica++y ?rom .ather to Son or @etween Accomp+ices 5 it is a+so reasona@+e to acDnow+e')e that the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? an in'i(i'*a+ can repeat e+ements o? the Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? their pre'ecessors. Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+ea@+e 1(i'ence eCists which was presente' '*rin) the ho*r or so at So*thern #e)iona+ New Hampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire as we++ as at New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' New Hampshire 5 whi+e stan'in) neCt to me in the 1mer)ency #oom 4 the man ca++in) himse+? 0??icer St. 7yr +ooDe' at me an' sai' GIan... Get with the Pro)ram.G in an eCtreme+y an)ry so*n'in) (oice. 3*rin) 200% 4 when =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS A)ents @e)an i++e)a++y recor'in) me 5 I ha' written +yrics ?or a son) which I ha' inten'e' to compose an' recor' *sin) my 9or) Synthesi>er an' .r*ity$oops 7omp*ter 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation 4 the son) was ca++e' G3e+ete the Pro)ramG. 2he theme o? the +yrics in(o+(e' the GMarD o? the ;eastG an' 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 4 G+o@a+i>ation an' Mass Psycho+o)y 4 .ascism 4 an' the

Anti 7hrist 5 a samp+e o? a woman so*n'in) +iDe a schoo+ teacher sco+'in) a st*'ent ?or not payin) attention in c+ass was )oin) to @e *se' wherein the ?ema+e teacher wo*+' @e statin) an)ri+y G Ian... )et with the pro)ramNG . 2he rest o? the +yrics containe' re?erences to ;INA#/ comp*ter +an)*a)e 4 the in?amo*s ;e'+am Psychiatric Hospita+ 4 Massi(e Pop*+ation ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication or GMin' 7ontro+G4 an' a hacDer 'e+etin) a so?tware pro)ram. ApproCimate+y May 152H 200! at the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' 5 the ?irst ni)ht I was a'mitte' to the hospita+4 I @e+ie(e I was possi@+y on UnitV 3 or UnitV 1. 2he peop+e checDin) me in acc*se' me o? @ein) a :hite S*premacist 4 which I am not. I trie' to eCp+ain to them what Asatr* is an' my re+i)ion was recor'e' as G0'inistG in their ?i+es4 I was )i(en se'ati(es in the ?orm o? pi++s an' a +iH*i' that was s*ppose' to @e a potassi*m s*pp+ement an' I was @ro*)ht to a room to s+eep. 2he neCt mornin) I ha' awoDen an' hear' three mechanica+ so*n'in) hi)h pitche' tones in my ri)ht ear < I a+so ha(e a memory o? some@o'y ?or some reason whisperin) near my ear whi+e I was as+eep G7och+ear 1ar Imp+antG as i? there was some@o'y e+se in the room that I ha' @een @ro*)ht to whom ha' @een )ettin) a s*r)ery in(o+(in) a 7och+ear 1ar Imp+ant. 3*rin) 200% 5 I ha' rea' a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it Gra?ts4 I was H*icD+y aware o? the ?act that they ha' imp+ante' one in my sD*++ 4 )ra?te' to my @rain. I awoDe near+y e(ery mornin) remem@erin) that there was a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my sD*++ 4 a?ter which I was H*icD+y hypnoti>e' somehow an' ma'e to ?a++ as+eep a)ain which res*+te' in my waDin) *p *naware that it was there. 0n more than one occaision I eCperience' ne*ro prosthesis phantom +im@ o? other (ictims whom ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their @rains as we++ as 'i' I see Green AS7I ?ont ho(erin) in ?ront o? my (ision on more than one occaision 5 once te++in) me that it was my ?rien' 1mi+y an' that she nee'e' he+p 4 the cr*e+ty o? this scenario is o@(io*s. I ha(e since @een to+' that 1mi+y 'oes in ?act ha(e one o? these in her @rain an' that she was a@'*cte' @y .i+ 1man*e+e 4 7esare4 1' :arren 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e4 an' SeC 2ra??icDer associates o? theirs. :hen I awoDe the mornin) a?ter stayin) the ?irst ni)ht at the NewHampshire Hospita+ 5 there was a (eteran my a)e name' 2y+er as+eep on the other @e' in the room. I was to+' he was there ?or P2S3 treatment. 2he entirety o? the ?irst mornin) that I was at this hospita+4 I ?e+t +iDe I was in a 'r*))e' state o? concio*sness. 2he mornin) a?ter the s*r)ery4 I was repeate'+y to+' not to scratch the @acD o? my ri)ht ear or p*++ on it @y a sta?? woman who seeme' to @e a@o*t 30 years o+'. 2he sta?? woman whom worDe' at the hospita+ sai' to me that i somehow c*t @ehin' my own ear in my s+eep. I ha' no sharp imp+ements with which to 'o so. I o(erhear' a con(ersation @etween a ?ew o? the sta?? at the hospita+4 the statement was GUm... :eAre )oin) to @e )oin) o(er to 9isterAs a?ter this.G ;etween 2011 an' 2013 4 there was a we@site on the internet ca++e' 7ha' 9ister name' ?or 7ha' 9ister. 7ha' 9ister state' on his we@site that he ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace imp+ante' in his @rain which he ca++e' a Gmicrochip @rain imp+antG. 7ha' 9isterAs we@site c+aime' that the Po+ice in 0hio were .ascist 2errorists3 2he sta?? woman was incre'i@+y @ea*ti?*+4 ha' 'ye' @*r)*n'y hair4 )reen eyes4 an' was a@o*t 5A10G o? hei)ht 5 she appeare' to @e 30 years o? a)e. It is pro@a@+e this woman was a H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha' a@'*cte' an' tort*re' *nti+ she comp+ie' with their or'ers. It is 'e?inite that this woman has the same ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her sD*++ as was p*t in my own. 3*rin) the co*rse o? the ?irst 'ay she asDe' me 5 G Ha(e yo* e(er hear' o? 2a(istocDOG to which I answere' with a H*estion4 Gthe 7orporationOG . 2he @ea*ti?*+ +a'y whom ha' asDe' me this H*estion contin*e' 'isc*ssin) a p+ace in 1n)+an' ca++e' 2a(istocD. 2his con(ersation occ*rre' short+y a?ter she sai' to me GIAm An)+o SaCon too.G which was spoDen the eCact same way that 9en'ra ;rowne++ ha' state' to me that she was An)+o SaCon when she saw Swain :o'enin)s @ooD 5 Hammer o? the Go's 4 on my @e'room ?+oor '*rin) 200%. Simi+ar+y to the 'octor speaDin) G$et

me to*ch yo*r @e++yG which was a recor'in) o? my se+? an' my eC )ir+?rien' Min'y 9ern IoDin) with eachtother < the )reen eye' +a'y spoDe 9en'ra ;rowne++As eCact wor's 5 9en'ra is an eC )ir+?rien' o? mine ?rom @e?ore I ha' e(er e(en met .i+. 9en'ra (isite' me at my Haywar' Street apartment in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% an' 2005 < somehow she was recor'e'. I remem@ere' this @ea*ti?*+ woman hypoti>in) me the ni)ht @e?ore waDin) *p with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my sD*++ 5 I @e+ie(e she ha' @een @ein) *se' as a p*ppet @y these terrorists to hypnoti>e ci(i+ians prior to H*man =i(isectin) them. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 I app+ie' ?or a Io@ with the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense < an' in the year 200! 4 i was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace *nDnowin)+y an' a)ainst my wi++. 3*rin) the year 2002 5 9en'ra ;rowne++ sai' to me GMy Mom to+' me to te++ yo* that there is no stat*te o? +imitations ?or :ar 7rimes an' that yo* sho*+' @e care?*+. /o* ha(e to @e care?*+ when yo*Are 'oin) yo*r research an' in(esti)atin) thin)s Ian. 2here is no Stat*te o? $imitations ?or :ar 7rimes an' the p*nishment is tort*re an' 'eath. 2he peop+e who 'o those thin)s 'o not want to @e con(icte' an' wi++ 'o a+most anythin) to )et o*t o? it. My Mom an' Beremy to+' me to warn yo*. 2hey m*st ha(e hear' somethin).G . 3*rin) the year 2002 4 Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' < '*rin) the year 2003 4 7hristine 3ion was a@'*cte' 5 @oth were rep+ace' @y SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 9en'ra ;rowne++ ha' @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @y Sean ;*cD+ey an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e who ha' )aine' access to o*r apartment @y means o? a Dey to the ?ront 'oor which was o@taine' @y metho' o? recr*itin) Bason Be??rey as a crimina+ to 'o so @y the?t. 7hristina .aerio+o poisone' 9en'ra ;rowne++ an' myse+? with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' assiste' Sean ;*cID+ey an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in inIectin) se'ati(es into 9en'ra ;rowne++ an' my se+? < a?ter which 4 Sean ;*cD+ey an' .i+ 1ma *e+e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in o*r crani*ms 5 this was the 2n' S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? a ;.7.I. Into my crani*m that an 1man*e+e or a mem@er o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy participate' in. A?terwar'4 someone @e)an +ea(in) the )as pi+ot on the cooDin) o(en on as she +e?t ?or worD. I awoDe n*mero*s times in the mornin) to the o(en sto(e top +eaDin) )as an' the entire apartment sme++in) o? )as. :hen J1mi+y Is+esK was a@'*cte' 4 I recei(e' a +etter ?rom her that was written @y an imposte*r 5 the name on the +etter was G1mma $ei)h T+esG. 9en'raAs mi''+e name is $ei)h. 1mi+y McPherson 4 who was my eC )ir+?rien' Nina HansenAs @est ?rien' 5 was an Asatr*ar an' her s*rname was Gae+ic 5 @oth names are o? Gae+ic or An)+o ori)in an' are o? the ;ritish Is+es. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 9en'raAs ?rien' Beremy whoAs s*rname may ha(e possi@+y @een #o'ri)*e> 5 was witnesse' +ooDin) at a we@site which 'isp+aye' (i'eos an' ima)es o? women tie' with rope 4 @o*n' with rope 4 restraine' to racDs 4 @a++ )a))e' 4 @+in' ?o+'e' 4 an' @ein) @r*ta++y tort*re'. Beremy was +ast seen at the strip c+*@ GMarDAs Showp+aceG. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 Bason Be??rey showe' me a (i'eo an' ima)es on the internet o? a woman @ein) tort*re' @r*ta++y 5 an' sai' to me GSome@o'y sai' to me that yo* may Dnow this )ir+. 3o yo* reco)ni>e herOG. 2he woman +ooDe' +iDe Samantha G*ay 4 with her hair 'ye' @+acD. I @e+ie(e that 9en'ra ;rowne++ 4 Bason Be??rey 4 an' Beremy #o'ri)*e> are a++ connecte' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy somehow. Bason Be??rey an' 9en'ra ;rowne++ were @rie?+y in(o+(e' somehow 4 whi+e I was with her 5 an' it seeme' that she may ha(e @een cheatin) on me with him. Beremy #o'ri)*e> was +ast seen at GMarDAs Showp+aceG with 7hristine 3ion. 2wo ?rien's o? 9en'ra ;rowne++As are missin) 4 Ben $inco+n an' 7ait+in $*rch. It is possi@+e that they ha(e @oth @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. I ha(e hear' that 7ait+in $*rch was a@'*cte' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs SeC 2ra??icDers. 3*rin) the year 2002 4 my eC )ir+?rien' 9en'ra ;rowne++As a*tomo@i+e was (an'a+i>e' @y a )ro*p o? men. 0ne o? these men appeare' at her p+ace o? emp+oyment n*mero*s times harrassin) her 4 an' ha' )ra@@e' her @reast at a party a ?ew months prior. Bason ;ri')ewater 4 the man who )ra@@e' her

@reast state' GIt was seC*a+ assa*+t an' I wi++ 'o it a)ain.G :e e(ent*a++y reporte' these men to the Po+ice 3epartment in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he Po+ice 0??icer we spoDe to to+' *s 4 G2his is not a Po+ice iss*e 4 what she 'oes with her @o'y is her own @*siness.G 5 this so*n'e' +iDe somethin) that a NAM;$A Mem@er wo*+' say a@o*t a chi+'. 9en'ra an' my se+? were 18 years o+'. In 2001 an' 2002 4 7hristine 3ion @roDe the si+ence a@o*t the 1man*e+esA SeC 2ra??icDin) an' 7hi+' Porno)raphin) 5 in 2002 or 2003 4 she was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r an' has @een missin) since this time. 3*rin) the ?irst ?*++ 'ay at the NewHampshire Hospita+4 I was @ro*)ht into a me'ica+ room a n*m@er o? times an' eCamine' @y ma+e n*rses whom appeare' to @e Aryans ?rom In'ia. 0ne o? them howe(er was not comp+ete+y In'ian 4 I can *s*a++y te++ the 'i??erence < this man appeare' to @e o? miCe' Aryan race o? more than one nationa+ity 5 he was certain+y Iranian as we++ as possi@+y another Aryan ethnic nationa+ity. I thinD he was a s*r)eon an' I am ?air+y certain that he was once a 'entist or an ortho'ontist. He was a@o*t EA1G in hei)ht4 c+ean sha(en4 an' +ooDe' to @e a@o*t mi' 30As o? a)e4 he ha' short @+acD hair on the si'es an' +on)er hair on the top that was a ?ew inches +on). His sDin was a coppery @rown. His eyes were @rown. He was o? +i)ht @*i+'. I remem@ere' this manAs ?ace wearin) a s*r)ica+ masD ?rom the ni)ht @e?ore an' per?ormin) a s*r)ery on my sD*++. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that this man S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' these 'e(ices in the crani*ms o? n*mero*s 0rtho'onta+ Patients whom *n'erwent :is'om 2ooth 1Ctraction. It is pro@a@+e that this man was a SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime So+'ier with connections to the GIta+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateG o? the 1man*e+esA an' the 1(o+asA that para++e+s m*ch o? the Ita+ian A6IS Socia+ networD o? in'i(i'*a+s an' ce++s that sti++ eCists 4 it is a+so pro@a@+e that this man is an accomp+ice o? the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that para++e+s the 0ttoman A6IS 7onnections that sti++ eCist an' is a mem@er o? some Aryan Ara@ic SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate that is networDe' thro*)ho*t a ?ew nationa+ home+an's an' the Ser@ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that has @een committin) Genoci'a+ :ar 7rimes in ;osnia an' *pon ;osnians since the Ser@ian A6IS massacre' Ser@ians an' conso+i'ate' itAs power in Ser@ia 5 the 0ttoman re)iona+ or)ani>ation seems to @e the twin or)ani>ation that operates in synchronic cohesion with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that para++e+s the Ita+ian A6IS 4 it is pro@a@+e that the networD ha(e n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+ 2errorist 7rime So+'iers who ser(e as networDers. It is entire+y pro@a@+e that this is one 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which has m*+tip+e arms an' that it was ?o*n'e' '*rin) the ear+y 1800As @y an a++iance @etween B*+i*s 1(o+a )ran'?atherAs 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate an' a H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate that was networDe' thro*)ho*t the 0ttoman 1mpire4 this a+so @ecame the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? which they are c*rrent+y a ?ew o? a sma++ n*m@er o? 2errorist 7rime $or's 5 Henry MaDow 4 my se+? 4 an' others o?ten re?erre' to this as Gthe I++*minatiG '*e to reason that it is a G+o@a+ist 2errorist Socia+ 3arwinist 7rime Syn'icate an' ?or reason o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs in(o+(ement an' his phi+osophy o? GSo+ar Masc*+inityG. 2his networD is pro@a@+e to operate primari+y ?rom Ita+ia to North America 4 Ita+ia to So*th America 4 across the Americas 4 Ita+ia to the U9 4 Ita+ia to A*stra+ia 4 Ita+ia to 3enmarD 4 Ita+ia to A+@ania 4 Ita+ia to Ser@ia 4 Ser@ia across the ;a+tic an' into #*ssian UDrainian #e)ion 4 #*ssia to USA < an' is networDe' @y a twin or)ani>ation which operates primari+y ?rom Morocco to Sa*'i Ara@ia4 Sa*'i Ara@ia to A?)hanistan4 A?)hanistan to Iran4 Iran to PaDistan4 an' PaDistan to In'ia. 2his is a G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate an' itAs networDs. N*mero*s we@ sites on internet 'isp+ay photos an' (i'eos o? In'ian women @ein) a@*se' horri@+y in the same manner o? a@*se as the American an' 7ana'ian women whom were a@'*cte' an' @r*ta++y a@*se' @y the GIta+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateG in North America. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es an' their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ma'e p+ans to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' a +on) +ist o? other peop+e ?or their own 2errorism 4 ?or in(o+(ement in " 11 4 an' 0r)ani>e' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity s*ch as the H*man 2ra??icDin) that they ha(e @een in(o+(e' in '*rin) the :ar on 2error in attempt to escape con(iction ?or :ar 7rime +e(e+ SeC 2ra??icDin) an' Genoci'e. 3*rin) the years o? 200E to 200" < n*mero*s Ita+ians who were

=ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD simi+ar to Moroccans a@'*cte' 4 tort*re' 4 an' :ar #ape' women in the North 1ast o? North America5 these in'i(i'*a+s were 2errorist SeC 2ra??icDers recr*ite' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 these were their Intitiation 7rimes. .or p*rpose o? attemptin) to ?rame innocent in'i(i'*a+s 4 other crimina+s 4 an' other or)ani>ations ?or worDin) with the 2a+i@an an' 0sama ;in$a'en '*rin) the :ar on 2error an' '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 5 n*mero*s 7rimes A)ainst H*manity inc+*'in) )enoci'a+ eCtermination o? ?ami+ies 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) o? chi+'ren an' a'*+ts 4 H*man =i(isection o? chi+'ren an' a'*+ts 4 assassinations 4 an' other crimes were ?a+se ?+a))e' as 'i??erent i'entities < ?or this reason 4 it is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as co*+' ha(e connections to an or)ani>ation 'irect+y associate' with the or)ani>ation that orchestrate' the " 11 2errorist AttacD as we++ as 'o they ena)e' in 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime with an or)ani>ation ?rom the ?ormer+y 0ttoman Imperia+ re)ions that is o@(io*s+y the twin or)ani>ation to their own. 2he other s*r)eon whom worDe' 'irect+y with the Aryan man 4 was an Ita+ian. A+most a++ o? the )*i+ty party ha(e @een Ita+ian ma+es. .or the entire '*ration o? my stay I was H*estione' a@o*t GracismG an' acc*se' o? @ein) a mem@er o? the 2h*+e Society4 the #osicr*cians4 the .reeMasons&o? which my )reat )ran'?ather was one,4 acc*se' o? @ein) racist ?or rea'in) the ;ooD o? 1noch &which is act*a++y a @ooD ?rom B*'aism, 4 an' ta+De' most+y to a #asta?arian who worDe' there who repeate'+y ca++e' me names s*ch as GHe>@o++ah ;a' ;oyG an' G1ee ranG. 2he #asta?arian was name' 7hris an' was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris is c*rrent+y missin) an' has @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r. I @e+ie(e that 7hris was to+' that I was a :hite S*premacist @eca*se the .action that 'i' this are the Ita+ian A6IS whom are attemptin) to ?rame some@o'y an' a+so @eca*se 7hris was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. I ha' recent+y +o))e' on to a ;+acD Nationa+ist we@site an' was rea'in) a@o*t ;+acD Nationa+ism an' #asta?arianism 5 this we@site was primari+y a Socia+ networDin) :e@site ?or ;+acD Nationa+ists. A+so 5 I *se' to +i(e with a M*s+im @rie?+y name' BaDim whom I ha' @ecome ?rien's with. 7hris was apparent+y to+' that I was an ACis :hite S*premacist M*s+im whom worDe' ?or He>@o++ah an' ha' an Iranian connection. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' 'eci'e' in 200% to attempt to ?rame the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y an' their Morroccan co*sin Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or a++ o? their own 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 1(ent*a++y 7hris the #asta?arian an' my se+? ha' a con(ersation a@o*t #e+i)ion 5 7hris the #asta?arian @e)an to ca++ #e+i)io*s Sym@o+s GSym@o+s o? PowerG. 2his con(ersation remin's me o? the con(ersation I ha' with the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi 4 @e?ore I rea+i>e' that he was an imposte*r 5 '*rin) the year 200E 4 the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi to+' me that he ha' a ha+? Nati(e American ha+? sister who ha' @een @ein) seC*a++y a@*se' @y his @io+o)ica+ mother an' her @oy?rien' since his ha+? sister was @orn an' that her motherAs @oy?rien' rape' her *nti+ she was 1! an' she presse' char)es an' tooD him to co*rt. 2he imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi then to+' me that his sisterAs assai+ant he+' a Go+' 7ross Pen'ant on a )o+' chain *p in ?ront o? him an' shine' it an' his sister an' she +ost the a@i+ity to speaD. 2his ?a@ricate' story so*n's +iDe somethin) that 7hris 2homas wo*+' say or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e wo*+' say 5 this is 'e?inite+y a re+e(ant topic. My sisters ha(e @een attacDe' @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' their associate' 7rime So+'iers repeate'+y there entire +i(es < c*rrent+y 4 two o? them are missin) an' ha(e @een swappe' with another two (ictims an' the thir' whom is the yo*n)est is trappe' in the ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' in MerrimacD NewHampshire with an imposte*r. 3*rin) the year 200! < an artic+e was p*@+ishe' to the internet that 'isp+aye' an ima)e o? a 2risDe+ion 4 which is a sym@o+ o? 'i(inity 5 an' +a@e+e' it G2he G+o@a++y #eco)ni>e' Sym@o+ o? the ;on'a)e 4 3ominance 4 an' Sa'oMasochism 7omm*nity G+o@a++y. 2his was a 'e?inite ins*+t 4 I ha(e worn a 2risDe+ion on my necD ?or many years an' c*rrent+y ha(e one o? them on my @e+t @*cD+e 5 I was wearin) a 2risDe+ion pen'ant when =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' 7hris 2homas wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' @e)an sta+Din) me on a re)*+ar @asis4 '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005. I @e+ie(e that 7hris the #asta?arian was inten'e' to @e presente' as a possi@+e a+i@i somehow 4 I ha(e @een to+' that '*rin) the year 2005 5 my co*sin 9ristin Nassar an' Samantha ;ernstein were

@oth a@'*cte' ?rom a #e))ae 7oncert at the 2rain Station ;ar on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 0? re+ation to the GSym@o+s o? PowerG an' a +itt+e )ir+ not @ein) a@+e to speaD in a co*rtroom 4 my sister S*mmer has @een ?orce' to remain si+ent a@o*t imposte*rs +i(in) in the ho*se with her ?or a +on) time an' I ha(e @een *na@+e to )et the Po+ice 3epartments or Mi+itary in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. to respon' to this 5 I am c*rrent+y tra(e+in) to (ario*s re)ions o? the U.S.A. whi+e I am writin) this 4 in hopes that he+p wi++ @e sent soon. 2he name Sha)o*ry was p*t on a 'oor in the Unit o? the NewHampshire Hospita+ which I ha' @een a'mitte' to. 2his is the s*rname o? a man whom was one o? my @est ?rien's '*rin) 200% 5 ;o@ Sha)o*ry. ;o@ was o? @oth $e@anese an' Syrian race < ;o@As ?ami+y was most+y M*s+im. 2his name si)n was *se' a)ain +ater on a 'oor in the Psychiatric :ar' on Amherst Street in Nash*a New Hampshire '*rin) the year 200! a)ain. ;o@ Sha)o*ry is c*rrent+y missin) 5 the man *sin) ;o@ Sha)o*ryAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s appears to @e a Sa*'i Ara@ian. 3*rin) 200% < ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' MarD SDinner ha' @een with my se+? when we met with 2ony Grasseti an' Aaron 1man*e+e in Manchester NewHampshire 5 Aaron is .i+i@ertoAs @rother whom was a'opte' to a ?ami+y in #an'o+ph Massach*settes. Imme'iate+y @e?ore ;o@ Sha)o*ry (anishe' an' was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r 4 we ha' @een 'isc*ssin) the pro@a@i+ity that A6IS S+eeper A)ents were em@e''e' within the Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the USA whom were promote' into these positions @y S+eeper A)ents worDin) in this 'epartment who mana)e' to rep+ace themse+(es a+most 2echnocratica++y since the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich an' the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration 5 an' that these )ro*ps o? Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents ha' pro@a@+y intentiona++y )i(en the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense ?a+se an' mis+ea'in) inte++i)ence in?ormation ?or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) Sa''am H*ssein < to ca*se eCpen'it*re o? s*r)ica+ @om@in) miss+es s*ch as the @*nDer @*sters which were *nwise+y *se' to 'emo+ish an e(ac*ate' ;a)h'a' 4 to ca*se the eCpen'it*re o? wea+th reso*rces prior to p+anne' USA economic recession @y metho' o? economic sa@ota)e 4 to sa@ota)e internationa+ ?orei)n re+ations @y 'isrep*tin) the USA @y metho' o? con(incin) the 3epartment o? 3e?ense to p*@+ica++y an' )+o@a++y 'emo+ish a city witho*t reasona@+e ca*se to 'o so 4 an' to eCpen' reso*rces which co*+' ha(e @een *se' to @etter armor o*r troops an' (ehic+es an' @etter arm o*r troops with more a'(ance' techno+o)y that co*+' ha(e sa(e' +i(es whi+e 0sama ;in$a'en +e' o*r troops thro*)h a trappe' en(ironment which +e' to the 'eaths o? tho*san's o? USAmerican 3epartment o? 3e?ense emp+oyees. 2he chasin) o? 0sama ;in$a'en thro*)h a trappe' en(ironment whi+e he e(a'e' physica+ com@at 'ep+ete' the n*m@ers o? the 'ep+oya@+e ?orces o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' )reat+y inI*re' the mora+e o? the USA an' o*r so+'iers '*e to the maimin)s which occ*rre' as a res*+t o? the Impro(ise' 1Cp+osi(e 3e(ices. It was a+so 'isc*sse' that Sa''am H*ssein ha' a 'istant co*sin who was A6IS .action a+i)ne' an' ha' pro@a@+y H*it the A6IS 5 an' that this is pro@a@+y what res*+te' in the tar)ette' o? IraH an' the entire H*ssein ?ami+y @y .a+se .+a) 0peration " 11 2errorist AttacD ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) that the U.S.A. wo*+' Di++ Sa''am H*sseinAs ?ami+y. It is pro@a@+e that the hiIacDers o? the Airp+anes ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their sD*++s an' were manip*+ate' into committin) the attacDs. 2he 'emo+ishin) o? ;a)h'a' @y means o? eCp+osi(e @*nDer @*ster )ro*n' penetratin) missi+es ma'e cre'i@+e the c+aim that the ;*sh 7heney #*ms?e+' #oa(e a'ministration insta++e' 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es an' 1+ectronic 3etonators in the 2win 2owers in New/orD 7ity themse+(es 5 the ?act that the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense ne(er mentione' the 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es that ha' o@(io*s+y @een *se' to 'emo+ish the 2win 2owers 4 ma'e it seem as i? these two occ*rrances were +inDe' in a way that the USA Go(ernment co++ecti(e+y ha' p+anne' @oth e(ents. It is pro@a@+e that 7o(ert A)ents o? the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'i' in ?act p+an the 3emo+ishin) o? the 2win 2owers an' the 3emo+ishin) o? ;a)h'a' an' were worDin) in cohesion with the A6IS that 0sama ;in$a'en was 'isco(ere' to ha(e @een in(o+(e' with 5 the i'entity o? Is+amic #e+i)ion has since this time @een @+ame' ?or this 4 the A6IS is not a .action ?o*n'e' *pon re+i)io*s (a+*es. Pre empti(e Sa@ota)e is a Stan'ar' 2actic o? :ar .are which the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e *se' n*mero*s times

thro*)ho*t the past wars. 2he me'ia in the U.S.A. e??ects the wor+' )reat+y as a res*+t o? the immi)ration rate 4 the pop*+ation 'i(ersity 4 an' the +an)*a)e o? 1n)+ish which is *n'erstoo' @y m*ch o? the wor+'. M*ch o? the me'ia in the U.S.A. has misrepresente' the ?acts an' misappropriate' i'entities to actions which they 'i' not tr*e+y commit. 2he Ara@ian A6IS .action is not the Biha'ist 4 tho*)h the U.S.A. Me'ia has presente' them as s*ch 5 it is easy ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action in the U.S.A. to manip*+ate writers as we++ as write their own news artic+es an' ?*n' their own me'ia an' in(esti)ations. 2hro*)h metho' o? .a+se .+a))in) attacDs 4 the A6IS are capa@+e o? *sin) 3i(i'e F 7onH*er strate)y to manip*+ate others into ?i)htin) their way ?or them. A Mi+itant Biha'ist is an arme' com@atant 4 the U.S.A. Mi+itary is a .action o? arme' com@atants < there is more than one ?action o? Mi+itant Biha'ists an' i? the U.S.A. Mi+itary can @e manip*+ate' into 'ec+arin) war *pon the Mi+itant Biha'ist in the stea' o? the A6IS which has co(ert+y em@e''e' a)ents amon)st the Biha'ist .actions 5 the U.S.A. Mi+itary an' the Biha'ist .action can @e manip*+ate' into a con?+ict with one another. 2his res*+ts in the S+eeper A)ents worDin) within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' the S+eeper A)ents em@e''e' within the Biha'ist Mi+itant .action < ha(in) comp+ete a@i+ity to 'irect the :ar?are in n*mero*s ways s*ch as chosin) the @att+e?ie+'s which the com@atants meet *pon an' sa@ota)in) the war?are ?or @oth 7om@atant .actions 5 this e??ecti(e+y 'e?eats @oth a'(ersaries as we++ as can @e *se' to ?orce a Ne*tra+ .action to ?i)ht the war ?or the A6IS 4 witho*t the A6IS s*??erin) any cas*a+ties themse+(es. It is a pro@a@i+ity that 3ona+' #*ms?e+' was an A6IS .action A)ent or was c+ose+y associate' with one 5 it is pro@a@+e that '*rin) 2he :ar on 2error 4 m*+tip+e A6IS A)ents s*ccee'e' in Heirarcha++y 3ecapitatin) (ario*s 'epartments o? state s*ch as (ario*s 'epartments within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense. :hat is more pro@a@+e that 3ona+' #*ms?e+' @ein) an A6IS A)ent 4 is that U.S.A. Mi+itary Inte++i)ence was Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' '*rin) the years 1""" to present 'ay. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the Aristocracy o? the A6IS an' they +i(e in the U.S.A. an' ha(e +i(e' in the U.S.A. since the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS. 0n the ?o*rth 'ay whi+e in the Hospita+ < I was @ro*)ht into a room o? 'i(erse pop*+ation which inc+*'e' no Nati(e Americans whatsoe(er an' H*estione' in ?ront o? approCimate+y 1% peop+e a@o*t racism. 3r. 3esnesnere was the one 'oin) the H*estionin). I ?ee+ that this was eCtreme+y tra*matic an' was intentiona++y racia++y stress?*+ ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to ca*se Psycho+o)ica+ Stress. 2his was Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are a)ain < some@o'y whom has @een sta+Din) me an' Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+in) me orchestrate' this. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y @e)an a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are campai)n o? tra*ma *pon my se+? 5 the p*rpose o? intentiona++y tra*mati>in) a person is to ca*se repression o? memories to ca*se them to ?or)et in?ormation 4 or to 'isa@+e an' harm the person sa'istica++y. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+ies intentiona+ tra*mati>in) o? my se+? has contin*e' ?or many years in m*+tip+e ways. 2his is a :ar 7rime. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a Mi+itant .action 4 they are an Aristocratic 3ynasty 5 an Aristocracy has men at arms s*ch as 9ni)hts an' others 4 it is a Mi+itant .action. 2hey are 1nemy 7om@atants. Most o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?o++ow or'ers ?rom =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e as i? he is a Mi+itary Genera+ an' his or'ers are in?a++i@+e. 0n the 3r' 'ay that I was at the hospita+ 5 a man c+aimin) to @e a G7atho+ic .atherAs #i)hts Acti(istG was somehow a'mitte' to the hospita+. 2his man was 5A3G o? hei)ht4 @rown hair4 @rown eyes4 )roome' his ?acia+ hair as a short @ear'4 an' was o? 'e?inite Ita+ian race. He H*estione' me a@o*t what I reporte' my ?ather ha' 'one. 2he *se o? G7atho+ic .atherAs ri)hts Acti(ist who I*st )ot in an ar)*ment with his wi?eG as a 7o(ert A+ias I'entity shows e(i'ence o? the Psycho+o)y o? 7hris 2homas an' his ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e 5 this is ?or reason that my ?ather was a 7atho+ic an' that 7hris 2homas attempte' to *se the photo)raphs that he tooD o? the chi+'ren on Ha++oween ni)ht at the Ha++oween Party as a way to ;+acD Mai+ my ?ather. 2he photo)raphs were taDen in my .atherAs +i(in) room. A+so 4 Bames HI*Da 7o*+t*re is o? interest '*e to the ?act that the @acD co(er o? the @ooD Germanic Heathenry @y Bames HI*Da 7o*+t*re states that he is a ?atherAs ri)hts acti(ist an' I ha' recent+y or'ere' an' @e)an

rea'in) this @ooD. A+so4 Michae+ Smith o? the U+?ar o? Bera 2heo' o? Hi++s@oro or :ashin)ton NewHampshire Dnew Bames HI*Da 7o*+ter whoAs ?ami+y was ?rom NewBersey. Bames HI*Da 7o*+t*re seems to @e missin) an' rep+ace' @y an Ita+ian 5 his ?ace@ooD pro?i+eAs photo)raphs are o? an Ita+ian. HacDers @ein) in(o+(e' in this is 'e?inite '*e to my recent @ooD or'er ?rom Ama> @ein) sa(e' in my emai+. 2his Ita+ian man is the other ma+e whom I reco)ni>e' ha' @een wearin) s*r)eon masD an' ha' s*r)erie' me whi+e hypnoti>e' an' 'r*))e' 5 when I met him whi+e he was preten'in) to @e a patient at the hospita+ < he was wearin) )rey sweat pants an' a )rey shirt. A+tho*)h the G7atho+ic .atherAs ri)hts acti(istG ?aca'e was 'e?inite+y an inco)nito i'entity < the 7atho+ic 1Ctremist ?rin)e is (ery m*ch an e+ement connecte' to the A6IS '*e to the ?act that the ancient #oman Aristocratic power str*ct*re is sti++ somewhat present in the #oman 7atho+ic =atican as we++ as is there a #oman I'entity sometimes in(o+(e' in the #oman 7atho+ic =atican an' the A6IS @oth. .ascism is one ?orm o? #oman I'entity 1Ctremism < e(en the Ita+ian Nationa+ .ascist Party ha' an amo*nt o? #oman Imperia+ I'entity amon)st them 4 tho*)h they were not the #oman .ascists that B*+i*s 1(o+a associate' more 'irect+y with. 7atho+ic I'entity is a+so sometimes *se' as a camo*?+a)e ?or an in'i(i'*a+As crimes 5 the core o? the A6IS is tr*e+y an apo+itica+ 4 )+o@a+ist 4 Socia+ 3arwinist 4 7rime Syn'icate . Many 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates present themse+(es as 7hristians a+tho*)h they are $i?eSty+e 7rimina+s. A?ter ?i(e 'ays< I met with a man who c+aime' to @e a Mr. #eyno+'e4 the G)ro*n'sDeeperG or GcaretaDerG o? the hospita+. 2his man ma'e me si)n papers in or'er to @e re+ease'. I was sti++ ?ee+in) 'r*))e' an' ha>y at that point an' when he )ot c+ose to me I ?e+t +iDe I was )oin) to ?aint. 2he a?ternoon @e?ore I was re+ease' I met with my G+awyerG who seeme' to ha(e no i'ea what was )oin) on or who I was. I was in?orme' that I ha' to ta+D to a I*')e in or'er to @e re+ease' ?rom the hospita+ as i? it were co*rt or'ere' which it was not. He was a ta++ Bewish )ent+eman who ha' somethin) that my G?atherG s*ppose'+y wrote in his han's when he entere' the hospita+ win). He sai' to me in a con?*se' (oice GIt says here that yo*r ?ather reporte' that yo* ha(e a ?ear o? .rench Bews in @+acD 2rench 7oats an' that yo* @e+ie(e that they are )oin) to come o*t o? the te+e(ision an' Di++ yo*O an' that yo* threatene' to )et a )*n an' shoot him an' then shoot yo*rse+?OG 2his manAs statement is important to ana+y>e ?or reason that 1' .arrachi :arren attempte' to ?rame one o? the Bewish )ent+emen whom ha' @een comin) to the store to ta+D to me. 2his man was approCimate+y 5A11G in hei)ht an' ?reH*ent+y wore a @+acD trench coat an' carrie' a @+acD @rie? case. I @e+ie(e he may ha(e @een a +awyer. 1' .arrachi :arren attempte' to maDe it appear as i? this man ha' '*mpe' a @a) o? =erichips in the @acD o? the store. 1' :arren was ner(o*s o? this man. A+so < Samantha ;ernstein an' her companion 4 were @oth wearin) $on) ;+acD :oo+ 7oats when they came to the store. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e was (i'eo '*@@e' onto the 2e+e(ision on 7omcast NetworDs transmissions < o(er'*@@in) the sche'*+e' pro)ramme @rie?+y to present his ?ace animate' on an animate' en(ironment whi+e sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*.G whi+e 'rac*+a han's were mo(in) at the si'es o? the screen. 2his was in?+*ence' @y a con(ersation @etween MarD SDinner 4 my se+? 4 an' ;o@ Sha)o*ry that in(o+(e' the (i'eo)ame 7ast+e(ania5Symphony o? the Ni)ht an' the 3rac*+a en' @oss. MarD an' my se+? ha' inten'e' to maDe a h*mo*ro*s come'ic (ersion o? a ;+air :itch mo(ie (i'eo tape' Point o? =iew 7amera @y wearin) the camera on a he+met < a?terwar's animatin) character in(entory screens an' pa*se screens as i? it were a (i'eo )ame. A+so < 'isc*sse' @y my se+? an' Sahn'ra whi+e ta+Din) a@o*t Henry MaDowAs we@site an' M9U$2#A 5 was4 2ra*ma ;ase' eCtreme

Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 1Cperiments in(o+(in) H*man =i(isection. Samantha ;ernstein an' the Bewish man in the @+acD trench coat ha' @oth appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar aro*n' this time. A+so o? re+e(ancy to the Bews in ;+acD 2rench 7oats < a woman whom I ha' Dnown name' 7ara Samson ha' appeare' on Sec*rity 7amera recor'in)s at .ami+y 3o++ar with $*cas An)i*+ini 5 7ara Samson was wearin) a +on) @+acD woo+ coat an' was o? miCe' An)+o American 4 .ranDic American 4 an' Israe+i race. 7ara Samson has @een rep+ace' @y two Imposte*rs since this time. 2he ta++ ma+e whom ha' accompanie' 7ara Samson was an Ita+ian ma+e4 not a Bew 5 an' it was o@(io*s that I Dnew them '*e to my (isi@+e acDnow+e')ment o? their presense in the store. In the (i'eo)ame S/N3I7A21 4 which I was p+ayin) on my comp*ter a?ter emai+in) Henry MaDow 5 the two ri(a+ .ascist 7rime Syn'icates ha(e ;+acD 2rench 7oats an' the other 4 Green 2rench 7oats. It is pro@a@+e that this stoo' o*t in =ittorio 1man*e+eAs worrie' min' @*t it is more +o)ica+ that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e pai' 7omp*ter HacDers to p*t his ?atherAs ?ace on the te+e(ision. 0? re+e(ance to a++ mention o? )*ns an' 7ha' 9ister o? 0hio 5 a $aDota with the s*rname :eise shot his )ran'?ather as we++ as other $aDota an' a?terwar's committe' s*ici'e. 2his was a?ter postin) on the $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green messa)e@oar' which was ori)ina++y a pan nationa+ist we@site . I ha' mentione' this we@site in an emai+ to Henry MaDow '*e to the nat*re o? the we@site @ein) Pan Nationa+ist. Pan Nationa+ism is the i'ea that Nationa+ism worDs ?or e(ery nationa+ity o? peop+e an' that a++ peop+es are (a+i' an' 'eser(in) o? a nationa+ eCistence. 2he tyrannica+ i'ea o? the G+o@a+i>ation o? state an' the ho+oca*sts that G+o@a+ Assimi+ationism has ca*se' are @oth inaccepta@+e. I @e+ie(e that :eise was one o? the ?irst (ictims o? this ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace attacD an' that 0hio is pro@a@+e to @e one o? the tar)ette' re)ions. :eiseAs screen name on the messa)e @oar' was Bose? Men)e+eAs nicD name 4 G'eath an)e+G or Gto'esen)e+G. I @e+ie(e that :eise was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een hypnoti>e' an' remote pi+ote' @y Ne*roScience So?tware to commit the s+ayin)s. An'ers ;rei(eD showe' si)ns o? ha(in) @een tar)ette' @y Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ents an' manip*+ate' o(er years @y Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are operati(es. Accor'in) to what IA(e rea'4 his @e+ie?s chan)e' somewhat an' e(ent*a++y he +ost his )rip on rea+ity which c*+minate' in his s+ayin) a +ar)e n*m@er o? the peop+e o? his own nation. An'ers was apparent+y an o*tspoDen nationa+ist who was (oca++y s*pporti(e o? the contin*e' eCistence o? Israe+. It is possi@+y that he was 'isco(ere' on a Pan Nationa+ist we@site. It was recor'e' that An'ers ;rei(iD ha' two crania+ s*r)eries '*rin) time which he spent in the U9. 2he +awyer which ha' @een appointe' to me )ot me 'ischar)e' ?rom the Hospita+ on MA/ 21st 200!. 2he o??icia+ 'ischar)e physician was 3octor 'eNesnera. 3*rin) one o? the +ast 'ays which I spent in the Psychiatric Unit at NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Steet in 7oncor' NewHampshire 4 a yo*n) woman name' 9ate 7hristiano was a'mitte' to the Psychiatric Unit. 9ate was aro*n' my a)e4 was Ita+ian 4 ha' @+*e eyes 4 +i)ht comp+eCion 4 @+acD hair 4 was a@o*t 5AEG 4 an' +ooDe' to wei)h approCimate+y 1E0+@s. It is pro@a@+e that 9ate was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that was p*t in her sD*++ a)ainst her wi++ *nDnowin)+y I*st as ha' happene' to my se+?. :hi+e in the hospita+ 4 she asDe' me i? I Dnew G=ictorG an' 'escri@e' him as her .atherAs co*sinAs ?rien'. I to+' 9ate that I 'i' not Dnow any@o'y name' =ictor. 3*rin) the year 200% < a ?aDe i'entity Instant Messa)e' me whi+e on the internet ?rom an A0$ Instant Messen)er

Acco*nt 5 my A0$ Instant Messa)er acco*nt ScreenName was $*)h3e3anaan. 2his person c+aime' to @e a 1! year o+' ma+e whom ha' *n'er)one SeC #eAssi)nment S*r)ery 4 whoAs .ather ha' s*ppose'+y pai' ?or it. 2his 1! year o+' ma+e s*ppose'+y ha' @reast imp+ants an' a seC reassi)nment which inc+*'e' the rep+acement o? the penis with a (a)ina. 2he person whom was preten'in) to @e a 1! year o+' 2rans Gen'ere' in(i'*a+ sent me a photo)raph o? what +ooDe' +iDe 9ate 7hristiano whom I +ater met in 200!. 2his person ha' a+so Instant Messa)e' Scot H*nter on his screenname He+iwr 5 this was the eCact same metho' o? contact which Aaron 1man*e+e ha' *se' to contact @oth Scot an' my se+?. I @e+ie(e that this is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 2he photo)raph which I was sent *neCpecte' @y this stran)e in'i(i'*a+ I am a+most certain was a photo)raph o? the top ha+? o? 9ate 7hristianoAs ?ace ?rom a photo)raph which ha' @een croppe'. It is pro@a@+e that 2ony GrassetiAs an' 9ate 7hristianoAs comp*ters ha' @een hacDe' @y the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorists 5 2ony GrassetiAs 0n+ine 3ata Stora)e is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een hacDe' @y 7omp*ter HacDers whom I @e+ie(e sto+e the recor'in) which 2ony Grasseti ha' ma'e '*rin) 200%. I met 9ate 7hristiano an' her ?ather '*rin) 1""5 whi+e I was with the #o'ons at the Grocery Store 5 7hrisAs ?ather #o@ert #o'on 4 is a a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' o? a ?ami+y which is re+ate' to the 7hristianosA ?ami+y @io+o)ica++y. 3*rin) 200% 4 whi+e in #ye NewHampshire < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e asDe' his yo*n)er @rother 3anie+ Bames GSo 4 are yo* )oin) to see 9ateOG < to which 3.B. rep+ie' 4 GUm.. whoOG which .i+ ?o++owe' *p with Gthe 7hristianosOG an' 3.B. state' GI 'onAt thinD so. IAm not s*re what 'a' has p+anne' ?or the weeDen'.G 2his sho*+' ha(e @een recor'e' @y 2ony GrassetiAs recor'in) 'e(ice. I? this was not recor'e'4 this wo*+' mean that 2ony Grasseti t*rne' o?? the recor'in) or ha' not t*rne' it on yet 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that this was state' '*rin) o*r wa+D to #ye ;each. 9ate 7hristiano was mentione' '*rin) 200%. 2he eyes in the photo)raph which ha' @een *se' to preten' to @e the stran)e 1! year o+' in'i(i'*a+ whom contacte' me a?ter .i+ ha' threatene' 1mi+y Is+es whom I ha' tho*)ht was 1E statin) that he was )oin) to Gshit 'own her throat an' rape it a?terwar'sG. +ooDe' i'entica+ to 9ate 7hristianoAs eyes whom I met in 200! 4 when she was 1" an' I was 23. 9ate 7hristiano is eCact+y 1mi+y Is+esAs a)e an' my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPhersonAs a)e. .i+ 1man*e+e tar)ette' m*+tip+e 1E year o+'s '*rin) 200% < '*rin) 200%4 I was 20 an' 3anie+ Bames was 1!. 9ate 7hristiano whom was 1E was Dnown to them as a res*+t o? her co*sinAs in(o+(ement in the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. :hen 9ate 7hristiano was a'mitte' to 7oncor' Hospita+ 4 she was incorrect+y p*t on the B*(eni+e Unit an' incorrect+y 'escri@e' as @ein) 1! a+tho*)h she was in ?act 1". 9ate 7hristiano so*n'e' worrie' when she asDe' me i? I Dnew =ictor whom was in ?act =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. I +ater 'isco(ere' that G=ictorG was =ittorio 1man*e+e when I wa+De' past 9ate whi+e she was eatin) at a restara*nt an' she mentione' G=ictor He+pin) =ictorG when 'escri@in) =eterans He+pin) =eterans which was @ein) r*n @y =ittorio 1man*e+e whom was apparent+y taDin) portions o? the 'onations as we++ as apparent+y writin) 'own +ists o? American =eterans ?ami+ies names. 9ateAs *nmistaDa@+e (oice state' G/o* mean =ictor he+pin) =ictorO Uh...-so*n' o? 'is)*st8 my 'a' Dnows him.G I met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or possi@+y the 5th time whi+e settin) *p a =eterans He+pin) =eterans 2a@+e on ;rown A(en*e with the 1st Imposte*r whom was preten'in) to @e my sister Sheena

Nico+e MacPherson. 2he Imposte*r o? my sister 'i' not +iDe .i+ 1man*e+e an' 'i' not +iDe =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2he +ie in GMein 9amp?G that was to+' to the peop+e o? 3e*tsche+an' ?or the p*rpose o? co(erin ?or 10 years o? GA'o+? Hit+erAsG missin) +ocation an' was that A'o+? Hit+er ha' @een a home+ess =eteran ?or 10 years a?ter the 1st :or+' :ar an' ha' not @een @een recor'e' e(er eCistin). 9ate 7hristiano is pro@a@+y a sta+Din) (ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' 3anie+ BamesAs. I @e+ie(e that the @+*e eyes which were s*rro*n'e' in @+acD eye sha'ow were 9ate 7hristianoAs eyes ?rom a photo)raph ?rom 200%. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman are the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e ?reH*ent+y *ti+i>e' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen to assist the 1man*e+es Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate *n@eDnownst to most o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen whom typica++y 'i' not en)a)e in 7rimina+ Acti(ity. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are eCpecte' to ?o++ow or'ers *nerrin)+y an' witho*t H*estion < this has @een *se' n*mero*s times @y the 1man*e+es to assist their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate @y pro(i'in) in'i(i'*a+s to carry o*t actions which are +e)a+ an' *s*a++y o? a +aw?*+ nat*re s*ch as in?ormation )atherin) 4 assistance in proc*rin) properties witho*t the 1man*e+esA names @ein) present on the 'ee' o? sa+e or the property re)istration 4 as we++ as socia+ networDin) ?or the 1man*e+es inc+*'in) in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in (ario*s ?ie+'s o? pro?ession s*ch as me'ia pro'*ction companies an' man*?act*rin) @*siness or in(estments. :hen I was a yo*n) chi+' 4 my @est ?rien' was 7hristopher #o'on. My ?rien' 7hristopherAs ?ather #o@ert @ecame a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen as a res*+t o? his co*sin @ein) a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 0ne o? #o@ert #o'onAs ?irst tasDs which he was )i(en as a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen was to Dnow where I was at a++ times 5 this was wor'e' to him in s*ch a manner as to so*n' @eni)n an' harm+ess 4 as i? he was simp+y pro(in) his a@i+ity to @e responsi@+e ?or some other h*man @ein) other than his own chi+'ren in the way that he was eCpecte' to @e responsi@+e ?or a chi+' as an a'*+t < a'(ancement in the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen reH*ires the initiates to pro(e that they are responsi@+e an' wi++ @e 'e'icate' to the or)ani>ation. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen is ?act*a++y the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the approCimate year o? 1""% < it was mentione' to 7hristopher #o'on that his ?ather #o@ert #o'onAs tasD was to Deep recor' o? my +ocation < GI nee' to Dnow where he is. I nee' to Dnow where he is 4 maDe s*re heAs ?e' 4 an' maDe s*re heAs hea+thy an' that he is ha(in) a )oo' time. ItAs +iDe ha(in) a chi+'4 @*t I a+rea'y ha(e two. ItAs to pro(e responsi@i+ity o? somethin). It is +iDe as i? they were to )i(e me an app+e an' eCpect that eCact app+e to @e )i(en @acD to them in monthAs time. It is to pro(e responsi@i+ity an' +e(e+ o? 'e'ication 4 this is I*st a @e)innin) test.G 4 #o@ert was to+' that the p*rpose ?or this was to pro(e responsi@i+ity an' 'e'ication. 2he o@(io*s tr*th that is now eCpose' is that =ittorio 1man*e+e was a 7rime $or' o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate *n@eDnownst to most o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen whom typica++y are not in(o+(e' 'irect+y in 0r)ani>e' 7rime or 2errorism 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e himse+? is +itera++y 'irect+y in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 an' 2errorism < =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are A6IS 2errorist $or's. 2he str*ct*re o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen is or)ani>e' in s*ch a way that the Aristocrats o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can easi+y *ti+i>e the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen as a networD o? peop+e ?or p*rpose o? assistin) their own 2errorist A6IS 7rimina+ )oa+s < no matter how crimina+ these )oa+s are 4 it is possi@+e ?or the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen to assist in the achei(ement o? these )oa+s @y assistin) in means which are typica++y +acDin) o? crimina+ity. 2he 1man*e+es are capa@+e o? *ti+i>in) socia+

networDs amon)st the )+o@a+ Ita+ian peop+es comm*nity in s*ch a way that the most +aw a@i'in) o? in'i(i'*a+s can @e *se' to assist in e(en the most crimina+ o? acti(ities witho*t their e(en @ein) aware o? this. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 I to+' 9y+e Howar' a@o*t my Mother s+eep wa+Din) 'own the stairs to the re?ri')erator an' eatin) an onion < she awoDe eatin) an onion 4 rea+i>in) that she ha' 'reame' that she ha' @een eatin) an app+e. 2wo 'ays a?ter this happene' 4 7hris #o'on to+' me GMy Mother *se' to eat onions as i? they were app+esG. I ha' to+' some@o'y what ha' happene'. I to+' 7hris #o'on a@o*t my Mother s+eep wa+Din) 'own the stairs an' eatin) an onion 4 a?ter 7hris #o'on mentione' to me that his Mother Gin the past wo*+' eat onions as i? they were app+esG < 7hris respon'e' to this @y sayin) 4 G2hatAs what my mom 'i' 4 too.G. 7hris #o'on was to+' to say this @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 1""5 < my sister Sheena s+eep wa+De' 'own the stairs to the Ditchen an' +ai' 'own @eneath the ta@+e 4 speaDin) +o*'+y 5 GMomN Ian 'i' my ho*se an' now the room is ha+? *se'NG. .or some reason < 9y+e Howar' repeate' this ?or n*mero*s years 4 +a*)hin) a@o*t it whi+e speaDin) o? it. Prior to my 'ischar)e ?rom the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton St in 7oncor' New Hampshire I was ma'e to si)n paperworD statin) that I ha' @een interre' at the hospita+ an' that I was )oin) to owe the hospita+ money. 2he man who ma'e me si)n the paperworD was name' #eyno+'e. #eyno+'e was a name that I ha' ?o*n' on the internet prior to the man c+aimin) to @e 0??icer St. 7yr i++e)a++y sen'in) me to the hospita+ in 7oncor' < this name was on a +ist o? names on a we@site +a@e+e' GSatanic ;+oo'+ines o? the I++*minatiG 5 the +ist o? names was a +ist o? most+y Norman names ?rom 1n)+an' an' .rance as we++ as +ists o? names s*ch as roya+ an' no@+e ?ami+ies ?rom those re)ions. 2his was not Henry MaDowAs we@site 4 this was a we@site which was ?o*n' on a search en)ine *sin) the wor' GI++*minatiG. It is pro@a@+e that these names were AmericansA names an' was a hit +ist o? that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha' p*@+ishe' to the internet. GI++*minatiG is a wor' which is o?ten *se' in 7onspiracy 2heory artic+es to 'escri@e G+o@a+ist .ascists or B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icate. 2he Mr. #eyno+'e that ha' me si)n paperworD +ooDe' re+ate' to the GBaco@ #oths7hi+'sG that I was intro'*ce' to at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry NewHampshire < this man ha' @een stocDin) the Pepsi Machine 4 the same Pepsi Machine is c*rrent+y at 23 2emp+e St. Nash*a NewHampshire where I @rie?+y +i(e' at '*rin) 2012 5 this man 'i' not +ooD +iDe his name wo*+' @e #othschi+' an' he prono*nce' it entire+y incorrect+y. G#othschi+'sG are typica++y 'escri@e' @y .ascists to @e the Bewish ;anDers whom are s*ppose'+y secret+y p+ottin) to taDe o(er the wor+'. 2he man whom intro'*ce' me to this GBaco@ #othschi+'sG is whom I @e+ie(e was the ?irst imposte*r o? my ?ather 4 I ha' @een estran)e' ?rom my ?ather ?or a year an' se+'om associate' with him '*rin) the years +ea'in) *p to this 5 '*rin) 2005 < when I @e)an ta+Din) to him a)ain 4 I 'i' not notice that it was an imposte*r. :hi+e +ea(in) the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' New Hampshire 4 I came to the rea+i>ation that a++ o? the 1Cit Si)ns ha' @een chan)e' to Green Si)ns instea' o? #e' 1Cit Si)ns. 2he $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green we@site ha' Green ?+a)s on it which +ooDe' i'entica+ to the 3r' #eich ?+a)s eCcept they were )reen. A?ter this4 I checDe' wiDipe'ia 5 which c+aime' that Green 1Cit Si)ns are common in 1*rope @*t not *s*a++y *se' e+sewhere. I @e+ie(e that this was intentiona+4 *se' to tri))er imme'iate tho*)ht o? the $NSG we@site @eca*se o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio

1man*e+eAs h*nt to ?in' the party whom ha' to+' G2he BewsG a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother @ein) A'o+? Hit+er. 2he $NSG we@site was a startin) point ?or the 1man*e+esA sta+Din) o? peop+es in an attempt to co(er *p their ?ami+iesA connection 5 this was where they ?o*n' 1riD :eise 4 I ha' sent Henry MaDow a +inD to this we@site as we++ as others4 an' An'ers ;rei(iD most +iDe+y ha' a contact whom ha' *se' the messa)e@oar' on this we@site '*rin) 200%. A common theme on the $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green we@site was that the G'eni)rationG o? c*+t*res4 nations4 an' races < was immora+ an' *n(a+*a@+e 4 co*nter pro'*cti(e to nationa+ism4 an' nee'e' to @e a(oi'e' '*rin) po+itica+ acti(ity. 2he 1man*e+esA seem to ha(e ma'e an e??ort to se(ere+y 'eni)rate their chosen enemies< attemptin) to portay them a++ as ?i+thy 4 corr*pte'4 an' so ?o*+ as to @e *nworthy o? respect. 2he wor' G'eni)rationG itse+? 4 is o? importance '*e to my 'escription o? that which I hate most in +i?e 5 this thin) which I 'espise more than anythin) in +i?e is men whom hate women an' 'eni)rate ?ema+es horri@+y. I spoDe the wor' G'eni)rateG to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e when I 'escri@e' this to him 5 this was recor'e' @y the #ecor'in) 3e(ice which 2ony Grasseti wore one o? the 'ays '*rin) which we ha' met with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in NewHampshire. I am a+most 'e?inite+y certain that '*rin) 200E 4 Ne*r2oCins were *se' to taint ci(i+ians @e(era)es < 'ep+etin) their Potassi*m an' other 1+ectro+ytes so se(ere+y that their heart @eat wo*+' @ecome irre)*+ar 4 their Ne*roSystem @ecome irre)*+ar 4 an' their car'io(asc*+ar ?*nction @ecome irre)*+ar 5 this maDin) them appear schi>ophrenic an' at times res*+tin) in their hospita+i>ation. A?ter I was 'ischar)e' ?rom N.H.Hospita+ 5 a@o*t % weeDs +ater 4 I was tra*mati>e' @y ho*rs o? e+ectronic assa*+t transmitte' to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aceAs ro*ter which is to say that my @rain itse+? was @ein) assa*+te' @y a m*+ti me'ia o? Ne*roScience 2ransmissions. I @ecame an eCperiment o? whom I @e+ie(e was .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his accomp+ices. 2he 0peratin) System o? the H*man ;rain is @inary itse+? 4 ma)netics 5 i? an in'i(i'*a+sA @rain is ne*ro p+asitici>e' to Ne*roScience So?tware < e(en an ho*r +on) recor'in) o? @inary ne*ro+o)y recor'in)s can @e transmitte' to the ro*ter @y way o? recor'e' ra'io ?reH*ency wa(e?orms themse+(es. 2he in'i(i'*a+ with the Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to their @rain 4 the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 wi++ eCperience the e(ents o? this recor'e' ho*r as i? it were a ?+ash@acD or s*per impose' o(er their own +i(in) eCperience. At one point4 an in'i(i'*a+ *sin) a Ne*roScience comp*ter system @e)an ta+Din) to me thro*)h my own mo*th an' ta*ntin) me 5 this in'i(i'*a+ +ater i'enti?ie' himse+? as .i+. I wa+De' ?or 5 'ays strai)ht that weeD a?ter somehow @ein) stran'e' in #ye. 2his tra*ma ca*se' me to repress m*ch o? the memories which I ha' ?rom the year 200E an' 200! < I +ater ha' to retrace my steps to remem@er these thin)s. At one point 4 I ha' wa+De' to Nash*a an' sat 'own on a @ench across ?rom a ?ema+e that +ooDe' +iDe an G1mi+y Is+esG whom ha' @een @+in'e' . .i+ Io))e' *p to the @enches an' sat at the @ench neCt to 1mi+y )rinnin). .i+ sat at the @ench ?or a@o*t ?i?teen min*tes an' +ater )ot *p an' +e?t. I wa+De' away a?ter not e(en rea+i>in) that the woman I ha' @een worryin) a@o*t a++ 'ay was sittin) across ?rom me on the other @ench. I was so tra*mati>e' that I @+acDe' o*t at the si)ht o? the two o? them sittin) neCt two eachother an' I e(ent*a++y passe' o*t. .i++i@erto has t*rne' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 a me'ica+ 'e(ice< into a 'e(astatin) weapon an' is c*rrent+y en)a)e' in a Genoci'a+ 7o(ert 7ampai)n

a)ainst the USA 4 7ana'a 4 the An)+o Gae+ic race 4 the .irst Nations Nati(e American race 4 Israe+i 4 an' a +on) +ist o? other peop+es. 3*rin) the years o? 2003 *nti+ 2013 4 the 1man*e+es @+in'e' a +on) +ist o? ?ema+e SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims whom they ha' a@'*cte' 5 I @e+ie(e that they ma'e this an Initiation 7rime ?or their 2errorist 7rime So+'iers so that they co*+' rape them witho*t them @ein) a@+e to testi?y to the i'entity o? the rapists. I a+so @e+ie(e that these women were *se' as ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isection eCperiment (ictims < as 'o I @e+ie(e that they are @ein) tracDe' thro*)h the Pri(ate+y 0wne' Hea+th7are In'*stry which the 1man*e+es an' their Properties Stea' Ho+'ers own m*ch o?4 an' are inten'e' to @e *se' as H*man =i(isection eCperimenta+ test s*@Iects ?or p*rpose o? Si)ht #eco(ery ?rom ;+in'ness. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e in(este' a+ot o? money in the Hea+th7are In'*stry an' own m*ch o? the ?aci+ities an' +a@oratories in(o+(e' as we++ as ?actories which pro'*ce Hea+th7are Pro'*cts an' too+s < it is a+so 'e?inite that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother ?rom the +ine o? the same .ather 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 A'o+? Hit+er 4 an' Bose? Men)e+e were in(o+(e' in a+ot o? H*man =i(isection *pon h*man test s*@Iects who were *nwi++in) (ictims. 3*rin) the +ate Sprin) Season o? the year 200! < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e mo(e' my mo*th n*mero*s times 4 ins*+tin) an' ta*ntin) me whi+e e(en a'mittin) to it an' who he was to me thro*)h my mo*th. A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is capa@+e o? #o@otica++y contro++in) a personAs mo*th to maDe them speaD. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I awoDe ?rom s+eepin) n*mero*s times to what were @asica++y 2ransmitte' Ne*ro+o)ica+ .+ash@acDs o? other ci(i+iansA tort*re. It is (ery 'an)ero*s ?or these peop+e to @e contin*in) to +i(e *n'etaine' @y Mi+itary 4 there is a )oo' chance that they are *sin) H*man ;ein)s as Hypnosis P*ppets an' 2ra*ma P*ppet' an' are *sin) the recor'in)s o? these peop+esA s*??erin) to transmit to others their Ne*ro+o)ica+ S*??erin) ?or p*rpose o? tra*mati>in) an' hypnoti>in) other (ictims o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in their s+eep. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I was contacte' @y a .ace;ooD Pro?i+e that state' that it was my sister 7he+sey an' that she ha' @een m*tate' an' 'i' not +ooD the same @*t that it was her. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 I was contacte' @y a .ace;ooD Pro?i+e that state' that she was 1mi+y Is+es an' that she was @+in'e' an' was ha(in) some@o'y e+se assist her with typin). I 'o not Dnow what happene' to these .ace;ooD Pro?i+es. 2here has to @e some@o'y in +oca+ )o(ernment 'irect+y in(o+(e' in capit*+atin) with terrorists in or'er ?or a++ o? this to ha(e happene'. I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that .ranD G*inta was taDin) or'ers ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as n*mero*s Po+ice 0??icers in re)ions s*ch as #ye NewHampshire 4 Hampton NewHampshire 4 an' Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200% < these re)ions +ater chan)in) to Nash*a 4 MerrimacD 4 Manchester 4 7oncor' 4 an' e+sewhere o(er the ?o++owin) years. 3*rin) the year 200! < what appeare' to @e State Po+ice in Mi+itary 7amo*?+a)e 4 were 'oc*mente' @y NewsPaper Artic+es an' 2e+e(ision News as ha(in) p*rs*e' a man into the woo's whom was s*ici'a+ 5 these GState Po+iceG were arme' with Assa*+t #i?+es an' arri(e' in ;e'?or' NewHampshire in State Po+ice =ehic+es. A Me'ica+ He+icopter was 'escri@e' as @ein) *se' @y this camo*?+a)e' *ni?orme' Unit. I @e+ie(e that this was the year that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS .action an' their recr*ite' Irre)*+ar Mercenaries co(ert+y 'ep+oye' in the USA. Accor'in) to the News 5 there was approCimate+y

20 o? these mi+itants 'is)*ise' as Po+ice. 2he story which the p*@+ic were )i(en was that a man ha' to+' his wi?e that he was s*ici'a+ an' was )oin) to Di++ himse+? 5 he a++e)e'+y to+' his wi?e that he was s*ici'a+ an' ha' a )*n. 0ne o? the Imposte*rs whom ha(e #ep+ace' my .ather wrote a .a+se :itness Statement c+aimin) that I s*ppose'+y threatene' him 4 statin) GI am )oin) to )et a )*n. I am )oin) to Di++ yo*. I am )oin) to Di++ my se+? a?terwar's.G 5 this :itness Statement was pro(i'e' to me @y the $awyer which was pro(i'e' to me whom was Bewish. 2he $awyer whom I ha' contracte' to he+p me with a case in 200% < was Bewish 5 his name was A'am ;ernstein 4 Samantha ;ernsteinAs @rother. Samantha ;ernstein an' her companion ha' @een wearin) +on) @+acD coats '*rin) 200% 4 when they appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 '*e to my o(ert+y +o(in) reaction to her presense an' the ?act that my $awyer was her @rother 4 .i+ 1man*e+e m*st ha(e ass*me' that we Dnew eachother. 2he secon' ha+? o? the .a+se :itness Statement c+aime' GHe @e+ie(es that Bews in @+acD trench coats are sta+Din) him an' that they are )oin) to come o*t o? the 2e+e(ision an' Di++ him.G. 1' .arrachi :arren 4 was watchin) the Sec*rity 7ameras at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 200% an' ca*)ht me smi+in) at Samantha +o(in)+y. ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 my se+? 4 an' MarD SDinner '*rin) the year 200% were recor'e' 'isc*ssin) Socia+ 3arwinist Amora+ist Genoci'a+ Imperia+ists @ein) the most eCtreme ?orm o? terrorist that co*+' possi@+y *se somethin) norma++y @eni)n an @eyon' the rea+m o? mi+itary camo*?+a)e 5 these @ein) thin)s s*ch as an icecream tr*cD 4 Po+ice emp+oyment 4 .ire 3epartment emp+oyment 4 ci(i+ian c+othin) 4 .e'era+ 1Cpress Uni?orm 4 Pi>>a 3e+i(ery Bo@ 4 18 :hee+er 3e+i(ery 2r*cD 4 Am@*+ance an' 1mer)ency Me'ica+ 2echnician Uni?orm 4 Me'ica+ He+icopter 4 other 1mer)ency =ehic+es 4 7a@+e 7ompany 2r*cDs 4 7onstr*ction =ehic+es 4 an' others. 2his sort o? thin) was 'one with 2he G9i++ 3o>erG which was p*@+ishe' to /o*2*@e.7om < Po+ice 4 Am@*+atory 4 Hospita+s 4 Po+iticians 4 Stat*s as $an'+or's 4 an' 7omm*nications In'*stry were *se' in this attacD. 7hris 2homas 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e are Socia+ 3arwinists an' are Genoci'a+ SeC 0??en'ers with a+ot o? money 4 Properties Stea' Ho+'ers 4 an Aristocratic Ho*se 4 an' Ita+ian A6IS $oya+ists whom ?o++ow their or'ers *nerrin)+y. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ .ami+y ha(e a+ot o? money an' since the creation o? the P.A.2.#.I.0.2. Act 4 they ha(e in(este' an increase' amo*nt o? money in properties stea' ho+'ers. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es an' their Properties Stea' Ho+'ers co*+' own a +ar)er n*m@er o? properties than eCpecte' < this is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that the 1man*e+es are Seria+ 9i++ers 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 Seria+ #apists 4 an' are 7rime $or's o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rimes inc+*'e the home in(asion an' rape o? chi+'ren an' (ictims o? the same ?ami+ies repeate'+y < many o? these (ictims are o?ten a@'*cte'. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 '*rin) the month o? octo@er 5 a p+astic ha++oween sD*++ @e)an ta+Din) at me when I entere' a store an' H*ote' somethin) that ha' @een sai' to my sister S*mmer @y my se+? once. 2his p+astic sD*++ was an e+ectronic 'ecoration that mo(es itAs mo(e an' speaDs 4 it was o@(io*s+y repro)ramme' @y circ*it @en'in) an' an e+ectronics en)ineer < it was o@(io*s+y tri))ere' to speaD the same way that a wire+ess G'ia+ *pG 'etonator ma'e ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts 'etonate an eCp+osi(e. 2his is an impro(ise' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are weapon constr*cte' @y metho's o? Impro(ise' 1+ectronics 1n)ineerin). Aro*n' the year o? 2005 4 which was when these i++e)a+ co(ert ne*ro s*r)eries @e)an

happenin) 5 there was a come'ic (i'eo circ*+atin) o(er the internet on we@sites s*ch as /0U2U;1.70M which was Dnown as the GS9U$$ .U79INGG B091. 2he (i'eo was a recor'in) o? a man a''ressin) a crow' in a co*rt room< it was '*@@e' o(er to maDe it seem as i? the man was )i(in) a 'e@rie?in) which inc+*'e' a 'escription o? (i(isectionists trephanin) ho+es into peop+esA sD*++s in or'er to ha(e seC with their sD*++s. It was a@o*t rapists 'ri++in) ho+es in peop+esA sD*++s in or'er to rape the ho+es seC*a++y. 2he ori)ina+ *p+oa' ?or this is tracea@+e an' the e+ectronic ?orensic si)nat*re o? the initia+ *p+oa' sho*+' @e a@+e to 'etermine approCimate+y which Din' o? so?tware was *se' in the maDin) o? the (i'eo as we++ as comp*ter system speci?ics. 2his Din' o? tactic is inten'e' to @e a psych war?are assa*+t *pon the tar)ette' ci(i+ian (i(isection (ictims< ?or the p*rpose o? ren'erin) them ?ear?*++y para+y>e' @y the open an' )+o@a+ p*@+ic ri'ic*+e an' the ?ee+in) that the assai+ants are a++ power?*+ an' omni potent+y in contro+ o? their entire en(ironment4 a@+e to whimsica++y 'estroy them i? the (ictim 'oes not s*@mit entire+y. 2he SD*++ .*cDin) re+e(ance to this series o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace =i(isections is o@(io*s4 1' :arren ma'e a++*sions to these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in(o+(in) these @ein) 2ampons ?or :omenAs @rains to stop ?rom comp+ainin) 4 G2his wi++ maDe her stop @itchin).G he sai' 5 the t*@e which is *se' to insert these ;.7.I. 3e(ices is somewhat +iDe a tampon app+icator. 2he ;.7.I. is ?o+'e' insi'e o? the t*@e4 the wire han)s o*t the other en' with a #o*ter F ;attery Attachment connecte' to it. It is on the ri)ht si'e o? my sD*++ I*st to the rear o? the ear'r*m that the incision was ma'e @ehin' the ear+o@e < where the ear+o@e carti+a)e meets the sD*++ itse+?. 2his was the ?irst part o? the s*r)ery. I am an insomniac an' was eCperiencin) more insomnia than *s*a+ '*rin) 200! < I am a+so near+y imm*ne to hypnosis 4 *s*a++y I wi++ eCperience a PanicD AttacD imme'iate+y prior to reachin) a state o? hypnoia 5 this *s*a++y res*+ts in my se+? waDin) *p comp+ete+y +*ci'. I remem@er most o? the hypnosis which occ*rre' a?ter the n*rse )a(e me a Gpotassi*m s*pp+imentG prior to my se+? @ein) +e' to the hospita+ @e'. 2he woman whom I tho*)ht was eCtreme+y @ea*ti?*+ woDe me *p with her hypnosis attempt < her mo*th was mo(in) an' wor's were comin) o*t o? it4 hypnoti>in) me 5 it 'i' not worD comp+ete+y 4 @*t it worDe' to an eCtent. A?ter hypnoti>in) me 4 she he+pe' me to stan' *p an' +e' me to another room < when I )ot to the other room4 I was to+' to taDe H*arter steps an' t*rn in p+ace to the G+*++a@y son)G which +e' to ?*rther 'eeper +ayers o? hypnosis. I was ma'e to +ay 'own on a s*r)ery @e' s*ch as was in the n*rsesA station 'own the ha++. Upon enterin) the n*rsesAs room 4 there was s*r)ery eH*ipment o*t on the ta@+e. I remem@er a?ter +ayin) 'own that the two ?aces which were the s*r)eons were a short Ita+ian ma+e whom +ooDe' $om@ar'ic Ita+ian an' a ta++ Aryan ma+e whom was o? miCe' nationa+ity @*t seeme' Iranian. I rea+i>e' who these men were o(er the neCt ?ew 'ays when the Ita+ian ma+e was a'mitte' as a s*ppose' patient an' the Aryan man was a n*rse whom I thinD I reco)ni>e' ?rom a 3enta+ 0??ice or an 0rtho'ontist in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he s*r)eons c*t open the sDin at the @ase o? the ear+o@e4 separatin) it ?rom the hea' s+i)ht+y. Usin) a trephanin) too+< a sma++ piece o? sD*++ was remo(e' in a tapere' shape an' 'ri++e' with two sma++ ho+es simi+ar to a shirt @*tton. 2he ;.7.I. is a so?t @o'ie' ;7I4 simi+ar to the new ?+eCi@+e circ*it @oar's an' +ooDs simi+ar to a sticDer < an' it was imp+ante' ro++e' *p s+i)ht+y insi'e the insertion t*@e an' was )*i'e' to )ra?t site *sin) this so?t @o'ie' co++apsa@+e t*@e ?or the insertion with the wire han)in) o*t the en' an' the #o*ter F ;attery com@ination on the en' o? the wire *nsea+e'. A 'enta+ air 'ryer was *se' to sea+ the ro*ter pacDa)e an' the @acD o? the ear a?ter the ro*ter casin) is inserte' into the Iaw ca(ity an' tacDe' to the Iaw m*sc*+at*re as we++ as sea+ the ear which was )+*e' with a

s*r)ica+ )+*e simi+ar to cra>y )+*e. 2his +ooDe' (ery simi+ar to 1' .arrachi :arrenAs IoDe which he ma'e in 200% an' 2005 a?ter Samantha ;ernstein ha' appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar an' I was ass*me' @y the 1man*e+es an' 1' .arrachi :arren to ha(e Dnown her '*e to my o@(io*s ?acia+ eCpression o? +o(e. 2his IoDe was4 GHey Ian... whatAs thisO /o* ha(e )ot no i'eaNG as the paper towe+ was p*she' o*t o? the en' o? the t*@e an' it *n?o+'e' on the )ro*n' a?ter 1' .arrachi :arren ha' sai' G3*'e... it +ooDs +iDe a tampon.2his wi++ maDe her stop @itchin).G. 7esare ha' a+so commente' in the .ami+y 3o++ar store on $inco+n Street in Manchester '*rin) 2005 4 G3*'e4 I saw it. It +ooDe' +iDe a tampon. 3*'e yo* can maDe some@o'yAs mo*th mo(e with that shitG. 2he transmitterQrecei(er is a com@ination o? a micro@attery ri))e' to a 'ata p*sher capa@+e o? A#G0S networDin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System 5 this 'e(ice sti++ recei(es an' sen's si)na+ in a S*@way 2*nne+ *n'er New /orD an' ;oston. 2he too+s *se' ?or this s*r)ery are a+most entire+y cosmetic p+astic s*r)ery too+s4 +aproscopic s*r)ery too+s4 an' ne*ros*r)ery too+s. 3*e to 7ortica+ an' Ne*ra+ P+asticity4 these 'e(ices ha(e apparent+y @een a@+e to )ra'*a++y contro+ peop+e +iDe marionettes thro*)h so?tware an' mo@i+e internetQce++phone towers. It *ses @inary e+ectro ma)netics to ana+y>e an' reor)ani>e the @rainAs ?*nctions. It is a Si+D @ase' A'hesi(e Patch *pon which is printe' a Ne*ro7irc*it which is wire' at the en' to the ro*ter which processes simp+e @inary 'ata 5 this @ein) simp+e e+ectro ma)netic positi(e an' ne)ati(e char)es. 2he si+D @ase' component to the Ne*ro7irc*it is coate' in a @io or)anic p+astic that assimi+ates simi+ar+y as 'o 'isso+(a@+e stitches< I am not s*re how this wo*+' e(er @e remo(a@+e. I am ass*min) that the Ita+ian A6IS networD whom ha(e @een worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e @een creatin) so?tware @ase' *pon the constant connection @etween this 'e(ice an' my @rain as we++ as othersA @rains 5 con'*ctin) a scienti?ic eCperiment *pon h*man @ein)s whom are *nwi++in) or *nDnownin) is ca++e' a H*man =i(isection 4 this is a :ar 7rime an' is one o? the most (i+e an' ins*+tin) o? a++ :ar 7rimes. 2he Ita+ian A6IS .ascist 7rime Syn'icate an' their Irre)*+ar Mercenaries are em@e''e' within m*+tip+e corporations4 m*+tip+e crime syn'icates4 as we++ as a ?ew nationa+ )o(ernments 5 1' .arrachi :arren4 'escri@e' this as Gthe )*ys in the )*ys 4 '*'eNG whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire on $inco+n Street. It is 'e?inite that they are worDin) acti(e+y within the Ita+ian )o(ernment a)ain @ein) that there is a 'e?inite imperia+ist Ho*se o? Sa(oy +oya+ist connection in(o+(e' in this as Ita+ian A6IS $oya+ists. 3*e to the reason that this .action is the core .action o? what ?o*n'e' the entire A6IS .action 5 this 2errorist G+o@a+ist entity ha(e connections to other A6IS .actions as we++ as n*mero*s H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworDs G+o@a++y. I am a@so+*te+y positi(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7hris 2homas are in(o+(e' in seC s+a(ery 5 SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as other H*man 2ra??icDin) networDs )+o@a++y. 3*rin) the year 200" 5 whi+e in Somer(i++e Massach*settes < my ?rien' Bosh*a ;arnes to+' his roommates a@o*t GAaron 1man*e+eG ?rom the GGay @ar in ;ostonG whom is GA'o+? Hit+erAs Great Gran'NephewG an' is Dnown to the +oca+ $G;2 7omm*nity as a hate crimina+ an' a G2ranny 2ra??icDerG. Aaron is (iew @y some as a Hate 7rimina+ '*e to his SeC 2ra??icDin) o? 2ransGen'ere' in'i(i'*a+s. Bosh*a ;arnes was con(ince' that Aaron 4 whom he ha' met 5 was A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs @rother. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 has in the past @een in(o+(e' with N.A.M.;.$.A. SeC 2ra??icDers in ;oston Massach*settes. 2his is (ery reminiscent o? what happene' within the 7IA operation M9U$2#A '*rin) the

#ichar' NiCon A'ministration as we++ as other .e'era+ 3epartments. #ichar' He+ms o*tso*rce' n*mero*s research st*'ies to 7rime Syn'icates an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Scienti?ic #esearch 7rime Syn'icate whom were H*man 2ra??icDers as we++ as H*man =i(isectionists an' SeC 2ra??icDers 5 #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+ms are wi'e+y @e+ie(e' to ha(e @een Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents an' the chi+'ren o? Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ents. =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een in(o+(e' with 0r)ani>e' 7rime most o? his +i?e. :hen I met .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in #ye NewHampshire 4 he state' to me that he wo*+' @e in the area ?or a perio' o? time in(esti)atin) peop+esA reactions to his ?ami+y @ein) eCpose' as A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ re+ati(es 5 .i+ state' that '*rin) this time4 he wo*+' in(esti)ate what happene' in M9U$2#A an' itAs connections to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs networD. 2he networD which .i+ 'escri@e' has @een re(ea+e' thro*)h his an' his ?atherAs actions to ha(e @een the 1man*e+esA 7rime Syn'icate which when it is acti(e in 2errorism is a G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation. 2he Ita+ian A6IS crimina+ terrorist networD tar)ette' this re)ion in the past ?or reason that this is the .o*n'in) #e)ion o? the Unite' States o? America which ?o*n'e' the ?irst o? what @ecame the 13 2ra'itiona+ States o? the Unite' States o? America. Upon hacDin) Henry MaDowAs emai+s an' rea'in) emai+s @etween himse+? an' others < my emai+ acco*nt was 'isco(ere' as was my i'entity3 A+so o? importance< in Massach*settes USA4 the 2i+era 7orporation has pro'*ce' a 100 70#1 Processor which is 100 in'i(i'*a+ ti+e' cores 5 an' the corporation which en)ineere' it4 2I$1#A. 2his Processin) Unit is eCtreme+y power?*+ an' can han'+e a Process $oa' o? n*mero*s pro)rams r*nnin) sim*+taeneo*s+y 5 this is (ery *se?*+ with $in*C 0peratin) System. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha(e spent ha+? o? their time in NewHampshire an' Massach*settes o(er the past 10 years as were 2 sons o? =ittorio 1man*e+es raise' @y $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?ami+ies in this re)ion. It is possi@+e that the 7omp*ter HacDers whom are o? Ita+ian A6IS +oya+ties may ha(e p*rchase' 2i+era Processors or sto+en some @y act o? @*r)+ary ?or *se with 7y@er :ar?are 4 7omp*ter HacDin) 4 as we++ as Ne*roScience So?tware 1n)ineerin) 4 an' the 1n)ineerin) o? a Ne*roScience S+a(e System which reH*ires a+ot o? Processin) 7apa@i+ity. 2i+era Processors are eCtreme+y *se?*+. 2his ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ice an' itAs attache' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #o*ter can @e ?o*n' *sin) ;acD2racD So?tware 4 other $in*C :ire+ess HacDin) So?tware 4 AirSnort So?tware 4 9ismet So?tware 4 U@er2ooth Har'ware 4 an' US; #.I3 3etector. 2he so?tware which is necessary to ?in' these is a c*stom so?tware which scans a++ possi@+e ?reH*encies an' +ocates any 'e(ices compati@+e with ;+*e2ooth 4 :i.i 4 GPS 4 #.I3 4 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar Si)na+ 4 or any other #a'io .reH*ency s*ch as A#G0S. HacDers4 7irc*it;en'ers4 an' PhreaDers in(o+(e' in 7*stom 1+ectronics 1n)ineerin) o?ten Dnow how to @*i+' these 'e(ices as we++ as +on) ran)e si)na+ Iammin) 'e(ices or other #a'io .reH*ency 2ransmitters 5 HacDin) So?t:are 1n)ineers *n'erstan' how to pro)ram the proper 'e(ice 'ri(ers an' so?tware necessary ?or these to operate proper+y. Some o? these can @e ?o*n' on the internet 5 it is necessary ?or these to @e ma'e more rea'i+y a(ai+a@+e to the p*@+ic ?or the p*rpose o? resc*in) these (ictims an' 'etectin) 1nemy 7om@atants whom ha(e these 'e(ices in their @rains an' may @e *sin) them to manip*+ate other h*man @ein)s @y e+ectronic comm*nication with the 7omp*ter *pon which is ho*se' the Ne*roScience So?tware that has @een @ein) *se' @y the Ita+ian A6IS whom S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' these 'e(ices in o*r sD*++s. It is c*rrent+y possi@+e to ?in' 7o(ert A)ents whom ha(e these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices

imp+ante' in their @o'ies ?or p*rpose o? *ti+i>in) Ne*roScience so?tware in or'er to maDe certain that their +aryn)ea+4 pharyn)ea+4 esopha)ea+4 an' to*n)*e m*sc*+at*re ?*nction proper+y to impersonate the speci?ic (oice o? the in'i(i'*a+s whom they ha(e @een attemptin) to impersonate an' ha(e sto+en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o?. 1(en i? the 'e(ice has @een sh*t o?? on the main ser(er which the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate has @een *sin) 5 it is sti++ possi@+e ?or this 'e(ice to @e insta++e' as a 'e(ice on yo*r comp*ter as so +on) as one possesses the proper so?tware an' har'ware nee'e' which can @e ?o*n' at on+ine hacDer stores. 2he transmissions o? these 'e(ices ha(e a+so a++ @een recor'e' as #a'io .reH*ency :a(e.orms @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence as we++ as 7omm*nications an' Internet Ser(ers. 2hese recor'in)s are @acDe' *p permanant+y on the A*s7anN>U9US networD which is the Si)na+s Sec*rity NetworD o? the ;ritish 7ommon:ea+th4 USA4 an' New Pea+an'. 2his is a share' networD4 other share' networDs s*ch as this eCist. Usin) US; :i.i A'apters as eCtensions < the p+antin) o? U@er2ooths an' other :i.i 3on)+es @ehin' wa++s is *se' to connect comp*ters in apartment @*i+'in)s to (ictimsA ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces witho*t the (ictims e(er @ein) a@+e to report it '*e to +acD o? $on) #an)e 1+ectronic 2ower 2ransmissions 5 these 'e(ices are @ein) *se' ?or p*rposes o? S+a(ery4 2ort*re4 H*man =i(isections4 In?ormation Gatherin)4 an' Genoci'e. SeC 2ra??icDin) is S+a(ery as is H*man =i(isection or any other ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin). I? one o? these transmittin) 'e(ices is o*t o? reach an' a (ictim is +ocDe' @ehin' @ars4 @ehin' a wa++4 in a room4 or in a ca)e 5 it is impossi@+e ?or her to )et to the #o*ter 'e(ice to t*rn it o??. :omen ha(e @een @ein) ens+a(e' @y this G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation ?or p*rposes o? #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDin) 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 2ra??icDin) 4 an' possi@+y 0r)an 2ra??icDin). 2he Ita+ian 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e committe' these :ar 7rimes are Seria+ #apists an' are A6IS $oya+ists 4 +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 many o? their a++ies are A6IS +oya+ists an' other 7rime Syn'icates. 2hese men ens+a(e women an' tort*re women as we++ as 'o they eCterminate entire ?ami+ies re+ate' to these women. 2his is a G+o@a+ 2errorist Genoci'a+ .action.2his @e)an '*rin) the G+o@a+ :ar on 2error an' is pro@a@+e to @e the other ha+? o? the or)ani>ation which en)ineere' an' eCec*te' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs.

E A?ter re+ease ?rom NH Hospita+ I was home+ess an' staye' ?or a ?ew weeDs with the Imposte*rs o? Mo++y Go''ar' an' Pach An'rosDi. 3*rin) this time 4 my mo*th Dept mo(in) sayin) GI 'onAt @e+ie(e in +o(e. $o(e 'oes not eCist.G I Dept ar)*in) with this in my hea' 4 GI +o(e peop+e 4 I +o(e a+ot o? peop+e. 2here is no way +o(e 'oes not eCist *n+ess I am the on+y person who ?ee+s +o(e an' I am insane. I +o(e 7+arissa ;erry. I +o(e =a+erie 0+son. I +o(e my sisters. I +o(e my mom. I +o(e my ?ami+y. I +o(e Min'y 9ern. I +o(e 9atie 7ameron. I +o(e my ?rien's. I ?e+t +o(e ?or that Bewish )ir+ Samantha ;ernstein whom I met that I ha(e not @een a@+e to ?in' since then. I? I can ?ee+ +o(e ?or some@o'y I 'o not e(en Dnow 4 o@(io*s+y I @e+ie(e in +o(e.G I @e+ie(e that this was .i++i@erto 1man*e+e *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware to o@tain a +ist o? the peop+e whom I +o(e the most. 3*rin) 200% 4 whi+e in Manchester NewHampshire with 2ony Grasseti an' my se+? < .i+ 1man*e+e state' GI hate +o(e.G. :hi+e +i(in) at the apartment @rie?+y at :e++in)ton Hi++ with the Imposte*r Mo++y Go''ar' an' Imposte*r Pach An'rosDi 4 an Imposte*r 9atie 7ameron (isite' me < she seeme' entire+y ?orei)n. 3*e to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @ein) in my @rain 4 I 'i'nAt notice that these peop+e were not who they to+'

me that they were. :hi+e in the car one 'ay < the 1st Imposte*r Mo++y Go''ar' +ooDe' at Imposte*r Pach An'rosDi an' sai' to him GI +iDe to o+' Pach @etter.G this echoe' what my sister S*mmer MacPherson ha' sai' to the Imposte*r 7he+sey MacPherson 5 GI want the rea+ 7he+sey @acDG. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 the man whom was impersonatin) Pach An'rosDi as imposte*r < went 'eep ?ishin) with Stan Go''ar' 4 whom was Mo++y Go''ar'As ?ather. It is pro@a@+e that Stan Go''ar' was thrown o(er@oar' or a@'*cte' on the way to the 3eep Sea .ishin) ;oat :ar?. 2here is c*rrent+y an imposte*r o? Stan Go''ar'. Stan Go''ar' was a 7hristian Minister an' Pastor. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e 4 that this metho' o? Di++in) Stan+ey was chosen ?or the reason o? the a'a)e G Bes*s 7hrist was a ?isher o? men.G as we++ as ?or the reason that /esh*a the #a@@i whom @ecame Dnown as the 7hrist 4 was a ?isherman @y pro?ession as we++ as a carpenter. A carpenter is a+so o?ten a+so a @oat @*i+'er < it is pro@a@+e that Stan+ey Go''ar' 4 was 'isc*ssin) this '*rin) his $ect*re an' Sermon at the 7h*rch the ?irst weeDen' a?ter he ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a Ne*ro7irc*it an' A#G0S G.P.S. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. N*mero*s re+i)io*s tar)ets ha(e @een hit @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 the #a@@i ;arry :einstein an' his ?ami+y 4 Gothar an' Gythiar o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity an' their ?ami+ies 4 as we++ as many other tar)ets < the 1man*e+es are recor'e' as ha(in) p+anne' to @+ame Is+am ?or this attacD 4 as a re+i)ion an' networD o? re+i)io*s comm*nities. In 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e was 'ec+are' to @e the Anti7hrist @y Be?? #ense o? #ense.7om 4 whom p*@+ishe' an artic+e which was accompanie' @y a photo)raph o? =ittorio 1man*e+e that sai' GAnti7hristG across it in re'. 1(ent*a++y I @e)an stayin) with my A*nt $es+ie ;ryan in Manchester NewHampshire on Gray Street. I rente' a room *pstairs in her ho*se that my co*sin 7hristopher Io'ice ha' ?ormer+y +i(e' in. Michae+ Io'ice was sti++ +i(in) at home at this time an' was worDin) at 1++iot Hospita+ as we++ as Macys an' atten'in) c+asses in 7o++e)e. 3*rin) this time Michae+ Io'ice met Aaron 1man*e+e in ;oston Massach*settes an' mentione' to me that Aaron 1man*e+e ha' mentione' Dnowin) me to Michae+. I ne(er mentione' to any o? the 1man*e+es that I ha' co*sins whom were ha+? Ita+ian 4 nor 'i' I mention to them the names o? these co*sins. 3*rin) this time I @e)an worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire. :hi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts +ocate' insi'e the Ma++ o? New Hampshire4 in Manchester New Hampshire< an Ita+ian man wearin) a c*stom tai+ore' s*it an' @owtie who +ooDe' as i? he may ha(e I*st )otten o?? o? a p+ane ?rom Swit>er+an'5 wa+De' *p to the re)ister co*nter4 p*t his han's on his hips4 rocDe' @acD on his hee+s an' +a*)he' H*iet+y at me< he then t*rne' an' wa+De' away witho*t @*yin) anythin). He was approCimate+y 5A"G4 2!0 +@s4 was wearin) a c*stom tai+ore' s*it an' tie with a pocDet watch. He ha' the appearance o? a wea+thy in(estor @*t ha' the 'emeanor o? a sa'istic crimina+. 2he s*it was o? a me'i*m tone co+oration with m*+tip+e co+ors o? pin stripes an' was eCtreme+y we++ tai+ore' an' ha' an 1800As appearance. 2his was aro*n' the time that the U;S in(estments scan'a+ happene'. Mi++ions o? 'o++ars worth o? s*pp+ies 'isappeare' '*rin) the :ar on 2error < 'e+i(ery tr*cDs carryin) s*pp+ies were reporte' to ha(e 'isappeare'. 2he 1man*e+esA *se o? 7omp*ter HacDers at Ser(ers themse+(es pro(e the pro@a@i+ity that 7omp*ter HacDers an' 7*stom 1n)ineere' 7omp*ter HacDin) So?tware @ase' *pon what was ori)ina++y .orensics So?tware ha(e @een *se' to a'' n*m@ers in comp*ters :ea+th ?a+se+y portrayin) :ea+th that 'oes not eCist as we++ as 7re'it that 'oes not eCist 5 n*m@ers @ein) a''e' sim*+taeneo*s+y @y 7omp*ter HacDers worDin) ?or 2he :or+' ;anD an' U;S as we++ as other ;anDs

an' e(en the .e'era+ #eser(e o? the Nationa+ 2reas*ry can sim*+taeneo*s+y a'' n*m@ers that 'o not eCist an' circ*m(ent @ein) ca*)ht on A*'it @y metho' o? the A*'iter position @ein) ?i++e' @y a 2errorist .action A)ent < these are 1conomic Sa@ote*rs. 2his was the month '*rin) which my sister 7he+sey was Di'nappe' 5 this was approCimate+y the month o? 0cto@er o? the year 200!4 at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) this month I was approache' @y a man whom +ooDe' entire+y Ita+ian an' 'resse' as i? he were a wea+thy Internationa+ ;anDer 5 wearin) eCpensi(e (inta)e c*stom tai+ore' s*it an' @ow tie as we++ as eCpensi(e shoes an' a pocDet watch 4 a++ appearin) to +ooD simi+ar to 1800As )ent+emanAs appare+. 2he Ita+ian @anDer p*t his han's on his hips an' rocDe' @acD on his hee+s +a*)hin) e(i++y with his to*n)*e han)in) s+i)ht+y o*t o? his mo*th. 2his same month < a man wearin) a sha) wi) parte' on the si'e 4 whom appeare' to +ooD near+y i'entica+ to my .ather 5 approache' 3*nDin 3on*ts an' stoo' near the trash cans in the @acD o? the +o@@y 4 this man was smi+in) an' +a*)hin) e(i++y at me. 2his man I +ater saw impersonatin) my ?ather 5 he +ooDs to @e a miCe' Ser@ian an' ;osnian race4 I @e+ie(e that these two men are in(o+(e' in Internationa+ SeC 2ra??icDin) an' .inancin) o? 2errorism. 2his is an A6IS 2errorist .action. It is entire+y possi@+e that a 2errorist Sponsorin) Nation has p*rchase' n*mero*s I'enti?ication Pro'*ction Machines capa@+e o? man*?act*rin) i'entica+ I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the year o? 200!4 whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts < $in'sey Garo?ano tra(e++e' with Ste(e G=inceG Parish to NewHampshire ?rom 2eCas to (isit her o+' ?rien's whi+e Ste(e G=inceG Parish mo(e' @acD to NewHampshire. Ste(e ParishAs sister was +i(in) in 3erry at !3 1ast ;roa'way where I +ater )ot an apartment '*rin) the year o? 2010. :hi+e (isitin) ?rom 2eCas 4 $in'sey went o*t to Un:ine' the wine resta*rant with my se+? an' Ste(e to socia+i>e @e?ore she ret*rne' to 2eCas. Since this time 4 I ha(e met an Imposter whom $in'sey Garo?ano seems to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y. 3*rin) the year 2011 < this Imposte*r whom #ep+ace' $in'sey Garo?ano came to NewHampshire to (isit me. She was not $in'sey. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 Ste(e Parish an' his sister hoste' a MasH*era'e ;a++ at the $ions 7+*@ in what I @e+ie(e was A++enstown 4 i? I remem@er correct+y. It is important to remem@er that '*rin) the year 2002 4 Ste(e G=inceG Parish to+' me that the Ita+ian Ministry o? 3e?ense an' the Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the Ita+ian Ministry o? 3e?ense ha' @een Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' @y A)ents +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Ste(e eCp+aine' to me that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?o*n'e' the A6IS an' that the entire networD o? A6IS is either s*@ser(ient to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 s*@or'inate to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 or Accomp+ice to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that it is an Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate. Ste(e G=inceG Parish was at this time 'atin) what I @e+ie(e was an imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion 4 who was sti++ +i(in) in Manchester NewHampshire an' ha' not @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r yet 5 Ste(e G=inceG Parish to+' me that the " 11 2errorist AttacD was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een accomp+ishe' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' an Ara@ian A6IS .action 4 an' that the 2e+e(ision Me'ia was not comp+ete acc*rate. 2he ?act*a+ 7hristine 3ionAs ancestor was an Ita+ian A6IS Mi+itary Inte++i)ence S+eeper A)ent who +i(e' in the U.S.A. :ho worDe' ?or the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Ste(e G=inceG Parish to+' me I sho*+' @e care?*+ @eca*se there was pro@a@+y )oin) to @e tro*@+e soon. 2his was the same year that 9en'ra ;rowne++ to+' me that there was a threat o? :ar 7rimina+s Di++in) me in the near ?*t*re 4 an' that :ar 7rimina+s were tar)ettin) American .ami+ies soon 5 9en'ra ;rowne++As wor's so*n'e' +iDe a threat. I ha' *n'erstoo' what Ste(e G=inceG Parish was ta+Din) a@o*t 4 @*t 'i' not tr*st him < so I 'i' not respon' with (ery m*ch con(ersation. I

@e+ie(e that Ste(e G=inceG ParishAs ?ami+y ha(e some connection to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' are a miC o? An)+o SaCon American an' Ita+ian. Genoci'e is c*rrent+y occ*rrin) in the U.S.A. an' not a sin)+e Ita+ian has reporte' it to 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 A++ies o? the U.S.A. 4 or the U.N. . 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .ami+ies in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. s*rro*n'e' the ?ami+ies o? their (ictims 4 preten'e' to @e ?rien's with the (ictims an' their ?ami+ies 4 ha' in)en*ine romantic re+ations with some o? the (ictims 4 an' Dept the (ictims i)norant o? the )oa+s o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS as we++ as teste' them ?or Dnow+e')e @y s*@t+e mentionin) o? the ?act that a threat may possi@+y eCist. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is the most 'ishono*ra@+e G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation in the history o? H*manity. ;e?ore 7hristine 3ion was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r 4 she to+' a n*m@er o? peop+e that the Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment ha' @een Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' @y A6IS A)ents +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' that entire networDs within the Ita+ian Mi+itary were A6IS So+'iers +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 7hristine 3ion eCp+aine' to some peop+e that the A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' occ*pie' so many positions within the Ita+ian Mi+itary that the Sa(oy A6IS were capa@+e o? technocratica++y rep+acin) their a)entsA positions with other A6IS So+'iers. Accor'in) to 7hristine 3ion4 whoAs ?ather BacD 3ion was an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ent an' the son o? a Sa(oy A6IS So+'ier who was an Assassin < the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 whom ha(e mo(e' to the U.S.A. 5 are the A6IS. 2he A6IS is ?act*a++y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs operations o*tsi'e o? Ita+ia an' in'i(i'*a+s whom are Dnow+e')ea@+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' are accomp+ices to this )oa+. Accor'in) to 7hristine in the year 2002 < entire +ists o? ?ami+ies in North America were tar)ette' @y the Sa(oy A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een *sin) Ita+ian Mi+itary reso*rces since the secon' 'e?eat o? the A6IS 4 to accomp+ish their )oa+s re)ar'+ess o? their 'e?eat. Most o? the ?ami+ies that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e tar)ette' ?or eCtermination are not )*i+ty o? anythin) 4 they are aware o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs eCistence in the U.S.A. an' are somewhat aware that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the A6IS. Many o? these tar)ets are act*a++y racia+ tar)ets an' the tar)ettin) in(o+(e' 'epop*+ation o? races o? peop+e in their own home+an's 4 +an's ?orei)n to Ita+ia as we++ as ?ami+ies Dnow+e')ea@+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs wherea@o*ts an' their crimes. 3*e to the eCtreme 'i(ersity o? pop*+ation in the U.S.A. 4 the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense nee's a Specia+ Nationa+ 0perations Unit comprise' o? entire+y peop+e o? so+e+y USAmerican race s*ch as An)+o Gae+ic American 4 .ranDic American 4 .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 A?rican American 4 New Ho++an'er American 4 A?riDDi' American 4 an' Hawaiin American 5 this is necessary ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) that the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense wi++ a+ways maintain itAs a@i+ity to per?orm a Mi+itary 7o*p 3e 1tat *pon the U.S.A. Go(ernment 4 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 7.I.A. 4 ..;.I. 4 or e(en a Po+ice Unit i? a sit*ation s*ch as a Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation or a 7omp+ete In?i+tration an' 2ota+ 7orr*ption o? a 3epartment o? Pro(incia+ #e)ion sho*+' occ*r. 2he creation o? a Specia+ Nationa+ 0perations Unit is a@so+*te+y necessary to pre(ent )enoci'e in the U.S.A. an' preempti(e cripp+in) o? the U.S.A. prior to a :ar ?or 7onH*est. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their Aosta re+ati(es mo(e' to the U.S.A. as A6IS S+eeper 7e++s 4 ?or the p*rpose o? preempti(e crip+in) o? the U.S.A. an' e(ent*a+ 7onH*est o? North America. .or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) the i'entity o? the U.S.A. Specia+ Nationa+ 0perations Unit < a 3.N.A. 2est an' .ami+y 2ree History #esearch is necessary as we++ as an interro)ation with an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met on the hea' 4 ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) a@so+*te +oya+ty. 7*rrent+y 4 there are ?ar too many Ita+ians an' A*strians in the North 1ast #e)ion o? the U.S.A. < where m*ch o? these :ar 7rimes ha(e occ*rre' an' the maIority o? the pop*+ation is missin) 5

?or this not to @e a 7o(ert Mi+itary 0peration o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was in(o+(e' in p+annin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 it is a+so 'e?inite that A'o+? GHit+erG was primari+y o? Ita+ian Sa(oy Aristocratic ethnic stocD an' o? some amo*nt o? Aosta A*strian +inea)e 5 this was @ein) 'isc*sse' @y n*mero*s peop+e '*rin) 200%4 when the c*rrent Genoci'e was p+anne' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the p+ans to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or these :ar 7rimes were ?orm*+ate'. 2hese :ar 7rimes 4 SeC 0??enses 4 an' Genoci'a+ Assassinations were committe' '*rin) Gthe :ar on 2errorG < ?or this reason 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or their crimes. In the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. < the ?irst tar)ets were the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e an' re+ate' ?ami+ies 4 the U.S.American ?ami+ies o? so+'iers 'ep+oye' in IraH an' A?)hanistan 4 ?ami+ies who Dnew in'i(i'*a+s who were o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta @*t were o? no @io+o)ica+ re+ation to these ?ami+ies themse+(es 4 ?ami+ies o? Po+ice 0??icers an' .e'era+ In(esti)ators 4 an' ?ami+ies o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 a n*m@er o? ?aDe we@sites were poppe' *p on my comp*ter screen whi+e I was on the internet that was an *p c+ose ima)e o? my sister Sheena 'ea' with an enormo*s 'i+'o sticDin) o*t o? her throat an' her hea' ti+te' @acD +ooDin) *p in the position which G+a'iators in the #oman G+a'iatori*m were ?orce' to Dnee+ in prior to ha(in) swor's sho(e' 'own their throat an' into their hearts to impa+e them. 3*rin) the year 200! < a+so o? re+e(ance to this were ima)es o? what +ooDe' +iDe the Imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay 4 the Imposte*r o? Samantha whom I ha' @ecome emotiona++y c+ose with in 2005 5 in the same #oman G+a'iator position @ein) ?orce' to Gswor' swa++owG a two ?oot +on) +o) o? h*man ?eces comin) o*t o? a manAs an*s. ;oth my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson an' the Imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay were o? .irst Nations Nati(e American race. A+so 'isp+aye' in ?ront o? my ?ace '*rin) 200! @y a hacDer *sin) 2*rDoIan So?tware < were ima)es o? Samantha ;ernstein an' one o? the woman who I was to+' was 1mi+y Is+es @ein) rape' @y 8 Ita+ian Ma+es 4 a (i'eo c+ip o? a woman @ein) ?orce' to 3e?eate' G+a'iator position an' ?orce' to G)*>>+eG h*man ?eces as it was 'e?ecate' into her mo*th +iDe a @eer ?*nne+in) 4 an' a (i'eo o? 7esare tort*rin) B*+ie :einstein. 0ne o? these pa)es was ca++e' GSweet HannahG. Sweet HannahAs on the corner o? the main st o? the @o*++e(ar'e at Hampton ;each an' 9 Street at Hampton ;each is a 7an'y Shop. I am ?air+y certain that B*+ie :einstein was he+' hosta)e at the apartment on the top ?+oor o? the same @*i+'in) that Sweet HannahAs 7an'y Shop is at 5 B*+ie :einstein was a@'*cte' at the approCimate a)e o? 12 @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' )i(en to 7esare as a s+a(e. 0ther women were he+' hosta)e in the top ?+oor apartment o? the @*i+'in) on the corner o? 9 Street at Hampton ;each. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e @een acti(e+y attemptin) to 1Cterminate m*+tip+e races in North America whi+e SeC 2ra??icDin) a++ o? the ?ema+es o? these races to 'eath 5 these racia+ tar)ets are o@(io*s+y An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 A?rican Americans o? A?rican American race 4 .ranDs 4 Israe+is 4 Norwe)ians 4 Ho++an'ers 4 MeCicans 4 #*ssians 4 Swe'es 4 an' ;osnians in North America. It seems pro@a@+e that the p*rpose has @ecome the 2ota+ Genoci'e o? these races an' North American 7onH*est @y Ita+ian A6IS. A?ter 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me an' to+' me that her mother ha' @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*r 4 I 'i' not hear ?rom her a)ain *nti+ I recei(e' a (oice mai+ on my mo@i+e ce++*+ar phone in 200! which state' that she ha' @een a@'*cte' an' that she was @ein) he+' hosta)e in ;i++ericca Massach*settes at a ho*sin) 'e(e+opment ca++e' Mo*nt P+easant Apartments 5 the en' o? the messa)e was c*t short an' I

'i' not )et the eCact a''ress 4 I was in s*ch a panic that I acci'ent+y 'roppe' the phone an' the messa)e was 'e+ete'. 3*rin) this time 4 my ?rien' 1''ie $a)es ha' ma'e p+ans to ?in' the Mo*nt P+easant Apartments an' we were )oin) to try to )et her o*t o? the @*i+'in) an' )et po+ice in(o+(e' 5 imme'iate+y a?ter this occ*rance4 I was p*t in the New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire an' Ne*roS*r)erie' with the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is c*rrent+y in my sD*++ an' the #o*ter which is wire' to it an' tacDe' to the insi'e o? my Iaw ca(ity. 0" 200! I tooD a wa+D ?rom my A*ntAs ho*se to the Mc3ona+'s on Hano(er St. an' was met ha+? way @y a man whom was preten'in) to @e Bosh*a Hooper. Bosh*a Hooper is an American whom has @een missin) ?or some time. 2he man whom I met that was *sin) Bosh*a HooperAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s was a Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ian. I met the rea+ Bosh*a Hooper in 2002 when I went to the @each with $*cas An)*i+ini. 3*rin) this same month in 200! < $*cas An)*i+ini an' I were sittin) at the /ee 3ynasty on So*th :i++ow St. in Manchester New Hampshire an' the Imposte*r o? Bosh*a Hooper @e)an ta+Din) to $*cas an' I 5 $*cas +ater ca++e' GBoshG a G?er'aisiG 4 G?er'aisiG meanin) imposte*r or a in)en*ine person in Ita+ian +an)*a)e. 0n the 'ay '*rin) which the ?aDe Bosh*a Hooper met me on the way to the Mc3ona+'s resta*rant 5 GBoshG @e)an 'isc*ssin) #ace with me. Accor'in) to the ?aDe Bosh*a4 Ara@ians were )oin) to eCterminate a++ o? o*r race an' the on+y nationa+ities that were )oin) to s*r(i(e wo*+' @e races +iDe Ita+ians an' Spanish whom ha(e 'ea+t with Ara@ians @e?ore an' were iso+ationists accor'in) to GBoshG. 2his so*n'e' rehearse' as i? some@o'y to+' him to rehearse it prior to speaDin) it to me 5 this remin's o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?rien' ?rom Manchester whom @e+ie(e may ha(e @een name' Bason 4 @ein) to+' to speaD to me the statement a@o*t a )enoci'e o? 3mi++ion ci(i+ians @ein) accepta@+e. 2he Sici+ian whom was the Imposte*r o? Bosh Hooper was portrayin) himse+? as what he @e+ie(e' Bosh Hooper was 4 which was an American SDinHea'. 3*rin) 200% 5 it may ha(e @een mentione' to .i+ 1man*e+e or he may ha(e o(erhear' on an i++e)a+ recor'in) which was ma'e whi+e his A)ents were sta+Din) me or hacDin) my comp*ter < that I was ?rien's with an American SDinHea'. GBoshG +ater state' that a )enoci'e was )oin) to @e necessary ?or Go*r peop+eG to waDe *p to rea+ity. I to+' GBoshG that the Ara@ians ha' 'one ?ar +ess 'ama)e to my race than the Ita+ians an' that the nation o? Ita+ia has in the past @een in(o+(e' in more )enoci'e @y ?ar than any Ara@ian nation< this ?act @ein) o@(io*s consi'erin) the history o? the #oman 1mpire4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 .ascism4 the Ho+oca*st4 the Ita+ian Ma?ias eCterminatin) ?ami+ies in Sici+y an' the USA4 A'o+? GHit+erG4 ;enito M*sso+ini4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+a. I to+' Bosh Hooper that the Ita+ians racia+ attacDs *pon Sici+ians4 Gae+s4 .irst Nations Nati(e Americans4 An)+o SaCons4 Bews4 an' women o? Nor'ic race were @y ?ar more se(ere than anythin) Ara@s ha' 'one in the past inc+*'in) e(en the 0ttoman 1mpireAs eCpansion which +e?t e(ery conH*ere' pop*+ation +i(in) as we++ as the 0ttomanAs a++iance to the A6IS which 'i' +ess 'ama)e than the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he statements spoDen @y the man preten'in) to @e Bosh*a Hooper seeme' to @e rehearse' 4 )i(en to him to speaD @y some@o'y whom ha' written it ?or him +iDe a script 5 7esare wa+De' past me that 'ay an' sho*te' ins*+ts at me a?ter passin) @y me in the Mc3ona+'s restroom. I ha(e since this time 4 rea+i>e' 5 that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e seem to ha(e @een hirin) Moro @+oo'e' Sici+ians to 'o m*ch o? their crime. My A*nt B*+ianna to+' me when I was a chi+' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' @e)*n to hire Sici+ian crimina+s to

attacD the Sici+ian .ami+ies which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' tar)ette'. B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 whom ha' inherite' what was then the stat*s o? ;aron o? Sici+y 5 was not racia++y Sici+ian. 1(o+a is a $atin name an' is o? #oman Aristocratic ori)in < B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ancestors were #oman Aristocrats4 #oman 7aesars4 an' in some cases #oman 1mperors. B*+i*s 1(o+a was #omano Ita+ian an' @asica++y as p*re @re' #omano Ita+ian as a person co*+' @e in the 1"%0As an' 1"50As. Accor'in) to my step co*sin whom I ca++e' GA*ntG B*+ianna 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a @e)an hirin) Sici+ians as mercenaries to attacD his own tar)ets to p*t the ?ace o? their own race on the crime instea' o? his own 4 ?or reason o? attemptin) to hi'e who he was. 2he man whom approache' me '*rin) the year 2005 an' spoDe 4 GI in(ente' the @oar' )ame Scr*p+es 4 ha(e yo* e(er hear' o? meOG was a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian 5 Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ians are Sici+ians whom ha(e some amo*nt o? ancestry ?rom the Moroccan pop*+ation that ha' conH*ere' Sici+y prior to the Norman conH*est o? Sici+y. Most Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ians ha(e what I wo*+' 'escri@e as possi@+y 10S Moroccan 3NA. 2he Moroccan 3NA seems to show in the shape o? their nose 4 somewhat aro*n' the eyes 4 an' (ery s+i)ht+y in sDin teCt*re 5 these Sici+ians ha(e a 'istinct ?ace shape that is 'istinct+y Sici+ian an' is o@(io*s+y the Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian. 2ay+aAs Gran'.ather is a+so a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian. My co*sin B*+ianna was not a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian @*t she was 100S Sici+ian whom was @orn in Sici+y. 3*rin) ear+y 20134 the short e+'er+y man whom +i(e' in the apartment a@o(e me was a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian 5 this man was instr*cte' @y some@o'y worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e to han) a stereo o*t the win'ow an' p+ay a*'io c's which were ;ase@a++ oriente' an' 'escri@e' what I ha' @een 'oin) at the time 4 this was Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are that he was instr*ctin) this man to 'o. 2he imposte*r Bosh*a HooperAs ?ather was a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian. 2he e+'er+y man whom transporte' the chi+'ren ?rom the Ma++ o? NewHampshire to what I thinD was Massach*settes was a Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'eci'e' that they were )oin) to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' o? Morocco an' the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y ?or a++ o? the 1man*e+esA 4 the 1(o+asA 4 an' the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity an' other 2errorism. .or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ Ho*se o? Sa*' 5 It seems pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es hire' a +ar)e n*m@er o? Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian Ma?iosa in attempt to ?rame the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y ?or worDin) with 0sama ;in$a'en an' somehow the Sa*'i #oya+ .ami+yAs Moroccan co*sin Mosta?a I@nSa*'4 the Moroccan ma?ia 4 an' 0sama ;in $a'en post mortem ?or s*ppose'+y hirin) Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ian Ma?iosa as mercenaries. It seems +o)ica+ 4 I*')in) ?rom .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs patho+o)y as we++ as 1' .arrachi :arrenAs st*pi'ity < that the three o? them @e+ie(e' that they co*+' ?rame the Moro ;+oo'e' Sici+ians ?or s*ppose'+y @ein) I@nSa*' $oya+ists whom @e+ie(e' in the #oya+ Ho*se o? Sa*' as their own #oya+ Aristocracy. My co*sin whom i re?erre' to as GA*ntG B*+iannaAs ?ather was a 9in)'om o? Sici+y $oya+ist who was a Nationa+ist that @e+ie(e' in Sici+yAs 3ec+aration o? In'epen'ence an' the reinstatement o? the Aristocracy o? the 9in)'om o? Sici+y as was esta@+ishe' @y the Normans. My co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y in Sici+y was near+y eCterminate' entire+y on @oth si'es a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich @y assassins worDin) ?or whom they e(ent*a++y i'enti?ie' to @e B*+i*s 1(o+a an' some o? the 1man*e+es < B*+iannaAs ?atherAs ?ami+y were one o? the ?ami+ys in Sici+y that ?o*n' o*t who A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother was 4 which was =ittorio 1man*e+e III the 9in) o? Ita+ia. 3*rin) the year o? 2005 at the .ami+y 3o++ar Store on $inco+n Street in Manchester

NewHampshire 5 7esare G3ia@+oG arri(e' '*rin) the 'ay+i)ht ho*rs one 'ay an' mentione' a p+an o? his an' .i++i@erto G.i+G 1man*e+eAs to 1' :arren < this p+an in(o+(e' a p+an to copy Machia(e++iAs metho' o? escape @y ?aDin) ones own 'eath an' @*ryin) a 'ea' imposte*r o? ones se+?4 ass*min) a new i'entity a?terwar'. 7esare G3ia@+oG c+aime' to ha(e a+rea'y 'one this once an' c+aime' to @e *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? another man with the same ?irst name as himse+?. 7esare mentione' once whi+e on camera an' stan'in) *n'er one o? the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices in the .ami+y 3o++ar cei+in) that he ?or)ot the recor'in) 'e(ices were there 5 he state' GoopsN ohN yeah I ?or)ot a@o*t the recor'in)sNG. 7esare was recor'e' speaDin) a@o*t his p+an to +ocD a man in a @asement4 a?terwhich he 'eci'e' that he wo*+' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy the a@'*ction (ictim to m*tate the in'i(i'*a+ to +ooD +iDe i'entica+ to 7esare. 7esare p+anne' to a?terwar's +ea(e him with 7esareAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 7esare 'i' this to 2ony Gon>a+e> 4 whom ha' @een worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the 1man*e+es or'ere' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Specia+ists 2ony Gon>a+e> was a@'*cte' an' +ocDe' in a @asement in the re)ion o? the 2renton Street an' 7hesn*t Street intersection in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e+ie(e this @*i+'in) was owne' @y one o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers < either BacD 3ion 4 Gera+' 3AAmico 4 or another o? his Properties Stea' Ho+'ers. 2ony Gon>a+e> was +ocDe' in the @asement o? this @*i+'in) an' ?e' san'wiches an' mi+D which ha' @een tainte' with (ir*s c*+t*re' in hemo)+o@in ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) him to appear to +ooD i'entica+ to 7esare. A?ter 7esare ha' m*tate' 2ony Gon>a+e> 4 he ?e' him se'ati(es an' +e?t the @*+Dhea' open 5 2ony Gon>a+e> awoDe to ?in' +i)ht streamin) into the @asement an' ran *p o*t o? the @*+Dhea' < my se+? 4 my co*sin 3*stin $a(oie 4 an' Sean .air@anDs witnesse' 2ony Gon>a+e> r*n *p o*t o? the @asement an' ?a++ on his ?ace in the 'irt. 2ony +ooDe' aro*n' 4 )ot *p an' ran. Sean .air@anDs +ater ta+De' to 2ony an' others @e?ore Manchester Po+ice 3epartment arreste' 2ony Gon>a+e> as i? he was 7esare. 7esare was spotte' @y my se+? an' Sean .air@anDs +ater that month 4 wa+Din) 'own 1+m Street in 'ay+i)ht 5 Sean .air@anDs notice' 7esareAs scar an' that he +ooDe' eCact+y the same as he 'i' prior to 2ony Gon>a+e> @ein) m*tate' 4 eCcept that 7esareAs sDin was now eCtreme+y pa+e. Sean .air@anDs ye++e' at 7esare 4 G:hat4 is this white 7esare nowO I hear' what yo* 'i' to that )*y yo* +ocDe' in that @asement an' I Dnow what yo* 'i' to that )ir+ yo* *se' to ha(e aro*n'. /o* sti++ +ooD eCact+y the same to me. IAm ca++in) the cops 7esare. /o*Are a pe'ophi+e rapist 4 'onAt e(en ca++ me a rat.G. 2ony Gon>a+e> was +ater seen on te+e(ision @eaten eCtreme+y @a'+y < his ?ace was @eaten so @a'+y that it was @an'a)e' entire+y across his who+e ?ace 5 the p*rpose ?or this @ein) that 2ony Gon>a+e> o@(io*s+y 'i' not ha(e 7esareAs scars 4 was 2 inches ta++er than 7esare 4 an' was yo*n)er @y approCimate+y 1! years. 2o co(er the ?act that 2ony Gon>a+e> 'i' not ha(e 7esareAs scars 5 a )ro*p o? men were instr*cte' @y a )an)ster associate' with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to @eat 2ony Gon>a+e>As ?ace *nti+ it was @roDen. 2he imposte*r o? 7aesar who was ca++in) himse+? G7esareG has a scar that is +ocate' @esi'e his nose @ri')e 4 'own @esi'e his mo*th 4 to the corner o? his chin. :hen Sean .air@anDs an' my se+? saw 7esare +ater '*rin) 200! 5 7esare +ooDe' eCact+y the same as he 'i' in 2005 4 @*t he ha' )rown his @+acD c*r+y hair +on) an' ha' )rown a so*+ patch on his chin as we++ as ha' he =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' his sDin to +ooD pa+e white 5 7esare wa+De' cro*che' 'own to +ooD three inches shorter than his *s*a+ hei)ht. 2his means that his act*a+ hei)ht is 3 inches ta++er than what is on his c*rrent I'enti?ication

7re'entia+s. 7esare is approCiate+y 5A ".5G. 2he man whom was r*mo*re' to ha(e @een Gene 2herapie' to +ooD +iDe 7esare was 2ony Gon>a+e>. 2ony Gon>a+e> was ori)ina++y a @+*e eye' MeCican man whom I *se' to worD with at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire on $inco+n Street. 2ony Gon>a+e> has @een imprisone' as 7esare 4 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister was a@'*cte' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' 7esareAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 0ne o? the ?ema+es whom I ha' @een to+' was 1mi+y Is+es was +e?t with her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s a?ter m*+tip+e years o? @ein) seC*a++y a@*se' an' assa*+te' @y 7esare an' .i+As )an) which res*+te' in what was the pre me'itate' +aser @+in'in) o? her eyes with (ice mo*nte' +aser pointers. At +east one o? the woman whom I was to+' were 1mi+y Is+es was +e?t with .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as her on+y proo? o? i'entity in the U.S.A. an' her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were c*rrent+y in the han's o? another 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom I hear' r*mo*r was a Ser@ian woman. N*mero*s (ictims o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een @+in'e' an' ha(e @een @ein) eCperimente' *pon with Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. In 200% 4 3anie+ Bames was ta+Din) a@o*t @+in'in) women an' rapin) them. 2his 'e?inite+y @ecame one o? their Initiation 7rimes. It is important to remem@er that '*rin) 200% 5 #yan Har(ey 4 $a*ra $*'wicDowsDy 4 an' my se+? wa+De' to meet 3a(e $ee on 1+m Street near 2renton Street where 3a(e $ee ha' @een (isitin) what I @e+ie(e was an imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ion at a ho*se a ?ew @+ocDs ?rom the corner o? 2renton Street an' 7hestn*t Street. :hi+e (isitin) 7hristine 3ion 4 3a(e $ee to+' her that he ha' @een in?orme' o? whom A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y was an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n sta+Din) his ?rien' Ian MacPherson an' IanAs )ir+?rien' Sahn'ra St.0n)e. 7hristine 3ionAs ?ather BacD 3ion was an acH*aintance o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs < BacD has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) who is an accomp+ice o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. I @e+ie(e that 7hristine 3ion mentione' to her ?ather what 3a(e $ee ha' to+' her an' 'i' not te++ 3a(i' $ee that her ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2he re)ion aro*n' 7hestn*t Street an' 2renton Street was the +ocation o? a (acant ho*se that was *se' to ho+' hosta)es in the @asement 5 7esare an' .i+ 1man*e+e *se' this +ocation to ho+' hosta)es. It is 'e?inite that these attacDs are .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 7esare4 an' 1' .arrachi :arren < an' that these attacDs ha(e their Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e *pon them +iDe a ?in)erprint. 3*rin) the year 200% < I ha' ma'e a h*mo*ro*s comp+iment a@o*t Gre) 3a*+tonAs (oca+s 4 statin) that his (oca+s were Ga@so+*te+y ama>in). His (oca+s are +iDe a com@ination o? #y*As Ha'*Den an' the roar o? the 0)re ?rom :ar 7ra?t at the same time.G this was in?+*entia+ to a ?ew IoDes which 3a(e $ee ma'e aro*n' this 'ate. 3*rin) approCimate+y the year 1""% < my co*sin 3*stin an' my se+? met .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rothers 3anie+ Bames at Hampton ;each in NewHampshire at the ;o*++e(ar'e Arca'es. 2he )ame we met them at was the 2eena)e M*tant NinIa 2*rt+es Arca'e Game Machine. .i+As @rothers Aaron an' 3anie+ Bames were a'opte' to two ?ami+ies whom were ?ami+ies o? 9ni)hts o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. It is a stran)e coinci'ence that the 1man*e+es ha( e @een *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to 'is)*ise the i'entities o? their (ictims an' 'is)*ise the i'entities o? their 2errorist 7rimina+ A)ents. ;e)inin) in 200! < 3a(i' IcDeAs Internet :e@Site @+ame' Shape Shi?tin) #epti+ian Space A+iens 4 the 2eena)e M*tant NinIa 2*rt+es are #epti+ian Anthropomorphic M*tants. :hi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts4 the hacDer whom ha' sto+en a photo)raph o? my se+? ?rom either my own or 1mi+yAs comp*ter an' *se' it to create a ?aDe pro?i+e on a )ay 'atin) we@site4

poste' another ?aDe pro?i+e to another )ay 'atin) we@site a)ain < whi+e worDin)4 a )ay man came in to my worD to ta+D to me thinDin) that I was the man ?rom the we@site an' +e?t a?ter he rea+i>e' that some@o'y ha' ma'e a ?aDe pro?i+e with my ?ace on it. 2his man was ca++in) me Mr. .*nnyMan or Mr. .*nG*y. .*n G*y so*n's +iDe .*n)i which is what Asper)i++*s Ni)er an' Stachy@otrys are4 ?*n)*s. ;+acD Mo+'. 2his is a ;io+o)ica+ :eapon. :hi+e worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire 4 two ?ema+es @e)an ta+Din) to me o?ten whi+e I was at worD. :e @ecame ?rien's. 2hese two were name' Nico+e #oy an' 2ay+a 4whoAs s*rname I am *na@+e to remem@er. 2ay+aAs mother @e)an in(itin) me o(er to 2ay+aAs )ran'parentsA ho*se ?or 'inner. 3*rin) this time 4 the American ;ase@a++ :or+' Series was sche'*+e' aro*n' 'inner time 5 we were watchin) @ase@a++ '*rin) A*t*mn o? 200!. I2 seemes as i? 2ay+a $aw(er an' Nico+e #oy ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their @rains. 3*rin) the 200! American ;ase@a++ :or+' Series 5 what seeme' +iDe a 7omp*ter HacD Animation 3*@ was 'isp+aye' on the te+e(ision screen in ?ront o? me whi+e at 2ay+aAs Gran'.atherAs ho*se < this was a short commentary se)ment o? a @+on'e Ita+ian man whom +ooDe' (ery s+i)ht+y German an' Israe+i as i? he ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' his comp+eCion o? hair an eyes as we++ as his nose an' +ips shape with my eC )ir+?rien' Min'y 9ernAs 3NA. 2his man +ooDe' (ery simi+ar to the Ita+ian man whom was 'resse' in the c*stom tai+ore' s*it that wa+De' *p to the co*nter an' ha' +a*)he' cr*e+y at me < eCcept that his hair was pa+e @+on'e 4 his sDin was pa+e 4 an' his nose an' +ips +ooDe' +iDe my eC )ir+?rien' Min'y 9ernAs. 2he man whoAs ?ace was on a photo)raph portrait on the wa++ which sai' Gthis is my hospita+G at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter was name' Gi*+iani an' +ooDe' simi+ar to this man < it may ha(e @een the same )*y an' it is possi@+e that he @ecame a Properties Stea' Ho+'er ?or .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2his man appeare' on the te+e(ision screen commentin) a@o*t Papa+@on who was 'ancin) a Ii) whi+e wearin) a Di+t on the @ase@a++ )reen. I ha' seen this hacD on the te+e(ision screen whi+e at 2ay+aAs )ran' parentsA ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e+ie(e this man is one o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers an' that German an' Israe+i )enetics are the res*+t o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy '*e to the incon)r*ency o? his )eometrics an' his comp+eCion with his )eometrics. 2he =oice Actin) o? this Animation 3*@ so*n'e' i'entica+ to a G.I. Boe P.S.A. on /o*2*@e which was come'ica++y A*'io o(er '*@@e' < this an animate' cartoon P*@+ic Ser(ice Anno*ncement which aire' '*rin) the 1"80As thay inc+*'e' a short se)ment o? a G.I. Boe cartoon wherein a G.I. Boe Sear)ent is a*'io o(er '*@@e' to speaD in an incre'i@+y homo seC*a+ so*n'in) (oice whi+e statin) G0hN $ooD at a++ the 'i??erent co+ore' hatsNG whi+e chi+'ren are ri'in) sDate@oar's in a sDate@oar' parD near@y. 2he man whom +ooDs +iDe the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter hospita+ owner s*rname' Gi*+iani 5 state' with this same (oice G0h what is wearin)N $ooD at him )oN $ooD at his +itt+e 'anceNG. 2his so*n'e' +iDe somethin) 2ammy 2horne or some@o'y sittin) near her ha' spoDen '*rin) 200% at :o+?yAs ;ar in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) the )oth ni)ht which ha' @een @rie?+y hoste' at :o+?yAs ;ar. Aro*n' the 'ate o? the ;+acD Mo+' Poisonin) 4 which was aro*n' the 'ate o? 2hanDs)i(in) < 2wy+a was on the te+ephone an' state' 5 G2hese are :ar 7rime SeC 0??enses. 2hey are tryin) to ?rame some@o'y ?or :ar 7rime SeC 0??enses. No@o'y is )oin) to Deep their mo*ths sh*t a@o*t this. 3o yo* Dnow how serio*s this isO :ar 7rime SeC 0??enses.G Aro*n' this time 4 I ha' @e)an worDin) at N*cast in $on'on'erry NewHampshire. :hi+e worDin) here 4 I mentione' to the two men whom were the Imposte*r 9eith Hammon' an' the Imposte*r Pach An'rosDi that the USA Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment is networDe' to the

A*s7anN>UDUs NetworD which is the Mi+itary Si)ina+s Inte++i)ence NetworDAs A)reement with the nations o? the ;ritish 7ommonwea+th an' NewPea+an'. 2his was 'isc*sse' whi+e 'isc*ssin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. I ha' mentione' that the USA Mi+itary ha(e access to this in?ormation an' can in(esti)ate recor'e' #a'io .reH*ency 2ransmissions ?or ?orensic e(i'ence ?or p*rpose o? con(ictin) 1nemy 7om@atants as we++ as +ocatin) an' en)a)in) 1nemy 7om@atants on American Soi+ in(o+(e' in (io+ent con?+ict. :ar 7rimes can a+so @e in(esti)ate' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 5 #a'io .reH*ency transmits @inary. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 I mentione' to the Imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' 4 that the A*s7anN>U9US NetworD an' a++ associate' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments recor'e' an' store' a++ e+ectronic comm*nications an' transmissions in North America as we++ as o*t+yin) +ocations 4 these @ein) cata+o)*e' permanant+y o??+ine in H*arantine' 'ata stora)e +i@raries < an' that a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace transmits a++ Ne*ro+o)ica+ in?ormation as Un1ncrypte' ;inary transmission as 'oes an A#G0S GPS transmit Un1ncrypte' $ocation 3ata. 2his was mentione' in ?ront o? the Imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi. :ithin one month o? mentionin) this 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ma'e a phone ca++ to 2ay+aAs Gran'.ather an' I was ?e' ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee c*p at the reH*est o? =ittorio G=ictorA 1man*e+e which near+y res*+te' in my 'eath 5 this is another (io+ation o? the Gene(a 7on(entionAs +aws. 2he weeD that I was ?irst in(ite' to 2ay+aAs ho*se ?or 'inner @y her ?ami+y 5 I ha' @een ta+Din) to a yo*n) +a'y on the internet whom messa)e' me on MySpace.7om an' +ater America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er c+aimin) that she +i(e' at a .irst Nations #eser(ation. 2his woman wante' me to MSN =i'eo 7on(ersation with her 5 whi+e 'oin) this I was ?or some time wearin) a G*y .awDes masD which I ha' p*rchase' ?rom a Ha++oween Store at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire4 this masD @ein) +a@e+e' a G= is ?or =en'ettaG masD. G= is ?or =en'ettaG is a mo(ie '*rin) which a man s*ccess?*++y accomp+ishes what the terrorist G*y .awDes co*+' not 5 the tota+ 'emo+ition o? the Par+iament ;*i+'in)s in the U.9. @y metho' o? eCp+osi(es. 3*rin) the weeD that I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' 5 I ha' @een (iewin) #*sse++ MeansA +ect*res an' speeches on the internet. I @e+ie(e that since this time 5 #*sse++ Means may ha(e @een tar)ette' as we++ as was H*)o 7ha(e>. It has @ecome apparent that the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans ha(e @ecome a primary racia+ )enoci'e tar)et o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rimina+ Syn'icate a)ain. 2he weeD o? 2hanDsGi(in) in No(em@er I was near+y Assassinate' when =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ca++e' a Ma?iosa with whom I ha' @ecome acH*ainte' '*rin) which con(ersation =ictor or'ere' him to poison me with ;+acD Mo+'. I @e+ie(e that 2ay+aAs Gran'.ather owe' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e a pretty serio*s ?a(o*r. 3*rin) this time my comp*ter was hacDe' an' n*mero*s (i'eos an' ima)es o? women who +ooDe' +iDe the )ir+s that I ha' @een to+' were G1mi+y Is+esG @ein) a@*se' pop *ppe' on my screen < the 'ay a?ter this 4 =ittorio ma'e a phone ca++ to my acH*aintancesA )ran' ?ather an' or'ere' them to ha(e me poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee. 2ay+aAs mother ha' han'e' her ?ather Boe the phone 4 sayin) G3a'4 =ictorAs on the phoneG. 2ay+a to+' me that =ictor was the G9in) o? Ita+iaG an' that her ?ami+y were ?rien's with him whi+e stan'in) on the porch o*tsi'e at some point that month. I ha' o@(io*s+y a+rea'y met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e whom 2ay+a re?erre' to as G.i++i ;*tt.*cDG an' G.i++i 'eer ;am@iG. I @e+ie(e that c*rrent+y 2ay+aAs ?ami+y ha(e @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs as the res*+t o? 2ay+a ca++in) .i+ 1man*e+e a ?a))ot. Accor'in) to ;aracD 0@amaAs wiDipe'ia entry in the year 20115 ;aracD 0@ama s*ppose'+y ma'e it i++e)a+ to say G.a))otG. 2ay+a ha' state' in ?ront o? me whi+e so*n'in) eCtreme+y irritate' 5 G;+it>9rie) o? 3iCie 7*ps... I 'onAt Dnow i? i @e+ie(e this4 I 'onAt want to @e+ie(e this... @*t I thinD that I 'o @e+ie(e this.G 2he 'ay a?ter 2ay+aAs Gran'.ather spoDe to G=ictorG < 2ay+aAs mother 3e@@ie han'e' me a $ar)e P+astic 3*nDin 3on*ts 7o??ee 7*p which she c+aime' that she @o*)ht ?or me at 3*nDin 3on*ts 5 I

'ranD ha+? o? this @e?ore po*rin) it o*t @eca*se o? @+acD o@Iects ?+oatin) in it < it was +ater 'isco(ere' this was ;+acD Mo+'. 2ay+aAs mother was the woman whom ha' spoDen to 1' .arrachi :arren '*rin) 2005 a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er4 =ittorio 1man*e+e II 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whom wo*+' @e the %th i? he *se' the I= on his name. 1' :arren an' 2ay+aAs Mother whoAs name is 3e@@ie < *se' GAye AyeG to mean =ittorio 1man*e+e the 2n' '*e to the #oman N*mera+s 4 GAye Aye AyeG as =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 GHi HiG to mean A'o+? Hit+er 4 an' G=ictorG or G= aye =G to mean =ittorio 1man*e+e whom is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ather. 3*rin) the weeD that I was poisone' 4 when the 7omp*ter HacDers ha' *se' 2*rDoIan% to pop *p (i'eos an' ima)es o? some o? the )ir+s that I ha' @een to+' were G1mi+y Is+esG an' Samantha ;ernstein @ein) SeC*a++y A@*se' 5 a (i'eo o? whom was s*ppose' to @e Mosta?a I@nSa*' was ?o*n' 4 I @e+ie(e (ery stron)+y that this (i'eo was act*a++y a hoaC an' was ma'e ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' +ater an' the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs war crimes in the USA an' 7ana'a. I ha(e met one imposte*r o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' in ;oston < the man +ooDe' Ita+ian 4 m*tate' with some o? Mosta?a I@nSa*'As Ara@ian ' Moroccan 3NA Proteins. Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .ather was an A6IS .action 2errorist 7rime So+'ier Accomp+ice o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' a 'e?inite accomp+ice to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs which he an' =ittorio 1man*e+e he+pe' 'esi)n. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Ara@ian A6IS 7onnections were the same as Mosta?a I@nSa*'As .atherAs. It is pro@a@+e that the I@nSa*' ?ami+y who +i(e' in Massach*settes U.S.A. an' were ?rien's o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 are 'ea' an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs 4 ?or the p*rpose o? hi'in) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Ara@ian A6IS .action connections an' the 1man*e+esA cooperati(e comp+icity ?or the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' the so+e en)ineerin) o? the /29 ;*) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Genoci'e which ?o++owe' a?terwar's whi+e the U.S.A. was 'istracte' ?i)htin) @oth Ara@ian A6IS .action an' Is+amic Biha'ists. 2his ha' @een 'isc*sse' @y 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e?eo in 200% an' 2005 5 Mosta?a I@nSa*' o? Morocco an' his co*sins the Ho*se o? Sa*' o? Sa*'i Ara@ia < were inten'e' to @e ?rame' ?or the Ita+ian A6IS :ar 7rimes co++ecti(e+y ?rom the 1"50As to present time 2010As an' were inten'e' to @e +inDe' @etween the Moroccan Ma?ia 4 Ita+ian Ma?ias 4 Ita+ian American Ma?ia 4 Sici+ian 7osa Nostra4 an' Sici+ian American 7osa Nostra 4 an' the 2a+i@an as we++ as possi@+y A+ Lae'a or He>@o++ah @oth. .i+As an' =ittorioAs i'ea was to *se the :ar 0n 2error as an a+i@i ?or their )enoci'e o? mi++ions o? ci(i+ians in the North 1ast L*a'rant o? North America in an attempt to si+ence the ?ami+ies in North America whom Dnew the tr*th o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs in(o+(ement in the Ho+oca*st4 this is a contin*ation o? the )enoci'es which occ*rre' in Sici+y '*rin) the 1"50As a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich4 a contin*ation o? the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0As 4 an' a contin*ation o? the Ho+oca*sts in North America o? which n*mero*s races an' nationa+ pop*+ations o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans were eCterminate'. It is a+so 'e?inite that ?ramin) the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the Ita+ian A6ISAs 7o(ert :ar 7rimes an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity '*rin) the :ar on 2error is an a+i@i in itse+? ?or ?ramin) the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or the n*mero*s SeC 0??enses which =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e committe' in North America '*rin) their +i?etime as we++ as their @ein) acti(e in 0r)ani>e' SeC 2ra??icDin). I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' inten'e' to maDe it appear as i? the Ho*se o? Sa*' were tryin) to ?rame him an' his son .i+i@erto 1man*e+e ?or their own :ar 7rimes in North America < this @ein) a psycho+o)ica+ rea+ity '*e to the constant presense o? mirrors in their n*mero*s attacDs as we++ as the concept o? portrayin) their (ictims as themse+(es to the p*@+ic 5 ?or instance4 '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 .i+ 1man*e+eAs A)ents an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents to+' the entire comm*nity aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire that I was an A'o+? Hit+er worshipper an' a :hite S*premacist .ascist whom @e+ie(e' that it was the .e'era+ Go(ernmentAs responsi@i+ity to 'etermine ?or a woman whom she co*p+e' with an' @re' with as we++ as marrie'.

0@(io*s+y I am not A'o+? Hit+er nor 'o I @e+ie(e in a .ascist )o(ernment or any sort o? +aws re)ar'in) Gmisce)enationG or Ghy)enic @ree'in)G 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e is 'escen'e' ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e III whom was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+esA ?omentin) o? racia+ stri?e in North America is ?or the p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y eCterminatin) An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 a++ .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 A?rican Americans 4 Israe+is 4 MeCicans 4 New Ho++an'ers 4 an' systemica++y any@o'y e+se whom co*+' possi@+y +ay c+aimancy to the +an' o? North America as a #acia+ Nationa+ Home+an' which the Ita+ian A6IS .action re?*ses to accept is not their home+an'. 2he Ita+ian race is ?orei)n to North America entire+y < the Ita+ian A6IS mo(e' to North America passi(e+y as immi)rants an' imme'iate+y @e)an @*i+'in) a networD o? Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7rimina+s +oya+ to the Ita+ian A6IS an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @+oo'+ine as what can on+y @e consi'ere' to eH*ate to G+o@a+ #oya+ty s*perce'in) a++ Peop+es an' other Aristocrats e(en within their own home+an's 5 this is the same 7rime Syn'icate which .i+ 1man*e+e ha' 'escri@e' '*rin) 200% whi+e in #ye NewHampshire as GB*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icateG which in act*a+ity is a+so the 1man*e+eAs 2errorist Ita+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icate. 3e*tsche;anD is the @anD that the A6IS *se' to store a@o*t ha+? o? the wea+th which they p+*n'ere' ?rom the pop*+ations o? Ho+oca*st (ictims. 3*rin) 200! < 3e*tsche;anD Gi?t7ar's were p+ace' on the co*nter at 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 A we@site was a+tere' to state that Gthere are peop+e in the Hi)h+an's o? Scot+an' that ha(e @een ?o*n' who are imm*ne to the AI3S (ir*sG. I @e+ie(e that it is entire+y possi@+e that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers may ha(e p*rchase' hospita+s an' me'ica+ eH*ipment ?actories re+ate' to Hea+thcare In'*stry in the U9 an' North America ?or the p*rpose o? )enoci'e. 3*rin) the year 200!4 a?ter I was i++e)a++y (i(isecte' an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in a Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire 5 I was poisone' repeate'+y @y Ita+ians on American soi+. 3*rin) the time '*rin) which I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+'4 I repeate'+y so*)ht he+p at Hea+thcare .aci+ities in the New1n)+an' re)ion o? the USA 5 none o? the m*+tip+e Hospita+s which I so*)ht he+p ?rom )a(e me any res*+ts to any test which I reH*este'4 I was ne(er re?erre' to a 2oCico+o)ist4 I *n'erwent n*mero*s me'ica+ hea+th screenin)s an' none o? the res*+ts to these screenin)s were ma'e a(ai+a@+e to my se+?. I was to+' that I was not physica++y i++4 I was to+' that I was menta++y i++4 an' that e(en my ?eces which sme++e' toCic an' was chan)in) co+ors e(ery 'ay was hea+thy. My stoo+ chan)e' co+or ?o*r times < startin) with )reen4 chan)in) to @+acD4 chan)in) to white4 chan)in) to m*star' co+ore' 5 it sme++e' +iDe paint. 3*rin) this time4 I staye' in Psychiatric Hea+thcare .aci+ities approCimate+y 5 times 5 e(ery 1mer)ency 7+inic (isit which I @e+ie(e tota++e' approCimate+y 10 (isits4 res*+te' in the stan'ar' @+oo' 'rawin) with a stint an' ?i++in) o? @+oo' (ia+s. 0ne o? these stints was +a@e+e' with a MA31 IN 2H1 U9 +a@e+4 I +i(e in the USA an' it is a@norma+ ?or a stint which is *se' to 'raw @+oo' to @e man*?act*re' in a ?orei)n nation. 2he artic+e which c+aime' that G2here are peop+e who ha(e @een ?o*n' in the Hi)h+an's o? Scot+an' who are imm*ne to the AI3S (ir*sG was most pro@a@+y a hacD an' was most pro@a@+y poste' @y one o? the 2errorists whom ha' tar)ette' my entire ?ami+y an' associate' networD on the @eha+? o? =ittorio 1man*e+e. It is entire+y possi@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 an' the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e intentiona++y )i(en ma+es o? Gae+ic #ace AI3S ?or the p*rpose o? eCterminatin) them. 2he Ita+ians in the New 1n)+an' comm*nity ha(e attacDe' Gae+ic peop+e as one o? their primary #acia+ 2ar)ets. It is most pro@a@+e that the en' o? their Genoci'a+ :ar in North America is )oin) to res*+t in a North American Union an' the ?*rther in(asion o? North America @y 7o(ert Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7e++s o? Ita+ian 4 A+@anian + Ser@ian4 an' Armenian #ace ?or the p*rpose o? eCterminatin) a++ o? the North American peop+es an' 7o+oni>in) North America ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y as we++ as the 1(o+as whom ha(e @een in hi'in). 7*rrent+y 4 the maIority o? the 7rimina+ 2errorists who the 1man*e+es ha(e recr*ite' a++ seem to @e Pe'ophi+e SeC 0??en'ers who they )a(e the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? many

o? their (ictims to < these in'i(i'*a+s an' the (ictims @oth 4 are S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. :ithin the past 50 years4 there was a Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*st that @e)an in Ser@ia an' sprea' into ;osnia Her>)o(ina 5 the 2errorist 7rimina+s whom the 1man*e+es are worDin) with seem to ha(e some connection to a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?rom the re)ion o? Ser@ia 4 ;osnia 4 an' 7roatia. :ithin the past 50 years < there has a+so @een a Genoci'a+ Ho+oca*st in Armenia 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that these co*+' @e .actions re+ate' to the 1man*e+esA. I checDe' some me'ica+ interest @+o) we@sites on the internet ?or in?ormation a@o*t in)estion o? ra'ioacti(e s*@stances 5 what I ?o*n' was other peop+e insistin) that this ha' happene' to them or some@o'y they Dnew4 as we++ as 'isin?ormation a)ents po+icin) the we@sites maDin) statements s*ch as G/o* canAt irra'iate ?oo'4 i'iotNG. Irra'iation o? materia+s can easi+y occ*r when these s*@stances are comprise' o? e+ectro+ytic compo*n's or meta+oi's 5 so'i*m4 io'ine4 potassi*m4 ca+ci*m4 an' iron are ?o*n' in many ?oo's an' can (ery we++ @e irra'iate'. :hi+e at my )ran'motherAs an a*'io o(er '*@@in) o? AmericaAs .*nniest Home =i'eos occ*rre' '*rin) which 2om ;er)eronAs mo*th state' G B*st wait *nti+ yo* meet o*r +awyers.G . 2his occ*rre' a?ter I ha' +ooDe' *p Me'ica+ Ma+ Practice *sin) the internet. I ha' )athere' me'ica+ ma+ practice +awyers names '*e to the ?act that the hospita+s ha' @een te++in) me that there was nothin) wron) with my se+?. 3*rin) the time that I was s*??erin) the e??ects o? the toCic @+acD mo+' an' possi@+e ra'iation poisonin)4 my 'epartment at worD was possi@+y @ein) in(esti)ate' @y an *n'erco(er .e'era+ In(esti)ator 5 it is a+so possi@+e that this man was preten'in) to @e this. 2his man was o? o@(io*s 3e*tsche 4 Ita+ian 4 an' A*strian race 5 he was @+on'e 4 thin 4 a@o*t 5A"G4 an' ha' short hair with a thinnin) pattern on the @acD o? his hea'. He worDe' in the :ash 0*t 3epartment +iDe I 'i'. 2his man was wearin) 1' :arrenAs )o+'en cross necD+ace. A?ter I ha' in)este' what was most +iDe+y an irra'iate' san'wich4 this man wa+De' *p to me an' threw a ?einte' a p*nch at my so+ap+eC*s 5 narrow+y stoppin) short o? my stomach. He a+most acte' +iDe it was a IoDe. 2his is o? eCtreme importance @eca*se whome(er this man was ?o++owin) or'ers ?rom 4 Dnew 1' :arren an' was )i(in) this man 'irections. It seems 'e?inite that this man Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' was a Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper So+'ier. It is 'e?inite that this man was in the same networD as 1' :arren @eca*se when he arri(e' he was wearin) 1' :arrenAs )o+'en cross pen'ant on a )o+' chain. :home(er this man was worDin) ?or 'e?inite+y ha' a connection to the 1man*e+e ?ami+y as we++ as 1' :arren. 2his man to+' me GI *se' to @e a Sniper in the U.S. Mi+itary.G 4 an' asDe' me i? I Dnew 1rin #*ther?or' 5 1rin #*ther?or' went to Hi)hSchoo+ with my se+?. 2hat weeD4 whi+e in 9eithAs car 5 9eith was maDin) IoDes to Pach sayin) G I +iDe 3opp+e)an)er Pach @etter than o+' Pach. 3oppe+)an)er Pach is way more ?*n. 0+' Pach was @orin).G He +ater mentione' somethin) a@o*t the UDraine4 he a+so +ater mentione' a mo(ie '*rin) which ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were *se' to 'isp+ay 7omp*ter Generate' Ima)es inter+ace' with the occ*+ar ner(esA sensory in?ormation. 2his was 'escri@e' as opaH*e G)host writin)G an' a+so as opaH*e tar)ettin) ?rames simi+ar to the mo(ie the 2erminator. :hi+e sittin) in 9eithAs car 5 a ra'io host @e)an 'isc*ssin) his opinion that peop+e who hate Bews are G#e+i)ionistsG an' that it GisnAt #acism to hate BewsG 4 @eca*se GBews arenAt a race o? peop+eG. It is incre'i@+y o@(io*s that this socia+ tactic is en)ineere' ?or the p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y ca*sin) the state o? Israe+ to appear to @e i++e)itimate @y metho' o? sprea'in) 'isin?ormation. B*'aism is the ?o+D re+i)ion o? the Israe+i ?o+D4 B*'aism @ecame a )+o@a+ re+i)ion when the pop*+ation o? Israe+ was 'ri(en o*t o? Israe+ into 'iaspora 5 the re+i)ion tra(e+s where the peop+e tra(e+4 it is a ?o+D re+i)ion. Amon)st other thin)s4 Socia+ 1n)ineerin) in(o+(es manip*+ation o? pop*+ar opinion as we++ as what is common con(ersationa+ topic. 2his Socia+ 1n)ineerin) is eCtreme+y s*spicio*s '*e to the ?act that within the past ten years 5 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' Ne*roScience ha(e @e)*n @ein) *se' ?or terrorist p*rposes inc+*'in) the rep+acement o? in'i(i'*a+ mem@ers an' pop*+ation pocDets o? society with

espiona)e a)ents an' tra??icDin) (ictims as p+aceho+'ers. 3enia+ o? the ?act that the race o? Israe+ eCists ser(es the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) the Dnow+e')e o? recor'e' Israe+i Genetics an' Israe+i 3NA Hap+o)ro*ps 5 this wo*+' maDe possi@+e the e(ent*a+ e+imination o? the Nation State o? Israe+ as an in'epen'ent state an' a++ o? the 'iaspora o? Israe+i peop+e )+o@a++y4 comp+ete i)norance o? the ?act that Israe+i 3NA e(er eCiste' wo*+' maDe it appear as i? they simp+y a++ I*st con(erte' to other re+i)ions or @ecame atheist. Israe+i is a race o? peop+e. :hi+e I was +ooDin) at a news anchor on the te+e(ision4 his mo*th was animate' to mo(e 'i??erent+y an' the ima)e @ehin' him was animate' to @e the scene ?rom Monty PythonAs 2he $i?e o? ;rian '*rin) which the son) G2he ;ri)ht Si'e o? $i?eG was @ein) s*n) @y cr*ci?ie' Israe+is. A con(ersation @etween my se+? an' 7+arissa ;erry was mentione' when the anchorAs (oice was o(er '*@@e' with a (oice actor whom sai' G$etAs not ar)*e a@o*t whoAs a pessimist or an optimist4 sha++ weOG. my se+? an' what I was not aware was an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son a+so watche' this mo(ie when I ha' tho*)ht that she ha' ret*rne' ?rom st*'yin) a@roa' in Ita+y. ;oth o? these instances were recor'e' whi+e I was +i(in) at 155 Map+e St V2 Manchester NewHampshire. 1' :arren an' his associates were hacDin) my comp*ter an' watchin) my comp*ter '*rin) the month that I ?irst p*rchase' the '(' $i?e o? ;rian whi+e I was sti++ +i(in) at 38" Haywar' street in Manchester New Hampshire. 1' :arren came into worD one 'ay sin)in) the theme son). 3*rin) the year 200! < whi+e I was worDin) at NU7AS2 in $on'on'erry NewHampshire 5 I mentione' the A*s.7an.NP.U9.US Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence A)reement to imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' who pro@a@+y Dnew that I ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain4 an' who o@(io*s+y ha' one in their @rains themse+(es. Soon a?ter this was state' 4 n*mero*s assassination attempts occ*rre'. :hi+e worDin) at N*cast with the Imposte*r Pach An'rosDi < I ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t in(entin) a S*@marine San'wich @ase' on a sa+mon maDi ro++ 5 an ita+ian s*@ with a''e' smoDe' sa+mon 4 +ett*ce 4 peppers4 tomotoes4 pro(o+one4 mayonaise4 an' Bapanese 'ressin). I ha' @een or'erin) it ?rom a 2e'eschiAs marDet witho*t the sa+mon an' s*@stit*tin) the Bapanese 'ressin) ?or ?rench 'ressin). I @e+ie(e that I remem@er some@o'y maDin) a IoDe a@o*t my MaDi S*@marine #o++ i'ea4 intentiona++y ins*+tin) my se+? as we++ as Bapan 5 ca++in) it the GN*De S*@G. 3*rin) the weeD that I was ?e' the irra'iate' s*@marine ro++ ?rom 2e'eschiAs 5 I was worDin) at N*cast in $on'on'erry New Hampshire. :hi+e at worD < the man whom has @een c+aimin) to @e 9eith Hammon' mentione' the Ita+ian S*@ an' ca++e' it a G7hreno@+iG 4 statin) 5 GI? a n*c+ear s*@ me+ts is it a 7hreno@+eO :hat i? it is an Ita+ian N*c+ear S*@O 3oes that maDe it a 7hreno@+iOG. 2he ni)ht prior to this statement @ein) ma'e4 I ha' @een rea'in) an artic+e a@o*t a Satte+ite which ha' ?a++en ?rom itAs or@it 5 I ha' a+so 'eci'e' to 'o research a@o*t the ?*e+ which are *se' ?or the Satte+ites. 1ar+y '*rin) the mornin) when I ha' arri(e' at worD4 I was 'rinDin) an ener)y 'rinD 5 the man whom has @een *sin) 9eith Hammon'As i'entity as an a+ias +ooDe' at me an' sai' G2hatAs rocDet ?*e+G. $ater that 'ay I was ?e' an irra'iate' s*@ ro++ when I or'ere' an Ita+ian S*@ ?rom 2e'eschiAs. 2he wor' G7hreno@+iG was *se' +ater '*rin) a psych war?are attacD '*rin) which a mo(ie on a '(' was e'ite'. 3*rin) the time that I was ?ee+in) i++ ?rom the mo+' poisonin)4 some co worDers o? mine an' my se+? were )ettin) +*nch whi+e on @reaD at a 2e'eschiAs shop in $on'on'erry New Hampshire. 2wo thin)s I notice' whi+e there< a man who +ooDe' +iDe 2om 2ancre'o stan'in) o*tsi'e in a ?+i)ht IacDet4 an' a man stan'in) in the 'oorway sentine+ +iDe starin) me 'own whi+e wearin) a U;S in(estments ?irm win'@reaDer IacDet. I ha' recent+y emai+e' 2om 2ancre'o on myspace a@o*t the North American Union4 to which he rep+ie' 5 GI am oppose' to it4 an' I am (otin) to @+ocD it.G 3*rin) the time that I was worDin) at N*cast in $on'on'erry NH. 2om 2ancre'o seems to ha(e @een in char)e o? pri(ate in(esti)ations in(o+(in) the same tar)ets that the 70inte+Pro em@e''e'

a)ents ha' @een tar)ettin)4 these @ein) I'entity Po+itic )ro*ps. Accor'in) to news so*rces4 he was a+so a Persona Non Grata '*rin) the Geor)e ;*sh a'ministration. 2he em@e''in) o? Pri(ate In(esti)ators amon)st I'entity Gro*ps o? any Din' is a tactic which my co*sin B*+ianna ha' 'escri@e' that B*+i*s 1(o+a *se' in Sici+y to contro+ the Sici+ians an' to i'enti?y those which he tar)ette'. 2om 2ancre'o spoDe at a ra++y that the $ea)*e o? the So*th an' the 7e+tic ;rotherhoo' were present at. It is a 'e?inite pro@a@i+ity that A6IS So+'iers are em@e''e' within the 9*9+*C 9+an an' that they are em@e''e' in the 9*9+*C 9+an ?or the p*rpose o? in?i+tratin) the U.S.A. Go(ernment '*rin) an A6IS Mi+itary 7o*p 'e 1tat that the 9*9+*C 9+an reta+iate a)ainst @y metho' o? 7o*p 'e 1tat on the A6IS occ*pie' U.S.A. Go(ernment. 2he 9*9+*C in the name G9*9+*C 9+anG re?ers to a 7hicDen 7oop an' the termino+o)y 7o*p 'e 1tat. I? the A6IS mi+itari+y or otherwise 3ecapitate' an' occ*pie' the U.S.A. Go(ernment < a Nationa+ist .action wo*+' ha(e to 7o*p 'e 1tat the )o(ernment ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) the A6IS .action ?rom eCterminatin) the North American #aces. 2he A6IS 'e?inite+y in?i+trate' the 9*9+*C 9+an an' ha(e a+so create' +ists o? their ?ami+ies. I ha(e hear' that the ma)a>ine G2he Ins*r)entG which was a ?a(orite o? Geor)e $inco+n #ocDwe++As 4 occaisiona++y printe' 7ypher 7omm*nications ?or A6IS So+'iers to rea' < these A6IS So+'iers were enemies o? the U.S.A. an' S+eeper A)ents that were em@e''e' within the 9*9+*C 9+an 4 theG American Na>i PartyG 4 an' other Nationa+ist or)ani>ations as we++ as :hite #acia+ist or)ani>ations ?or p*rpose o? tar)ettin) American Nationa+ist .action an' I'entity ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) them ?rom recapt*rin) the U.S.A. Go(ernment '*rin) an A6IS .action co*p 'e etat o? the U.S.A. )o(ernment. It is a pro@a@i+ity that the GAmerican Na>i PartyG an' other A6IS 2heme' #acia+ist I'entity 0r)ani>ations were ori)ina++y ?o*n'e' ?or the p*rpose o? +*rin) the 9*9+*C 9+an to speaD with them so that the A6IS co*+' +earn the names an' i'entities o? the 9*9+*C 9+an. It is possi@+e that this was 2om 2ancre'o 4 the airport is on+y one mi+e ?rom this +ocation 5 it is a+so possi@+e that this was an Ita+ian +ooD a+iDe hire' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e to commit this attacD or e(en stan' near@y whi+e it was committe'. 2hat 'ay4 9eith Hammon' ca++e' o*r or'er in at 2e'eschiAs 5 I or'ere' an Ita+ian s*@ 4 which 9eith or'ere' *sin) his own ce++ phone as Gan Ita+ian S*@ with one picD+e4 one o+i(e4 one tomato4 an' one +ett*ce.G. As we were +ea(in) the 2e'eschiAs )as station 4 I *nwrappe' my s*@ an' @e)an to taDe a @ite 5 my 'enta+ ?i++in)s ?e+t +iDe I ha' @it 'own on tin?oi+ an' a+most +iDe they were (i@ratin). #a'ioacti(e Io'ine 'isso+(e' in water has in the past @een *se' to #a'iation Poison po+itica+ tar)ets4 ci(i+ian tar)ets4 an' mi+itary tar)ets5 ?or instance < 'isso+(e' irra'iate' io'ine co*+' @e @aste' with a @r*sh onto the s*@ ro++ which is then +e?t in ?ront o? a so*rce o? ra'iation ?or a 'ay or so< it wo*+' then @e @ro*)ht to a san'which shop an' pacDe' with co+' c*ts. 3etection @y sec*rity cameras wo*+' @e attempte' thro*)h a(oi'ance o? (i'eo recor'in)5 this wo*+' @e achei(e' @y ?irst p*rchasin) a san'wich to )o4 +ater ret*rnin) with the s*@ro++ in the san'wich @a) *n'er pretense that it was ma'e incorrect+y4 a new s*@ wo*+' @e ma'e an' the irra'iate' s*@marine ro++ wo*+' @e +e?t in tin?oi+ ?or the p*rpose o? +ater ?ee'in) it to a speci?ic tar)et c*stomer. 2his is simi+ar to the 3irecte' #a'iation :eapons @ein) *se' co(ert+y on ci(i+ians in @oth North America an' the Unite' 9in)'om o? Great ;ritain an' Northern Ire+an'. It is pro@a@+e that parts ?rom microwa(e o(ens4 we+'in) too+s4 e+ectrica+ en)ineerin) too+s4 ce++ phones4 an' toaster o(en parts are *se' in the constr*ction o? one o? these 'e(ices 5 they are +ater p+ante' @ehin' a*tomo@i+e 'ash@oar's4 apartment wa++s4 an' e+sewhere < soon to @e acti(ate' @y an anonymo*s phone ca++. 2hese 'e(ices ca*se irra'iation o? meta+s 5 ca*sin) them to heat4 irra'iation o? @io+o)ica+ +i?e?orms 5 ca*sin) interna+ ra'iation 'ama)e4 an' mi+' ra'io inter?erence. I? the (ictim was s*r)ica++y )ra?te' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7hip or Ne*roPatch 5 the transmissions ?rom the impro(ise' ro*ter 'e(ices which ha(e @een @ein) *se' wo*+' pro(e that the @o'y was @ein) e??ecte' @y ra'iation 'ama)e. 1(en tho*)h a Ne*roPatch 7omp*ter Inter?ace is re+ati(e+y sma++4 resi'*a+s o? the entire Ne*roSystem are transmitte' an' so?tware can @e *se' to amp+i?y the +ess (isi@+e portions o? the Ne*roSystem. #a'io acti(e io'i>e' hea(y water was +iDe+y to ha(e @een *se' a the res*+t o? my +i(in) with my A*nt $es+ie $a(oie ;ryan an' my co*sin Michae+ Io'ice 5 Io'i>e so*n's +iDe Io'ice. My A*nt

$es+ieAs eC h*s@an'As ?ami+y may possi@+y @e a tar)et 5 Michae+ an' his @rother 7hristopherAs ?atherAs name is A+ Io'ice. 3*rin) 200% 5 prior to their 'i(orce4 A+ Io'ice was +i(in) at $inco+n St. in Manchester New Hampshire with my A*nt $es+ie as we++ as my co*sins Michae+ an' 7hristopher. 3*rin) 200! 4 whi+e I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' 5 the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' state' G9ris 4 with a 9 4 ?rom 9ent*cDy.... with G+asses 4 no thanDs I*st one 4 an' @ear'. ItAs a monoc+e.G this was an o@(io*s re?erence to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas @ein) ma'e 'irect+y in ?ront o? me. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' ma'e a IoDe G2astey M*tatesNG an' GI? some@o'y ?ee's yo* somethin) in yo*r mi+D that maDes yo* m*tate4 'oes that mean that yo* moo tate'OG. 3*rin) the year 200!4 20084 or 200" < the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi ma'e a comment a@o*t a csrtoon character in a cartoon series who was a H*a'rapa+e)ic who was missin) a++ ?o*r o? his +im@s. Pach An'rosDiAs imposte*r a+so mentione' 2eCas an' ma'e a comment state' that i? I wasnAt care?*+ my sisterAs +im@s co*+' a++ @e hacDe' o??. 2here is a )ir+ that this happene' to in $ore'o 2eCas. Aro*n' 2hanDsGi(in) '*rin) the year 200! 4 3e@@ie 3*mont o? 2ay+a $aw(erAs an' 2wy+aAs ?ami+y 5 attempte' to poison me to 'eath @y poisonin) me with ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee 5 '*rin) what was approCimate+y 2010 5 I was in?orme' that their their ?ami+y mo(e' to $or'eo 2eCas @rie?+y an' were *sin) others I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < ?rom what I ha(e @een to+' 4 they ?aDe' a marria)e in one o? the $ore'o 2eCas $i@raries ParDs an' mo(e' with new I'enti?iction 7re'entia+s. I ha(e @een to+' that 2om 2ancre'o ha' some connection to $ore'o 2eCas '*rin) the year 2005. 3*rin) the approCimate year 200! 4 the imposte*r Pach An'rosDi ma'e a stran)e comment. 2he imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi state' that he ha' a ha+? sister who ha' @een @ein) rape' thro*)ho*t her entire +i?e since she was an in?ant @y her motherAs @oy?rien' 5 he sai' that the man ha' 'one somethin) to her in(o+(in) hypnosis an' that when she ?ina++y was o+' eno*)h to press char)es herse+? an' )et him arreste' < when it )ot to co*rt 4 the man I*st shine' a )o+' cross pen'ant at her an' she was hypnoti>e' an' @ecame *na@+e to ta+D in co*rt. He c+aime' that this pre(ente' her ?rom testi?yin). 2his statement was 'i)*stin) an' eCtreme+y simi+ar to what happene' to my Mother an' my Sisters. 2his resem@+e' 7hris 2homasAs attacDs on my sister Sheena MacPherson an' his ?ather =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs an' his 7rime So+'ier G7h*cDAsG attacDs on my mother when she was a +itt+e )ir+. :hen my mother as a yo*n) chi+' 4 my Nana was ?orce' to marry a man on paperworD an' was @ein) SeC 2ra??icDe' as we++ as was my Mother < @y a man who +i(e' in New1n)+an' in a town that ha' on+y a ?ew Po+ice 0??icers. 2he Po+ice 0??icers in the town were 7rime So+'iers o? the 7rime Syn'icate that was SeC 2ra??icDin) my Mother @etween the a)es o? 5 to 1% years o+' < she was not a@+e to escape ?or " years 4 her mother co*+' not )et away ?rom the man ?or +on) eno*)h to )et her chi+'ren an' herse+? to sa?ety 5 they were *se' as Initiation 7rime =ictims. 3*rin) my ?ami+iesA 1"88 Ha++oween Party 4 7hris 2homas committe' an Initiation 7rime *pon e(ery in'i(i'*a+ at the party 5 7hris 2homas 'r*))e' the .r*it P*nch ;ow+ 4 han'e' peop+e 'r*))e' 7i)arettes 4 an' 'r*))e' the MariI*ana ci)arettes with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin < as we++ as 'i' he 'r*) BacD 3ionAs @eer with a se'ati(e. A?ter 'r*))in) the a'*+ts 7hris 2homas porno)raphe' the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party 4 who were on+y 5 an' E years o+' 5 whi+e the maIority o? the a'*+ts were o*tsi'e at the @on?ire sittin) in chairs incoherent an' 'isassociate'. 2he most 'is)*stin) thin) 7hris 2homas 'i' was taDe a photo)raph o? his ?in)ers insi'e o? my s+eepin) 1year o+' sister SheenaAs an*s an' (a)ina. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? the year 1"8" < my .ather 4 my se+? 4 .ran McG*ire 4 9eith McG*ire 4 an' my *nc+e Scot 7arty 5 'ro(e to #ichmon' =ir)inia to meet *p with 7+int -1man*e+e8. 2his was 2 'ays prior to the %th o? B*+y. 3*rin) the co*rse o? the e(enin) we wa+De' past the Scottish #ite Masonic $o')e that is in #ichmon' =ir)inia an' 9eith McG*ire remarDe' *pon how interestin) +ooDin) the @*i+'in) was. 3*rin) the co*rse o? the ni)ht we 'isc*sse' the m*sician G.G. A++in 4 my

*nc+e Scot 7arty to+' 7+int -1man*e+e8 that Scot @e+ie(e' that 7+intAs @rother 7hris 2homas was psychotic an' 'is)*stin) an' @e+on)e' in a Psychiatric Instit*tion 4 an' they smoDe' a MariI*ana 7i)arette. 3*rin) the ear+y A*t*mn o? the year 1"8" < my .ather 4 my se+? 4 my co*sin 3*sty 4 my sister Sheena 4 my *nc+e Scot 4 an' my Mother 'ro(e to #ichmon' =ir)inia to )o to a party. :hi+e at the party 4 my co*sin 3*sty an' I spent most o? my time p+ayin) with #o@ot Action .i)*res with a @oy name' somethin) +iDe Baco@ 4 Sean 4 or Bosh*a 5 whi+e we were p+ayin) with #o@ots 4 the @oys @rother came home. As the @oyAs @rother was wa+Din) into the ho*se 4 he @e)an to te++ me that he hate' his @rother an' that his @rother was act*a++y a'opte' an' was Iea+o*s o? him. He to+' me that his @rother was act*a++y an a'*+t an' was a'opte' 4 @*t that his o+'er @rother hates him e(en tho*)h he is a chi+'. :hen his @rother wa+De' into the ho*se an' e(ent*a++y into his room 4 I ?o*n' o*t that his @rother was 7hris 2homas. I acci'ent+y ca++e' 7hris 2homas the name G9e(inG an' he )ot eCtreme+y an)ry < a?terwar's 4 I was to+' that he is a+ways eCtreme+y an)ry. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1"8"4 I met a @rother o? 7+int 2ay+orAs who ca++e' himse+? J7hris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDyK as 7+int ha' a+so ca++e' himse+? 4 @*t may ha(e @een name' 9e(in or somethin) simi+ar. $ater that a?ternoon 4 the a'*+ts ha' wante' @eer an' were +ow on so'a < my se+? 4 my co*sin 3*sty 4 my *nc+e Scot 4 an' my .ather 5 wa+De' to a store to @*y ;eer an' So'a. 0n the way to the store < my ?ather mentione' o(erhearin) the man whoAs ho*se we were at 4 ta+Din) to a G=ictorG 5 he sai' to Scot 4 GMan... 'i' yo* hear that assho+e ta+Din) to him on the phoneO 2hatAs =ictor. I 'o not +iDe =ictor. He is an assho+e. I hear' what he sai'. He sai' that he wante' to see more te+e(ision shows an' mo(ies o? American In'ians @ein) s+a*)htere' 4 @eca*se they comp+ain so m*ch it sho*+' @e +o*'er an' on te+e(ision a++ the time. He is an assho+e. 2hat man sho*+' @e Di++e'. 2here are a+most no Nati(e Americans +e?t anywhere in North America an' my wi?e an' chi+'ren are that an' are in his ho*se. He @etter not come o(er. :e sho*+' I*st +ea(e. I 'onAt thinD I tr*st any o? these peop+e.G . 2he neCt 'ay we ?o*n' o*t that whi+e we were wa+Din) to )et so'a an' @eer 4 an' ta+Din) a@o*t what =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' sai' on the phone to 7hris 2homasAs a'opti(e .ather 5 7hris 2homas an' his a'opti(e ?ather ha' poisone' my motherAs @e(era)e with 3isassociati(e 3r*) 4 he+' a Dni?e to her throat an' my 2 1Q2 year o+' sister SheenaAs throat 4 an' 'eman'e' that my Mother p*t her han' in my sister SheenaAs 'iaper so that they co*+' taDe a photo)raph. 2hey Dept the photo)raph a?terwar's. My Mother 'i'nAt remem@er anythin) *nti+ the neCt 'ay < that ni)ht she ha' tho*)ht that she ha' 'ranD to m*ch an' @+acDe' o*t 4 @*t she 'i'nAt 'rinD any a+choho+ *nti+ she ha' a #*m F 7oDe @e?ore her ;eer. :hen she to+' my 'a' 4 he was ?*rio*s an' 'i' not Dnow how to han'+e the sit*ation 5 he ha' o(erhear' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ins*+tin) my MotherAs race an' eCp+aine' what he ha' hear' to my Mother < my Mother @ecame eCtreme+y 'epresse' a?ter hearin) that their ?ami+y wishe' ?or my MotherAs race to @e Gs+a*)htere'G. She p*t her hea' on the win'ow an' crie'. 3*rin) the S*mmer season o? the neCt year my .ather ?o*n' o*t ?rom .ran McG*ire that 7hris 2homas poisone' e(eryone at the 1"88 Ha++oween Party with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin an' ha' porno)raphe' a++ o? the chi+'ren 4 .ran McG*ire was to+' this @y BacD 3ion who ha' @een in?orme' o? this 5 the =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' 7hris 2homas c+aime' that these photo)raphs were ?or the p*rpose o? ;+acD Mai+in) BacD 3ion 4 A+ Io'ice 4 an' my .ather. 3*rin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 1""! ;irth'ay Party 4 BacD 3ion an' my se+? were @oth in(ite' o(er the te+ephone @y name 5 BacD 3ion on his own home te+ephone 4 an' my se+? in(ite' to #o@ert #o'on o(er his te+ephone. At =ittorioAs 1""! ;irth'ay Party < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e to+' BacD 3ion a ?a@ricate' story a@o*t a +itt+e Di' p*ttin) his han' in a @a@ies 'iaper at a 7hristmas Party 4 ten min*tes a?ter this 5 =ittorio )ot BacDAs attention an' pointe' at me 4 sayin) G:e++O IsnAt that the Di'O .rom.. the 7hristmas partyOG to which BacD 3ion rep+ie' GNo that 'i'nAt happen an' yo* Dnow that. /o* Dnow who he is. /o* in(ite' me here 4 ?or thisO /o* a+rea'y Dnow who he is. /o* Dnow I Dnow his parents. /o* 9N0: that isnAt what happene'. 2hat +itt+e )*y 'i'nAt 'o anythin).G. BacD 3ion 4 S*e 3ion 4 an' 7hristine 3ion 5 ha' atten'e' my ?ami+yAs 7hristmas Party '*rin) the approCimate year 1""2 or 1""%. It has @ecome apparent that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his son 7hris 2homas ha(e an o@session

with 7hi+' Porno)raphy 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 ;+acD Mai+in) the ?ami+ies o? Ita+ian 1spiona)e A)ents who Dnow who the 1man*e+e ?ami+y are 4 attemptin) to ?rame innocent peop+e ?or their own crimes 4 an' an intense hatre' o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans as we++ as An)+o Gae+ic Americans. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e raise' 7hris 2homas in s*ch an o@sessi(e manner that he s*ccee'e' at )roomin) 4 rewar'in) 4 an' 'iscip+inin) 7hris 2homas to @ecome eCact+y the same as himse+? in a+most e(ery way < inc+*'in) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs sins4 (ices4 an' crimes. :hi+e sittin) in the @acD seat o? the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon's car with the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi 4 the two o? them @e)an ta+Din) a@o*t Aaron 1man*e+e an' his ?ami+yAs G)an)G 5 they 'i'nAt rea+i>e that I co*+' hear them. 2hey mentione' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims name' 1mi+y 4 2ia 4 an' =a+erie. 2hey a+so mentione' 'own+oa'in) a (iewin) the (i'eos GGir+ 9i@@ies 4 $e) 9icDs +iDe 'o)G 4 G Gir+ rape' *nti+ @+ee'in)G 4 G)ir+ ?orce' to 'eep throat a t*r'G 4 Gtwo 1% year o+' )ir+s ?*cDin) on the ?+oor at a partyG 4 G)ir+ with stran)e )rowths on ?ace h*mi+iate' 4 shit on 4 (omite' on 4 an' @*DDaDe'G4 an' G#ocDy Mo*nt Gir+G . 2hese (i'eos were 'escri@e' as GAaron 1man*e+eAs @rotherAs )an)G an' Gthe )ir+s ?rom the 1man*e+es partyG. 2hese (i'eos were (iewe' an' 'own+oa'e' @y the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' 4 whi+e Pach An'rosDiAs imposte*r was +i(in) at E%0 So*th Porter Street Manchester NewHampshire :HISP1#ING M1A30:S. 2hese are e(i'ence o? :ar 7rimes. 2hese (i'eos are recor'in)s o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6ISAs :ar 7rimes *pon the ci(i+ians o? the U.S.A. an' their ?ami+ia+ as we++ as racia+ tar)ets in North America. Pach An'rosDiAs imposte*r *se' 13onDey to 'own+oa' these 4 #e'2*@e.7om 4 ;it 2orrent 4 an' other ?i+eshares. 3*rin) 200! 5 @roa'caste' on the ra'io in 9eith Hammon'As car which was @ein) 'ri(en @y an imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' was a 'isc*ssion se)ment '*rin) which the ra'io host state' 5 GHatre' o? Bews is re+i)ionist 4 itAs not racist. B*'aism isnAt a race 4 itAs a re+i)ion.G 2his statement is a@s*r' an' 'etracts ?rom the ?act that eCterminatin) Bewish pop*+ation eCterminates a speci?ic physica+ race o? peop+e in the process. B*'aism is a .o+D #e+i)ion 5 B*'aism is the .o+D #e+i)ion o? the Israe+i race. I? a .o+D #e+i)ion is tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e 4 it res*+ts in the eCtermination o? a race. A .o+D is a #ace o? Peop+e. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a?ter the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' ha' asDe' the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi Gwhat was it that yo* were sayin) to me the other 'ay a@o*t peop+e )ettin) rape'OG the imposte*r Pach An'rosDi was o(erhear' sayin) to the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' 5 G2heyAre I*st p*ttin) these in their @rains an' +ettin) them rape them. 2heyAre I*st Di++in) the ma+es. IsnAt it @etter to )et rape' an' @e a++owe' to +i(e than @e Di++e' an' @e 'ea'O 2heyAre )oin) to @e ?*cDin) +iDe their +i(es 'epen' on it... @eca*se they 'o.G. Since this time 4 there has @een si)hte' a secon' imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon'. 2he secon' imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' is 5A11G in hei)ht 4 9eith Hammon' was act*a++y on+y 5A!G. 9eith Hammon' was An)+o Gae+ic USAmerican an' 7ana'ian. He is pres*me' to ha(e @een Di++e' '*rin) 200E an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. :hi+e he was +i(in) at E%0 So*th Porter Street :hisperin) Mea'ows apartments 4 the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi who was +i(in) with the imposte*r o? Mo++y Go''ar' An'rosDi 4 'own+oa'e' as we++ as (iewe' on #e'2*@e.7om < the e(i'ence o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 3anie+ BamesAs 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs Initiation 7rimes which ha' @een recor'e' an' p*@+ishe' to internet we@sites an' ?i+e sharin) we@sites an' ser(ers s*ch as 13onDey 5 as i? they were porno)raphy. He an' the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' 4 'isc*sse' this. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 5 the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' ha' 'isc*sse' watchin) a porno)raphic (i'eo o? a +itt+e )ir+ @ein) rape' ana++y whi+e her mo*th was stitche' sh*t @y either @+acD ?ishin) +ine or me'ica+ stitchin). A hacDer who worDs with the Pri(ate In(esti)ator whom I ha(e @een speaDin) to to+' me that this may ha(e @een a re+ati(e o? mine who was a@'*cte' an'

swappe' with another +itt+e )ir+. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 5 the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi mentione' to the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' that he ha' seen a GpornoG (i'eo on the internet wherein a @+in' woman was @a+ancin) pennies on her eye+i's whi+e per?ormin) 'o) tricDs s*ch as @a+ancin) a 'o) @isc*it on her nose @ri')e an' snappin) her hea' @acD to catch it in her mo*th 4 the same tricD was per?orme' with a @eer pon) @a++. 2he @+in' woman was a+so ?orce' to s*@mit seC*a++y to % men whi+e @ein) ?orce' to @a+ance pennies on her eye+i's. 2he (ictimAs assai+ants were Ita+ians. I @e+ie(e that this (i'eo may ha(e @een 2*rDoIan pop *p 'isp+aye' on my 'esDtop whi+e I was on the comp*ter '*rin) the a*t*mn o? 200! an' I c+ose' the win'ow in 'is)*st '*e to the cr*e+ty o? the (i'eo. 2he pennies on the eye+i's in this (i'eo remin's me o? 7hristine 3ion screamin) GItAs Pee:eeAs P+ayHo*seNG an' 'ancin) eCcite'+y when the woman with the pennies ?or eye+i's appeare' on the te+e(ision screen '*rin) o*r 1"88 Ha++oween Party 5 this was the ni)ht that =ittorioAs son 7hris 2homas chi+' porno)raphe' 7hristine 3ion an' my se+? as we++ as Samantha G*ay an' my co*sins a?ter 'r*))in) the entire party. It is pro@a@+e that the @+in' woman in the (i'eos who was @ein) ?orce' to s*@mit seC*a++y to % men an' per?orm 'o) tricDs whi+e @a+ancin) pennies on her eyes 4 was @ein) threatene' @y )reen teCt @y ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 0c*+ar Ner(e 2eCt So?tware an' was @ein) Ne*ro #o@otic Animate' to position herse+? a speci?ic way an' per?orm speci?ic physica+ actions. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' were o(erhear 'isc*sin) a (i'eo on the internet wherein a +itt+e )ir+ is rape' @y a o+'er man who Deeps repeate'+y sayin) G#ocDy Mo*ntG 5 the o+' man was 'escri@e' as ha(in) sores on his penis that +ooDe' +iDe SeC*a++y 2ransmitte' 3iseases < I ha(e @een to+' that his +itt+e )ir+ was a co*sin o? mine an' that the o+' man was a SeC 0??en'er that the 1man*e+e .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' recr*ite' an' )i(en a (ictimAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to an' has @een @ein) *se' as an Assassin an' an 1spiona)e A)ent as we++ as a P+ace Ho+'er ?or the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. A?ter the ra'iation poisonin) ha' occ*rre' an' I was sti++ ?ee+in) eCtreme+y i++ ?rom the ;+acD Mo+' poisonin) < whi+e I was 'ri(in) in my car4 ?ee+in) the eCcr*ciatin) pain o? the @+acD mo+' an' the irra'iate' s*@marine ro++ 5 the ra'io was set to "1.5 .M at UMASS $owe++4 the on+y station I *s*a++y +isten to. 2he ra'io commentary was a*'io '*@@e' to say that the +ast tracD was an e+ectronic artist name' #a'ioacti(e San'wich. GI want some more san'wich4 what 'o yo* wantO I 'onAt Dnow what 'o yo* want to p+ayO I thinD weA++ p+ay somethin) e+se instea'.G itAs o@(io*s that the a*'io '*@@in) is +ayere' with the act*a+ transmission +ea(in) o?? where some@o'y is a@o*t to picD *p the con(ersation an' say somethin) incre'i@+y typica+. I +ooDe' *p this @an' on Myspace < to ?in' that the man ha' a myspace ca++e' #a'ioacti(e San'wich 4 that the m*sic was compose' entire+y with .r*ity$oops 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation4 an' that the photo)raph o? the artist +ooDe' incre'i@+y ?ami+iar to me an' appeare' to @e a photo ?rom some@o'yAs ?ace@ooD which was photoshoppe' an' eCtreme+y e'itte' with e??ects to hi'e the i'entity o? the ori)ina+ in'i(i'*a+ in the photo. 2he photo)raph +ooDe' +iDe a photo)raph o? ;o@ Sha)o*ry e'ite' with specia+ e??ects ?rom photo e'itin) so?tware. Any@o'y can *p+oa' a tracD onto a co++e)e stationAs comp*terAs p+ay+ist an' reH*est it4 any@o'y can maDe a ?ree myspace ?or an ima)inary @an' that 'oes not eCist4 a+so 5 I 'onAt thinD any@o'y wo*+' e(er name their @an' #a'ioActi(e San'wich. It is a+so possi@+e to wire a transmittin) 'e(ice to speaDer wire that is ma'e o? Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts. ;ein) that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y has tar)ette' entire re)iona+ pop*+ations4 ?ami+ies4 re+i)io*s comm*nities4 an' e(en in'i(i'*a+s ?or )enoci'e 5 it is +o)ica+ that the imp+ante' GPS tracDin) 'e(ices an' S*r)ica+ Imp+ant Ne*ro7irc*it ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are ena@+in) the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate to carry o*t a si+ent )enoci'e thro*)h tact?*+ app+ication o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 4 para+y>in) the in'i(i'*a+ an' cripp+in) the comm*nities response @y ?ramin) the Genoci'e =ictims as

schi>ophrenic th*s 'iscre'itin) them as witnesses to their own )enoci'e. I? the in'i(i'*a+ can not cry ?or he+p witho*t @ein) p*t in the Psychiatic Unit o? the Hospita+ which the Genoci'a+ .action owns4 the comm*nity can not he+p the tar)ette' in'i(i'*a+s 5 the Nationa+ 3e?ense is cripp+e'. I? no a*thorities wi++ 'e?en' the ci(i+ians as a res*+t o? a++ o? the $aw 1n?orcement Positions @ein) ?i++e' entire+y @y mem@ers o? the Genoci'a+ .action < the ci(i+ians wi++ 'ie si+ent+y. I? the witness statement is p+ace' in the han's o? the )*i+ty ?action4 they wi++ throw it away or a+ter it in some way. 2his terrorist ?action4 is an Ita+ian A6IS .action +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icate. 0n a si'e note < re+ate' to the 'isappearance o? =a+erie 0+son whom was +ast seen in 2005 an' recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7ameras a?ter enterin) .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire with some Here'itary Genetic 3isease that she 'i' not ori)ina++y ha(e 5 the imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' possi@+y mentione' her to the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi in 200! whi+e I was worDin) at N*7ast. 9eithAs imposte*r asDe' Pach 4 G3i' yo* see the one with the )ir+ with the )rowths a++ o(er her ?aceO She ha' what +ooDe' +iDe nasty wart +ooDin) mo+es a++ o(er her ?ace an' they @*DDaDeA' her 4 (omitte' on her 4 an' shit on her ?ace.G this may ha(e @een pop *ppe' @y a hacDer *sin) 2*rDoIan% Go+' 4 the ni)ht @e?ore I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' aro*n' 2hanDsGi(in). N*mero*s (i'eos o? women @ein) a@*se' were pop *ppe' @y hacDers '*rin) No(em@er 200! in Manchester NewHampshire 4 'isp+aye' to ?rien's an' +o(e' ones o? the (ictimsA who were ?ema+es that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS .action a@*se' horri@+y on camera an' (i'eo)raphe' as we++ as +oa'e' onto the internet. 2hese women are :ar #ape =ictims an' Genoci'e =ictims o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action. A?ter @ein) poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' 4 I +ost my Io@ an' @ecame home+ess. I @e)an +i(in) in my car. 3*rin) the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are that ha' occ*rre' a?ter I ha' @een poisone' < I 'eci'e' to checD in to a Psychiatric Unit ?or an attempte' rest ?or p*rpose o? reha@i+itatin) my se+? physica++y. Upon re)isterin) at the 1mer)ency #oom at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter < I was temporari+y +e' to an 1mer)ency #oom in the @asement o? the hospita+ to await @+oo' tests an' me'ica+ e(a+*ation. I was transporte' to Amherst Street in Nash*a where there is a psychiatric *nit. :hi+e a'mitte' there4 some imposte*r G;ritishG peop+e came in an' (isite' '*rin) a @ea'in) session. 0ne o? the two o? these peop+e were o@(io*s+y inten'e' to appear as i? she was 1+i>a@eth Hano(er < I ha' a+rea'y so+' an 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast 2ea to 1+i>a@eth Hano(er 4 whom ha' *se' her cre'it car' to p*rchase it at my re)ister. I ha(e a photo)raphic memory. 2he ?aDe 1+i>a@eth Hano(er was wearin) a re' haire' wi) an' my sister S*mmerAs @+*e straw hat. She sai' GMy name is 1+i>a@eth 2*'or4 I was raise' a 7atho+ic an' I am an 1piscopa+ian.G 2he theme o? the psycho+o)ica+ war?are in the Amherst Street Psychiatric :ar' was ?oc*se' on #e+i)io*s I'entity 5 m*ch o? the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he G7hap+ainG o? the ?aci+ity was preten'in) to @e a Protestant 7hristian an' posin) as imposte*r o? an ethnic An)+o SaCon. As I was @ein) escorte' to +ea(e4 some@o'y ha' written I.#.A. on my +ocDer. I asDe' the G7hap+ainG why it sai' I.#.A. on my +ocDer4 to which he rep+ie' GIsnAt that yo*r name ri)ht thereOG in a creepy (oice. IAm not an Irish 7atho+ic an' my name is +in)*istica++y Scottish. IAm American an' an Asatr*ar. 0n+y some parts o? the .ranco American si'e o? my ?ami+y are 7atho+ic. 2his was a)ain < psycho+o)ica+ war?are A)ent Pro(ocate*r operations ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to maDe me ?ear my own )o(ernment4 my own peop+e4 an' my own s*rro*n'in)s4 as we++ as ?rien'+y nations< an' to possi@+y pro(oDe (io+ence. I am

not s*re how this one was accomp+ishe' @*t it seeme' +iDe =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' rep+ace' a n*m@er o? Go(ernment 0??icia+s an' that .ranD G*inta as we++ as others in the re)ion were worDin) ?or them. 2his was a @reach o? patient con?i'entia+ity an' a (io+ation o? my h*man ri)hts. 2he 7y@er 2errorist Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are a)ent ha' aro*n' this time e'ite' a wiDipe'ia o? ;i++ 7+inton an' another o? 1+i>a@eth Hano(er4 c+aimin) that they are o? ?ami+ia+ re+ation. -Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e 5 A'o+? GHit+erG is the c*rrent =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )ran'?atherAs ha+? @rother8 0ne o? the i++e)a+ (isitors that staye' @rie?+y at the Psychiatric Unit whi+e I was in the psychiatric *nit on Amherst Street in Nash*a +ooDe' simi+ar to ;i++ 7+inton an' ha' a +aptop with him whi+e he staye' there as a GpatientG. He was @+on'e4 5A10G4 an' appeare' ha+? An)+o SaCon. 2his man an' I were stan'in) in the 'inin) area +ooDin) at the te+e(ision when a 'oc*mentary a@o*t 1+i>a@eth Hano(er @e)an to @roa'cast on the History 7hanne+. It was a+most +iDe it was time' per?ect+y @y some@o'y worDin) in 7omcast. 2he woman preten'in) to @e 1+i>a@eth +ooDe' 7ana'ian an' spoDe in a ?aDe ;ritish accent 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that this woman was a re+ati(e o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs whom ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' parts o? her ?ace an' comp+eCion in attempt to +ooD +iDe L*een 1+i>a@eth. An artic+e on the internet o? o@(io*s connection to this was an artic+e concernin) a M*s+im man whom ha' proporte'+y ma'e threats *nto the ;ritish Monarchy < this artic+e sai' that these threats were meant to scare an' not to harm 4 it is o@(io*s that this artic+e was part o? the 1man*e+esA propa)an'a campai)n which was accompanie' @y GM*r'ere' ;y the Monarchy I++*minati IIIG an' was ?or the inten'e' p*rpose o? ?ramin) the ;ritish Aristocracy ?or m*r'er. 3*rin) 200% 4 Henry MaDow o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7aAs imposte*r < p*@+ishe' an artic+e 'ec+arin) A'o+? Hit+er to @e a ;ritish A)ent. 2hese peop+e were recor'e' @y sec*rity camera4 which I @e+ie(e transmitte' to a centra+ h*@ stora)e 'e(ice @y way o? ra'io ?reH*ency transmission. Anythin) that is e(er e+ectronica++y transmitte' is retrie(a@+e @y .e'era+ an' Mi+itary in(esti)ations. A++ o? the 1man*e+esA terrorist attacDs are (io+ations o? the Gene(a 7on(ention '*e to the ?act that the tar)ets are a+most entire+y 7i(i+ians4 many o? their attacDs in(o+(e H*man =i(isection s*ch as Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isection an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy =ira+ :ar?are4 :ar #ape o? chi+'ren an' women4 Genoci'e4 an' attempts to .a+se .+a) their attacDs as other .actions an' Nations o? peop+e. :ith a++ o? these (io+ations o? h*man ri)hts an' @reaches o? sec*rity4 it seems 'e?inite that n*mero*s 7IA A)ents ha(e @een worDin) ?or the ?action that has 'one a++ o? these thin)s. $eon Panetta was in the 7IA at this time an' may ha(e some Dnow+e')e which co*+' +ea' to an arrest in(o+(in) this. .ranD G*inta was the mayor o? Manchester New Hampshire at this time. Banet Napo+itano was the 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity. #*'y Gi*+iani may ha(e @een mayor in New /orD. 2he two 1M2s that @ro*)ht me ?rom the So*thern New Hampshire #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter to the psychiatric war' on Amherst street in Nash*a New Hampshire c+aime' to @e Po+ice ?rom Manchester an' state' that they were o*tsi'e o? their I*ris'iction 5 they @oth ha' @+on'e hair4 @+*e eyes 4 an' @oth +ooDe' An)+o Gae+ic as we++ as 3e*tsche. 2he stereotypica+ @+acD F white (a+*es in(o+(e' in this seems typica+ o? a co(ert operation tryin) to co(er their tracDs with scape)oats as we++ as was most o? this attempts at *sin) I'entity Po+itics ca*se a 3esta@+i>e' Psycho+o)y an' a potentia+ attacD @etween pop*+ation )ro*ps. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A)ent Pro(ocate*r 2actics ha(e @een eCtreme '*rin) the past ten years. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een or'erin) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to pro(oDe terrorist attacDs an' that he has em@e''e' a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy within USA an' Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence ?or the p*rpose o? )atherin) in?ormation to ai' in the 1man*e+esA 2actics o? Pro(ocation. 0ne eCamp+e o? what I @e+ie(e was an 1man*e+e 2actic o? Pro(ocation was the stacDin) o? o(er twe+(e m*s+ims in a stacD +iDe a +o)pi+e naDe' an' the photo)raphin) o? this which occ*rre' '*rin) the year 2005 5 this act o? in'encency was pro@a@+y committe' at the or'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+e who inten'e' to *se it to incense the M*s+im pop*+ation a)ainst the USA an' ?or the p*rpose o? 'e+e)itimi>in) the USA an' the Gene(a 7on(ention in the eyes o? the )+o@a+ p*@+ic. 2his is a Sa@ota)in) o? Internationa+ .orei)n #e+ations an' 3ip+omacy 4 this was an act o? 3e?amation ?or the p*rpose o? 3ip+omatic Sa@ota)e. I @e+ie(e that it is

a+so possi@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' an ini'i(i'*a+ to s*))est the G:ater ;oar'in)G which occ*rre' '*rin) 200! that was (iewe' as a =io+ation o? the Gene(a 7on(ention @y the USA Mi+itary ?or the p*rpose o? 3ip+omatic Sa@ota)e an' +ater attemptin) to ?rame GM*s+im =en)eanceG ?or the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate G1nema ;+astin)G women in the ?ace with other womenAs ?eces as Initiation 7rimes 5 ?ramin) the M*s+ims ?or it 4 ?or the p*rpose o? escapin) con(iction ?or 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in the USA *pon the American Peop+es. 1nema ;+astin) is :ater ;oar'in) with ?eces 5 a Pri(ate In(esti)ator has in?orme' me that this is one o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs new Intiation 7rimes which they commit *pon American .ema+es. =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een or'erin) the assassination o? ?ami+ies o? Asatr*ars an' has proporte'+y @een p+annin) to attempt to ?rame Is+am ?or the assassination o? Asatr* ?ami+ies an' Asatr*ars in North America.

3*rin) 2002 5 Ste(e J=inceK Parish to+' me that he @e+ie(e' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartment comp+ete+y an' ha' em@e''e' so many A)ents amon)st the 'epartment that they were near+y r*nnin) the 'epartment themse+(es. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e @een tryin) to co(er *p an eCtreme amo*nt o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 an' 2errorism < an' ha(e @een in(o+(e' in n*mero*s conspiracies to ?oment war?are @etween i'entities an' pop*+ations whom are innocent o? the crimes which they themse+(es ha(e committe' 5 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action attemptin) to ?oment a war @etween the U.S.A. an' the nation o? Ita+ia that wo*+' @e seen @y the Ita+ian peop+e as *nI*st an' *npro(oDe' < an' as a pro'*ct o? the U.S.A. @+amin) the incorrect a'(ersaey 5 is 'e?inite+y o? the patho+o)y o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I=As an' wo*+' @e typica+ o? his +i?e +on) 2errorist an' 7rimina+ :ar?are 7ampai)n. It is a+so pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' his sons .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7+int 2ay+or 4 7hris 2homas 4 3anie+ Bames 4 an' his other sons 5 wo*+' attempt to taDe the Ita+ian )o(ernment entire+y *sin) the same tactic o? recr*itin) 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers as A)ents o? Sa@ota)e an' Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation 4 *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to 'is)*ise 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers a?ter recr*itin) them into the Sa(oy A6IS #e)ime 4 an' wo*+' rewar' these 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers ?or their :ar 7rimes with imm*nity to the +aw an' the a@i+ity to rape any in'i(i'*a+ that these SeC 0??en'ers 'esire to rape witho*t any +e)a+ reperc*ssions 5 the rape o? the Ita+ian ci(i+ians wo*+' pro@a@+y @e @+ame' *pon a ?orei)n a'(ersary as we++ 4 an' *se' as propa)an'a to pre(ent Internationa+ In(esti)ations ?rom in(esti)atin) the in'i(i'*a+s emp+oye' within the Ita+ian )o(ernment nor the Ho*se o? Sa(oy themse+(es ?or the :ar 7rimes. =ittorio 1man*e+e I= 4 his sons 4 an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy seeD to rep+ace the Ita+ian )o(ernment with an o+i)archa+ A6IS #e)ime. 7*rrent+y < it is inten'e' to seem pro@a@+e that Ita+ian Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 3i(ision ha(e @een em@e''e' within the U.S.American 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 $aw In(esti)ations 4 an' $aw 1n?orcement < an' that these a)ents are S+eeper A)ents sent @y the o??icia+ Ita+ian Mi+itary 5 this is ?or p*rpose o? +ater presentin) the U.S.America as the *nI*st anta)onist sho*+' the U.S.America attacD Ita+ia4 this wo*+' assist the Ita+ian A6IS in recr*itin) Sa(oy $oya+ists. It is a 'e?inite ?act that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha(e within their ranDs 4 Ita+ians who ha(e @een traine' @y a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 3i(ision an' that these in'i(i'*a+s are on American soi+ an' are worDin) in cohesion with comp*ter hacDers an' others in attempts to pro(oDe a 2errorist AttacD. 2he Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are attempts o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS th*s ?ar ha(e @een attempts to ?rame men o? Ara@ian race m*tate' to appear to +ooD 1*ropi' &+iDe an Ita+ian, 5 as the i'entity o? the :ar #apist SeC 0??en'ers who ha(e @een rapin) 4 eCterminatin) 4 an' maimin) ci(i+ians in the U.S.America. 2he tr*th is that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather 4 @oth citi>ens o? the U.S.America an' 0+i)archa+ 2errorist Aristocratic 7rime $or's o? the A6IS who +i(e' in the re)ion o? Massach*settes U.S.America at the time 5 are partners an' accomp+ices to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. =ittorio 1man*e+e4 the Ho*se o?

Sa(oy4 an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action are the a++ies o? the Ara@ian A6IS .action 5 since the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 the re+i)ion o? Is+am an' the i'entity o? the Biha'ist ha(e @een *se' as a scape)oat a+i@i ?or the Ara@ian A6IS an' tha(e @een @+ame' ?or the war crimes o? the Ara@ian A6IS. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 U.S.American Presi'ent Geor)e ;*sh 'ec+are' war *pon Jthe A6IS o? 1(i+K 5 the JA6IS o? 1(i+K ha' a+rea'y 'ec+are' war *pon the U.S.America an' ha' @een comittin) :ar 7rimes in secret 4 since the Presi'entia+ A'ministration o? #ichar' NiCon. 2he :ar 7rimes committe' *pon U.S.American ci(i+ians in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces '*rin) the :ar 0n 2error 4 ha(e @een committe' @y the Ita+ian A6IS .action in a 'e?inite cohesi(e e??ort to 'estroy the U.S.America in cooperation with the e??orts o? the Ara@ian A6IS. 3*rin) the @e)innin) o? the :ar on 2error 4 the state' enemy was the A6IS 5 a?ter ha+? o? the :ar in IraH an' A?)hanistan ha' @een comp+ete' 4 the :ar on 2error @e)an to @e 'escri@e' in the USAmerican Me'ia as a :ar A)ainst Biha'ists. 2he reason ?or @+amin) Is+am ?or the :ar on 2error is o@(io*s < the Ita+ian A6IS in North America attempte' to ?oment hatre' o? the USA amon)st the M*s+im pop*+ation )+o@a++y @y imprisonin) innocent M*s+ims a+on) with the )*i+ty Ara@ian A6IS 2errorists an' portrayin) USAmericans thro*)h USAmerican me'ia as hate?*+ o? M*s+ims an' re+i)ions that are not 7hristian 5 the p*rpose o? this was ?or the p*rpose o? recr*itin) Mi+itant A++ies in the re)ions which are ?ormer+y 0ttoman Imperia+ 2erritory 4 this was an attempt at recr*itin) 0ttoman Sh*t>Sta??e+ $e)ions ?or the A6IS. 2his tactic was simi+ar to the +ie which the A6IS printe' on Sh*t>Sta??e+ #ecr*itment .+yers in the 1"30As an' 1"%0As which propa)ate' the +ie that the So(iet Union was p+annin) to attempt G+o@a+ Imperia+ 7onH*est 5 this +ie was printe' on most Sh*t>Sta??e+ #ecr*itment A'(ertisements an' tar)ette' Nationa+ists o? e(ery Nationa+ity other than Israe+i ?or o@(io*s reason that Israe+ ha' I*st 'ec+are' in'epen'ence ?rom the 0ttoman 1mpire 4 the A6IS recr*ite' Nationa+ists to ?i)ht the So(iet Union an' imme'iate+y in(a'e' their Nationa+ Home+an' a?ter their 'ep+oyment in the east. 2he p*rpose o? ?ramin) innocent M*s+ims 4 arrestin) innocent M*s+ims 4 an' +ocDin) them in p+aces +iDe G*antanamo an' .e'era+ Prisons 5 was that the Ita+ian A6IS nee'e' to pre(ent the in(esti)ation o? the I@nSa*' ?ami+y ?or reason that they wo*+' @e time' an' p+ace' with them '*rin) the years prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs an' wo*+' @e in(esti)ate' as a res*+t o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs in(o+(ement in the A6IS an' the Ho+oca*st. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'eci'e' to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs :ar 7rimes as a potentia+ metho' o? ens*rin) that any in(esti)ation into the A6IS re)ime in North America wo*+' ?ai+ to con(ict Ita+ian A6IS an' co*+' @e 'e?+ecte' onto the Ara@ian a++ies o? the Ita+ian A6IS. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian A6IS were a+rea'y 'isc*ssin) the potentia+ *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency ?or p*rpose o? 2errorism 4 .a+se .+a))in) 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 5 this is pro@a@+e to ha(e @een 'isc*sse' with their Ara@ian A6IS a++ies an' it is a pro@a@i+ity that the " 11 .+i)ht HiIacDers ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' manip*+ate' @y metho' o? Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace contro+ o? their Ne*ro+o)y inc+*'in) their 'reams whi+e as+eep 4 their tho*)hts 4 their physica+ mo(ements 4 an' possi@+y e(en hypnosis in(o+(in) wor's s*ch as J:e are nearin) $o)an Airport 4 p+ease remain seate' whi+e we approach the r*n way. 1stimate' time o? +an'in) is approCimate+y 25 min*tes.K which co*+' ha(e @een *se' as tri))er wor's to tri))er responses to stim*+i hypnotica++y pro)ramme' into their ne*ro+o)y an' psycho+o)y whi+e s+eepin) @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. I ha(e possi@+y 3 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my crani*m < the ?irst was possi@+y in imp+ante' 2000 @y Sean ;*cD+ey an' Bason ;e++emore 4 the secon' was 'e?inite+y imp+ante' '*rin) 2002 @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Sean ;*cD+ey 4 the thir' was 'e?inite impante' '*rin) 200! @y an Ita+ian s*r)eon an' an Aryan man who co*+' ha(e possi@+y @een In'ian or Iranian. It is a 'e?inite ?act that the ;*cD+ey ?ami+y4 the ;e++emore ?ami+y4 an' 7hris #o'onAs motherAs ?ami+y who are s*rname' J;an)sK < a++ ha(e ?aDe s*rnames whch are ?act*a++y names o? An)+o herita)e 5 these ?ami+ies are ?act*a++y a++ o? Sa(oy an' Aosta @+oo' 4 they are Ita+ians an' A*strians. 2he " 11 2errorist AttacD occ*rre' in 2000 4 I was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace short+y a?terwar' or possi@+y imme'iate+y @e?ore the attacDs occ*rre'.

