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1 2 Introduction Product Range : Hot Rolled Products Carbon Steel : Standard Product Tolerance Carbon Steel : Chemical Composition Carbon Steel : Mechanical Properties HR Stainless Steels : Standard Product Tolerance " Stainless Steels Product Range : CR Stainless Steels Sur%ace &inishes : Stainless Steels (imensional Tolerances : CR Stainless Steels Stainless Steels : Chemical Composition Stainless Steels : Mechanical Properties Stainless Steels : Ph)sical Properties Stainless Steels : *+ui,alent Speci%ication Stainless Steels : Theoretical Mass 4 -auge Con,ersion Table 5 Hardness Con,ersion .nit Coil /eight (iagram ! 0pplications : Hot Rolled Carbon Steels # 0pplications : Stainless Steels $ SS Sur%ace &inishes 1 0pplications 1' Stainless Steel : &abrication -uidelines 11 2lan3ing 4ine : 12 5alue 0dded Products : 1" Process &lo6 : Hot Rolling Mill : Cold Rolling Mill 14 7rdering In%ormation 7ur technical ad,isor) ser,ice is al6a)s %reel) a,ailable8 &or %urther details9 please contact our Marketing Head Quarters at Salem Tel: 0427-2382236 / 2383836, Fa : 238 324! / 2383063 The in%ormation in this boo3let is %or guidance onl)8 Speci%ications are sub:ect to change8 2 4 4 5 ! # $ 1' 11 1" 14 14 15 1 1! 1$ 2' 21 22 2 "' 4' 41 4" 44 45

"ntr#du$ti#n Salem Steel Plant9 a special steels unit o% Steel 0uthorit) o% India 4td89 pioneered the suppl) o% 6ider 6idth stainless steel sheets ; coils in India8 The plant can produce 0ustenitic9 %erritic9 Martensitic and 4o6<nic3el stainless steel in the %orm o% coils and sheets 6ith an installed capacit) o% !'9''' tonnes ; )ear o% cold rolled stainless steel and 19# 9''' ; )ear tonnes o% hot rolled stainless steel ; carbon steel %lat products8 In addition9 the countr)=s %irst top<o%<the<line stainless steel 2lan3ing %acilit) 6ith a capacit) o% " '' t ; )ear o% coin blan3s and utilit) blan3s ; circles adds to the credit o% the plant8 The products o% Salem Steel plant are popularl) called as >S04*M ST0I?4*SS= and 6ell recei,ed in both national and international mar3ets %or its reno6ned +ualit) standards8 The plant is certi%ied 6ith IS7 $''1:2''' %or its @ualit) Management S)stem9 IS714''1:2''4 %or its *n,ironmental Management S)stem and 7HS0S 1#''1:1$$$ %or 7ccupational Health and Sa%et) s)stem8

The plant is %acilitated 6ith hot rolling mill 6hich can roll both stainless 1 carbon steels and the mill caters mainl) to the input needs o% stainless steel coils %or the cold rolling mills8 Special grades o% carbon steels other than Structural steels are also rolled %rom the %acilit) includes /eathering steels9 High strength lo6 allo) steels etc89 6hich are eAtensi,el) used in industrial sectors8

Hot rolling mill compleA is e+uipped 6ith 6al3ing beam re<heating %urnace9 primar) descaler9 4<hi re,ersing roughing mill9 4<high re,ersing stec3el mill9 do6n coiler9 laminar cooling and roll grinding machines9 procured %rom 6orld reno6ned suppliers8 The stec3el mill9 the mother unit o% hot rolling 6ith le,el < 2 automation is pro,ided 6ith h)draulic gauge setting and automatic gauge control8 The continuousl) ,ariable cro6nBC5CC controls the pro%ile and %latness b) roll shi%ting and /or3 roll bending s)stem pro,ide additional %ine control o% %latness o% the strip8

Cold rolling mill compleA is e+uipped 6ith the most modern stainless steel production lines9 sourced %rom leading manu%acturers o% the 6orld8 Coil build up line9 2ell anneal %urnaces Continuous annealing and pic3ling lines9 SendDimer Mills9 S3inpass Mill9 Strip grinding line9 Slitting and shearing lines to produce coils ;sheets 6ith precise dimensional tolerance and %latness 6ith superior metallurgical characteristics8

&erritic and Martensitic stainless steel are annealed;so%tened at bell annealing %urnaces and austenitic stainless steel is annealed;so%tened and descaled in continuous annealing 1 pic3ling lines using Ruthner neutral electrol)tic pic3ling process and miAed acid pic3ling %or superior sur%ace %inish8 The coils are rolled in 2'<High computeriDed sendDimer mills to re+uired dimensional tolerances8 0 2<high s3in pass mill 6ith elongation control and constant h)draulic roll %orce s)stem ensures a product o% bright %inish and high %latness8 0 shearing line 6ith precision roller le,elers9 electronic %l)ing shear and ,acuum piler %acilitates de%ect<%ree piling o% the le,eled cut sheets8 Coils o% narro6 6idth and smaller 6eight are produced b) a precision slitting line e+uipped 6ith latest %eatures li3e in %eed car9 grip %eed de,ice9 tension pad and interchangeable slitters8

The shearing and slitting lines ha,e online continuous mar3ing s)stem to ma3e the products customer<%riendl)8 Salem Steel Plant=s cold rolling mill compleA also includes a res+uaring shear9 a recoiling line9 a pac3ing line %or slit products and 6ider coils8

In addition to the common ?o19 2( and 22 %inishes9 a 6ide range o% %inishes including ?o8"9 ?o849 ?o8# BmirrorCand special %inishes li3e Moon Roc39 Che+uered9 Hone)3om9 Macromatt9 0+ualine9 &rondD9 M)sti+ue9 4inen9 &abri+ue %inishes are also produced as per re+uirement8


%&'()*T &+,-. : H#t &#lled %r#du$ts

The hot rolled products include austenitic 9%erritic and lo6 nic3el grades o% stainless steels and carbon steels o% dra6ing +ualit)9 structural +ualit)9 high strength<lo6 allo) steels and 6eathering steels8

T/0e #1 %r#du$t : H#t r#lled *#il 2

*ar3#n Steel Thic3ness /idth Coil I( Condition *dge 18 < 128!' mm 1''' < 12!5 mm ! 2; 1' mm 0s rolled Mill *dge

Stainless Steel 28' < #8' mm 1''' < 12!5 mm ! 2; 1' mm 0s rolled Mill *dge

ECut to siDe;plate and higher thic3ness a,ailable b) mutual discussion8

*ar3#n Steel : Standard 0r#du$t t#leran$e

4idt5 T#leran$e T5i$kness T#leran$es 4idt5 6mm7

18 <28' 1'''<125' G125'<12!5 H'81# H'82' G28'<"8' H'82' H'825

F"' mm9 <' mm B&or all 6idth rangesC 2 BmmC T5i$kness &ange 6mm7
G"8'<58' H'825 H'8"' G58'<#8' H'8"' H'8"5 G#8'<1'8'' H'8"5 H'84' G1'8'<128! H'85' H'85'

EThic3ness measurements are ta3en at 2' mm %rom the edge8


Carbon Steels: Chemical Composition


I Chemical Composition
C Mn Si S P 0l Cr ?i Cu ?b 5 Ti ?


IS 1'!$ -r 7 IS 1'!$ -r ( IS 1'!$ -r (( IS 1'!$ -r *(( IS 2' 2 *25' 0 IS 2' 2 *25' 2 IS 2' 2 *25' C IS 2' 2 *25'Cu C IS 2' 2 *41' IS 2' 2 *45' ( IS 2' 2 *45' * IS 5$# &e41' IS 1'!4# -r 1 IRS M 41<$!; S0I4C7R SS 4'120<*"4 SS 4'120<*"# S0I4M0 "5';"5' Hi S0I4M0 41';41'Hi S0I4M0 45';45' Hi

'815 maA '812 maA '81 maA '8'# maA '82" maA '822 maA '82 maA '82 maA '82' maA '822 maA '822 maA '82' maA '81' maA '81 maA '81 maA '81 maA '825 '825 '825

'8 maA '85 maA '84 maA '84 maA 185 maA 185 maA 185 maA 185 maA 18 maA 18 maA 18#' maA 182' maA '85' maA '825< '845 '8! maA 18' maA 185' 185' 185'

< < < < '84' maA '84' maA '84' maA '84' maA '845 maA '845 maA '845 maA < < '82#< '8!2 '82 maA '84 maA '84' '84' '84'

'8'55 maA '8'4 maA '8'"5 maA '8'" maA '8'45 maA '8'45 maA '8'4 maA '8'4 maA '8'45 maA '8'45 maA '8'45 maA '8'4' maA '8'4' maA '8'" maA '8'" maA '8'" maA '8'55 '8'55 '8'55

'8'55 < < < maA '8'4 < < < maA '8'"5 '8'2 < < maA min '8'" '8'2 < < maA min '8'45 < < < maA '8'45 < < < maA '8'4 < < < maA '8'4 < < < maA '8'45 < < < maA '8'45 < < < maA '8'45 < < < maA '8'4' < < < maA '8'4' < < < maA '8'!5< '8'# '8"5< '82'< '814 maA '8 ' '84! '8'" '8'2< < < maA '8'5 '8'" '8'2< < < maA '8'5 '8'1 '8'55 < < min '8'1 '8'55 < < min '8'1 '8'55 < < min

