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1) What aie the foui main types of feueial taxes that businesses pay.

2) What type of payment system is in place foi paying youi feueial business taxes.

S) What aie the foui types of employment taxes that you much pay if you have

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List S things that can be consiueieu tax avoiuance.
List S things that can be consiueieu tax evasion.

<&15; *8"." D A"&&45 B 63'1>1'C @ '4 +5&7"2 '8" 94::4715;

Wiite a shoit explanation to what you leaineu about the histoiy of the feueial
income tax.

<&15; *8"." D A"&&45 E 63'1>1'C D '4 +5&7"2 '8" 94::4715;

What is the cuiient FICA tax iate that you must pay. If you make $42,uuu a yeai
how much uo you pay in FICA taxes foi the yeai.

Choose anothei activity to complete anu wiite what you have leaineu below.

Choose anothei activity to complete anu wiite what you have leaineu below.

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