3*rin) the year 2000 4 '*rin) Science 7+ass at MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ 5 Bason ;e++emore was o(erhear' +a*)hin) an' sayin) to another c+assmate J/eah I*st watch... Ian is )oin) to ha(e 30 o? them at the en' o? this when we a++ )et @*ste'. He s*r(i(es e(erythin) an' he Dnows a++ o? *s. 1(ery@o'y e+se is )oin) to either @e 'ea' an' @e 'isco(ere' to ha(e ha' one in them or @e a+i(e with on+y one in their hea'. Ian is )oin) to ha(e 30 o? them an' @e @*>>in) an' +it *p +iDe a 7hristmas 2ree when they scan his hea' an' ?in' them a++.K this was the A*t*mn season o? the same year that I near+y 'ie' in an a*tomoti(e acci'ent that I was in?orme' that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e pai' money ?or in attempt to maDe my 'eath appear acci'enta+. Bason ;e++emore was a+so o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) Sean ;*cD+ey poisonin) Pa*+ 2*mas with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy nano en)ineere' (ir*s in a(ia+ o? hemo)+o@in that he '*mpe' into Pa*+ 2*masAs @ow+ o? ice cream 5 Pa*+ 2*mas @ecame inte++ect*a++y retar'e' '*rin) 2000 an' his menta+ hea+th rapi'+y 'ec+ine'. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 $ynn ;an)s who ha' ?ormer+y @een marrie' to #o@ert #o'on 5 was o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) with her son the ?act that she ?i)*re' o*t that his ?ather #o@ert #o'on was in(o+(e' in the A6IS .action an' that he was o(erhear' ta+Din) to =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Ara@ians at the Hote+ in 1""5 a?ter the New/orD 7ity m*sica+ per?ormance o? A+a''in 4 whi+e we were stayin) at a Hote+ in Massach*settes on the Massach*settes @or'er o? New/orD an' =ermont. 0*r stay at the Hote+ was pro@a@+y @ooDe' *n'er one o? the #o'onAs names @*t =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e @ooDe' the Hote+ stay himse+? as a res*+t o? his Property Stea' Ho+'er ownin) the Hote+ an' his a@i+ity to reser(e rooms in a'(ance 4 o*r te+ephone con(ersations were recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence comp*ters an' co*+' @e *se' to ?in' the eCact +ocation o? the Hote+ an' checD the Sec*rity 7amera transmissions o(er the Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ that the Sec*rity System *se' to transmit the 'ata to some Din' o? Home 0??ice ?or the Hote+ an' $aw 1n?orcement. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 I was in?orme' o? a r*mo*r that there were women @ein) he+' hosta)e in :i+tion NewHampshire. 0? re+e(ance to :i+ton NH an' the pro@a@i+ity that ;ren'an P+aceAs te+ephone was @ein) wire tappe' or recor'e' @y metho' o? a comp*ter hacDer hacDin) the comm*nication ser(er 5 I was to+' @y Bason #o')ers that in 200E he ha' hear' that some@o'y ha' @een Deepin) a )ir+ hosta)e in a @asement in :i+ton which was +ocate' at the en' o? P+easant St. in a con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) @esi'e the ri(er an' that @y the time peop+e checDe' it she was )one an' there was e(i'ence that some@o'y ha' @een Dept hosta)e there. I a+so was to+' @y a ?rien' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' access to a ho*se at an a''ress which was somethin) +iDe 25 Shorehi++ #oa' which is +ocate' imme'iate+y across the ri(er ?rom the con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant Street on Main Street neCt to the ri(er an' is imme'iate+y *p the hi++ ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment on the ri)ht si'e o? the street hea'in) *phi++. 2his +ocation was 'escri@e' @y .i+ to my ?rien' as G2his is I*st one o? my ?ami+yAs properties.G 2here are a+so r*mo*rs o? some@o'y @ein) he+' hosta)e at the con'emne' mansion on ;*rns #oa' in Mi+?or' NewHampshire which some ca++ the ;*rns Ho*se 5 some peop+e *se' to ca++ this p+ace ;*rns Manor an' c+aime' that it was ha*nte'. It is pro@a@+e that this +ocation wo*+' @e *se' to ho+' a (ictim o? a@'*ction. 3*rin) the approCimate year 2001 or 2002 < whi+e in ;irmin)ham A+a@ama with Bason #o')ers an' 7hristina .aerio+o 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e met *s in the city '*rin) the ni)ht. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to+' me that he was )oin) to eCterminate the entirety o? the .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces 4 the An)+o SaCons 4 the Gae+s 4 an' the .ranDic Americans. .i+ to+' me that he was )oin) to see to it that the women an' chi+'ren o? my peop+e were )oin) to @e ?orce' to s*cD his peop+esA 'icDs an' )et rape' ana++y @y his peop+e *nti+ they are eCterminate'. 3*rin) the neCt 'ay 4 Bason #o')ers an' myse+? were wa+Din) *p a street to meet *p with 7hristina at her car < Bason #o')erAs mo*th starte' mo(in) an' sai' GBason 4 this is .i+. I p*t a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in yo*r sD*++. 2hat is how I can mo(e yo*r mo*th. $ast ni)ht yo* ca++e' me a pe'ophi+e. I am a@o*t to show yo* what A6IS 'oes when it striDes. My ?ami+y pai' ?or an eCperimenta+ weapon to @e 'esi)ne' an' ha' it s*nD into the G*+? o? MeCico 5 it is an anchore' 'e(ice that re+eases @o*ys with @om@s attache' to them. :hen the @*oy rises to the

s*r?ace o? the water 4 a comp*ter is *se' to 'etonate the @om@ which ca*ses it to e(aporate a +ar)e amo*nt o? the water 5 creatin) a torrentia+ 'ownpo*r e+sewhere. I I*st 'i' this I*st now. I ha(e the e+ectronic re+ease mechanism an' e+ectronic 'etonator on an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+. ItAs a@o*t to hit. 3onAt say I 'i'nAt warn yo*.G a?ter this statement 4 a hea(y ?+oo'in) torrentia+ 'ownpo*r hit an' ?+oo'e' the re)ion. 3an #o@icha*' o? Massach*settes 4 whom is o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' has Aosta ancestry 5 to+' me in 2001 G2he 1man*e+es are insane. 2hey pai' money to ha(e an eCperimenta+ weapon anchore' an' s*nD to the @ottom o? the G*+? o? MeCico. It re+eases +ocDe' @*oys which ?+oat @om@s to the s*r?ace o? the water... the @om@s are *se' to e(aporate the water. It is +iDe )i(in) the sDy an enema. 0nce the water hits the co+' ?ront 4 it tra(e+s *p the co+' ?ront into A+a@ama. 2hey are p+annin) on *sin) it '*rin) a H*rricane to see what wi++ happen.G 3*rin) the year ?o++owin) the H*rricane 9atrina 3isaster 5 3an #o@icha*' +ater state' that he @e+ie(e' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 *se' this 'e(ice '*rin) the H*rricane 9atrina to ca*se the eCtreme ?+oo'in) an' ts*nami that @roDe the +e(y an' ca*se' the H*rricane 9atrina to @ecome one o? the worst Nat*ra+ 3isasters in the history o? the U.S.A. . 3an sai' that they *se' n*mero*s @om@s in seH*ence 4 '*rin) the @e)inin) o? the storm. 2his has @een ca++e' the A:eather :ars :eaponG 5 it is on an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ G+o@a+ Positionin) System Si)na+ somewhere in the mi''+e o? the G*+? o? MeCico. In the past '*rin) the ear+y 1""0As4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'ate' my nei)h@or Bo'ie SDinner who was $orie Poten>a ;*cD+eyAs co*sin 5 Bo'ie SDinnerAs @est?rien's name was 9atrina. 3*rin) the torrentia+ 'ownpo*r 4 Bason #o)ers an' myse+? tooD re?*)e *n'er an o(erhan) o? a retai+ store ?ront an' attempte' to 'ry p*r c+othin) an' socDs somewhat 5 '*rin) this time 4 the A*strian A6IS So+'ier em@e''e' within the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment in 200! 'ro(e *p to *s. He ha' on a name @a')e that sai' GMayG. 2his was approCimate+y the year 2001. 2he Po+ice I'enti?ication that this man was *sin) may ha(e ori)ina++y @e+on)e' to a re+ati(e o? #o@ MayAs an' Peter MayAs 5 #o@ an' Pete Dnew 7ha' Gro+sche an' #ache+ Gar(ey 4 @oth o? whom ha' @een o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) A'o+? Hit+erAs Ita+ian SA=0/ +inea)e @y Sa(oy an' Aosta +i(in) the U.S.A. . #ache+ Gar(ey was threatene' n*mero*s times when we were chi+'ren 4 as a res*+t o? her speaDin) the tr*th a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine @ein) the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' the son o? a woman whom was o? @oth Sa(oy Ita+ian an' Aosta A*strian race 4 who ha' pro'*ce' a chi+' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 0ne time '*rin) 1"""4 #ache+ Gar(ey ?e+t as i? she ha' @een poisone' '*rin) Hi)hSchoo+ $*nch in the 7a?eteria 4 she went to the N*rses 0??ice with a se(ere hea'ache an' eCtreme na*sea 5 the N*rse p*t a ;an' Ai' on #ache+ Gar(eyAs ?orehea' an' to+' her G/o*Are a+ri)ht now. 2his wi++ he+p.G. I @e+ie(e that this N*rse ha' an Ita+ian name an' was 3Q% o? Ita+ian race 5 this is o? the eCact same psycho+o)y as what happene' to myse+? at Hospita+s an' Hea+thcare .aci+ities a++ o(er NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200! 4 when I ewas poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' other toCic metho's o? poisonin). 3*rin) the year 2003 whi+e I was +i(in) at 11 7rown Street in Nash*a NewHampshire an' ha' @een imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Impro(ise' #o*ter constr*cte' o? a G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice. :hi+e I was +i(in) at 11 7rown Street 4 what was o@(io*s+y the pro'*ct o? an eCperimenta+ 1(aporation ;om@ @ein) 'etonate' at sea or in the center o? one o? the Great $aDes precipitate' 'own onto my eCact +ocation 4 with the center point o? the precipitant 11 7rown Street 5 these Anchore' ;*oy ;om@s are 'etonate' @y GPS 'ata p*sh. 2his 'e+*)e inc+*'e' a hai+ storm 4 shar's o? ice 4 s+eet 4 an' ?ree>in) rain in the mi''+e o? the S*mmer season 5 it was o@(io*s that some Din' o? .ree>e 7hemica+ was *se' in the water prior to 'etonation o? the @om@ an' ha' @een 'isperse' in the area o? the anchor prior to the @*oy s*r?acin). I was to+' that the 'etonation o? this 1(aporation ;om@ was accompanie' @y a IoDe a@o*t this @ein) the Ice Storm ma)ic spe++ o? the :ar7ra?t 2 :i>ar' *nit '*e to the ?act that when I was a chi+' 7hris #o'on an' I *se' to p+ay :ar7ra?t 2 o?ten an' that we were +ayin) :ar7ra?t 2 whi+e the Ita+ian A6IS an' Ara@ian A6IS met in the @ar at a Hote+ on the @or'er o? New/orD 4 Massach*settes 4 an' =ermont '*rin) the approCimate year 1""%Q1""5 a?ter the

New/orD7ity per?ormance o? the m*sica+ JA+a''inK which the #o'ons an' I ha' atten'e' with some o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'. Accor'in) to 1' :arren 4 this @ar was where they p+anne' the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 somethin) in(o+(in) a J/29 AttacDK 4 an' somethin) in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. A+so < 9ate 7hristiano was o(erhear' 'ic*ssin) =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an)ri+y 4 'escri@in) him as stran)e+y stereotypica+ in a way that is eCtereme+y *nhea+thy 5 Jhe p+anne' it the ni)ht a?ter a per?ormance o? A$A33INN He @ro*)ht them to A+a''in @e?ore han' an' +ater spent the ni)ht in the hote+ @ar p+annin) it with the Ara@iansN He is S0 weir'.K . 2he a''ress o? this Hote+ is on #o@ert #o'onAs 4 $ynn #o'onAs 4 1' :arrenAs 4 ;r*ceAs 4 7hristianoAs 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 Mona 1man*e+eAs 4 an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?atherAs 7re'it 7ar' #ecor's as we++ as 2e+ephone 7on(ersations recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters 5 occ*rin) the same 'ay as the A+a''in Per?ormance in New/orD 7ity. $ynn ;an)s #o'on is o? @oth Sa(oy an' Aosta +inea)e 4 she is Ita+ian an' A*strian. 7yphere' messa)es ha(e @een 'isco(ere' n*mero*s time o(er the past ten years. 2wo 7yphere' Messa)es that I happene' to ?in' are possi@+y in re+ation to a series o? crimes which ha' @een committe' aro*n' the time perio' '*rin) which I was poisone' with 2oCic ;+acD Mo+'. 2hese two cyphere' messa)es were ?o*n' on wiDipe'ia. 0ne *se' the @an'name Stachy;otrys as a wiDipe'ia ?or a @an' that may or may not eCist 4 the other *se' the @an'name Pi).arm as a wiDipe'ia ?or a @an' that may or may not eCist. Stachy@otrys is a 'arD co+ore' mo+' that is hi)h+y toCic an' *s*a++y ?ata+ when in)este' 4 this can easi+y @e mistaDen ?or Asper)i++*s Ni)er. G3i' yo* say A. Ni)erOG was what 2ay+aAs mother teCte' me aro*n' the 'ate when they poisone' me with ;+acD Mo+' in co??ee a?ter =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ca++e' 2ay+aAs )ran'?atherAs ho*se an' asDe' Boseph to 'o him a ?a(or. Stachy@otrys in(o+(e' a cyphere' messa)e on a wiDipe'ia aro*n' this time. 2he name associate' with Stachy;otrys was a name 7ha' =on 7+eese. 7ha' Gro+sch was the .rench American man whom I *se' to ta+D to who was a mem@er o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator4 he ha' an A+sacian name 5 sometimes 7ha' wo*+' IoDin)+y re?er to himse+? as 7ha' =on Gro+sch @eca*se it so*n'e' e(en more German than his a+rea'y A+sacian s*rname. 7ha' was o? .ranDic race 4 it is most +iDe+y that =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' not tr*st 7ha' near his own a)ents whom were a+so in the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator 5 7ha' was most pro@a@+y a tar)et o? =ittorio 1man*e+e ?or this reason an' the reason that he has spoDen with me. ;ein) that A+sace is a re)ion that chan)e' han's repeate'+y 4 7ha'As 3NA sho*+' @e not on+y .rench @*t a+so somewhat German. I @e+ie(e that simi+ar e(ents may ha(e @e?a++en 7ha' Gro+sch '*rin) this time perio'4 =ittorio wo*+' ha(e attempte' to portray the assai+ant as an Israe+i or as the Bewish 7omm*nity. An o+' ?arm is where the AnthraC ?rom the 200% AnthraC Scare ha' @een ?o*n'4 ;asci++*s AnthraC*s was a ;+o) UserName on the ;*r>*m .or*m where ha' @een postin) *n'er the name $*)h3e3anaan when my comp*ter4 ;*r>*m .or*m acco*nt4 1mai+4 an' AIM ha' @een hacDe' '*rin) the year 200%. A Pi).arm was a+so where Swine .+* was ?o*n' 5 it is entire+y possi@+e that the Swine .+* was en)ineere' ?or the p*rpose o? ca*sin) a panic an' an increase in (accinations. 2he p*rpose ?or the increase in (accinations is to sprea' =ira+ =ector Gen herapy materia+s o? $om@ar'ic an' speci?ica++y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+ies )enetics 5 this wo*+' maDe e(ent*a+ escape easier '*e to their a@i+ity to scram@+e the pop*+ations 3NA an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy their own ?ami+iesA )enetics somewhat. Swine .+* a+so ca*se' an increase in the n*m@er o? hospita+ (isits < this wo*+' ha(e @een *se' as a co(er ?or a@*se o? the Hea+th7are in'*stry ?or the p*rpose o? committin) co(ert acts o? )enoci'e an' ?ratrici'e as we++ as rep+acin) ?ami+ies with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' an' 7osmetic S*r)erie' in'i(i'*a+s4 Pi) .arms an' S+a*)hter Ho*ses ha(e a+so @een *se' in the past to 'ispose o? corpses. 2he same science that create' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can a+so @e *se' to create a new strain o? a (ir*s or e(en synthetic en)ineere' 3eCtro N*c+eic Aci's4 this is tr*e o? (ir*s as we++ which can @e synthetica++y nano en)ineere' at the +e(e+ o? synthetic a+i)ne'

proteins. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 2008 4 an' 200" 5 n*mero*s cases o? GSwine .+*G were recor'e' that co*+' ha(e act*a++y @een camo*?+a)e ?or Assassinations @y Poisonin) committe' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS So+'iers 5 n*mero*s =eterans 4 Acti(e 3*ty Mi+itary 4 an' in'i(i'*a+s o? North American races were reporte' to ha(e 'ie' o? G7ytoDene StormG as a res*+t o? GSwine .+* In?ectionG that co*+' ha(e possi@+y I*st @een +ie' a@o*t in a Sa(oy owne' Hospita+. Accor'in) to internet reports 4 a G7ytoDene StormG occ*rs as a res*+t o? the h*man @o'yAs reaction to the GSwine .+*G < an' as a res*+t 4 the imm*ne system @ecomes o(eracti(e an' res*+ts in the 'rownin) o? the +*n)s in @+oo' an' m*c*s 5 there eCists n*mero*s poisons which ca*se @+ee'in) an' ?+oo'in) o? the +*n)s with @+oo' an' m*c*s. 3*rin) the ear+y 2000As < the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @e)an conspirin) to stea+ the i'entities o? the .or@es 100 :ea+thiest Peop+es $ist an' the .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest Peop+es $ist 5 this has 'e?inite+y @e)*n an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as their 7rime Associate Properties Stea' Ho+'ers ha(e p*rchase' n*mero*s Hospita+s an' Hea+th7are .aci+ities. :hen I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' in my co??ee 5 the maIority o? the 'octors whom I saw '*rin) the ?irst ?ew 'ays ha' Israe+i appearances. It is possi@+e that these men were set *p @y an a)ent who was capa@+e o? per?ect+y timin) the entire e(ent. It is more pro@a@+e that these men ha' *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation to 'is)*ise themse+(es Bews whom they ha' s+ain. $a@ 2echnicians whom ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' were possi@+y (ictims o? either 2ra??icDin) or tort*re an' ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication Pro)rammin) wo*+' @e eCtreme+y easy to te++ to )i(e ?a+se ne)ati(e res*+ts. 2he other possi@i+ity is that none o? these men were Israe+i at a++ an' that these men ha(e @een missin) 5 their ?ami+ies co*+' ha(e @een tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e4 whoAs a)ents are c*rrent+y s+eepin) in their @e's an' wearin) their )enetics '*e to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery. ;+amin) the Bews is 'e?inite+y a )oa+ =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' )o to eCtreme e??orts to achei(e 5 it is possi@+e that he attempte' to portray to 7ha' Gro+sch simi+ar e(ents ?or the same p*rpose. 7ha' Gro+schAs Ao+ Instant Messen)er ScreenName which was P0G7#USH1#88 ha' @een hacDe' n*mero*s times 5 I co*+' te++ this @eca*se o? a chan)e in persona+ity traits an' writin) sty+e. My A.I.M. ScreenName $*)h3e3anaan as we++ as Ian2iwa> ha' @een hacDe' n*mero*s times as we++4 1mi+y Is+eAs A.I.M. ScreenName was as we++. I ha(e since seen one o? these men in ;oston < he is emp+oye' as a Po+ice 0??icer 4 he seems to ha(e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' the incon)r*ent )enetics @acD to whate(er they ha' ori)ina+ @een. He is Ita+ian. ;etween 200E an' 2011 5 Hospita+s in the New1n)+an' re)ion were r*mo*re' to ha(e @een )i(in) speci?ic patients a@so+*te+y ?a+se res*+ts an' a c+ean @i++ o? hea+th on paper an' in their comp*ters. 2his happene' to me '*rin) this time. In Manchester NewHampshire at the new #i(erSi'e 1++iot Hospita+ < @+oo'worD sho*+' ha(e shown a 'erma+ (ir*s which ha' in?ecte' sDin on my ?ace. At 7atho+ic Me'ica+ 7enter Manchester NewHampshire < m*+tip+e sta)es o? @+oo'worD4 a@'omina+ *+traso*n'4 ?*++ @o'y M.#.I.Q7.A.2. scan4 stoo+ samp+e4 physician (isits < a++ res*+te' in ?a+se ne)ati(e res*+ts. /et 3r. ;iIoy 9*n'* prescri@e' me me'ication '*rin) the time when I was poisone' with @+acD mo+' an' in)esti(e ra'iation poisonin). 0? the two me'ications which ;iIoy 9*n'* ha' prescri@e' inc+*'e' 3onnato+ 4 a 'an)ero*s @e++a'onna @ase' me'ication which can @e 'ea'+y in conI*nction with other synthetic me'ications or @otanica+s. She prescri@e' me me'ications witho*t 'ia)nosin) me as ha(in) any partic*+ar ai+ment.

In Manchester NewHampshire at the 1++iot Hospita+ on 1 1++iot :ay < m*+tip+e sta)es o? @+oo'worD an' M.#.I.4 a++ res*+ts were ?a+se ne)ati(es whi+e I was s*??erin) ?rom @+acD mo+' poisonin) an' in)esti(e ra'iation poisonin). In Nash*a NewHampshire whi+e at Saint BosephAs Hospita+ < @+oo'worD an' M.#.I.4 a++ res*+ts were ?a+se ne)ati(es whi+e I was s*??erin) ?rom @+acD mo+' poisonin) an' in)esti(e ra'iation poisonin). :hi+e in 7oncor' NewHampshire in 7oncor' Me'ica+ Hospita+ < @+oo'worD an' other tests a++ ?a+se+y inconc+*si(e whi+e I s*??ere' ?rom the e??ects o? @+acD mo+' poisonin) an' ra'iation poisonin). I ha' seen a ?ew o? the peop+e in(o+(e' in these hospita+s in(o+(e' in other terrorist an' psych war?are re+ate' acti(ities in the re)ion. 2he I.7.U. $e(ine 7+inic at Me+rose :aDe?ie+' Hospita+ in Me+rose Massach*settes to+' my ?ami+y that my motherAs @+oo' test res*+ts an' *rina+ysis were c+ean @*t a n*rse there to+' me in a whispere' (oice that my mother ha' @een hea(i+y 'r*))e' with se'ati(es an' psychiatric me'ications which pro'*ce se'ati(e e??ects. It has @ecome o@(io*s that this terrorist ?action are Genoci'a+ an' are the Ita+ian A6IS .action as we++ as the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icate < I @e+ie(e that this co(ert )enoci'e an' s+eeper ce++ in(asion has @een p+anne' ?or a +on) time. 2he 1man*e+eAs are assassinatin) the ci(i+ian pop*+ation. Psych :ar?are has @een *se' to 'esta@i+i>e the psycho+o)y o? the )enoci'e tar)ets4 pre(ent them ?rom s+eepin)4 an' ?a+se+y 'ia)nose them as menta++y i++ as we++ as 'ri(e them into menta+ i++ness ?or the p*rpose o? 3iscre'itin) 2he :itness. :hi+e I was waitin) to )et my hea+th checDe' in 7oncor' at the Me'ica+ Hospita+ a?ter @ein) poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' aro*n' 2hanDsGi(in) 3ay < prior to @ein) a'mitte' to the 1mer)ency #oom or Intensi(e 7are Unit o? the 7oncor' Me'ica+ Hospita+ 4 I was eCamine' @y a n*rse who was o@(io*s+y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear to @e o? Irish race 5 this man ha' in his han' an enormo*s syrin)e which was ?i++e' with a @rown ?i+thy ?+*i'4 an' asDe' me i? I nee'e' a G2etnis =accinationG. A?ter I was escorte' to the 1mer)ency #oom 4 a @+on'e )*y wa+De' in with a ?resh+y choppe' GHit+erG hairc*t an' a cow@oy +ooDin) mo*stache. He sai' in a creepy (oice G:e can ?ee' yo*NG an' o??ere' me a san'wich4 which i re?*se' @eca*se I was a+rea'y ?ee+in) the interna+ poisonin) o? the Asper)i++*s Ni)er or Stachy@otrys in my entire 'i)esti(e tracD an' or)ans thro*)ho*t my entire @o'y. I 'i' not tr*st that this man 'i' not poison this san'wich. In 200! 4 $orie Poten>a was witnesse' ?ee'in) home+ess peop+e on the 1ast 7oast o? the USA 4 approachin) them whi+e in her a*tomo@i+e an' 5 it has @een s*))este' that masDin) them i? they wante' ?oo' any o? the home+ess that she ?e' 'ie' o? toCin in)estion. :hi+e I was at the 1++iot Hospita+ in Manchester New Hampshire 4 I was checDin) in at the receptionist @ooth in the 1mer)ency #oom < the speaDers @e)an to p+ay the G$*++a@y an' Goo'ni)htG Son) 5 I @+acDe' o*t4 t*rne' ha+? steps to the +e?t an' t*rne' in p+ace4 spinnin) s+ow+y in a circ+e ?or the maIority o? the '*ration o? the son). 2his is concrete e(i'ence that I was hypnoti>e' at the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' New Hampshire. 2his happene' to me a)ain one sin)+e time a?ter this4 a?ter which I was 'esensiti>e' to the hypnotic resi'*a+s o? the son). 2his was recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7ameras.

1(ent*a++y three years +ater 4 I ?o*n' o*t ?rom a USA mi+itary (eteran who was ha+? An)+o Gae+ic American an' ha+? 3e*tsche+an'er an' approCimate+y 30 years o? a)e that I ha' @een poisone' @y some Din' o? @+acD mo+'. Asper)i++*s Ni)er is a ?orm o? mo+' that is @+acD in co+or. G3i' yo* say A. Ni)erOG was the teCt I ha' recei(e' ?rom 2ay+aAs mother a?ter the poisonin) ha' occ*re'. I ha' ne(er seen this man @e?ore4 nor ha(e I seen him since. He was (ery care?*+ how he wor'e' his eCp+anation4 an' I am s*re that some@o'y 'i' H*ite a @it o? in(esti)atin) aro*n' the time that this occ*rre' to ?in' o*t what happene' to me as a res*+t o? n*mero*s emai+s that I sent o*t '*rin) the time that I ?e+t near 'eath. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 I was Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Assa*+te' @y what appeare' to @e an $om@ar'ic Ita+ian Io))in) past my car with a Hit+er mo*stache4 @o@@in) his hea' +iDe Ni)ht at the #oC@*ry 5 this was i'entica+ to a c+ip ?rom /2MN3.7om that I ha' +a*)he' at once or twice whi+e +i(in) in the apartment @*i+'in) 3AAmico owne' at 155 Map+e St V2 Manchester New Hampshire USA on the corner o? Har(ar' street. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 whi+e worDin) at N*cast in $on'on'erry NewHampshire. Pach An'rosDiAs imposte*r state' 5 GI saw a man Io))in) yester'ay that +ooDe' eCact+y +iDe A'o+? Hit+er. He Io))e' passe' me an' was @o@@in) his hea' +iDe Ni)ht at the #oC@*ryN He ha' the mo*stache an' e(erythin)N It was hi+ario*sNG. 2his occ*rre' whi+e I was poisone' an' reco(erin) ?rom a near ?ata+ ;+acD Mo+' Poisonin) an' #a'iation Poisonin) '*rin) which the ?ema+e emp+oyees at the Hospita+s to+' me that nothin) was wron) with me @*t that I was not a++owe' to ha(e a copy o? my $a@oratory 2est #es*+ts an' that I was not a++owe' to see any o? the $a@oratory 2est #es*+ts a?ter I *n'erwent n*mero*s ?orms o? me'ica+ screenin) inc+*'in) tota+ @o'y 7.A.2. Scan 4 tota+ @o'y M.#.I. Scan 4 a@'omina+ U+tra So*n' 4 .eca+ Stoo+ 1Camination 4 ;+oo' 2ests 4 an' 6 #ays.

2he *se o? ;+acD Mo+' an' other poisonin) s*@stances is re+e(ant to the psycho+o)y o? an Aristocrat. 0n the internet 5 within the span o? one yearAs time @oth H*)o 7ha(e> an' #*sse++ Means were reporte' to ha(e 'ie' o? 7ancer. H*)o 7ha(e> an' #*sse++ Means were @oth Nati(e Americans an' In'i)eno*s Peop+esA #i)hts Acti(ists. 3*rin) the @e)innin) o? her emp+oyment as 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity 3irector < Banet Napo+itano ma'e a statement a@o*t what she ca++e' the G3an)erio*s #ise o? Nati(ismG in the USA. 2he wor'in) o? this was partic*+ar+y s*spicio*s . Imme'iate+y '*rin) this year 4 an Ita+ian A6IS Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action @e)an assassinatin) ci(i+ians in the USA an' S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro7irc*its an' re+ate' 'e(ices in ci(i+ians sD*++s as we++ as imp+ante' some Din' o? #.I3 e+ectronic 'e(ice in ci(i+iansA ?orearms. I ha(e notice' on the @ooD she+(es o? the ;arnes an' No@+e ;ooDstore4 @ooDs a@o*t 0r)anic Poisons an' ;otanica+ PoisonerAs Han'@ooD. Apparent+y there are some poisons which are 7arcino)enic an' taDe e??ect eCtreme+y H*icD+y as 7arcino)ens4 @*t are s+ow in e??ect in comparison to other chemica+ toCic poisons. Some o? these 7arcino)enic poisons are speci?ic m*shrooms which can @e prepare' with a mea+4 chemica+s which can @e *se' to po++*te 'rinDin) ?+*i's4 an' chemica+s which can @e *se' to po++*te ?oo'. #oya+ .ami+ies o?ten ha(e #oya+ 2aste 2esters ?or the p*rpose o? checDin) ?oo' ?or poisons < these in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' @e tr*ste' @otanists an' chemists we++ (erse' in the science o? poisons 5 a@+e to 'etect poisons in ?oo' @y mere+y tastin)4 sme++in)4 or eCperiencin) the e??ects o? the

poisons in min*te amo*nts. #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> @oth4 ha(e @een o*tspoDen a)ainst G+o@a+i>ation an' ha(e spoDen in ?a(or o? h*man ri)hts ?or in'i)eno*s peop+es. ;oth o? these in'i(i'*a+s were in the eCten'e' socia+ po+itica+ networD o? $a =o> 'e A>t+an when =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) my se+? 4 I ha' emai+e' $a =o> 3e A>t+an '*rin) the time that my comp*ter ha' @een @ein) hacDe'. I? #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> are @oth 'ea'4 it is +o)ica+ that the timin) an' metho' o? their 'yin) are re+ate' to the Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs terrorist attacDs *pon tar)ette' i'entities. I? #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> are @oth sti++ a+i(e < the metho' o? the me'ia eCpos*re o? their 'yin) o? cancer is 'irect+y corre+ate' to the ta@+oi' an' ma)a>ine artic+es a@o*t PatricD Sway>e whom was reporte'+y 'yin) o? +ate sta)e pancreatic cancer ?or E months4 was reporte'+y sti++ smoDin) ci)arettes4 an' a)ainst a++ +o)ic < was incorrect+y reporte' to ha(e ma'e a mirac*+o*s ?*++ reco(ery. 2he mention o? this in artic+es across m*+tip+e ma)a>ines4 ta@+oi's4 an' me'ia ?ormats is re+ate' to an animation an' a*'io o(er '*@ which I witnesse' on the 7omcast te+e(ision @roa'castin) networD 5 '*rin) which what I @e+ie(e was Sat*r'ay Ni)ht $i(e or MA3 2= was inter*pte' @y an animation seH*ence o? =ittorio 1man*e+e stan'in) +ooDin) at a camera sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG whi+e 3rac*+a han's were ?+oatin) neCt to him on the screen. 2he weeD '*rin) which I ha' @een poisone' with @+acD mo+' < I ha' @een ?reH*ent+y watchin) (i'eos o? #*sse++ MeansA speeches on the internet4 as we++ as rea'in) his we@sites artic+es. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers ha(e p*rchase' Hospita+s in the U.S.A. 4 these hospita+s ha(e not @een re?errin) peop+e to toCico+o)ists nor ha(e they @een 'ia)nosin) 5 a+so p*rchase' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers < ha(e @een 1rotic Strip 7+*@s 4 Porno)raphy In'*stry 4 ;anDs an' other .inancia+ Instit*tions 4 Science In'*stry 4 Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 #esi'entia+ Properties 4 #esta*rants 4 A*tomoti(e #epair Shops 4 an' #esort Sites. A+ot o? 'ama)e can @e 'one @y wea+thy )enoci'a+ terrorists *sin) these a(en*es < these are a+so a(en*es which may @e *se' ?or H*man 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection. A+so o? re+ation to 0r)anic Poisons @ein) *se' to assassinate ci(i+ians4 I met a man *sin) the name G#epoG Si+(a whom a''e' me on .ace;ooD. #epo is a ma?ia a??i+iate' crimina+ who was +i(in) in Manchester. In his possession he ha' an i++e)a+ pet scorpion. 2he scorpion 'i' not ha(e itAs (enom sac remo(e'. 2he scorpion that #epo owne' was rare4 ha' ?+ippers on itAs @e++y +iDe a +o@ster4 was eCtreme+y poisono*s4 an' was i++e)a+. I @e+ie(e that this scorpion was in'i)eno*s to 1)ypt an' Ara@ia. 2he poison ?rom this scorpion may ha(e @een *se' in m*+tip+e poisonin)s in(o+(in) or)anic poison compo*n's create' ?rom the mi+De' scorpionsA (enom as we++ as other @otanica+ toCins. 2here are a+so @iDer )an)sters a??i+iate' with the ma?ia an' terrorist connections that #epo Si+(a has. #epo was +i(in) at 5% ;rown A(e. in Manchester New Hampshire. 3*rin) this time4 #epo ha' mentione' Genetic =ira+ :ar?are 5 +a*)hin) a@o*t @a@ies @ein) @orn with n*mero*s ?ai+e' Genetics4 ?ai+e' or)ans4 an' ?ai+e' ?eta+ 'e(e+opment. #epoAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone n*m@er in 2011 was 508 %05 !380. 0r)anic 2oCins in the ?orm o? Ne*ro2oCins @ein) *se' in conI*nction with ;+oo' 2hinners s*ch as me'ication ?or hi)h @+oo' press*re 4 Aspirin 4 or other @+oo' thinners co*+' possi@+y ca*se Heart .ai+*re. Aro*n' 200! a man in New Hampshire name' A'am Aries 'ie' o? s*spicio*s ca*ses 5 his heart stoppe' @eatin). 2he story o? how he 'ie' chan)e' n*mero*s times. 2he story was simi+ar to how Peter Stee+e 'ie' an' it was '*rin) the same ?ew years that they 'ie'. A hospita+ can easi+y ?or)e +a@ res*+ts. Peter Stee+eAs @an' *se' a =in+an' ?+a) ?or their a+@*m artworD an' associate' appare+ 4 this ?+a) is +oose+y associate' with Asatr* as we++ as other i'entities 5 the Asatr* re+i)io*s comm*nity is a

tar)et o? =ittorio 1man*e+esA 4 tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e < there ha(e @een n*mero*s Asatr*ars m*r'ere' an' a@'*cte' whoAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s are now in the han's o? 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents whom ha(e ass*me' the i'entities o? the in'i(i'*a+s whoAs car's they are carryin). Peter Stee+e was a ?rien' o? Stacy Sea@*ry whom Dnew many o? my o+'er ?rien's within the Asatr* comm*nity. New Bersey an' the Asatr* 7omm*nity were @oth two maIor tar)ets o? these Genoci'a+ AttacDs. It is pro@a@+e that Peter Stee+e was poisone'. Most o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity an' the re+ate' ?ami+ies in New Bersey ha(e @een assassinate' an' #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*r. A'am Aries was ?rom So*thern New Hampshire an' ha' n*mero*s ?rien's in New /orD4 #ho'e Is+an'4 Massach*settes4 NewBersey4 an' New Hampshire 5 it is entire+y possi@+e that he Dnew a networD o? peop+e whom were Di++e' '*e to their potentia+ Dnow+e')e o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. I was tar)ette' ?or the reason that I to+' Henry MaDow who A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y was 4 as ha' @een to+' to me @y my co*sin B*+ianna who was ?rom Sici+y 5 I was a+so tar)ette' ?or the reason that my Mother was a chi+'hoo' (ictim o? the SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rimina+ NetworD in this re)ion o? which are =ittorio 1man*e+eAs associate' a)ents. 2he poisonin) which was ;+acD Mo+' Poisonin) an' In)esti(e #a'iation Poisonin) was eCtreme+y pain?*+ < ?or a@o*t 3 months 5 my esopha)*s was spasmin) intermittant+y 4 my stomach was spasmin) constant+y 4 an' it ?e+t +iDe my stomach +inin) ha' 'eteriorate' to the point that a++ o? the m*c*s mem@rane +inin) the insi'e o? my stomach ha' @een remo(e' entire+y an' my stomach +inin) was she''in). I ?e+t ?or a@o*t ! months 4 pain when I ate 5 *pon eatin) 4 I co*+' ?ee+ the ?oo' which I ha' in)este' as it mo(e' thro*)h my stomach into my intestines. I co*+' ?ee+ it mo(in) thro*)h my intestines. 2his was eCr*ciatin)+y pain?*+ ?or approCimate+y ! months4 I co*+' ?ee+ e(erythin) I ate mo(in) thro*)h my @o'y. 3*rin) the :hi+e I was poisone' an' s*??erin) in eCcr*ciatin) pain4 I was +i(in) home+ess in my a*tomo@i+e an' ha' @een attemptin) to )et the poisonin) 'ia)nose' at e(ery hospita+ in New Hampshire that I co*+' )et to 5 I a+so staye' at a Psychiatric :ar' n*mero*s times ?or a ?ew months @e?ore I was p+ace' in a Ha+?way Ho*se. I am a@so+*te+y certain that the res*+ts o? my me'ica+ tests were intentiona++y +ie' a@o*t @y Ita+ian A6IS A)ents worDin) within the Hospita+s in the re)ion as we++ as whom I @e+ie(e were SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims who ha' @een (ictims o? H*man =i(isection in(o+(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roSciences 5 my stoo+ samp+e sho*+' ha(e shown 'e?inite res*+ts 4 my stoo+ (isi@+y +ooDe' +iDe )*acamo+e as we++ as was it the teCt*re oi+ paint an' sme++e' +iDe paint ?or two months. A?ter my ?eces cease' @ein) )reen 4 it @ecame ye++ow an' sme++e' +iDe r*sty iron an' @+oo' as we++ as 'i' it ha(e spon)y so+i's in it. A?ter my ?eces t*rne' ye++ow < my so+ar p+eC*s ?e+t +iDe it ha' @een @r*ise' an' ha' scar tiss*e @ehin' the @ottom ri@ca)e that was constant+y @r*isin). I ha' tho*)ht that e(ent*a++y I wo*+' @e sent to a 2oCico+o)ist 4 @*t this ne(er occ*rre'. 3*rin) my time whi+e home+ess 4 +i(in) in an a*tomo@i+e 4 an' in eCcr*ciatin) pain 5 whi+e I was waitin) to )et my stomach checDe' in 7oncor' at the 7oncor' Me'ica+ Hospita+ 5 a @+on'e man wa+De' into the 1mer)ency #oom with a ?resh+y choppe' messy A'o+? Hit+er hairc*t an' a cow@oy +ooDin) mo*stache simi+ar to the Stetson Man ?rom the Stetson A'(ertisements. He sai' in a creepy (oice G:e can ?ee' yo*NG an' o??ere' me a san'wich4 which i re?*se' '*e to the reason that I @e+ie(e' that this o@(io*s Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ent was tryin) to ?inish the Io@ @y poisonin) me ?*rther. 2his man was wa+Din) with A'o+? Hit+erAs mannerisms an' it was o@(io*s that he was actin) with A'o+? Hit+erAs @o'y +an)*a)e intentiona++y ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to striDe ?ear into my se+?. Stephanie

.ors+in' was present. A+so < whi+e I was at the 1++iot Hospita+ in Manchester New Hampshire 5 I was checDin) in at the receptionist @ooth in the 1mer)ency #oom when the speaDers @e)an to p+ay the G$*++a@y Son)G. :hen this son) @e)an to p+ay4 I @+acDe' o*t an' t*rne' ha+? steps to the +e?t in p+ace 5 spinnin) s+ow+y in a circ+e ?or the maIority o? the '*ration o? the son). 2his is concrete e(i'ence that I was hypnoti>e' at the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' New Hampshire. 2his was recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7amera at the 1++iot Hospita+. 2his happene' to me a)ain one sin)+e time a?ter this at the same +ocation4 a?ter which I was 'esensiti>e' to the hypnotic re+e(ance o? the son). 3*rin) this time I checDe' in to a psychiatric ?aci+ity in Nash*a NewHampshire thro*)h the So*thern #e)iona+ New Hampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire. :hi+e checDin) in at the So*thern #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter4 a ma+e n*rse approache' me to 'raw @+oo'. 2he nee'+e that he *se' was an enormo*s nee'+e with a p+*n)er that was presse' in with the th*m@ in or'er to 'raw @+oo' < a syrin)e with a p+*n)er that is capa@+e o? 'rawin) @+oo' when it is p*she' in 4 ?*nctions *pon a (ac**m mechanic 5 this is the sort o? 'e(ice which is pro@a@+e to inIect a so+i' o@Iect into a (esse+ 4 'rainin) ?+*i' ?rom the (esse+ as a res*+t o? the eCchan)e o? press*re within the (ac**m . It +ooDe' (ery m*ch +iDe the hypo'ermic nee'+e in the photo)raph with the =erichip sticDin) o*t o? it that ha' @een circ*+atin) on+ine4 eCcept that it was m*ch +ar)er. A)ain4 a possi@+e psych war?are operation. I ha(e @een (oca++y o*tspoDen a)ainst the =erichip 7orporationsA i'eas ?or many years now. 2here are a+so A#G0S G+o@a+ Positionin) System S*r)ica+ Imp+ants that are near+y i'entica+ to =1#I7HIP #.I3 imp+ants which can @e imp+ante' into an anima+As @o'y. He p*t the nee'+e in the center o? my ?orearm an' p*she' the p+*n)er 'own4 ?i++in) it to the ha+? way marD with @+oo'. 2his was o'' ?or reason that stints are *s*a++y *se' to 'raw @+oo' an' the @+oo' is *s*a++y 'rawn ?rom the inner e+@ow< a+so4 the nee'+e +ooDe' +iDe the )a*)e that wo*+' @e *se' on an 1+ephant ?or p*rpose o? inIectin) (accination or innoc*+ation. It is entire+y possi@+e that I co*+' c*rrent+y ha(e an A#G0S networDe' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 'e(ice imp+ante' in my ?orearm ri)ht now. 2here is a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone app+ication that was on the marDet aro*n' 20054 this app+ication a++owe' the *sers to tracD one another on their ce++ phoneAs MapH*est GPS. I? s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with an impro(ise' GPS 'e(ice5 2ra??icDin) =ictims4 Genoci'e 2ar)ets4 A*toMo@i+es4 an' ;+acD MarDet Shipments are capa@+e o? @ein) tracDe' on a Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone GPS with a map. A#G0S GPS4 =eteranarian GPS S*r)ica+ Imp+ants4 an' GPS ta))in) co++ar 'e(ices remo(e' ?rom the co++ar5 can p*t imp+ante' in h*mans4 hi''en co(ert+y insi'e ci(i+iansA @oot so+es4 hi''en in e+ectronic 'e(ices whi+e ?orD wire' to the power so*rce4 hi''en in +*))a)e4 or s*r)ica++y imp+ante' co(ert+y in peop+esA pets. :hi+e I was in the 1.#. in So*thern NewHampshire #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter < a man sha(e' two ch*nDs o? sDin ?rom my arm with what I @e+ie(e was a 3NA Scrape too+ ?or scrapin) sDin to )et 3NA. 2his man +ooDe' +iDe a $om@ar' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' with ;ritish An)+o Gae+ic 3NA. 2his sho*+' ha(e @een recor'e' on camera an' was 'e?inite+y recor'e' @y the Ne*ro+o)ica+ #ecor'in) transmittin) ?rom the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in my crani*m 4 coinci'enta++y eno*)h. 2hie scapes this man tooD +e?t to sma++ open )ashes which were @+ee'in). 88 2he ;*rns ?ami+y )reet the Io'ice ?ami+y a?ter A+ Io'ice an' ?ami+y mo(e' in to ho*se in Massach*settes.

88 ] 9e(in .aerio+i says he++o to A+ Io'ice whi+e wa+Din) past A+As ho*se in Massach*settes. 7hris 2homas (isits ho*se +ater. I was p+ayin) 7ast+e(ania. "E 1""! ] 3a(e ;ri'o in(ite' to 7h*rch o? SatanAs ;oston GrottoAs ;+acD Sa@@atica+ @y the ta++est o? the 3 Gra>>io+i co*sins 4 MiDe Pa+aH*in 4 an' possi@+y #o@ert 3AAn)e+o. 3a(e ;ri'o ;7IA' at some time '*rin) this month is a+most 'e?inite. "! #*sse++ MacPherson an' MarD ;antis in(ite' to 3a(e ;ri'oAs a?ter 3a(e (isite' my ?ather an' to+' him a@o*t the 7h*rch o? Satan J;+acD MassK. #*sse++ MacPherson an' MarD ;antis possi@+y poisone' in PIPPA 'e+i(ere' that ni)ht or MA#IBUANA so+' to 3a(e that 'ay. $orie Poten>a 4 Gra>>io+i 4 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 MiDe Pa+aH*in ;7IA' #*sse++ MacPherson an' MarD ;antis in 3a(e ;ri'oAs ho*se. 1""! ] 9enIi Asai an' ?am ;7IA' a?ter P0IS0N13 PIPPA 'e+i(ere' to :est roa' home @y man who was possi@+y =ittorio 1man*e+e 5 ;7IA' @y #o@ert 3AAn)e+o 4 $orie Poten>a 4 MiDe Pa+aH*in 4 an' Gra>>io+i. 9enIiAs mo*th mo(e' an' to+' him JI Dnow yo*r ?ami+y secret 4 yo* are a 9ni)ht. Are yo* a 9ni)htOK whi+e 3isAssociate' 5 9enIi eCp+ains that his ?ather 2enchiro is a 9ni)ht o? the Bapanese Aristocracy 5 NicD Ma))iore *se' to 'ate Sara Asai an' Dnew that her )ran'?ather was a Sam*rai 9ni)ht. NicD Ma))ioreAs ?ather is a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy. 1""! 3ennis 0+son an' NicD Ma))iore or'er PIPPA 4 whi+e =a+erie 0+son an' I are watchin) mo(ies. At some point < =a+erie 0+son 4 3ennis 0+son 4 NicD Ma))iore 4 an' I are ;7IA' '*rin) 1""!. 1""8 9enIi Asai 4 son o? 2enchiro Asai < @ecame a Sam*rai 9ni)ht +iDe his ?ather. 9enIi was 9ni)hte' in Bapan. 1""" ] $ynn ;an)s an' #o@ert #o'on 'i(orce 4 $ynn ;an)s @e)ins 'atin) Martin 7atsopo*+os < whom was one o? their ?rien's ?rom worD at 3i)ita+ 2echno+o)ies in Massach*settes. 1""8 ] 1""" ] G+enn So*thern an' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os meet on a 'atin) we@site. Pro@a@+e that @oth a+rea'y ha' ;7Is. 2000 J3ia@+oK 7atsopo*+os witnesse' at 7+int 2ay+orAs ho*se4 3 min*tes 'own the roa' ?rom 7+int 2ay+orAs apartment in =ir)inia. J3ia@+oK possi@+y was ;7IA' '*rin) 1""" or ear+ier. 200% ] A So*thern marries B*+ianna Ga*'etteAs sister in +aw 4 my step co*sin $in'a Ga*'ette or Sharon Ga*'ette. 200% ] 3a(e Marsha++As ?ami+y an' B3$ attacDe' an' their chi+'ren a@'*cte'. 3a(e Marsha++As ?rien' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama is 'isco(ere' to @e missin). 3a(e Marsha++ is Bosh ;*rnAs co*sin. Bosh ;*rns is So*thernAs co*sin. Bosh ;*rnsAs sister a@'*cte' an' ?ami+y #;IA' whi+e he was away in USA Mi+itary. 2008 J;aracD H*ssein 0@amaK imposte*r on 2=. A++e)ations that ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs @irth certi?icate was ?aDe @e)an to sprea' < the tr*th is that the man sto+e ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs sDin 3NA 4 nose 3NA 4 hair 3NA 4 eye 3NA 4 han' 3NA4 an' eye@row 3NA as we++ as his ;irth 7erti?icate an' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 3*rin) the year 2012 < accor'in) to the internet ;.;.7. news4 the ma?ia in Ita+ia ha(e @een '*mpin) the corpses o? ho*se pets in pon's in Ita+y. I @e+ie(e these pets were Di++e' in or'er to remo(e Gpet tracDin)G G+o@a+ Positionin) System S*r)ica+ Imp+ant 3e(ices < to *se ?or imp+antation in h*man (ictims. =erichips an' Ar)os can *se' @oth in 70NBUN72I0N :I2H AN02H1# 31=I71 AS IMP#0=IS13 #AM .0# ;INA#/ 3A2A PUSH. %his ma5 possi*l5 in0ol0e the -rapping of an "#!OS !PS-chip implant ne@t to an #$I2-chip -ith a sil. BCI neuro-patch aroun) them *oth+ the encasing of the )e0ice in a plastic surgical implant an) the -iring of the sil.-*ase) *ci to the

other sil.-*ase) *ci at the en)3 Cellphone mini antennaKrouter-parts+ micro *atteries+ an) copper tape are also use) for this purpose3 I ha0e recentl5 notice) comments a*out /cats an) )ogs/ on $aceBoo. "ccounts *elonging to frien)s of mine -hom ha0e *een impersonate) *5 imposteurs using 2uplicate) I)entification Cre)entials of these people : if the 1afia has *een hire) to pro0i)e a !enoci)al $action -ith !PS Surgical Implants such as "#!OS Surgical Implants that *iologists use+ the5 ha0e *ecome a !enoci)al %errorist $action3 1an5 of the $aceBoo. accounts associate) -ith the &manuele-&0ola %errorist Crime S5n)icate's $&1" & 8IC%I1S ha0e su*title) names relate) to concepts of *eing &n)angere) such as /Plight/ /2anger/ or ha0e ha) comments such as /Bomen li.e 5ou are an en)angere) species/ poste) on their $aceBoo. "ccounts3 - Species has *een a))e) as a /li.e/ on face*oo. *5 numerous females *efore the5 )isappear an) are replace) *5 imposteurs3 - It is pro*a*le that some of the Sa0o5's "gents in the (S" 1ilitar5 are using the e@cuse that the Brain-Computer-Interface 2e0ices are net-or.e) *5 -a5 of "#!OS !3P3S3 #outer o0er the Internet an) )ue to the fact that these are accessi*le to all nations + the (S" 1ilitar5 can not allo- foreign nations to .no- that this is happening *ecause the ci0ilians -oul) *e in too 0ulnera*le a position to the -orl)'s militaries3 %here are currentl5 thousan)s of %errorist "gents in the (S" using the I)entification Cre)entials of (S" Citizens3 %his is an emergenc5 + it has *ecome a Holocaust + an) the House of Sa0o5's "gents are -ithin our National 1ilitar5 an) a- &nforcement3 %his is a foreign terrorist faction in the (S" + using our o-n resources to .ill us3 15 entire famil5 seems to ha0e *een replace) *5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) Italians -hom are o*0iousl5 Italian *ut are )isguise) as m5 famil5 an) are carr5ing their I)entification Cre)entials3 15 sister Summer 1acPherson is the last famil5 mem*er that I ha0e left *esi)es m5 gran)mother Pru)ence an) I can not get Summer out of the house that she is trappe) in -ith the italian -ho is li0ing as if he is m5 father #ussell 1acPherson an) using his i)entification cre)entials3 8ittorio &manuele *ought numerous hospitals in the region an) I can not e0en trust them to gi0e me honest results for 2N" tests regar)ing the multiple imposteurs -ho I ha0e met that ha0e claime) to *e m5 father3 It is pro*a*le that the &manueles are tr5ing to e@terminate a large num*er of "mericans an) ta.e the I)entification Cre)entials of an "merican $amil5 an) mo0e else-here -ith them as if the5 are them3

3*rin) the year 200! < 3a(i' IcDeAs @i>>are c+aims concernin) the ;ritish Monarchy4 po+iticians4 MarD P*cDer@er)4 an' others as a++ @ein) shape shi?tin) repti+ian a+iens &+iDe in the 1"80As Science .iction mo(ie =, @e)an @ein) )+o@a++y p*@+ishe'. Anti American an' Anti ;ritish propa)an'a @e)an @ein) p*@+ishe' on we@sites s*ch as Prison P+anet an' A@o(e 2op Secret < these we@sites ma'e n*mero*s c+aims eCpo*n'in) *pon the +ies o? Besse =ent*ra an' his 7onspiracy 2heory te+e(ision series 5 these +ies ?oc*sin) on ho+oca*st an' concentration camp re+ate' themes4 pre empti(e+y @+amin) the nations o? the :.:.2 A++ie' .orces ?or an *pcomin) ho+oca*st an' concentration prison an' 'eath camps in North America. 2he ;*sh 7heney A'ministration was @+ame' ?or m*ch o? this< another po+icitian who was @+ame' ?or the s*ppose' crimina+ ca@a+ contro++in) the USA )o(ernment was ;i++ 7+inton who was inacc*rate+y reporte' as @ein) 1+i>a@eth Hano(erAs co*sin 5 this @ein) incre'i@+y

re+e(ent ?or the reason that whi+e I was stayin) @rie?+y at a psych war' in Nash*a N.H. '*rin) my s*??erin) ?rom @+acD mo+' poisonin) 4 an imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er was a++owe' into the war' to (isit an *nDnown patient. 2his imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er was a++owe' (isitation '*rin) the same 'ay as a man was a'mitte' with a +aptop which he ha' set *p in the hospita+ @e'room across the ha++ ?rom my room. A++ o? this was o@(io*s+y i++e)a+ < an' whi+e stan'in) neCt to him in ?ront o? a te+e(ision4 a History 7hanne+ specia+ @roa'cast aire' a@o*t 1+i>a@eth Hano(er 5 I t*rne' an' sai' to the man GIA(e )ot ;ritish Ancestry. SheAs a (ery nice +a'y 4 I +iDe her.G 4 to which he ner(o*s+y sai' GMe too. I 'o too.G an' he +ooDe' terri?ie' an' ner(o*s. ApproCimate+y one month prior to this4 I ha' I*st ser(e' 1+i>a@eth Hano(er tea twice whi+e worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts at the ma++ near the airport in Manchester N.H. . A++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s sho*+' @e recor'e' e+ectronica++y. 3a(i' IcDeAs Gshape shi?tin) repti+ian a+ienG Hano(er .ami+y whom were reporte'+y p+ottin) to Microchip an' 1ns+a(e P+anet 1arth < t*rne' o*t to @e an imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er4 a terrorist crime syn'icate c*rrent+y *sin) '*p+icate' i'entity car's an' paperworD o? Americans4 an' i'eas sto+en ?rom Ste(e BacDson Games as we++ as mo(ies. I ha(e met at +east 10 terrorists in this re)ion whom are impersonatin) citi>ens whom they ha(e '*p+icate' the paperworD an' i'entities o? < inc+*'in) one whom was preten'in) to @e Hi++ary ;ri)ham one month prior to meetin) *p with the ?act*a+ Hi++ary ;ri)ham at a #ite Ai' in Nash*a. 2he ?aDe Hi++ary ;ri)ham #i(ers has narrower hips an' is thinner as we++ as 2 inches ta++er. Hi++ary ;ri)hamAs imposte*r was *sin) the mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@er E03 "%3 0%!0. 2here are photo)raphs o? the imposte*r o? Hi++ary ;ri)ham with a U.S.American Marine < this is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s 5 when I attempte' to 'e+i(er a :itness Statement to the ;oston Massach*settes Arme' .orces #ecr*iters 0??ice 4 a ha+? Ita+ian' ha+? 3e*tsche #ecr*iter with the name GGeise+G intercepte' the :itness Statement @e?ore I co*+' )i(e it to the M*+atto U.S.American .ema+e that I attempte' to )i(e the :itness Statement to. 2his :itness Statement has @een intercepte' n*mero*s times an' the U.S.A. is systemica++y @ein) in?i+trate' an' corr*pte'. 2he 1nemy 7om@ation .action are the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' their A6IS accomp+ices 5 thro*)h means o? corr*ption o? state an' S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 they are ens+a(in) comp+ete+y Gthe $an' o? the .reeG. 2here are c*rrent+y a +ar)e n*m@er o? terrorists in my re)ion whom are impersonatin) a n*m@er o? peop+e whom are missin) entire+y an' I @e+ie(e they these missin) peop+es may ha(e @een m*r'ere' as we++ as so+' to seC tra??icDers 5 their i'enti?ication paperworD an' +i?esty+es @ein) taDen o(er @y co(ert crimina+ terrorists. =ittorio 1man*e+e has ma'e s*ch tact?*+ *se o? 2a@+oi' me'ia an' a+ternati(e press that his ?a+se p*@+ications in pop*+ar me'ia are now @ein) accepte' as pro@a@+e ?act whi+e a++ other p*@+ications an' news are @ein) reIecte' @y society as ?act*a+. A ?ew times4 my a*ntAs comcast 'i)ita+ ca@+e was hacDe' an' I was psych war?are' (ia te+e(ision o(er '*@s an' wor's which were switche' on the the te+e(ision screen ?rom m*+tip+e choice se+ections '*rin) a )ameshow. Some o? the cata)ories were chan)e' to s*@Iects that I ha' recent+y @een st*'yin) (ia internet research. 2his wo*+' @e incre'i@+y easy to 'o with animation so?tware4 a 100 7ore 2I$1#A Processor racD mo*nt *nit4 $INU64 an' =irt*a+;oC so?tware ?or other 0peratin) Systems. I? the hacDer ha' connections in the 7omcast corporation an' a sDi++e' $INU6 pro)rammer< a seria+ ca@+e4 ?irewire4 or other 'irect +ine co*+' @e *se' to 'irect p+*) a hacDin) *nit into the ser(er. 2I$1#A processors ha(e @een on the marDet ?or a ?ew years now an' they are eCtreme+y ?ast4 this co*p+e' with c*stom ma'e so?tware co*+' easi+y o*t per?orm what it is that these cy@er terrorists ha(e

@een 'oin). A )oo' hacDerQso?tware en)ineer co*+' *p+oa' imposte*r microso?t *p'ates4 imposte*r Ia(a app *p'ates4 imposte*r patch ?i+es4 an' troIan em@e''e' cooDies to the tar)et comp*ter with the a@i+ity to troIan hacD an' =irt*a+;oC the tar)et P.7. on their hacDin) *nit as soon as the (ictim connects to the internet< th*s mimicDin) Microso?t #emote Assistance with a =irt*a+;oC +iDe so?tware pro)ram. 2his c*stom en)ineere' #emoteAssistanceQ=irt*a+;oC $INU6 pro)ram wo*+' in ?act @e capa@+e o? win'ow ?ramin) a tar)etAs ca@+e te+e(ision on the 7y@erA)entAs *nit4 a++owin) the 7y@erA)ent to not on+y (iew what is @ein) watche' @*t a+so +i(e e'it it. M*+tip+e times4 whi+e watchin) the te+e(ision < I witnesse' anomo+ies o? @oCes ?+ashin) an' @+acD @oCes o(er peop+es^ mo*ths. ! I spent near+y a year home+ess an' reco(erin) ?rom @+acD mo+' poisonin) whi+e +i(in) in a car 4 a?ter which I @e)an to stay at a psychiatric reha@i+itation ha+? way ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire ca++e' the Gemini Ho*se. A ?ew months a?ter @e)innin) my stay at the Gemini Ho*se 4 a man was spotte' o*tsi'e whom I ?ormer+y worDe' with at N*7ast in $on'on'erry NewHampshire. 2his man ha' a camera in his han's an' was taDin) pict*res o? the Gemini Ho*se. 2he man parDe' in the mini (an was a@o*t 5A10G4 ha' a short @+acD chin @ear' 4 short @+acD hair 4 approCimate+y 210 +@s 4 was wearin) a @ase@a++ cap 4 an' was 'ri(in) a )reen co+ore' mini (an. A?ter a@o*t 5 months o? +i(in) at the Gemini Ho*se4 a (eteran o? the USAmerican Mi+itary name' 2y+er 5 2y+er was the (eteran who was present at the NewHampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire on 7+inton Street when I was i++e)a++y Ne*roS*r)erie'. An Ita+ian American name' Bames 9i+ey whom was a ?rien' o? 7rysta+ Gi++s ?atherAs who was Baneen Harrin)As ?rien' as we++ as a Dnown associate o? the He++As An)e+s. Bames 9i+ey @ecame 2y+erAs sponsor ?or A+choho+ics Anonymo*s meetin)s. 3onato Genti+e 4 whom was a+so a Dnown associate o? the He++As An)e+s an' the Ita+ian Ma?ia was a+so @e+ie(e she has ?ami+y in @oth the Ita+ian Ma?ia an' the He++As An)e+s 5 Pete Poten>a is a Dnown associate o? the He++s An)e+s an' Mi+?or' F 7ompany. Banet Poten>aAs neice has a+so @een stayin) in contstant contact with my +itt+e sister S*mmer MacPherson ?or a@o*t ?o*r years4 ca++in) her e(ery 'ay an' @ecomin) an)ry when she spen's time with other ?rien's 5 she has @een (ery contro++in). Banet Poten>a was the co*nse+or in Manchester NH who sai' to me G2here are microchips now that ?it on the @rain4 the si>e o? a sticD o? )*m. Interestin) 4 h*hOG. .or a +on) time4 Pete Poten>a was 3ana Um@roAs @est ?rien' as we++ as was Pete Poten>a ?rien's with 1' :arren. :hi+e +i(in) at the Gemini Ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire 4 Bames 9i+ey sai' GI? a person sees )reen +etters in ?ront o? their eyes te++in) them to 'o somethin) 4 an' they 'o it 5 they are st*pi'.G. It is possi@+e that these men co*+' Dnow the SeC 2ra??icDers who a@'*cte' Samantha G*ayAs imposte*r 5 '*rin) the year 200% 4 Samantha G*ayAs imposte*rs @rie?+y worDe' at M.0.M.s Motorcyc+es o? Manchester in Manchester NewHampshire. :hi+e +i(in) at the Gemini Ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire on :a+n*t Street < I (isite' the Ma++ o? NewHampshire n*mero*s times an' witnesse' emp+oyees o? the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense actin) stran)e. 0ne o? these men who appeare' to @e Ita+ian an' 3e*tsche 4 t*rne' towar' me whi+e I was wa+Din) passe' him an' stare' at me with an intimi'ate' +ooD whi+e c+enchin) his ?ists 5 stan'in) @esi'e me was 3onato Genti+e 4 who sai' G:oahN :hatAs this )*yOG. A+so witnesse' whi+e at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire was 4 a

)ro*p o? ma+es wearin) U.S.A. Mi+itary Uni?orms @eha(in) as i? their *ni?orms were the sDate@oar'in) shoes that yo* are not a++owe' to wear witho*t @ein) ri'ic*+e' @y sDate@oar'ers 5 these men notice' ci(i+ians wearin) ;.3.U. c+othin) or camo*?+a)e print c+othin) an' ri'ic*+e' them with a tren' wor' G7.I.U. G which meant G7i(i+ian in Uni?ormG 4 IoDin) an' ri'ic*+in) the ci(i+ians. 2his happene' twice. 0ther )ro*ps o? U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees were witnesse' wa+Din) thro*)h the Ma++ o? NewHampshire 4 +a*)hin) an' ri'ic*+in) ci(i+ians. 3*rin) the year 2008 4 I (ote' ?or ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 2his was on+y a year a?ter I was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama was )i(en a No@e+ Peace Pri>e. :hen I (ote' 4 I ?e+t +iDe my han' was mo(e' to write G;A#A79 0;AMAG with a @+acD sharpie pen. I ?e+t +iDe my 'ecision ha' @een ma'e ?or me an' my han' mo(e *nwi++in)+y. 2his co*+' ha(e possi@+y @een 'one '*rin) the e+ection o? ;ishop Boseph #at>in)er as Pope ;ishop o? #ome. 2he p*rpose ?or this 5 a+i)n a series o? i'entities to ser(e as an a+i@i ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*rin) a Ho+oca*st 5 n*mero*s mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een o(erhear' speaDin) a@o*t their p+ans to Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate a++ o? the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans permanant+y as we++ as a +ist o? other races whom inha@ite' North America @e?ore the Ita+ian pop*+ation immi)rate' to North America 5 this is the Gpre eCistin) con'itionG. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama is pro@a@+y inten'e' to @e represente' as the Satanic M*s+im (ersion o? #ichar' NiCon an' Pope Boseph #at>in)er o? ;a(aria is pro@a@+y inten'e' to @e presente' as the Anti 7hrist ;a(arian Pope o? the Satanic I++*minati. 2his is an attempt @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 to create a mirror ima)e o? the A6IS an' present it as the )*i+ty .action 4 ena@+in) the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to escape an Internationa+ :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+. Boseph #at>in)er was en+iste' in the /o*th ;ri)a'e '*rin) the A6IS 0cc*pation o? 3e*tsche+an' 4 when A'o+? GHit+erG was the S*preme 3ictator o? a Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' Mi+itari>e' State. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' p+anne' to rep+ace ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with an imposte*r or two 5 *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to 'is)*ise the in'i(i'*a+s. 3*rin) Henry MaDowAs associateAs in(esti)ations4 Henry p*@+ishe' artic+es a@o*t the SeC 2ra??icDin) operations associate' with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate & whom he re?erre' to as Gthe I++*minati , most o?ten tar)ette' entire ?ami+ies ?or m*+tip+e )enerations 5 repeate'+y o@tainin) (ictims ?rom the same pop*+ation )ro*ps. 2he tar)ettin) o? the tra??icDin) (ictimsA pop*+ation )ro*ps is systemic < a+so4 '*e to the ?act that the +owest price' seC tra??icDin) (ictims are the on+y ones 'isco(ere' an' arreste' 4it @ecame o@(io*s that these crimina+ a)ents were worDin) ?or some@o'y with connections within )o(ernment an' in(esti)ations. $ow price' prostit*tes are *se' as 'ecoys4 whi+e the hi)her price' seC tra??icDin) (ictims are si+ence' ?rom p*@+ic Dnow+e')e a+most entire+y. 2he (ictimAs are arreste' an' p*@+ic+y 'eni)rate' as Gprostit*tesG whi+e the SeC 2ra??icDers contin*e their @*siness o? s+a(ery. In the North 1ast o? North America 5 the maIority o? the seC tra??icDin) ce++ are Ita+ian Ma?ia A??i+iate' as we++ as o?ten Ho*se o? Sa(oy a??i+iate'. Many o? these peop+e wo*+' @e in(o+(e' with or emp+oy the crimina+s an' terrorists whom Henry MaDow co'e wor'e' an' re?erre' to as GI++*minati Han'+ersG. 2hese networDs o? SeC 2ra??icDin) *nits are o?ten m*+tip+e *nits o? one co++ecti(e or)ani>ation < this or)ani>ation is in(o+(e' in m*+tip+e ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) s*ch as seC s+a(ery4 +a@or s+a(ery4 or)an tra??icDin)4 an' h*man (i(isection. 2he networD o? seC tra??icDers which c+aime' my Nana an' her chi+'ren as (ictims when my mother was a chi+' were 'e?inite+y

associate' with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate4 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate @ein) the e+ite *nit a@o(e a++ other or)ani>ations which they emp+oy. U :hi+e wa+Din) past a @asDet@a++ co*rt near ;ri')e St. in Manchester New Hampshire 4 I witnesse' .I++i@erto 1man*e+e p+ayin) @asDet@a++ with a )ro*p o? peop+e. .I++i@erto or GPhi+G < has ma'e a ha@it o? Gs+*mmin) itG in re)ions s*ch as New /orD4 Massach*settes4 New Bersey4 an' New Hampshire. He has ma'e n*mero*s )an) connections an' *ses the a+ias GPhi+.G an' G.i+G . - :hi+e (isitin) my mother at the NewHampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire on 7+inton Street < a man sa+*te' me with a #oman Sa+*te. I ha' 'ri(en my car to the hospita+ to picD my mother *p in or'er to @rin) her to Ma+'en Massach*settes to (isit her mother ?or the weeDen' 5 whi+e I was waitin) at the 'oor < a man wa+De' to the 'oor4 #oman Sa+*te' me4 a?ter which he +ai' 'own in ?ront o? the 'oor +iDe a we+come carpet. A n*rse attempte' to mo(e the man @*t he was *nresponsi(e an' ?or the rest o? my time at Unit 34 he +ai' in that eCact spot immo(a@+e. It was as i? he co*+' not mo(e himse+? at a++4 as i? he were *n'er the in?+*ence o? hypnosis. As my mother an' I were +ea(in)4 the man was sti++ +ayin) on the ?+oor in ?ront o? the entry way 5 where there wo*+' c*stomari+y @e a we+come carpet. 2his sit*ation @rin)s to min' the o+' a'a)e4 G#o++in) o*t the re' carpet.G U ;etween the years 200% an' 200" 4 my mother was a'ministere' n*mero*s 1.7.2. 1+ectro 7har)e 2herapy Sessions 4 in other wor's 5 1+ectric ShocD 2herapy. I am s*re that ?or this p*rpose 4 sa?ety consent ?orms were si)ne' in(o+(in) 1+ectricity an' ;rain 2herapy. I @e+ie(e that the my Mother may ha(e @een one o? the ?irst (ictims o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro Science H*man =i(isections in NewHampshire. - I starte' worDin) at a new retai+ Io@ in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire. 2he Io@ was at a no(e+ty store ca++e' It> A P*>>+e. My secon' 'ay o? worD4 I was sittin) on a @ench o*tsi'e the store @e?ore openin) time 5 waitin) ?or my @oss to arri(e with the Dey. As I was waitin) ?or 9im to arri(e 5 a man came wa+Din) in thro*)h an emp+oyee entrance< wa+De' *p to me4 an' starte' ta+Din) to me. A?ter a ?ew min*tes he o??ere' to @*y me a co??ee4 I ha' a@o*t an ho*r to wait so I 'eci'e' to accept his o??er. A?ter @*yin) co??ee at the 3*nDin 3on*ts I *se' to worD at < as we were sittin) 'own 'rinDin) co??ee4 he @e)an to ta+D to me a@o*t re+i)ion. A?ter the re+i)io*s con(ersation ha' en'e'4 he to+' me that he was ?rom So*th A?rica an' that he worDe' ?or .ireye 7orporation 5 apparent+y he was in the re)ion (isitin) the +oca+ .ireye +ocation. I @e+ie(e this manAs name may ha(e possi@+y @een G*y. 2wo years +ater4 I @e)an 'atin) my eC )ir+?rien' 3aphen 5 whoAs mother was at worDin) ?or .ireye. :hi+e +i(in) at the Gemini Ho*se one 'ay a )*y who was +i(in) there name' 2onato !entile &prono*nce' Genti++y 4 as in the name !io0anni !entile< a possible choice of agent due to obvious SURNAME reasons in relation to the Father of Modern Italian Fascism, asDe' me i? I wante' to taDe a ri'e to the ma++ with him. :hi+e we were at the Ma++ o? NH4 a man in a Unite' States Mi+itary Uni?orm t*rne' towar' me an' starte' starin) me at me threatenin)+y. 3onato sai' to me Gwoah woah woah... whatAs thisOG 2he )*ar'sman tooD a step towar's me4 c+enchin) his ?ists4 +iDe he was a@o*t to attacD. His 'ri++ sear)ent sai' somethin) to him to )et his attention an' I t*rne' an' wa+De' away. I ha(e ne(er seen this man @e?ore or a?ter this e(ent nor 'o I ha(e any Dnow+e')e o? why he wo*+' ha(e 'one this. 2he terrorist perpetrators o? this co(ert war?are campai)n in North America o@(io*s+y wante' my se+?

to @e ?ear?*+ o? my own mi+itary. Another reason ?or =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e choosin) 3onato Genti+e as an a)ent is the name o? the North 1ast #e)iona+ 7ommissioner o? the 7+an MacPherson Association who +i(es in New /orD 4 his name is 3ona+' MacPherson Genti+e 5 3ona+' in Ita+ian is 3onato4 MacPherson is the re)iona+ commissionerAs motherAs mai'en name. 3onato Genti+e to+' me that his motherAs mai'en name was SticDney4 I @e+ie(e that this was a +ie which .i++i@erto to+' him to te++ 5 $acey SticDney who is a +on) time ?rien' o? mine4 ha' her win'ow shot o*t whi+e her car was parDe' o*tsi'e o? my apartment at 155 Map+e St. in Manchester New Hampshire. 2he 7+an MacPherson Association is a ?orma+ association ?or the 7+an MacPherson an' 7+an 7hattan < this association o? which my ?ather an' I are car' carryin) mem@ers 4 has a we@site as we++ as month+y Io*rna+s. It is easy to o@tain +ists o? the 7+an MacPherson associations mem@ers. #*pert M*r'och is a+so o? the 7+an 7hattan an' has @een sta+De' @y the 1man*e+esA a)ents whom ha(e pai' hacDers in an attempt to ?rame him ?or sta+Din) the Ho*se o? Hano(er. #*pert M*r'ochAs corporationAs internet connection was *se' n*mero*s times '*rin) worD ho*rs @y a )ro*p o? hacDers whom were emp+oye' @y his corporation4 the tar)ets o? these hacDers were mem@ers o? the U9 Ho*se o? $or's4 mem@ers o? the U9 Par+iament4 an' the Hano(er ?ami+y 5 the =ittorio an' .I++i@erto 1man*e+e attempte' to ?rame #*pert M*r'och as the a+i@i. U =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e @een attacDin) networDs o? ?ami+ies4 re+i)io*s comm*nities4 an' ?raterna+ or'ers. 7+an 7hattan is 'e?inite+y a networD o? ?ami+ies which the 1man*e+es ha(e tar)ette'. In 200% the tr*th o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine was p*@+ishe' on Henry MaDowAs we@site Sa(e2heMa+es.7A. =ittorio 1man*e+e III was eCpose' p*@+ica++y as @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother whoAs ?ather ha' sire' A'o+? ?rom the +ine o? =ittorioAs ?o*rth co*sin4 a+so o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) this time4 I was in contact with Henry MaDow an' ha' @een ?reH*ent+y (isitin) the 7+an MacPherson we@site. My ?ather has @een a car' carryin) mem@er o? the 7+an MacPherson Association since I was a yo*n) chi+'. My emai+s were present in Henry MaDowAs in@oC when =ittorio 1man*e+eAs a)ents hacDe' HenryAs emai+ acco*nt. -"roun) ;==9: the +oca+ te+e(ision news networD @roa'caste' (ia 7omcast networD that a tro*pe o? men with mi+tary camo*?+a)e an' mi+itary )ra'e assa*+t weapons were seen in ;e'?or' New Hampshire 'ep+oye' ?rom what appeare' to @e New Hampshire State Po+ice =ehic+es an' New Hampshire State Po+ice Q Am@*+atory He+icopter. %H& I& that the local Ne-sPapers later printe) -as that the local Police 2epartment -as looking for a man who was feeling suicidal3 - 2uring the appro@imate 5ear ;==C + 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas : -as sighte) in a Hospital -earing a -hite la* coat3 He pro*a*le stole 2N" Samples from this hospital for purpose of using it for 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 2N" 1utation3 Other places -here these ma5 ha0e *een stolen from are Bloo) 2ri0es + Hospitals + Ortho)ontal Clinics + 2entists + !5nocologists + an) stolen 2N" samples from la*oratories -ith la*els3 ----C----- %-o Years aterE I mo(e' in to an apartment on the top ?+oor o? ParD =iew Apartments at 2E1 Pine St V %1 in Manchester near 9a+i(as ParD an' neCt to the Scorpion 7a?e. "fter si@ months of li0ing there I starte) hearing cellphones 0i*rating insi)e m5 li0ingroom an) *e)room -alls3 &0entuall5

some*o)5 e@plaine) to me that cellphones can *e hac.e)Kphrea.e) an) use) as recor)ing )e0ices ,ust *5 calling them from googlephone account -ith a computer an) recor)e) using soft-are3 Imme)iatel5+ I realize) that apparentl5 some*o)5 ha) forgotten to turn the phones on silent an) not 0i*rate3 I recall hearing sa-ing soun)s coming from -hat soun)e) li.e it -as possi*l5 )o-nstairs or some .in) of mezzanine *et-een the apartments *efore this ha) occurre)3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3 - At this time my ce++ phone n*m@er was E03 858 3123 . 2he GPS +ocations o? the impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices p+ante' within the wa++s were most o?ten at the same +ocation as my se+?4 there were at +east two p+ante' recor'in) 'e(ices @*i+t ?rom mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephones. 2wo @+ocDs ?rom my apartment at 2E1 Pine St. V %1 Manchester New Hampshire4 there was a con(enience store ca++e' Se(en 3ays MarDet. 0n the win'ow o*tsi'e o? Se(en 3ays MarDet there was an a'(ertisement poste' 5 a (eternarian was a'(ertisin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System Micro7hip S*r)ica+ Imp+ants G?or yo*r petsG. Poo Anima+ Pet #...I.3. S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ta)s were si)hte' in hospita+s. U.S.;. #a'io .reH*ency I'enti?ication 3e(ice rea'ers ha(e @een si)hte' in Hospita+s in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. @etween the years 200% an' 2012. 2wo mo'e+s o? these ha(e @een seen < the ?irst one @ein) a +ar)e white ?+at sH*are 4 the secon' @ein) a sma++ *s@ rectan)*+ar @+acD rectan)+e. U 3*rin) the time I +i(e' at 2E1 Pine St in Manchester4 I was 'atin) a woman name' $a*ren .rench 5 $a*ren .rench an' o*r ?rien's Ben $inco+n an' An)e+iH*e ;oy' @e)an to @e sta+De' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' another in'i(i'*a+. It is a possi@i+ity that $a*ren .renchAs mother was a co*sin o? 7hristine 3ionAs. Another o? 7hristine 3ionAs co*sins may possi@+y ha(e @een 3an #o@icha*'As )ir+?rien's Aman'a G#oseG 7i@otti. My .atherAs )ir+?rien' 7heri 7i@ottiAs eC h*s@an'As ?ami+y may possi@+y ha(e @een re+ate' to Aman'a GMan'a #oseG 7i@otti. Aman'a GMan'a #oseG 7i@otti *se' to 'ate a man name' 3an #o@icha*' who was a ?rien' o? mine. U 3*rin) the approCimate year 2000 4 3an #o@icha*' an' his )ir+?rien' Aman'a in(ite' me to stay at one o? their ho*ses in Massach*settes near ;e'?or' or ;oy+ston Massach*settes. Aman'a ha' @o*)ht mariI*ana ?rom .i+As ?rien' Bason an' a ?rien' o? his 5 they ha' '*ste' an' (apor coate' the MariI*ana with a 3isassociati(e 3r*). :e smoDe' the mariI*ana an' 'isassociate'. None o? *s remem@ere' what happene' a?terwar's ?or ho*rs. 2he neCt 'ay 3an #o@icha*' attempte' to )et his money @acD ?rom Bason at his ho*se a?ter )ettin) his phone n*m@er ?rom Aman'aAs ?rien' 4 3an a+most )ot into a physica+ a+tercation with .i+As ?rien' Bason. Bason +i(e' in a p+ace near either Merrimac Massach*settes or North Mar+@oro*)h Massach*settes. U 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs in(o+(ement in 'r*) sa+es seems to @e ?or the p*rpose o? 'estroyin) the U.S.A. @y 'esta@+i>in) the other pop*+ations o? peop+e. It is 'e?inite that they miC eCperimenta+ Ne*ro2oCins

an' eCperimenta+ 3r*)s with the 'r*)s that they se++ to recreationa+ 'r*) *sers. U 3*rin) the year 2005 4 I o(erhear' some@o'y eCp+ainin) that they ha' hear' .i+ 1man*e+e say GI am )oin) to win the :ar on 2error. I am )oin) to @e the most s*ccess?*+ terrorist e(er.G. U :hi+e I was 'atin) $a*ren .rench. :e went to 3ennyAs in Nash*a NewHampshire to ha(e co??ee one ni)ht. Some peop+e whom I Dnew ?rom the Gothic Ni)ht at the Ni)ht 7+*@ were there. Apparent+y 4 Nata+ie whom my se+? an' 3ana Um@ro ?ormer+y worDe' with at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant in Nash*a NewHampshire ha' @een a@'*cte' whi+e she was away ?rom post ?rom the Nationa+ G*ar'. Accor'in) to the 'isc*ssion that they were ha(in) < Nata+ie was a@'*cte'4 tie' *p4 poisone' with 'r*)s4 tort*re' 4 an' repeate'+y rape'. #o@ert 9ersey state' that he ha' ?o*n' an e+ectronic 'e(ice s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in her whi+e testin) :ire+ess HacDin) 'e(ices4 e(ent*a++y he 'etermine' that it was a G.P.S. 3e(ice. 3*rin) Septem@er or 0cto@er o? the year 2013 4 I met an imposte*r o? Nata+ie in Manchester NewHampshire who was ta++er an' ?at an' ha' a 'i??erent shape' sD*++. I a+so met an imposte*r o? #o@ 9ersey in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the same e(enin). U :hen I met $a*ren .rench 4 she was co(ere' in @r*ises an' ha' a @*rn on her @reast. She to+' me that a man ha' tie' her to a racD an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs se(er+y as we++ as (io+ent+y rape' her. $a*ren to+' me that this man )a(e her a ci)arette an' that she 'i'nAt remem@er m*ch a?terwar's eCcept ?or @ein) tort*re'. U An o+' ?rien' o? mine name' Sara ;ea*re)ar' (isite' me whi+e I was +i(in) at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 it is pro@a@+e that she has @een tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate as ha(e ;ra' Sa@+e an' 2ara Powe++ 4 a++ three o? whom are o? Israe+i race an' mem@ers o? Bewish ?ami+ies. U 0ther ?rien's o? mine whom ha' (isite' me whi+e at 2E1 Pine St. that wo*+' @e tar)ets now '*e to the I++e)a+ #ecor'in) 3e(ices @ein) p+ante' @ehin' the wa++s are Bason #o)ers4 MarD SDinner4 Mat Mi++s4 7hris Scho++er 4 PacD Bohnson4 ;ecDy :i+mot4 ;ren'an P+ace4 Anthony McMenemy4 Am@er SDinner4 1''ie $a)es4 Bay 2harp4 an' Me+o'y $a*)ini)er. Me+o'y $a*)ini)er possi@+y mentione' on recor'in) that she ha' met a man whom was preten'in) to @e Beremiah GProphetG ?rom :i+ton NewHampshire 5 this man was +i(in) in Nash*a NewHampshire an' was *sin) BeremiahAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @*t was ?ar yo*n)er an' was racia++y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian which Beremiah GProphetG was not. Bason #o)ersA wi?e4 his co*sin 9ara4 Beremy MaDi4 7ara Samson4 an' otherAs associate' with peop+e ?rom :i+ton an' Mi+?or' are most +iDe+y to ha(e @een attacDe' or are @ein) sta+De' c*rrent+y. Ho++y 3emanche is +iDe+y to @e a c*rrent tar)et '*e to her @ein) an eC +o(er o? mine an' a +on) time ?rien' o? mine as we++ as is she .irst Nations Nati(e American Metis an' 1thnic American 4 @oth o? which seem to @e priority tar)ets o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' the Ita+ian Ma?iaAs. .or some reason *n'etermina@+e4 my co*sin 3*stin $a(oie was reIecte' ?rom Ioinin) the Nationa+ G*ar'. He *se' to @e in #027 '*rin) hi)hschoo+4 he ha' I*st eCp*n)e' his mis'emeanor crimina+ recor'4 an' ha' a c+ean @i++ o? hea+th. He was to+' n*mero*s reasons why he was not a++owe' to Ioin. I witnesse' =ittorio 1man*e+e wa+Din) into a )as station on ;rown A(e4 some@o'y wa+Din) past him ca++e' him G=ictorG.

I witnesse' =ittorio 1man*e+e wa+Din) aro*n' at a *se' car a*ction4 many peop+e there Dnew him as G=ictorG. Some@o'y mentione' that G=ictorG ha' @een G?+ippin) propertiesG 4 which means @*yin) an' se++in) properties ?or pro?it 5 within New /orD 7ity. * Bhile m5 self an) 7oe5 -ere at 7oe5 1arini's house in 1ilfor) Ne-Hampshire : 7oe5 )eci)e) to -atch a mo0ie -hich -as On 2eman) on Comcast3 1ostafa I*nSau) appeare) in this mo0ie -ith a gang arme) -ith 1ilitar5-!ra)e $ire"rms an) )resse) as himself3 2uring this film+ /1ostafa I*nSau)/ appeare) )resse) in his usual attire an) arme) -ith an assault rifle3 His character -as an e@tra character in the *ac.groun) an) -as of no importance to the plot of the mo0ie3 His character -as a %errorist !angster+ I recognize) him from photos an) o*0ious 0i)eo recor)ings3 He is most often seen -earing a )ou*le-poc.ete) casual collare)-shirt+ fitting ,eans+ an) has long curl5 *ro-n hair : he is o0er si@ feet tall an) is of an incre)i*l5 muscular *uil)3%his scene -as mentione) *5 7oe5 to inclu)e 1ostafa I*nSau) + 7oe5 laughe) an) state) /Imagine pla5ing 5ourself in a mo0ie3 %hat's a Sau)i-"ra*ian gangster from 1orocco3 He is pla5ing his self as his self3 "re the cre)its going to sa5 1ostafa as 1ostafaL/3 I ha0e met 1ostafa I*nSau) multiple times : he is not a gangster3 %his Scene -as later )epicte) on the Internet on a 2epartment of 2efense Be*site -hich I accesse) at the i*rar5 in Nashua Ne-Hampshire in ;=6; : this scene -as of eon Panetta getting out of a Secret Ser0ice car -ith multiple men -iel)ing uzis an) acting li.e gangsters3 %his is an o*0ious pro)uct of Ps5chological Barfare *eing -age) upon "merican Ci0ilians3 2uring this time : numerous -e*sites -ere altere) to inclu)e incorrect a))resses concerning $3B3I3 + C3I3"3+ 2epartment of 2efense+ an) foreign Nations' 2efence 2epartments as -ell as in0estigations3 * "t this )ate + 7oe5 1arini's mo*ile cellular telephone num*er -as M=:-C=6-9C=F 3 I am not entirel5 sure ho- 7oe5 1arini .ne- -ho 1ostafa I*nSau) -as : I *elie0e that 7oe5 mentione) that his cousin .ne- one of 1ostafa /I*nSau)'s/ frien)s an) criminal associates3 I *elie0e this -as the particular cousin of 7oe5's -hom li0es near Ne- Yor. Cit5 an) tol) 7oe5 a*out the /*rain microchips that ma.e the -omen ha0e se@3/3 It is a possi*ilit5 that 7oe5 1arini is )ea) an) that this in)i0i)ual -as factuall5 an imposteur3 %here are : imposteurs of 7oe5 1arini in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire currentl53 * Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + ; #azors of mine -ere stolen an) 6 tooth-*rush3 It is possi*le that these -ere ta.en for the purpose of collecting 2N"3 15 2N" -as pro*a*l5 also collecte) from *loo)-tests )one at hospitals in Ne-Hampshire o0er the past 6= 5ears3 2uring the Binter of the season of the 5ear ;=6; E a $irst-Nations Nati0e-"merican -oman aroun) the age of ;6 5ears ol) + -as freHuentl5 seen at ;: %emple Street in Nashua Ne-Hampshire3 2uring the 5ear ;=6; + she -as replace) *5 an imposteur -ho is o*0iousl5 of mi@e) &uropi) an) an "sian race : the -oman seeme) to *e Italian an) Chinese or something similar an) seeme) to *e a 8ictim3 It is pro*a*le that the $irst-Nations Nati0e-

"merican -oman -as mur)ere)3 2uring the 5ear ;=== + it -as re0eale) to me that 8ittorio &manuele I8 all in)i0i)uals an) parties lo5al to him E -ere planning to e@terminate the races nati0e to North "merica : )uring this time + the chil)ren of Italian-"GIS $amilies an) the House of Sa0o5 *egan telling me to m5 face II am going to e@terminate 5our race3J3 It is possi*le that this Nati0e-"merican -oman -as a cousin of Kenneth Sche0e5 : Ken Sche0e5 -as of "*ena.i + 2eutsche + "nglo-Sa@on (S"merican + an) 1ahican race3 It is )efinite that Ken Sche0e5 has *een a target of the &manuele famil5 of Sa0o5 an) the Italian-"GIS : Ken Sche0e5 -as m5 neigh*or -hen I -as a chil)3 * Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street + I -itnesse) t-o -omen aroun) that loo.e) familiar *ut ha) *een 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) toha0e Blon)e Hair an) Blue &5es E the5 -ere o*0iousl5 not using their o-n I)entification Cre)entials an) -ere 8ictims : one of these -omen loo.e) li.e Cali 1c!uire3 %here is a large population in the region -ho )o not currentl5 ha0e their o-n I)entification Cre)entials + the ma,orit5 of -hich are Italians -ho ha0e 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 1utate) themsel0es to appear as a ci0ilian -ho's life the5 ha0e stolen as -ell as their 8ictims -ho ha0e *een force) to )o the same3 - 7oe5's frien) : "nthon5 #oton)o E mentione) .no-ing m5 e@-girlfrien) + 1in)5 Kern3 "nthon5 #oton)o's *rother someho- .ne- m5 cousin 2ustin a0oie's half-sisters Bran)i an) #osa3 Both Bran)i an) #osa -ere li0ing in Nashua Ne- Hampshire3 %he5 are 2ustin's half-si*lings on his mother's si)e of the famil53 %here is an in)i0i)ual from Italia currentl5 in the (3S3"3 using 7oe5 1arini's I)entification Cre)entials3 I ha0e seen this in)i0i)ual on t-o occaisions3 7oe5 -as a Sicilian3 %on5 #oton)o an) his *rother ha0e someho- *een sha)o-ing targets of $illi*erto &manuele's3 Numerous people seem to *e replace) *5 in)i0i)uals from Italia or ha0e )ou*les in the region3 " man name) 7eremiah /Prophet/ has *een missing for a fe- 5ears : )uring ;=6: the man -hom has *een preten)ing to *e him+ mo0e) into the *uil)ing at ;: %emple St3 %he man preten)ing to *e 7eremiah /Prophet/ is 5ounger *5 at least F 5ears an) is shorter than 7eremiah+ this man also appears to *e om*ar)ic Italian3 I met 7oe5 1arini in the !emini House : these entire net-or.s of people are -ithin arms reach of the 1ental Health an) HealthCare institutions in Ne- &nglan) + Ontario+ Ne- Yor.+ an) Ne- 7erse53 7oe5 1arini an) "nthon5 #oton)o *oth ha0e cousins in the 1afia : 7err5 2'"mico -hom is o*0iousl5 1afia+ is one of the men -hom plante) illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices *ehin) ci0ilian target's -alls in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire an) else-here3 %his entire net-or. is "GIS Italian+ Italian 1afia+ Sau)i "GIS+ Ser*ian "GIS 1afia+ an) other Criminal-"GIS connections3 - Aro*n' 7hristmas< a man whom I ha' @ecome acH*ainte' with name' Boseph Marini open+y ma'e n*mero*s 'eath threats a)ainst my se+? an' my ?ami+y. I reporte' this to the po+ice in Manchester< whom *pon hearin) his name re?*se' to in(esti)ate e(en tho*)h I in?orme' them that I ha' teCt messa)e recor's4 recor'e' (oice mai+s4 an' witnesses. I ha(e ha' this pro@+em @e?ore at Manchester NewHamphire Po+ice 3epartment 5 an eC )ir+?rien' o? mine an' my se+? ha' @oth @een threatene' @y a )ro*p o? ma+es who were threatenin) to Di++ *s an' threatenin) *s with (io+ence on more than one occaision4 this eC )ir+?rien' o? mine ha' her a*tomo@i+e win'ow smashe' o*t @y these men as we++ < e(ent*a++y we reporte' the threats an' the win'ow @ein) smashe' to the po+ice an' we were to+' @y

two po+ice o??icers that it was not an iss*e that sho*+' @e reporte' to po+ice. :hi+e +i(in) at 2E1 Pine St. Apt. V%1 5 I went to a concert in 7am@ri')e with A+isha 7ote an' her ?rien' 4 a?terwhich we went to a trashy strip c+*@ in ;oston ?or 'rinDs. A+isha ha' ?ree passes. Imme'iate+y a?ter I or'ere' a 'rinD5 my ?a(orite @an' Ha*Io@@ 4 @e)an p+ayin) on the speaDers an' a woman @e)an 'ancin) on the sta)e. Ha*Io@@ is a+most *nhear' o? in the USA4 they are a German 1+ectronics ;an' 5 not a sin)+e stripper that I ha(e e(er hear' o? wo*+' strip to a son) @y Ha*Io@@. I am positi(e+y certain that the SeC 2ra??icDer at this c+*@ was aware o? my presence an' c*e' the son) *p ?rom an MP3 'own+oa'. 2he name o? the c+*@ was 7enter?o+'s in ;oston. .I++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha(e ha' 'irect contact with the owner o? 7enter.o+'s in ;oston 5 the c*ein) o? Ha*Io@@ was no coinci'ence4 some@o'y Dnew where A+isha an' I were. U In 200" I :as in?orme' @y a man who was possi@+y my ?rien' Anthony McMenemy that he ha' temporari+y Ioine' the 7rips )an) an' that he ha' met .i+ 1man*e+e. I @e+ie(e that this was an Imposte*r o? Anthony McMenemy who ha' 7rips 2attoos tattooe' on his han' 5 Anthony ne(er Ioine' the 7rips. Anthony was a P*rp+e Heart =eteran in the USA Arme' .orces. 2he imposte*r o? Anthony McMenemy In?orme' me that .i+ ha' tatooe' his name on two ?ema+esA @*ttocDs4 that .i+ ha' 'e?ecate' 'own these womenAs throats 4 that .i+ was A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran' nephew 4 that .i+ ha' amasse' a n*m@er o? crime connections an' was con'*ctin) eCperiments on women whom his th*)s ha' capt*re' 5 these eCperiments res*+te' in the s*r)ica+ imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in these womanAs @o'yAs < these women were @ein) ?orce' to ha(e seC on the ?+oor at De) parties an' were @ein) *se' as a prop +iDe a +a(a +amp that .i+ wo*+' ?+icD ci)arettes at an' '*mp @eer on. Anthony was ?*rio*s an' 'is)*ste' when he to+' me the 'etai+s concernin) these attacDs an' others. Many o? .I+As associates in ;oston were sai' to @e 7rips4 @*t I Dnow that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ?act*a++y has a +ar)er n*m@er o? Ma?ia associates an' that the 1man*e+es are ?act*a++y 7rime $or's o? their own 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. ;etween the years 200% an' 200" 5 .I++i@erto 1man*e+eAs propa)an'ists ha' sprea' misin?ormation a++ o(er the internet statin) that Israe+ ?*n'e' the 7rips 4 the 3o) Po*n' Gan) 4 an' 3eath#ow #ecor's. In the year 200! 4 a we@site ca++e' 9i@@*+> an' ;it> was p*@+ishe' which 'epicte' (i'eo)raphe' recor's o? :ar #apes @ein) committe' *pon Israe+i4 7ana'ian 4 an' American women as racia+ tar)ets. 9i@@*+> an' ;it> was a p*n on the termino+o)y G9i@@*t>G. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?action are :ar 7rimina+s 4 :ar #apists4 an' :ar 7rimina+ SeC 2ra??icDers 5 Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDers en)a)e' in a campai)n o? )enoci'a+ seC tra??icDin) 4 )enoci'a+ m*r'er o? entire ?ami+ies 4 an' h*man (i(isection. 2hese men are eCtreme+y 'eni)ratory o? c*+t*re an' o? re+i)ion < what +ooDe' +iDe it may ha(e @een B*+ie :einstein @ein) ?orce' to act as G1mi+y Is+esG was ?orce' to taDe o?? a MIo+nir 2horAs Hammer Pen'ant4 Samantha ;ernstein an' B*+ie :einstein were tar)ette' @eca*se she was o? Israe+i race an' Bewish re+i)io*s tra'ition. Anthony to+' me that .i+ or'ere' one o? his )*ys to 'e?ecate 'own the throat o? a Bewish woman < this +ater res*+te' in the womanAs 'eath '*e to toCicosis. 0ther women were attacDe' in the same manner 4 most +i(e' an' sho*+' @e a@+e to testi?y. U In 200" 5 a?ter Anthony to+' me a@o*t .i+ 1man*e+eAs acti(ities in the ;oston re)ion an' e+sewhere 4 I recei(e' ca++ on my ce++*+ar mo@ie te+ephone ?rom a man c+aimin) to @e .i+ 5 GI hear' yo* @een ta+Din) a@o*t m*y crew. I s*))est yo* 'onAt 'o that.G to which I rep+ie' G I am sorry4 I 'o not Dnow who yo* are. /o* m*st ha(e the wron) n*m@er.G. Anthony is now missin) an' there is e(i'ence o? photo

e'ittin) on his .ace@ooD.7om acco*nt. L*otes ha' @een poste' @y hacDers on his .ace@ooD as we++ an' there is e(i'ence that he was @ein) sta+De' @y .i+ an' .i+As A)ents. U It is important to remem@er that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rothers were a'opte' @y mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen are the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts 4 o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. .or reason that the maIority o? the ma+es o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y themse+(es are SeC 2ra??icDers 4 many o? these men are in(o+(e' in seC tra??icDin). SeC 2ra??icDers most o?ten a@'*ct the most (*+nera@+e ?ema+es that they can ?in'4 e(en o?ten 'o they a@'*ct chi+'ren. 3*rin) 200% .i+ 1man*e+e state' that his ?ami+y ha' 7omcast emp+oyees who were +oya+ eno*)h to +et the Ho*se o? Sa(oy wa+D in an' checD recor's 'irect+y on Ser(ers as we++ as HacD 7omp*ters 'irect+y ?rom Ser(ers. .i+ has state' that they ha(e a man who 'oes this < their hacDers most 'e?inite+y ha(e @een matchin) ?aces ?rom cata+o))e' internet ima)es which they ha(e hacDe' an' retrie(e' ?rom the Ser(er ?rom .ace@ooD 'ata stora)e. 2hese ?aces can @e matche' *p *sin) so?tware. 2he peop+e that I ha(e notice' whom the missin) ci(i+ians ha(e @een switche' with o?ten seem to @e seC tra??icDin) (ictims whoAs ?aces ha(e a near+y i'entica+ shape to the ?aces o? the other (ictims 4 their @o'y shapes howe(er are o?ten eCtreme+y 'i??erent. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy seems to ha(e p+aye' a +ar)e ro+e in the camo*?+a)in) o? this )enoci'e which has @e)*n an' in some re)ions s*ch as NewHampshire ha(e @een near tota+4 the a)ents are @ein) como*?+a)e' to +ooD +iDe te (ictims which they ha(e Di++e'. 2he i'ea o? the Secret Ser(ice an' the Presi'ent or the 3epartment o? 3e?ense @ein) swappe' with A)ents is a terri?yin) concept 5 it is pro@a@+e that they wi++ try 4 many o? the hospita+s in North America are owne' @y 1man*e+eAs a)ents an' Properties Stea' Ho+'ers 5 this maDin) it easier ?or the enemy to 'estroy o*r pop*+ation co(ert+y. Un'er preteCt that she ha' a++e)e'+y threatene' her own ?ami+y (ia emai+s to her co*nse+or< which a comp*ter hacDer ha' ?or)e' themse+?4an' whi+e her co*nci+or was on (acation5 a stan' in co*nci+or was presente' an' my mother was a@'*cte' ?rom her co*nci+in) appointment in the Ma+'en Massach*settes re)ion. She was in a coma when I arri(e' at the Me+rose :aDe?ie+' I7U that the stan' in co*nci+or ha' @ro*)ht her to. 2he n*rse to+' me in a whispere' (oice that she o(er'ose' on ;en>o'ia>epines an' somethin) e+se that I can not remem@er the name o?4 an' that she ha' @een @ro*)ht ?rom her appointment to the hospita+ @y an am@*+ance. My Nana ha' waite' ?or ho*rs ?or my mother to )et o*t o? her appointment that 'ay. I )*ess my Mother was @ro*)ht o*t the @acD 'oor o? the co*nse+in) center. 2he neCt 'ay my entire ?ami+y was to+' that my motherAs @+oo' an' *rine tests were c+ean an' that nothin) was at a++ wron) with her... which was impossi@+e @eca*se @oth s*@stances were o? the type that is processe' thro*)h the +i(er an' wo*+' show *p on *rine an' @+oo' tests. 2he neCt 'ay4 I 'ro(e my car @acD to the hospita+ an' (isite' my mother in the e0ine Clinic a)ain at Me+rose :aDe?ie+' Hospita+ &a)ain< a possi@+e psycho+o)ica+ war?are operation @eca*se $amil5 2ollar -as starte) *5 a 7e-ish famil5 -ith the name e0ine an' I pre(io*s+y worDe' ?or .ami+y 3o++ar. 2he 'oor o(er the I7U sai' $1=IN1 7$INI74 most +iDe+y @eca*se o? )onations to the hospital. I ?ee+ this +ocation was intentionall5 chosen @y psycho+o)ica+ war?are operati(es as an attempt to ca*se miso B*'aic ?ee+in)s an' possi@+y a (io+ent reaction ?rom my se+?4 which per *s*a+ 'i' not occ*r. A)ent Pro(ocate*r Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ents with 7i(i+ian 2ar)ets, my mother was in a hea(i+y se'ate' state as i? she ha' @een inIecte' with a hea(y 'osa)e o? +ora>ipam.

U 3*rin) this time4 I wrote to the :or+' Hea+th 0r)ani>ation an' recei(e' no rep+y. My mother was @ro*)ht to Best-oo) o)ge in Massach*settes whom to+' my ?ami+y ?or H*ite a +on) time that they wo*+' not GConfirm or 2en5 whether or not there was a 3e@ra Ann $a(oie MacPhersonG at the ?aci+ity or i? there e(er ha' @een. Soon a?ter she was s*ppose'+y checDe' in there4 I saw on the te+e(ision that one o? the sta?? who worDe' there was arreste' ?or gun charges. My mother is a Metis4 I am worrie' a@o*t the connection @etween this an' what co*+' possi@+y @e happenin) 'own so*th with ProIect G*n#*nner an' the tra??icDin) o? mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms in this nation in re)ions with mesti>o in'i)eno*s pop*+ations near@y who co*+' @e @ein) tar)ette' @y the )ps 'e(ices that apparent+y were on the ?irearms when they were i++e)a++y so+' across the MeCican @or'er4 a+so that ?orei)n non MeCican a)ents co*+' @e p*rchasin) them ?rom the mo+es &em@e''e' co(ert operati(es, within the USA )o(ernment. I @e+ie(e that an Internationa+ 2errorist A??i+iate' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate4 worDin) ?rom within the Unite' States )o(ernment somewhere4 may @e responsi@+e ?or many o? these re+ate' e(ents an' may possi@+y @e within o*r nations @or'ers an' ai'in) those who are attemptin) to ?oment ins*r)ent +iDe ?orces an' con?+icts in North America. It a+most seems +iDe this operation has a mathematica+ approach as to how these po+itica+ cata+ysts are @ein) accomp+ishe' @y these a)ents. I am worrie' a@o*t this possi@+y @ein) connecte' to po+itica+ a)ents o? the propose' North American Union an' pre(io*s attempts at !lo*alization of the State an' insti)ation o? )+o@a+ wars. :hi+e my ?ami+y were @ein) to+' that my mother was in :estwoo' +o')e in Massach*settes < I trie' to contact the North American Hea+th 0r)ani>ation 4 the :or+' Hea+th 0r)ani>ation4 (ario*s )o(ernment a)encies4 an' interpo+. Not one o? these a)encies respon'e'. My emai+s ha(e a++ @een @ein) @+ocDe'< my ?rien' MiDe Smith trie' ?or two months to emai+ me an' a++ o? his emai+s were @o*nce' @acD *n'e+i(era@+e4 an' the North 1ast Asatr* $ist stoppe' @ein) 'e+i(era@+e to my emai+ acco*nt. 1(en now< I am writin) this witness statement to m*+tip+e state a)encies4 internationa+ comm*nities an' or)ani>ations4 nations a++ie' to the USA4 an' nations ne*tra+ to USA 5 none o? my emai+s seem to @e )ettin) 'e+i(ere' at a++. I ha(e ma'e n*mero*s emai+ acco*nts an' sti++ none o? my emai+s are @ein) respon'e' to. A+tho*)h on+y a@o*t ha+? o? my emai+s )et ret*rne' to me as *n'e+i(era@+e4 none o? them at a++ are respon'e' to. I ha(e mai+e' n*mero*s copies o? this witness statement4 none o? them ha(e @een respon'e' to. It on+y seems +o)ica+ that a s+eeper ce++ is in p+ace c*rrent+y interceptin) mai+ an' @+ocDin) emai+s5 this wo*+' @e capa@+e o? @ein) 'one i? a speci?ic co(ert ce++ was acti(e sim*+taneo*s+y whi+e in the proper positions o? )o(ernment in synchronic emp+oyment < a+so4 the emai+s wo*+' @e capa@+e o? @ein) @+ocDe' entire+y or rero*te' i? a terrorist ce++ tooD a +oca+ 'epartment o? 7y@er7omman'QSi)na+s Inte++i)ence or 7IA. Mai+ is intercepta@+e @y 7IA4 .;I4 Mi+itary Po+ice4 ;om@ SH*a's4 an' sometimes Home+an' Sec*rity. I? a 2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+ is i++e)a++y @ein) tar)ette' an' tracDe' @y the 'irector o? a 'epartment whom has mana)e' to ?i++ the 'epartmentAs seats with co(ert operati(es +oya+ to the acti(ate' s+eeper a)ent4 in the 'ecapitatin) position as 'irector 5 there wo*+' @e +itt+e to no a@i+ity ?or an interna+ a??airs in(esti)ation to remo(e the acti(ate' co(ert s+eeper ce++ ?rom the 'epartment @ein) that it is the entire 'epartment an' the citi>ens @ein) tar)ette' ha(e )ps +ocation an' possi@+e Ne*roScience 'ata @ein) transmitte' ?rom the ci(i+ian showin) e(en what they are thinDin)4 ena@+in) so?tware manip*+ation o? their 'ecision maDin) an' pre empti(e p+annin) on the part o? the )enoci'a+ enemy terrorist ?action. I stoppe' @y my motherAs ?atherAs cotta)e at hampton @each to ta+D to him a@o*t my mother. I arri(e'

*neCpecte' (ery ear+y in the mornin) an' there was a man there who was not my Grampy who was 'resse' simi+ar+y an' was attemptin) to @eha(e +iDe him @*t +ooDe' nothin) +iDe him. My Grampy is #ona+' $a(oie Sr.< a .ranco Gae+ic Metis4 the man who was there was not. I am not s*re how to eCp+ain this to peop+e4 @eca*se they wi++ say that I am ima)inin) thin)s. I ha(e seen my act*a+ Grampy since then once4 @*t this man on this partic*+ar 'ay was not. He +ooDe' to @e o? miCe' #*ssian an' miCe' Sici+ian ancestry 5 it is +o)ica+ to ass*me that his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were ?aDe when he entere' the co*ntry an' that he has m*+tip+e i'entities as we++ as ?reH*ent+y *n'er)oes =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or p*rpose o? *sin) the m*+tip+e i'entities in m*+tip+e nations. 2his man +ooDs physica++y re+ate' to the Ita+ian ;anDer whom ha' approache' me at 3*nDin 3on*ts in 200! an' +a*)he' sa'istica++y at me 5 '*rin) the month that my 10 year o+' sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was Di'nappe' ?rom the Ma++ o? NewHampshire where the 3*nDin 3on*ts was. 2he Sici+ian man whom was seen with 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was a+so seen in the company o? 3 other chi+'ren. My Gran'?atherAs winterhome was near :est Pa+m ;each .+ori'a4 I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren has connections in the re)ion o? .+ori'a as we++ as 'o the Gam@inos o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia whom may @e connecte' to some o? these in'i(i'*a+s. I ha(e @een in?orme' that many o? these chi+'ren inc+*'in) my sister 7he+sey MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston were so+' to =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs son 4 7+int 2ay+or 5 an' that 7+int 2ay+or is a chi+' Porno)rapher an' a (io+ent rapist who attacDs chi+'ren. I ha(e @een to+' this in the past as we++ 4 Bason Be??rey Dnows 7+int 2ay+or -1man*e+e8 an' has con?irme' this in the past. Aro*n' the time that my mother was p*t in the $e(ine 7+inic in the Me+rose :aDe?ie+' Hospita+ 5 there was a +ist o? names poste' in the 0@it*aries in the newspapers in New Bersey an' Pennsy+(ania. 2he +ist o? names were names o? some o? my ?ami+y mem@ers. 2hey were #ona+' $a(oie Br. &my motherAs @rother, 4 #ose &my motherAs a*nt, 4 3e@ra A $a(oie &my mother, 4 BacDie He*ser&my motherAs co*sin, 4 Bansen &a )*y my Grampy *se' to worD ?or, . I @e+ie(e that this +ist in the New Bersey an' Pennsy+(ania News Paper 0@it*aries was a cyphere' hit +ist. Since this time4 I ha(e seen more than one imposte*r o? my mother who c+aim that they are my mother @*t +ooD +iDe they are ?orei)n an' ha(e ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation to +ooD I*st +iDe my mother. She is o@(io*s+y not my mother4 she 'oesnAt e(en Dnow my motherAs +i?e history. A 2N" test wo*+' pro(e which one is my mother &i? she is in a hospita+ sti++, @eca*se her mother is ha+? Nati(e American &.irst Nations, an' ha+? .rench &co+onia+ american,< her ?ather is a@o*t 1Q% nati(e &.irst Nations, an' the rest is .rench an' Irish. 0? the women c+aimin) to @e my mother4 there is one that is o@(io*s+y Ita+ian A+@anian miCe' ethnicity4 one that is Ita+ian4 an' one that is miCe' .rench Ita+ian. 0ne o? these women accompanie' me to a co*rt hearin) an' sat neCt me in co*rt. My +awyers name was Boe 2essier an' my socia+ worDer associate' with the case was name' Scott ;rennan 5 *pon hearin) the name Scott ;rennan4 the woman preten'in) to @e my Mother sai' G0h ScottO I went to hi)hschoo+ with him. I want to ta+D to him4 I ha(enAt seen him in a +on) time.G I a++owe' the imposte*r o? my Mother to accompany me to a co*rt hearin) '*rin) which Scott ;rennan was present 5 the p*rpose ?or this was ?or her ima)e to @e (i'eo recor'e' an' permanant+y 'oc*mente' @y the state whom Deeps these recor'in)s. My mother ne(er went to schoo+ with Scott ;rennan 5 she is a@o*t e+e(en years o+'er than him. ;ein) that there are m*+tip+e women *sin) my motherAs paperworD< it is possi@+e that they may ha(e sto+en more than one (ictimAs i'entity paperworD. I @e+ie(e these peop+e are attemptin) to hi'e their ?ami+y insi'e o? the USA 4 *sin) the i'enti?ication paperworD o? their (ictims. My MotherAs +ast Dnown +ocation was :est:oo'

$o')e in :est:oo' Massach*settes 5 m*ch o? my ?ami+y ha(e @een Psych :ar?are Assa*+te' an' threatene' to remain si+ent4 some o? them are c*rrent+y missin) as we++ as ha(e some @een possi@+y eCchan)e' with other hosta)es as we++ as SeC 2ra??icDe'. 1Cchan)e o? Hosta)es @etween two parties o? (ictims whom are *na@+e to contact one another is a Psych :ar?are metho' wherein the ?ami+ies in(o+(e' sti++ maintain hope that the in'i(i'*a+s are sa?e an' a+i(e4 @e+ie(in) that i? they 'o as they are to+' the in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' wi++ @e a++owe' to +i(e at the en' o? the hosta)e scenario 5 as psycho+o)ica+ co++atera+4 the eCchan)e' (ictims are (isi@+y a+i(e an' in the presense o? the ?ami+y whom are missin) in'i(i'*a+ mem@ers o? their ?ami+y *nit. I @e+ie(e =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e p*rchase' most o? the hospita+s in the re)ion *sin) *nno??icia+ G#oya+ #etainersG 5 p*ttin) the p*rchase in some@o'y e+ses name4 with some@o'y e+ses si)nat*re on it. I? he has contro+ o(er some o? the hospita+s4 me'ica+ recor's co*+' easi+y @e ?or)e'. 2he materia+s necessary to create (ia+e' Hemo)+o@in ;atches o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy are a(ai+a@+e to hospita+ +a@oratories 5 in the past ten years4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' ?or p*rposes o? espiona)e 'is)*ise. 7osmetic S*r)eons are a+so rea'i+y a(ai+a@+e at hospita+s an' can ?or)e ?a+si?ie' a'mittance paperworD. A@o*t 5 years a)o whi+e (isitin) my Gran'mother in Ma+'en Massach*settes 5 she to+' me GIan4 there is more than one 3e@@ie. I 'onAt Dnow how to eCp+ain it. Some times she is 3e@@ie4 sometimes it is not 3e@@ie. So ?ar I ha(e seen three 3e@@ies. She +ea(es sometimes 5 I 'onAt Dnow where she )oes4 an' when she comes @acD it isnAt her. 2his isnAt )oo' Ian4 @e care?*+ oDOG 0ne o? the three women preten'in) to @e my mother is 'e?inite+y )*i+ty< I @e+ie(e she may @e an i++e)itimate 1man*e+e or an 1(o+a. She has @roa' sho*+'ers an' (ery narrow hips< as we++ as a +ar)e ?orehea'. She 'oes not +ooD at a++ +iDe my mother. She is 'e?inite+y a+most entire+y Ita+ian. She +ooDs +iDe Gi*+io 7esare 1(o+a4 I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that he may ha(e @een her )ran'?ather or )ran' *nc+e an' it +ooDs as i? one o? her )ran'parents was ha+? a+@anian. 2he 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as tooD care to hi'e a n*m@er o? their @+oo'+ines ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) the s*r(i(a+ o? their +inea)e sho*+' they ?ai+ in their )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est4 res*+tin) in possi@+e )*i++otine @ehea'in) o? their ?ami+ies. 2he other two women impersonatin) my Mother may possi@+y @e tra??icDin) (ictims @ein) *se' as p+ace ho+'ers ?or i'entity paperworD at speci?ic +ocations. %his *rings to min) &) Barren's statement to "nthon5 2efeo in the mi))le of the store near the greeting car)s+ -hen he state) /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ an) the fact that the 1anchester Ne-Hampshire 2epartment of 1otor 8ehicles -as in0estigate) )ue to the crimes committe) *5 emplo5ees -ho ha) *een printing )uplicate i)entification car)s for terrorists to use as aliases3 - "fter I returne) from in0estigating -hat ha) happene) to m5 1other an) to other people3 I notice) that m5 "partment ha) *een entere) an) that some*o)5 ha) *een using m5 computer3 " $ruit5 oops "u)io $ile that I ha) e@porte) as a 3mp: file ha) *een seperate) into D; sections an) a file ha) *een uploa)e) to the &l)er Scrolls O*li0ion game files : the uploa) -as an animate) face -hich replace) the face of one of the characters in the game3 %he animate) face that replace) the face of the character from the game -as an animation of the face of a Con0icte) Se@-Offen)er -ho -as sighte) in Hospitals in the Ne-Hampshire an) 1assachusettes region + -ith 8ittorio &manuele's son Chris %homas3 %he character in the game -as an "ssassin 1on. -ho -as a mem*er of an "ssassins' !uil) calle) /the 2ar. Brotherhoo)/3 Bhile li0ing at ;: %emple Street in Nashua Ne-Hampshire + I -itnesse) the #e) Oa. Propert5 1anagement

1aintainance man to Pete Potenza an) Bernie : this man is a Crime-Sol)ier of the Italian Sa0o5-"GIS $action an) is )efinitel5 a Con0icte) Se@-Offen)er from 1anchester Ne-Hampshire -hom the5 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) to appear of similar appearance as the man -ho's I)entification Cre)entials he has *een using3 I ha0e seen him on a #egistr5 ist3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons ha0e foun) numerous -a5s of o*taining .e5s to tenant's front-)oors to their homes3 %he &manuele famil5 often purchase properties an) ha0e Properties Stea)-Hol)ers sign the paper-or. for them + for reason of putting the O-ner's 2ocuments in a )ifferent persons name or names : these in)i0i)uals are then or)ere) to gi0e a cop5 of e0er5 .e5 to the &manuele famil5 of the House of Sa0o5 + an) the5 act as Propert5 1anagers for the properties3 %he Italian Sa0o5-"GIS $action ha0e a series of initiation-crimes that a person must commit *efore the5 are truste) + most of these are Se@-Offenses an) inclu)e Se@-Offenses upon Chil)ren an) e0entuall5 Bar-Crimes3 #epeate) Home In0asion an) #ape is one of these crimes3 It is also important to mention that Impro0ise) "u)io-#ecor)ing 2e0ices constructe) of 1o*ile Cellular %elephone Parts -ere illegall5 installe) -ithin the -alls of m5 apartment at at ;M6 Pine Street "partment N >6 at Par. 8ie- "partments 3 *O* 2uring the 5ears ;==M + ;==F + ;==C + an) ;==9 : orie Potenza Buc.le5 + Chris %homas + an) relati0es of an Italian-1afia famil5 possi*l5 relate) to the 2'Napoli $amil5 E -ere -itnesse) in Hospitals in the North-&ast of the (3S3"3 3 %hese in)i0i)uals )o not ha0e the proper e)ucation to *e in Hospitals an) are -ithout proper license : man5 of them are pro*a*le using !enoci)e-8ictims' I)entification-Cre)entials3 * Currentl5 in 1anchester : there is an imposteur of m5 (ncle Scot Cart5 -ho is raciall5 Italian3 15 uncle Scot Cart5 is factuall5 at least 6K> $irst-Nations Nati0e "merican + at least 6K> $ran.ic"merican + an) )i) not .no- -hat his *iological $ather's 2N" -as *ecause m5 !ran)1other 7oanne %ru)eau Cart5 -as rape) *5 Scot Cart5's *iological father3 Scot Cart5 loo.e) pro*a*l5 6K> Hispanic an) it is pro*a*le that his *iological father -as half Spanish3 2uring the month that I sa- the imposteur Scot Cart5 in 1achester Ne-Hampshire in ;=6: + I sa- t-o pure-*re) racial Italians attempting to loo. li.e "ra*ian racial-t5pes : using 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 to appear raciall5 "ra*ic3 One of these in)i0i)uals loo.e) as if he -as attempting to appear to *e an "ra*ian man -ho use) to )rin. *eers at the #"GG Billiar)s Bar -ho use) to -ear a leather /In)ians/ Base*all %eam leather-, an) ha) long curl5 hair3 %he other man loo.e) li.e a pure-*re) Sicilian -ho -as 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 mutate) to loo. li.e he -as inten)e) to loo. half "ra*ic raciall5 : the 2N" -hich he -as -earing li.e a costume E loo.e) to *e ta.en primaril5 from Nic. Panneton + Bo* Shagour5 + an) Sau)i-"ra*ian 2N"3 * 2uring the 5ear ;==9 + 2aphen Cona-a5's cop5 of the film /%he Punisher/ on 282 -as e)itte) an) au)io-)u**e) to inclu)e the name /7ac. 2ion/ instea) of the name /$ran. Castle/3 * 2uring ;==M + 2aphen .ne- 1i.e Shac.lefor) : apparentl5 1i.e Shac.lefor) met $il &manuele3 1i.e Shac.lefor) -ent to school in 1errimac. Ne-Hampshire an) 1anchester Ne-Hampshire -hile he -as in Highschool3 U 3*rin) this time4 my eC )ir+?rien' 3aphen mentione' that on her way to worD she hear' her son

Pachary sayin) GIAm hereG thro*)h the speaDers o? her car. He was enro++e' in Din'er)arten at the time. Her car ha' recent+y @een hit an' she ha' taDen it to a mechanic< somehow4 some@o'y m*st ha(e @een a@+e to )et into the a*tomoti(e repair )ara)e an' p+ante' an impro(ise' mo@i+e phone 'e(ice sp+ice' into the speaDer wire @ehin' the 'ash@oar' or in the 'oor ?rame an' p+aye' a recor'in) o? him sayin) he++o to me &which wo*+' ha(e @een recor'e' @y the phreaDe' ce++ phone @*) in the wa++, when they ha' come to (isit me. A mo@i+e phone has a+ot o? the parts necessary ?or this to @e 'one easi+y an' it co*+' @e ca++e' (ia comp*ter phone &)oo)+ephone ?or instance, an' recor'e' into a comp*ter @y so?tware. At this time she was worDin) in @oston ?or the posta+ ser(ice an' she ha' to taDe a @*s ?rom the parDin) +ot to her Io@. 0@(io*s+y these psy war terrorist operati(es ha(e Ita+ian Ma?ia connections in the re)ion an' are *sin) them to )et most o? their worD 'one. In or)er to *uil) one of these cellphone )e0ices a terrorist agent -oul) onl5 nee) a Cell-Phone+ Circuit-Ben)ing %ools+ Spea.erBire 8oltage-Con0erter+ &lectrical %ape+ Bire+ an) CapsE the )e0ice -oul) *e splice-ire) into the of the automo*ile an)Kor theater-au)io s5stem3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3 U :hen I ha' ?irst met 3aphen4 she was worDin) at the =ista .oo's S*permarDet which *se' to @e in the same parDin) +ot as the .ami+y 3o++ar that I ha' @een worDin) at. 1' :arren an' my se+? *se' to )o into the )rocery store in the mornin) to )et co??ee @e?ore worD. I was 20 years o+'. I am c*rrent+y 2" years o? a)e. I @e+ie(e 3aphen was tar)ette' @y 1' :arren who )a(e her in?ormation to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2hey ha(e @een o@sessi(e+y sta+Din) my se+? an' a++ o? my acH*aintances since 200%4 I met 3aphen in 2005. :hi+e he was in pre schoo+ '*rin) the year 200E or 200! 3aphenAs son Pachary Michae+ 7onnaway somehow somewhere was s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 2he comp*ter (i'eo )ame G;*++yG ha' I*st @een re+ease' on the marDet. Some@o'y was *sin) Pachary 7onaway as a p*ppet @oCer an' was maDin) him physica++y assa*+t the other +itt+e Di's at the preschoo+. Pachary 7onaway was eCpe++e' ?rom Pre Schoo+ as a res*+t o? this. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 whi+e I was 'atin) 3aphen 7onaway an' he+pin) her raise her son 5 I ta*)ht him to stop attacDin) peop+e @y pinchin) his ca+? e(ery time he p*nche' 4 @it 4 scratche' 4 DicDe' 4 or eye )o*)e' some@o'y. 1(ent*a++y Pachary stoppe' @ein) (io+ent. :hat I notice' was that imme'iate+y a?ter this 4 PacharyAs arms wo*+' @e)in to mo(e an' he wo*+' p*++ them 'own to himse+? < his +e) wo*+' @e)in to DicD an' he wo*+' t*rn himse+?. His mo*th ?reH*ent+y ma'e comments re+ate' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs statements in the past 4 s*ch as G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain .aceNG GStinDy ;*tt .aceNG etc. Pachary @e)an comp+ainin) that his mo*th was mo(in) on itAs own an' that he 'i' not inten' ?or his arms to mo(e when he hit some@o'y. He sai' that he 'i' not Gte++G his @rain to 'o it 4 an' that some@o'y e+se Gto+'G his @rain to 'o it. 2he mo(ie that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e may ha(e cameo appeare' in @rie?+y as an o+' man Ha++oween 2ricDA0rA2reater 'resse' as a 3e(i+ carryin) a Pitch?orD 5 was possi@+y the mo(ie Pro@+em 7hi+' 2. :hi+e I was 'atin) 3aphen 4 Pachary to+' me that men with G;+acD SDi MasDsG entere' the ho*se the

ni)ht pre(io*s 4 statin) 5 GI hope the men with the @+acD sDi masDs 'onAt come in here a)ain an' scare me.G . Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' @y a =an ?*++ o? men with @+acD sDi masDs an' an o+' man 'ri(er who was wearin) a sca++y cap an' ha' )rown his ?acia+ hair scr*??y 4 who ha' @+*e eyes an' resem@+e' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. Since 200% I ha(e seen what appeare' to @e a penci+e' 'rawin) o? .i++i@erto GPhi+ McMannG 1man*e+eAs ?ace on the te+e(ision an' on the internet 5 m*+tip+e times4 the 'rawin) was the ?ace o? a s*spect in more than one witness report in(o+(in) a rape. 2hese rapes occ*rre' in the USA an' 7ana'a. It is possi@+e that .i++i@erto has @een attemptin) to rape an' impre)nate women a++ o(er the wor+' ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) his @+oo'+ine ?rom @ecomin) eCtinct. 2he paranoia o? @ein) eCpose' as A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y wo*+' create a ?rantic reaction ?rom a ?ami+y in(o+(e' in years o? terrorism an' or)ani>e' crime < I @e+ie(e that it was this paranoia that 'ro(e the eCi+e' roya+ 1man*e+e ?ami+y to the eCtremes that ha(e c*+minate' in the o(ert eCpos*re an' ?*t*re arrest o? their ?ami+y. In the past ten years5 +aw en?orcement an' in(esti)ati(e a)encies +ocate' on the entire 1ast 7oast o? North America ha(e reporte' n*mero*s '*n)eons @ein) ?o*n'4 ?ema+e hosta)es @ein) ?o*n'4 *ni'enti?ie' remains o? ?ema+es @o'ies4 an' accomp+ices to crimes @ein) con(icte' whom are somehow psycho+o)ica+ capa@+e o? +yin) an' ho+'in) their si+ence a@o*t the )*i+ty party in(o+(e' in the crimes. In n*mero*s o? these 'escriptions he was 'escri@e' as wearin) a hoo'e' sweatshirt an' a(iator s*n)+asses. Many o? these occ*rre' in New Hampshire 4 =ermont 4 Massach*settes 4 Maine 4 an' other re)ions near New1n)+an'. I mo(e o*t o? the apartment an' mo(e in with my eC )ir+?rien' e+sewhere. :hi+e at a Mc3ona+'s reta*rant 4 I saw a )ir+ that +ooDe' a+ot +iDe my sister 7he+sey MacPherson. She was +ooDin) at me. It may ha(e @een the ?act*a+ 7he+sey. A .ace@ooD pro?i+e attempte' to a'' me '*rin) the approCimate year 200" 4 c+aimin) to @e 7he+sey 5 this pro?i+e c+aime' that they were 7he+sey an' ha' @een m*tate' to +ooD 'i??erent. I +ost contact with this pro?i+e 4 I thinD some@o'y @+ocDe' o*r pro?i+es ?rom eachother in the .ace;ooD Ser(er. 2here was a photo)raph o? her that +ooDe' +iDe it was taDen in the 3*m@arton =ir)inia $i@rary. A short 'arDhaire' ita+ian man whom was a po+ice o??icer in the New /orD Po+ice 3epartment an' was c*rrent+y worDin) ?or homelan) securit5 at the local airport near the cit5 of 1anchester NH at the time4 +i(e' 'irect+y @eneath *s. He to+' me his name was .ranD @*t I @e+ie(e that his mai+@oC sai' 1' #occio. i.e &) Barren+ he to+' me on more than one occaision that he @e+ie(e' that "Q11 was an Ginsi'e Io@G an' that it was the USA )o(ernmentAs G#eichsta) .ireG< @+amin) it on Geor)e ;*sh an' 3icD 7heney. I 'e@ate' it with him a @it an' then I I*st stoppe' ta+Din) to him @eca*se I ?e+t that he was attemptin) to promote Se'ition. #eichstag *urning reference: ")olf /Hitler-Shic.legru*er/ *urne) )o-n the !erman go0ernment parliament-office an) *lame) the #ussians+ using the /arson/ as an e@cuse to in0a)e Polan)3 15 h5pothesis is that 8ittorrio &manuele has a guiltmechanism in0ol0e) in his )ecision an) the or)ers he gi0es to his agents on american soil+ -hich lea0es an e@tremel5 e0i)ent psych-profile "fingerprint" e0er5 time3 U =ittorio 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)ica+ reaction to )*i+t is compari@+e to a person ho+'in) a mirror in ?ront o? them when con?ronte' with e(i'ence o? their crimes @y an acc*ser. 2his comparison o? )*i+t is o?ten

accompanie' with a ?a+se proc+aimation that a++ other peop+e wo*+' 'o the same in a simi+ar sit*ation. 2his has @een seen in n*mero*s propa)an'a pieces which ha(e @een p*@+ishe' to the internet in the past 10 years 5 these statements were o? the nat*re that they 'ec+are' that a++ peop+es ha(e committe' acts o? )enoci'a+ ho+oca*st in the past4 that a++ peop+e ha(e committe' crimes which wo*+' ?a++ *n'er the Ghate crimesG +e)is+ation4 that the Israe+is are racist eCtremists4 that Israe+is ha(e a+ways @een racist eCtremists whom eCterminate' n*mero*s nations '*rin) the process o? esta@+ishin) the Nationa+ Home+an' o? Israe+ '*rin) the ;.7. era 4 that a++ peop+es are racist eCtremists4 that Germans @eha(e +iDe A'o+? Hit+er an' are A'o+? Hit+erAs peop+e4 that Asatr* is somehow re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er4 that Swe'es are racist imperia+ists4 that Norwe)ians are secret+y 'escen'ants o? the ?o*n'ers o? the 3r' #eich4 that ?o+D re+i)ion is racist4 that G?o+D ismG is a racist GismG an' that ha(in) a peop+e is racist eCtremism 4 that nati(ism is a racist GismG an' that @ein) nati(e is racist4 an' that a++ peop+e are hypocrites4 that In'iaAs caste system is racist 5 the reason ?or this @ein) that =ittorio 1man*e+e has a heirarchy o? A)ents @eneath him an' is a G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime $or' whoAs Gran' Unc+e was +itera++y A'o+? Hit+er. A'o+? Hit+er was a ?aDe name4 A'o+? Hit+er was a $om@ar' Ita+ian o? the #oya+ +ine o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 A'o+? was the i++e)itimate son o? the 9in) o? Ita+y whom ha' pro'*ce' a chi+' ?rom an a??air with his co*sin whom was o? the +ines o? Ita+ian Sa(oy an' Aosta o? A*stria an' $om@ar'i. Many o? the p+ans o? the 3r' #eich were a+rea'y ?orm*+ate' an' en)ineere' prior to the .irst :or+' :ar < in ?act4 the Secon' :or+' :ar was act*a++y an impro(ise' attempt at reconstr*ctin) the @e++i)erant A6IS .orces o? the .irst :or+' :ar into the e(ent*a+ ?orm an' str*ct*re which ha' @een p+anne' to eCist prior to the .irst :or+' :ar sho*+' it ha(e @een a s*ccess. 2ar)ette' @y this G+o@a+ist Imperia+ist .action were .o+D #e+i)ions4 Nationa+ist 0r)ani>ations an' In'i(i'*a+s4 #aces o? peop+es whom were +ar)e+y represente' within comm*nities o? Nationa+ists s*ch as Pionist Israe+is4 an' races o? peop+e whom co*+' @e easi+y conH*ere' an' 'ra?te' as shocD troops 5 s*ccess @y any means possi@+e was the ethic o? the A6IS prior to :or+' :ar 0ne4 '*rin) the p+annin) phases o? 2ota+ G+o@a+ Uni?ication an' 7onH*est. 2he ethic o? the A6IS was that it was accepta@+e to eCert tota+ contro+ o? printin) presses4 wor' o? mo*th 'isc*ssions an' pop*+ar opinion4 )+o@a+ propa)an'a an' me'ia4 +yin) was accepta@+e4 as we++ as contro++in) an' in?+*encin) the wor's spoDen ?rom the mo*ths o? )o(ernment an' re+i)io*s +ea'ers < these wea+thy crimina+s @e+ie(e' that these crimes were I*sti?ie' @y the en' res*+t4 which was the esta@+ishment o? G+o@a+ Uni?ication in one series o? consec*ti(e actions. 2he scape )oats o? the A6IS whom they @+ame' their )oa+s ?or G+o@a+ Uni?ication *pon were the Pionist Israe+i Nationa+ists4 the Bews4 the German Nationa+ Socia+ist $a@or Party4 the 2h*+e Society4 Ma'ame ;+a(atsDy4 an' 7omm*nists. ;etween 200% 200" n*mero*s artic+es were p*@+ishe' to the internet 'e?amin) .o+D #e+i)ions proc+aimin) that G2he I++*minati SeC Han'+ersG an' the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A were contin*e' @y a )ro*p o? Satanic ;+oo'+ines in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin)4 H*man =i(isection4 Genoci'e4 as we++ as Ne*ro+o)y 1Cperiments an' that these GSatanic ;+oo'+inesG were 7e+tic an' Germanic with 3r' #eich 7onnections 5 it was p*@+ishe' that this GSatanic 7a@a+G *se' GPa)an Sym@o+ismG an' tatooe' themse+(es an' their (ictims with GPa)an Sym@o+ismG as we++ as wore GPa)an Sym@o+ismG 55 the 2risDe+ion4 a ho+y sym@o+ 4 was +ater misappropriate' as a sym@o+ o? the ;3SM 7omm*nity. 2hese entire campai)n was an attempt @y =ittorio 1man*e+e to ?rame the Asatr* 7omm*nity an' other .o+D #e+i)ions ?or the crimes o? his own an' his associates in(o+(in) SeC 2ra??icDin)4 the in?i+tration o? 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A @y #ichar' He+ms4 H*man =i(isection4 Genoci'e4 1+ectronic :ar?are4 Ne*ro+o)y 1Cperiments4 his Gran'?ather =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs inheritance o? the A6IS4 an' the ?act that

=ittorioAs Gran' Unc+e was A'o+? Hit+er. Ita+ian 7rime Syn'icates *se 7hristian Ima)ery< in the USA 5 the MA.IA has connections to the He++As An)e+s whom ha(e s*@si'aries name' Satanic so*n'in) names4 n*mero*s crimina+ )an)s in North America a+so *se a Star 0? 3a(i' in their ta))in). G7or*na SacraG means the GSacre' 7rownG which re+ates to the 7rown o? 2horns which Bes*s was ?orce' to wear @y the #omans the 'ay he was cr*ci?ie'. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate as we++ as some o? his *n'oc*mente' 7o*sins attacDe' the Asatr* comm*nity )+o@a++y '*e to ?ear that they may ha(e @een part o? the networD o? peop+e whom were to+' o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs physica+ ?ami+ia+ re+ation to his Ha+? ;rother A'o+? Hit+er. =ittorio 1man*e+e @+ames his (ictims ?or his own crimes 4 @+ame his (ictims ?or their own (ictimi>ation4 an' @+ames his (ictims ?or his own crimina+ associations. =ittorio 1mane*e+eAs psycho+o)y is the psycho+o)ica+ patho+o)y o? a seria+ rapist an' a seria+ Di++er. 2he maintanance )*y ?or the @*i+'in) '*rin) the time that I +i(e' in 3erry a@o(e 1' #occhioAs apartment 5 +ooDe' miCe' Iranian an' $e@anese4 or Iranian an' Syrian. 2here was another maintainance man on the )ro*n's occaisiona++y whom was Ita+ian an' seeme' to Dnow 1' #occhio. I @e+ie(e it +iDe+y that one o? these three in'i(i'*a+s Dnows a mem@er o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs a++iance with an 0ttoman A6IS .action whom en)ineere' an' orchestrate' the "Q11 2errorist AttacDs an' +ater @+ame' the USA4 te++in) *s that we 'i' it to o*rse+(es. It is a+so +o)ica+ that the hiIacDers were the ?ami+y mem@ers o? potentia+ hosta)es taDen @y a 2errorist 0r)ani>ation we++ e'*cate' ?rom ?irst han' eCperience in $i?e $on) Hosta)e 7risis Psycho+o)y o? SeC 2ra??icDin). SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims are most o?ten $i?e $on) Hosta)es. AttacDin) an entire nation with @oC c*tters eChi@its the psycho+o)y o? 'esperation 5 it is +iDe+y that the hiIacDers were not on+y assai+ants @*t were a+so (ictims whom were Dnown to the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e @een tryin) to re@*i+' the A6IS an' pre empti(e+y 'estroy their percei(e' enemies. I was ta+Din) a@o*t this hypothesis '*rin) 200% when =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) me an' 1' :arren was trans?erre' to my worDp+ace at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester NewHamsphire. - Bhile at his .in)ergarten+ m5 e@-girlfrien)'s son -as tol) *5 a classmate that there -as a man -ho li0e) in his apartment *uil)ing that -as going to enter his apartment -hile he -as sleeping an) .ill his mother's *o5frien)3 %he chil) at school tol) her son that the man -ho li0e) in the *uil)ing ha) a gun an) that he -as not going to .ill him an) his mother+ *ut that he -as going to .ill his mother's *o5frien)3 I sta5e) a-a.e for three -ee.s an) -aiting at the li0ing-room )oor3 3*rin) the time that I was +i(in) with 3aphen an' her son in 3erry 4 her son @e)an to ta+D a@o*t a man name' GPhi+G. Since 200% when she worDe' at =ista .oo's on $inco+n st in Manchester New Hampshire < 3aphen ha' met a GPhi+G n*mero*s times. I @e+ie(e that this was .i++i@erto ?or reason that I ha(e seen him in Manchester m*+tip+e times. A 3=3 was psy war e'ite' an' o(er'*@@e' whi+e we were +i(in) there an' whi+e I was watchin) it4 it happene' to @e '*@@e' o(er with somethin) stran)e re?errin) to GIrishG peop+e an' G:i)sG. 2he mo(ie was 3o')e@a++. I +ater hear' some@o'y on the ?irst ?+oor who +i(e' towar' the en' o? the ha++ sayin) somethin) a+on) the +ines o? Gyo* I*st +e?t it *p thereO now i am )oin) to ha(e to )o @acD *p there a)ainNG. 3aphen an' I went to the 1++iot Hospita+ in Manchester NH &where my a*nt ?ormer+y worDe', to )et

her Dnee eCamine'. 2he patient i'enti?ication @race+et they )a(e her ha' the n*m@er MMM printe' on it< this is o? re+e(ence '*e to the ?act that the ni)ht @e?ore this4 we ha' @een 'isc*ssin) the /mar. of the *east/ as Beho(aAs :itnesses ca++ it an' that it co*+' @e =erichips4 GPS chips4 an' ;7IAs &;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Microchips,. It was the e(enin) o? what has recent+y @een 'ec+are' the IN%&#N"%ION" 2"Y O$ P&"C& an' we were tar)ette' ?or psych war?are the neCt 'ay in a pri(ate+y owne' hospita+ on o*r own American soi+. 2he man who was the 'octor that 'ay wore a nameta) that sai' GP*rin)tonG. U 3octor P*rin)ton ha' an An)+o SaCon name an' an 1n)+ish appearance. 3octer P*rin)tonAs @eha(ior seeme' s+i)ht+y *nnat*ra+ an' he ha' a s+i)ht+y *nnat*ra+ +ooD a@o*t him. As 3octor P*rin)ton eCamine' 3aphenAs Dnee ?or si)ns o? permanant inI*ry4 he @+ocDe' the +e) a@o(e the Dnee Ioint an' p*++e' the ha+? o? +e) @e+ow the Dnee +e?t an' ri)ht (ery ro*)h+y 5 I @e+ie(e this man may ha(e ca*se' ?*rther inI*ry to her Dnee. It is possi@+e that 3octor P*rin)ton may ha(e @een rep+ace' @y the in'i(i'*a+ wearin) his nameta) 5 n*mero*s mem@ers o? my ?ami+y as we++ as in'i(i'*a+s o? other ?ami+ies whom I ha(e Dnown *se' to worD in the Hea+thcare In'*stry in Manchester New Hampshire 4 most o? these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een rep+ace' as we++ as tar)ette' @y the or)ani>ation whom ha(e committe' these attacDs in o*r re)ion. 2he ni)ht prior to this occ*rrin) 5 my ?rien' an' I were 'isc*ssin) the MarD o? the ;east an' the A6IS as we++ as 2he 2imes o? 2ro*@+es in Ire+an' an' the U9 < it is entire+y pro@a@+e that the An)+o SaCon name P*rin)ton was chosen '*e to 3aphenAs s*rname @ein) Irish Gae+ic an' my own @ein) Scottish Gae+ic. 2his was a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+t. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+ts s*ch as these are most pro@a@+y occ*rrin) on a )+o@a+ sca+e. U:hen I was a chi+' there was a /1e),ugor,e/ prophecy circ*+atin) within the 7atho+ic comm*nity that pre'icte' that the GAnti 7hristG wo*+' create a Gone wor+' )o(ernmentG &)+o@a+i>e' state, an' that '*rin) this there wo*+' @e multiple holocausts aro*n' the wor+'< the s*r(i(ors wo*+' recei(e the /mar. of the *east/ P*east of la*or+ as in a sla0eQ microchip an' @ecome s+a(es to the anti christ '*rin) which there wo*+' @e /Hell On &arth/ an' a !lo*al &mpire *nti+ the /secon) coming/ o? 7hrist when Bes*s 7hrist wo*+' ret*rn an' create the )+o@a+ GDin)'om o? )o'G ?reein) whate(er s+a(es ha' s*r(i(e'. 2he Beho(aAs :itnesses ta*)ht their peop+e to re?*se to @e microchippe' @eca*se it wo*+' @e the 'eath o? manDin'. G9in)'om o? Go'G wo*+' s*))est a M0NA#7H/. I @e+ie(e this MeI*)ory GprophecyG was 7ulius &0ola's propa)an'a PBaron 7ulius &0ola of the SS "hnener*e an) the #o5al House of Sa0o5Q an' a prempti(e propa)an'a striDe a)ainst a++ nations. 2he G1n' 2imeG they pre'icte' is the Gen' o? nationsG an' the @e)innin) o? a )+o@a+ imperia+ state< simi+ar to the propagan)a an' ?a+se prophecy that the 1a5an c*+t*re wo*+' en' on ;=6;4 which is impossi@+e i? the MA/AN P10P$1 sti++ eCist physica++y as an ethnic pop*+ation. %he purpose of this t5pe of propagan)a is to preempti0el5 con0ince the target nation an) people to su*mit to a foreign in0a)er+ for the reason that it causes them to *elie0e that their o-n e@tinction -as pre-or)aine) *5 a )i0ine an) hol5 )ecision3 * It is li.el5 that ;=6; -as an acti0ation 5ear for the foreign "GIS Sleeper-Cells Co0ertl5 em*e))e) in multiple nations of South "merica3 %he *roa)casting of the ;=6; 1a5an &@tinction /Prophesies/ on tele0ision coinci)e) -ith the "lien Species Propagan)a such as "ncient "liens -hich co0ere) for Human-8i0isections committe) glo*all5 *5 7ulius &0ola's International Crime-S5n)icate3 %his is all su*mission propagan)a an) is a pre-empti0e Ps5chological Barfare

Stri.e inten)e) to *e phase) in to a culture o0er a generational time-span : this is an ancient #oman passi0e-aggressi0ist militar5 tactic engineere) to cripple the ps5cholog5 of the targette) nation + con0incing them to su*mit pre-empti0el5 *efore a genoci)al stri.e3 In the 5ear ;=6; + m5 frien) 1ar. S.inner+ -ho's $ather mo0e) to the (3S3"3 from Colom*ia *efore 1ar. -as *orn E -as 0isiting his cousins in Colom*ia + 1ar. ne0er returne) from Colom*ia3 %here has *een a man using 1ar. S.inner's I)entification Cre)entials -hom loo.s e@tremel5 similar to 1ar. + *ut is not him3 %his man loo.s to ha0e *een Plastic Surgerie) an) 8iral-8ector !ene-%herapie) to *len) -ith the role3 His genetics an) facial features are incongruent3 I *elie0e this man an) the man -hom is preten)ing to *e ance 1inshall are *oth of the same %errorist Crime-S5n)icate an) ha0e *een gi0en ne- I)entification Cre)entials as -ell as a genoci)e-0ictim's i)entit5 as an alias for the purpose of hi)ing from Bar-Crime in0estigations3 I *elie0e these men are Ser*ians -hom in the past -ere lo5al to 7ulius &0ola's famil5 as their superiors : in other -or)s E these are &ast #oman "@is I)entit53 2uring the -inter of ;=6= : I -itnesse) a man -hom loo.e) almost i)entical &) Barren + stan)ing on the corner of 1ar. S.inner's street ,ust outsi)e of his apartment3 %his man -as possi*l5 ; inches taller than &) Barren + -as -earing glasses + an) -as -earing a 5n5r) S.5n5r) tshirt -ith *lue ,eans3 I *elie0e that this man ma5 possi*l5 *e currentl5 using &) Barren's I)entification Cre)entials an) &) Barren ma5 possi*l5 *e using either forge) I)entification Cre)entials or a )ea) 8ictim's I)entification Cre)entials3 2uring the ;==D + it ha) *een mentione) that 1ar.'s father .ne- a South "merican man name) Charlie Belle0er)e in the Boston area3 2uring the 5ear ;==D+ 1ar. S.inner's father mentione) something a*out "GIS $ascistas in Colom*ia3 Since the ;=6; : a -oman -hom has *een using m5 1other's I)entification Cre)entials has *een )ating this man + I *elie0e this man is a South "merican $ascista3 He is of *oth Hispanic an) Italiano race3 * It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the &manueles planne) in ;==> to e0entuall5 s-itch &) Barren an) #o* #o)on to )ifferent I)entification Cre)entials an) lea0e them in a specific position as a ;n) Chance "li*i for the purpose of allo-ing mem*ers of the House of Sa0o5 to *e con0icte) in the stea) of the King an) his $amil5 : this -oul) ma.e it appear that there -as a Conspirac5 from -ithin the House of Sa0o5 that -as not the #o5al $amil5 of the House of Sa0o5 itself3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons )efinitel5 treat the Knights of the House of Sa0o5 as if the5 are their famil5's propert5+ an) the5 treat the Knights as if the House of Sa0o5 is still in goo) Honoura*le stan)ing -ith the Nation of people to -hich the5 -ere once "ristocrac5 : as if the Knights are honour-*oun) to )efen) the King at an5 cost3 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons are not Honoura*le an) there is no Honoura*le oath that coul) e0er *e rightfull5 consi)ere) a *in)ing oath *et-een their famil5 an) an5 Knight : the5 are e@tremel5 criminal an) are terrorists3 I @e+ie(e that my *nc+e ;ryant MacPherson was a+so a tar)et o? a psycho+o)ica+ war?are operation. He was home+ess ?or % years. His @est ?rien' was Pa*+ Mi++er4 a Iewish man whoAs ?ami+y s*r(i(e' the ho+oca*st o? the the 1"%0As. My *nc+e committe' a series o? petty crimes an' the +oca+ a*thorities went to Pa*+ Mi++erAs home a ?ew times +ooDin) ?or my *nc+e ;ryant. $ast year I went to (isit him in the NewHampshire Hospita+ 7+inton St 7oncor' NH 4 where he was a'mitte' ?or psychiatric pro@+ems.

:hen I went in to (isit him4 the man who was in there sayin) he was ;ryant was not him. His hea' was narrower than my *nc+eAs an' his eyes were not @+*e +iDe my *nc+eAs are4 they were a ha>e+ )reenQ)ray co+or instea'. :e ha(e now @een to+' that he has PI7S 'isease an' that he is 'yin). 0'' coinci'ence how Scots ha(e PI72 ancestry. Now I am not e(en s*re i? my rea+ *nc+e is in there c*rrent+y or how they swappe' him with some@o'y that one time. I ha(e not @een there since. I am consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e ?*n'e' a ?action o? in(estors to @*y a++ o? the hospita+s in this re)ion with +a*n'ere' money4 a hor'e o? wea+th that his ?ami+y has i++e)a++y acc*m*+ate'. 2he man whom on this 'ay was preten'in) to @e ;ryant MacPherson +ooDe' ?ami+iar to me ?rom my stay in 2he NewHampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton st in 7oncor' NewHampshire 4 I @e+ie(e that he was one o? 3octor 3esnesnereAs patients. I ha(e seen a Sici+ian man wa+Din) aro*n' who was 'resse' an' )roome' i'entica+ to Pa*+ Mi++er 4 I am worrie' that this man may ha(e '*p+icate' copies Pa*+ Mi++erAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 the maIor 'i??erences @etween this man an' Pa*+ are that Pa*+As sho*+'er wi'th is narrower an' he is shorter. * 2uring the 5ear ;=6; : an article -as poste) on the internet that )escri*e) Surgical Implants *eing foun) in Israel in the *o)ies of 8ictims as -ell as -hat -as reporte) to *e e@plosi0es that seeme) to *e inten)e) to *e )etonate) *5 Surgical Implant 2ata %ransmitters3 -- eCp+ain @reaD *p an' @e)inin) home+essness 4 imposte*r Be?? 7a@ra+ F ;o@ Sha)o*ry 88 .i+ DicDe' a rocD '*rin) a ?it o? an)er an' @roDe his ?oot < this occ*re' a?ter meetin) me ?or the secon' time which was in hampton nh. :hen we met .i+ in Manchester 4 he was wa+Din) on a @roDen ?oot. :hi+e on P+easant Street near the #a'isson 5 .i+ state'4 whi+e +ooDin) at his ?eet < G2hey +ooD +iDe 'o)As ?eet.G . .i+As ?rien' whom I @e+ie(e was name' Bason 4 ha' +ooDe' at .i+ incre'*+o*s+y an' mocDe' .i+ < statin) GArenAt those ?+atsOG to which .i+ rep+ie' Gno... they are wa'in) shoesG to which Bason respon'e' GGir+s wear those.... .+ats.G this was on P+easant Street. Since this time .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @een committin) attacDs an' maDin) threats which inc+*'e the wor' GP+easantG. 2here were 'o) stat*es in the @acD)ro*n' @ehin' .i+ which were stat*es o? anatomica++y correct ma+e 'o)s. .i+ was wearin) ?+ats as a res*+t o? DicDin) a +ar)e rocD4 Bason ma'e a mocDin) statement s*ch as G:hy wo*+' yo* DicD a @o*+'erOG < .i+ an)ri+y rep+ie' with the statement GIt wasnAt a @o*+'er4 it was a +ar)e rocDN ;o*+'ers are the si>e o? carsNG Boey Marini +ater DicDe' a rocD in the same eCact manner an' @roDe his ?oot < a?terwar's4 Boey state' somethin) (ery simi+ar. Boey Marini ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his @rain. 2he wor' GP+easantG an' the concept o? 'o)s an' 'o) peop+e has @een rec*rrent thro*)ho*t these attacDs. A?ter @reaDin) his ?oot DicDin) a @o*+'er an' @ein) mocDe' ?or it in ?ront o? the #a'isson 4 .i+ 1man*e+e seems to ha(e 'e(e+ope' an o@sessi(e ra)e pro@+em in re+ation to this series o? e(ents.8 At some time 4 .i+ mistaDen+y ca++e' his inI*ry a Ghammer toe inI*ryG. .i+ si)ne' @*tt cheeD o? m*+tip+e (ictims G.i+G an' tatooe' it there +iDe it was a cow @ran' . @ran'e' it on a ?armerAs steer to marD his property ?or p*rpose o? +ocatin) it i? it escapes. 2his was mentione' @y Be?? 7a@ra+ in 200! 4 a?ter he met .i+. 2his was a+so mentione' @y .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist A)ents whom were 'is)*ste' with him an' the crimes that the 2errorist .action ha' @een committin) < o@(io*s+y they ha' 'isco(ere' these crimes a?ter they ha' @een recr*ite' into what they tho*)ht was I*st a crimina+ )an) 5 these two 2errorist A)ents were the imposte*rs o? Anthony

McMenemy an' Bason 2harp 4 whom ha' @ecome eCtreme+y 'is)*ste' with the 1man*e+esA actions concernin) the 1man*e+esA treatment o? women an' yo*n)er ?ema+es.

" 3*rin) the year 2011 < Be?? 7a@ra+As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were checDe' in at a S*@stance A@*se #eha@i+itation 7+inic. 3*rin) the year 2011 < I met an imposte*r o? Be?? 7a@ra+ who was accompanie' @y an imposte*r o? ;o@ Sha)o*ry. ;o@ Sha)o*ry was racia++y ha+? $e@anese an' ha+? Syrian < the man preten'in) to @e him in 2011 was Sa*'i Ara@ian an' was 3 inches ta++er than the ?act*a+ ;o@ Sha)o*ry. 2he man c+aimin) that he was Be?? 7a@ra+ +ooDe' i'entica+ to Be?? 7a@ra+ @*t was ta++er @y an inch an' ha' @roa'er sho*+'ers. Since possi@+y 200% 4 #a)nar 9ar+son has @een missin) < the .ace;ooD Pro?i+e o? #a)nar 9ar+sonAs has @een misspe++e' G#a)nar 9ar+ssonG with two GSAsG. 2he man c+im@in) the mo*ntain ho+'in) the c+im@in) picDs +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to the man preten'in) to @e Be?? 7a@ra+ in 2011. #a)nar 9ar+sson has @een missin) ?or some time an' I ha(e @een *na@+e to )et the man *sin) his ?ace@ooD to respon' at a++. 2he man who worDe' at 7iaoAs Pi>>a in Amherst NewHampshire '*rin) 2003 is reporte' to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in #a)nar 9ar+son an' $acey SticDney an' is reporte' to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in their a@'*ction. It is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate at some point in the past ma'e an a++iance with a Ser@ian 7rime Syn'icate. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate shepher'e' in many ways < the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which eCists in Ser@ia 4 in eCpectation that the Ser@ian 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate co*+' e(ent*a++y @e *se' to in?i+trate an' s*@(ert the Ser@ian )o(ernment an' mi+itary to ser(e as a S*@or'inate #e)ime to the p+anne' Ita+ian #e)ime. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are pro@a@+e to ha(e p*rchase' Hea+thcare .aci+ities s*ch as Hospita+s4 #eha@i+itation 7enters4 an' Psychiatric Instit*tions in Ser@ia *sin) Properties Stea' Ho+'er to proc*re s*ch ?aci+ities *n'er the names an' tit+es o? other in'i(i'*a+s whom ho+' these properties in their own names < it is @e+ie(e' that at these ?aci+ities4 the 1man*e+esA 2errorist 7rime So+'iers ha(e @een s*r)ica++y imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces inthe crani*ms o? the Ser@ians who ha(e @een i'enti?ie' in North America. Ser@ia is in the same re)ion as Me'I*)orIe ;osnia 4 where the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe +i(e' 5 this woman prophesie' the e(ent*a+ arri(a+ o? the Man o? Sin who wo*+' @e the Anti 7hrist. 2he Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe +i(e' '*rin) the same era as B*+i*s 1(o+a an' 'escri@e' the comin) Anti 7hrist as a Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7rime $or' possessin) o? the same H*a+ities an' corr*ptions as B*+i*s 1(o+a as we++ as o? the same )+o@a+ ami@ition an' inh*manity. B*+i*s 1(o+a (iewe' Ser@ia 4 ;osnia 4 an' 7roatia as the 1astern Imperia+ Pro(ince o? the #oman 1mpire an' as #oman Irre'entia 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a @e+ie(e' himse+? to @e the ri)ht?*+ inheritor o? this re)ion an' others as Imperia+ #oman 2erritory an' S*@Iects o? the #oman Aristocracy. 3*rin) the year 200" < my ?rien' Me+o'y $a*)ini)er poste' on .ace;ooD 5 GI ha(e notice' that many o? yo* are not who yo* say that yo* are. /o* are carryin) the I.3.As o? peop+e I )rew *p with an' ha(e Dnown my entire +i?e. I ha(e asDe' many o? yo* H*estions concernin) this an' yo* wi++ not answer my H*estions. /o* so*n' +iDe the peop+e I ha(e Dnown. It so*n's as i? yo* ha(e practice' *sin) their (oices 4 @*t yo* are not them. I am mo(in) e+sewhere. 2a+D to me when yo* are rea'y to answer

H*estions a@o*t where my ?rien's are an' why yo* a++ ha(e their I.3.As an' wi++ not answer H*estions a@o*t who yo* are.G I ha(e @een in?orme' that '*rin) the year 200! 4 one o? the ma+es o? the Si>emore ?ami+y who may @e one o? $eon PannetaAs neiceAs ha+? @rothers < +e?t my ten year o+' sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson in 7icero I++inois with Stephanie Bohnston whom was approCimate+y 12 5 this was =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs or'ers to Mr. Si>emore. I @e+ie(e this may ha(e @een ;rian Si>emore 4 @*t I am not certain which Si>emore the man whom in?orme' me o? this spoDe o? speci?ica++y. 9ristin Si>emore is $eon PannetaAs neice . 3*rin) the year 200! 4 $eon Panneta worDe' ?or the USA 7IA. 2he month was No(em@er an' the weather was eCtreme+y co+' 5 they were to+' that they ha' to s*r(i(e ?or two weeDs in the co+' a+one 4 an' i? they 'i' they wo*+' @e @ro*)ht e+sewhere. 3*rin) the year 200" 4 Ita+iansA pro?i+es on .ace;ooD Dept postin) comments re+ate' to G#atsG an' G7heeseG < an' G7a(eat 1mptor 5 @*yer @eware 4 once yo* ha(e @o*)ht that cheese yo* can not ret*rn itG. My +itt+e sister S*mmer ha' a hat that was shape' +iDe a 7heese :e')e an' tie' *n'er her chin. S*mmer wore the 7heese :e')e Hat o?ten ?or a month. I am not s*re why she wore this hat. 3*rin) this time 4 it seeme' as i? there were two imposte*rs +i(in) in the ho*se at EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire < preten'in) to @e my .ather. G7heese Hea'G is a strin) cheese that Sahn'ra St.0n)e *se' to @*y. 2he G;H0 B0;NG IoDe @ecame a IoDe re+ate' to a G7heese Hea'G IoDe @rie?+y. 0ne o? these men +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to my .ather @*t ha' the sD*++ shape o? a ser@o croat. He 'resse' i'entica+ to the way my ?ather 'resses 5 his hair an' @ear' were )roome' eCact+y the same as my .atherAs. He +ooDe' possi@+y ha+? Ser@ian an' ha+? ;osnian. 2his Ser@ian +ooDin) man ha' a wo*n' on his ?ace. 2his man wa+De' *p to me 5 to+' me that i ha' somethin) on my ?ace < tooD his ?in)er an' @r*she' to the +e?t an' ri)ht o? my nostri+s on my ?ace4 then sai' it was )one. 2wo 'ays +ater my ?ace @roDe o*t in sma++ hi(es near where he ha' to*che' my ?ace. I went to a hospita+ to )et checDe' ?or Shin)+es an' Posters 4 '*rin) which I was to+' that there was nothin) at a++ wron) with me. 2his @reaD o*t has occ*rre' twice since this time4 in the same two spots on my ?ace. 2his @rin)s to min' the G#atsG comments on .A71;0094 @ein) that these @+emishes maDe it +ooD +iDe I ha' whisDers torn o*t ?rom my ?rom my ?ace. I @e+ie(e this was intentiona+. :hi+e +i(in) at the apartment on Har(ar' st4 my @irth recor's an' i'enti?ication recor's were a++ sto+en an' I @e+ie(e that it may ha(e @een Berry 3AAmico that sto+e them. 2his man is most +iDe+y a 2errorist 7rimina+ associate o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' an Ita+ian Ma?ia. #*inin) my ?ace @y maDin) it +ooD +iDe rat whisDers ha' @een torn o*t o? my ?ace 4 is eCtreme+y simi+ar to a tactic which was *se' @y a terrorist in #*ssia 5 who I @e+ie(e was Gor@eche(4 was campai)nin) ?or re e+ection when he was intentiona++y poisone' @y a toCin which ma'e his sDin weep )reen p*st*+ant m*c*s. His ?ace was r*ine' ?or the e+ection '*e to an o@(io*s 'erma+ in?ection. Der Erwige ude was an anti Israe+i propa)an'a (i'eo which was co*p+e' with anti Israe+i p*@+ications '*rin) the time o? itAs 'isp+ay in theatres 5 thro*)ho*t the p+ot o? this ?i+m as we++ as within the pa)es o? the printe' anti Israe+i p*@+ications 4 Israe+is were o?ten re?erre' to as Rats. I wo*+' @e re?erre' to as a rat '*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an)er *pon seein) me smi+in) at the ?ema+e Bewish c*stomer who was Samantha ;ernstein in the +on) @+acD coat. Another whis!ered anima+ o? which 1man*e+eAs associates ha(e possi@+y re?erre' to me as is a cat ?or reason o? 7+an 7hattan @ein) 2he 7+an o? the 7at4 possi@+y 'escen'e' ?rom 7hatti

o? the In)(aeones 5 2he 7+an o? the 7at o? the 7+an o? the Sons o? In)(ae4 o? whom possi@+y )a(e the ori)ina+ meanin) o? what is Gae+ici>e' +in)*istica++y to @e In(ernesshie or In)(aeshire. 3*e to i++e)a+ recor'in)s4 1man*e+e wo*+' ha(e hear' me ta+Din) a@o*t this.2he thir' whis!ered anima+ which these peop+e ha(e re?erre' to me as is the 7airn 2errier 2oto4 the 'o) ?rom .ranD ;a*mAs 5 2he :i>ar' o? 0>. In the past I ha' 'ate' a re' haire' woman with a Scottish s*rname < she *se' to .rench ;rai' her hair +iDe 3orothy Ga+e4 the yo*n) +a'y ?rom 9ansas in the story o? the :i>ar' o? 0>. 2he :i>ar' o? 0P is re+e(ant to my sin)in) o? the 7owar'+y $ionAs "ing #f $he Forest into a microphone at the comp*ter hacDers which ha' @een hire' to sta+D me @y =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 3*rin) Ha++oween o? 1"88 5 my MotherAs cost*me was the )reen sDinne' :icDe' :itch o? the :est 4 1+pha@a < 7hristine 3ionAs cost*me was a witch as we++. A?ter my ?irst o*t@reaD ?rom this (ir*s 5 I went to the 1++iot Hospita+ at #i(erSi'e in Manchester an' )ot @+oo'worD 'one4 the n*rses to+' me that I was ha(in) an a++er)ic reaction an' that my @+oo'worD was entire+y c+ean. I ha(e ha' two o*t@reaDs since then an' I @e+ie(e these n*rses may @e comp+ete+y *n'er the contro+ o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs somehow. 2his wo*+' @e the res*+t o? Hosta)e 7risis Psycho+o)y4 @eha(iora+ mo'i?ication techniH*es in(o+(in) tort*re an' a@*se o? the women who worD at these hospita+s possi@+y in @asements a?ter they ha(e @een a@'*cte'4 an' Ne*ro Science So?tware *se' with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 3*rin) the years 200E an' 200! 4 whi+e in MerrimacD NewHampshire watchin) the news on the te+ei(ision < it was reporte' on the news that n*mero*s '*n)eons ha' @een ?o*n' in @asements 4 ho*ses 4 an' Denne+s 4 a++ 'own the east coast o? North America an' that it was @e+ie(e' that women ha' @een +ocDe' in them. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a?ter @ein) @+acD mo+' poisone' @y 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather an' mother who were or'ere' to 'o so @y =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 I attempte' to seeD 'ia)nosis an' treatement at the hospita+s in So*thern NewHampshire 4 the women worDin) in these hospita+s wo*+' not 'ia)nose me. I? a terrorist ?action owns or has a@so+*te access to a++ o? the hospita+s4 the entire re)ion s*rro*n'in) these hospita+s are hosta)es. 0? re+e(ence to the Ser@o 7roat ;a+tic re)ion 5 in the past twenty years4 n*mero*s re?*)ees ha(e mo(e' to the USA ?rom the ;osnian re)ion as a res*+t o? a )enoci'e. 2he e+ectronic 'e(ices that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+ians are ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces consistin) o? a Prosthetic Ne*ro7irc*it an' an A#G0S G.P.S. 'e(ice *se' as an impro(ise' ro*ter o(er (ari*s Internet NetworDin) Protoco+s 5 these 'e(ices can in?+*ence an' contro+ the ne*ro+o)y o? +i(in) or)anisms *sin) e+ectro ma)netics an' ne*ro science so?tware an' can easi+y +ocate the (ictims *sin) G+o@a+ Positionin) System an' the Ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictims 4 this is eCact+y what the Seeress o? Me'I*)orIe ;osnia ca++e' G2he MarD o? the ;eastG an' 'escri@e' as the weapon o? the Anti 7hrist that wo*+' ens+a(e H*manity. 3*rin) the year 200% < Be?? #ense p*@+ishe' an artic+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e was the Anti 7hrist an' p*@+ishe' a photo)raph o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs ?ace with the wor's AN2I7H#IS2 written across it. 3*rin) the year 2003 or 200% 4 I ha' in?orme' Henry MaDow that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs @io+o)ica+ patri+inea+ ha+? @rother. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) their entire +i(es. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 G7esareG G3ia@+oG whom ha' sto+en 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s state' to 1' :arren that he was G;itch 2rainin)G or G3o) 2rainin)G women an' +itt+e )ir+s 5 this man was +ater seen with a 'o) co++ar an' +eash on B*+ie :einstein4 wa+Din) her aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire. B*+ie :einstein was yo*n)er than 13 years o+'. 2he ?act*a+ 7aesar was a ?rien' o? Ben Po++ar'As an' ;rian 7aseAs. ;rian 7ase was one o? =ittorio

G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs 7rime So+'iers. G3ia@+oG *se' 7aesarAs 3NA to m*tate himse+? to +ooD +iDe 7aesar an' *se' the name G7esareG whi+e *sin) 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Henry MaDow @e+ie(e' that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS ha' somethin) to 'o with the en)ineerin) o? the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 3*rin) the past years o? my +i?e < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' other sons o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e poisone' me with 3isassociati(e 3r*)s in ?oo' 4 @e(era)e 4 an' smoDes 5 as we++ as ha(e 7rime So+'iers o? theirs eCperimente' hypnosis on my *nDnowin)+y. It is possi@+e that the terrorists who coman'eere' the Air P+anes that hit the 2win 2owers '*rin) the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 were )*i'e' to 'o so @y some ?orm o? Psycho+o)ica+ 7oersion in(o+(in) *nwittin) poisonin) with 3isassociati(e 3r*)s an' Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) Hypnosis. 2his co*+' @e achei(e' @y metho' o? )*i'e' +*ci' 'reamin) with hypnosis an' repeate' Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) o? the tar)et ?o++owe' @y repetitio*s *nwittin) hypnosis ai'e' @y *nDnowin) poisonin) with a 3isassociati(e s*ch as the 'r*) that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e poisons peop+e with. 2he part o? the @rain that in(o+(es the ?ee+in)s o? what is ca++e' G3eIa =*G co*+' possi@+y @e accesse' @y metho' o? Ne*ro$in)*istic Pro)rammin) an' @e in?+*ence' @y Hypnotic Manip*+ation o? the section o? the @rain re+ate' to Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er which ca*ses 3isassociation an' memory G.+ash@acDG. In the year 200"4 my Mother was i++e)a++y @ro*)ht to a #eha@i+itation 7+inic in :estwoo' Massach*settes a)ainst her wi++ 5 since this time4 I ha(e met % 'i??erent women with my MotherAs appearance whom ha(e @een *sin) her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2he #eha@i+itation 7+inic was ca++e' :estwoo' $o')e. Boe $e;aron went to a #eha@i+itation 7+inic in the year 200! < since this time4 I ha(e met an imposte*r preten'in) to @e Boe $e;aron whom +ooDs o? ha+? Ita+ian race an' ha+? German race 5 Boe $e;aron was .ranDic American an' German. 2he Boe $e;aron imposte*rAs mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@er was E03 %"3 11%% . 2he Imposte*r that #ep+ace' Boe $e;aron +i(e' at 22 Har(ar' Street Nash*a NewHampshire on the 3r' .+oor '*rin) the year 2010. 0? stran)e coinci'ence to this is the ?act that I was 22 years o? a)e when I mo(e' ?rom 38" Haywar' Street Apartment V3 to 155 Map+e Street Apartment V2 which was on the corner o? Map+e Street an' Har(ar' Street. ;etween the years 2008 an' 2012 4 the Imposte*r Boe $e;aron attempte' to 'own+oa' a 2erra@yte eCterna+ har''ri(e worth o? Porno)raphy *sin) his nei)h@orAs :i.i which he :1PDey cracDe' an' i++e)a++y accesse'. 2his 2erra@yte worth o? Porno)raphy is +iDe+y to contain ho*rs worth o? (i'eo recor's o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .actionAs SeC 0??enses an' :ar 7rimes 5 many o? the women in these recor'in)s are pro@a@+e to @e his (ictims. It is not necessary to possess this har''ri(e to in(esti)ate these 'own+oa's 4 the constant stream o? 'own+oa's was accesse' at this one +ocation an' was 'own+oa'e' primari+y *sin) 13onDey 4 ;it2orrent 4 an' other .i+eShare metho's 5 the 'own+oa' history o? a++ Internet pro(i'e' to the +ocations +oca+ to 22 or 23 Har(ar' Street is recor'e' @y .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 4 ..;.I. 4 Internet Ser(ers 4 an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Ser(er as we++ as the past approCimate E years o? recor'e' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ra'io transmissions ?rom the Imposte*r Boe $e;aronAs @rain. :hi+e at the imposte*r Boe $e;aronAs apartment in 20104 @e?ore I rea+i>e' he was an imposte*r 5 i witnesse' an episo'e o? a te+e(ision 'oc*mentary a@o*t SeC 2ra??icDin) '*rin) which the .irst Nations Nati(e American woman who was +i(in) as Samantha G*ayAs imposte*r was recor'e' steppin) into a @+acD +imo*sine. 2his @+acD +imo*sine was in a state other than NewHampshire. 2he woman was

o? .ranDic an' either Machican 4 A@enaDi 4 or MiHMaD race. 2he 1man*e+es an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are eCterminatin) these races o? peop+e. In my )ran'mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7artyAs +i?etime 4 a+most her entire race has @een eCterminate' < it is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that 'i' it. :hi+e the imposte*r o? Boe $e;aron was on the te+ephone with some@o'y 4 he state' GI saw yo*r ?rien' the other 'ay at 3ennyAs... no *h ShortyAs... he +ooDe' +iDe shit. He +ooDe' +iDe he ha' a spray on oran)e tan. I a+so saw 9irstie A++ie4 she +ooDs +iDe shit. SheAs on 2.=. 4 it +ooDs +iDe shit. /o*Are not )oin) to @e a@+e to pass this one.G :hi+e at the apartment o? Boe $e;aronAs imposte*r 4 '*rin) the year 2010 in Nash*a 5 Boe $e;aronAs imposte*r state' to me GI ha(e a matress an' a ta@+e in my attic I*st in case I ha(e to hi'e a chi+' mo+estin) seria+ Di++er.G 2his man a+so @e)an ta+Din) a@o*t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 micro comp*ters 4 an' nano techno+o)y. 2he imposte*r o? Boe $e;aron mentione' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to me an' sai' to me 5 G2he other 'ay a man to+' me a@o*t a story some@o'y ha' to+' him that in(o+(e' a )*y who ha' one o? those in his @rain. Peop+e were Di++in) e(ery sin)+e person that he Dnew @eca*se he Dnew somethin) a@o*t the peop+e 'oin) it 4 an' they were )oin) to 'o it anyways e(ent*a++y which is @asica++y what he Dnew 5 an' he s*r(i(e' an' was +e?t a+i(e 4 writin) a :itness Statement ?or the rest o? his +i?e *nti+ the 'ay he 'ie'.G Some@o'y mentione' A'am San'+er +ooDin) stran)e an' possi@+y @ein) an imposte*r. A'am San'+erAs ?ami+y are ?rom Manchester NewHampshire an' are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een tar)ette' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*rin) the year 200%. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'isc*sse' '*rin) the year 200% < that he enIoys cha++en)in) himse+? an' settin) increasin)+y 'i??ic*+t )oa+s that he eCpects himse+? to achei(e 5 .i+ ca++e' this GB*mpin) H*r'+esG an' 'isc*sse' settin) increasin)+y hi)her h*r'+es ?or himse+? to I*mp. .i+As eCpectation o? @ein) capa@+e o? ?ramin) an innocent scape)oat ?or his .actionAs crimes < @ein) capa@+e o? or'erin) a .action o? 2errorist 7rimina+ A)ents co(ert+y em@e''e' within mi+itary an' $aw 1n?orcement In(esti)ations to con(ict an innocent scape)oat ?or the 1man*e+esA own .actionAs crimes *pon @ein) or'ere' to 'o so 4 when there eCists an eCtreme amo*nt o? 1mpirica+ .orensic 1(i'ence that Scienti?ica++y pro(es the 1man*e+esA )*i+t 5 is e(i'ence in itse+? that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .action are attemptin) to @*i+t an A@so+*te 3ictatorship so 'espotic that the 'ictator an' his o+i)archa+ s*@or'inate #e)ime $or's wi++ @e imm*ne to a++ $aw 1n?orcement an' sec*re in s*ch a position that no wor' o? their crimes wi++ e(er reach p*@+ic Dnow+e')e or p*@+icate' 'oc*mentation4 .i+As p+anne' campai)n o? terrorism an' atrocio*s :ar 7rimes are a test that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e himse+? en)ineere' ?or the p*rpose o? testin) his .actionAs *nerrin) o@e'ience to his e(ery or'er re)ar'+ess o? any ?actor or mora+ ana+ysis. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e is a me)a+omaniaca+ sa'ist4 an amora+ist4 an' a @r*ta+ seC o??en'er. 2he 1man*e+es are attemptin) to @*i+' a co(ert 7rimina+ #e)ime < occ*pyin) a++ cr*cia+ positions o? )o(ernment 4 mi+itary4 an' +aw en?orcement 5 technocratica++y 'ominatin) these 'epartments *n@eDnownst to the p*@+ic. 3*rin) the year 2010 < I met a woman who was *sin) the name 2ia $*'wicD whi+e at Hampton ;each who remin'e' me a+ot o? my missin) ?rien' 1mi+y. 2ia was +i(in) in $eominster Massach*settes

at this time. 2ia an' I @ecame H*icD ?rien's @*t +ooDin) at her ?ace@ooD now4 it is apparent that there are ?o*r 'i??erent peop+e c+aimin) to @e G2ia $*'wicDG. 2here are three 'i??erent peop+esA ?aces on her ?ace@ooD an' it seems to @e comman'eere' @y some@o'y e+se. 2he woman on the @each with me in the photos on my ?ace@ooD is not the same woman as the one on the c*rrent 2ia $*'wicD ?ace@ooD. I @e+ie(e that she may @e a tar)ette' (ictim an' that she may @e re+ate' somehow to Michae+ Bohnston She was wearin) Michae+ BohnstonAs +eather necD+ace4 @*t his S*nna:en'i &S*n:hee+, was missin) ?rom the cor'5 instea'4 there was a stee+ antiH*e washer rin) on it. G2ia $*'wicDG seems +iDe an a+ias that was most +iDe+y picDe' ?or her 5 Michae+ Moynihan o? the ;oston @an' ;+oo' ACis writes ?or 2/# B0U#NA$ an' he is ?rom Massach*settes. H0$$/:003 incorrect+y portrays the ;oston accent as prono*ncin) #As as i? they are an 1AH so*n'. Accor'in) to H0$$/:003 stereotypes4 2yr wo*+' @e prono*nce' 211AH in ;oston. $*'wicDowsDi was my ?rien'As mai'en name @e?ore she marrie' one o? my @est ?rien's #yan Har(ey. 2ia( is a+so a we@site that was *se' to p*@+ish m*ch o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .actionAs (i'eo)raphe' SeC*a+ Assa*+ts onto the internet. $*'wicD a+so maDes m*sic eH*ipment4 #yan Har(ey was in a ;oston area 'eathmeta+ @an' ca++e' Sco*r)e. G2iaG +ooDs simi+ar to one o? the )ir+s who I ha' @een to+' was 1mi+y Is+es4 she a+so +ooDs re+ate' to #yan Har(eyAs motherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. 2iaAs )+asses were the same shape as #yanAs )+asses ?rom hi)hschoo+. 2he imposte*r Pach An'rosDi mentione' that he wante' to )et a tattoo on his @acD o? a 2ri.orce o? :is'om ?rom the )ame Pe+'a. He a+so state' that he wante' to )et a tattoo o? Unti+ 3eath 3o Us Part in a @+acD si++ho*ette o? trees on his @acD. 2ia $*'wicD ha' these tattoos when I met her. #yan Har(ey an' $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi seem to @e missin) < there are photo)raphs o? two imposte*rs on their .ace;ooD.7om Pro?i+es. 2wo years prior to meetin) 2ia 4 I ha' 'rawn a pict*re o? 2yr & the Aesir , ho+'in) a spatha. 2he spatha was thematica++y 'esi)ne' < ha(in) a tri?i'ic 2iwa> @in' r*ne on the @ase o? the @+a'e as we++ as a SUNNA:1N3I on the pomme+ )a*r' 5 +iDe the S*n:hee+ pen'ant Michae+ Bohnston was wearin) when he came into .ami+y 3o++ar. My 'epiction o? 2yr a+so ha' a +on) Unc+e SamAs Gso*+ patchG an' a 2iwa> r*ne tattooe' o(er the +e?t eye. Psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+in) o? the entire e(ents s*rro*n'in) these (i(isections an' tra??icDin) (ictimi>ations re(ea+s the o@(io*s ?act that the )*i+ty party can see thro*)h the +e?t eye o? the (ictims '*e to the p+acement o? the Ne*ro7hip ;.7.I. 5 the p+acement o? the 2iwa> r*ne most +iDe+y str*cD ?ear into the min' o? the )*i+ty party whom I @e+ie(e was most +iDe+y to @e =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e themse+(es +ooDin) thro*)h my +e?t eye. :hen I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' what was most +iDe+y a #a'ioacti(e San'wich5 the )*i+ty party was @eyon' a 'o*@t in?*riate' @y the ?act that e(en a?ter ! months o? eCcr*tiatin) pain4 my @o'y starte' hea+in) on itAs own witho*t proper me'ication. :hi+e at the :arpe' 2o*r in Mans?ie+' Massach*settes < 2ia $*'wicD @e)an to ca++ me :o+(erine4 I @e+ie(e she is one o? their tra??icDin) (ictims 5 wo+(erine is a Mar(e+ 7omics character possessin) o? the capa@i+ity to re)enerati(e+y hea+ eCtreme+y ?ast an' he has meta+ c+aws4 I ha(e a meta+ p+ate in my ri)ht han'. 2he )*i+ty party most +iDe+y ha' @e)*n to maDe ins*+tin) IoDes a@o*t 2hor re?errin) to 2hor as Gnothin) @*t a Mar(e+ 7omics character.G an' maDe IoDes a@o*t how I m*st @e G:eapon 6 materia+ in or'er to hea+ so ?ast4 an' with that meta+ p+ate...G etc. 2he character :o+(erine is a H*man =i(isection (ictim o? a crimina+ or)ani>ation worDin) within the 7ana'ian Mi+itary #esearch 3epartment *sin) their ?*n'in) ?or eCperiments on +i(e h*mans. :hen I was 1E4 I @roDe my han' an' a meta+ p+ate ha' to @e s*r)ica++y attache' to my Meta7arpa+.

:hi+e at the :arpe' 2o*r in Mans?ie+' Massach*settes4 2ia $*'wicD an' I arri(e at a speci?ic sta)e 5 imme'iate+y a?ter which4 the @an' @e)an to p+ay the son) GSDinhea'4 yo*Are a+ot +iDe meG an' the @ass p+ayer &who coinci'ent+y +ooDs re+ate' to New Bersey Ita+ian Ma?ia, notice' *s imme'iate+y an' was )rinnin) e(i++y at me. His eCpression portraye' that he was Gin the DnowG a@o*t somethin) an' that he c+ear+y reco)ni>e' 2ia $*'wicD. :e were stan'in) eCtreme+y ?ar away ?rom the sta)e an' we were at the si'e entrance to the theatre. :hi+e worDin) with 1' :arren4 '*e to a++ o? his +ies 5 n*mero*s peop+e in the comm*nity were ca++in) me the Neo Na>i SDinhea' 1Ctremist with the $on) Hair. 2he timin) o? this 'i' not at a++ seem coinci'enta+ 5 a@o*t an ho*r a?ter this4 2ia @e)an to show (isi@+e si)ns o? psycho+o)ica+ 'iscom?ort an' wante' to +ea(e. G2G is the 2iwa> r*ne in .*tharD a+pha@etics 4 the G2G IoDe in re?erence to the 21#MINA20# wo*+' ha(e come o*t o? the mo*ths o? the )*i+ty party a?ter seein) my 'rawin) thro*)h my own 7omp*ter Inter?ace' 0cc*+ar Ner(eAs ma)netic resi'*a+s presente' on their comp*ter screen in the ?orm o? a Point 0? =iew camera o? my $1.2 1/1 =ISI0N. My A0$ Instant Messan)er screenname *pon the 'ate o? the poisonin) was IAN2I:AP. 1' :arren 2005 5 2erminator 2 re?erence GAre yo* )oin) to @e the +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aOG a 2ri.i'ic ;in'#*ne is a si)i+ o? three o(er+ayin) r*nes4 21#MINA20# 3 aire' repeate'+y on H;0 '*rin) 2005 when I was @ein) sta+De' @y hacDers an' 9enneth B*''As 70M7AS2 2#IP$1 P$A/ was @ein) hacDe'. 2here are 3 'i??erent woman on G2iaAsG ?ace@ooD acco*ntAs photos. 1(ent*a++y I happene' to meet a secon' G2iaG that is not in the .ace;ooD photos. A month a?ter the :arpe' 2o*r4 I 'ro(e to $eominster to (isit G2iaG. I picDe' her *p at the ma++. :e 'ro(e aro*n' ?or a ?ew ho*rs a?ter which she to+' me that she nee'e' to ta+D to her G)ran'?atherG. I was to+' that her )ran'?ather has a )ara)e ri)ht neCt 'oor to $eominster. :e 'ro(e to a )ara)e4 I met a Sici+ian man who +ie' to me4 c+aimin) that he was her @io+o)ica+ )ran'?ather 5 which he certain+y was not. A?ter spen'in) a@o*t ten min*tes at the )ara)e4 we 'eci'e' to +ea(e. I wa+De' o*tsi'e to start the car. A?ter waitin) approCimate+y ten min*tes4 G2iaG came o*t o? the )ara)e an' )ot into my car. I @e)an 'ri(in) an' *pon +ooDin) to my ri)ht4 I notice' that it was a 'i??erent ?ema+e entire+y wearin) the same c+othes. 2his yo*n) +a'y +ooDe' a@o*t 1" an' remin'e' me o? Michae+ Bohnston physica++y 4 so m*ch that it may ha(e @een a re+ati(e o? his an' was pro@a@+y Stephanie Bohnston. G2ia $*'wicDG +ooDe' a@o*t 25. She asDe' me to 'rop her o?? at the ma++. 2he pro)rammer contro++in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD4 somehow hypnoti>e' me to imme'iate+y ?or)et that she wasnAt 2ia 5 this @rin)s to my min' the Science Ma)a>ine artic+e a@o*t the eCperiments in(o+(in) the 'o)As @rain an' (is*a+ i'entity reco)nition. 2he yo*n)er +a'yAs ?ace seeme' to twitch s+i)ht+y an' her necD m*sc*+at*re seeme' s+i)ht+y ro@otic in re?+eCi(e reaction to some ?orei)n imp*+se 5 it was as i? her necD was @ein) steere' @y a BoysticD an' Arrow 9eys on a Dey@oar'4 +iDe a sentry camera. She @e)an to ta+D to me a@o*t her chi+'hoo'. Her +i?e story was simi+ar to my motherAs. Her mother was a seC tra??icDin) (ictim o? a @iDer )an)4 an' she seeme' to @e tar)ette' @y the ma?ia ?or seC tra??icDin) (ictimi>ation herse+?. Her motherAs @oy?rien' *se' to a@*se her horri@+y. I to+' her that my mother ha' @een thro*)h somethin) simi+ar an' that @eca*se I *n'erstan' the sit*ation4 she co*+' ta+D to me a@o*t thin)s that she ?ee+s *ncom?orta@+e ta+Din) to others a@o*t. I then 'roppe' her o?? at the ma++. I am certain that she was Dnow+e')a@+e that she ha' some Din' o? comp*teri>e' 'e(ice connecte' to her @rain< @*t was too ?ri)htene' to ta+D a@o*t it 'irect+y 4 @ein) that she 'i' not Dnow me at a++. 2his )ir+ +ooDe' eCact+y +iDe a )ir+ my sister S*mmer *se' to @e ?rien's with whom she met at an Anime 7on(ention in

Massach*settes. 2he name S*mmer to+' *s was 1mi+y an' her ?rien' was a@o*t 5 years o+'er than her. Pete Poten>aAs co*sin $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey is 'e?inite+y the woman who @o*)ht an' transporte' my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston 5 $orie Poten>aAs co*sins are Pete Poten>a o? the Mi+?or' an' 7o. He++s An)e+s S*@si'iary 4 Banet Poten>a o? Manchester Menta+ Hea+th in Manchester NewHampshire 4 an' An)e+a Poten>a who was ?ormer+y An)ie SDinner o? E% ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire an' was ?ormer+y my ?ami+yAs neCt 'oor nei)h@or who is mother o? ;ea* an' Am@er SDinner. I @e+ie(e the Ma++ near $eominster possi@+y may ha(e @een the .oC#*n Ma++ in Newin)ton Massach*settes. Phone n*m@ers associate' with 2ia are "!8 53! 2"0"4 508 82E !8"34 an' a thir' n*m@er which I ha(e since +ost @*t wi++ @e in the e+ectronic recor's ?rom 20115 ce++phone4 internet4 an' otherwise. 2he ho*se in $eominster was s*ppose'+y 2iaAs )ran'?atherAs ho*se 5 this sit*ation is too simi+ar to @e i)nore' 4 it is the same sit*ation as 2ay+a +i(in) with her Gran'.ather '*rin) the time when her Mother poisone' me with @+acDmo+' in an ice'co??ee. 2he 'i??erence is that none o? these ?ema+es are Ita+ians. 2he o+' man +ooDe' to @e o? 'irect ?ami+ia+ re+ation to 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather< an' +ooDin) @acD now4 I @e+ie(e they may @e co*sins. I @e+ie(e that this yo*n) +a'y is a Di'nap (ictim. 2he +ast time that I saw the secon' G2iaG was a?ter the ma++. She c+aime' to ha(e mo(e' in to an apartment with a ?rien'4 whom was in the Arme' .orces< the apartment @ein) in what I thinD was .ranD+in4 7he+ms?or'4 or 2yn)s@oro Massach*settes. I am not entire+y s*re o? the +ocation @*t it a+so may ha(e @een Meth*en. 2his is store' in the e+ectronic recor's o? my o+' ce++ phones as we++ as the internet recor's ?rom my ?atherAs ho*se. 2he apartment was @are 5 on+y her @e'room was ?*rnishe' with a @e'4 a c+oset ?i++e' with c+othin)4 an' @ooDs. 0n the ?+oor in one o? the rooms< there was a pi+e o? mi+itary iss*e c+othin)4 a @e'ro++4 a mi+itary @acDpacD4 as we++ as a +ar)e Dni?e which was not mi+itary iss*e 5 these thin)s were proporte' to @e+on) to her roommate. At one point4 she went to the apartment *pstairs in or'er to ta+D to some@o'y. :hen G2iaG came @acD 'own to her apartment4 it was the secon' G2iaG. She spent the rest o? the 'ay p+ayin) G*itarHero. I +e?t con?*se'4 tryin) to ?i)*re o*t which one was which. 2he secon' G2iaG < the yo*n)er o? the two 5 remin'e' me a+ot o? my sisterAs ?rien' G1mi+yG ?rom Massach*settes. She met her ?rien' G1mi+yG at an Anime con(ention in Massach*settes. I @e+ie(e G1mi+yG sho*+' @e aro*n' 20 years o+' ri)ht now4 S*mmer ha' +ie' a@o*t her ?rien'As a)e @y a@o*t 5 years. 2he man who came to picD her *p ?rom my sisterAs ho*se ! years a)o was the Mi+?or' F 7o. Q He++As An)e+As associate that has @een (isitin) my c*rrent neCt 'oor nei)h@or. I am positi(e that this man is re+ate' to Banet Poten>aAs ?ami+y. /et a)ain4 this @rin)s to min' 1' :arrenAs statement to Anthony 3e?eo in the mi''+e o? the store near the )reetin) car's4 when he state' G2his is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers4 '*'e.G an' the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es was in(esti)ate' '*e to the crimes committe' @y emp+oyees who ha' @een printin) '*p+icate i'enti?ication car's ?or terrorists to *se as a+iases. G2iaG ha' a ?rien' name' GSa+sa ;ie+G whom +ooDe' re+ate' to a woman name' 9e+sey who was my ?rien' Boe $e;aronAs eC wi?eAs @est ?rien'. Hi++ary ;ri)ham was a+so Boe $e;aronAs eC wi?eAs @est?rien'. 2here is an impersonator whom has @een preten'in) to @e Hi++ary ;ri)ham 5 this impersonator has @een *sin) the names Hi++ary #i(ers an' Hi++ary MarH*a't. BoeAs eC wi?eAs name was 7he+sea A(i+as. 2here seems to @e a man *sin) Boe $e;aronAs I'enti?ication c*rrent+y as we++. 2he man preten'in) to @e Boe $e;aron is sma++er4 has a narrower Iaw4 has a sma++er chest4 has +ess hair than Boe4 he a+so may ha(e a c+ean @+oo' test 5 Boe $e;aron ha' Hepatitis 7 an' was +ast Dnown to @e in a #eha@

7+inic 4 possi@+y e(en :estwoo' $o')e which was the same c+inic my mother was @ro*)ht to @e?ore she went missin) an' these impersonators ha(e @een wa+Din) aro*n'. 2he man *sin) Boe $e;aronAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication a+so has a +on)er an' narrower nose than Boe. ;etween 200E 2013 < the man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man in 2roy NewHampshire has ha' m*t*a+ ?rien's on his .ace;ooD acco*nt share' with the G2ia $*'wicDG .ace;ooD Acco*nt. Most o? these m*t*a+ ?rien's are Ita+ians whom the ?aDe #on ;oar'man c+aime' was his G;ran)aG si'e o? the ?ami+y. He has @een c+aimin) to @e ha+? Ita+ian on his motherAs si'e. He is entire+y Ita+ian o? $om@ar'ic race. #on ;oar'man was An)+o SaCon 5 he was an Asatr*ar < the ?act*a+ #on ;oar'man was a ?rien' o? my !th Gra'e 1n)+ish teacher Stacy Sea@*ry4 o? the a*thor Swain :o'enin) whom is ;erry 7anote o? 2eCas4 an' o? n*mero*s Asatr*ars in North America. 2he .06#UN Ma++ is in Newin)ton Massach*settes I*st o(er the @or'er ?rom Portsmo*th New Hampshire ;*sStation 5 there is a @*s which r*ns ?rom Portsmo*th to Newin)ton Massach*settes. I @e+ie(e that @oth Michae+ Bohnston an' my se+? ha(e ha' ?ami+y an' ?rien's who +i(e' in the Portsmo*th re)ion o? New Hampshire. It is entire+y pro@a@+e that the yo*n)er G2ia $*'wicDG whom was seen at the .oC#*n Ma++ is a co*sin o? my own or Michae+As. It is a+so pro@a@+e that @*sses ?rom $eominster 4 2yn)s@oro4 Portsmo*th4 ;oston4 7oncor'4 an' Newin)ton ha(e @een *se' to transport in'i(i'*a+s. Ma++s are a++ on a @*s ro*te as are airports an' cities. 3*rin) the year 2011 5 I was s*ppose' to mo(e in to an apartment with a )*y name' /7amar/ Patterson whom contacte' me on ?ace@ooD. I *se' to Dnow a Billiam 7amal Patterson when I was in hi)hschoo+ an' I was ass*min) that this was the same Bama+. I am now thinDin) that Bamar Patterson was a possi@+e ass*me' a+ias o? some@o'y e+sesA @eca*se the man was physica++y sma++er than Bama+ an' +ooDe' racia++y ha+? Asian4 the act*a+ Bama+ Patterson is 100S A?rican American. I @e+ie(e the namin) o? the espiona)e a)ent GBamarG was a racia++y moti(ate' snie' ins*+t '*e to his @ein) racia++y ha+? asian m*+atto. 7hinese speaDers sometimes ha(e tro*@+e 'iscernin) the $ an' # prono*nciations when they ?irst +earn 1n)+ish +in)*istics an' o*r a+pha@etics. At this time4 I was (isitin) the apartment @e?ore I 'eci'e' whether or not to mo(e in < an' the '(' that my se+? an' amar%s roommate G;rian MasonG were watchin) was somewhat (i'eo e'ite' an' a*'io o(er '*@@e'< re?errin) to Gae+ic .o+D #e+i)ion that speci?ica++y re+ates to screennames an' internet han'+es that I ha(e *se' in the past4 re?ers to an eC)ir+?rien' o? mine who was in co++e)e whi+e I was +i(in) at the apartment that 3AAmico owne'4 an' re?ers to a sDinhea' whom I was ?rien's with at that eCact time in my +i?e. A scene was e'itte' into the mo(ie '*rin) which a )ro*p o? men entere' a room ho+'in) a can o? an ener)y 'rinD an' sai' G:e Dnow a@o*t the 7hreno@+iG . It was a @*rne' copy o? a mo(ie that ?act*a++y has nothin) at a++ to 'o with any o? these thin)s. My ce++ phone at the time was E03 203 E023 an' I ha' @een in contact with these peop+e @y way o? ce++ phone. It is now possi@+e to ?aDe a te+ephone n*m@er with a hacDe' so?tware app+ication o(er the internet with G00G$1 PH0N14 which con?*ses the te+ephone ser(er comp*ter into marDin) the ca++er as a speci?ie' n*m@er on ca++er I.3. . It is a+so possi@+e now to re ro*te a te+ephone ca++ ?rom a corporate or pri(ate+y owne' ser(er comp*ter to a persona+ comp*ter *se' ?or ca++Qcomm*nications interception. 2he +ast +ocation I Dnew o? the act*a+ :i++iam Bama+ Patterson was #ho)e Islan) USA. 2he mention o? G2he 7hreno@+iG is a re?erance to the irra'iate' s*@marine ro++ which I was ?e' when I ha' or'ere' an Ita+ian S*@ san'wich ?rom the 'e+i at the 2e'eschiAs )as station

store in $on'on'erry New Hampshire 5 the man whom has @een c+aimin) to @e 9eith Hammon' re?erre' to the irra'iate' s*@ as a G7hreno@+iG 4 in re?erence to the 7hreno@+e N*c+ear Power P+ant. 2he man preten'in) to @e Bamar PattersonAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone n*m@er was E03 80" E182. GBamarG ha' a ?rien' whom was *sin) the name A*t*mn 7or'e++o. :hen I met A*t*mn4 it was o@(io*s that she ha' at some point *n'er)one cosmetic s*r)ery *pon her ?ace. A*t*mn c+aime' that she was the sister o? Bason $eesAs wi?eAs sister in +aw. Bason $ees was my s*per(isorAs @oss when I worDe' at N*cast in $on'on'erry NewHampshire in 200!. 2he woman *sin) the name A*t*mn 7or'e++o was +i(in) in a ho*se in 3eer?ie+' New Hampshire < she was a@o*t 5A!G 4 @+on'e4 1!0+@s4 @+*e eyes 5 she +ooDe' to @e o? possi@+y Swe'ish Nationa+ 1thnic an' 'e?inite+y ha' a p+astic s*r)erie' nose. GBamarG c+aime' that A*t*mn was a pro?essiona+ mor)*e worDer. Mor)*e :orDers are +iDe+y to ha(e @een @ein) emp+oye' ?or p*rpose o? remo(in) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' #o*ter S*r)ica+ Imp+ants co(ert+y. At GBamarAsG apartment was one o? my ?ormer roommate Scott H*nterAs chairs. It was a @+*e c+oth can(as chair with a meta+ ?rame. 2his chair was in the +i(in) room o? the apartment we +i(e' in at 38" Haywar' St. Apt.3 in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% 5 this was the year that =ittorio 1man*e+e came to my p+ace o? worD. 2his chair was 'ama)e' an' not worth Deepin) 4 it sti++ ha' the same 'ama)e in 2010. 2his chair was pro@a@+y picDe' *p o? the si'e o? the roa' when Scot an' 9enneth mo(e' o*t o? the apartment or was taDen a?ter =ittorio 1man*e+esA Properties Stea' Ho+'er @o*)ht the @*i+'in). :hi+e at GBamarG PattersonAs an' G;rianG MasonAs apartment4 I was stan'in) in ;rianAs room as the news was on the te+e(ision. An asian news anchorwoman @e)an to speaD an' her wor's imme'iate+y chan)e' an' were a*'io o(er '*@@e' to so*n' +iDe she was sayin) chan)e to the system an' somethin) co*+' )et n*De'4 +iDe Hiroshima or Na)asaDi.G 2his was eCtreme+y tra*matic. .rom a ?ew years o? st*'yin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)ica+ patho+o)y 5 I am a?rai' that it is +iDe+y that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto may try to hit the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a with @rie?case n*Des i? not 'ea+t with proper+y. =ittorio 4 7hris 2homas 4 an' .i++i@erto are o@sesse' with e+iminatin) a++ e(i'ence o? their crimes whi+e sim*+taeneo*s+y committin) ore o? them an' )atherin) a +ar)er .action o? 7rimina+ 2errorists )*i+ty o? the same :ar #apes as themse+(es. ;rian MasonAs wor's echoe' @oth the imposte*r o? Me)an McG*ire an' the Ita+ian S*r)eon in NH Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire. 2he man c+aimin) to @e G;rian MasonG whom +ooDe' ha+? Sici+ian 5 *se' the wor's GI I*st )ot o*t o? Iai+ 5 I was arreste' ?or =er@a+ Assa*+t. G 4 there is no s*ch crime as G=er@a+ Assa*+tG in the USA. 2hese wor's were *se' @y one o? the S*r)eons whom =i(isecte' my se+? in the NewHampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' NewHampshire 5 this partic*+ar S*r)eon was primari+y o? Ita+ian race. 0? re+ation to 3.B. an' Me)an McG*ire ;rian Mason acc*se' me o? G.omentation o? #acia+ #iotsG which is what GMe)an McG*ireG c+aime' that her ;rother was arreste' ?or in :orcester Massach*settes. 2here is no s*ch +aw in the USA 5 a++ o? these +aws so*n' to @e trans+ate' ?rom Ita+ian. A++ o? the in'i(i'*a+s mentionin) these +aws ha(e @een o? Ita+ian race. A+so o? re+ation to 3.B. an' GMe)an McG*ireG 5 GBamarG whom was a m*+atto hapa an' was preten'in) to @e Bama+ Patterson 4 a woman preten'in) to @e A*t*mn 7or'e++o who appeare' to @e a 2ra??icDin) =ictim4 as we++ as the man preten'in) to @e ;rian Mason whom was o@(io*s+y ha+? Sici+ian < or'ere' a Me'itteranean Pi>>a. 2he ni)ht this pi>>a was or'ere'4 a mo(ie ha' @een A*'io 3*@@e'

an' =i'eo 3*@@e' to show an Ann*+aAs Me'itteranean Pi>>a in a Pi>>a ;oC which was @ein) opene' whi+e the wor's GB*st +iDe a poisone' pi>>aG were spoDen in a ;ritish accent @y an o+' +a'y. I 'i' not eat the Me'itteranean Pi>>a 4 I @e+ie(e that it was s*ppose' to ha(e @een poisone' 5 I 'i' not tr*st these peop+e4 I 'i' not eat the Pi>>a. GBamarG whom was o@(io*s+y not A?rican American eno*)h to @e Bama+ Patterson '*e to his o@(io*s Hapa race 4 which is a Ha+? Asian 5 ha' mentione' n*mero*s times GSpiesG. Aro*n' this time ;rian Mason ha' or'ere' a Me'iterranean Pi>>a ?rom Ann*+aAs Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire4 he 'i'nAt eat any o? it an' simp+y +e?t the @oC open. 2his is the Din' o? pi>>a I ha' share' with 3.B. an' a woman ca++in) herse+? Me)an McG*ire in Manchester NewHampshire on Pine Street '*rin) the 200! 5 the G3.B.G that Me)an Dnew t*rne' o*t to @e .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames. Me)an McG*ire was the name o? .ran McG*ireAs )ran' 'a*)hter. 0ne o? the McG*ireAs ca++e' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a pe'ophi+e '*rin) my *nc+e A+ Io'iceAs mo(in) party in the approCimate year 1""% < I @e+ie(e that this was 3a(i' McG*ire. .i+ 1man*e+e ha' sai' GItAs @een a whi+e since IA(e hear' that one.G as a remarD o? seC*a+ h*mo*r a?ter sayin) somethin) to which 7a+i ha' respon'e' to. A?ter hearin) this4 3a(i' McG*ire sai' 5 G2hatAs how I Dnow yo*Are a pe'ophi+e. /o* maDe comments +iDe that at +itt+e )ir+s. SheAs on+y 12.G 4 to which 9eith McG*ire interIecte' an' state' 4 GSheAs act*a++y on+y 11... act*a++y 10 4 sheAs on+y a year o+'er than Ian.G 2his party in approCimate+y 1""% was in MerrimacD NewHampshire at one o? the Mc)*ire ?ami+yAs ho*ses. My co*sins 4 the Io'ice ?ami+y < were mo(in) to $o*isianna. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 7hris 2homas were present. .i+ ha' sai' somethin) a@o*t 7a+i McG*ire that ha' *pset her *nc+e 3a(i' McG*ire. 2his party was in the same nei)h@orhoo' as ;rian 7onnin)tonAs ho*se 4 who was my ?rien' '*rin) chi+'hoo'. 2he Ita+ian ?ema+e who ha' @een *sin) sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the name Me)an McG*ire 5 was witnesse' sayin) G1speaD yo* areOG an' GS.P.L.#.OG to peop+e who she wa+De' past in Manchester NewHampshire. S.P.L.#. is a s+o)an o? the #oman Imperia+ Mi+itary that was o?ten presente' on #oman AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar's. 2his is o@(io*s proo? that an Ita+ian S+eeper 7e++ NetworD has @een +i(in) the U.S.A. an' worD 'irect+y ?or the 1man*e+es. GMe)an McG*ireG Dnew 3anie+ Bames who is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother who was a'opte' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs co*sin near Sa+is@*ry NewHAmpshire an' Sa+is@*ry Massach*settes. 2he ?act*a+ Me)an McG*ire whom I Dnew when I was yo*n)er 4 was .ran McG*ireAs )ran' 'a*)hter 5 she was yo*n)er than this ?ema+e. GS.P.L.#.G is the name o? an Ita+ian :hite Power ;an' who ha' a MySpace.7om acco*nt in the year 200E 5 this pro?i+e H*ote state' GS.S.G an' the G@an'G was 'resse' as the U.S.A. Presi'entia+ Secret Ser(ice. 0ne o? the G@an' mem@ersG +ooDe' +iDe 1' :arren. 2hey were stan'in) near a @+acD +imosine. 3*rin) the year 200%4 I ma'e a IoDe a@o*t GAryan ;rotherhoo' Gan)sta #apG which m*st ha(e somehow @een hear' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. Some@o'y create' an a+@*m ca++e' G.i+G that Matt Mi++s was )i(en . It was s*ppose'+y .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Gan)sta #ap that was inten'e' to @e the most o??ensi(e #ap a+@*m e(er recor'e'. 0n this a+@*m 4 one o? .i+As +yrics was G2he Secret Ser(ice wi++ @e my Sh*t>Sta??e+.G. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e 1' :arren o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+y were hacDin) my comp*ter constant+y 5 Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? ha' @een maDin) a IoDe a@o*t a speaD impe'iment an' sayin) G;h0 Bo;NG o(er the internet as we++ as to eachother as a IoDe that was pro@a@+y a*'io recor'e'. ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' Boe ;i'en are r*mo*re' to @e the res*+t o? this G;h0 Bo;NG IoDe & ;.H.0. B.0.;. , an' are r*mo*re' to @e G+iDe a

#ichar' NiConG 5 A)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the U.S.A. Go(ernment. 2hree 'ays +ater a?ter this 5 BamarAs roommate ;rian Mason acc*se' me o? racism4 (er@a++y ins*+te' my re+i)ion with acc*sations that my re+i)ion Gpreaches rape an' pi++a)eG as a re+i)io*s (a+*e 4 an' acc*se' me o? @e+ie(in) in Gpro(ocation o? racist riotsG. 2he Asatr* #e+i)ion 'oes not +acD Mora+ =a+*es or 2ra'itiona+ Mora+ 1thics. I chose to remain home+ess an' contin*e' +i(in) in my car ?or some months more. A ?rien' o? 2ay+aAs name' Sean 7ase was worDin) at Stop N Shop '*rin) the time which I was emp+oye' there4 I o(erhear' him maDin) con(ersation a@o*t @+each poisonin) some@o'y to 'eath. 2his man trie' to maDe me +ooD anti B*'aic4 as a partic*+ar woman was approachin) the co*nter< Sean 7ase sai'5 GShhhh... @e care?*+4 sheAs Bewish. 2his +a'y comin) here is Bewish... shhhhh @e care?*+.G within earshot o? the woman. 3*rin) this month I saw 2ay+a wa+Din) 'own the street with a man whom +ooDe' +iDe an imposte*r .ranD 7arroccino 5 a man I was ?rien's with '*rin) hi)hschoo+. 2his is 'an)ero*s '*e to the ?act that I was recor'e' ta+Din) to .ranDAs @rother 9y+e 7arroccino whi+e I was worDin) at SDri(anos .ami+y 7orporationAs 3*nDin 3on*ts in the Ma++ o? NewHamsphire. My sister S*mmer #ose MacPhersonAs @est ?rien' 9yra G*sta(sonAs o+'er sister A+yssa G*sta(son is )oo' ?rien's with .ranD an' 9y+eAs yo*n)er @rother #yan 7arroccino. 2he man who intro'*ce' my se+? to =a+erie 0+son when we were chi+'ren is the yo*n)er @rother o? Bohn ;o))ia4 who is the eC @oy?rien' o? She++y 7arroccino. 9yra an' A+yssaAs ?ather is a po+ice o??icer in Manchester New Hampshire 5 0??icer G*sta(son. 3*rin) the year 1""" < .ranD 7arroccino p*rchase' mariI*ana '*ste' an' possi@+y crysta++i>e' with 3isAssociati(es @y means o? a =apori>er machine 5 this is the eCact same 'r*) that .i+ 1man*e+eAs o+'er @roth 7hris 2homas *se' to 'r*) a++ o? the a'*+ts at my ?ami+yAs 1"88 Ha++oween Party as we++ as the chi+'ren who he @+ew smoDe in the ?ace o?. .ranD 7arroccino p*rchase' this tainte' mariI*ana thro*)h Bohn ;o))ia. 2he 7arroccino .ami+y were one o? the ?ami+ies that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha' or'ere' to watch BacD 3ion an' his ?ami+y as we++ as my se+?. It seems 'e?inite that the ;ritish Aristocracy an' the Hano(er .ami+y are tar)ets o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom are pro@a@+y )oin) to attempt to rep+ace them with imposte*rs +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 with intentions o? marryin) them to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in the ?*t*re. 2his seems pro@a@+e to @e tr*e as we++ 4 ?or the Aristrocracy o? Norway as we++ as 3enmarD. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are sti++ p+annin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' are sti++ the A6IS. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e I was worDin) at Stop NA Shop < there was an Ara@ic man worDin) at the Stop NA Shop who seeme' to Dnow Sean 7ase. 2his manAs name ta) rea' Anthony Stone. :hi+e worDin) at this +ocation4 a woman that +ooDe' re+ate' to the women whom 3ana Um@ro an' 1' :arren were marrie' to in the year 2005 < @o*)ht meat an' cheese at the 'e+i. Aro*n' the time that I ha' starte' worDin) at Stop NA Shop4 I witnesse' on the te+e(ision news whi+e at my A*nt $es+ieAs ho*se at 285 Gray Street in Manchester NewHampshire < that man was ?o*n' ma*+e' to 'eath @y $ions near the Great P+ains #e)ion. In the area s*rro*n'in) his corpse there was an assortment o? opene' ca)es4 a n*m@er o? 'ea' +ions4 an' anima+ tracDs. It was reporte' on the te+e(ision news that n*mero*s +ions ha'

escape' ?rom the h*ntin) parties that were 'ep+oye' to tracD them 'own < it was a+so 'escri@e' that there was a monDey amon)st them. It was reporte' on the te+e(ision that n*mero*s +ions ha' escape' ?rom these h*ntin) parties *nharme' an' that there was a monDey amon)st them. 2he news se)ment on the te+e(ision screen was ca++e' G$ions 4 2i)ers 4 an' ;earsG 5 in re?erence to the :i>ar' o? 0> scene '*rin) which the 7owar'+y $ion is intro'*ce'4 the G9in) o? the .orestG se)ment o? the G/e++ow ;ricD #oa'G. Aro*n' the year 200! < there was a resta*rant in the U.S.A. 5 in(esti)ate' '*e to the resta*rant i++e)a++y ser(in) $ion Meat in the U.S.A. . 3*rin) the year 200% < when Henry MaDow an' Be?? #ense eCpose' in a p*@+ication =ittorio 1man*e+e III as A'o+? Hit+erAs patri+inea+ ha+? @rother 4 I ha' @een sin)in) G2he 7owar'+y $ionAsG theme son) G9in) o? the .orestG thro*)h the microphone on my comp*ter monitor screenAs to the comp*ter the race. I @e+ie(e that Anthony 3e?eo mentione' ha(in) the Bizar) of Oz so*n'tracD on (iny+ recor'. It is possi@+e that these anima+s ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roGra?ts4 $on)#an)e #o*terF;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ants4 an' possi@+y A#G0S GPS S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 5 the p*rpose ?or this wo*+' ha(e @een to pi+ot the anima+s to commit ma*+in)s ?or the p*rpose o? *ntracea@+e terrorism. I remem@er #on Pa*+ speaDin) '*rin) an inter(iew4 with tears in his eyes< eCp+ainin) that there was on+y one anima+ +e?t to )et an' that it was the monDey 5 he wo*+' nee' to @e tranH*i+i>er 'arte' an' p*t @acD where he @e+on)s. My opinion is that the mi+itary sho*+' se'ation )as canister an' tranH*i+i>er 'art .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+e a?ter which they sho*+' @e he+' in a mi+itary psychiatric prison *nit ?or ?i?teen years with an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met on ?or p*rpose o? )ent+y eCtractin) a++ in?ormation ?rom their @rains pertainin) to a++ o? their crimes an' crimina+ associates as we++ as terrorist associates. A Ne*roScience team at ;erD+ee 7a+i?ornia Uni(ersity '*rin) the 1"E0As an' 1"!0As scienti?ica++y pro(e' that @y )ra?tin) a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Microchip onto the @rain o? a cat it was possi@+e to (iew the catAs (ision on a 7omp*ter Monitor4 e(ent*a++y it was pro(en that 7himpan>ees co*+' @e pi+ote' to mo(e with remote contro+s4 an' in the 1"80As Ne*roGra?t Prosthesis were in testin) phases. ions are a particularl5 suspicious ps5chological concept concerning the past ten 5ears of *eing stal.e) *5 8ittorio &manuele3 &mil5 Isles an) m5 self -ere )iscussing the #omans an) the ions in the !la)iatorium -hen m5 phone con0ersations -ere *eing hac.e) an) illegall5 recor)e)3 Be ha) *een )iscussing the pro*a*ilit5 that the #oman Senate ha) )eci)e) to propagate to the populace that the Christians use) to *e fe) to lions3 %he #oman &mpire ha) ,ust man)ate) Christianit5 as the Imperial #eligion an) all of the #omans -ere .neeling to a statue of a #a**i -ho ha) *een pu*licl5 e@ecute)3 Yeshua -as crucifie)+ li.e all non-#omans un)er #oman ,uris)iction -oul) ha0e *een for insu*or)inate *eha0ior an) re*ellion3 %he #oman &mpire *ecame an Oligarchal 1onarchist %heocratic Imperial #epu*lic earl5 )uring it's e@pansion : a %heocrac5 so e@treme that the5 *egan cutting out the toungues of 2rui)s -ho refuse) to con0ert to the #oman S5ncretic #eligion an) e0entuall5 crucif5ing priests of other faiths for refusal to con0ert to #oman S5ncretic #eligion3 %hese in)igenous fol. priests -ere .no-n to the Caesars as /paganus/ an) /heathens/ : 7esus -as a #a**i3 It -as not legal to crucif5 ethnic #omans nor -as it legal to crucif5 #oman Citizens of full-fle)ge) long-stan)ing citizenship3 %he capital punishment for #oman Citizens -as !la)iatorium com*at+ often in0ol0ing ions if the5 -ere sentence) to a*solute )eath3 %he stor5 of Christians *eing fe) to lions -as most li.el5 to ha0e *een propagan)a use) for the purpose of num*ing the effect of the guilt of oppressing foreign populations *eing that the5 -ere all *egining

to .neel to a foreign priest -hom -as e@ecute) *5 their pre)ecessors for practicing his faith -hich ha) *een outla-e) in Israel un)er their occupation3 I also )iscusse) this -ith m5 roommate Scot an) e0entuall5 m5 gran)mother Pru)ence 1acPherson -ho is a Catholic3 %hese con0ersations -ere someho- recor)e) *5 8ittorio an) $illi*erto &manuele : this -as pro0en -hen I entere) a hospital in 1anchester )uring the time -hen I -as suffering from the effects of *lac.mol) poisoning + upon -hich a recor)ing of m5 !ran)mother's music *o@ -as pla5e) o0er the lou)-spea.ers3 I recognize) this recor)ing as *eing from the )a5 that I ha) *een to her a*out the ions in the #oman gla)iatorium3 %he el)erl5 man -hom I assume) -as a CI" emplo5ee -ho ha) come to $amil5 2ollar to in0estigate -ho I -as + has as.e) me -ho -iretappe) m5 phoneline : later stating that I -as illegall5 -iretappe) once to &mil5 Isles in Cana)a an) that it -as going to *e in0estigate)3 I *elie0e this -as -hen some of the &manuele&0ola S5n)icate's illegal usage of our go0ernment's a*ilit5 to -ire-tap stoppe) an) their pri0ate -ire-tapping using Communications Ser0ers an) (nits *egan in this region3 * 2uring ;==> appro@imatel5 one month after I sang into the computer microphone for 8ittorio &manuele's hac.ers to hear /%he King of $orest : Co-ar)l5 ion %heme Song of the Bizar) of Oz 1usical/ : I opene) a 5outu*e3com 0i)eo -hich -as title) /Ken5a+ Ken5a+ Ken5a/ or /Bhere can 5ou see lions/ of -hich -as an animate) cartoon music-0i)eo of a song -ith the l5rics /Bhere can 5ou see lionsL Onl5 in Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a + -e'0e got lions3 Bhere can 5ou see lionsL Onl5 in Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a+ -e'0e got lions3 Bhere the giraffes are333 an) the ze*ras333 Ken5a+ Ken5a+ Ken5a3 Oh Ken5a3 Come to Ken5a?/ 3 %his song an) animate) cartoon music-0i)eo -ere pro)uce) *5 the same people -hom pro)uce) the song /Ba)ger+ Ba)ger+ 1ushroom+ 1ushroom+ Sna.e/3 * 2uring ;=66 + some of the Italians in the Ne-Hampshire region an) 1assachusettes region ha) *een using some .in) of e@perimental han)-hel) -eapon that -as capa*le of causing Knee-ligament Spasms -hich )islocate) .nees an) cause) ci0ilians to fall an) *rea. their .nee,oint3 Numerous ci0ilians -ere hospitalize)3 %his -eapon -as use) on me t-ice an) I poppe) m5 .nee *ac. into place *oth times3 I -itnesse) a -oman fall on the groun) + -hile at Stop'N'Shop3 %-o 8eterans -ere seen using crutches + -ith the same si)e .nee in,ur53 Numerous in)i0i)uals -ere hospitalize)3 I *elie0e that this )e0ice is pro*a*l5 an &lectro1agnetic S-eep -eapon of or of &lectro1agnetic -ith Sonic #a)iation3 %he three in)i0i)uals -hom I notice) ha) *een stan)ing in front of the 0ictims -hen this happene) + ha) a han) in one of their poc.ets3 %his seem lie. the5 -oul) *e e@perimental #iot-Control Beapons that -ere )eeme) illegal )ue to their )estructi0e capa*ilit5 to permanantl5 )amage ci0ilians .nees an) *o)ies3 * Of rele0anc5 to topic of ion-han)lers+ ion-*ree)ers+ Biologists+ NeuroScientists+ Organize) Crime-S5n)icates+ an) BrainComputer Interfaces : *et-een the 5ears of ;==M - ;=66+ multiple restaurants in the (S" an) one in South "frica -ere reporte) to ha0e *een ser0ing ion 1eat on a secret menu3 If NeuroScience e@periments -ere illegall5 *eing con)ucte) upon ions -hom -ere *eing surgicall5 grafte) -ith Brain-Computer-Interface )e0ices an) ong-#ange Surgical Implant #outers : it is pro*a*le that )ue to the e@pense in0ol0e) in .eeping lions as pets + the o-ners -oul) *e intereste) in recouperating the losses *5 selling the ion meat as an

e@otic )elicac53 Biologists -oul) *e necessar5 for the purpose of procuring such rare an) e@otic animals as pets + as -oul) a *iologist *e necessar5 for the purpose of rare an) e@otic animals using "#!OS !lo*al-Positioning-S5stem Surgical Implants : these "#!OS !3P3S3 Surgical Implant )e0ices loo. incre)i*le similar to 8erichips an) are implante) 0er5 similarl5+ it is a )efinite possi*ilit5 that I ha0e one of these in m5 right forearm currentl5 an) that others ha0e *een implante) -ith these )e0ices as -ell3 %he "#!OS !3P3S3 Surgical Implant -oul) most li.el5 mar. the Human as some sort of Sea!ull or Pi)geon : the "#!OS Implant -oul) *e use) in the case of the *atter5 in the Brain-Computer-Interface )e0ice's associate) #outer Surgical Implant losing it's charge an) the B3C3I3 going offline inclu)ing the !3P3S3 position of the B3C3I3 3 %his -oul) pre0ent the B3C3I3 Implante) in)i0i)ual from escaping3 %hese particular Biologists -oul) )efinitel5 *e close associates of the &manueles as -ell as -oul) the5 potentiall5 ha0e a connection to a 8eternarian Clinic or multiple 8eternarian Clinics -here surgical implantation of )e0ices occurs on a regular *asis3 If either the &manueles or 1ostafa I*nSau)'s famil5 o-n a AOO or ha0e pai) another in)i0i)ual to #etain a AOO un)er their o-n name : the #etainer -oul) ha0e access to Biologists on a regular *asis+ it is most pro*a*le that these associate) Biologists -or. -ith a AOO that the &manueles famil5 are associate) -ith3

* Bhile I -as at Stop'N'Shop + an imposteur of 2an Buc.le5 -al.e) into the store an) seeme) to *e -ith an imposteur of Chris #o)on3 %he imposteur of Chris #o)on loo.e) entirel5 Italian E the factual Chris #o)on -as of mi@e) Italian + "merican + an) "ustrian race3 2uring the 5ear 699M + )uring Fth gra)e : 2an Buc.le5 ga0e a classroom presentation on /")olf Hitler/ as an Imminent Peoples' 2a5 Pro,ect that he -as instructe) to report *5 his $ather an) some*o)5 -ho -as a mem*er of the eague of Italian !entlemen of the House of Sa0o53 Someho- + Christina $aeriolo .ne- a*out this pro,ect an) as.e) me a*out it E it is possi*le that 2aniel Buc.le5's parents .ne- Christina $aeriolo's famil5 someho-3 %he ps5cholog5 of 2aniel Buc.le5 *eing instructe) to )ress as ")olf Hitler for the /Imminent People's 2a5/ pro,ect is of e@treme importance -orth noting + 2aniel Buc.le5's ")olf Hitler costume -as a costume of professional Cinematograph5 Hualit5 : costumes -ere present on Hallo-een of 69CC + -hile 8ittorio/8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas -as present at m5 house an) ha) )rugge) the a)ults at the Hallo-een Part5 an) pornographe) the chil)ren -hile the a)ults -ere una-are3 %he ps5chological importance of this is the fact that m5 mother 2e*ra a8oie 1acPherson -as a 8ictim of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's an) the Sa0o5-"GIS %errorist Crime-S5n)icate -hen she -as a chil) + she -as use) as a repeate)-0ictim for initiation crimes as -ell as -as she an) her mother an) si*lings .ept as 8ictims in the home of a man name) Charles /Chuc./ 2ouglas -ho -as one of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's %errorist Crime-S5n)icate Crime- Sol)iers3 On Hallo-een of 69CC + m5 mother -as )resse) as &lpha*a the Bic.e) Bitch of the Best E 7ac. 2ion's )aughter -as )resse) as a -itch as -ell3 %he num*er /CC/ often represents /Hail Hitler/ in Bhite #acist Street-!angs : 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's son Chris %homas + -as present at the 69CC Hallo-een Part53 * 2uring the 5ear 699M+ m5 Imminent Peoples 2a5 pro,ect presentation -as a presentation a*out the Siou@ #e0olutionar5 !eneral -ho's name -as Craz5 Horse3 %he teacher at school

-ho's name -as 1rs3 1ahone5 + *ecame angr5 -ith m5 selection of a hero of a $irst Nations Nati0e "merican #ace as the topic for m5 report : 1rs3 1ahone5 state) cruel5 an) angril5 to me + /I )on't .no- -h5 5ou are so prou) of that3 I )on't .no- -h5 5ou are prou) of *eing that3 Nati0e "mericans are laz53 Nati0e "mericans )o not -or.3 Nati0e "mericans are gi0en cars *5 the (nite) States go0ernment+ their oil *ills an) gasoline is pai) for them+ the5 ha0e *een gi0en Casinos that people from all o0er the -orl) pa5 mone5 to gam*le in+ an) their chil)ren go to college for free3/ after stating this + she pointe) to the %i-az $uthar. #une pen)ant on m5 nec.lace an) sai) /You shoul) *e prou) of that3 You shoul) *e prou) of that heritage3/ as if I -as ashame) of m5 $ather's Nor)ic heritage an) the name 1acPherson3 1s3 1ahone5 then attempte) to e@plain to me that Craz5 Horse -as not an e@cepti*le Imminent Person *ecause he -as a.ota + accor)ing to 1s3 1ahone5 : Craz5 Horse -as an enem5 of the (3S3"3 an) an a)0ersar5 of /that flag/ R-hich she sai) -hile pointing at the (3S3"merican $lagS + 1rs3 1ahone5 sai) this to me t-o pro,ects after 2aniel Buc.le5 ha) ,ust gi0en his report presentation a*out /")olf Hitler/ in an /")olf Hitler/ theatre costume3 1rs3 1ahone5 loo.e) to *e om*ar)ic Italian + an) "ustrian : her name -as not *iological an) I *elie0e that her hus*an) -as actuall5 Italian an) 2eutsche3 $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans )o not get a Stimulus Chec. for *eing $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans + )o not get Scholarships for *eing a !enoci)e Sur0i0or or a National #acial 1inorit5 in their o-n #acial Homelan) + nor are -e gi0en properties as a simple result of our race3 His entire life + 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele has *een plotting the e@termination of the $irst Nations Nati0e "merican #aces for reason that he has ha) a Sa)istic $etish for raping an) incre)i*l5 5oung $irst Nations Nati0e "merican girls : 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele inherite) all of his -ealth an) position in life+ an) ha) to -or. for nothing3 8ictor is a Pe)arast %errorist 1ilitant Crime- or) an) the King of the House of Sa0o53 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele ma)e it an Initiation Crime for the Italian Sa0o5-"GIS to Chil)Pornograph $irst Nations Nati0e "merican Chil)ren + Se@uall5-"ssault Nati0e "merican Infants + a*)uct "merican's )aughters + an) massacre "merican $amilies3 I ha(e ne(er e(en met a .irst Nations Nati(e American who owns a 7asino4 nor ha(e I e(er Dnown o? one. 2he .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es 'o not co++ect 2ri@*te ?rom 2aC 3o++ars ?or @ein) o? a .irst Nations Nati(e American #ace. .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es are not )i(en wea+th 4 are not )i(en a*tomo@i+es 4 are not ?ree reso*rces 4 are not )i(en anythin). 2he .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces are sti++ @ein) eCterminate' @y Ita+ians an' their 7rime Associates who worD ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy sti++ tar)et .irst Nations Nati(e American .ami+ies an' SeC 2ra??icD their women an' )ir+s as we++ as m*r'er their men an' sons. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are not American 4 they 'o not @e+on) in North America 4 they are a ?orei)n race an' are a .orei)n 2errorist .action o? G+o@a+ist Imperia+ists. 2he +ies which Mrs. Mahoney was speaDin) are the +ies o? a ?orei)n race o? peop+e who are not o? the continent that has @een +a@e+e' North America @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' Ameri)o =esp*cci. Mrs. Mahoney +ooDe' to @e o? some $om@ar'ic Ita+ian 3NA. She state' that her s*rname was her h*s@an'As name 4 I @e+ie(e that she a+so state' that her h*s@an' was o? miCe' Ita+ian race as we++ as Irish. Mrs. MahoneyAs ?ami+y are 'e?inite+y somehow connecte' to some@o'y who Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. A+most a++ o? the .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es are impo(erishe'. 7*rrent+y < the )enoci'e in North America is tar)ettin) .irst Nations Nati(e American #aces 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+is 4 .ranDs 4 Israe+is4 an' A?rican Americans 5 the ?orei)n race that is

eCterminatin) my peop+e is Ita+ian an' the 1nemy 7om@atant .action is the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action an' their a++ies. U 3*rin) the approCimate year o? 2002 4 whi+e I was with 7hristina .aerio+o at her ho*se near :i+ton NewHampshire in what was either $yn'@oro*)h or Green(i++e 5 Bason #o')ers 4 7hristina .aerio+o 4 an' my se+? smoDe' mariI*ana that ha' @een (apor coate' in crysta++i>e' 3isassociati(e 3r*). 7hristina .aerio+o 'i' not in?orm *s that the mariI*ana was '*ste' an' (apori>e' with 3isassociati(e. A?ter we ha' smoDe it < .i+ 1man*e+e 4 3anie+ Bames 4 an' .i+As ?rien' Bason wa+De' into 7hristina .aerio+oAs yar' an' @e)an ta+Din) to *s 5 3.B. 'istracte' Bason an' @e)an te++in) him that he was a )ray space a+ien 4 .i+ 1man*e+e han'e' me a ci)arette an' to+' me a?ter I ha' +it it an' @e)an smoDin) it G2hereAs a 3isassociati(e in that.G 4 an' .i+As ?rien' Bason wa+De' 7hristina away an' @e)an mast*r@atin) her with his han'. A ?ew 'ays a?ter this happene' 4 I was with Bason #o')ers an' 7hristina .aerio+o at 7hristinaAs ho*se near :i+ton NewHampshire in what was possi@+y $yn'@oro*)h or Green(i++e NewHampshire < 7hristina an' Bason smoDe' pot 4 a?ter which 7hristina to+' Bason GBason... a ?ew 'ays a)o when I @o*)ht pot ?rom my ?rien'... it ha' st*?? in it that maDes yo* 3isassociate. 2hree )*ys wa+De' *p the 'ri(e way an' @e)an ta+Din) to *s. I ha(e to ta+D to yo* a@o*t this.G a?ter this 4 Bason #o')ers asDe' her G7hristina we I*st smoDe' the same st*?? 4 why 'i'nAt yo* te++ me this @e?oreO :hy are yo* 'oin) this to meOG. 7hristina .aerio+o sai' to Bason #o')ers 4 G#emem@er when I to+' yo* that my ?atherAs *nc+e was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyOG a?terwhich she sh*t the 'oor an' I co*+' not hear the rest o? the con(ersation. * It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the Primate -hom -as B3C3I3 NeuroScience 1icroChippe) -as pilote) to open the cages of the ions -hom -ere pilote) to loo. in the opposite )irection until the Primate -as far enough a-a5 not to get eaten+ the man -hom the5 foun) )ea) near the cages -as most li.el5 another 0ictim -hom possi*l5 also ha) a B3C3I3 in his *rain as -ell3 * "t the en) of the In0asion of i*5a+ an image of m5 frien) Bo* Shagour5's face -as animate) on to the hea) of a i*5an re0olutionar5 fighter -ho -as cele*rating his 0ictor53 %his -as )one o0er the comcast net-or. in 1anchester3 %he 0i)eo clip loo.e) li.e a recor)ing of his face )uring one of his hip-hop performances3 Bo* Shagour5 -as one of m5 *est frien)s in ;==> -hen this starte)+ he -as one of the first targets in the region -ithin the same line of targetting as m5 self3 I ha0e since this time met an "ra*ian man -ho -as claiming to *e Bo* Shagour5 : Bo* Shagour5 is actuall5 of *oth e*anese an) S5rian National &thnic+ he is not of "ra*ian National &thnic3 2uring m5 sta5 in the Ne- Hampshire Hospital in Concor) Ne- Hampshire on Clinton St+ the name Shagour5 -as put on the )octor's )oor3 %his name-sign -as again seen in a )ifferent hospital later3 I *elie0e that Bo* Shagour5 ma5 possi*l5 *e missing3 %here has *een a )ifferent man's face on his $aceBoo.3Com account3 :hi+e )i(in) a coworDer name' Matt a ri'e home4 he t*rne' to me an' sai' G2hey ?o*n' a c*re ?or AI3S 4 itAs in the MA2#I6. 2hey ?o*n' a c*re ?or AI3S in the MatriC.G I asDe' him what he meant an' who to+' him that 4 he rep+ie' G2hey ?o*n' a c*re ?or AI3S in the MatriC4 I 'onAt Dnow. 2hey I*st ?o*n' a c*re ?or AI3S in the MatriC.G I ha(e a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace MI7#07HIP

)ra?te' to my @rain. :hen this sta+Din) @e)an in 200%4 I was ?reH*ent+y p+ayin) the S1GA G1N1SIS an' SUP1#NIN21N30 )ame SHA30:#UN on my comp*ter 5 in one o? the )ames I was p+ayin) as a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace' 7omp*ter HacDer '*rin) the time that my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' to psycho+o)ica++y p*nD the hacDers4 in this )ame the p+ayer hacDs the internet matriC with a their @rain p+*))e' in to a comp*ter. My roommates at the time ha' Sha'owr*n PenFPaper )amin) materia+s an' were watchin) the MatriC mo(ies ?reH*ent+y on 7omcast. My roommates at the time were )ay. I *elie0e Sean Case tol) 1att to sa5 this3 3*rin) these two months4 I notice' ! peop+e in Manchester with 'ama)e' Dnees. 2wice4 some@o'y approache' me an' my +e?t Dneecap )a(e o*t. I ha' to pop my Dnee @acD into p+ace. I @e+ie(e the terrorists amon)st the comm*nity here ha(e )ot their han's on an e+ectronic 'e(ice which )enerates a p*+sin) 1+ectro Ma)netic ;ass #esonance Sweep which p*+ses the Dneecap o*t o? p+ace. 2his 'e(ice was most +iDe+y inten'e' to @e *se' ?or #iot 7ontro+ p*rposes4 @*t was ?o*n' to @e too 'ama)in) an' inh*mane to @e *se' ?or s*ch. 2here was a woman who ran'om+y ?e++ to the ?+oor whi+e shoppin) at Stop n Shop. She sai' her Dnee )a(e o*t an' she 'i'nAt Dnow why. 3*rin) the year 2010 4 I (isite' my ?rien' 7athryn ;*rDe in :ashin)ton NewHampshire 5 7at o@(io*s+y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain an' state' to me 4 GIan... I thinD in ima)es 4 scents 4 an' so*n's.G as she were a 'o). 7athryn ;*rDe a+so state' to me 4 GIan... 'o yo* ha(e a comm*nityO As a comm*nity o? peop+eOG this echoe' the wor's at the hospita+ which ha' @een asDe' o? me when I state' that my re+i)ion was GAsatr*G an' they recor'e' it as G0'inistG in their recor' @ooDs. 7athryn ;*rDe an' my se+? ha(e e(erythin) in common an' are not (ery ?ar apart in a)e 5 we are o? the same comm*nity 4 there is no +o)ica+ reason why she wo*+' e(er asD this. 7athryn ;*rDe +iDes a++ o? the same thin)s that I 'o an' is a+so an Asatr*ar 4 she a+so Dnew in'i(i'*a+s o? many o? the same socia+ networDs o? peop+e that I Dnew. A Pri(ate In(esti)ator who c*rrent+y wishes to remain anonymo*s has in?orme' me that the ?act*a+ MiDe Smith has @een missin) ?or a +on) time an' has @een rep+ace' @y n*mero*s imposte*rs < an' has in?orme' me that 7at ;*rDe has @een horri@+y a@*se' @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents whom the 1man*e+es or'ere' to S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her @rain an' a@'*ct her. 7athryn ;*rDe mentione' to me '*rin) the year 200" that she went to schoo+ with Ita+ian A6IS ?ami+ies in NewBersey. Bason Be??reyAs ha+? @rother +i(e' in NewBersey an' New/orD an' worDe' ?or =ittorio G=ictorA 1man*e+eAs 7rime Syn'icate as a 7rime So+'ier. - Bhat I *elie0e -as an imposteur copE the /Saint C5r/ from ;==F P-ho possi*l5 stole the actual Officer St3 C5r's *a)ge for a -ee.Q -al.e) through the store once an) I sa- him3 I *elie0e this man ma5 possi*l5 ha0e *een transferre) to 1errimac. Police 2epartment in ;==F *5 an Internal "ffairs 2epartment3 It -as no- ;=663 His hair ha) gro-n out to the length of the %-6=== in the mo0ie %&#1IN"%O# ;3 %his is of rele0ance )ue to &) Barren's o*0ious mention of /the last one going )o-n into the la0a/ an) also the mention in the Science 1agazine -hich I ha) *een rea)ing concerning the article of interest -hich I ha) mentione) to &) that -as a report of a ne- Brain-Computer-Interface NeuroScience technolog5 *eing use) to ena*le reco0er5 from *rain-)amage an) reco0er5 of fine motor-s.ills relate) to lar5ngeal+ phar5ngeal+ tongue+ mouth+

an) speech : it possi*le to emulate a specific human 0oice -ith the reco0ering in)i0i)ual's musculature in or)er to train them to spea. again3 %his -as achie0a*le )ue to neural cortical-plasticit5 an) the *rain's a*ilit5 to train a health5 section of the *rain to function in the stea) of the )amage) section+ replacing the )amage) section of the *rain -hich originall5 go0erne) the neural processes -hich -ere lost : this is ho- people -ith memor5 loss regain the a*ilit5 to store an) recall information3 (sing this in con,unction -ith computer animation allo-s a Brain-Computer-Interface) in)i0i)ual to emulate specific 0oices for espionage purposes3 I ha) mentione) espionage to Henr5 1a.o- )uring the -ee. that ")olf Hitler's famil5 hac.e) his email account3 8ittorio &manuele+ the gran)son of ")olf Hitler's half *rother arri0e) at m5 place of -or. imme)iatel5 after this ha) occurre)3 Aro*n' this same 'ate4 one o? my coworDers who was an Ita+ian American a @it yo*n)er than me ma'e some statements AGAIN in an attempt to maDe me +ooD anti B*'aic in ?ront o? whom he apparent+y percei(e' to @e a ?ema+e Bewish c*stomer whi+e I was preparin) to *se the Dosher meat s+icer to c*t her some meat. 2here are 'e?inite+y terrorists as we++ as an a)ent pro(ocate*r within the +oca+ Ita+ian comm*nity. My @est )*ess is that it is either a .ascist $oya+ist or a SA=0/ $0/A$IS2 with Ma?ia connections. 2he most +iDe+y possi@i+ity is :or+' :ar 1 Ita+ian Imperia+ $oya+ist connections to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian roya+ ?ami+y Q #oman roya+ @+oo'+ine 4 the 'escen'ents o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y. :hi+e worDin) at Stop N Shop 4 a man appeare' in the store whom was o@(io*s+y preten'in) to @e an ?ormer c+assmate o? mine ?rom my chi+'hoo' whom was one o? my ?rien's when I was yo*n). 2his man appeare' to @e 100S Ita+ian. 2he man whom he was preten'in) to @e was name' 7hris #o'on 5 7hris was on+y ha+? Ita+ian4 his mother @ein) American. U 7hrisAs ?ather an' @rother #o@ert an' Matthew 4 ha' mo(e' to 2eCas in 200E. A ?rien' o? mine name' $in'sey Garo?ano ha' a+so mo(e' to 2eCas a year prior to this4 $in'sey has @een missin) an' a 'i??erent Ita+ian ?ema+e has @een preten'in) to @e her 5 this Ita+ian ?ema+e ha' (isite' me in NewHampshire '*rin) 2011. ;erry 7anote whom is a+so Dnown @y his pen name Swain :o'enin) 4 was a+so +i(in) in 2eCas '*rin) this time an' is 'e?inite+y a tar)et o? the terrorist ?action which has attacDe' *s. #o@ has since possi@+y re+ocate' to $o*isianna an' Swain has re+ocate' to what I @e+ie(e to @e Misso*ri. In 2011 4 I met a $in'say Garo?ano imposte*r 5 her mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@er was 832 E5" "0E2 . U 3*rin) the 1""0As #o@ was @rie?+y acH*ainte' with Swain :o'enin)4 #on ;oar'man4 Stacy Sea@*ry 4 an' $i++y P+aise whom #o@ert #o'on ha' met at a #ennaisance .aire. U 3*rin) the 1""0As 5 #o@ #o'onAs co*sin was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. #o@ ha' 'escri@e' this or)ani>ation as one that tests itAs initiate' mem@ers ?or responsi@i+ity < )i(in) the initiate' mem@ers simp+e tasDs to see i? they co*+' @e tr*ste' with increasin) amo*nts o? responsi@i+ity4 he 'escri@e' it as e(ent*a++y @ein) simi+ar to G+iDe @ein) a 9ni)htG. 2his was '*rin) the 1""0As when I was ?rien's with his son 7hris. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son Aaron ha' @een a'opte' to a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. It is possi@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e *ses the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+eman as Pa)es an' 9ni)hts4 in?ormation )atherers an' e(ent*a++y @o'y )*ar's. 3*rin) 1""5 4 I o(erhear' #o@ #o'on eCp+ainin) to his son that =ittorio 1man*e+e III was

A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. #o@ #o'on a+so eCp+aine' to his son that =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' his son were in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' ha' @ecome NAM;$A a??i+iate'. #o@ #o'on state' that he 'i' not @e+ie(e that m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was )oin) to @e +e?t stan'in) a?ter on)oin) in(esti)ations o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs SeC 2ra??icDin) an' NAM;$A connections were ?inishe' 4 ?or reason that m*ch o? the ma+es o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs imme'iate ?ami+y ha' @een s*specte' to @e in(o+(e'. .or a time +ast s*mmer 4 I worDe' at Stop N Shop @rie?+y. 2he Ita+ian Americans there were repeatin) thin)s I ha' sai' to my se+? whi+e 'ri(in) a+one in my car4 within earshot o? me seemin)+y intentiona++y... which @ro*)ht to my attention that some@o'y ha' a p+ante' G@*)G +istenin) 'e(ice somewhere in my car. I @e)an teCtin) my own phone in hopes that it wo*+' @e +o))e' in 1che+on or Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence e+sewhere4 I*st in case somethin) happene'. 2here was a recor'in) 'e(ice somewhere in my car. I teCte' my se+? ... ... &Morse co'e ?or S.0.S., an' the neCt 'ay a man came in to Stop n Shop an' sai' to me whi+e I was worDin) G2hey +e?t yo* to man a s*@marine a++ @y yo*rse+?4 h*hOG &I was not a+one4 an' I was not maDin) s*@marine ro++ san'wiches,. Mo@i+e phones can easi+y @e re en)ineere' to @e *se' as 'ia+ *p +istenin)Qrecor'in) 'e(ices an' can a+so @e sp+ice' into speaDer wire. - Bhile at %7's Bar in 1anchesterE a Sicilian-"merican man in his late t-enties -ith a Ne- Yor. accent approache) me an) intro)uce) himself as /Hatsopoulos/+ a name that is relate) to the C5*er.inetics corporation an) is a !ree. name an) not Sicilian3 C5*er.inetics is a neuroscience corporation in0ol0e) in the pro)uction of *rain computer interfaces+ neuroscience soft-are+ neuro patches+ an) microchip neuroscience me)ical-oriente) )e0ices for human an) animal *rains3 %his man pronounce) the name Hatsopoulos incorrectl53 :hi+e )i(in) 7oe5 1arini a ri'e home ?rom 2BAs ;ar 5 7oe5 1arini to+' me a stran)e story a@o*t Gectop+asmG 4 statin) that Gsometimes whi+e a person is sleeping their ectop+asm sp+its o?? ?rom their @o'y4 '*p+icatin) itse+? 5 it @ecomes another yo*4 it +itera++y @ecomes a secon' h*man o? yo*rse+? an' )ets *p an' wa+Ds away. 0ne person e(en sai' that they ?o*n' a p+ace that the ectop+asm se+? ha' a+rea'y @een4 statin) that e(ery@o'y there Dnew them a+rea'y.G 2his imme'iate+y remin'e' me o? the ?act that a++ o? my i'enti?ication paperworD an' i'enti?ication car's ha' @een sto+en ?rom me at 155 Map+e St Apt V2 Manchester NH < as we++ as 1' :arrenAs statement to Anthony 3e?eo in the mi''+e o? the store near the )reetin) car's4 when he state' G2his is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers4 '*'e.G an' the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es was in(esti)ate' '*e to the crimes committe' @y emp+oyees who ha' @een printin) '*p+icate i'enti?ication car's ?or terrorists to *se as a+iases. My car was hit an' 'ama)e' in an a*toacci'ent. I H*it the Io@4 e(ent*a++y starte' worDin) e+sewhere4 an' @rie?+y staye' at a ?rien'As home an' worDe' temporari+y with him at a ?actory in P+aistow New Hampshire. A?ter I ha' ?inishe' worDin) with my ?rien' in P+aistow an' my car was repaire'4 I ret*rne' to +i(in) in my car.