< < < < < < < '82< '8"5 < < < < < '8"< '8 < < < < <

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < '8'55 maA '8'55 maA < < <

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < '8'$5 maA '8'$5 maA < < <

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < '8'45 maA '8'45 maA < < <

< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Semi Jilled ; Jilled Semi Jilled ; Jilled

0l Jilled 0l Jilled
Semi Jilled ; Jilled

Jilled Jilled Jilled Jilled Jilled Jilled Jilled 3illed Jilled 0l Jilled 0l Jilled Jilled Jilled Jilled

Micro 0llo)ing elements li3e ?b9 59 Ti ma) be present simpl) or in combination9 the limits are gi,en belo6: -rade IS 2' 2 *25' 09 29 C9 Cu C IS 2' 2 *41' IS 2' 2 *45' (9 IS 2' 2 * 45' * S0I4M0"5' S0I4M0 "5' Hi S0I4M041' S0I4M0 41' Hi S0I4M045' S0I4M0 45' Hi ?b9 59 Ti BmaAC '825I '82' I '82' I '82' I

Incidental element limit in grade IRSM<41;$!;S0I4C7R is as %ollo6s 5

*lement Mo 5 0l ?b Mo F 5 F 0l F ?b MaAimum carbon e+ui,alent %or grades is as %ollo6s: -rade IS 2' 2 *25' 0 IS 2' 2 *25' 2 IS 2' 2 *25' C IS 2' 2 *41' IS 2' 2 *45' ( IS 2' 2 *45' * IS 5$# &e41'

4imit '8'5 maA '8'5 maA '8'# maA '8'4 maA '815 maA

Carbon *+ui,alent BmaAC '842 '841 '8"$ '844 '84 '84# '842

M.*H+,"*+8 %&'%.&T".S 'F ST+,(+&( -&+(.S

-rades IS 1'!$ -r 7 IS 1'!$ -r ( IS 1'!$ -r (( IS 1'!$ -r *(( IS 2' 2 *25' 0 IS 2' 2 *25' 2 IS 2' 2 *25' C IS2' 2*25'Cu C IS 2' 2 *41' IS 2' 2 *45' ( IS 2' 2 *45' * IS 5$# &e41' IS 1'!4# -rade I SS 4'120 *<"4 SS4'120 *<"# IRS M 41<$!; S0I4C7R KS ?;mm2 < < < < 25' min 25' min 25' min 25' min 41' min 45' min 45' min 255 min 1!' min .TS ?;mm2 < 24'< 4'' 2 '<"$' 2 '<"#' 41' min 41' min 41' min 41' min 54' min 5!' min 5$' min 41'<52' 2$' min % El (Min) 2end Test BtC 2t 1t Close Close "t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t T
$lo%e (&or 't()7.0 mm) 0.5 t(&or 't(=7.0)

GL= 5.65So

Hard R2 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

Charp) 5<?otch Impact *nerg) BminC < < < < <
27 J at Room temp See Note 27 J at Room temp See Note 27 J at Room temp See Note 50 J at Room temp See Note 45 J at Room temp See Note 45 J at Room temp See Note

< 25 2# "2 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2' 2'

24 for t !"0 mm #

"' 2! 25 22

""4<412 "$2<4$' "!"<4 1 442<55$ "4' min 4#' min

< < < < <

'85 t 1t

Lt= : ?ominal thic3ness o% test piece9 E : *longation 15 min ? in #' mm -4 %or t M "8' mm ?ote: &or grade IS 2' 2 *25' 29IS 2' 2 *25' C9*41'9*45' (9*45' * Impact Test shall be certi%ied %or product thic3ness o% 12 mm or more8 The testing temperature 6ill be room temperature unless other6ise speci%ied in the order8

Standard %r#du$t T#leran$e: H#t &#lled Stainless Steel

T5i$kness T#leran$e 6F#r all 9idt5 ranges7 T5i$kness 6mm7 2:00 2:2= 2:=0 3:00 3:=0 4:00 =:00 6:00 8:00 ? a3#@e T#leran$e 6mm7 ; 0:<8 ; 0:20 ; 0:23 ; 0:2= ; 0:30 ; 0:36 - 0:2=, > 0:47 - 0:2=, > 0:=< - 0:2=, > 0:7=

&or speci%ied thic3ness other than those sho6n9 the tolerance %or the neAt higher thic3ness shall appl)8 Thic3ness measurements are ta3en at least 15 mm %rom the edge %or Trimmed *dge BT*C and 25 mm %rom the edge %or Mill *dge BM*C products8

Stainless Steels
Stainless Steel is a group o% heat and corrosion resisting steels8 The) ha,e in general a higher resistance to corrosion in some de%inite en,ironment9 as 6ell as a higher resistance to scaling at high temperature8 Stainless Steel are iron<based allo)s containing a minimum o% 1'85I Chromium 6ith or 6ithout other allo)ing elements8 2ased on the allo) content and the micro structure9 stainless steels are classi%ied into three ma:or categories ,iD9 0ustenitic9 &erritic9 and Martensitic8 +usteniti$ This categor) o% stainless steel contains 1 to 2 I Chromium and to22I ?ic3el8 The) are non< magnetic in annealed condition and ha,e eAcellent corrosion resistance8 The) are not hardenable b) heat treatment8 Ho6e,er9 the) can de,elop high strength on cold 6or3ing8 The) ha,e eAcellent 6eldabilit)9 %ormabilit)9 h)giene %actor and cr)ogenic properties8 8 7n cold 6or3ing the) eAhibit di%%erent degrees o% magnetism8 The) are identi%ied in the 0ISI "'' series Ferriti$ This categor) o% stainless steel contains 1'85 to "'I chromium 6ithout an) ?ic3el8 The) are &erro magnetic in nature and generall) not hardenable b) heat treatment8 These steels possess good resistance to stress corrosion crac3ing and moderate 6eldabilit) 1%ormabilit)8 The) are identi%ied in the 0ISI 4'' series8 Martensiti$ This group contains 11 to 14I chromium 6ithout an) nic3el9 but 6ith a higher carbon content compared to the 0ustenitic and %erritic stainless steels8 The) are %erro<magnetic in nature and are hardenable b) heat treatment8 The) possess moderate corrosion resistance and are identi%ied in the 0ISI 4'' series8

%&'()*T &+,-. : *#ld &#lled Stainless Steels Salem Steel Plant produces a 6ide range o% cold rolled coils and cut lengths BsheetsC in austenitic9 %erritic and martensitic grades o% stainless steel con%orming to 0STM and ,arious other speci%ications in a ,ariet) o% siDes and %inishes8 %r#du$t S0e$i1i$ati#ns *#il (imension Thic3ness SiAes 6mm7 Range BmmC '8" to 8'' Standard siDes BmmC '8"'9 '84'9 '85'9 '8559 '8 "9 '8!'9 '8#'9'8$'918''918259185'918 '9 28''9285'928#'9 "8''9 "8159 "8 '9 48''958'' 8'' 1'''9 125' 4' 9 5'# or 1' Standard siDes BmmC '85'9 '8559 '8 "9 '8!'9 '8#'9 '8$'9 18''9 18259 185'9 18 ' 28''9 285'9 28#'9 "8''9 "815 "8 '9 48''9 58''9 8'' '' to 125'9 1'''9 125' 15''9 2'''9 25''9 "'''9 "5''9 4'''

/idth BmmC Inner (iameter (imension Thic3ness

5' to 125' S5eet / %late Range BmmC '85 to 8''

/idth BmmC 4ength BmmC

5'' to 4'''

- Suppl) o% '81 and '82 mm thic3ness b) mutual discussion8 - Suppl) o% ?on<standard and higher thic3ness b) mutual discussion8

Hot rolled9 annealed9 shot blasted and pic3led stainless steel B?o81 %inishC coils sheets; plates are a,ailable in thic3nesses o% 28''< #8'' mm8

Sur1a$e Finis5es - Stainless Steels Finis5 ,#:< *& 2( 2B ,#:3: ,#:4: ,#:8: S0e$ial Finis5es (ull Finis5 (es$ri0ti#n Hot rolled9 annealed9 shot blasted and pic3led /or3 hardened Cold rolled9 annealed and pic3led Cold rolled9 annealed9 pic3led 1 s3inpassed Cold rolled9 annealed9 pic3led 1 polished 6ith 1'' to 12' grit abrasi,e Cold rolled9 annealed9 pic3led 1 polished 6ith 12' to 15' grit abrasi,e Cold rolled9 annealed9 pic3led9 s3in passed 1 polished Cold rolled 6ith special rolls9 annealed9 pic3led and s3in passed8 Cold rolled9 annealed and s3in passed 6ith 24 grit abrasi,e8 &emarks .sed 6here sur%ace %inish is not a critical used 6here higher hardness 1 strength is re+uired .ni%orm dull %inish %or applications 2right smooth %inish %or general applications &or decorati,e applications &or decorati,e applications 0s press plates9 electronic e+uipment %rames and decorati,e applications &or decorati,e applications8 &or decorati,e applications8

Coils and sheets can be supplied 6ith sur%ace protection %ilm8 Please contact %or more in%ormation8


