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How to Crack Windows Passwords With Ophcrack and Rainbow Tables

Edited by Razorlight, Rockmonkey4004, Brett, Maluniu and 16 others Cracking a Windo s !ass ord ith "#hcrack ith the use o$ rainbo tables, relati%ely easy i$ you take the right ste#s and i$ the com#uter can boot $rom a disc& 'he $ree, o#en source "#hcrack (i%e C) is a Windo s account #ass ord cracking tool designed to hel# you reco%er lost Windo s #ass ords& Whether you need to reco%er the lost #ass ord to a Windo s account, you*re looking to ensure that your #ass ords are secure, or you*re a su#er l++t h4,0r, the "#hcrack (i%e C) is a #retty use$ul tool& 'he "#hcrack !ro-ect has recently released a (inu, (i%e.C) based on /(01 that can be used to retrie%e and crack #ass ords $rom Windo s machines ith little or no e$$ort& 0d



1 Go to The Ophcrack Website and download the ophcracklivecd iso that is offered there (~4 !"#$ 0d


2 "%rn the iso file to C& %sin' an i(a'e b%rnin' software$


+ P%t the C& in the disc drive of the co(p%ter )o% want to crack the passwords of$


4 "oot fro( disc$ 'his shouldn*t be to hard& )e#ending on com#uter, enter the bios settings and change the boot settings to boot $rom a disc dri%e on $irst boot de%ice&


3 *+it ",OS settin'$


6 Ophcrack will initiate b) itself$


4 The lo'o screen sho%ld appear- at which )o% sho%ld hit enter$ 'e,t should scroll do n the screen, and e%entually you ill ha%e a gra#hical inter$ace #o# u#, ith the one and only indo 5"#hcrack6&


7 Once the s)ste( is done- select the %ser acco%nt )o% wish to recover the password for- and click la%nch$


8 &ependin' on the speed of )o%r s)ste(- the cracker will 'o to work- and if it can deter(ine and decr)pt )o%r password- it will event%all) displa) it in the ./TPassword. col%(n

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