Aro*n' this time4 I happene' to meet an imposte*r ca++in) himse+? Aach "n)ros.i. He c+aime' to @e Pach An'rosDi an' ha' a (ery simi+ar appearance @*t 'i' not rea+i>e that Pach An'rosDi was a'opte'. 2he rea+ Aach "n)ros.i is act*a++y )enetica++y An)+o Gae+ic Metis. His a'opti(e ?ather was a man with a Po+ish name4 he was not act*a++y Po+ish himse+?. 2he man impersonatin) Pach An'rosDi on this 'ay c+aime' that he was Po+ish when I asDe' him what his ethnicity was4 Pach An'rosDi is not )enetica++y Po+ish5 he was a'opte'. 2he man preten'in) to @e Pach +ooDe' to @e 'e?inite+y somethin) +iDe ha+? 7hechen an' ha+? #*ssian or ha+? UDrainian. It is possi@+e that he was Ser@ian o? miCe' race inc+*'in) another S+a(ic racia+ type 5 the ;a+tic re)ion is a+most entire+y o? miCe' S+a(ic race. 2his man ha' in his possession a crate o? what appeare' to @e mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms. 2he act*a+ Pach An'rosDi was recor'e' on camera at .ami+y 3o++ar when he came in to (isit me with Mo++y Go''ar' in 2005. 2he Pach An'rosDi G'opp+e)an)erG a+so ha' in his possession a sma++ e+ectronic component tape' to a ce++*+ar micro @attery @y a wa' o? e+ectrica+ con'*cti(e copper tape4 I am not H*ite s*re what the 'e(ice 'oes @*t it +ooDe' simi+ar to a circ*it @oar' micro transistor or rese(oir component. $ater that 'ay4 I meet a ?aDe Nate An'rosDi who +ooDe' simi+ar. Nate An'rosDi has re' @+on'e hair4 is a@o*t 5A10G4 an' is Pach An'rosDiAs twin @rother. 2he imposte*r Nate An'rosDi is 5A10G4 has re' @+on'e hair @*t has a sH*arer Iaw 5 he ha' the same tattoos as Nate An'rosDi an' pose' ?or photo)raphs which were e(ent*a++y poste' on GNateAsG ?ace@ooD. I @e+ie(e he was the one with the @an'ana co(erin) his ?ace4 ho+'in) the )*ns @etween 200! 2011. 2he 'ecision to ha(e him pose ?or photo)raphs an' post them on Nate An'rosDiAs ?ace@ooD was +iDe+y to ha(e @een ma'e @y =ittorio 1man*e+e5 who was psycho+o)ica++y reactin) to the ?ear that he ?e+t when he saw the Israe+i American on myspace ! years prior4 wearin) a @+*e tactica+ wet s*it whi+e aimin) a sniper ri?+e in a @asement. I @e+ie(e that the rea+ An'rosDis are missin). I mana)e' to o@tain the mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@ers o? the an'rosDi imposte*rs 5 these n*m@ers were E03 !1E 3103 an' E03 !03 3825 . . U :hen I met the imposte*r Pach An'rosDi 5 he mentione' his ha+? sister @rin)in) to co*rt a SeC 0??en'er ?or the p*rpose o? con(ictin) him 5 '*rin) the tria+4 the SeC 0??en'er was mentione' as GShinin) a Go+' 7rossG at his sister which Dept her mo*th sh*t4 *na@+e to speaD as i? she was hypnoti>e'. Pach An'rosDi 'i' not ha(e a sister that I ha' e(er Dnown o?. 2he man preten'in) to @e Pach An'rosDi whom 'i'nAt Dnow the +i?e story o? Pach An'rosDi4 c+aime' that the man ha' @een rapin) his sister since she was yo*n). 2he mention o? GGo+' 7rossG is an a++*sion to the ;*r>*m .or*m which I ha' poste' on when I @e)an to @e sta+De' @y 7y@er 2errorists an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom pai' hacDers to 7y@er Sta+D an' 2errori>e my se+? an' others. :hen my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was Di'nappe' @y Sici+ians ?rom Massach*settes an' swappe' with a +ooD a+iDe 5 a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was *se' to Deep her mo*th sh*t so she co*+' not scream ?or he+p. 2he weeD that I ha' mentione' the GGo+' 7rossesG on the ;*r>*m .or*m was aro*n' the same month as another *serAs acco*nt was *se' to post an artic+e tit+e' G2he #ite o? He>@o++ahG which was a s+an'aro*s artic+e a@o*t #a@@is 5 this artic+e c+aime' that a++ 7hassi's mo+est +itt+e @oys. 2his was most +iDe+y to ha(e @een poste' @y an a)ent o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @ein) that =ittorio 1man*e+e is a 7atho+ic which ?its the psych pro?i+e o? the entire seH*ence o? e(ents. A?ter this artic+e was poste'5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son whom he ha' )i(en to a'option in Massach*settes < a homseC*a+ man name' Aaron 4 contacte' me on Myspace an' A0$ Instant Messen)er. 3*rin) this year I was o?ten +istenin) to MP3As o? @an's s*ch as 3eath In B*ne an' $*?twa??e on my comp*ter 5 these @an's

*se a+ot o? ACisFA++ies re+ate' ima)ery in their artworD4 3o*)+as Pierce o? 3eath in B*ne is a HomoSeC*a+ Ma+e. 0ne o? 3eath in B*neAs repeate' ima)es which is common+y *se' is a Gay Pri'e .+a) with a 2oten9op? an' the n*m@er E neCt to it 5 at the time4 one o? my room mates was a homoseC*a+ ma+e <5 I @e+ie(e this am@i)*o*sity @othere' =ittorio 1man*e+e immense+y. U Mo++y Go''ar'4 Mo++yAs mother4 my A*nt $es+ie4 my A*nt 3onna4 my co*sin Michae+4 an' my co*sin 9risten a++ worDe' in Manchester New Hampshire at the Hospita+s '*rin) the past 10 years. Genoci'a+ 2errorists in(o+(e' in the 3*p+ication o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' the rep+acement o? in'i(i'*a+s are most +iDe+y to tar)et positions within society which they can *se to achei(e their )oa+s. 2hese positions inc+*'e Hea+thcare4 $aw 1n?orcement4 In(esti)ations4 Sec*rity4 an' i? possi@+e 5 mi+itary positions. Soon a?terwar's< whi+e +i(in) in my car4 my stereo speaDers starte' p+ayin) threats '*@@e' o(er the m*sic I was +istenin) to (ia MP3 p+ayer. I was ass*min) that some@o'y sp+ice' in a 'e(ice ?orDe' into the speaDer wire somehow. 7oinci'ent+y4 I ha' +e?t a copy o? my Dey in a ?ew 'i??erent p+aces on a ?ew 'i??erent occasions. 2he threats were psy war?are attempts aime' at maDin) me @e+ie(e that I was @ein) watche' on a sDycam an' that I ha' @een hear' ta+Din). &a)ain... aime' at pro'*cin) ?ear o? oneAs own )o(ernment an' home en(ironment in or'er to pro(oDe 'issention or ins*rrection an' ins*r)ency, 0@(io*s+y4 impro(ise' terrorism techno+o)y was @ein) *se' to 'o this< the techno+o)ies in(o+(e' wo*+' @e internet4 mo@i+e phone4 c*stom hacDe' 'e(ice 'ri(ers4so+'erin) Dit4 e+ectronic en)ineerin) ?ro)s an' rewires4 speaDerwire F sp+itters4 an' comp*ters. Upon wa+Din) into a Mc3ona+'^s #esta*rant4 a man an' his wi?e whom were sittin) at a ta@+e imme'iate+y @e)an ta+Din) a@o*t 1e),ugor,e. 2he man then +ooDe' 'irect+y at me an' H*ote' somethin) that 2ay+a^s Gran'.ather ha' sai' 5 JGo' )i(es yo* two chancesR he warns yo*R an' then yo*^++ @e )oo'NK his tone o? (oice was incre'i@+y cr*e+ an' he was +ooDin) an)ri+y at me. 2his man was 100S Ita+ian an' +ooDe' to @e o? $om@ar'ic as we++ as Sici+ian ancestry. U 2his threatenin) stare is the same threatenin) stare that my Mother wo*+' o?ten )et ?rom this manAs comm*nity whi+e she was o*t at 'inner4 at the )rocery store4 or e+sewhere. 2he peop+e in the re)ion whoAs ?ami+ies were in(o+(e' in the SeC 2ra??icDin) networD that was here wo*+' o?ten stare at her threatenin)+y an' maDe threatenin) )est*res in her 'irection when no@o'y e+se was payin) any attention to their actions. Many o? these peop+e are in(o+(e' in other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ as other crime4 some o? them ha(e crimina+ associates who worD in +aw en?orcement an' in(esti)ations. It is most pro@a@+e that these in'i(i'*a+s an' )ro*ps o? in'i(i'*a+s ha(e connections to Ita+ian A6IS 7o(ert 7e++s in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 2he mention o? the Anti 7hrist here is eCtreme+y re+e(ent ?or the ?act that the prophetic propa)an'a that my Mother was ta*)ht 5 the Anti 7hrist was pre empti(e+y portraye' as a )+o@a+ crimina+ tyrant with immense wea+th an' power whoAs so+'iers were )oin) to s*r)ica++y imp+ant e+ectronic 'e(ices in the arm4 han'4 an' hea' o? the h*man race <5 there is )oin) to @e m*+tip+e ho+oca*sts @e?ore the en' o? his war an' at the en' o? his assa*+t *pon h*manity4 a )+o@a+ state wo*+' eCist an' the s*r(i(ors wo*+' @e his s+a(es *nti+ the secon' arri(a+ o? 7hrist when the s+a(es wo*+' @e ?ree'. 3i??erent (ersions o? the Anti 7hrist Q Secon' Arri(a+ o? 7hrist story were ta*)ht to peop+e in 'i??erent nations 5 a++ o? these stories mentione' a )+o@a+ state 4 a )+o@a+ crimina+ tyrant 4 )enoci'e 4 an' a messiah. 2hese stories are o@(io*s+y @+asphemy 4 mass

psycho+o)ica+ A6IS propa)an'a 4 as we++ as reactionary propa)an'a an' prophecy to the pre empti(e Psych :ar?are o? the 1(o+as o? the Ita+ian A6IS. 2he Ho+y ;i@+e has @een mo'i?ie' n*mero*s times in the ear+y history o? itAs eCistence 5 the ;i@+e was *se' @y the #omans as propa)an'a4 n*mero*s attempts ha(e @een ma'e since the ?a++ o? the #oman 1mpire to reconstr*ct the ori)ina+ story o? /esh*aAs +i?e in ?act*a+ 'etai+. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs i'entity was that o? a #oman 1mperor an' his +inea)e was +itera++y ancient #oman Imperia+ #oya+ty. 2he possi@i+ity o? my MotherAs race soon @ein) a (ictim o? a@so+*te 7omp+ete an' 2ota+ Genoci'e is (ery +iDe+y. My Mother is o? the pre co+onia+ race o? .irst Nations peop+es who once pop*+ate' the North 1astern re)ion o? the North American 7ontinent 5 cens*s co*nts ha(e @een 'roppe' @y an eCtreme percenta)e mar)in stea'i+y in the past 150 years. 2he peop+e who tar)ette' my Nana an' my Mother ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictimi>ation when she was a chi+' are 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in a )enoci'a+ )+o@a+ or)ani>ation worDin) 'irect+y ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate 5 in this re)ion4 the primary tar)ets seem to ha(e @een racia+ tar)ets s*ch as the .irst Nations peop+es an' the ?o*n'in) pop*+ations o? 1thnic 7ana'ians an' the Nationa+ 1thnic American pop*+ation that ?o*n'e' the USA. 0ther tar)ets o? these peop+es were the Gae+ic immi)rants who were +ate arri(a+s to the new+y co+oni>e' re)ions o? North America as we++ as A?rican Americans an' #*ssians. 2hese tar)ets seem to @e re+ati(e o? where this or)ani>ation is acti(e 5 in ;ra>i+ the tar)ets were primari+y Mayans4 Incans4 ;ra>i+ian Nationa+ 1thnics4 an' Po+ish Israe+is whom were transporte' to ;ra>i+ @y SeC 2ra??icDers. In :estern 1*rope5 the primary tar)ets seem to @e #*ssians4 UDrainians4 Israe+is4 ;osnians4 .rench4 Germans4 A+@anians4 an' Swe'es. 2he connection that these men share is a )enoci'a+ networD. 1(ent*a++y I went to the 1# @rie?+y at Nash*a So*thern #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter. Upon @ein) escorte' to the 1# room4 the man who initia++y approache' me to checD my hea+th4 was o@(io*s+y hi'in) his ethnic or nationa+ ori)in @eca*se it is e(i'ent that is eyes were 'arDer than the so+i' pa+e @+*e contact +enses he was wearin) an' that his sDin was c*rrent+y 'ye' 'arDer than it nat*ra++y is an' that his nose ha' @een cosmetica++y a+tere' @y way o? p+astic s*r)ery. I co*+' not e(en te++ @y +ooDin)4 what his nationa+ ori)in was inten'e' to appear as or what it e(er ori)ina++y e(en was. 2he p+astic s*r)ery was 'one eCtreme+y we++ as to hi'e the persons ori)ina+ appearance an' i'entity4 I am consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that these a)ents may @e eCperimentin) with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy #esearch ?or aesthetic p*rposes o? espiona)e 'is)*ises s*ch as (ira+ )ene rep+acement o? hair an' sDin 'na as we++ as m*tation o? nose shape4 sca+p pattern4 an' ear. =ira+ (ector Gene 2herapy in(o+(es a simp+e process o? 3NA eCtraction an' imp+antation in(o+(in) an en)ineere' strain o? (ir*s which ca*ses a rep+acement o? a sin)+e 3NA @+ocD on a @ar o? m*+tip+e 3NA. A+so4 sDin @+eaches an' sDin 'yes ha(e eCiste' ?or a (ery +on) time an' are c*rrent+y common+y *se' in p+aces s*ch as In'ia an' e+sewhere. 2here is a possi@i+ity that =ira+ Gene 2herapy #esearch co*+' @e *se' not on+y ?or aesthetic )ene rep+acement therapy @*t ?or (ira+ war?are as we++4 @y ?ee'in) (ira+ m*tant strains to (ictims in ?oo' or mi+D ?or instance or @y (accinatin) (ictims intentiona++y with m*tant (ira+ strains ?or the p*rpose o? 'estr*cti(e+y a+terin) the ci(i+ians 3NA. =ira+ Gene 2herapy co*+' @e *se' as a weapon to permanant+y physica++y 'estroy a pop*+ation in a matter o? on+y a ?ew )enerations. An i'entity system with a hap+o)ro*pQ'na an' ?ami+y tree 'ata@ase co*+' @e he+p?*+ in i'enti?yin) when an' where this occ*rs as we++ as i'enti?yin) possi@+e s+eeper a)ents with ?a+se i'entities inc+*'in) imposte*rs +i(in) in their (ictimsA homes.

U =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' possi@+y @e *se' repeate'+y to a+ter ?in)erprints an' stea+ an in'i(i'*a+As ?in)erprints i? their @io+o)ica+ 3NA materia+s are Dept in a +a@oratory 5 this wo*+' reH*ire m*+tip+e )ene m*tations inc+*'in) sDin4 sDe+eta+ m*sc*+at*re4 han' sDe+eta+4 ?in)er nai+s4 an' @o'yhair pattern4 this wo*+' a+so reH*ire a ?ew weeDs o? m*tation whi+e the sDin ce++s she'. U :hi+e I was insi'e o? the hospita+4 i @e)an to see +etters in some Din' o? 3r' space in my @rain. I ?e+t +iDe I ha' a prosthetic eCtra eye. I co*+' see some@o'y typin) GHeAs here. :eAre ?*cDe'. HeAs here. HeAs here.G I co*+' a+most 'iscern the rest o? the con(ersation @*t the screen wo*+'nAt ?oc*s. A?ter I +e?t I @e)an seein) the +etters on my occ*+ar ner(e4 ho(erin) on the s*r?ace o? my si)ht as i? I ha' a transparent screen with +e' @acD+i)htin) printin) neon )reen +etters physica++y on my (ision. U I notice' whi+e in the Hospita+ that the ori)ina+ 1mer)ency 7+inic 'oor ha' @een remo(e' an' re+ocate' to an 1.#. room in the @asement +e(e+ where the 1mer)ency 7+inic is. 2he entire 1mer)ency 7+inic has @een remo'e+e' since the 'ate o? the H*man =i(isections associate' with the hospita+. - 2uring this time+ the neuroscience )e0ice that -as grafte) to m5 *rain triggere) in a strange -a5 )ue to a computer s5stem *eing hac.e) an) possi*l5 some ne- soft-are *eing uploa)e)3 I *egan seeing "SCI-green te@t font in front of m5 e5es3 It *ecame some-hat )ifficult to )ri0e )ue to the letters3 It loo.e) li.e an opaHue neon green floating ,ust *arel5 in front of m5 0ision3 Bhile par.e)+ I coul) -rite into the s5stem : some*o)5 -as to me li.e it -as a te@t messaging s5stem3 %he soft-are -or.s the same as thought-to-te@t soft-are -or.s for a Hua)rapalegic -ith a *rain-computer-interface E the )ifference is that the e5es s.ip aroun) rapi)l5 -hile the letters are *eing t5pe) in front of them -hereas the thought-to-te@t that a Hua)rapalegic uses is on a monitor screen3 In or)er to t5pe into the s5stemE all an in)i0i)ual has to )o is concentrate an) thin. the letters+ e0en entire -or)s can *e thought into the s5stem li.e a te@t *o@3 %his )e0ice is )efinitel5 not the space-alien magic that 2a0i) Ic.e -rites a*out+ nor is it a ne- in0ention3 " num*er of Brain Computer Interface microchipsE -ere )efinitel5 stolen from C5*er.inetics+ Braingate+ 2ean Kamen+ or Neuros.5 : this ha) *een surgicall5 implante) an) grafte) onto m5 *rain at the Ne- Hampshire Hospital on Clinton Street in Concor) Ne- Hampshire3 %here is a soft+ fle@i*le+ sil.-*ase) BCI openl5 on the : it a)heres to the cur0es of the *rain as the film co0ering it )issol0es an) is assimilate) into the *o)ies natural structure+ similar to )issol0a*le stiches3 1an5 of these )e0ices are in e@perimental phases an) there is usuall5 not alot of them ma)e : in or)er for some*o)5 to ha0e ma)e the num*er of Brain Computer Interfaces that seem to ha0e *een use) in this region + the5 ha) to ha0e *een some-hat .no-le)ga*le of -hat the5 -ere going to *e use) for3 %he machines that usuall5 ma.e these )e0ices are sel)om use)+ -hich is -h5 Brain Computer Interfaces are e@pensi0e3 %he pro)uct itself costs 0er5 little to ma.e as the materials use) are relati0el5 ine@pensi0e3 It is possi*le that a *iologist -as use) to reHuest a specific num*er of Neuro 1icrochip Interfaces ma)e E after -hich + the Italian 1afia *ro.e into the factor5 of an &manuele associate an) stole the shipment *o@es *efore the5 -ere shippe) out3 8ittorio &manuele )efinitel5 has the lo5al connections to get this )one3 %here is a -ireless transmitter-recei0er implante) near m5 throat ,ust insi)e m5 ,a- near m5 lar5n@ on the right si)e an) it is recei0ing mo*ile internet ra)io-freHuenc5 signal3 %his connects the same -a5

that a -ireless remote-controlle) ro*ot -or.s+ pilote) *5 computer o0er the internet : similar to the remote-control la-nmo-er e@periment that aire) on tele0ision in ;==D3 I ha0e *een ha0ing flash*ac.s of the surger5 that ha) occurre) -hile I -as unconcious at the Ne-Hampshire Hospital In Concor) Ne- Hampshire3 I remem*er a female h5pnotist sa5ing something a*out m5 ,a- after surger53 I ha0e *een )oing alot of research on this+ tr5ing to figure out -hat to )o3 It is nearl5 impossi*le to e@plain to an5*o)5 *ecause fe- people *esi)es electronics engineering professors an) neuroscience professors un)erstan) -hat these are capa*le of )oing+ -hat these people are capa*le of creating in terms of neuroscience compati*le har)-are an) soft-are+ or that some of these suici)e *om*ings K genoci)al suici)e-comman)os ma5 literall5 *e people surgicall5 implante) -ith these neuroscience )e0ices an) -hom are possi*l5 h5pnotize) prior to *eing ro*otic-pilote) -ith soft-are similar to a first-person shooter3 Brain computer interface soft-are an) neuroscience BCI microchips are compati*le -ith custom engineere) animation an) ro*otics-animation soft-are3 Brain Computer Interface microchips are use) to control ro*otic prosthesis an) -ith the a))ition of a micro*atter5+ the entire *rain can *e ro*otic controlle) *5 a computer as if the *rain itself is the prosthesis : -ith a router attache) to the neurochip+ the computer )oesn't ha0e to *e in the same location as the 0ictim+ it connects *5 -a5 of -ireless ra)io freHuenc53 Soft-are programs can *e collage--or.e) together into a single program or e0en custom programme) *5 e@perience) computer programmers an) electronics engineers3 %he surgical-implant router 4 *atter5 uses a cellphoneK-ireless mo*ile internet freHuenc5E it uses cell-phone to-ers 4 ser0ers+ mo*ile internet to-ers 4 ser0ers+ an) neuroscienceKro*otics-animation soft-are transmitte) o0er ra)io freHuenc5 mo*ile internet much the -a5 that a s.5pe is possi*le or a 0i)eo-game is pla5a*le on a laptop -ith a longrange mo*ile signal3 #o*ots+ remote-control cars+ an) remote-control la-nmo-ers+ are all capa*le of *eing -irelessl5 controlle) *5 a computer -ith a ,o5stic. an) monitor-screen3 2"#P"-$(N2&2 &&! H& 1&%S -ere also stolen for this purpose3 It is possi*le that these can *e uploa)e) to an application on a 3N&% + 3 CO1 + or 3O#! E it can also *e installe) on a net-or.e) ser0er as a )e0ice an) not ,ust simpl5 uploa)e) to the cellphone ser0ers on a )atapush3 %he5 are )etecta*le *5 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence+ &chelon+ on the "(SC"NNA(K(S net-or. or e0en -ith an altere) 0ersion of Seti or SetiThome installe) on militar5 communications interception eHuipment3 S&%I transmitte) from Sattelite+ aime) at communications sattelites: ma5 possi*l5 *e a*le so someho- intercept Neuro%ransmissions from regions outsi)e of our area3 &0en if 0ictims ha0e *een .ille)+ 1I I%"#Y SI!N" S IN%& I!&NC& 2"%"B"S&S H"8& P&#1"N"N% #&CO#2S O$ " O$ %H&I# N&(#O-SYS%&1S %#"NS1ISSIONS through the signals to-ers an) can create custom soft-are to anal5ze all of the recor)e) signals in or)er to gather au)io+ 0isual+ neurochemical+ neurological+ an) te@t-*ase) e0i)ence of the 0ictims' i)entities an) the criminal part5's i)entit5 as -ell3 Bith a po-erful enough processor Pli.e a %I &#" processor for instanceQ computer soft-are can *e use) in con,unction -ith S%O#&2 1I I%"#Y SI!N" S IN%& I!&NC& 2"%"B"S& #&CO#2S to search-engine an) catagorize all of the recor)e) transmissions an) fin) all of the 0ictims' recor)ings3 " har)-are Sorter-(nit -ith a po-erful enough processer can *e installe) on t-o SI!IN% 2ataStorage units as a har)-are)e0ice+ )irect-line) *et-een a *ac.up 2ataStorage Ser0er-(nit an) an empt5 2ata"nal5sis (nit+ -ith a uniHue net-or.-interacti0e OperatingS5stemE an) can *e easil5 use) to sort an)

catagorize all store) SI!IN% 2"%" compresse)-files li.e a filter+ filtering the files to the users specifications an) fol)er-cataloging them appropriatel5 in search-engine accessi*le format3 2ea) or ali0e+ the 0ictims' li0es are still accessi*le an) -ith the proper soft-are the militar5 -ill easil5 *e a*le to pla5 the store) electronic )ata from the Brain-Computer-Interface transmissions as if it -ere an animation pla5ing on a screen3 Bith the right BCI soft-are+ an &&! helmet can *e use) to spea. to the 0ictims Psuch as m5 selfQ an) ma.e their mouth mo0e in or)er to e@plain to them -hat happene) an) that help is on the -a53 (nfortunatel5+ these &lectro &ncephalo!raph Helmets can also *e use) -ith a Brain-to-Brain Computer Interface soft-are to magnetictelepathicall5 control an) influence the Neuro-Chippe) 0ictims3 %he 0ictims' *rains are permanantl5 attache) to Brain-Computer Interface 1icrochips that are *eing use) in con,unction -ith custom-engineere) N&(#O-ro*otics soft-are com*ine) -ith custom engineere) neuro-animation soft-are to animate a human *o)5 in or)er to force it to )o specific things )ue to the magnetics in the *atter53 %his )e0ice is *eing use) for S&G-%#"$$ICKIN! purposes as -ell as other forms of %&##O#IS1 in 0iolation of the !&N&8" CON8&N%ION3 1agnetics+ la5ere)-h5pnosis+ neural-linguistic programming+ "rtificial Intelligence-*ase) neuroscience soft-are+ an) Image-associating neuroscience soft-are is *eing use) to control human *eings3 * %hese )e0ices can *e foun) using Custom &ngineere) #outers an) other )e0ices -hich can scan for a*normal Blue%ooth + hi))en Blue%ooth + a*normal BI$I + a*normal #outers+ an) other a*normal -ireless )e0ices3 Custom &ngineere) soft-are an) )ri0ers e@ist for these )e0ices3 - "ccor)ing to internet-ne-s agencies+ "n)ers Bra)en Brei0i. proporte)l5 ha) /t-o cranial surgeries/ prior to the genoci)al shooting of his o-n people in Nor-a5 an) )etonating of a 0ehicle la)en -ith e@plosi0es3 On the internet+ there are three )ifferent faces in photographs -hich are reporte) to *e "n)ers Brei0i.'s face3 Surgical implantation of a B3C3I3 reHuires a cranial surger5+ *ut t-o of these men are )efinitel5 not "n)ers Brei0i.3 %here -as a photograph of -hat appeare) to *e a mem*er of the Nor-egian #o5al $amil5 in his $reemasonic (niform an) "pron on the internet falsel5 la*ele) as "n)ers Brei0i.3 %his man -as also in a photograph -earing a *lue tactical outfit that loo.e) li.e a -etsuit+ he -as poise) aiming a sniper rifle -hile through the scope : I *elie0e this -as a photo-shoppe) image3 Bhile I -as using m5space+ I notice) that m5 frien) ha) a))e) a ne- frien) an) that he -as 7e-ish an) -as possi*l5 a mem*er of the 7e-s $or the Preser0ation of $irearms O-nership "ssociation : he -as -earing a *lue tactical outfit that loo.e) li.e a -etsuit+ he -as poise) aiming a sniper rifle -hile through the scope3 I ha) 0ie-e) his m5space *riefl5 an) -as consi)ering a))ing him as a frien)3 I *elie0e that 8ittorio &manuele -as o*sesse) -ith the fact that I ha) *een in *rief contact -ith Henr5 1a.o- )uring the time that Henr5 ha) poste) the article a*out 8ittorio &manuele III ha0ing a half-*rother from a )ifferent mother+ name) ")olf -ho later *ecame ")olf Hitler3 * "n)ers Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een in the (K )uring one of his /facial surgeries/3 * "fter the attac.s : "n)ers Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een gi0en > )iffering )iagnoses *5 Ps5chological Profilers in Nor-a5 + it -as state) that each time the results -ere )ifferent3 %his is

0er5 a*normal an) ma5 sho- e0i)ence of ps5chological manipulation *5 metho) of ong-#ange Brain-Computer Interface NeuroScience technolog53 * "fter the attac.s : -hat -as proporte)l5 "n)er Brei0i.'s -orl)-0ie- an) e@tremist agen)a -hich ha) *een poste) to the internet o0er multiple 5ears time -as gathere) *5 in0estigators an) release)3 Some of this information ma5 *e incorrect )ue to the o*0ious amount of computer hac.ers currentl5 in0ol0e) in these attac.s3 8ittorio &manuele an) his sons as -ell ha0e piece) together an international para-militar5 C5*er-Barfare )i0ision -hom are lo5al to them3 * Bhile ha0ing *loo) )ra-n in one of the local hospitalsE I notice) on the pac.age that the stint -as manufacture) in the (K3 I li0e in the (S"+ I )on't *elie0e it's 0er5 logical that eHuipment that small -hich nee)s to *e .ept sterile -oul) *e importe) to the (S"3 * %he (K an) Nor-a5 ha0e *oth *een targette) E *oth the (K an) Nor-a5 ha0e refuse) unification -ith the &uropean (nion3 - It is on the right si)e of m5 s.ull ,ust to the rear of the ear)rum that the incision -as ma)e *ehin) the earlo*e an) the surger5 occurre)3 %he surgeons at the hospital cut open the the *ase of the earlo*e+ separating it from the hea) slightl53 (sing a trephaning toolE a small piece of s.ull -as remo0e) in a tapere) shape an) )rille) -ith t-o small holes similar to a *utton3 %his is the :r) Brain-Computer-Interface that has *een Surgicall5-Implante) in m5 cranium : )uring ;=== 7ason Bellemore -as o0erhear) stating that I -as pro*a*le to ha0e more than one implante) in me *ecause 8ittorio &manuele -ante) to ma.e sure I -as )ea) in the near future3%he B3C3I3 is a soft-*o)ie) BCI+ similar to the ne- fle@i*le circuit-*oar)sE an) it -as implante) rolle) up slightl5 using a soft-*o)ie) h5goformic collapsa*le tu*e for insertion Psimilar to the )ental tool use) for 0acuuming+ onl5 much larger an) in a flat o0al shapeQ -ith the -ire hanging out the en)3 %he transmitterKrecei0er is a com*ination of a micro*atter5 rigge) to a mini cell-phone router encase) in an "#!OS 8erichip-li.e surgical-implant -ith the -ire connecte) through a plastic en) that is seale)E others coul) *e "#!OS chip com*ine) -ith a customengineere) )atastorage )e0ice3 %he tools use) for this surger5 are almost entire cosmetic plastic surger5 tools+ laproscopic surger5 tools+ an) neurosurger5 tools3 2ue to Cortical an) Neural Plasticit5+ these )e0ices ha0e apparentl5 *een a*le to gra)uall5 control people li.e marionettes through soft-are an) mo*ile internetKcellphone to-ers3 It uses *inar5 electro-magnetics to anal5ze an) reorganize the *rain's functions3 It is a Sil.-*ase) Neural Implant -hich assimilates similarl5 as )o )issol0a*le stitchesE I am not sure ho- this -oul) e0er *e remo0a*le3 I am assuming that -home0er )i) this to me P1ost )efinitel5 8ittorio &manuele's terrorist net-or.Q ha0e *een creating soft-are *ase) upon the constant connection *et-een this )e0ice an) m5 *rain as -ell as others' *rains3 %he terrorist operation that is )oing this is em*e))e) -ithin multiple corporations+ multiple crime-s5n)icates+ as -ell as a fe- national go0ernments3 It is )efinite that the5 are -ithin the Italian go0ernment again *eing that there is a )efinite imperialist House of Sa0o5 lo5alist connection in0ol0e) in this3 I am positi0e that 8ittorio &manuele is in0ol0e) in se@-sla0er5 E human net-or.s glo*all5+ an) that this is his criminalterrorist net-or.3 %his is 0er5 reminiscent of -hat happene) -ithin the CI" operation 1K( %#"3 $rom -hat I ha0e rea)+ the So0iet (nion -as also researching implanta*le electronic microchip )e0ices an) e@perimente) on animals -ith them as earl5 as the M='s in or)er

to remote control the animal3 Henr5 1a.o- ha) mentione) that ")olf /Hitler/ -as in truth of )efinite House of S"8OY ro5al om*ar)ic lineage+ -as the King of Italia's son -ith a mistress Pnot his -ifeQ of -hom -as his thir) cousin E this means that the current preten)er to the Italian ro5al cro-n+ 8ittorio &manuele+ is literall5 ")olf /Hitler's/ half-*rother's gran)son3 His criminal-terrorist net-or. targette) this region upon Henr5 1a.o-'s emails an) rea)ing emails *et-een himself an) others3 "lso+ in 1assachusettes is the %ilera 6==-CO#& ProcessorP6== in)i0i)ual tile)-coresQ an) the corporation -hich engineere) it+ %I &#"3 I am positi0e that the surgeons -ho )i) this -ere the Persian-"r5an /nurse/ an) the Italian /father's rights acti0ist/ -earing *lue )ust-mas.s that -ere at the NH Hospital in Concor) NH M 5ears ago as I ha0e *een ha0ing flash*ac.s of the e0ent an) I remem*er -hat clearl5 -as the t-o of them3 I am fairl5 certain that the man use) to *e either a )entist or an ortho)ontist in this region3 I *elie0e that this Persian man -as most li.el5 recruite) *5 a -ealth5 "ra*ian crime-s5n)icate from the Sau)i-"ra*ianK1orrocan net-or.+ this ma5 *e a connection *et-een one mem*er of the I*n Sau) famil5 an) 8ittorio &manuele or one of 7ulius &0ola's un)ocumente) gran)sons3 Brain Computer Interface Soft-are is apparentl5 capa*le of pro)ucing su*liminals into the su*concious min) in a -a5 that is similar to the /*rain-to-*rain computer interface/ *ut -ith s5m*ols an) 0isual associations3 %he soft-are 8ittorio &manuele's net-or. are using functions similarl5 to -hat is on the -ith the e@ception *eing that the 0ictim is not informe) of the implantation of this )e0ice nor is the soft-are in0ol0e) in this as archaic in comparison to -hat is currentl5 openl5 on the mar.etE the effects of this are to h5pnosis at times an) I *elie0e that the 0ictims are suffering from constant la5ere) )eep h5pnosis3 "t NeuroScience institutes+ Brain-to-Brain Computer Interface soft-are is use) to simulate telepath5 electronicall5 -ith computers an) neuroscience o0er the internet3 U 3*rin) the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? the 3r' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 which is the 2n' on the ri)ht si'e o? my @rain 5 I remem@er hearin) a (oice that so*n'e' +iDe $orie Poten>aAs whoich state' JI am )oin) to maDe s*re to 'o*@+e s*t*re it... in ?act I wi++ trip+e s*t*re it.K * %his Brain-Computer Interface )e0ice an) it's attache) Surgical Implant #outer can *e foun) using custom engineere) soft-are an) a custom engineere) Blue%ooth 2ongle or custom longrange (SB Bi$i antenna-router3 %he soft-are -hich is necessar5 to fin) these is a custom soft-are -hich scans all possi*le freHuencies an) locates an5 )e0ices compati*le -ith Blue%ooth or Bi$i : some of these are e0en capa*le of fin)ing other -ireless )e0ices as -ell such as Cellphones an) "rgos3 Hac.ers+ CircuitBen)ers+ an) Phrea.ers in0ol0e) in Custom &lectronics&ngineering often .no- ho- to *uil) these )e0ices : SoftBare &ngineers un)erstan) hoto program the proper )e0ice-)ri0ers an) soft-are necessar5 for these to operate properl53 Some of these can *e foun) on the internet : it is necessar5 for these to *e ma)e more rea)il5 a0aila*le to the pu*lic for the purpose of rescuing these 0ictims + man5 of -hom are 0ictims an) genoci)e targets3 It is also currentl5 possi*le to fin) Co0ert "gents -hom ha0e these BrainComputer Interface )e0ices implante) in their *o)ies for purpose of utilizing NeuroScience soft-are in or)er to ma.e certain that their lar5ngeal+ phar5ngeal+ esophageal+ an) toungue musculature function properl5 to impersonate the specific 0oice of the in)i0i)uals -hom the5 ha0e *een attempting to impersonate an) ha0e stolen the I)entification Cre)entials of3 &0en if

the )e0ice has *een shut off on the main ser0er -hich the %errorist Crime-S5n)icate has *een using : it is still possi*le for this )e0ice to *e installe) as a )e0ice on 5our computer as so long as one possesses the proper soft-are an) har)-are nee)e) -hich can *e foun) at online stores3 %he transmissions of these )e0ices ha0e also all *een recor)e) as #a)io-$reHuenc5 Ba0e$orms *5 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence as -ell as Communications an) Internet Ser0ers3 %hese recor)ings are *ac.e) up permanantl5 on the "(SC"NNA(K(S net-or. -hich is the Signals Securit5 Net-or. of the British CommonBealth+ (S"+ an) Ne- Aealan)3 %his is a share) net-or.+ others net-or.s such as this e@ist3 %he planting of these Blue %ooth Bifi 2ongles an) impro0ise) #outers *ehin) -alls is use) to connect computers in apartment *uil)ings to 0ictims Brain-Computer Interfaces -ithout the 0ictims e0er *eing a*le to report it )ue to lac. of ong-#ange &lectronic %o-er %ransmissions : these )e0ices are *eing use) for purposes of S "8&#Y+ %orture+ Human-8i0isections+ Information !athering+ an) !enoci)e3 is Sla0er5 as is Human-8i0isection or an5 other form of Human %raffic.ing3 If one of these transmitting )e0ices is out of reach an) a -oman is loc.e) *ehin) *ars+ *ehin) a -all+ in a room+ or in a cage : it is impossi*le for her to get to the #outer )e0ice to turn it off3 %he Italian %errorist Crime-S5n)icate -hom ha0e committe) these Bar-Crimes are Serial-#apists an) are "GIS o5alists + lo5al to the House of Sa0o5 : man5 of their allies are mem*ers of Crime-S5n)icates an) "GIS $actions -ho happen to *e Se@-Offen)ers an) Se@-%raffic.ers3 Numerous Se@-Offen)ers ha0e *een sighte) amongst the population of the House of Sa0o5's Imposteur "gents an) "ssassins -ho the5 ha0e emplo5e) to -or. -ithin Hospitals + li0ing in homes -ith chil)ren -ho are 0ictims + an) -ithin the Police 2epartments in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 &) Barren calle) these men /hitters/ + in a reference to ine-Bac.ers -ho hit an) tac.le opponents )uring a game of foot*all3 %hese men are sa)istic rapists an) serial.illers3 %hese men are going to *e use) to attempt to )ecapitate an) completel5 infiltrate BarCrime In0estigations to sa*otage the in0estigation an) pre0ent the House of Sa0o5 an) their associates from *eing arreste) for their crimes3 * %here are -e*sites on the internet -hich ha0e pu*lishe) instructions on ho- to *uil) an internet-controlle) ro*ot : a remote-controlle) ro*ot pilote) using a computer an) an internet signal3 %his is the .in) of technolog5 -hich has *een use) in the manipulation of these BrainComputer Interfaces long-range3 %he ne- HON2" "SI1O is a humanoi) ro*ot -hich is controlle) using an &lectro&ncephalo!raph Helmet : the pilot -ears the &3&3!3 Helmet an) controls the "simo using their thoughtsE causing the full-range-of-motion ro*ot to -al.+ pic. up o*,ects+ or other tas.s3 %he 2e0ice 2ri0er for this NeuroScience pilote) ro*ot as -ell as the soft-are relate) is capa*le of *eing reprogramme) to control a human using a Brain-Computer Interface3 In con,unction -ith "nimation-Soft-are+ this technolog5 is capa*le of the ro*otic control of a human *eing's *rain3 %he human *rain anal5zes an) controls the human *o)53 Bireless signals are use) to transmit information capa*le of millions of computers to pla5 comple@ 0i)eo-games+ net-or. mo*ile-phone computers+ net-or. ser0ers+ net-or. sattelites+ net-or. animals thet *iologists ha0e tagge) -ith "#!OS or B3C3I3+ an) pilot ro*ots at long )istance3 Hon)a "simo is ,ust one e@ample of &lectro&ncephalo!raph-pilote) ro*otics

amongst man5 : a three person team comprise) of a s.ille) &lectronics &ngineer+ Soft-are &ngineer+ an) a NeuroScientist is all that is nee)e) to custom re-engineer sciences an) pro)ucts alrea)5 in e@istence an) often on the + ne- technologies are often create) as -ell3 It is possi*le to create soft-are -hich utilizes "rtificial Intelligence for the purpose of creating an e@act full5-functional "nimation-match of a ro*otics s5stem : this it entirel5 possi*le to o0er-ri)e an Internet or an5 other Bireless controlle) ro*ot3 (sing the proper custom-engineere) long-range router : it is capa*le of *eing )one e@tremel5 easil53 %he "rtificial Intelligence -oul) ha0e to *e a*le to anal5ze the functional properties of each ro*otic component an) create an animate) map of the entire ro*otic net-or. inclu)ing -hat it is capa*le of : this -oul) *e capa*le of mapping out the circuitr5 an) of a )rone an) match it to a series of animations an) shapes3 %his can *e )one using soft-are -hich anal5zes )e0ices an) utilizes "rtificial Intelligence to create multiple possi*le compati*le 2e0ice 2ri0ers as -ell3 * "roun) the time )uring -hich I -as li0ing in m5 car E a police officer pulle) me o0er for ha0ing a hea)light out3 %his -as aroun) the region -here Nashua Ne- Hampshire crosses into Broo.lineKHollis region3 "s he approache) the car it *ecame clear to me that he -as -earing e5econtacts an) that his natural e5e color -as most li.el5 *ro-n3 His contacts -ere a pale *lue3 He -as a tall man -ith a sha0e) hea)3 He loo.e) li.e he -as most li.el5 to *e naturall5 )ar. haire)3 He loo.e) to *e of possi*l5 Sicilian as -ell as 2anish or &nglish ethnicit53 %his police officer's e5es -ere s.ipping aroun) an) it Huic.l5 *ecame apparent that he ha) one of these )e0ices in his *rain as -ell3 %his -as the )a5 )uring -hich I starte) seeing the neon-green "SCI-font letters in front of m5 e5es an) ha) *een using it to con0erse -ith a computer hac.er3 "s the police officer -as approaching the car + the green letters t5pe) /Is that 5ou up thereL/ : I replie) /Yeah this is me3/3 "s the police-officer approache) I ga0e him m5 license an) registration+ acting as if I ha) not ,ust *een t5ping to some*o)53 I ignore) the green "SCI in m5 0ision an) focuse) on -ith the police officer : -ho's e5es -ere still s.ipping aroun) t5ping to some*o)53 He ma5 ha0e *een one of the local 0ictims an) coul) ha0e *een to the same people as I -as3 %he other possi*ilit5 is that he is one of their accomplices an) is not the person -ho's i)entit5 he has ta.en3 If the original in)i0i)ual -as a $ranco-"merican or something similar+ the )oppleganger coul) ha0e *een an Italian-1afia sol)ier from 2enmar. -ho -as half-2ane3 It is also incre)i*l5 possi*le that this police officer coul) *e half-2ane an) half-Sicilian : an) line) up to *e mur)ere) an) replace) *5 a Cosa-Nostra sol)ier from a crime unit operating near the re)light )istrict of "mster)am3 2enmar. is a straight line from ItaliaE through 2eutschelan)+ *5 -a5 of the auto*ahn3 If the (S"+ Cana)a+ an) 1e@ico 2N"-teste) their entire populations E an) the nations of the &uropean (nion+ Nor-a5+ an) the (K 2N"-teste) their entire population+ the results coul) easil5 match-up the missing peoples an) their replacements3 In or)er for this .in) of a large scale 2N"-test to *e carrie) out there -oul) nee) to *e a strict series of chec.s an) *alances+ strict au)iting measures+ an) a computer s5stem E the *iological samples also -oul) nee) to *e properl5 )ispose) of as -ell as all of this nee)s to *e recor)e) on camera an) transmitte) to National Securit5 2ata*ases )uring the process of these tests *eing )one3 " 2N"test for purpose of i)entification E )ue for rene-al once a 5ear + -oul) catch in)i0i)uals preten)ing to *e an5 of these 0ictims imme)iatel53 #ecor)ing of $amil5-tree an) 2N"-testing of citizens for reason of compiling alpha-numeric information for purpose of i)entification shoul)

start -ith multiple teams repeate)l5 collecting information of all emplo5ees of 2epartment of 2efense E follo-e) *5 all emplo5ees of $3B3I + C3I3"3 + Police + an) Homelan) Securit5 E: after-hich all $e)eral &mplo5ee's recor)s shoul) *e au)ite) for accuranc5 an) 2N"-testing of ci0ilians )uring criminal-arrests shoul) *egin3 "s soon as 2N"-testing of arreste) in)i0i)uals processe) at Police 2epartments *egins + 2N"-testing of Citizenr5 shoul) *egin soon after3 It is far too )angerous to let this .in) *reach of international securit5 to continue : this *reach of international securit5 is )ue to a)0ances in 8iral-8ector !ene Science an) NeuroScience in0ol0ing ne- long-range ra)io technolog5 an) &lectronic %ransmissions3 * "n)ers Bra)en Brei0i. -as reporte) to ha0e *een -earing a police-officer's uniform )uring the attac. in Nor-a53 * I -as *rought to the hospital *5 uniforme) police-officers : one of -hich ma5 ha0e not originall5 *een a police officer3 * Of strange coinci)ence: I -as pulle) o0er *5 a female police officer for a hea)light out3 %he police officer -as -earing e5e contacts that loo.e) the same colors as m5 o-n e5esE *ut from her genetic ma.eup + I coul) tell her e5es -ere most li.el5 *lue *ehin) the contacts3 %his -as aroun) the region -here "mherst meets the Nashua line3 * %he reason for the ,umping of the focal-point of the retina -hile t5ping using optical Brain-Computer Interface soft-are is that the Optical-Ner0e an) Ocular section of the *rain are on the front of the *rain E -hereas the section of the *rain -hich regulates smooth motor-functions an) smooth transitions in mo0ement is at the *ase of the stem : -ithout the stem+ mo0ement -oul) *e rigi) an) chic.en-li.e3 - C5*er-%errorists are using stolen cellphones an) anon5mous unregistere) mo*ile cell phone ser0ices Psuch as S%#"I!H%" KQ to tether internet+ connecting laptops an) other units anon5mousl53 8ocal &ffects Processors an) human*eings using NeuroChip BCI an) Neuro"nimation soft-are are capa*le of the mo*ile phone users' 0oices to soun) li.e )ifferent in)i0i)uals+ fa.e recor)e) con0ersations using google-phone an) soft-are com*inations+ an) internet tethering )oes not reHuire 0ocal in0ol0ement3 (SB )e0ices are currentl5 on the an) can also easil5 *e engineere) for the purpose of using cell phones as -ireless routers3 Neuro"nimation soft-are can *e use) for multiple purposes inclu)e) *luescreen animation -ith ner0es as contact-points+ control an) sculpt the musculature of the in)i0i)uals -ho ha0e BCINeuroChip *rain implants+ an) fire specific muscle-groups in animate) seHuence3 2uring ;==> there -as an article in a Science 1agazine -hich )escri*e) the uses of Brain Computer Interface %echnolog5 an) NeuroScience Soft-are in assisting a *rain-in,ur5 patient or a ner0e-in,ur5 patient -ith reco0ering their a*ilit5 to spea. again an) use their tongue+ phar5n@+ an) lar5n@3 I ha) rea) this article aroun) the time that 8ittorio &manuele came in to $amil5 2ollar E I ha) mentione) this article to m5 roommates as -ell as possi*l5 "nthon5 2e$eo an) &) Barren at -or.3 "pparentl5 this NeuroScience Speech-#eco0er5 1e)ical %echnolog5 can *e use) to train a person's musculature to immitate specific 0oices much the -a5 that a 0oco)er effects 0ocal s5nthesis in music+ ena*ling the person to cop5 the e@act soun) of another in)i0i)ual's 0oice3 - "non5mous Hac.ers ha0e hac.e) the terrorists' net-or. an) mirrore) the transmission3 "lsoE )ifferent soft-are has *een uploa)e) an) no signal sent to m5 min) is su*concious an5more3 15

mouth is mo0ing an) the comman)s an) -or)s -hich ha0e *een su*liminal ha0e *een coming out 0er*all53 Before the soft-are -as altere)E the su*concious comman)ing statements -ere all te@t-to-thought Pre0erse of thought-to-te@tQ or *rain-to-*rain Ps5nthetic telepath5 -hile -earing &&! helmetQ+ or animation pilote)3 %urning %e@t to thought-to-thought can *e achei0e) *5 changing the font size an) opacit5 to specifics that can not *e registere) *5 the occular ner0e+ *ut are still registere) *5 the su*concious min) as the s5m*ols that the5 are3 Bor)s are organize) a*stracts+ in the form of concrete s5m*ols3 %here are also t-o other in)i0i)uals -ho are connecte) to the same *ci net-or.+ the5 are apparentl5 *oth in hospitals an) an "non5mous computer apparentl5 leeche) the soft-are from the terrorists' computer an) can see through m5 left e5e on their computer monitor+ -hich sho-s that the Neuro BCI Patch Por CHIPQ is close to m5 OCC( "# N&#8& an) is a longer neural-patch than -hat is usuall5 seen in neuroscience facilities3 "pparentl5 -ith this neuroscience technolog5 an) soft-are 5ou can ro*ot animate a person's entire *rain an) *o)5E inclu)ing their mouth+ )iaphramic muscle+ an) lar5n@Kphar5n@3 %he human *rain an) ner0ous s5stem is a series of magnetic functions -hich control the *o)5 -ith a lo- 0oltage of electricit53 %he original person -ith the soft-are is still capa*le of mo0ing m5 lim*s+ there seem to *e a fe- groups of them an) one of them claime) to *e in a corporate office en0ironment3 It soun)s li.e SCI&NC&-$IC%ION + I .no-3 (nfortunatel5 It's not+ an) I am not sure -hat to )o 5et3 People on the internet ha0e *een claiming that it is the (nite) States an) (nite) King)om go0ernments an) that it is the H""#PE *ut it is actuall5 1o*ile Internet+ Cell-Phone %o-ers+ an) " Sattelites *eing use) in con,unction -ith Brain Computer Interface Neurochips an) Neuroscience Soft-are : it is 8ittorio &manuele's criminal-terrorist s5n)icate3 "ccor)ing to the "NONY1O(S H"CK&#S -ho ha0e repeate)l5 contacte) m5 self+ the ma,orit5 of the 0ictims of this )e0ice are 0ictims an) genoci)e-targets3 Bith soft-are on a computer+ this )e0ice is *eing use) to *lue-screen animations to the shape of a person's mouth+ in or)er to ps5ch--arfare people -ith altere) tele0ision *roa)castsE i am -orrie) a*out the recent of the emergenc5 *roa)cast s5stem P a)5 !aga -as pla5e) o0er the &mergenc5 Broa)cast S5stem three 5ears agoQ an) the possi*ilit5 of some*o)5 false-flagging a natural )isaster or camouflaging a CO8&#% IN8"SION *5 altering a presi)ential a))ress -ith animation soft-are an) o0er)u**ing3 Being that there is a small *atter5 connecte) to the implante) transmitterKrecei0er+ the Brain Computer Interface can *e use) to ro*ot-control the human *rain an) *o)53 %he Brain Computer Interface an) Soft-are is also capa*le of intensi0e controlling of cogniti0e faculties capa*le of pro)ucing specific strategic cogniti0e )istortionsE manipulation of specific regions of the *rain is possi*le inclu)ing the precise regions -hich i)entif5 in)i0i)ual people's i)entities+ go0ern emotional relati0it5+ neurological patterns lin.e) to -or) association+ image association+ impulsi0it5+ an) -orl)-0ie-3 %his Brain Computer Interface 2e0ice 4 Soft-are is also capa*le of *eing use) for the purpose of intensi0e )eep multi-la5ere) h5pnosis3 I am -orrie) that some 0ictims ma5 *e pilote) to self-)etonate *om*s+ to )eli0er *rief-case or to assault othersE in or)er to false-flag the i)entit5 of the %&##O#IS% $"C%ION that ha0e )one this3 %his series of terrorist attac.s has all *een the -or. of the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate an) their associate) allies3

* Neuro- inguistic Programming+ #orschac. Sha)o- Bor)-"ssociation+ Image-Bor) "ssociation+ an) H5pnosis can *e use) to reprogram the su*concious comple@ neural path-a5s of the human *rain3 (sing a Brain-Computer Interface + this can *e )one using soft-are e0en -hile a person is unconscious3 - Numerous altere) photos as -ell as photos of impersonators -ere a))e) to the internet3 " 0irus -as uploa)e) to a ser0er -hich ha) scram*le) man5 of the faces of people on the internet3 %his 0irus -oul) ha0e hit something li.e a !OO! & 2ata-Storage for 3B1P an) 3PN! as -ell as other image files3 "lso E photos of impersonators -ere uploa)e) on the $ace*oo.s of %argette) In)i0i)uals3 15 frien) Cathr5n Bur.e's $ace*oo. -as uploa)e) -ith a photo of a foreign female : the impersonator loo.e) Italian + she ha) *leache) hair an) *ro-n e5es -heareas Cat is naturall5 *lon)e an) her e5es are naturall5 *lue -ith an occaisional tint of green3 Currentl5 : some*o)5 has comman)eere) her $ace*oo. as -ell as her hus*an)'s E the onl5 photos on their $ace*oo. photo al*ums are CO &!&-"!& photos of the t-o of them an) photos of their .i)s3 %here is also one photo of a Sla0ic man preten)ing to *e m5 frien) 1i.e Smith+ Cat's hus*an)3 Cathr5n -as a school-teacher in Concor) an) 1i.e -or.e) near the Be)for) Police 2epartment in a Pa5roll 2epartment for a *usiness of some .in)3 %he5 are *oth of the "satru communit53 "roun) the same time as this happening : some of m5 photos -ere face-e)ite) replacing m5 face -ith the faces t-o )ifferent Italian males+ m5 mother's face*oo. photo -as replace) -ith the face of a Sicilian -oman+ an) -hat appeare) to *e a photo-merger of m5 o-n face -ith &ri. Beise's face -as uploa)e) to m5 face*oo. photo al*ums in replacement of the one that -as there3 %here is an internet -e*site application -hich allo-s the user to uploa) photographs of their face an) a cele*rit5 face+ their face an) a lo0ers face+ or their face an) an animals face : for the purpose of merging the t-o images into one face3 %he -e*site is a facemorph tool3 %he photo of the man on 1i.e Smith's face*oo. -ho is not 1i.e appears to possi*l5 *e a Ser*ian or some other mi@e) Sla0ic National &thnic3 -:hi+e 'ri(in) aro*n' Mar+@oro*)h Massach*settes4 I notice' an enormo*s ser(er comp*ter with @+*e +i)hts on it thro*)h the win'ow o? a con'emne' hote+ @*i+'in) that was c+ose'. - Some represse) memories from the h5pnosis that the 0i0isectionist put me through came *ac.3 %he -oman -ho the5 use) as a h5pnotist -as an anglo-american female3 She -as a*out D'6=/+ )5e) re) hair+ green e5es+ e@tremel5 *eautiful+ an) loo.e) to *e a*out :=3 I *elie0e she -as a BCI-0i0isection 0ictim -ho's mouth the5 -ere using -ith ro*otics soft-are so that the reco0ere) memories -oul) *e of an anglo-american female h5pnotist in or)er to ma.e the american -oman loo. li.e satan3 "fter the original Henr5 1a.o- )isappeare)+ there -as an article poste) on his -e*site stating: /the anti-christ is ali0e an) -ell3 She is in america an) she has green e5es3/ 3 - I chec.e) in *riefl5 at a ps5chiatric reha*ilitation center : the C5press Center in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire3 2uring the -ee. -hile I -as at the center + a nurse )i) something e@tremel5 suspicious -hile I -as sitting in a chair near the office3 %he nurse -heele) out a cart of -hat appeare) to *e ten 5ears of recor)s : after shutting the office )oor+ she loo.e) at me an) spo.e to me as if she -as to a )octor3 %he e@act -or)s she sai) -ere /I'0e got those recor)s that

5ou reHueste)3/ I am -orrie) that these -ere m5 1other's ten 5ears of recor)s from the NeHampshire Hospital in Concor) Ne- Hampshire on Clinton Street3 2uring this *rief sta5 at the C5press Center+ I -as spo.en to *5 a man -hom loo.e) nearl5 i)entical to the 7ogging-Hitler )oing the Night-"t-%he-#o@*ur5 hea)-*o* : this man prescri*e) me Bloo)-%hinners an) "nti2epressants+ neither of -hich I ha0e e0er *een prescri*e) nor )o I ha0e a )iagnosis -hich reHuires such3 $or a *rief perio) of time+ *efore m5 1other -as a*)ucte) from her counciling appointment in 1assachusettes an) )isappeare) into Best-oo) o)ge : m5 1other -as *riefl5 prescri*e) these same me)ications3 I *elie0e that this is the mi))le of a Co0ert Holocaust an) possi*l5 the en) of the %otal !enoci)e of m5 1other's race : m5 1other is a 1etis of "merican an) $irst-Nations race from the North-&ast of North "merica3 Bhile li0ing at 6DD 1aple Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + 1in)5 Kern an) m5 self ha) )iscusse) the pro*a*ilit5 of Organic Neuro-%o@ins an) Organic Bloo)-%hinners *eing the stan)ar) metho) of poisoning assassinations of an assassin3 It is possi*le that "spirin com*ine) -ith an organic Bloo)-%hinner + an) an Organic Neuro-%o@in capa*le of *eing misse) *5 "utops5 $orensics : has *een *eing use) to assassinate people *5 metho) of causing heart-failure for a long time3 %here is a list of people -ho ha0e *een prescri*e) "nti-2epressants an) Bloo)%hinners in Hospitals an) other Healthcare $acilities that ha0e )ie) of heart-failure -ithin the past ten 5ears3 Peter Steele of Ne-7erse5 an) %5pe-O-Negati0e + Pierce of the National 8anguar) + ")am "ries of Ne-Hampshire + an) other reporte)l5 )ie) of Heart-$ailure -hile prescri*e) some .in) of "nti-2epressants an) Bloo)-%hinners3 It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the martial-artist Bruce ee )ie) as a result of an assassination *5 poison E the poison *eing a com*ination of organic *loo)-thinners + aspirin + an) an organic neuro-to@in : a com*ination that coul) cause heart failure3 %he )octor at the C5press Center -ho prescri*e) me Bloo)-%hinners an) "nti-2epressants )uring the 5ear ;=66 in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire loo.e) almost entirel5 om*ar)ic Italian #ace an) possi*l5 a 0er5 small amount of "ustrian 2N"3 %he man later mutate) his comple@ion of an) e5es to loo. li.e an "r5an : the 2N" loo.e) In)ian or Pa.istani3 I *elie0e that this )octor -or.s for the House of Sa0o53 2uring the 5ear ;=66 E an Italian *ought pro)ucts at the 2eli in the Stop'N'Shop in Be)for) Ne-Hampshire + -here I ha) *een : this man -as stan)ing ne@t to a -oman -ho loo.e) Italian an) $ran.ic -ho ha) *een 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 1utate) to loo. of "r5an comple@ion of + hair + an) e5es3 I *elie0e that the man purchase) 7alapeno Cheese3 It is a pro*a*ilit5 that the House of Sa0o5 ha0e possi*l5 mur)ere) In)ians + Pa.istanis + Iranians : an) stolen their I)entification Cre)entials3 2an Buc.le5 + -ho's famil5 are Knights of the House of Sa0o5 an) Christina $aeriolo's cousin : -al.e) into Stop'N'Shop -ith -hat -as o*0iousl5 an imposteur of Chris #o)on + -ho's father -as also a Knight of the House of Sa0o53 %he House of Sa0o5 ha0e *een stealing the I)entification Cre)entials of assassinate) ci0ilian families an) tra)ing them *et-een !enoci)al %errorist Crime-Sol)iers + Organize) Crime Sol)iers + &spionage "gents + 8ictims + "ristocrats of the House of Sa0o5 + an) possi*l5 foreign 1ilitar5 Intelligence Sol)iers an) Co0ert "gents engage) in Co0ert Operations in North "merica3

Aro*n' this time4 I @e)an eCperiencin) repeate' ?+ash@acDs o? the a@*se that I witnesse' a pro@a@+e imposte*r o? my ?ather 'o to my sister. I p*nche' what was 'e?inite+y an imposte*r o? my .ather in the ?ace whi+e (isitin) my sisters in MerrimacD NH an' )ot arreste' a?terwar's. 2his is the secon' time I ha(e @een arreste' ?or assa*+tin) him as a res*+t o? this an' @esi'es these e(ents my crimina+ recor' is c+ean. 3*rin) my @rie? stay in the Hi++s@oro*)h 7orrectiona+ .aci+ity on =a++ey St in Manchester NH 20124 I +ost my car to a s*@contracte' impo*n' +ot ca++e' 9inneyAs A*tomoti(e an' 2owin)< which sol) it imme)iatel5 :I2H0U2 2H1 2I2$1 e(en tho*)h I Dept in contact an' i wrote to them3 I ha0e since seen the car at an automoti0e shop near 1ain Street in Nashua Ne- Hampshire+ it -as *eing /re-.itte)/ to loo. li.e a )ifferent mo)el an) it is entirel5 possi*le the5 someho- fa.e) the 8IN num*er3 %he name of the automoti0e shop -as Certifie) "utomoti0e Solutions3 %he transmissions of the plante) recor)ing )e0ice that -as in m5 car can easil5 *e o*taine) *5 $&2&#" an) 1I I%"#Y signals intelligence in0estigations E M=:-;>F-CCMC -as m5 mo*ilephone num*er at the time+ *5 -hich m5 location in m5 car -as constantl5 logge) ! OB" POSI%ION" Y *5 -a5 of m5 pre0ious cellphone+ I also passe) through tolls a couple of times3 %he !PS location for the illegal impro0ise) #ecor)ing an) Broa)casting )e0ices are nearl5 i)entical to m5 former mo*ile-phone's an) the *roa)castingKtransmitting of the )ata -ill shoirregularities3 %he imposteur of m5 $ather -hom I punche) )i) not e0en arri0e at court to represent himself as m5 $ather e0en E he -as represente) *5 another imposteur preten)ing to *e m5 father + -hom I ha) not e0en punche)3 %here -ere t-o )ifferent men )uring the multiple court hearings that follo-e) *5 incarcerstion in ,ail3 %he ,u)ge )i) not e0en notice an) *elie0es that I am schizophrenic as a result of the &manueles' attempts to 2iscre)it m5 self as a Bitness to their crimes3 - If the (nite) Nations can in0estigate the Italian an) "ustrian 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence #ecor)s of the House of Sa0o5 an) their Criminal "ccomplices E as -ell as the recor)s of the "us3Can3NA3(K3(S3 Nations : the !lo*al %errorist $action guilt5 of these crimes can *e entirel5 arreste)3 %he House of Sa0o5 is guilt53 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) his sons $illi*erto &manuele + 2aniel 7ames + Chris %homas + Clint + an) their accomplices engineere) this genoci)al attac. an) this co0ert in0asion3 - I spent t-o an) a half months in the Hills*orough 2epartment of Corrections 8alle5 St 7ail in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire3 15 1,olnir pen)ant -as collecte) upon entering *ut )uring m5 sta5 I -as mo0e) from one cell*loc. to another an) the -or) *O)inist -as scratche) into the paint on the floor in futhar. outsi)e the last ,ail cell the5 put me in *efore I -as e0en *rought to the cell3 No*o)5 that I .no- of in Ne- Hampshire refers to themsel0es as O)inist Pthat's usuall5 more of a terminolog5 from Britain or other parts of the "mericas an) a fe- specific places in &uropeQE -e all either use the terms "satru+ Heithni+ or Heathen an) there are 0er5 fe- of us in this region3 *O)inist -as the same thing the5 recor)e) as m5 religion at the Ne-Hampshire HOSPI%" on Clinton St3 in Concor) Ne- Hampshire+ -hen I tol) them I -as an "satruar an) ha) to e@plain to them -hat it -as3 Ps5ch--arfare operati0es+ again3 * Bhile I -as ,ail E a man -ho -as Cu*an + Puerto-#ican + an) Italian : -as in a cell ne@t to mine

an) -as "rnol) Sch-arzenegger soun)s at me constantl53 %his man -al.e) into $amil5 2ollar an) ma)e comments -hich referre) to fat -omen an) pornograph5 as -ell as the statement /I hear) he chuc. off to that shit/ -hich translates to /I hear) that he mastur*ates to that stuff/3 %his man -as )efinitel5 -atching m5 computer at times -ith &) Barren : -hile .no-le)gea*le that &) Barren -as -atching m5 computer + I )ispla5e) hours of nu)e fat la)ies on m5 computer screen3 U A?ter I was re+ease' ?rom Iai+4 I ha' co*rt re(iew hearin)s which I ha' to atten'. 3*rin) these hearin)s4 a socia+ worDer name' Scott ;rennan was in(o+(e' in the re(iew hearin)s. 0ne time4 one o? the women who ha(e @een preten'in) to @e my Mom accompanie' me to the co*rt hearin). :hi+e at co*rt she c+aime' that she went to hi)hschoo+ with Scott ;rennan. My Mother is act*a++y approCimate+y 12 years or so o+'er than this man4 Scott ;rennan 5 it is an impossi@i+ity that my Mother went to hi)hschoo+ with this man. I asDe' Scott ;rennan where he went to hi)hschoo+4 he to+' me that he went to schoo+ in Nash*a 5 my mother went to hi)hschoo+ in MerrimacD New Hampshire. 3*rin) these hearin)s 4 A man who was not my ?ather was present in the co*rtroom < c+aimin) to @e my ?ather. He is recor'e' @y (i'eo camera. He ha' a wi'er sD*++ than my ?ather an' thicDer hair. - I ha0e *een tol) that m5 Nana P15 gran)mother on m5 mother's si)e of the famil5Q has *een )enie) her reHuest for )isa*ilit5 Hualification3 She has osteoperosis4 has ha' n*mero*s @roDen @one inI*ries in her +i?etime @oth past an' recent4 in her past she s*??ere' a@*se as a tra??icDin) (ictim4 an' she is in her !0As. It is impossi@+e ?or her to not @e consi'ere' 'isa@+e'. I was to+' a man showe' *p at her co*rt 'ate with a photo)raph ?rom .003MAS21# in Ma+'en Massach*settes o? her picDin) *p a +oa? o? @rea'4 a?ter she ha' ?a++en an' @roDen her entire hip. She has osteoperosis. I @e+ie(e that this has a connection to the pop*+ation o? peop+e who ha(e tar)ette' my ?ami+y an' that the owner may act*a++y @e a ma?ia associate. She +i(e' in Ma+'en Massach*settes an' was a Nati(e American Metis. Ma+'en Massach*settes is neCt to ;oston. 2he entire North1ast o? the USA is in?este' with Ita+ian MA.IA. My Nana has @een threatene' to Deep her mo*th sh*t n*mero*s times a@o*t her past. She has a+so @een assa*+te'. She has @o+ts in @oth o? her *pper arms< which were @roDen in the past4 when she was assa*+te'. Her anD+e has @een @roDen4 as we++ as her wrist4 an' some o? her ri@s. #ecent+y < Ma?ia seems to @e @reaDin) peop+esA wrists an' Dneecappin) innocent peop+e. I @e+ie(e this N1U#0 S7I1N71 PS/ :A#.A#1 attacD is simi+ar to what was 'one to &ri. Beise an' "n)ers Brei0e.. 0ther tar)ets co*+' @e political acti0ists 4 human 0ictims+ a'(ersaries o? G+o@a+i>ation or =ittorio 1man*e+e< a+so to enemies o? 7rime Syn'icates &s*ch as 7osa Nostra4 Ita+ian Ma?ias4 1astern 1*ropean Ma?ias o? miCe' 1astern 1*ropean Nationa+ity '*e to pre(io*s eCpansion o? the So(iet state4 Sa*'i Ma?ia4 etc, @ein) that it seems that 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates ha(e @een 317API2A213 @y this G+o@a+ist 21##0#IS2 .A72I0N an' ha(e @een 'oin) their crimina+ worD witho*t asDin) H*estions. A++ Nationa+ists re)ar'+ess o? Nationa+ity4 #e+i)ion4 or 1conomic @e+ie? are a tar)et to these peop+e '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that =ittorio 1man*e+e is a G$0;A$IS2 162#1MIS2 an' some o? the (ictims *n?ort*nate+y co*+' ha(e @een pro(oDe' to commit acts o? (io+ence . An eCamp+e o? how o*0ious it is that these are )+o@a+ist eCtremist psy war?are a)ents are n*mero*s internationa+ connections. A cr*cia+ psych pro?i+in) point o? interest is the ?act that a %horSteiner shop was opene' which the ?inancer o? the shop ha' name' GBre0i.G. It is (ery o@(io*s that the +ocation o? this partic*+ar shop has some 1ast 3e*tsch+an' S2ASI P0$I71

connections &Stasi Po+itsei era circa 1"50 1"80,in the +oca+ (icinity. 3*e to the necessary a)e o? the ?inancer4 in or'er ?or the in'i(i'*a+ to ha(e c+ear+y remem@ere' an e(ent ?rom this era< I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e is 'irect+y responsi@+e ?or this an' has *se' a mi''+e man as a Property Stea' Ho+'er as a 2it+e Ho+'er to the shop.

- I am incre)i*l5 -orrie) a*out the connection *et-een this )e0ice an) the females *eing a*)ucte) in the (S" as -ell as else-here3 %he %errorist Crime S5n)icate guilt5 of these attac.s upon the (S"+ the British CommonBealth+ an) Nor-a5 are se@-traffic.ers an) are most li.el5 using a*)ucte) females to *ree) sons of their o-n3 $rom -hat I ha0e *een hearing on the tele0ision ne-s *roa)casts an) rea)ing in the ne-s papers+ a*out >= *lon)e haire) an) *lue e5e) "merican females ha0e *een reporte) missing in the south aroun) the "la*ama region in the past M 5earsE half of them infants+ half of them aroun) := 5ears of age3 Some of these -omen -ere reporte) to ha0e -al.e) out the front )oor of their homes+ ne0er to *e seen again3 It is possi*le that these -omen -ere 0ictims of this 0i0isection an) that the5 -ere h5pnotize) )uring their )eparture from their home+ to *e pic.e) up *5 an 0ehicle3 Neuro-H5pnotic &ngineering com*ine) -ith NeuroScience Brain-Computer Interface technolog5 it possi*le to transmit a fe- processes of *inar5 an) cause a person to ph5sicall5 animate in an e@act animation seHuence+ imme)iatel5 enter h5pnotic-state+ as -ell as *ecome suscepta*le to remote-piloting *5 Brain-Computer Interface3 %here is also a large num*er of mestizo Pof $irst Nations + Colonial "mericanK1e@ican mi@e) ancestr5Q females missing from the south -est an) 1e@ico3 "nother North "merican hu* for a*)uction-relate) seems to *e the area aroun) 1ontreal3 " person of mi@e) "nglo-Sa@on+ Uue*ecois+ 1e@ican+ 1etis+ an) !aelic ancestr5 loo.s North "merican regar)less of their other ancestral genetic origins3 Being that this %errorist Crime S5n)icate is in0ol0e) in E it is o*0ious that the reason for the targetting of the aforementione) specific ethnic populations is the *ree)ing of male agents -ho ha0e an appearance more suita*le to the purpose of co0ertl5 planting /sleeper/ criminal-terrorist agents in the North "merican region an) else-here3 * 2uring ;==9 : an Italian man -as past me on Pine St3 in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire an) ma)e a )uc.-li.e soun) at a female past3 She loo.e) at him an) smir.e)+ confuse)3 He turne) to me an) sai) /You ,ust -ait+ soon that noise ma.e them come to 5ou an) the5 -ant it3 She aint got that 5et3/3 %his man -as later seen on &lm Street in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire + gra**ing the an.les of "merican -omen an) lifting their legs up *ehin) them3 - "*out M 5ears ago+ I sa- a ne-s *roa)cast on the tele0ision -hich reporte) that numerous /)ungeons/ ha) *een foun) on the east-coast of the (nite) States of "merica an) that -omen -ere foun) chaine) an) cage) in a fe- of them. #ecent+y4 there has a+so @een a 'isco(ery in Ontario in(o+(in) a home which ha' @een (acate' ?or 3 years. In the @asement4 there was a room ?o*n' which ha' @een painte' entire+y white. 2here were chains han)in) ?rom the cei+in)4 a @ench4 an' a ?ew I*)s o? water. 2he 'oor was a@+e to @e @arre' ?rom the o*tsi'e4 to pre(ent a prison escapin). :hite paint is o?ten *se' in m*+tip+e thicD coats at a crime scene to co(er *p possi@+e ?orensic e(i'ence. 2he +ocation o? this ho*se was state' to @e 1%0 7oncession #oa' ! in PicDerin) 0ntario 5 it was near the /orD an' 3*rham +ine. I? I remem@er correct+y4 1mi+y Is+es ha' ?ami+y in PicDerin) as 'i'

$ance. I a+so @e+ie(e that PicDerin) is c+ose to my co*sinsA home as we++ as my 'istant co*sin BPAs +o) ca@in in northern =ermont. Some o? the a'*cte' women ?rom #*ssia seem to ha(e @een @ro*)ht to New /orD an' he+' there @y cooperati(e ma?ias worDin) internationa++y. 2he man who was arreste' in connection to @*i+'in) this '*n)eon seems to ha(e ma'e *p an e+a@orate story in(o+(in) why he was ca*)ht on the property 5 it seems the woman in(o+(e' in the story has co(ere' his story4 whether she was threatene' or not is *nDnowa@+e at this point. 2here was no connection to him an' the arson which 'estroye' the e(i'ence. 2he man is proporte'+y an ethnic Scot @*t he +ooDs possi@+y 7roatian4 @*t he 'e?inite+y 'oes not +ooD Scottish. 2he newspaper artic+e inter(iewe' the man ?or ?i(e pa)es4 this is comp+ete+y a@norma+. 2he photo)raph o? the ho*se in PicDerin) 0ntario +ooDe' i'entica+ to a ho*se that my co*sin Marco #oyAs ?atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y owne' in 0ntario < aro*n' the time when =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' sta+De' me to my p+ace o? emp+oyment at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester New Hampshire 4 some@o'y ha' asDe' me i? I ha' a co*sin name' An're #oy who +i(e' in 0ntario. Marco #oyAs co*sins on his ?atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y +i(e in 0ntario. I @e+ie(e that I ha(e met his ?atherAs neice or co*sinAs 'a*)hter recent+y in Manchester New Hampshire4 she seeme' to @e in some Din' o? potentia+ tro*@+e with the ma?ia an' she 'i'nAt Dnow who I was. 2he mention o? B*)s o? :ater is simi+ar to the statement that one o? the imposte*r $ars G=ar)G =iDernes ha' sai' '*rin) the ?i+m Unti+ the $i)ht 2aDes Us re)ar'in) G+i?tin) I*)s o? water to stay in )oo' physica+ ?itnessG 5 +iDe the arson ?or which $ars G=ar)G =iDernes was con(icte'4 the @*i+'in) where the '*n)eon was ?o*n' was @*rnt to the )ro*n'. A po+ice o??icer was H*ote' as possi@+y ha(in) ?oreDnow+e')e that the @*i+'in) was )oin) to @e hit @y arsonists. 1mi+y I+es 4 whom was $ars G=ar)G =iDernesA penpa+ 5 +i(e' (ery c+ose to PicDerin) 0ntario. My Gran'.atherAs co*sins as we++ as my Gran'MotherAs ?ami+yAs co*sins a+so +i(e' near PicDerin) 0ntario. Henry MaDow a+so +i(e' in 7ana'a an' possi@+y ha' aH*aintances in 0ntario. U Marco #oyAs ?ema+e co*sins ?rom his ?atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y whom are s*rname' #oy ha(e @een tar)ette' an' in some cases a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers. I @e+ie(e Am@er #oy may @e one o? these in'i(i'*a+s an' that she may ha(e @een tra??icDe' @y a man associate' to a Mario Napo+itano whom has ?reH*ent+y @een seen in Manchester New Hampshire. Mario Napo+itano is associate' with Berry 3AAmico an' the Ita+ian Ma?iosa whom worDs in the o??ice o? the @*i+'in) wherein I am c*rrent+y +i(in) as I am writin) this at 23 2emp+e St. Apt. V108 Nash*a New Hampshire in the USA. 2here are more than one (ictim in this @*i+'in) with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace permanant+y s*r)ica++y )ra?te' to their @rain an' a S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ro*ter F @attery imp+ante' in their Iaw4 these (ictims are racia++y American 5 one is Gae+ic American race an' ?ema+e4 two are a ma+e an' a ?ema+e o? A?rican American race4 there are others as we++. 2here are n*mero*s crimina+ associates o? =ictorAs +i(in) in this @*i+'in) as we++ 4 most o? which are Ita+ian Ma?ia or Ma?ia a??i+iate' an' ha+? racia++y Ita+ian. U 3*rin) the time that I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st. on one o? the 'ays that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' come in to the store 4 a c*stomer asDe' me i? I ha' a co*sin in 0ntario name' An're that +i(e' in 7ana'a. I 'o not ha(e a co*sin name' An're @*t I 'o ha(e a thir' co*sin name' Marco #oy who has a ?ather name' An're. An're #oy is my co*sin 3onna Martinea*As eC h*s@an'. An're ha' a @rother or a co*sin who owne' a ho*se in PicDerin) 0ntario that +ooDe' i'entica+ to the ho*se in the photos o? the '*n)eon ?o*n' in PicDerin) 0ntario. 2hey *se' to Deep motorcyc+es as we++ as +i(estocD in the @arn. My co*sin Marco ha' a (i'eo recor'in) o? a 2hanDs)i(in) 'inner )atherin) at this

+ocation. 2he ho*se was either the same ho*se which ha' @een so+' or it was o? i'entica+ architect*re. I @e+ie(e that I may ha(e met An'reAs neice in Manchester New Hampshire 4 she 'i'nAt Dnow who I was an' she 'i'nAt ta+D m*ch @*t it seeme' o@(io*s that she was in some Din' o? tro*@+e with the ma?ia. - %he arson in Ontario -hich occurre) after the me)ia e@posure of the *asement )ungeon foun) in a con)emne) house sho-s suspicious rele0enc5 to this entire series of e0ents3 " police officer+ -hen Huestione) a*out it+ sho-e) possi*le .no-le)ge foresha)o-ing the arson3 Intentional foresha)o-ing of crimes is pre0ailant in the Italian 1afia communities+ -here it is intentionall5 )one for the purpose of lea0ing ps5chological scars on the communit5 so the5 are feare) an) face less opposition3 "nother rele0ant pattern in0ol0ing crime-tra)ition in0ol0es ritual slaughter of 0ictims+ -hich is the act of inclu)ing metaphoric s5m*olism in the mo)alit5 of specific mur)ers an) in the intentional 0isual aesthetic of the crime-scene3 8ittorio &manuele seems to a*use *oth a0enues of po-erE the po-er of corrupting go0ernment an) la- as -ell as the po-er of the crime -orl)3 3*rin) the year 2011 4 I met a an who +ooDe' +iDe he ha' @een +i(in) as an imposte*r o? Scot H*nter whom ha' o@(io*s+y *n'er)one cosmetic 'enta+ reconstr*ction to ha(e 'enta+s which appeare' simi+ar. 2his man was *sin) ;rian .*rta'oAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. It is a pro@a@i+ity that my ?ormer roommate Scott H*nter an' his +i?e partner 9enneth B*'' are 'ea'. 2his man ha' the same @roDen an' cappe' tooth as Scot H*nter 4 it is pro@a@+e that it was ?i+e' 'own ?or p*rpose o? cappin) it simi+ar+y to impersonate Scot H*nter. 2eeth can easi+y @e 'ri++e' an' ?i+e' to ha(e i'entica+ ca(ities as a person whom an 1spiona)e A)ent is @ein) or'ere' to imposter 5 this ca(ities can @e ?i++e' with the same ?i++in)s as we++ as can entire mo*th ?*++s o? prosthetic teeth @e imp+ante'. 3*rin) the year 2011 5 I a''e' a Socia+ NetworDin) pa)e on .ace;ooD.7om that was ?or .irst Nations Nati(e Americans. 2his we@site was GA'' this pa)e i? yo* are Sio*CQ$aDota or any Nati(e American.G . 2he A'ministrator o? this pa)e poste' n*mero*s statements an' photo)raphs o? peop+e who they were statin) were imposte*rs an' were attemptin) to +i(e near them preten'in) to @e Nati(e Americans. 2he peop+e in the photo)raphs were Ita+ians. 2he .irst Nations Nati(e American $aDotah were warnin) the other peop+e *sin) the .ace;ooD Socia+ NetworDin) Pa)e that these peop+e were SeC 0??en'ers an' to stay away ?rom them an' report them to po+ice i? they approach yo*r chi+'ren. Many o? the .irst Nations on this pa)e were o? the Pine #i')e $aDota #eser(ationAs pop*+ation 4 where :eise ha' shot his peop+e an' himse+? 5 which was pro@a@+y '*e to manip*+ation @y the 1man*e+esA eCperimentin) with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. :eiseAs s*ppose' *ser name on $NSG.0#G was G2o'esen)+eG which is 3eath An)e+ 5 Bose? Men)e+eAs nicDname. 3*rin) the year 1""" 4 an artic+e was p*@+ishe' in 2ime Ma)a>ine that was tit+e' G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG < this was imme'iate+y prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 '*rin) which it seems pro@a@+e that G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG were *se' to 'etonate 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es that ha' @een positione' in the twin sDy scrapers that the airp+anes were pi+ote' to crash into. 3*rin) the same perio' o? time as the G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG artic+e 4 2 artic+es were p*@+ishe' in a Science Ma)a>ine as we++ as in an e'ition o? Science Ma)a>ine that are o? eCtreme importance 5 the ?irst o? these artic+es were a@o*t

;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 Ne*roScience Mechanics 4 F Ne*roProsthesis < an' the secon' was a@o*t the G/29 ;UGG which was an insi'e IoDe to the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS an' their 7rimina+ 2errorist A++ies 4 who *se' this p*@+ication as a cypher comm*nication @y which to arro)ant+y )+oat a@o*t their *pcomin) terrorist attacD. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Samantha 7asse++a woDe *p comp+ainin) a@o*t the si'e o? her hea' ?ee+in) stran)e an' her ha(in) sticDy )+*e +iDe s*@stance a++ o(er the @ase o? her ear+o@e an' in her hair. 2his was 'e?inite+y a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. N*mero*s other ?ema+es comp+aine' o? the same thin) in the ?o++owin) % years 5 1+i>a@eth Pratt o? :o@*rn Massach*settes '*rin) the year 2002 4 3anie++e $e;+anc o? :o@*rn Massach*settes '*rin) the year 2002 4 7ait+in $*rch an' her sister whoAs name I @e+ie(e was either $in'sey $*rch or Mea)an $*rch o? ;e'?or' NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2002 4 Benni?er $inco+n o? Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2002 4 Aman'a $an'ry o? H*'son NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2003 4 9e+sey McNanny o? 3erry NewHampshire '*rin) the year 2003. 2he Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS < p*@+ish artic+es an' pro'*ce other ?orms o? me'ia ?oresha'owin) an' preempti(e+y 'epictin) scenarios on what appears to @e .ictiona+ on 2e+e(ision 4 @*t is ?act*a++y a portraya+ o? p+anne' attacDs or e(ents which ha(e recent+y occ*rre' that the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy A6IS orchestrate' themse+(es an' a(oi'e' arrest ?or '*e to @+acD mai+e' Po+ice 0??icers an' Po+ice 3epartments which are entire+y corr*pte' ?rom within. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS a+so p*@+ish me'ia which they (iew as h*mo*ro*s 4 @*t te++ none what the h*mo*r is a@o*t. 0n the internet 4 '*rin) the year 2005 < a GSD*++ .*cDer 1pi'emicG (i'eo was poste' that was a mimmicD o? GProIect 3isc+os*reG 5 GProIect 3isc+os*reG was a hoaC 'oc*mentary a@o*t GA+ien A@'*ctions F the U.S.A. Go(ernment secret+y in contact with a+iensA 4 GSD*++ .*cDer 1pi'emicG was a come'ic hoaC (i'eo 'oc*mentary a@o*t a )an) o? SeC 0??en'er Seria+ 9i++ers whoAs s+ayin)s in(o+(e the 2#1PHANING o? a ho+e into the S9U$$S o? their (ictimsA an' the #APING o? their (ictimsA sD*++s. 0? re+ation to GA+ien SpeciesG an' AShape Shi?tin) 7hame+eon A+iensG 5 '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 1'war' :arren was o(erhear' an' hope?*++y recor'e' 'isc*ssin) GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersG 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation ?or I'entity 2he?t 4 an' the ?*n'in) an' s*pport o? a ?*t*re Presi'entia+ 7an'i'ate name' G;aracD H*ssein 0@amaG ?or p*rpose o? stea+in) his i'entity an' rep+acin) him with at +east one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'ier ?or p*rpose o? +a*)hin) a@o*t the name meanin) G;+it> 9rie) 0A 3iCie -7*ps8G. I @e+ie(e that the ?irst (ictims in my imme'iate socia+ networD were my .ather in 2000 4 my Mother in 2000 4 Bason #o)ers possi@+y in 2000 4 Samantha 7ase++a in 2000 4 the ?ema+es ?rom Massach*settes '*rin) 2001 to 2003 4 Sheena Nico+e MacPherson possi@+y 200% 4 7he+sey #ain MacPherson possi@+y 200% 4 S*mmer #ose MacPherson possi@+y 200% 4 9ristin Nassar possi@+y 200% 4 Sahn'ra St. 0n)e possi@+y 200% 4 Samantha Grimes possi@+y 200% 4 Scot H*nter possi@+y in 20054 Min'y 9ern in the year 200E 4 7+arissa ;erry in the year 200E 4 $a*ren .rench in year 2008. 10 A?ter my @rie? incarceration in Manchester NewHampshire at the Hi++s@oro*)h 3epartment o? 7orrections =a++ey Street Bai+ 4 I mo(e' to a 3ormitory Sty+e Apartment ;*i+'in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 in Nash*a NewHampshire. N*mero*s times4 whi+e +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 in Nash*a NewHamphire 5 I 'isco(ere' *pon ret*rnin) that my 'oor ha' @een opene' an' +e?t either aIar or *n+ocDe' . 2his happene' a@o*t 8 times '*rin) the year o? 2012. I a+ways +ocD the 'oor. At the @e)innin) o? my thir'

month at this +ocation < the Ita+ian man in the o??ice attempte' to char)e me E80M ?or a monthAs rent. 2he a'(ertise' rate was 100M a weeD < con(ersation 'isc*ssin) rent res*+te' in my se+? payin) 520M a month. A?ter ?o*r months o? +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 in Nash*a NewHampshire4 I @e)an to hear peop+e scrapin) aro*n' insi'e the wa++s as i? some@o'y was remo(in) recor'in) 'e(ices ?rom a ?ew o? the rooms3 In the past4 I ha' hear' that the 3ormitory Apartments at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 ha' occasiona++y @een *se' as a @rothe+. 3*rin) my time +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 4 I notice' two 'e?inite SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims +i(in) in the @*i+'in) as permanant resi'ents. 3*rin) the year that I +i(e' at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 4 intr*'ers poisone' ?o*r I*)s o? mi+D in my re?ri')erator with hemo)+o@in nanoen)ineere' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy metho's ?or the p*rpose o? 'ama)in) my )enetics 5 my 3NA m*tate' (isi@+y m*+tip+e times whi+e +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 in Nash*a NewHampshire. ApproCimate+y % other tenants m*tate' (isi@+y whi+e I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 5 a ?ema+eAs hair 4 eye iris 4 an' sDin comp+eCion chan)e' co+or < two ?ema+es noses m*tate' an' chan)e' shape 4 an' a manAs iris co+or chan)e'. My nose @ri')e chan)e' shape 'rastica++y an' )rew a sma++ @*mp 4 my @row ri')e chan)e' shape s+i)ht+y ?+attenin) a @it 4 my hair sca+p pattern thinne' in m*+tip+e p+aces 4 my hair @e)an )rowin) thin 4 an' my sDin m*tate' to a 'i??erent comp+eCion which ?a'e' to ?recD+es at the sho*+'ers an' chest. 3*rin) 200% < 2ony Grasseti ha' mentione' '*rin) a con(ersation with my roommate Scot H*nter 4 that Aaron 1man*e+e ha' en)ineere' a *niH*e 3NA )ene that m*tates the sDin o? a h*man to a s+i)ht+y oran)e comp+eCion which is 'arDest on the ?ace an' at the han's @*t ?a'es to ?recD+es at the *pper arms 4 sho*+'ers 4 an' across the chest 5 accor'in) to 2ony Grasseti 4 Aaron 1man*e+e '*mpe' a (ia+ o? hemo)+o@in in his ?rien'As mi+D carton which ha' containe' strains o? (ir*s carryin) this 3NA protein. 2his ca*se' his ?rien'As 3NA to m*tate 4 this metho' is Dnown as =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy. Accor'in) to 2ony Grasseti 4 .i++i@ertoAs @rother Aaron ha' @een tryin) to en)ineer a G'esi)ner )eneG that wo*+' start as sma++ ?recD+es at the @o'yAs eCtremities an' chan)e )ra'*a++y to G'oe spotsG at the sho*+'ers an' across the chest. My cheeD @ones mo(e' to the si'es o? my sD*++. My ?ace )rew a sin*s po*ch an' a ?at composite @e+ow where my cheeD @ones were. 2here were sec*rity cameras in the @*i+'in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 @*t the peop+e whom committe' these crimes m*st not ha(e eCpecte' these cameras to @e transmittin) any recor'in)s to an internet ser(er or internet 'ata stora)e. As mentione' 4 whi+e I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street Apartment 108 < the @ri')e o? my nose m*tate' an' @e)an )rowin) a @*mp4 strai)ht away ?rom my ?ace. 2o the si'es o? the @ri')e o? my nose< I seem to @e )rowin) ca+ci*m on my ?ace @e+ow my eyesA tear '*cts. Ha+? o? my hair ?e++ o*t an' chan)e' teCt*re 5 ha+? o? my hair @e)an )rowin) in @+on'e4 the @+on'e hairs e(ent*a++y ?e++ o*t entire+y 4 an' now the top o? my hea' is thinne' in a pattern that is *nnat*ra+ ?or my ?ami+yAs )enetics. 2he pi)ment an' oi+s o? my sDin seem to ha(e chan)e' s+i)ht+y4 my comp+eCion now seems to @e simi+ar )enetica++y to an A+@anian )ene. My *pper Iaw @one an' cheeD @ones m*tate' an' mo(e' towar's the si'e o? my sD*++. 2his Baw ;one an' 7heeD ;one +ooDs simi+ar to Mosta?a I@nSa*'As. My sDinAs oi+s an' comp+eCion nat*ra++y re?+ecte' my )enetics which are A@enaDi4 Gae+ic4 MiHMaD4 An)+o SaCon4 an' .ranDic. .irst NationsA sDin comp+eCion an' oi+s are not e(en simi+ar to A+@anian nor 'o they +ooD the same. 2he pi)ment o? my sDin is now this 'arDer an' somewhat oran)e pi)ment which chan)es a@o(e the e+@ow to ?recD+es 5 this

3NA )ene is o? the eCact appearance that 2ony Grasseti 'escri@e' Aaron 1man*e+eAs 'esi)ner )ene to m*tate a personAs sDin to appear. In the past i ha' a thicD hea' o? hair4 *n+iDe my ?ather who ha' a rece'in) hair+ine 5 I inherite' my sca+p an' hair )enes most+y ?rom my motherAs .irst Nations )enetics an' I ha' a ?*++ hea' o? 'arD hair whereas my ?ather is @+on'e an' has a rece'in) hair+ine pattern. 2he pattern in which my hair has now rapi'+y thinne' is *nnat*ra+ an' is not e(en +iDe my ?atherAs 5 it is a 'i??erent pattern @a+'ness )ene entire+y4 an' is 'e?inite+y ?rom a 'i??erent nationa+ ethnic hap+o)ro*p. I inherite' some o? my ?atherAs @+on'e hair 3NA an' m*ch o? my @ear' )rows @+on'e < the hair on my sca+p )rowin) in @+on'e @rie?+y @e?ore it thinne' +ea's me to @e+ie(e that this )ene was a @a+' pattern ?rom a man with )o+' co+ore' hair whoAs hea' is @a+' on the top in the center an' ca*ses thinnin) in the ?ront when it is not present in com@ination with a secon' pattern @a+'ness )ene. I inherite' my .atherAs *nc+e A+@ert MacPherson Br.As @o'y hair patternin) an' in p+aces my @o'y hair )rows in @+on'e 5 c*rrent+y some o? my @o'y hair has @e)*n )rowin) in 'arDer4 shorter4 sparser4 an' it ?ee+s *nnat*ra+. 2he hair on my hea' has thinne' to the point where it now +ooDs +iDe 'o++ hair 4 it has a p+astic +iDe teCt*re4 an' there is a spot towar's the ?ront o? the center o? my hea' where it )rows short 5 it +ooDs +iDe A'o+? Hit+erAs hair )ene. 2his same sca+p m*tation happene' to my ?rien' #yan Har(ey whi+e he was +i(in) in ;oston '*rin) 2005 < '*rin) this same year 4 accor'in) to a woman whom was +i(in) with =a+erie 0+sonAs imposte*r in a ;oston s*@*r@ 5 this ha' a+so happene' to Mosta?a I@nSa*'. Accor'in) to #ache+ < Mosta?aAs G?rien'G ha' '*mpe' a (ia+ o? hemo)+o@in containin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy nano en)ineere' (ir*s in Mosta?a I@nSa*'As @eer 4 which ca*se' Mosta?aAs hair to thin in a stran)e pattern an' a +ocD in the ?ront to )row shorter. :hen I met Mosta?a in 200% 4 his hair was approCimate+y as +on) as my own < '*rin) the year 2005 or 200E when I met Mosta?a a secon' time 4 Mosta?aAs hair was sti++ the same +en)th as it ha' @een in 200% 4 I 'i' not notice i? it ha' thinne'. 2his poisonin) o? @e(era)es with Nano 1n)ineere' =ir*s c*+t*re' in Hemo)+o@in carryin) 3NA Proteins in the same str*ct*re as =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy metho's 4 is eCact+y what 2ony Grasseti ha' 'escri@e' Aaron 1man*e+e ha' 'one to a ?rien' o? his '*rin) 200%. It has @een 'etermine' that @oth =a+erie 0+sonAs imposte*r ?rom the year 200E as we++ as her roommate whom I @e+ie(e was name' #ache+ 4 were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces '*rin) possi@+y the year 200%. It has @een pro(en that amon)st the )*i+ty 2errorist 7rimina+ .action o? in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e committe' this attacD an' these Ne*roScience H*man =i(isections 4 there are a ?ew in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e @een manip*+atin) the (ictims to speci?ic wor's at speci?ic times. 2he science *se' '*rin) these attacDs is the same science as =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy. 2his metho' o? Genetic M*tation is ca*se' @y an a+teration o? a (ira+ or)anism at the microscopic +e(e+4 this is achei(e' @y metho' o? nano en)ineerin) which in(o+(es imp+antin) )enetic 3NA proteins into the (ir*s which ca*ses the )enetic 3NS to rep+ace the eH*i(i+ant )enetic 3NA on the or)anismAs Genetic 3NA str*ct*re. Usin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy science ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) *neCpectin) (ictims or sprea'in) here'itary )enetic 'iseases amon)st a pop*+ation o? peop+e 4 is =ira+ :ar?are 5 this is a 7rime A)ainst H*manity an' is a :ar 7rime4 an in'i(i'*a+ or .action which has committe' this sort o? an attacD is an 1nemy 7om@atant as a res*+t o? this crime. :hi+e +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 I witnesse' 2 'i??erent men show *p ?or co*rt hearin)s in MerrimacD NewHampshire c+aimin) to @e my ?ather #*sse++ MacPherson. 2his

sho*+' @e recor'e' @y Sec*rity 7amera at the MerrimacD NewHampshire 7o*rtHo*se. A@o*t 3 'ays a?ter I mo(e' into the @*i+'in) 5 I opene' my 'oor to ?in' that a man o? Ita+ian an' 3e*tsche ancestry who seeme' most pro@a@+y to @e o? Swiss Nationa+ity was stan'in) o*tsi'e the room. 2his man was approCimate+y 5A8G4 was wearin) Ieans 4 a co++are' short s+ee(e shirt 4 an' Ita+ian +eather @oots simi+ar to 7ow@oy ;oots. I am ass*min) that this man was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. :hen I opene' the 'oor4 this man ha' a notepa' in his han's an' was writin) on it whi+e +ooDin) in the 'irection o? my 'oor 5 he seeme' start+e' (ery s+i)ht+y 4 when I opene' the 'oor. 2his notepa' remin'e' me o? 1' .arrachi :arren an' his recor'in) o? +icense p+ate n*m@ers as we++ as times an' 'ates '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 4 whi+e we were at worD 5 1' a+ways seeme' to @e reportin) in?ormation re)ar'in) speci?ic c*stomers to =ittorio 1man*e+e. 3*rin) this ?irst weeD o? my +i(in) at this +ocation 5 an e+'er+y Sici+ian man who +i(e' on the secon' ?+oor in the apartment a@o(e mine to+' me that he was G7oachAs sonG. G7oachG was the nicDname o? one o? the men who worDe' in the o??ice. 2he man who c+aime' to @e 7oachAs son appeare' to @e approCimate+y 20 years o+'er than him. :hi+e I was +i(in) at this apartment in Nash*a NewHampshire '*rin) 2012 4 a woman arri(e' at my 'oor ?o*r times preten'in) to @e my mother 5 this woman was not my mother an' was incre'i@+y ?ri)htene' when I con?ronte' her a@o*t it. She was terri?ie'. I thinD that she was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim. I am not s*re where this woman is ?rom. She has now @een rep+ace' with a woman who is 'e?inite+y Ita+ian. My mother 3e@ra $a(oie MacPherson was o? .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 .ranDic American 4 an' Irish race. I am eCtreme+y worrie' a@o*t my Mother as we++ as am I worrie' a@o*t this woman who was @rie?+y @ein) ?orce' to +i(e as imposte*r o? my Mother. 2he imposte*r o? my Mother who appeare' to @e an a@*se (ictim < 'i' not seem to speaD 1n)+ish (ery ?+*ent+y 4 @*t her accent a+most matche' my MotherAs 5 there was a point when her (oice sai' GSwipperG instea' o? Swi??er. I am a?rai' that this woman may @e 'ea'4 that she may ha(e trie' to r*n to )et he+p4 an' a+so that this woman may possi@+y @e o? a race that is tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e 5 as my MotherAs race is o@(io*s+y tar)ette' ?or 2ota+ Genoci'e @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e whom ha(e committe' horri@+e 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in the re)ion an' are attemptin) to e+iminate a++ e(i'ence o? these crimes as we++ as e+iminate a++ in(esti)ations in(o+(in) their SeC 2ra??icDin) which is 'e?inite+y a 7rime A)ainst H*manity. :hi+e +i(in) in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 I attempte' to contact the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations *sin) my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 5 the te+ephone ca++ was intercepte' an' a recor'in) o? my se+? ta+Din) to a te+emarDeter was a*'io '*@@e' as i? the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations was respon'in) to me with my ha+? o? the a*'io tracD. My ha+? o? this a*'io tracD was a recor'in) o? my se+? ta+Din) to a 2e+emarDeter who ha' @een repeate'+y ca++in) my ?ather #*sse++ MacPhersonAs ho*se 4 9ennethAs B*''As home te+ephone at the Haywar' Street A''ress 4 an' my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone '*rin) my re+ationship with Min'y 9ern < this te+emarDeter imme'iate+y @e)an their sa+es pitch a?ter I answere' the phone 4 to which I imme'iate+y inter*pte' an' rep+ie' GIAm sorry sir a whatNO a whatNO Um... no I am not intereste'.G. Min'y tho*)ht that this was hi+ario*s @eca*se I was imme'iate+y eCtreme+y r*'e to the te+emarDeter an' spoDe in a (oice that was (ery *ncharacteristic o? my se+?. 2his recor'in) was *se' to intercept my phone ca++ to ..;.I. in :ashin)ton 3.7. when I attempte' to ca++

?rom my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone in Nash*a NewHampshire. 2he en' part o? the con(ersation was a short piece o? a simi+ar (oice that state' GI am sorry 4 I am )oin) to ha(e to p*t yo* on ho+'.G . I attempte' to ca++ the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations approCimate+y 10 times in the year 2012 4 an' the te+ephone con(ersation was c*t o?? at the comm*nications ser(er. 2he ?act that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy can interr*pt an' intercept te+ephone con(ersations at the 7omm*nications Ser(ers is an eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s ?act < this com@ine' with the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'ier in the Po+ice .orce an' B*'icia+ System 4 has @een @ein) *se' ?or p*rposes o? Genoci'e an' 3isa@+in) o? 2ar)ette' .ami+ies @y means o? Unri)hteo*s 7on(iction. I? a tar)et is incarcerate' in a Iai+ or prison ?aci+ity4 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is capa@+e o? interr*ptin) te+ephone con(ersations at the 7omm*nications Ser(er @y metho' o? 7omp*ter HacDin) < the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is a+so capa@+e o? comp+ete+y in?i+tratin) entire Bai+ or Prison ?aci+ities with in'i(i'*a+s whom are possessin) o? sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation ?or P*rpose o? 3i)*ise 5 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action are c*rrent+y eCterminatin) +ists o? ?ami+ies in North America an' ha(e a@*se' the I'enti?ication System as we++ as 'ominate' a++ 'isc*ssion o? Nationa+ I'enti?ication in the U.S.A. 4 Banet Napo+itano has not he+pe' the U.S.A. with this pro@+em. 0? eCtreme 'an)er 4 is the ?act that Bai+ Me'ica+ .aci+ities an' Prison Me'ica+ .aci+ities can @e easi+y emp+oye' ?or 3e(io*s P*rpose @y 7o(ert A)ents worDin) ?rom within the $aw 1n?orcement an' Prison 1mp+oyment. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action is an Amora+ist .action 4 which is @asica++y an Aristocratic G+o@a+ist Mi+itant 7rime Syn'icate 5 their .actionAs )oa+ is e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 3*e to their Amora+ist =a+*es 4 the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action ha(e @een a@+e to easi+y +ie a@o*t e(en the meanin) o? the termino+o)y A6IS < the A6IS i'entity is an Amora+ist G+o@a+ist Neo #oman Imperia+ist I'entity 4 the wor' Me'i2erranean means Go? the 7enter or Mi''+e +ocation o? the 1arthG 5 '*rin) the hei)ht o? itAs eCpansion 4 the #oman 1mpire encompasse' a++ o? the Me'iterranean Shore+ine. 2he #oman 1mpire an' A+eCan'er the Great are mentione' n*mero*s times in the @ooD GMein 9amp?G as we++ as in B*+i*s 1(o+aAs writin)s. 3e*tsche Nationa+ism is not tr*e+y the A6IS I'entity. A'o+? Hit+er was a 7o(ert A)ent whom was the patri+inea+ ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' was primari+y o? $om@ar'ic Ita+ian #ace an' o? a sma++ amo*nt o? Aosta @io+o)ica+ re+ation on his @io+o)ica+ MotherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. 3*rin) the A*t*mn o? the approCimate year 1""5 4 whi+e in Home#oom '*rin) the mornin) at Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire < #ache+ Gar(ey was 'isc*ssin) with Bason ;e++emore his hairc*t 4 which was a +on) ?a*C hawD that ?+oppe' on the si'e 5 Bason ;e++emore to+' #ache+ Gar(ey GSome@o'y sai' it +ooDs simi+ar to A'o+? Hit+erAs hair c*t 4 @*t I 'onAt thinD so. I +iDe it.G to which #ache+ Gar(ey rep+ie' G I 'onAt thinD that i +ooDs simi+ar to A'o+? Hit+erAs hair c*t. /o*Are not Ita+ian anyways. 2he name is German 4 @*t he was act*a++y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian. He was the ha+? @rother o? the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy o? Ita+y. /o*Are American.G. 2o which Bason ;e++emore respon'e' GMy .ather Dnows =ictor. HeAs the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy.G an' #ache+ Gar(ey asDe' him 4 GAre yo* o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy.G which res*+te' in Bason ;e++emoreAs rep+y 4 GNo act*a++y. Aosta. Not me. IA(e )ot the @+oo'+ine. ItAs A*strian. My 3r' 7o*sin on my MotherAs si'e is Aosta. HeAs a +itera+ 9ni)ht o? Aosta. I I*st ha(e an ancestor who was a 9ni)ht o? Aosta. IAm act*a++y A*strian. 2he name is in my 3a'As .ami+y @*t he is act*a++y more than ha+? A*strian 4 too. So... he co*+' ha(e @een a co*sin o? mine.

Um... A'o+? 4 that is.G . #ache+ Gar(ey then sai' to Bason ;e++emore 4 G:e++ 4 yo* ha(e a nice name Bason ;e++emore. ItAs an American name 4 yo* sho*+' @e pro*'.G a?ter which Bason ;e++emore sai' somethin) simi+ar to GI am pro*'. ... an' yo* sho*+' @e care?*+ what yo* say.G a?terwhich he wa+De' away. Bason ;e++emoreAs s*@t+e threat to #ache+ Gar(ey 4 a?ter her mentionin) o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y @ein) ?act*a++y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 was spoDen simi+ar+y to how 2ony Grasseti speaDs a threat. A?ter Bason spoDe this s*@t+e threat to #ache+ Gar(ey < he wa+De' o*t o? the c+assroom an' #ache+ Gar(ey p*t her hea' 'own on the 'esD an' @e)an to cry ?or a moment. N*mero*s peop+e asDe' #ache+ what was wron) an' i? she was a+ri)ht 4 @*t she wo*+' not rep+y with any in?ormation < she simp+y to+' them 4 GNothin). ItAs nothin). I am ?ine. He 'i'nAt say anythin). ItAs a+ri)ht.G. A+so in this c+assroom at the time was 1riDa .ein)o+' an' Benna H*'son 5 the two o? them hea' this an' H*estione' #ache+ Gar(ey a@o*t it +ater. I ha(e notice' on the .ace;ooD Pro?i+es o? the two o? them that there are photo)raphs o? imposte*rs posin) as 1riDa .ein)o+' an' Benna H*'son. 1riDe .ein)o+'As an' Benna H*'sonAs ?ami+ies are 'e?inite+y tar)ets o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy now. It is 'e?inite that Bason ;e++emore who +i(e' in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 was a 'istant co*sin o? A'o+? Hit+er. It is a+so 'e?inite that within one year time span o? the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 #o@ert #o'on to+' 7hristopher #o'on that GtheyG were )oin) to @e Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) the entirety o? the North American .irst Nations #aces an' that the Ma+es were )oin) to @e m*r'ere' an' the ?ema+es were )oin) to @e #ape' an' SeC 2ra??icDe'. #o@ert #o'on is a Genoci'a+ 2errorist < '*rin) my chi+'hoo' 4 I @e+ie(e' that his son 7hristopher #o'on was my G;est .rien'G 5 I +ater 'isco(ere' that the #o'on ?ami+y was or'ere' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to tracD my se+? an' my ?ami+y. 2he year @e?or this 4 when I was in the 5th Gra'e at the #ee's.erry 1+ementary Schoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 #ache+ Gar(ey an' my se+? were in the same 1+ementary Schoo+ 7+ass < Mrs. Hoo' 4 )a(e a History $esson e'*catin) *s a@o*t :or+' :ar 2 an' Gthe Na>isG which res*+te' in her cryin) speaDin) GI 'onAt Dnow why I ha(e to teach yo* these thin)s 4 chi+'ren. IAm sorry.G an' she contin*e' to state that 4 G2he Na>is wo*+' not +et yo* +i(e *n+ess yo* ha(e ;+on'e Hair an' ;+*e 1yes. 2hey Di++e' e(eryone who 'i' not ha(e ;+on'e Hair an' ;+*e 1yes. 2hey @e+ie(e' in the Aryan #ace (ery stron)+y an' Di++e' anyone who was not p*re@re' Aryan.G. 3*rin) this +ect*re 4 #ache+ Gar(ey who was an American Gir+ who ha' ;+on'e Hair an' ;+*e 1yes < state' G2hatAs act*a++y not tr*e. 2he Germans are Germanic +iDe me. My 3a' eCp+aine' it to me that the @ooD is wron). 2he Aryans are peop+e who +ooD +iDe the peop+e in In'ia. A'o+? Hit+erAs hair wasnAt @+on'e an' he 'i'nAt ha(e @+*e eyes.G a?ter which I state' 4 GMy 3a' is an Aryan. 0h may@e not. HeAs a =iDin) 4 he has ;+on'e Hair an' ;+*e 1yes.G to which #ache+ Gar(ey respon'e' 4 GItAs not Aryan 4 +isten to what I I*st sai'.' thatAs @eca*se yo*r 'a' is the same race as me. ItAs Germanic. Gae+ic is +iDe that too @*t itAs part 7e+tic. ItAs not Aryan.G. #ache+ Gar(ey was an eCtreme+y inte++i)ent person. It is pro@a@+e that #ache+ Gar(eyAs ?ami+y Dnew the same thin)s my ?ami+y an' my co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y Dnew a@o*t the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the A6IS. It is 'e?inite that #ache+ Gar(eyAs ?ami+y are a #acia+ 2ar)et o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' it is 'e?inite that @eca*se o? her eCpression o? Dnow+e')e concernin) what A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y was an' the ?act that Bason ;e++emoreAs 7o*sin is a 9ni)ht o? Aosta whoAs ?ami+y mo(e' to the U.S.A. with the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ ?ami+y when A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y ?+e' the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 5 is the reason why #ache+ Gar(ey an' her ?ami+y are 'e?inite+y c*rrent+y tar)ette' @y them ?or Genoci'e. Bason ;e++emoreAs ?ami+yAs name may ha(e @een sto+en ?rom a Genoci'e =ictimsA .ami+y in

North America 4 it is a+so possi@+e that it may @e that his patri+inea+ +inea)e is ?act*a++y An)+o SaCon USAmerican. Bason ;e++emore +ooDe' possi@+y 3Q% A*strian an' possi@+y a miC o? some other races 4 which were pro@a@+y Ita+ian 4 3e*tsche 4 an' An)+o SaCon. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a man with his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' name was wearin) a NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment Uni?orm an' was worDin) ?or the MerrimacD NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment 4 or the ;e'?or' NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment 4 or possi@+y Nash*a or Amherst. 2his man was *sin) Bason ;e++emoreAs name an' was worDin) in the Po+ice 3epartment near MerrimacD NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 1""8 or 1""" 4 #o@ May to+' my se+? an' Bason Be??rey that he I*st ?o*n' o*t that #o@As an' his @rother Peter MayAs ?rien' 7ha' Gro+sch I*st )ot to+' @y his ?rien' that 7ha'As ?rien'As co*sin was a 9ni)ht o? Aosta an' +i(e' in the North 1ast #e)ion o? the U.S.A. < this was 7ha' Gro+schAs ?rien' who was Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin. #o@ May eCp+aine' to *s that in this same weeD 4 #o@ MayAs co*sin to+' his e+'er @rother that his ?rien' who was #ache+ Gar(eyAs co*sin eCp+aine' to him that #ache+ Gar(ey was threatene' @y Bason ;e++emore when she eCp+aine' to some@o'y that A'o+? Hit+er was o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was o? some Aosta ?ami+ia+ an' @io+o)ica+ re+ation. #o@ May to+' Bason Be??rey an' my se+? that he was )ettin) ner(o*s an' that he was a?rai' that he was )oin) to @e Di++e' ?or +earnin) what he ha' I*st +earne'. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 an imposte*r *sin) 7ha' Gro+schAs America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er Acco*nt - P0G7#USH1#88 8 instant messa)e' me an' sent me a photo)raph o? an imposte*r o? Pete May ho+'in) a si)n. 2he man +ooDe' simi+ar to Pete May an' I was to+' that he was Pete May 4 @*t was not Pete May 5 he was ho+'in) a racist si)n. In the year 1""" or 2000 4 whi+e in Mr.Gotsi++As c+ass < I was assi)ne' the proIect o? writin) a report a@o*t Martin $*ther 9in) Br.As +i?e 4 '*rin) this report I eCp+aine' that some peop+e ha' acc*se' Martin $*ther 9in) Br. o? p+a)iari>in) one o? 9ar+ MarCAs essays '*e to his paraphrasin) o? the same (a+*es. 3*rin) the year 2005 < what I s*spect was an imposte*r *sin) 7ha' Gro+schAs name an' an A.0.$. I.M. ScreenName Po)7r*sher88 4 sent me a photo)raph o? what was inten'e' to appear to @e himse+? ho+'in) a si)n that sai' on it GMartin $*ther 9in) Br. :as a 7omm*nist.G 5 it is 'e?inite that Mr.Gotsi++ Dnew Be??erson 3a(is persona++y an' was ?rien's with him an' possi@+y 'istant co*sins 4 Be?? 3a(is @ecame a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen @*t was not a++owe' to @ecome an Aristocrat o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*e to his @ein) ha+? Israe+i. I @e+ie(e that it was #o@ #o'on that +ie' to Be?? 3a(is an' to+' him that I was Gan A'o+? Hit+er worshipperG. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e or'ere' NicD Ma))iore to arran)e ?or an imposte*r o? 7ha' Gro+sch to ho+' G#acist PicDet Si)nsG with him an' han' the imposte*r o? 7ha' Gro+sch one that rea' GMartin $*ther 9in) Br. was a 7omm*nist.G. 2here was at +east one in'i(i'*a+ who was a re+ati(e o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as at +east one in'i(i'*a+ who was a re+ati(e o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 in Mr.Gotsi++As c+assroom '*rin) the same c+ass as my se+? '*rin) the year 1""" or 2000. Bason ;e++emore may ha(e @een present '*rin) this c+ass. 7ha' Gro+sch was ?rien's with Pete May 4 #o@ May 4 an' A++ison 7*nni)ham o? MerrimacD NewHampshire. It is )oin) to @e necessary ?or the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a to )rant Amnesty to a sma++ n*m@er o? .ami+ies re+ate' to the A6IS .ami+ies 4 ?ami+ies re+ate' to A6IS S+eeper 7e++s 4 an' ?ami+ies re+ate' to the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy thro*)h marria)e < as we++ as the A*strian Ho*se o? Aosta thro*)h marria)e 5 this Amnesty wo*+' @e necessary to )reat on the con'ition that they testi?y a)ainst the )*i+ty parties concernin) their .orei)n $oya+ity to a Mi+itant Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action o? :ar 7rimina+s whom are .orei)n to North AmericaAs soi+. 2his con'itiona+ )rantin) o? Amnesty is ?or the p*rpose o?

ai'in) in(esti)ations 4 @ein) a@+e to enact a meritocratic stan'ar' o? Amnesty is ?or the p*rpose o? ena@+in) the U.S.A. Go(ernment to #ePatriate Innocent .ami+ies o? @io+o)ica+ re+ation to A6IS S+eeper 7e++ .ami+ies who are non comp+iant with in(esti)ations @y reason o? 'enia+ o? Dnow+e')e. An entire ?ami+y with Dnow+e')e o? the eCistence o? a Genoci'a+ .action 4 that ?or some reason can not @e con(icte' 5 m*st @e #ePatriate' to their Nationa+ Home+an'. I? a ?ami+y o? A6IS #ace 'enies Dnow+e')e o? their @io+o)ica+ ?ami+yAs eCistence as a S+eeper 7e++ .ami+y 4 they m*st @e #ePatriate' '*e to re?*sa+ to capit*+ate with the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense ?or p*rpose o? protectin) the North American #aces ?rom 2ota+ Genoci'e. An in'i(i'*a+ who testi?ies a)ainst a Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action sho*+' @e )rante' Amnesty on an in'i(i'*a+ @asis 4 as an in'i(i'*a+ person. 2he U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense may +acD the a@i+ity to 3ec+are :ar *pon the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as a res*+t o? Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS A)ents worDin) ?rom within the 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 the Po+ice 3epartments 4 the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 the 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency 4 the U.S.A. Posta+ Ser(ice 4 an' the 1Cec*ti(e ;ranch o? )o(ernment. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e taDen a'(anta)e o? the Pop*+ation 3i(ersity o? the U.S.A. an' ha(e committe' acts o? Genoci'e since they immi)rate' to the U.S.A. 4 witho*t @ein) ca*)ht ?or reason that the tar)ets are o?ten racia+ tar)ets an' ?ami+iies < an' the pop*+ation ratio is so 'i(erse that the )enoci'e is camo*?+a)e' @y the contin*e' eCistence o? (ario*s other races an' ?ami+ies. It is a 'e?inite threat that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy co*+' Geno'ica++y 1Cterminate the North American #aces 4 eCpan' the @or'ers o? U.S.A. to a North American Union @y (ote 4 an' a n*m@er o? )enerations +ater *se the 'i(ersity to in?i+trate (ario*s nations with 7rimina+ 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ents as we++ as 'ra?t a mi+itary o? racia++y 'i(erse pop*+ation an' emp+oy them to act co(ert+y as .+as .+a) Mi+itant Specia+ 0perations Assa*+t 2eams. 2he Sh*t>Sta??e+ was comprise' o? a +on) +ist o? Nations with their own Sh*t>Sta??e+ $e)ions. A'o+? GHit+erG was a 7o(ert A)ent worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' was the @io+o)ica+ patri+inea+ ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 2he " 11 2errorist AttacDs were ?o++owe' @y a 7o(ert Genoci'e which has @een committe' an' Dept co(ert @y Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper So+'iers in North America. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e Ara@ian A6IS connections sti++ as we++ as connections to Ara@ian ?ami+ies who are ?rom the same re)ions as the hiIacDers < Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 whom they attempte' to ?rame ?or H*man =i(isection an' Genoci'e 5 is ha+? Moroccan an' ha+? Sa*'i Ara@ian4 is the co*sin o? the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 4 an' has +i(e' in the Massach*settes re)ion in the U.S.A. most o? his +i?e. It is a 'e?inite ?act that the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are Dnow+e')ea@+e concernin) who committe' the " 11 2errorist AttacDs 4 who pro(i'e' the 3emo+itions 1Cp+osi(es an' :ire+ess G3ia+ UpG 3etonators en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts 4 as we++ as the ?act*a+ +itera+ i'entity o? G0sama ;in$a'enG an' his Ara@ian A6IS networD to which they are partnere'. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces which are c*rrent+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in H*man crani*ms in North America an' e+sewhere are networDe' to (ario*s Internet NetworDin) Protoco+s inc+*'in) Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 5 Airp+anes carry shipments which are ta))e' with G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ices that are networDe' to Shippin) F .rei)ht Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ on a G+o@a+ Positionin) System. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is capa@+e o? contro++in) a h*man @o'y as a #o@ot. It is possi@i+ity that S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were *se' to #o@ot the Airp+ane HiIacDers to HiIacD the Airp+ane < it is a+so possi@+e ?or them to ha(e @een con(ince' to 'o this @y ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace interaction with their @rain whi+e they were *naware that this ha' @een occ*rrin). 2his

'e(ices #o*ter is a G+o@a+ Positionin) System A#G0S 3e(ice an' is ?*++y ?*nctionin) on airp+anes 4 on mo*ntains 4 *n'er s*@ ways 4 *n'er water 4 in ?orests 5 an' it stays networDe' re)ar'+ess o? weather con'itions. It is a+so tr*e that these 'e(ices are @ein) *se' @y SeC 2ra??icDers 4 SeC 2ra??icDers *n'erstan' Hosta)e 7risis Psycho+o)y (ery we++ an' wo*+' @e capa@+e o? taDen ?ami+ies as hosta)e anonymo*s+y with SDi MasDs on an' *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to contro+ the reactions o? some o? the ma+es o? the ?ami+ies which were taDen hosta)e < '*rin) which Hosta)e 7risis 4 they co*+' ha(e 'eman'e' ?rom the sons o? the ?ather o? the ?ami+y or the ?athers 5 that they 9amiDa>ee an AirP+ane ?i++e' with ci(i+ians at @*i+'in)s ?i++e' with ci(i+ians an' 'eman'e' to see it on te+e(ision. Some o? the .ami+ies that mo(e' to the U.S.A. who co*+' @e potentia++y A6IS 4 are in ?act not A6IS @*t ?+e' Genoci'e ?rom Nations with A6IS .actions. My co*sins 2y+er MacPherson an' 3e(on MacPherson were 1Q% A*strian < their )ran'mother Irma was ?rom A*stria 4 she marrie' my *nc+e 2roy MacPhersonAs .ather in $aw Bames Hemeon who was an American that was 1Q% Irish an' 3Q% An)+o Gae+ic American. IrmaAs ?ami+y +e?t A*stria @eca*se o? tra*matic memories a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 when she was a chi+'. Irma Hemeon ha' Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er which she acH*ire' '*rin) an in(asion 5 she ha' memories o? the city that she +i(e' in @ein) hit @y mortar ro*n's an' @om@s 4 ?ire 4 an' ci(i+ians a++ aro*n' her 'yin). Her ?ami+y ?+e' the city '*rin) the A6IS in(asion an' her memories were o? ha(in) to r*n ?rom the city with her parents 4 whi+e e(erythin) was on ?ire an' ci(i+ians a++ aro*n' her were 'yin). Irma seeme' incre'i@+y A)orapho@ic 4 she was (ery care?*+ wa+Din) o*t'oors 4 in the wi+'s < an' e(en in'oors 4 steppin) o(er entry ways into rooms an' wa+Din) 'own stairs. Irma was a =ictim o? the Ho+oca*st an' the A6IS 0cc*pation o? A*stria 4 herse+?. It seems +o)ica+ that the A6IS was an Aristocratic #e@e++ion a)ainst the Mo'ern Par+iament 4 concepts o? Nationa+ism 4 :orDin) 7+ass $a@o*r Party Socia+ist 1conomics. B*+i*s 1(o+a wrote a@o*t G2ra'itiona+ Aristocratic =a+*esG o?ten an' wrote a@o*t the #oman 1mpire o?ten < B*+i*s 1(o+aAs phi+osophy was simi+ar to #oman Phi+osophy 4 it was o?ten syncretic an' o? a com@ination o? m*+tip+e pre eCistant Phi+osphies an' Sciences co++ecti(e+y. B*+i*s 1(o+a wrote a@o*t the Sh*t>Sta??e+ in a speci?ic manner that was ?or the p*rpose o? ?+atterin) the N.S.3.A.P. 4 to pro(i'e a 'istraction in his +iterat*re to those who were a+i)ne' with 3e*tsche Nationa+ists an' were not o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oys 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++s in 3e*tsche+an' who in?i+trate' the N.S.3.A.P. an' Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the 3e*tsche Go(ernment as we++ as the Mi+itary o? 3e*tsche+an' an' per?orme' a Mi+itary 7o*p 'e 1tat which +ater res*+te' in the Genocia+ 1Ctermination o? mi++ions o? ci(i+ians 5 most o? whom were citi>ens o? 3e*tsche+an' whom were o? 3e*tsche 4 Israe+i 4 an' miCe' 3e*tsche an' Israe+i race. 2he 2errorist 7rimina+ Mi+itant .action in North America that is c*rrent+y co(ert+y committin) massi(e pop*+ation Genoci'e is the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who immi)rate' to the U.S.A. a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS < as we++ as a sma++ n*m@er o? .ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta whom were @io+o)ica++y re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er that immi)rate' to North America a?ter the 2n' 'e?eat o? the A6IS an' ha(e since m*+tip+ie' 4 other Sa(oy Aosta miCe' ?ami+ies who ?o*n'e' the A6IS 4 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icates hire' as Mercenaries @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in North America 4 an' other A6IS S+eeper 7e++ .ami+ies worDin) ?or the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action whom are the core ?o*n'in) or)ani>ation that create' the A6IS .action. A+tho*)h it is a stran)e occ*rrance < it is 'e?inite that some o? the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e 'e?ecte' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' ha(e somehow mana)e' to Deep their stan'in) with the Ho*se o? Aosta as 9ni)hts 4 e(en tho*)h they ha' to ?+ee the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s to the U.S.A. . An Aristocratic Ho*se 'oes not typica++y in(a'e their own nation 4 A*stria was 'e?inite+y in(a'e' @y the

A6IS an' there was certain+y 9ni)hts o? Aosta as we++ as @io+o)ica+ re+ati(es o? 9ni)ht o? Aosta whom ?o*n'e' the A6IS .action with )+o@a+ Aristocratic 7rime Syn'icate that primari+y consists o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 3*rin) the year 2010 < an imposte*r o? MiDe Smith o? the U+?ar o? Bera 2heo' appeare' in NewHampshire 5 Michae+ Smith whom was my ?rien' 4 was an Asatr* Gothi. 3*rin) this time perio' 4 an imposte*r o? #on ;oar'man o? the New An)+ia 2heo' rep+ace' #on ;oar'man as we++. 2here c*rrent+y appears to @e an imposte*r o? ;erry 7anote posin) in photo)raphs on ;erry 7anoteAs .ace@ooD pro?i+e 5 ;erry 7anote was the )othi o? the Mercin)a #ice 2heo' an' an Asatr* +iterary a*thor whom wrote @ooDs pertainin) to the Asatr* #e+i)ion an' c*stoms eCc+*si(e to An)+o SaCon 2ra'itiona+ .o+D #e+i)ion. 1mi+y Is+es o? the 0ntario Asatr* 9in're' is missin) an' is @e+ie(e' to ha(e @een a@'*cte' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames. 1mi+y Is+esAs @oy?rien' $ance has @een missin) an' there is an imposte*r o? $ance on $ance Minsha++As ?ace@ooD < the imposte*r o? $ance +ooDs to @e o? a S+a(ic race 4 possi@+y Ser@ian. 3*rin) the years 200% 2010 5 1mi+y Is+eAs MySpace was ca++e' 1mo2a*r. 2he Asatr* comm*nity has o@(io*s+y @een tar)ette' @y this operation. It seems that #e+i)io*s pop*+ations an' partic*+ar+y .o+D #e+i)ions s*ch as Asatr* 4 B*'aism 4 Sanatana 3harma &Hin'*st(a, 4 Shinto 4 .irst Nations 4 Serer re+i)ion 4 an' the =o'o* comm*nity are tar)ets. 2he i'entity o? this terrorist ?action is G+o@a+ist Socia+ 3arwinist 7rimina+ Me)a+omaniacist an' is +acDin) o? any i'ea+ @esi'es +imit+ess sa'istic se+? empowerment < the maIority o? these 2errorist 7rimina+s are SeC 2ra??icDers 4 Pe'orast 7hi+' Mo+esters @y tra'e4 an' H*man =i(isectionists 5 this ?action en)a)es in or)ani>e' crimina+ H*man 2ra??icDin) as a +i?esty+e. 2he c*rrent attacD *pon the Asatr* comm*nity has shown o@(io*s te++ ta+e si)ns that it has @een in?+*ence' @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)y < his essay GA)ainst the Neo Pa)ansG has @een in?+*entia+ in the *nappropriate +a@e+in) o? .o+D #e+i)ion as GNeo Pa)anismG an' has @een in?+*entia+ in eCtremist circ+es o? 2errorist 7rimina+s whom ha(e @een committin) Genoci'a+ :ar 7rimes *pon pop*+ations o@ser(ant o? .o+D #e+i)ions. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy connection to this )+o@a+ assa*+t on o*r re+i)io*s comm*nities is 'e?inite 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e I= is a 2errorist 7rime $or' o? the same 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? which B*+i*s 1(o+a was a+so a 2errorist 7rime $or'. 2he other o@(io*s primary ?actor in(o+(e' in this comp+eC scenario is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ear o? @ein) eCpose' as the son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs nephew an' a pe'orast SeC 2ra??icDer @oth. 3*rin) the year 2011 5 on .ace;ooD.7om < Michae+ SmithAs an' 7athryn ;*rDeAs .ace;ooD Pro?i+es 'roppe' me ?rom their ?rien's +ist. A++ o? their recent photos ha' @een remo(e' ?rom their photo a+@*ms< on+y co++e)e pict*res o? themse+(es are sti++ poste' a+on)si'e the newer photos o? imposte*rs who are preten'in) to @e them. 2here is a pict*re o? a man who appears to @e S+a(ic4 preten'in) to @e MiDe Smith on his .ace@ooD. 3*rin) the 2013 Pa)anPri'e 3ay4 there was an imposte*r o? MiDe Smith with two chi+'ren whom were approCimate+y 5 years yo*n)er than Si)ny an' 2iarnan. Pa)anPri'e 3ay is a re+i)io*s ?esti(a+ ?or (ario*s .o+D #e+i)ions < '*rin) the 200! Pa)an Pri'e 3ay 4 MiDe Smith con'*cte' a seminar '*rin) which he )a(e an e'*cationa+ +ect*re re)ar'in) Asatr* an' Germanic .*tharD a+pha@et. 2here is an imposte*r on #on ;oar'manAs ?ace@ooD now4 the man in some o? the photos appears to @e 100S $om@ar'ic Ita+ian. 2he man that I met '*rin) 2011 that was +i(in) in #on ;oar'manAs home in 2roy NewHampshire was an imposte*r who was preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man 4 this man was 'e?inite+y entire+y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian an' +ooDe' possi@+y @io+o)ica++y

re+ate' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e < the ?act*a+ #on ;oar'man was entire+y An)+o Gae+ic USAmerican. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e @ecame paranoi' that the Asatr* 7omm*nity ha' @ecome an entire+y Dnow+e')ea@+e socia+ networD concernin) =ittorio 1man*e+e III @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? @rother. 2he attacDs *pon the Asatr* comm*nity @e)an with the 1man*e+esA attacDs *pon 1mi+y Is+es 4 1mi+yAs @oy?rien' $ance 4 Michae+ Moynihan 4 my se+? 4 #a)nar 9ar+son 4 Swain :o'enin) 4 Stacy Sea@*ry 4 #on ;oar'man 4 $i++y P+aise 4 Michae+ Smith 4 Bames HI*Da 7o*+t*re 4 7athryn ;*rDe 4 JGr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sisterK 4 Stephen McNa++en 4 an' the ?ami+ies o? a++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s. 3*rin) the year 2012 < an imposte*r pro?i+e o? my ?rien' #a)nar 9ar+son was p*@+ishe' on ?ace@ooD. 2here was a pict*re o? some@o'y on his ?ace@ooD whom is o? an entire+y 'i??erent race 4 the ?act*a+ #a)nar 9ar+son is Ice+an'ic. #a)narAs s*rname was spe++e' incorrect+y as we++ 5 9ar+sson was spe++e' with two SAs. 3*rin) the year 2012 4 It seeme' that there was a pro@+em with the internet ser(er to which the Nash*a P*@+ic $i@rary was connecte' in Nash*a NewHampshire. 3*rin) 20124 I was *sin) the internet at the +i@rary '*rin) attempts to sen' my :itness 2estimonia+ re)ar'in) this series o? 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 5 most o? my emai+s were @+ocDe'4 *na@+e to @e recei(e'4 or @o*nce' @acD ret*rne'. 2here seems to ha(e @een a pro@+em at the Internet Ser(er. M*ch o? the mai+ that I attempte' to sen' o*t '*rin) the year 2012 was ret*rne' *n'e+i(era@+e or was +ost. 3*rin) 2012 < it seeme' pro@a@+e that a''ress on the internet were a+tere' to 'isp+ay incorrect a''resses. 2he 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency emai+ contact ?orm on the 7.I.A. :e@site was @roDen an' ha' not @een worDin) ?or the entire year o? 2012. 3*rin) the year 2012 4 I attempte' to contact the 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency an' .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations o??ices @y way o? te+ephone on+y to ?in' that the te+ephone ser(er comp*ter ha' @een hacDe' an' *se' to 'isconnect me as soon as I @e)an to speaD to someone. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+esA con(einient+y *se' the Anonymo*s Mo(ement as a smoDescreen ?or their own 1+ectronic 2errorist :ar?are an' Sa@ota)e o? 7omm*nication. 3*rin) the year 2012 < It @ecame eCtreme+y o@(io*s that Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++ A)ents an' so+'iers o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e sto+en i'entity 'ata inc+*'in) photo)raphs4 ha(e *se' ?acia+ reco)nition so?tware to ?in' potentia+ swap (ictims to *se as rep+acement imposte*rs4 may ha(e sto+en sec*rity so?tware 4 an' ha(e 'e?inite+y in?i+trate' the Unite' States o? America 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es ?or p*rpose o? ?or)in) I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. It is o@(io*s that this .action has a+so *se' MySpace.7om an' .ace;ooD.7om to match ?aces in comparison to in'i(i'*a+s who +i(e in entire+y 'i??erent +ocations inc+*'in) ?orei)n nationa+s that ha(e @een taDen hosta)e an' *se' to rep+ace in'i(i'*a+s o? appearance simi+ar to their own as imposte*rs to ho+' their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or reason that they are easier to contro+ 5 this tactic eChi@its the psycho+o)y o? a SeC 2ra??icDer. 3*rin) the year 2012 5 I atten'e' a Psychiatric 7o*nci+in) appointment with a Psychiatric 7o*nci+or name' 2om ;*rwe++. 3*rin) this appointment < 2om ;*rwe++ H*ote' wor' ?or wor'4 somethin) that Boe $e@aron ha' sai' whi+e sittin) on my co*ch in my ?ormer apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments in Manchester NewHampshire5 where i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts ha' @een positione'

@ehin' the wa++s an' ha' @een (i@ratin) a)ainst the wa++ constant+y e(ery time the 1man*e+esA terrorist a)ents recor'e' me @y way o? an internet app+ication +iDe Goo)+ephone an' 7omp*ter. 2his is eCact+y what wa+Dy ta+Dy an' intercom components as we++ as tr*cD ra'io parts an' ?i+m ree+ a*'io recor'ers were *se' ?or '*rin) the #ichar' He+ms MDU+tra an' the :aterGate Scan'a+ o? Presi'ent #ichar' NiConAs A'ministration. A?ter writin) to n*mero*s )o(ernment a)encies 4 ?raternities 4 po+ice 'epartments 4 m*+tip+e nations o? peop+es 4 an' to the +ea'ers o? (ario*s re+i)io*s comm*nities < on 12Q20Q2012 at approCimate+y 1500 PM a po+ice o??icer name' 0??icer 3e@is> arri(e' at my apartment to speaD to me. I was in?orme' @y 0??icer 3e@is> that I am not a++owe' near the Masonic property o? the #isin) S*n $o')e per reH*est o? G#o@ert PorterG '*e to the ?act that I *se' the 'rop@oC to 'e+i(er a copy o? my :itness 2estimonia+ to the .reeMasons. 2he #isin) S*n $o')e was my )reat )ran'?ather A+@ert MacPhersonAs +o')e4 which was part o? the reason ?or my writin) to them < the other reason @ein) that the .reeMasons try to @e )oo' hono*ra@+e an' charita@+e caretaDers o? their comm*nities. A@o*t a ha+? ho*r +ater I wa+De' to the po+ice 'epartment to speaD with the o??icer concernin) what he was to+' a@o*t my +etter an' as to whether or not the po+ice chie? was )i(en the +etter I ha' +e?t ?or him with the woman who worDs in the o??ice. 2hese +etters were on a 73 #om 3=3 in :or'Pa' ?ormat. :ith these +etters I ha' @een inc+*'in) some cross re?erence' in?ormation re)ar'in) this attacD an' these 'e(ices. :ith 0??icer 3e@is> I +e?t another copy o? the +etter an' the in?ormation. :hi+e I was at the Nash*a Po+ice 3epartment 4 0??icer 3e@is> asDe' me a ?ew H*estions which echoe' the H*estions that a Gestapo or an 1insat>)r*ppen wo*+' ha(e @een 'irecte' to asD @y A'o+? Hit+erAs4 Heinrich Himm+erAs4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs @o'y)*ar's. 2hese H*estions were +itera++y G3o yo* Dnow peop+e who are o? the Bewish comm*nityOG an' G3o yo* Dnow .reeMasonsOG I am a+most entire+y positi(e that 0??icer 3e@is> ?ormer+y worDe' in Hampton an' #ye on the seacoast o? NewHampshire an' that he was in(o+(e' in the harassment an' *nconstit*tiona+ 'etainment o? n*mero*s American 7i(i+ians4 many o? whom are o? ?ami+ies who are now missin) as we++ as many o? which ha(e @een rep+ace' @y A)ent Imposte*rs 4 themse+(es. :hi+e +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 I witnesse' two 'i??erent G0??icer 3e@is>G worDin) on '*ty as Po+ice 0??icers '*rin) two 'i??erent shi?ts4 *sin) the same I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) the year 2012 5 artic+es were p*@+ishe' to the internet which @+ame' Asatr* ?or 'r*) a@*se an' (io+ence an' state' that Asatr* was a re+i)ion that promote' s*@stance a@*se an' (io+ence. 3*rin) the year 2012 4 the same Din' o? artic+es were p*@+ishe' concernin) Is+am. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 .i+ 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'ier 7esare G3ia@+oG whom was a )ran'son o? B*+i*s 1(o+as < to+' me to my ?ace twice that my re+i)io*s comm*nity was )oin) to P*r)atory @eca*se Asatr* is not 7atho+icism 5 P*r)atory is 'escri@e' as a p+ace o? a@so+*te si+ence 4 a@so+*te 'arDness 4 an' a@so+*te +one+y iso+ation +iDe a Sensory 3epri(ation So+itary 7on?inement Prison 7e++. 3*rin) approCimate+y the year 200E4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames < tie' *p m*+tip+e ?ema+es an' @+in'e' them with +aser pointers. Many o? the tar)ets o? the 1man*e+esA an' the 1(o+asA ha(e @een Asatr*ars 4 Bews 4 an' M*s+ims as we++ as racia+ tar)ets s*ch as .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 Israe+is 4 Gae+s 4 Scan'ina(ians 4 .ranDs 4 an' An)+o SaCons. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e was ca++e' the Anti 7hrist @y a man who p*@+ishe' an Artic+e a@o*t him 5 this man was name' Be?? #ense. 2he artic+e was p*@+ishe' on #ense.7om. Since this time 4 this Anti 7hrist an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e attempte' to @+ame #e+i)ion ?or their 2errorist .actionAs crimes < this has c*+minate' in the 1man*e+esA p+an to @+ame Is+am an' Ara@ian race ?or their 7rimes A)ainst H*manity4 as a res*+t o? attemptin) to *ti+i>e the :ar 0n 2error as a eCc*se o? con(einience. 2he Asatr* comm*nity an' the Bewish comm*nity @ecame tar)ette' #e+i)io*s 7omm*nities o? the 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime

Syn'icate a)ain '*rin) the year 200% an' Is+am was p+anne' to @e *se' as an eCc*se ?or the 1man*e+esA )enoci'a+ tar)ettin) o? re+i)io*s comm*nities as we++ as racia+ comm*nities s*ch as the .irst Nations Nati(e American races an' others. 12Q22Q12 3*rin) the ?ew months that I spent in Iai+4 a man name' G0>G an' some others @e)an ca++in) me GBacD ;+acDG an' was te++in) the others in the Iai+ that my name was GBacD ;+acDG. 0n Sat*r'ay 3ecem@er 22< a man that +i(es in the @*i+'in) that I +i(e in starte' ca++in) me GBacD ;+acDG an' @e)an a con(ersation with my se+? re?errin) to the .reeMasons4 So+omon4 the Go??iceG o? 1noch4 an' mentione' o??icer 3e@is>. 2his is the thir' time this has happene' to me o*tsi'e o? Iai+< I ne(er *se a pse*'onym ?or any reason an' it was stran)e that this man ha' mentione' the po+ice o??icer in the way that he ha'. 0> ha' a constant+y twitchin) eye on the si'e o? the ?ace that the ;7I is on. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 .i(e months a?ter re+ease ?rom NH Hospita+ in 7oncor'4 I ha' atten'e' an appointment at Manchester Menta+ Hea+th on 1+m street in Manchester New Hampshire with Banet Poten>a. :hi+e sittin) in a chair with my ri)ht si'e to the wa++4 I +eane' ?orwar' an' hear' the so*n' o? ?ee'@acD ?rom her comp*ter speaDer when my ear )ot c+ose to the comp*ter. A ?ew min*tes a?ter this Banet Poten>a sai' to me G2here are microchips that ?it on the @rain now4 they are the si>e o? a sticD o? )*m. Interestin)4 h*hOG. =ittorio 1man*e+e may has recr*ite' some eCtra G#oya+ #etainersG in or'er to p*rchase hospita+s an' properties in the Unite' States o? America *n'er other peop+esA names< I a+so @e+ie(e that he has @een *sin) seC tra??icDin) (ictims as money +a*n'erin) m*+es. Banet Poten>aAs neice has @een incessant+y Deepin) tracD o? my sister S*mmer ?or a@o*t E years now4 ca++in) her e(ery sin)+e 'ay 4 )ettin) an)ry when she spen's time with other ?rien's 5 she is (ery contro++in). 2heir ?ami+y ha(e Ma?ia connections as we++ as He++As An)e+s connections an' connections to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate. A man whom I @e+ie(e is Banet Poten>aAs @rother Pete Poten>a ha' @een (isitin) my new nei)h@or a@o*t ?o*r times a weeD4 this man is 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' with a s*@si'iary )an) o? the He++As An)e+s ca++e' Mi+?or' an' 7ompany an' seems to @e in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin). 2his ?ami+y is 'e?inite+y one o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs connections in the New 1n)+an' re)ion. 2he other man who (isite' my nei)h@or was a man who was worDin) ?or #e' 0aD Property Mana)ement when I was +i(in) at 2E1 Pine St. Apt.V%1 Manchester NewHampshire 5 this man was approCimate+y 5A11G 220+@s4 ha' a white chin @ear' an' mo*stache4 @*>>e' hairc*t4 an' he +ooDe' 100S $om@ar'ic Ita+ian. 2he man that worDe' ?or #e' 0aD trie' to hi'e his ?ace ?rom me e(ery time he entere' the @*i+'in) that i +i(e' in. 2he ;iDer +ooDe' 100S Ita+ian4 ha' +on) )rayin) hair4 was a@o*t 5A10G 200+@s4 an' is 'e?inite+y a Poten>a 5 I @e+ie(e he may @e one o? Banet Poten>aAs @rothers name' Peter Poten>a. 2hese men an' my neCt 'oor nei)h@or at this +ocation o?ten ha' in their company a woman who was approCimate+y 25 years o+' whom I ha(e seen in Manchester ?reH*ent+y ?or the past " years 5 she has @een ?orce' to preten' to 'atea sma++ n*m@er o? 50 year o+'s ?or the past 8 years an' recent+y she has @een )roome' to appear o+'er than her act*a+ a)e4 I @e+ie(e she is a hosta)e o? some Din' whom they pass aro*n'. 2his woman +ooDs re+ate' to one o? the yo*n) +a'ies whoAs photo)raph was sent to me as G1mi+y Is+esG. 3*rin) c*rrent+y +i(in) in Nash*a NewHampshire at 23 2emp+e Street V108 4 a++ o? the crimina+s here ha(e @een recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras. In the past year < there ha(e @een two other )ro*ps o? crimina+s associate' with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e who ha(e staye' in this @*i+'in) 5 @ein) that these crimina+s 'o not seem to interact with eachother 'irect+y4 it is o@(io*s that G=ictorG has ma'e n*mero*s crimina+ contacts in the re)ion an' that his Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rimina+ .action ha(e @een *sin) some o? them as Mercenaries. :hi+e I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e Street V108 5 on 2*es'ay 1530 PM 0% 23 2013 4 the ;iDer Poten>a arri(e' in the passen)er seat o? a Grey Merce'es which parDe' on Sprin) Street o*tsi'e. He entere' the @*i+'in) aro*n' 1515 PM 4 he eCite' the @*i+'in) aroin' 1535 PM 5 as he sat 'own in the car passen)er seat 4 he han'e' the 'ri(er what appeare' to @e a @a) o? heroin. 2his manAs motorcyc+e

$icense P+ate n*m@ers were EE!1" an' his @iDe was a @+acD an' ye++ow Har+ey Motorcyc+e. .rom what I ha(e hear' ?rom n*mero*s peop+e 4 this man is in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' is a transporter o? ?ema+es whom has in the past a@'*cte' minors. I ha(e once seen him with a minor that was certain+y not re+ate' to him 4 )ettin) into a tr*cD < this )ir+ was +ater si)hte' as the yo*n)er o? the G2iaAsG . Heroin an' M3MA are the two most common+y associate' 'r*)s with SeC 2ra??icDers. :hi+e eCitin) the @*i+' at 23 2emp+e Street 4 I notice' a man sittin) on the steps who +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. He was smoDin) a 7apone ci)ar. It is pro@a@+e that this was =ittorio 4 that he ha' @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' at some point to a+ter his appearance an' ha' I*st m*tate' it @acD 4 an' that he was maDin) a s*@t+e threat to me < he has sta+De' me my entire +i?e 4 I ha(e seen him at +east once a year in p+aces that were o@(io*+y arran)e' somehow. 2his man has Dnown where I am at a++ times 4 my entire +i?e. It is a+so possi@+e that this was an imposte*r that he p+ans to *se as a @o'y 'o*@+e when he escapes I*stice 4 +ea(in) him with his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' re+ocatin) to another re)ion. :hi+e +i(in) in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 I witnesse' % A+@anians +i(in) as imposte*rs o? P*erto #icans < wearin) their c+othin) 4 'ecoratin) their a*tomo@i+e with the P*erto #ican ?+a) 4 an' *sin) P*erto #icans I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. It is important to mention that at some point in the past 4 I can reca++ .i+ an' 3anie+ Bames statin) that the USA wo*+' @e Gcame+ spi'ere'G. 2he imposte*rs o? Pach an' 9eith 'isc*sse' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in ?ront o? my se+? an' ha' state' that they @e+ie(e' that the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense wo*+' @e 'e?ense+ess a)ainst a wi'e sprea' massi(e pop*+ation ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace attacD ?or reason that the USA Mi+itary wo*+' @e easy to con(ince that in?ormin) the wor+'As mi+itaries wo*+' @e s*ici'e '*e to the entire pop*+ation o? ci(i+ians @ein) 'e?ense+ess to the entire wor+'As mi+itaries ha(e access to their @rains. 2his means that a Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action worDin) ?rom within the USA In(esti)ations an' 3epartment o? 3e?ense co*+' con(ince the Go(ernment to ?ai+ to react in time an' co*+' sta++ them +on) eno*)h to eCterminate the entire pop*+ation o? the North American 7ontinent an' ens+a(e the pop*+ations that are spare' 'eath. In the year 2012 4 I renewe' my I'enti?ication 7ar' at the Nash*a NewHampshire 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es 5 this ?or the ?irst time in my +i?e reH*ire' no proo? o? i'enti?ication an' the woman at the co*nter chan)e' my eye co+or to ;#0:N on my I'enti?ication 7ar' 4 my eye co+or is G#11N primari+y. My eyes are )reen with an oran)e @rown rin) aro*n' the p*pi+ an' a )ray rin) aro*n' the )reen insi'e o? a thin @+acD rin) 5 the most easi+y reco)ni>a@+e co+or @ein) a so+i' +ea? )reen. My pre(io*s I.3. sai' Green an' the pre(io*s one @e?ore it sai' Ha>e+ as a res*+t o? the miCe' co+ors. 2his woman 'i' not e(en asD to chan)e the eye co+or nor 'i' she asD ?or any ?orm o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. My ?rien' Ben $inco+n '*rin) the year 200" 4 mentione' this an' mentione' a +ar)e pop*+ation o? imposte*rs +i(in) in New Bersey. 3*rin) the S*mmer o? 2012 5 My Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone was ca++e' ?rom itAs own Phone N*m@er < this co*+' on+y possi@+y @e the pro'*ct o? an in'i(i'*a+ *sin) a Goo)+e Phone HacD App+ication which can @e ?o*n' on the internet that ena@+es Goo)+ePhone to immitate any te+ephone n*m@er 'etermine' @y the Goo)+ePhone *ser. 0%Q12Q2013 5 0n .ri'ay 12 2013 4 I tooD a @*s to ;oston Massach*settes. I 'e+i(ere' this entire +etter to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense at the Army #ecr*iters 0??ice. It was +a@e+e' as G1M1#G1N7/ 5 I ha(e +aryn)itis4 sorry. 2his is an emer)ency. P+ease 'e+i(er this to the Mi+itary 7rimina+ In(esti)ations4 .;I4 7IA4 Si)na+s Inte++i)ence4 an' the NSA.G I a+so wrote 1M1#G1N7/ in +ar)e +etters across the top o?

the en(e+ope. 2his +etter was han'e' to an A?rican American M*++ato .ema+e 5 the woman whom I han'e' this +etter to +ooDe' at it con?*se' an' sai' to me GIAm sorry 4 I 'onAt Dnow what to 'o with this.G she then han'e' it @acD to me. 2hree ma+e emp+oyees approache' me4 I wa+De' towar' the An)+o Gae+ic American Ma+e @*t another ma+e tooD the initiati(e to recei(e the +etter. 2he ma+e who recei(e' the +etter ha' a 3e*tsche s*rname with the spe++in) Giese+ in it somewhere < he +ooDe' to @e o? Ita+iano4 3e*tsche4 an' possi@+y An)+o American ethnicity 5 he sai' that he co*+' )i(e the +etter to the .;I an' that they were 'irect+y 'own the roa'4 @*t that he co*+' not )et it to any@o'y e+se. 2his in?ormation nee's to @e rea' @y Mi+itary Inte++i)ence4 Mi+itary Po+ice4 an' emp+oyees o? the Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 5 th*s ?ar4 it has pro(en impossi@+e to )et this in?ormation past the peop+e whom I am ass*min) are )*i+ty o? treason. 2his is a++ ?act*a+ in?ormation an' there is nothin) 'i++*siona+ a@o*t any o? this4 nor is any o? this witness statement i++o)ica+. A?ter 'roppin) the +etter o?? at the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense Army #ecr*iter 0??ice 4 I wa+De' to the .;I o??ice. 2he .;I o??ice is on the Eth .+oor o? 1 7enter P+a>a 5 *pon enterin) the entry ha++ o? the .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ation 4 I was to+' @y two emp+oyees that I was not a++owe' to 'rop o?? a witness statement at the .;I o??ice or any in?ormation an' that I am reH*ire' to mai+ it. 2he two men in the entry ha++ were two 'i??erent ethnicities 5 one +ooDe' ha+? Ita+iano an' ha+? miCe' 1*ropi' nationa+ity4 the other man +ooDe' A*strian an' possi@+y 3e*tsche. A?ter @ein) t*rne' away at the .;I o??ice4 I mai+e' this witness statement to the .;I 7omp+aints o??ice 'irect+y as a certi?ie' mai+ pacDa)e. I am )oin) to contin*e to )i(e this witness statement to emp+oyees o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense. 0%Q15Q2013 .ace@ooD was hacDe'4 a++ comm*nications on .ace@ooD @ecame impossi@+e. Goo)+eMai+ was hacDe'4 a++ comm*nications on Goo)+eMai+ @ecame impossi@+e. 0%Q1!Q2013 0n a :e'nes'ay4 I 'eci'e' wa+De' to MerrimacD New Hampshire ?or the p*rpose o? mai+in) my witness statement in or'er to see i? this witness statement co*+' maDe it to a*thorities ?aster ?rom a 'i??erent +ocation. A?ter mai+in) three witness statement ?rom the MerrimacD Post 0??ice 5 I was wa+Din) @acD towar's Nash*a New Hampshire an' was stoppe' @y a Po+ice 7ar. I asDe' the 0??icer ?or his name an' @a')e n*m@er 5 he pointe' to his @a')e an' on the 0??icerAs @a')e was printe' GS. Ma)*ire V12G. I asDe' the 0??icer what his ?irst name was an' he wo*+' not te++ me4 he sai' his name was G0??icerG 5 repeate'+y4 he 'i' this an' wo*+' not te++ me his ?irst name. 2he man +ooDe' .ranDic4 3e*tsche4 an' Ita+iano 5 he +ooDe' a@o*t 32 years o+'4 he was a@o*t 1"0+@s4 he ha' 'arD ha>e+ eyes an' +i)ht @rown hair. 2he 0??icer asDe' me i? I ha' @een at the Post 0??ice ear+ier an' asDe' to search me. I was searche' @y the po+ice o??icer. :hi+e he was H*estionin) me a@o*t what I ha' mai+e'4 two other po+ice o??icers arri(e' in a secon' Po+ice 7ar. I )a(e them a copy o? this witness statement an' a +ist o? I.P. A''resses associate' with a++ o? my +ocations where at my comp*ters ha' @een cy@er sta+De' an' hacDe'. A?ter they a)ain searche' me as we++ as my @acDpacD4 I was to+' that I ha' to @e taDen into c*sto'y an' I was not )i(en a reason. I was taDen to the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment. At the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment4 I was to+' that I was )oin) to ha(e to answer H*estions a@o*t what I ha' mai+e' at the Post 0??ice. I to+' the 0??icers that I ha' mai+e' the witness statement which I ha' )i(en them a copy o?. I si)ne' my Miran'a #i)hts car' an' state' that I wo*+' not answer any more H*estions witho*t a +awyer present. .o*r o? the ?i(e o? the Po+ice 0??icer present were o? Ita+ian Nationa+ 1thnic. 2here was a ?i?th man present whom was possi@+y s*ppose' to @e 0??icer Goo'rich4 the man +ooDe' simi+ar to 0??icer Goo'rich @*t +ooDe' +iDe his Iaw ha' @een @roDen an' hea+e' recent+y or ha' *n'er)one s*r)ery. 2he man who +ooDe' simi+ar to 0??icer Goo'rich ha' a wi'er Iaw at the @ottom o? his Iaw than the 0??icer Goo'rich that I remem@er4 his comp+eCion a+so +ooDe' s+i)ht+y 'i??erent than 0??icer Goo'richAs @*t it may ha(e @een o?? that 'ay. It is 'i??ic*+t to 'etermine which o? these Po+ice 0??icers are ho+'in) +e)itimate I'entities now that the re)ion has @een ?+oo'e' with in'i(i'*a+s *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication PaperworD 5 the other reason ?or the 'i??ic*+ty in 'eterminin) whether or not there are men impersonatin) Po+ice Units is the ?act that some crimina+s

ha(e @een pai' recent+y to '*mp Hemo)+o@in =ia+s o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy in ci(i+iansA 'rinDs4 ca*sin) their ?acia+ ?eat*res to m*tate s+i)ht+y. I ha(e watche' m*tation occ*r to a ?ew in'i(i'*a+sA ?aces recent+y. It m*st @e remem@ere' that the An'ers ;rei(iD attacD in(o+(e' a man impersonatin) a Po+ice 0??icer. 7a*sin) ran'om 3NA m*tations o? 3NA ?acia+ )enetics wo*+' a++ow co(ert a)ents to @+en' in with a pop*+ation o? peop+e whoAs ?aces seem s+i)ht+y 'i??erent than they *se' to. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' a+so possi@+y @e *se' repeate'+y to a+ter ?in)erprints an' stea+ an in'i(i'*a+As ?in)erprints i? their @io+o)ica+ 3NA materia+s are Dept in a +a@oratory 5 this wo*+' reH*ire m*+tip+e )ene m*tations inc+*'in) sDin4 sDe+eta+ m*sc*+at*re4 han' sDe+eta+4 ?in)er nai+s4 an' @o'yhair pattern4 this wo*+' a+so reH*ire a ?ew years o? m*tation whi+e the sDin ce++s she'. :hi+e at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment 5 three times4 I was +ocDe' in a ho+'in) ce++ 55 this occ*rre' a?ter @ein) to+' that I was on+y )oin) to @e H*estione' an' was permitte' to +ea(e a?ter. A?ter the ?irst time4 I was to+' that I was )oin) to ha(e to @e p+ace' *n'er arrest 5 when I asDe' ?or the speci?ic o? what the char)e was ?or which I was @ein) arreste'4 I was to+' that he 'i' not Dnow an' he +ocDe' me in the ce++ anyways. A?ter @ein) re+ease' the secon' time4 there was a man who +ooDe' simi+ar to an 0??icer 3esmon' whom ?ormer+y worDe' at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment an' may possi@+y sti++ worD there 5 as I pre(io*s+y state'4 peop+e ha(e @een *sin) Po+ice Uni?orms an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een recent+y *se' ?or espiona)e an' war?are. I was to+' @y this o??icer that there were recent @om@in)s in ;oston4 that there was some s*@stance ca++e' #icin @ein) mai+e'4 an' that threats were @ein) mai+e' an' ma'e a)ainst the Presi'ent ;aracD 0@ama. 2he man c+aimin) to @e 0??icer 3esmon' a+so H*ote' a statement which ha' @een ma'e '*rin) a Psych :ar?are assa*+t which was '*@@e' o(er the 7omcast 7a@+e NetworD ! years a)o in MerrimacD New Hampshire 5 G/o* may ha(e to )o ta+D to Mrs. Scarey.G which he sai' whi+e his han' was 'own t*rne' with his wrist an' e+@ow @ent +iDe a 'o). 2his Psych :ar?are attacD which was @roa'caste' was an intermittant se)ment on the te+e(ision which portraye' a ;rown 3o) ta+Din) with itAs arm o*t as i? it wante' to shaDe paws4 it spoDe the wor's which 0??icer 3esmon' H*ote'. 3*rin) the time which this aire' my sisters 7he+sey an' S*mmer were sittin) on the co*ch with me. 7he+sey @ecame ?ear?*+ an' sai' that she ha' @een ta+Din) a@o*t the son) G=oices 7arryG the 'ay prior4 whi+e in the car with o*r .ather 5 7he+sey state' that she tho*)ht the son) on the ra'io was GMrs. ScareyG an' ?o*n' o*t ?rom o*r .ather that the son)As name was G=oices 7arryG. 2hat 'ay I ha' @o*)ht a Sm*ttyNose ;rewery ;rown 3o) A+e pacDa)e o? @ott+es. 2his wo*+' ha(e @een witnesse' @y 7he+sey who most +iDe+y ha' a ;.7.I. in her @rain ?rom somep+ace4 my ?ather who possi@+y ha' a ;.7.I.4 or recor'e' in my .atherAs a*tomo@i+e which ha' apparent+y @een co(ert+y eH*ippe' with i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices. 2he p*rpose o? this eCtremity o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are is to tra*mati>e the tar)ette' (ictims in or'er to para+y>e them with ?ear or 'esta@i+i>e their psycho+o)y eno*)h to pa(+o(ian mo'i?y the tar)etsA @eha(ior thro*)h terrorism. 2his was '*rin) the year 200E4 7he+sey was " years o+'. 2his is one o? the +ast thin)s 7he+sey wo*+' remem@er @e?ore she was Di'nappe' @y Sici+ians. I ha' @een te++in) my .ather that there were i++e)a+ recor'in)s @ein) ma'e4 that my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe'4 an' that I ha' @een threatene' @y Ma?ia 5 I ma'e s*re to remin' him o? the e(ents that occ*rre' '*rin) :A21#GA21 4 he to+' me I was schi>ophrenic. 7he+sey to+' my .ather that the te+e(ision was LU02ING S0M12HING .#0M HIS AU20M0;I$14 my ?ather to+' *s that we were schi>ophrenics an' to+' *s that he 'i' not @e+ie(e *s concernin) the te+e(ision @ein) hacDe' an' psych war?are @ein) @roa'caste' at *s. I? the on+y other a'*+t witness is 'enyin) witnessin) the crime that was witnesse' @y @oth an' wi++ testi?y that somethin) 'i' not happen4 there is a+most no way to report a crime 5 ?or " years my .ather has @een in(a+i'atin) e(erythin) that my se+? an' my sisters ha(e @een a (ictim to an' ha(e witnesse'. I @e+ie(e that my .ather may ha(e a ;.7.I. in his @rain @y now. It is o@(io*s that =ittorio 1man*e+e is )oin) to )reat +en)ths to ens*re that his ?ami+y is not reporte' as @ein) in the area an' that they are not reporte' as @ein) in(o+(e' in terrorism an' that they are +itera++y A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. I @e+ie(e that S*mmer has @een threatene' ?or the past " years an' that she can not ta+D a@o*t what has @een happenin). 2he 0??icer 3esmon' to+' me that I +ooDe' s*spicio*s @eca*se I was 'resse' in )ray an' @+acD as we++ as

@eca*se I ha' a @+acD @acDpacD 5 I was to+' that I can not @e mai+in) +etters4 that my mai+in) o? +etters was s*spicio*s4 that no crimina+ char)es were @ein) presse' @*t that I sho*+' thinD a@o*t what I ha(e 'one. I was ta+De' to as i? I ha' 'one somethin) wron). I am not s*re i? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment intercepte' my mai+e' 73 #0M inc+*'in) my witness statements4 which ha' @een mai+e' to the Po+ice 3epartments o? the Manchester NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartment an' two others. 2he man c+aimin) to @e 0??icer 3esmon' asDe' me how many sisters I ha'4 where they +i(e'4 how o+' they were4 an' what their names were. I was to+' that I was @ein) re+ease' to a Socia+ :orDer name' Scott ;rennan. I ha(e met with this Socia+ :orDer in the past a ?ew times. :hen I was processe' at the Po+ice 3epartment 4 I to+' the Po+ice 0??icer that I was .irst Nations Nati(e American as we++ as :hite USAmerican 5 the Po+ice 0??icer I*st recor'e' my se+? as G:hiteG. My eyes on my I'enti?ication 7ar' ha(e @een incorrect+y recor'e' as we++. 2he woman at the 3epartment o? Motor(ehic+es se+ecte' G;rownG ?or my eye co+or 4 my eyes are primari+y Green an' I wrote Green on the paperworD. 3*rin) the year 2011 4 whi+e 3aphen 7onaway an' I were watchin) the mo(ie 3o')e@a++ at o*r apartment in 3erry NewHampshire < it @ecame apparent that some@o'y ha' e'ite' the content o? the 3=3. 3*rin) the mo(ie 4 a manAs (oice was '*@@e' to say JB*st p*t on a 2hon) Son) an' an Irish :i) an' yo*A++ @e a+ri)ht.K < a+so 4 an ima)e o? )reen peas on a p+ate spe++in) the wor' J2:A2K was presente' @rie?+y. 3*rin) 2013 4 an imposte*r o? 3ara Garretson @e)an ta+Din) to me on .ace;ooD.7om. 3ara GarretsonAs @rother was an Asatr*ar ?rom MerrimacD NewHampshire 5 he +istene' to 7o*ntry M*sic an' Hea(y Meta+. 2he ?ictitio*s J$ance Minsha++K that J1mi+y Is+esK ta+De' to me a@o*t '*rin) 200% 5 was s*ppose' to @e an Asatr*ar who +iDe' 7o*ntry M*sic an' some Hea(y Meta+. 11 In the year 2012 4 I renewe' my I'enti?ication 7ar' at the Nash*a NewHampshire 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es 5 this ?or the ?irst time in my +i?e reH*ire' no proo? o? i'enti?ication what so e(er an' the woman at the co*nter chan)e' my eye co+or to ;#0:N on my I'enti?ication 7ar' 4 my eye co+or is G#11N primari+y. My eyes are )reen with an oran)e @rown rin) aro*n' the p*pi+ an' a )ray rin) aro*n' the )reen insi'e o? a thin @+acD rin) 5 the most easi+y reco)ni>a@+e co+or @ein) a so+i' +ea? )reen. My pre(io*s I.3. sai' Green an' the pre(io*s one @e?ore it sai' Ha>e+ as a res*+t o? the miCe' co+ors. 2his woman 'i' not e(en asD to chan)e the eye co+or nor 'i' she asD ?or any ?orm o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2his is the most *n'erhan'e' an' 'e(io*s A6IS in(asion to e(er occ*r 5 I am comp+ete+y an' *tter+y 'is)*ste' @y the A6IS entire+y as a res*+t an' I ?ee+ that we sho*+' 'ec+are war on the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action imme'iate+y @e?ore they eCterminate more races o? peop+e. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 a son) was p+ayin) on the ra'io o(er the speaDer at the #ite Ai' store 5 this son) containe' +yrics GMy @rother an' my sistersG an' a)ain 4 the 2errorist .action that has @een committin) these Psy :ar AttacDs '*@@e' o(er the m*sic a (oice sayin) GMy @rothers an' my sistersG that so*n'e' i'entica+ to S*mmer #ose MacPherson speaDin) at the 2005 2hanDs)i(in) 3inner at her ho*se in MerrimacD NewHampshire. :hen it was S*mmerAs t*rn to say what she was thanD?*+ ?or 4 she spoDe GI am thanD?*+ ?or my @rother an' my sisters.G prior to 'inner. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 in Septem@er at :i++yAs @ar 5 a Gothic Ni)ht that ha' occ*rre' at this @ar in 200% was choreo)raphe' an' rema'e eCact+y the way it ha' occ*rre' in 200% 4 with the eCception that the Sec*rity 7ameras were not present. 2he entire e(enin) was choreo)raphe' to appear eCact+y the same as it was in the year 200% 5 the peop+e present ha' (ery o@(io*s+y @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to ?it the eCact appearance o? the peop+e who were present that same ni)ht " years prior 4 they

were wearin) the eCact same c+othes 4 they spoDe the eCact same con(ersations 4 an' 'ance' to the same eCact son)s. 2his was 'e?inite+y the pro'*ct o? a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 3i(ision. A+most a++ o? the in'i(i'*a+s present '*rin) this ni)ht appeare' to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' Ita+ians attemptin) to appear to @e Americans an' other races o? peop+es. It is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy co++ecte' the 3NA o? e(ery sin)+e person who was present that ni)ht in 200% 4 o(er the past " years. In the year 200! 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' sent 3anie+ Bames on GSca(en)er H*ntsG to co++ect speci?ic items to *se ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) e(i'ence an' creatin) ?or)ery (ersions o? past recor's s*ch as =HS #ecor'in)s. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen -the Ho*se o? Sa(oy8 are pro@a@+e to ha(e sent their peop+e on Sca(en)er H*nts o(er the past " years to co++ect these items. 2he entire I'enti?ication System in the USA an' 7ana'a has @ecome comp+ete+y o@so+ete an' the Ita+ians taDin) or'ers ?rom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e @een sen'in) imposte*rs to North America 5 these imposte*rs ha(e @een eCterminatin) entire +ists o? American .ami+ies. 2his is a 'e?inite Ho+oca*st. It is a@so+*te+y necessary ?or a new Nationa+ I'enti?ication System to @e imp+emente' which reH*ires 3NA 1(i'ence o? a personAs i'entity. 2his system sho*+' reH*ire a series o? m*+tip+e e(i'ences ?rom .e'era+ Hospita+s an' Pri(ate+y 0wne' Hospita+s which ha(e to @e *se' to pro(i'e res*+ts which can @e a*'ite' ?or acc*racy an' honesty. A++ 3NA has Hap+o)ro*ps which represent Nationa+ity an' #ace as we++ as can it @e *se' to 'etermine where missin) mem@ers o? ?ami+ies are 5 the Nationa+ I'enti?ication System m*st a+so Deep .ami+y 2ree recor's o? in'i(i'*a+s an' @ea hi)h sec*rity c+earance position. 80S o? the 'epartment nee's to @e sta??e' @y an eH*a+ n*m@er o? peop+e who are racia++y o? An)+o Gae+ic or .ranDicQHo++an'er USAmerican race4 .irst Nations Nati(e American #ace4 A?rican American #ace 4 Hawaiin #ace 4 an' P*erto #ican #ace 5 as we++ as 'oes it nee' to imp+ement strict pop*+ation 'i(ersity stan'ar's ?or the other 20S o? the pop*+ation o? emp+oyees sta??e' in this 'epartment to maDe s*re that a sma++ n*m@er o? e(ery ?orei)n pop*+ation present in the nation are represente'. 2o some peop+e this so*n's racist < @*t4 It is impossi@+e to ens*re the sa?ety o? Americans otherwise. 2he 1man*e+eAs are the same ?ami+y that )a(e the or'ers that eCterminate' 20 Mi++ion 7i(i+ians in the past 5 they are not h*mane 4 they 'o not @e+ie(e in yo*r in?ant chi+'As ri)ht to +i?e or ?ree'om 4 nor wi++ they e(er a@i'e @y yo*r Gene(a 7on(ention $aws. G2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+sG we@sites ha(e @een 'escri@in) the Pers*a'otron weapon ?rom the )ame Syn'icate :ars as the weapon that has @een ca*sin) the Ne*ro+o)ica+ si)na+s to ci(i+iansA @rains. 2he tr*th is that it is ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace consistin) o? Ne*ro7irc*it an' A#G0S G.P.S. networDe' @y #a'io .reH*ency to an Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ *sin) some Din' o? Shippin) F .rei)ht an' A#G0S ;io+o)ist GPS So?tware with Ne*roScience So?tware to manip*+ate h*man @ein)s. It is 'e?inite that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS possess some Din' o? Ne*roScience So?tware which is capa@+e o? 'isp+ayin) animation o? m*+tip+e +ayers o? the H*man ;o'y s*ch as the sDin ne*ro+o)y 4 or)ans 4 the (asc*+ar system 4 the m*sc*+at*re an' m*sc*+at*re ne*ro+o)y 4 the entire Ne*ro7irc*itry o? the h*man @o'y 4 the sDe+eta+ o*t+ine 5 an' contro+ the (ario*s ?*nctions o? the H*man ;o'y as a #o@ot 4 which is a@+e to @e contro+ ?*++ ran)e o? motion @y animations on a 7omp*ter So?tware Pro)ram that are mo(e' with a mo*se as we++ as ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace interaction an' other (ario*s metho's. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS has this so?tware an' is capa@+e o? contro++in) H*mans with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their crani*ms 4 an' ha(e ma'e o? these peop+e s+a(e 5 H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims o? (ario*s ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin) inc+*'in) SeC 2ra??icDin)4 as we++ as ha(e they Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate' +ar)e portions o? the peop+e whom they ha(e 'one this to. 2he U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense co*+' easi+y re(erse en)ineer this so?tware < it is pro@a@+e that a So?t:are P*ppet is animate' on the Monitor Screen in the So?t:are an' respon's ?*++ ran)e o? motion to 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 a++owin) a H*man to contro+ another H*manAs

@o'y an' (ario*s parts o? their Ne*ro+o)y *sin) the power o? tho*)ht 4 a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace or 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met 4 an' (ario*s contro++er 'e(ices. 2his so*n's +iDe Science .iction 4 @*t the ?act is that A'(ance' Ne*roScience has eCiste' since the 1"!0As an' has now reache' an eCtreme hei)ht in potentia+. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 I mo(e' into Apartment V2E at 1"5 ;ri')e Street in Manchester NewHampshire 0310% 5 a?ter mo(in) in to this apartment room 4 I notice' that the c*rtains are ?rom my ?ami+yAs home at EE ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire 0305%. 2hese are the c*rtains that my Mother picDe' in 1""" an' are sti++ @*rne' in one spot ?rom my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPhersonAs ci)arette which @*rne' them. A+so in this apartment room V2E 5 the Microwa(e is the microwa(e which was ?ormer+y at my .atherAs ho*se at EE ;ean #oa'. 2here is a+so two chairs in the room that are pre(io*s+y ?rom my Grampy #ona+' $a=oieAs cotta)e at Hampton ;each. It is 'e?inite that one o? the imposte*rs o? my ?ather who was +i(in) at EE ;ean #oa' 4 )a(e these o@Iects to whome(er it was that was pre(io*s mana)in) this property '*rin) the year 200E 5 this man wo*+' pro@a@+y @e Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico or his ;*siness Partner. 2012 2013 5 I ha(e witnesse' n*mero*s peop+e wa+Din) with @+in' tapper sticDs who are not @+in' 4 wa+Din) in the same re)ions as the ;+in' :omen that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS @+in'e' 4 @r*ta++y tort*re' 4 an' rape' repeate'. It seems that they ha(e or'ere' these men to wa+D aro*n' with these @+in' tapper sticDs an' wa+D the same paths that the @+in' women wa+De'. 2his has occ*rre' in Manchester NewHampshire4 Nash*a NewHampshire 4 an' ;oston Massach*settes. 11Q12Q2012 7*rrent+y < !0S o? the pop*+ation o? NewHampshire is $om@ar'ic Ita+ian 4 10S are Sici+ian Ita+ians an' other Ita+ians 4 there is c*rrent+y an A*strian ?+a) on e(ery secon'ary ?+a) po+e in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y are the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 they are a )ro*p o? in'i(i'*a+s who are a++ o? a miC o? Ita+ian race an' A*strian race @oth. Many o? the Ita+ians in the re)ion are *sin) USAmerican I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 11Q01Q2013 5 2he emp+oyees at the Ha+a+ #esta*rant on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire a++ +ooD +iDe Ita+ians who ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe $e@anese 4 @*t ha(e not m*tate' eno*)h o? their 3NA to pass ?or $e@anese. 2hey sti++ +ooD Ita+ian. 11 2013 5 I was poisone' in a @e(era)e somehow 4 with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation =ir*s that ca*se my cheeD@one an' *pper Iaw @one to m*tate a+ot. My cheeD @ones 'ri?te' ?*rther to the si'es o? my sD*++ an' near the temp+e an' Iaw Ioint 4 the @one )rew a ri')e. 2his occ*rre' whi+e I was +i(in) at 1"5 ;ri')e Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he Apartment n*m@er was V2E. 11 2013 5 I was to+' that the imposte*r o? my sister 7he+sey was arreste' an' ?in)erprinte' @y Po+ice 3epartment somewhere in NewHampshire. 11 25 2013 5 An imposte*r o? Bohn $ynch 4 the ?ormer )o(ernor o? NewHampshire 5 was witnesse' wa+Din) on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2his man was 'e?inite+y an Ita+ian tryin) to +ooD +iDe Bohn $ynch who is An)+o Gae+ic American. Airport 2ra(e++er #ecor' Ana+ysis Sotware is nee'e' to ?in' recor' o? Passports that +e?t the nation an' 'i' not ret*rn or passports that entere' the nation an' 'i' not +ea(e. 2his wo*+' @e he+p?*+ to ?in' instances o? one man +ea(in) the nation on an airp+ane with n*mero*s Passports in his pocDets or +*))a)e 4 ?or p*rpose o? )i(in) them to imposte*rs who are *sin) them to enter the U.S.A. . 11 2E 2013 5 I witnesse' an imposte*r o? Shannon ;*rston 4 an An)+o Gae+ic American woman who worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 shoppin) at the 3o++ar 2ree in

Manchester NewHampshire. M*+tip+e imposte*rs ha(e @een si)hte' o? peop+e who may not @e 'ea' 4 @*t may ha(e mo(e' to another re)ion an' ha(e @een rep+ace' in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. @y imposte*rs *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. I ha(e seen % Boey Marini in the past 8 months. this is (ery 'an)ero*s. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' easi+y @e *se' to rep+ace ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with an imposte*r or two who are m*tate' to +ooD i'entica+ an' Ne*roScience Mechanica++y Ne*ro+o)ica++y contro++e' to so*n' eCact+y +iDe ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < 1' :arren spoDe to Anthony 3e.eo an' 2ay+a $aw(erAs F 2wy+aAs mother 3e@@ie G3*MontG 5 a@o*t =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e picDin) a man with the initia+s ;.H.0. to ?*n' the campai)n o? to maDe certain that a man with B.0.;. initia+s wo*+' @e the presi'ent an' (ice presi'ent o? the U.S.A. . 1' :arren state' somethin) to 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs mother 3e@ a@o*t ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama @ein) rep+ace' @y two imposte*rs e(ent*a++y an' ca++e' it ;ho;ho Bo@ the #o'eo 7+own. It is @e+ie(e' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy may ha(e a+rea'y m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' the ori)ina+ ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama with an imposte*r or two 5 it is 'e?inite that they ha(e p+anne' to 'o this. 11Q28Q2013 5 ApproCimate+y E5%5 PM 5 I witnesse' an imposte*r o? one o? 3an ;o))iaAs co*sins who was a+so a co*sin o? Bameson MaschinoAs 4 wa+Din) thro*)h the @*i+'in) I am +i(in) in. 2his man atten'e' MerrimacD Hi)hschoo+ '*rin) the years 1""" 4 2000 4 an' 2001. 2he ?act*a+ man was Sici+ian 4 Ita+ian 4 an' 3e*tsche. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Bameson Maschino #oman Sa+*te' the USAmerican .+a) '*rin) the P+e')e o? A++e)iance. 2his manAs ?ami+y are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as an A6IS S+eeper 7e++ 5 it seems pro@a@+e that their ?ami+y ha(e swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with 7rimina+s whoAs con(ictions are more se(ere than their own 7rimina+ #ecor's 4 who they ha(e recr*ite' as A6IS Mercenaries @y metho' o? pro(i'in) a c+ean set o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 'e(oi' o? a 7rimina+ #ecor'. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Bason ;e++emore #oman Sa+*te' the USAmerican .+a) '*rin) the P+e')e o? A++e)iance at the MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ as we++. Bason ;e++emore state' n*mero*s times that he was A'o+? Hit+ers co*sinAs )ran' son. 3ana Um@roAs wi?e 4 ;onnie < was Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin. #ecent+y 4 n*mero*s photo)raphs o? imposte*rs o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e @een *p+oa'e' to the internet. I type' G.i++i@erto 1man*e+eG into a Goo)+e Ima)e Search an' ?o*n' on+y 2 photo)raphs o? the ?act*a+ .i++i@erto 1man*e+e amon)st more than ten imposte*rs. 12 02 2013 5 I was in?orme' @y a 7omp*ter HacDer who has @een in(esti)atin) this )enoci'e 4 that #ache+ Gar(ey has a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in her crani*m. 3*rin) her yo*th 4 she was threatene' @y Bason ;e++emore a?ter she spoDe the tr*th that she ha' @een to+' that A'o+? GHit+erG was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother an' was ?rom the +inea)e o? a Mother whoAs +inea)e was Sa(oy o? Ita+ia an' Aosta o? A*stria @oth. Bason ;e++emore ha' to+' her that he was possi@+y A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sin 4 that his co*sin was a 9ni)ht o? Aosta an' that he was @ecome one e(ent*a++y 4 an' that #ache+ Gar(ey sho*+' @e care?*+ what she says. Bason ;e++emore ha' threatene' her an' +e?t the room 4 it is a possi@i+ity that he ma'e a te+ephone ca++ ?rom somep+ace in Mastrico+a Mi''+eschoo+ to some@o'y a@o*t it a?terwar's. 12 02 2013 5 I notice' an o@(io*s imposte*r o? the actor :I++ .arre+ on the co(er o? a ma)a>ine 5 this is the thir' ce+e@raty that has @een represente' @y imposte*rs in ma)a>ines so+' in NewHampshire U.S.A. . 2his seems +iDe it wo*+' @e a IoDe o? the 1man*e+esA '*e to the mo(ie Poo+an'er in(o+(in) the hypnoti>in) o? the main character to assassinate the Prime Minister o? Ma+aysia5 the hypnoti>in) is 'one @y :i++ .arre+As character.

