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!"# %%& '()"* +,*-. "/0 12/"* 34(5-)6.

'-"4/2/7 895-)62:-& The leainei will uevelop an unueistanuing of local iules that
must followeu.

Touay will be spent looking biiefly at what businesses have to comply with foi local
stanuaius. This will look at the piopeity taxes that they have to pay anu well as the
possibility of an inuiviuual income tax. The iegulations that the health uepaitment
enfoices will also be toucheu on, as stuuents shoulu be awaie that they aie some
iegulations at eveiy level of goveinment in the 0niteu States. Stuuents will use the
iest of the class peiiou to stait woiking on theii final pioject.

!"# %;& 12/"* 34(5-)6
Stuuents will finish woiking on theii final pioject about majoi iegulations that will
affect them at each level.

!"# %<& 12/"* 34(5-)6
Stuuents will continue to woik on the final pioject.

!"# %=& 12/"* 34(5-)6
Stuuents will put the finishing touches on theii final pioject.

!"# %>& 34-.-/6"62(/.
Stuuents will piesent theii integiateu final pioject.

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