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Unit 1/-ociety and %he edia DATE/ 12th $ 2#rd 3o, 2(12

Session/conte0t/ 4hat things belong to us all5 1e# S$i''s* %o in,estigate people6s perceptions of the media in relation to bias" influence and pri,acy 1e# or"s/7uality of life"well being"8o,ernment"4elfare"9conomy"property"pri,ate.

Lesson O%&ectives* 1$ %o find the difference between public and pri,ate property. 2$ %o differentiate of the things either public or pri,ate. Lesson Outcomes/ 1$ Completed property .ui/" written paragraph on public property. 2$ Participated in discussion with regards to the topic.

Timing 15mins Starter

1. Attendance session. 2. Collect some objects that belong to different people associated with your PRU and which your students will recognise. a!e sure that at least one of the objects is an item of public property" eg a boo! belonging to the library. #. As! students to loo! at each item and write down who they thin! it belongs to.

Resources/Differenti ation $PP% $ oral boo! $&iagram $Appropriate objects.

Main actvity

'( mins

1. )eginning with the personal items" as!*

!o "o #ou t!in$ t!is o%&ect %e'ongs to( !# "oes it %e'ong to Y( !at ma$es it Y)s *ro*ert#( +Di" Y %u# it( ,in" it( as given it(-.

2. Repeat the process with the item of public property + encouraging students to consider the difference between this and the pre,ious items. #. -tudents complete the property .ui/. '. 0eedbac! their answers as a group.

$PP% $1dea $ oral boo! $ &iagram $Pen $-preadsheet



-tudents to write down the things they thought of that belong to e,eryone. As!*
+a!at are t!e a"vantages of t!ings %e'onging to ever#one( +%!at *ro%'ems mig!t t!is cause(

$ oral boo! $-tationaries. $1dea

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