12 03 2013 5 I am at a ;*s Station in ;oston Massach*settes < I ha(e @een watchin) the peop+e arri(in) on the @*sses 4 watche' to see i? any o? my peop+e are sti++ a+i(e in the re)ion. 2here is no was ?or my se+? to con?irm what the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? any o? these in'i(i'*a+s state that their names are. I ha(e not seen e(en one Gae+ 4 An)+o SaCon 4 .irst Nations Nati(e American 4 Israe+i 4 .ranDic American 4 or New Ho++an'er American. 2here ha(e @een a sma++ n*m@er o? A?rican Americans at the ;*s Station to'ay. Most o? the peop+e who ha(e arri(e' on @*sses here or +e?t on @*sses here ha(e @een Ita+ian 4 Spanish 4 A*strian 4 ?orei)n A?ricans 4 an' 'i??erent races o? Asians. It has @een 8 years since I ha(e seen a #a@@i at this ;*s Station. 2his is a 'e?inite con?irme' Genoci'e. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas was si)hte' in Hospita+s in New Hampshire at the 7oncor' Me'ica+ Hospita+ 4 the 7atho+ic Me'ica+ 7enter 4 the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter 4 an' the two 1++iot Hospita+s < he was wearin) a white 3octorAs $a@ 7oat. A+so si)hte' at these hospita+s was a con(ice' SeC 0??en'er < this man is a@o*t 5A"G 4 is a@o*t 235 +@s 4 wears )+asses 4 an' his hair has appeare' to @e m*tate' an' +ooDs *nnat*ra+ with his comp+eCion. He appears to @e $om@ar'ic Ita+ian 4 3e*tsche 4 an' Spanish. Some@o'y i'enti?ie' him as a 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'er 4 @*t I ha(e ?or)otten his name which they ha' to+' me 5 he has @een *sin) =ictimsA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 12 05 2013 5 APP#06IMA21$/ 8515 AM 5 :hi+e seate' on a @ench at the #ichmon' AM2#A9 Station in 3*m@arton =ir)inia < I o(erhear' two anoma+ies on the 2e+e(ision. 2here is a +ar)e 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S in the re)ion 4 it is pro@a@+e that these a*'io '*@ e'its which occ*rre' on the te+e(ision were the pro'*ct o? a 7omp*ter HacDer at the 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S or hacDin) the 1ntertainment NetworD Ser(er at the 2e+e(ision 7a@+e Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ an' a*'io '*@@in) a*'io o(er it. It is pro@a@+e that the metho' @ein) *se' is a mirror o? the transmission in the ser(er simi+ar to 2U#90BAN So?tware that mirrors the 'ata reH*ests ?rom the Internet Ser(er to the Persona+ 7omp*ter *sin) the 2*rDoIan So?tware an' a++ows the 7omp*ter HacDerAs Persona+ 7omp*ter to taDe prece'ent position o(er the Ser(er 7omp*terAs Internet 3ata. 2his a++ows a 7omp*ter HacDer with m*+ti me'ia so?tware to e'it the te+e(ision @roa'cast an' =oca+ Speech Synthesi>ers an' a*to t*ne pitch correction are *se' to '*@ a*'io o(er the re)*+ar 2e+e(ision 2ransmission. 2his is proo? that there was a ci(i+ian tar)et in the re)ion that this was inten'e' to Psycho+o)ica++y 2ra*mati>e 5 this is a ?orm o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. 12 05 2013 5 ApproCimate+y "500 AM. :hi+e stan'in) o*tsi'e o? the 3*m@arton $i@rary in 3*m@arton =ir)inia 4 I notice' that many o? the imposte*rs on .ace;ooD ha' taDen photo)raphs here. Some o? the photo)raphs o? at +east two o? the imposte*rs on ?ace@ooD seeme' to @e taDen in the mi''+e o? the 2ree Gar'en in the ?ront o? the $i@rary. In ?ront o? the 3*m@arton $i@rary there is aro*n' 12 or 1% sma++ he')e trees that )row o*t o? sH*are 'irt p+ots in the @ricD F concrete rectan)+e 4 creatin) an enc+os*re. Aro*n' the tree tr*nDs are Iron ?rames that are o? an artistic eCpression o? nat*re 4 they are c*t o*t +iDe )rates an' ?it to)ether with an open circ+e in the center 5 these two pieces are a++ i'entica+ on e(ery one an' are an ima)e o? (ines with +ea(es )rowin) ?rom them. 0n the iron 4 it says GNeenah .o*n'ry 7o.G 5 Nina is the name o? one o? my eC )ir+?rien's who was a repeate' rape (ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e < who poisone' her with 'r*)s an' ne*rotoCins ?reH*ent+y 4 in(a'e' her home when she was home a+one4 an' rape' her. Her name was Nina Hansen. 2he )ir+ c+aimin) to @e 7he+sey MacPherson that +ooDe' +iDe she may ha(e @een my sister 7he+sey m*tate' to +ooD +iDe a MeCican tooD a pict*re at the 3*m@arton $i@rary 4 one o? the )ir+s c+aimin) to @e 2ia $*'wicD tooD a pict*re at the 3*m@arton $i@rary 4 an imposte*r o? $in'sey Garo?ano tooD a pict*re at the 3*m@arton $i@rary 4 an' possi@+y 2 or 3 other imposte*rs on .ace;ooD.7om Pro?i+es ha(e *se' photo)raphs which they tooD at the 3*m@arton $i@rary. 12 05 2013 5 3*rin) the e(enin) 4 whi+e in 3*m@arton =ir)inia I notice' three important

thin)s ... the .irst 5 the imposte*r o? Pach An'rosDi an' imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' ha' @een there in the past < the Secon' 5 a +in)erie store an' stripper o*t?its store ca++e' Prisci++a Mc;ri'e was imme'iate+y 'own the roa' ?rom the G2a@ooG SeC Store an' Mc3ona+'s .ast .oo'. At one time these were 'e?inite+y owne' @y the Properties Stea' Ho+'ers o? the 1man*e+e .ami+y 4 this is the eCact same psycho+o)y as the 1man*e+e who p+ace' G2he Sa*sa)e 9in)G resta*rant with an Ita+ian .+a) on the si)n across the street ?rom G2he Pe''+erAs 3a*)hterG Irish 2heme' P*@ which was opene' aro*n' the same year that my 10 year o+' sister 7he+sey MacPherson was a@'*cte' an' Gae+ic ?ami+ies a++ o(er North America were Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate' an' SeC 2ra??icDe'. 12 0E 2013 5 9ate 7hristiano possi@+y witnesse' sittin) in passen)er seat o? cor(ette with 216AS $icense P+ates 'ri(in) thro*)h 3*m@arton =ir)inia +ate at ni)ht. A?ter seein) this 4 I wa+De' past G1Ctra ;i++yAsG #esta*rant 5 G1Ctra ;i++yAsG #esta*rant was mentione' '*rin) the year 2005 @y 1' :arren as @ein) a p+ace in =ir)inia that he met his associates at. 12 0E 2013 5 I p*rchase' a 7oca 7o+a in 3*m@arton =ir)inia ?rom a )rocery store ca++e' MartinAs near where 7+int an' 7hris 2homas +i(e' an' the ho*se were they Dept chi+'ren as hosta)es. 2he 7oca 7o+a I p*rchase' taste' +iDe it ha' @een tainte' with somethin) s*ch as a miC o? M*++e' Spices 4 7innamon 4 7orian'er 4 an' Gin)er < this taste' +iDe the spices ?rom :inter $a)er A+e or P*mpDin A+e @*t witho*t the P*mpDin 5 it seems pro@a@+e that there was some Din' o? poisonin) re)ent in this that reH*ires another chemica+ @e?ore it @ecomes a toCin. 2he entire re)ion is on+y 1Q5 the pop*+ation that it *se' to @e an' many peop+e ha(e the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? USAmericans @*t are o? Ita+ian an' A*strian race. 12 08 2013 5 %535 AM 5 North 7aro+ina 4 7har+otte 4 AmtracD Station 5 A comp*ter hacDer e'ite' the 'ia+o) 4 ima)es 4 an' so*n's on the te+e(ision n*mero*s times. 2he @roa'cast was inter*pte' n*mero*s times @y these Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+ts. 2his remin's me o? somethin) that #o@ert #o'on 4 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy < 'i' to his son 7hristopher #o'on when he was a chi+' '*rin) the year 1""5 5 #o@ert #o'on p+ace' a Han' #a'io :a+Dy 2a+Dy *n'er 7hristopher #o'onAs @e' an' a?ter he ?e++ as+eep 4 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta+Din) +iDe 3rac*+a into the :a+D 2a+Dy Han' #a'io. I ha' mentione' this an' ha' @een recor'e' ta+Din) a@o*t this to Sahn'ra St. 0n)e in 200%. :e a+so @oth ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in o*r crani*ms. 12 0" 2013 5 :hi+e at the AM2#A79 Station in North 7aro+ina < I notice' photo)raphs on the wa++ o? peop+e who once worDe' at the AM2#A79 Station. 0ne o? these in'i(i'*a+s was An)ie SDinnerAs an' Pete Poten>aAs co*sin 4 $orie. I @e+ie(e that An)ie SDinnerAs s*rname may possi@+y @e Poten>a now that she has @een 'i(orce' ?rom ;o@ SDinner. 2he Poten>a ?ami+y are An)ie SDinnerAs co*sins. An)ie +i(e' at E% ;ean #oa' '*rin) most o? my chi+'hoo'. $orieAs sDin was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe an A?riDDi' :omanAs sDin 4 @*t the rest o? her 3NA +ooDe' eCact+y the same as she pre(io*s+y ha' appeare'. It +ooDe' +iDe she was in the process o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 'is)*isin) herse+? to +ooD +iDe an A?rican American. 2his woman is an *ncon(icte' SeC 0??en'er who is a SeC 2ra??icDer an' an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper A)ent. I @e+ie(e that their ?ami+y is act*a++y re+ate' to Pete Poten>aAs an' Banet Poten>aAs ?ami+y 4 an' that BanetAs an' PeteAs neice An)ie Poten>a is act*a++y name' a?ter An)ie Poten>a SDinner. 2he Poten>aAs ha(e @een a@'*ctin) an' 2ra??icDin) yo*n) ?ema+es ?or a (ery +on) time. ! years a)o 4 I witnesse' Pete Poten>a picD *p a +itt+e )ir+ that was not a ?ami+y mem@er o? his < she was An)+o Gae+ic. 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 < ;ea* SDinner ha' mentione' that his co*sin $orie ha' a 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(e that +i(e' in her ho*se who was An)+o SaCon 4 3e*tsche 4 an' Gae+ic 5 ;ea* SDinner to+' me that the s+a(e which his co*sin $orie was Deepin) hosta)e was on+y a (ery yo*n) teena)e )ir+. Since the year 200% 4 the Poten>a

?ami+y has Dept tracD o? my sister S*mmer #ose MacPherson the same way that #o@ert #o'on Dept tracD o? my se+? my entire +i?e < ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 we are their Genoci'e 2ar)ets an' 2ra??icDin) 2ar)ets. $orie < who is Pete Poten>aAs co*sin 4 An)ie Poten>aAs co*sin 4 an' Banet Poten>aAs co*sin 5 ha' somethin) to 'o with the 'isappearance an' pro@a@+e Genoci'a+ S+ayin) o? @oth ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' ;ra' Sa@+e @oth 4 who ha(e @een rep+ace' on I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @y imposte*rs who appear to @e Ita+ian an' Ara@ian. 2he A*strian Aosta A6IS So+'ier that em@e''e' himse+? within the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment was reporte' to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in the 'isappearance an' pro@a@+e Genoci'a+ S+ayin) o? ;ra' Sa@+e an' was an accomp+ice o? $orieAs. $orie -Poten>a8 is a Genoci'a+ 2errorist an' a SeC 2ra??icDer whoAs SeC 2ra??icDin) is to the eCtreme eCtent that it is a :ar 7rime. $orie -Poten>a8 is an accomp+ice to the S*r)ica+ Imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the crani*ms o? ci(i+iansA sD*++s in re)ions s*ch as A+a@ama 4 Geor)ia 4 So*th 7aro+ina 4 North 7aro+ina 4 Massach*settes 4 NewHampshire 4 New Bersey 4 an' New /orD < an' $orie -Poten>a8 is accomp+ice to Genoci'e in a++ o? these re)ions. $orie Poten>a 4 a+so Dnown as $orie ;*cD+ey < is 3an ;*cD+eyAs an' Sean ;*cD+eyAs a*nt 4 as we++ as is she =ittorio 1man*e+eAs accomp+ice in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin). $orie Poten>aAs co*sin or nephew Sean ;*cD+ey 4 he+pe' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e S*r)ica++y Imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my crani*m '*rin) 2002 < '*rin) which4 Sean state' 5 J.i+ 4 yo*Are )oin) to ha(e to 'o this one with me @eca*se yo* nee' to start +earnin) how to 'o these now.K. I @e+ie(e that the ;*cD+ey Poten>a ?ami+ies are possi@+y 'istant re+ati(es o? the 1(o+a .ami+y. 7hristina .aerio+o is the ;*cD+ey Poten>a ?ami+ies co*sin. 2he photo)raph on the wa++ at the 7har+otte North 7aro+ina AM2#A79 Station was o? $orie ;*cD+ey Poten>a with her sDin m*tate' to +ooD 'arD @rown +iDe an A?riDDi' womanAs sDin 5 @esi'e the chan)e in sDin co+or 4 $orie +ooDe' eCact+y the same as *s*a+. $orie Poten>a As sDin m*tation is o? importance to notice 4 ?or reason that the imposte*r o? ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs sDin m*tation is o? simi+ar comp+eCion an' is possi@+y the same 3NA. 0? stran)e coinci'ence to 7har+otte North 7aro+ina 5 when I was a ten year o+' chi+' 4 I ha' a 7har+otte Hornets ;asDet@a++ 2eam Hat. I ha(e @een to+' @y a Pri(ate In(esti)ator that some@o'y @ro*)ht my sister 7he+sey thro*)h North 7aro+ina an' that #o@ert 3AAn)e+o is an accomp+ice to the men that 'i' it 5 #o@ert 3AAn)e+o is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' it is 'e?inite that his Aristocracy 'e?inite+y 'i' this. #o@ert 3AAn)e+o ha' n*mero*s connections in North 7aro+inia '*rin) the 1""0As an' ear+y 2000As. My Mother who was S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace at some point 4 was 'ia)nose' with somethin' ca++e' 3isassociati(e I'entity 3isor'er 5 my Mother ha' no Menta+ I++ness eCcept ?or Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. :hi+e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 my Mother somehow was 'ia)nose' as ha(in) 'e(e+ope' m*+tip+e a+ter persona+ities 4 which I ha(e ne(er seen e(i'ence o? an' I (isite' her (ery o?ten. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his ?ami+y ha(e @een poisonin) my ?ami+y most o? my +i?e 4 with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro 2oCin which ca*ses a person to 3isassociate A++e)e'+y 4 my MotherAs GA+tersG where 'i??erent hats which 'esi)nate which a+ter is present. I ha(e ne(er e(en once witnesse' my Mother chan)e persona+ities or 'i++*siona++y @e+ie(e that she is somethin) that she is not 4 I ha(e spent a+ot o? time with my Mother in my +i?etime she is (ery important to me. 2here is e(i'ence in North 7aro+ina as we++ as the 1+ectronic 2ransmissions #ecor's o? North 7aro+ina @etween 200% an' 2013 4 that pro(e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were 'irect+y in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) in the North 7aro+ina re)ion an' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy a@'*cte' my sisters 4 an' swappe' them with other (ictims whom they =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to 'is)*ise them as my sisters. 7*rrent+y 4 I am one o? the on+y mem@ers o? my ?ami+y is +ocata@+e 4 an' I am possi@+y the +ast one a+i(e. :hen I was a chi+' 4 An)ie -Poten>a8 SDinnerAs co*sin $orie -Poten>a .ami+y8 seC*a++y assa*+te' me. 3*rin) what was the year 1"8" < $orie in(ite' my ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson an' my se+? to her ho*se to p+ay car's. My ?ather tho*)ht that we were )oin) to @e p+ayin) car's with $orie 4 $orieAs h*s@an' 4 an' some other peop+e. :hen we arri(e' at $orieAs ho*se < on+y a @+on'e

teena)e )ir+ 4 $orie 4 an' $orieAs h*s@an' were present. $orie ha' or'ere' a Pi>>a 4 the Pi>>a was on the ta@+e an' was coo+in). :hi+e we were waitin) ?or the Pi>>a to coo+ 4 $orie an' her h*s@an' @e)an smoDin) ci)ars. :e +ater 'isco(ere' that the 7i)ars were coate' in a 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCin. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has to+' me n*mero*s times in the past that his ?ami+y 'e(e+op an imm*nity to this 3isassociati(e Ne*rotoCin as we++ as 'o they ha(e Dnow+e')e o? an anti'ote that co*nter acts to Ne*ro2oCin. $orie is a 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom was a SeC 2ra??icDer an' an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action 2errorist So+'ier. $orie is a SeC 2ra??icDer as we++ 4 an' has a@'*cte' an' Dept @+on'e teena)e )ir+s as 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es. A?ter $orie an' her h*s@an' smoDe' their ci)ars an' ?i++e' the room with smoDe < $orie @e)an seC*a++y assa*+tin) the @+on'e )ir+ in the room. A?ter a ?ew min*tes 4 she p*++e' 'own my pants an' @e)an to*chin) my penis4 an' p*t her +ips aro*n' it. My .ather @ecame coherant an' )ot *p o*t o? his chair < he picDe' me *p o?? the )ro*n' an' p*++e' my pants *p. He then carrie' me towar's the 'oor an' @e)an to eCit $orieAs home 4 statin) 5 G:eAre +ea(in). $etAs )et o*t o? here. 2hese peop+e are 'is)*stin) an' sicD. 3onAt shoot me in the @acD on my way o*t the 'oor. I thinD I Dnow who yo* are now. Stay away ?rom my ?ami+y 4 yo* @itch.G. $orie is the 'a*)hter o? a man whom was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. An)ieAs ?ather Dnew =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 (ery we++. 2he Poten>a ?ami+y an' the SDinner ?ami+y ha(e @a@y sat =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs son 4 3anie+ Bames more than once in the past. An)ie -Poten>a8 SDinner 4 sai' to my .ather '*rin) 1"8" 5 GNow 4 IAm not )oin) to say anythin) a@o*t what $orie 'i' to yo*4 @eca*se she is stran)e #*sse++. SheAs 'one some stran)e thin)s to some peop+e. :hat was it that she 'i'O I mean... 'i' she t*rn yo* 'own ?or a 'ateO :hat was it that ha' happene'O :hy 'i' yo* +ea(e so ear+yO She sai' yo* )ot an)ry an' +e?t..G to which my .ather rep+ie'4 GNo4 she 'i' not t*rn me 'own ?or a 'ate. IAm marrie'. I went to her ho*se to p+ay car's. She in(ite' me an' Ian to p+ay car's with her an' her h*s@an'. I 'onAt e(en Dnow how to eCp+ain to yo* what she 'i' 4 we )ot there an' they were smoDin) ci)ars an' there was a +itt+e teena)e )ir+ there...G An)ie interr*pte' an' sai' 4 G:hat 'o yo* mean there was a )ir+O Are yo* sayin) my co*sin has a pro@+em with ?ema+es 4 #*sse++O I can ass*re yo* that she is no +es@ian 4 #*sse++. 3i' yo* +ea(e @eca*se yo* tho*)ht she was a +es@oO ;eca*se 4 I can ass*re yo* that sheAs not.G My ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson 4 then sai' 5 G/o* Dnow who she is. /o* Dnow what she is. I 'o not @e+ie(e that yo* 'o not Dnow what she is. /o* Dnow 7hris 2homas. /o* Dnow 7+int. /o* were @a@ysittin) 3.B. I*st the other 'ay an' I thinD he is their re+ati(e. Are these yo*r co*sinsO :hat is this ?ami+yO B*st the other 'ay 4 yo* were ca++in) Ian the chi+' o? Satan4 An)ie. Are yo* a SatanistO He is a chi+' An)ie. Are yo* a SatanistOG. 3*rin) the year 1""0 4 my ?ami+y went to #enee ;ea*'inAs ho*se in H*'son NewHampshire ?or a chi+'As ;irth'ay Party 5 whi+e at the ;irth'ay Party 4 c+owns arri(e' to entertain the party. I wa+De' o*tsi'e an' sat in the car an' +ocDe' the 'oors. I staye' in the car the entire party. 2he G7+ownsG attempte' to +*re me o*t o? the car to ta+D to them. I staye' in the car. 2he G7+ownsG went @acD into the party to entertain the party. A?ter the @irth'ay party 4 my parents ta+De' to me a@o*t what I staye' in the car < I to+' them I 'i' not want to @e at the party. :hi+e he was 'ri(in) < my .atherAs eyes poppe' wi'e open an' he )aspe' 4 statin) to my Mother 5 G3e@@ie 4 'o yo* Dnow who that wasO 2hat was $orie 4 3e@@ie. 2heyAre sta+Din) *s an' o*r ?rien's 4 3e@@ie. I thinD theyAre a++ re+ate' 3e@@ie. I thinD itAs a ?ami+y. 2hey may @e Satanists 4 @*t I thinD theyAre somethin) e+se. Some o? them may @e re+ate' to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 3e@@ie... the peop+e who 'i' that to B*+iannaAs ?ami+y in Sici+y. 2hat was $orie 'resse' as a 7+own 4 3e@@ie. I thinD these ?ami+ies may @e re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er or B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 3e@@ie. I? thatAs who they are 4 they Di++e' a++ o? B*+iannaAs co*sins ?ami+ies in Sici+y 3e@@ie.G. to which my Mother rep+ie' 4 GSeeN I to+' yo*N 2heyAre SatanistsNG an' she @e)an sin)in) the son) GMy @oy?rien's @acD an' there is )oin) to @e tro*@+e.G a?terwhich my 3a' +ooDe' at her an' sai' 4 G3e@@ie

they 'r*))e' yo*. 2hey 'i' it a)ain. 2hey 'i'nAt )et me @eca*se I on+y ha' one so'a an' I ha' it in my han' the who+e time. /o* ha' more than one an' yo* went to the @athroom a ?ew times 4 I thinD they 'r*))e' yo*r so'a. 7hris 2homas 'i' this to *s at the Ha++oween Party. 2hese peop+e are 'e?inite sicD 4 3e@@ie.G I remem@er the (oice o? the c+own 4 the c+own +a'y was 'e?inite+y $orie. She was sta+Din) my ?ami+y. 3*rin) the year 1""5 4 ;ea* SDinner to+' my se+? an' 9y+e Howar' that his GA*nt $orieG was a per(ert. ;ea* to+' 9y+e an' I that he went to his GA*nt $orieAsG ho*se ?or G1Ctra 2hanDsGi(in)G an' that there was a @+on'e )ir+ there who was on+y 13 years o+'. ;ea* sai' that the +itt+e )ir+ +ooDe' An)+o SaCon 4 Gae+ic 4 an' 3e*tsche. ;ea* to+' *s that his GA*nt $orieG to+' him that the )ir+ was her s+a(e. $orie may ha(e @een +i(in) in Geor)ia or So*th 7aro+ina at this time. 3*rin) the years 200% 4 2005 4 200E 4 an' 200! 5 $orie was witnesse' at the North 7aro+ina AM2#A79 Station 4 the Sa(annah Hote+ near At+ana Geor)ia 4 an' Hospita+s in NewHampshire. At the AM2#A79 Station in North 7aro+ina 4 $orie was witnesse' interactin) with her co*sin #o@ 3AAn)e+o an' the A*strian po+ice o??icer who has @een witnesse' with two 'i??erent I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' Po+ice I.3. ;a')es since 2001 . 2he A*strian posin) as a Po+ice 0??icer in MerrimacD NewHampshire '*rin) the year 200! 4 was witnesse' i++e)a++y 'etainin) a Bewish man in 7har+otte North 7aro+ina. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s were a+so witnesse' in the re)ion o? At+anta Geor)ia. 0n 12Q18Q2013 5 whi+e in(esti)atin) San Antonio 2eCas 4 I si)hte' what appeare' to @e an a*tomo@i+e ?ormer+y owne' @y #o@ 3AAn)e+o < parDin) in the parDin)+ot o? $aw 0??ice o? a Stan+ey ;ernstein an' a Be??rey ;ernstein 5 two potentia+ co*sins o? Samantha ;ernstein an' A'am ;ernstein whom are @oth missin) an' ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 2he ;ernstein $aw 0??ice in 2eCas was 2511 North Saint MaryAs St. . :hi+e wa+Din) past this 4 approCimate+y three @+ocDs +ater I notice' a @*siness ca++e' GMe'ina 0@stetricians an' 0c*+ar 3octorG 5 this was an 1ye 3octorAs o??ice with the wor' GMe'inaG on it. 2he Go+'ene Me'ina is a proper no*n pertainin) to Pionism 5 Israe+i Nationa+ism. ;etween the years 200% an' 2013 5 2he Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist .action maime' an' @+in'e' an eCtreme+y +ar)e n*m@er o? ?ema+es in the U.S.A. 4 an' a?terwar's rape' them n*mero*s times an' tort*re' them. Many o? these women were Bewish. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons are *sin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' these :ar 7rimes as a way o? intentiona++y recor'in) their accomp+ices )*i+t into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentsA comp*ters ?or the p*rpose o? @+acD mai+in) their accomp+ices into ;+it>Drie)in) the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' occ*pyin) the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 4 'resse' as U.S.A. Mi+itary an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear the +iDeness o? the o??icers which they are rep+acin) 5 this has a+rea'y worDe' on entire ?ami+ies in the U.S.A. as we++ as entire re)ions. 2his is a 31.INI21 G1N07I31. 3*rin) 2013 4 I met an imposte*r o? Bason #o')ers. 2he imposte*r o? Bason #o')ers ha' @een posin) as Bason #o')ers an' worDin) with an Anarchist 7o++ecti(e in(o+(e' in a 7harity 0r)ani>ation ca++e' J.oo' Not ;om@sK 5 ?ee'in) home+ess peop+e in New/orD ?oo' sa+(a)e' ?rom resta*rants an' )rocery stores. 2here are r*mo*rs that $orie Poten>a an' an accomp+ice o? $orie Poten>aAs were in(o+(e' in poisonin) the home+ess in New /orD 4 New Bersey 4 North 7aro+ina 4 So*th 7aro+ina 4 A+a@ama 4 Geor)ia 4 an' 2eCas. I checDe' the imposte*rs Iaw re)ion with a #a'io .reH*ency Si)na+s 3etector 5 he ha' a #a'io Si)na+ acti(e+y transmittin). 3*rin) the year 2003 4 3ana Um@ro mentione' to me that he Dnew a woman who was in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) who Dept 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es in her home sometimes 5 woman he 'escri@e' so*n'e' +iDe Pete Poten>aAs co*sin $orie who is co*sins with ;ea* SDinnerAs an' Am@er SDinnerAs mother 4 An)ie. 3ana Um@ro state' that he Dnew a man who was in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) that he @e+ie(e' was pro@a@+y the $or' o? the SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD < 3ana Um@ro state' that he was not

happy a@o*t what the man was in(o+(e' in an' what he was p+annin) in the ?*t*re 5 3ana Um@ro to+' me that there was racia+ tar)ets an' that An)+o SaCons an' .irst Nations Nati(e Americans are two o? them. 3ana Um@ro seeme' somewhat a?rai' to ta+D a@o*t this. 3ana Um@ro Dnew the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' his wi?e ;onnie Um@ro ha' Aosta ancestry an' possi@+y Sa(oy ancestry as we++ as was ;onnie *m@ro Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin. 12 1" 2013 5 :hi+e in San Antonio 2eCas 4 the Swine .+* 1pi'emic was +ie' a@o*t in on the 2e+e(ision News. 2he 2e+e(ision News c+aime' that the Swine .+* 1pi'emic occ*rre' in 200" < the Swine .+* 1pi'emic @e)an in 200! an' contin*e' *nti+ 200". It is near+y 'e?inite that the Ita+ian SA=0/ A6IS .action *se' the Swine .+* 1pi'emic to camo*?+a)e their poisonin)s an' assassinations o? USAmerican 7i(i+ians an' others in North America 4 whi+e re?*sin) them 'ia)nosis in a Hospita+. 7hris 2homas -1man*e+e8 an' a 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'er were seen in the 7atho+ic Me'ica+ 7enter 4 the 1++iot Hospita+ 4 an' the 7oncor' Me'ica+ 7enter < a++ in NewHampshire 5 '*rin) the years 200! 4 2008 4 an' 200". More than one person that I Dnow ha(e @een poisone' @y pro'*cts on she+(es ?rom stores '*rin) those years 4 as we++ as were peop+e poisone' at restara*nts an' at 'inner parties. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' myse+? 'isc*sse' the 'an)er that the A6IS co*+' attempt to poison entire pop*+ations *sin) .oo' Pro'*ction .actories an' @ar co'e' Shippin) F 2racDin) to poison comm*nities that they 'i' not +i(e in @y pro(i'in) poisone' pro'*cts to the she+(es. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y @ecame o@sesse' with ;o@ Sha)o*ry a?ter 2ony Grasseti met him 5 the name Sha)o*ry was p+ace' on 'oors twice which I was in Hospita+s 4 @oth times I was H*estione' a@o*t re+i)ion) an' re?erre' to as GHe>@o++ah ;a';oyG 4 a Neo Na>i 4 an' GIranG. ;o@ Sha)o*ryAs ?ami+y was a M*s+im ?ami+y. 2he 1man*e+esA A6IS Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ents attempte' to maDe it appear as i? the U.S.American .e'era+ Go(ernment an' Mi+itary were in(esti)atin) me an' sta+Din) me as the res*+t o? an in(esti)ation. 2hese were .a+se .+a))e' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are attacDs. 12 20 2013 5 In San Antonio 2eCas 4 a News Paper Artic+e has I*st @een p*@+ishe' that is @+amin) MeCico an' GUn'oc*mente' MeCicansG ?or G7hi+' Sm*))+in)G as we++ as a GMeCican 7arte+G ?or G7hi+' Sm*))+in)G. 2his is 'e?inite+y an artic+e that has @een in?+*ence' @y 7+int -1man*e+e8. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 Bason Be??rey tooD me ?or a 'ri(e 'own to 3*m@arton =ir)inia to picD *p some marIi*ana ?rom 7+int < when arri(e' at 7+intAs apartment in 3*m@arton 4 we ha' to picD him *p an' 'ri(e a@o*t 3 min*tes *p the roa' to a ho*se that his ?ami+yAs Properties Stea' Ho+'er owne'. 2his ho*se was neCt to the $i)htho*se ;aptist 7h*rch across the street ?rom V5!11 on the same street an' is near Stap+es Mi++ #enta+ 2ownhomes. 2he Ho*se ha' an' sti++ has /e++ow si'in) paint 4 :hite painte' trim 4 a 'oor that is painte' a so?t pistachio co+or 4 an' is a 3 ?+oor @*i+'in). :hen we 'ro(e *p the 'ri(eway to this ho*se to )o )et the mariI*ana ?rom 7+intAs ?rien' 4 G3ia@+oG was in the parDin)+ot with two other ma+es an' a MeCican )ir+ who +ooDe' to @e a@o*t ! years o+'. I asDe' 7+int i? she was an a@*ction (ictim an' i? he was a pe'ophi+e. A ?ew months +ater 4 Bason Be??rey Ioine' 7+int an' .i++i@ertoAs 7rime Syn'icate as a 7rime So+'ier an' con?irme' that the +itt+e )ir+ was an a@'*ction (ictim an' that they ha' @een rapin) an' chi+' porno)raphin) her. .o*r years a?ter this 4 1' :arren ma'e the comment G3*'e... 'own in MeCico 4 them )*ys wi++ se++ yo* their 12 year o+' 'a*)hter. 2heyAre 'irty 4 '*'e.G an' this comment was ma'e approCimate+y % years a?ter I ha' seen 7+int with the ! year o+' )ir+ 5 ! X % W 11 4 one year +ess than 12. 02 201% I was in?orme' that a )ir+ in $ore'o 2eCas '*rin) 200" who ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a G+o@a+ Position System ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ha' escape' ?rom a '*n)eon that some@o'y ha' he+' her capti(e in an' whi+e wa+Din) thro*)h $ore'o 2eCas +o*' micro eCp+osi(es were 'etonatin) as a res*+t o? @ein) within c+ose ran)e o? the G+o@a+ Position System s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in her. 2hese eCp+osi(e 'e(ices were apparent+y positione' in p+aces *n'er hoo's o? (ehic+es an' in other +ocations. 2he )ir+ was one o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS tort*re (ictims an' was psycho+o)ica++y assa*+te' a?ter escapin) ?rom the '*n)eon she ha' @een he+' capti(e in. 02 2E 201% 5 Some@o'y *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware mo(e' my mo*th an' eCp+aine' to me

that my .ather was ?irst rep+ace' in 1""" @y a man with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in his crani*m an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate to +ooD +iDe my .ather < they eCp+aine' that the terrorists worDin) with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?i+e' his teeth to ha(e the same ?i++in)s as my .ather so that none wo*+' notice. :hoe(er the person mo(in) my mo*th was 4 I was not to+'. 2hey to+' me that they were *sin) Ne*roScience So?tware to mo(e my mo*th an' that I ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my sD*++ an' a+so that my +itt+e sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was in $ore'o 2eCas '*rin) 200" an' 2010 an' that 7he+sey ha' @een m*tate' @y $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey to ha(e @rown sDin an' ha' @een +e?t here with no I.3. 7ar'. 2he person *sin) the Ne*roScience So?tware to mo(e my mo*th a+so to+' me that e(e@nt*a++y $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey mo(e' to $ore'o 2eCas an' ha' Stephanie Bohnston with her sti++ 4 MiDe BohnstonAs +itt+e sister 5 an' ha' @een Deepin) her as a s+a(e. I was then to+' that the pro?i+e J2eC>a MorenoK that a''e' me on .ace;ooD in 200" ] 2010 4 ha' 'one so to e(ent*a++y rep+ace a++ o? the MeCican an' 2eCan .ace;ooDs on my pro?i+e with Imposte*r .ace;ooD Pro?i+es @eca*se I ha' )otten in contact with Bose Men'o>a o? $ore'o 2eCas 5 Bose Men'o>a ha' @ecome ?rei'ns with my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' ha' @een he+pin) her s*r(i(e. Boese Men'o>a was an A>teca man who +iDe' Meta+ m*sic +iDe myse+?. 7*rrent+y 4 the pop*+ation o? $ore'o 2eCas seems to @e most+y Ita+ians 4 there are n*mero*s peop+e here who appear to @e Ita+ians preten'in) to @e MeCicans an' attemptin) to speaD +iDe them. $in'say Garo?anoAs co*sin is Banet Napo+itano 5 $in'say Garo?ano 4 who +i(e' in NewHampshire '*rin) the maIority o? her +i?e an' +ater mo(e' to 2eCas 4 has @een in(o+(e' iwith the Ita+ian A6IS most o? her +i?e '*e to her ?ami+ies connections to the Ho*se o?Sa(oy an' the Poten>a .ami+y. Banet Napo+itano is ?rien's an' accomp+ice o? $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey an' Pete Poten>a. Many o? these peop+e ha(e recent+y swappe' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with SeC 0??en'ers who wante' new I.3.s. 3*rin) 2005 < Gra>>io+i 4 $orie Poten>a 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 Bason ;e++more 4 an' others ma'e p+ans to swap their own I.3.s with SeC 0??en'ers '*rin) the process o? eCterminatin) any ?ami+y who ha' e(er met them an' a +ar)e pop*+ation o? h*man +i?e on the eastern ha+? o? the North American 7ontinent ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) any 'isc*ssion concernin) the ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 that =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e an' his 7rime Syn'icate were in(o+(e' in the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? minors an' a'*+ts 4 an' that A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sinsA ?ami+ies an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' @een +i(in) in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. .or the past 50 years at +east. Accor'in) to the person *sin) the Ne*roScience So?tware that was mo(in) my mo*th 4 '*rin) 200" 5 Ne*ro+o)y #ecor'in)s were transmitte' to the G.P.S. 3e(ice imp+ante' in my Iaw that is wire' to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < an' these Ne*ro+o)y #ecor'in)s were important an' containe' e(i'ence o? the peop+e who ha' 'one this to myse+? an' mem@ers o? my ?ami+y an' my comm*nity. My G.P.S $ocation 'y*rin) 200" was 2E1 Pine Street Manchester NewHampshire . 2he person *sin) the Ne*roScience So?tware eCp+aine' to me that Ste(e Parish an' $in'say Garo?ano 4 @oth ?ormer+y o? NewHampshire 5 ha' @een worDin) with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*rin) this an' ha' @etraye' 7hristine 3ion an' Samantha G*ay an' myse+? < apparent+y Ste(e Parish an' $in'say Garo?ano ha' @een worDin) with their own imposte*rs '*rin) a++ o? this. =ittorio 1man*e+e p+ans to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to timeFp+ace imposte*rs o? himse+? an' others who ha' worDe' with him an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action '*rin) this Genoci'e in an attempt to create an A+i@i. A Unite' Nations :ar 7rimes in(esti)ation in North America is an imme'iate necessity. 2his :ar 7rimes in(esti)ation nee's to in(esti)ate recor'in)s o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces at the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentAs ;ases an' the Impro(ise' A*'io #ecor'in) 3e(ices that were co(ert+y insta++e' in n*mero*s +ocations @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oys so+'iers 4 simi+ar to what they ha' 'one '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration a?ter the 2n' 3e?eat o? the A6IS an' the immi)ration o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs #oya+ .ami+y an' n*mero*s ?ami+ies o? Sa(oy 9ni)hts to the U.S.A. with the co*sins o? theirs whom were Aosta 9ni)hts. It seems 'e?inite that the A6IS that create' the 3r' #eich

was tr*e+y comprise' o? Aristocrats who were in re@e++ion a)ainst the concepts o? Par+iamentary 3emocracy 4 Nationa+ism 4 an' Socia+ism 5 the Secon' :or+' :ar @e)an with the in?i+tration an' Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation o? the Nationa+ Socia+ist German $a@o*r Party @y A'o+? GHit+erG an' so+'iers o? Sa(oy an' their a++ies 4 this contin*e' with the 7o*p 3e 1tat o? the 3e*tsche )o(ernment entire+y an' the e+imination o? the Par+iament a?ter they @*rne' 'own the Par+iament o??ice an' @+ame' the So(iet Union an' +ater the 3e*tsche peop+e themse+(es 4 an' c*+minate' in a war ?or G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' the Genoci'a+ 1Ctermination o? mi++ions o? ci(i+ians o? 3e*tsche an' Israe+i race as we++ as others. My co*sin B*+ianna who was ?rom Sici+y Dnew this an' spoDe these tr*ths +o*'+y her entire +i?e ?or reason that her ?ami+yAs co*sins were a++ assassinate' an' massacre' in Sici+y @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy who str*cD them @eca*se they were o@ser(e' ta+Din) a@o*t the tr*th concernin) A'o+? GHit+erAs Sa(oy an' Aosta +inea)e an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs writin) o? a++ o? A'o+? Hit+erAs speeches as we++ as his 'esi)nin) o? m*ch o? the p+ans o? the A6IS 4 #ache+ Gar(ey Dnew these thin)s an' wrote a@o*t them in Hi)hschoo+ reports as we++ as ta+De' a@o*t them 4 my .ather a+so *n'erstoo' these thin)s as we++ an' he is missin) an' has @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs since approCimate+y 2001. It is 'e?inite that so+'iers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e em@e''e' themse+(es within the U.S.A. Po+ice 3epartments 4 the U.S.A. .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations 4 an' the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense 5 these 7o(ert So+'iers ha(e th*s ?ar mana)e' to sa@ota)e in(esti)ations 4 re?*se' to in(esti)ate 4 re?*se' to accept :itness 2estimonia+ Statements 4 an' ha(e thwarte' 7i(i+ians attempts to report to the necessary 'epartments that this )enoci'e is occ*rrin) < they ha(e intentiona++y thwarte' 7i(i+ians attempts to report the Genoci'e 4 the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces other 7rimes A)ainst H*manity occ*rrin) in the Hospita+s in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. 4 an' ha(e thwarte' the U.S.A. 7i(i+ians an' =isitors attempts to seeD ai' an' ens*re that the U.S.A. an' ?orei)n Nations in(esti)ate these crimes an' 'ec+are war *pon these :ar 7rimina+s. 2his is a G+o@a+ 2errorist threat an' is 'e?inite a contin*ation o? the Genoci'a+ attacDs *pon the U.S.A. that initiate' the :ar on 2error. Hospita+s 4 0rtho'onta+ 7+inics 4 an' other Hea+thcare .aci+ities are @ein) *se' ?or Genoci'e c*rrent+y < @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta. 0? eCtreme 'an)er is the ?act that the 2e+e(ision News A)encies ha(e reporte' that Hepatitis A 4 Hepatitis ; 4 an' Hepatitis 7 ha(e @een contracte' @y (ictims who contracte' these 'iseases in Hospita+s a++ o(er North America < a+so reporte' are 'iseases s*ch as these sprea'in) ?rom .ast .oo' #esta*rants 5 the ?act that nee's to @e st*'ie' is that a .ast .oo' #esta*rant is an *ncon?irma@+e so*rce o? most (ira+ in?ections an' 'isease in?ections '*e to the ?act that the maIority o? the ?oo' *se' is thrown away imme'iate+y an' these resta*rants Deep (ery +itt+e o(erstocD in the ?ree>er. A+so reporte' that may @e o? '*@io*s ori)in 4 the Swine .+* that was reporte' as @ein) two 'i??erent strains o? ?+* '*rin) the year 200! 5 this GSwine .+*G Di++e' peop+e a++ o(er the U.S.A. 4 @*t was contracte' @y n*mero*s peop+e who s*??ere' no i++ness other than co*)h an' co+' symptoms an' +oose @owe+s. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 I was poisone' n*mero*s times @y Ita+ians < a?ter 3 poisonin)s inc+*'in) ;+acD Mo+' In)estion 4 Irra'iate' .oo' In)estion 4 an' some Din' o? toCin in a 'rinD that an imposte*r o? 9eith Hammon' ca++e' G#ocDet .*e+G 5 these poisonin)s res*+te' in my se+? eCperiencin) stomach spasms 4 esopha)o*s spasms 4 stomach an' intenstina+ pain 4 pain in +i(er 4 pain in pancreatic re)ion 4 pain in Di'neys 4 pain in my so+ap+eC*s re)ion 4 pro'*ction o? )*acamo+e co+ore' stoo+ that was the teCt*re o? paint 4 pro'*ction o? spon)e +iDe stoo+ that was 'ischar)e' with +oose waste that +ooDe' +iDe m*star' 4 an' pro'*ction o? @+acD an' white ?eces. A?ter attemptin) to (isit n*mero*s hospita+s 4 I was to+' @y n*rses an' 'octors in the hospita+s that nothin) was wron) with my se+? < I was in eCcr*ciatin) pain ?or approCimate+y ! months 5 si)hte' at the hospita+s were 2 con(icte' an' re)istere' SeC 0??en'ers *sin) I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which were not their own 4 an' a+so si)hte' at the hospita+s twice was =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas. 7hris 2homas is A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran' nephew an' a son o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e I=. 3*rin) this time 4 n*mero*s ?ami+ies 'isappeare' ?rom the re)ion o? the North 1ast o? North America an' h*n're's o? ci(i+ian (ictims attempte' to report that

they ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their 7rani*ms a++ o(er the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. < c*rrent+y 4 the North 1ast is hea(i+y 'epop*+ate' an' tho*san's o? peop+e ha(e I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which are not their own. 3*rin) this time the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS were assassinatin) an' ens+a(in) entire +ists o? ?ami+ies in North America an' they ha(e not yet @een arreste' 5 it is 'e?inite that this has occ*rre'. 3*rin) my attempts to seeD he+p at the hospita+s in the North 1ast o? North America 4 n*mero*s Bewish 3octorsA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were @ein) *se' @y men who ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' themse+(es to appear o? Israe+i race 5 three o? these men attempte' to con(ince me that I was @ein) re?*se' Me'ica+ Assistance ?or reason that I am a GNa>iG 4 @eca*se my po+itic is a Nationa+ist po+itic. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy attempte' to .a+se .+a) this Genoci'a+ 2errorist AttacD an' on)oin) attempt to @*i+' a 7o(ert 7rimina+ 2errorist #e)ime in North America < as an Israe+i Mossa' 7o(ert 0peration. 2hey a)ain trie' in the year 200! 4 the con(ince me that I was @ein) a++owe' to 'ie @eca*se I was GIrish #ep*@+ican ArmyG an' it o??en'e' the Unite' 9in)'om o? Great;ritain an' Northern Ire+an'. I am a Nationa+ist an' my home+an' is New 1n)+an'. Israe+ is my nationAs a++y. I am not a 7rimina+ 4 there?or I am not a 2errorist. An eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s possi@i+ity is that the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS are poisonin) 7i(i+ians @y *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 Poisone' Pro'*cts on she+? at Grocery Stores which are *ni?orm pacDa)e' an' a@+e to @e 'e+i(ere' at precise timin) an' 7i(i+ians manip*+ate' into picDin) speci?ic pacDa)es < an' are re?*sin) them ai' 4 an' are taDin) the corpses to Mor)*es an' +yin) '*rin) a*topsy when poisonin) is re(ea+e'. 2he entirety o? the )*i+ty ?action that is here committin) these crimes th*s ?ar ha(e @een the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 some 9ni)hts o? Aosta 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 an' SeC 0??en'ers which the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action ha(e recr*ite' ?rom hospita+s. 2he ?act that ci(i+ians are ret*rnin) home ?rom Hospita+ 7are an' other Hea+thcare stays 4 with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their crani*ms 5 is a@so+*te e(i'ence that the 1man*e+e .ami+y an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as their A6IS Accomp+ices ha(e p*rchase' most o? the hospita+s in the North 1ast o? North America an' in other re)ions. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his Aristocratic Ho*se an' .ami+y are Genoci'a+ 1nemy 7om@atants o? the U.S.A. an' are c*rrent+y attemptin) to permanant+y Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the U.S.A. 3epartments o? State as we++ as comp+ete+y corr*pt entire+y the U.S.A. 4 MeCico 4 7ana'a 4 the U.9. 4 A*stra+ia 4 New Pea+an' 4 3e*tsche+an' 4 ;ra>i+ 4 an' other nations which are not their own s*ch as Ser@ia 4 ;osnia 4 an' Iran. 3*rin) the year 200% < my ?rien' ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' my se+? 'isc*sse' the threat o? the A6IS taDin) the hospita+s an' ?a+se ?+a))in) attacDs as Israe+ 4 Iran 4 $e@anon 4 an' other nations ?or the p*rpose o? ca*sin) war?are @etween ne*tra+ parties 5 a+so 'isc*sse' was the threat o? G2he MarD o? the ;eastG ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 G+o@a+ Positionin) System 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 4 an' =erichips @ein) *se' to commit 7o(ert Systemic Genoci'e o? 7i(i+ians in North America an' the threat o? the A6IS @ein) in a position to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense. ;o@ Sha)o*ry was o? ha+? $e@anese an' ha+? Syrian race an' the son o? a M*s+im < ;o@ Sha)o*ry 'isco(ere' that G0sama ;in$a'enG was an a+ias an' was not the tr*e ?act*a+ name o? the 2errorist Mi+itant $or' Dnown as G0sama ;in$a'enG 4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry state' that he ?o*n' o*t ?rom some M*s+ims he Dnew that G0sama ;in$a'enG was ?act*a++y an A6IS So+'ier o? a Sa*'i Ara@ian A6IS .action. ;o@ Sha)o*ry a+so state' that he @e+ie(e' that Sa''am H*sseinAs co*sin ha' resi)ne' ?rom an A6IS .action an' that the A6IS were *sin) 3ona+' #*ms?e+' to striDe IraH in re(en)e an' ?or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) Sa''am H*ssein as a so*rce o? Mi+itary In?ormation re)ar'in) the wherea@o*ts o? the A6IS .actions who ha(e @een co(ert+y attacDin) n*mero*s nations. Accor'in) to ;o@ Sha)o*ry 4 Sa''am H*ssein was ?rame' ?or what the A6IS ha' 'one. I @e+ie(e it an' I @e+ie(e' the same thin) a+rea'y. :hi+e ci(i+ians were @ein) 'enie' assistance in Hospita+s an' the GSwine .+* 1pi'emicG was sprea'in) 4 the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are A)ents o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy were .a+se .+a))in) their i'entities as Bewish 3octors. 2he 7i(i+ians who ha(e @een he+pin) these A6IS 2errorists are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een corr*pte' @y metho' o? tort*re in con?inement 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace *se' to corr*pt the Psycho+o)y o? the =ictimsA 4 recr*ite' @y metho' o? physica++y pi+otin) them to

commit crimes @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' +ater ;+acD Mai+in) the 7i(i+ian as the res*+t o? the action 4 poisone' with 3isassociati(e Ne*ro2oCins or other Ne*ro2oCins an' Pi+ote' to commit heino*s :ar 7rimes whi+e contro++e' @y ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces are capa@+e o? networDin) Si)ht Ne*ro+o)y 4 A*'ia+ Ne*ro+o)y 4 an' M*sc*+at*re Ne*ro+o)y to s+eepin) h*man @ein)s 5 the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy are pro@a@+e to attempt to NetworD the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD to entire chain +inD we@s o? m*+tip+e ci(i+ians ?or p*rpose o? *sin) the psycho+o)y o? a s+eepin) person to commit (io+ence attacDs @y in?+*encin) the Psycho+o)y an' Ne*ro+o)ica+ Mechanics o? the other =ictimsA 4 *naware that the G3reamG was a #ea+ity. Usin) a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to insti)ate Physica+ 7om@at whi+e a =ictim is 'reamin) is 162#1M1$/ SIMP$1 5 Physica+ 7on?+ict is instincti(e an' is a simp+e ?*nction o? .i)ht or .+i)ht an' threat i'enti?ication. 2he a+i@i that the wor+' is G'reamin) itse+? to 'eathG 4 the main street in Manchester NewHamphire is ca++e' 1+m Street 4 I ?e++ in +o(e with a Bewish :oman name' Samantha ;ernstein who worDe' at a ;anD on 1+m Street 5 I 'i' not Dnow her persona++y 4 @*t it was notice' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy imme'iate+y. GA Ni)htMare on 1+m StreetG is a mo(ie a@o*t a Seria+ 9i++er Ghost who Di++s 3reamers whi+e they are s+eepin). 3*rin) 200E 4 9atie 7ameronAs mo*th mo(e' an' sai' to me G2he American 3ream is 'ea'. 2he American 3ream is o(er.G 4 it seeme' that her mo*th was mo(in) as a res*+t o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace mo(in) her mo*th. I was @ein) sta+De' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy my entire +i?e 4 =ittorio G=ictorA 1man*e+e is a 7hi+' Porno)rapher 4 a SeC 2ra??icDer o? 7hi+'ren 4 an' a Genoci'a+ 2errorist who tar)ette' @oth my MotherAs an' my .atherAs races '*rin) their chi+'hoo' an' SeC 2ra??icDin) my mother 3e@ra Ann $a=oie when she was a yo*n) chi+' ?or approCimate+y 10 years o? her +i?e as we++ as 7hi+' Porno)raphe' my se+? an' other chi+'ren '*rin) the 1"80As. My Mother ne(er Dnew that the ?ami+ies that 'i' these thin)s were the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' that they were A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y an' the eCi+e' Ita+ian Aristocracy 5 she tho*)ht that she ha' met GSatanistsG an' that she Dept meetin) GSatanistsG. In the year 2003 4 when I o@taine' emp+oyment at ;icD?or's in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 my @oss 3ana Um@ro was a 7rime So+'ier o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 7rime Syn'icate whoAs wi?e was o? @oth Sa(oy an' Aosta +inea)e. In the year 200% 4 when I @e)an worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire 5 my @oss was a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' I ha' I*st @een ca*)ht @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in?ormin) a Bewish man @y metho' o? internet who A'o+? Hit+erAs .ami+y were. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 Samantha ;ernstein wa+De' into my p+ace o? worD an' I was ca*)ht on sec*rity camera smi+in) at her an' +ooDin) at her in awe o? her @ea*ty 5 I ca*)ht 1' :arren watchin) a rep+ay o? her @rie? entrance an' wa+D thro*)h the store. 1' :arren is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a 2errorist 7rime So+'ier o? the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS. Samantha ;ernstein worDe' at 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. It is pro@a@+e that it is )oin) to @ecome a necessity ?or Israe+ 4 .rance 4 the U.9. 4 A*stra+ia 4 7ana'a 4 MeCico 4 Norway 4 an' #*ssia to sen' .rien'+y Mi+itary Inte++i)ence S+eeper A)ents to the U.S.A. with or'ers to in(esti)ate the A6IS in the U.S.A. < @oth within the Nationa+ Go(ernment an' positions s*ch as Hea+thcare In'*stry 4 7omm*nication In'*stry 4 2echno+o)ies In'*stry 4 an' 2ransportation In'*stry. It may ha(e @ecome an *n?ort*nate necessity to reH*est that A++ie' Nations sen' to the U.S.A. 4 S+eeper A)ents whom are not *n'er the 'irection o? the U.S.A. Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 5 this is ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) that the U.S.A. is not Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate' @y 1nemy 7om@atant S+eeper 7e++s ?rom .orei)n Nations. 2his is to @e accepte' @y In(itation 0n+y an' is on+y to @e reH*este' ?or reason o? speci?ic ?actions s*ch as the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action which are an eCtreme threat to the U.S.A. who i? *n'erestimate' 4 wi++ easi+y conH*er North America an' Genoci'a++y 1Cterminate the North American 7ontinent. It m*st @e eCp+aine' that 3.N.A. 2estin) o? the A++ie' S+eeper A)ent Mi+itary Inte++i)ence A)ents @ein) sent to the U.S.A. 5 m*st @e pro(en to @e o? the physica+ Nations o? Peop+e to whom we are a++ie' ?or p*rpose o? pre(entin) the A6IS .action ?rom 'ecapitatin) the a++ie' nationAs Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartmentAs in(esti)ati(e operation. 2he PA2#I02 Act m*st remain in e??ect an' pro@a@+y nee's to @e ammen'e' 4 this is a+so tr*e o? the

Gene(a 7ompacts 5 ammen'ments nee' to @e ma'e to m*ch o? the Gene(a 7on(entionsA A)reements. #eta+iatory Mi+itary Specia+ 0perations s*ch as 2ar)ette' A@'*ctions 4 2ar)ette' 7omp*ter HacDin) 0perations 4 an' 2ar)ette' Assassinations 5 this 4 ?or p*rpose o? pre(entin) Genoci'e. A new system o? Nationa+ I'enti?ication is )oin) to @e necessary 4 ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) that citi>ens ha(e the correct I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 this system is )oin) to nee' to in(o+(e 3NA 2estin) an' the creation o? a 3NA #ecor' 3ata@ase inc+*'in) I'enti?ication 4 7ens*s 4 Hea+th 4 an' Sa?ety So?tware. .or this to worD proper+y 4 two .e'era++y 0wne' an' .e'era+ 1mp+oyee Sta??e' hospita+s as we++ as two pri(ate+y owne' hospita+s 5 are )oin) to @e necessary ?or citi>ens to 3NA 2est at to ens*re acc*racy < an A*tomate' Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence A*'itin) So?tware is )oin) to @e neccessary ?or the p*rpose o? ens*rin) the acc*racy o? I'enti?ication #ecor's as we++ as is m*+tip+e teams o? 3NA #ecor's A*'itors )oin) to @e a neccessity. 2he I'enti?ication System is )oin) to nee' a .ami+y 2ree 3ata@ase as we++ as a Point o? 0ri)in an' P+ace o? ;irth 3ata@ase 5 a pop*+ation o? this si>e it is necessary to @e a@+e to Dnow ?or a ?act 4 the i'entity o? 7iti>ens an' =isitors. 2he 3NA 7ens*s Hea+th F Sa?ety So?tware is capa@+e o? @ein) co*p+e' with an A*tomate' Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence Ana+ysis So?tware that co*+' @e capa@+e o? 'etectin) a 7o(ert Genoci'e sho*+' one occ*r. It is a+so )oin) to @e necessary ?or a person who *n'er)oes =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation 4 to re)ister with the state 5 their =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation o? 3NA. .or the p*rpose o? in(esti)atin) this G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation an' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices recor'e' transmissions that ha(e @een recor'e' in Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters < it is a neccessity that a++ races o? peop+e are represente' @y Mi+itary 1mp+oyees o? their own physica+ race wearin) their respecti(e Mi+itary Uni?orms 4 this is a 'e?inite )enoci'e. .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 An)+o Gae+ic Americans 4 .ranDic an' Ho++an'er Americans 4 an' A?rican Americans nee' to @e represente' @y the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense as themse+(es '*rin) this in(esti)ation to ens*re the comp+ete +acD o? a ?orei)n A6IS .action in?i+trator. It wo*+' @e eCtreme+y *se?*+ ?or the Unite' Nations to @e in(o+(e' in this in(esti)ation. It wo*+' a+so @e eCtreme+y *se?*+ to man'ate that one Marine @e present to represent each Nationa+ Mi+itary with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in their @rain 4 transmittin) to Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment 7omp*ters @y means o? A#G0S G.P.S. on a speci?ic Mi+itary Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ 5 this 4 '*rin) the internationa+ in(esti)ation o? as many Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases as possi@+e. A++ Nations e??ecte' 4 sho*+' @e represente' '*rin) this in(esti)ation. 2he most reasona@+e Nations to start this in(esti)ation are the U.S.A. 4 7ana'a 4 MeCico 4 Ire+an' 4 the U.9. 4 Ita+ia 4 A*stria 4 3e*tsche+an' 4 Norway 4 ;ra>i+ 4 7o+om@ia 4 Ar)entina 4 A*stra+ia 4 NewPea+an' 4 Bamaica 4 So*th 9orea 4 In'ia 4 .rance 4 Spain 4 Sa*'i Ara@ia 4 Israe+ 4 Iran 4 So*th A?rica 4 Bapan4 9enya 4 Greece 4 ;osnia 4 Ser@ia 4 #*ssia 4 an' Morrocco. 2hese in(esti)ations can @e con'*cte' ?rom within the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment ;ases o? their respecti(e Nations 4 cooperati(e+y. 2he presense o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' Marines '*rin) these in(esti)ations is necessary an' they sho*+' @e watche' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? their own nationAs ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) that none assassinate the in(esti)ators 5 a 3.N.A. test o? a++ Mi+itary Persone++ in(o+(e' in these in(esti)ations sho*+' @e reH*ire' 4 ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) that these peop+e are who they say they are. 2his is an Internationa+ G+o@a+ 7risis. #eH*irin) races o? peop+e to @e represente' within their own Nati(e Mi+itary '*rin) a )enoci'e in(esti)ation is (ery important. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS is an eCtremist Anti Nati(ist Genoc + 7rimina+ .action. 12Q1"Q2013 5 I 'isco(ere' to'ay that my ?act*a+ sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was he+' hosta)e @y 7+int -1man*e+e8 an' 7hris 2homas 4 an' that whi+e they were in San Antonio 2eCas < 7+int was intro'*ce' to An'ers ;rei(iD whi+e in the presense o? my sister. 2his was possi@+y '*rin) the year 200!. 7he+sey MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston were @oth si)hte' with 7+int -1man*e+e8 '*rin)

200! 4 in San Antonio 2eCas. It is @e+ie(e' that An'ers ;rei(iD may ha(e @een s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace here. 2he 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha(e attacDe' the entirety o? the Nor'ic races in North America an' e(en the entire Asatr* comm*nity. I was to+' that my sister an' Stephanie Bohnston 4 ta+De' to An'ers a@o*t Asatr* #e+i)ion an' to+' him that their @rothers were Asatr*ars. MiDe Bohnston is a Asatr*ar who +i(e' in Massach*settes an' is c*rrent+y missin). An'ers ;rei(iD was a Nationa+ist an' may ha(e @een pi+ote' to s+ay 80 Norwe)ian s*pporters o? the $a@o*r Party. 2he N.S.3.A.P. was the Nationa+ist $a@o*r Party o? 3e*tsche+an' that was tar)ette' @y A'o+? Hit+er an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 Heiraracha++y 3ecapitate' 4 an' *se' as a camo*?+a)e to mi+itari+y 7o*p 3e 1tat the 3e*tsche Go(ernment. 12Q20Q2013 5 I I*st 'isco(ere' to'ay that many o? the Ita+ians who ha(e *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' ha(e occ*pie' the position o? U.S.Americans I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s as imposte*rs in the U.S.A. < @e+ie(e that they were Mi+itari+y 3ra?te' @y the Ita+ian Ministry o? 3e?ense an' ha(e @een ca++in) it a GMi+itary Inte++i)ence 3ra?tG. 2his is 'e?inite+y i++e)a+ an' is a G1N07I31. 2hey ha(e @een con?ronte' an' re?*se to answer H*estions. 2here are missin) chi+'ren now. 0n o? my sisterAs @est ?rien's who was ha+? Norwe)ian an' ha+? Swe'ish race 4 +ooDs to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an Ita+ian who has *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to chan)e her hair to re' 5 she 'oes not +ooD +iDe the same person at a++. 2his is now a G1N07I31 0. 7HI$3#1N. I ha(e 'e+i(ere' a h*n're' o? these +etters an' emai+e' o(er a h*n're' emai+s 4 I ha(e recei(e' no rep+y. 2he r*mo*r is that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian Mi+itary ha(e p+ans to occ*py the positions o? the A*s7anNPU9US Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases an' 'e+ete a++ o? the store' 'ata recor's. 0n Ban*ary 1!th o? 201% at 5558 PM 4 my mo*th mo(e' an' the terrorist *sin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace spoDe to me an' c+aime' that my sister S*mmer MacPherson was rape' @y an imposte*r o? ;aracD 0@ama on 7hristmas 1(e o? 2013. 2he ins*+ts so*n'e' eCact+y +iDe the Din' o? ins*+ts an' ta*nts that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has ma'e in the past. 3*rin) the year 2013 4 3 imposte*rs o? Boey Mrini were present in Manchester NewHampshire an' were taDin) t*rns *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 Boey Marini was no where to @e ?o*n'. 3*rin) 2005 4 an Ita+ian man who so*n'e' i'entica+ (oice to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' +ooDe' eCtreme+y simi+ar 5 answere' his ce++*+ar te+ephone an' sai' J$orie ;*cD+eyO 0h is it nowO $orie Poten>a then...How are yo*OK. 2his man +ooDe' to @e o? #omano Ita+ian an' $omar'ic Ita+ian race an' ha' a simi+ar appearance to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama on the 2e+e(ision eCcept that was sDin was +i)hter an' his hair was +ess c*r+y. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 an imposte*r o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e who was s+i)ht+y ta++er than .i+ to+' me that he was )oin) ha(e to Jp+ay Santa soonK. N*mero*s photo)raphs o? imposte*rs o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his ?ather =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e ha(e @een p*@+ishe' to the internet. 02 201% 5 I was in?orme' that '*rin) the year 200% 4 6an Peterson was i++e)a++y 'etaine' @y Po+ice 0??icers in Har+in)en 2eCas whi+e attemptin) to tra(e+ into MeCico with a :itness Statement re)ar'in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces that ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in ci(i+ians crani*ms. I ha(e @een in?orme' that a Pa)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was amon) the Po+ice 0??icers that 'etaine' 6an Peterson witho*t pro(ocation or reason to 'o so an' that the Pa)e o? Sa(oy was in ?act contacte'

@y one o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' or'ere' to 'etain 6an Peterson. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 6an Peterson was in?orme' that one o? 3a(e Marsha++As sisters ha' @een a@'*cte' < '*rin) the year 2001 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e threatene' 3a(e Marsha++As ?ami+y statin) that he was )oin) to a@'*ct an' rape 3a(e Marsha++As sisters who were chi+'ren at that time. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs threats were ma'e *sin) A0$ Instant Messa)er. 03 201% 5 I was in?orme' that my sister 7he+sey MacPherson was seC*a++y assa*+te' @y $orie Poten>a 4 Pete Poten>a4 an' Geor)e 7atsopo*+os whi+e at a trai+er home in ArDansas USA. I was in?orme' that 7hris 7hase ?o*n' e(i'ence o? this an' that the Poten>aAs co*sin #o@ert 3AAn)e+o an' Ga@rie+ 3AAn)e+o may ha(e m*r'ere' 7hris 7hase in $ore'o 2eCas at a Hote+ as a res*+t o? his 'isco(ery o? the e(i'ence o? this. .rom what I ha(e @een to+' 4 2im Si>emore an' 7hris 7hase ?o*n' e(i'ence o? this an' the ?act that the Poten>a ?ami+y are ?act*a++y the 1(o+a ?ami+y an' that the Poten>a ?ami+y are in(o+(e' in 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as the ?act that the 1man*e+e ?ami+y are their 7rimina+ Accomp+ices in this. 03 201% 5 I was in?orme' that '*rin) the year 200! 4 my sister Sheena MacPherson an' the ?act*a+ 9atie 7ameron who ha(e @oth @een missin) were si)hte' in 7hica)o at the Go+'en N*))et. Sheena MacPherson was witnesse' @ein) threatene' @y $orie Poten>a at the Go+'en N*))et. $orie Poten>a threatene' to Di++ Sheena MacPherson i? Sheena MacPherson 'i' not s*@mit to her an' 'o as she comman'e' 4 $orie was attemptin) to SeC 2ra??icD my sister. Sheena MacPherson to+' $orie Poten>a that she Dnew $orieAs co*sin An)ie Poten>a an' that Sheena was )oin) to ta+D to the 7hica)o Po+ice 3epartment a@o*t $orie Poten>aAs threats to Di++ o*r ?ami+y an' $orieAs attempts to pimp my sister. $orie Poten>a to+' Sheena MacPherson that the men at the Po+ice 3epartment were $orieAs th*)s. $orie Poten>a is B*+i*s 1(o+aAs co*sin. An)ie Poten>a ?ormer+y +i(e' at E% ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire 0305% in the ho*se across the street ?rom the MacPherson resi'ence. 3*rin) the year 201% < I 'isco(ere' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy p+an to rep+ace the U9 #oya+ .ami+y 4 the 3anish #oya+ .ami+y 4 an' the Norwe)ian #oya+ .ami+y with imposte*rs 5 this is in pre emption to ?orcin) a North American Union *pon the peop+es o? North America 4 an' ?orcin) the U9 an' Norway to Ioin the 1*ropean Union. 2he )oa+ is ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to r*+e an 1mpire In Secret. 2he U9 7rown is the 7rown o? the ;ritish 7ommon :ea+th an' the 3anish 7rown is the 7rown o? 3enmarD 4 the .aroe Is+es 4 an' Green+an' 5 the s*ccess o? this p+an wo*+' p+ace Sa(oy in e(ent*a+ contro+ o? m*ch o? the ;ritish 7ommonwea+th4 North America 4 an' the 1*ropean Union. 5 5 .IN3ING 2H1 H0US1 0. SA=0/ 5 5 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy can @e easi+y +ocate' @y *sin) the reso*rces a(ai+a@+e to the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3eparment o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense as we++ as @y man'atin) 3NA 2est ?or p*rpose o? a man'ate' Nationa+ 7iti>en I'enti?ication 7ar'. 2he ?irst ro*n's o? 3NA 2estin) sho*+' @e con'*cte' within 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' positions o? Go(ernment ?irst 4 an' cooperati(e+y with the Unite' Nations so as to ens*re acc*racy an' ?or p*rpose o? co++ectin) an' testin) m*+tip+e samp+es o? 3NA. 2hese 3NA 2ests sho*+' @e renewe' e(ery year an' there sho*+' @e a man'atory *p'ate i? an in'i(i'*a+ p*rpose?*++y *n'er)oes =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Genetic M*tation treatement ?or a 'isease 4 ?ai+e' 3NA 4 or ?or aesthetic cosmetic p*rposes.

Many o? the ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are re+ate' to some ?ami+ies whom are o? the Ho*se o? Aosta as we++ as are a+most o? the ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @io+o)ica++y re+ate' to each other in a seH*entia+ +ine away ?rom the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa(oy 5 the 1man*e+e ?ami+y. =ittorio 1man*e+e has a'opte' most o? his sons to the ?ami+ies o? 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy < some o? these sons @ein) 7hris 2homas 4 3anie+ Bames4 7+int 2ay+or 4 an' Aaron 1man*e+e who was raise' near Mar+@oro*)h Massach*settes in possi@+y #an'o+ph Massach*ssettes or somep+ace near@y. Many o? the ?ami+ies who =ittorio a'opte' his sons to are his 'istant+y re+ate' @io+o)ica+ co*sins. 2he Grasseti ?ami+y are the co*sins o? the 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' 2ony Grasseti is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II as we++ as 'oes he ha(e Aosta +inea)e o? A*strian race. 9ate 7hristiano is a co*sin o? 2ony GrassetiAs an' is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I possi@+y as we++ as 'oes she pro@a@+y ha(e a sma++ amo*nt o? Aosta +inea)e o? A*strian race as 'oes most o? her ?ami+y. 3an ;*cD+eyAs ?ami+y are co*sins o? the Poten>a ?ami+y 4 the .aerio+o ?ami+y 4 an' 3AAn)e+o ?ami+y < a++ three o? which ?ami+ies are the ?ami+ies o? 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the .aerio+o ?ami+y are o? Sa(oy Ita+ian race an' Aosta A*strian race 4 the others are a+most entire+y Ita+ian race which the eCception o? a ?ew in'ii(i'*a+s whom are o? Aosta +inea)e as we++. Bason ;e++emore is o? the Ho*se o? Aosta an' is o? A*strian race 5 Bason ;e++emore is the )ran'son o? A'o+? Hit+erAs co*sin. 3ana Um@roAs wi?e 4 ;onnie Um@ro is o? Sa(oy Ita+ian race as we++ as Aosta A*strian race 4 she is a+so Bason ;e++emoreAs co*sin. #o@ert #o'on is o? Ita+ian race an' is a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 #o@ert #o'on is a 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e I. #o@ert #o'onAs eC wi?e is a+so o? Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy race 4 she is a+so @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ant o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta. =ittorio 1man*e+e is o? @oth Ita+ian an' A*strian +inea)e an' is the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as a 'escen'ant o? Aosta No@i+ity o? A*stria < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs wi?e Mona 4 is o? the Ho*se o? Aosta o? A*stria an' is o? @oth A*strian an' Ita+ian race 4 ha(in) an amo*nt o? +inea)e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as her Aosta @io+o)ica+ +inea)e. 2he A*strian who was *sin) the name GSt.7yrG within the Po+ice 3epartments in the U.S.A. 4 is r*mo*re' to ha(e @een a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta that was reH*este' to ai' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs terrorist )oa+s an' has @een in contact with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7+int -1man*e+e8 n*mero*s times in the past. Aman'a 7i@otti is a 'escen'ant o? an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent an' other than her o@(io*s Ita+ian racia+ 3NA 4 Aman'a has Aosta +inea)e. 3an #o@icha*'4 whom was Aman'a 7i@ottiAs @oy?rien' 5 is o? @oth Ita+ian Sa(oy an' A*strian Aosta +inea)e as we++ as 'oes he possi@+y ha(e 3e*tsche an' .ranDic 3NA. 7hristine 3ion is o? Ita+ian +inea)e an' is a 'escen'ant o? an Ita+ian A6IS 1spiona)e S+eeper A)ent an' an Assassin o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 my *nc+e A+ Io'ice was the same 5 @oth are pres*me' to @e 'ea' an' rep+ace' @y imposte*rs 5 my twin Io'ice co*sins seem to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. NicD Ma))iore is a 'escen'ant o? a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' an Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper A)ent. Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper So+'iers were raise' to @e+ie(e that e(ent*a++y a race war is )oin) to occ*r in North America 4 '*rin) which they wi++ conH*er the U.S.A. ?rom within. I? they escape into hi'in) 4 *sin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? others < the +ines o? comm*nication o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy wi++ @e easy to ?in'. 3*rin) the ear+y 2000As 4 the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy ma'e p+ans to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to ai' in the )enoci'a+ assassination o? the .or@es 100 :ea+thiest Peop+es $ist as we++ as the .ort*ne 500 :ea+thiest Peop+es $ist 5 ?or the p*rpose o? stea+in) the wea+thy ?ami+ies I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' *sin) them as a+ias i'entities an' ?or p*rpose o? stea+in) a++ o? their wea+th. I? the entire .or@es $ist an' the .ort*ne 500 $ist are in(esti)ate' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 an e(ent*a+ +ine o?

comm*nication @etween these i'entities 4 the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' 4 the Ita+ian Ma?ia 4 an' speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s an' +ocations < wo*+' pro(e the wherea@o*ts o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 3NA 2estin) wi++ pro(e that i'entities o? these in'i(i'*a+s to @e ?act*a++y imposte*rs an' wi++ pro(e that they are the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 as wi++ Mi+itary Interro)ation with an 1+ectro 1ncepha+oGraph He+met on the hea'. I? the Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy s*ccee' at stea+in) the 3NA 4 I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 an' :ea+th o? the .or@es 100 :ea+thiest Peop+e +ist < the U.S.A. Mi+itary 4 Israe+i Mi+itary 4 U9 Mi+itary 4 or others are )oin) to ha(e to con'*ct a ;+acD 0peration *sin) a Specia+ 0perations team to stea+ this wea+th ?rom them entire+y '*rin) the process o? .ree>in) the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs own Assets ?or G1N07I3A$ 21##0#ISM an' 2#1AS0N 5 to ens*re that they 'o not escape or *se the wea+th to hire irre)*+ar crimina+ mercenaries 4 ?*n' constr*ction o? impro(ise' terrorist weapons 4 an' escape or physica++y s+ay the entire U.S.A. +oya+ Mi+itary. 7omm*nications @etween Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 4 Ita+ian Ma?ia an' Ita+ian American Ma?ia 4 the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 the Ho*se o? Monocco 4 the GreeD Aristocracy 4 the Sa*'i Aristocracy 4 an' peop+e in the Unite' States o? America 5 co*+' @e ana+y>e' an' *se' to ?in' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy in hi'in). 1(i'ence o? the Genoci'e in North America eCists in Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters )+o@a++y < (i'eos o? :ar #apes committe' @etween 2000 an' 2013 *p+oa'e' to internet ha(e @een permanant+y recor'e' @y e(ery Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters on 1arth < ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 1+ectronic 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph an' G+o@a+ Positionin) System 1+ectronic 2ransmissions in the U.S.A. ha(e @een recor'e' @y e(ery Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ter connecte' to the A*s7anNPU9US Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD o? the nations o? A*stra+ia 4 7ana'a 4 New Pea+an' 4 the Unite' 9in)'om o? Great ;ritain an' Northern Ire+an' 4 an' the Unite' States o? America < any ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that has +e?t the U.S.A. has @een recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters o? the nations o? whom *pon which soi+4 the (ictims 'isem@arDe' *pon a?ter arri(a+ @y whate(er means o? transportation they chose. Any Mi+itary on 1arth can 7omp*ter HacD an' access any Internet NetworDin) Protoco+ ?rom any +ocation on 1arth at any time. 2he attempte' co(er *p an' permanant si+encin) o? the tr*th o? this Genoci'e is occ*rrin) an' is @ein) recor'e' e+ectronica++y. It is 'e?inite that an on )oin) )enoci'e is occ*rrin) in the USA an' that Po+ice *nits 4 Hospita+s 4 Hote+s 4 .o*n'ries 4 an' 7rematory Ser(ices ha(e @een *se' '*rin) this )enoci'e. 12 * N021S N021S N021S N021S

:-: Brain-Computer-Interface + NeuroScience + Prosthetic NeuroCircuits :-: -* IN"CC&SSIB & B#"IN-CO1P(%&# IN%&#$"C& #"2IO-$#&U(&NCY BI$I N&%BO#KIN! 2&8IC&S (S&2 %O CON%#O %#"PP&2 8IC%I1S : 2he same 7*stom 1n)ineere' US; #o*ter Antennae which can @e *se' in conI*nction with HacDer So?tware s*ch as Spooph2ooph 4 can a+so @e attache' to a :i.i US; to US; 3e(ice A'apter an' mo*nte' @ehin' a wa++ 5 this a++ows the :i.i connectin) o? a 7omp*ter *sin) a US; :i.i US; to US; A'apter 3e(ice. 2his ena@+es SeC 2ra??icDers an' H*man =i(isectionists to ro@otica++y contro+ woman an' tort*re them witho*t them @ein) capa@+e o? reachin) the 'e(ice an' t*rnin) it o?? or @reaDin) the comp*ter. 2his a+so a++ows H*man =i(isectionists an' SeC 2ra??icDers to eCperiment *pon an' Ne*ro ;io#o@otic

7ontro+ the women whom they ha(e @een SeC 2ra??icDin). In most cases these women can not e(en mo(e their own mo*ths to cry ?or he+p. 2his sort o? a wire+ess networD is o?? o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD an' has @een *se' to pro'*ce recor'e' res*+ts on 1Cterna+ Har''ri(es 4 'iscs can @e *se' to physica++y mo(e the res*+ts ?rom one +ocation to another. M*ch o? these res*+ts wi++ e(ent*a++y en' *p @ein) poste' an' co(ert+y mis+a@+e' on .i+e Sharin) :e@Sites an' Ser(er Pro)rams. A+so 5 m*ch o? these eCperiments ha(e @een a'(ertise' on GPorno)raphicG we@sites which a'(ertise the s*ccesses o? these Ne*roScience 2ra??icDin) =i(isection eCperiments an' sometimes attempt to maDe money ?rom them. Some o? these (i'eos may possi@+y @e recor'e' thro*)h the ma+e (ictimsA an' ma+e assai+antsA eyes as GP.0.=. 7ameraG which means GPoint 0? =iew 7ameraG as i? the =is*a+ Ne*roScience comp*ter trans+ation an' recor'in) is a camera. 2he races o? my peop+e an' o*r a++ies are tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' a@so+*te s+a(ery @y this Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' their Sa*'i Ara@ian a++ies. M*ch o? the res*+ts o? these eCperiments are recor'e' @y re)*+ar (i'eo camera 4 some are a+so recor'e' @y =oye*r Spy 7amera *sin) the same connection metho' to connect to comp*ters which are recor'in) the res*+ts to eCterna+ har''ri(es 5 many o? these in the past ha(e transmitte' wire+ess+y an' are recor'e' permanant+y @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 the newer res*+ts o? which ha(e sometimes @een poste' on GPorno)raphicG we@sites on the internet s*ch as 2IA=A.70M which o?ten hosts the res*+ts o? n*mero*s o? these eCperiments as we++ as +inDs to their we@sites. 0? re+e(ance to this we@site is the name 2IA $U3:I79 @ein) that 2IA is the ?irst 3 +etters o? 2IA=A 4 =A is the ?irst to +etters o? =a+erie 0+son 4 $*'wicD is either the type o? 'r*mset or type o? )*itar amp+i?ier that my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson ha'4 an' $*'wicD is the ?irst part o? the mai'en name o? one o? my @est ?rien'sA wi?e whom is $a*ra $*'wiDowsDi. G2ia $*'wicDAsG MySpace Acco*nt is somehow connecte' to the $om@ar'ic Ita+ian man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man @y way o? other pro?i+es which ha(e in the past @een on @oth o? their ?rien's +ists as we++ as ?rien's o? their G?rien'sG. It is pro@a@+e that Pri(ate 0wne' Ser(ers *sin) Impro(ise' 7*stom $on) #an)e :I.I Miniat*re 2owers on roo?s or in attics near hea(i+y pop*+ate' >ones an' inner cities wi++ pro@a@+y eCist somep+ace ?or p*rpose o? co(ert H*man 2ra??icDin) *sin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworDs connecte' @y a pri(ate Intranet as oppose' to Internet 5 this is aDin to the #a'io .reH*ency ?ence aro*n' a ?ami+y resi'ence which tri))ers a 'o)As shocD co++ar to ?orce it to t*rn aro*n' as oppose' to r*nnin) o*t o? the yar' an' into the street. 2his type o? networD wo*+' @e +iDe+y to @e *sin) c*stom 'e(ice 'ri(ers ?or the c*stom miniat*re @roa'cast tower which is in ?act an incre'i@+y +on) ran)e :I.I ro*ter < it wo*+' reH*ire hacDer too+s simi+ar to SP00PH 200PH or 7A=I2/ S1A#7H to ?in' these si)na+s an' i'enti?y the Din' o? 'e(ice which is @ein) *se'. 2his is an incre'i@+y 162#1M1$/ 3ANG1#0US 2H#1A2. It is necessary to ha(e si)na+s inte++i)ence tether points on te+ephone po+es. A Pri(ate 0wne' $oca+ Ser(er *se' ?or H*man 2ra??icDin) an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?acin) wo*+' +iDe+y in(o+(e 2ra??icDers passin) c' roms containin) S+a(e So?tware to the Pri(ate Ser(er 0wner whom is in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin). 2hese Miniat*re 2owers wo*+' @e +iDe+y to ha(e Am@ient Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence an' S+a(e Pro?i+es +oa'e' into the A.I. System. 2his can on+y @e ?o*n' @y a Si)na+s Sweep o? a++ #a'io .reH*ency in a re)ion. 2his system wo*+' @e simi+ar to the In Ho*se #esi'entia+ ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD which was p*@+ishe' in a Science Ma)a>ine '*rin) the 1""0As 5 a Scientist with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace )ra?te' to his @rain as we++ as a :ire+ess 3e(ice connecte' to it 4 pro)ramme' his entire home to respon' to his tho*)hts inc+*'in) a++ +ocDs 4 app+iances 4 thermostat 4 entertainment centers 4 re?ri')erator 4 an' water ?a*cets < this is eH*a++y a threat as is the

Pri(ate $oca+ Ser(er Intranet. A SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim wo*+' @e +iDe an app+iance to these men 4 a +i(e in s+a(e. A*tomo@i+es now ha(e internet as we++ an' can @e pro)ramme' to connect to internet as we++ as other wire+ess 'e(ices an' @+*etooth as soon as the a*tomo@i+e i)nition is starte'. 2hese are +iDe+y to @e *se' at 1rotic Strip 7+*@s 4 SeC 2ra??icDin) Par+o*rs an' ;rothe+s 4 Hote+s4 as we++ as at Hea+thcare .aci+ities an' #esi'entia+ ;*i+'in)s. It is pro@a@+e that the S+a(e Masters wi++ @e)in to ha(e these imp+ante' in their own sD*++s 4 )ra?te' to their own @rains < ?or p*rpose o? contro++in) the (ictims witho*t an 1.1.G. He+met on < the wire+ess 2ransmitter #ecei(er wo*+' +iDe+y @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the same +ocation as the 2ra??icDin) =ictimsA 4 @*t wo*+' inc+*'e a s*@'erma+ sh*t o??Qt*rn on @*tton. It is pro@a@+e that '*rin) his +i?e 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a eCperience' an' witnesse' the most a'(ance' Scienti?ic St*'ies o? his time 5 these @ein) re+ate' to Ne*roScience 4 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 #o@otics 4 ;io #o@otics 4Ne*ro #o@otics4 ;io Mechanica+ Prosthesis 4 Genetic #esearch 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 1Cperiments 4 7himera 1Cperiments 4 In=itro .erti+i>ation an' 3esi)ner Gene eCperiments 4 7omp*ter #o@otics eCperiments 4 Mi+itary Sciences eCperiments 4 ;o'y Mo'i?ication 1Cperiments 4 S*r)ica+ Imp+ants eCperiments 4 Psychiatry an' Pharmace*tica+s eCperiments 4 ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication eCperiments 4 an' 7omp*ter 2echno+o)y. 3*e to competiti(e capita+ist economics 5 it is pro@a@+e that the Scienti?ic a'(ancements which B*+i*s 1(o+a witnesse' 4 were not seen on the marDet or in 2eCt ;ooDs *nti+ the +ate 1""0As. U :-: San "ntonio %e@as :-: $i@rary in San Antonio 2eCas has a staircase +iDe architect*re on part o? the o*tsi'e o? it4 this is reminiscent o? a scene ?rom the mo(ie 2he $a@yrinth. 3*rin) the years 2000 to 2005 4 my sister S*mmer #ose MacPhersonAs ?a(orite mo(ie was 2he $a@yrinth. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Bason #o)ers ha' @een *nDnowin)+y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 5 '*rin) this year 4 S*mmer MacPherson to+' him that her ?a(orite mo(e was the $a@yrinth an' that she @o*)ht 3a(i' ;owie a 3on*t ?rom 3*nDin 3on*ts. .I++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 Bason ;e++emore 4 an' 3anie+ Bames i++e)a++y entere' my @asement '*rin) the year 2001 an' threatene' my ?ami+y to my ?ace 4 te++in) me that they were )oin) to Di++ my entire race an' my entire ?ami+y i? I to+' anyone that they were A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 5 they to+' me themse+(es that they were A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 whi+e stan'in) in my @asement 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e to+' me that he was )oin) to eCterminate the entire North American continent an' rep+ace the pop*+ation with what he ca++e' Jimmi)rants o? A6IS #acesK. .i++i@erto sai' JNo one wi++ e(en notice4 itAs I*st sDin co+or an' the A6IS has them a++. I am )oin) to eCterminate yo*r race. I am )oin) to rape yo*r women an' chi+'ren to 'eath an' Di++ a++ o? yo*.K. 9y+e Howar' witnesse' this. 2he 'ay a?ter this 4 I 'isc*sse' this with 9y+e Howar' an' MiDe $a>>ari. MiDe $a>>ari sai' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was a 'e?inite act*a+ threat an' that his ?ami+y Dnew .i+As ?ami+y 4 MiDe ai' that .i+ is act*a++y 'e?inite that 'an)ero*s. 3*rin) the year 200% 4 when $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi was i++e)a++y S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace < $a*ra $*'wicDowsDi was +i(in) in ;oston. 2here is a @*i+'in) in ;oston that has an architect*re that appears to @e an in(erte' stair case on the si'es o? the @*i+'in). My ?ather tooD S*mmer to see this @*i+'in) in 2000. I @e+ie(e that my .ather was rep+ace' @y an imposte*r '*rin) 2001 an' that it was the imposte*r who mo+este' my sister S*mmer an' ?orce' me o*t o? the

ho*se. 2here has @een at +east 5 imposte*rs o? my ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson since 2001. In the city o? San Antonio 2eCas 4 there is a 3ry7+eanin) Ser(ice ca++e' $a*raAs 3ry7+eanin) that has an 0w+ on a si)n ?or a si)n. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 7+int has spent a+ot o? time in San Antonio. 3*rin) the mo(e 2he $a@yrinth 4 3a(i' ;owieAs character G2he Go@+in 9in)G a@'*cts a @a@y a?ter enterin) a room in the shape o? an 0w+. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 the mo(ie G2he %th 9in'G was re+ease' 5 this mo(ie 'epicte' an A+ien Species that a@'*cte' h*man @ein)s an' *se' 0w+s to spy on the h*mans. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e ?reH*ent+y *se' 0w+s ?or thin)s which they ha(e 'one. In the year 2011 4 a hacDer e'it on the te+e(ision inter*pte' the sche'*+e' pro)rammin) an' 'isp+aye' a scene '*rin) which a Snowy 0w+ appeare' on the 2= an' spoDe. 3*rin) the year 2001 4 Benni?er 0A3onne++ was rape' @y a teena)e ma+e who entere' her home. She was 1!. 2his ma+e was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een committin) an Initiation 7rime ?or .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. Ben 0A3onne++As America 0n+ine Instant Messa)er Screen Name was G;owieB0G. Ben 0A3onne++ was a )ir+ I 'ate' an' was in(o+(e' with romantica++y. 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston @ro*)ht to San Antonio @y 7+int an' rape' @y 7+int. 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston @ro*)ht to the top o? a hi)h rise tower in San Antonio 2eCas an' threatene' @y 7+int an' an imposte*r o? MiDe 2re(ino who may ha(e @een Mosta?a I@nSa*'As pre(io*s imposte*r. 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' Stephanie Bohnston met An'ers ;rei(iD in San Antonio 4 whi+e 7+int 1man*e+e was @rie?+y intro'*ce' to An'ers ;rei(iD o? Norway @y a 3e*tsche+an'er that he Dnew. An'ers ;rei(iD r*mo*re' to ha(e staye' at the In'i)o Hote+ an' was 'r*))e' an' S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @y $orie -Poten>a8 an' two s*r)eons who sn*cD into his room. :hi+e I was in San Antonio 2eCas 5 I attempte' to report the on)oin) Genoci'e to the 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' 'e+i(er my :itness Statement at the Army #ecr*iters 0??ice 5 the Army #ecr*iter to+' me that he 301S N02 A771P2 :I2N1SS S2A21M1N2S 5 H1 APP1A#13 20 ;1 31.INI21$/ =I#A$ =1720# G1N1 2H1#AP/ MU2A213. HIS 1/1S AN3 S9IN :1#1 0. UNNA2U#A$ 70MP$16I0N. * :-: %he House of Sa0o5 :-: A?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy mo(e' to the U.S.A. m*ch o? the #oya+ .ami+y an' m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs ?ami+ies s*ch as the ?ami+ies o? 9ni)hts an' other Aristocrats o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he p*rpose ?or this is e(i'ent 5 A'o+? Hit+er was ?act*a++y the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ace was (isi@+e in 3e*tsche+an' '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 present amon)st the A6IS an' presente' as his own ?act*a+ i'entity. A?ter the 'e?eat o? the A6IS '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' to North America an' contin*e' to @*i+' a 7rimina+ #e)ime in North America an' contin*e' to @*i+' networDs o? S+eeper 1spiona)e 7e++s 4 with the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as the 2errorist 7rime $or' o? the 2errorist 7rimina+ Mi+itant .action. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a 2errorist Mi+itant .action . A 9ni)ht is an Aristocratic ;o'y G*ar' o? a $or' o? some Din' < in this case 4 the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy are the 9ni)hts o? the 9in) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the ;aron o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy.

A?ter the secon' ?ai+*re o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs p+ans ?or )+o@a+ imperia+ eCpansion4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' most o? their ?ami+ies to the North American continent an' @e)an the process o? corr*ptin) the )o(ernments o? the USA 4 7ana'a 4 an' MeCico. 3*rin) the past %0 years < =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' most o? his sons ha(e +i(e' in the New 1n)+an' re)ion o? the USA in Massach*settes 4 NewHampshire 4 =ermont 4 Maine4 an' near@y re)ions s*ch as New/orD an' #ho'e Is+an'. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e en)a)e' in n*mero*s p+ots to @+acDmai+ a +ar)e eno*)h networD o? crimina+s to @*i+' a re)ime in North America ?or the p*rpose o? in?i+tratin) the )o(ernment an' co(ert+y conH*erin) North America with a corr*pt crimina+ re)ime. 2his has @een a +on) attempt at co(ert conH*est an' has in(o+(e' n*mero*s ?orms o? crimina++ @+acDmai+ in attempt to contro+ pop*+ations o? crimina+ so+'iers. 2he $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen is comprise' o? many o? the Pa)es 4 1rrants 4 an' 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. * :-: &0i)ence of Bar-#ape + %errorism + Crimes-"gainst-Humanit5 + an) !enoci)e planne) *5 the Italian-"GIS prior to ;==> :-: * :-: Criminal Ps5chological Patholog5 of the Italian-"GIS %errorist Crime-S5n)icate :-: * pro@a@+e that this is )+o@a+ internationa+ 1(o+a terrorist crime syn'icate which @e)an prior to 1st wor+' war _ masc*+ism 4 sa'ism 4 a@*se o? ?ema+es _ )+o@a+ conH*est 4 a crimina+ )oa+ 4 h*man tra??icDin) _ the crimina+ity o? 3ictatorship an' 0+i)archa+ 3espotism 5 the str*ct*re o? a 7rime Syn'icate _ U :-: "ttac.s on the 7e-ish Communit5 :-: In 200% Henry MaDow o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7a was emai+e' a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. Henry MaDow was to+' thro*)h emai+ that A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ @io+o)ica+ parents were o? $om@ar'ic Sa(oy Ita+ian #oya+ty on his .atherAs Si'e -?ather was 9in) o? Ita+ia8 an' that A'o+?As mother was a woman o? Aosta No@+e A*strian an' Ita+ian @+oo'. Henry MaDow contacte' others a@o*t this emai+. Henry MaDowAs we@site has chan)e' so 'rastica++y that it is o@(io*s that he has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. 2he new we@ site is ca++e' HenryMaDow.7om. In 200% Be?? #ense p*@+ishe' an artic+e a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e. :ith the artic+e a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e was the wor's Anti7hrist across a photo)raph o? =ittorio in re' teCt. Since this time 4 Be?? #enseAs we@site has chan)e' 'rastica++y. He has pro@a@+y @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. :-: Samantha Bernstein :-: In 2005 5 Samantha ;ernstein was a@'*cte' 4 her ?ami+y @e)an to @e #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs. Her @rother A'am ;ernstein4 was my $awyer in 200%. U Accor'in) to a Pri(ate In(esti)ator whom I ha(e spoDen with < the ?act*a+ Samantha ;ernstein was a@'*cte' an' Ne*roS*r)ery )ra?te' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' ro*terF@attery 4 ?orce' to swap i'enti?ication with another in'i(i'*a+4 e(ent*a++y Gene 2herapie' to appear o? a 'i??erent comp+eCion an' ?acia+ str*ct*re 4 threatene' 4 ?orce' to strip 4 an' seC tra??icDe'. 2eCt to (is*a+ 4 ne*ro ro@otics4 etc. ?*++ ran)e o? Ne*roScience So?tware 5 was *se' to threaten her an' contro+ her. U It is 'e?inite that m*ch o? Samantha ;ernsteinAs ?ami+y ha(e @een rep+ace' @y A6IS A)ents an' SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims. 2his is the same that happene' to 1mi+y Is+es an' others 4 this

seems to ha(e @e)*n to happen to my ?ami+y 5 n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s an' pocDets o? pop*+ation within my entire ?ami+y ha(e @een rep+ace'. 2hese a)ents are a++ +oya+ to Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate or are tra??icDin) (ictims whom they contro+. U .rom what I ha(e @een to+'4 '*rin) 200E 5 Samantha ;ernstein was @ein) ?orce' to strip in Massach*settes at the Mac 2 $o*n)e an' e+sewhere in Massach*settes as we++ as New /orD. 1mi+y Is+es may ha(e @een ?orce' to strip @e?ore she was e(en o? a)e 5 her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @e+on)e' to some@o'y e+se an' she was @ein) ?orce' to carry the i'entity whi+e hers was )i(en to a Ser@ian woman whom ha' @een transporte' to 0ntario 7ana'a an' tra??icDe'. U 3*rin) 200E or ear+y 200! 4 I recei(e' an incomp+ete =oiceMai+ ?rom what so*n'e' +iDe 1mi+y Is+es. 2his =oiceMai+ eCp+aine' that she was @ein) he+' hosta)e @y SeC 2ra??icDers in ;i++ericca Massach*settes at Mt. P+easant Apartments an' that there was another ?ema+e there. I @e+ie(e she sai' that this womanAs name was Samantha. U 3*rin) 200! 5 .i+ ?reH*ent+y ha' in his company a woman whom he re?erre' to as G;ethG. 2his woman was o? o@(io*s Israe+i herita)e an' was @ein) a@*se' horri@+y @y .i+. Peop+e @e)an to ca++ .i+i@erto G.i+thG as a res*+t o? his treatment o? this woman. 2his woman was somehow ?orce' to remain in his presense. She seeme' to @e a tra??icDin) (ictim. U In 2005 200E 5 my step co*sin 9risten Nassar was rep+ace' @y an Ara@ian +ooDin) woman whom is +iDe+y to @e a SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim. 9ristin was worDin) at 7iti>ens ;anD in Manchester New Hampshire which was not ?ar ?rom the 7iti>ens ;anD that Samantha ;ernstein was worDin) at. Samantha ;ernstein was a+so a@'*cte' '*rin) this year. I saw the imposte*r o? 9risten at 23 ;anDNorth an' tho*)ht that it was her @eca*se I ha' not seen her in a +on) time. She has since @een rep+ace' on .ace;ooD @y photo)raphs o? what appears to @e a woman o? Israe+i an' .rench race or somethin) simi+ar. It seems that the 1man*e+es 7rime Syn'icate are rotatin) their 2ra??icDin) =ictims as we++ as their Associates an' A)ents. U I was witnesse' @y 1' .arrachi :arren on camera an' recor'e' @y camera seein) Samantha ;ernstein ?or the ?irst time when she appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar < I ?e+t +iDe I ha' ?a++en in +o(e with her I*st ?rom her presense a+one 4 my ?ace showe' this (isi@+y. 1' :arren asDe' me who she was an' a I to+' him she was Gthe most @ea*ti?*+ woman in the entire wor+'G. :hen I met .i+i@erto 1man*e+e in 200% 5 a?ter .i+ to+' me that he was re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er < he threatene' me s*@t+e+y 4 warnin) me not to e(er te++ any@o'y e(er a)ain that his ?ami+y was A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. 3*rin) this time 4 I ha' state' that the thin) which I +oathe most in +i?e or in s+an) termino+o)y < the thin) which is my Gpet pee(eG. I ha' state' that the thin) which @other me most in +i?e are G7+oset ?a))ots whom are so hate?*+ towar's women an' @+ame women ?or their own +acD o? romantic inc+inations towar's women < these men a@*se an' 'eni)rate women so @a'+y that they wi++ rape them 4 rape them in ?ront o? peop+e 4 p*@+ica++y h*mi+iate them 4 ?i+m them @ein) a@*se' 4 r*@ ?eces a++ o(er them an' ?orce them to eat ?eces 4 @eat them 4 p*@+ica++y ins*+t them 4 an' treat them as i? they ha(e 'one somethin) wron) ?or @ein) @orn ?ema+e.G Samantha ;ernstein was a@'*cte' an' a@*se' @y .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. U In 2005 5 2*rDoIan% Go+' so?tware was *se' to Pop *p a :e@ Site on the internet which 'isp+aye' photo)raphs o? what +ooDe' +iDe Samantha ;ernstein an' 1mi+y Is+es @ein) ?orce' to ?i+m a G2 Gir+s 1 7*pG 4 they were posin) on their han' an' Dnees ?acin) towar's eachother in near+y mirror ima)e' pose. U .i+ 1man*e+eAs G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntainG comment re?erre' to somethin) that .i+As ?ather4 =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' sai' ear+ier that 'ay as a res*+t o? @ein) worrie' 5 G I am a@o*t to @e a mo*ntain o? @roDe @acDG the termino+o)y G@roDe @acDG meanin) to 'e?ecate oneAs se+?. 2his comment is +iDe+y to ha(e @een in re+ation to what starte' as a 'is)*stin) h*mo*ro*s statement re)ar'in) my respect ?or women an' what was recor'e' on camera as mine an' Samantha ;ernsteinAs ?irst meetin) which occ*rre' at my p+ace o? worD a?ter her @rotherAs name ha' @een poste' *n'er my ;*r>*m.0r) acco*nt 5 this IoDe pro@a@+y @ein) that Samantha ;ernstein an' my se+? were the Mi)hty

Macca@ee =s. the Iron SheiD wrest+in) match which occ*rre' '*rin) the ear+y 1"80As. :hen .i+ 1man*e+e ha' state' that I remin'e' him (ery m*ch o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' the 'ay @e?ore 4 when we were in #ye NewHampshire < I asDe' him a ?ew H*estions concernin) Mosta?a 4 one o? which was re+ate' to Mosta?aAs taste in m*sic 5 I am )*essin) that .i+ an' 3B ma'e IoDes +ater 4 re?errin) to Ara@ic Hea(y Meta+ as Iron SheiD. S*ch as 5 G3oes he +iDe the hea(y meta+OG G Ah yes 4 he +iDes the Iron SheiD.G 1' :arren was re?erre' to @y many as Stone 7o+' Ste(e A*stinAs Mini Me. A?ter 1' :arren to+' me that there were cameras in the @athroom 5 I @e)an )i(in) the mi''e ?in)er to the camera which co*+' possi@+y @e @ehin' the mirror or @ehin' the cei+in) ?an 4 which were the on+y two +ocations where they co*+' ha(e @een +ocate'. I a+so ma'e wrest+er ?ace at the mirror 4 I*st in case it was a two way mirror an' ma'e r*'e )est*res. Some@o'y ha' ma'e a IoDe concernin) my han' inI*ry an' the ?act that my ?in)ers 'o not a++ strai)hten comp+ete+y 4 ca++in) my han' Gthe 7ame+ 7+*tch.G. 2he Iron SheiD ha' a ?amo*s statement in the 1"80As an' 1""0As which was GI wi++ p*t him in the s*p+eC 4 )i(e him the came+ c+*tch 4 @reaD his @acD 4 then ?*cD his ass 4 maDe him h*m@+eG. 2his was 'e?inite+y an Iron SheiD an' I am c*rio*s as to whether or not the 1man*e+es in(este' in the mo(ie G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntainG as an insi'e IoDe '*e to the ?act that two o? my roommates were )ay an' to @e a Gmo*ntain o? @roDe @acDG means to 'e?ecate oneAs se+? to the eCtent that yo*r entire pants are ?i++e' with ?eces. In 200! 5 n*mero*s we@ pa)es were 2*rDoIan% pop *ppe' on my comp*ter whi+e on the Internet 4 these portraye' ima)es o? what appeare' to @e Samantha ;ernstein 4 1mi+y Is+es 4 my sister Sheena MacPherson 4 an' another yo*n) Bewish woman other than Samantha @ein) horri@+y a@*se' < some o? this in(o+(e' ?eces as we++ as choDin). I @+acDe' o*t ?rom the tra*ma o? ha(in) witnesse' this 5 it occ*rre' when I was not eCpectin) it. Mo*nt Pion is the name o? a mo*ntain in Israe+ ?or which Pionism was name'. Mt. Pion4 ;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain4 2 Gir+s 1 7*p4 B.A.P. Bewish American Princess4 an' 2he Iron SheiD seems to ha(e ha' a+ot to 'o with ins*+ts an' IoDes re)ar'in) women +iDe Samantha ;ernstein. U 2he c+ocD tower across ?rom Samantha ;ernsteins ?ormer p+ace o? worD 4 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire < +ooDs iDe a cast+e tower ?rom a :a+t 3isney cartoon an' is +it *p at ni)ht. 2his may @e the ori)ina+ reason why 1' .arrachi :arren @e)an re?errin) to 1mi+y Is+es an' Samantha ;ernstein an' Gthe PrincessesG . Across ?rom the Manchester Menta+ Hea+th 7enter there is a @*i+'in) with a si)n on the roo? that says 7in'ere++a Mo'e+in) St*'io 5 this is a @*i+'in) where 1mi+y Is+es @rie?+y staye' '*rin) the time that she was ?orce' to +i(e in Manchester NewHampshire @+in' with .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. U Names which Samantha was ?orce' to *se as Stripper an' G1scortG a+iases were re+ate' to the =ir)in Mary 4 which portrays the o@(io*s Dnow+e')e that she was Bewish @y the 2ra??icDers themse+(es 5 these names were Marie 4 Mary 4 Maria 4 an' others. =ittorio an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs A6IS 7rimina+ a)ents an' :ea+th #etainers seem to ha(e p*rchase' n*mero*s Hospita+s as we++ as ha(e emp+oye' A)ents within the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es 5 a++owin) them to pro'*ce '*p+icate ;irth 7erti?icates an' '*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?rom the 3.M.=. < this +ater +ea'in) to '*p+icate Socia+ Sec*rity 7ar's an' Passports 4 +ea'in) to comp+ete rep+acement o? the in'i(i'*a+ on Me'ica+ #ecor' an' within society as a who+e. 2his is an enormo*s pro@+em an' can on+y @e so+(e' @y accessin) Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence #ecor's an' taDin) 3NA 2ests Nation :i'e to pro(e i'entity. U :hi+e in #ye NewHampshire with 2ony Grasetti an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e in 200% 5 racia+ re+ations in the re)ion were mentione' @rie?+y < '*rin) which se)ment o? con(ersation I state' the ?act that I 'onAt *s*a++y ha(e any pro@+ems with peop+e o? 'i??erin) race ?rom my own with the eCception o? Ita+ians whom I o?ten seem to ha(e pro@+ems with 4 e(en tho*)h I am )oo' ?rien's with a co*p+e o? Ita+ians. A?ter I ha' state' this 4 .i+ state' G:e++ IA(e )ot to a'mit yo*Are pretty honest 4 weA(e )ot yo* o*tn*m@er ri)ht now % to 1G a?ter which I state' 5 G$iDe I sai'4 I ha(e ne(er ha' a pro@+em with 2ony 4 we )et a+on) ?ine. G 2his n*m@er ratio was +ater seen in a rape scene which was recor'e' o? what appeare' to @e 1mi+y Is+es an' Samantha ;ernstein < this was ?o*n' whi+e researchin) on the internet

?or e(i'ence concernin) SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworDs as we++ as ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication H*man =i(isection. 3*rin) 200! < 2*rDoIan % Go+' was *se' @y 7omp*ter HacDers to Pop *p (i'eos an' we@sites with ima)es on my comp*ter screen. 2he two ?ema+es that +ooDe' i'entica+ to Samantha ;ernstein an' 1mi+y Is+es were @ein) rape' @y 8 Ita+ian Ma+es an' were he+' in mirror ima)e' synchroni>e' position whi+e @ein) ?orce' to stare at eachothersA ?aces an' Diss eachother '*rin) the a@*se. 2he positionin) o? these women '*rin) the rape was mirror synchroni>e' 4 they were (i'eo)raphe' as we++ as were their Ne*ro+o)y @ein) manip*+ate' an' Ne*ro#o@otica++y contro++e' as we++ as were their ne*ro+o)y recor'e'. 2he Position which the two ?ema+es were he+' in was simi+ar to @ein) cr*ci?ie' hori>onta++y 4 this +ea's me to @e+ie(e that this was inspire' @y a partic*+ar GScan'ina(iaG @*mper sticDer which was pro'*ce' '*rin) 200% an' the =in+an' ?+a) which is a+so a Nor'ic 7ross .+a). 2he Scan'ina(ia @*mper sticDer was an ima)e o? a Swe'en ?+a) ?+yin) neCt to a Norway ?+a) ?acin) in opposite 'irections 4 this +ooDin) +iDe the hea' o? two crosses ?acin) eachother < the =in+an' ?+a) which is o?ten associate' with North Americans whom are o@ser(ant o? the Asatr* re+i)ion is a )reen ?+a) with a @+acD Nor'ic cross o*t+ine' in white an' has @een *se' @y Peter Stee+e o? 2ype 0 Ne)ati(e as part o? his @an'As +o)o. Peter Stee+e < whom was o? miCe' Scan'ina(ian4 Gae+ic4 an' S+a(ic race )rew *p in New Bersey an' was ?rien's with Asatr*ars ?rom the New Bersey area as we++ as was he in the same socia+ networD as G+enn 3an>i) as was pre(io*s+y mentione' an' ;o@@y Stee+e whom were @oth o? New Bersey as we++ as Michae+ Moynihan whom ha' n*mero*s ?rien's in the New Bersey area an' Stacy Sea@*ry whom was my !th Gra'e 1n)+ish teacher an' an Asatr*ar whom was ?rien's with m*ch o? the Asatr* comm*nity. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow 4 I mentione' #omans once 5 #omans 7r*ci?ie' Asatr*ars an' Bews @oth 4 neither o? whom were #omans. ******** PSYCHO O!IC" P#O$I IN! O$ %H& "SS"I "N%S' !(I %"SSOCI"%IONS : 2here is a (i'eo on the internet tit+e' /6 !u5 6 7ar/ that was 'e?inite+y pro'*ce' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo portrays a man *n'er some eCtreme hypnosis 5 this (i'eo @e)ins with the man insertin) a glass 1ason-7ar ?*++y into his rect*m an' c+enchin) his rect*m a?ter insertion 4 shattering the Iar an' *lee)ing to 'eath a?terwar's. 2his is the type o? recor'in) which is *se' to a'(ertise an' 'isp+ay an eCtreme eCamp+e o? 'ominance to the most eCtreme o? crimina++y min'e' me)a+omaniacs. 2he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo is an eCamp+e o? an a'(ertisement o? Beha0ioral 1o)ification Sciences which ha(e @een 'e(e+ope' @y means o? H*man =i(isection. 2here is no way that the man in this (i'eo was wi++in) to commit this act o? se+? 'estr*ction. 2he /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo was pro'*ce' a?ter 200% < '*rin) 200% an' 20054 whi+e my comp*ter was @ein) incessant+y i++e)a++y accesse' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7omp*ter HacDers 5 I ha' repeate'+y watche' the 2on Hertzfel)t Internet =i'eo ca++e' /#e,ecte) Cartoons/. G#eIecte' 7artoonsG inc+*'es an animate' se)ment '*rin) which a Clou)-Person is I*mpin) an' (er@a++y eCpressin) eCtreme happiness 5 '*rin) this se)ment the Clou)-Person @e)ins statin) /15 "nus is Blee)ing? 15 "nus is Blee)ing?/ as i? he is eCtreme+y happy. 2he GAn*s is ;+ee'in)G se)ment en's with the 7+o*' Person happi+y @+ee'in) to 'eath thro*)h his an*s. 3*rin) 2005 5 my se+?4 Aach "n)ros.i4 an' one o? PachAs ?rien'As he+' an impro(ise' )eath-metal Iam session at his ?rien'As rente' rehearsa+ space at the Mi++s near 7ana+ St. in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) this impro(ise' Iam session < I opene' a glass-*ottle o? Ne-Castle Bro-n "le on the e')e o? a floor tom-)rum 4 this res*+te' in the shattering i? the corner o? the 'rinDin) spo*t o? the )+ass @ott+e 5 I 'ranD the @ott+e o? Ne-Castle re)ar'+ess o? the *ro.en glass which ha' ?a++en into the @ott+e an' in)este' shar)s of glass. I mentione' this to &) Barren the ?o++owin) 'ay. I ha' a+so @een 'isc*ssin) $ree1asons o?ten '*rin) 200% an' 2005 as we++ as 'i' I ha(e 'inner at the #ising Sun $o')e '*rin) 2003 which was in Nash*a NewHampshire. 2he #ising Sun $o')e was the 1asonic %emple that my Great Gran'?ather ha' atten'e' ?reH*ent+y thro*)ho*t his +i?e an' '*rin) his achei(in) the :;O of the Scottish #ite o? the .raterna+ 0r'er o? the $ree1asons. 2he name 1ason-7ars inc+*'es the wor' 1ason 5 a+so4 m*ch o? my ?ami+y *se Mason Bars an' recyc+e Pasta-Sauce 1ason-7ars ?or *se as ) I @e+ie(e

that the /6 !u5 6 7ar/ (i'eo was p+anne' an' eCec*te' @y the same in'i(i'*a+s whom p+anne' an' eCec*te' what was the /; !irls C Nails/ (i'eo as we++ as the /; !irls 6 Cup/ (i'eo which was a recor'e' rapin) o? ; females *5 C Italian males whi+e the ?ema+es were *na@+e to physica++y contro+ their own @o'ies '*e to Bio-#o*otics Soft-are contro++in) their entire @rain an' ne*ro+o)y a?ter s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? a Brain-Computer Interface )ra?te' to their @rains with the Surgical Implant micro-router tacDe' to their IawAs m*sc*+at*re. 2his so?tware connects o(er the internet. ;e?ore I ha' @roDen *p with her an' "lisha Cote 5 Sahn)ra St3Onge was *sin) my comp*ter to p+ay Super 1ario Brothers+ Super 1ario Brothers is a si'e scro++in) )ame which in(o+(es ; Italian Plum*ers has n*mero*s sta)es in(o+(in) running on Clou)s which are co(ere' in turtle-monsters that 'o nothin) @*t ,ump an' thro- hammers. 1' :arren @e)an re?errin) to &mil5 Isles as /Princess Peach/ an' the 7e-ish la)5 whom I ha' @een (i'eo recor'e' @ein) (isi@+y awe str*cD @y the presense o? as /Princess %oa)stool/ an' /Henrietta/3 2his occ*rre' a?ter a se)ment aire' on a te+e(ision series '*rin) 200% which was @roa'caste' on Comcast in North America 5 this te+e(ision se)ment 'escri@e' the 1n)ineerin) o? an Internet-Controlle) #o*ot 4 this ro@ot in partic*+ar @ein) a #emoteControl a-n-1o-er capa@+e o? @ein) pi+ote' to mow the entire @+ocDAs +awns ?rom the 7omp*ter 0??ice #oom @y way o? internet an' camera mounte) on the la-n-mo-er. 2he termino+o)y /aroun) the *loc./ is typica++y *se' to )isrespectfull5 )escri*e a female whom has ha' numerous se@ual partners in her +i?etime. %he Comcast Net-or.'s Ser0ers were @ein) *se' @y 7omp*ter HacDers to access my persona+ comp*ter as we++ as Scott H*nterAs an' 9enneth B*''As personal computers 4 the 7omcast Ser(ers were hacDe' an' *se' to @roa'cast Ps5ch-Barfare "ssaults *pon the %ele0ision Screen when my se+? an' my roommates were watchin) the 2e+e(ision. It is pro@a@+e that '*rin) the remo)eling of the apartment *elo- ours 4 illegal Impro0ise) #ecor)ing 2e0ices were p+ante' within the wa++s 5 we +i(e' on the 3r' ?+oor. 0? re+e(ance to 1ario Brothers4 ?ro)s4 princesses4 an' t*rt+es throwin) hammers 5 $ree1asons *se a ceremonial 1ason's Hammer as we++ as ceremonial measurement tools 4 &mil5 Isles was an "satruar an' we o?ten wear %hor's Hammer pen)ants as re+i)io*s sym@o+s o? ?aith 4 the t*rt+es in the 1ario Brothers )ame thro- hammers an' ,ump *p an' 'own on clou)s 4 1mi+y was penpa+s with ars G8arg/ 8i.ernes an' ?o*n' my ScreenName an' 1mai+ A''ress on the Burzum .or*m 4 the 7e-ish la)5 ha' a s+i)ht+y ?ranDic appearance an' may ha(e ha' a sma++ amo*nt o? ancestors o? $rench race 4 I am ha+? .ranco American my se+? an' the /$rog-Prince/ is the *)+y /$rog/ which the princess .isses an' t*rns into a @ea*ti?*+ Prince4 is a racia+ s+*r ?or a $rench person 4 Sahn)ra St3 Onge was ha+? $ranco-"merican as was her Step .ather 4 Cha) !rolsch was an A+sacian Name' $ranco-"merican whom was a mem@er o? the Borl) Church of the Creator Bhite Po-er organization '*rin) 200% when 8ittorio &manuele *egan his -itch-hunting for -hom e0er e@pose) his secret to /%he 7e-s/3 0? re+e(ance to Mario ;rothers 4 the )ame '*rin) which the p+ayerAs character is one o? t-o Italian Plum*ers 5 co++ection o? a star )rants in0inci*ilit5 4 whi+e 7e-s' were )i(en stars '*rin) the Holocaust to marD them as 7e-s prior to e@termination. 2he Star o? 3a(i' is the religious s5m*ol of 7e-ish $aith an' is on the ?+a) o? Israel. 3*rin) 200! 5 I was i++e)a++y 'etaine' @y Police Officers in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 @ro*)ht to a hospita+ in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 threatene' in re+ation to 7e-s an' the :r) #eich 4 i++e)a++y @ro*)ht to the Psychiatric Hospita+ in the NewHampshire 7apita+ 7ity o? 7oncor' @y metho' o? a Sherrif's -agon in chains as i? I ha' m*r'ere' some@o'y 4 an' i++e)a++y Surgicall5 Implante) with a BrainComputer Interface wire' to a Surgical Implant #outer 4 Batter5 similar to a 8erichip @y s*r)ica+ metho' o? 1icro-%rephaning an' aproscopic Cosmetic Surger5. 2he =erichips which ha' @een '*mpe' in the @acD o? the store 4 were '*mpe' there in a rippe' paper @a) @y 1' :arren a?ter /Saul/ ha' (isite' me at worD. I @e+ie(e it was 1' :arren who @e)an ca++in) the Bewish man with the Kosher 1o*ile Cellular %elephone GSa*+G. 2he Bewish woman whom I ha' @een recor'e' (isi@+y in awe o? on camera may ha(e @een re+ate' to GSa*+G as we++ as was possi@+y a re+ati(e o? A'am ;ernsteinAs whoAs new $aw 0??ice is +ocate' on the same street as the the St3 Patric.'s Cathe)ral which has %BO C#OSS&S on the spires as we++ as a thir) on the +ower roo? which is a Solar-Cross.

" month or t-o *efore &) Barren watche' the 0i)eo recor)ing o? my se+? (isi@i+y appearin) to @e in lo0e with the 7e-ish -oman whom ha' appeare' at the store one ni)ht 5 I ha' @een in a %riune1ono!amous Committe)-#elationship -ith t-o females + *oth of -hom ha) $ranco-"merican Surnames3 I ha0e a stigmata-li.e scar on m5 -rist -hich loo.s similar to a crucifi@ion -oun) from a )ri0en nail : the Aesir name' ;a+'r 4 is sometimes re+ate' to in re?erence to the Syncretic #omani>ation o? @oth /esh*a the #a@@i an' the re+i)ion ta*)ht @y the Gothi which were the Asatr* priest. Bal)r's a++e)orica+ +ore re+ates to the sun4 as we++ as )5ing an) re*irth similar to 7esus4 as we++ as was O)in impale) to a tree *5 his o-n spear3 &mil5 Isle's Ne0er-inter Nights Character often use) a spear3 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me in a panic '*rin) 2005 4 te++in) me that her Mother was missin) an' that there was a woman in the ho*se whom +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to her Mother that was chasin) her possi@+y tryin) to Di++ her 5 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' to rep+ace entire ?ami+ies in North America with 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents +oya+ to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 these are most+y Ita+ians with minorities o? A6IS re+ate' ?actions s*ch as Ser@ians an' Sa*'i Ara@ians. the man c+aimin) to @e/")am Bernstein/ c*rrent+y worDs with t-o half-Italians at his +aw o??ice on %emple St. 2he man c+aimin) to @e ")am Bernstein has cease' to accept a ?ew speci?ic Din's o? co*rt cases which he ?ormer+y wo*+' ha(e taDen an' 'e?en'e' @ein) that A'am was an eCce++ent la-5er 5 it is +iDe+y that the man c+aimin) to @e A'am ;ernstein is in ?act an Ita+ian A6IS +oya+ist whom has @een *sin) A'am ;ernsteinAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' has 7osmetic =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' himse+? to +ooD +iDe A'am. A'am was ta++er an' ha' @roa'er sho*+'ers4 his hair was )o+' @+on'e whi+e this manAs hair is o?ten a ye++ow @+on'e4 his comp+eCion was Israe+i whi+e this manAs comp+eCion +ooDs Ita+ian4 an' A'amAs nose was AshDena>ic whi+e this manAs nose +ooDs Sici+ian. A'amAs sDe+eta+ str*ct*re was AshDena>ic 5 the man in A'am ;ernsteinAs o??ice has narrower wi'th o? sho*+'er an' his sD*++ is more ro*n'e' whereas A'amAs was more an)*+ar an' typica+ o? "sh.enazic ?eat*res which are *s*a++y ta++er4 thinner4 +on)er +im@e'4 an' @roa'er ?rame'. 2he 7e-ish -oman whom I was (isi@+y in awe o? whom ha' p*rchase' an item at my re)ister whi+e I (isi@+y appeare' to @e in +o(e with her which was recor' on (i'eo camera was o? what is *s*a++y consi'ere' "sh.enazic Israe+i race. "sh.enazic was a wor' which I ha' ?o*n' on the internet '*rin) 200% whi+e I was researchin) an' st*'yin) B*'aism an' Israe+i history a @it. Burzum has an "l*um tit+e' "SK& which was one o? the ?irst ;*r>*m a+@*ms I ha' e(er p*rchase'4 I @e+ie(e AS91 means "shes in Norwe)ian. ")olf Hitler's Criminal %errorist #egime *urnt ,e-s in incinerators simi+ar to the Sta.e-Burnings o? 7oan )' "rc4 peop+e whom were +a@e+e' -itches an' heretics '*rin) the #oman 7atho+ic InH*isitions in .rance an' Spain4 as we++ as in Sa+em Massch*settes where peop+e were acc*se' o? -itch-craft an' @*rnt *pon +ar)e woo'en po+e staDes simi+ar to what was *se' '*rin) a 7r*ci?iCion. 2here is a son) on a +ater a+@*m ca++e' Bal)r's %o) is a son) written @y ars G8arg/ 8i.ernes o? which the theme is Bal)r's )eath *efore his re*irth when Honir resc*es him ?rom He+ *sin) Sleipnir which is 0'inAs 1i)ht $e))e' horse4 which is O)in's -ar-mount @ein) a horse ha0ing t-ice as man5 legs as a re)*+ar horse S+eipnir is the ?astest o? a++ horses. 1' :arren ha' an incre'i@+y cr*'e sense o? h*mo*r4 most o? his IoDes @ein) 'is)*stin)+y o??ensi(e an' o? a seC*a+ nat*re. 2he termino+o)ies /mount/ an' /fast girls/ are seC*a+ re+ate' s+an) inn*en'os. 1' :arren mentione' the gas Nitrous whi+e at worD 5 '*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 Nitrous tanDs were @ein) *se' incre'i@+y ?reH*ent+y @y 'r*) a@*sers in North America ?or p*rpose o? h*??in) an' )ettin) hi)h. Nitro*s pro'*ces in some peop+e 4 *ncontro++a@+e +a*)hter an' eCtreme e*phoria. Nitros in automo*iles an automo*ile accelerate much faster3 Soon a?ter her appearin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 5 the Bewish woman whom I ne(er e(en saw a)ain4 was @ein) re?erre' to as my G)ir+?rien'G @y 1' :arren an' e(ent*a++y co worDers '*e to 1' :arrenAs statements. 1' :arren +ater state' GIs+es ?or mi+es4 I )ot is+es ?or mi+es4 I want my is+es ?or mi+es4 I want to taDe is+es ?or a ?ew mi+es.G a metaphoric inn*en'o re?errin) to a*tomo@i+es or horses meanin) possi@+y that he wante' to a@'*ct her an' rape her. $iDe the )ame S5n)icate 4 which in(o+(es intentional in,uring o? ci(i+ians ?or p*rpose o? surgicall5 turning the in,ure) ci0ilian into a remote-controlle) c5*org-ro*ot -hile in the hospital : 1' :arren to+' me thro*)h a co worDer that

my /girlfrien)/ ha' @een /hit *5 a truc./ 4 this was the same weeD that 1' :arren ?o+'e' a piece o? paper towe+ insi'e o? a paper towe+ t*@e an' ma'e re?erences to microchips an' tampons sayin) Gthis wi++ stop her @itchin)G. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace c*rrent+y in my sD*++ which is )ra?te' to my @rain is wire' to an attache' #o*ter an' ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant com@ination an' was inserte' *sin) a so?t an' ?+eCi@+e p+astic t*@e whi+e the #o*ter F ;attery is a+rea'y attache' on the other en' which han)s o*t o? the t*@e 5 this +ooDs +iDe a tampon app+icator an' the Si+D @ase' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ?o+'s insi'e the t*@e to ?it it as non in(asi(e+y as possi@+e into the sD*++ ca(ity4 a?terwhich it *n?o+'s when it is )ent+y p*she' o?? the en' @y the wire an' the t*@e is remo(e' < this is ?o++owe' @y the S*r)ica+ Impantin) o? the #o*ter F ;attery which is encase' in S*r)ica+ P+astic an' is imp+ante' *sin) too+s which are simi+ar to $aproscopic 2oo+s an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery 2oo+s as we++ as ;o'y Mo'i?ication 2oo+s which are *se' to winch the #o*ter F ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant 'own into the Iaw ca(ity ?rom @ehin' the ear an' to s*t*re tacD it to the m*sc*+at*re a+on) the insi'e o? the Baw 7a(ity. %he positioning of the t-o females in the ; !irls C Italian 1ales 0i)eos -hich -ere )isco0ere) on the internet )uring late ;==F is the same positioning as /the Cu*ano-Italiano's/ torture-trauma sessions -hich he calle) /Bitch-%raining/ : the right leg e@ten)e) )irectl5 *ac. *ehin) the form E in these 0i)eos the -omen -ere *eing s5nchronize) rape) in a mirrore) position -hile paire) up -ith > Italian males each3 I ha0e since recognize) these t-o females an) can i)entif5 them3 I ha0e also possi*l5 locate) t-o of the males in the North &ast of the (3S3"3 3 S+eipnir < 0'inAs 8 +e))e' horse 4 was mentione' @y 1' :arren inc+*'in) a re?erence to #o@ot horses 4 ro@ots 4 an' G?ast @itchesG < as we++ as 8 +e)s @ein) twice as many +e)s than one ?ema+e horse 5 two women were +ater rape' @y 1' :arrenAs associates in re+ation to these statements. UU A'am ;ernsteinAs +aw o??ice which was ori)ina++y on Main St. in Nash*a NewHampshire wo*+' ha(e @een sta+De' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e4 this is o@(io*s '*e to the hacDer postin) on my ;*r>*m Acco*nt that A'am ;ernstein was my +awyer an' ?a+se+y c+aimin) that A'am ha' o??en'e' me as i? the hacDer were my se+?. A'am ;ernsteinAs $aw 0??ice is now on 2emp+e St. as is Saint PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ 7atho+ic 7h*rch. 2he re+e(ancy o? St. PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ in(o+(es the ima)ery o? the 7athe'ra+ an' itAs c+ose proCimity to Main St. in Nash*a NewHampshire an' the =.: Ha++ which is the =eterans o? .orei)n :ars Ha++. =ittorio 1man*e+e is 'irect+y associate' with the G=eterans He+pin) =eteransG charity or)ani>ation in New 1n)+an' which is an association that he *ses to ?a+se+y portray G=ictor McMannG as a charita@+e in'i(i'*a+. 2he St. PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ is o@(io*s+y re+e(ant to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs hate?*+ tar)ettin) o? the Gae+ic race an' o? Irish peop+e 5 St. PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ is a+so o? Psycho+o)ica+ 1(i'ence in @ein) that it has two )o+' crosses on the spires an' a sin)+e so+ar cross on the mi''+e roo?. Go+' crosses were somethin) that I ha' mentione' on the ;*r>*m.or) .or*m 5 =ittorioAs a)ent wo*+' ha(e notice' this as wo*+' ha(e =ittorio. 1' :arren an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha(e a sicDenin) sense o? h*mo*r 4 it is possi@+e that 1' :arren an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @een maDin) IoDes re)ar'in) the roo? o? Saint PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ statin) somethin) in(o+(in) the two crosses @ein) Gtwo ?ema+es )ettin) nai+e' @y % #oman nai+sG an' the mi''+e one possi@+y @ein) my se+? who is yet to )et nai+e' '*e to the ?act that I s*r(i(e' m*+tip+e poisonin) attempts. 2his is o? re+e(ance to the G2 Gir+s 1 7*pG we@sites an' mo(ies 5 1 we@site o? which was in the past possi@+y 'isp+ayin) ?aces o? (ictimAs whom I may @e a@+e to i'enti?y. G2 Gir+s 8 Nai+sG wo*+' @e a ;$ASPH1M0US re?erence to 7atho+icism as is G2 Gir+s 1 7*pG i? it is (iewe' in the +i)ht o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' 1' :arrenAs sense o? h*mo*r 5 the c*p @ein) the cha+ice which contains the trans s*@stanciation @+oo' wine o? the 7atho+ic 7h*rch. 2here is an enormo*s parDin) +ot across the street ?rom Saint PatricDAs 7athe'ra+ which is 'own the roa' ?rom the =eterans o? .orei)n :ars Ha++4 this parDin) +ot is o?ten *se' as an o(er?+ow parDin) +ot. It is neCt to the Post 0??ice. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @+asphemy is most pro@a@+y a psycho+o)ica+ too+ which he *ses to re+ie(e ?ee+in)s o? )*i+t '*e to his inheritance o? the $or'ship o? A6IS 7rime Syn'icate a?ter B*+i*s 1(o+a 'ie' 5 maDin) =ittorio 1man*e+e4 the GAnti 7hristG o? ;osnian Me'I*)orIe +e)en'. 2he #omans nai+e' the 7hrist. 2he (i'eo recor'e' rapin) o? the two

?ema+es @y the 8 Ita+ian ma+es which ha' transmitte' as two Ne*roScience 2ransmissions an' has @een recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 was a+so 'isp+aye' on the internet as i? it were porno)raphy 5 the scene en's with the two ?ema+es @ein) ro@otte' to Diss as a heart shape c+oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 3*rin) the time that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n sta+Din) me 4 I was @rie?+y 'atin) 2 ?ema+es 5 we were in a mono)amo*s tri*ne re+ationship. 0ne o? my +o(ers was name' A+isha 7ote 5 the three o? *s @roDe *p '*e to A+isha @ein) +ie' a@o*t an' incorrect+y state' as ha(in) cheate' on *s with a Bewish man name' MiDe Go+'stein. 2wo years +ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go+'steinAs car was (an'a+i>e' @y a Sici+ian c+aimin) that his name was Bosh Hooper an' that he ha' pre(io*s @een @rie?+y marrie' to A+isha 7ote <5 the GBosh HooperG was preten'in) to @e a SDin Hea' whom I @e+ie(e in ?act once +i(e' in Manchester New Hampshire an' may ha(e @een ?rien's with Aaron :ar' whom was a+so a SDinHea' @*t was not a #acist at a++. MiDe Go+'steinAs ?ami+y may ha(e @een re+ate' to some o? the Bewish comm*nity that my ?ami+y ha' Dnown. U A?ter =an'a+i>in) MiDe Go+'steinAs car 5 the imposte*r Bosh Hooper 4 ca++e' me an' to+' me that he was at a party an' that Po+ice 0??icers with GBason MasDsG & HocDey MasDs +iDe Bason =orhees ?rom .ri'ay the 13th , 5 this was his a+i@i. :hen my comp*ter was @ein) 7omp*ter HacDe' '*rin) the year 200% an' the year 2005 4 I ha' ma'e the G7h...7h...7h...7h...G so*n' ?rom the mo(ie G.ri'ay the 13thG that is p+aye' when Bason =orhees is a@o*t to appear 5 into the microphone that was acti(ate' @y 7omp*ter HacDers. U 0? possi@+e re+ation to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)y an' his in(estin) money in properties +ocate' in the North 1ast o? the USA an' 1astern 7ana'a 5 2he restara*nt the Sa*sa)e 9in) in Nash*a New Hampshire has an Ita+ian ?+a) ?or a si)n an' is 'irect+y across the street ?rom the Pe''+erAs 3a*)hter Irish theme' p*@ which has an Irish ?+a) an' a womanAs ?ace on the si)n. A pe''+er is a +ower c+ass sa+esman < my ?ami+y is (ery +ower c+ass an' =ittorioAs A)ents a@'*cte' an' swappe' two o? my sisters4 7he+sey an' Sheena 5 with two other (ictims whom are a+so a@'*cte' ?ema+es. 7*rrent+y there are m*+tip+e men *sin) my ?atherAs '*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 one o? whom has a ha+? Ser@ian an' ha+? ;osnian +ooDin) racia+ appearance4 another whom I ha(e recent+y seen +ooDs a+most i'entica+ to my ?ather @*t is somewhat physica++y +ar)er an' has s+i)ht+y 'arDer @o'y hair. 3own the roa' is a /o)*rt #estara*nt that se++s Ita+ian co??ee 4 this resta*rant is ca++e' /o)*rt In $o(e 5 when =ittorio ca++e' in the hit ?rom the MA.IA an' or'ere' them to poison me with ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee4 I @are+y s*r(i(e' an' ha' @een eatin) nothin) @y )a++ons o? yo)*rt ?or months. I ha' to+' n*mero*s peop+e a@o*t this an' the ?act that I @e+ie(e that the Proto>oan ;acteria+ c*+t*re' in the /o)*rt may ha(e sa(e' my +i?e @y cons*min) the I*st eno*)h o? the toCins pro'*ce @y the ;+acD Mo+' ?or my @o'y to e(ent*a++y hea+ 5 I was in eCcr*ciatin) pain ?or approCimate+y ! months. 2he (i'eo recor'e' rapin) o? the two ?ema+es @y the 8 Ita+ian ma+es which ha' transmitte' as two Ne*roScience 2ransmissions an' has @een recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 was a+so 'isp+aye' on the internet as i? it were porno)raphy 5 the scene en's with the two ?ema+es @ein) ro@otte' to Diss as a heart shape c+oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 3*rin) the time that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n sta+Din) me 4 I was @rie?+y 'atin) 2 ?ema+es 5 we were in a mono)amo*s tri*ne re+ationship. 0ne o? my +o(ers was name' A+isha 7ote 5 the three o? *s @roDe *p '*e to A+isha @ein) +ie' a@o*t an' incorrect+y state' as ha(in) cheate' on *s with a Bewish man name' MiDe Go+'stein. 2wo years +ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go+'steinAs car was (an'a+i>e' @y a Sici+ian c+aimin) that his name was Bosh Hooper an' that he ha' pre(io*s @een @rie?+y marrie' to A+isha 7ote <5 the GBosh HooperG was preten'in) to @e a SDin Hea' whom I @e+ie(e in ?act once +i(e' in Manchester New Hampshire an' may ha(e @een ?rien's with Aaron :ar' whom was a+so a SDinHea' @*t was not a #acist at a++. MiDe Go+'steinAs ?ami+y may ha(e @een re+ate' to some o? the Bewish comm*nity that my ?ami+y ha' Dnown. U It seems pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are prone to eCtreme ?its o? ra)e an' an)er as we++ as 'o they pro@a@+y ha(e an o@sessi(e contro+ i'entity comp+eC. - * Of rele0ance to ;==> an) !ene-%herap5 an) "nti-Israeli #acism * - I ha' 'one research on a

we@site maintaine' @y an or)ani>ation within the Bewish 7omm*nity ?or the ?*nction o? e'*catin) the Bewish 7omm*nity a@o*t Gene 2herapy 4 Israe+i Genetics 4 Genetic 3isor'ers Here'itary within the )+o@a+ Israe+i pop*+ation 4 an' Here'itary Genetics in )enera+. I ha' ?o*n' this we@site @y way o? Goo)+e.7om Search 1n)iner 5 this :e@site was (ery interestin) to me ?or reason that most peop+e o? Genti+e race seeme' to mis*n'erstan' that B*'aism was a ?o+D re+i)ion an' that here'itary Bews were the race o? Israe+. Pionism 4 which is o?ten ?a+se+y 'escri@e' @y misappropriate' (a+*es which in ?act represent the #oman Imperia+ism o? the A6IS 5 is act*a++y Israe+i Nationa+ism4 the Po+itic o? the or)anic race o? the Israe+i peop+eAs nee' ?or a Nation State in a Nationa+ Home+an'. I ha' @een st*'yin) Nationa+ist Po+itic ?or a time an' ?o*n' that I a)ree' with Nationa+ist Po+itic entire+y 4 @*t I ?o*n' that Nationa+ist Po+itic seeme' to @e a )reat+y mis*n'erstoo' po+itic '*e to A'o+? Hit+erAs 'ecapitation o? the Nationa+ist Party o? 3e*tsche+an' which was not e(en his own home+an' 5 this 'ecapitation @ein) ?or the tactica+ reason o? comp+ete+y 'istractin) the German peop+e ?rom the ?act that their Nation State ha' I*st @een comp+ete+y 3ecapitate' @y a re)ime o? ?orei)ners< this 2ota+ Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation res*+te' in the )enoci'e o? mi++ions o? ci(i+ians )+o@a++y an' the +on) term misappropriation o? the termino+o)y GNa>iona+ischteG or what is GNa>iG in short han'. GNa>iona+ischteG in German trans+ates to GNationa+istG in 1n)+ish 5 a Nationa+ist Po+itic is a Po+itic that promotes the @e+ie? in an 0r)anic Peop+e comprisin) a physica+ nationa+ entity o? peop+e whom are 'eser(in) o? a Nationa+ Home+an' an' are o@+i)ate' to sec*re a Nationa+ Home+an' '*e to comm*na+ reponsi@i+ity ?or the we+?are o? the ?*t*re )enerations o? their Nation o? Peop+e. Nationa+ist Phi+osophy an' Nationa+ist Po+itic are o? an entire+y 'i??erent reasonin) than that o? the reasonin) which pro'*ces Imperia+ist Po+itic 5 Imperia+ist Po+itic @ein) that which in(o+(es the acc*m*+ation o? ?orei)n 1thnic Nationa+ities an' their Nationa+ Home+an's as acc*m*+ate' conH*ere' pop*+ation an' territories. It is o@(io*s that the constant acc*sations o? #acist 1Ctremism which I ha(e ha' to to+erate since 200% ha(e @een the pro'*ct o? an A6IS Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 7ampai)n ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) me ?rom (er@a++y eCp+ainin) that the ?orei)n 7o(ert Imperia+ist .action on American soi+ is a 7o(ert Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist S+eeper 7e++ an' that =ittorio 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew 5 =ittorioAs a)ents pre empti(e+y str*cD ?irst 4 ra++yin) an entire pop*+ation o? peop+e a)ainst my se+? as i? I was the +ea'er o? some Din' Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action when in ?act I am the ?*n'amenta+ tar)et. A ?orei)n 7o(ert Imperia+ist entity within another peop+esA Nationa+ Home+an' is the epitomy o? the 'e?inition o? #acist 1Ctremism ?or reason that the .orei)n Pop*+ation Gro*p en)a)e' in 7o(ert Acti(ities on a nationAs soi+ are acti(e+y p*rs*in) the )oa+ o? sa@ota)in) the we+?are an' sta@i+ity o? the nati(e peop+e whoAs Nationa+ Home+an' they are co(ert+y em@e''e' amon)st 5 the tar)et is the nati(e race o? peop+e in their own Nationa+ Home+an' < here this wo*+' @e the .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es4 the m*+tip+e pop*+ations o? 7o+onia+ American peop+es whom ha(e @ecome the nati(e North American Nationa+ 1thnic pop*+ations4 as we++ as the A?rican American peop+es whoAs Nationa+ Home+an' is now North American soi+. .irst Nations Nati(e American peop+es an' A?rican Americans as we++ as Noor' Ho++an'ers whom are the 'escen'ant o? 3*tch 7o+onia+s are c*rrent+y in 3iaspora '*e to a +acD o? representati(e Nation State ?or their Nationa+ Home+an' in North America. It seems +o)ica+ that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his a)ents may ha(e @e)*n st*'yin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or *ses o? espiona)e '*rin) 200% when I ha' @een recor'e' @y his 7omp*ter HacDers as ha(in) researche' Bewish Israe+i Genetics on internet we@sites 5 this was aro*n' the 'ate *pon which the Bewish woman whom I ha' @een recor'e' smi+in) at appeare' on camera when she entere' the

store accompanie' @y a ma+e companion whom was a+so Bewish4 @oth o? whom were wearin) +on) @+acD woo+ coats. 2he eCpression o? +o(e on my ?ace when I saw the @ea*ti?*+ Bewish woman apparent+y in?*riate' =ittorio 1man*e+e when he +ater (iewe' the sec*rity s*r(ei++ance recor'in). I @e+ie(e that it was the sty+e o? 'ress as we++ as the spee' at which the Bewish co*p+e ha' swi?t+y wa+De' 'irect+y to the @acD o? the store that ha' terri?ie' 1' :arren whom was in the @acD o? the storeAs Mana)ement 0??ice sittin) in ?ront o? the Sec*rity 2e+e(ision. %he 7e-ish Communit5's e)ucational -e*site concerning Israeli 2N" an) !enetics -as hac.e) )uring ;==>-;==M3 I @e+ie(e that the 7omp*ter HacDer whom ha' tar)ette' this we@site ha' a+tere' the we@site to state that the Israe+i 7omm*nity ha' the same n*m@er o? Here'itary Genetic 3iseases as the eCact n*m@er 3NA Strains in a Genetic 3o*@+e He+iC 0? 3NA an' #NA Proteins. 2his is eCtreme ins*+tin) racism 5 this is an ins*+t which +itera++y is sayin) that @ein) o? Israe+i race is a 'isease. 2his hacDer was 'e?inite+y o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. In 200E 5 an imposte*r o? A@@ey 1t+in)er was si)hte' wa+Din) aro*n' in NewHampshire an' +i(in) as i? she were A@@ey 1t+in)er. 2he was the year that peop+e were intro'*ce' to =a+erie 0+sonAs imposte*rs. A@@ey 1t+in)er was one o? mine an' =a+erieAs @est ?rien's 4 A@@ey was Bewish. In 2005 5 B*+ie :einstein was a@'*cte' an' )i(en to 7esare. She was pro@a@+y aro*n' 12 years o+'. 2he :einsteinAs are pro@a@+e to ha(e @een attacDe' an' #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs since this time. B*+ie :einstein was seC*a++y a@*se' @y 7esare. 7esare *se' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation to chan)e his co+or o? sDin an' nose shape < 7esare a@'*cte' 2ony Gon>a+e> an' poisone' him with hemo)+o@in in mi+D an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' 2ony Gon>a+e> to +ooD +iDe himse+? a?ter which Manchester Po+ice 3epartment arreste' 2ony Gon>a+e> as 7esare. U 3*rin) 200% 4 a #a@@i p*rchase' items at my re)ister < this man was wearin) a ?ine+y tai+ore' (est 4 nice ?orma+ attire 4 an' a yarm*+De Dippah. I to+' this man that he ha' a nice (est an' we con(erse' ?or a @rie? perio' o? time. I mentione' to this man that I ha' @een rea'in) some @ooDs an' that I ha' @een st*'yin) B*'aism a @it to which he rep+ie' that he was a #a@@i. 2his man ha' a wi?e an' three chi+'ren. He 'ro(e an S.U.=. (ehic+e. I @e+ie(e I may ha(e witnesse' 1' .arrachi :arren write 'own this manAs +icense p+ate n*m@er on a ye++ow pa' o? paper. U A@o*t E months a?ter this 5 #ich 7onesc* 4 whom was Bewish < mentione' to me that he hear' that I met the :einsteins . #ich sai' that the :einsteins 'a*)hter was missin). I @e+ie(e this #a@@is name may ha(e @een ;arry :einstein an' that his e+'est 'a*)hter whom was 13 may ha(e @een the one whom was a@'*cte' < this )ir+ is +iDe+y to ha(e @een the )ir+ that 7esare ha' @een p*@+ica++y a@*sin) an' ha' a 'o) co++ar an' +eash on 5 this is the ?irst )ir+ whom was )i(en 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. #ich 7onesc* is c*rrent+y missin) an' seems to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an Ita+ian. M*ch o? the Bewish 7omm*nity ?rom the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. is missin)4 many o? these peop+e ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 n*mero*s photo)raphs were miCe' in with 1mi+y Is+esAs photo)raphs on the internet 5 these +ooDe' +iDe photo)raphs o? ?ema+es who +ooDe' to @e re+ate' to Samantha ;ernstein as we++ as one who was 'e?inite+y Scan'ina(ian. U 1' .arrachi :arren is +iDe+y to ha(e a+so written 'own other Bewish ?ami+iesA +icense

p+ate n*m@ers whom ha' come into the store s*ch as MarD P*cDer@er)As 4 Samantha ;ernsteinAs 4 an' others. In 2005 5 an imposte*r o? Pa*+ Mi++er was met @y m*+tip+e peop+e. 2his imposte*r +ooDe' Sici+ian an' possi@+y Ita+ian an' GreeD. He +ooDe' (ery m*ch +iDe Geor)e 7atsopo*+os an' is +iDe+y to ha(e @een Geor)e 7atsopo*+os. He was seen 'rinDin) Gro+sch @eer. 2he :hite S*premacist that I spoDe with in 200% was name' 7ha' Gro+sch 5 7ha' Gro+sch was a mem@er o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator that Sahn'ra St.0n)e to+' a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons sta+Din) *s a?ter I to+' a Bewish man the tr*th a@o*t A'o+? Hit+er @ein) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs @io+o)ica+ ha+? @rother. In 200" 5 #ich 7onesc*As .ace;ooD Pro?i+e @e)an postin) thin)s that it ha' poste' in the past. In 2012 an imposte*r o? #ich 7onesc* was met whom +ooDs Ita+ian. U 200E #ich 7onesc* poste' on MySpace.7om that he ha' I*st ?o*n' o*t that G=ictorG was =ittorio 1man*e+e an' that A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y practica++y +i(e' in New 1n)+an' now. #ich state' that he was 'is)*ste' that there was nothin) that he co*+' 'o a@o*t this an' that he sho*+'nAt ha(e to +i(e in the same co*ntry as A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. 2here is c*rrent+y a man preten'in) to @e #ich 7onesc* at the Pheasant $ane Ma++ in Nash*a NewHampshire 5 #ich 7onesc* is Bewish an' is a@o*t 3Q% Israe+i 4 the man preten'in) to @e #ich 7onesc* is not. I ass*me' that the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e wo*+' ha(e )otten the wor' o*t ear+ier that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother4 @*t apparent+y they ?or some reason ?ai+e' to re+ay the messa)e H*icD+y eno*)h 5 I am certain that a n*m@er o? Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e ?ami+ies are 'ea' an' a+so missin) now as a res*+t o? this. 2he ?act*a+ Henry MaDow was somehow a??i+iate' with the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e < he has @een rep+ace' @y a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' Imposte*r. U 2his was poste' more than once @y #ich 7onesc* < a?ter the secon' time 4 #ichAs pro?i+e @e)an to post statements re)ar'in) the USA PA2#I02 A72 5 these statements c+aime' that the PA2#I02 A72 ha' a++owe' 2errorist A)ents an' 7rimina+ A)ents to Unwarrante' :ire2ap American 7i(i+ians4 this @ein) impossi@+e '*e to itAs app+ication on+y @ein) possi@+e in re)ar's to 1nemy 7om@atants an' 2errorist S*spects. 2hese Din's o? statements ha(e @een ma'e ?rom the .ace@ooD Pro?i+es o? n*mero*s Imposte*rs. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs a)ents wiretappe' my own an' 1mi+y Is+esAs te+ephone con(ersations *nwarrante' < this was reporte' to me @y a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar imme'iate+y prior to her @ein) a@'*cte'. I @e+ie(e the propa)an'a in(o+(in) the USA PA2#I02 A72 is an o@(io*s portraya+ o? )*i+t an' a res*+t o? =ittorioAs an' .i++i@ertoAs )*i+t concernin) the sta+Din) o? American .ami+ies 4 Genoci'e in North America 4 an' the a@'*ction o? minors an' SeC 2ra??icDin) o? ?ema+es in North America. =ittorio an' .i+i@erto ?ear the PA2#I02 A72 ?or reason that it wi++ ena@+e Mi+itary an' .e'era+ in(esti)ators to access recor's o? a++ o? their e+ectronic comm*nications which ha(e e(er occ*rre' in North America or are c*rrent+y occ*rrin) < this inc+*'e Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence #ecor's. In 2008 5 imposte*r photo)raphs o? MarD P*cDer@er) were ?o*n' in a G2imeG Ma)a>ine in Manchester NewHampshire. MarD P*cDer@er) shoppe' at .ami+y 3o++ar once an' p*rchase' items at my re)ister. MarD P*cDer@er)As sister Arie+ met some o? my ?rien' #yan Har(eyAs roommatesA ?rien's whi+e they were in co++e)e in ;oston Massach*settes '*rin) 2005. U In 2005 5 MarD P*cDer@er) @o*)ht some items at my re)ister an' may ha(e @een

accompanie' @y a possi@+e mem@er o? the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e. It is pro@a@+e that heis a tar)et '*e to this as we++ as '*e to his wea+th an' his a@i+ity to access .ace;ooD which is a Socia+ NetworDin) :e@site that contains in?ormation re)ar'in) the mi++ions o? ci(i+ians whom the 1man*e+es ha(e tar)ette'. In 2010 5 imposte*r photo)raphs o? A'am San'+er an' A+ Pacino were ?o*n' in an GUsG ma)a>ine. A'am San'+er was ?rom Manchester NewHampshire an' some o? his ?ami+y sti++ resi'e' in the Manchester NewHampshire re)ion '*rin) 200%. 2005 to 2012 5 n*mero*s Bewish ?ema+es were si)hte' in porno)raphic ?i+ms on the internet an' a+so ?i+ms on the internet which were (i'eo)raphe' recor'in)s o? Bewish ?ema+es @ein) rape' an' tort*re'. #ape occ*rin) '*rin) a )enoci'e or m*+tip+e )enerations o? rape (ictims in the same ?ami+y with a racia++y moti(atin) ?actor an' a n*mero*s pop*+ation o? assai+ants is :ar #ape. #apes @ein) committe' @y 1nemy 7om@atants *pon the pop*+ation they are atacDin) is :ar #ape. 2005 200" 5 n*mero*s Bewish ?ema+es were seen at strip c+*@s. 2012 5 the maIority o? the Bewish peop+e in Nash*a NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire ha(e @een #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs. 200E 5 Sarah 9at+er ?rom $owe++ Massach*settes an' her ?ami+y 'isappeare'. 200! 5 $a*ren :e++s whoAs ?ami+y was Bewish an' ?rom NewHampshire stoppe' respon'in) to messa)es on the internet. It seems +iDe her .ace;ooD Pro?i+e is @ein) contro++e' @y an Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence #o@ot as 'o n*mero*s Bewish peop+es ?rom this re)ion. * :-: 1atters relate) to 7e-ish 2efense eague :-: U ;e)inin) in 2005 5 .i+ 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e as we++ as 1' :arren seeme' to @ecome in(o+(e' in some sort o? internationa+ A6IS 2errorist Sanct*ary Pro)ram. N*mero*s Ser@ian war crimina+s were si)hte' in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a an' seem to ha(e @een )i(en AmericanAs an' 7ana'ianAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Many o? the women whom these men ha(e Dept with them as s+a(es seem to @e SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' ha(e @een )i(en the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Americans 4 these women ha(e @een ?orce' to *n'er)o =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or reason o? aesthetic 'is)*ise @y m*tation. I ha(e seen a woman m*tate o(er the co*rse o? two weeDs. Some o? the men in this re)ion whom these terroristsA )an)ster a??i+iates associate with seem to ha(e )ir+?rien's or tra??icDin) (ictims whom are 20 years yo*n)er than them. .i+ has a??i+iate' a +ar)e 7rip )an)ster *nit to these A6IS 2errorists as we++ as has .i+ a??i+iate' So*th American an' 7*@an A6IS .ascist Units to these terrorists. Some o? the A6IS 2errorists whom .i+ has hi''en in New 1n)+an' ha(e @een 7*@an an' 7o+om@ian .ascistas an' A6IS Ma?ia4 these in'i(i'*a+s are *sin) m*+tip+e ?ami+iesA an' in'i(i'*a+sA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. .i+As psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e is seen on a ?ew internet posts an' p*@+ications re)ar'in) 7rips 5 these propa)an'a pieces were p*@+ishe' @etween 2005 an' 200" an' c+aim that Israe+ an' the Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e ?*n'e' an' sponsore' the 7rips )an). Aro*n' 200" 4 Snoop 3o)) recor'e' himse+? )i(in) a speech concernin) the 7rips an' his )an)ster acti(ities 5 Snoop 3o)) state' that he ha' I*st 'isco(ere' that the men whom were pro(i'in) his peop+e the 'r*)s to se++ 4 )*ns 4 an' other crimina+ s*pp+ies an' connections were act*a++y A6IS .ascists an' worDe' with A6IS .ascists whom worDin) within the Unite' States o? AmericaAs )o(ernment. * :-: Blac. 1ol) "ttac. on %han.s!i0ing :-:

%he night *efore %han.s!i0ing : 8ittorio &manuele calle) %a5la / a-0er's/ gran)father 7oe an) or)ere) 7oe to ha0e his )aughter 2e**ie /2umont/ poison me -ith Blac. 1ol)3 2he same month that the man with the s*it an' tie ha' approache' me an' ma+icio*s+y +a*)he' at me whi+e I was worDin)4 a man with a ;a+tic appearance came into the ma++ an' tooD a +on) +ooD at me ?rom @ehin' the +ine o? c*stomers. He +ooDe' (ery simi+ar to my ?ather an' 'resse' simi+ar+y @*t was wearin) a sha) wi) parte' on the si'e. $ater that month< I saw a )ir+ who +ooDe' i'entica+ to my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson wearin) a ;osnian hea' )ar+an'4 @ein) +e' o*t o? the ma++ @y a Sici+ian man towar's a car in the parDin) +ot o? the Ma++ o? New Hampshire5 it a+most +ooDe' +iDe her wrists were @o*n' in ?ront o? her as her han's were in a prayin) position. She +ooDe' terri?ie'. I +ater ?o*n' o*t that 7he+sey was swappe' with another (ictim who has @een preten'in) to @e 7he+sey *n'er threats ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist Syn'icate. I ha(e o(erhea' my ?ather twice 4 so*n'in) incre'i@+y *ncom?orta@+e whi+e ta+Din) to a G=ictorG on his ce++ phone. =ictor Mann4 =itorrio 1man*e+e4 an' =ictor McMann are three a+iases =ittorio 1man*e+e *ses an' occaisiona++y has on his cre'it car's. 7he+sey was ten years o+'. 2wo years prior to this the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es in Manchester New Hampshire was in(esti)ate' an' some o? the emp+oyees were arreste' ?or printin) '*p+icate I'enti?ication 7ar's with terroristsA ?aces on car's containin) the act*a+ i'enti?ication in?ormation o? ci(i+ians who +ooD simi+ar to the p*rchaser. 2his was aro*n' the eCact 'ate that a ma?ia ?ami+y poisone' my co??ee with @+acD mo+'. 2he 3*nDin 3on*ts ?ranchise that I was worDin) ?or was owne' @y the S9#I=AN0S .AMI$/ 70#P0#A2I0N< whi+e I was worDin) ?or them4 3*nDin 3on*ts starte' printin) 31U2S7H1;AN9 )i?tcar's. 2here is no 31U2S7H1;AN9 in the USA5 31U2S7H1;AN9 was the @anD that A'o+? Hit+er *se' to store ha+? o? the wea+th that he tooD ?rom the Bews as we++ as the other (ictims in 3e*tsche+an' in the 1"%0As4 coinci'ent+y it was the on+y ha+? o? the pi++a)e' wea+th which was e(er reco(era@+e. A+so o? note< the Ita+ian Ma?ias as we++ as the 1man*e+e Syn'icate ha(e @een worDin) with a terrorist crime syn'icate in(o+(e' in )enoci'e an' h*man tra??icDin) near the re)ion s*rro*n'in) Me'I*)orIe 5 Ser@ia4 ;osnia4 7roatia. A ?ew years a?ter this 5 I o(erhear' S*mmer sayin) to the imposte*r 7he+sey GI miss the o+' 7he+sey. I want the rea+ 7he+sey @acD. /o*Are not 7he+sey.G . I ha(e @een consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that the )ir+ +i(in) at my .atherAs ho*se with S*mmer is not o*r sister4 7he+sey. I @e+ie(e the )ir+ @ein) +e' thro*)h the ma++ an' o*t into the parDin)+ot to a (ehic+e @y a stran)e +ooDin) man4 was 7he+sey. 2he )ir+ preten'in) to @e 7he+sey is most +iDe+y Di'nappe' ?rom e+sewhere. 2his is a 'e?inite co(ert ho+oca*st. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate has @een in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 2errorism4 Genoci'e4 an' in?i+tration o? Go(ernments ?orei)n to their own ?or 150 years. =ittorio 1man*e+e has a connection to a Ser@ian terrorist or)ani>ation in(o+(e' in )enoci'e whom ha(e committe' n*mero*s war crimes *pon the ;osnians as we++ as tar)ette' Ser@ian ?ami+ies< I @e+ie(e that he has @een sneaDin) them in to the USA to hi'e them4 to +ater *se them as a )an) an' as co(ert a)ents within )o(ernment. ;e?ore his we@site was taDen 'own an' his i'entity was taDen o(er @y an imposte*r *sin) a new we@site. U 2he *se o? a chi+'As +i?e as a hosta)e ?or Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are p*rposes is a metho' o? psycho+o)ica+ a@*se that is o? the most eCtreme metho's o? a@*se. 2his is aDin to a sa'istAs res*+ts whi+e st*'yin) anima+ psycho+o)y '*rin) which the mother is he+' in a ca)e whi+e the c*@s are tort*re' within (iew an' a*'ia+ ran)e o? the mother. 2he Ita+ians4 Ser@ians4 an' Sa*'i Ara@ians whom ha(e @een en)a)e' in

a war?are o? )enoci'e *pon my peop+e ha(e shown a@so+*te 'isre)ar' to the h*manity o? my peop+e whom are their (ictims. 2he Ita+ian terrorist or)ani>ation that is on American soi+ is the same 7rimina+ 2errorist 7e++ which ha' SeC 2ra??icDe' my Mother an' my Nana when my Mother was a +itt+e )ir+ an' are the same 7rimina+ 2errorist 7e++ whom 'ecapitate' m*+tip+e ?*nctions o? )o(ernment '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon a'ministration 5 many o? their a)ents *sin) names which their ?ore?athers ha' attri@*te' to their ?ami+yAs as a+ias i'entities< #ichar' GHe+msG 4whom was o@(io*s+y 3Q% Sici+ian <5 was one o? these in'i(i'*a+s. 2his ass*min) o? nati(e names as a+ias is incre'i@+y common amon)st co(ert a)ents. It is a we++ Dnown ?act that '*rin) his +i?e4 #ichar' He+ms associate' with n*mero*s mem@ers o? the 7o(ert 7e++ which ha' in?i+trate' an' 'ecapitate' the NS3AP prior to the Secon' :or+' :ar an' the 'ecapitation o? the German )o(ernment @y ?orei)n in?i+trators +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he *se an' a@*se o? innocent chi+'ren is not to @e *neCpecte' o? an or)ani>ation whom systemica++y m*r'ere' 20 mi++ion ci(i+ians within nationa+ home+an's which were not their own5 e(en 9ar+ Maria :I+i)*t< whom was ha+? Sici+ian4 +ie' a@o*t his Nationa+ 1thnic ori)in. 2he core o? this ?action were an' sti++ are an Ita+ian 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in a++iance with a Sa*'i Ara@ian 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 this cooperati(e entity has ?omente' )+o@a+ war?are twice in an attempt to achei(e )+o@a+ conH*est. A?ter the terrorist attacDs o? "Q11 4 it was a state' )oa+ o? 0sama ;in$a'enAs A6IS .action to 'estroy the economy o? the USA < other ?actions imme'iate+y en)a)e' in )enoci'a+ acti(ities in North A?rica4 the ;a+tic4 the Mi''+e 1ast4 an' the Americas 5 it is not *n+iDe+y that these )enoci'a+ ?actions were a+rea'y poise' to striDe in pre emption o? a ?ina+ war ?or )+o@a+ conH*est. It is o@(io*s that the commona+ities @etween an Ita+ian )enoci'a+ terrorist ?action4 a Ser@ian )enoci'a+ terrorist ?action4 )enoci'a+ terrorist ?actions in North A?rica an' the Mi''+e 1ast < a++ o? these ?actions @ein) in(o+(e' in 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e 7rime inc+*'in) H*man 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection 5 are in ?act networDs o? an A6IS .action ?or they wo*+' ha(e nothin) e+se in common. U 2he A*strian Po+ice 0??icer St.7yr Imposte*r ha' an improper Po+ice ;aton < this @aton was a @o@@y sticD c+*@ an' not a ni)ht sticD ton?a c+*@. 3*rin) 200! 4 whi+e poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' < my @+oo' was 'rawn ?rom a stint that was man*?act*re' in the Unite' 9in)'om. An'ers ;rei(iD is reporte' to ha(e @een s*r)erie' twice whi+e in the Unite' 9in)'om. 2he ;ritish Nationa+ Party ha(e reporte' @ein) harrasse' @y Po+ice in the Unite' 9in)'om. N*mero*s Bews an' other in'i(i'*a+s ha(e reporte' @ein) harrasse' @y .ascists an' attacDe' @y stran)e eCperimenta+ e+ectronic 'e(ices whi+e in the Unite' 9in)'om 5 we@sites ha(e @een p*@+ishe' to internet concernin) this as ha(e n*mero*s 'isin?ormationa+ we@sites. U M*r'ere' @y the Monarchy 5 I++*minati 3 < attempte' to assert that the ;ritish Monarchy was m*r'erin) peop+e an' was in the I++*minati. 2his was aro*n' the same time that =ittorio 1man*e+e ca++e' a Ma?ia hit on me an' ha' my co??ee poisone' with @+acD mo+'. 2he co??ee c*p which I was han'e' was a $ar)e P+astic 3*nDin 3on*ts 7*p which is the same c*p that :i++iam Hano(er or'ere' when he or'ere' a $ar)e 7o??ee at my re)ister whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts '*rin) 200!. 3*rin) the poisonin) 4 I was a'mitte' to a Psychiatric :ar' in Nash*a NewHampshire near Amherst Street that is associate' with So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter < whi+e here4 I was intro'*ce' to an Imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er whom c+aime' to @e G1+i>a@eth 2*'orG4 this was ?or the o@(io*s p*rpose o? ?ri)htenin) me. 3*rin) my stay in this Psychiatric :ar' 4 a man was a'mitte' entry whom ha' a +aptop with him which was eH*ippe' with a US; U@er2ooth an' a US; #.I3 scanner. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e @een *sin) the Hospita+s in the North 1ast o? the

U.S.A. to ta) h*man @ein)s with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 =erichips 4 an' A#G0S G.P.S. S*r)ica+ Imp+ants the way that a ;io+o)ist ta)s anima+s. U Norwe)ians an' An)+o Gae+s are )+o@a++y @oth a racia+ tar)et o? the Ita+ian A6IS ?or reason o? their re?*sa+ to Ioin the 1*ropean Union an' ?or reason o? their presense in North America as a pre eCistin) pop*+ation with c+aimancy to the +an' as home+an'. Many peop+e ha(e state' that their nation was ?orce' into the 1*ropean Union @y a series o? threats an' m*r'ers which were ma'e to appear to @e 'eath @y nat*ra+ ca*ses < this has @een state' @y n*mero*s peop+es o? n*mero*s nationa+ities 5 the )oa+s o? the A6IS were ori)ina++y *ni?ication o? a++ o? the nations o? the entire Me'itteranean Shore $ine 4 *ni?ication thro*)h conH*est an' mer)er o? a++ 1*ropean nations 4 mer)er with the 0ttoman Imperia+ Nations 4 an' e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2he Ita+ian A6IS ha(e e(er @een 'eceit?*+ +iars an' ha(e historica++y +ie' to e(en those whom seeme' to @e their c+osest o? a++ies < the c*rrent 1*ropean Union is a )oa+ o? the A6IS an' the Ita+ian A6IS are *n'o*@te'+y mo(in) into position to tota+ 7o(ert Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation with e(ent*a+ re enstatement o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as the Monarchs an' Aristocracy o? Ita+ia. In 2008 5 I ha' @+oo' 'rawn at two hospita+s in NewHampshire which I notice' *se' GMa'e in U9G nee'+e stints to p*nct*re my (ein an' 'raw my @+oo'< An'ers ;rei(iD o? Norway was reporte' to ha(e *n'er)one two crania+ s*r)eries4 at +east one o? which s*r)ery was 'one whi+e in the U9 5 An'ers ;rei(iD was +iDe+y to ha(e @een ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace' an' hypnoti>e' repeate'+y as we++ as pi+ote' to commit the s+ayin)s *pon his own peop+e @y Ita+ian A6IS 4 an anonymo*s hacDer whom is worDin) as a pri(ate in(esti)ator has to+' me that An'ers ;rei(iD was in ?act a (ictim o? a S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' that this is pro@a@+y a+so tr*e o? 9asa@ whom attacDe' in In'ia an' o? :eisse o? the $aDota whom attacDe' his own peop+e. It has @een reporte' to me that Me'ica+ ;+acD+ists ha(e @een ma'e with +ists o? names o? racia+ tar)ets on them which are +ists o? (ictims whom are not a++owe' to @e 'ia)nose' whi+e seeDin) treatments at hospita+s. 3*rin) 200! 5 whi+e poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' 4 not a sin)+e hospita+ in New Hampshire wo*+' 'ia)nose me or re?er me to a 2oCico+o)ist. It has @een reporte' to me that m*+tip+e ?ema+es in NewHampshire an' Massach*settes 'ie' o? toCicity whi+e hospita+s )a(e them a 'ia)nosis o? Gper?ect hea+thG an' re?*se' to re?er them to a toCico+o)ist4 toCicity reports were not )i(en to them. 3*rin) 200! 4 the res*+ts to my n*mero*s +a@ tests were not presente' to me < when asDe'4 the n*rses re?*se' an' to+' me that it was not a++owe'. Some o? the N*rses in these hospita+s appear to @e SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims 4 hacDer worDin) as pri(ate in(esti)ator has in?orme' me that many o? these ?ema+es were a@'*ction (ictims whom were +ocDe' in ca)es an' @asement '*n)eons an' tort*re' ?or o(er a year 5 the stip*+ation to their re+ease @ein) that the women worD in Hospita+s 4 Strip 7+*@s 4 an' ser(e as 7onc*@ina+ SeC S+a(es < many ha(e a+so @een or'ere' to m*r'er. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Ne*roSo?tware was *se' to tort*re the (ictims whi+e they were imprisone'. U 0n more than one occaision 7aesar wa+De' in to .ami+y 3o++ar an' @e)an to 'isc*ss imme'iate+y 4 p+ans which he an' .i+ 1man*e+e has en)ineere' which wo*+' p+ace me in a sit*ation '*rin) which I wo*+' see a ?ema+e @ein) a@*se' horri@+y an' wo*+' @ecome (io+ent as a res*+t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme' to @e a p+an o? theirs an' this (io+ence was o@(io*s+y inten'e' to @e 'irecte' at 7aesar himse+? ?or some reason. 0ne 'ay 7aesar entere' .ami+y 3o++ar an' state' Gwe )ot a )ir+ who is yo*n)er than his )ir+ @y at +east two yearsG as he @e)an r*@@in) his han's4 ?+eCe' his ?in)ers4 an' c+appe' his han's to)ether < a?terwhich he sai' G2his shit is hot 4 I +iDe itN :eAre )oin) to 3NA her ?ace to +ooD +iDe his )ir+ too an' then he see her an' he wi++ )et rea++y an)ry an ye++

yaaaaar)hN yaaaar)hN yaaar)hN an' smash shit an' want to ?i)htG . A year +ater 7aesar was wa+Din) a )ir+ aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire on a +eash e(ery 'ay whom +ooDe' +iDe Samantha ;ernstein @*t ha' 1mi+y Is+esA ?acia+ str*ct*re an' +ooDe' to @e a@o*t 1% 5 this an' reports o? this seeme' to @e i)nore' @y Po+ice 0??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o*t 3 years. 2his was most+y '*rin) .ranD G*intaAs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 the 1man*e+esA 2errorist .action ha' hospita+s an' +a@oratories accessi@+e to them4 inc+*'in) Nano 1n)ineerin) Genetic $a@oratories accessi@+e to them. U 3*rin) 200! 5 a?ter @ein) poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' attemptin) to seeD he+p at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire < two @+on'e men whom appeare' o? An)+o Gae+ic American an' 3e*tsche+an'er miCe' racia+ ancestry were pro(i'e' as the escort 'ri(ers o? the Am@*+ance with which they transporte' me 4 one o? these men state' G:eAre ?rom Manchester4 weAre o*t o? o*r I*ris'iction.G an' it was o@(io*s that they ha' @een instr*cte' @y some@o'y to 'o so. I @e+ie(e this to ha(e @een a +ie an' that these men are mem@ers o? an ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. U 3*rin) 200! 5 a?ter @ein) poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' attemptin) to seeD he+p at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire < two @+on'e men whom appeare' o? An)+o Gae+ic American an' 3e*tsche+an'er miCe' racia+ ancestry were pro(i'e' as the escort 'ri(ers o? the Am@*+ance with which they transporte' me 4 one o? these men state' G:eAre ?rom Manchester4 weAre o*t o? o*r I*ris'iction.G an' it was o@(io*s that they ha' @een instr*cte' @y some@o'y to 'o so. I @e+ie(e this to ha(e @een a +ie an' that these men are mem@ers o? an ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. U 3*rin) the year 2005 4 3e@@ie 3*mont an' her ?ather as we++ as her *nc+e an' co*sin were o??ere' 5Mi++ion 3o++ars to Di++ my entire ?amiy an' were pro(i'e' a +ist o? my entire ?ami+ies names inc+*'in) e(en 'istant co*sins o? mine whome I ha(ene(er e(en met 5 this +ist was pro(i'e' to them @y =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e with the o??er o? 5 Mi++ion 3o++ars. I ha(e @een in?orme' that 3e@@ie 3*mont who is 2ay+a $aw(erAs mother an' 2wy+aAs mother o? Manchester NewHampshire 4 ha(e taDen sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' were +ast seen in the $ore'o 2eCas re)ion. I ha(e @een in?orme' that their ?amiy ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' that they may ha(e @een manip*+ate' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to some eCtent 4 @*t that 3e@@ie 3*mont is ?*++y aware o? the ?act that ;aracD 0@ama has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r an' that she Dnows Gra>>io+i who is one o? the Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDers that =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 $orie Poten>a ;*cD+ey 4 an' #o@ert 3AAn)e+o associate with. 2his o??er o? 5Mi++ion 3o++ars is pro@a@+y the res*+t o? =ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+eAs an' Sean ;*cD+eyAs 7rimina+ S*r(ey L*estionnares to which one o? 3e@@ie 3*montAs re+ati(es m*st ha(e answere' that they wo*+' Di++ an entire ?ami+y ?or 5 Mi++ion 3o++ars. It is pro@a@+e that 3e@@ie 3*mont is re+ate' to Bosh*a 3ANapo+i an' Michae+ 3ANapo+i ?ormer+y o? MerrimacD NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire. Aro*n' the time that I ha' @een postin) on a @+o)site ca++e' ;+*tUn';o'en.com4 I ma'e a statement re)ar'in) the @*rnin) o? a city in .rance @y rioters pro(oDe' @y terrorist a)ent pro(ocate*rs< I a+so ma'e a statement re)ar'in) the hypocrisy o? the peop+es in(o+(e' in what is eCtreme+y o(ert Ita+ian Na>ism in the USA. My G?rien'G 2ay+aAs mother )a(e me an Ice' 7o??ee ?rom 3*nDin 3on*ts with +*mps o? ;+acD Mo+' in the @ottom. I 'ranD ha+? o? it @e?ore I notice' it taste' stran)e an' that it ha'

@+acD ch*nDs in it. 2hat ni)ht4 Her motherAs Sici+ian ?ather showe' me his )rey sharDsDin s*it an' to+' me he G*se' to @e a +e) @reaDer in @oston ?or the ma?iaG. He a+so asDe' me i? I ha' any ?ami+y in ;oston. My Nana +i(e' I*st o*tsi'e o? ;oston in Ma+'en. 2ay+a an' her Gran'parents +i(e' on Somer(i++e St. in Manchester. B*st prior to poisonin) my co??ee 5 2ay+aAs mother han'e' her ?ather the te+ephone state' G3a'4 =ictorAs on the phoneG. 2ay+a a+so mentione' that her )ran'?ather Dnew the G9in) o? Ita+iaG an' his sons. U 2he e(enin) @e?ore I was poisone' with @+acD mo+'4 2ay+aAs ?ami+y ha' in(ite' me o(er ?or 'inner. 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather4 whoAs name I was to+' was Boe< p*++e' his pant +e) *p an' showe' me a sma++ scar whi+e statin) GI )ot this scar '*rin) :or+' :ar 2 in Ita+y. 2ay+a ma'e a IoDe re?erence to her Gran'?atherAs name @ein) Boe. 2his is how I )ot my p*rp+e heart.G. 2here is no way that 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather is o+' eno*)h to ha(e @een 'ra?te' '*rin) the secon' :or+' :ar4 he is act*a++y the a)e o? a =ietnam :ar (eteran. My )ran'?ather NormanAs @rother was 'ep+oye' in .rance '*rin) the secon' :or+' :ar4 his name was A+@ert MacPherson Br. A+so< there was a woo'en Star 0? 3a(i' on Gi*seppiAs DitchenAs wa++ with a cross insi'e o? it. I @e+ie(e this was an o(ert eCa))eration o? an attempte' A++ie' .orces persona which psycho+o)ica++y shows an incre'i@+y )*i+ty past. 2ay+aAs ?ami+y ha(e connections to a crime syn'icate in So*th America which co*+' possi@+y @e the c*rrent ?ami+ies o? past A6IS war crimina+s. A?ter the secon' :or+' :ar4 ACis war crimina+s ?+e' to So*th America an' tooD *p resi'ency there 5 *sin) ass*me' a+iases4 hi'in) with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs connections in So*th America. A ?rien' o? 2ay+aAs name' Sean 7ase was worDin) at Stop N Shop '*rin) the time which I was emp+oye' there4 I o(erhear' him maDin) con(ersation a@o*t @+each poisonin) some@o'y to 'eath. Sean 7ase is MA.IA ?ami+y. I @e+ie(e this ?ami+y may possi@+y @e eCten'e' ?ami+y o? an o+' coworDer o? mine name' 3ana Um@ro as we++ as eCten'e' ?ami+y o? 1' :arrenAs. I o(erhear' 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather mentionin) that he *se' to Dnow G3rac*+aG G*)+ie+mo. 0ther ?ami+ies these may possi@+y @e re+ate' to are 3eMeo4 Um@ro4 3AAmico4 Napo+itano4 3e.eo4 Gam@ino4 Santa)ati4 Poten>a4 an' ;onanno. 2he 2re(ino ?ami+y marrie' into my ?ami+y < +ast time I checDe' my co*sin 3ominiH*eAs ?ace@ooD4 the photos o? her 'i'nAt +ooD anythin) +iDe her. 3ominH*e is ha+? L*e@ecois an' ha+? MeCican < she was a citi>en o? the USA an' my co*sin4 it is possi@+e the photos on her ?ace@ooD may not @e her. A?ter I ha' @een poisone'4 a++ o? my posts on the ;+*tUn';o'en ?or*m were 'e+ete' 5 @ein) rep+ace' @y ........ ........... ....... .............. ...... . ............ ...... ..... .... ...... ......... .... ...... ................. .... ..... .... ...... ......... .... ...... ................. ...... . ...... ............. ...... .......... -nothin) @*t ...8. U :hi+e worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts with 3an =a+'row 5 3an =a+'row mentione' that Aaron 1man*e+e ha' recent+y ca++e' a +itt+e )ir+ a Gchi+' mo+esterG an' a Gpe'ophi+eG. 2his so*n's eCact+y what I ha' witnesse' happenin) to my sister S*mmer in 200E. S*mmerAs an' 7he+seyAs mo*ths were mo(in) in 200E an' their own mo*ths were speaDin) to them 5 S*mmerAs mo*th state' that she ha' a GGhost ?rien'G an' 7he+sey @e+ie(e' that it was a comp*ter chip that was t*rnin) her into a ro@ot. S*mmerAs GGhost .rien'G ca++e' itse+? G=icDy.G. S*mmer comp+aine' that the )host G=icDyG was seC*a++y mo+estin) her with her own han's @y mo(in) her own han's. It is +o)ica+ that 3an =a+'row may ha(e Dnown Aaron 1man*e+e 5 I ha(e a co*sin whom has met Aaron at a c+*@ in ;oston4 a ?rien' in Somer(i++e whom has met Aaron4 an' I ha(e met Aaron in Manchester NewHampshire when I was han)in) o*t with 2ony Grassetti whoAs ?ather was a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen. A+so 5 the woman whom hypnoti>e' me @e?ore my s*r)ery 4 a?ter I

ha' @een 'r*))e' with se'ati(es an' hypna)o)ics < 'i' not seem a@+e to mo(e her mo*th on her own4 she seeme' as i? some@o'y e+se was mo(in) her mo*th. A++ 3 o? my sisters were somehow imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @etween the years o? 200% an' 200!. In 200E 4 7he+sey was cryin) an' comp+ainin) that e(ery time she +ooDe' in the mirror in the mornin) < her mo*th wo*+' start ta+Din) to her. 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS who ha(ce 'one this are eCtreme+y sa'istic towar's chi+'ren. 7he+sey was Di'nappe' '*rin) 200! an' swappe' with another (ictim o? simi+ar appearance @*t o? somewhat 'i??erent race 5 7he+sey is a Metis o? @oth .irst Nations an' 7o+onia+ American race4 the )ir+ whom has @een +i(in) as 7he+sey appears to ha(e no .irst Nations race at a++. 0ne 'ay she was cryin) an' was scare' that she was Gt*rnin) into a #o@otG4 she sai' that she ha' AmicrochipA in her @rain that was mo(in) her mo*th an' ta+Din) 5 te++in) her that she was t*rnin) into a ro@ot. 7omp*ter Ne*roScience So?tware can contro+ a h*man @ein)As Ne*ro+o)y an' mo(e their mo*th +iDe a ro@ot as we++ as their +arynC an' pharynC. Aaron 1man*e+e was si)hte' at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester New Hampshire '*rin) 0cto@er o? 200!. 0? simi+ar re+e(ance < 3an =a+'rowAs ?ormer @est ?rien' 9im :ein)art 4 was the ?ormer +o(er o? a man name' 7hris who may @e a co*sin o? Sean 7ase whom I worDe' with '*rin) 2011 at Stop NA Shop. Sean 7ase has a connection to the Ita+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icate as we++ as the Ita+ian Ma?ia. 3*rin) this time 4 3an =a+'ow a+so mentione' Aaron 1man*e+e ?ee'in) a +itt+e )ir+ Gp+*mper )enesG ?rom G)enes ?rom nationa+ities a++ o(er the wor+'4 sheAs a m*tant.G 3an =a+'row was +a*)hin) a@o*t Aaron 1man*e+e an' his 'ecisions o?ten. I met 3an =a+'row '*e to a m*t*a+ ?rien'ship which we share' with a woman name' 9im :ein)art. 9im ha' a @oy?rien' name' 7hris 7ase when I met her. I am ?air+y certain that this 7hris 7ase is a re+ati(e o? Sean 7ase wom I worDe' with at Stop n Shop in 2010 an' whom I notice' was an associate o? .ascists an' or)ani>e' crime so+'iers. U Some ;+*tUn';o'en Am@ioriC posts may ha(e @een my own whi+e others may ha(e @een poste' @y hacDers. My po+itica+ phi+osophy is primari+y In'i)eno*s4 Nationa+ist4 Socia+ 7apita+ist4 1n(ironmenta+ist4 an' $a@or Socia+ist. I 'o not @e+ie(e in the G+o@a+ Union o? a G+o@a+i>e' State4 $i@ertarianism4 or M*+ti Nationa+ Unions res*+tin) in the +oss o? Se+? 3etermination which wo*+' @e eCperience' @y sma++er Nationa+ 1thnic Pop*+ation Gro*ps. Some o? my posts ha(e @een hacDe' ca*sin) them to @e (iewe' as irre+i)io*s < I am not irre+i)io*s4 my re+i)ion is Asatr* 5 I 'o not act*a++y ha(e any hatre' o? 7atho+ics or M*s+ims 4 my 'is@e+ie? in the Uni?ication o? 1*rope an' the mer)er with an e(ent*a+ reconstr*cte' 0ttoman 1mpire in the ?orm o? an 0ttoman Union is not a pro'*ct o? my re+i)ion. I 'o not @e+ie(e in the North American Union which a sma++ n*m@er o? wea+thy an' treasono*s in'i(i'*a+s ha(e p+anne' ?or *s 5 this North American Union wo*+' e(ent*a++y res*+t in the mer)er o? the entire 1arth. I notice' on ;+*tUn';o'en that my acco*nt ha' poste' that MeCico was not a cohesi(e eno*)h nationa+ pop*+ation to maintain or'er an' sta@i+ity 5 this is a statement which I *s*a++y maDe concernin) the pop*+ation ratio o? the USA an' the +oya+ty ration in the USA 4 MeCico is *s*a++y a nation which I ?ee+ is more cohesi(e '*e to the +ar)er n*m@er o? In'i)eno*s #ace an' Nationa+ 1thnic Pop*+ation. In re?erence to Nationa+ Pop*+ation 7ohesi(eness4 I was H*ote' as sayin) the opposite o? what I @e+ie(e concernin) MeCico 5 this contin*e' with an attempt to #ace ;ait me @y another UserName Acco*nt which state' that 1n)+ish as a USA Nationa+ $an)*a)e was o??ensi(e to .irst Nations whom wo*+' ha(e to +earn 1n)+ish to which I respon'e' the tr*th <5 that the

G#eser(ationsG were So(erei)n Nations *nto themse+(es an' that 1n)+ish wo*+' the secon' +an)*a)e there4 with the .irst Nations +an)*a)e as #e)iona+ Secon' $an)*a)e in the s*rro*n'in) re)ion which is USA. U 2he 'ecision to poison me with @+acD mo+' was most 'e?inite+y a 'ecision ma'e @y =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2his 'ecision was ma'e at the same time as =ittorioAs 'ecision to ha(e the Ma?ia Di'nap my ten year o+' sister 7he+sey. 7he+sey has @een missin) since 200!4 when she was Di'nappe' @y a Sici+ian man worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es an' swappe' with another (ictim. 2he +ast +ocation 7he+sey was seen at was the Ma++ o? NH in Manchester New Hampshire in the A*t*mn o? 200!. 2he Sici+ians whom ha(e @een in(o+(e' in the Di'nap o? my sister ha(e 'e?inite+y @een Di'nappin) other minors as we++ as (ery yo*n) women. 2he Sici+ian that Di'nappe' 7he+sey in the ear+y A*t*mn o? 200! is i'entica+ to the o+' Sici+ian man who has @een in(o+(e' in the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? the three or ?o*r G2ia $*'wicDAsG whom were +i(in) in $eominster4 .ranD+in4 .oC@oro4 an' 7he+ms?or' 5 this man was c+aimin) to @e 2iaAs Gran' .ather4 none o? these ?ema+es are Sici+ian at a++. 2hese men are 'e?inite+y connecte' to 7har+es 3es#ochiers. 7har+es 3es#ochiers tooD my sister Sheena on (acation to .+ori'a an' ret*rne' with another ?ema+e who has @een preten'in) to @e Sheena4 these woman re?*ses to a'mit that she is not my sister. 2he two +ooD simi+ar @*t they certain+y 'o not +ooD i'entica+. 7har+es 3es#ochiers an' his ?ather worD with =ittorio 1man*e+e 'oin) (ario*s thin)s. 7har+es 3es#ochiers worDs with a ?*n'raiser ca++e' G=eterans He+pin) =eteransG 5 @y some o? the Ita+ians in the comm*nity4 this ?*n'raiser has @een ca++e' G=ictor He+pin) =ictorG. As I ha(e pre(io*s+y state'4 G=ictorG is an An)+ophon o? =ittorio an' is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs a+ias in the USA. :hen 7har+es 3es#ochiers an' Sheena +e?t ?or .+ori'a4 Sheena ha' a @a) o? c+othin) with her in the car. 2his @a) o? c+othin) containe' o+' c+othin) o? SheenaAs 4 o+' c+othin) o? her ?rien' 3anie++e MaioAs4 an' some other c+othin) 5 she ha' I*st )i(en a ?ew artic+es o? c+othin) to my mother an' was )oin) to @e )i(in) to rest to Goo':i++. 3*rin) 2012 5 a woman was @e)*n stayin) at the @*i+'in) in which I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e St. in Nash*a New Hampshire. 2his womanAs hair4 sDin4 an' eyes ha(e chan)e' co+or since she starte' +i(in) here 5 it +ooDe' as i? she ha' I*st @e)*n m*tatin) when she @e)an stayin) here. Here eyes chan)e' ?rom Ha>e+ to ;+*e4 her hair ?rom +i)ht @rown to @+on'e4 an' her sDin ?rom +i)ht o+i(e with ?recD+es to pa+e an' ?+*sh. She +ooDs Gae+ic o? primari+y Irish ori)in an' +ooDs as i? her c*rrent )enetic composition is *nnat*ra+. I ha(e seen this woman wearin) artic+es o? c+othin) ?rom the @a) which my sister ha' with her in 7har+es 3es#oschierAs car when they went to .+ori'a. She a+so has @een wearin) an o+' pair o? my sisterAs an' my motherAs earrin)s. 2his woman most +iDe+y inherite' this @a) o? c+othin) 'own in .+ori'a ?rom a +ocation where SeC 2ra??icDers were Deepin) women. I reco)ni>e this woman ?rom a trip which I ha' taDen to #ho'e Is+an' in 200E with my ?rien' Boseph Mc7arthy 5 we went to a party in #ho'e Is+an' a?ter a trip to .oC:oo's 7asino. 2his party 'i' not e(en )et in(esti)ate' @y po+ice4 I o(erhear' the person whoAs party it was state that the Ma?ia ha' pai' the po+ice to i)nore the party 5 this party was eCtreme+y +o*' an' there was not a sin)+e so@er person there4 it was a+so in the center o? a city in a +ocation that wo*+' ha(e norma++y 'rawn a+ot o? attention. 2he man I ha(e seen her with is Ita+ian. A++ o? the men with these 2ra??icDin) =ictims are o? Ita+ian Nationa+ 1thnic 5 a+tho*)h some o? them are o? miCe' race s*ch as two who are ha+? American 4 the commona+ity @etween these men a++ seems to @e primari+y Sici+ian or $om@ar'ic race as we++ as occaisiona++y other Ita+ian ori)ins. 2hese men are a++ connecte' to =ittorio 1man*e+e an' what was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs crime syn'icate 5 their associates o?ten seem to @e ;ra>i+ians o? miCe' 1thnic Nationa+ity < these miCe' race ;ra>i+ians a+ways seem to @e o? part+y Spanish4 Po+ish4 or Ita+ian miCe' race which wo*+' @e o? o@(io*s pro@a@i+ity '*e to their A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?ami+y a??i+iations an' the ?act that the ;ra>i+ian A6IS 7rime Syn'icate was not o? ;ra>i+ian ori)in. 2he woman preten'in) to @e Sheena has in her possession a =HS (i'eo tape that is an e'ite' recor'in) o? a ?ami+y 1aster 'inner ?rom when my sister an' I were chi+'ren 5 this (i'eo has a ?ace e'ite' o(er A+ Io'iceAs ?ace which is not his own. A+ Io'ice was my twin co*sinsA ?ather 5 the man in the (i'eo is s+i)ht+y ta++er4 (ery s+i)ht+y

+ar)er4 an' has @*shy eye@rows. He 'oes not +ooD +iDe A+ Io'ice. #ep+acin) a ?ace on a (i'eo tape is easi+y accomp+ishe' *sin) a comp*ter with (i'eo)raphy so?tware an' eCtreme+y a'(ance' animation so?tware with Sha'ow an' Shape #eco)nition 7ontact Point Animation4 a++ that is nee'e' is an o+' =HS tape 5 an o+' =HS tape co*+' easi+y @e ?o*n' at a yar' sa+e4 ?+ea marDet4 r*mma)e sa+e4 or @y payin) a )an) to )o on a sca(en)er h*nt ?or a +ist o? items. U It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio tar)ette' =eterans ?or the p*rpose o? #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r with the intention o? +ater *sin) their ?ami+yAs +on) stan'in) m*+ti )enerationa+ mi+itary ser(ice to in?i+trate the U.S.A. mi+itary an' 'ecapitate (ario*s ?*nctions o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' )ain access to Sec*rity 7+earance. U In 08 2013 4 I was intro'*ce' to a secon' Imposte*r posin) as Sheena Nico+e MacPherson. U In 200" 5 7har+es 3es#ochiers asDe' me i? I Dnew NicD Ma))iore. B "CK 1O 2 POISONIN! E %H& PSYHO O!Y O$ " #OY" %"S%&-%&S%&# an) a #OY" B&" %H #&%"IN&# : 0n the internet 5 within the span o? one yearAs time @oth H*)o 7ha(e> an' #*sse++ Means were reporte' to ha(e 'ie' o? 7ancer. H*)o 7ha(e> an' #*sse++ Means were @oth Nati(e Peop+esA #i)hts Acti(ists. 3*rin) the @e)innin) o? her emp+oyment as 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity 3irector < Banet Napo+itano ma'e a statement a@o*t the G3an)erio*s #ise o? Nati(ismG in the USA. 2he wor'in) o? this was partic*+ar+y s*spicio*s . I ha(e notice' on the @ooD she+(es o? the ;arnes an' No@+e ;ooDstore4 @ooDs a@o*t 0r)anic Poisons an' ;otanica+ PoisonerAs Han'@ooD. Apparent+y there are some poisons which are 7arcino)enic an' taDe e??ect eCtreme+y H*icD+y as 7arcino)ens4 @*t are s+ow in e??ect in comparison to other chemica+ toCic poisons. Some o? these 7arcino)enic poisons are speci?ic m*shrooms which can @e prepare' with a mea+4 chemica+s which can @e *se' to po++*te 'rinDin) ?+*i's4 an' chemica+s which can @e *se' to po++*te ?oo'. #o5al $amilies o?ten ha(e #o5al %aste-%esters ?or the p*rpose o? checDin) ?oo' ?or poisons < these in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' @e tr*ste' @otanists an' chemists we++ (erse' in the science o? poisons 5 a@+e to 'etect poisons in ?oo' @y mere+y tastin)4 sme++in)4 or eCperiencin) the e??ects o? the poisons in min*te amo*nts. #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> @oth4 ha(e @een o*tspoDen a)ainst G+o@a+i>ation an' ha(e spoDen in ?a(or o? h*man ri)hts ?or in'i)eno*s peop+es. ;oth o? these in'i(i'*a+s were in the eCten'e' socia+ po+itica+ networD o? $a =o> 'e A>t+an when =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) sta+Din) my se+? 4 I ha' emai+e' $a =o> 3e A>t+an '*rin) the time that my comp*ter ha' @een @ein) hacDe'. I? #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> are @oth 'ea'4 it is +o)ica+ that the timin) an' metho' o? their 'yin) are re+ate' to the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icatesA terrorist attacDs *pon tar)ette' i'entities. I? #*sse++ Means an' H*)o 7ha(e> are @oth sti++ a+i(e < the metho' o? the me'ia eCpos*re o? their 'yin) o? cancer is 'irect+y corre+ate' to the ta@+oi' an' ma)a>ine artic+es a@o*t PatricD Sway>e whom was reporte'+y 'yin) o? +ate sta)e pancreatic cancer ?or E months4 was reporte'+y sti++ smoDin) ci)arettes4 an' a)ainst a++ +o)ic < was incorrect+y reporte' to ha(e ma'e a mirac*+o*s ?*++ reco(ery. 2he mention o? this in artic+es across m*+tip+e ma)a>ines4 ta@+oi's4 an' me'ia ?ormats is re+ate' to an animation an' a*'io o(er '*@ which I witnesse' on the 7omcast te+e(ision @roa'castin) networD 5 '*rin) which what I @e+ie(e was Sat*r'ay Ni)ht $i(e or MA3 2= was inter*pte' @y an animation seH*ence o? =ittorio 1man*e+e stan'in) +ooDin) at a camera sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG whi+e 3rac*+a han's were ?+oatin) neCt to him on the screen. 2his remin's me o? somethin) that #o@ert #o'on 4 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy < 'i' to his son 7hristopher #o'on when he was a chi+' '*rin) the year 1""5 5 #o@ert #o'on p+ace' a Han' #a'io :a+Dy 2a+Dy *n'er 7hristopher #o'onAs @e' an' a?ter he ?e++ as+eep 4 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta+Din) +iDe 3rac*+a into the :a+D 2a+Dy Han' #a'io. 3*rin) the year 2000 4 I o(erhear' #o@ert #o'on 'isc*ssin) with 7hristopher #o'on that a GtheyG were )oin) to @e eCterminatin) a++ o? the .irst Nations North American Nati(e #aces an' SeC 2ra??icDin) a++ o? the .ema+es o? the .irst Nations North American Nati(e races as we++ as a +ist o? other racia+ tar)ets. 2he weeD '*rin) which I ha' @een poisone' with @+acD mo+' < I ha' @een ?reH*ent+y watchin) (i'eos o? #*sse++ MeansA speeches on the internet4 as we++ as rea'in) his we@site artic+es. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs

:ea+th #etainers ha(e p*rchase' Hospita+s in the U.S.A. 4 these hospita+s ha(e not @een re?errin) peop+e to toCico+o)ists nor ha(e they @een 'ia)nosin) 5 a+so p*rchase' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs wea+th retainers < ha(e @een 1rotic Strip 7+*@s 4 Porno)raphy In'*stry 4 ;anDs an' other .inancia+ Instit*tions 4 Science In'*stry 4 Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 #esi'entia+ Properties 4 #esta*rants 4 A*tomoti(e #epair Shops 4 an' #esort Sites. A+ot o? 'ama)e can @e 'one @y wea+thy )enoci'a+ terrorists *sin) these a(en*es < these are a+so a(en*es which may @e *se' ?or H*man 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection. U 0r)anic Poisons ha(e @een @ein) *se'4 I met a man *sin) the name G#epoG Si+(a whom a''e' me on .ace;ooD. #epo is a ma?ia a??i+iate' crimina+ who was +i(in) in Manchester. In his possession he ha' an i++e)a+ pet scorpion. 2he scorpion 'i' not ha(e itAs (enom sac remo(e'. 2he scorpion that #epo owne' was rare4 ha' ?+ippers on itAs @e++y +iDe a +o@ster4 was eCtreme+y poisono*s4 an' was i++e)a+. I @e+ie(e that this scorpion was in'i)eno*s to 1)ypt an' Ara@ia. 2he poison ?rom this scorpion may ha(e @een *se' in m*+tip+e poisonin)s in(o+(in) or)anic poisonin) compo*n's create' ?rom the mi+De' scorpionsA (enom as we++ as other @otanica+ toCins. 2here are a+so @iDer )an)sters a??i+iate' with the ma?ia an' terrorist connections that #epo Si+(a has. #epo was +i(in) at 5% ;rown A(e. in Manchester New Hampshire. 3*rin) this time4 #epo ha' mentione' Genetic =ira+ :ar?are 5 +a*)hin) a@o*t @a@ies @ein) @orn with n*mero*s ?ai+e' Genetics4 ?ai+e' or)ans4 an' ?ai+e' ?eta+ 'e(e+opment@. #epoAs Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone n*m@er in 2011 was 508 %05 !380. U Aro*n' 200! a man in New Hampshire name' A'am Aries 'ie' o? s*spicio*s ca*ses 5 his heart stoppe' @eatin). 2he story o? how he 'ie' chan)e' n*mero*s times. 2he story was simi+ar to how Peter Stee+e 'ie' an' it was '*rin) the same ?ew years that they 'ie'. A hospita+ can easi+y ?or)e +a@ res*+ts. Peter Stee+eAs @an' *se' a =in+an' ?+a) ?or their a+@*m artworD an' associate' appare+ 4 this ?+a) is +oose+y associate' with Asatr* as we++ as other i'entities 5 the Asatr* re+i)io*s comm*nity is a tar)et o? =ittorio 1man*e+esA 4 tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e < there ha(e @een n*mero*s Asatr*ars m*r'ere' an' a@'*cte' whoAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s are now in the han's o? 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents who ha(e ass*me' the i'entities o? the in'i(i'*a+s whoAs car's they are carryin). A'am Aries was ?rom So*thern New Hampshire an' ha' n*mero*s ?rien's in New /orD4 #ho'e Is+an'4 Massach*settes4 an' New Hampshire 5 it is entire+y possi@+e that he Dnew a networD o? peop+e whom were Di++e' '*e to their potentia+ Dnow+e')e o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine. Peter Stee+e was ?rien's with my !th Gra'e 1n)+ish 2eacher Stacy Sea@*ry < Stacy was an Asatr*ar an' was ?rien's with most o? the Asatr* 7omm*nity in the North 1ast o? North America4 Stacy Sea@*ry an' my se+? ha' m*t*a+ ?rien's. Stacy Sea@*ry Dnew Stephanie 7onro' an' 7athryn ;*rDe as we++ as ha' she met MiDe Smith. Stacy Sea@*ry was a+so ?rien's with #on ;oar'man 4 $i++y P+aise 4 an' Swain :o'enin). * :-: Bar Crimes in0ol0ing Bar-#ape an) !enoci)e :-:

U It has @een an i)nore' ?act that the tr*e a*thor o? Mein 9amp? was pro@a@+y B*+i*s 1(o+a who within the pa)es o? Mein 9amp? wrote somethin) a+on) the +ines o? 5 G2he racia+ p*rity o? a nation m*st @e maintaine' an' preser(e' at any an' a++ cost < i? the racia+ p*rity o? the nation is +ost4 the nation wi++ co++apse entire+yG . 2he terrorist ?action acti(e+y en)a)e' in war?are a)ainst the USA4 the ;ritish 7ommonwea+th Nations4 MeCico4 .rance4 Norway4 Israe+4 #*ssia4 an' o*r a++ies < are a ?action o? crimina+ terrorists +oya+ to A'o+? Hit+erAs +itera+ ?ami+y 5 the ?ami+y o? =ittorio 1man*e+e. Many o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' A'o+? Hit+erAs i'ea+s are share' amon)st these in'i(i'*a+s 4 this is pro(en @y their actions 5 this enemy is )enoci'a+ 4 eCterminatin) the racia+ p*rity o? a nationa+ity o? peop+e is a +itera+ )oa+ o? theirs. 1+iminatin) the racia+ p*rity o? a )enoci'e tar)et e??ecti(e+y e+iminates the se+? 'etermination o? the enemy nation4 e(ent*a++y ?orcin) it into permanant mer)er an' anneCation < i? there is no pop*+ation )ro*p with the nationa+ pop*+ation which is +acDin) o? ?orei)n )enetics 4 the

nationa+ity can @e easi+y assimi+ate' an' e+iminate'. 2heir metho' o? racia+ war?are in(o+(es rape. Many o? the (ictims o? this networD o? terrorists are m*+ti )enerationa+ (ictims o? seC tra??icDin)4 rape4 an' sta+Din) re+ate' to what was p*@+ica++y re(ea+e' '*rin) the :A21#GA21 scan'a+ '*rin) #ichar' NiConAC A'ministration. In the Unite' States o? America 5 the main tar)ets o? =ittorio 1man*e+e4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' their a++ies are racia+ tar)ets s*ch as Gae+s4 An)+o SaCons4 Israe+is4 .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 .ranDs 4 A?rican Americans4 Norwe)ians4 an' #*ssians 5 the war?are tactics emp+oye' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs 1man*e+es are *ncon(entiona+ 4 co(ert 4 an' ha(e in(o+(e' )enoci'a+ e+imination o? the ma+e co*nterpart o? these races whi+e rapin) the ?ema+es o? the tar)ette' race. ;etween the years 200% an' 2012 < a@'*ction an' :ar #ape in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. @ecame an eCtreme+y ?reH*ent occ*rance 4 this coinci'e' with the attempte' 2ota+ Genoci'e o? the ?ami+ies o? the :ar #ape (ictims. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 1' .arrachi :arren as we++ as other accomp+ices o? theirs (i'eo)raphe' the tort*re an' rape o? ?ema+e American 7i(i+ians in the North 1ast o? North America as we++ as re?*)ees an' 7ana'ian ?ema+es whom they ha' a@'*cte' ?rom 7ana'a an' transporte' into the U.S.A. . :ar #ape is a crimina+ war?are tactic *se' ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) the race o? the )enoci'e tar)et @y metho' o? impre)nation 4 'emora+i>in) the enemy racia+ tar)et psycho+o)ica++y 4 sometimes ?or p*rpose o? sprea'in) 'isease4 an' ?or pro?it when seC tra??icDin) is concerne'. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 =ittorio 1man*e+e4 an' their associate' 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e show a +ar)e 'e)ree o? Psycho+o)ica+ Sa'ism in these attacDs an' ha(e eCpresse' a Psycho+o)ica+ Patho+o)y that portrays the o@(io*s Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+e o? a Seria+ 9i++er an' (io+ent sa'istic Seria+ #apist. U 2he p*rpose o? the Ita+ian A6IS :ar #apin) the :omen o? the races which they ha(e tar)ette' is ?or the p*rpose o? permanant+y tra*mati>in) the tar)ette' racia+ pop*+ation 4 eCterminatin) the pop*+ation systemica++y 4 an' ?orcin) the rape' pop*+ation to +i(e in ?ear o? the Ita+ian race an' their a++ies which ha(e rape' these :omen in their home+an's. :ar #ape is an eCtreme+y tra*matic ?orm o? 2errorism 4 the p*rpose is e(ent*a+ )enoci'e. 2he crimina+ pro?i+e o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is (ery speci?ic 5 e(i'ence eCists which portrays two ?ema+e racia+ tar)ets @ein) rape' @y ei)ht men o? Ita+ian race4 this concept is re+ate' to cr*ci?iCion o? pa)an races '*rin) which three nai+s are *se' to 7r*ci?y an in'i(i'*a+ 5 i? a p+acar' s*ch as IN#I were to @e nai+e' a@o(e the 7r*ci?ie' in'i(i'*a+As hea'4 a ?o*rth nai+ was reH*ire'. Pri(ate In(esti)ators ha(e ?o*n' that the two ?ema+e (ictims o? this attacD were (i'eo recor'e' an' 'isp+aye' on the internet 4 these women were not e(en physica++y capa@+e o? sayin) GNoG'*e to the ?act that @oth o? them were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces which ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in the crani*m with the Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to their @rains 4 an' wire' to a S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ho*sin) a #o*ter an' ;attery com@ination 5 this S*r)ica+ Imp+ant was i++e)a++y an' *nDnowin)+y imp+ante' whi+e the (ictims were *nconcio*s in an 0rtho'onta+ 7+inic an' possi@+y a Hospita+ a?ter an a*tomoti(e acci'ent. 0ne o? these ?ema+es was Bewish 4 the secon' was an Asatr*ar 5 @oth o? these women ha' @een tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 7rime Syn'icate. 7r*ci?iCion was the #oman ?orm o? eCec*tion which was the sentencin) ?or in'i(i'*a+s o? Pa)an #aces &races whom were not o? #oman race,whom were +i(in) in their home+an's '*rin) perio's o? #oman Imperia+ occ*pation 5 1thnic #omans were eCempt ?rom 7r*ci?iCion4 whi+e Pa)an*s #aces were 7r*ci?ie' ?or minor in?ractions o? the +aw s*ch as re?*sa+ to cease re+i)io*s acti(ities. A 7r*ci?iCion is a )r*esome ?orm o? eCec*tion '*rin) which the wrists o? the eCec*te' in'i(i'*a+s are nai+e' to a cross @eam4 the ?eet o? the in'i(i'*a+s are nai+e' to a (ertica+ @eam4 an' the +im@s are +ashe' aro*n' the nai+s to the crosse' @eams 5 '*rin) the 7r*ci?iCion o? /esh*a4 the ra@@i /esh*a was 7r*ci?ie' with a p+acar' nai+e' a@o(e his hea' *pon which was state' G2he 9in) o? Israe+G '*e to the ?act that he was i++e)a++y ser(in) the re+i)io*s ?*nctions o? the comm*nity *pon the steps o? the r*ine' 2emp+e o? 9in) So+omon. 3*rin) the #oman occ*pation o? Israe+ < as with the #oman occ*pation o? any Pa)an home+an'4 the ?o+D re+i)ion o? the pa)an nation ha' @een o*t+awe'. B*+i*s 1(o+a was o@sesse' with his #oman Imperia+ #oya+ +inea)e an' his ?ami+y ha(e @een associate' with h*man tra??icDers ?or a (ery +on) time. Many

o? these rapes ha(e @een 'isp+aye' on the internet as Gporno)raphyG 4 simi+ar to scenes 'eni)ratin) the ?ema+e (ictims o?ten to the point o? their @ein) co(ere' in ?eces or e(en ?orce' to eat ?eces whi+e *n'er hypnosis an' the e??ects o? ?ear or Ne*ro+o)ica++y #o@otica++y Animate' to 'o so @y metho' o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' Ne*roScience So?tware. 0ther rapes eCpressi(e o? the crimina+ pro?i+e o? the same psycho+o)y o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? the Ita+ian A6IS .action an' their a++ies in(o+(e the rape an' )enoci'e in ;osnia near Me'I*)orIe. M*ch o? the e(i'ence concernin) these crimes has @een p*@+ishe' to the internet in the past or transmitte' e+ectronica++y to comp*ters @y #a'io .reH*ency '*e to the +on) ran)e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD 5 these recor's can @e ?o*n' on the recor'e' internet 'ata stora)e o? the .e'era+ Go(ernment as we++ as Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartmentsA comp*ters )+o@a++y. 2he (i'eo recor'e' rapin) o? the two ?ema+es @y the 8 Ita+ian ma+es which ha' transmitte' as two Ne*roScience 2ransmissions an' has @een recor'e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 was a+so 'isp+aye' on the internet as i? it were porno)raphy 5 the scene en's with the two ?ema+es @ein) Ne*ro #o@otica++y 7ontro++e' @y Ne*roScience so?tware an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in their sD*++s to Diss as a heart shape c+oses in on the center o? the ?rame where their ?aces are. 3*rin) the time that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @e)*n sta+Din) me 4 I was @rie?+y 'atin) 2 ?ema+es 5 we were in a mono)amo*s tri*ne re+ationship. 0ne o? my +o(ers was name' A+isha 7ote 5 the three o? *s @roDe *p '*e to A+isha @ein) +ie' a@o*t an' incorrect+y state' as ha(in) cheate' on *s with a Bewish man name' MiDe Go+'stein whom she was ?rien's with. 2wo years +ater in 200E 5 MiDe Go+'steinAs car was (an'a+i>e' @y a Sici+ian c+aimin) that his name was Bosh Hooper an' that he ha' pre(io*s @een @rie?+y marrie' to A+isha 7ote < the GBosh HooperG was preten'in) to @e an American whom I @e+ie(e in ?act once +i(e' in Manchester New Hampshire. 2he imposte*r o? Bosh Hooper incorrect+y portraye' Bosh Hooper as a SDinHea' < Bosh*a Hooper was not in ?act a SDinHea' 4 he simp+y Depthis hea' sha(e'. :hen I met the imposte*r o? Bosh Hooper4 I was not e(en aware that he was impersonatin) the Bosh*a Hooper whom I ha' met '*rin) 2002 that was ?rien's with $*cas An)*i+ini. MiDe Go+'steinAs ?ami+y may ha(e @een re+ate' to some o? the Bewish comm*nity that my ?ami+y ha' Dnown4 ;arry :einsteinAs ?ami+y4 the 7onesc* ?ami+y 4 or the ;ernstein ?ami+y. Anonymo*s HacDers an' Pri(ate In(esti)ators ha(e in?orme' me that they ha(e 'isco(ere' that the 1nemy 7om@atant 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha(e @een postin) their :ar #apes on Internet GPorno)raphyG we@sites a++ o(er the internet. Many o? these :ar #ape #ecor'in)s ha(e @een taDien o?? o? the Internet 4 n*mero*s recor'in)s ha(e @een *p+oa'e' a 'ay ?or the past " years. It is pro@a@+e that many o? these recor'in)s an' photo)raphs ha(e @een re *p+oa'e' to the internet in +ocations other than the ori)ina++ +ocation where they ha' @een p*@+ishe'. ;etween 200% an' 20124 Ita+ian A6IS HacDers ha' *se' 2*rDoIan So?tware to hacD the comp*ters o? the +o(e' ones o? the (ictims an' 'isp+ay the rapes to them whi+e they were *sin) the comp*ter 4 as i? they were we@sites that ha' Gpop *pG appeare' on their comp*ter monitor screen. M*ch o? the :ar #apes which ha(e @een poste' to the internet are recor'in)s o? women whom ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*ro7irc*it prosthetic )ra?ts an' wire+ess internet ro*ter an' @attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ants. 2he 'ata transmissions ?rom these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' :ar #ape recor'in)s are present in the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence recor's as we++ as internet ser(ers. 3e+ete' or a+tere' Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata +ea(es permanant e(i'ence 5 a++ that wo*+' @e neccessary to maDe 'isco(ery o? a 3ata Sa@ota)e is an 1+ectronic .orensics 1Cpert 5 'e+etin) o? 'ata +ea(es e(i'ence. 2he *se o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to Ne*ro #o@otica++y contro+ 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims *sin) Ne*roScience is (ery reminiscent o? what happene' within the ranDs o? 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A 4 '*rin) which time #ichar' He+ms is @e+ie(e' to ha(e @een i++e)a++y *sin) 7entra+ Inte++i)ence A)ency ?*n'in) to con'*ct m*ch o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs science research an' h*man (i(isections in secret at the 'irection o? B*+i*s 1(o+a which ha' @e)*n '*rin) the 3r' #eich. It is pro@a@+e that this connection was one o? the series o? :ar 7rimes which mem@ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha' committe' that =ittorio 1man*e+e so*)ht to e+iminate a++ e(i'ence o? @y metho' o? ?ramin)

a++ o? his associates4 partners4 an' accomp+ices ?or the ?*++ eCtent o? a++ o? the crimes as eCc+*si(e parties seperate ?rom himse+? as we++ as ?ramin) innocent parties s*ch as Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y ?or committin) these crimes at the @ehest o? 0sama ;in$a'en. I ha' o(erhear' 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo 'isc*ssin) the nee' ?in' a scape)oat GpatsyG a+i@i ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs crimes. .rom what 1' .arrachi :arren an' Anthony 3e.eo ha' @een 'isc*ssin) 4 it is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action were somehow accomp+ices to the " 11 2errorist AttacD < it is possi@+e that they p+ante' 'emo+itions char)es which they 'etonate' *sin) Impro(ise' #a'io .reH*ency 3etonators @*i+t ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts 4 these ha(e @een ca++e' G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG an' were written a@o*t in a 2IM1 MAGAPIN1 Artic+e in 1""" imme'iate+y prior to the " 11 2errorist AttacDs. VOW /%ur.o,an/ Soft-are use) to /Pop-up/ photographs an) 0i)eos of Bar-#ape on the computer monitor-screens of the lo0e)-ones of Bar-#ape 8ictims *et-een the 5ears ;==> an) ;=6; an) associate) Bar-#ape "ttac.s -itnesse) *5 0ictims of Computer Ps5chological Barfare %errorist "gents -: ;etween 200% an' 2012 5 my +ocation was ?o++owe' @y 7omp*ter HacDers emp+oye' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 these 7omp*ter HacDers Dnew 7esare an' 1' .arrachi :arren as we++ as 'i' they Dnow .i+ 1man*e+e. 7esare mentione' twice to 1' :arren G2*rDoIanG so?tware an' comp*ter hacDers @ein) *se' to 'isp+ay )r*esome rapes o? the +o(e' ones o? one o? the tar)ets on their tar)etAs comp*ter monitor screen which was 'escri@e' as @ein) ?or the p*rpose o? 2errorist Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. R*;==>-;==D*S * !lass-Slipper ) urine + eating feces 3 mimmic. of ; girls 6 cup * the factual Samantha !ua5 -ith her hair )5e) *lac. *eing torture) an) rape) * --- 3 %oilet!irls3Com -e*site pop-up 6 of 0ictims loo.e) li.e m5 cousin 7en Southern -ho is currentl5 replace) *5 imposteur an) marrie) to Chris Bo-le5 -ho is pro*a*l5 imposteur that has threatene) me on $aceBoo. )uring ;=6= + other %oilet!irls3Com 0ictims loo. li.e regional population + girls force) to eat feces off of toilet *o-ls + lic. feces off of toilet *o-ls + s-allo- feces + s-allo- urine + )rin. 0omit + pro*a*le BCI 0ictims R*;==M*S * tall re)-haire) gaelic fran.ic-metis -oman + on tur.o,an -e*site *eing cruel5 torture) -ith *izarre implements in mouth+ e5es+ anus+ 0agina+ restraine) + torture) + rape) - hear) later a*out man in s.i-mas. a*)ucting a -oman -ho -as from Be)for) Commons to Cum*erlain $arms at night to get cigs through path through -oo)s + house of pizza *eing a an) a*)ucter + -oman -as at $amX in ;==D -ith man -ho -or.e) at Ciao's Pizza amherst st nashuaKamherst *or)er 3 * other females similarl5 torture) tur.o,an pop-ups + emil5 similarl5 torture) tur.o,an soft-are pop-up + -e*sites *egan to appear such as /e5e-torture/ + /forceps torture/ + /torture)/ + /*rutalize)/+ /h5pnotize)/ + /throat rape)/ + /throat fuc.e)/ + /gaping/ + /0omit/ + /cr5ing/ + /impale)/ + etc * tur.o,an popup -hat loo.e) li.e 7en Beau)in in hotel room possi*l5 loo.e) li.e a Super C Hotel room + on *e) in 5oga position male M':/ Italian -*lac.4-hite 0i)eo recor)ing at )istance that loo.e) li.e hi))en camera similar to -hat -oul) ha0e *een at $amX in *athroom3 7en Beau)in )isappeare) )uring ;==F + last seen at #ich)ale's Con0einience Store -hich after-ar)s change) name to YYYYYYY3 * m5 little sister Summer -as aroun) -ith a hat on her hea) that loo.e) li.e a cheese--e)ge3 2uring ;=6= + on $aceBoo. : poste) from Italian's $aceBoo. account profiles -ere numerous comments a*out /#ats an) Cheese/3 R*;==F-;==C*S

* Ser*ian 88!% mutate) to loo. li.e a *lac. affri.i) man + 0i)eographe) stan)ing up raping a female until she *le)3 her leg -as Neuro#o*otte) to .ic. li.e a )og's leg3 Aach's imposteur an) Keith's imposteur mentione) it in car3 Aach's imposteur ha) )o-nloa)e) this + the a*use of 8alerie Olson + the a*uses of 7ulie Beinstein + the a*uses of &mil5 Isles + an) the other 0ictims onto his computer -hile li0ing at YYYYYYYYYYYY3 * em 4 samantha rape) *5 C italians : ; girls C italian nails- imposteur .eith an) imposteur zach getting into car near Saint Patric.'s Cathe)ral state) /7esus -as a faggot3 He got naile) > times3 Bas it > #oman Nails or > Italian NailsL Or -as it > Italian malesL Oh? hahahaha?/ * 7ulie Bernstein tie) up an) *eing torture) *5 Cesare /S-eet Hannah's/ pop-up * 8alerie Olson mutate) co0ere) in large moles + co0ere) in feces + 0omit + an) *u..a.e + later foun) )ea) - )escri*e) *5 imposteur Keith in car )uring ;==F + &1% )uring ;==C -ho foun) *o)5 + tur.o,an pop-up )uring ;==F * nati0e american -oman imposteur of sam gua5 force) to s-or)-s-allo- ;-foot log of feces photo tur.o,an pop-up : resulte) in *lac. out from trauma at seeing this on %han.s!i0ing * 7en Per.ins from m5 highschool class rape) on camera terrifie) tur.o,an popup * secretar5 at mental health center tur.o,an pop-up *eing se@uall5 a*use) *5 metho) of BCI * t-o 5oung females -ho loo.e) li.e a pro*a*le cousin of mine an) another female *eing force) to )efeate)-gla)iator position an) force) to s-allo- feces %ur.o,an pop-up * &mil5 Isles *eing throat rape) tur.o,an pop-up * /continuation of 1K( %#" BCI's Brain Computer Interface *eing use) for min) control )og an) -oman/ )og an) -oman 0i)eo BCI - pri0ate in0estigator an) inter0ie-e) in)i0i)uals state) that $il )e0elope) the i)ea to )o this )uring ;==> an) *egan hol)ing a*)ucte) -omen in the *asement of the Bilton $oun)r5 an) torture) them as -ell as *egan filming -hat he referre) to as /1K(ltra Propagan)a/ )uring ;==>3 $il )escri*e) to a person the house on Shore Hill 2r3 near the Bilton Police 2epartment -hich is currentl5 on the internet la*ele) Burns Hill #)3 as /this is one of m5 famil5's properties/3 Italian-"GIS pro*a*le to ha0e replace) entire Bilton Police 2epartment )uring ;==> + Bilton ha) small num*er of Police Officers an) is incre)i*l5 -oo)e) area -ith lo- population3 * imposteur of 1ostafa I*nSau) on internet 0i)eo loo.e) li.e it coul) ha0e *een a man the size of !eorge Catsopoulos + Bruce + or possi*l5 another Italian the size of Bruce or !eorge Catsopoulous -ho I met once -ho is that size -ith s.i-mas. on an) -ig hanging un)er s.i-mas. as &) Barren ha) )one at $amil5 2ollar in ;==> : pop-up torturing -hat loo.e) li.e re)-hea)e) gaelic fran.ic-metis -oman from $amX -ith Ciao's man3 -as 6 other 0ictim * italian-sicilian 4 fran.ic -oman from 2onuts at 8IS%" $oo)s near $amX from ;==> + -here &) $arrachi Barren got his coffee3 ;==F pop-up her *eing force) to eat )og feces off of si)e-al. an) off of tea saucer : &) Barren spo.e -ith her e@tremel5 often prior to 8IS%" $oo)s *uil)ing *eing )emolishe) an) Stop'N'Shop *eing *uilt3 * pop-up of a man -hom loo.e) an) soun)e) li.e $il's frien) 7ason *ringing a female to sil0er springs )ela-are E this female ma5 possi*l5 ha0e *een 6F an) *eing force) to carr5 some*o)5 else's I)entification Cre)entials an) accor)ing to internet search results+ hac.ers + an) pri0ate-in0estigators : she -as *rought to 6 hotel in e0er5 state of the (S" an) filme)3 * tur.o,an popup of an italian man ha0ing se@ -ith m5 sister sheena on a couch + imme)iatel5 after this on %han.!i0ing : tu.o,an popup Sheena )ea) -ith /*rutal )il)o/ -hich is -ine-*ottle size) )il)o + )o-n her throat 3 she -as in a /)efeate)-gla)iator/ position -ith her hea) *ac. up an) her e5es rolle) *ac. )ue to *eing .ille) -ith a )il)o that -as use) to possi*l5 cho.e her + impale her+ or collapse her -in)pipe3 i *lac.e) out from the trauma of

ha0ing sighte) this3 8ittorio &manuele got -ithin )angerousl5 close pro@imit5 of me )uring ;==9 after a faile) assassination attempt )uring ;==F + I sur0i0e) Blac. 1ol) poisone) -hich ha) occurre) on %han.s!i0ing 2a53 * Stop'N'Shop &mplo5ee + $irst Nations Nati0e "merican an) Puerto-#ican mestizo : )og 1K(ltra 0i)eos of $ils3 $ilme) *eing a*use) horri*l5 an) ro*oticall5 controlle) *5 BCI to ta.e specific )og-li.e position an) stic. out toungue li.e !ene Simmons in s5ncronicit5 -ith 2og's toungue out R*;==9 S * fin) sa0e) search results on computer at father's house of female in torture-rac.s *eing torture) + la*els inclu)e) -or)s such as /cuc.ol)ing/3 )isgusting photos an) 0i)eos in search histor53 man -as )efinite imposteur3 > possi*le imposteurs + the5 )o not let me see m5 sister Summer3 Imposteur Chelse5 currentl53 2efinite Chil) Crime-S5n)icate of Italian-"GIS3 #eporte) to Police + Police in 1errimac. ha0e all *een replace) *5 imposteurs3 Italian-"GIS %errorist Crime-S5n)icate attempting to ta.e state of NH3 (sing chil)ren as *ait in attempt to lure famil5 to commit attac.s to arrest them after an) charge them3 Brongfull5 la*ele) Schizophrenic after BCI implant in ;==F3 1ost important to sa0e nation from genoci)e3 Italian-"GIS o*0ious Chil)-Se@-%raffic.ers+ Se@-%raffic.ers+ an) all other Human-%raffic.ing3 R*;=6;-;=6:*S * -oman )ancing nu)e in apartment a*o0e S-eet-Hannah's on K-Street at Hampton Beach Boar)Bal. Boulle0ar)e 3 loo.e) similar to &mil5 Isles3 )efinite top-floor apartment a*o0e /S-eet Hannah's/ Can)5 Shoppe3 Bar-#ape ;==D-;==C * Aro*n' the eCact 'ate '*rin) which I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' in Manchester NewHampshire4 n*mero*s recor'in)s o? :ar #apes an' SeC 0??enses ha' @een p*@+ishe' to the internet 5 many o? the (ictims o? these rapes were peop+e I ha' Dnown. HacDers p*rpose+y eCpose' me to e(i'ence in the ?orm o? (i'eos an' photo)raphs o? my ?rien' 1mi+y Is+es @ein) rape' 4 Samantha ;ernstein @ein) rape' 4 my ?atherAs ?rien'As neice Miret> @ein) rape' 4 an' a++ three o? them @ein) ?orce' to choDe on penises as we++ as eat an' swa++ow ?eces. #*mo*rs were circ*+atin) in New 1n)+an' that two o? these women 'e(e+ope' 2oCicity '*e to @ein) ?orce' to 'i)est a manAs ?eces4 a+so r*mo*rs were sprea'in) that these women ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices )ra?te' to their @rains @eneath their sD*++s an' that these were wire' to a mini ro*ter which was tacDe' to their Iaws. 2his ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was r*mo*re' to ha(e @een *se' in conI*nction with so?tware that ha' @een 'e(e+ope' eCp+icit+y ?or 7onc*@ina+ SeC*a+ S+a(ery. 2he (i'eo which ha' @een ?orwar'e' to me containin) a scene '*rin) which a ?ema+e was @ein) rape' @y ?i+As ?rien' 7esare the G7*@ano Ita+ianoG whom ha' @een ?reH*ent+y recor'e' at .ami+y 3o++ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 this scene in(o+(e' his p+acin) his in'eC ?in)ers on her to*n)*e +iDe a me'ica+ compressor an' te++in) her G/o*Are )oin) to taste the penis ri)ht here.G he contin*e' ta+Din) to her +iDe she was his s+a(e as we++ was her mo*th @ein) ?orce' to mo(e @y the comp*ter an' speaD the wor's G/es Master.G a?ter she ha' I*st to+' him that she 'i' not want to ha(e seC with him. 2he ?ema+e +ooDe' simi+ar to 1mi+y Is+es an' B*+ie :einstein @oth. 1mi+y an' who seeme' to @e the Bewish :oman ?rom 200% were @oth rape' @y 8 Ita+ian ma+es '*rin) one o? these recor'in)s 4 n*mero*s photo)raphs an' (i'eos o? 1mi+y an' the Bewish $a'y cryin) an' +ooDin) at cameras whi+e choDin) on penises an' +o)s o? ?eces were 'isp+aye' on my comp*ter monitor screen @y metho' o? GPop *pG 'isp+ays create' @y 2*rDoIan so?tware. 2hese photo)raphs an' (i'eos were incre'i@+y tra*matic to witness. I ha(e not hear' o? any in(esti)ations in(o+(in) these since then 4 nor ha(e I hear' o? any in(esti)ations in(o+(in) Miret>As a@'*ction an' rape. 2hese (i'eos an' photo)raphs seem to most+y ha(e @een remo(e' ?rom the +i(e internet since this time @*t .e'era+ #ecor's ?rom 0cto@er 200! to .e@r*ary 2008 wi++ show these recor's. U 3*rin) 2010 a (i'eo o? who appeare' to possi@+y @e 1mi+y Is+es 'ancin) naDe' in @e'room s*r?ace'

on the internet. 2his @e'room was i'enti?ie' as the 3r' ?+oor apartment a@o(e GSweet HannahAsG on 9 Street at Hampton ;each in New Hampshire. GSweet HannahG was the name o? one o? the (i'eo recor'in)s o? 1mi+y @ein) rape'. 3*rin) 200! 5 whi+e I was at Hampton ;each with 7he+sey A(i+as an' her ?rien' 9e+sey < a P*erto #ican man to+' me that he I*st ?o*n' o*t that a @ea*ti?*+ woman was @ein) Dept hosta)e in the 3r' .+oor apartment a@o(e Sweet HannahAs on 9 Street. ;etween 200! an' 2013 5 (i'eos o? women per?ormin) seC acts an' 'ancin) n*'e ha(e @een ?o*n' poste' on the internet which were recor'e' at this +ocation. 2his ?ema+e may ha(e a+so @een a Bewish woman whom I ha(e met or the Ser@ian woman whom was ho+'in) 1mi+y Is+esAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 it was ?o*n' '*rin) a +en)thy on)oin) Pri(ate In(esti)ation. U 3*rin) 200! 5 at +east two (i'eos were poste' on the internet in(o+(in) woman @ein) ?orce' to swa++ow ?eces who+e which was @ein) 'e?ecate' 'own their throats. 2his was simi+ar+y 'one as GSwor' Swa++owin)G 5 '*rin) one o? these (i'eos4 one o? the women was ma'e to Dnee+ in the position which G+a'iators were ?orce' to in the #oman 7o++ise*m prior to @ein) impa+e' @y the tra'itiona+ swor' 'own the throat < the woman was ma'e to swa++ow ?eces who+e as i? she were @eer ?*nne+in). 2hese (i'eos were recor'e' in the *n?inishe' GSea SprayG in Hampton NewHampshire neCt to 9 Street GSweet HannahAsG. GSea SprayG was the name o? a 3o*che 3eo'eri>er Pro'*ct that I ha' ma'e a IoDe to 1' :arren a@o*t '*rin) the approCimate 'ates which B*+i*s 7aesar 1(o+aAs a++e)e' )ran'son 7esare Gthe 7*@ano Ita+ianoG ha' appeare' at the store to ta+D to 1' :arren. 7esare Gthe 7*@ano Ita+ianoG ha' ma'e a++*sions to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +iterary p*@+ications an' state' G I Dnow what my )ran'?ather was4 he was a .ascist. I am not st*pi'. He says in his @ooDs that he was not @*t I Dnow @etter.G I ass*me' 7esare was +yin) an' was I*st tryin) to manip*+ate 1' an' my se+? '*e to r*mo*rs an' acc*sations o? racism which ha' @een inthe comm*nity 4 it +ater was 'isco(ere' that 7esare was the 1(o+a that .i++i@erto ha' to+' me that he ha' Dnown in 7*@a 5 .i+As 7*@an A6IS connection. I ha(e since met a 7*@ano Ita+iano *sin) '*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? Boey MariniAs whom was a Sici+ian ?rom Mi+?or' NewHampshire. Since 200% 5 the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e attacDe' n*mero*s Sici+ian ?ami+ies an' ha(e pai' Sici+ian 7osa Nostra to attacD Sici+ians an' their ?ami+ies. My co*sin B*+ianna 4 whom is missin) an' has apparent+y @een rep+ace' @y a .i++ipino Ita+iano Hapa 5 was a 1st )eneration Sici+ian immi)rant to the U.S.A. which was the res*+t o? her ?ami+y ?+eein) a )enoci'e in Sici+y that ha' @een the pro'*ct o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs hit+ist. My GA*nt B*+iannaG ha' ta*)ht me e(erythin) a@o*t B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs tr*e ori)ins4 the )+o@a+ist #oman Imperia+ i'entity @ehin' the 3r' #eich4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+yAs e(i+s in Sici+y 5 when I was yo*n) . U In 200% an' 2005 the 7*@ano Ita+iano whom 1' :arren was ?rien's with 4 mentione' G;itch 2rainin)G to 1' :arren in ?ront o? n*mero*s peop+e an' cameras. He 'escri@e' his new ?o*n' a@i+ity to tie a womanAs anD+e 4 +e)4 torso 4 arm4 an' wrist to restrainers an' ho+' her in a speci?ic position < a?terwhich she was ?e' M3MA ?rom a water @ott+e whi+e @+in'?o+'e' an' ear p+*))e'. 2hese sessions were 'escri@e' as ho*rs o? seC*a+ tort*re which res*+te' in the e(ent*a+ a@i+ity ?or this man to simp+y enter a room the woman +i(es in an' )ent+y +i?t her anD+e an' +e) @ehin' her 4 ca*sin) her to or)asm an' 'issassociate. 2here was % sta)es to this ne*ro+o)ica+ mo'i?yin) tort*re. 2his man has @een r*mo*re' to ha(e @een a@'*ctin) women an' sta+Din) them years +ater in +i?e4 assai+in) them whi+e their h*s@an's are at worD 5 '*e to his contro+ o? their ne*ro+o)y 4 they are 'escri@e' as @ein) he+p+ess a)ainst his assa*+ts. A P*erto #ican woman at .ami+y 3o++ar name' #osa 4 state' that this man was a 'is)*stin) SeC 0??en'er whom ha' some@o'y e+seAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < an' that he was s*ppose' to @e a re)istere' SeC 0??en'er @*t ha' escape' '*e to ?aDe I.3. . I @e+ie(e this man is the G7*@an A6ISG that .i++i@erto ha' 'escri@e' when I met him in #ye New Hampshire in 200%. Accor'in) to .i+ 4 this man was o? the 1(o+a connection. 2he rape which 7esare G3ia@+oG committe' resem@+e' eCtreme+y c+ose+y 4 the rape which .i+ 1man*e+e committe' *pon Nina Hansen in 1""" an' ha' repeate' a)ain in 2000. U #osa MorenoAs statements a@o*t Gthe 7*@ano Ita+ianoG seeme' to possi@+y @e +ies 4 she re?erre' to a

man as GHa(ierG which in Spanish is spe++e' 6a(ier. I @e+ie(e that this 6a(ier was re+ate' to the ?act*a+ 7aesar 6a(ier an' that this man was aware that some@o'y e+se ha' taDen 7aesarAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s < #osa Moreno seeme' to Dnow. She was notice' ta+Din) to 7esare G3ia@+oG on more than one occaision an' mentione' to me that the ?ami+y that @*i+t the .ami+y 3o++ar 7orporation were a Bewish .ami+y name' G$e(ineG. 2he photo)raph o? the man name' G$e(ineG that I was shown +ooDe' ha+? A*strian. 2here was a man name' ;rian who worDe' at the .ami+y 3o++ar who +ooDe' to @e ha+? An)+o Gae+ic an' ha+? A*strian who may ha(e ha' a connection o? some Din' to the Ho*se o? Aosta < he was si)hte' in 2012 in Nash*a NewHampshire wa+Din) into MarthaAs 1Cchan)e. 2his man was a@o*t EA1A 4 was in his mi' 30As an' sho*+' @e in his mi' %0As now4 ha' me'i*m copper @rown hair 4 an' ha' )reen @+*e eyes 5 he was o? thin @*i+' an' was +on) +im@e'. At one point whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 ;rian sai' to me GIan... yo*Are An)+o IrishO I ha' no i'ea. IAm sorry. I am so sorry.G a?ter which 1' :arren +ie' an' sai' that ;rian was ?ire' ?or sayin) somethin) that he was not s*ppose' to say 5 I @e+ie(e that ;rian was trans?erre'. 1' :arren may ha(e to+' ;rian some +ies an' to+' him to say speci?ic thin)s. ;rian 'i'nAt seem to Dnow m*ch a@o*t what was happenin). 1' :arren seeme' to @e ?o++owin) 'irect or'ers ?rom =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' was +yin) to the comm*nity a@o*t my i'entity an' a+ot o? it in(o+(e' I31N2I2/ P0$I2I7S. 2his was aro*n' the time that GPro?essor ;rian SyDesG I'entity Po+itic Propa)an'a was pro'*ce' in many +ocations on the internet in(o+(in) An)+o SaCon 4 An)+o Gae+ic 4 Gae+ic 4 an' Norse Gae+ic I'entity Po+itic 5 his propa)an'a is most+y +ies ?orm*+ate' *pon the concept o? ;ritish an' Irish 3NA a++ @ein) one sin)+e #acia+ i'entity instea' o? m*+tip+e inter@re' races < an' the 3NA o? the ;ritish 4 ManC 4 an' Irish peop+es is s*ppose'+y GNot Ga*+ish an' Germanic 4 it is most+y somethin) e+se entire+y. Somethin) that is re+ate' to I@erianG. It is a pro@a@i+ity that Hispanic .ascistas are c*rrent+y @ein) prepare' to assassinate ;ritish 4 ManC 4 an' Irish ?ami+ies an' rep+ace them with themse+(es as imposte*r a?ter eCterminatin) these ?ami+ies. U 2011 Ita+ians )ot o?? o? airp+anes in North America an' committe' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity acts o? :ar #apes *pon Americans. U In 2005 4 7esare an' a re+ati(e o? his @oth to+' me that I was )oin) to P*r)atory 5 the p+ace where non 7atho+ics )o a?ter 'eath i? they are not e(i+ peop+e. Accor'in) to 7esare 4 a sin+ess man who is not a 7atho+ic 'oes not maDe it to hea(en a?ter 'eath < instea' he is cast into P*r)atory. P*r)atory is o?ten 'escri@e' @y catho+ics as @ein) a p+ace o? a@so+*te 'arDness an' the state o? @ein) a@so+*te+y a+one 5 comp+ete an' permanant sensory 'epri(ation. I was to+' that this was )oin) to @e the ?ate o? my re+i)io*s comm*nity. 2his was aro*n' the 'ate that 1mi+y was a@'*cte'. 7esare an' another 7atho+ic @oth to+' me that I was a )oo' man an' that I ha' a ?aith @*t that it was the wron) ?aith an' I an' my peop+e were )oin) to P*r)atory. 1mi+y has now @een @+in'e' @y 7esare an' .i+ whom tie' her *p an' pointe' +a>er pointers into her eyes which they statione' (ice )rippe'. U 3*rin) 2005 5 7esare entere' .ami+y 3o++ar store to speaD to 1' :arren an' mentione' 'oin) some horri@+e thin)s to a partic*+ar woman that some@o'y +o(e'. It so*n'e' as i? he was ta+Din) a@o*t rapin) a manAs wi?e or ?i+min) her cheatin) on her h*s@an' with 7esare. 7esare c+aime' to 1' that he was )oin) to p*@+ish this to the internet an' ha(e hacDer *se a pro)ram +iDe 2*rDoIan to pop *p the pro)ram on the screen o? the inten'e' tar)et. 2he p*rpose o? this was ?or the p*rpose o? 'ri(in) the man cra>y to commit acts o? (io+ence. I now @e+ie(e that this was the @e)inin) o? 7esareAs p+annin) to 'ri(e me insane an' to (io+ence. .or a@o*t 2 years a?ter this 4 7esare was witnesse' in the company o? a m*ch yo*n)er ?ema+e whom he was constant+y a@*sin) an' treatin) +iDe a conc*@ina+ s+a(e < this )ir+ was B*+ie :einstein 4 '*e to my con?+ict a(oi'ance concernin) 7esare an' E0X ho*r a weeD worD sche'*+e I 'i' not ha(e the a@i+ity to i'enti?y her an' protect her ?rom 7esare. I @e)an ha(in) pro@+ems with 7esare @e?ore I e(en cease' worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. Unti+ 200! < .i+i@erto Dept an imposte*r pro?i+e an' presense o? 1mi+y Is+es on the internet 4 I @e+ie(e' that she was sti++ sa?e *p in 0ntario an' that she ha' I*st @een too @*sy to ta+D to me ?or a whi+e.

