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Qu a lit y As s u ra n c e , Ce rt if ic a t io n , Qu a lit y Co n t ro l Fo r In d u s t ria l a n d Oil & Ga s S e rv ic e s
Cer t . No. FS 555915 ISO 9001 : 2008

No. 001 / MCC / COI / KI / TO / I / 2014

THIS IS TO REPORT that the MOTOR CONTROL CENTER has been ns!e"te# an#
$o%n# sat s$a"tor &' n "o(!& an"e ) th the a!!& "ab&e Co#e * Stan#ar#+ S!e" $ "at on an# ,o-ern(ent Re.% re(ents: O/NER * 0SER N1ME OF E20IPMENT ITEM NO. * T1, NO. M1N0F1CT0RER M1N0F1CT0RE SERI1L NO. 4OLT1,E R1TIN, NO. o$ PH1SE FRE20ENC5 C0RRENT R1TIN, F10LT LE4EL ENCLOS0RE CL1SS 6E,REE OF PROTECTION SPECIFIC1TION LOC1TION 5E1R OF 70ILT * 0SE6 1CCEPTE6 61TE Iss%e# at : 8a9arta 6ate : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : PT. Jakarta Tank Terminal Motor Contro& Center !"#$S%"01 A&'E( PTE #T' 3 !)0 $lt* !+ ,0 -. 12,0 A ,, kA Metal En/lo*e0 IP 41 IEEE1 IEC Fa*ilita* Terminal %%M 1Tan23n4 Priok 5 Jakarta &tara 200 / 200 1) Fe6r3ari 201!

PT.Ka*nia In*7ektin0o


This Report eviden c e that the survey report ed ther e in was carried out in complianc e with one or more of the rules, stand a r d s or other criteria of a govern m e n t Republic of Indonesi a and is issued solely for the Use of the Comp an y, its com mitt e e s , its clients or other s authorized entities. The Validity, applicability and interpr et a tion of the Report is overn e d by the Rules and stand a r d s of !T. "asnia Inspe#tindo who shall rem ains the sole $udge ther eof. %othing contain ed in this report issued in publication shall be deem e d to relieve any design er, builder, owner, manuf act ur er, seller, repairer, oper a t or or other entity of any warranty e&pr es s or implied.

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