(imensi#nal T#leran$es 6)nit : CmmD7 Tolerances on Thickness - 6)nit : CmmD7

Normal Tolerance (Code N) CRSS T5i$kness &ange %ermitted T#l: #n T5i$k 1#r s0e$i1ied 9idt5 M1''' M'8"' G'8"' to M'84' G'84' to M'85' G'85' to M'8#' G'8#' to M18'' G18'' to M185' G185' to M28'' G28'' to M285 G285' to M"8'' G"8'' to M48'' G48'' to M58'' G58'' to M 8'' H '8'"' H '8'4' H '8'45 H '8'5' H '8'55 H '8'#' H '81' H '81' H '81" H '81! H '81! H '81! G1''' to M12!5 < H '8'4 H '8'5' H '8'5' H '8' ' H '8'#' H '81' H '811 H '81" H '81! H '81! H '82' ,#rmal T#l: 1#r M. - E<000 : -0,>30 / F<000 : -0,>2= Precision Tolerance (Code P) T5i$kness range '8"' G '8"' to '85' G '85' to '8#' G '8#' to 18'' G 18'' to 185' G 185' to 28'' G 28'' to 285' G 285' to "8'' G "8'' to 48'' %ermitted T#l: #n t5i$k 6T#tal7 '8'4' '8' ' '8'#' '8'$' '81'' '812' '81 ' '82'' '824' Close Tolerance (Code C) 0n) thic3ness closer than precision tolerance agreed b) mutual discussion T5i$kness 28'' 2825 285' "8'' "85' 58'' 8'' #8'' Thickness Tolerance for No.1 %ermitted T#l: 67 #n t5i$k '81# '82' '82" '825 '8"' <'8259 F '84! <'8259 F '851 <'8259 F '8!5

Tolerances on

id!h -

6)nit : CmmD7

?ormal Tolerance %or sheets and coils BCode L?=C < CRSS Trimmed *dge G2=0 H2=0 t# G600 H600 t# G<000 H<000 t# G<2=0 M18'' F'85'9<' F'8!'9<' F185'9<' F28''9<' G18' to M185' F'8!'9<' F18''9<' F185'9<' F28''9<' G185 to M285' F18''9<' F182'9<' F28''9<' F285'9<' G285' to M"85' F182'9<' F185'9<' F"8''9<' F"8''9<' G"85' to M 8'' F28''9<' F28''9<' F48''9<' F48''9<' %re$isi#n T#leran$e #n 9idt5 6Trimmed .dge7 *&SS $#ils 6*#de C%D7: +n/ 9idt5 stri$ter t5an n#rmal t#leran$e agreed 3/ mutual dis$ussi#n: ?ormal Tolerance %or sheets and coils Tolerance on len"!h-6)nit : CmmD7 BCode L?=C < ?o81 Trimmed *dge 4idt5 %ermitted ,#rmal T#leran$e ,#rmal T#leran$e T5i$k T#l: 9idt5 6*#de C,D7 - *&SS 6*#de C,D7 I ,#:< M58'' N12'' F29<' S0e$i1ied %ermitted T#l: S0e$i1ied %ermitted T#l: 8engt5 #n lengt5 8engt5 #n lengt5 M58'' O12'' F 9<' G58'' to M 8'' N12'' F49<' M2''' F59<' N "''' F12 9 < ' G58'' to M 8'' O12'' F$9<' G2''' F'8''25 A 49 <' F'8''5 A 49 < ' "''' Tolerance on #la!ness -6)nit : CmmD7 Tolerance %or CRSS 1' mm maA %or all thic3nesses and 6idths Tolerance %or ?o81 S0e$i1ied T5i$kness 6mm7 S0e$i1ied 9idt56mm7 %ermitted T#leran$e6mm7 #n 1latness N58' N $'' 1" N58' $''<12!5 1$ O58' N 12!5 2" TH"*,.SS Permitted Tolerance on Width for specified width


Standard -rades and *5emi$al *#m0#siti#n

-rade "'1 "'14 "'4 "'44 "1'S "1 "1 4 "21 SS4?@ SS4?1 SS4?4 2'4Cu 4'$ SS 4'$M 41'S 42' 4"' 4"$ * 6ma 7 '815 '8'" '8'! '8'" '8'# '8'# '8'" '8'# '812 '812 '81 '815 '8'" '8'" '8'# '815 min '812 '8'" Si 6ma 7 18'' 18'' '8!' '8!5 185' '8!5 '8!5 '8!5 '8!5 '8!5 '8!5 18'' 18'' 18'' 18'' 18'' 18'' 18'' Mn 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 28'' maA 1'85 maA 1'8' maA #8' maA 85'<$8'' 18'' maA '85<185 18'' maA 18'' maA 18'' maA 18'' maA J *5emi$al *#m0#siti#n 68adle7 % S *r ,i 6ma 7 6ma 7 1 8''P1#8'' 8''<#8'' '8'45 '8'"' 1 8''P1#8'' 8''<#8'' '8'45 '8'"' 1!85< 1$85 #8''<1'85' '8'45 '8'"' 1!85< 1$85 #8''<128'' '8'45 '8'"' 248''P2 8'' 1$8''<228' '8'45 '8'"' 1 8''P1#8'' 1'8''<148'' '8'45 '8'"' 1 8''P1#8'' 1'8''<148'' '8'45 '8'"' 1!8''P1$8'' 1485<1585 148''P1 8'' 148''P1!8'' 1585 P 1!85 1'85'P118!' 1'8#'<1285' 1185'P1"85' 128''P148'' 1 8''P1#8'' 1!8''<1$8'' $8''<128'' '8"'<18'' '8$'<18!' "8#'<48!' 185P"85 '85' maA 185 maA '8 maA '8!5 maA '8!5 maA '85 maA '8'45 '8'!5 '8'!5 '8'!' '8' ' '8'4 '8'4' '8'4' '8'4' '8'4' '8'4' '8'"' '8'15 '8'"' '8'"' '8'"' '8'2 '8'"' '8'"' '8'"' '8'"' '8'"' , 6ma 7 '81 '82 '81 '81 < '81 '81 '81 '82' '82' '815 '825 '8'" '8'" < < < '8'" 't5er .lements < < < < < Mo 28'<"8' Mo 28'<"8' TiQ5ABCF?C Min;'8!' maA Cu 28' maA8 Cu 282 maA Cu 282 maA Cu 28'P48'
*i=6+($,N) min " 0.50 ma+ N- 0..7 ma+

< < Mo '85 maA <

*i/0.2,4 ($,N)0 Min "... ma+ 1l 0..5 ma+


Me$5ani$al %r#0erties #1 Standard -rades in annealed $#nditi#n .8T8S8 '82I Proo% I *l 2 ?;mm Stress ; KS B-4 Q 5' mmC 2 Min ?;mm Min Min "'1 515 2'5 4' "'14 55' 22' 45 "'4 515 2'5 4' "'44 4#5 1!' 4' "1'S 515 2'5 4' "1 515 2'5 4' "1 4 4#5 1!' 4' "21 515 2'5 4' 2'4 Cu 5' "1' 4' SS4?4 '' 2!5 4' 4'$ "#' 1!' 2' SS4'$M 45' 2!5 22 41'S 415 2'5 22E 42' $' maA < 15 4"' 45' 2'5 22 E 4"$ 415 2'5 22 E 2'I Min %or Thic3ness less than 182! mm %5/si$al %r#0erties2 6+nnealed *#nditi#ns7 *&SS (etails "'1 "'4;"'44 "1 ;"1 4 " (ensit) Bgm;cm C !8$ !8$ #8' Modules o% *lasticit) 1$!'' 1$!'' 1$!'' 2 B3g ;mm C Speci%ic Heat '812 '812 '812 ' Capacit) Cal;gm; C Thermal conducti,it) '8'"$ '8'"$ '8'"! 2 ' BCal;cm ;Sec; C;cm at 1'''c Speci%ic *lectrical !2 !2 !4 Resistance Bu8cm"C $oeffi2ient of t3ermal 1$8# 1#84 1 8' 0 0
e+pan%ion ( $+.0465 04500 $)


Hardness HR2 maA $5 1'' $2 $2 $5 $5 $5 $5 < $ ## $2 #$ $ #$ #$

Cold 2end ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired ?ot re+uired 1#' 1 t 1#' 1 t 1#' 1 t ?ot re+uired 1#' 1 t 1#' 1 t

"1'S !8$ 2'"'' '812 '8'"" #' 1 8$ 14''< 1455

4"' !8! 2'"'' '811 '8' 25 ' 118"4 14"'< 151'

4'$ !8! 2'"'' '811 '8'5$5 5! 11852 14"'< 151'

Melting Range B'CC

E &or -uidance 7nl)

14''< 142'

14''< 1455

1"!'< 14''


.Kui@alent S0e$i1i$ati#ns : Stainless steels

-&+(. "S ",("+ SS "'1 SS "'4 SS "'44 SS "1'S SS "1 SS "1 4 SS "21 SS 4'$ SS 41'S SS 4"' SS 4'$M R1' Cr 1!?i ! R'2 Cr 1$ ?i 1' < <
604 $r .7 Ni .2 Mo 2 602 $r .7 Ni .2 Mo 2 604 $r .7 Ni .0 *i 20