U 200! 2008 5 the imposte*r Pach An'rosDi an' imposte*r 9eith Hammon' were witnesse' +a*)hin) a@o*t 'is)*stin) rape (i'eos which ha' @een recor'e' an' emai+e' to Pach An'rosDi '*rin) 200! an' 2008 at E%0 S Porter Street in Manchester New Hampshire 4 many o? these ?i+es were trans?erre' to GPach An'rosDiAsG comp*ter @y way o? 1 3onDey .i+e Sharer 7+ient an' accor'in) to +a@e+s o? 'own+oa'e' ?i+es inc+*'e' e(en minors @ein) rape' an' tort*re'. 2he 'escriptions o? what these men were 'isc*ssin) so*n'e' +iDe :ar #ape an' other :ar 7rimes an' the names Miret> an' 1mi+y were mentione' as we++ as a +itt+e )ir+ @ein) rape' to 'eath @y a @+acD man 4 her @+ee'in) @ein) ca++e' G7herry Sa*ceG @y the man impersonatin) 9eith Hammon' < this Gcherry sa*ceG @ein) the @+oo' she was @+ee'in) ?rom her torso an' (a)ina when she was rape' to 'eath @y a m*ch +ar)er a'*+t ma+e. U 3*rin) 200! 5 a we@site was GPop UpG 'isp+aye' on my 7omp*ter Screen @y a hacDer. 2his we@site portraye' a ?ew women I Dnew 4 Samantha ;ernstein whom I ha' @een +o(e str*cD @y in 200%4 1mi+y Is+es whom I +o(e' 4 an' Bewish ?ema+es ?rom m*+tip+e +ocations < a++ @ein) ?orce' to per?orm ?e+atio 4 @ein) choDe' @y penises 4 @ein) rape' in the mo*th whi+e cryin) 4 an' @ein) a@*se' in )enera+. As an ins*+t to Pionism an' the nation o? Israe+ 4 this we@site was ca++e' G9i@@*+> An' ;itsG < name' a?ter the termino+o)y G9i@@*t>G which is a wor' that re?ers to ear+y Israe+i Nationa+ Socia+ist 7o+onies which were Pionist 7omm*na+ Socia+ist 7o+onies. U 3*rin) 200! 5 a /o*t*@e (i'eo ca++e'GM9U$2#A P#00. AN3 1=I31N71G was poste' on /o*2*@e.7om. 2his (i'eo was the c*+mination o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs attempts to create a hoaC 'oc*mentary o? GsecretG re+ease' Gin(esti)ations ?i+esG o? M9U+tra eCperiments contin*e' @y a 'i??erent 'epartment. 2his was an attempt o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs to ?rame the USA Go(ernment ?or his own SeC 0??enses 4 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 an' :ar 7rimes *pon the American peop+e. I11&2I"%& Y "$%&# 2ISCO8&#IN! %HIS 8I2&O : 8I%%O#IO /8IC%O#/&1"N(& & + 1"2& " PHON&-C" %O %"Y "'S !#"N2-$"%H&# "N2 O#2&#&2 HI1 %O POISON 1Y CO$$&& BI%H B "CK 1O 2 "#O(N2 %H"NKS!I8IN!3 I 1I#"C( O(S Y S(#8I8&23 * 2uring ;==9 : 2373 an) his frien) 1egan 1c!uire *egan hanging out -ith /$ranchesca/ *riefl5 + I sa- them from a )istance at the li*rar5 an) )i) not recognize the -oman that -as -ith them3 I later foun) out from a Ps5chiatric Healthcare &mplo5ee that 2373 trie) to poison her -ith an orange-,uice -ith something in it3 I -as tol) that the -oman sur0i0e) the poisoning an) I later sa- her3 I later foun) out that this ma5 ha0e *een !rutle K,ellson's sister + the sister of !rutle K,ellson of the *an) &nsla0e) an) that 1s3 K,ellson an) &mil5 Isles -ere *oth *eing force) to carr5 $ranchesca !onzalez's I)entification Cre)entials an) ta.e turns using the I323 Car) as -ell as -ere the5 *lin)e) *5 %he &manueles' %errorist Crime-S5n)icate committing of InitiationCrimes3 2aniel 7ames -as *eing e@tremel5 cruel to her -hen I sa- them3 * 2uring ;=6=: I -as informe) *5 a frien) -hile at %373s *ar that !rutle's sister -as a*)ucte) *5 > Italians -hile near the Yee 25nast5 )o-n South Billo- St in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire3 I -as tol) that these > Italians in a Hon)a ha) rape) her an) later pushe) her out the -in)o- of the mo0ing 0ehicle near the #ite-"i) an) use) "utomoti0e 2ealership near Uueen's cit5 *ri)ge an) South Billo- St3 3 I am )isguste) to .no- that no*o)5 testifie)3 Currentl5 + "nglo-Sa@on an) !aelic are racial targets of the "GIS as -ell as are Nor-egians : these Italian thugs are most li.el5 $ili*erto's "GIS Sol)iers + he has recruite) gang-units into the "GIS3 U 3*rin) what was approCimate+y 200! 5 Pach An'rosDi was rep+ace' somehow @y an imposte*r. I am not aware o? how this occ*re' 4 @*t I am a@so+*te+y positi(e that this man is an associate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' m*+tip+e SeC 2ra??icDers in the USA an' 7ana'a. 2he imposte*r preten'in) to @e Pach An'rosDi has ma'e more than one re?erence to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 women G?*cDin) +iDe their +i(es 'epen' on itG c+aimin) G@eca*se their +i(es 'o 'epen' on itG 4 has ma'e m*+tip+e mentions o? Israe+ 4 has ma'e m*+tip+e mentions o? speci?ic SeC 2ra??icDin) an' A@'*ction

=ictims 4 has @een in possession o? an' has transporte' mi+itary )ra'e armaments 4 a+so ha' he ma'e n*mero*s remarDs a@o*t my race 5 his comments concernin) my race ha(e inc+*'e' thin)s s*ch as G7ryin) a@o*t sma++ poC in?este' @+anDetsOG. 2his man has ma'e n*mero*s statements which were am@i)*o*s @*t easy to con?*se as h*mo*r 4 concernin) chi+' mo+estation 5 his h*mo*r seems to re(o+(e aro*n' concepts o? rape o? chi+'ren 4 )enoci'e 4 transseC*a+s 4 hermaphro'ites 4 an' rape o? a@'*ctees. 2his man +ooDs incre'i@+y simi+ar to the ?act*a+ Pach An'rosDi an' has PachAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 4 @*t this man is certain+y a 'i??erent nationa+ity 5 I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that he co*+' @e a co*sin o? the man whom has @een preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man. #on ;oar'man has @een missin) an' a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian has @een +i(in) as him in 2roy NewHampshire < this $om@ar'ic Ita+ian has mentione' =ittorio 1man*e+e II n*mero*s times an' appears to pro@a@+y @e his 'escen'ant. 2he .ace;ooD Pro?i+e G2ia $*'wicDG has in the past @een associate' with in'i(i'*a+s an' other .ace;ooD Pro?i+es which are connecte' to =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate 4 the imposte*r preten'in) to @e Pach An'rosDi an' his .ace;ooD pro?i+e 4 the imposte*r preten'in) to @e #on G;ran)aG ;oar'man an' his .ace;ooD Pro?i+e 4 Mario Napo+itano an' SeC 2ra??icDers associate' with him4 an' .ace@ooD Pro?i+es re+ate' to the pro?i+es on G#on ;oar'manAsG GMotherAs si'e o? the ?ami+yG .ace;ooD pro?i+es. 2hese men ha(e @een a@'*ctin) ?ema+es o? Gae+ic race an' ha(e @een m*r'erin) entire ?ami+ies o? American ci(i+ians 4 ena@+in) Genoci'a+ 2errorists to rep+ace the in'i(i'*a+s an' ?ami+ies which they ha(e Di++e' . Since 200% I ha(e seen what appeare' to @e a penci+e' 'rawin) o? .i++i@erto GPhi+ McMannG 1man*e+eAs ?ace on the te+e(ision an' on the internet 5 m*+tip+e times4 the 'rawin) was the ?ace o? a s*spect in more than one witness report in(o+(in) a rape. 2hese rapes occ*rre' in the USA an' 7ana'a. It is possi@+e that .i++i@erto has @een attemptin) to rape an' impre)nate women a++ o(er the wor+' ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) his @+oo'+ine ?rom @ecomin) eCtinct. 2he paranoia o? @ein) eCpose' as A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y wo*+' create a ?rantic reaction ?rom a ?ami+y in(o+(e' in years o? terrorism an' or)ani>e' crime < I @e+ie(e that it was this paranoia that 'ro(e the eCi+e' roya+ 1man*e+e ?ami+y to the eCtremes that ha(e c*+minate' in the o(ert eCpos*re an' ?*t*re arrest o? their ?ami+y. In the past ten years5 +aw en?orcement an' in(esti)ati(e a)encies +ocate' on the entire 1ast 7oast o? North America ha(e reporte' n*mero*s '*n)eons @ein) ?o*n'4 ?ema+e hosta)es @ein) ?o*n'4 *ni'enti?ie' remains o? ?ema+es @o'ies4 an' accomp+ices to crimes @ein) con(icte' whom are somehow psycho+o)ica+ capa@+e o? +yin) an' ho+'in) their si+ence a@o*t the )*i+ty party in(o+(e' in the crimes. 1an5 people *elie0e that /PO#NO!#"PHY+ S%#IP-C (BS+ &SCO#% S&#8IC&S+ an) N(2& 1O2& S are -illing participants as Sex Workers3/ %he truth is that PO#NO!#"PHY is often 0i)eo recor)e) e0i)ence of ne-l5 recruite) se@traffic.ers -ith their accomplices' 0ictims is a -a5 to ensure the traffic.ers' lo5alt5 P)ue to their superior's a*ilit5 to *lac.-mail them for .i)nappings an) threatsQ an) as a -a5 to ensure that the 0ictim is 0ie-e) as a -illing participant in the pu*lic e5e3 1an5 of the men in pornograph5 are in0ol0e) in organize) crime or espionage3 S%#IP-C (BS are often locations -here Human-%raffic.ers socialize an) a)0ertize their 0ictims3 Pri0ate lap-)ances are one -a5 that the traffic.ers use the 0ictims to laun)er mone5 in the form of cash han)e) to them out of pu*lic 0ie-3 Strippers .eep less of their o-n mone5 than people assume3 Strippers are often se)uce) into )rug a))iction an) *u5 their )rugs from their *osses associates+ most strippers pa5 rent to their *osses associates -hom the5 rent their apartments from+ strippers usuall5 Huic.l5 *ecome 0ictims an) ha0e to pa5 their *osses associates for /*o)5guar) protection/+ an) strippers often *u5 or lease their automo*iles from their *osses associates3 &SCO#% S&#8IC&S Z %he /escort/ is stal.e)+ *ullie)+ )rugge)+ threatene)+ famil5 is threatene)+ an) ensla0e) *5 Human-%raffic.ers3 /escort ser0ices/ are liasons3 N(2& 1O2& S -ho pose for pornograph5 photographers Z /Nu)e mo)els/ are often actuall5 e@tremel5 e@pensi0e 0ictims use) as mone5 laun)ering mulesE the5 are

controlle)+ .ept silent+ an) manipulate) *5 net-or.s of criminal-terrorist associates3 %he photographs of these 0ictims are often co0ert a)0ertisements for the -omens' /ser0ices/ 3 1"I -O#2&# B#I2& B&BSI%&S Z " *usiness from -hich a person can purchase a -ife through a mail catalog is a Sla0e tra)e3 /Se@-Bor.ers/ Z "lthough in some nations+ /Prostitutes/ are 0ie-e) as criminals or as /Se@-Bor.ers/ : almost all prostitutes are sla0es3 is sla0er5 + prostitution is almost ne0er a -illful act + is rape an) often in0ol0es freHuent threats3 %he families of the 0ictims of are often targette) for genoci)e + the 0ictim is usuall5 tol) that their famil5 -ill get hurt if she tal.s3 Being Se@-%raffic.e) is not a profession+ it is sla0er53 Se@-%raffic.ers often -or. for an) -or. -ith net-or.s of -ealth5 financers -ho often ha0e corrupt connections in la- an) in0estigations + the associates of se@-traffic.ers 0ar5 *et-een street-criminals an) street-pimps to !lo*al %errorist Organizations in0ol0e) in Organize) Crime3 a*eling the the criminal is *laming the 0ictim for the criminal's actions3 VOW S&G-%#"$$ICKIN! : %he ma,orit5 of net-or.s seem to *e net-or.e) glo*all53 Numerous 0ictims from places as far off as #ussia+ $rance+ an) Brazil can *e foun) stripping an) performing se@-acts in places Ne- Yor. or Ne0a)a in the (S" or e0en in 1ontreal in Cana)a : *eing that some of the 0ictims ha0e *een transporte) from the other si)e of the planet an) man5 of the 0ictims from the Ne- &nglan) region are missing+ there is o*0iousl5 a glo*al net-or.3 Se@-%raffic.ers are Se@-Offen)ers3 %he ps5cholog5 of a Se@-Offen)er is )ifferent from that of other t5pes of personalities E Se@-Offen)ers are often Social-2ar-inists + meaning : Se@-Offen)ers *elie0e that 1ight is #ight3 %he )ecision to commit a self-empo-ering or self-gratif5ing act is anal5ticall5 measure) in regar)s to the possi*ilit5 of *eing arreste) for it + the )ecision is not )eci)e) upon an anal5tical measurement of the moral or ethical *asis for the action3 &ntire families are )estro5e) *5 these in)i0i)uals an) criminal organizations of in)i0i)uals3 Criminal Organizations engage) in the criminal in)ustr5 of are often engage) in other forms of such as Infant-"*)uction an) "*)uction an) a* an) #epro) : Crime Organizations in0ol0e) in the sale of humans as propert5 are the .in) of organizations -hom -oul) commit an5 act of %errorism for an amount of -ealth+ -eapons+ an) connections3 2ue to the o*0ious criminalit5 of "*solute !lo*al ConHuest + *e it *5 co0ert or o0ert means : a ca*al of -ealth5 in)i0i)uals in0ol0e) in force) !lo*alization of State an) InterNational !lo*al Co0ert "cti0ities -oul) )efinitel5 ha0e net-or.e) all of the Criminal Organizations in0ol0e) in *egining o0er a hun)re) 5ears ago+ prior to e0en the $irst Borl) Bar3 %he relia*ilit5 of these organizations is guarantee) : a Criminal Organization in0ole) in are e@tremel5 co0ert -ith their acti0ities )ue to )efinite pu*lic outrage an) )isgust -hich -oul) follo- shoul) the5 *e )isco0ere)3 %hese organizations -ill al-a5s remain in a strict silence a*out relate) acti0ities -hen in0ol0ing e@treme 0iolations of humanrights + e@treme Crimes "gainst Humanit5+ glo*al sla0er5 in form of e0er5 sort of Human relia*le )eli0er5 of -eapons of an5 .in)+ relia*le )eli0er5 of an5 illegal pro)uct inclu)ing )rugs or other-ise+ or an5 other co0ert acti0it5 : not e@clu)e) from this list of crimes is Ps5chological as -ell as 8iolent %errorism3 %o these .in)s of criminals + a human life is a pro)uct that is for sale : to them+ all human suffering is irrele0ant3 %he possi*ilit5 of m5 1other's race soon *eing a 0ictim of a*solute Complete an) %otal !enoci)e is 0er5 li.el53 15 1other -as of the pre-colonial race of $irst-Nations peoples -ho once populate) the North &astern region of the North "merican Continent : census counts ha0e *een )roppe) *5 an e@treme percentage margin stea)il5 in the past 6D= 5ears3 %he people -ho targette) m5 Nana an) m5 1other for Se@- 0ictimization -hen she -as a chil) are )efinitel5 in0ol0e) in a genoci)al glo*al organization )irectl5 for the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate : in this region+ the primar5 targets seem to ha0e *een racial targets such as the $irst-Nations peoples an) the foun)ing populations of National &thnic Cana)ians an) the National &thnic "merican populations that foun)e) the (S" an) Cana)a3 Other targets of these peoples -ere the !aelic immigrants -ho -ere late arri0als to the ne-l5 colonize) regions of North "merica as -ell as "frican "mericans an) #ussians3 %hese targets seem to *e relati0e in relation to -here this organization is acti0e : in Brazil the targets -ere primaril5 1a5ans+ Incans+ Brazilian National &thnics+ an) Polish Israelis -hom -ere transporte) to Brazil *5 Se@-%raffic.ers3 In &urope: the primar5 targets seem to *e #ussians+ (.rainians+ Israelis+ Bosnians+ $rench+ !ermans+ "l*anians+ S-e)es+ an) recentl5 again the Irish an) the British3 %he connection that these men share is a genoci)al net-or.3 Bhen an arm of this genoci)al %errorist Crime-S5n)icate reaches into a region an) settles there + *ecomes rampant an) entire families are .ille) : the ne@t follo-ing effect al-a5s seems to *e )estruction of local economic sta*ilit5 follo-e) *5 more of the same + )estruction of local population an) the sale of their flesh an) *loo)3 Bhat has *een calle) Gorian Lifestyle an) )iscusse) to *e an alternati0e form of an interpersonal relationship has sho-n the true purpose of the promotion an) instigation of B2S1 an) S41 in -hat -oul) normall5 *e a health5 an) free societ53 "lmost as if the5 are completel5 una-are of their )ecision+ S41 an) B2S1 enthusiasts are engaging in -hat has come to *e .no-n as Gorian Lifestyle as a form of an interpersonal relationship *et-een a master an) a /-illing/ sla0e -ho speaks in the third person3 Bhat -as once a fractional population minorit5 -ithin an "rt Collecti0e has no- *een influence) an) su*0erte) into *ecoming a future sla0e population for se@-traffic.ers3 %he prospect of these Brain Computer Interfaces *eing use) to control people -ith these metho)s is )isgustingl5 terrif5ing3 Self-1utilation+ Bo)5 Nullification 0i)eos an) photographs a)0ertise e@treme human Beha0ioral-1o)ification test-su*,ects -hile un)er the influence an) control of Neuro-H5pnosis &ngineering Scientists : this scenes are recor)s of the results+ )ispla5ing gruesome results such as humans *rutall5 remo0ing entire lim*s an) other *o)5-parts -hile completel5 unaffecte) *5 the self-mutilation3 Beha0ioral 1o)ification 1in) Control &@periments ha0e culminate) in the ro*otic controlling of humans *5 controlling their *rains an) the magnetics of their neuro path-a5s : Neuro-H5pnotic &ngineering in0ol0es traine) flash*ac. an) neuro-memor5 much the -a5 that muscle-memor5 -or.s an) Post-%raumatic Stress 2isor)er in0ol0es memor5-flash*ac.s + the neuro-path-a5s are traine) to react the same e0er5 time *5 creating neuro-paths of least resistance an) repetition3 It is also )efinite to control the human *o)5 as a ro*ot E using BrainComputer-Interface an) computers o0er a -ireless ra)io-freHuenc5 connection3 %he e@perimental research+ pa0lo0ian training+ ps5chose@ual a*use+ an) ps5chotropic h5pnosis sessions are recor)e) an) often calle) /pornograph5/ for the purpose of camouflaging the e@periments an) their en) results3 &n)-results of Beha0ioral 1o)ification science e@periments are 0ie-a*le on -e*sites such as the Two Girls One Cup -e*site3 Be*sites li.e Two Girls One Cup are use) for the purpose of glo*al pu*lic humiliation an) reinforcement of the terrorist net-or.'s )ominance o0er these people3 Be*sites such as Two Girls One Cup are also use) as an e@hi*ition in or)er to entice other megalomaniacs to ,oin their faction *5 e@pressing a*solute asculism an) their a*solute control o0er the -oman as an inherent a!solute inferior3 %his -oul) *e similar to a terrorist telling a crime-associate of theirs that the5 .no- the organization -ho ma)e the ol) "aces of #eath 0i)eos+ for the purpose of impressing them3 Other topic-hea)ings on /pornographic/ -e*sites -hich contain 0i)eographe) recor)s of

a*uses relate) to -hat happene) -ithin an) -ithout 1K( %#" )uring the NIGON "21INIS%#"%ION an) is currentl5 happening again in0ol0ing crime-s5n)icate relate) $eha%ioral odification ind Control &xperiments inclu)e topic la*els such as: "#rugged"+ /#runk" '"(ypnoti)ed"' "Choked"' "$eaten"' "*aped"' "&lectrocuted"' "Gang-*aped"' "Tortured"' "*estrained"' "*acked"' "Chained"' "Tied-+p"' "Caged"'"Training"'"$eastiality"' ",omiting"' "#eathgasm"'"-issing"' "&ating Shit"' ".illed on Camera"'"One Guy one /ar"' "Leg .icking Like 0 #og"' "Screaming"' "Throatfucked"' "&nema $lasted" ' "Co%ered in Shit" ' "&ye Tortured"' "Cum 1n &yes" '" achine "ucked"' "Gaping"' "Sla%e" ' "#og-Training"' "$eastiality"' "Self- utilating"' "Crying"' "-oint of ,iew"' " ""' "$leeding"' "#ungeon"' " anacles"' "-2O2,2"' "&ats Shit and #ies"' "#eath on Camera"' and "(umiliated" 2 OST O" T(&S& 0*& W0*-*0-&S *&CO*#&# O3 C0 &*0 03# 0*& 0 ,1OL0T1O3 O" T(& G&3&,0 CO3,&3T1O32 T(& 0/O*1T4 O" T(&S& -&O-L& 0*& O" "0 1L1&S T(0T (0,& $&&3 G&3OC1#0LL4 &5T&* 130T&# O* T0*G&TT&# "O* G&3OC1#&2 The 1talian Sa%oy-051S "action use War-*ape as 1nitiation Crimes to pro%e their loyalty to the 1talian Sa%oy-051S "action as well as to engineer the psychology of their Soldiers2 any of these men li%e in the +2S202 and other nations outside of 1talia2

*:-: PSYCH-P#O$I IN! O$ %H& 1( %IP & K&NN&2Y $"1I Y "SS"SSIN"%IONS : &1"N(& &-&8O " SYN2IC"%& :-: 2he propa)an'a 'isseminate' amon)st p*@+ic a*'iences in(o+(in) the assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y ?its the Mo'*s 0peren'i o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate 5 the (ario*s parties @+ame' were Pionists4 7omm*nists4 the )o(ernment o? the USA4 .rench )an)sters4 the #*ssians4 an' American so*therners. 2he moti(atin) ?actor was ne(er 'isc*sse' witho*t 'i(er)in) ?rom the 'ic*ssion < the 'isc*ssion a+ways @ein) re'irecte' to a 'isc*ssion a@o*t tri(ia+ities s*ch as min*tae 'etai+s re)ar'in) @a++istics ?orensic e(i'ence. Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y has not @een the on+y 9enne'y m*r'ere'. 0ther 9enne'ys ha(e @een m*r'ere' @y (ario*s means4 inc+*'in) what was possi@+y a sta)e' p+ane crash @*t in act*a+ity was the act o? a sa@ote*r. Pa)er4 GPS4 an' 7e++ Phone techno+o)y can @e *se' to create a +on) ran)e wire+ess 'etonator 1Q8 the si>e o? a ce++ phone witho*t the casin)4 co*p+e' with a @om@ the si>e o? a mar@+e 5 this @ein) e+ectrica+ tape' to speci?ic wires within one o? the airp+aneAs interior mechanica+ compartments co*+' possi@+y create a sma++ therma+ eCp+osion o? intense heat capa@+e o? me+tin) the wires. An A#G0S GPS 3e(ice com@ine' with Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone parts in the 1""0As co*+' 'etonate a sma++ eCp+osi(e in an airp+ane en)ine compartment. 2his wo*+' ca*se the en)ine to sh*t o??4 a non e+ectrica+ component co*+' @e 'estroye' @y means o? this metho' as we++. 2he moti(atin) ?actor that I @e+ie(e has @een i)nore' is the possi@i+ity o? somethin) re+ate' to the 9enne'y @ein) connecte' to in(esti)ations in(o+(in) P#0B172 M9U$2#A 4 which the NiCon A'ministration +ater attempte' to co(er *p. 2his recent series o? )enoci'a+ attacDs has the same Mo'*s 0peren'i as #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+msA i++e)a+ sta+Din) an' recor'in) o? Americans that c*+minate' in the :A21#GA21 S7AN3A$. It is pro@a@+e that the 9enne'ys were in(o+(e' in in(esti)ations concernin) the A6IS an' the 1man*e+e .ami+y as we++ as the 1(o+a .ami+y. It is a+so pro@a@+e that BaH*e+ine 9enne'yAs ?ami+y was tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+esA SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs +yrics when he was yo*n)er containe' +yrica+ content re+ate' to A6IS S+eeper 7e++s in North America 4 A6IS Genoci'a+ M*r'er SH*a's in North America 4 Ita+ian A6IS SeC 2ra??icDers in North America 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 an' the assassination o? Bohn .it>)era+' 9enne'y as we++ as BacDie 0nassis @ein) threatene' an' possi@+y rape' a?terwar's. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+oneAs +yrics ?rom the ear+y Mis?its era when the a+@*m Static A)e was written ha(e a+ot o? +yrica+ content re)ar'in) Ita+ian A6IS in North America. G+enn G3an>i)G An>a+one

was @orn an' raise' in New Bersey USA. 3*rin) 2005 5 G+enn An>a+oneAs @rother or co*sin appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire an' eCamine' the store an' whom was present. * :-: Purpose of the &manueles' Ps5chological-Barfare Campaign an) Ps5chological Profile of the Ps5-Barfare "gents :-: 2he Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are campai)n o? the 1man*e+esA is ?oc*se' primari+y *pon the concept o? tra*mati>in) the tar)ets 4 repeate'+y psycho+o)ica++y pro?i+in) them ?o++owe' @y repeate' attempts to tra*matica++y a+ter the @eha(ior an' i'entity o? the tar)ets . 2he psycho+o)ica+ war?are is primari+y con'*cte' in settin)s where the tar)et ci(i+ian (ictim can not ?i)ht nor ?+ee 5 settin)s s*ch as worDp+ace 4 +i(in) room te+e(ision (iewin) 4 @e' room te+e(ision (iewin) 4 internet (iewin) 4 te+ephone con(ersin) 4 '*rin) 'etainment @y +aw en?orcement whom are +oya+ to the 1man*e+es 4 or in hospita+s an' other hea+thcare ?aci+ities. 2ra*ma is create' @y metho' o? o(ert+y eCposin) the ?act that the (ictimsA are @ein) sta+De' *sin) o(er '*@@e' a*'io to H*ote co(ert+y recor'e' con(ersations an' (i'eo +i(e e'itin) to present concepts re+e(ant to co(ert+y recor'e' con(ersations. Another ?orm o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are which the 1man*e+esA terrorist ?action ha(e en)a)e' in in(o+(es mo@@in) (ictims in their worDp+aces with an)ry hor'es o? )ossip 'ri(en acc*sers 4 hirin) o? )an)s to sta+D an' attacD (ictims physica++y an' seC*a++y 4 emp+oyment o? Ita+ian A6IS A)ents +aw en?orcement an' their a++ies to intentiona++y sa@ota)e a tar)ette' (ictimsA a@i+ity to thri(e @y metho' o? a@*sin) +aw en?orcement o??icersA a@i+ity to 'etain ci(i+ians an' e??ect co*rtroom 'ecisions in(o+(in) pena+ty as we++ as ?ramin) ci(i+ians ?or crimes which they 'i' not commit s*ch as 'r*) possession that 'i' not ?act*a++y eCist. An o@(io*s )oa+ o? the 1man*e+esA Psy :ar?are A)ents is to Psycho+o)ica++y 1n)ineer a psycho+o)ica+ para'i)m in their (ictims that is ?oc*se' on the @e+ie? that the Psy :ar?are A)ent is an oppressor actin) on @eha+? o? the (ictimAs own Nationa+ Go(ernment. In act*a+ity4 the S+eeper 7e++ in(o+(e' in the 7o(ert ;+acD 0ps Psy :ar?are is a networD o? in'i(i'*a+s em@e''e' amon)st comm*nications corporations 4 in(esti)ations 'epartments 4 recor' Deepin) 'epartments 4 +aw en?orcement 'epartments 4 me'ia pro'*ction or)ani>ations 4 an' psychiatric hea+thcare ?ie+' o? emp+oyment. It is easier ?or S+eeper 7e++s to s*r(i(e 'etection i? their tar)ets ?ear the )o(ernment o? their own nation an' are a?rai' to contact in(esti)ations an' mi+itary or at +east +aw en?orcement. Uni?orms o? .e'era+ 1mp+oyment are o?ten *se' an' a@*se' ?or p*rpose o? incitin) ?ear o? .e'era+ A)ents in the min's o? the ci(i+ians whom they are s*ppose' to @e protectin). * :-: %H& HO(S& O$ S"8OY'S I%#"CK&#SJ :-: 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy has 'e+e)ate' n*m@ers o? their peop+e in the past to the position o? J2racDerK. 2he Io@ o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs J2racDersK is to remain in ?reH*ent socia+ contact with a tar)et in'i(i'*a+ o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs tar)ettin) < an in'i(i'*a+ whom the Ho*se o? Sa(oy has 'eci'e' that they nee' to sta+D 5 this 'ecision is *s*a++y ma'e @y one in'i(i'*a+ an' seems to @e *s*a++y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs or'ers. * :-: I&mil5 IslesJ an) I!rutle K,ellson's SisterJ :-: U 0(er the years4 2*rDoIan% pop *ps o? ima)es an' (i'eos o? 1mi+y Is+eAs a@*se were pop *ppe' on my comp*ter screen n*mero*s times which res*+te' in tra*mati>in) o? my se+? an' n*mero*s @+acD o*t 'isassociations '*e to eCtreme psycho+o)ica+ tra*ma '*e to the amo*nt o? +o(e I ha(e ?or 1mi+y Is+es. ;etween the years 200E an' 20104 1mi+y Is+es internet ?rien' whom was Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister +ooDe' ?or me a++ o(er Manchester NewHampshire whi+e @+in'e' 5 *sin) her tapper sticD to tra(e+ Manchester asDin) peop+e i? theyA' seen me. Gr*t+eAs sister hire' a Pri(ate In(esti)ator an' was )i(en my a''ress4 she *se' 1mi+y Is+esAs name in hopes that i wo*+' ta+D to her. Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister an' 1mi+y Is+es were ?rien's an' ha' @een speaDin) on the internet an' possi@+y on te+ephone '*rin) 200%.

I saw her n*mero*s times whi+e she was +ooDin) ?or me an' was 'isassociate' ?rom tra*ma @y the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain e(ery time 5 .i+ 1man*e+e was sa'istica++y tort*rin) *s @oth. Ms. 9Ie++son sat neCt to me at a @ar an' p*t her ?oot on my Dnee4 'ata was sent to the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which ca*se' me to 'isassociate. Gr*t+eAs sister is the most @ea*ti?*+ woman I ha(e e(er seen an' she has @een @r*ta++y maime' an' repeate'+y assa*+te' physica++y an' seC*a++y 5 these are :ar 7rimes that were committe' *pon her. I ha(e not @een a@+e to ?in' 1mi+y anywhere since 2005. U 2he toi+et in the Manchester $i@rary says the company name G2020G on it. .i+ 1man*e+eAs A)ents were o(erhear' ca++in) me 2oto an' statin) that GIanAs race is toi+et ?i+th.G . 3*rin) 200! 5 I witnesse' the ?ema+e who was r*mo*re' to @e Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister whom was then @+in' 4 at the $i@rary with 3B an' his ?rien' Me)an whom ha' a''e' me on MySpace. Me)anAs MySpace.7om acco*nt 'isp+aye' a photo)raph o? her wearin) a 'octorAs '*stmasD simi+ar to the s*r)eonAs masD that was worn @y the s*r)eons whom I remem@er the ?aces o? ha(in) Ne*ro S*)erie' me with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e in 7oncor' NewHampshire. 2he we@site Gtoi+et )ir+sG is +iDe+y to ha(e @een the (ictims o? the 1man*e+esA. U 3*rin) 200E or ear+y 200! 4 I recei(e' an incomp+ete =oiceMai+ ?rom what so*n'e' +iDe 1mi+y Is+es. 2his =oiceMai+ eCp+aine' that she was @ein) he+' hosta)e @y SeC 2ra??icDers in ;i++ericca Massach*settes at Mt. P+easant Apartments an' that there was another ?ema+e there. U 3*rin) 200" 4 my I.P.S. 7o*nci+or Mea)han Bohns ?rom Manchester Menta+ Hea+th at 1555 Main St. in Manchester NewHampshire in?orme' me that she Dnew G.ranchesca Gon>a+e>G an' that .ranchesca was tryin) 'esperate+y to )et in contact with my se+?. Mea)han ha' @een he+pin) me to +ooD ?or a Io@ aro*n' this time. I was misin?orme' @y a thir' party other than Mea)han Bohns that G.ranchesca Gon>a+e>G whom was in ?act G1mi+y Is+esG ha' @een stayin) at the :e@ster Ho*se on :e@ster St in Manchester 4 that she was stayin) at 1aster Sea+s one @+ocD away ?rom :e@ster Street in Manchester 4 an' that she was stayin) at 7rochet Mo*ntain in Manchester NewHampshire in Main st. I ha' wa+De' past a++ o? these +ocations with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e in 200%. A@o*t a month a?ter Mea)han Bohns ha' to+' me a@o*t .ranchesca +ooDin) ?or me 4 I witnesse' an emp+oyee at 3*nDin 3on*ts on :e@ster St. attempt to poison Mea)han Bohns +atte. :hen she recei(e' her +atte 4 the cream ha' c*r'+e' to teCt*re o? cotta)e cheese. She threw away her +atte a?ter we +e?t. In 200" I was a+so in?orme' @y #o)er Ben're>IewsDi an' 3aphen 7onaway that .ranchesca was +ooDin) ?or me a++ o(er Manchester. 3aphen ca++e' G.ranchescaG myGincre'i@+y @ea*ti?*+ sta+DerG with me. I trie' to )et to 1mi+y @*t I eCperience' @+acD o*ts an' ?eintin) a+most e(ery time that I trie'. It seems +iDe some@o'y was monitorin) my actions. Aro*n' the 'ate that Mea)hanAs co??ee creamer ha' @een ser(e' eCtreme+y c*r'+e'4 this was pro@a@+t a poisonin) attempt. Mea)han Bohns has in?orme' me that there were ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the comm*nityAs @rains. I ha' I*st s*r(i(e' a ?ew s*ccess?*+ poisonin) attempts in 200!4 one o? which @ein) @+acD mo+' which was '*mpe' into my co??ee. #oya+ .ami+ies ha(e #oya+ 2aste 2esters to pre(ent poisonin). :hen ta+Din) to ;ren'an P+ace 5 I state' that I wo*+' @e happy e(en +i(in) in a H*iet an' sec+*'e' comm*nity s*ch as :i+ton NH as +on) as I was with 1mi+y Is+es 4 I co*+' not )row @ore' o? speaDin) with her no matter ?or how +on) we spoDe. U In 200% 4 a?ter 1mi+y Is+es recor'e' herse+? per?ormin) the son) G:arG @y ;*r>*m 5 1' :arren at worD the neCt 'ay was o(erhear' statin) to Anthony G3*'e... that @itch so*n'e' +iDe she was )ettin) rape'.G Soon a?ter this4 1mi+y was a@'*cte'. .i+ 1man*e+e an' his Ita+ian A6IS terrorist ?action ha(e committe' a series o? :ar #apes in North America. U 3*rin) 200% 5 I to+' 1mi+y Is+es that I was in +o(e with her < 1mi+y Is+es respon'e' @y te++in) me honest+y that she the eCact same way an' that she was worDin) *p the co*ra)e to @reaD *p with her +on) time @oy?rien'. I ha' recent+y @roDen *p with Sahn'ra. 1mi+y 'eci'e' that I sho*+' mo(e to 7ana'a to @e with her. I 'eci'e' that she was correct an' that this was the proper thin) to 'o. Imme'iate+y a?ter we eCchan)e' GI +o(e yo*sG 4 the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+ts @y me'i*m o? HacDe' 2e+e(ision ;roa'casts 4 HacDe' Internet an' 2*rDoIan%A' Internet Pa)es 4 threats at worD 4

sta+Ders 4 an' other metho's o? Psy :ar @e)an. I @e)an @in)e 'rinDin) an' 1mi+y was soon a?ter a@'*cte'. I @ecame 'epresse' an' @e)an 'atin) a woman name' Min'y 9ern 4 '*rin) which re+ationship I s*@concio*s+y attempte' to mo+' her a?ter 1mi+y Is+esA persona+ity. 3*rin) my re+ationship with Min'y 9ern 4 the Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Assa*+t contin*e' which c*+minate' in the e(ent which occ*rre' when I was sittin) in So*thern NewHampshire #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter with the A*strian +ooDin) Po+ice 0??icer *sin) GSt.7yrAsG @a')e ?rom one o? the two Po+ice 3epartments where 2ony Grasseti ha' 'roppe' o?? his e+ectronic recor'in)s o? .i+ 1man*e+e. As my se+? an' o??icer sat in the waitin) room < a con(ersation @etween my se+? an' Min'y 9ern which ha' @een i++e)a++y recor'e' at 155 Map+e st apartmentV2 was H*ote' eCact+y wor' ?or wor' '*@@e' @y a comp*ter hacDer o(er a soap opera or possi@+y a+tho*)h (ery *n+iDe+y 4 written into the te+e(ision soap operaAs script. U 1mi+y innocent has sinne' a)ainst no one 4 taDen an' @+in'e' 4 +ooDe' ?or me ?or 5 years with a tapper sticD 4 Gthat sticD wi++ @ecome his mist+etoe i? he hasnAt commit s*ici'e or )one o*t with a @an) @y thenG 4 =ittorioAs an' .i+As )*ys ca++e' me 2oto the 'o) 4 Si)*r' 4 Atti+a4 an' ;a+'r in re?erence to an ima)e o? 3 crosses an' the so+ar cross 4 Gm*st thinD heAs ?aster than a spee'in) @*++etG 5 S*perman 5 9ryptonite . =ittorioAs an' .i+As a)ents &inc+*'in) a man whom .i+ 'escri@e' as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7*@an )ran'son 4 7esare, prepare' +ayers o? preme'itate' terror to s*ccee' at ca*sin) s*ici'e sho*+' a++ other metho's ?ai+. I wi++ not a++ow my se+? to 'ie *n'er any circ*mstances4 I owe it to 1mi+y to see to it that this witness statement con(icts e(ery sin)+e one o? the assai+ants an' their war crimina+ associates < these crimes are a++ war crimes. 1mi+y was my si@+in) in ?aith4 ethnicity4 an' in the Dinship o? c+ose ?rien'ship < re)ar'+ess o? the c+ose ?ee+in)s o? Dinship 4 it was o@(io*s to n*mero*s peop+e that I was ?a++in) in +o(e with her ?rom a?ar. 3*rin) 200% 4 1mi+y ha' @e)*n ta+Din) a@o*t in(itin) me to mo(e to 2oronto to +i(e with her an' atten' Uni(ersity with her. 1mi+yAs +ast wor's to me @e?ore she was a@'*cte' were G I +o(e yo*.G 5 5 Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister 5 5UUU It is entire+y pro@a@+e that the woman wa+Din) aro*n' @+in' in Manchester NewHampshire c+aimin) to @e 1mi+y Is+es was in ?act Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister. 3*rin) 200E 4 Gr*t+eAs @an' G1ns+a(e'G to*re' North America. 3*rin) 200% < 1mi+y Is+es ha' state' that she was ta+Din) to Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister on the internet. A hacDer ha' sent me a photo)raph c+aimin) that it was 1mi+y Is+es ?rom either 1mi+yAs AIM or 1mai+ Acco*nt < the photo)raph was a @ea*ti?*+ woman whom +ooDe' a year o+'er than my se+? an' appeare' to @e Norwe)ian an' Swe'ish. I @e+ie(e that this may ha(e @een another sister o? Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs or his co*sin. 3*rin) 200! < a?ter the 1ns+a(e' North American to*r 5 I was to+' that Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister has @een a@'*cte' '*rin) the North 1ast USA portion o? the to*r. I was to+' this @y a man name' G1ric SmithG who *se' the name G1riD Schmi'tG as a nicDname on+ine '*e to it @ein) the name o? the Goo)+e.7om ?o*n'er possi@+y < this manAs screen name was Morty-?o++owe' @y n*m@ers8. It is 'e?inite that there are (ictims o? this Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection 2errorist AttacD an' har(estin) o? H*man 2ra??icDin) =ictims in Norway. 2he Ita+ian A6IS has mana)e' to in?i+trate Norway an' has possi@+y @ro*)ht Ser@ians with them. I @e+ie(e that Gr*t+eAs sister may ha(e @een a@'*cte' ?rom the Hote+ *p the roa' ?rom MarDAs Showp+ace 4 across the street ?rom the Ne*roSpine Ne*ro+o)y Instit*te. I? Gr*t+eAs sister ha' remem@ere' my name ?rom ta+Din) to 1mi+y Is+es 4 it is pro@a@+e that she may ha(e @e)*n *sin) 1mi+y Is+eAs name whi+e +ooDin) ?or me '*e to her rea+i>ation that she was in Manchester NewHampshire. It is a possi@i+ity that 1mi+y Is+es was @ro*)ht to 1*rope an' so+' to SeC 2ra??icDers an' *se' as a test s*@Iect ?or Ne*roScience eCperiments. 3*rin) 2005 4 i recei(e' a series o? postcar's that state' that they were ?rom G1mi+y Is+esG. 2hese postcar's were mai+e' ?rom a++ o(er 1*rope. 2he +ast car's recei(e' were ?rom Greece. A?ter recei(in) these car's 4 I recei(e' a +etter ?rom cana'a that was tit+e incorrect+y as 1mma $ei)h T+es as in G1mi+y 1ye+essG.

:-: %on5 !rasseti :-: U In 200% 4 a?ter meetin) .i+ 1man*e+e in Manchester 5 2ony Grassetti ca++e' .i+ 1man*e+e ?rom the home phone +ine in Manchester NH at Haywar' St on 9enneth B*''As te+ephone n*m@er with 7omcast which I @e+ie(e was E03 %13 821". .i+ 1man*e+e 'i' not answer the te+ephone ca++ an' 2ony +e?t a messa)e on the (oicemai+ 4 '*rin) this messa)e was state' 5 G.i+ itAs 2ony. I I*st ?o*n' o*t that yo*r A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y. I 'onAt want yo* to thinD I am not )oin) to @e yo*r ?rien'. IA++ @e yo*r ?rien'. :eA++ @e yo*r ?rien's. IAm not scare' o? yo* or anythin)... we++ may@e I am. B*st 'onAt Di++ a++ o? *s. 3onAt Di++ e(ery@o'y 4 thatAs a++. :eA++ @e yo*r ?rien's. /o* sho*+' 'rinD @eers with *s or come o*t to the c+*@ with *s some time. 3onAt worry a@o*t the IoDe a@o*t the )ay thin)4 I Dnow yo*Are not )ay ... we 'onAt ha(e pro@+ems with )ays anyways. I am sittin) neCt to one ri)ht now. Gi(e me a ca++ @acD some time.G. 2his was o@(io*s+y a IoDe @etween 2ony an' .i+. 2ony Grasseti is a 'escen'ant o? a 9in) o? Ita+ia an' is a #oya+ ;+oo'e' 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2ony Grasseti an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha(e Dnown eachother ?or their entire +i(es. 2ony Grasseti is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs co*sin. * :-:1egan 1c!uire :-: Me)an McG*ire In 200! 5 a woman messa)e' me on MySpace.7om who was name' Me)an McG*ire. 3espite the name4 this woman was o? o@(io*s Ita+ian race. :hi+e I was (isitin) a GMe)an McG*ireG 4 who +i(e' on Pine St. in Manchester New Hampshire 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e^s ha+? @rother 3.B. was (isitin) Me)an 4 he c+aime' that he nee'e' an o+' @+anD =HS tape ?or a sca(en)er h*nt. GMe)an McG*ire^sG MySpace an' .ace;ooD acco*nt was ca++e' Gerar' 2he #ain@ow 3icDe' :on'er 4 she was ?ormer+y on my ?rien's +ist 5 she was wearin) a 'octor^s '*st masD an' ha' her hair @rai'e'. 2he '*st masD was a+most the eCact same Din' o? '*st masD which ha' @een worn '*rin) the Ne*roScience =i(isection S*r)ery that ha' occ*re' '*rin) 200! where*pon I ha' @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. 0n the 'ay when 3.B. was asDin) Me)an i? she ha' an o+' @+anD =HS tape 5 I share' a Me'iterranean Pi>>a with the two o? them which I ha' p*rchase' ?rom 0+ymp*s Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire. At the time 4 I 'i' not Dnow that 3.B. was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha+? @rother 5 now I Dnow this is the ?act*a+ tr*th. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha+? @rother 3.B. mentione' that he @e+ie(e' some@o'y wo*+' @e G7ame+ Spi'erin)G the USA soon. A 7ame+ Spi'er is a creat*re that wi++ I*mp onto the @e++ies o? 7ame+s 5 it inIects itAs n*m@in) anaesthesia into the 7ame+As ?+esh4 a?ter which it eats the +i(in) 7ame+As ?+esh *n@eDnownst to the 7ame+. U 3*rin) the @rie' perio' o? time that I ha' @een acH*ainte' with GMe)an McG*ireG 5 Me)an c+aime' that her G;rotherG was a :hite Power Neo Na>i an' that he ha' @een ;ANN13 .#0M 1N21#ING MASSA7HUS1221S P1#MANAN2$/ '*e to G.omentation o? a #acia+ #iotG. 2his +aw G.omentation o? a #acia+ #iotG 'oes not eCist in the USA. G.omentationG is the $e)a+ 2ermino+o)y *se' in 3e*tsche+an' 4 A*stria 4 an' Ita+ia 5 when concernin) insti)ation o? racia+ (io+ence 4 s*ch as a (io+ent riot which tar)ets a racia+ pop*+ation or a pro'*ct o? the insti)atin) o? a racia+ pop*+ation. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' Aaron 1man*e+e were raise' in Massach*settes. U :hi+e wa+Din) 1+m St. in Manchester NewHampshire with GMe)an McG*ireG 5 Me)an +ooDe' at a ran'om passer@y an' asDe' GHey4 'o yo* )ot I.3.OG to which the ran'om passer@y respon'e' with GUm... yeah4 'o yo* nee' smoDesO I mean 4 'o yo* ha(e I.3OG. 2o this GMe)anG respon'e' 5 GNo thanDs 4 IA(e )ot some@o'y e+ses I.3. a+rea'y. Sorry4 I tho*)ht yo* were some@o'y e+se.G APPA#1N2$/ G30 /0U G02 I.3.OG M1ANS IN A6IS 7031 $ANGUAG1 5 GA#1 /0U U2I$IPA2ING 2H1 I31N2I.I7A2I0N 7#131N2IA$S 0. AN AM1#I7AN 7I=I$IAN

2A#G12213 .0# G1N07I31 AN IMP0S21 I31N2I2/OG U :hi+e at GMe)an McG*ireAsG on Pine St. in Manchester NewHampshire 5 GMe)an McG*ireG an' G3.B.G 1man*e+e were eatin) 7hoco+ate 7hip 2e''y ;ear 7ooDies4 these cooDies come in a @+*e >ip +ocD @a) an' are so+' at ShawAs S*permarDet 5 these were one o? my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPhersonAs ?a(orite cooDies which she *se' to eat a++ the time since she was a +itt+e )ir+. 3*rin) this month4 my sister 7he+sey was Di'nappe' @y Sici+ians an' Ita+ians. 3.B. @it the hea' o?? o? a 2e''y ;ear 7ooDie an' c+aime' he G'ecapitate'G it < Me)an @it the arm o?? o? a 2e''y ;ear 7ooDie an' c+aime' that she ha' 'isarme' it. 2his was '*rin) the mentionin) o? the G7ame+ Spi'erin) o? the USAG. U Me)an McG*ire c+aime' to @e o? the same race as my ?rien' 7athryn ;*rDe 5 c+aimin) to @e Gae+ic American an' ;e+)ian as we++ as Irish. 7athryn ;*rDe is American4 Irish4 an' ;e+)ian. Me)an was o@(io*s+y entire+y Ita+ian. Soon a?ter this mentionin) 5 7athyrn ;*rDe an' MiDe Smith were )i(en a Si@erian H*sDy which ha' the same eye pi)ment as G3.B.G 1man*e+eAs 4 ha(in) +i)ht @+*e eyes with a @rown specD+e in one. 2his was )i(en to MiDe an' 7at @y an acH*aintance o? thiers in New Bersey who c+aime' they Dnew #on ;oar'man an' $i++y P+aise as we++ as other ?rien's o? MiDeAs an' 7atAs. #on ;oar'man has @een missin) an' a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian whom I @e+ie(e is an o*t o? we'+ocD 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IIAs has @een *sin) his i'entity an' +i(in) in 2roy NewHampshire. M*ch o? 7athrynAs ?ami+y +i(e' in NewBersey as 'i' one o? my ?ormer schoo+ teacherAs name' Stacy Sea@*ry whom Dnew #on ;oar'man an' $i++y P+aise. U 3.B. c+aime' to worD at he worDe' at a :a+mart near Sea;rooD. U 3*rin) the year 200" 5 a hispanic man an' an ita+ian man @e)an ta*ntin) me whi+e i was o*tsi'e o? ! 3ays MarDet sayin) G.ranchesca... mmm thatAs some )oo' .ranchesca. .ranchescaAs s*ch )oo' p*ssy mmm.G an' +ooDin) at me an' sneerin) e(i++y. I 'i' not Dnow at this time that 1mi+y Is+es ha' @een a@'*cte' an' +ater '*mpe' o?? wih an I.3. 7ar' that sai' .ranchesca Gon>a+es. .rom what I ha(e hear' 4 1mi+y was +e?t wan'erin) @+in' at the HooDsett :a+mart a?ter 7esare an' .i++i@erto tie' an' racDe' her an' @*rnt her eyes o*t *sin) +aser pointers mo*nte' with (ice )rips. .rom what I ha(e hear' ?rom n*mero*s so*rces an' ?rom what I ha(e eCperience' whi+e +i(in) in n*mero*s cities 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has recr*ite' an incre'i@+y +ar)e crime syn'icate consistin) o? 7rips 4 SeC 0??en'ers 4 SeC 2ra??icDers 4 Ita+ian Ma?ia 4 7*@an Ma?ia 4 .ascistas 4 an' Ser@ian Ma?ia < many o? these crimina+s are eCtreme+y m*r'ero*s an' seC*a++y (io+ent. U In 2005 4 7esare an' a re+ati(e o? his @oth to+' me that I was )oin) to P*r)atory 5 the p+ace where non 7atho+ics )o a?ter 'eath i? they are not e(i+ peop+e. Accor'in) to 7esare 4 a sin+ess man who is not a 7atho+ic 'oes not maDe it to hea(en a?ter 'eath < instea' he is cast into P*r)atory. P*r)atory is o?ten 'escri@e' @y catho+ics as @ein) a p+ace o? a@so+*te 'arDness an' the state o? @ein) a@so+*te+y a+one 5 comp+ete an' permanant sensory 'epri(ation. I was to+' that this was )oin) to @e the ?ate o? my re+i)io*s comm*nity. 2his was aro*n' the 'ate that 1mi+y was a@'*cte'. 7esare an' another 7atho+ic @oth to+' me that I was a )oo' man an' that I ha' a ?aith @*t that it was the wron) ?aith an' I an' my peop+e were )oin) to P*r)atory. U 3*rin) 200" 5 citi>ens +i(in) in the city o? Manchester were constant+y in?ormin) me that my ?rien' G.ranchescaG was +ooDin) ?or me a++ o(er Manchester an' that she was @+in' an' I sho*+' ?in' her to maDe s*re she is oD. I 'i' not Dnow who .ranchesca was4 the on+y .ranchesca I ha' e(er met was a MeCican American woman whom was my co worDer ?rom .ami+y 3o++arAs sister 5 his name was 2ony Gon>a+es4 I @e+ie(e that 1mi+y was +e?t with .ranchesca Gon>a+esA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. I am

?air+y certain that .ranchesca worDe' on the same street that 7esare was +i(in) on 5 Spr*ce Street at G2he :ay HomeG. 2ony Gon>a+es was a MeCican American Hispanic whom was ?rien's witrh 3an 0ropa++o an' Be?? 7a@ra+ 4 @oth o? whom were Asatr*ars. I +ater 'isco(ere' that .ranchesca was my missin) @est ?rien' 1mi+y Is+es whom I +o(e (ery m*ch 4 miss immense+y 4 an' am eCtreme+y worrie' a@o*t. 1mi+y was temporari+y p+ace' in a )ro*p home c+ose to this +ocation an' may ha(e @een a@'*cte' @y 7esare whi+e at this +ocation a?ter ha(in) @een @+in'e'. I @e+ie(e that 7esare has n*mero*s connections within the USA Go(ernment whom are +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 which was his pro@a@+e )ran'?ather B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ho*se. 7esare seems to ha(e a+ot o? Po+ice connections in New Hampshire 4 Massach*settes 4 an' #ho'e Is+an'. U In 2005 4 7esare an' a re+ati(e o? his @oth to+' me that I was )oin) to P*r)atory 5 the p+ace where non 7atho+ics )o a?ter 'eath i? they are not e(i+ peop+e. Accor'in) to 7esare 4 a sin+ess man who is not a 7atho+ic 'oes not maDe it to hea(en a?ter 'eath < instea' he is cast into P*r)atory. P*r)atory is o?ten 'escri@e' @y catho+ics as @ein) a p+ace o? a@so+*te 'arDness an' the state o? @ein) a@so+*te+y a+one 5 comp+ete an' permanant sensory 'epri(ation. I was to+' that this was )oin) to @e the ?ate o? my re+i)io*s comm*nity. 2his was aro*n' the 'ate that 1mi+y was a@'*cte'. 7esare an' another 7atho+ic @oth to+' me that I was a )oo' man an' that I ha' a ?aith @*t that it was the wron) ?aith an' I an' my peop+e were )oin) to P*r)atory. U 3*rin) 200" 5 3.B. an' his ?rien' Me)an McG*ire @e)an han)in) o*t with G.ranchescaG @rie?+y 4 I saw them ?rom a 'istance at the +i@rary an' 'i' not rea+i>e that the woman with them was 1mi+y. I +ater ?o*n' o*t that 3.B. poisone' 1mi+y. I was to+' that 1mi+y s*r(i(e' the poisonin). U 3*rin) 20105 I was in?orme' @y a ?rien' whi+e at 2.B.s @ar that 1mi+y was a@'*cte' @y % Ita+ians whi+e wa+Din) near the /ee 3ynasty 'own So*th :i++ow St in Manchester NewHampshire. I was to+' that these % Ita+ians in a Hon'a ha' rape' her an' +ater p*she' her o*t the win'ow o? the mo(in) (ehic+e near the #ite Ai' an' *se' A*tomoti(e 3ea+ership near L*eenAs city @ri')e an' So*th :i++ow St. . I am 'is)*ste' to Dnow that no@o'y testi?ie'. 7*rrent+y 4 An)+o SaCon an' Gae+ic are racia+ tar)ets o? the A6IS 5 these Ita+ian th*)s are most +iDe+y .i+i@ertoAs A6IS So+'iers 4 he has recr*ite' )an) *nits into the A6IS. 1&!"N 1C!(I#& B"S %H& N"1& O$ %H& !#"N2-2"(!H%&# O$ 1Y $"%H&#'S $#I&N2 $#"N 1C!(I#& O$ 1&##I1"CK N&BH"1PSHI#&3 * :-: 7ason 7effre5 :-: U In 200% 5 Bason Be??rey picDe' me *p ?rom Haywar' st in Manchester NewHampshire to )o p+ay poo+ at a @i++iar's @ar. 0n the way to the @i++iar's @ar 4 Bason Be??rey asDe' me G3*'e... 'i' yo* Dnow that A'o+? Hit+er was Ita+ianOG an' starte' +a*)hin) an' sai' GItAs so o@(io*s he was Ita+ian 4 I 'onAt Dnow why peop+e ne(er notice'. He so*n's +iDe a pisse' o?? pi>>a che? ye++in) at some@o'y in German. $isten to this (oice.G an' starte' p+ayin) a recor'in) o? A'o+? Hit+er speaDin) in Germany. 2his recor'in) was ?rom a .ein'?+*) a+@*m4 which is a @an' ?rom Germany that we @oth +iDe a+ot 5 this @an' is act*a++y not a racist @an' at a++4 nor are they A6IS. Bason Be??rey then state' that A'o+? Hit+er e(en +ooDe' Ita+ian an was sti++ +a*)hin) a@o*t how stran)e it is that no@o'y notice'. Bason state' that he is ha+? Ita+ian himse+? an' that he e(en +ooDs +ess Ita+ian than A'o+? Hit+er 'i'. Bason is possi@+y a tar)et o? .i+As now that this ha' occ*rre'. Bason an' I ha(e not h*n) o*t since 200% so I am not s*re i? anythin) has occ*rre' in(o+(in) .i+ 1man*e+eAs attacDs in the North 1ast o? North America.

:-: the %ia u)-ic.s :-: U I met a woman name' 2ia $*'wicD whi+e at Hampton ;each who remin'e' me a+ot o? my missin) ?rien' 1mi+y. 2ia was +i(in) in $eominster Massach*settes at this time. 2ia an' I @ecame H*icD ?rien's @*t +ooDin) at her ?ace@ooD now4 it is apparent that there are ?o*r 'i??erent peop+e c+aimin) to @e G2ia $*'wicDG. 2here are three 'i??erent peop+esA ?aces on her ?ace@ooD an' it seems to @e comman'eere' @y some@o'y e+se. 2he woman on the @each with me in the photos on my ?ace@ooD is not the same woman as the one on the c*rrent 2ia $*'wicD ?ace@ooD. I @e+ie(e that she may @e a tar)ette' (ictim an' that she may @e re+ate' somehow to Michae+ Bohnston. She was wearin) Michae+ BohnstonAs +eather necD+ace4 @*t his S*nna:en'i &S*n:hee+, was missin) ?rom the cor'5 instea'4 there was a stee+ antiH*e washer rin) on it. G2ia $*'wicDG seems +iDe an a+ias that was most +iDe+y picDe' ?or her 5 Michae+ Moynihan o? the ;oston @an' ;+oo' ACis writes ?or 2/# B0U#NA$ an' he is ?rom Massach*settes. H0$$/:003 incorrect+y portrays the ;oston accent as prono*ncin) #As as i? they are an GeahG so*n'. Accor'in) to H0$$/:003 stereotypes4 2yr wo*+' @e prono*nce' G2eeahG in ;oston. $*'wicDowsDi was my ?rien'As mai'en name @e?ore she marrie' one o? my @est ?rien's #yan Har(ey. $*'wicD a+so maDes m*sic eH*ipment4 #yan was in a ;oston area 'eathmeta+ @an' ca++e' Sco*r)e. 2ia +ooDs simi+ar to 1mi+y Is+es4 she a+so +ooDs re+ate' to #yanAs motherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y. 2iaAs )+asses were the same shape as #yanAs )+asses ?rom hi)hschoo+. 2he imposte*r Pach An'rosDi mentione' that he wante' to )et a tattoo on his @acD o? a 2ri.orce o? :is'om ?rom the )ame Pe+'a. He a+so state' that he wante' to )et a tattoo o? Unti+ 3eath 3o Us Part in a @+acD si++ho*ette o? trees on his @acD. 2ia $*'wicD ha' these tattoos when I met her. UU 2wo years prior to this4 I ha' 'rawn a pict*re o? 2yr & the Aesir , ho+'in) a spatha. 2he spatha was thematica++y 'esi)ne' < ha(in) a tri?i'ic 2iwa> @in' r*ne on the @ase o? the @+a'e as we++ as a SUNNA:1N3I on the pomme+ )a*r' 5 +iDe the S*n:hee+ pen'ant Michae+ Bohnston was wearin) when he came into .ami+y 3o++ar. My 'epiction o? 2yr a+so ha' a +on) Unc+e SamAs Gso*+ patchG an' a 2iwa> r*ne tattooe' o(er the +e?t eye. Psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+in) o? the entire e(ents s*rro*n'in) these (i(isections an' tra??icDin) (ictimi>ations re(ea+s the o@(io*s ?act that the )*i+ty party can see thro*)h the +e?t eye o? the (ictims '*e to the p+acement o? the Ne*ro7hip ;.7.I. 5 the p+acement o? the 2iwa> r*ne most +iDe+y str*cD ?ear into the min' o? the )*i+ty party whom I @e+ie(e was most +iDe+y to @e =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e themse+(es +ooDin) thro*)h my +e?t eye. U :hen I was poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' what was most +iDe+y a #a'ioacti(e San'wich5 the )*i+ty party was @eyon' a 'o*@t in?*riate' @y the ?act that e(en a?ter ! months o? eCcr*tiatin) pain4 my @o'y starte' hea+in) on itAs own witho*t proper me'ication. :hi+e at the :arpe' 2o*r in Mans?ie+' Massach*settes < 2ia $*'wicD @e)an to ca++ me :o+(erine4 I @e+ie(e she is one o? their tra??icDin) (ictims 5 wo+(erine is a Mar(e+ 7omics character possessin) o? the capa@i+ity to re)enerati(e+y hea+ eCtreme+y ?ast an' he has meta+ c+aws4 I ha(e a meta+ p+ate in my ri)ht han'. 2he )*i+ty party most +iDe+y ha' @e)*n to maDe ins*+tin) IoDes a@o*t 2hor re?errin) to 2hor as Gnothin) @*t a Mar(e+ 7omics character.G an' maDe IoDes a@o*t how I m*st @e G:eapon 6 materia+ in or'er to hea+ so ?ast4 an' with that meta+ p+ate...G etc. 2he character :o+(erine is a H*man =i(isection (ictim o? a crimina+ or)ani>ation worDin) within the 7ana'ian Mi+itary #esearch 3epartment *sin) their ?*n'in) ?or eCperiments on +i(e h*mans. :hen I was 1E4 I @roDe my han' an' a meta+ p+ate ha' to @e s*r)ica++y attache' to my Meta7arpa+.

U :hi+e at the :arpe' 2o*r in Mans?ie+' Massach*settes4 2ia $*'wicD an' I arri(e at a speci?ic sta)e 5 imme'iate+y a?ter which4 the @an' @e)an to p+ay the son) GSDinhea'4 yo*Are a+ot +iDe meG an' the @ass p+ayer &who coinci'ent+y +ooDs re+ate' to the 2re(ino ?ami+y, notice' *s imme'iate+y an' was )rinnin) e(i++y at me. His eCpression portraye' that he was Gin the DnowG a@o*t somethin) an' that he c+ear+y reco)ni>e' 2ia $*'wicD. :e were stan'in) eCtreme+y ?ar away ?rom the sta)e an' we were at the si'e entrance to the theatre. :hi+e worDin) with 1' :arren4 '*e to a++ o? his +ies 5 n*mero*s peop+e in the comm*nity were ca++in) me the Na>i SDinhea' with the $on) Hair. 2he timin) o? this 'i' not at a++ seem coinci'enta+ 5 a@o*t an ho*r a?ter this4 2ia @e)an to show (isi@+e si)ns o? psycho+o)ica+ 'iscom?ort an' wante' to +ea(e. U G2G is the 2iwa> r*ne in .*tharD a+pha@etics 4 the G2G IoDe in re?erence to the 21#MINA20# wo*+' ha(e come o*t o? the mo*ths o? the )*i+ty party a?ter seein) my 'rawin) thro*)h my own 7omp*ter Inter?ace' 0cc*+ar Ner(eAs ma)netic resi'*a+s presente' on their comp*ter screen in the ?orm o? a Point 0? =iew camera o? my $1.2 1/1 =ISI0N. My A0$ Instant Messan)er screenname *pon the 'ate o? the poisonin) was IAN2I:AP. 1' :arren 2005 5 2erminator 2 re?erence GAre yo* )oin) to @e the +ast one )oin) 'own into the +a(aOG a 2ri.i'ic ;in'#*ne is a si)i+ o? three o(er+ayin) r*nes4 21#MINA20# 3 aire' repeate'+y on H;0 '*rin) 2005 when I was @ein) sta+De' @y hacDers an' 9enneth B*''As 70M7AS2 2#IP$1 P$A/ was @ein) hacDe'. 2here are 3 'i??erent woman on G2iaAsG ?ace@ooD acco*ntAs photos. 1(ent*a++y I happene' to meet a secon' G2iaG that is not in the .ace;ooD photos. U A month a?ter the :arpe' 2o*r4 I 'ro(e to $eominster to (isit G2iaG. I picDe' her *p at the ma++. :e 'ro(e aro*n' ?or a ?ew ho*rs a?ter which she to+' me that she nee'e' to ta+D to her G)ran'?atherG. I was to+' that her )ran'?ather has a )ara)e ri)ht neCt 'oor to $eominster. :e 'ro(e to a )ara)e4 I met a Sici+ian man who +ie' to me4 c+aimin) that he was her @io+o)ica+ )ran'?ather 5 which he certain+y was not. A?ter spen'in) a@o*t ten min*tes at the )ara)e4 we 'eci'e' to +ea(e. I wa+De' o*tsi'e to start the car. A?ter waitin) approCimate+y ten min*tes4 G2iaG came o*t o? the )ara)e an' )ot into my car. I @e)an 'ri(in) an' *pon +ooDin) to my ri)ht4 I notice' that it was a 'i??erent ?ema+e entire+y wearin) the same c+othes. 2his yo*n) +a'y +ooDe' a@o*t 1" an' remin'e' me o? Michae+ Bohnston physica++y 4 so m*ch that it may ha(e @een a re+ati(e o? his. G2ia $*'wicDG +ooDe' a@o*t 25. She asDe' me to 'rop her o?? at the ma++. 2he pro)rammer contro++in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD4 somehow hypnoti>e' me to imme'iate+y ?or)et that she wasnAt 2ia 5 this @rin)s to my min' the Science Ma)a>ine artic+e a@o*t the eCperiments in(o+(in) the 'o)As @rain an' (is*a+ i'entity reco)nition. 2he yo*n)er +a'yAs ?ace seeme' to twitch s+i)ht+y an' her necD m*sc*+at*re seeme' s+i)ht+y ro@otic in re?+eCi(e reaction to some ?orei)n imp*+se 5 it was as i? her necD was @ein) steere' @y a BoysticD an' Arrow 9eys on a Dey@oar'4 +iDe a sentry camera. She @e)an to ta+D to me a@o*t her chi+'hoo'. Her +i?e story was simi+ar to my motherAs. Her mother was a seC tra??icDin) (ictim o? a @iDer )an)4 an' she seeme' to @e tar)ette' @y the ma?ia ?or seC tra??icDin) (ictimi>ation herse+?. Her motherAs @oy?rien' *se' to a@*se her horri@+y. I to+' her that my mother ha' @een thro*)h somethin) simi+ar an' that @eca*se I *n'erstan' the sit*ation4 she co*+' ta+D to me a@o*t thin)s that she ?ee+s *ncom?orta@+e ta+Din) to others a@o*t. I then 'roppe' her o?? at the ma++. I am certain that she was Dnow+e')a@+e that she ha' some Din' o? comp*teri>e' 'e(ice connecte' to her @rain< @*t was too ?ri)htene' to ta+D a@o*t it 'irect+y 4 @ein) that she 'i' not Dnow me at a++. 2his )ir+ +ooDe' eCact+y +iDe a )ir+ my sister S*mmer *se' to @e ?rien's with whom she met at an Anime 7on(ention in Massach*settes. 2he name S*mmer

to+' *s was 1mi+y an' her ?rien' was a@o*t 5 years o+'er than her. U I @e+ie(e the Ma++ near $eominster possi@+y may ha(e @een the .oC#*n Ma++ in Newin)ton Massach*settes. Phone n*m@ers associate' with 2ia are "!8 53! 2"0"4 508 82E !8"34 an' a thir' n*m@er which I ha(e since +ost @*t wi++ @e in the e+ectronic recor's ?rom 20115 ce++phone4 internet4 an' otherwise. 2he ho*se in $eominster was s*ppose'+y 2iaAs )ran'?atherAs ho*se 5 this sit*ation is too simi+ar to @e i)nore' 4 it is the same sit*ation as 2ay+a +i(in) with her Gran'.ather '*rin) the time when her Mother poisone' me with @+acDmo+' in an ice'co??ee. 2he 'i??erence is that none o? these ?ema+es are Ita+ians. 2he o+' man +ooDe' to @e o? 'irect ?ami+ia+ re+ation to 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather< an' +ooDin) @acD now4 I @e+ie(e they may @e co*sins. I @e+ie(e that this yo*n) +a'y is a Di'nap (ictim. U 2he +ast time that I saw the secon' G2iaG was a?ter the ma++. She c+aime' to ha(e mo(e' in to an apartment with a ?rien'4 whom was in the Arme' .orces< the apartment @ein) in what I thinD was .ranD+in4 7he+ms?or'4 or 2yn)s@oro Massach*settes. I am not entire+y s*re o? the +ocation @*t it a+so may ha(e @een Meth*en. 2his is store' in the e+ectronic recor's o? my o+' ce++ phones as we++ as the internet recor's ?rom my ?atherAs ho*se. 2he apartment was @are 5 on+y her @e'room was ?*rnishe' with a @e'4 a c+oset ?i++e' with c+othin)4 an' @ooDs. 0n the ?+oor in one o? the rooms< there was a pi+e o? mi+itary iss*e c+othin)4 a @e'ro++4 a mi+itary @acDpacD4 as we++ as a +ar)e Dni?e which was not mi+itary iss*e 5 these thin)s were proporte' to @e+on) to her roommate. At one point4 she went to the apartment *pstairs in or'er to ta+D to some@o'y. :hen G2iaG came @acD 'own to her apartment4 it was the secon' G2iaG. She spent the rest o? the 'ay p+ayin) G*itarHero. I +e?t con?*se'4 tryin) to ?i)*re o*t which one was which. 2he secon' G2iaG < the yo*n)er o? the two 5 remin'e' me a+ot o? my sisterAs ?rien' G1mi+yG ?rom Massach*settes. She met her ?rien' G1mi+yG at an Anime con(ention in Massach*settes. I @e+ie(e G1mi+yG sho*+' @e aro*n' 20 years o+' ri)ht now4 S*mmer ha' +ie' a@o*t her ?rien'As a)e @y a@o*t 5 years. 2he man who came to picD her *p ?rom my sisterAs ho*se ! years a)o was the Mi+?or' F 7o. Q He++As An)e+As associate that has @een (isitin) my c*rrent neCt 'oor nei)h@or. I am positi(e that this man is re+ate' to Banet Poten>aAs ?ami+y. /et a)ain4 this @rin)s to min' 1' :arrenAs statement to Anthony 3e?eo in the mi''+e o? the store near the )reetin) car's4 when he state' G2his is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers4 '*'e.G an' the ?act that the Manchester NewHampshire 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es was in(esti)ate' '*e to the crimes committe' @y emp+oyees who ha' @een printin) '*p+icate i'enti?ication car's ?or terrorists to *se as a+iases. U G2iaG ha' a ?rien' name' GSa+sa ;ie+G whom +ooDe' re+ate' to a woman name' 9e+sey who was my ?rien' Boe $e;aronAs eC wi?eAs @est ?rien'. Hi++ary ;ri)ham was a+so Boe $e;aronAs eC wi?eAs @est?rien'. 2here is an impersonator whom has @een preten'in) to @e Hi++ary ;ri)ham 5 this impersonator has @een *sin) the names Hi++ary #i(ers an' Hi++ary MarH*a't. BoeAs eC wi?eAs name was 7he+sea A(i+as. 2here seems to @e a man *sin) Boe $e;aronAs I'enti?ication c*rrent+y as we++. 2he man preten'in) to @e Boe $e;aron is sma++er4 has a narrower Iaw4 has a sma++er chest4 has +ess hair than Boe4 he a+so may ha(e a c+ean @+oo' test 5 '*rin) 200E4 Boe $e;aron ha' c+aime' to ha(e Hepatitis 7 an' was +ast Dnown to @e in a #eha@ 7+inic 4 possi@+y e(en :estwoo' $o')e which was the same c+inic my mother was @ro*)ht to @e?ore she went missin) an' these impersonators ha(e @een wa+Din) aro*n'. 2he man *sin) Boe $e;aronAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication a+so has a +on)er an' narrower nose than Boe. U ;etween 200E 2013 2he man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man in 2roy NewHampshire has ha' m*t*a+ ?rien's on his .ace;ooD acco*nt share' with the G2ia $*'wicDG .ace;ooD Acco*nt. Most o?

these m*t*a+ ?rien's are Ita+ians whom the ?aDe #on ;oar'man c+aime' was his G;ran)aG si'e o? the ?ami+y. He has @een c+aimin) to @e ha+? Ita+ian on his motherAs si'e. He is entire+y Ita+ian o? $om@ar'ic race. #on ;oar'man was An)+o SaCon 5 he was an Asatr*ar < #on ;oar'man was a ?rien' o? my !th Gra'e 1n)+ish teacher Stacy Sea@*ry4 o? the a*thor Swain :o'enin) whom is ;erry 7anote o? 2eCas4 an' o? n*mero*s Asatr*ars in North America. 2he .06#UN Ma++ is in Newin)ton Massach*settes I*st o(er the @or'er ?rom Portsmo*th New Hampshire ;*sStation 5 there is a @*s which r*ns ?rom Portsmo*th to Newin)ton Massach*settes. ;oth Michae+ Bohnston an' my se+? ha(e ha' ?ami+y an' ?rien's who +i(e' in the Portsmo*th re)ion o? New Hampshire. It is entire+y pro@a@+e that the yo*n)er G2ia $*'wicDG whom was seen at the .oC#*n Ma++ is a co*sin o? my own or Michae+As. It is a+so pro@a@+e that @*sses ?rom $eominster 4 2yn)s@oro4 Portsmo*th4 ;oston4 7oncor'4 an' Newin)ton ha(e @een *se' to transport in'i(i'*a+s. Ma++s are a++ on a @*s ro*te as are airports an' cities. I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that the man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man has sto+en his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' may act*a++y @e =ittorio 1man*e+eAs co*sin 4 'escen'ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II. * :-: "ttac.s on the "satru Communit5 :-: U A+so o? re+e(ance to Asatr*4 New Bersey4 an' this in(esti)ation is the ?act that the attacDs on the Asatr* comm*nity in(o+(e' n*mero*s attacDs on New Bersey ?ami+ies re+ate' to the Asatr* comm*nity an' the eCtensions o? their ?ami+ies e+sewhere 5 7athryn ;*rDe 4 MiDe Smith 4 3an 0ropa++o 4 Stacy Sea@*ry 4 ;erry 7anote 4 Stephanie 7onro' 4 an' n*mero*s other Asatr*ars in the North 1ast re)ion ha(e ?ami+y whom were +i(in) in New Bersey @etween 200% 2013 an' most pro@a@+y ha(e @een attacDe'. My +on) time ?rien' Ben $inco+n was +i(in) in New Bersey '*rin) 2005 an' mentione' that '*rin) 200! peop+e @e)an to arri(e in New Bersey whom appeare' to @e entire+y ?orei)n an' possi@+y p+astic s*r)erie' 5 these peop+e seeme' we++ pracitice' at preten'in) to @e American an' so*n' American @*t were o@(io*s+y not ?irst +an)*a)e 1n)+ish speaDers nor were they the in'i(i'*a+s whom they c+aime' to @e < Ben $inco+n mentione' that it seeme' pro@a@+e that these peop+e were carryin) American peop+esA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' were impersonatin) them ?or p*rpose o? espiona)e. Peter Stee+e 'ie' soon a?ter pro'*cin) the a+@*m G3ea' A)ainG with his @an' 2ype 0 Ne)ati(e < this @ein) the res*+t o? what appeare' to @e an *neCp+aine' heart attacD simi+ar to ;r*ce $eeAs 'eath. I @e+ie(e that the photo)raph ?or the co(er o? G3ea' A)ainG is a photo)raph o? #asp*tin4 the #*ssian Seer whom prophesie' the comin) o? the Anti7hrist 5 in 200%4 Be?? #enseAs we@site p*@+ishe' an artic+e a@o*t =ittorio 1man*e+e which inc+*'e' a photo)raph o? =ittorio 1man*e+e with the tit+e GAN2I7H#IS2G printe' across it. In 2010 4 I notice' a @ooD ca++e' G2he 0r)anic PoisonerAs Han'@ooDG on a she+? at ;arnes an' No@+e. 3*rin) 200% I or'ere' a @ooD ?rom S-ain Bo)ening tit+e' &ammer of the 'ods ( Anglo) Sa*on +aganism in Modern $imes Second Edition 4 my or'er was p+ace' o(er the internet *sin) Ama> to p+ace the or'er. 2he hacDers whom were watchin) my comp*ter wo*+' ha(e notice' this. 3*e to =ittorioAs paranoia4 it is possi@+e that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) Swain :o'enin) &whoAs rea+ name is ;erry 7anote, an' his associate' networD o? Asatr*ars a++ the way to New 1n)+an'. Swain ha' ?rien's in New 1n)+an'. Swain :o'enin) Dnew #on ;oar'man4 an o+' schoo+teacher o? mine ?rom when I was a yo*th4 Michae+ Moynihan4 mem@ers o? the #*ne G*i+'4 an' ha' met Michae+ Smith on more than one occasion. - 1ichael Smith &:riter4 Gothi o? the U+?ar o? Bera 2heo', came in to the store one time to @*y a

+i)ht@*+@. 2his was two years @e?ore I )ot to Dnow him. He ha' come to the store to see who I was @eca*se he hear' there was an Asatr*ar worDin) in Manchester New Hampshire 5 a short 'ri(e ?rom where he worDe' in ;e'?or' New Hampshire4 neCt to the ;e'?or' Po+ice Station. MiDe worDe' in an o??ice ?or a payro++ 'epartment near the ;e'?or' Po+ice 3epartment an' the ;e'?or' .;I o??ice. MiDe may ha(e @een tar)ette' @y the same peop+e as I4 aro*n' this time. His MIo+nir was open+y worn in an' was (isi@+e on camera. - * !lo*al 2enigration of "satru in Pu*lication an) Promotion of &@tremities of Hatre) Concerning "satru * - * 3*rin) 2005 5 an eCtremist )+o@a+ socia+ en)ineerin) campai)n @e)an which was starte' ?or the intention o? 'estroyin) the Asatr* comm*nity entire+y. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 a month a?ter =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' ma'e his secon' or thir' appearance 5 Anthony 3e.eo sai' to 1' :arren whi+e they were stan'in) @ehin' me '*rin) @*siness ho*rs G I thinD this is )oin) to @ecome a rea+ re+i)ion G meanin) that Anthony @e+ie(e' that Asatr* was )oin) to @ecome a reco)ni>e' wor+' re+i)ion in contrast to what it was at the time 4 @ein) on+y o??icia++y reco)ni>e' @y the nation o? Ice+an'. 1' :arren rep+ie' to this sayin) G0h4 not it aint. Not i? I can 'o somethin) a@o*t it.G . 3*rin) this time 5 n*mero*s internet posts @y Asatr*ars whom were comm*nicatin) *sin) ?or*ms on the internet an' n*mero*s we@sites concernin) history an' archaeo+o)y were attacDe' @y 7omp*ter HacDers 4 these attacDs in(o+(e' the 'e?amation o? the Asatr* re+i)ion @y metho' o? @+atant +ies an' 'isin?ormation as we++ as the 'eni)ration o? Germanic races o? peop+e. A we@site artic+e concernin) the termino+o)y G=estmanIarG was a+tere' to maDe it appear as i? Germanic peop+es (iewe' the Irish an' ;ritish as i? they were a@so+*te in?eriors ?it ?or nothin) @*t the harshest possi@+e con'itions o? s+a(ery 5 G=estmanG was 'escri@e' as meanin) GMan o? the =estG an' a (est o? chains was presente' with an enormo*s +ocD in the center 4 this +ooDe' +iDe a possi@+e prisoners (est ?rom the 1800As which wo*+' ha(e @een worn @y a m*r'erer whom was @ein) @ro*)ht to tria+. G=estmanG means G:est ManG or GMan o? the :estG 5 the Germanic peop+es +i(in) in the re)ion o? ;ritain4 Mann4 an' Ire+an' were re?erre' to as G=estmanIarG @y the GNor'manIarG whom were the GMen o? the NorthG. 0? simi+arity 5 G=isi GothsG means G:est Ga*tsG an' wo*+' ha(e @een =estri Ga*tar prior to $atini>ation o? the prono*nciation as we++ as wo*+' ha(e G0stro GothsG meant G1ast Ga*tsG an' ha(e @een A*stri Ga*tar which are the GothAs o? A*stria < the name o? A*stria @ein) 1astri an' the 0sterreich @ein) the 1ast 9in)'om. Ga*t is one o? 0'inAs names4 Gothi or Ga*ti @ein) a name ?or the Priest whom ser(es the re+i)io*s comm*nitiesA nee's '*rin) ;+ot an' S*m@+e as we++ as other #e+i)io*s #ites an' nee's o? the comm*nity 5 Ga*ti corre+ates to the name Ga*t an' 'escri@es a H*ai+ity o? @ein) Gone o? 0'inAsG. 0ther artic+es ha(e @een e'ite' in the past to portray the Asatr* comm*nity as an *n+aw?*+ an' crimina+ comm*nity o? rapists4 m*r'erers4 an' 'r*nDs prone to acts o? (io+ence. N*mero*s Asatr*arAs acco*nts on messa)e @oar's were hacDe' res*+tin) in the sta+Din) o? entire comm*nities o? Asatr*ars 5 acco*nts were a+so ?a+se ?+a))e' ?or the p*rpose o? ?omentin) a #eactionary $ynch Mo@ o? an)ry paranoi' sta+Ders 4 these peop+e were eCpose' to n*mero*s +ies which were cra?te' in attempt to portray the Asatr* comm*nity as the en)ineers an' orchestrators o? the 3r' #eich an' the Ho+oca*sts. 2hese an)ry hate?*+ mo@s were manip*+ate' into a reactionary hysteria which res*+te' in harrassment4 rapes4 an' m*r'ers in some p+aces 5 entire ?ami+ies seem to @e missin) c*rrent+y. :hen I wrote to Henry MaDow in 200% 4 I*st prior to his postin) o? A'o+? Hit+erAs Aristocratic 1man*e+e an' Aosta +inea)e 5 I ha'

mentione' #omans an' their 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) o? massi(e pop*+ations o? Germanic an' Ga*+ish women4 I ha' a+so mentione' h*mo*ro*s+y the i'ea that the Germans an' Ga*+s sho*+' ha(e a++ie' to the Israe+is an' Di++e' the #omans. A ?ew weeDs a?ter this emai+ which I ha' written to Henry MaDow 5 an artic+e was poste' on Henry MaDowAs which 'isp+aye' the #oman AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar' with the $a*re+ :reath aro*n' the hooDe' cross o? the German 1mpire shape' as a swastiDa in itAs center which ha' @een p+ace' in the han's o? the 'ra?te' German ma+es '*rin) the 3r' #eich. 2he sym@o+ism o? this AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar' is the assimi+ation o? Germany an' itAs Germanic race into the #oman Imperia+ i'entity an' e(ent*a++y race 5 the $a*re+ $ea(es o? the 1mperor are @o*n' as a May Po+e :reath4 the AH*i+a is toppe' @y an NS3AP in p+ace o? the S.P.L.#. inspire' @y the Senate Pop*+*s L*ota #ep*@+ic o? the #oman 1mpire an' an IN#I inspire' p+acar' o? simi+ar sym@o+ism as the #oman cr*ci?iCion o? Bes*s 7hrist < the #oman AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar' is s*percessant+y o(er+aye' *pon the German 1mpireAs ?+a) which is hooDe' into a SwastiDa shape. I @e+ie(e that it was ?or this reason that =ittorio 1man*e+e ass*me' that I was the one whom to+' Henry MaDow an' the Pri(ate In(esti)ators associate' with him who A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y was 5 @eca*se I ha' mentione' #omans. Germany ha' @een 'ra?te' @y the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as an Imperia+ $e)ion o? their Neo #oman Imperia+ist G+o@a+ .action. In Germany 4 peop+e were @ein) )i(en n*m@ers simi+ar to the ancient #oman Imperia+ Aparthei'ist System4 the new sa+*te in Germany was a #oman Sa+*te4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+a was tryin) to re(erse a++ e??ects which #omantic Nationa+ism ha' achie(e' concernin) the restoration o? Germanicism in the Nationa+ Home+an' o? the peop+e o? 3e*tsche+an' 5 this was @ein) 'one thro*)h psycho+o)y meas*res 4 primari+y in(o+(in) the p*@+ic 'isp+ay o? ima)ery which 'epicte' the Nor'ic Germanic Ma+e as the GG+o@a++y S*perior #aceG ?or the p*rpose o? 'istractin) Germany ?rom the ?orei)n #oman Sa+*te which they were sa+*tin) to a ?orei)n 'ictator o? a ?orei)n nationa+ race o? peop+e. A'o+? Hit+er an' a++ o? this @o'y )*ar's were *sin) pse*'o nyms an' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which were ?or)eries 5 most o? them whom were photo)raphe' appear to @e o? miCe' Ita+ian race an' other 1*ropean nationa+ities ?rom the re)ion4 the a++ies o? the 3r' #eich were in ?act primari+y peop+e whom were open+y #oman .ascists as we++ as 0ttoman $oya+ists an' Nationa+ists ?rom :estern 1*rope4 North A?rica4 an' the Mi''+e 1ast whom ha' @een +ie' to an' recr*ite' into .orei)n $e)ions +a@e+e' Sh*t>Sta??e+ +e)ions. 2he I@nSa*' #oya+ .ami+yAs 1mpire were a++ies o? the 3r' #eich. Since 200% 5 Anti B*'aism in the conteCt o? 7hristian +ect*re has @een present in me'ia an' in p*@+ic en(irons 'escri@in) /es* 7hristi as the Bewish #a@@i whom the Bews themse+(es tort*re' an' 7r*ci?ie' < 7r*ci?iCion was speci?ica++y the #oman ?orm o? 7apita+ P*nishment ?or those o? +ower Aparthei' Strata 4 #omans p+ace' a crown o? thorns to /esh*a the #a@@iAs hea' 4 #omans a+so nai+e' a p+acar' to his cross with an acronym statin) G2he 9in) o? Israe+.G4 7aesar Israe+i was the tit+e earne' @y the 7aesar whom ha' conH*ere' Israe+. 2his same metho' o? 'eni)ration has @een *se' *pon others recent+y inc+*'in) the Asatr* comm*nity whom ha(e @een +a@e+e' as @ein) #apists 4 a GPi++a)erG threat to their own comm*nity4 a G.orei)n #e+i)ionG in their own .o+DAs Home+an's4 a threat to G#e+i)io*s Peop+eG 4 an' a G.ictiona+ #e+i)ionG. 0ther p*@+ications intentiona++y pro'*ce' ?or the p*rpose o? 'e?amin) an' 'eni)ratin) Asatr* as a re+i)ion an' the Asatr* comm*nity ha(e contin*e' to @e p*@+ishe' to internet as we++ as printe' in NewsPapers. N*mero*s attempts ha(e @een ma'e to a+i)n Asatr* with what has @een 'escri@e' as

GNeo Na>ismG 4 this GNeo Na>ismG in ?act @ein) nothin) @*t an ACis Aesthetic to a )ro*p o? #acist I'entities 5 Asatr* is co*nter c*+t*re to the A6IS #oman .ascist I'entity which was an assimi+ati(e syncretic #oman I'entity with an imperia+ a)en'a. 2he p*rpose ?or the Ho+oca*st was the e+imination o? ?*t*re ins*r)ents 5 Israe+ was (iewe' as a race o? ?*t*re ins*r)ents '*e to the Israe+i Nationa+istsA open 'ec+aration o? their p+ans ?or Israe+i Nationa+ In'epen'ence as a Nation State in the Home+an' o? the Israe+i .o+D which ha' c*rrent+y @een occ*pie' @y the 0ttoman 1mpire '*rin) :or+' :ar 1. 2he 0ttoman #oya+ .ami+y were acH*aintances o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y as we++ as 'i' they @ecome a++ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy prior to the 1st :or+' :ar an' remaine' as s*ch ?or some time a?terwar's. 2he eCtermination o? the Bewish .o+D was not a res*+t o? their Hair an' 1ye )enetics 4 it was Po+itica++y A+i)ne' #acist 1Ctremism 5 the Bewish peop+e were (iewe' as pop*+ation which co*+' not @e assimi+ate' @y a G+o@a+ 1mpire as were a++ Nationa+ists whom the A6IS tar)ette' ?or 'ra?tin) as cannon ?o''er. $iDe B*'aism4 Asatr* is a .o+D #e+i)ion 5 n*mero*s attempts ha(e @een ma'e to +a@e+ Asatr* as G.o+DishG an' to seperate a pop*+ation ?rom the Asatr*ars @y metho' o? +a@e+in) them GUni(ersa+istG < G.o+DishG Asatr*ars are here'itari+y Germanic an' @ein) that Asatr* is a .o+D #e+i)ion 4 this is an attempt at 'estroyin) the i'entity o? the pop*+ation itse+?. ;e)inin) in 200% 5 Asatr* was @ein) 'escri@e' to (ario*s peop+e as the G#acist ;*n'tG that create' A'o+? Hit+er4 c*stomers whom ?reH*ent+y p*rchase' items at my p+ace o? worD '*rin) 2005 were ye++in) acc*sations o? #acia+ 1Ctremism at me on a 'ai+y @asis an' co worDers acc*se' me o? @ein) a #acist 1Ctremist whom (enerate' A'o+? Hit+er. I was acc*se' o? hi'in) #A7ISM @ehin' re+i)ion. 3*rin) this time 5 Israe+ was +a@e+e' an Aparthei'ist State 4 Bewish peop+es were +a@e+e' #acist 1Ctremists4 an' Nati(e Americans @e)an to @e attacDe' @y Genoci'a+ Ita+ian .ascist .actions. A .o+D #e+i)ion is the tra'itiona+ here'itary re+i)ion o? a race o? peop+e. It seems incre'i@+y +iDe+y that the mo@@in) at my worD an' the (ariio*s ins*+ts @ein) thrown at me ?rom @ehin' the co*ntair was .i++i@erto 1mane*+eAs 'oin). Most o? these ins*+t were acc*sations o? racism 4 acc*sations that I was in a Gracist @*n'tG 4 an' acc*sations that I @e+ie(e' in 1thnic 7+eansin) non whites an' worshippe' A'o+? Hit+er. 3*rin) the year 2005 < a nasty Socia+ 1n)ineerin) 2actic was *se' 5 the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator @e)an pro'*cin) an' presentin) what they ca++e' #aHo:a Hammers which were a 'e?amati(e an' mis+ea'in) (ersion o? the MIo+nir < this p*@+ication an' (is*a+ a'(ertisement was *se' as a propa)an'a piece 4 a too+ o? socia+ pro(ocation 4 an' as a too+ ?or 'emoni>ation to incite a witch h*nt ?or racist witches. 2he Asatr* comm*nity was attacDe' partia++y as a res*+t o? this 4 in some cases physica++y. 2his act*a++y was *se' to pro(oDe Hate 7rimes *pon the Asatr* comm*nity. I @e+ie(e that it was .i+ 1man*e+e an' others o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom were showin) Gan)sters 4 Anti.a 4 7o++e)e St*'ents 4 3r*) a@*sers 4 an' other city ?o+D this we@site '*rin) these % month ?or the p*rpose o? insti)atin) attacDs *pon the Asatr*ars in the re)ion an' others. Some o? the ?ear mon)erin) s*rro*n'in) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs campai)n o? 'e?amation an' 'eni)ration *pon the Asatr* comm*nity res*+te' in e(en some mem@ers o? the Bewish 7omm*nity @ein) ?ear?*+ o? *s5 there were Bewish c*stomers whom whi+e I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar4 were a?rai' to e(en si)n 7re'it S+ips that I was han'in) them a?ter their p*rchase ha' @een re)istere'. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator we@site promote' the i'ea+ o? $atin as the G+o@a+ $an)*a)e 4 an' this @e)inin) with the con(ersion o? the G:hite #acesG to a++

speaD $atin. 2he :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator is +acDin) in any i'entity an' is @asica++y a Materia+ist G+o@a+ist :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation. I @e+ie(e that this or)ani>ation is *se' to ?i+ter #oman .ascists into another or)ani>ation as we++ as recr*it ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta peop+e whom pro(i'e 'istractions ?rom the Ho*se o? Aosta an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. * :-: "ttac.s on the !othic "rt-Collecti0e Communit5 :-:

* :-: Katie Cameron :-: U Sine 200! 7o(ert A)ents Impersonatin) Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' ha(e @een +i(in) in PachAs an' 9eithAs homes preten'in) to @e them. 2he imme'iate ?ami+ies o? these two in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een rep+ace' @y 2errorist A)ents an' 2ra??icDin) =ictims 5 the eCten'e' ?ami+ies o? these peop+es are certain to @e tar)ets o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. 2he man preten'in) to @e Pach An'rosDi is an inch ta++er than the act*a+ Pach An'rosDi4 has o@(io*s+y *n'er)one 7osmetic =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to +ooD +iDe Pach An'rosDi4 an' has @ro*)ht what is possi@+y a 2ra??icDin) (ictim with him which he has *se' as an imposte*r wi?e to impersonate Mo++y Go''ar' < there is a+so a secon' Mo++y Go''ar' imposte*r whom was present in 200! on May 1%th when I ?i+e' a report at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment. 2his occ*rre' aro*n' 200! 5 which was the year that the i++e)a+ imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace c*rrent+y )ra?te' to my @rain occ*re'. Mo++y Go''ar' was an inch shorter than the woman whom has @een preten'in) to @e her 4 her ?ace was shape' 'i??ent+y 4 an' her eyes were not the pa+e aH*a co+or o? this womanAs 5 Mo++yAs eyes were @+*e. 3*rin) the year o? 200! 4 I met a woman preten'in) to @e 9atie 7ameron < the woman preten'in) to @e 9atie was ?ar too narrow o? hips an' sho*+'er wi'th to @e 9atie4 her eyes were a+so pa+e aH*a whi+e 9atie 7ameronAs eyes were in ?act two sha'es o? )reen 5 @ein) a so+i' )reen with a rin) o? @ri)ht )reen aro*n' the p*pi+. Pach An'rosDi an' Mo++y Go''ar' were recor'e' @y Sec*rity S*r(ei++ance 7ameras at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% an' 2005. 9eith Hammon' was a c+ose ?rien' o? Mo++yAs an' PachAs. 2he man whom has @een impersonatin) 9eith Hammon' has a 'i??erent shape' Iaw an' hair+ine than 9eithAs an' is two inches @roa'er. 9eith Hammon' may @e on Sec*rity 7amera (i'eo recor's with Mo++y An'rosDi4 Pach An'rosDi4 #o@ Greene4 2anya :oo'worth4 an' MiDe $e(esH*e. 2he men preten'in) to @e Pach An'rosDi an' 9eith Hammon' ha(e o@(io*s Ma?ia connections as we++ as connections to other SeC 2ra??icDers an' Mi+itary Gra'e :eapons 2ra??icDers whom were inten'e' to appear to @e associate' with Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' not =ittorio 1man*e+e4 @*t ha(e @een worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons. A man has recent+y rep+ace' Pach An'rosDiAs @io+o)ica+ twin @rother Nate An'rosDi 5 this man has a 'i??erent shape' Iaw an' sD*++ than nate4 is an inch ta++er as we++ as is @roa'er o? sho*+'er 4 an' has )otten inDe' in a++ o? NateAs tattoos. A #*ssian woman whom Dnows the imposte*r 9eith Hammon' an' may possi@+y @e a 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? this networDAs was worDin) at the Bi++ianAs Sports@ar in Manchester NewHampshire 5 $i> #osmo(it>As ?ace was temporari+y poste' on my Norwe)ian Pen Pa+As ?ace on .ace;ooD4 this Norwe)ian :oman @ein) name' 7ami++a .+aten whom I ha' met on the Asatr* Nationa+ist 1n(ironmenta+ist ;+o) Site ;+*tUn';o'en.7om . U 3*rin) the past ten years the 1mer)ency ;roa'cast NetworD4 n*mero*s te+e(ision @roa'castin) networDs4 news @roa'casts4 an' AMQ.M ra'io @roa'casts 5 ha(e @een HacDe' an' a*'io

o(er'*@@e' as we++ as animation e'ite'. Most ci(i+ians eCpect the )o(ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha(e comp+ete I*ris'iction o(er the AM .M ra'io @roa'casts4 te+e(ision @roa'casts4 an' internet transmissions < a terrorist ha(in) the a@i+ity to repeate'+y threaten a ci(i+ian tar)et on their own te+e(ision screen4 internet acco*nt4 an' car ra'io 70MP$121$/ 7#IPP$1S the tar)et ci(i+ian with ?ear 5 +ea(in) them she++ shocDe' an' ?ee+in) +itera++y 'e?ense+ess. .ort*nate+y4 '*e to 21N /1A#S 0. 1=I31N71 0. 2HIS < this ?a++s *n'er the :A# 7#IM1S AGAINS2 7I=I$IANS BU#IS3I72I0N an' wi++ @e in(esti)ate' @y mi+itary *sin) the Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata@ase an' 1+ectronic .orensics teams o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense. In 200% < o? re+e(ance to the come'ic te+e(ision series which ha' @een hacDe' an' animate' with =ittorio 1man*e+e appearin) as the ?ina+ 3#A7U$A ?rom 7AS2$1=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni)ht sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG 5 this te+e(ision series ha' a come'y sDit '*rin) which 7H#IS .A#$1/ an' PA2#I79 S:A/P1 appeare' as a 'ancin) team h*mo*ro*s+y immitatin) ma+e strippers an' Michae+ .+at+ey o? $or' o? the 3ance. 2he p*rpose o? this sty+e o? psych war?are is to tra*mati>e the tar)et so se(ere+y that they wi++ not e(en acDnow+e')e the assai+ant in their presense when they are stan'in) 'irect+y in ?ront o? themse+(es 4 Bose? Men)e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a con'*cte' ne*ro science eCperiments which wo*+' ha(e in(o+(e' ?ear tests an' psycho+o)ica+ tra*ma research re+ate' to this. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e?inite+y has access to the 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S in MAN7H1S21# N1:HAMPSHI#1. 2his te+e(ision series was either MA3 2= or Sat*r'ay Ni)ht $i(e. Since 200% 5 my se+? an' others ha(e @een tar)ets o? a PS/7H :A#.A#1 campai)n whch has @een con'*cte' ?or the eCp+icit p*rpose o? tra*mati>in) 4 in'*cin) ?ear4 an' in'*cin) repression o? memories in the psycho+o)y o? the (ictimsA. 3*rin) 200E 5 9atie 7ameron o? ;e'?or' NewHampshire to+' me that whi+e @a@ysittin) the ;o*rDeAs an' Nie+ieAs chi+'ren < a stran)e +ooDin) o+' man appeare' on the 2e+e(ision 4 this se)ment +ooDin) +iDe a )+itch <5 this man sai' GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG an' one o? the yo*n)sters ye++e' at the te+e(ision 4 G0h4 /es yo* 'i'NG 2his remin's me o? somethin) that #o@ert #o'on 4 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy < 'i' to his son 7hristopher #o'on when he was a chi+' '*rin) the year 1""5 5 #o@ert #o'on p+ace' a Han' #a'io :a+Dy 2a+Dy *n'er 7hristopher #o'onAs @e' an' a?ter he ?e++ as+eep 4 awoDe 7hristopher @y ta+Din) +iDe 3rac*+a into the :a+D 2a+Dy Han' #a'io. U An internet app+ication eCists which a++ows a )oo)+e phone or other internet phone *ser to masD their ca++er i'entity with any phone n*m@er that they wish to ?a+se ?+a) their i'entity as. 2his hacD app+ication a++ows the *ser to simp+y type a phone n*m@er in on the app+ication ens*rin) that the te+ephone the *ser is ca++in) ?rom wi++ @e ca++er i'enti?ie' as the n*m@er which they ha(e chosen. 2his a++ows ce++ phones or home phones with ca++er i'enti?ication to @e 'ecei(e'. .rom any comm*nications ser(er4 a sDi++e' hacDer can 'isconnect or intercept any phone ca++ @ein) ma'e in the (icinity. I? the hacDer is 'irect +ine' into a ce++*+ar phone companiesA ser(er4 any phone on the networD can @e accesse'5 maDin) possi@+e interception4 'isconnection4 or manip*+ation o? phone ca++s. 2his has @een 'one to n*mero*s peop+es an' there are peop+e whom I @e+ie(e' I was ha(in) a con(ersation with who 'i' not e(en picD *p the phone when I ca++e' 5 some o? these peop+e were 9atie 7ameron4 7ara Samson4 Mo++y Go''ar' An'rosDi4 :i++iam Bama+ Patterson4 #yan McIntee4 an' #on ;oar'man. A++ o? these peop+e are +iDe+y to @e tar)ets or ha(e possi@+y @een rep+ace' @y an a)ent with 3*p+icate' I'entity 7re'entia+s.

U 3*rin) 200! 4 9atie 7ameron was a@'*cte' an' has since @een missin). 2here ha(e @een 3 imposte*rs o? 9atie 7ameron since this time. An imposte*r o? 9atie 7ameron )a(e @irth to a chi+' an' si)ne' 9atieAs name on the @irth certi?icate. 9atie 7ameron +i(e' in ;e'?or' NewHampshire.

:-: 7ulie Beinstein :-: U 3*rin) 2005 5 7esare was recor'e' on camera an' a*'io at .ami+y 3o++ar 4 ta+Din) to 1' .arrachi :arren a@o*t an a@'*ction (ictim which he was )oin) to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tatin) with the )enetics o? a ?ema+e he ca++e' Ghis )ir+G an' re?erre' to a )*y whom he was )oin) to attempt to +*re into a con?+ict. 7aesar a+so state' Gthis )ir+ is e(en yo*n)er. I +iDe it 4 this is hot.G an' c+appe' his han's to)ether 4 r*@@in) his han's to)ether a?terwar's. 7esare was +ater si)hte' a++ o(er Manchester wa+Din) a 1% year o+' ?ema+e aro*n' on a +eash whom appeare' to ha(e @een =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' with 1mi+y Is+esAs ?acia+ )enetics. 2his yo*n) ?ema+e +ooDe' a+ot +iDe the 'a*)hter o? a #a@@i whom I ha' spoDen with '*rin) 200%4 whom ha' @een shoppin) at the .ami+y 3o++ar store. I ha' to+' this #a@@i that he ha' a nice (est an' ha' spoDen with him @rie?+y 5 I @e+ie(e his s*rname may ha(e @een :einstein an' that his 'a*)hterAs name may possi@+y ha(e @een B*+ie. I @e+ie(e 1' .arrachi :arren wrote 'own this manAs +icense p+ate n*m@er as he was p*ttin) his chi+'ren into his S.U.=. an' his wi?e an' he were )ettin) into the (ehic+e. 1' :arren was ?reH*ent+y writin) times 4 'ates4 an' n*m@ers in a ye++ow note pa' he Dept in his pocDet. U G7esare ha' @een ca++in) this )ir+ G.ranchescaG 4 the secon' G.ranchescaG seeme' to @e 1mi+y Is+es who was @+in'e' an' was si)hte' aro*n' Manchester wa+Din) with a @+in' sticD. 2he ?act*a+ .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was 2ony Gon>a+e>As sister. 3*rin) 200! 5 7esare was o(erhear' in p*@+ic sayin) GMy .ranchesca ha' a )rowth sp*rt 4 she has )rown % inches. My ?irst .ranchesca is a++ )rown *p an' has to mo(e on to )reater thin)s now.G. U 7esare spoDe to 1' :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar a@o*t 2*rDoIan% @ein) *se' to Pop Up 1mi+y Is+es in ?ront o? me on the comp*ter screen @ein) SeC*a++y Assa*+te' ?or p*rpose o? ca*sin) me to @ecome (io+ent+y an)ry. 7esare +ater wa+De' past me with what +ooDe' +iDe the )ir+ I ass*me is name' GB*+ie :einsteinG on a +eash whom he was ca++in) .ranchesca Gon>a+e> an' was ta*ntin) me. Sean .air@anDs @e)an ye++in) GPe'ophi+eG at 7esare an' writin) witness statements 4 as 'i' others 5 the Manchester Po+ice ?ai+e' to react to these :itness Statements. B*+ie ha' .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7ar' an' was ?orce' to show it to po+ice < she was 15 4 the ?act*a+ .ranchesca was 21. U 1' .arrachi :arren was seen writin) 'own n*m@ers on a ye++ow pa' o? paper n*mero*s times < at ?irst it appeare' as i? he was taDin) notes to remin' himse+? to 'o thin)s 4 now it is o@(io*s that he was writin) 'own +icense p+ate n*m@ers an' te+ephone n*m@ers. U ;etween 200E an' 200" 5 a ?ema+es corpse was ?o*n' in Massach*settes 4 it was @*rne' an' charre' @a'+y. 2here was a rin) on the ?in)er o? the sDe+eton. 2his was @roa'caste' on the p*@+ic news on te+e(ision. I am worrie' that this may ha(e @een B*+ie :einstein < 7aesar )a(e the )ir+ he ha' a@'*cte' an en)a)ement rin) to am*se himse+? an ?orce' her to wear it. U In the year 200! < a?ter I was 'ischar)e' ?rom 7oncor' NewHampshire Hospita+ in NewHampshire 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was present in the MerrimacD 7o*rtroom on the same 'ay that I was present ?or a hearin). =ictor ha' @een in(o+(e' in an a*tomoti(e acci'ent. =ictorAs name was misprono*nce' @y a Po+ice 0??icer whom prono*nce' it G=ictor 1hman way +*hG4 ?or which =ictor

correcte' him an' state' that it was 1man*e+e. Scott ;rennan whom was present was o(erhear' ta+Din) to a Po+ice 0??icer a@o*t 7esareAs a@*ction o? an' seC*a+ a@*se o? B*+ie :einstein whom was sti++ +ess than 1E years o+' in 200! an' other ?ema+es 4 statin) G2he )*y ha' can'y man scars on his ?ace. Ima)ine @ein) a@*se' @y a man with scars +iDe thatO 2hat m*st ha(e @een aw?*+.G Scot ;rennan was stan'in) on+y E ?eet away ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e when this was state' an' is +iDe+y to @e a c*rrent tar)et as a res*+t o? this an' his in(o+(ement with +aw en?orcement in the North 1ast #e)ion o? North America. 2ony Gon>a+e> was +ater +ocDe' in the NewHampshire State Prison in 7esareAs stea' 5 this was accomp+ishe' @y means o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapyin) 2ony Gon>a+e> with 7esareAs 3NA < 7esare was si)hte' '*rin) +ate 200! in Manchester NewHampshire as we++ as ear+y 2013 in Nash*a NewHampshire a?ter 2ony Gon>a+e> was imprisone' in his stea'4 7esare appeare' as i? he ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' his 3NA with my co*sin B*+iannaAs 3NA an' now ha' pa+e white sDin an' a nose shape' more +iDe B*+iannaAs. A Po+ice 0??icer in the 7o*rt #oom ca++e' =ittorio 1man*e+e G1+pha@aG statin) 4 GI thinD 1+pha@a o(er there has a +itt+e @it o? an *n'erstan'in) what happene' o(er in Manchester.G. 2he car acci'ent that was 'escri@e' in this co*rt room has @een repeate' @y in'i(i'*a+s who ha(e @een imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces n*mero*s times 5 the same eCact se(en car acci'ents seem to Deep re occ*rin) in Manchester NewHampshire an' in near@y re)ions as i? some@o'y has pi+ote' them to occ*r n*mero*s times the eCact same way that they ha' a+rea'y occ*re'. Ben $inco+n 4 $a*ren .rench 4 Boey Marini 4 an' my se+? were a++ manip*+ate' to )et into these eCact same car acci'ents. U 2he ;+*tUn';o'en .7om or .0r) we@site has @een rep+ace' entire+y since 200!4 @een rep+ace' @y a :hiteS*premacist we@site < this is the eCact same thin) that occ*rre' with the 0'inist.7om we@site in 200%. ;+*tUn';o'en was a tar)et o? the 1man*e+esA 5 n*mero*s acH*aintances o? 1mi+y Is+es an' my own *se' this we@site < n*mero*s *ser acco*nts were hacDe' '*rin) 200E an' 200!. My acco*nt 4 AM;I0#I6 < was hacDe' whi+e *sin) this we@site. 7ami++a .+aten 4 whom was my internet ?rien' in Norway 5 is a 'e?inite sta+Din) (ictim as a res*+t o? this. U Many o? my posts on ;+*tUn';o'en marDe' the eCact 'ate '*rin) which I was *sin) my comp*ter whi+e 2*rDoIan% was *se' @y hacDers to Pop Up )r*esome ima)es o? my sister SheenaAs corpse when she was rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r 4 1mi+y Is+es @ein) rape' 4 Samantha ;ernstein @ein) rape' an' tort*re' 4 an' B*+ie :einstein @ein) a@*se'. U :hi+e I was @ein) hacDe' '*rin) 200! 5 I was *sin) a So?tware which was a HacDer Shie+' that )athere' the I.P. A''resses o? HacDers < there was approCimate+y 12 a''resses in one weeD an' a @+anD I.P A''ress which I am ass*min) means that the hacDers was accessin) my comp*ter ?rom the Internet Ser(ice Pro(i'erAs Ser(ers 'irect+y. 8 .or m*+tip+e years 4 it was i)nore' @y the Manchester NewHampshire Po+ice ?orce that 7esare ha' @een wa+Din) aro*n' a 12 an' e(ent*a++y 15 year o+' ?ema+e on a +eash. U 0n more than one occaision 7aesar wa+De' in to .ami+y 3o++ar an' @e)an to 'isc*ss imme'iate+y 4 p+ans which he an' .i+ 1man*e+e has en)ineere' which wo*+' p+ace me in a sit*ation '*rin) which I wo*+' see a ?ema+e @ein) a@*se' horri@+y an' wo*+' @ecome (io+ent as a res*+t o? it 5 ?or three years this seeme' to @e a p+an o? theirs an' this (io+ence was o@(io*s+y inten'e' to @e 'irecte' at 7aesar himse+? ?or some reason. 0ne 'ay 7aesar entere' .ami+y 3o++ar an' state' Gwe )ot a

)ir+ who is yo*n)er than his )ir+ @y at +east two yearsG as he @e)an r*@@in) his han's4 ?+eCe' his ?in)ers4 an' c+appe' his han's to)ether < a?terwhich he sai' G2his shit is hot 4 I +iDe itN :eAre )oin) to 3NA her ?ace to +ooD +iDe his )ir+ too an' then he see her an' he wi++ )et rea++y an)ry an ye++ yaaaaar)hN yaaaar)hN yaaar)hN an' smash shit an' want to ?i)htG . A year +ater 7aesar was wa+Din) a )ir+ aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire on a +eash e(ery 'ay whom +ooDe' +iDe Samantha ;ernstein @*t ha' 1mi+y Is+esA ?acia+ str*ct*re an' +ooDe' to @e a@o*t 1% 5 this an' reports o? this seeme' to @e i)nore' @y Po+ice 0??icers in Manchester NewHampshire ?or a@o*t 3 years. 2his was most+y '*rin) .ranD G*intaAs position as Mayor o? Manchester NewHampshire. U 3*rin) 200! 5 a?ter @ein) poisone' with ;+acD Mo+' an' attemptin) to seeD he+p at the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire < two @+on'e men whom appeare' o? An)+o Gae+ic American an' 3e*tsche+an'er miCe' racia+ ancestry were pro(i'e' as the escort 'ri(ers o? the Am@*+ance with which they transporte' me 4 one o? these men state' G:eAre ?rom Manchester4 weAre o*t o? o*r I*ris'iction.G an' it was o@(io*s that they ha' @een instr*cte' @y some@o'y to 'o so. I @e+ie(e this to ha(e @een a +ie an' that these men are mem@ers o? an ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. * :-: "nthon5 1c1enem5 :-: U Some@o'y hacDe' Anthony McMenemyAs .ace@ooD pro?i+e an' poste' as i? they were him a ?ew times. 2his has happene' n*mero*s times now on his .ace;ooD acco*nt. He is a p*rp+e heart (eteran o? the IraH an' A?)hanistan con?+ict. 2he +ast time I ta+De' to Anthony4 he c+aime' that he was +i(in) in #ho'e Is+an'. 2he +ast time I was in #ho'e Is+an' was 200E. It seeme' that the po+ice ?orce was @ein) contro++e' entire+y @y =ittorio 1man*e+e @ein) that the Ma?ia ha' near+y a@so+*te imm*nity ?rom Po+ice in #ho'e Is+an' 5 my ?rien' Boe Mc7arthy an' I went to a party that was so eCreme+y +o*' that it sho*+' ha(e @ro*)ht in po+ice4 @*t accor'in) to a party )oer the po+ice were Gpai' o?? @y the Ma?iaG. 2he party was in the center o? 7ranston #ho'e Is+an'. 2his was a?ter we went to the casino4 .oCwoo's. 2he hacDer o? which whom ha' hacDe' Anthony McMenemyAs ?ace@ooD acco*nt poste' a H*ote' statement which m*st ha(e @een recor'e' when he ha' (isite' me at my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 this comment was a IoDe we ha' ma'e re)ar'in) the te+e(ision series Bersey Shore4 mocDin)+y s*))estin) we sho*+' maDe a stereotypica+ ;oston Shore. I ha(e not seen nor hear' ?rom Anthony since he went 'own to #ho'e Is+an'. I? an in'i(i'*a+ has a 3*p+icate I'entity 7ar' with Anthony McMenemyAs i'enti?ication in?ormation on it an' ha(e somehow a+tere' their appearance to impersonate Anthony McMenemy 4 a me'ica+ screenin) an' a 3NA test wo*+' pro(e that their i'entity is ?a+se 5 Anthony McMenemy has scars ?rom shrapne+ wo*n's 4 shrapne+ em@e''e' thro*)ho*t his entire @o'y which has @een *na@+e to @e me'ica+ operate' *pon4 an' is a P*rp+e Heart =eteran. U Since 200! 4 I ha(e seen 5 imposte*rs o? Anthony McMenemy. 1 o? these imposte*rs I spoDe with '*rin) 200". 3*rin) 200" 4 the imposte*rs o? Anthony McMenemy an' Bason 2harp ta+De' to me a@o*t G.i+As )an)G which they 'escri@e' as a )an) o? Ita+ian ma+es. .i+ was 'escri@e' as .i++i@erto 1man*e+e whom was A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+yan' a 'escen'ant o? the eCi+e' 9in) o? Ita+ia. .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' his )an)s attacDs on women were 'escri@e' to me @y the two o? them. 2hey 'escri@e' in 'etai+ the tort*re an' rape o? women. 2his was recor'e' @y i++e)a+ impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices which were positione' within the wa++ @y a maintainance man whom ?or)et to sh*t o?? the (i@ration 5 I rea+i>e' that

there were impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices @*i+t ?rom mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephones. 2hese men 'escri@e' .i+ 1man*e+eAs a@*se o? women 5 women @ein) ?orce' to ha(e seC with eachother on the ?+oor at parties whi+e +it ci)arettes were thrown at them 4 @eer was '*mpe' on them 4 they were pisse' on 4 an' ?orce' to eat ?eces. Some o? these women were Di++e' in )rostesH*e ways. :omen were 'escri@e' as @ein) m*r'ere' with ?eces 4 impa+e' with +ar)e o@Iects thro*)h their ori?ices 4 m*tate' with =ira+ =ector Gene m*tation that was ?e' to them 4 @eaten 4 +a*)he' at 4 tort*re' pain?*++y 4 psycho+o)ica++y tort*re' 4 @*rnt 4 an h*mi++iate'. * :-: "ttac.s on the $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans :-: - $oresha)o-ing : 8ittorio &manuele's -or)s + &) Barren's -or)s + #o*ert #o)on's -or)s+ school-teachers - &ri. Beise of the Nation of a.ota Pname )epen)ing on pu*licationQ - 15 mother + m5 sisters + m5 cousins - Stephanie a1arine + 7ohn a1arine + 7ohn a1arine's $aceBoo. profile change) to a picture of a man -ho loo.s to *e an imposteur of 7osh Na.ago-a - Karl $eu)ner an) his famil5 - 7en Beau)in - Kenneth Sche0e5 an) his neice K his famil5 - &lena Perez R Brain-Computer-Internet In ;==D + possi*l5 assaulte) in ore)o %e@as )uring ;==D + attac.e) aroun) same time as Ben in)*erg an) possi*l5 *5 same assailants an) for same reason S - Chris S-an possi*l5 poisone) in NH - $irst Nations Nati0e "merican 1otorc5clist in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire replace) *5 an imposteur * :-: "ttempte) intentional use of un-ante) !enetic 1utation to create camouflage :-: - Sa0o5 intentionall5 inflicte) un*orn fetus -ith "utism 0ia 8iral 8ector !ene %herap5 1utation E imposteurs of assassinate) ci0ilians pro)ucing high rate of "utistic *a*ies3 Coul) *e use) for e@cuse that !enetic 1utation -as occurring at ran)om as result of en0ironmental to@ins3 Coul) *e printe) in Ne-s Papers later3 - Sa0o5 intentionall5 hit ran)om ci0ilians -ith 8iral 8ector !ene %herap5 strains of 0irus + causing !enetic 1utation at ran)om3 - Sa0o5 intentionall5 mutate) their !enoci)al "ssassins an) Bar-#apists to ha0e am*iguous 2N" + "ra*ian 2N" + an) 2N" similar to targets races3 * :-: /Kristian/ / ars/ /8arg/ 8i.ernes : Burzum :-: U $ars G=ar)G =iDernes o? ;*r>*m 5 '*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 1mi+y Is+es was penpa+s with $ars =iDernes whi+e he was imprisone' in Norway in either 2romso or 2ron'heim. X 1mi+y was a@'*cte' in 2005 5 it is pro@a@+e that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e contin*e' writin) +etters to $ars =iDernes preten'in) to @e 1mi+y Is+es. X Upon his re+ease 4 $ars =iDernesA a+@*ms chan)e' 'rastica++y an' hear' on many o? them are a*'io samp+es o? my se+? p+ayin) instr*ments as we++ as 1mi+y Is+es < these @ein) recor'e' somehow i++e)a++y

o@(io*s+y@y Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices an' comp*ter hacDers acti(atin) microphones on comp*ters or stea+in) a*'io recor'in)s. X In 200% 5 1mi+y Is+es recor'e' herse+? p+ayin) an' sin)in) G:arG @y ;*r>*m an' sent it to me @y way o? internet. 1mi+y p+aye' )*itar. X Since 200% 5 photo)raphs o? 10 'i??erent imposte*r $ars =iDernes were poste' to internet in (ario*s +ocation. M*+tip+e in'i(i'*a+s tooD inter(iews preten'in) to @e $ars =iDernes an' wrote artic+es preten'in) to @e $ars G=ar)G =iDernes. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that $ars =iDernes is 'ea'. In the ?i+m GUnti+ the $i)ht 2aDes UsG 5 the imposte*r whom was inter(iewe' who preten'e' to @e $ars =iDernes H*ote' my se+? an' 1mi+y Is+es n*mero*s times < these H*otes @ein) ?rom te+ephone con(ersations o? my own an' 1mi+y Is+es as we++ as con(ersations which I ha' with my ?ather which wo*+' ha(e @een recor'e' in his a*tomo@i+e @y Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ice p+ante' @ehin' the 'ash@oar' aro*n' the 'ate that 1mi+y Is+es ca++e' me ?rom a ce++ phone she ha' sto+en ?rom a )an)ster whi+e he+' hosta)e at Mo*nt P+easant Apartments or Mt. P+easant Apartments in ;i++ericca Massach*settes. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e state' that he was )oin) to G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntainG my G;est?rien'As ?aceG 5 this @est ?rien' @ein) 1mi+y Is+es o? 0ntario 7ana'a. She was a@'*cte' a?ter the i++e)a+ wire tappin) occ*rre' 4 '*rin) which te+ephone con(ersations 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? ha' ma'e p+ans to @e to)ether as +o(ers e(ent*a++y an' atten' 7o++e)e to)ether. A?ter 1mi+y Is+esA a@'*ction in 2005 5 the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS @e)an attacDin) the entire Asatr* 7omm*nity )+o@a+ 4 1mi+y Is+esA re+i)io*s comm*nity as we++ as my own re+i)io*s comm*nity. 1mi+y Is+esA )enes were *se' to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy the ?acia+ shape o? the yo*n) ?ema+e that 7aesar was wa+Din) aro*n' Manchester NewHampshire on a 'o) +eash with a 'o) co++ar '*rin) 2005 an' 200E 5 this was 'isc*sse' @y 7aesar an' 1' :arren on recor'in) at .ami+y 3o++ar ri)ht in ?ront o? me 4 I +ater rea+i>e' what they were 'isc*ssin) < this yo*n)er ?ema+e was at +east 2 years yo*n)er than 1mi+y an' was at ?irst )i(en .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s which were +ater )i(en to 1mi+y Is+es an' now may ha(e @een )i(en to a thir' SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim an' H*man =i(isection tort*re (ictim. A++ o? these woman were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices *sin) trephanin) techniH*es an' a'(ance' +aproscopic as we++ s p+astic s*r)ery techniH*es to tacD the ro*ter to the Iaw an' sea+ @eneath the ear +o@e where the incision was ma'e. X .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7aesar @oth are o@sesse' with the historica+ Machia(e++i 5 '*rin) 2005 4 .ami+y 3o++ar was se++in) a 2*Pac ShaH*r Machia(e++i poster < it is pro@a@+y that 7aesar )ot the i'ea to Machia(e++i $ars G=ar)G =iDernes M*sic a?ter Di++in) $ars G=ar)G =iDernes whom may now @e #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*r. In 2005 7aesar ha' Machia(e++iA' himse+? @y taDin) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a 'ea' man name' 7esare. 7*rrent+y 5 7aesar is on his 3r' or %th set o? Sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy a+tere' appearance ?or 'is)*ise. U ;e)innin) '*rin) 2005 an' contin*in) *nti+ present+y 5 $ars G=ar)G =iDernes has @een represente' @y imposte*rs an' has @een misrepresente' as H*otin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs opinions re)ar'in) A?riDDi's as we++ as paraphrasin) B*+i*s 1(o+aAs opinions re)ar'in) A?riDDi's. $ars G=ar)G =iDernes has not @een represente' @y imposte*rs e(en in photo)raphs an' (i'eo)raphe' inter(iews since 2005. 1(en the man in the ?i+m Unti+ 2he $i)ht 2aDes Us is not $ars =iDernes. Since 2005 5 a++ o? $ars =iDernesA termino+o)ies re)ar'in) A?riDDi'As as a race are termino+o)ies which were p*@+ishe' in B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +iterary worDs which B*+i*s *se' to 'escri@e A?riDDi' peop+es an' concepts which he associate' with that which he ca++e' Ne)ri' or Ne)roi'. B*+i*s 1(o+a was a :hite S*premacist whom @e+ie(e' that the

Aryan race o? the :hite #ace was the S*perior #ace o(er e(en the :hite #ace in terms o? 7reati(ity an' Inte++i)ence as we++ as 'i' he @e+ie(e that the 1thnic #omans were the S*perior #ace o(er e(en the other Aryan #acia+ 2ypes 5 #omans @ein) Aryo Mace'onians 'escen'e' ?rom the #oman in(a'ers whom conH*ere' a re)ion o? Ita+ia an' tooD Sa@ines as #epro'*cti(e S+a(es. * :-: "ttac.s on the $oun)ing Peoples of the (S" an) Cana)a :-:

* :-: "NI1"%ION O8&#- "YIN! "N2 "(2IO O8&#-2(BBIN! (S&2 $O# PSYCH B"#$"#& :-: 3*rin) the time when I @e)an to @e sta+De' @y .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+e < my ?rien' MarD SDinner an' I were maDin) p+ans to maDe a h*moro*s amate*r mo(ie 5 *sin) animation so?tware to com@ine the mo(ie with concepts s*ch as the ;$AI# :I27H an' 7$0=1#.I1$3 mo(ies 4 .I#S2 P1#S0N SH0021# =I310GAM1S4 an' 7AS2$1=ANIA S/MPH0N/ 0. 2H1 NIGH2. 2he h*mo*r was in the ?act that many peop+e aro*n' so*thern New Hampshire te++ )host stories re+ate' to n*mero*s o+' ho*ses an' cemetaries that are tr*e+y @eni)n an' ha(e no rea+ specters ha*ntin) them whatsoe(er < these stories o?ten )et reiterate' @y peop+e m*ch the same as the te+ephone )ame in(o+(es reiterate' statements *nti+ they come o*t s+i)ht+y 'i??erent at the en' o? the +ine o? peop+e whisperin) the ori)ina+ statement into one anotherAs ears. 2hese *r@an +e)en's are o?ten to+' ?rom ?irst person perspecti(e @*t the stories chan)e (ery +itt+e 4 maDin) it eCtreme+y apparent whom the +iars in the comm*nity are @eca*se they te++ a story as i? it is their own +i?e eCperience which has a+rea'y @een to+' in the same manner n*mero*s times @e?ore. 0*r i'ea was to animate an in(entory screen into the ;+air:itch +iDe eCp+oration o? the Gha*nte' ho*sesG an' Gha*nte' )ra(eyar'sG o? New Hampshire 5 showin) the eH*ippin) o? ?+ash+i)hts4 @ase@a++ @ats4 monDey wrenches4 hammers4 pry @ars4 an' )rano+a @ars4 cameras4 an' *m@re++as. 2he amate*r (i'eo wo*+' @e ma'e in sections *sin) a recor'in) hea' set. MarD SDinner an' my se+? ha' @een ta+Din) to #ich 7onesc* a@o*t this ?reH*ent+y ?or two years '*e to #ichAs wea+th o? Dnow+e')e concernin) comp*ter techno+o)y. 3*rin) the time =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) my se+?4 I was spen'in) a+ot o? time with my ?rien' MarD SDinner as we++ as occaisiona++y #ich 7onesc* an' ;o@ Sha)o*ry. A++ three o? these in'i(i'*a+s +ater met =ittorio 1man*e+e *n'er the a+ias G=ictorG at p+aces +iDe a*to a*ctions an' twice at car c+*@ a*moti(e enth*siast meet *ps. =ittorio 1man*e+e < ha(in) access to comm*nications corporationsA ce++ phone ser(ers 4 70M7AS2 entertainment an' comm*nicationsA ser(ers4 an' n*mero*s crimina+ HacDers an' PhreaDers 5 @e)an a campai)n o? 1+ectronic 2errorism an' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are across a++ o? the North 1ast o? North America. 2his terrorist campai)n o? 1+ectronic 2errorist Psych :ar?are rose to the +e(e+ o? G+o@a+ 2errorism an' H*man =i(isection in(o+(in) < ;io #o@otics Ne*roScience eCperiments4 Psycho SeC*a+ A@*se Ne*roScience eCperiments4 ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication Ne*roScience eCperiments4 an' pi+ote' s+ayin)s res*+tin) in )enoci'e. 3*rin) the past ten years the 1mer)ency ;roa'cast NetworD4 n*mero*s te+e(ision @roa'castin) networDs4 news @roa'casts4 an' AMQ.M ra'io @roa'casts 5 ha(e @een HacDe' an' a*'io o(er'*@@e' as we++ as animation e'ite'. Most ci(i+ians eCpect the )o(ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha(e comp+ete I*ris'iction o(er the AM .M ra'io @roa'casts4 Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone transmission4 2e+e(ision ;roa'cast 2ransmissions4 an' Internet 2ransmissions < a terrorist ha(in) the a@i+ity to repeate'+y threaten a ci(i+ian tar)et on their own te+e(ision screen4 internet acco*nt4 an' car ra'io 70MP$121$/ 7#IPP$1S the tar)et ci(i+ian with ?ear 5 +ea(in) them she++ shocDe' an' ?ee+in) +itera++y 'e?ense+ess. 2hese threats are o?ten eCtreme+y s*@t+e @*t at times can @e 'irect+y o(ert s*ch as one threat which was ma'e whi+e I was in a room in the company o? m*+tip+e peop+e < this threat was the a*'io '*@@in) an'

animatin) o? a manAs mo*th on the te+e(ision to say Gew4 'onAt )et a s*@'*ra+ hematoma.G an' a+so +ater 5 Gthe +ast H*estion o? the ni)ht is 4 where is Noe+ )oin)OG when GNoe+G &which was the tar)et (ictimAs pse*'onym in .rench $an)*a)e c+ass whi+e in schoo+, was a@o*t to wa+D o*t the 'oor. .ort*nate+y4 '*e to 21N /1A#S 0. 1=I31N71 0. 2HIS < this ?a++s *n'er the :A# 7#IM1S AGAINS2 7I=I$IANS BU#IS3I72I0N an' wi++ @e in(esti)ate' @y mi+itary *sin) the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment an' 1+ectronic .orensics teams o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense4 7.I.A.4 an' ..;.I. . 0? re+e(ance to the i'ea' which MarD SDinner an' my se+? ha' 'isc*sse' concernin) the creation o? an amater come'ic mo(ie 5 a come'ic te+e(ision series was +ater hacDe' an' animate' with =ittorio 1man*e+e appearin) as the ?ina+ @oss 3#A7U$A ?rom 7AS2$1=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni)ht sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG 5 this te+e(ision series ha' a come'y sDit '*rin) which 7H#IS .A#$1/ an' PA2#I79 S:A/P1 appeare' as a 'ancin) team h*mo*ro*s+y immitatin) ma+e strippers an' Michae+ .+at+ey o? $or' o? the 3ance. 2he p*rpose o? this sty+e o? psycho+o)ica+ war?are is to tra*mati>e the tar)et so se(ere+y that they wi++ not e(en acDnow+e')e the assai+ant in their presense when they are stan'in) 'irect+y in ?ront o? their (ictim 4 it is pro@a@+e that Bose? Men)e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a con'*cte' ne*ro science eCperiments which wo*+' ha(e in(o+(e' ?ear tests an' psycho+o)ica+ tra*ma research re+ate' to this. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e?inite+y has access to the 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S in MAN7H1S21# N1:HAMPSHI#1. Another ?orm o? this a*'io '*@@in) seems to taDe p+ace in commercia+ @*siness >ones s*ch as ma++s or stores s*ch as a #ite Ai' which my se+? an' others ha(e eCperience' this at. 0ne time4 a?ter enterin) the #ite Ai' on $inco+n Street in Manchester < neCt 'oor to .ami+y 3o++ar an' the +ot where =ista .oo's was ?ormer+y +ocate' that 3aphen 7onaway worDe' at 5 the m*sic p+ayin) on the speaDers @e)an p+ayin) a @acD masDe' (er@a+ threat that was so s+oppy an' horri@+y @acD masDe' that it was a*'i@+y noticea@+e. 2he threat was miCe' with the act*a+ m*sic to so*n' +iDe it was part o? the +yrics4 @*t it stoo' o*t so c+ear+y that it was noticea@+e o(er the ori)ina+ +yrics. 2his type o? a Psych :ar?are assa*+t co*+' @e easi+y tri))ere' *sin) G.P.S. +ocation o? the (ictimsA ce++ phones4 impro(ise' @roa'castin) 'e(ices ma'e ?rom ce++ phone parts sp+ice' into the wirin) o? the storeAs a*'io speaDers4 an' comp*ters networDe' o(er a ser(er networD *sin) persistent r*nnin) so?tware monitorin) G.P.S. +oca+s an' tri))erin) 'ia+ *p @roa'cast transmissions a*tot*ne' an' (oca+oi'e' to ?it the en(iron. 2his is ca++e' Am@ient Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence. A 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation with c*stom en)ineere' =S2 p+*)in pro)rams *sin) #ewire co*+' @e capa@+e o? 'oin) this (ery easi+y *sin) two impro(ise' ce++ phone 'e(ices < one recor'in) 'e(ice p+ante' @ehin' the wa++4 one transmitter wire' into the speaDer wire 5 the recor'in) ce++ phone wo*+' @e recor'e' into the 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation as a +ine in an' the transmission ce++ phone wo*+' a*'io '*@ the speech processe' recor'in)s with a matche' tona+ pitch an' a =oca+ Synthe>iser. 2he +ine in can @e m*te' an' ana+y>e' @y a p+*) in comp*ter so?tware which matches the tona+ pitch an' me+o'y o? the synthesi>e' accompaniment . A =oca+oi' or other =oca+ Synthesi>er so?tware can @e *se' to pro'*ce s+i)ht+y @acD masDe' +yric o(er'*@s 5 the p*rpose ?or this is psych war?are an' ?or reasons o? shocDin) the tar)et4 the @acDmasDin) o? the +yrics are intentiona++y a*'i@+e eno*)h to @e conscio*s+y notice'. 3*rin) the year 200" < Pachary 7onaway @e)an comp+ainin) that the te+e(ision was threatenin) him. 3*e to the parts *se' in the creation o? these 'e(ices4 Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Array NetworDs can @e *se' to search ?or +ocations where ce++ phone GPS ha' remaine' stationary ?or +on) perio's o? time 5 i? a ce++ phone GPS +ocation has remaine' stationary at a commercia+ +oca+e s*ch as a )rocery store or pharmacy4 it is (ery o@(io*s that the 'e(ice is an impro(ise' @roa'cast too+ < i? a GPS is stationary at a resi'entia+ +ocation4 it is easy to 'isco(er itAs eCistance '*e to constant stationary GPS +ocation @ehin' a wa++. My A*nt $es+ieAs ?ormer p+ace o? resi'ency was on $inco+n Street4 one @+ocD ?rom the .ami+y 3o++ar where I was worDin) when =ittorio 1man*e+e wa+De' in. 3*rin) the time that my A*nt $es+ie was +i(in) at the ho*se on $inco+n Street in Manchester New Hampshire < my mother was +i(in) as in patient at the New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor'. =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e

somehow )aine' access to this hospita+ an' itAs emp+oyees < I am consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that some o? the emp+oyees were rep+ace' @y co(ert 'opp+e)an)ers whi+e many o? the others ha(e pro@a@+y @een @+acDmai+e'. I @e+ie(e my mother was a@*se' whi+e in this hospita+ an' most +iDe+y eCperimente' *pon. A++ o? these Din's o? *neCpecte' Psych :ar?are *pon ci(i+ians comp+ete+y 'iscre'it the tar)ette' ci(i+ians as witnesses to terrorism an' co(ert )enoci'e 5 maDin) them appear as schi>ophrenic in the eyes o? the i)norant non tar)et pop*+ation4 ena@+in) )ra'*a+ an' systemic )enoci'a+ terrorism o? entire re)iona+ pop*+ations. 2his 7haracter Assassination an' Psych :ar?are worDe' so we++ in the New 1n)+an' re)ion that when I trie' to en+ist in the Army at the recr*itersA o??ice 5 I was mocDe' an' +a*)he' at @y Army emp+oyees who ma'e re?erences to G)oose steppin)G an' GA'o+? Hit+erG as i? I was somehow an A6IS :ar 7rimina+4 I sti++ ha(e no i'ea why this happene' at the A#M/ recr*itin) o??ice o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e imme'iate+y @e)*n 2ota+ In?i+tration o? this re)ionAs positions o? .e'era+ 1mp+oyment '*rin) 200%. U I? co(ert terrorist a)ents are i'enti?ia@+e to ci(i+ian pop*+ation who are capa@+e o? testi?yin) a)ainst them in co*rt 4 psycho+o)ica+ war?are can @e *se' to 3IS7#13I2 AS A :I2N1SS the ci(i+ian tar)ets. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are is *se' with the intent o? psycho+o)ica++y 'esta@+i>in) tar)et pop*+ations as we++ as manip*+atin) an' contro++in) their @eha(ior. I? a 'ia)nosis has @een recor'e'4 a witness is eCtreme+y easi+y 'iscre'ite' 5 a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in ownership o? m*+tip+e hea+thcare ?aci+ities has the a@i+ity to 'iscre'it their own (ictims easi+y4 *sin) their hea+thcare ?aci+ities to 'o so an' may e(en ha(e em@e''e' a)ents within the North American Hea+th 0r)ani>ation as we++ as the :or+' Hea+th 0r)ani>ation to attempt to c*rtai+ in(esti)ations as their +ast +ine o? 'e?ense. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are an' Genoci'e @ecome eCtreme+y easy when a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate possess contro+ o(er the ?ac*+ties o? +i?e an' 'eath comp+ete+y < ?or p*rpose o? hi'in) e(i'ence concernin) ca*se o? 'eath 5 7o(ert 2errorist A)ent can @e emp+oyee' as morticians an' mor)e worDers . U #ecent $i(e 1'its o? 2e+e(ision 2ransmissions ha(e inc+*'e' News 2ransmissions @ein) e'ite' 4 ;aracD 0@amaAs sDin tone an' ?acia+ ?eat*res @ein) e'ite' 4 Bohn 9erryAs ?acia+ str*ct*re @ein) e'ite' 4 an' News 7o(era)e o? the :ar in $i@ya @ein) e'ite' to appear as i? it were part o? the mo(ie GI'iocracyG. U :-: ;==D 7"N&% N"PO I%"NO an) Statements regar)ing /N"%I8IS1/ :-: * - In 2005 4 a?ter the assassination o? B*')e $e?Dow 5 B*')e Banet Napo+itano was somehow e+ecte' to rep+ace the 3irector o? the 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity. 2he ori)ina+ 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity 4 whom was per?ormin) his '*ties (ery we++ 5 was ha+? Israe+i. Upon her @ein) appointe' as the 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity 5 Banet Napo+itano ma'e a speaD which inc+*'e' the wor's G:e m*st @e e(er wary o? the 3an)ero*s #ise o? Nati(ismG. 2he 3omestic 2errorist $ist @e)an to increase in n*m@er )reat+y an' the tar)ets o? in(esti)ations @e)an to o?ten @e G?a+se a+armsG 4 n*mero*s M*s+ims were tar)ette' whom were 'escri@e' as GM*s+im eCtremistsG as oppose' to their act*a+ +itera+ 1nemy 7om@atant .action 4 I'entity Po+itic @e)an to @ecome a tar)et o? Anti 2errorist In(esti)ations simi+ar to what happene' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration within 70IN21$P#0 operations. MeCicans4 the 9* 9+*C 9+an4 Nati(e Americans4 the GMin*te MenG ;or'er Patro+s4 an' the Nation o? Is+am ;+acD Panthers were a++ 'escri@e' @y the new stan'ar's an' 'e?initions o? 3omestic 2errorism as P021N2IA$ NA2I=IS2 162#1MIS2 30M1S2I7 21##0#IS2S. A)ent Pro(ocate*rs insti)ate' n*mero*s con?+icts in North America '*rin) this time which ha(e now res*+te' in 'eaths o? entire ?ami+ies an' the co(ert in(asion o? North America @y whom appear to @e Ita+ians *sin) 7o(ert metho's o? .a+se I'enti?ication an' 0ttoman A6IS +oya+ists. Imperia+ism in(o+(es the 7o+oni>ation o? entire Nationa+ Home+an's an' Nationa+ 1thnic #aces o? peop+e 5 the Nati(e peop+es are (iewe' as a threat @y the Imperia+ occ*pyin) ?action an' itAs pop*+ation. B*Ctaposition Propa)an'a has @een *se' ?or the p*rpose o? manip*+atin) the po+itica+ c+imate an' ai'in) the en)ineerin) o? what has @ecome a )enoci'a+ 7o(ert 1Cpansionist Imperia+ist .action 5 MeCicans an' .irst Nations Peop+es were

pro(oDe' an' portraye' in me'ia as 7ontinenta+ 1Cpansionists 4 the common phrase @ein) G:e Are the In'i)eno*s Peop+es o? this 7ontinentG. 2he phrase G:e Are the In'i)eno*s Peop+es o? this 7ontinentG was portraye' in me'ia to @e an o??ensi(e s+o)an an' a @att+e cry ?or what was ?a+se ?+a))e' as MeCican Imperia+ism. H*man 2ra??icDin) in the U.S.A. has @ecome an eCtreme pro@+em a)ain 5 MeCicans @ein) one o? n*mero*s primary tar)ets in North America ?or 2ra??icDin). $a@or 2ra??icDin) ha' @een occ*rrin) o? which the i++e)a++y transporte' 2ra??icDin) =ictims were @ein) (iewe' as the crimina+ o??en'er in the stea' o? the act*a+ crimina+ whom was the H*man 2ra??icDer. $a =o> 3e A>t+an was a we@site in 200% 4 I ha' written a h*mo*ro*s emai+ or two to the co+*mnists o? the $a =o> 3e A>t+an we@site 5 this occ*rre' aro*n' the eCact 'ate that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. a?ter his a)ents ha' hacDe' my 1mai+ Acco*nt. 2he $a =o> 3e A>t+an we@site is an A>teca Nationa+ist :e@site 5 the A>teca are a Nation o? peop+e whoAs home+an' is historica+ in the northern ha+? o? what is now MeCico an' the So*th :estern re)ion o? what is now the U.S.A. . An A>teca is a North American .irst Nations person. :or's which ha(e @e)*n to @e *se' as ne)ati(e 'escriptors in me'ia an' s+an) con(ersation in n*mero*s peop+esA presense are Nati(e 4 Nationa+ 4 3omestic 4 In'i)eno*s 4 A@ori)ina+ 4 Pa)an 4 an' ;ar@arian 5 this termino+o)ies o?ten @ein) paire' with the s*??iC ism 4 it is a ?orei)n entity which wo*+' portray these wor's as ne)ati(e concepts. Banet Napo+itano is $in'say Garo?anoAs co*sin < $in'say Garo?ano +i(e' in NewHampshire @etween the years 1"83 an' 2002 5 a?terwhich she mo(e' to 2eCas. N*mero* imposte*rs o? $in'say Garo?ano ha(e @een seen since . $in'say Garo?ano *se' to @e ?rien's with 7hristine 3ion an' myse+?. ;etween 2005 200" 5 n*mero*s news paper artic+es 4 news me'ia comments4 an' internet posts an' p*@+ications were ma'e which 'escri@e' MeCicans as GGoths an' =an'a+s @an)in) at the )ates o? the #oman 1mpireG 4 G;ar@arians in(a'in) the #oman 1mpireG 4 Gthe same @ar@arian in(asion that 'estroye' the #oman 1mpireG. ;etween 200! 2013 5 .o+D #e+i)ions @e)an to @e p*@+ica++y 'eni)rate' in News Me'ia an' other p*@+ications < o?ten @ein) 'escri@e' as the @ar@aric pa)ani>ation o? the Unite' States o? America. 2his was o?ten 'escri@e' as i? this was the +ate 7hristian perio' o? the #oman 1mpire an' @ar@arians were maDin) ?i+thy the #oman 1mpire. Hin'*s ha(e @een written a@o*t in an o??en'e' conteCt4 as i? Hin'* #e+i)io*s #ites are somehow o??ensi(e. 2his has @een @+ame' on American 7hristians tho*)h many o? the peop+e whom ha(e @een p*@+ishin) these statements as we++ as speaDin) them ha(e @een o? associations connecte' to 1man*e+eAs networD o? 2errorist 7rimina+s 4 A6IS $oya+ists4 an' .ascists. 3*rin) 200! 5 an internet news so*rce reporte' that a $o*isianna Senator was open+y 'isc*ssion GMicro7hippin)G MeCican Nationa+s in the U.S.A. with G+o@a+ Positionin) System S*r)ica+ Imp+ants. B*'aism is a ?o+D re+i)ion. ;etween 200! 2012 5 accor'in) to internet news me'ia so*rces 4 n*mero*s B*')es in Ita+ia were arreste' ?or @ein) in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime. 2hese I*')es were 'escri@e' as @ein) Ma?ia 5 I am ?air+y certain that this is in ?act A6IS .a+se .+a))in) as nothin) @*t Apo+itica+ 0r)ani>e' 7rime when in ?act it is an ACis G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. * :-: 1atters concerning "frican "mericans :-: #ecent+y 4 there ha(e @een n*mero*s A?rican American si)hte' whoAs mo*ths ha(e @een @ein) Ne*ro#o@otic Animate' to ar)*e with them. 2his is an o@(io*s 2a+D ;ot AI 4 paire' with Ne*roScience So?tware. In 0hio 4 racia+ con?+ict has @een intentiona++y create' @etween the years o? 200% an' 2013. In the so*th recent+y 4 A)ent Pro(ocate*rs ha(e @een attemptin) to ca*se 9* 9+*C 9+ansmen an' A?rican Americans to ?i)ht physica++y. 2his is a+so @een incite' @etween Nationa+ists whom are not e(en consi'era@+y o??ensi(e an' A?rican Americans 5 this is the o@(io*s acti(ity o? an A)ent Pro(ocate*r whom is eCtreme+y racist an' consi'ers A?riDDi's to @e a GNation 'estroyin) e+ementG 4 this opinion is o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)y. 2hese A)ent Pro(ocate*rs are 'e?inite+y Ita+ian A6IS an' hate An)+o SaCons an' Gae+s with an eCtreme contempt. It is 'e?inite that this A)ent Pro(ocate*r

wo*+' attempt to pro(oDe con?+ict @etween A?rican American Nationa+ists an' Nationa+ists in North America o? 1*ropi' races whom are a+so nati(e to North America. 3*rin) 200E < an A?rican American women cooDe' her in?ant in a microwa(e o(en 5 this was o@(io*s+y the res*+t o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro2errorism attacD which was the res*+t o? hypnosis an' Ne*ro#o@otics. It is 'e?inite that h*man @ein)s were Di++e' in incinerator o(ens an' chemica+ steam cham@ers '*rin) the Ho+oca*sts o? the 1"%0As. * :-: Bhite-#acialist Communit5 :-: Storm$ront3O#! + NS1CC + Borl) Church of the Creator + an) the Ku Klu@ Klan :-: U N*mero*s acco*nts were ma'e on Storm.ront.0r) @etween the years 200% an' 200! which containe' photo)raphs o? @ooDco(ers ?rom my @ooD co++ection an' 1mi+y Is+esA @ooD co++ection as we++ as ima)e' ?rom Ne(er:inter Ni)hts which was a )ame that 1mi+y Is+esA an' I *se' to p+ay on+ine to)ether. 2he @ooD ima)es were ?rom 3a(i' 1''in)As no(e+s as we++ as others. Sahn'ra may ha(e rea' some o? these @ooDs whi+e I was at worD an' 'isc*sse' them with ?rien' on+ine or e(en with 1mi+y Is+es. Sahn'ra @e)an ta+Din) to 1mi+y on+ine a?ter we ha' @roDen *p as a res*+t o? her Iea+o*sy. U 3*rin) 200E 5 a Storm.ront.0r) *ser poste' G1(ery@o'y nee's to stop postin) on the internet. 2his is (ery serio*s. :e canAt e(en 'isc*ss on the internet. I am 'yin) an' the hospita+s are not he+pin) me. I am 'yin) o? somethin) an' I @e+ie(e it is poisonin) an' the hospita+s wi++ not he+p me 4 they I*st Deep sen'in) me home. I thinD some@o'y @o*)ht the hospita+s an' is Di++in) peop+e. G [[ 0? re+e(ence to this 5 1' :arren ha' 'isc*sse' somethin) in the @acD o? the store with 2ay+aAs mother whom was a @+on'e +a'y o? ha+? Sici+ian race which in(o+(e' GAye AyeG an' GAye Aye AyeG an' G=ictorG an' G= Aye AyeG. 2his con(ersation in 2005 was o@(io*s+y a re?erence to =ittorio II 4 =ittorio III 4 an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' their physica+ re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er who was o? =ittorio IIIAs ?atherAs @+oo'+ine an' o? an Aosta matri+inea+. 2ay+aAs mother is recor'e' as te++in) 1' :arren GI wi++ ha(e to ta+D to my ?ather a@o*t it4 I wi++ )et @acD to yo*.G . 2his woman Dnew 1' somehow. 2ay+aAs sister 2wy+a came into the store +ater on. 2wy+aAs ?rien' may ha(e +ater met Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' I @e+ie(e she may ha(e @een in(o+(e' in an attempt to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 4 7hris 2homasAs 4 an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity as we++ as the Ho*se o? Sa*' ?or A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+yAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 7rimes A)ainst H*manity in North America a?ter the 2n' :or+' :ar an' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration\\ In 200! when I was poisone' with ;+acDMo+' an' +ater #a'ioActi(e Io'ine < n*mero*s hospita+s in NewHampshire to+' me that I was comp+ete+y hea+thy. =Ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ea+th #etainers ha(e p*rchase' n*mero*s Hea+th7are .aci+ities in North America 5 '*rin) 200E 4 the Imposte*r o? 3on'i McMahon to+' me G3o not )et sicD. No matter what yo* 'o 4 'o not )o to a hospita+. :hat 'o yo* 'o when the .ire3epartment ;*rns 3ownOG U 2here was a *ser on Storm.ront.0#G whoAs screen name was A'o+ph*s Hit+eri*s as we++ as A'o+pho 1man*e+e an' others who may ha(e Dnown o? A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ +inea)e an' may ha(e poste' it on Storm.ront.0#G. U 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 a non racist 9+*C :e@ Site was poste' which was the :e@Site o? a 9*9+*C9+an ?action that chan)e' their i'ea+o)y to Pan Nationa+ism an' was promotin) M*+ti #acia+ism an' M*+ti Nationa+ism ?or the 1arth in opposition to Mono Nationa+ G+o@a+ism an' G+o@a+ Assimi+ationism. It is possi@+e that this was percei(e' as a threat to the 1man*e+es @ein) that I ha' (isite' the :e@Site a ?ew times whi+e @ein) hacDe'. I a+so (isite' the :e@Site o? a Persian Nationa+ist or)ani>ation whom promote' the #e Instatement o? #e>a Pah+a(iAs crown 4 the renamin) o? Iran to the 9in)'om o? Persia once a)ain 4 ne*tra+ po+icy towar's Israe+ 4 an' a Nationa+ist an' Socia+ist )o(ernment with a Par+iament inc+*'in) more seats ?or Poroastrians an' a 'ec+aration o? a Poroastrian Ho+i'ay as a Nationa+ Ho+i'ay. ;oth o? these we@sites are c*rrent+y missin) as is 2he Pan Nationa+ist we@site as we++ as the ori)ina+ $NSG we@site. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e (iewe' these we@sites an' there associate' or)ani>ations an' in'i(i'*a+s as potentia+ threats an' potentia+ e(ent*a+ mo*ths o? the tr*th concernin) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ 1man*e+e

Sa(oy an' Aosta @+oo'+ine. Be?? #enseAs we@site was notice' within one month o? ha(in) poste' the artic+e 'ec+arin) =ittorio 1man*e+e the Anti7hrist4 this wo*+' @e impossi@+e witho*t watchin) Be?? #enseAs we@site as a res*+t o? his @ein) Bewish 3e?ense $ea)*e a??i+iate'. U It is possi@+e that the +itt+e )ir+s ?rom the m*sica+ act GPr*ssian ;+*eG are (ictims o? #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r an' that their parents were once mem@ers o? the 9*9+*C9+an *nit that went anti #acist pro Nationa+ist an' pan Nationa+ist with their po+itics. It is pro@a@+e that these +itt+e )ir+s parents were m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y Imposte*rs worDin) ?or the 1man*e+es < aro*n' 2005 4 they were ma'e to sin) an' recor' racist chi+'renAs son)s as we++ as some hit+er worship anthems that +e' to m*+tip+e comm*nities writin) them +etters te++in) them to mo(e. I 'o not @e+ie(e that the parents o? these +itt+e )ir+s are in ?act sti++ a+i(e < I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that =ittorio or'ere' their ?ami+y m*r'ere' a rep+ace' an' the creation o? the Pr*ssian ;+*e a+@*m. GPr*ssian ;+*eG is a re?erence to the Pr*ssian 1mpire an' the @+*e stains +e?t in A*schwit> an' other 7oncentration 7amps @y the chemica+s which were *se' to Gas mi++ions o? Bews 4 3e*tsche+an'ers 4 an' other Ho+oca*st (ictims. It is *n+iDe+y that a 9*9+*C9+ans ?ami+y o? An)+o Gae+ic American race wo*+' @e so +o*' as to 'isp+ay their 'a*)hters as G2he .ace o? #acism in AmericaG when they are on+y % an' 5 years o+' 5 the 999 hi'e their ?aces < An)+o Gae+s are a+so c*rrent+y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Primary Genoci'e 2ar)et in North America a+on) with .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' Israe+is as we++ as those o? Bewish or Asatr* ?ami+y. 2he 999 are a+so Protestant 7hristians whom once preache' a@o*t a G+o@a+ Imperia+ Anti 7hrist o? #oman ori)in which was secret+y conspirin) to conH*er the 1arth an' was +i(in) amon)st the Americans. =ittorio an' .i+ are o@sessi(e+y tryin) to ri' the wor+' o? their @ein) consi'ere' G2he Anti 7hristG. Min'y 9ernAs ?ather whom was a ;aptist 7hristian an' an American o? miCe' German Israe+i @+oo' on his ?atherAs si'e @e+ie(e' that B*+i*s 1(o+a was the Anti 7hrist an' o? the same ho*se as 7aesar Israe+i who sacDe' Israe+ an' cr*ci?ie' Bes*s 7hrist who was /esh*a the #a@@i. U 3*rin) 200E 5 Be?? Shoep o? NSM88 was ?a+se+y portraye' @y a we@site as ha(in) @een con(icte' o? SeC 0??enses 4 this ne(er tr*e+y occ*rre'. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' 7aesar to)ether co++ecti(e+y ha(e committe' at +east h*n're's o? SeC 0??enses in North America @etween 200% an' 2013. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e were consi'erin) attemptin) to ha(e Be?? Shoep rep+ace' @y a 'i??erent i'entity < it is a+so pro@a@+e that 7ha' Gro+sch Dnew Be?? Shoep persona++y. 7ha' Gro+sch whom was a mem@er o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator was a ?rien' o? Sahn'ra St. 0n)eAs an' an acH*aintance o? mine whom I spoDe with n*mero*s times o(er the internet. 7ha' Gro+sch was ?rien' with a 9ni)ht o? the Ho*se o? Aosta. U 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 a we@site was p*@+ishe' to the internet which was a white pa)e with @+acD teCt an' a photo)raph 'epictin) a Ser@ian G9*9+*C9+an UnitG . 2he 9*9+*C9+an is a Protestant or)ani>ation ?or An)+o SaCon an' Gae+ic Americans primari+y an' other An)+o Gae+ic pop*+ation secon'ari+y < most Ser@ians are 7atho+ics an' the c*rrent :ar 7rimina+ .action in Ser@ia are Ita+ian A6IS a??i+iate' an' are a the res*+t o? an 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate with .ascist connections @ein) Gproppe' *pG as some ca++ it < or in +itera+ termino+o)y 4 ?*n'e' @y ?orei)n connections 5 which are in this case +iDe+y to ha(e @een B*+i*s 1(o+a '*rin) his +i?etime. Ser@ia is ri)ht neCt to Me'I*)orIe ;osnia an' is in ?ormer+y 1ast #oman Pro(ince o? the #oman 1mpire re)iona+ territory 5 this territory @ein) the territory which was +ost '*e to Ati++a ;*'+asonAs in(asion an' comp+ete 'estr*ction o? the maIority o? the #oman conscripte' mi+itary which was )arissone' there 4 Ser@o 7roatia was a tar)et o? 1(o+aAs in his +i?etime ?or this reason. I? B*+i*s 1(o+a was p+annin) to *se Ne*roScience to ens+a(e entire races o? ?ema+es an' eCterminate entire races o? ma+es 5 it is +iDe+y that a Ser@ian .ascist was to+' o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs p+ans an' that one o? his associates sn*cD the in?ormation into ;osnia as an attempt to pre(ent it. 2he woman in Me'I*)orIe ;osnia whom prophesie' the comin) the Anti 7hrist 4 the MarD 0? the ;east4 an' the Secon' Messiah was a 7atho+ic ;osnian. Ser@ians o?ten ha(e +i)hter comp+eCione' sDin 4 hair 4 an' eyes in comparison to Ita+ians < Ser@ians are a+so o? 7e+tic S+a(ic miCe' racia+ ori)in an' co*+' easier pass ?or An)+o Gae+ic a?ter *n'er)oin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy o? ?acia+ shapes

an' comp+eCion o? hair 4 eyes 4 an' sDin 5 it is pro@a@+e that this is a photo)raph o? Ser@ians posin) in in 9*9+*C9+ans #o@es an' a cyphere' messa)e meant ?or some@o'y in partic*+ar to see in the U.S.A. . Many o? the 1man*e+eAs connections in Ser@ia are a 7rime Syn'icate 4 some o? whom are c*rrent+y wante' ?or :ar 7rimes 5 it is 'e?inite that the 1man*e+es ha(e sn*cD many o? these in'i(i'*a+s into North America ?or reason o? hi'in) them an' in ret*rn these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e promise' to Deep their mo*th sho*t a@o*t the (ictims whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s they ha(e *se' in p+aces +iDe 7ana'a an' the U.S.A. as we++ as ser(e as 7rime So+'iers o? the 1man*e+e an' 1(o+a ?ami+iesA connections. U 3*rin) 200% to 200! there seeme' to @e 3 'i??erent persona+ities *sin) 7ha' Gro+schAs Ao+ Instant Messa)er acco*nt 5 on+y one o? these seeme' +iDe+y to @e 7ha' Gros+ch. It was a+so e(i'ent that his A0$ IM Acco*nt was occaisiona++y ;otA' 5 this is to say that a So?t:are Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence was @ein) *se' to screen his con(ersations an' contacts possi@+y witho*t his Dnow+e')e. 7ha' Gro+schAs AIM ScreenName was P0G7r*sher88. 7ha' was in contact with a ?ew o? the mem@ers o? NSM88 an' a+so a mem@er o? a #acia+ist 0r)ani>ation whom *se' an Asatr* Aesthetic simi+ar to the way the 9*9+*C9+an *ses a 7hristian Aesthetic 5 this or)ani>ations was ca++e' the Pa)an .ront. ;oth the NSM an' the Pa)an .ront *se A6IS 2heme' Aesthetics 4 Pa)an .ront *ses Asatr* Aesthetics @*t are not an Asatr* or)ani>ation in any way. Be?? Shoep himse+? as an in'i(i'*a+ may possi@+y @e an Asatr*ar 4 se(era+ o? the :hite Power associate' Nationa+ists in 3e*tsche+an' are < Asatr* itse+? is a re+i)ion an' has no Po+itica+ A??i+iation o? any sort whatsoe(er. In 3e*tsche+an' < there is a hi)her instance o? Asatr* #e+i)ion amon)st Nationa+ists 4 many o? whom are st*cD a+on) si'e what is an A6IS Aesthetic app+ie' to a Pan In'o 1*ropean #acism that is in no way Nationa+ist Po+itic. 2here is a ?ar hi)her instance o? Asatr* amon)st act*a+ Nationa+ists than there is amon)st #acists < what is consi'ere' #acism @y most in'i(i'*a+s is in no way accepta@+e to Nationa+ism nor is it accepta@+e to the ethica+ stan'ar's o? an Asatr*ar. Most o? the Asatr*ars whom ha(e @een in(o+(e' in any :hite Power or)ani>ation in the past ten years are +iDe+y to ha(e @een attacDe' @y the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS or are +iDe+y to @e attacDe' in the near ?*t*re 5 it is +iDe+y that #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r whi+e occ*r with these in'i(i'*a+sA I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @ein) )i(en to M*r'erers an' 7on(icta@+e or 7on(icte' SeC 0??en'ers whom the 1man*e+es ha(e @+acDmai+e' < this #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r is @ein) ca++e' G;ara@asAin)G @y many peop+e who ha(e notice' that it has happene'4 the 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as are ca++in) it GMachia(e++iAin)G. U :-: Borl) Church of the Creator :-: 2he :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator has chan)e' itAs i'entity m*+tip+e times 4 promotin) itse+? p*@+ica++y as a n*m@er o? (ast+y 'i??erent i'entities. 3*rin) 200% 5 this or)ani>ation was @ein) promote' as a G+o@a+ :hite S*premacist 0r)ani>ation which was ?o*n'e' in 7roatia @y a man with a German name 4 G;en 9+assenG . Min'y 9ern @e+ie(e' this to ha(e @een a cypher 5 G;enG in He@rew means G0?G 4 in one ?orm o? Ara@ic +in)*istics this is G;inG < the GSSG in 9+assen m*st @e remo(e' 4 this is GSSG as in A6IS .orei)n $e)ion < the G1G in G9+aenG m*st @e remo(e' to @e G9+anG 4 this is 9* 9+*C 9+an < the G1G is G1astG ?or G1ast #omanG4 which was where 7roatia is as we++ is it G1G ?or 1(o+a. G;in Sa*'G is eH*i(i+ant to I@nSa*' 4 the #oya+ .ami+y o? the 0ttoman 1mpire. 2he 7rown on the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator is toppe' @y a Ha+o an' is a@o(e a G:G 4 this is the 7rown o? the :est 5 this 7rown o? the :est @ein) G:est #omanG. 2his :est #oman @ein) B*+i*s 1(o+a. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 9in) was =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 whoAs Gran' Son inherite' a portion o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs responsi@i+ities an' associate' connections as 7rime $or' o? an A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator :e@site has @een *se' n*mero*s times to p*@+ish 7yphere' Messa)es to the Internet. Aro*n' the year 200% 5 B*')e $e?Dow was assassinate' @y men o? an G1astern 1*ropean appearanceG whom were a++e)e'+y mem@ers o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator. 3*rin) 200% 5 A 7atho+ic 9* 9+*C 9+an *nit p*@+ishe' itAs eCistence to the Internet < this or)ani>ation was presente' a 7atho+ic 9* 9+*C 9+an *nit <5 this is e(i'ence that Sa(oy A)ents ha' in the past in?i+trate' the 9* 9+*C 9+an on American soi+. 2he 9* 9+*C 9+an ori)ina++y @e+ie(e' that a #oman G+o@a+ 7onspiracy was

+i(in) in the =atican 7o*nci+ o? the #oman 7atho+ic 7h*rch an' that these conspirators @e+ie(e' in G+o@a+ 7onH*est @y any means necessary 4 this was (iewe' as ine(ita@+y res*+tin) in the physica+ e+imination o? a++ Nationa+ities as 'istinct Nationa+ 1thnics an' the e+imination o? a++ Nation States which were p+anne' to @e assimi+ate' @y a G+o@a+ #oman 1mpire 5 this is the reason ?or the ori)ina+ 9+ansmen namin) their or)ani>ationa+ positions a?ter the ;easts o? #e(e+ations Hy'ras o? m*+tip+e 3ra)on Hea's. Many Bews an' 7hristians ha(e historica++y @e+ie(e' that these 3ra)on Hea's 'epicte' in the ;ooD o? #e(e+ations represent #oman 3ynastic Aristocratic .ami+ies an' .e'erate' #oya+ .ami+ies +oya+ to the reconstr*ction an' )+o@a+i>ation o? the #oman 1mpire res*+tin) in a@so+*te G+o@a+ 7onH*est @y the #omans 5 these Aristocratic .ami+ies ?e++ ?rom their No@+e positions when the #oman 1mpire was conH*ere' 4 this is @e+ie(e' to @e cyc+ica+ prophecy in the ;i@+e. 2he ori)ina+ 9* 9+*C 9+an str*ct*re' their or)ani>ation as a @+asphemy an' a sarcastic anti thesis to what they @e+ie(e' to @e a new @+asphemo*s In(isi@+e #oman 1mpire on American soi+. Most 7hristians an' Bews @e+ie(e that the #oman 1mpire ?e++ '*e to the wi++ o? Go' @eca*se they were corr*pt 5 7hristians speci?ica++y4 @eca*se o? the sin which the #omans committe' when they cr*ci?ie' the #a@@i /esh*a the Messiah o? Israe+ < whom is otherwise Dnown as /es* 7hristi or Bes*s 7hrist. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 a we@site was p*@+ishe' to the internet which inc+*'e' a photo)raph o? Ser@ian 7atho+ics 'resse' as 9* 9+*C 9+ansmen 4 stan'in) on @+eachers < this we@site +a@e+e' these in'i(i'*a+s G2he Ser@ian 9* 9+*C 9+anG . I @e+ie(e that this A6IS Unit most pro@a@+y Di++e' an entire 9* 9+*C 9+an Unit an' rep+ace' the entire Unit on paperworD an' in .e'era+ 7omp*ters as we++ as on Me'ica+ #ecor' 5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ea+th #etainers p*rchase' n*mero*s Hospita+s a?ter 200% an' @e)an S*r)ica++y Imp+antin) G.P.S. A#G0S 2ransmitters in AmericanAs ?orearms as we++ as 'i' they Ne*ro S*r)ica++y Gra?t ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to ci(i+ians @rains in m*+tip+e re)ions )+o@a++y. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' to aesthetica++y impersonate ci(i+ians @y metho' o? Genetic M*tation com@ine' with 7osmetic S*r)ery 5 )enetic materia+ can @e easi+y o@taine' ?rom (ictims pre empti(e+y at Hospita+s4 0rtho'onta+ 7+inics4 an' e+swhere. Stem 7e++s can @e o@taine' @y metho' o? :is'om 2ooth retrie(a+ 5 )enetic materia+s can a+so @e o@taine' @y pap smear 4 @+oo' 'ri(e 4 @+oo' tests 4 an' tooth remo(a+. U 2he Ser@ian A6IS .action seems to @e s*@or'inate to the Ita+ian A6IS .action 5 it seems pro@a@+e that the 1(o+as an' +ater the 1man*e+es ma'e connections to this 7rimina+ .action a ?ew )enerations prior to the .irst :or+' :ar < ?or the p*rpose o? recr*itin) a++ies in the eastern reaches o? the Me'iterranean Sea 4 where the 1astern Pro(ince o? the +ater #oman 1mpire once eCiste'. It is +iDe+y that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs pre'ecessor hire' the most e(i+ crimina+s that he co*+' ?in' in the re)ion o? Ser@ia < this wo*+' ha(e @een in the era o? the 0ttoman rei)n '*rin) which Ser@ia was a pro(ince o? the 0ttoman 1mpire. It is +o)ica+ that 1(o+a wo*+' ha(e nee'e' to hire a crime syn'icate ?or the p*rpose o? in?i+tratin) an' e(ent*a++y 'ecapitatin) the Ser@ian )o(ernment entire+y 5 this crime syn'icate wo*+' ha(e ha' to ha(e @een wi++in) to commit treason 4 m*r'er 4 an' any other crime that it wo*+' taDe to 'ecapitate the Ser@ian )o(ernment entire+y. 2he most heino*s o? a++ crime syn'icates are those which a@*se women an' chi+'ren 4 these crime syn'icates are seC tra??icDers an' other h*man tra??icDers whom wi++ o?ten )o as ?ar as to m*r'er entire ?ami+ies to maintain their a(oi'ance o? 'etection 5 this is '*e to their seC o??enses an' crimes a)ainst h*manity which are the most heino*s o? a++ crimes on 1arth 4 any comm*nity on 1arth wo*+' h*nt these types o? men wiith ?*ry sho*+' they @ecome aware o? their eCistence in the comm*nity. 2his re)ion was 1ast #ome '*rin) the era '*rin) which the #oman 1mpire was r*+e' as two pro(inces 4 one :est #ome an' one 1ast #ome. 3*rin) 200% 2005 5 the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator we@site chan)e' 'rastica++y an' @e)an to ha(e a po+itica+ an' reconstr*ctionist )oa+ < this )oa+ @ein) the G#econstr*ction o? the Ho+y #oman 1mpireG an' state' that Gthis was a Germanic entityG. 2he Ho+y #oman 1mpire was a semi 2heocratic 1mpire which eCiste' prior to the German 1mpire an' share' itAs )o(ernance @etween the German #oya+ .ami+y an' the ;ishop o? #ome 4 the Pope. 2he Ho+y #oman 1mpire was the 1st #eich 5 the ?irst s*ccess?*+ near reconstr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire4 attempts to mer)e this Imperia+ State with the

9in)'om o? Ita+ia an' others ?ai+e'. 2his was the phase o? i'entity which state' that $atin was to @e ta*)ht to Gthe :hite #aceG an' that $atin was to @ecome the G+o@a+ $an)*a)e. 7ha' Gro+sch 4 whom was my @rie? contact within the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator 5 was a Nor'icist whom @e+ie(e' in maDin) @a@ies with other Germanic peop+e an' ha' a Germanic .ranDic Norman i'entity with an A+sacian s*rname< '*rin) ear+y 20054 7ha' Gro+sch was rep+ace' @y an in'i(i'*a+ who @e)an *sin) 7ha'As A.I.M. ScreenName. 2his in'i(i'*a+ occaisiona++y seeme' to 2a+D ;ot the A0$ I.M. acco*nt to speaD at 7ha' Gro+schAs contacts 4 seemin)+y )atherin) in?ormation 5 the in'i(i'*a+ i++e)a++y *sin) 7ha' Gro+schAs acco*nt c+aime' that GNor'icism is )ayG4 this statement was ma'e @rie?+y a?ter I ha' spoDen with =ittorio 1man*e+eAs homo seC*a+ son Aaron whom was raise' @y an a'opti(e ?ami+y near Mans?ie+' Massach*settes an' ha' a''e' me on MySpace as a ?rien'. Aaron ha' n*mero*s photo)raphs o? himse+? with a si'e parte' Pompa'o*r as we++ as himse+? with a )rey stripe' sweatshirt preten'in) to ri'e on a coin operate' ro@ot horse. S+eipnir < 0'inAs 8 +e))e' horse 4 was +ater mentione' @y 1' :arren inc+*'in) a re?erence to #o@ot horses 4 ro@ots 4 an' G?ast @itchesG 4 as we++ as 8 +e)s @ein) twice as many +e)s than one ?ema+e horse 5 two women were +ater rape' @y 1' :arrenAs associates in re+ation to these statements. Aro*n' this time 5 my .atherAs @est ?rien' ;o@ 7hapman @e)an worDin) ?or Home+an' Sec*rity an' Airport Sec*rity at the Airport in Manchester NewHampshire < since this time 4 ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep+ace' @y a man whom has @een *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' is c*rrent+y +i(in) in his ho*se in ;e'?or' NewHampshire. 2he man whom has rep+ace' ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e 100S Ita+ian an' o? #oman race < ;o@ 7hapman was ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? American. 2he A6IS ha(e em@e''e' S+eeper A)ents in 9*9+*C 9+an *nits a++ o(er the North American continent 4 ?or the p*rpose o? pre(entin) a 9*9+*C 9+an 7o*p 3e 1tat 4 i? the A6IS 7o*p 3e 1tats the U.S.A. an' 7ana'ian )o(ernments. 2he A6IS is a ?orei)n entity. 2he +itera+ A6IS is ?orei)n to North America an' are 1nemy 7om@atants o? o*r peop+es. * :- #"C& B"# -: %he concept of /#ace Bar/ is a misnomer an) is often misun)erstoo)3 %he Italian Sa0o5"GIS $action consists primaril5 of families of Italian #ace + families of mi@e) "ustrian-Italian race + an) families of mi@e) !erman-Italian race + as -ell as Organize) Crime 1ercenaries3 1ost of the Nation-States on &arth + are populate) primaril5 *5 the #ace -hich is Nati0e to the National %erritories : this *eing the #aces that -ere li0ing in the National %erritor5 -hen the Nation-State -as foun)e) + an) also the #ace that foun)e) the Nation3 If a -ar -ere to occur *et-een $rance an) 2enmar. + the militaries of *oth $rance an) 2enmar. -oul) *e primaril5 comprise) of in)i0i)ual of $rench an) 2anish race3 1ost nations on earth ha0e a 1a,orit5 Nati0e Population Count #atio3 Sleeper-Cells in the (3S3"3 an) else-here are all /#ace-Cells/ *ecause the5 all consist of 1ilitant $actions3 1ilitant $actions t5picall5 *egin -ith a Nation of People -ho *uil) a militar5 or organize a 1ilitant $action3 If a Sleeper-Cell Net-or. is )isco0ere) an) e0entuall5 arreste) + it results in the massi0e population arrest of -hat is an e@tremel5 large population of one single race of people3 %his is a fact3 Currentl5 + the "GIS Sleeper-Cells in North "merica are .illing all nati0e North "merican #aces -ho ha0e e0er foun)e) a Nation on North "merican Soil3 * :-: Barac. Hussein O*ama :-: Soon a?ter this con(ersation an' other con(ersations concernin) M9U$2#A in(esti)ations which ha' a+so @een 'isc*sse' with .i+ < .i+ 4 1' 4 =ittorio 4 7esare 4 an' their crimina+ connections @e)an a@*sin) women horri@+y an' pro'*cin) thin)s s*ch as a 2 Gir+s 0ne 7*p we@site. 1mi+y Is+es was ca++e' G1mi+y o? the Is+es 4 o? the 1mera+' Is+esG @y Anthony 3e?eo < G3iCie 7hicDsG were

mentione' an' 3iCie 7*ps were mentione' 4 as we++ as was the 3iCie Son) o? A+a@ama. 2his +ea's me to @e+ie(e that .i+As rap a+@*m whi+e s*ppose'+y +i(in) as a mem@er o? a 7rips *nit in Massach*settes which was pro@a@+y poste' e+ectronica++y somewhere on the internet as G.I$G 4 which mentione' G2he Secret Ser(ice :i++ ;e My Sch*t>sta??e+G in .i+As +yrics 5 was the prec*rsor to the Sa(oy 7rime Syn'icateAs connectin) themse+(es to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama somehow 4 as their can'i'ate o? choice an' sha'owin) him with in'i(i'*a+ A)ents. 2he Ita+ian A6IS A)ents in the North 1ast ha(e @een o(erhear' n*mero*s times ca++in) ;aracD 0@ama G;+it>9rie) 0? 3iCie 7*psG. ;aracD means G$i)htnin)G in Ara@ic 4 we were at :A# with H*ssein 4 an' 0@ama so*n's +iDe 0A;ama which wo*+' @e Irish ?or 0? ;ama or 0? A+a@ama which is +itera++y ca++e' 3iCie. 3iCie 7*ps are han'e' o*t at hospita+s < I was 'r*))e' with a 3iCie 7*p o? ?+*i' @e?ore the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was p*t in my @rain with an *nDnown se'ati(e an' hypnotic that was miCe' with an oran)e creamsic+e tastin) mi+D which they c+aime' was GPotassi*mG 4 Sasha ;aron 7ohen ha' I*st recent+y per?orme' the 9a>aDhstan GPotassi*mG Nationa+ Anthem on H;0 on his A$I G Show. 1' :arrenAs sense o? h*mor comp+iments =ittorioAs an' .i+As sense o? h*mo*r in a speci?ic way that +ea(es a speci?ic psycho+o)ica+ ?in)er print on their crimes. I ha(e seen photo)raphs on the internet o? a ?aDe ;aracD 0@ama that appear to @e o? an in'i(i'*a+ whom is o? miCe' Ita+ian an' ;ra>i+ian mesti>o )enetics < howe(er4 these photo)raphs are on the internet an' may ha(e @een the pro'*ct o? a pro)ram which I @e+ie(e was ca++e' somethin) +iDe .aceMorph or .aceMash. It is possi@+e that they ha(e @een sta+Din) ;aracD 0@ama 4 in ?act it is +o)ica+ < L*een 1+i>a@eth4 :i++iam Hano(er 4 an' 9ate Hano(er are sta+Din) (ictims o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+ 1mane*e+eAs as is the 9in) o? Norway an in'i(i'*a+ whoAs ?aces @e)an to appear as ?aDe' photo)raphs o? An'ers ;rei(iD o? Norway. 2he 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia was a+so @+ame' ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs connections to .06 M13IA 5 n*mero*s internet artic+es ha(e @een poste' which portraye' the 9in) o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 4 9in) I@nSa*'As co*sin 4 an' other re+ati(es o? 9in) I@nSa*' as ha(in) comp+ete contro+ o(er .06 M13IA an' ownin) near+y a++ o? the stocD in .06 M13IA @y metho' o? G#oya+ #etainersG. I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that ;i++ 0A#ei++y may ha(e @een pai' to @e stern a@o*t Is+am in )enera+ '*rin) what was s*ppose' to @e 2he :ar 0n 2error an' G2he A6IS o? 1(i+G. It seems o@(io*s that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Properties Stea' Ho+'ers own m*ch o? the Me'ia Pro'*ction in the USA. I @e+ie(e ;aracD 0@amaAs speech writer an'Qor emai+ writer may @e taDin) pay to write speci?ic wor's into his hea+thcare p+an4 speeches4 an' more speci?ica++y his emai+s. 2hese wor's inc+*'e the wor' G7HIPG as many times as possi@+e an' seem to a++*'e to M13I7A$ 7HIPS &=7HIP =1#I7HIP < S7HIP SIGNA$S 7HIP4 SI$9 7HIP4 S0.2:A#1 7HIP4 etcO, o@(io*s+y s+an'erin) the Unite' States Presi'ent this @a'+y is a way to ca*se chaos an' 'isor'er in the Unite' States o? America which wo*+' +ea' to eCtreme incohesi(eness an' e(ent*a++y 'e?ense+essness. 1mai+ statements ?rom his emai+ campai)n inc+*'e thin)s s*ch as G3i' yo* 7hip inOG . ;aracD 0@ama @ein) ?a+se+y 'epicte' as A?rican American in me'ia an' on internet artic+es inc+*'in) :iDipe'ia 5 is +iDe+y to @e ?or reason o? ?omentin) 'istr*st o? the entire U.S.A. Go(ernment @ein) that ;aracD 0@ama is act*a++y 9enyan American on his .atherAs si'e an' Nationa+ 1thnic American on his MotherAs. A++ o? the 7han)in) .ace propa)an'a associate' with ;aracD 0@amaAs campai)n an' presi'ency as we++ as the ne)ati(e campai)nin) seems to @e s*@t+y in?+*ence' @y the A6IS 2errorist .action ?or p*rpose o? 'etracte' ?rom the +e)itimacy o? :itness Statements s*ch as this. 1' :arren mentionin) G:e )ot a )*y ?rom a +ist 4 heAs name' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. :eAre *sin) the name. :eA(e )ot a )*y rea'y to taDe his position.G 1' :arren mentione' G;ho;ho the c+own 4 thereAs )oin) to @e two twin imposte*rsG 1' :arren mentione' G;h0 Bo;NG 2hree in'i(i'*a+s wa+De' into .ami+y 3o++ar m*tate' to +ooD +iDe M*+atto 4 @*t were sti++ reco)ni>a@+e an' were recor'e' on Sec*rity 7amera 5 these were two Bewish .ema+es name' 1riDa .ein)o+' an'

A@@ey 1t+in)er 4 an' a 'istant co*sin o? BacD 3ionAs an' my .atherAs )ir+?rien' 7heriAs eC h*s@an' whoAs s*rname was 7i@otti 5 her name was Aman'a -possi@+y 7i@otti8 an' she was 3an #o@icha*'As )ir+?rien'. A@@ey 1t+in)er asDe' me i? I reco)ni>e' her an' to+' me her name was A@@ey 4 at the time I 'i' not reco)ni>e her. #ichar' NiCon an' #ichar' He+ms were Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS So+'iers who Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the 1Cec*ti(e ;ranch an' the U.S.A. 7.I.A. . 2his was 'isc*sse' @y #o@ert #o'on 4 7hristopher #o'on 4 an' my se+? '*rin) the year 2000. 2his was a+so 'isc*sse' @y Henry MaDow o? Sa(e2heMa+es.7A whom p*@+ishe' n*mero*s artic+es a@o*t it. * :-: #ichar) Ni@on + Batergate + 1K(ltra+ "GIS + %us.eegee 2iscusse) :-:

