Interpretation Assignment

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Interpretation Assignment (25 Points) Instructions: Choose from the following choices to complete this assignment.

Use the short stories Harrison Bergeron and The Lottery and use your interpretation skills to show your understanding of these short stories. Here are your options: Write a one paged letter as one of the characters to another character within one of the two short stories. Then, write a half page response. Write a one and a half paged journal entry as if you were one of the characters. Create a painting or drawing depicting the world of Harrison Bergeron or of Harrison Bergeron himself. Be able to explain your picture to me. Create a painting or drawing depicting the world of The Lottery. Be able to explain your picture to me. Make a list of the main characters within the story. Act like you are a director directing one of the short stories as a movie. Cast your movie and explain your reasoning for choosing that particular actor/actress in 2-3 sentences per character. Create a 5 song soundtrack for one of the short stories. Write 1 sentence describing where in the story the song would be played and 1 sentence describing why you chose that song.

If you have another idea that you want to suggest to me, let me know and we can work it out together.

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