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# -/ 0'123",*-&+ 45657

8'".&*&1 %9:';,*<'= The leainei will unueistanu the histoiy behinu goveinmental
iegulations in the 0niteu States.

uoveinment iegulations aie a huge pait of iunning any business in the 0niteu
States. Stuuents will exploie why goveinment iegulations in non-goveinmental
business staiteu. This will be uone by talking about the Ameiican Inuustiial
Revolution anu looking at the woiking conuitions uuiing that time that stait
Ameiica on its ioau to iegulation. Stuuents will also look at the histoiy of the Foou
anu Biug Auministiation anu the Feueial Communication Commission. This lesson
will give stuuents the ieasons why each of these majoi iegulatoiy agencies weie
cieateu anu ielate to the latei lessons about what the agencies uo touay. This will be
uone in a class uiscussion type of foimat.
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!"# KG-( K#L'+ -/ 0'123",*-&+ 45656M 4565NM 45657

8'".&*&1 %9:';,*<'= The leainei will be able to explain the uiffeient types of
iegulations anu how they aie passeu.

Stuuents will leain about how any type of iegulation is passeu. They will look at
what the official uefinition of a iegulation is. Stuuents will look at the iulemaking
piocess that is outlineu in touay's iesouices. This will allow stuuents to see that the
push foi a iegulation can come fiom a vaiiety of souices. This coulu be a huge shift
in public opinion oi a new national issue that the goveinment anu the geneial public
feel that the feueial goveinment neeus to step in. Stuuents will also leain about how
a iegulation can be maue. This can be something that is iequiieu by a law that
congiess passes, which usually give the agencies some uiscietion in what foim this
iegulation takes. In uiffeient cases agencies may have moie contiol of what the
iegulation states.
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!"# 4= 0'123",*-&+ /.-I ,J' Q!C 45657

8'".&*&1 %9:';,*<'= The leainei will unueistanu the types of iegulations that must
be followeu fiom the FBA.

Stuuents will leain about what exactly the FBA iegulates about the foou siue of the
business. This will incluue things like what happens in the piocess of getting the
foou fiom the faim to theii business anu what iegulations must be followeu in that
piocess. Theie aie howevei iegulations that must be met when they aie opeiating
theii business. They will look at foou labeling. This incluues unueistanuing what
neeus to be taken into consiueiation to be consiueieu a "Fiench fiy", "hambuigei",
etc. Stuuents will also neeu to unueistanu nutiitional labeling that neeus to be uone.
Bo you neeu to have pamphlets that people can take with them oi having them
labeleu on the menu itself.

!"# 7= 0'123",*-&+ /.-I ,J' QRR 45657

8'".&*&1 %9:';,*<'= The leainei will unueistanu the iegulations fiom the FCC that
will ueciue how the auveitising they uo looks like.

Stuuents will leain about the Feueial Communications Commission anu what they
uo foi iegulation of meuia souices. The uay will stait by talking about how much
money is spent on auveitising in the 0S with specific focus spent on the fast foou
inuustiy. They will leain a basic oveiview of what in auveitising they iegulate. This
means iegulations about the type of content that can be shown oi heaiu in the
meuia, the type of language that can be useu, when uiffeient types of piogiams of
auveitisements can be shown on Tv. Then talk about what you can anu cannot uo in
auveitisements. Aie theie uiffeiences between auveitisements foi a kiu's meal
veisus geneial auveitising moie youi oluei auuiences that you aie tiying to ieach.

!"# S= OB !'L".,I'&, -/ 8"9-. 45657

8'".&*&1 %9:';,*<'= The leainei will unueistanu majoi 0S Bepaitment of Laboi

In this lesson stuuents will leain about how the 0S Bepaitment of Laboi affects the
business piactices that they will engage in while iunning theii company. This will
focus on talking about what is iequiieu foi employee safety on the job specifically
talking about 0SBA. This will also be a goou time to talk about chilu laboi laws anu
about woik peimits foi minois anu what is expecteu foi them to woik as in a typical
fast foou iestauiant teenageis make up a laige pait of the woikfoice. We will also
uiscuss minimum wage laws in the 0niteu States. Stuuents will think about if the
cuiient minimum wage that is in place oi if it shoulu be iaiseu uue to iecent events.
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