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Nationalism Nationalism is one of the most controversial topics, mainly due to its wide, broad definition that might

confuse people, or simply due to the fact that people have different opinions. Lloyd Kramer believes that Nationalism had different definitions throughout the history, and it evolved from the concept of The king is the sovereign to The people are the sovereigns in the late eighteen century (Lloyd Kramer. 2011). He also believes that at that time, the true concept of modern nationalism was founded by the American and French revelation, although people had some sort of loyalty to their kings and land beforehand. Nowadays, nationalism is commonly known as the strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance; also, [nationalism is] the belief that a people who share a common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination (American Heritage Dictionary, 2007). There is more to the definition of Nationalism as its the excessive patriotism in ones country, while Patriotism is pride in ones country. As everything in life, nationalism has its own pros and cons. however I believe that nationalism shapes and improves societies, and helps building a better sense of community within nations.

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