Business Focus On Page 398, Chapter 10

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Building the Next Generation of Application Software Business Focus on page 398, chapter 10. 1.

The DER S operating en!iron"ent #er!ed it# purpo#e at the ti"e that it wa# adopted $% SG&. Since the co"pan% that de!eloped and #upported DER S ha# filed for $an'ruptc% and there onl% i# a li"ited nu"$er of people with experti#e in the DER S en!iron"ent it would $e a good idea for the co"pan% to ac(uire new tool# for #%#te"# de!elop"ent. )ASE tool# can $e u#ed to de!elop a new #%#te". *. DER S pro!ide# for"#+$a#ed data entr% and data (uerie#, a file definition tool, and a #i"ple report generator. Since the code i# S , and ) $a#ed, it would $e po##i$le to reu#e portion# of the DER S function# in up to date de!elop"ent tool#. The -nified .roce## #hould $e u#ed to anal%/e SG& $u#ine## proce##e# and deter"ine if it i# nece##ar% to de!elop new tool# to "eet the $u#ine## re(uire"ent#. Another con#ideration i# in the u#e of the DER S code. The #%#te" wa# purcha#ed fro" an out of #tate !endor and i# proprietar%. E!en though the co"pan% which de!eloped DER S ha# filed for $an'ruptc%, there "a% $e legal ra"ification# for changing the code. SG& "o#t li'el% ha# to de!elop a new #%#te" that will interface with the exi#ting producti!it% tool# and to "eet their other $u#ine## re(uire"ent#. 0. The SG& $u#ine## practice# are changing to internet $a#ed #ale#. The integration of 1racle DB2S or S , with !i#ual #tudio would "eet the need# of their data$a#e centric $u#ine## re(uire"ent#. S , and 1racle are "ore enterpri#e centric, $ut al#o would re(uire a learning cur!e and training for the #taff to get up to #peed with the new #%#te". The changeo!er to the new #%#te" would al#o re(uire planning and te#ting to "a'e the tran#ition a# #ea"le## a# po##i$le, "ini"i/ing the lo## of #ale# fro" #%#te" down ti"e.

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