+"S" )S+ "'1 "'4 "'44 "1'S "1 "1 4 "21 4'$ 41'S 4"' <

(", -.&M+,L 184"1' 184"'1 184"' 184#45 1844'1 1844'4 184#!# 184512 < 184'1 <

+F,'& F&+,*. S 12 C? 1!<'# S C? 1#<1$ S 2 C? 1#<1' < S C?( 1!<11 S 2 C?( 1!<12 S C?T 1#<12 S 5 CT 12 < S # C 1! <

M"S M+%+, S.S "'1 S.S "'4 S.S "'4 4 S.S "1' S S.S "1 S.S "1 4 S.S "21 S.S 4'$ < S.S 4"' <

BS B&"T"+, "'1 S 21 "'4 S 15 "'4 S 11 < "1 S "1 "1 S "1 "21 S "1 4'$ S 1! < 4"' S 1! HK&02 ";12

S"S S4.(., 142""1 142""" 142"52 142" 1 142"4! 142""# 142""! < < 142"2' <


)," "T+8L

S "'1'' S "'4'' S "'"'" S "1''# S "1 '' S "1 '" S "21'' S 4'$'' < S 4"''' <

R12 Cr ?i 1!'! R5 Cr ?i 1#1' R2 Cr ?i 1#11 R Cr ?i 252' R# Cr ?i Mo 1!1" R2 Cr ?i Mo 1!12 R Cr ?i Ti1#11 < < R12 Cr 1! C <

< < R1' Cr 1! <


T5e#reti$al Mass : Stainless Steel SiAe 6<000

T5i$k 6mm7 '8"' '84' '85' '8 " '8!' '8#' '8$' 18'' 1825 18 ' 28'' 285' "8'' 48'' 58'' 8'' #8'' 300 series 6(ensit/: 8g/$$7 284' "82' 48'' 48'' 58'4 58 ' 84 #8'' 1'8'' 128#' 1 8'' 2'8'' 248'' "28'' 4'8'' 4#8'' 48''

<0007 MM )nit : Ng
28"1 "8'# "8#5 "8#5 48#5 58"$ 81 !8!' $8 " 128"2 1584' 1$825 2"81' "'8#' "#85' 4 82' 18 '

400 series 6(ensit/: 7:7 g/$$7

E These 6eights are theoretical9 %or guidance onl) and are not to be used %or commercial purpose9 as there is a tolerance on thic3ness9 6idth and length8





+00li$ati#n: H#t &#lled *ar3#n Steels (ra9ing Qualit/ Steels - "S <07!(, ((, .(( (ra6ing +ualit) steels are lo6 Carbon steels9 meant %or applications re+uiring ductilit) superior to that o% general structural steel %or cold %orming9 dra6ing and general engineering purposes8 (( and *(( +ualit) has superior press %ormabilit)8 T)pical applications include transport and hoisting e+uipment9 masts and to6ers9 tubes etc9 4eat5ering Steels I S+"8*'& These steels are characteriDed b) good atmospheric corrosion resistance and high )ield strength8 In Las rolled= condition9 6eathering steels can be used in normal outdoor applications 6here the sur%ace o% the steel remains eAposed to the atmosphere9 becoming alternating 6et and dr)8 In course o% time9 a protecti,e la)er is %ormed on the sur%ace o% the 6eathering steel8 These are also 6ell suited %or steel structures 6hich are to be painted8 The 6eathering propert) prolongs li%e o% paint9 re+uiring minimum repainting8 The resistance o% 6eathering steels to combustion gases is better compared to general structural steels as also is their resistance to scaling at high temperature8 The hot rolled steel %inds applications in rail6a) 6agons9 coaches9 %reight containers9 truc3 and bus bodies9 material handling e+uipment9 earth mo,ing e+uipment and agricultural implements8 Hig5 Strengt5 8#9 +ll#/s Steels S+"8M+-300/300H", 3=0/3=0H", 4<0/4<0H", 4=0/4=0H", .34, .38, "S2062-.4<0, .4=0-(, .4=0-. These are high strength micro allo)ed steels ha,ing a combination o% desirable properties not attainable in con,entional mild steel8 These steels ha,e higher )ield strength9 higher notch toughness9 good %atigue properties9 eAcellent 6eld abilit) and good %ormabilit)8 These steels can be used %or general structural applications9 including ships9 rail6a) 6agons and carriages9 pressure ,essels9 pipes9 hea,) dut) transport ,ehicles9 earth mo,ing e+uipment and storage tan3s8 Stru$tural Steel - "S 2062 / "S =!868 These steels %or general structural purpose are unallo)ed and are characteriDed b) their tensile strength and )ield strength8


4elded tu3es and 0i0es I "S <0748


+00li$ati#ns: Stainless Steels 4isted belo6 are some t)pical uses o% ,arious grades o% Stainless Steels8 Ho6e,er9 this is not an eAhausti,e list8 Salem Steel Plant pro,ides technical assistance in the selection o% proper grade o% stainless steel %or )our speci%ic end uses8 SS 30< 0n austenitic stainless steel9 it has the abilit) to attain high strength 6ith some sacri%ice o% ductilit) through moderate or se,ere cold 6or3ing8 It can be used 6here high strength to 6eight ratio is re+uired 6ith good general corrosion resistance8 2) ,ar)ing chemical composition 6ithin 0STM limits and temper rolling broad range o% magnetic 1 mechanical properties can be achie,ed %or a ,ariet) o% applications8 The susceptibilit) to carbide precipitation during 6elding restricts its use in man) applications in %a,our o% "'4 grade8 Transportation cars such as rail6a) coaches9 6agons9 sub6a) cars9 electrical e+uipment and endless belts are some o% the ma:or applications 6here SS "'1 is pre%erred8 SS 30< 8 0 Cr<?i austenitic stainless steel9 similar to SS"'1 6ith lo6er carbon B'8'"IC and higher ?itrogen B'82'IC9 it has the abilit) to attain high strength 6ithout much sacri%ice o% ductilit) through moderate or se,ere cold 6or3ing8 It can be used 6here high strength to 6eight ratio is re+uired 6ith good general corrosion resistance 1 6eldabilit)8 2road range o% mechanical properties 6ith good /eldabilit) can be achie,ed b) temper rolling8 Transportation cars such as rail6a) coaches9 6agons9 %iAtures %or construction purposes9 electrical e+uipment and endless belts are some o% the ma:or applications8 SS 304 The most 6idel) used austenitic stainless steel 6ith a nominal composition o% 1#I Chromium 1 #I ?ic3el It has eAcellent general corrosion resistance and %orming characteristics8 It %inds application in transport9 chemical9 petrochemical and %ertiliDers industries9 dair)9 %ood processing9 pharmaceutical industries9 hospital e+uipment9 cr)ogenic ,essels9 households as utensils 1 appliances 9 heat eAchangers9 machiner) in paper9 pulp9 teAtile and be,erage industries8 In architectural applications it is used %or panels9 curtain 6alls9


roo%ing etc8 The 6eld abilit) o% this grade is ,er) goodT it can be used in 6or3 hardened condition %or uses re+uiring high strength8


SS 3048 0n austenitic stainless steel similar to SS "'4 6ith lo6er carbon le,el B'8'"I maAC8 .sed in place o% SS "'4 %or impro,ed resistance to Intergranular corrosion and eAcellent /eldabilit)8 It is used %or parts and structures 6hich cannot be heat treated a%ter 6elding8 It has less tendenc) to 6or3 hardened b) cold 6or3ing8 SS 3<0S This is an austenitic stainless steel 6ith a higher Chromium and ?ic3el content8 The restricted Carbon helps in better 6elding and %ormabilit)8 2ecause o% their relati,el) high creep strength and mechanical properties at higher temperatures9 these grades %ind applications 6here higher temperature and se,ere ser,ice conditions eAist8 The) ha,e high temperature scaling resistance but not good %or high sulphur en,ironments8 .sed %or air heaters9 annealing boAes9 o,ens9 carburiDing boAes9 %ire boA sheets9 %urnace linings9 %urnace stac3s and dampers9 gas turbine parts9 heat eAchangers9 3iln linings9 noDDle diaphragm assemblies %or turbo :et engines9 oil burner parts9 paper mill e+uipment9 oil re%iner) e+uipment and recuperater8 SS 3<6 0n austenitic stainless steel 6ith 2 to "I Mol)bdenum to ha,e impro,ed corrosion resistance9 particularl) apparent %or pitting and cre,ice corrosion resistance in chloride en,ironment8 This grade has good oAidation resistance8 Continuous use at 425<# ' degree C is not recommended due to carbide precipitation8 T)pical applications include architectural trims9 marine eAteriors9 chemical processing e+uipment9 %ood processing e+uipment9 petroleum re%ining e+uipment9 pharmaceuticals e+uipment9 photographic e+uipment9 pulp 1 paper processing e+uipment and teAtile %inishing e+uipment8 SS 3<68 0n austenitic stainless steel similar to SS "1 6ith lo6er carbon le,el B'8'"I C to ha,e better corrosion resistance and /eldabilit)8 4o6 carbon content also reduces 6or3 hardening and impro,es ductilit) %or cold %orging9 dra6ing etc89 4o6 hot strength than SS"1 8T)pical applications include %ood processing9 chemical and petrochemical e+uipment9 bre6er) e+uipment9 coastal architectural paneling 9laborator) e+uipments9 heat eAchangers9 mining screens9 chemical transportation containers etc898


