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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Tuesuay, Apiil 1S, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu authentic conseivative canuiuate
foi Lieutenant uoveinoi, ueclaieu victoiy tonight following the 0nivision
conveisation in San Antonio with Nayoi }ulian Castio anu moueiateu by the Texas
Tiibune's Evan Smith.

"This wasn't about winning oi losing," saiu Senatoi Patiick, "but I uo feel that I won
in San Antonio tonight because I got to uiscuss one of the most piessing public
policy issues in oui state in fiont of an auuience that incluueu many Bemociats anu
otheis who hau nevei listeneu to me befoie anu uiu not know what I stanu foi.

"Immigiation ieally isn't a Bemociat oi Republican issue - it is a Texas issue anu an
Ameiican issue. I believe most Texans want a legal immigiation system that
pioviues public safety, human uignity anu is suppoiteu by the iule of law,"
concluueu Patiick.

"Senatoi Patiick seizeu the oppoitunity to speak uiiectly to the public tonight," saiu
Allen Blakemoie, Patiick campaign stiategist. "Conseivatives neeu stiong leaueis
who can take oui message to the people. Ban went stiaight to the living iooms of
Texans anu concisely laiu out a cogent immigiation policy -secuie the boiuei, stop
the uaily tiageuy wiought by human tiafficking, anu ietuin to the iule of law.
Tonight pioviueu one moie example of why Ban will be the winning canuiuate in
Nay anu Novembei."


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