* :-: 7( I(S &8O " :-: A$$ PH020G#APHS 0. 2H1 ;A#0N 0. SI7I$/ 4 BU$IUS 1=0$A < IN HIS S7HU2PS2A..1$ UNI.0#M HA=1 ;11N #1M0=13 .#0M 2H1 IN21#N12 1N2I#1$/. 2he photo)raphs o? B*+i*s 1(o+a4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III4 A'o+? GHit+erG4 an' ;enito M*sso+ini < a++ stan'in) with the pope o? the 1"%0As4 ha(e @een remo(e' ?rom the internet entire+y as ha(e photo)raphs o? them with the ?ormer Prince o? Ser@ia. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs wiDipe'ias ha(e @een o@sessi(e+y e'ite' n*mero*s times as ha(e B*+i*s 1(o+aAs. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs en)+ish +an)*a)e wiDipe'ia has no mention whatsoe(er o? his ancient roya+ +inea)e4 at times it a+so ?ai+s to mention him @ein) the ;aron o? Sici+y *nti+ it is correcte' a)ain where*pon it seems that some@o'y mar)ina+i>es his aristocratic @+oo'+ine. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ita+ian +an)*a)e wiDipe'ia 'enies his racism entire+y ?rom time to time4 *nti+ it is correcte'. B*+i*s 1(o+a was o@sesse' with #oman Aristocratic =a+*es an' most +iDe+y was act*a++y the physica+ heir an' preten'er to the throne o? the #oman 1mpire. &See5 B*+i*s 1(o+a Men Amongst the Ruins, B*+i*s 1(o+a 'i' not @e+ie(e in the +e)itimacy o? Ita+ia as a nation state4 @ein) that it was o? GMo'ernG 'eca'ence an' +acDe' GAristocratic =a+*esG< instea' he @e+ie(e' in the +e)itimacy o? the #oman 1mpire an' his ?ami+iesA +e)itimacy as the heirs to the throne o? the #oman Imperia+ Monarchy )+o@a++y. In or'er to @rin) a@o*t the reconstr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire as a G+o@a+i>e' 1ntity ?*++y rea+i>e' in itAs a@so+*te ori)ina+ heirarcha+ str*ct*re the core (a+*es o? the s*rro*n'in) c*+t*res in their p*rest ?orms ha' to @e s*@(erte' an' restr*ct*re' into a syncretic ?ormat with a mo@i+e assimi+ationist process occ*rrin) sim*+taeneo*s+y4 )+o@a++y4 an' permanant+y < e+iminatin) a++ other c*+t*res4 nations4 an' tra'itions o? (a+*e as conten'ers ?or )+o@a+ s*periority. 2his @e)an with the tar)ettin) o? ancient a'(ersaries s*ch as the Germanic peop+es as we++ as Israe+ an' c*+minate' in the pre empti(e in?i+tration o? res*r)ent )ermanic ?o+D tra'ition an' re+i)io*s st*'ies in the ?orm o? the ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society < e(ent*a++y to @e s*@(erte' somewhat towar' a #omani>e' imperia+ist i'entity 4 the pre empti(e in?i+tration an' e(ent*a+ 'ecapitation o? the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@or Party< e(ent*a++y to @e ?ormatte' into a ?e'erate' &See5 =isiGoths in Hispa < .oe'erati, imperia+ +e)ion with #oman AH*i+a an' #oman ;att+e Stan'ar's in their han's4 an' the attempte' permanant e+imination o? the Israe+i peop+e< pre empti(e+y ?ramin) the Israe+i peop+e ?or the G+o@a+ist Imperia+ )oa+s o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y. It is now reporte' that his ?ami+y 'oes not eCist an' that he 'ie' *nmarrie'4 sirin) no o??sprin). 7ertain ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een Dnown ?or strate)ica++y hi'in) i++e)itimate @+oo'+ines '*rin) times o? war4 in case o? *s*rpation or @ehea'in) o? their ?ami+ies. It wo*+' @e on+y +o)ica+ that a 2yrant Monarch wo*+' hi'e i++e)itimate @+oo'+ines o? his own in m*+tip+e +ocations prior to attemptin) a )+o@a+ conH*est ?or the reasona@+e ass*mption that his ?ami+y wo*+' @e eCec*te' *pon 'e?eat. =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs )ran'?ather is the most +iDe+y o? the Sa(oyAs to ha(e 'one this to a +ar)er eCtent4 hi'in) n*mero*s @+oo'+ines in m*+tip+e +ocations 5 those ?ami+ies remainin) networDe' e(en *nti+ present 'ay. * %H& SI! H"I - %he #oman Salute of /"2O $ HI% &#'s/ !erman5 %H& BO#2P"#% SI!: VP#O%O-!&#1"NIC- "ssociate) -ith -or)s correlating to ,1CTO*426 %H& $O#N"1& 8I%%O#IO: Italian form of the forname 8IC%O# V8ictorious oneW 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & III /Hail 8ictor5 + Hail 8ittorio/ 2he sa+*te which was )i(en to the

7aesar o? Germania was the #oman Sa+*te. 2hro*)h psych war?are < mass psycho+o)y thro*)h contro++e' me'ia s*ch as +iterat*re4 newspapers4 an' ?i+m 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a re en)ineere' the Imperia+ #oman i'entity o? the ear+y #oman 1mpire an' ha' @e)*n to phase it into the min's o? the peop+e o? 3e*tsche+an' witho*t them e(en @ein) a++owe' to @e aware o? the tr*th. Un'er pen names< an' with other writerAs ?aces on his worDs 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a re wrote sections o? G*i'o =on $istAs worDs an' ?a+se+y attri@*te' it to 9ar+ Maria :i++i)*tAs penhan'. .rie'rich Niet>che was not spare' ?rom post mortem type e'itin) either< B*+i*s 1(o+a re wrote sections o? .rie'rich Niet>cheAs worDs 5 *pon the 'isco(ery o? this a?ter the secon' )+o@a+ con?+ict4 B*+i*s 1(o+a ma'e certain that this was @+ame' on Niet>cheAs sister. 9in) =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 A'o+? < was ma'e 7aesar o? Germania 5 this @ein) Dept a secret ?rom the peop+e o? 3e*tsche+an' 4 whi+e B*+i*s 1(o+a was ma'e the in(isi@+e #oman 1mperor. 2he ?ormer ?+a) o? the German 1mpire was sp*n into the shape o? a s*n an' p+ace' in the center o? the $e)io Germania AH*i+a o? #ome 5 the #oman AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar' o? a ?orei)n +e)ion in their own home+an'. 2he p+an which was 'e(ise' in the 1800As @y =ittorio 1man*e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs pre'ecessors 5 was impro(isationa++y set @acD in motion4 comp+ete+y i)norin) the ?act that the A6IS ha' +ost the ?irst time. 3e*tsche+an' was anneCe' whi+e comp+ete+y *naware. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate +ie' to the wor+'. U B*+i*s 1(o+a (iewe' the entire wor+' as a@ori)ina+ pop*+ations an' his own peop+e as G+o@a+ #oman 7onH*ista'ores < +iDe the characat*res o? .irst Nations American Peop+es 4 =iDin) 7haracat*res an' misappropriation o? tra'itiona+ Germanic (a+*es were *se' in rep+acement o? tr*e 3e*tsche Nationa+ I'entity an' tr*e Germanic 1thnic I'entity. 2he =iDin) $e)ionsA i'entity was a phi+osophica+ characit*re o? the warrior ethic an' tra'itiona+ Aesir (a+*es o? the Bar+ c+ass o? tra'ition Germanic society 5 =iDin)s were Northern Germanic co+onists +i(in) a tra'itiona+ Germanic .o+D #e+i)ion an' 2ra'itiona+ Germanic .o+D 7*+t*re. A characit*re (ersion o? :otanAs :a+ha++ was *se' to promote the i'ea o? )oin) ?orth an' 'yin) in @att+e whi+e a Germanic +ooDin) /esh*a was presente' as 7hrist the Messiah. 2he 3e*tsche Nationa+ I'entity @ecame a characit*re o? what it ori)ina++y was4 G*i'o =on $istsA worDs pertainin) to Asatr* were @astar'i>e' an' per(erte' to @e re iss*e' *n'er the name o? 9ar+ Maria :i+i)*t inDe' in B*+i*s 1(o+aAs penhan' 4 an' a #oman I'entity was phase' in as 3e*tsche I'entity @ecame nothin) @*t a mascot ?or the re)iona+ #oman Imperia+ $e)ion. In'i(i'*a+s an' or)ani>ations +oya+ to the past #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho+y #oman 1mpire an' ear+ier 3e*tsche+an' were ta*)ht that the new ima)ery was re+ate' to the Ho+y #oman 1mpire an' the German 1mpire when in ?act the new #oya+ .ami+y which were +itera++y present were A'o+? GHit+erG an' B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 @oth o? the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 A'o+? @ein) part+y o? A*strian Sa(oy +inea)e. U :-: %he *oo. E /1ight is #ight/ *5 : /#agnar #e)Bear)/ :-: 2he @ooD GMi)ht is #i)htG 4 attri@*te' to an a*thor whoAs ?act*a+ name was *nDnown @*t ha' taDen the Germanic name G#a)nar #e';ear'G 5 is a phi+osophica+ worD which 'escri@es the phi+osophy o? Socia+ 3arwinism ?rom the perspecti(e o? one who +i(es as a Socia+ 3arwinist @y +i?e phi+osophy 4 a+most as i? it is a set o? re+i)io*s (a+*es. Socia+ 3arwinism is a Phi+osophy which concerns a Stan'ar' o? 7on'*ct an' mora+ ethic 5 it is an Amora+ist Phi+osophy which 'escri@es a Stan'ar' o? 7on'*ct that p+aces the Preser(ation 4 7om?ort 4 an' 1mpowerment o? the In'i(i'*a+ Se+? to @e the so+e reason ?or the Stan'ar' o? 7on'*ct. 2he phi+osophy o? Socia+ 3arwinism accepts that the a@i+ity to commit an action 4 is an in'i(i'*a+As ri)ht to commit to an action 5 an' that the a@i+ity to 'eny the committin) o? a crime an' e+iminate e(i'ence 4 is a stren)th that an in'i(i'*a+ has the ri)ht to eCert. Socia+ 3arwinist Phi+osophy 'escri@es +aw an' mora+ity as pro'*cts o? weaDness an' weaD in'i(i'*a+s who eCpect others to cooperati(e+y assist them 4 an' tr*st as a ?orm o? weaDness that can easi+y @e a@*se' to the a'(anta)e o? the one whom is tr*ste'. Socia+ 3arwinists are o?ten $i@ertarians 4 Imperia+ists 4 an' wea+thy 7rime $or's. H*man 2ra??icDers are a+most a+ways Socia+ 3arwinists. 2he Phi+osophy o? a Socia+ 3arwinist is simi+ar to the @eha(ior in action o? a Sociopath. Socia+ 3arwinism is Hono*r+ess. Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) o? the @ooD an' the time perio' '*rin) which it was written pro(es that

it is pro@a@+e that the writer was some@o'y +iDe =ittorio 1man*e+e II an' that these were some o? his phi+osophica+ memoires that were +ater p*@+ishe' @y an 1(o+a in 1n)+ish an' other +an)*a)es *n'er the PenName G#a)nar #e';ear'G . 2he ?irst 9in) o? Ita+ia was the 9in) o? the $an)o@ar's 4 a name which +itera++y means G$on) ;ear'sG. 2he 9in) o? the $an)o@ar's conH*ere' Ita+ia Nar@onensis an' 'e?eate' the #oman 1mpire imme'iate+y prior to the Me'ie(a+ 1ra. A concept o? Germanic #e+i)ion 5 #a)naroD is the name o? the :ar @etween the Aesir an' the ?orces o? or'er an' 'i(inity a)ainst the ?orces o? chaos. A +on) #e' ;ear' 4 ?+ows in the win' an' @+ows in the win'. 2he #oman inspire' ?+a) o? the A6IS in 3e*stche+an' 4 as we++ as other re)ions o? :estern an' 7entra+ 1*rope 5 was a re' ?+a) which represente' a mi+itant ?action '*rin) a war o? whom one o? the primary S*preme Genera+ 7omman'ers was a $on)o@ar' *sin) a Germanic name GA'o+? Hit+erG whoAs ?act*a+ @io+o)y was the $om@ar'ic #oya+ .ami+y on his .atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y at +east an' whoAs mother was pro@a@+e to ha(e @een o? no@+e +inea)e an' the 'a*)hter o? a 9ni)ht o? Sa(oy whom was o? $om@ar'ic as we++ as Aosta race. B*+i*s 1(o+a was o?ten re?erre' to as Gthe #e' ;aronG < the re' ?+a) which ?+ew in A6IS 3e*tsche+an' an' other re)ions '*rin) the 1"%0As 4 *pon the mi''+e o? which a white so+ar 'isc an' @+acD so+ar swastiDa was 'isp+aye' was a+so ca++e' Gthe #e' ;aronG at times 4 B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' A'o+? Hit+erAs ?a(orite st*nt pi+ot who was 'ra?te' an' conscripte' to ?+y ?or the $*?twa??e was a+so ca++e' Gthe #e' ;aronG. It is a possi@i+ity that the +iterary worD GMi)ht is #i)htG @y G#a)nar #e';ear'G was ?act*a++y written @y A'o+? Hit+er @*t was attri@*te' to another in'i(i'*a+. U 5 5 2he Psycho+o)y o? the G7ome to the New :or+'G posters an' paper +ea?+ets 'istri@*te' a++ o(er 1*rope prior to the :estwar' 1Cpansion an' wa(es o? immi)ration to the U.S.A. 4 G3e?en' yo*r Nation 5 Boin the Sh*t>sta??e+G posters an' paper +ea?+ets 'istri@*te' a++ o(er 1*rope. 5 5 Imme'iate+y prior to the G:estwar' 1Cpansion o? the U.S.A.G 4 h*n're's o? paper +ea?+ets a'(erti>in) that there were an eCtreme+y n*mero*s amo*nt o? Io@s a(ai+a@+e in the U.S.A. 4 tho*san's o? acres o? empty +an' ?or sa+e 4 an' near+y *n+imite' wea+th an' reso*rces 5 were 'istri@*te' a++ thro*)ho*t 1*rope an' other parts o? the wor+'. A?ter this paper +ea?+ets an' posters were 'istri@*te' 4 h*n're's o? mi)rants were so+' )*ns an' ?oo' s*pp+ies an' recr*ite' to tra(e+ westwar' as G7o+onistsG an' GPioneersG when in ?act they ha' I*st @een recr*ite' to @ecome Genoci'a+ Mara*'ers. 2here were no Io@s in Gthe New :or+'G o? the U.S.A. < @*t there was ?oo' 4 )*ns 4 amm*nition 4 wa)ons 4 an' s*pp+ies ?or sa+e. As soon as the mi)rants arri(e' ?rom 1*rope an' other p+aces 4 the USAmericans @e)an comp+ainin) imme'iate+y that a conspiracy a)ainst the USA ha' @e)*n an' that this was the @e)inin) o? a conspiracy the create a )+o@a+ state 5 m*ch o? this worry a@o*t a )+o@a+ state +e' to the creation o? the 7on?e'eracy an' the 7i(i+ :ar 4 I*st prior to the :estwar' 1Cpansion. Imme'iate+y prior to the :estwar' 1Cpansion o? the USA < pirates @e)an se++in) s+a(es ?rom :estern #e)ion o? A?rica to +an' owners in the Americas 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that these pirates were ?*n'e' @y the 1man*e+es. 2he 1man*e+es ha(e @een in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin) ?or a +on) time 4 inc+*'in) SeC 2ra??icDin). A?ter the :estwar' 1Cpansion 4 the economy o? the USA was sa@ota)e' @y 2errorist #acDeteers who were 'irecte' to repeate'+y ro@ the Pri(ate+y 0wne' ;anDin) Instit*tions *nti+ the Pri(ate+y 0wne' ;anDin) Instit*tions ha' to taDe +oans ?rom the Nationa+ ;anD. 1(ent*a++y 4 the 2errorist #acDeteers ro@@e' the @anDs a secon' an' thir' time which res*+te' in the Nationa+ ;anD @ecomin) @anDr*pt as a res*+t o? itAs ina@i+ity to co++ect on +oans. 2he 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e em@e''e' n*mero*s o? their 2errorist 7rimina+ A)ents within the Po+ice 3epartments o? the USA 5 it is a pro@a@i+ity that part o? the money co++ecte' ?rom the #acDeteers was *se' to pay Po+ice 0??icers to i)nore the ;anD #o@@eries an' that the 2errorist #acDeteersA Io@ was to ro@ the ;anD an' @rin) the money to a speci?ic in'i(i'*a+ who 'i(i'e' it @etween himse+? an' the ;anD #o@@ers4 )i(in) them their

portion o? the +oot. A 2errorist #acDeteer is a Pi++a)er 5 Pi++a)in) is a ?orm o? 1conomic Sa@ota)e. Imme'iate+y prior to the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 paper +ea?+ets an' posters were 'istri@*te' an' poste' a++ o(er 1*rope 4 an' thro*)ho*t the n*mero*s nations which ha' ?ormer+y @een pro(incia+ territories o? the 0ttoman 1mpire 5 a'(ertisin) 4 G3e?en' yo*r Nation 5 Ioin the Sh*t>sta??e+. 2he So(iet 1mpire is in(a'in).G Imme'iate+y a?ter tho*san's o? peop+e en+iste' in the Sh*t>sta??e+ < A'o+? Hit+er 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 an' others @*rne' 'own the 3e*tsche Par+iament Ho*se an' @+ame' the So(iet Union ?or it 5 a?ter @*rnin) 'own the 3e*tsche Par+iament Ho*se 4 A'o+? Hit+er an' his )+o@a+ist co conspirators sent the Nationa+ists who ha' en+iste' in the Sh*t>sta??e+ to attacD So(iet Union an' conH*er nations in 7entra+ 1*rope. 2he $e)ion o? Saint Geor)e < which the was the U.9. Sh*t>sta??e+ $e)ion 4 ne(er 'ep+oye' 5 this was the res*+t o? the Unite' 9in)'om an' .rance @ein) attacDe' @y the A6IS .orces imme'iate+y a?ter the 'ep+oyment o? the .rench Sh*t>sta??e+. 2he Psycho+o)y o? these occ*rances are i'entica+. It is pro@a@+e that @oth o? these tactics were en)ineere' @y an 1man*e+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. * :-: Samantha !ua5 :-: Samantha G*ayAs co*sin GA*ntG Samantha G*ay an' my co*sin Monica Samantha G*ayAs mother 4 my mother 4 my co*sin GA*nt Shei+aG 4 7hristine 3ionAs mother Samantha G*ay 4 7hristine 3ion 4 my se+? 4 my co*sin Monica MosesDy 4 my co*sin Marco #oy 4 my co*sin 3*sty $a=oie 5 =itorrio 1man*e+eAs son 7hris 2homas 5 Ha++oween 1"88 Samantha G*ay a@'*cte' @y 5 men in a @oC shape' (an with tinte' win'ows '*rin) approCimate year o? 2002. Samantha G*ayAs @est ?rien's an' ?ami+y a@'*cte' Samantha G*ay on internet 4 tie' *p with rope 4 @ein) tort*re' Samantha G*ayAs imposte*r @ein) tort*re' * :-: 8alerie Olson :-: 3*rin) 200" 5 I ?o*n' a me'ica+ a'(ice we@site *pon which =a+erie 0+son ha' poste' H*estions re)ar'in) a sDin con'ition. 0n this @+o) messa)e @oar' 4 she has poste' pro)ressi(e photo)raphs o? her ?ace 'e(e+opin) re' @+otches an' e(ent*a++y mar@+e si>e' pinD mo+es. 2his sDin con'ition was intentiona++y in?+icte' *pon =a+erie 0+son @y the 1man*e+esA Genetic =ira+ :ar?are 7ampai)n in the Americas an' possi@+y 1*rope as we++ < @etween 200% an' 20134 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een @ein) *se' ?or p*rpose o? war?are 5 it is 'e?inite that this is part o? the 1man*e+esA campai)n to e+iminate pop*+ations an' 'estroy the sta@i+ity o? other pop*+ation )ro*ps whom they (iew as competitors 4 '*rin) this campai)n they inten' to ?rame the Sa*'i Ara@ian #oya+ .ami+y an' others ?or these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity so that they can en)ineer an i'entity ?or p*rpose o? creatin) a Gmore hate' than A'o+? Hit+erG. =a+erie 0+son was @r*ta++y tort*re' an' rape' in the ?o++owin) years a?ter this Genetic =ira+ :ar?are attacD 4 she was +e?t +acDin) an I'enti?action 7ar' an' 'ea' co(ere' in ?i+thy @o'i+y 'e?ecation an' eCcretions. =a+erie 0+son @ecame an imme'iate tar)et o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @eca*se she was my chi+'hoo' ?irst +o(e. 2he 1man*e+es ma'e certain to Ne*roS*r)ery =a+erie 0+son with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace '*rin) what I @e+ie(e was 2005. 2here has since @een % imposte*rs o? =a+erie 0+son. * * :-: Clarissa Berr5 :-: :-: Illegal (nBarrante) Bire-%apping :-:

U 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 4 the $AN $ine 2e+ephone 7on(ersations at the Home 2e+ephone at 38" Haywar' St Apt 3 Manchester New Hampshire was :ire 2appe' @y .e'era+ 1mp+oyees as we++ as 7omp*ter HacDers hacDin) ?rom 7omcast o??ices 'irect+y. 2his $AN $ine was *n'er 9enneth B*''As name. 2he primary tar)ets were my se+? an' 1mi+y Is+es in Missasa*)a 0ntario 7ana'a an' Hami+ton 0ntario 7ana'a. 3*rin) this time $eon Panneta may ha(e @een emp+oye' within 7.I.A. an' Banet Napo+itano was a S*preme 7o*rt B*')e 5 @oth o? these in'i(i'*a+s somehow mana)e' to rise to positions o? a@so+*te prominence within the .e'era+ Go(ernment o? the USA. I ?ee+ that these two were Ita+ian A6IS A)ents whoAs Io@ it was to Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate the U.S.A. )o(ernment. Ita+ian A6IS in?i+trate' the USA )o(ernment @e?ore 4 '*rin) the NiCon a'ministration 5 this +e' to the :aterGate Scan'a+ an' the interna+ in(esti)ations o? 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A an' others o? simi+ar orientation. U 5 5 Ita+ian A6IS Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs intentiona+ promotion o? pop*+ation 'i(ersi?ication an' manip*+ation o? 7ens*s 7o*nt ?or p*rpose o? eCterminatin) the North American #aces an' creatin) 7amo*?+a)e Pop*+ation ?or this p*rpose 5 5 U G:hiteG 7ens*s W not a++owe' to co*nt Nationa+ #aces an' Nationa+ 1thnic #aces U North American #aces not co*nte'. U G;+acDG 7ens*s W not a++owe' to co*nt Nationa+ #aces an' Nationa+ 1thnic #aces U GHispanicG 7ens*s W not a++owe' to co*nt Nationa+ #aces an' Nationa+ 1thnic #aces U GAmerican In'ianG 7ens*s W incorrect termino+o)y 4 o??ensi(e misappropriation o? i'entity 4 not a++owe' to co*nt Nationa+ #aces an' Nationa+ 1thnic #aces o? .irst Nations North American Nati(e #aces U G$0;A$ MI7#070SM P0PU$A2I0N 1N.0#713 .0# PU#P0S1 0. 1621#MINA2ING N0#2H AM1#I7AN #A71S AN3 S/S21MI7A$$/ 1$IMINA2ING A77U#A21 #170#3 0. 077U#AN71 0. 202A$ G1N07I31 AN3 #A7IA$ P0PU$A2I0N #1P$A71M1N2. U P0PU$A2I0N #A2I0 SA;02AG1 5 Intentiona+ promotion o? G#acia+ 3i(ersi?icationG o? n*mero*s speci?ic #acesA #acia+ Home+an's ?or p*rpose o? sa@ota)in) speci?ic Nationa+ 1thnic #acesA a@i+ity to eCist @y 'enyin) these speci?ic races the a@i+ity to Po+ice their own 7omm*nities 4 Go(ern their own Pop*+ation 4 sta?? their own 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 sta?? their own Hea+thcare .aci+ities 4 ?arm their own crops an' pro'*ce their own ?oo's 5 this is the intentiona+ esta@+ishment o? these #acesA Home+an's as 'esi)nate' +i(in) space ?or a++ .orei)n #aces o? peop+e 4 an' ine(ita@+y ?or on+y .orei)n #aces o? peop+e ?or reason o? the ?act that this is in action the ?orce' intentiona+ esta@+ishment o? a pop*+ation ratio which is comprise' o? +ess that 20S Nati(e #aces o? an 1N2I#1 70N2IN1N2 . 2his is a ratio o? 2 5 8 at the most where 2 represents the tota+ co*nt o? a++ An)+o Gae+ic USA Americans an' 7ana'ians 4 .ranDic Americans an' 7an'ians 4 MeCicans in North America 4 a++ Nationa+ #aces o? .irst Nations Nati(e North Americans 4 A?rican Americans 4 an' New Ho++an'er Americans 5 an' 8 represents the tota+ n*m@er o? .orei)n #acia+ Pop*+ation in comparison to the 20S o? the pop*+ation that the North American #aces co++ecti(e+y are a++owe' to share the pop*+ation co*nt o? . 2he Ita+ian A6IS Sa(oy Pop*+ation are primari+y comprise' o? in'i(i'*a+s who are 100S Ita+ian #ace 4 1Q2 Ita+ian #ace 1Q2 other #ace 4 3Q% Ita+ian #ace 1Q% other #ace 4 an' (ery se+'om 1Q% Ita+ian #ace 4 3Q% other #ace 5 (ery se+'om 'o these ?ami+ies marry o*tsi'e o? A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate S+eeper 7e++ ?ami+ies 4 Ita+ian Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 1spiona)e S+eeper 7e++ .ami+ies 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the Ho*se o? Aosta 4 an' So*th American Hispanic Ita+iano A6IS .ami+ies. * :-: 15 sisters Summer 1acPherson + Chelse5 1acPherson + Sheena 1acPherson :-: U I went on .ace;ooD 5 some@o'y on my ?rien'As +ist poste' GI +iDe this 'ressG . :ith the post4 there was a photo)raph o? a yo*n) woman wearin) a @+acD 'ress< a white cross on a si+(er chain was aro*n' her necD 4 with )o+'s )emstones set in it. 2he 'ress +ooDe' +iDe a Hot 2opic cata+o) 'ress4 the cross was i'entica+ to a necD+ace a Bewish )ir+ ha' )i(en me when I was a teena)er. :hen I was 154 my

?rien' Sara 9at+er )a(e me a necD+ace i'entica+ to this eCcept the cross was si+(er an' the )emstones were re'. I? the photo was c*rrent4 7he+sey wo*+' @e 15 '*rin) the time o? the photo. She is 1E now. 2he )ir+ in the ho*se with my ?ather an' S*mmer is o@(io*s+y not 7he+sey. 2he ?irst time I saw her4 S*mmer +ater that 'ay sai' to her G/o*Are not 7he+sey. I want the o+' 7he+sey @acD.G. I +ooDe' *p the photo)raph o? the 'ress on Goo)+e ima)e search 5 the ori)ina+ photo)raph was a photo)raph o? a mo'e+ name' A'e+. 2he person who photoshoppe' this ima)e 4 *se' the same techniH*e that an 18th cent*ry painter wo*+' *se to paint a portrait 5 the area aro*n' the ?ace was air@r*she'4 a?ter which the *nmistaDa@+e ?ace o? my sister 7he+sey was photo e'ite' into the air@r*she' space. 2he )ir+ who has @een sayin) she is 7he+sey is a nice )ir+4 @*t she is not my sister. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e swappe' the two o? them to *se them as hosta)es4 to Deep the ?ami+ies ?rom ta+Din) to a*thorities. 2he )ir+ preten'in) to @e 7he+sey +ooDs ha+? 1n)+ish an' a miC o? 1astern 1*ropean. &) Barren's : /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ * :-: "m*er #o5 :-: U Marco #oyAs ?ema+e co*sins ?rom his ?atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y whom are s*rname' #oy ha(e @een tar)ette' an' in some cases a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime So+'iers. I @e+ie(e Am@er #oy may @e one o? these in'i(i'*a+s an' that she may ha(e @een tra??icDe' @y a man associate' to a Mario Napo+itano whom has ?reH*ent+y @een seen in Manchester New Hampshire. Mario Napo+itano is associate' with Berry 3AAmico an' the Ita+ian Ma?iosa whom worDs in the o??ice o? the @*i+'in) wherein I am c*rrent+y +i(in) as I am writin) this at 23 2emp+e St. Apt. V108 Nash*a New Hampshire in the USA. 2here are more than one (ictim in this @*i+'in) with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace permanant+y s*r)ica++y )ra?te' to their @rain an' a S*r)ica+ Imp+ant ro*ter F @attery imp+ante' in their Iaw4 these (ictims are racia++y American 5 one is Gae+ic American race an' ?ema+e4 two are a ma+e an' a ?ema+e o? A?rican American race4 there are others as we++. 2here are n*mero*s crimina+ associates o? =ictorAs +i(in) in this @*i+'in) as we++ 4 most o? which are Ita+ian Ma?ia or Ma?ia a??i+iate' an' ha+? racia++y Ita+ian. U 3*rin) the time that I was worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st. on one o? the 'ays that =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' come in to the store 4 a c*stomer asDe' me i? I ha' a co*sin in 0ntario name' An're that +i(e' in 7ana'a. I 'o not ha(e a co*sin name' An're @*t I 'o ha(e a thir' co*sin name' Marco #oy who has a ?ather name' An're. An're #oy is my co*sin 3onna Martinea*As eC h*s@an'. An're ha' a @rother or a co*sin who owne' a ho*se in PicDerin) 0ntario that +ooDe' i'entica+ to the ho*se in the photos o? the '*n)eon ?o*n' in PicDerin) 0ntario. 2hey *se' to Deep motorcyc+es as we++ as +i(estocD in the @arn. My co*sin Marco ha' a (i'eo recor'in) o? a 2hanDs)i(in) 'inner )atherin) at this +ocation. 2he ho*se was either the same ho*se which ha' @een so+' or it was o? i'entica+ architect*re. I @e+ie(e that I may ha(e met An'reAs neice in Manchester New Hampshire 4 she 'i'nAt Dnow who I was an' she 'i'nAt ta+D m*ch @*t it seeme' o@(io*s that she was in some Din' o? tro*@+e with the ma?ia. - %he arson in Ontario -hich occurre) after the me)ia e@posure of the *asement )ungeon foun) in a con)emne) house sho-s suspicious rele0enc5 to this entire series of e0ents3 " police officer+ -hen Huestione) a*out it+ sho-e) possi*le .no-le)ge foresha)o-ing the arson3 Intentional foresha)o-ing of crimes is pre0ailant in the Italian 1afia communities+ -here it is intentionall5 )one for the purpose of lea0ing ps5chological scars on the communit5 so the5 are feare) an) face less opposition3 "nother rele0ant pattern in0ol0ing crime-tra)ition in0ol0es ritual slaughter of 0ictims+ -hich is the act of inclu)ing metaphoric s5m*olism in the mo)alit5 of specific mur)ers an) in the intentional 0isual aesthetic of the crime-scene3 8ittorio &manuele seems to a*use *oth

a0enues of po-erE the po-er of corrupting go0ernment an) la- as -ell as the po-er of the crime -orl)3 "m*er #o5's father -as either a Hells "ngel or an associate of the Hells "ngels3 It is pro*a*le that 8ittorio &manuele or)ere) his "gents in the Hells "ngels to mur)er targette) "merican an) Cana)ian Hells "ngels families an) Se@-%raffic. their )aughters3 %his has happene) in the past3 "m*er #o5 is m5 cousin 1arco #o5's uncle 7ohn's )aughter3 2uring the 5ears ;==> an) ;==D + -hile I -as at $amil5 2ollar in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire E in)i0i)uals -ho -ere of 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele's e@ten)e) social-net-or. as.e) me if I ha) cousins name) /7ohn #o5/ an) /"n)re #o5/ up in Ontario Cana)a : I )enie) that the5 -ere m5 cousin's father's si)e of his famil5 + *ecause 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele ha) or)ere) &) Barren to install Impro0ise) "u)io-#ecor)ing 2e0ices in the ceiling3 * :-: 1ostafa I*nSau) :-:

3*rin) the year 200E < 2he woman whom was the roommate o? the imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son was s*ppose'+y 'atin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' 4 I am a+most certain that this womanAs name was #ache+. Mosta?a wo*+' perio'ica++y (isit her in ;oston Massach*settes. =a+erieAs Imposte*rAs roommate was an Irish American woman whom was 5A8G 4 thin 4 @+on'e 4 ha' c*r+y hair 4 an' @+*e eyes. I @e+ie(e that their apartment was either in A+ston4 Somer(i++e4 or 7am@ri')e. #ache+ ha' mentione' that whi+e in Ita+ia4 a ?rien' o? Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ha' '*mpe' somethin) in his @e(era)e which ca*se' some o? his hair to ?a++ o*t o(erni)ht an' ca*se' hair thinnin). #ache+ @e+ie(e' that it was the Ita+ian man whom Mosta?a I@nSa*' was ?rien's with whom ha' 'one it. She state' that Mosta?a ha' @e)*n *sin) =itamin 1 SDin 0i+ in his hair an' on his sca+p in an e??ort to pre(ent it ?rom ?a++in) o*t comp+ete+y. 3*rin) the year 2012 < 2his is eCact+y what happene' to me at 23 2emp+e St. in Nash*a New Hampshire 5 '*rin) this time my apartment ha' @een @roDen into n*mero*s times an' my mi+D I*) in my re?ri')erator ha' @een mo(e' 4 it is o@(io*s that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy Hemo)+o@in (ia+s o? (ira+ )enetic materia+ taDen ?rom a ?ew speci?ic peop+e ha' @een '*mpe' in my mi+D. 3*rin) 200% or 2005 4 #yan Har(eyAs hair thinne' an' )rew in an A'o+? Hit+er pattern. In 200% an' 2005 5 two mo(ies aire' on 7omcast '*rin) which Mosta?a I@nSa*' appeare' as an eCtra. In @oth o? these mo(ies 4 Mosta?a was caste' as a Gan)ster 2errorist type character. Mosta?a was ro++ ca++e' '*rin) the caste +istin) as GMosta?a I@nSa*' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'G. 2his aire' on 7omcast on 9enneth B*''As 7omcast acco*nt. 9enneth B*'' +a*)he' an' sai' GMosta?a I@nSa*' as Mosta?a I@nSa*'N :here ha(e I seen that name @e?oreOG 2he )*ns in the mo(ies that Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' others were wei+'in) were +ater seen in Manchester NewHampshire in a Green P+astic 2ote 7rate p*rchase' at :a+ Mart 5 the imposte*rs o? Pach An'rosDi an' his ?raterna+ twin @rother Nate An'rosDi were @oth in possession o? these mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms an' a pisto+. 2he imposte*r o? Nate An'rosDi pose' in photo)raphs on .ace;ooD with these ?irearms with an in'i(i'*a+ whom I @e+ie(e is an imposte*r o? Bohn Sa+i(a. 2hese photo)raphs were poste' aro*n' the year 200". 2hese ?irearms were ?irst seen in their possession '*rin) 200!. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 3anie+ Bames mentione' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e whi+e wa+Din) to #ye

;each in #ye NewHampshire < G.i+O 3i'nAt yo* )et Mosta?a a ro+e in a mo(ie recent+yOG to which .i+ 1man*e+e rep+ie' 4 GI am not s*re yet 4 I am )oin) to ha(e to checD on that soon. I ha(enAt hear' @acD a@o*t it yet.G U A+so o? re+e(ance to .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs Ho++y:oo' Me'ia 7onnections 5 the mo(ie ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain. 2he Mo(ie ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain is a )ay +o(e story which is a homoseC*a+ romance. 2his mo(ie was pro'*ce' in 2005. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has the Din' o? Ho++ywoo' Me'ia 7onnections an' $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen connections that can )et a section o? 'ia+o) script )i(en to a mo(ie 'irector or 'ia+o) script writer 4 a tit+e an' p+ot )i(en to a pro'*cer an' t*rne' into a mo(ie simp+y @y in(estin) in the mo(ie an' an a)ent s*))estin) it 4 an' in'i(i'*a+s whom .i++i@erto is associate' with )i(en mo(ie ro+es < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha(e acH*aintances whom are Ho++ywoo' Me'ia A)ents whom are (ery )oo' at networDin). 3*rin) 200% 5 .i+ 1man*e+e state' that GIAm a@o*t to @e a Mo*ntain o? ;roDe ;acDG is what his .ather =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' sai' to him o(er the te+ephone whi+e =ittorio was 'ri(in) 'own So*th :i++ow Street in Manchester NewHampshire 4 an' that this meant Gto shit ones se+? so m*ch that yo*r entire pants are ?i++e' with shit an' co(ere' in shitG. .i+As homoseC*a+ @rother 4 Aaron 1man*e+e < contacte' my se+? an' my roommates a month a?ter meetin) his @rothers .i+ an' 3.B. . My roommates were )ay. It is pro@a@+e that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his @rother 3anie+ Bames s*))este' the name ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain ?or a HomoSeC*a+ $o(e Story Mo(ie @eca*se the s+an) termino+o)y G@roDe @acDG or to G@reaD @acDG means to 'e?ecate ?eces. I ha' mentione' '*rin) 200% whi+e wa+Din) to #ye ;each with .i++i@erto 1man*e+e that my most +oathe' thin) in +i?e was men whom a@*se women terri@+y an' went into )raphic 'etai+ a@o*t what Din' o? men these were an' ca++e' them Gc+oset ?a))ots whom a@*se women so horri@+y that they wi++ rape them in p*@+ic 4 intentiona++y h*mi+iate them in p*@+ic 4 @eat them 4 tort*re them 4 ?orce them to eat ?eces 4 co(er them in (omit 4 p+ay )en'er war in ?ront o? their ma+e ?rien's 5 these men are c+oset ?a))ots an' @+ame women ?or their own +acD o? romantic inc+inations towar's women. 2hese men are an)ry @eca*se they were @orn )ay an' they hate it an' @+ame women ?or it. 2hey a@*se women as i? the woman has 'one somethin) wron) ?or @ein) @orn ?ema+e.G. .i+ state' '*rin) 200% whi+e at Hampton ;each that he was )oin) to G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain .aceG my @est ?rien' which he sai' meant to Gshit 'own her throat an' rape it a?terwar'sG. I ha' ma'e a h*mo*ro*s a++*sion that .i+ may possi@+y @e a homoseC*a+ ear+ier that 'ay 4 a?ter this statement ha' @een ma'e a@o*t G;roDe ;acD Mo*ntain .acin)G my @est ?rien' 5 I ma'e a h*mo*ro*s a++*sion that .i+ may possi@+y @e a .eca+ $o(er an' a Pe'orast. U Pre 1mpti(e Attempts to .rame Mosta?a an' 'epict him as mem@er o? the :or+' :i'e 7h*rch o? Satan o? Anton $a=ey 5 '*rin) the year 20054 a woman whom appeare' to @e a +iDe+y SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim entere' .ami+y 3o++ar an' eCc+aime' eCtreme+y +o*' whi+e in ?ront o? my re)ister 5G2he 7h*rch o? Satan I*st recr*ite' Mosta?a I@nSa*'N 2hey are )oin) to )et so @i). Mosta?aAs co*sin is Sa*'i Ara@ian roya+tyNG 2his was recor'e' (isi@+y an' a*'i@+y. 2his occ*rre' a?ter =ittorio 1man*e+e ma'e n*mero*s appearances at the store an' his cre'it car' was *se' @y a man whom was o? an eCtreme+y simi+ar appearance to the Ita+ian man who Dnew Mosta?a I@nSa*' an' ha' possi@+y '*mpe' a (ia+ o? (ir*s +a'en hemo)+o@in in Mosta?aAs @e(era)e. 2his ita+ian man appeare' in a photo)raph o? Mosta?a with what has now @een 'isco(ere' to ha(e @een an imposte*r o? =a+erie 0+son an' an A+@anian wearin) a G2he SmithsG t shirt which ha' @een =a+erieAs.

U 3*rin) the year 200% 4 whi+e in #ye NewHampshire 5 whi+e wa+Din) to the @each 4 .i+ 1man*e+e to+' me that he ha' an Ara@ic ?rien' whom remin'e' him o? me. He sai' that Mosta?a an' my se+? were o? simi+ar mannerism 4 )roome' o*rse+(es simi+ar+y 4 an' ha' a simi+ar so*n'in) (oice. .i+ sai' that my se+? an' Mosta?a ha' a+ot in common as we++. I @e+ie(e that .i+As 'ecision to attempt to ?rame Mosta?a ?or his A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates :ar #apes 4 H*man =i(isections 4 an' Arms 2ra??icDin) in North America was '*e to my resem@+in) a racia++y North American (ersion o? the Ara@ian Mosta?a I@nSa*'. Mosta?a an' my se+? @oth typica++y Deep o*r hair +on) an' Deep si'e @*rns 4 a+tho*)h I *s*a++y Deep a chin @ear' < Mosta?a an' my se+? a+so 'ress somewhat simi+ar+y an' seem to ha(e some simi+ar taste in some thin)s accor'in) to .i+ 1man*e+e an' the photo)raphs I ha(e seen o? Mosta?a as we++ as Mosta?a himse+? appearin) at a @ar in ;oston once which I @rie?+y stoppe' at. U 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e?eo ma'e it o@(io*s that they were tryin) to attempt to ?rame some@o'y as a patsy ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ar 7rimes in North America concernin) he an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs crimes in re+ation to what happene' with 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A 4 :ater)ate 4 an' other Ita+ian A6IS .ascist 7rime Syn'icate re+ate' :ar 7rimes an' #.I.7.0. (io+ations in North America. 2he :ar 7rimes which =ittorio an' .i+ were tryin) to 'istance themse+(es ?rom seeme' to inc+*'e somethin) in(o+(in) the " 11 2errorist AttacD. 0? re+ation to ?ramin) Mosta?a I@nSa*' is the 2a+i@an connection with .i+ seems to @e connecte' to. .i+ 1man*e+e ma'e it o@(io*s in 200% that he has n*mero*s A6IS connections 4 one o? these @ein) the 2a+i@an. Mosta?a is Ara@ic an' re+ate' Sa*'i an' 0ttoman roya+ty 4 .i+ 1man*e+e o@(io*s+y 'eci'e' that Mosta?a wo*+' maDe the per?ect a+i@i. 0? re+ation to .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs conspiracy to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' is a con(ersation which I ha' with 1' :arren concernin) ;aphomet an' BacH*es 3eMo+ay o? the 2emp+ar 9ni)hts 5 '*rin) this con(ersation I eCp+aine' that the ori)ina+ meanin) o? the ;aphomet was a Semitic ;a@y+onian 3eity an' that the c*rrent Pope '*rin) his +i?e was in'e@te' to BacH*es 3eMo+ay an' the 2emp+ar 9ni)hts ?inancia++y '*e to n*mero*s ?a(o*rs which they ha' 'one ?or the Pope an' ?or Pi+)rims in +e* o? char)e4 the Pope an' a n*m@er o? in'e@te' Aristocrats ?rame' BacH*es 3eMo+ay with acc*sations o? G'e(i+ worshipG c+aimin) that BacH*es 3eMo+ay an' his Dni)hts ha' ?a++en to worship o? ;aphomet an' other 'e(i+s. ;aphomet has @een *se' as a sym@o+ o? Satan an' $*ci?er ?or a +on) time 4 @*t ;aphomet is in ?act a Semitic ;a@y+onian 'eity whoAs ima)e has @een per(erte' somewhat an' s+an'ere' pro?*se+y. 2he 'emoni>ation o? ;aphomet is simi+ar to the 'emoni>ation o? 7ern*nnos which res*+te' in the ?ictiona+ 9ramp*s which is a character *se' as a a'(ersary o? the ?ictiona+ Santa 7+a*s in 1*rope4 this is a 'emoni>ation o? the ?act*a+ 7e+tic an' Ga*+ish 'eity 7ern*nnos. ;ein) that in 200% an' 2005 the USA were at war in IraH an' A?)hanistan an' the ?act that accor'in) to 1' :arren an' Anthony 3e?eo 4 .i+ 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' 'eci'e' to ?rame some@o'y e+se ?or their crimes @y connectin) them to the c*rrent 1nemy 7om@atant .action which they ha' a connection to '*e to their A6IS A+i)nment 5 the :or+' :i'e 7h*rch o? Satan whom *se the ;aphomet ima)e as a sym@o+ were chosen a+on) with Mosta?a I@nSa*' whom is o? 0ttoman #oya+ @+oo' as a+i@i 4 ;a@y+on was where c*rrent 'ay IraH an' A?)hanistan eCist. Sa''am H*sseinAs ?ather was reporte' to ha(e @een a mem@er or s*pporter o? the ;aath Party which was a m*+ti nationa+ Nationa+ist associate' party o? Ara@ic a??i+iate' po+iticians. 2he ;aath Party was ?o*n'e' imme'iate+y a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar an' the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich which res*+te' in the 1Ci+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. Portrayin) I'entity Po+itic as we++ as #e+i)io*s Po+itic as the ori)in o? A6IS :ar 7rime 4 A6IS

0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 A6IS 7o(ert Mi+itary 0perations an' 2errorism < is a constant o? the A6IS 4 this was ma'e o@(io*s a?ter Sa''am H*ssein was capt*re' an' he was han)e' 5 prior to his eCec*tion 4 Sa''am H*ssein praye' to his )o' A+A+ah an' was 'ec+are' in U.S.American P*@+ic Me'ia as @ein) an Is+amic 1Ctremist Biha'ist in secret whom at his 'eath was ?ina++y re(ea+e' to tr*e+y @e a Is+amic Biha'ist. I @e+ie(e it 'e?inite that Sa''am H*ssein was ?rame' @y the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS an' their Ara@ian A6IS co*nterpart 4 ?or their :ar 7rimes < this is pro@a@+e ?or the reason that Sa''am H*ssein is a+most 'e?inite to ha(e ha' a 'istant co*sin who was Ara@ian A6IS .action a+i)ne' an' ha' 'eci'e' to resi)n ?rom the A6IS .action an' 'isconnect himse+? ?rom it 5 ?or this reason 4 it is pro@a@+e that he was ?rame' ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) his entire ?ami+y. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e an' his sons are c*rrent+y m*r'erin) ?ami+ies who ha(e Dnown them an' are Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) entire pop*+ations in North America. G0sama ;in$a'enG was presente' in me'ia in @oth the U.S.A. an' the Ara@ian re)ions as ha(in) @een a Mi+itant Is+amic Biha'ist < ?act*a++y 4 this can not @e pro(en @eyon' a reasona@+e 'o*@t 5 it seems pro@a@+e that G0sama ;in$a'enG was an a+ias an' the man was an Ara@ian A6IS .action Mi+itant 2errorist 7rime $or'. It is pro@a@+e that Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ather an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Dnow the G0sama ;in$a'enAsG ?act*a+ name. *-:-* Ps5chological #easons for $il to attempt to frame 1ostafa I*nSau) U Mosta?a I@nSa*' is re+ate' physica++y to Sa*'i Ara@ian roya+ty an' is a 'escen'ant o? 0ttoman #oya+ty. U Mosta?a I@nSa*' is o? a 'i??erin) re+i)ion than 7atho+ic 7hristianity. U Mosta?a I@nSa*'As ?ami+y ha(e past re+ations with A6IS ?actions '*e to their re+ation to 0ttoman #oya+ stat*s. U Mosta?a I@nSa*' is o? a race o? peop+e whom ha(e in the past ha' A6IS a??i+iations an' are not Ita+ian. U $iDe the Hano(er ?ami+y4 the Pah+a(i ?ami+y4 an' the Norwe)ian #oya+ .ami+y 5 Mosta?a I@nSa*'As co*sinAs roya+ ?ami+y co*+' @e a so*rce o? .i+As ?ather =ittorioAs Iea+o*sy an' en(y. 2hese #oya+ .ami+ies ha(e a+ot o? p*@+ic s*pport. U Mosta?a I@nSa*' was at =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @irth 'ay 'inner party in 1""E or 1""! an' (er@a++y 'e?en'e' me ?rom =ittorioAs cr*e+ comments.

:-: Ba5ne !ac5 references :-: 9at McMahon 4 my roommate ?rom 200E < was @ein) sta+De' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e at her p+aces o? worD. :hi+e worDin) at StopAnAShop S*permarDet 4 9at ha' @een ?orma++y intro'*ce' to =ittorio 1man*e+e @y his own 'oin). He +ater @ro*)ht her a rose. 9at McMahon o@taine' new emp+oyment at the Pict*re Peop+e in the Ma++ o? NewHampshire< a?ter which4 =ittorio 1man*e+e contin*e' to sta+D her. 9at came home ?rom worD one 'ay an' to+' me that she ha' seen a man 'resse' *p as :ayne GacyAs Po)o the 7+own. She sai' it +ooDe' +iDe =ittorio 1man*e+e 'resse' as Po)o the 7+own. It was +ater mentione' to me ?rom n*mero*s so*rces that there was a :ayne Gacy Gcopy catG whom was mimmicDin) :ayne GacyAs c+own cost*me an' was @reaDin) into ho*ses an' mo+estin) chi+'ren. My ?rien' 2ammyAs co*sinAs 'a*)hter was a (ictim o? this manAs. It is possi@+e that this co*+' ha(e @een =ittorio or one o? his co*sins or e(en a SeC 0??en'er he recr*ite' ?rom a racia++y $om@ar'ic Ita+ian pop*+ation.

3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 Anthony 3e.eo was ta+Din) a@o*t the mo(ie GA7/ whi+e at worD at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester NewHampshire. * :-: 8ittorio &manuele :-: 3*rin) 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) me. He was witnesse' starin) o*t the ?ront store win'ow o? a c+ose' store +ate at ni)ht 4 on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. 2he n*m@er o? this @*i+'in) was E1 1+m Street. Sahn'ra an' my se+? ha' wa+De' past the @*i+'in) on o*r way to meet 2ony Grasseti on 1+m Street an' passe' it a)ain whi+e ret*rnin). 3*rin) 200% < an ita+ian man *se' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs cre'it car' at .ami+y 3o++ar to @*y c+eanin) pro'*cts. 3*rin) 2005 < =ittorio 1man*e+e intro'*ce' himse+? to me whi+e I was at worD. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 < =ittorio 1man*e+e ma'e n*mero*s te+ephone ca++s to 1' :arren on 1'As mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone an' the store te+ephone. 3*rin) 200% < =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' 1' :arren to position 15 Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices a@o(e the cei+in) pane+s in .ami+y 3o++ar < these were recor'e' 'irect+y into the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments 7omp*ters as a res*+t o? these @ein) ca++e' o(er internet to recor' on a comp*ter. 3*rin) 200E < =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e were si)hte' at the ;ra'y S*++i(an ;*i+'in) in Manchester NewHampshire. 3*rin) 200! < =ittorio 1man*e+e catere' a ?ew 'inners at 2he /ar' #esta*rant. 3*rin) 200" < =ittorio 1man*e+e was si)hte' worDin) with A=eterans He+pin) =eteransG which 9ate 7hristiano 'escri@e' as G=ictor He+pin) =ictorG. 3*rin) 200" < =ittorio 1man*e+e was si)hte' at a )as station on ;rown A(en*e. U A?ter I ha' @een ca*)ht on camera smi+in) at a Bewish woman whom ha' come to my p+ace o? worD 5 I +ater ?o*n' this woman worDin) at 7iti>ens ;anD when I ha' )one in to the 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street ?or the p*rpose o? or'erin) a new 'e@it car'4 Samantha was c*stomer ser(ice. Her @rother happene' to @e my +awyer 4 A'am ;ernstein. :hi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar4 I ha' @een ca*)ht smi+in) at her @eca*se I tho*)ht Samantha was @ea*ti?*+ an' ?e+t +iDe I ha' ?a++en in +o(e with her the moment I met her 5 1' :arren was ca*)ht watchin) rep+ays on the sec*rity camera in the o??ice o? the store. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren may ha(e written 'own Samantha ;ernsteinAs +icense p+ate n*m@er '*rin) that ni)ht or '*rin) a 'ay that I ha' o?? ?rom worD. A?ter meetin) her at 7iti>ens ;anD4 I h*mo*ro*s+y remarDe' to my ?rien' ;ren'an that I ha' mirac*+o*s+y ?o*n' this woman an' that it was an act o? ?ate that +e' me there that 'ay consi'erin) the ?act that I *s*a++y worDe' ! 'ays a weeD an' there was a 7iti>ens ;anD across the parDin)+ot ?rom my p+ace o? worD which was @y ?ar more con(einient than the 1+m St. +ocation. A?ter meetin) Samantha that secon' time 4 she 'isappeare' ?rom 7iti>ens ;anD an' the +oca+ en(ironment entire+y. I am con?i'ent that this was the res*+t o? A6IS 7rimina+ 2errorists worDin) within the ranDs o? .e'era+ Go(ernment whom ha' @e)*n :ire 2appin) my 2e+ephone warrant+ess an' i++e)a++y. SamanthaAs ?ami+y ha' a+rea'y @een tar)ette' '*e to whom was pro@a@+y her @rother 4 A'am ;ernstein < @ein) my +awyer o? choice in 2003 an' 200%. =ittorio 1man*e+e state' to me at my re)ister at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n Street in Manchester New Hampshire 5 GI hear yo*A(e ha' +e)a+ tro*@+es recent+y. I ha' a +itt+e @it o? that my se+?. I ha' a ?i)ht with my co*sin.G. I +ater saw G=ictor 1man :ay $*hG whom correcte' the o??icer @y statin) GItAs act*a++y 1man*e+eG 4 in a New Hampshire co*rtroom in re+ation to a A*toMoti(e Acci'ent which I

@e+ie(e tooD p+ace aro*n' 200!. I @e+ie(e this occ*rre' aro*n' the same 'ate as the i++e)a+ imp+antation o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which ha' @een s*r)ica++y )ra?te' to my @rain whi+e as+eep at the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton St in 7oncor' NewHampshire where I spent one weeD as a patient. .rom what I ha(e @een to+' @y a Pri(ate In(esti)ator 5 Samantha ;ernstein was a@'*cte' in +ate 2005 or ear+y 200E a?ter ha(in) @een somehow (i(isecte' an' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' :ire+ess #Q. 2ransmitter. She was ?e' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy whi+e he+' hosta)e 4 m*tatin) her sDin an' hair )enetics 5 chan)in) her appearance s+i)ht+y. Samantha was )i(en another womanAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' was ?orce' to Strip at Strip 7+*@s s*ch as Mac 2 in ;i++erica Massach*settes an' others in Massach*settes4 the s*rro*n'in) New 1n)+an' re)ion4 an' New /orD. I was to+' that she was a+so SeC 2ra??icDe'. Apparent+y the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ice was *se' to maDe constant threats an' manip*+ate her reactions as we++ as remote+y ne*ro ro@otica++y contro+ her ne*ro+o)ica+ @o'y 4 contro++in) her m*sc*+at*re. She @ecame an eCperiment o? theirs. I ha(e @een to+' that this is the same horri@+e treatment that 1mi+y Is+es an' other (ictims o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha' en'*re' an' that most o? these (ictims are sti++ a+i(e 4 tho*)h some o? them ha(e possi@+y 'ie'. - 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & IS SO1&BH"% S(P&#S%I%IO(S - 8ittorio &manuele III + ")olf Hitler+ 7ulius &0ola -ere *lasphemers3 A?ter what he has 'one with his +i?e< most 7hristians4 especia++y the ones who @e+ie(e in the Me'I*)orIe seeressesA prophecy 5 wo*+' c*rrent+y @e+ie(e that he is the +itera+ anti christ. He recr*ite' a 7rime Syn'icate ?rom the re)ions s*rro*n'in) Me'I*)orIe ?or the p*rpose o? )+o@a+ terrorism < which is why the ;a+tic4 S+a(ic4 an' 7a*ca*sis ?aces are o?ten on his crimes. 2his s*perstition 'e?inite+y has +e' to an o@sessi(e amo*nt o? hatre' in =ittorio 1man*e+eAs heart an' min' 4 ?oc*se' on my se+? an' Henry MaDow as we++ as others. S*perstitio*s an' re+i)io*s themes @oth p+ay into his o@sessi(e hatre' in(o+(in) my se+? an' others. =ittorio 1man*e+e )rew *p with the secret Dnow+e')e that his ?ami+y were A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y 5 he is the Gran' Son o? the eCi+e' 9in) o? Ita+ia whom was eCi+e' '*e to his ?ami+yAs in(o+(ement in the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0s4 his ?ami+yAs cooperation in the ?o*n'in) o? the A6IS4 an' his own comp+icity. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs @+asphemy is most pro@a@+y a psycho+o)ica+ too+ which he *ses to re+ie(e ?ee+in)s o? )*i+t '*e to his inheritance o? the $or'ship o? A6IS 7rime Syn'icate a?ter B*+i*s 1(o+a 'ie' 5 maDin) =ittorio 1man*e+e4 the GAnti 7hristG o? ;osnian Me'I*)orIe +e)en'. 2he #omans nai+e' the 7hrist. 2he phi+osophica+ no(e+ 4 G2he Anti 7hristG < which ha' @een written ori)ina++y @y .rie'rich Neit>sche an' was a+tere' '*rin) the 1"%0As @y B*+i*s 1(o+a whom ha' a+so a+tere' sections o? Neit>scheAs G2he :i++ to PowerG which was an *n?inishe' worD in pro)ress re)ar'in) Neit>scheAs attempt a 'escri@in) the ret*rn to a hea+thy wor+'(iew an' psycho+o)y @y an in'i(i'*a+ whom ha' ?a++en into A@so+*te Nihi+ism 4 'epression 4 an' amora+ity < other worDs o? Neit>scheAs a+tere' @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs pen han' were G1cce HomoG an' G2he Genea+o)y o? Mora+sG which 'isc*ss Mora+ity. 2he GAnti 7hristG @ein) the name o? a +iterary worD which B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' a+tere' himse+? < as we++ as the ?act that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Aristocratic #oman ancestors ha' cease' @ein) Dne+t to @y a pop*+ation whom sti++ Dne+t to the e??i)y o? a Bewish #a@@i whom their pre'ecessors ha' 7r*ci?ie' < Bes*s 7hrist4 in the #oman 7atho+ic 7h*rch 5 +e' to B*+i*s 1(o+a *sin) the termino+o)y GAnti 7hristG in his re+i)io*s theme' propa)an'a an' attempts at *sin) 7atho+icism ?or G+o@a+

Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are an' Socia+ 1n)ineerin). A 7atho+ic seeress ?rom ;osnia @ecame the prophet whom pre'icte' the sim*+taeneo*s 2errorist Acti(ation o? the 7o(ert A6IS S+eeper 7e++s an' A6IS 7rime Syn'icates )+o@a++y 4 which ha' @een p+anne' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a '*rin) his +i?etime as a G+o@a+ 7rime $or' a?ter his 1Ci+e an' +oss o? his 2it+e o? No@i+ity. * I ha0e a S%I!1"%" SC"# on m5 left -rist ?rom @ein) impa+e' @y a 2#11 ;#AN7H '*rin) a 7A# A77I31N2 on M02H1#AS 3A/ in the /1A# 2000 when I was 1E 5 the same a)e that 1mi+y Is+es was when the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate @e)an sta+Din) *s. 2his wo*n' was the si>e o? a 3 si>e' @attery an' was patche' with a S9IN G#A.2 o? my own ?+esh4 taDen ?rom the sDin o? my +e?t hip. 2he site o? the wo*n' is c+ear+y (isi@+e an' +ooDs as i? it ha' @een cr*ci?ie'. I was +*cDy eno*)h to @e @ro*)ht to Massach*ssettes Genera+ Hospita+ in ;oston where Gins*n) :an) ha' @een worDin) at the time 5 he is an ama>in) s*r)eon. He has since mo(e' his practice to Manchester New Hampshire. :hen I ?irst spoDe with the po+ice at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment ?rom which they +ater @ro*)ht me to the hospita+ 4 +ater to @e ne*ro s*r)erie' an' microchippe' 5 it was M02H1#AS 3A/ o? 200!. Aro*n' the 'ate that I ha' @een emai+in) Henry MaDow 4 I emai+e' Pope Pi*s Bohn Pa*+ < writin) to him a@o*t a co(ert or)ani>ation which ha' p+ans ?or )+o@a+ 'ominion an' )+o@a+ monoc*+t*ra+ assimi+ationist imperia+ist conH*est 5 ca++in) it the I$$UMINA2I which at this time was @ein) @+ame' on the -avarian #rder of the Illuminati which on+y eCiste' '*rin) the en+i)htenment. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha' @een *sin) this other Illuminati as an a+i@i. A?ter writin) to Pope Pi*s4 Pope ;ene'ict was e+ecte' Pope. Boseph #at>in)er o? ;a(aria whom ha' @een raise' '*rin) A'o+? Hit+erAs occ*pation o? 3e*tsche+an' as 'ictator < raise' in the B*)en' Staat 4 the @oysco*ts o? Hit+erAs Germany 5 was e+ecte' pope. Boseph #at>in)er *n'erstan's (ery we++ what happene' in his home+an' '*rin) the 'ictatorship o? the 1"%0As an' he is a+so speci?ica++y ;a(arian4 this ;a(arian connection *n'o*@te'+y p*t =ittorio 1man*e+e in a ra)e when he saw on the te+e(ision that Boseph #at>in)er o? ;a(aria ha' @een e+ecte' the ;ishop o? #ome. Henry MaDow p*@+ishe' his artic+e a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs @+oo'+ine to the internet a ?ew weeDs a?ter I ha' written to him mentionin) #omans in the same para)raph as ancient SeC 2ra??icDin) in #ome. Near the city o? #ome< there was a conc*@ina+ H*arter where the #omans Dept SeC S+a(es taDen most+y ?rom 7e+tic an' Germanic pop*+ations. 2hese s+a(es were not a++owe' to to*ch the money o? ?ree peop+e4 instea' they were )i(en Spintria coina)e. 2hese womenAs o(aries were ca*teri>e' *sin) heate' nee'+es. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e @een )*i+ty o? SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as H*man =i(isection < I @e+ie(e =ittorio 1man*e+e @ecame eCtreme+y paranoi' a?ter rea'in) the #oman re+ate' emai+ to Henry MaDow 4 '*e to 1man*e+eAs own )*i+t. 3*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 < the Ho*se o? Sa(oy were watchin) my comp*ter whi+e comp*ter hacDin) it 5 it is 'e?inite that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs hacDers witnesse' me emai+ the Pope Bohn Pa*+. It is a possi@i+ity that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces were *se' to in?+*ence the Pope Boseph #at>in)erAs e+ection 4 it is a+so possi@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy *se' their in?+*ence to )et a ;a(arian Pope who was a B*)en'Staat GHit+er /o*thG e+ecte' ?or p*rpose o? portrayin) the i'entity that S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in North AmericanAs crani*ms to possi@+y @e a 3e*tsche+an' A6IS pop*+ation when in ?act it was Ita+ians worDin) ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. U Concerning "llfather O)in : 0'in han)s himse+? to /))'rasi++4the 2#11 connectin) the " wor+'s< ?or " ni)hts5 pierce' @y his own spear5 I ha(e a sti)mata wo*n' on my wrist ?rom a tree @ranch which impa+e' my wrist '*rin) an a*tomoti(e acci'ent. 0'in +ea(es one o? his eyes in the :e++ o? Mimir in or'er to )ain the wis'om o? Mimir an' the :e++ 5 apparent+y a @rain comp*ter inter?ace )ra?te'

towar's the ?ront o? either si'e o? the @rain ena@+es comp*ter so?tware to 'iscern on screen eCact+y what the correspon'in) eye is seein). 0'in is o?ten the choser o? the (ictorio*s in war?are or in a con?+ict @etween Din)s4 he is a+so a p*nisher o? the wicDe' 5 more o?ten than not4 wicDe' men in positions o? power s*ch as tyrannica+ Din)s an' +or's . B*+i*s 1(o+aAs i'ea was to phase in the GSi) Hai+NG in 3e*tsche+an' '*e to the reason o? the #oman Sa+*te @ein) the physica+ accompanyin) sa+*te 5 this wo*+' e(ent*a++y eH*ate to 9in) =ittorio 1man*e+e III -=ictor 1man*e+e in 1n)+ish8 as a #oman Sa+*te an' GHai+ =ictorNG . Si)ism*n' was the +ast Din) in the re)ion to ha(e ha' SIG within his name. SIG is a Proto Germanic wor' an' wor'part corre+atin) to concepts o? =ictory an' S*ccess4 this is o?ten ?o*n' in names. B*+i*s 1(o+a @e+ie(e' that Pyscho+o)ica+ Archetypes were possessin) o? a Din' o? ma)ic an' that this Din' o? ma)ic e??ecte' Massi(e Pop*+ation Psycho+o)y 5 it wo*+' @e easy to phase GSIGG o*t o? the #oman Sa+*te an' e(ent*a++y phase in G=ittorioG instea' < c*rrent+y =ittorio 1man*e+e is technica++y =ittorio 1man*e+e I= 4 it is a common name in the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs ma+e monarch +ine. 2he +ine o? the =o+s*n) ?ami+y was the +inea)e o? a ?ami+y 'escen'e' ?rom an A(atar o? 0'in < a hero o? a 'i(ine so*+ ?rom 0'inAs essence5 their names were most o?ten SIG re+ate' names. Si)*r' =o+s*n) was a Din) whoAs Din)'om eCiste' a+on) the @anDs o? the #hine #i(er. Si)*r' =o+s*n)As +i?e para++e+e' At+i ;*'+ason < Ati++a o? the H*ns 5 (anH*isher o? the ?orces o? the #oman 1mpireAs 1astern Pro(ince. Si)*r' =o+s*n) s+ayin) the 'ra)on .a?nir an' conH*erin) the re)ion o? ;*r)*n'y occasiona++y @y some peop+e can @e consi'ere' re+ate' to the 'e?eatin) o? (ario*s #oman $e)ions in the area s*rro*n'in) the #hine$an'. 0@(io*s+y 4 the 2hir' #eich +ost their war 5 this @ein) as s*ch4 the #oman 1mpire was ne(er re@*i+t an' a@so+*te )+o@a+ 'ominion was ne(er esta@+ishe'. I? the 2hir' #eich ha' emer)e' (ictorio*s '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar < the entire wor+' co*+' (ery we++ @e )i(in) a #oman Sa+*te to the 1mperor o? #ome 2erra .irma =ittorio 1man*e+e I=. =ittorio 1man*e+e o@(io*s+y has Dnow+e')e o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs (iew o? Germanic peop+es as a@ori)ina+s an' o? his *se o? psycho+o)ica+ archetypes an' )ermanic re+i)ion in his min' contro+ campai)n o? mass psycho+o)y. 2he concept o? re+i)ion seems to arise o?ten in the @acD)ro*n' o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs acti(ities. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs partners @+aspheme' Asatr* an' 7hristianity as we++ as Ma'ame ;+a(atsDyAs prophesies in an attempt to syncretica++y assimi+ate the c*+t*res o? 1*rope into a #oman c*+t*re 5 this process was )oin) to @e attempte' )+o@a++y. * 1a)ame Bla0ats.5 E the seeress whoAs prophecy was corr*pte' an' per(erte' @y the wor's o? B*+i*s 1(o+a< who p*@+ishe' a+tere' (ersions o? her worDs an' wor's 5 ori)ina++y prophesie' that a 'ermanische .hristos wo*+' @e @orn o? lowl/ station in life0 @orn ?rom the wom@ o? a +ower c+ass woman who ha' once +i(e' +iDe a s+a(e. 2his man wo*+' @rin) a@o*t the ret*rnin) o? the ancient races to the wor+' 5 this 'escri@e' the res*r)ence o? the wor+'s .o+D #e+i)ions < the *n'erstan'in) o? the )iants4 e+(es4 'war(es4 an' +an'spirits. 2his 'escri@es the res*r)ence o? Asatr* as a wi'e+y practice' .o+D #e+i)ion amon)st the many Germanic peop+es. :hen I thinD o? Ma'ame ;+a(atsDyAs prophesy4 it @rin)s to my min' S(ein@Iorn ;einteinsson. =ittorio 1man*e+e may ha(e attri@*te' this 'ermanische .hristos to my se+? 4 in the @acD o? his min' 5 '*e to the ?act that Asatr* is the 2ra'itiona+ Germanic .o+D #e+i)ion 4 I ha(e a sti)mata scar ?rom a tree4 as we++ as the ?act that B*+i*s 1(o+a4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III4 an' their partners attempte' to misappropriate the (a+*e o? the 'ermanische .hristos to A'o+? Hit+er. 2his s*@conscio*s core+ation o? ;+a(atsDy to my se+?4 wo*+' ca*se rec*rrent @itter resentment in =ittorioAs min'. I ha(e a s*spicion that =ittorio 1man*e+e @e+ie(es that my emai+s +e' to his ?ami+y @ein) 'isco(ere' as @ein) the ?ami+y o? A'o+? GHit+erG an' the ?ami+y who contin*e' to worD

with B*+i*s 1(o+a a?ter the ?a++ o? the 2hir' #eich. It was act*a++y pri(ate in(esti)ators worDin) with in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in Mossa' an' most +iDe+y German mi+itary that 'isco(ere' A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+ia+ ori)in. =ittorio 1man*e+e seems to @e o@sesse' with the concept o? the Anti 7hrist an' I @e+ie(e it possi@+e that the man may ha(e str*))+e' with the )*i+t o? possi@+y @ein) the +itera+ Anti 7hrist his entire +i?e. B*+i*s 1(o+a inherite' the p+ans to an' en)ineere' the i'entity o? the 2hir' #eich < attempte' to systemica++y phase in a G+o@a+ #oman Imperia+ .ascist Monarchy4 p*@+ishe' his @astar'i>e' per(ersion o? what was ori)ina++y G*i'o =on $istAs worDs *n'er the paraphrase' worDs o? 9ar+ Maria :i++i)*t 5 :i++i)*t @ein) cre'ite' ?or 1(o+aAs creation '*e to B*+i*s 1(o+aAs nee' to p*t a Germanic Pen Name on m*ch o? his p*@+ications in 3e*tsche+an'. B*+i*s 1(o+a wrote three H*arters o? Mein 9amp? 5 attri@*tin) it to the ro+e that A'o+? was p+ayin) as .aesar 'ermanicus GHit+erG 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a a+tere' sections o? .rie'rich Niet>cheAs worDs 5 re wrote sections o? the most pop*+ar phi+osopher in 3e*tsche+an' '*rin) the 1"%0As an' +ater @+ame' it on Niet>cheAs sister. 2he #oman 7aesar whom conH*ere' Israe+ cr*ci?ie' Bes* 5 /esh*a the #a@@i. Since 1"504 many peop+e ha(e re?erre' to A'o+? GHit+erG as the Anti 7hrist. A?ter =ittorio 1man*e+e tar)ette' 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? < an attacD on the entire Asatr* comm*nity @e)an. ;y the a)e o? 1E< 1mi+y Is+es was a+rea'y the most +earne' Asatr*ar I ha' e(er spoDen to. 1mi+yAs Dnow+e')e o? Asatr* was the eH*i(a+ent o? a priestess< an Asatr* '/thia. =ittorio 1man*e+e in his paranoia o@(io*s+y @e+ie(e' that 1mi+y ha' @een to+' his ?ami+iesA secret an' may ha(e to+' others within the )+o@a+ Asatr* comm*nity. A'o+? Hit+erAs @o'y)*ar's a+most a++ ha' ?or)e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s were a+most a++ entire+y o? miCe' Ita+ian race an' were So+'iers o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Internationa+ 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate. 9ar+ Maria :i+i)*t4 Heinrich Himm+er4 Boseph Goe@e+s4 an' others were a++ o? miCe' Ita+ian Sici+ian as we++ as other Nationa+ 1thnic race. 2hese i'entities were ;irth 7erti?icates sto+en ?rom in'i(i'*a+s whom were +ater m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y the 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents whom pro'*ce' a+tere' (ersions o? the sto+en ;irth 7erti?icates an' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 @*rnin) the ori)ina+ $e')ers an' #ecor's Dept @y the German Go(ernment as we++ as the A*strian Go(ernment4 to rep+ace the ori)ina+ recor's with their a+tere' ?or)eries. B*+i*s 1(o+a o?ten *se' these menAs ass*me' i'entities as Pen Names ?or his +iterary worDs4 news paper artic+es4 an' other propa)an'a pieces ?or the p*rpose o? p*ttin) a German or A*strian name on them. 2he p*rpose ?or this @ein) 'one was to hi'e the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs en)ineerin) o? this Mi+itary 7o*p an' 2ota+ 3ecapitation o? State 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e was A'o+? Hit+erAs ha+? ;rother an' B*+i*s 1(o+a was open+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as was B*+i*s 1(o+a speech writer ?or a++ o? A'o+? Hit+erAs speeches an' GHit+erAsG ?ictiona+ @io)raphy GMein 9amp?G. A'o+? Hit+er was @orn o*t o? we'+ocD ?rom an a??air 4 th*s he co*+' not inherit a 2it+e o? No@i+ity 5 his ?ather arran)e' ?or him to e(ent*a++y appear as i? he ha' earne' his 2it+e o? No@i+ity an' #anD thro*)h conH*est 4 risin) ?rom a home+ess (eteran to a 9in) o? Germany <5 the ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society which ha' @een in?i+trate' an' 'ecapitate' @y Ho*se o? Sa(oy A)ents were o?ten ?ans o? #o@ert 1. Howar'As 7onan Series o? no(e+s an' short stories @ein) that #o@ert 1. Howar' @ase' m*ch o? his worDs on Iron A)e 7*+t*res o? 1*rope an' s*rro*n'in) re)ions. #o@ert 1. Howar'As @ooDs a+so containe' re+i)ions @ase' *pon n*mero*s .o+D #e+i)ions o? 1*ropean peop+es as we++ as Semitic peop+es an' other races o? peop+es 5 the ?o+D +ore concernin) U+tima 2h*+e was pre(e+ant in #o@ert 1. Howar'As worDs '*rin) the ear+y 1"00As. 2he ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society was ?o*n'e' '*rin) the 1800As @y a )ro*p o? in'i(i'*a+s whom were 'e'icate' to the re esta@+ishment o? the .o+D #e+i)ions o? the 1*ropean peop+es an' others 5 this or)ani>ation consi'ere' the era prior to the esta@+ishment o? the

#oman 1mpire to @e the Spirit*a+ Go+'en A)e o? 1*rope. 2he ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society was an or)ani>ation which attracte' o@ser(ant peop+es o? n*mero*s .o+D #e+i)ions4 Anthropo+o)ists4 Spirit*a+ists4 an' others 5 it is pro@a@+e that @oth #o@ert 1. Howar' an' H.P. $o(ecra?t were mem@ers o? a North American ?raterna+ @ranch o? the ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society an' that the 2h*+e Society were some o? the ?irst in'i(i'*a+s to e(er recei(e copies o? #o@ert 1. Howar'As 7onan no(e+s prior to many o? them e(en maDin) mass pro'*ction print. #o@ert 1. Howar'As 7onan no(e+s containe' ta+es o? a +ocation inspire' @y the +ore re)ar'in) U+tima 2h*+e < a 7ity State ?ar to the north across an eCpanse o? arctic c+imate s*rro*n'e' @y an en(ironment o? a@so+*te per?ect c+imate. In his +iterat*re B*+i*s 1(o+a re+ate' the 2h*+e SocietyAs a++e)orica+ +ore re)ar'in) U+tima 2h*+e to the +iDeness o? a man sca+in) Mo*nt 1(erest 5 a+tho*)h B*+i*s 1(o+a 'rew occaisiona++y *pon so*rces re+e(ant to the 2h*+e Society4 his ?ami+y were hate?*+ an' an)ere' @y itAs eCistence. 2he p*rpose o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs +iterat*re was primari+y Syncretic Assimi+ation o? n*mero*s Nationa+ I'entities thro*)h metho' o? Syncretic Assimi+ation o? their Phi+osophies an' .o+D 7*stoms inc+*'e their .o+D #e+i)ions 5 this was the Imperia+ Metho' o? Syncretic #oman Assimi+ation o? pa)an c*+t*res an' nationa+ities. 2he ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society was entire+y oppositiona+ to the )oa+s o? the 3ynastic #oman Aristocratic .ami+ies 4 the #oya+ 1man*e+e .ami+y o? $om@ar'i 4 an' the 2errorist G+o@a+ist 7rime Syn'icate which they ha' cooperati(e+y ?o*n'e' with other G+o@a+ Imperia+ists in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime. Anthony 3e?eo an' 1' :arren may ha(e @een recor'e' ta+Din) a@o*t this 5 it is a+so possi@+e that Anthony 3e?eo 'isc*sse' this with 1' :arren *nDnowin)+y eCposin) his Dnow+e')e concernin) the 1man*e+e ?ami+y @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y an' the tr*e ori)ins o? the A6IS as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs the 1(o+a ?ore?athersA contri@*tion to what @ecame the 3r' #eich. 1' :arren worDs 'irect+y ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' is a So+'ier o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist A6IS 7rime Syn'icate 5 this is a ?act that Anthony 3e?eo may possi@+y ha(e ?ai+e' to reco)ni>e whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester NewHampshire @etween the years o? 200% an' 200E. 1' :arren may ha(e @een testin) Anthony to see i? Anthony wo*+' ta+D a@o*t the past :ar 7rimes an' c*rrent e(ents re)ar'in) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y as we++ as the 1(o+as an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'5 these 2errorist :ar 7rimes an' connections to the A6IS @ein) in(esti)ate' @y Henry MaDowAs associate' Pri(ate In(esti)ations Unit 4 their associates 4 my se+? 4 an' what they incorrect+y percei(e' were my own connections within the Asatr* an' the Bewish comm*nity '*e to the simp+e ?act that these were ?rien's an' acH*antainces o? mine. U 0? re+ation to Anthony 3e?eoAs comments whi+e at worD 5 an e+'er+y man name' Geor)e ha' spoDen the wor's that ha' @een mis attri@*te' to Me+ Gi@son p*@+ica++y a?ter Gi@sonAs @ein) tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e. Me+ Gi@son was most pro@a@+y tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e '*e to $a =o> 3e A>t+anAs appreciation o? Me+ Gi@son an' =ittorioAs o@sessi(e hatre' o? any contact o? mine ?o*n' in my 1mai+ $*)h3e3anaan`My:ay.7om Sent ;oC 4 o@(io*s '*e to =ittorioAs paranoia at @ein) )+o@a++y eCpose' as A'o+? Hit+erAs Gran' Nephew. My $*)h3e3anaan` emai+ acco*nt containe' in itAs Sent ;oC a h*mo*ro*s emai+ which I ha' sent to $a =o> 3e A>t+an. GSheAs pro@a@+y )oin) to wa+D o*t the 'oor an' )et rape' @y a pacD o? wi+' ni))ers.G which1 were #ld Man 'eorge%s1 wor's recor'e' '*rin) 200% 5 were the wor's attri@*te' to Me+ Gi@son whom was a++e)e'+y ye++in) them at his wi?e. 1' :arren ha' ?o*n' Geor)eAs statement hi+ario*s an' was +a*)hin) ?or ?o*r 'ays a@o*t it. 2his statement wo*+' not ha(e )otten Geor)e in any ?orm o? tro*@+e4 tho*)h I am positi(e that Geor)eAs ?ami+y are now pro@a@+y sta+Din) (ictims o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. 2he 'isc*ssion which may ha(e

)otten Geor)e tar)ette' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e was re)ar'in) the ?act that the Nationa+ Socia+ist German $a@or Party reH*ire' )enerations o? ;irth #ecor's4 proo? o? German 7iti>enship4 an' proo? o? 3e*tsche 1thnic Nationa+ity which were reH*ire' ?rom app+icants in or'er to @ecome an o??icia+ mem@er 5 A'o+? Hit+er was open+y 'isc*sse' as ha(in) *se' .or)e' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' .or)e' ;irth #ecor's ?or p*rpose o? Ioinin) the NS3AP 4 as we++ as was it 'isc*sse' that A'o+? Hit+er 'i' s*pp+y these necessary too+s o? espiona)e to the 2errorist 7o(ert A)ents whom were his @o'y )*ar's an' crimina+ so+'iers 55 Geor)e was ta+Din) a@o*t this ?or a month. Geor)eAs ?ami+y may now @e sta+Din) (ictims '*e to his +o*' 'isc*ssion o? these ?acts 5 I am not certain o? Geor)eAs s*rname @*t ?acts which I can pro(i'e concernin) his i'entity are his race which was proporte'+y .ranco American 4 Po+ish 4 H*n)arian 4 an' Ita+ian. A+so o? Dnow+e')e to my se+? was that Geor)e was in his E0As o? a)e4 was a@o*t 5AEG4 an' o?ten wore a @each hat simi+ar to a Gi++i)an Hat 5 this @ein) the same sty+e o? hat which Boey Marini was constant+y wearin) @etween 200! 200". 2hese 'isc*ssions were a++ recor'e' @y Sec*rity S*r(ei++ance 1H*ipment which *p+oa'e' to internet an' transmitte' e+ectronica++y *pon @ein) sent to Home 0??ice 5 these sec*rity transmissions 4 as we++ as any i++e)a+ Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ices which =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' pai' 1' :arren to insta++ at the Manchester NewHampshire $inco+n St. .ami+y 3o++ar +ocation 5 a++ transmitte' e+ectronica++y an' were accessi@+e to 7omp*ter HacDers as we++ as are they accessi@+e to Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments which ha' recor'e' this 1+ectronic 2ransmission an' ha' *n'o*@te'+y store' them in their +i@rary. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+e4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 an' their associates o@sessi(e+y watche' these recor'in)s an' o@sessi(e+y +istene' to con(ersations 5 this res*+te' in the sta+Din) an' )enoci'a+ tar)ettin) o? n*mero*s ?ami+ies an' networDs o? ci(i+ian pop*+ation. U At some point '*rin) the years 200% an' 2005 5 it was 'isc*sse' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A)ents in 3e*tsche+an' an' A'o+? Hit+er '*rin) the 1"%0As 4 @e)an assassinatin) a++ o? the 3e*tsche+an'ers who were o? +on) stan'in) an' presti)io*s position or ranD within the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@o*r Party an' +ie' a@o*t why these in'i(i'*a+s were Di++e'. A'o+? 1ichmann was assassinate' ?or the s*ppose' reason that he was 1Q8 Israe+i < which he ?act*a++y was 4 @*t was one o? the most respecte' mem@ers o? the NS3AP an' one o? the +on)est stan'in) mem@ers o? the party. #*'o+? Hess ?+ew to the U.9. to warn the U.9. o? A'o+? Hit+erAs re)ime < he we )i(en pri(ate H*arters 4 a?terwhich he was assassinate' @y some A)ent o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy that han)e' him in the room he ha' @een a++owe' to s+eep in 5 #*'o+? Hess was a we++ respecte' an' +on) stan'in) mem@er o? the NS3AP. Gerhar't #home was assassinate' ?or the s*ppose' reason o? treason an' 'e?ection to the So(iet Union. U 3*rin) the year 200% an' 2005 4 it was 'isc*sse' that A'o+? Hit+er may ha(e @een swappe' with a @o'y 'o*@+e an' escape' ?rom 3e*tsche+an' @y metho' o? a Gmachia(e++iG 5 this eCact metho' @ein) the )roomin) o? a crimina+ ?rom a prison in Ita+ia to +ooD i'entica+ to A'o+? Hit+er 4 the transportation o? this crimina+ ?rom the prison in Ita+ia to the ;*nDer in ;er+in 4 the 'ressin) o? this *nconscio*s crimina+ in A'o+? Hit+erAs *ni?orm 4 an' the shootin) o? this imposte*r in the hea' with a pisto+ to maDe it appear as i? A'o+? Hit+er ha' committe' s*ici'e. 2his scenario is (ery pro@a@+e an' it is a pro@a@i+ity that he sha(e' his ?ace an' hair an' escape' into Ita+ia. 2he story that A'o+? Hit+er resc*e' ;enito M*sso+ini ?rom Prison in Ita+ia twice is i++o)ica+ an' near+y an impossi@i+ity 5 it is pro@a@+e that A'o+? Hit+er may ha(e e(en @een +ocDe' in the (ery prison that the crimina+ ha' @een transporte' ?rom who was *se' to Machia(e++i him. 3epen'in) *pon the physica+ +ocation o? the Prison 4 a Prison is not necessari+y an

*nsa?e p+ace '*rin) a mi+itary in(asion '*e it @ein) an *nnecessary tar)et to striDe. ;enito M*sso+ini was +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' it is pro@a@+e that his ?ami+y were 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 it is impro@a@+e that ;enito M*sso+ini was e(er imprisone' '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar. It is a 'e?inite possi@i+ity that the ?+aye' corpse o? G;enito M*sso+iniG which was 'isp+aye' to the p*@+ic was ?act*a++y a crimina+ ?rom a prison 5 the @o'y was so ?+aye' @y ra>ors that it was 'i??ic*+t to i'enti?y an' it is a pro@a@i+ity that the G?+ayin) o? M*sso+iniG was sta)e' ?or p*rpose o? a(ertin) in(esti)ation into the Ho*se o? Sa(oy '*rin) the *pcomin) Mi+itary :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ that occ*rre' at N*rem@*r). M*ch o? this theory wo*+' eCp+ain the 1man*e+esA o@session with M*r'er 3ec+are' as S*ici'e an' Machia(e++i. In the year 1""" 4 7ait+in L*inn an' 3anie++e $e;+anc ha' 'isc*sse' this with me. U A r*mo*r '*rin) 200% was that the GShro*' o? 2*rinG which was s*ppose'+y the G;*ria+ Shro*' o? 7hristG was act*a++y an attempt to 'is)*ise the ?act that A'o+? Hit+erAs ?act*a+ ?ina+ restin) p+ace was a cemetary in 2*rino Ita+ia. A?ter B*+i*s 1(o+a an' A'o+? Hit+er misappropriate' Ma'ame ;+a(atsDyAs prophesy to A'o+? Hit+erAs i'entity '*rin) the 3r' #eich 4 A'o+? Hit+er was occaisiona++y ca++e' GGermanische 7hristosG. U 0? possi@+e re+ation to =ittorio 1man*e+e a'mittin) to ha(in) a )ay son in Massach*settes name' Aaron whom was a'opte' to a ?ami+y in Massach*settes 5 0+' Man Geor)e ma'e a statement which re+ate' to this4 GHa(e yo* e(er pisse' o?? a )ay 4 IanO I mean4 pisse' them o?? so m*ch that they hate yo* an' want to 'estroy e(erythin) a@o*t yo*O 2hey are catty4 they ?i)ht +iDe women 5 they are passi(e a))ressi(ist an' they wi++ stop at nothin) to 'estroy yo*r +i?e.G U Another thin) Geor)e ha' sai' which re+ate' to these e(ents 5 GHa(e yo* e(er hear' o? the ;oy :ho 7rie' :o+? 4 IanO 0ne 'ay yo* wi++ remem@er 0+' Man Geor)e an' remem@er that I sai' this.G - Since the *eginning of 8ittorio &manuele's o*sessi0e hatre) of m5 self: I ha(e s*r(i(e' m*+tip+e poisonin)s an' attempte' poisonin)s. It has @een ma'e eCtreme+y o@(io*s that =ittorio 1man*e+e is o@sesse' with the concept o? poisonin) his a'(ersaries4 witho*t e(er showin) his ?ace as the )*i+ty party. I ha(e hear' nicDnames which his peop+e ha(e @een re?errin) to me @y 4 these @ein) < 2oto &the 7airn 2errier ?rom 2he :i>ar' o? 0P5 a 7airn @ein) a @ree' ?rom Scot+an', 4 n*mero*s re?erences to At+i ;*'+ason - Atti+a the H*n 8 4 Gthe Sit*ationG4 an' re?erences to Si)*r' =o+s*n). =ittorio 1man*e+e seems to ha(e an o@session with the Sa)a o? the =o+s*n)s - the Ni@e+*n)en+ie' 8 in partic*+ar the ?act that Si)*r'As son is the ?irst =o+s*n) to e(er @e s*scepta@+e to poison. Atti+a ;*'+ason was a+so ?ata++y poisone' < the #oman 1mperor pai' a s+a(e woman to poison At+i4 taintin) his wine an' ?oo' with the poisone' @+oo' o? his own two sons 5 the mea+ was ?e' to him in @ow+s ma'e ?rom his own sonsA sD*++s. 0nce4 some@o'y attempte' to poison me with poison in my mea'< )o+'en h*e' home@rewe' mea' which ha' the appearance o? @+oo' ?+oatin) in it. A+so< +iDe Si)*r' an' Si))eir 4 one o? 1man*e+eAs a)ents attempte' to poison me with poisone' A+e 5 ?ort*nate+y I spat it o*t an' '*mpe' the rest o? the @ott+e4 near+y ?aintin) a?terwar's ?rom +i)hthea'e'ness. Si)*r' =o+s*n) an' At+i ;*'+ason are @oth part o? Asatr* +ore an' appear in the same stories. Si)*r' is a re+ate' concept in(o+(in) the An'ers ;ra'en ;rei(iD attacD < I @e+ie(e An'ers was a (ictim o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs Ne*roScience =i(isections an' PS/7H :A#.A#1 campai)n. :hen my yo*n)est sisters were seperate' < 7he+sey was 10 an' S*mmer was 8 soon to @e " 5 7he+sey was taDen hosta)e @y Ita+ians an' possi@+y Ser@ians worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' swappe' with another (ictim. 2his Grimnisma+ is o? sym@o+ic re+e(ance '*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs hatre' o? Asatr*4 1mi+y

Is+es4 an' my ?ami+y. 2he Grimnisma+ te++s the story o? 9in) Geirro' o? the Goths < who was 8 when he sent his @rother to sea on a @oat with no oars4 +ater to @ecome Din) ahea' o? him. He is ?o*n' to @e tyrannica+ an' is inhospita@+e towar' a wan'erin) o+' man name' Grimnir4 +ooDin) ?or she+ter '*rin) the winter < who +ater re(ea+s himse+? to @e 0'in 5 a?terwhich 9in) Geirro' is s+ain @y his own ?ate when he ?a++s on his own @+a'e an' 'ies< '*e to the hospita+ity o? his son4 his son @ecomes Din) instea'.2he +ine o? =o+s*n) an' At+i ;*'+ason @oth @ein) roya+ty mirrors =ittorioAs o@session with his position in +i?e5 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? were @oth st*'yin) Asatr* $ore aro*n' the time when =ittorio tar)ette' *s. It is eCtreme+y apparent that the hate?*+ an' Iea+o*s =ittorio 1man*e+e has a+so tar)ette' 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an' her ?ami+y. * Chelse5+ ta.en *5 the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate : 1e),ugor,e an) the significance of the Bosnian Hea) !arlan) -: :hi+e I was emp+oye' @y 3*nDin 3on*ts at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire5 a ?at Ita+ian man with c*stom tai+ore' )ent+emanAs ?inery approache' me an' ma+icio*s+y +a*)he' at me whi+e I was worDin). He was wearin) an eCtreme+y eCpensi(e (inta)e sty+e c*stom tai+ore' s*it4 an eCpensi(e (inta)e +ooDin) tie4 an' a )o+' pocDet watch. A?ter this ha' occ*rre' < a man o? ;a+tic ethnicity came into the ma++ an' tooD a +on) +ooD at me ?rom @ehin' the +ine o? c*stomers. He +ooDe' as i? he was tryin) to +ooD (ery simi+ar to my ?ather an' 'resse' simi+ar+y @*t was wearin) a sha) wi) parte' on the si'e. $ater that month< I saw a )ir+ who +ooDe' i'entica+ to my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson wearin) a ;osnian hea' )ar+an'4 @ein) +e' o*t o? the ma++ @y a man towar's a car in the parDin) +ot o? the Ma++ o? New Hampshire5 it a+most +ooDe' +iDe her wrists were @o*n' in ?ront o? her as her han's were in a prayin) position. She +ooDe' terri?ie'. I @e+ie(e 7he+sey was swappe' with another (ictim who has @een preten'in) to @e 7he+sey *n'er threats ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist Syn'icate. I ha(e o(erhear' my ?ather twice 4 so*n'in) incre'i@+y *ncom?orta@+e whi+e ta+Din) to a G=ictorG on his ce++ phone. =ictor Mann4 =itorrio 1man*e+e4 an' =ictor McMann are three a+iases =ittorio 1man*e+e *ses an' occaisiona++y has on his cre'it car's3 2wo years prior to this the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es in Manchester New Hampshire was in(esti)ate' an' some o? the emp+oyees were arreste' ?or printin) '*p+icate I'enti?ication 7ar's with terroristsA ?aces on car's containin) the act*a+ i'enti?ication in?ormation o? ci(i+ians who +ooD simi+ar to the p*rchaser. 2his was aro*n' the eCact 'ate that a ma?ia ?ami+y poisone' my co??ee with @+acD mo+'. 2he 3*nDin 3on*ts ?ranchise that I was worDin) ?or was owne' @y the S9#I=AN0S .AMI$/ 70#P0#A2I0N< whi+e I was worDin) ?or them4 3*nDin 3on*ts starte' printin) 31U2S7H1;AN9 )i?tcar's. 2here is no 31U2S7H1;AN9 in the USA5 31U2S7H1;AN9 was the @anD that A'o+? Hit+er *se' to store ha+? o? the wea+th that he tooD ?rom the Bews as we++ as the other (ictims in 3e*tsche+an' in the 1"%0As4 coinci'ent+y it was the on+y ha+? o? the pi++a)e' wea+th which was e(er reco(era@+e. A+so o? note< the Ita+ian Ma?ias as we++ as the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e @een worDin) with a terrorist crime syn'icate in(o+(e' in )enoci'e an' seC tra??icDin) near the re)ion s*rro*n'in) Me'I*)orIe 5 Ser@ia4 ;osnia4 7roatia. A ?ew years a?ter this 5 I o(erhear' S*mmer sayin) to the imposte*r 7he+sey GI miss the o+' 7he+sey. I want the rea+ 7he+sey @acD. /o*Are not 7he+sey.G . I ha(e @een consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that the )ir+ +i(in) at my .atherAs ho*se with S*mmer is not o*r sister4 7he+sey. I @e+ie(e the )ir+ @ein) +e' thro*)h the ma++ an' o*t into the parDin)+ot to a (ehic+e @y a stran)e +ooDin) man4 was 7he+sey. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een *sin) her to Deep my .atherAs mo*th sh*t a@o*t what has @een happenin) aro*n' here. 2he )ir+ preten'in) to @e 7he+sey is most +iDe+y Di'nappe' ?rom

e+sewhere. ;y swappin) the (ictims4 the two ?ami+ies can easi+y @e contro++e' @y the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2his is a 2#A..I79ING H0S2AG1 SI2UA2I0N. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate has @een in(o+(e' in H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 2errorism4 Genoci'e4 an' Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation o? Go(ernments ?orei)n to their own ?or 150 years. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate worDs with a ?ami+y re+ate' to the I@n Sa*' ?ami+y o? Sa*'i Ara@ia 5 a re+ate' wea+thy ?ami+y in(o+(e' in a 2errorist 7orporati(ist 7rime Syn'icate with connections in A?rica4 the Mi''+e 1ast4 an' e+sewhere. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y a+so worDs with a ?ami+y re+ate' to the #oya+ .ami+y o? Ser@ia < a re+ate' wea+thy ?ami+y in(o+(e' in a 2errorist 7orporati(ist 7rime Syn'icate in the ;a+tic re)ion as we++ as 1astern 1*rope. 2he ;osnian hea' )ar+an' is o? re+e(ance '*e to the ?act that Me'I*)orIe is in ;osnia < my entire +i?e4 my mother has @een warnin) me o? the comin) o? the Anti 7hrist as )+o@a+ conH*eror an' o? the MarD o? the ;east4 a Ghe++ on earthG s+a(e system in(o+(in) e+ectronic s*r)ica+ imp+ants '*rin) itAs creation m*+tip+e ho+oca*sts wo*+' occ*r )+o@a++y 5 she sai' this prophecy was ?rom Me'I*)orIe. It is possi@+e the Ita+ians an' Ser@ians co*+' ha(e @ro*)ht her to Me'I*)orIe ?or a time< I 'onAt Dnow where she is now. Yet again+ this *rings to min) &) Barren's statement to "nthon5 2efeo in the mi))le of the store near the greeting car)s+ -hen he state) /%his is going to *e li.e in0asion of the *o)5 snatchers+ )u)e3/ * Si@ #oman Horns : 2he same year '*rin) which the poisonin) +ater occ*rre'4 approCimate+y ?i(e s*spicio*s +ooDin) in'i(i'*a+s wearin) Ita+ian #oman Horn Pen'ants approache' me whi+e I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts. I a+so met an in'i(i'*a+ wearin) one o? them at an acH*antainces apartment in Manchester4 his name was 3.B. 2his ma'e a tota+ o? siC horns 5 I saw a !th horn in Nash*a '*rin) 2012 at the So*p 9itchen when a man sat 'own at the ta@+e I was sittin) at. 2his was a++ in one monthAs time '*rin) 200!4 which was the same month that my ?rien' Michae+ Smith was )i(in) an e'*cationa+ Asatr* seminar at Pa)an Pri'e 'ay in Manchester New Hampshire. 3.B. +ooDe' re+ate' to a man I *se' to ta+D to on A.I.M. whom ran'om+y contacte' my se+? an' ha' sent me his Myspace Pro?i+e $inD aro*n' 200% 5 the manAs name was Aaron an' he c+aime' to +i(e in Mans?ie+' Massach*settes. Aaron an' 3.B. @oth physica++y +ooDe' to @e .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs +itera+ ha+? @rothers < their @irth'ates coinci'e with the approCimate time perio' '*rin) which B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' 'ie' an' imme'iate+y a?terwar'4 their a)es @ein) approCimate+y 2E to %5. Aaron ha' to+' me '*rin) an A0$ Instant Messa)er con(ersation a?ter he ha' a''e' me as a ?rien' on MySpace that he was a'opte' in the North 1ast re)ion o? the USA @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 5 *pon maDin) one o? his appearances at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st. in Manchester NewHampshire < =ittorio 1man*e+e a'mitte' to me that Aaron was his son an' that Aaron was )ay. 3.B. was a+so a'opte' @y a ?ami+y in North America. Aaron ne(er to+' me how it was that he ?o*n' my screenname. Henry MaDow an' his )*ys occaisiona++y wrote artic+es a@o*t the GHi''en ;+oo'+ines o? the I++*minatiG 5 whi+e preparin) ?or G+o@a+ 7onH*est< a shrew' s*r(i(a+ist wo*+' +o)ica++y hi'e n*mero*s heirs to their throne4 ?or the p*rpose o? a(ertin) comp+ete eCec*tion o? their ?ami+y sho*+' they @e 'e?eate' in their )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est. B*+i*s 1(o+a wo*+' ha(e a+so 'e?inite+y hi''en some o? his own s*ccessors. .i++i@erto has @een Dnown to *se the name Phi+ an' Phi++ip whi+e in the Unite' States o? America. He has sta+De' n*mero*s ?rien's an' acH*aintances o? mine4 *sin) the name Phi+. 7he+sea A(i+as met him whi+e he was *sin) the a+ias GPhi+G as we++ as 7har+es 3es#ochiers whom Dnew him as GPhi+.G 7har+es 3es #ochiersAs ?ather is an associate o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs who Dnows him @y the name G=ictorG. 7har+ie went to .+ori'a E years a)o with my sister Sheena < when he came @acD4 the woman he ha' with him

who has since @een c+aimin) to @e Sheena an' has her i'enti?ication paperworD is not my sister. 2his woman +ooDs somewhat +iDe Sheena @*t her hips are narrower an' her eye socDets are m*ch +ar)er an' ro*n'er 5 she +ooDs to @e the same race as my ?ami+y. 2he woman c+aimin) that she is Sheena has @een a?rai' to te++ *s who she is. My ?ather has @een on the phone with G=ictorG in the past an' so*n'e' scare'. I co*+' hear him in the other room sayin) to =ictor H*iet+y G:hy isnAt she @acD yetO She has @een )one ?or a +on) time. 2his is not oD. :hen is she )oin) to @e )ettin) @acDOG. At the So*p 9itchen in Nash*a NewHampshire 4 where I ha' @een )ettin) ?oo' ?or a year 5 n*mero*s con(ersations which ha' occ*rre' @etween my se+? an' #o@ =an Horn ha' @een H*ote' @y a (o+*nteer at the So*p 9itchen an' a man whom ?reH*ent+y eats 'inner there < my *nc+e ;ryant ha' a+so ?reH*ent+y eaten 'inner at the So*p 9itchen in Nash*a whi+e home+ess. ;ryantAs @est ?rien' was Pa*+ Mi++er whom was Bewish 5 Pa*+ Mi++er has possi@+y @een rep+ace' @y a Sici+ian whom has @een preten'in) to @e Bewish. Pa*+ Mi++erAs )ran' parents an' parents ha' s*r(i(e' the Ho+oca*st an' ha' Prisoner N*m@er 2attoos on some o? their ?orearms. Pa*+ ?ormer+y +i(e' in Nash*a. NewHampshire. My a*nt 3ianneAs mother Irma 4 was A*strian 5 her entire +i?e she ha' Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er an' A)orapho@ia '*e to @om@in)s which ha' occ*rre' '*rin) the 3r' #eichAs conH*est o? A*stria. IrmaAs ?ami+y +e?t A*stria imme'iate+y a?ter the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich '*e to @e eCtreme+y tra*mati>e' @y the war. It is pro@a@+e that '*rin) their sta+Din) o? my ?ami+y 5 these ?acts an)ere' =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his ?ami+y '*e to their ina@i+ity to contro+ the en(ironment an' 'isc*ssion o? s*ch ?acts concernin) the 3r' #eich. * 2373's Bolf Pen)ant : :hen I met G3.B.G 1man*e+e 4 he was wearin) two pen'ants on si+(er chains 5 this pen'ant was a sma++ wo+?As hea' (iewe' ?rom the top o? the hea' 4 ha(in) @oth ears at the top an' the nose pointe' 'ownwar'. I @e+ie(e that this :o+? Pen'ant may ha(e represente' I +ater saw this :o+? Hea' Pen'ant han)in) ?rom a tacD on the wa++ at a manAs apartment in Manchester 5 I asDe' him where he )ot it4 he to+' me it was his ?rien'As necD+ace. 2he man whom +ater ha' this pen'ant on his wa++ a+so ha' an i++e)a++y owne' scorpion in a tanD which was eCtreme+y poisono*s an' was possi@+y ?rom 1)ypt or Sa*'i Ara@ia. * 2373 ha) light *lue e5es -ith a *ro-n spec.le in one e5e3 In 200! whi+e I was (isitin) Me)an McG*ire4 who +i(e' on Pine St. in Manchester New Hampshire 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e^s ha+? @rother 3.B. was (isitin) Me)an 4 he c+aime' that he nee'e' an o+' @+anD =HS tape ?or a sca(en)er h*nt. Me)an McG*ire^s MySpace an' .ace;ooD acco*nt was ca++e' Gerar' 2he #ain@ow 3icDe' :on'er 4 she was ?ormer+y on my ?rien's +ist 5 she was wearin) a 'octor^s '*st masD an' ha' her hair @rai'e'. 0n the 'ay when 3.B. was asDin) Me)an i? she ha' an o+' @+anD =HS tape 5 I share' a Me'iterranean Pi>>a with the two o? them which I ha' p*rchase' ?rom 0+ymp*s Pi>>a in Manchester New Hampshire. At the time 4 I 'i' not Dnow that 3.B. was .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha+? @rother 5 now I Dnow this is the ?act*a+ tr*th. 2he e(enin) that I met 3.B. < Michae+ Smith ha' )i(en a +ect*re a@o*t #*nes an' Asatr* at Pa)an Pri'e 3ay in the parD across ?rom the Manchester New Hampshire P*@+ic $i@rary ear+ier '*rin) the same 'ay. As I pre(io*s+y state'4 3.B. ha' +i)ht @+*e eyes with a @rown specD+e in one iris 5 this is worth mentionin) '*e to the stran)e series o? coinci'ences which occ*rre' a?terwar's. 2his was aro*n' the approCimate 'ate that Me)an was ta+Din) to Army #ecr*iters. ApproCimate+y two months +ater 4 MiDe Smith an' 7athryn ;*rDe were )i(en a si@erian h*sDy @y a ?rien' ?rom New Bersey 4 they name' the H*sDy #*na. #*naAs eyes were the typica+ pa+e @+*e o? a Si@erian H*sDy < one eye howe(er4 ha' a @rown specD+e on the iris in the same +ocation as 3.B.As @rown specD+e' iris. 2he 'onation o? the 'o) to MiDe an' 7at seeme' to @e intentiona+4 a+most as

i? some@o'y in the 1man*e+e ?ami+y ha' han' picDe' the 'o) an' )i(en or'ers to some@o'y c+ose to MiDe an' 7at to )i(e to them #*na as a )i?t. =ittorio 1man*e+e seems to +iDe to portray himse+? as i? he has eyes an' ears e(erywhere. Aro*n' the eCact same 'ate < my co*sin 7hristopher Io'ice was )i(en a @rown eye' Si@erian H*sDy the eCact same a)e as #*na which may ha(e @een ?rom the same pacD somehow. My co*sin 7hristopher an' his twin @rother Michae+ are @oth ha+? ita+ian an' ha(e @rown eyes4 their ?ather A+ Io'ice is o? a (ery #oman ethnic stocD 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 noticin) this < wo*+' ha(e imme'iate+y tho*)ht o? #om*+*s an' #em*s4 the twin ?o*n'ers o? #ome who were raise' as in?ants in the ?orest @y a ?ema+e wo+?. I @e+ie(e 3.B. was AaronAs ha+? @rother an' that he an' Aaron are re+ate' to .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 'irect+y5 possi@+y ha+? @rothers. 3.B. was wearin) an Ita+ian #oman Horn pen'ant4 as were n*mero*s sta+Ders o? mine 5 a++ recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras at this time. Me)an < the woman who intro'*ce' me to 3.B. 5 +ie' to me a@o*t her ethnicity 4 te++in) me that she was ;e+)ian an' Gae+ic. Me)an was 'e?inite+y Ita+ian. 7athryn ;*rDe is ethnic An)+o Gae+ic American as we++ as ethnic ;e+)ian. 0n the ;+*tUn';o' @+o) ?or*ms < my screen name was Am@ioriC 4 name' a?ter 9in) Am@io o? the ;e+)ae. 7athryn ;*rDe is a+so ori)ina++y ?rom New Bersey. 2here is a+so a woman who has @een preten'in) to @e An)e+iH*e ;oy' 5 she +ooDs A+@anian4 Ita+ian4 an' 3e*tsche. An)e+iH*e ;oy' is An)+o Gae+ic American an' .ranco American. An)e+iH*e ;oy' mentione' meetin) a ?rien' o? her eC @oy?rien'As name' GPhi+G 4 GPhi+G was 'escri@e' as @ein) o@sesse' with appearin) @etter than any other person in his presense 5 ha(in) the nee' to Gone *pG anyone any time that they state somethin) re+atin) to their accomp+ishments or har'ships in +i?e4 statin) that his ha(e @een one step )reater or one step more 'i??ic*+t. 2his woman may @e a re+ati(e o? theirs somehow4 an associateAs 'a*)hter4 or e(en a )ran''a*)hter o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs. 2hese peop+e are tryin) to hi'e their @+oo'+ine in the homes o? their (ictims. As I ha(e state' 5 the 3epartment o? Motor(ehic+es in Manchester New Hampshire was ca*)ht printin) ?a+se i'enti?ication car's ?or crimina+s. An)e+iH*e ;oy'As mother has a+so @een hospita+i>e' in the same hospita+ as my se+? in the past. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 Me)an McG*ire c+aime' that she was attemptin) to en+ist in the Army. 3*rin) this time4 3.B. c+aime' that he was worDin) at a :a+Mart. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ha+? @rother 3.B. mentione' that he @e+ie(e' some@o'y wo*+' @e G7ame+ Spi'erin)G the USA soon. A 7ame+ Spi'er is a creat*re that wi++ I*mp onto the @e++ies o? 7ame+As 5 it inIects itAs n*m@in) anaesthesia into the 7ame+As ?+esh4 a?ter which it eats the +i(in) 7ame+As ?+esh *n@eDnownst to the 7ame+. * %-ice in ;==D : I notice' an ita+ian +ooDin) man wa+Din) thro*)h the .ami+y 3o++ar store I *se' to worD at who Dept +ooDin) o(er his sho*+'er at me. He was a@o*t 314 ha' a @*>>c*t 5 sha(e' on the si'es an' short on the top4 an' a so*+ patch @e+ow his +ip. He ha' a tattoo on his @icep. I ha(e since reco)ni>e' this man as the pict*re o? Bosh*a ;*cD+ey in the 2/# B0U#NA$ V3 . 2he pict*res in 2/# Bo*rna+ V1 an' V2 'o not +ooD +ooD +iDe the )*y who came into .ami+y 3o++ar at a++ < 2/# Bo*rna+ V3 +ooDs i'entica+. Sometimes photo an)+es can chan)e a+ot a@o*t a personAs appearance4 @*t Bosh*a ;*cD+ey 'i' not write an artic+e in 2yr Bo*rna+ V3. He was ori)ina++y ?rom the 7onnectic*t re)ion4 near New Bersey 5 '*e to the +ar)e n*m@er o? peop+e c*rrent+y missin) in this re)ion 4 (a+i'atin) an in'i(i'*a+As i'entity is eCtreme+y important with this happenin). * &0entuall5+ in ;==F E I attempte' to )et @acD into contact with my @rie? penpa+ < a Bewish man in 7ana'a name' Henry

MaDow 5 @y way o? emai+. His response to my emai+ was wor'e' eCact+y the same as the wor's which I ha' spoDen to the Sici+ian man who ha' come into .ami+y 3o++ar pretending to @e Henry MaDow. 2o me this man ha' sai' GI in(ente' the @oar' )ame Scr*p+es4 ha(e yo* e(er hear' o? meOG to which I rep+ie' 4 GI am sorry... I 'o not Dnow who yo* are.G . 2his o+'er Sici+ian man was o@(io*s+y sent @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate to maDe a s*@t+e threat @y mentionin) Henry MaDow4 who 'i' in ?act in(ent the )ame Scr*p+es4 an' @y han'in) me a 7hristian ;roch*re *s*a++y han'e' o*t @y +rosl/ti2ing .hristians 'own the roa' ?rom where my Gran'?ather #ona+' $a(oieAs cotta)e is at &ampton -each. 2he wor's which I spoDe to him were (ery simi+ar to the wor's spoDen to esus in the &ol/ -ible 4 '*rin) the scene @e?ore his 7r*ci?iCion when some o? his acH*antainces 'enie' Dnowin) him prior to B*'as eCposin) his +ocation to the #oman Mi+itary Po+ice. 2his seems @e?ittin) o? =ittorioAs re+i)io centric s*perstitio*s paranoia 4 @ein) that I apparent+y spoDe these eCact wor's to the cr*ci?ier himse+?. :hat is stran)e is the ?act that two years +ater5 the imposte*r operatin) the Henry MaDow we@site sti++ remem@ere' my name an' spoDe the eCact wor's to me which I ha' spoDen to the man impersonatin) Henry MaDow4 the man who was *n'o*@te'+y in ?act a Ma?iosa worDin) ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate. * CONC&#NIN! :'s: %H& & 2&# Y 1"$IOS" whom ha' *ns*cess?*++y impersonate' Henry MaDow +ooDe' re+ate' to 2A/$AAS G#AN3.A2H1# as we++ as the o+' Sici+ian ma?iosa preten'in) to @e 2IAAs G#AN3.A2H1# 5 2H1 2H#11 $009 $I91 ;#02H1#S. 2he Sici+ian preten'in) to @e 2iaAs Gran'?ather +ooDe' i'entic+e to the man who wa+De' o*t the 'oors o? the ma++ with who I +ater 'isco(ere' was +itera++y my sister4 7he+sey MacPherson. 2his is o@(io*s+y a si)n o? =ittorio 1man*e+e tryin) to war' o?? his Paranoi' S*perstition @ein) that the 7+an MacPherson has @een Dnown in the past as the .lan of the $hree -rothers0 my .ather has two @rothers4 my .atherAs ?ather ha' two @rothers as we++ < a+so4 0'in has two @rothers =i+i an' =e. 2here are a+so three Norns 5 Ur'4 =er'an'i4 an' SD*+'. :hen =ittorio 1man*e+e met me ?ace to ?ace 5 I was wearin) a 2risDe+ion pen'ant on a chain necD+ace aro*n' my necD. 2he American @orn 3e*stche+an'er that I Dnew ?rom schoo+4 h*mo*ro*s+y )a(e me a n*m@er 3 in his mocD racist heirarcha+ pecDin) or'er 5 he on+y )a(e the Ita+ians a 5. 1' :arren was ca++in) ;en Gthe 1 2 3 9i'G aro*n' the same time that he was wa+Din) aro*n' chantin) G=ictorio*s4 =ictorio*s4 =ictorio*sG an' o?ten maDin) marchin) so*n's simi+ar to a #oman +e)ionaire. I now ha(e a 2risDe+ion @e+t @*cD+e on a DnotworD @e+t ?rom Ire+an'4 I was wearin) this aro*n' the time '*rin) which I was worDin) at 3*nDin 3on*ts 5 it was c+ear+y (isi@+e @eca*se my shirt was t*cDe' in. 2ay+aAs )ran'?ather tooD two te+ephone ca++s ?rom =ictor a?ter he ha' in(ite' me o(er to his ho*se. * OB S : I ha' @een postin) ?or a@o*t a year an' a ha+? on ;+*tUn';o'en.7om . I was in(ite' to post on this messa)e @oar' @y a certain internet persona+ity 5 G1ric Smith aDa 1riD Schmi'tG proporte'+y o? A+a@ama. Hi' screenname was Morty ?o++owe' @y some n*m@ers4 he c+aime' to @e o? Bewish an' ;ritish ancestry. Interestin)+y eno*)h4 1ric Schmi't is the name o? the man who ?o*n'e' G00G$1. Aro*n' this time4 some@o'y ha' poste' what appeare' to @e a possi@+e (i'eo recor'in) o? a ;$02 #I214 recor'e' at ni)ht with the ?ire c+ear+y (isi@+e. 2his wo*+' mean that some@o'y was @ein) recor'e' per?ormin) re+i)io*s rites. 2he person postin) this may ha(e @een a hacDer *sin) one o? the *serpro?i+es. I poste' @e+ow this (i'eoc+ip4 sarcastica++y commentin) in re?erence to paranoi' ;ohemian Gro(e 7onspiracy 2heories re)ar'in) the 0:$ S2A2U1 A2 ;0H1MIAN G#0=1 @ein) Satan an' the ;aphomet o? ;a@y+on @ein) Satan. I ne(er act*a++y watche' the who+e (i'eo. A ?ew

years +ater < a?ter s*r(i(in) n*mero*s poisonin)s4 the te+e(ision @roa'castin) was o(er '*@@e' an' animation screene' 5 a SN0:/ 0:$ with oran)e eyes appeare' on the te+e(ision an' whispere' GShhh.... hey.... pay attention.G a?terwhich the oran)e eyes t*rne' ye++ow 4 a?ter the chan)e o? the eye co+or the 0w+ then sai' GI +o(e yo*.G . 3*rin) the weeD prior4 I ha' h*moro*s+y poste' on .ace;ooD statin) that I wante' to Gene2herapy my hair white an' my eyesA irises ye++ow < aro*n' this time a 'r*nDen ;ritish woman to+' me she +o(e' me an' I )a(e her a Diss. I respon'e' to this PS/7H :A#.A#1 attacD as *s*a+ 5 I poste' a :hite Snowy 0w+ on my ?ace@ooD4 it has ye++ow eyes. A+so < the +i@rary on Pine Street in Manchester NewHampshire where I saw 3anie+ Bames an' the imposte*r o? GMe)an McG*ireG with a @+in' woman that +ooDe' i'entica+ to 1mi+y Is+es 5 has an ow+ stat*e a@o(e the 'oor. 2he toi+et in the @athroom at the Manchester $i@rary says G2otoG on it 4 2oto is the 'o) ?rom the :i>ar' o? 0P.G U %he Hol5 Bi*le - *e%elations : :hen I was a chi+'5 my .ather to+' me n*mero*s times that he @e+ie(e' that the ;ooD o? #e(e+ations was a prophecy 'escri@in) the ?ina+ 'estr*ction an' 'e?eat o? the cr*ci?ier5 2he #oman 1mpire. He a+so to+' me that time was cyc+ica+ an' that simi+ar e(ents occ*r in cyc+es. B*+i*s 1(o+a @e+ie(e' that he co*+' hasten the comin) en' o? the 9a+i /*)a an' conH*er 1arth entire+y 4 @rin)in) a@o*t a tota+itarian G+o@a+ #omani>ation. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs constant i++e)a+ recor'in) o? my se+? at more than one point wo*+' ha(e recor'e' moments '*rin) which I was 'isc*ssin) this. 2he mention o? the #oman 1mpire wo*+' ha(e in?*riate' him imme'iate+y '*e to o@(io*s reasons concernin) my emai+ interactions with Henry MaDow< the Bewish man in 7ana'a who p*@+ishe' to his we@site an artic+e eCp+ainin) A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+ia+ ties to his ha+? @rother who was =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )ran'?ather. 2he #omans conH*ere' Israe+ 5 '*rin) which they 'emo+ishe' the 2emp+e o? 9in) So+omon < +ater to cr*ci?y the #a@@i /esh*a ?or contin*in) his #a@@inica+ 3*ties *pon the steps o? the r*ine' 2emp+e o? 9in) So+omon4 an act which the #oman 1mpire ha' o*t+awe'. 2he #a@@i /esh*a was cr*ci?ie' *sin) a cross *pon which a p+aH*e @earin) the mocDin) phrase G9in) o? the BewsG was nai+e' '*e to the +ocation o? the #a@@iAs +ect*res < the 'emo+ishe' 2emp+e o? 9in) So+omon4 which was +ater to @e re@*i+t as the #oman 2emp+e at Go+)otha. ;ein) that the Israe+is were *n'er #oman B*ris'iction o? +aw 5 #oman $aw was c*rrent+y @ein) en?orce' *pon them. Un'er the +aws o? the #oman 1mpire 5 1thnic Pa)ans or Heathens< or in other wor's 4 pop*+ations o? non #oman ethnic stocD <5 were to @e cr*ci?ie' ?or re@e++ion a)ainst the esta@+ishe' #oman 0r'er. #oman 7iti>ens o? #oman ethnic stocD 4 were not cr*ci?ia@+e *n'er #oman +aws 5 instea' they were sent to prison or the G+a'iatori*m. /esh*a an' a++ o? the Bews atten'in) 2emp+e were cr*ci?ie' @esi'e the steps o? the 'emo+ishe' 2emp+e o? So+omon 5 a?ter which the #oman 2emp+e at Go+)otha was @*i+t ?rom the r*@@+e. 2he IN#I *pon the e??i)y o? the 7r*ci?iCion o? Bes*s represents this. %he recurrent Italian #oman Horn Pen)ants : I ha(e recent+y seen another #oman Horn pen'ant. 2his sym@o+ism @rin)s to min' the possi@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e is sti++ tryin) to appear omnipotent to my se+? as we++ as others who (iew the n*mero*s recor's o? e(i'ence concernin) these e(ents. In the @ooD o? #e(e+ations 5 it is written that the one o? the ;easts o? #e(e+ations is a 'ra)on with m*+tip+e hea's +iDe a hy'ra4 the hea's o? which ha(e on+y one horn an' a crown on most < on+y a ?ew o? which ha(e two horns an' a crown. 2hese crowns co*+' possi@+y represent #oman 'ynastic aristocratic no@+e @+oo'+ines as we++ as two non #oman 'ynastic roya+ @+oo'+ines. 2o Gi*+io 7easar 1(o+a < re+i)ion an' the s*@concio*s min's o? the masses were a so*rce o? ma)ic 4 which he manip*+ate' an' wie+'e' in an attempt to conH*er the 1arth. 2o him< 2he Ho+y ;i@+e an' the mo*ths o?

the =atican were a #oman so*rce o? this ma)ic. * 1ICH"& 1OYNIH"N'S %#"NS "%IONS O$ SO1& O$ 7( I(S &8O "'s BO#KS+ "N%HONY 2&$&O 1&N%IONIN! 7( I(S &8O " "% BO#K+ m5 self 1&N%IONIN! #O1"NS O$%&N "N2 %H& CO(N% S%3 !&#1"IN $O K O#&- An o+' 1*ropean a++e)orica+ ?o+Dta+e most +iDe+y to ha(e @een ?irst to+' @y wan'erin) GypsieAs 5 the story o? the 7o*nt St. Germain is the ta+e o? the man who pierce' 7hristAs si'e with the spear o? #ome <5 this man was c*rse' with immorta+ity an' @a' ?ate4 @eca*se he tooD part in the cr*ci?iCion i? /esh*a. 2he 7o*nt St. Germain was c*rse' ?or piercin) 7hristAs arms to his si'es an' sta@@in) him with a spear 5 the a++e)ory @ecame the story o? $on)in*s an' 7o*nt St. Germain was to+' to @e the immorta+ ?orm o? $on)in*s <5 c*rse' to wa+D ?ore(er *nti+ the Secon' 7omin) o? 7hrist when the Messiah ret*rns to a(en)e /esh*a an' the 7o*nt St. Germain 'ies. $on)in*s is an a++e)ory re?errin) to the marria)e o? the #oya+ Ho*se o? $om@ar'iAs ?ami+y into a ?ami+y o? #oman No@i+ity4 creatin) the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 the #oman No@+e Aristocracy are the reason ?or 7hristAs 7r*ci?iCion as they were the ones who or'ere' it 'one. St. Germain is a 7atho+ic .ranDish name ?rom an era when .ranDs were 7hristiani>in) their names 5 @ein) that the .ranDish Mero(in)ian +ine marrie' into a $om@ar'ic Sa(oy ?ami+y 4 7har+emai)neAs 'escen'antsA co*sins new ?ami+y were re?erre' to as the 7o*nt o? St. Germain <5 this new ?ami+y @ein) an eCtension o? the ?ami+y who ha' cr*ci?ie' the #a@@i. =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' @een maDin) i++e)a+ recor'in)s at .ami+y 3o++ar in the sa+es area o? the store4 the stocD room4 an' apparent+y the @athrooms 5 these recor'in)s com@ine' with the i++e)a+ recor'in)s ma'e at my apartments an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs i++e)a+ hacDin) o? comm*nications ser(ers as we++ as i++e)a+ wire tappin) 'e?inite+y recor'e' me speaDin) a@o*t 2he 7o*nt Saint Germain on n*mero*s occasions <5 this *n'o*@te'+y an)ere' =ittorio an' .i++i@erto. 2he a?termath o? this an)er @ein) e(i'ent in their ?ami+iesA me''+in) in pop c*+t*re4 pop*+ar me'ia4 news me'ia4 internet me'ia4 an' ?rin)e me'ia 5 script pieces ha(e @een pri(ate+y commissione' to @e a''e' to mo(ies an' @ooDs4 their ?ami+y ha(e @een attemptin) to 'eni)rate the Hano(er ?ami+y as we++ as other #oya+ Ho*ses 4 an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e a)ain @een acti(e+y 'eni)ratin) the USA an' o*r a++ies inc+*'in) the U9 an' Israe+. I @e+ie(e that .i++i@erto or his ?ather may @e secret+y a?rai' that their ?ami+y are tr*e+y in ?act the Anti 7hrist 5 e(en tho*)h their ?ami+yAs associate 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a < create' the p+ans which were ?irst +eaDe' an' eCpose' in the Me'I*)ory re)ion o? the ;a+tic +an's. ;ein) that I ha(e an interest in the +i?e o? .+a(i*s 7+a*'i*s B*+ian*s < whom B*+i*s 1(o+a st*'ie' scr*tini>in)+y an' (iewe' as the +itera+ in(erse o? his a@so+*te se+? 4 =ittorio an' .i++i@erto wo*+' ha(e @een insane+y paranoi' a@o*t my connection to Michae+ Moynihan '*e to his trans+ation o? two o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs worDs . 2he Spear o? $on)in*s 4 or G2he Spear o? 3estinyG 5 an possession which A'o+? Hit+er o@sessi(e+y co(ete'4 was the Ancestra+ ;+a'e o? A'o+?As < it was tr*e+y the Spear o? the 9in) o? the $om@ar's an' in ?act was not #oman. *N&B &N! "N2 "N2 N&B YO#K "S %H& #&!ION" %"#!&%- %he reason for the targetting of Ne- &nglan) an) Ne- Yor. as regional targets for co0ert in0asion is s5m*olic : this region -as the *egining of the (S"3 7ulius &0ola's actions -ere al-a5s e@tremel5 s5m*olic+ 8ittorio &manuele seems to ha0e ta.en upon himself this ha*itual trait3 If the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate coul) *ring a*out a conHuest of North "merica+ the *egining of the en) for the (S" -oul) start -here the (S" *egan3 %he original targets of the Italian %erroristCriminals in this region -ere al-a5s lo-er-class "mericans E *egining ,ust prior to Borl) Bar 6 + a )epopulation of Nati0e "mericans occurre) in the North-&ast region of the (S" : man5 of the

$irst Nations Nati0e "mericans as -ell as man5 of the mi@e) $irst-NationsK"merican population -as targette) *5 Human-%raffic.ers an) -ere s5stemicall5 traffic.e) to point of genoci)e3 %his continue) throughout m5 mother's entire generation3 %he Italian "GIS cells in this region )o not the nati0e peoples of the North "merican continent as legitimatel5 nati0e : nor )o the5 the e@istence of the (S"+ Cana)a+ or 1e@ico as legitimate Nations3 %hese people 0ie- the "merican Nationals as &nglish+ Scottish+ Irish+ Belsh+ $rench+ an) 2utch : the5 0ie- the "merican Nationalit5 as foreign to it's o-n nation+ the (S"3 %hese Italian "GIS %errorist-Criminals also 0ie- the $irst Nations peoples as nothing *ut a ph5sical animal conten)er in the North &ast region of North "merica an) it is a conten)er that the5 ha0e *een co0ertl5 e@terminating3 Since 7ohn Pierpont 1organ's )a5s+ criminals in the North &ast region ha0e targette) $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans : man5 of the $irst Nations peoples -ere also a*or-%raffic.e) to )eath+ -or.e) to )eath in mines as -ell as other locations3 %his genoci)e has continue)3 15 mother 2e*ra a0oie 1acPherson an) m5 nana 7oanne %ru)eau Cart5 -ere *oth 0ictims of a net-or. in the Ne- &nglan) region : this net-or. -as *eing operate) *5 Italian oriente) in)i0i)uals+ man5 of -hom ha) fa.e names E some of these in)i0i)uals -hom -ere emplo5e) *5 la--enforcement -ere co0ertl5 emplo5e) for the tas. of returning the 8ictims shoul) the5 run a-a5 as -ell as pre0enting in0estigations from occurring3 15 Nana is half Nati0e "merican an) half $ran.ic "merican National3 15 mother's torture) treatment at these peoples' han)s *egan -hen she -as D 5ears ol) an) continue) until she -as 6> E *oth her an) her mother -ere Se@-%raffic.e)+ freHuentl5 *eaten as -ell as rape)+ an) often )rugge) )uring their a*use3 "t the time E m5 Nana ha) ,ust recentl5 )i0orce) m5 !ran)father an) ha) *een tr5ing to raise her three chil)ren + of -hom m5 1other -as the ol)est : the5 -ere literall5 targette)+ attac.e)+ an) .i)nappe) *5 Se@-%raffic.ers3 15 Nana -as force) to marr5 a man name) Charles /Chuc./ 2ouglas on paper to ma.e it loo. legitimate3 /Chuc./ ha) associates in a Crime-S5n)icate as -ell as a--&nforcement : as a result of his connections -ithin the la- enforcement agencies+ an5 time he -as *rought in to court on charges he -oul) someho- manage to get the charges )roppe)3 In front of m5 1other+ this man ha) *ro.en multiple *ones in m5 Nana's *o)5 : she has ha) *olts in her upper arms her entire life since then3 ast time I sa- m5 1other+ she tol) me that m5 Nana ha) applie) for Social Securit5 2isa*ilit5 Income E she is in her F='s + has ha) numerous *ro.en *ones all o0er her *o)5+ an) no- has osteoperosis : someho- she -as )enie) co0erage3 Since this time: three )ifferent in)i0i)uals using m5 1other's I)entification Car)s ha0e arri0e) at m5 apartment + preten)ing to *e m5 1other3 "ll of these in)i0i)uals -ere half Italian+ one of -hom -as )efinitel5 half "l*anian an) half Italian3 %hese -omen ha0e )uplicate) I)entification Paper-or. an) Car)s -ith m5 1other's i)entification on it3 %he local 2epartments of 1otor 8ehicles -ere in0estigate) numerous times in the past in connection to 2uplication of I2 Car)s an) one of them -as the site of an arrest as a result of this3 %his same thing has happene) in Irelan)+ numerous I)entification Paper-or. has *een forge) an) place) in the han)s of %errorist Criminals -hom assume) the i)entities of Irish peoples an) mo0e) to the (K3 Bhen these people -ere later foun) an) arreste)+ the5 claime) to *e of #ussian origin : I *elie0e this to *e a possi*le co0er for their factual origin -hich is most li.el5 to ha0e *een Ser*ia3 I ha0e since this time met o0er ten in)i0i)uals hol)ing )uplicate i)entification -hom ha0e *een using assume) i)entities+ preten)ing

to *e "merican Nationals3 If m5 famil5 is e@terminate) E it is possi*le that the other $irst-Nations families in the regions are as -ell+ this -oul) mean that a %otal Holocaust has occurre) an) the "merican go0ernment an) me)ia ha0e ignore) this entirel53 %he other target in the region is )efinitel5 "merican Nationals+ of -hom I ha0e -itnesse) numerous imposteurs -hom ha0e assume) the i)entities of3 I ha0e also met t-o in)i0i)uals of foreign origin preten)ing to *e "frican "mericans3 %he "merican is literall5 the target for #acial !enoci)e an) the $irst Nations are targette) for %otal Holocaust3 %he ma,orit5 of the in)i0i)uals using the fa.e I)entification metho) of in0asion seem to *e primaril5 om*ar)ic-Italian E the rest seem to *e other Italians+ Ser*ians+ "ra*ians+ other North-"fricans+ as -ell as -omen -hom are most li.el5 to *e 0ictims3 %hese are all "GIS-affiliate) points of origin3 " me)ia *lac.out has occurre) an) I ha0e *een una*le to get la- enforcement or fe)eral in0estigators to in0estigate this+ I am concerne) that the region ma5 *e )ecapitate) entirel53 If enough of the original Police Officers ha0e *een replace)+ it is possi*le that $e)eral "gents ma5 ha0e *een replace) as -ell3 %his is -hat happens -hen a Co0ert Sleeper-Cell acti0ates3 I ha0e attempte) to -rite to foreign nations in reHuest for help an) I ha0e recei0e) no repl53 1uch of m5 mail has *een someho- intercepte) from *eing recei0e) at the inten)e) locations3 * %he Hol5 Bi*le: %he 2ea) -ill Bal.+ Bara*as - =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y ha(e ?or a +on) time hi' their crimes @ehin' their ?a+se ima)e as a 'e(o*t 7atho+ic ?ami+y. N*mero*s Americans ri)ht now are tar)ets o? =ittorio an' .i++i@ertoAs crimina+ terrorist networD. 2hese ?ami+ies o? peop+e are @ein) rep+ace' @y imposte*rs ?rom other re)ions o? the wor+' whom are @ein) p*t thro*)h a series o? )ene therapy4 cosmetic s*r)ery4 an' speech +essons to pass ?or the Americans whom 1man*e+eAs crime or)ani>ations ha(e Di++e' or a@'*cte'. Many o? these peop+e are wante' crimina+s in other nations whom they are o??erin) a secon' chance at +i?e4 some o? them are wante' )an)sters ?rom other re)ions o? the wor+'4 many o? them are seC tra??icDin) (ictims which means that some o? them are a+so seC o??en'ers4 some o? them are i++e)itimate heirs ?rom 1man*e+e @+oo'+ines which were hi''en @e?ore :or+' :ar 0ne as we++ as a?ter :or+' :ar 2wo4 an' some are a'*ctees whom ha(e @een taDen ?rom their +i(es to @e *se' as temporary p+ace ho+'ers ?or o? peop+e whoAs i'enti?ication paperworD =ittorio 1man*e+e has p+anne' to *se in the ?*t*re. Henry MaDow ha' @een 'isc*ssin) these @+oo'+ines with his associates< @ein) that they are A'o+? Hit+erAs +itera+ ?ami+y an' ?or the reason that A'o+? Hit+er was an i++e)itimate heir to the crown o? Sa(oy4 @orn o*t o? we'+ocD ?rom an a??air. 2here are c*rrent+y in'i(i'*a+s who may possi@+y @e 'ea' whoAs in'enti?ication paperworD is @ein) he+' an' *se' @y imposte*rs who are wa+Din) in their shoes an' +i(in) in their homes < ;ara@as was a m*r'erer whom the #omans re+ease' ?or the p*rpose o? ha(in) one eCtra cross with which to eCec*te Bes*s. B*+i*s 1(o+a was a renowne' @+asphemer in his +i?etime4 =ittorio 1man*e+e is no 'i??erent. It seems +o)ica+ that the 1man*e+e an' 1(o+a ?ami+ies 'eci'e' ear+y in the +i?espan o? the USA that they wo*+' sen' +itera++y ha+? o? the crimina+s in the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs reach to the USA ?or the p*rpose o? @*++yin) a networD o? crimina+s into position to ser(e as a @*+warD ?or ?*t*re 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++s an' terrorist a)ents 5 the 'estr*ction o? the USA economy an' the systemic 'epop*+ation o? .irst Nations Peop+es an' ethnic American Nationa+s was a res*+t o? these 7rimina+ 2errorists. 2hese are a)ents o? sa@ota)e. * #O1"N I2&N%I%Y : Since the ?a++ o? the #oman 1mpire 5 #oman 3ynastic Aristocratic .ami+ies

ha(e attempte' to re@*i+' the #oman 1mpire thro*)h acH*isition o? reso*rces4 'ecapitation o? ?orei)n states4 mer)er *ni?ication o? m*+tip+e nations4 imperia+ conH*est4 as we++ as the storm an' stress mass psycho+o)ica+ phi+osophy. 2he entire i'entity o? the 3r' #eich was mo'e+e' *pon the c*+t*re o? the =isi)othAs nation '*rin) a perio' o? .oe'erati Stat*s with the #oman 1mpire 5 the =isi )oths @ein) the :est Goths whom sett+e' in Spain an' e(ent*a++y 'ec+are' in'epen'ence ?rom the occ*pyin) #oman .orces. A*stria is the 9in)'om o? A*stri or the 0ster#eich o? the 0stro Goths or 1ast Goths 5 Goth @ein) a mo'erni>e' $atini>ation o? Ga*ts 4 or Gthe peop+e o? Ga*tG which is another name o? 0'inAs. 2he str*ct*re o? the #oman 1mpire '*rin) itAs eCistence was eCtreme+y o+i)archa+ 4 @ein) ?o*n'e' in the re)ion o? Ita+ia Nar@onensis @y a sin)+e +e)ion o? ma+es whom were eCi+e' ?rom some 'istant Aryan Din)'om to the east 5 these ma+es 'i' not share their power as the heirarcha+ e+ite with the rest o? the conH*ere' pop*+ation an' th*s with e(ery ?ew )enerations4 another aparthei' s*@or'inate' caste o? pop*+ation was create'. 3*e to the sma++ n*m@er o? the conH*erin) o+i)archs an' their ?orei)n ori)in to the s*rro*n'in) pop*+ations which they conH*ere' 5 the #oman 1mpire was @*i+t *pon an *nnat*ra+ Aparthei' 7aste System to pre(ent the e+ite pop*+ation ?rom @ecomin) physica++y assimi+ate' into conH*ere' peop+es. 2his i'entity o? the #oman as an e+ite o+i)archa+ race contin*e' to 'ri(e s*@ c*+t*ra+ po+itic in Ita+ia ?or )enerations e(en *nti+ o*r c*rrent time perio' 5 7hristopher 7o+*m@*s was one o? on+y a han'?*+ o? Ita+ian na(a+ o??icers on a )a++eon sai+e' primari+y @y Spanish an' Port*)e*se 4 Ameri)o =esp*cci was one o? on+y a han'?*+ o? Ita+ian na(a+ o??icers on a )a++eon sai+e' primari+y @y Spanish an' Port*)e*se 4 Napo+ean ;onaparte was one o? on+y a han'?*+ o? Ita+ian mi+itary o??icers +ea'in) a pop*+ation o? mi+itant .rench Imperia+ists 55 the #oman I'entity was the )*i'in) han' @ehin' a++ o? these e(ents an' others. Simi+ar+y < the man with the ?aDe @irth certi?icate name' A'o+? Hit+er as we++ as his @o'y )*ar' an' his Socia+ 1n)ineer B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 were a sma++ +e)ion o? Ita+ian ma+es +e' @y a ?ew men o? Aristocratic Sa(oy +inea)e s*ch as A'o+? o? $om@ar'i an' Aosta as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+a. A'o+? Hit+erAs @o'y)*ar's were most+y men o? miCe' Ita+ian race 4 @ein) primari+y o? Ita+ian miCe' with other 1*ropi' Nationa+ 1thnic race. 2hese men ha' ?aDe @irth certi?icates4 o?ten were the pro'*ct o? a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictimAs impre)nation4 o?ten were e+ite mem@ers o? secreti(e 7rime Syn'icates4 an' were *se' as 7o(ert A)ents. 2hro*)h 1spiona)e4 the nation o? 3e*tsche+an' was 'ecapitate' an' .e'erate' to a #oman I'entity. =ittorio 1man*e+e4 @ein) o? $om@ar'ic roya+ +inea)e 5 )rew *p as a c+ose associate to n*mero*s #oman 3ynastic Aristocratic .ami+ies s*ch as B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y. B*+i*s 1(o+a *n'o*@te'+y create' n*mero*s secret heirs *sin) #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDin) =ictims as conc*@ines as 'i' =Ittorio 1man*e+e I 4 =ittorio 1mane*e+e II4 an' other partners o? their ?amiies 5 i? G+o@a+ 7onH*est were to @e attempte' an' ?ai+e'4 the ine(ita@i+ity o? their ?ami+ies @ein) eCec*te' was o@(io*s. #oman I'entity is pro@a@+y a psycho+o)ica+ tri))er o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' '*e to his coinci'ence o? @irth4 he is constant+y s*rro*n'e' @y it. My mention o? #omans an' SeC 2ra??icDin) to Henry MaDow was pro@a@+y the cata+yst to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs intense hatre' an' paranoia o? my se+? an' my socia+ acH*aintainces. ;ein) that =ittorio 1man*e+e is $om@ar'ic4 hatre' o? Asatr* sho*+' @e *nnat*ra+ ?or him '*e to the partia+ Germanic racia+ ancestry o? the peop+e o? $om@ar'i 5 #omans are mentione' occaisiona++y in Asatr* re+ate' historica+ +ore 4 the 7hristian ;i@+e an' B*'aism ha(e occaisiona+ mention o? #omans as we++. As it s+ippe' in Mein 9amp? < A'o+? Hit+erAs act*a+ racia+ i'entity was $om@ar'ic 4 not SaCon 5 Gthe achei(ement o? my ancestors o? which I am the pro*'est is the topp+in) an' 'e?eat o? the #oman 1mpire4 which was the stron)est 1mpire to e(er eCist.G a+tho*)h Atti+a an' the H*ns were the ?orce which 'e?eate' most o? the #oman mi+itary 4 it was the $om@ar's

whom str*cD the ?ina+ @+ow an' 'e?eate' the #oman 1mpire. It is ?or this reason that it is +o)ica+ to @e+ie(e that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ami+y ha' @een co*rtin) the $om@ar'ic #oya+ .ami+y ?or )enerations in attempt to win their ?a(or in re@*i+'in) the #oman 1mpire. St*'yin) o? writin) sty+e an' psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+in) o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs worDs shows concrete e(i'ence that B*+i*s 1(o+a was e'*cate' @y his .ather an' other #oman 1+'ers4 as we++ as 'i' he write Mein 9amp? an' en)ineer +iterary worDs which were attri@*te' to other writers with Germanic Pse*o'onyms whom were heiracha+ e+ites o? the 3r' #eich. B*+i*s 1(o+a o@(io*s+y Dnew o? =ittorio 1mane*e+e IIIAs re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er an' o? A'o+? Hit+erAs tr*e name. 3*e to sit*ations in the 1"%0As @ein) @eyon' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' his son .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs contro+ 4 as we++ as their ha(in) to +i(e with the eCtreme )*i+t o? their ancestors an' the inheritance o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs .atherAs G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 it is pro@a@+e that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto @oth ha(e the persona+ ?+aw o? an o@session with contro+ simi+ar to an eCtreme persona+ity 'isor'er. * %he Spear of onginus G2he Spear o? 3estinyG @e+on)in) to a #oman name' $on)in*s whom ha' Gpierce' 7hristAs si'eG ?or the p*rpose o? mercy s+ayin) Bes*s to cease his misery an' pain is eCtreme+y *n+iDe+y to @e the tr*th 5 the 9in) o? the $om@ar's whom ha(e otherwise @een Dnown as the $an)o@ar's 4 was +iDe+y to ha(e ha' a spear which ha' @ecome a re+ic o? his ?ami+y a?ter his s*ccess?*+ conH*est o? Ita+ia an' 'e?eat o? the #oman 1mpire. In the @ooD Mein "ampf 5 the character o? A'o+? Hit+er which B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' cra?te' ?or the #eichAs .*hrer 4 A'o+? 4 whom was his #eC 7aesar ha' not on+y 'escri@e' the G)reatest accomp+ishmentG o? his ancestors as @ein) the Gcomp+ete 'estr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire4 which was the )reatest 1mpire to e(er eCistG <5 this wo*+' mean that A'o+? was a $om@ar' or a $an)o@ar'. A'o+? Hit+er was reporte'+y o@sessi(e+y protecti(e o? the GSpear o? $on)in*sG 4 this spear @ein) his heri'itary ancestra+ @+a'e 5 typica+ o? Germanic 7*stom 4 many men inherite' the ancestra+ @+a'e o? a ?ore?ather. A'o+? @ein) the secret Ha+? ;rother o? the 9in) o? Ita+ia whom was p+ace' in Germany to earn a tit+e4 (iewe' this spear as eCact+y what B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' proc+aime' that it was 5 a sacre' re+ic that wo*+' @rin) him (ictory. 2he #eC MaCim*s o? the A6IS was =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 8ittorio /8ictor/ &manuele an) School in the (3S3"3 :A?ter the 'e?eat o? the A6IS .action at the en' o? the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 the #oya+ .ami+y o? Sa(oy o? Ita+ia 4 ha+? o? the Aristocracy o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 an' some ?ami+ies re+ate' to ?o*n'in) in'i(i'*a+s o? the A6IS .action ?rom the Ita+ian re)ion an' A*stria re+ocate' to the U.S.A. . 2his res*+te' in =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ha(in) to atten' Schoo+ in the U.S.A. an' sit in an American c+ass room an' rea' American 2eCt ;ooDs inc+*'in) American History 2eCt ;ooDs whi+e s*rro*n'e' @y the 'i(erse pop*+ation o? the citi>enry o? the U.S.A. an' the American Peop+es. It seems 'e?inite that the chi+'hoo' o? =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 tra*mati>e' him psycho+o)ica++y an' in a ?ew speci?ic ways. =ittorioAs i'entity was 'e?inite+y mo+'e' @y this. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was Dnow+e')ea@+e o? his #oya+ $inea)e 4 the ?act that the A6IS ha' I*st @een 'e?eate' 4 the ?act that the 9in)'om o? Ita+ia was A6IS 4 an' the ?act that a Ho+oca*st ha' I*st occ*rre' which in(o+(e' the 'eaths o? mi++ions o? peop+e. 2he ?act that A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother 4 =ictorAs Gran' .atherAs ha+? @rother 5 was possi@+y somethin) that tra*mati>e' =ittorio

G=ictorG 1man*e+e to +earn o?. It is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e was not to+' that A'o+? Hit+er was re+ate' to his ?ami+y @io+o)ica++y *nti+ he was an a'*+t. .rom what I ha(e @een to+' 5 '*rin) the year 1""E 4 the MerrimacD NewHampshire Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ 2eacher Mr. Sa+(o opene' the 'oor '*rin) Sat*r'ay 3etention an' +et =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e into the c+assroom an' they rape' two st*'ents o? which one may ha(e @een a )ir+ who I was 'atin) '*rin) that year an' another st*'ent. 2he )ir+ that I was 'atin) '*rin) the year 1""E 4 was a )ir+ name' 3anie++e 7*shmann. 3anie++e was o? miCe' race 5 3e*tsche 4 Israe+i 4 an' .ranDic American. 3anie++e ha' Bewish co*sins. 2he rape '*rin) the Sat*r'ay 3etention was eCpresse' +ater in a mo(ie as GMr. Sa+(atoreG in the come'y mo(ie GHi)hSchoo+ M*sica+G. :hen Bason Be??rey 4 Nina Hansen 4 an' my se+? were waitin) o*tsi'e o? the Hi)hSchoo+ in Mar+@oro Massach*settes < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e )ot into the car an' attempte' to threaten an' intimi'ate my )ir+?rien' Nina Hansen4 who was my )ir+?rien' at the time '*rin) the year 5 we were waitin) ?or 1mi+y MacPherson to )et o*t o? Sat*r'ay 3etention. 3*rin) the year 200! 4 a hacDer ca*se' a porno)raphy we@site to pop *p on my comp*ter screen 5 the woman on the we@site +ooDe' to @e Samantha ;ernstein 4 she was 'resse' as a schoo+ teacher an' was stan'in) in a c+ass room. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?o*n' o*t a@o*t my G+o(e at ?irst si)htG reaction to Samantha ;ernstein when I was worDin) with 1' :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar '*rin) the year 200%. :hen I was in Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ an' MerrimacD Hi)hSchoo+ in MerrimacD NewHampshire 4 some@o'y sprea' r*mo*rs that I was Gan A'o+? Hit+erG. * :-: $illi*erto &manuele :-: U 3*rin) 200% 5 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e pose' in ?ront o? the Picco+a Ita+ia #esta*rant 4 the Ita+ian ?+a) han)in) in ?ront as the @acD 'rop to the photo)raph < his ?rien' whom ha' accompanie' him tooD the photo)raph. 2ony Grasseti an' my se+? ha' witnesse' this. In 200!4 three years a?ter witnessin) this 5 I met an imposte*r 2ony Grasseti at the 313 Ni)htc+*@ 4 whi+e o*t ?or @eers with my ?rien' A+isha 7ote. 2he Imposte*r 2ony Grassetti was 3 inches ta++er than 2ony. U In 200" I :as in?orme' @y my ?rien' Anthony McMenemy that he ha' temporari+y Ioine' the 7rips )an) an' that he ha' met .i+ 1man*e+e. Anthony in?orme' me that .i+ ha' tatooe' his name on two ?ema+es @*ttocDs4 ha' 'e?ecate' 'own these womenAs throats 4 that .i+ was A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran' nephew 4 that .i+ ha' amasse' a n*m@er o? crime connections an' was con'*ctin) eCperiments on women whom his th*)s ha' capt*re' 5 these eCperiments res*+te' in the s*r)ica+ imp+antin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in these womanAs @o'yAs < these women were @ein) ?orce' to ha(e seC on the ?+oor at De) parties an' were @ein) *se' as a prop +iDe a +a(a +amp that .i+ wo*+' ?+icD ci)arettes at an' '*mp @eer on. Anthony was ?*rio*s an' 'is)*ste' when he to+' me the 'etai+s concernin) these attacDs an' others. Many o? .I+As associates were 7rips. .I++i@erto 1man*e+As propa)an'ists ha' sprea' misin?ormation a++ o(er the internet statin) that Israe+ ?*n'e' the 7rips 4 the 3o) Po*n' Gan) 4 an' 3eath#ow #ecor's. In 200! 4 a we@site ca++e' 9i@@*+> an' ;it> was p*@+ishe' which 'epicte' (i'eo)raphe' recor's o? :ar #apes @ein) committe' *pon Israe+i4 7ana'ian 4 an' American women as racia+ tar)ets. 9i@@*+> an' ;it> was a p*n on the termino+o)y G9I@@*t>G. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?action

are :ar 7rimina+s 4 :ar #apists4 an' :ar S+a(ers 5 Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDers en)a)e' in a campai)n o? )enoci'a+ seC tra??icDin) an' h*man (i(isection. 2hese men are eCtreme+y 'eni)ratory o? c*+t*re an' o? re+i)ion < 1mi+y Is+es was ?orce' to taDe o?? her 2horAs Hammer 4 Samantha ;ernstein was tar)ette' @eca*se she was o? Israe+i race an' Bewish re+i)io*s tra'ition. Anthony to+' me that .i+ or'ere' one o? his )*ys to 'e?ecate 'own the throat o? a Bewish woman < this +ater res*+te' in the womanAs 'eath '*e to toCicosis. 0ther women were attacDe' in the same manner 4 most +i(e' an' sho*+' @e a@+e to testi?y. U In 200" 5 a?ter Anthony to+' me a@o*t .i+ 1man*e+eAs acti(ities in the ;oston re)ion an' e+sewhere 4 I recei(e' ca++ on my ce++*+ar mo@ie te+ephone ?rom a man c+aimin) to @e .i+ 5 GI hear' yo* @een ta+Din) a@o*t m*y crew. I s*))est yo* 'onAt 'o that.G to which I rep+ie' G I am sorry4 I 'o not Dnow who yo* are. /o* m*st ha(e the wron) n*m@er.G. Anthony is now missin) an' there is e(i'ence o? photo e'ittin) on his .ace@ooD.7om acco*nt. L*otes ha' @een poste' @y hacDers on his .ace@ooD as we++ an' there is e(i'ence that he was @ein) sta+De' @y .i+ an' .i+As A)ents. U It is important to remem@er that .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rothers were a'opte' @y mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 5 a GGent+emenAs 7+*@G is a termino+o)y which re?ers to a strip c+*@ or a seC par+o*r. I @e+ie(e many o? these men to @e in(o+(e' in seC tra??icDin). SeC 2ra??icDers most o?ten a@'*ct the most (*+nera@+e ?ema+es that they can ?in'4 e(en o?ten 'o they a@'*ct chi+'ren. ;ein) that 7omcast emp+oyees are o@(io*s+y +oya+ eno*)h to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to +et them wa+D in an' .i+ has state' that they ha(e a )*y checD who 'oes this < their hacDers most 'e?inite+y ha(e @een matchin) ?aces ?rom cata+o))e' internet ima)es which they ha(e hacDe' an' retrie(e' ?rom the Ser(er ?rom .ace@ooD 'ata stora)e. 2hese ?aces can @e matche' *p *sin) so?tware. 2he peop+e that I ha(e notice' whom the missin) ci(i+ians ha(e @een switche' with o?ten seem to @e seC tra??icDin) (ictims whoAs ?aces ha(e a near+y i'entica+ shape to the ?aces o? the other (ictims 4 their @o'y shapes howe(er are o?ten eCtreme+y 'i??erent. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy seems to ha(e p+aye' a +ar)e ro+e in the camo*?+a)in) o? this )enoci'e which has @e)*n 4 the a)ents are @ein) como*?+a)e' to +ooD +iDe the (ictims which they ha(e Di++e'. 2he i'ea o? the Secret Ser(ice an' the Presi'ent or the 3epartment o? 3e?ense @ein) swappe' with A)ents is a terri?yin) concept 5 it is pro@a@+e that they wi++ try 4 many o? the hospita+s in North America are owne' @y 1man*e+eAs a)ents an' wea+th retainers 5 this maDin) it easier ?or the enemy to 'estroy o*r pop*+ation co(ert+y. U 3*rin) his +i?e 4 .i+ has ?*n'e' 7rips *nits an' has e(en interacte' with mem@ers o? the 3o) Po*n' Gan) an' 3eathrow #ecor's. U Boe $e@aron went to a reha@ c+inic in 200!. In 20104 a man @e)an +i(in) as GBoe $e@aronG in Nash*a NH who is not physica++y Boe $e@aron. BoeAs eC wi?e who was then his spo*se4 7he+sey A(i+as < mentione' meetin) G.i+ ?rom American I'o+G 4 Boe sai' that .i+ was not a threat to his re+ationship @eca*se he can te++ that .i+ is act*a++y a c+oset homoseC*a+ an' he is s*re o? it 5 this statement was +ater ma'e @y Boe $e@aron to .i+ to his ?ace. 0ne weeD +ater BoeAs apartment was somehow 'estroye' an' he was p*t in co*rt or'ere' reha@i+itation c+inic < two weeDs +ater the same Po+ice 3epartment p*t me in a hospita+ i++e)a++y an' s*r)ica++y imp+ante' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain. In 20104 my mother was @ro*)ht i++e)a++y to :estwoo' $o')e a?ter hacDers ?or)e' a 'eath threat s*ici'e note which inc+*'e' +yrics to a poem i ha' written on my comp*ter ca++e' G3eath is Sa+(ationG . My Mom was p*t in :estwoo' $o')e which was a reha@ c+inic4 since this time there ha(e @een % 'i??erent G'e@@iesG a++ seem to @e Ne*roGra?te' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces4 3 o? these women ha(e @een o@(io*s+y

ita+ian 5 i @e+ie(e that one o? these in'i(i'*a+s is pro@a@+y an 1man*e+e or an 1(o+a an' the others are pro@a@+y tra??icDin) (ictims with a hosta)e crisis comp+eCity o? psycho+o)y which is pre(entin) them ?rom cryin) ?or he+p. 3*rin) my motherAs +i(in) at :estwoo' $o')e < the te+e(ision news portraye' that a N*rse was @*ste' ?or )*n tra??icDin) at :estwoo' $o')e4 there has @een no recor' on the internet o? this arrest. .i+ ha' )i(en 7he+sea A(i+as his ce++*+ar mo@i+e te+ephone n*m@er. U Some months @e?ore Boe $e@aron 'isappeare' into a #eha@i+itation 7+inic < there was a te+ephone con(ersation which occ*rre' @etween Boe $e@aron an' his wi?e 7he+sea A(i+as $e@aron whi+e 7he+sea was a worD. 3*rin) this con(ersation 4 7he+sea in?orme' Boe that .i+ ha' I*st arri(e' to a)ain (isit her whi+e she was at worD. 7he+sea mentione' .i+ 'oin) this on more than one occaision 4 mentione' maDin) ?*n o? him ?or @ein) on American I'o+ 4 as we++ as 'i' Boe $e@aron mention that he ha' hear' ?rom .i+ that .i+ was re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er. Boe $e@aron a+so mentione' that he hear' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has 'e?ecate' 'own the throat o? at +east two women an' that he a?terwar's tatooe' his name on @oth o? their @*ttocDs. Boe 'i' not +iDe .i+ an' o?ten re?erre' to him as Gthat ?a))otG. U It has @ecome eCtreme+y o@(io*s that .i+ an' =ittorio ha(e 'e(e+ope' an o@session with attemptin) to portray Henry MaDowAs an' Be?? #enseAs ori)ina+ artic+es ?rom 2000 200% as 2a@+oi' Materia+ or in otherwor's P*+p .ictiona+ 2a@+oi' Ma)a>ine Me'ia pro'*ce' ?or simp+e entertainment (a+*e 5 eCamination o? Henry MaDowAs an' Be?? #enseAs artic+es @etween the years o? 2000 to 200% pro(es this to @e ?a+se. Howe(er 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his son .i+ 'e?inite+y ha(e shown their han' in the 2a@+oi' Ma)a>ine in'*stry in more than one way < they ha(e a+so shown their han' in P*+p .ictiona+ 2a@+oi' $iDe 7onspiracy 2heory 'isin?ormationa+ me'ia s*ch as 3a(i' IcDe. 2he 1man*e+eAs attempt to 'e?ame the ;ritish Monarchy was e(i'ent as was their attempt to ?rame #*port M*r'och as ha(in) @een the one whom was sta+Din) the ;ritish #oya+ Monarchy 4 this was 'one *sin) hacDers whom were accessin) internet an' 'ia+in) *p impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices as we++ as hacDin) ser(ers ?rom an o??ice owne' @y #*port M*r'och whom is here'itari+y o? 7+an 7hattan. U :hi+e in #ye NewHampshire 4 .i+ 1man*e+e threatene' me sayin) GAs +on) as yo* 'o not e(er attri@*te to my ?ami+y an icon o? e(i+ e(er a)ain4 we sho*+'nAt ha(e any more pro@+ems.G this was state' a?ter .i+ a'mitte' to @ein) re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er an' state' GSo I )*ess that he was my co*sin or somethin)4 I ha' hear' a@o*t it ... I 'i'nAt Dnow too m*ch a@o*t it 4 @*t it is tr*e. 3o yo* Dnow anythin) a@o*t thatOG 3.B. then state' GHa(e yo* e(er hear' o? Henry MaDowOG &incorrect+y prono*ncin) it Maca* 4 +iDe the @ir', a?ter which we ha' 'isc*sse' my 3 emai+s to Henry MaDow. My emai+ to Henry MaDow which ca*)ht the attention o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was as ?o++ows 5 GA'o+? Hit+er was o? the +ines o? $om@ar'i Sa(oy an' Aosta @oth < his ?ather @ein) the 9in) o? Ita+ia an' his mother o? the +ine o? Aosta. He was @orn o? an a??air.G 2wo sentences emai+e' to a Bewish Man concernin) the ?act*a+ parentin) o? A'o+? Hit+er res*+te' in the Ho*se o? Sa(oy sta+Din) my ?ami+y an' associate' socia+ networDs. 2his was insti)ate' @y a simp+y artic+e poste' on Be?? #enseAs we@site #ense.7om < Be?? #ense @ein) in contact with Henry MaDow. A++ o? this is recor'e' e+ectronica++y as are the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace transmissions o? n*mero*s witnesses 4 tar)ets 4 an' (ictims which ha(e recor'e' their memories an' eCperiences concernin) the A6IS 7rimina+ 2errorism in the North 1ast. Anthony McMenemyAs ?ami+y may ha(e @ecome a tar)et aro*n' the year 200!. :hi+e in

Massach*settes 4 Anthony @ecame a??i+iate' with the 7rips *nit that .i+ 1man*e+e was associate' with. .i+ ha' @een ?*n'in) a 7rips *nit 4 +en'in) money to the 7rips *nit which was e(ent*a++y to @e pai' @acD in ?*++ with interest < this is @asica++y +iDe @ein) a Ma?ia @anDer 4 Ma?ia @anDers o?ten re?rain ?rom 0r)ani>e' 7rime themse+(es ?or p*rpose o? a(oi'in) 'etection as 0r)ani>e' 7rime .inancers. .i+ (ery H*icD+y cease' @ein) simp+y a @anDer ?or the )an) *nit an' @ecame a 7rip. .inancin) 0r)ani>e' 7rime is common amon)st .ascists 4 whom o?ten en)a)e in @anDin) an' other passi(e a))ressi(e in(o+(ement in 0r)ani>e' 7rime < .i+ an' his ?ather =ittorio ha(e n*mero*s .ascist a??i+iates an' associates )+o@a++y. 3*rin) 200" an' 2010 < whi+e at my apartment at 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments 5 Anthony McMenemy mentione' meetin) .i+ an' Ghis )an) o? Ita+iansG in Massach*settes. Anthony 'escri@e' .i+ as ha+? A*strian an' ha+? Ita+ian < he 'escri@e' .i+As 7rip *nit as a+most entire+y comprise' o? Ita+ian ma+es. Accor'in) to Anthony 4 these men ha' thrown n*mero*s parties in Massach*settes I*st o*tsi'e o? ;oston an' ha' @een a@*sin) the women o? the +oca+ re)ion horri@+y 5 these a@*ses inc+*'e' physica++y rapin) them (io+ent+y 4 ?orcin) the women to ha(e seC on the ?+oor at the parties whi+e their )an) threw +it ci)arettes as we++ as '*mpe' @eer on them an' *rinate' on the women 4 other a@*ses inc+*'e' ?orcin) these women to eat 'o) ?eces o?? o? the si'e wa+D as we++ as eat an' 'i)est eachotherAs ?eces 5 m*ch o? the a@*ses these women s*??ere' inc+*'e' @ein) eCperimente' on with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' 7*stom 1n)ineere' Ne*roScience So?tware which was 'e(e+ope' *sin) these women as test s*@Iects an' was 'e(e+ope' ?or the p*rpose o? contro++in) comp+ete+y the @rains an' @o'ies o? SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims. Boey Marini mentione' these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces @ein) imp+ante' in :omensA sD*++s 4 )ra?te' on their @rains as the Gmicrochip on the @rain that maDes the women ha(e seC.G 5 BoeyAs )an) a??i+iate' co*sin ha' @een shown e(i'ence o? this an' mentione' this to Boey @eca*se he was 'is)*ste' an' terri?ie'. Boey has @een missin) since 2010 4 I ha(e seen % imposte*rs o? Boey Marini in the past 3 years. A?ter these thin)s ha' @een 'isc*sse' at my apartment at 2E1 Pine St. V%1 in Manchester New Hampshire4 .i+ 'eci'e' to ca++ me ?rom a mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone an' threaten me 5 .i+As statement was GIan this is .i+. I hear' that yo*A(e @een ta+Din) shit a@o*t my crew.G to which I rep+ie' 4 GI 'onAt Dnow who yo* are. :ho 'i' yo* say yo* wereO.G.i+As response to this was 4 GIan 4 yo* Dnow who I am. 2his .i+. 3onAt preten' yo* 'onAt Dnow me.G to which I rep+ie' 4 G/eah yo*A(e rea++y )ot the wron) n*m@er4 yo* 'onAt e(en Dnow who I am. 3onAt worry a@o*t it assho+e 4 yo*A(e 'e?inite+y )ot the wron) n*m@er.G. 2his con(ersation may ha(e @een recor'e' ?rom m*+tip+e 'irections s*ch as the i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices in the wa++4 the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace )ra?te' to my @rain4 an' the two mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephones themse+(es. 2he a@*ses o? the women ?rom the North 1ast re)ion o? the USA an' other re)ions re+ate' to .i+As acti(ities were (i'eo)raphe' an' 'isp+aye' on internet as Gporno)raphyG in some cases +a@e+e' as thin)s s*ch as GGir+ .*cDe' 9i@@ies $iDe 3o)G 200! 4 G9i@@*t> an' ;itsG 200! 4 G9i@@*+> an' ;its 3.P.G. Pro'*ctionG 200!4 GM9U$2#A e(i'ence ;.7.I.G 200! 4 one o? the ?ew ori)ina+ G2wo Gir+s 0ne 7*pG we@sites in 20054 some o? what .i+ has 'one @ecame G;an) ;*sG episo'es an' some o? the peop+e on G;an) ;*sG he worDe' with4 GGir+ ;ro*)ht 50 States #oa'tripG 200E 4 GSweet HannahG 200!. * * :-: 2aniel 7ames P&manueleQ :-: :-: "aron &manuele :-:

* :-: Italian "GIS :-: 2he po+itica+ )oa+ o? these tyrants seems to @e a !lo*al (nion thro*)h anneCation an' mer)ers< e+imination o? speci?ic ethnic pop*+ations as we++ as speci?ic (a+*es ?rom society s*ch as ?ema+es ci(i+ ri)hts4 +a@or socia+ism4 re+i)io*s ?ree'om4 nationa+ism4 an' nationa+ a*tonomy F in'epen'ence. It is eCtreme+y apparent that these are the )oa+s consi'erin) that this ?action has a+rea'y @+ame' nationa+ists in the past s*ch as the Pionists who were &an' ?reH*ent+y sti++ are, @+ame' ?or the G+o@a+ Unionists )oa+s as we++ as the NS3AP who were in?i+trate' @y the G+o@a+ist a)ents +oya+ to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' a?terwar's were @+ame' ?or the actions o? the G+o@a+ists who tooD o(er their party4 were han)e' at N*rem@*r) whi+e the Ho*se o? Sa(oy &inc+*'in) B*+i*s 1(o+a, wa+De' away with +itera++y no char)es whatsoe(er. 2his wo*+' @e the ?action that o*t+ine' their own )oa+s in the $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion an' @+ame' the Pionist ?or them4 preempti(e+y p*ttin) the +a@e+ Pion on their own )oa+s to 'istract the other Nationa+ists whom the Pionist nat*ra++y sympathi>e' with '*e to the Pionist )oa+ o? nationa+ a*tonomy ?or Israe+ an' re?*sa+ to mer)e with the soon to @e propose' :estern Imperi*m Q 0ttoman Imperi*m *ni?ie' state. .or the USA4 MeCico4 an' 7ana'a < it seems this ?action has a+rea'y p+anne' ?or *s a North American Union simi+ar to the 1*ropean Union. 2he en' pro'*ct wo*+' e(ent*a++y +ooD +iDe a 'e(o+(e' )+o@a+ ?e'era+ )o(ernment o? ?i(e re)iona+ states an' the reesta@+ishment o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as monarchs which their +oya+ists ha' a+rea'y p+anne' in the past when they attempte' to c+aim the thrones o? Spain4 .rance4 3e*tsch+an'4 A*stria ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e III an' B*+i*s 1(o+a (ia anneCation '*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar. * %H#&"% O$ %O%" B&"PONS B"N - N*mero*s Po+itica+ A)ents an' Po+itica+ 0r)ani>ations ha(e @een promotin) the i'ea that there is a nee' ?or a 2ota+ .ireArms ;an. 2his is in 'irect (io+ation o? o*r 7onstit*tiona+ ;i++ o? #i)hts as we++ as o*r ?*n'amenta+ *na+iena@+e H*man #i)hts. Se+? 3e?ense is a H*man #i)ht. N*mero*s 7rimina+s as we++ as the 7rimina+ 2errorist or)ani>ation which ha(e co(ert+y entrenche' themse+(es on American Soi+ ha(e stocDpi+e' mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms an' wi++ a+ways contin*e to 'o so. .orei)n Nations pro(i'e 2errorist A)ents with mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms an' wi++ a+so o?ten co(ert+y transport mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms into a nation ?or the p*rpose o? armin) the most 'an)ero*s an' *npre'icta@+e e+ements o? the crimina+ wor+' with mi+itary )ra'e assa*+t weapons ?or the p*rpose o? ca*sin) massi(e amo*nts o? 'estr*ction in(o+(in) ci(i+ian +i?e 5 '*e to the n*m@er o? *narme' ci(i+ians4 a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate can sprea' ci(i+ian cas*a+ities co(ert+y @y metho' o? armin) *npre'icata@+e crimina+s. Pri(ate yachts4 ?ishin) (esse+s4 row @oats4 s*@mersi(e (esse+s4 +i?e @oats4 oCy)en tanDe' swimmers p*++in) ?+oatin) crates4 hot air @a++oons4 remote contro++e' weather @a++oons on A#G0S systems pi+ote' o(er the internet4 ho(er cra?ts4 shipments to meta+ ?a@rications ?actories4 hi''en in ?r*it shipments4 'ama)e' o*t meta+ ?a@rications pro'*cts4 an' ?aDe' 'ama)e' o*t weapons pro'*ctions +ines 5 can a++ @e *se' ?or the p*rpose o? .ire Arms 2ra??icDin) an' Mi+itary Gra'e .ireArms 2ransportation. N*mero*s times thro*)ho*t history 4 prior to In'*stria+ Genoci'e 5 :eapons ;ans ha(e @een inacte' to 'isarm pop*+ations o? peop+es whom are tar)ette' ?or eCtermination. In the 1"%0As '*rin) Hit+erAs an' 1(o+aAs re)ime4 re)ions o? 1*rope were 'isarme' entire+y prior to systemic )enoci'e occ*rin). In 3e*tsche+an'4 the on+y peop+e with ?irearms were the peop+e @ein) 'ep+oye' to in(a'e other nations < the others were 'ra?te' @y the mi+itary o? a ?orei)n 'ictator an' were *se' as in?orcers o? a systemic )enoci'e an' ens+a(ement o? ci(i+ians within 3e*tsche+an'. A 'isarme' ci(i+ian is a tar)et. H*man 2ra??icDin) as we++ as sa+es o? i++e)a+ pro'*cts s*ch as 'r*)s ena@+es terrorist crimina+s to hor'e wea+th o?? o? Dnown ?inancia+ recor's 5 this ena@+es co(ert a)ents to p*rchase an' stocDpi+e mi+itary )ra'e weapons as we++ as techno+o)ies necessary ?or espiona)e an' terrorism witho*t the eCistance o? any recor' o? the money *se' '*rin) the p*rchase. It is pro@a@+e that a 2ota+ .ireArms ;an' wo*+' res*+t in the acti(ation o? n*mero*s A6IS S+eeper 7e++s ?rom the 0ttoman re)ions an' Ita+ia 5 these networDs o? in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' most pro@a@+y *nearth hi''en stocDpi+es o? mi+itary )ra'e ?irearms an' m*nitions < it is pro@a@+e that this wo*+' c*+minate in open war?are on North American soi+ with arme' com@atants camo*?+a)e' as ci(i+ians an' +ater as

?e'era+ emp+oyees 4 +ater to @e rein?orce' @y o(ert mi+itary in(asion. 2his tactic is simi+ar to G2he 2roIan HorseG. 2he potenia+ o? these 1nemy 7om@atants @ein) Genoci'a+ is an a@so+*te ?act an' the threat o? 2ota+ Genoci'e is an imme'iate pro@+em. 2hese are most pro@a@+y Ita+ian Imperia+ +oya+ists as we++ as associate' mercenary ?actions. 1' :arren was an associate o? an Armenian with A6IS +oya+ities whom +i(e' in the USA 5 this Armenian man ha' connections to ;iDer Gan)sters somehow as we++ as some Din' o? Ma?ia an' a terrorist or)ani>ation4 I @e+ie(e that the Armenian Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action o? the past is sti++ acti(e an' is networDe' with the Ser@ian Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action as we++ as the Ita+ian A6IS +oya+ists in @oth North America an' 1*rope. 7i(i+ians m*st remain a potentia+ threat to a Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action 5 ci(i+ians ha(e the @asic h*man ri)ht to Se+? 3e?ense. M*+tip+e +e(e+s o? 7i(i+ian Gra'e .ire Arms an' other armaments nee' to @e ma'e present in society 5 +icensin) to 'etermine weapons responsi@i+ity an' pro?iciency is not a @a' i'ea nor is it *nconstit*tiona+4 what is a)ainst o*r ;i++ o? #i)hts is the +oss o? #i)ht to ;ear Arms as a 7i(i+ian < a'I*stments nee' to @e ma'e to +e)a+ities concernin) 7i(i+ian Armaments4 it is a)ainst the ;i++ o? #i)hts an' a++ H*man #i)hts to o*t+aw Mi+itia an' Persona+ 7i(i+ian Armaments. It is pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ?*n'e' Piracy '*rin) the ear+y years o? the USA an' are '*rin) the @e)inin) o? the S+a(e 2ra'e o? :est A?ricans in the Americas. 3*rin) the 1"!0As 4 1"80As 4 1""0As 4 an' 2000As 5 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy seem to ha(e @een in(o+(e' in an attempt to c+aim that the 3*tch @e)an the S+a(e 2ra'e o? :est A?ricans. Many 'escen'ants o? 3*tch co+onists in North America are L*aDers an' Amish peop+es who 'ress simi+ar+y to 7hassi'ic Bews 4 or are their 'escen'ants 5 n*mero*s artic+es on the internet ha(e attempte' to s*))est that the 3*tch @e)an the s+a(e tra'e o? :est A?ricans 4 some e(en s*))este' that the Bews were in(o+(e'. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 it was s*))este' on an internet artic+e that the Bews were were in(o+(e' in the s+a(e tra'e o? :est A?ricans an' ha' ?*n'e' the S+a(e 2ra'e o? :est A?ricans. $o*is .arraDhan @e+ie(e' ?or a ?ew years 4 that the Bews ha' @een in(o+(e' in the S+a(e 2ra'e o? :est A?ricans. $o*is .arraDhan +ater retracte' this statement an' met with mem@ers o? the ;ANai ;A#ith in )oo' ?aith. 2his @+amin) o? the 3*tch an' Bews ?or the :est A?rican S+a(e 2ra'e is simi+ar to the @+amin) o? the Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@o*r Party an' the Pionist 7o+onies ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs conspirin) to conH*er the p+anet 1arth. 2he $earne' Protoco+s o? the 1+'ers o? Pion an' the @ooD GMein 9amp?G @oth @+ame' the incorrect parties ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs conspirin) to conH*er the p+anet 1arth < the ?irst @+ame' the Israe+i Nationa+ists 4 the +atter mentione' @+ame' the Bews an' the Israe+i Pionists as we++ as attri@*te' the i'entity o? a 3e*tsche Socia+ist Nationa+ist to a ?ictiona+ GA'o+? Hit+erG whom was in ?act the ha+? @rother o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III 5 GMein 9amp?G was written @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' intentiona++y portraye' to @e the GA*to@io)raphyG o? GA'o+? Hit+erG. 2eCt @ooDs in the USA '*rin) the 1""0As were printe' to incorrect+y misappropriate the (a+*es o? G+o@a+ist Imperia+ism to Nationa+ist Socia+ism an' 'escri@e' GNationa+ Socia+ismG as 5 Ga ?orm o? )o(ernment with an eCpansionist po+icy an' an a@so+*te 'ictator.G an' o?ten incorrect+y state' that Nationa+ism has a )oa+ o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' G+o@a+ #acia+ S*periority. 2he attri@*tion o? the (a+*e o? Amora+ist G+o@a+ 7onH*est to the (a+*e o? Nationa+ Socia+ism is pro@a@+y the pro'*ct o? an intentiona+ misappropriation o? (a+*es an' o? intentiona+ ?a+se an' inacc*rate in?ormation 4 ?or the p*rpose o? mis+ea'in) in(esti)ations an' e+iminatin) the possi@i+ity o? nationa+ mi+itaries i'enti?yin) the conspirin) ?action whom ha(e @een p+annin) G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2he Ita+ian A6IS an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een eCtreme+y mis+ea'in) concernin) their state' )oa+s an' their 'ip+omatic re+ations with other nations o? peop+es. 3*rin) the time perio' prior to the Secon' :or+' :ar < the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs a)ents presente' themse+(es as mem@ers o? the 3e*tsche mi+itary an' par+iament 4 an' +ie' to Bapan a@o*t what they portraye' to @e an *pcomin) G+o@a+

Mi+itary 7on?+ict with an 1Cpansionist So(iet 1mpire an' itAs a++ies who wishe' ?or )+o@a+ *ni?ication o? state at the en' o? the war. 2he Nationa+ Socia+ist 3e*tsche $a@o*r Party was a Socia+ist Nationa+ist Po+itica+ Party that was @+ame' a?ter the war ?or the actions o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs A6IS #e)ime whom in?i+trate' an' Heirarcha++y 3ecapitate' the N.S.3.A.P. an' e(ent*a++y the entire )o(ernment an' mi+itary o? the nation o? 3e*tsche+an' 4 prior to the heirarcha++y 'ecapitate' mi+itary o? 3e*tsche+an' enactin) a system o? 'ictatoria+ martia+ +aw. 2he res*+t o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs +ies to the Aristocracy o? the nation o? Bapan 4 was the nation o? Bapan 'ec+arin) war *pon possi@+y 5 nations which was o? a +o)ica+ coinci'ence that is worth notin) 5 there are % is+an's o? Bapan an' Hawaii was to maDe *p a 5th or Eth as territories that were once he+' @y Bapan. 2he nations which Bapan 'ec+are' war *pon were +ar)er than Bapan an' it is e(i'ent that Bapan ha' @een manip*+ate' into ca*sin) a 'istraction to the A++ie' .orces which 'ec+are' war on the eCpansionist A6IS 1mpire in the Me'iterranean #e)ion. 3*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar 4 citi>ens o? the USA who were o? Bapanese race as we++ as (isitors o? the USA who were o? Bapanese race < were 'etaine' an' he+' in 'etainment camps ?or reason o? their race. I ha(e seen photo)raphs o? Bapanese peop+es in 'oc*mentary @ooDs a@o*t GNati(e AmericansG that were printe' in the 1"E0As. N*mero*s races o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans are eCtinct an' many o? them are c*rrent+y @ein) eCterminate' as we++ as are @ecomin) a@sor@e' into the 'i(erse ?orei)n pop*+ation in North America that has them o*tn*m@ere' se(ere+y 5 the treaties which were @roDen @y 2errorist 7rimina+s worDin) within the )o(ernment an' mi+itary o? the Unite' States o? America ?or some ?orei)n ?action *sin) the reso*rces o? the USA Go(ernment an' Mi+itary 4 an' the 'etainment o? Bapanese race in North America '*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar are o? stran)e+y simi+ar coinci'ence ?or reason that the 'etainment o? Bapanese '*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar was ne(er 'oc*mente' proper+y an' the eCtermination o? entire races o? .irst Nations Nati(e Americans is pro@a@+e to ha(e contin*e' '*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar at some o? these +ocations which ha(e ne(er @een proper+y 'oc*mente'. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e ha' n*mero*s a)ents an' 2errorist 7rimina+ NetworDs in a++ o? the Americas since prior to the 7i(i+ :ar o? the USA. 0? coinci'in) synchronic occ*rrance with the 'etainment o? Bapanese in the USA an' the Ho+oca*st o? mi++ions o? ci(i+ians in 1*rope is the testin) o? two eCperimenta+ prototype N*c+ear ;om@s *pon the cities o? Hiroshima an' Na)asaDi. It seems that it was eCpecte' that the A6IS wo*+' contin*e to attempt G+o@a+ 1Cpansion an' that these weapons wo*+' pre(ent the A6IS in other re)ions ?rom achei(in) (ictory 4 @*t that ?or some reason < the A6IS in 1*rope s*rren'ere' a?ter the conH*est o? 3e*tsche+an' @y the A++ie' .orces o? the U.S.A. 4 U.9. 4 an' the So(iet Union 5 a?ter this conH*est 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy re+ocate' ha+? o? the Aristocracy to the Unite' States o? America an' @ro*)ht with them the #oya+ .ami+y o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' ha+? o? their i++e)itimate @+oo'+ines whom they a'opt to their co*sins an' to the ?ami+ies o? the 9ni)hts o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy a'opt their #oya+ @+oo'e' chi+'ren to ?ami+ies re+ate' to the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS 2errorist .action an' a'opt them to tr*ste' a)ents o? their networD who a'opt some o? their own chi+'ren to a)ents o? +esser tr*stworth to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has n*mero*s ha+? @rothers in (ario*s re)ions o? the Americas. 3*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 the $e@ens@orn ProIect was sei>e' @y the A6IS which tooD contro+ o? itAs positions o? 'irectin) ?ac*+ty an' cease' to ser(e itAs inten'e' p*rpose an' @e)an ?*nctionin) as a SeC 2ra??icDin) A)ency re+ate' to what has @een reporte' to ha(e @een ca++e' the Boy 3i(ision as we++ as is it pro@a@+e that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy a@*se' the $e@ens@orn Nata+ S*rro)acy F A'option A)ency ?or

p*rpose o? impre)natin) women with the o??sprin) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. In n*mero*s photo)raphs an' paintin)s4 the ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' an Irmins*+ pin on his IacDet < which was a sym@o+ chosen to represent the $e@ens@orn Nata+ S*rro)acy F A'option A)ency4 the ;aron B*+i*s 1(o+a a+so ass*me' heirarcha+ 'ominance o(er other 'epartments re+ate' to 7*+t*re an' Hea+th as we++ as 1'*cation an' the A6IS. B*+i*s 1(o+a an' a)ents o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy a+so sei>e' contro+ o? the 2h*+e Society < sa@ota)e' an' 'estroye' the or)ani>ation entire+y 4 @*rnin) the co++ection o? archae+o)ica+ arti?acts an' re+ics o? sacre' importance to the .o+D #e+i)ions o? (ario*s re)ions o? 1*rope in the :ewe+s@*r) arson an' 'emo+ition that B*+i*s 1(o+a an' Heinrich Himm+er carrie' o*t themse+(es 4 this is o? psycho+o)ica+ re+e(ance to the 3emo+ition o? 9in) So+omonAs 2emp+e which the #oman 1mpire ha' 'emo+ishe' '*rin) a perio' o? #oman occ*pation o? the nation o? Israe+. * :-: Hac.ers 4 Stal.ers :-: M*+tip+e .ace@ooD Acco*nts @e+on)in) to my ?ami+y an' ?rien's were hacDe' @etween 2010 2013 5 these in'i(i'*a+s were Anthony McMenemy4 Be?? 7a@ra+4 ;o@ Sha)o*ry whom a+so *ses the name 8;i>>aG4 Boseph Mc7arthy whom a+so *ses the name Aster :i+'e an' may c*rrent+y ha(e an impersonater whom is carryin) a 3*p+icate o? his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s4 An)e+iH*e ;oy' whom ha' two ?ace@ooDs an' possi@+y has an impersonator carryin) a 3*p+icate o? her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s4 Ben $inco+n4 7+arissa ;erry4 #yan Har(ey4 $a*ra $*'wiDowsDi Har(ey4 1mi+y ;ar@o*r4 $a*ren .rench4 Pach An'rosDi4 9eith Hammon'4 PacD Bohnson4 ;rian Parent4 Bosh*a He@ert4 Bessica Baco@s4 $a*ren :e++s4 ;rian Sweet4 Gre) 3a*+ton4 3a(i' $ee4 7har+es =er)ara4 #ich 7onesc*4 MarD SDinner4 ;ra' Sa@+e whom a+so *ses the name ;ra'?or' I++4 7herie He@ert4 3aphen 7onnaway4 2ai :y@an4 my sister Sheena MacPherson whom has an imposte*r carryin) her i'entity an' has @een missin) since 200!4 an' my mother 3e@ra $a(oie whom c*rrent+y has possi@+y 3 women *sin) 3*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? hers 5 my MotherAs +ast Dnown +ocation was :est:oo' $o')e in :est:oo' Massach*settes in 2010 < a++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s are +iDe+y to @e tar)ets. My own acco*nt was a+so hacDe' n*mero*s times. 2his is o@(io*s+y a co(ert attacD on American 7i(i+ians4 H*ite the same as the "Q11 2errorist AttacDs were @ro*)ht a@o*t @y a series o? co(ert acti(ities 5 it is pro@a@+e that the in'i(i'*a+s whom are rep+acin) the pop*+ations o? ma+es which ha(e @een tar)ette' an' tra??icDin) the ?ema+es ha(e ?*t*re p+ans ?or a terror striDe. I? this ?*t*re p+an in(o+(es the rep+acement an' ass*min) o? i'entities o? *ni?orme' )o(ernment o??icia+s s*ch as Po+ice 0??icers or S:A24 this co*+' @e a 'e(astatin) co(ert attacD. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can m*tate the entire microscopic shape o? a h*man ?orm inc+*'in) e(en the iris co+or o? the eyes4 the comp+eCion an' oi+s the o? sDin4 an' the hair teCt*re an' co+or. :hi+e at my a*ntAs ho*se in Manchester NewHampshire 5 :estwoor' $o')e was 'isp+aye' on a 2e+e(ision News Me'ia ;roa'cast as ha(in) @een in(esti)ate' an' a man whom worDe' there @ein) arreste' ?or .ireArms 2ra??icDin). I co*+' not ?in' recor' o? this arrest a?terwar'4 this may ha(e @een a cyphere' @roa'cast create' @y a hacDer with so?tware. It is 'e?inite that this ?action ha(e o@taine' emp+oyment within o*r Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments. Anonymo*s Pro@5 Ser0ers are @ein) *se'< simi+ar to the we@site AN0N/1O(S& which rero*tes yo*r 'ata path to an anonymo*s ser(er to maDe it appear as i? yo*r comp*terAs I.P. A''ress is +ocate' in a 'i??erent re)ion o? the wor+' entire+y. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 0r)ani>ation are a@+e to 2ar)et In'i(i'*a+s @y way o? comm*nications an' entertainment corporations< *sin) their own access to pri(ate+y owne' internet an' ca@+e te+e(ision networDs to +earn more a@o*t their tar)et. Another area o? a@*se concernin)

Pri(ate an' 7orporate ownership o? properties is in the @*siness o? comm*nications< s*ch as connectin) eCterna+ 'e(ices s*ch as comp*ters to comm*nications ser(ers in or'er to +isten4 intercept4 an' sometimes e(en impersonate te+ephone con(ersations. 2his connection can @e ma'e *sin) seria+ ca@+e4 ?irewire4 networD ro*ter4 US;4 or 2#0BAN H0#S1 wire+ess connection< A %I &#" racD mo*nt can @e *se' in conI*nction with IN(G as we++ as Custom &ngineere) Operating S5stems an) Soft-are simi+ar to 8I#%(" BOG in or'er to win'ow the Hac.e) Ser0er an' itAs 0peratin) System on the 'esDtop o? the 2erroristAs own Ser0er Computer as i? it were MI7#0S0.2 #1M021 ASSIS2AN71. M*+tip+e 21##A;/21 eCterna+ har' 'ri(es connecte' to a 1o*ile (nit r*nnin) on a c*stom en)ineere' 0peratin) System can @e *se' to hacD4 a+ter4 access4 an' a+so +eech the contents o? a ser(er. 7*rrent+y< one o? the most a'(ance' 1o*ile (nits wo*+' @e a com@ination o? a 100 70#1 2I$1#A racD mo*nt *nit with a c*stom en)ineere' 0peratin) System4 a $aptop with a c*stom en)ineere' 0peratin) System F set o? 3e(ice 3ri(ers insta++e' as a 'e(ice on the 2I$1#A racD mo*nt *nit4 an' a set o? 21##A;/21 eCterna+ har' 'ri(es. 0ther metho's o? tracDin) that this or)ani>ation is *ses inc+*'e5 7e++ Phone GPS @y way o? ser(er4 So?twareHacDe' 7e++ Phone4 HacDe' 7e++ Phone G+o@a+ Positionin) System App+ications4 HacDe'Q7*stom #e1n)ineere' NetworD Ser(er 0peratin) Systems *p+oa'e' '*rin) maintainance4 HacDe' 7omp*ters4 HacDe' 7e++ Phone 2owersQSer(ers4 an' HacDe'Q=ir*s Up+oa'e' Satte+ites. A++ the in'i(i'*a+ nee's is the personAs phone n*m@er an' it is easy eno*)h to )et that @y simp+y ?ri)htenin) the s*rro*n'in) comm*nity with +ies that the person is some Din' o? threat. G7an I @orrow yo*r phoneOG wo*+' @e a common tactic *se'4 wherea?ter the a)ents phone wo*+' @e ca++e'4 +ea(in) the n*m@er o? the tar)et. 2he tar)ette' in'i(i'*a+ wo*+' @e S2ASIe'4 sta+De'4 assa*+te'4 or a@'*cte'. Another way to tar)et a person is @y 'ata minin) ?or I.P. A''resses on comm*nity messa)e @oar's4 porno)raphic we@sites4 co(ert pro)rammin) within we@site app+ications4 an' (i'eo )amin) ser(ers. I ha(e rea' reports that other nations ha(e H"CK&# "#1I&S3 A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace' HacDer wo*+' @e IN7#13I;$/ 'i??ic*+t to tracD (ia IP A''ress4 they co*+' *p+oa' so?tware to the ser(er that their imp+ante' BCI transmission 'e(ice recei(es a @inary transmission p*++ ?rom an' then *se the so?tware to hacD the entire networD near+y *n'etecta@+y whi+e mo@i+e in a (ehic+e. A terrorist or crimina+ ?inancer co*+' easi+y ha(e entreprene*re' a mo@i+e phone corporation or s*@si'iary ?or the p*rpose o? )ainin) access to #. si)na+s ser(ers an' towers. Many eastern e*ropean )an)sters are eCtreme+y )oo' with techno+o)y as we++ an' some o? those not on+y ha(e connections to the comm*nistsQeC D)@ @*t a+so ha(e connections to or)ani>ations s*ch as the 2a+i@an an' A+ Lae'a4 these are the Din's o? internationa+ connections that =ittorio 1man*e+e seems to @e attracte' to hirin). ;7I @ase' comp*ter hacDin) can @e 'one *sin) a+tere' so?twareQ c*stom ma'e reen)ineere' operatin) systems4 @+*etooth tetherin)4 ce++phone tetherin)4 +aptop tetherin)4 an' +on) ran)e wire+ess ro*ter attachments. I am worrie' a@o*t =itorrio 1man*e+eAs operati(es @ein) em@e''e' within the Anonymo*s Mo(ement. #*ssiaAs )o(ernment @ein) co(ert+y em@e''e' with operati(es ?rom A6IS 7rime Syn'icates in the s*rro*n'in) re)ion is a+so a threat re+ate' to this4 speci?ica++y with the ties @etween the So(iet re)iona+ Ma?ias an' the Ita+ian Sici+ian Ma?ias entrenche' an' s+eepin) here in the Unite' States. 2heir So+'iers +ie a@o*t what they are in(o+(e' in. &?or instance5 Aro*n' the year o? 2005 there was man who sto+e the stea+th @om@er co+' en)ine p+ans an' so+' them to a 7hinese espiona)e oriente' crime syn'icate. 2his man in partic*+ar ha' an Aryan so*n'in) name &Possi@+y a name o? In'ian ori)in,< @*t ?rom the photo)raphs I ha(e seen4 his ?ace +ooDe' to @e o? S+a(onic an' 7a*ca*sis

+inea)e with a sDin 'ye Io@ an' a spray on tan. I a+so remem@er an Ita+ian man 'oin) somethin) (ery simi+ar. It is possi@+e that this man was worDin) ?or some@o'y other than 7hina as a s+eeper ce++ a)ent an' 'eci'e' to stea+ the stea+th @+*e prints ?or cash to ?*n' another or)ani>ationAs terrorism. Ina'(ertant+y as a res*+t4 c*rrent+y the co+' en)ine t*r@ine co*+' @e @ein) *se' as part o? a stea+th I7;M, #ecent+y there ha(e e(en @een a s+ew o? arrests in(o+(in) spies. Some o? these G#*ssianG espiona)e a)ents co*+' e(en potentia++y @e worDin) ?or A6IS 7rimina+ operati(es within the #*ssian )o(ernment. 2he other pop*+ation connection a+ot o? these operati(es seem to ha(e wo*+' @e Ita+ian Imperia+ c+an'estine ce++s +e?to(er ?rom :or+' :ars 1 an' 2. - %errorist Operati0es are also a*le to hac. )igital-ca*le ser0ers using %I &#" eHuipment+ tele0ision transmissions+ an) e)it the soun) an) 0i)eo -ith soft-are3 %his coul) most easil5 *e )one from a go0ernment office+ a Comcast corporate office+ or else-here -ith militar5-gra)e eHuipment using non-microsoft technolog5+ 81B"#&+ an) 8I#%(" BOG an5 operating s5stemQ %I &#" 6==-Core Processor coul) perform these tas.s -ith ease an) *5 nothese terrorists coul) ha0e something e0en more a)0ance) than that3 " -ireless BrainComputerInterface coul) )o alot of this easil5 -ithout )etection an) )ue to NeuralPlasticit5 Por Cortical-Plasticit5Q the )e0ice ma5 e0en possi*l5 e0entuall5 *e completel5 controlle) *5 something *e5on) *inar5 that -oul) loo. more li.e I-Ching s5m*ols PHua)-*ase) macro-li.e programmingQ + =-9+ =3==6 - 63===+ or e0en ,ust ra)io-a0es themsel0es3 Bo)51o)ification e@perts an) Cosmetic-Surgeons are *eing use) to hi)e routers an) *lue-tooth )e0ices in's an) sla0e's *o)ies3 (sing 0ocal anal5zers+ speech processers+ animation frames+ animation programs+ an) animation s.ins ta.en )irectl5 from 0i)eo footageE c5*erterrorist ps5-operati0es are using programme) macros to )o these things almost instantl5 an) seemlessl53 %he ner0e-en)ings of the on the face are *eing use) li.e a *lue-screen contactpoint an) animate) o0er -ith ease an) on hac.e) tele0ision *roa)casts3 %his is *eing )one for the purpose of PSY-B"# against ci0ilians3 I ha0e freHuentl5 -itnesse) pi@elate) )igital anomolies of *lac. *o@s or flashing *o@s on )igital ca*le tele0ision an) some times the5 ha0e e0en change) -or)s printe) on screen )uring game-sho-s3 H*man 2ra??icDers are a@+e to sta+D their (ictims an' tracD them (ia hacDin) an'Qor ce++phones as we++. 3*e to these psy operati(es an' possi@+e mo+esQ em@e''e' ce++s within my +oca+ re)iona+ )o(ernment< I ha(e attempte' to report this to the +oca+ .;I an' they were non comp+iant4 so I am instea' reportin) this to :ashin)ton 3.7. .;I an' e+sewhere. I am sti++ tryin) to 'etermine how to )et a si+D ;7I 'etecte' on CrayQcatscanQor mri &yo* canAt eCact+y I*st )o into a hospita+ an' te++ them that yo* are the (ictim o? a h*man (i(isection that inc+*'e' a @rain comp*ter inter?ace microchip an' that yo* were ostraci>e' ?or @ein) an e(i+ Gna>iG the entire time< yo* wi++ I*st )et thrown into a psychiatric ?aci+ity,. Un?ort*nate+y< here in the Unite' States o? America4 most peop+e ?or)et that we ha(e enemies. It is near+y impossi@+e to eCp+ain to any@o'y that certain peop+e co*+' potentia++y @e an a)ent o? a s+eeper ce++4 mo+e4 espiona)e a)ent4 or a )enoci'a+ terrorist. I was a+so horri@+y mis'ia)nose' @y a 'octor who wo*+'nAt +isten to anythin) I was sayin). He +a@e+e' me schi>ophrenic &'*e to some@o'y with an 11G He+met *sin) @rain to @rain comp*ter inter?ace ne*roscience so?tware to te++ me to carry o*t simp+e comman's s*ch as GpicD the spoon *pG G)o @*y ci)arettesG etc, a?ter this ;7I was s*r)ica++y attache' to my @rain. I ha(e since @een re'ia)nose' with I*st P2S3. %he purpose for the ps5ch-

-arfare is no- o*0ious : to )iscre)it me as a -itness to the fact that 8ittorio &manuele -as mentione) to *e ")olf Hitler's half-*rother's gran)son on Henr5 1a.o-'s -e*site + that 8ittorio &manuele stal.e) me to m5 place of -or. multiple times+ that 8ittorio &manuele's cre)it car) -as use) multiple times in 1anchester Ne- Hampshire+ that /8ictor/ is 8ittorio &manuele+ an) that the &manuele-&0ola Crime $amilies ha0e *een m5 famil53 &ri. Beise of a.ota an) "n)ers Brei0i. of Nor-a5 -ere *oth ma)e to appear mentall5 ill after -hat -as )one to them3 %he purpose for this -oul) *e to co0er up the reasona*le cause to in0estigate the 1ilitar5 Signals Net-or. an) the )ata store) on the Internet Ser0ers : -ith this reasona*le cause the entire -orl)--i)e -e*+ store) ra)io-signals )ata+ an) all other electronic transmissions coul) *e in0estigate) *5 an5 militar5 for e0i)ence of #a)io$reHuenc5 NeuroScience %ransmissions3 * !oogle-Phone can *e use) in con,unction -ith an Internet "pplication to fa.e Phone Num*ers+ Caller I)entification s5stems an) Cell Phone Num*er #ecognition S5stems to i)entif5 the caller's num*er as a )ifferent num*er these applications can *e use) in con,unction -ith 0oice immitations for espionage3 %he 1ilitar5 Signals Intelligence 2epartment can still i)entif5 the original callers num*ers an) locations3

[X\ %"B OI2S : 2a@+oi's are most o?ten ?i++e' with ?ictiona+ news artic+es immitatin) campy *r@an +e)en's an' *nrea+istic scenarios in(o+(in) po+itics an' re+i)ion. A+most in synchronicity4 ta@+oi's @e)an printin) 'e?amati(e ?a+se stories a@o*t the U9 Monarchy4 the U9 Ho*se o? $or's4 an' the U9 Par+iament. At this eCact moment 4 terrorists were *sin) comp*ters at a corporate o??ice owne' @y #*pert M*r'och an' his associates 5 these terrorists were *sin) these comp*ters in or'er to hacD ce++ phones o? ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y an' the U9 Par+iament4 acti(ate p+ante' impro(ise' recor'in) 'e(ices4 hacDin) comm*nications ser(ers ?or p*rpose o? wire tappin) ce++ phones4 an' hacDin) comm*nications ser(ers accessin) emai+ acco*nts. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate attempte' to ?rame #*pert M*r'och ?or this. 2his hacDin) occ*rre' two years a?ter Henry MaDowAs we@site was t*rne' into an internet ta@+oi' 5 this was 'one ?or the p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) Henry MaDowAs p*@+ishe' artic+e a@o*t A'o+? GA'o+? Hit+erG 1man*e+e4 the new writer is not Henry MaDow. 2he new we@site has c+aime' that A'o+? Hit+er was an a)ent worDin) ?or the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e hates the Hano(er ?ami+y. In one o? these ta@+oi's4 a U9 No@+eman was ?a+se+y portraye' as ha(in) a na>i *ni?orm ?etish an' was 'e?ame' )+o@a++y in ta@+oi's. 2his coinci'e' with the o(ert+y o??ensi(e 'ecision to @*++ 'o>e 2ara Hi++ an' a+so coinci'e' with attempts @y A)ent Pro(ocate*r 7omp*ter HacDers to pro(oDe racia+ stri?e @etween Gae+s an' An)+o SaCons on messa)e@oar's an' internet @+o)s inc+*'in) an Asatr* socia+ networDin) we@site ca++e' $he Althing '*rin) 200! which )enera++y catere' to what is the more Nationa+ist po+itic amon)st the Asatr* comm*nity4 7onspiracy 2heory we@sites were a+so *se' ?or the p*rpose o? pro(oDin) racia+ stri?e @etween Gae+s an' An)+o SaCons. In approCimate+y the year 200" 5 rep+ica pen'ants o? MIo+nir 2horAs Hammers which ha' @een ?o*n' in re)ions o? the U.9. @y archaeo+o)ists 4 were remo(e' ?rom the internet entire+y an' were no +on)er @ein) so+'. 2his was synchronic with 3a(i' IcDeAs p*@+ishin) o? artic+es a@o*t the ;ritish Monarchy c+aimin) that they are shape shi?tin) inter'imensiona+ repti+ian space a+iens an' that they are p+annin) to microchip h*man @ein)s in the near ?*t*re ?or the p*rpose o? conH*erin) p+anet earth < MarD P*cDer@er) 5 who is a+so a wea+thy

tar)et 4 was a+so mentione'. 2he threat o? =ittorio 1man*e+e *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to rep+ace peop+e s*ch as :i++iam Hano(er an' MarD P*cDer@er) is eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s 5 ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' speech reco(ery ne*ro trainin) so?tware co*+' @e *se' to stea+ their (oca+ m*sc*+at*re an' (oice patternin). I? this occ*rre' 4 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate wo*+' possess an eCtreme amo*nt o? wea+th an' )+o@a+ in?+*ence as we++ as an immense a@i+ity to ?*rther in?i+trate the ;ritish 7ommon:ea+th Nations4 the USA4 an' e(en Israe+. Po+iticans were a+so +iste' as inter'imensiona+ repti+ian space a+iens. Amon)st Henry MaDow an' his co++ea)*es< a++ mention o? G3#A70NIANSG once re?erre' to a )+o@a+ ca@a+ o? powermon)ers acti(e+y en)a)e' in a co+' @+oo'e' an' r*th+ess co(ert str*))+e ?or G+o@a+i>ation o? State an' e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ 0+i)archa+ 3ominance. 3raco is the name o? a star system4 3raconians are a+so a race o? repiti+ian space tra(e+ers in a Ste(e BacDson ta@+etop war strate)y )ame. Ste(e BacDson is the man who in(ente' the car' )ame ca++e' I++*minati4 Henry MaDowAs @ooD was ca++e' I++*minati as we++. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs comm*nications ha(e shown a re?+eCi(e cypherin) a metaphoric cypherin) o? past comm*nications in(o+(in) in(esti)ations concernin) his 7rimina+ 2errorist acti(ities. 0n we@sites s*ch as A@o(e 2op Secret 5 scenarios which were 'e?amati(e an' psycho+o)ica++y tra*mati>in) were p*@+ishe' which portraye' secret concentration camps in the USA that were s*ppose'+y @*i+t @y the ;*sh 7heney a'ministration ?or the p*rpose o? 'etainin) an' re e'*catin) ?ami+ies as we++ as orchestratin) systemic )enoci'e. 2he "Q11 2errorist AttacDs were a+so @+ame' on the ;*sh an' 7heney ?ami+ies as i? they were a 2errorist 7rime .ami+y. A++ o? this propa)an'a has the same psycho+o)ica+ patho+o)y an' is (ery ?oc*se' on ho+oca*st an' anti Israe+i sentiment as we++ as anti USA an' anti U9 sentiment. 0n :iDipe'ia it was poste' that ;i++ 7+inton was 1+i>a@eth Hano(erAs co*sin 5 this occ*rre' two months a?ter I ser(e' 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast 2ea twice at 3*nDin 3on*ts in Manchester New Hampshire near the ManchesterQ$on'on'erry AirPort. Imme'iate+y a?ter this was poste' I was Psych :ar?are assa*+te' ?or ?o*r consec*ti(e 'ays an' 'ri(en into a psychiatric c+inic. :e++ at the psychiatric c+inic on Amherst St. in Nash*a New Hampshire4 an imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er was a'mitte' an' intro'*ce' herse+? as G1+i>a@eth 2*'orG 5 this occ*rre' imme'iate+y a?ter a @+on'e man whom +ooDe' simi+ar to ;i++ 7+inton was i++e)a++y a'mitte' to the war' with a +aptop which he set *p in the room across the ha++ ?rom mine. A +aptop comp*ter was *se' to connect the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to the G+o@a+ Internet whi+e I was at the New Hampshire Hospita+ on 7+inton Street in 7oncor' New Hampshire. 7*rrent+y there are a (ery +ar)e n*m@er o? terrorists in my re)ion whom are *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication paperworD in or'er to impersonate Americans 5 in some cases4 entire ?ami+ies seem to ha(e @een rep+ace'. 2o camo*?+a)e this assa*+t< the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e *se' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Units4 7rimina+ $ocDsmiths4 an' a+so possi@+y Pri(ate In'*stry pro'*ce' seria+ n*m@ere' @arco'e' =accinations ?or the p*rpose o? sprea'in) 3NA m*tation @y metho' o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy which can @e in)este' in ?orm o? hemo)+o@in (ia+s *se' to taint 'rinDin) s*pp+ies or inIecte' *sin) (ira+ (accination metho's. I ha(e witnesse' m*+tip+e peop+esA ?aces m*tate in the past E years. * :-: NeuroScience %errorism an) :-: VOW NeuroScience+ Brain-Computer Interface %echnolog5+ &lectronics &ngineering an) Soft-are &ngineering : Ne*roScience can @e *se' ?or me'ica+ prosthesis4 ro@otics4 war4 s+a(ery4 an' terrorism. In com@at 5 Ne*roScience can @e *se' to interact with weaponry4 'rones4 an' other comp*teri>e' systems. ;rain

7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e @een *se' to ro@otici>e an' remote pi+ot cocDroaches4 rats4 cats4 cows4 'o+phins4 an' monDeys to the 'e)ree o? contro+ that it is simi+ar to contro++in) a remote contro++e' ro@ot4 (ehic+e4 or a ?+i)ht sim*+ator on a comp*ter. .or s+a(ery an' terrorism 5 Ne*roScience can @e *se' to comp+ete+y contro+ a h*man @rain 4 th*s ena@+in) another h*man @ein) to *se a comp*ter to contro+ the @o'y4 physica+ actions4 chemica+s4 an' eCperiences o? the ens+a(e' h*man@ein). A++ that is neccessary to in?+*ence an' contro+ 1+ectro Ma)netic patterns on the s*r?ace o? the h*man @rain is a +ow (o+ta)e power so*rce s*ch as a micro @attery an' a sma++ eno*)h ro*ter to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' that can process simp+e @inary. A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace is a Ne*roGra?t Patch simi+ar to a Micro7hip that is )ra?te' to the @rain4 this Ne*roGra?t Patch interacts with positi(e an' ne)ati(e e+ectroma)netic char)es 5 ;inary is a series o? ne)ati(es in the ?orm o? 0As an' positi(es in ?orm o? 1As. 2he entire h*man ner(o*s system an' a++ thin)s e+ectroma)netic are a@+e to @e con(erte' to @inary. 00101011010100100101010010010010101101101011001010101010101010101 is an' eCamp+e o? a strin) o? ;inary. ;inary is the @asic component o? 7omp*ter Pro)rammin) $an)*a)e. U ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace *se' ?or Synthetic 2e+epathy an' Hypnosis 5 ;rain 2o ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace So?tware can @e *se' ?or Synthetic 2e+epathy simi+ar to 2ho*)ht to 2eCt an' 2eCt to ;rain So?tware. 2he teCt can @e ma'e opaH*e4 pre(entin) it ?rom @ein) seen 5 this ena@+es Synthetic 2e+epathy @y way o? two ;rain 2o ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace' in'i(i'*a+s an' so?tware. 2his is capa@+e o? @ein) 'one +on) ran)e *sin) 7omp*ter So?tware. I? an in'i(i'*a+ is a (ictim o? a Ne*roScience =i(isection inc+*'in) the imp+antation o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ice s*ch as a ;rainGate or a 7y@er9inetics ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace )ra?t 5 the (ictim wi++ @e *nDnowin) *pon awaDenin) that the 'e(ice was imp+ante' in their sD*++. 3*e to the (ictim @ein) comp+ete+y *nDnowin) o? the imp+antation 4 it is possi@+e ?or the 2errorist 7rimina+ to ta+D an' thinD tho*)hts into the (ictimAs @rain. 2his so*n's as i? there is a secon' interna+ 'ia+o) 5 it is 'i??ic*+t ?or the (ictim to 'ecypher i? the secon' interna+ 'ia+o) eCists which maDes it possi@+e to entire+y hypnotise an' s*@concio*s+y contro+ the (ictims. 2he res*+ts are simi+ar to an in(isi@+e (entri+iH*ist with a marionette. 3*e to the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icateAs associates an' retainers owne' hospita+s an' hea+thcare ?aci+ities 5 it is simp+e a simp+e tasD ?or the (ictim to @e intentiona++y mis'ia)nose' with a psychiatric 'isor'er4 this is 'one as an attempt to 'iscre'it them as a witness an' c*rtai+ their h*man ri)hts. U ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Use' .or 7o(ert Gatherin) 0? Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 5 I++e)a+ 7o(ert S*r)ica+ Imp+antation o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roGra?ts an' +on) ran) S*r)ica+ Imp+ante' #o*ters co*+' possi@+y @e @ein) *se' to )ather in?ormation ?rom 3e?ense 1mp+oyees as we++ as $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations emp+oyees. A++ o? these transmissions wo*+' show *p on past Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Store' 3ata as we++ as c*rrent Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence transmissions. M*ch o? these transmissions are internet4 the so?tware in(o+(e' in the Ne*roScience transmissions an' ca+c*+ations is physica++y ho*se' on a 7omp*ter Har'3ri(e. 2he possi@i+ity o? these transmissions not @ein) in(esti)ate' imme'iate+y is 162#1M1$/ 3ANG1#0US. %HIS IS "N &G%#&1& Y 2"N!&#O(S SCI&NC&: -:: N&(#O-#OBO%ICS O$ " I8IN! BIO O!IC" O#!"NIS1 ::Ne*ro #o@otics Animation 5 Ne*ro #o@otics is the #o@otic 7ontro+ o? a ;io+o)ica+ 0r)anism @y means o? Ne*roScience an' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace or any other e+ectronic components inter?ace' with the Ne*ro+o)y o? the ;io+o)ica+ 0r)anism. Ne*ro Science 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy

an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace can @e *se' to manip*+ate animation so?tware on a comp*ter. Animation so?tware encompassin) 3 'imensiona+ wire ?rame animation capa@+e o? ?rame an' intersect stretchin) @y tho*)ht a+one4 sDe+eta+ animation capa@+e o? ?*++ ran)e o? motion pi(otin) an' )yroscopic eCtension which can @e contro++e' @y tho*)ht a+one4 as we++ as @ranch an' ?+*i' animation with the capa@i+ity o? each @ranch path o? ?+*i' animation @ein) chosen @y concentration an' 'ecision a+one. A*tomate' animation so?tware can @e *se' in conI*ction with these animation techno+o)ies4 me'ica+ Ne*roScience so?tware4 an' ro@otics so?tware to t*rn a h*man @ein) into a ro@otic s+a(e. 2he @rain o? the h*man @ein) ana+y>es4 e??ects4 an' contro+s the entire @o'y 5 th*s a comp*ter can @e *se' to pro)ram the h*man @o'y to mo(e ro@otica++y in a seH*ence o? animations. A comp*ter can a+so ro@ot the h*man @o'y to per?orm a series o? tho*san's o? short chain animation seH*encies chosen @y Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence in Synchronicity with an 1+ectro 1ncepha+oGraph He+met :earerAs @rain4 this can a+so @e 'one with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Gra?te' in'i(i'*a+As @rain. Usin) 2ho*)ht to 2ho*)ht ;rain 2o ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace so?tware com@ine' with an Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence oriente' 2a+D ;ot 4 an arti?icia+ tho*)ht process in a h*man @rain which appears as a secon' inner (oice can @e pro)ramme' in conI*nction with ;io #o@otics 2a+D ;ot so?tware to o(er ri'e the :i++ o? the H*man Min' 5 this is entire+y 'i??erent ?rom hypnosis in that yo*r conscio*s state o? o? min' is comp+ete+y an' tota++y aware4 a++ sensory perception is comp+ete an' tota+ <5 the entire @rain an' @o'y @esi'es the conscio*s awareness howe(er4 are tota++y an' comp+ete+y contro++e' ro@otica++y. 2he conscio*s awareness has no contro+ whatsoe(er o(er any ?ac*+ty @esi'es co)niti(e awareness 5 a++ the in'i(i'*a+ can 'o is eCperience what is happenin)4 thinD4 o@ser(e4 an' ?ee+ the sensory o? their ne*ro+o)ica+ @o'y. 2he in'i(i'*a+ can not 'isassociate @eca*se the @rain is Dept entire+y conscio*s. 2his is the c*+mination o? research that @e)an 100 years a)o with in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in a G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate4 +ater contin*e' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' Bose? Men)e+e4 a?ter the 'e?eat o? the 3r' #eich @y #ichar' He+ms an' the crimina+s em@e''e' within 7IA P#0B172 M9U$2#A4 an' now e(ent*a++y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' their associate partners. A 2I$1#A 100 70#1 2i+e' Processor paire' with $in*C *sin) c*stom so?tware inc+*'in) e(en =irt*a+;oC i? necessary is capa@+e o? processin) mi++ions o? animation seH*ences sim*+taeneo*s+y. 2wo ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces )ra?te' to the h*man @rain are a++ that is nee'e' to Ne*ro P+astici>e the entirety o? the @rain in synchronicity with so?tware ca+i@ration4 contro++in) the entirety o? the @rain. A++ that is necessary is ?or the entire @rain to @e contro++e' is ?or the +e?t si'e ;.7.I. to @e imp+ante' @ehin' the ear+o@e4 towar's the @acD o? the @rain < an' ?or the ri)ht si'e ;.7.I. to @e imp+ante' @ehin' the ear+o@e4 towar' the ?ront o? the @rain 55 each ;.7.I. wo*+' @e wire' to two wire+ess networDin) 'e(ices tacDe' insi'e the Iaw ca(ity. 2hese wire+ess networDin) 'e(ices are a #o*ter an' ;attery S*r)ica+ Imp+ant that wires *p @eneath an' @ehin' the ear+o@es into the @rain ca(ity4 connectin) the ;.7.I. to the $on) #an)e #a'io .reH*ency #o*ter. 2he Ne*roScience so?tware wo*+' on+y reH*ire a seperation o? p+*)in so?tware app+ication 5 seperatin) the P+*) In So?tware App+ications to #i)ht ;.7.I. an' $e?t ;.7.I. 4 the entirety o? the ;rain an' ;o'y is contro++e' @y a 7rimina+ 2errorist H*man 2ra??icDer *sin) a Ne*roScience :orDStation. A so?tware animate' 3'imensiona+ h*man ro@ot on a comp*ter can @e remote+y contro++e' *sin) an 1.1.G. He+met4 a ;.7.I.4 or compositions o? animation seH*ence. 2his wo*+' ha(e the appearance o? a h*man ima)e on a comp*ter screen which can @e mo(e' +iDe a marionette. 2his marionette h*man ima)e can @e paire' *p with the h*man ner(o*s system in 3'imensiona+ wire ?rame *sin) wire?rame intersections as connection points ?or the h*man ne*ro

pathways. 7o+or co'in) o? wire ?rame an' connection o? the intersection points is possi@+e to ena@+e this. 2hese so?twares a+rea'y eCist an' a sDi++e' so?tware en)ineer co*+' easi+y piece to)ether the (ario*s so?tware components. 2his wo*+' +ooD aDin to a so?tware (ersion o? a Hon'a Asimo 5 +iDe a (irt*a+ Hon'a Asimo. Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) 5 2eCt to 2ho*)ht So?tware p+antin) wor' teCt in the ?ar peripheria+ space in the s*@conscio*s4 2eCt to A*'ia+ p+antin) so*n' in the s*@concio*s o? the min'4 an' physica+ @io ro@otics so?ware animatin) the h*man (oca+ m*sc*+at*re to ta+D '*rin) s+eep are m*+tip+e metho's o? 7y@er 1+ectronic Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin). 3eep Hypnotic Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) e??ects m*+tip+e +ayers o? psycho+o)y s*ch as wor' associations to a@stract concepts4 ima)es4 an' sensations. Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) can @e *se' to pro)ram another h*mans ne*ro+o)y entire+y. 0ther ?actors which Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin) can comp+ete+y re en)ineer are concept associate' physica+ ne*ro+o)ica+ reactions in the h*man @o'y an' concept re+ate' chemica+ reactions in the h*man ne*ro+o)y an' )+an's in the @rain. A++ h*man@ein)s ha(e Ne*ro $in)*istic Heirarcha+ 7ata)orica+ Imperati(e. Shapes ha(e archetypa+ meanin)s in the s*@concio*s min'4 these meanin)s can @e reassi)ne' *sin) ne*ro +in)*istic pro)rammin) com@ine' with e+ectro ma)netics an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. M*sic has a *niH*e e??ect on ne*ro+o)y an' can a+so @e *se' in com@ination with Ne*ro $in)*istic Pro)rammin). Ne*ro $in)*istics can @e *se' in conI*nction with e+ectroma)netic manip*+ation o? the Sha'ow #eco)nition section o? the @rain ?or the p*rpose o? @+ocDin) the @rainAs i'enti?ication o? in'i(i'*a+s4 'enyin) i'enti?yin) ?actors to the @rain entire+y or e(en misappropriatin) ?actors attri@*tin) a ?a+se i'entity to an in'i(i'*a+. 2ransmission o? #ecor'e' #a'io :a(e.orms 5 #ecor'e' #a'io :a(e.orms can @e @roa'caste' to the ;.7.I. ro*ter in or'er to create speci?ic e??ects within the @rainAs ne*ro+o)y 4 tri))erin) 'r*) e??ects. 2his can a+so @e *se' to (ario*s meas*res in or'er to pa(o+o(ian train a h*man @ein)4 creatin) ne*ro+o)ica+ ?+ash@acDs to en)ineer an' 'iscip+ine the ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictimsA. Nat*ra++y occ*rrin) processes are recor'e' an' can @e tri))ere' in or'er to pa(+o(ian 'iscip+ine the ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictim as we++. .rien'+y Mechani>e' #o@otics 5 1.1.G. an' ;.7.I. can @e *se' to pi+ot a h*manoi' mechani>e' ro@ot with ?*++ ran)e o? motion *sin) nothin) @*t tho*)ht an' concentration 5 one eCamp+e o? this is the Hon'a Asimo. Un?ort*nate+y ?or h*man @ein)s4 a h*man with a ;.7.I. can @e pi+ote' m*ch the same as a Hon'a Asimo 5 as can a (irt*a+ so?tware ro@ot which can +ater @e paire' *p with a physica+ mechani>e' ro@ot or a @io ro@otici>e' or)anism. 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy :orDs ;oth :ays 5 3*rin) the past ten years 5 a corporation in Bapan re+ease' in?ormation that 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy not on+y e??ects the e+ectro ma)netics in the 1.1.G. he+met an' the comp*ter4 it a+so e??ects the e+ectro ma)netics on the s*r?ace o? the @rain. 2he p*@+ishe' st*'y which ha' @een con'*cte' showe' e(i'ence that a man co*+' contro+ a woman to mo(e +iDe a ro@ot whom ha' an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met on her hea' o?ten '*rin) other st*'ies4 the man simp+y *se' a IoysticD. 2he speci?ic 1.1.G. he+met which they ha' @een eCperimentin) with worDe' simi+ar+y to a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Microchip that )ra?ts to the @rain s*r?ace. Am@ient Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence 5 Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence which respon's to en(ironmenta+ stim*+i is ca++e' Am@ient Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence. Am@ient Arti?icia+ Inte++i)ence so?tware @ein) *p+oa'e' to the H*man 2ra??icDin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace networD that has @een create' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs

an' his sonsA 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate wo*+' @e eCtreme+y 'an)ero*s 5 this so?tware wo*+' @e capa@+e o? tri))erin) contro++e' (io+ence ?rom ci(i+ians who are *naware o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that is )ra?te' to their @rain. Acti(e Manip*+ation o? ;.7.I.A' In'i(i'*a+ 5 ;y metho' o? ro+ep+ayin) (er@a++y *sin) ;rain 2o ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace So?tware 4 an in'i(i'*a+ wearin) an 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy He+met co*+' manip*+ate an in'i(i'*a+ whom is *nDnowin) o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which has co(ert+y @een S*r)ica++y Gra?te' to their @rain. SpeaDin) into the (ictimAs @rain in 1st Person Perspecti(e as i? they are the (ictim thinDin) 4 the 2errorist :ar 7rimina+ is capa@+e o? con?*sin) an' o(er powerin) the interna+ 'ia+o) o? the (ictimAs own @rain. 2his ena@+es the 2errorist :ar 7rimina+ wearin) the 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraph He+met to manip*+ate an' contro+ the (ictimAs 'ecision maDin) process an' mo(ements. UN$I91 2H1 H0N3A ASIM0 :HI7H IS 70MP$121$/ ;1NIGN AN3 1N21#2AINING 4 N1U#0 #0;02I7S IS 162#1M1$/ 3ANG1#0US SI2UA2I0N 5 2HIS N113S 20 ;1 IN=1S2IGA213 ;/ MI$I2A#/ IN21$$IG1N71 IMM13IA21$/. 2H1 =0$2AG1 0. 2H1 HUMAN N1#=0US S/S21M IS 70MPA2I;$1 :I2H S0M1 MI7#0 217HN0$0G/ :HI7H IS 7APA;$1 0. P0:1#ING 1$172#0NI7 70MP0N1N2S 4 S0M1 0. 2H1S1 1$172#0NI7 70MP0N1N2S MA/ P0SSI;$/ ;1 A;$1 20 P0:1# A MI7#0 #0U21# 5 2his wo*+' mean that e(ent*a++y a @attery wi++ not @e necessary to power a ;.7.I. an' a +on) ran)e #o*ter. A$$ 2HA2 :I$$ ;1 N171SSA#/ IS A ;I0 M17HANI7A$ #1S1=0I# 70MP0N1N2 5 $i(in) or)anisms trans?er ener)y an' pro'*ce their own e+ectricity @y way o? cons*mption o? materia+s s*ch as e+ectro+ytes an' proteins. 7*rrent+y these 'e(ices *se micro @atteries. U #o@otics Animation so?tware *se' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace science ?or espiona)e an' crimina+ p*rposes ena@+es a h*man to copy an eCact si)nat*re an' han'writin) samp+e 5 as we++ as can a ro@otic arm o@(io*s+y 'o the same. #o@itics Animation So?tware in com@ination with =oca+ $in)*istics ;rain3ama)e #eco(ery Ne*roScience so?tware 4 a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace can @e *se' to train the m*sc*+at*re o? a h*man throat an' to*n)*e to impersonate an eCact h*man (oice o? a person other than themse+(es. 2hese sciences com@ine' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy *se' ?or cosmetic an' ?in)erprint p*rposes 4 as espiona)e an' crimina+ 'is)*ise 5 are an eCtreme threat that has c*rrent+y @een i)nore' an' is @ein) *se' a)ainst *s. It is possi@+e that on+y 15 or so )enes are nee'e' to @e rep+ace' to impersonate a h*man @ein) comp+ete+y 4 inc+*'in) ?in)erprints. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation occ*rs H*icD+y. It is re+ati(e+y easy to ?in' a match ?or a @+oo' type as we++ as is it easy to ?in' a match ?or hei)ht 5 3NA testin) is )oin) to @e necessary ?or the p*rpose o? pro(in) i'entity as we++ as is a care?*+ system o? 'ata co++ection4 recor' Deepin)4 an' a*'itin). 2his is )oin) to ha(e to in(o+(e m*+tip+e teams o? h*man 'ata co++ectors4 recor' Deepers4 an' a*'itors 5 as we++ as more than one comp*ter system. 2his i'enti?ication is )oin) to ha(e to in(o+(e a system simi+ar to the IS0 stan'ar's ?o*n' in pro'*ction ?actories4 to ens*re that no one is misse'. It may e(en @e possi@+e to test a h*man @ein) ?or a)e. A 3NA test ?or p*rpose o? i'enti?ication < '*e ?or renewa+ once a year 4 wo*+' catch in'i(i'*a+s preten'in) to @e any o? these (ictims imme'iate+y. #ecor'in) o? .ami+y tree an' 3NA testin) o? citi>ens ?or reason o? compi+in) a+pha n*meric in?ormation ?or p*rpose o? i'enti?ication sho*+' start with m*+tip+e teams repeate'+y co++ectin) in?ormation o? a++ emp+oyees o? 3epartment o? 3e?ense < ?o++owe' @y a++ emp+oyees o? ..;.I 4 7.I.A. 4 Po+ice 4 an' Home+an' Sec*rity <5 a?terwhich a++ .e'era+ 1mp+oyeeAs recor's sho*+' @e a*'ite' ?or acc*rancy an' 3NA testin) o?

ci(i+ians '*rin) crimina+ arrests sho*+' @e)in. As soon as 3NA testin) o? arreste' in'i(i'*a+s processe' at Po+ice 3epartments @e)ins 4 3NA testin) o? 7iti>enry sho*+' @e)in soon a?ter. It is ?ar too 'an)ero*s to +et this Din' @reach o? internationa+ sec*rity to contin*e 5 this @reach o? internationa+ sec*rity is '*e to a'(ances in =ira+ =ector Gene Science an' Ne*roScience in(o+(in) new +on) ran)e ra'io techno+o)y an' 1+ectronic 2ransmissions. Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases an' Array NetworDs )+o@a++y < ha(e recor'e' an' +i@rary store' e(i'ence o? e(ery sin)+e Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ra'io ?reH*ency e+ectronic transmission to e(er occ*r o(er any me'i*m o? transmission which inc+*'es any Internet Ser(er4 2e+ephone Ser(er4 1ntertainment Ser(er4 3ata F 7omm*nications 2ower4 3ata F 7omm*nications Satte+ite. Many o? these transmissions occ*rre' o(er the internet 4 th*s most Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Ser(ers ha(e store' a++ in?ormation re)ar'in) these Ne*roScience 2ransmissions. 3*e to this ?act 5 it is pro@a@+e that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' their associate' partners wi++ imme'iate+y attempt to co(ert+y )ain emp+oyment within Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments )+o@a++y ?or p*rpose o? eCaminin) the e(i'ence which has acc*m*+ate' concernin) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections which they ha(e committe' an' other e+ectronic e(i'ence concernin) a++ o? their crimes. 3*e to the metho' @y which a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace worDs 5 the entire Ne*ro+o)y o? the entirety o? the h*man @o'y transmits trans+ate' into @inary comp*ter +an)*a)e < an eCact animate' mo'e+ o? the the h*man @o'y an' a++ o? itAs components an' processes can @e animate' *sin) so?tware 4 which a++ows rea+ time rep+ay as we++ as a+ter time rep+ay o? a++ #a'io .reH*ency Ne*roScience 2ransmissions. 2he @inary transmission o? Ne*ro+o)y a+so a++ows ?or Ne*roScience So?tware to ana+y>e the @rainAs tho*)hts thro*)h teCt as we++ as sensory perception thro*)h prosthesis o? speaDers as recor'e' a*'ia+ ner(e 4 comp*ter monitor oc*+ar optica+ ner(e (ision4 as we++ as e(ent*a+ chemica+ ana+ysis o? taste an' sme++. -* IN"CC&SSIB & B#"IN-CO1P(%&# IN%&#$"C& #"2IO-$#&U(&NCY BI$I N&%BO#KIN! 2&8IC&S (S&2 %O CON%#O %#"PP&2 8IC%I1S : 2he same 7*stom 1n)ineere' US; #o*ter Antennae which can @e *se' in conI*nction with HacDer So?tware s*ch as Spooph2ooph 4 can a+so @e attache' to a :i.i US; to US; 3e(ice A'apter an' mo*nte' @ehin' a wa++ 5 this a++ows the :i.i connectin) o? a 7omp*ter *sin) a US; :i.i US; to US; A'apter 3e(ice. 2his ena@+es SeC 2ra??icDers an' H*man =i(isectionists to ro@otica++y contro+ woman an' tort*re them witho*t them @ein) capa@+e o? reachin) the 'e(ice an' t*rnin) it o?? or @reaDin) the comp*ter. 2his a+so a++ows H*man =i(isectionists an' SeC 2ra??icDers to eCperiment *pon an' Ne*ro ;io#o@otic 7ontro+ the women whom they ha(e @een SeC 2ra??icDin). In most cases these women can not e(en mo(e their own mo*ths to cry ?or he+p. 2his sort o? a wire+ess networD is o?? o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworD an' has @een *se' to pro'*ce recor'e' res*+ts on 1Cterna+ Har''ri(es 4 'iscs can @e *se' to physica++y mo(e the res*+ts ?rom one +ocation to another. M*ch o? these res*+ts wi++ e(ent*a++y en' *p @ein) poste' an' co(ert+y mis+a@+e' on .i+e Sharin) :e@Sites an' Ser(er Pro)rams. A+so 5 m*ch o? these eCperiments ha(e @een a'(ertise' on GPorno)raphicG we@sites which a'(ertise the s*ccesses o? these Ne*roScience 2ra??icDin) =i(isection eCperiments an' sometimes attempt to maDe money ?rom them. 2he races o? my peop+e an' o*r a++ies are tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e an' a@so+*te s+a(ery @y this Ita+ian ACis 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' their Sa*'i Ara@ian a++ies. M*ch o? the res*+ts o? these eCperiments are recor'e' @y re)*+ar (i'eo camera 4 some are a+so recor'e' @y =oye*r Spy 7amera *sin) the same connection metho' to connect to comp*ters which are recor'in) the res*+ts to eCterna+ har''ri(es 5 many o? these in the past ha(e transmitte' wire+ess+y an' are recor'e' permanant+y @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 4 the newer res*+ts o? which ha(e sometimes @een poste'

on GPorno)raphicG we@sites on the internet s*ch as 2IA=A.70M which o?ten hosts the res*+ts o? n*mero*s o? these eCperiments as we++ as +inDs to their we@sites. 0? re+e(ance to this we@site is the name 2IA $U3:I79 @ein) that 2IA is the ?irst 3 +etters o? 2IA=A 4 =A is the ?irst to +etters o? =a+erie 0+son 4 $*'wicD is either the type o? 'r*mset or type o? )*itar amp+i?ier that my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson ha'4 an' $*'wicD is the ?irst part o? the mai'en name o? one o? my @est ?rien'sA wi?e whom is $a*ra $*'wiDowsDi. G2ia $*'wicDAsG MySpace Acco*nt is somehow connecte' to the $om@ar'ic Ita+ian man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man @y way o? other pro?i+es which ha(e in the past @een on @oth o? their ?rien's +ists as we++ as ?rien's o? their G?rien'sG. 2he % ?ema+es whom ha(e @een ?orce' to *se the name G2ia $*'wicDG are a++ 2ra??icDin) =ictims an' Hosta)es. U 2he 1man*e+es an' the 1(o+as most pro@a@+y ha(e *se' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace networD which they ha(e set *p wire+ess+y an' )+o@a++y to scare their (ictims into committin) crimes o? increasin) eCtremities < these c*+minatin) in the e(ent*a+ committin) o? crimes s*ch as m*r'er4 treason4 an' rape 5 a?ter committin) these crimes4 it is +iDe+y that they ha(e *se' the o@(io*s threat o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment ha(in) a++ o? the recor's o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace transmissions as a incenti(e pro(ocation to sp*rn the new+y 'irtie' crimina+s to he+p them in conH*est o? the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a ?rom within. 2he psycho+o)y o? this is the *se o? an or)anisms ?i)ht or ?+i)ht response an' instinct ?or s*r(i(a+ response to in?ormationa+ stim*+i.