SS 32< 0n austenitic stainless steel similar to SS "'4 but stabilised 6ith Titanium to a,oid inter<granular corrosion8 It has a good /eldabilit) and is used %or eAhaust stac3s and mani%olds9 pressure ,essels9 large mu%%lers %or engines9 eApansion bello6s9 stac3 liners9 thin 6all tubes etc 6here no post heat treatment o% 6elds is desired8 SS 40! It is a lo6 allo)ed straight Chromium &erro<magnetic stainless steel8 It replaces carbon steels and lo6 allo) steels 6here ele,ated temperature corrosion resistance 9 medium strength 1 good %ormabilit) are re+uired8 Titanium is added to impro,e the 6eldabilit)8 T)pical application are %ins in heater tubes9 trans%ormer and capacitor cases9 dr) %ertiliDer spreaders9 automoti,e eAhaust s)stems including mu%%lers9 pipes and emission control units9 shipping containers and %arm e+uipment8 SS 40!M T)pe SS 4'$ M is a modi%ied ,ersion o% SS 4'$ 6ith lo6er carbon content B'8'"IC8 It replaces carbon steels and lo6 allo) steels 6here higher strength9 abrasion resistance9 6eld<abilit) and slide<abilit) are re+uired8 It posses good scaling 1oAidation resistance at ele,ated temperature including sulphur bearing atmospheres8 It %inds application in bul3 solids handling areas;bun3ers9 transportB6agonsC9 petrochemical9 sugar9 agriculture9 %ishing9 mining 1+uarr)ing9 se6age plants and general engineering industries8 SS 4<0S SS 41'S is a %erritic stainless steel ha,ing 11I chromium minimum8 It is mainl) used %or its high strength and 6ear resistance and in mild corrosi,e en,ironment8 T)pical applications are %urnace parts and burners operating at lo6er temperatures9 tra) supports9 bubbles caps and internals in petroleum %ractionating to6ers8 It has moderate 6eldabilit) and %ormabilit)8 SS 420 SS 42' is a Martensitic Stainless Steel contains Carbon '815I min8 and around 12I Chromium8 It has good ductilit) in annealed condition and capable o% being hardened to high hardnessBU5'HRCC b) heat treatment8 /eldabilit) is poor8 T)pical applications are cutler)9 3ni%e blades9 surgical e+uipments9 needle ,al,es9 shear blades9 scissors9 hand tools8

SS 430 SS 4"'9 is a %erritic9 non<hardenable plain chromium stainless steel 6ith 1 < 1#I Chromium content8 It has good corrosion resistance 1 %ormabilit) but less than that o% SS"'48 T)pical applications are decorati,e trims9 re%rigerators9 coo3ers9 sto,e elements9 %asteners9 %lue linings9 scienti%ic apparatus storage ,essels9 solar 6ater heaters9 3itchen6are9 table6are9 6ashing machine parts9 building and construction hard6are9 automobile components etc8 8#9-,i$kel stainless steels 6 SS8,Q, SS8,<, 204*u, SS8,47 0ll grades belong to lo6 nic3el Chrome Manganese stainless steels commonl) re%erred to 2'' series8 The ?ic3el content is replaced 6ith Manganese9 ?itrogen 1 Copper8 These allo)s are non magnetic in annealed condition and li3e SS "'4 becomes mildl) magnetic a%ter cold 6or3ing8 It is recommended %or applications o% stainless steels eAposed to normal atmospheric conditions and moderate dra6ing re+uirement8 T)pical applications are utensils 9 appliances9 consumable durables9 transport9 %ood processing9 building 1constructions etc8 Per%ormance 6ith respect to %ormabilit)9 /eldabilit) and general corrosion resistance9 these grades can be rated in common scale as depicted belo6 Bindicati,e9 not to the scaleC:

SS4?1 4o6 SS4?@ 2'4 Cu


High "'4


Stainless Steels Sur1a$e Finis5es ? +00li$ati#ns Sur%ace %inish is an important element in an) speci%ication %or stainless steel8 &or those applications in 6hich appearance is important9 %inish is a design element and must be speci%ied to a,oid recei,ing a %inish that is not appropriate %or the application8 Finis5 - + (esign .lement There are se,eral good reasons %or pa)ing close attention to the %inish designation8 In architecture or other highl) ,isible applications9 the appearance o% stainless steel is a critical design element and a misunderstanding or the 6rong %inish can alter the desired e%%ect8 7n the other hand9 some %abrication operations in manu%acturing stainless steel products such as deep dra6ing9 rough sur%ace;teAture )ield better results b) holding lubricants %or better lubrication8 The sur%ace on stainless steel %rom the mill or steel 6arehouse is either the result o% processes used in producing the basic mill %orm or it is the result o% subse+uent operations per%ormed speci%icall) to alter the sur%ace condition or appearance8 Mill processes include hot rolling9 cold rolling9 annealing and pic3ling8 These operations are intended to bring the steel product to a speci%ic dimension and metallurgical condition and the resulting %inish is generall) re%erred to as a rolled Bor unpolishedC %inish8 Subse+uent mechanical operations9 ho6e,er9 6hich include grinding9 polishing and bu%%ing are intended primaril) to enhance the brightness o% the sur%ace8 Rolled %inishes ser,e a ,er) broad and practical use because the) are usuall) the simplest to produce and the) are generall) the lo6est in cost8 Standard Finis5es Stainless steel %lat products are usuall) produced %rom cast slabs b) hot rolling at stec3el mill as hot rolled coils8 Hot Rolled Coils are %urther processed at annealing1 descaling line %or so%tening and then cold rolled at S<mill to speci%ied thic3ness8 The cold rolled coil is %urther annealed 1 descaled to get re+uired sur%ace %inish8


Rolled product %inishes are designated b) a s)stem o% numbers ?o: 192( 1 22 and mechanicall) polished %inishes b) ?o: "9 ?o: 4 1 ?o: #85arious other speci%ic rolled pattern %inishes are also in ,ogue8 The) are produced b) rolling 6ith special rolls in 6hich designs are engra,ed ; etched8 Sur1a$e Finis5 ,#: < Finis5/H&+% 6H#t r#lled, annealed and des$aled/0i$kled7 Hot rolled coils are annealed 9shot blasted and pic3led 6hich results in a dull9 slightl) rough sur%ace9 +uite suitable %or industrial applications 6hich generall) in,ol,e a range o% thic3nesses8 T/0i$al uses : 0ir heaters9 annealing boAes9 boiler ba%%les9 ducts9 carburiDing boAes9 coal 1 ore handling s)stems9 cr)stalliDing pans9 %ire boA sheets9 %urnace supports9 con,e)ors9 lining9 damper9 stac3s9 gas turbine parts9 heat eAchanger tubing supports and ba%%les9 incinerators9 industrial o,er liners9 3iln liners9 oil burner parts9 pipes9 rail coach ; 6agon components9 recuperators9 re%iner) e+uipment9 tube hangers etc8 *#ld &#lled Finis5es The starting material %or cold rolling is a ?o8 1 %inish coil8 Cold rolled material is supplied 6ith the %ollo6ing standard mill %inishes8 2( Finis5 6*#ld r#lled, annealed and des$aled/0i$kled7 Cold rolled9 annealed and pic3led ?o81 %inish material results in a uni%orm dull %inish9 superior to ?o81 %inish suitable %or industrial application and deep dra6ing 8The dull sur%ace B6hich ma) be polished a%ter %abricationC retains the lubricant during the dra6ing operation8 T/0i$al uses: .tensils 1 appliances90utomoti,e eAhaust s)stems9 builders= hard6are9 chemicals 1 petrochemical e+uipment9 electric appliance parts9 %urnace parts9 household 6are9 3itchen e+uipment9 rail coach parts9 tra)s 1 pans %or chemical e+uipment etc8


2B Finis5 6*#ld r#lled, annealed, des$aled/0i$kled and skin0assed7 2( %inish material is gi,en a light s3in pass operation bet6een polished rolls to get 22 %inish9 6hich is the most common %inish %or sheet material8 It is brighter than 2(%inish and is semi re%lecti,e 6hich in turn depends on the grade o% stainless steel8 It is commonl) used %or most deep dra6ing operations and is more easil) polished to the %inal %inishes re+uired than in a 2( %inish8 T/0i$al uses : 2a3e 6are9 chemical plant e+uipment9 coo36are9 dair) 1 %ood processing machiner)9 drums9 dr)ers9 d)e house e+uipment9 %lat6are9 laundr) e+uipment9 paper mill e+uipment9 pharmaceutical e+uipment9 plumbing %iAtures9 re%rigeration e+uipment9 steel metal products9 small tan3s9 solar collector panels9 6ashing machine parts9 6elded tubing 1 pipe %or general ser,ice etc8 Me$5ani$all/ %#lis5ed Finis5es The %ollo6ing are mechanicall) produced polished %inishes9 as 6ell as standard mill %inishes8 The) are also used to produce stainless steel articles and components that re+uire aesthetics8 It should be appreciated that %actors such as hand polishing ,s mechanical polishing9 polishing a %lat product as against a component o% compleA shape and thic3ness and composition o% material can a%%ect the ,isual appearance o% the %inal sur%ace8 ,#:3 Finis5 6-r#und-<00,<20 a3rasi@e7 This is a ground unidirectional uni%orm %inish obtained 6ith 1''9 12' grit abrasi,e8 It is a good intermediate or starting sur%ace %inish %or use in such instances 6here the sur%ace 6ill re+uire %urther polishing operations to a %iner %inish a%ter subse+uent %abrication or %orming8 It can also be used as a %inal %inish in certain applications8 T/0i$al uses: 0rchitectural components9 bre6er) e+uipment9 %ood processing9 institutional 3itchen e+uipment8 ,#: 4 Finis5 6-r#und-<20,<=0 a3rasi@e7 This is a ground unidirectional %inish obtained 6ith 12'<15' grit abrasi,e8 It is not highl) re%lecti,e9 but is a good general purpose %inish on components 6hich 6ill su%%er %rom %airl) rough handling in ser,ice Be8g8 restaurant e+uipmentC8

