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Chester Sheehan

62 Ironstone Street Millville, MA 01529 508-883-0233

!"#ective )d%cation

$o sec%re an entr& level 'osition as a coo(. *lac(stone +alle& ,e-ional $echnical +ocational .i-h School, /'ton, MA +ocational Ma#or0 C%linar& Arts 1ates o2 Attendance0 A%-%st 2010 - 3resent )4'ected 5rad%ation 1ate0 6%ne 2017 1e onstrate .ealth and Sa2et& 3ractices Men% 3lannin-, !rderin-, ,eceivin- and Stora-e *a(in5arde Man-er, .ors 18!e%vres and A''eti9ers :ood Service 3ro2icient in the %se o2 technolo-& 2or research, 'ro"le solvin-, and co %nication. 3re'are *rea(2ast Meats, )--s, Cereals and *atter 3rod%cts ,esta%rant Mana-e ent 3re'are :r%its and +e-eta"les )ns%re 3ro'er Sanitation and Sa2et& 3ractices ,es'ond to Sit%ations that $hreaten .ealth and Sa2et& 3re'are +ario%s Marinades, Salads and 1ressin-s 3re'are +ario%s $&'es o2 Sea2ood 1e onstrate *an;%et and Caterin- Services 3re'are Stoc(s and Sa%ces 3re'are 1esserts

$echnical S(ills

+ol%nteer )4'erience Interests < Activities

:riends o2 ,achel charit& dinner. 1inners and charit& events at local ch%rch. Coo(in*a(in=a&a(in!S.A 10-.r 5eneral Ind%str& .ealth and Sa2et& Certi2ication Co %nit& Service A>ard 2or ,achel8s Challen-e

Achieve ents

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