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Austin Reed Eichelberger (ARE), A2, Freestone

Hamlet: Sane or Insane?

In the play Hamlet by Shakespeare there are many interesting characters. There are clowns that also count as gravediggers, there is Polonius, an odd old man who likes to mess with his children but yet agrees with almost everything the prince says to him. But the most interesting character is the prince himself. Everyone in the play questions the princes sanity. However, is the prince, Hamlet, actually insane? Evidence from the text proves otherwise; that Hamlet is not actually insane he is just acting. Because hamlet cant be insane and carry out his plan in the way he does. Hamlet says and does things that seem insane. However, these acts are just tomfoolery that Hamlet uses to make himself seem insane. For example when Hamlet is talking to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern he makes many statements to make him sound foolish and crazy such as You are welcome after Guildenstern tells him that his mother wants to see him and he continues to answer questions with the wrong answers to change the subject. The way he interacts with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern makes look insane, however, the reader (and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as shown by Guildensterns comment if it shall please you to make a wholesome answer,) gives you the sense that Hamlet is just playing with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to get back at them for playing him for the kings benefit. This shows that Hamlet is not crazy he is just playing with people.

Austin Reed Eichelberger (ARE), A2, Freestone

The prince may seem mad but his actions and words in many situations give the reader the impression that his madness is feigned and not real madness. The reader sees that he is cant be mad because of his methodical planning and the fact that he tells people he isnt mad.

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