T/0i$al uses : 0ppliances9 architectural 6all panels9 be,erage e+uipment9 column cladding9 dair) e+uipment9 ele,ator door 1 interiors9 escalator trim9 %urniture9 hospital e+uipment9 instrument or control panels9 3itchen e+uipment9 luggage handling e+uipment9 mass transit e+uipment9 restaurant e+uipment9 sin3s9 steriliDers9 store %ronts9 tan3ers9 etc8 ,#: 8 Finis5 6Mirr#r 1inis57 0 highl) re%lecti,e %inish that is commonl) produced on sheet8 It is obtained b) polishing 6ith rotating cloth mops and polishing soaps ; paste containing %ine abrasi,es8 The directionalit) o% polishing ma) be seen in the sheets8 The) ha,e a high degree o% re%lecti,it)8 T/0i$al uses: 0rchitectural parts9 press plates9 re%lectors etc8 S0e$ial Finis5es Moon Roc39 Che+uered9 Striped9 Hammer Tone9 Pearl Plus9 Hone)3om9 Macromatt9 0+ualine9 &rondD9 M)sti+ue9 4inen9 *piderma9 &abri+ue %inishes
E < < Special %inishes are produced as per %ollo6ing route: Hard route /or3 hardened condition So%t route Cold rolled9 annealed 1 pic3led and s3inpassed Beither ground or un<groundC

T/0i$al uses: 0rchitectural panels9 %looring9 interior decoration9 transport industr) etc8 (ull Finis5 This is produced b) using a speci%ic rough ground roll during s3in passing o% 2( %inish material8 It o%%ers a matt sur%ace 6ith least re%lecti,it)8 T/0i$al uses: 0rchitectural panels9 counter tops9 bod) %or 3itchen appliances etc8


Stainless Steel: &abrication -uidelines

4.8(",Sele$ti#n #1 4elding %r#$esses -eneral -uidelines %or selection o% appropriate method o% 6elding %or di%%erent t)pe o% stainless steels in di%%erent thic3nesses9 3eeping in ,ie6 the ad,antages and limitations o% the 6elding processes9 are gi,en belo6: 4elding Met5#d Shielded Metal 0rc /elding BSM0/C -as Tungsten 0rc /elding B-T0/C -as Metal 0rc /elding B-M0/C Submerged 0rc /elding BS0/C Resistance Spot /elding Resistance Seam /elding
&e$#mmended T5i$kness 6mm7

G '8#

4elda3ilit/ +usteniti$ Ferriti$ *as) to Can be 6eld 6elded 6ith care *as) 6eld to Can be 6elded 6ith care *as) to Can be 6eld 6elded 6ith care Can be Can be 6elded 6elded 6ith 6ith care care *as) to *as) to 6eld 6eld *as) 6eld to Can be 6elded 6ith care8

N "8' G "8' G 8' N "8' N "8'

Martensiti$ (i%%icult to 6eld8 1Re+uires special care Can be 6elded 6ith care8 Can be 6elded 6ith care8 Can be 6elded 6ith care8 Can be 6elded 6ith care8 (i%%icult to 6eld 1Re+uires special care8


4elding %r#$esses #1 T/0i$al +00li$ati#ns +00li$ati#ns Vobs %or static loading Vobs %or d)namic loading Tan3s %or storing normal chemicals and less corrosi,e li+uids Tan3s meant %or highl) corrosi,e li+uids Roc3s and decorati,e panels /elding on thin sheets and %oils /elding o% silencer pipes Material 0ustenitic or &erritic 0ustenitic or &erritic 0ustenitic or &erritic 0ustenitic &erritic 0ustenitic or &erritic &erritic %r#$ess re$#mmended Manual metal are 6elding MI- 6elding MI- or TIManual metal are 6elding8 TI- or MIResistance /elding TI- 6ithout %iller or plasma arc 6elding
Spot /elding BresistanceC or TI- 6elding

/elding o% small :obs 0ustenitic or &erritic using thin sheets %or laborator) or space cra%t %re$auti#ns: 4elding

Plasma arc 6elding or electron beam 6elding8

In 6elding stainless steels the most important consideration is the retention o% corrosion resistance in and around the 6eld8 &or good 6elding a number o% %actors must be gi,en due consideration 6hich are listed belo6 : 4elding: %re$auti#ns Voint area to be 6elded9 must be clean Voint area to be %ree o% grease9 oil9 6ater9 dirt9 %inger mar3s8
*,en an innocuous contaminant leads to 6eld porosit)8

Tac3 correctl) to ensure consistent gap<6idth8 .se good commercial sol,ent cleaner to clean 6eld area be%ore 6elding8 0rc<stri3es ad:acent to the 6eld to be a,oided8 0,oid eAcessi,e heat input8 /eld speed should be %airl) rapid8 &or hea,) sections tr) to %ill the :oint in se,eral passes8 -rind the 6eld %lush8

.se stainless steel 6ire brush8 0ll grinding discs and abrasi,es must be %ree o% iron8
Remo,e scales either mechanicall) or chemicall) b) pic3ling 6ith ?itric ;

H)dro%luoric acid miAtures8 (on=t use HK(R7CH47RIC acid8 Passi,ate 6ith ?itric acid %ormulation8 /ash thoroughl) a%ter passi,ation8 -enerall)9 a,oid post<6eld heat treatment8 *#nsuma3les Jeep electrodes in prime conditions8 0,oid contamination and dampness8 ?e,er strip an electrode o% its coating and use it8
.se onl) speci%ic %iller 6ires and not ordinar) stainless steel 6ires or sheet

trimmings8 S5ielding -as .se pure 0rgon ; 0rgon<H)drogen miAtures depending on t)pe o% 6elding and thic3ness8 +usteniti$ Stainless Steels -ood 6elding properties8 0menable to all 6elding processes8 4imit heat input to a,oid distortion8 Select %iller 6ire ; electrode depending on grades to be 6elded8 4o6 Carbon grades li3e "'149 "'449 "1 4 or stablised grades "21 recommended %or application re+uiring eAtensi,e 6elding8


Ferriti$ Stainless Steels 64307

/eldabilit) not good8

?ormall) use TI- 6elding process8

.se austenitic electrodes ; %iller 6ire8 Stabilised grades SS 4"$ recommended %or application re+uire eAtensi,e

6elding8 Ferriti$ Stainless Steels 640!/40!M7 /eldabilit) good8 0menable to all 6elding processes8 .se austenitic %iller 6ire ; electrodes8 Control heat input to lo6 le,els8 Can be 6elded b) SM09-M09-T0 processes8 Martensiti$ Stainless Steels
/eldabilit) not good8 In case o% eAtreme necessit) %or 6elding9 pre<heating and post<6eld

annuall) to be per%ormed8 8#9-ni$kel stainless steels 6SS8,Q, SS8,<, 204*u, SS8,47 Moderate 6elding properties 0menable to all 6elding processes
Prone to Inter -ranular Corrosion at /eldments i% not properl) heat

treated a%ter 6elding8


$ee% $ra&in" 0ustenitic grades ha,e higher ductilit) compared to %erritic grades8 0ustenitic grades 6or3 hardened much %aster during deep dra6ing and needs intermediate annealing be%ore neAt dra68 -eneral &or best deep dra6ing results use annealed material8 Re+uires more pressing po6er and produces more spring bac38 Inter%ace %riction bet6een material and tool 6ill be high8 To a,oid dra6 mar3s use sel% lubricating die inserts8 4ubricants 4ight (ra6 Se,ere (ra6 : 7il ; 5egetable 7ils : *mulsion or Paste

.se h)draulic press %or precision 6or38

0,oid contamination problems Inter annealing is re+uired %or hea,) dra6 BTemp81' ' degree C %or stabilised gradesC SensitiDation temperature range is 45'<$'' degree C8 +usteniti$s Hardness: 0bout HR2 #5 MaAimum %irst stage reduction : 4' < 45I Inter anneal to a,oid eAcessi,e 6or3 hardening Ferriti$s Hardness : 0bout HR2 #' MaAimum %irst stage reduction : "1<"5I Inter anneal to a,oid eAcessi,e 6or3 hardening
.se 6arm blan3s B1''<15'7 WCC


8#9-ni$kel stainless steels 6SS8,<, 204*u, SS8,47 Hardness: about HR21''

MaAimum %irst stage reduction< 25<"5 I /or3 Hardening rate is more than "'' series grades and dra6abilit)

impro,es 6ith higher ?ic3el content8

Re+uire inter annealing to a,oid eAcessi,e 6or3 hardening

C'RR'S('N R)S(ST*NC) Stainless steel has good corrosion resistance but not corrosion proo% i% it is not selected as per re+uirement8 The corrosion resistance propert) is in%luenced b) chemical composition BCr9 Mo9 ?C9 &inish9 (esign9 *n,ironment8 Corrosion o% Stainless steel is generall) attributed to brea3do6n o% the passi,e %ilm at the sur%ace9 at localiDed area or selecti,e area8 Common t)pes o% corrosion in stainless steel are as %ollo6s: 18 28 "8
48 58

.ni%orm;-eneral corrosion Pitting corrosion Cre,ice Corrosion Intergranular corrosion BI-CC Stress corrosion crac3ing BSCCC

