SP - 1 - LE - 1 SP Limba Engleza 1

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SP_1_LE_1 SP Limba engleza 1

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. My brothers habits reallyme! a. b. c. angry annoy hurt

2. Please turn the music.;its too loud. a. b. c. down out off

3. She likes watching TV,.cartoons. a. b. c. continually particularly always

4. Jenny is always..her nails. a. b. c. chewing eating biting

5. Johnto get up early to do his homework. a. b. c. prefers enjoys chooses

6. I.a photograph with my letter. a. b. c. put included enclosed

7. George is aof ANA club. a. b. c. person member character

8. Britains Scouts did not.girls. a. b. c. remember follow accept

9. Mary doesnt read everything in a newspaper;she only reads the a. b. c. titles headings headlines

10. The fire last summer30,000 trees. a. b. c. destroyed attacked put away

11. Oh!The food has gone bad.We ought to buy a new a. b. c. stereo fridge barbecue

12. The Oxford University was..in the thirteenth century. a. b. c. founded found renovated

13. My car has broken down.Can you..it? a. b. c. renovate clean repair

14. I never eat anything..I swim. a. b. c. since before after

15. Dont swim here.The sea is a. b. c. unhealthy polluted dirty

16. Children can be.if they are unhappy. a. b. c. privileged lively aggresive

17. In the past black people wereagainst white people. a. b. c. discriminated different superior

18. Who is the.runner in your school? a. b. c. faster more fast fastest

19. Dress..when exercising. a. b. c. regularly comfortably confidently

20. We know he can jump .than that. a. b. c. high higher highest

21. Im worried because my friend smokes. a. b. c. strongly heavily hardly

22. If I were a car, Ibe a HONDA. a. b. c. ought to should would

23. We ought to.the football match because its raining very hard. a. b. c. cancel call clear

24. My sister becomes.when people ask her to do things she does not like. a. b. c. satisfied stubborn surprised

25. We..swim near windsurfers. a. b. c. wouldnt oughtnt shouldnt

26. We never stop.a language. a. b. c. learning learn to learn

27. If I.you,Id write that letter straight away. a. b. c. were have been had been

28. How do you.when friends make suggestions? a. b. c. respond answer feel

29. I dont want to cook.Lets buy somefood. a. b. c. takehome takeaway takeoff

30. They often go to thepub for a drink. a. b. c. near social local

31. Betty had lost a lot of weight and I didnt..her at first. a. b. c. see recognize understand

32. Hes very happy because he.his exam. a. b. c. passed did won

33. They have some very lovely.in their garden. a. b. c. booths bushes wigs

34. Her uncles son is her.. a. b. c. brother nephew cousin

35. People are generallyof snakes. a. b. c. afraid ashamed hidden

36. He couldnt listen to his walkman because his mother had..the batteries. a. b. c. tied removed changed

37. Romeo.in love with Juliet. a. b. c. died hated fell

38. I cant do this puzzle.I! a. b. c. give up give out give off

39. She has two sons. are taller than she is. a. b. c. either neither both

40. of them could win the quiz. It was very difficult. a. b. c. either neither both

41. Flight nineteen from Paris is now arriving at a. b. c. gate two the gate two the second gate

42. The greater the demand, the price. a. b. c. higher high the higher

43. He contributed a great deal to the development of our culture:. a. b. c. writing,teaching and lecturing writing, as a teacher and lecturer writing,teaching,and as a lecturer

44. Most insurance agents would rather you.anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation. a. b. c. do didnt do dont

45. Upon hatching,.. a. b. c. young ducks know how to swim swimming is known by young ducks the knowledge of swimming is in young ducks

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