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Mohammed, Alharbi Prov-104-AC2 2/28/14

The Conquest of Mexico In the 1519 century Spain want to expand and take the control in the New World. Hernan Cortez, who led a mission from King Charles to explore Mexico. Hernan conquest Mexico after many abortive and efforts to explore Mexico. After exploring the new world Hernan was sending many letter to the king to keep him aware about what is going on there. In fact, Hernan letters were embellish because he was telling the King Charles that Im controlling the indigenous civilization in the New World but that wasnt so most of the letters are not true. I believe this mission was really important mission for the King Charles to cover out his control in the New World. After reading the three documents I will discuss which documents are believable and which one are not also the similarity and the differences in the primary sources. First, I will discuss the second letter of Hernan Cortez to King Charles and that source wasnt reliable because it doesnt contain more details. Second, I will argue the Bernal Diaz source and why is it more reliable source than the others. Finally, I will discuss The Broken Spears and this source was reliable because it has more evidence and details.

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