<: )ni1#rm/general $#rr#si#n .ni%orm corrosion is ha,ing controlling mechanism 6hen there is a uni%orm attac3 o% material pre,ails BeAposure to strong acid en,ironmentC8 Corrosion rate %or di%%erent grades in di%%erent en,ironment is a,ailable as published data %or aiding the selection o% the grade8 2: %itting $#rr#si#n 4ocal or pitting corrosion is the most common mechanism b) 6hich stainless steel is li3el) to corrode8 Rate o% corrosion is in%luenced b) presence o% chlorides and temperature8 The resistance is graded b) its Pitting resistance e+ui,alent number and calculated as PR*?Q ICrF"8"'IMoF1 I?8

3: *re@i$e $#rr#si#n It is a %orm o% localiDed corrosion that can occur 6ithin cre,ice or at shielded sur%aces 6here a stagnant solution is present8 Such cre,ices can be %ormed at metal<metal or metal<non metal :unctions9 such as those associated 6ith ri,ets9 bolts9 gas3ets9 ,al,e seats9 loose sur%ace deposits etc89 4: "nter granular $#rr#si#n6"-*7 Corrosion along grain boundaries due to chromium carbide %ormation 6hen eAposed to a temperature range at 45'<$'''C8 The %ormation o% carbide is in%luenced b) I o% carbon8 /eld areas BH0SC are generall) susceptible to this %orm o% corrosion8 Selecting 4o6 carbon grades or stabiliDed grades li3e "21 6ill sol,e the problem8 =: Stress $#rr#si#n $ra$king6S**7 The SCC caused b) simultaneous presence o% tensile stress and speci%ic corrosi,e medium8 4i3e pitting;Cre,ice corrosion presence o% Chloride in%luence SCC but e,en traces o% chloride is enough %or SCC 6hen the operating temperature o% the material is abo,e ' degree C and 6ith tensile stress8 Cleanin" of s!ainless S!eel To 3eep stainless steel clean is to increase its ser,ice li%e8 0part %rom regular cleaning a%ter %abrication care must also be ta3en to 3eep stainless steel clean be%ore and a%ter %abrication8 Contamination b) contact 6ith mild steel or allo) steel as 6ell as sources o% carbon contamination li3e ,arnish9 paint9 6aA9 mar3ing pens etc89 should be a,oided8 Cutting shears hold do6n pads9 abrasi,e cut o%% 6heels9 toolings 1 e+uipment %or roll %orming9 bending9 dra6ing etc89 shall be 6iped o%% to ma3e them %ree o% adherent mild steel particles9 oil or grease be%ore use on the sur%ace o% stainless steel8 The edges o% thermall) cut stainless steel should be cleaned b) machining or grinding to remo,e sur%ace contamination9 particularl) iron8 /eldments 6ith heat tints also need cleaning 6hich can be done either mechanicall)9 chemicall) or electrochemicall)8 0ll 6eld spatter and %luA or slag should be remo,ed b) using clean grinding 6heels8 /eldments should be smooth and passi,ated a%ter cleaning and grinding8


%i$kling / %assi@ati#n (e<scaling9 and ; or pic3ling is resorted to9 %or remo,al o% tightl) adhering oAide %ilms resulting %rom thermal treatments o% 6elding8 The scales on stainless steels consist o% oAides o% Chromium9 ?ic3el and ; or other allo)ing elements in addition to iron8 The %ollo6ing points ma) be 3ept in mind during pic3ling ; passi,ation: 4ubricants and other contaminations should be %irst remo,ed8 In case o% metal rich scale use pre<conditioning step li3e sand shot<blasting8 .se a miAed acid o% nitric plus h)dro%luoric %or pic3ling8 &ollo6 pic3ling 6ith thorough 6ater 6ash8 Passi,ate the stainless steel sur%ace using ?itric acid %ollo6ed b) 6ater rinsing and dr)ing8 .11e$ti@e *leaning Met5#ds *#nditi#n #1 sur1a$e 18 0tmospheric and construction dirt8 28 Hea,ier dirt containing 7il or grease "8 *leaning +gent Soap ; detergent and 6ater 7rganic sol,ents li3e acetone9 benDene9 A)lene Met5#d #1 +00li$ati#n Sponge or rag8 Rinse 6ith 6ater9 6ipe dr)8 Sponge or rag8 Rinse 6ith clean 6ater9 6ipe dr)8 7bser,e sa%et) rules Bgoogles9 glo,es etcC
Clean cloth or sponge P let stand %or 2' min8 Rinse and repeat i% necessar)8 7bser,e sa%et) rules Bgoggles9 glo,es etc8C

Rust discoloration Commercial pic3ling %rom other pastes9 diluted nitric materials8 acid B15I b) ,olumeC Heat tint or hea,) 5I oAalic acid discoloration B6armC 5<15I nitric acid or 5<1'I phosphoric acid 1 %ollo6 6ith neutraliDing rinse 7il grease9 %att) 4< I solution o% acids B6ithout sodium metasilicate ; s6abbingC8 trisodium phosphate8 7il grease9 %att) Carbon tetrachloride9 acids B6ith trichloroeth)lene9 s6abbingC8 acetone9 3erosene9 gasoline9 alcohol8 Hand and Calcium carbonate %ingerprint smears8 %ine po6der9 6aA< based polish


S6ab or immerse8 7bser,e sa%et) rules Bgoggles9 glo,es etc8C

58 8

?o s6abbing re+uired8 Rub 6ith cloth8 7bser,e sa%et) rules Bgoggles9 glo,es etc8C Rub 6ith cloth8



$os and $on!s

hile Cleanin"

.se the mildest cleaning agent that does the :ob e%%ecti,el)8 &ollo6 the polishing lines 6hen using abrasi,e cleaners8 Rinse thoroughl) a%ter e,er) cleaning operation8 /ipe dr) to a,oid 6ater mar3s (o not use an ordinar) steel scraper or 3ni%e to remo,e dirt8 This causes contamination8 .se plastic or stainless steel tools8 (o not allo6 chemicals or bleaching agents to remain in prolonged contact 6ith stainless steel8
Handle 6ith clean glo,es;cloths to guard against stains;%inger print

0,oid cleaning 6ith chloride containing detergents;sol,ents8 &ollo6 these tips care%ull) and )ou can be sure o% )our stainless steel loo3ing good %or )ears8 "nstallati#n #1 stainless steel $#m0#nents Stainless steel9 li3e most other materials9 re+uires minimum cleaning to maintain the original %inish8 0ll it ta3es is a little care during installation and in ser,ice8 Jeep the %ollo6ing points in mind to a,oid problems at a later stage8
(o not allo6 steel tools9 containers or implements to lie on

stainless sur%aces8 It might lead to gal,anic action as a result o% iron contamination8 an) potential corrosion haDards8

Spot passi,ation at ris3 areas should be done to 3eep o%%

Ma3e sure it does not come in contact 6ith corrosi,e

chemicals and contaminated elements8 This ensures an initial clean passi,ated sur%ace8

I% the sur%ace aspects are important9 use protecti,e coated stainless steel components8 0,oid cross contamination b) steel particles9 6eld spatter9 contaminated grit9 etc8

&ig5t design and 1inis5 1#r minimum maintenan$e The 3ind o% %inish re+uired depends a great deal on the amount o% ph)sical contact the application 6arrants8
a8 I% there is constant contact9 a special ground %inish is ideal8 It 6ill not register

%ingerprints as easil) as the more re%lecti,e %inishes8 It can be cleaned ,igorousl) 6ithout an) danger o% its appearance being changed8 &urther9 the %inish can be reproduced a%ter %abrication as this is obtained b) grinding and polishing8
b8 &or areas not sub:ected to high tra%%ic9 use a lesser re%lecti,e %inish li3e 2(

%or applications in %lat areas8 The slightl) more re%lecti,e %inish 22 is chosen %or highlighting sur%ace li3e clamp co,ers9 6indo6s9 etc8 6hich are normall) abo,e ground le,el8 Since 22 and 2( are rolled %inishes9 the) can=t be matched b) subse+uent mechanical %inishing8 That is 6h) special care should be ta3en to protect the sur%ace during %abrication9 transit and erection8
c8 0 teAtured %inish is o% great help in maintenance as it o%%ers more protection

against scratches dents and %ingerprints8 In areas such as %ree standing columns9 doors9 ele,ator panels etc9 the use o% teAtured stainless steel is recommended8
d8 In large channels9 the smoothest %inish pro,ides the desired appearance and

rigidit)8 .se the ground impressions in the ,ertical direction8 I% used in horiDontal direction9 it accumulates more dirt and causes subse+uent une,en strea3ing o% lo6er areas8
e8 0,oid designs that concentrate %lo6 o% 6ater on an eAterior sur%ace since

this too causes strea3ing8 %8 Minimise horiDontal sur%aces and 6here necessar)9 ma3e pro,isions to drain the dirt8 *,en :oints should be so designed to minimise dirt accumulation8 g8 Struts and clips made o% dissimilar metals should be insulated to pre,ent bleeding o% other metals onto stainless steel8 h8 &asteners should be concealed as much as possible %or aesthetic reasons8 Its le,el o% corrosion resistance should be e+ual to that o% stainless steel8 i8 0,oid intricate designs8 These collect dirt and ma3e cleaning a di%%icult tas38