:-: 8iral-8ector !ene-%herap5 :-: =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy is an ama>in) science < @*t it is a science that nee's to @e contro++e' '*e to itAs potentia+ *ses ?or co(ert war?are an' espiona)e. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' @e *se' ?or p*rposes o? crimina+ war?are to pro'*ce ?ai+e' )enetics in entire pop*+ations o? peop+es4 this inc+*'es in?ants an' e(en ?et*s. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can a+so @e *se' ?or the p*rpose o? A@so+*te I'entity 2he?t @y eCchan)in) )enetics @etween a pair o? in'i(i'*a+s4 ca*sin) m*tation o? proteins an' aci's on the microscopic sca+e o? the h*man )enetic @o'y 5 this is in t*rn4 ca*ses (isi@+e m*tation an' re)eneration o? the h*man @o'y. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy eCperiments in(o+(e c*rin) here'itary 'iseases in anima+s or c*rin) here'itary )enetic 'iseases in h*man @ein)s. 3*rin) 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son Aaron whom was a'opte' @y an' raise' @y a ?ami+y in #an'o+ph Massach*settes < mentione' to me on the internet that he ha' cystic ?i@rosis in his +*n)s. It was +ater mentione' to 2ony Grasseti an' Scot H*nter that Aaron was st*'yin) Gene 2herapy in co++e)e an' on his own. 7ystic .i@rosis is a@+e to @e c*re' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy. 2he Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate is c*rrent+y *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or the p*rpose o? (isi@+y m*tatin) h*man @ein)s aesthetic appearance. 2his m*tation is ?or the p*rpose o? impersonatin) (ictims ?or p*rpose o? *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to hi'e the ?act that these )enoci'e (ictims are 'ea' or ha(e @een taDen as SeC 2ra??icDin) S+a(es an' ?orce' to ass*me the i'entities o? other in'i(i'*a+s whom are (ictims. .or reason o? the occ*rance o? this )enoci'e an' recent a'(ances in science 4 it is now a@so+*te necessity that 3NA testin) @e ma'e a man'atory process o? proo? o? i'enti?ication. It is pro@a@+e that it is necessary that the res*+ts o? these 3NA tests @e +o))e' ann*a++y @y an I'enti?ication 3epartment ?or the p*rpose o? not on+y i'enti?yin) in'i(i'*a+s< @*t a+so ?or the p*rpose o? monitorin) 3NA ?or si)ns o? Genetic =ira+ :ar?are as we++ as recor'in) 3NA an' Gene 2herapy res*+ts ?or the p*rpose o? maintainin) c*rrent recor's o? @oth peop+esA i'entities an' e(o+*tion o? h*man 3NA 5 this system com@ine' with m*+tip+e teams o? a*'itors as we++ as m*+tip+e comp*ter systems *se' ?or a*tomate' a*'itin) wo*+' @e capa@+e o? i'enti?yin) an' pre(entin) )enoci'e as we++ as ?in'in) e(i'ence o? Genetic =ira+ :ar?are. A system s*ch as this co*+' a+so @e *se' to compi+e res*+ts concernin) Here'itary Genetic

3isor'ers '*e to ?ai+e' )enes that are inherite' 5 a @io en)ineere' )ene can @e create' ?rom the ?ai+e' )ene @y metho' o? a+terin) the )eneAs physica+ str*ct*re in or'er to pro'*ce hea+thier res*+ts ?rom the same )enetic ori)in 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can then @e *se' to ca*se m*tation o? the here'itari+y 'e?ecti(e )ene which ca*ses it to store hea+thy proteins. 2he recor'in) o? 3NA ?or i'enti?ication p*rposes is ?ar +ess intr*si(e than retina+ scans4 +ess intr*si(e than s*r)ica+ imp+ants s*ch as =erichip4 sa?er than G.P.S. I'enti?ication systems4 an' sa?er than so+e+y *sin) ?in)erprints. 2he year+y recor's Dept on ?i+e wo*+' @e a series o? n*m@ers an' +etters which represent correspon'in) 3NA +o))e' in m*+tip+e systems an' @acDe' *p on H*arantine' 'ata stora)e 5 there wo*+' @e no @io+o)ica+ materia+s Dept on ?i+e an' 3NA 2estin) wo*+' on+y nee' to @e *p'ate' once a year4 a?ter *n'er)oin) Gene 2herapy4 i? m*tation is notice'4 or *pon contract serio*s i++ness. .or the p*rpose o? sec*rity an' hea+th 5 it may @e necessary ?or the USA to @*i+' a Nationa+ .e'era+ Hospita+ which wo*+' @e a state owne' hospita+ @*i+t in e(ery capita+ city as we++ as other +ocations 'etermine' @y pop*+ation 'ensity an' 'istance. Nationa+ .e'era+ Hospita+s wo*+' not e+iminate Pri(ate Hea+thcare In'*stry4 they wo*+' simp+y a'' to the sa?ety o? the Nationa+ Pop*+ation an' to the sa?ety o? Nationa+ Sec*rity. U :is'om 2eeth4 Mo+ars4 Pap Smears4 ;+oo' 3ri(es4 3rawn ;+oo' can a++ @e *se' to stea+ 3NA samp+es ?or p*rpose o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy or =ira+ =ector Gene M*tation ?or 'is)*ise. 0rtho'ontists4 Gynoco+o)ists4 an' other Hea+th7are worDers or Hospita+ 0wners are 'e?inite+y acti(e+y in(o+(e' in the 2errorist 7rimina+ Syn'icate o? which =ittorio 1man*e+e is an e+ite mem@er. 0rtho'ontists who p*++ wis'om teeth as we++ as other Hea+th7are pro?essiona+s whom are ?reH*ent+y in contact with Unconscio*s 7i(i+ians are most pro@a@+y the Hea+th7are pro?essiona+s in(o+(e' in the S*r)ica+ Imp+antation an' Gra?tin) o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces. 2his s*r)ery in(o+(es a Micro 2rephanin) o? the SD*++ as we++ as 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery aro*n' the site o? s*r)ica+ imp+antation @ehin' the ear an' $aproscopic :inchin) o? the S*r)ica+ Imp+ante' #o*ter F ;attery which is tacDe' I*st insi'e o? the Iaw4 near the throat. U 3*e to mo'ern techno+o)y an' the recent economic co++apse in the USA < entire ?ami+ies in the USA co*+' @e on the Genoci'e $ist ?or ?*t*re rep+acement @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' in'i(i'*a+s with 7osmetic S*r)ery an' not ha(e a sin)+e re+ia@+e hospita+ ?or the ?ami+y to 3NA 2est at '*e to c*rrent ownership o? n*mero*s hospita+s @ein) in the han's o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his wea+th retainers 5 1' :arren 'i' mention GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersGan' '*rin) the a@*ses which were occ*rin) within the 70IN21$P#0 o? the USA )o(ernment4 +ists o? entire ?ami+ies were ma'e @y a)ents worDin) within the In(esti)ations an' Inte++i)ence 'epartments o? the USA. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ena@+es an a)ent to 'is)*ise themse+(es as another race o? person entire+y5 it is possi@+e to m*tate the sDin4 han's4 nose4 eyes4 hair4 an' comp+eCion o? an in'i(i'*a+ entire+y chan)in) their appearance. 2here are a+so other ways that this networD ha(e o@taine' +ists o? ?ami+ies s*ch as Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Sites4 ran'om s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? +on)ran)e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace4 or a)ents worDin) within Hospita+s or 'epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store'. 2he economic co++apse ca*se' Americans to +ose so m*ch o? their wea+th an' economic sta@i+ity < '*e to this there is an incre'i@+y +iDe+y pro@a@i+ity o? ?orei)n a)ents @*yin) a++ o? o*r hospita+s4 ?*n'in) their chi+'rensA co++e)e a++owin) them to o@tain emp+oyment within )o(ernment ahea' o? Americans4 ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) hea+thcare in'*stry4 p*rchasin) o? science in'*stry an' +a@oratories4 an' ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) comm*nications an' entertainment in'*stry 5 these thin)s are eCtreme+y +iDe+y to @e occ*rin). U It is possi@+e that teams o? 2errorist 7rimina+s are swappin) I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or m*+tip+e years at a time an' taDin) on the othersA i'entity on an inter continenta+ sca+e 5 this wo*+' @e 'one ?or the p*rpose o? committin) crimes s*ch as the m*r'er o? competitors4 +aw en?orcement4 terrorist attacDs4 or the tar)ette' ?ami+ies o? (ictims < an' committin) these crimes witho*t +ea(in) ?orensic e(i'ence. U A+most a++ )enes in a h*man @o'y can @e a+tere' @y metho' o? m*tation 5 there are on+y a ?ew which

may ca*se 'eath i? m*tation. 3*e to the o@(io*s ?act that o(er the past ten years n*mero*s '*n)eons ha(e @een ?o*n' on the east coast o? North America 5 it is pro@a@+e that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy has @een *se' to ai' in the eCchan)in) o? I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @etween (ictims an' assai+ants. I witnesse' % in'i(i'*a+As ?aces an' comp+eCions m*tate in Nash*a New Hampshire '*rin) the year 2012 5 I +i(e' near@y their p+ace o? resi'ency an' notice' the shape o? their ?aces m*tate4 their sDin an' hair m*tate4 an' one in'i(i'*a+As irises chan)e' co+or to a so+i' @+*e. 2he prospect o? the +oca+ Po+ice ?orce @ein) in?i+trate' is eCtreme+y +iDe+y an' is an eCtreme threat. 2he +oca+ pri(ate+y owne' hea+thcare ?aci+ities ha(e @een *se' ?or (ario*s crimina+ p*rposes o(er the past nine years 5 this is not to @e *neCpecte' o? terrorists as wea+thy as =ittorio 1man*e+e4 this has occ*rre' in the past '*rin) the a@*se o? the research 'epartment within the 7IA whom ha' @een a@*sin) the a++ocation o? reso*rces ?or ProIect M9U$2#A. 7*rrent+y4 a)ents o? this 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are hi'in) in the homes o? their (ictimsA 5 these in'i(i'*a+s co*+' come ?rom as ?ar away as Ita+ia4 A+@ania4 an' Ser@ia or as c+ose as 7a+i?ornia. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy4 #o@otics4 an' Ne*roScience @ein) *se' ?or 7o(ert 2errorism so*n's +iDe Science .iction @*t it is a@so+*te ?o++y to 'ismiss these occ*rrances as s*ch. Un'er estimation o? the potentia+ o? the enemy '*rin) a time o? war an' co(ert con?+ict is h*@ris an' wi++ a+ways res*+t in e(ent*a+ 'estr*ction. U I? a series o? nationa+ mer)ers were to occ*r 4 res*+tin) in an e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ Union 5 it wo*+' @e a necessity to 3NA test the entire G+o@a+ Pop*+ation 5 i? the e(i+ o? a )enoci'e were to e(er occ*r 4 the po+icin) ?orce which wo*+' @e the sa+(ation o? the )enoci'e (ictimsA can not @e o? the same ethnic nationa+ity as the assai+ant pop*+ation )ro*p whom are en)a)e' in a war?are o? )enoci'e *pon another peop+e. 2he pop*+ation o? the U.S.A. has near+y @ecome a microcosm o? the )+o@a+ pop*+ation 5 c*rrent+y4 in the re)ion I am +i(in) in 5 the maIority o? the .e'era+ In(esti)ations an' the Po+icin) ?orce seem to @e Ita+ians. I ha(e trie' to report these war crimes an' I ha(e @een con?ronte' @y men in *ni?orm whom ha(e e(en )one as ?ar as to te++ me that I am not a++owe' to ta+D to the Bewish comm*nity or the .reemasons a@o*t what is happenin). ;eca*se o? the c*rrent 7o(ert Genoci'es which are occ*rrin) in m*+tip+e +ocations 5 3NA testin) an' an I'enti?ication 3epartment in(o+(e' in 3NA testin) an' recor'in) as we++ as other ?orms o? physica+ recor'in) s*ch as physica+ a)e tests an' *+traso*n' ima)in) o? scars is a necessity i? we are to pre(ent o*r own )enoci'e '*e to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' 3*p+icate' I'entities. U It is possi@+e that =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy in conI*nction with 7osmetic P+astic S*r)ery has @een @ein) *se' ?or p*rposes o? 1spiona)e an' 7o(ert :ar?are since the 1""0As. ;etween 1""0 an' 2013 5 there ha(e @een n*mero*s reports o? m*r'ers occ*rin) 4 a?terwhich the )*i+ty party state' that they came home ?rom a (acation to ?in' that their ?ami+y was rep+ace' @y other simi+ar +ooDin) in'i(i'*a+s whom were not their ?ami+y an' were re?*sin) to answer H*estions concernin) their i'entities. 2he typica+ story which was printe' in the NewsPapers concernin) these Din's o? m*r'ers 4 a+ways res*+te' in the in'i(i'*a+ m*r'erer @ein) 'ec+are' Schi>ophrenic. M*ch o? the :ar 7rimes committe' *pon ci(i+ians in the USA '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration in(o+(e' mem@ers o? 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A as we++ as 2errorist 7rimina+s worDin) within Hea+thcare 3epartments inc+*'in) @oth Hospita+s an' Psychiatric Instit*tions. It is 'e?inite that these ?ami+ies were tar)ette' @y the same ?action whom are c*rrent+y *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' Sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to stea+ the i'entities o? Americans an' 7ana'ians whom they ha(e either m*r'ere' or SeC 2ra??icDe' 5 this ?action is A6IS an' is c*rrent+y primari+y consistin) o? Ita+ian an' Ser@ian A6IS +oya+ist ?actions in(o+(e' in 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime as we++ as n*mero*s SeC 0??en'ers who they ha(e recr*ite'. :ar 7rimes ha(e no stat*te o? +imitations an' it is o?ten tr*e that @eca*se o? this neccessary +acD o? stat*te o? +imitations4 :ar 7rimina+s o?ten attempt to Di++ a++ Dnow+e')a@+e parties an' in'i(i'*a+s re+ate' to the (ictims 5 this a+ways res*+ts in )enoci'e. ;ein) that the p*rpose o? m*r'er o? Dnow+e')a@+e parties concernin) :ar 7rimes is to e+iminate the possi@i+ity o? @ein) arreste' or h*nte' @y mi+itary ?or the crimes 4 the

remo(a+ o? e(i'ence is o?ten co(ert an' in(o+(es the co(ert e+imination o? inI*re' parties whom co*+' s*e ?or reparations an' te++ mi+itary o? the :ar 7rimina+ ?actionAs crimes which wo*+' ca*se them to @e h*nte' @y acti(e mi+itary. =ittorio 1man*e+e4 his sons4 an' their entire or)ani>ation co++ecti(e+y is an eCtreme+y wea+thy networD o? crimina+s. * 3*rin) 2012 5 at So*thern New Hampshire #e)iona+ Me'ica+ 7enter 4 there was a portrait on the wa++ o? a man whoAs )enetics ha' an incre'i@+y *nnat*ra+ appearance. ;e+ow the manAs pict*re it sai' 5 G2his is my Hospita+.G an' the name Gi*+iani was 'isp+aye'. 2he manAs appearance +ooDe' to @e an *nnat*ra+ composition o? Sici+ian4 Ita+ian 4 German4 #*ssian4 an' Israe+i 3NA 5 ha(in) the appearance as i? his 3NA ha' @een m*tate' an' a+tere' repeate'+y ?rom the ori)ina+ composition o? his 3NA. U 2ota+ 2he?t o? I'entity @y metho' o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy concernin) an in'i(i'*a+ as wea+thy as 0prah :in?rey4 MarD P*cDer@er) o? .ace;ooD.7om4 1ric Schmi't o? Goo)+e.7om4or 3ona+' 2r*mp is an enormo*s threat. A@so+*te the?t o? these in'i(i'*a+sA i'entities an' ass*mption o? their i'entity wo*+' ena@+e the A6IS 2errorist .action to stea+ a++ o? their wea+th entire+y an' in(est it imme'iate+y in 2errorism an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime as we++ as :ar 7rimes. 3*e to this imme'iate increase in wea+th 5 the 2errorist A6IS .action wo*+' @e pro@a@+e to attempt to ?ie+' an enormo*s Hi)h 2ech Mi+itary in North America @y metho' o? p*rchasin) Pro'*ction .actories an' p*rchasin) Science $a@oratories. U S+eipnir < 0'inAs 8 +e))e' horse 4 was mentione' @y 1' :arren inc+*'in) a re?erence to #o@ot horses 4 ro@ots 4 an' G?ast @itchesG < as we++ as 8 +e)s @ein) twice as many +e)s than one ?ema+e horse 5 two women were +ater rape' @y 1' :arrenAs associates in re+ation to these statements. 2his was '*rin) the month that 1mi+y Is+es was Di'nappe' an' rep+ace' @y a Ser@ian SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim an' 7o(ert A)ents rep+ace' 1mi+y Is+esAs ?ami+y. 1' :arren @e)an sin)in) GIs+es ?or mi+es4 I want my Is+es ?or mi+es4 I want to taDe Is+es ?or a ?ew mi+esG one ni)ht '*rin) this time perio'. 3*rin) this season4 what happene' to @e two Ser@ian :ar 7rimina+s approache' my re)ister an' stare' at me whi+e a ;osnian woman was stan'in) @ehin' me at the other re)ister. 2hese men were 2errorist A6IS 7rime So+'iers. Aro*n' this time 5 my .atherAs @est ?rien' ;o@ 7hapman @e)an worDin) ?or Home+an' Sec*rity an' Airport Sec*rity at the Airport in Manchester NewHampshire < since this time 4 ;o@ 7hapman has @een rep+ace' @y a man whom has @een *sin) his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' is c*rrent+y +i(in) in his ho*se in ;e'?or' NewHampshire. 2he man whom has rep+ace' ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e 100S Ita+ian an' o? #oman race < ;o@ 7hapman was ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? American. 2he man preten'in) to @e ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e the @io+o)ica+ @rother o? one o? the women whom ?or a whi+e ha' @een preten'in) to @e my Mother4 these two appear to @e 'e?inite @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ants o? B*+i*s 1(o+a. ;o@ 7hapman was ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? American 4 the man whom has @een preten'in) to @e him seems to @e o? entire+y Ita+ian race. 2he man preten'in) to @e ;o@ 7hapman appears to @e the @io+o)ica+ @rother o? one o? the women whom has @een preten'in) to @e my Mother4 these two appear to @e 'e?inite @io+o)ica+ 'escen'ants o? B*+i*s 1(o+a. ;o@ 7hapman +i(e' three roa's ?rom 3ean 9amenAs ho*se in ;e'?or' NewHampshire USA < 3ean 9amen @ecame a tar)et o? this G+o@a+ 2errorist A6IS 7rime Syn'icate in 2005 4 when he appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester NewHampshire an' 1' :arren notice' me speaDin) @rie?+y to him. 3ean 9amen ha' @een con'*ctin) Ne*roScience research an' #o@otics 1n)ineerin) research ?or the Unite' States o? America 4 this was 3.A.#.P.A. ?*n'e' Mi+itary research. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arrenAs associates sto+e 3ean 9amenAs research an' possi@+y ha(e tar)ette' him ?or remo(a+ an' rep+acement @y a 7o(ert

A)ent. ;o@ 7hapman has a+rea'y @een remo(e' an' rep+ace' as has possi@+y @een my ?ather 4 o? whom I ha(e met an imposte*r o? more than once who was o? ;a+tic race an' appeare' to @e 1Q2 Ser@ian an' 1Q2 ;osnian. 2hese men are 'e?inite+y in(o+(e' in 7onc*@ina+ SeC 2ra??icDin) as we++ as e(ery other ?orm o? H*man 2ra??icDin) that I ha(e @een a@+e to ?in' a 'e?inition o? 5 this inc+*'es H*man =i(isection. U 3*rin) the 1""0As at +east 2 ?ami+ies in the U.S.A. were reporte' to ha(e @een s+ain @y a yo*n)er ma+e mem@er o? the ?ami+y 5 @oth o? these m*r'erers c+aime' that they ret*rne' home ?rom a ?ew 'ays o? (acation an' ?o*n' that their ?ami+y ha' @een entire+y rep+ace' an' that the peop+e c+aimin) to @e their ?ami+y were not answerin) H*estions to them a@o*t whom they were 4 these peop+e were reporte' to +ooD near+y i'entica+ to their ?ami+ies @*t ha' s+i)ht+y 'i??erent ?eat*res an' incon)r*ent shapes to their ?aces s*ch as is +e?t ?rom cosmetic p+astic s*r)ery or (ira+ )enetic m*tation. It is possi@+e that this metho' o? )enoci'e 5 M*r'er #ep+ace F 2ra??icD 4 has @een *se' @e?ore.

* :-: 8i)eo !ames an) 1e)ia Influential to $illi*erto an) 8ittorio &manuele regar)ing this Co0ert !enoci)al %errorist "ttac. :-: * Sha)o-#un : Sega !enesis * S5n)icate : PC + Pla5Station + an) Super Ninten)o [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ * :-: Italians an) "ustrians in me)ia *ecame population ma,orit5 in 1agazines + %ele0ision + an) ")0ertisement :-: ;===-;=6: : %he North "merican Continent has *ecome e@tremel5 )epopulate) of "ngloSa@on + !aelic + $ran.ic + Hollan)er + an) $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans E -e are almost ne0er seen in an5 form of me)ia at all an5more3 Begining in the 5ear ;=== E the (S"merican 1e)ia *ecame ma,orit5 populate) *5 Italians + )uring the 5ear ;==9 + "ustrians *egan to *ecome e@tremel5 common in the North &ast region of the (3S3"3 as -ell as in the 1e)ia3 %he "merican population seems to ha0e *een co0ertl5 e@terminate)3 I attempte) to -arn people a*out the Brain-Computer-Interface an) !lo*al-Positioning-S5stem surgical implants for a 0er5 long time + no*o)5 has respon)e) to this threat properl53 *:-: %he &manueles' "GIS Propagan)a in Internet 1e)ia+ iterature+ Cinematograph5+ an) %ele0ision 1e)ia :-: -* I%" I"N-"GIS $(N2&2 1&2I" IN NO#%H "1&#IC" :: ;e)inin) in 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ACis $oya+ist .action @e)an to increase the amo*nt o? money which they ha' @een in(estin) in me'ia pro'*ction 5 this ?actionAs in(estment in the pro'*ction o? me'ia has @een primari+y ?or the p*rpose o? pro'*cin) socia+ en)ineerin) propa)an'a with the intent to 'emora+i>e4 con?*se4 'isor)ani>e4 an' 'esta@+i>e4 the pop*+ations o? the nations tar)ette' @y this campai)n. M*ch o? this propa)an'a is a+so ?or the speci?ic p*rpose o? 'iscre'itin) the witnesses to n*mero*s e(ents re)ar'in) terrorist attacDs4 war crimes4 +ocation an' i'entities o? speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s4 as we++ as co(ert acti(ities. 3isin?ormation has @een p*@+ishe' an' presente' on a Massi(e Pop*+ation Sca+e 5 the content o? these pro'*ctions o? me'ia are inten'e' to manip*+ate an' mo'i?y the @eha(ior o?

tar)ette' Pop*+ation Gro*ps @y metho' o? intentiona+ portraya+ o? s*@t+y mis+ea'in) in?ormation presente' strate)tica++y amon)st in?ormation which is o(ert+y an' @+atant+y tr*th?*+ < this sty+e o? propa)an'a is en)ineere' to contain o?ten a sin)+e eCtreme+y o(ert +ie which can not @e (a+i'ate' or in(a+i'ate' an' is ma'e more @e+ie(a@+e '*e to the s*@t+ety o? the 'econstr*ction o? the wor+' (iew an' rea+ity para'i)m o? the tar)et a*'ience. 3eni)rati(e Propa)an'a has @een *se' in conI*nction with promotiona+ propa)an'a m*ch the same way that po+itica+ campai)ns ha(e synchroni>e' positi(e campai)nin) an' ne)ati(e campai)nin) propa)an'a 5 eCtreme+y s*@t+e +on) term 'eni)ration o? Nationa+ 1thnic Pop*+ations 4 In'i)eno*s Nati(e Pop*+ations4 an' other tar)ette' 1thnic Pop*+ations has occ*rre' in sim*+taeneo*s cohesion with +on) term o(ert )+ori?ication o? speci?ic 1thnic Pop*+ations ?or p*rpose o? e(ent*a+ e+imination an' possi@+e tota+ )enoci'e o? the tar)ette' pop*+ation )ro*ps. G+ori?ication o? the Ita+ian Ma?ia has @een e(er present in North American Me'ia 4 this increase' in scope '*rin) 200% 5 other ?orms o? )+ori?ication o? race ha(e inc+*'e' the portraya+ o? the Ita+ian A6IS as @eni)n4 the constant portraya+ o? Ita+ians in the American Me'ia. Ita+ian ACis pro'*ce' me'ia has tar)ette' the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans4 An)+o SaCons4 an' Gae+s as races *nworthy o? respect as has it )+ori?ie' the Ita+ian race. 2his me'ia has a+so ?a+se+y portraye' the American 7*+t*res4 incorrect+y representin) o*r nations o? peop+e with misappropriate' (a+*es an' *nrea+istic stereotypes. 3eni)ration o? the ma+e component o? the 2ar)ette' 1thnic Pop*+ation Gro*p is one o? the most common components to Ita+ian A6IS propa)an'a4 as is ?a+se portraya+ o? the 'eni)ratin) party whom are o?ten misrepresente' as 1thnic Nationa+ities 'i??erent ?rom )*i+t party whom are tr*e+y o? Ita+ian race. A?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar 5 the Ita+ian A6IS propa)an'a campai)n in North America has o?ten inc+*'e' a s*@t+e 'eni)ration o? speci?ic (a+*es an' mora+s in or'er to e+iminate them ?rom tar)et pop*+ation )ro*ps ?or p*rpose o? ne*tra+i>in) the possi@i+ity o? mora+ I*')ement concernin) to acti(ities o? the Ita+ian A6IS ?action 5 this is tr*e o? the Ita+ian A6ISA socia+ an' p*@+ic Promotion o? 7rimina+ity as a 7*+t*ra+ =a+*e in North America 4 this Promotion o? 7rimina+ity @ein) ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) a++ possi@i+ity o? I*')ement ?rom the societies which the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' their 7o(ert S+eeper A)ents ha(e em@e''e' themse+(es amon)st. 2he ?act that the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e en)a)e' in a :ar 7rimina+ amo*nt o? SeC 2ra??icDin)4 Arms 3ea+in)4 H*man =i(isection4 1conomic Sa@ota)e4 an' 7o(ert Genoci'e in North America is a ?act that has @een comp+ete+y i)nore' in me'ia as we++ as in most .e'era+ an' Mi+itary In(esti)aions. Ita+ian A6IS 7o(ert S+eeper A)ents ha(e a+so en)a)e' in the sa+e o? Narcotics ?or the '*e+ p*rpose o? ?*n'in) terrorism an' 'emora+i>in) the tar)et pop*+ations as we++ as 'e)ratin) the hea+th an' psycho+o)ica+ sta@i+ity o? the tar)et pop*+ations4 sa@ota)in) the we+?are o? the tar)ette' Nationa+ Pop*+ations. Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist A)ents in North America ha(e operate' in syncretic cohesion with the A6IS a+i)ne' 2errorist .ascist 7rime Syn'icate in So*th America that has @een em@e''e' in the So*th American re)ions since the 1800As '*rin) which time it in?i+trate' m*+tip+e tar)ette' nations in So*th America. $iDe the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in North America 5 the A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in So*th America ?*n's itAs acti(ities an' itAs increase in pop*+ation as a ?action @y means o? SeC 2ra??icDin)4 Arms 3ea+in)4 Narcotics 2ra??icDin)4 #acDeteerin)4 an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin). Promotion o? 7rimina+ity has @een *se' ?or p*rpose o? 'esensiti>in) the pop*+ation to the presense o? 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates an' e+iminatin) the potentia+ ?or Mi+itary In(esti)ations. ;y metho' o? ?*n'e' Me'ia 5 the ?a+se portraya+ o? speci?ic ?actors concernin) the A6IS has ena@+e' the A6IS .action to contro+ an' manip*+ate the :or+' =iew o? tar)ette' nations 5 this res*+te' in the cease o? Mi+itary Inte++i)ence acti(ities re)ar'in) the A6IS .action an' the :ar 7rimina+s in(o+(e' < e(en a?ter the Ho+oca*st4 the :ar 7rimes committe' '*rin) the A6IS a??i+iate' 'ecapitation o? M9U$2#A4 the n*mero*s con?+icts with .ascist ?actions in So*th America re+ate' to the acti(ities o? the A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate4 an' the "Q11 2errorist AttacDs 5 the crimina+ nat*re o? these terrorists an' the ?act that these occ*rrances are the acti(ities o? a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ha(e @een i)nore'. 7*rrent+y4 MeCico is @ein) promote' in North American me'ia as i? they

are the so*rce o? the pro@+ems which pro'*ce' what ha' @een pre(io*s+y +a@e+e' the :ar on 3r*)s 5 this an' the i)norance o? the H*man 2ra??icDin) which ha' @een +a@e+e' GHirin) o? i++e)a+sG 4 are the pro'*cts o? A6IS Me'ia 7ampai)n an' S+eeper A)ents em@e''e' within the USA )o(ernment. 2he nation o? MeCico an' itAs peop+es as a Nationa+ 1thnic are an o@(io*s tar)et o? this ?action 5 c*rrent+y North American Nationa+ities4 Israe+4 the U94 Ire+an'4 .rance4 #*ssia4 an' Norway seem to @e the primary tar)ets. Since 200% 5 the manip*+ation in(o+(e' in the Me'ia representation o? e(ents in(o+(in) these nationa+ities o? peop+es has increase' to an eCtreme 'e)ree. VOW %H& #"1BO CHIP * 2a0i) Ic.e an) others ha0e currentl5 *een calling the Brain-Computer Interface the /#am*o Chip/3 Potential reasons for this -oul) *e &ri. Beise : a a.ota $irst-Nations Nati0e "merican -ith a 2eutsche Surname -ho ma5 ha0e *een pilote) to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race+ Kasa* : a man -ho ma5 ha0e *een pilote) li.e a first-person shooter to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race + "n)ers Bre0i. : a man -ho un)er-ent at least t-o cranial surgeries an) ma5 ha0e *een pilote) to commit genoci)al sla5ings of his o-n race + as -ell as possi*l5 others -hom -e )on't .no- a*out3 In the mo0ie #am*o : S5l0ester Stallone pla5s the role of a $irst-Nations Nati0e "merican -ho is enliste) in the (nite) States 1arine Corps+ the character #am*o is half-!erman3 I ha0e *een surgicall5 0i0isecte) an) grafte) -ith one of these BrainComputer Interface 2e0ices m5 self+ as ha0e numerous people I ha0e met3 Bhen the illegal Neuro-Surger5 occurre) at the NH Hospital on Clinton St in Concor) Ne- Hampshire + the man -hom -as also lo)ge) in the same room as m5 self 0eteran of the arme) forces aroun) m5 age -hom ha) P%S2 : he ma5 currentl5 ha0e one of these grafte) to his *rain3 8ittorio &manuele is associate) -ith a charit5 organization calle) /8eterans Helping 8eterans3/ amongst other "merican Charit5 organizations -hich he uses as an attempt to portra5 himself as an innocent "merican : he uses the name /8ictor 1c1ann/3 VOW 1agnus Olsson of 1IN2CON%#O 3S& * %he S-e)ish -e*site 1IN2CON%#O 3S& is run *5 a man proporte)l5 name) 1agnus Olsson3 /1agnus Olsson's/ -e*site is a compilation of information inclu)ing articles a*out NeuroScience + articles a*out Beha0ioral 1o)ification &@periments+ articles a*out legitimate Human 8i0isections+ as -ell as articles that seem to *e -ritten for the purpose of )isinformation in or)er to )iscre)it the 0ictims an) -itnesses of the ongoing Human 8i0isections in0ol0ing NeuroScience microchips3 1agnus Olsson's lo5alities are har) to )iscern E although he is possi*l5 half S-e)ish + he appears to possi*l5 *e of mi@e) om*ar)ic lineage3 It is possi*le that he is actuall5 om*ar)ic Italian+ !erman+ an) $rench3 Bhether or not he has international connections is not mentione)3 S-e)en is currentl5 a region of the &uropean (nion + a fact that is har) to ignore -hen )ealing -ith the fact that the terrorist com*atants in the (S" are of Italian "GIS as -ell as other affiliate) Ottoman-regional "GIS lo5alities E Human 8i0isection+ Bar #ape+ an) !enoci)e are certainl5 Bar-Crimes3 ConHuest of &urope -as a goal of the "GIS E the resultant National-%erritor5 -as to *e the entiret5 of &urope an) e0entuall5 the merger of the &uropean state -ith the Ottoman state : currentl5 there are people still a*out this in -hat is alrea)5 the &uropean (nion3 1agnus Olsson's -e*site is e@tremel5 factual *ut there are man5 mislea)ing articles -hich ma5 *e )eli*erate )isinformation for the purpose of )iscre)iting the -itnesses an) 0ictims to NeuroScience relate) Human-8i0isections an) terrorist attac.s3 %he ps5cholog5 of the terrorist attac.s committe) *5 &ri. Beise+ Kasa*+ an) "n)ers Brei0i. in0ol0e) genoci)al attac.s committe) *5 the 0ictims' o-n race : the purpose for this is to traumatize the 0ictims' communities *5 portra5ing the 0ictims' o-n race as the assailant -ith a *elief in Nationalism for the people of their nation an) relate) nationalities E this porta5al of the National &thnic as the enem5 of the in)igenous race traumatizes the 0ictim population effecti0el5 causing them to *elie0e that those of their o-n nation -hom *elie0e in National In)epen)ence an) #ight

to Self-2etermination are the imme)iate genoci)al threat to their o-n ph5sical nationalit53 If NeuroScience )e0ices -ere use) to pilot the presente) assailant )uring these attac.s+ -hich I *elie0e it is e@tremel5 e0i)ent that the5 -ere : 1agnus Olsson's statement that these )e0ices are *eing use) *5 a t5rannical organization is correct E the organization in particular -hich is certainl5 in0ol0e) is a !lo*al Criminal %errorist organization -ith "GIS origins an) an Imperialist !lo*alist agen)a+ not a Nationalist3 1agnus Olsson's -e*site ma5 *e either the *est -e*site there currentl5 is in relation to this su*,ect + or it coul) *e use) as a pre-empti0e attempt to )iscre)it 0ictims an) -itnesses *5 means of orchestrating a hoa@3 I *elie0e 1agnuss Olsson's -e*site ma5 possi*l5 *e sincere+ *ut I also *elie0e that some of the contri*uting -riters ma5 *e pre-empti0el5 attempting to steer the )irection of the -e*site to-ar)s hoa@ : this -oul) )iscre)it -itnesses attempting to report Human-8i0isection an) !enoci)al %errorism3 * Pu*lic 2enigration of the 0ictims is intentional for the purpose of portra5ing our -omen as the un)esira*le image of filth in or)er to a0ert in the min)s of the -omans' population the )esire of rescuing the 0ictim3 %his )enigration is sometimes to )irecte) upon males -hom the5 ha0e an intense hatre) for E the ps5cholog5 of a masculist is 0er5 specific in comparison to other .in)s of criminal i)entities3 1uch of this pu*lic )enigration in0ol0es )ispla5 of the 0ictim as the5 are co0ere) in feces+ semen+ 0omit+ or other filth E as -ell as images of them *eing rape) *5 specificall5 four males or e0en *eing attracte) to lechers3 Pu*lic humiliation in normal societal en0ironments is intentionall5 engineere) as -ell E these forms of pu*lic humiliation in0ol0e pu*lic o0ert ps5chological a*use an) attempts to cause communal )enigration of an in)i0i)ual3 &ntire families are often targette) *5 these people an) continue to *e targette) for multiple generations E is usuall5 a famil5 *usiness as -ell as is an) human-0i0isection : crime connections such as these are often inherite)3 * Charles 1anson an) the people associate) -ith the Spahn #anch -ere 0ictims of 1K( %#" Beha0ioral 1o)ification e@periments+ as -ere the 0ictims of the 7onesto-n 1assacre+ an) 0ictims of %imoth5 ear5's e@periments -hich -ere largel5 influence) *5 7ulius &0ola an) the &manueles' e@periments : cop5-cat e@periments occurre) after-ar)3 %he chemist "le@an)er Shulgin create) numerous e@perimental )rugs -hich ha0e *een use) for Beha0ioral 1o)ification e@periments in com*ination -ith other su*stances+ he -as a su*contracte) chemist relate) to 1K( %#" an) the &manuele-&0ola S5n)icate's e@periments an) net-or.3 1uch of these crimes against humanit5 occurre) an) are occurring in specific regions+ one of these regions is the North &ast of the (S" an) &astern Cana)a E the other region is the South Best of the (S"3 Ber.ele5 California has *een an ongoing target + specificall5 the (ni0ersit5 of California in Ber.ele5 California -here numerous NeuroScience an) Brain-Computer Interface research has in the past *een con)ucte)3 It is pro*a*le that the massacre at Spahn #anch -as the result of H5pnosis + 2is"ssociati0es + an) Hallucinogens e@periments at the Spahn #anch an) that Charles 1anson -as H5pnotize) into car0ing a S-asti.a in his forehea) an) the *lame after the rest of the 0ictims .ille) each other an) themsel0es3 It is possi*le that the )amage )one to Charles 1anson's *rain left him partiall5 h5pnotize) for the rest of his life3 %imoth5 ear5 met 7ulius &0ola )uring his lifetime an) Huote) his literar5 -or.s numerous times3 X 3isin?ormationa+ me'ia is @ein) c*stom tai+ore' an' pro'*ce' on a )+o@a+ sca+e5 a+ternate (ersions o? a++ in?ormation a(ai+a@+e are @ein) pro'*ce' ?or e(ery ?orm o? me'ia across a++ p+at?orms an' (en*es < the e??ect o? this @ein) a@so+*te 'iscre'itation o? a++ so*rces o? in?ormation creatin) an in?ormation an' Dnow+e')e @+acD o*t. 1(ery ?or*m ?or tr*th is @ein) ?i++e' with +ies which can not @e scienti?ica++y 'ispro(en 5 +ayers o? a+ternate para'i)m are @ein) pro'*ce' ?or the p*rpose o? 'isp+ayin) an a+ternate an' ?a+se ?orm o? rea+ity < an entire+y incorrect Gsecon' tr*thG4 @e+ie(e' @y massi(e pop*+ation )ro*ps.

VOW 8ittorio &manuele's 1e)ia an) Press is intentionall5 fille) -ith lies an) propagan)a : * Blon)e-Haire) + Blue-&5e)+ "merican $emale+ 7iha)ist : 7iha) 7"N&3 %he metho) of the me)ia-e@posure of the /7iha) 7ane/ sho-s e0i)ence of the ps5cholog5 of 8itorrio &manuele: ;+on'e hair X ;+*e 1yes X .ema+e X American X Biha'ist X Ara@ $e)ion o? the Sch*t>sta??e+ W GBIHA3 BAN1G 7o(ert S+eeper A)entAs chi+' X =itorrio 1man*e+e associate' networD X .ema+e X Ita+ian A6IS W A6IS BAN12 NAP0$I2AN0O 2he News Me'ia 1Cpos*re o? GBiha' BaneG was eCtreme+y )eare' towar's settin) con(ersationa+ socia+ tren'. In the past ten years4 the me'ia has @een 'isp+ayin) in an *nhea+thy +i)ht o? h*mo*r5 thin)s which are not h*mo*ro*s at a++4 a+most as i? to 'esensiti>e the p*@+ic. .or instance< the mo(ie Iron SDy4 which is a h*mo*ro*s ?i+m a@o*t hi''en A6IS .0#71S in(a'in) P$AN12 1A#2H ?rom the mi+itary @ase on the M00N which they ha' @een hi'in) in. 2he A6IS .0#71S to which the M00N is re+e(ant were the 0220MAN 1MPI#14 whoAs ?+a) was simi+ar to what is now seen in 2*rDey. 2he ;a+tic re)ion was a+most entire+y 0220MAN territory as was the Ara@ic re)ion4 these two re)ions are where some o? these co(ert s+eeper a)ents are comin) ?rom< the rest o? these a)ents seem to @e ?rom pre(io*s I2A$IAN IMP1#IA$ terrority an' the Ser@ian re)ion. It seems that this is a++ the pro'*ct o? a +on)term socia+ en)ineerin) campai)n which was 'esi)ne' to in(a+i'ate (ictimsA reports o? what is happenin). It has @ecome apparent that the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e p*rchase' me'ia re+ate' @*sinesses in North America an' 1*rope. 2hese @*sinesses inc+*'e with them 5 the a@i+ity ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate to write speci?ic newpaper artic+es4 s*))est speci?ic phrases to emp+oyees4 s*))est p+ot +ine4 s*))est script 'ia+o)4 an' e(en sometimes pro'*ce their own ?i+ms entire+y. 2here is a+so a possi@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e has a Banet Napo+itano imposte*r rea'y to attempt to rep+ace her. I? Banet Napo+itano is en'an)ere' @y the threat a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' an' 7osmetic S*r)erie' imposte*r taDin) her position in +i?e4 the entire nationAs Home+an' Sec*rity is c*rrent+y threatene' @y this action taDin) p+ace 5 i? this were to happen4 we wo*+' @e comp+ete+y he+p+ess ?rom within Home+an' Sec*rity an' other 'epartments as we++ '*e to the o@(io*sness o? the scope o? the wi'th o? this attacD. It is most +iDe+y that more than one Go(ernment 0??icia+ wo*+' @e tar)ette' at one time 5 the most 'an)ero*s o? which @ein) the hea' o? 'epartments s*ch as Home+an' Sec*rity4 the 3epartment o? 3e?ense4 the .;I4 the Po+ice .orce4 an' the 7IA. 1(en a rooDie Po+ice 0??icer @ein) rep+ace' @y a =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' 7osmetic S*r)erie' in'i(i'*a+ *sin) their i'entity as an ass*me' a+ias is an enormo*s threat to the USA. A+so on the +ist co*+' @e Senators an' 7on)ressPersons whom are easi+y tracDe' @y their name an' internet acti(ities. It is a+so possi@+e that Banet Napo+itano is a 7o(ert A)ent worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e. *2a0i) Ic.e an) /Shape-Changing "liens/ 1spiona)e A)ents are *sin) the Dead 3ill 3al! tactic &espiona)e s+eeper a)ents stea+in) the paperworD i'entities o? m*r'ere' an' 'ispose' o? ?ami+ies, this is e(i'ence o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e < *sin) ;i@+ica+ Prophetic Propa)an'a to smo!escreen ?or his parami+itary @+acD ops. &See5 2he Ho+y ;i@+e .hapter ( Revelations 0 END $IMES Me'I*)orIe Prophetic News$etters o? the 1"80As4 an' B*+i*s 1(o+a Ride the $iger , 3*rin) the 1""0As an' we++ into the 2000As 5 New:or+'0r'er re+ate' in?ormation sharin) we@sites were warnin) o? a ?*t*re ?a+se ?+a))e' A+ien In(asion '*rin) which the G+o@a+ists were )oin) to *se it as an eCc*se to *ni?y 1arth as a sin)+e nation state. 3*rin) 200% 4 7ha' Gro+sch whom was a mem@er o? the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator < mentione' Dnowin) mem@ers o? a :hite Power 0r)ani>ation that *ses a Pa)an Aesthetic as oppose' to what is typica++y a 7hristian aesthetic 5 this or)ani>ation is ca++e' the Pa)an .ront4 *pon their we@site is p*@+ishe' a s+o)an which states G2r*st No A+iensG. 2he Pa)an .ront is not an act*a+ Asatr* 0r)ani>ation at a++4 nor is it re+i)io*s in any way 5 it is act*a++y I*st a #acist :hite Power 0r)ani>ation with an A6IS aesthetic an' a GPa)anG aesthetic. :hi+e I was 'isc*ssion this or)ani>ation with 7ha'

Gro+sch an' ha' +ooDe' at their we@site 5 my comp*ter was @ein) re+ent+ess+y hacDe' @y what was apparent+y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 1' :arren soon a?terwar' mentione' at worD G3*'e4 this is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers4 )*y. 2his is )oin) to @e +iDe in(asion o? the @o'y snatchers4 '*'e.G 5 this @ein) an o@(io*s re?erance to space a+iens ?rom a 1"80As mo(ie an' te+e(ision series tit+e' In(asion o? the ;o'y Snatchers. 3*rin) 200% 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e eCperience' an eCtreme amo*nt o? stress when his ?ami+iesA physica+ @+oo' re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er was eCpose' an' p*@+ica++y p*@+ishe' to the internet on m*+tip+e we@sites inc+*'in) Henry MaDowAs Sa(e2heMa+es.7A 55 I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that tra*ma ?rom this partic*+ar weeD was the reason ?or =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 'ecision to *se an A+ien aesthetic ?or his 1spiona)e an' :ar 7rimina+ 2errorist AttacDs. It seems that =ittorio 1man*e+e p+anne' an' has @een eCec*tin) a )+o@a+ tar)ettin) an' assassination o? networDs o? ci(i+ians 5 *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy to m*tate his A)ents as we++ as *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to masD their i'entities entire+y as +itera+ peop+e whoAs +i(es they ha(e ass*me'. U2a0i) Ic.e calling /Hano0erian (K #o5al-$amil5 are Shape-Shifting #eptilian "liens/ Draconian .onspirac/ was *se' as a co'ewor' ?or the in(esti)ation into the crimina+ acti(ities o? the H0US1 0. SA=0/ &B*+i*s 1(o+aQ=ittorio 1man*e+e, a?ter the Ho+oca*st o? the 1"%0s. Henry MaDow *se' this termino+o)y ?reH*ent+y prior to the comman'eerin) o? his we@site. 2he :e+sh ?+a) a+so has a 'ra)on on it. A+so< =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs a)ents ha(e @een sta+Din) #*pert M*r'och4 2he #oya+ Ho*se o? Hano(er4 an' mem@ers o? the U9 Ho*se o? $or's an' Par+iament. In 20104 I p*rchase' ?rom 31$$ 70MPU21#SA :1;SI21 a comp*ter ?rom the A$I1N:A#1 :1;SI21 that has si'e pane+s o? $13s an' a Grey A+ien ?ace on the ?ront. 2he A+ien .ace has $13s @ehin' it an' the $13s can @e pro)ramme' @y a 'e(ice 'ri(er on the pacDa)e insta++e' with the 0peratin) System 4 pro)rammin) the $13s to M0#PH 70$0#S +iDe an $13 7hristmas 2ree. 2he *ser can pro)ram speci?ic co+ors 4 morphin)4 ?a'in)4 ?+ashin)4 intensity4 etc. DRA.#NIANS are a reptilian alien species in a table)top game made b/ S$E4E A."S#N 'AMES ( .reator of the I55UMINA$I .ARD 'AME 6 &enr/ Ma!ow codeworded the Emanuele)Evola S/ndicate and their co) conspiring Aristocratic .rime)S/ndicates as the DRA.#NIANS0 calling their globalist agenda A DRA.#NIAN .#NS+IRA.7 #F .#5D)-5##DED RU$&5ESSNESS8 7hame+eonAs are repti+es4 their sDin morphs in patternin) tint an' co+or in or'er to camo*?+a)e them. My sistersA ?a(orite show on the 7artoon NetworD *se' to ha(e a character on the cartoon that was a Shape shi?tin) 'oppe+)an)er repti+ian chame+eon inter'imensiona+ space a+ien. 2his character co*+' ass*me the i'entities o? peop+e ?or the p*rpose o? strate)ica++y manip*+atin) peop+e. I? a )*i+ty party was tar)ettin) my ?ami+y 5 a++ three o? my sisters are (ery yo*n)4 this co*+' pro'*ce )*i+t in the s*@concio*s o? the crimina+ patho+o)y o? the min' o? the perpetrator o? these crimes. / 8 /was the name o? a te+e(ision series in the 1"80As 1""0As in(o+(in) repti+e space a+iens that 'is)*ise' themse+(es as h*mans. 2his was one o? 8a+erie 0+sonAs ?a(orite te+e(ision series when she was a +itt+e )ir+. =a+erie an' her @rothers owne' this series on =HS. /8 is for 8en)etta/ in(o+(es terrorist attacDs on the )o(ernment o? the U.9. an' a G*y .awDes masD which +ooDs +iDe 8ittorio 1man*e+e II '*e to simi+arities o? G*y .awDes an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIAs ?acia+ hair. 2he "NONY1O(S H"CK%I8IS% CO &C%I8& ha(e @een *sin) GU/ .A:91S masDs an' a ?+a) which +ooDs eCtreme+y simi+ar to the $i@ertarianNationa+Socia+istGreen ?+a). ;o@ Sha)o*ry was possi@+y recor'e' ta+Din) to me on the phone a@o*t G3raconianG conspiracy theories an' IoDin) a@o*t the mo(ie $he -rother From Another +lanet which in(o+(e' a s+a(e who escape' ?rom a space co+ony an' crash +an'e' on earth 5 the A?riDi' +ooDin) space a+ien hi'es amon)st the A?ro American pop*+ation an' e(ent*a++y the S+a(ers whom are #epti+ian space a+iens whom ha(e 'is)*ise' themse+(es as 1*ropi' +ooDin) men @e)in chasin) the ;rother 4 in an attempt to capt*re him. * %he internet has )eclare) Cha) Kister to *e a Schitzophrenic -ho thin.s $ascist %errorists put a microchip in his *rain an) that e0er5*o)5 aroun) him is a fascist terrorist out to get him personall53 %he %#(%H is that Cha) Kister is @ein) *se' as a 'isin?ormation a)ent @y the same ?action as 3a(i'

IcDe4 they are @oth pro@a@+y (ictims o? H*man =i(isection an' are (ictims o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. Besse =ent*ra4 an' other 1(o+aQ1man*e+e oriente' 'isin?ormation operations in North America. 2his is either @eca*se he has @een recr*ite'4 or @eca*se he has @een psych war?are' into his c*rrent wor+' (iew ?or reasons o? possi@+y ?ramin) him as ha(in) a connection to somethin) speci?ic. I @e+ie(e the attempt to ?rame him wo*+' inc+*'e ?ramin) the a+ternati(e press we@site $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green which was a @+o)space ?or 1n(ironmenta+ists4 Socia+ists4 an' Nationa+ists4 as we++ as SDin Hea's A)ainst #acia+ Pre'I*'ice. 2he p*rpose o? the we@site was to teach 1n(ironmenta+ist Nationa+ist $a@or po+itic4 racia+ harmony4 an' the ?o++y o? @oth )+o@a+i>ation an' +i@ertarianism thro*)h &SO%&#ICS 5 the tar)et a*'ience are Nationa+ists who ha(e @een stasi psych war?are' into @ein) racist eCtremists. I @e+ie(e that 7ha' 9isterAs home +ocation @ein) in c+ose proCimity to the +ine Ridge 5a!otah Reservation is no coinci'ence. Cha) Kister is an en(ironmenta+ist in(o+(e' in Green Peace. I remem@er rea'in) o+'er artic+es aro*n' the time when the shootin) ha' occ*rre' at Pine #i')e< these artic+es ha' mentione' somethin) a@o*t :eise ha(in) ar)*ments with a )host or some Din' o? 'emon ta+Din) to him thro*)h his own mo*th4 this 0oice -as sai) to soun) /)og-li.e/3 2he c*rrent artic+es on the internet seem to +acD the amo*nt o? in?ormation that the o+'er artic+es 'i' not. S*spicio*s concept here5 2he anti-christ has @een re?erre' to in metaphor as /%he Son of the < i? 8ittorio &manuele was *sin) Ne*roscience Animation So?tware ?or the p*rpose o? animatin) 1riD :eiseAs mo*th an' +aryn)ea+ m*sc*+at*re to mo(e in or'er to maDe it so*n' +iDe a BacDa+ was speaDin) to him thro*)h his own mo*th4 the BacDa+As son wo*+' @e .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 2his wo*+' @e in +ine with 7ulius &0ola's psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e an' his "nti-Christ &n)-%imes propagan)a< this wo*+' a+so @e in +ine with +itera+ rea+ity @ein) that $illi*erto &manuele is inheritin) ?rom his ?ather the rei)ns to a G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs *n'oc*mente' )ran'sons are a+so inheritin) the he+m o? this or)ani>ation. I ha(e rea' that B*+i*s 1(o+a ha' an An*@is #it*a+ MasD5 An*@is @ein) the 1)yptian 'eity re+e(ant to concepts o? 'yin) an' passin)< the sym@o+ic ima)e o? An*@is @ein) o? a man &an inte++i)ent an' wi++?*+ sentient +i?e?orm, with the hea' o? a BacDa+ &an in'i)eno*s anima+ to 'esert en(irons near 1)ypt4 one which wo*+' o?ten eat peop+e tra(e+in) near the 'esert, this )o' is what an anthropo+o)ist wo*+' ca++ a psychopomp. KIS%&# co*+' ha(e @een picDe' ?or this '*e to his in(o+(ement in GreenPeace4 his Dnowin) o? some@o'y in partic*+ar in the re)ion o? 0hio an' a+so @eca*se o? the simi+arities @etween his name 5 Kister an' the name H/S21#. H5ster was the name that the #*ssian seer5 #asp*tin< GsawG in a prophetic (ision a@o*t the ?*t*re anti christ which was 'escri@e' as a )+o@a+ seria+ Di++er who wi++ attempt a G+o@a+ 7onH*est ine(ita@+y @rin)in) )reat s*??erin) an' )enoci'e. I @e+ie(e that this GHysterG wo*+' in ?act @e the e+ement o? Hysteria4 @*t 7ha' 9ister so*n's simi+ar to Hyster . A+so o? note 5 some@o'y ha' s*))este' to the NSM88 that they ho+' a p*@+ic Protest PicDet in 2o+e'o 0hio in response to a racist )an) @eatin) '*rin) which a white ma+e was physica++y assa*+te' @y )an)sters an' ca++e' racia+ s+*rs. I @e+ie(e that the person who ca*se' this e(ent thro*)h a networD o? associates4 intentiona++y p+ace' these i'entities near the PIN1 #I3G1 #1S1#=A2I0N @eca*se o? the $i@ertarian Nationa+ Socia+ist Green we@site o? which 1riD :eise &a $aDota, ha' @een postin) on. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' a #etainer p*rchase a hospita+ in the Pine #i')e re)ion ?or the p*rpose o? per?ormin) Ne*ro Science H*man =i(isection S*r)eries an' that there ha(e @een n*mero*s (ictims o? this networD o? terrorists in the past ten years. A+so o? re+e(ance here is 3A=I3 I791 @rie?+y c+aimin) to @e the Secon' 7omin) o? 7hrist.I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e is schi>ophrenic an' may possi@+y @e+ie(e himse+? to @e the Anti 7hrist < '*e to this he may @e compo*n'in) his )*i+t in an e??ort to n*m@ the emotiona+ re?+eCi(e )*i+t mechanism an' committin) n*mero*s more heino*s crimes than he pre(io*s has in the past 5 @ein) that he notice' my sti)mata +iDe wo*n'4 my *n'erstan'in) o? #oman history4 my *n'erstan'in) o? Asatr*4 my *n'erstan'in) o? Ma'ame ;+a(atsDy4 an' my *n'erstan'in) o? the horri' crimes which his ?ami+y an' their crime associates ha(e committe' <5 It seems o@(io*s that his paranoi' )*i+t has 'ama)e' his psycho+o)y an' he may ha(e an Anti 7hrist comp+eC. Prophets an' their @e+ie(ers o?ten ina'(ertant+y create se+?

?*++?i++in) prophecies < propa)an'ists an' those who @e+ie(e they ha(e the ri)ht to +ie as propa)an'a o?ten ?*++?i++ the ro+es o? their own pre'icte' ?*t*re scenarios 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a an' the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e @een p+annin) )+o@a+ conH*est4 one o? their associates in the ;a+tic +eaDe' the in?ormation that they were )oin) to @e)in GMicrochippin)G peop+e with the Mar! of the -east an' that they wo*+' conH*er the entire earth. Me'I*)orIe was where a 7atho+ic seeress +i(e' who prophesie' that this wo*+' @e the comin) o? the anti christ4 a )+o@a+ 7rime $or' in(o+(e' in )+o@a+ conH*est4 s+a(ery4 an' )enoci'e. I @e+ie(e that this woman may ha(e @een (o+*nteere' as a martyr to present the +eaDe' in?ormation to the )+o@a+ p*@+ic in or'er to Deep the i'entity o? the speci?ic 1man*e+e 1(o+a associate whom ha' con?esse' to the Dnow+e')e o? these p+ans an anonymo*s i'entity. Since this in?ormation was +eaDe'4 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ha(e @een on a )+o@a+ witch h*nt +ooDin) ?or ima)inary traitors. * Statements pu*lishe) to the internet -hich are relate) to the information on Cha) Kister's Be*site )escri*e false Brain-Computer Interface remo0al proce)ures -hich instruct the NeuroScience 8i0isection 0ictim to insert a scalpel into their nasal ca0it5+ up into their *rain+ an) cut the Brain-Computer Interface out of their *rain3 Cha) Kister's photographs -ere falsel5 )ispla5e) as sho-ing a 8erichip @-ra5 image super-impose) on the top of a S.ull 1#I Scan + it is a possi*ilit5 that his -e*site -as hac.e) after he reporte) the Human-8i0isections to authorities : )ue to Cha) Kister's location+ it is an incre)i*l5 logical possi*ilit5 that he is no longer ali0e an) has *een replace) *5 an imposteur -hom has un)ergone 8iral-8ector !ene%herap5 an) Cosmetic Plastic Surger5 as -ell as has *een gi0en a )uplicate) cop5 of Cha) Kister's I)entification Cre)entials3 * %H&#& IS " I& CI#C( "%IN! %H"% %H& P"%#IO% "C% !I8&S &1P OY&&S O$ %H& (S" !O8&#N1&N% %H& #I!H% %O B"##"N% &SS BI#&%"PPIN!+ %H& #I!H% %O B"##"N% &SS S&"#CH "N2 S&IA(#&+ "N2 %H& #I!H% %O 1"K& B"##"N% &SS "##&S%S3 S*perior an' S*preme 7o*rt B*stices ha(e i++e)a++y iss*e' warrants ?or i++e)a+ search an' sei>*res where e(i'ence was p+ante'4 i++e)a+ wiretaps4 warrants iss*e' to ena@+e conspiracy to @e committe' witho*t any char)es @ein) +e(ie' a)ainst the crimina+s in(o+(e'. 2he PA2#I02 A72 was *se' as a patsy ?or the crimes committe' @ehin' the 'oors o? the 7orr*pt B*')es o??ices. Banet Napo+itano may ha(e possi@+y @een one o? these I*')es. 7IA emp+oyees wo*+' ha(e a+so @een in(o+(e' in ?a+se ?+a))e' in(esti)ations an' were reH*estin) S*perior an' S*preme 7o*rt warrants an' persona+ recor's. Banet Napo+itano has possi@+y @een recor'e' @y sec*rity cameras at the p+aces o? emp+oyment o? some o? the c*rrent (ictims o? Ne*roScience (i(isections in the USA 5 i? itAs not Banet Napo+itano4 it is a near+y i'entica+ imposte*r. 2here ha(e @een n*mero*s imposte*rs *sin) '*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7ar's an' paperworD. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e p*rchase' hospita+s an' hea+thcare ?aci+ities in the USA *sin) *nno??icia+ G#oya+ #etainersG in or'er to p*rchase them in some@o'y e+seAs name< it is these hospita+s an' hea+thcare ?aci+ities where these Ne*roS*r)eries ha(e occ*rre' an' these ;rain7omp*terInter?aces were s*r)ica++y attache' to the cortica+ s*r?ace o? ci(i+iansA @rains i++e)a++y. It is a+so in these hospita+s that ;io+o)istsA S*r)ica+ Imp+ant GPS A#G0S 'e(ices were i++e)a++y imp+ante' in the ?orearms o? ci(i+ians tar)ette' ?or Genoci'e an' Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDin) in the USA. U ;etween 200% 2013 5 n*mero*s artic+es were p*@+ishe' to the internet4 in ma)a>ines4 as we++ as in news papers which state' that the 7omcast 7orporation as we++ as others ha' si)ne' contracts with the USA )o(ernment a)reein) that they wo*+' a++ow emp+oyees o? the 3epartment o? Home+an' Sec*rity *n+imite' access o? the Persona+ 7omp*ters an' 0n+ine Acco*nts o? American 7i(i+ians witho*t a warrant. Statements simi+ar to these were ma'e on the internet4 in newspapers4 an' in ma)a>ines concernin) the PA2#I02 A72 an' s*ppose' G:arrant+ess :iretaps o? 7i(i+iansG that the PA2#I02 A72 a++e)e'+y )rante' to .e'era+ 1mp+oyees. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7o(ert A)ents em@e''e' within the

7.I.A. an' e+sewhere as we++ as the 7omcast 7orporation an' other 7omm*nications 7orporations were acti(e+y :iretappin) American an' 7ana'ian ci(i+ians te+ephone con(ersations4 hacDin) American an' 7ana'ian ci(i+ians persona+ comp*ters4 accessin) 7omm*nications an' 1ntertainment Ser(ers an' acco*nts re+ate' to American an' 7an'ian ci(i+ians comm*nications. 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? were i++e)a++y wiretappe' in 200% 5 a?terwhich a .e'era+ 1mp+oyee o? the USA (isite' me at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n St. in Manchester New Hampshire whi+e at worD to speaD with me a@o*t it. 2he .e'era+ emp+oyee o? the USA state' G:ho tappe' yo*O IAm )oin) to ha(e to +ooD into this.G 4 G2hey )ot yo* )oin) across state +ines... internationa+ +ines that is. 7ana'a. It 'oesnAt maDe sense 4 yo* are @oth so yo*n). I am )oin) to ha(e to +ooD into this.G 4 GAUS7ANNPU9US4 yo* sho*+' +ooD it *pG. .or reason that 1' :arren was present when this occ*rre' 5 this man is most pro@a@+y a tar)et o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. Imme'iate+y a?ter this i++e)a+ wire tappin) o? mine an' 1mi+yAs te+ephone con(ersations occ*rre' 4 Banet Napo+itano was somehow e+ecte' to rep+ace the 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity 5 the actions o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7o(ert A)ents were camo*?+a)e' @y the @+amin) o? the PA2#I02 A72 ?or i++e)a+ warrant+ess wiretaps an' 7omcast ?or a++e)e'+y si)nin) contracts with the USA .e'era+ Go(ernment a++owin) warrant+ess access to a++ comm*nications an' persona+ comp*ters. Banet Napo+itano4 a ?ormer B*')e 5 was e+ecte' as 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity short+y a?ter the assassination o? B*')e $e?Dow @y 7o(ert 2errorist A)ents ?a+se ?+a))e' as :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator mem@ers o? the 7reati(ity Mo(ement. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s were 'escri@e' as G1astern 1*ropeanG +ooDin) an' most pro@a@+y were Ser@ian A6IS +oya+ists or other A6IS 2errorist 7rime So+'iers worDin) ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e. 2he corre+ation @etween B*')e $e?DowAs assassination4 the :or+' 7h*rch o? the 7reator4 =ittorio 1man*e+e4 an' B*')e Napo+itano @ein) e+ecte' as 3irector o? Home+an' Sec*rity is no mere coinci'ence 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e has ?reH*ent+y @+ame' Search :arrants an' 2he PA2#I02 A72 ?or the possi@i+ity o? his @ein) ca*)ht ?or his terrorism an' has ma'e attempts to pre empti(e+y repea+ the PA2#I02 A72 entire+y prior to his @ein) ca*)ht ?or his crimes. 2he PA2#I02 A72 )rants the 7.I.A. an' ..;.I. Ioint terrorist tasD ?orce the a@i+ity to access an' worD with Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ?or p*rpose o? in(esti)atin) 2errorism on American soi+ 5 these in(esti)ations sho*+' c*rrent+y @e occ*rrin) an' sho*+' @e in(esti)atin) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ar 7rimes in North America inc+*'in) the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace H*man =i(isections4 :ar #apes4 an' Genoci'e which is c*rrent+y occ*rrin). 3*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents @ein) em@e''e' within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations in the USA an' 7ana'a4 these in(esti)ations are @ein) c*rtai+e' as his a)ents are re?*sin) to *pho+' the oaths which they ha(e taDen to the nations o? the USA an' 7ana'a an' a++ o? their citi>ens. U Bealth5 %errorist Crime-S5n)icates in0ol0e) in fun)ing of %errorism ha0e to -orr5 a*out the $reezing of "ssets+ )ue to the P"%#IO% "C%. 2he PA2#I02 A72 ena@+es the USA Go(ernment to permanant+y ?ree>e the wea+th assets o? in'i(i'*a+s an' )ro*ps o? in'i(i'*a+s ?*n'in) terrorism or Dnown to @e in(o+(e' in terrorism. At m*+tip+e points the NH Granite State 7re'it Union in 7an'ia New Hampshire ha' ?ro>en my eC )ir+?rien'As acco*nt 5 I am consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that =ittorio 1man*e+e or some partner o? his may possi@+y ha(e :ea+th #etainers in(este' in comp+ete ownership o? the 7re'it Union4 otherwise I am not s*re how this wo*+' @e possi@+e. It is 'e?inite4 howe(er 5 that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e has sta+De' 3aphen 7onaway in the past. She has met GPhi+G more than once. I met 3aphen 7onaway in 200% 4 whi+e @*yin) 70..11 ?rom 3UN9INA 30NU2S at =IS2A .003S in MAN7H1S21# N1:HAMPSHI#1 on the corner o? =A$$1/ S2. an' $IN70$N S2. . =ittorio 1man*e+e is pro@a@+y pre empti(e+y striDin) in what he percei(es to @e reta+iation '*e to his ina@i+ity to a'mit his )*i+t @eca*se o? his psycho+o)ica+ (ictimi>ation comp+eC. 0n n*mero*s internet +ect*res an' artic+es < GPre empti(e striDin)G was 'epicte' as a GBewish 2raitG @y propa)an'a a)ents most pro@a@+y re+ate' to his own acti(ities. 2his is simi+ar to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents pro(oDin) the entire comm*nity o? Manchester New Hampshire to ca++ me a GracistG an' to attacD Gae+s an' An)+o SaCons as thron)s o? witch h*nters ?rantica++y ca++in) them a++ GracistG whi+e =ittorio 1man*e+eAs

2errorist 7rime So+'iers were @*sy eCterminatin) 4 war rapin) 4 war rape seC tra??icDin) 4 an' committin) other racia+ war crimes *pon An)+o Gae+ic an' .irst Nations pop*+ation whi+e ca++in) them racist. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs H*man =i(isections ha(e now reache' the A?rican American pop*+ation 5 I Dnow ?or a ?act that there are A?rican Americans with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces )ra?te' to their @rains that are transmittin). 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a A)ents ha(e a)ain @een p*@+ishin) +iterat*re an' +ect*res c+aimin) that Bews are racist eCtremists an' the Israe+ is an aparthei' state < they ha(e a+so @een c+aimin) p*@+ica++y that Nor'ic peop+es are Grapists an' pi++a)ersG as we++ as ha(e p*@+ishe' news artic+es c+aimin) that Asatr* is a racist re+i)ion which promotes 'r*) a@*se an' a+choho+ism. =ittorio 1man*e+e apparent+y seems to @e+ie(e that pre empti(e+y striDin) his enemies with a :ar 7rime pre(ents himse+? an' his peop+e ?rom @ein) str*cD with the same weapon an' metho' o? assa*+t 5 this is @e+ie(e' to @e '*e to the ?act that his enemies ha(e @een str*cD @y it an' wi++ not want to striDe with it4 it @ein) his arsena+ o? *ncon(entiona+ war?are. As is *s*a+ with A6IS propa)an'a 5 7omm*nist 7onspirators wi++ most pro@a@+y @e @+ame'. *B&"%H&# B"#S 3CO1 nee)s to *e chec.e) for c5phere) commucations an) metaphor c5pher communications from ;==F + ;==C 3 *B"#"CK OB"1" /B&"%H&#1&N %&##O#IS% CONN&C%ION is BeatherBars3Com c5pher + /Storm %rooper/ /#a)io "ir-Ba0es/ #a)io $reHuenc5 Brain-Computer-Interface3 *1I%% #O1N&Y /1O#1ON 1"$I" &1B&AA &1&N% CONSPI#"CY/ : the potential lies is that "non5mous sources ha0e reporte) that 1itt #omne5 -as in0ol0e) in mone5-laun)ering an) em*ezzelment schemes in0ol0ing millions of )ollars : an) reporte) that he -as a mem*er of a 1ormon 1afia3 1ormons ha0e multiple -i0es sometimes + 1itt #omne5 coul) ha0e *een use) for purpose of mis)irecting in0estigations into connections to Italian Sa0o5-"GIS %errorism *5 metho) of these accusations3 In 200E 5 a pri(ate+y owne' hea+thcare a)ency ?ra*'*+ant+y char)e' the .e'era+ Go(ernmentAs M13I7AI3 an' M13I7A#1 pro)rams ?or hea+thcare recipients recei(in) ser(ices that 'i' not occ*r. 2he hea+thcare recipients were reporte' to ha(e recei(e' psychiatric care at an a)ency4 in tr*th it was hea+thcare ser(ices they ne(er recei(e'. 2his may possi@+y coinci'e with what happene' '*rin) the U;S In(estments .irm scan'a+4 the Ita+ian man in the c*stom tai+ore' )ent+emanAs s*it who +a*)he' at me whi+e I was stan'in) @ehin' the co*nter at the MA$$ 0. NHAs 3UN9IN 30NU2S4 an' the p+acement o? the S9#I=AN0S 31SIGN13 31U2S7H1;AN9 GI.2 7A#3S on the co*nter. 2his is simi+ar to 7orporate 1spiona)e Scenarios < ?or instance 5 2he Hon'a Q 2oyota reca++s '*rin) 200E 200" may ha(e possi@+y @een the res*+t o? 7orporate 1spiona)e '*e to a 7rimina+ 2errorist In(estor ?inancin) crimina+s in(o+(e' in 7orporate Pro'*ct Sa@ota)e ?or the p*rpose o? 'estroyin) a++ sa+es competition. 2his occ*rance wo*+' ha(e coinci'e' with crimina+ in(estors @*yin) stocD. 2he stocD in(este' in wo*+' @e a pre'icta@+y pop*+ar pro'*ct4 s*ch as the thir' p+ace position in terms o? sa+es to 7ar 7+*@ a*tomo@i+e enth*siasts. S*@ar* ?or instance< @ecame more pop*+ar amon)st 7ar 7+*@ a*tomo@i+e enth*siasts than the pre(io*s+y 'ominant @ran's 4 Hon'a an' 2oyota. 2his wo*+' in(o+(e the same Din' o? in(esti)ation as the in(esti)ation into the Ho*sin) ;*@@+e 7risis which 'estroye' the economy o? the USA. 2he +ast time this was 'one intentiona++y was prior to :or+' :ar 2 4 which was a secon' phase o? 1conomic Sa@ota)e ?o++owin) the .irst :or+' :ar 5 prior to which the economy o? the USA as we++ as other tar)et nations were intentiona++y cripp+e'. 2hir' Party Propa)an'ists ?*n'e' campai)ns an' co(ert+y pro(i'e' speci?ic Ne)ati(e 7ampai)nin) scenarios to mainstream Po+itica+ 7*+t*re in the USA ?or the p*rpose o? PS/:A# 7*+t*re ShocD 5 +ea(in) the pop*+ation in psycho+o)ica+ 'enia+ o? their own +acD o? contro+ o(er c*rrent a??airs. A+i@is are o?ten so*)ht ?or acti(ities s*ch as these5 +ies4 power o? s*))estion4 as we++ as monetary rewar' are *se' to promote a+i@i s*pporti(e scenarios into p*@+ic me'ia.

2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 the A6IS 4 an' the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e @een in(o+(e' somehow in the U.;.S. In(estments .irm Scan'a+. I @e+ie(e that this is the Unite' ;anD o? Swit>er+an'. 2"8I2 ICK&'S I (1IN"%I : /1(#2&#&2 BY %H& 1ON"#CHY/ B*st Prior to the MA.IA @ein) pai' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e to poison my se+? with ;+acD Mo+' in 200! 5 1+i>a@eth Hano(er @o*)ht an 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast tea an' a ;+*e@erry Scone ?rom me whi+e I was worDin) at a S9#I=AN0S .AMI$/ 70#P0#A2I0N owne' 3UN9IN 30NU2S ?ranchise in the Ma++ o? NH 4 Manchester NH USA. :i++iam Hano(er an' 9ate Hano(er @o*)ht an Ice' 7o??ee an' a ;a)e+. 2his wo*+' ha(e @een aro*n' Septem@er. A?ter I s*r(i(e' the ;+acD Mo+' poisonin) as we++ as a possi@+e poisonin) @y irra'iate' ?oo'5 I staye' @rie?+y at a psychiatric ?aci+ity in Nash*a Nh on Amherst st. Somehow two in'i(i'*a+s were i++e)a++y a'mitte' entrance to the ?aci+ity 5 a woman attemptin) to impersonate an inco)nito 1+i>a@eth Hano(er wearin) my sister S*mmerAs @+*e straw hat an' a re'hea'e' wi) < the other in'i(i'*a+ was a @*r+y o+'er ma+e wearin) a p+ai' shirt. I @e+ie(e these peop+e were ?rom 7ana'a. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs a+i@i ?or attemptin) to )enoci'a++y eCterminate entire networDs o? ?ami+ies @ecame 1+i>a@eth Hano(er. I$$UMINA2I 3 MU#31#13 ;/ 2H1 M0NA#7H/ 5 is =ittorio 1man*e+eAs pre empti(e propa)an'a 'e?ense< 'esi)ne' prior to 3a(i' IcDeAs re+easin) o? it4 ?or the p*rpose o? ?ramin) the Hano(er ?ami+y ?or the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs crimes. U ;etween 200% 200" there was a hoaC re+ease' o(er the internet ca++e' ProIect 3isc+os*re. 3*rin) this hoaC presentation n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s ?a+se+y c+aimin) to @e emp+oyees o? the )o(ernment o? the USA )a(e ?a+se reports that the )o(ernment o? the USA was in contact with space a+iens an' was Dnowin)+y a++owin) space a+iens to (i(isect h*man @ein)s in the USA an' e+sewhere. 3*rin) this presentation which was @roa'caste' )+o@a++y on the internet4 the actors ?a+se+y c+aime' that the )o(ernment o? the USA were Dnowin)+y a++owin) space a+iens to microchip h*man @ein)s with min' contro+ 'e(ices an' )ps tracDin) 'e(ices. 3*rin) this time the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate s*r)ica++y )ra?te' tho*san's o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices to the @rains o? (ictims in the USA an' e+sewhere4 attachin) wire+ess ro*ter 'e(ices to these ;.7.I.s an' imp+antin) them in the (ictimAs Iaw ca(ity. 2hese 'e(ices were then insta++e' on a comp*ter *sin) a c*stom en)ineere' :I.I ro*ter on a +oca+ wire+ess ?reH*ency an' *sin) c*stom en)ineere' 'e(ice 'ri(ers simi+ar to a ;+*e2ooth 'e(ice 'ri(er an' the 'e(ice 'ri(er which the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace wo*+' norma++y *se 5 a?ter which the 'e(ice was connecte' o(er the p*@+ic internet to pri(ate ser(ers. 2he si)na+ an' the @inary in?ormation ?rom these 'e(ices transmitte' o(er the mo@i+e phone towers an' ser(ers4 across the internet towers an' ser(ers4 an' was ina'(ertant+y recor'e' )+o@a++y @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence NetworDs. A++ o? the e(i'ence that this has occ*rre' is permanant+y in the han's o? the mi+itaries o? the entire 1arth. 2he metho' @y which the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aceAs ro*ter is +ocate' is the same as a ce++ phone G+o@a+ Positionin) System. U My co worDer '*rin) 200! 3an =a+'row 5 may ha(e Dnown Aaron 1man*e+e *n'er a 'i??erent name. AaronAs @io+o)ica+ s*rname is 1man*e+e 4 tho*)h it is not necessari+y present on his I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Aaron may ha(e @een si)hte' '*rin) 200! at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. U 2he $ar)e 3*nDin 3on*ts Ice' 7o??ee 7*p which 2ay+aAs mother an' BoeAs 'a*)hter 3e@@ie G3*montG *se' to poisone' me with ;+acD Mo+' was the eCact si>e an' mo'e+ o? 3*nDin 3on*ts $ar)e Ice 7o??ee 7*p that I ser(e' :i++iam Hano(er o? the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y a co??ee in. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are o@scene+y Iea+o*s o? :i++iam Hano(er an' were ?ear?*+ o? @ein) 'isco(ere' @y the MIE as ha(in) @een in(o+(e' in Internationa+ G+o@a+ 2errorist Syn'icate' 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+ Acti(ities. 2his was a possi@+e attempt to ?rame 2he Ho*se o? Hano(er o? the U.9. #oya+ Monarchy ?or m*r'er. Statements on the internet -ere use) for c5pher communication : it -as state) that /8arg/

8i.ernes' father -or.e) in IraH for a fe- 5ears )e0eloping a soft-are program for Sa))am HusseinE -here 8i.ernes li0e) -ith him as a chil) for three 5ears3 %his is )efinitel5 not the truth an) -as a c5pher communication3 8i).un Uuisling is ars /Kristian/ /8arg/ 8i.ernes' gran)father3 Isn't fact3 It is relate) to a c5pher-communication3 "n imposteur /8arg/ 8i.ernes -as inter0ie-e) for the )ocumentar5 (ntil the ight (s3 2he ?act*a+ m*sician o? the @an' ;*r>*m 4 who was arreste' in the 1""0As ?or s*ppose'+y m*r'erin) his @est ?rien' 5 was not inter(iewe' '*rin) the ?i+min) o? Unti+ the $i)ht 2aDes Us . Unti+ the $i)ht 2aDes Us was scripte' an' ?i+me' @y two in'i(i'*a+s ?orei)n to Norway. 2h*s ?ar< there ha(e @een approCimate+y ! 'i??erent in'i(i'*a+s on the internet an' in p*@+ic me'ia4 c+aimin) to @e G=ar)G =iDernes4 who is possi@+y ?act*a++y name' $ars. 2hese imposte*rs ha(e *se' his name an' cra?te' a ?a+se i'entity o? his rep*tation4 writin) artic+es an' participatin) in inter(iews as i? they were =iDernes himse+?. I Dnow o? possi@+y two speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s who were H*ote' wor' ?or wor' '*rin) the G=ar) =iDernesG inter(iew that was ?i+me' ?or Unti+ the $i)ht 2aDes Us. 2hese two in'i(i'*a+s are 'e?inite+y tar)ets an' were +itera++y H*ote' '*rin) the se)ments which mentione' the G;+*e HammerG an' the se)ment which mentione' #e+i)io*s 1Ctremism near+y e+iminatin) a++ ?o+D re+i)ions )+o@a++y. 2hese statements were H*otes o? thin)s sai' in the (icinity o? i++e)a+ impro(ise' a*'io recor'in) 'e(ices insta++e' in wa++s an' a@o(e cei+in) pane+s '*rin) the years 2005 4 200E 4 an' 200! < as we++ as in the presense o? peop+e with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in their sD*++s. Since the appearance o? 5 to ! =ar) =iDernesA imposte*rs4 the possi@+e 'isappearance o? the ?act*a+ =iDernes4 the 'isappearance o? 1mi+y Is+es4 the re+easin) o? two ?aDe' ;*r>*m a+@*ms 5 the emai+ a''ress ?reme'ehen(en'e+ser` ) is associate' with =ar) =iDernesA name an' his a++e)e' /o*2* acco*nt which has nothin) @*t .rench Beep sty+e (ehic+es o?? roa' trai+ treDDin) in a ?oreste' area some p+ace. I @e+ie(e these (i'eos may possi@+y ha(e @een ?i+me' in .rance. :hen I was inI*re' '*rin) the car acci'ent which res*+te' in my sti)mata +iDe wrist wo*n' 4 ?rom a tree @ranch impa+in) my wrist 5 the 'ri(er o? the a*tomo@i+e was a man name' 7orey 3ai+ey < 7orey 3ai+ey +iDe' o?? roa'in) in woo'e' areas an' 'irt pits with Ieeps an' other (ehic+es4 he a+so @rie?+y 'ate' =a+erie 0+son as we++ as one o? her step sisters +ater. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) =ar) =iDernes4 his ?ami+y4 an' his ?rien's < in the year 200% 4 when 1mi+y Is+es whom was =iDernesA penpa+ was tar)ette'. 1mi+y Is+es ?o*n' my emai+ an' A0$ Instant Messan)er Screen Name on the ori)ina+ ;U#PUM messa)e @oar' ?or*m < my @+o) han'+e was $*)h3e3anaan 5 the a+@*m ;e+*s is a $atini>e' (ersion o? the name ;e+i or ;e+enos whom was the .ather o? $*)os. 2racDs E an' 8 @e)in with a so*n' c+ip o? my se+? p+ayin) my 9or) MS2000 at my o+' apartment at 38" Haywar' Street in Manchester NewHampshire4 on tracD 8 it is 'et*ne' 5 the tracD I was )oin) to attempt to recor' was s*ppose' to so*n' +iDe symphonic orchestrate' @om@er t*r@ines an' prope++ers ?rom a 1"%0As era ;om@in) rai'. It is possi@+e that =ittorio or .i++i@erto ha' some@o'y swich the c' at my apartment a?ter i @o*)ht it < they ha(e 'one this with 3=3s @e?ore. * B(#A(1 : 1#3 BOO!&2Y : "N2 C "#ISS" B&##Y - In ;==M : I was 'atin) a woman name' 7+arissa ;erry. Photo)raphs o? my se+? an' 7+arissa ;erry were poste' to my Acco*nt wherein I was wearin) a ;*r>*m H+i'sDIa+? 2 Shirt. 3*rin) the weeD that these photo)raphs were taDen @y 7+arissa 4 we ha' watche' mo(ies 5 one o? the mo(ies I p*++e' *p on /o*2*@e.7om was an o+' 3isney mo(ie which we ha' 'eci'e' to watch ?or reason that we ha' ta+De' a@o*t it @ein) on te+e(ision when we were +itt+e Di's an' it ne(er @ein) mentione' a)ain. 2his mo(ie was ca++e' Mr. ;oo)e'y. 3*rin) this mo(ie there are two characters s*rname' ;artho+ow an' #a??erty that (ery we++ may ha(e @een name' #o@ert ;artho+ow an' Mary #a??erty. 3*rin) the months that I was 'atin) 7+arissa ;erry 4 9atie 7ameron ha' @een ?reH*ent+y ca++in) my Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone 5 this was

maDin) 7+arissa an)ry an' she ha' to+' me repeate'+y that I was not a++owe' to answer my phone. I was @ein) i++e)a++y recor'e' at this +ocation @y means o? an Impro(ise' #ecor'in) 3e(ice en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone Parts4 an acco*stic microphone4 an' what I @e+ie(e was a Goo)+ePhone transmission ?rom an' to a comp*ter. 3*rin) 2012 4 my apartment at 23 2emp+e St. V108 has @een @roDen into m*+tip+e times @y an I++e)a+ 2resspasser 5 this tresspasser has a+tere' my witness statement to inc+*'e the name' #o@ert ;artho+ow an' Mary #a??erty in p+ace o? M9U$2#A < this was a+tere' on my persona+ comp*ter n*mero*s times as we++ as 'i' the i++e)a+ trespasser po*r m*+tip+e (ia+s o? Hemo)+o@in into my Mi+D B*) containin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy +a@oratory en)ineere' =ira+ strains which res*+te' in )enetic m*tation o? my nose @ri')e4 *n'er @row sDin4 one sDin )ene pro'*cin) 'i??erent oi+s an' s+i)ht+y a+tere' comp+eCion4 a thinnin) @a+'in) pattern4 an' a p+astic +iDe teCt*re to my @o'y hair. I ?o*n' the names Mary #a??erty an' #o@ert ;artho+ow on a wiDipe'ia artic+e a@o*t H*man =i(isection concernin) Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection in 2012. 3*rin) 20104 a?ter I ha' emai+e' whom I tho*)ht wo*+' @e $ars G=ar)G =iDernes at .reme'ehen=en'e+ser`) 5 I ?o*n' that the ;*r>*m a+@*m which I p*rchase' a year +ater containe' a samp+e o? the ;oo)e'y Man ?rom Mr.;oo)e'y how+in) in the @acD)ro*n'. :hen I ha' emai+e' $ars G=ar)G =iDernes4 I was +i(in) at 2%5 Pine St. Apt. V%1 in Manchester NewHampshire 5 my apartment ha' @een @roDen into the same weeD that my Mother was a@'*cte' ?rom her co*nci+in) appointment an' +ater ?rom the $1=IN1 7$INI7 at M1$#0S1 :A91.I1$3 H0SPI2A$ 5 an m*sic a+@*m recor'e' @y the @an' 2AA91 which I ha' *p+oa'e' to my comp*ter was e'ite' an' a @oin)in) so*n' o? a sprin) was '*@@e' onto one o? the tracDs. It so*n'e' +iDe a )iant mo*th harp *se' ?or 3isney 7artoons or $ooney 2oons. 1wen 7ameron is another name improper+y associate' with Ne*roScience H*man =i(isection in(o+(in) M9U$2#A which has @een *se' on :I9IP13IA.70M as an attempt to 'etract ?rom #ichar' NiConAs an' #ichar' He+msAs +oya+ties to the Ita+ian Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 the Ita+ian an' Sici+ian ancestry o? #ichar' NiCon as we++ as #ichar' He+ms4 an' their associations with B*+i*s 1(o+a. 1wen 7ameron is 'escri@e' as @ein) a 7ana'ian 4 1mi+y Is+es an' Henry MaDow as we++ as n*mero*s co*sins o? mine are 7ana'ians 5 my co*sin Marco #oyAs ?atherAs si'e o? the ?ami+y is 7ana'ian. 2he name 7ameron was chosen to 'epict the )*i+ty party as an ethnic 7ana'ian4 whi+e a+so was chosen ?or reason that A=A2A# was create' @y a 7ameron. 9atie 7ameron ha' a+so (isite' me at 2%5 Pine St. V%1 an' was apparent+y recor'e' whi+e there. #ichar' NiConAs presi'ency res*+te' in war crimes @ein) committe' *pon American 7i(i+ians inc+*'in) H*man =i(isections 4 m*r'ers 4 (ira+ war?are eCperiments4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) war crimes which res*+te' in the :A21#GA21 S7AN3A$ '*e to their attempt to hi'e these crimes. 2he :ar 7rimes which occ*rre' prior to the :A21#GA21 Scan'a+ were committe' @y the same ?action as the c*rrent :ar 7rimes which ha(e @een committe' an' are o? the eCact same Psycho+o)ica+ 7rimina+ Pro?i+e. 1wen 7ameron is a name re+ate' to the mo(ie A=A2A# which is the +ast mo(ie I ha' watche' with my Mother @e?ore she was a@'*cte' ?rom her co*nci+in) appointmeny an' ?rame' @y hacDers as ha(in) emai+e' a threatenin) emai+ concernin) my sisters. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate has a@'*cte' two o? my three sisters an' has eChan)e' them with two other hosta)es 4 the 1man*e+eAs an' their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate are a )enoci'a+ threat to my sisters4 my entire ?ami+y4 my race4 my nation4 an' o*r a++ies. I ha' watche' the mo(ie A=A2A# with my mother '*rin) 2010 whi+e at the +ocation o? 2%5 Pine St. V%1 in Manchester NewHampshire. ;oth my Mother an' 7+arissa ;erry are (ictims o? 2errorist 7rimina+s whom ha(e 3*p+icate' their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' ass*me' their i'entities 5 a++ o? the m*+tip+e in'i(i'*a+s posin) as my Mother appear to @e Ita+ian or A+@anian4 the imposte*r posin) as 7+arissa ;erry on .ace;ooD appears to @e $om@ar'ic Ita+ian an' has =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' her sDin to +ooD +iDe 7+arissaAs comp+eCion inc+*'in) ?recD+es. I ha(e a+so met a woman impersonatin) 9atie 7ameron once whi+e in Manchester NewHampshire 4 this woman is an inch shorter than 9atie an' has ?ar narrower hips an' sho*+'ers 5 her eyes were a+so a pa+e aH*a co+or 4 9atieAs are act*a++y p*re )reen. 9atie 7ameron an' 7+arissa ;erry are a+so o? the racia+ tar)ets o? the Ita+ian 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom ha(e committe' these crimes 5 9atie 7ameron is racia++y American as we++ as Irish an' Norwe)ian4 7+arissa

;erry is racia++y American as we++ as Irish an' ;ritish. My ?ami+y are a+so o? the racia+ tar)ets which this Ita+ian Genoci'a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 my ?ami+y is o? .irst Nations Nati(e American race as we++ as American race an' Irish race. 2he U.9. an' Norway ha(e re?*se' to Uni?y with the 1*ropean Union4 Ire+an' has @een eCtreme+y re+*ctant4 the USA an' 7ana'a were @oth A$$I13 .0#71S which 'e?eate' the Ho*se Sa(oy twice '*rin) their attempts at G+o@a+ 7onH*est 4 another A$$I13 .0#71S nation whoAs ?ema+es ha(e @een tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?or s+a(ery as a race is #*ssia. 2he ta++ ita+ian ma+e whom worDs in the o??ice at the @*i+'in) where I ha(e @een +i(in) attempte' to 'eman' eCtra money ?rom me attemptin) to char)e me 1!0M more than what this apartment costs 4 which was E"0M 5 ME"0 @ein) the eCact price o? the rent at 155 Map+e St. Apt. 2 @e?ore Berry 3AAmico i++e)a++y raise' the rent twice an' @e)an threatenin) me in my @e'room 'oorway which he ha' 'one twice as we++ as twice o(er the phone threatenin) me 4 te++in) me that he Dnew where I +i(e'. :hen I ?irst mo(e' in to this apartment4 the short e+'er+y sici+ian man +i(in) in the apartment a@o(e mine was sittin) o*tsi'e neCt to the ;rown :a++et which ha' @een sto+en ?rom my apartmentAs +i(in) room whi+e I was s+eepin) when I +i(e' at 155 Map+e St. Apt. 2 which ha' @een p*rchase' a?ter I mo(e' there @y Berry 3AAmico. 2his o+'er sici+ian man +ie' to me an' to+' me that he was G7oachAs SonG 4 G7oachG is a man whom worDs in the o??ice that is 20 years yo*n)er than this Sici+ian man. 2his Sici+ian man who +i(es in the room *pstairs ?rom my se+? recent+y han)e' a @oom @oC o*t his win'ow which ha' @een wire' to an Impro(ise' ;roa'castin) 3e(ice' en)ineere' ?rom Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone an' @roa'caste' a Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are assa*+t 'irecte' at my se+? persona++y. 2his man is a 2errorist Ma?iosa. It has @ecome o@(io*s that the Ita+ian Ma?ias ha(e @een recr*ite' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate an' are +itera++y taDin) 'irect or'ers ?rom =ittorio 1man*e+e whom is the eCi+e' 9in) o? Ita+iaAs )ran' son an' the )ran' nephew o? A'o+? Hit+er. 2hese GIta+ian Ma?iasG ha(e a)ain @ecome internationa+ Genoci'a+ 7+an'estine 2errorist 7e++s4 this has happene' in the past. I @e+ie(e that amon)st a++ o? these 7rime Syn'icates eCist a sin)+e Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist Genoci'a+ H*man 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate which em@e's itAs A)ents within as many or)ani>ations as possi@+e 4 these men are in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin). 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & -ants the -orl) to *elie0e that /%H& 7&BS CON%#O %H& 1&2I"/: 3*rin) 200% 4 Me+ Gi@son was reporte' to ha(e spoDen an an)ry series o? ins*+ts concernin) Israe+is an' was arreste' @y Po+ice in the USA. Me+ Gi@son may ha(e @een Grace @aite'G4 (oca+ synthesi>er impersonate'4 an' ?rame' < or Me+ Gi@son may ha(e @een impersonate' o(er te+ephone @y an in'i(i'*a+ *sin) their own ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ice an' Ne*roScience So?t:are to chan)e the so*n' o? their (oice 5 he may e(en c*rrent+y @e #ep+ace @y an Imposte*r. Me+ Gi@sonAs ?ami+y is USAmerican an' 7ana'ian. Ita+ian an' A*strian Po+ice 0??icers were in(o+(e' in the a@'*ction o? n*mero*s ?ami+ies in the USA an' 7ana'a. It is possi@+e that Me+ Gi@son has @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. Simi+ar+y re+ate' to mentionin) o? Bews in the me'ia < some o? the actor A'am San'+erAs ?ami+y +i(e' in Manchester NewHampshire '*rin) 200% when this @e)an. A'am San'+er +ooDs to @e possi@+y rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. A'am San'+erAs ?ami+y were ?rom Manchester NewHampshire. U 2he Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS propa)an'a campai)n a)ainst Israe+ pro'*ce' artic+es which in 200E 'escri@e' Israe+ as ha(in) *se' :hite Phosphoro*s Incen'iary 7+*ster ;om@s on tho*san's o? ci(i+ians 4 the tr*th is that the 'emo+itions char)es p+ante' prior to the " 11 AttacDs which were 'etonate' in New /orD *sin) 'ia+ *p 'etonators were comprise' o? simi+ar incen'iaries. 2he 1man*e+eAs an' 1(o+aAs connections in New /orD are +iDe+y to ha(e @een what opene' the 'oor ?or their a)ents whom p+ante' to 'emo+itions eCp+osi(es in conI*nction with the 2a+i@an4 whom are their A6IS a++ies. A+so ?a+se+y state' in me'ia was that the Israe+i Air.orce ha' @een attacDin) the Unite' Nations @ases4 that the Israe+i Air?orce ha' @een attacDin) chi+'renAs schoo+ @*sses in s*rro*n'in) inha@ite'

re)ions4 an' a+so that the G.e'eration o? ScientistsG ha' Gproo?G that Israe+ ha' i++e)a++y o@taine' N*c+ear :arhea's @y tricDin) the .rench an' the Norwe)ians to pro(i'e Hea(y :ater an' 1nriche' Urani*m. 2hese statements are a++ a+most entire+y comp+ete+y an' tota++y inacc*rate. - On the ne-s an airplane pilot -as reporte) to ha0e ha) a panic.-attac. a*out a *om* *eing on the airplane3 %he pilot -as claiming that the terrorists coul) t5pe green letters on his e5es3 Aro*n' the year '*rin) which these i++e)a+ co(ert ne*ro s*r)eries were happenin)4 there was a IoDe (i'eo circ*+atin) o(er the internet on we@sites s*ch as /0U2U;1.70M which was Dnown as the GS9U$$ .U79INGG B091. 2he (i'eo was a recor'in) o? a man a''ressin) a crow' in a co*rt room< it was '*@@e' o(er to maDe it seem as i? the man was )i(in) a 'e@rie?in) which inc+*'e' a 'escription o? (i(isectionists trephanin) ho+es into peop+esA sD*++s in or'er to ha(e seC with their sD*++s. 2he ori)ina+ *p+oa' ?or this is tracea@+e an' the e+ectronic ?orensic si)nat*re o? the initia+ *p+oa' sho*+' @e a@+e to 'etermine approCimate+y which Din' o? so?tware was *se' in the maDin) o? the (i'eo as we++ as comp*ter system speci?ics. 2his Din' o? tactic is inten'e' to @e a psych war?are assa*+t *pon the tar)ette' ci(i+ian (i(isection (ictims< ?or the p*rpose o? ren'erin) them ?ear?*++y para+y>e' @y the open an' )+o@a+ p*@+ic ri'ic*+e an' the ?ee+in) that the assai+ant are a++ power?*+ an' omni potent+y in contro+ o? their entire en(ironment4 a@+e to whimsica++y 'estroy them i? the (ictim 'oes not s*@mit entire+y. 2he SD*++ .*cDin) re+e(ance to this series o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace =i(isections is o@(io*s4 1' :arren ma'e a++*sions to these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in(o+(in) these @ein) 2ampons ?or :omanAs @rain 5 the t*@e which is *se' to insert these ;.7.I. 3e(ices is somewhat +iDe a tampon app+icator. 2he ;.7.I. is ?o+'e' insi'e o? the t*@e4 the wire han)s o*t the other en' with a #o*ter F ;attery Attachment connecte' to it. I am a+most a@so+*te+y positi(e that the networD )*i+ty o? these crimes are contro++in) internet search hits (ia search @ots thro*)h comp*ters accessin) Goo)+e4/ahoo4 etc. 2he @ot contro+s the propa)an'a an' news access on the search en)ines thro*)h repeat hits an' searches on speci?ic sites which )enerates more tra??icD to these sites '*e to pop*+arity.2his 'estroys the e??ecti(eness o? ?ree'om o? in?ormation an' they can contro+ o*r nationAs >eit)eist4 *r@an po+itics4 an' po+itica+ c+imate. A+ot o? these a)ent pro(ocate*rs may Gs+eepin)G within comm*nities that they attempt to eCert passi(e a)ressi(e contro+ o(er< s*ch as the )+o@a+ anarchist co++ecti(e4 +i@ertarian or)ani>ations4 socia+ist or)ani>ations4 re+i)io*s comm*nities4 or e(en or)ani>ations s*ch as Anti.a which they wo*+' in?i+trate ?or the p*rpose o? promotin) )+o@a+i>ation thro*)h passi(e a))ressi(ist PS/:A#. 2he Anonymo*s Mo(ement is a+so a s*@Iect o? interest in re+ation to this as they are most 'e?inite+y @ein) *se' as a smoDe screen to camo*?+a)e =ittorio 1man*e+eAs terrorist hacDers. =ittorio 1man*e+e most pro@a@+y wants to see to it that a++ HacDers whom he is not a??i+iate' with are 'etaine' an' imprisone' 5 this ser(es the p*rpose o? pre(entin) his a)ents ?rom @ein) 'isco(ere' an' his 1+ectronic :ar?are terrorist attacDs ?rom @ein) stoppe' or reta+iate' a)ainst. VOW " I&N &GC(S&S Since the 1"50As Space A+iens ha(e @een *se' as an eCc*se ?or crimina+ H*man =i(isection networDs4 seC tra??icDin) a@'*ction an' transportation networDs4 or)an tra??icDin) networDs4 an' co(ert )enoci'a+ terrorism. U Memories o? +i)hts ?rom space ships are hypnotic screens 5 thro*)h hypnosis an' repeate' tra*ma4 +i)ht @oCes which 'isp+ay speci?ic a+ternatin) patterns are 'isp+aye' to (ictims whom are i++e)a++y a@'*cte' @y ?a+se ?+a))e' po+ice o??icers4 home in(a'ers4 an' h*man (i(isectionists at hea+thcare ?aci+ities. I? p*++e' o(er @y po+ice4 a pattern o? co+ore' +i)hts @ein) 'isp+aye' as the po+ice wa+D towar's yo* to GarrestG4 wo*+' +ea(e tra*matic hypnotic scars on the psycho+o)y o? the (ictim. U Since the in(ention o? mo@i+e phone cameras < Gspace a+iensG ha(e cease' to @e photo)raphe'4 *ni'enti?ie' ?+yin) sa*cers or U.0As ha(e cease' to @e photo)raphe'4 an' 'isin?ormation scenarios ha(e @een p*@+ica++y @roa'cast @y te+e(ision shows s*ch as GAncient A+iensG. A+ien in(a'ers ?rom o*ter

space ha(e @een an a+i@i ?or h*man (i(isectionists4 h*man tra??icDers4 an' co(ert )enoci'a+ terrorists since the 1"50As. U 3*rin) the 1""0As an' ear+y 2000As 5 te+e(ision pro)rams immitatin) 'oc*mentaries ?a+se+y portaye' me'ie(a+ an' rennaisance paintin)s 'epictin) .+yin) Sa*cers an' Space A+iens 4 many o? these in(o+(e' ;i@+ica+ themes. Some o? these te+e(ision shows an' e(en ma)a>ine artic+es ?a+se+y portraye' other ima)es s*ch as the tom@ o? the ancient 1)yptian pharoah name' a?ter the )o' 0siris 5 this tom@ proporte'+y @ein) ?i++e' with ancient mo'e+s o? he+icopters4 ?+yn) sa*cers4 an' ce++*+ar te+ephones. 0ther te+e(ision series 'epicte' ca(e 'rawin)s o? Space A+iens. 0rwe++ian Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are me'ia was pro'*ce' s*ch as the GMcPherson 2apeG which 'epicte' A+iens a@*ctin) ?ami+ies '*rin) ?ami+y )ame ni)ht. HoaC me'ia has @een *se' ?or the 'o*@+e p*rpose o? creatin) a psycho+o)ica+ ?i+ter screen ?or rea+ity as we++ as ?or the p*rpose o? co(ert comm*nications @etween 7o(ert A6IS 7e++s on American soi+. Many mo'ern Astronomers sti++ *se the #oman 1mpireAs names ?or many o? the P+anetoi's s*rro*n'in) the S*n an' p+anet 1arth 5 #oman 7rimson was the co+or o? the AH*i+a ;att+e Stan'ar' which was p+ace' in the han's o? a 'ra?te' Germany '*rin) the 1"%0As 4 a+so to @ecome the ?+a) o? A6IS occ*pie' +an's thro*)ho*t 1*rope an' e+sewhere. 2he .+a) o? A6IS Germany an' others has a So+ar sym@o+ in the center o? a #oman 7rimson sDy 5 it is +itera++y the SwastiDa4 which is the S*n < on a white s*n 'isc an' a #oman 7rimson sDy as a @acD)ro*n'. Mars was the name o? the Syncretic #oman 3eity associate' with acts o? or)ani>e' war?are. M*ch o? this propa)an'a has now e(o+(e' into an' in?+*ence te+e(ision pro)rams s*ch as GAncient A+iensG. U NIB&#( - P "N&% G :: A Gnew p+anetG @ein) 'isco(ere' has @een *se' as a co'e wor' ?or e(ents to come 5 these e(ents are most pro@a@+y re+ate' to 7omp+ete Acti(ation o? a++ 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++s on North American soi+. Ni@er* is state' as @ein) the ca*se o? GG+o@a+ 3isasterG4 'estr*ction o? GG+o@a+ 7omm*nicationsG '*e to Gma)netics an' )ra(ityG4 an' Ni@er* is c+aime' to ca*se G2i'a+ :a(esG. 2his is asserte' to @e synchronica++y time' with a GSo+ar .+areG so +ar)e that it ca*ses G#a'iation an' Ma)neticsG which G3estroy the 7omm*nications Gri'G. In A+ien A6IS 7ypher Ni@er* is c+aime' to @e a Mother Ship Satte+ite Home:or+'4 arti?icia+ homewor+' ?or the space a+iens that are )oin) to e(ent*a++y co+oni>e p+anet 1arth. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace NetworD an' the networD o? Ar)os S*r)ica+ GPS Imp+ants which ha(e c*rrent+y @een assem@+e' @y the Ita+ianQSa*'i 7o0perati(e A6IS ?action has in the past @een ca++e' G2he MarD o? the ;eastG in ;i@+ica+ 7ypher. A++ o? these cyphers can @e cata)ori>e' as #oman 7ypher '*e to the o@(io*s ?actor o? the mass pro'*ction o? the Ho+y ;i@+e @ein) o? #oman ori)in an' the names o? the p+anets @ein) primari+y the names o? #oman Syncretic 3eities an' other $atinoPhonic names. 2he core o? the A6IS i'entity is #oman. 2he Ita+ian 1mpire o? the 1man*e+es an' 1(o+as @ein) :est #ome an' the 0ttoman 1mpire o? the I@nSa*'s @ein) 1ast #ome. A So+ar .+are is most +iDe+y to mean an A6IS striDe in(o+(in) eCp+osions4 a N*c+ear ;om@ ca*ses a sp+ittin) o? Atomic Partica+s as we++ as a wa(e o? 1+ectroMa)netics which 'ist*r@ a++ e+ectronics an' e+ectro ma)netic processes in itAs path 5 this 'estroys comp*ter circ*itry an' a++ e+ectronics in itAs path. ;rie?case N*Des < or miniat*re n*c+ear @om@s4 *se' to @e ca++e' 3ooms3ay 3e(ices 5 these were ?reH*ent+y @+ame' on the So(iets when in ?act many o? them were an' possi@+y sti++ are in the possession o? A6IS S+eeper 7e++s. 1+ectro1ncepha+oGraphy a+so in(o+(es 1+ectro Ma)netics4 this inc+*'es ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace techno+o)y 5 +on) ran)e transmission occ*r o(er what are ca++e' GAir :a(esG @y way o? #a'iation ca++e' #a'io .reH*ency. U GNAPI U.0G Ha*ne@* photos eCist. 2hese photo)raphs are either a hoaC or are photo)raphs o? an ear+y mo'e+ o? a mi' a+tit*'e ho(er cra?t. Propa)an'a has ?a+se+y c+aime' that the Germans attempte' to re(erse en)ineer the .+yin) Sa*cer o? Space A+iens who s*ppose'+y worDe' with the German. It is most pro@a@+e that i? this proto type 'i' eCist 5 it was inten'e' to @e *se' ?or 'e+i(ery o? crates o? s*pp+ies s*ch as morter ro*n's4 =2 warhea's4 an' amm*nition crates. 7onsi'erin) the +iDe+iness that the name has a meanin) in the =#I$ +an)*a)e 4 which accor'in) to *r@an +e)en' was one o? the cypher co'e +an)*a)es o? the A6IS 5 it is most +iDe+y that the Ha*ne@* ne(er eCiste' an' is most pro@a@+e that it has @een a piece o? propa)an'a which has @een *se' to smoDescreen the A6IS cypher

comm*nications as we++ carry a cyphere' messa)e. M*ch o? the A6IS 7ypher comm*nications is @oth metaphoric an' cyphere' comm*nication 5 this ?*+?i++s the p*rpose o? maDin) the 'isco(ery o? s*ch appear as schi>ophrenic. * It -as -ritten on the internet )uring ;==9 that in "ustria E there currentl5 e@ists an " I&N C( % that GteachG the A*strians that they were +e?t on 1arth @y an A+ien Species as co+onists an' that their mission is to conH*er the p+anet ?or the neCt wa(e o? co+onists ?rom the A+pha 7enta*ri star system. A+pha @ein) the ?irst4 7enta*ri @ein) the 7enta*rion < the ?irst 7enta*rion e(er was the #oman. 2he A*strian is Gta*)htG to @e+ie(e that the Nor'ic race are hy@ri' racia+s o? the Nor'ic A+ien 7enta*rion. A p*re @re' Nor'ic person who maDes a chi+' with a p*re @re' Ara@ian has H*ite a simi+ar appearance to a #oman 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a was the GS*?i o? #omeG 4 the ancestors o? B*+i*s 1(o+a co*rte' @oth the 1man*e+e an' the I@n Sa*' ?ami+y ?or the p*rpose o? creatin) a )+o@a+ imperia+ monarchy. Metaphor is o?ten *se' ?or the p*rpose o? transmittin) or p*@+ishin) cyphere' messa)es. 2he a+iens ?rom A+pha 7enta*ri an' Peta #etic*+i are most pro@a@+y co'e' cyphere' concepts. 2he A6IS s+eeper ce++s that ha(e @een em@e''e' within the USA seem to ha(e come primari+y ?rom Ita+ia4 the p*rpose o? Gteachin)G the A*strians that they are a Nor'ic A+ien hy@ri' ?rom another p+anet is o@(io*s 5 within these A*strian c*+t +iDe pocDets o? society are ?*t*re s+eeper ce++ recr*its. 2he A+pha 7enta*ri whom they are Gco+oni>in)G ?or are most +iDe+y the ?*t*re wa(e o? Ita+ian A6IS s+eeper ce++s. A*stria was chosen as a nation ?or recr*itment '*e to =ittorio 1man*e+eAs co*sinsA connections in the A*strian si'e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy which ha' marrie' the co*sins o? the Ho*se SaCo Gotha. A'o+? 1man*e+eAs mother was o? part+y A*strian race. 2hese co(ert Gco+onistsG are most +iDe+y sche'*+e' to @e stea+in) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? American ci(i+ians or 7o+onian American #ace as we++ as possi@+y other tar)ets inc+*'in) Metis #ace ?ami+ies4 other tar)ets co*+' possi@+y @e pocDete' ?ami+ies whom ha(e a sma++ ?ami+y tree 5 these ?ami+ia+ tree maps are capa@+e o? @ein) 'ata mine' *sin) socia+ networDin) sites +iDe .ace@ooD as we++ as co++ecte' *sin) :hite Hat HacDers )atherin) in?o ?rom an' Ser(ers. A++ in?ormation that is transmitte' o(er the internet is accessi@+e @y ?orei)n mi+itary5 especia++y i? it poste'4 p*@+ishe'4 or emai+e'. 2his A+ien 7*+t has a :hite S*premacist a??i+iation an' is 'e?inite+y A6IS oriente'. It is pro@a@+e that any co(ert ce++s em@e''e' within the USA ?rom A*stria an' Ita+ia wo*+' @e times synchronica++y with ce++s ?rom p+aces +iDe Morrocco4 A+@ania4 Sa*'i Ara@ia4 Armenia4 Ser@ia4 or other nations where they may ha(e recr*ite' a crimina+ arm. 3*e to mo'ern techno+o)y an' the recent economic co++apse in the USA < entire ?ami+ies in the USA co*+' @e on a +ist ?or ?*t*re rep+acement @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' in'i(i'*a+s with 7osmetic S*r)ery 5 1' :arren 'i' mention GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersGan' '*rin) the a@*ses which were occ*rin) within the 70IN21$P#0 o? the USA )o(ernment4 +ists o? entire ?ami+ies were ma'e @y a)ents worDin) within the In(esti)ations an' Inte++i)ence 'epartments o? the USA. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ena@+es an a)ent to 'is)*ise themse+(es as another race o? person entire+y5 it is possi@+e to m*tate the sDin4 han's4 nose4 eyes4 hair4 an' comp+eCion o? an in'i(i'*a+ entire+y chan)in) their appearance. 2here are a+so other ways that this networD ha(e o@taine' +ists o? ?ami+ies s*ch as Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Sites4 ran'om s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? +on)ran)e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace4 or a)ents worDin) within Hospita+s or 'epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store'. 2he economic co++apse ca*se' Americans to +ose so m*ch o? their wea+th an' economic sta@i+ity < '*e to this there is an incre'i@+y +iDe+y pro@a@i+ity o? ?orei)n a)ents @*yin) a++ o? o*r hospita+s4 ?*n'in) their chi+'rensA co++e)e a++owin) them to o@tain emp+oyment within )o(ernment ahea' o? Americans4 ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) hea+thcare in'*stry4 p*rchasin) o? science in'*stry an' +a@oratories4 an' ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) comm*nications an' entertainment in'*stry 5 these thin)s are eCtreme+y +iDe+y to @e occ*rin). U 2he 1*ropean Union ?+a) is @+*e with a circ+e o? ye++ow stars 5 in the past4 GMen ?rom the starsG was a termino+o)y *se' to re?er to Space A+iens. A6IS oriente' 7rime Syn'icates an' 7o(ert 7e++s sti++ eCist within m*+tip+e re)ions o? the wor+' inc+*'in) the 1*ropean Union. 2he 1*ropean Union was

ori)ina++y the i'ea o? the A6IS prior to :or+' :ar 1 an' was to @e a prec*rsor state to the *ni?ication o? the :estern an' 1astern 1mpires 4 the #oman 1mpire an' the 0ttoman 1mpire. 2he G:estern Imperi*mG is a termino+o)y o?ten *se' @y :hite Nationa+ists to re?er to the 1*ropean Union. :ithin many o? these :hite Nationa+ist or)ani>ations are em@e''e' A6IS a)ents4 these a)ents are worDin) ?or the same G+o@a+ist ?action that the ori)ina+ A6IS was ?o*n'e' @y. UHacDers ha(e @een *se' as cy@er sta+Ders to )ather in?ormation a@o*t Nationa+ists whom ha(e @een tar)ette' @y Psych :ar?are A)ents. 2he Psych :ar?are a)ents )oa+ seems to @e to 'e?ame an' 'e+e)itimi>e Nationa+ism )+o@a++y ?or the p*rpose o? e(ent*a+ e+imination o? the eCistence o? the represente' Nationa+ State. A wea+thy 2errorist 7rime $or' who is a G+o@a+ist has certain+y 'one this in the past an' it is certain+y happenin) a)ain. - 1&%"PHO#IC CYPH&#S O$ I%" I"N-"GIS C& S 2ooms2a5 - Acti(ation o? A++ S+eeper 7e++s as )enoci'a+ 7rimina+ 2errorist Units on North American soi+ 5 attempts at mi+itary co*p. 2his may @e (iewe' as reta+iation ?or what has @een Dnown as 3 3ay4 May 3ay4 or the In(asion o? Norman'y o? the 1"%0As. 2ooms2a5 2e0ice - N*c+ear ;om@4 ;rie?case N*De4 other weapons o? mass 'estr*ction4 etc. %he &n) %imes - G+o@a+ Acti(ation o? A6IS s+eeper ce++s. "liens - A6IS .action Planet &arth North America an' So*th America as we++ as possi@+y other A6IS in?i+trate' >ones. 1ars or 1artians - .orei)n A6IS s+eeper a)ents. Mars4 the re' p+anet has a re' atmosphere inc+*'in) a re' sDy. 2he s*n an' the moon in the Martian sDy are in a re' sDy. Martians conH*erin) the 1arth is a common+y *se' Metaphoric 7ypher that has ?reH*ent+y +eaDe' into entertainment me'ia. In the 2ar. - 2he state o? @ein) i)norant o? the A6ISA )oa+s an' cyphers. In the ight - 2he Dnow+e')a@+e parties concernin) the A6ISA c*rrent )oa+s an' cyphers. 2he S*n o? the :estern Imperi*m o? the A6IS an' the Moon o? the 1astern Imperi*m o? the A6IS are @oth the :hite S*n on the #e' SDy ?+a) o? the :estern A6IS as we++ as the :hite Moon on the #e' SDy ?+a) o? the 0ttoman. 2he S*n an' the Moon are @oth so*rces o? +i)ht in the sDy. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs phi+osophy o? So+ar Masc*+inity is in ?act the entirety o? his Secret SocietyAs metaphoric cyphers an' phi+osophica+ teachin)s 5 the 1mperor o? the #oman 1mpire was (iewe' as the em@o'iment o? the S*n Go' which to the #oman who was in ?act Atheist 5was nothin) @*t an a++e)ory. 2he #oman o? the #oman 1mpire was +acDin) o? any re+i)ion4 the #oman GPa)anismG was act*a+ a Syncretic Assimi+ati(e (ersion o? e(ery re+i)ion they enco*ntere'. 2he act*a+ Pa)ans or Heathens a++ ha' ?o+D re+i)ions. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs essay GA)ainst the NeoPa)ansG 5 was his assertin) o? 'ominance an' s*perior Dnow+e')e o(er the pop*+ations o? the peop+e GIn the 3arDG < this wo*+' inc+*'e e(en the Germans whom he consi'ere' nai(e ;ar@arians ?it ?or nothin) @*t conscription as a #oman $e)ion. .or the p*rpose o? *n'erstan'in) Metaphoric A6IS 7ypher 4 or in otherwor's 7o(ert A6IS 7omm*nications 5 B*+i*s 1(o+a4 the #oman 1mpire4 the ;i@+e4 Is+am4 an' 1"30As 1"!0As Sci .iction 7*+t*re m*st @e st*'ie'. 2o B*+i*s 1(o+a an' his Secret Society an' e(ery Nationa+ Party in 1*rope ?or Pa)ans an' possi@+e ?*t*re Ins*r)ents a)ainst the ?*t*re reconstr*cte' #oman 1mpire an' e(ent*a+ G+o@a+ State. 2he peop+e In 2he $i)ht4 or In 2he 9now as some ca++ it4 in(o+(in) c*rrent A6IS )oa+s 5 em@e' themse+(es within e(ery or)ani>ation possi@+e 4 ?or the p*rpose o? monitorin) an' s*@(ertin) or 'e?eatin) a'(ersaries pre empti(e+y. 2o the ?o*n'in) parties in(o+(e' in the G+o@a+ 2errorism that is 2he A6IS4 'ecapitation o? oppositiona+ parties an' pre empti(e striDes are a necessity ?or the achei(ement o? G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 2his is tr*e e(en to'ay 5 thro*)h eCtremist passi(e a))ressi(ist means as we++ as ?a+se ?+a))e' eCtreme (io+ence attri@*te' to other i'entities 4 war has @een insti)ate' @etween ne*tra+ parties which wo*+' ine(ita@+y @ecome a++ies sho*+' a war ?or )+o@a+ conH*est @e)in o(ert+y <5 this may ha(e possi@+y @een the sit*ation with Sa''am H*ssein4 who was an o@(io*s enemy o? n*mero*s ?actions in the re)ion. Sa''am H*ssein was a M*s+im whoAs po+itic was a Sec*+ar Nationa+ist IraHi po+itic. Solar or Sun - 5 o? the A6IS. #e?ers to SwastiDa on the #e' .+a).

%he #apture - In G1n' 2imesG ;i@+ica+ A6IS Metaphoric 7ypher 5 the #apt*re re?ers to a remo(a+ o? pop*+ation. 2he Gso*+sG o? the Grapt*re'G in'i(i'*a+s G)o to @e with )o' an' Ies*sG @eca*se they are ho+y an' ha(e not sinne'. 2his means that the peop+e whom are m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' @y Di++ers are 'ispose' o? witho*t any trace o? the corpse @ein) +e?t 5 the m*r'erers ass*me their i'entity *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s <5 this is ma'e possi@+e '*e to the eCistence o? pri(ate owne' hospita+s that can ?a+si?y me'ica+ e(i'ence as we++ as 7osmetic S*r)ery an' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy in'i(i'*a+s to ha(e the same appearance as the tar)ets. %he 1an of Sin+ the "nti-Christ - 2he Man o? Sin is the G+o@a+ 7rime $or' whom is the o(erseer o? a speci?ic networD o? an Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 in the past4 this was B*+i*s 1(o+a4 now this wo*+' ha(e passe' on to a ?ew other in'i(i'*a+s. 2he opposite o? 7hrist was the men who nai+e' him to the cross an' eCec*te' him as we++ as the man who sentence' him to @e p*@+ica++y eCec*te' 5 these are the #omans. 2he Armies o? the Anti 7hrist are the A6IS +e)ions o? the G+o@a+ #oman In'entity. %he 1ar. of the Beast - 2he G@east o? +a@orG is a termino+o)y which means Gs+a(eG. 2he MarD o? the ;east is to @e )i(en to those o? non A6IS ?action. 2he ma+es are to @e Di++e' 5 the ?ema+es who are a++owe' to +i(e are conc*@ines who +i(e as SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims. 2he MarD o? the ;east is the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace4 the A#G0S S*r)ica+ Imp+ant GPS chip4 an' other ?orms o? tracDin) which inc+*'e yo*r G+o@a+ Positionin) System in yo*r pocDet which is yo*r Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone that can @e GPS tracDe' @y the corporation which owns yo*r 7omm*nications Ser(er 4 as we++ as yo*r ;anDin) Acti(ity which can @e tracDe' @y m*+tip+e means. #eptile "liens - As in the Science .iction mini series G=G4 the #epti+e A+ien is the one who ass*mes the i'entity o? an in'i(i'*a+ *sin) a scienti?ic 'is)*ise. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy can an' has @een *se' to m*tate the han's o? an in'i(i'*a+4 th*s chan)in) their ?in)erprints 5 it can a+so @e *se' to m*tate sDin4 hair4 eyes4 comp+eCion4 nose4 ears4 chin4 @row ri')e4 nose @ri)e4 eye socDet4 eye +i'4 an' other @o'i+y ?eat*res. 7*rrent+y 5 there is no Socia+ .e'era+ #ecor' o? 3NA with which to i'enti?y citi>ens. A++ that is nee'e' ?or 'e?ense a)ainst this is an I'enti?ication 3epartment which co++ects 3NA recor's ann*a++y an' a*'its ?reH*ent+y as we++ as ?or Gene 2herapie' in'i(i'*a+s to imme'iate+y re)ister their new 3NA. ;=6; &n) of the 1a5an Culture - 2he 3ate o? Acti(ation o? )enoci'a+ 7o(ert A6IS S+eeper 7e++s in So*th America. Bestern Imperium - 2he :estern #oman 1mpire 5 c*rrent+y this is the 1*ropean Union. 1en from the Stars Pspace aliensQ - 2he ?actions sti++ in the 1*ropean Union. A+pha 7enta*ri 4 Peta #etic*+i 4 3raconis 5 a++ re?er to n*m@er o? $e)ion an' Nationa+ +ocation. "r5an #ace as $oun)er of "ll Cultures - #oman A6IS i'entity. A 'iaspora o? Aryan ma+es @*i+t the ?ort in Ita+ia Nar@onensis which +ater @ecame the ?irst #oman city state. 2he a)e a?ter the ?a++ o? the #oman 1mpire was ca++e' G2he 3arD A)esG or the Me'i1(a+ era. 2o B*+i*s 1(o+aAs #oman 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate 5 the #oman 1mpire was the pre'ecessor o? e(ery Din)'om which eCiste' anywhere that was once #oman Imperia+ territory. A6IS propa)an'a in(o+(in) co'e' cyphere' metaphors o?ten has 'o*@+e meanin)4 the +ie was 'isp+aye' to co(er the o@(io*s 'o*@+e meanin) with a @+atant a@s*r'ity 5 this @+atant a@s*r'ity has @een that the Aryan #oman ha' ;+on'e Hair an' ;+*e 1yes4 in act*a+ity B*+i*s 1(o+a (iewe' these peop+e as ;ar@arians. B*+i*s 1(o+a4 A'o+? Hit+er4 Heinrich Himm+er4 9ar+ Maria :i+i)*t4 Bose? Men)e+e4 =ittorio 1man*e+e III4 .rancisco .ranco4 ;enito M*sso+ini4 Gio(anni Genti+e4 the I@n Sa*' ?ami+y4 A+ Amin H*sseini4 as we++ as others a++ ha' ;rown Hair an' most ha' 'arD eyes. Aryan races are me'i*m comp+eCione' peop+es 5 the Persians4 Iranians4 A>er@aiIanis4 In'ians4 PaDistanis4 some o? the Bor'anians4 the ;*rmese4 some o? the 2hai+an'ers4 some o? the Nepa+i4 the #oma )ypsies4 the #omans4 an' others are the act*a+ Aryan races. 1&2I%&##"N&"N "N2 /HO OB-&"#%H %H&O#Y/ 0? re+e(ance to the #oman 1mpire an' the A6IS 5 the #oman 1mpire was esta@+ishe' a+on) the shores o? the Me'itteranean 4 e(ent*a++y esta@+ishin) conH*est o? the entire Me'itteranean. 2he

meanin) o? the wor' Me'i2erraNean comes ?rom three Mace'onian root wor's 5 Me'i 4 meanin) center or centra+ point < 2erra @ein) a #oman wor' ?or 1arth 4 an' Nean ha(in) corre+ation to the concept o? @ein) o? a +ocation. N*mero*s pa)es o? propa)an'a ha(e @een pro'*ce' which ha(e @een +a@e+e' GHo++ow 1arth 2heoryG. 2hese ?a+se ?+a))e' 7onspiracy 2heories are in ?act a camo*?+a)e ?or A6IS 7ypher an' Metaphor which is *s*a++y *se' in SpoDen 7on(ersation. the 1pi7enter o? the A6IS is the Me'iterranean Sea an' the #oman 1mpire 4 the North @ein) the Ita+ian race amon)st whom are the ?o*n'ers an' creator race o? the #oman 1mpire < the So*th @ein) the Sa*'i Ara@ian race whom ?o*n'e' the 0ttoman 1mpire which ha' conH*ere' an' he+' within itAs possession4 the territories o? the 1astern Imperi*m o? the #oman 1mpire as we++ as 'i' they esta@+ish 'ominion o? one o? the +ar)est Imperia+ 2erritories e(er to eCist. 9ar+ Maria :I++i)*t is ?a+se+y attri@*te' a @e+ie? that the 1arth is ho++ow 5 GNa>i Ho++ow 1arth 2heoryG 'escri@es a ca(e entrance to the center o? the 1arth which 9ar+ Maria :i++i)*t sent A6IS Na(y to co+oni>e. B*+i*a 1(o+a ?or)e' 9ar+ Maria :i++i)*tAs @ooDs ?rom his a+terations o? G*i'o =on $istAs ori)ina+ worDs 5 G*i'o =on $ist @ein) an Asatr*ar an' Phi+osopher o? 3e*tsche 1thnic Nationa+ity whoAs worDs 1(o+a (iewe' as s*@(ersi(e +iterat*re '*e to itAs In'i)eno*s Pa)an Nat*re. 0? re+e(ance to this an' the mo(ie GIron SDyG which 'epicts GNa>is ?rom the Moon;aseG 5 the 0ttoman .+a) ha' a Moon an' star on it < space a+iens re+ates to the G=ri+ SocietyG. 8ril Societ5 an) the Haune*u : 2he concept o? a G=ri+ SocietyG eCistin) is 'isin?ormation 5 the p*rpose o? the G=ri+G propa)an'a is to camo*?+a)e what is +iDe+y to @e an A6IS 7ypher $an)*a)e which B*+i*s 1(o+a an' his A)ents create'. It is possi@+e that the cypher co'e is em@e''e' within these stories an' ?a+se ?+a))e' G7onspiracy 2heoriesG. It may @e pro@a@+e that G=ri+G says 2h*+e with an accent or some other re+ate' wor' 5 cyphers o?ten create a non phonetic arran)ement o? a+pha@etics simi+ar to Gae+ic 4 ?or instance < which is not entire+y phonetic @ein) spe++e' in the +ate #oman A+pha@et which is the Phonecian a+pha@et we c*rrent+y *se ?or 1n)+ish. Speci?ic +etters neCt to eachother chan)e the prono*nciation o? the ori)ina+ so*n' o? the sin)*+ar +etter. 2he Ha*ne@* was portraye' to @e the ?a@+e' G.oo .i)hterG which was a .+yin) Sa*cer a++e)e'+y @*i+t @y A6IS Scientists 5 the Ha*ne@* was *n+iDe+y to e(er eCist4 tho*)h I ha(e seen ?a+se @+*eprints o? this 'e(ice which appears to possi@+y +e(itate +iDe a ho(ercra?t in @+*e print. I @e+ie(e that most G7onspiracy 2heoriesG re)ar'in) Ha*ne@* .+yin) Sa*cers 4 Green Men 4 Martians 4 an' #epti+ian Shape Shi?tin) A+iens a++ seem to @e re+ate' to the 7ypher 7omm*nications *se' on 7onspiracy 2heory Pa)es ?o*n' with Goo)+e.7om which are o?ten p*@+ishe' temporari+y. Green Men4 ?or instance < co*+' re?er to the s+an) GGreenG which mens GNewG or G#ooDieG4 as we++ as co*+' it mean other thin)s. GHo++ow 1arth 2heoryG p*@+ications has in the past 'escri@e' .+yin) Sa*cers ?rom the 7enter o? the 1arth 5 A+ien Space Ships s*ch as .+yin) Sa*cers ha(e @een 'epicte' to @e in(o+(e' in A@'*ction o? H*man ;ein)s an' H*man =i(isections4 these comm*nications are +iDe+y to @e re+ate' to A6IS H*man 2ra??icDin) NetworDs an' 7o(ert S+eeper 7e++s. 2he Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartments o? a++ Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 3epartments ha(e permanant recor's o? A$$ IN21#N12 PU;$I7A2I0NS AN3 2#ANSMISSI0NS G$0;A$$/ as 'o most .e'era+ In(esti)ations 3epartments 5 these 7yphere' A6IS 7omm*nications are a++ $i@rary 7ata+o))e' @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 1mp+oyees as are a++ Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar Phone 2ransmissions4 G+o@a+ Positionin) System transmissions4 an' a++ Ne*roScience ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2ransmissions which ha(e @een recor'e' p*re ?ee' #a'io .reH*ency @y Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence with an' witho*t so?tware transmissions as seperate ?ee's o? 'ata. - O$ #& &8"NC& %O %H& "(S%#I"N " I&N "GIS C( % 7*rrent+y in the 1*ropean Union4 there eCists an or)ani>ation which is proporte'+y Nationa+ist @*t is in act*a+ity most pro@a@+y a G+o@a+ist ACis ?ront. 2his or)ani>ation *ses a #e' an' Green shie+' as itAs em@+em with a So+ar 7ross in the center an' is a 1*ropean Unionist :hite Nationa+ist or)ani>ation. 2hese types o? or)ani>ations in(o+(e +ayers o? recr*itment an' heirarchy amon)st the mem@ers. Many or)ani>ations s*ch as these are recr*itin) )ro*n's ?or o*tsi'e or)ani>ations whether peop+e rea+i>e it or

not an' are o?ten *se' a (ei+e' +ayer o? another or)ani>ation. 2his or)ani>ation is reminiscent o? B*+i*s 1(o+aAs psycho+o)ica+ patternin) in that there is a So+ar 7ross in the center to which B*+i*s 1(o+a wo*+' ha(e misappropriate' an inne*n'o meanin) re+atin) it to his eCtremist masc*+ist concept o? So+ar Masc*+inity4 the em@+em is a shie+' with a cross which is a re+ate' concept to the Sa(oy shie+' on the Ita+ian Imperia+ ?+a)4 an' the co+or scheme is Ita+ian theme' which is c+ose+y re+ate' to the #oman I'entity. 2his icono)raphy is so eCtreme+y re+ate' to the So+ar Masc*+inity o? the Ita+ian 1mpire that it is a+most 'e?inite that this or)ani>ation +itera++y has em@e''e' within it4 a)ents o? the 1man*e+e an' 1(o+a ?ami+ies who worD with I@n Sa*'. A+tho*)h these are :hite Nationa+ists4 this or)ani>ation is 1*ropean Unionist an' within itAs ranDs are *n'o*@te'+y a sma++er n*m@er o? +itera+ G+o@a+ A6IS a)ents whom are intereste' in G+o@a+i>ation o? the State 5 +iDe the A*strian A+ien A6IS 7*+t4 the statements ma'e within these or)ani>ations ha(e 'o*@+e meanin)s which o?ten inc+*'e co(ert or'ers ?or speci?ic in'i(i'*a+s whom are in the Dnow+e')a@+e ?action in(o+(in) p+ans ?or G+o@a+i>ation o? State. 2hese or)ani>ations are in 'irect opposition to Nationa+ism @ein) that they are oppose' to Nationa+ In'epen'ence. U 2he A+ien 7*+t in the 1*ropean Union has possi@+y @een *se' as a co(er ?or ?orce' 'ep+oyment an' anonymo*s i++e)a+ 'ra?tin) o? co(ert parami+itary. 2his i++e)a+ 'ra?tin) is pro@a@+e '*e to the n*m@er o? in'i(i'*a+s arri(in) with '*p+icate' USA 7iti>en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. Pri(ate+y owne' hospita+s ha(e @een *se' as =i(isection Sites ?or the p*rpose o? i++e)a++y s*r)ica++y imp+antin) ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' $on)#an)e :ire+ess S*r)ica+ #o*ter F ;attery Imp+ants. 2hese ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e the capa@i+ity o? @ein) *se' with m*+tip+e ?orms o? so?tware 5 the possi@i+ities o? what these can 'o are a+most +imit+ess. I? a 2errorist 0r)ani>er *se' these 'e(ices an' 2eCt to =ision So?tware 5 Psych :ar?are was most +iDe+y *se' to scare the in'i(i'*a+s in(o+(e' in rep+acin) American ?ami+ies *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. A psych war?are assa*+t in(o+(in) the A+ien 7*+t an' these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces wo*+' most +iDe+y in(o+(e shocD an' terror 5 this is most pro@a@+y @ein) con'*cte' *sin) 2eCt to =ision So?tware an' the typin) o? Green 2162 +etters statement somethin) terri?yin) s*ch as G /o* are now @ein) 'ra?te' @y the mi+itary o? the :estern Imperi*m. /o* m*st report to Pe@*+on o? the Peta #etic*+i4 a?ter which yo* are )oin) to @e 'ep+oye' to A+pha 3raconi %G. A?ter this Din' o? statement @ein) type' 2eCt 2o =ision *pon the recr*ite' (ictimsA oc*+ar ner(e4 the 'ra?te' (ictim wo*+' most +iDe+y @e instr*cte' to meet an anonymo*s +iason ?or the p*rpose o? recei(in) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s4 passport4 an' p+ane ticDets. A?ter arri(in) in the USA4 these peop+e wo*+' wire+ess+y comm*nicate' to *sin) 2eCt to =ision So?tware an' instr*cte' to meet with the rest o? the i++e)a++y 'ra?te' parami+itary co(ert networD. 2he :estern Imperi*m is the name which An'ers ;rei(iD proporte'+y mention on a @+o) site 5 the pro@a@i+ity o? his comp*ter @ein) hacDe' an' his @ein) misH*ote' is 'e?inite. 2he :estern Imperi*m is the name ?or the 1*ropean Union that has @een ?reH*ent+y *se' @y A6IS $oya+ists in :estern 1*rope since the ?a++ o? the 2hir' #eich 4 as was pre(io*s+y mentione' 5 the 1astern Imperi*m is the ?ormer 0ttoman Imperia+ territory. 2his Psych :ar?are metho' is a+so possi@+y @ein) *se' on Nationa+ 1thnics o? ?ormer 0ttoman pop*+ations within the 1*ropean Union4 I ha(e meet a Moroccon M*+atto an' a Sa*'i Ara@ian @oth c+aimin) to @e USA 7iti>ens whom they are not an' ha(e 3*p+icate I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? this in'i(i'*a+s. U Psycho+o)ica+ #ea+ity Screens an' #ea+ity .i+ters *se' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace wo*+' in(o+(e creatin) a secon' rea+ity *sin) an a+ternate set o? Ne*ro $in)*istic =a+*es acti(ate' @y +ayere' hypnotic pro)rammin) which co*+' inc+*'e a series o? +a@e+e' (a+*es creatin) an a+ternate rea+ity. #eco)nition o? h*mans as 'i??erin) A+ien Species co*+' pro(oDe eCtreme (io+ence4 eCtreme passi(ity4 eCtreme ma+ea@i+ity4 or any other easi+y manip*+ate' (a+*e. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:-: 1etho)s of #ecruitment :-: ;rain to ;rain comp*ter inter?aces are @ein) *se' to @+acDmai+ crime syn'icates into a heirarcha+ pecDin) or'er &the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate can rea' the crimina+sA tho*)hts on a comp*ter screen *sin) tho*)ht to teCt so?tware4 th*s they Dnow o? a++ o? their crimes,. 2hese eCtremists m*st @e connecte' to @oth imperia+ists an' seC tra??icDers as we++ as internationa+ corporations emp+oyin) em@e''e' operati(es )*i+ty o? h*man (i(isections. I? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate arran)es 7rime Syn'icates4 7orporations4 Pri(ate ;*siness 0wners4 In'i(i'*a+ 7rimina+ A)ents4 Street Gan)s4 2errorist 0r)ani>ations4 Po+itica+ A)ents4 an' in'i(i'*a+s associate' with Me'ia Pro'*ction in a sin)+e heirarcha+ pecDin) or'er with their 7o(ert A)ents em@e''e' within each +e(e+ o? heirarchy 5 thro*)h crime an' terror they co*+' s*ccee' in acti(ities s*ch as 7o(ert Genoci'e4 AnneCation o? entire Nations4 an' (ario*s means o? Sa@ota)e. I @e+ie(e this is what the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate was a+rea'y in(o+(e' in I*st prior to :or+' :ar 1. =ittorio 1man*e+e seems to @e maDin) one ?ina+ attempt. * :-: Se@-%raffic.ers an) Se@-Offen)ers :-: #ecruitment of Se@ Offen)ers E " )angerous possi*ilit5 : As a res*+t o? =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+esA me)a+omaniaca+ o@session with esta@+ishin) a@so+*te contro+ o(er their )+o@a+ en(ironment 5 #ecr*itment o? SeC 0??en'ers < as we++ as =ittorio an' .i++i@erto @ein) Seria+ #apist #epeat 0??en'ers is o? an eCtreme pro@a@i+ity an' is 'e?inite ?act*a+ threat. 1ns*rin) that a++ his a)ents are )*i+ty o? the same crimes as his se+? 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e *ses 7o++ecti(e G*i+t to contro+ the entire pop*+ation o? his accomp+ices to ens*re that not a sin)+e in'i(i'*a+ o? his ?action 'e?ect to the Unite' States o? America or an a++ie' nationa+ state. It is pro@a@+e that initiation :ar 7rimes 4 SeC 0??enses4 an' Hate 7rimes are reH*ire' o? his accomp+ices ?or p*rpose o? pro(in) their re+ia@i+ity to remain si+ent. It is 'e?inite that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Genoci'a+ 2errorist A6IS 7rime Syn'icate ha(e maintaine' Dnow+e')e concernin) the +ocations an' acti(ities o? ?ami+ies which they ha(e o??en'e' ?or p*rpose o? si+encin) entire ?ami+ies o? witnesses an' (ictims systemica++y witho*t @ein) 'etecte' as a Genoci'a+ 2errorist .action @y the Unite' States 3epartment o? 3e?ense. 2his has o@(io*s+y @een achei(e' @y means o? networDs o? Ita+ians in the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a whom re+ay in?ormation @y wor' o? mo*th 4 p*@+ishe' cyphere' an' metaphoric comm*nications 4 comp*ter hacDers 4 the Ma?ias 4 a)ents within the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen 4 an' s+eeper a)ents in )o(ernment . Many o? the ?ami+ies tar)ette' in the 1800As an' the ear+y 1"00As ha(e contin*e' to @e str*cD @y the same )enoci'a+ ?action 4 this contin*e' thro*)ho*t the NiCon A'ministration an' now into 2013 . 3*e to their hea(y in?+*ence an' eCtreme contro+ o(er the me'ia in the U.S.A. as we++ as the constant presense o? S+eeper A)ents within 7.I.A. an' ..;.I. < the 7o+' :ar with the Ita+ian A6IS has ne(er @een acDnow+e')e' e(en *nto 2013. 7o(ert Genoci'e in(o+(es m*r'er an' tra??icDin) o? ?ami+ies inc+*'in) women an' chi'ren 5 this eCtremity o? crimina+ @eha(ior is reH*irin) o? the most 'is)*stin) o? crimina+s4 'e(oi' o? a++ mora+ conscience an' emotiona+ attachment to h*manity <5 these in(i'*a+s are sa'ists4 sociopaths4 pe'arasts4 seria+ Di++ers4 seC tra??icDers4 or)an tra??icDers4 ?eta+ tra??icDers4 an' h*man (i(isectionists. 0ne o? the possi@+e tar)ets ?or recr*itment @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate ?or the p*rpose o? rep+acin) 2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+s are SeC 0??en'ers. SeC 0??en'ers are easy to ?in' 5 they are re)istere' an' +ocatin) them is a simp+e tasD '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that +ists o? them can @e o@taine' an' '*e to the o@(io*s ?act that the some o? the hospita+s in entire re)ions are owne' @y #etainers who are worDin) ?or the 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom are the )*i+ty party. 2he +i?e o? a con(icte' SeC 0??en'er is iso+ate' an' +acDin) in potentia+ ?or societa+ a'(ancement 5 i? recr*ite' a?ter s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 SeC 0??en'ers wo*+' @e the +east +iDe+y to m*tiny. 2he 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate whom are the )*i+ty party here ha(e ?or at +east 150 years @een in(o+(e' in InterNationa+ SeC 2ra??icDin) an' other ?orms o? H*man 2ra??icDin). SeC 0??en'ers4 @ein) )rante' the chance at a secon' +i?e 5 wo*+' a+most certain+y taDe the +eap o? ?aith necessary to a++ow someone to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy their ?ace4 comp+eCion4 an' @o'y < as we++ as p+astic s*r)ery them an' teach them a new

+an)*a)e inc+*'in) train their (oca+s an' speech patterns with ;rain 7omp*ter Inte?ace techno+o)y. 2hese SeC 0??en'ers wo*+' @e )i(en another personAs 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' they wo*+' rep+ace this person4 +i(in) in the +i?e o? the person they rep+ace' as i? they were them 5 the chance at ha(in) a new +i?e an' @ein) connecte' to SeC 2ra??icDin) is 'e?inite+y somethin) that a SeC 0??en'er wo*+' most +iDe+y ?ee+ is a *n'enia@+e )i?t. 2he potentia+ that we co*+' ha(e h*n're's o? SeC 0??en'ers ?rom other nations on o*r soi+ c*rrent+y is an enormo*s threat to o*r comm*nity. Usin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 4 an in'i(i'*a+ +ocDe' in a '*n)eon co*+' @e ?e' Hemo)+o@in =ia+s o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' ?in' that when they are a++owe' to eCit the '*n)eon an' see their appearance in a mirror 5 their ?ace an' @o'y ha(e m*tate' into a 'i??erent in'i(i'*a+As ?orm. 2hese m*tate' in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' most +iDe+y @e Di++e' an' +e?t as a corpse to @e ?o*n' +ater or swappe' with a SeC 0??en'er an' +ater poisone' 4 @ein) prono*nce' G3ea' 0? Nat*ra+ 7a*sesG at a hospita+ owne' @y an 1man*e+e 1(o+a #etainer or an associate' in'i(i'*a+ s*ch as an a++y o? Mosta?a I@n Sa*'As. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy (ictim +ocDe' in a '*n)eon an' +ater +e?t as a @*rnt corpse4 co*+' possi@+y pass a 3NA test 'one ?or the p*rpose o? i'enti?yin) the 'ea' in'i(i'*a+ 5 ca*sin) the in'i(i'*a+ to @e i'enti?ie' as a person whom is sti++ a+i(e e+sewhere *sin) the new+y 'ea' personAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. A'o+? Hit+erAs ?ami+y wo*+' certain+y attempt to *se this metho' to e(ent*a++y escape 'eath themse+(es 5 this @ein) as s*ch4 =ittorio 1man*e+e most pro@a@+y a+rea'y has create' n*mero*s =ector Gene 2herapie' @o'y 'o*@+e 'opp+e)an)ers whom he may ha(e recent+y re+ease' ?rom hospita+s an' '*n)eons. 2hese m*tate' in'i(i'*a+s wo*+' most pro@a@+y eCist as a co(er ?or himse+? an' his imme'iate ?ami+y as we++ as ?or some o? the 1(o+as whom ha(e @een in hi'in) ?or the past % )enerations. 2ests can @e *se' to 'etermine i? an in'i(i'*a+ has *n'er)one m*tation an' was ori)ina++y ho+'in) a 'i??erent I'enti?ication 4 these tests inc+*'e 5 physica+ a)e tests4 @+oo' type4 ?in)er print4 ?oot print4 1.1.G. he+mete' interro)ation4 3NA tests4 Gene tests4 ?ami+ia+ 3NA tests4 ?ami+y tree research4 hair ?o++ica+ test4 hair 3NA test4 ?in)ernai+ 3NA test4 Stem 7e++ 3NA test4 tooth 3NA test4 or i'enti?ication @y Mi+itary Si)na+s re+ate' In(esti)ations i? the in'i(i'*a+ has ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace )ra?te' *pon their @rain the entire time. A ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace transmittin) +on) ran)e ra'io ?reH*ency wo*+' *n'o*@te'+y ha(e transmitte' the entirety o? the Ne*roSystemAs responses an' creation o? the m*tations themse+(es as we++ as the @rainAs an' ne*ro systemAs ana+ysis o? the @o'yAs m*tations. I? a person has m*tate' an' they ha(e ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in their @rain the entire time4 their m*tation has @een recor'e' an' can @e ana+y>e' with so?tware which can +itera++y animate a +i?e +iDe (ersion o? the person @e?ore4 '*rin)4 an' a?ter m*tation on a comp*ter. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy in m*+tip+e treatments com@ine' with a co*p+e o? other Me'ica+ Sciences has the a@i+ity to re)enerate missin) appen'a)es s*ch as ?in)ers 5 this occ*rs '*e to m*tation which can @e )*i'e' *sin) speci?ic proteins4 e+ectrica+ an' ma)netic stim*+ation4 an' a+ternate' repeate' m*tation o? )enetics. M9U$2#A in(o+(e' the i++e)a+ *se' o? Hea+th7are ?aci+ities ?or p*rposes o? H*man =i(isection an' SeC 2ra??icDin) @y Syn'icate' 7rimina+ 2errorists re+ate' to the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate 5 the recr*itment o? SeC 0??en'ers ?or p*rpose o? creatin) an entire+y +oya+ 7rimina+ A)ent wi++in) to commit acts o? 2errorism is (ery +o)ica+ an' wo*+' @e carrie' o*t @y A)ents in(o+(e' in Psychiatric 7o*nse+in) an' Hea+th7are .aci+ities where they co*+' @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' an' 7osmetic P+astic S*r)erie'. SeC 0??en'ers imme'iate+y seeD co*nse+in) an' hospita+i>ation a?ter re+ease ?rom Prison. I? the pop*+ation o? the USA is systemica++y rep+ace' with entire pocDets o? ;+acD Mai+e' pop*+ation permanant+y in'e@te' to an' at the mercy o? a 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate 5 an eCtreme+y o+i)archa+ heirachy wi++ @e possi@+y permanant+y em@e''e' within North America 4 ha(in) a co(ert 2ota+ 3ictator. Blac.-1aile) In)i0i)uals as 1ortuar5 "ssistants : ;+acD Mai+e' in'i(i'*a+s are most +iDe+y to @e *se' as Mort*ary Assistants an' A*topsy Assistants ?or the p*rpose o? attemptin) to remo(e the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' S*r)ica+ Imp+ants ?rom the (ictims 4 *n'etecte'. 2he In'entity o? corpses is most +iDe+y to @e hi''en @y these in'i(i'*a+s4 imposte*r corpses are most +iDe+y to @e *se'.

#ecr*itment o? crimina+s an' manip*+ation o? the crimina+s to commit acts o? :ar 7rimes is most pro@a@+e to @e *se' to create a ?ee+in) o? 7o++ecti(e G*i+t amon)st them which wi++ ca*se them to s*@mit to @+acDmai+ an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icates 'irections. 2uring ;=6= + a photograph of the imposteur of m5 cousin Ba5ne 1artineau's imposteur -as )eli0ere) to m5 !ran)1other's "partment at :: Co0entr5 Court in 1errimac. Ne-Hampshire an) is currentl5 amongst the photographs3 %his man pre0iousl5 ha) a )ifferent set of I)entification Cre)entials an) -as a nurse or )octor in a hospital in ;==F3 I am almost entirel5 positi0e that this man is a Se@-Offen)er -hom the5 recruite)3 Ba5ne 1artineau -as last seen )ri0ing a %a@i-Ca* in 1anchester Ne-Hampshire )uring the 5ear ;==D3 * Se@ U :oman whom ha(e @een a@'*cte' are c*rrent+y rep+ace' @y women o? simi+ar appearance 5 these women a++ seem to ha(e GPorn NamesG on their .ace;ooD pro?i+es an' are missin) or are photoshoppe' to appear as s*ch an' their .ace;ooD Acco*nts are contin*o*s+y @ein) hacDe'. A++ o? these names are re?erences to the concept o? @ein) 1n'an)ere' 4 A#G0S S*r)ica+ Imp+ants are S*r)ica+ Imp+ant G+o@a+ Positionin) Systems encase' in s*r)ica+ p+astic 5 these are typica+ *se' @y ;io+o)ists to tracD 1n'an)ere' Species. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is c*rrent+y )ra?te' to my @rain is transmittin) wire+ess+y '*e to a @attery an' ro*ter imp+ante' near my throat 4 insi'e o? my Iaw 5 an A#G0S S*r)ica+ Imp+ant wo*+' @e pro@a@+e to @e *se' ?or the p*rpose o? tracDin) the (ictims in the case o? a (ictim remo(in) the ro*ter ?rom the Iaw or ma)neti>in) the ro*ter 4 'ama)in) it @eyon' repair. I? a (ictim sho*+' 'estroy the ro*ter4 the A#G0S S*r)ica+ Imp+ant wo*+' tracD the (ictim maDin) it possi@+e to rep+ace the ro*ter or Di++ the 2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+. 2he womenAs names so*n' simi+ar to GPorn StarG names is o@(io*s that the 2ra??icDers are *sin) their .ace;ooD Pro?i+es. Names s*ch as G3an)ersG an' GP+i)htG are @ein) p*t in parenthesis on .ace;ooD Pro?i+es as s*rnames 5 many o? the in'i(i'*a+s on these .ace;ooD Pro?i+es ha(e @een missin) an' m*+tip+e peop+e ha(e @een seen *sin) 3*p+icate' I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. U In?ormation c*rrent+y on the internet states that the Boy 3i(ision o? the A6IS ?orces 'i'nAt eCist an' was I*st part o? a ?ictiona+ no(e+. 2he Boy 3i(ision was a )ro*p o? @rothe+s r*n @y the A6IS5 where women were @ro*)ht to @e he+' as s+a(es4 Dept ?or SeC 2ra??icDin) p*rposes. 2here are c*rrent+y n*moro*s GPorno)raphicG we@sites containin) the wor' GB0/G within the name o? the :e@site as we++ as an or)ani>ation ca++e' Gthe Boys o? SatanG. U Samantha G*ay was a@'*cte' '*rin) 2002. I met an imposte*r o? Samantha G*ay whom was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim '*rin) 2003. Samantha G*ay an' this woman were @oth (ictims o? the same networD that SeC 2ra??icDe' my Mother an' my Nana when my Mother was 5 years o+' to 1% years o+'. Samantha G*ay ha' to+' me in 1""" that her A*nt o? 7o*sin was a (ictim o? the same thin) as my Mother. Samantha G*ayAs Mother Dnew my Mother an' was @est ?rien's with my co*sin Shei+a. Samantha G*ay was ?rien's with my co*sin Shei+aAs 'a*)hter Monica. 2he imposte*r o? 7hristine 3ionAs .ather who appeare' '*rin) 200% has @een in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) ?or a +on) time an' is a Property Stea' Ho+'er o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs. * :-: Ser*ian Criminal %errorist (nit in (S" for 8ittoruo &maneuele I8 :-: 3*rin) the year 200% 4 9y+e Howar' spoDe with =ittorio 1man*e+e on the te+ephone an'

=ittorio J=ictorK 1man*e+e to+' hin that he was @rin)in) a Ser@ian *nit to the USA . 2hese Ser@ians are H*man 2ra??icDers an' Genoci'a+ 2errorists.

:-: Social Be*sites E $aceBoo.+ 15Space+ Blut (n) Bo)en:-: I ha' a .ace@ooD penpa+ name' Bo>e Men'o>a who +i(e' in MeCico. Bo>e was a ;*r>*m ?an an' an in'i)eno*s american4 his ?ace@ooD pro?i+e photo was a pict*re o? him in a ;*r>*m tshirt. I @e+ie(e his pro?i+e was tar)ette' a?ter we starte' speaDin) on ?ace@ooD '*e to his A>tecQ2o+tec herita)e an' the ?act that he was wearin) a ;*r>*m tshirt. Short+y a?ter I ha' @e)*n ta+Din) to him4 a MeCican pro?i+e *sin) the name 2e>a Moreno a''e' me on .ace@ooD < I soon notice' that two o? the G2eresaAsG on the pro?i+e were women whom ha' @een c*stomers when I worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st. 2here are ?o*r 'i??erent womenAs pict*res on the pro?i+e c+aimin) to @e 2eresa 7+a*'io Moreno. Aro*n' this time a pro?i+e ?rom the is+e o? 7ypress &which I @e+ie(e is somewhere c+ose to 7rete, ran'om+y sent me a ?rien' reH*est as we++. 2his shows a stron) connection to the )*i+ty an' ?ear?*+ conscience o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' possi@+y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs i++e)itimate )ran' son4 whom I @e+ie(e a+so sta+De' me to my worD a?ter I ha' @e)*n eCchan)in) emai+s with Henry MaDow. 2he MeCicans wo*+' ha(e @een a tar)et o? his '*e to my @rie? emai+ contact with an A>teca aro*n' this time an' @rie? acH*aintin) with an A>teca in the +oca+ comm*nity. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs o+'er @rother 7+int -2ay+orO8 has a 'e?inite rec*rrent patho+o)y in that he tar)ets MeCican .ema+es an' SeC 2ra??icDs them 5 inc+*'in) +itt+e )ir+s o? MeCican race an' other Mesti>o races s*ch as my sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson. 2his pro?i+e is eCtreme+y simi+ar to the 1mi+y Is+es pro?i+e a?ter it was taDen @y the 1man*e+es a?ter they a@'*cte' 1mi+y Is+es 4 Me)an Marsha++ 4 an' the other ?ema+es whoAs photo)raphs were presente' as 1mi+y Is+es. =ittorio 1man*e+e is a sa'istic Pe'ophi+e SeC 2ra??icDer an' has raise' the maIority o? his sons to @e the same. :hi+e I was worDin) at the .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 4 the AP217A Man who ?reH*ent+y shoppe' at the s)tore mentione' that he ha' o(erhear' 1' :arren p+annin) to *se ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?or Genoci'e an' state' that he tho*)ht 1' :arren was A6IS .action. Another pro?i+e o? interest which trie' to a'' me on .ace@ooD was a pro?i+e *sin) the name Mia Pia Sch*mann. :hi+e home+ess< my ce++ phone recei(e' a teCt ?rom an anonymo*s so*rce *sin) the n*m@er E1! 5"5 11EE4 this anonymo*s person was interestin) in ta+Din) to me on .ace@ooD an' a''e' me to their pro?i+e ?rien' +ist which was name' MIA PIA Sch*mann. Mia Pia is a Dnown name o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @een Dnown to repeate'+y *se a sma++ +ist o? the same names4 when namin) their chi+'ren. * :-: Imposteurs :-: U :hi+e I was worDin) at Stop n Shop 4 an Armenian +ooDin) man approache' the 'e+i co*nter to asD me a H*estion. It was apparent that this man was attemptin) to +ooD +iDe 9ar+ .e*'ner. 9ar+ .e*'ner was an ?ormer co worDer o? mine whom I worDe' with at New Hampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication in $on'on'erry New Hampshire. 9ar+ .e*'ner was a .irst Nations Nati(e American whom was ha+? German4 he was a MiHMaD. 2he Armenian +ooDin) man ha' the same tattoo on his arm that 9ar+ .e*'ner ha'4 he was the same hei)ht4 an' his hair was the same 'arD @+on'e. I am certain that this man was attemptin) to appear to @e 9ar+ .e*'ner an' most +iDe+y has a '*p+icate I'entity 7ar' o? his.

Some o? these '*p+icate I'entity 7ar's ha(e the ?aces o? the imposte*rs on them in the stea' o? the ?act*a+ ownersA ?ace on it. I ha(e since this time seen m*+tip+e peop+e attemptin) to preten' to @e peop+e I went to hi)hschoo+ with whom may or may not sti++ @e a+i(e 5 the imposte*rs were ass*min) the i'entities o? NicD Sti+es 4 7ara Samson4 Hi++ary ;ri)ham4 MiDe ;annon4 an' 9y+e .ie+'s. 2hey were a++ 'i??erent @o'y shape4 o? incorrect physica+ a)e4 or o? s+i)ht+y 'i??erent comp+eCion 5an' the one preten'in) to @e 9y+e .ie+'s appeare' to @e an Ara@ic M*+atto. :ith a++ o? these peop+e 5 it seeme' that the match was ma'e with the i'enti?ication paperworD in min' an' the ?acia+ photo)raph o? the I'enti?ication 7ar' in min'. It is a pro@a@i+ity that some o? these in'i(i'*a+s are tra??icDin) (ictims an' that there are 2errorist 7rimina+s amon)st them. As was pre(io*s+y state' 4 the 3epartment o? Motor =ehic+es was in(o+(e' in the i++e)a+ sa+e o? .or)e' an' 3*p+icate' I'entiti?ication 7ar's 5 there ha(e a+so @een hospita+s in(o+(e' in many o? these crimes4 maDin) it is stron) possi@i+ity that .or)e' an' 3*p+icate' ;irth 7erti?icates ha(e @een so+'. U :hi+e worDin) at Stop n Shop 5 a Sici+ian man whom +ooDe' incre'i@+y simi+ar to 2om 2ancre'o @*t was s+i)ht+y ta++er an' ha(in) @+*e co+ore' irises o? eyes < approache' the 'e+i accompanie' @y a ?ema+e whom ha' o@(io*s+y *n'er)one 7osmetic =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ?or Aesthetic 3is)*ise < she appeare' .rench an' Ita+ian 4 @*t seeme' to ha(e Aryan sDin 3NA ?rom either In'ia 4 ;*rma 4 or PaDistan. U 3*rin) the 1""0As an' ear+y 2000As 4 n*mero*s news artic+es were p*@+ishe' which reporte' ?ami+ies @ein) m*r'ere' @y a mem@er o? the ?ami+y who ret*rne' home ?rom a (acation to ?in' that the ?ami+y in their home ha' @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs who +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to their ?ami+y @*t were 'e?inite+y not their ?ami+y. 2his scenario was 'escri@e' n*mero*s times an' is pro@a@+y a metho' which the Ho*se o? Sa(oy *ses to rep+ace ?ami+ies that they ha(e tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e 4 rep+acin) them with @+acD mai+e' crimina+s an' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims < *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation an' 7osmetic S*r)ery to a+ter the appearance o? the imposte*rs to match the (ictimsA physica+ appearance. It is possi@+e that this has @een *se' to occ*py seats in Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ;ases 5 hospita+s are owne' @y Properties Stea' Ho+'ers o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs.

:-: 7oe eBaron :-: Boe $e;aron went to a #eha@i+itation 7+inic in 200! 5 since this time < I ha(e met an imposte*r preten'in) to @e Boe $e;aron4 this man +ooDs ha+? Ita+ian an' ha+? German <5 Boe $e;aron was .ranDic American an' German. 2he Boe $e;aron imposte*rAs mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@er was E03 %"3 11%% . A++ o? these in'i(i'*a+s are peop+e whom =ittorio 1man*e+e wo*+' ?ear ha(e Dnow+e')e o? his ?ami+ia+ @+oo' re+ation to A'o+? Hit+er4 whom was =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )ran'?atherAs ha+? @rother. 2he Imposte*r whom #ep+ace' Boe $e;aron +i(e' at 22 Har(ar' Street Nash*a NewHampshire on the 3r' .+oor '*rin) 2010. ;etween 2008 an' 2012 4 the Imposte*r Boe $e;aron attempte' to 'own+oa' a 2erra@yte eCterna+ har''ri(e worth o? Porno)raphy *sin) a nei)h@orAs :i.i which he i++e)a++y accesse'. 2his 2erra@yte worth o? Porno)raph is +iDe+y to contain ho*rs worth o? (i'eo recor's o? .i+i@erto 1man*e+eAs SeC 0??enses an' :ar 7rimes 5 many o? these women re pro@a@+e to @e his (ictims. It is not necessary to possess this har''ri(e to in(esti)ate these 'own+oa's 4 the constant stream o? 'own+oa's was accesse' at this one +ocation an' was 'own+oa'e' primari+y *sin) 13onDey 4

;it2orrent 4 an' other .i+eShare metho's 5 the 'own+oa' history o? a++ Internet pro(i'e' to the +ocations +oca+ to 22 or 23 Har(ar' Street is recor'e' @y .e'era+ 7omm*nications 7ommission 4 ..;.I. 4 Internet Ser(ers 4 an' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Ser(er as we++ as the past approCimate E years o? recor'e' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace ra'io transmissions ?rom the Imposte*r Boe $e;aronAs @rain.

:-: 7eff Ca*ral :-: U 3*rin) 2011 Be?? 7a@ra+ checDe' in to a #eha@i+itation 7+inic. 2he neCt time that I saw GBe??G a?ter this4 he was with the man whom has @een ?a+se+y c+aimin) to @e ;o@ Sha)o*ry. ;o@ Sha)or*ry was racia++y $e@anese an' Syrian 5 the man preten'in) to @e him in 2011 was Sa*'i Ara@ian an' was 3 inches ta++er. 2he man c+aimin) that he was Be?? 7a@ra+ +ooDe' i'entica+ to Be?? 7a@ra+ @*t ta++er @y an inch. 0n #a)nar 9ar+sonAs ?ace @ooD 4 G#a)nar 9ar+ssonG 5 there was a photo)raph o? an 1astern 1*ropean +ooDin) man c+im@in) a mo*ntain. 2he man c+im@in) the mo*ntain ho+'in) the c+im@in) picDs +ooDe' near+y i'entica+ to the man preten'in) to @e Be?? 7a@ra+. #a)nar 9ar+sson has @een missin) ?or some time an' I ha(e @een *na@+e to )et the man *sin) his ?ace@ooD to respon' at a++. =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 an' the other sons o? =ittorioAs m*st ha(e ma'e a cooperati(e partner o? an 1astern 1*ropean re)iona+ 7rime Syn'icate somewhere an' @ro*)ht them on @oar' ?or their c*rrent p+ans. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' ha(e @een *se' to maDe the 1astern 1*ropean manAs ?ace +ooD more +iDe Be?? 7a@ra+As 5 it is most pro@a@+e that the manAs ?ace was simi+ar in appearance to @e)in with. Be?? 7a@ra+ was racia++y Swe'ish an' Port*)e*se. #eha@i+itation 7+inics4 0rtho'onta+ 7+inics4 Psychiatric Hea+th7are .aci+ities4 an' Hospita+s seem to @e the most common+y *se' ?aci+ities in(o+(e' in the 1man*e+e 1(o+a I@nSa*' Syn'icateAs terrorism. In 20104 my Mother was i++e)a++y @ro*)ht to a #eha@i+itation 7+inic in :estwoo' Massach*settes a)ainst her wi++ 5 since this time4 I ha(e met % 'i??erent women with my MotherAs appearance whom ha(e @een *sin) her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. * :-: Brazil :-: :hi+e in ;ra>i+ '*rin) 2002 4 2003 4 or 200% < my .atherAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s were sto+en. 2he 1man*e+es 'e?inite+y ha(e a connection in ;ra>i+. Mem@ers o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen in ;ra>i+ as we++ as mem@ers o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in ;ra>i+ ha(e a networD o? 'r*) sm*))+ers an' SeC 2ra??icDers that worD thro*)ho*t the So*th American nations an' the USA an' 7ana'a. 3*rin) the N*rem@*r) 2ria+s 4 n*mero*s A6IS :ar 7rimina+s who worDe' with the 1man*e+e 1(o+a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate that ha' taDen o(er the 3e*tsche Nationa+ Go(ernment a?ter in?i+tratin) the N.S.3.A.P. 5 escape' to So*th America to a(oi' :ar 7rimes 2ri@*na+ 7o*rt an' han)in) ?or their crimes '*rin) the Ho+oca*st 4 '*rin) which 20 Mi++ion 7i(i+ians were )enoci'a++y eCterminate' an' 7i(i+ians were SeC 2ra??icDe' 4 $a@or 2ra??icDe' 4 an' H*man =i(isecte'. * :-: the !onzalez $amil5 :-: -$ranchesca -%on5 * :-: Imposteurs on rotation :-:

2he 7o(ert A)ents who ha(e @een +i(in) as the (ictims as imposte*rs 4 ha(e @een taDin) shi?ts impersonatin) )enoci'e (ictims ?or what seems to @e an a(era)e o? three years o? so @e?ore they rotate position with another a)ent. I ha(e seen ?o*r 'i??erent in'i(i'*a+s impersonate one missin) person o(er the past nine years < this howe(er 4 is an eCtreme case 5 in most cases 4 so ?ar 4 it seems that one or two a)ents ha(e @een taDin) o(er the i'entity o? the missin) person. 2hese missin) peop+e can not @e easi+y reporte' as missin) '*e to the =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation that has @een @ein) *se' to m*tate the imposte*rs to +ooD i'entica+ to the (ictims 5 the hair 4 eyes 4 ?in)er prints 4 sDin 4 nose ears 4 cheeD @ones 4 chin 4 @row ri')e 4 eye shape 4 an' hair +ine o? a person can easi+y @e m*tate' as can the co+or o? these thin)s. * :-: !uilt5 Police :-: U N*mero*s Po+ice in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. ha(e @een si)hte' o*t o? their I*ris'iction 4 *sin) Po+ice cars that are marDe' ?or e+sewhere whi+e participatin) in what appear to @e Po+icin) acti(ities < n*mero*s Po+ice 7ars ha(e a+so @een si)htin) which are painte' with *ncon(entiona+ paint Io@s s*ch as @+acD an' )o+' e(en tho*)h o*r Po+ice 7ars are s*ppose' to @e *ni?orm. N*mero*s Po+ice 0??icers ha(e @een si)hte' who ha(e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' 3NA 4 a +ar)e n*m@er o? peop+esA :itness Statements ha(e @een i)nore' entire+y @y the +oca+ Po+ice an' In(esti)ators whomha(e 'one nothin) to in(esti)ate the these 7rimes A)ainst H*manity. U Hospita+s 4 7o++e)es 4 an' Uni(ersities owne' @y the 1man*e+es an' their associate' 7rimina+ 2errorist A6IS A??i+iate' In(estors an' :ea+th #etainers as we++ as in?i+trators in the U.S.A. .e'era+ Go(ernment can ?aDe ;irth #ecor's 4 Me'ica+ #ecor's 4 Atten'ance #ecor's 4 Gra'*ation #ecor's 4 an' Po+ice #ecor's. 2hese can @e ?aDe' as we++ as o@taine' or a+tere' < i? an entire State Po+ice .orce is 'ecapitate' < a hacDer a'mitte' to the po+ice 'epartment can a+ter comp*ter recor's4 Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 0??icers can easi+y o@taine' the ori)ina+ recor's ?rom the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters. I? a Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence @ase is 'ecapitate' @y a comp+ete in?i+tration 4 the AUS7ANNPU9US NetworD can (eri?y whether or not e+ectronic ?i+es ha(e @een a+tere' or tamperin) with e(i'ence has occ*rre'. 3*rin) the ;aracD 0@ama campai)n 4 some peop+e were 'eman'in) that the Inte++i)ence 7omm*nity con'*ct an intensi(e ;acD)ro*n' 7hecD on ;aracD 0@amaAs ori)in < statin) that ;aracD 0@ama was a ?aDe name an' a ?aDe i'entity @ein) *se' ?or the p*rpose o? 'ecapitatin) the U.S.A. Go(ernment m*ch the same as A'o+? Hit+er 'i'. 3*rin) the year 2005 4 1' :arren 'isc*sse' with n*mero*s peop+e that a man ha' @een ?o*n' on a +ist o? names who was name' G;aracD 0@amaG an' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy was )oin) to secret+y ?*n' his campai)n an' rep+ace him with two imposte*rs =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to +ooD +iDe ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' manip*+ate' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace to so*n' an' mo(e eCact+y the same as ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. U 2he +ast time I spoDe to 1mi+y Is+es 4 she to+' me that her mother was not her mother @*t that the woman in her ho*se was preten'in) to @e her mother an' +ooDe' eCtreme+y simi+ar. She to+' me GI 'onAt thinD that I am )oin) to )et o*t o? this a+i(e.G to which I respon'e' with GP+ease )et to a nei)h@orAs ho*se an' ca++ the po+ice or a ho*se in a 'i??erent nei)h@orhoo' an' ca++ the po+ice i? the nei)h@orAs ho*se isnAt sa?e.G 2he +ast thin) 1mi+y e(er to+' me was GI +o(e yo*.G. U 0? re+e(ance to :i+ton NH an' the pro@a@i+ity that ;ren'an P+aceAs te+ephone was @ein) hacD tappe'

@y metho' o? comm*nications ser(er or wire tappe' 5 I was to+' @y Bason #o')ers in 200E that he ha' hear' that some@o'y ha' @een Deepin) a )ir+ hosta)e in a @asement in :i+ton which was +ocate' at the en' o? P+easant St. in a con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) @esi'e the ri(er an' that @y the time peop+e checDe' it she was )one an' there was e(i'ence that some@o'y ha' @een Dept hosta)e there. I a+so was to+' @y a ?rien' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' access to a ho*se at an a''ress which is 25 Shorehi++ #'. which is +ocate' imme'iate+y across the ri(er ?rom the con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant st. on Main st. neCt to the ri(er an' is imme'iate+y *p the hi++ ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment on the ri)ht si'e o? the street hea'in) *phi++. 2his +ocation was 'escri@e' @y .i+ to my ?rien' as G2his is I*st one o? my ?ami+yAs properties.G 2here are a+so r*mo*rs o? some@o'y @ein) he+' hosta)e at the con'emne' mansion on ;*rns #'. in Mi+?or' NewHampshire 5 some peop+e *se' to ca++ this p+ace ;*rns Manor an' c+aime' that it was ha*nte'. U ;etween 200% 2013 Ita+ian A6IS Sa(oy $oya+ists ha(e @een wa)in) an o@(io*s co(ert war o? ParaMi+itary ;+acD 0ps 0r)ani>e' 7rimina+ 2error on North American soi+ ?or the p*rpose o? e+iminatin) a++ parties consi'ere' possi@+y Dnow+e')ea@+e concernin) the 1man*e+es o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y as we++ as ?or the p*rpose o? committin) ?*rther 7rimes A)anst H*manity simi+ar to the crimes committe' '*rin) #ichar' NiConAs presi'ency an' #ichar' He+ms emp+oyment within the 7IA 5 this time ?ramin) an a+i@i patsy ?or it an' there@y re+ie(in) =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs Ita+ian A6IS connections ?rom possi@+e ?*t*re in(esti)ations concernin) :ar 7rimes 4 #.I.7.0. (io+ations 4 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 4 an' 1spiona)e in(esti)ations in North America. 2he patsy to @e ?rame' seems to ha(e @een the Ho*se o? I@nSa*' an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'. N*mero*s SeC 0??en'ers seem to ha(e @een recr*ite' ?or p*rpose o? systemica++y rep+acin) the 3 mi++ion tar)ette' ci(i+ians on paperworD 4 e+iminatin) 3 mi++ion possi@+e Dnow+e')ea@+e ci(i+ians @y metho' o? co(ert )enoci'e an' #ep+acement ;y Imposte*r. SeC 0??en'ers are @ein) recr*ite' ?rom @oth SeC 2ra??icDin) 0r)ani>e' 7rime Units an' Psychiatric :ar's ?or SeC 0??en'ers recent+y re+ease' ?rom prisons an' in transition 5 .i+As A6IS terrorist ?action m*st ha(e ?o*n' it easy to s*r)ica++y imp+ant a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in an instit*tiona+i>e' in patient Psychiatric PatientAs @rain an' anonymo*s+y comm*nicate with them @y metho' o? )reen teCt comm*nications *pon optica+ oc*+ar ne*ro+o)y in (ision or @y metho' o? speaDin) to the (i(isection (ictim thro*)h the (ictimsA mo*ths. Anonymo*s recr*itment o? a con(icte' an' re)istere' SeC 0??en'er wo*+' ha(e pro(en an easy tasD '*e to the o??en'ersA nee' ?or a new i'enti?ication in or'er to +i(e a +i?e witho*t SeC 0??en'er #e)istration stat*s. It is incre'i@+y o@(io*s that SeC 0??en'ers ha(e @een *se' to rep+ace Po+ice .ami+ies in many cases 4 these o??en'ers @ein) positione' strate)ica++y with A6IS Sa(oy +oya+ists within n*mero*s 'epartments o? .e'era+ 1mp+oyment s*ch as $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations 5 this has @een ma'e o@(io*s @y the ?act that n*mero*s Po+ice 0??icers 4 3etecti(es 4 an' In(esti)ators ha(e to+' American ci(i+ians G:e 'o not accept :itness Statements.G. 2he statement which has @een ma'e n*mero*s times to (ictims whom ha(e written :itness 2estimonia+s has @een 4 G:e 'o not accept :itness Statements.G. I was to+' @y a *ni?orme' Po+ice 0??icer in a Po+ice 3epartment in ;oston Massach*settes 4 G:e 'o not accept :itness Statements.G this was +ess than a ha+? ho*r ?rom a +ocation where .i+ an' his 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate ?ormer+y he+' parties which *s*a++y res*+te' in horri@+e a@*se o? women. 2he :itness 2estimonia+s which ha' @een reporte' ha(e inc+*'e' n*mero*s reports concernin) SeC 0??enses s*ch as SeC*a+ Assa*+ts an' SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 a++

o? which seem to ha(e @een i)nore' as we++ as re?*se' at the 'esDs o? +aw en?orcement an' in(esti)ations in the North 1ast H*a'rant o? North America. U 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inte?aces s*r)ica++y imp+ante' in the @o'yAs o? the ci(i+ian (ictimsA an' the co(ert a)entsA ha(e @een paire' with +on) ran)e ro*ters connecte' o(er internet 5 these ?in' si)na+ @y means o? G+o@a+ Positionin) System an' '*e to this ?act are +ocata@+e on Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence recor's at a++ times an' can @e paire' at any time an' +ocation '*rin) the history o? itAs transmission with Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone +ocations 4 Internet 7omp*ter *sa)e +ocations 4 Pa)ers +ocations 4 :ire+ess Mo@i+e Internet +ocations 4 Airp+ane ?+i)ht +ocations 4 2ransit ;*s +ocations 4 2e+ephone $an $ine +ocations 4 Home 7a@+e 2e+e(ision +ocations 4 Garmin GPS MapL*est 3e(ices 4 A#G0S transmissions +ocations 4 Hospita+ $ocations 4 Me'ica+ He+icopter $ocations 4 Po+ice 7r*iser $ocations4 2rain 2ransit $ocation 4 2ractor 2rai+er Shipment 3e+i(ery 2r*cDs on GPS 4 an' any e+ectronic si)na+s transmissions +ocations at a++ which are G+o@a+ Positiona@+e. U In 200% 5 my se+? an' Sahn'ra St.0n)e were sittin) in my @e'room an' IoDin) a@o*t 3ana Um@ro ha(in) a speech impe'iment. 3ana Um@ro was an emp+oyee o? ;icD?or's '*rin) 2003 when I worDe' with him at ;icD?or's .ami+y #esta*rant in Nash*a NewHampshire. 3*rin) 2003 5 3ana 'eci'e' to stea+ my 'r*mset an' ha' @een on a m*sic eH*ipment thei(in) spree. 3ana Um@ro ha' a speech impe'iment an' sometimes prono*nce' the +etter $ as a G/G so*n'. I ma'e a h*moro*s comment statin) that 3ana was so st*pi' that he ro@s 1" year o+'s at the a)e o? %0 an' can not e(en prono*nce the name o? his own Nationa+ 1thnicity 4 that @ein) GItayinG. Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' I @e)an maDin) IoDes a@o*t misprono*nciations o? wor's with G$G in them 5 Sahn'ra 4 +a*)hin) < sai' G;ho Bo@G. G;ho Bo@G @ecame a IoDe ?or the 'ay. 7*rrent+y the USA is 'ecapitate' @y an o@(io*s .ascist A6IS ?action whom are pre(entin) (ictims ?rom reportin) .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+esA Ita+ian A6IS .actionAs :ar 7rimes an' 7rimes A)ainst H*manity 5 we are a++ @ein) to+' @y Po+ice 0??icers G:e 'o not taDe witness statementsG. ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs @irth certi?icate was reporte' p*@+ica++y to ha(e @een a ?aDe 4 his initia+s are ;.H.0. an' Boe ;i'enAs are B.0.;. W ;H0 B0;. ;aracDW$i)htnin) H*sseinWwho we are at :A# with 0@amaW 0? ;AMA Go? 3iCieG 0? 3iCie 7*ps as in 3iCie 7*ps in Hospita+s. ;aracD 0@amaAs GHea+thcare #e?orm PacDa)eG states that no G7hi+'G can @e 'enie' '*e to a Gpre eCistin) con'itionG. Ita+ian A6IS (iew .irst Nations Nati(e Americans 4 An)+o SaCons 4 Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 A?rican Americans 4 an' Noor' Ho++an'ers as P#1 16IS2ING 70N3I2I0N '*e to o*r P#1 16IS2ING 7$AMAIN7/ 20 N0#2H AM1#I7A AS 0U# IN3IG1N0US H0M1$AN3. 3*rin) the year 2005 5 1' :arren 'isc*sse' that a man name' ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama ha' @een 'isco(ere' an' was )oin) to @e ?*n'e' to @ecome Presi'ent 4 1' :arren 'isc*sse' that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy p+anne' to rep+ace the G;aracD H*ssein 0@amaG with G;ho;ho Bo@ the 7+ownG which was to @e two i'entica+ imposte*rs =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear i'entica+ to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama an' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace imp+ante' an' Ne*ro+o)ica++y contro++e' to so*n' i'entica+ to ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 2he A6IS is entire+y ?orei)n to North America. ;aracD 0@amaAs GHea+thcare PacDa)eG *ses the termino+o)ies G= 7hipG an' GS 7hipG 4 the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace GMicrochipG is a SI$9 ;.7.I. which a'heres an' 'isso+(es to the @rain permanant+y 5 this is the S 7hip. 2he = 7hip is a =eternarian S*r)ica+ Imp+ant that is *se' ?or G.P.S. tracDin) o? pets an' has @een *se' to G.P.S. tracD the 1man*e+eAs Genoci'e tar)ets. 7hi+'ren not @ein) 'enie' '*e to the GPre 1Cistin) 7on'itionG means that the American woman are a@+e to @e #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDe' as o*r ma+es are 1621#MINA213. N*mero*s ma+es ha(e @een poisone' to 'eath an' #ep+ace' ;y Imposte*rs.

3*rin) 2010 5 I staye' ?or a weeD at a psychiatric ?aci+ity. 3*rin) this time I saw a woman whee+ o*t a cart o? what appeare' to @e ten years o? my MotherAs psychiatric recor's ?rom her years o? co*nci+in) ?or her se(ere Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er. 2here is c*rrent+y an Ita+ian woman preten'in) to @e my Mother whom has not @een to co*nci+in) at a++ an' has not e(en @een preten'in) to ha(e Post 2ra*matic Stress 3isor'er 4 my Mother was re+ease' ?rom the Hospita+ on a 7on'itiona+ 3ischar)e '*e to her se(ere 3epression. My Mother was a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim as a 7hi+'4 her an' my Nana Boanna 2r*'ea* 7arty were (ictims o? a man whom ha' ?or some years ?orce' my Nana to marry him an' was SeC 2ra??icDin) the two o? them. 2his man whom *se' the name G7h*cD 3o*)+asG 4 ha' Po+ice connections an' other connections within )o(ernment whom were corr*pt an' seem to ha(e ha' the same connections as #ichar' He+ms < this was '*rin) the #ichar' NiCon A'ministration an' occ*rre' '*rin) the a@*se o? power within the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A an' other crimes re+ate' to :A21#GA21. I @e+ie(e that this SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate are +iDe+y to @e the same 7rime Syn'icate that =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e are a??i+iate' with 5 in ?act I @e+ie(e that it is their ?ami+yAs an' the 1(o+aAs 7rime Syn'icate. 2his 7rime Syn'icate is +iDe+y to @e the 7rime Syn'icate which A'o+? Hit+er an' B*+i*s 1(o+a *se' as @o'y)*ar's to 'ecapitate the German )o(ernment prior to the creation o? the 3r' #eich. Prior to the 2n' :or+' :ar 5 the German economy an' the American economy were @oth 'estroye' < '*e to the economic co++apse in Germany4 the pop*+ar party was the Nationa+ Socia+ist German $a@o*r Party '*e to the $a@o*r PartyAs Socia+ist 1conomic an' Nationa+ist po+icies re)ar'in) immi)ration +imitations an' protection o? Nationa+ 1thnic Pop*+ation ratio to ens*re that ?orei)n pop*+ations 'i' not p*rchase a++ properties in Germany which wo*+' ha(e comp+ete+y 'enie' the German peop+e o? their nation an' in'i)eno*s ethnic nationa+ home+an'. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy tooD a'(anta)e o? the 1conomic 7o++apse an' 'ecapitate' the pop*+ar party prior to e+ection 5 a?ter the ine(ita@+e e+ection o? the N.S.3.A.P. 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs re)ime mi+itari+y co*pe' the German Nationa+ Go(ernment in sim*+taneo*s cohesion with ;enito M*sso+iniAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs mi+itary co*p o? the Ita+ian Nationa+ Go(ernment an' .rancisco .rancoAs mi+itary co*p o? the Spanish Nationa+ Go(ernment 5 this was the @e)inin) o? the St*rm Un' 3ran) phases which were inten'e' to e(ent*a++y res*+t in the ?ormation o? the 3r' #eich which was inten'e' to @e the reconstr*ction o? the #oman 1mpire. 2he str*ct*re o? the German )o(ernment '*rin) the 2n' :or+' :ar was that o? a .e*'a+ist Imperia+ Pro(incia+ State new+y conscripte' as an Imperia+ $e)ion < the Ita+ian an' Spanish re)ions were )o(erne' H*ite the same 4 the )o(ernance o? these 'e ?acto pro(incia+ states @ein) the eH*i(i+ant o? three 7aesars )o(ernin) what was a war time ?e*'a+ist imperi*m 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 @ein) the 'e ?acto emperor o? the A6IS an' B*+i*s 1(o+a actin) as 'e ?acto imperia+ a'(isor an' in p+ace o? what was ori)ina++y the ear+ier (ersion o? the #oman Imperia+ Pope. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs ?ather han'e' to him the p+ans ?or St*rm Un' 3ran) or #i'e the 2i)er #omani>ation o? the A6IS4 these p+ans B*+i*s 1(o+a comp+ete' ?orm*+atin) '*rin) his +i?etime which shows in his +iterat*re. 2hese ?acts were not entire+y misse' @y historians @*t ha(e @een near+y p*r)e' ?rom teCt @ooDs an' history +ect*res since the 1"E0As 5 in Sici+y 4 entire ?ami+ies were eCterminate' '*rin) the 'eca'es ?o++owin) the ?a++ o? the 3r' #eich < these )enoci'es contin*e' in the USA '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration an' ha(e contin*e' since. 7*rrent+y 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' his Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist 7rimina+ .ascist ?action ha(e tar)ette' 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians in North America ?or )enoci'e. :hat @e)ins as a co(ert )enoci'e o? 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians can easi+y @ecome 20 mi++ion '*e to attempts to si+ence witnesses an' e+iminate e(i'ence 5 in Germany '*rin) the 1"%0As 4 German ci(i+ians

were re+ocate' to what was ori)ina++y @e+ie(e' to @e worD camps ?or p*rpose o? +a@orin) an' pro'*cin) war time s*pp+ies < these man*?act*rin) camps +ater @ecame )enoci'e camps where 12 mi++ion German ci(i+ians 'ie' inc+*'in) ! mi++ion Israe+i racia+ tar)ets. 2he women o? the $e@ens@orn ProIect were rape' @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs Sch*t>sta??e+ 5 the tr*e p*rpose o? the $e@ens@orn ProIect was the esta@+ishment o? a Germanic a'option a)ency in 1*rope4 not to pro(i'e #epro'*cti(e 2ra??icDin) (ictims an' SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims to .ascist 2yrants. 0*tsi'e o? Germany approCimate+y 8 mi++ion ci(i+ians 'ie'. 7*rrent+y 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians in North America are the tar)ets an' ha(e @een tar)ette' ?or " years. H*man 2ra??icDin) @ecame rampant '*rin) the 3r' #eich5 German an' Po+ish women were SeC 2ra??icDe'4 German an' Po+ish ci(i+ians were $a@or 2ra??icDe'4 Germans an' other nationa+ races were =i(isection 2ra??icDe' inc+*'in) tho*san's o? Israe+is whom were eCperimente' *pon prior to @ein) )enoci'a++y s+ain 4 mi++ions o? Israe+is were tar)ette' ?or racia+ )enoci'e '*e to Israe+As po+itica+ stance o? Nationa+ In'epen'ence which stoo' in starD contrast to the p+anne' Me'iterarnean Uni?ication o? the #oman Imperia+ I'entity o? the A6IS. In?i+tration o? the 2h*+e Society @y B*+i*s 1(o+aAs a)ents res*+te' in the s*@(ersion o? the 2h*+e SocietyAs ori)ina+ p*rpose which was the re esta@+ishment o? .o+D #e+i)ions as the c*+t*ra+ stan'ar' in 1*rope 4 res*+te' in the )enoci'e o? the maIority o? the 2h*+e SocietyAs @rothers an' sisters 4 an' res*+te' in the acc*m*+ation o? ha+? o? 1*ropeAs arti?acts concernin) the 1*ropean GGo+'en A)eG in :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e ?or p*rpose o? G#eichsta))in) the :ewe+s@*r)G ?or p*rpose o? 'estroyin) a++ e(i'ence o? non #oman 1*ropean 1thnic .o+D 7*+t*re co(ert+y @+amin) it on the A++ie' .orces. 2he @*rnin) o? :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e was @+ame' on the A++ie' .orces an' Heinrich Himm+erAs poor I*')ement when in act*a+ity it was B*+i*s 1(o+aAs or'er to 'estroy it an' his p+ans ?or permanant )+o@a+ #omani>ation as moti(. B*+i*s 1(o+aAs p+an was G+o@a+ Assimi+ationist #oman i'entity thro*)h phases o? ?orce' assimi+ation o? ethnic c*+t*re '*rin) perio's o? stress *sin) psycho+o)ica+ catharsis to p*r)e nati(e nationa+ i'entity an' pro'*ce homo)eno*s )+o@a+ imperia+ i'entity an' e(ent*a++y homo)eno*s )+o@a+ imperia+ race. 2he Nor'ic peop+es o? 1*rope were +ie' to an' p*rpose+y ta*)ht incorrect Anthropo+o)ica+ termino+o)y4 +a@e++in) GGermanicG as GAryanG ?or p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y physica++y assimi+atin) the Germanic an' Aryan macro races into one nationa+ ethnic pop*+ation 5 these @ein) the physica+ races o? the Germanic peop+es o? :estern 1*rope an' the physica+ races o? the races o? Greater In'ia an' the Persian SpeaDin) Aryans in Iran an' s*rro*n'in) re)ions in the 0ttoman Imperia+ home+an's. .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ami+yAs connections to the A6IS were +itera++y the ?o*n'in) in'i(i'*a+s as we++ as their associates 5 some o? his ?ami+y @ein) o? @oth parties as we++ as 3r' Party associates. .i+ 1man*e+eAs ?ami+y are a+so o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ho*se o? Aosta 5 Sa(oy @ein) @oth B*+i*s 1(o+aAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs Aristocratic Ho*se an' Aosta as we++ as Sa(oy @oth @ein) A'o+? Hit+erAs @io+o)ica+ ?ami+y. U 2he Ita+ian A6IS .action4 their a++ies4 an' a++ who 'o @*siness ?or them are 1nemy 7om@atants an' m*st ha(e their Assets .ro>en 4 sei>e' @y the USA Mi+itary. A++ means o? pro'*ction o? me'ia 4 ?inancia+ assets 4 properties 4 man*?act*rin) in'*stry 4 retai+ in'*stry 4 in'*stry o? research 4 weapons 4 weapons in'*stry 4 comm*nications in'*stry 4 means o? transportation an' shippin) in'*stry 4 an' means o? comm*nication m*st @e ?ro>en an' a++ )*i+ty parties an' capit*+ators m*st @e apprehen'e' @y mi+itary in(esti)ators. 2his is in comp+iance with the P.A.2.#.I.0.2. A72 an' is entire+y stan'ar' protoco+. 3*e to Ita+ian A6IS S+eeper 7e++s em@e''e' within $aw 1n?orcement an' In(esti)ations 4 this has ?ai+e' to happen an' n*mero*s (ictims ha(e @een to+' to their ?ace @y Po+ice an' In(esti)ators that the Po+ice or the In(esti)ati(e A)ents 'o not accept witness statements. G:e 'o

not accept :itness Statements.G 2he c*rrent )enoci'e is @ein) co(ert+y 'is)*ise' on paperworD 4 hi''en ?rom me'ia 4 hi''en ?rom in(esti)ations 4 an' hi''en ?rom e+ectronic recor's @y means o? #1P$A71M1N2 0. 1621#MINA213 P0PU$A2I0N 5 2he eCterminate' pop*+ation @ein) rep+ace' @y 7rimina+ 2errorist A)ents whom ha(e p*rpose?*++y *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation ?or p*rpose o? m*tatin) their comp+eCion 4 hair 4 ?acia+ ?eat*res 4 an' han's to +ooD entire+y +iDe the 'ea' (ictims whom they are ho+'in) the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? an' match their ?in)er prints on Po+ice #ecor' eno*)h to not @e 'etecte' when Processe' or when Po+ice are .in)er Printe'. 3NA 2ests MUS2 ;1 A3MINIS21#13 IMM13IA21$/ an' MUS2 70IN7I31 :I2H .AMI$/ 2#11 #170#3 #1S1A#7H 0. 7I=I$IANS AN3 MI$I2A#/ A$I91. Strict A*'itin) is )oin) to @e necessary to pre(ent a@*se o? this process an' a co operati(e H*man an' 7omp*ter system is )oin) to @e necessary ?in' an' match *p Missin) .ami+y an' match ?in' in'i(i'*a+s whom ha(e #ep+ace' 1Cterminate' Pop*+ation. 2hese AG1N2S are Genoci'a+ 2errorist S+eeper A)ents 4 Genoci'a+ SeC 2ra??icDers 4 an' SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims @ein) *se' to ho+' i'entities an' ?+oat I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. N*mero*s Po+ice .ami+ies ha(e @een rep+ace' in the North 1ast L*a'rant o? North America. 2he Ita+ian A6IS ha(e p+anne' a 3 Mi++ion Person ci(i+ian Genoci'e 4 a North American 7ontinenta+ :i'e Unitary Nation State 4 an' comp+ete 'ecapitation o? the Nationa+ Go(ernment ?o++owe' @y e(ent*a+ comp+ete eCtermination o? a++ .irst Nations Nati(e Americans an' An)+o SaCons in North America. 2hese .o*n'in) Peop+es are GPre 1Cistin) 7on'itionsG. Gae+s 4 .ranDs 4 Ho++an'ers 4 an' A?rican Americans are a+so peop+es with Pre 1Cistin) 7+aimancy to North American re)ions as their Home+an's. 7oncernin) the 3 Mi++ion Genoci'e 2ar)ets 5 e(ery sin)+e in'i(i'*a+ tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e has some@o'y who +o(es them eno*)h to testi?y that the person was m*r'ere' 4 that the person is tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e 4 that the person was a@'*cte' an' SeC 2ra??icDe' 4 or that the person was a (ictim o? H*man =i(isection 5 in 10 years time 4 3 Mi++ion Genoci'e 2ar)ets wi++ easi+y @ecome " Mi++ion Genoci'e =ictims '*e to Si+encin) o? 9now+e')ea@+e Parties whom are :i++in) 2o 2esti?y. U 7he+sey MacPherson was a@'*cte' at the a)e' o? 10 an' swappe' with another yo*n) )ir+. 2here ha(e @een two 'i??erent #*sse++ MacPherson imposte*rs in the ho*seho+' since 200! < the ?irst was a Ser@ian 4 the secon' a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian. My connections concernin) Pri(ate In(esti)ations an' A6IS a??i+iate' in'i(i'*a+s ha(e in?orme' me that my sister was p+ace' with a $ea)*e 0? Ita+ian Gent+emen ?ami+y whom was physica++y #ep+ace' @y Imposte*rs '*e to their re?*sa+ to capit*+ate with 2ota+ Genoci'e. It was reporte' to me that my sister 4 7he+sey MacPherson < was physica++y 'is?i)*re' permanant+y @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy which Aaron 1man*e+e an' .i+ 1man*e+e ?e' her repeate'+y in her so*p 4 mi+D 4 an' I*ice 5 this ca*sin) her to m*tate ?or the past siC years ?rom the a)e o? 10 to 1E 4 they ?e' her )enes ?rom n*mero*s +ocations on 1arth which ca*se' her @o'y to )row 'isproportionate+y an' @ecome ?at retainin). 7he+sey MacPherson was the most athe+etic o? my 3 sisters an' was more athe+etic than my se+? an' inte++ect*a++y my eH*a+ 5 7he+sey was the si@+in) o? mine whom physica++y resem@+e' my se+? the most 4 @ein) a practica+ mirror ima)e o? my se+?. I @e+ie(e that the 1man*e+es picDe' her to m*tate' an' tort*re '*e to her o@(io*s physica+ re+ation to my se+? an' her respect ?or her peop+e < these peop+e @ein) the .irst Nations Nati(e Americans as we++ as the ?o*n'in) peop+es o? the U.S.A. an' 7ana'a 5 my sister 7he+sey MacPherson *se' to wear a 7+an MacPherson shirt e(ery 'ay that it was c+ean 4 asDe' me ?reH*ent+y a@o*t my ?aith 4 *se' to rea' thro*)h my ?atherAs Ur+ar 7+an MacPherson p*@+ications 4 was intereste' in my ?ather an' motherAs

@ooDs concernin) .irst Nations Nati(e American Anthropo+o)y 4 an' wo*+' show a smi+e an' a )+immer in her eye e(ery time she saw my S*m@+e Horn. 7he+sey was a@'*cte' @y Ita+ian A6IS 7rimina+ 2errorist networD an' swappe' with another 10 year o+' ?ema+e 4 ?or this reason it is o@(io*s that the 1man*e+es ha(e 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDin) a??i+iates an' are +iDe+y to ha(e @een associate' with the networD o? 7hi+' SeC 2ra??icDers whom tra??icDe' my Mother when she was a chi+' 5 the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? the ?ami+y whom she was p+ace' with are +iDe+y to ha(e @een a $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen .ami+y re+ate' somehow to 2ony GrasettiAs ?ami+y. 2ony Grasetti +e?t his GwireG recor'in) o? my an' .i+ 1man*e+eAs meetin) at @oth the Po+ice 3epartment in MerrimacD NewHampshire an' $on'on'erry NewHampshire 5 this +e' to the comp+ete in?i+tration o? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment which is the 3epartment which was *se' to @rin) me to the hospita+ i++e)a++y to imp+ant the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in my @rain 4 an A*strian @ein) *se' as the co(ert a)ent ?or o@(io*s reason o? p*ttin) an A*strian ?ace *pon the Sa(oyAs terrorism. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy are a racia++y miCe' No@+e Ho*se 4 these races @ein) primari+y the Germano Ga++o Mace'onians o? $om@ar'i 4 the Ga++o Mace'onians o? the Aosta @+oo'+ines that marrie' into the ?ami+y 4 an' the Aryo Mace'onian @+oo' o? the #omano Ita+ian Aristocrats o? the #oman 1mpire that achei(e' No@+e 2it+e an' stat*s a?ter the ?a++ o? the #oman 1mpire 5 since the ?o*n'in) o? the A6IS 4 the Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e *se' the Nor'ic race as the a+i@i ?or their acti(ities '*e to the p+ans o? the A6IS @ein) o? #oman Imperia+ ori)in an' 'esi)n as we++ as the ?o+D c*+t*re o? the Nor'ic peop+es @ein) a sta+wart eCamp+e o? 1*ropean .o+D 7*+t*res an' the Go+'en A)e o? AntiH*ity which was (a+*e' @y the ori)ina+ 2h*+e Society an' hate' @y the #oman .ascists who so*)ht to cr*sh pre #oman 1*ropean c*+t*re an' Bewish Israe+. 3*rin) 200% 5 whi+e in Manchester NewHampshire with 2ony Grasetti 4 .i+ 1man*e+e 4 an' a ?rien' o? .i+As 5 .i+As ?rien' t*rne' to me an' spoDe GI? yo* ha' to Di++ 3 mi++ion peop+e to pre(ent a war that wo*+' ca*se the 'eath o? 20 mi++ion o? yo*r peop+e4 wo*+' yo*OG to which I rep+ie' 4 GNo 4 I 'o not @e+ie(e in Di++in) ci(i+ians at a++ '*rin) a time o? war or any other 5 thatAs 20 mi++ion m*r'ers. How 'o yo* Dnow that the war is ine(ita@+e O I mean... what is it that wo*+' ca*se the war to e(en occ*rO :hat is it that can not @e a(oi'e' or a(erte' thro*)h 'ip+omatic meansOG an' .i+As ?rien' answere' GI wo*+'. 3onAt e(er te++ me that 3 mi++ion +i(es are not worth 20 mi++ion o? my peop+e.G . $ater 4 a?ter .i+ ha' +e?t < it was re(ea+e' to me @y .i+As ?rien' that he ha' @een instr*cte' @y .i+ eCact+y what to say an' was ma'e to rehearse it 5 .i+As ?rien' was con(ince' that .i+ was in ?act A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran' nephew. 2ony Grasseti recor'e' this on an e+ectronic recor'in) 'e(ice which he ha' c+ippe' to the insi'e o? his shirt. 2his e+ectronic recor' was soon a?ter 'e+i(ere' to the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment an' the $on'on'erry Po+ice 3eparment @y 2ony Grasetti as we++ as possi@+y 'e+i(ere' to New Hampshire ..;.I. 5 2ony Grasetti a+so *p+oa'e' this recor'in) to Internet 3ata Stora)e an' it is permanant+y retrie(a@+e @y .e'era+ In(esti)ations or Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence ?rom H*arantine' store' 'ata ?rom 200% an' 2005. 2his is a cr*cia+ piece o? e(i'ence as it is a*'io recor' o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs p+ans to eCterminate 3 mi++ion ci(i+ians in North America. 20 mi++ion is the approCimate n*m@er o? 'oc*mente' tota+ ci(i+ian cas*a+ties '*rin) the Ho+oca*st in 1*rope '*rin) the 1"%0As. 2he in?i+tration o? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment @y the 1man*e+eAs A)ents as we++ as (ario*s Po+ice 3epartments in New 1n)+an' re)ion is o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? retrie(in) this an' attemptin) to co(er .i+As tracDs @y e+iminatin) a++ e(i'ence a)ainst him as we++ as :itness Statements s*ch as my own an' 1mi+y Is+esAs 4 .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As 4 2ony GrasettiAs 4 an' other witnessness an' (ictims.

