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Tell a Story Instructions: Complete the Story by filling in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words.

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. The three little pigs wanted to find a way to outsmart the big, bad wolf whom they had been _________________ with for the past five years. The first little pig said, I have an idea However, his voice was so ___________________ that no one bothered to listen to him. Therefore, when the second little pig exclaimed, I have an idea! all the other little pigs listened. The second little pig suggested that they build a house made of straw. At the _________________ of the second little pig, they all began to collect straw and build their house. When the wolf

arrived, he ___________________ the three little pigs from completing their house and blew down the house with ease. The three little pigs squealed and ran into the forest. While in the forest, the third little pig suggested they build a house made of sticks. Upon completing the house, the first little pig noticed that the house looked sort of _____________ because one side of the house was shorter than the other! The first little pig began to ________________ the other two pigs for making such an unfortunate mistake. When the wolf arrived, he looked very _________________ while he calmly blew down the sticks of the little pigs house. The three little pigs ran away and once again escaped the big bad wolf. The second little pig looked a little too _________________ about the situation. His brothers asked why he was not concerned about the wolf. The second little pig

replied, I think I know what to do to __________________ the big bad wolf once and for all! He told his brothers to make a house made of bricks. However, he told them to make sure to be aware of the ______________________ of their work to make sure the house was built just right. Sure enough, the brick house protected the three little pigs from the big bad wolf and they no longer had to worry about the wolf again!

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