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Blackstone Valley Regional Technical High School Junior Portfolio Action Plan

Name:Chester Sheehan Shop: Culinary Arts Plan A Question Student Response Date: 3/ 12/13 Counselor: Ms.Antonelli


Des ri!e your pre"erred plan "or a"ter #raduation ne$t year.

I plan on attending Johnson and Wales University in Providence, RI to study Culinary Arts. Total cost per year is $3 ,!!! "ith roo# and $oard, $%&,!!! "ithout.


Des ri!e steps you ha%e ta&en to "ul"ill this plan.

I have ta'en the (ollo"ing steps to (ul(ill #y plan) Resear hed olle#es Meetin# 'ith my Counselor


Des ri!e 'hat steps need to !e ompleted this year(

I still need to co#plete the (ollo"ing steps) Apply "or a )o! *et my li ense Si#n up "or SA+,s -isit Colle#es Complete my Port"olio


/here do you plan to li%e 'hen you #raduate(

I plan on living at #y parent*s house in +illville, +A. Although I #ay decide to live at college on ca#pus.


/hat !ills 'ill you !e responsi!le "or 'hen you #raduate(

I "ill $e responsi$le (or the (ollo"ing $ills) Car 1nsuran e Part o" ell phone !ill

Blackstone Valley Regional Technical High School Junior Portfolio Action Plan
2. A"ter loo&in# o%er this plan what else do you need to a omplish !e"ore #raduatin# "rom 3-+( I need to acco#plish the (ollo"ing tas's $e(ore graduating (ro# ,-T) Apply "or a )o! 3uy a ar *et my li ense Complete my port"olio +a&e the SA+,s *et into olle#e Apply "or 4A4SA / 4inan ial Aid

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