+lankin" ,ine Salem Steel Plant indianised the process o% stainless steel blan3ing9 the %irst o% its 3ind in India8 The e+uipment %or the 2lan3ing 4ine 6as supplied b) the leading manu%acturers %rom -erman)8 The %acilities include high<speed blan3ing press9 rimming machine9 annealing9 pic3ling9 polishing9 counting and pac3ing units8 %r#du$t S0e$i1i$ati#ns Product -rade (imensions BmmC %r#du$t Coin 2lan3s .tilit) 2lan3s -rade SS 4"' SS "'4 ; 4"' (imensi#ns 6mm7 (ia T5i$kness 1' < "' 45' maA 285 maA '8" to 285

E Scissels Bb)<productC E ?ote : The dimensions and grades o% blan3s as 6ell as %or scissels depend on the blan3 siDe re+uirement o% the mints8 The blan3s ha,e a host o% applications and can be utilised %or medallions9 commemorati,e coins and gi%t items9 in addition to coin blan3s8 .tilit) blan3s ; circles %ind application in 6ashing machines9 pressure coo3ers and similar consumer durables9 automobiles components9 ,al,e plates9 6ashers etc8 The punched out strips called scissels are supplied in the %orm o% coils ; strips ; cut lengths8 0esthetic and elegant9 the scissels ha,e a 6ide ,ariet) o% applications and can be used %or %encing9 as a rein%orcement material in thin concrete slabs %or cupboard shel,es upto 25 mm thic3ness9 bracing material %or rein%orcement rods in concrete pipes and beams9 cable tra)s in place o% mild steel and %or architectural applications in building and construction8 The strong and sturd) scissels can also be used as con,e)or belts %or 6ashing and dr)ing utensils and as screens to sort tea in the tea industr)8


Oalue +dded %r#du$ts XStainless steel in an) %orm < that )ou can readil) put to useY < in short describes the initiati,e o% Salem Steel Plant %or suppl)ing o% ,alue added products8 Jitchen6are9 3itchen e+uipment9 architectural panelling9 cladding and railing9 6elded pipes and tubes9 stainless steel roo%ing sheets < these are but illustrations o% products Salem Steel Plant can suppl)9 the onl) need being ,olumes that 6ould :usti%) the ,alue addition e%%orts8 Nit$5en9are Cra%ted %rom the 6orld<class Salem Stainless Steel9 the 3itchen6are %rom Salem Steel Plant are indeed precious possessions that de%) the la6s o% ageing < the) pass on to )our %uture generations 6ith the same gleam and glor)8 2rightening the meal times %ore,er9 S04*M ST0I?4*SS 3itchen6are are a,ailable in ,arious combination sets li3e "! piece dinner sets 2' piece dinner sets Tra,elling sets Casseroles Bassorted siDesC Canister sets Cups and saucers ?asta set 2ho:an sets Ti%%in carriers Bassorted siDesC 4unch mates 5acuum &las3s Sharbet set Condiment set

/ith XSalem StainlessY9 it goes 6ithout sa)ing that )ou ha,e %or sure X&.44 504.* &7R K7.R M7?*KY8 4elded %i0es and Tu3es Salem Steel Plant underta3es suppl) o% 6elded stainless steel tubes and pipes on con,ersion basis8 Sourcing SS pipes and tubes %rom Salem Steel Plant has its ad,antages9 %or9 )ou sa,e on all the anAieties about +ualit) o% the ra6 material and the process o% manu%acture8 Manu%actured out o% XS04*M ST0I?4*SS ST**4Y9 through empanelled tube mills9 con%orming to strict @0 regimes9 the pipes and tubes guarantee )ou longer li%e and trouble %ree per%ormance8


SS pipes and tubes can be supplied b) SSP con%orming to 0STM 024$ ; 0"12 ; 0"5# in a choice o% 0ustenitic and &erritic grades8 Through the %rame6or3 o% empanelled tube mills9 6e can suppl) the 6idest range in diameter BZ inch 7( to 1 Y 7(C and in the re+uired schedule speci%ication8 The neAt time9 6hen )ou ha,e a bul3 re+uirement %or 6elded SS pipes and tubes9 please don=t hesitate to call Salem Steel Plant8 Stainless Steel 1#r &##1ing and Buildings &it<and<&orget9 SS roo%ing sheets %rom Salem Steel Plant guarantee )ou %reedom %rom periodic maintenance and replacements besides Xcaught<o%% guardY lea3ages8 (esigned to combat corrosion9 stainless steel roo%ing sheets %rom Salem ha,e a li%e o% o,er 1'' )ears8 Kou ha,e an option to ha,e a colour coating on the trapeDoidal pro%iled roo%ing sheets8 /e can also pro,ide )ou assorted pro%iles %or )ou to choose and adopt8 Cladding9 Railing and Panelling %or landmar3 buildings < Salem Steel Plant can step in and pro,ide )ou one<stop solutions8 0ll that )ou need is a,ailable 6ith us < the best stainless steel9 eAotic %inishes and dependable %abricators 6ho can translate )our ideas into realit)8 I% )ou are planning )our milestone pro:ect9 6e are in %act 6aiting to ta3e<o,er all )our anAieties on stainless steel %abrication and allo6 )ou to relaA8 Jitchen6are e+uipment %or industrial establishments and institutions9 liner plates %or po6er plants9 door %rames9 tan3s9 ,essels9 solid 6aste bins9 mil3 cans9 bus shelters or an) other application <Salem Steel Plant can get them %abricated %or )ou8 /e can assure )ou anAiet) %ree procurement o% stainless steel end products8 Please call an) o% the o%%ices gi,en at the end o% this boo3let %or )our re+uirement o% SS ,alue added products8




'rdering "n1#rmati#n It is necessar) to select the t)pe o% stainless steel that is best suited to the intended application8 Please gi,e detailed in%ormation about both use and ser,ice conditions so that 6e can suppl) products that %ull) satis%) )our need as regards9 price9 deli,er) and product +ualit)8
18 +00li$a3le standards

0STM Bdesignation numberC9 (I?9 VIS9 IS or other standard speci%ications8

28 T/0es #1 steel

0STM Bt)pe numberC9 (I? B/?RC9 VIS BS.S numberC IS etc8 3: Finis5es (esignation o% sur%ace %inish8
48 (imensi#ns

Thic3ness9 6idth and length Bin case o% cut sheetsC =: Quantit/ /eight9 no8 o% sheets9 i% re+uired
8 (eli@er/ time

7: +00li$ati#ns 0pplication9 dra6ing ratio9 process o% %abrication B6ith or 6ithout annealingC grinding or polishing method9 6elding method9 conditions o% use Btemperature9 pressure9 3ind o% li+uidC9 and others8 8: S0e$ial reKuirements Indicate an) special re+uirements regarding hardness9 )ield strength9 tensile strength etc8 The 0STM standard %or eAample9 speci%ies ,arious sheet thic3ness9 6idth9 length and %latness tolerances8 Please consult us about speci%ications that are not standard8


SS% Marketing '11i$es

ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T PB+,(H+,Q -HB *'M%8.R ,.+& +,N)& B)S ST'% ,+&+,%)&+ +HM.(+B+( 380 0<3 %H',.: 07!-274733=6 F+R : 07!-274=68!4 e-mail :ss0a5mSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T *H.&+, T'4.&S, 2,( F8''& 8<, +&TS *'88.-. &'+( *'"MB+T'&. 64< 0<8 %5#ne : 0422-22<83=8 Fa : 0422-22<44<7 e-mail : ss0$3eSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T S4+ST"N *H+MB.&, 2<!-220, 2,( F8''&, S"', T&'MB+L &'+( *H.MB)& M)MB+" 400 07< %5#ne : 022-2=2!!=70/2=227468/ 2=2!!487 Fa : 022-2=276<2</2=2!!7=7 e-mail :ss0mumSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T O..& S+O+&N+& )(L'- BH+O+, ,.+& B+8 -+,-+(H+& &+,M+,("& SH"O+M" ,+-+& %),. 4<< 00= %5#ne : 020-2==3!<=2/2==33!67 Fa :020-2==3!=48 e-mail :ss00unSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T Mee@an (ee0 Building <0, Sansad Marg ,.4 (.8H" <<0 00< %5#ne : 0<<-2374=060-63 Fa : 0<<-2334=443 e-mail : ss0mndSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T """, F8''&, O"S8 H')S. 8, M:*: &'+( B+,-+8'&. =60 002 %5#ne : 080-2224804< / 22248037 Fa : 080-22248042 e-mail : ss03lrSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T "s0at B5a@an, 2nd F8##r ,#:=, N#dam3akkam Hig5 &#ad ,ungam3akkam, *5ennai-600034 %5#ne : 044-28242<20/28242<27 28242<<8/28242<<7 Fa : 044-28243208 e-mail :ss0maaSsail-steel:$#m ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T ""S*' H')S., 7TH F8''& =0 M+4+H+&8+8 ,.H&) &'+( N'8N+T+ 700 07< %H',.: 033-22820027 F+R :033-22!032!4 e-mail: ss0er387=S3snl:in


ST..8 +)TH'&"TL 'F ",("+ 8T( S+8.M ST..8 %8+,T T+&+M+,(+8 *'M%8.R, !TH F8''& =-!-<3, S+"F+B+( HL(.&+B+( =00 004 %5#ne :040-23234303 Fa :040-2324<=82 e-mail :ss05/dSsail-steel:$#m

M+&N.T",- H.+(Q)+&T.&S S+"8, Salem Steel %lant, Salem - 636 0<3: %5: 0427-2382803 / 2383=== Fa : 0427-238324! / 2383063 .-Mail: Fss0mkt5KSsailss0:inH


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