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Thursday , March 25, 2050 2050

Korea pushing for a dangerous reform in the distribution of water.

In the early hours of Thursday March 25, 2050 North Koreas dictator Kim Jong Son gave the orders to invade Russia one of the nations with the cleanest and most plentiful drinkable water sources in the world. As CNN and Fox News reported earlier this year, the world's clean water would not last another year because of the abuse of clean fresh water. Many people did not agree with this statement and believed it to be a conspiracy theory aimed at making people pay more money for something that had originally been free. This did not turn out to be a scam as we now know that Nations are now going to war over water. It is in such short supply that people are literally collapsing and the more impoverished areas must go without the liquid substance. Dr. James Choi states that the average person can only go without water for 3 days. Many people are nearing their expiration date and the government is helpless to do anything about it. The United Nations recognizes that water disputes result from opposing interests of water users, public or private. But now there is an official warning, anyone caught being careless with clean drinkable water will be punished by death.

Map of Drinkable Water World Wide.


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Map of the Worlds drinkable water supply has become readily available on the Internet. It is thought that nations have had this map for a very long time but the first nation has made its attack in desperate search for water. A carelessness with drinkable water has made the liquid substance worth even more than gold. It does not stop there. Ten years from now in 2060, water will be thought to break record prices. Water is estimated to be worth $1,000 dollars a gallon. This is unheard of because just 50 years ago in 2000 water was available for purchase for $1.00 a liter. It is a scarcity of water that was once felt by only the poorest nations that now has super powers such as the United States and Russia buzzing. The United States and Russia do have one of the most plentiful clean drinkable water

supplies in the world. This has many nations such as China and the Koreas angry because of their large number of residents that call those nations home. They argue that it is not fair that such small nations (well in comparison to the US) have so much water that they can provide their citizens.

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Police Brutality

By: James Cimo

This image shows people facing the wrath of the police. These people did not follow in accordance with the United States new laws and they faced the consequences. Many other nations are following in the United States footsteps. The US once thought to be one of the worlds most lenient nations has now become one of the worlds strictest nations on water scarcity This is because many people have lost their lives as a result of water scarcity. Fires have erupted and some parts of the world where ocean water can not reach, clean water is used to put out the flames. Water is now so highly coveted that people refuse to help others by wasting even one drop of clean water. Some people were quoted as saying, Why should we put out

their fire, we need this water to survive tomorrow.


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The world has seemingly come to a stand still on this issue and instead of helping each other it seems that we have all turned against each other. People have abandoned their houses in an attempt to find more water to drink. Scientists are working tirelessly to try to find more cost effective methods of turning salt water into clean drinkable water and it is estimated that even if all the scientists and all of the brightest minds in the world worked day and night to try to come up with a more cost effective way of turning salt to fresh. There is expected t be very little funding for this research in fear that is will not yield the results needed. Amusement park are a thing of the past now because of the water needed to run them and other unnecessary luxuries have ceased to exist because of the drastic need for water. So what is next? Will schools close down? Will business cease to operate? North Korea seems to think so. Maybe it already has. North Korea is so secretive that no one really knows what goes on behind close door but Sons move of North Korean troops into Russian territory seems to signal the beginning of the end.

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