In ;e'or' New Hampshire a+on) 3.:. Hi)hway 5 within one ha+? a mi+e ?rom one another there is a Ne*roSpine Ne*roS*r)ery Instit*te 4 a =eternarians 7+inic 4 two Hote+s 4 an' a Strip 7+*@ ca++e' the Go+' 7+*@. 2his is o? eCtreme importance concernin) Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) @ein) that m*ch o? this attacD was p+anne' in New 1n)+an' an' the New /orD New Bersey re)ion 5 Ne*roSpine Ne*roS*r)ery Instit*tes ha(e access to ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace techno+o)ies an' Ne*roScience So?tware which they can easi+y p*rchase 4 =eternarian 7+inics ha(e access to G.P.S. Ar)os S*r)ica+ Imp+ants an' other imp+ants s*ch as Me'ica+ #.I3 ta)s 4 Hote+s are o?ten *se' as +ocations ?or +iasons with SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims as we++ as are o?ten *se' as ;rothe+s @y Hote+ 0wners whom are in(o+(e' in 0r)ani>e' 7rime 4 an' Strip 7+*@s are o?ten *se' as a ?ront to 'is)*ise SeC 2ra??icDin). Many o? the ?ami+ies whom ha(e @een tar)ette' ?or )enoci'e seem to ha(e +ost many o? their 'a*)hters to SeC 2ra??icDers in the past ten years < their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @ein) swappe' @etween themse+(es an' other (ictims as we++ as .i+ 1man*e+eAs an' =ittorio 1man*e+eAs 7o(ert A)ents whom are *sin) these I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s ?or p*rposes o? 1spiona)e an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime as we++ as contro++in) SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims @y a+terin) their physica+ characteristics an' ?eat*res *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy an' +ea(in) them with another womanAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 3*rin) 200% an' 2005 5 1' :arren mentione' at .ami+y 3o++ar n*mero*s times GAye AyeG whom was in ?act a re?erance to G I I G which is a re?erance to =ittorio 1man*e+e II < he a+so mentione' GAye Aye AyeG whom was in ?act a re?erance to GI I IG which was a+ways a re?erance to =ittorio 1man*e+e III. 1' :arren spoDe to Anthony 3e?eo whi+e at worD n*mero*s times a@o*t the p+ans which he an' =ittorio as we++ as .i+ an' 7aesar ha' ma'e 5 these p+ans in(o+(e' em@e''in) a)ents within a n*m@er o? or)ani>ations which they ha' not yet em@e''e' a)ents amon)st4 1' :arren re?erre' to these a)ents as G2he G*ys in the G*ysG . 1' :arren ?reH*ent+y mentione' G2he G*ys in the G*ysG < statin) thro*)h co'e' metaphors an' han' sym@o+s that they ha' GG*ysG in the 9* 9+*C 9+an which he 'escri@e' @y ?ormin) a trian)+e o(er his hea' with his han's4 that they ha' )*ys in the He++s An)e+s an' the 0*t+aws @oth @y maDin) Motorcyc+e Gas #e+ease han'+e @ar twists with his han's 4 that they ha' )*ys within the Po+ice @y maDin) sym@o+s re+ate' to Po+ice @a')es4 that they ha' )*ys in the Ma?ia @y maDin) han' )est*re re?erences to @*rnt pa+ms an' his (eins 4 an' a+so that they were the Ho*se o? Sa(oyAs )*ys @y maDin) a )est*re o? a 7rown o(er his hea' an' rin) on his ?in)er. A++ o? these connections an' these 1m@e''e' S+eeper A)ents which 1' :arren mentione' are Ita+ian A6IS A)ents or #oman .ascists. 3*rin) this time 2ay+a $aw(erAs mother came in to the store to ta+D to 1' :arren an' 'isc*sse' with him his nee' ?or a connection to )et a Io@ 'one ?or GI I IG 4 2ay+aAs mother sai' that she wo*+' ta+D to her ?ather ?or 1' 5 2 years +ater4 I was poisone' @y 2ay+aAs mother a?ter =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ca++e' her ?ather whi+e I was at their ho*se in Manchester. U I @e+ie(e 1' :arren a+so state' G:eAre )oin) to )et the GU/S in the GU/S 4 '*'eNG whi+e maDin) another crown shape o(er his hea' an' rin) shapes on a++ o? his ?in)ers 5 this is pro@a@+e to ha(e meant that the 1man*e+es 4 some o? the 1(o+as 4 an' 1' .arrachi :arren 4 as we++ as other 2errorist 7rimina+ Associates o? theirs are p+annin) to #ep+ace :ith Imposte*rs 4 the #oya+ .ami+ies o? 1*rope 4 the ;ritish 7ommon:ea+th 4 an' other nations as we++ 5 this 4 ?or the p*rpose o? G+o@a+ Heirarcha+ 3ecapitation. .or many years the :i+ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po+ice was my ?atherAs ?rien' Boe McG*ire. In 2005 4 Boe McG*ire was ?ire' an' rep+ace'. In 200E < there were a++e)ations that .i+

1man*e+e was Deepin) ?ema+e capti(es in the @asement o? the ?o*n'ry at the en' o? P+easant St in :i+ton NewHampshire 'own the roa' ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment. .i+ 1man*e+e ha' access to an apartment *p the hi++ ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment on Shore Hi++ #oa' *p the Hi++ imme'iate+y @ehin' the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. :hen asDe' a@o*t the property @y a m*t*a+ acH*aintance4 .i+ 1man*e+e state'4 it is G0ne o? my ?ami+ies propertiesG. Pri(ate In(esti)ators ha(e to+' me that .i+ 1man*e+e ?i+me' what appeare' to @e eCtreme @on'a)e porno)raphy in the @asement o? this con'emne' ?o*n'ry @asement an' that he a@an'one' the proIect '*e to the rea+i>ation that the settin) was an eCtreme+y *n+iDe+y settin) to *se ?or ?i+min) what was apparent+y s*ppose' to @e ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication 1Cperiments inten'e' to @e *se' as =i'eoGraphic e(i'ence to ?rame some +ater 'eci'e' thir' party ?or his crimes. U 2he :omen o? a race o? peop+e are the most important mem@ers o? that race < witho*t the mothers whom )i(e @irth to the (ery race o? peop+e whom yo* are 4 yo* wo*+' not e(en eCist 5 :ar 7rimes tar)et ma+es ?or eCtermination an' women ?or ?orce' impre)nation o?ten as we++ as o?ten rape ?or the a+ternate p*rpose o? pre(entin) them ?rom e(en repro'*cin) '*e to ?ear o? men. :ar #ape is )enoci'e. 2he past ten years o? attacDs ha(e systemica++y seperate' the .ema+e mem@ers o? the 2ar)et #acia+ Pop*+ation Gro*ps ?rom the Ma+es o? these Pop*+ation Gro*ps with the intention an' carryin) o*t o? what has @een a systemic series o? (io+ent rapes *pon the ?ema+es o? these races an the m*r'er o? the ma+es an' rep+acement o? these ma+es @y imposte*r Genoci'a+ .orei)n A)ents whom are now carryin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' ?orcin) the women to swap I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with other women whoAs appearances they ha(e @een ?orce' to ass*me. In a+most a++ cases the women are @ein) co(ert+y SeC 2ra??icDe' < Ma+e Po+ice 0??icers in ;oston Massach*settes an' Nash*a NewHampshire are te++in) ci(i+ians G:e 'o not accept :itness StatementsG an' they are te++in) *s not to ta+D to the Bewish 7omm*nity a@o*t these crimes. U 7*rrent+y in ;oston < there are ;i++@oar's promotin) comp+ete Assa*+t :eapons ;an . 2hese @i++@oar's an' the or)ani>ations which seeD to 'isarm the American peop+e are @ein) ?*n'e' @y Ita+ian A6IS A??i+iate' wea+th retainers an' are inten'e' to e(ent*a++y +ea' to comp+ete 'isarmament o? a++ American 7i(i+ians. 2he ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is imp+ante' in the @rains o? the Ita+iansA many tar)ets ?or racia+ )enoci'e is capa@+e o? ro@otic contro+ o? the (ictimsA ne*ro+o)y which +itera++y creates a ro@ot o? the (ictimsA @o'y. 2he (ictims are *na@+e to pre(ent the eCterna+ ro@otic contro+ o? their @o'y4 this has ena@+e' the Ita+ians to rape the (ictims an' in many cases anonymo*s+y rape an' impre)nate (ictims. Many o? the A)ents which the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e recr*ite' are SeC 0??en'ers ?rom Menta+ Hospita+s whom they s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' o??ere' a Gsecon' chance at +i?eG to an' the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a (ictim 5 at the cost o? their +oya+ty to the Ita+ian A6IS which they are to+' is a G)an)G an' nothin) @*t a 7rime Syn'icate. Many o? these pe'orasts an' rapists are or'ere' to commit m*r'ers 4 a@'*ctions 4 as we++ as ha(e they @een p*t in ho*seho+'s where there are chi+'ren whom they are or'ere' to impersonate the parents o? 4 as we++ as are some o? them *n'o*@te'+y @ein) *se' to rep+ace +e)itimate +aw en?orcement. 1ntire Po+ice *nits in New 1n)+an' ha(e @een rep+ace' 4 the si)ns o? this @ein) o@(io*s @y the amo*nt o? Po+ice 0??icers in New Hampshire whom ha(e o@(io*s+y *n'er)one =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation o? their ?aces 4 comp+eCion 4 sDin4 hair 4 eyes 4 an' ?in)ers ?or p*rpose o? maDin) them appear to @e the in'i(i'*a+s whoAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s they are c*rrent+y in the possession o? an' whoAs +i(es they ha(e sto+en.

U 2he Imposte*rs whom ha(e @een impersonatin) Pach an' Nate An'rosDi in New Hampshire ha(e @een tra??icDin) assa*+t weapons. 3*rin) 200" 4 :estwoo' $o')e in Massach*settes which my mother was a'mitte' in when she 'isappeare' an' was rep+ace' was aire' on te+e(ision as ha(in) @een the site o? an in(esti)ation whi+e she was in :est:oo' $o')e 5 this in(esti)ation proporte'+y +e' to the arrest o? one o? the sta?? ?or .ireArms 2ra??icDin) < i? this was a ?a+se report on the te+e(ision4 it co*+' on+y @e a hacDe' comm*nication which was '*@@e' o(er the news ?or cypher comm*nicati(e p*rposes. N*mero*s :omen an' 7hi+'ren ha(e @een rape' @y many o? the Ita+ians whom ha(e rep+ace' Americans whom are missin) an' +iDe+y to @e 'ea' < :itness Statements an' 2estimonia+s ha(e @een reporte' to Po+ice 0??icers in New 1n)+an' 4 many o? these Po+ice 0??icers ha(e @een statin) to ci(i+ians Gwe 'o not accept :itness Statements.G whi+e many others ha(e re?*se' to process the :itness Statements or ?orwar' the 2estimonia+s an' Statements to .;I 4 3epartment o? 3e?ense 4 7IA4 or Home+an' Sec*rity. 2he so?tware which is @ein) *se' with the (ictimsA ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces is @ein) *se' to #o@otica++y 7ontro+ the Ne*ro+o)y o? the @o'ies o? the (ictims which in most cases is *se' to ?orce the (ictimsA into seC*a+ position 4 ?orce them to strip 'ance 4 ?orce them to a prone position in s*@mission 4 ?orce them to 'rop weapons4 ?orce them to wa+D to a +ocation 4 tort*re the (ictims @y metho' o? m*sc*+ar contrictions an' spasms 4 ?orce the mo*ths o? the (ictimsA to ta+D 4 as we++ as in many cases ?orce the (ictims to ?i)ht an' Di++ one another. 2he so?tware which is @ein) *e' on the (ictims is a+so *se' to hypnoti>e 4 tra*mati>e 4 an' 'istort the psycho+o)y o? the (ictims as we++ as is it *se' to tri))er 'r*) +iDe e??ects 4 ?orce (ictimAs to ?a++ as+eep 4 an' type threats on the s*r?ace o? the (ictimsA (ision *sin) )reen AS7I type ?ont. 2he 7o(ert A)ents which the Ita+ian A6IS ha(e *se' ha(e most+y a+so @een imp+ante' with the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace @*t are *sin) the so?tware ?or a 'i??erent p*rpose which in most cases has @een ?or p*rpose o? typin) an' speaDin) comm*nications 4 ?or p*rpose o? conto*rin) m*sc*+ator an' trainin) the mo*th an' (oca+ m*sc*+at*re as we++ as the to*n)*e to so*n' America an' o?ten +iDe a speci?ic in'i(i'*a+ whom they ha(e rep+ace'. U In NewHampshire 5 ma)a>ines an' news artic+es are 'escri@in) an attacD committe' @y a man name' 7astro in 0hio whom +ocDe' three ?ema+es in a ho*se an' SeC*a++y A@*se' an' 2ort*re' them. 2his story in(o+(es 3o) 7o++ars. I @e+ie(e that this man may ha(e @een instr*cte' to commit this attacD in a speci?ic manner an' may ha(e @een intentiona++y reporte' @y Ita+ian A6IS A)ents whom he was worDin) ?or in attempt to create' a smoDe screen ?i+ter in me'ia to pre(ent the :itness Statements which ha(e @een i)nore' @y Ita+ian Po+ice in American Uni?orms in the North 1ast o? USA. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs associate 7aesar whom is ?rom 7*@a is an escape' SeC 0??en'er ?rom 7*@a whom was )i(en a set o? sto+en I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s with another ma+es i'entity whom coinci'enta++y was name' 7esare. 7aesar is proporte'+y a 'escen'ant o? B*+i*s 7aesar 1(o+aAs an' is ha+? 7*@ano Meti>o an' ha+? Ita+ian. 7*rrent+y < a man is incarcerate' with 7esareAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' is ser(in) time ?or his crimes in Manchester NewHampshire 4 this man @ein) 2ony Gon>a+e> whom was a@'*cte' @y 7aesar @rie?+y @e?ore 7aesar was )oin) to @e arreste' ?or his crimes 5 2ony was +ocDe' in a @asement in Manchester NewHampshire in a ho*se o?? o? North Main Street < '*rin) this time 2ony Gon>a+e> was ?e' 'iCie c*ps o? mi+D which ha' @een tainte' with =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy strains o? =ir*s containin) 7aesarAs own )enetics ?or his sDin 4 hair 4 eyes 4 ?acia+ str*ct*re 4 an' comp+eCion. A?ter two months o? @ein) he+' in the @asement 4 2ony was re+ease' @*t ha' an appearance eCtreme+y simi+ar to 7aesarAs < he was +ater apprehen'e' ?or 7aesarAs crimesan' 7aesar whom ha' =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' himse+? with another personAs )enetics to appear to @e a ha+? Sici+ian ha+? P*erto #ican was ?ree with another personAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. 2ony was ?orce' to ser(e time ?or 7aesarAs crimes. :hi+e in prison 4 2ony Gon>a+e> was attacDe' @y Ita+ians an' @eaten horri@+y 5 these men were

or'ere' to attacD him to 'ama)e his ?ace permanant+y to hi'e the ?act that he 'i' not ha(e 7aesarAs scar. 7aesar 4 whi+e sti++ +i(in) in 7*@a < ha' @een attacDe' @y a )ro*p o? yo*n)er ma+es whom car(e' into his ?ace with a Dni?e 4 +ea(in) what peop+e in Manchester *se' to re?er to as G7an'y Man ScarsG 5 7aesar was attacDe' @y these ma+es '*e to his @ein) wante' @y Po+ice in 7U;A ?or crimes s*ch as A))ra(ate' .e+onio*s SeC*a+ Assa*+t on a minor whom was a nei)h@or o? 7aesarAs co*sinAs that 7aesar ha' @een @r*ta++y rapin) since she was 8 years o+'. 2ony Gon>a+e> is 2 inches ta++er than 7aesar. U My .atherAs @est ?rien's Boe McG*ire an' .ran McG*ire were @rothers o? the ?ormer :i+ton 7hie? o? Po+ice ;o@ McG*ire < '*rin) 2005 4 ;o@ was ?ire' ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice ?orce which was the res*+t o? a possi@+e ?a+se ?+a))e' Po+ice In(esti)ation. I @e+ie(e that ;o@ was pro@a@+y a@'*cte' @y men in Po+ice Uni?orm 4 a?terwar's to @e rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r. :hen ;o@ McG*ire was ?ire' ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment 4 he was char)e' with a MariI*ana Possession char)e. 0? importance 4 is the ?act that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was witnesse' as @ein) in(o+(e' in ho+'in) SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictims in the @asement o? the con'emne' :i+ton .o*n'ry which is (ery c+ose to the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. 3*rin) the year 1"88 4 when 7hris 2homas poisone' the a'*+ts an' the chi+'ren at the Ha++oween Party with 'r*)s an' 7hi+' Porno)raphe' the chi+'ren 5 my ?ather #*sse++ Ma*rice MacPherson ha' @een emp+oye' in a .o*n'ry as a .o*n'ry :orDer. My .ather was +ai' o?? '*rin) the year 1"8" 4 an' it is pro@a@+e that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e may ha(e or'ere' some@o'y to ?ire him. 2here is a +ar)e A6IS .action 2errorist S+eeper A)ent NetworD in the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy is 'e?inite+y the A6IS 9in). A+so o? re+e(ance to :i+ton NewHampshire is the ?act that 7hristina .aerio+oAs eC @oy?rien' Bason #o')ers +i(e' in :i+ton NewHampshire 4 7hristina .aerio+o is o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy as we++ as possi@+y Aosta 5 her .ather is o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' her mother is A*strian an' possi@+y a 'escen'ant o? a 9ni)ht o? Aosta. She is 3an ;*cD+eyAs co*sin. 3*rin) the year 1""! 4 3anie+ ;*cD+ey 'resse' as A'o+? GHit+erG ?or Hi)hSchoo+ an' presente' his report on A'o+? GHit+erG an' the @ooD Mein 9amp? 5 3anie+ ;*cD+ey 'i' this @eca*se =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' his ?ather to or'er him to. U 3*rin) 200E < r*mo*rs @e)an to sprea' that there were ?ema+es @ein) +ocDe' in the @asement o? a con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant St. in :i+ton New Hampshire which is imme'iate+y aro*n' the corner an' 'own the roa' ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. A m*t*a+ acH*aintance o? my se+? an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs to+' me that .i+ re?erre' to a +ocation *p the hi++ ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment on Shore Hi++ r' which is a hi++ on the ri(er@anD neCt to the Po+ice 3epartment < this roa' crosses into $yn'@oro*)h. I @e+ie(e the n*m@er o? the @*i+'in) was 254 it is a sma++ @+*e cotta)e on the hi++ o(er+ooDin) the ri(er. I was in?orme' @y another in'i(i'*a+ that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was *sin) this +ocation to ?i+m the women whom were @ein) a@*se' in the @asement o? the .o*n'ry which was to @e *se' as propa)an'a (i'eo Ge(i'enceG o? the Ho*se o? Sa*'As a@*se o? American .ema+es '*rin) the :ar 0n 2error an' what was s*ppose' to appear to @e the contin*ance o? ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication 1Cperiments which ha' @een carrie' o*t *pon SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims @y #ichar' He+ms an' his A6IS a??i+iate' 7rimina+ Associates '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration. 3*e to the ?act that the H*man =i(isections which were occ*rrin) '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration were the res*+t o? the Ita+ian A6IS )ainin) emp+oyement within the 7.I.A. an' the A6IS A??i+iate' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate in(o+(e' in Scienti?ic #esearch an' H*man =i(isection whom were sti++ a+i(e an' acti(e @ein) emp+oye' within the U.S.A. @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' Ita+ian A6IS a)ents worDin) within the 7.I.A. 5 m*ch o? the reso*rces a++ocate' to 7IA P#0B172 M9U$2#A were o*tso*rce' to pri(ate +a@oratories 4 hea+thcare ?aci+ities 4 an' pri(ate researchers < m*ch o? this en'e' *p in the han's o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man 2ra??icDin) in )enera+. U 2he 7*@an Ita+ian man whom has @een preten'in) to @e Boey Marini has in his possession4 a+tere' photo)raphs o? what is s*ppose' to appear to @e Boey MariniAs ?ami+y. 2he man in the photo)raphs whom is preten'in) to @e BoeyAs ?ather is an Ita+ian. BoeyAs ?ami+y are Sici+ians4 not

Ita+ians. 2his 7*@ano 'i' not rea+i>e thay Boey was Sici+ian an' not Ita+ian. He wi++ not answer H*estions as to who he is 5 he maintains that he is Boey an' that Boey is Ita+ian. He was wearin) 2ay+a $aw(erAs @+*e I2A$IA hoo'e' SweatShirt. He is 'atin) a woman whom appears to @e the 'a*)hter o? the .acsista Po+ice 0??icer in ;oston5 this woman is preten'in) to @e a woman name' A>aria whom has @een missin). U It seems 'e?inite that Sa(oy re+ate' ?ami+ies o? the Ho*se o? Aosta ha(e in?i+trate' the U.S.A. Po+ice .orce an' other 'epartments within )o(ernment 4 an' ha(e @een Genoci'a++y 1Cterminatin) +ists o? ci(i+ians 5 assassinatin) ?ami+ies 4 an' rep+acin) them with in'i(i'*a+s ho+'in) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' +i(in) in their homes. U It is (ery pro@a@+e that the corr*pte' Sa(oy A6IS Po+ice 0??icers ha(e @een *se' to en?orce the committin) o? Initiation :ar 7rimes @y in'i(i'*a+s o? re+ation to Sa(oy A6IS .ami+ies 4 these in'i(i'*a+s ha(e @een )rante' Po+ice Imm*nities in many cases an' ha(e @een rewar'e' ?or their committin) o? :ar 7rimes 4 #o@@eries 4 an' SeC 0??enses. I? the Sa(oy A6IS 7rime So+'iers re?*se to commit an act 4 it is pro@a@+e that they +ose Po+ice Imm*nities imme'iate+y. * :-: 7ulianna :-: 1"%" 2013 Si+encin) o? Ita+ian an' Sici+ian ?ami+ies in Ita+ia 4 Sici+ia 4 an' the USA has contin*e' a?ter the ?a++ o? the 2hir' #eich 5 these ?ami+ies @ein) ?ami+ies whom ta+De' a@o*t A'o+? Hit+erAs Sa(oy @+oo'+ine an' B*+i*s 1(o+aAs in(o+(ement in the A6IS as the en)ineer o? the St*rm Un' 3ran) phases o? i'entity which were inten'e' to @e phase' in '*rin) the on)oin) war which was to e(ent*a++y res*+t in an assimi+ate' cohesi(e Imperia+ #oman I'entity amon)st the *ni?ie' A6IS nations. 1ntire Sici+ian ?ami+ies were eCterminate' a?ter the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 my co*sin B*+iannaAs ?ami+y was eCterminate' which res*+te' in her imme'iate ?ami+y *nit ?+eein) to the USA. B*+iannaAs ?ami+y were Sici+ian Nationa+ists whom were in opposition to the A6IS an' 'esire' in'epen'ence ?rom the Ita+ian 1mpire. U 3*rin) G*)+ie+moAs rei)n o? terror in the New /orD re)ion4 the @*tcher Dnown on the streets as G3rac*+aG eCterminate' entire ?ami+ies *n'er the )*ise that these were reta+iatory inter Ma?ia striDes when in act*a+ity some o? these were A6IS tar)ette' ?ami+ies. B*+ianna to+' me as a chi+' that B*+i*s 1(o+aAs assassins @e)an hirin) Sici+ian Ma?ia to Di++ ?ami+ies in Sici+y ?or the p*rpose o? p*ttin) a Sici+ian ?ace on the :ar 7rime so that the p*rpose o? their si+encin) o? the ?ami+y was ma'e 'i??ic*+t to in(esti)ate an' pro(e 5 B*+iannaAs ?ami+yAs on+y a'(ersaries were the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs 1man*e+e ?ami+y an' the ?ami+y o? B*+i*s 1(o+a. 3*rin) the Secon' :or+' :ar 4 B*+i*s 1(o+a was 'irect+y in(o+(e' in m*+tip+e #esearch 3i(isions an' #esearch 3epartments within the 3r' #eichAs ranDs 5 m*ch o? this research in(o+(e' h*man (i(isection an' other crimes. B*+i*s 1(o+a was so 'e(io*s as to ha(e p*rpose+y ?i++e' :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e with a++ o? western 1*ropeAs Gpa)anG arti?acts o? 1*ropean Go+'en A)e which were precio*s to the 2h*+e Society an' intentiona++y @*rn 'own :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e to p*rpose+y 'estroy archaeo+o)ica+ e(i'ence o? non #oman 1*ropean c*+t*re 5 Heinrich Himm+er was or'ere' @y B*+i*s 1(o+a to 'emo+ish an' @*rn 'own :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e 4 the G#eichSta)G eCc*se was that the An)+o .ranDic A$$I13 .0#71S were comin) to conH*er it < this eCc*se @ein) comp+ete+y a@s*r' as the arti?acts stores in :ewe+s@*r) 7ast+e were (a+*a@+e to @oth

?orces an' the 2h*+e Society ha' @oth An)+o Gae+ic an' .ranDic mem@ers. * :-: Ohio in the Ne-Hampshire 1e)ia :-: 2he c*rrent Arie+ 7astro story in the me'ia seems to mirror what 7esare 'i' in NewHampshire an' Massach*settes with the eCception that here in NewHampshire 4 7esare +ocDe' *p a man whom is possi@+y 2ony Gon>a+e> in his stea'. 2he simi+arities are 'o) +eashes @ein) *se' 4 Arie+ 7astroAs treatment o? the ?ema+es 4 7astroAs 7*@an herita)e 4 an' the names o? the ?ema+es 5 Gina 3eBes*s W Sheena MacPherson &3eBes*s W 0? Bes*s 4 MacPherson W Son 0? the 7hristian Parson, Aman'a ;erry W 7+arissa ;erry an' her yo*n)er sister a;c ;erry c$A#ISSA Aman'a 3*rin) 200E 4 Sarah $or's 'isappeare' ?rom Nash*a NewHampshire. I @e+ie(e that one o? Arie+ 7astroAs (ictims was name' Miche++e 9ni)ht. Boe $e;aronAs sister may a+so @e name' Miche++e. M. 9. are a+so Min'y 9ernAs initia+s. 2wo o? the three (ictims in 0hio are o? o@(io*s Ita+ian race. 2he assai+ants in New1n)+an' 4 New /orD 4 0ntario 4 an' New Bersey are Ita+ian A6IS whom are Ita+ians o? miCe' Ita+ian race s*ch as .i+ 1man*e+e whom is Ita+ian an' A*strian an' 7esare whom is Ita+ian an' 7*@ano. 0? re+e(ance to possi@+e me'ia propa)an'i>in) o? Arie+ 7astroAs crimes 5 in New1n)+an' on te+e(ision an' in news papers Arie+ 7astro was sentence' to 1000 $i?e Sentences p*@+ica++y in me'ia < the correct an' tr*th?*+ termino+o)y is G$i?e :itho*t Paro+eG.

:-: Bilton Ne-Hampshire :-: U 0? re+e(ance to :i+ton NH an' the pro@a@i+ity that ;ren'an P+aceAs te+ephone was @ein) hacD tappe' @y metho' o? comm*nications ser(er or wire tappe' 5 I was to+' @y Bason #o')ers in 200E that he ha' hear' that some@o'y ha' @een Deepin) a )ir+ hosta)e in a @asement in :i+ton which was +ocate' at the en' o? P+easant St. in a con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) @esi'e the ri(er an' that @y the time peop+e checDe' it she was )one an' there was e(i'ence that some@o'y ha' @een Dept hosta)e there. I a+so was to+' @y a ?rien' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' access to a ho*se at an a''ress which is 25 Shorehi++ #'. an' is +ocate' imme'iate+y across the ri(er ?rom the con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant st. on Main st. neCt to the ri(er an' is imme'iate+y *p the hi++ ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment on the ri)ht si'e o? the street hea'in) *phi++. 2his +ocation was 'escri@e' @y .i+ to my ?rien' as G2his is I*st one o? my ?ami+yAs properties.G 2here are a+so r*mo*rs o? some@o'y @ein) he+' hosta)e at the con'emne' mansion on ;*rns #'. in Mi+?or' NewHampshire. .or many years the :i+ton NewHampshire 7hie? o? Po+ice was my ?atherAs ?rien' Boe McG*ire. In 2005 4 Boe McG*ire was ?ire' an' rep+ace'. In 200E < there were a++e)ations that )ir+s were @ein) +ocDe' in the @asement o? the ?o*n'ry at the en' o? P+easant St in :i+ton NewHampshire 'own the roa' ?rom the Po+ice 3epartment. .i+ 1man*e+e ha' access to an apartment *p the hi++ ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment on Shore Hi++ #oa' *p the Hi++ imme'iate+y @ehin' the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. :hen asDe' a@o*t the property @y a m*t*a+ acH*aintance4 .i+ 1man*e+e state'4 it is G0ne o? my ?ami+ies propertiesG. Pri(ate In(esti)ators ha(e to+' me that .i+ 1man*e+e ?i+me' what appeare'

to @e eCtreme @on'a)e porno)raphy in the @asement o? this con'emne' ?o*n'ry @asement an' that he a@an'one' the proIect '*e to the rea+i>ation that the settin) was an eCtreme+y *n+iDe+y settin) to *se ?or ?i+min) what was apparent+y s*ppose' to @e ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication 1Cperiments inten'e' to @e *se' as =i'eoGraphic e(i'ence to ?rame some +ater 'eci'e' thir' party ?or his crimes. My .atherAs @est ?rien's Boe McG*ire an' .ran McG*ire were @rothers o? the ?ormer :i+ton 7hie? o? Po+ice ;o@ McG*ire < '*rin) 2005 4 ;o@ was ?ire' ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice ?orce which was the res*+t o? a possi@+e ?a+se ?+a))e' Po+ice In(esti)ation. I @e+ie(e that ;o@ was pro@a@+y a@'*cte' @y men in Po+ice Uni?orm 4 a?terwar's to @e rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r. U 3*rin) 200E < r*mo*rs @e)an to sprea' that there were ?ema+es @ein) +ocDe' in the @asement o? a con'emne' .o*n'ry @*i+'in) at the en' o? P+easant St. in :i+ton New Hampshire which is imme'iate+y aro*n' the corner an' 'own the roa' ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. A m*t*a+ acH*aintance o? my se+? an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs to+' me that .i+ re?erre' to a +ocation *p the hi++ ?rom the :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment on Shore Hi++ r' which is a hi++ on the ri(er@anD neCt to the Po+ice 3epartment < this roa' crosses into $yn'@oro*)h. I @e+ie(e the n*m@er o? the @*i+'in) was 254 it is a sma++ @+*e cotta)e on the hi++ o(er+ooDin) the ri(er. I was in?orme' @y another in'i(i'*a+ that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was *sin) this +ocation to ?i+m the women whom were @ein) a@*se' in the @asement o? the .o*n'ry which was to @e *se' as propa)an'a (i'eo Ge(i'enceG o? the Ho*se o? Sa*'As a@*se o? American .ema+es '*rin) the :ar 0n 2error an' what was s*ppose' to appear to @e the contin*ance o? ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication 1Cperiments which ha' @een carrie' o*t *pon SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims @y #ichar' He+ms an' his A6IS a??i+iate' 7rimina+ Associates '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration. 3*e to the ?act that the H*man =i(isections which were occ*rrin) '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration were the res*+t o? the Ita+ian A6IS )ainin) emp+oyement within the 7.I.A. an' the A6IS A??i+iate' 0r)ani>e' 7rime Syn'icate in(o+(e' in Scienti?ic #esearch an' H*man =i(isection whom were sti++ a+i(e an' acti(e @ein) emp+oye' within the U.S.A. @y B*+i*s 1(o+a an' Ita+ian A6IS a)ents worDin) within the 7.I.A. 5 m*ch o? the reso*rces a++ocate' to 7IA P#0B172 M9U$2#A were o*tso*rce' to pri(ate +a@oratories 4 hea+thcare ?aci+ities 4 an' pri(ate researchers < m*ch o? this en'e' *p in the han's o? 0r)ani>e' 7rime in(o+(e' in SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man 2ra??icDin) in )enera+. U .i+ ha' 'eci'e' in 200% that the Ho*se o? Sa(oy nee'e' an a+i@i < I am now con?i'ent that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ather was in(o+(e' 'irect+y in B*+i*s 1(o+aAs 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in @oth the North an' So*th Americas < these in'i(i'*a+s typica++y @ein) re?erre' to as .ascistas an' sometimes as Ma?ia '*e to their in(o+(ement in 0r)ani>e' 7rime s*ch as SeC 2ra??icDin) 4 H*man =i(isection 4 Arms 2ra??icDin) 4 an' other crimina+ enterprises. 2he :ar on 3r*)s in So*th America has +ar)e+y misse' the tar)et as has the :ar on 2error in the Mi''+e 1ast '*e to o*r mis*n'erstan'in) o? eCact+y what the epicenter o? the 1nemy .action is 5 that @ein) the +itera+ A6IS. 3*e to this 1nemy .action @ein) primari+y comprise' o? Ita+ian an' Ita+o Hispanic .ascistas as we++ as 0ttoman A6IS $oya+ists 4 the U.S.A. has ?reH*ent+y tar)ette' this co(ert networD o? enemies incorrect+y < the misrepresentation o? the A6IS .action in me'ia as @ein) a Germanic entity has ca*se' this. 2he core o? the A6IS was ?o*n'e' @y the 1(o+as o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy whom so*)ht since the ?a++ o? the #oman 1mpire to re@*i+' the #oman 1mpire 4 the A6IS has @een a mo'ern attempt at acc*m*+atin) eno*)h ?orces to maDe this possi@+e with aims ?or an e(ent*a+ attempt at G+o@a+ 7onH*est. 3*rin) 2011 5 an imposte*r Min'y 9ern @o*)ht meat at Stop N Shop whi+e I was worDin) at the 3e+i in the Stop N Shop on the @or'er o? ;e'?or' NewHampshire an' Manchester NewHampshire.

2his woman was approCimate+y 3 inches ta++er than Min'y an' was (ery thin4 she was a+so +acDin) o? any Israe+i )enetics 5 Min'y 9ern was Israe+i 4 An)+o Gae+ic American 4 3e*tsche 4 an' A*strian. 3*rin) 200E5 .i+ si)ne' Min'yAs note@ooD at some point G.I$G< '*rin) 200E4 Min'y a+so recei(e' a 'eath threat ?rom an anonymo*s in'i(i'*a+ whom was 'e?inite+y .i+. 2his 'eath threat was a +etter that was t*cDe' into Min'yAs note@ooD whi+e at schoo+ at 7hester 7o++e)e in 7hester NewHampshire 5 I @e+ie(e it was 'e+i(ere' @y Anthony #oton'o. .i+ si)ne' the +etter GP+easant+y /o*rsG. .i+ has a ten'ency to repeat his crimes o@sessi(e+y to the point o? it @ein) o@(io*s that it was his psycho+o)y @ehin' the crimes GP+easantG is a wor' which has @een seen in n*mero*s anonymo*s 'eath threats to peop+e I ha(e Dnown '*rin) the past " years 4 GMo*nt P+easant ApartmentsG in ;i++ericca is a +ocation which .i+ ha' *se' to ho+' 2ra??icDin) =ictims hosta)e whom he ha' imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 5 1mi+y Is+es ha' trie' to ca++ me on a 'r*) 'ea+er o? .i+As ce++ phone ?rom this +ocation '*rin) 200E when she ca++e' my ce++ phone whi+e I was worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@ricators in $on'on'erry NewHampshire 4 GP+easant StreetG is a+so the street which the .o*n'ry in :i+ton is at the en' o?. 2he o+' ?o*n'ry in :i+ton was proporte'+y a +ocation where .i+ 1man*e+e ha' he+' n*mero*s SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictims hosta)e in the @asement. .i+ ha' access to a cotta)e across the ri(er ?rom the ?o*n'ry which was on a hi++ on a street ca++e' somethin) +iDe GShore Hi++ #'G4 I @e+ie(e the a''ress n*m@er o? the cotta)e was V25 5 this +ocation is 'irect+y *p the hi++ an' neCt to the :i+ton NewHampshite Po+ice 3epartment. 3*rin) 200% 4 my 'a'As ?rien' whom was the 7hie? o? Po+ice in :i+ton NewHampshire was ?ire' an' rep+ace' 5 I @e+ie(e that ;o@ McG*ire may ha(e @een rep+ace' @y an Imposte*r soon a?ter. I worDe' with ;o@ McG*ire at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication '*rin) 200E whi+e I was 'atin) Min'y 9ern 5 '*rin) this time it appeare' that 3on'i McMahon may ha(e @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace'. 3on'i McMahon to+' me whi+e at worD G:hat e(er yo* 'o4 'o not )et sicD. 3o not )o to a hospita+. :hat 'o yo* 'o when the .ire 3epartment @*rns 'ownOG . A+so '*rin) this time 4 the +*nch tr*cD 'ri(er sai' to me G2r*'y ... tr*'y ... tr*'y... ne(er sho*+' ha(e +e?t that #eser(ation.G. * :-: 1anchester Ne-Hampshire :-: - &1ail 1a.o- 1eet -ith $il - 8ittorio - crime rate e@plo)es - BCIs e0er5-here - "ssassins poisoning ci0ilian 0ictims an) la--enforcement as -ell as others - list 0ictims - hospitals corrupte) - 2'"mico + Napolitano + 2ino + Bonano + an) N"1B " Boston someho- connecte) to &manueles an) - Cesare /2ia*lo/ &) Barren connections - rapes - police Italian-"GIS + refusing to )o ,o* + pla5ing )um* - Sleeper-"gent Police currentl5 replace) *5 imposteurs - airport controlle) *5 Italian-"GIS + 1anchester staging point for in0asion - Bosnians 0anishe) + Ser*s in 1anchester - Italian-"GIS rapists 88!% to hi)e

* :-: Boston 1assachusettes :-: - aura u)-ic.o-s.i + aura -rites "#YN!I%IS on note-car) an) attempts to gi0e -itness statement to Boston Police Palso name of t0 episo)e a*out BCIsQ +- tol) #5an + aura + an) 2a0e - Imposteur 8alerie Olson - #5an Har0e5 possi*l5 replace) *5 imposteur * :-: Ne- 7erse5 :-: - list of families targette) an) musicians targette) * :-: Ne-Hampshire Hospital on Clinton Street in Concor) Ne-Hampshire (S" :-: U #o@ert 3esNesnere 'i' not seem to @e a nat*ra+ h*man @ein) < he seeme' 'is)*ise'4 possi@+y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 3NA M*tate' 4 an' possi@+y ha' a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++ which ma'e his (oice so*n' 'i??erent. U 3r. $*rhmann ha' a 3e*tsche s*rname @*t he +ooDe' GreeD *:-: #umours concerning "n)ers Brei0i. + Kasa* + %imoth5 1c8eigh + &ri. Beise :-: - &lectronic 2ata-%ransmitting Surgical Implants * :-: Possi*le Poisonings :-: U In 200!4 I near+y 'ie' ?rom a ?orm o? or)anic poison 5 ;+acD Mo+'. ;etween 200E 2008 4 n*mero*s ?ema+e (ictims o? this networD in the U.S.A. are reporte' to ha(e 'ie' o? 2oCicity 5 a physica+ state which is typica++y pro'*ce' @y ?orms o? or)anic poisonin). 0? re+e(ance to the Norwe)ian ?+a) 5 1mi+y Is+es was pen pa+s with =ar) =iDernes whi+e he was in prison in Norway 4 prior to his @ein) rep+ace' @y n*mero*s writers4 internet imposte*rs4 imposte*r m*sicians4 an' approCimate+y 11 physica+ imposte*rs to 'ate whom ha(e pose' in photo)raphs preten'in) to @e $ars G=ar)G =iDernes. A'am Aries my Mother Peter Stee+e ?eces poisonin) * :-: #o5al $amilies %argette) :-: -:- 8I%%O#IO &1"N(& & IS OBS&SS&2 BI%H 2&S%#OYIN! %H& B#I%ISH 1ON"#CHY -:=ittorio 1man*e+e has ?*n'e' news me'ia an' internet me'ia ?or the p*rpose o? 'e?amin) the ;ritish Monarchy. Since 200E 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e has ma'e n*mero*s attempts to ?rame the ;ritish Monarchy. I @e+ie(e one o? his a)ents poste' on a @+o) we@site *sin) the screenname 2H0#S;#02H1# an' asserte' that the ;ritish Monarchy may ha(e #it*a+ Sacri?ice' the woman ?o*n' 'ea' on the #oya+ 1state. 2his woman^s remains were +e?t near the shootin) )ro*n's. 2he p+acement o? the @o'y near the Hano(ersA 1stateAs tar)et practice )ro*n's is worth notin) 5 '*rin) 200E 3icD 7heney was acci'ent+y wo*n'e' '*rin) a h*ntin) session with Geor)e ;*sh an' 9ar+ #o(e. Since =ittorio 1man*e+e^s o@session with the ;*shQ7heney a'ministration5 his psycho+o)y echoes " 11 propa)an'a4 A6IS war crimes4 Henry MaDow^s we@site4 an' his sta+Din) o? my ?ami+y as we++ as others. =ittorio 1man*e+e has a+so tar)ette' the Asatr* comm*nity ?or 'e?amation an' e(en in some cases m*r'er. It seems +o)ica+ that his Iea+o*sy an' hatre' o? the Ho*se o? Hano(er has c*+minate' in his psychotic patternin). Since =ittorio 1man*e+eAs an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs a)ent tooD o(er Henry MaDow^s we@site SA=12H1MA$1S.7A < there has @een no mention o? A'o+? Hit+er @ein) his )ran'?ather^s ha+? @rother an' ?i?th co*sin. Since Henry MaDow re(ea+e' A'o+? JHit+erK 1man*e+e to @e ?rom the +ine o? =ittorio 1man*e+e II4 =ittorio 1man*e+e has @een sta+Din) an' attemptin) to 'e?ame the ;ritish Monarchy4 peop+e aro*n' Me'I*)orIe4 my ?ami+y4 the Asatr* 7omm*nity4 an' Israe+is +i(in) in the North 1ast

re)ion o? North America. =ittorio 1man*e+e^s psycho+o)ica+ pro?i+e can @e ?o*n' within the p+ot o? 3a(i' IcDe^s4 7hris 1(erar'^s4 an' Bon 9in)^s I$$UMINA2I =0$UM1 III 5 MU#31#13 ;/ 2H1 M0NA#7H/. 2he Monarch SeC S+a(e networD Henry MaDow an' my se+? were researchin) 4 which Henry MaDow^s associates ha' @een in(esti)atin)< is the SeC 2ra??icDin) an' H*man =i(isection NetworD o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate 5 the JMonarchsK @ein) =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e as we++ as B*+i*s 1(o+a an' his c*rrent s*ccessors. I @e+ie(e that at one time this networD was *sin) a speci?ic @*tter?+y tattoo on the +ower @acD to marD their s+a(es4 as we++ as other s*@t+e marDers. 2he @*tter?+y +ooDs to @e @+acD an' @+*e an' p*rp+e is pro@a@+e to represent the a?ter cocoon sta)e o? ;*tter?+y +ar(a < a?ter the @*tter?+y )rows win)s an' is no +on)er a worm caterpi++ar 5 @*tter?+ies wrap themse+(es in we@@in). 2he 1man*e+e SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate tie *p woman 4 racD women 4 an' tort*re them ?or ho*rs prior to rapin) them 5 it seems pro@a@+e that this is to terrori>e the ?ema+es into s*@mission so that they 'o not resist the SeC 2ra??icDers an' ?o++ow or'ers +iDe s+a(es. 2he @*tter?+y is the woman whom has @een tort*re' +on) eno*)h that she no +on)er says GNoG 4 no +on)er tries to escape 4 an' 'oes not resist their or'ers an' 'eman's. 2his has 'e?inite+y @een happenin) ?or at +east %0 years an' this is part o? the 'e?inite Mo'*s 0peren'i or Mo'e o? 0peration o? the SeC 2ra??icDin) 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which the 1man*e+esA are some o? a sma++ n*m@er o? 7rime $or's o? networD o? terrorist crimina+s. 7esare is recor'e' as statin) to 1' .arrachi :arren at .ami+y 3o++ar in 2005 4 that 7esareAs ?orm o? tort*rin) ?ema+es in(o+(e' tyin) them *p with rope an' tort*rin) an' rapin) them < 7esare *se' M3MA '*rin) his tort*re to 'esta@i+i>e the womanAs Ne*ro+o)y an' Psycho+o)y 5 7esare ca++e' this G@itch trainin)G. 2he networD o? 2errorist 7rimina+ SeC 2ra??icDers who a@'*cte' Samantha G*ay 4 tie' her *p an' tort*re' her ?or ho*rs 5 some o? these tort*re sessions were *p+oa'e' to the internet '*rin) 200%. 3isp+ayin) the tort*re o? these ?ema+es to their +o(e' ones whi+e they are on the internet @y hacDin) their comp*ter an' eCposin) it to them is a 'e?inite Psycho+o)ica+ Mo'*s 0peren'i o? the 1man*e+esA 2errorist SeC 2ra??icDin) 7rime Syn'icate. 2his SeC 2ra??icDin) NetworD were crimina+ associates o? the terrorist a)ents worDin) within the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A '*rin) the NiCon A'mininstration. 3a(i' IcDeAs MU#31#13 ;/ 2H1 M0NA#7H/ is ?i++e' with Anti Hano(erian propa)an'a that is entire+y resem@+ant o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)y an' possi@+y may ha(e e(en @een written @y =ittorio himse+? 5 *n+ess 3a(i' IcDe is one o? the Ne*roScience =i(isection (ictims4 there is no reasona@+e eCp+aination ?or his schi>oi' propa)an'a other than tota+ s*@(ersion @y 1man*e+eAs 2errorist .action. 2he I$$UMINA2US 2#I$0G/ a+so shows e(i'ence o? @ein) in?+*ence' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e 5 psych pro?i+in) the p+ot +ine o? the series shows possi@+e in?+*ence. 2here eCist other propa)an'a that seem to @e possi@+y ?i++e' with co'e' messa)es o? which are most pro@a@+y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs networDAs 'oin) 5 these statements +a@e+ the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y GShape Shi?tin) A+iensG as we++ as others. 3*e to mo'ern techno+o)y an' the recent economic co++apse in the USA < entire ?ami+ies in the USA are on a +ist ?or ?*t*re rep+acement @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' in'i(i'*a+s with 7osmetic S*r)ery 4 this means 2ota+ Genoci'e 5 1' :arren 'i' mention GIn(asion o? the ;o'y SnatchersGan' '*rin) the a@*ses which were occ*rin) within the 70IN21$P#0 o? the USA )o(ernment4 +ists o? entire ?ami+ies were ma'e @y a)ents worDin) within the In(esti)ations an' Inte++i)ence 'epartments o? the USA. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy ena@+es an a)ent to 'is)*ise themse+(es as another race o? person entire+y5 it is possi@+e to m*tate the sDin4 han's4 nose4 eyes4 hair4 an' comp+eCion o? an in'i(i'*a+ entire+y chan)in) their appearance. 2here are a+so other ways that this networD ha(e o@taine' +ists o? ?ami+ies s*ch as Socia+ NetworDin) :e@Sites4 ran'om s*r)ica+ imp+antation o? +on)ran)e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 'e(ices co*p+e' with A#G0S G.P.S. impro(ise' ro*ters4 or a)ents worDin) within Hospita+s or 'epartments o? state where copies o? ;irth 7erti?icates are store'. 2he economic co++apse ca*se' Americans to +ose so m*ch o? their wea+th an' economic sta@i+ity < '*e to this there is an incre'i@+y +iDe+y pro@a@i+ity o? ?orei)n a)ents @*yin) a++ o? o*r hospita+s4 ?*n'in) their chi+'rensA co++e)e a++owin) them to o@tain emp+oyment within )o(ernment ahea' o? Americans4 ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) hea+thcare in'*stry4 p*rchasin) o? science in'*stry an' +a@oratories4 an' ?orei)n a)ents p*rchasin) comm*nications an'

entertainment in'*stry 5 these thin)s are eCtreme+y +iDe+y to @e occ*rin). * &liza*eth Hano0er was in the re)ion an' stoppe' in at the Manchester Ma++ o? New Hampshire to @*y a tea. 2here is an airport ?i(e min*tes 'own the roa' ?rom the Ma++ o? New Hampshire in $on'on'erry. She *se' her cre'it car' at my re)ister5 '*e to this happenin) this is e+ectronica++y (eri?ie'. She @o*)ht an 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast tea. :i++iam an' 9ate stoppe' in +ater an' @o*)ht an ice' co??ee an' a @a)e+. 2he 3*nDin 3on*ts that I was worDin) at was owne' @y the SDri(anos .ami+y 7orporation. 2here were sec*rity cameras present at the store an' in the ma++. 2his coinci'e' with the hacDin) in(o+(in) comp*ters owne' @y #*pert M*r'och4 who has @een ?rame' ?or this possi@+y '*e to the ?act that 7+an M*r'och is a here'itary sept o? Clan Chattan as is 7+an MacPherson an' =ittorio 1man*e+e is hate?*+ towar's me @eca*se I was one o? the ?ew in'i(i'*a+s who rea' Henry MaDowAs artic+e a@o*t the rea+ name o? A'o+? GHit+erG 1man*e+e. #*pert M*r'ochAs corporationsA comp*ters were *se' to access ce++ phone @*)s imp+ante' in wa++s in the U94 hacD persona+ comp*ters @e+on)in) to the U9 Ho*se o? $or's as we++ as the U9 Par+iament4 an' were a+so *se' to hacD comm*nications ser(ers in the U9. 2he Ho*se o? Hano(er were a+so @ein) sta+De' aro*n' this time4 I @e+ie(e that this was '*e to the Iea+o*sy o? =ittorio 1man*e+e whom has yet to recin' his c+aimancy to the 7rown o? the Ita+ian 1mpire an' @+ames the ;ritish Monarchy ?or part o? his ?ami+iesA c*rrent position in +i?e. As :i++iam an' 9ate were wa+Din) towar's my re)ister4 I 'roppe' a s*)ar pacDet an' Dne+t 'own to picD it *p 5 as I Dne+t4 9ate eCc+aime' with a @+*sh G0h4 he Dnee+e'NG an' a smi+e. Accor'in) to some so*rces4 :i++iam was 'ec+are' the neCt in +ine ?or the throne a short perio' o? time +ater than this. =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e were certain+y sti++ sta+Din) me aro*n' this time 5 i? =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e witnesse' this4 it *n'o*@te'+y in?*riate' them. It was imme'iate+y a?ter this that the n*mero*s re+ate' internet 'e?amation assa*+ts *pon the U9 ;ritish Monarchy @e)an. - %"#" HI : I#& "N2 : - 2ara Hi++ in Ire+an' was a sacre' site < ho+y )ro*n's *pon which many roya+ +ines were crowne'. 2his site has @een the +ocation o? co*nt+ess re+i)io*s rites since the primor'ia+ ori)ins o? the is+an'As inha@itants < the site o? n*mero*s coronations 4 n*mero*s namin) ceremonies4 ?*nerary rites were carrie' o*t at 2ara Hi++ as o(er the 'eca'es hono*re' so*+s were +ai' to rest at this +ocation. .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ha(e @een in(estin) their wea+th @y way o? crimina+ :ea+th #etainers simi+ar to #oya+ #etainers whom #oya+ty o?ten *se to hi'e some o? their wea+th 5 @e)innin) in 2005 4 2ara Hi++ was tar)ette' ?or permanant 'estr*ction. I? a 9in) or L*een were to e(er @e crowne' a)ain in Ire+an' 5 2ara Hi++ wo*+' ha(e @een the site o? this coronation. I @e+ie(e that it is certain witho*t any reasona@+e 'o*@t that =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 in his Iea+o*sy o? a++ that is no@+e < thro*)h a)ents @oth co(ert an' o(ert 5 'esire' to *se 2ara Hi++ as a cata+yst to 'ri(e a ?*rther ri?t @etween the peop+e o? the #ep*@+ic o? Ire+an' an' the peop+e o? the Unite' 9in)'om o? Great ;ritain an' Northern Ire+an'. A?ter @ein) poisone' @y a Ma?ia So+'ierAs 'a*)hter whom ?e' me ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee 4 a ra'ioacti(e s*@ ro++ @aste' with ra'io acti(e io'i>e' hea(y water4 an' ha(in) @een +ie' to at m*+tip+e Hospita+s in New Hampshire concernin) my hea+th 5 I was a)ain poisone' @y metho' o? a tainte' @e(era)e which pro'*ce' the res*+ts o? my ?eces t*rnin) )reen ?or a month 4 this was '*rin) the month o? Saint PatricDAs 3ay. I @e+ie(e that the p*rpose ?or this was an attempt to pro(oDe an attacD an' ?ee+in)s o? ?ear?*+ 'esperation concernin) a paranoi' Irish #ep*@+ican Army witch h*nt which ne(er occ*re'. 2his attacD coinci'e' (ery c+ose+y with my meetin) some o? the Hano(er ?ami+y 4 whom I ha' so+' a tea an' a co??ee to n*mero*s times at 3*nDin 3on*ts at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. I ser(e' 1+i>a@eth Hano(er an 1n)+ish ;reaD?ast tea an' a ;+*e@erry Scone twice 4 as we++ as 'i' I ser(er :i++iam Hano(er an' 9ate Hano(er a $ar)e Ice' 7o??ee as we++ as

a ;a)e+ once 5 this was act*a++y recor'e' on camera as we++ as was it recor'e' @y the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace which is in my @rain an' has @een transmittin) @y way o? internet. A $ar)e 3*nDin 3on*ts ice' co??ee c*p is what was *se' to ?ee' me ;+acD Mo+' in a co??ee which was s*ppose' to @e 3*nDin 3on*ts co??ee @*t t*rne' o*t to @e MaCwe++ Ho*se 7o??ee. A?ter @ein) poisone' with @+acD mo+' 5 an 1+i>a@eth Hano(er imposte*r whom +ooDe' nothin) +iDe 1+i>a@eth Hano(er at short 'istance 4 (isite' me in a psychiatric war' +ocate' on a roa' which is on Amherst St. in Nash*a NewHampshire. A?ter the imposte*r 1+i>a@eth Hano(er (isite' an' intro'*ce herse+? as G1+i>a@eth 2*'orG who was Graise' a 7atho+ic an' is an 1piscopa+ianG 5 I was acc*se' o? @ein) I.#.A. @y a man whom wrote I.#.A. on my +ocDer. Soon a?ter this 4 3a(i' IcDe an' others p*@+ishe' a propa)an'a piece which was tit+e' GM*r'ere' ;y the MonarchyG 5 a+so4 Henry MaDowAs comman'eere' we@site contin*e' p*@+ishin) artic+es c+aimin) that A'o+? Hit+er was ;ritish. =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' these hits himse+? 5 since at +east 200% 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e hates the ;ritish #oya+ .ami+y an' has @een attemptin) to insti)ate war ?are an' inter racia+ stri?e @etween Irish an' ;ritish pop*+ations @y way o? internet an' ?a+se ?+a))e' attacDs. In 200E 5 it was reporte' @y n*mero*s Irish peop+e that men o? an 1astern 1*ropean appearance were seen ?+eein) ?rom the site o? the +ast @om@in) that ha' @een attri@*te' to the I.#.A. 4 this was 'isc*sse' on the internet an' is permanant+y recor'e'. 0n a warrant re+ate' to e(i'ence +inDe' to a ce++ phone4 an Irish man was arreste' in connection to this attacD. It was +ater ?o*n' that this man was not )*i+ty an' he was re+ease' ?rom a prison in 1n)+an'. 7e++ phone e(i'ence can easi+y @e ?or)e' @y way o? hacDin) comm*nications tower ser(ers4 corporate comm*nications ser(ers4 an' crimina+ a+teration o? 'ata @y a co(ert a)ent emp+oye' within a comm*nications corporation. I @e+ie(e it pro@a@+e that this attacD was a ?a+se ?+a))e' A6IS operation in(o+(in) =ittorio 1man*e+eAs Ita+ian A6IS an' ;a+tic A6IS .actions whom ha' I*st recent+y ret*rne' to :estern 1*rope ?rom operations in #*ssia which ha' reH*ire' them to =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy their ?aces. 3a(i' IcDeAs we@site has @een ?reH*ent+y p*@+ishin) propa)an'a an' cyphere' comm*nications concernin) GShape Shi?tin) A+iensG whom are GMicrochippin) Peop+esA ;rains.G an' ens+a(in) h*manity. 1+i>a@eth Hano(er4 MarD P*cDer@er)4 Geor)e ;*sh4 an' 3icD 7heney 5 were a++ +iste' on 3a(i' IcDeAs a+ien propa)an'a as @ein) GShape Shi?tin) #epti+e A+iensG. 3a(i' IcDe is pro@a@+y an A6IS a)ent. 2he poisonin) attacD which pro'*ce' )reen ?eces coinci'e' with not on+y Saint PatricDAs 3ay @*t a+so the @*++ 'o>in) o? the Hi++ o? 2ara. A+so tar)ette' in re+ation to this attacD are the Norwe)ians whom I was in contact with '*rin) 200E 200" as we++ as the Norwe)ian Monarchy. 7ami++a .+atenAs ;+*tUn';o'en.7om Acco*nt was hacDe' an' a Green SwastiDa ?+a) was poste' on her acco*nt. 7ami++a .+aten was my internet penpa+ in Norway. 7ami++a .+atenAs ?ace@ooD acco*nt has @een hacDe' n*mero*s times as has her @rotherAs 4 Arnt> .+aten. 7ami++a .+aten is a 'e?inite tar)et o? this ?action whom are most pro@a@+y )oin) to attempt to a@'*ct her. A?ter the An'ers ;rei(iD attacD in Norway 4 an attacD which I @e+ie(e was the res*+t o? An'ersA @ein) S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' pi+ote' to )enoci'a++y assa*+t his own peop+e 5 the 9in) o? NorwayAs ?ace was poste' n*mero*s times an' ta))e' as GAn'ers ;rei(iDG. N*mero*s o? these photos were retrie(a@+e @y Goo)+e Ima)e Search '*rin) 2010 2013 5 one o? these was the 9in) o? NorwayAs ?ace on the @o'y o? a Bewish man whom ha' @een wearin) a @+*e tactica+ wet s*it an' ho+'in) a sniper ri?+e4 this Bewish man ha' @een a MySpace ?rien' o? my ?rien' ;ren'an P+ace '*rin) 200%. Another o? these ?aDe' photo)raphs was possi@+y a photo)raph o? the 9in) o? Norway weain) a Masonic S*it an' Apron o? the .reeMasons or was

possi@+y his hea' on a .reeMasonAs photo)raph. My Great Gran'?ather A+@ert MacPherson was a 32o Scottish #ite .reeMason < '*rin) 200!4 a?ter =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' a Ma?ia So+'ier to ha(e his 'a*)hter poison me with ;+acD Mo+' 5 I attempte' to emai+ n*mero*s +etters to .reeMasons '*rin) the time when the +oca+ hospita+s were re?*sin) to 'ia)nose my i++ness. 2hese hospita+s ha(e @een p*rchase' @y =ittorio 1man*e+eAs :ea+th #etainers an' this re)ion has @een ?+oo'e' with his 2errorist 7rimina+ Syn'icateAs so+'iers. Intimi'ation has @een *se' to @*++y (ario*s nations into wi++in)+y Ioinin) the 1*ropean Union 5 an e(ent*a+ nation state p+anne' @y the pre'ecessors o? .i++i@erto an' =ittorio 1man*e+e 4 the 1man*e+e an' 1(o+a ?ami+ies which attempte' to c+aim a++ o? this territory ?or their crown. 3*e to their re?*sa+ to s*@mit to a@so+*te *ni?ication4 the U9 an' Norway ha(e @oth @een tar)ette' @y the 1man*e+e 1(o+a syn'icate. 7o(ert a)ents ha(e en)a)e' in acts o? terrorism4 sa@ota)e4 assassination4 an' s*@(ersion ?or the p*rpose o? e(ent*a++y ?orcin) *ni?ication o? state *pon the peop+es o? the U9 an' Norway 5 this is the same co(ert ?action that ha' pre(io*s+y tar)ette' @oth Ire+an' an' 3enmarD ?or reason o? their re+*ctancy to Ioin the 1*ropean Union. .omentation o? war?are @etween two opponents is an ancient #oman :ar?are tactic ca++e' 3I=I31 AN3 70NLU1# 5 ?omentation o? war?are @etween Ire+an' an' the U9 co*+' @e achei(e' @y a thir' party *sin) metho'ica+ ?a+se ?+a))in) o? a terrorist attacD ?or the p*rpose o? pro(oDin) possi@+e reta+iatory striDes a)ainst the percei(e' assai+ant @y the (ictims. Historica++y4 since the 'ays o? 0+i(er 7romwe++ 5 re+ations @etween m*+tip+e pop*+ations on the is+an' o? Ire+an' ha(e eCperience' perio's o? con?+ict res*+tin) in Ire+an'As 'ec+aration o? in'epen'ence ?rom the U9. I @e+ie(e that these a)ents4 seen r*nnin) ?rom the scene o? the attacD in U+ster 5 were most +iDe+y to ha(e @een a)ents o? the 1man*e+e 1(o+a syn'icate. 2hro*)h the pen an' inD o? 3a(i' IcDe4 the 'emo+ition eH*ipment hea'e' towar' 2ara Hi++4 an' ?a+se ?+a))e' terrorist attacDs 5 =ittorio 1man*e+e has shown his han' thro*)h attempts to 'estroy Ire+an' an' the U9 @oth. I @e+ie(e his c*rrent )oa+ is to 'e?ame an' 'estroy the ;ritish Monarchy 4 e(ent*a++y p*ttin) a ;ritish ?ace on the assai+antsA in a manner simi+ar to the -astielle Da/ of the French Revolution. .or reaso o? their sta+wart in'epen'ence4 the Norwe)ians an' the Monarchy o? Norway are 'e?inite+y (iewe' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e as his a@so+*te a'(ersary. 1H*a++y his a'(ersary 4 the possi@i+ity o? an Ire+an' a++ie' to the U9 5 with an Irish monarchy new+y crowne' at 2ara Hi++. 2his Ire+an' wo*+' remain sta+wart in their resistance to the eCpansion o? the crown o? Sa(oy4 sho*+' =ittorio 1man*e+e rec+aim the throne o? Ita+ia an' attempt to ?orce *ni?ication *pon 1*rope. Ire+an'4 Norway4 the U94 an' 3enmarD wo*+' certain+y stan' their )ro*n' in resistance to the a'(ances o? the A6IS 1mpire which =ittorio 1man*e+e4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action ha(e p+anne'. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio seeDs to permanant+y 'estroy any #oya+ .ami+y or Aristocracy whom re?*se to s*@mit to his 2errorist .actions )+o@a+ist eCtremism. *15 email to "lan "0erill of the *an) Primor)ial - In late ;==F : I emai+e' A+an A(eri++ on 4 asDin) him a@o*t 2ara Hi++. As I ha(e mentione' prior to this5 at this time4 my comp*ter was @ein) hacDe' ?reH*ent+y. 3a(i' IcDeAs mentionin) o? Gshape shi?tin) a+iensG an' Gshape shi?tin) 'opp+e)an)ersG in(o+(in) microchippin) an' the ;ritish Monarchy @e)an '*rin) 200!. A?ter I ha' @een poisone' @y the MA.IA 4 which was most certain+y at the @ehest o? .i++i@erto an' =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 5 I went to the So*thern #e)iona+ New Hampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in or'er to checD in to a psychiatric hea+thcare ?aci+ity. :hi+e waitin) in the 1.#. ?or the n*rse to checD my (ita+ si)ns < a

n*rse approache' me with the intention o? 'rawin) @+oo'. 2he nee'+e that he *se' was an enormo*s nee'+e with a p+*n)er that was presse' in with the th*m@ in or'er to 'raw @+oo'. It +ooDe' (ery m*ch +iDe the hypo'ermic nee'+e in the photo)raph with the 8erichip sticDin) o*t o? it that ha' @een circ*+atin) on the internet4 eCcept that it was m*ch +ar)er. 2he n*rse was o@(io*s+y @ein) *se' as a PS/ :A# a)ent ?or reason o? his appearance 5 a+tho*)h ta++er an' +anDier 4 the n*rse was ha+? )ae+ic an' ha' a simi+ar appearance to A+an A(eri++. He +ooDe' to @e possi@+y Ita+ian4 An)+o SaCon4 an' Gae+ic. :hi+e he was +ea(in) the room4 the n*rse +eane' on his Dnee an' pose' +iDe he was posin) ?or a rocD @an' photo)raph. A?ter this4 whi+e at the psychiatric ?aci+ity on Amherst street in Nash*a New Hampshire USA 5 an imposte*r G1+i>a@eth Hano(erG was a'mitte' entry an' sat neCt to me '*rin) a )ro*p session. 3*rin) the )ro*p session5 we were asDe' to state o*r names4 the re+i)ion we were raise' as4 an' the re+i)ion we o@ser(e' c*rrent+y. 2he ?aDe 1+i>a@eth 4 whom was wearin) my sisterAs @+*e hat4 state' 5 GMy name is 1+i>a@eth 2*'or4 I was raise' a 7atho+ic an' I am an 1piscopa+ian.G < my t*rn was neCt '*rin) which I state' 4 GMy name is Ian MacPherson4 I was raise' a 7atho+ic4 an' my re+i)ion is Asatr*.G . At the en' o? the weeD4 as I was +e' to a +ocDer where my @oots an' @e+t were Dept 5 the G7hap+ainG @ro*)ht me to a +ocDer which sai' I#A on it. 2his is o? re+e(ancy '*e to the o@(io*s terrorist nat*re o? this an' the o@(io*s ?act that I mentione' to A+an that the @*++'o>in) o? 2ara Hi++ may ha(e @een re+ate' to somethin) in(o+(in) an I#A attacD. 2he 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icate are o@(io*s+y responsi@+e ?or 5 the +ast U+ster @om@in) as we++ as the hacDin) o? comm*nications ser(ers in(o+(in) ce++ phones which were *se' to sta+D the ;ritish Monarchy 4 sta+D the Ho*se o? $or's4 an' attempt to ?rame #*port M*r'och o? 7+an 7hattan o? which the 7hie?tan is a 9ni)ht < Sir :i++iam o? 7+*ny MacPherson. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )*i+ty conscience in(o+(in) the ?a+se ?+a) @om@in)4 my @rie?+y ser(in) 1+i>a@eth Hano(er a scone an' a tea which was recor'e' @y camera at 3*nDin 3on*ts when she eCc+aime' G0h4 what a nice yo*n) )ent+emanNG 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e sta+Din) the ;ritish Monarchy an' ?ramin) #*pert M*r'och o? 7+an 7hattan4 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a crime syn'icate Di'nappin) 7he+sey #ain MacPherson an' swappin) her with another (ictim a?ter para'in) her thro*)h the ma++ 'resse' as a ;osnian rin) @earer at a we''in)4 =ittorio 1man*e+eAs hacDers a@*sin) comm*nications an' entertainment networDs 5 a++ o? =ittorio 1man*e+eAs )*i+t has @een eCpresse' thro*)h the pen an' inD o? 3a(i' IcDe4 7ha' 9ister4 the 1man*e+e 1(o+a Syn'icateAs comman'eerin) o? Henry MaDowAs we@site4 an' thro*)h the wor's an' actions o? other H*man =i(isection (ictims as we++ as 1man*e+eAs accomp+ices. U 5 5 the Iranian Aristocracy 5 5 I ha(e hear' that the A6IS p*rpose+y insti)ate' the 1Ci+e o? the Iranian Aristocracy an' 'i' so ?or the p*rpose o? +ater attemptin) to recr*it the Iranian 3ynasty into the A6IS. 2he A6IS p+an has @een to acH*isition the Iranian Mi+itary as a reso*rce thro*)h *phea(a+ o? Iranian Go(ernment *nti+ an A6IS .action can @e p*t in contro+ o? the Iranian Go(ernment. .rom what I ha(e hear'4 A6IS attempts to recr*it the Iranian Aristocratic 3ynasty ha(e @een *ns*ccess?*+ 4 @*t the A6IS ha(e attempte' to *se A)ent Pro(ocate*r 2actics an' .a+se .+a) 0perations in attempt to ?oment war?are @etween the nation o? Iran an' the nation o? Israe+ as we++ as other nations in the re)ion o? Iran. Iran has one o? the stron)est an' +ar)est mi+itaries in the Me'itterranean an' Mi''+e 1astern re)ions an' the Iranian Mi+itary is 'e?inite+y a reso*rce that the A6IS seeD to acH*ire contro+ o?.

* :-: 1orges (se) for Co0ert-2isposal of Corpses an) #emo0al of Brain-ComputerInterfaces :-: 2he mor)es in the North 1ast re)ion o? the U.S.A. ha(e 'e?inite+y @een *se' @y the Genoci'a+ G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation that has S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in the crani*ms o? the pop*+ations in the re)ion o? the North 1ast o? the U.S.A. . .or p*rpose o? remo(a+ o? a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 4 a++ that is necessary is ?or the Mor)e A*topsy S*r)eon to ha(e a ?ema+e assistant who is S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace an' is a SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim to assist him with the co(ert remo(a+ o? the 1+ectronic S*r)ica+ Imp+ants 5 otherwise 4 at +east two ma+es whom are worDin) ?or the Ita+ia Sa(oy A6IS wo*+' @e nee'e' ?or this tasD. It is important to remem@er that the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ha(e @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in Hospita+ Patients in Psychiatric Hospita+s an' that occaisiona++y SeC 0??en'ers +i(e in these hospita+s @rie?+y imme'iate+y a?ter @ein) re+ease' ?rom Prison ?or their crimes. ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces can @e *se' to contro+ a H*man @o'y as i? it is a #o@ot 4 e??ecti(e+y this maDes it an or)anic ro@ot 5 these (ictims can @e *se' as #o@otic S*r)eons. 2he remo(a+ o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces ?rom the crani*ms o? the (ictimsA prior to 'iscernin) 7a*se o? 3eath 4 i? necessary 5 is ?or the p*rpose o? hi'in) Assassination 4 Genoci'e 4 an' H*man =i(isection. 2he emp+oyment position as Mor)e S*r)eon is a *se?*+ position ?or a Genoci'a+ G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation 4 ?or reason that it ena@+es the G+o@a+ 2errorist 0r)ani>ation to hi'e the 7a*se o? 3eath @y metho' o? +yin) on paperworD. 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e p*rchase' n*mero*s Hospita+s in the re)ion o? the U.S.A. . U 5 5 SA=0/ 70MMUNI7A2I0NS S1#=1# 70MPU21# 70PI13 3A2A 5 5 2he Ho*se o? Sa(oy ha(e @*i+t thir own Impro(ise' Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 7omp*ters in North America 5 they ha(e @een payin) Ser(er Maintainance 2echnicians who worD ?or 7omm*nications an' 1ntertainment coporations 4 to *se 1+ectronic .orensic So?tware to copy the entire contents o? Ser(er 7omp*ters '*rin) maintainance at p+aces s*ch as 7omcast Hea'H*arters 4 =eri>on 4 an' .air Point 7omm*nications 5 an' Deep entire years worth o? 7omm*nictions 3ata copie' on 3ata Ser(ers @e+onin) to the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e a'mitte' this '*rin) the year 200E. * :-: 1irrors + "*use + 1e)usa + 1anchester :-: * 3*rin) 200% 4 1' :arren met =ittorio 1man*e+e ?or 'inner at PappyAs Pi>>a on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire. I @e+ie(e on this ni)ht they ma'e p+ans to a@'*ct Samantha ;ernstein an' ha' stoo' o*tsi'e the 7iti>ens ;anD on 1+m Street in Manchester NewHampshire where Samantha ;ernstein ha' @een worDin) '*rin) 200%. =ittorio ha' commente' *pon the tower across the street4 c+aimin) that it +ooDe' +iDe a :a+t 3isney Mo(ie 7ast+e 2ower an' that it m*st @e the Bewish American PrincessAs Pa+ace. PappyAs Pi>>a is neCt to a @*i+'in) *pon the roo? o? which is an o+' si)n that says G7in'ere++a Mo'e+in) St*'ioG an' one @+ocD 'own the roa' on the opposite si'e o? ;rooD Street. 3*rin) 2008 < the @+in' woman whom was tryin) to maDe contact with me who ha' I @een to+' was 1mi+y Is+es that ha' @een +e?t with .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s s*ppose'+y ha' +i(e' in this 7in'ere++a @*i+'in) @rie?+y a?ter she s*r(i(e' @ein) @+in'e' an' thrown o*t o? a @oC shape' (an that ha' +e?t her in the :a+mart parDin) +ot in HooDsett NewHampshire. 2he @*i+'in) neCt to the 7in'ere++a @*i+'in) is now ca++e' the 2irre++ Ho*se. 3*rin) 200% 5 1mi+y Is+es an' I ha' @een

p+ayin) Ne(erwinter Ni)hts on the internet an' my character was name' 2Are++ an' 1mi+yAs was 1mi+y. in mirrors 4 ta+Din) to (ictims to scare them mirrors *se' to seC*a++y a@*se (ictims an' watch thro*)h eye 7+ash o? the 2itans 4 me'*sa perse*s 4 =ittorio HacD GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG Manchester SeC 2ra??icDin) Princesses 4 Nina Hansen an' 1mi+y McPherson Ghi)hschoo+ )othic princessesG Nina met Aaron when she was yo*n)er an' possi@+y .i+ U 5 5 MA#IBUANA 7HA#G1S 5 5 3*rin) the year 200% < Geor)e 7atsopo+o*s was acc*se' o? ha(in) SeC 0??ense char)es on his recor' an' was ca++e' a Pe'ophi+e whi+e at worD @y a c*stomer who was shoppin) at the store. 3*rin) the year 2005 < ;o@ McG*ire was arreste' ?or s*ppose' Possession o? MariI*ana an' ?ire' ?rom his position as :i+ton 7hie? o? Po+ice. He seems to ha(e @een possi@+y rep+ace' @y an imposte*r since this time. He was a+so acc*se' o? ha(in) @een a@*si(e towar's his wi?e 4 ?or which no char)es were ?i+e'. 3*rin) the year 200E 4 n*mero*s peop+e ha(e reporte' that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e was ho+'in) hosta)es in the .o*n'ry ;asement in :i+ton NewHampshire an' that he was ?reH*ent+y stayin) at a cotta)e on the hi++ at Shorehi++ 3ri(e across the ri(er ?rom the con'emne' .o*n'ry in :i+ton which is near the Po+ice 3epartment. 2he :i+ton Po+ice .orce was rep+ace' in the year 2005 4 200E 4 an' 200!. 3*rin) the year 1"88 4 my .ather worDe' in a .o*n'ry with two men o? the McG*ire .ami+y. 3*rin) the year 200! < the imposte*r o? Me)an McG*ire 4 to+' me that she ha' no crimina+ recor' eCcept ?or a MariI*ana 7har)e. She attempte' to en+ist in the Mi+itary with the ?act*a+ Me)an McG*ireAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' to+' a recr*iter that she ha' no crimina+ recor' eCcept ?or a MariI*ana 7har)e. 7hrist 2homas 4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e 4 an' .i+As @est ?rien' Bason 5 ha(e so+' peop+e MariI*ana on n*mero*s occaisions which they ha(e intentiona++y '*ste' an' (apor coate' with 3isassociati(e 3r*) which ca*ses the smoDer to 3isassociate comp+ete+y an' G@+acD o*tG. 3*rin) the year 2005 or 200E < A@@ey 1t+in)er an' 1riDa .ein)o+' 4 who ha' @een m*tate' to +ooD simi+ar to M*+attos in comp+eCion an' hair 5 were *n+aw?*++y arreste' @y Manchester Po+ice 3epartment who *se' a =an to arrest them 4 with acc*sations that they were G;oth wante' on o*tstan'in) warrant ?or MariI*ana 7har)esG there were n*mero*s witnesses. U 5 5 2he ;+in'in) o? @ea*ti?*+ women as an initiation crime o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the Ita+ian A6IS 5 5 2he ;ra(erman 2erry 01I 1ye Associates Si)n in San Antonio 216AS. G1 I 1 I 0G -0+' Mac3ona+'8 1mi+y Is+es 4 1mi+y MacPherson 4 G1Cce++ence in 1ye 7are. $aser 7enter. 0c*+ar S*r)ery. 0ptica+ 3ispensary. ;1#NS21IN $A: 0..I71 . San Antonio 2eCas. Samantha ;ernstein. #o@ 3AAn)e+oAs o+' car possi@+y so+' to imposte*r worDin) at San Antonio 2eCas ;1#NS21IN $A: 0..I71. SIGN GMe'ina 0c*+ar Ser(iceG G0$31N1 M13INA PI0NISM. U 5 5 SA=0/ P$ANS 20 ASSASSINA21 1N2I#1 #A71S 5 5 #o@ 3AAn)e+o eCp+aine' to some@o'y *sin) a chess @oar' 4 the concept o? the entire team o? 7hess Pieces @ein) in(isi@+e assassins that can taDe any piece an' are not (isi@+e *nti+ they ha(e a++

str*cD. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames mentione' this to Me)an McG*ireAs imposte*r '*rin) the year 200!. * :-: Statements coming out of Brain-Computer-Interface NeuroScience Human-8i0isection 8ictims' mouths that the &manueles ma)e in the past 4 actions *eing committe) -hich are the e@act same as actions -hich the &manueles committe) in the past :-: U An'rew 3o*)+as whi+e 'ri(in) his car in Manchester NewHampshire state' in the presense o? my se+? 4 Boey Marini 4 3onato Genti+e 4 an' .re''ie :eise 5 GIAm a@o*t to @e a Mo*ntain o? ;roDe ;acDNG this was state' on So*th :i++ow Street in the same +ocation that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ha' state' that his ?ather ha' sai' this to him whi+e they were on the Mo@i+e 7e++*+ar 2e+ephone. U An'rew 3o*)+as state' whi+e 'ri(in) 'own 1+m Street GIAm a )one )et me a ;ho Bo;NG as a IoDe re?erence to ?e+atio. .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs ?ather ca++s ?e+atio a G;ho Bo@(iG to so*n' simi+ar to the name o? the m*sician G;on Bo(iG when he IoDin)+y re?ers to G@+ow Io@sG. 3*rin) 200% 4 Sahn'ra St.0n)e an' my se+? were recor'e' @y the 1man*e+eAs comp*ter hacDers in the mi'st o? mocDin) an' maDin) IoDes a@o*t a man name' 3ana Um@ro ?or ha(in) a speech impe'iment an' not e(en @ein) a@+e to prono*nce his own Nationa+ityAs name 5 3ana prono*nces $As +iDe /As. 0*r IoDe @ecame G;yo Bo@NG G;ho Bo@NG GIAm )oin) to )et me a ;ho Bo@NG. ;H0 is ;aracD H*ssein 0@amaAs initia+s. B0; is B0e ;i'enAs initia+s near+y. BoDe re?erences ha(e @een o(erhear' @ein) ma'e a@o*t this. 0n one occaision '*rin) 200% 5 Sahn'ra St. 0n)e A0$ Instant Messa)e' me an' sai' he++o 4 to which I rep+ie' G;ho Bo;NG which ma'e Sahn'ra +a*)h an' say G;ho Bo@eeG Pach 7onaway screamin) G;roDe @acD Mo*ntain .aceNG an' the 2005 =i'eoGame ;U$$/ S*mmer statin) G2hese are 'o) ?eetG 4 son) GMy @rother an' my sistersG thanDs)i(in) An'rew 3o*)+as G;ho Bo@G mo*th mo(in) on itAs own 4 apparent+y ha' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace in his sD*++ Boey Marini @reaDs ?oot DicDin) rocD an' tree '*rin) ?it o? an)er G ?ate so c*rse' that e(en rocDs attacD yo*G 4 same inI*ry an' metho' o? inI*ry that .i+ s*staine' in 200% U 5 5 Meetin) the 1man*e+es 2ime+ine 5 5 1"8E =ittorio 1man*e+eA son 4 7hris 2homas came campin) with my ?ami+y. He Dnew my *nc+e A+ Io'ice. 1"8! =ittorio 1man*e+eAs son 4 7hris 2homas came campin) with my ?ami+y. He Dnew my *nc+e A+ Io'ice. 1"88 7hris 2homas atten'e' my ?ami+yAs Ha++oween Party in 1"88. He poisone' the a'*+ts with 'r*)s *neCpecte'+y < p*ttin) 'isassociati(es in the MariI*ana an' P*nch ;ow+ 4 an' poisonin) BacD 3ionAs @eer with se'ati(es. 7hris 2homas chi+' porno)raphe' my se+? an' BacD 3ionAs 'a*)hter 7hristine 3ion as we++ as my co*sins with Samantha G*ay4 an' possi@+y tooD a pict*re o? his ?in)ers insi'e o? my in?ant sister. 1"8" 3*rin) the s*mmer 4 I met 7hris 2homas an' he )a(e me a Dni?e. $ater that weeD 4 7hris 2homas or an o+'er @rother o? his who +ooDe' simi+ar an' was wearin) the same re' hoo'e' sweatshirt (isite' my *nc+e A+ Io'ice whi+e he was at my ho*se an' to+' me that his name was G9ris with a 9 ?rom 9ent*cDy.G 1""% :hi+e (isitin) my co*sins in A++enstown 4 we met .i+ an' 3.B. an' Aaron .

1""5 :hi+e (isitin) my co*sins in ;arnstea' 4 we met .i+ an' 3.B. an' Aaron . :hi+e on (acation with 7hris #o'onAs ?ami+y in either Massach*settes or New/orD 4 7hrisAs ?ather #o@ #o'on intro'*ce' *s to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e who was at the @ar in the Hote+. 1' :arren an' ;r*ce may ha(e @een in the @ar with =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e. 2he ni)ht @e?ore this 5 the #o'on .ami+y 4 my se+? 4 the ;an)s .ami+y 4 an' one other ?ami+y atten'e' some Din' o? per?ormance which may ha(e possi@+y @een a m*sica+ per?ormance o? A+a''in. It is possi@+e that a sma++ n*m@er o? the 1man*e+e .ami+y were present. $ater that ni)ht 4 #o@ert #o'on met with the Ho*se o? Sa(oy an' the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen somep+ace near this Hote+ in what was either New/orD or Massach*settes 5 which was pro@a@+y New/orD. 2here were others present inc+*'in) an I@nSa*' 4 there were other A6IS .ami+ies present. It is possi@+e that some o? the p+ans ?or the " 11 2errorist AttacD 4 assassins which occ*rre' @e?ore an' a?terwar's 4 an' the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace AttacDs were p+anne' this e(enin). 7hris #o'on an' my se+? p+aye' the 3r*nD 3ri(er 7ar' Game4 UN04 an' Strate)o most o? the Dni)ht. 1""E Mastrico+a Mi''+e Schoo+ 4 Sa+(o +et =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i+ 1man*e+e into Sat*r'ay 3etention whi+e my )ir+?rien' 3anie++e 7*shman was in Sat*r'ay 3etention. .i+ an' Mosta?a (isite' ;ea* SDinnerAs an' Am@er SDinnerAs o+'er sister at E% ;ean #oa' MerrimacD NewHampshire whi+e their mother An)ie was there < An)ie SDinner intro'*ce' me to .i+ an' Mosta?a I@nSa*'. #o@ert #o'on intro'*ce' me to =ittorioG=ictorG1man*e+e whi+e I was with his sons an' their parents at the Ma++ o? NewHampshire in Manchester NewHampshire. 7hris #o'on an' my se+? met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whi+e worDin) ?or a ;+*es .esti(a+ with 7hrisAs mother $ynn #o'on. 1""! :hi+e at the )rocery store with the #o'ons 4 #o@ intro'*ce' my se+? to the 7hristiano an' reintro'*ce' his sons to the 7hristiano ?ami+y whom they ha' a+rea'y met. I met =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e ?or the thir' time4 .i++i@erto 1man*e+e ?or the thir' time4 an' Mosta?a I@nSa*' '*rin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+eAs @irth'ay at Pen*cheAs in North An'o(er Massach*settes < which the #o'ons ha' @een in(ite' to an' G7hrisAs @est ?rien' Ian MacPherson4 an' Matthew can @rin) a ?rien' too.G #o@ 'i'nAt in?orm me that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e is he Din) o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy. 1""" :hi+e with 7orey 3ai+ey in Massach*settes 4 7orey intro'*ce' me to .i+. 2000 :hi+e with Nina Hansen an' Bason Be??rey in Mar+@oro Massach*settes 4 .i+ 1man*e+e )ot into BasonAs car an' threatene' Nina Hansen < Mosta?a I@nSa*' ye++e' at .i+ G.i+ 4 yo* are a sicD ?reaD. Stay away ?rom the +itt+e )ir+.G . :hi+e with Matt ;e+*ar'o 4 I was intro'*ce' to 3anie+ G3.B.G Bames whi+e at A)way in Sa+is@*ry NewHampshire. 2001 :hi+e with 3anie++e $e;+anc an' 7ait+in L*inn at the .oC@oro Massach*settes Ma++ 4 I was intro'*ce' to 2ony Grasseti. :hi+e at 3anie++e $e;+ancAs @oy?rien' 3a(e Marsha++As ho*se 4 3anie++e an' 3a(e 'isc*sse' with me that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' rape' 3anie++e. 2002 :hi+e at 3anie++e $e;+ancAs ho*se in :o@*rn Massach*settes 4 3anie++e +ooDe' o*t the win'ow as a car 'ro(e @y < ner(o*s that it may ha(e @een .i+ 1man*e+e an' si)he' in re+ie? that it was not. Apparent+y4 .i+ ha' sti++ @een rapin) her perio'ica++y an' ha' )one *narreste'. 200% I met .i+4 3.B.4 Aaron4 an' 2ony n*mero*s times 5 #ye NewHampshire 4 Hampton NewHampshire 4 an' Manchester NewHampshire. 2005 =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e approache' me whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar at +east twice 4 7hris 2homas @o*)ht items at my re)ister *sin) his cre'it car'. A man p*rchase' items ?or =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e *sin) his cre'it car'. 1' :arren &.arrachi, @e)an worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar. 200! :a+Din) thro*)h Manchester Nico+e an' my se+? were approache' @y .i+ an' 3.B. who 'isc*sse'

3isAssociati(es with *s a?ter 2ay+a ha' I*st )i(en *s a ci)arette which ha' somehow @een pacDe' with 'isassociati(es. :hi+e I was at the apartment o? Me)an McG*ireAs imposte*r 4 3.B. (isite' her. =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e at the /A#3 whi+e ?rien' was worDin) 4 he asDe' me i? I remem@ere' him an' i? I Dnew his son Aaron. 200" I was intro'*ce' to =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e whi+e at a )as station with whom was apparent+y an imposte*r o? my sister Sheena MacPherson. 2he 1man*e+esA Ne*roScience So?tware was *se' to con(ince me that Sheena MacPhersonAs imposte*r was ?act*a++y my sister 4 tho*)h her hips were too narrow an' her sho*+'er wi'th was too narrow. 2his happene' twice at )as stations. * :-: Bra) Sa*le :-: U In 200% 4 a?ter my se+? an' some ?rien's ha' met 3anie+ Bames an' .i+i@erto 1man*e+e 5 ;ra' Sa@+e 'ro(e to .ami+y 3o++ar on $inco+n st in Manchester New Hampshire 4 to picD me *p a?ter worD. A?ter ;ra' entere' the store 4 I p*nche' o*t on the time c+ocD an' we +e?t. As we were wa+Din) to ;ra'As car in the parDin) +ot 4 3.B. an' a ?rien' o? his accompanie' @y .i++i@erto approache' *s in the parDin) +ot. .i++i@erto H*icD+y eCp+aine' that he ha' some p+aces to )o @*t that 3.B. an' his ?rien' were sticDin) aro*n' the area. It t*rne' o*t that 3.B.As ?rien' +i(e' on+y 2 or 3 @*i+'in)s 'own ?rom my a*nt $es+ie an' her ?ami+y 5 her eC h*s@an' A+ Io'ice an' his sons Michae+ Io'ice an' 7hristopher Io'ice. I @e+ie(e that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs wea+th retainers @o*)ht this @*i+'in) an' others in the re)ion 5 it is @e)inin) to seem +iDe they own I*st a@o*t ha+? o? the properties in the North 1ast o? North America. A?ter a@o*t 35 min*tes o? @ein) aro*n' 3.B. an' his ?rien' 4 3.B. an' my se+? were near+y to the point o? ?ist ?i)htin) '*e to o*r 'i??erences in persona+ity an' con?+ict o? interests 5 I 'eci'e' that ;ra' an' I sho*+' +ea(e. Upon +ea(in) 4 ;ra' eCp+aine' to me that he was concerne' that they were )oin) to attacD *s a?ter we eCite' .ami+y 3o++ar an' that he was s*rprise' that they 'i' not. ;ra' contin*e' to remin' me that .i++i@erto ha' a'mitte' to @ein) re+ate' to A'o+? Hit+er that the +ast time that we ha' seen them 4 they ha' @e)*n to @ecome r*'e towar's *s < ;ra' a+so remin'e' me that he was Bewish an' o? an incre'i@+y noticea@+y Israe+i @+oo'+ine. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+esA wiretappe' the $AN $ine at 38" Haywar' Street an' +istenin) to my con(ersations with ;ra' 4 this wo*+' @e how they Dnew that ;ra' was comin) to picD me *p on a certain 'ay at a speci?ic time. 1mi+y Is+es was a+so a (ictim o? this wire tappin). 1mi+y was +ater a@'*cte' ?rom her home an' her ?ami+y was rep+ace' @y A)ents inc+*'in) a Ser@ian SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim whom they initia++y )i(en her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s to. ho*se ?ire met .i+ 4 3I 4 3Is ?rien' write to ;en Netanyah* ;ra' rep+ace' @y imposte*r U 5 5 3ana Um@ro 5 5 AcH*ainte' with 5 Pete Poten>a 1' .arrachi :arren Geor)e 7atsopo*+os 7hris 7hase =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e .i++i@erto 1man*e+e

7aesar Gera+' GBerryG 3AAmico Mario Napo+itano 3ino some@o'y in Bason ;onanoAs ?ami+y ;rian 7ase An)ie Poten>a SDinner U 5 5 Baneen Harrin) F 7rysta+ Gi++ 5 5 BaneenAs ?ather F 7rysta+As ?ather Dnew ;ernie who was Pete Poten>aAs ?rien' with the missin) ?oot ?rom 23 2emp+e Street in Nash*a NewHampshire 2012 who ha' the yo*n) @+on'e +a'y SeC 2ra??icDin) =ictim o? " years in his room constant+y. BaneenAs ?ather an' 7rysta++As ?ather Dnew Bim 9i+ey. U Baneen may ha(e 'ate' 1' .arrachi :arrenAs nephew or co*sinAs son '*rin) 200%

* :-: %H& 1"N P#&%&N2IN! %O B& #ON BO"#21"N :-: A ?ew years a)o4 a man impersonatin) #on ;oar'man mo(e' to New Hampshire. 2his man c+aimin) to @e #on ;oar'man has a+so sai' that ;oar'man was his motherAs mai'en name4 an' that his ?atherAs s*rname was ;ran)a5 c+aimin) that he chose to *se his motherAs mai'en name ?or reasons that it is a name o? 1n)+ish +in)*istics. 2his shows o@(io*s )*i+t in(o+(in) Dnow+e')e concernin) Michae+ Bohnston 5 in 2005 4 a +ie was poste' to wiDipe'ia on the internet c+aimin) that Michae+ Bohnston was Michae+ Moynihan o? ;+oo' ACis 4 this was @ein) *se' as a cypher comm*nication an' the statement meant somethin) to some@o'y who 1' :arren ws worDin) with ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e. ;oth o? these in'i(i'*a+s are missin). Michae+ Moynihan )rew *p in the same re)ion as Michae+ Bohnston an' this is where my Gran'mother Boanne 2r*'ea* 7arty4 my Step Gran'.ather 1*)ene 7arty4 an' my Unc+e Scot resi'e' 5 Ma+'en Massach*settes4 the re)ion aro*n' ;oston Massach*settes. 2he man preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man 'oes not appear to ha(e any 1n)+ish ancestry at a++ 5 he +ooDs entire+y $om@ar'ic4 ha(in) an eCtreme+y simi+ar appearance to =ittorio 1man*e+e II. He co*+' easi+y @e one o? =ittorio 1man*e+e IIAs i++e)itimate 'escen'ants4 he appears to ha(e ha' on+y minor cosmetic s*r)ery. 2his man was +i(in) in 2roy New Hampshire 5 he was somewhat i)norant o? the ways o? Asatr*4 comp+ete+y *n+iDe #on ;oar'man < an' he was eCtreme+y cr*'e h*mo*re' as we++ as racist. 2he rea+ #on ;oar'man was comp+ete+y Dnow+e')ea@+e o? the Asatr* re+i)ion4 Dnew ;erry 7anote -Swain :o'enin)8 persona++y4 an' was a respect?*+ )ent+eman. #on ;oar'man was a+so not a racist. #on ;oar'man ha' ?rien's in the Asatr* comm*nity a++ o(er the USA < the ?act*a+ #on ;oar'man co*+' speaD some o+' An)+o SaCon4 whereas the imposte*r is on+y ha+? as Dnow+e')a@+e concernin) #onAs +i?e+on) st*'ies. 2he te+ephone n*m@ers associate' with the man whom has @een preten'in) to @e #on ;oar'man are E03 313 52E0 which was his mo@i+e ce++*+ar te+ephone n*m@er an' E03 2%2 300" which was his home te+ephone n*m@er 5 this man was +i(in) in 2roy NewHampshire. * :-: "GIS :-: %he &arth Spins on it's /"GIS/ + the &arth re0ol0es aroun) it's /"GIS/3 1e)iterranean is a

-or) that means /of the center or mi))le point of the an) or &arth/ : this 1e)itteranean is a Sea that the #oman culture *elie0e) -as the Center of their Borl)3 %he #oman Salute is the salute of the "GIS3 %he "GIS -as foun)e) *5 a 1e)iterranean "ristocratic Crime-S5n)icate3 %he goal of the "GIS has al-a5s *een : &0entual &sta*lishment of a (nifie) 1e)iterranean Imperial-State + &@pansion + Heirarchall5 2ecapitation of an5 nation possi*le + an) !lo*al ConHuest3 %he onl5 I)entit5 -hich is a constant amongst the "GIS is a t5pe of Ne- #oman i)entit5 + an) much of this is factuall5 materialist : most of the "GIS is factuall5 a collection of -ealth5 "ristocratic 1ilitant %errorist Organize) Crime- or)s3 %he House of Sa0o5's goal is )efinitel5 !lo*al ConHuest + their in0ol0ement in Human is ,ust as e@treme3 * :-: 7"I )uring ;=66 :-: "l Pacino imposteur )ancing )uring interlu)e + pro*a*le : singing 2un.accino song3 Imposteur loo.s Italian an) Spanish as -ell as possi*l5 a 0er5 slight amount of "ustrian3 (pon release from 7ail + I notice that Stephanie amarine is posing in a photograph hol)ing a 2un.accino3 Stephanie a1arine seems to ha0e since this time + *een replace) *5 an imposteur in man5 of her $aceBoo. Photos3 Stephanie a1arine is a $irst Nations Nati0e "merican3 2uring the 5ear ;==F + I -as poisone) -ith Blac. 1ol) in a coffee that -as gi0en to me *5 an Italian : this -as the -ee. of the holi)a5 + %han.s!i0ing3 2uring the 5ear ;===+ #o*ert #o)on -as o0erhear) to his son Chris #o)on a*out the House of Sa0o5's plans to &@terminate $irst Nations Nati0e "mericans an) rape all of the females3 - 'O)inist' scratche) into paint outsi)e m5 7ail Cell3 1,olnir Pen)ant Nec.lace -as collecte) on the -a5 in an) put in a loc.er3 "satru is m5 faith3 - Italians near m5 7ail cell taunte) me3 - Italian + Sicilian + Cu*ano : 2e**ie 2umont's associate an) &) Barren's associate + present in 7ail3 %al.e) a*out /chuc. off/ an) / -hile through $amil5 2ollar )uring the 5ear ;==D + tal.e) freHuentl5 a*out 'mutation'3 - Italians in ,ail trie) to instigate fights *et-een m5 self an) others3 One of the Italians in ,ail stare) at me hatefull5 freHuentl5 + as if he -as going to attac. *ut ne0er )i)3 * :-: 1Y $"%H&# + #(SS& 1"(#IC& 1"CPH&#SON :-: - $ather's "GIS "cHuaintance - $ather's frien)s 1c!uire $amil5 + 7ac. 2ion + !ino + etc3 - $ather Blac.-1aile) *5 Italian House of Sa0o5-"GIS - 699M $ather Yells at person on telephone /I -ill not su*mit to *lac.mail?/ - ;=== to ;==6 + $ather someho- mur)ere) an) replace) *5 imposteur3 - Imposteurs 0iolent to-ar)s me an) cruel+ )o not a)mit to *eing imposteurs + e@pell me from househol) + sel)om let me 0isit m5 sisters3 - 15 sisters are a*)ucte) an) s-appe) -ith other 0ictims3 - ;==; to ;=6: + $ather replace) *5 numerous imposteurs3 - $ather's entire famil5 targette) *5 "GIS + possi*l5 almost completel5 mur)ere) an) replace) *5 imposteurs3 $ather's 2N" -as !aelic + "nglo-Sa@on + an) $ran.ic3 * :-: &) $arrachi Barren :-:

- gol) cross entrance + hateful - tur.o,an + -atching m5 computer + not o0er til fat la)5 sings - spea.s on reccor)ings + must ha0e forgotten he installe) them - pro*a*le BCI + ru**ing un)er,a- /tagge) li.e an alligator + cric. in the nec./ - /i li.e them *arel5 legals + gu5?/ + mentione) 6; an) 6: 5ear ol) me@ican girls 4 se@-traf in con0o /those girls )a)s sell them/ )isgusting e@cuse - cesare + fil + 0ittorio + .ne- )ana um*ro + -as ) -ith for a -hile after -or. -mone5 to gangsters - /gu5s in the gu5s )u)e/ - ser*ian mafia connection - sicilian-italian mafia connection * :-: %he mo0ie BIA"#2S *5 #alph Ba.shi :-: 3*rin) the approCimate year 1""5 < whi+e at the #o'onAs ho*se 4 7hristopher #o'on an' I watche' a mo(ie ca++e' :IPA#3S @y #ap+h ;aDshi. #ap+h ;aDshi was a Bewish Mo(ie Pro'*cer an' 7artoonist. 2he mo(ie :IPA#3S is a@o*t a war that occ*rs tho*san's o? years a?ter an apocha+ypse '*rin) which n*c+ear war?are 'estroye' m*ch o? the 1arth. 3*rin) the post apocha+ypse 4 m*ch o? manDin' m*tate' into stran)e M*tants an' were trappe' +i(in) in po++*te' re)ions o? the wor+'. 3*rin) the mo(ie :IPA#3S 4 a character name' J;+acD :o+?K +ea's an army o? M*tants to Di++ the H*mans an' 1+(es an' conH*er the c+ess po++*te' re)ions o? the 1arth. 3*rin) the conH*est 4 the wi>ar' ;+acD :o+? < ?in's a ?i+m ree+ proIector an' arti?acts ?rom the 1"00As 5 the ?i+m ree+ has recor'in)s o? :or+' :ar 2 an' is *se' to proIect 'oc*mentary ?i+ms o? A'o+? Hit+er an' the 3r' #eich 5 this is *se' @y the :i>ar' ;+acD :o+? to @*i+' mora+e amon)st the m*tants. 2he character ;+acD :o+? is @ase' *pon @oth A'o+? Hit+er an' B*+i*s 1(o+a 4 A'o+? Hit+erAs nicDname was S(art*+? which means J;+acD :o+?K 4 the character has a +on) @ear' an' A'o+? Hit+er was o? $on)o@ar'ic Ita+ian race 5 the character was a+so (ery m*ch @ase' *pon B*+i*s 1(o+a as a cartoon wi>ar' (ersion o? a ma' scientist. :hi+e this mo(ie was @ein) watche' 4 =ittorio 1man*e+e an' 9ate 7hristianoAs ?ather ha' ca++e' #o@ert #o'on asDin) him H*estions. =ittorio 1man*e+e ca++e' #o@ert #o'on o@sessi(e+y an' incessent+y asDe' him H*estions a@o*t my se+?. It is 'e?inite+y o? Psycho+o)ica++y Pro?i+ea@+e re+e(ance that this mo(ie was eCp+aine' to =ittorio 1man*e+e I= < =ictor was eCp+aine' to mo(ie on+y a year @e?ore =ittorioAs 'eci'in) to *se =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation to m*tate an' 'is)*ise A6IS So+'iers as 'ea' Genoci'e =ictims 5 these p+ans in(o+(in) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy were 'isc*sse' with #o@ert #o'on '*rin) 1""E an' 1""!. 3*rin) this same year 4 I 'isc*sse' with #o@ert #o'on the @e+ie(e that I ha' that the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace was )oin) to @e *se' @y the JAnti 7hristK as the JMarD o? the ;eastK as a weapon to ens+a(e h*manity an' attempt G+o@a+ 7onH*est an' Genoci'e 5 a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace with a G+o@a+ Positionin) System 3e(ice is capa@+e o? ens+a(in) a h*man @o'y *sin) a power so*rce to mi+'y o(erpower the @rainAs ne*ro+o)y an' contro+ the patterns o? e+ectro ma)netics on the s*r?ace o? the @rain. I ha(e @een in?orme' that since the 1""5 A6IS Meetin) at the Hote+ in Massach*settes a?ter the A+a''in per?ormance in N/ that #o@ert #o'on an' #o@ert 3AAn)e+o ha(e since p+anne' with =ittorio 1man*e+e I= an' his sons to eCterminate the North America 7ontinenta+ Pop*+ation an' rep+ace it with Ita+ian race. 2heir p+an 5 eCterminate North America @e)innin) with the races to whom North America is a home+an' 4 seC tra??icD the women an' chi+'ren < a?ter the )enoci'e 4 they p+an to remo(e m*ch o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy @y 'is)*isin) themse+(es as other in'i(i'*a+s an' *sin) =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tation maDe their appearance 'rastica++y 'i??erent ?rom the ori)ina+. A?ter escapin) with new i'entities 4 they p+an to immi)rate @acD to North America an' *se the +e)en' o? Jthe Anti 7hristK to c+aim that the JAnti 7hristK eCterminate' a++ o? the Nati(e #aces o? North Americans an' that the Ita+ian race has inherite' North America as a #acia+ Home+an' an' that Jthe Anti 7hristK spare' them @eca*se the JAnti 7hristK was Ita+ian 4 which means that the Ita+ian race m*st remain pio*s 7atho+ics an' @e thanD?*+ to Go' that they s*r(i(e' the North American Ho+oca*st o? e(ery

Nati(e North American #ace as we++ as e(ery race o? immi)rant who mo(e' to the North American Nations ?rom other Nations. * :-: %ele0ision &)its an) %ur.o,an Computer-1onitor Pop(ps :-: 3*rin) the time when I @e)an to @e sta+De' @y =ittorio 1man*e+e < my ?rien' MarD SDinner an' I were maDin) p+ans to maDe a h*moro*s amate*r mo(ie 5 *sin) animation so?tware to com@ine the mo(ie with concepts s*ch as the ;$AI# :I27H an' 7$0=1#.I1$3 mo(ies 4 .I#S2 P1#S0N SH0021# =I310GAM1S4 an' 7AS2$1=ANIA S/MPH0N/ 0. 2H1 NIGH2. 2he h*mo*r was in the ?act that many peop+e aro*n' so*thern New Hampshire te++ )host stories re+ate' to n*mero*s o+' ho*ses an' cemetaries that are tr*e+y @eni)n an' ha(e no rea+ specters ha*ntin) them whatsoe(er < these stories o?ten )et reiterate' @y peop+e m*ch the same as the te+ephone )ame in(o+(es reiterate' statements *nti+ they come o*t s+i)ht+y 'i??erent at the en' o? the +ine o? peop+e whisperin) the ori)ina+ statement into one anotherAs ears. 2hese *r@an +e)en's are o?ten to+' ?rom ?irst person perspecti(e @*t the stories chan)e (ery +itt+e 4 maDin) it eCtreme+y apparent whom the +iars in the comm*nity are @eca*se they te++ a story as i? it is their own +i?e eCperience which has a+rea'y @een to+' in the same manner n*mero*s times @e?ore. 0*r i'ea was to animate an in(entory screen into the ;+air:itch +iDe eCp+oration o? the Gha*nte' ho*sesG an' Gha*nte' )ra(eyar'sG o? New Hampshire 5 showin) the eH*ippin) o? ?+ash+i)hts4 @ase@a++ @ats4 monDey wrenches4 hammers4 pry @ars4 an' )rano+a @ars4 cameras4 an' *m@re++as. 2he amate*r (i'eo wo*+' @e ma'e in sections *sin) a recor'in) hea' set. MarD SDinner an' my se+? ha' @een ta+Din) to #ich 7onesc* a@o*t this ?reH*ent+y ?or two years '*e to #ichAs wea+th o? Dnow+e')e concernin) comp*ter techno+o)y. 3*rin) the time =ittorio 1man*e+e @e)an sta+Din) my se+?4 I was spen'in) a+ot o? time with my ?rien' MarD SDinner as we++ as occaisiona++y #ich 7onesc* an' ;o@ Sha)o*ry. A++ three o? these in'i(i'*a+s +ater met =ittorio 1man*e+e *n'er the a+ias G=ictorG at p+aces +iDe a*to a*ctions an' twice at car c+*@ a*moti(e enth*siast meet *ps. =ittorio 1man*e+e < ha(in) access to comm*nications corporationsA ce++ phone ser(ers 4 70M7AS2 entertainment an' comm*nicationsA ser(ers4 an' n*mero*s crimina+ HacDers an' PhreaDers 5 @e)an a campai)n o? 7y@er Psych :ar?are across a++ o? the North 1ast o? North America. 2his terrorist campai)n o? 7y@er Psych :ar?are rose to the +e(e+ o? )+o@a+ Impro(ise' 2echno 2errorism an' H*man =i(isection in(o+(in) < Ne*ro #o@otics Ne*roScience eCperiments4 Psycho SeC*a+ A@*se Ne*roScience eCperiments4 ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication Ne*roScience eCperiments4 an' pi+ote' s+ayin)s inc+*'in) )enoci'e. 3*rin) the past ten years the 1mer)ency ;roa'cast NetworD4 n*mero*s te+e(ision @roa'castin) networDs4 news @roa'casts4 an' AMQ.M ra'io @roa'casts 5 ha(e @een HacDe' an' a*'io o(er'*@@e' as we++ as animation e'ite'. Most ci(i+ians eCpect the )o(ernment o? the U.S.A. to ha(e comp+ete I*ris'iction o(er the AM .M ra'io @roa'casts4 te+e(ision @roa'casts4 an' internet transmissions < a terrorist ha(in) the a@i+ity to repeate'+y threaten a ci(i+ian tar)et on their own te+e(ision screen4 internet acco*nt4 an' car ra'io 70MP$121$/ 7#IPP$1S the tar)et ci(i+ian with ?ear 5 +ea(in) them she++ shocDe' an' ?ee+in) +itera++y 'e?ense+ess. 2hese threats are o?ten eCtreme+y s*@t+e @*t at times can @e 'irect+y o(ert s*ch as one threat which was ma'e whi+e I was in a room o? a ?ew peop+e < this threat was the a*'io '*@@in) an' animatin) o? a manAs mo*th on the te+e(ision to say G@e care?*+ not to )et a s*@'*ra+ hematomaG or Gthe +ast H*estion o? the ni)ht is 4 where is Noe+ )oin)OG when GNoe+G &which was the tar)et (ictimAs pse*'onym in .rench $an)*a)e c+ass whi+e in schoo+, is a@o*t to wa+D o*t the 'oor. .ort*nate+y4 '*e to 21N /1A#S 0. 1=I31N71 0. 2HIS < this ?a++s *n'er the :A# 7#IM1S AGAINS2 7I=I$IANS BU#IS3I72I0N an' wi++ @e in(esti)ate' @y mi+itary *sin) the Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata@ase an' 1+ectronic .orensics teams o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense. 0? re+e(ance to the come'ic te+e(ision series which ha' @een hacDe' an' animate' with =ittorio 1man*e+e appearin) as the ?ina+ 3#A7U$A ?rom 7AS2$1=ANIA Symphony o? the Ni)ht sayin) GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*NG 5 this te+e(ision series ha' a come'y sDit '*rin) which 7H#IS .A#$1/ an' PA2#I79 S:A/P1 appeare' as a 'ancin) team h*mo*ro*s+y immitatin) ma+e strippers an' Michae+

.+at+ey o? $or' o? the 3ance. 2he p*rpose o? this sty+e o? psych war?are is to tra*mati>e the tar)et so se(ere+y that they wi++ not e(en acDnow+e')e the assai+ant in their presense when they are stan'in) 'irect+y in ?ront o? themse+(es 4 Bose? Men)e+e an' B*+i*s 1(o+a con'*cte' ne*ro science eCperiments which wo*+' ha(e in(o+(e' ?ear tests an' psycho+o)ica+ tra*ma research re+ate' to this. =ittorio 1man*e+e 'e?inite+y has access to the 70M7AS2 H1A3LUA#21#S in MAN7H1S21# N1:HAMPSHI#1. Another ?orm o? this a*'io '*@@in) seems to taDe p+ace in commercia+ @*siness >ones s*ch as ma++s or stores s*ch as a #ite Ai' which my se+? an' others ha(e eCperience' this at. 0ne time4 a?ter enterin) the #ite Ai' on $inco+n Street in Manchester < neCt 'oor to .ami+y 3o++ar an' the +ot where the =ista .oo's *se' to @e that 3aphen worDe' at 5 the m*sic p+ayin) on the speaDers @e)an p+ayin) a @acD masDe' (er@a+ threat that was so s+oppy an' horri@+y @acD masDe' that it was a*'i@+y noticea@+e. 2he threat was miCe' with the act*a+ m*sic to so*n' +iDe it was part o? the +yrics4 @*t it stoo' o*t so starD that it was noticea@+e o(er the ori)ina+ +yrics. 2his type o? a Psych :ar?are assa*+t co*+' @e easi+y tri))ere' *sin) G.P.S. +ocation o? the (ictimsA ce++ phones4 impro(ise' @roa'castin) 'e(ices ma'e ?rom ce++ phone parts sp+ice' into the wirin) o? the storeAs a*'io speaDers4 an' comp*ters networDe' o(er a ser(er networD *sin) persistent r*nnin) so?tware monitorin) G.P.S. +oca+s an' tri))erin) 'ia+ *p @roa'cast transmissions a*tot*ne' an' (oca+oi'e' to ?it the en(iron. A 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation with c*stom en)ineere' =S2 p+*)in pro)rams *sin) #ewire co*+'e @e capa@+e o? 'oin) this (ery easi+y *sin) two impro(ise' ce++ phone 'e(ices < one recor'in) 'e(ice p+ante' @ehin' the wa++4 one transmitter wire' into the speaDer wire 5 the recor'in) ce++ phone wo*+' @e recor'e' into the 3i)ita+ A*'io :orDstation as a +ine in an' the transmission ce++ phone wo*+' a*'io '*@ the speech processe' recor'in)s with a matche' tona+ pitch an' a =oca+ Synthe>iser. 2he +ine in can @e m*te' an' ana+y>e' @y a p+*) in comp*ter so?tware which matches the tona+ pitch an' me+o'y o? the synthesi>e' accompaniment 4 a =oca+oi' or other =oca+ Synthesi>er so?tware can @e *se' to pro'*ce s+i)ht+y @acD masDe' +yric o(er'*@s 5 the p*rpose ?or this is psych war?are an' that @ein) as s*ch4 the @acDmasDin) o? the +yrics are intentiona++y a*'i@+e eno*)h to @e conscio*s+y notice'. 3*e to the parts *se' in the creation o? these 'e(ices4 Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence Array NetworDs can @e *se' to search ?or +ocations where ce++ phone GPS ha' remaine' stationary ?or +on) perio's o? time 5 i? a ce++ phone GPS +ocation has remaine' stationary at a commercia+ +oca+e s*ch as a )rocery store or pharmacy4 it is (ery o@(io*s that the 'e(ice is an impro(ise' @roa'cast too+ < i? a GPS is stationary at a resi'entia+ +ocation4 it is easy to 'isco(er itAs eCistance '*e to constant stationary GPS +ocation @ehin' a wa++. My A*nt $es+ieAs ?ormer p+ace o? resi'ency was on $inco+n Street4 one @+ocD ?rom the .ami+y 3o++ar where I was worDin) when =ittorio 1man*e+e wa+De' in. 3*rin) the time that my A*nt $es+ie was +i(in) on $inco+n Street in Manchester New Hampshire < my mother was +i(in) in New Hampshire Hospita+ in 7oncor' 5 =ittorio an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e somehow )aine' access to this hospita+ an' itAs emp+oyees < I am consi'erin) the possi@i+ity that some o? the emp+oyees were rep+ace' @y co(ert 'opp+e)an)ers whi+e many o? the others ha(e pro@a@+y @een @+acDmai+e'. I @e+ie(e my mother was a@*se' whi+e in this hospita+ an' most +iDe+y eCperimente' *pon. A++ o? these Din's o? *neCpecte' Psych :ar?are *pon ci(i+ians comp+ete+y 'iscre'it the tar)ette' ci(i+ians as witnesses to terrorism an' co(ert )enoci'e 5 maDin) them appear as schi>ophrenic in the eyes o? the i)norant non tar)et pop*+ation4 ena@+in) )ra'*a+ an' systemic )enoci'a+ terrorism o? entire re)iona+ pop*+ations. 2his 7haracter Assassination an' Psych :ar?are worDe' so we++ in the New 1n)+an' re)ion that when I trie' to en+ist in the Army at the recr*itersA o??ice 5 I was mocDe' an' +a*)he' at @y Army emp+oyees who ma'e re?erences to G)oose steppin)G an' GA'o+? Hit+erG as i? I was somehow an A6IS :ar 7rimina+4 I sti++ ha(e no i'ea why this happene' at the A#M/ recr*itin) o??ice o? the USA 3epartment o? 3e?ense. U I? co(ert terrorist a)ents are i'enti?ia@+e to ci(i+ian pop*+ation who are capa@+e o? testi?yin) a)ainst them in co*rt 4 psycho+o)ica+ war?are can @e *se' to 3IS7#13I2 AS A :I2N1SS the ci(i+ian tar)ets. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are is *se' with the intent o? psycho+o)ica++y 'esta@+i>in) tar)et pop*+ations as we++ as manip*+atin) an' contro++in) their @eha(ior. I? a 'ia)nosis has @een recor'e'4 a witness is eCtreme+y easi+y 'iscre'ite' 5 a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate in ownership o? m*+tip+e hea+thcare ?aci+ities has the

a@i+ity to 'iscre'it their own (ictims easi+y4 *sin) their hea+thcare ?aci+ities to 'o so an' may e(en ha(e em@e''e' a)ents within the North American Hea+th 0r)ani>ation as we++ as the :or+' Hea+th 0r)ani>ation to attempt to c*rtai+ in(esti)ations as their +ast +ine o? 'e?ense. Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are an' Genoci'e @ecome eCtreme+y easy when a 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate possess contro+ o(er the ?ac*+ties o? +i?e an' 'eath comp+ete+y 5 morticians an' mor)e worDers. U =ittorio 1man*e+eAs most common+y *se' Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are techniH*e is a metho' o? tra*mati>in) the tar)et (ictim in a manner which ca*ses them to eCperience 3isAssociation *pon si)ht o? his ?ace 5 this ca*ses the tar)et (ictims to 'isassociate *pon p*@+ic or pri(ate si)ht o? him an' imme'iate+y repress a++ memory o? the occ*rance o? meetin) or si)htin) him. =ittorio accomp+ishes this Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are Assa*+t @y metho' o? showin) his ?ace on the te+e(ision whi+e sim*+taneo*s+y presentin) c+ear e(i'ence that the tar)et (ictim has @een sta+De' an' i++e)a++y recor'e' *sin) sym@o+ism an' H*ote' statements ?rom pri(ate moments 5 his statement o? GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*.G is sai' ?or the p*rpose o? tra*mati>in) the tar)et with eCtreme psycho+o)ica+ in(a+i'ation simi+ar to the e??ect o? a rape (ictim @ein) to+' G/o* 'i' this to yo*rse+?G or GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*G '*rin) the rape <5 this eCtremity o? Psycho+o)ica+ In(a+i'ation '*rin) an eCtreme+y tra*matic e(ent ca*ses an o(erwhe+min) ?ee+in) o? he+p+essness which permanant+y 'ama)es the psycho+o)y an' ne*ro+o)y o? the (ictim. 2his is the metho' @y which =ittorio 1man*e+e maintains in(isi@i+ity amon)st pop*+ations o? his (ictims < *pon si)ht o? his ?ace in a crow' or in person 4 his (ictims 'isassociate an' repress the memory. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs psycho+o)y is the psycho+o)y o? a seria+ rapist 5 his Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are techniH*es are the o@(io*s pro'*ct o? a +i?etime o? tria+ an' error scienti?ic metho'. 9atie 7ameron4 oran)e I*ice 4 (ittorio ?ace4 @a@ysittin) 9at witnesse' Psy :ar on t( are yo* @ein) ser(e' an' that !0As show ;rown 'o) Mrs. Scary @rown 'o) a+e 4 (oices carry a@o*t )ir+ @ein) rape' 4 (oices carry mentione' +ater @y +a*ren &en' o? mo(ie4?in' o*t )ir+ was rape' 4 $a*ren ;7IA' mo*th mo(in), )ameshow internet wiDis a@c' cr*ci?ie' +i?e o? @rian Gwhere is noe+ )oin)G Gwait ti+ yo* meet o*r +awyersG tom @er)eron PacD an' Nate :ante' 2errorists Gin 2a+i@anG 2= hacD ;o@ Sha)o*ry ?aces on $i@ya In(asion 4 I'iocracy +i@yan re(o+*tionaries machine )*n sDy W 2I$1#A 100 70#1 P#07 $INU6 ANIMA2I0N S0.2:A#1 $ions a++ 'ea' 1 monDey +e?t soap opera ta+Din) a@o*t A*stra+ia 5 5 (S" (NI$O#1 (S&2 $O# P(#POS& O$ PSYCHO O!IC" B"#$"#& :-: 2he Uni?orm o? $aw 1n?orcement4 the Uni?orm o? In(esti)ations4 the Uni?orm o? Mi+itary4 an' the Uni?orm o? Hea+thcare 5 a++ can @e an' ha(e @een *se' as weapons o? Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are. 0n this Uni?orm is o*r ?+a) < this *ni?orm represents o*r Nation4 o*r Nation represents o*r Peop+e. 2he 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate which has @een en)a)e' in a campai)n o? terror 4 corr*ption4 )enoci'e4 as we++ as s*@(ersion a)ainst the American Peop+es an' o*r Nation ha(e *se' o*r own Uni?orm a)ainst *s in this +on) term crimina+ campai)n. Po+ice Uni?orms ha(e @een *se' to a@*se Americans an' tra*mati>e yo*n)er )enerations o? Americans 5 it is tra*mati>in) to see yo*r own ?+a) on the Po+ice Uni?orm o? a SeC 2ra??icDer who has @een in(o+(e' in chi+' a@'*ction an' has not @een char)e' with a

sin)+e crime as a res*+t o? his wearin) yo*r *ni?orm4 the Uni?orm @e+on)s to the Peop+e. 3*rin) her +i?e as a chi+' < my mother was han' c*??e' @y two po+ice o??icers an' ret*rne' to the ho*se o? a SeC 2ra??icDer that she ha' @een attemptin) to escape ?rom. In my own +i?etime 4 I ha(e @een a (ictim o? crimina+s in the same Uni?orm 5 the Uni?orm o? the Po+ice o? the USA is s*ppose' to represent those who Protect an' Ser(e o*r Peop+e < this Uni?orm has @een intentiona++y *se' @y a 7rime Syn'icate en)a)e' in a war?are a)ainst the USA an' itAs Peop+es. 2here are Po+ice 0??icers in the re)ion o? the North 1ast o? the USA whom are o? ?ami+ia+ re+ation to the SeC 2ra??icDers an' associate' 2errorist 7rimina+s whom ha(e @een acti(e in this re)ion 5 these are Po+ice 0??icers re+ate' to the perpetrators o? crimes which occ*rre' '*rin) the NiCon A'ministration4 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A < an' are a)ain occ*rrin) now in(o+(in) a@'*ction o? chi+'ren4 terrorism4 m*r'ers4 or)ani>e' crimina+ acti(ities4 co(ert 'estr*ction o? entire American ?ami+ies4 espiona)e4 an' h*man (i(isection. 3*rin) my chi+'hoo'4 yo*n) a'*+thoo'4 as we++ as recent+y < in New Hampshire 5 I ha(e 'ea+t with m*+tip+e po+ice o??icersA racism when consi'erin) my @ein) o? miCe' .irst Nations an' American race 5 these po+ice o??icers ha(e a++ @een o? ha+? Ita+ian Nationa+ 1thnic race. 2hree times4 in my +i?e < I ha(e reporte' to a Po+ice 3epartment in New Hampshire that crimina+s ha' threatene' my se+?4 my ?ami+y4 an' other +o(e' ones with 'eath 5 I was to+' e(ery time that it was not a matter ?or Po+ice to @e concerne' with. N*mero*s times4 I ha(e @een harrasse' @y Po+ice ?or no reason at a++ 5 these Po+ice most +iDe+y Dnew my Mother an' what ha' occ*rre' '*rin) her chi+'hoo' an' into her a'*+thoo' 4 these wo*+' @e the ?ami+yAs o? )*i+ty parties. A++ three times concernin) the 'eath threats which the Po+ice wo*+' not in(esti)ate4 the threats were ma'e @y Ita+ians. 2he p*rpose o? ens*rin) wi'e sprea' Imm*nity ?rom the Po+ice .orce is o@(io*s+y ?or the reason o? maintainin) the *n'isr*pte' acti(ity o? a 2errorist 7rimina+ 1ntity. =ittorio 1man*e+eAs A)ents *se the +itera+ American .+a) as we++ as emp+oyment within American positions o? *ni?orme' ser(ice as a ?orm o? camo*?+a)e ?or the p*rpose o? ?a+se ?+a))in) their acti(ities. .rom the years 200! 2013 55 Items which ha(e @een taDen ?rom me @y Uni?orme' Po+ice 0??icers o? the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment inc+*'e 5 @ase@a++ @at4 pocDet Dni?e4 escrima sticD4 hammer4 machete4 campin) s*pp+ies. 2hese items are not i++e)a+4 these items are not weapons4 these items ha(e @een taDen ?rom me an' he+' as i? they are e(i'ence o? some sort o? crime or as i? they were i++e)a+ weapons. I am not a con(icte' ?e+on4 nor are these c+assi?ie' as weapons. 3*rin) the entirety o? my +i?e whi+e interactin) with some o? the men at the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment4 I ha(e ne(er @een respecte' nor ha(e I @een a??or'e' ?*++ h*man ri)hts @y the men wearin) these *ni?orms.2he men whom are )*i+ty o? these (io+ations o? h*man ri)hts are acti(e+y in(o+(e' in a networD in(o+(in) other men emp+oye' as Po+ice 0??icers o? the $aw 4 some o? these men worD in other +oca+ Po+ice 3epartments s*ch as Manchester New Hampshire as we++ as +ocations in #ho'e Is+an' an' Massach*settes. 2he MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment is the Po+ice 3epartment which i++e)a++y tooD c*sto'y o? my sisters a?ter they ha' @een p+ace' in the protecti(e c*sto'y o? my Nana in Ma+'en Massach*settes 5 imme'iate+y a?ter this4 )uring the 5ear ;==F at the age of %&N 5ears ol) Chelse5 -as gi0en to a Sicilian 1afiosa -hom is acti0el5 in0ol0e) in in 1assachusettes4 Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson is still currentl5 missing an) m5 father is still in custo)5 of the replacement hostage -hich has *een use) as a threat for the purpose of forcing him to remain silent a*out 8ittorio &manuele's famil5 in Ne- Hampshire an) 1assachusettes3 %he replacement hostage has *een force) to preten) to *e Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson+ the last .no-n -herea*outs of Chelse5 #ain 1acPherson is the 1all of Ne- Hampshire $oo)Court Par.inglot )uring the

earl5 "utumn of ;==F3 %he last .no-n -herea*outs of the Sicilian man -ho -as seen -ith her is a garage a*out ten minutes from the $o@#un 1all in 1assachusettes as -ell as a house in eominster 1assachusettes3 =ittorio 1man*e+e is the )ran' son o? =ittorio 1man*e+e III 4 A'o+? Hit+er was =ittorio 1man*e+e IIIAs ha+? @rother ?rom the +ine o? the same ?ather an' the +ine o? the A*strian si'e o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 A'o+? 1man*e+e 4 a+so Dnown as GA'o+? Hit+erG <5 A'o+? Hit+er was approCimate+y 2EQ32 Ita+ian o? #oya+ an' No@+e @+oo' o? the Ho*se o? Sa(oy4 the rest @ein) 1Q32 .rench an' 5Q32 A*strian. =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his sons ha(e n*mero*s associates an' a)ents in the North 1ast o? North America as we++ as in m*+tip+e +ocations in the USA. =ittorio 1man*e+e has n*mero*s sons whom he has a'opte' to ?ami+ies ?or the p*rpose o? hi'in) his @+oo'+ine4 many o? these ?ami+ies are o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen <5 two o? these sons are name' 3.B. an' Aaron4 @oth o? whom were raise' in p+aces s*ch as 7onnectic*t an' Massach*settes @y ?ami+ies whom ha(e Ma?ia re+ations as we++ as ?ami+y in =ermont4 New Hampshire4 New /orD4 New Bersey4 .+ori'a4 the 7aro+inas4 2eCas4 Ita+ia4 7ana'a4 an' e+sewhere. 3.B.As +ast Dnown +ocations are Manchester New Hampshire an' 3o(er New Hampshire. .i++i@ertoAs +ast si)htin) in New Hampshire was in Manchester New Hampshire. =ittorioAs +ast si)htin) in New Hampshire was ;rown A(en*e at a 2o Go GasStation in Mancheser New Hampshire4 he was *sin) the name G=ictor McMannG. AaronAs +ast Dnown +ocation is Mans?ie+' Massach*settes. 2he crimina+ a)ents whom worD with these men are o?ten seen within 'an)ero*s proCimity o? the (ictims < c*rrent+y one o? them has mo(e' in to the neCt 'oor nei)h@orin) apartment o? one o? the (ictimAs @rothers. At +east ?o*r o? these 2errorist 7rimina+ accomp+ices whom are in(o+(e' in a@'*ction o? minors are He++As An)e+s )an) associate' in'i(i'*a+s4 one o? whom is we++ Dnown to the Mi+?or' F 7ompany motorcyc+e )an). A Dnown associate is not a mem@er o? a )an) 5 it is an a??i+iate' in'i(i'*a+. 0ne o? 2errorist 7rimina+ a)ents whom worDs 'irect+y ?or =ittorio 1man*e+e an' is in ?reH*ent 'irect contact with the man whom a@'*cte' 7he+sey #ain MacPherson is 2ay+aAs an' 2wy+aAs Sici+ian )ran'?ather Boe who +i(es in Manchester New Hampshire. 2his man has ?*++ Dnow+e')e that the man whom has a@'*cte' 7he+sey as we++ as other minors has @een seen in $eominster4 7he+ms?or'4 2yn)s@oro4 .ramin)ham4 an' Ma+'en a++ o? which are +ocate' in Massach*settes 5 Boe has ?*++ Dnow+e')e that these a@'*ctions ha(e occ*rre'. Boe is a Ma?ia So+'ier. 7har+ie 3es#ochiers 4 ?ormer+y o? MerrimacD St In Manchester NewHampshire 5 is ?*++y aware o? his in(o+(ement with G=ictor McMannG . 3*rin) 200!4 7har+ie 3es#ochiers was in(o+(e' in the a@'*ction o? my sister Sheena Nico+e MacPherson who was the a)e o? 1" when she was a@'*cte' on the way to .+ori'a4 he has since attemptte' to co(er *p the a@'*ction @y c+aimin) to @e marryin) my sister Sheena4 whom is in act*a+ity another tra??icDin) (ictim entire+y. :hen 7har+ie 3es#ochiers ret*rne' ?rom his G.+ori'a (acation with SheenaG 4 another woman was with him who was o? simi+ar appearance to my sister an' was in possession o? SheenaAs I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s 5 this woman is not Sheena. 2hese in'i(i'*a+s are o? the same crimina+ networD that was in(o+(e' in the a@'*ction o? 1mi+y Is+es in 0ntario 7ana'a 5 1mi+y was rep+ace' @y a Ser@ian tra??icDin) (ictim whom was ho+'in) her I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s an' c+aimin) to @e her. 7*rrent+y4 @oth 1mi+y Is+es an' the Ser@ian womanAs +ocations are *nDnown. 2he Ser@ian woman is o? simi+ar appearance to 1mi+y Is+es4 @*t not i'entica+ 5 the S+a(ic man whom has rep+ace' 1mi+yAs ?ormer @oy?rien' is *sin) $ance Minsha++As .ace;ooD acco*nt an' has p*t his ?ace on it. $ance Minsha++ has @een missin)4 a S+a(ic manAs ?ace is on his .ace;ooD an' has @een *sin) his i'entity 5 the S+a(ic man c+aimin) to @e $ance Minsha++ +ooDs ha+? Ser@ian.

3*rin) the year 2003 5 I ha' stoppe' at 7iaoAs Pi>>aria on Amherst Street in Nash*a New Hampshire to app+y ?or a Io@. 2he si)n o*tsi'e o? the restara*nt state' GNow Hirin)4 App+y :ithinG. I entere' the store to app+y ?or a Io@. 2here were two men present4 a man a@o*t ?o*r years o+'er than my se+? an' what was most +iDe+y his *nc+e or co*sin. ;oth o? these men were Ita+ian. 2he o+'er man to+' me that he 'i' not ha(e any app+ications ?or emp+oyment an' that I sho*+' write my name an' te+ephone n*m@er on a piece o? paper 4 which he han'e' to me with a pen. Upon seein) my name written *pon the paper 5 the yo*n)er man state' < G/o*Are not )oin) to hire him 4 are yo*O HeAs a ?*cDin) Mc.G. Mc @ein) a racia+ s+*r ?or a Gae+. Americans are An)+o Gae+ic. Most .irst Nations peop+es are o? miCe' race inc+*'in) American an' 7ana'ian as we++ as .irst Nations. 7ana'ians are a+so An)+o Gae+ic. 3*rin) the year 200% 5 this man @o*)ht a sin)+e @a)As worth o? items at my re)ister whi+e worDin) at .ami+y 3o++ar < with him was a .ranDic Gae+ic woman who was o@(io*s+y a tra??icDin) (ictim. 2his woman was an American. In 200E4 I witnesse' this yo*n)er man at the .oC:oo's 7asino in the company o? what was o@(io*s+y a SeC 2ra??icDin) (ictim. 2hat ni)ht4 my ?rien' an' I stoppe' at a party not ?ar ?rom .oC:oo's 7asino in #ho'e Is+an' 5 this party was in the mi''+e o? a city in #ho'e Is+an'. 2his party was o@(io*s+y ?*e+e' @y not on+y a+choho+ @*t copio*s amo*nts o? 'r*)s 4 it was a+so eCtreme+y crow'e' an' +o*' 5 the Po+ice 3epartment i)nore' the party entire+y. 2his party +aste' *nti+ the mornin). My ?rien' asDe' i? there was reason to @e a?rai' o? Po+ice arri(in) 5 he was to+' that the Ma?ia ha' a 'ea+ with the Po+ice an' that they +e?t them a+one. Since this time4 I ha(e +ost contact with n*mero*s ?rien's whom ha' )one to #ho'e Is+an' 5 many o? them ha(e not @een @een +ocata@+e since 4 others seem to ha(e @een rep+ace' @y imposte*rs *sin) their I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s. I @e+ie(e that it was this manAs connections which were *se' to Deep tracD o? Mosta?a I@nSa*' ?rom a 'istance witho*t Mosta?a @ein) ma'e aware that .i+ an' =ittorio were Deepin) c+ose watch on him 5 1' an' Anthony ha' @een o(erhear' 'isc*ssin) =ittorioAs crimes an' the ?act that he wi++ nee' a patsy @+ame' as his a+i@i. It is +o)ica+ that .i+ an' =ittorio wo*+' try to ?rame Mosta?a I@nSa*' as the A6IS 7rime $or'. 3*rin) the year 200! 5 I was i++e)a++y @ro*)ht to a hospita+ in a MerrimacD New Hampshire Po+ice 7ar 4 c*??e' to a @e+t @y a man *sin) the name GSt. 7yrG whom may possi@+y not ha(e @een the ?act*a+ Po+ice 0??icer St. 7yr whom I ha(e since met. 2his was 'one *n'er the )*ise that the Po+ice at MerrimacD New Hampshire wante' me to answer some H*estions concernin) a recent witness statement that I ha' ?i+e' with the MerrimacD Po+ice. 2he Po+ice to+' me that I ha' to taDe a 'r*) test to maDe certain that I was not G*n'er the in?+*enceG4 I am so@er an' 'o not *se 'r*)s 5 the eCtent o? my s*@stance *se is @eer. I was @ro*)ht to a hospita+ an' i++e)a++y Ne*roS*)erie' with a ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace. Since this time there ha(e @een n*mero*s attacDs re+ate' to this e(ent which occ*rre'. 2he 2errorist 7rimina+ or)ani>ation which has committe' these crimes an' or)ani>e' these atrocities is an A6IS or)ani>ation +oya+ to the ?ami+y o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' the ?ami+y o? the now 'ecease' B*+i*s 1(o+a. $ater that year 5 my ten year o+' sister 7he+sey #ain MacPherson was Di'nappe' @y a Sici+ian who somehow +e?t a yo*n) )ir+ at my .atherAs ho*se whom has @een preten'in) to @e 7he+sey #ain MacPherson. It is possi@+e that the Po+ice in MerrimacD New Hampshire who was *sin) the name GSt. 7yrG who may or may not ha(e @een name' St. 7yr 4 ha' somethin) to 'o with this 5 my sisters were i++e)a++y taDen in to c*sto'y o? Po+ice in MerrimacD New Hampshire an' p+ace' @acD with my .ather. 2he )ir+ who has @een swappe' with 7he+sey is another (ictim o? this networD 5 threats ha(e @een *se'

to Deep her an' my .ather H*iet. 2here is at +east one man with an incre'i@+y simi+ar appearance to my .ather whom has @een *sin) 3*p+icate' I'entity 7re'entia+s o? my .atherAs 5 this man +ooDs to @e most +iDe+y ha+? Ser@ian an' ha+? ;osnian 4 he has @een ?reH*ent+y in the re)ion. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy co*+' @e *se' to m*tate this manAs ?in)erprints an' his ?ace shape to camo*?+a)e his appearance as more +iDe my .atherAs 5 this man nee's to @e apprehen'e' @e?ore this is necessary. 7rimina+s ha(e @een poisonin) peop+e with 'ea'+y toCins as we++ as ha(e @een poisonin) peop+e with Hemo)+o@in @atches o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy en)inere' (ira+ strains carryin) #NA 3NA Proteins which permanant+y 'ama)es or a+ters )enetics 5 +iDe ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces 4 this is *s*a++y *se' ?or me'icina+ p*rposes. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 1n)ineere' =ir*s was '*mpe' @y way o? Hemo)+o@in ;atch in my mi+D possi@+y % or 5 times whi+e I was +i(in) at 23 2emp+e St. Apt 108 in Nash*a NewHampshire in 2012 5 my 'oor ha' @een opene' n*mero*s times. 2his ha' @een reporte' to Nash*a Po+ice 5 a?terwhich 0??icer 3e@is> an' 0??icer $om@ar'i @e)an harrassin) me with ?aDe citations 'eman'in) that I 'o not ta+D to the Bews at the 2emp+e ;eth A@raham in Nash*a. I ha(e hear' n*mero*s comp+aints a@o*t 0??icer 3e@is> ?rom the Hampton 4 #ye 4 Sea@rooD re)ion 5 these comp+aints most+y comin) ?rom Bewish peop+es an' other peop+es whom I ha(e Dnown who ha(e @een ?rien'+y with Bewish ?ami+ies in the comm*nity. 3anie+ Bames )rew *p in the Sea@rooD an' Sa+is@*ry re)ion ?or some time when he was yo*n)er 4 I ha(e share' m*t*a+ ?rien's with 3anie+ Bames in the past 5 3anie+ Bames is .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother whom was a'opte' @y a mem@er o? the $ea)*e o? Ita+ian Gent+emen as was Aaron4 another o? his @rothers. I @e+ie(e I act*a++y met 3.B. when I was a chi+' at the @each arca'es with my co*sin 3*stin $a(oie 4 3.B.As a'opti(e ?ami+y ha' a cotta)e near the Hampton ;each an' ha' )i(en *s ?ree>e pops. Boe Mc7arthy an' Matt ;e+*ar'o met 3.B. '*rin) what I @e+ie(e was the year 2000 4 at what is now Sea@rooDAs $owes @*t at the time may ha(e @een another store. 2he ?irst time I saw 0??icer 3e@is> was in 200! in #ye NewHampshire. It is possi@+e that there is an imposte*r o? 0??icer 3e@is> c*rrent+y 4 @*t it is not 'e?inite. 3*rin) 2012 4 I met an imposte*r o? Hi++ary ;ri)ham as we++ as the ?act*a+ Hi++ary ;ri)ham who I ha' not seen in many years. *:-: "ttempts to *loc. emails + *loc. letters + *loc. -itness statements + an) silence cries for help :-: I ha(e @een tryin) to )et emai+s o*t to a ?ew tr*ste' nations @*t many o? them seem to Deep )ettin) @+ocDe' or ret*rne' as *n'e+i(era@+e< some o? these @ein) emai+s that I sent to MeCico4 Bapan4 .rance4 Israe+4 U94 3e*tsche+an'4 an' Norway. .o*r o? my +etters were a+so ret*rne' as *nc+aime'< one ?rom Israe+4 one ?rom 7ana'a4 one ?rom MeCico4 an' another ?rom Bapan. I am Deepin) ?aith that they wi++ e(ent*a++y @e 'e+i(ere'. Some o? my photo)raphs on my ?ace@ooD pa)e seem to ha(e @een e'ite' within the +ast two years< the ?aces the hacDers p*t on my ?ace an' on the ?ace o? my mother +ooD photo e'ite' to a'' the ?aces ?rom photos o? Ita+ians. My ?ami+y is not Ita+ian4 I ha(e two ha+? ita+ian co*sins @*t their ?ather is no re+ati(e o? mine. 2he photo on my motherAs ?ace@ooD is not my mother4 it is a pict*re o? some sici+ian woman. 2his woman who is preten'in) to @e my mother is ta+Din) to some man with the s*ppose' s*rname G$in'@er)G on .ace;ooD in Norway. 2he manAs name is not Norwe)ian4 itAs 3e*tsche an' I 'o not @e+ie(e that the man is act*a++y here'itari+y a $in'@er). 2he name is ?ami+iar to me @eca*se o? an o+' c+assmate ?rom when I was a chi+'. 2he +ast time I saw him was when I worDe' at .ami+y 3o++ar4 he came in an' @o*)ht a ?ew thin)s an' ma'e a mocDin) re?erance a@o*t the thir' reich in 'e*tsche @eca*se e(ery@o'y in the entire re)ion was @ein) +ie' to

a@o*t my s*ppose' connection to the thir' reich &which o@(io*s+y 'oes not eCist, an' he Dnew that I ha' no connection to that. ;en $in'@er) was a+so o(erhear' mocDin) =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e 4 ri'ic*+in) him ?or @e+ie(in) that he is Gthe 9in) o? the Na>isG < statin) that =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e m*st @e+ie(e that he is Go' an' Bes*s i? he is Gthe Din) o? a++ the na>ionsG. ;enIamin $in'@er) a+so state' somethin) one time which showe' that he ha' Dnow+e')e that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 3e(ices were )oin) to @e S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in 7i(i+iansA crani*ms 5 ;en $in'@er) was hear' sayin) GIt wi++ not worD. I ha(e ?aith that he wi++ c*t the wire an' )et o*t o? the co*ntry an' report it.G. *:-: (sing Hospitals for Co0ert !enoci)e :-: 2he possi@i+ity o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' his associate' ?action *sin) hospita+s to commit )enoci'e is eCtreme+y +o)ica+ 5 a+tho*)h it is happenin)4 '*e to the i++*sion o? sa?ety which many Americans ha(e 4 these crimes ha(e @een camo*?+a)e'. In the past the crimina+ terrorist s+eeper a)ents em@e''e' within the 7IA ProIect M9U$2#A as we++ as the a)ents within m*+tip+e 'epartments o? )o(erment '*rin) the 2*sDee)ee Syphi++*s 1Cperiments an' others were a++ connecte' to the pre'ecessors an' s*ccessors o? some o? the A6IS oriente' re)imes in 1*rope. Bose? Men)e+e was an a)ent o? this G+o@a+ 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate. 2he ?act that this is happenin) an' that witnesses are @ein) ?a+se+y 'ia)nose' Schi>ophrenic is entire+y +o)ica+ an' acc*rate 5 this is not 'e+*siona+ thinDin). Hospita+s can @e *se' to o@tain @irth recor's4 can @e *se' to a+ter me'ica+ an' @irth recor's4 can @e *se' to per?orm cosmetic s*r)eries4 an' can @e *se' to per?orm =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tations. Most hospita+s a+so ha(e he+icopter pa's an' can @e *se' as an e??ecti(e *neCpecte' metho' o? tra(e+. Usin) hospita+s 4 Genoci'a+ 2errorist A)ents can rep+ace pop*+ation with imposte*r pop*+ation @y metho' o? a+terin) me'ica+ 'oc*ments an' immitatin) the (ictimsA me'ica+ recor's with cosmetic s*r)eries as we++ as immitatin) their appearance e(en *n'er microscope @y metho' o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tation. *:-: orie R the Potenza's cousin orie 4 "ngie Potenza S.inner's cousin orie S :-: :-69C9 :- In0itation to m5 $ather an) m5 self to pla5 car)s -ith her an) her hus*an) - Cigars -ith 2isassociati0e Neuro-%o@in coate) to*acco an) paper + the5 clou)e) the room -ith smo.e - orie poure) me so)a an) -e -aite) for the pizza to cool3 - Se@ual #ape of chil)ren an) teenage girl -ho -as present that seeme) to possi*l5 *e an a*)uction 0ictim3 - orie starte) touching m5 penis + m5 $ather *ecame luci) an) realize) -hat -as happening an) pic.e) me up an) sai) /Come on3 Be're getting out of here3 %hese people are )isgusting3 2on't put a *ullet in m5 *ac. on the -a5 out the )oor3/ - "ppro@imatel5 699> : &@tra %han.sgi0ing orie tol) Beau that the *lon) teenage girl at her house -as her sla0e3 Beau laughe) an) )i)n't *elie0e her /5our sla0es are -hiteL/ 3 &0entuall5 he tol) K5le Ho-ar) a*out this -hile I -as present E Beau e@plaine) to K5le that his cousin orie is a Bi-Se@ual an) that she .eeps a %eenage female Concu*inal Se@-Sla0e in her home -ith her3 orie is a Pe)orast an) is "GIS $action3 Beau S.inner sai) that the *lon)e teenage girl -ho -as orie's Concu*inal Se@-Sla0e -as of "nglo-Sa@on an) !aelic race3 - 12 0" 2013 5 :hi+e at the AM2#A79 Station in North 7aro+ina < I notice' photo)raphs on the wa++

o? peop+e who once worDe' at the AM2#A79 Station. 0ne o? these in'i(i'*a+s was An)ie SDinnerAs co*sin $orie. I @e+ie(e that An)ie SDinnerAs name may possi@+y @e Poten>a now that she has @een 'i(orce' ?rom ;o@ SDinner. $orieAs sDin was =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to +ooD +iDe an A?riDDi' :omanAs sDin 4 @*t the rest o? her 3NA +ooDe' eCact+y the same as she pre(io*s+y ha' appeare'. It +ooDe' +iDe she was in the process o? =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 'is)*isin) herse+? to +ooD +iDe an A?rican American. 2his woman is an *ncon(icte' SeC 0??en'er who is a SeC 2ra??icDer an' an Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS S+eeper A)ent. I @e+ie(e that their ?ami+y is act*a++y re+ate' to Pete Poten>aAs an' Banet Poten>aAs ?ami+y 4 an' that BanetAs an' PeteAs neice An)ie Poten>a is act*a++y name' a?ter An)ie Poten>a SDinner. 2he Poten>aAs ha(e @een a@'*ctin) an' 2ra??icDin) yo*n) ?ema+es. ! years a)o 4 I witnesse' Pete Poten>a picD *p a +itt+e )ir+ that was not a ?ami+y mem@er o? his < she was An)+o Gae+ic. 2he Poten>aAs Dept tracD o? my sister S*mmer #ose MacPherson that same way that #o@ert #o'on Dept tracD o? my se+? my entire +i?e < ?or the Ho*se o? Sa(oy 5 we are their Genoci'e 2ar)ets an' 2ra??icDin) 2ar)ets. $orie < who is Pete Poten>aAs co*sin 4 An)ie Poten>aAs co*sin 4 an' Banet Poten>aAs co*sin 5 ha' somethin) to 'o with the 'isappearance an' pro@a@+e Genoci'a+ S+ayin) o? @oth ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' ;ra' Sa@+e 4 who ha(e @een rep+ace' on I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s @y imposte*rs who appear to @e Ita+ian an' Ara@ian. 2he A*strian Aosta A6IS So+'ier that em@e''e' himse+? within the MerrimacD Po+ice 3epartment was in(o+(e' in the 'isappearance an' pro@a@+e Genoci'a+ S+ayin) o? ;ra' Sa@+e.

*:-: ")0ice :-: 2he Ita+ian A6IS .action whom ha(e en)ineere' this attacD ha(e in(este' a+ot o? money into Ne*roScience #esearch an' So?t:are 1n)ineerin) as we++ as ha(e they p*rchase' Hea+th7are .aci+ities. 2he Hea+th7are .aci+ities which they p*rchase' ha(e @een p*rchase' ?or the p*rpose o? per?ormin) Ne*roS*r)eries on *nDnowin) *nconcio*s (ictims. .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @roDe his ?oot in 200% an' is pro@a@+e to ha(e spent a +on) time immo@i+i>e' a?ter wa+Din) on a @roDen ?oot ?or a ?ew weeDs < it is pro@a@+e that .i+ create' a +ist o? thin)s re+ate' to 0r)ani>e' 7rime an' 2errorism that ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces connecte' to comp*ters o(er #a'io .reH*ency can @e *se' ?or. 3*rin) the past nine years < .i++i@erto 1man*e+e4 =ittorio 1man*e+e4 an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action are pro@a@+e to ha(e manip*+ate' n*mero*s in'i(i'*a+s in s*ch a way that these in'i(i'*a+s committe' to speci?ic actions in synchronicity with others whom were a+so (ictims o? these H*man =i(isections. It is pro@a@+e that the Ita+ian A6IS .action *se' the contro+ an' in?+*ence which they eCerte' o(er pop*+ations o? peop+e whom ha' @een Ne*roS*r)ica++y Gra?te' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces to in?+*ence an' manip*+ate 2ar)ette' In'i(i'*a+s @y metho' o? contro++in) an' manip*+atin) processes in the(ictimsA @rains4 create' economic 'isaster ?or 2ar)ette' .ami+ies an' 2ar)ette' ;*sinesses @y in?+*encin) their in(estments an' other 'ecisions4 ca*se' 'eaths that appeare' to @e acci'enta+4 incite' con?+ict @etween in'i(i'*a+s an' )ro*ps o? peop+e4 in?+*ence' =oters an' Po+iticians 'ecisions4 in?+*ence' 2reas*ry an' other .e'era+ Go(ernment emp+oyees4 spie' on $aw 1n?orcement emp+oyees whom were (ictims o? these Ne*roS*r)ery H*man =i(isections4 spie' on In(esti)ations4 spie' on 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees whom were (ictims o? these Ne*roS*r)ery H*man =i(isections< an' 'i' a++ o? this *sin) so?tware which they ha' en)ineere' ?rom m*+tip+e Ne*roScience So?tware components4 Animation So?tware components4 an' #o@otics So?tware components 5 it is

pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es an' the Ita+ian A6IS in?+*ence' an' insti)ate' 2errorist AttacDs *sin) these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*roScience Sotware. It is pro@a@+e that thro*)h metho' o? Ne*roScienti?ic 7oersion4 the 1man*e+esA an' the Ita+ian A6IS .action whom ha(e en)ineere' an' committe' these attacDs ha(e s*@concio*s+y con(ince' Po+iticians an' =oters to p*rs*e a 'ecrease o? spen'in) in 3e?ense ;*')et ?or p*rpose o? ca*sin) a 'ecrease in the n*m@er o? 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees which wo*+' ena@+e the Ita+ian A6IS .action an' their a++ies to easier meet the n*m@ers o? A)ents reH*ire' to comp+ete+y in?i+trate an' 'ecapitate entire 'epartments an' *nits thro*)h metho' o? #ep+acement @y Imposte*r. 2he most pro@a@+e tar)ets ?or #ep+acement @y Imposte*r concernin) the 3epartment o? 3e?ense wo*+' @e Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 0??icers an' re+ate' emp+oyees 4 Mi+itary Inte++i)ence 0??icers an' re+ate' emp+oyees 4 3e?ense Sec*rity 7+earance 0??icers 4 an' Mi+itary Po+ice 4 as we++ as 3e?ense 1mp+oyees whom wo*+' @e a(ai+a@+e to the p*@+ic that ci(i+ians wo*+' report these attacDs to. :hen an attacD s*ch as this is committe' < m*+tip+e nations whom are a++ie' to the in?i+trate' nation nee' to @e represente' '*rin) in(esti)ation o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees 3NA an' their ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*ro+o)y to 'etermine their ?act*a+ i'entity 5 this wo*+' @e ?or the p*rpose o? arrestin) the 1nemy 7om@atants whom ha(e in?i+trate' the 3epartment o? 3e?ense @e?ore they are capa@+e o? ?a+se ?+a))in) the 'etainment o? +oya+ 3e?ense 1mp+oyees whom they ha(e i++e)a++y imprisone' as i? they were the )*i+ty party < this m*st @e a(erte' at a++ costs4 otherwise the entire nation wi++ @ecome 'ecapitate' @y enemy com@atants. .or p*rpose o? cross a*'itin) emer)ency I'enti?ication 3etermination < the entirety o? the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment o? the 3epartment o? 3e?ense can @e emp+oye' to sim*+taeneo*s+y rea' ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2ho*)ht to 2eCt in?ormation concernin) the tho*)hts an' Dnow+e')e as we++ as emotiona+ ne*ro+o)y an' other ne*ro+o)y o? 3epartment o? 3e?ense 1mp+oyees ?o*n' to @e m*tate' @y =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy or Ne*roS*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace Ne*roProsthesis. It is +o)ica+ that the sa?est i'ea is to create a Nationa+ I'enti?ication 3epartment which wo*+' 3NA test the entire pop*+ation 4 checD 3NA res*+ts an' Hap+o)ro*ps a)ainst ?ami+y tree recor's o? citi>ens an' (isitors 4 *se so?tware an' a*'itin) teams to .raternity 7hecD the 3NA o? a++ citi>ens an' (isitors to 'etermine @io+o)ica+ re+ation ?or p*rpose o? ens*rin) ?act*a+ i'entity < an' in the ?*t*re re)ister =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tations 4 cosmetic 3NA m*tations 4 an' other m*tations o? )enetics 5 it wo*+' @e sa?est to con'*ct I'enti?ication 3NA 2estin) e(ery two years. 2his is the sa?est 'eterrant to terrorist an' )enoci'a+ ?actions as we++ as espiona)e a)ents 4 *sin) an' ?orm o? 7osmetic 3NA M*tation ?or 'is)*ise. I? 1nemy 7om@atants are ?o*n' to ha(e these +on) ran)e ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in their sD*++s4 attache' to their @rains 5 it is 'e?inite that the 3epartment o? 3e?ense can emp+oyee Ne*roScientists to worD with Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence an' other Mi+itary Inte++i)ence to *se Ne*roScience So?t:are ?or p*rpose o? 'isarmin) an' 'isa@+in) those in'i(i'*a+s whom are pro(en to @e 1nemy 7om@atants an' ha(e intentiona++y ha' these 'e(ices )ra?te' to their @rain or 'e?ecte' to the enemy '*e to reason o? threats or @e+ie? that 'e?eat was ine(ita@+e. G2hose who 'o not wish to ?i)ht 4 'o not 'eser(e to +i(e.G is a 'irect H*ote taDen ?rom GMein 9amp?G which is the ;io)raphy attri@*te' to

A'o+? Hit+er 5 the ?action whom ha(e committe' these attacDs are the Ita+ian Sa(oy A6IS .action an' their a++ies < it is 'e?inite that this ?action is *nmerci?*+. 2he USA P.A.2.#.I.0.2. Act was 'esi)ne' to a++ow Mi+itary Inte++i)ence In(esti)ations an' .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations to access Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3ata concernin) the comm*nications 4 ?inancia+ transactions 4 tra(e+ recor's 4 an' other e+ectronic re+ate' in?ormation concernin) 1nemy 7om@atants an' associates o? 1nemy 7om@atants in s*ch a manner that an entire 7o(ert NetworD o? 1nemy 7om@atants co*+' more easi+y @e ?o*n'. Since 200% < the Ita+ian A6IS .action has @een ?*n'in) an' en)ineerin) propa)an'a in attempts to con(ince the peop+e o? the U.S.A. to repea+ the Patriot Act in attempts to pre(ent their 2errorist 7rime Syn'icate o? 1nemy 7om@atants ?rom @ein) 'isco(ere' @y USAmerican Mi+itary. 3*rin) 2010 to 2012 4 in Manchester NewHampshire < Ita+ian A6IS 2errorists were wa+Din) aro*n' the comm*nity *sin) some Din' o? pocDet si>e' e+ectro ma)netic weapon that was capa@+e o? poppin) o*t Dnee caps somehow 5 it seeme' +o)ica+ that this weapon was +iDe+y to @e mi+'+y e+ectric*tin) Dnee re)iona+ +i)at*re4 ca*sin) the m*sc*+at*re @eneath the Dnee cap to spasm an' 'is+ocate the Dnee cap. 2his ca*se' n*mero*s inI*ries on in'i(i'*a+s +i(in) in Manchester NewHampshire. 2his weapon was *se' on me twice in Manchester NewHampshire 4 once whi+e worDin) at StopAnAShop in 2010 an' a secon' time whi+e wa+Din) past a yo*n) Ita+ian ma+e at ;arnes an' No@+e. I poppe' my Dnee cap @acD in @oth times. 2he weeD that this occ*re' at StopAnAShop < a womanAs Dnee )a(e away an' she co++apse' near the ?ro>en ?ish section4 a man was seen on cr*tches with a @roDen Dnee4 a woman was in the 1mer)ency #oom ?or ?a++in) 'own the stairs '*e to her Dnee )i(in) away4 an' a home+ess (eteran was si)hte' with a Dnee @race. I? there is no s*ch weapon as this < the 2errorist .action whom S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' these ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces in 7i(i+ians ;rains m*st ha(e o@(io*s+y ?i)*re' o*t how to ca*se a Dnee +i)ament spasm an' 'is+ocate a Dnee whi+e a person is stan'in) an' their wei)ht is app+yin) press*re on the Dnee. It is 'e?inite that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e an' =ittorio 1man*e+e ?orm*+ate' the p+ans ?or these terrorist attacDs '*rin) 200% 5 Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+in) o? propa)an'a on the internet re+ate' to the c*rrent H*man =i(isections s*ch as Ma)n*s 0+ssonAs we@site an' others 4 'escri@e the Pers*a'atron :eapon ?rom the (i'eo )ame Syn'icate as @ein) the techno+o)y *se' ?or GMin' 7ontro+G p*rposes. Syn'icate was a (i'eo )ame which I was p+ayin) on my comp*ter '*rin) 200% 4 whi+e 7omp*ter HacDers were watchin) me incessant+y. 2he (i'eo )ame Syn'icate a+so inc+*'es the concept o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' Ne*ro#o@otics @ein) *se' on *nwi++in) (ictims ?or p*rpose o? t*rnin) them into 7y@or) So+'iers whom thro*)h Ne*roScience an' Prosthetic #o@otics are contro++e' @y comp*ters an' or'ere' to commit terrorist attacDs as we++ as ?i)ht other 2errorist .ascist 7rime Syn'icates. 2he Pers*a'atron is 'escri@e' on Propa)an'a we@sites which 'escri@e the c*rrent 2errorist AttacDs as GMa)netic ;eam :eapons which in?+*ence an' rea' tho*)htsG an' GMa)netic ;eam min' contro+ weaponsG. In the =i'eo Game Syn'icate 4 the GPers*a'atronG is a ray )*n which GMin' 7ontro+sG ci(i+ians *sin) e+ectro ma)netic rays. 2his is o@(io*s+y ?or the p*rpose o? maDin) the reports o? these attacDs appear to @e Science .iction. In rea+ity4 the weapon *se' in this c*rrent terrorist attacD is comprise' o? +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency comm*nications @ein) *se' to connect a ;rain 7omp*ter

Inter?ace which is a com@ination o? a Ne*ro7irc*it )ra?te' to the @rain an' a S*r)ica+ Imp+ant #o*ter F ;attery which is wire' to the Ne*ro7irc*it an' is S*r)ica++y 2acDe' to the inner Iaw to a comp*ter. 2hese are connecte' to the 2errorist .actionAs comp*ter o(er the internet *sin) +on) ran)e #a'io .reH*ency. 2he Gmin' contro+G which these terrorists ha(e eCerte' o(er h*man @ein)s is not the res*+t o? the Pers*a'atron ?rom the (i'eo )ame Syn'icate4 it is the res*+t o? Ne*roScience @ein) *se' ?or terrorist p*rposes an' 7o(ert Genoci'e o? North American #aces an' other tar)ets.

1 5 IN2#03U720#/ 16P$AINA2I0N AN3 SUMMA#/ - a+most ?inishe' 4 nee's #a'io.reH V 8 2 5 1mai+ to Henry MaDow .Q Anti 7hrist Artic+e .Q Geor)e 7atsopo*+os SeC*a++y Harrasse' me at worD. Q .i+ F 3B at #ye NH. Q .i+ F 3B at Hampton .Q =ittorio on 1+m St .Q .i+ in Manchester.Q te++ #yan 4 $a*ra 4 an' 3a(e $ee in ;oston . -1man*e+es me'ia connections 5 @roDe @acD mo*ntain was possi@+y a p+ot so+' to man @y 1man*e+es whom ?*n'e' mo(ie thro*)h retainers or possi@+y in(este' in the mo(ie an' pai' the man to name it G;roDe @acD Mo*ntainG. 3anie+ Bames 200% Gwhat 'i' 'a' say to'ay that ma'e yo* +a*)h so har'OG .i+ at #ye in 200% G0h... I ca++e' him an' he so*n'e' worrie' a@o*t somethin)... so I asDe' him i? he was worrie'4 an' he sai' 5 IAm a@o*t to @e a mo*ntain o? @roDe @acD. So I asDe' him4 what the he++ is thatO He sai' to me 5 thatAs when yo* shit yo*rse+? so @a' that yo*r entire pants are ?*++ o? shitNG. - In 200% 5 I starte' psycho+o)ica++y p*nDin) the 7omp*ter HacDers whom ha' @een hacDin) my comp*ter an' the peop+e whom ha' @een watchin) my comp*ter as a res*+t o? it. I 'isco(ere' H*icD+y that 1' :arren was one o? the in'i(i'*a+s whom ha' @een watchin) my comp*ter an' p+aye' '*m@ +on) eno*)h to 'isco(er that 1' worDe' ?or G=ictorG whom was =ittorio 1man*e+e an' that these recor'in) 'e(ices a@o(e the styro?oam pane+s o? the cei+in) were p+ante' there on G=ictorAsG @eha+?. I am a+most certain that a++ o? the i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices which were co(ert+y positione' within the wa++s o? apartment @*i+'in)s a++ aro*n' New1n)+an' were insta++e' @y in'i(i'*a+s worDin) on @eha+? o? =ittorio 1man*e+e an' .i++i@erto 1man*e+e. 1Camp+es to eCp+ain 5 @acD)ro*n' S20P HA79ING M/ .U79ING 70MPU21# 4 anima+ so*n's 4 'isp+ayin) naDe' ?at +a'ies constant+y 4 'isp+ayin) 'is)*stin) (i'eos o?ten 4 mentionin) stran)e thin)s when microphone was acti(e. M*tant $ea)*e .oot@a++ 5 1' :arren ma'e so*n's ?rom the )ame4 I preten'e' not to notice. Mi)ht an' Ma)ic 2 m*sic 4 1' mo(in) +iDe monster character an' maDin) m*sic so*n's < I preten'e' not to notice. G/o*A(e )ot no i'eaNG 4 I preten'e' to ha(e no i'ea. Sahn'ra p+*))e' microphone @acD into comp*ter 4 I ma'e 7h7h7h7h so*n's +iDe Bason =orhees intro m*sic ?rom .ri'ay 13th . Sahn'ra p+*))e' microphone in a)ain 4 I ma'e 'o) so*n's into the microphone ?or a whi+e. 8 3 5 ;*r>*m.or). Q 1' :arren. Q 1mi+y Is+es. Q =ittorio at .ami+y 3o++ar.Q 7esare 4 7*@an ACis recap.Q p+an to ?in' patsy.Q Mosta?a I@nSa*' mentione' recap. Q Mosta?a I@nSa*' GsatanistG comment.Q .AMI$/ 30$$A# 1' .arrachi :arren wa's o? cash to m*+tip+e crime *nits .Q G+ast one )oin) 'own into +a(aG .Q 7esareAs threats an' statements concernin) P*r)atory .4 p+ans o? anta)onism to incite ra)e . 4 7esare an' B*+ie :einstein 4 @ench smashin) Q 1Ctreme Psych:ar?are ?or p*rpose o? ;eha(iora+ Mo'i?ication r*mo*rs an' acc*sations o? #acist 1Ctremism 5 Pro(ocation re)ar'in) re+i)ion an'

attempt to portray themse+(es as 'e(o*t 7atho+ics with a 7r*sa'er +iDe i'entity res*+tant a?ter my mentionin) o? BaH*es 3e Mo+ay an' emai+in) o? the Pope concernin) GI++*minatiG 5 I'entity Po+itic acc*sations o? eCtremism with sim*+taeneo*s portraya+ o? themse+(es as 7atho+ic 1Ctremists . Q 1' :arren now rea+ise' to ha(e @een writin) 'own +icense p+ate n*m@ers o? peop+e whom were percei(e' to ha(e (isite' me at the store.Q SAM GUA/-*n?inishe'O8 . -.INISH138 - con(incin) imposte*r #*sse++ MacPherson 2005 swtiche' with Ser@ian in 3*nDin 3on*ts @athroom on @or'er o? Hampton ;each ;o*++e(ar'e an' Sa+is@*ry at =a+ero 5 I @ecame in?*riate' 4 he e(ent*a++y con(ince' me that i was schi>ophrenic e(en with 7he+sey statin) GP*nch himN 'o somethin)NG Gyo*Are s*ch a IerD 4 ianG an' then Gmy mo*th I*st sai' it on itAs own4 i 'i'nAt e(en mo(e itG I AM 21##I.I13 0. 2H1 P0SSI;I$I2/ 2HA2 2HIS .A72I0N 70U$3 HA=1 IN.I$2#A213 AN3 70##UP213 02H1# #1GI0NS 4 I. I HA3 9I$$13 2H1 MAN :H0M A;3U7213 M/ SIS21#S AN3 I :H1N H1 G02 IN20 M/ .A2H1#AS AU20M0;I$1 AN3 ;1GAN 3#I=ING < 2H1 H0SPI2A$S :1#1 PU#7HAS13 AN3 70U$3 HA=1 1ASI$/ $I13 20 .131#A$ IN=1S2IGA20#S 3U#ING 3NA 21S2S .A$S1$/ #1P0#2ING 3NA #1SU$2S A.21# M/ SIS21#S AN3 I 20$3 2H1M 2HA2 H1 :AS AN IMP0S21U#. A.21# I #1P0#213 :H0M I ;1$I1=1 MA/ HA=1 ;11N M/ .A72UA$ .A2H1# 0# 1=1N 2H1 .I#S2 IMP0S21U# .0# S16 0..1NS1S 4 7H1$S1/ :AS S0M1H0: S:APP13 :I2H AN02H1# .1MA$1 AN3 I :AS I$$1GA$/ 312AIN13 ;/ M1##IMA79 P0$I71 31PA#2M1N2 :H1#1 20N/ G#ASS12I HA3 31$I=1#13 HIS #170#313 1=I31N71 0. .I$ 1MANU1$1AS P$ANS 20 70MMI2 G1N07I31 IN N0#2H AM1#I7A AN3 HIS A3MI22AN71 20 ;1ING A30$. HI2$1#AS ;I0$0GI7A$ .AMI$IA$ #1$A2I=1 5 2H1S1 P0$I71 0..I71#S ;#0UGH2 M1 20 A H0SPI2A$ 4 $A21# ;7I. I. I HA3 9I$$13 2H1 S1#;IAN 0# AN/ 0. 2H1 IMP0S21U#S P#121N3ING 20 ;1 M/ .A2H1#4 I ;1$I1=1 2HA2 2H1 1MANU1$1SA I2A$IAN A6IS 21##0#IS2 AG1N2S :0U$3 HA=1 MA31 I2 APP1A# AS I. I MU#31#13 M/ .A2H1#. M/ SIS21# SH11NA :AS 9I$$13 A#0UN3 2HIS 2IM1 AN3 IMAG1 0. H1# 31A3 :AS 2U#90BAN P0P UPP13 0N M/ 70MPU21# S7#11N IN .#0N2 0. M/ .A71 :HI$1 0N 2H1 IN21#N12 IN 200!. 2H1 1MANU1$1S HA=1 0;=I0US$/ 2A#G12213 A NUM;1# 0. .AMI$I1S AN3 A#1 P$ANNING 20 MA7HIA=1$$I 2H1I# 1N2I#1 .AMI$/ AN3 IN21#NA2I0NA$ G$0;A$ 21##0#IS2 .A72I0N I. P0SSI;$1. HA$. 0. M/ .AMI$/ IS MISSING AN3 #1P$A713 ;/ IMP0S21U#S. PH020G#APH :A/N11W 30720# .#0M H0SPI2A$. PH020G#APH :A/N12WUN#170GNIP13 M0MW% IMP0S21U#S 0. M0M S0 .A#. 3A3 W A2 $1AS2 3 IMP0S21U#S S0 .A#. 1N2I#1 M02H1#AS SI31 0. .AMI$/ #1P$A713 ;/ IMP0S21U#S. 7B WP#0;A;$/ =I220#I0AS ;A;/ 4 $009S I31N2I7A$ 20 =I220#I0. 1621#MINA2ING M/ #A71 A221MP2ING 20 .#AM1 A$I;I AN3 MA7HIA=1$$I .AMI$/. 0;=I0US 7HI$3 S16 2#A..I791#S. 8 % 5 NewHampshire Precision . Q #ho'e Is+an' party 4 ma?ia oriente' partiers state' that Gmo@ ha' cops pai' o??G Gmo@ ha' po+ice imm*nitiesG . Q Min'y 9ern4 Min'y ;+*e ;*s 'e?inite ;.7.I. asDs me H*estion in car a@o*t ;.7.I. @+owin) *p races o? peop+e4 'eath threats in note@ooD4 .I$ written on note@ooD 4 P$1ASAN2 mentione'. Q 3 =a+erie 0+sons ret*rn ?rom Ita+ia 4 photos o? Mosta?a I@nSa*'. Q 7+arissa ;erry. Q Ben ;ea*'inAs 'isappearance. Q Gir+ ?rom NewBersey whom Dnew 2wy+a .Q 1riDa H*)hes .Q Pach Imposte*r Intro'*ce' .Q r*mo*rs a@o*t 7esare a@'*ctin) )ir+ an' rapin) in 'enta+ c+inic

o??ice or H*eens city a*to@o'y @acD room 4 a @*i+'in) to which he somehow )ot a Dey. Q =oice Mai+ ?rom 1mi+y ?rom Mo*nt P+easant or Mt. P+easant Apartments in ;i++ericca Massach*settes.Q at hampton @each 4 'a' )ets co??ee 4 Ser@ian +ooDin) )*y )ets in car whom +ooDs near+y i'entica+ to ?ather ==G2 3NA m*tate' an' so*n's i'entica+ 4 i start ye++in) an' con?ront the ser@ian . - .INISH13 8 Min'y 9ern - ;7I statements an' .I$ re+ate' s*@Iects GI thinD some@o'y I*st opene' Pan'oraAs ;oC on North AmericaG - 9at McMahon was @ein) sta+De' @y =ittorio '*rin) 200E. =ittorio repeate'+y appeare' at StopAnAShop an' one time )a(e 9at a rose. :hen 9at McMahon )ot a new Io@ at the Pict*re Peop+e in the Ma++ o? NH 4 =ittorio @e)an appearin) at the Pict*re Peop+e to sta+D 9at. 3*rin) this time 9at McMahon mentione' seein) a man 'resse' as a c+own that +ooDe' +iDe the c+own :ayne Gacy 'resse' *p as an' that it was creepy. Anthony 3e.eo mentione' the mo(ie GGacyG an' the ?act*a+ Gacy 8 - 'isc*ss " 11 2errorist AttacD G3ia+ Up 3etonatorsG artic+es +ate "0As in ma)a>ines I*st prior to attacD an' mo(ie on t( mi' "0As a@o*t same Din' o? attacD 4 ?oresha'owin) 5 1man*e+es )i(e scripts an' i'eas to me'ia a)ents o?ten4 wea+th retainers 4 etc < 'emo+itions char)es pro@a@+y sn*cD in @y +ea(in) them in '*mpster o*tsi'e an' swappe' with trash in whee+in) @*cDet o? on cart in @oC an' re+aye' to )*y who to+' others was 'r*)s 4 p+ante' *sin) e+e(ators h(ac p+*m@in) e+ectrician insi'e )+ass win'ow c+eaners etc I2 Specia+ist or some other person in @*i+'in). mai+man or payro++ or somethin) +iDe a cop. (ittorio G?+ips propertiesG in USA 8 5 5 200! H0SPI2A$ 4 SU#GI7A$ IMP$AN2 0. ;.7.I. #0U21# 4 ?aDe cop t 1000 -.INISH138 -A*strian GSt.7yrG han'c*??e' me an' +ocDe' the han'c*??s to what +ooDe' +iDe a pa+e @rown wei)ht +i?tin) @e+t shape' +iDe a :or+' :rest+in) .e'eration 7hampionship ;e+t that ha' a stee+ p+ate with a U @ar @o+te' to it 4 simi+ar to manac+es that @o+t to a c*r(e' @ar on a wa++ or Ga @on'a)e rin)G. 2his is eCtreme+y *northo'oC an' is not the stan'ar' @e+t ?or transportin) a prisoner. I was to+' that he was han'c*??in) my han's in ?ront o? me to transport me to the So*thern #e)iona+ NewHampshire Me'ica+ 7enter in Nash*a NewHampshire an' that @eca*se I was @ein) co operati(e 4 I 'o not ha(e to @e han'c*??e' @ehin' my @acD. I was han'c*??e' to this imme'iate+y o*tsi'e the Po+ice car. ;o@@y sticD was not stan'ar' iss*e 2on?a @aton. 2hese were o@(io*s+y in?i+trators o? NewHampshire Po+ice 3epartments whom in?i+trate' the Po+ice 3epartments ?or p*rpose o? 'estroyin) 2ony GrassetiAs recor'e' e(i'ence o? o*r meetin) with .i++i@erto 4 'estroyin) e(i'ence o? the 1man*e+esA in(o+(ement in SeC 2ra??icDin) s*ch a :itness 2estimonia+ Statements an' =ictimsA 2estimonia+ Statements 4 an' e+iminatin) the a@i+ity o? the re)iona+ (ictims o? the c*rrent )enoci'e to testi?y to Po+ice 3epartments an' .e'era+ ;*rea* o? In(esti)ations concernin) the )enoci'e an' the SeC 2ra??icDin) o? the chi+'ren an' women o? the tar)ette' ?ami+ies. It is eCtreme+y pro@a@+e that :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment was in?i+trate' an' the 7hie? o? Po+ice was *n+aw?*++y arreste' @y in?i+trators whom ?rame' him 5 this is pro@a@+e to ha(e res*+te' in ;o@ McG*ire @ein) rep+ace' @y an imposte*r. ;o@ McG*ire @e)an worDin) at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication '*rin) 2005 as a res*+t o? him @ein) ?ire' ?rom :i+ton Po+ice 3epartment. Accor'in) to Pri(ate In(esti)ators 4 =ictims 4 an' :itnesses 5 :i+ton NewHampshire was the +ocation that .i++i@erto 1man*e+e @ro*)ht ?ema+e hosta)es to in 200E 4 many o? these hosta)es were @ro*)ht into the ;asement o? the con'emne' ?o*n'ry in :i+ton at the en' o? P+easant Street. It ha' @een notice' @y a person whom was a ?rien' o? .i+As @etween 2005 an' 200! 4 that .i++i@erto ha' @een @eha(in) stran)e+y aro*n' this time an' that the month '*rin) which he is @e+ie(e' to ha(e +ocDe' women in the @asement o? the .o*n'ry in :i+ton NewHampshire 5 .i++i@erto

1man*e+e was actin) simi+ar to the main character ?rom the mo(ie .erris G;*e+erAs 3ay 0??G . 2hese (ictims were (i'eo)raphe' @ein) tort*re' an' rape' 5 .i++i@erto ha' commente' to a ?rien' o? his that he ha' i++e)a++y (i'eo)raphe' in the @asement o? the :i+ton .o*n'ry an' that he 'i' not +iDe the +i)htin) o? the settin). I @e+ie(e that this may ha(e @een the +ocation o? the (i'eos an' photo)raphs which were taDen '*rin) the tort*re an' rape o? the re' haire' Gae+ic .ranDic Metis American women whom the man who worDe' at 7iaoAs Pi>>a ha' appeare' at .ami+y 3o++ar with in 200% an' 2005. 3*rin) 200! 4 emp+oyees at NewHampshire Precision Meta+ .a@rication @e)an to @e rep+ace' @y imposte*rs whom were =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy m*tate' to appear +iDe the (ictims whom ha' @een m*r'ere' an' rep+ace' 4 most o? these imposte*rs were S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces I*st as the (ictims ha' @een. I? ;o@ McG*ire ha' not @een rep+ace' @y an imposte*r '*rin) 2005 4 it is pro@a@+e that he was '*rin) 200!. 2he McG*ire ?ami+y were my ?atherAs @est ?rien's an' are 'e?inite to ha(e @een an imme'iate tar)et o? the Ita+ian A6IS 2errorist .action. 8 E 5 200! a?ter Hospita+ .4 $in'sey Garo?ano (isits ?rom 2eCas when Ste(e Parish mo(es @acD. 4 poisone'. 4 t*rDoIan%A' pop *ps. 4 hospita+s whi+e poisone'. 4 home+ess 4 Boe $e;aron )oes to reha@ 4 r*mo*rs o? )ir+s in :i+ton on P$1ASAN2 S2 in 70N31MN13 .0UN3#/ ;AS1M1N2 4 7esare witnesse' photo)raphin) B*+ie :einstein posin) pro(ocati(e+y on wa++ parapet neCt on P+easant st neCt to )a>e@o in ?ront o? #a'isson where 3o) Stat*es are that .i+ saw a?ter +osin) his temper an' smashin) a parD @ench into n*mero*s pieces an' throwin) the peices whi+e screamin) Gyaaaar)hNG&witnesse' @y my se+? 4 $*cas An)*i+ini 4 an' Sha*n .air@anDs, 4 2ony Gon>a+e> ==G2 m*tate' to +ooD +iDe 7esare .i+ ma'e phoneca++s to ha(e 2ony Gon>a+e> @eaten se(ere+y to permanant+y 'ama)e his ?ace to ens*re that his ?ace wo*+' @e comp+ete+y co(ere' in @an'a)es an' )a*>e to pre(ent 2onyAs comp+ete +acD o? 7esareAs ?acia+ scars ?rom @ein) notice' )an)sters attacDe' 2ony in Iai+ repeate'+y an' @eat him se(ere+y - 200! 2*rDoIan pop *p c+aimin) to @e a G7in'ere++a Mo'e+in) St*'ioG in #*ssia portraye' to @e a #*ssian 2een a)e Mo'e+in) St*'io. Poppe' *p whi+e I was +ooDin) at #*ssian Mai+ 0r'er ;ri'e :e@site ?or p*rpose o? in(esti)atin) ?*rther the possi@i+ity that the networD which ha' h*rt my mother may @e )+o@a+. $o)o +ooDe' simi+ar to a si)n on the roo? o? a @*i+'in) across the street ?rom Manchester Menta+ Hea+th neCt to the ha+? way ho*se 4 @ehin' the PappyAs Pi>>a 4 which is on the opposite si'e o? the street as Me'*sa Sa+on. 7in'ere++a Mo'e+in) St*'io was +on) a)o mo(e' to L*een 7ity A(en*e. Me'*sa was on the te+e(ision '*rin) 200% 5 '*rin) the weeD that =ittorio 1man*e+eAs ?ace was animate' @y 7omp*ter HacDers at 7omcast to speaD the wor's GI 'i' not 'o this to yo*.G as i? speaDin) to the (iewers 5 the ori)ina+ 7+ash o? the 2itans was on 7omcast 7a@+e 2e+e=ision. Mirrors ha(e @een *se' n*mero*s times '*rin) the 1man*e+esA attacDs as has the concept o? mirrors @een present 5 the A*'io o(er '*@s an' Animation se)ments inc+*'in) a*'io which the 7omp*ter HacDers e'ite' onto the 2e+e(ision @y metho' o? hacDin) 7omcast Ser(ers an' interr*ptin) the si)na+ 4 were H*ote' con(ersationa+ pieces an' con(ersationa+ re+e(ant topics which intentiona++y portraye' the ?act to the (ictims that they ha' @een @ein) sta+De' an' co(ert+y recor'e' @y i++e)a+ recor'in) 'e(ices positione' co(ert+y near@y. I @e+ie(e that 1' :arren went to PappyAs Pi>>a with =ittorio 1man*e+e whom he ca++e' G=ictorG '*rin) 200% an' wo*+' ha(e 'ri(en past this roa'. My co*sin Shei+a an' 3iane 'i' mo'e+in) ?or a whi+e '*rin) the 1"80As. Shei+a Dnew 7hristine 3ionAs .ather an' was @est ?rien's with Sam G*ayAs Mother an' Sam G*ayAs a*nt < when we were 1E 5 Samantha mentione' that she Dnew my co*sin Shei+a an' that her mother was Shei+aAs @est?rien' 4 Samantha a+so mentione' that

her a*nt ha' in the past pose' as a mo'e+ ?or the same mo'e+in) a)ency as my co*sin Shei+a. 0? re+e(ance to the si)n across the street ?rom the Manchester Menta+ Hea+th 7enter on the roo? o? the @*i+'in) neCt to what is now the 2ire++ Ho*se is itAs re+ation to the woman whom was @+in'e' an' was )i(en .ranchesca Gon>a+e>As I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s whom ha' sai' that she was 1mi+y Is+es an' ha' @een +ooDin) ?or me whi+e @+in'e' 5 when 1mi+y Is+es an' my se+? were p+ayin) Ne(erwinter Ni)hts on the internet to)ether 4 my character was a 3row name' 2Are++. Sahn'raAs character when she p+aye' this )ame was name' A*rora4 which is the name o? the Princess in S+eepin) ;ea*ty. 1' .arrachi :arren ha' @een maDin) IoDes with some@o'y o*tsi'e o? worD a@o*t GPrincessesG 4 I @e+ie(e that .i+ 1man*e+e ha' @een maDin) these IoDes ?irst 5 B.A.P. is an acronym ?or Bewish American Princess 4 which is what Samantha ;ernstein was. 1mi+y Is+es was sta+De' an' attacDe' @y .i+As GcrewG as he ca++e' it in 200" 4 when he ca++e' my te+ephone an' ma'e a threat o(er the phone at me < I @e+ie(e that .i+ was eCperimentin) with Ne*roScience So?tware ?or p*rpose o? contro++in) the comm*nity. -200! 5 I hear' a r*mo*r that the 9enne+s 'own the roa' ?rom the Strip 7+*@ ha' @een *se' to ho+' hosta)es whom were recor'e' @ein) rape' a?ter @ein) s*r)ica++y imp+ante' with ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?aces an' were +ater =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapie' an' ?orce' to strip an' were seC tra??icDe' . 3U#ING 200! 5 I o(erhear' some@o'y on a te+ephone statin) G2heyAre war crime seC o??ensesN 3o yo* Dnow how serio*s those char)es areO 2heyAre tryin) to ?rame some@o'y ?or it. No@o'y is )oin) to Deep their mo*th sh*t a@o*t that. 2hatAs eCtreme+y serio*s.G I @e+ie(e that it was 2wy+a who sai' this. 2wy+aAs mother was the +a'y ta+Din) to 1' a@o*t GHi HiG. It was either 2wy+a or a woman whom I @e+ie(e was name' #ache+ who was roommates with =a+erie 0+sonAs Imposte*r in either A+ston or Somer(i++e Massach*settes I*st o*tsi'e o? ;oston. 8 !Q85 7ypress center met Ioey marini 4 Gemini Ho*se 4 It>AP*>>+e 4 Bames 9y+ie mentione' G I? yo* +isten to Green $etters in ?ront o? yo*r eyes te++in) yo* to 'o somethin) yo* are an i'iot. /o* 'onAt e(en Dnow who it is.G when ta+Din) to 2o'' Mai+hoit a@o*t somethin). 2E1 Pine Street Apartment V %1 at ParD =iew Apartments Q Ben $inco+n wrote $A#/NGI2IS on a car' whi+e sittin) at my 'inner ta@+e at Pine st ParD =iew Apartments 4 wrote a witness statement 4 ta+De' a@o*t GI*s sayinsG 4 was to+' @y Po+ice G:e 'o not accept :itness StatementsG in ;oston 4 o*r ?rien' An)e+iH*e who was BenAs roommate 'isappeare' an' was swappe' with Ita+ian ?ema+e Q $a*ren .rench sayin) she was attacDe' 5 tie' *p an' tort*re' an' rape' @y a man whom ha' an arsena+ o? ?ire arms 4 she ha' a ci)arette @*rn in her @reast where some@o'y ha' p*t o*t a ci) an' was co(ere' in @r*ises when i met her < I ?e++ in +o(e with $a*ren an' we starte' 'atin) Q An)e+iH*e rep+ace' @y imposte*r whom +ooDs ita+ian 4 Ben $inco+n mentions Imposte*rs GB*sA SayinAsG in New Bersey 4 they 'onAt Dnow how to 'o anythin) inc+*'in) their Io@s an' can @are+y speaD 1n)+ish @*t so*n' o? American accent somehow Q imposter o? Boe $e;aron ret*rns ?rom reha@ Q imposte*r Bay 2harp mentions .i+ 1man*e+eAs )an)As m*r'er o? a )ir+ name' =a+erie @y choDin) her to 'eath with a 'i+'o whoAs name may ha(e @een ?act*a++y a 'i??erent name < Anthony McMenemy spoDe a@o*t )ir+s in @oston @ein) a@*se' horri@+y @y .i+As )an) whom were ?orcin) them to p*@+ica++y ha(e seC at parties an' were throwin) +it ci)s 4 p*ttin) ci)s o*t on them 4 '*mpin) @eer on 4 an' pissin) on them as we++ as ?orcin) them eat ?eces 5 Anthony hear' .i+As ?rien' whom he ha' met Di++e' ?ema+e @y shittin) 'own her throat a +o) o? ?eces that he ha' state' he Gsa(e' *p ?or three 'aysG Q .i+ ca++s me an' ye++s at me GIan 4 this is .i+. I hear' that yo*A(e @een ta+Din) shit a@o*t my crew. 3onAt te++ me that yo* 'onAt Dnow me4 Ian. 2his is .i+. Ian yo* Dnow me an' I Dnow

yo*.G Q 3aphen 4 @+in' .ranchesca r*mo*rs 4 r*mo*rs t*rn o*t to @e tr*e 4 @+in' .ranchesca t*rns o*t to @e 1mi+y Is+es Q ?irst imposte*r o? Sheena state' that G.i+As ?rien'G whom is G7har+ieAs ?atherAs ?rien' =ictorAs sonG ?orce' two women to eat ?eces an' they @oth 'e(e+ope' 2oCicosis I met G=ictorG whi+e with SheenaAs 1st imposte*r at a )as station settin) *p a =eterans He+pin) =eterans 2a@+e 4 G=ictorG was =Ittorio 1man*e+e Q 3aphen typin) on MsPaint 4 S*mmer typin) on MsPaint 4 ;.7.I. 2errorist ta+Din) to them mo(in) their han's ta+Din) on MsPaint in 'i??erent co+or Q mo(e o*t ?rom 3aphenAs 4 Be?? 7a@ra+ )oes to #eha@ Q UG.+a@@y .aceG the c+own & si)ny`#on;r'mnIMP0S21U# Gyo* +ooD +iDe ?+a@@y ?ace.G < & 9ristinAs IMP0S21U#As 'a*)hter 7hristina mentione' @y 3*stin ` me G7hristina sai' somethin) the other 'ay a@o*t seein) a c+own that came into the ho*se. :hat Din' o? a c+own has a @+*e @ottom to the paint on the ?ace4 a white top ha+? o? the ?ace 4 @i) re' circ+es aro*n' the eyes 4 an' a re' noseOG XXX what he 'escri@e' was Anthony 3e?eoAs 'escription o? :ayne Gacy in the mo(ie GA7/ which ha' I*st @een pro'*ce'. :ayne Gacy was a chi+' mo+ester rapist an' a seria+ Di++er who 'resse' *p as a c+own to mo+est +itt+e chi+'ren an' Di++ their ?ami+ies. 2his 'escription o? the :ayne Gacy mo(ie was recor'e' @y the 15 recor'in) 'e(ices which =ittorio 1man*e+e ha' pai' 1' :arren to p*t in the cei+in). :hat 7rimina+ Psycho+o)ists ca++ G7opy catsG 'o eCist 5 a Gcopy catG is a crimina+ who mimmicDs the eCact or near eCact patho+o)y o? another crimina+s crimes 4 ?ictiona+ or ?act*a+. Accor'in) to Sahn'ra St.0n)e in 200E < o*r ?rien' 2ammy 2horneAs yo*n)er co*sin ha' @een @ein) mo+este' @y a c+own cost*me' home in(a'er << :ayne Gacy mimmicD copy cat 'escri@e' @y 9at McMahon as +ooDin) eCact+y +iDe =ittorio G=ictorG 1man*e+e Q U Pachary 7onaway G;roDe @acD Mo*ntain .ace NG ` #oCanne 7onaway GPacharyN :hatAs )otten into yo*O 3onAt speaD +iDe that at a +a'yNG ` Pachary 7onaway GI 'i'nAt N My mo*th sai' it on itAs ownNG ` #oCanne 7onaway GHow co*+' yo*r mo*th mo(e witho*t yo*r @rain te++in) it toOG ` Pachary 7onaway GI 'i'nAt te++ it to4 my mo*th I*st 'i' itNG XXX .i+As ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain shit 'own 1mi+yAs throat comment to G;reaD ;acDG means to 'e?ecate in yo*r pants ;roDe;acD Mo*ntain the Gay +o(e story ?i+m was pro'*ce' in 2005 < Gay 7ow@oysW whi+e worDin) with Anthony 3e.eo &)ay, at .amM whi+e +i(in) with )ay roommates 4 (isitors at the store whom (isite' me ha' cow@oy hats on5 Pach An'rosDi @+acD cow@oy hat4 MiDe Bohnston ha' cow@oy hat once 4 tanya ha' cow@oy hat once4 c*stomers ha' cow@oy hats Q U Pachary 7onaway :hen Pachary was 3 years o+' 4 he was DicDe' o*t o? Pre Schoo+ ?or attacDin) other Di's p*nchin) an' DicDin) as we++ as throwin) thin)s at them. 2he P7 GAM1 G;*++yG was I*st re+ease' in 2005 5 '*rin) this )ame 4 the p+ayer ro+e p+ays the character o? the ;*++y in an e+ementary schoo+. 3aphenAs 'a*)hter pro@a@+y .i+ 1man*e+eAs. 3aphen ta+Din) to some@o'y typin) to her @y mo(in) her han's an' writin) teCt *sin) MSPaint. 3aphen pro@a@+y ;7IA' in Maternity :ar' a?ter )i(in) @irth to Pachary 7onaway. - 3B an' a )an) o? .i+ 1man*e+eAs repeate'+y rape' a @+in' @+on'e woman at e(ery +ocation she was mo(e' to 4 it was as i? they ha' the Deys to the entire comm*nityAs ?rom 'oors. 2he @+in' @+on'e woman +ooDe' ?or me whi+e @+in' 4 ?or 3 years c+aimin) that she was 1mi+y Is+es < '*rin) which time she was p*++e' into a car @y % men an' rape' as we++ as was she hit @y a car. Mea)han Bohns in?orme' me o? this 5 Mea)han was I.P.S. 7o*nci+or ?or my se+? an' the @+in' @+on'e woman @oth 4 Mea)han tho*)ht her name was 1mi+y Is+es a?ter @ein) to+' that .ranchesca Gon>a+e> was not her rea+ name. I @e+ie(e that this was possi@+y a Ms. 9Ie++son was *sin) the name 1mi+y Is+es hopin) that I wo*+'

@e+ie(e that 1mi+y Is+es was in the re)ion an' ?in' Ms. 9Ie++son. I? this woman is not Gr*t+e 9Ie++sonAs sister 4 she is another (ictim whom is 'e?inite to ha(e Dnown 1mi+y Is+es an' was a 'e?inite (ictim o? .i++i@erto 1man*e+eAs @rother 3anie+ Bames.8 "5 Home+ess Q meet imposte*r 7ara Samson 4 notice secon' ?aDe on .ace;ooD4 spen' time tryin) to )et to Dnow imposte*r 7ara Samson whom +ooDs Israe+i XXXimposte*r 7ara B0/S o? Satan 0r)ani>ation Boy3i(ision SeC2ra??icDin) =ictim Q ;ryant whi+e home+ess an' repeate'+y )ettin) arreste' ?or minor crimes 4 @e)an repetitio*s+y speaDin) cyc+es o? same con(ersations 4 mentione' .emBoy :e@SiteQ Gpsst pay attention... UcricDetsU i +o(e yo*G at imposte*r Boe $e;aronAs apartment Q imposte*r $in'sey Garo?ano (isits ?rom 2eCas Q start spen'in) time with 7heri He@ert4 possi@+y @ecomin) roommates Q imposte*r Be?? 7a@ra+ preten'in) to @e Be?? with imposte*r ;o@ Sha)o*ry an' imposte*r ;rian .*rta'o Q home+ess 4 +i(in) in car 4 ?i)ht with possi@+y ?aDe ?ather 4 Iai+ 4 tort*re' in Iai+ ;7I 4 re+ease' ?rom Iai+ 105 Nash*a 4 2emp+e St 4 meet 2n' Bason #o')ers 4 1an :eismannAs .ace;ooD photo chan)e' +ooDs +iDe a $om@ar'ic Ita+ian with a @a@y in his han's that has a hat on his hea' that has an ita+ian ?+a) on the hat Q Hampton ;each 4 Manchester home+ess checDin) co*nci+in) 4 Manchester ;ri')e st apartment writin) witness statement 10.5 5 1"88 S*mmer 7hris 2homas at A+As in Manch he +ater came campin) with a++ o? *s 4 Ha++oween at my ho*se A+ in(ites 7hris 2homas 1man*e+e 7hris smoDes pot with 'isassociati(es an' @+ows 'isassociati(es in o*r ?aces chris maDes *s maDe chi+' porn an' taDes photo)raphs whi+e a'*+ts are o*tsi'e an' IacD is as+eep 3 )ir+s snort +iDe pi))ies 4 9ni?e ?rom 7hris 2homas 1man*e+e 1"8" at same a)e mom ha' Dni?e he+' to her throat a+most 'e?inite that =ittorio )a(e this Dni?e to 7hris to )i(e to me an' that it was that Dni?e 4 115 en' with c+osin) statement 5 .i+ 1man*e+e is A'o+? Hit+erAs )reat )ran'nephew an' is a pe'orast as we++ as a seria+ Di++er an' a terrorist en)a)e' in a )+o@a+ campai)n o? terror. .i+ 1man*e+e is acti(e+y con'*ctin) Ne*roScience #esearch @y means inc+*'in) H*man =i(isection. .i+As an' =ittorioAs 2errorist 0r)ani>e' 7rime Unit are SeC 2ra??icDers. 2he 1man*e+esA terrorist Ita+ian A6IS A)ents ha(e in?i+trate' the U.S.American Go(ernment in n*mero*s +ocations an' at n*mero*s positions ?or p*rposes o? 1spiona)e 4 Sa@ota)e 4 3isin?ormation 4 an' Pre(entin) In(esti)ations. It is pro@a@+e that the 1man*e+es wi++ try to Machia(e++i themse+(es an' ass*me the I'enti?ication 7re'entia+s o? a ?ami+y which they ha(e m*r'ere' < ha+? o? my ?ami+y is c*rrent+y missin) an' I ha(e met n*mero*s imposte*rs o(er the past " years. It is necessary ?or 3NA testin) to @e a'ministere'in conI*nction with a newer I'enti?ication System s*ch as a system which inc+*'es ?ami+y tree in?ormation in a Nationa+ I'enti?ication System which wo*+' @e represente' @y a scana@+e I'enti?ication 7ar' simi+ar to a 3e@it 7ar' which wo*+' inc+*'e a+so yo*r 3NA n*m@ers an' +etters. =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy sho*+' ha(e to @e re)istere' with the Nationa+ Go(ernment in an I'enti?ication System. I @e+ie(e that witho*t this 4 the 1man*e+eAs wi++ m*r'er the entire +aw a@i'in) comm*nity o? the 1arth an' wi++ e(ent*a++y conH*er the 1arth *sin) a+i@is 4 ?a+se ?+a) operations 4 =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy 4 Ne*roScience 4 7y@er2errorism 4 Psycho+o)ica+ :ar?are 4 H*man 2ra??icDin) 4 an' 0r)ani>e' 7rime.

125 N021S 5 70N71#NING 7U##1N2 Ita+ian A6IS P#0PAGAN3A4 M12H03 0. A22A79 ;02H PH/SI7A$ AN3 P#0PAGAN3A 4 7U##1N2 PS/7H P#0.I$1 0. A6IS 4 7herto??As ?atherAs mi''+e name possi@+y ;ar*ch ara@ic ;aracD choice o? ;aracD 0@amaAs name *se' ?or PS/ :A# propa)an'a '*rin) )enoci'a+ ;7I attacD $i)htnin) :ar o? 3iCie 7*ps ;+it>9rie) 0A3iCie 7*ps. 7herto??As ?ami+ies comm*nity attacDe' )enoci'a++y in @oth race an' re)ion &@oth Bews as we++ as NewBersey re)ion, 4 Banet Napo+itano comments 4 possi@+e (isits at .ami+y 3o++ar an' +ater 3*nDin 3on*ts Q postin) on po+itica+ we@sites 4 rea'in) po+itica+ we@sites 4 :eise o? $aDota possi@+e ;.7.I. (ictim . 1' :arren 'isc*sse' in the year 2005 4 that =ittorio 1man*e+e or'ere' the Ho*se o? Sa(oy to promote ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama ?or presi'ency an' or'ere' the to prepare to rep+ace him with two i'entica+ twin imposte*rs who were )oin) to @e =ira+ =ector Gene 2herapy M*tate' to appear o? same appearance as ;aracD H*ssein 0@ama. 3*rin) the years 2002 ] 201% 5 the 1man*e+es transmitte' #ecor'e' Ne*ro+o)y Se)ments to my ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace whi+e I was s+eepin). M*ch o? this is e(i'ence o? crimes which they ha(e committe' 4 Psycho+o)ica+ Pro?i+a@+e e(i'ence o? who committe' the crimes 4 an' e(i'ence o? who has @een worDin) with them 4 as we++ as e(i'ence that I ha(e Dnown the 1man*e+e ?ami+y in my +i?etime. 2hese #ecor'e' Ne*ro+o)y Se)ments p+aye' o*t +iDe (i'eo)raphe' 'reams whi+e I was 'reamin) an' I eCperience' these as i? they were 'reams < @*t these were se)ments o? recor'in)s o? the Ne*ro+o)y 2ransmissions o? ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace 2ransmissions o? other (ictims. 2hese transmissions ha(e @een recor'e' @y the Mi+itary Si)na+s Inte++i)ence 3epartment. 2o U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense an' any Nation o? the AUS.7AN.NP.U9.US. A)reement 5 P+ease Sen' the comp+ete 'ata recor' o? the Ne*ro Science 3ata 2ransmission o? the ;rain 7omp*ter Inter?ace that has @een S*r)ica++y Imp+ante' in my crani*m since 200! 4 to a++ ?rien'+y Mi+itaries G+o@a++y < that they ha(e Ne*ro+o)ica+ Me'ica+ 1mpirica+ .orensic 1+ectronic 1(i'ence o? the Genoci'e o? my #ace as we++ as the peop+e who +i(e' in this re)ion 4 an' a+so the recor's o? my Dnow+e')e o? who the )*i+ty .action an' in'i(i'*a+s are. 2o .orei)n Mi+itaries 4 P+ease #eH*est this In?ormation ?rom the U.S.A. 3epartment o? 3e?ense. Ian MacPherson 285 Gray Street Manchester NewHampshire 03103 USA S.S.N. 5 001 !8 00"" AP#I$ 15 201%

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